#i was in the middle of posting this when midnight hit so alas
likeadevils · 9 months
13 fave Taylor Swift songs released this year? (2023)
eh let’s just throw them all in there i had to type everything out before i could properly sort it anyways
is it over now (i just think she should just scream more)
now that we don’t talk (it’s just a good song in a self evident way and in lieu of explaining i will go on a personal tangent. so confession i saw the lyrics ahead of time in that blurry fucking leak that only showed half of the lyrics and the beginning of each line would be cut BUT i could make out the words red sea. personal tangent #2 when i was a toddler i was OBSESSED with moses from the bible to a degree that is genuinely insane for a pre verbal baby. so anyways when i saw the lyric something deep within me got so hyped)
(if hits different counts this is where it would be but i’m going based off first time officially released in any format and not just first time released on streaming)
the alcott (i misheard the lyric as did my love aid or abet you which is better but i’ll let it slide cause it’s not like i’m the one who pulled of the scarf reveal in the bridge of all too well after explicitly saying he kept it in the first verse)
you’re losing me (can i just saying learning that this was written december 2021 not only made the song better but all of midnights)
say don’t go (if she cut the “why’d you have to” parts in the prechorus this would easily be #1 but alas it still makes the top 5)
foolish one (genuinely should have made the album i think it really makes “please don’t be in love with someone else” in enchanted hit so much harder)
electric touch (it like pisses me off that this is too similar to sparks fly for them both to make the album but swiftie sin i would put this on the album and make sparks fly a bonus track also i like the idea to make this a duet and i like the idea of a fob feature but i don’t think she quite pulls it off. but i would forgive anything for that opening verse)
all of the girls (should this be higher? probably. am i still salty about this being released and not need? yeah. and like no i shouldn’t let that color my enjoyment of the song but here we are)
timeless (it’s good!)
when emma falls in love (somewhere out there is an alternate universe where taylor released a little ep of songs about her friends in 2010)
slut (can i just say i literally sent a voice memo to my friends the day before 1989tv dropped being like “okay nobody thinks aquamarine moonlit swimming pool what if all i need is you is from slut because that would be insane but what if slut is about her trying to make a relationship work in the middle of a media frenzy” and like i also predicted that the verses would be ethereal but the chorus would be scream-y so i wasn’t totally right but STILL I KNEW I SHOULD’VE POSTED IT)
i can see you (listen i should like this song and i want to like this song but i just don’t and like it’s not the john mayer of it all like i love ours but there’s just something in this song that’s not for me idk)
castles crumbling (to me this reads as more of a “watching too many vh1’s behind the musics and spiraling” song and while i find that charming i also just find it kinda trite. but it does make i could build a castle out of all the bricks they threw at me hit harder so i’ll give it that)
suburban legends (its fine. like it’s fine if this is for you i respect that and i wish i could agree but like. it’s fine it’s fine who amongst us has not had like like three quarters of a three separate great ideas and just smushed them together to get a pretty good product)
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paladin-lynx · 5 years
Human SQUIPtober 2019, Day 10: Leaves
Human SQUIPtober 2019 Day 10: Leaves
Ships Involved: RiverWay (Two River SQUIP [River] x Broadway SQUIP [Ly])
Setting: AU where River and Ly somehow both became human after being SQUIPs for their respective Jeremys, and they now live together. They don’t quite understand how they can both exist, but it isn’t worth questioning it.
Trigger/Content Warnings: None
Author’s Notes: (I was almost on time with this one!) I’m back! Here’s a fluffier piece for this pair. Enjoy!
“Come on, Riv, you’re so slow! And you wonder why I call you an old man!”
River rolled his eyes, stuffing his hands into his pockets despite the fact that just a few years ago, he would’ve chided Jeremy for doing the same thing. Ly had convinced him that they should take advantage of the weather and take a stroll through the park. It was the middle of autumn, right at that perfect midway point between hot and cold where you needed a jacket, but nothing overly bulky or uncomfortable. River was wearing a light coat and scarf – the latter was more for the look than the practicality, sue him – while Ly ran ahead of him in a sweatshirt and beanie.
River absolutely loathed how adorable he looked.
Sometimes he found it unbelievable that they were, in a way, the same person, just different versions. People often mocked the theory of multiple universes where an entity could be one thing in one universe and the complete opposite in another. To be honest, River himself, with his constant overthinking and overanalyzing, would probably still be one of those people if it hadn’t been for the sudden appearance of the embodiment of the 3.0 Super Quantum Unit Intel Processor Patch at his doorstep, claiming to have been in the head of a completely different Jeremy Heere in a completely different Middleborough High.
“You specifically said you wanted to take a stroll, love,” River called after his companion, still keeping his leisurely pace. It was, in fact, a nice day and he was going to take the time to appreciate the fall scenery. This was one of his favorite times of year. Part of him wondered if it was because he’d been activated during this season, so it was one of the first things he got to experience through Jeremy’s eyes. The world was a ridiculous place, but it did have its nice aspects.
Ly finally slowed down so that River could catch up, turning to him with that stupid cheeky grin of his. “I can’t help getting excited. There’s so much to see and do out here, Riv. Stop being so dull.”
River blinked. That was right. This was Ly’s first autumn as a human, so of course he was going to be bouncing all over the place, just like he did with everything else he was experiencing for the first time as a human. River was half-convinced that the first time Ly had hooked up with someone – because of course he had done that, with his ‘cool party boy’ attitude – he’d probably finished early solely from how overwhelming all of the sensations were. River almost wanted to know so he could mock him for it, but at the same time, no thank you.
Even with the epiphany about Ly’s behavior, River still huffed. “You won’t be able to appreciate it if you’re just running past all of it.”
Ly sighed, readjusting his beanie. “I suppose you’re right. I’ll take it easy a bit.”
River couldn’t help a little smile, continuing along the path they were walking. “Come on, then.”
Ly walked beside him and gazed all around them. There was indeed a lot to take in. The trees had lost a lot of their leaves but weren’t completely bare yet. Brown, orange, and golden debris blazed against the green grass, and there was a slight nip in the breeze that whisked past that had River shrinking down into his coat for a brief moment, nuzzling his nose into his scarf. But just as quickly, the late afternoon sun melted away the chill.
It wasn’t as if Ly had been the only one with this idea. They weren’t alone at the park. There were plenty of people out. Families exploring the trails, people walking their dogs or letting them run free and frolic about, couples huddling together under the trees, and a plethora of others. River was pretty sure he spotted a group of teenagers decked out in costumes and armor rushing past at one point, weaving through the trees as they chased each other. He would bet they were LARPers. Judging by their outfits, from the glimpses he’d caught, it was some sort of fantasy adventure, like in Dungeons & Dragons.
Michael had once tried to get Jeremy to join one of his online D&D campaigns. Jeremy had refused because it was bad enough interacting with people he did know; he would be a mess with people he didn’t know and in a game that most of them had probably been playing for years that he had no idea about. Plus, that game involved math, and Jeremy despised math in all forms.
River furrowed his eyebrows at the thought, hurriedly shaking it away. He was here now. Jeremy and Michael were off living their best lives. Maybe Jeremy had joined the game after all. He’d like it. Christine would, too, at least the role-playing aspect.
River was having a difficult time pulling himself out of his own head, as he often did, but as always he was snapped back to reality by Ly’s voice: “Oh! Hello!”
He blinked and saw Ly kneeling down as a pair of dogs, tongues lolling from their mouths, bounded over to him. One was larger with curly golden fur while the other, which struggled a bit to keep up, was shorter and tubbier with darker brown fur, although River spotted some lighter markings on its belly. River guessed that the bigger one was a golden retriever and poodle mix – a goldendoodle, if he remembered currently – based on the wavy fur and the body shape. The smaller one took him a moment longer, unsure at first if it was a Boston terrier or a French bulldog, although he realized after a moment that it was too wide to be a Boston terrier.
Ly laughed as the goldendoodle eagerly lapped at his face and the bulldog jumped up to try and do the same. River watched from a safe few feet away, letting Ly have his moment, although after a moment the bulldog seemed to give up and decided to pick a new target, waddling over to River’s feet and giving him what almost looked like an open-mouthed smile.
River couldn’t help it as he chuckled and crouched down, offering the bulldog a few pats on the head, watching as it tried to lick his wrist. “Hello there, friend,” he greeted softly.
“Oh my God, I am so sorry!” River looked up to see a young woman, no older than twenty-five, jogging over to them with a bewildered look on her face. “They don’t normally run off like that, I guess they just got a bit too excited…” She leaned down to clip a leash to the goldendoodle’s collar, but Ly waved her away, grinning widely.
“It’s alright. We’re always happy to make a few new friends.” He peeked over at River. “Right, River?”
River, not wanting to be improper in front of a stranger, sighed softly, ruffling the bulldog’s ears as he gave the woman a polite smile. “It’s no trouble. I’m glad they stopped to see us instead of just booking it away from you.”
The woman laughed softly, and despite Ly’s insistence, she did clip the leashes onto the two dogs’ collars, just in case. “I know they would never hurt anyone, but you never know who might get scared, or annoyed.”
“Can I ask what their names are?” Ly questioned. River would never cease to be amazed at how quickly Ly could go from being a complete child to civil and well-mannered.
The woman smiled, pointing to the goldendoodle. “She’s Spaghetti”—she then pointed to the bulldog—“and he’s Meatball.”
Ly turned to River again, stars shimmering in his eyes as he grinned like an idiot. River wanted to tease him, but he felt his own heart melt at the woman’s words. He smiled softly down at Meatball, petting him again. “What cute names.”
“Thank you. I hate to pull them away from you, but I really do have to go…”
Ly leaned over to plant a little kiss on the top of Spaghetti’s head before getting to his feet. “Thank you for your time.”
She smiled and gave a little tug on the leashes, and the dogs trotted back over to her. They seemed well-trained, River thought to himself. He wondered what had caused them to just run away like they had. Were River and Ly that interesting? Or perhaps the two dogs had that strange sixth sense animals seemed to have and knew that something was off about them?
“Thank you for keeping them entertained.” The woman gave another smile and waved as she turned to lead the dogs away. “Have a nice day!”
“You too!” River and Ly called at the same time, exchanging a glance. Ly smirked and the moment was over, and River – as usual – turned away with a roll of his eyes. Soon enough, they were continuing on.
“Maybe we should get a pet,” Ly hummed.
River gave him a pointed look. “It’s enough work just looking after you.”
Ly laughed. “Oh, so I’m your pet now, am I?”
River blinked a few times before his cheeks warmed and he hid behind his scarf, looking away. “Why must you bring everything back to sex like a miscreant?”
“Everything comes from sex, dear River. In fact—”
“Do. Not. Finish that statement,” River practically growled.
Ly seemed to consider it for a moment before simply smiling and clasping his hands behind his back, walking ahead and humming under his breath. River sighed heavily, pinching the bridge of his nose, before following.
They walked in rather comfortable silence for a little while. It seemed they were both finally taking the chance to actually take in the setting around them and just enjoy the splendor that the park had to offer. Maybe Spaghetti, Meatball, and that young woman’s friendly attitude had put them in a better temperament. Maybe they could actually have a peaceful rest of their day here.
“River, River, look!”
Or not.
River raised an eyebrow as Ly pointed to a bettered tended-to area of the park. The fallen leaves were in large, neat piles underneath their trees. “What?”
“What do you mean, what?” Ly huffed. “The leaves!”
“Yes, what about them?”
Ly groaned, rolling his eyes. River furrowed his eyebrows before he suddenly realized what Ly was planning. “Ly,” he warned.
Ly turned to him with a grin before sprinting away, toward the piles. River’s eyes widened as he chased after him. “Ly, someone probably spent all day raking th—!”
He winced, slowing to a stop as Ly dove straight into the pile, face-first. He was laughing as the leaves dipped under him, some flying up only to float back down on top of him. Of course, River had memories from Jeremy’s brain of the boy running around with Michael when they were littler – and maybe not so little, too – and jumping into the piles of freshly raked leaves, much to the chagrin of an exhausted Mr. Heere. Even so, even with the joy he knew the boys had felt from the silly antic, River sighed, grimacing slightly as he walked over closer to the pile. “Are you happy with yourself?”
“Very,” Ly sighed out, flipping to lay on his back in the leaf-pile, arms and legs splayed out as he closed his eyes. He looked about ready to go to sleep.
“Come on, Ly, do you have any idea what could be in those leaves? Dirt and bugs and debris and—”
River stopped when he saw Ly had opened an eye and was smirking at him. Once again, with how well they knew one another, River knew what he was planning. He narrowed his eyes. “Don’t you goddamn dare.”
“Or what, Riv?” Ly purred, pushing himself up to sit.
River took a step back, but Ly was faster, grabbing onto River’s arms in a surprisingly strong grip and letting himself fall back into the pile. “Ly—!” River started, only to let out a horribly undignified shriek as he lost his balance and tumbled forward, falling into the leaves and also mostly on top of Ly.
With their combined weight, they only sank further into the pile and River found himself surrounded on all sides by leaves. It was warmer than he expected, and he could begin to understand how Ly had looked so comfortable before. However, he still pushed himself up so he was on his hands and knees over Ly instead of just collapsed on top of him. Ly had a grin on his face that could put the Cheshire cat to shame, and River once again found it hard to believe that this man had once formulated a half-decent plan to take over the human race. He scowled, praying that no one had seen – or heard – any of that. “Now are you happy with yourself?”
“Very,” Ly cackled out.
River sighed heavily, shaking his head, letting loose a few leaves that had gotten stuck there. “Unbelievable. Honestly, you’re supposed to be so much more advanced than me and yet here you are, acting like—”
Ly cut River off again, except this time, it was because he had leaned up to press his lips to River’s, kissing him gently. It did the trick and River shut up, eyes widening and cheeks flaming, and he couldn’t even move. He didn’t kiss back, but he didn’t pull away. He was just there, frozen like a machine that had short-circuited. Ly pulled away after only a few heartbeats, but it may as well have been hours in River’s mind. He simply stared, dumbfounded, at Ly under him, mouth slightly agape in shock.
Ly gave him a genuine smile, not one of his usual cocky smirks. “I just want you to have a bit of fun for once,” he murmured.
River blinked again, rather owlishly, before groaning and nuzzling into his scarf again as if to hide away. It seemed to have become more of a safety blanket than he’d intended. “I often question your idea of ‘fun,’” he muttered.
Ly chuckled, before abruptly falling quiet, eyes widening a bit. “Hold still,” he whispered, reaching up. River listened but his brow creased as Ly’s fingers brushed just slightly against his hair, and a moment later, Ly pulled his hand back. River’s breath caught as he saw the caterpillar, small and fuzzy, that was leisurely inching its way across Ly’s hand.
“How the hell did I not feel that there?” River breathed.
“Because my kiss was so great that you couldn’t focus on anything else?” Ly teased, chuckling.
River huffed. “Well, I was right about there being bugs.”
“Lighten up, River. We like making new friends, remember? Come on.”
Hesitantly, River moved to lay beside Ly in the pile, offering his hand when the caterpillar got to the edge of Ly’s. It didn’t even miss a beat as it crawled onto the new territory. River pulled his hand back to himself, smiling just a bit as he turned his hand this way and that, watching the caterpillar tirelessly climb about.
“Aw, he likes you,” Ly cooed, leaning his head against River’s shoulder.
River scoffed, but his eyes never left his new little companion. He was silent for a moment. “…Maybe I’ll reconsider about getting a pet.”
He tried to ignore the way his chest warmed as Ly laughed against him.
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kokiseiko · 3 years
Fleeting Touches and Unbreakable Bonds
Tumblr media
Shouta Aizawa x Reader; Hizashi Yamada x Reader
Song Recommendation: All I Ask - Adele
(Y/N) – Your Name
(L/N) – Last Name
Word Count: 1.8k +
Fandom: My Hero Academia | Boku no Hero Academia
Pairing: Shouta Aizawa x Pro-Hero!Reader; Hizashi Yamada x Pro-Hero!Reader
Rating: SFW
Warnings: Angst, Bittersweet
Summary: Is it possible to love someone so much that you can’t let go even after death?
Note: This is a special request made by my lovely fellow Aizawa simp: @nire-chann​.
Thank you for beta-reading this for me Ate Selene @yourgoddessselene​ | @saudade-mayari​
The events that had happened at the start of this fic are a few months after Aizawa became a teacher at UA.
A rush of sudden adrenaline that wracks your body, heart pounding, ears ringing, your entire system shaking with emotions you can’t even pinpoint. Walking towards the white-lined road of the city, the rays of the noon sun spilling all over the bent light posts, the once smooth grey cement on the sidewalks now cracked, malfunctioning traffic lights blinking and crackling, the aftermath: debris of the earlier commotion.
It was an explosion, a burst of dust-filled smoke that pained the eyes of individuals who unfortunately had it opened, then a sickening crash of building facades, window splinters raining throughout the area, injuring civilians from which you’ve catered immediately. Quickly healing wounds and giving directions for immediate evacuation.
You were Frantic. Desperate. Searching throughout the wreckage even when your quirk wasn’t for such. Continuing to move through the rubbles of building you spot the shine of the once yellow gear now cracked, broken into three, not far from it was a mass of black, crimson spilling underneath him, a shine of a bloodied band adorning his right hand.
You knew that it was near impossible even with your quirk to stabilize him, yet you continue, hands glowing in hues of emerald as you move his blood-soaked charcoal locks.
He feels lighter every passing second, but your presence grounds him. There’s so much more to say, to feel, to do. He sighs internally, he looks at you with such intent, he wants to let you know, to speak to you, but how can he, when his throat feels restricted. Even lifting his hand to touch your tear-stained cheeks to help ease the furrow in your brows had him use too much energy.
There was so much more, but having to look at you with all the emotions he could muster in his two light-grey orbs are what he could only communicate with. He can’t speak anymore, but he wants to at least taste your lips one last time.
To at least feel your heat and the cool contrast of your wet cheeks.
He’s barely noticing the tingle of nerves, that strange warm sensation he used to feel whenever you used to tend to his wounds, his injuries. His eyes wrinkle slightly when he remembers your pout during a rant a few days ago, your plump lips moving and going on about him being reckless.
He’s doing it again, but it has been too long since he had let himself fall through a never-ending well of questions, of replays, flashbacks, images, doubts, concerns. This may be the last time he’ll ever let himself tumble throughout the dark abyss of just him and his thoughts.
Was he content? He doesn’t know.
He just simply wants to remember your smile, your tears. You.
You were his anchor back then. Back when he was crumbling into a mess of a wanna-be hero who had his friend die during Hero-Work Studies.
You pulled him up when he was too tired to even recognize and register the warmth feeling in his chest that was being overpowered with guilt, regret, and frustration.
He never really accommodated these positive feelings, thinking that they would just be swept away with a whoosh of wind, only to return with a hard blow of hatred, anger, and pain.
He doesn’t want to experience that again, to go through that momentary shock and be hit with the sad consciousness of reality.
His throaty whisper was heard above the ringing in your ears: “Thank you…” for loving me, he wants to add, for being with me… I’ve loved you, tears cascading his cheeks
“I’m sorry…” for not acknowledging these wonderful feelings, for taking so long to let you know that, looking to your also wet cheeks, eyes pooling with tears from frustration? Sadness? Pain? Maybe a mix of three he guessed, “… I love you.”
He feels the gradual easing of his muscles all throughout his body. The blood rushing throughout his veins were subliminally slowing. The wet pelts of your tears dropping down his features would be a mere afterthought if he wasn’t focusing so much on you, but alas, his own mind was keeping him from doing so.
Even within his last seconds, his mind kept him prisoner.
His mind where everything was being played. His head spinning with the rapid successions of memories he subconsciously held dear. The majority of the replays containing you, your comforting touch when he needed an anchor, your soft kisses during those casual dates back in his favorite café, the hitch of your breath when you momentarily stopped the cute cooing noises you made whenever you petted the cats as you trailed your eyes on his kneeling form, your whispered ‘yes’ when he finally popped the question “Marry me?”, your wobbly smile when you walked down the red-carpeted aisle, the crack of your voice as your eyes that were holding nothing but love and adoration staring right at him as you began to state your vows began to pool.
He never thought that in his last moments he would be smiling. You’ve made him do things he thought he’d never do in this short life of his. And for that, he’s thankful.
You are truly something else.
Breathing was hard. His every inhale didn’t even feel like air, it’s akin to something much more condense. Black was all that surrounds him: a pool of nothing but midnight skies. A weird sensation constantly falling down to a never-ending night is what grounds him to- what exactly.
Though his throat was constricted, a single sound not able to flutter out his lips, his thoughts seemed loud on this vast plain of nothingness.
Where was he?
How can he even breathe?
“You’re still bound.”
“You need to let go.”
Looking around him to at least locate the voice’s body was futile. Was this in his head?
“No. You’re in the middle. Stuck.”
“Your time’s done, but you’re still tied down… by your bonds. Let go.”
Realizing what this meant he answered the disembodied voice in his head, I can’t.
A chilling gust of an unknown wind made its way throughout his existence.
It can’t be. He knows it can’t happen. He died. How can he still be standing- oh.
He doesn’t know whatever the wind did to him, but he at least deduced that it returned him to you.
You who was now kneeling in the mix of wet gravel and grass whilst staring into the distance with streams still flowing down your puffed eyes, cheeks streaked with layers of endless tears that managed to drip down your wobbling chin, your neck covered in his scarf that had splats of dried hazel-vermillion.
How long was he falling back there?
Two new sounds of weeping.
He sees that the usual gravity-defying golden hair was now instead streaking down the shoulders of a black leather jacket-clad voice hero. Mic. A figure kneeling down beside your form, hugging your side, whose body shook with great intensity together with yours. Midnight.
He aches. Thorns felt like they were encasing him within.
For a moment he wants to hold you, to comfort you, placing his hand to your other shoulder, placing the loose strand of hair behind your ear, but you don’t seem to sense him.
It’s been a long month of just watching, of just seeing but not being able to do anything. He hates the unfairness of it all.
He tries. Convincing himself that his touches were felt, that his hugs were warming your numbness, that his kisses were making the sting dwindle little by little, that him laying by the other side of your bed while you sleep with a pillow covered in his old shirt lets you know that he’s still there, that he still loves you, that he still can’t won’t let go.
His touches on your shoulder, which were supposed to reassure you just in turn made you shiver and look confused, bewildered even.
He wants to be heard, to be felt, to exist, but his traces no longer lingered, only a mere susurrate, a short-lived touch in your still graying ambience.
He wants to hold you while you cry and let all of the frustrations out of that head of yours, where he knows that like him you’re stuck, in your own scribbles of granite thoughts, that you too were deprived of the other’s warmth, that you too felt like a shell stuck with all of this sand you called your chaos, your blurring mix of feelings.
And as weeks turns into fleeting months. Months of winter blooming into a spring of years, left on autumn, in auto-pilot, watching, always nearby to see you recover. Recover from the debris and aching splinters that his existence left behind, while he still remains crumbling, pieces of him falling.
“Thank you Hizashi… you grounded me when it all felt like a dream.”
He should’ve been the one doing what Hizashi is now. It should’ve been black instead of gold that you were nuzzling into. It should’ve been his deep baritone rather than the smooth and gentle voice Hizashi uses whenever he encourages, supports, and anchors you.
He should’ve been the one holding your hand whenever you sit in a creaky wooden bench in a nearby park to admire the sunset.
“I know that it’s impossible to reciprocate what I’m about to say, but I at least wanted to let you know-”
“I like you too, Zashi’.”
He should’ve been the one you’re tending, taking care of. Your tears of frustration and aura of concern that was once reserved for him was now for another blond.
“Zashi’ you should start being much more careful you know?”
“I promise I will- ow!”, your smiles at his friend’s idiotic antics just adds jealousy to his mix of resentment and longing.
He should’ve been the only one who sees your gaze of fondness swirling in your beautiful solemn orbs.
But he can’t. He can’t anymore.
And to that he goes back to that midnight swirl, that feeling of falling, to that voice inside his head that was constantly questioning him, encouraging him to release the rope that was still bruising his slowly crumbling heart that he’s put at the back of his mind, not yet wanting to face the reality of the other side, a world without your soft hands holding his cheeks, an existence without your love.
“Surrender Shouta…”
It all felt like déjà vu. Your pretty face blurred with the sheer veil. Soft smiles and salty droplets of tears. The gold-lined red carpet. The people present. It was all like back then, but instead of that classic black tuxedo and a black bow tie, it was a white suit and a navy blue tie.
You’re smiling… at him. Looking directly at him.
It was a whisper, a message just for him; words that helped him to finally let go, to accept, and to be patient.
“Shouta… I hope that you still remember that you will forever be a part of me. Until the next life Shouta Aizawa. Wait for me, we’ll start again; continue what we can’t finish.”
I hope you all liked this piece. My requests are (finally) open.
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mochibrokenheart · 3 years
SVSSS: Guardian of the Museum
Mobei Jun x Shang Qinghua
Word Count: 2,756
Summary: Of course there's ominous growling and destruction to the building on Shang Qinghua's first night as a museum curator. Of course there is! Besides being desperate to keep the job, he's not sure what possesses him to actually walk toward the dangerous situation. His survival instincts were better trained that! Except...wait a minute...the terrifying creature causing all the ruckus is actually the hottest thing he's ever seen???
My first contribution for Moshang Monsterfucking Month (and my first fic for the fandom in general!) Heavy on the monster part as the nsfw is not explicit. Who knew that it would be hard to write something short. Inspired by the Day 2 prompt: horny.
Also posted on my Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/34305571
A nearby bell tolled at midnight just as Shang Qinghua locked up the museum for the night, which meant that he was officially off for the weekend. Being a party of one, he celebrated with a groovy victory dance while turning the key over in the lock.
There was a little click and he rattled the knob, checking that the door was properly locked—if anything was stolen or vandalized during the night, he would most definitely be blamed as the recent hire!
The job was an important stepping stone in his career path plan to being a rare artifacts curator. He really needed the experience. It was hard enough to land the job, so he wasn’t above looking neurotic by double, and triple, and quadruple checking everything before he left.
A chilly breeze tussled his hair and raised goosebumps down his neck. It was October, he supposed while drawing up his hood to block the chill, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t going to complain.
He was much to delicate for cold temperatures and would exercise his right to curse out the changing seasons. Of course, he could move somewhere further south, so that he wouldn’t have to put up with it anymore, but still!
The only good thing about the loss of summer was the bugs, he decided.
Clearly, Shang Qinghua was irresistible because bugs treated his blood like an all-you-can buffet. If only hot men thought the same. But alas.
Sighing, he turned up to admire the full moon, who seemed to sympathize with the sad state of his romantic affairs, being the moon and all. Something about it’s pale gray-white color naturally emoted a sad, longing reflection.
It was as he was looking up that he heard a growl, loud not because of its pitch—it was actually quite low and gravelly—but because it vibrated the very air around him.
Shit. Shit. He wasn’t equipped to deal with some beast! He had no weapons and there was no way his body was going to get the job done either. He was a delicate flower, just ask the bugs who always feasted on him!
He rummaged through his bag frantically for his phone. That was what the authorities were for.
Opening his phone, his mind was racing. Who did you call when there was a potentially wild animal on the loose? The police? Animal control?
Gasp! What if it turned out to be a demon?
He didn’t have any shamans or priests on speed dial. There had never been a reason to until then but if it would save him, he’d buy up every type of religious necklace he could and wear them around his neck daily. It was like insurance—it never hurt to cover all of his bases.
While he was wasting time on the sidewalk, what appeared to be small bits of gravel drifted down from what seemed like the roof. Scurrying to get closer to the streetlight, which casted a circular light on the steps of the museum, Shang Qinghua bent down to get a closer look.
It felt dusty when he rubbed his pointer finger against his thumb and did match the shade of stone the building was…The new evidence presented a bit of dilemma. Yes, he was still itching to call somebody have them do the dangerous work, but at the same time, his boss might fire him if something happened to the museum under his watch.
“Well, if there’s more damage, I guess I’ll take a look,” he muttered. He clasped his hands together. “But please, take mercy on me, moon! I promise that if you get me out of this that my next erotica will be dedicated solely to you, and in very large print, so that my readers know the reach of your mystical power!”
His hands remained clasped high above his head as he waited. So far so good.
There was still the scary growls, of course, but those didn’t count because he wasn’t going to investigate that. It was absolutely common knowledge that people who investigated weird sounds always ended up dead, at least in horror movies, and that was all the proof he needed to wash his hands of it.
No, the only thing that could sway him from his crouch on the front steps was…was…
Tears shimmered in his eyes as more rubble was knocked off from the roof, the fine particles irritating his nose and causing him to sneeze.
Thoroughly betrayed, he used his sleeve to wipe at his nose. Forget the moon. Clearly the bond he felt had only been one-sided, and now he was obligated to actually suck it up and put himself in harms way.
The Shang Qinghua of five minutes ago would’ve screamed and called himself a fool. Why ignore those highly honed flight instincts?! Even the Shang Qinghua of the present was screaming and calling himself a fool when he took the first hesitant step inside.
It was deceptively quiet in the stairwell but that wasn’t enough to calm him. As the saying went, it was the calm before the shit storm and he was about to be right in the middle of it. How careless of him.
Just in case this was the end, he started to draft an epitaph—it’s not like anyone else would put in the same amount of effort. 
His minor following would be too busy wailing about the permanent book hiatus; his boss would have their hands full dealing with insurance over the architectural damage; and that hot-and-cold cucumber bro of his would still be nagging him in the afterlife, criticizing him for his stupid plan when it ‘clearly would’ve been better to do such and such’. But back to him.
We are gathered here to mourn the passing of one Shang Qinghua, a bright hamster that was taken from Earth far too soon. His exhibit work was flawless, his knack for collections cataloging unrivaled. There was never a day without bountiful office supplies with him around. We thank him for his singular brave—foolish?—sacrifice in the name of historical value. Shang Qinghua is survived by several dying houseplants and the stray dog he usually fed on his way home from work.
There. That sounded as good as he was likely to get. Wait. No. He almost left out the most important part: the secret letter of last words meant only for cucumber bro’s eyes. Bro, if you’re reading this it’s because I died a terrible and scary death. Please take pity and wipe all of my search history. It was all for research, honest! It’s bad taste to judge a dead man.
The access door to the roof was large and imposing in front of him, even though there was still no noise coming from the other side. He was going to be mad and then relieved, in that exact order, if this turned out to be nothing.
He inhaled. Exhaled. Jumped around and shook his hands where they hung down beside the length of his body. He’d watched enough athletes—for research!—throughout his short life and getting loose always seemed to pump them up for competition. The same principle should apply here.
The door gave with a loud screech and he suspected that it wasn’t in regular use. Not that there was probably much to see up there anyway. Just roosting pigeons, stone slabs, and—
His mind went blank.
Crouching in the corner, so close to the edge that all it would take was a gust of wind to send him tumbling down, was some sort of winged creature. And the wings were massive things that arched up before curving downward completely over it’s back, the tips draped on the ground. Judging by how large they were, they had to be functional, which nearly caused him to wet himself. 
He didn’t want to imagine that thing taking flight after him. Not that he would be exciting prey. Gods, this probably how a mouse felt when a hawk was flying overhead.
But it was the horns that really caught his attention. They were hulking black spirals and the sharp points were pointed right at him. Even in the poor light, it was obvious that they were pure black. Any other time, he might comment on how cool they actually were, how they were a cosplayer’s dream, but it wasn’t cool when it was a matter of life and death. 
And he would most certainly die if those menacing horns and wings were any indication.
Trying to keep the element of surprise, he slowly let the door swing shut. Until a little bat started flew over squeaking, which caused him to squeak as well. The door hit the frame with a loud rattle. His body went heavy with fear and his eyes snapped shut, a natural prey response. He had never, ever been this scared.  
Not patient enough for Shang Qinghua to turn around on his own, the creature flung him around to face it with an aggressive growl. And he had thought it was loud when he was on the sidewalk. Which wasn’t true at all. It was much louder and more intimidating when it was right in his face.
“Trespasser!” it growled, teeth clicking.
…Okay, so it could talk. Maybe this was a good thing. Now could grovel with it to spare him!
Blinking rapidly, he opened his eyes and looked up, up, up. It didn’t look as horrific from the front as it did the back. In fact, it had a humanoid appearance and was distinctly male. He was the hottest thing he’d ever seen, a total fantasy come to life. How the hell was he real?
His was incredibly tall, his huge wings proportional to his size now that he was standing up. Now that he saw them up close, Shang Qinghua noticed that they were a beautiful shade of blue that started out dark but lightened to pale blue once it reached the tips, which also had sharp spikes—Nails? Claws? He wasn’t well versed in anatomy—attached.
The top of his ears were pointy, too, just like the tops of the wings. Oh, and the horns! There were two of them, both pure, glossy obsidian, that sprouted out on either side of his temple, the bases thick and ridged as they spiraled like a ram’s. The only difference was that his horns were much larger. He could maul someone with those along if he wasn’t careful.
But now that he considered it more—even in times of crisis, he could multi-task when it really counted—the horns only added more to his attractiveness. They were intimating, sure, but also sexy, in a monsterfucking type of way. He gasped as a clawed hand wrapped around his throat. Yep, he could definitely get into the horns and claws. Mark him down as scared and horny.
The growling died down but sharp teeth were still on display, and there was a stylized tattoo-looking mark on his forehead. Despite the snarl, Shang Qinghua instinctively knew that his face was insanely attractive; it had to be to match the rest of him. Speaking of the rest of him…
He dropped down in front of him, making sure to drag his hands down that ripped physique and gave his massive pectorals a quick squeeze before he landed on his knees in a kneeling position. 
His face was right in front of the creature’s impressive package, covered only by a flimsy loin cloth. It fluttered in the night breeze and he had to bite down on his finger to stop his depraved moaning. “Ff-forgive me, my good-demon-sir, but I swear I’m not trespassing. I’m a humble worker here at this museum.”
He quickly took out his employee badge to offer it up to the demon who barely gave it a glance. “Gargoyle,” it said in reply.
“Oh. I’m sorry but I don’t really know what you mean by that.” Wait, why did he say that? He didn’t want to get further in the demon’s bad side than he already was! “I mean no offense, of course. I’m sure gargoyles are absolutely lovely—”
“No,” he interrupted, his face smoothed out into blank slate. It made it harder to read him but Shang Qinghua quickly decided that it was alright. “I am a gargoyle, human. You may address me as Mobei Jun.”
Ohhh. Now that he mentioned it, his wings and horns could belong to a gargoyle. He knew that they were popular parts historical buildings that had a strong Western influence, which the museum did.
“And I am a king. Not a sir.”
Curse his authority kink. He was sure that any new fantasies he conjured up would be staring this particular king and Shang Qinghua as his servant.
“Of course, my king! You’re reeking of kingly handsomeness. As a lowly human, my apologies for the obvious mistake.” The gargoyle king didn’t make any move to acknowledge his words other than a slow blink, so he figured that it was all good. “Excuse me if this sounds rude, but what are you doing up here? And what was all the noise about?”
“Guardian. I was charged with the safety of this place by a war lord.” Jeez. So he’d been with the building for centuries at least, maybe even millennia.
There was a pause and he realized that he wasn’t going to answer the second question. It also seemed like the gargoyle king was waiting on him and a light bulb went off. “S-sorry again my king. I am Shang Qinghua. I am in charge of the rare artifacts inside of the building, so you may see me closing up most nights.”
The gargoyle king nodded sagely and he figured that the role must be acceptable to him. A loud sigh left him and his muscles relaxed just in the slightest way. He might survive this encounter yet. Ever better, survive and be able to go home and break out that new bottle of lube that he bought last week. There was plenty of new material to work with, that was for sure.
Then the gargoyle stepped back, giving him more space, which was actually the opposite of what he wanted. Feel free to punish him for earlier transgressions, king, especially if they were rough in a sexy way!
Unaware of his inner pleadings, he continued walking away to crouch back near the edge of the roof.
“Umm, be careful, king. It’s dangerous to be that close—”
“I am a king. Concerns such as that are not applicable,” he said, puffing up his chest. Those pecs! He might have to put in a request tomorrow to do more work on the roof. It was a crime that no one was admiring that body on a regular basis. “Leave. Return home. The circles under your eyes are hideous.”
He gasped, touching his bags. Rude! He had just finished a long shift and definitely wasn’t at his best. He was going to have to step up his game if he was going to tempt this gargoyle in the future. Trying his best not to show embarrassment, or disappointment, he agreed to leave.
“Whatever you want, my king. I’ll leave for now but if you need anything, I’ll be back tomorrow and the day after as well. In fact, every night, in case you need me.” Screw his weekend off. Who needed one of those when there was a hot gargoyle of legend serving as the guardian of the museum. Not him, that’s who.
He scrambled to his feet and bowed again for good measure. The door was open and he was across the threshold when his dream gargoyle muttered something. “Did you say something, my king?”
He cleared his throat and spoke gruffly. “The pigeons pooped in my hair.”
Suddenly, the growling from earlier made sense. No matter if you were human or gargoyle, having birds shit in your hair, especially hair as luscious as Mobei Jun’s, was bound to make anyone furious.
Determined to keep his laughs to himself if it was the last thing he did, he merely replied, “Yes, my king. I will make sure to chase them away from you next time.”
“See that you do.”
On cloud nine, Shang Qinghua grinned as he bounded down the stairwell. The gargoyle’s comment implied that there would be a next time. And he intended to romance the loincloth off (literally) of the serious gargoyle king.
Hope you all enjoyed! So happy to share this with everyone. Thanks for reading :)
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missorgana · 4 years
lucky accidents
pairing: geralt/jaskier
fandom: the witcher (tv)
rating: teen and up
word count: 2408
warning: swearing, alcohol
summary: Jaskier's dog runs away. He might have to sneak into a random house to get her. Needless to say, it's going to be an interesting night. (modern au, teacher jaskier, single dad geralt)
(a ridiculous meet-cute(slash ugly??) and geraskier being chaotic as a very late birthday present for the queen Sabrina / @poirot my love!!! really really hope you like this fic babeee 💖 and thank you my ride or die Cat / @inafaithforgotten for beta reading for me, saved my ass once more MWAH 💕✨ enjoy!!)
read on ao3
Out of all the ridiculously stupid and awfully humiliating things Jaskier’s done in his life, this has got to take the cake.
Granted it isn’t completely his fault. Promise.
It’s rather Buttercup’s fault, his darling beloved cocker spaniel, who’s decided to pay a visit to a random house’s garden, and house, right in the middle of their perfectly fine 2am walk, thank you very much.
Curse her loveable face. He supposes she gets her curiosity and recklessness from himself, really.
And in the end, what can Jaskier do other than try to find a way in?
It’s taken him three months to get her rid of that habit of eating just about everything dropped on the floor (his local vet probably hates him), so he’d be damned if he’s gonna lose his baby to a stranger.
Maybe he’s way past sleep deprived right now. Maybe he’s had a couple of rums in his coffee. Maybe he has no fucking idea what he’s doing.
But, oh, what a perfect time for an adventure!
Okay, if he was in his right state of mind at this point, he’d probably stopped in his tracks and realised there’s a perfectly sensible way of solving this problem, involving a fucking door bell.
Alas, as mentioned earlier,  embarrassing.
Whether it’s the daunting scenario of disturbing someone’s beauty sleep or the judgement a stranger might lay upon him from having a dog who doesn’t listen to him that scares him the most, Jaskier isn’t really sure.
So, here he is.
It took a little less than an hour for him to decide his plan of action, after about ten minutes of frantic searching, ten minutes of dawning realisation, and the rest a frantic panic staring at the god forsaken house.
Ultimately, Jaskier climbs over what he assumes is the gate to the backyard. Remember, definitely not sober right now.
It’s moments like these that leave him wondering how he ever landed his teaching job, but he  prays  to whatever gods might be up there that this doesn’t end up with him losing it. He’s too fucking passionate about that school and those kids to let it go.
But fuck! He wants his dog back!
Jaskier lands in the backyard, right to his assumption, and well, now that he’s officially trespassing on private property, he can’t really chicken out. 
Luckily, a window is propped open for his convenience. It’s an extremely hot summer night, as the last two weeks proved, so he’s in no way surprised.
And a plastic chair and table-set to jump from, wonderful!
Don’t think about the illegality of all this too much. Jaskier’s trying his best.
At least, he proves that to himself climbing in, surprising himself in how quiet he can be. Even dodging a potted plant on the window sill, he sets his foot on wooden floor, huh, those years of ballet did pay off after all.
And, yes, he took his shoes off beforehand, duh, he’s not an idiot.
But soon enough, well… uh, let’s say that’s as far as Jaskier’s plan went. Now he’s officially  breaking into a home , and he’s standing as if glued in place, staring at the living room that looks stuck in a forgotten century.
He ponders on calling her name, or rather, whispering, but Buttercup’s familiar, frantic running footsteps get ahead of him.
“Buttercup!” he whispers, willing his voice as stern as possible for the troublemaker, “Come on, girl!”
Shakes are heard, more padding of feet, and his baby comes running along from what looks like the kitchen. He’s, like, 50% sure, it’s dark and the rum is making the world a little crooked.
Thank heavens she hasn’t broken anything.
And thank heavens he’s in time to shush her before the inevitable bark comes. She looks so clueless, but so happy with her big twinkling eyes, it’s a bit annoying.
She’s in deep,  deep  trouble for this. Can’t get out of this that easy. Nope.
Jaskier’s gonna scold her anyway, but right now, relief washes over him more than anything else. Entry succeeded, goal obtained, now it’s time for his exit.
To be honest, not really something he planned, either. But surely the way in works the other way around too, right?
See, that’s the funny thing, because it’s not his happy pup smashing anything in her spontaneous adventure, no, it’s when he heads back for the window the crash happens. Or, well, he thinks it’s the way for the window, the general direction at least, but Jaskier’s hip meets with a table, and he’s pretty sure a lamp’s involved in the fall.
That really hurt, thanks for asking.
But instead of fleeing the scene even faster, like any sensible person would do, he’s frozen half-standing, half-leaning against the windowsill, as light switches on in a room down the hall, and a voice calls, “Dad?”
Shit . Why is Jaskier drunk doing this? Why is he doing this at all?
Buttercup tilts her head at him and he’s none the wiser. He really does try to move, but then she’s running off  again  and he can’t even get to chase after her before a high pitched scream meets his eardrums.
He’s caught. 
Yep, he’s so caught, because he’s an idiot who didn’t jump out the window when he should, and soon enough he’s being hit over the head with a slipper. Best night ever.
Jaskier becomes a bit of a flailing mess of limbs, attempting to dodge without much success while Buttercup starts barking excitedly somewhere in the other room. He even throws out a couple of “Ow!”s, because, seriously, that slipper hurts, what the fuck?
He can’t exactly blame his attacker, of course. In fact, very much the reaction he’d have himself. Still, he’s rather glad the hits come to a halt when the room is suddenly illuminated, the lamp he pushed over staring at him in offense.
The gruff voice from the hallway surprises him, when it says, “Princess?”
However, he’s a little more than shocked right now, because once Jaskier blinks himself to clear vision, he sees a young girl in front of him he in no way expected to meet today. Tonight. Whatever.
Ciri, one of his students, is clutching a blue slipper, used as a weapon only seconds ago, to her chest while staring at him with teacup wide eyes.
Well, this just got a hell of a lot more embarrassing.
And when Jaskier averts his eyes from the blonde girl, a giant blonde man who he can only assume is Ciri’s father, with arms that he’s pretty sure could snap him in half like a twig, is staring with a similar shocked expression, face twisted to a frown.
Why, oh, why in the name of all that is sacred and good, is the first thought jumping into Jaskier’s mind how he’d let those arms do  all sorts of things  to him.
You absolute goddamn clown. His brain’s too busy scolding him to say anything, but turns out he doesn’t need to since his pup jumps his student happily, because she doesn’t understand the situation at all and just found new friends in her post-midnight scavenger hunt.
He thinks he might’ve hit a new low at this point.
However, Ciri frees him of her father’s scrutinizing eyes for a minute, as she giggles in excitement, and now looks up at Jaskier with such a huge grin her cheeks are bound to hurt, “Mr. Jaskier!”
Okay. Okay, out of all the homes he could’ve possibly intruded in, this definitely isn’t a worse case scenario. Luck, maybe?
Not that he feels particularly lucky looking back at the man watching the scene, looking rather, uh, furious, which is understandable.
“You know this man?” he questions his daughter before Jaskier even gets time to consider his options, and the young girl looks back with an eager nod.
He himself is pretty much frozen in place.
Kind of fearing the brick wall of a man will murder him on the spot if he even moves an inch. Practically already killing him with his eyes only. Embarrassingly enough, he finds that even more attractive. Think with your  head , idiot.
Meanwhile, Ciri’s face is painted with brief confusion, “My music teacher, dad! Didn’t you listen when I told you? Mr. Jaskier’s classes are my favorite.”
The girl seats herself on the floor and scratches Buttercup behind the ears, who seems to finally have used up all her energy for the day.
Ciri maintains her excitement, though, while looking painfully disappointed at her father. The man instantly reacts, it seems, because the glare vanishes into thin air, his stance less volatile, his expression almost… soft? 
That word doesn’t exactly fit the blonde man, but it makes Jaskier feel a lot of ways. Man, is he drunk or just horny at this point?
“Of course I did.” his student’s father tells her, still eyeing him warily while apologising, “That doesn’t explain what your teacher is doing in our house, princess. At night.”
Jaskier wants to fucking die.
He tries to stammer something out, it takes, uh, a while, only landing on, “My dog.”
The blonde man frowns again.
Ciri still has zero judgement in her eyes, God bless her, and he laughs nervously in the attempt to elaborate, “Buttercup here, she, uh, ran away from me. In here. Didn’t wanna wake ya. Sorry.”
And Jaskier shakes his head at himself like it’s second nature. Well, sort of is. If you knew all the stupid shit he accidently gets himself into, you wouldn’t be surprised.
Luckily, his (favorite) student just giggles when Buttercup licks her hand, and her father seems degrees less inclined to call the cops, so that’s good. Ciri even asks him if she can give the pup a treat, and Jaskier can’t exactly say no to that, can he?
Buttercup’s clearly in love with her now, it’s adorable.
Which is why it makes him feel like a bit of an asshole when he clears his throat and tells the duo it’s probably time for him to make his exit. Ciri’s heart might as well have just shattered in pieces in front of him.
But he’s just still pretty terrified of her father’s rather menacing figure. Note to self to not be present at that parent-teacher conference.
The eye candy, though.
Focus  on not getting arrested, Jaskier!
Ultimately, she looks to her dad and stands up hesitantly, her and the pup looking at each other like they’re being torn apart for eternity, and then directs her pleading eyes back to him, “Could I walk her sometime, Mr. Jaskier?  Please ?”
His student drags out the word almost to the point where she loses her breath, and Jaskier can’t help his chuckle. Thankfully, her dad gives him a look of approval.
“Sure thing, kid.”
In return, he gets his second scare of the day when Ciri screeches again, only for a few seconds when she probably remembers it’s the dead of the night, and jumps for a hug. Bless her heart, but he can’t help still feeling utterly embarrassed. 
Jaskier pats her back before she lets go and her father ushers her to her room, and the yell “Goodnight!” is way too endearing, although it was most likely more directed to his pup than himself, fair enough.
Well, then. He finds himself standing around awkwardly, nervously still not moving until said giant of a man crosses his arms and gets Jaskier out of his own head.
“Ah, well, that’ll be my leave then.” he says, looking everywhere else than the person in front of him, scratching his neck.
It’s almost obvious he’s getting a cold shoulder until the deep voice speaks again, “Make sure to use the door this time.”
Yup, he deserves that.
To be honest, Jaskier can’t quite believe he’s… uh, survived this. Better not jinx it, though.
“I, sir, uh,” he starts, holding out a hand for Buttercup to follow along, “I cannot stress how sorry I am for this. Seriously. If you tell my superiors about this, I’ll understand, uhm, I guess I just want to let you know I thoroughly enjoyed teaching your daughter.”
And the blonde is frighteningly silent once more, though he lifts one eyebrow, whatever the hell that means.
At last, a sigh.
“Well, I hope you’ll continue.” are the words coming next, shocking enough, Jaskier almost thinks he’s sound-hallucinating, or something, “Apology accepted. Nobody’s hurt, and Cirilla seems to like you quite a lot.”
He honestly can’t help but smile, in relief more than anything else. Buttercup barks once, and the man glances down. “And your dog, too.”
Is- is that a smile? Jaskier can’t really tell, because it looks oddly out of place with, well, everything else about him. Not that he doesn’t like what he’s seeing.
The not-so-scary-anymore man even opens the door for him, gosh, he does like his men with good manners!
Maybe, possibly, he really needs to sober up. Or eat something, now that he thinks about it.
“Then, adieu!” he offers with a little flourish of his hand, but while the pup’s already running eagerly out into the rose bushes, the blonde man stops him in his tracks with, “I suppose you’d like my number.”
There’s that familiar awkwardness again! Jaskier realises this when all he can do is gape like a moron, but honestly, those might be the most surprising out of this whole evening. That says a lot.
He finds himself stammering, “Uhm, uh, pardon?”
The giant’s already writing it down on a fucking post-it note. “So you don’t have to use the window when Ciri’s going to walk her new friend over there.”
Jaskier blinks, “Ah!” Of course, what else? He’s bordering on a thin line to delusion, truly, “Obviously.”
“Obviously.” he repeats back, and Jaskier pockets the note hilariously quickly himself.
Good, good, don’t humiliate yourself even more now. He guesses he can be thankful he’s just sober enough to not try one of those… horrendous pick-up lines of his. 
Guess the eye candy will be enough.
He gives the blonde a nod at last, taking his final leave after a way too strange night, but not before the man forms that almost-smile,  pretty sure it’s a smile, again (good God, did he just check out his ass, or has Jaskier officially lost it?) and says, “Name’s Geralt, by the way.”
Jaskier nearly chokes on his own breath.
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imnotwolverine · 4 years
The girl next door - About plumbing
The Girl Next Door - Chapter 3 ABOUT PLUMBING*
<Chap 2 | Chap 4>
Summary: What do you do when your shower stops working after one very hot, sweaty run with your cute neighbour? Lizz finds out. 
Word count: 3.521
Warnings: smut alert, f- and m- receiving oral and bit of healthy (dwarvish) competition
Author’s note: SO. I wanted to pace this story and post every few days. But guess what? It’s friggin’ hot and I couldn’t sleep and..I may have written well into the night, finishing not only this chapter..but like..the next one too? Gosh I’m an incorrigible night owl.   
(Link to my Masterlist)
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‘Come on foxy! Keep up!’ Henry barely sounded out of breath as he trodded up the hill, a heavily panting Lizz not far behind.
As promised the two of them were going on a run, the morning still slightly chilly as the world around them slowly woke up after the stormy night that had forced Lizz to stay over at Henry’s place.
Lizz hadn’t caught much sleep that night, mulling over what to do about her ex-boyfriend..or did he still consider himself her boyfriend? Luis. And then there was Henry, this cute neighbour that stood at the ready for her every beck and call. A ridiculously cute neighbour, have you there. Henry, Henry, Henry. It took Lizz a lot of perseverance and innocent thoughts before she finally could stop asking herself the question: Is he big..everywhere?  
Henry hadn’t slept much either, his mind occupied with the fact his cute neighbour was laying downstairs on his couch and, as they had talked until deep into the night, he felt like their insidious teasing should either come to a full stop or a full go. A full go meaning she definitely wouldn’t be laying on that couch right now. Henry tossed and turned, his hands travelling where they shouldn’t. Eventually he had willed himself to sleep, afraid to awaken her, or even worse, get caught, if he gave in to his bodily needs. 
It made for this morning run to be particularly..exciting, for the both of them, even though neither one of them dared to admit their thoughts and midnight trepidations to one another.
Lizz growled while she finally made it over the hilltop, her breath short and raspy. ‘You just wait! ..We dwarves are natural sprinters! ..Very dangerous over short distances!’
Henry laughed aloud, turning around and tiptoeing backwards as he smiled from ear to ear.
‘Perhaps if you’d grow out your beard that’d work. But for now, it looks like foxy needs a bit of practise.’ Henry winked, making Lizz even more eager to beat him, her feet speeding up just enough so she could run past Henry, his body spinning to follow her lead. It was then her eye picked up the silhouettes of their houses just a few hundred meters away.
‘Last one home is a green pig!’ Lizz shouted, her tired legs kicking into gear, making Henry reel his head in confusion.
‘Oi! Wait up!’ He shouted after her, somewhat surprised at the sudden speed she was going at. Thankfully for him, it wasn’t long before Lizz was totally out of breath, her head red like a tomato as Henry finally managed to surpass her.
Reaching out his arms in victory he laughed, his legs slowing down to a walk before halting next to Lizz’s garden.
Both too out of breath to talk - Lizz near folding over with exertion - they stood there for a good moment, panting. Henry was the first to get his breath back, his chest reverberating with a chuckle. ‘You nearly got me there.’
‘Nearly.’ She panted, laughing through her short puffs.
‘Well, fair game foxy. Fair game. And thanks for joining me.’ He smiled, still panting softly. ‘’Twas good fun. See you at tea time?’
Lizz could only nod, her tied up red hair and red face a perfect match, her body still wrecked by her heavy panting. It took a good moment before she could manage to look up, her eyes just catching the last glimpse of Henry in his running shorts and simple grey tee. ‘Fuck me. Superman is fast.’ She muttered under her breath, quietly enough for Henry not to hear while he jogged back to his house.
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*A few blinks of the eye later.*
Fumbling hands turned on the faucet nobs with increased worry.
‘Oh no. Oh no. No no. Not now.’
Lizz continued to turn on the nobs, but no more water came, the shower head dripping its last few, sacred drops.
’NOO…oh man. Why…’ She groaned, slowly blinking, some shampoo prickling her eyes as she tried to look at the handles. Nothing seemed wrong or out of the ordinary. ‘Oh please shower gods! Give me WATER!’ She pleaded, stretching her hands up in the air.
It almost seemed ironic, after half the house had practically drowned in the storm from last night.
But alas, Lizz was quick to decide she was not going to have this fight with her house right now, and instead she stepped out of the shower, wrapping herself in a large towel and slipping into her fluffy slippers.
Her hands moved to her sink, but also here the faucet wouldn’t give water.
Could she just..let the shampoo dry and wash it off later?
Blinking her shampoo-tearing eyes, she decided that was a truly awful idea.
Moving to her bedroom - the floor, walls and bed still wet from the down pour from last night - she grabbed her phone from the sidetable, not hesitating a moment to call in for another favour from her friendly neighbourhood superman.
It only took a few rings before the superhero in question answered, his warm baritone voice greeting her with a tone of amusement.
‘Miss me already?’
‘Hen…No…Ehm..Okay. Here’s the thing. I think my house is cursed and the water gods have a bet running against me.’
‘I’m listening.’ He chuckled.
‘So, maybe I was showering and ..maybe the shower stopped working in the middle of me shampooing my hair? Just maybe?’ Lizz bit her lip, hoping Henry would at least lend her a bucket of hot water or something. Anything was better than the pots and pans with dirty, murky rainwater that were standing around in her house.
‘Hmm. Sounds like a problematic situation.’ He agreed, not giving her the pleasure of immediately offering her the use of his shower.
‘What do you want me to do about it, neighbour?’ He was obviously teasing her and she wished she could just poke his shoulder right now.
Darn him!
‘Well I don’t know. Maybe lend me your garden hose? Or invite me for an impromptu water balloon fight?’ She sniffled. Something about talking to Henry made her feel particularly eager to tease and joke.
‘Hmm..’tis that I do not have any water balloons laying around, and I have no idea whether I even have such a thing as a garden hose at my disposal. Would a hot inviting shower be okay, however?’
‘YES. Oh yes. Yes please. Can I come over?’
‘Sure thing love.’
The word had come out of his mouth faster than he could help it. And he was glad she couldn’t see him right now, his face frozen with horror as he realised he just called her “love”, his fingers fumbling to end the call. His sweet neighbour friend. Oh gods. What did he do? And now she was coming over …and..
*knock knock*
He didn’t even think twice about opening the door, his mind still scolding himself for being so forward with Lizz.
It made for the next moment to be even more interesting for the both of them.
‘OH.’ Lizz’s eyes near popped out of their sockets as a very topless Henry swung open his front door.
Henry looked down, realising THAT was probably even worse then calling her “love”, his mouth falling open in a futile attempt to apologise, but failing miserably.
‘I eh..’ He made a face as Lizz started to blush profusely, his eyes now accidentally drifting down her soaking wet, towel clad body. Had she really just walked up to his house in nothing but a towel? Well at least it meant the both of them were complete idiots.
He couldn’t wait for the snarky comments of their other neighbour, Mrs. Gatter.
Noticing his eyes first sliding down her body, then moving towards Mrs. Gatter’s house, made Lizz realise what he was thinking.
‘Oh gods.’ She gasped in horror, looking over her shoulder at the other house, her face becoming even more red.
‘Yes.’ Henry quickly pulled her inside, forgoing all Corona protocol as his hand slipped around her wrist, his other arm quick to close the door behind them.
Suddenly they were very close.
Breath to breath, eye to eye. 
And definitely, definitely not the required 2 meters, Henry’s chest blocking Lizz’s way into the hall.
Stumbling back she crashed against the wall, yelping in surprise as she hit a few photo frames, her body spinning so her hands could quickly steady the frames before they fell off.
And then…it slipped.
Her towel slipped.
Henry stared in quiet awe as the big white towel fell down to the floor, Lizz’s body now stark naked, her skin still glistening and soaped from her unfinished shower.
Milky, soft, luscious. And that tush. Gosh. Even in his wildest dreams he hadn’t thought of this.
Lizz choked on her thoughts as she looked down at the towel at her feet. Oh no, it wasn’t Mrs. Gatter she had on her mind right now, her doe eyes looking over her shoulder at Henry, his breath now much more heavy than it had been during their entire run this morning.
Now what?
It was a question they both mulled over in their heads, their eyes slowly tracing down each others bodies.
His gym hardened, bulking physique.
Her soft feminine body with its luscious curves.
And then their eyes met, both hesitant, yet unapologetic about their obvious stares. Neither one looking away from the other. 
‘Oh fuck it.’ Lizz muttered, deciding upon their faith, her body quick to press against Henry as she reached for him, pulling his face down in an almost aggressive kiss. Henry growled against her lips, immediately agreeing to the turn of events, slipping his hands through her shampoo lathered hair, locking her head just where he wanted it. Close to his lips.
‘Fmmck.’ He muttered under his breath, walking backwards and pulling Lizz with him, her hands now grasping for his biceps and her throaty keens muted by their hungry kisses.
Not breaking away from her once, Henry started to reach for one of the doors further down the hallway, his eyes half hoodedly checking out Lizz as he managed to lure her into his bathroom, his hand flicking the light switch so they wouldn’t stand here in the dark.  
This was too good to be true.
This was too good to be true.
Lizz was the first to pull back, her eyes dark with lust and a breathy grin etched on her face. She wanted to speak, but decided against it, both their chests heaving with excitement.
This was no time to speak.
Oh no.
This was..
Her hand slipped down Henry’s chest, following the happy trail of dark curls that led her down his abs to.. Her hand hesitating before she finally looked down.
Well that answered her question.
Her eyes halted at the very obvious tent in Henry’s shorts, her hand pausing just below his navel. Henry noticed and moved his hand to tilt her face back up at him, looking deep into her eyes.  
‘Lizz..’ He hummed, like her name was some type of enchantment, his fingers delicately tracing down her neck, down her collarbone, near whispering over her breasts.
‘Fuck.’ Lizz cried softly, tilting her head back as his touch was more than just welcome. It was what she craved.
Touch. Sweet, sweet touch.
Henry’s fingertips danced over her skin until they reached her nipples, his thumbs rubbing them to wanton peaks, not long after followed by his mouth as he ducked down, his tongue lavishly twirling over them as his hands became more demanding, groping and moulding her soft flesh.
Lizz tangled her hands in his curly hair and let her lust hazed eyes dance around the room.
White walls and dove grey floor tiles with on one end of the wall a large modern sink with a mirror and at the opposing wall a spacious walk-in shower. Oh mother have mercy. This was…mmm!…
This was too good to be true.
‘Shower?’ Henry breathed, getting up to standing height as he quirked up an eyebrow. Lizz playfully bit her lip and nodded.
‘Hmm.’ Henry moaned as he interlocked his lips with hers again - he was one noisy lover -, his hands now travelling down and, with the greatest ease, lifting up her hips so he could carry the both of them into the shower. Lizz gasped softly - never had a man carried her around like that -, quickly wrapping her legs around his hip to steady herself.
It was in that moment she realised how very clothed he still was down there, the constricting fabric of his shorts rubbing against her sensitive folds. She keened softly as Henry lifted her up even higher, breaking that contact, one of his arms wrapping around her lower back while the other moved to turn on the shower.
She was now placed high enough on his hip so he could kiss down her neck and the top of her chest, suckling the skin there as he waited for the water to slowly heat up, his free hand now squeezing her buttocks. Lizz didn’t know what to do with herself, her need muddling her brain to incoherent thoughts and her mouth to whimpering moans.
Desperately she kept pulling at his soft, slightly sweaty curls, tilting her head back, near floating in the air and giving in to Henry’s sweet administrations.
Sweet administrations that were a stark contrast to his sounds. Raw and animalistic. He’s a growler, Lizz smiled, biting her lip again as Henry’s chest reverberated with another deep moan.
So hot.
Henry nipped a trail back up, breathing hotly in her ear; ’Close your eyes.’
Before Lizz could fully register what he was doing, she felt the back of her head being dipped under the warm stream of the shower, one of Henry’s arms still supporting her lower back, while the other moved to support her head. She jolted in surprise, her hands quick to grasp at his shoulders, her nails leaving tiny crescent shaped marks in his flesh.
Henry chuckled, not in the least bit impressed by her feisty claws.
‘Easy.’ He warned her, allowing Lizz to relax back into his arms, the shampoo in her hair now slowly washing out of her auburn locks.
‘Sorry,’ She squealed, a nervous chuckle bubbling up in her chest.
It wasn’t everyday a man’d pick her up and waltz her into his shower to wash her hair. And sure, Henry LOOKED strong, but Lizz was not yet fully trusting of his capability to keep her up while manoeuvring around in a slippery shower. No amount of superman muscles can win from a poorly placed bit of soap, right?
‘Put..put me down,’ She finally hiccuped, her soft plea nearly drowned out by the falling water. Henry didn’t miss it however, without question putting her down and cupping her cheek again, a concerned look spread across his features.
Gosh, he was way too sweet for her.
‘You okay?’ He asked, gazing into her eyes. Lizz shook her head, unbelieving, a soft chuckle bursting from her lips.
‘Oh Henry.’ She started to laugh harder, looking into his confused puppy eyes.
‘What is it Lizz?’
‘Nothing.’ She sniffled, reaching out for a bottle of shampoo and holding it up in question. ‘You do me, I do you?’
Henry’s worried face broke into a smile, his head now also shaking like Lizz’s did just now.
‘You are one of a kind, foxy.’
‘You betcha.’ Lizz smiled, playfully biting her lip as she started to slather some of the shampoo in his curls. Henry hummed, his eyes closing as Lizz pressed and swirled her fingertips over his scalp, offering him a little head massage, his erection now bobbing restlessly against her belly. Lizz couldn’t help but look down, her mouth slightly watering at the sight of his now completely soaked shorts as they clung to his muscular thighs and…well..a very well endowed manhood.
Without much of a second thought she pushed Henry back underneath the shower head and kneeled down, soft drops falling down her face as she looped her fingers around the waistband of his shorts.
Henry slowly opened his eyes, missing the relaxing head massage he just got, before realising where Lizz had gone.
His eyes dropped to look at her, his pupils blown out so wide there was no more blue left to be seen, his eyes dark and lust-hazed.
Without needing much of a confirmation, Lizz tugged down his shorts, her face now mere inches away from a very happy-to-see-her member. It twitched slightly as she licked her lips, looking up at him once more before going in for the kill, her lips placing some experimental kisses on his lower belly and thighs before she enclosed them around his engorged member.
‘AAahh..’ Henry let out a breathy moan as he let his head fly back, his hair being rinsed by the water as it fell down from the large shower head. ‘Fuck.’ He muttered, a hand moving to the back of Lizz’s head as she started to suck and bob on him.
‘Fuck..fuck fuck fuck..Lizz..Lizz..stop..’ He pulled her back, his breath irregular and his chest heaving as she released him with a *pop*. She looked back up in question.
‘It’s been a while..I..’ He squeezed his eyes shut as he let out another groan.
‘You okay?’ Lizz asked in turn.
‘Oh Lizz.’ Henry smiled, his breath calming down somewhat. ‘Come. As much fun as this shower is, I..’ He pulled her up with ease, his mouth quick to place another passionate kiss on her lips. ‘..I much prefer to do this..right.’
Right? Wasn’t this right?
Lizz really wasn’t in the mood for slowing things down.
Can you imagine going this far, only to stop because of some unwritten sex protocol?
What did he want?
Wine, dine, date and marriage first?
Fuck no.
Henry chuckled as he saw Lizz’s brows furrow with question.
‘Upstairs.’ He added, nodding his head towards the door.
‘Ah..’ Lizz muttered, feeling stupid for even thinking that Henry was THAT much of a vanilla boy.
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Sprawled out on the deep blue sheets, her pale skin and red hair a stark contrast with the fabric, Lizz was an utter, complete mess.
For such a “vanilla” boy, Henry was really..really…really good at giving head. Like…ughh.
Lizz reached down her legs, her fingers tangling with the slightly damp dark curls that belonged to one very hot neighbour.
Henry chuckled, the sound reverberating pleasantly against her folds.
‘Gods Henry.’ She swooned, her back pressing off the bed as an orgasm started to build up.
He hummed again, his hands locking even more tightly around her hipbone, keeping her right where he wanted her as his mouth licked, sucked and teased her with more demand.
‘FUUCKK..Ah..ahh.AH!’ Lizz cried, her legs squeezing tighter around Henry as her orgasm came crashing down on her.  
Slowly.. Henry lapped up her juices, waiting for her hips to still before he pried himself out from in between her legs. A wolfish grin was spread wide across his glistening cheeks.
Okay, time for a correction.
Henry Cavill was NOT a vanilla boy, Lizz thought, pushing her head back into the mattress as she let out a breathy laugh.
‘What’s so funny?’ Henry purred, crawling back on top of her, his weight making her shift on the mattress.
‘Oh just that you are one of kind..’ Lizz laughed, opening her eyes and looking back at him. He grinned, then placed a kiss on her swollen lips before pushing himself back off the mattress.
Lizz frowned, propping herself up on her elbow as she looked at his well rounded buttocks walking into the ensuite bathroom.
She heard him rummage around, open some cupboards, groan, walk back in the bedroom, then offer her a most pained look.
‘Ehm…’ He started, not sure what to say - even though his face probably said it all.
‘Oh..is this the point where you admit to not having any condoms around?’ Lizz rolled back on the bed, shaking her head. ‘Cavill Cavill Cavill…’ She tutted, chuckling.
Henry groaned and crawled back on top of her, giving her an exasperated look.
‘Not funny Lizz.’ He growled, sulking for a moment as Lizz started to laugh out loud, eventually cracking Henry’s grumpy facade, a little grin appearing back on his lips.
‘Oh come on..now you’re just…’ Henry rolled his eyes, then decided to go ahead and abuse the situation, his fingers flicking down to tickle her ribs.
‘NO NO NO..Henners. STOP IT. Hahahahaha.’ Lizz squirmed underneath him, her laugh bouncing off the walls as she tried to pry herself out of Henry’s tickle assault.
Apparently Kal hadn’t missed out on the little party his humans were throwing in the bedroom, the large dog calling alarm from the bottom of the stairs.
Henry halted his tickles, smiling boyishly as Lizz finally managed to get her breath back.
‘You!’ Lizz pouted, giving him a playful pat against his pecs.
‘Me.’ Henry smiled, leaning down on his forearms again so he could place a number of sweet kisses on Lizz’s lips.
‘You you you.’ Lizz hummed in between the kisses, smiling against Henry’s lips.
The two of them stopped again for a moment, realising it was probably something else Kal was calling in the alarm for.
Focusing a little better, they heard a car drive down the small road outside, its wheels crunching over the uneven grit.
Lizz’s face froze over, recognising that specific way of honking far too well.
Oh shit.
| Chap 4 >
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selenecrown · 4 years
Minato Arisato x Female!Reader (The Great Seal of Nyx) [Part 2: The Disappearance of the Lover]
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Author's Note: Hey, remember that one post I made about a sequel to The Great Seal of Nyx, like, a super long time ago? Because here it is.
Here is my promised sequel, after who knows how long. This time, inspired by the Persona 3 movies. 
But holy crap, this took a very different turn then the other fanfic. There's angst, a disturbing moment, and a very dark moment. So, this is so goshdang angsty. So, yeah. But fluff! There's fluff in there too! 
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"It's almost time, everyone." The man sighed while looking at the clock on the wall. "Is everyone ready?" 
Everyone seemed in agreement. Koromaru barked happily, as if to speak for everyone. . . Almost everyone.
The midnight blue-haired man sighed again. But before he could say something else, another man wearing a yellow scarf put a hand on the shoulder of the blue-haired boy and then walked up to a (Hair/Color) girl who seemed nervous and upset. He wrapped his arms around her frame, and said to her, 
"(Your/Name), it's going to be okay. I know you don't want to do this, and that's okay to feel that way. All of us are ready to get you out of there if your parents try anything on you. So, please, try your best with your parents. Try, that's all we can ask." He smiled at her. 
Her arms seemed to wrap around the man, like she was clinging for dear life. But the man didn't mind at all. He kept smiling at her face that was buried in his shoulder.
The air in the room suddenly became tense and uneasy, as the others in the room started to surround the frightened girl with smiles and embraces. 
"I-I c-can't d-do th-this." The girl sobbed. "I-I don't w-want th-this." 
"And that's okay." The blue-haired boy said to the girl. "But let's give your family a second shot. If they can't treat you right, Aigis will stay with you for the rest of the day and I'm sure everyone will let you stay with them and you'll never have to go near to you parents again. Can you promise me to at least give them a shot?" 
The girl lifted her head from the man's shoulder and with tears in her eyes nodded at the blue-haired man. 
The man with the yellow scarf let go of the girl, and in his place, a blonde robotic girl took the girl's hand and wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled the girl close to her own mechanical body. 
"(Y/N)-san, I'll take you there. Everything will be alright." The blonde said.
The (H/C) girl, after she wiped her tears away, nodded. "Alright. I'll try." 
Everyone in the room seemed to smile at the (H/C) girl, and soon, a bell rang out on the room. Everyone walked out of the living room to the front area of the house close by the gazebo, to which, a black door appeared. One by one, each person waved goodbye to the others as they stepped through the black door. With the (H/C) girl and the robotic blonde girl going last.
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When the (H/C) girl and the android stepped through the portal, they came to an rural neighborhood with not many houses around with a menacing house in front of them. 
The house was average size for a house, but it was obvious the house was not being taken care of. The front yard's lawn, while a beautiful green, wasn't trimmed, and the front porch was full of random junk. The house's brown paint was falling off, and the window's black blinds seemed torn, and the house itself seemed dark and unfriendly. There was a road not far from the house with two cars sitting there. One of those those cars was your own car from years ago and you knew it was youd own for a fact, with another broken car next to your car.
Aigis looked at the girl with a smile on her face. "Are you ready?" 
She gave you a small keychain that looked like a black remote control with a single black button on it. "If your parents hit you, or threaten you, or do something that you're not comfortable with, this is how I will know. Press it, and I will come and take you away. Okay?" 
You were about to nod your head, but you took a deep breath and step forward to the house. While Aigis stayed where she was. 
You turned back to Aigis and smiled at her. "Yes, I'm ready, Aigis." 
And with that, you walked up to your childhood house and rang the doorbell.
In which appeared a woman with a bottle in her hand, she groaned and then let you in.
After which, a black door appeared behind Aigis and she stepped through.
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The day passed by faster than S.E.E.S. was expecting. For Junpei and Fuuka, this was a relief. For almost everyone else, this was sad but they were still happy to see their families and friends once more.
When the time had come for them to come back, Minato and Ryoji came out of the house and stood by where the gate appeared the day before. 
A black gate appeared at exactly twelve o' clock at night, and first came Yukari.
Then, Mitsuru.
Then Shinjiro and Akihiko, with Ken right after. 
Then Koromaru.
With Fuuka next, with Junpei right after. 
And then Aigis. 
Then, the gate closed.
Koromaru, upon seeing you weren't present, started growling. After Aigis heard what he had said, she started to panic as well seeing as how you aren't here.
"Where is (Y/N)-san?" She asked. 
"Is she late? No, she knows---" Yukari muttered before she was cut off by Junpei.
"Those bastards! They better not have laid a finger on her or they're going to pay!" Junpei growled.
"Junpei, we don't know that. She might just be having a moment of healing with them." Fuuka said. 
"But let's go over there, just in case. We need to make sure she's okay." Mitsuru said.
The group nodded in agreement. 
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When they crossed Minato's blue portal, they found a house in ruins. With junk everywhere, and just a mess that was supposed to be a property.
With a blonde haired women in a blue dress holding a book stood in front of the broken house. When the group came in, she turned around. 
"Elizabeth-san!" Aigis said. "What happened?" 
"I do not know." Elizabeth said. "I came here because there was a presence here that was close to his. But alas, when I came here, the people who owned the land said that their child was missing and they weren't sure what was going on." 
"Someone like Minato? Who could that be?" Ken asked. "Aigis wasn't here, so who else could it be?"
"I have an idea of what could have happened." Elizabeth stated to the group.
"Then tell us." Shinjiro demanded.
"Someone took her away."
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According to Elizabeth, someone who has the same power as Minato came and took Minato's lover away. Either to use her, or maybe for some other reason.
Fuuka tried to use Juno to help track (Y/N) down, to no avail. 
(Y/N) has seemingly been taken somewhere that was easily accessible or known by anyone. 
So, everyone agreed to go back to the other world, and see what they could do.
But when they went back, they couldn't get much else either. Fuuka could confirm she was alive, but nothing else.
Fuuka tried harder, she was able to see something about where (Y/N) was. 
(Y/N) was safe. But not in a good place.
This did give the team a little piece of mind, but it still worried them. 
It worried one person in particular.
Minato Arisato feared this would happen. 
He had understood that now that he was a human turned god, many would try to go after his friends and threaten him to give up the power or else. They couldn't kill you anymore, but they sure as heck could torture you for the rest of eternity. 
And they kidnapped you, of all people, and probably was already torturing you to get you to talk about his power. But, you knew nothing about it. You knew what he can do, but not what his power exactly was.
Why now?
Why would this happen to his lover, of people?
Minato's thoughts became dark as he thought about you, all alone with no one to help you. And also the anger he had inside of him, because he had hoped this wouldn't happen. 
Minato just wanted to be with his team again. He wanted to be with them so he wouldn't have to suffer alone with just Ryoji.
Is that too much to ask? 
Ryoji, seeing Minato was noticeably upset and angry, tapped him on the shoulder. 
Minato looked up to Ryoji in recognition.
"Minato, can you look for her?" He asked.
"Huh?! What the hell does that mean?!" Junpei said.
"Minato is a god, isn't he?" Mitsuru interjected. "Maybe he can track her down." 
"Well, let's give it a shot." Akihiko said. "At this point, we've got nothing to lose."
Minato seemed to understand what they were asking. He simply nodded, and closed his eyes.
And looked for you.
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Your arms and legs were bound by a rope. But your chest was also bound up in such a way your breasts where sticking out, making them noticable. And the crouch area and butt was sticking out, too. 
Making your body much, much more appealing to a perverted eye. But, you were covered in bruises and already bleeding, it made you less attractive unless a person was both perverted and sadistic.
But this also made you unable to move too much. 
You where also tied to a pole, that was uncomfortable to say the least. In front of you was a man you had hoped you would never see again.
A middle-aged man with dark brown eyes with a pair of glasses to add on, with long wavy brown hair and a goatee to match.
Shuji Ikutsuki.
He was right in front of you, holding a spear, a knife, and another pole connected to a wire. 
He seemed angry at you, and then thrust the spear he had back into your stomach. And then, a wave of electricity stock you, causing you to let out another blood-curdling scream. 
You spit out some blood, and looked back at him. 
"I told you, you sick bastard. I don't know!" You yelled again.
"You're still lying to me, (Y/N). I thought you knew better than to talk back to a person who took care of you." He sighed, before he kicked your face again.
Which again, caused you to spit out more blood. 
"If you're not going to talk with old fashioned torture. Then I'll try something else." He seemed to purr. 
And he reached to your chest, grabbing one of your breasts and playing with it. This, in turn, made you squirm and move to get Ikutsuki to stop.
But he didn't. 
He wouldn't stop touching your body.
Your mind screamed for him to stop. You voice did the same. Your body was desperately trying to move out of the way of the sick man. 
He stopped after some time asked the same demand again. "Give me Minato's power. Or you're not going to be able to walk tommorow."
Before you could say anything, Ikutsuki was thrown halfway across the room and a voice rang out. 
"You lowlife! How dare you molest and talk to her that way, you sick son of a bitch!"  
When you turned, you saw a girl. She had auburn hair, which she had in a high ponytail, along with silver barrettes which formed the roman numeral XXII, she also had red eyes to add on. She also had a Naginata in her right hand, and she had a red neck-strap MP3 player around her neck. She wore short-sleeved orange shirt, a white skirt, and white sandals. 
The girl immediately proceeded to beat the heck out of Ikutsuki. And when she had knocked him out, she walked over to you. 
"It's okay, (Y/N). I'm here now. Everything's going to be okay now." She said, as she undid the ropes forcing you to stay put. When she let them loose, she grabbed your hand and ran you out of the area.
But before you could say anything, the girl quickly into a red portal.
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When you arrived on the other side was. . . A field. 
A field much different the one surrounding the world you had lived in for so long.
The field was not made of real flowers. . . But of crystals. 
Gems from all over the world each had its own flower. Each species was beautiful in its own right, and made itself known to you by their sheer beauty. But as a whole, the flowers made a wonderful raindow galaxy that was the field you where in. 
And then, there was the sky. . . It in and of itself seemed to be a galaxy of its own. The sky looked like. . . Your standard galaxy. With blacks, purples, pinks, blues and whites with beautiful light coming from it. 
The field and sky stretched as far as the eye could see, like the world you where staying in.
But you noticed something else.
The girl who had brought you here was smiling at you, like she wished to feel the same way as you right now.
You were in awe of a world like this. It was so much different than Minato's world. So much prettier, and so much more open space.
"Where are we?" You asked, breathlessly.
"My world, I guess you could say." The girl said. "I've been here for some long, time doesn't seem to be in the picture anymore." 
"In the picture?" You asked, as you took your attention off the world around you and back unto the girl. "Wait. Are you---?" 
"A goddess? Yes. Of sorts." She smiled. "More like human turned god. But same concept, really." 
Your mouth spoke faster than your mind could. "You're just like Minato!" 
She seemed shocked at that, but laughed afterwords. "Yes, I am. After all, I am him in a way."
"In a way?" You tilted your head a bit.
"I am him. Just in a different timeline. I went through everything he did, it's just I'm a girl!" She explained.
"Wait, then does that mean---?!" You cheeks where about to turn a bright red, but than the girl spoke up. 
"I'm dating you? Nope. I do appreciate your existence in my life though!" She laughed again, making the wishful expression disappear. 
"So, can you explain it?" 
"Explain what?"
"If you're from a different timeline, where's everyone else from your timeline?" You asked her, and then remembered something. "And what your name is?" 
"You're always so formal, (Y/N). But, I guess I should tell you, even if I already know who you are. I'm Minako Arisato." She said. She even put out her hand, which had a silver ring on it. You did shake her hand, even though as soon as Minako got your hand, she pulled both of you to the ground with a goofy smile on her face. Despite what you thought it feel like, the ground was actually quite soft. Almost like a pillow.
"And this place is, well, I guess you could say. . . Purgatory. It's just kinda here for me. As for my teammates. . . I can't get to them. The gods of the underworld kinda won't let me touch them because of Minato." 
"They won't?" You turned to her, with a frown on her face.
"No." She said, sadly. "So I'm just up here. By myself with nothing much to do. Except watch out for everyone else." 
"Is that how you saw what was going on with me?" You asked.
"No, that was more because I felt you were in distress, after all I know what you've been through. Ikutsuki was doing something I didn't like with you. He doesn't deserve to be near you." 
"Are you sure it wasn't because you were alone?" You asked her seriously. You remembered Minato and how he'd talk about the loneliness he felt, and how sad he seemed then. 
"That was another factor in saving you." She stated, laughing a little. "After all, I did say I feel alone most of the time."
The two of you where quiet for some time. You definitely could tell Minako was happy like this. 
She really was alone up here.
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Minato had found you in the hands of Ikutsuki, but when he got there, he found you gone, and Ikutsuki beaten up. When he looked again, he found you again and almost rushed there. With Ryoji trailing behind him, while everyone else had basically lost to Minato's speed and stayed back.
And when he got there, there indeed you where. You were sleeping peacefully in a field with another girl right next to you.
Minato walked up to the girl and you, but before he could speak, the girl spoke. 
"Are you (Y/N)'s boyfriend?"
Minato nodded. "Yes, I am." 
"So you're Minato Arisato. Wow, you're almost the exact opposite of me. Different hair color and all." She smiled.
"How do you know me?" Minato asked, sitting down in front of the girl.
"Because I am you." She said, like it was common sense.
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Minato and Minako talked for a while, as Minako explained who she was, and what happened to you.
"Ikutsuki was torturing her for information, huh? Well, he's always wants power, so it's no wonder why he would try something like this." Minato sighed.
Ryoji seemed more curious than Minato, and asked a few more questions. Minako answered them, and not long after you woke up. 
Minato seemed to notice first. "Hey, sleepyhead." He moved more towards you. "Come on, let's go home." 
After a few moments, you nerviously shook your head. 
Minato frowned at that and became a little angry. "Why not?! Everyone was so worried---!"
"But. . . What about Minako?" You asked him, as you sat up to face him. "She's all alone up here without her friends, and she's depressed, Minato! She's just like you! But she has no one to be at her side, please, we need to do something---!" 
Minato, immediately pulled you into his chest and flung you over his shoulder. He pulled you into a fireman's carry and moved over to the blue portal he had made. "No, you're coming home."
"Wait, Minato!" You said as you tried to struggle out of his grasp, but Minato was not having it. 
Ryoji followed after the two of you with a neutral face that you couldn't tell was indifference or a face he's using to try and hide his true emotions, while Minako waved goodbye sadly. You could tell she seemed upset, but was forcing a smile. You reached out to her in worry for her, but the blue light had confused the three of you.
But as soon as you went to through the portal, you were flew unto a bed, which you recognized as Minato's bed. And then, you where pinned by Minato so you couldn't move your arms. You could tell Minato was angry with you, but he seemed upset as well. You closed you eyes as you thought Minato would hit you. But, you felt a drop of water fall on your cheek, and then another. And another. The tears kept falling on you like rain.
Minato was crying now, with sobs escaping him. His body has collapsed on your own, and he wrapped his arms around your frame, like if he let go, you'd disappearf orever. You opened your eyes as Minato was squeezing your body tightly.
"You. . . Are not. . . Leaving me." He said through his sobs. "Not again! I've been waiting for you and everybody else to be with me for so long! You're going to give me up from a person who like me?! I'm not going to let that happen! You're---!" 
"Minato, I didn't mean it like that! I---!" You tried to say.
"Then what were you go in to do then?!" Minato said, looking you in the eye. His eyes where full of tears, something you hadn't seen in some time. "Where you going to leave us to go find Minako's teammates?!" 
You turned away from him as your own eyes swelled up with tears. "I---!"
"That's it, isn't it?" He growled at you. "You're so selfish, you know that?! Think about everyone else! How would they feel if you did that?! Everyone---!" 
You didn't hear the rest. 
Your mind suddenly remembered the exact same words your mother had said to you all those years ago when she used to abuse you. 
"You're such a selfish bitch, you know that?!" 
And immendiately, your brain froze up and you started shaking. Minato, seeing your fear, stopped his rambling and realized what he had done. 
He had triggered your PTSD. 
Immendiately, he got off of you and moved you into his arms. But, you violently shoved him away, so powerful that it almost got him off the bed. He didn't fall off the bed, but he moved to where you could see him. Which was right in front of you, even though at the moment, you where curling yourself into the bed. Saying,  "P-p-p-please, d-d-don't Mom! I-I didn't m-mean to! I-I---!" 
"(Y/N)!" Minato called. "Your mother isn't here! It's just me! See?" He stretched his arms towards your terrified body. 
But you shook your head at him, with eyes wide flodding with tears "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! No-No! P-please, don't! No!" You said, as your voice cracked and became louder than before.
"Your mother isn't here, (Y/N)!" Minato repeated. "It's me, Minato! You're having a flashback! Please, listen!" He said, sounding desperate. 
"M-Minato? But you're---!" You said, breaking your flashback for a moment and looked up off the mattress, before your eyes got wide and you screamed. Then, started crying and whimpering and hyperventilating again as you went back into the bed. "N-N-No! N-NO! NO, STOP! PLEASE STOP!" 
Your scream was more then loud enough to get the attention of everyone else in the mansion. And after that, the rest of S.E.E.S. came rushing up to Minato's room and saw you curled up in a ball on the bed hyperventilating and crying your eyes out. With Minato trying calm you down, and S.E.E.S. instantly figured out what was the matter.
You were having a flashback. 
And, then they too, started saying things like Minato. That your mother wasn't here, you where nowhere near your childhood home, and they where here for you. Aigis turned on the lights in the room, and everyone tried not to touch you but at the same time, keep you away from the sides of the bed, and hiding any sharp objects. They tried talking you into looking around, but you wouldn't listen. 
It didn't seem to work.
You where having too bad of a flashback. 
Your mind couldn't be reasoned with now. So, Minato simply lifted you off the bed and then pulled you into a hug, and put a hand on the back of your head. He whispered something, and his hand glowed blue and then, your body went limp.  
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When you woke up, you where in a soft, gentle embrace that you recognized. 
Your were in Minato's chest.
Minato had a firm grip on you, his arms and legs were entangled with yours and his head was on top of your own, and he really had a tight grip on you.
That's right. You two got into a fight and then. . . You had a flashback. 
You got into a fight about Minako. 
It's been a long time since that happened. 
But. . .You saw Minato's point of view. . . But your feelings of the situation hadn't changed. 
And now, you were even more conflicted. You did just go missing and you are suppose to be here, but. . . Minako's all by herself.
You curled into more of a ball. You knew what you had to do, but. . . You were unsure now.
Now what on Earth were you supposed to-?
"Ah. . . Minato's fallen asleep." A voice said. You recognized that voice, it was Ryoji's. 
"Are you alright?" He asked as soon as he came over to you, as he rubbed your shoulder after sitting down. 
"I guess." You answered, with a voice still a bit sad. 
"Is Minako's situation still bothering you?" He asked. 
"Is that what the fight was about?" 
Ryoji didn't speak for sometime. "I'm sure Minato feels the same way."
You sat up from Minato's embrace, and faced Ryoji with your sad face looking. . . somewhat surprised.  "You think so?" 
"If they are the same person, why wouldn't Minato felt the same way as she is feeling now? Minato knows what it's like to be alone in the same way she's experiencing now. And he knows how much she wants to see her teammates. But your disappearance scared him. So, he just needs some time with you. Give him some time, and I'm sure he will do something to help." 
"But, what if he doesn't?" You said, looking back at Minato's sleeping body. 
"Then, wait until next year. You'll have one chance to help her out then." He smiled at you.
You turned back to Ryoji, and then nodded with a smile on your face. 
"You're so strange to me." Ryoji whispered. "You're so kind, and yet so broken. So, how can you be so kind when you're more broken then anyone else here?" 
"Huh?" You honestly couldn't hear what he had said, and hoped he'd say it again.
"Nevermind. Come on, Shinjiro asked you to help him today with teaching Fuuka." 
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Fuuka, despite lots of time to improve on cooking, didn't get much better at it. Shinjiro was the local cook, and you also knew how to cook since your parents didn't often cook for you and so, you self-taught yourself how to cook. 
And being the other cook of the dorm, also meant you also where the one who often assisted Shinjiro, with cooking, but also with helping Fuuka learn to cook. 
Which today, wasn't as hard as it normally was.
As everyone was keeping an eye on you, especially after what had happened to you. Fuuka did have her attention on you, but you could tell: She was thinking about you more so than the food.
But by the time you had figured that out, the two of you were almost done with what Shinjiro had asked you to do. So, you decided to finish what you were doing before talking about what had happened. 
But there was one person in particular who couldn't wait for you to open up about it.
"Miss (Y/N)?" Elizabeth said. This did seem to cause everyone to flinch. Because everyone seemed to know what Elizabeth was going to say. After all, Elizabeth wasn't the type to withhold her own curiosities, actions or feelings for the sale of others. 
"Yeah?" You answered her. "What is it?" 
"What happened?" Elizabeth bluntly said, seemingly teleporting in front of where you where standing. 
She wasn't even beating around the bush. She would beat the bush if she could get answers. That's Elizabeth for you. 
"Eh? What do you mean by that?" You asked her, honestly confused. "I don't understand what you mean by that." 
"That day you disappeared. Where did you go?" Elizabeth asked. 
Now you had everyone's attention. 
Even Shinjiro seemed to be paying attention now. 
You took a deep breath. 
"Ikutsuki, well, kidnapped me." You answered. "But---" 
"Ikutsuki?!" Yukari jumped from her seat, seeming to scare everyone. "That little---!" 
"Yukari, just a moment. Let's hear the full story first." Mitsuru said. 
"Sorry." Yukari said, sitting back down on the couch. 
"I was saved." You said, with an unsure voice. "By someone who knew me by heart, and was just like Minato. But she was a girl." 
"A female Minato? But, how?" Junpei asked. 
"I'm not sure, but she said and felt just like she knew exactly what it was like to be Minato, but she was from someplace else. But her situation is different then ours, she can't see her friends." You said. 
You didn't mean to spill out that much information, but your feelings must have gotten the best of you.  
There was a silence for a solid minute, then Elizabeth spoke up. 
"She's from another time." Elizabeth said. "Her name was Minako Arisato, correct?"��
You nodded slowly. 
"She is from another world, another time than us. The person you encountered is the guest of my brother, Theodore. It is true she is very similar to Minato in many ways, and what she has told you is true. She is in the exact same situation, only without her comrades." Elizabeth stated. 
There was so much you wanted to, so much you wanted to say, but you felt that you shouldn't say it.
Your face wasn't as anxious anymore but you still seemed a bit shy. 
Elizabeth, however, is great at reading her guest and their friends. 
"You want to help her, don't you?" Elizabeth said. 
Almost as if on instinct, you almost dropped what you where doing. "Yes!" 
Elizabeth scanned your face of desperation and honest want to help, then go close to your face. "While I cannot directly help you due to my own journey, I can give you this. Find a Plume of Dusk." 
You nodded at Elizabeth, and then there was footsteps coming down from the stairs accompanied by a familiar yawn. "Hey, what's for dinner?" Minato asked. 
"Ah! We are having Sukiyaki with Sashimi!" You said, running up to him and grabbing his hands. 
Minato's face, while his eyes and mouth were still heavy from his sleepiness, smiled at your energetic and happy tone of voice. 
The room's mood, while different then the suffocating tension it once had, was tense now it was unsure tension. But it seemed to settle down, and the night went on as it normally did. 
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A few days had passed, and Elizabeth had helped you locate a Plume of Dusk. There was a place on your boyfriend's world where a stash of them was. 
It was. . . A cave. A cave that Elizabeth said was under the lake. 
You stared intently at the water, seeing you and the bridge's reflection in it. 
But there was a slight problem. As the lake is an actual lake, there wasn't a way to go under it. And, Minato still controlled it. So, how on Earth where you going to-
"[Y/N]? What are you doing out here?" Your boyfriend asked. 
"Gah!" When you turned, your boyfriend was behind you. Hugging you tightly as soon as you saw him. "Minato! What's the matter?!"
"I wanted to be with you. For some reason, I don't want to be with them right now. I want to be with you." He said, plainly. 
"Ah-" You weren't sure what to say. 
And for a while, the two of you stood in silence, until you had an idea. 
"How about a date, then?!"
"To where?" He said, lifting his face off your shoulder to look at you.
"Mmmmmmm. . . . . . How about a cave?!"
"A cave?" He asked. "Why there?"
"Because it's pretty! And we haven't been to one as a date! And we'd be alone! Please?!" You seemly bounced in his arms with a goofy smile on your face.
A kiss was placed on your forehead, which caused you to calm down. "Okay, okay. If it means we'll be alone." 
And then, the world changed. 
You where indeed in a cave.
It was indeed a cave. It sparkled and shined with gems you'd never seen before, and with gems have, and it reminded you of Minako's place.
There was a pool in the center, with water dripping down from the ceiling like an upside down fountain. 
"Wow! It's so big!" You exclaimed, getting yourself out of your boyfrenid's arms and running around the cave. "It's as big as the house! And the crystals shine so brightly! It's like a. . . A. . . Oh! Like stars and fireworks!"
Minato was laughing at your antics and cute thoughts so hard he had to summon a chair to steady himself.
The laughing he made went unoticed as you danced so happily around the cave like a child in a candy store. Splashing with the water and messing with the crystals. You felt you could do it for hours, in this cave. 
"Minato! Minato! Look! I can walk on the water! and it's so warm on my skin!"  You said, with your soaked body as you ran to him and saw his chair.  "Minato?" 
"Hahaha! [Y/N], I-Pffffft hahaha! Forgot how funny you can-hahahaha! Be! Pffft-Hahahahaha!"
You confused face only added to his laughing cycle, and after a few moments of you expressing your worry and trying to calm him down, he stopped laughing and got up from the chair. 
"Ha. You never fail to make me laugh, [Y/N]." 
"And you never fail to find new ways to make me do that! You know that right?!" You smiled at him. 
He let out a small laugh, and then walked over to an area with crystal and took a large crystal off the ground and in a glowing blue light, it turned into a beaded manitee necklace with a small hearts and butterflies around the necklace.
"Take this." Your boyfriend said. "It's a gift."
"I know that," you sighed as he put the necklace on you. "But why?"
"Because you came back." He said, pulling you into his arms again. "And I want you to know that isn't happening again."
You laughed. "You don't have to worry about me! I'll be fine!" 
You then saw a decent-sized crystal of Plume of Dusk, and walked towards it and picked it up. "Hey, can I have this?"
"Why?" He laughed at you, and you then walked up to him with the crystal in your arms.
"Because I want to remember this place." You said, looking towards the cave and then turned back to him and smiled. "It's such a beautiful place! And it's our first date in your world!" 
Minato laughed again. "Okay, okay. It's yours then." 
And then, the cave disappeared and you two were back on the bridge again.
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The sun had gone down, and you were currently in your room, holding the crystal that Minato turned in a ball.
Elizabeth said I needed one of these, but why?
Wait, maybe the Plume of Dusk could be given to the underworld gods to appease them. 
Or it could be to help you find Minako again. 
But what on Earth could---?
"You found one. And so quickly, too." A voice you recognized said, and when you turned to the voice, there sat Elizabeth. Sitting on your bed. 
"Elizabeth, what am I suppose to do with this?" You asked. 
Elizabeth smiled at you, and then stood up the bed. "May I see it?" 
You nodded, handing over the ball. 
After Elizabeth took the ball from you, she said something and the ball broke into two pieces. One part turned into a crystal copy of you. The other turned into a box. 
"This," Elizabeth said, gesturing to the copy of you, "Will give you time." 
"Time to speak with the gods, right?" You said. 
Elizabeth nodded. "While I don't know how much time, it will be enough to least get you to speak with Minako to tell her what is happening." 
You nodded, and walked over to your copy. It looked at you for a moment and then hugged you. It then gained color and looked like you. It stopped hugging you, and you then knew what your copy was. But before you could say anything, it spoke. "Go on, [Y/N]. You have things to do." 
You nodded at it. "Thank you, [Persona/Name]." 
"Then, this way, [Y/N]." Elizabeth said, gesturing towards a black door. You nodded, and walked through the door, with Elizabeth behind you. 
Your copy then sighed, and went to bed. 
And, on the other side of your room's front door, someone leaned against the door and smiled. "You really are a strange one."
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When you got out of the portal, you where in Minako's place once more. 
"There should be a place Minako stays." Elizabeth said, walking a bit. "I'm not sure what it looks like, but you have time." 
You nodded, and started walking away. "Thank you, Elizabeth." 
She simply smiled back. "Thank me when you get back." 
And just like that, she disappeared from sight, taking the black door with her. 
So, you begin to walk. You weren't exactly sure where to go, but that was all you could do right now.
You walked for seemlying for hours, and the place looked exactly the same. 
You sighed. How much farther was it? 
"Come on, we have to-"
"What it a girl like you doing in a place like this, [Y/N]?" A gentle voice said to you.
When you turned, there stood a blonde haired man with a blue tuxedo-like outfit, and a worried look on his face.
"I'm looking for a girl named Minako Arisato. Do you ow to find her?" You asked, plainly.
"Yes, but you're---"
"I know. I shouldn't be here. But that's not important right now. I need to speak with her." 
The man studied you for a moment, and then quietly nodded. "Alright. This way." 
And before you and the man appeared a path. A silver path, at that.
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The man walked you towards a cottage.
A really pretty one at that. It looked like something out of a fairytale. 
With its' dark brown and white exterior covered in the crystal vines that shined, and small garden out front. 
It really was small, and it felt much different than your home. You could feel it was warm and friendly, like it wanted you to be there. But, there was an air of loneliness there too.
"Say, [Y/N]." The man asked.
"Yes, um. . ." You looked at him, nerioisly, realing you didn't know his name.
"Yes, Theodore?"
"What are you doing here? You're not even from this timeline." He stopped in his tracks, and looked at you. 
You paused for a moment, then continued walking. "I want to help her." 
"Help her?" 
"She. . . Saved me. I want to do something to her kindness."
Theodore looked at you, confused this time, but then sighed helplessly. "You sure are strange." 
"Yes, I mean, I am dating the Great Seal of Nyx." You smiled, passing the Velvet Room attendant. "I think I kinda have to be to do that."
"Theeeeeeeoooo!" A voice yelled as it came closer to you two, and out of the cottage, appeared Minako in the same outfit as before. She happily ran up to the two of you but then stopped when she saw you.
"[Y/N]?" She paused. "What are you doing here? How did you even---?"
"I want to help you meet your teammates. I asked Elizabeth for help." You replied.
"[Y/N], I appreciate the sentiment, but it won't help. I've already tried." She smiled sadly.
"But I have something that may help." You said, pulling out the Plume of Dusk fragment, which now was a bouquet of flowers, whereas it used to be a solid crystal. 
Minako and Theodore both gasped at the flowers. 
"[Y/N], where did you find this much?" Minako asked you. 
"My boyfriend said I could have it. Will this appease the gods?" 
Minako laughed at you. "As stubborn as I remember you. I'm not sure. You want to try it?"
"Huh?" You said.
"If you got this many, there is chance. But I will need you, too." 
"What does that mean?"
"I'm saying you're coming with me. You seem really determined about this. Then, we'll go together." The goddess said, making a red door appear. 
You nodded, and walked with Minako and Theodore through the door.
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"You're really needy today, [Y/N]." Minato said to your Persona as the two cuddled on couch. The living room wasn't full of people, as everyone else had decided to go swimming outside. 
"What's wrong with that?" Your copy smiled, snuggling inside your boyfriend's arms. "Am I not allowed to?"
"No, I'm not saying that." Minato said, kissing your copy's forehead, causing the Persona to make a happy sigh. "I'm not used to you being so cuddly." 
"Well, if you can be cuddly, why can't I? It's not fair I have to share you with other people."
This, got Minato to stop for a moment. You've never said something like that before. 
"Minato? What's the matter?" Your copy asked. 
"Can I ask you something, [Y/N]?" He face got serious at your copy. "Do you remember what we had for dinner last night?"
Uh-oh. Your Persona was in trouble now. 
"Why the sudden question, Minato?" The Persona asked. 
"Please answer me." He said, with a more serious voice.
Hmmm. . . We had Sushi. Fuuka and Shinjiro said they wanted to celebrate." the Persona said. 
Minato was silent for a moment, and his face changed from worry to anger. He threw your Persona out of his arms, and pinned to the table. 
"Ow! Hey! What was that---?"
"Where is she?" Minato growled. "What did you do with her?!"
The Persona sighed, and said, "What do you think?"
Minato's expression changed, and he was now very upset. "No. . . He didn't." 
"She's not gone, Minato. She's just with Minako." Ryoji said, appearing behind Minato.
Minato turned to the scarf wearing boy. "She. . . What?"
"She went to see Minako. I heard her speaking with Elizabeth." 
Minato let go of the Persona for a second, and spawned his trademark sword, and then slammed the sword by the Persona's head, which the Persona didn't even flinch to. "Where. Is. She?" The god demanded from the Persona. 
"She's speaking with the underworld gods. She's trying to convince them to give Minako's team back." The Persona said, simply. 
Minato sighed, and stabbed the Persona, causing it to shatter into pieces. "[Y/N], I should have known." 
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This was bad. 
Really, really bad. 
The underworld gods had heard your plea, and got your gift, but refused. And now, they said you would be taking back their deal for your insolence.
Without your Persona, and Minako desperately trying to fighting off the servants of the gods, you where stuck. Theodore left, and you had no way to defend yourself. 
You where a sitting duck, and starting to panic at that. 
What the Hell where you doing to do. 
"[Y/N],  you left again. I thought I said it wouldn't happen again." You felt a pair of arms surround your chest, and your necklace glowed a bright blue.
And behind you, appeared Minato. His hair, his eyes. . . Was a different colors. His hair was grey, his eyes were black with purple pupils, and his clothes were now black. It looked like Ryoji's Thanatos like form. With a black cape, silver chains around him, and a skull-like face. 
He grabbed you, and pulled you into his cape and gave you the cape to wear. "You are staying there. Understand?" 
You nodded at him, and Minato turned to the gods. "Forgive my lover. She is quite foolish." 
"Foolish!" One of them sneered.  "She's out of her mind! Such insolence is unforgivable! Especially a mortal as herself!" 
"Indeed, but she won't stop until she gets what she wants." Minato said. 
"No! We refuse!" Another god said. 
"I see. What a shame." Minato said, and sighed.
And then, faster than you could see, pulled out a sword and stabbed the gods. "Then I'll take over."
"Huh?" You breathed out, as Minato stabbed the gods to death, which Minako didn't let you see by walking over to and pulling you into her chest. 
A little bit later, after Minato had in essence destroyed them, he put his sword away and walked towards you and took you out of Minako's arms. 
"Minato, did you---?" You said, before he kissed your forehead. 
"There, [Y/N]. Are you happy now?" he sighed at you. 
"H-Happy? You just killed the gods!" You practically yelled. 
"Well that would have been the only way. Those stubborn gods don't listen to humans." Minato said, hugging you again. 
"B-But! Won't you get in trouble?!"
"Not if we're the new gods."  He smirked. 
You stopped for a moment, "You mean, you and Minako?" 
Your boyfriend nodded. "It'll take some getting used to, but yes." 
You seemed confused for a moment, then gasped and dorkily smiled. "Really?! That's so amazing!" You hugged your boyfriend tighly.
"It seems it's the only way for me to keep an eye on you." 
"Hey!" You pouted.
"I'm kidding, I'm kidding." He said, as he kissed your forehead again.
Minako started laughing. "Go on you two, you've got to get before every else becomes worried." 
Minato nodded at her, and a portal appeared behind you. Minato tugged you towards him, and you waved at Minako. "Farewell." 
"Farewell!" The goddess said, as you disappeared into the portal. 
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You where in Minato's room again. Minato then sat you down the bed, and in a flash of blue light, Minato's eyes, hair and outfit changed back to normal and Ryoji appeared beside Minato. Minato sighed and then flopped unto the bed, taking you with him.
"Gah! That hurts!" You said.
"As punishment for pulling that kind of stunt, I sentence you to be by my side for the next two weeks." Minato said, plainly. 
"Huh?! You can't do that!" you said. 
Minato smirked at you. "Oh, but I can. Watch this." 
And he kissed you on the lips this time. 
You pouted again. "It's not fair catching me off guard like that."
"That's too bad. Now, you don't have an option with my affection." 
"Ah!" You said, as Minato started bombarding you with kisses, and Ryoji sighed. 
"I'll be downstairs." He said.
"No, wait! Ryoji! Help me!" You said as the scarf wearing boy closed the door. 
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A few minutes later, Minato had stopped kissing you and the two of you were watching a movie together, cuddled up against each other watching an old movie Minato wanted to watch badly with you. 
About halfway through, you fell asleep in Minato's arms. 
But he didn't notice until the movie was over. "See? That wasn't so---Hmm?" 
Your gentle breathing and cute face you made while you slept made Minato realize you had fallen asleep. He laughed quietly for a moment, then carefully got you out of his arms, and turned off the TV. 
Seeing you sleeping like this. . . Was one of the things enjoyed in this lifetime of solitude. 
Because God, you were so, so cute like this.
Wrapped in his arms, and Minato would forget his job.
Which was one of the best things you gave him.
"Sleep, [Y/N]. You deserve it." He kissed your forehead which more and crawled into bed with you. "You've worked so hard for it." 
And the boy closed his eyes and fell asleep. 
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Post #8 - So long, friend
Sunday August 4th: Today marks 3 weeks I've been in hospital and day 5 of my 16 day chemotherapy treatment. Before I left to head in here on the 14th of July, I joked with Courtney's dad, John that I'd beat his record for time in hospital (3 consecutive weeks) not thinking it would actually happen. Alas, when I wake up tomorrow morning, I'll own that title; one I'd definitely prefer not to have! Here I was thinking I'd be in here for a few days. I suppose in retrospect my breakdown in the middle of Coles 21 days ago was for good reason!
As mentioned earlier, I had my fifth day of chemotherapy today and everything has gone smoother than I thought. I had an incredibly difficult two days on Thursday and Friday (days two and three) with nausea, headaches, incredibly tired and just generally not feeling myself. A lot of this I put down to a couple of bad nights sleep and the chemo finally hitting my body and doing its thing. Saturday and today (days four and five) have fortunately been the total opposite, which is great for me! I've had more energy, less nauseas and just generally felt myself (as well as I can, I suppose!)
I know some of you are wondering what it's like to get chemotherapy...and that's a valid question. Let me preface my answer by reminding everybody that it affects different individuals in different ways. How I react to this chemotherapy plan won't be how anybody else does. I guarantee that! Essentially, it's just like having a fluid drip with a few warning labels on the packet. Some I've felt average during them or a few hours afterwards whereas others I haven't exactly noticed a difference. It's important to keep in mind that chemotherapy isn't the drug itself, it's a word used to cover a wide range of drugs which when used a certain way should assist with treatment of cancer. Much like the word 'car' doesn't distinguish what sort of car one owns - there's a big difference between a '92 Camry and a '19 Jag!
The next two days are 'rest days' for me, which I'm absolutely ecstatic about! Two days without chemo will be a great chance for my body to relax and recover from five days of being pumped with various chemicals.
Day 10 is when things pick up again volume wise and from them until the finish, I'll basically be on a drip 24/7 and constantly have to be monitored - totally different to these first five days.
How have I been going mentally? It's up and down like the hillsides in Tasmania! For the most part, I'm great and remaining as positive as one can be in such circumstances. My support network has been so incredible in coming into see me, calling and checking up on me. I may not have had to use them as much as I thought I would, but it's so reassuring to know so many people are there for me when I do need them. My eye has shown some seriously significant improvements since Friday, which is helping to confirm the fact that maybe this stuff is doing something. This morning I woke up and regained the ability overnight to look up and down with my left eye and I'm just waiting for the morning I wake up and my eyesight is back to normal with both eyes! I'm also just about back to normal with my ability to chew which has opened up the food options for me.
On the other side, I have the daily thought of 'why me? Why does this have to happen to me right now?' Unfortunately, this thought is only human nature and one I have to allow to enter and flow by. Nobody is 100% positive and by allowing this thought to come and go, it strangely makes the situation easier to accept. I'm at a stage where I'm really starting to miss the simple things in life. Little things like sleeping in a completely dark room with no noise, having a shower with a consistent temperature and being able to make up my own food decisions on a daily basis. There's so many other things however it's these three things I'm most looking forward to when I go home!
Last Friday morning was pretty tough for me as well. Adam, my roommate opposite me (not to be confused with Dr. Adam) got the all clear to go home. We'd spent roughly fifteen days together and had developed quite a bond and friendship. Adam had lymphoma, similar to me and was a couple of days ahead of me with his chemo treatment. To have somebody there to talk to, bounce ideas off and ask questions on what to expect is exactly what I needed over the most difficult times I had in here. It made early morning blood tests during breakfast and late nights after both of our families left that whole lot easier. Not having that somebody here anymore has made the past few days a little harder but nothing I won't get through. I know he'll read this to kill time at home so I hope you don't mind me writing this, Adam!
Adam actually sent me a photo a few days after he left with him and his son both smiling and that gave me strength and hope that I'd eventually get out of here and be in the same position! I honestly can't wait for that day! In all seriousness, a big thank you needs to go to this man for keeping me sane in the time we spent together. Whilst a brief fifteen days, we're in this journey together and we will both get through it.
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I honestly don't have much planned for the week ahead so I can't guarantee when my next blog post will be. I'm expecting the results of a test that was sent off last Monday sometime this week. This should definitively tell me what type of lymphoma I have. My fingers and toes are crossed it's not Burkitt's as this will change my treatment program for the remaining cycles. I'm not holding my breath these will come through early in the week - I'm more banking on answers before Friday. I'm really looking forward to resting over the next two days before we get into the serious back-half of my 16 day treatment.
That's it from me tonight. I'm off to watch Day four of The Ashes and no doubt will be asleep before midnight! Enjoy your week and cherish moments spent with friends and family. You don't know when they'll be your last.
Much love,
Juzz xx
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skammovistarplus · 6 years
Culture and Translation - S01 E02 C04-C07 and SKAM+ Clip 1
Hi hi! Okay, so I’ve both gotten a bunch of followers and the tag is a lot more poppin since the last time I posted one of these. Quick explanation: when I got into og Skam, I felt I had to piece together a lot of the cultural context behind it, such as, yes, Russetiden, but also stuff like the cost of a bunad or sex without protection. I’ve also read from multiple Norwegian people that the fansubs didn’t do justice to the slang Skam characters use. So these posts provide cultural context. They also provide explanations for the translation I went with in the subs and the best approximation to the slang the Skam España characters use on the show in the cases where I felt the translation didn’t fully do justice to the actual dialogue.
Note: these posts are based on my own subs/translations, so they might not make as much sense if you hadn’t watched those.
Note 2: You can check the culture and translation tag for the rest of the posts.
CLIP 4: In which I learn that a dj system is not a mixer.
This clip was shot in the Pinar de Chamartín subway station. It’s the only station that connects another line with lines 1 and 4, and the show thanks Metro Ligero in the credits. Pinar de Chamartín is a Metro Ligero subway station. (There are several kinds, depending on which company manages the station.) They probably used this station because it’s big and doesn’t get a lot of commuters. Otherwise, it’s completely out of the way of anything these characters would go to.
Hola acosadora! (“Hi creeper!”): would be closer in meaning to, “hi, harasser!” (which doesn’t flow well in English) or “hi, stalker!” (but Eva uses the word in English right after). So creeper it is.
Dale duro (Subs: Hit it hard): I don’t really have any comment about this, other than it seems to be Lucas’ signature phrase. He’s always saying it.
La gente se cree que hacen una movida los DJs que flipas (“People think DJs are some kind of crazy wizards”) Holy shit, I had so much trouble with this sentence. I wish I knew whether this line was on the original script or if Jorge’s actor reworded it. As per the FormulaTV article, the actors get to reword lines if they think it’d sound more natural some other way. Alas, I couldn’t think of how to translate “movida” in this context (it comes up again later), so I settled for the line in the subs. Let’s just say that the implication is that DJs are almost unknowable in their mad DJ skillz, what with the “movida” and the verb “flipar” that we’ve seen so often at this point. I find my translation much inferior to Jorge’s line, which provides such a vivid visual and is hilarious.
Hablando de punchi punchi (“Speaking of sick beats”): Jorge obviously doesn’t say sick beats, but he’s trying for an onomatopoeia for the beat in dance songs. There are a lot of variants in Spanish for this specific purpose of talking about the beat in a song. Another popular one is, “chunda chunda.”  I’m actually really proud of how I translated this line, lol. Too bad I can’t put it on a resume.
“¿Te renta?” is another idiom that often comes up on Skam España. I’ve been told it’s Madrileño slang, but I’ve personally never used it or heard it before the show. (Which doesn’t mean it’s not in use, lol, just that it hasn’t made its way to me yet.) A literal translation would be, “Is it worth it?” Jorge asks Lucas whether it’d be worth it to Lucas to do something this weekend, and Lucas responds going out for beers would be worth it to him. In this case, I didn’t go for the literal translation as this scene is already too long and involved to be throwing more idioms into the mix. Other times, I’ve translated it as is, because I do feel it sums Madrileños up well. Like, we can’t be bothered to do anything or go anywhere if we don’t feel it’s worth it.
Keli (“House”): This has been Madrileño slang for decades at this point. It just means house.
Sí, movidas, ya sabes (“Yeah, shit, you know”): “Movidas” comes up again, this time in the context of Lucas’ home life. Basically, there’s trouble, but the use of “movidas” implies movement, i.e. it’s an active, ongoing situation.
Tengo un programita (“I have some ‘wares”): The literal translation is, “I have a little software,” but I remembered downloading completely legal software from sketchy websites, which would call them ‘warez.’ I thought this phrasing would be more vivid for English speakers. Also, there’s really nothing about Jorge’s persona that suggests this software would’ve been obtained legally, so yeah.
It’s unclear what part of what Eva is saying Jorge reacts to when he says, “Fuck…” Personally, I think he’s impressed that Eva has scammed a rich dude out of an invite to that huge-ass house. But it could also be that he’s proud she’s making plans with the girl squad! Either way, he’s impressed!
Pico, pala, pico, pala (“Joke, flirt, joke, flirt”): OKAY. So, the literal translation of this is, “Pick, shovel, pick, shovel.” This is fairly common Spanish slang for the process of flirting with a girl until she is won over, or she is less reluctant to flirt back. Visually, it makes you think of a miner having to put in long hours of exhausting physical work in order to get results. It makes it sound like more scummy than it is, kind of? I translated it as “joke, flirt, joke, flirt,” because that’s what it usually amounts to. As we’ve seen from Jorge, he does voices, gives odd nicknames and generally aims to be cute in a cheesy way. That is the kind of techniques that are meant to win a girl over, or at least get her to joke along with you.
One more objectionable maneuver, which would still fall under the umbrella of pick and shovel, would be Cristian’s “my DMs aren’t working” move to get Eva to give him her cellphone number.
Final lines from the clip that didn’t make it to the episode:
Eva: But, okay, no. Save up or ask your parents to get it for your b-day, no?
Jorge: Nah, maybe I’ll just get one secondhand.
Lucas: And you lend it to me.
Jorge: Okay.
Lucas: But you can’t… [cuts off]
I love the way all the dj system talk ended up having no impact whatsoever on the plot. It’s not like I had to look specific terms or anything.
CLIP 5: The girl squad chooses an impractical, yet picturesque, meeting point
Eva is waiting right outside Tribunal subway station. I’ve met up with friends at this station probably since I was allowed to hang out on my own, lol.
You can barely make out a building behind the girls. It’s this one: Museum of History of Madrid. Entrance is free, and it has tons of cool stuff to check out.
The girls have a quick chat on how they’ve dressed up for Cristian’s party. Cris says it was about time they had a chance to dress up. Nora says she put on one of her daily outfits, but the girls don’t buy it and tease her over it. Honestly, she doesn’t look overdressed at all? She wore an actual dress for New Year’s Eve.
Maripili! (“Maripili!”): Maripili is a name, which Nora randomly uses to call Viri over. It doesn’t seem to be a meme, so I think Nora is just teasing Viri with a name that sounds dated and cutesy. It’s very gentle teasing though.
Al chino (“To the convenience store”): Eva instructs the girls to go to “el chino,”  which is slang for a type of convenience store owned by immigrants. These are usually Chinese immigrants, hence the name, but stores owned by Maghrebi and Latinx immigrants are also fairly common. The name “chino” has stuck regardless. These convenience stores sell a small range of foodstuffs, such as canned food, microwavable food, some fruit and vegetables, ice cream, bread, and, as the scene implies, booze. They also remain open longer than most grocery store chains, often until 23:30 on a weekday and way past midnight on Fridays and Saturdays. They’re not allowed to sell alcohol to minors, but I guess they don’t mind breaking the law? I don’t know, guys, we got older students to buy us booze lol.
Que me acaba de dar un cringe (“I just cringed a lot”): “Cringe” is an English loanword, which is obviously the word cringe.
Tú la que más, tú la que más (“You’re partying the hardest, you are”): The literal translation is: “You’re the most, you’re the most.” It’s implied that whichever girl is “you�� (it’s the singular form, so Cris doesn’t mean all of the girls) is doing something the most, but the sentence doesn’t have a verb. Basically, it’s a way of hyping themselves up for the party. I assumed Cris meant “partying” from context, but it’s not explicit.
In the episode, clip 5 became two different clips to account for the train ride. That’s why there’s a timestamp in the middle of the clip when you watch the episode version.
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Cristián lives in Pozuelo de Alarcón, an affluent Madrid suburb with its own city hall. At the time, twitter commentary from Spanish viewers was critical of the show choosing to make the girls meet in Tribunal, because public transit from Tribunal to Pozuelo takes too many connections and it’s not like Madrid isn’t rife with convenience stores. I included both the route the girls take, and an alternate for ur edification.
I just realized that when Viri goes over to greet Lara, you can clearly hear Lara saying, “what’s up, dude?” in response.
And also, when Eva begs Nora not to leave her alone, Nora teases Eva by saying the sentence back to her. That’s why Eva laughs and says Nora is being dumb.
A saco (“going all out”): “A saco” is that kind of slang that’s hard to translate, but Eva means that Viri is assertively taking the lead in pursuing (and making it clear she wants to make out with) ALEJANDRO, rather than waiting for him to notice her.
CLIP 6: Viri lost a battle, but she didn’t lose the war!  
Nora’s ringtone is so… She truly leaves me speechless sometimes.
No soy celoso (“I’m not possessive”): I translated “celoso” as possessive, because if I translated it as “jealous” it would mean that Cristian, right this moment, doesn’t feel jealous of Jorge. In fact, what Cristian is saying that this is a general personality trait of his, like being blond. He is totally chill with any and all girls he is interested in having boyfriends. That’s not at all an obstacle!
It’s also a very corny thing Spanish guys say all the time when a girl says she’s taken, hence Eva’s uncomfortable smile in response.
As Inés and Alicia greet ALEJANDRO, he seems pretty annoyed by Viri floating around him, clearly laying a claim on him. The three of them intentionally crowd Viri out.
CLIP 7: Hard work pays off
En doce siglos (“in twelve centuries”): This is Amira’s catchphrase for measuring time. She also uses it during the truth or dare game.
One of the season 1 mysteries: what did Alicia say to Inés to make her leave so quickly? In hindsight, it doesn’t seem to have anything to do with Jorge, but that was one of the popular theories at the time.
Another detail: Cristian is behind Inés, seemingly on her side of this girl fight. ALEJANDRO’s crew seems to be pretty friendly with Inés and Alicia. They celebrated Inés’ birthday together, and often post ig stories together.
Social media:
I already mentioned this in a post, but Cris’ instagram makes it very obvious that Cris is a stoner. Her rainbow tops are peak Spanish stoner girl fashion, the soap video she regrammed is the sort of thing a stoner would be fascinated by, she follows ifyouhigh and highpeopledoingstuff, and she’s holding a blunt for her first ever ig pic. So yeah. I also just realized the implications, seeing she’s the s2 main. I don’t think she’ll lose a bunch of weed, but she might smoke it with 🐸?
“Perezón,” i.e. the title of clip 4, would literally translate to sloth or laziness, but its actual meaning is “what a drag,” as in “that party/those people/going to that rally is such a drag.”
Viri’s house is pretty basic-looking. What we can see of it looks like a working class household, but it isn’t the borderline hoarder situation in Vilde’s clip.
Eva watches an 11-episode show, which may or may not be Skam s1. The fun thing is she promises she won’t watch episode 12. The NYE special is listed as episode12 on the Movistar site.
Jorge got ahold of a charger after midnight!  
SKAM+ #1:
This clip takes place between episode 2 clips 6 and 7. Specifically, 20 minutes before the last clip.
Aitana is a Spanish singer born in 1999. She became famous thanks to talent show Operación Triunfo, where she came in second. At the time season 1 aired, she had only dropped two songs, Lo Malo with Ana Guerra, and Teléfono. Both of these songs played a prominent role on the show.
Cristian’s dad works at a record label! Explains Cristian’s huge ass house and mixing room!
ALEJANDRO asks Aitana where she’d like to hang out with him at Retiro Park. Retiro Park is one of the largest parks in Madrid. The park belonged to the Spanish Monarchy until the late 19th century, when it became a public park. It’s one of the most picturesque sights in the city and it’s overrun by people. So I don’t think it’s the place you want to take a celeb on a low-key date, but otherwise, good choice! Almost makes it seem like ALEJANDRO isn’t after sex!
Hasta yo preferiría a Aitana (“Even I’d rather Aitana”): That is… so lesbian of Viri.
Speaking of lesbians, Cris is also absolutely overcome by Aitana’s beauty.
In case you weren’t aware, Spaniards greet each other with two cheek kisses when we meet someone. Touching people’s hair without their permission, though, is still a no-no.  
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apartyofone · 6 years
Euro finale
Last of my notes:
The cabbie from Nice airport was talkative and friendly - already a change of pace from the icy cold Swiss. When I told him the name of the hotel he smiled and said - you're in for a very special stay! Wow - ok that sounded interesting. He dropped me off - and within 5 minutes I started to understand what he meant. The name of the hotel is Hotel La Perouse. I suggest anyone reading this account should Google it because my description is probably not going to be worthy of this grand place. Eh, never mind - I'll save you the time.  
The hotel itself is built into the contours of a cliff that divides Nice - to the south is the long beach and promenade. (Sadly - the place of that horrible terrorist attack in 2016 -
But here’s a look at the hotel:
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Yeah, it was that good.
The fun started when I checked in. The porter grabbed my too-heavy suitcase and made for the elevator. Which only went to one other level - 5 floors above the street, just one stop. Straight up the cliff. We wound around the hotel to elevator #2. That went another 4 floors. And then the final elevator - up to the top 3 floors! I finally memorized the route by day 2! My room was not facing the sea - damnit - but that probably meant my 300 Euro room would have been 500 or more. That's fine. I had a lovely cool patio against the cliffside, private and surrounded the dry native vegetation clinging to the cliff. The room itself was spacious and modern. In fact every hotel I chose on this top was fabulous for one reason or another. Even Geneva with it's strange sexual symbols throughout the place! Maybe those Swiss aren't so cold after all.
Now I was energized to explore this amazing town. The cab ride had been straight from the airport but the cabbie had told me about exploring the old town sections. That proved to be one of the highlights of this trip. I spent the rest of the afternoon exploring the narrow streets and alleys of this ancient town. While I couldn't say that it was crowded with tourists, there were always a few people around. Every different little alcove had its own character to it. So many restaurants - many of them shuttered in the heat of the afternoon. I walked probably 4 miles around just one part of the huge old city, poking my head into courtyards and building if the gate/door was open. No one objected to the obvious tourist having a look around. Warm and welcoming - that's the theme of this part of France. At least where ever I journeyed. Maybe I was putting too much stock into the difference in Switzerland to France? Could be.
I knew I was coming back to this maze of streets on my final day, so I decided to extend my touristic range. I booked a trip through the hotel for a brief glimpse of Monaco and Monte Carlo for the next morning. Then I walked around the cliffside, away from the beach promenade,  to the less touristy area of Nice, near the harbor. The hotel did a great job of recommending restaurants and I found - and enjoyed - a seafood place right across from the yacht moorage. After exploring a bit of the residential blocks going into the hills I trudged back to my hotel. I think I logged a good 6-8 miles of walking! Had a nightcap in the delightful bar area near the pool and struck up a conversation with a lovely lady who was leaving the next morning. Unfortunately I couldn't talk her into extending her stay. But I might have a place to stay in Paris next year. : ) My bag might be heavy yet again.
My final day of vacation - and I think I took advantage of every single moment. After a nice breakfast with my new friend, I put her in her cab for the airport and I met my tour guide Joseph. I booked a  half day tour into Monaco - and it turned out to be almost a private tour! Only two other people on the tour bus - a couple from Italy - and two tour guides! The couple paired off with the Italian speaker, and I was with Joe, a fascinating Frenchman. Around 60 years old, Joe has spent his entire life in the tourism and travel industry, from hotels and hospitality, to cruise ships and now doing tours in Nice and Monte Carlo.
You know how there are some people that you instantly bond with? Well, Joe was one of those guys. (And let's face it - this is a pretty rare occasion in my rather closed off life). If I had more time I think he and I would have had some interesting times, showing me all of the real parts of Nice that tourists never see. I kept his card - I WILL look him up when I go back.
The hours we spent together were pretty amazing. Yes, we hit the tourist joints of Eze - an amazing enclave clinging to the side of the coast above Monaco - and through Monte Carlo. But he detoured to a different route back to Nice, through the chiseled hills that wind around the coastal communities. Not for the first time on this trip I thought my time in Geneva was such a waste! I could have spent days enjoying this amazing place on the earth. Ugh - next time.
Monaco is post card pretty. I only had a chance to see a few of the best sights. Oh yeah, and I ran into Prince Albert.
Joe had a tour group booked in the evening but he pointed to his favorite restaurant, on the main square of old town Nice. I gave Joe's name to the restaurant host.....and I found myself at the best table in the place. The owner came out and trying to speak English grasped my hand. I took that to mean that any friend of Joe is welcome! He left a carafe of his house wine and so the meal began. I didn't even order. Out came this amazing fresh grouper served on saffron rice. All day I started to understand the relationship to north Africa, just across the Med. Now the spices in the foods were reflecting this complex cultural crossroads.
The sun had long gone down and the alleys of old town were dark - highlighted only by the numerous small restaurants tucked in the ancient buildings, tables spilling outside with bursts of sounds and songs. In any other city I probably would have felt a little threatened or worried about the darkness; for some reason (maybe the wine?) I felt very safe as I wondered through the lanes. Finally my feet gave out on me - thank God I had invested in great walking shoes for this trip unlike Euro 17 - and I regretfully ended up at my hotel. I resolved I would be back for more - much more.
I lingered at the outdoor bar for another hour just reflecting on my day. Alas, didn't find a new friend that night. But as I had a crazy early day - travel day - it was just as well. I walked up to the roof top one last time and took pictures.
After packing for my long journey home I finally fell asleep - satisfied that I had made the most of this Euro journey.
I started the day on the roof of the hotel. I wanted some sun rise pictures over the beach and sea. I was sooooo blessed with the weather on this trip. Joe had told me that the previous FOUR WEEKS had been almost non stop rain. Glad that my only bad weather was in London - almost appropriate there.
I knew my travel day home was going to be hellish - it didn't disappoint.
9 AM - Train from Nice to Paris - thank god not on strike. The seatmates in my first class car were all Americans in a group tour. They were buzzing about how they found a pick pocket and outed her to the police.
3 PM - Arrive in Paris, the Gard Lyon Station. I had hoped to dine at the famous restaurant above the station. By the way - if you need to ever book travel in Europe I recommend this site: https://www.seat61.com/. It's the ultimate guide to train travel and more. He recommended this amazing art deco restaurant at the top of this legendary station. Alas.... there was no elevator to the restaurant. And me, stuck with my fucking heavy luggage, was not going to be trudging up 3 flights of stairs. Oh well, next time.
5 PM - Arrive at De Gaulle Airport for my trip back to the US. Check in was so easy compared to what we have to endure in the US. I felt every bit as safe flying out of Europe as with the heavy handed US TSA. Had an amazing pre flight meal - even the airport restaurants in France are superb - to use up my last Euros. Boarded right on time for Norweigen Air flight.
12:00 Midnight, JFK Airport. Slept most of the flight on this most comfortable airline and airplane. Most notable thing - I was on aisle seat with two young males in the middle and window seat. On a 9 hour flight they didn't move once - not to the bathroom or even for food/drink. Zombies? Maybe.
My kids S and C were there to pick me up. Neither one are great city/freeway drivers. But they decided to stay up late and team up to bring me home. I slept most of the 1:45 trip home.
And finally we were back. The longest time I had spent away from my home for....wow....maybe decades. I recall some long sales trips when I worked with Mattel a long time ago.
I was  happy physically to be home. Mentally? Not so much. This trip satisfied many questions for me, in many ways. I had wondered if my view of Paris especially was colored by a first time infatuation. No, my love for that place is set in stone. My mind is even more made up.
I suppose too my unhappiness - maybe desperation!? - of our current domestic political situation is driving me away. Even if that cunt Trump is tossed out in 2020 the devastation he has left has scarred this country. I don't really want to be a part of the damage control - not with the sunset of my life before me.
What will I remember from Euro 2018? So much.
 The book scene in London was energizing.
 Exploring more of my love of WW2 history. 
Immersing myself in Paris. 
The cold hardness of Geneva.
The warmth - people,  places and things - of Nice. 
A glorious 18 day sojourn, filled with memories and pictures.
Solo travel isn't so bad. Especially in the few spots where it isn't so solo.
This trip has only encouraged me to renew my mind, body, spirit- and passport - for more trips to come.
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awindowamirror · 7 years
Trek to Hohoe, Wli Falls, and the Tafi Monkey Sanctuary
This weekend, my friends Ceci and Charlotte and I decided to take a break from Accra life and check out the Volta region more. I went a few weekends ago just for one night, but we didn’t go hiking or see a ton, so I was excited to go back and explore more.
Charlotte had a class on Friday evening, so we left campus at about 5:30 pm and took a trotro to Accra Central, which took about an hour in the traffic. All of the big metro buses going to the Volta region had left by this time, so we tracked down where the trotros leaving for the Volta were. There was one leaving in 15 minutes, but only two spots, so we were the first to buy tickets on another trotro. This was both good and bad—good because we got to claim the back seat and not sit in the wimpy little side chairs, but bad because we waited in the parking lot for another hour until our trotro had filled up. Honestly though, we were just happy there was a way to get to where we were going, and it only cost about 30 cedis each.
We left the parking lot at about 8 pm and expected to be in Hohoe, a town near our hotel, by about midnight or 1 at the latest. Google maps had told us it was about a 4-5 hour journey. What Google maps did not take into account were the traffic and road conditions. It took at least an hour to get outside of Accra, and the roads beyond the bridge over the Volta River (where I stayed on my previous trip) were in really bad shape. It ended up being about 7 hours for us to arrive. We were absolutely dead.
There were many holes I did not think we were going to come back out of. I am amazed that our trotro is still standing. Actually, at one point, in the middle of nowhere and in pitch-black darkness, our driver turned off the engine and got out and opened the hood, which would have been more than mildly concerning if we hadn’t been delirious from lack of sleep.
No worries though, about ten minutes later we were on our way again, and there was only one more episode like that. Also at one point I’m pretty sure we hit a goat—Ceci and I heard something and then looked at each other and burst out laughing because what else is there to do? 3 am on a trotro…it is a mind-altering experience.
When we got to Hohoe, we had to take about a 45 minute taxi ride to our hotel, and because it was so late/early, our taxi driver charged us 120 cedis and there was nothing we could do about it because there were literally no other transportation options. After cheating us, he thought it would be appropriate to ask for our numbers, which I find very interesting.
Anyways. We MADE it safely to our hotel and fell asleep by about 4:30 am. We slept until around 8:30 am, waking up just in time to catch the tail end of breakfast at the hotel restaurant. Charlotte was rearing to go on just 4 hours of sleep, but Ceci and I struggled a bit. But, when you’re in a beautiful and new place, it’s hard to choose sleep over exploring, so we set off to the tourism center (just a 5 minute walk from our hotel) to get a guide to take us to see Wli Falls up close and personal. Our hotel restaurant had a lovely view of the falls and the mountains as well, but we were ready to hike.
We stocked up on bananas and water and chose to do the 6 hour hiking excursion. I’m not sure what we were expecting, but I was entirely surprised by the hike. It was wild. We literally went straight up a mountain for close to 2 hours. Straight up. I mean it. At one point, Ceci asked our guide in between hyper ventilations, “Anthony, have you ever heard of switchbacks?” Alas, Anthony had not. And, upon hearing what they were and the supposed benefits, he declared, “Straight up is better.” Ok then.
Either way, straight up is what we had, and so we did it. There were many moments where it felt more like rock climbing than hiking, and we all slipped and fell at least a couple times. It was amazing though. Hiking to me is the definition of returning to my roots, to something I am so sure of. All you can do is put one foot in front of the other—you can only focus on the moment you’re in, the beauty around you and the good company. It was a really difficult hike, there’s no sugar coating it, and I am still very sore, but there is no better way to spend a day in my opinion. And we did it. How cool.
So we technically were hiking to the upper falls of Wli Falls, but on the way, we climbed a mountain even taller than the tallest mountain in Ghana. How is that possible, you may ask? Well, we slipped into Togo for a few minutes—turns out, half of the mountain is in Ghana and half is in Togo, but the tallest point is in Togo, so Ghana can’t claim its height (it’s not a very impressive height when you compare it to mountains in Colorado or other places, but it sure felt tall—I think it was a little over 1,000 m).
When we got to the upper falls, we splashed our faces and arms in an attempt to cool down, and then headed down to the lower falls. Anthony left us there, and we stayed a while, soaking our feet and watching shouts of water fall screaming with joy from the rocks. It was beautiful. There is something so magical about water, and waterfalls showcase every piece of that magic. After looking up at the falls for several minutes, we finally noticed about 200-300 bats staring at us from the cliffs. SO MANY BATS!!! It was crazy. It would have been creepy if it weren’t so cool.
The walk back to our hotel was super easy—I think it’s the trail that most people take, and it was very flat and well-travelled. Thank goodness. We were all ready to put our feet up and have a good meal, which is exactly what we did. Oh, and we showered. We were covered in a layer of dirt and multiple layers of sweat. Fun note: Ceci had the same Dr. Bronner’s lavender castile soap that I use back in the states, so it just added to how at home I felt—hiking AND castile soap? What more could I ask for?
We stayed at dinner forever, sharing three dinner dishes and a bowl of fruit and ice cream, and talking about politics, social issues, and how to make sense of people who agree with Betsy DeVos. We retired at about 9:00 pm (I really think retired is the correct word for this situation, though I know that it would sound more at home in an Edith Warton novel than a 20 year old’s blog post), and stayed up a little longer talking. It was a lovely evening, and we were happily asleep by 9:30 pm (remember we only got 4 hours of sleep the night before).
In the morning, we met a group of young people doing Projects Abroad (I think this is an organization where people volunteer abroad, but I didn’t fully understand it). One was from Chicago, and I think the rest were from the Netherlands. They were headed back to Hohoe as well, so we shared a trotro out with them—much cheaper than our 120 cedi taxi ride on Friday night!
From Hohoe, we got a taxi driver who (we thought) agreed to drive us to the monkey sanctuary about 30 minutes away, wait while we explored, and then drive us to Ho (a city further south where we could catch a bus back to Accra) for 130 cedis. Not a bad deal, and so we set off, excited to see monkeys.
Once we arrived in Tafi, where the sanctuary is, the driver said, “Ok, Ho is very far, so you’ll have to add on to the 130.” WHAT? No. You cannot drive us to the middle of nowhere and then change the price, no. I was so pissed, I got into full on Holly Battle Mode. Two of the guides at the sanctuary, guys around our age, came out to help, and they did a wonderful job of asking us what we had been told and then reasoning with the driver. Very helpful and genuine people. Eventually, we all agreed on 150 cedis total to take us to Ho, though we still have no idea what the driver was thinking. I do NOT like being taken advantage of.
But how can you stay mad when there are MONKEYS everywhere??? The guides took us to buy bananas for the monkeys, and then made kissing noises until the monkey started coming out of the depth of the woods to the road to meet us. It was SO cool watching them swing and jump around and eye our bananas. Such cool animals. The whole time, we were just thinking how much they look like little baby humans. They are so smart, too! Ugh. Amazing.
We got to feed them bananas, which you do by holding a banana firmly in your hand with your arm outstretched in front of you. Then, a monkey will approach you and jump onto your arm/back and peel the banana and eat it. How cool is that??? So I had several monkeys crawling on me, including the alpha male. What an honor.
We learned a few interesting monkey facts, but my favorite was that at least in this monkey colony, the alpha male sings everyone to sleep at 6:30 pm each night, and sings them awake at 6:30 am each morning. I don’t usually have much use for alpha male anythings, but that’s pretty darn cute.
We said goodbye to the monkeys and the sweet guides and climbed back into our hostile taxi, in which we made it safely to Ho. Our driver tried one last time when we arrived to get more money out of us, but we shoved his 150 into his hands and got the heck away. We bought some bread, avocados, and plantain chips to hold us over for a ride to Accra, and then climbed aboard our trotro.
Our trip home was much shorter than our trip there—I think we made it back to Madina junction in about 4 hours, and then we just a had one more short trotro to Okpongolo. Not bad at all.
The whole weekend was really lovely, I am so glad we went. I felt so grounded and at peace--  being outside, eating and buying everything communally, and being with people who value the same things I do. I felt very at home.
0 notes
Short Story: Alien
The plants on Gliese 581 c are pitch black and the sky is dark red. Because Gliese is a little nearer to its sun, a red dwarf, than we are to ours, the planet is tidally locked so one half always faces the sun whilst the other never sees the light. As a consequence, one half of the planet is so cold it freezes life immediately, whilst the other is so hot it melts life immediately. Yet, there is a small strip of land encircling the planet that’s not too hot, not too cold and could sustain life. There’s also a massive cosmic structure called the Large Quasar Group which is four billion lightyears wide. Scientifically, it makes absolutely no sense. Cosmic structures can only physically grow to a size of 1.6 billion light years. Yet this Large Quasar Group, the LQG for short, has another 2.4. No one knows why or how. The fact that scientists have also found rips in space hardly needs mentioning. But with all these mysteries, all these uncomfortable little uncertainties, all these completely unexplainable happenings, people still question the probable fact that we’re not alone in this universe.
The question of whether life exists beyond Earth is one of humanity’s most profound and unanswered questions.’ – Dr Kevin Hand
It was only when Daniel came to tidy his lawn at 9am that he saw the letter beneath two crushed and empty Fosters cans. It was beginning to peel open as the cold dew festered through its white envelope, smudging the words Mr Daniel Hardy on its front. It had been a while since Daniel had received an interesting letter, especially one that refused to be delivered through the post box. But, there were things to do. Not only were there the two Fosters cans that guarded the mystery letter, but there were another three under the Rhododendron bush and one, this time a Corona bottle, standing by the pansy pot. Also, there were four dead pansy heads that needed removing, a new weed by the fence, the whole garden needed watering too. But this little letter with his smudged but legible name on it was waiting so the garden must be tidied. It only took him a few minutes.  
He took a little while, when the garden was done, to look over the envelope. It was exciting, receiving a letter, and Daniel wanted to take his time over it. Take a few minutes to wonder about who was writing to him and why. But anticipation ate in to him, as it often does, and when it came to it he ripped the envelope open.
‘There may be aliens in our Milky Way galaxy, and there are billions of other galaxies. The probability is almost certain that there is life somewhere in space.’ – Buzz Aldrin
‘Sounds like your classic scenario.’ Rachael had said when she finally replied to Daniel’s email. ‘Check the forum, though.’
Daniel had, of course, checked the forum and they had, of course, confirmed it to be your classic scenario. But Rachael had a certain expertise in the subject that Daniel had yet to truly find elsewhere on that website, her knowledge on extra-terrestrial life could only be rivalled by his own. She had, one time, encountered an alien in the flesh on a holiday to Thailand, she was an expert on the details and theories of Roswell and she had many a time offered her own convincing theories on the government’s reasoning for keeping evidence of alien life away from the public. Her profile picture, however, was the 5th Doctor which was obviously a complete denial of the new dimensions Christopher Ecclestone brought to the character. Alas, that was of no matter, Rachael was one of the few online who could actually make a distinction between fictional works and factual evidence. She was the only person worth consulting over the mystery letter, and he daren’t investigate it any further without her approval.
But her confirmation of it to be ‘your classic scenario’ gave Daniel the authority he needed to start planning. It was well known within his community that you do not go searching for an alien without proper preparation. Aliens are not to be trifled with, if they made it to earth before we made it to them, then their technology is far superior to our own. The general rule was to keep away and watch from afar. But, there is a certain amount of protection that must be acquired in order to ensure safety if an unprovoked attack ensues, of course. Daniel had exactly twelve and a half hours until the letter stated he needed to be in the clearing by the park in the woods and he had rather a lot to do.
‘I believe alien life is quite common in the universe, although intelligent life is less so. Some say it is yet to appear on planet Earth’ – Stephen Hawking
‘Hey,’ said someone from down the aisle. ‘Hey, Sir.’
It was one of the boys who lived up Daniel’s road. He had curly, dirty blonde hair, most kept behind his studded ears but some dripping down over his eyes. He was wearing the same brown jacket Daniel always saw him wear when he walked to the bus stop for school every morning, although Daniel sees him less and less nowadays, and his name was Jack.
‘You’re the one who lives up the road, ain’t you?’ He said.
‘Yes, Jack.’ Daniel replied.
‘How’d you know my name, Sir?’ Some of his friends had joined Jack now. A girl with long hair and two boys with short hair who were smiling. ‘Are you a pervert, Sir?’
‘Jack.’ Said the girl as the boys laughed. She knew his name too.
‘You’re right, you’re right. Sorry, babe. Can I help you, Sir? What you here for?’ Jack said.
Daniel was at the corner shop for batteries. Double A, for his torch. He already had two in there, but who knew how long they were going to last? They’d been in there quite a while now and batteries notoriously never say when they’re going to leave. Better to get replacements now then to be stuck in the middle of the woods in the dark.
Jack’s friends left him then, but Jack himself offered to show Daniel the way to the batteries. But by the time they got there (the batteries, it seemed, where really quite far away) there were no double As left.
Imagine the moment when the world wakes up and the human race realises that its long loneliness in time and space may be over — the possibility we're no longer alone in the universe.’ – Matt Mountain
Daniel sat by the edge of the clearing. As of yet, there had been no other life save the two rabbits whose eyes had shone white in the glare of the torch. It was thirteen minutes past one and there was no sign of any extra-terrestrial life. Daniel clung to the letter, safely protected by its now dry envelope. Fourteen minutes past midnight and still nothing. The slight clench of frustration began to creep up through his body. Fifteen minutes and nothing. Sixteen and nothing. Until, seventeen and something. Something had appeared through the gap in two of the trees, a silhouette against the orange glow of the city sky down below, and Daniel froze. He tried to shine his torch toward it but the light was beginning to dim now and only reached a few metres forward, casting no light on the mysterious shadow that stood frozen at the opposite side of the field.
And then, suddenly, white light. The whitest Daniel had ever seen, coming from four quite large circular sources. It glared through the wood, casting long, willowy shadows across the clearing and bathing Daniel in its luminous glow. Another two figures appeared in different gaps in the trees, forcing two more stretched stripes of black to lay across the clearing. This was accompanied by a low hum of engine, crackling against the silent of the night, and the acute smell of melting rubber. No doubt the smell of the burning petrol used by this species.
It was overwhelming, and absorbing. Every sense was met with something alien and every thought Daniel had ever had had been confirmed in an instance. It was a feeling of complete fear and complete excitement. Every ridicule, every rebuke, every rejection had been justly destroyed, maybe even parodied, but this moment. How Daniel wished he had a camera, there would be no feeling greater than sending this to every person who had denied the existence of aliens; away to his teachers, his friends, his parents. He had met aliens and he was filled with a satisfaction so great it made him realise how it was Rachael came to be the way she was. But how was he to communicate with them? His first words to this new lifeform would be printed forever.
‘Hello?’ Almost a reflex reaction. Ah well.
And then the lights went off and Daniel was thrown to the bottom of a black lake. The darkness went over his head, encompassing his whole body, filling his throat and restricting his breathing. He blinked and took in staccato breaths until the red city highlighted the figures once more.
And they were running. Running towards him at such a speed Daniel barely had time to register his panic before they were almost upon him, completely black with the orange of the city keeping its distance behind the trees.
He ran. He was completely ashamed of it but he got up and ran. Absorbed by panic and fear, he ran. But they kept coming at him.
He daren’t look behind him but long, metal pellets were hitting his back. And the silence was marred by high siren-like shrieking.
They followed him until he hit the first street lamp.
Watch out if you would meet an alien. You could be infected with a disease with which you have no resistance.’ – Stephen Hawking
He first told Rachael everything and then he wrote it down in his folder. He wanted to check with her before he posted it on the forum, he wanted her to tell him the most important details, to help him recall the experience in the most convincing way. She would know how to put it, what words to use to make it sound real and then he would tell the world that they were real. The infinite universe full of impossible happenings, full of diamond planets and dust clouds that taste of raspberries and smell like rum, full of unexplainable rips and phenomenon cosmic structures, has the most likely thing on earth: life. And Daniel had proof. His fear turned to a hyperbolic excitement the moment his front door slammed behind him. He’d been searching his whole life. And now he knew that they were not alone in the universe.
He checked his computer. Rachael hadn’t replied yet.
Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.’ – Arthur C. Clarke
- Rhiannon Whale
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fireballofinsanity · 8 years
Super detailed question meme go! All questions with a two in them, for Aladdin's big sister~
Super detailed questions about your OCs
2. Do they have any titles? How did they get them?
Queen of Sindria and (eventually) Pacifist Queen! The first comes from marrying Sinbad, making her queen upon saying “I do”, pretty much, and she absolutely loves her role. Pacifist Queen is one that eventually comes to be due to her pacifist nature; unlike Sin, who desires peace but can also be slightly quick to the sword, she prefers to talk things out in a rational, easy manner unless otherwise shown she has no choice but to fight, and she’s pretty good at it. The result has the title rise up from gossip, and she embraces it wholeheartedly.
12. What is their favourite food?
Dumplings! Sera’s a woman that’s easy to please, and she knows a handful of different ways to make and prepare them. Fill one with pork and a blend of seasonings, cook it up, and hand it to her, and you’ll be her best friend for an entire day!
20. Do they like musicals? Music in general? What do they do when they’re favourite song comes?
In modern verses, Sera likes light music, like classical, because it’s often played in the shelters she’s lived/volunteered in to help calm down over-excited kids at night and generally ease everyone into a more relaxed state of mind towards bedtime. Over time, it became a favorite of hers, though she’s also fond of more upbeat tunes as well, using them in the Midnight Hour verse for her student’s performances.
In her Sindria’s Light/canon magiverse, she likes just about anything that plays during Sindria’s festivals, and more than anything, loves the lullabies and songs mothers sing to their kids.
21. Do they have a temper? Are they patient? What are they like when they do lose their temper?
She’s patient to the most ridiculous levels, honestly. It’s something that eventually lends to the Pacifist Queen title- Someone could be screaming him her face and she’d still have a sweet smile, trying to talk things over calmly and rationally. But underneath all of that is a temper reserved for those who forget that despite being soft and sweet, Sera is a flower with thorns; If you cross her loved ones, you’ll live to regret it. She is merciful in that she won’t let Sin (or anyone really) physically harm someone past what’s absolutely required of the situation, but she will force them to sit in the palace dungeons for the rest of their lives, if the punishment calls for it. She’s still learning swordsmanship at the moment, but you best be sure she’ll use that blade when nessecary after her training is through if you even lay a single finger on her family… And Sin, Alibaba, and Aladdin aren’t her only family. She counts all her friends as family.
You better run, fool.
22. What are their favourite insults to use? What do they insult people for? Or do they prefer to bitch behind someone’s back?
Sera doesn’t usually insult anyone? If she has an issue with someone, she tries to keep it to herself, but on rare occasion might be found complaining to Sin or Ja'far about a particularly stressful person or situation. She doesn’t want to cause trouble, and knows all too well word can cut deeper than the sword in a moment of anger, and never be fixed.
Once in a serious battle, though, Sass master mode engages and she’ll generally sass anyone she’s against, and that includes calling them on their fashion, their hair, how they talk, etc- She’d never do it against some like, say, Sharrkan, even if they did somehow become enemies, because she respects him too much, but some random soldier or an enemy of Sindria is going to get the full force of it. Still, she doesn’t really have a favorite insult to use, just grabs at whatever she can.
23. Do they have a good memory? Short term or long term? Are they good with names? Or faces?
She has a fairly good memory, closer to long-term, though she counts that as both a blessing and a curse. It means she’s not only remembering the good times, but all the bad of her past as well, though she’s generally able to force the bad into the darker corners of her mind and let them sit there. Meeting Sin made that a lot easier, too,
She’s better with faces than she is names, but that’s not to say she’s bad with either, really. It just means that the face will come to mind long before the name if she’s actually met them, and on several occasions she’s forgotten the name completely, but that’s been limited to those she’s met at diplomatic functions as Sindria’s queen and people she’s only met once or twice, or in a similar setting as a studio owner at busy performance venues in the Midnight Hour AU.
24. What is their sleeping pattern like? Do they snore? What do they like to sleep on? A soft or hard mattress?
Oh god- Sera has a very…. Non-existent pattern. No matter when she goes to bed, unless the room is kept dark and devoid of actual sunlight streaming in, she’s up at dawn to work, even if she’d just gone to bed an hour before. She’s been a little lax since marrying Sin, getting up not so much at the crack of dawn exactly but lounging a little for at most an hour, but she still tends to get up and get her morning chores done before occasionally crawling back into bed and snuggling until she has no choice but to get him out of bed. She’s a fairly moderate sleeper; certain noises can wake her ala a light sleeper would be, but she’s generally out cold.
She doesn’t snore, but she does rarely talk in her sleep, usually during a particularly vivid dream. As for what she sleeps on, she’s comfortable on anything. For nine years, she slept in trees and on the ground, so to sleep on something hard doesn’t faze her in the least, but after moving into the palace she came to really enjoy the incredibly soft mattress Sin made sure she had in her room… Though she likes his a lot more~!
25. What do they find funny? Do they have a good sense of humour? Are they funny themselves?
Her sense of humor is pretty typical, really. She’ll laugh at jokes told over dinner with everyone else, giggle at someone doing something silly, or something Sin says just for a reason to make her smile. But she has moments where something not really funny could make her laugh; for example, in a current mini-thread with Ja'far telling her about how he has a secret remedy for hangovers, but won’t tell Sin and makes him suffer with them unless something important comes up, Sera is highly amused by this and wants to laugh, but has no idea why it’s so funny.
As for being funny herself, she can be, but it’s more of a light humor, poking at something someone’s said or an amusing situation. Her sassy side in battle is actually a lot funnier, since her generally pure humor comes down to the weirdest insults and comments, - She’s not above interrupting an opponent’s tirade to let him know he has a headache before headbutting him or hitting him over the head.
26. How do they act when they’re happy? Do they sing? Dance? Hum? Or do they hide their emotions?
She’s generally happy, but when overly so, like the day after receiving her crown from Sin, she dances about a fair bit more, hums an upbeat tune, giggle and smile even more than usual - she makes it more than obvious she’s in a good mood, even catching someone, be it staff, Sin, her brother or sister, even Ja'far, up into a dance with her.  There’s even an extra abundance of baked goods if she has the time to head to the kitchen, and always everyone’s favorites for an after-dinner treat.
27. What makes them sad? Do they cry regularly? Do they cry openly or hide it? What are they like they are sad?
The little she knows of what Sin’s suffered through as a kid and teen is something that can upset her a great deal when thought of, and knowing people are still suffering, seeing it in person, can bring her mood way down as well. Remembering her lost blood-related brother and sister can get her to break down into tears on the spot, and so can remembering Alibaba and Aladdin when she’s not seen then for a long time. These, among common things like hurt feelings, her fears being triggered (sitting through thunderstorms, for example), and horrible nightmares are the major reasons her mood would drop to one of sadness.
However, she often tries to hide her tears. When alone, she’ll curl into a small ball and hug her knees, or slump against a wall, even slump over her office desk if she’s in the middle of work and bury her face in her hands. If she breaks down around someone she trusts, she might lean against them and hope they’ll wrap an arm around her shoulders, though even if they don’t just being close to them helps, and Sin will instantly pull her into his arms and hold her until she calms down, rubbing her back and comforting her in a way she’s eternally grateful for, and she loves him even more for his gentle kindness.
But the majority of the time, unless she’s completely breaking down (Like standing at the marker she had made for her lost siblings and remembering them), she’ll wipe her tears away upon being found and insist she’s absolutely, perfectly fine. There’s nothing wrong, she just got something in her eyes- It takes a gentle hand catching her wrist or shoulder before she can get away from them to let her cry more and get out what’s bothering her.
28. What is their biggest fear? What in general scares them? How do they act when they’re scared?
As previously mentioned, thunderstorms are a major fear, but her biggest fear and worst nightmare is losing Sin and her family. Sindria is the first place she’s ever felt wanted and accepted, like she’s finally home for the first time in her entire life. Losing her family - Alibaba, Aladdin, and their friends, and especiallySin, who’s become her entire heart and the one thing tethering her to the light and making her the person she is now - would completely and utterly shatter her. If there’s one way to force her to fall into depravity, it’s taking them from her. Remove Sin from the world, and she’ll fall hard.
Generally, she’s also afraid of being alone, and very, very much afraid of most bugs. She’s also a hair above scared of snakes, which is a bit ironic, considering how close she’s gotten to Sharrkan and Ja'far, though the later is a viper in nickname and skills only, really. An easy way to get her to shut down completely and trigger a fight or flight reaction born from fear is to tie up her wrists/hands in a tight binding AND be someone she doesn’t know/trust.
When scared, she’ll hide behind someone she’s near, or jump away from whatever spooked her, maybe climb up onto someone/thing to get away from it. Thunderstorms specifically will send her into a terrified fit, prompting her to curl up, cover her ears, and scream, eyes squeezed closed and praying it’ll be over soon. If she’s with someone she trusts, ala one of the generals, she’ll cling to their arm or side for comfort, but with a loved one like Sin, her terror has her wanting to be as close to him as possible. If not stopped, she even goes as far as trying to squirm underneath his clothing; nothing is quite close enough until that storm is over… And this reaction often leads to him either drowning the sounds of the storm out with something else, or, on occasion, taking her to bed for a few heated rounds of lovemaking. Both are successful means of helping her through it, really.
29. What do they do when they find out someone else’s fear? Do they tease them? Or get very over protective?
Already answered!
32. What do they dress like? What sorta shops do they buy clothes from? Do they wear the fashion that they like? What do they wear to sleep? Do they wear makeup? What’s their hair like?
Sera prefers to wear modest clothing; she’s of the belief that if someone is going to like her and want to get to know her better, or desire a relationship, they’re going to want it because they like her, not her body. She also dislikes showing off too much of her form to the world, especially when she’s a very thin woman, barely even at a healthy weight.
Ironically, her preferred dress as queen is a strapless  thing with a band that ensures it sits just on top of her bust, with a skirt that doesn’t quite reach her knees, and she also owns a rather skimpy outfit saved specifically for dancing during maharajan. She argues these are because she’s at home in Sindria and therefore more comfortable, but still acts the opposite in any other situation and with anything skimpier than those two outfits.
She generally buys her outfits from Sindria’s bazar, but has a fair number of dresses bought for her by Sin that were made specifically for her, like her wedding dress and a pink dress usually saved for diplomatic venues. Actually, the majority of her clothes were bought by Sin, forming a wardrobe he helped her choose when he realized she was living in nothing more than tatters for nine years before they even started dating.
As for sleepwear, she has a selection of nightgowns and nightshirts, including one of Sin’s that he gave her upon giving her her original bedroom in the palace’s Purple Leo tower, and a short, silky pink nightgown held up by long ribbons tied into bows atop her shoulders. Despite having such a selection and believing Sindria’s nights are far too cold, Sera sleeps stark naked, unless the night is exceptionally cold. This is a habit born after marrying, since Sin strips in his sleep and she finds it warmer to have skin on skin contact, as well as it being more comfortable to snuggle him in such a way on a lazy morning.
When it comes to makeup and her hair, she’s not fussy in the least; unless nessecary for a meeting or going to a diplomatic venue, she doesn’t do much with her hair except maybe braid it after bathing before bed or tie it up into a ponytail when needed, and doesn’t touch makeup aside from perhaps a slight bit of something to keep her lips from chapping, and this goes for all verses. When dressing up, she’ll go for a hint of color on her lips, maybe a bit of blush, and do up her hair in a bun or something slightly fancier.
42. What are their goals? What would they sacrifice anything for? What is their secret ambition?
Her dream in life is to end suffering and illness, seeking peace for reasons incredibly close to her husband’s. However, she prefers to go about attaining her dreams in a far different way, using methods of peace and talking things out rather than fighting. Though she and Sin have incredibly different ways of doing things seperately, when together they turn into a remarkable team, able to put both sides together in a method of problem solving all their own.
However, she would sacrifice everything for Sin and her home, especially her family. Rather than let any harm come to them, she’ll willingly walk unarmed into an active battlefield, especially means she can help someone, to protect them. And if it comes down to it, she will stand in front of them and offer her life in exchange for theirs, all without batting an eye. Even she’s not sure if it’s bravery or sheer stupidity, but she won’t let you hurt her loved ones.
Though she thinks it’s secret (it’s not), she wants to make Sin into the glorious king he rightfully is, and see his dreams come to be reality… Of course, in peaceful ways that will unite everyone, together.
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