#hints in the middle
thatsbelievable · 5 months
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theethoslab · 3 months
Absolutely losing my mind over Scar’s stream today
He was already talking to Etho while catching ocelots
Joel logs in and Scar immediately asks if Etho wants to go visit him
We get so many Etho lore crumbs (although he doesn’t fully confirm anything except having stubble and trying to get rid of 2 extra house generators)
They hang out for like 2 hours doing nothing hut chatting
Eventually Scar leaves but forgot that he left his ocelots at Etho’s because he was so excited about boat boys that he never brought them home
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probablyhuntersmom · 1 year
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Hunter has been given a blanket and hot cocoa at last. Guess which Disney Renaissance movie they're watching
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jedi-starbird · 2 months
My Feemor proposal
A popular headcanon for Feemor is that he's a Jedi Shadow. Shadows are spies and basically detectives. Feemor's lineage has a reputation for being eccentric, infamous, and finding trouble everywhere they go. So, walk with me here, Feemor's an eccentric, famous, blonde detective.
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This is Feemor.
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firstkanaphans · 8 days
I re-watched the Wandee Goodday special episode tonight in search of any clues as to what might be coming and although I didn't pick up anything plot-relevant, I do want to share this adorable picture of Yei and Cher that they're using as a prop in Yei's room.
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Cher's wearing a university uniform in the picture, so I'm assuming he and Yei got together when Cher was still in college.
They also have a fully dressed set for Yei's bedroom, which I'm hoping means I might be able to see these two make out at least once before the series is over. Come on, P'Golf. Don't let me down!
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And I'll leave you with this picture because it's just too stinkin' adorable.
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syrimot · 2 months
finished worm
now what
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charmac · 7 months
what's the origin of "trust the structure"? i always see it on macdennis posts but i don't know what it MEANS
Well the origin is the show itself, lmfao:
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It's essentially the idea that there is (and has been) a structure in place for Macdennis becoming canon. AKA Macdennis is not fanon/shippers reading too much into the show, but a deliberate, slow-burn narrative being written and told by RCG.
BUT if you don't know what the structure is, I could not recommend watching this video by @youreeatingthedog more highly enough.
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amiraallis · 3 months
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bluecubeblues · 3 months
so are we like, disembodied voices to you guys?
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mintypsii · 4 months
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fish hairclip sanji! 🐟🐠🪼
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thatsbelievable · 1 year
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legendaryrooftopscene · 3 months
23.5 degrees please PLEASE give me middle aged teacher yuri PLEASE give them to me or I WILL cry
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eskawrites · 1 year
Karen Wheeler gets Vecna’d.
She’s been a target since summer of 1985, since a shadow whispered to Billy Hargrove, shut her up, kill her, bring her to me.
And oh, what a target she is. So miserable with her perfect life. Already reaching for the bottle, grasping for any escape, however dangerous it is. Drowning in the guilt that she regrets her choices, regrets her family, regrets her children. Maybe if she didn’t, maybe if she could just be happy with her life, she could be a better mother. And maybe, if she was just a better mother, she could protect her kids from the danger that always seems to lurk in Hawkins.
So Karen starts getting headaches. She attributes it to the stress of sending Mike across the country, of figuring out what to do with Holly during spring break, of worrying about Nancy, wearing her Emerson shirt and standing with one foot out the door already.
It’s easy to forget about it in the chaos of everything happening after the championship game. And it makes sense that everyone else is too distracted to notice that something is wrong.
Meanwhile, the Hawkins gang saves Max and immediately decides to figure out who the next victim will be. They gear up with walkmans and cassettes and scribbled out lists of everyone’s favorite songs. Nancy feels herself pulled in all directions—trying to keep Max safe, putting on a brave face for the rest of the kids, coming up with plans to keep the group moving, worrying about Mike and Will and El and Jonathan half a country away, reconnecting with Steve while trying not to break his heart again, and fighting this increasingly overwhelming draw she feels toward Robin Buckley of all people. It’s too much for one person to deal with, but she’ll never admit that. What choice does she have but to keep going?
Until a police car pulls up at wherever the group is hiding out now, scaring everyone half to death. But the sheriff only asks for Nancy with a weary expression. “Your mother’s been acting strange. I don’t know what’s going on with you kids, or anyone else in this town for that matter, but your father’s no help and she seemed rattled enough we don’t really want to leave her on her own.”
Nancy presses for more information, tries to get details, but she already knows. Before the others piece it together, before Max realizes even, Nancy knows.
God. She doesn’t even know her mother’s favorite song.
They split the party, half of them going with Eddie to hide out at Steve’s house, but Nancy, Max, Robin, and Lucas head back to the Wheeler’s.
Cue trauma and shenanigans from there, like Ted really being no help at all, and Holly not knowing much but knowing that everything is wrong, and Karen barely even looking at Nancy no matter what she says or does. Robin searching the entire house for something that seems like it could be Karen’s favorite song, trying to get answers out of Ted and earning herself a place on his bad side as she does, bumping into Holly and awkwardly trying to make her feel better by asking for her help finding the right song. Max and Lucas hovering awkwardly, but Max refuses to leave because if Vecna strikes maybe she can help, and Lucas refuses to leave because it’s Max, he’s always going to be there for her. The rest of the kids staying in touch with walkies and trying desperately to get a hold of Mike back in California.
And maybe Nancy still has her vision, but this time Vecna taunts her with her mother, the final victim, standing right in front of her and she can’t do anything to help her. And Nancy has known she’s cursed, that she poisons everything she touches, since that stupid party back in 1983, but it has never been so paralyzing as it is right now.
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dumping-ideas · 1 year
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A little tidbit about this year's April Fools (my JP isn't that good though so there's probably some misinfo):
Mikudemy is a prestigious music school known all over the world, and just recently(?) open a Shibuya branch
they learn about music, but there are also classes about art and video making, also normal school subject stuff
one of the subject is idol history
there's a choir competition(?) in fall, but apparently they need to perform with an instrument, Rui plays an udo drum
the graduation exam(?) is top secret and only be told on the day of exam
Each group gets admitted to school in different ways:
Leo/Need normally gets an invitation letter, but with an additional letter that they might get "something special" from the school.
MMJ is invited to the school through MMJ!Miku, who might/might not have an acquaintance at that school (Mikudayo)
VBS got a challenge letter alongside their invitation letter from someone unknown (hinted to be VBS Miku with help from Mikudayo).
WxS helped Mikudayo who got her foot stuck in a ditch(?), so she personally invited them to school.
25 got in through 25 Miku's acquaintance who invited her to the school (Mikudayo)
WxS!Kaito is actually worried whether it's okay for him to be a student, but VBS!Meiko(or is it alongside L/N!Luka?) assured him that it's fun to be closer to the kids.
They're divided into 4 class, which is said to suit them the best:
Cautious Heart: Honami, Haruka, Kohane, Tsukasa, Mafuyu, L/N!Luka, VBS!Meiko
Haruka commented that their class should be called the Brave Class because of Kohane and Honami
Haruka calls VBS!Meiko as Mei-chan so Honami can call L/N!Luka by Luka-chan
Tsukasa thought that L/N!Luka is a doppelganger, before Luka said that she knows 4 people with the same name and face as hers.
(Also I thought Tsukasa called Mafuyu as Asahina, but apparently it's Asahina-san, I'm totally right about Tenma-kun though so yay!)
When they talked about graduation, Tsukasa and Mafuyu assured Haruka, Kohane, and Honami that because everyone in the class is taking lessons seriously, they should be okay. Mafuyu said that it's probably Dayo-sensei that issued the challenge letter, and Tsukasa agree because Akito and An would definitely take that challenge.
Tsukasa summing up their conversation with they should spend the remaining days until graduation confidently, and the four of them answered him. Tsukasa naturally takes the leader spot again lol
Passion Heart: Saki, Minori, An, Rui, Mizuki, MMJ!Rin, VBS!Len
Rui said that the name both suit them and not, but Mizuki said that it definitely suits the Rui now.
Apparently Saki also has her Tsukasa style introduction lol
Mizuki and Rui think it's nice that their name is easy to find, but Len and Minori said that it's fun to be able to know who their classmates would be. Rui had a monologue that he didn't care about it before because nothing would change every school year, but now it's different
Solid Heart: Shiho, Airi, Akito, Nene, Ena, WxS!Kaito
Akito thinks that their class' name is lousy, he's kinda pissed that Ena is in the same class as him (Shiho agreed that she also didn't want to be in the same class as Shizuku www)
Ena is surprised to meet WxS!Kaito lol, saying that 25!Kaito always have an annoyed face(?) and prickly. WxS!Kaito basically said the same thing as L/N!Luka iirc
Nene thinks that Shiho and Ena sings very well
Airi says that Akito (who's watching Ena's interaction with Shiho and Nene) might find it weird to see Ena acting like a big sister
Pure Heart (protag 25!Miku class): Ichika, Shizuku, Toya, Emu, Kanade, 25!Miku
Not much is known about Pure Heart class (somehow I haven't got any of their area convo after the class division, so this class story might progress during the day until the end of April Fool).
Emu immediately befriended 25!Miku (there's a cute animation of Emu running to 25!Miku and Kanade)
There's also small plot about a sport(?) fes:
Each Miku helps the class in preparing for the sport class (VBS!Miku helps Solid Heart, L/N!Miku should be helping Cautious Heart but they don't really need the help, MMJ!Miku should be helping Passion Heart but they also don't need the help... by elimination, WxS!Miku should be helping Pure Heart class)
Soccer Baseball: Saki & Mizuki (Saki never plays it before even in grade school), Tsukasa & Honami (Tsukasa thought that Honami seemed like she's good at it lol), Akito
Table tennis: WxS!Kaito & Shiho & Airi, Kohane & L/N!Luka, MMJ!Rin,
Basketball: Mafuyu & Haruka, An (she challenges Haruka for a match)
Undecided: Rui
Cooking(?): Meiko
Round and round bat (the one where you spin around a bat and then run to the goal I think?): Nene & Ena (Akito interrupted their convo lol), Minori (for variety show exp), Kanade
Futsal: VBS!Len
All in all, this year's April Fool is as fun as last year!! And there's a new song!! By 27(?) of them!! I can only hear Tsukasa www
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littleragondin · 1 year
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Let's give it up for the true MVP of the show!
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herculepoirotfanclub · 4 months
i swear there was a post I once reblogged about how there should be an Elle Woods for every profession showing why Barbie is good at every job or something but I can't find it even though I thought I was reblogging it even yesterday?? Anyway, I propose to you the Elle Woods of private investigation:
Luella Shakespeare of Shakespeare & Hathaway: Private Investigators
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I couldn't find a better picture of her in the 2 minutes I wanted to spend on this lmao but that's Luella Shakespeare and the other private investigators!
She didn't originally want to be a private investigator (used to be a hairstylist) but fell into it after her relationship with a shitty guy ended abruptly? Check.
She's a style icon who wears a lot of pink? Check.
She's a blond? Check.
She's genuinely good at her new profession but she works in a slightly unconventional way sometimes because of how different she is from the other detectives? Yes!!
There's four seasons of the show and I would highly recommend it!
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