#i was in mourning
cheddar-baby · 4 months
heres my advice to any followers i have who are young. Don't delete things when you think you've outgrown them or they're cringy. If you make youtube videos just private them don't delete them. Save your files, you can bury them in multiple sub-folders if you think they're cringe now but DON'T DELETE THEM! It doesn't feel like it now but years in the future you will look back fondly at who you were and wish you still had those things.
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battybiologist · 4 months
While I am happy that the Hague's ruling is leaning towards a condemnation of Israel, we can't relent in our efforts.
Not only because this is merely a preliminary ruling, but because the ICJ does not have executive power over the Israeli occupation. The IDF is free to violate their ruling at any time, at the cost of being deemed international criminals, which has never stopped them before.
Moreover, even if the Israeli government complied, the legal outcome alone is a return to the status quo. Gaza was under siege long before 2023, and the apartheid still stands.
I am not trying to discourage you: this is an unprecedented amount of support behind Pro-Palestinian advocacy, and we now have to decide if we'll use this opportunity to work towards the end of Israeli occupation of Palestine, or walk away from the issue now that the genocide is reeled back in.
So if you're tired, if you're drained, please, let this small victory embolden you and let's double our efforts.
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.
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sparkleofstardust · 19 days
in light of the recent news that Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has been found dead after a helicopter crash you might be wondering 'who the hell is this guy and why are so many people celebrating his death??' and i'm here to answer that!
to fully understand what's going on we need to look into Iran's history: when the Iranian revolution in 1979 happened the authoritarian king who was ruling at that time was overthrown, but the ensuing power vacuum lead to the islamic regime seizing power and establishing Iran as an islamic republic
the following years were incredibly cruel to the Iranian people; thousands of people (especially minorities) have been protesting against the strict islamic regime leading to many being jailed, tortured and executed.
and this is where Raisi played a big part: in 1988 he was part of a committee that ordered the execution of thousands of political prisoners who were protesting the islamic regime, earning himself the title of "the butcher of tehran"
do not be fooled by what the state media wants you to believe, the Iranian people are celebrating his death. he was a cruel mass murderer who has destroyed the lives of thousands of people, his death should be used as a time to mourn for all the suffering he has caused, and bring new attention to the political prisoners still being held in Iranian prisions today
because sadly the fight is far from over. many of you have probably heard of the murder of Mahsa Jina Amini back in 2022, causing a new wave of nationwide protests and establishing the "woman, life, freedom" movement. the regime has gotten increasingly cruel in their treatment of the Iranian people, especially women, but the people of Iran are not deterred and keep fighting for a free Iran.
if you want to know how you can help, please keep talking about us. the one thing the regime hates is international attention, and in the past it has been proven that international pressure has stopped the regime from executing various political prisoners. people like Toomaj Salehi are under imminent threat of execution and spreading their names could save their lives. so whether you share social media posts or talk to your family and friends about what is happening in Iran, anything helps 🙏🏼
jin, jiyan, azadi ✌🏼
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hansoeii · 7 months
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let time pass.
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nanzyn · 1 year
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cyborgrhodey · 7 months
regina spektor is a violent zionist, but i don't think it's constructive or honest at all for people to be like "well her art was always bad anyway." some terrible people have made great art. This idea that artists with unsavory morals can't make good art (1) only feeds into some people's mindset that if they dislike something, that MUST mean there is something ideologically wrong with it, and (2) some people then take longer to realize the true colors of their favorite artists because... good artists can't be ethically bad right?? and so they hang on to their faves and pretend they are so righteous and defend their every move when sometimes. sometimes you just gotta accept that your favorite art was made by somebody you don't agree with, and you have to identify how much you are willing to support someone like that and what lines you have that can't be crossed
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beybuniki · 2 months
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endeavor agency arc
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firedragon1321 · 3 months
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cqtlatte · 3 months
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something unattainable
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maybebi47 · 3 months
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do you think anyone did her hair?
do you think she had a mother that lovingly brushed her hair in the morning and made it into pretty double french braids?
do you think someone made her breakfast before school and gave her a lunch bag to-go? do you think someone washed her pretty sweater for her?
does anyone miss her? did they look for her with everything they got?
did anyone do your hair lucy? do they miss you? again i ask, did anyone love you lucy frostblade?
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httpxxg · 16 days
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I need to drink and get drunk so desperately that I forget everything and cry. I quit drinking alcohol for months, but suddenly I need it.
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bigfatbreak · 6 months
How would’ve Sabine reacted if the peacock curse claimed Tom instead? Would she have gone down a similar path of vengeance?
yea probably
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blessyouhawkeye · 1 year
shadow and bone is like. it's the worst show i've ever seen it's the best show i've even seen it's a bad adaptation it's fanfiction with a netflix budget it's better than i expected it's worse than i wanted it's pure fan service the acting is phenomenal the writing is terrible and the thing is it's all of these things. but also it's none of these things because most importantly shadow and bone is a vessel for freddy carter to give the performance of a lifetime
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uglygreenjacket · 2 months
On some level I feel silly for being so devastated by Ice Adolescence’s cancellation, what with the world a literal dumpster fire. But Yuri on Ice meant so much to so many. Representation. Beauty. Escape. Overcoming our image of ourselves. Love in its multiple forms.
And I think my partner said it best after watching YOI for the first time-
“I wish the world were more like that.”
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andisupreme · 4 months
I moved recently to start a new job and part of my commute now involves one of those high capacity toll booths where a two lane road suddenly flares out into 5-7 lanes of total anarchy with no lines anywhere, and then narrows back down to two lanes again, and we're just supposed to sort ourselves out? Who designed this
anyway I dreamed up this helpful anatomical guide on the drive home
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mayomkun · 2 months
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Once I wondered what was holding up the ground But I can see that all along, love it was you all the way down
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