#i was going to do a whole list of disclaimers but. fuck it. vote.
nickandros · 6 months
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themultifanshipper · 25 days
alleged comments? girl they’re on video look it up yourself. tbh there’s no situation in which trump deserves any respect after everything that he’s done. he’s a rapist, racist, misogynist, homophobe, criminal, and the list could go on and on. it doesn’t matter what he’s done but everyone knows the type of man trump is and he does not deserve an ounce of respect. i understand lando having to be polite and having to shake hands and greet him because of the team and that’s fine. other drivers have also had to do that with questionable political people on podiums and stuff and you can’t blame them if they won’t actively speak out against it because it’s not always safe to do that. but the way he went on about trump in the interview was different from that. he could have brushed it off without saying anything bad or insult him but he didn’t. it’s okay to like a driver even when they make mistakes but you should be able to at least hold them accountable and hold them to the same standards you hold other drivers, especially ones you don’t like.
He's an absolutely despicable person with no redeeming qualities I agree, so why did over half of america vote him in? And then almost again 4 years later? For the same reason that other misogynist racist homophobes are working in formula one. People turn a blind eye if it makes them rich. I could make you a list of all the problematic ppl currently in f1 (incliding drivers) and if you put them all in jail, trust me there would be nobody left.
Anyway I do want to hold lando accountable, not because he actually believed anything he was saying (it was a PRESS conference! Most of what they say is pre agreed with their teams especially thing like this) but because I think this is a good opportunity to actually get some backlash and be obligated to adress it and maybe do something good. Idk either condemning trump, firing zak brown (wishful thinking I know), limiting the presence of political figures at races idk...
Small other thing, personnally I know what lando's like, he gets anxious and giggly at the best of times, so meeting someone like trump is incredibly awkward for him especially if he happens to not like him, and then having to talk about it in a press conference, no matter what is previously agreed with the team, could only lead to disaster. He was indeed smiling the whole time and over doing it with the reverent tone, but his body language suggested to me that he was incredibly uncomfortable with the whole thing.
And although lando is the catalyst, he is basically like a child driving a car (idk if y'all are familiar with the mataphor if not, just ignore) and I truly don't believe any part of this situation is his fault. He shouldn't have been put in this situation in the first place and he's taking the brunt of the citicism that should be put on the team (again, zak brown if you can hear me I know where you live). I can imagine Oscar would have done the exact same thing, maybe just not as clumsy with the statements.
Edit: just a disclaimer, I do not idolize lando, I don't think he can do no wrong, he's immature, a dick, and I don't like the way he interacts with his mates, and frankly I would fuck nasty and leave fasty bc he's hot and bendy but his personality? Meh. He's also a good driver and everything but yeah, anyway i'm rambling now so... bye
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scoonsalicious · 29 days
Mother Pookie has fed her kitties well🩷🩷. There’s so many emotions idk which one i should talk about first?😭😂
BUT DANG chap 2.2 is just HOT
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I am actually speechless😂 I have nothing to say except I am satisfied.
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Lemme say, It didn’t take me long to hate Lilian. Like I swear, the moment she fucking said that Major looks like a SKANK gurl, fuck u.
My first impression on Major was like how Bucky saw her, a hot pretty dame that made me giggle like a teenager, making heart eyes and singing the whole world to my dick (if i have a dick)
And then throughout the chp, oh my goodness, I would’ve slap Leah the moment she starts bitching up. Major has a dang ass patience. I couldn’t.
THE THINGS I WOULD DO TO VOTE FOR BUCKYBABY TO BREAK HER HEART IN THE WORST WAY POSSIBLE (so far she’s 35% in my ‘dead’ list, better fix ur attitude if u don wanna end up like cunthage — ITS JUST BEEN 2 CHP?!)
Lindsay rubs the ick on me more than Jade (ofc Jade is worse but she dead now) but cuntly is so so so so so so so so so irritating. The absolute pick me, so called ‘one of the guys’. Ew. Even half of the team is irked by her attitude. That just says a lot.
Glad that our queen Major put her in her place. She needs more. Like, absolute humiliation (disclaimer: i dont support bullying but LILIAN FUCKING NEEDS IT)
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And can we appreciate Wanda simping over Thor?😂 (you are not alone, i also dream of licking his abs — mhmmm)
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Bucky and Major are purrrfect for each other. Its giving love at first sight 👀. Bucky simps hard. Like so hard. I can wait for more Bucky X Major scene (fluff,sexay — mayyybeeeee angst? i just love hurt myself)
Also, iMajor and Tony r absolutely gonna be ‘rich business badass besties’ and then them + Sam (Wanda and Nat at the back) roasting Leah. Oh what a beautiful dream~
Anyways, beautiful beautiful writing indeed. Waiting to see Bucky sexay POV next😂 Unleash the power of your blue balls. Also I can’t wait to read what your master brain had planned🌚. Love you Pookie🩷🩷🩷
PS// these past few days I was scrolling tumblr, searching for new Bucky fics/updates and honestly… I MISSED YOUU!!! I CANNOT STRESSED THAT ENOUGH!!! 😭 seeing your username the first thing when i opened tumblr made my night! i was planning on listening to songs, dwelling on my loneliness and delulu but LOOK AT ME NOW, ITS 4AM GOSH. THANK U POOKIE LOVE U HAVE A GREAT DAY
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Actual footage of me coming up to love on your comments:
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I'm so glad people are enjoying 2.2! I gotta be real, I usually don't get hot and bothered when it comes time write smut, but that section? Whoa, boy... that section had me like:
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(Yes, this is my second favorite gif of all time, and I will use Blanche to express my hot and bothered-ness whenever I can, lol)
I gotta tell you right now, the phrase "making heart eyes and singing the whole world to my dick (if i have a dick)" is now the highlight of my week, so I thank you for this. It's pure literary magic <3
Major is used to taking shit from peons; she was a woman in the military, after all, lol, which is why she's able to not let Lily phase her too much. Her patience will be tested, though. Where Cunthrage was just flat out unhinged, Lizard is more... selfishly insidious? Just, you know, she's not going to be kidnapping people and snapping their arms or murderously rampaging through Hydra bases or anything. (The stakes here are much, much lower, lol. Which, I guess, is going to prep us for Unbroken, where the stakes will be... Thanos-sized, lol.) I think what makes Lily feel worse, to me, is that she's far more realistic than Jade was. Like, I know girls like Lily irl; thankfully, never met a Jade (phew!). Much like Killgrave, to me, is the scariest Marvel villain, because I've encountered so many men like him in the real world.
The things I dream of doing to Thor would probably get me put on a list if he was a real person and not a fictional character, lol. Unless I'm doing AUs, I tend to stick with canon-pairings, but there is something about the idea of Wanda/Thor that I currently find very appealing, so hopefully, we will see something happen between the two of them. I think they would be adorable. And for some reason known only to my maker, I love making Wanda a little bit horny, lol. In fact, an earlier draft of Unwanted had Pocket referring to her as the Sokovian Horndog after she made some comments about Bucky's body, lol.
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Is it weird that I don't plan on having Tony be too involved in this fic, because I feel like giving him a friendship with Major is like him cheating on his friendship with Pocket? That makes no sense whatsoever, lol, but I'm so protective of my girl. I'm like "Yeah, Major, I'll let you fuck Pocket's boyfriend, Bucky, but YOU CANNOT BE FRIENDS WITH HER PSUEDO-BROTHER TONY BECAUSE HE IS HERS!"
Bucky's got some sexy POV in the next sextion (see what I did there? lol) but there's going to be so much more smut in this one than Unwanted. It just feels right, lol.
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gallawitchxx · 1 year
Hahaha bee 🖤 I love your take on the Milwaukee comment! but here me out -
Mickey would do it only if it was really important to Ian. Not in the “move to Milwaukee to be closer to Lip” kind of way. Obviously not. Mickey would get both himself and Ian in prison to avoid moving there for lip.
But like… let’s say Ian can only get retrained to be an EMT in Milwaukee (for some odd and fictional reason) do you think Mickey would say no? I’m sure his first instinct is “no fucking way.” But when he really thinks about it… for Ian? That man would do anything.
(disclaimer: I have never been to Milwaukee, nor do I ever plan to be, so maybe Milwaukee is that bad, that even Mickey milkovich can’t stand it)
hahahaha ok this gave me a good laugh—sure, if by some fictional reason ian could ONLY BE TRAINED IN WISCONSIN, i’m sure mickey would go. because he loves ian & they’re married & sometimes you relocate with so your spouse can follow a dream.
but hear ME out:
Ways Mickey Milkovich Would Go Back to Prison (for Ian) Before Moving to Milwaukee (also for Ian):
(& no milkwaukee hate here. it’s a fine town, i just think that mickey would never want to move there…)
mickey plans a whole night to recreate their infamous dock reunion & between rounds 2 & 3, calls in a tip for indecent public exposure, which violates their parole
mickey decides it’s finally time to take revenge on k*sh for all of the disgusting pedo grooming shit & shoots up the store even though it’s under new ownership & linda & the boys left the southside years ago…
mickey tells ian that they can’t move because he needs to get a check-up, which makes ian suspicious because when has mickey ever cared about doctors? but he gets it real quick when the appointment confirmation pops up on mickey’s phone while he’s in the bathroom… & lists n*d as the head of the practice…
there’s a new shopping center in the southside & everyone knows it’s gonna get busted up in no time at all… especially that new watch store that went in… shit, ian would love that black & chrome one with all the little wheels on the side…
ok now because tumblr hates me, i added this poll accidentally, but cannot delete it??? so now everyone vote for your favorite option 😇
thanks everyone for helping me brainstorm for my next canon divergent multi-chap 😉 (for legal reasons, that was a joke!)
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packetofsuga · 3 years
Kiss of Death - Corpse Fic
Prompt: “He’s a bad kisser” 
Backstory: Y/N is a streamer and secretly dating Corpse, not even their friends know. Other than Dave, of course. They’re playing proximity chat among us with Valkyrae, Toast, Sykkuno, Pewdiepie, JackSepticeye, Pokimane, Ludwig, and Dave (boyinaband). 
Genre: Fluff + humor 
Content warning: Light swearing
Word Count: 1631
A/N: Okay. First of all, writing an author’s note really threw me back to my Wattpad days but, anyway. I just wanna say feel free to send little prompt requests in my ask box for fics. I won’t write smut, I know I have for kpop artists in the past and I may write smut again in the future but for now, it’s a hard no for all fics. I will write mainly for Corpse Husband, Valkyrae, BTS, and Dream Catcher. Possibly other YouTubers or kpop groups just ask and I’ll let you know! I also will write for some book fandoms, I can’t list all of them so again just ask, please. I’ll get to requests whenever I can so please be patient while waiting. 
Until then please enjoy the random prompts I’ve found that I thought would be cute :) 
Disclaimer: this is a work of fiction
You were playing among us with your friends and your boyfriend, as usual. The only difference was you were using the proximity chat mod which you had never done before. Because you guys were using that mod every time Corpse got imposter he was doing his “kiss of death” thing. 
As you loaded into the game you saw the word crewmate pop up on your screen. Everyone started joking about being a crewmate or imposter and you chuckled to yourself. “I am just a crewmate doing crewmate things. I am doing keys, because I am just a crewmate.” You stated while walking over to the keys task, knowing that you don’t even have keys this round. 
“Y/N’s faking keyyysss.” Poki called. 
“She’s just reminding everyone to fake keys, guys, everyone fake keys right now,” Sean said, moving his character on top of yours in front of keys. The was a chorus of agreements as almost everyone did the same. Once that was done you split off from the group. 
“Guys… I think it’s Poki, she didn’t fake keys.” You said to your chat, laughing to yourself. You went around doing your tasks. You came across Sykkuno in O2, “Hey Sykkuno, whatcha doing?”
He paused in the doorway of the tree room, “Oh! hi Y/N. I’m uh just doing my tasks.” 
You cleared the trash shoot, “Oh yeah? Just a crewmate doing crewmate things?” 
Sykkuno giggled, “Uh, yep. Just doing crewmate things. Hey, you- you wanna stand on this vent with me?” 
You hesitated, knowing there’s absolutely no way for you to figure out if Sykkuno is just being himself or is actually the imposter, “I- You know what yes I would love to Sykkuno.” You walked into the tree room.
“Oh- really? That… Was very enthusiastic.” The two of you walked onto the vent by the tree, stacking on top of each other, “You’re not the imposter, right? You’re not gonna kill me. 
“Oh, of course not, Sykkuno. I mean, you know, maybe.” You love making yourself look extra suspicious to him because that’s how he plays, “Here. I’ll click the spot where the kill button is and we’ll see what happens, okay?” 
“Oh, Jesus-” He gasped. 
You clicked the spot on the screen, “Hear me clicking?” You both laughed.
“Uh yeah I do, that means it can’t be you huh?” He said, “Here I’ll do it too.”  
You yelped a little as the body reported screen came up, scaring you. 
“I thought I just fucking died.” You said, trying to calm your breathing.
“Honestly, me too.” Sykkuno said, “There’s so many people dead.” 
Poki reported the body and the screen showed that Toast, Sean, and Dave were dead, “So Rae and I just walked up on Toast’s body. And I don’t think it’s Rae, I’ve been with her for a good chunk of this round.” 
“Soo it could be both of you.” You pointed out. 
“Why are you susing me right now??” Poki exclaimed. 
“You didn’t fake keys!” You yelled. 
“She’s right!” Pewds yelled, remembering that from the beginning of the round, “What the fuck, Poki?” 
Corpse laughed, “That’s a little sus Imane.” 
Poki laughed, “I can’t believe I’m getting sussed cause I didn’t fake a task.” 
“Anyways, I think it’s Rae and Poki. It definitely couldn’t have been Sykkuno, we were chilling on a vent.” You stated. Corpse hummed to himself. 
Sykkuno vouched for you, “Yep that’s true. And we did a foolproof test so it’s not either of us.” 
“What was the test?” Lud asked 
“Well, we both clicked the kill button and neither of us are dead, so.” Sykkuno pointed out. 
“You clicked the kill button?” Rae asked, “Wait, so you’re both imposters? You clearly can’t kill each other if you’re imposters.” 
You sighed, “I don’t know why Sykkuno had to say it like that but we clicked where the kill button should’ve been and nothing happened. So it’s not us.” 
“So there’s two pairs.” Corpse mused to himself. 
Pewds brought his mic really close to his mouth, “Get ‘em out of here.” 
You yelled over him, “Hold on hold on, it’s seven we can’t vote on seven. Kind of sus that you’re pushing to vote on seven.” 
“I’m not sus you’re sus.” He declared.
“Let’s skip, I’m gonna stay with Sykkuno and protect him.” Lud announced as the ‘I voted’ sticker popped up next to his name. Everyone started voting to skip. 
“If Ludwig dies it’s Sykkuno.” Pewds concluded as the timer ran out. 
“What???” Sykkuno wailed. You quickly ran to go to Lab on your own, afraid of Rae and Poki. 
Rae walked behind you into Lab, “ Ahhh- Hi please don’t kill me.” 
“No no no I would never,” Rae said, making her voice sound sarcastic on purpose as you guys walked into decontamination. You started to scream dramatically. 
“Heeeeeeelp. Heeeeellppp! She’s gonna kill me.” You pushed your character into the door to specimen, desperately waiting for it to open.  Once it finally did you rushed down into specimen and she ran after you. You ran around specimen with her chasing after you.
“Stop running. Y/N. Y/N! Hey- Stop running!” She yelled after you.
“Nooooo.” Corpse walked into specimen from the bottom and stood off to the side watching the two of you, “Coooorpse, protect me.” You yelled. He moved his character between you and Rae. 
“Yeah, uh, of course. I’ll protect you don’t worry.” He said. Rae stopped in front of him. 
“I said I wasn’t gonna kill you Y/N.” She insisted. 
You fake cried a little, “You didn’t say you couldn’t kill me though! Corpse, please. Wait-” You realized Corpse could 100% be the imposter right now, “Corpse… It’s not you is it?” 
“No no, I’m gonna protect you.” He promised. 
“....Does that mean it’s you but you’re gonna kill Rae to protect me?” You asked. They both laughed and Rae backed away from Corpse. 
“She knows too much Corpse, she knows too much!” Rae yelled. You started to scream for help again and run around. 
“Hey hey hey, relax.” Corpse said, following you. You ran towards bottom decontamination, getting stuck at the door again, “Don’t worry. Y/N, shhh. It’s okay, just-” He made a smooching noise and the kill animation popped up on your screen. 
You let out a shriek. “I can’t believe- Well, hi chat.” You giggled and started reading the chat again, “‘You got a kiss from Corpse, how do you feel?’ He’s a really bad kisser, guys. I mean it, did you see that? He kissed me and then STABBED me. An awful kisser.” You shook your head. A body was reported and the meeting screen popped up. They discussed yours and Poki’s death Corpse and Rae vouching for each other and Lud and Sykkuno vouching for each other, leaving Pewds the only one without an alibi and got him voted out. The defeat scream popped up showing Rae and Corpse as the imposters. 
Corpse POV
Before joining the lobby again he decided to read chat for a second and talk to his fans. “I’m sorry I can’t really look at chat that much while we’re doing this mod it’s just hard cause everyone can hear you, you know.” He read through the recent super-chats, thanking people as he went. He quickly scanned the rest of the chat. People were spamming that Y/N had called him a bad kisser, “Wait- she- Y/N said what??” He joined the lobby, “Y/N what the fuck?” 
“What’d I do??” Y/N questioned.
“Did you really tell your chat I’m a bad kisser? Why are you lyyyying?”  
“I-” The whole group started gasping and talking over each other, “I meant in the game! You- everyone shut up oh my god please-” 
“Okay okay okay, let her talk guys. Try and talk your way out of this Y/N.” Corpse chuckled. 
“Okay, before I get myself into a scandal. In-game, before you killed me, you gave me a little kiss. Then my chat was like how do you feel and I was like you know what, that was an awful kiss I died from it.” 
“Ohhh, that makes sense.” Corpse said. 
“Wait!” Rae interrupted, “What else would she have to go off of other than in-game?…” There was a long silence. 
Corpse was the one to break the silence. “You know what, gamer bladder. Bathroom break.” Everyone laughed and reluctantly agreed. 
You tried to stay calm and talk to your chat about any other topic but your chat was going insane speculating about you and Corpse. 
Corpse came into the room and you quickly held up one finger off-camera to tell him to wait a second. 
“Uh, hold on just a second guys.” You muted your headphones and took them off. You started to work on turning your webcam off but he reached over and grabbed the arm of your chair, rolling it towards him. 
You squealed, “Corpse! What are you doing?”
“I’m a bad kisser, huh? I’m a bad kisser?” He started peppering your face with kisses. You giggled. He planted his hands on the armrests of your chair, practically trapping you in place. He raised an eyebrow at you, a smirk plastered on his lips, “Hmm?” 
You cupped his face and kissed him. He started to pull you closer to him but you pulled back, “No, you’re not a bad kisser, baby. You’re the best kisser.” He kissed you again and then went back to his filming room. You slid your chair back to your computer, pretending as if nothing happened. You put your headphones back on and scanned the chat. There were a couple of people being like we saw that hand but you ignored it and continued playing.
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docholligay · 2 years
2. Estonia
If ever I feel like I am not known as a human being, the fact that three separate people asked me “What do you think of Estonia’s song??” makes me feel warm and seen. All three of you are my people. 
I absolutely adore this, I wasn’t sure whether this or the other one was going to place first because I listen to them both all the time. It was tough! Stefan is doing a really great play on Johnny Cash here, invoking old school country and western songs like Ghost Riders in the Sky (my favorite Johnny Cash song!) and Marty Robbins Big Iron, among others. It’s not contemporary country as people understand it today, which I think of as pop, but what people usually derisively refer to as “the twangy shit” which is some of my absolute favorite in the whole country pantheon. But it definitely has a Eurovision touch, with wide vocal swells that are not super common in old school country and western, especially among  male singers. 
They have a SHOOT OUT ON STAGE. How are you supposed to dislike that? I hope they stage it just as cornily in the semis., because if you’re going to do it, then do it. Remember how I had a whole post about how much I love Western American culture as filtered through other countries? This is PEAK spaghetti western shit, I am so here and everything about both the song and the staging set me on fire. 
I, at first, was very concerned that this would DNQ because it’s such a niche style of music to enjoy and definitely not what I think of as classic Eurovision fare, but I’ve been VERY heartened by how well it’s done on many of my friends’ lists, especially actual Europeans+ who actually get to vote, unlike me until I finally fucking snap and buy a prepaid European SIM. 
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aforrestofstuff · 4 years
So, my lil sister is currently playing The Sims Castaway in her laptop beside me, it makes me think: What will the heroes do if they're somehow get stranded together in an unhabited island? What chaotic things they will do with other fellow heroes in there while waiting for a rescue?
Okay, I’ve basically just written a dumbass little deserted island au for you. Thanks for the request, anon! 💓💓💓
If ALL of the main heroes were to get stranded on a deserted island all together, then I’d imagine it’d have something to do with the Association fucking up big time. Maybe they were all being transported to a threat overseas and got sent off-course? So, that means their only chance of rescue would have to be from the Association themselves (and we all know how much they lag to deal with shit). Needless to say, the heroes are gonna have to get comfortable with one another and work together to pick up a thing or two on survivalism while they wait for rescue. That’s gonna be hard.
Child Emperor will have the bright idea to separate everyone into smaller groups based on their area of expertise. Nobody argues with this because it’s pretty much common sense, but the stakes are high in seeing who gets paired with who. There’s not a whole lot of bad blood between the heroes, but lord knows they’ve got a few ego problems...
These groups are gonna be Hunters/Gatherers, Homemakers, Walmart Runners, People Who Don’t Really Do Anything, the Super Duper Strike Force, and Oh, Shit it’s the Cops.
In addition to the main congregation of heroes and their groups, there’s also gonna be one more group of people that stray from the majority. These people are gonna be called Stragglers. Stragglers consist of those that:
A. Have been excluded from the main group due to being a headass.
B. Went off on their own because they’re convinced they can survive without anyone’s help.
C. Got lost.
Now, with that being said: let’s get crackin’ boys.
Disclaimer: this shit is crack as fuuuuuck
The majority of the heroes:
Group 1: Hunters/Gatherers
This group is responsible for leaving camp constantly to go hunt/forage for food.
Flashy Flash: I’ve said this before in a previous hc, but he has a pretty decent knowledge on how to find food in the wild due to him always being sent to the middle of nowhere on assassination missions. I also hc him as pescatarian, so that means that he’d be pretty good at fishing. Even though his main protein is from fish, he also has a basic understanding on how to hunt for other animals as well. He just won’t eat them cause they’re yucky.
Zombieman: He’s not super adept at anything to do with survivalism, but he’s a quick learner. It won’t take him long to figure out how to apply his detective skills when tracking animals in the wild (I.E., looking for tracks, clues, and picking up on an animal’s sense of direction). He’s also can’t die, so he’d be the guy to try out some funky-looking mushrooms/berries/herbs to see if they’re poisonous or not, making foraging a lot easier for everyone.
Mumen Rider: The group’s resident forager. He knows which plants are poisonous and which aren’t like the back of his hand due to the many years he spent in the Boy Scouts as a young lad. He also knows a lot of basic survival necessities, like how to start a fire, how to make rope from palm leaves, basic first aid, and finding clean water. He’d essentially be a walking guide on locating basic sources for water, firewood, and fish for the Walmart Runners to find back at camp.
Group 2: Homemakers
This group is responsible for building and maintaining camp. They also do basic inventory on everyone’s resources.
Child Emperor: He’s in charge of designing and construction. He’d know the best way to build a shelter so everyone’s little huts last long enough—even while under duress from crazy island weather and basic wear and tear—for the Hero Association to come to the rescue. He’d be responsible for giving the Walmart Runners the list of what he and the rest of the Homemakers need to make camp the best it can be. He’s basically in charge of everyone. Even if they don’t like it.
Genos: Genos is in charge of cooking food every night for dinner. He would be on the Super Duper Strike Force, but he’s the only one that has an endless supply of fire, so he’s in charge of keeping every light source lit and igniting the bonfire each night in time for dinner. He’s also a walking Swiss Army knife, so he’d also be the one to do any basic repairs on the camp huts in the event that one of them gets a little hole or some shit. He gives Saitama an extra serving of food each night, which has caused some internal conflict.
Puri-Puri Prisoner: As a prison inmate, he’s the expert on making somewhere comfortable on limited resources. He’d be everyone’s guide on how to make tasty food with no seasoning nor cooking equipment, in addition to teaching everyone how to stay warm without real blankets. He’d give everyone fun ways to stay busy (like making little straw dolls or playing catch with coconuts) because it gets hella boring in prison and he’s developed an innate talent for finding ways to pass the time.
Group 3: Walmart Runners
This group is responsible for leaving camp to go find resources unrelated to food, like firewood, clean water, leaves, rocks, and other things the Homemakers might need to make camp better.
Saitama: Child Emperor didn’t really know what group to put Saitama in, but Genos vouched for him and said Saitama was a fast runner. So, he got paired with Superalloy on the Walmart Runners team. He and Superalloy don’t really have any wilderness survival skills, so they rely on people like Mumen Rider and Child Emperor to point them in the right direction and give them specific instructions on what to bring back to camp. Because Saitama is so fast and strong, he’ll leave camp and be back in 30 seconds, holding twice the amount needed of whatever Mumen Rider told him to find. He often over-stocks camp on purpose so he can take long breaks in between supply runs.
Superalloy Darkshine: He got paired with Saitama because Child Emperor thought Genos was joking when the cyborg said Saitama was basically God, so he was put on the Walmart Runners to help even everything out. He’s super cooperative with Child Emperor and Mumen Rider, often bringing back way too much supplies, just like Saitama. This is due to the fact that he’s so fucking strong and huge, he can carry enough firewood to supply a small army for weeks. He also helps the Homemakers with maintaining camp in between supply runs, typically carrying all of the heavy stuff and doing all of the hard labor that comes with construction.
Group 4: People Who Don’t Really Do Anything (but also don’t make things worse)
This group consists of people who don’t contribute shit to the survival effort, but also don’t exactly make things worse. They’re just chillin.
King: King doesn’t have harbor any knowledge that can be applied while trapped on a deserted island with like, 20 homicidal maniacs. He spends all of his time huddled in his hut having a perpetual panic attack. Nobody comes in to check up on him or tell him to get off his ass because they’re all pretty intimated and believe that he’s done enough work as a hero to warrant him having a little break. Everyone thinks he’s having the time of his life while on a little vacation, when he’s actually dying inside and wishing this whole thing was over. He’s tries to call his mom a million times but his phone doesn’t receive service. He’s suffering.
Pig God: He also doesn’t have any skills or knowledge that can be applied to surviving on a desert island, so he’s just vibin. He, like King, is a gamo to the extremo and spends most of his time playing video games/watching anime, so it’s only natural that he’d be out of his element on a desert island. Unlike King, however, some people give him shit for it. This is due in part because he eats like 19 rations every meal and doesn’t really do anything to pull his weight around camp. He’s actually gained weight since they’ve been deserted. Everyone has cast a secret vote that in the event they run out of food, Pig God is the first to be eaten.
Group 5: The Super Duper Strike Force
This group is responsible for guarding camp all hours of the day. They sleep in shifts, and are constantly watching the jungle/beach for any monster activity.
Metal Bat: didn’t want to be a part of this group because that meant that he wouldn’t get his full 8 hours of beauty rest every night, so he only agreed to join on the condition that Child Emperor let him pick the name. So, lo and behold, he’s on the Super Duper Strike Force. Badd is in charge of watching the north end of camp, and is often seen climbing palm trees to get a vantage point on the great expanse of wilderness to see if there is any monster activity nearby. While he’s on top of trees, he’ll also try tirelessly to attain cell service so he can get in contact with Zenko. He fails almost each time, but boy is he persistent. He also gets bored a lot while on watch, so he just bats rocks around while using a picture of Amai that he stapled to a palm tree as a target.
Watchdog Man: He’s always on watch in City Q anyway, so this is pretty much just business as usual. He made a little mound of sand for himself (which is really hard to do with paws, okay?) to server as a makeshift pedestal like the one he has back home. People kind of forget he exists like 3 days into this whole fiasco because he doesn’t really do anything outside of just... sitting there.
Group 6: Oh Shit, it’s the Cops
This group is responsible for making sure nobody kills each other. They’re usually people who have background experience managing groups of people (this group was also named by Metal Bat because Silverfang caught him trying to vandalize Flashy Flash’s hut, to which Badd promptly yelled out “Oh shit, it’s the cops!”)
Fubuki: Even though the Fubuki Group rarely has disagreements, she still knows how to put a fucker in their place. Nobody cares that she’s B-Class, she’s feared all the same. If someone fucks up around camp, she’ll mom the hell out of them until they straighten themselves out. On top of that, she also helps Puri make camp comfortable for everyone, and assisted Child Emperor when he was assigning roles and groups.
Silverfang: He’s a master at keeping track of murderous hobos. He raised Garou, didn’t he? He can do anything. If someone fucks up, all he needs to do if give them a side-eye and that’ll be enough for them to get back in line. He suggested that everyone maintain a strict routine to ensure that nobody goes crazy while being trapped together in a deserted hell. And so far, it’s worked out just fine. So far.
Tanktop Master: The Tanktop gang, like the Fubuki Group, rarely sees disagreements. He isn’t one to hand out punishment, discipline, or reprimands, so if he sees someone fuck up, he’ll kindly pull them aside and ask them what’s up. He’ll work with everyone to ensure that all of the heroes are friendly to each other, since that’s pretty much the best anyone can do (given the situation). He’ll also help out Silverfang with his “maintaining a routine” idea, making a personalized workout routine for everyone.
Tatsumaki: Tats went out on her own the minute everyone got deserted because she was already tired of their shit to begin with. She’s been doing fine, albeit being hella pissy. She’s already magic’d herself a shelter, found that she can start fires by forcing two rocks to rub against each other really fast, and that she can also kill animals in seconds just by looking at them the wrong way. Her main gripe is being away from clean sheets and soap operas, but she’s a trooper. She’ll survive.
Amai Mask: Amai Mask got voted out of the majority because he’s a dipshit and they were all gonna jump him if he didn’t haul ass across the island, far, far, away from the main camp. He’s been suffering. He can hunt fine, but he’s got zero survival skills and is currently sleeping under a cold rock. Child Emperor gave him some bright red rope to tie around his camp so the Hero Association could easily spot him from a distance when they arrive for rescue, but the rope was eaten by a bear. He’s gonna die if he doesn’t get off that island pronto.
Metal Knight: Metal Knight willingly separated himself from the group because he’s convinced that he can survive without the help of anyone else, (even though he was just gonna get voted out anyway because everyone hates that fucker) and has since then been building an army of robot coconuts. He can engineer himself a shelter just fine, and he’s figured out how to sic his little robots on nearby wildlife so he can eat. I hate to say it, but he’s actually doing well.
Drive Knight: Drive Knight also purposefully separated himself from the majority because he saw Metal Knight do it and is currently on a quest to hunt down Bofoi and merk that fucker’s ass in the jungle with God as his witness, cold-blooded. He doesn’t need wilderness survival skills because he runs on batteries and solar panels. He does, however, need a fucking GPS because he’s been lost for three days with no robot coconut army in sight. If he doesn’t find Bofoi or the main group before the Hero Association arrives for rescue, then he’ll most definitely get left behind, and that is a risk he is willing to take. Dumbass.
Atomic Samurai and his 3 hooligans: Atomic Samurai, Iaian, and Okamaitachi got separated from the group because they somehow ended up on a completely different part of the island upon being deserted. The two disciples listened to Kami (bad idea) while he was trying to find a sense of direction, and they ended up straying even farther away from the group than they were when they started. Bushidrill also ended up on a completely different part of the island, separated from both the group and Atomic Samurai’s gang, but they found each other around 2 days into this whole fiasco by pure chance. Bushidrill was found sitting in a tree 20ft off the ground, wearing a coconut bikini, and stress-drinking a bottle of saké he had smuggled in his robe before everything went to shit. All in all, when the disciples and Kami put their heads together, they make a pretty good team. Iaian hunts, Kama makes camp, Bushi sits on his ass, and Kami sits with Bushi. They’re not going to be left behind as easily as Drive Knight, though. If they’re not found before the Hero Association comes to the rescue, then you bet your ass those corporate cronies are gonna spend a pretty penny on search parties.
So, now that we have everyone’s roles and groups down, I’m gonna make up some island shenanigans because this shit is just TOO GOOD to be left alone like this.
The shenanigans:
The quest for food:
Zombieman, while hunting with Flashy Flash and Mumen Rider: hey, stop moving. I think I see a deer over there.
Mumen Rider, looking through a set of binoculars: awww, it has a baby!
Flash: where did you get those binoculars?
Mumen: oh, they were in my wilderness survival kit!
Zombieman: what
Mumen, looking through his bag: yeah, I have a compass, a canteen, a bird-watching manual, some fire-starters, some dynamite next to the fire-starters— oh no.
The quest for food Part 2:
Flashy Flash: I found this strange mushroom, but I don’t know if it’s poisonous.
Mumen: hmm, let me look it up in my manual—
Zombieman: *swipes the mushroom and gobbles it up*
Zombieman: it’s poisonous
The quest for dinner:
Child Emperor, speaking to everyone at camp: okay, guys. We’re gonna start having nightly bonfires that will hopefully aid us in making passing ships aware of our location. It’s also how we’re gonna cook our food—
Pig God: *raises hand*
Child Emperor: no, we don’t have any marshmallows.
Pig God: *slowly lowers hand*
The quest for peace:
Badd: fuck the police! *sprints away*
Tanktop Master: what did he do?
Silverfang: I caught him carving “flash sux” into the sand and he tried to hit me with a coconut after I told him to stop.
The quest for Bushidrill:
Iaian: Sensei, it’s been two days. Maybe he’s with the others—
Kami: no, I know Bushidrill. If WE’RE lost, then he’s SUPER lost.
Okamaitachi: there! In that tree!
Bushidrill, face-planted on a tree branch 20ft off the ground: God, is that you?
Kami: I knew it.
Kami: Iaian, cut him down.
Iaian: is that really the best idea—
Kami: just do it.
Iaian: *cuts down Bushidrill*
Bushidrill: *immediately gets knocked unconscious the minute he hits the ground*
Kami: good.
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edge-lorde · 4 years
hp update: its been a long time, boys. ud think that with this plague outbreak id have more time for shitty phone games, and ud be right! however, the time i normally might use to make tumblr posts has been taken up by reading lotr orc fanfiction non-stop for at least 1 full month. id still be in the thick of that obsession even now if only the fics would update. that is how i find you today folks, for the first time in many weeks i am staring at a screen with nothing to do. so come with me friends, theres no better way to fill the soulless void we are all in than reading a nice long tumbler post. 
disclaimer, first of all, a lot has happened, i prefer to keep these updates as plot spoiler free as possible but do to extenuating circumstances i feel like it is necessary to say, [SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER BELOW]
that rowan fucking died,
i wont say exactly how, but i will say that her death was animated as were animations of myself and a few others reacting to our friend fresh corpse. obviously meant to be serious moments but the animations made it seem almost comical. 
i saw at least one post going around right after this update that was like ‘how could the game devs do this to us..... how could they hate rowan so.... this is punishment from on high’ and its like.... u guys do know what a story is right? the events of  a story are not typically done to punish less faithful fans, im pretty sure they were planning to kill rowan off from the beginning. this isnt disney im pretty sure the writers are not writing each chapter the night before its released by popular vote. 
that little “are we drifting away..?” scene with rowan makes more sense now. there was a bit in one of the scenes where the kids all reminisce on rowans life and the mc talks about it being the last real one on one time they had with rowan. a nice bitter sweet moment. i dont hate this turn of events. its a good reminder that actions have consequences and we are way past they days of “should i wear a hat or scarf?” its YA time now. 
i did manage to take 1 screenshot from this time, i had commented that before that when rowan said she didnt have many friedns that barnaby seemed to be hanging out with her without be there as a friend buffer and here was his reaction to her death:
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the funniest part in all of this however, was of course cedericks reaction to rowans death “but she was so young....” LOL fuckin RIP.
lets see... what else.... i forget a lot of what happened but i think there was a time sensitive quidditch event in there somewhere? if so i  dont remember it. what i do remember of the quidditch pals is that im gonna play beater now, skye is being weird and cagey about it, andre is involved.... the others are there.....
sidenote, i love the shitty b characters they throw in to be like yes you know this person but no they are not cool enough for u to even think about befriending. the first one of those is face paint kid, and now we have another, who is a former beater girl with horrible bangs named bean who didnt go to any classes for a whole season so she could just play ball 24/7 and got kicked off the team.  this is a character who only exists to provide an explanation as to why there would be a beater position open but i love them on principle. 
right now im in the midst of another time sensitive event, this one is a bother-your-brother-at-work-day event where recent hogwarts graduate bill weasley is bullied by myself and his younger brother charlie into letting us go with him on one of his curse breaking jobs. 
so for those unfamiliar, bill works for the magical bank of england.... and his job seems to be “retrieving treasure” for said bank. in the books, there is a bit where he takes his family on one of his trips to egypt, where his job seemed to have been tomb plundering indiana jones style for the posterity of the english bank :X. i wont explain here why thats bad but its bad. 
the game devs however in this instance, at least SEEM to be doing what jkr couldnt do by attempting to salvage what is left of gringotts bank and form it into not a super shitty implications factory run by horrible jewish caricatures. bills mission is to retrieve a goblin made artifact that was taken by dragons, so no going to foreign countries to steal things from other people! only going to a dragon reserve to rifle through animal nests. they even appear to be providing us with a likable goblin character, egad!  
my hope for this event is that we get a plotline about how maybe, goblins arent shifty human haters for no reason, and in fact they hate magic humans for very understandable reasons, like being forced to go into hiding with the rest of the magical world even though only the humans wanted to do that, and maybe despite running the bank in england they still dont have a lot of political sway in the world of wizards and witches, and have to rely on the faith that said wizards and witches wont fuck them over at every turn, even as they see how they treat other non-humans, such as house elves, which they desperately dont want to end up like. and maybe they DONT only care about gold... maybe thats a human stereotype based on the fact that theres a long history of humans not respecting goblin ownership customs.... which i could get into..... but i wont.... i just....... very badly dont want them to suck ;__________;
i know i said its ok to still like a piece of media as long as you recognize the problems with it, and i do, but once this game is done im gonna stop hp posting all together. ive been feeling more and more uncomfortable making these posts lately.  
GENERAL GAME NOTES; theres been some new layout changes and such. 
most notably the stairs screen has been changed from a bulleted list of all locations to a screen with tiles picturing an image of each location along with the name + icons of all classes at each place. there is one additional location that is new and yet to be unlocked, and the dragon reservation is appearing temporarily as its own tile as well. i prefer this method of getting in and out of a temporary location to how they did it with car during the last christmas special. the stairs icon also now stays in the corner when you scroll through locations, allowing you to open the stairs menu without scrolling all the way back to the left. 
they also moved a few of the buttons down into the lower left corner rather than the left side & combined the story button and sidequest button. they added a little camera button as well, just like in the dormitory, that makes all the icons in a location disappear and look better for screenshots. 
the daily special add offer thing now has its own button in the top right corner of the screen, and idk if i mentioned it before but now there are daily challenges that appear in the sidequest screen that offer small rewards for completing 3 tasks per day + a better one if u get all 3. the prizes are things like 4 energy, 75 coins, 3 monster food. the better rewards are usually either more coins, 8 energy, 3 gems, or 1 notebook. i think that it does all the different color notebooks but i cant remember for sure if i ever saw the gold one up as a reward. i like this addition in any case. if you dont pick up ur reward by the end of the day, the next time u log on it will force u to stop and accept them, and if one of the rewards is energy and ur energy bar is full, it does not seem to stack beyond the bar so watch out.
 the character stats page is now more zoomed out so you can see your full character instead of just from the waist up. no change to the leaderboard. rowans face in the friendship roster is now a still black and white image that says ur friend may be gone but friendship is forever u-u. 
rowan has been removed from all classes. in the classes where the minigames involved her, those minigames have passed the mantle onto other friends in the class. in potions that person is now liz helping u find stuff off the shelves and in tranfiguration that person is badeea. bless these girls for helping mc get through it. touched my heart. 
theres been a few fun little “i know u have more free time now so uhhhh have some energy” prizes like they do sometimes when they dont update on schedule so thats been nice. just a few days ago they gifted us 3 gold notebooks the same way. :O. 
theres also been a few instances of a energy happy hour where for a limited time energy takes less time to refresh. normally it takes 4 mins for 1 energy to do this but during happy hour its like 2:30 mins. :U its all very interesting.
and that will have to do it for tonight my friends, ill do a post for the dragon event when its done because i do like it so far and i do like getting to bully bill with charlie. 
until next time, remember.......
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Top 5 Underrated Characters
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Requested by @pink-wants-to-die
Zoophobia has a lot of characters, doesn't it? Because of that, it's easy for a few to slip between the cracks. Either that, or the only way they get popularity is by Vivz going "hey, they might end up in a relationship with a popular character *wink wink, nudge nudge *" (looking at you Elijah ) I say we discuss 5 of them today.
For this list, I'm looking at characters that personally surprise me as to how few people show interest in them. I'm not just talking about fan art. I rarely see them discussed or anything. However, if a character hasn't gotten a lot of attention from Vivz, then to me it makes sense why no one talks about them, so you won't see anybody like. ...I dunno, Penelope. Anybody here know Penelope? How about Koko, or Calvin? No? Didn't think so.
Usual disclaimer. Zoophobia is owned by Vivziepop. This list is entirely my opinion, and feel free to disagree. All I ask is that everyone remains civil to one another in the notes, otherwise I will steal your spoons.
I'm going to break habit and announce my 2 dishonorables together since I put them on here for the same reason.
DM 1 and 2: Camilla and Elijah
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Ok, so it's not so much I feel as though they have no fans, I feel as though they have fans.....that don't actually give a shit about the characters themselves and like them for reasons not relating to their personalities or anything.
Starting with Eli, let's be honest here guys, how many people actually gave a shit about him before we got the implication that he could potentially be Damian's boyfriend? I mean, once in a blue moon, I'll see someone who says they like his character traits or his design, but that doesn't happen very often. Hell, this happened even back when Eli was green and was called Eiglet. Nobody cared about this character that much. We just got the idea that he could end up with Dame, and then the fandom started to take an interest. I find that incredibly disappointing.
With Camilla, I think we can all agree on one thing. Camilla is hot. I see a lot of people going crazy over her design, and the fact that she's a stripper. Sad part is, there's a lot more to Camilla, and Vivz has done several pieces of artwork depicting this side of her, and yet everyone just goes crazy over tits. Again, it's disappointing.
5. Justina
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Ok, so this bitch didn't appear in the comic. Well, she did at one point. Zoophobia originally had this prologue where we meet Justina. However, Vivz deleted this prologue so we can assume that prologue is retconned. You can still probably find re blogs of it somewhere. Still, it makes sense why not a lot of people would know about her, thus why she's at the bottom of the list. However, she still showed up at one point, and fuck it, I see plenty of shit for Mirage who hasn't appeared yet. Also, this is my list.
Justina is interesting to me. She has apparently been exiled in Hell and is forced to watch over dreams, a job she finds tedious. She's also the embodiment of Pride, and mistreats her daughter, Ink. Ok, so reread the second sentence. She got exiled. ...in Hell. A place where there's a bunch of crazies and crime, and that's super loose on rules. This bitch somehow got exiled. Also, the sins run over entire sections of Hell. Justina was a politically powerful figure. So what crime could she have possibly committed to get exiled? Why no one talks about this is surprising to me. Like, can we get some headcannons at least? The other reason I like her, and I know this is petty, but she hates being colourful. Am I the only one who finds the concept of a Vivziepop character despising how colourful they are kind of unintentionally funny? Yes? Ok then.....
4. Kaycee
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Kaycee's lack of popularity or recognition also came as a surprise. She's basically this story's version of the Cheshire cat. She's the puppet master pulling the strings of characters, kick starting the story. And yet she's neither an evil nor good character. She's morally grey, seemingly seeing the whole story as entertainment for herself. She also seems to be somewhat omnipresent, hiding in plain sight, watching shit go down. The first chapter gave her plenty of panels to shine in, and I'm not sure about the rest of you, but her scenes seemed pretty effective. So why did the fandom collectively forget that this character existed? With a character like Kaycee, you would've thought that the fandom would be abuzz with speculation and theories. Not to mention her connection with Cameron. What does Kaycee see in her? What's her end game? Does she want something, or is all of Safe Haven Kaycee's personal doll house? Come on fandom, what's the hold up?
3. Narissa
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Ok, ok, odd choice, I know, and that's partially why she's so low. So why do I think she needs more attention? Because she's high key a major contender for the most badass mom of the comic award. First off, she's the queen of Hell, despite being a mortal and not a demon. She has Lucifer, FUCKING LUCIFER, wrapped around her finger so tight that Vivz has described them as the most lovey dovey couple in the series. On concept alone, I'm already intrigued. And in the comic? Everybody, I want you to look at the panels she appears in, and just notice the body language, posture, facial expression. It could be just me, but Narissa seems to scream "get on your knees before the queen bitch". Also, notice how when Lucifer is full out raging and is about to stab a bitch, while everyone else is fucking terrified, Narissa's just puts her hand up like "Shattup bitch, I'm taking over." Finally, I find her reaction to Damian's actions interesting. I theorized in the past that she may be alright with Dame going to Safe Haven since she kind of gets it, since she experienced something similar in her life, except instead of Earth, she wanted to litteraly go to hell. I think it would actually be really interesting if there were some sort of parallel between Dame and his mum, and that being the reason she lets him do his thing. I see a lot of people give attention to Lucifer and especially Dame, but Narissa is almost always left out. I dunno about you guys, but I vote that we need more Narissa love.
2. Tentadora
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Yeah, yeah, blah blah blah, insert Jessica Rabbit joke here.
In Tentadora's case, I think people tend not entirely get Tenta's character. A lot of people criticize Tenta for not being a good parental figure for Damian despite being so doting to him. And I'm about to blow some people's minds here, but Tenta being a bad parent?
That's the point
Yeah, Tenta is actually a really shitty parent, and this is actually intentional. While she does care for Dame, she spoils him rotten and she's even surprisingly neglectful. She just lets Dame hang on Earth where she knows he'll be in danger. Oh but it's alright. He's happy. That's all that matters right? Even when searching for him, she doesn't take it seriously and would rather goof off than make sure he's ok. This is much more evident in a comic you can find on Vivz's art portfolio. It's done in a way that mimics the Invader Zim art style and stars Dame and Tenta. I'll probably reblog it later, but in the comic, Dame is (as confirmed by Vivz in the description ) not entirely mentally healthy. The kid is litteraly under the impression his dolls are talking to him. And Tenta's reaction? She just tells him he's too old to play with dolls.
I feel that Tenta gets a little too much criticism. Yeah, I agree with the design thing, but a lot of criticism I see towards her personality is criticism I have trouble buying. The whole thing with people asking why she's such a shitty parent is one thing, but there's also the accusation that she not only looks like Jessica Rabbit, she acts like and has the same role as her, when really she doesn't. Look, I don't deny the similarities. But Tenta isn't a clone. She's clearly inspired by and shares traits with Jessica, but she's hardly a carbon copy. Personality wise at least. She's silly, not ashamed of being sexy or inconvenienced by it, and she's far less mature. Can we just. ...I dunno, give the pink robot a break?
1. Zechariah
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Ok, so hear me out. I know I put him on my worst character list. However, remember how I restricted that list to just characters that appeared in the comic? If it weren't for that restriction, Zech wouldn't have made the list. The main problem I had was his stupid decisions. That's it. Also, this character has appeared in 3 out of the five chapters we got. He has a lot of panels to show up in. However, despite this, nobody pays this guy any attention. Except, oddly enough, the NSFW part of the zp community...... Yeah, I don't know either. Still, you rarely see this guy get spoken about or fan works made for him, while characters like Tom who show up once get more attention than he does. I think that this list has shown me how confusing the zp community can be.
Anyway, I'm about to pass out. Hope you enjoyed. Tell me what you think.
I apologize for wasting your time.
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sarcasrnspasrn · 5 years
the homestuck epilogues are a big mess: a masterpost of what the fuckery
I read the epilogues all in one day and here I am three days later someone who is two seconds away from becoming an ex-homestuck fan because.... yikes. I recently reblogged two other posts calling out most other homestuck things. Some I agree with, some I think are more “sometimes characters are problematic” but you can’t really ignore how fucked up everything is a whole. And nobody seems to want to unpack the epilogue which i understand because guess what every single tag listed in the prologue happens which is pretty sucky.
Anyways I’m gonna go tag-by-tag to talk about the things and then talk about other general shitty stuff about the epilogue. Here we go lads.
Oh boy here come some disclaimers - I’m white and I’m cis and also I was an active editor at the MSPA wiki! I’m going to retire soonish, probably. If I can. I don’t know if you can self-retire from a leadership role on a wiki. Which means I might have missed some things that weren’t obvious to the me who is white and cist.
The Tags
Graphic Depictions of Violence – The Meat route features the fight with Lord English and definitely has a lot of beatups. We then see John slowly succumb to his injuries over time and eventually die. The descriptions are definitely very very graphic.
Major Character Death – As mentioned above, John in the Meat route. Some characters get sucked into a black hole in the Meat route, though in Candy route it’s revealed they just ended up in Candy’s timeline. John meets up with younger versions of the Beta kids, and they all die by Lord English’s hands. Davepetasprite^2 sacrifices themselves to drag Lord English into the black hole, and Meat Rose’s body ends up in a sorta-dead state where her soul is now in a robot forever as her physical body sleeps. In Candy, Dirk graphically hangs himself, and Vriska chokes Gamzee to death.
Rape – In the Candy route Jane gets drunk and has intercourse with an equally if not more drunk Jake, resulting in her pregnancy.
The Economy – Throughout the Meat route, Dave works to try and get Karkat to be president specifically due to the other candidate’s (Jane) questionable economic opinions. Neither run in Candy route, but Jane ends up influencing the presidency behind the scenes and Dave discusses similar themes, often through Obama.
Xenophobia – The main conflict in Jane’s candidacy is her xenophobia, as she wishes to restrict troll reproduction, eventually leading to complete oppression of the troll race by the end of the Candy route.
Pregnancy – Jane and Roxy get pregnant with Jake and John’s kids, respectively, in the Candy route.
Alternate Universe – The whole fic seems to be vaguely non-canon, particularly the Candy route.
Mind Control – Dirk takes over the narrative in Meat route and uses it to influence the other characters’ motives and thoughts.
Non-Con – See Rape.
Breastfeeding – Roxy is shown breastfeeding her and John’s son (Harry Anderson Egbert. I’m not joking.)
Misogyny – Gamzee is basically awful.
Sexism – See Misogyny
Transphobia – Roxy and Calliope begin transitioning (but only in the Meat route), where they both start using they/them and Roxy eventually begins using he/him at the end. As the narrator, Dirk frequently refers to transitioned Roxy with she/her pronouns.
Misgendering – See Transphobia.
Canon Compliant – The meat timeline, arguably.
Canon Divergent – The candy timeline, arguably.
Redemption – The candy timeline starts of with Calliope insisting it’s time for “Gamzee’s redemption arc”, so John pulls him out of the fridge and he becomes this weird messiah. It’s not really much redemption though and he’s still a creepy fucking clown.
Dubious Consent – See Rape.
Mind Break – Meat Rose slowly becomes overwhelmed by all of her alternate timeline selves and suffers from headaches. She eventually becomes persuaded by Dirk to completely let go, and she gets her consciousness transferred into a robot body.
World War – Jane’s xenophobic actions against trolls eventually lead to a world war between her faction and Karkat’s faction.
Political Intrigue – Meat route focuses a lot on Jane and Karkat’s political campaigns for president, and Candy route features Jane’s meddling in government affairs that eventually leads to Karkat and others to lead a rebellion.
Robots – Dirk and Jake fight robots on reality TV in Meat, and Dirk later transfers Rose’s consciousness into a robotic body in Meat’s postscript. Dave similarly gets transferred into a robot body in Candy by Obama. (I’m still not joking.)
Child Abuse – Jane and Jake’s son, Tavros Crocker (I’m not joking) is implied to be heavily mistreated and neglected by Jane, as well as their third partner, Gamzee, who is also somehow in the mix.
Rough Sex – 
Child Neglect – Tavros is seemingly largely ignored by his parents, and John leaves Roxy and Harry Anderson for most of his adolescence.
Alcohol Use – Jane and Jake get heavily inebriated in the candy route, resulting in pregnancy and marriage.
Breastmilk – Gamzee utilizes breastmilk throughout the Candy route as some way of baptizing people and completing their redemption arcs.
Death – Other than those mentioned in Major Character Death, many other side characters are also mentioned to die during the Candy route’s oppressive regime.
Incestuous Undertones – Briefly discussed by a group during the Meat route while considering the implications of Dirk and Rose flying off from Earth C.
Mental Illness – Rose struggles with visions during Meat, and John questions if he has depression in both routes.
Suicide – Dirk hangs himself in Candy.
Polyamory – Gamzee somehow joins the relationship between Jane and Jake in Candy, eventually resulting in Gamzee auspisticing the two.
Clown Dynamics – Gamzee fucking Makara.
Meta – I think it happens a lot in general.
Abuse – Jane’s relationships with Jake, baby Tavros, and Gamzee are not anywhere near healthy.
Fridging – Dirk’s death sort of helps kick off the plot in Candy.
Genocide – Discussed as a possible outcome of Jane’s presidency, specifically to the trolls.
Diapers – For some reason on Jake’s reality TV show, it’s a thing to throw diapers on the stage.
Murder – Vriska kills Gamzee in Candy.
Honk – Gamzee.
Children – Jane and Jake have Tavros Crocker, John and Roxy have Harry Anderson Egbert, and Kanaya and Rose adopt a Vriska descendant.
Gender Transition – Roxy and Calliope question their gender identities in Meat, leading to Roxy using he/him and changing his hairstyle, and Calliope using they/them. This does not happen in the Candy route.
Depression – John questions if he suffers from this throughout Candy as he continues to feel estranged from his friends.
Toxic Masculinity – I guess Dirk in general?
Sexual Abuse – Whatever was going on in Jake Jane and Gamzee’s relationship in Candy isn’t healthy.
Friends to Lovers – Roxy and John as well as Jane and Jake.
Speciesism – See Xenophobia.
Babies – See Children.
Manipulation – See Dirk.
Gore – See Graphic Depictions of Violence.
Infidelity – Jane starts a relationship with Gamzee while married to Jake.
Marriage – Jane and Jake marry, as well as John and Roxy.
Nonbinary Character(s) – See Gender Transition.
Milking – See uh, Breast Milk and Breastfeeding?
Identity Questioning – See Gender Transition.
Feet – After arriving in Candy route, Vriska finds Gamzee and in her rage, kicks him to the ground. Gamzee starts licking Vriska’s foot. This eventually leads to some sort of weird hate makeout/sex.
Political Rebellion – See Political Intrigue.
Fascism – See Political Intrigue.
Rapping – Dirk and Jake’s TV show in Meat features the two performing rap battles at each other, among other things.
Drug Use – Jane and Jake get drunk in Candy, and Jane starts utilizing the Trickster Lollipop in Meat.
Funerals – In Candy, funerals are held both for Dirk and for a dead Jade from Meat that falls out of the sky.
Religion – Gamzee’s weird cult to help give dead trolls redemption arcs.
Eating – I don’t know why this is on the list.
Food – This is just a thing.
Aliens – Sure are trolls and cherubs here.
Possession – Alternate Calliope uses Jade’s alive body in Meat and an alternate Jade’s dead body in Candy to control the narrative.
Light BDSM – I guess this is whatever is going on in Candy Jake, Jane, and Gamzee’s relationship. As well as the apparently rough sex Terezi and John had in Meat.
Theft – Meenah steals an extra Ring of Life John pilfered in Meat.
Furry – Jade, who is heavily implied to have gained some of Bec’s, um, biology after the sprite merge, which was. Information nobody needed to know.
Anthropomorphic Characters – Jade and Davepetasprite^2.
Power Imbalances – Candy Jane/Jake/Gamzee’s relationship.
Blood – Extreme violence tends to result in this.
Trickster Mode – Jane starts utilizing it in Meat in an attempt to help her campaign.
Body Horror – See Graphic Depictions of Violence.
Gerrymandering – Mentioned by Dave as a tactic utilized by previous presidents in regards to the consorts voting power.
Starvation – Meat John finds Terezi by the black hole, slowly starving to death.
Cuckolding – Candy Gamzee basically cuckolds Jane and Jake.
Interspecies Relationships – Kanaya and Rose, as well as Meat Gamzee/Jane/Jake.
Guns – Jake sure has that.
Vore – I think this is mentioned as a joke somewhere.
Assassination – Dirk pretends to attempt to assassinate Jake in Meat timeline, only to tranquilize the Alternate Calliope-possessed Jade.
Alien Biology – A joke is made about how trolls apparently do not have two dicks.
Detransitioning – Roxy and Calliope are implied to have begun their gender exploration in Candy route, similarly to Meat, but stick to using she/hers throughout the route.
Chronic Illness – Rose is suffering from mental illness that is giving her headaches.
Vomit – After the battle with Lord English in Meat, John barfs all over himself. It’s gross.
Drugging – In Meat, Dirk slips Rose drugs in a drink to induce her into a sleep. He uses a similar drug on the Alternate Calliope-possesed Jade.
Cannibalism – During Candy’s postscript, The Alternate Calliope-possessed Jade devours Lord English’s body.
Unhealthy Relationships – John and Roxy have tensions in their relationship during Candy, as well as the weird cuckolding situation with Candy Jane/Jake/Gamzee.
Capitalism – See Economy.
Eggs – In Candy we see the Mother Grub release eggs that later give birth to baby trolls.
Slut Shaming – In both timelines, Dave and Karkat do not approve of Jade’s apparent promiscuity.
Black Romance – Candy Jane and Jake seem to settle into a kismessitude auspisticed by Gamzee, and Vriska also has a hatemakeout with Gamzee in the same timeline. It’s not clear where Terezi and John’s relationship in Meat laid.
Kidnapping – John attempts to kidnap Tavros Crocker from his abusive parents, eventually leading to a broken relationship with his wife and friends.
Faygo – Gamzee continues to drink the soda and seems to also give some to baby Tavros.
Bimboification – Throughout the Candy arc, everyone seems to slowly lose their character development.
Poisoning – See Drugging.
Teenagers – See Children.
Domestic Abuse – Candy Jane/Jake/Gamzee.
Reality Television – Jake continuously stars in ridiculous reality TV programs in both timelines.
Ovipositioning – See Eggs. I promise it’s not sexual.
Ghosts – The ghost army is seen fighting Lord English in Meat only to be sucked into the black hole, and these ghosts later start dropping out of the sky in the Candy timeline.
Revolutionary Rhetoric – See Political Intrigue.
Self-Sacrifice – Davepetasprite^2 sacrifices themselves to trap Lord English inside the black hole.
Propaganda – Candy Jane pushes propaganda material through the government.
Super PACs – Candy Jane is mentioned to utilize these to influence the government.
Pica – Meat Terezi in her starvation begins eating tobacco and shaving cream.
Early 20th Century Dance Movements – Jake does some of these for some reason.
Prison Camps – In Candy, captured members of the rebellion are mentioned to be sent there.
Existential Crisis – Candy John has one throughout the story, thinking that his reality seems fake.
Xenophilia – See Interspecies Relationships.
Daddy Issues – Tavros Crocker, presumably, and Candy Dave talks about his adoptive dad/bro at Dirk’s funeral.
Bad Parenting – See Child Abuse.
Addiction – Meat Jane appears to develop one to the Trickster Lollipop.
Clown – Gamzee.
I might have missed some on this list because my brain is fuzzy but that’s the general gist.
The Other Things Not Mentioned In The Tags That Are Also Bad
Remember how I mentioned how Gamzee’s back in Candy? While he’s apparently “not sixteen” when he shows up to meet the rest of the gang who is 23, it’s still iffy on what’s going on. And sixteen years later, when he is definitely an adult, he meets up with the definitely 16 year old Vriska, where the two begin some weird blackrom courtship, before she murders the clown. Any way you look at it, Gamzee’s at least twice Vriska’s age. Yuck. Similarly, the dying 23 year old John meets Terezi in the Furthest Ring, where she is apparently also “not 16″ but it’s not really specified how long it’s been from her perspective. And then the two end up having sex. Another notable mention to Candy Karkat and Meenah, who end up in a relationship when Karkat is into his late 20s and Meenah is only 19.
Speaking of sex, in general there’s just a lot of smutty things described in the epilogue. And while all of the characters sans the exceptions mentioned above are 23 or older, it’s still vastly uncomfortable to see characters getting their sex on when we first met them at thirteen.
There’s also all the transitioning tags up there because Roxy and Calliope transition - but only in the Meat timeline. While we only see like one year of Meat, we see sixteen of Candy. I’m not really qualified to comment more about the awkward implications of all this as a cis girl, so I’ll end this segment here.
The thing I think I am qualified to talk about was the furry tag up there. There’s a conversation where Candy Jade is talking to Karkat and Dave (the three vaguely have some sort of polyamory going on, maybe) and talks about having a baby. Jade reveals that she can’t get pregnant due to “biological reasons” and that the possible father of their surrogate baby won’t be Dave, so uh. It’s pretty easy to connect the awful dots. Which is just. What the fuck.
And here’s a whollop. In the characters, Barack Obama was tagged. At first I thought it was because of all of Dave’s references to him, but nope it turns out Dave actually has a conversation with Barack Obama. Basically Dave goes into what was once the white house and finds his way to some sort of weird bunker where he meets Magic Ghost Obama who tells Dave about various things. The worst part is definitely where Obama says he seemed to end up in some sort of relationship with Dirk Strider at one point. He also references things that were first mentioned in the Skaianet Systems Incorporated leaks, you know the ones where Hussie made it Einstein’s fault the holocaust happened? So like, oof. And I’m not sure I can construct a logical timeline in my head based on the information said in the Epilogues and in the leaks to when Obama and Dirk could have met at an equivalent age rather than Obama being an adult and Dirk... not being one. So uh. Yay.
I can’t think of anything else, but I almost definitely missed some stuff since it’s been days since I read those cursed epilogues and I might not pick up on more nuanced things. Basically the epilogues are bad!! And that’s why I’m probably gonna bow out of the Homestuck fandom soon. The comic has not aged well and this was just the icing on the shitty cake.
And if you’re still a Homestuck may I recommend not doing that. Find something else to invest your time into. Please. I know it might have been a big part of your childhood (it was a big part of mine), but it’s time to realize that maybe we’ve been looking through rose-tinted shades for longer than we should have and it’s time to put shitty things in the crapper.
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mtvswatches · 5 years
Jane the Virgin 1x15 Chapter Fifteen
Spoilers disclaimer (please read before sending messages or writing comments.)
Click here for previous recaps!
Stray thoughts
1) I really like how the show has found a way to sneak political commentary without being too political…
JANE: What's the deal with the electoral college?
XIOMARA: Turns out this whole electoral college thing is crazy. We're not even actually voting for our president.
JANE: I know. We're voting for electors who are then pledged to a candidate.
XIOMARA: What?! Then why'd you ask?
JANE: Because you've voted in two elections. It was time you understood the process.
It’s also a small yet relevant moment between Jane and Xiomara because it portrays what type of mother Xiomara is. Jane asks her a lot of questions Xiomara doesn’t have the answers for, yet she doesn’t dismiss Jane’s queries or tells her it’s not important. Instead, she probably goes “I don’t know, but let’s find out.” It’s a very nurturing approach, in my opinion, because you’re telling your kid A) that’s it okay to admit that you’re ignorant, even if you’re a parent, B) it’s okay to ask questions, especially to ask “why.” And C) there are ways to find answers to your questions.
2) Oh, I get this…
JANE: Mom, what does love feel like?
JANE: Just curious. How do you know for sure you're in love?
XIOMARA: It sort of feels like your heart is glowing, if that makes sense.
That’s why in the first few episodes we could see Jane’s heart glowing whenever she was around Rafael. That’s the idea of love she’s built in her mind because that’s what her mom told her so many years ago.
3) Aww!
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4) “I love you” “I love you so much” blaaaa! Am I the only one who thinks this is all too sudden? Please, this is the one question that I want you guys to answer. When you were at this point in the story, did you feel their relationship was rushed? Am I the only one who wasn’t in insta-love with them as they are with each other? Was this ship universally shipped immediately? Just say yes or no.
Well, at least they’re not moving in together yet. Although they might be by the end of this episode, probably.
5) Rogelio is going to be in a sci-fi telenovela, and I think that’s the best concept ever?
6) Ay, Xiomara…
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7) Well, I may not be a fan of Michael, but…
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Not only does he know Jane but he is also very supportive of her interests. That’s cool.
8) I think this kind of supports my theory that Jane might actually be the narrator in the show?
NARRATOR: Jane threw herself into her writing with a renewed energy and passion. And when Jane's writing was flowing, it was as if she had been transformed into another person, a woman named Juana.
The idea that she feels like someone else when she’s writing could easily be translated into her having a different voice as that person, you know? In this case, the voice of a Latino hunk.
9) Regardless of how I feel about this ship, this definitely was an amazing way to propose…
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10) Damn!
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That is so not what someone proposing wants to hear. But, as great as the proposal was, you really need to be super sure that you’re in a committed relationship in which both of you are on the same page and want the same things. Jane had declined his offer to move in together because she felt she wanted to take things one step at a time, even if they’d started their relationship all backward. The fact that he thought Jane would say yes just because that’s “the right order” to do things she’d envisioned her whole life further proves that they really don’t know each other at all.
11) And Xiomara and Alba are back at being Jane’s angel and demon on her shoulder. And again, I side with Xiomara. I tend to always see things through a similar lens than her.
12) Petra must be planning something. Is she going to make Lachlan bus tables or something?
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14) Ay, Alba, taking a compatibility test from a magazine is really NOT the answer…
15) Uh-oh…
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I swear to god, if they finally fucking address this in a proper way with a sensible resolution, I will feel so vindicated.
16) Oh, what a fucking douchebag!
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I hope he gets murdered, seriously. And Rafael, don’t you dare team up with this fucking piece of trash.
17) And as she’s questioning how much Rafael knows her, she runs into Michael and is reminded of how much he knows her. Gotta admit, the flashback where she was reading to him was kind of sweet.
18) Wow, indeed.
XIOMARA: I'm a little late. And I missed a pill or two this month. And I'm worried I might be pregnant.
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He’s definitely not taking it too well, but he did really try to make Xiomara feel okay and not freak her out by freaking out.
19) Oh. Xiomara made it look like it was a joke, and now she’s getting the real reaction. This is not going to go down well.
20) I mean…
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I get that they were trying to make a point of how little they know each other, but maybe they should’ve gone with something other than Jane testing how supportive of her passion he is because that’s probably the only thing he’s done well since day one. He’s always been the one pushing her to become a writer instead of a teacher, so, as much as I agree they really don’t know each other AT ALL, it doesn’t make sense for him to be unsupportive.
21) Oh, you got me good, show!
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22) And what do you know? Jane is the one who messed up. Why would you tell him that “he passed a test”? I get why Rafael would be hurt, that’s not a good way to build trust with your partner and communicate.
23) I don’t know why but I’m not buying Aaron’s saint persona. I think he’s a closeted asshole who is trying to manipulate Petra. Like, that whole, “I won’t judge you” spiel he gave her right before they ate. If you won’t judge, then there was no reason to bring that stuff up right before she started eating.
24) Oh, Rafael, I really hope you’re coming clean to Petra to team up with her because if you’re really trying to blackmail her I will fucking lose my shit…
25) Ouch.
XIOMARA: My period is late.
JANE: But you're on the pill.
XIOMARA: I forgot one. Or two.
JANE: Mom…
XIOMARA: I know. I know. And I knew we should wait, but we got so caught up in the moment.
JANE: Caught up in the moment? You're not 16.
XIOMARA: It was an accident.
JANE: No. No, it wasn't. Me standing here pregnant, that's an accident. You were reckless. I mean, what's your plan? Are we gonna be pregnant together? Did you want to raise these babies like sisters?
XIOMARA: No. Look, I didn't have a plan…
JANE: Yeah, I know. Again. I'm sorry. I just thought… I don't know.I just thought that you would be more thoughtful if you thought about having another kid. Because of… Well, Me.
I get why Jane feels this way, but Xiomara is at a completely different place than she was when she got pregnant with Jane. She’s not a teenager anymore, and she’s already a mom. So whatever happens, she really doesn’t need a lecture because she’ll take care of her kid.
There’s also this underlying judgment every time motherhood comes up in a conversation between these two. Jane always makes it look as if Xiomara has been a terrible, absentee mother who did a terrible job and ruined Jane’s life by raising Jane on her own as a single mother. And… everything that I’ve seen so far proves otherwise? Xiomara is an amazing mother. She’s caring, supportive, understanding, loving, and honest. She may not be a traditional mom, and she might be a bit clueless at times, but she’s not a bad mom by any means, and the way Jane refers to her childhood and upbringing paints Xiomara in a very negative light. Jane is basically telling her that she’s going to ruin another baby’s life, and that’s kind of unfair. Like, what is so wrong and awful about being a single parent?
26) WTF
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27) Yes, Petra, that is such a bold, courageous move!
RAFAEL: I didn't release the tape. It must have been Lachlan. I would never do something like that.
PETRA: Lachlan didn't release the tape. I did.
RAFAEL: What?! But why?
PETRA: Because as long as it existed, he could hold it over my head.
28) Good, Petra and Rafael are teaming up against Lachlan. Although it’s still unclear why Rafael told her he had the tape, his motives were left unexplained and it bugs me.
29) Jane should fucking follow her own advice…
So then date Rogelio and see where it goes. But go slowly. Take it step by step.
30) See? Xiomara is a fucking great mom, okay? So Jane’d better stop mom-shaming her from now on, I’ve had it.
XIOMARA: The time you found Michael's list in the book. That night the smile on your face you were so happy. Even though you'd only known each other a year, you didn't have any questions.
JANE: But it wasn't right.
XIOMARA: That's not the point. You know what it's like to be sure.
31) Good, she finally admitted that they’re moving too fast and that marriage is not a good idea just yet.
32) Why…?
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This seems like a cheap gimmick? Why didn’t she tell her? She was about to, and then the author told her she liked a quiet massage, and she just accepted it?
33) Poor Rogelio…
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Peach just doesn’t make him pop.
34) Aww, they’re moving in together! Xiomara and Rogelio, I mean. Not Jane and Rafel, ew.
35) ….
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Like, I want Rafael and Jane not to be together because it doesn’t feel right to me, I’m not into it, but I don’t know if I want her to be with Michael either?
36) I knew it! I knew this dude wasn’t a saint!
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37) Hope you enjoyed my recap, and, as usual, if you’ve got this far, thank you for reading! If you enjoy my recaps and my blog, please consider supporting it on ko-fi.Thanks!
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ais-n · 6 years
hi ais! I just finished the icos series and I just love it so much I stayed up until the week hours reading it lol. In Fade, that scene where Emilio and Boyd have the drunken night, would you be able to elaborate a little more about that scene and the thought behind it. I find it very interesting and was just curious to hear your thoughts if you can. Thanks!
Hi! Aww I’m glad you liked it! SUPER MAJOR SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS!!!!!!!! for anyone who hasn’t read through at least midway into Fade.
I think we probably had written an answer somewhere related to this but atm I have no memory of where and I’m too lazy to look lol So I’ll just go based on memory, which I hope is ok :)
So, we had kind of joked at one point about the whole Vega sandwich thing - even at one point had planned to write a bunch of smut scenes as jokes based on what people voted for and that was top on the list (with the disclaimer that they were AU and not canon, just written as jokes), but we never ended up writing it. The very initial idea for the scene may have been joking a little bit, but we then forgot and I don’t think really went into Fade initially thinking it would happen.
However, the thing is, both Emilio and Boyd were pretty fucked up at that time in their lives, and part of the reason for both of them was Hsin. Boyd was also severely fucked up because of the Aleixo mission and all the repercussions that came from it. He was incredibly unstable and desperate to stop feeling, and as you could see in that scene, it initially manifested as him wanting to use drugs, which Emilio stopped him from doing. That angered Boyd, but it also subconsciously made him feel like he could trust Emilio more, because he wasn’t taking advantage of his vulnerability the way pretty much everyone else had done around Boyd for the past several months.
The main thing about that scene is it’s SO off for both of them for what they would normally do. It’s the sort of thing I don’t think either of them would ever do in their right minds. It should feel to readers kind of weird, like something isn’t quite right that this is happening. Maybe even bug them a little, if they think about it too much. Because the whole reason it happened was precisely because at that moment they were both basically so desperately lonely and messed up and neither of them knew how to feel better or even really alive. Well, I guess I can’t speak for Emilio on that alive part, but that’s how Boyd felt. Emilio was thinking of Zach, and Boyd was so broken from everything and losing Hsin that he truly saw Emilio as Hsin because he SO wanted Hsin to be there.
It was basically the result of two people being so fucked up by their current lives that mentally and physically, their decisions are so severely affected that they do something they never would have done in other circumstances. Essentially, it was to show how out of their minds they were driven by their pain when they both let themselves really feel it, rather than having to hide it in some form like they kept doing around other people.
I think the thing about Emilio and Boyd is they have a sort of bizarre almost-friendship going on, where you sometimes see sides of them around each other that you don’t always see when they’re around other people. I think it’s more evident in Emilio around Boyd than Boyd around Emilio, because I feel like Boyd was able to really be himself around Kassian especially, but also around Ryan and Hsin. But Emilio never really seemed to let himself acknowledge his love of Hsin, for example, around anyone much - not in a vulnerable way, anyway. But Boyd gets that Emilio loves Hsin even when Emilio won’t outright say it himself. So I think when it came to the topic of Hsin, they had this understanding about how much he meant to them, and that unspoken understanding usually worked as a background to their conversations revolving around that topic. But in this case, that unspoken understanding became a mutual descent into blacking out, and in that absence of thought they were just desperate to feel something. Emilio later references how he thought Boyd was Zach. Boyd was even more fucked up because he really thought Emilio was Hsin. So, I think Emilio was upset about Zach + Hsin stuff and he was not in a good place mentally, and Boyd was utterly destroyed by Hsin + Aleixo stuff and was very unstable.
So that’s the tl;dr: the scene, ultimately, was meant to be something that should feel a little surprising because it was a manifestation of how broken they both were inside at that time of their lives. Emilio always deals with things in a physical manner like that. Boyd was so fucked up by Aleixo things and losing Hsin that the only way he could cope with anything at that moment was also in a physical manner. Emilio was more in line with how he usually deals with things, and Boyd was very much atypical to how he usually is. Normally, Boyd doesn’t drink. Normally, he doesn’t use drugs. Normally, he wouldn’t be interested in doing anything. Normally, he tries to talk shit out with Emilio and Emilio’s like *rolls eyes* omg shut up kid. Normally, even if one of them was jacked up, the other would be of right mind to stop anything. But that time, everything was so fucked up that it ended up the way it did instead. 
That was what grief did to them.
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pinelife3 · 7 years
Ask about me. I wish you would.
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Disclaimer: I don’t know shit about shit - but I’m trying.
Feel like my blogging this year (I know we’re not very far in) has been really sub-optimal. Typically I feel like my blogs are best when I get fired up about/really interested in something - they come easier and (hopefully) are funnier and more interesting. I have been interested in lots of stuff, but I feel a lot of what I’ve read has already been well positioned and there hasn’t really been much room for me to butt my nose in and comment. Anyway, I wanna try to steel man Martin Shkreli. Feeling pretty amped about this actually.
I remember late 2015 sitting in a fish and chip shop (Colin’s Catch <3 - I never got fish and chips there, always burgers) reading some shitty article on Jezebel about Shkreli and even though it was probably not a good example of reporting I found it convincing. In 2015 he (or actually, his company, Turing Pharmaceuticals) increased the price of Daraprim 5500% from $13.50 (US, I presume because they only own the US version of the drug) to $750 per pill. Once upon a time it retailed for just $1 a pill. The way people talk about him he might as well be the devil.
From The Daily Beast:
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From Consequence of Sound:
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From Dazed:
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Hahah - from Wonkette (whatever that is):
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The New Yorker:
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The New Yorker article opens like this:
On Thursday morning, the most reviled person in America arrived on Capitol Hill for a short but memorable engagement with the most reviled institution in America. The institution was the U.S. Congress, which Americans say they hate—though not quite enough, apparently, to stop reëlecting its members. And the person was Martin Shkreli, a pharmaceutical executive who loves to play the villain, and who can’t decide whether to be amused or outraged when he is treated accordingly. Donald Trump can rightly be called polarizing, but Shkreli cannot: he seems to have precious few fans to balance out his innumerable detractors.
Okay, so I have cherry picked some of the more venomous headlines but I think it’s fair to say he’s unpopular. The mainstream media actively root against him. In December last year everyone was smugly pleased when some high school students made the active ingredient in Daraprim: like because some teenagers can bootleg one component of the drug in a high school chem lab that’s somehow valuable? They didn’t recreate the whole drug, just a key component. And in any case - the whole basis of the outrage was that this was a cheap drug that underwent an unjustified price hike. Has Shkreli ever tried to pretend there was some change of circumstances where they key component of the drug suddenly became expensive to produce? Their position has always been: we jacked up the price because we could. 
Quoth Shkreli:
To me the drug was woefully underpriced. It is not a question of ‘Is this fair?’ or ‘What did you pay for it?’ or ‘When was it invented?’ It should be more expensive in many ways.
And again:
If there was a company that was selling an Aston Martin at the price of a bicycle, and we buy that company and ask to charge Toyota prices, I don’t think that should be a crime.
It cost those high school goons $20 (assuming this is just in ingredients - not equipment, facilities, time, fancy lab coats, etc.) to create 3.7 grams of the active ingredient in Daraprim (which apparently works out to about $2 per pill… again, based purely on their ingredients). 
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^^ Cute
Shkreli has always said that profits made from the price jacking allow/ed his then-company Turing Pharmaceuticals (he resigned as CEO in 2015 after being arrested for securities fraud - is there anything this guy can’t do?) to work on research and development for cool new drugs to save lives (or make more money depending on your outlook).
Shkreli has consistently defended the move to raise the price of the drug - in late 2015 there were some vague intimations that he would lower the price, but they later backtracked on this and it was later reported that Turing would instead follow some standard procedures to make it easier for patients to access the drug. According to the NY Times:
Daraprim, which has been on the market since 1953, is the preferred treatment for toxoplasmosis, a parasitic infection that can cause severe brain damage in babies, people with AIDS and others with compromised immune systems.
According to PolitiFact:
There are only about 2,000 U.S. patients who use the drug every year. 
And if you don’t have insurance you can get it for free here. 
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Turing have held this position from way back in 2015: 
“A drug’s list price is not the primary factor in determining patient affordability and access,” Nancy Retzlaff, Turing’s chief commercial officer, said in a statement. “A reduction in Daraprim’s list price would not translate into a benefit to patients.”
The company pledged that no patient needing Daraprim would ever be denied access.
How is this dude still so hated? According to the NYT, the programs Turing is undertaking are standard for high priced drugs (because it’s not like Daraprim is unique in being expensive - 12 months’ worth of cancer treatments can cost upwards of $100,000 - Daraprim is a bargain at the low, low price of just $75,000 for 100 doses):
Such patient assistance programs are standard for companies selling extremely high-priced drugs. They enable the patients to get the drug while pushing most of the costs onto insurance companies and taxpayers. 
I feel like only villains say stuff like “it’s just business” - but, I mean, it really is? If you can make money, why shouldn’t you? One of the all time top posts on /r/depthhub is about how Bill Gates is a bad dude because he’s a ruthless businessman who tried hard to beat his competitors. That’s business, man. Why would you work with or help you competitors? All that’s gonna do is take money out of your pocket:
He viewed any successful non-Microsoft software as a threat, even if that software was for Windows. And if that software was cross-platform he viewed it as an existential threat, since it lessened people’s dependence on Microsoft.
They literally are threats? They’re competing products… how thick do you need to be not to see that? Even if something is made for Windows, if it wasn’t made by Microsoft then Microsoft sees none of the profits. Why would they be interested in that arrangement? And some of the complaints against Microsoft are violently stupid:
Apple had contracted out to a 3rd party company to do the Windows port of QuickTime, so what did MS do? They went to the same company and gave them a ton of money to develop Video For Windows, but an insanely short schedule, knowing full well that the company would essentially have to re-use a lot of the QuickTime For Windows source code to get the project done on time.
When Apple found out (their contract with the other company stated that Apple owned all the QuickTime For Windows source code), they went ballistic and sued Microsoft. Microsoft had been caught red-handed and knew that Apple had them by the balls. So MS settled. Remember when Microsoft “bailed out” Apple in the 90s by buying $150 million in Apple stock? Despite what the tech press reported, that’s not what actually happened. The $150 million in non-voting Apple stock that Microsoft bought was part of their settlement (Apple was no longer on the verge of bankruptcy by that point, and didn’t need to be bailed out). The settlement also had Microsoft agreeing to port MS Office and Internet Explorer to Macintosh.
Really sounds like the third party’s fault to me? The third party company shouldn’t have agreed to an unrealistic timeline and they certainly shouldn’t have resold Apple’s IP. It sounds like all Microsoft did was go to a third party company who had proven success in developing a video player for PC (which is sensible) and asked them to make something for them as well. Anyway: so Bill Gates is cutthroat? So Bill Gates wins? So his throne is built on the bone dust of his foes? It’s just business - why should you make concessions for businesses which can’t cut it or are trying to cut into your share? It’s not charity. And Gates knows charity - he’s donated over $28 billion dollars to improve healthcare and fight poverty, he aims to wipe out Malaria in the next generation.
It’s not even a case of ends justifying the means (like, a mafia boss who funnels the spoils of his crimes into an orphanage or something) - Gates behaved in a way which was industry standard for any big corporation and does so much good - if he let other companies survive and make money (essentially taking away from his own bottom line) is there any guarantee that those $28 billion would have made their way into charity?
Tangentally related to this - Shkreli’s capitalist declaration:
Yeah, I’m a capitalist, I’d love to make an even bigger fortune than I’ve got now. But I’m not gonna do it at the expense of a human life. We sell our drugs for a dollar to the government, but we sell our drugs for $750 a pill to Walmart, to Exxon Mobil, to all these big companies, they pay full price because fuck them, why shouldn’t they? If I take their money to do research for dying kids, I think I’m a hero, let alone evil.
Anyway (I got distracted). In an AMA Shkreli did in late 2015, the top comment is:
Hey! Doctor here and I work in India.
Now medically speaking I haven’t yet heard of why your drug’s worth $749 more than my pyrimethamine. Does it improve on the nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea? Does it have a folate sparing effect? Can it be used in pregnant women and in epileptics?
No one’s been able to tell me what your upgrade is or how it works or even if it is a cost saving upgrade.
Now here is my second problem. If your upgrade reduces the side effects of the drug, why is it much more expensive than prescribing say…. Ondansetron and a Folate infusion to counteract the more common effects. I mean even if I used multiple drugs to achieve this and say bundled pyrimethamine with ondansetron and loperamide and an antacid say pantoprazole and suggested folate level monitoring it would be cheaper.
So what makes Daraprim better than pyrimethamine and what changes and upgrades have you made to the drug to warrant the increase in price?
I find this really frustrating because at no point has Shkreli ever said that he introduced a cool new feature to justify the price increase - this dude (the Indian doctor) is just being smug and facetious but you can’t out-smug Shkreli so what’s even the point? He’s just pandering to a bunch of outraged idiots on Reddit. This dude (the Indian doctor) knows the answer to the question (Q: why? A: because he could) and is just being deliberately obtuse so he can pretend to be some kind of altruistic hero: “Oh you mean you increased the price of the drug just to make money? Unfathomable.” 
Even before Shkreli jacked the prices up, it was still much more expensive than similar products elsewhere. Before he increased the price to $750 a pill, it was sold for $13.50 a pill - in India they sell a generic version for $0.05 a pill (and I guess the Indian doctor above uses a $1 pill). So it was already (I am bad at maths but I think) 27000% more expensive than similar products available in India (does that sound right?).
When similar shit goes down the headline is “A drug company hiked the price of a lifesaving opioid overdose antidote by 500 percent” - when Martin Shkreli does anything they invoke his name in the headline (as though he as an individual were carrying out these actions from his home office) and leave Turing (or whichever other company he’s working with/for) buried in the main body somewhere. In the article linked above, the writer doesn’t actually mention the company’s name (Hospira) until the third paragraph and she doesn’t make any calls to lynch the CEO. She opens with this:
At a time when America needs these drugs most, drug companies are hiking the prices.
It’s called supply and demand, bitch. Jesus. (This person is actually seeking drama and pointless backlash, the sub-heading is: “Where’s the outrage?”) She’s an idiot:
Drug overdoses kill more people than car crashes and gun violence in America, and these overdose antidotes have never been more important. But they’re also quickly becoming more unreachable for the people whose deaths they could avert.
Yeah because junkies would totally be carrying around anti-overdose medicine in their purses were it not for the $142.49 price tag. Fuck I’m also angry because no one writing about this stuff seems to understand what a free market is. She says:
America has long taken a free market approach to pharmaceuticals. Drug companies haggle separately over drug prices with a variety of private insurers across the country. Meanwhile, Medicare, the government health program for those over 65, which is also the nation’s largest buyer of drugs, is actually barred from negotiating drug prices.
In no way does this describe a free market. Sure, it’s more lax than England’s system but it’s still heavily regulated and therefore != free market. This is from a post about Shkreli but still applies:
They’re saying that the price hike is such a good example of how the “free market” is pure evil and “just doesn’t work”… well as per usual, those people just don’t see the big picture and have deeply misunderstood the parts they do see.
First of all, the pharmaceutical industry is not a free market by any stretch of the imagination. A free market would be almost a perfectly contestable market. A perfectly contestable market (aka a “free market”) has three main traits… no barriers to entry, no sunk costs, and universal access to the same technology for new firms as well as existing firms. The pharmaceutical industry is actually a perfect example of the EXACT OPPOSITE of a contestable market.
And all of those barriers to entry, sunk costs, and disparities in the level of technology among firms exist because of the actions of government regulators.
The idiot writer of the Vox article on opiate overdose antidotes concludes:
Unlike EpiPen, though, the naloxone price increases haven’t garnered much attention or outrage, maybe because of the stigma that comes with opioid addiction.
In the face of an out-of-control opioid epidemic, the outrage better come soon.
I am so not buying her point about this not being a scandal because no one cares about opioid addiction. People care. Throughout most of the press on Daraprim/Shkreli people have highlighted the fact that it is used by AIDS sufferers to try to signpost how much of a dick Shkreli is. Is AIDS not at all stigmatised? It was until recently. A couple of decades ago it was headline news when Princess Diana shook the hand of an AIDS patient without gloves.
Really, the hysterical, shitty and reactive reporting on this has probably caused much more drama and stress for patients taking Daraprim than the price hike itself. 
Every other pharma boss in the world has made themselves inaccessible and opaque to the public - Shkreli is surely kind of unique in participating in unfiltered interactions with the public. People are more likely to recognise his name than name of his company/ies or the drug itself. That’s kind of an achievement, right? His email (which he shares openly) is [email protected]. He live streams all the time:
In the video above he’s talking about a website he made called Pharma Skeletons dot com (which is what got me interested in him in the first place) where he basically tears apart the lobbying group PhRMA after they tried to scapegoat Shkreli/distance themselves from him as though he were an aberration in the pharma industry. According to Business Insider:
On Monday, the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, (PhRMA) kicked off a multi-year ad campaign to try and shift the criticism the industry’s been getting on drug pricing onto a more positive topic. In a press briefing, PhRMA president Steve Ubl described the campaign as “Less hoodie, more lab coats,” an apparent jab at Martin Shkreli, who wore a hoodie while he was arrested for securities fraud in December 2015 and on stage at a conference earlier that same month. 
Shkreli was obviously savvy to PhRMA’s dig and didn’t care for it so he put together Pharma Skeletons to outline how member companies of PhRMA have acted similarly to Turing/Shkreli:
Don’t you dare point your finger at me for the pharmaceutical industry’s troubles. It turns out we’ve all made some unpopular moves.  
I’m so into it. This website is really simple - hardly any CSS, no images or videos. Just a list detailing these pharma companies’ indiscretions with links to sources. The tone is really fun as well:
Mallinckrodt / Questcor
Really? Acthar’s 65,000% price increase represents your values but Turing doesn’t?
Gosh, I’m so upset my portfolio companies aren’t a part of your trade group.
I sued & whistleblew this company after they bought the only competitor to their only drug in order to stop my competition from their high price.
Tax avoider? Check. Ireland.
Bro. These guys invented price increases. I literally learned it from them.
Ovation. I can sell & start a new company, too.
I feel pretty convinced that what he did was industry standard. But I really don’t want my argument to just be ‘Shkreli’s no worse than the other guys in big pharma so it’s not fair to criticise him’ because I want to believe that he’s better/special/different somehow. He seems weird and funny and interesting. Everyone wants to hit him in the face. He’s the smartest guy in most rooms he’s in. 
Dumb justifications I’m thinking of:
Maybe he’s a bad dude, but at least you’ve heard of him. For a layperson (hi) he must be the most famous person in pharmaceuticals. Not saying notoriety is cool or in any way mitigates shitty behaviour, but I feel like he’s at least copping to it and is cognizant of what he’s doing and how he’s perceived - probably the CEO of every pharma company is as villainous as Shkreli, but they act like they’re not which gives Shkreli some kind of high ground
He doesn’t seem interested in or at all concerned with PR/PC bullshit
Did Shkreli perhaps inadvertently draw mainstream attention to serious issues within the US pharmaceutical/FDA/insurance/whatever else system? Everyone knows about these problems now. I certainly wouldn’t have cared were the articles not accompanied by pictures of a dude with such a punchable face. Possible downside: Shkreli as an individual is reviled, companies still seem to get away with it
All the pharmaceutical big dogs hate him - not because he jacked up the price of an old, cheap drug (they all do that) but because he drew attention to them and made their shitty behaviour more visible
(Do you think Shkreli gets laid more or less since all this went down?)
The faux hysteria over his ‘harassment’ of a Teen Vogue writer (who wrote this anti-Trump article in December which became really popular because who doesn’t go to Teen Vogue for quality journalism?) really pissed me off. He was mocking her by pretending to be obsessed with her because hot girls are lame and assume everyone is in love with them when really everyone hates them. I thought it was pretty funny
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^^ Shkreli decorated his Twitter with pics of the journalist and Photoshopped himself into a picture of her and her husband 
Sidebar about that Teen Vogue Trump article (”Trump is Gaslighting America”) in which she argues that umm Trump is gaslighting Americans… which I find annoying because she’s basically taking away half the country’s agency - like, they know not what they do:
Trump took advantage of the things that divide this country, pitting us against one another, while lying his way to the Oval Office. Yes, everything is painfully clear in hindsight, but let’s make sure Trump’s win was the Lasik eye surgery we all so desperately needed.
The article is basically a plea for the truth. She suggests:
Inform yourself what outlets are trustworthy and which aren’t.
Hmmm. Teen Vogue. I want to cyber bully her too. I mean. Hmmm. 
I feel like in my eagerness to be contrary I get myself into these positions where I’m trying to defend the indefensible. I think Shkreli’s more nuanced, interesting and well meaning than the press give him credit for. Professionally, he’s obviously made some reckless choices and remains self-righteous and smug (hard to tell if he’s always smirking or if that’s just his face). The things he’s done which seem greedy and unreasonable are normal in his industry so if he’s no worse than his peers he’s just a normal dude (I don’t really feel convinced by that). Still, I think he seems cool. He’s entertaining anyway.
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nightcoremoon · 5 years
the harmful misogynist hypocritical movement called "pro life" seems pretty cut and dry on the surface. they say abortion is murder and women shouldn't be able to do them. counter argument is it's the woman's body and as such the woman's choice, and that women should always be able to have access to a safe medical procedure, especially if you consider that most abortions are done on dead fetuses or fetuses with issues that will end up killing the mother. I'm gonna be using some pretty cisnormative language here and piss off pro-lifers and a lot of catholics, so here's the disclaimers. I'm trans and I'm saying women and mother because it takes less time to say that than "cis dfab and trans dmab people" and "uterus-owning fetus gestation host", I was pro-life a couple years ago, and fuck the world's biggest cult called catholicism. with that out of the way, let's proceed.
I don't think it's quite as simple as "abortion is murder". clearly it's not. factually speaking, a lot of abortions are done within the first few weeks before the zygote could conceivably be even remotely resembling human, let alone live if separated from the mother. a lot of them are also done when the fetus dies prepartum. this spares the mother the pain and trauma the pain of childbirth to a baby that's already dead, and may even save their lives, and it will certainly spare them the costs of hospitalized childbirth which costs a lot of money. there are cases in which the fetus could conceivably survive out of the womb and its birth wouldn't endanger the mother any more than childbirth usually does, but those cases aren't any less justified because let's look at the reasons why women might get abortions.
(trigger warning: rape mention ahead.)
but first let's look at why transgender people with uteri specifically would get them. gender dysphoria, in addition to the nine months of hormonal hell pregnant people go through, would be like... double hell. passing purposes for trans people who cannot let people around them know they're trans (usually for work and things like that) are also of importance as if you see a pregnant man that challenges the social norms instilled in most of society and because of misogyny and transphobia might alter the way you communicate with that person on an even larger scale degree than just everyday misogyny that alters people's interactions with pregnant cis women versus non pregnant cis women.
anyway, there are other reasons that affect both cis women and dfab trans people. there is rape, of course. sad as it is, it's a common fact of our society. people with vaginas frequently get raped; 1 in 6 I'm pretty sure is the statistic. and rapists aren't usually known for condom usage. also pedophilia which constitutes rape. many children become pregnant from rape and anyone with an ounce of compassion and logic knows it's wrong to force a literal child to carry a baby to term. there are also abusive cases in which pregnancy in unhealthy relationships can occur, and some women may get abortions for their own safety. also, specifically in china, there are women who will get abortions to comply with the child limit laws, or to abort female fetuses to avoid their husbands either killing or abandoning them because that shit happens a lot and it's fucking toxic masculinity "I need a son to carry on my legacy and not a weak woman that won't" misogynist bullshit. and there are women with careers who literally don't have time to be parents as well, and if they do then they have to balance commitment to their work and their baby and that's unfair to both the parent and child, and they're forced to make this concession because god forbid the father steps up and parents the child he helped fucking make; the world won't easily let women have children and careers because "a woman's place is at home with the family in the kitchen making dinner" tradwife bullshit.
all of those are bad things but I'm not gonna be discussing them in this post.
everything up until now has been based on facts and evident social trends. from here on out it's all speculation.
I think the pro life movement is so much more insidious than just misogyny. sure, that's there. some people feel that women only exist to get pregnant and give birth to predominantly sons because they're degenerate redneck filth who hate females. however, analyzing everything else that's part of it, it feels a whole lot worse. let's run through every point I've made so far:
bodily autonomy
medical safety
preventing death
gender dysphoria
rape victims
pedophilia victims
abusive relationships
chinese women's safety
women's career importance
now, that paints an interesting picture. it's all rights and safety for women, minorities, and victims of sex crime. somehow that's just not enough to sway people from thinking "maybe there are good reasons for abortion and we're being assholes screaming at and physically assaulting and killing people who take part". somehow they're still parroting "abortion is murder" like they don't think for themselves.
they don't care about women having rights to a career or bodily autonomy, especially sexual, regardless of their age, even if it includes their very life... & they don't care about trans people.
and that shit invaded the weirdest spaces. fanfiction dot net circa the late 2000s was chock full of girls with profile descriptions with anti abortion copypasta. but why? how on earth did that get into a community predominantly composed of young impressionable teenage girls? ...oh wait a minute.
let's also take into account the juxtaposition of slut shaming, sexual objectification, a total lack of male willingness to use condoms, and rape, as well as everything in that bulleted list.
it really feels to me like pro lifers desire to live in a world where babies born with vaginas solely exist to become sexual objects the moment they become sexually appealing (which can be at any age honestly from a pedophile's POV), but not because they desire to (since they'll be labeled sluts) but because a man desires to fulfill his sexual desires (double standard), whether she wants him to or not, and when she gets pregnant she's locked into a relationship no matter how old she is (like the hundreds of pentecostal forced marriages at 11 years old, for example) and no matter whether it's healthy as long as the Man™ gets his son and his hot dinner at 5pm like it's fucking 1953 (because god forbid the woman be the breadwinner or even leave the house to do anything but shop for groceries, let alone vote, amirite), and if she dies during childbirth, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ oh well, the heartbroken man suffering from Manpain™ will just pick up another lady off the street at half his age who will cure his broken heart with her vagina and replace the last one, since women are apparently inherently replaceable; and if a wife gives birth to a daughter, hey, she'll be a carnation, pure and sweet until she becomes sexually appealing and starts the process all over again. also everybody is cis and straight. and also white, neurotypical, able bodied, rich from hard work and daddy's money, oh yeah and christian, but not the protestant heathens, I mean the catholics who are the only ones who won't go to hell. everything exists to serve the man.
okay wow so it's not just basic misogyny. it's the systematic patriarchal eurocentric values.
the pro life movement is just a small subset of all of the other things wrong with the world.
"but sheena you can't say that pro lifers are all misogynist, transphobic, racist, queerphobic, ableist, classist, rife with religious intolerance, anti feminist, and otherwise harmful in other ways! it's an stereotypical overgeneralization!"
show me one fucking pro lifer who isn't at least half of those. show me one. I only wanna see one. I just wanna see one pro lifer who isn't bigoted towards any demographic of people. prove me wrong and show me ONE. please.
you can't. they're all mouth breathers incapable of singular conscious thought outside of a hive mind of facebook memes and post-evangelical moral superiority and smug condescension and an obsession with the 1950s. they're physically incapable of individualism, intelligent thought, and basic empathy skills. I know this because I WAS ONE OF THEM. THAT'S HOW THEY ARE.
there may be some deviations here and there but we all know the dangers of "#not all _____".
so fuck the pro life movement and fuck you if you're pro life. you're pro death penalty and pro military and pro cops and pro letting homeless people starve and pro letting people die from preventable causes because of lack of access to healthcare and pro letting women die from childbirth because ~abortion is bad~.
you're not pro life.
you're just anti choice.
and anti woman.
(and anti trans because you all use exclusively cisnormative language to the point that I used it while speaking on the subject).
so go ahead and send more money to trump to save unborn babies. he'll spend that money on bombing the middle east and building a racism wall.
you care more about white fetuses than about brown skinned people in general including their babies. your ignorant hatred is transparent.
because you're not pro life.
above all else,
if anything,
you're fucking pro death.
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edmondmoller · 7 years
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[Chorus] Don’t tell a lie on me I won’t tell the truth ’bout you Don’t tell a lie on me I won’t tell the truth ’bout you [Verse 1] 30 millions later, my future favors The legendary status of a hip-hop rhyme savior Travel round the atlas in this spaceship candy-coated My day shift’s been devoted to fuckin’ up bundles of paper Pie equals 3.14 The devil’s pie is big enough to justify the whole thing Wait up Lampin’ in Jamaica, the cloud’s turnin’, my thought’s turnin’ Burnin’ castor oil, I been determined to make an earnin’ This seed in this soil is classified I’m satisfied when I strategize my kid’s future I ain’t sanctified enough to say that I won’t shoot ya I done vandalized the industry for a circuit The earthiest slash thirstiest nigga you know versus this Scum of a land that transcends two surfaces The richer the poorer, the bigger the picture The more blood pours, but… [Chorus] Don’t tell a lie on me I won’t tell the truth ’bout you Don’t tell a lie on me I won’t tell the truth ’bout you [Verse 2] My fans can’t wait for me to son ya punk ass and crush your whole lil shit I’ll Big Pun ya punk ass, you a scared little bitch Tiptoein’ around my name, nigga ya lame And when I get at you homie don’t you just tell me you was just playin’ Oh I was just playin’ with you K-Dot, c’mon You know a nigga rock with you, bro Shut the fuck up, you sound like the last nigga I know Might end up like the last nigga I know Oh you don’t wanna clash? Nigga, I know I put my foot on the gas, head on the floor Hoppin’ out before the vehicle crash, I’m on a roll Yellin’, “1, 2, 3, 4, 5 I am the greatest rapper alive” So damn great motherfucker I’ve died What you hearin’ now is a paranormal vibe House on the hill, house on the beach nigga (facts) A condo in Compton, I’m still in reach nigga (facts) I’m fresh out the water I’m ’bout to breach nigga The five foot giant woke up out of his sleep nigga Oh yeah, oh yeah, more cars, more leers More bars, no peers, no scars, no fear, fuck y’all, sincere I heard the whispers, I curved the whispers, you know what the risk is Earth indigenous, ya body reverting to stiffness The whole world goin’ mad Bodies is adding up, market’s about to crash Niggas is fake rich, bitches is fake bad Blacks that act white, Whites that do the dab Donald Trump is a chump, know how we feel, punk Tell ’em that God comin’ And Russia need a replay button, y’all up to somethin’ Electorial votes look like memorial votes But America’s truth ain’t ignorin’ the votes It’s blasphemy, how many gon’ blast for me? I prophesied on my last song, you laughed at me Oh when the shit get brackin’, don’t you ask for me How many leaders gon’ tell you the truth after me? G Malone big bro, kudos to him I was 2 Os from an M, tryna be big as Em 30 millions later my future favors The legendary status of a hip-hop rhyme savior Salmon and capers, fame and lawsuits You looking at me in Chucks, I’m looking at y’all suits Me and Top Dawg playing rock, papers, scissors in court And real hustler lose money just to go get some more I said it’s like that, drop one classic, came right back ‘Nother classic, right back My next album, the whole industry on the ice pack With TOC You see the flames and my E-Y-E’s It’s not a game and the whole world is going mad, daddy It’s sad, daddy My only advice? Go and get you a bag daddy Ibaka, own child tryin’ portray a boxer Beatin’ up on my niggas while the COs watch ’em Tables turn, lesson learned, my best look You jumped sides on me, now you ’bout to meet Westbrook Go celebrate with your team and let victory vouch you Just know the next game played, I might slap the shit out you Technical foul, I’m flagrant, I’m fouled They throwin’ me out, you throwin’ the towel Look at the crowd, they (nah, I don’t like that) Look at my smile, I’m smirking Calm but urgent (that ain’t the style, fuck) So many verses, you live in denial (fuck) So many verses, I never run out, what? You making him nervous, the music is loud Hoe Jay Z, hall of fame, sit your punk ass down (sit yo’ punk ass down) So that means you ain’t bigger than rapping (what else?) So that means no more playing the backseats (what else?) My spot is solidified if you ask me (what else?) My name is identified as “that king” I let you worry about a list, I’m on some other shit A difference between accomplishments and astonishments You know what time it is, ante up, this is in forever Y’all got till April the 7th to get ya’ll shit together[Outro] Lets get it! Look look, on foenem
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