#i was gonna write mixed feelings but no. they know fuck all about the character idc that barbara and bruce and now dick have a good
doublel27 · 3 days
We Are: Queer Found Family and Romance
Or the meta I didn’t intend to write.
It’s taken 9 eps (of me admittedly watching We Are through gifs and clips on Twitter, because I have yet to pay for iQIYI and I am bad at grey watching) but I think I have figured out the central conflict/plot of We Are and why the mostly linear narrative of Phum and Peem with the in media res relationships of our other three pairings made this impossible to fully tease out until we got all the pieces.
The through line that connects all of these stories about how incredibly hard it can be to be part of a queer friend group when the lines of friendship and romance blur, especially when there’s a real aspect of found family to that group.
Two things really cemented it for me this week: Tan telling the gang (and therefore the audience) the full scope of his background with Fang, as well as the beginning of Phuwin’s IG live where he talks about why he likes Kluen as a character is that he’s very direct with people he likes and isn’t blurring the lines between friends and possibly fucking up the friendship.
Because that’s the central problem that all four main couples of the show grapple with in different ways. I’m gonna get into all of that under the cut.
I’m going to start with Tan and Fang because aou contains multitudes and is my beloved while going for Fang could have always messed up his relationship with Phum, we find out in episode 9 that Tan met Fang first. Unsurprisingly, it’s not a great first meeting between what are seemingly two known fighters of what appear to be rival high schools. But then Tan finds Phum and Fang being jumped by a group from his own high school and saves them and eventually becomes friends with them sometime two years+ before the start of our story. Within this time, Tan falls so far in love with Fang, who can both out bitch and out fight, him that Tan goes full simp instead and cuts out the fighting(love that for him).
And mixing his reveal to his friends of how he met Fang and how Fang eventually consumed his waking thoughts to the point he would wish to order Fang as a pizza topping (my love for Tan is immeasurable).
But take us back to episode 2 (which is now on YouTube for US watchers for how long I don’t know) and Tan has clearly not seen Fang in awhile. He asks Phum to invite Fang out where Tan will happen to be. At the time, it was taken as Tan and Phum are university friends and Tan and been obsessed with Fang ever since and needs Phum to make the connections. But the clues that Tan and Fang were also close were already laid down. Their exchange goes:
Tan: Hey. It’s been awhile. Right?
Fang: I thought you were dead.
Tan: Come on. I haven’t seen you in ages either. (That’s the English translation, but the flow of the conversation connotes that Fang hasn’t sought him out either)
At which point Phum makes the face he always makes when Tan is in Fang hyperfocus mode of looking away and sighing. And Fang pointedly asks why Phum invited him out and what is going on.
Which is a weird exchange when you think Tan is Phum’s friend who is obsessed with Fang. It is a less weird exchange between friends that have been avoiding each other for an unspecified amount of time. And we can assume Tan started avoiding Fang because he was madly in love with him and didn’t know how to handle it and didn’t tell Fang why he was avoiding him.
In the episode 9 speech to his friends, Tan outlines that he didn’t think Fang would ever reciprocate his feelings (that it was impossible) and didn’t want to fuck with the friendship (at which point Pun sends a longing look to Chain but we’ll get back to that later) with Fang and Phum and he buried it. Until he couldn’t live with it any longer and decided to do something about it.
Which with the limited information we have, his feelings were already fucking with his friendship. He already didn’t know how to approach Fang because of his feelings at the start of the show, so is it better to not try and hope the romantic feeling dies while avoiding your friend or shoot your shot and maybe get a boyfriend out of it or maybe continue to fuck up your friendship. Tan chooses to roll the dice and it’s clear from the moment they leave the bar in episode two that Fang likes him back.
They both watch each other when they think the other isn’t looking. Fang is the one who sends Phum and Peem home together and sets himself up with a taxi ride with Tan. It’s particularly interesting to me after episode 9, this exchange, because Fang looks at a passed out Peem, mouths Peem? And proceeds to ask Phum if this is the guy that hit him while Tan snickers and Peem looks like the saddest wet cat. It’s only after the affirmative from Phum that Fang is essentially like “well, you can take him home Phum. Take home your drunk friend who hit you and I will go home with Tan.” Which our besotted Tan jumps at.
And considering the parallel between Tan and Fang meeting and Tan immediately sassing him and Fang throwing a punch leading to a fight, and Phum ruining Peem’s painting which led to mutual sassing and a kick to the nuts and a fight…I don’t know if Fang is a mastermind and connected the dots because these brothers need someone who will occasionally not be afraid talk back if need be and sees the potential for Phum to care as much about Peem as Fang does for Tan. Or if he just wants time alone with Tan and doesn’t see it. Look, I wouldn’t be surprised if Fang is secretly a long game mastermind.
Once they’re alone, Tan and Fang steal glances and flirt in the way that Tan makes very loud attempts at flirting and
Additionally, Fang is reserved like Phum, and seemingly as isolated as his only friends seem to be Phum’s friends. We don’t know if he is just not paying attention to other members of the architecture faculty or knows stuff about Kluen he won’t share. As previous parts of this narrative are folded in later episodes, we may find out. What we do know is he’s either ever only appeared alone or in connection to Tan and Phum and Phum’s friends. Even with the flashbacks, Tan points out that the head of the Fang, head of cheer club, approaches him alone and later it’s just Fang and Phum when Tan finds the group of guys jumping them. We know he and Phum adopt Toey who is bullied in high school. It makes sense why he’s potentially reserved about pushing things with Tan if Tan becomes his first real high school+ friend that he has outside of his brother.
Which is why by the time we get to episode 5, Fang says yes before Tan finishes talking. He’s been waiting but also wasn’t willing to be the first to put himself out there. And considering how much Fang and Phum seem to live in their heads and not in the world with everyone else, I can see why he needed Tan to be the one to commit to it first, especially with Fang’s later comments about not understanding why hanging out with him is a preference of Tan’s. I do hope we cross his “don’t tell tan how gone I am on him” bridge later in the narrative. Cause I think Tan knows, but also it’s nice to hear.
Let’s go back to another long-suffering pair where only one half really knew why they were suffering, and the other got a nasty shock, QToey.
I know the guys are all team if Toey loves Q and Q loves Toey then why is Q so hesitant? And I get it, but let’s talk about the double shock Q suffered and the potential layers of risk Q is facing.
It’s not just that Q is cautious with his heart. That is a factual truth. It’s why he ghosted Milk Frappe Boy, because while he fell in love with Milk Frappe Boy I think there was a deep worry, and a self esteem issue that the reality of Q, instead of Pencil Senior, would not be enough for Milk Frappe boy. So Q bolted and then deeply regretted said bolting enough say so to both Toey, not knowing the truth, and to Peem.
But the fact that he learned that Toey was indeed Milk Frappe boy at the same time he learned all of his best friends, his family for all intents and purposes, also knew and no one told him. And the way the confrontation is staged between Q and Toey, it is Q against Toey and everyone else is behind Toey.
And that, friends, that’s the real third rail for Q.
It’s one thing to know that he loved Milk Frappe Boy and that he loves Toey. And that is scary enough. The fandom loves to joke about how Toey is everyone’s little brother and they’ve all adopted him: and that is a correct assessment. But that means if Q fucks it up with Toey, he stands a chance in his mind of everyone else choosing Toey over him.
That fear doesn’t even feel that unfounded when everyone calmed Toey down mostly before Peem, Q’s true bestest friend, came out to be with him. Like Peem caught Toey before going after Q. The next episode nearly every character but Q (aside from Fai who is at all connected to this group) shows up to plan how to support Toey in getting Q.
And while I know my brain cell-less brain trust fully believe they’re helping Q, no one actually seems to ask what Q wants. Aside from Peem trying to get him to come to some that first night on the curb, no one ever asks. And that night all Q wants is to sleep in a pile with his four best friends, because that’s his family. Losing them is even scarier than losing Toey. In essence he’s lost Milk Frappe Boy once. He could do it again. But if they chose Toey…IDK.
We don’t know anything about their families really, aside from Peem’s lovely aunt and the fact that Phum doesn’t get along with his dad. And I get why when the focus is really on these large groups of found families (that are becoming one large found family) that the audience is really in love with. The bonds between the friends are just as much a part of the romance as the actual romances. Because the friendship is where the complications come from.
And while I can’t speak to mlm spaces, as I have never identified as a man, within queer wlw and non-binary spaces there are jokes about dating yourself out of friend groups. There are people you used to know who you don’t anymore because you dated someone in the friend group and were too new and got bounced. Or you date and the way it ends make everyone choose one side. Or, a person in the friend group has a crush on another person in said group, that is an open secret but when the person who was crushed upon gets a new relationship people get mad at them for not dating the person in the friend group who liked them all along because didn’t everyone know. (None of these are from personal experience I assure you 🙃)
And it doesn’t always happen like that. Sometimes the people figure out a friendship or a queer platonic solution when they’re not attracted to each other anymore. Sometimes they orbit around the friend group like two comets on opposite trajectories, occasionally crossing in awkward moments. Sometimes everyone gets past the weird. Sometimes no one does.
But that’s the risk that we’re playing in this show. I can choose the romance, but if it doesn’t work out, I am gambling this safe zone.
Which is gonna bring me to our last two pieces of this: one has had the most development and one the least but both are struggling.
I’m gonna start with Chain and Pun who are the most unhinged, gay yearning codependent besties that exist in the middle of the week and give Potae and Payos on Only Boo a real run for their money. (Both have lips touching earlobes and I don’t have a platonic answer for either) The thing is, I think both Chain and Pun are very aware of the mutual feelings. They both have moments where you know they’re aware but neither will do anything about it. And they are in the case of the story, the most embedded in one single friend group, and have the potential to explode their core group of five if things go sideways.
Now, they’re also the pair that has been effectively dating this entire time without actually dating. The ear biting and the blowing on things in the other’s mouth and the…I don’t have platonic explanations for their behavior okay? I don’t. Not naming it keeps it from being real though. It’s a collective hallucination or the biggest game of chicken.
Eventually, though, one of them is going to cross the line in a way that can’t be erased or the line redrawn. And it’s gonna have to be big because their friends watched them gaze longingly into each other's eyes for 20+ seconds and thought it was normal. Because this is how they are.
And that brings us to not quite friends not quite lovers and not quite enemies, Phum and Peem. The risk is, as discussed in many other metas, mostly on Phum’s side here and it’s why he spent the episode so hesitant. Yes he started off particularly entitled and rude. His and Peem’s relationship started as a fight (but so did Tan and Fang) and Phum feels incredibly comfortable with Peem. He’s definitely neurodivergent coded my Phum, which doesn’t make his assholery okay, but it explains his hesitancy to try new things and his struggle with making friends and expressing his feelings.
He’s got friends but he doesn’t feel particularly deeply connected to them. Yes, Beer makes time for him and actively seeks him out to give advice. He and Fang have a level of sibling codependency that hints at neglect and Fang protecting Phum at all costs. We see Tan approach Phum most of the time and while some of that is angling to get to Fang, Tan does genuinely care. But Tan is also incredibly loud which seems to be a lot for our neurospicy Phum, and Tan also has his large found family with Peem. Same with Toey, who Phum and Fang adopted long ago, and clearly Phum adores him, but he’s also the little brother of the art faculty.
And Peem is a very loving and giving soul and he makes time and space for Phum even though he’s annoying and high handed and gets Phum out of his ruts and comfort zones. And Phum clearly wants Peem to choose him, because Phum has already chosen even if he hasn’t said “I like you and want to date you.” He’s said other very direct things about how safe he feels with Peem and how connected he feels to other people by hanging out with Peem. And Peem is this safe space for him to go out and connect with the world without it being overwhelming and he even feels more connected to his own friends.
And that’s the danger that Kluen represents and what Phum struggles with. He wants Peem to choose him, but he also doesn’t want to force Peem to make a choice and not choose him, and then lose out on the experiences he’s building with Peem as well as a break in some of the connections he has with the people closest to him as Fang and Toey find love within Peem’s group. And so again, the question comes around, is it better to stay in this limbo where no one says anything and maybe Peem dates Kluen but I get to keep him as a friend, or do I roll the dice like Tan and maybe win.
I think it’s been a hard thread to pull because without the context of Tan & Fang meeting first, and Phum and Peem mending their relationship to become something akin to friends who kiss sometimes and don’t talk about it, and the lingering feelings of betrayal for Q by his friends (where they learned about his largest secret/mystery and NO ONE TOLD HIM) which are later revelations in the course of the show, they feel like different types of love stories without the mess of friendship blurring the lines. The story feels linear, because we start in a school year with the meeting of Phum and Peem, the connections between the other characters are older than this year, leaving some of their stories in media res.
And it’s an interesting core struggle taking a risk when the line between who you’re friends with, who you depend on, and who you’re attracted to blurs and the potential for rifts in your safety net are everywhere. It’s not the first show with this as a central tangle nor is it specific to queer television. But the reality of the deep ties that can exist within queer friendships and how they form deep supportive communities makes the stakes higher. And that’s why the friendships are developed nearly as much if not more than some of the romances. That’s where a lot of the risk lies for these characters.
Anyway, that’s nearly 3K of thoughts I didn’t know I had in me about We Are until today. But here we are.
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hauntingblue · 1 year
There was going to be a red hood spin off of the titans show. Thank god it's dead an buried
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ryozaki21 · 1 year
diary of the heartbreakers;
00z series
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╰┈➤ Diary of the Heartbreakers; 00z series
➸ ♡ They used to be the ones breaking hearts, but when karma comes around, suddenly the don't know what to do. Navigate through college life with your favorite idiots, and read through the Diary of the Heartbreakers.
GENRES: College AU, Smut, Fluff, Angst, Humour
WARNINGS: Minors DNI, Explicit sexual content, drug abuse, Infidelity, Toxic relationships/characters, Heavy topics discussed, player!00z, Language and Violence.
AUTHOR's NOTE: I thought long and hard about making this a series, because of my commitment issues and I don't trust myself to commit to a writing project like this TT, But since I have story ideas for these characters, (00z) I just linked all of them together. SLOW UPDATE. Also my first time doing a series, how about that?!? I hope you guys like it!
DISCLAIMER: This story is purely fanfiction. Only the names of the Idols are used, and does not reflect on them in real life. There's no way in any shape of form that they are like this in person, because I MADE IT UP. I don't personally know them. DO NOT STEAL / TRANSLATE / MODIFY. This is my work and I don't appreciate people stealing it. Thank you.
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╰┈➤ After You
➸ ♡ Na Jaemin had it easy. Loved by everybody, the man of everyone's dream. He's a perfect mix of a charmer and a player. Girls begged to be his, and he loved every part of it. Life used to be so fucking perfect for him. Then comes you. You're like an old book, ink fading, cover tearing, but he swears you're worth the read. Before you, life was easy. After you? He wasn't so sure.
"Break my heart, and you'll find yourself inside."
GENRE: Angst, Fluff, Smut, Mature themes
WARNINGS: Minors DNI, Explicit sexual content, Language, Mental Illness, Drugs/Alcohol usage, toxic!reader, fuckboy!Jaemin (but still a sweetheart)
AUTHOR's NOTE: Oh, this one's heavy. Much serious than the other stories and quite one that's holds some sensitive topics. If I get some things wrong about certain topics, please do tell me and I'll quickly correct it. Enjoy reading!
Expected WC: 15k
STATUS: published
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╰┈➤ Yours, Inevitably
➸ ♡ To say that Lee Jeno is pretty would be an understatement. The man's gorgeous. One thing he uses to his advantage, going through college getting girls he spots his eyes on. But there's one he just couldn't get. His brother's bestfriend. You can continue and avoid your feelings for each other, but eventually, it'll happen. You were someone that stayed, a constant in his life. You might not know it, but for the years you've known Lee Jeno, he slowly became yours, inevitably.
"I should've known that it was you, because no one else made sense."
GENRE: Fluff, Angst, Humour, Smut
WARNINGS: Minors DNI, Explicit sexual content, Language, Alcohol usage, Mentions of Drugs, fuckboy!Jeno, brothersbsf!reader
AUTHOR's NOTE: This story was collecting dust on my drafts for so longg! Originally I was gonna post it as a stand-alone but figured it made sense to be a part of this series. One of my faves. Also lots of other members of nct mentioned. Enjoy reading!
Expected WC: 8k-10k
STATUS: published
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╰┈➤ The Fine Art of Rejection
➸ ♡ Huang Renjun, the sweetie of the year, is one hard star to catch. Not as easy as his other friends, he's quite difficult to have. Although he has a fair share of affairs with girls, it is considered to be a rare occurence. But you? Oh boy were you something. You were quite head over heels over him. His friends could never understand, but you were persistent to get the boy. No matter how much he refuses your advances, Its like you found art in rejection. But to what degree can you hold it out?
"I can be everything I want, but fuck, I only wanted to be yours. Even though you couldn't be mine."
GENRE: Unrequited love, Humour, Fluff, Angst, Smut
WARNINGS: Minors DNI, Language, Explicit sexual content, Alcohol Usage, cheerleader!reader, Renjun is sometimes rude lol
AUTHOR's NOTE: Actually, I wanted to write something pure fluffy for Renjun, but I figured I need to put a sprinkle (more than that actually lmao) of angst. Also my favorite plot to write. Enjoy reading!
Expected WC: 8k-10k
STATUS: published
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╰┈➤ Illicit Affairs
➸ ♡ Infamous for being every girl's guilty pleasure, Lee Haechan strutted through his life shamelessly. But recently, the new girl caught his eye. Im Hayeon, who he believes that would finally tame his wreckless heart. He was confident he could get the girl. And when he did, he never expected her to have baggages. For example, you, Im Hayeon's best friend. Who suddenly, sparked an idea on his pretty little head. You're trouble-- and you're making Haechan commit Illicit Affairs.
"You're making me do bad things, very, bad things. But then again, I'm no stranger in being the bad guy."
GENRE: Fluff, Angst, Humour, Smut
WARNINGS: Minors DNI, Language, Explicit sexual content, Alcohol Usage, Infidelity, Haechan and reader is kind of an asshole
AUTHOR's NOTE: okay, for one, i don't condone cheating. its just for the story! also i won't tackle on it too much-- literally just for the plot. Enjoy reading!
Expected WC: 8k-10k
STATUS: published
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
© ryozaki21 2023
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kunasthiast · 1 month
My God (1)
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In the world of the Yakuzas, women are always on the sidelines and that's what you ought to change. But when your father chose Sukuna instead of you, that's when you know that you need to carve your own path.
But with Sukuna leading the family, how are you gonna get away? And, fuck the pterodactyls in your stomach!
I've always wanted to write a Yakuza!Au with Sukuna and I'm doing it now OTL I plan on making this as a series. This is different from 'Fortnight'. I will be updating this with a link to the masterpost of this au which will include its chapters, spin-offs, and drabbles in the future!
Updates will be once a week and since I'm excited about this, I might upload updates twice a week <333
Hope you'll enjoy this one ~
Pairing: Sukuna x Reader (female) Genre: fluff + angst, Yakuza AU, Enemies to Lovers Word Count: 1,525 All characters are of age. This story is 18+. Minors don't interact.
next ->
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The pouring rain outside has been the source of calmness for you. You’ve always loved the rain, the thundering clap of thunders, and the violent winds. It’s calming for you. As the rain cascaded down your bedroom window, you’re getting ready for the urgent meeting your father has arranged for tonight. 
He’s never arranged a meeting this late, you somberly thought. Knocks were heard from your door. 
“Come out now, darling. Everyone’s waiting.” It’s your father. 
“Coming!” You glanced one final look at your vanity mirror and stood up to shake off your dress. Walking towards the door, you sighed and couldn’t help but feel a pang of apprehension. This is nerve-wracking. 
You opened the door to find your father waiting for you. He never fails to give off his presence which commands respect, authority, and intimidation. 
Even in the privacy of your own home. His eyes softened by the slightest hint of weariness when he looked at you. His tall and imposing figure still left no room for doubt of power. He’s wearing his most expensive tailored suit, impeccably pressed despite the late hour. He has to, being the family boss of the clan. And you know this suit, you had it made for him as a gift for his 70th birthday. This made you smile a bit while looking down. 
“Let’s go.” He called with his voice carrying a note of urgency. Definitely matches the severity of the storm outside.
You nodded in response, steeling yourself for the impending meeting just beyond the corridor. Despite the facade of the intimidating and powerful aura he projected, there was the weight of responsibility that burdened him. You know it all too well. 
The unspoken sacrifices he made for the sake of his family and clan. Yet, you never felt who is his family. With the way things are and have been, all he did shaped your upbringing and eventually molded you into the formidable woman you had become.
With a deep breath, you followed him down the dimly lit corridor. Tumultuous thoughts swirled in your mind but everything’s getting rained down thanks to the comforting sound outside. 
Walking into the room, you saw everyone important in the clan. From your father to his assistant and lieutenants, with you as the only woman in the room. This meeting must be of utmost importance if all key figures of the clan are here. 
As your father walked towards his seat at the head of the table, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride and nervousness. The tables are laid out with expensive tea cups and teapots for everyone. As your father sat down, your heartbeat quickened with the room growing quiet around you. You find yourself seated next to him at a reasonable distance, being just the one and only daughter of the boss.
Your father’s presence commanded respect, with his assistant and lieutenants expressing a mix of deference and readiness to hear whatever he had to say.
Scanning the room, you caught the eye of your father’s most trusted person, Sukuna. His right-hand man. The one who always does his bidding, from the legal side to the dirty side of everything. 
Sukuna always looks imposing with his piercing gaze and confident, intimidating demeanor. He’s scarier than father. His face tattoos compliment his tousled pink hair, which by the way makes him look sexier than ever. He’s wearing a white button-up with rolled-up sleeves, accentuating his muscles and some of his tattoos peeking through. 
You’ve always had a secret attraction towards him. The secret glances every time he’s in a room with you. The fucking pterodactyls with their intense fluttering in your stomach. Feeling your gaze upon him, he looked towards you with a smirk which made you shift your eyes toward your father as he began to talk.
“I’ve called you all for an important matter that needs urgent attention.” Hearing this made your heart pound with a tingling sensation to fidget your fingers, below the eyes of everyone but you. 
“It’s time for a new era.” Your father declared. “And I have chosen Sukuna to lead us into it.”
As your father’s words hung heavy in the air, a wave of shock rippled through the room, followed by the hushed silence and just the sound of rain. Suddenly, the rain doesn’t feel as calm anymore. It feels suffocating and unsettling. This is not the calm you’ve always loved.
What's more, you can’t believe everything your father just said. He’s chosen Sukuna to lead the clan into a new era. He passed over you, his own daughter, for the family succession.
A swarm of emotions swirled in your mind — disbelief, doubt, confusion, shock, anger, and a bitter sense of betrayal. How could your father overlook you, his direct heir, in favor of Sukuna? You furrow your eyebrows as you continue to process this news.
Across the room, Sukuna stood up from his seat with a calm demeanor and a tattooed smirk on his face that spoke volumes. He looked at everyone with intensity and his eyes gleamed with triumph, ending up meeting your gaze that sent a shiver down your spine. 
As everyone processed this new change, all key figures gave their respect and support to Sukuna. Amid the collective acknowledgment, you felt a profound sense of betrayal by your own father. Your dreams, the cornerstone of your existence crumbled like fragile glass under the weight of this revelation. 
From the fluttering pterodactyls in your stomach, a tide of anger surged through your veins, drowning out any semblance of affection towards Sukuna. And your deepest regards to your father, once a sturdy pillar of respect and trust, crumbled like ancient ruins replaced by a bitter taste of betrayal, doubt, and hurt.
Sukuna walked towards your father, who welcomed him with a tight hug. And as the storm raged outside, so did the storm within your heart.
Your father continued to speak, outlining his reasons why he chose Sukuna. You can’t hear anything anymore. The thundering claps and violent rain drown out everything. The room seemed to spin around you, the expensive tea cups and teapots on the table, all the lieutenants, your father, and Sukuna blurred into a haze as you grappled with what was happening.
This couldn’t be real.
As you retreated to the solace of your room, the events of this night continued to replay in your mind like a broken record. The fake smiles, the hollow congratulations, the sense of betrayal that hung heavy in the air – it was all too much to bear.
With trembling hands, you reached for the bottle of champagne you grabbed from the pantry earlier, the cool glass offering a welcome respite from the storm raging both outside and within. You walked towards your bathroom with the bottle.
Standing before the mirror, your reflection seemed to mock the turmoil raging within you. As you stared into your own eyes, the facade of composure you had worn for so long began to crumble, revealing the raw emotions simmering beneath the surface.
At that moment, you made a choice — to reject the false comforts of that alcohol or face the harsh reality of your situation head-on. With a determined flick of your wrist, you poured the champagne down the drain, soullessly watching the golden liquid disappear.
The weight of expectation had always rested heavily on your shoulders, a burden you bore with a mixture of pride and determination. As the family boss's only daughter, you had been groomed from a young age to inherit the mantle of leadership, carry on the legacy of your forefathers, and guide the family into a new era.
Your father had promised you that one day you would lead the family, that you would shatter the traditions that had long relegated women to the sidelines of power and influence. It was a dream he had instilled in you from the moment you were old enough to understand, a promise that had fueled your ambition and shaped your identity.
You had immersed yourself in every aspect of the family business, from the legal intricacies of corporate dealings to the ruthless strategies of the underworld. You had learned to navigate the murky waters of power and politics, to command respect and fear in equal measure.
But now, as you stood on the precipice of your destiny, that dream lay shattered at your feet. Your father's decision to pass over you in favor of Sukuna had blindsided you.
You couldn't understand how he could break his promise, how he could deny you the opportunity to fulfill your rightful destiny. The traditions that had long bound women to the sidelines of power seemed more entrenched than ever, casting a shadow over your hopes and aspirations.
“This is fucking bullshit! I won’t be cast aside like this,” you declare, facing the mirror with a steely resolve. You threw the empty bottle at the room with all the strength you could muster, the release of pent-up anger, frustration, all the emotions you felt tonight washing over you like a tidal wave.
Fuck it. Fuck Sukuna. Fuck father. Fuck everything.
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gamermattsgf · 4 months
Coming of age movie hot takes // Matt + Chris
YES, I realise that this is not a proper piece of writing, but don’t worry babies, mommy has got u covered for the weekend coming (hopefully) *nervous laugh*.
You guys can ignore this absolute yapping if u want but it’s really something that I must get off my chest because I think about it an unhealthy amount and make up too many scenarios for each of them in my head with themes and certain plot lines included. Plus, I feel like some of u are absolutely gonna eat this up lol.
But… here are my individual hot takes for both Matt and Chris and what kind of coming of age films they look like they’d star in + with specifically random but accurate details included. (Obviously these are all my own ideas and they may be vastly different to someone else’s, but I felt as though tumblr was the perfect place to brain dump this onto all of u lovely readers)
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So first up is Matt. Matt gives very much one of those low budget indie coming of age movies where the quality may not be as good but the cinematography is beautiful, as is the plot line. Matt’s movie is the kind of movie you would go to watch and sob at for the entire time because it’s so irrevocably soul-crushing that it tears your heart up piece by piece. If he were to be in an indie movie I feel like it would low-key give off the same kind of energy as something like ‘All the Bright Places’ or possibly even ‘Five Feet Apart’.
Something absolutely tragic is bound to happen in Matt’s movie, and I feel like him dying due to some kind of terminal illness is a high possibility because I don’t know why, it just fits his vibe in a really weird way? Like- his coming of age movie has to be unbareably depressing for some reason.
He’s delicate and gentle, one of those really interesting characters that has so many layers/complications to him. Him and his main love interest share such an odd but heart-warming relationship that you just can’t help but be stuck thinking about the movie days after it’s finished. It bothers you so much that their happy ending was just out of reach.
For the soundtrack, I’m mostly getting Phoebe Bridgers vibes (specifically her Punisher album), something that’s mind-numbingly sad and fits the overall heartache of the cinematography so well that you just want to cry whenever something like ‘Smoke Signals’ or ‘Halloween’ plays beneath the ensuing dialogue. Also, in addition to Phoebe, I also get heavy Current Joys vibes such as ‘In a Year of 13 Moons’ and ‘A Different Age’. The very thought of imagining it makes me want to flat out sob.
Outfit / aesthetic wise for Matt, I envision very much warm brown leather jackets and baggy blue jeans with beat up sneakers and knitted sweaters. He always carries a tattered notebook and drives around a beat up pick-up truck. He smokes red Marlboro cigarettes and constantly seems to have one neatly tucked behind his ear (what-? It would literally look so pretty matched up with his beard and fluffy hair combo… don’t kill me). He’s shy and likes to keep himself to himself but is also hopelessly in love with our main character that also sort of keeps to herself, so he decides to pursue her before it’s too late.
I also feel like this Matt would for sure write 100 love letters to the main character but she would only discover them hidden within his notebook after he had died because when he was still alive he would never tell her what he was writing down whenever they shared moments together. Possibly Matt never got the chance to confess his feelings whilst he was alive, so they stayed forever friends and nothing more right up until he slipped through her fingers at the very end…?
(Bye I’m sobbing, why the fuck does my mind have to be so vivid and imaginative??)
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For Chris I feel like it’s a little different. His coming of age movie would definitely be a mix between a light-hearted comedy of the classic ‘underdog that finally gets the girl’ whilst also incorporating really important life lessons into the mix of the colourfully bursting screenplay. In contrast, the cinematography is just as beautiful as Matt’s, but in a hazier way, so I’m getting very much party + late night hang out vibes from what Chris’ gives off. This includes darker, more moodier lighting, almost like ‘Euphoria’ in a way. I think his movie would more so correlate with either something like ‘Perks of being a Wallflower’ or even something like ‘10 things I hate about you’. I think the added comedy matches up with Chris’ personality in real life perfectly.
There’s definitely got to be one of those cliche scenes where they lock eyes at a party and all of the other guys on the football team are staring at the most well-known girl in school but Chris only has eyes for our main character. There’s some form of blue/pink/purple flashing lights and everything seems to take place in slow motion as they tentatively peer at each other from opposite sides of the random fish tank before them (Romeo and Juliet style) or some other form obstacle in the way.
For Chris’ soundtrack, I’m thinking something a little more upbeat, and I was possibly debating on Lorde, her songs fit Chris perfectly in my opinion, and no one understands the young mind quite like she does. The emotional vulnerability of her songs mesh together beautifully with Chris’ love language of touch and teenage curiosity and I can just envision something like ‘Perfect Places’ or ‘Hard Feelings’ playing over the back of one of those ending monologues where the movie cuts to a bunch of different scenes as maybe Chris says something really sappy and sentimental over the top of them in his voiceover.
Finally, outfit / aesthetic wise for Chris, I would normally put him in his baggy light-wash jeans and then pair it with a white t-shirt and some form of a zip up hoodie with a backwards cap, but to be honest, most of what Boston Chris used to wear way back when works pretty well too. I’m thinking, typical high school student attire, he’s on the lacrosse team, and is always wholesomely trying his best to impress the girl he’s had a crush on for years with his skills, giving the movie that light, feel-good atmosphere that leaves you with a fuzzy glow after you’ve rewatched it for about the 5th time.
(Again, actually sobbing, I wish these two brief ideas of movies actually existed wtf)
Author’s notes: I’m sorry if this is literally so stupid but I think about it so much, and I think about a lot of other possible movies the triplets look like they could star in. In fact, I even have a whole entire second series sitting in my camera roll of me explaining what horror movies I think each of them would look good in, so if u guys end up liking this one, then I would consider giving u a breakdown of my horror movie ideas if anyone were to wish it hehe. But thank u for listening to my rant and I hope it makes as much sense in your head as it did in mine… 🎀
People who I think would entertain this yapping and enjoy what I have to say here: @luv4kozume @luverboychris @lovingmattysposts @luvmila444 @rootbeerworshiper @nicksmainbitch @lacysturniolo @thesturniolos @strniohoeee @asturniolos @sturniolosreads @sturniolosstar @meanttomeet @sturniolowhore @mattscokewhore @matthemunch @mattestrella @vecnasnose0 @ellie-luvsfics @imwetforyourmom @breeloveschris @kvtie444 @stursweet @bernardsgf @fake-sturniolos @mattslutt @1800chokedathoe @orangeypepsi
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n0cturna1-m3 · 1 year
Sometimes We Say Things We Don't Mean | Simon "Ghost" Riley x Male Reader | Angst with Comfort
Minors/Fem DNI
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Warnings; Alcohol consumption, verbal fighting, decent apologies, hangover, hurt/comfort, this is kinda shite, randomly named character that doesn't matter but they needed a name so 🤷🏻
Request; "reader gets super fucking drunk cuz them and ghost had an argument earlier and they dont know what to do and ghost finds them about to pass out and goes wa wa wa and then they wake up and they hug because ghost thought he was gonna lose them"
A/N; I'm sorry this took so long but for the better part of a month i was like "wtf am i supposed to write for the fight" and then went "ohhh, i can search why couples fight". so work it is!
2.0k words
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Y/N leaned against Ghost as he cooked dinner, a comfortable silence between them. He had come home from a long mission, not more than a week ago, and Y/N had missed him the entire time. Now that he was home, they could have gentle moments like this. Ghost could enjoy simplicity in domestic life for a change.
“I like it when you’re home,” Y/N murmured, watching Ghost cook from behind him. His arms were wrapped around his torso as he worked on a soup. “You should stay home more often.”
Ghost’s stirring faltered and he stiffened under Y/N’s embrace.
“I…” He started, grabbing a bowl of mixed spices from beside the stove, “Price informed me about something going on in Eastern Europe… They leave on Tuesday.”
Y/N moved to rest his chin on Ghost’s shoulder, side-eyeing him. “What do you mean by that?”
He didn’t respond, simply swallowing down the uncomfortable feeling in his throat when Y/N pulled away from him to lean on the counter and face him.
“No, don’t ignore me,” Y/N demanded, staring at Ghost, who avoided eye contact at all costs.
“He asked me to go with him and the Task Force to-”
“No,” Y/N cut him off, crossing his arms over his chest.
“What do you mean ‘no’?”
“I mean ‘no’, you aren’t going.”
“What makes you think you have the right to tell me what I can and can’t do?”
“I don’t, it’s just,” Y/N stared at his socks as he grew aggravated. “You’ve been home for 5 days. You would leave in, what day is it… Sunday? In one day?” He asked, glancing at Ghost. He had turned off the burner and pushed the pot onto the back burner to settle, turning to face Y/N.
“Yeah,” He responded curtly.
“You think that’s okay? Just, being gone all the time?”
“It’s my job.”
“Well, yeah, I get that, but you can turn this one down. You can spend some more time with me. Price didn’t give you an order or anything, right?”
“That’s not how that works and you know it.”
“I know…” He sounded dejected, embarrassed even. “I just… I miss having you here…”
“I know, but I have to do this.”
“Why?!” Y/N shouted, startling Ghost, who jumped at the sudden noise. It wasn’t often that Y/N would yell. He was rather soft-spoken and understanding, so it was almost scary to see him so upset. “Why can’t you be here?! Just for a few more days, that’s all I want!”
“I-” Ghost choked, eyes scanning Y/N’s face.
“I’m sick of it! I hate you leaving me for weeks on end, months, even, and once you come home it’s- it’s all you talk about! Work! I hate it!” Tears beaded in his eyes as he screamed. “I just- I want you, Simon!”
Ghost stared at him speechless. His mouth opened and closed as he tried to articulate a sentence, for the right words to say that would soothe the ache in Y/N’s heart. Nothing could come to mind.
“You said it was okay when we started dating,” He said, eyes dark. Y/N scowled, hot tears falling from his eyes. “Don’t look at me like that.”
“This wasn’t what I signed up for. Being neglected.”
“Neglected? Are you kidding?”
Y/N huffed. “It’s not my fault that I feel like y- you love your job more than me.”
“No, it’s not your fault. It’s mine. It always is, isn’t it?”
“S- Stop it! That’s not wuh- what I meant-”
“No, but it’s what you thought. Listen, I like what I do. You can suck it up and deal with it.”
“I- I know you do, I just-”
“Stop stuttering, for fucks sake!”
Y/N choked out a sob and felt his knees wobble. He puffed out his bottom lip slightly and stared at Ghost with a hurt look. When Y/N was anxious, he would stutter. Ghost knew that he was insecure about that.
“I-” He paused so that he could sound out every word without stumbling over them. “I hate you.”
Ghost twitched, hands flexing around nothing.
“Then leave,” He said without thinking. Y/N whimpered and shoved past Ghost before he could process the words that spilt past his lips.
By the time he did figure out what he said, the front door had slammed shut and Y/N’s coat was gone, his house key still on the hook. He took a shaky breath and walked to their shared bedroom to lie down and cool his head. Maybe a walk would help Y/N regain his thoughts.
“And then- he- he made fun of me,” Y/N sobbed, choking on tears while he drank a beer. “Then he told me to leave.”
“Oh, my god…” The bartender murmured. She was one of Y/N’s close friends, and he always took the bus to get to her bar when he was upset. “What a cunt!” She exclaimed. “I can’t believe you’re dating that bastard!”
“Ally, gimme a scotch,” He said before finishing his beer. “And another beer.”
That went on for some time. Drinking and sobbing and ranting, Ally listened to every word with a comforting presence.
“Do you think…” Ally turned her head from where she was fixing someone a pint of Guinness, “that it’s my fault?” Ally turned back to the glass, placing it down so it could settle, before walking over to Y/N again.
“Maybe a little,” She said, reaching out to wipe his cheeks with a towel that was in her apron. His face was burning hot, and his eyes were puffy and bloodshot. Y/N cried harder at her words, and she continued to wipe them off his face. “But you came from a good place. You should talk to him with a level head.”
Y/N looked at her with snot running down his nose. “He hates me.”
“No, I’m sure he doesn’t hate you, darling.” She walked back to the Guinness to fill it the rest of the way before handing it to an older gentleman who took it with a smile. Y/N watched her as he felt the beginning of a migraine seep through the back of his skull, creeping into his brow bone and making the back of his eyes ache. Beer doesn’t substitute water well, especially when you’re expelling all of it through your face for hours on end. His eyes drooped and his head felt heavy, so he went limp and let his forehead smack against the bar.
“BloodyJesus!” Ally jumped, glaring at Y/N. Her gaze softened at his pitiful figure: an odd bloke, drunk off his arse, sobbing in the furthest corner of the bar. It was a miracle he hadn’t thrown up yet. “Christ, don’t you dare blackout in my bar, Y/N.”
Ally’s phone buzzed in her pocket, and she fished it out to check the caller ID. ‘Simon’. She huffed and picked up, pressing it to her ear and being met with a very frantic Ghost.
“Have- Have you seen Y/N? We had a fight, he left and I- He hasn’t come home yet. I’m worried,” He said. He sounded close to tears if they weren’t already falling. A thick frog in his throat was making him choke on his words.
Ally sighed and looked at Y/N, who had managed to lift his head and reach for his unfinished beer. She smacked his hand away and grabbed the glass. “I’ve got ‘im.”
“Fuck, thank god. I’ll be there in 10 minutes.”
“What? It’s a 20-minute drive, how the hell are you… He’s hung up on me,” Ally groaned, pocketing her phone and dumping the beer in the sink. Y/N whined at the sight but didn’t audibly complain. Not in English at least.
“Gimme another,” He slurred, leaning on one of his arms. Ally shook her head and tended to another customer, fixing him a glass of whiskey and setting it in front of them.
She glanced at the front door when it burst open not 10 minutes later, slightly peeved at the sudden loud intrusion, and more so at the fact that it wasn’t a regular. Her eyes softened, however, as she saw that it was Simon. He was frantically scanning the room, noticing Ally and rushing over to her before seeing Y/N, utterly ossified and nearly asleep.
“You get this drunk out of my pub,” She said. He nodded and wordlessly helped Y/N up, wrapping an arm around him before deciding that he would fare better at bringing him home by lifting him up. Ally watched as Ghost lifted Y/N up onto his back with ease, piggybacking him.
“Thank you,” He said quietly. Ally shook her hand and shooed him, desperate to get this show out of her pub and back onto the streets where it belonged. As the door closed behind Ghost, one of the men sat at the bar looked at Ally with a confused face.
“What the feck was that holy show?” He asked, leaning forward as if it were a secret.
“Two very sad man-children.”
Y/N woke up in bed with a hangover feeling entirely shattered. He groaned and shrank back under the blankets, burying his face in his pillow to avoid the blinding morning sun.
“Oh my god…” He whimpered, rubbing his eyebrows with his fingers and groaning again. He heard the bedroom door open, but couldn’t will himself to look over to see who it was.
“Good morning,” Ghost said, walking beside the bed and setting a cold glass of water on the nightstand with 3 Dexibuprofen and a Lucozade Sport. “For your hangover.”
Y/N poked his head out of his little cocoon to look at Ghost, who was now crouched down to be eye level with him, his eyes welling up with tears at the stupid, sorry look on his face. Y/N reached out his hand and cupped his face, rubbing his stubbly cheek with his thumb. Simon leaned into his touch, eyes glossy as he looked at Y/N.
“ ‘M sorry…” Y/N whispered. His head was throbbing, but Simon was here in front of him and that was good enough for him. “I don’t hate you…”
“I know,” He responded, cupping Y/N’s hand and moving it to press a kiss to his palm. “You worried me.”
He blinked away his tears and leaned in to kiss Y/N softly, who welcomed it tenderly, holding the back of Simon’s neck. He pulled back and rested their foreheads against each other, gazing into each other's eyes carefully.
“Could you,” Simon whispered, “say that you love me?” His voice cracked at the end, his face reddening slightly with embarrassment as a tear rolled down his cheek.
“I love you, Simon,” Y/N said, leaning in to kiss him again. “I love you.”
“Take your pain killers,” He said, pulling away from Y/N so he could sit up enough to drink the pills down.
A wave of relief washed over his face when he swallowed a mouthful of cold water. It felt as though it went straight to his migraine, cooling his brain that was aching. His eyes finally felt like they weren't going to pop out of their sockets.
Simon watched as Y/N began to relax. He drank so quickly that water dripped down his chin and onto his chest. Simon smiled at Y/N with a certain fondness that was reserved just for him. A smile that only he had seen, or one that maybe Soap or Price would see a glimpse of when thinking of him.
Y/N finished the glass and set it on the side table, wiping his chin with the back of his hand and looking at Simon.
“Will you lay with me?” He asked. He looked tired again, and Simon felt tired, too.
“Yeah,” He said, crawling into bed with Y/N and laying with his head on his chest. “I love you.”
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bengiyo · 4 months
Last Twilight Ep 12 (Finale) Stray Thoughts
Last week, we learned that Day’s surgery was unsuccessful. We time skipped over his mom figuring out things to see that Mhok is having anxieties about Day and conflating them with Rung. Mhok has become overprotective even as Day has begun using his cane and exercising more independence. Mhok lied about a job opportunity in Hawaii and upset Day. Day reacted in the most extreme and broke up with Mhok.
So…we’re just skipping over the aftermath of that fight? They really just broke up and now it’s years later and Day is graduating? That whole journey ended on one lie? Be serious.
Did they really try to fake me out like Mhok might be the groom for Porjai? Be serious now.
Man, they really want this escalator scene to give It’s All Coming Back to Me Now, but I just don’t think you can earn that in a time skip this abrupt.
Suddenly Aof cameo.
Mixed feelings about Mhok assisting Day like this. At least he revealed himself at the end? It’s giving Revenge of the Nerds (1984) or The Goonies (1985).
Day has had Mhok blocked for three years???
Are we really just gonna start flirting after three years like this? Come on, now. What has changed??
All the meddling is cute, but I’m still at the three years no contact.
Unbelievable. Mhok says he did a bunch of emotional work and then thanked Day for breaking up with him, only for Day to say, ‘I’m glad we can discuss this as adults,’ without saying anything else. “This is real damn ridiculous. This is belemptious.”
Mom, why aren’t saying any of this to Day???
I do appreciate that Day and Night worked out their issues, but everything with the supporting cast feels like it’s all happening between scenes. Like why is the dad here? Are he and the mom going to reconcile? Do we care about this in any way specific to these characters?
Aof seems to like when one of his leads is holding back really hard for some reason, but Day is just not a good execution of that at all. I am not on his side the way I was with Phupha, Jim, or Pran.
If Mhok gives up the work and life he’s built for himself for three years to be with Day, I’m going to be just as annoyed as I was at the end of Enchante with Akk having to work his way to Paris to be with Theo.
So…Day has done no emotional work on his issues with Mhok in three years? I don’t even think Mhok’s issue was about even pitying Day. What the fuck is this?
That car is about to get towed!
I just know Namtam had a good time running around in an airport wearing a wedding dress.
We’re doing this whole reunion scene, so has Mhok just…processed his grief about Rung? We’re just gonna get back together now? Mhok is still talking about his mistake? We’re just gonna take over the aftermath of Night and Porjai’s wedding?
Eye donation? Oh…..this is about to take a turn.
I don’t like timing this to right after the unearned romantic reconciliation. This is a bad look. I had seen some posts earlier, and this is as bad as described.
I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong with Day getting his vision back, but putting it in the finale like this and rushing over the other conflicts makes it feel like a reward. It also has them quickly advancing past any other developments in Day’s life as he potentially reapproaches things he had before.
I’m feeling conflicted about them returning to the mountaintop, because there was so much acceptance in that first scene. I don’t know that there’s good mirroring here of any sort for this.
Final Verdict: 5, This Was a Huge Miss. I’m not sorry for this low rating on an Aof show. I cannot in good faith give this a 6 as decent but boring. The imbalanced writing between the romantic leads left me extremely dissatisfied for most of the back half show, and quickly showing your blind character adapting and even thriving in his circumstances just to have him monologue about being normal again at the end was so not the moment. @lurkingshan has already covered what this show messed up as a good starting point, and I want to state plainly that I will no longer be grading Thai BL on the curve of what the show is trying to be. It’s been ten years of Thai BL, and decades of BL and yaoi before it. These shows will be graded for what they are.
Jojo and Aof had big misses in the last year. Tee dropped the ball multiple times. Golf had a weird outing. New Siwaj failed me completely. We cannot worship these creators. They are just trying to make cool stories and help sell the juice. Sometimes they make really cool pieces that we love forever. Sometimes they flop. Aof tried something here and it didn’t reach the heights we expected of him. Directors are not gods. It’s fine for them to flop. There’s enough BL airing that a few shows being letdowns doesn’t leave us with nothing else to watch for weeks.
Still, I will say that I liked the chemistry between Jimmy and Sea, and I thought Mark and Namtam made a decent pair. When this show was good, I liked the moments.
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nozunhinged · 4 months
My Top 5 BL Kisses of Jan (& Feb) 24 + why
Okay, okayyyyy I'm doing this, no backing out. I offically accept that analyzing kisses takes up so much of my brainspace that I can write about it — so here it goes. I'M NOT HIDING ANYMORE BUT OWNING UP TO IT! (lol, chill)
Last year I complained that I didn't get a single perfect kiss since I started watching BL TV shows (until PhayaTharn turned up) and now we're not even a quarter into the new year and I already got FIVE I'm absolutely in AWE about!! FIVE!!
I don't know if it's the actors, directors or coaches who upped their game (probably all of them) but hot damn, all of these are beautiful.
And don't ask me why I'm into kiss-acting so much I have no fucking clue, my first guess is that it's an artform in itself to make this amazing, wonderful, intimate form of touching look as beautiful as it feels — bc let's be honest here, irl kissing rarely looks pretty no matter how great it is! So I think it's just dope when you can see this beauty translated on screen.
So I guess this is peak romance genre for me and with that being said, enough talking, lets get to the kissykissies!
5. TenPrem - Cooking Crush EP. 11
I have to be honest with you, I was a bit confused by the kissing in this show. The tippytoe kiss was cute as heck but we all saw how Off AND Gun awkwardly blinked because they probably had to stay like that for a looooong time. It took the whole magic out of the whole first-kiss-moment. Same with the forced in, reshot makeout-scenes. But the kiss in the kitchen? Looks like they FINALLY got to show what they got.
Ten gently pulling Prem closer, them smoothly moving against each other, Ten closing in even more, the slightly open-mouthed kiss with their lips perfectly caressing each other, Ten with a bit more force, Prem with a bit more heat resulting in the perfect mix...Loved it, mwah.
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4. PromNont - Playboyy EP. 12
They are my one Playboyy-couple where I'm like "if they don't end up married and running Playboyy together, starting the revolution of well-payed, insured and safe sex workers I'm gonna riot" even though I know this show will not end nicely for ANYONE.
Anyways, this kiss. Holy smokes they had so many good scenes but this one took the cake. Not just the sheer length of it (but still with perfect timing and breaks).
The slightest suck on Nonts upper lip, Prem literally making Nont sway, Nonts hidden desperation for Prom surfacing from his lips, them slowly but surely turning up the heat and last but not least, Prom grabbing Nonts face just to lean against him...UGH THEM!
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(I made those)
3. Myungha & Yeowoon - Love for Love's Sake EP 8
I know I'm not alone in how this show swept me off my feet and hit me right in the feels. But I've gotta say, this kiss hit completely different. Again they kissed for so long but not a single moment felt wasted. It felt like their whole story put in a single kiss. And — I mean that in the most loving and positive way possible — they kissed so amazingly gay. Do you know what I mean?!
There's just this level of love, care and happiness that only queer couples can convey. Sprinkled with a hint of tongue (I saw that Yeowoon 👀) — they absolutely nailed it.
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2. AlanJeff - Pit Babe EP. 11
The kiss that made me consider doing this post in the first place. I saw them and shouted THIS IS PERFECT just to realize that I did this a few weeks ago already and it made me spiral a little. In the best way possible because I felt truly blessed once again to have discovered the genre of BL in their golden era!
Because this right here is how you nail an open mouthed kiss my friends. Take notes BL producers. Put this in your textbooks! They both go at the same rythm (slow, careful but so, so loving JUST LIKE THEIR RELATIONSHIP UGH) and same level of touch so their lips caress each other perfectly. Furthermore, Alan knows exactly how to meet Jeff which is also a PERFECT EXTENSION OF HIS CHARACTER! Alan leads, Jeff follows but they meet perfectly and equally. TEN OUT OF TEN NO NOTES!
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1. PhayaTharn - The Sign EP. 9
I don't understand the meaning of the "Roman Empire"-thing but I think if I say they are mine, I am correct because they will be the end of me and that's what that means right? I may be biased AF but objectively speaking, this is just an insanely well acted-out scene, PERIOD! And we all know it's thanks to Billybabes out-of-this-world-chemistry!
Phayas desperation translated into this gorgeous lip-clash, so much yearning but softness at the same time but what really got to me was how Tharn immediately melted after their lips touched, how he immediately opened up to him and got completely overwhelmed by Phayas feelings. Chapeau to Babe for showing so much range in a single second. My favorite kiss of the whole series ❤️
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I also just realized all these kisses have one thing in common....hands on faces lol.
Well that was fun peeps, thanks if you made it until the end!
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peachsukii · 2 months
Hello! I was wondering if I could request a balugou or Todoroki x reader helping reader grieve their father. Their father died unexpectedly, and even years later they haven’t processed grief a lot yet. Like some days they’ll be fine, then something will remind them of their dad, or randomly in the middle of the night they’ll cry when they realize they lost their father. If not, totally okay! Love your work so so much!
omg anon, absolutely! i (unfortunately) have a lot of feelings about grief and have no problem talking/writing about it as i find it therapeutic. i super appreciate the respectful approach and thank you for reading my work! supporting my little fleeting thoughts brings me more warmth than you know. 😭💗 i am gonna choose bakugo over the two of them since i don’t think i could do todoroki well enough, hope that’s okay!!
lost in the echo 『 ♡ 』 bakugo x fem!reader ⇢ it all happened so fast - one moment, your family is happy and healthy. the next? it's broken and in disarray, loss shattering your whole world. in a world of super heroes, people often forget just how painfully human they are when sickness strikes.
꒰ tags & content ꒱ heavy talks of grief (parent's passing), talks of self harm/substance abuse (drugs/alcohol), talks of cancer/illness & hospitals | major emotional hurt/comfort, eventual fluff, sprinkles of angst about being perceived while grieving, soft bakugo, reader’s best friends are bakugo and mina, bakugo’s secretly crushing on reader, “happy ending,” characters are 18+ ꒰ cross posted to ao3 | wc; -1.5k ꒱ -`✧ katsuki bakugo masterlist 
☆ inspired by "neon grave" by dayseeker ☆
⋆ ˚ʚɞ — just a general note to please, please mind the tags for this fic. it's not dark content, per se, but it deals with heavy subject matter (descriptive self destructive habits & harm) and could be upsetting for some. much love for you all! ♡
“This party sucks,” you whine, leaning on Mina’s shoulder. “Monoma’s drinks are weak as hell.”
Mina pats your head and exhales dramatically. “Might be time to call it a night, babe. It’s almost midnight, and they’re weak cause you’ve downed six cups.”
You roll your eyes. “Whatever.”
The two of you had been invited by some of the class 3B students to hang out in their dorms over the weekend, AKA drink and bullshit the night away. Months ago, you wouldn’t have been caught dead at any of these parties, but nowadays? You were looking for any way to silence the nagging voice in your head. Mina tagged along, mostly to keep an eye on you since none of your other classmates attended said parties. She’d been on her phone most of the night, texting and scrolling in the corner as you knocked back drinks.
“Who the fuck are you texting?” Your words came out acidic, but that wasn’t your intention. The alcohol was beginning to sink in, stirring the emotions in your chest. It was Russian Roulette, you never knew which one would be loaded in the chamber and ready to fire.
Mina clicked her tongue at your tone, raising her eyebrows. “Why do you care?”
Ah, that was code for “I’m texting Bakugo updates on how you’re doing because we’re worried for your wellbeing.���
Logically, you knew they just cared about you. You’d had a tough couple of months - nothing crazy, just that your dad fucking died and tragically lost his battle against cancer.
The news wasn’t easy to hear, let alone digest, the longer it sat with you back when your mom first broke the news. Cancer. One of the most gut churning words in any language. The sheer mention of the term is enough to make anyone’s hairs stand on end, especially when it’s applied to someone you love and care about.
Fluorescent orange bottles lined your kitchen counter back home, multitudes of medication prescribed to keep your dad in a haze while his body decayed. They taunted you, a constant reminder of the grim reality your family was stuck in. You’ve memorized the smell of the hospital, too - that faint stench of death mixed with cleaning supplies. Late nights in the glow of vending machines of the ER lobby and long days spent listening to nurses drone on about hope and miracles. They even had the gall to give you and your mom false hope, declaring he was in remission one week before he died.
You shake your head to rid yourself of the memories, pissed off that even in your buzzed state of mind, all of it was crystal clear. Mina gives you a quizzical stare, realizing that you haven’t heard hear her talking to you the last few minutes.
“We’re leaving,” she exclaims, grabbing your wrist. You tug it from her grasp and chug the rest of the drink in your hand, tossing the now empty cup to the floor.
“Fuck off, Mina! I know you’ve been talking with Katsuki all night. You two treat me like I’m a fragile little bitch!” You yell, waving your arms for dramatic effect. At this point, she’s used to your combative outbursts. She knows you’re grieving, but goddamn, she wanted to smack the shit out of you when you got like this.
“Suit yourself, I’m goin’ to bed.” And with that, she leaves.
Mina actually walks out and leaves you.
You storm to the door, throwing it open and pursuing her down the hallway of the Class B dorms.
“Minaaa!” You call after her, slurring the latter half of her name. She’s got her phone to her ear as she cocks her head to the side, acknowledging she heard you but isn’t listening.
You’re not proud of what you’re about to do.
Sprinting to catch up to her, you take the phone out of her hand from behind, the screen blinking the caller ID briefly - Bakugo. A sinister cackle escapes you while bringing the phone to your ear.
“Katsuki fuckin’ Bakugo. You and Mina are the fucking worst. Why can’t you just let me self destruct, huh?!” The rage bubbling in your guts was too strong to ignore. The metaphorical gun was loaded, and unfortunately for Bakugo, he was the target.
“You treat me like I’m some weak-ass bitch. Just ‘cause my dad fuckin’ died doesn’t mean shit! I’m not a goddamn child, Katsuki!” Your voice cracks over the word ‘child.’
“Treating me like a kid is rich coming from you, ya know. Hah!”
Mina attempts to grab the phone from you, but fails when you duck out of her reach, dancing down the hall away from her. Bakugo still hasn’t said a word back to you.
“The guy who treated sweet little Midoriya like shit for no reason, bullied him over a fuckin’ non-existent grudge. You’re the goddamn poster child of a shitty friend.”
“Y/N, ENOUGH!” Mina screeches, ripping the phone from your hand. She turns away from you while raising the phone to her ear once more.
“I’m sorry Baku-“ Mina’s interrupted by soft snivels. She could tell he tried to hide it - you made him cry.
“Hey, she’s just drunk and being an asshole. She doesn’t mean it,” she whispers. “Get to bed, I’ve kept you up long enough.” Mina hangs up the phone and turns her attention back to you. She doesn’t say a word - her eyes tell you how disappointed she is with your actions.
You quietly sulk behind her back to the Class A dorms, reveling in the guilt of your actions.
Monday comes along and you still haven't said two words to Bakugo. Admittedly, you're ashamed of yourself and don't have the courage to apologize right now. It wasn’t the first time you’ve gotten into a small tiff, it always goes back to normal. You’re sure this’ll pass and he’ll just talk to you again…right?
But he doesn’t.
Classes wrap for the day and he leaves homeroom without looking your way.
The silence in your dorm room is starting to drive you mad, not having a decent enough distraction for the endless loop of thoughts circling in your mind. You wander into the bathroom and lazily open your medicine cabinet. A set of translucent orange bottles occupied the bottom shelf - you’d taken them from home, stealing your dead dad’s various medications. A pang of guilt stabs you in the gut while you shuffle through them. You had zero idea what most of these pills even did, but if it got you high? Who fucking cares.
You’re about to dump a few in your hand when something stops you, dropping the tablets onto the floor.
What the fuck?
“Dad…?” You speak aloud, knowing full well how fucking insane you sound for thinking your father’s ghost smacked the medicine out of your hand. As expected, there is no response, just dead air. You scurry back to your bed, grabbing for your phone. Instinctively, you’re about to click Bakugo’s name when your eyes fall on the time: 11:56PM.
You call him anyways.
After a few rings, the line picks up and you hear shuffling before he verbally answers.
“Uhh, hi. Sorry for waking you.”
“What’s wrong?”
“Can you come to my room?”
There’s a pause.
“Thank you. Door's open.”
The line ends with a click.
A minute or two later, your dorm room door cracks open, Bakugo stepping inside and closing it quietly behind him. He hesitantly makes his way over to the bed and sits beside you.
“I almost took some pills. Something stopped me, though and I didn’t.” Shame creeps through you as you're acknowledging the destructive behavior for the first time in months.
“…I’m glad you ditched ‘em.”
Another pause.
“I’m sorry for the other night.”
Bakugo inhales deeply before shifting his gaze to the floor. “Yeah. ‘S fine.”
Obviously, it was not fine.
“Katsuki, seriously. I’m sorry for being an asshole.” You place a hand on his shoulder. “I don’t deserve to have you here right now.”
He shakes his head. “Don’t say shit like that. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t wanna be.”
The two of you sit in silence for what feels like an eternity.
Bakugo speaks up first. “Why’d you call me over? Y’coulda told me about the pills over the phone.”
Your eyes begin to well with tears, overcome with emotions that you'd been withholding for too long.
"I miss my dad," You say between hiccupped sobs. "I don't know what to do...it fucking hurts."
Bakugo doesn't hesitate to pull you close, awkwardly throwing his arms around you. "I know."
Everything comes pouring out of you, every single emotion that you've shoved away into the imaginary closet in your head since the funeral. No matter how many times you tell him that he can leave, he doesn't. He stays with you the entire night, laying beside you as you cry yourself to sleep.
When you stir awake the next morning, Bakugo's arm is securely hooked around your waist as he's peacefully resting behind you. You give him a light shake to wake him up.
"Mornin'," he grunts, sleepily opening one eye. "How ya feelin'?"
Honestly? You felt...okay.
"Good, I think. Better than I have in awhile," you say, rolling over to face him. "Thank you. I'm sorry again for-"
Unexpectedly, his lips are on yours, silencing your apology. You let out a squeak before melting into the warmth he offers, tugging on your waist to pull you closer to him. He breaks the kiss long enough to mumble, “Forget about all that. Just shut up and kiss me, dammit.”
You can’t help but feel guilty about his affection, how you didn’t think you deserved it after treating him so horribly. All Bakugo wanted to do was be there for you when you pushed him, and Mina, away.
“But…why now?” You ask while pulling away, perplexed at how casual he’s being about all of this.
He just shakes his head, grin plastered on his smug face. “Cause I don’t like seein’ you cry. And Mina may or may not have blabbed about a certain drunken rant ya went on about me.”
What the hell was he…oh. Ohhhh.
Dammit Mina!
“What did she tell you?!” You blurt out, covering your face with your hands. Bakugo grabs your wrists, pulling your hands away from your flared cheeks as he laughs.
“She didn’t say shit, but now I wanna hear it.”
You smack him playfully in the arm, huffing as you turn over. He scoots up and lays his head behind yours on the pillow.
“I care about you, idiot. That’s why. Do I need another reason?”
You close your eyes, a smile settling on your lips as you grab his hand, moving back to snuggle closer to him.
“No. That’s good enough for me.”
The pain in your heart momentarily subsides and offers you a glimpse of hope.
Things will get easier, no matter how dark it is.
💥 tags; @slayfics
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sugoi-writes · 2 months
Suck It Up, Buttercup
Husk x GN!Reader Drabble
Haha-- It's the voice. The accent. DON'T JUDGE-- (No warnings, minus drinking mentions. Pure fluff!)
I miiiight turn this into a thing with multiple characters... a 'surprise kiss!' scenario with each of the main cast, just to practice writing for others. (I did similar things with KNY not too long ago). Not that I don't love Alastor, but I should try to mix things up a bit! If yall like this, let me know who you'd like to see next. Oh, and of course: please enjoy~
You groaned as you nursed your drink, cheek lazily smushed against the wood grain of the counter.
"Ughhnn.. shit, I passed out, didn't I?" You wince in pain from your throbbing headache, your vision slowly stabilizing as you took in your surroundings. Husk hums in agreement, coming out from behind the bar to your side.
" 'Sure did. C'mon, Buttercup. It's time to get you to bed." You whined, your flushed face giving away your drunken state," One more drink? Pleeeease..." Husk sighs, shrugging," A'ight, but it's probably a lil' too hard for ya." You stick your tongue out at him playfully, making him smile and shrug, both hands shooting up in his defense," Don't say I didn't try to warn ya..."
You felt your cheek press further into your eye as you watched Husk with a smile. You didnt bother to lift your head as you observed his movements. Quick, effortless, and cunning... despite his nihilist attitude, he always moved with a purpose while mixing drinks. He moved in ways that made what he was doing even more impressive to watch.
Once he was done, Husk made a big deal of sliding this 'concotion' towards you, your glass sporting a succulent lemon wedge on the rim. You felt a surge of energy enter you as you hastily took a gulp, before your expression soured.
"Water....? Husk, you said--!"
"Y'said to make you somethin' that'd make you forget somethin' else. That headache, for example," the cat demon chastised, before leaning forward," And you're gonna drink every last gulp before you carry your ass to bed. Got it?"
You groan again, rolling your eyes," Only if you'll carry me there~" You teased, shimming your shoulders. Husk narrows his gaze at you, his fur around his neck bristling," I ain't some powdered prince, y'know... and I don't do shit for free."
You sigh dramatically, leaning backward and arching your back over the counter," Ohhh, woe is me! I was convinced I finally found my knight in shining armor~!" At this, Husk snorts, leaning on his elbows and looming above you, his face hovering just above yours. For a moment, the two of you shared a laugh, then it grew stagnant... and then, there was a moment when you stared at one another, waiting for someone to move or say something. The tension that lingered felt heavy on your chest, as you felt your throat run dry. You open your parched lips slightly to say something, but your phrase died on your tongue, unable to leave.
Husk sighs, leaning down to kiss you gently on the forehead, officially breaking the silence.
"You're lucky you're a'ight to be around, otherwise I wouldn't be doin' this shit..." You barely had time to recover, your eyes wide with disbelief. Your fingertips ghosted over the pecked spot on your forehead, as if to replicate the feeling... before you felt yourself being lifted up. You fumble about in Husk's arms, clinging desperately to his chest. You were surprised with long, soft fur, a small mass easily being gripped and held in your trembling hands.
"O-Oh fuck I was-- I was jokin', Husk-- you can put me down!"
"An' risk you passin' out at my bar again? Fat chance..." A comfortable silence falls upon you both, and you can't help but lean into the cradle that Husk created for you. He was warn... exceedingly so. His breathing was slow, even, despite having to heave you around. You were surprised with how strong he was, not taking him to be the burly type. But all the same, it comforted you, and you swore that you heard a very subtle, deep purr as you smoothed your hand across his silken chest fluff.
It wouldn't be long until you've passed out again, head bobbing rhythmically as he brings you to your room. The stoic demon is careful when setting you down and tucking you in, a flash of sincerity crossing his stern features. He can't help the tired chuckle that slips out, leaning down to kiss your forehead again. A hand runs carefully across your crown, smoothing your hair back against your pillow, creating a halo around your sleeping face.
" ...'Night, Buttercup. I'll see you in the mornin'."
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So, uh, Fable ended.
And now I’m gonna be sappy on main.
I started watching Fable about half a year before I started being active in the fandom, around the time I started falling in love with my partner @hoardingpuffin . Watching Rae and Caspian’s relationship develop was actually part of what helped me realize that the things I was feeling for them were romantic and not just platonic. Surprisingly enough, that’s just the beginning of the profound effect Fable had on me.
I had never really interacted with fandom spaces before Fable. But when I caught up with lore sometime in November 2022, I decided to join the discord. It was a crazy place. Being someone who’d never really been in a server before I was completely overwhelmed and nervous, so I didn’t interact much for the first month or so.
Then I discovered that, despite the incredible love for the project, no one had made a “which character are you?” Quiz yet, so, I decided to fuck it and make one myself. The response I got to that was unlike any I had seen before. I was getting pinged weeks afterwards with people’s results and it made me really happy to see how much my work was appreciated by everyone in the community. It got me thinking about other ways I might be able to give back.
Then, as you all know, the stream “Call” and it’s partner “Response” came out on Ghosty and HeyHay’s channels. I’d been feeling so similarly to the two characters, dealing with my long distance relationship with Puffin. So, I took those feelings and the words Heyhay and Ghosty had used to convey them for their characters and put them into a song.
And then something insane happened.
Everyone liked it. Like, everyone liked it. This crappy recording I made at 2 AM suddenly got hundreds and then thousands of views when I put it on SoundCloud and YouTube. It was insane. I had written some songs before, but they’d always been ridiculed, so having a large group of people like the fable community enjoy something that I wrote was absolutely insane to me, and it encouraged me to make more.
I found myself being inspired by the characters in fable, connecting with different storylines or sentences said on streams. I found myself writing songs, one after another after another.  At one point I was writing a song a week for a period of about three months. I had never experienced this amount of raw creativity before, but every time I put a new song out, I only got encouraged to make more.
And then people started to ask me when I was going to put them on Spotify. And that was another moment that everything changed. I realized if I was gonna put these out there in such an official way I didn’t want it to just be a bunch of crappy recorded singles. So I needed to make an album.
That was something I had never considered doing before. I knew nothing about music editing or sound mixing. Up until that point all of my songs had been made on GarageBand at 2 AM with very little editing or mixing going into them. So, I started saving for a real music editing program and within a few months I got there.
Then came the actual making of the album. I took a few months off in the summer and just dove headfirst into it. Every spare moment I wasn’t modding for the Sherbathon, or the discord, or streaming my own lore, was spent working on those songs. And while looking back now I wish I knew what I know now about music editing, I’m so glad I did what I did. Putting that album out, seeing how you all responded to it… it made me realize that this is something I love, something that I don’t have to wait for someone else’s permission or teaching to do.
This fandom is the reason I’m a musical artist and that is something I don’t think I will ever be able to express the importance of enough.
As much as I could talk about the unending support and encouragement I received from the wonderful cast members throughout my experience making the album, or how being given the role of mod on the fandom discord taught me so much about how to be a creator in my own right, or even the amazing experience I had being able to make songs for the lore. When it comes right down to it, it was the community, cast and all, that impacted my life in the profound way it has been. So thank you, each and every one of you, whether you are a cast member, a fan, a fellow mod, or even just someone who streamed a song you didn’t have any context for. Thank you for changing my life, for giving me the encouragement to pursue my dreams.
Thank you Fable SMP cast, crew, and community 💕
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charlottecutepie · 2 months
Now that you’ve watched Animal room, maybe a Doug x Reader? maybe public sex or creampie ?
⋆౨ৎ˚ A real animal (Doug Van Housen x fem!reader)
author notes: hey love! so here it is, thank you for the request, it was interesting to write about this character :) although I dont really know how well it turned out, i still doubt it tbh, im so sorry if it sucks, tho i tried harddd….in any case, ill be glad to receive new requests for this character
tags: nsfw, smut, vaginal sex, fingering, thigh fucking, rough sex, possessiveness, fingers sucking, spanking, hair pulling, public sex, unprotected sex, creampie, dubcon, a little praise, degrading, mean!Doug
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Doug kisses you like it's the end of the fucking world. He's groaning into your mouth, and his huge hands aren't hugging you at all, no, they're squeezing you as if he intentionally wants to break your bones. To break you not only as a person, but also as a body. Your bones, your skin, every hair on your body, every cell in you should belong to him. Doug Van Housen hates and loves you, and his every action is imbued with this poisonous and caustic mixture of madness. You seem to like that you are tightly pressed between a cold wall and his hot body, but at the same time you're afraid of what comes out of his mouth, you knew that he was far from a sweet and gentle person, you knew what you were going for, according to Doug himself.
“My fucking slut,” he growls into your neck and makes forward movements, rubbing against you. There's a lump in your throat and blood froze in your veins, you didn't expect that you'd be fucked right in this corridor, right fucking now. You wanted to invite him to your place, well . . . to watch a movie first, and then lie down and cuddle. But don't you know Doug? It's just not about him. If you dream of such an affair, then why are you dating someone as him? Doug's madly amused by you. Are you really that silly? “I'm gonna ruin you.”
“Just wait—” you can't stay still, putting your dignity at such risk, damn it. You cling to his shoulders and look into his eyes, trying to find at least some echoes of common sense. However does it make sense to look for it in a man like Doug? “Fuck, Doug, enough!”
Looking at your desperate plea, amusement flickers across his eyes. The hallway filled with the echo of your words as he pulls away slightly, raising his eyebrows. He laughs. “Someone is too cocky. Don't worry, I'll fuck this arrogance out of you. Or what? You don't like me anymore?” Doug grasps you by your hips tightly, slowly grinding into you as he nips softly at your neck. “You must have a fucking adrenaline rush, baby. I don't think you'll be as brave in a few minutes.”
“Uggh—” you groan almost in pain as he bites on your skin. “Can we at least do this at home?” you try to keep your voice quite, but Doug doesn't give a fuck so he makes a damn loud moan when you pull his black hair. You definitely don't expect this so you quickly let him go and glance at his face for signs of pain. There is silence for a second. Doug looks at you with his mouth open and breathes heavily, and then bursts into laughter.
“Was that supposed to stop me?” you stare at him wide-eyed as his laughter reverberates around. “Look, sweetie, I won’t care if we fuck in a pool of acid. The only thing I care about is claiming what’s mine. . . You're going to take me any way possible until there's not a drop of your fucking arrogance left inside you.” his lips descend upon yours fiercely; they consume your mouth entirely while he tangles one hand in your hair and grasps your hip harder. It all feels so animalistic, so brutal that it scares and excites you at once — two emotions mixing into an insatiable hunger for more from this twisted game between you two.
You're barely recovering from his rough kiss, your lips are flushed, as are your cheeks. “Doug. . .” you don't really know what you're saying, you just want to repeat his name over and over like a damn prayer. “Doug, Doug, Doug—” you whisper as he can't get enough of your neck, kissing every inch, although it's more like he's devouring you like an animal. His hands find your ass and squeeze it roughly through your clothes, which responds with a reddening of the skin and your sharp sigh.
“Oww, what a pathetic sight,” he taunts you when his fingers finally get under your clothes, pulling them down to your knees with impatient jerks, leaving you in only your panties. Before you can say anything, his finger makes its way to the sweetest spot between your legs. Doug rubs your pussy through your underwear and, feeling how wet you are, sighs contentedly and smiles, baring his teeth. “So fucking wet, look what I've done to you.” he pulls your soaked panties to the side and slips one finger inside you. So fucking slow and gentle, all the time staring into your eyes, just to tease and mock you. It's just one finger, but you can already feel your knees getting weak. “Don't faint, pretty, stay with me, yeah?” Doug hums in approval as your pussy clenches around his finger — a clear signal that his girl is desperate for more.
“Please. . .” you feel so weak to him.
He watches your pleading expression and raises an eyebrow. “More?” he asks, smirking as his second finger joins the first inside you. He starts pumping slowly while rubbing your clit in rapid circles with his thumb. Your hips jerk forward desperately and your lips part in deep sighs. Seeing you begging him like a desperate little slut makes him proud. “Pathetic, ain't you?” when you just get used to his two fingers, he abruptly plunges them even deeper into you. You gasp loudly, clinging on Doug for support as you nearly fall.
“Ohh—! No, fuck, that's—”
“Too much?”
“Yes, t—too rough, wait!” his smile broadens at that. And. . . Then he pulls back suddenly, leaving you panting heavily, your legs trembling.
“You taste heavenly,” he slides his wet fingers into his mouth as he savors your taste, watching your embarrassed face. “take off my fucking belt, baby,” he tells you before pushing two of them against your entrance once more, this time fingerfucking you faster. You don't know what to do, your body doesn't obey, while Doug roughly fingers you, tearing incoherent moans out of you. You try to grab his belt, but his fingers are moving inside you so fast that your hands are shaking. “i said take off my fucking belt.”
He knows you're about to cum as your pussy clenching around his fingers, but he doesn't let you, instead he slows down so you can finally take off his belt. You sigh and Doug takes his fingers out of you, which makes you look at him in shock, brows raised and eyes wide.
“Bu—!” he pulls your panties down and slips his painfully hard cock between your thighs, your soft skin making him groan loudly.
“Mhhm— You feel so fuckin' good, doll,” Doug thrusts forward, rubbing his dick between your damp folds. His length sweetly slides against your slit, every inch of it coated with your wetness. “my good fucking girl.” he wraps one arm around your waist and pulls you closer, not letting you fall.
His hips rock against you in a fast, sinful motion, teasing your cunt with the tip of his cock. He lets out a low groan, his shaft sliding across your folds and over your clit. “Ahhnn— ohh, im close!” you can’t help but whimper softly, you cling to him, fingers curling into fists at his shoulder, hips rolling instinctively with each slide of his dick through your wet folds.
“Cum for me.” Doug fucks your thighs faster, hitting your sensitive nub repeatedly. His breathing deepens as he thrusts harder between your thighs, spreading your wetness around his cock. “My little slut. . .” he hides his face in your hair. “cum for me.” he demands, you feel the delicious tension building in your belly, spreading through your core until it becomes all-consuming. Your whimper as you grind against him helplessly, your hole clenching around nothing.
When his tip slides over your little aching clit, that makes you shudder, a loud moan escaping your lips as you finish. You nearly scream, but your sounds muffled by Doug's chest.
“Good girl.” he praises you. “now I'm going to fuck your brains out and claim this little pussy.” Doug doesn't waste any time to prove his promises. With a ruthless determination, he flips you around, your face against wall. You gasp in surprise, your eyes widening as his dick presses urgently against your entrance. “Thaat's it, you stupid little girl.”
Doug slips inside you, bending his knees to be on a level with your ear and breathing loudly into it, mumbling what a tight cunt you have. You don't want to admit it, but his cock feels perfect. And although his sharp and rough thrusts hurt you, because he immediately began to push into your warmth, you find yourself enjoying this. You're still sensitive after orgasm, but it's only to his advantage as he moves his hips, driving his cock deeper.
”Fuck—fuck! Slow down, ohh” you yelp as he rails your pussy, he doesn't give a fuck that it does hurt you, just like he doesn't give a fuck if anyone sees you. The sounds of skin slapping wildly arouse you, as well as the fact that he's manhandling you and uses you the way he wants makes your legs buckle. “Hahhh, Doug!”
“I won't, you feel too good.” he groans, fucking you harder. “Ughh, you know you want this, your cunt ruined and filled with my cum, yeah?” he growls, feeling your walls tightly squeeze his cock. “Yeah?” he repeats in his mocking manner.
You don't answer his question, so his hand lays down on your ass, and a loud smack echoes down the hallway. “Y—yes! Yes, please, Doug!” you cry out.
Doug grabs a handful of your hair, yanking your head back so your eyes meet his. “Stupid brainless doll made just for my cock.” his heart beat like crazy, feeling your tight and wet pussy wrapping around his shaft as you take him. He pumps deeper into you with every thrust and reaches forward, he slams one hand against the wall beside your head. “You're mine, all mine.” he murmurs, looking down where your ass meets his hips, smile faded from his face. Your whines and moans sounds way too pretty and broken, your eyes burst with tears.
“Hnnhg. . . Slow down!” you tell him like he cares, like he's going to stop. “Doougg”
Your head fuzzy as you feel his cock reaching way really too deep, where you almost feel him in your guts. Doug ignores your words and pleas, knocking the air out of your lungs with his rough pace. He feels you on a completely different level, not only because he's balls deep inside you, he feels the madness that covers his eyes like a veil. Hatred, anger and arousal merged together.  And your “ohhh god, Dougg!” which slips from your lips only inflames him even more.
“My pretty slut, my little girl, mine, fuuuck, just like that,” Doug's lost just like you, fucking you like an animal, a crazy one. “Thank me, thank me for fucking you.” after these words, he puts his long fingers in your mouth, as if trying to pull out your tongue. They penetrate so deeply that you feel sick. He runs his fingers over your mouth, wetting  them in your saliva. You're almost suffocating.
“Thh. . . Nkkk—” that fucking bastard, you know why he's doing this. He wants you to realize what a helpless, pathetic, but wonderful little ragdoll you are. If his dick wasn't pounding your dripping pussy right now, you'd definitely slap him in the face for it. “Aankkk yo— Ahh! Ouhh”
He chuckles, literally fucking your mouth with his fingers as he hears your babbling. “What was that? Didn't hear you.” you want to cry hysterically, want to bite off his fucking fingers. But his voice is so hot, so damn beautiful. Even though he tries to sound normal, you still catch these little groans and breaths, his voice shaking. And it only makes you wetter. “Hard to talk with your mouth full, baby?”
He takes his fingers out of your mouth, all in your drool, and you almost calm down, but then you arch your back and yelp when you feel them touching your little clit. He rubs your bundle in tight circles, what makes your cunt throb around him. “Fuck, thank— Thank you! Thank you, Doug—” you're moaning so loudly that your throat is already dry.
“Mhmm, such a good girl, that's it,” he cooes, grunting. “so fucking good for me. A slut who needs nothing but my cock.” your chest rises and falls from increased breaths, blood running hot, a mess he loves to see.
He lost his sanity a long time ago and therefore does the same thing to you, making your brains melt as if under the scorching sun. You don't feel yourself, you only feel Doug, everywhere, in your pussy and in your subconscious, your brain and your heart. You even forgot that you're in this fucking hallway.
“Wanna feel you cum all over my cock, pretty.” he leans closer to you, his fingers never stopping rubbing your clit. He brushes his lips against your neck, sliding his tongue on your fresh hickeys and bite marks.
“I'm gonna c—cum, ohh,” before you know what's going on, your body shaking and you feel like you're already falling. Although this would have happened if Doug's hands hadn't been holding you all this time. You cum hard and he follows, burying himself even deeper inside of you as he grits his teeth and groans, his seed spills inside you in thick ropes as your pussy greedily milks him dry. He breathes heavily and moves his hips, fucking you much more slowly to make sure that every drop of him fills you, you moan as you feel his cock twitching inside you.
Doug doesn't take his hands off you, holding you possessively still. But he notices that you're trembling, and his grip soon loosens as he puts his hands on your waist. He kisses your neck, whispering something.
A pair of eyes looked at you two from the darkness of the corridor, and their owner took a deep breath.
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spiderlily-w1tch-blog · 4 months
𝙰𝚖𝚊𝚓𝚒𝚔𝚒 𝚃𝚊𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚒 - 𝙰𝙱𝙾 𝙿𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝙾𝚖𝚎𝚐𝚊
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ft A!Kiri, A!Fatgum, A!Mirio, B!Midoriya, B!Nejire, B!Tsu; Pack Alpha!Tamaki
𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐫: I do not own BNHA or its characters, all credit goes to its creators and actors
WC: 1,885
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆: probably cringey, 1(one) use of “Y/n”, obligatory exhibitionism/public sex warning (Series Warning)
𝔐𝔦𝔫𝔦 𝔑𝔬𝔱𝔢: I’m gonna be entirely honest, I don’t remember much about writing this one because I was high off my ass for most of it lmao unfortunately I’m also not super satisfied with this one but at least some of y’all seem to like this!
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I panted as I bounced my hips back against Tamaki’s. He gripped my hips and used that as leverage to thrust his hips forward slightly, meeting my hips and letting his balls slap against Eijirou’s. Eijirou laid beneath me, his hands planted firmly on my tits, worshiping and laving over them with his rough tongue. Their scents enveloped me and hazed my mind further with their dominating and arousing scents mixing together, mingling with my own submissive and exultant one.
Both of their cocks slid hard and fast, in and out of me, filling me perfectly and stretching me with such a delicious burn. My eyes rolled to the back of my head when Tamaki rammed exactly into my cervix, making me lose sight of the rest of my pack.
Mirio, Izuku, Nejire, and Tsu all sat on the edge of my nest enjoying the show that our Alphas and I were putting on after already having had their rounds of pleasure with me. Each of their scents clung to me and permeated the air, filling it with the smell of sex, lust, sweat, and slick. Suddenly Taishirou took his place and kneeled in front of me, lifting my head to see his warm smile, a contrast from just how roughly he prefers to ravish my body.
“You ready, ‘Mega?” He asked and once he received a nod, he guided my lips to his rock-hard dick. Taking him in, he wasted no time in thrusting in, immediately breaching my throat. I gagged and convulsed for only a moment before I recomposed myself and breathed through my nose, “Good job, sweetheart..” He groaned out, keeping his cock down my throat for another moment before pulling back and letting me bob my head over his shaft. He let out a satisfied scent and mixed his Alpha pheromones with the other two surrounding me like a cocoon.
I moaned out around his length when I felt one of Tamaki’s hands leave my waist and made contact with my clit. He rubbed in tight circles and even slid his fingers down to massage where my cunt was so stretched full.
“Fuck… Alpha, she feels amazing… Tastes fantastic, too..” I heard Ei growl out against my skin, making sure to be loud enough that Tamaki could hear him.
“You’re right.. Kami, she feels fantastic..” Tamaki growled out in response, his instincts having taken over and left no room for timidity, “You hear that, baby? Fuck, you’re so good for us, you know? Fuck- So fucking good..” The sound of his cursing sent waves of more arousal through me and straight to my stretched cunt. In lieu of being able to answer, I simply let out whorish moans around the thick cock penetrating my throat.
From all the different sensations, Eijirou and Tamaki both pounding into me from behind, Tama’s fingers furiously rubbing over my clit, and Tai’s cock filling my mouth, I was sent hurdling over the edge. My 3rd orgasm since we began wracked through me and made my slick gush around two of my mates. My scent was that of a satisfied Omega, happy and content to be filled so well by my Alphas.
“Fuuuck, even I felt that, sweetheart..” Tai’s accented voice called from above me, his hand stroking over my hair to soothe me from my heightened senses. Tama’s fingers still slid over my clit but they let up a bit. Though the assault on my insides never ceased, I felt the base of Tama and Ei’s cocks begin to swell, signaling that their knots were forming. It seemed I wasn’t the only one to notice as I heard a short whine from the edge of my nest.
From his position below me, I felt Ei turn his head at the sound. ‘Must have been Izuku, then,’ my muddled mind was able to produce, the answer being confirmed when I smelled his wanton and desperate scent, practically begging for relief.
Glancing out the side of my eye, I could see Mirio take position behind his boyfriend and roughly slam into him, producing another loud whine, though this one was far lewder. Beside them, I could see Tsu ravaging Nejire’s pussy, her tongue likely buried deep inside her, reaching all of her sensitive spots. The sight of the rest of my pack, and partners, aroused me even further and had me focussing even more on the feeling of Tama and Ei’s growing knots.
Tama’s hand still on my waist gripped tighter as his pleasure grew from the feeling of his knot rubbing over the edge of my hole. His tight grip was sure to bruise but I was happy for that. More evidence that he’s who I belong to, such being reflected in my scent of happiness and longing. In my excitement, I circled my hips against my Alphas plowing into me.
“‘Mega.. Oh, Kami- ‘Mega, you feel so good. So good, my little Omega..” Tamaki started panting behind me. He leaned forward and pressed his chest against my back, never relenting his hard thrusts that reached the deepest parts of me, alongside Eijirou. His fingers started to work my clit harder again as he sucked and nipped at his Claim on my scent gland. He began to move upward, kissing up my jaw, and pressed a kiss to the apple of my cheek.
“My perfect little Omega.. Such a good girl.” He groaned into my ear, pressing a sweet, soft kiss to my temple. “Are you feeling good, Bunny?” He muttered softly, his sweetness persisting even though his Alpha instincts were in full effect.
“Mhmm! Mhmm!!” I cried out around Tai’s large cock that continued to bob in and out of my throat. The vibrations of my moans made Tai let out his own growled moans, keeping his hand steady, though gently, planted in my hair.
Tama pressed sweet, wet kisses to my scent gland again before he bit into it, right over his Claim, and sent another shockwave of pleasure through me, making me cry out as much as I could. I had been so focussed on the sensation of Tamaki laving over my scent gland and the dual cocks pounding into my fertile cunt that I hadn’t even realized Tai’s knot had formed. He made sure to never pop it inside my mouth but he continued to thrust into my mouth until I felt his hot cum shoot down my throat. He slid his cock out of my mouth and rested back on his haunches, panting as if he’d just run a marathon, and looking at me with lidded eyes filled with love. A scent of pure satisfaction emanated from him, making me chirp and purr in pride that I could properly satisfy my Alpha.
“Feel so perfect. So fucking perfect..” I felt, more than heard, Ei mumble around my nipple that he had clasped in his lips, staying cautious of his teeth. The more he sucked and groped at my tits, the more pleasure shot through my being. Tamaki’s thrusts got harder and faster as he approached his knot completely inflating. Ei cried out at the feeling of Tamaki’s cock dragging so hard and fast that it seemed to accelerate his knot’s growth.
The taste of Tai’s cum and the feeling of Ei’s assault on my breasts alongside Tamaki’s cock ramming into me with his head almost kissing my cervix had my eyes rolling to the back of my head as yet another orgasm claimed me, loud purrs vibrating my chest from the pleasure. My tightening cunt seemed to send Tama and Eiji hurdling to their end as they both popped their knots inside my cunt, almost immediately shooting their loads into me.
“Alpha!!!!” I screamed out in pleasure as I finally felt their hot seed filling me up and making my stomach swell even more from how full they made me. Not a single drop of their cum escaped from where both their knots were settled inside me, efficiently plugging me up and tying us together.
“You did so well, Y/n. Such a perfect Omega for us. You took all our cum inside you.” Tamaki said into my ear, his hand sliding up to where my stomach was bulging out, “Can you feel us? Right here. Our cum is all right here in your womb..” He muttered, pressing soothing kisses to his Claim which I could only assume was an angry red from his bite. A scent of satisfaction, happiness, and joy rolled off me in waves, accompanied by content purring and small chirps.
“Wanna be good.. Wanna be good for you.. Alpha..” I weakly muttered, turning my head to capture his lips in a wet, sloppy kiss. I faintly recognized Ei’s hands shifting to run soothingly up and down my sides, making sure to lightly massage any sore spots from rougher treatment, the softness shifting my purr from one of simple contentment to pure happiness from my Alpha caring for me.
“And you’re perfect, Omega. So, so perfect.” Tama responded, pressing another sweet kiss to my lips, “C’mere..” He started to shift us all gently to be laying on our sides, our legs tangled in a mess of limbs as their knots were still firmly locked inside me. At even the slightest movement, I whimpered in overstimulation from my abused cunt, still stretched almost too full.
At hearing my whimper, all of my pack immediately had their attention zeroed in on me. Their instincts were all screaming to protect me and ensure I’m alright. Sweet, soothing kisses were pressed to my shoulder and face by Tamaki and Eiji respectively as we finally got settled.
Only once Tamaki, our Head Alpha, gave the okay, did the rest of our pack move in to form a cuddle pile. Tai slid behind Ei and comfortably fit himself against his back, wrapping his long arm all the way around to hold Tamaki’s waist, using his other hand to reach and stroke my hair.
Nejire and Tsu curled up by our heads, Tai’s head ending up laid over Nejire’s stomach and Tsu laying mirroring her girlfriend, her fingers stroking lightly over my arm. They both pressed soft kisses to the top of my head and let out soothing chirps which I automatically returned.
Miri laid on his back, his side pressing against Tama with his head resting on Tsu’s thighs. Izu quickly moved to get supplies we would need to clean up and recover before slotting himself into Miri’s side, nestling into him and happily breathing his scent.
The combined scents of my pack and the sound of a collective purring all lulled me into a sense of security and calmness. Happiness wafted through the air in my scent, being met with happiness and love from the different scents surrounding me.
“My perfect little Omega,” Tamaki whispered, his instincts calming and letting his timidity resurface, though it seemed to be drowned out by exhaustion, happiness, and his ambient instincts to care for his Omega. I let out an answering chirp and rubbed over his head which he nestled into the crook of my neck, laying soft kisses to his Claim.
I let out another chirp of happiness to my Mates and my pack which they all readily returned before I drifted off into a comfortable sleep.
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asharaks · 4 months
okay so a large part of my issue with halsin is that his character feels inconsistent, right. like larian wanted him to be a wise older man mentor character but then they wanted him to be fuckable, and they wanted him to be a nontraditional/nonmonogamous romance, so they made him sexually experienced and confident and casual, but he's also a romance option, so he talks about having Feelings for the player character. and then he needed to be a quest-giver, so he needed to ask for help. and what we ended up with is "guy who up and abandoned his responsibilities at the first chance of adventure, got captured and needed rescuing, makes all sorts of comments about his sexual experience but loses all self control and wildshapes at the first glimpse of ass, tells you he has feelings for you to get you in bed then leaves at the end of the game, and makes inappropriately sexual comments abt the sexual abuse victim if you're romancing him" - all of which reads as an uncomfortable, unlikeable mess of a guy.
halsin suffers from a lack of focus - he's neither a full romance on the level of the origin companions, nor is he a fling or sub-romance; he got more care and attention than wyll, in some ways, but the writing is flaky and weak and makes him look, frankly, like an incompetent, immature manchild. the bear scene is grossly pubescent (it should've been player choice to initiate that, not have it dropped on you that if he gets too horny there's a risk he'll CAST A SPELL and turn into a literal animal. by mistake. and if that's his reaction to seeing tits what's gonna happen when he cums) and the way he pushes for astarion to join you if you tell him you're in a relationship feels wildly inappropriate.
I know halsin has a history of sexual abuse himself (and I've seen good analyses/critiques of the way that's handled) but again I find it weird that finding out about that is locked behind not just a sex scene but a threesome+ scene - the writers really wanted to drive home that This Guy Fucks to the point where he comes across as pushy, and his trauma is reduced to background noise in a scene where he is essentially a sex object. he is simultaneously objectified by the writers, and in-universe by himself and those around him, but instead of exploring that we're just supposed to go with it; likewise, his lack of commitment and emotional immaturity aren't problems in and of themselves, but it feels like the writers aren't aware that that's the character they've written, and so these things are never appropriately addressed, and his arc and romance don't match up with the other characters' stories about growth and development.
not rly sure where I'm going with this, but it bothers me!! I think it's a nasty mix of the writers' intentions at a cross purpose with the push for fanservice, and the whole thing leaves a sour taste in my mouth t b h.
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yourstrulyrika · 5 months
happy new year people. i disappeared for some time but i was farming for my babygirl ruan mei. also i have the biggest hungover so sorry if my fic below’s gonna be a bit rusty…?? but anyway!!
just look at her. i need HER
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bdkdbdkdbdj!!! anyway to the actual smut now
characters — ethan winters, leon kennedy, chris redfield
type of fic — headcanons!! (i will write a proper fic one day no worries)
today’s topic: riding!
warnings — fem!reader, besides that none, it’s mostly comfort sex of some sorts because i looveee it, but there’s just a bit of angst in Leon’s and Ethan’s parts. mostly in Leon’s. also spoilers for re8.
Re8!Ethan Winters
— okay hear me out. after the whole village thing this man became PARANOID. who wouldn’t really? let’s assume you’re in place of Mia. he’s always over you after that, overprotective is not strong enough of a word. and you, being his beloved, couldn’t watch him stress himself into oblivion. and that’s where the idea came.
— at first, Ethan was a bit surprised. he’s a total service dom, of course he agreed, but you never really proposed this idea. not that he doesn’t like it!!
— so when you started peppering kisses all over his face, cupping his cheeks and kissing his pretty features, he let out the prettiest moan you ever heard. it straight out sounded *angelic*. and that just confirmed how excited he is beneath all this anxiety. you’re not even riding him yet, and he’s already the prettiest mess <3
— but when you actually took him inside? he’s sure he got *blessed*. that’s what he is. blessed. totally lost his mind the second you took him whole. and when you start moving? dear god, he’s so quick to cum, he’s a little embarrassed. but you comfort him and tell him it’s okay <3
— during the whole thing though, he’s always holding you. he’s never ever separated from you, nope, always holding your hand, or his hands on your hips, cupping your breasts or pretty cheeks and kissing all over you, just like you did to him <3 sex with Ethan is always so comforting to both of you. also, Ethan totally adores tits. like he loves your titties, no matter the size. just a thought <3
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Vendetta!Leon Kennedy
— okay hear me out. i picked vendetta Leon because this man needs love. i genuinely love vendetta Leon so fucking much.
— he’s always so tired, doesn’t want to do a thing even when you’re around, he doesn’t even propose sex anymore. he feels *guilty*, like he’s neglecting you, but he’s just too tired to be his dominant self. he needs a break, and some love, desperately. and you plan on giving him just that
— he’s not sure why you stick around him. why you still love him when he’s a total mess. when you ask him to let you ride him, he didn’t know what to say. it wouldn’t be the first time, no, but it’s just— something in his mind. why would you want to do that? did you pity him? is that what this is about? but then you kiss him. and he agrees instantly, melting into the kiss.
— he actually got so hard when you straddled him. when you fished his cock out, it was already throbbing against his stomach. you started with showing love to him (and his cock), and he quite literally started tearing up. he needed this, even if he didn’t know that earlier. he’s not making much sounds, but you just know he loves it.
— he wanted to instantly return the favor but you made him just sit prettily and take it. he reluctantly agreed. when you start riding him, god, he thinks you’re the most beautiful woman. an angel, his angel. just watching how your pussy takes his cock, swallows him whole (no re4 pun intended btw), your juices mixing — it makes him lose his mind. he actually takes a bit of time to cum, and you know, Leon IS observant . so when he notices you growing even a bit tired, he takes control and guides your hips. no denials, nope, you’re being guided, end of discussion.
— when he cums, it’s inside you, vulnerable tears leaking down his cheeks. you kiss all of them away, and Leon smiles for the first time in eternity. he’s so grateful for you <3
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Re8!Chris Redfield
— HAVE YOU SEEN HIS TITS? HAVE YOU SEEN THEM TITS????? dear god im feral for this MANWHORE!!! he is a slut. a whore. himbo.
— when you proposed riding, he was like yeah okay, because he’s a hard dom, okay? he’s a dom. he’s controlling the place even when you’re on top. you’re still *under his control* when riding him. and it’s fucking hot. if you want him to be sub, tie him up. that’s the only way btw.
— anyway! when you actually start riding him, his hands NEVER leave your hips. gripping them so hard he leaves bruises, makes you bounce hard on his dick just to see your body bounce. specifically your tits. if you’re doing reverse cowgirl though? dear god he loves it. loves slapping your ass, loves watching it jiggle. it either has to be ass or tits, he’s always appreciating one of them if not both. depends on how you ride him.
— his head is buried in your chest/shoulder, lets out the hottest grunt there dear god. it’s muffled by your skin, but it makes *you* cum on the spot. he just chuckles, praising you and calling you his pretty girl. also. he knows you love when he rubs his beard against your skin — he does just that. he loves making you clench around him, makes him feel powerful.
— so we all agree that Chris is HUGE right? Like 8 inches or 9. (this is literally the most, more than 9 inches would actually hurt you. remember that big cock is not everything !!! too big hurts !!! smaller don’t!!) also he’s fucking thick. fills you up so well. doesn’t matter if you’re chubby, skinny, whatever, he makes a belly bulge every time. and he ADORES IT. he cums on the spot when he sees that. and the amounts of cum he spills out? he fills you up like you’re a cream puff. filled with cum that if he pulls out, you’re leaking it down your thighs instantly. and he’s so proud of himself!
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sorry guys, had to disappear for a while </3 back to farming honkai i go. wish me luck, i have the biggest fucking hungover after new years eve ahhh. ALSO! ETHAN AND CHRIS NEED MORE SMUT. PLEASE. IM DESPERATE DIDBFKDB i love all ethan and chris writers lemme gimme u a kiss. happy new years again btw!!
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lost-walmartbag · 9 months
OMGGG IM ACTUALLY THINKING of like a part 3 of the Craig x reader jqjejdj but TWEEK joins the mix. After hearing it that night he could stop thinking about it and wanted to probably fuck y/n with Craig auejeje I’m dumb but I love your writing SOOO MUCHH!!
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Warning: All characters are over 18! Swearing! Smut!
Background: After Tweek hears you and Craig at your last sleepover. Craig figures out a solution
Status: Request Open
Previous part
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'Plus one'
As Tweek laid there pretending to sleep he felt a surge of emotions hearing the sounds you and Craig were making. As Craig roughly fucked you he felt himself grow harder from the sounds coming out of your mouth. You sounded amazing he wanted to make you sound like that.
He laid there stroking his cock to the sound of your moans as Craig shamelessly fucked you. He heard him switch your position and slam into you again. He whimpered as he heard your moans get louder. Fuck...did you two forget he was here?
"Craig oh fuck~!" You moaned out making Tweek's hand move faster on his cock.
"God...oh fuck..." He whimpered quietly not that it would have mattered because of how loud you two were he probably could have yelled and you two wouldn't have heard him.
"That's it. Tell me how good it feels~" Craig groaned moving even faster inside you filling the room with the erotic sounds of your bodies eagerly craving each other.
Oh god. Listen to him, tell him how good it felt. It was disgusting, perverted, downright wrong, but fuck was it hot. The sound of your moans. The sound your body made when Craig slammed into you like a feral animal. Even the sounds Craig made were sending Tweek over the edge.
Once you both reached your peak, Tweek was right there with you both. He had to bite down on his shirt to keep himself from moaning out as his hand stroked him faster causing him to spill all over his hand. He couldn't get himself to stop stroking until you stopped moaning.
He heard you two whispering to each other but in his own dazed state, he couldn't decipher a single word. Once he heard you and Craig fall asleep he sneaked out of the fort and into the bathroom. He cleaned himself off and splashed his face with cold water. He looked into the mirror seeing his own flushed face.
"Holy fuck."
The next morning he tried his best to act like nothing was wrong. But fuck it was hard. He never saw you as anything other than a friend but after last night he suddenly noticed every small movement you made, every curve under your clothes, the way your lips looked when you said his name.
"Tweek!" You said waving your hand in front of his face trying to catch his attention.
He put his coffee down at shook his head. "Sorry um j-just ru-running slow today."
"You ok?" Craig asked sitting down at the table next to him.
"Y-yeah just n-need to finish my c-coffee." He mumbled as he continued drinking his coffee.
"Ok...well when ya'll wanna do this again?" You asked sitting down next to Craig.
Tweek choked on his coffee. Did he hear you right? God were you planning on fucking Craig again with him in the room again? He could feel his cock straining against his pants at the thought.
"Oh my god Tweek you sure you good?" You asked reaching to pat his back but he quickly stood up.
"I have to go!" He blurted out before running out the door.
You stared at the door for a second trying to process what just happened. You looked over at Craig who simply shrugged.
"That was like weird right?" You asked.
"Oh very fucking weird but it's Tweek he panics. I'll talk to him later." He said sipping his own coffee.
So there he was. He had cornered Tweek in the storage closet at the coffee shop. He was going for a more peaceful approach that wouldn't overwhelm him but when he continued to ignore his questions he needed a more direct approach.
"Now are you gonna tell me what your problem is?" Craig asked crossing his arms and looking down at him.
"I know you're lying now why are you being weird? Is it because me and Y/N kissed?" He asked.
"W-what n-no!" He said looking up at him panicking a bit.
"Then what is it? We had a good time. It was nice. Then you woke up...all...weird..." Craig said his words slowing down towards the end as the pieces slowly connected in his brain. "You...you heard us didn't you?"
"W-what? H-heard you? N-no I uh I don't k-know wh-what you're ta-t-talking about." He said clearly lying.
"Oh my god. You heard me and Y/N having sex," Craig said putting a hand up to his mouth.
"I-I...I just....It was so...so hot." He confessed as his face flushed. God why is he saying this. "Hearing them was so....so fucking hot."
So that's how it started. It took Craig a while to figure out what to do, but when the idea popped into his head, it was hard not to go through with it. The next day, they both came over to your place again for another sleepover. Everything was set up, but you could tell Tweek was on edge.
You all went about the night as normal. You played a movie, and you all laid down. Tweek said he would rather sleep on the couch than in the fort with you and Craig. Once he left, Craig turned to you with a smug look.
Within a few minutes, Craig came out to where Tweek was waiting. He was sitting on the couch fidgeting with his hands nervously.
"She's all ready. She's blindfolded and ready for you, so put this on." Craig said, handing him a blindfold.
"W-why do I n-n-need one?" He asked taking the blindfold.
"Because if you see her, you'll get nervous." Craig explained and Tweek nodded.
Once he got the blindfold on, Craig took his hand, leading him into the fort. Craig guided Tweek between your legs. Craig placed your legs on Tweek's shoulders, causing his breath to hitch as he could feel your warmth close to his face.
Tweek slowly moved closer until his lips came into contact with your slick folds. He slowly stuck his tongue out and slowly licked between your folds. Your taste was intoxicating he didn't know you would taste this good. He moaned softly against you as his mouth worked tirelessly against your dripping cunt relishing in every moan, whimper, and gasp he caused to escape your lips.
"O-oh god~ P-please don't stop~" You moaned out. Tweek groaned at your words and wrapped his arms around your thighs pulling you closer and holding you in place.
Craig watched with a smirk on his face. He moved behind Tweek and swiftly took off his blindfold. Tweek looked up at you, his eyes roaming up your naked body taking in every detail until his eyes reached your face.
Craig said he blindfolded you. He said he would, so why aren't you? You looked down at him with a flushed face. It took a simple conversation with Craig for you to agree to be ravished by both of them that night. A conversation Tweek didn't know about.
"Please, Tweek~, please don't stop~ I'm so close~" You moaned out, causing Tweek to blush and continue his tongue movements.
"How does it feel Y/N?" Criaig asked, sitting down next to you and soothingly running his fingers through your hair.
You looked up at him, your face was red, and you could barely keep your eyes open. "S-so good~"
"Keep going, Tweek. Make her cum on your face." Craig said with a smirk as you leaned your head back moaning louder.
Tweek slowly brought his fingers to your entrance gently pushing two inside as he applied gentle suction to your clit. You arched your back and moaned louder. He moved his fingers faster, feeling you tighten around that until it became too much.
"Tweek~!" You moaned out as you came on his fingers and tongue.
Tweek pulled away, licking his lips. You looked up at him, your chest rising and falling rapidly. He leaned in, placing his lips against your. The kiss started off surprisingly innocent, a pure representation of years of hidden emotions between you two. The kiss quickly became heated, and as your tongues connected, you could taste the remnants of yourself. Once you both pulled away Craig smirked.
"We're not done yet, sweetheart. You have to take care of us." Craig said, pulling down his sweatpants enough for his cock to spring out.
Tweek bit his lips and followed suit. He pulled down his own sweatpants and stroked himself above you.
"Please Y/N please let me be inside you~" Tweek begged as he thrusted into his own hand desperately.
"You gonna deny him when he's this needy?" Craig teased as he stroked his own cock.
You shook your head and got on your hands and knees in front of Craig and presented yourself to Tweek.
"Please Tweek please fuck me~" You begged turning your head back to look at him.
Tweek gently put his hands on your hips and lined himself up with your entrance. He slowly guided himself inside you, causing you both to moan as he buried himself inside you.
"Oh Tweek~" You moaned out
"Oh fuck you feel amazing~" Tweek moaned as he started thrusting inside you.
Craig grabbed your chin gently bringing your attention to him. "Didn't forget about me did you?"
"No~ I'm sorry~" You managed to moan out and slowly brought your head down, taking him into your mouth as Tweek thrusted into you.
"Just like that, such a good girl," Craig groaned, pulling your hair into a ponytail and slowly guiding your movements.
Tweek watched as you sucks Craig's cock only heightening his own arousal. He thrusted faster, gripping your hips to keep himself in control. The room filled with moans, skin on skin, and soft gags.
Craig gripped your hair harder as he thrusted into your mouth. You could hardly breath but fuck that didn't matter right now you felt too fucking good to care. Tweek was thrusting harder, but it felt like he was holding back so he wouldn't hurt you. Craig, on the other hand, didn't care at all. He loved the idea of pushing you to your limit. The mear thought that he could break you made him thrust into your mouth faster.
Tweek pulled your hips back into him, slowly letting his self-control slip as he grew closer and closer to his own orgasm. And by the way your pussy gripped onto his cock he knew you were close too. He looked up, seeing Craig's face twisted in pure pleasure.
"She feels so good~ I can't hold back much longer~" Tweek said, his voice strained as his cock twitched inside you.
Craig face fucked you harder as he grew closer to his release. You moaned loudly around Craig's cock as you came onto Tweek's cock making him thrust faster.
"Give it to her she loved being covered in cum" Craid said with his own strained voice.
Tweek quickly pulled out just in time to cum onto your ass and back. Craig groaned as he thrusted into your mouth one last time, bringing your mouth down to the base as he shot his load down your throat.
He kept you down for a second before eventually pulling you away from his cock. You gasped for air and laid on your stomach as Tweek cleaned you off with gentle care.
"Y-you ok Y/N?" Tweek asked, gently stroking your hair.
You nodded, still not being able to form an actual response. Craig laid next to you and wrapped his arms around you. Tweek laid on your other side and hugged you from behind.
"Did we hurt you?" Craig asked softly.
"N..no.." You muttered, burying your face into his chest.
"Try to get some rest Y/N." Tweek whispered kissing the back of your head.
Craig chuckled and kissed your forehead before speaking. "You're gonna need it for round two."
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A/N: OK, so still not good at writing smut but yeah, this is the third part of my mini Craig series that was supposed to be just a one-shot but turned into a trilogy. I'm not complaining, though. You all seem to love it, so I am at ya'lls service. And don't worry if I haven't gotten to your request yet! I'm a little behind, but please keep sending them in. I promise in like two weeks my inbox will be empty if ya'll don't keep sending ideas 😭. but anyway, thank you for reading! Love yall 🩷
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