#i was gonna write more but it's almost one am and i am v hyper bc coffee
saikokirakira · 2 years
Just a Ransom Fic for now
[edit 17/09: idiot me forgot to add a plot summary. this is what happens when you thirst too much. 🤡]
summary: After being released from prison, Ransom hides away in a bar at the lesser end of town. He finds you, a pecular little thing, and wonders how much he can screw you over. Literally and figuratively.
Ransom is adult-grounded and decides to cause chaos, starting with you. Luckily, you're down to fuck.
a/n: choosing to post this first because it has been collecting dust since – checks version history – march. might need feedback if the rest of my draft is worth adding parts. this is also the filthiest thing i posted (but not wrote) so far.
also... my personal author's note from february for myself was pretty funny.
[Note: The power went out while I was writing the snu-snu. It was God telling me to go do my bedtime routine, and as punishment, I am gonna have to take a fucking cold shower without the heater.]
word count: 4.9k (60 words away from 5k of pure thirst, good lawd)
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warning/tags: MINORS DNI, 18+ only, Ransom 'Sweater Daddy' Drysdale (walking red flag), reader is kinda dumb, p in v sex, no mentions of y/n, dumbification, size difference/size kink, oral (both receiving/giving), mentions of drug use, alcohol, language/cursing, non-canon to the film (Harlan lives), not proofread (i'm literally dozing off while doing final checks), self-indulgent fic
When Ransom first met you, you were almost a breath of fresh air. Given that he was in prison for a couple of months, being in that seedy little bar was literally fresh air to him. He almost thought that your voice was wasted on the piss-drunk people who weren’t even paying attention.
In fact, Ransom was surprised people were even listening when they booed after you mentioned that you were taking a fifteen-minute break after your first set. You seemed to take it as a compliment when you blew a kiss to the person who booed the loudest, which Ransom figured out as a plea for one more song. You hopped off the small platform and skipped over to the bar right beside to the man who couldn’t take his eyes off you.
“Enjoying the show?” you asked, your voice still holding that sweet melodic tone even when you weren’t singing.
Ransom was about to snide at your comment, until he caught himself, realising that you were asking him a genuine question about your performance. “I’ve heard better,” he said nonchalantly.
Like earlier, you didn’t take it to heart. You took the small virgin cocktail you got from the bartender, who gave Ransom a nasty look behind your back. You took a long sip before sucking on the orange wedge. “Sure, you have,” you replied, turning to the bartender and giving him a childish orange wedge smile.
Ransom narrowed his eyes before coming to the conclusion that you speak in the literal sense. Two months in prison, and he was still hyper-aware of the constant snarky and snide conversations from his family. Like he said, breath of fresh air.
“You don’t look like you’re from around these parts,” you noted, making Ransom raise a brow at you. “The clothes, the way you present yourself,” you shrugged. “Also, most of the regulars here know each other.”
“Let’s just say it’s the only bar in town where I won’t run into people who know me,” Ransom said, swallowing what’s left of his drink in one shot.
Especially those fuckers from the country club who bailed on him as soon as those cops arrested him.
You hummed in thought before going back to nursing your own drink. You didn’t look like you cared to know more or even ponder further on the mystery of his identity. Ransom liked that you minded your own business, but maybe too much. Your disinterest might not make you want to end up in his bed at the end of the night.
A man walked up to you and whispered something in your ear. You smiled and nodded before passing back your cocktail glass across the bar. “Thanks for the drink, Mel,” you said. Then you glanced to Ransom. “Back to work. Enjoy the rest of the performance, new guy.” You hopped off your stool and skipped back to the platform.
“Good luck, pal.”
Ransom turned to Mel, the elderly bartender that shot him the dirty look earlier. He immediately got on Ransom’s nerves for not being able to mind his own business and eavesdropping. “Two more beers might improve my chances then,” he ordered with a plastic smile but not an ounce of emotion behind his eyes.
Mel was not discreet in hiding his disgust as he handed Ransom two bottles. “Look, rich guy,” he began, “they’re a good kid. I can serve you all the alcohol you want, but you best find your conquest someplace else.”
This old man is really getting on his nerves. Ransom unconsciously zoned him out as his attention was pulled in by your voice. You were right how most people in the bar knew each other. You were singing a song in a foreign language that had everyone cheering and clapping along. They were entranced by you.
… and so was Ransom.
The rest of your final set went with songs that anyone else can zone out to focus on their drinks or company. At one moment, Ransom’s focus shifted to a leggy brunette that insisted he buy her two drinks. Seems like he had his company for the night sorted out.
Except that she asked too many questions.
Ransom was not unfamiliar with female company that constantly questioned him about his background. Like you said, the way he dressed, the way he presented himself, even the way he talked, displayed how high up he was in social standings. Now, it just was nothing more than an inconvenience.
With Ransom’s face plastered on every celebrity – and often, business news section for his third DUI — was it even his third? Maybe fourth? — Harlan and Linda finally cut him loose for another bad rep he caused on the family business. Well, maybe as loose as they can take without the press making more of an issue out of it. He served his couple of months since none of his shit family would pay his bail, and he didn’t even have enough on his account because Harlan insisted that Ransom pay the fines and his car repairs by himself.
To make things worse, Ransom had to earn his allowance again by working as Harlan’s research assistant for a few months. Like some fucking child. Which meant he has to stay in town and couldn’t go back to Boston.
Now, he was sitting in a seedy bar to avoid people who know him and still expected to hang around his family until his goddamn parole ended. His self-seething boiled an angry burn in the pit of his stomach, so he began ordering in the shots. If he gets another DUI, so be it. By his fifth shot, the brunette was getting upset at the lack of attention that she turned her attention to the gentleman across the bar.
Ransom didn’t care one bit.
“I know I’m no professional, but you don’t need to get wasted after hearing me sing, dude.”
Ransom turned to the source of melodic giggles and saw you back in the stool you occupied an hour ago. Wait. Did she – or they, whatever that old fart said – just call me dude?
“Definitely not interested in me,” Ransom unconsciously muttered to himself out loud before clearing his last shot glass.
“On the contrary, I find you very interesting,” you chimed, nursing another orange-y mocktail. “I don’t get new faces among my audience, and you look like you know how to have a good time.”
Ransom raised his brow, his interest now spiked. Reads people well, but shit at judging character. He took a glance at Mel, who was busy making drinks for a group of people across the bar. Eat shit, Mel. He smirked as he leaned forward to you. “Are you open to all kinds of fun?”
You tilted your head to the side, looking charming as ever. “What kind of fun are we talking about specifically?”
If Ransom wasn’t the asshole he was, he would be scared over how this person managed to be so openly trusting with that innocent aura they carried. It was almost as if they were hiding something. Then again, so was he.
Maybe Ransom wasn’t going to get another DUI after all. All he needed was a “your place or mine” question, and she – they, damn it – offered to drive at their apartment, mentioning that they had somewhere to be in the morning. By the time they got to their place, he was almost surprised at how the building looked.
It wasn’t a place Ransom would choose to live, but it was definitely around the upper middle-class area of the town, which was something that a bar singer could never afford. Definitely hiding something, he mused. At least he wasn’t going to regret not insisting they go to his place.
“Let’s go? Or are you too drunk? I can drive you home and call a cab from there,” you offered, worry flashing in those innocent eyes.
Ransom scoffed. He was never too drunk for sex. He was never too drunk to drive himself home either. To prove his own point, he grabbed you by the waist and pulled you in for a searing hot kiss, not caring that the gear lever was probably digging into your abdomen somewhere.
You smiled against Ransom’s lips before pulling away, tasting a mix of alcohol on your lips. You rubbed at your waist, where the lever lodged itself while Ransom took your breath away, and said, “Okay, dude, you proved your point.” After a pause, you snickered, “Well, not really.”
Ransom rolled his eyes. “Jesus, call me Ransom, enough with ‘dude,’” he said, getting off his Beamer.
You did the same and locked the doors before tossing the keys over to Ransom. His inebriated state had him fumbling over them in his fingers but catching them ultimately. You giggled at the sight, which Ransom thought sounded almost like tinkling bells as he followed you up the steps to the building entrance.
Once both of you were shut inside the elevator, Ransom caged you into a corner and bent down to capture your lips. He didn’t acknowledge how tiny you were in stature until now. The top of your head barely reached his shoulder that, after a while, Ransom decided to lift you by the waist and hook your legs around his waist.
Everything your legs felt was pure hard muscle, all concealed by his thick cable-knit sweater. You didn’t even expect how tiny his waist was until he kept your thighs firmly around it. With your thighs secured, Ransom’s hands slithered up your skirt, grabbing a good handful of your ass that had you whimpering against his lips.
You opened your eyes and glanced at the elevator screen. One floor left. You pecked Ransom’s lips one more time before hopping off the open elevator. At the end of the hall, you grabbed your keys from your purse and unlocked your apartment with Ransom following behind you.
As soon as the door clicked shut, Ransom was on you like a starved man. He lifted you on his shoulder, making you screech and giggle uncontrollably, something that only made the heat in Ransom’s belly bubble further. “Bedroom?” he grunted.
“Open door on the left,” you said, your hands sneaking up his thighs. “Wow,” was all you can muster when you stuffed your hands in the back pocket of his pants. Even his ass was pure muscle.
Without any form of gentleness or grace, Ransom dumped you on the bed and began stripping off his clothes, which prompted you to do the same. However, once you got to your stockings, Ransom wagged a finger at you to stop. As you looked at him in question, he finished pulling off his pants, leaving him in his tented boxers.
Clad with only your bra and stockings with your skirt bunched up by your ribcage, you whistled at the sight of Ransom’s sculpted body. “Can I just...?” you trailed off before reaching up to touch his pec, then his broad shoulder before feeling down the very biceps that flexed under his sweater when he manhandled you. “Dude, you’re crazy ripped.”
Ransom flashed you an unamused look from the name before pushing you on your back to the mattress. Your surprised gasp was music to his ears. The second one when he ripped your stockings right at the middle was far sweeter than the first.
“Ransom!” you finally cried out, pouting at your abused clothing.
“Don’t worry, you’ll be crying out my name for better reasons in just a second,” Ransom teased, unhooking your bra with experienced ease before tossing it to the side. He leaned back to admire what he was about to ruin and was pleased to see how you were already so worked up by him simply undressing you.
“I’m mostly crying for my stockings though.”
Ignoring you, Ransom grabbed the thin strip of your thong and dragged it to the side, exposing your slick folds to him. “All this for me? We barely even started yet,” he chuckled, running the pad of his index finger along your slit.
Your hips jumped off the mattress, and you let out a needy moan. Jesus, they should sing those moans at the bar instead, Ransom thought. More...
“Take them off,” you gasped, pulling at the elastic of your stockings. “Ransom, take them off.”
“No.” Ransom slapped your thigh as a warning. “You behave and keep these on. Maybe I’ll reward you if you stay good and keep calling me by my name.”
“Ransom,” you moaned, pushing your hips up as a means to find some sort of friction. “Ransom...”
“So needy, so obedient,” Ransom hummed, finally slipping a finger into your warmth. He appreciated how you eagerly took him in and was ready for more. His biceps were already stinging from your nails digging down as you begged for more.
Yet throughout all that desperation, those eyes looked up at Ransom with the same innocence out on the stage. It filled him with an overwhelming urge to just ruin you but also keep that innocence just for him. Only him.
And he has the entire night taking it all.
Ransom pulled you to the edge of your bed then dangled your legs over his massive shoulders. He heard your breath hitch at the first contact of his lips on the exposed skin of your inner thigh. His amusement extended when you whined out his name again as your hips strained against the firm grip he had on them.
A pinch on your thigh had you yelp when Ransom gave you another warning of behaving. Clenching your toes and fisting your sheets, you relaxed and spread your legs wider, but not before shooting him an impatient glare. That look resulted to a full bite on the opposite thigh, making you cry out.
“Please,” you moaned, panting in anticipation. “I’ve been good so far.” At this stage, you couldn’t even rub your legs together with Ransom settled between them. Your pleasure and relief all relied on him giving you what you needed.
Ransom seemed to take so much pleasure seeing you at his mercy, squirming and crying out for him. He flattened the pad of his tongue and licked a rough trail on your pulsing nub.
“Holy shit,” you hissed, wanting to run your hands all over his hair but chose to dig your nails into the mattress. You didn’t want to seem forward or too personal with the gesture. You were also pretty sure that he took his time styling it. He looks real pretty.
Annoyed that your mind was drifting someplace else, Ransom worked his mouth with an unrelenting pace that had you coming back and moaning without any regard of your neighbours. The walls weren’t paper thin at all, but the volume of the noises Ransom was pulling out of your lips from every suck and lick wasn’t something to underestimate. Heaven forbid you would start screaming by the end of the night, and damn, you were that close when he added his fingers to the mix.
You were quickly losing your breath from the overwhelming pleasure that was running through your veins. Your hyper-fixation on Ransom’s mouth working his magic didn’t even make you notice that your fingers had been pulling at his scalp, just as you wanted earlier. With his own hands busy, you managed to sit up and curl down over his head, scrambling for some sense of control, but Ransom wouldn’t have it.
“Ransom,” you gasped, feeling the coil tighten in your belly.
Ransom pulled his mouth away from your pearl and replaced it with his thumb, wanting to look at your face as you fell apart. Your hair, cropped short, was sticking to all sorts of direction. Seeing your head titled back and eyes squeezed shut, he usually didn’t care, but this time, he wanted to see this girl — fuck, person, whatever — come by his hand.
“No! Why?” you cried out, sitting up and whining as he abruptly stopped altogether. You growled, the adorable sound reminding Ransom of Harlan’s dogs when they were puppies, before they became total nightmares whenever he stopped by. He thought it was cute how you growled and thought you actually had a chance as you struggled by moving your hips with his fingers still inside you.
“That’s right,” Ransom smirked, curling his fingers inside your warmth, causing you to shudder but not enough to come. “Keep your eyes on me, pixie.”
In the midst of your lust-filled haze, you managed to raise a brow at the odd nickname. You heard babe, baby, doll, even the occasional love, but this one... you liked. You allowed it with a bite of your lip as his thumb roughly rubbed at your clit, your eyes fluttering shut again.
“Now, are you gonna be a good g– be good for me?” Ransom caught himself, and he almost hated himself for caring so much about how you identified yourself. I just don’t want to put them out of the mood now that I’m knuckles deep in their pussy, he reasoned with himself.
“Why are you being mean? I’ve been good for you the entire time,” you cried out, falling back on the bed. You could feel your orgasm slipping further and further away, frustration taking its place. You closed your thighs in a desperate attempt to move Ransom’s hand by your control.
“Hmm, let’s see,” Ransom drawled, moving his fingers at an impossibly slow pace from the confined space you created for yourself. “I gave you orders to look at me—”
“I’m looking at you now!”
Ransom glared at you before moving his index finger to pinch at your swollen nub, squeezing a surprised squeal out of you. “Forgetting your manners, pixie,” he spat out.
You opened your mouth, readying for a retort, when the haughty look on Ransom’s face made you rethink on pulling a bratty one on him. With a pout, you spread your legs and sat up, your hands gripping at Ransom’s shoulders. “I need it Ransom, please,” you sweetly begged, your tongue darting out to run against the smirk on his lips.
It must have worked because Ransom lightly pushed you back on the bed and began pumping his fingers at a satisfying pace but still controlled as a warning to keep you aware of him. This time, he also kept his free hand on your knee to keep your legs open. With the pressure building back in your core, you were almost in tears to have Ransom get you there faster. Your head began to turn into mush as you babbled out a mix of his name and pleases.
“Ransom, I’m close,” you panted, your half-lidded eyes struggling to stay open.
Aside from the flush on his neck and chest, Ransom kept his arrogant, self-assured air around him, revelling at the mess that you were right now. “Go on,” he smirked, letting go of your knee to run a trail up your torso. His hand ended up at your neck, and Ransom swore you felt your walls clench on his fingers from the slight pressure on your throat.
Next time, Ransom thought, biting his lips at the thought of an actual next time. When his hand moved down to your breast instead, you almost looked disappointed, but Ransom didn’t let you linger as he curled his fingers just at the right spot, which was all it took for you to fall apart. Ransom leaned over you to catch a perfect view as you cried out through your orgasm, grinding helplessly against his hand.
When your cries died down to tired moans and hums, Ransom slipped his fingers out, causing you to shiver. If you weren’t as flushed and breathless as you were, the embarrassment would definitely show on your face as Ransom held out his hand, wet with your slick and come. Even his signet ring on his pinky now had different kind of shine to it.
“What a mess, Pixie,” Ransom tutted. “You’re too fucked out from just my fingers.” When he began lowering back down your thighs, he hushed your protests, moaning about your sensitivity. “Shh, let me clean you up.”
Ransom managed to drag a smaller yet still thigh-quivering orgasm out of you with his tongue before he finally stripped you off all clothing. He pulled your thighs off his shoulders and climbed back up the bed after a small stop to retrieve a packet from his pants. With a firm grip on your waist, he lifted you onto his lap as he laid back against your headboard, wordlessly telling you what to do.
With your wobbly limbs, you hooked your arms around his neck and captured those soft lips, tasting remnants of yourself on his tongue. Sounds of wet kisses and the crinkling of a foil wrapper filled the room for a good minute before Ransom tapped your bottom as a signal. Reluctantly pulling away from his lips, you raised your hips to position his cockhead at your entrance before slowly sinking down. Despite coming twice, you still felt the burning intrusion of the fat head pushing through.
Ransom took great amusement at the sight of you trying your best to take him in. As small as you were, you managed to take more than half of him before your thighs began shaking. You could definitely take more of him, but damn if he wasn’t starting to feel like coming then and there.
“Tsk, do you need my help? Still?” Ransom asked. “Did you become a useless dumb baby from coming twice?” He tutted as he pulled your face to his, biting at your bottom lip that settled into a pout from his condescending tone.
“Your fi-fingers please,” you gasped, nails digging into his shoulder.
Though he would’ve liked to keep you on your toes a little while more, Ransom started to feel the pressure building as well. With a twinge of impatience, which has always been one of his defining qualities, he reached in between you to give you what you needed. Taking him in another inch deep in your tight walls, he finally let out a groan, which turned into a hiss when your walls clenched on him again.
“You like hearing how good you make me feel?” Ransom’s voice was rough and raspy against your ear. “You’re doing so well, Pixie. Just a little bit more.”
You shivered at Ransom’s hot heavy breathing against your ear, combining with the slow circles he was rubbing on your swollen pearl. You did want to take more, but damn, you felt so full that you swore that you can feel every vein lining his dick against your walls. The very thought made you clamp around him again, making you shudder at his breathy moan. You wanted to hear more, just as he pried moan after moan from you earlier.
Now on a mission, you steadied your knees, gripping his broad shoulders for support as you rose up until only the tip of his cock was left inside you. Arrogantly, Ransom remained seated back, both amused and turned on over how committed you were to take all of him in. Not many of his conquests were that bold to take all of him if they didn’t do so in one go. Maybe the truly kinky ones, he mused.
You carefully looked down, and Ransom, definitely knowing what he was doing, pulled his hand away from your clit, to give you an open view of you and him connected. Even though your hole was plugged by Ransom’s cock, it didn’t stop you from leaking down his shaft. You whimpered at the sight, squirming in your place until Ransom grabbed a good handful of your ass, squeezing tight.
“Don’t you dare lose me from that sweet cunt, Pixie. Or else.”
You shuddered at the thought. Would he grab your neck again? Put you over his knee? All terribly bad yet so good ideas, but you focused on the task at hand instead. You hooked your hands around the back of Ransom’s neck, keeping his gaze level to yours. Then… you sank down to his full length.
Holy shitballs. The pleasure that washed over his face and that delicious long groan was enough to make you come. And you did.
“Fuck,” Ransom panted, feeling you pulse around him. He so desperately wanted to follow you over the edge, but this was his first pussy since he got out. He was not ending this night that quickly, not with an unusual find like you. “That’s it,” he grunted, grabbing your hips to pull you underneath him on the mattress. Without giving you a moment to catch your breath, Ransom did not even hesitate to start pounding into your abused hole.
“Wait,” you gasped, feeling the line between pain and pleasure blur. “Ransom, wait!”
Ransom grunted, annoyed but slowed down regardless. “Hurts?”
You shook your head, yet not being able to help your hips jerking up to meet his thrusts. “’m sensitive,” you squeaked.
Ransom let out a noise between a scoff and a chuckle before going back to his unforgiving pace. “You will give me one more,” he declared. “You’ll be good for me, right?”
Not trusting yourself to speak, you nodded frantically.
“What was that? Use your words, Pixie,” Ransom said, his hand reaching down to place a warning thumb on your clit. Still, his pace caused his finger to move and stroke at the bundle of nerves, sending electricity down to your toes.
You cried and tried to pull his hand away. “No more,” you begged. “Can’t. No more.”
He easily moved your hand away and shoved it back to your side. “One more, one more,” Ransom panted, his release quickly approaching. “Fuck, you feel so good.” His rhythm was starting to falter as he chased his peak while you were reduced into a mess of babbles and cries.
“Your pussy is fucking choking me,” Ransom growled. “You’re going to make me come. Yeah? Are you gonna let me come on that pretty mouth of yours?”
“Yes, yes, yes, Ransom!” you babbled almost noncoherently.
“Fuck!” Ransom shouted as you squirted around him, the wetness spraying on his thighs. He quickly pulled out and crawled up to you, ripping off the condom and tossing it to the side. He tapped the head of his cock against your waiting tongue.
Your eyes locked into Ransom’s towering figure as he knelt over the side of your head, roughly stroking himself to finish. Then there it was. The man’s O-face was so deliciously sinful that your core traitorously throbbed just from the sight of it.
Spray after spray of his come filled your mouth. Ransom carefully held the back of your head but not pulling you deep enough to reach the back of your throat, and you knew exactly why. When Ransom started to calm down, you pulled away but not before giving his tip one last suckle to catch the remaining drops.
You leaned up on your elbows, not trusting your legs to sit down. You looked up at Ransom who was staring down at you, panting and eyes dark. You flashed him a close-lipped smile before sticking out your tongue, showing him most of his spend, thick and heavy. You giggled when you swirled your tongue around your lips, dribbling all over your chin.
Ransom’s cock twitched at the sight, making him growl at you in warning. As much as he wanted to keep you up until it was bright outside, he was starting to feel the downside effects of all the alcohol he consumed at the base of his skull. Maybe if he had a bump he could definitely go on, but the drugs he carried that night was confiscated when he got arrested.
Instead, Ransom cupped your jaw, tilting your head higher. His thumb scooped back his come and pushed it back into your mouth. He then pressed his thumb against your lips, keeping them shut. Much to his approval, he saw the slight movement of your throat. Not a quitter, he mused.
“Did I do good?” you looked up at him hopefully.
Ransom smirked. “You were a very good g— you were good, Pixie,” he said, dropping down on the bed beside you to catch his breath.
You giggled. “I don’t know what Mel told you, but you can still call me girl, you know. I don’t mind either way.”
Ransom scoffed, caught red-handed. “I didn’t want to assume.”
“Nice to know you actually care, dude,” you said, finally deciding to sit up. You absolutely needed to go use the bathroom now. Maybe brush your teeth.
Swinging your legs at the edge of the bed to test them, you carefully stood up and made your way into the bathroom, aware of Ransom’s eyes on your backside. Once inside the bathroom, you grabbed your toothbrush, loaded it with toothpaste, then took a seat on the toilet. After relieving yourself, you finished brushing your teeth before going back to your bedroom.
Much to your surprise, Ransom was still on your bed, now passed out. Even though he seemed to be the type to leave right after a hook-up, you figured all that alcohol he had at Mel’s finally caught up to him. You didn’t mind. It wasn’t the first time a one-night stand actually stayed the night on your bed.
Though you may have underestimated his size because your double-sized bed made it seem like a single from all the space he took.
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itsscatballou · 1 year
The Shower
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a/n - I am nearing the end of season 6 in my rewatch, and this idea has been stuck in my head since ep. 12 in season 5. I am hyper-fixated on Daryl right now, and I am hoping writing these will get him out of my system!
Daryl x reader (female anatomy described)
Summary: Daryl needs a shower, and you encourage him to take one... with you.
Warnings: smut, 18+ only, m x f, p in v, fingering, stroking, unprotected sex, mentions of loss, killing, hunting
Daryl had not said much to you, or anyone really, since you joined the group. They took you in a few weeks back, when you stumbled across an old church they were hiding in. You'd learn to read them all pretty quickly (you were good at that), trying to figure out how to fit in this tight-knit group.  It was clear they were all hurting. They’d lost a safe place recently, you’d been told. They’d lost people when it fell and they got separated, and since joining them, you’d seen them lose more. Sasha had lost her brother and her boyfriend; Abraham had lost a mission (you still needed to figure out what that was about). You were there when Maggie learned she’d lost her sister. That one seemed to hit hard for everyone in the group, especially for Daryl, you’d noticed.
You didn’t mind that Daryl didn't talk much, it was nice in the moments you found yourself alone with him (which seemed to happen more than not). It was not expected that you'd talk about your past, nor did you expect him to talk about his. You both liked it that way. It seemed to gravitate you both to each other – this silent understanding that you’d both lost people, and keeping to yourself was protection. So, you didn’t fully understand who Beth was to Daryl, but you did understand that he was hurting. For some reason, you could not shake the desperate urge to help him - to fix the hurt - or at the very least distract him from it. And now, seemingly safe in this miraculous compound, safe behind the big walls of what they called Alexandria, he seemed more on edge than anyone. Even Rick - which was saying something. You needed to help him. Watching Daryl sulking in a corner on the front porch while everyone dispersed to explore and get to know our new home, you overheard a conversation that gave you an idea.
“Have you taken a shower yet?” you heard Carol ask him.
“Mmhmm,” you heard him respond, obviously a lie. You could write “wash me” in the dirt and filth accumulated on his skin.
“Take a shower. I’m gonna wash that vest. We need to keep up appearances, even you,” Carol firmly suggested to him as she walked away to meet neighbors and begin her assigned job in the community. You heard Daryl mumble a response; you assumed he declined the shower when you heard Carol retort that she would hose him down in his sleep.
The house was empty now, as you made your way to the porch. This was a bold plan, you knew that. Your heart was pounding in your chest just thinking it through, but you had little doubt it would work. You’d had weeks on the road with this crew, and as time marched, you’d found yourself with Daryl more and more, both of you finding excuses to be alone. Excuses like scouting ahead together, or hunting together when you were all desperate for a meal. You’d become almost friends, and you were confident you could read him well enough to know how he’d respond to this. You hoped.
“Hey,” you drawled as you approached the archer on the porch, cleaning his crossbow. He looked up at you in a silent greeting. “Can I show you something?” you asked, tilting your head toward the door to indicate it was inside. You saw Carol look back at both of you as he put down his weapon and followed you inside.
You lead him upstairs, and through what was presumably the primary bedroom of the house, into the large attached bathroom. “Ya need ta show me somethin’ in the bathroom?” he asked suspiciously as you took his hand and lead him further in.  
“You trust me, right?” you asked him, looking in his eyes, not letting go of his hand. He held your stare for a moment before responding, “yeh, I guess.” Your eyes traveled to his lips and lingered there for a moment, and you could feel tension building in the room. You moved in slowly, meeting his eyes again as you got closer, and lightly kissed him on the lips. He tensed. You pulled back just a hair, searching his eyes for what he could be thinking, your breath mingling with his, and went in for a second kiss. This time, he returned the kiss. Both of you gentle at first, and then both seeming to get hungrier for it. You pushed your tongue against his lips and he opened, letting you in. He pushed your tongue back with his and made his way into your mouth, his hands moving to your waist and pulling you in close as he devoured you.
Yes. This was going to work.
You smiled a bit against his mouth, and teasingly pulled away from the kiss, backing up toward the large walk-in shower. You opened the glass door, and leaned in to turn the water on. Returning to Daryl, you ran your hands up his chest from his abdomen, slipping your hands under the shoulders of his vest and removing as it as your mouth found his again. Your hands moved to his shirt, slowly unbuttoning each one from the top.  He pulled back from the kiss to look at you, searching your face for a clue as to what you were thinking. A sultry smile made its way to the corner of your mouth as you grabbed your shirt at the hem, and took your shirt and bra off in one sweeping motion. He stared at your breasts for a moment, taking in the way they heaved as you breathed in and out quickly, the humidity from the steam and the passion of the moment quickening your breath.
That was all he needed – he quickly removed his shirt, shoes, and pants while you did the same, and then he nearly ran to close the distance between you and cover your mouth with his again. You could feel his length pushing against your stomach as your kisses grew sloppy. With one of his hands wrapped around your waist, and one tangling his fingers through your hair, you could already feel the heat growing in your core, wetting you. You smiled against his mouth again, and moved away from him. “Hang on a sec,” you said, a bit out of breath, as you bent over and collected the discarded clothes on the floor. You moved toward the door, tossed the clothes out, and shut and locked the bathroom door behind you. As you turned, you saw a discouraged look leaving Daryl’s face, and changing his expression to a ravenous one.
You grabbed his hand again as you moved past him into the shower, and standing under the steaming stream of hot water, pulled him against you again. You both quickly resumed your hungry kisses, and as the water washed some of the dirt away from Daryl’s face and neck, you followed the clean path with your mouth. Moving to his chin, then his neck, and slowly to nibble his ear. He groaned, and it was all you could do to keep from jumping on his hard member right then, but you wanted to make this last. You kept nibbling as you reached your hand down and found his shaft, and gently began pulling and stroking it. He responded by pushing you toward the wall and finding your lips with his again. You bit his bottom lip slightly and you stroked longer, and watched as his eyes rolled back in his head slightly. He moved his kisses down your neck and lingered there as he lifted your leg and placed it around his hip.
He held your leg there with one hand, gripping and kneading your thigh and his other hand slowly swept down your side to the front of your stomach, and further. He slowly cupped his hand when he reached your opening, and began sliding his fingers up and down, and in circular motions within your folds. He grunted deeply as he felt the slick that had built for him there. Slowly, he inserted a finger and began rubbing your clit in and out of your opening. You moaned, and then again, as he inserted a second finger, still sucking and kissing your neck. One of your hands slightly clawing his back in response, the other combing through the hair at the base of his neck, you pulled his hair slightly until his head titled backwards and you could feel the water of the shower soaking through his hair. He groaned as you pulled his hair again, and you could no longer stand it. You needed him inside you. Now.
You pulled his hair with one hand as your other hand pushed him backwards, until his legs touched the built-in, tiled bench at the other end of the shower, and he sat. With the warm water streaming down your back, you placed your knees on either side of his thighs, and looked down. His member at its full length now, you gulped at the size of him. You looked into his eyes, and grinned wickedly. He raised an eyebrow in question at you, as you used your hand to guide his tip to your entrance, and slowly sank down onto his cock. He filled you completely, and you had to take your time moving further down as you adjusted to his length. When you had him sheathed to the hilt, you met his eyes with yours again, tangling your fingers into his hair, and began rocking your hips back and forth. You watched as his eyes rolled back in his head again, as you rocked deeper. Your eyes never leaving his, you picked up the pace and felt your orgasm building already. You closed your eyes, throwing your head back and groaning as you ground your hips more and more. You felt his head lean forward and his mouth find the top of your breast. He slowly made his way down your breast with his lips until he found your nipple, and began sucking hard. Your moan was deep and loud in response. He nipped a bit with his teeth, and you felt the build of your orgasm reaching its peak. He sucked again, and thrust upwards with his hips, hitting a spot inside you that you weren’t expecting, and you felt your release shatter you. You gasped and cried out as you came, your arms shaking as your hand stroked his hair.
You felt him grin against your breast as he slowly stood, raising his mouth to yours again, and turning you until your back was pressed against the glass shower wall. He held your thighs around his waist as he began pumping into you, his movements becoming harder and faster, frantic as he chased his own orgasm. He leaned his head against your neck, and you felt his hot breath and he gasped and moaned. You clawed your fingers down his back as he continued grinding into you, making you see stars as the length of him hit every wall inside you. You could hear the wet sound of him thrusting in and out of you, in and out, slamming into you and making the glass wall shake. You felt his movements stutter a bit, and felt him twitch inside you as he let out a low roar, pumping hard two more times before spilling his seed inside you. You both froze there, panting and grinning, both coming down from your orgasms.
When he finally set you back down on your feet, your legs wobbled a bit as you moved to the shampoo, and offered it to him. You spent the rest of the shower cleaning yourselves and trying to get your breath back, shyly stealing glances at each other. When you were both done and drying yourselves with the soft, fluffy towels you found in a cabinet, Daryl broke the quiet.
“Wha’ was that for?” he asked you, not meeting your eyes.
“What do you mean?” you asked back.
“Ya brought me straight up here an’ started that outta nowhere. Why?”
“You mean other than because I wanted to?” you replied, “I guess because I knew you needed it. A release, I mean. You’ve been pent up and tense since...” you trailed off, not wanting to mention Beth’s name, “and it seemed like letting you blow off some steam might help.” And after a beat, you added, “and I didn’t want Carol to hose you off in your sleep.”
You heard him let out a breath like a chuckle, before adding, “I needed it, too, Daryl. I needed you.”
You met his eyes and you could read it there, a thank you. And something else behind it, was it affection?
He moved toward the door and peaked out. “Wha’ the hell? Our clothes ‘er gone.”
“Good. I was hoping Carol caught on and would grab them,” you reply back with a sinister smile.
“What ‘er we ‘spose to do now?” he asked, indignant.
“Well, you can sit in this bathroom wrapped in your towel until she comes back with clean clothes, or you can leave the towel in here with mine, and we can go into that bedroom and find some ways to pass the time,” you said with a wink, dropping your towel and sauntering past him into the bedroom.
He watched you for a moment, his eyes raking up and down your naked form, before dropping his towel and following after you.
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pftones3482 · 7 years
The Best Night Ever (and Other Cliched Titles)
So @vodka-aunt-coran wrote this post and I had to write it (I changed it just a little, I hope that’s okay)
Not really any shipping, but if you want to read it that way you could. Under a cut for length. 
“Who decided that holding a prom at the Garrison was a good idea?” Keith wondered, nodding to the flyer on the wall behind their table. “Like…a bunch of military teenagers trying to dance? Who came up with that?”
“And where did we get the funding?” Hunk demanded. “They can’t even give us air conditioning half the year, but they can somehow manage to afford one of the fanciest events that most schools ever have?”
Lance snorted, poking at what might have been Jell-O and watching it jiggle under his spoon. “Bet they won’t even get a DJ. It’ll just be Iverson in shades.”
Keith and Hunk snorted and resumed their eating, leaving Lance to glance over at Pidge, who was being suspiciously quiet. “Pidge? What’s up? This seems like the exact thing you’d be making fun of with us.”
Pidge glanced up from her sandwich (at least, it resembled a sandwich). “Hmm? Oh. Sorry. Must have zoned out. Yeah, a prom does seem…really stupid.”
Hunk and Keith instantly looked up at her, both of them with silverware halfway to their mouths. Ever since returning from space, the group had been very in sync with one another, often being praised as the best functioning team at the academy, so they could tell when something was going on with each other. “What’s wrong?” Hunk asked.
Pidge hesitated, poking at her Jell-O with her finger and frowning. “I mean…it’s your guys’ last year here. I’d think you would want to go to something like this.”
Lance rolled his eyes. “No way. We’ve already been to space. I don’t think anything titled “Greatest Night Ever” could top that.”
Hunk and Keith murmured their agreement, still watching Pidge, and the girl managed a smile. “You’re probably not wrong,” she admitted with a chuckle.
There was a long pause, and then Pidge stood up so quickly that she knocked her elbow into Lance. “I forgot to finish the homework for Peterson’s class. I’ll see you guys later.”
She picked up her tray and bolted, saluting the guard on the way out and leaving the three sitting with their jaws dropped. “What was that about?” Keith wondered.
“We didn’t have homework for Peterson last night,” Hunk noted.
Lance, rubbing his arm with a frown, glanced to the prom flyer and then back to where Pidge had left. “Something’s wrong,” he murmured. “Hunk?”
“I’m on it.”
“Okay, so I read Pidge’s diary-”
“You have got to stop doing that.”
“-AND she really wants to go to this prom. Fancy dress, shoes, hair, and everything.”
Lance and Keith glanced at one another and then leaned forwards on Lance’s bed in matching poses, legs criss crossed and elbows on their knees. “She huh?” they chorused.
Hunk frowned and leaned back on his bed, rubbing his jaw. “She feels like it’ll be the last time any of us get to spend time together. And she wants to just…do normal teenager things.”
The boys fell silent, each of them mulling the information over. “Last time we spend together?” Lance repeated. “What does she mean?”
“She is a year younger than us,” Keith pointed out, gnawing at his lower lip. “I mean…what if she thinks we’re just going to abandon her when we leave?”
“We would never!” Hunk protested.
“I thought that about Shiro,” Keith pointed out, nodding towards the ceiling. “You remember how upset I was when I found out he was staying with Allura? And after the whole thing with Matt and her dad…”
Lance groaned and buried his head in his hands. “She thinks we’re going to leave her,” he grumbled. “And we were trash talking the whole prom thing this afternoon, so like…quiznak.”
They went silent again, and when Hunk spoke, it was soft. “What if we did go?”
Lance and Keith glanced at one another and shrugged. “Fine by me,” they both said.
“And what if like…I dunno, what if we tried to make it special for her?”
Keith raised an eyebrow at Hunk. “How do you propose we do that?”
Hunk pursed his lips. “We act like…we still don’t want to go. Lance, you’re great at sewing. And I still have the measurements for all of us from when we were last on the castle. You could totally make her a dress that suits her. We can all pitch in and buy her ticket, and then night of…”
“We could surprise her and all take her to prom,” Lance realized, a grin sliding across his face. “Hunk, you are a genius.”
“I try.”
For the next three weeks, the boys worked tirelessly, Lance spending countless nights up at his sewing machine, pricking his fingers and straining his eyes. Hunk went about looking for suits for the three of them, taking Keith out with him to get shoes to match Lance’s dress for Pidge.
For the sake of irony, the ties they bought were their paladin colors, and Keith at one point found tie clips shaped like lion heads that they instantly purchased. Makeup was bought, hairstyles were learned (using Keith’s mullet, much to his chagrin), and they even spent a weekend learning different kinds of dances, both ballroom and more modern ones that they had missed out on in space.
The afternoon of the prom, each of them donned their suits. Lance’s was a deep navy blue, nearly black, his tie the closest color Hunk could find to Blue’s head. He had on cuff links that Keith had found shaped like water droplets, and he left his jacket unbuttoned. Keith had forgone a colored suit, sticking to a normal black but layering a dark crimson shirt and brighter red tie under it. His cuff links, shockingly, were flames. When asked where he had found the specialized items, Keith had just grinned mischievously, glanced towards the ceiling, and said nothing.
Hunk had gone closer to Keith’s plan, sticking to a black suit but wearing a warm yellow tie with it. He had opted out of cuff links, instead choosing to just button the suit sleeves and go with it. His hair, like Keith’s, was pulled back into a smooth ponytail, held in place with gel and a few well-placed bobby pins.
Lance picked up the dress nervously, twisting it around on the hangar. “Is it okay?”
It was a shade of emerald green all the way down, with three-quarter length sleeves that ended just below the elbow and a sweetheart-esque neckline that dipped just a little bit. Lance had gotten fancy at the waistline, letting the dress flare to the floor and then draping it with a sheer, glittery green fabric that dropped halfway down the back and swooped up to the hips.
The shoes were gold, with emerald embellishments that Hunk had put on himself, and they had found a lion brooch to pin up the corner of the sheer fabric on her waist that matched the gold color. A necklace was draped around the neck of the hangar, gold intertwining leaves that had come with matching earrings and a hair clip.
“It’s perfect, Lance,” Keith promised, clasping his shoulder. “Come on. Hunk, you have the tickets?”
Hunk opened his jacket up and gestured to them. Keith picked up the shoes and makeup bag they had prepared with both hair supplies and actual makeup, and Hunk grabbed the shawl that they had found to go with the dress. It was nothing fancy, plain white, but it was warm, and it was bound to get cold later.
He picked up the corsages the guys had gotten, handed them their respective ones, and with a breath, they left their room and ventured to the girl’s wing.
Everyone they passed on the way gave them winks and thumbs up. Somehow, the vast majority of the campus had figured out what they were doing as the weeks went on. They could only hope that word hadn’t gotten back to Pidge.
Hunk was elected to knock, being the person with the least amount of stuff in his hands, and when Pidge opened the door, looking a little worse for the wear, it was all they could do not to start grinning at the look on her face as she took them in.
Pink-eyed puffiness turned to confusion, then disbelief, and then her hands flew to her lips, eyes shining and watering, and she took a step back as all three of them bowed. “What the quiznak?”
“Katie Holt,” Hunk said formally, glancing up with a spark in his eyes. “Would you accompany the three of us to prom tonight?”
Pidge swallowed audibly, eyes darting between the three of them. “I don’t…I don’t have anything….”
She trailed off as Hunk stepped aside and Lance held up the dress a little sheepishly, his cheeks flushed. “You didn’t,” she whimpered.
“We did.”
She bolted, dragging the three of them into a group hug and pressing her face into Lance’s jacket. “You guys suck,” she muttered.
They chuckled and handed over the dress and makeup and shoes. “We can help with your hair when you’re done with all this,” Lance informed her. “But none of us are good enough at makeup to actually do it ourselves, so we’ll leave that to you.”
Pidge nodded and took the items like she was holding the world, eyes glimmering as she shut the door. The boys leaned against the wall across the hallway and Hunk leaned over to look at Keith. “I need to ask…did you happen to get the themed stuff from space?”
Lance cocked an eyebrow at him and Keith chuckled, looking fondly at the ceiling. “Maybe. I might have also arranged something else.”
The other two stood straight up, eyes wide, and Keith smirked. “Dude,” Lance breathed. “She’s gonna cry.”
When the door opened ten minutes later, the guys glanced up from their impromptu card game (always bring cards to school dances, as Lance had learned long ago) and grinned. Pidge stood nervously in the frame, tugging at her loose hair with one hand and smoothing down the skirt of the dress with the other.
It fit beautifully, and Lance felt himself swell a little pridefully at his handiwork. “Ready for hair?” he asked.
Pidge looked at him warily. “Sure you know what you’re doing?” she asked.
“Sure. I practiced on Keith’s greasy mullet.”
“I showered!”
Lance had her hair in a simple half-up, half-down do in five minutes, bangs braided back into a twisted ponytail that was held together with the leaf clip, which circled around the hair like a vine. He squeezed her shoulders when he was done and she peeked her eyes open, lower lip trembling.
She had done her makeup simply, basic touches of eyeliner and lipstick that made it obvious she was wearing makeup, but not glaringly in your face about it.
“You guys…didn’t have to do all of this,” she protested softly, her fingers smoothing over the necklace and her throat bobbing. “Not for me.”
The other two gathered around the chair, the group looking over themselves. “Sure we did,” Hunk said. “You deserve it, Pidge.”
She stood up and moved to grab her purse, and when she turned back she found all three of them in a line in front of them, each of them holding a corsage in a different form. She choked back a sob and stood silently, proudly, while they were put on.
Lance’s was a blue orchid that he slid onto her right wrist. Keith put a light red carnation onto her other wrist, and Hunk pinned a yellow Calla lily onto her dress strap, as yellow went the nicest with the green color of her gown. They each had matching ones pinned to their lapels, and when they were done, Hunk and Lance each offered her an arm while Keith ran ahead.
“Where’s he going?” Pidge asked, raising an eyebrow as they walked down the hall together.
Lance smirked. “You mean you can’t feel it?”
She froze, nearly tripping and falling on her face, and when she looked up again her eyes were wide and glinting with pure joy. “You didn’t.”
“We didn’t,” Hunk agreed. “He did it without telling us.”
Pidge let go of them, lifted the hem of her dress, and sprinted (Lance was glad they had gotten low-heeled shoes) for the door, bursting outside with Lance and Hunk right behind her.
Keith leaned smugly against the green lion’s paw, his bayard tucked comfortably into his hand and warding off anyone who dared to get too close to the machine. “Your ride, m’lady!”
Pidge shrieked and tackled Keith in a hug before sprinting into the lion’s maw, the boys right behind her.
But Keith wasn’t done yet. No, because lounging comfortably in the lion’s pilot seat was Shiro, a chauffeur hat on his head and Allura standing behind him. Pidge yelped even louder and allowed herself to be swept into yet another hug by the couple, who they hadn’t seen in over three months.
“You look wonderful!” Allura gushed. “Lance did a fabulous job!”
Lance grinned cheekily and shot finger guns at the woman, who rolled her eyes good naturedly. Shiro gestured to the controls. “Up to you. You want to drive, or want me to chauffeur?”
Pidge booted him out of the seat without hesitation, kicking her heels off and taking off into the sky with everyone gathered around her.
Keith had called ahead to the prom venue earlier that day, so no one would be alarmed by a giant green lion plunging out of the sky, but that didn’t stop people from shouting and pointing as they landed.
Pidge slid her shoes back on, patted Green’s dashboard, and left her in the care of Shiro and Allura, the four of them exiting the lion and stepping up to the ticket collector. Her face brightened even more when Hunk handed over four tickets, and they entered the dance.
To say she had fun was an understatement. The guys made sure she was never without a partner, whether it be dancing or just hanging out (Iverson in shades was not, in fact, the DJ). 
She crushed Lance at every card game in the book, much to his irritation, and got so many compliments on her get-up that she was certain she would never stop blushing. When she was dancing with one of the guys, the other two would be nearby, either slow dancing together while teasing one another, or trying to outdo the other in line dances.
By the time one am hit and the dance was officially over, her shoes were abandoned somewhere under their table, all of the guys had discarded their jackets and ties and rolled their sleeves up, and she was exhausted but happy.
While Keith dug around under the table for her shoes, Hunk handed over her shawl and Lance picked up their mess on the table. “Did you have fun?” the lanky boy asked.
Pidge looked up at him, over at Hunk, and then down at Keith as he finally crawled out with both shoes in hands, and her lip quivered. She finally let herself break, it being the end of the night, and the guys crowded around her quickly. “What’s wrong?” Keith asked, setting the shoes on the table and kneeling at her side.
“You guys…did all this for me…and I know you didn’t want to come here, and I’m sorry you felt like you had to for me, but I-”
Lance squeezed her hand gently and gave her a warm smile. “We wanted to come. For you. And I’ll admit it, I had a lot of fun.”
“Me too,” Hunk and Keith said in unison.
Lance chuckled and brought her hand to his lips, placing a gentle kiss to the knuckles. “You deserved it. After all you’ve done for the universe, you deserved a night of normal.”
Pidge managed a laugh and swiped at a tear. “I don’t know if showing up in a giant magical lion is normal,” she choked out.
The boys burst into laughter and crowded in for a group hug. “Ready to go get some sleep?” Hunk asked.
Pidge hummed in the back of her throat. “Yeah,” she mumbled. “Could we…could we go back to the castle?”
Keith’s grin widened and Lance and Hunk stared at him. “Dude. You didn’t,” Lance managed.
“I planned for every eventuality. There’s an after party waiting up there for us. And a couple people we might all want to see, not just Coran.”
By the time they got back into Green, however, and by the time Shiro was landing them all safely in the castle hangar where Coran, Shay, and the Blade were waiting, Pidge was out like a light, curled against Hunk’s chest with her feet tucked up into her dress.
“Guess that after-party’ll have to wait,” Lance laughed softly. “Slumber party?”
“Slumber party,” everyone agreed.  
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aerynwrites · 4 years
Liberation - V
Chapter 5: The Moral Dilemma
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Author’s Note: Yay, here’s part 5! I’m so sorry for the wait on this chapter, I was just really really motivated to write requests and stuff so i was busy with those and I’m not back in college so unfortunately that takes some precedent over my writing (boooo). So, just to keep y’all in the know I am probably going to only be updating Liberation once a week with a couple request thrown in there between chapter postings! I’m sorry if this is an inconvenience at all, I just feel like this is what will work best. Thank you for understanding and i hope you enjoy the new chapter! as usual i love hearing from you all! <3
Word count: 4.3k
Warnings: mentions of death, battle, cursing.
Chapters: Prologue, One, Two, Three, Four, Five (here), Six, Seven, Eight
You and Mando entered the Nevarro cantina, immediately drawing the attention of every patron in the establishment. You were still not used to the attention of running around with a Mandalorian, let alone the attention you received from being with a Mandalorian covered in beskar. You both received many glares and stares of awe as a deafening hush fell over the room as you and Mando headed for Greef, who was sat in his usual booth.
He seemed to finally notice the shift in the atmosphere and looked up from his drink, a wide smile adorning his face when he saw the two of you approaching.
“Ah, Mando, (Y/N)!” he lets out a low chuckle as you both finally come to stand next to the table, “They all hate you because you both are legends!” he boasts proudly.
You roll your eyes and cross your arms over your chest as Mando speaks, “How many of them had tracking fobs?”
He scoffs and gestures around the bar, “All of them. All of them! But not one of them closed the deal. Only you guys, only you.”
“yeah?” you bite, “At what cost?”
Greef looks to you and gestures to you and Mando, “Well it seems the cost was not so great, as you both are standing here with the richest reward the parsec has ever seen.” He points to the seats across from him and sit back in his seat slightly, “Please sit, my friends.”
Mando unclips his rifle from his back and sits, motioning for you to do the same. You follow his lead and sit, rather snuggly, in the booth with him. You see Greef look at Mando momentarily before Side eyeing the other patrons.
“They’re weighing all that beskar in their minds, but not me. No. I, for one, celebrate your success. Because it is my success as well. Hell, even I’m rich!” he proceeds to flash you both three bars of beskar before hiding them once more, “Now, how can I show my gratitude to my most valuable partners?”
Your mouth tugs into a frown at his words. Just a few days ago he hated you, and now you were one of his most valuable partners? You have to stop yourself from rolling your eyes.
“I want my next job.” Mando deadpans.
You look over to him in shock, “Mando what the hell I thought-“
A quick jab in your side and a quick tilt of his helmet shuts you up, mouth snapping shut so hard your teeth click. So, this was part of his plan it seems.
“Next job?” Greef asks incredulously, “Take some time off. Enjoy yourself!” Greef gestures behind him vaguely, “I’ll take you to the Twi’lek healing baths,” he says suggestively.
Your face twists up in disgust, “You know I’m still here right? Ew.”
Greef casts you a somewhat annoyed look but Mando speaks up before he can say anything, “We want out next job.” He reiterates.
“Sure. Fine.” Greef relents, “You hunter’s like to keep busy. Right?” he pulls a sack from beside him and dumps out some pucks, “Well, these are all far away.”
“The further the better,” Mando says.
“Well take your pick, you’ve earned it.” Greef responds, crossing his arms.
You watch as Mando picks up a puck and sets it on the table watching as it flickers to life.
“Ahh,” Greef sighs, “That’s the best of the lot. A nobleman’s son skipped bail,” he chuckles, “Looks like you’re headed to the ocean dunes of Karnac.”
Mando swiped the puck from the table, turning it off, and nudges you slightly, motioning you out of the booth. You do as he says and stand wait for him to grab his rifle before he stands as well, turning to leave. You go to follow but almost run into him as he stops short.
“Any idea what they’re gonna do with it?” He asks.
“With what?” Greef asks.
Mando finally turns back to face Karga, and you move out of his way to stand beside him, “The kid,” you clarify.
Greef sighs, “I didn’t ask. It’s against the guild code.”
“They work for the empire,” Mando’s voices is a bit more convicted now, “What are they doing here?”
“The empire is gone Mando.” he stands straighter at this, “All that are left, are mercenaries and warlords. But, if it bothers you, go back to the core and report it to the New Republic.”
You huff, “That’s a joke.”
Greef ignores your comment and looks to Mando again, “Mando, enjoy your rewards. Buy a camtono of spice,” he suggests, “By the time you come out of hyper drive, you will have forgotten all about it.”
Mando says nothing as he turns and walks to the door, you follow behind him. you continue to follow him but are increasingly confused as you see the razor crest come into view.
“What are we doing?” you ask as you both reach the ship and board it, “I thought we were going to get the kid.” You argued as Mando sits in the pilot’s seat and fires up the ship, ignoring you.
“Hey, hey!” you grasp his shoulder roughly and force him to face you, “you said we were going to get the kid, so what the hell is going on!” you demand.
Mando shrugs your hand from his shoulder and turns to face the front once more, “Karga was right. It’s against guild code. We can’t do anything.”
You watch in stunned silence as he continues to fiddle with the controls and you feel a small lump form in your throat as you see him reach for a lever, only to see that the small silver ball is missing. And memories of the small child playing with said silver ball flash through your mind. You shake your head as you see Mando hesitant slightly before screwing the ball back on slowly.
“Well, I’m not going to sit here and do nothing,” you said, “I’m going to go and try and do something to make this right. With or without you.”
You turn on you heel, your cloak fluttering behind you, frustration boiling up in as you move to exit the ship. But before you can even press the button to lower the ramp you hear the engines whine to a stop and the ramp opens before you. your eyes widen slightly, and you look to your left seeing Mando step to stand beside you.
“Let’s go make this right.”
You feel the corner of your mouth tug up in a half smile as you both walk down the ramp towards your new mission.
* * *
You follow Mando as you approach the alley the clients building is situated in. As you both walk down the alley, you see Mando slow to a stop next to a dumpster and peer in. you peak a glance over his shoulder and you feel your heart sink as you spot the all too familiar bassinet laying discarded in the trash. Mando stares at the object for a moment, before straightening up and you can almost feel the resolve and anger roll off of him. The next thing you know you both are perched on a rooftop adjacent to the client’s hideout and Mando as scanning the building. You sit in silence next to him as he adjusts various things in his helmet and gun before standing once more and walking back down to the ground.
“Did you find anything?” you asked curiously as you followed behind him.
“They want something from the kid, not sure what. And it sounds like they are running out of time.” He explains simply.
“Well we won’t let them take him.” You say firmly as you both approached the client’s door.
You watch as Mando knocks firmly on the door before stepping back. A small camera mechanism burst from a small hatch in the wall and you immediately grab in in your hand and rip it off before swiftly following Mando and taking cover behind the corner.
You hear a pair of Storm troopers exit the building, “Search the perimeter,” one of them orders.
You stay in your place and watch from the corner of your eye as Mando places a small explosive device on the wall and returns to you to take cover as a deafening explosion grant you both access to the facility. You quickly move towards the gaping hole in the wall and enter the building before taking cover behind some crates.
Another set of troopers enter the room and hastily search the area, not seeing either of you as they pass your hiding spot to observe the damage. Then, as their backs are to you, you and Mando each fire a blaster shot into the troopers, killing them.
“’The empire’s dead’, my ass,” you mutter as you both exit the room and move deeper into the building.
You come upon another guard, and Mando quickly dispatches of him with his grappling hook, driving his blade into his neck. You move over to a locked door and shoot the panel to the left of the door, opening it. You just barley manage to block a blaster shot from the trooper within, by raising your beskar clad arm in front of your face. You quickly shoot him before looking at your arm guard an impressed look on your face and cast a quick glance to Mando.
“This stuff is the shit!” you exclaim excitedly.
Mando just nods and moves past you to the next door, “Don’t mention it.”
He shoots the next panel and you both enter the next room, and you immediately recognize Doctor Pershing, as he cowers against the medical bed hands held in front of his face.
“No, no, no, please!” he cries, “Please, no no!” he cowers even further as Mando points his blaster in his direction before shooting an advancing security droid from the air.
You both have your blasters pointed at the flustered doctor, but he continues to block the medical bed, “No please, please don’t hurt him. it’s just a child.” He pleads.
Mando ignores his cries for mercy and steps forward shoving him to the side as you move to look at the child. He was in some sort of machine, various monitors displaying different symbols and numbers. The child seemed to be unconscious. You saw Mando look over the child as well, before you moved around him, pointing your blaster furiously at the Doctor now lying on the floor.
“What did you do to him?” you spit, “What did you do?” you wanted to shoot him right then and there.
But the doctor held up his hand, “I protected him! I protected him. if it wasn’t for me, he’d already be dead!” he defended, “Please, please.”
You lowered your blaster and took a step back looking from the whimpering man back to Mando. He just nods to you and you take that as you’re cue. You move to grab the child, gently cradling him in your arms and follow Mando out of the room, leaving the doctor behind.
You have your blaster raised ready to fire of necessary, and you watch carefully as Mando too has his blaster ready. You enter another room and quickly duck behind a pile of crates as two troopers enter the room. You wait until they leave through the other door and leave your hiding place continuing your path to the exit. You enter the next room and see two more imps enter through the door and you try to hide once more but you must’ve hit something electrical because it causes a spark to ring out in the room and alerted them to your presence.
“Look there!” one of them called, firing a few blaster shots in your direction.
You both ducked to the side dodging them and moving further into the room to hide.
“split up,” one of the troopers command, “We’ll flush ‘em out.” As they start to approach your position you both move silently a few more feet away.
“Give it up! there’s nowhere to-“ Before the trooper can finish Mando bursts from the shadows and dispatches him quickly before moving to the next just as fast. It was over in the millisecond it took you to blink and you were moving out of the room and into the next once more.
You spot a trooper coming out of a door to your left and you turn to fire a blaster shot at him, landing the shot squarely in the chest. You hear Mando turn to attack a different trooper who had entered the room and cringe slightly at the immense heat that comes from the flames of his bracer. You hear the agonizing screams of the trooper only momentarily before he too falls to the ground. A small coo coming from the bundle in your arms causes you to finally look at the child. And you smile when you see his large bright eyes looks up at you. You don’t have time to dwell on the fact before Mando motions to you.
“Come on, we need to move.”
You nod your head curtly and swallow thickly. You had a bad feeling about how this whole thing was going to end. You follow behind him as you enter a rather large room and the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. But before you can warn Mando the doors on each wall open and four troopers enter the room, blasters aimed directly at you.
“Freeze!” one of them commands, “Don’t move!”
“Hands up and drop the blasters!” another one yells.
“Wait!” Mando says, raising his blaster in a surrendering manner, “What she’s holding is very valuable,” Mando informs, crouching lower to the ground, “Here.” He sets his blaster on the ground and stays crouching.
“Mando what the hell?” you whisper, blaster still raised.
“Just do it.”
You cast him a questioning glance, but you relent and slowly move to crouch next to him, setting your blaster and the child on the ground in front of you. The troopers bite out another command, but you can’t hear it over the blood rushing in your ears. You cast a glance at Mando and see a mechanism on his arm guard open up revealing several small blue glowing lights. Before you could figure out what they were Mando pressed a button and four of them shot from his forearm and soared through the air, hitting and killing the troopers around you.
You look over to him, shock clear on your face, “What were those?? Have you always had those?” you question.
“New upgrade.” He says simply.
And before you can question him further, he is grabbing his blaster and standing to his feet. You follow his lead and scoop up the child and your weapon and follow him out of the base and into the evening air of Nevarro. You both walk quickly, but calmly towards the front of the town, you are whispering quiet reassurances to yourself.
“Just stay calm, act calm, and no one will notice anything,” you whisper, “Just act natural. And everything will be fine.”
“What are you doing?” Mando asked, annoyance dripping from his words.
You glance up at him before looking back down to the child rubbing a finger along his forehead gently, “I’m speaking our success into existence,” you say, “and also trying to calm myself down.” You explain nervously, pushing past the lump in your throat.
But as you come closer and closer to the town square you are increasingly aware of the several bodies following you, then finally surrounding you as you both step foot into the large empty area of the town. The incessant beeping of tracking fobs filling the night air.
“You were saying?” Mando says bitterly.
You glance from all of the bounty hunters surrounding you to the front of the square and narrow your eyes as you see Greef Karga step out from behind a crate hand on his weapon.
“Welcome back, you two!” he greets with fake enthusiasm, “Now put the package down.”
Mando’s hand hovers over his weapon, and so does your as he speaks, “Step aside. We’re going to my ship.”
Greef lets out a quiet chuckle, “Put the bounty down, and perhaps I’ll let you pass.”
“The kid’s coming with us.” You say, taking a threatening step forward.
“If you really care about the kid, then you’ll put it on the speeder,” He points to the droid run speeder and you and Mando glance at it quickly, “Then we’ll discuss terms.”
“How do we know we can trust you?” you ask skeptically.
Greef scoffs, “Because I’m your only hope.”
You look to Mando for guidance on what to do. Was he going to make you give the child up? after all you had done to save him? he doesn’t do anything for a moment before he jerks his head in the direction of the speeder. You nod curtly, and you both walk over to the speeder with the child. You both still as you reach the machine and you cast a glance at the child in your arms, eyes closed and blissfully unaware of the danger you all were in. You cast another glance to the Mandalorian next to you before glancing discreetly at the bounty hunters close to you then to the speeder. Mando tilted his head slightly, seemingly confused. You sighed inwardly, for a bounty hunter he was really bad at reading cues. So, you glanced at the hunters nearest to you again and then pointed minutely to the empty space in the speeder. He seemed to understand what you were saying and nodded. Before anyone realized what was happening, Mando fire off two shots, killing the two hunters closest two you and then the both of you flipped over the side of the speeder and behind cover. Blaster fire filled the air as they fired back at you. Mando had landed slightly on top of you in your hasty attempt for cover and you struggled against him.
“Mando-“ you gasped, “You’re crushing me.”
You hear him mutter an apology before rolling off you and you fire back at the other bounty hunters wile Mando threatens the droid into driving the speeder out of the chaos. You keep the child tucked under you safe from any stray blaster bolts and continue to fire back against them alongside Mando as the speeder moved through the square. You and Mando both landed many successful hits against them but were suddenly thrown forward as a well-aimed hit from Greef made the speeder come crashing to a halt. Silence filled the air and you saw the remaining hunters close in on the speeder. You looked down at the child who, was now awake, and cast a worried glance to Mando.
“What are we going to do?” you whisper, fear lacing your words.
Mando says nothing as he pulls his rifle from his back and aims carefully. He pulls the trigger, the sound of the gun going off deafening in the silent square. He manages to take out four more hunters before they are all behind cover, and Greef speaks up once more.
“That’s one impressive weapon,” he calls out.
Mando lowers his weapon slightly, “Here’s what I’m going to do,” he begins, “We’re going to walk to my ship, with the kid, and you’re going to let it happen.”
“No,” Greef responds, “How about this? We take the kid, and if you try to stop us, we kill you and strip your body for parts.”
As Karga stops his spiel, you notice a figure sneaking up on the speeder. You quickly kick a barrel close to you, stunning the figure before raising up and firing your blaster. Your action causes all hell to break loose as everyone in the square opens fire onto you and Mando. You instinctively curl back around the child and try to fire shots off. You hear the tell-tale sound of Mando’s flames erupt beside you followed by exclamations of surprise around you. you feel your heart sink as the machine splutters to a stop and blaster fire continues to rain down upon you. You see Mando drop down next to you and he stares at you and the child, and he seems to deflate. In that moment you realize that he doesn’t have annoy other ideas. You watch as he stares down at the child between the both of you, and a little coo erupts from his mouth. You feel your hand tighten around the small bundle and you look at Mando, a defeated look in your eyes.
“We tried,” you said, voice loud to be heard over the blaster fire, “That’s all we could do.”
Mando doesn’t respond so you continue, “Thank you, for going back for him.”
You can feel tears burn at the back of your vision at the hopelessness of the situation, and you have to blink them away. You see Mando reach a hand out for the child pulling the cloth down to look at him. you thought he was going to say something, but before you could find out for sure, a high-pitched whistling accompanied by a bright light caught everyone’s attention. You watch as a projectile flew over your heads and into a figure standing on a roof several yards away. You look to Mando, eyes wide, before casting your eyes back to the sky only to see a large group of Mandalorians flying into the square and firing on your attacker. You watch in complete awe as the Mandalorians proceed to almost completely wipe out the threat. Mando also returns fire, and so do you before a Heavy Infantry Mandalorian lands a few feet from you, gun firing rapidly.
“Go, get out of here!” he instructs, “We’ll hold them off.”
Mando stops shooting to look at his comrade, “You’re going to have to relocate the covert.” He calls back.
“This is The Way.” Is all he offers.
“This is The Way.” Mando repeats, before grabbing your arm and hauling you off the speeder and to your feet.
He takes the child from your arms and you offer no complaint as you both sprint towards the razor crest, the sounds of battle fading behind you. You see Mando slow to a job in front of you and followed his lead, a few paces behind him as he enters the ship. You both failed to notice the figure climbing down the ladder behind you. You were only aware of it when their boots hit the ground and you whirled around drawing your blaster. But before you can fire off a shot a rough hit to your temple sends you crumpling to the ground, and Mando quickly turns to face your attacker.
“Hold it, Mando.” Greef’s voice fills the hull of the ship, and you groan as you try to sit up right.
“I didn’t want it to come to this,” Karga says, “But then you broke the code. And you-“ he gestures to you now, still on the ground trying to get your vision to stop swimming, “I knew you were trouble from the start. And I told you to stay away, but you didn’t listen.” He seethes.
Mando says nothing, his head just tilts down slightly to look at you before he raises his arm in front of him. Greef tenses at the movement but cannot react before Mando’s grappling device fires into a nearby panel and fills the room with steam. You cover your eyes instinctively and Greef fires blindly into the ship. He stops firing, looking for the Mandalorian, but a well-aimed blaster bolt hits him in the chest and sends him stumbling from the ship and falling onto the ground. Mando closes the ship doors as you stand up slowly, stumbling slightly.
“Are you alright?” Mando’s voice cuts through the silence and he lays a steadying hand on your upper arm.
You nod your head and give him a warm smile, rubbing your temple, “Yeah I’ll be fine. He just surprised me is all.” You reassure.
Mando just nods, and climb up the ladder to the cockpit, you follow closely behind. You take the child from his grasp as he takes the pilots chair, and you sit in the chair to his right, the child in your lap.
The ship lifts off the ground in into the air, past the clouds. You look out the window, watching the setting sun and let out a quiet gasp when the figure of a Mandalorian pull sup next to your ship.
“Mando look!” you slap his arm frantically while waving at the Mandalorian out the window, a silent way of saying thank you.
The Mandalorian gives you and Mando a two fingered salute before pulling away and back to the ground. You let out an amused chuckle and sat back in your chair.
“I have got to get one of those,” Mando murmurs.
You let out a loud laugh at this and nod your head, arms wrapping securely around the child in your lap, “Yes you do. That would so cool!”
You look down at the child as he wriggles in your grasp, reaching his little three-digit hand out in front of him. you follow his line of sight and a smile tugs at the corner of your lips when you see what he wants.
“Uh Mando.”
He hums in response, and you just hold out the child in front of you, so he is closer to the lever, “I think the little guy wants something.” You say amusedly.
Mando’s helmet turns to the side until he is looking at the child, grasping for the small metal ball on the lever. You watch curiously as the usually stoic and seemingly uncaring Mandalorian unscrews the little ball and carefully drops it into the child’s hand. The kid lets out a happy giggle and turns the ball over in his hand, as you pull him back into your lap.
“I think the kid’s making you soft Mando,” you tease as you leave the planet’s atmosphere.
Mando just shook his head as he continued looking forward, fully aware that it wasn’t just the kid who had an impact on his life. You did too. 
Liberation Tag: @therobinathome @lirinchi​ @x-wingwarriorbbpoe8​ @fucking-dip-shit​ @maryan028​ @s0yboy69 @c1996 @notmyspaghetti​ @humbleseame​ @peter-psrker​ @riddlersfate​ @fandoms-equal-my-life​ @kaialisonflame​ @goth-pigeon​ @hollybee0987​ @izdevett @witheringblooddemon​ @katelicon​ @sparrows-books​ @twofacedbassy​ @hnerals @crazy-obsessed-fangirl​ @eternallyvenus​ @lewismerryweather​
Mandalorian Tag: @tryn25​ @igotmadskills​ @dizzydazed​ @theforceofdisney​ @jeepangel​ @maryan028​ @Mandalorian-theway
Permanent Tag: @fleurdemiel145​ @lord-wolfgen @petalduck​
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kindlespice · 4 years
ooooh skin stuff?? what products do you use / what's your routine? im super nosy and fascinated about this stuff lol
oof, sorry this took so long to answer, i ended up writing a whole damn novel… my b. Anyway i buy my skin care pretty much exclusively from yesstyle (minus a few exceptions, but i’m always open to new suggestions! i am gonna take a look at jolse soon) so i’ll just link the products from there. Also i have a little dinky code for like 2-5% off if you wanna save like… $1 it’s 5NAYTT
Disclaimers before i start though, I have normal skin (i know i’m so lucky uwu) so i generally don’t stress about whether my products work better or worse for dry/oily skin—but i do tend to favor more hydrating/moisturizing products. Also i’m no esthetician or dermatologist, most of my knowledge comes from product reviews, skin care videos, and my own personal experiences. So basically take everything I say and share with a grain of salt :))
We’ll start out easy with my morning routine:
1.)  Mostly i start by wetting my face with warm water. you can also wet it in the shower if you’re a morning shower-er(?) but i’m not lol. IF my skin is feeling really dirty in the morning for some reason though (like if i sweat real bad on a summer night or drown in a pool of drool x-x) i’ll start with the Perfect Whip foaming cleanser
i find that most mornings, bc of my more extensive night routine, my face isn’t often in need of a cleanser
but i really like this bc you get SO MUCH use out of so little product; i use less than a dime-size amount per wash. but i do use this little foam maker thingy which builds up a better and faster foam than using my hands—not necessary but very convenient. there’s also foaming nets you can try, but i’m not familiar with them.
i don’t completely dry my face after use; i like it damp when i apply the toner
2.)  Apply Klairs Supple Preparation Toner
i personally use the original version as i don’t mind essential oil scents, and my skin doesn’t react negatively to them. If oils bother you for whatever reason though, you might want to try the unscented version!
i also pour this into a spray bottle (you can pick these up pretty much anywhere but these are cute if you wanna order some) and apply via spray. No reason other than I just don’t want to buy cotton pads :)
3.)  Apply Snail Repairing Essence
i use this pretty much as a moisturizer but you might want to use an additional cream or something if your skin is on the drier side?
4.)  Apply SPF
okay so… i don’t actually have a rec for this bc i just use whatever my mom has.  and i haven’t actually gotten a korean sunscreen yet bc i don’t go outside and i’m that person (who is v dumb) and doesn’t apply spf consistently in the winter -.- but rest assured, i’ll get some eventually lololol
Okay like i said, pretty easy in the morning! I don’t use essences, just bc i’m still young and a lot of them seem to be focused on anti-aging things that aren’t my main concern. And I prefer to use my serum at night bc it’s got vitamin C and i just told you i’m bad at sunscreen
But night time is where it gets complicated fun:
1.)  Hop in the shower (but if you’re not a nighttime shower-er then you can just cleanse out of the shower) and go in with the Clean It Zero cleansing balm (this also has other versions: purifying, revitalizing, and nourishing but i’ve only ever used the original)
i usually do double cleansing at night, so this is my oil-based “first cleanser”
but i have been known to um… “gloss over” this step if i’m being lazy….. -.-
i like oil-based cleansers bc they’re a nice, gentle way to remove makeup (as opposed to wipes and stuff) and i do use this to remove eye makeup as it personally doesn’t irritate my eyes; i also prefer balms over straight up oils bc they’re more fun ^-^
anyway, i massage it on, emulsify, and rinse! also, if you’re not in the shower, i would keep my face damp after rinsing.
2.)  Perfect Whip foaming cleanser while still in the shower
pro-tip, if you have a foam maker, i would make the foam BEFORE you start. that way you can just apply it right after the balm!
again, i keep my face damp after rinsing off the foam and hopping out of the shower
3.)  Klairs Supple Preparation Toner returns!
again, i have mine in a spray bottle so i spray it on and tap it in!
4.)  IF IT’S SUNDAY, then i will go in with the Lemon Sparkling Peeling Gel next
this is a chemical exfoliator (i finally ditched my knock-off st. ives XD) and i only use it once a week
5.) IF IT’S SUNDAY, and i have one available, i’ll put on a sheet mask next
sheet masks are… honestly all the same to me lol but i order these innisfree ones all the time; my regulars being green tea, tea tree, and aloe (they’re actually cheaper on their website tho so…).  i also really wanna try the A’PIEU Milk Packs particularly in banana and strawberry, so i’ll probs order and try those out when i can justify spending the money on a whole bunch (knowing me i’ll turn it into a whole $40+ order lol)
i leave these on for 15-20 minutes (usually 20), take it off, and pat the remaining product into my skin
also there’s usually some left over on the other side of the mask and/or in the package that i’ll massage onto my neck and body (we try not to do not waste product in this house!!)
if i’ve done a mask, then i will most likely skip this next step
6.)  Apply Klairs Vitamin C Drop
this is pretty much my daily serum as it helps with improving my dark spots and hyper pigmentation (my main skin concern)
i take 3-5 DROPS in my hand… that’s it, i literally wasted so much before i finally decided to stop dropping it onto my face.
apply and pat that bad boy all over!!
7.)  Snail Repairing Essence  returns!
again this is my probably-not-supposed-to-be-but-idfc moisturizer so i just slap it on!
8.)  Almost done, here’s the Snail Repair Eye Cream
this is actually new, but i bought a smaller tube bc 1. i didn’t want to spend a bunch of money on something that might irritate my eyes. and 2. i didn’t. want. to spend. a bunch. of money. but the little nozzle is actually really helpful for getting a small, good amount of cream actually XD
so i’ll squeeze a little line (more like an oblong dot tho) under each eye and use my ring fingers to glide that up to the lid and pat in the product.
9.)  Last one! Berry Lip Mask
basically…. i even buy korean knock-offs lololol
i just apply this to my bottom lip (my top lip never causes me issues??) and let it sit over night
Anddddd that’s everything! Very nearly got to that 10 step dream but, no essence, no clout i guess. Anyway, i do have some additional pro-tips too:
If you’re buying/trying new skin care products, be patient and introduce them slowly. it’s hard, but this way—if one or more products are causing a reaction—it’s easy to just cut it out of the routine. Also i like to think it gives your skin time to become used to the new ingredients and to “normalize” before piling on new stuff (but that could be total bs lol)
“Listen” to your skin; use products that make YOUR skin feel good, and use products when YOU need them. especially with serums and stuff, invest in products that will help you to address your skin concerns and achieve your skin goals (whatever those may be at the time)—and not someone else’s. Also don’t be afraid to admit if a product’s not working, better to chuck it than ruin your skin you know?
From someone who’s experienced a very unpleasant, burning unibrow :))) don’t remove hair on exfoliation day and avoid putting a lot of product on sensitive areas. Also, doing some sort of cleanse before hair removal helps to reduce the risk of dirt and stuff getting into the exposed skin.
Oh and be gentle with your exfoliators (whether physical or chemical) DON’T SCRUB FOR THE LOVE OF PETE to avoid cuts and burns!
If you have a spot (or feel one coming up) , use some sort of spot treatment. you’re much less likely to pick with something if it’s covered up by a patch (these are my faves) which will reduce irritation and formation of dark spots.
Be as hygienic as possible! There’s no towel drying steps in my routine for two main reasons. 1, i like keeping the moisture and hydration from the water as long as possible. and 2, bacteria. is. everywhere. Towels are pretty gross when you think about it and limiting contact between them and your face will probably greatly improve your skin’s health. Also avoid touching nozzle or dropper applicators directly to your hands or face: that way the applicator won’t come in contact with any bacteria or germs and transfer that gunk onto your face every time you use it. Washing your hands and/or tools that DO touch your face is also important in, again, reducing the spread of random gunk.
Take it slow, relax, and enjoy it! Skin time is my relaxation time (especially sunday nights oml so awesome!!), it’s honestly one of the best parts of my day just being able to kick back and take care of myself. Try not to make it a chore, it isn’t supposed to feel regimented or overwhelming, but relaxing and fun!
Okay that’s really it!! And yeah this got really really long….. sorry if you actually only wanted my yesstyle recs XD
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deluxedolans · 6 years
from the drabble list: 128 and/or 105 :) i prefer e but ur a gray girl so it's up to you!!! i love all your writing!!!!!
hiii baby patient anon! thank you for waiting for this fic :))) tbt to when I was a grayson girl…ahh memories to when I felt safe!! but now I’m v much in ethan’s lane and it’s quite fun down here, anywho.
thank you so much for sending in this drabble which is actually not really a drabble and it kind of evolved into a longer fic? anyway, i love you so much, babe, and hope you’re having a great night/day wherever you are💙💙💙 it literally still blows my mind that people wanna see my take on certain ideas/prompts.
I am currently not accepting any drabble requests at this time.
Prompt: 128, “Don’t touch me. We’re fighting.” & 105, “You can’t make up for it by giving me a tic-tac.”
Word Count: 3.7k 
A/N: So this is a part two to this blurb that I posted a few weeks ago! Both of these blurbs will be integrated into a full length fic that I’m currently writing (and which is taking an extremely long time to write so bare with me). I hope you guys enjoy and let me know what you think; love you all & I hope you’re having a good rest of your weekend :)))
ALSO, this blurb takes place in the same night as the last blurb. Additionally, the beginning of this blurb (the part written in italics) is the ending of the first blurb for a refresher/context. Sorry this author’s note is wicked long ahh.
“Guys, c’mon, let’s go! We’re gonna be tardy for the party–whoa.” Ethan’s mouth hung open at your appearance, he was truly stunned.
“That’s pretty much what I just said, bro! Doesn’t she look different?” Grayson said excitedly, his hands gesturing to you.
“Um, yeah she definitely looks different–so, you’re going out dressed like that?” Ethan asked flatly.
Your mouth fell open and your eyes narrowed at Ethan’s words, “you’re a real fucking asshole, you know that?” You pushed past Ethan and walked out the door, accidently slapping him in the chest with your purse as you walked by. You could feel your eyes well up in disapointment but you pushed the tears back, you did not spend all this time on your makeup just to have it ruined because Ethan was being a jerk.
Ethan stood there rooted to the ground, he did not mean to say that out loud.
“Way to go, genius. If you’re gonna act like a jealous douchebag, you at least need to let her know you like her first before you go off saying shit like that,” Grayson said shaking his head as he started walking out of the bathroom. “You’re gonna have to spend the rest of the night trying to make it up to her, you know that, right?”
“Yeah, yeah, I know, I fucked up,” Ethan mumbled as he followed his twin brother out of the bathroom, and walked towards the car.
You could feel your nerves kick into overdrive as you stood by the punch bowl of the house party with Grayson. Your senses were heightened; the combination of the mixed drink you were nursing, the rainbow strobe lights and the gaze of the cute boy across the room making you hyper-aware of your surroundings, your heart racing at all of the stimuli. 
 You and an incredibly attractive man, dressed as a boxer, had been eyeing each other from across the room for about a half an hour now, and you couldn’t tell if the butterflies in your stomach were ones of excitement or fear. Sure, you still had your crush on Ethan, and his words earlier definitely made you think twice, but he probably was A.) shocked that you were dressing like an actual girl for once, and B.) teasing you to get a rise out of you. You knew Ethan would never like you, you just weren’t his type; hell, you felt like you weren’t anyone’s type, but the way people were looking at you at this party most definitely had you feeling way more confident in your appearance …. or maybe that was just the vodka.
“Y/N, are you gonna talk to that guy over there or what?” Grayson asked. “You two have been staring at each other since we got here.” Your cheeks immediately burned with embarrassment.
“I have not been staring! I was … taking in the scenery,” you covered lamely, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. Grayson rolled his eyes; you were the worst with communicating with boys you liked, exhibit A being Ethan and exhibit B being right now.
“Mhm, sure whatever you say. I bet if I leave he’ll come over here.” Grayson’s eyebrows shot up mischievously, a wide grin decorating his mouth. Your stomach dropped; Grayson couldn’t leave, then you’d be alone.
“Wait, what? Stop, Gray, what if he actually comes over here!” You immediately turned away from the guy who had broken his gaze with you for probably the twentieth time that night, turning your back to face away from the crowd.
“Well, that’s kind of the point; he’d be a dumbass not to! C’mon, Y/N, you’re so pretty and funny; let yourself have some fun with a guy for once, alright? I’ll be right over there if it goes south and he needs a roundhouse kick to the throat,” Grayson said, putting a hand on your shoulder to reassure you.
You put a hand on his shoulder, mirroring his position, “You can’t leave me. I’m not mature enough for this … Or drunk enough, if I’m being honest.”
Suddenly Grayson stuck his arm out, pointing a finger into the sky, “Holy shit, Y/N, look at that!” Naturally, your body turned in alarm to see what Grayson was talking about. But sadly, by the time you turned around, Grayson had fled to the couch across the room. He flashed a thumbs up as you glared daggers at him for pulling such an idiotic trick. 
When you turned around, you were met with two crystal blue eyes and messy, sandy blonde hair; the boy from across the room finally worked up the nerve to greet you after almost an hour of stolen glances.
“Hey, nice robe,” Mystery Man commented, his head nodding towards the black silky fabric that adorned your body. You could feel yourself blush as you looked down at your outfit and then stole a peek at his own; his robe matching yours almost exactly.
“Wow, thanks, seems like that is a trend tonight, huh?” You internally cringed; you definitely sounded like you were trying too hard to be cute and flirty.
But, in spite of your self doubt, the boy smiled in response to your answer, “I guess so. I’m Evan,” the boy stuck his larger hand out,  engulfing your tiny one in a handshake.
“Nice to meet you, Evan, I’m Y/N,” you replied, a small smile gracing your face as you felt yourself relax a little more. You turned around for a brief moment to scoop some more punch out of the bowl and into your cup, praying that a little liquid courage would help you survive and (possibly thrive) within this conversation.
As Ethan jogged down the stairs, the colorful lights blinded him for a brief moment, blurring his vision. He couldn’t deny the fact that he was feeling good tonight; he had just won a game of pong upstairs and in spite of the many inquiries on his costume, once he had explained it most people got a kick out of it, claiming it was original when it was mainly laziness that created his get-up.
Before Ethan reached the bottom of the stairs, he did a quick scan for both you and Grayson. After a few moments he spotted Grayson sitting on the couch, his firefighter hat in his grip as he chatted casually to James.
“Hey, guys, what’s up?” Ethan greeted, plopping down on the couch besides James whose eyes practically bugged out of his head in surprise.
“Jesus, Ethan, you scared me.”
“No shit; it’s spooky season, sister,” Ethan replied, wiggling his fingers for dramatic effect. James rolled his eyes, “The only thing spooky here is your costume, what are you supposed to be again?”
“A douchebag!” Ethan’s hands indicated to his outfit proudly; his shirtless body was complimented by the fake gold chains that draped over his chest. In addition to the chains Ethan’s outfit was accessorized with a backwards black snapback and matching sunglasses and his legs clad with black joggers to complete the look.
James busted out laughing, “Only you would dress up as a douchebag for Halloween.”
Ethan smirked, “I know, it’s original huh?”
“Original? More like sister stupid. Aren’t you supposed to dress up as something other than yourself for Halloween?” James said through a laugh, slapping his knee at his own joke. As Ethan’s eyes narrowed, Grayson’s boisterous laugh rang out; he loved when James roasted Ethan.
“I fucking hate you guys.” James and Grayson’s laughs continued, eventually settling down as James got up.
“As fun as this has been, I see Luke Wilde looking very nice over there and he slid into my DMs a few weeks ago, so.” Ethan and Grayson nodded, watching James bound towards the tall, dark and handsome man in the corner.
Ethan sighed happily, leaning back into the couch, both of his arms splaying behind him. “So, man, you having a good time?”
“Yeah, I just got done dancing a bit ago and I’m taking a break, I finally got Ali’s number, though,” Grayson remarked, smirking. Ethan put his fist out to which Grayson bumped; Grayson had been trying to hang out with one of James’s editors, Ali, for months now, but just hadn’t developed the courage to ask.
“Nice, man! It’s about damn time.”
“Oh shut the fuck up, bro, we all know how much of a pussy you are about talking to girls,” Grayson shot back. Ethan crossed his arms, “I am not! Hey, I almost forgot, where’s Y/N?”
Grayson raised his eyebrows at his brother, his teeth coming together in slight fear. Ethan was about to be salty at the sight before him.
Grayson pointed across the room and Ethan’s gaze followed, his heart falling into his stomach at scene in front of him. You were leaning against the wall, holding a solo cup, smiling a huge, beautiful smile as you looked up at the guy in front of you. The guy you were talking with had a hand against the wall as he leaned over you, a solo cup in his own hand, and a smirk smeared across his lips in contrast to your innocent grin. Ethan was livid.
“What the fuck?” Ethan muttered, his eyes bulging out of his hand, and his hand crushing his cup. Ethan barely felt the cool liquid seep into the fabric of his joggers as he took off his sunglasses, stuffing them into his pockets in an attempt to make sure that his eyes weren’t deceiving him.
“Who the hell is that guy?” Ethan didn’t even look at Grayson as he asked the question, too afraid that if he turned away that you would either disappear from view, or worse, start kissing the dude.
Grayson shrugged, “I don’t know, to be honest. When we got here Y/N and I were talking over there together and that dude kept eyeing her, so I left and they’ve been talking ever since.”
Ethan’s head turned towards Grayson so fast he almost got whiplash, “You what? ” He hissed.
“I left them to talk together! Christ, Ethan, if you like her you have to tell her, you can’t just stare at her and pray to God she’s a mind-reader.”
“You can’t just leave her alone with that stranger! He could be a serial killer for all we know, Grayson.”
Grayson rolled his eyes so hard you could only see the whites of his eyes for a moment. “He is not a serial killer, stop being so dramatic.”
“Well, how would you know? Did you interview him before you left her with him?” Ethan’ cocked an eyebrow, his lips pursed together.
“I am not gonna interview every fuckin’ guy she talks to, Ethan, she’s a big girl she can handle herself.”
“Yeah, well, he’s looking at her like a piece of meat, Gray, just look at the guy!” Ethan’s hand flew out, gesturing wildly to the two of you. The boxer’s eyes were hooded as he talked to you, the alcohol most likely flowing through his veins, while you now stood with your hands clasped neatly in front of you as you told a story animatedly, your expression bright as you recounted your tale.
“Ethan, at least the dude is talking to her, if anything you’re the one looking at her like a piece of meat,” Grayson sassed, the reality of the situation still not reaching his brother.
“E, if you like her so much, just tell her already, bro. It’s so painfully obvious you have feelings, and I bet she feels the–.”
“I’m going over there, he’s definitely a serial killer,” Ethan interrupted, popping up from the couch and storming across the room, leaving his younger brother in the dust.
“Same way.” Grayson finished, sighing as he watched Ethan walk across the room towards you, anger pumping through Ethan’s body.
“Yeah! So I’m sprinting through campus holding all these books, I lost a shoe somewhere along the way and then–.”
Suddenly, Evan was pushed to the side as a strong body knocked into him; Evan’s drink falling to the floor, the thankfully basically empty cup clattering to the hardwood in all its plastic glory.
“Yo, what the hell man?” Evan whipped around, prepared to square up to the man who knocked into him, when he was met with someone a few inches taller than him and a few inches wider, causing him to shrink back.
“Sorry, bro, didn’t see you there. You okay, Y/N?” Ethan’s jaw was clenched tight as he gave you a tight smile. He was clearly irritated.
“Yeah, I’m fine, why wouldn’t I be?” You huffed, your arms crossing in annoyance. At your movement, Evan’s eyes couldn’t help but be drawn to your chest, as your arms perked up your breasts through the top of your robe. Ethan gave Evan side eye, his eyes narrowing as he noticed where Evan’s eyes had traveled. Ethan immediately punched Evan in the shoulder, Evan’s eyes widening in surprise and then narrowing in anger.
“Keep your eyes on her face, asshole,” Ethan commanded, his fists clenching in rage. Evan’s eyes lit up in anger, who the fuck did this guy think he was?
“Don’t fuckin’ touch me, man,” Evan snarled, pushing Ethan away from him aggressively. “You know this clown?” Evan pointed at Ethan. Your eyebrows shot up quickly, your voice suddenly caught at your throat; you hated confrontation.
“Uh–yeah, um, Evan, this is Ethan, Ethan this is–.”
“An asshole,” Ethan deadpanned, crossing his arms over his chest. Your mouth flew open; you couldn’t believe how downright rude he was being. “Ethan!” You exclaimed.
“I’m the asshole? You’re kidding me, right? Let’s get out of here, baby, what do you say? Seems like this jerk doesn’t know how to control himself in front of a pretty girl.” Ethan could feel his skin heating up at Evan’s words; deep down Ethan knew he didn’t have a right to be acting this way, but he couldn’t help it, his heart always winning out over his head.
“I’m good, actually, I came with Ethan and his brother–.” Evan then grabbed your hand at your words, interrupting your rejection.
Your face dropped at Evan’s sudden act of possession; everything had been fine up until this point, why couldn’t things ever go normally for you? You looked down at his hand gripping your own, your fingers limp in his grasp.
“Let’s go, Y/N,” Evan said, trying to tug you away from Ethan. You stayed put, your eyes wide with fear; fear of the man holding you, and fearful of what Ethan was about to do.
Ethan couldn’t contain himself any longer; he ripped Evan’s hand off of you and pushed the blonde away, his back hitting the wall harshly as he gripped the collar of his robe tight in his fist.
“Don’t you fuckin’ touch her, do you understand me?” Ethan’s fist shook he was holding onto Evan so tight. He slammed Evan into the wall again for good measure, his back hitting into it so hard Evan had the wind knocked out of him. Grayson started to run over as he saw the situation escalate in front of him, pushing past people just as Evan was bent over coughing.
“Ethan, what the fuck?” Grayson stood behind his brother, prepared to back him up, but also frustrated that his brother couldn’t just express his emotions rationally.
Ethan turned around, ignoring Grayson completely, as he looked you up and down in worry.
“Are you okay, Y/N?”
“You’re such a dick, you know that?” You snapped, glaring at Ethan as you pushed past him, your eyes tearing up in anger. Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry, you chanted to yourself as you made your way out of the party.
Ethan’s mouth fell open in shock, your reaction confusing him. He thought you would’ve been happy that he stepped in, saving you from that massive douchebag.
“What’s her problem?!” Ethan put his hands on his hips in bewilderment.
“What’s her problem? You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me. You practically insulted her outfit before we even got here, and now you randomly come in and intervene when she’s talking to a guy? She’s not the one with a problem, it’s you, bro.”
“He was grabbing her, did you see–.”
“Yeah, I saw, but before that. You were acting like such an asshole before that even happened. You can’t act all protective if you don’t tell her how you feel.”
Ethan rolled his eyes in irritation, knowing that his brother was partially right, however, it still didn’t make him like what Grayson had to say. Ethan stalked off after you before Grayson could say anything else, leaving the younger twin standing alone under the smokey haze and rainbow lights.
“Y/N, wait,” Ethan called as he grabbed your wrist, his voice ringing out loudly in the silent and cold October air.
“Don’t touch me. We’re fighting,” You snapped, ripping your wrist out of Ethan’s hand quickly. Ethan’s face fell at your actions and his heart hurt; he really hoped you wouldn’t be that upset.
“But why are we fighting? That guy was a total stranger, Y/N! He was grabbing you and looking down your robe and–.”
“And you were a stranger too at one point, E! And honestly, at least someone was appreciating my costume and not bitching at me saying shit like ‘you’re wearing that?’” Your voice dropped several octaves as you mimicked Ethan’s voice from earlier in the evening, your hands waving around wildly to emphasize your rage.
“Well excuse me for being a little concerned for how much skin you were showing! I mean, hell, the dude was practically having a conversation with your tits rather than your face.”
“How much skin I’m showing? You’re the one shirtless!” You admonished, your finger pushing against his chest.
Damn, she got me there, he thought to himself.
“And what are you supposed to be anyway?” Her head cocked to the side as she awaited his answer.
“A douchebag,” Ethan practically whispered, embarrassment consuming his voice.
“A what?” You asked again, not quite hearing his words.
“A douchebag,” Ethan said louder, his eyes looking at his sneakers in shame, now realizing that his costume fit his actions.
Your eyes widened in surprise and you cackled at the irony; Ethan dressing like a douchebag in an attempt to mock it, and then ending up being one throughout the night.
You pointed at him, “Aren’t you supposed to dress up as something different than yourself on Halloween?” Tears were streaming down your face at this point, the humor of this situation literally making you die of laughter.
“Okay, fuck off, James already said that,” Ethan chuckled.
After you calmed down a few seconds later, you and Ethan stood smiling at each other in a mutual understanding; at least he realized that he was being a dick.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I just didn’t know that guy and it pissed me off that Grayson left you alone with a total stranger. And then he was treating you like you were a–a– like a thing, and–.” You put your hand up, indicating that he stop. Your heart thumped at the possibility that Ethan could be jealous, but you knew that he was merely protecting you, only seeing you as a little sister.
“I get it, E. But you can’t just get all older brother on me whenever you feel like it … you’re not the boss of me.” Your heart stabbed with pain as you said those words, praying inside that Ethan would dispel them and say that you were more than a sister to him, that it hurt him seeing you with another guy.  
But Ethan didn’t.
Ethan’s heart sank at what you said; he fucking knew you’d never see him beyond the goofy brother role that he couldn’t seem to step out of no matter how hard he tried. “Um, yeah, well when some fucker grabs you forgive me for going a little psycho,” Ethan said flatly, taking his snapback off and readjusting it, needing to fiddle with something.
“Yeah, but before that, you were acting so–so upset. Why were you so upset that I was talking to that guy?”
“I told you he was a stranger,” Ethan looked off to the side, digging his shoe into the dirt.
“Yeah, but still–.” You started before a voice interrupted you.
“Hey, I’m gonna head out soon, is that cool?” Grayson yelled out from the porch, the music behind him thumping.
“I think I’m gonna stay a bit longer,” Ethan called back. “You wanna stay, or do you wanna go with Gray?” Ethan asked, his tone laced with hope that you’d wanna stay with him.
Grayson stood there patiently, waiting for your answer.
“I’m gonna stay with E and then we’ll uber back.” A wide grin spread across his face in victory; victory that he had a few hours of privacy with you without his brother’s judgemental eyes.
Grayson responded with a thumbs up as he slammed the door shut to the party, leaving you two alone yet again.
“So, wanna go dance? I might forgive you if you come dance with me!” Your eyebrows wiggled suggestively as you tugged your robe tightly around you as a breeze made its way through the air.
Ethan groaned, “Can’t we do something else in there? Here’s a tic-tac, will that make up for what a dick I was?” Ethan reached in his pocket, holding out the case of minty candy.
“Ethan Dolan, you can’t make up for it by giving me a tic-tac.” You giggled, pushing his shoulder as you walked back towards the house. Ethan smirked and pushed you back lightly, putting his hand on the small of your back as you walked up the stairs.
As you two walked back into the party together, you and Ethan both couldn’t help but internally sigh; yet another night where both of your feelings were brought to the surface and pushed down yet again by each of your own cowardice.
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wonhuis · 6 years
(pt 1/5) omg fave emoji, that’s so cute. you’re cute!!!! it’s 😍 lol. i did watch tg! i was internally screaming when i saw amon dklsdlfsd. and shu during in the ep GOD. lol i know, there’s just so much to talk about~ i can’t help it w spoilers lol. omg i used to do that too when i was younger! but once i read a book synopsis then the last sentence and it TOTALLY spoiled the entire book so i just stared off in the distance at my dumbass. pure/hyper characters are so cute. i can’t wait to see
ohhh that’s a cute one!!! i use a lot of emoji when i type on my phone but i never use this one lkjsndlf it’s cute though it fits you :’)
(pt 2/5) todoroki and inasa work together w kids!!!! i know, class a inasa could have geeked out w deku and his hero notes :( i hope the author includes inasa a lot in the future. i liked shinso but where is he at lmao. yeah w sns characters i’m just like ??? they’re high school babies, please do not sexualize them. but the food and art in sns is good! lmaooo i forgot jun was a tree too. a v cute tree!! sugimoto better be on the sohoku team during their third year bc if not then what’s the
(pt 3/5) point!! his arc before this interhigh killed me. aww yay i’m glad u found them interesting!! for bastard/sweet home (line webtoons), coffin jackson (spottoon) and love barometer (lezhin) i try to stay on top of free/unlocked episodes so i can slowlyyyy read the whole comic before they get locked again (i am broke) and still support the author. usually i read on mangago(.)me and it’s easy to track what you’re reading/have read w an account. w/o an account there’s crazy ads on the site
(pt 4/5) though (bc the comics are free shhshsh) the community on there can be annoying too but i just try to find stuff i like lol. i haven’t watched haikyuu bc i just know i’ll become obsessed w it if i do lmao. i don’t ship that much w animes either but good djs are a gift! kinda unrelated but one time i read this ishigaki/imaizumi fic and it was unexpectedly SO GOOD. afterwards i was like, what do i do this new rare pairing lol. idk anything about hetalia but that dj was so angsty and
(pt 5/5) perfect??? what the heck. i’m reading the yukimura-sensei one right now, it’s so cute!! i was gonna reply to u after i read most of those links but i’ll bookmark others for later lol :) and i haven’t watch bungou yet, i’m sorry!! i just ended up starting (i can’t help it) a bunch of ongoing/completed mangas and webtoons as usual jakdlsjdlask
amon finally showing up... that makes me so excited lskjdnfka shuu also coming back to himself!! things are about to get HOT lmao but yeah i get it lksjnfdsa i don’t really remember which book but i remember i ruined one or two of them but oH WELL lmao 
i know!! i had this one mutual a few years ago that used to hate some of the purest characters and i was like ??? just say u hate happiness and go lmao some ppl get annoyed by hyper characters but i just think they’re so cute :( it’s comic relief too!! you don’t watch haikyuu but hinata is literally the embodiment of the SUN, he’s tiny and pure and hyper and precious!!!! my mutual used to hate him too lknsdlkf deep sigh i can’t understand that :/ but yes!!!! inasa would be a cute classmate and i really hope he gets to shine more in the future too!! he’s a great character and he’d be great making more appearances :’) shinso though!!! yes!! i almost forget about him sometimes but i rlly liked him too!! too bad it’s been like years since we haven’t seen him rip 
HONESTLY SUGIMOTO BEING IN THE TEAM WOULD BE AMAZING CAN THAT HAPPEN???? i think his character is really nice and he had a great arc so if that doesn’t happen it’d honestly be a waste :/ and ohhh i haven’t read much more of the webtoons but i did check these sites!! sighs being broke sucks bc even if we want to support the author we need to stick to reading online bc we can’t afford it :( mangago is where i usually read stuff too lmao 
honestly not to be that person but i love haikyuu klsjflnsk i totally recommend it even if it’s really popular now and some people might think it’s overrated... I DON’T THINK SO LMAO the characters are all great and they ALL have nice arcs with lots of character development!! a downside is that the pace is painfully slow, like the matches usually go on for months but it’s totally worth it :’) ppl get obsessed over it for a reason!!! me included!! i love sports anime/manga and i LOVE volleyball so haikyuu is rlly a blessing to me :’) but lksdjnfsa i’m not saying you should read it or trying to pressure you to do it anyways, i’m just saying it’s nice :’)
ohhhh i actually read a lot of fanfics LMAO there was this popular social media called orkut and there was these comunities things, kinda like forums, and people would write original stories there and i LOVED it so when orkut went down i started to read a lot of fanfics lmao i don’t usually mind the ships bc i don’t care about shipping as long as the story is good lmao but i do have some restrictions sometimes and if it’s about a TOTALLY notp i can’t read it even if it’s from one of my fave authors lksjdnfa like with gusari she makes some oikawa x matsukawa djs sometimes and it’s not exactly a notp but i just can’t enjoy them lksjfnaks maybe bc i’m so used to her iwaoi ones :/ but either way lmao I ACTUALLY read once an ishigaki x imaizumi fic too lmao it’s a rare pair but it’s kinda interesting to see that ppl actually ship them?? fun fact but ishigaki is my fave hakone dude kljsnfda the worst about rare pairings is that.... it’s rare LMAO so when u read a really nice fic about them it sucks that u can’t find many more :/ like i mostly read haikyuu and free fics and i really like some rare pairings in both fandoms like daichi x kuroo and makoto x rin LMAO 
HONESTLY i tried to watch hetalia once but i think i only watched the first ep or something, but gusari has a few djs of them and they’re?? so nice?? angsty and perfect, that’s how i’d describe her djs LMAO i’m glad you liked it!!! i’m glad you’re liking the other ones too ^^ AND OMG DON’T WORRY ABOUT NOT WATCHING IT YET LKSNFLSKA i can totally understand you as i, also, have the tendency to start new stuff without watching/reading those i had already planned on to lskdjfn
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comicteaparty · 5 years
April 11th, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on April 11th, 2019, from 5PM - 7PM PDT.  The chat focused on Kitty Kitty Bang Bang by Moe.
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing Kitty Kitty Bang Bang by Moe~! (https://tapas.io/series/kkbbcomic)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
hey super~!
Coming in and I'd like to give a big shoutout to that header image on the comic's Tapas(edited)
I dunno, I thought it looked badass
it is a nice header image. although what sells it for me is the logo design. its a really nice logo.
for favorite scene, hmm. ya know, i cant not pick it. the convention scene. that scene legit almost made me cry at how touching it is both with its message about how anyone can cosplay whatever they want regardless of how they look. not to mention the themes of reaching out to others. all wrapped in a nice package of no dialogue so that its the emotions at the center forefront.
Also this guy's hair.
i like his hair and his smile combination. like both scream cocky little shit design wise and i love it cause he kind of is a cocky little shit. XD
Oh yes XD
Cocky little shits are my favorite
another scene i want to show some appreciation too is the scene where we first meet kit's mom. like, i knew it was coming from the chapter title. but i enjoyed the twist it was her step-mom and theres a deeper issue going on. it turned what was easy to guess to something surprising again just by how the story plays out the reveal
https://tapas.io/episode/1370747 This is a pretty good page.
Hm, Doug McClure sounds a awful lot like this chap. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUg6e072vgA
anything in particular you like about it super?
The last two panels.
And the followup
dat backside
i really love the back shot composition. like what a great way to show overwhelming odds
Evening. Made it as far as the start of the Bully arc, so late 2018.
Yeah. Also ello
I love also how Doug's got like, a million pouches on his belt
I dunno it's a detial I like
Yeah, the convention stuff was good. Some of those real-life scenarios that made you want to shake people are good when done right.
I'm not sure if I have a big favourite moment, but I have some little ones. Like when that "pinball wizard" thing played as Kit was taking on that nozzle in the gaming store, and it turned out it was the coworker.
The guy at the school in the knight suit, who had the fascination with corndogs. Weird background detail, added some humour to an otherwise tense scene.
i love the corndog knight
i want a spin-off comic of just them
cause i want to know about them
why are they a knight
why corndogs
so many questions
Heh. Made me think of that other bounty hunter, pointy-ears, who also couldn't speak.
Also, did not expect the female reveal there.
And I liked how the scientist flipped out over his research having the higher bounty than himself. Like, that trumped everything else he was in the process of dealing with and he went on a rampage. Amusing.
yeah the scientists in general was fairly hilarious in everything he tried to prioritize. although i enjoyed that at the end of the mission the crystal wound of broken anyway. cause i felt it was fitting given everything it had been through
I thought it was really clever how the rock was used to blind the scientist. Kitty is this weird mix of hyper competent (like when she used the snack habits of that one guy to track him down) and absent-minded (like when she then didn't make a grab for the compound).
I'm not saying that's unrealistic or anything, I can totally see it.
Very "living in the moment" with a dash of forward thinking.
nah i agree shes a really interesting character. like at first i wasnt sure id like her but some of her plans have been pretty spot. and to be fair a lot of the absent-minded ness you could write off as it her being a kid. so of course shes expected to be a kid and not always think through with her actions.
a more comedic moment i liked was at the end of Mor where Kit and Mary both have to stand there awkwardly making their false apologies to the whole school. this page especially cracks me up just cause of the sheer height diff between the two. i think that makes it extra hilarious https://tapas.io/episode/1215017
It's true. And I'm still wrapping my head around the kid thing.
QUESTION 2. One of the comic’s focuses and highlights are the action sequences found within. Of the characters Kit has pursued so far in her bounties, which has been your favorite? Why is that? Likewise, which bounty did you think had the best fight choreography? What do you specifically think makes the choreography the best one? Do you think we’ll see any of the criminal characters again? If so, what could that mean for Kit? Considering many of the villains parody stereotypes and similar things, what other sorts of characters do you think or hope we might see? Lastly, do you believe Kit will encounter more of her professional rivals? If so, what do you think will happen?
its okay i had my struggles wrapping my head around but the convention scene really cemented it for me for some reason. but that might just be personal association of conventions being largely for the youth.
Incidentally, I wondered initially about the use of "der"... and then when Kitty used the term "Hoser" I thought she was Canadian. That proved incorrect, what with the Norwegian thing.
Ahh... yeah, I went to a certain convention for 20 years straight soooo...
Like, I want to ship, but it feels wrong. Normally if they're young I just think of it as cute, or picture them as older, and neither of those things kinda work here.
I wonder how big Kitty's gonna get when she's 20.
i didnt start going to conventions till i was an adult but at the same time my experiences is that theyre largely dominated by the youth. not to say there arent older adults there. but the youth are the ones always around drawing attention to themselves being loud. but i digress, just wanted to give context for why it worked for me
That's fair.
tbh i just assumed she was full grown. cause i was actually only an inch or two shorter than my full height at 13 cause i sprouted up early
As to the question of the moment, I admit I'm not huge on seeing action and choreography, tending to be bigger on characters anyway. Which is probably why that scientist one sticks out so much, since we got his whole backstory and everything.
I am gonna be in for such a shock when my little one grows up, aren't I.
That short gangster guy who stole the boat might return. It was implied.
and i legit cant imagine kit taller cause she literally towers over everyone. although is she still shorter than her dad? cause if she is, shell probably be his height.
I think she is. I'm equally bad at noticing that sort of thing.
id have to look again just cause it wasnt something i was looking for and her dad was only in so many scenes XD
im torn on my answer to this question of the moment. i think i agree i like the scientist the best cause he got a lot of backstory. not to mention when kit was doing their dialogue for them from the roof i was like "nah shes gotta be exaggerating" then we meet the scientist and nope, he really is just that arrogant and she was spot on. so overally he was definitely the most entertaining
but for fight choreography, im picking the first bounty with the spin off kool aid man. i really enjoyed the use of the environment and just the sheer level of destruction that was visited upon that grocery store
She knows her business. I wonder how long she's been at it.
Oh yeah, almost forgot about that one. I liked when Kitty roped the random customer.
i liked when after the fight ended, the old lady asked if the employee who was buried under rubble basically could get her a new box
And that was most difficult one to come up with
The one with the orcs going after cows was also good, not for the fight (which I think was offscreen) but world building. Until then it was sort of, like, what's reality here anyway.
Oh, hello creator.
Hello there all ^^\
Rebel: That was a good scene for setting the tone.
Hello Moe!
Thank you. It's always a challenge to come up with a beginning for a series.
Thanks for this cool comic of yours.
No probs
And yeah all this talk about conventions is reminding me of all the ones I've been going to lately. Comic focused ones and hugely commercial conventions are easily the most populated-by-youth ones.
"Annie" con was a clever name.
It was a little play on words. I always like to make those little puns when I can(edited)
i did enjoy the orcs with the cows. probably just cause of the extreme accent going on in that dialogue. but i also just love this concept that someone would think clearly humans are only good cause they drink milk. like someone really watched those got milk commercials too much.
I very much approve of puns. Also Senshi Kitty.
The head orc was milking his time in the spotlight.
Puns are always good
i do agree with you math that i got the impression well see the gangster who got away from the scientist again at some point. what it means for kit? i could see her being extra determined to catch him since he got away last time. but then maybe thats when well see buff elf chick again who is out for revenge.
Defintely. Orcs have always been my favorite fantasy race to play around with
i do appreciate orcs getting some love in a way cause in my experience theyre really underutilized in a lot of fantasy settings. can find elves everywhere, but nobody wants the orcs.
Well nothing is off the table.^^
Orcs have always been treated as the bad guy or the henchman merely due to their monsterous appearence.
speaking of not elves, i really like that this guy turned out to be the real villain from bully bully https://tapas.io/episode/1348464. partly cause it was a good twist that it was a bully victim becoming the bully. since that is very true to life. but also, selfishly, i noticed this character immediately in the background one time and i was like "ah man what an interesting looking side chara too bad well never learn about him" and then we learned about him.
QUESTION 3. Even in Kit’s dynamic world, she still has some unique mysteries surrounding her. Why do you think Kit is the only female in her family to receive Freyja’s blessing/curse, especially after it’s been so long it’s almost a myth? What do you think the story is behind Kit’s rage modes that seem to take over when she gets mad? What do you think happened to Kit’s mother, and why is Kit so sensitive about the subject of her mother in general? Additionally, why did Mary calling her mother a whore set her off in particular? Lastly, how do you think Kit got involved with being a Bounty Killer? Why do you think her family lets her pursue the career given how dangerous it all is?
Oh yeah the Goblin. I thought it was a perfect opprotunity to not just introduce the Goblins , but I was also playing around with laying out clues in plain site for the reader to notice.
That's smart thinking/writing
There are plans for future stories that are straight up mysteries Kit will have to sovle.
that sounds exciting and like a good challenge for her character too.
in regards to the current question, i want to dissect the fact that kit's specific phrasing about her mother was that mary hadnt even cared who her mother was as a person. and to a degree, i kind of feel like it was projecting that set her off. that kit herself didnt know a whole lot about her mother. so it might not be so much that her mom was called a whore that did it, but that someone would make a bold claim about her mother when kit herself didnt even know her that well and has since lost the chance to get ot know her. but thats just me theorizing.
Back, little one's asleep in the crib again. For now.
Mm hm, It would show that Bounty Killers in the world aren't used for just nabbing a bad guy with a hefty sum on their head. Sometimes folks need someone to investigate with the police's involvement and not ask any questions
Was Kitty maybe given up for adoption? (Is that what makes her worthy of the cat ears?)
The police were handy against the scientist too, for a little while.
That's a good way of expanding upon bounty hunters.
i dont think given up for adoption fits cause mor said shes the step mom which implies kit's father is her biological dad. that and there is one pic where the dad is with the mom
Oh, right. We did see her biological mom in that holiday special though, didn't we? And Kitty must remember enough to have taken up violin playing (on the roof). So... yeah I dunno.
thats interesting to know that the bounties arent just for nabbing bad guys. although makes me wonder what kit is going to do when shes told to do something shady and just not ask questions
Or was that not the biological mom, was that a younger Dar?
I can't see Kit not asking questions.
that was her step-mom. her bio mom we only see briefly in a pic
I wasn't sure if it was her dad remembering another time in that scene though. Like, the previous stuff was a memory.
(I also don't get enough sleep these days.)
i could see how youd get that interpretation but pretty sure it was the step-mom and the bio mom was just in the picture
There are a lot of things I don't want to say because of spoilers and I'll be answering those kind of questions down the road. But to answer the question pretaining to Mary, they do indeed have some History as hinted.
Mary is actually the younger cousin of the short boat-stealing gangster.
It's why her dad went into law.
heh. that is a pretty interesting theory.
(I need to have at least one insane theory and one ship per comic chat. I think it's in my contract.)
puns are also in your contract math. although you already fulfilled that one.
mary's dad kind of spooks me. like hes a really domineering presence and idk if i want to believe hes good or bad.
Truth is, when I created Mary, she was developed as just the rich girl who presented herself as Ms. Perfect while also having the spoiled brat persona as well
Oh right. Well, those come naturally. I wonder if her dad is part orc.
That's one of many ways to describe that
Best way to describe him is that he's a Lawyer... a very wealthy lawyer.
Oh no, he's part Dutch lol
Incidentally, I kind of like that Kit's got both cat ears and human ears, it tends to be how I draw my characters too (even if mine are just headbands). But it does make me wonder how the curse might have rewired her brain to deal with the extra input.
Oooh, a flying dutch man.
all the dads just drink lots of milk
What about Doug.
to be fair if kit's cat ears are more sensitive than her human ones the extra input probably doesnt matter cause one would hear it better than the other anyway. at worst i imagine things just sound even louder XD
It's that special beer.
Maybe it's partly why Kat's so on edge at times.
mm, beer
Wait, what kind of beer we talkin
It's kind of a mix bag with it comes to her ears. Internally they do connect to her regular ears and she can hear through them, but only if she concentrates. Mostly they just act like a short range radar or a sixth sense. Something like spidey's spider sense.
Ah yes, I've notice some folks like our esteem adventurer. Others not so much
QUESTION 4. Besides the action, there is still a lot of slice-of-life material to be had in the comic as well. Do you think Kit will eventually tell Bia about her career? How do you think Bia will react to finding out about it? What challenges do you foresee awaiting Bia and Kit as their relationship continues to develop and secrets reveal themselves? Further, how do you see Kit balancing her school life in general with her job? Will she manage to maintain her grades and everything, or will things prove tougher than she expects? In terms of Kit’s regular life, what things are you hoping to see be explored in how she lives her day-to-day life? Lastly, are there any themes (like bullying) that caught your eye from the slice-of-life segments? What about them did you enjoy?
It's cool that youv'e thought about that.
Honestly, the bounty-hunters clashing, while not necessarily slice-of-life, felt realistic and added depth to the idea of the job. Also revealed how their methods are non-lethal. And was the first ship I considered.
Ah yes, I had a lot of folks doing a double take when I revealed her age.
unrelated to the current question, i really hope we get to see more bounty killers in the story just cause they cant all work out as well as buff elf chick. also id really like to get a feel for the age range cause its concerning the gov was like "nah a 13 year old bounty killer? thats fine"
That's a good point. Did she register under an assumed name?
Seconding Rebel.
Well due to Kit's size, she may or may not of lied about her age when she took the job
Also, I feel like the construction job field gets a lot of work in this universe. We only see Kitty's exploits but there have to be other incidents in the world as well.
Actually, magicians too must be a thing. And mimes.
Did not expect the mimes.
Their are plans to explore other parts of world. One in particular is the Bounty Pick Up units sent to pick up the bounties and make out the reports.
Yes, beware the mimes ^^
I will be exploring a lot more of the Magis and how the magic works as well.
Silent but deadly.
That short magic comic did a good job, I thought.
And I liked the money van guy critiquing the pun.
Hm Hm, well not everything can be a homerun for our little cat girl
yeah i really liked the short magic comic. cause it was funny and really did some good world-building
i also loved the cowboy bank robber
just cause he was a cowboy
and that was ridiculous
Oh yeah, forgot about him.
I wonder how Kitty practices her quick draws.
Where do they lock these guys up, anyway? Regular jails seem like they wouldn't be sufficient.
Yes, you don't see that many cowboys these days. But it was a perfect nod for one of the inspirations of the comic
Cowboys are fun.
Um, they go to regular prison and go through the same process as the law provides^^
Always love one with an appealing design when one shows up.
Very much so
what sort of lawyer is mary's dad?
How do you lock up an orc so that he doesn't just bend the bars?
He's a defense lawyer
He lawyers der fence.
ah so i can say maybe mary's dad defends all these criminals kit tries to send to jail.
It's a possibility and her dad is very much against the Bounty Killer and the Bounty Board in general
ooh, is that so(edited)
Circling back to Bia, it'd be amusing if someone in her family was also a bounty hunter. Kitty admits it and she's like, "oh, okay, I can see how you'd be good at that too".
just to talk a bit about the current question, i do feel its inevitable kit has to tell bia about her job. cause i mean...kit isnt the most undestructive. just takes one time of showing up burnt to a crisp to school to give it away. but i think bia is gonna take it better than kit thinks shell take it. cause tbf, if i was bia i would not be surprised.
tbf i kind of agree with mary's dad. they might be catching criminals, but holy shit that property damage
I feel like Bia might find out not through Kit though. Like maybe even via Kit's brother. Which could strain the relationship.(edited)
especially the property damage caused by the scientist
cause even if they have the money to fix it, it still takes time
Or magic.
Bia finding out Kit is a Bounty Killer is inevitable, and it might happen happen sooner than you think
it could strain their relationship too. though for some reason i feel for bia itd be more about the age thing than the danger thing if that makes sense. cause the career suits kit. just maybe not when kit is still 13, in school, and all that
'Cept her dad is okay with it.
I feel like I'd totally be that dad by the way. Who makes concessions. Then ends up in trouble with mom too.
It is going to a very unique exploring the relationship Kit and Bia have. In many ways, Bia will act more like the straight man of the relationship
Well Edward looks at it more like she's hunting game. expect the part of gutting it and cleaning it for food^^
i just want to say i really love kit's dad and i hope we get to see him more. he seems just so utterly likeable. like a gentle giant
Just want to give a shout-out to the school nun badass. Possibly like the opposite to dad.
He is indeed^^
Since the CTP is wrapping up in a bit, I'd like to wish @MoeAlmighty the best of luck with Kitty Kitty Bang Bang, it's got a great artstyle, story, and some good humor.
Oh right, pretty good stuff done with only black and white too.
Yes, Beatrice is indeed a beast^^
Thank you so much^^
You're welcome! ^^
yeah i loved the nun. especially her epic entrance and this page https://tapas.io/episode/1188530
like everything about that page is perfect
"Keeper of the Lunch Period"
God help the guilty
Probably a bumper sticker on her car.
I'm sure everyone here remembers that one teacher that kept everyone in check at lunch period
best bumper sticker ever
Kitty has some nice exclamations too.
Anyways, cya till next time, and thanks for dropping by @MoeAlmighty
Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to Moe, as well, for making Kitty Kitty Bang Bang. If you liked the comic, make sure to support Moe’s efforts however you’re able to~!
Read and Comment: https://tapas.io/series/kkbbcomic
Moe’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MoeAlmighty
Moe’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/theMoeAlmighty
0 notes
lorig11 · 7 years
More snippets from a possible new story
Here is a wee bit more of the new story.  This is the 2nd day for dog pick up for our Clexa.    If I keep this up, I won’t have to post the story on ao3.   And if you forget the other snippet, just go re-read on the blog.
Enjoy your “perk”, my 10 followers.  you may let me know your thoughts.
The next morning Lexa looked down at her ringing phone.  Ontari, this couldn’t be good.  “What’s up Ontari?”
“Lex, I woke up sick and dizzy.  No way I can drive today.”
Lexa, rubbed her forehead and sighed, employees, “ok, I’ll send Anya over to get your van, feel better.”
She hung up and dialed Anya.  “Hey, Ontari is sick, you’re gonna have to drive her route today.”
“Damn.  Ok, I”ll leave in a few.”
Lexa hung up.  Whelp, that meant she would have to do pickups again today.  So much for avoiding the doctor.  Maybe she wouldn’t be there, maybe the fiancé would be home instead.
When Lexa got to Clarke’s house, she tentatively rang the doorbell.  She knew it wasn’t going to be her day as Clarke answered the door while talking on the phone again, and waved her in.  Lexa stepped in and followed Clarke through the foyer, keeping her eye out for Oliver.  
“Hold on a sec, Miller,” Clarke pulled the phone away from her mouth and addressed Lexa, “you see him?  I lost track of him about an half hour ago.”
Lexa looked a little sideways at her, why couldn’t this woman keep track of her damn dog.  “I don’t see him, where was your last sighting,” she said a little sarcastically.  She noticed all the different things that were sitting up on top of tall furniture.  Seems he was a chewer.  She hid a smile.  She didn’t know why she found it funny that the dog was causing this woman so much angst, but she doubted Clarke would appreciate being laughed at, so she kept her smirk to herself.
Clarke pondered Lexa’s question.  She scrunched up her eyes and pursed her lips as she thought back to when she last saw him.
Lexa found this particular face a little cute, if a snobby surgeon could be cute.
“In the sunroom, he was in the sunroom.  I was working in there and then the phone rang, and I got up and walked into the kitchen, and, shit, my briefcase is in there.  Crap, Crap, yesterday he chewed my hospital badge.”  She took off running for the sun room.  
Lexa followed at a regular pace, still looking and listening for the dog.  She was already a little late because of Ontari, now this.  How could a dog go missing in a house?   She came upon the sunroom to find Clarke on her knees.
“Miller, I gotta call you back in a few.”   Clarke disconnected the call and started sifting through her briefcase.  “Well, here’s the badge, that’s safe, but I feel slobber, so I know he was in here.”  She looked up at the brunette and was instantly annoyed, why was she so calm?  Didn’t she know she was late for work, and why couldn’t she help find the dog?  She looked back down at her bag and noticed what was missing, her wallet.  “Shit, it’s my wallet.  He’s got my wallet.  Ooohhh.”  She let out a frustrated groan.   
“Where does he usually like to chew things up?  Dogs like to find a favorite spot to destroy things,” Lexa offered.   She exaggerated a little, just to fan the flames.
Clarke looked at her with the most pathetically sad face.  Lexa almost felt bad.  Almost.  “Not my wallet,” she said in a small voice.  “It’s got my license in there, and my credit cards.”  
Lexa thought she was gonna cry she sounded so forlorn.  “Well, maybe he’ll only chew the wallet first, and leave the other stuff alone.”
“I love that wallet.  It’s been with me for ten years.”
“Wow, that’s some longevity, don’t you ever open it?”
Clarke narrowed her eyes.  “Are you suggesting I’m cheap?  Is this because I think you charge too much for picking up a dog?  I’ll have you know that I am not cheap.”
“Your words, not mine,”  Lexa said as she left the sunroom and listened for dog chewing.  She made it to the bottom of the staircase, looked up, and saw a few credit cards littering the steps like bread crumbs.  “I think he’s upstairs,” she called out.  She didn’t want to go up alone, so she waited for Clarke.
Clarke came jogging out of the sunroom and joined her at the bottom of the steps, “crap, there’s my visa,” she said as she went up a couple steps and picked it up.  “Not chewed,” she said as she looked back at the brunette and raised it in the air victoriously.  She was drawing a blank on her name again.  Lena?  Or Lou? Lea?  No, Linda, right?
“Congrats on the visa, but I think Mister Mastercard has seen better days,” Lexa said, as she walked past Clarke and picked up two pieces of a credit card.
“I don’t use that one much.”  Clarke brushed past her and ran up the rest of the steps.  Lexa followed because she knew if the dog was found, Clarke was not going to be able to rescue her wallet.
“Found him!  Linda, in here,” Clarke called from one of the bedrooms.   
Lexa rolled her eyes and ignored the Linda thing.  She walked into what she guessed was a spare bedroom, which was bigger than her living room.  Clarke was looking under the bed, her ass sticking up in the air.  Not a bad view.  Now if she could just not talk.  Was that nice?  Probably  not.
“Here dog, come here buddy.  Bring mommy her wallet, c’mon, over here.”
Lexa got on her knees next to Clarke and looked under the bed.  Oliver was having a time of it with the wallet.  She reached under and pulled out Clarke’s driver’s license which must have fallen out before he snuggled up against the back wall.   It was none the worse for wear, she turned and went to hand it to Clarke, who was hyper focused on her slowly disintegrating wallet.  “Here,” Lexa said.
Clarke tore her eyes away from the dog and looked at her, really looked at this woman for the first time.  She didn’t realize she had green eyes until right now.  She stared for a second or two longer than necessary, she always found green eyes mesmerizing.   She shook her head a little to break the stare and reached out and took her license.  “Thank you.”  She stretched out and was now flat on her stomach looking at the dog, her head in her hand.   She turned to the woman  again, “guess my wallet is pretty much fucked.”
Lexa mimicked Clarke’s position.  “Seems that way.”
Clarke didn’t see much sympathy in those green eyes.  But they certainly were beautiful.  She again had to consciously break away from their pull.   She stared back at the dog.  She saw that he had sufficiently softened it enough to swallow half of it.  “Guess I’ll see that in the yard later.”
Lexa almost laughed out loud.  But she didn’t.  
“Come over here boy, doggie, c’mon boy, bring mommy the other half of her wallet.  Please dog.”
The name thing was driving Lexa nuts.  “His name is Oliver.  Say it with me, Oliver,” she said slowly.
Clarke heard the snarky tone, and gave the brunette a killer look.
Lexa was getting a kick out of antagonizing her, so she continued, she signed the name, “O, L, I, V, E, R.  Oliver.  Do you need me to write it down for you?”
Clarke raised one half of her lip and huffed at her.   She turned back towards Oliver, but not before she had noticed that this chick had really nice hands.  Elegant, long fingers. Green eyes and nice hands.  And how did she know sign language?  Was there more to her than just being a pompous ass?  Probably not.  She glanced back down at her hands.  Nice, neat nails.  Strong looking.  Clarke had a thing for hands.  Jesus Clarke, she thought, get a hold of yourself.  When was the last time she had sex with Finn?  She couldn’t even remember, but it might be time.
Lexa figured she’d tortured the doctor enough for one morning.  She reached into her pocket for a treat and cooed at Oliver, who immediately left the tasteless leather for a piece of chicken jerky.  She gently pulled him out from under the bed and stood up with him in her arms.
“Did you have treats the whole time?”
Lexa just looked down and nodded at Clarke who had rolled over on her side to look up at her now captured dog.
“So, you could have gotten him out of there before he ate my wallet?”
“Guess so,” Lexa admitted.
“Thanks a lot.  I think you owe me a wallet,” Clarke said as she got up and followed the woman out of the room.
Lexa ignored the wallet comment.  “As much as I’m enjoying this little adventure of ours, I’m really late now and I gotta get going.”
“You’re late?   You’re late for your dog thing?  I have surgery in a hour.”  Clarke followed her down the hallway.
Lexa turned around as she walked down the steps. “So you’re late trumps my late, is that what you’re saying?”
“Well, I think surgery is a little more important that walking a dog.”
“We all have schedules, Clarke, may I call you Clarke?  Or do you prefer Doctor Clarke?  Or Doctor Griffin, or world renown surgeon Clarke Griffin.”
Clarke got really huffy now.  She took a deep breath.   The nerve of this, this, what’s her name. “I’m just saying, you had treats, you could have ended all this ten minutes ago, and my wallet would be in one piece, not half under the bed and half buried in dog crap later.”
Lexa wandered into the kitchen to get the dog’s leash.  She attached it and put him on the ground. “Probably take three days for that wallet to make it’s way into your backyard.”  She started walking towards the front door.
Clarke was stumped on a comeback.  She just watched her walk the dog out the front door.
“Be back at five?  That good?” Lexa asked as she made her way off the porch.
“I might not be here.”
“Tragedy.  How do I get the dog back in the house?” Lexa asked as she kept walking.
“My boyfriend will be home.”
“You mean your fiancé?”
“That too.”
“Goodbye Clarke,” Lexa said as she continued to walk towards her van.
“Goodbye Lea,” Clarke called after her.  She knew that wasn’t her name.  But she decided that was going to be her thing.  She was gonna call her every name in the book from now on.  She was infuriated and slammed her front door shut.  “Aaahh.”  She walked back to get her stuff.  Now she was really going to be late.
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chronicroc · 7 years
Tagged by @lillpon. Thank you!
A. Age: Quite young.
B. Biggest Fear: I am terrified of blood. My own blood is fine, but watching other people have cuts (like, cuts in particular) will make me pass out.
C. Current Time: 8:04 am
D. Drink you last had: Root beer.
E. Everyday Starts With: I have no schedule whatsoever and I didn't realize this until now.
F. Favourite Song: I can't really decide. I like Queen quite a bit, overall I really like eighties music.
G. Ghosts are real?: Demons are, and they'll imitate ghosts, but ghosts of actual dead people aren't.
I. In love with?: Basically all of my friends. I'm probably way too clingy :P
J. Jealous Of?: Really tidy people.
K. Killed Someone?: Think about it, say I would, would never actually kill anyone because I am a huge softy.
L. Last Time You Cried?: Probably sometime last week because I hadn't been out of the house in five days.
M. Middle Name: Sofia
N. Number of Siblings?: Two sisters. One older, one younger.
O. One Wish?: That all my back problems would disappear.
P. Person I Last Texted?: My older sister.
Q. Questions You’re Always Asked?: Do you want to be a artist/author? I'm suuuuper quiet, I draw almost all the time, and when I write I write way more than necessary, so those are about the only things that a lot of people know about me. Which leads to the following small talk where I laugh at people who think I have an actual plan for the future.
R. Reasons To Smile?: My dog when she's hyper, the snow (with the following snow days), chicken fries.
S. Song Last Sang?: It was something from the Shrek soundtrack.
T. Time You Woke Up?: 7:33 am
U. Underwear Color?: Purple.
V. Vacation Destination?: Niagara Falls again, the Oregon coast, somewhere with good hiking.
W. Worst Habit?: Procrastinating. I had two weeks to finish four projects based off of to Kill a Mockingbird, but I put it all off and only finished that day, with the last one being done a class period before English.
Y. Your Favourite Food?: I love food so much, but my favorites are Pad Thai noodles, curry chicken, and goulash.
Z. Zodiac Sign?: Gemini.
I'm just gonna leave the tag open for anyone, because I think a lot of people have already done this. So it you haven't, have at it!
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Part 2
this is such a disappointing chapter im so sorry
ALSo I'm making this gender neutral
and for the sake of comedy you're gonna be short
Majority vote says A: Sure! Let's go
Y/N: Sure! I need new friends too lol
Jay: great!
Jay: oh, my friend just asked if she could come too :v
Y/N: that's fine, the more the merrier lol
Jay: I think you'll like her, she's pretty hyper
Jay: how tall are you?
Y/N: cha cha real smooth transition there bud
Jay: what
Y/N: 5'3...
Jay: see you're even basically the same height, you guys will get along great
Y/N: thanks
Y/N: where are we going?
"Ooh, does someone have a date??" You hear Vivian's voice from right behind you.
You spin around and almost smack her in the face. "I swear to god, I'm gonna murder you someday!"
She just laughs. "Am I wrong?"
"Oh? 'Cause normally when a guy asks you to go someplace with him, that's a date."
"He's bringing a friend too."
"And?? Your point?"
"Oh my fucking god-" You are this close to slapping her
She takes a look at your conversation. "Where are you guys even going? Ooh, you should go to Momotaro! They have the best boba! And lots of sweet cakes and stuff!"
"I- okay, that's actually not a bad idea," you mumble.
Jay: I don't know actually
Y/N: my friend just suggested Momotaro?
Jay: where's that?
Y/N: I don't actually know, but I'm sure we can find it
Y/N: probably
Y/N: if Google maps won't be a dick
Jay: Ann says she knows where it is
Y/N: Ann?
Jay: the friend
Y/N: ah
Y/N: 3:00 tomorrow?
Jay: 3:00 tomorrow
Y/N: oki see you then
You put down your phone face-down. "I just made plans with an almost complete stranger."
Vivian's already walking back to the couch to finish the movie. "Good for you."
"Can you at least be a little proud of me? You were really hyped about this like five seconds ago."
"I'm very proud internally." She then proceeds to ignore you and cuddle with Josie.
You mumble something incoherent under your breath then go to the kitchen in search of food. You find a bag of shredded cheese. "Good enough." You start eating the cheese straight out of the bag.
-time skip to tomorrow because let's face it, you ate the entire bag of cheese then went straight to sleep-
It's currently noon. Yet for some reason, you woke up at 6:00 with an unusual amount of energy. You couldn't go back to sleep so you went around the dorm doing stuff - mostly cleaning because it really needed it - careful to not wake up Vivian. When she did wake up (around 10), you took a shower. A rare morning shower.
So here you are. It's noon. That means food time.
"Y/N, is something wrong?" Vivian asks from the couch. She seems really tired despite having slept in.
"I'm honestly not quite sure myself." You're actually putting effort into lunch for once. Which basically just means you're adding stuff to your usual ramen.
"What do you mean??"
"I mean, I woke up at 6am and I have no idea why." You continue watching the eggs in the boiling water. Hard-boiled eggs with ramen. (it's really good)
"Come on, there's gotta be a reason."
"Pretty sure there isn't."
"Well I'm pretty sure there is. Ooooh, maybe it's your daaaaaate??" she says is a teasing tone.
"For the last fucking time Viv, it's not a date. Just three people going to some place that has food."
"No. Stop that."
You get one bowl from the cabinet. "You don't get any ramen then."
"That's bullying."
"What, gonna cry?"
You both laughed. You knew it was all in good fun.
You both had your lunch then you went to start getting ready for your little rendez-vous.
-timeskip brought to you by "god I hope this isn't too long of a chapter, what the hell is the choice gonna be"-
After getting mad at Google Maps several times, you're able to make it to Momotaro. When you walk in, you immediately see Jay sitting at a table with who you assume is Ann. She has short pink hair in pigtails - she fit right in to the decor.
"Oh, hey Y/N!" Jay calls out.
"Wh- oh hi!" You make your way over to their table. "Is this Ann?" you ask.
The girl speaks. "Yep, I'm Ann! Nice to meet you!" She gives you a warm smile.
You smile back. "Hi Ann!" You sit down.
You all talk pretty easily for a while before the waitress comes to get your order. You all order different things - only drinks though - before going back to your conversation. (I'M SO LAZY LMAO)
When your drinks arrive, you stay there for a while before deciding you want to walk around downtown instead. Jay leaves a 20 on the table and you all leave.
You all walk and talk for a really long time before Ann suddenly says, "guys it's literally 7pm. We've been out for four hours."
You all stop walking because holy shit, she's right.
"Shit you're right, Ann. I gotta go back to my dorm before my roommate gets suspicious," you say.
"Oh hey Y/N," Jay says, "can I add you to our group chat?"
"Sure!" you say, already starting to walk away. "Talk to you guys later!"
You walk in the direction of your dorm in the slowly darkening night. It's getting colder, too. Fucking winter.
Just as you start to round a corner, someone grabs you around the waist from behind.
What do you do?
A) Scream.
B) Try to get away - kick, fight, run, just get the hell out of their grasp.
C) Stay quiet. Just do what they ask.
Vote here! Voting will close Friday, Dec. 13
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mediawhorefics · 5 years
Oh you work so late omg! I'm a very curious person so I always have lots of questions. What's your job? Do you like it? Did you make friends easily in Scotland? Do you miss your home a lot? What of you miss the most abt it (not counting family/pets/friends)? And when u came back to visit where did you miss the most about Scotland ?
hi :)
i’m glad you’re curious because i def. need the distraction right now haha.
1. i work in a theatre so i almost always work nights, except a couple of matinees a week. i usher and do some light bar tending (which, as a non-drinker, has been quite the adjustment). i say light mostly because i don’t do cocktails and shit. it’s not really that kind of audience haha.
2.i absolutely LOVE my job in scotland. apart from 2/3 people i struggle with (there’s always gonna be a few 🤷🏻‍♀️) the team is amazing. it’s a super chill, artistic & queer environment which is just…. awesome compared to what i was doing in canada. and it’s a v flexible schedule which is what i wanted to be able to focus on my original writing, so that’s great. even though i could be more…. disciplined with it :/// (im trying tho!! lol)
3. did i make friends easily ? l o l. i was literally thinking about this recently and like… about how hard i am to have as a friend. i try not to hate on myself too much but yk. i’m a loner. and i’m shy. and i have anxiety which makes me a bit…. intense and hyper when i’m around people. so i look extroverted when im REALLY introverted. and i never want to look needy so im almost NEVER going to text first. like…. if you’re my friend and i’ve texted you first, i’m either super comfortable with you and you’re one of my bffs OR i really want us to be close and im making tremendous effort. so yeah. i was super worried about not being able to make friends in scotland. and tbh… i haven’t made a lot of friends? like…. i had one writing friend but she moved away. and now i’m slowly becoming outside of work friend with one of my coworkers which is great. but apart from that ? i’m friendly/acquaintances with mostly everyone at work but it doesn’t go beyond that. which is kinda the story of my life, really ?? idk… making friends has an adult is hard? maintaining friendships when your brain tells you your presence bothers people all the time is hard ?? but also…. being a loner and being introverted… i’m kind of okay with not having a lot of friends ? like… i like my own solitude most of the time? i don’t often feel lonely ? idk if it’s sad or not, but i’m happy doing shit by myself yk?? so yeah. it wasn’t that easy to make friends in scotland and i dont really have many and i’m kind of okay with? i’m so sorry i wrote you like…. a massive paragraph its just that it’s literally something that’s been on my mind because i’ve just come back to canada and it’s made me realise how i dont have a lot of friends back there either ? like. i cherish those i have so fucking much but… 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
4. is it weird to say i don’t miss home that much? i’m happier in scotland than i’ve been in a really long time. i adore it there. i don’t think i can rationalize it but i feel like i belong there ?? idk. i miss little things from home but going back kinda confirmed how much… this is home for me now. even though i won’t be able to stay.
5. what i miss the MOST about canada is 100% the food !!!! esp. junk food and snacks !!!! british food is ….. no comments. hahaha. i mean, not everything is bad ofc!! but yeah its like… comfort food stuff that i miss! and having more than like… 4/5 crisp options haha.
6. i missed the vibe!! and the weather!! and the accent !!! 💕💕 the freedom i feel in scotland !!! the wind !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the wind in edinburgh is my fav fav fav thing in the world. its so comforting to me.
anyway, thanks for asking me questions and distracting me. you are a gem ✨
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ichiban-no-jammu · 7 years
RULES: Repost and answer the questions, then tag at least 3 of your followers :)
I was tagged by: @the-damnedest-creature​​ !! thank you!! //;;w;//
I’m not gonna tag that many peeps because I’m not solely a J-rock blog and not many people that follow me are solely J-rock blogs either I think hehe but um mebbe @romanesque-moon​​ and @severemagazinementality​​ idk ignore this if you don’t want to do it of course but we’re mutuals so yeh !! ;u; go for it if you feel like it, sorry for taggin out of the blue ///v// I have hardly any J-rock fan followers to be honest I think /;;   ;))/
anywaaaaaays ヽ・ω・*/ノ
1. When and how did you get into j-rock?
jokesss it was animu as usual ahahahaa I was already listening to J-pop at the time like Arashi and Yuki Kajiura I also liked Perfume by that point too, around.. 2012..? somewhere around there ;w; I was 13 years old.
I actually can't remember who my first J-rock band I ever heard was ;;u ; I listened to a lot of anime intros and found a couple of artists from there....   the first J-rock song I ever heard was probably SID's Monochrome no Kissu huhuhu but I didn't actually listen to SID after that.....  ting is is that I was painfully weeby at the time, the typically cringey child that would more listen to ... random american pop songs that I found on amvs, and all the classics like cascada's everytime we touch and the 'numa numa song' ,,...... //////v/// and I listened to a LOT of Vocaloid, all of it, I was obcessed, it’s literally all I would listen to for a year or so ノω`*)ノ  I also found a finnish rock band called Indica through an amv and even bought one of their albums ;u; my music taste was a crazy mix of stuff I'd just found on Youtube really... I loved The Midnight Beast (reppin from uk) and I still do, Lemon Demon too.... and I downloaded official soundtracks from anime like Pandora Hearts and D.Gray Man and listened to those as well. I was also a big fan of Yugioh the abridged series and would listen to yugioh song parodies LittleKuriboh made ;; u ;
Only a small part of my music library was J-rock and J-pop at the time... but I think the first band that caught my attention was Buck-Tick, after I watched the anime xxxHolic somewhere in 2012. Then after watching Shiki a little later I recognised the same voice and looked kuchizuke up and was jammin, and for some reason I watched an interview with Aachan before getting distracted by that one video that everyone has seen of T.M singing dress with him, and listening to ABS instead because I knew them from the theme song to D.Gray man ///u// it was only until summer 2013 until I really found out who Buck-Tick actually was, I listened to as many singles as I could find and I fell in love with them in less than 24 hours hehe ´。• ᵕ •。` I actually didn't like rock music at all before then, b-t were the group that introduced me to being a rock music fan even though I still didn't like heavier sounds, like Gazette that my friend was into. Sometime later that year I listened to L'arc en Ciel for the first time too, I think I read about them in a magazine or something.. I can't remember //w// ((I bought the 'stay away' single at may mcm in 2014, my first J-rock cd :3c)) I still listened to a lot of J-pop during 2013 and Arashi had begun to dominate my life, so I didn't really get properly into J-rock and visual kei until early 2014 when I started listening to ancafe, because I'd heard of them from cosplayers on deviantart who had them in their ID section under music interests, and then subsequently finding out they were touring in europe :3c I was more partial to oshare and lighter pop-punk things around that time.. early days was LM.C and Alice Nine and Royz after that....
Kind of a long and patchy story (wow it’s really long why did I write so much I’m so sorry it’s so boring) but there isn't necessarily an exact moment I started listening to J-rock... only in the last year or so have I let Vkei fully consume my life so... back then it was only a side interest for me among all the other things ˊ꒳ˋ  from 2014 onwards I just found more and more bands as well as listening to a lot of johnny's and J-pop stuffs... >w> and the rest is historyyyy
2. List your current most favorite band(s).
bakuchikuuuuu forever and ever every moment of my waking life alwaysss till I dieeee //w/// and Dog in the PWO >:3 two very contrasting groups to say the leest but I have a wide breadth of faves hehe ;;w; I fell in love with Doggu super quickly and have been following them ever since, I've known them for a year now and they are 100% in my top 5 favourite bands ever ;u ; dems are my two main faves as it is right now but there are too many others to list that I have a lot of feelings for /;;w;//
Currently I also like listening to Hakujitsu no Yume... Pentagon are my children.... Piglow in Gloomy are really amazing also ;w;;
3. How many j-rock concerts have you been to? (If you haven’t been to any, which band would you like to see the most in the future?)
not many becos I am a baby and I have never travelled out of my home country to raibus ;;v; my first ever was Ancafe in 2014, when I was a weeby mess, and most recently Versailles in January 2017 :3c inbetween I’ve seen VAMPS (and alexandros) at a shared live @ ‘Japan Night’ which was a lil concert organised by HyperJapan, a convention here in uk ..can I count bands that I’ve seen at Hyper too..? ;;w; I’ll just count Vaniru because they were aight while Yuto and Leoniel lasted as a couple heheh >w>> and I also went to SuG’s raibu in 2015~
so that makes 6 i guess.. I am a bebe ;;
//come on Merry where u at with this europe tour??//
there are so so so many bands I wanna see live, and I would go to a couple more lives in London here and there but I always get attached to groups that are very Japan-based and that are very unlikely to make any overseas appearances ;v; and I don’t wanna spend a lot of monies on bands that I don’t know as well that occasionally visit //3///
4. Which j-rock band do you think is the most underrated?
Daizystripper o´ω`o   They used to be a more popular with western peeps but I think a lot of people stopped listening to them a while ago an might not even realise that they're still active and tings ;; v; their debut with Victor might make it a little difficult for international fans though eheh but I wish they still had the support they seemed to have~ so many good jams ;  u ;
And everyone from Planet Child Music records needs more recognition and to be invited to more events ///u//
5. Which j-rock band do you think is the most overrated?
If I had to I'd say Vamps hhhhuu I thought that they were v good up until recently ;;w; I dunno I feel like the couple of newer songs have lost their power and originality... and no matter what I'll always think L'arc are infinitely better but some people think not //vv/// Vamps are always over here and in other countries too, whereas L'arc I feel are neglected a lot with world tours and overseas promotion and stuff when they deserve more love than vamps ;3; I mean.. 25 years going strong //u/ why dis Hyde come back to uk without vamps this time hhhh
6. Who is your ultimate bias in j-rock? Optionally: Post your most favorite picture(s) of them.
ahhhhh .. Aachan got me from the start ;; ノノ*ФωФ ;;ノノ ノノ                            
7. What is your most treasured j-rock related memory?
Um.. not that much has happened to me personally that I can really mention hehe >w>
Hizaki calling me cute at Hyper's meet & greet last year was probably the best thing that's acc happened to me ;;;;w;;;;;; It was the end of the day and I looked like a wreck, Hizaki saw me as I came up for cheki and said 'kawaii~' ////w// best memory heckk I mean Hizaki---- being called cute by Hizaki ;;;;;u; why dis I do not deserve (and obvs taking cheki with him was part of that good memory too >w>)
An Cafe was my first live, and I'll always remember that my one of my favourite singles is 'My heart leaps for 'C'' and when they played it after the encore I went insane hehe ;;; u ; that was a treasured moment for me because it was kind of surreal like 'oh wow a band that I love is playing one of my favourite songs is this real??' and ... since I was an hyperactive 15 year-old that moment just made me really excited ;v; I was singing along (horribly) to every lyric and bouncing up and down like crazy and I would not let that feeling go for a while //w/ ah to be young again ~~
But SuG is probably the best raibu memory ever ever. they played a very very small venue in London and it was literally the most intimate thing imaginable, you could touch everyone and Takecchi almost hit his head a few times on the lights above him ;;u; and even though I was in like, three rows of people away from the front, Chiyu's hand grazed mine for a second and that was the most special moment ;;w; Shinpei leaned into the audience for a group hug and Yuji and Chiyu were high-fiving and ruffling people's hair ///;w;/ it was such a long farewell with everyone touching hands and patting heads and it felt so nice and close, I thought we were really lucky to get such an intimate show ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄  
8. How do you support and enjoy j-rock the most? Buying CDs? Going to lives? Just full on going to Japan for it?
I buy Cd's if I can for bando that I really love and want to support, and at lives I buy at least one peice of merch every time too :3c and I'm trying to get into a habit of buying Cure if bands I like are featured >u> I accidentally end up following e v e r y o n e on twitter and just scroll thru liking posts if that counts as 'support' ? :'3
9. How does your family feel about this hobby of yours?  
My parents don't really mind, I end up showing my mama photos and videos and she understands my hype at everyone I think hehe, and I play cd's often so my parents hear J-rock a lot but don't complain~ we all have our own music collections now it’s so cute 〃▽〃 I talk about J-rock a lot like, I just ramble on mostly to myself because I have no-one else to talk to in the house so ;;u; my parents don't really listen that closely but ye, they don't mind and they're glad I'm into something different I guess :'3c
10.What is the craziest j-rock fandom story that you have?
idk what j-rock 'fandom' story means exactly,,, like, you heard the story from the fandom or the story is about the actual fandom itself..? ;;w; well actually I guess this is both haha this is the only story that I have worth telling and I only heard it a couple weeks ago but ;//u.//
A friend of a friend has connections with Mejibray’s MiA, and he messages her and lots of other peeps I’d imagine as MiA prob does~ and on one occasion MiA was sent a cute little (I say little but) Intimate Image that the 1 and only Yohio took of his peen and decided to share it around so other people could enjoy it obvs >>>ww.>> and he sent it to said friend, nice one >;3ccc thank u for showing me too I feel very privileged, too many bants I was dying ahh ..//www//// why dis MiA why dis......... poor Yohio ;; v; u don’t need to send dick pics to impress your senpai, kids ;;  /////; poor little child ;u;;
---yyyyeee I’m so boring das literally all I have apart from the most mediocre things like being jealous of people that get to go to meet&greets and have fun encounters and peeps that actually manage to catch picks at lives etc //u..../// 
Thank you for reading ♡
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