#i was going to use finals as an excuse but we all know im on vacation
atomiclace · 2 months
who knew that some agere people would be the worst type of people to exist (talking about you spinny)
#dont get your toddler army to do your anon hate and unblock me on discord if u want to talk#ik you act like a baby and thats fine but if youre bold enough to try to get me paranoid (and fail) then u should be bold enough to dm me#yknow without hiding yourself#either do that or leave us alone girl!! move on#like why do you preach about moving on to a new era and then actively seek out trouble ????#get a job or something#trying to make me think my bf is cheating on me is such a weird thing to do and a big low for you spinny. it's actually sad#the worst part youre not even good at doing it. youre making shit up from what you THINK you know & hiding behind ur friend#its okay to fall out of friendships and im not even trying to meddle with your life but you are literally actively seeking out problems#and thats so pathetic. especially when you paint yourself all high and might over us ??? clearly we tried everything for you#until we got to a point where we were literally drowning because we have other shit in our lives too#you keep losing friends and complain about it. maybe consider why??? because of lack of communication and empathy!! youre just mean!#especially to those who've always tried so hard to have your back and defend you! (buka and me!!!)#yet you didnt care. you dont communicate and expect us to read minds & you demand things#and u say that a real friend should know when to reach out & ya but when it gets to a point where i feel like im drowning? no thanks#im prioritizing myself and my mental health im sorry#not to mention i was ALWAYS IN THE MIDDLE IN YOUR BULLSHIT#so grow up. actually. and if you wanna dm me then unblock me and we can talk#if you want to keep hiding behind your toddler friends acting like youre all small and sweet and babies then go ahead but leave us alone?#at least ill have closure and finally come to terms that you're not rlly a good person and u use your illnesses to excuse ur behavior#because i still think about you and wish you were our friend but after everything thats happened (this being the cherry on top for ME)#then maybe you really just are a shitty person and you do more harm than good#soz to everyone else reading this just continue scrolling LOL#its drama cus an ex friend is sending their toddler militia on me for some reason???#delete later
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bunnyb34r · 3 months
Knock on wood, but I think this has been one of the most peaceful and pleasant birthdays I've had
Too hot to go to the outlet mall like usual and I don't feel like going anywhere really so we're just chilling at home and I gotta be honest, it's pretty great
#marquilla#ill take a tacky 20s pic later this week bc im not feeling like getting up really but yeah it's nice#it's like i think my 23rd? bday whichever one was the one where we went to the creek and explored under the bridge for a while#that was really nice we took a really nice selfie together and it was just genuinely such a nice time really relaxing no expectations no#fuss just hanging out in the creek looking for little fishies or these tiny shells (some kind of mussel i think)#anyways usually we go somewhere but im just not feeling it this time#Friday we went to steak and shake to finally celebrate moms bday meal (neither of us felt like going out day off and s&s is in the opposite#direction of where we usually go out so it's like either a 'we're soley going for food' or 'we're going for food and shopping out there'#treat. we used to go all the time when there was one closer by us but it shut down :( still sad ab that im ngl it's now some shitty chicken#place that is so narsty :(( i only know bc we had it catered at work once ... someone exploded theirs reheating it in the microwave#which was really funny bc it was only in for 90 sec and it was apparently 60 too much#anyway we went there and the grocery store over there thats pricey for ice cream and cake mix (and we got wine coolers and some baked goods)#and we went to a local store that sells like home decor and garden stuff? lots of seasonal stuff#i always take my wheelchair there bc it's a huge warehouse type place but we got more garden decorations we dont need#and mom picked up some fake flowers for stuff she needed and i got some ugly clothes that were like $3#gddgdgdg oh and we got our cat a cat couch (a chaise to be exact) that we went halfsies on with the excuse that it's my cats bday today as#well as mine bc thats when we adopted her and shes 17 ❤ my little old lady#anyway anyways we did that friday then Saturday we tie dyed which was a lot of fun and today we're just chilling 🥰
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glad to see absolutely nothing has changed about diabetes diagnoses in ER departments! (<- so sarcastic it could sweeten a coffee)
#when i got diagnosed at 17yo i was in emerg all weekend bc i kept going and they didn't know what to do so i was there for ages#and they'd just keep sending me home with no insulin and being like 'are you diabetic' like my dude that's what im asking you.#anyways. now my roommate is here for the same reason#and i'm here trying to advocate for him and insisting on giving him some fkng insulin#and we just waited in a chair for 4 hours#every single nurse who walked by avoided eye contact deliberately#and when i tried to go up and say hi or excuse me they would say im busy and keep walking#i finally found our original doctor at a computer and she told us the endocrinologist won't be here until 7am#(it's 2am now and we've been here since 9pm)#and absolutely no one told us this!#and there's a nurse here who is so mean and every time i ask if we can have a bed#not demanding. im very politely asking bc no one has told us shit#and she keeps being like there are 130 people here. no we don't have a bed.#like thanks! i was literally just asking#also he's a person not a fucking number#it's so frustrating. [my regional area] ER experiences continue to be fucking horrid#and i can't believe ER nurses aren't trained in basic diabetes diagnosis. still#what the fuck#you don't need an endocrinologist to look at an A1C.#abysmal#and i know if i wasn't here they wouldn't even be listening to him bc he's bigger so i can TELL they want to chalk up his symptoms to his-#-weight#and every time i sit there and go THESE ARE THE EXACT SYMPTOMS I HAD#and then they listen lol#why aren't they trained in this shit im so mad#make medical schooling free rn or else#txt#sorry for the absolute wall of tags lmfaooo
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biillys · 2 years
ehhhh how bout a very vaguely supernatural meets ghost fiIes inspired au
neil being raised in hunting and bringing his wife into it and then his newborn son. his wife leaving eventually, becos she couldn't handle it anymore, and she desperately wanted to take her baby boy with her, but he already knew too much, and she couldn't protect him like neil could. she also couldn't protect him from neil, but there were bigger monsters than humans, and after one too many close calls, she leaves.
billy's left in neil's supernatural capable hands.
life on the road with his dad is rough, jumping around from place to place, never being somewhere long enough to call home, no extended family or old family friends to stay at for long hot summers. just him and his dad, his dads hot and cold temper, and the open road. that's all billy knows.
then one day, they're on a hunt, and there's a freshly divorced mother and her hotheaded stubborn daughter, and billy watches as his dad continues to charm them even after they've eradicated the simple ghost, watches as the mum falls for every word and practiced smile, and suddenly it's the four of them on the road.
susan seems weak, looks awkward with a gun in her hands, still jumps at the slightest bump when they're clearing out a house, but neil's patient with her, repeats the steps on how to fire and clean the gun day after day, holds her fucking hand whenever he notices her tensing up, and billy wants to scream.
neil locked billy in the shed of the place they were renting when he was six becos he fumbled the gun. fucking belted him that one time in texas when he accidentally let a monster get away becos he was scared, like billy actively let the fucking thing get away for fun and not becos he was frozen paralysed, listening to it rattle of things that billy knew he'd never said out loud.
his dad never told him it could get into your head.
max is better about it, but still a fucking pain. at least she doesn't seem to be a baby about everything. if billy's being honest, max has handled the transition from normal suburban life to life on the road and hunting monsters like a champ. too bad neil's basically placed her entire wellbeing and care into billy's hands, and the rope billy's felt around his neck his entire life's went from snug to fucking choking.
life goes on though, and eventually billy's old enough to buy his own car, do his own hunts. max rides with him more often than not, mostly out of habit, but also becos she'd pick being stuck with her asshole older step-brother for weeks at a time over spending even just an hour in close quarters with her piece of shit step-dad.
turns out, life on the road with just billy is good. he's like a completely different person when he can breathe without his dad taking up all the air. he's even fun on occasion. actually talks her through what they're hunting, why they're hunting it, lets her actually help.
(she accidentally tripped on a tree root one time on a hunt with the family when she was younger, and one sprained wrist later, she was banned from coming on anymore. she tried to argue it was a simple tree root, and that billy slipped a disc in his spine getting thrown against a brick wall just last month, but neil put his foot down. said susan was worried, and if susan was worried, neil was worried. billy was a big boy, he could walk it off. max was delicate, she had to be kept safe. billy wouldn't even look at her for at least a week after that fight.)
the time between seeing their parents slowly grows longer and longer between each trip the longer they're away. it started off with just a few days off on a side hunt before reuniting within the week, but then the few-days-hunts turned into few-weeks-hunts, and suddenly it felt like they were only seeing their parents for special occasions.
but the longer they were away, the lighter they became. the first time max hears billy refer to her as his sister, no tone, no stressed step sister, just sister, she does a double take. doesn't dare bring it up 'til they get back to the motel they were crashing at. billy rolls his eyes, bitches about not needing to give some fucking random his entire life story.
they bond over hating neil and hating susan's life choices, get competitive over who can figure out the monster of the week first, and turn the other way when one ~accidentally lets a monster get away.
(the first time billy let a monster get away on purpose, he waited up all night, expecting his dad to burst into the room and knock some sense into him. accuse him of being just as monstrous, just another fucking killer, reckless, letting them get away like that. his dad was 6 states away and deep into a hunt of his own, but billy had second guessed his choice since the second he walked away earlier that evening, refreshing the local news site constantly waiting for another body to drop, to prove the voice in his head that sounded exactly like neil right, that he was a failure of a hunter, falling for the sob story and bullshit the monster spilled and pleaded and promised with on what should have been it's last moments.)
(billy knows real monsters though, and despite what his mother said to him in the last memory he has of her, humans were always worse. most things neil taught billy to hunt were harmless. he's trying so fucking hard to teach this to max. to make sure innocent blood never drips from her hands the way it does his.)
anyway: to the ghost fiIes part of this. i think it would be FUN if, in a big Fuck You And Everything You Stand For to his dad, that one time on a hunt, billy's having a casual joyful yelling match with a ghost, and max whips out her phone and records, uploads it to her insta, and one or two people watch.
then one time, theyre trying to get a demon to fuck off, and billy's trying to fucking sales pitch hell to them, like billy's ever even been there, and max whips out her phone again. a few more people watch.
slowly max builds a following. is always careful to frame every video in such a way that monsters stay the stuff of legends, but make it realistic enough that if you know - you know. starts to gradually add herself to this mix. soon, her and billy are going into legitimately haunted houses just to chat to ghosts, record the whole thing, and chuck the best moments up on youtube.
the first time neil sees a clip, sees his son terrorising a ghost - but not in a hunt-to-kill sort of way, but just for jokes, for a laugh sort of way - he drives for three days straight to sort him out in person. gets him up and crowded against the paper thin wall, asking if he thinks it's funny, what ghosts are capable of doing, if he thinks it's a joke, all those people they were too late to save. if he thinks his mother left him, all over a laugh. billy wishes he didn't buckle under the weight, wishes his voice didn't shake when he answered, but he caught max's eye over his dad's shoulder, and she had a gun in one hand, and her knife in the other, and billy's seen her look at poltergeists that have threatened her life more kindly than the way she's looking at neil in the moment. billy gathers what little strength he can pull, juts his chin out and glares as dirty as possible. finds his voice and kicks his dad out of the motel room, managing to shake his dad off in the split second of shock neil has over billy not instantly caving. max echoing billy's demands, telling neil to get the fuck out. to go protect her mother, since he trapped her into a life she'll never be able to survive on her own, and to keep her safe, and to stay the fuck out of theirs.
basically BASICALLY i'm watching ghost fiIes and i just think billy and max in a supernatural world but like, in a fun way, would be GOOD SHIT. and i want billy to still be lowkey scared of ghosts and demons becos he has seen the havoc they can create first hand, the families they can destroy in just a heartbeat, so he's always a little tense attending a haunting, but he goes in every time, becos its all he's ever done, becos max told him on a bad night once that she thought he was brave, and he talks (and yells and screams and mocks and, occasionally, cries) to them and slowly he starts to find himself and get his life together, helping all these fucking trapped and usually scared and also so so so angry ghosts. helps them to the best of his ability. listens to them when they wail. talks to them when they cry. he starts to heal.
max grows, too, having watched something invisible, with no physical form whatsoever, tear her father to shreds, just weeks after the divorce, to driving around the country with her brother, spending nights in houses so haunted it would scare a priest, adjusting to loving her mother from a distance, cos she'll never understand why she fell for the shit neil was offering, why she stuck around, gripping his hand tight, that first time neil lost his shit at billy in front of them. why she continued to hold his hand, going as far as to look the other way, the first time neil laid into her for not getting detailed enough research for a case, blaming her for his broken ribs and her mother's dislocated shoulder. billy silently offering her an ice pack that night in the darkness, wordlessly passing over some pills and a glass of water.
billy made a point to look over her research from then on out, just in case.
max thinks her life could've turned out a whole lot better if her dad never died, if neil and billy never entered it. but she's pretty sure that out of every option she could've had, that the way it is now, her and billy making some silly youtube show, confronting their own nightmares night after night, saving monsters, hunting things, this is the best option.
OKAY literally none of this captured my original thought of billy and max just fucking around in haunted houses and annoying the dead.
max knowing shits real but billy would swear with the way she acts and talks that she thinks it's all horseshit. billy wouldn't even call her brave, she genuinely just doesn't seem to give a fuck. she's got a fuck with Me attitude and billy gets it, okay, if he were already dead, be wouldn't try anything on her either, imagine dying once by falling down an elevator shaft then getting fucking slayed again by a seventeen yr old who failed her learners permit, not once, but twice. billy'd back the fuck off, too.
billy being a lil scared in a extremely fucking haunted houses, knowing full well that demons were real and they were here, in this very room, and max telling him to shut the fuck up whilst pushing him into the portal, aka the closet, and telling him to turn his light off and talk to it. billy, bitching under his breath, you talk to it, but still standing there, light off, stupid little camera on, opening a line of communication. his usual tactic for getting through the night being to raise absolute hell. if he's gonna chill with demons, the dead, and inter-dimensional freaks all night, he was gonna make sure they were just as fucked up about him as he was them.
feel like this STILL doesn't capture what i was originally going for but anyway if u watch ghost fiIes you Know. thank you for reading if you've made it this far also sincerest apologies for whatever the fuck this is
#i do NOT know.#i just think ghost fiIes is fun and itd be funner if we ever found out that they DID have a full on encounter#they just decided not to air it to KeEp iT LiGhT etc#and also i just think that spinning the wheel on what backstory of childhood trauma we can bend to shape around billy and max is Necessary#billy hating his father but also. its his dad. and he had an isolated childhood that kept him relient. so he hates his dad but his dad#really is all he's ever known. hard to hate somewhere with the full feeling when you don't really know any different#someone*#he resents his mother. mainly for leaving. for using the excuse that it wasnt safe for her to stay but it wasnt safe for him to go.#resents her for trying to convince him that neil wasnt the scariest thing in the world. that there was more to fear.#when he KNOWS that thats not true. it took him a while to see it. took a hellva lot of growing up and wising uo#wising up*#but eventually he finally fucking got what his mum was trying to say. and realised she was fucking wrong.#MAX being just as fucked up about everything as billy is except shes better at processing it. doesnt have an entire childhood to drag#her down and fuck her up. alls she knows is that her parents got divorced. the custody battle got messy. then suddenly her dad was dead#blood everywhere and her mum was a wreck and terrified.#then suddenly the world got a whole lot bigger yet shrunk down to just one car and four passengers#and life was never the same again#(she was never as brave as billy thought she was. she just never got to experience the horrors he had. never been walked away from#a sprained wrist here and a cut to the cheek there. some nasty bruises every other week. but she was never in any real danger.#im too tired now and none of this is what im trying to say ugh Anyway. stream ghost fiIes. stan billy & max. thanku#m#nqff#text
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parasolids · 1 month
i am having a genuine core memory type of bad day today like serious SERIOUS things are going down and i missed a flight because genuine life changing events are happening and got put on standby for another which got delayed multiple times til i would’ve missed my connecting flight home and anyways it was overbooked so i didn’t make it on, and then now five hours after they left me at the airport im finally heading home and i was like “well at least i can eat the fries i bought that i didn’t get to eat yesterday” but my useless cousin who has not only been completely useless through this weeks long ordeal but has also been making things worse stepped in and ate the whole giant box of fries cause he “thought we were leaving” even though my mom clearly left half her stuff behind at the house and told him we did not make our flight so she was going to stay in town and try and get me home and also this whole situation (except for the fries) is straight up my fault cause i didn’t wanna get out of bed for 20 minutes when we woke up and like normally this would be fine especially since i went to bed at 2 am packing suitcases and then had to wake up at 7 and also slept super poorly anyways but i still have no self discipline and everything has gone wrong because of that
#i should be freshly showered and in bed right now having a good cry#i’m genuinely seething at my cousin btw we keep asking him to do the most basic things and he makes some excuse#and then it turns out to be a lie#like my cousin is stronger/bigger than i am so my mom wanted his help w the suitcases#and we went out for one last dinner last night but he kept telling my mom he wanted to go home and sleep bc his job starts early#and getting irritated at her when she tried to take two minutes to finish eating#anyways we went home early and he did not go to bed. we could hear him gaming and yelling at the computer til we went to bed at 2 am#and his job starts at 3 am so he can’t have actually been worried about sleeping#oh he also just didn’t go to work and this is like a repeated occurrence#and he didn’t bother seeing us off to the airport or wake up til like 11#when i called him saying we needed him to bring my passport and it was an emergency#idk this all seems like super trivial but my mom is straight up handling a tragedy alone#i won’t deny that i haven’t really been useful but i’ve been coming along everywhere on top of remote working from here#meanwhile he’s kinda just been at home gaming and not leaving his room#i can kind of excuse his brother who’s also been at home but he’s also like super obviously been prepping for a super rough final and idk#ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. can you at least have some decency and like#try not to pile more work on my mother who is dealing with one of the worst things that can happen to her#and try to use your parents not being around as an excuse to run around town with your friends#while lying to my mom and saying you need to sleep or work or yeah you’ll be straight home (you’re going for lunch with your buds)#i mentioned something about how i’ve spent time with him instead of my friends when he’s visiting us and he was like ‘you have friends?’#i don’t know man i can’t cry in bed i can’t sleep cause they keep the house cold#basic functioning is making me miserable with the brain issues i don’t know what to do#cause if i go home im going to be in the exact same situation just#with a better bathroom and a guitar and feeling useless and sad because i can’t help#anyways i need to text my boss to let her know no shot i can make it tomorrow#which feels awful cause i was supposed to get back A WEEK AGO i had to extend i hate it here i hate it here i hate it here
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celestialmancer · 5 months
💢 //
#having to put up an argument w parents just to be allowed more freedom bc of them being overly sheltering & restrictive of where i go is.#its so exhausting that i literally am not allowed to go anywhere w/o them hovering over me or so on#not even allowed to go for walks solo in my own apartment complex at any time of day because they’re THAT overly sheltering#legit if i wanna go for a walk i HAVE to go w one of my own parents yet sometimes i LITERALLY WANNA GET A W A Y FROM THEM#WHICH IS THE POINT OF THE WALK. GET AWAY FROM THEM & THE HOUSE & YET. THEY FORCE ME TO HAVE TO WALK W ONE OF EM. or worse both.#im glad that the circumstances left it to where they HAVE no choice & HAVE to let me go w whatever is ‘more favorable’ for them except it#isnt favorable at all for em its just ‘which freedom would we rather allow you to have’#but neither option is one they wanna give me i can tell. just a matter of which they let me have.#imagine constantly anytime you wanna go out w/o em somewhere your parents whip out a whole ass talk abt how there’s robberies/crime/danger#& how its too dangerous to go out & do x or y thing#i literally cant even go walk in my own neighborhood w/o that kinda immediate commentary or them bringing up just#the most recent crimes that happened to enforce this whole reasoning why i shouldnt be allowed out#even tho im. what. fucking 27??? sucks that i have chronic illness bc ik thats what gives em so much leverage over me#not even gonna comment abt them using my disabilities against me as a way to keep me hostage#i will call it keeping me hostage bc they’ve never let me have freedom at all#even when i was in uni on campus i was expected to contact em constantly & them expecting i go home v often & shit & since im kinda.#@ their mercy a lot it was not much of a say i had in the matter esp bc i came down w health issues around then so? yeah#i wont get too much further into this bc i can say. a lot abt how obsessively overprotective they are but.#regardless.#ishtar rambles ;#ngl its this reason along w other shit thats why im afraid of what’ll happen once i FINALLY have the funds & resources to move out#which i can! also get into that!#but. another topic another time.#not even also gonna get into their backhanded ‘yknow what let them do what they want#’let them go & learn their lesson’ like excuse me???#they want me to have a bad exp so they can say ‘i told you so’ ik it. i know this bc theyve done it before#& then used it as justification to tighten the leash on me
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our-lady-of-mcr · 5 months
#also god bless my friend who pointed out that im moving up and im going to be in a salon soon and will actually be doing something good with#my life vs the friend who did me this way pretending shes still in high school that freaks out and loses all her friends every 6 months#i wish it didnt bother me. and i know in 2 months im going to have brushed it off and move on like i always do when bad shit happens#but for the wound being fresh this shit just fucking sucks i hate it i hate it i hate it#i made a very very very vague post on reddit just asking for advice#and the more popular reply was someone more on my side who basically said i should tell her to go fuck herself pretty much#and the second one was someone who v obviously did not actually read the post who said it was all fluff and basically defended her even#when in my post i am saying i defended myself while still listening to the shit she says#and i fucking hate reddit bc people are so.....quick to be hateful and judge#and i knew to expect people being hateful but god DAMN like you yourself are basically saying theres not enough info (yes there was) and you#still are quicker to assume im in the wrong#meanwhile everyone who knows her is like bitch we told you to not forgive her last time and now look where you are#and i am not a perfect person i have flaws the same way everyone else does. literally everyone has said and done shit they regret#and i have fucked her over before because she lost her fucking mind on a campus manager and an educator and she told me to find my own ride#home because i didnt defend her losing her shit and screaming at everyone and ended up having to write an incident report (so did the other#girls who watched it happen so nOT just me) anyways now she uses that as an excuse for treating me like fucking trash because she finally#found out about the god damn incident report which made it so now anyone can say i said anything and she just believes it#its such a fucking joke to me because like ????? girl if we were in opposite positions you would have filled out the fuckin report too#granted it was a handwritten letter and not a report but it was basically the exact same thing as an incident report#my bad that a year ago i wrote a letter saying i was scared you know where i live and that youre mentally unstable. funny how a year later i#feel the same way all over again! except i dont because im not scared of her anymore shes a fucking theater kid who needs to get a grip#i cant wait to look at my self tag again in 2 years and be like DAMN REMEMBER WHEN THAT HAPPENED#every single person who knows her that isnt friends with her (i am basically refusing to text her friends bc i dont even want to know)#keeps telling me i didnt do anything wrong and ive given her too many chances and she fucks me each time#i just wish she would go get help bro there is something so wrong with her#self
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badlymadeocs · 8 months
Kitagawa Izumi - BNHA
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Hero Name:
Izumi can manipulate buoyancy, the force exerted by a fluid on an immersed object. Under normal circumstances, buoyancy acts upwards, typically against the weight of an object and with a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object.
He is capable of enhancing, diminishing, redirecting, or nullifying the buoyant force on an immersed object (whether in air, water, or another fluid) and can cause it to float, sink, appear/feel lighter or heavier, or experience a neutral buoyancy. The user may also be able to alter the center of buoyancy, changing the stability of floating objects (e.g. sailing vessels) and may cause them to tip over.
He, however is incapable of controlling the direction in which an object will float while using his quirk.
Izumi grew up watching his parent's tumultuous marriage, surrounded by constant fights and being viewed as another excuse to fight. When he was 8 years old they finally divorced but the fighting only got worse and worse.
Before middle school he only had one friend, this friend wanted to be a hero and made him promise to go to hero school with her so that both of them could be heroes together, unfortunately this friend turned out to be quirkless and due to bullying had to move out of town. Unfortunately with no way to communicate between them they lost contact over the years.
After this he started to fully isolate himself from his classmates.
Izumi has an eerily calm personality, to the outside world he seems to be somewhat detached from anything. He is not the type of person to give much thought into people's opinion of him, simply doing whatever he wants with no regard for any kind of consequence. He's also prone to fits of melancholia from time to time and has difficulty forming connections with people his age
Even though he is training to be a hero, Izumi has no aspirations for his own future, simply living life one day at a time and when asked for the reason to wanting to become a hero his only answer is: "why not? It's not like I have anything better to do." In truth, being a hero wasn't a choice he made by his own volition but the result of an unfulfilled promise and he has conflicting emotions about whether he should continue down this path.
Ps: Yes he has a baby face but he really is 15.
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afterglowsainz · 4 months
eternal sunshine | charles leclerc
summary: you and charles decide to fake date to get back at your exes
fc: ariana grande
a/n: a bit late (mostly because i didn’t had any time nor inspiration) but finally here it is, a fic about THE 2024 monaco grand prix winner
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liked by arthur_leclerc and others
f1.wags charles leclerc posted a statement earlier today confirming the end of his relationship with his girlfriend
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username NOOOOOO
username pls say sike pls say sike
username definitely not the way i wanted to start the weekend like
username so love is dead guys good to know 💔
username they were the it couple 😢
username im going to pretend i didn’t see this
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liked by bffusername and others
ynupdates it’s confirmed that y/n y/l/n and her boyfriend have broken up after fours years of dating
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username WHAT
username omg nooo😭
username why is everyone breaking up!!!
username i don’t believe in love anymore
username her best friend liked the post so it’s really really true i’m gonna cry 😭
username yeah also the sun posted an article saying that a close source to the couple confirmed it
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liked by f1.wags, ynupdates and others
deuxmoi actor jacob elordi and actress charlotte berzatto have been spotted recently on different occasions going out on dates
tagged jacobelordi, charlotteberzatto
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username excuse me what?
username and who’s this charlotte girl? 🤨
username she’s an european actress
username charles leclerc’s ex girlfriend
username wait wasn’t he dating y/n y/l/n like two weeks ago? i’m confused
username girl they broke up where you’ve been 😭
username yeah but they broke up like five minutes ago this seems…
username i did not expect that
username not them breaking up with their partners to get together 😭
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liked by carmenmmundt, charles_leclerc and others
yourusername new things coming soon who’s happy🫧💐
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username you actually just cured my depression with this post
username mother has that post breakup glow
username we love to see it
lilymhe gorgeous! 💕
yourusername lilyyy💘
username the flowers???
username who send them!!!
username jacob elordi count your days
username charles in the likes?? 😭
username they’re friends chill
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liked by yourusername, pierregasly and others
charles_leclerc happy times 😁
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username pookie came back! 🫶🏽
username now what is charles doing in a music studio 🤨🤨
username he’s so hot just ughhh
username is that… y/n’s dog… ???
username nah
username now that you mention it i think it could be but idk 😭
username he’s so boyfriend coded
username y/n in the likes 👀👀👀👀
username this just keeps getting messier and messier😭
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liked by bffusername, francisca.cgomes and others
ynupdates y/n has been seen recently on multiple dates with formula 1 driver charles leclerc
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username ma’am???
username well this took a turn
username are they actually dating or…
username i meaaan look at that third and last pic and ask again
username the lore on this four people is just endless fr 😭
username they’re so real for swapping partners just like that
username literally blink and you miss it
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liked by charles_leclerc, lewishamilton and others
yourusername my new single ‘don’t wanna break up again’ is out now for all of you💘 i also sing it for the first time ever on snl tonight if you’re interested in that🫶🏽
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username this song ATE
username the queen is back i used to pray for times like this😭
lilymhe such a gooood song💓 (liked by yourusername)
username so you’re telling me THAT man used to turn up the volume of the tv to not hear her cry??? yeah he’s DONE
username i literally heard that and had to pause for a second because what???
username also her calling their relationship of four years a “situationship” 😭😭
username she’s so unserious i love her
charles_leclerc on repeat 24/7 ❤️‍🩹
yourusername 🤍🤍🤍
francisca.cgomes completely obsessed!💖 (liked by yourusername)
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liked by yourusername, charles_leclerc and others
scuderiaferrari such a pleasure to have yourusername on the garage this weekend! 🫧
tagged yourusername, charles_leclerc
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username she looks stunning 🤩
username the pic with charles omg they’re so cute🥰🥰
username y/n in the paddock every race week please and thank you
yourusername tysm! forza ferrari❤️
username babes what other words in italian did charles taught you? i need to know
username dare i say new ferrari it couple?
username the fact that they haven’t confirmed anything 😭
username i mean you don’t really have to be a genius just a bit of common sense
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liked by carlossainz55, yourusername and others
charles_leclerc keep the podiums coming🏆🐎
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username il predestinato does it again 😮‍💨😮‍💨
username let’s go charles 💪🏽
username yesss charles show y/n what you can do‼️
carlossainz55 nice race!👊🏽
username very well deserved podium, such a nice race charles❤️❤️
username the fact that he was looking for y/n the whole time he was on the podium 😭
username no cause bro was looking everyone and once he clocked her the biggest smile on his face
yourusername congratulations! ❤️‍🩹
charles_leclerc ❤️
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liked by arthur_leclerc, joris_trouche and others
f1.wags if there was doubt before there definitely isn’t anymore! charles leclerc and singer y/n y/l/n were spotted kissing at the after party of this weekend’s grand prix and leaving together
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username don’t know if i wanna be charles or y/n to be honest
username joris and arthur liking this 😭😭
username i love that they’re together they just fit
username agree, a bit unexpected since their exes are also dating each other but still, they’re very cute💕
username okay i wasn’t a fan of y/n but i’m definitely gonna start listening to her now
username does this mean we’re getting happy songs from y/n about charles?
username omg girl I HOPE
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liked by charles_leclerc, lilymhe and others
yourusername eternal sunshine (the song) is out right now with the very special appearance of charles_leclerc in the music video (❤️) and eternal sunshine (the album) is out next friday! 💕
tagged charles_leclerc
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username i’m so so proud of y/n this song is perfect! can’t wait for the album 🤍
username this is the first time she’s featured a boyfriend in a music video and i’m so down for it🥰
username they’re look cute together!
username them on the bts of the video 💞💞💞
lilymhe you’re perfect and this song is everything🤍
yourusername love love love you lils 💘
username who would’ve thought mr charles leclerc can ACT!
username “hope you feel alright when you’re in her” i gasped
username no because that took me by surprise
username okay but we got “i got a good boy and he’s on my side” so it brought me back hope
charles_leclerc so proud of you, mon coeur❤️
yourusername i love you charlie❤️
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liked by yourusername, pierregasly and others
charles_leclerc so so so proud of you my love❤️ this is the most amazing project ever and the fact that i was able to participate in any way brings me so much joy. you’re a musical genius and an incredible human being🤍 stream eternal sunshine☀️
tagged yourusername
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username if you look closely you can see me in the background crying
username this is- they’re so- i’m- 😭
username no but they’re so perfect for each other i could cry
pierregasly who would’ve thought you could act 🤣
carlossainz55 new skill for the cv 😂
username “a musical genius and an incredible human being” charles leclerc why don’t you just rip my heart out yourself
username she looks so pretty in the mv and they’re so good together💞 i’m so happy for them
username no longer a child of divorce THESE are my real parents🫶🏽
yourusername i love you and i’m very very proud of you too❤️‍🩹
charles_leclerc mon amour you’re everything 🤍
2K notes · View notes
hxnbi · 3 months
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⸻ ❀°。❝ SHORT STACK ❞
requested by @kuppuru: furin boys + togame with short reader
pairings. hajime umemiya, hayato suo, haruka sakura, ren kaji, kyotaro sugishita, jo togame x gn. reader (separate)
note: tysm for your request! sorry if it took so long to write, i was suffering with exams but im finally free now. this goes to all my fellow short ppl out there 🫡 i also just wanted an excuse to find these goofy photos of my boys lmao
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𝄞 ─ HAJIME UMEMIYA ♪♩ ₊⁺ 𐫱
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What do you mean by that? You’re his significant other and that's all that matters! If anything, that only makes you even more adorable!
UMEMIYA's natural inclination to be clingy and protective intensifies tenfold when he's around you. As you often find yourself enveloped in his arms, whether it's at home, out for a walk, or even at a crowded event. He towers over you, using his height—and admittedly effective intimidation tactics, thanks to him being the leader of Furin—to shield you from the world’s troubles. 
"Up we go!" he jokes, effortlessly picking you up from out of nowhere and spinning you around like a merry-go-round carousel.
“Ume?!” you yelp in surprise.
Without realizing it, his face lights up like a neon sign, and he lets out a loud, joyful laugh. You’re so sweet! How could he not adore you?
Umemiya goes into press his lips against your cheek and buries his face in your neck. "You’re my perfect little charm." His laughter and love are almost infectious. 
Umemiya’s protectiveness doesn’t just stop at physical proximity, but extends to every aspect of your life. He’s always looking out for you, making sure no one dares to mess with you (not that anyone with a half-functioning nervous system would, anyway). Your height didn’t matter and will never matter to him, not when he sees you as his perfect partner and his other half, just the way you are.
𝄞 ─ HAYATO SUO ♪♩ ₊⁺ 𐫱
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Without a doubt in my mind, SUO's a person who's all for teasing you. In fact, he revels in it. Even after calling the relationship official, Suo’s playfulness doesn’t stop. Rather, it only increases with time. Suo is all for teasing you about your height, flaunting his own height difference with that characteristic closed-eye smirk of his.
“Oh dear, do you perhaps need help?” he teases, pointing at something on a high shelf with one hand while the other resting at his back. “Would you like me to get you a ladder?” he asks 'kindly,' making you deadpan.
Suo finds your petite stature irresistibly cute, and he never misses a chance to remind you of it. But, to the surprise of nobody, like everything else in his life, he’s not as shamelessly open about it in public as opposed to in private. Rather, I see Suo bringing your height up when you least expect it, in hopes of getting a reaction from you recorded in his mind.
Though his teasing is always good-natured, Suo knows your boundaries well. He can tell when you're uncomfortable, especially around others. That alone is enough to make Suo's usual mischievous brows furrow, and he stares down whoever dares to cross the line, especially when he's around. His protective instincts kick in without hesitation. That, despite his constant banter, it’s clear that he adores you deeply, his eyes filled with warmth and affection so unlike his public persona that he discloses to the world.
𝄞 ─ HARUKA SAKURA ♪♩ ₊⁺ 𐫱
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Okay, and? What about it? Who the fuck cares? He’ll just deal with anyone if they even dare to give you shit about it. SAKURA's nonchalant attitude towards your height is evident. He couldn't care less what others think, and he's ready to put anyone in their place if they dare to give you any trouble about it.
"If anyone has a problem with your height, they’ll have to deal with me," he barked, a protective arm around your shoulders. "And trust me, they won't like it.”
Nirei and Suo could only deadpan in unison seeing this. ‘He’s just a big softie…’ they both thought.
Regardless, his feelings for you don’t change. Sakura has also been through a lot. The people who berated and made fun of him due to things he didn’t have control over—his unconventional appearance—why do they care? Why should someone ever care? He understands how it feels to be judged for superficial reasons and is fiercely protective of you because of it. As for you? You felt warm, knowing he always has your back. 
Your height has nothing to do with who you are as a person, and he’s learning that, step by step. He’s always ready to defend you, ensuring you never have to go through the pain and ridicule he did, and not just because of your height, something you never had a peace or sovereignty over. Perhaps, he sees a bit of himself in you.
𝄞 ─ REN KAJI ♪♩ ₊⁺ 𐫱
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Doesn't treat you any differently. And why should he? Is there some kind of top-secret reason that he's unaware of? Why should such a thing as height matter in his relationship? Dude grills his vice-captain Kusumi to get the full story, until he realizes that there is none. Tch, do you think he cares about bullcrap like that? Well suck it up, you shouldn't and never have to worry about such an outrageous thing.
KAJI continues to be his calm and composed self (when he isn’t blasting music until his ears bled), offering you the same level of respect and affection as always. Because, after all, "Why would your height change anything about how I feel?" he scoffed, putting back his headphones and closing the conversation right there, making you crack a smile at how matter-of-fact he was. 
Kaji’s grounded nature makes you feel secure. Height, weight, appearance, all those superficial aspects of a person doesn’t matter to him. It never did, because you never judged him for how he was. All he's doing is returning the favour to the one he one he loves, nothing more.
…So why are you looking at him with those sparkling eyes like he just found a cure for cancer?
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SUGISHITA is in the same boat as Kaji, and, in actuality, it’s even more pronounced, as, while Sugishita doesn’t say a word, he’s quietly observant. Your height is just another characteristic to him that he loves in you, nothing that affects his feelings or how he treats you.
He is but a silent trooper that stands at your side.  Admittedly, it gets funny at times, seeing the difference in height between you and Sugishita, apparently especially when walking side by side. But he doesn’t mind. To him, your height is just another thing that makes you uniquely you. And all with a stoic grunt and a subtle smile that he tries to hide, but the hearts in his eyes don’t disappear with such that. 
“They’re so cute, aren’t they? You just have to show it!!” Umemiya says. And show it, he does.
The way Sugishita pats your head and cheeks, similar to how Umemiya would to the same to him, is his way of expressing affection—all in the most awkward way possible, as Sakura would scoff while the trio of Suo, Nirei, and him would from a distance. 
“...The hell is he doing? Does he treat them like a puppy or something?"
“S-Sakura-san!! Y-You might want to—”
All Sugishita would see was red, and it wasn't just from Suo's hair. "YOU—"
But don’t let that fool you. The end was anything but pleasant, as yet another chair became a victim of Sugishita’s wrath, and was broken that exact day, much to the dismay of Umemiya. 
𝄞 ─ JO TOGAME ♪♩ ₊⁺ 𐫱
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TOGAME's initial reaction to your height is one of surprise, with the way he would stare and drill holes into your skull, genuinely amazed at how someone could be so short and yet so oblivious, like you didn’t have a care in the world. But his curious stare quickly transforms into admiration. At first, you really thought that he was judging you, from the way his eyes would stare down at you for seemingly uncomfortable amounts of time, but to Togame, it was nothing more than fascination. You were so petite (to him), to the point of being even adorable… 
Togame ran his fingers through his locks of hair. Shit, if you ever knew.
His best friend Choji is a bit on the shorter side, sure, but you? You were like some kind of tiny sprite. Unbeknownst to you, he finds your petite stature almost endearing in a way. And unintentionally or not, takes it as an opportunity to be even more attentive and caring over you. Togame’s affection is shown through his actions, whether it's reaching for items you can’t, or holding your hand protectively in crowded places. Whether it’s out of a sense of curiosity or if he truly loves you, one thing is clear, he can't help but show his affection in every little gesture.
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©hxnbi. comments, reblogs, and likes are always appreciated ♡
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fastandcarlos · 2 months
Soft Launch : ̗̀➛ Lance Stroll
summary: follow along as you and lance slowly reveal your relationship to the world, and your ever so slightly protective brother charles
pairing: lance x leclerc!reader
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liked by charles_leclerc, alexandrasaintmleux and 139,503 others
ynusername: nice way to spend the end of race week ☺️☀️
username1: wtf yn you can’t just suddenly spring something like this on us 🤯
charles_leclerc: excuse me what happened to heading back to the hotel early to sleep??
username2: hahah not charles having no idea about this 😂
username3: I just wanna know who this guy is…
arthur_leclerc: you’ve gotta lot of explaining to do 🙄
ynusername: @/arthur_leclerc have to catch me first 🤷🏻‍♀️
arthur_leclerc: @/ynusername why have you suddenly turned into a sassy devil??
username4: time to put my investigative skills to use 🔍
carlossainz55: thank you for making your brother freak out, just what I needed on the plane home!!
ynusername: @/carlossainz55 pls remind him how many times he’s surprised me with a new girlfriend over the past few years 😂
username5: it must be someone who was also at the race, but that’s thousands of people 😭
alexandrasaintmleux: ignore your brothers…I want to hear everything 😂
ynusername: @/alexandrasaintmleux knew I could count on you 😘
charles_leclerc: @/alexandrasaintmleux um no you’re supposed to be on my side!!
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liked by logansargeant, danielricciardo and 294,604 others
lancestroll: definitely think I could get used to this 💞💞
username6: ah finally lance has got himself a girlfriend!! 🥺🥺
danielricciardo: lmao scotty mentioned you had a girlfriend but I thought he was joking 😂😂
username7: she looks beautiful, why not let us see her face???
estebanocon: damn bro, looks like you’ve been pulling out all the stops!
lancestroll: @/estebanocon when you know they’re someone special then you gotta spoil them
username8: notice how he’s cropped the photo so we can’t see the reflection in the first pic 🙄
username9: damn these photos are just a reminder that money talks
fernandoalo_oficial: now I see why you couldn’t hang around for a coffee today 😂😂
username10: clearly he must like this girl to be this romantic 🥺
logansargeant: fancy wining and dining me like you do your girl? ☺️
lancestroll: @/logansargeant date night next week pending…
username11: I promise we’re happy for you lance…just spill the beans
chloestroll: my baby bro is all grown up 🤧🤧
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liked by lancestroll, carlossainz55 and 189,482 others
ynusername: adventuring with you is my favourite thing to do ❤️🩷
username12: eurgh have I ever told you how much I hate soft launches??
charles_leclerc: you just wait until you arrive back in monaco…you’re mine!
ynusername: @/charles_leclerc you gotta catch me first 🏃🏻‍♀️💨
charles_leclerc: @/ynusername I swear-
username13: anyone else think this looks a tad like one of the drivers 🤔🤔
username14: so we’re thinking tall, athletic, dark hair…
carlossainz55: whilst I might not be your brother, I’m begging you to stop sending yours on the verge of a nervous breakdown 😭
username15: peep how lance also announced he was in a relationship last week too 🤷🏻‍♀️
pierregasly: why are you making me so bloody invested in your relationship yn!?
username16: aquariums are such cute places for dates 😭😭
username17: whoever this guy is he clearly looks like he’s falling for yn hard
alexandrasaintmleux: I keep telling your brother to take me to the aquarium, he never listens!!
ynusername: @/alexandrasaintmleux when I’m home we’ll go on a thousand aquarium dates 🐠🐠
username18: I can’t be the only one who noticed that lance liked..
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liked by fernandoalo_oficial, astonmartinf1 and 139,592 others
ynusername: experiencing life in the paddock in a different colour this weekend 🏎️💚
username19: I would not like to be in the leclerc household tonight 😂
charles_leclerc: wtaf this is the ultimate betrayal 😭😭
username20: this has trouble written all over it!!
carlossainz55: can’t believe you abandoned the red corner yn 💔
username21: but why did she pick aston martin over all the other teams??
landonorris: all those times I’ve told you to come and be in our garage but you go here instead 🙄
ynusername: @/landonorris I had my reasons!!
username22: the biggest clue yet that lance is our mystery man surely 🔍
username23: can’t believe people are ruling out nando so easily 😂😂
arthur_leclerc: I’m telling mum that you didn’t support your brother this weekend!
ynusername: @/arthur_leclerc I’m a grown woman who can do what she wants 🤦🏻‍♀️
fernandoalo_oficial: it was lovely to finally meet you properly this weekend 💚
username24: i hope lance realises he’s a dead man walking with charles around
lancestroll: 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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liked by alexandrasaintmleux, arthur_leclerc and 169,692 others
ynusername: sailing away with my best friend 🤍🛥️
username25: best friend 🤯🤯🤯
alexandrasaintmleux: @/charles_leclerc take note 📝
username26: they’re still not ready to admit they’re dating are they 😭
charles_leclerc: and here I was thinking that I was your best friend 💔
username27: you cannot convince me that third photo is not lance btw
pierregasly: why am I now playing this stupid guessing game too 🤦🏻‍♂️
username28: only lance would do all this for a girl, he’s a true romantic ❤️💕
arthur_leclerc: how about sailing back home cause we’re still waiting for some explanations???
username29: I love how they still think we haven’t figured everything out 😂
chloestroll: well isn’t this just the cutest date ever, this guy must be obsessed 🥺
ynusername: @/chloestroll what can I say, I’m a lucky girl 🩷🩷
username30: I just want to sail away with lance stroll too yn, I feel ya!
lancestroll: look at that beautiful smile 💞
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liked by ynusername, estebanocon and 295,608 others
lancestroll: in my boyfriend era 👑
username31: lance is glowing in his boyfriend era wtf
estebanocon: idk what this girl has done to you but I don’t recognise you anymore 😂
danielricciardo: is it wrong to say I’m obsessed with boyfriend era lance??
username32: I wanna know who put the smile on his face 😭
username33: surely it’s obvious who put the smile on his face??
scottyjames: since when were you so boyfriend material 😂🤧
pierregasly: I’m only here cause apparently there’s a soft launch going on and I want the gossip 😂
username34: I’m so happy that you’re so happy lance!!
charles_leclerc: funny how you’ve told me nothing about this new girlfriend…
username35: now these photos make me want lance as my boyfriend too
chloestroll: these are the cutest photos, can’t wait to remind you of these every birthday for the rest of our lives 😂😂😂😂
username36: everyone needs a lance stroll in their life ☺️☺️
ynusername: looks like your girlfriend is very lucky to have someone as funny as you 🥺
lancestroll: @/ynusername no no I’m the lucky one 🫠
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liked by lancestroll, charles_leclerc and 159,925 others
ynusername: turns out dating an f1 driver is a lot cooler than being the sibling of one 🥺🩷
username37: they’ve finally gone official 🎉🎉🎉
chloestroll: my two fave people 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
username38: I can’t cope with how adorable these two are!!
charles_leclerc: there are thousands of people who would disagree btw 🏎️💪🏻
username39: can’t wait for lance to crash all future leclerc family gatherings 😂
lancestroll: seems to me that your boyfriend driver is a lot fitter than your brother driver too 🤔💕
ynusername: @/lancestroll oh he’s definitely the hottest 🫠
carlossainz55: don’t tell charles but he did secretly tell me that he was happy earlier…
charles_leclerc: @/carlossainz55 that was supposed to stay between me and you 🖕🏻
username40: this makes my heart so so happy 💕💕
fernandoalo_oficial: thank god I don’t have to keep that a secret anymore 😂
username41: thank you for ending the soft launch game!
pierregasly: why do I feel proud that I guessed it was lance all along 🤦🏻‍♂️
username42: now this is what we call an adorable f1 couple 💞🏎️
arthur_leclerc: I guess I won’t be needing that explanation anymore…
˗ˏˋ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ! ´ˎ˗
requests for smaus are currently open!!
977 notes · View notes
maplesyrupsainz · 7 months
˖⁺。˚⋆˙everyone knows | CS55˖⁺。˚⋆˙
pairing: carlos sainz x ferrari admin!reader y/n (she/her)
genre: social media au, established relationship
warnings: none just fluff as usual!
summary: in which your boyfriend moves teams but that doesn't stop you from simping in the comments
a/n: i jus put carlos in red bull!!! & used random pics from old era tbh so kind of disregard tht lolz
request!!!: after Carlos moves to a new team , reader who still works for Ferrari now simps over Carlos in the comments in Carlos' new team post's (like.. the one on the left is a hottie) with Ferraris account too lol
fc: various brunette girls from pinterest
my masterlist
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yourusername 📍 abu dhabi
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liked by carlossainz55, charles_leclerc, and 481,263 others
yourusername his last race in ferrari ❤️
view all 13,092 comments
user4 dont remind me
user5 our fav couple forced to work apart how could they do this 💔💔💔
liked by yourusername
carlossainz55 had the best season with you ❤️
yourusername love you
carlossainz55 i love you forever
user7 some of u acting like they breaking up LOL
user8 tbh im excited to see carlos at red bull next season 🤷‍♀️
user9 me too!!!
user10 forza ferrari 💔💔
scuderiaferrari 📍 bahrain
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liked by charles_leclerc, lewishamilton, and 883,137 others
scuderiaferrari finally here for the start of the 2025 season how are we all feeling? 👀
tagged: charles_leclerc, lewishamilton
view all 17,162 comments
user11 lewis in red 🫨
user12 still not used to seeing carlos NOT in ferrari red
user13 we miss him.....
user14 everyone shutup and appreciate lewis lol
user15 how are WE feeling??! how are YOU feeling girl!!!
user16 ferrari admin found crying
carlossainz55 📍 bahrain
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liked by scuderiaferrari, yourusername, and 780,124 others
carlossainz55 life in navy blue
view all 12,341 comments
user17 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
user18 so proud of u carlos
user19 i luv him and y/n sm
scuderiaferrari woof woof woof
carlossainz55 hi ferrari.
scuderiaferrari heyyy hahahhh soo.....u single?
carlossainz55 😀 urm.
user20 she is so weird im obsessed with it
maxverstappen1 glad to have you back 🙂
carlossainz55 glad to be back!!
redbullracing 💙💙
liked by carlossainz55
redbullracing 📍 jeddah
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liked by maxverstappen1, yourusername, and 834,988 others
redbullracing race weekend!!
tagged: maxverstappen1, carlossainz55
view all 9,136 comments
user21 love seeing them back racing together
user22 💙💙💙💙💙💙
user23 waiting for a y/n comment tbh
user24 my fav duo
maxverstappen1 💙
kellypiquet 💙
scuderiaferrari omg who is that in the second pic???? sooo hot is he single??
user25 😂😂😂😂😂
redbullracing our new rookie driver🥹
scuderiaferrari no way...he looks familiar though?
carlossainz55 it's me, hi
charles_leclerc ferrari admin please refrain from simping for other team's drivers
scuderiaferrari ferrari admin plz stop simping😂😂😂 shut up nerd
user26 omg i just screamed my head off hahaha
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liked by carlossainz55, maxverstappen1, and 532,711 others
yourusername little race dump
view all 7,293 comments
user30 is that her & carlos omg 😭
user31 realest girl ever
user32 my fav simpee
user33 does she ever go in the rb garage for carlos or wear their merch 🤔
kellypiquet 💙💙
liked by yourusername
user34 they're friends?
user35 she's so normal on this account
user36 she lets her feral side out on ferrari account 😭
carlossainz55 gorgeous girl
yourusername no u
carlossainz55 true i am a gorgeous girl
redbullracing 📍 australia
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liked by scuderiaferrari, carlossainz55, and 891,367 others
redbullracing another great weekend!
tagged: carlossainz55, maxverstappen1
view all 10,718 comments
user37 my fav team
user38 oh hi charles in the back
user39 y/n using charles as an excuse to comment when?
user40 legendaryyy
scuderiaferrari so proud of our boy!!! 🫶
redbullracing we're looking after him dont worry
scuderiaferrari 🥹🥹🥹
user41 omg this is surprisingly wholesome
user42 i love ferrari admin she just wants carlos to be happy wherever he is
user43 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
carlossainz55 posted a story
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liked by charles_leclerc, maxverstappen1, and 423,728 others
user45 omg i just screamed
user46 i LOVE her
charles_leclerc she's a real one
pierregasly everyone's fav red bull fan in red clothing
landonorris awww look at everyone's fav f1 team social media admin xx
yourusername .......ur lucky i love you
2K notes · View notes
lewisvinga · 7 months
L.O.V.E | alex albon x fem! reader x lily muni he
summary; no matter how many times they try to send hints, y/n couldn’t understand alex and lily’s advanced until a certain pair of brits decided to help their friends out
fc; znefer_ on ig
warnings; cursing
taglist; @namgification @louvrepool @locelscs @thehufflepuffavenger1 @minkyungseokie @goldenmclaren @ollieshifts @lavisenri
note; requested !
masterlist !
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liked by lilymhe, alex_albon, and others !
yourusername: in my pilates princess era 🩰🌷
username: here before alex and lily simp over y/n
username: their comments are the highlight of my day tbh
alex_albon: you’re the prettiest princess💗
yourusername: why thank u albono🫶🫶
username: girl….
lilymhe: wow😍😍😍😍😍
yourusername: lilssss💖💖
username: she probably just thinks lily is just simply complimenting her omg bless her 😭😭😭😭
username: ugh she’s gorgeous no wonder lily and alex r obsessed w her😩
username: pilates girlies>>>>
username: the headband + straight hair combo rlly eats
username: I LOVE U Y/N
carmenmmundt: take me to pilates w you next time!!
yourusername: lmk when you’re freeeee
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liked by alex_albon, lilymhe, and others
yourusername: g’morning 🤎
alex_albon: good morning, how’d u sleep pretty girl🥰
yourusername: amazing! thank u for asking alexxxx💗💗
username: he’s DOWN BAD LMAOO
lilymhe: bed must’ve been pretty cold, bet i know a few people who can warm it up😁
yourusername: surprisingly cats emit a lot of body heat!!😅😅
username: y/n not taking the hint, fork found in kitchen
username: the hair is HAIRING
username: im in tears alex and lily try soooo hard😭😭😭😭
username: isn’t it weird that they both like y/n?
username: who gaf as long as it makes them happy 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
username: the hair😍😍
username: she’s so pretty i rlly understand why alex n lily are so obsessed 😩
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
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liked by lilymhe, alex_albon, and others !
yourusername: i finally got the hint ??!!
tagged; alex_albon, lilymhe
lilymhe: hey pretty girl ur alllll ours now😁🤭
yourusername: alllll yours 💗 luv u
lilymhe: LUV U MY PRETTY GIRL😩😩💗💗💗💓🧡❤️💙🤎💕💕💖💖❤️❣️💜🩶
username: i think she broke lily
username: LMAOOO LILY😭😭😭
alex_albon: don’t know how many ‘you’re such a good friend!’ i could handle before going crazy, doesn’t matter now bc now we have you😌❤️❤️
yourusername: i would like to sincerely apologize for bein so slow😞😞 but at least u both have me :p ! 💓💓
username: finally she admits she was being slow i thought us talking abt their crushes in her comments was enough for her to get the hint 😭😭
username: lily and alex’s patience fr worked
username: ugh they’re all so fine
username: it only took you months babe !!!
georgerussell63: uhm EXCUSE ME???
landonorris: ikr😒😒😒😒
yourusername: thank u guys for making me realize the truth😁
alex_albon: i can’t believe these dumbasses fr did it
lilymhe: THANK U BOTH
landonorris: fuck u alex_albon WE PLAYED CUPID FOR YOU
username: not lando and george helping 😭
username: my 2019 rookies ❤️‍🩹
username: george and lando are so sassy LMAOO
1K notes · View notes
zombvic · 3 months
hi, i love your writing can you do one where marc guiu is secretly dating lewandoski's daughter and he finds out?
MR LEWANDOWSKI (marc guiu x lewandowski!reader)
summary : in which the polish barcelona player finds out his daughter is dating his teammate
face claim : no-one exact
notes : ty for the request !! im gonna do some requests asap (theres like twenty so plsplspls be patient <3) also im gonna go on vacation soon so ill be less active.
pairings : marc guiu x fem!lewandowski!reader
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BEING THE DAUGHTER of the Polish striker, Robert Lewandowski, came with its perks. Some of the benefits was the opportunity to meet your favorite players, attend exclusive events, and see important matches, such as the World Cup and UCL Finals. But managing the constant media attention and living up to the Lewandowski name were only two of the challenges that came with it. The hardest challenge of them all was keeping your relationship with the Barcelona striker, Marc Guiu, a secret.
You knew dating Marc was going to make you slightly insane. The constant hiding and sneaking around was annoying, tbh.. But if you managed to keep this a secret for over seven months, you sure weren't going to fuck it up now.
Hector quickly caught onto your little facade. All three of you were classmates, and it was clear by the looks you exchanged across the classroom, the way Marc spoke to Hector about you, and just the overall way he admired you. Hector was certain you were dating.
Him knowing would actually come in handy. It was a little easier to keep the secret when Hector was on your side. When needed, he helped cover for you by coming up with excuses in case your dad was on the edge of figuring things out.
One afternoon, while your father was out, Marc came over to your house. It was a unique chance for the two of you to have the house to yourselves, and you both wanted to make the most of it.
You were in your room, cuddling on your bed with Marc as a movie was playing on your laptop. It was relaxing, finally a moment of comfort without any worries or the anxiety of getting caught.
"This is nice," Marc murmured, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. "I wish we could do this more often."
"Me too," you replied, pulling in closer to him. "But you're aware of my dad's history with my ex-boyfriends. If he found out, he would freak out."
Marc sighed as he played with the strings on your hoodie. "I know. Yet, sometimes I picture us going out on a typical date night. No concerns about your father catching us. You know maybe if he got used to our relationship, he could come along."
Playfully poking Marc with your shoulder, you mocked, "Are you using me to date my father?"
Marc gave you a gentle giggle and an amused look as his eyes met yours. "Maybe I am," he answered. "But in all honesty, I just want to go out with you—no sneaking around, just a regular 'I'll have her home by nine, sir' type date."
"Wow, real cute, Marc." Just as you were about to lean in for a kiss, you heard the front door open. Your heart stopped, as you and Marc exchanged panicked and confused looks.
"Oh fuck. He's not supposed to be back yet," you whispered urgently, scrambling off the bed. "You have to hide. Like now."
Marc quickly got up, looking around the room for a hiding spot. "WHAT?! Where should I go?!"
"Jesus Christ, Marc. I don't know just.. just get under the bed or something!" you whispered, trying to keep your voice down.
Just as your father yelled something from the living room, Marc dove under the bed. "Y/n? You home?"
You took a deep breath, trying to calm yourself before opening your bedroom door. "Yeah, What's up?"
He walked down the hallway, a frown on his face. "I thought I left my other keys here. Have you seen them?"
You shook your head, trying to look casual. "Nah, I haven't seen them. Maybe you left them in the locker room after training?"
He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Maybe. I'll call someone to check if someone found them. Are you okay? You seem... off."
"I'm good, Dad," you said quickly, hoping he couldn't hear the nervousness in your voice. "Just tired, I guess.."
He looked at you for a moment longer before nodding. "Alright. Well, I'm going to head back out then. Let me know if you find the keys."
As he turned to leave, you heard a muffled cough from under the bed. Your eyes widened in horror as your father stopped in his tracks, his brow furrowing.
"What was that?" he asked, turning back to you.
"What do you mean" you said quickly, desperately trying to think of an excuse. "I didn't hear anything. Is your hearing alright?"
"Hey, I'm still only 35 years young. Anyways, I'll just head out, I guess. See you later, honey." He said as he walked out the front door.
As you walked down the hallway to reach your room, you exclaimed, "Marc, what the fuck was that? The one time you NEED to be quiet, you actually cough. How on earth is that possible?"
"Hey, I didn't put all that dust under your bed," he playfully said while hugging you. "Calm down, babe. He didn't even see me."
"Yeah, but he heard your silly ass. Anyways you should just go. He might come back soon."
At least three hours had passed before your dad returned, which was kind of annoying because you had the chance to finish the movie and still had two hours left to hang out without interruptions.
"Hey honey, I'm back home," your dad said as he walked into the house. You were sitting on the couch, watching Suits (a goated show btw).
Your dad's voice startled you, making you jump slightly. You quickly paused the show and turned to face him. "Hey Dad," you replied.
He looked around the living room with a curious expression. His eyes fell upon the hoodie that Marc gave to you. The hoodie that exclusively Barcelona players got. His brow furrowed slightly as he picked it up, examining it with a puzzled look.
"Whose hoodie is this?" he asked.
You swallowed nervously, trying to come up with a plausible explanation. "Oh, uh, that's Marc's," you said, mentally cursing yourself for not changing beforehand. "He gave it to me last week."
Robert's gaze shifted from the hoodie to you, his expression unreadable. "Marc's?"
"Yeah," you nodded, trying to keep your voice steady. "We… we've been hanging out a lot. Last week i was cold so he gave it to me."
He studied you for a moment, his eyes narrowing slightly as if trying to gauge your sincerity. "Hanging out," he echoed, more a statement than a question.
You nodded again, feeling the weight of his scrutiny. "Okay, yeah. So, Dad, we've been dating for.. a while now."
His eyes widened in surprise, shocked expression on his face. But he didn't look angry. Instead, he let out a slow breath and nodded.
As he stared at you for what felt like an eternity, processing the information, he finally spoke out, his voice calm yet tinged with disbelief, "You and Marc... have been dating?"
"I… I didn't know how you'd react," you admitted, feeling a pinch of guilt for keeping it from him. "And I didn't want you to worry."
Robert leaned back in his chair, folding his arms across his chest. "I see," he said. "And how long has this 'while' been?"
Marc cleared his throat, speaking up, "About seven months, Mr. Lewandowski."
Your dad looked at Marc with a mix of surprise and curiosity. "Marc? What are you doing here?" he asked, seeing him in the living room unexpectedly.
"I'm sorry, sir. Y/n messaged me to come over, so I did," Marc spoke out, trying to explain his sudden arrival.
"Sorry for not telling you sooner, Mr. Lewandowski," he said earnestly. "We didn't mean to keep it from you."
Robert eased his expression and laughed. "I understand," he softly said in response. "While I can't say I'm not surprised, I appreciate your honesty. Also, Marc, we've known each other for some time now. Just call me as usual." Your father joked with his teammate, your boyfriend.
You felt a wave of relief when you realized he wasn't upset. To be honest, he looked more interested than angry. "So, what do you think, Dad?" You questioned him.
Robert leaned forward, a small smile playing on his lips. "Well, if Marc here has managed to win your heart for seven months without my knowledge, he must be doing something right," he said, his tone teasing yet approving.
Marc and you exchanged a relieved smile as you felt the tension ease. Despite his reputation for being serious, Your dad has surprised you today by showing you compassion and comprehension.
You said, "Thank you, Dad," appreciating his understanding.
He chuckled loudly and replied. "Please just promise me that you will keep me updated. I'm happy for you both."
It was impossible not to feel an overwhelming feeling of relief. The secret was finally out.
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ifwdominicfike · 16 days
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“okay, guys can you hurry up my arms gonna fucking fall off already god-“ nick says while holding up the small camera in his hand.
you all had gone out but it really was just an excuse for you and nick to get good pictures to post, as the night went on the pink and orange hues in the sky were starting to fade before you knew it.
you guys had been trying to get a good picture for about 10 minutes now, nick was complaining about why he had to hold the camera, chris kept saying matt was blocking his view, and matt kept pointing out every cat he saw so you weren’t really getting anywhere.
“okay okay nick shut the fuck up already, kid we’re going” chris says obviously irritated by his brother, you stood in front of matt so you weren’t blocked by him. nick had angled the camera high to get all 4 of us in the photo, you heard the click and saw the flash go off.
“fuck y/n again you need to tiptoe or something bitch” you groan, this was the third photo already with only the top of your head showing. “no need to yell nick im right here, my ears are gonna melt off because of you” matt giggles at your response which also causes you to laugh along with him.
“can we hurry the fuck up before i start walking home i swear you guys are not funny” this leads to you, chris and matt to look at each other and laugh once more. “okay kid no need to throw a fit just come on” chris says motioning to the camera, same process again, only this time it was half of your face.
“there’s no way- im so done. matt get the car started im going home-“ your cut off by matt grabbing your wrist and dragging you back “nope sweetheart just one more, please?” he smiles and you groan rolling your eyes. “fine but what if w-“ you feel matts hands grasp onto your hips and lift you up a little “what the f- matt put me down” he laughs while tightening his grip.
“nick hurry up and take the picture come on” he says hurriedly, his touch tickling you, making you squirm and giggle, the flash goes off once again. “FINALLY.” nick yells “we finally have a decent picture, okay now we can go home” he bluntly says making his way towards the car, chris on the way right behind him.
“that was not funny matt, what if i fell?” you say, trying to straighten out your clothes from twisting and turning around in matts hold. “but you didn’t though baby, did you?” he grins while you roll your eyes at him in “annoyance”.
“yeah whatever matt” you couldn’t hold back your smile anymore when you felt his hand snake around your waist and pull you in closer, he looks down at you and smirks. his lips almost connecting with yours until you hear nick honk the horn. “can you guys hurry up?! im not trying to see you two make out 5 feet away from the car!”
you and matt burst into giggles “he just has to ruin everything, kids fucking annoying.” he grabs your hand and gives it a small kiss before making your way back to the car.
── .✦. ──
- avery’s note ˚ 𝜗𝜚˚⋆。-
first blurb and idrk what this was.. i was bored and wanted to write it sigh. THIS WAS A PROMPT AND I COMPLETELY FORGOT WHERE I FOUND ITT 💔💔. ugh anyways i also know this is sorta unrealistic because the triplets are lowkey short kings.. BUT THAT DOESNT MATTER 💋.
bye love youu ᥫ᭡.
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17020 · 2 months
hellooo amor it’s nice to meet u !! ^ ^ <3 omg i saw ur suggestions were open and i was thinking about kaji !! he’s always with enomoto & kusumi and i can imagine him trying to play off having a crush bc he doesn’t want you to know just yet, but those two ?? are absolutelyyy not letting that happen. as soon as you’re in sight, kusumi’s texting the entire gc and enomoto’s elbowing him in the side with a knowing smile— and he gets soo flustered and clammy 😭 he’s so cute
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Kusumi and Enomoto have to always look out for their grade captain, right? And that includes sneaking into Ren Kaji's love life. 0.8k fluff!!
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The thing about REN KAJI is that he thinks he's discreet.
From stealing glances, opening doors, gifting you things, and even using his headphones less from worrying that you might grow tired of his "huh's" and "hm's" from not reading your lips properly, Kaji is sure that he is the king of discretion when it comes to hiding his growing crush on you.
Luckily for him, Kusumi and Enomoto know him better than he knows himself. They see the qualities, and the greatness in him that he sometimes fails to see. Of course, his 'strange' behavior towards you does not go unnoticed.
When first confronted about it, he shrugged. With a trembling voice and trying his best to feign disinterest, Kaji stated that no, he did not have a crush on you. "I treat Yn the same as I do everyone else, so don't go gettin' any funny ideas."
Ren Kaji doesn't feel anything for you, so why does he freeze whenever he sees you strolling around when he's on patrol? Why does his body temperature rise until he resembles a human oven and his face gets all red when you're nearby?
He's running out of excuses as the weather slowly gets colder and his friends invite you places with them more often. Kusumi and Enomoto share knowing glances as they turn to you, inviting you to accompany them on patrol.
When you agree, Kaji thinks he's going to burn the place down from how hot he feels, his face now a new shade of crimson. As you walked around with the three men, Kaji 'subtly' pulled his headphones from his ears, striking up a conversation.
If he was being honest with himself, your voice was better than any melody that rang through his earphones. Gosh, you could send him voice notes and those would be playing all day if it were up to him.
Kusumi and Enomoto slowed down their steps and got lost for a bit, unbeknownst to you and Kaji. You got so lost in the conversation that you didn't notice those two running to where you were, their hands behind their backs.
"Hey—let's go to Cactus Bakery! We could all use some sweets right now, right Kusumi?"
Kaji looked at them in confusion, as his vice-captains grinned from ear to ear. The whole walk towards Cactus he grew concerned as to what his classmates were planning, as they would not reveal what they hid.
"Yn! You mind going in and saving us a spot? We just needa talk to Kaji for a bit."
You nodded happily as you stepped inside the bakery, taking a seat as you waited for the trio to step inside. As soon as you were out of sight, Kusumi and Enomoto shared a look, then looked at Kaji.
Kusumi's arms were now in front of Kaji, a small box of chocolates in them. He handed them to him, offering him a knowing smile. Enomoto was next, revealing that what he had behind his back was a small, but colorful bouquet.
"You're gonna give these to her, and tell her she's beautiful. Then, you're gonna pay for her food. Finally, you're gonna take her home."
"What the hell? I told you I don't feel any—"
"Deny all you want, Kaji, but we all know. Besides, this is an order!"
Kusumi pulled out his phone, showing Kaji a text message conversation.
KUSUMI [1 Attachment] Yn joined us for patrol again!
HIRAGI Give Kaji the balls he needs to take her out, and take care of patrol Im sick of this shit
Kaji was bewildered, staring at his classmates in complete shock. They forced their gifts into his hand, elbowing his sides and pushing him inside the bakery.
You were confused as you saw Kaji take a seat in front of you, shyly handing you the box and bouquets. Smiling, you thanked him, asking him if Kusumi and Enomoto were coming. He shook his head in response, stating that 'they could handle things while he was gone.'
He could feel his hands getting clammy as his eyes scanned the menu, trying to figure out what to order. He looked at you, his lips curling into a small smile as he saw you admiring the flowers from the bouquet, your fingers tracing every petal.
When the waitress approached, Kaji wasted no time in telling her what he wanted, and he waited for you to order. She smiled in return, complimenting the bouquet.
"It's stunning!" she chirped, turning to Kaji. "You made a good choice, she looks beautiful with those flowers."
You felt your cheeks heat up as the waitress walked away, and looked at the boy in front of you. His face was red, turned towards the side to avoid your gaze.
"'s true" he mumbled, low enough for you to barely hear, "you look beautiful."
Kaji swore you were going to be the death of him. He also swore that he would definitely kill Kusumi and Enomoto later, whom he saw through the bakery's transparent windows, phones in hand as they 'discreetly' took a picture.
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