#dolan twins x read
ghostiewriter · 1 year
The Dolan Twins really just revived from the dead huh
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ohtobeleah · 2 years
Enterprise // Jake Seresin
Chapter One: Confidence.
Chapter Summary: There’s a lesson here somewhere, but you aren’t ready to figure it out. Setting up a meeting with Jake ‘The Hangman’ Seresin to see if he would consider a merger is the last thing you knew your late father would want you to do.
Warnings: Jake Seresin x F!reader. Mafia/Gang related themes. Sexual tension. Age Gap. Mentions of guns.
Word Count: 3.4K
Author Note: So, if you originally read this in the Dolan Twins fandom way back in the day—shut the fuck up no you did not. I will deny deny deny….. This series will be updated once a week on Sundays
Masterlist | Chapter One | Chapter Two |
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The first time you met Jacob Seresin was at one of your fathers monthly meetings between himself and Jake's father. Carl ‘The Carver’ Seresin. He got his title from the carvings he’d leave on his enemies' faces. He’d slash them with a razor blade so deep that the scars left behind were undeniably noticeable and incredibly trademarkable. Meeting once a month became a common occurrence to make sure an all-out war didn’t ensue between the rival gangs. The Death Adders and the Katipo. Although bloodshed and violence were always an issue between members in the streets, as long as the two powerhouse men that ruled over all could remain on speaking terms, all was good in the city of Fitzroy.
You never attended your father's meetings with Carl Seresin and hoped you'd never have to, but the day you turned eighteen? Everything changed. You had already seen so much, been exposed to things out of this world unholy. The last thing you wanted to do was meet the man who caused your father so much strife, and his son. 
Jake though? He was always present, always standing right behind his father because he always knew that someday everything would be his. The day you arrived with your father he was completely shocked to see you in the study, sitting on the lounge all prim and proper like. The girl he’d heard so much about through his father was actually stunning, instantly having a soft spot for you the moment he saw you follow your father into the foyer when he was watching from the top floor of the staircase. You'd only briefly glanced up at him when you first arrived. Pretty white dress adorning your body, hair tucked back, neat and slick. 
“Hi.” Jake smiled as he held his hand out for you to shake before you quickly shot him a look of pure evil. “You lost sweetheart? This isn't normally a place where a pretty girl such as yourself would come willingly?” 
“Don’t try me.” You were quick to sneer. “I’ll kick your ass.” You knew what you and Jake were destined to be. Sworn rivals, enemies with common ground. There was no need for small talk, no need for niceties. 
“As if, a fucking girl dad?” Jake scoffed as the two men were settling into their chairs for the evening, both babysitting a glass of fine whiskey and watching their offspring interact for the first time. Keeping the two of you apart had been a part of their agreement, partly to keep you safeguarded until you were ready to start learning the ins and outs of your father's business. However, you'd already come to know more than enough throughout your childhood. “How the fuck are you meant to be my arch-rival?” Jake pulled at your hair, pulling you straight up from the lounge that you sat perched on quietly, Your father only scoffed, hoping you'd defend yourself against the man who was twelve years your senior. 
“Don’t!” You spat as you pulled yourself out of Jake's grip, He was a god damn adult and he was acting like a petulant child with a schoolyard crush. Your mother, prior to her passing, had always told you boys who teased were the ones with the biggest crushes, but this was just physical assault in your books. 
“Aw gonna cry to daddy are we?” Jake snickered before he pretended to cry as he whipped fake tears from his eyes just as your fist collided with his nose, sending blood rushing down around his mouth as he stumbled back in shock. Cupping his hand over his nose to catch the blood that poured out fast. 
“The fuck was that for!!”
“Don’t try me, Seresin you’ll only regret it” You hissed through gritted teeth as you walked over to stand behind your fathers chair who was smirking with delight that his little girl was a natural fighter, leaving a very much in pain Jake standing in the middle of the study. Completely dumbfounded. 
That was Jake Seresin's first encounter with the girl he’d chase after his entire life, his future wife. But what Jake didn’t know is that through the pain of his bloodied nose, your hand was broken and throbbing, but you could take the heat without showing a single sign of pain on your face as you stood tall behind your father–gripping at the back of his chair to push through the pain.
Because if you had learnt one thing about this lifestyle, it was that showing any sign of weakness in a world of men was not an option.
(Six Years Later- Present Day) 
Your father would be turning in his grave right now if he knew that this was the first plane, albeit, best plan, you could come up with. The mirror image of yourself that had been staring back at you for the better half of ten minutes looked entirely different to the person you thought you would become. This wasn't the life you wanted for yourself–but it was the only one you knew. Only one you had. Only one you'd ever get. 
“Suck it the fuck up.” You scoffed to yourself before you shook off all your second thoughts and existential dread. “No backing down.” Noone was going to give you a shoulder to cry on, so there were no reasons to cry in the first place, no reasons to feel anything. You fumbled fast to pack up the lipstick and pressed powder compact back into your clutch, ruffling your hair in the mirror as you studied the scars that littered your face from a lifetime of crime, dirty bidding and underground societal standards. “Live in clover, Widow, Live in frivolous clover.” Mumbling the words to yourself as you let out a deep sigh, hopefully this would work out in your favour, it would be a good change if it did. If this meeting worked out it would be considered a drastic change from the current trajectory the way things had been going for you as of late. Everything had gone tits up. You just needed one fucking win.
As the soft curls flowed freely over the expanse of your exposed shoulder, you couldn’t help but tremble at the thought of your next move, it was only for a split second, but you still held the door knob of the foyer bathroom for far longer than you should have. Mulling over if this was truly the right thing to be doing. Your father would fucking kill you if he knew exactly who you were running to for guidance and safety the second he was laid to rest. The dirt over his grave had barely lost its moisture, freshly laid before you were reaching out to organise a meeting with the rival Mafia Boss. Jacob ‘The Hangman” Seresin.
This could make or break your entire enterprise. The moment you realised your late father’s “enterprise” had become officially yours overnight, you lost whatever slither of innocence you had left, not that you had much left to lose in the first place. The harsh reality quickly set in that you were now the sole female Capofamiglia in all of Fitzroy. Not only that but you were only in your early fucking twenties. These two factors alone made you venerable, a walking goddamn target if there ever was one. You may as well shoot a beacon into the air for all your fathers enemies to swarm on you like hungry wolves because as you were guided up the stairs by two security guards that looked more like henchmen than respectable security detail, you knew they were all lying in wait for the right moment. 
And that moment could have very well have been now, as you walked right into the study that belonged to none other than Jake Seresin. 
You needed to act quickly, work smarter, “use your wits' ' as your pops would say. Fitzroy was dangerous territory, crime was a normality, violence occurred on the daily and despite your youth you had been exposed to the worst of the worst, having been your fathers only child, the sole erie to the enterprise he’d build upon after his father left him to carry it on. 
You knew proving your worth would be harder than just stepping up to take your father’s place, you needed to show every man in this city of Fitzroy just how much of a threat you could be if crossed, just as dangerous and just as malicious they could be. 
As of right now, your men looked weak at the leadership of such a young woman, they were dropping like flies, reaching out to rival mobs to cut deals with and jump ship. As far as you were concerned however, their loyalties lied with your father, not you. you’d spit on their graves quicker than you could blink if given the chance. Looking up from your shoes, you saw Jake sitting at his desk–he hadn’t bothered to look up from the laptop he was looking at. He’d heard the door open, heard his security mention your arrival, but he didn't seem to give a shit. Typical fucking Jake. 
Revenge lied deep behind your eyes, over the years you’d become nothing but a cold empty shell of the girl who just wanted love and compassion. Now? You were hopelessly devoted to a world of drugs, sex, money and power. 
“By all means, Don't let me interrupt.” You cleared your throat before raising a single brow at Jake as you crossed your arms over themselves, standing in the middle of his overly exuberant study. The dress you wore had been an odd choice for such a meeting, but then again you never got a chance to really dress up these days. It was just a simple black slip, heels to match. 
Jake didn't even blink as he reached for the handgun sitting pretty on top of his desk, his emerald eyes still glued to the screen as he scrolled–pulling the hammer back as he aimed it right at you. 
“I don't recall asking you to fucking speak.” Jake spat as he heard you move, following in his actions as you reached for the gun strapped to your thigh, pulling the hammer back as you trained it on his chest, a fatal shot. 
“Damn, we must have gone shopping at the same gun show Seresin.” You smirked, taking as few steps forward. “I don't believe you’d shoot a lady.” Jake still didn't bother to look your way, the longer it took to draw his attention off whatever he was looking at made you lapse in your own judgement. Perhaps coming here was a bad idea after all, a lesson to be learned. But you only knew of one man who could either help you rise to the top of Fitzroy’s criminal hierarchy or one who would happily watch you roll around with the dogs in the streets. Either way, The kingpin of Fitzroy, Jake ‘The Hangman” Seresin, was your only shot at power.
“No lady here, just a fucking pest.” Jake sneered as he finally turned his head to look at you, lowering his gun as you did, watching carefully as you lowered it to your side, index finger still looking rather trigger happy as it ghosted over the trigger. “To what do I owe the pleasure?” Jake grinned as he let his back rest against the back of his study chair, hands coming up to cup the back of his head. 
“You took some of my men, Hangman, that’s not very nice.” Jake could tell your voice was laced with venom, it damn near echoed out in Jake's enormous study, antique in style, he liked the mob style aesthetic. Jake just chuckled at you, shaking his head in reluctance to believe that's how this whole ordeal had gone. 
“I don’t recall taking any men, if anything they ran to me like petulant children when they clearly didn't get their way.” Jake was quick to defend himself as he rose from his seat, his hand resting on the oak of his desk as he leaned over. “The fuck are you doing here Y/n?” Jake had never been good with small talk. “Where's daddy? Why is he sending you to do his dirty work?” Jake had been expecting your father for his monthly meeting any day this past week, it wasn't like him to miss such a scheduled and routine meeting, even since Jake had taken charge. He could vividly remember sitting in on your fathers meetings when you were both just kids. Jake had always been much older than you, but he always had a thing for the way you never took any shit from anyone—including him. 
“Dead.” You caught the lump in your throat before it could even be detected by Jake, never faulting your tough exterior for a moment. “I thought you would have known by now, kept the funeral private though, just me.” You hadn’t gone parading your father's death around. The notice you’d sent Jake a week ago still sat unread in his emails. He’d seen your name pop up and barely paid enough thought to it that perhaps the email was of import. Looking at Jake with a spiteful eye—you knew he didn’t give a shit about your situation, your father’s death only meant one thing and one thing only—he was top dog now. 
“My condolences.” Jake looked up with pity plastered over his entire face, he did care. To an extent, he knew what it was like to be thrown into the ocean without a life jacket. When he’d lost his father, he thought he was ready to take over his fathers enterprise. It's all he’d ever grown up hearing. But he wasn’t, he leant though. He dealt with his demons until they consumed him whole. “Whatever will you do now? Fitzroy’s newest Capofamiglia?”
“I was hoping you’d share your secrets if you’re interested in a merger?” Fumbling with your dress, you placed your gun back in your garter. The rush of adrenaline had begun to fade as the cocky smirk you wore faded after no longer than five seconds  after having just come to the realisation that you were truly standing across the room from none other than the notorious Jake Seresin. The Hangman, how the fuck you weren’t dead by now was beyond you. “Unless you wanna sit back and watch me take over Fitzroy?” 
Jake sauntered out from behind his desk, eyeing you off as if what you asked was the dumbest thing he’d ever heard you say. Backing up slowly with your gaze trained on Jake, he stalked you down like prey until your back hit one of the many bookcases that lined his study. You brought your hand up to rest gently on top of your garter belt which once again held the handgun your late father had given you. You never should have lowered your weapon. 
Jake's walk was intimidating, his glare nothing but intense as he trapped you between himself and the bookcase now pressing into your back. The dark, navy-blue suit looked far too snug against his bulging body. With a shockingly evil smirk, Jake leaned in, trapping you between his arms as his hot breath made the tiny hairs on the back of your neck stand upright to attention. His deep, hypnotic voice filling his study.
“So, The Widow wants to know my secrets?” Jake cooed as he squished your cheeks together with his fingers and his thumb, forcing you to look at him. “How I run such a successful enterprise like this?” He paused, pressing a light kiss against your exposed collar bone, trailing his free hand down your torso, his thumb massaging your hip slightly before his hand continued down to aimlessly feel the gun resting against your supple skin. His head shot up to meet your eyes, a devilish grin upon his face as he dipped his hand inside your dress to pull the gun out, revealing it in all its glory, pressing it into your neck as you lifted your jaw high in an attempt to get away. “Fucking look at you, you pathetic pest of a thing.” Jake had been genuinely surprised when his assistance had told him you’d requested a meeting, you had always been his favourite play thing. But the dynamic had now changed, you were his rival? His equal. “You aren’t worth my fucking time you know that right?” 
“Still breathing aren't I? So I must be worth something.” You challenged as Jake cocked the hammer back, making you flinch as he held your head still. He could practically hear your heart beating out of your chest as he growled, gritting his teeth, clenching his jaw. But Jake didn't pull the trigger, he simply pushed himself away just to revel in the moment he had you near cowering. How did you ever think you could come into his office, step into his territory and ask him for a merger. What fucking bullshit. 
A slight gasp left your lips as you felt hopelessly defeated, watching Jake as he walked away dangerously slow, unloading the gun as he walked, pocketing the bullets before placing the now rendered useless gun on his desk before he dropped his hands back to rest against the oak. Still wearing a shockingly sinister smile.
“Well, there’s three-points you gotta consider to take on this sought of, enterprise. First, you need to pick your crew, they gotta have a range of skills and Do. As. They're. Told.” Jake pushed off his desk, sauntering back to meet you back against the bookcase, trapping you once again as his hand came to cup your chin lightly, looking up into his emerald eyes you couldn’t help but whimper quietly. Now weaponless. 
“Second” Jake growled, “Timing, they gotta be where you want them to be at precisely the moment you want them there, they get there too soon? and they’ll stick out like dog’s balls, get there too late and the whole thing's down shitter now isn’t it?” His lips were practically ghosting yours as he leaned down to meet your height. 
“Then there’s the all-important third element.” It was the hand that snaked itself around your throat that had you audibly hissing, it made Jakes slacks all the more tighter listening to the small whimpers you let escape as he constricted your airways–wanting to see just how far he could push you before you broke and pleaded mercy. “Someone's gotta be in control.” Jake didn't hate you, nor did he like you, but there was an affinity of some sort there that he couldn't deny. 
You'd always been the one who challenged him despite your youth, despite your inability to understand this was a man's world. You'd never make it on your own, Jake knew that, he knew that was the very reason why you were here. The second Jake had realised your father wasn't around–he knew why you’d come to him. He didn't have to ask nor did you have to say it, but he didn't have any intention of making this easy for you. 
“Someone’s gotta see the whole enterprise playing out like a general, directing his troops.” Jake let his hand dip from its grasp around your neck, lowering it slowly to rest against your hips, pulling you flush against him as his head still tilted slightly to meet your lips, not fully connecting his mouth with yours but close enough to make you crave his touch. “But pretty girl, the most import thing you need to run an enterprise like this, the thing I have by the fucking bucket load.” 
Jake met your gaze momentarily, searching your eyes for the very thing he hoped you’d give him, permission. Whispering one final word against your lips as his hands worked to pull up the silk of your dress to expose your legs, Jake ‘The Hangman’ Seresin smashed his lips roughly against yours as your arms flew up to wrap around his neck, feverously engulfed in his charm alone, you were screwed, the kingpin of Fitzroy now had you undeniably under his charismatic charm. Like he always had since you’d first met him all those years ago in your father's study. The one you were never allowed in, the one that wasn't supposed to ever be yours. But had ultimately become. 
Tags: @mishala005 @crazyunsexycool @a-serene-place-to-be @bradshawseresinbabe @dempy @multifandomfangirll @lanie-k @xcastawayherosx @aboutelijahhh @clancycucumber230 @agentrose17 @mizzzpink @phoenix1388 @avaleineandafryingpan @blindedbythelightt @emorychase @potato-girl99981 @jimstreetownsme @xoxabs88xox
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hotchs-second-wife · 2 months
DON'T BLAME ME || 4 || Jay Halstead x Thea Rhodes
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Synopsis: Theodosia Rhodes, the youngest daughter of a big-time Chicago CEO, needs a husband of her own choice before her father makes that decision for her. Jason Halstead, newly-made Intelligence detective, needs a wife to inherit his portion of his mother's inheritance.
Warnings: Allusion to smut, but nothing outright excluding sexual thoughts. Mentions of arson, kidnapping, murder, rape; allusion to childhood trauma, suicide, cancer-related death; descriptions of vehicular accidents including, but not limited to, car-on-car collision, car-on-truck, train; outright familial/parental pressure; portrayal of misogyny and misandry; Elli's speech downgrades and upgrades a lot because I'm not around kids 24/7 (thank god). Read ahead at your own risk.
The socialites I grew up with always were—and likely always would be—gossip mongers. When they weren't out spending Daddy Dear's money, they gossiped about the lives of others.
Half speculated Jay had gotten me pregnant, and to keep up Dolan Rhodes' public image, he married me so the child wouldn't be born out of wedlock. The other half suspected he was after my money—why else would a "no-good rat with nothing to show" marry into one of the most prominent businesses in Chicago?
Most Chicago socialites shared one braincell and smarts rarely worked in that one cell. Most, because I still had good friends from high school that were smarter to think I was pregnant, or my husband wanted my money. Especially a detective.
Jay was a kind man, better than half of high society's socialite boyfriends or fiancès. At least he had some decency to make it clear he didn't love me like a husband should, nor would he take advantage of the fact we were married to get into my pants.
"You know if I was him, I would've slept with you in an instant." Shay insisted, leaning against the back of the sofa as I scrolled through articles on my laptop. I'd originally been ordering new air masks for the team, but Shay wanted to snoop on the society I grew up in.
Gabby snorted, "you would've slept with Teddy even if you weren't married to her."
I had to agree with her. While I was into women, Shay was too close for me to think about a romantic relationship with, even just as friends-with-benefits. And considering we worked together, things would've ended awkwardly in the long run. We both knew that.
"Told you he was a good one." Gabby pointed at me. "Makes a good husband by the sound of it, and your family's alright with him. Your sister likes him, and your father hasn't said anything."
"Because he knows I'd just ignore him. As far as he's concerned, I'm in love with Jay." I snorted, turning back to my laptop. "Nothing beats a love match in high society."
Otis pointed at the articles popping up at the bottom of the website open. "You didn't say you're an heiress."
The last title piqued Cruz and Otis' interest, both nagging me to click on it. As we do, photos the press took from the wedding infiltrate the screen.
"The wedding Theodosia Rhodes and Jason Halstead has been the talk of Chicago lately, with many speculating that Detective Halstead married into the Rhodes family for a piece of the money. Why else would a Canaryville native marry one of the richest young women in Illinois?" Cruz read out loud.
"Because he needed a wife?" Gabby deadpanned.
Cruz continued. "Dolan Rhodes doesn't hire just anyone. Marrying the second child of CEO Cornelius Rhodes would certainly give Detective Halstead the jump into getting his own store.
And let's not forget the dramatic difference on childhoods between the married couple. Detective Halstead grew up with one older brother in Canaryville, while Lieutenant Rhodes grew up as the older of two twins with an older sister. Rhodes' mother died by suicide when she and her twin brother were only ten years old, and Halstead's mother passed when he was 23 and deployed."
"Of course, my mother is brought up again." I grunted, sitting back as Otis took my laptop.
"Detective Halstead is made out to be a loving husband, but would he be there if something happens to the lieutenant?"
"Like any of these pampered poodles would be there if something happened," I rolled my eyes, watching Mouch jump channels.
Most calls happened during the day—people were awake then, and more likely to get in trouble. So we had the night to ourselves.
Which, with firefighters, meant sleeping.
Unless you were a 20-something newly-married lieutenant with a pile of paperwork to do that should have been done when you were on your honeymoon, but wasn't.
I needed popcorn to get me through it, since having Pride and Prejudice playing on my computer required popcorn. I knew we had some left over from a few days ago, so I snatched it from the shelf and put it in the microwave.
"Rough night?" I heard Herrmann's voice ask from behind me. When I nodded, he continued. "How's the marriage going?"
"In all truth, Herrmann, I don't know how it's meant to go. I mean, my mom and father's marriage was pretty much so there'd be good-looking kids guaranteed and a smart heir to the company."
He raised an eyebrow with concern etched on his face. "Is that what you want?"
I shrugged. I didn't know. "Jay told Brooklyn he wanted an amicable partner and a fine marriage that his mother's lawyer would believe, just in case that it took forever for the will to be done. I just wanted my father off my back."
"Do you want a fine marriage, as Halstead calls it?"
"What's with all the questions, Herrmann?" I frowned, taking the popcorn bag out of the microwave and emptying it into a metal bowl.
"I just worry about you, kid. You know you and Gabby are like daughters to me." Herrmann sat with me at the round table. "I can tell something's bothering you, and it's a different look to just paperwork."
I sighed. "I don't know how to be a good wife, much less a good girlfriend. I broke up with Chief Jones' son purely because my father didn't like him being a firefighter."
"I think that break up was more than your father's opinion."
"I don't know what I'm doing, Chris." I stuffed a few popped kernels in my mouth. "I offered myself up for him to sleep with me on our honeymoon and he turned it down."
Herrmann gave me a sympathetic smile. "He's a good man for you, Teddy. He's not taking advantage of a situation he knows you don't know anything about." He grimaced briefly. "Cindy might have mentioned your lack of...preparedness of marriage."
"Gee wow. I love Cindy and all, but—wow."
"She was hoping he'd take it as you only wanting your father off your back and nothing else, and it worked." He excused. "He knows you're doing as well as you know how. I'm sure he'll say something if he wants more out of this arrangement of yours."
I offered him some of the warm popcorn. "Thanks, Herrmann. You have some good advice—some."
"I'll take it." Herrmann shrugged. "Finish that and get some rest, kiddo. Can't have our Lieutenant Rhodes falling asleep on a call."
"You and I both know I could never!"
I knew the apartment would be quiet without her home, but I didn't think it would be quiet enough to hear a feather drop. Especially with housekeepers around.
I couldn't help but call Brooke. I needed someone to talk to and staring at the roof was driving me crazy.
"It's 3-freaking-am. You better not tell me someone's been murdered, because that'll be Voight in half an hour." Brooke's voice hissed through the phone. She was a cranky one whenever she got woken up from her sleep.
According to Thea, that was all Severides. Including Brooke's niece, who slept near all day anyway. Severide was alright with me taking her for the 24 hours he and Thea were working, but so long as Brooke was around and Elizabeth had gone back to Brooke's after we spent time together.
"Is that Mommy's husband?" And to say that little girl loved me was an understatement. Thea had been cautious about introducing me to her so soon, but Elizabeth had delighted over the wedding, and Brooke had to stop her from running after Thea's car when we left for the cruise.
"Yes, say hi to Mr. Jay."
"Hi, Mr. Jay! Do you miss Mommy too?"
I laughed at her question. Not because it was an outrageous thing to think, but it was true. I slept in the same bed with Thea for three nights, and I was missing her. A large, quiet apartment was a lonely one. I was used to living in my own, but I guessed that expecting someone home soon was what made me uneasy.
"I do. Your mommy's fun to be around." I answered truthfully.
Elizabeth let out an agreeing hum. "Mommy is fun. She lets me dress up and do things Daddy won't let me do."
"That's because Daddy says no, and you go to Mommy and she can't say no to you." Brooke snorted, and I listened to their play tussle over the phone. "Thea says she's always wanted a daughter, so when she and Kelly met Elle at the hospital, she immediately offered to help raise her. When Claire met her, she'd mistaken Elle as her sister's baby.
"Apparently Elle looked like Thea when she was a baby." It made sense, she still looked like her mother. Even if Thea didn't give birth to her.
Brooke excused herself, putting her phone on her bedside table, as she took Elizabeth back to bed. When she came back, she was getting a call from Kelly and said goodnight.
So I went back to staring at the ceiling. Then I looked at the bookshelf, glancing over the book spines. I recognised a couple Thea had been reading last week, and there were a few gaps between the book sections. Of course, separated by genre because—as Thea put it—she's not a monster.
I remembered her tour she gave of the apartment, and her showing me the spot on the balcony I was absolutely not allowed to stand on at any given time because the wild birds that visited her claimed that is their spot and she usually left seed out in the mornings she had work.
I'll put some out when I wake up, so she doesn't have to worry about it when she gets home.
One of the other bedrooms—there were five—was turned into her office where, if she wasn't doing CFD paperwork, she was reviewing store reports or resumes for potential store employees. The other four were the master bedroom—hers—mine, Elizabeth's and a spare room. We'd briefly discussed it'd be our future child's room, but she promised she wasn't expecting anything right away.
"CFD Firehouse 51, Lieutenant Rhodes' office." The house phone blared, and I almost forgot it did that. I rolled over to answer the phone on the bedside table.
I was expecting it to be her assistant when I'd answered, but her voice was instantly recognisable. "Did I wake you up?"
"No, I haven't been able to sleep." I excused. "How's work?"
"It's the usual, kid up a tree or in a hole he dug himself." She let out a breathy laugh. Thea went quiet for a moment, "lost a vic earlier."
"I'm sorry, Thea. That's rough."
She hummed. "I figured if anyone understood, you would." I couldn't argue with that, even though if I had to be called in, it was too late. We talked about stuff like that. "We have an engagement party to attend next week, an old friend of mine from high school. Loose term."
"Do you want me to buy an engagement gift?"
"No, no, she's got everything she could ever want and if she didn't, she could just ask her fiancé for it anyway. Just wanted to make sure you knew." I'd imagined social events would be a key feature of this marriage, and Thea had told me as such, but I'd figured nonsensical, baseline events like charity fundraisers where we'd only run into a few people she knew through her father.
She knew the engaged couple, so I'd have to act like I know her more than I actually do.
Make Brooke write a list of everything she knew about Thea.
"You can just wear a dress shirt and pants with your work shoes if you want," she continued, sitting her phone up on the desk as she opened her laptop. "What colour shirts do you have?"
"Uh, blue, black, and white—the one I wore at the wedding."
She hummed, and seemed to scroll through a website on her laptop. "We'll go with the white—if you don't mind—and I'll see if I can find a dress to match."
"Don't you have a dress picked out?" I asked, and Thea explained couples matching was the bride-to-be's thing. And likely the theme of their wedding. "Do you need me to do anything else?"
"Act like you're in love with me. I don't know how hard it could be, but I'm sure you'll find out."
The firehouse bell rang, and Thea said goodbye before hanging up. Act like you love me.
If I needed to put on a show in front of rich people, I could at least embarrass myself in front of friends first.
Brooke liked the idea of taking Elizabeth to see her mom and dad after work, so I convinced the girls to come buy flowers for Thea. Elizabeth led the way, of course, pointing out that her mother loved pink flowers and we settled on roses.
"Do you like Mommy?" Elizabeth asked, as Brooke strapped her into her seat. "Daddy says he likes Mommy a lot, and I asked him why he didn't marry her, but he doesn't like her that much."
"Because your mom and dad are best friends, like Mr. Jay and I," Brooke reasoned. "They love each other just as much as they love you, but it's a different love than you're thinking of, Sweet pea."
"Mommy and Daddy are best friends?" She looked at me with her little brown eyes sparkling. "Are you and Mommy best friends?"
"Someday, maybe. But we are friends. I used to be with Aunt Gabby."
Elizabeth giggled, "Auntie Gabby is funny. That's why Mommy likes her so much. Do you still like Auntie Gabby?"
"She's a Severide, naturally curious." Brooke smiled, sitting in the driver's seat. She looked at her niece in the rearview, checking if she was ready to see her parents.
When we arrived at the firehouse, only a few of the crew were sprinkling out and I recognised a few from the wedding. Thea's team, if I remembered them correctly. Elizabeth bounced at my feet, waving at her mother's team who happily waved back, and Brooke scrolled through her messages.
"They always take the longest; doesn't bother Elli though." Brooke snorted, playing a video showing her niece. Before long, her little voice squealed as Kelly and Thea walked out the apparatus doors with Casey and Gabby in tow.
As she ran towards them, Thea crouched down and opened her arms. "Principessa! Do you come to pick us up with Auntie Brooke?"
"And Mr. Jay has something for you!"
"I don't think you were supposed to say that, Elle," Kelly laughed, playing with her hair as Thea held her. He smiled at Brooke and nodded at me in greeting as we stopped in front of them.
"Aren't they pretty, Mommy?" Elizabeth meant the flowers, but Thea kept staring at me.
Kelly slipped his daughter from her arms with a "Tedd, I'm not an expert with romantic gestures, but I think you're meant to say something."
"Thank you," she squeaked. With a cough, this quiet Thea faded away. "You didn't have to."
"You're my wife."
Gabby practically squealed with Shay—Elizabeth's godmother—behind her and she gave them a side glance.
"I don't think I can do a big grand gesture every time I pick you up, but I can at least bring you flowers in a colour you like." I reasoned. Husbands who liked their wives did romantic gestures for their wives all the time, right? Sure, Thea was a means to an end and so was I, but it didn't mean I shouldn't bring her flowers or make her breakfast when I could.
Thea smiled, letting out a breath, before pointing at her BMW parked in front of the house. "I drove here."
"That's fine, I'll take Kelly and Shay home," Brooke laughed, passing Elizabeth to me. "Since it's your 48 hours with Elli, I'm sure Kelly won't mind her being with you."
Kelly and Thea gave each other silent looks—one which likely said I'd be a dead man at some point—before he agreed. He said goodbye to Elizabeth, and waved a goodbye to me as well.
Elizabeth fiddled with my collar as we walked to Thea's car. "He'll get used to you being around Elli. We agreed it was up to her if you're in her life, and she wanted to meet you, so he's adjusting."
"I'm fine with him not wanting me around Elizabeth, I understand. I wouldn't want a man I barely know around our young daughter either." Our?! Why did I say our?! Why did I assume we'd have a daughter?
"Mr. Jay missed you last night, Mommy. I bet it was really cold at Mommy's House without you there." She looked at Thea from the back seat. "He called Auntie Brooke because he was lonely."
"Because he and Auntie Brooke are best friends, principessa."
The ride home was mostly quiet, the occasional mention of something random from Elizabeth in the backseat. When she asked for snacks, Thea reminded her that there were snacks at home.
Getting to the apartment was less of a hassle with her around, since Doorman Willy recognised her from a mile away. There wasn't any triple checking to make sure we lived in the apartment, and Elizabeth enjoyed her lollipop as we rode the elevator.
Thea let out a sigh of content as she dropped her bag beside the door in the entry, fumbling with her keys to hang them on a hook with T etched into the holder. She'd gotten a J put above my key hook once I'd gotten the spare key, and a new spare was being made for her to give Elizabeth in ten years.
"Jay will put a show for you, and I'll get some snacks ready, okay?" When she received a nod, Thea headed into the kitchen. The apartment wasn't overly big, the kitchen and living room being open, with three bedrooms on the main floor and a loft above the kitchen. A laundry room was across the corridor to Elizabeth's bedroom along with a bathroom between them. Thea's ensuite was between our bedrooms; mine would become the spare bedroom whenever someone outside of Firehouse 51 and the unit would come by, and we'd move some of my things like photos into her room.
Thea set down the snacks in front of Elizabeth. "I'm going to figure out some dresses for upcoming events. You're fine to watch Elli for a few minutes, right?"
"Mommy runway!" Her daughter cheered, holding a carrot stick in one hand and a cookie in the other.
"Okay, let Mommy pick out a few dresses and you and Jay can rate them."
Elizabeth wiggled up onto the sofa, patting the cushion beside hers and eagerly signalling for me to sit down. Her mother had skipped off to get into some dresses.
The first was a pink off-the-shoulder dress that reached her mid-thigh, with bubblegum-like sleeves connected over the chest. It complimented her skin tone well, and thanks to her morning runs and her job, her legs worked with the dress rather than against it.
"Pretty Mommy!" Elli clapped her hands together excitedly.
Thea thanked her, giving her a curtsy as well as the dress would allow.
"It looks beautiful on you." I agreed earnestly. There was no point in lying—especially since she was warming up to me—and even a toddler could see she was beautiful.
We continued Thea's fashion show before Elizabeth became sleepy and was put to bed. "She was probably keeping Brooklyn up all night," Thea laughed, making sure the bedroom door was fully closed. The in-house chef mastered away at lunch, as we settled on the sofa.
We decided on a movie to watch, and sat in silence. Nothing inherently big happened, and we swapped watching the movie to being on our phones occasionally. "I've got a new candidate," Thea grunted, slumping further into the sofa.
"I thought Casey got the candidates."
"I sometimes get the chiefs' kids or the captains' brothers. They'd rather their candidate family members get 'better' training from a 'higher' officer." Thea rolled her eyes. "It's a load of bull, but at least it gives us something to do. Someone new, as well. Chief Jones' kid."
Why'd that name sound familiar?
Thea nodded beside me, "yes, one of my exes' little sister. She's a total sweetheart, but I think having a chief for a dad and officers for brothers gets to her head a lot of the time."
"You'll knock her down a few pegs, and get her into shape." I tried to reassure her, but I don't think she wanted it as she kept looking at her phone. I just thanked God that I wasn't in-charge of anyone too, and continued watching the movie.
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sweetpascal · 2 months
7, 10, 16, 20, 22, 42, 45, 79, 86 ♡
ask game
oooo thank you for the lovely abundance of numbers, lea !! i'm so excited to answer them !! ☺️
7. tell us about the plot of the first fanfic you ever wrote.
oh my god, it's so embarrassing. i was 12 years old and i was obsessed with the Dolan twins. they were huge back then on vine and YouTube. i was using wattpad at the time. and the fic i created was "the dolan twins are my bullies" 😭 IT'S EMBARRASSING EVEN THINKING ABOUT IT. i was so new to writing, so my writing was fucking horrid (bad spelling, bad punctuation, horrible plots, etc.) and it got a few hundred thousand views. i refuse to read it again now that i'm almost 22 years old 😭
10. at what point in the process do you come up with titles, and how easy or hard is that for you?
funny enough, titles are the second biggest thing i struggle with in story-building (summaries are #1). i try to build around titles to get a feel of how i want the fic to go, but then i get so obsessive over trying to come up with a title that matches the energy and vibes i want to convey. like, it's extremely hard and exhausting. because also, the title won't match the plot and then the fic won't match the title, so it gets really messy. i WANT to try writing first and then creating the title after, but my friggin' brain won't let me use that technique 💔
16. where is your favorite place to write?
in a moving vehicle 🩷 i'm a huge lover of long rides, so the gentle rocking motions of the car/bus/train calms me down and puts me in a state of tranquility and creativity. also, being out in nature helps me shut my brain off and focus on what needs to be done. i usually write in bed, alone. i've soon realized that isolation is what negatively impacts my creative processes 🥺
20. what is your favorite trope to write?
oooooo, that's a tricky one. THERE'S SO MANY TROPES I LOVE TO WRITE AND WANT TO WRITE. enemies to lovers is just *chef's kiss* 😚🤌🏼 delicious. add in some angst and slow burn ??? that is top fucking TIER. a close second is definitely husband x wife fics. especially protective, guard dog husband fics. that's a good oomph.
22. describe your writing process from scratch to finish.
- develop inspiration from a song, gif, moodboard, movie scene, etc.
- write it down in the notes app
- listen to a playlist to create a vibe of whatever fic i want to write
- write a brief summary and warning tags i want to include in the fic (this helps me build around it)
- write one paragraph
- procrastinate for a few days
- go on pinterest and create a board for inspiration
- write the next few paragraphs until i reach mental exhaustion
- don't write for another few days
- procrastinate and talk about my fic ideas to my fiancé rather than sit and write
- write the next few paragraphs
- procrastinate for a few hours
- listen to music to get in the mood
- force myself to finish the last few paragraphs
- spend another hour rereading and editing
42. describe the aesthetic of a story in 5 words.
makes you want to dissociate :3
45. name three of your favorite fanfic writers.
it was so, so incredibly difficult to pick just three. just know that i had well over 15+ writers, but i narrowed it down to the three that inspired me to start writing for Pedro characters when i wiggled my way into the fandom 🩷
@joelsgreys ; @gutsby ; @pedgito
79. are you an over-writer, under-writer, or just-right-er?
IT ALL DEPENDS ON THE MOOD I'M IN. when i'm so excited about a new fic i want to write, i'm an over-writer. i go overboard and don't realize that i wrote well over 10k words. when i'm in a depressive, mentally exhausted state, i lose care in my writing and write just to write, not really enjoying myself, so that causes me to be an under-writer. i'm one or the other. there's no in between, unfortunately 😣
86. which season best matches the mood of your wip(s)?
[ just like that - day six - perv!stepdad!joel ] ; early fall when it's thunder-storming and insanely windy and dark outside.
[ the serpent and the crown - king!marcus acacius x concubine!reader ] ; late winter when there are blizzards and frostbite type of cold, but also sunny, warm, winter mornings.
[ lies a beating heart - part two of beneath the armor - husband!marcus acacius x wife!reader ] ; early summer with warm afternoons and cool, humid nights.
[ where do we go from here - grumpy!joel x sunshine!reader ] ; late spring with flowers in full bloom, birds chirping, and light rain while the sun is still out.
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TAGGED BY: @xx--savemysoul (( thank you :3 )) TAGGING: @brokenblondeprincess @lxvefrxmthextherside @x-brokencrowns @ask-thedepressedkidatthetable @savagecuhnt @pessimistics @daisyxmuses @interxstitial
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                                             ✧・゚   𝐃𝐀𝐒𝐇 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄.
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★  ⸻   THREE THINGS THEY LOVE: Inline Skating, Rain, Late Night Cinema Showings
★  ⸻   THREE THINGS THEY HATE. Being cold. She always wears a lot of layers and is very sensitive, really. She also doesn't like it to be alone for several hours. She gets very restless and seeks the company of others to avoid thinking that her brother abandoned her and keep her mind from spiraling. And last, people who get into her business and try to patronize her.
★  ⸻   THREE THINGS THEY NEED: A good balance between not being too dependent and too wayward whenever she pleases. Honestly, it drives her twin insane to deal with her. Also, she needs someone else than Casper to spend time with. A good friend would do wonders in so many ways. And last, Saffy needs to share more what's on her mind instead of expecting others to read her mind. I suppose that would also make her less snappy.
★  ⸻   THREE THINGS THEY WANT: She wants to feel confident and comfortable again going outside during the day. Also, getting rid of the demonic entity would be a nice thing as well. And that her brother does as she says.
★  ⸻   THREE THINGS THAT SCARE THEM: Being in a kitchen or getting near one. There's too much trauma related to it. Again, abandonment is a very big thing as well. And as a third thing, she's utterly afraid of what the entity does to her mind. She isn't scared of what she can do now, but rather if she's still herself or if the demonic force will take over.
★  ⸻   THREE THINGS THAT THRILL THEM: She's always been sneaking out at night with her friends and hunt for a secret graveyard party or concerts; another thing she really likes is driving fast with loud music. The last one would definitely be her job and spending time with Marky Dolan on the junkyard. She gets a little high from the risks of both.
★  ⸻   THREE FAVORITE FOODS: Saffron rarely eats normal anymore, so the first one would be fruit loops with milk - what's usually her go-to meal. Apart from that she also likes banana bread and pancakes with candy bacon.
★  ⸻   THREE FAVORITE SMELLS: Wet moss and earth, Vanilla, Aftershave for men.
★  ⸻   THREE FAVORITE HOLIDAYS: Halloween, New Year's Eve and Valentine's Day.
★  ⸻   THREE FAVORITE PEOPLE: Marky Dolan (Rachel and Rafe's brother), her twin brother Casper and the lady from next door who hands her down nice clothes.
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deluxedolans · 6 years
from the drabble list: 128 and/or 105 :) i prefer e but ur a gray girl so it's up to you!!! i love all your writing!!!!!
hiii baby patient anon! thank you for waiting for this fic :))) tbt to when I was a grayson girl…ahh memories to when I felt safe!! but now I’m v much in ethan’s lane and it’s quite fun down here, anywho.
thank you so much for sending in this drabble which is actually not really a drabble and it kind of evolved into a longer fic? anyway, i love you so much, babe, and hope you’re having a great night/day wherever you are💙💙💙 it literally still blows my mind that people wanna see my take on certain ideas/prompts.
I am currently not accepting any drabble requests at this time.
Prompt: 128, “Don’t touch me. We’re fighting.” & 105, “You can’t make up for it by giving me a tic-tac.”
Word Count: 3.7k 
A/N: So this is a part two to this blurb that I posted a few weeks ago! Both of these blurbs will be integrated into a full length fic that I’m currently writing (and which is taking an extremely long time to write so bare with me). I hope you guys enjoy and let me know what you think; love you all & I hope you’re having a good rest of your weekend :)))
ALSO, this blurb takes place in the same night as the last blurb. Additionally, the beginning of this blurb (the part written in italics) is the ending of the first blurb for a refresher/context. Sorry this author’s note is wicked long ahh.
“Guys, c’mon, let’s go! We’re gonna be tardy for the party–whoa.” Ethan’s mouth hung open at your appearance, he was truly stunned.
“That’s pretty much what I just said, bro! Doesn’t she look different?” Grayson said excitedly, his hands gesturing to you.
“Um, yeah she definitely looks different–so, you’re going out dressed like that?” Ethan asked flatly.
Your mouth fell open and your eyes narrowed at Ethan’s words, “you’re a real fucking asshole, you know that?” You pushed past Ethan and walked out the door, accidently slapping him in the chest with your purse as you walked by. You could feel your eyes well up in disapointment but you pushed the tears back, you did not spend all this time on your makeup just to have it ruined because Ethan was being a jerk.
Ethan stood there rooted to the ground, he did not mean to say that out loud.
“Way to go, genius. If you’re gonna act like a jealous douchebag, you at least need to let her know you like her first before you go off saying shit like that,” Grayson said shaking his head as he started walking out of the bathroom. “You’re gonna have to spend the rest of the night trying to make it up to her, you know that, right?”
“Yeah, yeah, I know, I fucked up,” Ethan mumbled as he followed his twin brother out of the bathroom, and walked towards the car.
You could feel your nerves kick into overdrive as you stood by the punch bowl of the house party with Grayson. Your senses were heightened; the combination of the mixed drink you were nursing, the rainbow strobe lights and the gaze of the cute boy across the room making you hyper-aware of your surroundings, your heart racing at all of the stimuli. 
 You and an incredibly attractive man, dressed as a boxer, had been eyeing each other from across the room for about a half an hour now, and you couldn’t tell if the butterflies in your stomach were ones of excitement or fear. Sure, you still had your crush on Ethan, and his words earlier definitely made you think twice, but he probably was A.) shocked that you were dressing like an actual girl for once, and B.) teasing you to get a rise out of you. You knew Ethan would never like you, you just weren’t his type; hell, you felt like you weren’t anyone’s type, but the way people were looking at you at this party most definitely had you feeling way more confident in your appearance …. or maybe that was just the vodka.
“Y/N, are you gonna talk to that guy over there or what?” Grayson asked. “You two have been staring at each other since we got here.” Your cheeks immediately burned with embarrassment.
“I have not been staring! I was … taking in the scenery,” you covered lamely, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. Grayson rolled his eyes; you were the worst with communicating with boys you liked, exhibit A being Ethan and exhibit B being right now.
“Mhm, sure whatever you say. I bet if I leave he’ll come over here.” Grayson’s eyebrows shot up mischievously, a wide grin decorating his mouth. Your stomach dropped; Grayson couldn’t leave, then you’d be alone.
“Wait, what? Stop, Gray, what if he actually comes over here!” You immediately turned away from the guy who had broken his gaze with you for probably the twentieth time that night, turning your back to face away from the crowd.
“Well, that’s kind of the point; he’d be a dumbass not to! C’mon, Y/N, you’re so pretty and funny; let yourself have some fun with a guy for once, alright? I’ll be right over there if it goes south and he needs a roundhouse kick to the throat,” Grayson said, putting a hand on your shoulder to reassure you.
You put a hand on his shoulder, mirroring his position, “You can’t leave me. I’m not mature enough for this … Or drunk enough, if I’m being honest.”
Suddenly Grayson stuck his arm out, pointing a finger into the sky, “Holy shit, Y/N, look at that!” Naturally, your body turned in alarm to see what Grayson was talking about. But sadly, by the time you turned around, Grayson had fled to the couch across the room. He flashed a thumbs up as you glared daggers at him for pulling such an idiotic trick. 
When you turned around, you were met with two crystal blue eyes and messy, sandy blonde hair; the boy from across the room finally worked up the nerve to greet you after almost an hour of stolen glances.
“Hey, nice robe,” Mystery Man commented, his head nodding towards the black silky fabric that adorned your body. You could feel yourself blush as you looked down at your outfit and then stole a peek at his own; his robe matching yours almost exactly.
“Wow, thanks, seems like that is a trend tonight, huh?” You internally cringed; you definitely sounded like you were trying too hard to be cute and flirty.
But, in spite of your self doubt, the boy smiled in response to your answer, “I guess so. I’m Evan,” the boy stuck his larger hand out,  engulfing your tiny one in a handshake.
“Nice to meet you, Evan, I’m Y/N,” you replied, a small smile gracing your face as you felt yourself relax a little more. You turned around for a brief moment to scoop some more punch out of the bowl and into your cup, praying that a little liquid courage would help you survive and (possibly thrive) within this conversation.
As Ethan jogged down the stairs, the colorful lights blinded him for a brief moment, blurring his vision. He couldn’t deny the fact that he was feeling good tonight; he had just won a game of pong upstairs and in spite of the many inquiries on his costume, once he had explained it most people got a kick out of it, claiming it was original when it was mainly laziness that created his get-up.
Before Ethan reached the bottom of the stairs, he did a quick scan for both you and Grayson. After a few moments he spotted Grayson sitting on the couch, his firefighter hat in his grip as he chatted casually to James.
“Hey, guys, what’s up?” Ethan greeted, plopping down on the couch besides James whose eyes practically bugged out of his head in surprise.
“Jesus, Ethan, you scared me.”
��No shit; it’s spooky season, sister,” Ethan replied, wiggling his fingers for dramatic effect. James rolled his eyes, “The only thing spooky here is your costume, what are you supposed to be again?”
“A douchebag!” Ethan’s hands indicated to his outfit proudly; his shirtless body was complimented by the fake gold chains that draped over his chest. In addition to the chains Ethan’s outfit was accessorized with a backwards black snapback and matching sunglasses and his legs clad with black joggers to complete the look.
James busted out laughing, “Only you would dress up as a douchebag for Halloween.”
Ethan smirked, “I know, it’s original huh?”
“Original? More like sister stupid. Aren’t you supposed to dress up as something other than yourself for Halloween?” James said through a laugh, slapping his knee at his own joke. As Ethan’s eyes narrowed, Grayson’s boisterous laugh rang out; he loved when James roasted Ethan.
“I fucking hate you guys.” James and Grayson’s laughs continued, eventually settling down as James got up.
“As fun as this has been, I see Luke Wilde looking very nice over there and he slid into my DMs a few weeks ago, so.” Ethan and Grayson nodded, watching James bound towards the tall, dark and handsome man in the corner.
Ethan sighed happily, leaning back into the couch, both of his arms splaying behind him. “So, man, you having a good time?”
“Yeah, I just got done dancing a bit ago and I’m taking a break, I finally got Ali’s number, though,” Grayson remarked, smirking. Ethan put his fist out to which Grayson bumped; Grayson had been trying to hang out with one of James’s editors, Ali, for months now, but just hadn’t developed the courage to ask.
“Nice, man! It’s about damn time.”
“Oh shut the fuck up, bro, we all know how much of a pussy you are about talking to girls,” Grayson shot back. Ethan crossed his arms, “I am not! Hey, I almost forgot, where’s Y/N?”
Grayson raised his eyebrows at his brother, his teeth coming together in slight fear. Ethan was about to be salty at the sight before him.
Grayson pointed across the room and Ethan’s gaze followed, his heart falling into his stomach at scene in front of him. You were leaning against the wall, holding a solo cup, smiling a huge, beautiful smile as you looked up at the guy in front of you. The guy you were talking with had a hand against the wall as he leaned over you, a solo cup in his own hand, and a smirk smeared across his lips in contrast to your innocent grin. Ethan was livid.
“What the fuck?” Ethan muttered, his eyes bulging out of his hand, and his hand crushing his cup. Ethan barely felt the cool liquid seep into the fabric of his joggers as he took off his sunglasses, stuffing them into his pockets in an attempt to make sure that his eyes weren’t deceiving him.
“Who the hell is that guy?” Ethan didn’t even look at Grayson as he asked the question, too afraid that if he turned away that you would either disappear from view, or worse, start kissing the dude.
Grayson shrugged, “I don’t know, to be honest. When we got here Y/N and I were talking over there together and that dude kept eyeing her, so I left and they’ve been talking ever since.”
Ethan’s head turned towards Grayson so fast he almost got whiplash, “You what? ” He hissed.
“I left them to talk together! Christ, Ethan, if you like her you have to tell her, you can’t just stare at her and pray to God she’s a mind-reader.”
“You can’t just leave her alone with that stranger! He could be a serial killer for all we know, Grayson.”
Grayson rolled his eyes so hard you could only see the whites of his eyes for a moment. “He is not a serial killer, stop being so dramatic.”
“Well, how would you know? Did you interview him before you left her with him?” Ethan’ cocked an eyebrow, his lips pursed together.
“I am not gonna interview every fuckin’ guy she talks to, Ethan, she’s a big girl she can handle herself.”
“Yeah, well, he’s looking at her like a piece of meat, Gray, just look at the guy!” Ethan’s hand flew out, gesturing wildly to the two of you. The boxer’s eyes were hooded as he talked to you, the alcohol most likely flowing through his veins, while you now stood with your hands clasped neatly in front of you as you told a story animatedly, your expression bright as you recounted your tale.
“Ethan, at least the dude is talking to her, if anything you’re the one looking at her like a piece of meat,” Grayson sassed, the reality of the situation still not reaching his brother.
“E, if you like her so much, just tell her already, bro. It’s so painfully obvious you have feelings, and I bet she feels the–.”
“I’m going over there, he’s definitely a serial killer,” Ethan interrupted, popping up from the couch and storming across the room, leaving his younger brother in the dust.
“Same way.” Grayson finished, sighing as he watched Ethan walk across the room towards you, anger pumping through Ethan’s body.
“Yeah! So I’m sprinting through campus holding all these books, I lost a shoe somewhere along the way and then–.”
Suddenly, Evan was pushed to the side as a strong body knocked into him; Evan’s drink falling to the floor, the thankfully basically empty cup clattering to the hardwood in all its plastic glory.
“Yo, what the hell man?” Evan whipped around, prepared to square up to the man who knocked into him, when he was met with someone a few inches taller than him and a few inches wider, causing him to shrink back.
“Sorry, bro, didn’t see you there. You okay, Y/N?” Ethan’s jaw was clenched tight as he gave you a tight smile. He was clearly irritated.
“Yeah, I’m fine, why wouldn’t I be?” You huffed, your arms crossing in annoyance. At your movement, Evan’s eyes couldn’t help but be drawn to your chest, as your arms perked up your breasts through the top of your robe. Ethan gave Evan side eye, his eyes narrowing as he noticed where Evan’s eyes had traveled. Ethan immediately punched Evan in the shoulder, Evan’s eyes widening in surprise and then narrowing in anger.
“Keep your eyes on her face, asshole,” Ethan commanded, his fists clenching in rage. Evan’s eyes lit up in anger, who the fuck did this guy think he was?
“Don’t fuckin’ touch me, man,” Evan snarled, pushing Ethan away from him aggressively. “You know this clown?” Evan pointed at Ethan. Your eyebrows shot up quickly, your voice suddenly caught at your throat; you hated confrontation.
“Uh–yeah, um, Evan, this is Ethan, Ethan this is–.”
“An asshole,” Ethan deadpanned, crossing his arms over his chest. Your mouth flew open; you couldn’t believe how downright rude he was being. “Ethan!” You exclaimed.
“I’m the asshole? You’re kidding me, right? Let’s get out of here, baby, what do you say? Seems like this jerk doesn’t know how to control himself in front of a pretty girl.” Ethan could feel his skin heating up at Evan’s words; deep down Ethan knew he didn’t have a right to be acting this way, but he couldn’t help it, his heart always winning out over his head.
“I’m good, actually, I came with Ethan and his brother–.” Evan then grabbed your hand at your words, interrupting your rejection.
Your face dropped at Evan’s sudden act of possession; everything had been fine up until this point, why couldn’t things ever go normally for you? You looked down at his hand gripping your own, your fingers limp in his grasp.
“Let’s go, Y/N,” Evan said, trying to tug you away from Ethan. You stayed put, your eyes wide with fear; fear of the man holding you, and fearful of what Ethan was about to do.
Ethan couldn’t contain himself any longer; he ripped Evan’s hand off of you and pushed the blonde away, his back hitting the wall harshly as he gripped the collar of his robe tight in his fist.
“Don’t you fuckin’ touch her, do you understand me?” Ethan’s fist shook he was holding onto Evan so tight. He slammed Evan into the wall again for good measure, his back hitting into it so hard Evan had the wind knocked out of him. Grayson started to run over as he saw the situation escalate in front of him, pushing past people just as Evan was bent over coughing.
“Ethan, what the fuck?” Grayson stood behind his brother, prepared to back him up, but also frustrated that his brother couldn’t just express his emotions rationally.
Ethan turned around, ignoring Grayson completely, as he looked you up and down in worry.
“Are you okay, Y/N?”
“You’re such a dick, you know that?” You snapped, glaring at Ethan as you pushed past him, your eyes tearing up in anger. Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry, you chanted to yourself as you made your way out of the party.
Ethan’s mouth fell open in shock, your reaction confusing him. He thought you would’ve been happy that he stepped in, saving you from that massive douchebag.
“What’s her problem?!” Ethan put his hands on his hips in bewilderment.
“What’s her problem? You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me. You practically insulted her outfit before we even got here, and now you randomly come in and intervene when she’s talking to a guy? She’s not the one with a problem, it’s you, bro.”
“He was grabbing her, did you see–.”
“Yeah, I saw, but before that. You were acting like such an asshole before that even happened. You can’t act all protective if you don’t tell her how you feel.”
Ethan rolled his eyes in irritation, knowing that his brother was partially right, however, it still didn’t make him like what Grayson had to say. Ethan stalked off after you before Grayson could say anything else, leaving the younger twin standing alone under the smokey haze and rainbow lights.
“Y/N, wait,” Ethan called as he grabbed your wrist, his voice ringing out loudly in the silent and cold October air.
“Don’t touch me. We’re fighting,” You snapped, ripping your wrist out of Ethan’s hand quickly. Ethan’s face fell at your actions and his heart hurt; he really hoped you wouldn’t be that upset.
“But why are we fighting? That guy was a total stranger, Y/N! He was grabbing you and looking down your robe and–.”
“And you were a stranger too at one point, E! And honestly, at least someone was appreciating my costume and not bitching at me saying shit like ‘you’re wearing that?’” Your voice dropped several octaves as you mimicked Ethan’s voice from earlier in the evening, your hands waving around wildly to emphasize your rage.
“Well excuse me for being a little concerned for how much skin you were showing! I mean, hell, the dude was practically having a conversation with your tits rather than your face.”
“How much skin I’m showing? You’re the one shirtless!” You admonished, your finger pushing against his chest.
Damn, she got me there, he thought to himself.
“And what are you supposed to be anyway?” Her head cocked to the side as she awaited his answer.
“A douchebag,” Ethan practically whispered, embarrassment consuming his voice.
“A what?” You asked again, not quite hearing his words.
“A douchebag,” Ethan said louder, his eyes looking at his sneakers in shame, now realizing that his costume fit his actions.
Your eyes widened in surprise and you cackled at the irony; Ethan dressing like a douchebag in an attempt to mock it, and then ending up being one throughout the night.
You pointed at him, “Aren’t you supposed to dress up as something different than yourself on Halloween?” Tears were streaming down your face at this point, the humor of this situation literally making you die of laughter.
“Okay, fuck off, James already said that,” Ethan chuckled.
After you calmed down a few seconds later, you and Ethan stood smiling at each other in a mutual understanding; at least he realized that he was being a dick.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I just didn’t know that guy and it pissed me off that Grayson left you alone with a total stranger. And then he was treating you like you were a–a– like a thing, and–.” You put your hand up, indicating that he stop. Your heart thumped at the possibility that Ethan could be jealous, but you knew that he was merely protecting you, only seeing you as a little sister.
“I get it, E. But you can’t just get all older brother on me whenever you feel like it … you’re not the boss of me.” Your heart stabbed with pain as you said those words, praying inside that Ethan would dispel them and say that you were more than a sister to him, that it hurt him seeing you with another guy.  
But Ethan didn’t.
Ethan’s heart sank at what you said; he fucking knew you’d never see him beyond the goofy brother role that he couldn’t seem to step out of no matter how hard he tried. “Um, yeah, well when some fucker grabs you forgive me for going a little psycho,” Ethan said flatly, taking his snapback off and readjusting it, needing to fiddle with something.
“Yeah, but before that, you were acting so–so upset. Why were you so upset that I was talking to that guy?”
“I told you he was a stranger,” Ethan looked off to the side, digging his shoe into the dirt.
“Yeah, but still–.” You started before a voice interrupted you.
“Hey, I’m gonna head out soon, is that cool?” Grayson yelled out from the porch, the music behind him thumping.
“I think I’m gonna stay a bit longer,” Ethan called back. “You wanna stay, or do you wanna go with Gray?” Ethan asked, his tone laced with hope that you’d wanna stay with him.
Grayson stood there patiently, waiting for your answer.
“I’m gonna stay with E and then we’ll uber back.” A wide grin spread across his face in victory; victory that he had a few hours of privacy with you without his brother’s judgemental eyes.
Grayson responded with a thumbs up as he slammed the door shut to the party, leaving you two alone yet again.
“So, wanna go dance? I might forgive you if you come dance with me!” Your eyebrows wiggled suggestively as you tugged your robe tightly around you as a breeze made its way through the air.
Ethan groaned, “Can’t we do something else in there? Here’s a tic-tac, will that make up for what a dick I was?” Ethan reached in his pocket, holding out the case of minty candy.
“Ethan Dolan, you can’t make up for it by giving me a tic-tac.” You giggled, pushing his shoulder as you walked back towards the house. Ethan smirked and pushed you back lightly, putting his hand on the small of your back as you walked up the stairs.
As you two walked back into the party together, you and Ethan both couldn’t help but internally sigh; yet another night where both of your feelings were brought to the surface and pushed down yet again by each of your own cowardice.
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impaladolan · 4 years
Capture - Grayson Dolan [2/-]
summary: after an unsuccessful attempt to escape, Y/N is in for more than she bargained..
warnings: lil bit of smut, swearing, and bdsm undertones
a/n: this is part TWO of this little series! check out part one before reading this!
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Your senses slowly began to settle back into you, and you finally realized just what kind of mess you were in..
Right after his bold exit, your exhaustion caught up to you and your eyes became as heavy a dumbbells. But when you awoke for the second time that evening, the situation truly hit you right in the noggin.
You were in a foreign place, that you were incredibly scared to even attempt an escape out of. The foggy memory of the stunning man that had entered the room, was becoming a false reality. Had you dreamt of him? Was he just a twisted piece of your imagination?
Surely not.
It seemed so utterly real that the nameless man had to be an actual human. And even that thought scared the absolute shit out of you. If he were to barge right through the same door, you wouldn't know how to even address him, let alone look at him. So you stayed hidden beneath the large comforter, softly shaking with fear as your eyes began to water. You were starting to miss things you never thought you could miss. Like the pumpkin-apple candle that you'd light from time to time, or your piano you love to play, to wake you up in the mornings and settle you down in the evenings. Hell, you were even beginning to miss your refrigerator that held all your favorite foods and drinks, and your spacious bathroom that you regularly took a soaking bubble bath in.
Oh god, a bathroom. Just at the mere thought, your bladder revolted and signaled it's everlasting need to be freed. But you were too scared. Though, you couldn't last much longer without accidentally pissing yourself, but that'd just make this dreadful day even worse. So with your fears in mind and the shaking of your body reminding you, you pushed back the covers and lifted yourself from the cushiony mattress, your toes curling at the frigid touch of the marble floors. You oddly looked left and right, in search of what could possibly be a hidden camera or worse— a person, but came short with nothing of the sort. You began your tip-toeing steps towards an open door that unmistakably led to the sacred toilet you were literally yearning for, and ever so softly shut the door, for at least a little privacy. It was an expensive looking bathroom with even more expensive looking appliances.
But without further examining you rush to the porcelain bowl and pull down your undergarment, quickly seating yourself and letting all the filtered tension go. A relieved sigh escaped your lips, but your asscheeks sure did feel sore.
Maybe it wasn't a dream..
You let your thoughts roam as you emptied your bladder and tore a piece of toilet paper from its roll and wiped, finishing with the click of the flushing button and directing yourself towards the sink. The women in the mirror caught your eye, though she looked oddly untouched. You thought you'd at least have a bruise or two fluttered across your arms or your face, but it appeared as though you were as good as new and unbothered. Whoever had kidnapped you didn't fully intend harm, but rather some other premeditated plan that you weren't truly sure of.
Though you felt somewhat at ease, your frightened thoughts lingered and you washed your hands quickly and tip-toed back to your aclaimed warm bed that you slightly missed the absence of. You could've gone for round three of sleeping that day, but yet again, to your dismay, the familiar sound of a door opening and closing kept your eyes open, and an unfamiliar scent glided into your nostrils and made your stomach growl profusely.
"Hungry, darling?" The same voice from your dreams questioned the air around you and just as before, you couldn't refrain from laying your eyes on him. He was undoubtably real, except this time he was fully clothed in a tucked white dress shirt and pants, a belt tightly wrapped around his waist. He was even dreamier than before with his hair all done up and his fingers clad with shiny rings that hadn't caught your eyes before. You drew your attention away and slowly nodded, bringing the large blanket up to shield yourself from his eyes. He set the platter down on the nightstand with what looked to be a sweet smile and grabbed a little portable table to set just above your thighs. He neatly settled the prepared food onto it and seated himself at the end of the bed, motioning his hand for you to begin.
You were hesitant to eat anything he could've made at first, but you were more scared of him becoming mad, so you gladly picked up your spoon and began to chew on the nice noodle soup, it's brothy flavor feeling nice on your throat. You almost whimpered at the taste when you finished your very first bite, your eyelids shutting and your head titled back in sensation. "Good?" His deep, softened voice brought you back to reality and your head was nodding before you could detest anything of it. "For how mouthy you were this morning, you sure haven't said much at all." His words struck true as you thought back to the prior events, his seething words and your snooty comments that arises the anger in him.
"Well, I'm sorry to inform you, but you had caught me in a moment of weakness and I will forever regret it. I was taken against my own free will, without the ability to even fight for my freedom, and you think it's fair to treat me like a whore who "deserves to be punished" and was in quite a drowsy state of mind. You're a sick bastard whether you've been told that or not." You seemingly growled at him, but he didn't seem to be angered, let alone offended. With all the stillness and subtleness in the world, he answered;
"Yes, it may have been a moment of weakness, Ms.
Y/L/N, but when was the last time that that pretty pussy of yours was touched, hm? How long has it been since you've came by someone else's hand, or cock perhaps? Darling, I may be a stranger to you, but you're no stranger to me." And with that, he left you stunned (and regrettably horny), all alone in the same room you've been trapped in for who knows how long? Ugh, it was so angering the way he could flip what you say into something far from being similar to anything you were trying to argue.
But he was right..
Yes, it's been a rough couple years in the dating life for you. Though, it never had to do with "supply of men" because here and there, you'd get a little flustered by a handsome man wondering if you'd like to get coffee sometime. But you'd always sweetly decline and carry on with your day. You were a focused, driven person that had their mind set on nothing else but your arising business endeavors. You simply didn't want to begin a relationship because you weren't fully ready to give so much attention to one thing while you were too focused on another.
And being honest, men are very clingy. And mysterious..
His final little statement about "You're no stranger to me" really confused you. Had you met him before? Was he from your hometown? It was truly a mystery. Who's to say he wasn't some sort of stalker whose been following you for the past five years? But that sounds absurd. Why would such a handsome, dreamy, sexy— a'hem, man want to have anything to do with you? Whatever it is, you weren't exactly mad about it. Because just like earlier, when you were hazy and half asleep, you felt the same tingling and flutters right down to your core. He was so smooth with his words, it's hard not to fall to your knees and become his beckon call. Fuck, anytime you laid eyes on him, your body begins to writhe with shudders, creating that pooling sensation where your core throbbed the worst. A large part of you couldn’t wait to see him tomorrow, throw some sly comments at him or even try escaping, anything to catch his attention.
So before drifting asleep, your mind raced with loose plans and tactics for tomorrow, when you’d awake in the same room for presumably the third or fourth time.
Go time.
Initially, you had planned to sneak out only to anger him, but now that you were thinking about it, why not at least try to escape the clutches of the room and run away, hopefully home if you could.
You were missing it so much already, though you’ve only been gone for approximately thirty-two hours (maybe). But you were becoming bored with the view of absolutely nothing except gray walls and the one large painting on the wall. It looked like a countryside, a barn with a red roof-top and white siding while trees decorated the entire area around it. It was an odd picture to be put in this room, it didn’t really match the minimalist vibe the entire rest of the proximity put off. But anyway, it felt weird getting out of bed and twisting the handle on the door, and to your satisfaction, it opened with a faint click and you were finally able to be freed of this room.
The even more so frigid air smacked you straight between the eyes the moment you fully opened the door, it made your eyes water slightly. Taking the very first step out of the room, you notice that the walls in the long hallway are a powder color, which brought a weird grin to your face.
Those gray walls just weren’t doing the trick.
You slowly begin to tip-toe to the right of the entryway, looking in every direction possible. You didn’t really know if he lives alone or with others, but you were banking on the possibilities that there were others in the nice, freezing home.
Why the fuck does he keep it so cold?
You continued your slow, padding steps until you came across another door-less room; the kitchen. Thankfully there was no one in the huge kitchen, and your stomach jolted to the smell of just another soup, you just couldn’t recognize it. You almost scavengered for a spoon, but the faint sound of shallow footsteps corrupted your hearing and you b-lined straight to a cabinet, that happened to be a pantry once you were enclosed inside. Before entering, the pairs of footsteps let out a few hoarse chuckles and cackles, ultimately placing them as men. From what you could see in the tiny, barely visible crack, you could for sure make out who was standing directly left to the cabinet you were stuck in; the panty-dropping hottie from earlier.
You were just praying to God that he wouldn’t find you.
You took every breath as carefully and slowly as possible, not moving a muscle as the two men conversed, though it was muffled and incomprehensible. After what seemed like hours, you swore you heard a few goodbyes and a loud door shut. You wanted to sprint out of the damn tight-knit cabinet and run for your dear life, but you slowly opened the door and breathed in a large breath once you were finally free of your slight claustrophobic fears.
“Better run, sweetheart.” His deep, distasteful voice scared the wits out of you, which made your instincts ignite the moment he took a step closer to you. Before you knew it, your feet were pacing back and forth in long strides as your arms pumped up and down, though your blanked mind came to a loss on the directions out of the house.
This was it.
There was no way you’d make it out of here. He was obviously much faster and actually knew the layout of his own house, while you, on the other hand, had no damn clue where the front door is. So your heart sank deep in your chest when you felt his warm, muscular arms wrap around the entirety of your waist before you hand could even grasp an unknown handle that you were violently reaching for.
“Think you’re fucking smart, princess?” He whispers in your ear, carrying you away, presumably to your prior settings while you helplessly let him. You didn’t even thrash against him, or even attempt a kick to his groin.
You just.. let him.
“Fuckin’ lucky I don’t tie you up and spank your ass until it’s numb again.” He murmurs to himself, dropping you off on the same bed you’ve been sleeping and awakening in whilst he shuts and locks the door too. Just his little comment to himself made your mouth water and your pussy clench. It was hard enough being in such a close proximity with him.
Once testing the door to see if it was locked properly, he turned back to look at you with a cold, lustful stare that had you aching all over yet again. For someone that you don’t even know their formal name, you sure did have the ‘hots’ for him. In a flash, his shirt was off and his pants were unbuckled, the heat arising in your cheeks as he strode over to you in his nakedness. “Knees. Now.” He points to the floor below him, watching with demanding eyes. You, of course, reacted before thinking. You were on your knees in seconds and had your hands wrapped around his increasingly large girth. You really hadn’t looked at it before, you were honestly terrified to. But now that it was right in front of you and your fist was slowly pumping it, you craved it.
“Since you haven’t been very nice to Daddy, you’re gonna have to give him a little sweet treat..” He caressed the top of your head, looking down upon the sight of you stroking him made his cock jump slightly. With your own eyes in him, you ran your tongue along the protruding, red vein of his cock, suctioning off his tip like it was a straw. He threw his head back with a pleasured sigh as your warm and thick muscle made his erection grow. With a few internal encouragements in your head, you let your mouth intake more, slowly edging its way to his public bone. What you hardly couldn’t fit, you let your fingers glide over. His sharp intakes of breaths and groans had your own self a mess, and you almost wanted to creep your own two ‘flimsy’ fingers down there and relieve it.
You let your hands travel to his constricting balls, fondling them with the slightest of touches. He squinted his eyes and held himself back from coming right then, but it was too late. For his thick, hot ribbons of cum released all the way down your throat and to your chin.
He didn’t last long..
It unusually tasted sweet, compared to others who seemed to be sour and gummy. Though he was done and physically drained, you continued slow motions, only quickening them by the second. Overstimulating has and will always be one of your favorite kinks. To see someone shaking and aching from their own sensitivity made you all the more horny and sexually-frustrated. But the overstrung man put an end to the real quick, pulling you to your feet and shoving you back onto the cushiony bed where your comfy gown rose and his intense stare darkened.
“Don’t you make one fucking sound..”
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baby-grayson · 4 years
Dirty Little Secret|Part 4.5
Summary: Scene where Felicity loses her virginity to Ethan. 
Tags: (this is the ending of the part that came out yesterday, I recognize not everyone reads smut so I have separated it)  @wheezeatmedolans​ @evergreendolan​ @graysonsdollface​ @imfeelindol​ @dolansficsandpics​ @prettyboydolan​ @voidmalfoy​ @blindedbythelightt​ @guiltydols @sunshineforgray
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Felicity bit her lip and took in a breath, which triggered a small amount of anxiety in Ethan. She looked around the room, trying to commit every detail to memory. Ethan had covered the cinderblock walls with framed pictures and memorabilia. He had even bought a small, fuzzy rug to go under his desk to mask the rotting floorboards in the room without windows. As dingy as it was, this was his first office: something he had been dreaming out for as long as he could remember. 
Felicity stopped and looked at one of his pictures. It was a blurry shot, taken on a manual camera of a young Ethan posing with a football helmet. She smiled and made a note to ask him about that later when they had a chance to chat. 
Ethan was still looking at her expectantly when she gathered up the courage to look him in the eye and say, “You have a condom?”
Ethan went dry at the mouth, stuttering and shaking himself to understand what she just asked, “Yeah-Yeah I…Yeah.” He furrowed his brow and took in her expectant look. “Um-“ he chuckled, “Sorry, I wasn’t expecting that.”
Felicity giggled nervously, “Sorry.” She looked down, letting her eyelashes fall on the cusps of her cheeks. She cleared her throat, trying to find the internal readiness necessary to embark on what would be her first voyage into womanhood. She drank in Ethan, trying to make a note of everything about him: what he was wearing, what he smelled like, the way his hair ruffled in a very specific way.
She was struck with the disappointing realization that she did not know how to start this. And so, she chose to think back to some of her most beloved romcoms and raunchy films.
She sat in his lap, straddling him as her skirt opened to let each of her thighs sit on the sides of him in his desk chair. Ethan chuckled, he even blushed a bit at how forward she was being. Ethan wrapped his large hands around her thighs, not stopping himself from cupping her ass and looking down as he lifted her skirt slightly.
He looked up at her and licked his lips, “You sure you want to do this?”
She cupped his face in her hands and gently brushed her thumb along his jawline. He was beautiful: regal and distinguished. She tilted her head to the side, noticing something soft about the dark colors in his brown eyes, “Yeah,” she nodded softly, “I want you.”
Ethan didn’t hesitate to make quick work of attaching his mouth to hers and interlocking their lips. His hands gripped her ass, squeezing her tight against his lap. He sucked her bottom lip into his mouth and bit on her gently.
She felt him grow hard against her and reached a hand down to touch him through his pants. She kept his kiss but was surprised at the mass under his zipper and realized that she didn’t exactly know what to do with it. She decided on resting her hand there and petting softly, but as he moved his tongue along her lip, she wondered if she was doing it right.
Ethan slipped one of his hands forward, away from her ass and finding the edge of her panties under her skirt. He was happy to find her already wet, so much so that he snuck a finger under the edge of her cotton fabric and he grinned when she broke off of his mouth to take in a sharp breath.
“You’re ready,” Ethan said lowly, trying to make a comment about her soaking core. Instead, the comment rang in Felicity’s ears like some existential approval that this was her moment.
She blushed and bit her lip, looking at him through her eyelashes, “Do you want to..” she didn’t know how to end the sentence.
Ethan nodded and pushed her off of his lip, letting her stand up while he reached for a condom in his wallet.
Felicity looked down at herself and wondered what to do. She started by slipping off of her panties from under her skirt, tossing them on the corner of Ethan’s desk behind her while he fished the Trojan out of his wallet. He unzipped his pants and Felicity looked down, wondering what to do with her hands while he slipped himself out. She decided that staring at the size of him would not help her look more experienced: so she distracted herself by pulling off her sweater and letting it fall to the ground. She stood in a baby pink bra, looking at him wide eyed while he gracefully slipped the latex over himself.
She cleared her throat, and then instantly regretting it: feeling awkward and out of place in this new experience. Ethan looked up at her, “Sorry,” he let his eyes dance around her figure, and he smirked.
She moved forward, straddling his lap again but hesitating from sitting down. Instead, he held his member up with one hand and let his other hand fall on the small of her back to lead her closer to him. Felicity passively let him steer her into place and closed her eyes and she leaned down to take him inside of her.
She closed her eyes and took in a breath, feeling a sting coming from her edges, feeling as if she was being ripped open as she lowered down on him. She hissed in a breath, but Ethan was too busy to notice, instead he threw his head back on the edge of his desk chair and moaned out, “Oh fuck- you’re so—fuck”
Felicity already felt out of breath by the time she reached his base, feeling her body throb beneath her. Ethan brought the hand that was at his base and moved it to sit on her thigh, taking a nice grip of her ass.
She swallowed and looked around at his desk: biting her lip and thinking too hard about her next move. She rested her hands on his shoulders and tried to remember the actions she had previously seen on screen when she raised herself back up, hissing at the pain, and dropped herself back onto his base. One. Two. Three. Four times.
Ethan took quick breaths, closing her eyes and feeling her syphon around his length. He would be lying if he pretended that the feeling of her weight dropping onto his thighs was pleasant. Instead of bothering her with his problems, he pressed his hands to her chest lightly and took her lips in his before saying, “Bend Over.”
Doggy style was a much better position for Felicity. She didn’t have to worry about where to put her hands or how to fix her rhythm so she landed gracefully. She bent over his desk, letting her ass fall as she positioned an arm under her head to take away the cold feeling of his metal desk. 
Ethan inserted himself and grinned at the sound of her moan, noticing how her shoulders rolled down when his balls hit her thighs. He used his hands to square her hips against the desk as he started the thrust in and out of her. Felicity felt something hot start to emanate from her center while Ethan pulled and pushed her against him. 
She started to miss his eyes: those kind brown eyes. She wanted his kind brown eyes to held assuage the sting of his sizable length finding its way inside of her. Before she knew it, something inside of her shattered into a thousand pieces that sent a heat from the tip of her toes all the way to her brain and engulfed her in something that felt like an out of body experience. Even when the knots in her core fell apart as she became a mixture of a moans and throbbing beneath him, she wanted to see the look on his face while he grunted and pushed her farther into his desk: sending pens and notebooks flying. 
Her only clue that Ethan was close to reaching his peak was when he moved his torso forward, hovering over her and taking shorter strokes that pressed against her cervix. His breath felt hot against her ear as she appreciated the warmth forming between her body and his. 
Something about the surrendering sound of his moan while he finished made her feel like an accomplished woman. If her pink cheeks could have blushed further when he lowered himself on her, taking a breather, they would have. She let one of her hands fall near Ethan’s and she wondered if he purposefully left his fingers close to hers. 
She felt butterflies when he lifted off of her and gave her the chance to stand up and face him. She leaned up to kiss him, something that caught him off guard. She didn’t notice his surprised look while she bent down to pick up her sweater and pull it over her. Ethan stepped to the trashcan and dropped the sloppy latex down while she grabbed her panties off from his desk and slipped them under her skirt. 
Ethan opened a desk drawer to find the panties she had left the day before, “You left there,” he passed them to her. She smirked and slipped them in her purse: feeling a prerogative to stop by his office more often than she already was. 
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ethanhes · 5 years
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“I don't want to fight you and I don't want to sleep in the dirt. we'll get the drinks in so I'll get to thinking of her (...) test of my patience there's things that we'll never know. you sunshine, you temptress, my hand's at risk, I fold. crisp trepidation I'll try to shake this soon, spreading you open is the only way of knowing you (...) we'll be a fine line we'll be alright.”
a special gifset to spaces by @persistence-ofmemories
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spookysanta · 5 years
our day. (kj apa) (intro & ch. 1)
Summary: KJ and (Y/N) have been dying to have a day just to themselves, but something nagging at the both of them causes things to be a bit more difficult. How will they get over this? 
Pairing: KJ Apa x Reader
WARNINGS: none, for now
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(pictured: curlybeviie on Instagram)
“Good-mornin', babes.” He mumbled gruffly in my ear at an ungodly hour, which was really about nine a.m.
“Morning,” I grumbled. I was never a morning person, and neither was he, but today I’m assuming he decided to be one on a whim. “too early to talk.”
“Well, just be awake enough to hear what I’m tellin you, yeah?” His New Zealand accent slurring his already hushed words as he shuffled his warmth away from me in the bed, and into our shared closet.
“Talk quick.”
“I’m headed to the gym, kay? I’ll be there until, like, noon.” He grunted, sliding on his sneakers over his socks after he took off his sleeping clothes and changed into workout wear. “Goin’ with Charles.”
“Mmk.” I replied, only half listening to what he was saying.
“And then, after that,” He knelt over my almost-asleep frame, pink lips hovering over my ear. “the day’s ours.”
I smiled to myself at the antics he and I would get up to—which was most likely sex and drinking alcohol like we usually do. “Yeah?” This was the most alert I’d been the entire duration of our conversation.
“Yeah.” He kissed the shell of my ear, then my cheek, then my jaw, then that sweet spot on my neck. “It’ll be a great day for us.”
I was wide awake now.
“A great day, indeed.” I opened my eyes and gazed at his features: black-orange hair in his face as he hovered over me, entrancing hazel eyes glinting with love and a hint of lust, plump lips that were aching to be kissed and bitten.
So I did. Pulling him to my mouth, I pecked his lips a few times before attempting to have him back in the bed. And, hopefully, in me.
“Bug,” He mumbled, groaning quietly to himself at my relentless actions. “baby, I have to go.”
“Nuh-uh.” I retorted. “I’m all the work out you need.”
“As true as that is, today’s leg day.” He kissed my brown forehead. “Be good. I love you.”
“Ugh. I love you too.” I didn’t necessarily get achieve the goal of getting him back into bed, but who’s to say he won’t be back in my bed later?
Or in my shower...
Or on my kitchen counter...
Or in his office...
Or in his car...
Wherever’s fine to me.
Chapter 1.
A sweaty, out of breath KJ emerged into our bedroom about three-and-a-half hours later, his light grey workout shirt now a dark charcoal grey from his sweat. His hair clung to his forehead, only moving the slightest bit when he bounded into our bedroom. “Hey, bug.”
I was out of the bed now; something in me’d told me to clean our bedroom and bathroom, so I (reluctantly) did so while he was gone. I’d showered and changed into some “cleaning clothes”, which was really just a pair of his old boxers and a tank top. “Hey, baby.” I kissed his lips reluctantly, because y’know.... sweat.
“What’s up? You been cleanin’?” He asked, going into our bathroom to shower. “Smells like bleach in here.”
“Good.” I muttered, continuing to fold his clothes that I washed. “It used to smell like your farts, so let’s compromise some, yes?”
He laughed his annoyingly cute and contagious laugh, a “shut up!” somewhere in there. “My farts aren’t that bad.”
“Keneti, seriously?” I retorted. “When we first started dating, you’d be driving us somewhere, fart, then lock the windows.”
He cackled out loud at the memory.
“I’m fully convinced that you were trying to kill me, Kenny.”
“Nah. Not yet.” He shook his head, turning the shower on. “We’re not married yet so I can’t get any of your life insurance policy.”
“Married...yet?” I asked in a hushed tone for clarification. “You want to marry me?”
He hadn’t heard me over the noise of the shower’s rain, closing the bathroom door and stepping into the shower, sliding the shower’s door shut.
Our breaths heaved heavily, me laying on his bare, sweaty chest. “You know I love you, right?” He panted. “With all my heart.”
“I love you, too, Kenny.” I looked at him with sleepy eyes even though it was about two-thirty. The smile that adorned his face was contagious. “With everything in me.”
“And, uh...” he ran a hand through his sweaty hair. “I really have been thinkin’ about us lately. Like, our future.”
“Oh, really?” I sat up a bit, leaning back on my arm for support. “What all have you been thinking?”
“Just.. w-would you ever want to get married?... Or have a couple kids?”
“With you?”
He chuckled with a sigh. “Nah. Well—I mean, maybe, but I meant in general.”
“Mm.” I pondered for a moment. Would I want to get married and have kids? Especially with KJ. I’m gonna be completely honest: I love him with all my heart and soul, but the arguing sometimes is hard to handle. Or when he’s off shooting a movie, could I handle myself here and make sure everything is running smoothly? Naturally, I can handle myself when he’s away now, but in the future, there could be children in this equation. “I think so.”
“You think so?”
“Why’s that?”
“I just feel like.. maybe I’m not equipped to be a wife or mother anytime soon.” I shrugged. “Maybe I’m not “wife material”.”
His bushy eyebrows furrowed in concern. “Seriously?” He asked. “You really don’t think you’re “wife material”?”
“Not really, no.”
He didn’t respond.
“It’s not that I don’t want to be a wife or mother, or both, I just feel like I’ve got so much going on that I wouldn’t be a good one.”
“Baby..” he muttered pitifully. “you’d be.. an amazing wife and mother.”
“But I hate kids.”
“Okay,” he chuckled. “I’m aware. But people’s mindsets about babies and kids can change. And, if you really don’t want kids, then we can get another dog.”
“That works, I think.”
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saturatedolan · 6 years
Temptress - Grayson Dolan (Part Two)
Read Temptress Part one here
WARNING: SMUT, age gap
Summary: Grayson and Y/N continue to desire each other from afar. Ever since their first sexual encounter, they just can’t seem to stop thinking about each other. It’s only a matter of time until their temptations completely consume them, leading them to do the greatest act of intimacy.
Word count: 8.4K
A/N: Hi! So here’s Temptress part two. Thank you guys so much for the love I received from part one, it was my frist attempt and i’m still shocked at how much attention it got. Anyway, hope you guys like this one, this is my second time posting it because the first time didn’t work out lol. 
If you haven’t read part one yet, the link is just below the title. 
“Goodbye, Y/N”
The two words walked across her mind as if she actually gave them permission to. To devour her brain into thinking such things. The small tremor of his throat to the tapping of the tongue invaded her head. Perhaps she could just think of something else, something that doesn’t concern the darkness of his eyes, his chocolate waves, his plump mouth and the way he says her name. But she simply couldn’t find room in her mind full of deep carnal desires. The innocence laced in his words were no match for her newly found cravings that consisted of her next door neighbor.
Once she left his house that scorching Tuesday afternoon she couldn’t help but imagine all the things his body could do to hers. She was itching to feel his mouth pressed on her again, to hear his voice whisper into her ear as he delivered a tsunami of pleasure to her core. Her purity had been completely tainted and she couldn’t believe it; how one man had so much power over her. She had him begging on her knees, begging to suck his throbbing cock right after he had just tasted her sweet juices. She was completely infatuated with Grayson, and he was completely under Y/N’s spell.
It had been about a week after her first ever sexual encounter with the god himself. She would often catch herself going off on a tangent and envisioning his sculpted body on top of hers, his long fingers inside the place she desired them the most. She was desperate for his touch again.
Oh, how Grayson wanted her to take all of him! As soon as she left him he knew he did something to her that day; he released a sort of sensuality about her. Of course, he denied Y/N from his cock. He could tell that she was never the type to give into sexual endeavors, but he somehow allowed her to feel liberated. One could only imagine the things that she would do for him and the things he would do for her; to make each other erupt into squirming messes.
Grayson had never really met someone like Y/N. She was the subject of his erotic fantasies. Hell, even the thought of her bright smile or her piercing eyes caused him to get aroused. It’s a shame that Grayson hadn’t touched her since that fateful day, he too was getting impatient. He would touch himself every night at the thought of her, letting the darkness consume his whole body.
“Fuck,” he let out a rough moan into the dimness of his room. His hand slid up and down his throbbing cock, going at a slow pace while picturing Y/N in his room waiting to please him. He used his thumb to swipe his reddened tip and disperse his precum onto the rest of his shaft. Grayson imagined her naked body lightly stepping towards him, her feet almost floating off the wood; her expression was needy, almost as if it was painful. He never had the chance to see her bare breasts but he was sure that they were magnificent. Perfect teardrops that fit rightfully in his hand where they belong.
“Y/N,” he couldn’t help but whisper her name as he began to pick up the pace. He went to glide his large had throughout his long member and imagined her tiny hand instead, touching him for the very first time. How she would feel every ridge and vein that he had for her. It was all for her.
His hair was now sticking to his forehead, perspiration building around his body in the humid summer evening. Moments passed where he would just get lost in the thought of her features, she the epitome of perfect to him. He was so detached from reality, putting his all into this both physically and conceptually. His naked body glistened against the midnight moon, creating a mouth-watering scene for Y/N and anyone who dared to paint the picture in their head.
His movements were fast now, his face contorting into a frown at the thought of her. His sticky, sweaty body heaving, his arm bulging and abs flexing as he released all over himself. All for her. His cum shot up as he kept pumping, almost feeling himself planting his seed all over her untouched channel. He was begging to see how it would trickle out of her as he pulled out, his own cum cascading down her tight little hole and onto the sheets.
He was flustered and out of breath. The thumping in his chest was almost out of control until his head shot up, hearing a high pitch squeal coming from house number three. He held his breath for a moment, so desperately wanting to hear it again.
Images of Y/N surged through his head, making his naked body jump up – still sticky with sweat and cum – to peer through his window, observing the beautiful greenness against the beams of the moon. His eyes scanned the house, noticing a light coming from the top left window, the curtain fluttering against the wind. Every muscle in his body tensed as he heard it again. The achingly delicious sounds of Y/N that he needed to hear so urgently. Her moans must have been loud considering he could hear her sweet little voice from his house.
Blood rushed to his cock as it twitched at the thought of her touching herself to him. He could easily imagine her delicate little fingers rubbing her pink clit until it she shattered into a million pieces.
Y/N was so close to the edge; she could feel the pleasure stream to her core as she imagined taking Grayson – all of him inside her. The warm light of her bedside lamp kept her looking angelic, a sort of glow radiating from her sweaty figure. She kept squirming while her body took her breath away, constantly trying to regulate it as best as she could. But her fun was interrupted once she heard a knock on her door, immediately cursing at herself for being so uncontrollably loud.
“Honey? You alright in there?” The sound of her mother’s voice echoed in her room, hearing the tone of genuine concern in her voice.
“Uh- Yes mother, everything’s fine!” She could’ve sworn that her parents were fast asleep already, but he thanked God that her parents allowed her to have a lock on the door. She couldn’t even imagine what her mother would do if she walked into the sight of her daughter’s exposed pink pussy, touching herself to the thought of the man next door. Y/N kept going though, keeping her fingers on her clit, circling it gently enough so she didn’t have the urge to squeal.
“Okay sweetheart, just don’t stay up too late. Remember, we have church tomorrow morning. Then we’re having the neighbors over for dinner so get some rest.” She spoke calmly, suspecting nothing but innocence going on at the other side of the door.
Y/N started to apply more pressure to her clit, vividly remembering Grayson’s thick fingers against her heat. “Neighbours?” She questioned, eyebrows arching. She would be lying if she said that that thought of getting caught didn’t turn her on.
“Yes, the Dolans. One of their boys stopped by a few days ago and thanked me for the fruit.”
Grayson Dolan. Her mind was feverishly conjuring up images of his perfectly sculpted physique. She couldn’t resist him any longer and she could combust with all the frustration!
“He’s such a lovely boy. He couldn’t stop talking about how delicious the fruits were – said they were utterly delightful,” she let out a light chuckle, “talked about how he enjoyed every last drop of their juices.” Y/N’s mother shook her head at the boy’s words, rather amused at how a boy could talk so highly about fruit.
Y/N could feel her fingers increase the rapid movements, aroused at the audacity of the man. How could he just have inexplicitly exchanged every detail of their intimacy to her own mother like that?
“Anyway, you need to get up early tomorrow, goodnight honey!” And with that, her mother turned away and walked back to her room, closing her door with a small creek.
Y/N was now shaking. The idea of Grayson relaying their filthy details made her whole body sweat, both adrenaline and pleasure coursing through her veins. She increased the speed of her fingers once again, wishing that Grayson were here to amplify her pleasure. The way his bicep would flex as he would rub her pussy, the swiftness of his fingers, how his abs would contract as he leaned over her. She focused on his so soft lips, how they stick to hers, sucking them and fondling them with his tongue. Just the thought of being around him, feeling the radiating attraction between them, made her cover her mouth and shut her eyes hard.
She was cumming, intensely, at the thought of the perfect man next door, resisting the urge to scream his name in hopes that he could hear her desire.
Y/N adjusted her dress, pulling it down slightly to hide the marks that Grayson had left for her. She was in pain. Her heart yearned for Grayson, and so did her pussy. It was a type of yearning that made her want him more each passing minute, yet she knew the longer the wait the better it would feel. She was almost contemplating just going over there and taking his cock, not caring about who saw them. It was a thought to appease a short term satisfaction but, truthfully, she was far too concerned that her parents would find out. An innocent girl lusting over the striking man next door would definitely be the last thing on their mind.
She opened the door, coming face to face with her fantasy. His hazel eyes gleaming as the porch light reflected on them. His face was scruffy, the dark stubble somehow made him look far more handsome – if that was even possible. His bright smile and tilted lips caused her to grin back at him, showing her pearly whites. How could a man like him cause such an eruption of lust and delightfulness in her stomach at the same time?
Grayson slightly chuckled as he watched her stare at him. She looked so beautiful tonight, her little dress covering just over half of her wonderful thighs which he knew belonged to him Her little grin caused his trousers to get tighter and he loved it. Grayson absolutely adored how everything Y/N did, no matter how innocent, would turn him on. Even the vivacity in her eyes made his throat hitch because he knew that he was the one to make her feel like this. It was a sort of trance for him, capturing her eyes almost made him let out a groan. He couldn’t help but think of the way her eyes followed every move of his long tongue on that sizzling summer day. But his little moment with his was disrupted as Y/N’s father came to greet him, a wide welcoming smile of his face.
Their families greeted each other with warm smiles, exchanging hellos and compliments about the delicious smell coming from the kitchen. Their eyes were still fixated on each other though. Every now and then Grayson would trail his hard eyes along her figure and his mouth would water. He had never wanted to take anyone so badly. Just the thought of her ripe cherry around his cock sent an electric vibration through his spine down to his cock. This was all he could think about. He was trying hard to keep his eyes off their only child, but it was proving more difficult as time passed.
Y/N’s pussy fluttered as their parents rambled on about the fruit again. She was starting to think that Grayson might have told every person in the neighborhood about the delightful flavours of her fruit. Mr. and Mrs. Dolan would insist on its fresh deliciousness, which perfectly described her aching core.
Their muffled words were hard to make out as her attention was completely focused of Grayson, but she could pick out adjectives such as ‘succulent’ and ‘ripe’ during her parent’s intense conversation about the farmer’s market across town. Grayson and Y/N tried hard to make their stares less obvious, but they failed completely. Their parents knew to sit them right next to each other on the dinner table, unable to differentiate between glances of pure lust and friendly infatuation. Their parents suspected nothing but an innocent little friendship blossoming. 
They caught them stealing glances at one another and grinning like a pair of old friends. Although, what they didn’t catch was Grayson’s creeping hand inching towards her dripping pussy right under the neatly decorated table. The fact that Y/N would twitch every so often completely flew over their heads. So they continued on chatting, discussing the very serious topic of popsicle recipes and the merriments of their sweltering summer days.
Grayson used his fingers to caress Y/N’s creamy thighs, edging his way to her drenched pussy that he so wanted to taste again. She let out a few quiet whimpers here and there, his large hand had hadn’t completely made contact on her willing core just yet. He was teasing her slowly, agonizingly trailing his fingertips up and down her thighs until he reached the hem of her underwear.  The thickness of his fingers invaded her soaked underwear as he felt the warmth radiating from the deep inside her.
Her eyes grew wide at his sudden movements. Pulses of electricity laced through her bones as she felt his heavy fingers trace along her lips, collecting her juices. It took her by surprise; how he just plunged his fingers in as if it were a casual thing to do. Her posture grew stiff and thankfully no one noticed apart from Grayson himself. He smirked to himself, knowing that his touch was far too tempting for her.
Peering down at her, he witnessed her eyes meet his and his pulse grew fast. Now it was her turn to notice the effect she had on him. Her wide eyes glimmered as she saw herself in the reflection of his hazel iris’. Grayson kept eye contact as he smoothed his fingers along her pussy to reach her clit, applying slight pressure which made her head slightly spin.
It wasn’t long until Y/N’s mother brought out her sweet-smelling peach pie, reminding Grayson about the sweet flavours of Y/N that still lingered on his tongue. He eyed the dessert as it was laid on the table. The thoughts of her sugary juices enabled him to rub her with more force, quickening his face on her pinkness. Y/N felt a frenzy of emotions flood her system as he increased his pace. It was only a matter of time until she would burst. She was so sensitive, and the fact that he hasn’t touched her for so long added to her frustration. But, unfortunately for her, he suddenly pulled his fingers out, leaving her with a frown on her face.
Grayson stopped on purpose, lifting his fingers up from under the table. The thickness of his fingers were still covered in her wetness as he used them to dip into the whipped cream which sat on top of the dessert. He lifted his fingers to his mouth and tasted the sweetness with her juices lingering with the frothy cream. He sucked until there were no remains left.
Her heart skipped a beat at the sight of his hollowed cheeks with the plumpness of his lips. She was dripping again, her wetness almost leaking out of her underwear and tricking down onto her seat.
“Mmm.” Grayson let out a rough growl at her before picking up his fork and devouring the sweetness placed in front of him, keeping his eyes on her the whole time to make sure she was watching the movements of his mouth.
They were alone now. Grayson’s parents decided to show off their extensive recipe book collection and invited Y/N’s parents over, leaving their children to clean up and ‘get to know each other’ as Mrs. Dolan suggested. Little did they know, they’ve been more intimate with one another than any of their parents supposed.
“Here,” Grayson passed her the last of the utensils and she grabbed them, washing them and rinsing the suds off.
Y/N’s breath hitched as she felt his hands attach themselves to her waist, his head nuzzled up in her neck.
“You always smell so…” He trailed off, thinking of the perfect word to describe her. “Tempting”, he said as he took in another breath of her scent.
“Tempting?” She arched her eyebrow as she continued to lather up the last few utensils. She tried to act unfazed yet he could feel her heart beating rapidly against his chest.
“Yeah,” he bit her ear, causing a light moan to escape her lips, “you smelt so sweet,” he placed a kiss just under her ear, “it took me all the strength in my body to resist taking you on the table”. He sucked softly on her skin only to detach them again. “Right in front of your parents.”
This caused her stomach to erupt with hundreds of butterflies. She spun around, dropping the spoons in her hands straight away. Her face was so close to his gorgeous features. They took this moment to observe their eyes, slowly darkening as the seconds passed.
She bought her lips to touch his pink ones, gently exchanging a passionate kiss which lit a fire in both their cores. The slight smacking sounds of their lips made Greyson’s bulge grow. Then she opened her mouth, allowing his tongue to enter her again. It was a slow kiss, emptying out their desires just by one small action.
Y/N was the first to make a move; gliding her delicate hands over his rock hard chest, touching his torso and to his rock hard budge. She palmed him through the thick material of his trousers, surprising herself with how forward she was being. He felt so big in her petite hand and it made her drip.
He let out a groan of pleasure, the innocent girl was no longer there as he detached their lips and stared down at her peering eyes. He swore that he could see swirls in her eyes, almost as if she was hypnotising him. Her lips tilted upwards as she grabbed his neck and crashed their lips together, hunger evident in their mouths.
Grayson entered his tongue into her mouth, tasting the lingering sweetness of the dessert. He used his lips to suck on her tongue slightly, letting out a rough rasp.
The tender hands which held his cock applied more pressure, palming him more roughly and making his labored breaths escape with a groan. She used her fingers to undo his belt and the clanking of the metal buckles cause him to pull away.
“Please, Grayson,” she cut him off quickly, “I want you in my mouth. I want to taste you.”
He stayed silent, stunned at what just came out of his innocent little temptress’ mouth. She was batting her eyelashes, looking as pure as ever. She looked as if she had a heart of gold, the most chaste looking girl with the filthiest mind. It was some sort of sexual awakening for her; ever since that afternoon spent with Grayson all she could think about was how he tasted, how he would feel wrapped around her hot mouth.
“Don’t you want to,” she paused, finding the right words to say, “feel my lips around you?” He could tell that she was new to this but he didn’t mind one bit. It turned him on so much just hearing her voice all needy.  
Their eyes met again and he couldn’t resist his temptress much longer as he became speechless. Grayson groaned as he watched her unbutton his trousers and pull them down, exposing his hard cock strained against his black Calvin Kleins. The wetness in her panties leaked down her thighs at the sight of him. She could tell that he’s been waiting for this. For her to finally touch him where he needed her most.
Grayson grabbed her chin and lifted her lips to meet his one last time before she went down again. The kiss was wet and sloppy, the sounds of smacking and sucking disturbed the still silence in the kitchen.
Y/N didn’t waste any time, using her fingers to hook into the elastic of his boxers and swiftly pull it down. His cock sprang free and it grazed her nose slightly, causing his lips to part at the tiny touch.
She was on her knees now, just staring at him. Her mouth was watering at the sight of his long heavy cock. She was so desperate to lick it but she was so entranced with how it looked. So pink, the tip almost red with drops of precum leaking from it.
“Come on Y/N, I want to feel myself down your tight little throat.” His voice was oozing sexiness. It was so hoarse and low which urged her to grab his thickness, pumping it slowly. She could feel every detail of his cock, from his velvety skin to the ridges of his veins. Her thumb went up to the tip to spread his precum over the tip and she could hear his breaths speeding up. She licked her lips, spitting into her hand, smearing it up and down his cock.
“Where the fuck did you learn that from?” He was surprised; he never thought a girl like her would know what to do.
“Watching... stuff.” A genuine smile caused her lips to tilt and look up at him. He was trying extremely hard to restrain himself and she could feel his desperation emitting from his labored breaths.
Y/N had watched filth for the first time after Grayson made her squirt. She couldn’t help it. She became so frustrated yet she found that she came her hardest purely from the thought of him. This young lady didn’t need the sights of other people fucking to satisfy her. She quickly realised this as she let out a scream of ecstasy one night, simply from the thought of his fingers.
“I never knew my girl was so dirty,” yet he recognised that there was some kind of carnal quality about Y/N. Something that caused his mind to wonder too many times during the day.
He wasn’t expecting it when he felt her wet tongue make contact with his cock. She was tracing it along one of his prominent veins, going from the base making her way to the tip. She could feel it pulsing on the surface of her tongue as she trailed it upwards. She licked the precum off from his slit and kissed it tenderly. He let out an animalistic growl at the feeling of her soft lips on his cock. He almost came on her face when she did that.
Slipping her tongue out of her mouth, she wrapped her lips around his eager looking tip. The taste of his cock made her taste buds tingle and her eyes to widen. He tasted salty yet there was a small undertone of sweetness which lingered on her lips. She used her hand to pump the rest of his length as she began to take more and more of him into her mouth. His cock was still sticky from her spit and she loved how it felt so smoothly against her palm.
She had been dreaming of this; wondering what it would be like for him to fill her desperate little mouth. It was a kind of satisfaction she needed, not exactly for her, but for him. She craved to feel his seed shoot through her throat.
“Y/N,” was all that escaped Grayson’s parted lips as he felt her go deeper, taking almost half of him already.
She was pleased to see him like this. It gave her great pleasure to see this man writhe because of her. She smiled against his cock and he felt her lips tilt and he looked down at the beautiful sight before him. Her eyes were peering up at him, the light reflecting off them and they looked almost glossy, filling with tears of pleasure. Her lips were wrapped tightly around him as if she were used to it and her hands pumped him as if she knew what kind of effect she had on him. She smiled once again at him, increasing the speed of her hand and shoved his length deeper into her.
It was when he felt his tip hit the back of her throat that he knew he was about to cum. He used his hand to grab her face again right before he burst down her throat. He pulled her face up to his and attached their lips together roughly, their teeth clashing. His tongue immediately entered hers and he could taste the saltiness of his cock that remained on her lips. But, she pulled away all too quickly.
“Grayson,” her breath was rapid. “I want to feel,” she was peppering soft kisses right next to his ear lobe. “Your cum,” she bit into his lobe, pulling at it. “Down my throat.” His breath hitched as the words escaped her sweet lips. He was surprised at her enthusiasm today but what just came out of her mouth made his cock jerk.
Y/N was back on her knees in seconds, desperate for the man of her dreams to explode in her mouth. She was pumping his cock so rapidly and her lips were sucking so hard that he let out a vulgar moan. It was low and raspy but it was so loud. And it kept her going, encouraging her to take him deeper and thrust her hand faster.
He tried so hard to let her be, but he had to move his hands to grip her hair, now fucking her needy little mouth. He was careful not to go too deep though, not knowing that was all she wanted. She wanted to take all of him as her moans and shrieks vibrated against his rock hard cock. Grayson loved pulling her hair and he enjoyed every second of his fingers intertwining with her hair and moving her head up and down against his shaft.
Tears began to well up in her eyes as he pushed inside her mouth, getting rougher with each thrust. It was a whole new experience for her but she loved every second of it.
“You’re so fucking beautiful,” his breaths were heaving, “Your mouth is so pretty wrapped around my cock like that.”
She moaned at his kind words, the way it rolled off his tongue as if he wasn’t fucking her throat. The vibrations in her mouth were what set the stream of cum to spill inside her. He let out a brash moan as he felt his seed shooting out and into her tightness.
Y/N took it all. She loved the feeling of his cum trickling down her throat. There were strands of hair stuck to his forehead as he glistened in front of her while the sweat from his head dripped to his eyebrow. She only just noticed his red cheeks and his pink lips. He looked so handsome. 
“I can’t wait to cum inside you.” Grayson pulled her closer as his hands gripped her waist. 
“I-” Y/N was cut off by the sound of the front door unlocking, panic now in her eyes. She immediately flung her arms up to her hair, combing the tangled mess while Grayson pulled his pants up and buckled his belt. They were both frantic, fixing each other’s appearance. But within the midst of tidying themselves, Grayson leaned in to give her one last kiss, just a small peck filled with the softness of his lips, before heading towards the front door.
Y/N stood there, still. She watched as his tall body stepped out of the kitchen as she heard her parents greet him at the door only to say goodbye to him. Still dazed, she pat down her dress and wiped her mouth once more, welcoming her parents back with the taste of his cum still remaining on her tongue.
The night was dark yet the brightness of the full moon shone it’s bright blue tint onto the summer foliage. It was the perfect summer night for a cooling swim. 
Y/N had been busy all day long. Driving her parents to the airport and running countless amount of errands made her extremely flustered. She didn’t think of Grayson once all day, and perhaps it was good for her. Her heavenly fantasies with this man were slowly creeping away and she felt somewhat different.
The humid summer evening was relaxing for her. She slipped off her t-shirt and shorts, exposing her in the most revealing bikini that she owned. She’d been dying to wear all summer. She would have already worn it if it wasn’t for parents. The fact that they would judge her or might even suspect something about her recent sexual encounters deferred her from showing off her body until she was completely alone.
She stepped into the pool, the tones of blue reflecting onto her face as she fully submerged her body into the warm water. It was a bright full moon tonight; the fact that it was around ten slipped her mind due to the bright illumination of the moon.
Despite the distractions which halted her fantasies, Y/N would occasionally steal glances at Grayson’s window when she knew his house was empty. Both their houses were empty. 
She could hear the mellow sounds of crickets gently filling the air as she floated along the stillness of the pool. She hadn’t had a night quite like this during the summer. She was busy the whole time and she barely had any time to herself. And now that she was all alone, all she could think about was Grayson. How his muscles flexed and how his lips felt like pillows. She truly was infatuated with him and she was ashamed to admit that she was still aching for his cock.
She let out a sigh as she stepped out of the pool. Her wet body was glistening against the beams of the moon. The droplets of water stuck to her skin and her baiting suit was now clinging to her hardened nipples.
Grayson was surprised to see her out there, all wet and glistening for him. He had just got back from the gym only to see Y/N looking as beautiful as ever. He could basically feel the adrenaline in his veins spike up again at the sight of her perfection. The tip of his cock twitched as he observed her taking a towel and running it over her body. From her shoulders, down to her plump breasts then through her velvety thighs.
The light seeped through his windows and illuminated his tanned skin perfectly. Every crevice of his torso shadowed by the darkness, accentuating the hardness of his skin. 
Y/N got rather aroused at touching herself just then. The idea of having Grayson take her in the pool was something that made her mind wander back to the lust-filled tangents that she had been having. She happened to get so aroused that she turned straight away to head to her bedroom, the place where she would relieve herself of these dirty thoughts. Though, she sighed because she knew that she would never be fully satisfied with just her fingers.
As she turned she noticed that a Grayson’s window lit up light up, a silhouette of the muscular man watching her intensely. It gave her flashbacks to when they eyed each other during her party a couple weeks ago. The first time she that had ever had dirty thoughts for a man. She smirked, knowing how filthy she’s become after a few weeks of desire.
And so, with her filthy mind taking over, she continued to bend down, drying the droplets off her legs, knowing damn well that Grayson’s eyes were still glued to her body. Her mouth curved upwards as she drew her arms back to untie her bikini top, revealing her juicy looking breasts and her hard little nipples. With a wide smile, she stared at him, almost taunting him. She just stood there, all confident and willing like she had no idea how it affected him.
He was not expecting such a bold move to come out from someone so innocent looking like Y/N. Yet he knew her, she was needy and expecting nothing more than his cock inside her. Admittedly, he too was desperate to feel her write around him. No matter how badly Grayson wanted her – completely aware of their age gap – he would always be tempted by her.
And with that, he didn’t hesitate to leave his room, not bothering to put a shirt on, and pace right out of his front door to her porch.
She heard her doorbell go off multiple times, knowing exactly who it was. The dinging of the bell was fast and frantic and she could tell that he was as desperate for her as she was for him.
With a grin, she opened the door to a heaving Grayson, his bare chest was rising up and down at a rapid pace and the bulge was prominent in his grey sweats. She parted her lips to welcome him in but he pushed her inside, closing the door shut and spinning her to slam her petite frame against the door.
“You want the whole neighborhood to see your tits?” Her cheeks began to redden after he scolded her for her recklessness, she was far too excited to put her shirt on. Despite his livid tone he couldn’t help but feel his cock rise higher at the view in front of him.
“Mm, you look delicious.” He murmured against her neck, his warm breath sending tingles down her spine right to her throbbing pussy. His tone softened and so did his face.
A shriek came out of her mouth as he cupped her tender breast into his large hands. He bought his lips to one of her nipples while his hand remained on her other one. The way his tongue moved against her caused tiny little moans to escape her tender lips. He was sucking it hard. Oh, how he loved how perfect she was, her skin was so soft and her tits fit so perfectly in his palm.
“Grayson! I need you inside me, please.” Her begging eyes caused his cock to grow even more, it filled his heart with such a powerful adoration which made his heart to skip a beat.
Their lips crashed together again as he grabbed her thighs and lifted her up, his arms bulging yet she felt as light as a feather. Y/N took this opportunity to rub herself against his hard torso, she could feel every detail and crevice of his abs and it made her legs tingle. She could feel his rough grasp on her thighs getting tighter, her breasts rubbing against his chest causing the buds of nipples to get hard.
She had been fantasizing about this moment ever since she laid eyes on him, and even more since he gave her her first ever orgasm. It was inevitable that these two would find a way to become fully intimate each other after that afternoon. And without raising anyone’s suspicions too.
The shirt that Grayson wore began to get imprints of her wet, needy pussy, her rubbing making him want to devour her. And so, Grayson walked over to the staircase with long strides and carried her upstairs. While he did so she whispered sweet nothings into his ear as she fit her head perfectly in his neck;  “I want you so badly Grayson,” and “you’re all that I’ve been thinking about” slipped from her tongue in breathy moans. She held him tightly, feeling his body pressed up against hers was such a wonderful feeling.
How he knew where her bedroom was slipped her mind, a mystery to her, but he opened her door and the scent engulfed his body entirely. The smell of summer berries and honey filled his senses as he gently set her down on the bed where she had came multiple times at the thought of the man before her.
Her room was dark yet it was dimly lit by the moon. The iridescence reflected off her skin and it made her look almost dreamlike; the glowing little lady that was about to get fucked so hard by a man years older than her.
Y/N was a moaning mess, the loss of his touch caused her to wrap her arms around his neck and attach their lips again in a passionate and heated kiss. The way her fingers traced down his chest to his bulge made his knees go weak.
Grayson took this opportunity to slip his pants down which uncovered his strained cock against his grey boxers. In her eyes, it was somehow bigger than the last time she’d seen it. Perhaps it was how the moonlight played tricks against the shadows, but she knew that he was large.
“Are you sure baby?” His words were barely a whisper, almost afraid that she would be having second thoughts about this. He would never force himself on anyone, no matter how badly he desired them.
“Please, Grayson.” She was so desperate, so eager to feel his cock around her.
At this point, she didn’t even realise that she had been touching herself, gliding her fingers across her clit as he stood there before her. It was a marvelous sight which made him let out a happy sigh. He would love to just gawk at her trying to make herself cum, but he knew that he would be the one to make her cum the hardest.
And with that, he pushed her shoulders down onto the bed, causing her to lay down completely with her beautiful legs spread out for him. He untied the strings of her swimsuit bottoms, exposing her glistening pussy against the glimmer of the moonlight. It looked so shiny, hot and ready for him.
He couldn’t resist delving into her and using his tongue to lick up one long strip of her juices. The one stroke ignited a hot trail that caused her to moan from excitement. Just his tender touch on her pussy caused her mind to race with thoughts of him actually inside her. Her desperate desire caused her fingers to lock themselves in his chocolate tresses and pull his face up to hers, staring deep into the shadows in his eyes.
“I want-”
“Trust me, baby.” He knew that she was eager, but he wanted to prepare her first. He wanted nothing but to hear her screaming from pleasure, but she needed to be ready first.
Swiftly, he pressed a soft kiss to her lips and slid his lead down towards her hot pussy again. It was so wet, just how he loved it. He used his fingers to trace along her lips, opening her slightly to thrust his tongue inside her, feeling the slippery folds against his tongue.
Without warning he began to insert his finger into her unpenetrated pussy, immersing himself inside her. The tip of his finger had barely entered her yet she was already squirming, waiting for the feeling of his full length.
“More, Grayson.”
Smirking, he slowly slipped his thick finger in as she moaned his name. The way her pussy gripped his fingers was a whole different sensation that she wanted to feel every day. The new feeling was increased when he started to draw his finger back out then sent it back in, slowly and gently.
“Does that feel good Y/N?”
She let a small “fuck” slip out of her mouth as he increased his speed ever so slightly, going at a passionate pace which drove her insane. He hovered his mouth over her sweetness and she could feel his hot breaths on the spot that she needed him most, adding to the warmth radiating from her. But he suddenly pressed his lips against her core, kissing her clit with a gentle touch before devouring her.
His tongue thrashed and sucked over her neediness. It was like a dream to her, her dazed mind was so overwhelmed with the feelings of pleasure. His arms flexed and the veins were prominent against the shadows as he continued to insert another finger inside, his growing faster.
The humming in his voice caused her legs to shake. She was so ready to erupt on his yet he stopped, crawled up to her face and stared down at her beauty. She was shocked at the sudden loss of contact but just barely seeing his face in the darkness made her smile. She knew that he was staring down at her, admiring her features against the dimness of the room.
“I’m going to fuck you now.” She could hear the smirk on his lips. He bought his face up to her neck to start sucking on her skin, something that he loved to do. “And you’re going to cum so hard for me Y/N.” He was now biting her lightly. “Because you deserve it, baby.”
Their lips met once again. They opened their mouths for each other and explored their tongues for a moment before Grayson pulled away, the hem of his boxers were on his fingers. It sprung up like last time. She recalled every vein and how each of them felt inside her warm mouth and she so wished to feel every detail of him once he was inside of her.
He pumped his length right in front of her. A slow pace which still showcased the thick vein which trailed down from his shoulder to his wrist. He could honestly could have came just by jerking himself off with the sight of the wonderful girl waiting for him that was observing his every move.
But he stopped, knowing that he wouldn’t last long if he kept touching himself, and he bent down to caress her sweet slit with his cock in his hand. She was a whimpering mess and he could feel her need just but pressing his cock against her clit. It was throbbing. Yet without hesitation, he lined himself up to her hole, moaning a little at the thought of being so close to being inside her. It was something that he couldn’t comprehend. The way her eyes looked up at him made him let out a growl.
Pushing the tip in, he could hear her shaky breaths and he couldn’t tell if they were from nerves or excitement.
“I want you deep inside me Grayson.” She practically yelled with desperation in her tone.
That was when he started to push in and she moaned at how she could feel the crevices of his veins against her hot cunt. He was only half way and she felt nothing but pleasure, the feeling of his girth and the sight of his contorting face initiated a string of moans which faded into the darkness of the room.
Grayson was reluctant to go all the way in, but the sound of her voice encouraged him, sliding all of him in her wet tightness. He couldn’t believe that he was fucking her, the innocent girl next door.
“Does that feel good baby?”
“Yes- more.” Her words were shaky.
Her eyes were closed, savoring the sweet sensation of his full length inside her. Gently, he pulled out of her aching core and pushed inside again, pacing himself. But the slow, soft thrusts didn’t last long when she tangled her fingers in his hair and pulled roughly at him.
He started to thrust faster, the whimpers of her soft voice were slowly being masked by the slapping sound made when their pelvis’ would touch. They were completely overcome with the feelings of pleasure. Her tightness surrounding his cock, feeling every inch of his masculinity aching against her walls. Their warm breaths mingled together as their eyes met in the dim light of the room.
Grayson could see the lust in her dark eyes, but that little sparkle of sincerity caused him to go deeper as she silently screamed in his ear. Sweat began to run down her forehead, the humidity of the summer made her skin deliciously sticky. It felt like their skin was meant to press against each other, feeling the slight tackiness of their bodies.
“You don’t know how badly I want to feel your cum around my cock, Y/N.”
They were face to face again, their eyes roaming each other’s features. He let out a low grown as he saw her eyebrows scrunching as her pleading eyes grew wide once he hit a certain spot. She was so beautiful to him like this. It was just something about her big eyes looking up through her lashes that made his cock twitch inside of her. She looked so needy for his cock.
“You know,” he slowed down to get his words out. “You look so fucking pretty when you’re taking my cock.” Then he took her lips in his again, quickly slipping his tongue inside her warm mouth. “I can’t wait to see your face when you cum for me.”
Y/N’s mouth was open, letting out the loud whimpers as she knew he hit her most delicate spot. It sent tingles from her spine to her feet, causing her toes to curl as she continued to feel her g-spot getting rammed by the beautiful man on top of her.
It was almost as if she was completely about to let go when she let out a loud shriek when he forcefully pulled her to the edge of the bed. He stood up and lifted both her legs up towards her chest and now he was deeper than ever. With every thrust, he could graze her most needy spot which made her eyes roll back every time.
Grayson was slowly becoming less gentle with her, knowing that a dirty girl like her would love the feeling of his balls slapping against her ass.
He heaved all of his length into her at an undeniably fast pace. Her squeals and screams were music to his ears and it encouraged him to pound her harder. She could feel the orgasm building up in her stomach and she was so consumed by the pleasure that a tear slipped out of her eye. Doing this was something that evoked a tremendous amount of emotion, yet the reason she was getting teary-eyed was that of the amount of sweet, sweet pleasure she was receiving.
She felt like it was a rough stroke of electricity. The kind of sensation that she would get just as she would fall from a great height of a roller-coaster. The feeling in her caused a yell to come out of her strained mouth as she gushed on his thick cock.
Grayson felt her legs shake against his thighs and he could see that her back was arched. He could barely see her beautiful face but he could make out her furrowed eyebrows, twitching eyelids, and open mouth. This right there was the most beautiful sight that he’d ever seen.
It was like a feeling of accomplishment for him. How his heart would beat just a tad faster at the thought that he could get his girl to scream like that, to become so overwhelmed that she squirted.
Y/N could feel herself spouting all over him now, pulling his cock out to let it all out. She could imagine seeing his smirking face and how he would be completely back inside her in a matter of moments.
And, just as she thought that he would give her another few seconds to release, he was back inside her. The way her legs shook against him aroused him even more. He just wanted to make her cum again, harder than ever before.
Grayson felt so much pleasure inside her; he wouldn’t complain if he could just stay inside her snug channel forever. Just the thought of him spending ‘forever’ with her made his heart skip a beat.
She was way too overwhelmed by the pleasure and overstimulation, but she loved every second of it. “Fuck, just like that.” He trusted upwards, reaching the untouched depths of her pussy as she screamed at his compliance.
And that was when he felt the sudden rush of pleasure in his stomach, pulsing its way to his hard cock. Spurts of his cum shot up into her, lusciously coating her inside.
His orgasm causes her to do the same. Their cum mingled together inside her; she could feel the stickiness and she loved it. Her walls continued to squeeze him until she had every had drop of his seed inside her.
Oh, how he loved the feeling of his aching cock giving her everything that he had! Then he slipped himself out of her, eyeing the cum that dripped out of her hole, completely satisfied.
“I can’t wait to fill you with my cum every night, Y/N.” He kissed her ever so tenderly. His voice was sweet and innocent which completely contrasted the filthy words that slipped out of his mouth.
They were both breathing heavily, their naked bodies now intertwined. Their sticky figures laid there in the room which was dimly lit by the beams of the moon.
They barely spoke then; only admiring the beautiful sight of each other against the same moonlight that glowed on them when they used to lay in their own beds, touching themselves to the thought of each other.
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heroinedolan · 6 years
caught in a....sticky situation (G.D)
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His thrusts were getting sloppier by the second. Your moans could be heard down the street and the profanities streaming out of his mouth would’ve alarmed the neighbors in any other context. You were just a huge knot of balled up pleasure, so lost in each other you hadn’t heard a car park. Or the front door unlock.
His face was dripping sweat, mouth slightly hanging, jaw slack, eyes contorted; you could tell he was just as close as you were. Both of you were on your very last moans when your door busted open and your parents’ voices chimed in enthusiastically. “Hey, Y/N! We -“
Grayson immediately laid on top of you to cover you, being the gentleman he was. “Uhh, h-h-hi Mr. and Mrs. Y/L/N”, he shakily greeted. You didn’t even want to look at your parents’ faces so you put your hands over your eyes and buried your face in the crook of his neck.
Your parents were at a loss, they looked like deer in headlights. They stopped in the middle of their sentence, their mouths just kind of hanging open in surprise. God, this was so awkward, if someone didn’t do something soon you would implode. Thankfully your dad made the next move, turning your mom and himself around to not have to look at the scene in front of them. “Both of you. Get dressed and come downstairs immediately,” he said in such an angry tone that surprised and scared all of you. With that, they retreated back out of the doorway.
“Oh my god,” Grayson mumbled into your neck as he dropped his head. “We’re so fucked,” you giggled, finding it adorable how he was so scared. He lifted his head at his favorite sound and gently smirked. “We were, weren't we?” he said slyly before hiding his face in your boobs when he saw your raised hand. “Mmm..” he hummed, satisfied with this position. “Mmmmm..” you hummed back, forgetting about all else as your hands found their way to his hair. He lifted his head and winked at you, making your heart flutter, before moving up to give you a chaste kiss and pushing himself off the bed to get dressed.
It suddenly hit you. Your parents just saw...you and your boyfriend….they caught you….having sex. This was horrible. Oh my god this was bad. You were still distracted with Grayson on top of you, still in the dream-like state you were always in when you’re with him. But his warmth was gone now, and the cold truth was the only thing surrounding you. You pulled the covers up over your head. This isn’t real. This isn’t real. You kept repeating it in your head so hard you must have began saying it out loud because Grayson walked over and sat on the edge of the bed next to you. He pulled the covers down to reveal your face, but you still had your eyes shut tight, trying desperately to wake up from this embarrassing nightmare.
You kept your eyes shut as he pulled you up by your arms until you were sitting upright. “I just met my girlfriend’s parents while I was on top of her,” he said softly, trying to comfort you. You kept your eyes closed, holding onto the hope that this wasn’t real but groaned in response. You felt the bed get lighter and a second later you felt him pulling his hoodie over your head. Once he pulled it down off of your face, he kept his hands on the collar and gave you a sweet kiss. You finally opened your eyes, needing to see his dreamy hazels. He immediately smiled with his whole face, “Always gets you.” You smiled and rolled your eyes as he gave you another kiss. He stayed close this time to whisper, “But seriously, we’re in this together, I’m right here with you.”
He stood up straight and held out his hand for you to join him. You swung your legs off the bed and pulled his sweatshirt down so it fit as a dress before grabbing his hand. “Time to meet the parents,” you sighed as you squeezed his hand. You made your way down the stairs until you reached the bottom and saw the back of your parents’ heads waiting patiently on the couch in the living room.
Grayson immediately let go of your hand at the sight of them. You both let out a nervous breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding. “Together,” you whispered under your breath. He looked over to you and gave you your favorite smile of his before grabbing your hand and pulling you with him to the couch in front of your parents.
Your parents’ moved their gaze up at both of you then dropped it to your intertwined hands. Grayson immediately let go and placed his own in his lap, scooting over to the farthest side of the couch from you. You dropped your eyes down to your now-empty and cold hands. You stole a glance Grayson’s way and just as you predicted, he had done the same. Suddenly, he spoke up, “I-am-so-sorry-I-mean-no-disrepect-to-you-or-your-household-or-your-daughter…” he said the words so quickly you weren’t sure if he was actually saying real words. He trailed off before he could finish when he saw your father’s raised hand signaling him to be quiet.
“Now look, I don’t know your name or your intentions with my daughter. Now that was a very...compromising first impression but you don’t seem horrible. I’ll give you a second chance but you are never allowed into her room again. Neither are you allowed here if I and her mother aren’t,” he finished, Grayson shrinking into the couch more and more with each word. Until he heard ’second chance’.
He perked up instantly, sitting up straight, and putting on his dazzling smile, now full of confidence. “Yes sir, thank you.” You were still sitting dumbfounded, your father would never do this. Apparently, your mouth was hung open because Grayson scooted across the couch to grasp your chin and close it. You turned to him, seeing his hopeful child-like expression, you spoke before you could think. “We’re having dinner tonight, why don’t you join us?”
You looked from your mom to your dad, gauging their faces. “Only if you want to sweetheart,” your mother said, holding your dad’s hand. “I’d love to,” Grayson replied, smiling wider, “just let me go home and get ready.”
He stood up and shook your dad’s free hand, then moved to give your mom a quick hug. “I’ll walk you to the door,” you said, getting up behind him. “He got in just fine, he’ll be able to get out as well,” your father said flatly. “Dad,” you said sternly, silently scolding him with a glare but when you saw your mother squeeze his hand just a little tighter, you knew he would be told off in due time.
You walked in front of Grayson, taking his hand to lead him to the front door even though he was well aware of your entire house. You opened the door for him to leave but he quickly pulled you outside. He gave you a sly smirk, whisper-shouting, “oh-em-gee your parents love meee.” You laughed and took both of his hands, moving closer until you were chest to chest.
“They don’t love me yet, Y/N, what if they see us?” he whispered but held onto your hands tighter. “Grayson they saw us having sex,” he interrupted you with his pouty face you just couldn’t resist, “but fine.” You let go of his hands, knowing he wouldn’t be able to.
“Stop looking so angry,” he said, referring to your crossed arms and closed off expression. He sighed and pulled you into his chest, completely engulfing you in his warmth, giving you no choice but to look up at him and smile. ”Ahh, there's my beautiful girl, ” he grinned back, leaning down to kiss you when suddenly your dad opened the front door. You both turned your heads and Grayson immediately dropped his arms.
Your dad moved between you two, facing Grayson and towering in front of you. Grayson stood up straight and met your dad’s eye. ”You should head home and get ready. There isn't anything I hate more than untimeliness.”
”Sorry, sir I'll be on my way then, ” he said respectfully then looked around your dad at you, ”and bye Y/N.” You mouthed an i-love-you, and he gave you the subtlest smirk, knowing only you could see it.
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companionjones · 3 years
Miscellaneous Masterlist
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Let Go ~ 🔥Male!Character x Fem!Reader
*Adam Levine (Maroon 5)*
Red Carpet Romance ~ 📝☁️You and Adam go for a walk down the red carpet.
This Is The Voice! ~ 📝☁️Adam is your coach on The Voice, and he realizes his feelings for you.
Why Are You So Against This? ~ 📬☔️I was wondering if you could do another one when where she surprises him by singing on the voice.
*Austin Moon (Austin & Ally)*
Weeping & Wishes ~ ☔️Austin finds you crying in a convenience store on your birthday.
*Baby (Baby Driver)*
Come On ~ 📝☁️You go on a road trip with Baby.
*Barry Block (Barry HBO)*
Trapped (1/2) ~ 📚You’re the child of a powerful mafia leader. Barry is hired by your family to kill another mob boss. Will things go to plan?
*Bernard The Elf (The Santa Clause Movies)*
Letters For The Elf ~ ☔️For most of your life, an elf from the north pole has been responding to your Christmas letters. One might even say that the two of you are friends. Hopefully, nothing will ever mess with that.
*Brian May (Bohemian Rhapsody)*
A Day In Bed ~ ☁️Brian decides to spend the day at home in bed with you. That decision might have some repercussions.
*Cliff Booth (Once Upon A Time...In Hollywood)*
The Stuntman and the Singer ~ ☁️This story follows you in your many interactions with Cliff Booth. When you meet him, you’re not in the best situation. However, you’re you. I’m sure you’ll end up living your wildest dreams.
*Connor rk800 (Detroit: Become Human)*
Mornings With Connor☁️
*Corny Collins (Hairspray (2005))*
Dancing Around ~ 🔥Smut with James Marsden’s Corny Collins. **MAJOR AGE GAP, READER JUST TURNED 18** ....Sorry I wrote this.
*Crowley (Good Omens)*
He Has To Start Believing He Deserves Real Happiness ~ 📬☔️Hello I would love to request a Crowley x reader were Crowley has a nightmare and the reader comforts him and please make it extra fluffy thank you
Snake Eyes🎲🎲🐍👀 ~ 📱☁️You are human and friends with a certain snake-eyed demon.
Anniversary ~ 📬☁️Dad!Hades x Reader, Platonic!Core Four x Reader, Gil x Reader. Could you do a imagine where the reader is the daughter of hades and best friend with the core four and in a relationship with gil please and thank you
*Dolan Twins*
What Happens In 4 Hours ~ ☁️You want the Dolan twins to cut the crap and tell you why you’re there.
*Elwood Blues (Blues Brothers)*
An Evening At Elwood’s ~ 📝☁️Fem!Reader. You sneak through Elwood’s window at the ‘Men Only’ hotel, and the two of you spend the night together.
*Ferb (Phineas and Ferb)*
💚Ferbalicious💚 ~ 📱☁️You ask Ferb out on a date.
*Finnick Odair (The Hunger Games)*
I Swear ~ ☔️You’re a new victor of the Hunger Games, and you’ve found out what desirable victors are forced to do after the games. A previous victor visits you and assures you that you’re not alone.
Without Question ~ ☔️The moment you hit the force field, nothing mattered to Finnic anymore.
*Jack Sparrow (Pirates of the Caribbean)*
Does He Care? ~ ☁️During a battle, you fall overboard. You wake up to find out that Jack saved you. The trick is getting him to admit it.
*Jeff Winger (Community)*
You Called Him Your Boyfriend ~ ☔️You make a passing comment about Jeff being your boyfriend, and Jeff doesn’t exactly agree.
*Kyoya Ootori (Ouran High School Host Club)*
A Date? ~ ☔️Reader stays away from the usual activities of the Host Club. This peaks Kyoya Ootori’s interest. A Couple? (Sequel To ‘A Date?’) ~ 📬☔️I just read your “it’s a date” Kyoya imagine and I was wondering if you could do a part 2 where his father finds out they are secretly together?
*Luca x Reader (The Bear)*
Copenhagen ~ 🔥You go to Copenhagen with Marcus, and meet Luca. >>> Chicago ~ 🔥Today, The Bear is opening. There are more surprises in store for you than you think.
*Malcolm Bright (Prodigal Son)*
Different Realities ~ ☔️With how much Malcolm doubts himself in his relationship with you, you wonder if he regrets being with you in the first place.
Little Things ~ ☔️You had a whole breakdown at the precinct for what you’re sure is no reason. Malcolm thinks otherwise.
*Max Goodwin (New Amsterdam)*
Dr. Max Goodwin ~ 📱☔️You have a tumor in your throat, and can’t speak. Max gives you his number, and convinces you over text to talk to him about the kids you nanny.
Together ~ ☁️Max Goodwin x Reader x Conrad Hawkins (The Resident (FOX)). You’re in and out of a lot of hospitals because of your condition. Throughout your life and your many trips to hospitals, you’ve gotten close to many doctors. You wake up to two such doctors in New York City.
*Merlin (The Kingsman Movies)*
Snowstorms ~ ☔️After you and Eggsy go undercover at a party, you’re stuck walking, barely dressed, in the middle of a snowstorm. You are not happy.
What’s In A Name? ~ ☔️After a more than troubled past, you work as a free agent, helping good people whenever you can. In your travels, you come across members of a secret service called Kingsman. You help them, but do not trust them. Will anyone be able to change your mind?
*Michael Schmidt (Five Nights at Freddy's (Movie))*
Thank You ~ 🔥You're Abby's babysitter. Mike comes home one night. Things ensue.
*Michael Scofield (Prison Break)*
What Season 1 Would Be Like With You In It ~ ☁️Pretty much as the title suggests.
*The Priest (Fleabag)*
Actually God🦊🙌✝️ ~ 📱You and The Priest are friends, but he does have a certain bone to pick with you.
*Severus Snape (Harry Potter)*
Last Time ~ ☔️Severus visits Lily for the last time.
*Sherlock Holmes (Elementary)*
Credit ~ 📝☔️You wake up in the hospital after getting hurt on one of Sherlock Holmes’ many cases.
Habits ~ 📝☁️Sherlock notices a new habit of his.
*Sierra Six/Courtland Gentry (The Gray Man)*
We’ll Always Have Cuba ~ ☁️☔️After the events of The Gray Man, Claire and Six run off to Cuba because it doesn’t have an extradition treaty with the USA. There, they meet you. You are staying in the same apartment building as them for the summer. Over that summer, Six falls for you.
*Thomas (The Maze Runner Movies)*
Do You Know How Long I’ve Loved You? ~ ☔️For a while, Thomas was confused about his feelings for you on account of his old feelings for Teresa. He realizes that he truly loves you, but it’s hard for Thomas to confess his feelings. Before he gets the chance, you come back from a mission with Newt with severe injuries. Will Thomas lose you? Will he be able to tell you that he’s loved you for months?
*The Warrens (The Conjuring Movies)*
Spawn Of ~ 📚☔️Family!Warrens x Child!Reader. Completed Story. Ed and Lorraine Warren find you on one of their missions, and they quickly realize that you aren’t entirely human. What are you?
Sweetheart ~ ☁️Family!Warrens x Child!Reader. You are a young child, and you are adopted by the Warrens. They soon find out that you have the same gift as Lorraine.
*The Raptors (Jurassic World)*
You’ll Be In My Heart ~ ☁️Family!Raptors x Reader. A storm hits the island, and you’re there to comfort the girls through the night.
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gillybear17 · 3 years
Hey everyone!!!!! If you have any John B, Topper Thornton and Pope Heyward imagines I would really appreciate if you DM me the link!! I also would love if you sent me any JJ Maybank, Rafe Cameron, Sarah Cameron, Kelce, Kiara Carrera imagines that maybe I haven’t read yet I would really love that!! I need new imagines to read even if it’s another fandom other the outer banks send them my way!!!!! Smut, Fluff, Angst, Sister!Reader of any character!!!
The fandoms I love other than Obx are Obx cast,Dolan Twins, One Direction, 5SOS, The 100, The Outsiders, The Originals, The Vampire Diaries, Legacies, American Horror Story(all seasons), Animal Kingdom, Peaky Blinders, Bridgerton, Avengers, Karate Kid/Cobra Kai, Chicago PD/Med/Fire, DC, Marvel, Euphoria, Elite, Gossip Girl, Game of Thrones, Glee, Grey’s Anatomy, Hemlock Grove, After, Hunger Games, Harrison Osterfield, Tom Holland, Peter Parker(All actors), Haikyuu, IT(2018 and 2019), Justin Bieber, Shameless, Jesse Pinkman, Jurassic Park/World, Knives Out, Kingsman, Kian Lawley, Lucifer, Team 10, Logan Paul, Magcon, Omaha, MGK, Nick Robinson, Noah Centineo, OUAT Peter Pan, Power Rangers(Any movie), Queen, Riverdale, Shadowhunters, Stranger Things (Steve Harrington and Billy Hargrove mostly), Supernatural, Sex Education, Teen wolf, any Dylan O’Brien character, Scream( movie abs tv show), Thirteen Reasons Why, Twilight, The Devil All the Time, To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before, Any Timothee Chalamet Character, The Dirt, Umbrella Academy, any anime show, Vikings, Walking Dead, Why Don’t We, K-Pop , any horror movie killer, (I’m a freak I know I’m sorry 😂😂) Fear Street(Parts 1,2,&3)and YOU(Preferably Theo Engler)💝💘💓💖💗💕💞❤️♥️❤️‍🔥❤️‍🩹💔❣️🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🤍🖤💟😍🥰😻🤩😛😝😜😎😂🤣😇☺️😊😉😌😗😙😚😘😏🥳😹😽🌺🌸🌼🌟✨⚡️💫⭐️🌈🌹🦋💍💋
I will be making a fic rec list of the imagines I have read so that will be up soon I just have to go through them so I can give credit to the writer/s!!!
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gillybooboo-2016 · 3 years
Hey everyone!!!!! If you have any John B, Topper Thornton and Pope Heyward imagines I would really appreciate if you DM me the link!! I also would love if you sent me any JJ Maybank, Rafe Cameron, Sarah Cameron, Kelce, Kiara Carrera imagines that maybe I haven’t read yet I would really love that!! I need new imagines to read even if it’s another fandom other the outer banks send them my way!!!!! Smut, Fluff, Angst, Sister!Reader of any character!!!
The fandoms I love other than Obx are Obx cast,Dolan Twins, One Direction, 5SOS, The 100, The Outsiders, The Originals, The Vampire Diaries, Legacies, American Horror Story(all seasons), Animal Kingdom, Peaky Blinders, Bridgerton, Avengers, Karate Kid/Cobra Kai, Chicago PD/Med/Fire, DC, Marvel, Euphoria, Elite, Gossip Girl, Game of Thrones, Glee, Grey’s Anatomy, Hemlock Grove, After, Hunger Games, Harrison Osterfield, Tom Holland, Peter Parker(All actors), Haikyuu, IT(2018 and 2019), Justin Bieber, Shameless, Jesse Pinkman, Jurassic Park/World, Knives Out, Kingsman, Kian Lawley, Lucifer, Team 10, Logan Paul, Magcon, Omaha, MGK, Nick Robinson, Noah Centineo, OUAT Peter Pan, Power Rangers(Any movie), Queen, Riverdale, Shadowhunters, Stranger Things (Steve Harrington and Billy Hargrove mostly), Supernatural, Sex Education, Teen wolf, any Dylan O’Brien character, Scream( movie abs tv show), Thirteen Reasons Why, Twilight, The Devil All the Time, To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before, Any Timothee Chalamet Character, The Dirt, Umbrella Academy, any anime show, Vikings, Walking Dead, Why Don’t We, K-Pop,any horror movie killer, (I’m a freak I know I’m sorry 😂😂) Fear Street(Parts 1,2,&3)and YOU(Preferably Theo Engler), Euphoria!!!!!💝💘💓💖💗💕💞❤️♥️❤️‍🔥❤️‍🩹💔❣️🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🤍🖤💟😍🥰😻🤩😛😝😜😎😂🤣😇☺️😊😉😌😗😙😚😘😏🥳😹😽🌺🌸🌼🌟✨⚡️💫⭐️🌈🌹🦋💍💋
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magicalmarauder · 4 years
My Ultimate Favorite Fic’s
Disclaimer: None of these are mine, this is just an organized list I compiled of all my favorite fics to read because I'm tired of endlessly scrolling through my favorites to find them when I want to re-read! Feel free to share and enjoy! :) 
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Steve Rogers x Reader  
Tom Holland/Peter Parker Imagines 
Misc. Marvel Imagines
Shawn Mendes x Reader
Harry Styles x Reader
1D Imagines 
Dolan Twins Imagines
David Dobrik + Vlog Squad Imagines 
Sirius Black Imagines 
 Misc. Characters
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