#i was gonna make it shuggy
weirdagnes · 6 months
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i was listening to Buggy’s Cherry Bomb, but then I remembered this song Cherry Hunt and my braincells collided
and behold: bughawk burlesque au
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aimbutmiss · 7 months
The day started like any other normal day. And it was, to Mihawk at least.
Yes, it was his birthday, but he never really cared for the occasion. Was he grateful for the life he was given? Of course he was. But he never saw the point in celebrating. He remembered the day when Shanks had showed up out of nowhere, ten years or so ago. He was overjoyed to see the man, hands itching to reach for Yoru, but the man stopped him with a whine.
"Nooooo, I come in peace! We can't fight, not today of all days!"
He held up the bottle in his hand with a bright smile. "We're gonna party until the sun goes down and comes back up!"
A frown pulled down on Mihawk's face, who was not quite understanding the situation. "What are you talking about?"
Shanks' smile quickly dropped too. "Don't tell me you forgot your own birthday."
Ah, right. So that's what this was about. The man had told him his date of birth some time ago, and in his surprise and perhaps slight tipsiness, he had admitted that they shared the same birthday. In hindsight, he should have known the red head would pull something like this. It was definitely in character. He sighed in frustration.
"I'm not quite the type to celebrate. You know I don't like to party like you folk."
"That's nonsense!" Shanks walked up to him and slapped a hand on his back, strong enough to send a normal man flying. But of course, Mihawk didn't move an inch. "Parties are like, the best part of being a pirate! And even if I respect your mysterious and lonely guy schtick, it's your damn birthday! You can make an exception for one day of the year."
He looked up, reminiscing about the past. "The captain was very firm about that. He would throw me and Buggy the most extravagant parties. He never once forgot; can you believe that?"
The captain he was talking about was indeed the King of the Pirates, Gold Roger. It had shocked Mihawk at first, learning about Shanks’ past. But the more he got to know the man, the more it made sense. A man of his caliber couldn’t have come from anything else. Shanks was a very talkative drunkard, so Mihawk was used to listening to stories about that time of his life. And frankly, he quite enjoyed it. These men in his stories and the stuff they went through were like straight out of legends... He gave a small smile to the excited man in front of him. "I guess I could indulge you just this once, but only because it's your birthday too."
He snapped out of the memories and slowly got out of bed, having had enough nostalgia to last him the day. But he was stopped by a floating hand pulling on his night gown.
Mihawk looked to the source of the muffled protest, which happened to be the blue mess in his bed. "Let go, Buggy."
He sighed as he sat back down on the bed, fingers immediately going for the soft blue locks. An approving hum came from the clown as he brushed through his hair with his long fingers.
This sleepy man, with whom he shared a bed, was one of those from Shanks’ stories. Except he was nothing like them. He wasn’t brave and fearless like in the stories, he was weak. But he knew exactly what he was and what he was capable of, and Mihawk loved him for that. He was charming beyond words, and a little stupid, but Mihawk was into that, as embarrassing as it was.
“Get back into bed and get your birthday cuddles.”
Mihawk chuckled at his partner. “Nice try, sweetheart.”
He got up to leave for the bathroom. “Do you know where Crocodile went?”
“Nope! How should I know?” Buggy answered way too quickly, which made the swordsman’s brows furrow.
“Hm. He’s probably in his office like usual.”
“Yes! That’s it.” Buggy exclaimed in triumph, for what he didn’t know. “He’s such a workaholic.”
“Indeed.” He replied nonchalantly as he reached for his razor.
“Wait!” Buggy ran out of bed to his side with a smile. “Let me do that for you.”
Mihawk stared at him with a raised brow. “You want to help me shave? For what reason exactly?”
“It’ll be relaxing! I’m good with my hands, you know.” Buggy wiggled his brows suggestively, which made his lips curve just the slightest bit. The clown could be funny sometimes, mostly when he wasn’t trying. Oh, how he loved this silly man.
“You literally have no reason to do this.”
Buggy sighed in frustration. “I’m just trying to pamper you, birthday boy. Take it or leave it.”
Mihawk thought about it for a second, and reluctantly gave the razor to the clown. “You better not mess this up. I have a very particular- “
“I’m aware, dear. Just trust me.”
He gently held his face and got to work, carving out the intricate design with capable movements. After he was done, he wiped his face with a fresh towel and gave him a kiss on the cheek to seal the deal.
“Was that a part of the service?” Mihawk jokingly asked.
“Only for you, handsome.”
Mihawk was never one for being coddled, always believing that being spoiled was being looked down upon. He didn’t need special attention and privilege to make it in life. But this, this he could get used to.
He pulled Buggy into a kiss that started innocent, but quickly grew more desperate. He was sneaking his hands under Buggy’s polka dot pyjama shirt when the man pushed him away.
“Nuh uh.”
“Nuh uh?” Mihawk stared at his boyfriend in bewilderment.
“Not now. I’ll give your birthday gift at night.”
Mihawk frowned. “It’s my birthday now too. What difference does it make?”
“God, you’re impatient. Night. No negotiating.”
Mihawk pursed his lips and didn’t protest. He was not happy, though.
Buggy stayed with him throughout the day, keeping him company and making sure he stayed away from the beach.
Yes, Mihawk could tell. But to be fair, Buggy wasn’t exactly being subtle. But he didn’t say a word, indulging in whatever the man was planning.
A surprise party, perhaps? God, he really hoped it wasn’t that. Crowds and being the center of attention didn’t agree with his constitution.
And where was his other partner (both in romantic and business contexts), Crocodile? He wasn’t in his office like he initially assumed. He was sure Buggy knew where the man was but refrained from asking questions. He was quite sure the two situations were somehow connected.
That in itself was quite ridiculous to think about. Crocodile didn’t seem like the type of man to care about birthdays either, like himself. Maybe Buggy had somehow convinced him? It all seemed very unnecessary. He knew the clown had good intentions, but he would have been fine if no one acknowledged his birthday at all. It wasn’t of importance to him, simple as that.
Then why was this bothering him so much? He tried to focus on Buggy’s rambling but that feeling did not leave.
Why did it feel so wrong to be celebrated just for existing? To be loved and cared for?
Don’t get him wrong, he wasn’t unhappy with it. Quite the opposite actually. But it just felt so… foreign. He needed time to adjust, to make his peace with it.
He thought he had gotten over this particular problem after he formed a relationship with his two business partners. It had taken a lot out of him to simply let them in, to feel comfortable in their presence, to not fret from every touch… And even though he trusted them completely, here he was doubting his place.
It just didn’t make sense. They were wasting their time and effort for an inconsequential event that would pass by, leaving nothing changed. So, what if he got a year older? What did that change? Why did they care so much about something he himself didn’t care for? To show their love? But Mihawk already knew they loved him.
“Earth to Mihawk, hello?”
Mihawk snapped out of his thoughts, staring at Buggy’s concerned eyes. “Hm? Sorry, I got lost in thoughts. You were saying?”
“I was saying I want to walk along the beach… You sure you’re okay?”
“Yes, don’t worry. I’m alright, just a bit sluggish today. And sure, we can go for a stroll.”
He walked hand in hand with Buggy, trying to ease his mind and keep small talk going. He wasn’t big on physical touch, but he really appreciated the warmth of Buggy’s hand then. The clown always had a way of comforting him without trying. Mihawk stopped walking when he saw the dinner table placed on the beach. That certainly wasn’t there before. It was adorned with red roses and lit candles, setting a romantic atmosphere. Crocodile was standing beside the table, looking at his pocket watch.
“You’re late.”
“I know! I got lost in my speaking, and hawk eyes didn’t try to stop me so I lost track of time…”
“You and your big mouth… I guess it’s alright, we didn’t miss the sunset.”
Crocodile walked up to him, wrapping an arm around his waist and sharing a chaste kiss.
“Happy birthday, hawk eyes.”
“Thank you.” Mihawk broke the eye contact as he felt his cheeks get hotter.
Crocodile gave a sly smirk. “Someone’s being bashful.”
“Well, I didn’t expect… this. I was convinced you were throwing me a party.”
Buggy frowned at the thought. “Of course not! That would make you uncomfortable, wouldn’t it? That’s the last thing I would want on your birthday. A private dinner on the other hand…”
“Is much more your style, is it not?” Crocodile completed Buggy’s sentence.
Mihawk was the luckiest man alive. He gave his lovers a small smile. “Yes, indeed it is. You are too thoughtful.”
“It’s literally the bare minimum but okay.”
“I can’t believe this, but I agree with the clown. What kind of partners would we be if we didn’t know your preferences?”
Mihawk sat on the chair the taller man pulled out for him as Buggy poured him a glass of wine, one of his favorites that happened to be quite expensive.
“I just don’t quite get what’s so important about this day, or what you would go through all this trouble for.”
Crocodile and Buggy shared a glance and turned to him with sad eyes.
“Because it’s the day you came into this world, and therefore to our lives? Because we love you?”
“Indeed. I don’t see what’s so confusing about us wanting to cherish the man we love, to show him how much he means to us. Is that a problem?”
Mihawk stared at the two in astonishment and eventually, a big smile stretched across his lips. “No, not at all.”
The swordsman had a lot to learn about love, about being loved, but he had two perfect partners to help him through the steps. He could get used to celebrating his birthday if it meant he got to share it with the people he loved. Maybe that’s what he had been missing all these years to give this day a meaning. Company.
And after dinner, Buggy didn’t forget about his promise from the morning. Easy to say Mihawk went to sleep a very tired but satisfied man.
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
Sorry I really didn’t mean I’m attacking you or your ship. I also don’t think it’s a red flag, most gay men I saw don’t really like shuggy either. I mean, probably the entire world prefers any other shanks ships? On almost every site, con or store there’s always tons of mishanks and Bennshanks and never shuggy. I get it’s also about dynamic and connection those two pairs have, like with the parallels to other ships the base for them is extremely strong. But the minimal shuggy does speak volumes. I genuinely wonder about this. Shuggy is unpopular and again while I do agree there’s strong connection between “rival ships” I don’t think that’s the only reason… and like…. Buggy is ugly, isn’t he? He doesn’t have cool style, doesn’t look cool, makes ugly faces all the time, also is a coward. I like him as comedy character and shanks brother though!
I understand where you're coming from when you say Shuggy is unpopular amongst some people (actually, before anyone says anything. It IS an extremely popular ship in Japan but I have seen A LOT of hatred towards it in this side of the fandom, so that's what I'm talking about when I say it's unpopular). I have talked about this before. And I have said a lot of times that the reason why is often because people only focus on looks and Buggy is not conventionally attractive for the fangirly twinkified sexualized gaze numerous sides of the fandom and the general audience seek. Like, I am not forcing people to ship them, but I have had people admitting the only reason they don't is because of the looks, and I personally believe that is a very (despite valid, of course) dull way of seeing ships. And respectfully, I don't care that other gay dudes or all the people in the world agree with you. It's not a red flag to not like Shuggy, what it is a red flag, though, is to come into people's inboxes to do what you're doing!
I know you don't mean to attack me or anybody who ships them but your tone does wonders showing otherwise. Your perception of shipping is just based on looks and the fact that you came here, to a blog that explicitly ships these characters and is fond of Buggy, talking shit about one of the characters' looks... Is just straight-up mean and not following the social etiquette this site should follow, which is "let people do whatever the fuck they want".
So with all due respect, what makes you think I won't find your questions offensive in any way? Because you keep talking bad about a character I like in my inbox for literally no reason. Do you expect me to admit that the ship is unpopular because Buggy is ugly and boring? Well, I do admit people view him as ugly and only a comedy relief, but I don't. Expecting others to find beautiful and interesting the same things you do is having a very close-minded vision that One Piece's plot itself is against.
By the way, you're showing that you clearly don't like Buggy in the slightest because you're only talking about the traits that you find negative about him. But of course, you like him as comedy relief. Of course, you like him as a character in Shanks' story and not as a character himself. Despite Buggy having lots of depth. Your perception of these characters seems, in my opinion, extremely empty and, as I said, only based on looks. And you're free of shipping whatever you want however you want! But please, please, don't do this anymore. This is just petty high school mean girl behavior. Even Regina George would word this in a more polite way.
So, as a little advice for you, let people ship whatever they want without questioning their favorite characters! I am sure you will live a more peaceful life!
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the-obnoxious-sibling · 9 months
in which buggy doesn’t sleep well, missed breakfast food so much in prison, tells tall tales, and schedules a—not a date. a… day to catch up with an old… person. shanks. whatever.
the next part to this story, which is a follow-up to this one, which was itself a second take at—actually, here’s a tag for all of the near miss stories & related talk, go there if you want the context. (i’ve linked to the chronological order sorting of the tag, so you should see the “thinking about near misses in east blue” post first.)
Buggy was still mad at Galdino hours later, when he got fed up with his feet being tripped over in the dark and the rest of him (sitting up in the rigging, sulking hiding just sitting) had gotten cold.  But given the very limited space on the Red Force, it was either bunk with someone or sleep on the deck, and Buggy was not about to do that.  The men—ugh, now Galdino had him doing it!—were way too excited about following Buggy’s every move, he shuddered to think what they might do at night.  Assuming he could even get to sleep with all of them hovering like that.
So if he was bunking with someone, there was really only the one option: the only other guest on this ship who’d treated him like a human being.
But he wasn’t happy about it.
Galdino paid him no mind, using a borrowed mirror to inspect himself as he prepared for bed, applying a thin layer of wax along the edge of his hairline.  When he was done with the mirror, he silently held it up so Buggy could look himself over.  He used pretty long-lasting makeup, the better to survive bloody fistfights and brackish ocean spray—and some of it had even survived the sterilizing baths they dunked you in when you arrived at Impel Down!  Buggy would write to the brand, to tell them to use that fact in their advertising, but that degree of longevity probably wasn’t a huge selling point now that Ivankov and his ilk had escaped the prison.
Anyway, nothing had happened today that could really mess it up.  His face was fine.
…it could use a touch-up, though.  Just to solidify the linework on the crossbones, make the edge of his lip really crisp.  Buggy touched the corner of his lip, considering, and very much against his will recalled how it had felt for someone else to touch that part of his face.
It had been a long time.
Not so long that Shanks’ hand was the first to touch him since Shanks, mind you.  But a long time all the same.
He scowled, and threw himself into bed.  Touching up his makeup—and who, exactly, would he be doing that for?!  That kind of thinking could wait until morning.  When, hopefully, he would have recovered his sanity in full.
As he was drifting off, Buggy heard Galdino roll over and say, softly, “You may think of that guy as some dope you used to sail with, but fact is he’s an Emperor.  One who’s taken an interest in you.  I’m just trying to look out for you.”
“And who asked you to do that?” Buggy muttered into his pillow.
“No one,” Galdino acknowledged.  “But if I’m hitching my wagon to yours—and it sure looks like that’s what’s happening here—I want to make sure we aren’t about to ride off a cliff.”
With that grim visual in his head, Buggy sunk into an uneasy sleep.
The next day dawned warm and bright.  Buggy had thoughtlessly picked a bed that sat under the one small window in the room, right where an early morning sunbeam would shine in his face.  He groaned a protest, but unfortunately, once up he was up.  Leaving Galdino to sleep his fill, he stretched, grumbled, and made himself presentable.
(This did not involve touching up his makeup in any way.)
A handful of Red-Haired Pirates were also up and about, though Buggy couldn’t tell how many were early risers and how many had been on watch overnight.  A few nodded at him with the bleary eyes of hungover men.  Uneasy at the acknowledgement, however small, Buggy ducked into the mess, praying that there would be something hot to eat at this hour.
Prayers were answered in the form of the ever-grinning Lucky Roux, who was setting out large pans of a few types of porridge under warming lamps, with toppings (both savory and sweet) laid out in small bowls.  Buggy opted for oats with some dried fruit and syrup on top, something that would fill him up and leave a sweet aftertaste.  Though he might go back for the rice porridge later if he could get a soft-boiled egg to go with it… oh, eggs.  He’d missed eggs.
There were also two steaming pots of liquid sitting to one side, one a tisane that smelled oddly familiar—after a moment, Buggy remembered the hangover cure Rayleigh had sworn by, and had to bite back a nauseous stab of nostalgia.  He went for the other, not caring what it was so long as it was hot.  It turned out to be awfully bitter, so he stole a bit of the porridge syrup to sweeten it.
Loaded down with food and drink, Buggy set himself up next to the kitchen, facing the rest of the mess.  No one would be able to sneak up on him but Roux, and the day a man that size could—
“Any special requests?”
Biting back a shriek, Buggy spun to see Roux poking his head through a small window between the kitchen and mess.  “I’m no short-order cook,” he said with a grin, “but this early I’m happy to make people what they want, so long as I have the ingredients on hand.”
What Buggy really wanted was a hot dog.  Fuck, he missed bread.  And meat.  But he didn’t want a cheffy take on it, he wanted the greasy sausage and halfway stale bun you got when you bought a hot dog at a boardwalk.  Since that wasn't likely to happen… “Over-easy eggs and toast?  Oh, and ham, or bacon, whatever meat you’ve got.”
“That, I can do.”
Buggy dug into his oats, watching other men slowly creep into the mess in varying states of wakefulness and dress.  The most tired looking came straight to the kitchen, where Roux already had plates waiting—the night watch men, then, being rewarded for that unpleasant duty.  That was smart, Buggy thought, reluctant but firm in his admiration.  If he ever got a really top-tier chef in his crew, that’d be the way to get people to do the worst chores: give them good food after.
“Building Snake says we're making landfall this afternoon?” one of the night watch guys said to another.  Buggy tried to lean in without making it obvious that he was eavesdropping.  “Seriously, that soon?”
“We need to resupply if we're gonna keep housing these guys for much longer,” the other replied, glancing over at a cluster of Whitebeard Pirates around one table, Marco’s distinctive tuft of fiery orange hair poking out of the center.  “We buy goods today, give all of them shore leave so they aren't in the way while we load up tomorrow, and if the winds favor us we offload the clown and his troupe the next day.”
Buggy twitched.  What now?
“Oh, did Rockstar find the Buggy Pirates already?” Roux asked, handing the pair of men their plates.  “When’s he gonna learn he doesn't have to work so hard to impress us?”  The three of them shared a laugh over this overachiever who’d apparently found Buggy’s ship in under a day. (The hell were they doing so close to the Calm Belt?) Leaning down to hand Buggy his requested dish, Roux said, “Only three days from your crew!  That must be a relief, huh?”
Ignoring the startled looks on the night watch pair’s faces as they ran off—yes, Buggy had been here the whole time, so good of you to finally notice—Buggy grabbed the plate and breathed in deeply.  Eggs soft as silk, bacon just the far side of well-done, toast triangles gleaming with butter… god damn, but it was worth being awake at this hour to get quality food.  “It’ll be nice to be home,” he said around a mouthful, “but I’ll miss this.”
Roux burst into big, booming laughter.  “You guys!  Always so appreciative of good food.  I’d expected to rate higher than prison fare, but I’m flattered to hear I’m also better than your usual!”
In the middle of stabbing the yolks of his eggs with a sharp corner of toast , Buggy squinted suspiciously up at Roux.  “What do you mean by ‘you guys?’”
“I mean Roger Pirates, of course!”
Buggy blinked.
“Shanks is always happy to eat whatever, but he can’t hide how much happier he is when I make his favorites.  And that Silvers Rayleigh…” Roux shook his head.
Buggy nearly choked on an egg.  “You’ve met Rayleigh?!”
“Oh sure, about ten years back?  We’d barely been on the Grand Line six months, just hit Sabaody and were debating whether to move forward to the New World or stay in Paradise a little longer, and suddenly Shanks was running off to talk to this old man.  Of course I had to feed him, if just to prove to the guy that I deserved my job.  He really—”  Roux sniffed the air, spun around and yelped, and disappeared back into the kitchen.
So that was how they had Rayleigh’s hangover cure on this ship.  “Sabaody, huh…?”  Buggy wouldn't have thought he’d end up there, with how often world nobles visited the place.  Did Rayleigh have a death wish?  Or was he just old enough at this point to escape notice?  Buggy snorted.  Lucky him.
A storm of feet came thundering from out on the deck, drawing the attention of most of the room—until the mess door flung open to reveal a cluster of men in ragged Impel Down uniforms.  They spotted Buggy and cried out, “Captain Buggy!  There you are!”
This got eye rolls and looks of annoyance all around, which Buggy almost wanted to join in on.  Seriously, did these guys need their hands held on the way to the bathroom too?
“Here I am,” he said dryly, sipping at his drink.  “Don’t you people remember what mealtimes are?  Where else would I be at this hour?”  Ignoring their responses (“Of course!  Captain Buggy’s so smart!” “So logical!”), he edged a little closer to the wall, having a feeling he was about to get crushed.
The men did flock to his side the second they were able—attempting to offer choice bits of food to him, like he didn’t clearly already have something better on his plate—but their devotion was thankfully balanced by respect, and they didn’t sit so close he couldn’t breathe.
They were still totally incapable of keeping their mouths shut, though.
“Captain Buggy, will you tell us of another of your adventures?”
Buggy bit back a grimace as pirates less enamored with him gave his group a dirty look. Yeah, he wouldn’t want to be in tight quarters with them either, if he were hungover and not a Buggy fan. But how could he ignore their request? “Sure! Anything for you guys!”  What stories hadn’t he told yet…?  “Have I told you the story of… how my crew acquired our fiercest member, Richie the Lion?”
“A lion?!”  “No, Captain Buggy!”
“Alright, then.  It all started when my brave crew was exploring a jungle island, years ago…” The actual story of how they’d gotten Richie was nothing special—it was really the story of how he’d met Mohji, a mistreated performer in an East Blue circus where Buggy had hidden out until the first time someone mentioned his nose, at which point he wrecked the place.  But who here would know if he adapted the story of a day he’d spent on a jungle island with Captain Roger and Shanks? (…besides the obvious person, of course.) So he wove a tale of cleverness and might, of Captain Buggy spotting a dangerous beast that had a crying child trapped up in a tree and tricking it into pursuing him instead, only for the lion to be instantly tamed by his sheer power… and of course, Buggy being richly rewarded for the rescue.
“And that’s why we named him Richie,” Buggy concluded.  “After the riches and fortune he brought me that day.”
“How touching!”  “How bold!”  “How amazing!”
How exhausting.  “Now,” Buggy said, mopping up a smear of egg yolk with his last corner of toast, “are you satisfied for the moment, or do you need another—” Glancing up, he nearly choked on his bite.  Shanks was standing in the midst of the men, sipping from a steaming hot mug and watching Buggy with an amused smile on his face.  That fucker definitely remembered being stuck up a tree with a lion clawing at their feet.  “Shanks!  W-what do you want?”
“Oh, don’t stop on my account,” he said, glancing down at the man sitting across the table from Buggy.  It seemed the men had been so captivated by Buggy’s storytelling that they hadn’t noticed Shanks either; now that they had, they quickly moved to accommodate him.  Taking the suddenly empty seat, he set down his mug—Buggy’s nose wrinkled up, it was the hangover tisane—and leaned his chin on his fist.  “If you’re taking requests, how about when we first met Oden?  That’s a good story.”
“I—that—” Like hell Shanks just wanted a story.
Lucky Roux got Buggy’s attention, and held out a plate clearly meant for Shanks; it was the same kind of breakfast he’d favored as a child, down to the diced tomatoes perched atop the eggs—originally a deterrent to keep Buggy from stealing his food, at some point it had become a highlight of the dish for Shanks, the freak.
…maybe he did just want a story.  For all that he was an Emperor now, Shanks didn’t seem to have changed much as a person.  Buggy passed the plate along to Shanks, and tried to relax. “That is a good one.”
Turning to the men watching this exchange wide-eyed, Buggy barked out, “Now, who among you swabs recognizes the name of Kozuki Oden, once heir to the shogunate of Wano?!”  This got a couple of looks of recognition, but mostly confusion—except for, from the far side of the room, a few angry grumbles.  Buggy laughed.  “Don’t tell me the Whitebeards still hold a grudge?  Just because our crews fought for three days, and Oden chose to come with us in the end?”
This garnered a far more impressed reaction from the ex-prisoner crowd, and some narrow-eyed looks from the Whitebeards.  Oh, they definitely still held a grudge.  But Shanks was smiling ever so slightly, and that was enough to make Buggy smirk and say, “Well, feel free to offer corrections if you think I’m telling the story wrong.”
And then he told the most overblown, exaggerated version of events he possibly could.
Some of the Whitebeard Pirates threw out corrections—and insults against Buggy’s memory and honesty—but Buggy gave as good as he got, Shanks occasionally chimed in with falsely innocuous comments like “that’s not how I remember it” to their corrections, and the story was all the better for the pushback.  That was the thing with lying: the larger lie sounded more believable when someone objected to small details, because your audience assumed that everything that hadn’t been corrected must be true.
For all the insults and slander tossed around about dead men, the mood in the room was significantly lighter by the time Buggy finished the story.  Most of the Red-Haired Pirates had left, their duties for the morning calling, but the former prisoners and Whitebeard Pirates lingered to hear Buggy out until the end, with Oden and his family sailing off on the Oro Jackson, Whitebeard’s men calling out fond farewells and complaints at his disloyalty in equal measure.
Even Marco the Phoenix was convinced to speak up at that point, saying, “Pops never forgave Roger for that, yoi,” with a slight, sad smile.
“For stealing Oden?” Buggy snorted a laugh.  “If you wanted him to stick around, you should’ve gone to the last island yourselves!  That man wanted adventure, and we were going on the greatest one imaginable.”
Marco protested—Oden had been like family to Whitebeard, didn’t that mean something?—and with the story complete and the breakfast hour long passed, the crowd began to disperse. (They’d learned yesterday that people who lingered in the mess tended to get roped into dishwashing duty, whether they were crew aboard the Red Force or not.) A couple people still remained: Shanks, who’d spent so much time egging on the Whitebeards that he’d scarcely touched his food; Marco, going back for a third or fourth cup of the not-tisane; and a few especially devoted ex-prisoners, staring starry-eyed at Buggy.
“The last island…” One of them breathed.  “Captain Buggy, what’s it like?”
Buggy blinked.  “Laugh Tale?”  He glanced at Shanks, who was watching him with a perfectly neutral expression, then down at the bitter dregs left in his cup.  What to say? Buggy flushed.  He wouldn’t—couldn’t—lie about this.  “I, uh, I don’t know.”
“We didn’t go,” Shanks said, getting a grateful look from Buggy and surprise from the rest of the room.  “Buggy got sick, and I stayed behind to look after him.”  This won Shanks some undeserved admiration from Buggy’s fans—what a sacrifice he’d made, and for Captain Buggy’s sake!  Yeah, right.
What other reason could he have had, to stay behind?
Galdino’s (terrible, awful) words from yesterday popped up in Buggy’s head.  Gah, surely not that!  Surely he hadn’t—not back then.  Surely he didn’t now, for that matter!  Buggy grimaced.  It wasn’t like he could just ask, not around all these people.
Not around them.  But maybe…
“Shanks, I—”
“Listen, Buggy…”
They blinked, dumbfounded.  After a moment’s silence, Shanks gestured for Buggy to go ahead.
Buggy scratched at an itch along his jawline.  It would be nice to be back on the Big Top, where he could get something like a clean shave again.  But before that… if he could just get the question out.  He gritted his teeth.  Why was asking for things so hard?  “Yesterday, you said you’d like to sit down and catch up if you weren’t so busy. If you really meant that… I hear tomorrow’s gonna be a shore day, at least for people who don’t have a real role on your ship, so I was thinking…” Buggy shrugged.  “I dunno.  Maybe we could do that? Can you spare an hour for me?”
“Yeah!”  Shanks grinned, so wide and bright Buggy could hardly bear to look at it.  “Yeah, I’d love that.  But forget an hour, I can give you the whole day.”  When Buggy frowned, puzzled, Shanks explained, “I was about to ask you to spend time with me.”
Buggy laughed under his breath.  “Figures.” All those nerves for nothing!  If he’d just kept his mouth shut a few seconds longer, Shanks would’ve asked, and then Buggy could’ve looked like he was doing him a favor by giving him exactly what Buggy wanted. Oh, well.  Turning to the men hovering behind him, Buggy snapped, “You hear that?!  You boys are gonna have to find something else to do tomorrow, I’m gonna be too busy to hang around telling you stories of my greatness!”
“Yessir, Captain Buggy!” (“Wow!  An elite captain-to-captain meeting!”)
“And if any of you dare to follow or interrupt us, you’ll live to regret it!  Spread the word!”
The men disappeared obediently.  Buggy let himself bask for a moment—god, but it was nice to be listened to.  Even if they did take it to extremes.  And even if they only did it because they thought Buggy was a pirate on Captain Roger’s level, and not just a kid the guy had taken a liking to.  And even if… with a little sigh, Buggy turned back around.  Gathering up his dishes—even if he managed to avoid dishwashing duty today, clearing his place was the least he could do—Buggy glanced up at Shanks and froze at the look on his face.  That fond little smile… heat rushed to Buggy’s cheeks, and he groaned, shoving a hand in Shanks’ face.
“Don’t look at me like that!”
“Like what?” Shanks laughed, pushing Buggy’s hand out of the way, still looking at him like…
“Like—” Buggy remembered Galdino’s words and violently shoved the memory down.  He remembered a similar look on Shanks’ face, years ago, and violently shoved that memory down too.  Getting to his feet, he floated his stack of plates through the kitchen window and bolted.  “Just don’t!”
But even as he left, he knew Shanks’ expression hadn’t changed.  He was still looking at Buggy like he liked him.
And Buggy had just agreed to spend the day with him tomorrow.
What had he been thinking?
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dustbunnnyarts · 8 months
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Shuggy nation wya 👉👈
Gonna start throwing my art up on here including random sketches here and there so if you love one piece men I have GOT you- Hoping to make and sell prints soon!
~ Please do not repost my art! ~
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goingbuggy · 2 months
thank you, you’re the best. I will keep it short.
I wrote this to someone because I disagree with shuggy being great story in canon. But I thought longer and it turned out into more thoughts. First I do enjoy shuggy. I like them more as brothers and I like crocbug more. But I do like shuggy art sometimes.
Most of the story of shuggy is buggy being constantly angry at shanks. Every scene is just him being bitter, while shanks is chill. He’s angry because he’s not like shanks and blames himself for it. But shanks can’t help with that. It’s not abusive but you know how some DC fan are saying how joker is not harley LI but her origin story? I think it’s shuggy. Shanks is buggy begging. The have this bond but it’s over and not useful. What is left is buggy obsession which has to end. It’s without shanks reaction.
And both of those characters have more interesting and impactful relationships with other characters around them. Mostly shanks. He has people around him that are not jealous of him and are EQUAL. And buggy been replaced I think on purpose. Benn Beckman is there to be this close support that buggy could never be. Mihawk is rival, like buggy was in younger years but he’s meaningful to challenge shanks with respect and push him forward. Both of them make shanks better and fill those roles buggy couldn’t.
Buggy is just starting his bonds. He now has cross guild. And we know they’re gonna be for buggy in the future.
What do you think? I read OP many times and I think it does make sense and that is how the story will go. But you can call me out if you disagree. I respect you.
Woah, this is a long one! I just want to say, firstly, that you are entitled to your interpretations of Shanks and Buggy's relationship. However, I think you are going about this in a strange way. A bond is not measured by its usefulness, and claiming that Buggy has been "replaced" shows that you are viewing their dynamic from a distanced, almost utilitarian perspective; this isn't wrong, per se, but you are talking about characters who are meant to be people. And most people are irrational, emotional creatures who don't view their friendships as something profitable or disadvantageous. Buggy cannot be replaced by anyone, because Buggy is not a role to be filled in Shanks' life. Buggy was always just Buggy to Shanks. They were not friends because they only saw each other as useful. I think their interactions during the Wano flashback show that pretty clearly.
To address your point about Shanks and Buggy not being equals, though, I think this is a topic Oda has intentionally laid out, as it directly relates to Buggy's narrative. Buggy is someone who yearns to be seen as an equal -- just look at his reaction in Marineford when Whitebeard addresses him. (The blush is so cute, lmao.)
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Buggy's insecurities are also the reason I believe he chose not to follow Shanks; my post here elaborates, but to sum it up neatly, Buggy immediately assumed he'd be working "under" Shanks, when Shanks only asked for Buggy to stay by his side. I truly think Shanks has always viewed Buggy as his equal -- it's just a matter of Buggy realizing that.
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At this point in the story, they are more balanced than ever: both emperors with massive influence, albeit in different ways. As Buggy says himself, they are "on equal footing again." So, when you say their relationship has been unequal in parts, I don't disagree -- but that's not a flaw. That's intentional. It's an explicit aspect of the way their dynamic is written. It's a major source of their miscommunication.
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Cross Guild is also currently a relationship in Buggy's life, but we don't exactly know where it's going. I would absolutely love it if Mihawk and Crocodile began to believe in Buggy and support him -- mostly because it would be hilarious -- but as of now, it is nowhere near a genuine bond. It is strictly business, and ironically, deeply unequal in terms of power dynamics. Buggy has only flipped the script on them recently, starting in chapter 1082, so we have to wait and see how that progresses.
At the end of the day, it's your opinion -- you can view Buggy's relationship with Shanks as uninteresting, and that's totally fine! But the lens with which you view their dynamic could use some adjusting. Your complaints stem from personal tastes, not fundamental problems with Shanks and Buggy's narrative.
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allmightskitten · 2 months
From the Abandoned WIP Graveyard:
"nutritious and good for your bones" a.k.a the Shuggy Omegaverse AU
tags: post-Marineford, this segment is SFW, alpha shanks/omega buggy
If Shanks was to believe what everyone on his crew kept telling him, Buggy actually wanted him here.
It was approaching their fifth day sailing side by side since their chance encounter on these seas. The navigators of both crews had advised on the same exact path and pace– despite Buggy's relentless efforts to convince his own navigator otherwise– which had lead to some helpful collaboration during the spotty storms that hit them. The storms came and went at random, sometimes twice a day, but everyone was growing used to it, following what was by now a true and tested procedure to handle one as soon as it hit.
When it wasn't stormy, the seas were deceptively calm.
These periods provided the best excuse for good alcohol-fueled parties and feasts, an irresistible draw for any pirate. Having two crews present meant even more food and booze, so no matter how feared the Red-Haired pirates were, Buggy's crew didn't hesitate to accept their invitations.
These periods also provided the best excuse for Shanks to go seeking his oldest friend.
It started with business, because he knew how cagey the clown could be, and when Shanks started to run out of captain-to-captain discussions he could frame as 'business', he grasped at every chance he got. Buggy sometimes let his guard down and laughed at things he said or got along with him too well until he noticed and went cold again. Unlike Shanks, Buggy didn't exactly act like he was thrilled to be in this situation.
"No, no," Beck grumbled at Shanks's half-hearted offer to help repair some damages sustained to the mast from the last storm. "I know you're itching to go see him. Get out of here."
Shanks scratched the back of his head, having the good grace to feel sheepish.
"It wouldn't be right if I didn't help around the ship..."
Beck stopped what he doing to turn around and look at him dryly, with no appreciation or amusement.
"I think you would be doing both our crews a huge favour if you just slept with him already. The pheromones from both of you are absolutely insufferable to those of us who can detect them, so. You can help by..." He made a vague gesture with his free hand. "...sorting out whatever the hell it is you've got going on with Buggy."
Shanks was briefly dumbfounded, before his shock turned to embarrassment and he sputtered.
"I have no idea what you're talking about. Buggy doesn't even want me here."
Beck raised an eyebrow so high up it touched his hairline.
"Oh, he wants you here, alright. You probably can't smell it because that's what he always smells like around you. Do us all a solid and fuck that clown, will you?"
Shanks choked on his spit, indignant, but before he could start an argument, his first mate left his post and headed with a bunch of planks in the direction of some other repair works, leaving Shanks uselessly staring after him.
Beck was not even the first person to tell him that these past few days.
The original plan had anyway been to go looking for Buggy, this time with a peace offering of some good sake he'd coveted in his cabin for a while, so that was what he did following this interaction. Beck's words echoed in his head.
Could he really not detect what everyone else was apparently catching in Buggy's scent?
A/N; I apologise profusely for abandoning this one, but if it makes things better it was just gonna be pure filthy smut (the title is a reference to the, um, lactation kink that's supposed to happen–) with no other substance, so!
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oz00ms2 · 11 months
I’m like five hours late with Starbucks to this but I neeeed to ask you about your Marine Buggy au if you’re up for it. How much do you think Buggy is a formidable threat in this au and how much is him somehow stumbling into success like in canon? Not that canon Buggy can’t be a threat under the right circumstances , but one can’t deny how much is just pure unadulterated dumb luck and it’s just extremly funny to me imagining another version of him bumbling his way to the top in the same manner, but also this version of Buggy seems more competent in comparison, so I am interested in hearing how you interpret him yourself.
Also as a Shuggy appreciator I am still gonna throw out the scenario of someone promoting Firebug up a rank and adding „You really did it Sir. If those dastardly pirates set sail just an hour earlier we wouldn’t have had the menpower and that tactical advantage that helped us win that last fight . It’s a shame that red headed bastard got away, but nevertheless this is a huge success for all of us. Truly remarkable Sir! How’d you do it? How did you keep them from setting sail for so LONG? Did you mingle amongst the crew to stage a mutiny? Did you damage their boat? Sir, I would love to know Sir!“ Buggys mind flashes back to him and Shanks absolutely violently making out against the wall in Shanks cabin. „… Some tactics are better kept a secret.“ „Of course Sir! Yes Sir!“
did you bring me a coffee too? :<
ty for asking about this silly lil au.
for marine!buggy I still have to believe he falls UP as is his MO. this little dude has supernatural luck and a bizarre power over men with his strange charisma so having that transfer to this au with minor tweaks.
I like to imagine he was under tsuru's tutelage once he officially joined the navy - as it's difficult for me to see him viewing any man as worth his obedience after rogers and his broken heart. plus she has a strong immunity to flashy types and I believe she'd be capable of curbing his worst traits. buggy would need someone to speak to him like an adult, blunt and lacking the whimsical dreams of his adoptive pirates who I see as having allowed buggy too lofty of a perception on the world with his issues.
would he be a dangerous marine? probably not on his own - but being believed in and supported by structure and more talented minds - I think he'd be a crafty ballistics expert and a typically underestimated foe. very useful against run of the mill pirates and keeping shorelines safe. but against more daunting enemies he'd depend on numbers and the backup of more powerful allies (while absolutely taking the praise for "organizing the group attack". )
like, please imagine smoker being his subordinate - that is hilarious to me.
I think he'd be a successful marine with very little interest in the darker machinations of the marines because he's only here to feed his loss and be praised for doing a good job. however he would be easily manipulated by darker hearted higher ups and probably not the most reliable.
unfortunately he's still buggy at heart, still a dreamer, and if he happens to mess up when his envy of free-spirited pirates gets in the way of his job, well he gets demoted/promoted endlessly like he's riding a ferris wheel with a broken brake.
as for the scenario you so beautifully presented: yes absolutely 100% 10/10 no notes.
the amount of times buggy has been interrupted mid-tumble with shanks and it has been misconstrued as him "fighting epically against the horrid red hair captain" is in the hundreds at this point.
the Marines who know the truth wish they didn't and he gets his ear dragged around by tsuru as she screams at him: that's not what she meant when she said to take red hair down!!!
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mirtadraws · 11 months
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after I saw this post I had to jump on the bandwagon of "draw your favs in your country's traditional clothing" and draw some shuggy in clothes from Dalmatia
many versions because a) I am indecisive and b) I love iterations (my file enables me to make any combo of makeup and outfit and it was so hard to pick a few choices)
first pic: Buggy is dressed in the woman's folk dress of island Susak, Shanks is in a kind of generalized men's outfit of Dalmatian islands such as Zlarin, Murter...
the rest is Buggy in variations of (absolutely gorgeous) Ottoman-influenced outfits of southernmost Dalmatia (Konavle). Wearing ornate daggers, swords and pistols tucked in the belt is a frequent feature of these traditional outfits. I also included a very typical moustache in a few drawings heheh
I wanted to draw lots more (I have accumulated so many refs) but idk if I'm gonna have time so I decided to post these now anyway
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ideas-4-stories · 8 months
NOOOOOOOO I LOST THE AU I WROTE FOR YOU 😭😭😭 I LITERALLY SENT IT AND TUMBLR SAID "NETWORK ERROR". L FOR THE WIFI. L. Not cool I'm literally crying I thought that AU was genius. It was a Teacher!Buggy AU with Crocomom and Dadhawk. + Shanks co-parenting Luffy with Crocodile. That note was so long I literally spent like 45 mins writing it here on your ask and it was just. Gone. Or I think it did. Why does life hate me. I'm just gonna be brief with this cuz I still think it's golden lmao. Croco and Mihawk work long hours so their kids (Luffy, Zoro, Perona) have to wait for a few hours until they're picked up by their parents. The school doesn't have school buses bc I said so (no I am not cruel it's just out of my budget /j). So Buggy takes the responsibility to keep them comfortable and entertained while they wait. Croco and Mihawk meeting this charming (and clown looking) blue-haired guy and they start courting him. Shanks gets dragged in on the courting bc of Luffy. Also he was already courting Buggy. I didn't write their process of courting I basically skipped and went,, their wedding will take part in a Goth castle. And the design are all sunshine and rainbows (literally). Sanji, Usopp, Nami, Vivi, Zoro and Luffy being in a class along with other kids. Franky, Robin, Jinbei and Brook are in higher classes. Chopper is atom. Not here in the world yet. Perona is like, 2-3yrs older than her brothers so. Yeah *awkwardly shuffles* (I love perona I swear-). Implied Zosan. Some rando: but you didn't imply shi— Me: Shhh I did. *gaslighting*. Law is also there in the classroom with lower grade strawhats. He's suffering. He only attends 3 days a week tho, he's mostly homeschooled bc of his sickness. He's homeschooled by Cora. (You can pry Law and Cora from my cold dead hands. You can separate them when I dissolve into ashes). Don't worry as he gets older his sickness is cured. Ofc he's cured by Cora. He's saved by Cora in every universe. In every AU. Every Era. Every life they will ever live. I will die on that hill– *applies the nobody dies/everyone lives tag on this AU* let my babies be happy pls. Let my man Cora live and travel the world with this emo boy (Law). Doffy isn't real, he can't hurt anyone. Ace is there. Sabo is there. Every One Piece character is out there somewhere. They're like hidden stones and you have 0.02% of finding them. I thought I was just making a Teacher!Buggy AU but then it turns into a Modern!AU for everyone. Let's gooooo. Sora divorces with Judge and remarry with Zeff so now Sanji lives with all his brothers and his sister. They get separate classrooms tho, and reiju is perona's age so she's besties with her. (I do not play by canon's rules with ages bc i live in my own world) They both tease their brothers (Sanji and Zoro) about their crushes on each other. The heart crew is there. Bepo is a dog, a very fluffy one. Kuina is alive. Kaya is there, same classroom with Usopp. I have no idea how to continue this lmao, but I do hope you find this interesting bc Buggy is 100% great with kids and probably teaches well bc he is a big nerd and makes lessons interesting. (Also, the whole reason why I wrote this instead of letting the idea slip through my mind like the others is bc the image of two goth men courting a clown looking mf was funny to me. So here we are lmao. The way I wrote this makes Shanks look like he's the person they let into their open relationship twice lol I'm so sorry 😭😭)
That's really sad, I really like this idea (though I see Shanks and Buggy more as siblings, but I understand the idea of Shuggy) It's fine that this became about so many people, I really like this.
Teacher!Buggy sounds so cool, you know that he's the flashiest and maybe one of the craziness of the things he'll do to get his students good things that will boost their learning. He knows that every kid might not have the same learning paths as others.
How many classes does this man teach? Who knows, too many for how much he gets paid. All teachers needs to get paid more.
I would think Jinbei and Brook being other fun teachers in the school, like Tom could be as well!
I really like this idea, and the imagine of two gothic men trying to court a clown-looking mf is really funny to me as well.
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aimbutmiss · 8 months
started a shuggy slowburn that's gonna take me forever, so here's the beginning:
Buggy was five years old when he first fell in love.
He had just learned how to swim, and everything had fallen into place then and there.
It was hard, not falling in love with the sea, when it was all you had ever known. Buggy didn’t know where he came from, or how he ended up on the Oro Jackson, but it didn’t matter. The sea was always there for him. When things got tough, as tough as they can get for a little kid at least, he’d go on the deck and stare out at the sea. It welcomed him with all its blue vastness, and it felt like home.
“Makes you wanna jump in, doesn’t it? That’s the dangerous thing about it. Pulls you in with its beauty and doesn’t let go. Unless you know how to float above it, of course. HA HA HA!”
When Roger laughed, he did so with his whole chest. It was funnier than any joke of his that Buggy had heard, and he heard a lot of those. It always made Buggy want to laugh along.
“I can teach you if you want. How to swim.”
Roger’s laugh had boomed across the deck once again as the blue haired boy had immediately nodded eagerly in response. But it turned out that Buggy was a natural at swimming and didn’t need lessons much, if not at all.
“We got a real son of the sea here, boys! Davy Jones bless him.” That’s what Roger had said as Buggy swam right into his arms. He had lifted him up and stared at him with a smile. “A fine pirate you’ll make, son!”
Now, at the age of twelve, Buggy felt nothing like a pirate. Roger’s words echoed in his head as the taste of the fruit he just swallowed soured in his mouth.
A devil fruit.
First of all, it tasted like shit.
Second of all, it was all Red’s fault.
Red, Shanks, another part of his life that had been there as long as he could remember. The other boy did give him comfort, like the sea. But unlike the sea, he had a mouth that spoke back at him.
Buggy definitely preferred the sea.
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wordy-little-witch · 4 months
Hiii also 👀 im a degenerate so um.. do u have transfem buggy w shanks and/or CG nsfw headcanons?👉👈 i miss u n ur nsfw works lmao
Don't you worry your pretty, filthy little head, honey, mama's got what you need~ /t
I do in fact have a few mini bits n bobs, so I'll add em under the cut
Her head tilted back, lips parted as he left a burning trail along her neck. Blue lashes fluttered against flushed skin, her nails digging into his shoulders as his arm, tightly clinging at her waist, pulled her down against him even harder. Teeth sunk into a scarlet lip, and Buggy bit back a moan at the press against her body. Shanks grinned against her skin, his stubble scraping deliciously against the sensitive flesh. She scowled, fingers and palm moving to tangle into riotous red waves.
"Don't be such a fucking tease," she hissed, trying desperately to conceal the tremble in her voice.
Shanks, the traitor, only chuckled warmly. "Can you blame me," he asked, head tilting back to meet her gaze, his own lips smeared with remnants of her own lipstick, pupils blown. He looked ready to swoon or devour her - possibly both. More likely, both. He rested his chin on her chest, an awkward position with their height difference made marginally easier with her Devil Fruit and perch over his lap and thighs. He sighed dreamily as he stared at her. "I have the world's most beautiful woman in my lap. Any man would want to savor this."
She flushed darker. "Savor it next time, dipshit!" She squirmed, face painfully pink as she tried - and failed - to grind down. She spit a slew of curses, pulling his hair as Shanks simply laughed at her struggle. Just when she was about to split, to push him back, the arm at her waist tightened, the thighs beneath her tensing, lifting. Buggy had a split second to arch a brow, uncertain, then she was releasing a startled squeal as the world tilted.
Shanks settled over her with a cheesy grin, his arm leaving her waist to give a teasing squeeze to her hip, snaking up her body, and deftly capturing her wrists. With his body pressed between her legs, her arms pinned, and his hair falling around his face like a curtain, Buggy could do little more than stare. Heat crept up her neck and face, down her chest. He maintained eye contact as he lowered to drag his tongue across her chest, skillful mouth closing around one bud with a pleasant hum.
Her toes curled, her head falling back as her spine arched. His chuckle against her skin only drew out another moan. "Come now," he murmured with a smirk, "can't my baby girl sing louder?"
She bristled, squirming. "I'm not gonna sing for you, a-asshol- oh!" She hiccuped through a moan as he ground down on her core. "Ch-cheap... shot...!"
"I can't help it, beautiful. You're just too cute for me to resist." He pressed a kiss to her jaw, her cheek, her mouth. "I want to make you come apart for me."
"Not so easy to break me, even harder to make me."
His grip tightened on her wrists.
She pointedly did not Chop away from his touch.
"I have ways to make brats behave."
She gave a shuddering sigh. "Let's see it, then."
Cross Guild
If there was one word to describe how Mihawk and Crocodile left her, it would be boneless.
The only times that she didn't shudder to literal pieces was when they involved seastone in their play - never enough to truly harm her, but just enough to put her powers on pause, toeing the fine between lethargic and helpless. They had ways of grinding her body and inhibitions to dust, overwhelming her with sensations, showering her with their attention, and topping everything off with a hefty portion of sheer white-hot-sated-exhaustion.
They'd made her feel beautiful, desirable in ways that had nothing to do with codependent history or proximal connection. They loved her, loved her body only because it was the one she had. They supported everything they could, they respected whatever they couldn't, and they made her see stars more nights than not.
So when Ivankov whirled into her space with a beaming grin and a vial full of hope, she'd accepted with their support at her hips. Needles would not work on her, not normal ones at least - and the seastone it would need would negate Iva's powers in the first place. It had been long, arduous work to find other options.
The vial was opportunity.
It was slower than the hormone injections, but it was far faster than the typical options of transition - and far cheaper too. With 24 hours, things had settled after possibly one of the harshest agonies she'd endured.
And once thing settled, once she was glowing in her skin, any and all lingering pains and concerns laid firmly in the past, her lieutenants whisked her eagerly to their bed.
She'd expected the same level of passion and vigorous work as she'd grown used to.
She was proven wrong.
Crocodile pressed his chest to her back, one large hand cradling her side and hip. The golden curl of his weapon was pressed into the dip of her bent knee. As if the position were not revealing enough as it was, Mihawk settled happily straddling the logia user's thighs, his own palms pressed into the soft skin of her inner thighs, now marred with kisses, bruises, bite marks - far less and far gentler than their usual fare but no less crushing her with anticipation.
Under strict orders, under gazes more like infernos by intensity alone, she was ordered to touch herself.
They drank in her every motion, her every breath and whine and moan. Every twitch of muscle was cataloged by golden eyes, every whimper met with a distinctive smokey chuckle. Getting wet was an unusual experience, and when they had her part those lips and feel herself, she had to grit her teeth at the overwhelming emotions and sensation. Mihawk seemed committed to burning the exchange into his memory. Crocodile whispered sweet praises and dark promises into her ears and crown and neck between the occasional instruction to rub there or curl your fingers, good girl-
Buggy was held up and open and devoured by eyes alone as she was guided to the precipice, as she was given the chance to baptize herself under her own hands and touch and heat.
And once she was given over, once she was broken in, once she reached out and begged for them, for their touch, they converged upon her like beasts after a hapless little lamb.
It was far from the first time a night ended with Buggy deliriously reassembling. It was doubtlessly be the last
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
Idk how to explain this but if shuggy would try to save the other from the underworld, shanks would probably not turn around only because of his trust in the other, but buggy would immediately look at him
Are we... Turning Shuggy into Orpheus and Eurydice... I adore this. And you are so right and real for this. I think this situation shows perfectly how they view their relationship and each other.
Shanks would not turn around, not only because he trusts Buggy will still be there, but because he doesn't even need to. Shanks' love for Buggy is so obvious that he doesn't even need to show it, I think? Which is extremely awful for Buggy's POV because he can't see Shanks' love, but for Shanks it's just... Simply there all the time and it's so simple and persistent that he doesn't need to do anything. So he trusts Buggy will still be there and he just assumes he is because he doesn't only trust in him but in his abilities and the fact that he will not leave (... wrong assumption in canon but yeah).
But... When it comes to Buggy's turn, he would turn around. He is so distrusting and views Shanks as somebody who would betray him and leave him no matter the situation. So he would probably turn around out of spite or distrust. But this is speaking about them being adults. Because I think that a teenage Buggy would also turn around, but because he is unable to not look at Shanks. He is too bright and too perfect and Buggy loves him but he is also so jealous. And he is so afraid Shanks will achieve greater things without him. So he turns around.
Now everybody go listen to Hadestown because it's an awesome musical and now I can't stop thinking about a Shuggy Hadestown AU.
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the-obnoxious-sibling · 7 months
I don’t mean it in hateful way. I do enjoy some ship content of them. I keep wondering. It’s bad intel of marines is explanation in the world, but as narrative tool, why would Oda put it if not to hint that those two saw each other as brothers? Deep inside.
(the post linked in the ask, the first of three or four times now that i’ve been asked for my opinion on this subject, so you’ll forgive me if i’m a little snippy in my response)
i think it serves the same purpose in the narrative as it does in universe: it explains why the navy is suddenly taking buggy seriously.
why call them sworn brothers? well, what other turn of phrase would the navy use to describe a relationship where an enemy pirate (and, one might assume, enemy marines) never saw one without the other? the navy doesn’t respect the term nakama, they don’t think crew bonds or friendship are significant, so the relationship must be familial. i could get into the inherent heteronormativity and amatonormativity of the navy as an institution, but we both know that is not why you sent me this ask.
buggy doesn’t respond to the ‘sworn brothers’ claim, too busy freaking out about his secret past being revealed. you’re free to take that lack of reaction as a sign that it’s true and obvious and not worth commenting on, just as i’m free to take that lack of reaction as a sign that buggy had bigger things to worry about at the time. it’s very much open to interpretation.
but, honestly? i think if they saw each other as brothers they would call each other brother. chosen family in one piece are not afraid of calling each other words like father, son, or brother.
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midydoof · 17 days
I WAS WAITING SO LONG FOR YOU TO HAVE ANON OPTION ON! GET READY. You are my favourite one piece artist there is. It’s incredible how well you portray those characters. I love how in character you keep your art. It’s always new fresh idea. Every one piece art of yours is immediately becoming my favourite. You make my imagination run wild everytime. You inspire me to rethink aspects of the series. You make me notice some things. Your art style is amazing. I love everything about your art. I love watching it. And looking through your blog using tag to just spend time and look at your art. Nothing else. Just watching details, zooming in, smiling to myself. I don’t even know what makes it so special tbh? Because I’m being honest, it’s not my preferred artstyle, but you make it work for me. Definitely the fact that it’s never OOC. It works in universe so well. Gosh I’ve been just writing without even thinking, I hope it’s not too much. I’ve been watching you since your first shuggy art. Seeing you make art to my favourite fanfic was incredible. I was excited to see new chapter and knowing you put your part there was making it even better. And you always choose the best moments to portray. I think me and a lot of people would make different choice but yours worked perfectly. You make me love buggy new outfit, it’s pastel mess but it looked so cool in your art. I hope it’s not too much, I’ve worded it badly because I’m nervous to send this. I could never do it off anon. I’m shaking rn, hope I didn’t annoy you but it’s positive message and I just wanted you to know how I feel. That’s how I’m gonna end this. You’re my favourite fanartist in one piece fandom.
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Oh damn, thank you kindly anon! Don't worry the compliment certainly came across, and how! I'm happy to hear it left such an impression on you, especially since I do put in consideration for real minor details I'm unsure ever gets noticed. thank you very much!
And also I thought I actually had anon on this whole time, but I think I must have turned it off during a spam surge like 8 years ago or something and forgot about it.
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an-au-blog · 10 months
Just craving fluff and imagining College Au Shuggy celebrating the holidays by just doing very unchristmassy things together. They both seem like the type to like certain aspects of Christmas only to then be hit by waves of depression when the actual holiday arrives, so they just huddle under the covers together and watch Christmas classics such as “Die hard” or Gremlins together instead while eating Pizza and drinking eggnog till they can’t stand this stuff for another year. Buggy gives Shanks his gift at 2 am in the morning, an extremely ugly and old tacky sweater he found at a thrift shop a while ago. Shanks can immediately tell that it was cheap and Buggy most likely just went out and got him… SOMETHING, but also it’s hideous in a way he just adores and it has one of his favorite childhood cartoon characters on it and the fact alone Buggy went out and got him something is PERFECT and to Buggy’s horror that thing is gonna be his favorite sweater till the end of time. Buggy on the other hand suffers a mild mental breakdown and “Oh god I am the scum of the earth” reaction because Shanks actually went into a makeup store and got him an expensive eyeshadow Palette that Buggy has been eyeing for a while now. Kicker is Shanks didn’t even know that’s the Palette Buggy wanted, he legit just spent an hour in there with a picture of Buggy describing what Buggy looks for in makeup and what colors he likes and such and such and accidentally just landed on the correct one and rightfully deducted that he would probably like this one.
“WHY DID YOU GO AHEAD AND BUY ME THAT YOU HORRIBLE, UNFLASHY FANTASTIC BOYFRIEND?!” “I thought it would make you happy.” “IT WOULD IF I GOTTEN YOU ANYTHING GOOD AS WELL!! JUST A BED BATH AND BEYOND GIFTCARD WOULD HAVE BEEN WORSE!!” “Come on Buggy I love this thing-“ “THIS IS LIKE GIFT OF THE MAGI IF IT SUCKED EVEN MORE THAN IT ALREADY DOES!” “You could always kiss me to make up for it.” “I ALREADY DO THAT.” “Then let me kiss you… AND you’ll have to let me do it for the entire day without telling me I’m being sappy or disagreeing with me when I talk about how much I love you.” “…. Okay but you’re not allowed to say weird shit about my nose.” “…Can I kiss your nose?” “Ugh. I’ll allow it. But not in public!” “Deal. I won’t talk about how cute and kissable your nose is and I especially won’t talk about how cute and kissable it is in front of other people.” “YOU JUST- AUGH! You’re horrible! An absolutely awful boyfriend!” “Glad to have landed someone as amazing as you then.” “You-“ “Ah! We agreed on not disagreeing when I talk about how great you are!” “….fine.” “I love you... and I love how hard you blush when you can’t answer with a sassy comeback” “….mmmmnnnggghh!!! loveyoutoo.”
At first I was like "awww this is so adorable:')" but thwn I got to the dialogue part and went "ok, so we're assuming they're gonna get together, now are we ahahah"
I'm guessing you're the same anon who sent me a couple other college au asks - so first off: Thank you, you honestly keep me productive and remind me to finish this fic lol (since I named some of the others, maybe I can call you ogan - bc og anon or something idk, you can refuse or give me another nickname if you want...)
But also... have I given any indication that this will be a story with a happy end? Because, I've written ends with a doomed one sided love triangle, one of the main characters being hated by the love of their life and in a hospital, while the one the other was chasing rejected them indefinitely... it was my magnum opus for quite a while, so who's to say I'll give this one an ending like that?
I'm joking, I'm joking... or am I >;]]]
Anyway, I love the idea of them spending the holidays together! Buggy doesn't really have any close relatives to go to, all his friends went home, and thinks that Shanks is the same way, because why else would he stay behind with him?
Shanks is just so happy that he can finally be with his boyfriend. He makes hot cocoa (and it's horrible, but Buggy remakes it), he buys a cardboard cutout of a Christmas tree and they put stickers on it instead of decorations. At one point they start printing out memes and pictures of themselves and stick them on there as well. (Shanks secretly writes a wish, something cheesey like how he wants them to be like this for the rest of their lives, on the back of some of the photos)
In all reality, I believe that "Die Hard" and "Home Alone" (because these two franchises are basically the same, just one is kid coded lol) would be both Shanks and Buggy's favourites. I mean look at how they turned out ahahaha tho I must confess, I've never seen Gremlins, so I'll just trust you on that one':)
I also think thay Buggy would get horrible gifts very purposefully. Like he would look for hours to find the most raggedy and washed out looking sweater with the ugliest print of like... a green cow on red mars with a Christmas hat on both the cow and mars saying "moo-ry christmas" in comic sans or something horrifying like that. Like that one video of the guy who bought a card for the wrong occasion, for wrote a message to someone else and scratched out the name to look like it was a second hand card. I couldn't find the og video but I found this tiktok, hope it helps with the explanation.
In my mind Buggy thinks it's hilarious. Him and Shanks both love pranks and just jokes like this in general, so he would get it, right? Shanks liking it unironically wasn't in the plan. But then bad comes to worse and Shanks takes gift giving seriously - Buggy is caught off guard.
I love the image of Shanks standing in the cosmetics section of a big store that was one of the best according to google. He's just staring intensely, and color checking, and googling, and staring again - trying his best to remember everything Buggy had told him about make-up.
At some moment in the time he's searching, one of the workers there goes up to him to see if he needs help thinking "aw, poor lost man looking for something for his girlfriend, he looks like he needs help" and then Shanks shows her a picture of an honest to God clown going "I want the best for my boyfriend". And they have a little "This is your man?" "yeah" "Look at the picture" "that's mine :')" "and you're ok with this?" "imma stick beside him " moment. And then they just start looking together. Before they notice it's a whole horde of helpers and Shanks going all, "is that teal? I think he said he loves teal, but not one with glitter, wait, bring back the cherry red. Can you compare it to the sour cherry. Which one would match his lipstick best? This one's his favorite." and they're like a council, super invested at that point.
I also like to think that on new years eve, they're watching a marathon, and Buggy just falls asleep on Shanks's chest halfway through. He does that often and Shanks loves it. He doesn't even care that much that sometimes his make-up would be imprinted on his shirt .
Shanks showing love to Buggy's nose, despite his insecurities, makes me melt. (spoilers ig:) I was going to have a little dialogue/confrontation that portrayed that, but I was going to make it a "Shanks not caring about it and just acting like it's not there" thing, but him actually thinking it's cute and being all loving towards the one thing he's most insecure about is actually way better. I might utilize it later on lol :))
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