#i was halfway through working on my rp when i started back to work after vacation and oh boy
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Writers!! You're halfway there!!
For those of your starting to feel burned out, here are a few words of encouragement from the community that might help you push through the second half:
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Some other ideas that I've seen for tricking brains into writing even when they don't feel like it:
Set a timer and write for only as long as the timer is set. This one works great for me, personally. In fact, I take it a step further and wait until 20 minutes before the deadline before I even start writing, because I know that my brain does great under pressure, hah!
Treat prompts like tumblr asks or RP prompts. Doing so can help take the pressure off to write something long or elaborate.
Intentionally write the crappiest rough draft you have ever drafted. Submit it via a Google Doc, then come back after the challenge to re-write it into something that you're happy with, then post to the public if you'd like.
Join a community of FFxiv fanfic writers that you can talk things through with. Community is everything, and it's the lifeblood of this challenge! I saw a handful of folks plug something called "Bookclub" in response to an earlier ask this year. They were referring to an excellent discord server called "The Wholesomely Debauched & Enabling Book Club," of which I've been a lurking member for years. It's a well-structured, large server with active moderators and very supportive fellow FFxiv fanfic writers. I'll drop a link below if you're interested in checking them out.
And, if any of you have other hacks for FFxivWrite that aren't mentioned here, reply to or reblog this post and let us know what you do!
Without further ado, The Bookclub~
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shads-shipposts · 3 months
"Anachronism" Prologue Rough Draft +LORE✨
Remember how I mentioned that the chapters prior to this would only leave you more confused as to wtf was going on? Well, the prologue is now finished and is being posted.
The background of Anachronism is this: back in 2015 I attempted to rewrite a 2014 RP that included the Tintin sailors (which is my first fanfic ever). True Colors was the name. It was never finished, instead transitioning halfway through into an original fic where the sailors got new names/designs/backstories as they were changed into ocs. The Karaboudjan would become the Caroline, but Scarlett was already a self-insert so her initial character remains (though she's changed quite a bit). Both the original fics and the 2015 are scrubbed from the internet, though I do believe one of you followers actually read that 2014 one when it was on Deviant Art. I am so sorry you had to witness that 😬.
Jump to late 2017-early 2018, the first hints of Anachronism were forming. It wouldn't be until 2019-2020 New Years that I started it in earnest. The story follows myself (yes, I get "isekai'd") as I end up in the same timeline as that 2015 fic. Originally it was the 2014 fic but I really don't want to deal with certain elements of that mess. Anyway, that Anachronism kinda started collecting dust as my Bad Batch hyperfixation hit and Adventures!AU was born. That series takes place after Anachronism, but Anachronism was never posted.
Well, 4+ years, three and a half books, and 500k+ words later I am finally starting to post snippets to curse the world lol. Schedule-wise, Anachronism won't premiere in full until 2029 most likely, as Adventures!AU is still my main project. But I miss the Karaboudjan crew, and my hyperfixation is strong for them rn so I'm posting and working on chapters.
All that to say buckle up, this fic gets wild. Magic elements are minimal in this fic, but they still be there.
Enjoy! :D Feedback is most welcome, I'm still figuring out the characterizations for the fellas as it's been a while since I really wrote heavily with them (Bad Batch has claimed most of my time).
CW: Mild horror elements
1872 words
“Scared, Allan?”
It wasn’t the first time he’d found himself here after he closed his eyes. It’d been months since the incident that gave rise to the event playing over and over again in his dreams, but time hadn’t dulled any of his emotions concerning the event.
“I must say, your fear scent is… unique. Fishy and tart.”
 Confusion, horror, shock, disbelief.
“Don’t worry your little head there. I respect you and, strange as it may seem, I do find the need to fear you.”
Yes, fear there too.
“Funny ain’t it?”
And who wouldn’t be scared?
“An Alphian fearin’ a human.”
When they were faced with an alien of unknown magical abilities?
“Don’t see that every day.”
The scene wobbled and fizzled at the edges, like staring at a reflection on the surface of a stormy sea. The secrets surrounding the scene trapped deep in its depths, unreachable even if one tried their hardest to grasp the answers.
Allan Thompson walked through the scene, removed from his own actions as if he were just on autopilot. He couldn’t change the scene, no more than someone watching a reel on a screen.
He sat at the table, across from the half-human, half animal woman that watched him like a hawk. Dark stripes cut through her skin like thick shadows across a moonlit patch in the woods, a black and white tail flicked behind her, and piercing eyes the color of glaciers scanned him inside and out. She was a head shorter than him, yet power radiated off her like heat from an open flame.
His voice reached his ears, muted and distant.
His own and yet… not, in a way.
“Kid… I’m sorry about Turtle.”
The alien looked up at him, the furry ears on the sides of her head flattened against ginger hair.
“Thanks, man.”
Those cat-like eyes shifted to the side, as if searching for any other threats.
He knew it was a dream. Knew what was about to happen.
It did not ease the churning of his stomach.
“Actually,” she continued, mouth moving but voice coming from the very walls surrounding them. “I kinda wanted to ask you about something related to that.”
Allan knew what was coming. Knew what she was going to ask.
Knew how badly it would go, how swiftly the scene would turn dangerous.
But he was helpless to do anything but follow the script. Follow the events as they unfolded.
Eyes on her hands, waiting to see those thorn sharp claws, Allan again heard his voice from far away.
He wished he could change course. Wished he could prevent what came next. Perhaps, if he could, then things would be different.
But no.
“Let me go after that short slaver with the dark brown hair. I want his head for orderin’ me to kill Turtle.”
There it was. The request that shattered everything. The request that would leave Allan with gaps in his memory that no amount of pondering or searching could ever fix.
He felt the shock course through his body, felt his spine stiffen and his heart skip a beat.
“I’m sorry…” he heard himself say. “But I can’t allow that.”
Ears shot up, a tail bristled, sharp teeth bared, and anger blazed in those icy eyes.
If only he could alter his words. Explain more, explain better.
Save himself.
If only.
“I can’t allow you to kill him.”
He had dreams. He had nightmares.
This hell was something else entirely.
Pupils narrowed to slits across from him, jagged scars streaking down the table as wicked claws dug into the old wood.
“Is that your final answer?”
There was red now, deep in those eyes.
He could only watch, silently scream in his head as he fought with all his might to change the memory.
“Aye, I refuse to let you go after him.”
Futile. The scene would play out as it had many nights before this one.
The woman stood, ears low and tail lashing.
“Whose side are you on, Allan? Huh? The slavers?” A snarl curled her lip, the temperature around them plummeting as ice snaked out from her hands across the table. “How disappointin’.”
The edges of the scene corrupted, bleeding red and black.
He wanted to scream. Wanted to run. Wanted to hide.
Hide from the devastation bearing down on him like a hurricane at sea.
But there was no refuge. No escape.
“There will be another time to kill him.”
He had to witness the event that would alter his fate.
Words came faster now, a distorted echo to them that sent chills down his spine.
“But I heard the other slavers talkin’! He’s goin’ on patrol tonight! I can’t pass up this opportunity to claim revenge for what he did.”
“Look, kid. I said no, and that’s final.”
“Nobody’s gonna stand in my way. Not even you. Stand down now, Allan. I don’t want to hurt you.”
He got up.
Walked over.
“I told you no, kid! That’s an order!”
“Give it up, Allan. I’m doin’ this my way. I’m killin’ him tonight and you can’t stop me. Don’t even try to.”
He got close.
Too close.
It was over fast. She winded him with a headbutt, driving him back into the wall hard enough to knock the breath from him. He didn’t even have a chance to rise to his feet, weight pinning him to the floor. A rag clamped over his mouth and nose, drowning the world in a sickly-sweet haze.
 Darkness followed swiftly after, a growl echoing in his ears.
“You brought this on yourself. Sweet dreams.”
And those were the last words he ever heard from Scarlett Hyde.
Allan sat up in his bed with a gasp, cold sweat pouring down his face as he fought for breath.
Was that her now, hiding in the dark corner?
He flicked on the light, fingers struggling to grasp the knob.
Nothing, just his trenchcoat.
It was too hot. Too stifling.
He needed air!
Staggering to the porthole, he yanked it open and welcomed the sharp chill that rushed in. Allan leaned against the wall, eyes closed as he fought to catch his breath and sooth his racing heart.
After that fight, any and all memory of the Alphian ceased. He couldn’t even recall what happened once he woke up. Because they sure as hell didn’t go from being overrun by slavers to being back at their home port without any sign there was even a hostile force occupying the ship.
Only one man had memories of Scarlett that went past Allan’s; Tom.
His friend and trusty right-hand man. The closest person to Scarlett on the ship prior to her mysterious disappearance.
Allan hoped he could have shed some light on Scarlett. Maybe Scarlett somehow drove off all the slavers after knocking Allan out, accessing some type of beast mode or something. She was an alien, and could shapeshift, so it wasn’t entirely implausible.
But no.
Tom’s last memory of her was Scarlett heading off the ship into the woods. Tom had gone after her, only to find himself face to face with the same slaver Scarlett was after. The slaver attacked him, but Scarlett showed up in some animal form and attacked the slaver. She won the fight but was stabbed in the process. Tom tried dragging her back to the ship after she shifted back to that half-human form, but then his memory too went dark.    
That was it. The trail ended. Went cold. With no hope of recovering the fractal memories.
Maybe Scarlett was around longer, and had some alien way of wiping their memories. Why, then, did he have any memory of her at all? If she truly aimed to wipe all memory of her existence, he should have forgotten her in totality.
Instead he was left with only partial memories and no explanation that could even remotely make sense of the event.
Every port they stopped at, every contact he knew, he asked. When Scarlett Hyde rang no bells, he tried the false name she gave at first; Ice Shadow. Still nothing.
He tried her description, her species, her family, everything.
As if neither she nor her species even existed in the first place.
A knock sounded on his door, and Allan turned away from the window to stare at the clock by his bed.
05:00 am.
His port watch wasn’t due for another few hours, so it couldn’t have been someone calling him for that.
Tom. What was he doing up this early?
Passing through his dayroom, Allan opened the door and found Tom looking almost as disheveled as himself. “What the hell is wrong with you?”
Tom rubbed his arm. “It… happened again.”
Allan’s eyes widened. “Scarlett.”
Tom nodded.
Allan stood to the side to let him in. “You too, huh?”
Tom straightened, looking slightly more alert as he sat on the couch in Allan’s dayroom. “Same dream?”
“What other dream would it be?” Allan growled.
Tom wasn’t put off by his tone, but then again he never was. “What are the odds, huh?” he said in a feeble attempt to lighten the mood, a weak smile accompanying the joke.
Allan wasn’t amused. “Real funny.” He leaned on the table, pushing his hair back. “This is the fifth time in two weeks,” he growled. “I do not need this. We got that proud peacock prancin’ ‘round like he owns the damn ship, orderin’ us to and fro like damn dogs. I don’t need this headache on top of it.”
“At least the captain ain’t givin’ us any issues.”
“Don’t think that old man would notice if I scuttled the damn ship,” Allan grumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Probably not.” Tom tilted his head. “Don’t think the dreams mean anythin’, do ya?”
“Concurrent dreams about an alien that we both know had the power to alter dreams?” Allan said. “It’s fishy.”
“Think she’s comin’ back?”
Allan shrugged tiredly. “Hell, Tom, I don’t know.” He glared in the direction of the door. “At least Sakharine’s finally tracked down the second ship. Then we can be back at sea, and I’ll have other things to keep my mind on.”
“Yeah, can’t wait to have that guy off.” Tom shuddered. “Gives me the creeps.”
“Feelin’s mutual.” Allan stretched. “Guess I may as well get coffee, not like I’m gettin’ any more shuteye today. Want some?”
Tom nodded, stretching too. “Won’t say no.” He shuddered. “Anythin’ to keep awake after that nightmare.”
Allan understood his hesitation with going back to sleep. Tom’s dream was far worse than his, with the man being hunted down in dark woods by a slaver bent on murder. Scarlett’s animal form wasn’t exactly comforting either, Tom describing it as a large tiger-looking beast with saber teeth that was a third again the size of a normal tiger.
“Alright, I’ll be there in a minute. Maybe the cooks have somethin’ already.”
Tom nodded. “I’ll wait outside.”
As Tom left, and Allan headed back to his room, the first mate mumbled under his breath.
“I really hope it was just coincidence.” He punched the door open. “Because I cannot deal with anything else.”
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dcviated · 1 month
Respond to the following prompts out of character, then tag others you'd like to get to know a little bit better!
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ROLEPLAYER NAME: bear! or will, I don't mind being referred to by my real name but even my wife calls me bear most of the time, so-
MUSE NAME: I feel the mainstays will always be Wylan, Raguna, and Eira. But many many others-
PREFERRED COMMUNICATION: As needed. I'm low maintenance while still considering us 'in contact'. But I do love getting sent random bits as relevant and commentary on threads. I can be short or slow on replies at times though. Discord all the way over tumblr IM.
EXPERIENCE: Back when I was 15 or 16 on forums. I did some avatar games that had roleplay baked into it as well that were good. Did a lot of RP in warcraft back during BC to WOTLK, but could not get into it in FFXIV. Tumblr has been my favorite place to write, by far. I love getting into longer form. On that note-
PREFERRED ROLEPLAY TYPE: Literate paragraphs! I can't stay bantering in short stuff to save my life. Like a leak I inevitably switch over to having a paragraph. Then two. Maybe three. I'm pretty comfy around the 300-500 word length on my replies. I get intimidated when they get consistently longer and writer's block starts to lay its bricks.
PET PEEVES & DEALBREAKERS: An inability to meet halfway when plotting is brought up. I don't like being waited on like it's my responsibility to come up with a compelling plot that I suspect you'll half-ass reply to. Have some advocation for what you want. Otherwise ... yeah.
Also an overabundance of context-less dash commentary. Particularly connected to their discord happenings. Some blogs feel less 'indie' and more pseudo-group related. And if you're not involved good luck.
PLOTS OR MEMES: I like to think I'm pretty good rolling with the punches! I can do memes, random asks, and memes and ad-libbing a situation out of a few back and forth banters is really amusing. It's also easier than front-loading a ton of plotting that may or may not be realized anyway. Letting events happen off the cuff feels more dynamic and allows more surprises for both writing parties. <:
That said, don't mind plotting whatsoever! So long as the other person actually wants it and isn't going through the motion of it because it's 'what people do'. Also... I hope they're ready for the long game if so? Like they want to let the plot play out and not just making a plot and then jumping to the end of it.
Pre-establish-jutsu is not plotting!!
LONG REPLIES OR SHORT REPLIES: Middle?? Both?? There's a time for everything but like I said before I'm a fan of 300-500 words for my replies. Sometimes I like them shorter, others longer. But we're biasing towards the 'long' given when a lot of what's in vogue as of late.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: Whenever I can put my adhd into proper submission. I like writing at the office (after I have my work for the day handled) because it separates me from the usual distractions but we can only be so strong...
I like writing earlier in the day! I feel like my best work is done in the mornings, after all. And the head is clearer before I've hit lunch. So on weekends where I don't have plans and I can make myself sit down at a keyboard before everyone else is around, that's just great.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: Like any good oc writer, I pull out little pieces of myself and cram them into other beings to irreversibly corrupt them not unlike a certain villain from a certain manga. People have called me dad in the past... perhaps that fits better than I thought.
tagged by: @triinitas (thank!!) tagging: gosh this one has gone around a few times, steal it if you like!
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mcfiddlestan · 6 months
Let's Get ((REAL)) fic writer asks
🌈 is there a fic that you worked *really fucking hard on* that no one would ever know? maybe a scene/theme you struggled with?
I struggled the entire time trying to get through Ghosts That We Knew, the conclusion to the Picture Perfect series. I honestly hadn't planned to write a whole ass trilogy. Dark Side was the only one I had an idea for, and then halfway through, people wanted more. So I started planning the sequel, Come Back to Me. I'm not a fan of duologies. Trilogies just make more sense. So I started thinking up plots for the third entry. Where could Tony and Loki go after marrying and having two kids (one through a relationship, the other through a surrogate)? What kind of problems would they face? I had no idea, lol. I knew I wanted to insert another kid (Audrey Maria or "Audi"), but I also wanted to show that after 8 years and 3 kids, even the most in-love couples have bad times. I'd gotten about halfway through and just blanked on where to go. It didn't help I was having outside issues -- my RP partner (whom I was in love with) and I were having issues, I was stressing about school, and my dad was having health problems at the time. Oh, and I was struggling to RP too. But I was able to pull something out in the end. And everyone seemed to enjoy it. 😁
🎉how often do you celebrate completing & posting a work? how often do you give yourself the credit/validation that you seek from others when you post? (if you don’t, you should!)
Umm....I'm not sure what "celebrate" means?? I might give myself a mental high five? Say yay? LOL
🤍what’s one fic of yours you think people didn’t “get”?
It's not a fic that's completed, nor is it posted on AO3 anymore, but it's Fools Rush In. It was Frostiron set in the Matthew Perry/Salma Hayek movie. First time I was writing fem!Loki and even tho I only published like 4 or 5 chapters, I got complaints that Loki was "too feminist" and "obsessed with her dad's [Odin's] opinions about what a woman her age should be doing." To be clear, Loki was a 28yo grad student who'd been adopted by the Odinsons as a baby and at 13, chose to search for her birth parents who were teenagers when she was born. She was the youngest in the Odinson clan (Thor and Baldur being older) and the oldest in the Laufeyson family (Helblindi and Býleistr were much younger). And the only girl. So Odin certainly had a lot of opinions about her needing to be settled and married, not living with her bestie (Natasha) in an apartment in a big city.
This isn't the reason the fic is incomplete, tho! I removed it, along with four other fics, from AO3 and ff.net bc I'd reached a block on all of them and I felt bad just letting them sit there unfinished. I do hope to complete them someday. But we'll see. Here's a banner I made for it, when I still thought Olivia Wilde was a good choice for fem!Loki. I do not anymore.
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And this one was made by a fan (@/tomhiddlesdarling), and as much as I loved it, I'm not big on Eva Green.
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Thanks for asking!
Let’s Get ((REAL)) fic writer asks
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nathanwinter · 1 year
Hi! I hope you're having a good day. :DD Big fan of your work but I have a question. How long ago did you start writing and even then, what got you to? Any tips for beginner writers?
Hello! I did have a good day, thanks :)
I've been writing silly little story ideas for about as long as I can remember, and did hang out on some writing/RP forums back in early 2010s, and there's some ancient fanfiction of mine lost somewhere on the internet. But I first really started putting ideas to paper in 2018, when I started playing D&D regularly with some friends. D&D with a good group really gets you thinking about characters and how they will think and react to situations. If you're a player, you watch someone else craft a story and start thinking about what you like vs what you'd've done differently. If you're a DM, you see how people other than yourself react to situations, and you get to watch a story unfold in real time and see what parts of your writing really click with people. You have to imagine more than one way a scene could go down and be ready to adjust and improvise.
All these thoughts stewing around in my head were what got me writing little short stories about our D&D characters, and eventually my own campaign, and from there I started writing more personal stuff and becoming confident enough to write other people's characters as well.
Honestly, my two biggest tips for beginner writers are lame, but they're 100% true and I fall back on them when I hit a really bad writer's block:
Read a lot. Audiobooks, comics, PDFs, hardcovers, anything and everything. Get in lots of variation. Fanfiction is great as long as it's not the only thing you read. All media has its own language in the form of tropes and themes and styles, and you want to know what you like and what you don't like. Even if you don't want to be conventional -- the most successful rule-breakers are the ones who know the rules better than anyone else. Learn what themes really resonate with you, what stuff absolutely infuriates you as a reader, and what you can fall back on to inspire you and your future works.
Just fucking write. One word after the other. A mediocre story that is on paper is far far better than a perfect story that exists only in your head. Sometimes you will be half-assing it and sliding into autopilot, sometimes you will just be writing point-form, sometimes you will get halfway through a short story and realize you actually hate it. Sometimes you just write 200 words on your phone on a drive and them forget about them until months later. That's all still practice. Now, I don't believe that practice makes perfect -- an old professor of mine once said 'practice makes permanent', where bad habits can get ingrained if you stick to them for too long. But with writing, you can always edit bad writing. You can always script doctor. You can always shelf something you've lost motivation for and come back to it in a year. But you can't do any of those things if you haven't written them down.
I hope that makes sense! I had a fun time answering this, and feel free to swing other questions my way if you're so inclined.
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The Fallout of the Chaosdiver Chaos
Vismark hated this. He absolutely hated this with all of his being. Being cooped up in tower was frustrating. Being powerless to do anything about it was worse. He just wished he could leave, but not only would he be discouraging his men by seemingly abandoning them, but with the amount of potentially hostile destroyers in the air, he couldn’t afford to leave their small sector of airspace anyways.
It all began the morning of 9/8/2024. Vismark was starting to arrange a flight out of the world when he was informed of a weird energy signature. Before he could really figure out what it was though, suddenly a barricade of Chaosdivers formed around the outpost. Fortunately, nobody was outside during this time, but it was still concerning, especially with the turrets set on the tower. Vismark knew it could withstand any attacks made against it, but it was still a worrying sight to see.
Fortunately, this barricade, which was made by the Chaosdiver council themselves, was simply there to investigate and ensure that they were alright to continue interacting with the rest of the Chaosdivers. Vismark still didn’t understand why that was the case, they were just fine before. From what little reports he managed to gather, it had something to do with a Terminid parasite and a horse taken too far? Yeah, he had no idea. What he did know was that he had to wait until a diplomat came over to discuss with him and see if he could get the outpost settled. So Vismark waited… and waited… and waited…
That diplomat never came. Instead, that evening, the planet erupted into chaos. Dozens of destroyers flew in from orbit and starting shooting down blank shells and diver pods, people took to the streets in riots, and overall, it became a scary place. Admittedly, it was slightly amusing at first, but eventually Vismark saw the danger of these riots and ordered a silent lockdown. All ships were to either stay in orbit or land on the landing pads and be chained down, the doors were to remain shut, defenses were to remain high, and nobody was allowed to enter or exit the facility until the mess calmed down.
Vismark didn’t really know what was going on, even now after things had cooled down a bit. There might have been an official who was corrupt, or maybe he just screwed up big time and the Chaosdivers were riled up over something small. Either way, he was pretty sure that this mess wouldn’t end cleanly, and he didn’t know what else to do.
Now, things had calmed down a bit. The active riots had stopped, and “justice” had been served, but the fallout was still lingering. He had no idea how many casualties the riots had produced, no idea if Rouge 5 was still safe to do business in. Worst case scenario, he had arrangements with the ODSTs and the Outer Rim Consortium, he could abandon the planet if he wanted to… but he didn’t. Was this why rebellions against Super Earth failed? Was this why tyranny was still allowed to exist?
For now, all he could do was wait, trapped in his own outpost, waiting for a sign that things will be all right from here on out.
{Hey! This was just a post regarding the recent... chaos that happened on the Chaosdiver server. First the RP section was heavily modified and made more strict, which could have endangered my presence there. However, these changes were then abandoned halfway through when the server rioted over the mods making a stupid decision. I'm not going to elaborate here on what happened. It was just bad all around, and I don't want to give people more harassment then they've already received. Now the strict RP changes could be back, but without the mastermind behind them who was more understanding of the RP community. That being said, its looking like its going to work out after all.
Normally, regarding Chaosdiver posts, I usually post a link to the discord server. However, as of right now, I don't feel comfortable posting it until I'm sure the server has calmed down, sorting its mods, getting its population under control, and withstanding whatever vindictive discord reporting might happen. Worst case scenario, I leave said server. I'm invited to the private ODST and a private server that contains the members of ORC, so I should be able to continue "supporting" them despite what might happen. Hopefully, it won't come to that}
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October 22, 2022
Nightly RP                Henry & Lucifer storyline
My foot keeps tapping the ground where I sit in my throne room, glaring at everything around me. In a very foul mood. Halfway muttering to myself .... unbelievable... my boss? Ha... no. I think to myself that I need a plan, and get to my feet and start pacing. Suddenly it dawns on me, and my eyes light up. I do have a soldier on the inside, albeit unwilling... Wearing a smirk now I quickly vanish
coming out of my lab I pull my goggles off my face and shake my hair loose, I see a piece of paper lying on the table and I walk over picking it up  
Hey guys, I've been researching the information from Bobby and may have found the location of the Guardian. Not sure yet, but I've gone to check a couple things out. Will be in touch as soon as I definitively know more. Ruby, I know you can find me anywhere because of... but please don't. I'm okay and I know what I'm doing. Sorry everyone, but I need to do this myself after everything.....Sam
Unable to believe it I call out to the others  Guys!!! Come here!!
comes out with a new book what’s going on?
cleaning weapons in the armory with Jo when Charlie calls out for everyone I drop everything and take off
walking out of the ARMORY after looking through some old things, I walk in the main room to the others
Glad to be finished with that task, I head back to the map room with Ellen.
I follow Patience out of the armory
Seeing Charlie’s face, I grow concerned. What is it Charlie?
looking at Charlie What's up hun?
It’s Sam…. He’s gone…. passing over the note he said not to follow him…,
After reading the note, I’m stunned. Why wouldn’t he have told me this himself? Did he think I would stop him? I have no answers.
reads it and starts to cry
Hearing Henry begin to cry, I head over to help Ellen comfort him.
wondering to myself if this is a good idea  should we really let them go
I agree, was that smart?
after reading the note I look around the room and see henry it's ok kiddo. Sam has reasons. I rub his back Hey yall, Sam has been a Hunter a long time. And we all know he'll get in touch when he needs us. Let's just do our best to give him the support he needs. Ok
My feelings inside begin to fight with themselves. Go find him or do as he asks? If I don’t do something I’m going to scream. Asking the others, Why don’t we get out of the bunker and go do something to take our minds off things?”
praying we don't need another evening gown
That sounds like a great idea! Let’s head out everyone
pulling into the pit hole filled parking lot of the bowling. I put the truck in neutral, let off the clutch and press in the ebrake and shut the truck off. all right everyone out. We're here.
Patience SPN: excited to see the bowling alley hell yes
Yeah, we’re gonna bowl ❣️
turning back to henry cmon little dude, the distraction will be good for us all.
Will there be food?
Forcing myself out of the mood I’m in, I smile at Henry. You can have all the food you want!
smiles and walks in
I head inside the bowling alley with Henry
As everyone heads in, I grab Patience’s arm. Hey Patience, I forgot something at the apartment. I’m going to pop there and be back in a bit. Can you let Charlie know?
listening to Ruby I agree to let everyone know ok Ruby but I hope I'm not the one that gets yelled at because you left
It's all good. I'll be back soon!
Ok I sure hope so
Popping outside the apartment I decide to check the mail before going in, I open the box and see my Bela Donna seeds have arrived. Now I can stratify the seeds before planting next spring.
I appear behind Ruby grinning Well hello there... How's my little pet been? I smirk It's been a long time since we've worked together...
I freeze! That voice! I feel like a bucket of ice was just dumped into my stomach. It chills me to the bone, making me turn around quickly, dropping the seeds on the ground. Lucifer! What do you want?
I grin and chuckle a little Aww, I just wanna have a little chat. I wanted to discuss a few things, and it'll be such easier if you just... cooperate.
Quickly calculating any chances I have of getting out of here alive, I see my only way is going along. Alright, fine.
smile widens and turns dangerous Oh this is gonna be fun. Grabs her and disappears
walks over to the table sitting down a pizza and a tray of drinks and a sundae for henry
walks away
afraid to speak up but I know I have to I tell the team about Ruby, ok so I don't know if anyone noticed Ruby missing, but she asked me to tell you she forgot something at her apartment and will join us soon
starts eating my Sundae this is really good.
Mom…. Do you think Sam will be ok???
I'm sure of it hunny. rub her arm
missing Sam guys I miss him already
Sam wouldn’t let us down but I’m still worried
You’re right Henry sighs and I get it… with the whole Abel thing … he wants to prove he’s on the right side again…
looking at the family and their long faces hey guys cmon. He's gonna be fine. I know how hard it seems when the team is split like this. But we're all and including Sam gonna be just fine.
I know I don’t want to see it happen again
checking the time Ruby has been gone a while…. Hopefully she’s here soon….
rolls my eyes she's a demon she can find us when needed
laughing at henry You’re right little dude… she doesn’t even need any of my tech
we appear in a mundane office room and I let go of her quickly, wrinkling my nose a little in distaste when I look around Mhh, sorry for the lack of... decoration and carnage. Still playing catch up, after my return...
I look around the room. What’s on your mind Lucifer? And what does it have to do with me?
I grin at her Weeeeellll... So glad you asked... you're already in bed with the enemy, so to speak...
Ignoring the dig about Sam, I ask Just what is it you need from me Lucifer. I want to get this over with as soon as possible.
I clap my hands and look giddy Eager to get down to business! Now that makes me happy to hear! snap my fingers and a picture of Henry appears there on the desk
Seeing a picture of Henry appear on the table, I feel a chill run down my spine. I shake my head. No!
Sh, sh, shhh-- having gods prophet, will give me a nice little edge here. And possibly even a little in... To right where I rightfully belong.... My father's throne.
full to the gills I sit back wow that was some great pizza
I’m feeling like some dessert personally laughs
chuckling yall go on ahead. Get some snacks. I check my watch
getting up from the table I walk to the snack bar cmon guys
runs to the snack counter
heading to the desert bar with Henry and Jo I don't know if I can eat anything else but ya never know
turning to Ellen Rubys been gone a while…. I’m starting to worry. You don’t think she’s done something stupid? Or gotten in the crossfire of Sam’s mission or anything??
I'm gonna go with option B here char. Ruby's never been known to do anything stupid.
sighs you’re right…. But “be right back” doesn’t usually take this long
I squeeze your hand tell ya what. Why don't we swing by her place on the way home.
comes up to the table with a huge cone of ice cream and smiles I’m ready whenever you are
following Jo back to the table
eyeing the ice cream cone that ain't coming with us jo..
comes back with cookies
as everyone comes back to the table I turn to them to speak we are just making a pit stop on the way home…. But I think it’s time to go…
I’ll get a cup…
heads outside
heads outside and unlocks the truck
heading outside with the others
I wait because I know there will be more. I know him too well.
Mhhh.... Mkay- see, not digging all the silence. I'd ask if the cat has your tongue, but actually I'm about to, if you don't use it... Do I have your cooperation, or am I painting my walls 'Ruby' red?
You have no idea what a mess you would be getting into. Henry is special to Gabe! He’s not going to just let you OR me walk away with him!
Yeah. Well. That sounds like a you problem to figure out sweetheart.
I laugh Look, I sit on the edge of the table I’m willing to help you and am completely on your side! Thinking to myself, Gabe is going to kill you and I don’t blame him! But I will be no help to you if I’m a corpse or in the void! And Gabe will do it! He HAS done it!
I pause. Staring at her. Listening and considering what she said Perhaps- but it doesn't really matter. I need that prophet.
Quickly thinking, I propose, There may be an easier way.
Narrow my eyes then cross my arms and sit on the desk. .... alright. I'm listening.
If you’re willing to take time, I think you’ll get the outcome you want AND be able to rub salt in Gabe’s wound at the same time. You need to become Henry’s friend. Spend time with him. Gabe has been busier now that more Nephilims are here. Henry is feeling left out. Fill that void Gabe has left. It won’t take long at all. YOU will be his new best friend.
pulls into Ruby's driveway
grabbing my head as we pull into the driveway of Ruby's place guys this isn't good Lucifer has Ruby what the hell
getting out of the truck I see a small package on the ground and pick it up, the label reads belladonna her seeds are here on the ground…. approaching the truck I show henry
This is why Sam can't, whenever he does things get worse
still holding my head from the vision I agree  why is it every time I have a vision I can't help. WTF
getting back in the truck I tuck the seeds into my pocket
We need to go back to the bunker … if Lucifer is involved in this somehow we will need to be ready….
Hang on tight guys. I push the clutch in and shift to reverse,  hit the gas and turning the wheel,  back onto the street, I straighten the wheel, push the clutch back in drop it in first, then 2nd, hitting 3rd and getting sideways a little we straighten out and speed off
as soon as we get to the bunker I run inside surprised to see ruby herself standing there
Looking up, I see the team return Hey, guys! Did you have a good time?
to my surprise Ruby is hear at the bunker. Ruby I saw you Lucifer had you
Hi Ruby
I did I saw you, we went by your place I had a vision Lucifer had you
I take a moment to think about her vision, then show a look of remembrance You must have somehow picked up something that happened at the Apartment several months ago. Luckily that’s long over. I put my hand on her arm. Thank you so much for your concern Patience. It means a lot. Turning to Henry. I feel bad about missing the pizza party. How about I take you for a couple of rides at the amusement park?
smiling at ruby I take the package out of my pocket and hand it over * I think these are yours….
Taking the seeds, Thanks, Jo! I didn’t realize I’d dropped them.
so fucking confused to see Ruby I think I'm losing my mind
Yeah, that sounds nice.
Great! Looking at the others We’ll be back later! Let’s go Henry! I pop us over to the amusement park.
Ruby's advice seemed pretty good, if a little annoying, but I kept it in mind as I picked out some different clothes. 'Look approachable'.. for a damn amusement park. Ugh. No, focus, I need to think 'happy' thoughts...I try to-- and then watch the familiar red flare up in my eyes, in the mirror Why is this so damned hard?! ... whatever... This is the best it's getting. I huff and disappear off to the amusement park
back at the bunker; I been thinking of an earlier conversation I had with ruby. Not sure why l, maybe just seeing her. Montbretia, hmmm.  Why can't I get that out of head. Ruby's garden sounds delightful hey Charlie. Can you do me a favor amd look this up.  M-O-N-T-B-R-E-T-I-A.. I spell out the her
heading to my laptop I type a search into google and see another name pop up crocsamia Lucifer….. it’s a hint….pay… I should have known! Your visions are never wrong…..
looking confused  I'm sorry Charlie what do you mean I should have known?
It’s in the name… Lucifer …. You’re never wrong
Shit! Why wouldn’t Ruby just say something?!
Well she may not be able to... just yet, but she did what she could..
Guys… we need to get ready. I’ve heard what Luci is like…. This is going to be a fight….
grabbing my shotgun I don't care who it is. Anything happens to that kid. They're gonna be eating some salted lead!!
getting ready for a fight
Popping into the park behind one of the rides, I ask Henry What do you want to ride first?
The chamber pointing at it
I read the sign on the side The Scrambler... Ok, let's go!
smiles and gets in line
Once the ride is over, I understand why it was called the Scrambler. I get off a little disoriented. Where to now?
Bumper cars runs to the line
Bumper cars it is! Following behind.
I appear in the park earlier than planned, looking around for Ruby and Henry. As soon as I spot them I hang back, keeping an eye on them while hidden
Feeling like I've suffered whip-lash, I'm happy Henry is happy. Getting off the ride, I point to the food truck Want to get something to eat?
Gets out of the car where too next?
I'm not very hungry actually
Anything to drink?
I can do with some water
I look around and point How about that food truck? They probably have bottles.
Ok walks over to the truck
I 'happen' to be standing nearby looking over a menu
Luci! calls him over
glances up and spots him Oh- Henry. Hey! puts the menu away and goes over to him What are you doing here?
Ruby wanted to hang out
I watch Lucifer. Although he said he won't take him today, he is Lucifer after all, and I keep an eye on Henry
Oh? At an amusement park, huh? I smile and ruffle his hair a little You enjoying the park? Having fun?
Yes smiles and giggles
chuckles a little, ignoring Ruby Yeah... I don't blame you. Can be pretty fun out here... You know... We should come back one day. Bet you'd be fun company.
Yay another friend Hugs him I will love that
blinks and looks a little startled for a second by the hug but awkwardly pats Henry on the back Uh.. Yeah. Yeah another friend! ... We can make a day of it, enjoying the amusement park for a bit.
Why don't you call sometime and we can arrange that, right Henry?
I nod a little and pat him on the back again That sounds like a plan then. ruffle his hair one more time then leave with a smile on my face
Are you ready to head back to the bunker? You must be exhausted! I know I am! Thankful everything went as planned and no one got hurt!
Yes and I can brag about my new friend
Popping us to the map room, I see the others waiting there.
I have a new friend!
seeing Henry and ruby appear I run over and squeeze Henry into a bear hug I’m so glad you’re ok!!!
Why wouldn’t I confused
Remembering the note I left behind, I could kick myself
I’m sorry about the note. I thought something was up. Lucifer always makes me nervous. I shrug my shoulders. False alarm, thankfully!
I give Ellen a look
hearing what Ruby just said I look at Charlie like wtf
appear back in my room, moving around on light feet. I toss my jacket onto the bed while I whistle an upbeat tune, clearly in a great mood Well that went even better than planned. Making a new little friend was actually easier than I thought...I hum and sing a few bars of a song under my breath, pausing to grin at myself in the mirror... this time, it's all going to work out perfectly.
To be continued
1. Lucifer sits in hell, still seething about all that changed while he was away. His sniveling little brother was now his boss? Ha! He paces the room thinking of his next step, then remembering he has an unwilling soldier on the inside, he smirks and vanishes.
2.  Charlie comes out of her lab to a quiet bunker, she sees a piece of paper and picks it up reading it. (Insert Sam’s note) she calls out to the others. Henry comes out from the library with a new book, Jo and Patience were in the armory cleaning some weapons and Ellen comes out of the storeroom where she had been looking through some old boxes of ledgers with ruby. Seeing the look on Charlie’s face everyone hurries to the table to see what is happening. Charlie somberly explains what is in the note and Henry starts to cry, ruby and Ellen try to calm him. Patience asks if they should really just let them go. Jo agrees asking if that was smart. Ellen reminds them Sam is a seasoned hunter and if he needed them he would reach out. Ruby gets a look across her face, internally fighting with herself—wanting to play the hero but knowing better than to go against Sam’s wishes. With a sigh she suggests getting out of the bunker for a while to take their mind off things.  Jo says that sounds like a great idea and they all head out.
3. Ellen pulls into a bowling alley, Jo and Patience are excited to play, Ruby seems distracted and Charlie convinces Henry that the distraction will be a good thing. Henry asks if there will be food, this snaps Ruby back to the present and she tells Henry he can have all the food he wants. Henry smiles and they go inside. Ruby stops Patience and tells her to let Charlie know she had something she had to do but she would be back. Patience agrees to let everyone know.
Ruby pops outside of her apartment, stopping to check the mail. She looks through the mail and sees the Bela Donna seeds she ordered have arrived. Lucifer appears behind her asking how his little pet has been, it’s been a long time since they’d gotten to work together. Ruby is terrified and asks what he wants. Lucifer tells her he wants to discuss a few things and all of this will be so much easier if she just cooperates. Ruby, lets him think she’s leery, but having no choice, agrees to go with him. Lucifer just smiles at her compliance and says this is going to be fun. He grabs her roughly and takes her with him.
4. Back at the bowling alley, a waitress brings pizza, beer and milkshakes to the table, and a huge sundae for Henry. Patience tells the team what ruby said. Jo asks Ellen if she thinks Sam will be ok. Ellen says she is sure of it.  Patience says she misses him already, and Henry says Sam has never let them down… but with all that has happened recently he was still worried. Charlie agrees with Henry, but then reminds the rest that Sam likely felt the need to prove that he was on the right side again.  Ellen nods, and makes a comment about how hard things are when the team is broken up like that.  Jo says she never wants to see that again. Charlie checks her watch and says ruby has been gone a while, hopefully she’d show up soon. Henry rolls his eyes telling the rest of the team that apparently they’d forgotten ruby was a demon and could find them if she needed to. Charlie chuckles and agrees saying she didn’t even need any software to do it.
5. Lucifer brings ruby into a rather boring looking meeting room. Luci apologizes for the lack of carnage, he was still playing catch up since his return. Ruby asks what that had to do with her and Luci smiles as he tells her that she is already in bed with the enemy so to speak. Ruby asks Luci what he needs from her, she’s willing to do whatever he asks if she can just walk out of here alive. Luci is happy to hear that and snaps his fingers and a picture of Henry appears on the table. Ruby looks up at him only saying no. Luci shushes her and explains how having gods prophet would give him an edge, and maybe an in to his rightful place— his fathers throne.
6. The team has finished eating, Patience comments on how good the pizza was. Jo says she wouldn’t mind some dessert. Ellen tells her to go ahead and checks the time again as henry, Patience and Jo head to the snack counter. Charlie tells Ellen she’s starting to worry that ruby has done something stupid or been caught in the crossfire somehow. Ellen says she’s going with option 2 as ruby has never been known to be stupid. Charlie agrees with that, but says it has been a long time since “be right back”  Ellen nods and says maybe they should swing by the apartment to make sure she’s ok. Jo comes up to the table and says she is ready to go.  Patience and Henry soon follow and Charlie tells them they’re making a quick stop on the way home, but it’s time to go. They head outside.
7. Ruby is silent, and Lucifer demands to know if he had her cooperation, or if she was going to become his new wallpaper. Ruby steels herself, and then reminds Luci that Henry is kind of special to Gabe, and he wouldn’t just let her walk with him. Lucifer tells her that is her problem. Ruby tells Luci that she is willing to help and is completely on his side (in her head she thinks something different) but she was of no use to him as a corpse or in the void.  Lucifer ponders this for a moment and says it doesn’t matter, he needs the prophet. Ruby says there may be an easier way. Luci says he is listening, and ruby shares her idea.
8.  Ellen pulls into the driveway of Ruby’s place, before she stops patience gets a vision of Lucifer grabbing ruby. She tells the group quickly and Jo gets out and finds ruby’s belladonna seeds on the ground and picks them up. Henry says she would never just leave those there. Charlie says they need to get back to the bunker, if Lucifer was involved they needed to be prepared. Jo gets back in the truck and Ellen says she will hurry them all home so they can make a plan. Henry says this is why Sam can’t leave, whenever he does things seem to get worse. Patience can’t help but agree with him. Once they get to the bunker they are surprised to see ruby inside, looking absolutely fine. When patience tells ruby about the vision ruby says something about maybe it was a lingering memory from years past she had hooked on to, she had gone to get a surprise for Henry and wanted to take him out for a while. Jo smiles at ruby and passes her the seeds she had picked up. Henry loves the idea of a day out with ruby and she takes them both away.
9. Luci is getting ready to go to the amusement park, keeping Ruby’s advice about looking approachable he picks out some clothes and checks himself out in the mirror. He tries to think happy thoughts and sees his eyes turning red and swears, why was this so hard! Frustrated he decides this is the best he can do he vanishes to the park. *********** back at the bunker Ellen can’t get the “montbretia” out of her head, she has a feeling the flowers were important so she has Charlie google it, Charlie shares the other name and she tells patience she should have known. Patience asks what she means and Charlie seeing what Ellen found says your visions are never wrong. Jo swears and asks why ruby didn’t just say something. Ellen says she may not be able to just yet… but she had done what she could. Charlie tells the team to get ready—-this was going to be a fight. Ellen grabs her shotgun and says if anything happened to kiddo it didn’t matter who was responsible, they were going to eat lead.
10. Henry and Ruby go to the amusement park. Ruby lets him choose what he wants to ride on. He chooses the Scrambler and they head for it. Henry is all smiles. Next, they head for the bumper cars. Lucifer shows up early at the park. Finding Ruby and Henry, he keeps an eye on them until they go for food as he planned earlier with Ruby. When the ride is over, Ruby suggests getting something to eat. Henry tells her he’s very hungry. They stand in line at the food truck. While they are talking about what to do next, Henry sees Lucifer off to the side looking at the menu. He calls him over. Lucifer and Henry chat and make plans for another day to come back together and spend the day. Henry is very excited. Lucifer leaves with a smile. Ruby suggests to Henry they go back to the bunker to eat. He agrees.*** once ruby and Henry pop into the bunker Jo runs to Henry and hugs him thanking Gabe he was ok. Henry looks confused and ruby tells the team it was a false alarm. Ellen and Charlie exchange a look. ** Luci is back in his bedroom whistling and singing to himself as he talks aloud to himself about his new friend and how this time it was all going to work perfectly!
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immortaljackal · 1 year
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@lovepurposed asked: [ mulberry ] what tips would you give someone with writer's block?
💌 colourful interview [ meme - accepting ]
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Right, that most infamous and meme'd horror to all writers…
Only… one thing I've learned over the decades is that sometimes… writer's block isn't a lack of inspiration or word constipation or whatever your first thought about it might be.
Sometimes, it's executive dysfunction. Sometimes, it's depression. And it can be difficult to discern which, if either, or even a third secret thing. So my first bit of advice is ask yourself where you are in terms of your mental health as to whether there might be something making writing more difficult than what you want or expect it to be.
I don't talk about this often, but when I got away from my abusive ex, I had a whole saga of novels fully written in their first drafts and in various stages of being edited and rewritten. He found every copy - physical and digital - and destroyed them. This was before I had reliable cloud storage at all, so I lost pretty much everything for the entire four book series.
That very series is where Layla originates. She started out as a side character, one who didn't even show up until over halfway through the second novel. I was so discouraged by the loss of all that work, that I stopped writing for years. I even stopped joining tabletop roleplaying games and LARPs because I lost all drive for character creation and world building…
This, coming from someone who has won NaNoWriMo multiple times over the years, who has been writing as a hobby since they were eight years old. To have all words just stop… It wasn't for a lack of wanting to write, or a lack of ideas. I was simply too consumed by depression to write.
After I moved out of state, I was able to get health insurance, and I was quickly prescribed anti-depressants and therapy. Those helped. The words didn't come back right away, but it helped. I got back into roleplaying online with friends. Eventually, I gave roleplaying on tumblr another try.
Layla was the first muse I brought to tumblr, when I thought I might never write again. She became the new protagonist of the total rewrite of the series, turning things on it head and putting her at the front of the whole thing.
So if you're struggling with writer's block, start with yourself and your needs first: Are you hungry? Thirsty? Sleepy? In need of going to the toilet? In need of a shower? In need of some social interaction? In need of some random fun? In need of some new scenery? Treat yourself like a Sim and get your basic needs in check first. You might find that's all it takes.
If it's still hard after you've taken care of the basics: Is there something in your current environment causing you distress? If so, can you do something to alleviate it in any way to at least reduce its impact on you? How's your mental health? Are you feeling anxious? Depressed? Do you have someone you trust and are comfortable with to talk to about it? Again, do so if you're able. If you have the means, even consider approaching therapy as an option, as talking about things in general with a professional can help.
Now, if it's a simple lack of inspiration, or words are too hard? Writing manuals, like those from Writer's Digest, can be a lifesaver. As can the various blogs with prompts - and not just rp starters, but like the ones for fanfic and original works that you find on Dreamwidth and such.
Having trouble remembering a word? Try Tip of My Tongue.
Need ideas for where to start? There are tons of random scenario generators, first sentence/paragraph generates, etc. available for free online. Any little thing can be a spark in the right direction, if all you're missing is an idea. Let yourself scroll through artwork. Take a virtual tour through a museum. Listen to a podcast. Spin around in circles.
Give yourself permission to write poorly, then do it. Open a separate document somewhere and write the first thing that comes to mind. Does it suck? GREAT! You still wrote something! Save it, set it aside (not in the trash bin), and start another doc. Write something else. Rewrite the same thing, but slightly different. Turn left instead of turning right.
Whatever's throwing off your groove will pass. Sometimes it can be more stubborn than other times, and that's usually when it's a sign of mental health things. Don't be afraid to ask for help for those things.
Hell, try thinking about the other stuff you probably need to be doing that you've been putting off for whatever reason. I have seriously motivated myself into writing in order to avoid doing those other things. Brains are weird, so just try things until you find what works.
It's okay to get frustrated. It's okay to get discouraged when the words don't want to flow easily. Unfortunately, there's not a Drain-O for Writers to unclog things when the words get stuck.
And sometimes, the best thing you can do for yourself is just step back and let yourself not write for a little bit. Creative burnout is a bitch, so give yourself time to rest and just daydream a while. Read a book. Listen to music. Watch a movie. Play a game. Make your favourite hot drink. Eat some ice cream. Dress in drag and do the hula.
And remember, just because the words are harder than usual in that moment, they'll come back to you eventually. Even if it doesn't feel like it for a while.
0 notes
kaytriestorp · 6 years
i have worked six days in a row already with three more to go before my day off and honestly??? i am tired™ 
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tfwlawyers · 3 years
Not me singlehandedly going through your entire parent trap au I’m so invested even though like half of the posts are from 2015 💀
THESE THINGS HAPPEN I get such a kick out of knowing this au is still making its rounds though 😭😭
and yk what just because I know I’m never going to do anything else with this, have a 3.5k attempted scramble of fic for this au I tried writing back also in 2015. i was even less of a writer back then than I am now so it’s absolutely terrible but have at thee
“Oh, wait...” Trucy winced and tapped her earring. Apollo’s eyes widened in realization. “Looks like we have one more thing to do tonight - it’ll be super quick, I promise.”
“Oh no,” Apollo said, visibly paling, “there’s no way you’re doing that to me-”
“Then cutting my hair was a total waste,” Trucy huffed, tugging at a newly shorn lock, “because there’s no way I can go to camp with pierced ears and come home without. Come on, Polly, where’s your sense of adventure? It’s just one little pinch!”
“Just one?” he asked hesitantly, eyes now trained on the sharp needle laying on the table.
Trucy paused. “Well... I guess it’s technically two. I really only wear the one earring, but both my ears are pierced.”
Apollo sighed. “Great.”
“Nah, I got this,” Trucy said, grinning toothily. “I went with Aunt Maya when she wanted to get hers pierced, even though she chickened out at the last second.” She picked up the needle and a book of matches from the table, eyes glinting. “I had to get mine repierced because of infection the first time too. Trust me, I know what I’m doing.”
“Put that apple slice back,” Apollo said, narrowing his eyes at the piece of fruit in Trucy’s hands. “They’re acidic, I don’t need that anywhere near me and oh God you’re really going to shove a piece of metal into my ear, aren’t you-”
“You sure I look okay?” he asked, patting down the skirt. He squinted down at the stark white boots he’d thankfully fit into. “I’m terrified to walk in these, they look like death traps -”
“Which is why we’re practicing,” Trucy said primly, wiping her hands on a gel-stained rag. She still didn’t quite have a grasp on the correct ratio of product to actual hair, but she was much better than when they had started five weeks ago. “Now, walk towards me.”
“One last thing, I guess,” Apollo said, removing his bracelet and handing it to Trucy, watching as she carefully slid it on. He rubbed his now bare wrist absentmindedly, feeling strangely naked without it.
“So... this is really it. We’re really doing this.”
“We’re really doing this,” Trucy confirmed, bouncing lightly on the balls of her feet. For all her apparent enthusiasm, she looked as nervous as he felt. The studs in her ears reflected the morning light.
“Give papa a hug for me,” he said, smiling weakly.
“Give daddy one for me too,” she said.
They hesitated a moment more before Trucy threw her arms around her brother’s shoulders. Apollo’s arms immediately snaked around her waist, drawing her in tight. They clung to each other, silently willing and praying this was somehow going to all work out - that they wouldn’t just to get to meet their other parent, that they wouldn’t only get a few short weeks with the other father they hadn’t even known had existed, but that they could find some way to reconcile the two, that they wouldn’t have to lose anyone across the wide expanse of the Atlantic ever again.
“You’ve had your ears pierced,” he said almost absently, cradling her head between his hands and gently turning her neck back and forth to better view the studs. He clicked his tongue. Trucy felt her heart sink.
“Do you... hate them?” she asked tentatively.
Edgeworth’s eyes snapped to hers. They were the same soft gray color as the paint Daddy always kept too much of around the house. “On the contrary - I find they suit you incredibly well. Please tell me you didn’t get an infection.”
Her face split into a wide smile.
Apollo thumbed through a stack of canvases that had been shoved into a corner. There was a thin layer of dust of them; if he had to guess, he’d say they hadn’t been disturbed for at least three months - not a particularly long stretch of time, all things considered. They were clearly less polished works, lacking the technical skill and attention to detail that made Phoenix Wright a name to be reckoned with in the art community, but they were still beautiful in their own way. Paintings of vineyards and what looked like London, towering skyscrapers and calm seas and -
His father.
Apollo blinked.
The portrait of Miles Edgeworth drawn in rich oils did not blink back. Nor did the three that followed.
“There were a lot of paintings of the same person in daddy’s works. Some guy with grey hair,” Apollo said, struggling for nonchalance.
Maya’s grip on the mixing bowl faltered. “Is that so,” she said carefully.
“Was he one of daddy’s favorite models or something he just never told me about?”
Maya pursed her lips and continued stirring with a newfound vigor. “You could say that.”
“You’re not Apollo?” he asked, voice thick. “You’re Trucy?”
She smiled weakly. “That would be correct.” One strand of hair fell lank across her forehead - how did I not notice, Apollo hasn’t used nearly that much gel in years - and he absentmindedly tucked it behind her ear. He felt her press into the warmth of his hand, as if she were afraid he might suddenly vanish across the Atlantic again.
“I hope you don’t - I hope you don’t hate me,” she said, voice beginning to waver, “it’s just that Polly and I met at the camp and the whole thing sort of just spilled out. I’ve wanted to see you for so long, and Polly felt exactly the same way about Daddy, so we sort of just - just switched lives and hoped it wouldn’t take you so soon to notice. I really hope you don’t hate me, because I’ve wanted to meet you basically my whole life and I hope that maybe one day you can love me for me and not Polly and -” (this is ALL from movie tho so mix this up)
Edgeworth’s left hand came to cradle the rest of Trucy’s face, cutting her off mid-sentence. “Oh, my dear,” he said, cautiously tugging her forward. She came willingly, all but sprawling across his chest, tucking her head underneath his chin and wrapping her arms around his middle. “I’ve loved you since the day you came to me,” he whispered into her hair, blinking away the beginnings of tears he felt gathering at the corner of his eyes. He felt her tighten her hold and he did the same.
He poured himself a thumbnail of scotch, perfectly content to pretend he didn’t have tickets to a plane back to a state he had vowed never to set foot in again departing in less than four hours. “He was rather handsome,” he found himself admitting, absentmindedly swirling the glass and taking a sip. He paused, staring at nothing and mumbling to himself, “...had the most crooked smile. Always made me weak at the knees.”
“What was that, sir?”
Edgeworth snapped his attention back to the other man; he’d nearly forgotten Gumshoe was even in the room. “Nothing, nothing, never mind, have you seen the tickets?”
Gumshoe shrugged. That was Trucy’s cue.
“Almost ready, papa?” she asked, stepping smoothly into the room from her hiding place behind the thick wooden door. Edgeworth looked just as wild-eyed as she’d been hoping.
“Yes, of course, I’m almost finished packing -”
She didn’t even have to look at his still mostly bare suitcase to know he was lying.
“ -and you did tell your father we were coming, didn’t you?” he finished, placing his drink on a nearby dresser and running his fingers shakily through his hair.
“Absolutely,” Trucy promised.
“Ah,” Edgeworth said, fiddling with his waistcoat buttons. They looked like they’d been polished recently.
“Liar,” Gumshoe leaned down to whisper. She shushed him.
“Might I suggest we continue this little gathering inside,” Maya said, already beginning to shepherd the twins - the twins, she was going to need another vacation just to process the fact that they were together again - into the room. She twisted back around to look at Edgeworth, still shoving Apollo (that was Apollo, right?) forward. “Hi,” she began again, offering a free hand, “you probably don’t remember me -”
“Maya!” he interrupted, smiling warmly and bending to kiss her chastely on the cheek. His breath was sour with vodka and his glasses clunked awkwardly against her face. As he turned and stepped fully into the room, Maya’s cheeks(rp) began to hurt from smiling so fiercely.
“I knew I always liked him,” she said to no one as she closed the door.
This was ridiculous. This resort was full of entirely too many people who favored the same sort of eccentric clothing that man had even fourteen years ago, a disproportionate amount of them with the same slate grey hair. He almost would have written that (awkward*) expression seen from across Dahlia’s shoulder/a hotel lobby as a figment of his overtaxed imagination had it not been so much realer than the stacks of canvases in his studio. Which meant Miles was here, but he’d swept the first level of the hotel twice already after begging Dahlia to take to her room for a bit, the pool area was as depressingly empty as the inside was, and -
There he was.
Across the pool, descending the steps carefully from the inside lounge area and walking on the balls of his feet like he always did when he’d had a bit too much to drink (and why did he still remember that) was, without a doubt, Miles Edgeworth.
Phoenix suddenly found it difficult to breathe.
Edgeworth was halfway down the opposite path before Phoenix realized he should probably do something.
“Excuse me,” he said, shouldering his way through the crowd. It would be rude and more than a little intrusive to just call out his ex-husband’s name in the middle of a resort, right? Perhaps not as rude as nearly shoving the poor bellboy into the shrubbery, but, well, desperate times called for desperate measures.
He didn’t immediately notice the odd assortment of friends and family and a lumbering man in striped green swimming trunks perched on pool chairs as he stepped past, but they certainly noticed him.
“Daddy, are you okay?” Trucy asked.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” he said vaguely, refusing to take his eyes off Edgeworth. He was abruptly terrified he might vanish again if he did.
“Nick, watch out -”
“Hey, pal -”
“Daddy -”
With that, Phoenix collided into a passing service boy, arms pinwheeling wildly as he fell directly into the pool behind him.
“Hello Miles,” he said, smiling sheepishly and wringing out his tie. He fought the urge to rub the back of his neck and settled for clenching his hands into tight fists instead. “Or do you people call you Edgeworth now?”
“Miles is - Miles is fine,” Edgeworth said weakly, trying to look anywhere but Phoenix, as if this was a perfectly normal conversation they should be having for the first time after fifteen years. “My father still calls me Miles.”
Something warm coiled in his chest. It felt infinitely more dangerous than it had fifteen years ago.
“You always had a smart mouth,” he murmured, rubbing a swathe of cleaning ointment along the cut on Phoenix’s forehead. Phoenix hissed.
“So glad you remembered,” he bit through gritted teeth.
Phoenix hmmed but stayed silent for a few more seconds, staring at Edgeworth as he dug back into the first aid kit. Edgeworth tried not to flush under the scrutiny.
Phoenix held his wrist in a loose grip. He should have felt clammy from the pool and the rapidly descending night, but he blazed oddly hot against Edgeworth’s skin.
“Miles, I-”
“Feenie? Who is this?”
“Dollie!” Phoenix said, shooting upright and wincing at the sudden dizziness.
Edgeworth’s burgundy coat was hung carefully over his arm, too thick for the warm California night. The buttons on his waistcoat glinted from a nearby streetlamp’s glow.
Phoenix swallowed.
“Do you have any idea where they’re taking us?” Edgeworth asked, leaning in slightly. Phoenix’s (nose twitched? something about scent memory?) and he refused to let himself acknowledge that Miles’s choice of aftershave hadn’t changed since the day they’d met. He abruptly remembered the taste of cheap wine and overly sweet cake on his tongue, felt the ghost weight of a ring fifteen years gone.
He hastily turned away.
“No idea.”
“Grandfather chipped in a bit -”
“Apollo,” Edgeworth warned.
“Alright, so Grandfather chipped in a lot, whatever, we’re poor teenagers, the point is,” he said, emphasizing the final word by pulling the ship’s impressive doors open with a firm tug, “it’s ours for the night.”
Phoenix whistled shrilly in appreciation, instinctively reaching out to ruffle Apollo’s hair. It was a testament to how important the night was that Apollo merely batted Phoenix’s hand away. “Seriously, dad,” he mumbled. His scowl was clearly forced, however; he felt oddly warm that he was able to finally use that word at all.
“Subtle,” Phoenix remarked.
“Mm,” Edgeworth agreed. “I don’t suppose we should let their efforts, however misguided they may be, go to waste, should we?”
“You just want to know who else they roped into this ridiculous scheme of theirs.”
“Oh, because you don’t.”
“I,” Phoenix said, moving to the chilled champagne propped by the windowsill and popping its cork, “have a perfectly healthy level of curiosity. It does not involve wondering what’s going on in my kid’s head. Trucy is a teenager. That’s terrifying.” He carefully poured the sparkling drink into two glasses and offered one to Edgeworth.
“I find that somewhat difficult to believe,” Edgeworth said, striding forward and taking the  proffered glass. He made certain their fingers did not brush. “Thank you.”
They waited until she had hastily bowed out of the room before turning their focus back to each other. “Miles, that’s why we came up with this arrangement in the first place,” Phoenix continued, nonplussed.
“Really?” Edgeworth carefully picked up his glass flute, trying to ignore the tremor he felt running through his hands. “I thought it was because we’d agreed to never see each other again.”
Phoenix’s heart clenched. “Not ‘we’, Miles,” he said slowly, spreading his hands on the tablecloth and feeling like if he missed a step here, he would risk something he couldn’t afford to lose again.
Edgeworth took a shaky draw of wine. “You know,” he said slowly, seemingly forcing himself to meet Phoenix’s eyes, “that part is unclear to me as well.”
“Oh, you don’t remember the day you packed?” Phoenix asked.
“No, I remember that day perfectly. Did I hurt you when I threw that - oh God, what was it -”
“It was Kamisar’s Modern Criminal Procedure. It left a dent in the wall from where it rebounded off my head.”
“Oh,” Edgeworth said, at least having the grace to look properly abashed. “Right. Sorry.”
Phoenix shrugged. “It’s not like I was making it that easy on you.
And....” Edgeworth trailed off, twisting a napkin between his fingers. “You didn’t chase after me.”
Phoenix felt (something) shift. “I didn’t know that you wanted me to.”
“A toast to -”
“Our children,” Edgeworth cut in. He ignored the tightening in his chest at the our.
“Our children,” Phoenix repeated slowly, as if the words didn’t quite match with what his mouth had wanted to say.
“We both got where we actually wanted to go.”
Phoenix’s eyes never wavered from his. “We did,” he said, voice strange.
They toasted again and finished their meal in silence.
“Apollo, what are you doing in those clothes? We’ve got a plane to catch.”
“We’re getting totally ripped off,” maybe-Trucy said. “Daddy said we’d get our camping trip and we want to go.”
“Wait, hang on,” Phoenix interrupted, “what camping trip?”
“The one Aunt Maya and I make you take us on every year before school starts,” almost-definitely-Trucy said. Phoenix began to lift his finger in triumph, sure he’d found his kid -
“ -the one behind the house that runs all the way up to Gourd Lake, remember when you fell in that one year,” I’m-not-too-sure-if-this-one-is-still-in-fact-Apollo finished.
Phoenix’s arm fell listlessly to his side. Edgeworth snorted.
Phoenix shot Edgeworth a look. Thanks for helping, one of these is yours. “This is entirely unfunny, you’re going to make your father miss his flight,” he said, shifting his attention back to the twins. Honestly, he was an Ivy University graduate and Miles was a world renowned defense attorney, how were they being duped by their own kids -
“Apollo -” Edgeworth began.
“Yes?” they both said in unison.
Edgeworth groaned. “They get this from you, I’m sure,” he said.
“It’s not my fault you’ve apparently been raising a devilishly deceptive teenager,” Phoenix quipped back, never taking his eyes off the twins. He could feel the beginnings of a migraine pound at the base of his neck. “He’s probably rubbed off on Trucy.”
The twins grinned.
Phoenix rubbed a hand over his eyes before stooping to their height once again. He stared hard at each of them, looking back and forth between their faces. “This one’s Trucy,” he said slowly, pointing a finger to the sibling in orange. “I’m positive.”
“You know, I hope you’re right, Daddy. You wouldn’t want to send the wrong kid all the way back to Germany - ”
“ - would you?”
How was any of this fair?
“Here’s our proposition. We go back to Daddy’s house, pack our stuff, and the four of us leave on the camping trip.”
“The four of us?” Edgeworth interjected. They ignored him.
“And when you bring us back,” maybe-Trucy-maybe-Apollo continued, “we’ll tell you who’s Trucy and who’s Apollo.”
“Or,” Edgeworth said, carefully stepping around and in front of Phoenix and crossing his arms firmly across his chest, tapping his finger rhythmically against his arm, “new plan. I take one of you back to Germany with me whether you like it or not.”
Two identical sets of eyes twinkled back at him.
(He felt a migraine beginning to pound in his left temple.)
“You can cook now?” Edgeworth asked.
“Oh yeah,” Phoenix said. “I can make pasta. And pasta. Probably more pasta, if you ask really nicely.”
“Hm,” Edgeworth said, eyebrows scrunched in mock thought, “pasta sounds good.”
Phoenix grinned, bumping Edgeworth’s shoulder. He was warm through the cotton. “Pasta it is.”
Edgeworth looked across the seat at Apollo. His glassy eyes reflected the flickering street lamps as the taxi sped down the empty street.
“Apollo, I -” he began, deflating as Apollo turned further away. It’s entirely justified, he thought despondently. I’d hate myself as well.
“Grandfather?” Apollo called, shrugging out of his heavy jacket and hanging it on the coat rack. The house was silent.
“I’ll check the study,” Edgeworth said, tugging his jabot loose. Apollo nodded and headed towards the direction of the kitchen, toeing off his shoes on the way. Pushing open the wide doors that led to the study, Edgeworth saw someone reading a paper at the desk. He cocked his hip against the door and crossed his arms. “Hello, father. We’re back.”
The newspaper lowered. It wasn’t Gregory.
“Hiya, papa,” Trucy said. The corners of her mouth were quirked despite her obvious attempts to reign in her expression. “Did you know the Concord gets you here in half the time?”
Edgeworth slipped against the doorframe. He felt the knob dig into his hip. “I - yes, I’ve heard that.”
(Edgeworth was acutely aware of the doorknob digging into his hip from when he pressed against it. “I - yes, I’ve heard that.”)
Apollo walked into the room, drawn to the sound of voices. When he saw Trucy his face split into a blinding grin. “What are you doing here?”
Trucy neatly folded the newspaper on the desk and clasped her hands in front of her. “It took us about thirty seconds after you left that we decided we didn’t want to lose you two again,” she said, eyes crinkling.
Edgeworth swallowed past the sudden lump in his throat. “We?” he said, voice cracking.
“We,” a new voice agreed.
From the corner of his eye, Edgeworth noted Trucy moving to stand by the far wall of the study, giving the vaguest attempt of privacy. It didn’t matter. His eyes were trained on Phoenix, tracking his movement as he crossed the room.
Phoenix peppered his face in light kisses, smiling into the curve of his throat and pressing his lips to the thrumming heartbeat beneath his skin.
They eventually pulled back, desperate for air. Phoenix’s eyes crinkled - crow’s feet, Edgeworth thought wildly through his haze, he’s got crow’s feet now, I haven’t seen him this close up since - and he rested his forehead against Edgeworth’s.
“God, I’m never letting you go again,” he whispered, hands snaking around the other man’s back to pull him even closer.
“You want to toast with this? I’d have thought you might want to upgrade to something with a little more class.”
Phoenix smiled sloppily, pressing a chaste kiss to his temple. “You’re the only one I said I’d drink it with, remember?”
Edgeworth smiled back. He took the proffered bottle warmed by the weather and tugged his husband into a proper kiss, matching rings glinting in the dying sunlight.
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emmies-archives · 4 years
Heads and Tails
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Genre: Fluff, Angst, College AU
Warnings: Aged up, smut, drinking, blowjobs, good old fashion drunk hookup, self degrading at one point, ahhh non descriptive smut....
Wordcount: 6.8k (my bad)
Summary: You slowly become best friends with Noya. One night you get drunk with him and Tanaka and it leads to drunk confessions. You two start dating afterward, you try to surprise him one day by at practice but his old feelings for Kiyoko bring out your insecurities when you see him talking to her. 
A/N: This took wayyy to long to write, and it’s a lot longer than I expected. First piece for Haikyuu and I was drinking wine while writing most of it so please forgive typos. The ending is ehh because I just wanted to get it finished. 
Inspired by a rp with @astrid-thirsts (....... Its not as much angst as I said)
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You couldn’t remember the last time you were excited for a volleyball game. They weren’t something new you went to. You had always watched Karasuno’s boys team play, ever since you were little. Fond memories filled your thoughts whenever you thought about going to the matches. For a while though, there was something missing. The excited cheers from fans started to dwindle and you found less and less seats being filled. There were no longer group hugs when the team won. Replaced with hung heads and silent tears. But you kept going. Even as the boy’s losses stacked against them so high it cast a shadow big enough to drown them. Things started to change this year.
Rumors floated around the school pretty quickly. Apparently, there were knew recruits on the team and they had pretty good potential. It piqued your interest. If there was a chance that the team could start building back the foundation it once had, you wanted to be there to see it.
You decided to take the long way back to your dorm one day. It gave you a chance to walk by the gym where volleyball practice was held. You walked for a while, a tinge of excitement pooling in your stomach at the thought of maybe getting to see the team up close. For years you had watched them from high up in the bleachers. The only constant as the members came and went.
As the gym came into view, you slowed your pace. A part of you wanted to peek through the doors. With a sudden burst of courage, you went up to the doors. The few steps seemed like forever. Reaching a hand out to push one side open, your heart jumped when it slide open right when you touched it. The first thing you saw was a pair of bright brown eyes. The boy tilted his head a bit and you noticed a towel wrapped around his neck.
“Y/n? What are you doing here?”
That was one of the first times you had actually spoken to him, you weren’t even sure if he had known your name before. You weren’t a stranger to Nishinoya. He was in a few of your classes; you had just never really talked to him all that much. You didn’t know if it was the fact he was on the volleyball team, or that you had a huge crush on him but, it even thinking of talking to him made you nervous. I wasn’t like you didn’t want to talk to him, he was just overwhelming. Constantly full of energy, lighting up whatever room he walked into. The idea of just walking up to him and striking a conversation was intimidating. So, when one day you got paired together for a project you didn’t know if you were excited or scared.
It was easy to talk to him. A lot easier than you expected. Something about him always drew you in, even if he was going on and on about the volleyball team for the fifteenth time in the hour. The playful energy that exuded from him held a welcoming arm out to you. Like it was offering everything you’d ever wanted, even if he didn’t realize it. But you took it. Grabbed its hand and ran.
Its grasp eventually led to more nights spent with him, even after the work necessary for the project was finished. It sort of became the new norm for you. After his evening practice, you would either go to his dorm or he’d come to yours. The conversations came easier, shifting from class and volleyball to shared hobbies. You learned more about him than you ever thought you would. Every time you left his dorm, your head swarmed with the memories of the night. The entire walk home felt like you were floating, and you kind of felt ridiculous for it. The way your heartbeat sped up when he was close, or how your eyes lingered on him when he wasn’t looking shouldn’t happen. Especially because you weren’t sure if you’d ever get the courage to tell him your feelings. Little did you know, Nishinoya felt the same way.
He started to rush through the end of practice just so he could see you after. Just spending time with you was the best part of his day. He didn’t realize what his feelings were, just that he was happy when he was with you. It wasn’t until he brought you up to Tanaka at practice for the fifth day in a row did he slowly start to think different about you. Tanaka didn’t help either, teasing him about if that’s the reason he left practice early. If you knew about that, Nishinoya was sure you’d chew him out.
Your love for volleyball was only one of the things that drew him in. It was the way you always found the good in something, even if it felt like the world was ending at the time. One time he came texted you about a test in one of his classes, his grade ended up being a lot lower than expected and he was a little annoyed. You just offered to help him study for the next one, wanting to make him feel better. To him it felt like the entire weight was lifted off his shoulders just with that one response. There were other things too, of course. You were incredibly beautiful, catching his eye before you even became friends.
Months went by and the two of you fell in routine. He would meet you halfway between his dorm and yours before classes, walking you to yours which barely left him any time to make it to his. You told him you were fine when he mentioned it to you on accident one morning, but each day he stood under the same lamppost waiting for you. Slowly, without meaning to, you fell in love with him. But it didn’t feel like falling. It was more like stepping into a warm embrace.
 “Yuu?” Your voice was quiet as you called his name for the second time in the past few minutes. Slightly amused you nudged him with your foot under the table, trying to get his attention. “Nishinoya?!”
“Oh, sorry!” He set his phone on the table, a goofy grin on his face when he looked up at you. “Did you need something?”
“I was helping you with your Algebra homework. Don’t tell me you forgot.”
“You’re going to be pretty disappointed then, because I haven’t done a problem in at least a half hour.” You couldn’t even be mad at him; all you could do was shake your head. He promised he’d work on his homework for the next hour. He lasted maybe ten minutes before groaning and pushing the paper away from him. “This is too boring. It’s a Friday, we should go out and have some fun!”
“What did you have in mind?”
“Wanna get drunk?”
 Three hours later, after an embarrassing little bit of Nishinoya watching you get ready as he laid on your bed, you ended up in Tanaka’s dorm room. Drink in hand you sat in his desk chair as Nishinoya and him sit on the ground in front of you.
This wasn’t what you thought when he mentioned getting drunk, but it was fun, nonetheless. You preferred this. Nishinoya was a popular guy so you figured he’d bring you to one of the clubs near campus, but this felt different. Maybe even special. Just you two and his best friend. Something about it was heartwarming. Until Tanaka brought up their manager again. It had been so many times the night already that you were tired of hearing about it.
“I’m telling you, y/n. It is better when she ignores me!” Tanaka yelled emphasizing his words by throwing his arm out, causing his drink to slosh over the edge of the cup.
“Really? I would’ve thought that being ignored would hurt.” You say, trying not to glance at Nishinoya when you do. Your feelings completely opposite your words.
“No, no it doesn’t. I don’t know how to explain it. Noya! You try for me; I can’t think straight.”
“Ahh, I don’t know man.” You didn’t notice the slight discomfort lining Nishinoya’s words or the way he looked to you as he responded. Already on your fifth drink of the night, you started to feel your head swim past tipsy. You caught his glance smiling into your cup as you drank more of whatever concoction he had made you.
“How’s your drink, y/n?” Nishinoya asked standing to make himself another one.
“Really good actually!” Your voice was louder than you anticipated, making you cringe slightly. “How are you so good at making drinks?”
“I learned my secret from those old Italian grandmas on youtube. I just don’t measure anything, letting my heart decide what to put in it.” All you could do was stare at him as he demonstrated. Tossing random things into his cup, trying not to make a disgusted face at the amount of alcohol you watched him pour.
“Did you… put that much into all my other drinks?” His toothy grin was enough of an answer and you stared into your cup. You hadn’t even tasted the liquor.
 Several rounds and a few shots later, it was your turn again. You had brought up the idea to play truth or drink. It was a game you had always played with your girl friends back home, so you decided why not. The amount of alcohol in your system didn’t help either.
“So, y/n.” Tanaka started, you could already see the evil look in his eyes. “Out of everyone on the volleyball team, which one of use would you want to hook up with?”
The question should’ve startled you, it probably would’ve if you hadn’t had the boost of vodka running through your veins and the newfound courage that came with it. Your answer came with no hesitation, you even looked into his eyes as you said it.
“Noya.” Your eyes flicked from his wide eyes to the growing smile on his lips. Not at all aware to the blush that flooded his cheeks.
 “Oh, dayum. I thought for sure you’d drink to that one.” Tanaka said but you didn’t really pay attention to his words. Your eyes focused on Nishinoya, feeling like if you ripped them from him. You’d never be able to look him in the eyes again.
“You’re turn, y/n.” Nishinoya’s voice was quiet, almost a whisper. Not able to tear his eyes away from yours.
Caught up in the moment, you direct your question towards him. “Yu-“
Your words are cut off as Tanaka lets out a loud groan, drawing your attention to him.
“Grossss, you guys can take that shit elsewhere. I’m gonna text Kiyoko again.”
 That’s how you found yourself sitting on one of the campus’s benches, your side nearly pressed against Nishinoya.
“Y/n, you look so beautiful under the light from the lamppost.” In your drunken state, you found his normally constant flirting cute. Your cheeks burn lightly from the deep blush resting on them. The two of you sit in silence after that. Neither of your quite ready to go back to your dorms.
“You know, I never got to ask you my question.” You say as you lean your head against his shoulder.
“You’re right, I forgot.” His response was short, but you could hear the hopeful tone swimming in it. “You can ask me now if you still want to.”
“Yuu, will you kiss me?”
“I don’t think that would’ve worked as a question, y/n.” He answered.
“God, just shut up and kiss me.” You quipped back, moving to face him. He didn’t even respond. Cupping your cheek, you both leaned in, you were too impatient to wait for him. The kiss was soft and sweet, ending too soon. You wanted more.
 Ten minutes later after dragging him to your dorm you pushed the door open. Thankful you didn’t share it with anyone as you pulled him into the room. You gently pushed him to sit on the bed, sitting on his lap arms wrapped around his neck loosely.
“I wasn’t kidding. He spoke. “You really do look amazing tonight.”
You hummed in response, not trusting your voice. Staring into his warm brown eyes, the fairy lights that light up your room danced in the reflection of them.
“You’re so handsome, Yuu.” Your voice is quiet and uneven as you talk. “You always are, I know I’ve never told you that before.”
“You’re drunk, y/n.” His voice matched yours as he wrapped his arms around your waist.
“It’s your fault, dummy.” You shook your head, laughing at the amount of alcohol he probably put into your drinks, not realizing how fast you would drink them. “I meant what I said you know.”
“Really? I thought that was just for the game, you wouldn’t prefer someone else?” You could see the hope swirling in his eyes.
“Absolutely not. I don’t like anyone else.” You answered while your hands gingerly played with the ends of his hair.
“You like me?” His eyes widened at your statement and you couldn’t help but laugh a little.
“You didn’t realize?” You asked and he shook his head as his answer. “I thought I made it a little obvious, but yes I do.”
Your voice was nearly a whisper as you leaned in close to him. Breath ghosting over his lips, you could feel him shiver a bit and it put a smile on your face. He didn’t have to respond with words to make you know he felt the same way. Your lips connected again, this time different than before. Rough and passionate. Like he was pouring everything he was holding in into your lips. You did the same, every pent-up emotion you felt for him, every lingering gaze you spent trying to make yourself confess, every single thing.
The kiss became rougher, teeth clashing and noses bumping as you pulled closer to him. Unknowingly grinding your hips down into him at the way his tongue slipped into your mouth. A soft whimper slipping from your lips.
“Yuu..” You breathed out when he pulled away, panting himself.
“Fuck, y/n. Your lips are so soft.” He leaned in again, pulling you into another kiss. You could taste the lingering vodka on his tongue as it danced with yours. Both of you fighting for dominance. He groaned as you pushed your fingers into his hair, tugging gently at it. He jerked his hips up and you could feel him against your core. “Sorry, I couldn’t help it. You’re just….”
“No, it’s okay.” You said, smiling as you slipped off his lap. Hands sliding down his torso, stopping at his waistband. The tent in his pants already obvious. You looked back up to him, waiting for him to give you some sort of confirmation you could keep going.
He grabbed your hands gently, leaning in to press another short kiss against your lips. “You don’t have to.”
“I want to. Just, let me take care of you.” Confidence flooded your voice in your drunken stupor. He could only nod at your words and you moved your hands lower, palming his hardness through his pants. Enjoying the quiet groans that fall from his lips at the sudden friction. You tug on his waistband and he shifts his hips up, helping you pull his pants down. You move up pressing your lips against his again as you slip your hand into his boxers. Feeling him hiss lightly against your lips at your hand against him.
“Ah, shit-“ You could barely hear his groans as you focused wrapping your hand around his cock, loosely stroking it.
“You’re already so hard, Yuu. Did my answer affect you that much?” He bit his lip nodding again at your words as you worked your hand. A smile tugged at your lips.
You moved down further, placing soft kisses against his abs. Feeling him shudder as you trailed down, stopping at his boxers before pulling them down all the way. His member springing free, slapping against his stomach
“You’re so pretty.” You ran your tongue up the underside of his cock lightly, admiring the way it twitched lightly in your hold before swirling your tongue around the tip as you pumped the rest of his length. Hearing his quiet groans pushed you forward, and you looked up to him, meeting his gaze and you slowly brought more of him into your mouth. Watching as his head fell back through your blurry vision.
“I should be the one saying that, y/n.” He said, his voice unsteady.
You pulled back with a pop, smirking up at him. “Don’t hold back, let me hear you.”
You wait for him to respond before dipping your head back down, taking him into your mouth again. A loud moan fell from his lips as you did, and you had to press your hands into his thighs to keep him from bucking up into your mouth. Once he stilled himself, you started wrapping your fingers around what you couldn’t fit into your mouth. Swiping your tongue over the slit that leaked precum already.
You could feel his thighs twitching under you as you worked your mouth on him. Breathing through your nose and relaxing your throat you pushed your face down until your nose brush against his pelvis. The loud moan that ripped from his throat made you hum approvingly, and you moved your hand to play with his balls. When you pulled away just enough to breathe, he moved his hand to your jaw pulling you up to him.
“Want to cum with you.” Was the only thing he said before pushing up your shirt, helping you take it off. Biting his lip to concentrate on the clasp of your bra that for some reason he just couldn’t figure out. You grabbed his hands gently stopping him before unhooking it yourself throwing it across the room. His heated gaze fell to your chest as he wasted no time in touching you. Squeezing, sucking, nipping. Every time his tongue danced around your sensitive nipples he grew more confident at the soft breathy moans you let out.
He backed up onto the bed, pulling you with him before crawling over you catching your already swollen lips in another rough kiss. You couldn’t stop the whimper the fell from your lips when he ground down into your core. It put a cocky smile on his face, something you weren’t used too.
“Noya, please.”
“What do you want me to do, baby?” His voice was low, and his words were muffled as he kissed down your neck. It was becoming too much, you wanted him. Needed him.
“Fuck me! Pleas-“
You didn’t get to finish your sentence as he pushed your legs open. Swiping the tip up and down your folds a few times before slowly pushing in. Your mouth fell open at the sudden fullness. He didn’t stop until he was bottomed out inside you. You looked up at him once started moving his hips, trying to paint the look on his face into your memory. His eyes blown out in lust as he fucked into you, the way he gritted his teeth trying to quiet the loud moans. It was the last clear image before the night completely blurred.
 The next morning you tried recalling the events that occurred, and it only came in slivers. Like an old movie with holes burnt into the film. The pieces that you could interpret left you with memories of giving yourself to Nishinoya, and him to you. Maybe it was a good thing you couldn’t remember clearly. The way your head ached would’ve only been amplified by the weight of what you did last night. You tried not to think it was a mistake, but it was hard not to. Everyone has a drunken hook up once in a while. You’ve had your share, so why would this one be so different?
It was only when Nishinoya shifted beside you were you pulled from your intruding thoughts. You felt your body tense as he slid his arm over your side and bury his face into your shoulder. He mumbled something incoherent. There was a small voice in your head hoping he was still asleep. But it was nothing compared to the way you felt your heart speed up at the simple action. You closed your eyes telling yourself it was to stop your head from hurting, but you really just wanted to stay in this moment as long as you can. The soft, quiet calm before the shit storm you felt was coming. But, he proved you wrong.
Whispering your name softly as if not to wake you. You found yourself unable to answer him. Waiting to see what would happen, what your reaction to this should be. No matter how badly you wanted to be happy that this happened, you would take whatever came. You didn’t expect him to hum softly and feel his soft lips against your bare shoulder as he gently kissed it. Tangling his legs with yours, you felt him gently rubbing your arm. You couldn’t handle it anymore. His sweetness was too much, and you needed to look at him. Shifting in his hold you turned to face him. A small smile pulled at his lips when you did.
“Morning, y/n.” His voice was a bit raspy, and you found your heart speeding up again at the sight of his tussled hair. The memory of tangling your hands in it flashing across your mind and you couldn’t help the blush. “You okay?”
“Mhm. You’re just really hot.” The words spilled from your lips before you could stop them, and you groaned a little. “Fuck, ignore that. I’m still asleep.”
Nishinoya “When did we fall asleep?” Your voice was quiet, trying to ignore the way his eyes were lighting up at your touch.
laughed at your plea and shook his head, which made you reach up to push the hair that fell in his eyes.
“Honestly, I’m not sure. Was it we fucked for the sec-“
“Yuu!” Your hand covered his mouth, eyes wide at the way he could casually say it. It wasn’t like you didn’t want to talk about it. Just that you didn’t know where to even start. There were so many things you wanted to talk or ask him about now that you were sober. You just weren’t sure if you had the courage anymore. You dropped your hand and shifted your gaze from him, a little nervous.
“Something wrong? Oh no. You regret last night. I’m so sorry, I knew I should’ve waited to make a move when we were sober. I-“ His face pulled into a panicked stare and he started rambling before you cut him off again.
“No, Yuu. I don’t regret it at all. Not one bit.” You sighed looking back to him, trying to reassure his worry. “You were… really good. I just didn’t know how to talk about it.”
“Oh thank god. I was scared I fucked up.” He relaxed a bit, slipping his hand into yours. It warmed your heart how sweet he was being. “I don’t want to ruin this… whatever this is.”
“Do you remember what I said last night?” You asked meekly, hoping he did so you wouldn’t have to repeat it.
“Which part? You said a lot, most of it sounded like my name actually now that I think.” He laughed when you shoved his arm a little, glaring at him. “I know what you said. About liking me, and I feel the same way for you.”
“Then, what is this?” Your heart was pounding in your chest as you asked, and you hoped he couldn’t hear it. The next part you forced out, not wanting to hear the answer. Fearing it would be something that would hurt. “Is this just a one time thing?”
Nishinoya stared at your for a few seconds, completely silent. It felt like forever and the nervousness that pooled in your stomach started creeping up your body. The worst responses flashed through your head.
“No, I don’t want this to be a one time thing. Or anything casual either.” His voice was steady, and serious. You could tell he meant everything he said. “Do you want to go out with me?”
“Yes, what?”
“Yes, Nishi. I want to go out with you.”
“Fuck yeah! Does this mean I can take you out on a date? I’ve been wanting to for a really long time just never thought I could.” He rambled a little and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“A date sounds perfect. If its anywhere other than our dorms, we spend too much time in them.”
“Yes!! I’ve been wanting to for so long, I just never thought you liked me back!” His arm slid around your side again and your felt the urge to bury your face into his chest. He squeezed you tighter when you did. “Can I tell Tanaka? I feel like we owe this to him!”
“Sure. But don’t mention what we did?”
“I cant promise you that.”
 You two spent most of the morning and afternoon laying in your bed. There was something about him that made you let your guard down. You could talk to him for hours about random stuff and never get bored. It was a lot nicer in his arms too. You always imagined the way it would feel to be wrapped in his arms. Even when you thought you’d never tell him how you felt. It was nice to imagine though, but it was nothing compared to now.
His usual rough wildness on the court was replaced with a softness you didn’t know his arms had. They were always covered in scratches and bruises from practice. You found yourself tracing the dark marks on his biceps, admiring the contrast against his skin. He had a story for each one. Telling it to you as your finger ran over it, and you could picture each one. You’ve seen him on the court before, he was a fury to reckon with but you didn’t realize how aware he was.
The lazy cuddling only ended when both of your stomachs growled for the third time in thirty minutes. He reached over to your nightstand for his phone, asking if you wanted him to order food in. You were thankful for that, the headache from the lingering hangover still pulsated at the back of your neck.
When the food came, you put on a movie and the two of you ate in silence. It wasn’t an awkward silence. You knew there were things you could talk about if you really wanted to, but you found no need to. There was something about just sitting with Nishinoya that made a sort of warm feeling hold in your chest. It was relaxing, and almost familiar.
 The next two weeks flew by. Your old routine with Nishinoya quickly turning into a new one. Instead of him asking you to study as an excuse to see you, he was already at your dorm when you got back from your last class. Each time you entered your dorm and found him sitting on your bed waiting for you made your heart soar.
What you felt for him before anything happened only amplified now. Lingering gazes turned into lustful ones, soft brushes became loving embraces. It was amazing. Everything you had dreamed of and more. It wasn’t until you came by one of his practices early to surprise him did the doubt slip into your thoughts.
You pushed open the gym door entering quietly, not wanting to interrupt anything. Your eyes scanned the gym looking for him and once you did, your excitement dropped a little. Him and Tanaka were standing next to their manager, the one Tanaka always went on and on about. It looked completely innocent, they were just talking. But you didn’t miss the way Nishinoya laughed or the bright look on his face as she said something.
You couldn’t hear what they were saying, but you didn’t even have to. He looked so excited, the way his face was flushed as he swayed on his feet. It was a simple action, they were only talking so why did it have to feel like this?
He had told you about his crush on her before, but explained it was long gone. That it had been nothing but a simple unrequited crush. But it stung seeing him so happy talking to her. Confliction twisted in your stomach. You didn’t want to be the type of girlfriend to get jealous over other girls, but this somehow felt different.
You went up to the first person next to you and quietly asked them to give the bento box in your hands to Nishinoya. It was their captain. You were a little familiar with him from watching all of their games, you just never talked to him before.
“Don’t tell him I came in. Just if you could say I dropped it off?” Your voice was unsteady and you could feel your hands shaking a little.
“Sure thing. Are you, y/n?” You could only nod as your eyes flicked back to Nishinoya still standing by their manager. “So you’re Noya’s girlfriend! I was wondering when we were going to meet you. I was beginning to think you didn’t exist, but he talks about you so much.”
“Yeah, I am. I didn’t realize he talked about me that much. I’m surprised you’re not sick of it.” You laughed nervously a little, trying not to look at them.
“No, he means no harm. He obviously really cares about you, I’m glad he has someone like you. From what I’ve heard, you seem like an amazing person.”
That hurt. You don’t know why it did, but it pulled at your chest heavily. You tried so badly to fight against the way seeing him over there picked at your brain but it didn’t work. Tanaka’s signature laugh echoed in the gym and your eyes moved to them again. Their manager was gone now, but you saw the way Nishinoya looked after her.
You could feel tears start welling in your eyes and you quickly excused yourself. Moving back toward the doors hoping to whatever gods were out there that Nishinoya didn’t see you leave. But, he did. Just as you slipped out of the door he saw you. You caught his gaze when you looked back one last time and it almost felt like the wind was knocked out of your chest.
Fighting everything inside you screaming to turn around and go to him, you ran the other way. You didn’t know what to even say if you were to go up to him.
“Y/n! Wait up!” Nishinoya yelled behind you and you gritted your teeth. Of course, he’d follow you, that’s just who he was. You slowed your pace knowing he’d catch up any moment. Facing away from him you felt his arms slip around your waist as he hugged you from behind. “Hey, sweetheart. I wasn’t expecting you here.”
You couldn’t say anything. It was like your voice was stuck in your throat even though you desperately wanted to speak. Eyes fixed on something in the distance you tried to wipe the upset expression from your face. Wanting nothing more than to turn and bury your face into him, you felt the frustration building in you.
“Y/n? Are you okay?”
The concern in his voice hurt. More than anything else so far. You were being stupid, there was no reason to worry. You knew that so why did you feel so shitty? When you didn’t respond he moved around to face you. The panic was evident on his face when he saw how upset you were.
“Baby, what happened?” His voice was soft, welcoming. You flicked your gaze to his eyes and felt a pang of guilt in your when you saw the worry flooding them. You couldn’t help but look away again.
“Nothing. I just forgot something.” Your voice was quiet, much quieter than you thought it’d be. It wasn’t very convincing, and you knew it.
“You don’t have to lie to me. Did something happen today? Is that why you came to practice?” You had to clench your jaw at his caring words. His hands cupped your face gently and you felt your lip quiver at the touch. Without meaning to, you leaned into his touch. Closing your eyes which made a tear slip from your welling eyes. “Baby, talk to me.”
You shook your head trying to shake his worry. “It’s stupid.”
You knew that wouldn’t work, but you tried. The feeling in your chest, frustration over yourself and the lingering hurt from seeing him in there became too much and you couldn’t hold it in anymore. Pushing his hands from your face and burying yourself into his arms. The warmth of them didn’t do much to soothe you this time. It almost had the opposite effect. When he hugged you tightly a sob was ripped from your throat.
Crying was something you never wanted to do in front of him. You knew it would just make him worry, and yet here you were wrapped in his arms as your tears stained his shirt. Guilt tore at you again at that thought. He was supposed to be at practice. This was completely your fault. You shouldn’t have even come here to begin with.
Maybe this was meant to happen. The universes way of showing you that you weren’t meant to be together. You could go back to your old ways, watching silently from the stands while she was down there with him. That thought tore through you hard.
Kiyoko was mesmerizing, there was a softness in everything she did. She was so much better than you in every way. What were you even compared to her? You kept replaying the way he looked at her in your head. He looked so happy. Did he ever look that happy with you? You began questioning everything your thought you had known about your relationship.
“Y/n!” Nishinoya’s voice ripped through your intrusive thoughts and you couldn’t help but gasp. You hadn’t even noticed when you knelt on the ground, completely focused inside your own head.
“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry, Yuu. Go back to practice. I know I’m being annoying. I-I’ll go to my dorm, its okay.”
“What? No way, I’m not letting you leave.” He shook his head brows furrowing at your statements and apologies. “Let me help you…”
The way his eyes softened as you looked into them made a fresh wave of tears slip down your face. You found yourself spilling everything you were holding in with them. All your worries and fears, the reason you were crying. The way you felt you weren’t good enough for him.
“I saw you and your manager; I can’t help but think I’m not enough for you.” He didn’t say anything to interrupt your tear-filled rambling. “ You’re so amazing, and kind. You’re the best person I’ve ever met and I just…. Maybe you should be with Kiyoko. She’s so much better than me-“
“Stop.” He suddenly spoke out, “Stop it right now. You don’t get to say that about yourself.”
“But I-“
“No! I can’t believe you would even think like that.” His voice was raised a little causing you to snap your attention to his face. He looked so angry. The concern from before gone from his features. You couldn’t take your eyes off of his.
“I’m sorry. I don’t know why I just, I don’t think I make you as happy as you should be.”
“Stop apologizing, y/n. This is not your fault its mine.” That made you a little confused despite how upset you still were. This wasn’t his fault; he didn’t do anything.
“It’s not your faul-“
“It is though! I know I’m not that good at showing how I feel. That’s why I waited so long to do anything.” He shook his head as he talked, and you couldn’t pick apart the look in his eyes. “Should I have not asked you out? Would this have been better as a one-time thing?”
“What? No, Yuu. Don’t say that.” You felt your voice shake when you responded, it was so quiet you weren’t even sure if he heard you.
“I knew I’d hurt you. Do something to fuck this up. I couldn’t even keep this one perfect thing, could I? God I’m so stupid! This would’ve been so much easier if I wasn’t in love with you. Maybe we shouldn’t even have started dating, I’ve only been an ass to you.” His voice got louder as he berated himself. You knew he had a bit of a temper, but you never thought it would be toward himself.
“Yuu, stop.” He didn’t hear you as he continued beating himself up, “Yuu!”
You shoved his chest lightly to get his attention, panic coursing through your body. His eyes flashed to yours and the tears that spilled from them matched your stained cheeks.
“I’m sorry.. Fuck, I’m so sorry!” He scrambles toward you, diving into your embrace. You’ve never seen him angry like that and it scared you. He could tell, the look on your face when you pushed him made his heart drop. He pulled you to him again, this time he was crying. You felt the tears against your neck as he shoved his face into your shoulder. “Baby, I didn’t mean any of that. I promise. Please, please forget it. I’m not leaving you. Just don’t- don’t leave me.”
Hearing his desperate cries into you made your heart break, forgetting everything that happened before. You sat and held him like he did to you. Giving him a place to let all his fears out in the safety of your embrace.
“It’s okay, I’m not going anywhere.” You voice was basically a whisper as you ran your fingers down his hair, trying not to let the tears spill from your eyes again at they sadness in his voice and the way he clutched onto the back of your shirt.
“I’ve never loved someone before. I don’t know what I’m doing.” He spoke after a moment, he felt more relaxed in your arms and you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. Until you registered what he said for the second time.
“You love me?”
“Fuck. Did I say that?” He pulled away to look at you, eyes wide. All you could do was nod at his question, still processing it. “Shit, y/n. I, uh, ignore that.”
You shook your head rapidly, opening your mouth to say something. Anything. When nothing came out you leaned forward pressing your lips to his. His eyes flew open for a second but then he melted into your lips as his hands moved to bury themselves in your hair.
“I love you too.” You whispered into his lips, but he didn’t hear you. Too focused on your lips against his. You pulled back breaking the kiss to say it again, if you didn’t say it now you knew you’d regret it. He needed to hear how much he meant to you. “Yuu, I’m in love with you. I think I was before anything happened.”
“Let me finish!” You couldn’t help but laugh a little at his eager tone. “You’re so good to me, more than I think I deserve. Hearing you beat yourself up like that. I just…. Don’t ever, ever think I regret being with you for one second. The things you said…… Yuu, they’re not true. You need to know how much you deserve.”
“I’m sorry.” Was all he said. He knew he had a temper, and it usually was directed toward himself. Starting off as a simple thought and snowballing into full on degrading himself. You tilted his chin up making him look at you again, wanting to make him feel better. Pressing your lips to his again, this time less sweet. Deepening it by tugging on his shirt.
“If you don’t believe me… Let me show you just how much I love you, Nishi.” It took one look into your dark gaze for him to understand what you meant. His face flushed and you almost giggle at the sight. “I was heading back to my dorm, why don’t you come with me?”
“But, Daichi….” Nishinoya glanced back at the gym quickly before looking back to you.
“It’s okay, I can wait. Alone. In my dorm. Who knows what I’d do while you’re at practice…..”
“No fucking way, I’m coming with you” That was the first practice he missed on purpose.
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menxyouxneed · 3 years
New Test muses and Verses!
Dick Grayson/Nightwing
(I’m only halfway through season 1 but I like him)
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Younger Odin (FC will be either David Morrissey or Kurt Russell from the Escape movies)
Hades (Have not picked a fc yet)
Prince Christian/David Kelly
Bio: It may sound cliché, but he knew one day he would become the ruler and any sense of privacy was soon to come to an end. his family had kept his face out of the public eye. They did not like all their life in the public eye. Before he come to the world as the next ruler he wants to try and go to university as a regular person. It is a complicated move, but it gets done going to college in America under the name David Kelly to try and live a normal life.
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John Evans
Bio: John a marine turned politician. He absolutely hates politics and the assholes he works with. The only reason he keeps up with it is to help those in the armed forces making certain they have what they need. He is a widower wife died of an aneurysm back when he was in active duty. He blamed himself for a lot of years that the stress of him being gone caused it. He has not married since.
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Bio: Having religious mother was the worst. Who the hell wants to be named after the first zombie? Anyways he later learned why he was named that. His 'father' was a shifter and took on his father's form with his mother and his father had an accident and was later found dead at a construction site. Now that he is older he can change forms at will to get what he wants answers for an exam or have fun with some douchebag jocks girlfriend.
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Balerion ‘Bale the Dragon’s Claw’
Primary verse GoT
Bio: Bale is known as a mercenary, but little is known of the man himself. There are times he runs with a company or there are jobs where he only works on his own. As a mercenary he only has one rule and that is he does not hurt kids. If he is asked to hurt a kid he will likely take the head of whoever asked him to. Likely because he had such a shitty childhood. He blocks out a lot of his past he focuses on the mission and the fun to be had after at the taverns
All the same at least once a year he would have to disappear somewhere remote so he could let himself change without being seen. Many times he would go to his old home in the mountains overlooking Valyria and turn into the dragon he was. Too many people were scared to come within sight of where Valyria was so it was peaceful. Now rumors have reached him that dragons have returned perhaps he would see them again.
(Very long backstory if you want to know more rp with him! )
Secondary Verses:
Marvel or DC- Bale is Metahuman or Mutant that can turn into a dragon
Dragon Age- Bale is Arcane Warrior and can turn into a dragon
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Probably my darkest muse if you have trigger warnings of any kind you do not want him:
Maxwell ‘Max’ Granger
Many aliases: Dylan Black-assassin Cole Kennedy-spy
Bio: From an early age Max was learning important skills. four language and two computer languages. His father was a government contractor. A hired nerd. A white hat hacker and Max picked up quite a few pointers from his father before his dad killed himself when max was sixteen. At least that was what he was lead to believe. His mother was former British Secret Service they were originally partners joint investigations. That was when he learned a lot about fighting, weapons, and oh so much more about his parents that were probably classified but she blamed both their governments for her husband killing himself.
Max trained and trained for another five years before he started getting out in the world taking jobs hacking companies to get their proprietary information, or going in undercover to get the information in other ways or slip in a line of code to keep a program or project would work until their competitor could come out with their own. There were kidnappings, assassinations to look like accidents. Anything dark to be done word would get to him and decide if he would take a job.
Verse: Could be a supervillain verse in DC or Marvel or The Boys maybe even working for Vought can’t have a good hero without a villain.
In supernatural worlds could be a type of mercenary hunter to kill/capture different beings.
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Extremely selective muse:
Amelia 'Mia' Carter
Alias: Diana
Bio: Mia will punch you in the face if you call her Amelia. She lost her older sister when she was around seven years old and that was hard. Some random animal attack when she was out camping with her friends. Five years later Her parents died in what was called another accident their car going over a bridge and they were swerved out of the way from something in the road. A year later when with her aunt they went to the cemetery when some big thing attacked them. Everything happened so quickly...but that was the past now. Now Mia was a hunter one of the best learning to fight and kill anything that goes after anyone innocent.
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Verses for Scott Moore-Bulletproof (basically a super-soldier) , Dwayne Moore- Extreme intelligence(more villain), Chris Moore-Technopath, Isaac Moore- Healing/Killing touch. Could be for DC, MCU, or The Boys
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toukenramblings · 3 years
First Kisses: Higekiri, Hizamaru, Kogitsunemaru
Dedicated to @10cm​, Leah, @blossom-cherry​ and my rp partner on discord. First kisses are GOOD
Knowing Higekiri, even if you two are not dating, this kiss is gonna pop outta nowhere. Hige does like keeping you on your toes after all...for...better or for worse.
One of his favorite things to do is to watch you. Not in a creepy way, but whenever he’s assigned as your attendant for the day, he’s in your office and he just...enjoys looking at you. You’re a sight for sore eyes and honestly, he cannot deny these budding feelings he has for you. Besides, it’s the little things. The way your face contorts cutely (at least in his eyes) whenever you work on something difficult, how your fingers move, so on and so forth!
And then he...just....kisses you. Like he makes you look at him first but bam. He notices how stressed you look and he doesn’t want that on you! Kiss happens. It’s a quick peck on the lips and when he parts, a smirk dances upon his lips.
“There, now that’s the master that I know and love.”
When you finally come back from heaven (or hell, idk where we’re going) you are met with the most sly of smirks from the blonde man. “Did you like it~?”
Asshole. How fucking dare he. You weren’t ready! Neither was your heart! Your poor heart!
“Your lips are soft, master.” chuckles out the blonde, a dangerous sort of glint in his eyes.
So then you pull him into a kiss, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and giving him a TASTE OF HIS OWN DAMN MEDICINE
When you two part, the kiss passionate and tongues toying with one another, there is a stripe of saliva connecting you two. His pale cheeks flushed, breathing heavy, eyes blown. “Mmm, do you truly want more? You might regret it~”
This kiss won’t happen until you two are dating. Especially not in public either. Lord help him if Higekiri or anyone else sees. His poor heart, dead, it gave out. Bye bye.
Hizamaru may act all prim and proper than his brother, but perhaps a little bit is rubbing off on him? Oh no. He has thought about it many times, maybe tried to plan it? If he could....at least.
He won’t lie and say that he hasn’t thought about kissing you many times on this first date, his hand holding yours and walking through the streets. It’s almost a little too crowded for his tastes, he wanted to find a place where you two could just...exist.
So when you two stop by a park, on a bench, feeding birds with seed or something, Hizamaru would always be found staring over at your lips.
How would they feel against his? Would they feel nice? how thE FUCK DO PEOPLE KISS? DO THEY JUST ASK? ASKING IS GOOD RIGHT????
Panic mode engaged, he don’t notice that you noticed the fact that he was staring at your lips with this red as fuck face. How cuteeee.
When you call him out on it, it’s only then does he break out of his thoughts, his stutters and face oh so red. He begins to make excuses, apologizing over and over again for thinking such...indecent thoughts. Not as indecent as like naughty or anything but whoooo boi, his heart cannot handle this.
“M-May I kiss you?” he blurts out after seventy apologies in a row. He stares down at his hands, avoiding your eyes. “I-I-If it’s okay.”
You nod, and you two meet halfway for this kiss.
It’s awkward, teeth clacking against each other, and no one is sure where to put their hands, but when you part HIzamaru’s blush does not fuCKING LEAVE. It’s sweet and soft and satisfying to see him like that. Hizamaru gulps down his nerves, unsure of how to proceed. But he loves that feeling, that intimate sensation of being connected. So when he turns back to you, he whispers, “May...may we kiss again?” and he’s determined to do better!
Like Higekiri, it is most likely that his kiss will come out of nowhere. But, it will be after you two have officially started dating...most likely. There is a chance he may randomly kiss you outside of a relationship but he had his morals. He won’t do that in public, and certainly not around Mikazuki. Hell no.
This kiss happens sweet and soft, during a lax day with warm weather. He asks you to brush his hair again, holding the comb you gifted him some time ago. “Dearest master, will you comb me again?” he questions to you, and of course you do!
His head in your lap, your fingers in his hair, letting the teeth of the comb gently graze his scalp, not at all harmful but welcome; an itch needed to be scratched. You swear, he’s always content but he looks even more at peace now.
Maybe it’s because you two are dating? You two are able to show your love out in the open like this? Where everyone knows that you are his and his alone? Ah, he could spend forever like this!
But honestly, you two are comfortable like this. And your eyes cannot help but wander down to his lips, his curled into a such a sweet and relaxed smile, his eyes closed shut. Maybe he’s falling asleep???
So then you just kiss him. You just fucking bend down, a kiss to his cheek, you think he’s asleep. He won’t notice!
And then he turns his head and your lips connect.
“Ah, did you want to kiss me?” Kotsitunemaru knows that you wanted to kiss him, he may have his eyes closed, but he’s a smart man. He pulls you back down for a proper one.
It’s gentle, yet hungry. Perhaps lustful? Maybe in a sexual way, maybe more so in an intimate way. Kogitsunemaru adores existing in the same space with you, and when you two part, he smirks, having held your head to keep you there. “You do know what you are getting yourself into, right, dearest?
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theboombutton · 3 years
Please say more about aspirated medial stops, I was talking with my brother in law the other day about how we (Californians) don't say t's in the middle of words and I'm really curious about why that is and if this is a universal thing in all accents of English now
Disclaimer: I do have a Bachelor's in linguistics, but I got it more than a decade ago so it is possible that some of the information in this post will be misremembered or out of date.
Knowing how to pronounce t in different locations in different dialects is a nightmare. Old-fashioned British Received Pronunciation pronounced t in the middle of words, but there's a UK language drift called T-glottalization in which ts except at the start of words are often being replaced with glottal stops? It's really obvious in lower-status dialects but it's been creeping into RP as well.
American English usually does a weird muscle flex called a "flap" or a "tap" that's something like a really short d, or a single roll of a rolled r. I think there are some UK dialects that use this tap as well.
I belieeeeeve that Indian English usually pronounces word-medial ts, but I haven't run an actual analysis on the applicable coworkers' speech because that'd be kind of creepy?
No idea about Australia or New Zealand.
As far as I know, there's no special reason why these particular drifts are happening. Linguistic drift and accent shifts are just something that happens with living languages. If anything, we have immensely slowed the natural process of language change through the invention and widespread teaching of standardized writing.
Sorry, I tried doing this without a glossary but I kept having to do weird info cul-de-sacs to explain myself. I've ordered them according to approximately when they'll come up?
lol I failed so hard at this, about halfway through the post I started using words without putting them in the glossary first and man idk I've been working on this post for 4 hours now and I don't want to go back through and put definitions for some of this shit, sorry
Phoneme - A single language sound, as it is stored in your brain. Represented with slashes around it, e.g. /t/.
Phone - A language sound as it actually comes out of your mouth. Represented with square brackets around it, e.g. [t].
Phonology - The study of speech sounds, from internal representation to external expression, but not including the study of how they are physically created in the mouth (that's phonetics). Not to be confused with phrenology, the racist pseudoscience of head shape.
Word - Can have a few different meanings in a linguistic context. In this post, will usually refer to either a lexeme or a phonological word. You should be able to tell from the context.
Phonological Word - What you probably think of when you think of a "word." A unit of speech that you could naturally pause on either side of, but could not naturally pause inside.
Lexeme/Semantic Word - A single phonological word and its attached meaning; or, phrase of multiple phonological words, which holds a meaning which is different than the sum of its parts. For example, "Carry the bucket" is not a single lexeme; but "Kick the bucket" is.
Voiced/Voiceless - A sound is voiced if you use your vocal cords to make it, and voiceless if you don't.
Stop - Also called a plosive. A stop is a kind of consonant you make by stopping all air flow. The stops English uses are p, b, t, d, k, g, and the glottal stop.
Aspiration - A puff of air following a sound, usually a voiceless stop. In phonetic notation, it is indicated by a superscript h following the consonant, like [pʰ].
IPA - International Phonetic Alphabet. A standard set of symbols based on the Roman alphabet and used to refer to roughly the same sounds regardless of language.
Glottal stop - A stop which is performed not by your tongue, as in most stops, but by your vocal cords. Think of the word "Uh-oh" - the way you completely stop airflow after the "Uh" instead of just letting it flow into the "oh." That's a glottal stop.
Praat - An audio analysis program tailored specifically for viewing waveforms of speech sounds.
So the thing about saying words is that the ideas of sounds that you have in your head ("phonemes") don't translate one-to-one to the sounds that come out of your mouth ("phones"); and the ways that these sounds get modified vary between different dialects.
Please keep in mind that when you try to speak slowly or clearly, the sounds that you make change. Linguists are primarily interested in natural speech patterns, not what we do when we're trying to enunciate.
Let's take the lexeme tater-tot, because it's the first word I can think of that has all 3 of the major weird things that /t/ does that vary by dialect.
Let's start with the word-initial t. Phonologically there are actually two word-initial t's in tater-tot, the one at the beginning of 'tater,' and the one at the beginning of 'tot.' This is because "tater-tot" is two phonological words despite being one semantic word.
In American and British English, we aspirate our word-initial voiceless stops if they're immediately followed by a vowel, which means we pronounce /p/, /t/, and /k/ as [pʰ], [tʰ] and [kʰ] respectively if they're the first sound in a word (and immediately followed by a vowel). This means we add in a little puff of air following the consonant if it's the first sound in the word. In Indian English, they don't do this - a word-initial /t/ is pronounced [t], without the extra puff of air. To American & British English speakers it can almost sound like they're saying [d], because we're not used to hearing a word-initial /t/ without aspiration.
Next we've got a word-medial t, the second t of "tater." Here, Indian and British RP English speakers pronounce it as a plain [t], with no aspiration. American English speakers pronounce it as what's called a tap or a flap, which is sort of like a half-formed [d] but is actually more like a single roll of a rolled r - and so its IPA symbol is [ɾ]. And many less prestigious British dialects, including Cockney and I believe Scouse, replace it with a glottal stop, with IPA symbol [ʔ].
And our final t is the word-final t of tot. This is a tricky one to peel apart. English generally doesn't release word-final stops - that is, you put your tongue in the correct place to stop airflow to create the stop, but you never actually move your tongue out of the way to "release" the airflow you stopped. So the easy read on the word-final t's pronunciation is that it's [t̚], an unreleased t. However, in many dialects and situations /t/ is replaced with or co-articulated with a glottal stop - for example, after an [n] or an [m], /t/ is almost always pronounced as [ʔ] in English. But unreleased stops after an oral vowel are difficult to tell apart, and if the tongue is in t position while the glottis cuts off airflow - I genuinely don't know.
These are good for a comparison between an aspirated [tʰ] and an unaspirated [t]. In American English, tuck is [tʰʌk] and stuck is [stʌk].
American English does weird things with syllable-initial /tr/.
I want to introduce you to the "sh" symbol, ʃ. ʃ is a voiceless postalveolar fricative, which means it's created by air rushing through a narrow space when your tongue is behind the alveolar ridge. Incidentally, when you move your tongue from [t] position to [ɹ̠] position (ɹ̠ being the symbol for the version of non-rolled r that most English dialects use), it will naturally create the ʃ sound as it moves.
We have a special letter combination to the phonemic /tʃ/ in English. It's "ch". As in "change."
You almost certainly pronounce "truck" as [tʃɹ̠ʌk] "chruck" and just don't notice.
So what's going on with Martin?
So first off, Jonny is probably wrong about how the Archivist says "Martin." Complete deletion of the r in that position is standard in RP. I haven't fed The Magnus Archives into Praat or anything, so it's possible he's letting a hint of a rhotic accent bleed in to the Archivist's RP - but I really doubt it.
This isn't unusual! It's very common for people's internal concept of what sounds they mean to make, to get in the way of them accurately identifying what sounds they're actually making. No one thinks they've ever said "chruck" until you point it out to them.
I would probably transcribe the Archivist saying "Martin" as [mɑ:tɪn].
Jonny's attempt at saying "Martin" in an American accent was something more like [mɑ˞ɹ̠tʰɪn]. He did a good job of rhoticizing the vowel, but in his focus on the r completely messed up the second syllable.
I'd transcribe my own pronunciation of "Martin" as something like [mɑ˞ɹ̠ʔn]. It's been my observation that t-glottalization in American English is especially common when adjacent to nasals - and if there's one thing American English likes, it's syllabifying liquids in word-final syllables.
OK I've run out of steam now
This was fun. Sorry about the declining quality of explanation. Please feel free to ask more if you dare to reignite the flames of infodump
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karasuno-writings · 5 years
Yo. I'm new to your blog, so I'll try my best to be appreciative and polite to you. Doing this gotta be hard. So, I ain't gonna act like you inhuman. This is your work, and its darn good. You got support for that. Anyway, I hope this ain't a weird request. Decline if your wanna, no hard feelings. How about headcanons with Tsukishima, Hinata, Iwaizumi, Kuroo, and Kenma. Them having a sleepover with their s/o, and they put their head in their lap, and sing to them? Is that confusing, or too many?
Ah thank you so so much for your kind words, I’m really thankful of how thoughtful you are! It is a perfect request and a very wholesome one honestly!! Yes I loved this and don’t worry it was just right! Thank you so so much again!
And thank you all who helped yesterday, I am sorry if it was bothersome for me to make my breakdown public but honestly?? It was all of you who made me feel better. Special thanks to @normiewrites @bakupecs @leiawriteshaikyuu @oyaoyaoyoya @wolfishwriting and @a-q-rp  (If you guys don’t want to be tagged just tell ma and sorry about that!) but if you wrote to me I really appreciate it, thank you all so much. 
You went to his house due to a storm that hit Miyagi late at night after a date the two of you had. Considering you were close to his home that is where the two of you rushed towards. At arrival you were soaking, and he definitely could not let you go home while it was dark and pouring, so he suggested for you to stay the night.
Of course you agreed, so he handed you some pajamas and let you take a hot shower, how horribly irresponsible of him would it be to leave you freeze and catch a cold after all.
Depending on your size you either wore the full set or you found the pants to be too big but just the shirt perfect. Either way they were Dinosaur print pajamas, and he was blushing when you came out of the bathroom. 
He was wearing pajamas with a shark on the shirt, and looked way too cute for the frown that he has as a cover up for his slightly pink cheeks. 
His gaze softens quick enough though, the two of you have been dating for a long time and he trusts you, he didn’t feel vulnerable as he thought he would, that was the biggest relief.
It was early enough so the two of you sat down to watch a movie, his pick was interstellar, and you didn’t complain so it was set. 
15 minutes into the movie he pressed his lips on top of your head silently, your hair still wet from the shower, he could smell his shampoo which he immediately thought suited you, it felt so personal. 
That’s what made him shift so your head rest on his lap. You were clearly confused by his actions but complied to rest your head on his legs, pleased at the affection that he was only prone to show in private.
Your wet hair was fresh to the touch and soft in his hands, so he absentmindedly ran his fingers through it, dividing stands and twisting strands, all while immersed in the movie. 
Halfway through while being fully immersed, half conscious of what he was doing he started humming softly
You did not say anything as you knew better, but it however felt so heartfelt? It was truly a precious moment between the two of you.
Ever since that moment it is an unspoken habit between the two of you
He does it often, however it’s only late at night and while the two of you are enjoying quality time silently.
He invited you over to his house for no real reason, he just wanted to spend more time with you and he thought it would be a nice “date”. So once you were at his house the first thing the two of you did was make a pillow fort
It was pretty big as you sat inside with your laptop playing some background music as you were just chatting it up. However he wanted to be closer to you so he just shuffled over. 
Once next to you he grabbed your head and placed it on his lap, probably a little on the harsher side because of his excitement. “Let me play with your hair Y/N it just smells so good!” 
As you nodded and chuckled he began untangling it and running his fingers through it. He either plays with it making small braids that he learned to do thanks to Natsu if it is long enough, or just gush about how nice it feels if it is short. 
He is talking to you about all his aspirations and you know volleyball until a song comes into his head, and he just kinda starts drifting away and starts singing it to you
He is smiling the whole time as he sings, brushing his fingers over your hair and taking loose strands off your face while looking into your eyes.
He smiles when he is done singing and he just silently plays with your hair for a few moments, he is very talkative but the moments of shared silence are so genuine and he is just admiring you
He started lowkey crying because he loves you so much, when you notice and ask he just hugs you and tells you that he just can’t believe he has you???
He is such an angel, this started happening frequently ever since, like whenever you are on a date in a more chill plan like staying at home he is very much singing to you while stroking your hair 
Please do it for him too, if you sing to him he will sing along with you and honestly karaoke duets happen very often between the two of you 
The first time you stayed over was because he had just lost a pretty important match and you wanted to support him. He really appreciate the offer and the fact that it was your idea was so much better, he just wanted to take his head out of the game. 
When he saw you wearing pajamas he had this adorable blush on because honestly you looked great. He usually sleeps in boxers but he is a gentleman so he had some comfortable shorts on. 
You both were chilling on his couch, this was after all a plan the came up out of the blue, so you were eating snacks while watching your favorite series. His arm was draped around you in a really lazy way, and his rough fingertips brushing your arm tenderly. 
As you watched the last chapter together he felt  you getting heavier against his chest and he looked at you, confirming that you were indeed asleep. 
He started at you for a few moments, you looked so soft with you eyes closed, he didn’t want to disturb you so he panicked for at least five seconds.
After that he relaxed and very carefully help you lie down on the couch, resting your head on his lap.
He pressed a kiss to you forehead and changed the finale so you would not miss it, and put on an animated film because he is a sucker for them.
He loved your hair so he began playing with it, knowing it would help you relax, he almost does it as a scalp massage, he is so good as helping you relieve stress. He was tender but rough, pretty much like he is with most things. 
You woke up slightly to hear him singing, he was not singing along to anything particularly, he just felt so at calm with you sleeping on his lap. 
You did not stir until he finished singing, that is when he noticed you were awake once more. The blood rushed straight up to his cheeks after that, he was very embarrassed.
That is until you pressed a soft kiss on his lips as you shuffled to look at him. His hands found their way to you back and he was smiling onto your lips. He just loves you so much.
He does it often, but the singing is a rare occurrence 
Neither of you planned the sleepover, however when the two of you decided to take a break from playing you discovered that it was incredibly late, so he asked you to stay the night.
He had this small smile as he said it, he liked the idea of getting to spend more time with you, specially if it meant he got to cuddle you
He lent you some pajamas or comfy clothes of his, he liked when you wore his clothing, it was a small gesture of what you meant to him. He is a firm believer that to date you just need a really deep friendship so he likes those small details that give off they you are indeed dating. 
The two of you had been playing games but now he just wanted to watch you play, so the two of you sat on the floor, his legs wrapped around you as he rest his chin on your shoulder, his arms loosely wrapped around you as he held his gaze on the game. 
It was late at night, the two of you had watched a movie and played some board games, he is unsurprisingly good at them, and now you were laying on his bed, head on his lap. 
The two of you were quiet as his hands found his way onto your hair, he then started playing with it, soft fingers meticulously dividing strands and tenderly running up and down your hair. 
He then started humming, a soft and almost ethereal tune,  as his eyes become droopy and his hands touched your hair carefully.
He has a beautiful singing voice, he however will not sing often, just in these precious moments.
Like that the both of you drifted asleep, only shifting almost in the morning, as you snuggled up to him. 
It started as a study date, the two of you knew exams were approaching so it always helped to study together, however when you suggested staying over this boy was ecstatic. 
When you arrived the two of you did study, long enough to get worn out. The second he saw you stress he decided to call it quits. He had prepared everything for this moment, from the movie the two of you would watch to the games you were to play.
When the two of you went to put on you pajamas he just smirked and mocked you, you just looked adorable and he honestly didn’t know how else to cope.
This dork lay blankets on the floor and pillows surrounding it, for the two of you to be comfortable so he literally lift you up and lay you down on the little place he had set up. He was about to put the movie but he got really caught up with talking to you and joking around to make you relax.
Then the two of you decided to actually watch the movie, some disney movie you had always loved, and before you could make yourself comfortable he was behind you, softly laying your head on his legs.
His hands quickly found their way to your hair he loved to play with it as a side distraction from the movie, and knowing it was something you liked made it all better. 
He sang along to every single song in the movie and honestly he played with you hair almost the entirety of it, you ended up very relaxed and his he now smelled like you, he was really happy about it. 
If you sing with him he will be beyond happy, making voices for different characters and all.  
However after it ended the two of you remained there, and as he saw you he smirked and sang you a song very dear to him, it was soft and honestly he just appreciated that he could spend this moments with you. 
You closed your eyes because it felt really good and just before you opened them he kissed you softly, smiling lightly. He was happy he took you by surprise. 
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Exalted 3e Villain Analysis
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When I was first going through the various Adversaries of the Righteous, I skipped right past Adeimantus, because I’m shallow. His art just isn’t evocative. But ho boy! Beneath that pale, bland exterior lurks a villain worthy of an entire campaign. So let’s talk about that.
Adeimantus is the ruler of a utopian City from the Shogunate named Beimeni-Ta. A city which was consumed by the Wyld ages ago. It now creeps into Creation like an infection transforming cities and slums into itself.
What a great freaking idea, wow. The sidewalks the towers, the people all transform into echoes of a golden age lost to time. Can’t you just see the brick back alley suddenly becoming a marvelous marble tunnel? The building torn halfway between one style and material and the next? The crowds of excited peasants waiting for their shacks to complete their transformation into mansions? Now that’s a threat! How do you even deal with something like that? Do you burn down the infected part of your city to keep it from spreading? Do you jail the new citizens to stop the from singing the praises of utopia, and converting more people to their cause? Or do you go after the Raksha that’s behind it all?
What I like most about Adeimantus is that he’s totally on the up and up, at least in my interpretation. He’s not doing this because he wants to eat every baby in Creation. He genuinely wants everyone in the world to live in his perfect city. So much in fact that he has a charm that not only changes the city to match the desires of an individual, but he himself changes to match that desire.
After the players have defeated Adeimantus and sent his city back to the mists: “That’s alright, we’ll start over as many times as you need. This is all for you.”
Which brings another terrifying aspect of Adeimantus into view. When he vanishes, so too does the city, and all of it’s people. Any buildings and individuals changed by Beimeni-Ta get whisked away to the Wyld, even victory can mean that a entire slice of a city is amputated. Spooky.
As far as a combatant, meh. If you’re using Adeimantus to beat people down, you’re doing it wrong. Although he does have a knife that can make you ugly to anyone who can read, which is fun. His main power in combat comes from his ability to summon battle groups of his followers to attack the pcs. Plus ya gotta involve the city itself in any combat you do. Potholes open up beneath your feet, shingles slide off the roofs onto your head, and other such irritants. Maybe give the city it’s own initiative, and stat block, why not?
His real strength comes from his ability to manipulate intimacies. Not only can he instill them in people through their dreams, but he can also make you disregard any that make you oppose him. Very fun, and could be interesting if you have players who are very dedicated to rp. Otherwise think of all the NPCs you can target, and turn against the players. Now that’s high drama. Solars want to live in Utopia too right?
Especially since as I said before Adeimantus is a chill dude. He doesn’t want to resort to violence, he rules a utopia, and wants to share it’s bounty with the world. Of course his Utopia ends up being pure madness when it returns to the Wyld, but no one seems to be dissatisfied.
So I’ve gushed on about this beautiful bald man long enough. What are some ways you can use him in a game?
1. A world saving device was once held in Beimeni-Ta, and it’s needed once more. Do you: look for a city infected by Beimeni-Ta. Crusade into the wild to reclaim the lost city. Or maybe infect a nearby city, long enough for the vaults of Beimeni-Ta to manifest.
2. Beimeni-Ta begins to arise within Great Forks. How does the city of a thousand gods react to such an intrusion? Is the draw of Utopia enough to tempt even a deity? Or do they hold firm as more and more of their followers join the cult of Adeimantus?
3. Every Winter Adeimantus visits a struggling village in the north, and provides them with supplies needed to survive the harsh winter. What scheme is he up to? It’s been generations since he started doing this, and no apparent harm has been done. The villages are convinced he’s a benevolent god of winter, how will they react when the players try to destroy him before he can corrupt their village?
4. Beimeni-Ta is ruled not only by Adeimantus, but also a Senate of Demons. So this Fair Folk, has an alliance with demons, as well as a permanent city in the Wyld. There’s something deeply interesting going on with Adeimantus. In his Stat block it does say the Senators are Raksha too, but I much prefer him being a complete weirdo. But as for plot hooks. A city has already fully fallen to Beineni-Ta. Now there is only one thing left to do. Characters must introduce a bill to the demon senate which will revoke the city’s hold on creation, at least this part of it. Can the pcs, get it through sub-committees, and over come a filibuster lead by a second circle demon?
5. Burns 100 Poets is a monk of the Immaculate order who has thrice vanquished Adeimantus from creation. He carries the weight of the many poets he’s killed to keep Adeimantus from spreading his corruption. He is retired now nearly 200, and works day and night to craft the poems which could have been were it not for his diligence. He may hold valuable information in how to stop Beimeni-Ta from spreading. However this gentle poet of an old man may suggest methods the pcs would consider frightful.
Finally let’s talk about a campaign that has Adeimantus as it’s big bad.
I call this one: Lookshy, Rise of The Shogun.
The basic premise of it being Beimeni-Ta was a city during the Shogunate Era, a pretty important one. Reclaiming it would finally give The 7th Legion reason to accept a new individual as Shogun.
Act 1
The Players, Dragon-Blooded protectors of Lookshy are tasked with looking into strange happenings around the city. The marching band plays a song hundreds of years out of date, a new building appears seemingly out of nowhere. Things escalate when a section of the city’s rampart’s becomes infected with shiny new lightning ballista. Suddenly the General Staff is torn on how to deal with the situation. with some opting to let the infection spread to access Beimeni-Ta’s ancient resources, to others wanting to combat the plague before it’s too late. The group is forced to navigate this tenuous situation, while beating back Adeimantus’ growing cult, and corrupted gentes. Culminating in the final confrontation with Adeimantus, and a member of the general staff he’s corrupted. Adeimantus vanishes with his pawn defeated, and takes however much of Lookshy he’s corrupted away with him, back to the wild. The walls are breached, the city is in ruins, the army is divided, and things are looking dire. Were The Realm not crippled by The Scarlet Empresses’ disappearance, this would be the end.
Act 2
After a brief recovery clarity comes to the surviving populace of Lookshy. The Shogunate Bureaucracy has records detailing this Beimeni-Ta many of the afflicted citizens were rambling about. It was once a seat of power for the Shogunate a place of immense importance, that fell into the Wyld never to be seen again, until now. Most importantly it was the final resting place of The Imperial Seal. The stamp with which The Shogun made words on paper law. With it, a simple document can be stamped and a new Shogun can be appointed, the shogunate will live once more. If only Beimeni-Ta can be dragged back out of The Wyld. If only... we could find it.
No maps of Beimeni-Ti’s location survive, only records of military assignments. Letters for a general to withdraw from the defense of the city, a general by the name of Tepet...
With the only lead they have the players are sent under cover to The Realm to find what they can about Beimeni-Ta from it’s ancient defenders. There’s investigation, spy work, a heist. All of which ends in a social confrontation with Tepet’s ruling Council which presents them with an offer: fulfill their oath to the Shogunate, regain their honor by retaking Beimeni-Ta.
Act 3
The impossible has happened. The players have convinced Lookshy to break with tradition, and march on the Wyld. House Tepet has given their only legion to the cause. The two armies of the Shogunate unite like something unseen in anyone’s time, and march through the river lands towards the end of the world. It’s a long grueling march, through an untold number of kingdoms. The centuries of Lookshy’s political favors, and military threats fray with each border they cross. Threats seeks to divide them with armies and from within. The Lookshy soldiers see their Tepet allies as traitors, and the Tepet aren’t too fond of the scavengerland barbarians either. The players must use their genius to get their army through in one piece. Until they reach, the border marches.
Act 4
From here on it’s all out warfare. The players and their small army must reclaim creation step by step enduring every machination the Wyld can through at them, from raining lava, to forests of grass as tall as a warstrider, and as sharp as a blade. All until they lay siege to Beimeni-Ta. At last the jewel is within their sight. They just have to overcome Beimeni-Ta’s endless militia of maddened citizens, their 100 Demon Senate, and of course Adeimantus fully empowered by the wyld and Beimeni-Ta itself. Who can with but a look, a touch, who’s very presence beckons you to join him in Utopia, in oblivion.
And what are the rewards for such an epic journey? A brand new city to rule over? The title of Shogun, and resurrections of the shogunate? An arsenal of first age weapons from the shogunate’s richest city? Who’s to say what dreams await you in Beimeni-Ta? 
Only Adeimantus knows.
Only Adeimantus can show you the way.
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