#i was like: he has to be like the most police lookin guy ever n have a real dad vibes towards kim
danielcalmdown · 4 months
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i saw another drawing of kim's old partner eyes drawn as a tall, blond guy. i wondered was there some official description of him that makes ppl draw him like that, but there is not. SUDDENLY! a picture of danny devito lookin dude appeared in front of my eyes and so i had to draw them. he wears thick glasses too, only that they actually work very well for his eye problem. two unassuming, bug eyed kings. they fit well together.
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milosirlgf · 1 year
assigning redacted characters lizzy mcalpine songs!
me and @teaseat are literally insane and crazy and exactly the same people and spent all day yesterday doing this because we are fools, and love to cry. so here's every lizzy mcalpine song as a character, with the most important lyric next to it :3
if you dont know these songs, please, im begging u, listen to them. and youll see how genius we are :3
nothing/sad n stuff - GEORDI/CUTIE, "i don't wanna leave, so tell me why i'm going?"// "i'm not sorry, that i loved you till i couldn't breathe." // "it was good, but it's time for me to leave."
doomsday - VINCENT/LOVELY, "pull the plug in september, i don't wanna die in june." // "pull the plug, make it painless." // "i don't get a choice in the matter, why would i? it's only the death of me."
all my ghosts - GAVIN/FREELANCER, "you got a slurpee for free, i caught you lookin' at me, at a 7/11, under fluorescent lights." // "all my ghosts are with me, i know you feel them too."
same boat - ELLIOT/SUNSHINE, "you are on my mind"... "i don't know why every time that i think of home, i can picture you standing in the cold." // "if you asked out of the blue, how i really, truely feel about you."
reckless driving - SAM/ALEXIS, "i didn't mean to kiss you, i mean, i did, but i didn't think it'd go this far." //"i don't love you like that, i'm a careful driver." "but you love me like that, you're a reckless driver."
called you again - CUTIE, "i called you again, i don't know why i keep on thinking that we're friends."//"we don't really talk anymore, and i'm sorry for that."//"we don't really talk anymore, and it's good for us both."//"all i do is hurt you, all i do is hurt you, all i do is cause you pain."
orange show speedway - FREELANCER (DAMN CREW), "my bestfriends are with me, and i feel okay!” // "everything changes, what a shame"
erase me - CUTIE, "don't answer me, i'm calling just to hear you scream." // “oh, who will erase me?"
pancakes for dinner - GUY/HONEY, "don't wanna be forward, don't wanna cross a line." //"don't wanna say too much, intrude on your space" // "i wanna go out on the weekends, i wanna dress up just to get undressed."//"don't wanna say something wrong, don't wanna be weird."//"well, maybe i wont ever say what's in my head, no, i won't have to say anything. youll say it instead."
what a shame - IMP!LASKO/GAVIN'FREELANCER. "but you're not allowed, s(he)'s got you under lock and chain, too late to let her(him) down."// "what a shame it would be if you left her(him) now."
to the mountains - GEORDI/CUTIE, "don't you try to reach me, cause i won't pick up for you. i've got some things i need to do."//"i'm trying to let go, i think it could help being alone.
little bit of everything - DAVID, "phone call's made, police cars show up quickly."//"it's the angels above me, it's the song they don't sing."//"whatever helps me to forget about the things that brought me to my knees."
angelina - AARON, "i think i'm done trying to hold on to you."
means something - BLAKE, "i felt the way that you hugged me when i was broken inside, and that has to mean something"//"i felt the way you kissed me, when we got too drunk that night and that had to mean something."// "for some reason, you're not here, and i refuse to believe that means something."
over the ocean call - FLYBOI IVAN, "i thought i could make it short, but my brains all out of sorts." // "and i thought that i wouldn't cry, but breaking your heart breaks mine." //"and you hate the things i do, and sometimes you hate me."
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qyllenhaal · 3 years
American Pie
Lee Bodecker x Reader
Word Count: 4.8k
Summary: The Summer heat gets to everyone, including Sheriff Lee Bodecker who is looking to stir up with his favorite girl.
Warnings: 18+ only!!! DubCon (!!!), Dark themes, age gap (reader is early 20s), infidelity, alcohol abuse, exhibitionism, unprotected sex, spanking.
A/N: I didn’t expect to finish this in one night, but I did! I may have missed a few things to include in the warnings but I believe I got all the major ones. Enjoy!
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Hot weather makes people feel more rowdy, like they can do anything just because the temperature is rising and the sun is out for longer. When the number of troublemakers at the bar goes up, so does the number of visits from the police.
Someone was always anonymously calling the police because someone at Tecumseh Lounge was stirring up some shit. They rarely came and when they did they did nothing. The deputy they dispatched would just write down a few things in a notepad and leave. No one ever truly got in trouble and that's because the Sheriff is rumored to be "in'' with the owner.
The rumors are true but the nice ladies and gentlemen from the nicer parts of the county will never see it for themselves. Tecumseh is rough, and nasty. There were more vices here than just alcohol, and most of it was done under the table.
Y/n was crazy to take this job as a bartender at Tecumseh. She didn't know that a hidden prospective for the job was fucking the patrons. One of the other girls working here did it, and so did Sandy despite her brother being the sheriff. Y/n was not interested in the advances pressed on her by the men. They were either married or been fucking "ladies of the night" for years and probably have something. No one who frequented a place like Tecumseh wasn't someone Y/n wanted to go home with. Yet she let Sandy's brother talk to her in any kind of way.
For someone who was the sheriff, Lee Bodecker was here a lot and it wasn't because the drinks were good. Sometimes his sister served him while he interrogated her about her husband Carl. Y/n had seen Carl a few times and she found him to be sleazy. Poor Sandy was stuck working behind the bar while Carl flirted with a younger girl just a few feet away from her. But Sandy would also take some patrons out to the back and get fucked when her shift ended. It seems like an even deal, but the difference is Carl looks happy doing it and Sandy always comes back looking a mess, and not in a good way.
Y/n has been applying for a waitressing job closer to her house. She wants out of this place yet whenever she says Tecumseh is her current place of work, her application gets thrown out. Her aunt got her the job and she wished to god that woman never did. She should've gone and worked at someone's farm doing hard labor instead of accepting the offer to work. She was talked to like she was a whore and there was nothing to do about it because her boss did the same thing.
Friday night shifts are the hardest for her. The men drink harder because they don't work weekends. The influence of alcohol made them relentless when talking to Y/n. They made what they believed were compliments about her body and proclaimed how they wanted to fuck her. She just had to press a smile because the more they found her fuckable the more they tipped her. The low-cut top she wore was not coincidental. While she didn't fuck patrons for 20 dollars, she did put out for their attention.
Not even 30 minutes before her shift and a fight breaks out. She has to call the police because the fight between two men turned into a fight of three, four, and then five. No one looked interested in breaking up the fight, just watching with glib smiles and jovial laughs. This was the kind of entertainment they came for, but it was a pain to deal with as a barmaid.
Police sirens and the lights made some patrons, including two of the people involved in the fight, went running out through another exit. Their fears were pointless since it was rare for anyone to get arrested here.
"Alright break it up," Deputy Brooks' voice boomed.
Whenever an officer was called to come down to Tecumseh Lounge, it was only three policemen who showed up: Deputy Brooks, Deputy McConnell, and the sheriff. They must've worked out some kind of deal with her boss because they come in, don't do shit about the reason they were called for, and they never failed to ask for a drink before leaving. Tonight is no different; they just break up the fight and tell the men to leave but they never force perpetrators to leave.
The fight dissipated a few minutes after the deputies showed up and the patrons grumbled because the fun was over. The two deputies looked around the place to give off the appearance of holding authority then they made their way over to the bar.
"One of your coldest beers," Deputy Brooks didn't greet Y/n nor was he polite. He just demanded what he wanted.
"No free drinks." She tries to keep her tone of voice strong. She is not afraid of these two men who only feel powerful because they have a badge on them. Deputy McConnell was only a few years older than her and she remembers when he was a scrawny kid who got picked on even as a senior in high school.
"We just broke up a fight at your fine establishment. The least you can do is give us a beer," Brooks rebuttal.
There was no arguing so Y/n sighed and went to grab two beers for the men so they could just get out of her sight.
"I need two beers. Not just one," McConnell interjected. Y/n didn't like how they drank on the job, especially since they were going to be driving so late at night.
But Y/n obliges just to get them out of her face. She hates the smug look on Deputy Brooks face as he grabs his beer and walks out with the other deputy behind him.
The rest of the night is Jenny's problem because Y/n was clocking out immediately. She smelled like cigarettes and just wanted to wash the layer of sweat off of her body. All the money her boss accrues from shady dealings, he was too cheap to install an air conditioner. People get angry and agitated when it's so hot out. Even at night the air feels sticky and falls just to the low 80s.
She headed out the back to avoid the incoming patrons. She is fair game to some people now that she is single.
Out back she can hear three unmistakable voices. Deputy Brooks and McConnell were standing by their car that was parked right next to the nice, clean sheriff's car. Y/n is not in the mood to deal with the two dickheads and their boss sheriff dickhead, but she knows they are going to say something to her as she walks back.
"Well if it isn't my pretty, pretty Cherry."
Lee Bodecker's voice punctuated the night air, making even the humid atmosphere feel cold.
Y/n stops in her tracks, knowing that she cannot avoid this without causing trouble for herself.
"Don't call me that."
"You sure like the name last week when I had my head between those thighs. 'Lee...oh Lee!" He imitated her voice which made his deputies laugh. Lee has a beer in his hand, reminding Y/n that McConnell asked for two back at the bar. She should've known it was for Lee.
She was embarrassed by him talking about their time together in front of his subordinates. Lee is married and Y/n is turned off by men with gold bands on their ring finger who try to take her home after her shift ends. However they have fucked on multiple occasions, making him the only patron she has given into. He was mean, but authoritative. Y/n couldn't help herself and she sometimes let the sheriff rough her up in the back of his car.
"I'm only messing with you sweetheart. You don't gotta stand there lookin like you saw a ghost."
Y/n feels humiliated but Lee doesn't seem to care. Lee gets off on seeing her squirm, on seeing her be degraded. She's not a whore like the other woman who works here and his sister, but he fucks her like she is. He has something many of the men inside the dingy joint wanted. Y/n isn't easy, which rare for a female Tecumseh worker.
"I'm just wonderin if you seen my Sandy," he made an attempt to change the subject.
"She's your sister Lee."
The truth is Y/n hasn't seen Sandy in a week. She said something about her and Carl taking a trip but she didn't say for how long. Y/n is not too fond of Sandy to pry into her life. She feels bad for her though. She always comes into work with dingy hair and not to mention the amount of weight she has lost which makes her face look gaunt.
"You better address me as ‘sheriff’ girl. You have no manners. You weren't even going to say hello to the men who keep you safe."
Lee did nothing to make her feel safe. He made Y/n feel on edge when he was around but downright euphoric when she was in the throes of passing in the back of his car. He was just using her to get his rocks off and he only went after her because he wanted someone "fresh" for him. He doesn't respect her or care for her.
"Shouldn't you three be patrolling? Looking for crime?"
"Don't catch an attitude, Y/n. It's none of your business what we do. Besides, all the crime is in that building you just came out of."
"You guys never do shit. All you do sheriff is come and collect money from Leroy-"
"Watch your fucking mouth."
Y/n is not sure why she's still here trying to bump heads with him. She will never win, especially when he is the authority around here. No one challenged Lee because they were scared to death of him. He's a shady sheriff but he's feared.
"I'm leaving," Y/n sighed. She tried to walk away but Lee stood up from leaning on his car and grabbed her arm
"Uh-uh," he shook his head at her as the grip on her arm tightened. She looked up at him with fear in her arms and he felt his cock getting hard "You don't get to leave until I tell you too. I think you owe me for last week anyway, cherry."
"Please...just let me go," she tried to plead. She tried to plea to the man who she's been fucking, hoping that his attachment to her would make him be kinder to her.
"You need your ass to be put in place. I thought I did that a few weeks ago when I spanked your ass until you cried, but you're still as defiant as ever. You'll never fucking learn."
Lee dragged her back to his car and bent her over the hood. He placed her arms behind her back and cuffed her. He wasn't going to arrest her but making her believe he was sure was fun to him.
She can see both of the deputies watching her. Her face was planted against the top of his car as he held her down. Lee pulls her dress over her ass and she feels so exposed.
"Those panties look damp to me. What do y'all think?"
Y/n hears the deputies chattering lowly amongst themselves, probably afraid to say something obscene about the woman the sheriff is hooking up with.
"How many men seen you like this before? Who you let fuck you today?"
"No one sheriff."
"That's right. That pussy is mine."
His rough hand caresses her ass. He wants to spank her for talking back to him in front of the two younger officers. She was trying to embarrass him which called for a punishment.
"You better count 'em or I'll start over."
Y/n just groaned in anticipation of the first blow to her ass. She hates how Lee takes his time and she wishes he would just get it over with. Her heart is racing as Lee gets a firm grip on her hair.
"Bad little girls get their asses spanked. Don't think just because you're not peddling your cunt that you're not a whore," he threatened with anger.
Her panties were ripped off with rage and she was truly exposed. The warm, summer breeze ghosted across her cunt but it made her shiver. She can already feel the heaviness of her hand on her ass before it even comes down. The first smack was so loud that it pierced the dark night's air. Her cry was even louder.
"One," she says breathlessly. Her eyes close so she doesn't have to look at the two men staring at her with wide eyes and tents in their pants.
Lee believes pain is the best discipline for a girl like Y/n. He would never do this to his wife, but he also doesn't fuck his wife like he fucks Y/n. She was a tough thing to crack but she rides him into the night until his car is shaking and he's cumming into a condom.
"You can count louder than that, cherry."
He was mocking her only because they had an audience. The belittling and having her body exposed was humiliating. But that first slap of her ass sent all the blood in her body rushing to pussy.
Lee smacked her ass again and again and each time she pathetically sobbed out the number of hits her ass has received so far. Her skin felt hot and it wasn't because of the temperature. She wanted to cry so bad but she kept it. She has never cried in front of Lee and she isn't going to start now; no matter how painful his brutality is.
"Look how fucking wet she is from getting her ass whooped."
Y/n heard the shuffling of the deputies and there was not doubt they were looking at her glistening sex. She felt like she was dripping and she wanted to press her thighs together so bad to hide herself. That would only make things worse for her and the last thing she needs is a harsher punishment.
"Learned your lesson, cherry?"
She nods, her eyes still closed.
"Good girl."
The sound of Lee's belt coming undone makes her stick her ass higher into the air. She's been trained like a dog who wants a treat to behave this way. A sense of shame consumes her as she acts so shamelessly.
"My good little bitch," he coos. He pulls himself out and lines up the head with her wet slit. "I don't have a condom on me sweetheart. I finally get to feel that pussy of yours."
He was lying. He always kept a pack of condoms in the glove compartment of his patrol car because he couldn't bring them into his home. Plus having them in there would always leave him ready to fuck Y/n. He did not like the feeling of condoms but he can't knock her up when next year is an election year. Having a bastard child with a barmaid from Tecumseh would fuck everything up and send his efforts down the drain.
"Lee no! You have to use a condom."
"I don't have to do anything."
She's stupid to think he would listen to her. She is completely powerless and can only operate to his whims.
"Then please pull out...please," she whispers in defeat. The laugh he lets out tells her that she doesn't get a say in this at all.
Lee pushes on her back with one hand and the other is holding onto her hip. He finally sinks into her and he is in paradise.
"You expect me to pull out when your cunt is this warm and tight? No fucking chance darlin'"
He starts to fuck into her, each thrust earning him a pathetic moan. She feels so good wrapped around him and he vows to never wear condoms with her again. She's the tightest thing he's had in years and he has to go slowly to brace himself or else he is gonna cum. This position gave him so much access to her cunt and he pushed in as deep as he could. His bare head was kissing her cervix over and over again. His thighs slapped against her bare ass and the noise reverberated into the night.
The deputies just stood there; eyes wide with shock but lust filling their veins. They never took Lee as a cheater yet he fucked Y/n he knew her body so well.
Tears slip down her face, but they aren't from sadness or anger. She's overwhelmed by the pleasure Lee is giving her that she can almost forget that they have an audience.
Lee lifted her head off of the hood of the car. She could see them in the reflection. She looked a mess while Lee looked like he was in heaven in her bare cunt.
"You wanna tell them how you never had a man in your ass until I fucked you? Begged for it like a whore?"
His voice has some much grit in it and Y/n wondered where this new fire in him came from. Lee was rough with her but never has he pounded into her like she was just a toy. Most would be surprised to know that Lee can be a gentle lover that had a primal urge to be inside of Y/n. She wondered if he was like that with his wife, but according to him she was just a "wet blanket." Y/n does not know whether or not to believe him because it's not uncommon for men to disparage their wives to women they're having sex with on the side.
"Gonna cum Lee," she cried.
He felt her tighten around him and he was about to cum too. He was going to cum inside of her.
"Show 'em how you cum for me. Let 'em see that pretty face of yours."
Lee pounded into her until she was crying out. Her orgasm wrecked her body and the only thing on her mind was Lee and his cock. If she was asked to speak right now it would just be babble. He fucked her stupid and he's not going to stop until he spills inside of her.
A few more hard, rough thrusts and Y/n feels Lee spill inside of her. She sighs at the blissful sensation. His grip on her loosens, a symptom of the exhaustion that starts to set in. His cock begins to soften inside of her but the two of them are still panting from what they just did.
"Go on. Go home," he slaps her ass one last time just to tease her. His eyes are trained on the sight of his cum oozing out of her and he never wants to look at anything else. But he has a shift to get back to
Y/n reluctantly stands up, her dress falling over her ass to cover her up. She can feel his cum running down her thigh but she's too embarrassed to clean herself up in front of these mean. She accidentally catches Deputy McConnell's eyes before she scurries off to her car. She hears a laugh and then a few more joining in. She's sure Lee is bragging to them about her always being willing to fuck him. She just hopes he doesn't tell them everything they have done together.
Lee had been silent for more than a week now. No calls, no visits to the bar, and even his patrol car hadn't ridden down her street. Y/n felt insecure about his absence; like he thought she was an easy slut like the rest of the barmaids. He knows she isn't willing to fuck anybody, but she was not sure if he believed her when she said it.
The days moved so slowly as she watched the door hoping he would come in one late night. She even hoped for a fight but suddenly no one had the energy anymore for a melee.
Y/n was working a late shift tonight. She'd cover the bar from 12 until last call. It was her day off but she had to fill in for some girl at the last minute. If it had been the weekend she would've said no, but it's a Tuesday night which means it would be an easy night of minimal work.
Y/n was wiping down glasses not five minutes after she clocked in and she heard the shrill voice of her co-worker Sydney.
"I'm not dealing with him. Last time I tried to cut him off he threatened to arrest me! I don't know where Sandy is but she needs to be the one here to deal with her brother."
Y/n's ears perked up. She didn't notice Lee in the room when she walked in. The room was dim and it was not always easy to make out customers, especially if they were far away.
"What's going on?"
Y/n walked over to where Cindy's voice was coming from and she was talking to their boss Leroy.
"Sheriff is drunk off his ass and I'm supposed to deal with him. My shift ended five minutes ago and once I'm off the clock then anything that happens in this place is none of my concern!" She said with contempt.
"You work for me. You don't get to decide what you will and will not do at my bar!"
As much as Y/n wanted to avoid a tiff between her co-worker and boss, she wanted to talk to Lee even more.
"I'll take care of it."
Leroy didn't care either way. As long as he didn't have to deal with Lee who was pissed off at him about something. Lee often complained that her boss was a "useless fucker." Leroy walked away from the two and Cindy gave Y/n a small smile.
"Thank you."
"It's no problem. I'll see you tomorrow Cindy," Y/n called to the blonde who was already peeling out of the place. She doesn't think Cindy likes her all that much but she was at least courteous to Y/n.
The bar was dead enough for Y/n's other co-worker to cover while she went to deal with Lee.
He was at a table in one of the corners of the bar; slumped over in his chair and too intoxicated to speak in complete sentences. There was no way he could properly function or drive home. She had a choice to make whether to leave Lee like this or take him home. She had just gotten to work, but the night was nothing that her co-worker couldn't handle. If Leroy threw a fit and tried to fire her she could just get Lee to threaten him.
He was so heavy as he leaned on her to walk to her car. Y/n loathes this man yet she does so many caring things for him that it makes her stomach hurt. She gets nothing out of this exchange yet she continues to go back with him.
She placed him in the passenger seat of her car and he just mumbled to himself the entire ride to her apartment. She was thankful to be on the first floor because it would be a hazard to try to get Lee to walk up some stairs like this. She helped him sit on her raggedy couch. He looked like he was going to vomit.
"How many drinks did you have?" She began her interrogation on him, but she doubts she will get a coherent answer tonight.
"Just one."
As he spoke he reached into his pocket to show her the "one" bottle that he drank from tonight. A few candy wrappers fell out of his pocket when he pulled the bottle out. They were jolly ranchers wrappers which was the kind she bought to share with him.
"What happened? Why did you get so fucked up? I need to get you home Lee."
Y/n was in panic mode. There was no way she could take Lee home but she didn't know how to deal with him like this. He had been tipsy around her before, sure, but she has never seen him this drunk.
"No, no...don't wanna go back. Just let me sleep it off," he slurred. He haphazardly kicked his shoes off and pulled his jacket off so he could get comfortable on her couch. He's going to wake up with a sore back if he sleeps on that thing.
"You can't get drunk like this ever again. And you also can't stay the night here ever again. Your wife is going to find out one day
He just groaned and turned away from her on the couch. She just sighed in defeat. She will deal with him in the morning.
She feels the bed around 3 am. She could not sleep after leaving Lee in a state like that on her couch and she has been up ever since. Y/n was so tired but her body was not agreeing with sleep at the moment. Heavy arms wrapped around her as she held her breath.
"You smell so good, Florence. Just like roses."
"Lee, it's me." She waited for him to respond, afraid that he would get upset or angry with her for no good reason. Her ego was a little hurt after he mistook her for his wife.
"I'm just jokin' with you cherry." Even though he was suffering from a hangover, he still has the capacity to tease her.
Y/n turned around to face him but he had his eyes closed and a pleased smile on his face. She can't deny how handsome he looks, especially with his full cheeks.
"Why did you get that drunk last night?"
"I'm a grown man."
"You weren't acting like it last night. You were like a defiant child," her voice began to rise in volume and Lee winced.
"Don't yell, please. You can be mad at me all you want but please don't yell. I've got a headache that's going to last for days."
"It's what you deserve."
Lee finally opened his eyes just so he could see that pouty look on her face. Y/n called him a defiant child, but she was one to talk. She was always acting like a brat around him.
"You don't mean that girl. If you did, you would've left me at Tecumseh. You care about me."
"Just admit it. You care."
"Lee, you are married."
"What does that have to do with anything?"
This was the uncomfortable conversation Y/n wanted to have. It was always shot down by Lee. He had no problem fucking her, but talking about where they stand or his cheating was always a problem.
"Cherry, I wish you'd just let things be as they are. Wish you would always be a good girl like you are in the back of my cruiser."
"I don't want to be your mistress Lee. If we keep doing this then we're going to get caught and your wife will leave you. Then what?"
"I'll move you in and put a ringer on your finger. Maybe give you a few kids too," he chuckled.
Y/n couldn't bring herself to find joy in his comments. She has some underlying feelings for him and he's right, she does care. But her conscience can't stop thinking about the fact that he has a wife. The only time she forgets is when his dick is inside of her.
"I'm a whore, remember?"
"Just because I fucked you like one in front of my deputies doesn't mean you are one," his hand rested on her hot cheek and he stroked it with his thumb, "you're my cherry girl. The only person I love being inside of. You act like you hate me but you're always wet for me; I bet you're wet right now. I love what we have and I don't want it to end."
She has no more to say to him. She just sighs and closes her eyes. Lee can practically see the wheels turning in her head. While he saw this as a very simple situation, she viewed it as more complex and always seemed to look for ways to make it complicated for the two to just enjoy it for what it is. Y/n is young and Lee is sure she is not ready to settle down yet. They're just having some fun. And if they do in fact get caught and his wife leaves him, then his cherry would make one hell of a wife.
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i-need-air · 4 years
Hybrid!AU Wolf!Bakugou Katsuki HCs.
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Summary: How would Hybrid!Bakugou would react to being adopted by the reader and their domestic life together. Headcanons and believe me, it's a long one... [2k WORDS OF HCS psjxksdj stop me pls] PLATONIC/ROOMMATES HCS, will do a part two later on with continuation and romance cuz 2kwordsbro...
Notes: I love Hybrid AU!s and I want to indulge myself with this. I barely see these in the fandom, so maybe you guys will like it! Also, depending on how it goes, I'm gonna consider making more for other characters, whachu say? Tell me what you thought and I hope you enjoy!~ ♥
Part 2 here!
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× he's a wolf hybrid, and the workers at the shelter warn you that he's feral as you pass by where he was locked
× it seems he was in an illegal fighting ring and nobody could get close to him even if his living conditions now were much better than the hell hole he lived in before
× he growled, scratched, yelled, overall he needed so much help
× normally that would've been very intimidating to you but while the workers tried to push you towards some bunny or dog hybrids they had around, you just froze because the mf said they were considering sacrificing him
× like wHat the fuck?? he's a human being?????? sure he has a tail but what????????
× and you just foken went crazy for a moment cuz you didn't even see him in his cage, he was hiding somewhere under the bundle of blankets he had, probably asleep
× so you just went mental, demanding an explanation because hybrid shelters do not and should not sacrifice a person
× and your increasing yelling just made all the hybrids anxious
× and Bakugou heard everything [who wouldn't]
× i shit you not, the employee tried to explain why
× legit said cuz he's aggressive
× Bitch I'd be aggressive too! I'd bite your jugular off
× course, security was called but you already prepared to call the police, Hybrid Protection Services, your lawyer, your friends, the president, you name it
× and that's when you said you're adopting whoever was under the blankets. NOW.
× always hated the word adopting, but you were looking to give a hybrid a chance since you finally had a spare bedroom in your new apartment
× so like security and the worker just look at each other cuz who tf is gonna be the brave soul to go inside the cage to retrieve Bakugou Katsuki and get rid of you both already
× you're just staring at them like u srs bro? so you just send them to do the paperwork while you decide to go in yourself because you needed to get out of that place ASAP to still contact HPS on this shelter
× security stayed by the door while you hesitantly walked towards the blanket bundle [not so brave anymore] cuz why did that dude have his gun out??????
× but when you approached the bundle and kneeled in front of it you noticed movement
× a fluffy sand yellow tail suddenly came to view and it was big, slowly moving from side to side
× so with the gentlest voice you could muster [after screaming your lungs out moments ago] you tried to talk to whoever was underneath
× you introduced yourself and said you're here to take them home but got nothing, just casual tail movement
× Big Hunkus Brutus Security Guardus™ was getting impatient so he told you to just "fuckin put the collar and leash on the stupid beast" and you just 🙃 fucking excuse u?? while turning towards him
× it was a delicate time and you needed to take it slow, and anyway you knew you'd get that crap off your [hopefully] new friend as soon as possible
× what you didn't expect was the guard to freeze and raise his gun again, but was pointing above your head, not even looking in your eyes
× so you turn and meet a naked chest, scarred, with recent bruising on and big
× looking up you see Bakugou Katsuki, ruffled blonde hair, wild in all directions, red eyes harsh and staring at the guy behind you, only some pants on his form and tail still waving very slowly behind him
× while Chunkus Brutus trembled in place, gun shaking in hands, you were in the fuckin middle of it all
× what you didn't expect is the hybrid to take the collar in your hands and wrap it around his neck, now looking at you, expression still harsh but this time it didn't scream murder [and then grabbed a shirt, thank the heavens]
× progress? making friends? good first impressions?
× na lol you wish but that's spoilers 👀
× the process of adoption went smoothly, and when I say smoothly I mean Robustus Dumbus Brutus behind both of you with his hand still on his gun while all the workers gathered around to see the crazy insane person that adopted The Devil™, the guy that told you about the sacrificing was actually filing the paperwork as fast as possible under the intense gaze of the wolf
× and Bakugou was standing very close to you, btw, like i can feel your body heat close
× he was compliant at first, when you got in the car you started rambling about your house and how he has a room while trying to take the collar off him but he grabbed your hands
× like insanely fast, one blink and firm grip on your hands
× "i ain't gon be your fuckin pet, understood?" he growled at you but made no movement to bolt and run away
× and you just wanted to roll your eyes cuz ok he can kill you anytime but like didn't he get the message when you screamed back there? [also there was this sense of security you had around him or maybe you were just really dumb]
× so when you said you weren't looking for a pet but to help someone and maybe a friend and roommate, he just narrowed his eyes at you
× suspish human, wild doggo no trust
× anywho he took the collar off himself [like extra fast] but you explained that you are going to get him a bracelet or something less degrading since he still needed something with the information tag to have on himself so police will know he's no stray and he wouldn't end in the same craphole again
× journey home was silent, like eery silent
× he just looked out the window intensely, you noticed how he focused on every sign and turn
× you considered asking him questions but honestly with his past you doubted he would even answer so you just started to ramble about your home, stuff you could do around the city [which caught his attention], items you'd have to go buy for him, like clothes, shampoo, any special food, the bracelet
× he stopped looking out the window and just looked at you
× ok he was intensely staring at your side, basically drilling a hole in your cheek with those crimson eyes and it was making you N e r v o u s because making new friends is hard when you're just vomiting monologs, all while driving
× buying things was awkward to say at least, special hybrid stores were rare and for a guy his size it was even more difficult to find anything, which ended up in getting normal clothes and deciding to adjust them for his tail
× while grocery shopping you discovered he actually knew very well what he wanted after a lot of questioning from you
× he finally sighed at your persistent act and just threw stuff in the shopping cart, a surprising amount of spices too
× now for the bracelet part... you decided to spend more on a code that could be scanned to identify him rather than the distasteful ones with name and who owns him
× good thing you planned ahead a long time ago and saved money but you did notice his sharp eyes on you whenever you paid
× and his grunts and judgemental looks at other people with hybrids
× it's as if he wanted to say something, anything, but was stopping himself, which lowkey worried you because from what you heard Bakugou's supposed to be very vocal
× maybe he was glad to be out of the shelter, you know you'd be
× you get home and he follows you to your house, again giving him another chance to bolt somewhere away from you but c'mon both of you knew he'd outrun you so why force him, just let him take his time
× "So this is your room" shook him to the core, legit he just stood silent in the hallway as you presented your house calmly
× sniffing around
× so much sniffing around, tail low while he checked every corner
× once he did decide to check his bedroom, he closed the door leaving you to set everything up
× what you didn't know is that he looked around, shaking with anger
× this is what normal people have?
× sat on the edge of the most confortable bed he's ever had and hoped the idiots of his friends managed to get something like this too
× and the shitshow began when you called him for dinner
× not enough salt, not enough spices
× he was a pain in the ass and as he let go, little by little you started to see him for who he was
× this, this was Bakugou Katsuki, the guy that started to scold you because of the seasoning of the food
× it formed a bond between you, the start of you seeing his real personality
× a Mom™
× slowly started owning the house, although you found it hilarious
× next day you found him cooking breakfast with such an ease it shocked you to the core
× "The fuck you lookin' at?" as he puts a plate of pancakes in front of your
× you just lowkey uwu when you realize he's waiting for your approval as you ate and I swear to you, best pancakes ever
× chest puffed when you complimented his food and this was the first time he mentioned something about his past; seems he had to cook for everyone at the fighting ring he was at, but he didn't mention more
× talking about his past took forever, putting together bits and pieces he mentioned, yet they were so little
× he'd go silent after mentioning his [what you assumed] friends
× if you asked or pressed too much he'd click his tongue or snap at you
× not everything was dandy though; yes, he was a good roommate, but he did have THE attitude
× but not as the people at the shelter made it to be, like he'd snap at you from time to time but it would get better as he'd start to trust you
× ok, ok, hear me out,,,,
× play with his hair
× it happened by accident; you started to have this tradition after a couple of months of living together: movie nights
× he really liked action stuff but both your dirty secret was watching those shitty horror movies and make fun of everyone in them, so every Friday Night was Movie Night
× he just threw himself on the couch and his hair looked puffy and those adorable wolf ears were twitching, you straightforwardly asked him if you could play with it
× [ask if you don't want your hand bit off]
× he scoffed
× silence
× when he nodded and looked away, you squealed and started scratching, just playing with his hair, mindlessly doing so while snickering at the TV when movement caught your attention
× he was wiggling his tail softly
× you guys never mentioned it but now he sits down on the sofa head close to you on a pillow and wait for them god sent scratches; will 100% roll his eyes and scoff at you when you start, acting like YOU want this
× seriously glares at whoever comes inside the house
× has a problem with every single soul since they dirty his home
× you don't notice it first but he finally starts calling your house home and that's the ultimate progress
× boy had a lot of hardships in his life so he appreciates what he has
× yet it is very, very hard to gain his trust at first
× when you finally do though? he's a loyal friend forever
× he's thankful to have you
× will never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever tell you
× his actions speak for him
× you're part of his pack now
× but seriously wash the dishes or you'll die.
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hotchnersbiitch · 4 years
Hands of Another
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A/N: I’m absolutely in love with this request. I hope you guys are too!! Buckle up my friends, its a long one. 
Request: @jojosgirlkat1dluvr
Pairing: Derek Morgan x Reader 
Category: Angst and fluff 
Warning: kidnaping, violence, cursing 
Word count:  2,003 ~ 8min
“Good morning good lookin,” Derek says cheekily as you walk into the bullpen, you chuckle as you make your way to your desk, Derek close on your tail. 
“Good morning Derek,” you say with a sweet smile setting your bag down on your desk before flattening down your blouse. 
“I need everyone in the briefing room, we got a case.” Your boss Aaron Hotchner says sternly as he walks into the meeting room. 
“I’ll see ya in there sweet thing,” Derek says with a smile before turning to head to the briefing room, classic Derek you thought to your self. You would never admit it out loud but you had the biggest crush on your coworker and close friend Derek Morgan. You knew better than to think that you had a chance with him, you were nothing like the other girls he has dated in the past. There’s no way in hell he’d ever look at you as anything more than friends. You walk into the briefing room sitting next to Spencer. 
“Hey, Spence.” You say as you sit down patting his back. 
“Hi Y/N.,” he says with a smile as he hands you the case file. When you open it you couldn't help but cringe. You knew this was going to be a tough one. 
“Our unsub is abducting women in St. Louis Missouri, between the ages of 20 and 30, he tortures them before killing them by strangulation. He’s dumping the bodies behind local hospitals.” Hotch says explaining the case to his team. 
“It’s almost like he’s feeling remorse by dumping them outside the hospital,” Emily states looking at the crime scene photos. 
“How would that show remorse, they are already dead the hospital can’t do anything,” Derek says. 
“He thinks that by dumping them at the hospital gives them a ‘chance’ to be saved. He is clearly feeling remorseful after the fact.” You state before Spencer joins in. 
“It is not unusual for unsubs to drop their dead or nearly dead victims outside of healthcare faculties, it makes them feel less guilty by thinking that they are going to be able to be saved making the unsub feel like he’s almost doing the right thing.” Spencer elaborates and you nod in agreement. 
“Either way we have a killer on our hands and we need to hurry before he kills again. Wheels up in thirty.” Hotch says before walking out of the room. 
“Let's go catch this guy team.” You say before heading to your desk to get your go-bag and head to the plane. 
When the plane lands in St. Louis you and the team head straight to the police station to get to work, the whole team knew there wasn't much time until he strikes again. There wasn’t much done besides addressing the profile and checking out the crime scenes. 
“This guy is good Hotch.” You say standing next to him as you both survey the scene.
“Yeah, but we’re better. We better head to the hotel, there's not much we can do, and we're running out of daylight.” Hotch says in his signature authoritarian voice.
“I’m going to stay behind and look around some more, we are missing something, I just know it.” You say, your boss lets out a sigh before nodding, he knew better than to argue with you. You were just so passionate about every case, you could never sleep on a case until it was solved. Hotch gathered the team, before everyone left Derek came up to you. 
“You comin’?” Derek asks placing a hand on your shoulder, you could almost feel yourself physically melt under his touch. 
“No, I told Hotch I’m going to stay behind and look around some more. There's something here we're missing, I’m going to find it.” You say and Derek chuckles, shaking his head. 
“I know you will, you're good at what you do. Be careful, call me when you get to the hotel okay?” You smile a soft blush forming on your cheeks at his sweetness.
“Of course,” you say before Derek walks off and your team heads to the hotel for the night, leaving you alone with the other officers that were still cleaning up the scene. You walk around the scene surveying different areas behind the hospital. By the time you made it to the other side of the building the cops were gone, they offered to wait but you insisted they went, you had your gun and your SUV was only a few yards away. Besides, you weren't afraid of this guy you knew he was a coward.
 You walk up to a dumpster, you don't remember you or anyone else checking it out earlier you went to step up to look into it when you felt something cold press your back. 
It was a barrel of a gun. 
You closed your eyes knowing exactly who it was, your unsub. 
“T-take your gun out and put it in the dumpster. N-now!” the man demanded, you knew better than to argue with him. 
“Alright, alright,” you mutter as you slowly pull the gun out of your holster before reaching up and dropping it into the dumpster. 
“I’m going to l-lead you to my car, you scream or try to run your d-dead.” the man stammers out, he was nervous you figured he would be, this isn't what he's used to. He’s becoming bolder you knew he would kill you if you resisted him. He pushes you to the car jabbing the gun into your back to hurry you up. Once your in the back seat he pistol whips you, then everything went dark. 
Back at the hotel, Derek was waiting for you to call or at least text him to let him know you made it to the hotel. It wasn't unusual for you to stay behind at a scene, you always felt like you could see things clearer when you were alone. And most of the time it did work, you'd discover something you missed before, it was almost like a sixth sense to you. Derek nervous about your whereabouts got up and went to Hotch’s room knocking on the door, he promptly answered looking tired as always. 
“Did Y/N come and get her hotel key from you? She hasn't texted me she's here yet so I didn't know if she got her key and maybe fell asleep forgetting to let me know or something.” Morgan explained, Aaron could tell he was worried. 
“No, she did not. Call her.” Hotchner ordered feeling much more alert now at the fact he didn't know where one of his agents was. 
“Straight to voicemail Hotch, this isn't like her,” Derek said running his hands over his head. 
“Gather the team...now!”
You woke to ice-cold water being poured over you, you gasped and quickly sat up shocked. You looked up and saw the unsub standing over you, an evil smile on his face. Out of nowhere, he yanks you up by your hair, you yelped in pain, you tried to fight back but to no avail. Your hands and feet were bound, the man laughed before dropping you on the floor, you take in a deep breath, you didn't want to fall apart in front of the man. You didn't want him to know you were scared and make him feel powerful. 
“My team is going to find you!” You yell but only to be silenced by being kicked in the face, you could taste the blood in your nose and mouth. 
“No they won’t, you're all too stupid to find me. I sat there and watched you all search the scene and no one even noticed me. You'll end up just like the rest of them.” He says that evil smirk still plastered on his face. 
“Fuck. You.” You state looking him dead in the eyes, his face filled with pure rage at your words. He immediately started beating you, kicking you in the stomach and back repeatedly, stomping on your head, punching you in the face. You tried to take it for as long as you could but the pain was becoming too much, tears started running down your face, mixing with your blood. The man smiled grabbing you by your face making you look at him. 
“Not so tough now huh? Bitch.” he said before spitting in your face and kicking you in the head, you were out like a light. 
You were awakened again, but this time by the man's hands around your throat. You panicked, this was it, you were going to die. You didn't know how long you were out or how long you have been here. Hours? Days? Weeks? You had no idea, all you knew you were scared and wanted out, you tried to squirm under him but he only tightened his grip on your throat. So tight you could feel your trachea being crushed under his grip, you felt like you were about to pass out.
“FBI! Step away from her!” You instantly recognized Aaron's voice, thank god. Your relief was cut short when the man ripped you off the floor and put a blade against your throat. You were gasping for breath your eyes wide as you stared at the wonderful team before you, they were your family, you didn't want to die in front of them. 
“Let her go!” Emily yelled stepping closer to you and the unsub, bad move. The man pressed the knife harder against your throat, he was about to drag it across your neck before gunshots rang out and you fell to the floor again. Derek rushed to your side cutting off the rope that was keeping you bound together, you were still gasping for breath from almost being strangled. 
“MEDIC! I NEED A MEDIC IN HERE NOW!” Derek hollered before looking down at your battered face. 
“You're okay pretty girl, you're gonna be okay.” He said tears stung in his eyes, you started crying clinging to him as EMTs rushed to your side loading you on to the stretcher. 
“Morgan you ride with Y/L/N and we will meet you at the hospital,” Prentiss instructed and he nods running after you, getting into the back of the ambulance with you. Derek held on to your hand as the EMTs addressed your less serious wounds and hooked you up to a morphine drip. 
“I knew you guys would find me.” You say your throat feeling incredibly sore, Derek nods kissing your knuckles, you blushed but you didn't care you were in pain. 
“I wouldn't ever leave until we did. I promise to make sure you're never hurt at the hands of another again. I promise.” Derek says tearing up, you were honestly quite shocked at his reaction.  
“Derek, why are you so worked up. It is okay, I’m okay. They got me hooked up to drugs, I feel better already.” You say with a small chuckle trying to lighten the mood but Derek didn't budge. 
“No Y/N I’m serious. I love you so much and I’ve been too much of a coward to admit it to you. Then he took you and I was so worried I was never going to be able to tell you how I really felt.” He says tears now streaming down it his cheeks, you were flabbergasted at his confession, you started crying too squeezing his hand that was still holding on to yours. 
“I love you too Derek. I’ve been afraid to admit my feelings also.” You say softly and Derek smiles kissing your hand. 
“I’m going to protect you, I'll never let anything like that happen to you again. I promise.” He says standing up in the ambulance and placing a soft kiss on your busted lip before sitting back down. You just smiled at him, you knew he would. At that moment you knew that Derek would love and protect you to the best of his ability, and you promised to do the same for him. 
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thecleverdame · 5 years
Origins (one shot)
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Alpha!Werewolf!Sam x Omega!Werewolf!Reader
This story is set in the Hide and Seek AU. This a prequel to Hide and Seek.
Summary: You're a newly bitten wolf with no idea what you truly are. After being turned, you leave everything you know in hopes of finding a new life and in turn find a pack Alpha willing to take you in.
Warnings: ABO smut, a little dub-con, past assault
Beta: @ilikaicalie​
Words: 7.5k
When Nick asked you out on a date, you said yes because he was moderately good looking and seemed interesting. In hindsight Nick probably wasn’t even his real name, but at the time you had no idea that creatures like werewolves even existed. Maybe he picked up on that, your trusting nature and willingness to see the best in people. Maybe that’s why he made you a target.
When he attacked you, he wasn’t trying to change you. The more you go over the details of the assault it’s clear he wanted to kill you. Murder was the end game. He looked excited with his hands wrapped around your neck. His eyes lit up, mouth curled into a thrilled grin as you sputtered and fought back as best you could.
He held you down, then slammed your head against the cement of the sidewalk. You pissed yourself in terror, sure that your last moments were flashing before your eyes. Somewhere in the struggle, he changed into a half human, half wolf that snarled and howled, squeezing tighter and tighter.
When you managed to knee him in the crotch he bit you on the arm. Blood poured down his chin as he looked at you with rage. And then a miracle happened. The sound of a police car filled the night. Blue and red lights swirled and the familiar chirp of the siren sounded.
Nick ran. You laid, staring up at the stars, bleeding profusely from your head and arm, wondering if this was all some cruel joke.
Months Later
The Starlight Motel is old but clean and the best part is that no one bothers you here. You’re a nameless girl in a small town, worlds away from your old life. For the first few months you stretch every dollar, eating ramen noodles and washing your clothes in the bathtub. Anything to make the most of your meager funds.
You’re afraid to be around people. The world is jammed packed with nice, normal humans and you know better than to trust yourself. If you hurt someone you’d never forgive yourself. So you take precautions as best you can. Every night you chain yourself to the bed frame, careful to make sure the cuffs are tight. There’s no room for mistakes.
While you’re not exactly sure of the details, you know some nights you turn into a beast. There are claw marks on the headboard and you've shredded the mattress. The internet says you’re a werewolf and you’re inclined to believe it. You know what you saw when Nick turned. And you know that you can see and hear and smell things no normal person should be attuned to.
All you can do is your best. Lay low, try to stay under control.
When the money runs out you leave the motel and sleep in your car. It’s time you find a way to survive long term and for that you need cash.
You need a job.
There are others like you here. It’s partly why you stayed. When you first arrived in Red Hills you treated yourself to a burger and a beer at The Tavern. The second you stepped in the place you could smell them all around you. And they noticed you too, eyes watching you with interest. You wanted to stay, to find a way to strike up a conversation with one of them but in the end you chickened out and never went back.
But now that you need a job, you figure The Tavern should be your first stop.
The gas tank is hovering just above E as you pull into the parking lot. There’s a gas station just down the road where you’ll use your last few dollars to fill up. It’s just after noon and The Tavern isn’t open. The neon Hot Food! Cold Beer! sign is switched off, but there are two trucks and a car in the lot. Someone must be here.
You check your hair in the rearview, adjusting the neckline of your dress. It’s now or never.
Gravel crunches under your dirty white tennis shoes as you walk up to the building and pull the door open. You’re hit with a blast of cold air and the unnerving quiet of an empty, dark bar. There’s a guy behind the counter, drying freshly washed glass mugs.
He sees you and waves you off.
“We’re not open yet.”
“Oh I’m not here for that. I was hoping maybe you’ve got a job opening.” You walk closer, catching his scent. He’s a wolf. Humans barely register anymore. You belly up to the bar, extending a hand. “I’m Y/N.”
“Andy,” he smiles, drying his hand before shaking yours. After looking you over, he motions to one of the stools. “Never seen you before. You new in town?”
“Yeah. I don’t get out much.” You can smell fresh bacon being cooked in the kitchen and your stomach growls.
“You a waitress?” he asks, picking up the remote and muting the TV above the bar.
“I can be whatever you need me to be.”
“How much are you lookin’ to make?” he asks, giving you his full attention.
“Whatever you’re willing to pay. I just really need a job. I’m a hard worker. I’ll do whatever you need me to. Wash dishes, scrub floors.”
“You’ll probably get some shit, you know, with no…” he looks at your neck and taps his own pulse point with a whistle. “You gotta have thick skin to work here.”
It’s becoming painfully clear there’s a lot you don’t understand about this world.
“I’m good.” You nod. You’re far from thick skinned, but you’re going to have to learn.
“And you can’t work when you’re in heat. The boss doesn’t want a bunch of amped up wolves fighting over who gets a shot at you.” He throws his hands up as if to say not my rule.
In heat. You’ve got no earthly idea what he's talking about. It sounds like you’re going to have to learn a lot of things on the fly.
“Right, got it,” you affirm.
“Well, you’re in luck. We can find a job for you. We lost a waitress last week. I’ll set you up with Laurie for the paperwork. Can you start tonight? We got a new girl!” he shouts toward the kitchen.
“Um.” Your heart falls into your stomach. “Do you ever, you know, have people work off the books?” He gives you a strange look and you panic. You need money. “I’ll work for less. I just don’t have a social security card. I lost it in a...fire.”
“Right.” He stares at you thoughtfully, before tapping the countertop. “Stay here for a minute. I’ll be right back.”
The man that comes back is not Andy. He’s a larger, older man who introduces himself as Benny and smells more like a dog than a wolf. You’ve never been alone with more than one of them at a time and it strikes you how different each of them are.
He stops to look at you, grunts, and then motions for you to follow him. “Over here. Let's have a conversation.”
He slides into a booth and you look around the empty bar hoping for Andy to return, before joining him.
“Andy says you’re looking for a job?” He asks the question but clearly already knows.
“Yes. I’m a hard worker and I-”
“What pack do you belong to? Because it sure as hell isn’t ours.” He chuckles dryly, sitting back and honing in on you.
“Pack?” You’re wide-eyed. Shit. You shouldn’t have come here.
“Are you having trouble understanding me?” He leans forward, both arms on the table. “You must have a pair on you or you’re the dumbest little Omega who ever existed. You’re in our territory without an invitation and you wander into the Alpha’s bar to find work? You got a death wish?”
The Alpha. You gulp, looking around at the empty bar.
“I didn’t know. I’m sorry.” You panic, holding back tears. “I’m sorry, I’ll leave. I won’t come back.”
You calculate how far you can get on twelve dollars worth of gas. If there’s a stiff wind you might make it to Cold River, but it’s doubtful.
You can tell just by looking at him that he’s both impatient and used to intimidating people. He’s getting off on it. Maybe you’re more perceptive now that you’re a werewolf, but you can feel how he feeds off your fear.
“How long have you been in town?” he asks.
“F-five months,” you stutter. “I can just leave-”
“You’re going to sit your little ass right here. You’ve been here five months and you never bothered to seek out the local pack? You the reason there are bodies piling up over by Route 8?”
“What?” Your mind is reeling. The local news has been reporting a string of murders up and down the highway. He’s accusing you of being a murderer. “I’ve never hurt anyone.”
“Yeah, I bet.” He chuckles, rapping his knuckles on the table. “You part of Eli’s pack? He send you here for a little recon?”
“I don’t know who that is. Honestly, I was just looking for a job. I knew there were people like me here. I didn’t know I should have introduced myself. I’m really sorry. Can I please leave? I won’t bother you again.”
“I already told you that you’re not going anywhere. I don’t like to repeat myself.” He raps his knuckles on the table and stands up. “Stay put.”
You sit in the booth, watching Andy and Benny whisper about you, both of them stealing glances as your anxiety level ratchets up to ten. There’s the sound of cars outside. A rowdy, rough around the edges group of men spill into the building. A half dozen of them, all stinking like wolves.
You’re overcome by all the sensations. All of these people are wolves and they each have their own unique scent. But it’s not just the smell, there’s energy coming each one, setting you even more on edge than you already are. One by one they sniff the air and then look toward you before lining up at the bar.
The last man to enter fills the entire door frame, he’s tall with broad shoulders. He looks around, his eyes fix on you immediately as if he already knew you’d be here. Benny wanders over and they have a quick exchange as he points in your direction. Next thing you know this new man is walking up to you.
He’s the Alpha, you know it in your bones. You don’t need anyone to tell you because you can feel him.
The moment he’s close enough for you to catch his scent, you throw up over the side of the booth, onto the cement floor. He doesn’t smell bad, but his scent is too thick, stronger than anything else you’ve ever experienced. He stops short, looking down his shoes, before turning his attention back to you.
“What did you do to her?” he asks over his shoulder.
“Nothing!” Benny throws up both hands. “Just gave her a talking to and she got all cagy. I’ll get a mop.”
“I’m so sorry!” You look up in horror, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. The tears that you’ve managed to hold at bay spill from the corners of your eyes. “I didn’t mean to make a mess.”
“Why are you crying?” he asks, sliding into the booth across from you.
“I’m scared,” you admit.
“Of me?”
“Of all of you.”
“You don’t need to be scared, just take a moment and calm down.” He turns, shouting to Benny across the bar. “Bring us a wet rag!”
“Got it!” Benny confirms from somewhere in the back.
“Take a couple of deep breaths.” Long fingers strum over the table. “We’re just going to talk.”
Benny arrives with a damp towel and water, setting both in front of this new man.
“If someone would just tell me the rules, I can follow them.” You wipe your mouth with the rag, watching as he carefully slides the glass of water across the table to you.
“Why don’t we take it back a notch. We’ll start with the basics. I’m Sam. What’s your name?”
“Y/N,” you whisper, taking a drink.
“And you came in looking for a job?”
“Yes. I didn’t know I wasn’t allowed to be in here.”
“It’s alright,” he offers a little smile. “You told Andy you needed to be paid under the table because you don’t have a social security card. Why not?”
You could lie, make up a story. But the truth is you’re holding all this together by a shoestring that’s about to snap.
“I’m trying to stay under the radar, but I have no idea what the hell I’m doing. My parents will eventually come looking for me. Since I have no idea who to go to about getting a fake ID, I figured I’d try to find a place that would pay me cash.”
“Why don’t you want your parents to find you?” he asks.
“Because of what I am!” You break, tears coming back in full force. “I almost killed my mom. One minute I was fine and the next minute I could hear her heart beating and it made me fucking hungry. If I hadn’t left I would have lost control.”
You hate thinking about that night. The night you realized that nothing would be the same. You’d been in denial pretending you could control yourself, but after that, you knew you had to leave.
“It’s okay.” He nods, leaning forward with both elbows on the table. “It’s an admirable thing to walk away from your family instead of hurting them. What happened to the wolf who turned you?”
“I don’t know. He left me to die. I don’t think I was supposed to survive.”
“I’m very sorry that one of us did this to you without your consent. That’s an awful thing.” His forehead scrunches together, studying your reaction.
“I don’t know what I’m doing. I’ve never been on my own before. I mean, in college but that was different. I took all the cash I had and I ran. And now I’m out of money. I’m sleeping in my car. I’ve got twelve dollars left before I’m completely broke. I just wanted a job. I’m not trying to cause trouble.”
“I believe you.” He tilts his head, eyes narrowing.
“That man said I shouldn’t be here because I’m not part of your pack. I didn’t know, I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. There are well-defined rules, but if you didn’t have someone to take you through the transition, how would you know.” He stops to think, tongue darting out between his lips. “You need pack to survive. To teach you about who and what you are. Would you like to stay here and be part of my pack?”
All the air goes out of the room as you stare at him, then at the men lined up at the bar. Sam is handsome and seems friendly enough but he’s also terrifying.
“What would it mean to be part of your pack?” you ask.
“You would be loyal to the pack and I will take care of you. You live by our rules, contribute to the pack when asked. In return, I’ll find you a job and a place to live. I’ll protect you. You’ll have a family.”
Can it really be as easy as this? Going from total solitude to a community of people who already know your secret.
“What if I don’t want to?”
“You can leave right now.” He shrugs, but his eyes say something different. “But you’re a werewolf who doesn’t understand the gravity of what she is. You’re an unclaimed Omega without a pack who’s sleeping in a parking lot. I don’t think you have many options.”
“What does that mean, Omega?” you ask, eager for any information. “He called me that too.”
“It’s part of what you are. There are other Alphas, like me. And Omegas and Betas. We can get into the specifics later. What you need to know is that it’s not safe for you to be out there on your own. Stay here and let me take care of you.”
You’re quiet for a moment. Every man in the room is silent and still, watching their Alpha. And in turn, he’s watching you with an unwavering stare.
“What does it mean to be loyal to you? Would you expect me to…” Your cheeks flush red. You can’t bring yourself to say it. But all these men ogling you like you’re a cartoon turkey leg are sending a clear message.
Sam shakes his head. “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”
“You swear?” you ask and he smiles a wonderful, genuine smile in response.
“I swear.”
Your stomach growls. This time it’s so loud the whole bar must be able to hear it.
“Are you hungry?”
“Yes,” you admit, looking at your hands.
“Let’s get you something to eat then.”
“I can’t pay,” you whisper. “I would but I need to put gas in my car and I-”
“It’s alright,” he hushes, reaching across the table and curling his hand around your closed fist. It’s immediate and electric. You both stare at each other as a jolt travels from his hand to your stomach, then lower. He feels it too because he pulls away as if he’s been stung. His eyes narrow, jaw going stiff. He yells back toward the bar. “Bring her a cheeseburger.”
He leaves you alone while you eat. No one’s so much as comes within ten feet of you and you get the distinct feeling they’re following an order. When he does come back, he’s sipping an open beer.
“Come on, I’ll show you where you can sleep.”
You walk behind him, painfully aware of every set of eyes watching as you follow Sam down the back hallway.
“In here.” He uses a key to unlock a door and it swings open to reveal an office, his office. There’s a worn-out sofa in the corner. “You can sleep here until we find you a place. The bathroom is in there. There’s a shower. It’s not five stars but it’s safer than your car.”
“Are you sure?” You glance back down the hall. “I don’t mean to sound ungrateful, it’s just, there’s a lot of people here.”
“The door locks. I’ve got the only key. I’ll give it to you when I leave. You’re safe here.”
There are a thousand reasons why you shouldn’t trust him and yet you do. He’s close, standing right beside you. You wish he’d touch you again, to feel that little zing that made your thighs quiver.
“You okay?” he asks.
“Lost in thought I guess.” You take a step back. “If I’m not interrupting your workday, do you think I could have a few minutes to clean myself up? I’ve been using the shower at the truck stop but it’s so dirty and I’m always worried about someone barging in.”
“Of course.” He shoves a hand in his pocket. “I have errands to run. When you’re done go find Andy. He’ll set you up for tonight, get you working. We’ll get you some cash so you don’t feel so trapped.”
“Thank you.” You mean it. He has no reason to offer this kind of assistance. Maybe there’s a quid pro quo coming, but his generosity seems genuine. “I’m not a Pollyanna you know. I might come across as a pushover because I’m overwhelmed, but I’m a strong person. I wouldn’t let anyone take advantage of me.”
“Good.” He walks toward the door, turning back for a final look. “I look forward to getting to know the real you.”
“Hey, I was told you’re the man to see.” You place both hands on the bar, happy to be back in the company of Andy. He’s got a goofy quality to him, friendly and unassuming.
“Indeed I am.” He hands you an apron. “The boss said you need tips. I guess we’ll see what kind of waitress you are.”
“I’ll figure it out.”
“Laurie will be here soon. She’s human, as are half the people who come in here. So ixnay on the werewolf talk.”
“Got it,” you confirm.
“Write all your orders out. Until you develop a shorthand, Bobby wants everything as clear as possible.”
“And Bobby is…”
“The cook.” Andy thumbs back toward the kitchen. “We’ve got a limited menu. Burgers, tacos and nachos are all anyone ever orders. You’ll be fine. We’re pretty relaxed but no breaks between 11 and 2. We’re too busy. The late shift at the mill lets out at 12:30 and we get slammed on Friday and Sunday. So if you need a smoke break do it before or after.”
“I don’t smoke.”
“Me neither.” He goes through a mental checklist, counting with his fingers. “Oh, if anyone gets handsy, touches your ass, you tell Benny. He’ll take care of it.”
“Good to know.” You can’t imagine going to Benny for anything after what an asshole he was earlier. Maybe being part of his pack will sweeten his disposition.
“Oh, before I forget, here.” He slides an envelope across the counter.
“What’s this?” you ask, peeking inside. There’s a stack of twenty-dollar bills.
“An advance.”
“How much is here?” You thumb through the bills. “I don’t need all this. I haven’t done any work yet.”
“Sam said five hundred.” Andy holds up his palm. “I just do what he tells me.”
“Right, thanks.”
You shove the envelope in your pocket, then head back to the office to hide it in your bags.
An hour later you’re sitting across from Laurie, a friendly woman who looks to be about your age. She’s got mousy brown hair and smells like menthol cigarettes. Her nails are bitten into short nubs, adorned with chipped red polish. Sipping Mountain Dew out of a plastic bottle, she goes through the list of your shared responsibilities.
“I work the bar, you handle the tables. It’s gonna be crazy. We need at least two more servers, but people don’t stick around here very long. The girl before you was great but I knew she wouldn’t last.”
“Why not?” you ask, popping a tortilla chip into your mouth.
“I can just tell. I have a sixth sense about these things. Too naive, couldn’t handle the guys. This can be a rough crowd. She was tall, blonde...probably why Sam hired her. He likes pretty girls.” She points to you.
“I think I was just in the right place at the right time.” You blush, folding your hands in your lap.
“There aren’t many options here. We get the long haul truckers, the guys from the mill and Harvey’s construction service. Guys who work sixteen hours a day and come here to blow off steam. You gotta watch yourself.”
“I’ll be alright.” You’re trying to convince yourself as much as her.
You spend the afternoon in the stockroom taking a full inventory of liquor and beer. It’s a dark, dingy room packed to the gills with unorganized supplies. You count cases and bottles until you can hardly think straight. You haven’t used your brain this much in months. It’s exhausting.
There a soft knock on the door and Sam pokes his head in.
“Hi.” You smile, looking away as your cheeks go hot. Christ, he smells so good.
“Hi.” He grins, sliding next to you in front of the shelves. “How are things going?”
“I’m good.” You suppress the urge to giggle, overcome with bubbling excitement to be this close to him.
He looks over the bottles, feigning interest. “Were you looking for me?”
“Yeah, I just wanted to thank you for everything. I went from having zero prospects, to having a job and a place to sleep. And the cash advance...I really appreciate everything you’re doing for me.”
“I’m the pack Alpha. It’s what I do. You’re one of us now.”
“Is that why you smell so good?” you ask, instantly mortified. “Sorry, it’s just, no one else smells the way you do. Is that because you’re an Alpha?”
“No,” Sam chuckles, then clears his throat. “That’s something else.”
“Oh,” you whisper, looking at the floor. You want to crawl under the rack.
“If it makes you feel better, I’ve never met an Omega with a scent like yours.”
“You like the way I smell?”
“Like is an understatement.” He looks at you, eyes dropping down your body and back up. There’s little subtlety in this new world.
“Do you have someone?” you ask, looking up at him. Those eyes entrance you, spellbound in a frozen moment where it’s only the two of you and the rest of the world melts away.
“No.” He steps closer, a hand reaching out to run the back of his fingers across your cheek to your ear. You shiver at the touch, your whole body going tingly, sucking in a shaky breath.
“I would think that being the Alpha you wouldn’t have trouble finding women.”
“I have plenty of options,” he murmurs, stroking his thumb over your cheekbone. “But finding a woman to fuck and finding a mate are two very different things.”
“I see,” you pull away, slinking out of his reach.
“What I said bothered you?” He looks genuinely surprised.
“No,” you lie. “But I’m not the kind of person who would offer myself up to be another notch on your belt.”
“I never thought you would be.” His implications are clear but you’ve reached your capacity for the day and he can sense it. “I’m making you uncomfortable.”
“No, I just, um, the way you smell makes it hard for me to think straight. I’m not sure that’s fair.”
“Probably not.” He gives you one final look and slips back out the door.
The night wears on. You move from the storeroom to the main bar as it gets busier. The Tavern is the only place with a liquor license in fifty miles. Every drunk in the county is drawn like a moth to a flame.
Laurie wasn’t kidding. You can’t keep up with slinging beers much less food, but you try your damndest, running from one end of the place to the other.
“You alright, kid?” Bobby asks, shoving a burger across the window from the kitchen to the pickup area at the side of the bar.
“Yeah, I’ll get used to it,” you smile, checking the order slip.
“Why don’t you take a breather.” Bobby wipes off his hands and takes the plate himself. “I got you covered for a few minutes.”
“You’re a lifesaver. Thank you.” You head back toward Sam’s office, only to be met by a man twice your size. “Excuse me.” You try to get around him, but he blocks your way.
“Look at you,” he grins, rocking to the side. He’s a wolf, his scent is musty and laced with old beer and weed. “You’re the new one, huh?”
“Yeah, my first night.” You sidestep and he counters.
“You in a hurry? You should slow down a little.” He takes a step forward and you retreat in tandem.
“Please don’t...” you whisper.
“Don’t what?” He smiles, getting closer. “Just tryin’ to get to know you a little better.”
“I-I’m working,” you sputter, trying to look past him. You could scream, but the music is so loud no one would hear you.
“Don’t be rude,” he sneers. “I bet you’d like me if you gave me a chance.”
“What the fuck are you doing back here, Virgil?” Sam’s voice booms from behind the man. “Get off her.”
Sam grabs Virgil by the nape of his neck, pulling him off you as he shouts in protest.
“I wasn’t doing nothin’!” he hollers, walking on his tiptoes as Sam pushes him backward. “We were talkin’.”
“Yeah, I bet.” Sam pulls the man close, leaning down to hiss into his ear. Both of them staring directly at you. “You get out of here and don’t come back. I’m not gonna tell you twice. Understand?”
“Yep,” he nods enthusiastically. Sam lets him go, and he scrambles away.
“You alright?” Sam asks.
No, you’re not alright. You’re shaking like a leaf.
“I just..h-he t-took me off guard. That’s all.”
“Come here.” He takes you by the arm, ushering you toward his office. His touch alone is enough to send you reeling.
“I never used to be so scared,” you explain. Sam closes the door, giving you his full attention. “It wasn’t being turned into a werewolf that spooked me. It was the attack itself. He tried to kill me and now I’m a mess every time some guy comes on to me.”
“I won’t let anyone hurt you,” he promises softly, getting closer until you have to tip your head back to look up at him. You believe him. Sam feels like safety, like belonging.  
“Why are you so nice to me?” you ask.
“The same reason your heart speeds up when we’re together.”
He’s right, your heart is thumping fast and hard at the proximity. You hardly know him, you definitely should not entertain the host of ideas swirling in your head. It’s a constant stream of all the dirty, nasty things you’d let him do to you.
Sam is handsome, big and powerful, and the first person to make you feel truly safe in a long time. But he’s also got you riled. His very presence sparks an instant and overpowering attraction that you’ve never felt before.
“You know,” he slinks toward you and you step back in tandem until your back meets the wall. “If you smelled like me, they wouldn’t bother you. It’s the second-best thing to having my mark on your neck.”
His mark. You’re not sure what that means but not opposed to finding out.
“I’m not a one night stand,” you whisper, fractured and needy. “I’m not disposable.”
“I don’t plan on getting rid of you,” he whispers, grinning slyly as a hand finds your hip. You moan as his fingers curl into skin and then his body is pressing against yours, the weight of him pinning you to the wall. His head drops down, nose and mouth, hot and open against your neck as he breathes in. You’re unsure of what this is, but it feels supremely intimate as he scents you. His other hand slides under your jaw, holding your head in place while he nips under your ear. His hips press forward and you can feel his cock straining through his jeans, pressing against your stomach.
“You feel how hard you make me?” he murmurs, sucking your earlobe into his mouth. You nearly come off the ground, whimpering and shaking. Desperate to hold on, you loop an arm around his neck. You grab his hand, prying it off your hip and placing it over your crotch. He smiles against your neck, pulling back to get a look at you. “You want me to show you what being an Omega means?”
“Yes,” you nod.
His hand finds its way under your dress, then down the front of your panties. Two long, thick fingers press along either side of your clit and curl under. He strokes between your folds, first where you’re sticky and then sinking inward where you’re wet and burning up inside.
You hiss, feeling him push in up to his knuckles.
“Fuck.” He’s breathless, pulling out and pushing back in as you twist on his fingers. “I’m going to stretch you open...so wet for me, Omega. Fucking perfect.”
“Sam!” You practically cry out, moving your hips down against his hand as he fucks you, slow and measured. The two fingers inside scissor open and you snap your head back against the wall with a thud, moaning as he continues to stroke inside your cunt.
He pulls his hand from between your legs and drops to his knees right there on the carpet. Lifting your dress around your hips, he peels your panties down your legs until you’re able to step out of them. He looks up, grinning wide and then buries his face in your cunt as you squeal.
His tongue is thick and strong, licking over your clit and then down between your folds, following the path of his fingers. It darts in and out of your soaked hole, tasting and grunting, trying to get as far inside you as he can with his nose pressed against your bud.
You can hear it, the sound of his tongue in your pussy. It’s the most obscene thing you could have ever imagined, the wet squelch echoing off the walls of his office.
Sam huffs, hot breath over your mound as he feasts. Both his hands dig into the clammy skin on the back of your thighs, holding you open and keeping you up right at the same time.
“Sam, fuck, I, fuck,” you ramble, head thrashing side to side. You fist two hands of his hair, grinding your cunt into his face until it’s not clear where you end and he begins.
Before you know what’s happening he’s back on his feet, pressing against your lips in a crushing kiss. You can taste yourself on him as he pulls you close. You suck on his tongue, wanting more of anything and everything he’s offering.
“Come here,” he growls. Picking you up off the floor, your pussy grinds against the front of his shirt before he drops you onto the couch and rips his shirt over his head. His pants come off next, hopping on one foot as he stares at you.
Wedging a hand between your thighs, you rub your clit, watching as his underwear slide down. His cock is huge, swollen and curved up against his stomach. You’ve only ever seen a cock this big in porn, but here he is. Just as beautiful as he is intimidating.
He takes his cock in his hand, stroking himself and licking his lips. Both of you touching yourselves at the anticipation of what comes next.
He reaches for your legs, running his hand up the back of your calves and hooking under each knee. Your hand falls away from yourself at the sight of him spreading you open and kneeing his way between your thighs.
Looking to you for final confirmation, he grabs his dick, pushing the head against your pussy and sinking inside. His hips slide forward, pushing until you’re sure he’s going to split you in two. There’s no more you can possibly take and yet you open up until he’s rooted. His eyes roll back into his skull and your tongue pushes against the roof of your mouth.
“Uh,” you pant, grabbing at his biceps. Your eyes open and close, mouth open in a constant, agonizing moan. You’re full and stretched and hovering on the edge of something unknown.
His lips find yours, meeting in an open-mouth kiss. He grunts, sucking on your lower lip as he pulls back, cock dragging thick and slow. He’s almost completely out, just the head left inside, before giving a solid thrust back home.
“Fuck,” he groans, finding a quick pace, fucking you root to tip with every stroke. He buries his face into your neck, one hand cupping a breast as he ruts into your pussy. He turns, kissing under your chin, licking a stripe from between your collar bones, upward. “Gonna knot you, make you cum so hard.”
You’ve got no earthly idea what he means, but you want it all. Your entire body is quaking with the intensity from having him inside you. The wet sound of your body taking his cock fills the room until all you can hear is his constant grunting and the slap of bodies coming together.
“Sam,” you urge him on, gripping the sweaty hair at the back of his neck with one hand, the other sliding down the fake leather of the couch.  
“Alpha,” he nips at your jaw. A hand fists into your hair, short nails digging into your side as he holds you in place, thrusting faster, harder. “Call me Alpha when I’m inside you.”
“Alpha,” you breathe, nodding in submission. You’ll call him anything he wants as long you get to fuck him again.
“Turn over,” he instructs, plucking a wet kiss before pulling away. You’re empty and cold, everything between your legs sticky, as you give him a look and roll onto your stomach. “Hands and knees. Spread your legs for me, Omega.”
You assume the position, pushing your ass into the air as he settles between your calves. One hand pressed on the small of your back as his cock pushes back into your cunt. In this position, you have no control over how deep he can get. Surging forward, you get a sense of his real power when his pelvis smacks into your backside.
He fucks hard, hips moving fast, then faster until your cunt is almost raw from the friction. It’s when he slows down that you feel something different, the stretch becoming increasingly more challenging.
“What’s happening?” You reach back behind yourself, and he grabs your hand still stroking in and out, in and out, growing thicker by the second. “Alpha,” you try to look behind you. His hand pulls your hip backward, grinding his cock as deep as he can get. Whatever is happening, it’s more than your body can take. “Sam, please, it hurts.”
“It’s okay,” he gulps, curling over your back. “It’s gonna feel good. You’re gonna cum, just trust me.”
“I can’t, I-”
He pulls out one final time before ramming back inside. His cock has to work to get inside you, pushing with unrelenting force until your pussy finally opens up for him. And then the pressure becomes unbearable and snaps. His cock swells and you see stars. The pain morphs, curls into something else altogether. Vision blurs, time stops and you cum like a freight train, jerking and twitching.
“Fuck,” he wheezes, rocking forward, both hands gripping the arm of the couch, framing your shoulders.
You’re out of your mind. Floating on a sexual high that shouldn’t exist. You can feel it, the warmth spreading inside. The way your cunt milks his cock until you’re filled to the limit with cum and it leaks down your thighs.
There’s nothing more to do than concentrate on breathing as every muscle in your body contracts and releases. Little shocks jerking your body as his mouth kisses the top of your spine.
“Holy shit.” You collapse under him, letting his weight press you down into the sofa. “What is that?”
“My knot.” He rocks forward again, tugging deep within your pussy. “Does it feel good?”
“Ahmm,” you nod, cheek sticking to the couch.
He strokes his hand up and down your sides, mouth kissing at your shoulder, over your back. When he finally finds his way back to your lips, you’re hungry for him again. Opening up to feel the slide of his tongue over yours. His knot lessens little by little until he can pull out.
“Turn over,” he instructs, a rush of his cum running out of your swollen cunt.
He sits on his heels, taking one leg and pulling it up over his shoulder. Two fingers sink into your pussy, easily sliding into the warm, sticky mess between your legs.
“I feel like you drugged me,” you smile up at him, gasping as his fingers twist deeper inside you. His cock is just as hard as before he came, bobbing obscenely below his belly. “You’re still hard.”
“You’re still wet.” He teases you, looking at your sex, his thumb pressing at your bud. “You need more?”
“I don’t think I’m done yet.” You’re drunk on him, on his skin and his hands, how fucking dirty this all feels.
“I’ll make you cum until you can’t walk,” he grins.
“Promise?” You raise an eyebrow and he looks at you in amusement.
“You’re gonna get it now.”
“Oh yeah?” You goad him. “What could possibly-oh fuck.”
He leans forward, his mouth closing around a nipple, sucking, then teeth biting until you’re squirming along this new line of pleasure and pain.
It’s the gentle clicking of a keyboard that wakes you up. You’re belly down in his bed, opening your eyes to the sight of Sam sitting propped against a pillow, with a laptop on his lap. Stretching out long, you yawn and let your eyes fall closed again.
You remember him dragging you out of the bar. Pulling over on the side of the road when you were overcome with the sudden urge to suck his cock.
“Did I wake you up?” he asks and you blink your eyes open again.
“Yeah, but it’s okay.” You smile into the pillow. His very presence makes you giddy. “I was afraid you were a dream. That I was going to wake up back in my car.”
“I’m real.” He smiles, punching the enter key and closing the computer, setting it on the side table. Turning on his side, he props himself up on an elbow, looking down at you in amusement. “You were exhausted. You were out the minute your head hit the pillow.”
“I was, I still am. You wore me out. And it’s been a long time since I really slept. Even at the motel, I felt uneasy. What time is it?”
“Almost six.”
“You’re an early riser.”
“Normally, yeah. I get up, work out. Go over the numbers from the bar.”
“You stayed in bed for me?”
“I didn’t want you to wake up and think I left you. Besides, I’d rather be here with you.”
You grin, pressing your face into the pillow and laughing. That same excitement you felt yesterday floods back.
“What's wrong?” Sam chuckles as you roll onto your back
“You make me feel like I just woke up next to my high school crush. Or I won the lottery or something.”
“Endorphins. I feel it too.” He lays down on his back, taking your hand into his and holding it up to inspect your fingers. “Things move fast in our world.”
“That's an understatement.” You take a deep breath, staring at this handsome man beside you. “I can’t believe I’m here.”
“Here with me or here metaphorically?”
“Both. Yesterday morning I thought I was going to starve to death in my shitty car. Now I’m here with a guy I hardly know. But I feel like I do know you. My head is spinning.”
“Do you regret it?” he asks, turning to look at your face as he holds your hand against his chest. “Maybe I should have slowed things down. Given you more time. It’s just when I smelled you, I knew.”
“Knew what?”
“We were meant to be together. That we were going to be together. You’re my mate.”
He grins, big and broad, so happy his eyes wrinkle into little lines. You choke on your own spit, stunned by this declaration.
“What? How could you even know?”
“I can feel it, smell it on you.” His hand spreads out over your stomach as he watches his fingers stretch out.
It sounds crazy but you know it’s true. The minute he said the word you felt something whirl to life.
“We just met,” you whisper, suddenly apprehensive. “This doesn’t scare you?”
“That’s the beauty of what we are. When we know, we know. You’re mine. I can feel it in my bones.”
You stare at him, looking down at your stomach and the width of the enormous hand covering you from hip to hip.
“I’m scared,” you admit.
“I understand why, but you don’t need to be.” His hand moves to your face, stroking over your jaw. “I’ll take care of you, make you mine. You’ll always have everything you need.”
“And what if I’m not the person you imagine me to be?” you ask quietly. “I’m messy. I hate waking up before noon and I’m selfish.”
“That’s okay. You’re allowed to be human, it’s half of what we are.”
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seriouslyhooked · 4 years
When We Collide (Part 1)
Emma Swan has always known one thing: trust no one but yourself. Unfortunately she forgot her one rule and now she’s paying for it. One bad decision led her to the monstrous ‘Crocodile’ a mobster in New York who goes by the name Gold. Hope seems lost until she meets another person in this underworld, Killian Jones. Despite the place they find each other, a true love blossoms, and they manage to get away. But what will happen when Emma discovers who Killian really is? Will love prevail? Um, yeah, I’m writing this, so duh – it’s all love all the time. Fic features motorcycles, hot guys in leather cuts, and a bit of action/drama. Will end happily, and despite the first chapter, will be light on angst. Available on FanFiction Here and AO3 Here. 
A/N: Hey everyone! Surprise! There’s a new fic I’m here to share with you all, and full disclosure, it is very different than my usual fare. You will be able to tell that from this first chapter, and for some of my readers it might be a bit too much. Not to worry, this is just a prologue of sorts, and next chapter will start in a brighter, more hopeful place (we will flash forward in time). Be advised that there is no graphic violence or anything like that, but the premise of this story involves Emma owing a debt to Gold (a mob boss in New York) that she has to pay. She’s working it off in a bar, but she’s not exactly free to go as she does. That’s a lot angstier of a situation than I ever like to deal with, so it’s temporary, but want to give you all the heads up just so you know. I suspect a lot of you will read this and think it’s not that bad, but I figure it’s best to give everyone the heads up. Anyway, I promise that this story will eventually be just as fluffy and feels-filled as my other stories, and I hope you’ll give it a try, even if you decide to skip this chapter and just join for the next. Also, just to shout out the excellent song that partially inspired this fic, you should all listen to the song ‘Collide’ by Tiana Major9 & EARTHGANG. It’s a really beautiful song, and I hope the fic can embody the feel of it as it continues to unfold. Thanks so much for reading, and hope you enjoy!
Maybe I’ll get lucky and everyone will forget I’m back here, Emma thought to herself as she counted up the bottles on the shelves, taking a quick inventory of what they had for the bar out front.
She also needed to keep this count to protect herself. She’d learned a few days into this gig that Gold’s men loved their liquor and they had a tendency to come back here and take it. Instead of letting them do that and then allowing her and her coworkers to take the blame, Emma came up with a system including locks on the door and an electronic documentation of what they had and when. There was no wifi hook up, obviously, as Gold made sure to keep a strict lock on their surroundings, but it did provide an timestamped trail that proved she was taking nothing from this place. Every night she cashed in her tips with Sydney, the bar’s ‘owner’ but really just Gold’s front man and lap dog, and she watched as the debt she owed grew smaller and smaller. In six more months she’d be free of this and she was doing anything and everything she could to shorten that time.
Thinking about her debt made a flare of anger rise in her belly. Truth was this wasn’t even her fucking debt, it was Lily’s, a woman Emma believed to be her friend. They’d met when they were still kids, both of them runaways, and though time had driven them apart, they reconnected when they realized they were both living in New York. Emma had managed to get steady, honest work and was doing her best to claw up from the nothing that she’d started with in life, and she thought Lily was doing the same. Boy had she been wrong.
It turned out that Lily didn’t pay her part of the rent with anything resembling clean money. She’d worked for Gold, and then she fucked him over and ran, leaving Emma none the wiser and thrust into the fallout of a crime she’d never committed. When that moment came Gold gave her two choices: pay off the money he was owed, or suffer a bit before accepting and still paying, but in a less desirable way. Emma chose the former, and she gave everything she had to the man, but it still wasn’t enough. Lily had managed to get off with almost 50k, and while that was chump change to Gold, it was more than double Emma’s savings. Still she’d promised to get him the money, to give him every paycheck she could, save for her rent and food expenses. But it didn’t satisfy the Crocodile, as people were prone to calling him. Gold decreed that she’d work in the bar and that was that. She’d also been ‘moved’ to one of the apartments above the place. But none of her actual belongings ever arrived. All she had was work uniforms and bare essentials. There was no TV, no phone, no nothing. She’d been graced with tattered linens, the most basic of household essentials (as in one plate, one fork, one of everything) and a bunch of dusty books on ranging topics left from tenants past. She also had a chip on her shoulder, created from the unjustness of this whole situation, pushing her to get out of this shit as fast as she could.
“Yo, Emma, you coming back at some point?” A voice asked from the doorway. It was one of her coworkers, a guy named August who she’d never had much to do with. He seemed pretty okay, but then again, he was here working for Gold and he didn’t even seem to have the whole debt-pay off factor going. That was a huge red flag, and one of the reasons Emma never trusted him much. “We got customers.”
“One minute,” she said, and waited until the door swung closed again. Knowing she was along she closed her eyes and took some steadying breaths, gearing up for what would no doubt be a terrible night.
It’s temporary. You just have a few more months. You’ve survived worse. You can survive this too.
When she felt strong enough to put her mask in place and face the raucous debauchery that awaited her outside, Emma squared her shoulders and headed out. Her eyes had to adjust quickly to the dimness of the lighting, and she took in the stronger scents of stale cigar smoke and piss that always clung to this place. No matter how much they cleaned after hours, there was no getting rid of the odor or the grime. This bar was better off burned to the ground and completely built over, but to the men who frequented it, this place was the closest thing they had to home. The Lair, as the neon sign outside advertised, was a total dive, and it was filled to the brim with low-rate mobsters and criminals.
This was one of those places that Hollywood constantly tried ripping off to no avail. In some ways it was completely corny and predictable, and so blatant in its criminal ties that it felt like a joke that everyone was in on. But the embellishments and adornments here were over the top and gaudy, too tacky even for a Las Vegas casino. Gold’s namesake was splashed everywhere, from the countertops to the barstools to the curtains on the back walls. When the finishing got gross and dirty, they’d be replaced, but the style was dated and straight out of the 70s. It was a mobster hideaway with no pretensions, and Emma always thought to herself that the cops should be busting in every night. This was an obvious den of misconduct, but no cops ever came. The reality was that Gold had half the police force in his pocket, and the other half were too scared to cross him for fear of what he’d bring down on them. Gold might be ridiculous and over the top, but he was powerful, and more than that he was smart, so smart Emma knew better than to ever try to run and think she could get away with it.
“Well, well, well. Ain’t you lookin good tonight, sweetheart?”
Emma fought the instinct to roll her eyes at the slurred and shouted words that crossed the bar top over to where she was standing. Two months into her captivity here, and Emma knew better than to let her baser instincts win out. Despite how gross this man was, and how underwhelming he was on any metric of attractiveness, Emma couldn’t cave to her want to blow him off. Doing so was a risk, and if she had any chance of surviving this hell hole, she could not afford to take those.
“What can I get you, Mr. Black?” Emma asked, ignoring the stench of sweat and booze that mingled with the man’s cheap aftershave. She looked at him for only a second before looking down again, knowing her best bet was to try and blend into the background and let these men set their sights on the women who actually wanted to be here.
“I’ll take a night in bed with you, darlin’.” Emma chocked down a gag but flashed an insincere smile as she shook her head.
“You know the rules, Black. I work for Gold in a strictly drink-serving capacity.”
“Damn waste if you ask me, putting talent like you up in the bar.”
A waste? Emma considered it a small miracle. Since the day that Gold’s men had swarmed her apartment with guns drawn, looking for Lily, Emma had been completely at the will of a monster. She knew from the second they apprehended her and brought her back here that she could be destined for anything. People talked about Gold in this city and there was no crime he was too good to partake in. He had brothels all over the place and a stake in the skin trade. He ran drugs and guns, made people disappear and black mailed anyone he could. He had no moral restrictions, and no love greater than the one had for money and control. He owned this city in almost every single way, and if he chose to, he could make her life even worse than it was now. So much worse. It sent a shiver up her spine to even contemplate some of the things she’d heard whispered about. But Gold, as dark and twisted as he was, did have a code, and he’d briefly explained it to her the night she was brought in.
“I’m a man who collects his debts, Miss Swan, but I am also a man who sees a whole story. You had nothing to do with Lily’s betrayal, I know this. You’re collateral damage, a source of collection through no fault of your own. The debt must be payed, but since you yourself have never wronged me, I’ll be good to you. You even think of crossing me, however, and you’ll live to regret it.”
Emma knew the truth when she heard it. Her gut was never wrong. Even with Lily, the problem wasn’t that Emma had missed her true colors, she’d just chosen to ignore the telltale signs of a problem person because she really had no other friends. She hoped that Lily may come around, that she’d get better and really try and make a go of things in an above board way, but with Gold there was no doubt as to the veracity of his threat. If he felt Emma was disloyal, he’d punish her, and if at the end of this there was any doubt that she’d turn on him, she would never be free. She had to be picture perfect in her actions. A pretty, polite prisoner who served their time and then kept silent. She was ready to do that, she just had to stick to her plan and keep her head up in the meantime.
As she made Mr. Black’s drink and got caught into the flow of the bar, serving men their beer and liquor until they all got drunk as hell, Emma counted down the seconds until the night would be over. She gathered her measly tips, and kept them guarded close, and she knew that tonight would be like every other. She was trapped here, in this darkness, destined to be unhappy but determined to survive. When she was free of this she’d go as far away from Gold’s hold as she could. She’d find a cabin somewhere, live a quiet kind of life, and she’d never put herself in this kind of position again. Her lesson had been learned – she could trust no one but herself, and though that was a totally lonely sensation, she had to try and accept it or risk hurting herself all over again down the line.
Suddenly, in the midst of the normal night’s activities, the front door blew open and Emma felt a tingling of anticipation when it did. She hadn’t looked in that direction all night long, never liking the people who would dare to enter here, but her instincts were screaming at her to turn around and look. She had no idea why, but when she obeyed the internal command, she was shocked into stillness, caught up in the sight of the man who’d just walked in.
Tall, dark, and fiercely handsome, this man was sin personified and so much better looking than the other thugs that came here every night. He didn’t look out of place though, aside from his attractiveness. The clothes he wore were made of leather and spoke to some dangerous intent. He made no show to hide the side arms he was carrying, one on his hip and one strapped across his chest, and the scowl on his face made him seem hard and unapproachable. For a moment, Emma had the chance to take him in, and despite the fierceness of his expression, she felt a flutter low in her stomach.
His chiseled jaw with the well-trimmed beard he had was hot, as was the symmetry of his features and the way his broad body clenched and she could see his muscles. But if someone were to ask her what stood out most about this mystery man it was his eyes. They were blue, like the ocean in places she’d only read about. They weren’t icy or cold, but warm somehow and so thoroughly enticing. She felt herself lost in them, and then he looked at her, their gazes connecting, and that sensation grew so much stronger. She felt a kind of pang echo through her ribcage the moment he took her in, and she watched as the hardness of his face shifted ever so slightly. It was a small tell, most people wouldn’t have noticed, but Emma did, and she knew that he felt this too. Whatever the hell this was – the man who’d just arrived was just as captive to it as she was.
“Ah, Captain, you’re here!” One of the regulars said, laughing and flailing about as only truly drunk men did. “Didn’t think we’d ever get you to The Lair. Thought you was too good for us.”
The man they called ‘Captain’ tore his gaze from Emma and moved over to the man who’d called him over. His stride was measured and almost graceful, and Emma couldn’t help but follow him with her eyes. This was so unlike her. She made it her business not to watch anyone too closely. The less she knew about what everyone was really up to the better, but she was intrigued by this newcomer in a way she’d never been before.
“Boss wants to see you, Alvin. Something about the McManus shipment.” Alvin blanched at the comment and swallowed harshly and Emma knew for certain that this man was in trouble with Gold. She didn’t have much sympathy for Alvin, and in fact most of her intention was focused on this stranger, who had the touch of an accent she couldn’t quite place. His voice was silky and low, tantalizing in a way, and she wanted to hear more of it. “Perhaps you’d like a drink for the road. Not sure when you’ll have the chance for another.”
“Bring them this,” Sydney said, materializing from nowhere next to Emma. She jumped at the unexpected intrusion into her thoughts, and looked at the two glasses.
“Is this rum?” she asked dumbly and Sydney nodded.
“The best. Captain likes the good stuff.”
“Right,” Emma said, moving over with the tray to the table where both men sat. When she got there, she was struck speechless again. Being so close to this man only added to the allure. He was even more interesting close up, and she lost her head a little bit at the sight of him, but tried to pull herself together as best he could. “Your drinks, gentlemen.”
Alvin took the drink and downed in, but the stranger took his time, glancing at her over the glass and nodding. He didn’t smile, but his eyes conveyed a warmth he’d shared with no one else here. “Thank you, love.”
Knowing she couldn’t linger, Emma moved back to the other tables, continuing her work, but when she noticed Alvin and the mysterious man standing up to go a few minutes later, she felt a dash of disappointment. He was leaving, and she didn’t even know his name.
Okay, seriously? What the hell Emma? He’s one of them. He works for Gold. You don’t care about him. You can’t care.
The voice in her head scolded her for her fanciful thinking and this completely mistimed attraction. It was so foolish to think of him as anything but a threat, but her heart lurched at the thought. She was overcome with these weird feelings. Being so drawn to a man so quickly had never been her style. Certainly not now when she was in survival mode. But as she turned around to fill a tray with empty glasses on one of the far tables, she felt a presence behind her. She whipped around too quickly, only to run into him, and if it hadn’t been for his steadying hands, one on her arm and the other on her tray, the glasses would have shattered.
“You all right, love?”
“Um,” she licked her lips as her eyes darted up to and she nodded once. “Yes. I’m fine.”
“Good. Just wanted to give you this,” he said, handing her a tip. It was generous. Like a couple hundred-dollar bills generous. It was way more than their drinks had been and way way more than she could ever accept. It felt wrong, but there was a part of her that was desperate to keep it. This would put her that much closer to freedom. It was almost a week she wouldn’t have to work. Still she pushed it back at him.
“I can’t. It’s too much.”
“It’s hardly enough,” he replied ardently and her brow furrowed as she looked at his face, the earnestness on it clear as day to her. “I know these men, love. There’s no way they give you what you’ve earned. Not tonight, not ever. So please, take it.”
“Okay,” she agreed after a moment’s hesitation, feeling gratified by the fact that she had earned this, even if he wasn’t the one who should have to pay. “Thanks…”
“Killian,” he filled in before she could decide to use the nickname that Alvin had called him by.
“Killian,” she repeated, tasting the name on her tongue and loving the way it felt as it passed through her lips. “I’m Emma, by the way.”
“Emma,” he replied with a grin that was there and gone so quickly she would have missed it as she blinked. As it was, she knew she saw it, and that look was even more breathtaking than the rest of him. No one had a right to be that sexy. No one. “Well, until next time, Emma.”
With that, he turned and walked away, cold and composed once more as he led Alvin out of the bar and headed off into the night. And though Emma knew very little about him, she had a feeling she’d just met someone very important. Through the mist of all the new emotions and excitement, she sensed, deep down, that this man – Killian – mattered, and that somehow, someway, their fates were intertwined, destined to lead them back to each other in one way or another.
Post-Note: So there we have it! This is a short glimpse into the fic, kind of like a prologue if you will. Next chapter will flash forward a bit, because this honestly was angsty enough for me to write. I do not want to dwell in the bad circumstances Emma finds herself in, and instead want to get us to a fluffier, if still a bit wilder place than I am used to. As the description says this will be an MC (motorcycle club) romance, and we’ll reveal how that will come to pass in the next few chapters. In the meantime, I would love to hear what you all think! This is a break away from my usual fare, and pretty much the opposite of the other fic I am currently writing, but I have wanted to write a story like this for a really long time. I’m eager to share the rest of this fic with you all, and hope you will join me on this fun new journey. Anyway, thanks for reading and hope you have a great rest of your day!
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fuckedstucky · 5 years
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How to be a heartbreaker
Chapter 3
“Well then you’ll just have to protect me.” She said as they walked out of the club.
The pair walked into the cold New York evening together, Y/N pressed as closely as she could get to Steve. Looking at the pair you might think she was cuddling close to keep herself warm, but she was really trying to keep Steve warm. His coat was a thin, tan windbreaker that she knew could never actually keep him warm.
They walked silently down the dimly lit road into the heart of Brooklyn. Y/N kept looking over at Steve, he was shorter than her by about 4 or 5 inches, with her heels on. It was something that she thought would’ve bothered her and yet she found that she couldn’t have cared less. Steve was charming, sweet, had the sweetest pair of baby blue eyes she’d ever seen, pouty lips, and a strong jawline. She knew instantly that nothing he could ever do would make her change her mind about him. She was In love, and she’d only known him for a few hours.
She followed Steve up the stairs to his apartment, which he’d said that he shared with his mother. She could tell he was slightly embarrassed about telling her. She told him about her home life, it was just her and Frankie now that both their parents had passed. She told him how Frankie was getting deeper and deeper involved with shady people, and how that was one of the big reasons he was as protective as he was.
They walked into Steve’s apartment and it was surprisingly very quiet.
“Ma?” Steve called and got no response. Y/N could see the panic on his face, as he checked the fridge for his mother’s work schedule. Y\N walked around the kitchen and gasped.
“Steven, baby call an ambulance!” Y/N said falling to her knees in his den, by his unconscious mother. Steve quickly called the police and ran to his mothers side, Y/N rushed to get a cold compress.
The ambulance was there in 8 minutes, and they rode to the hospital. Steve never letting go of Y/N’s hand.
Steve and Y/N sat in the stuffy overflowing waiting room of the Brooklyn Baptist Hospital. Steve had just calmed down after giving himself an asthma attack.
“STEVE?! Stevie!” Bucky called running over to them. His hair was messed up, he had kiss marks on his neck and the collar of his shirt.
“Buck? How’d you know we were here?” Steve asked, still trying to settle his breathing.
“Y/N found my number in your address book, is your momma okay? Have you heard anything yet?” Bucky asked. Steve’s eyes met Y/N for a silent thank you.
“Tuberculosis, working in a TB ward finally caught up to her.” Steve sighed, tears filling his eyes. Y/N still hadn’t let go of Steve’s hand and was now rubbing his back softly.
“You don’t have to stay, ya know.” Steve mumbled looking up at her with tear filled red eyes. She squeezed his hand tightly.
“I’m not leaving, Steven.” Steve nodded silently, leaning his head against her shoulder. She could barely make out the small Thank you that Bucky whispers as Steve falls asleep.
When Steve woke up he looked over to see that he was leaning on Bucky’s shoulder. He looked around the room and Y/N was nowhere to be found. He sighed, knowing that either it was all a dream or she had fled while he was asleep to avoid the awkward goodbye.
“Whatcha lookin’ for, Sweetface?” Y/N said, walking up to him and Bucky in a form fitting baby blue dress, arms full of coffee cups and brown bags.
“I thought you’d left?” Steve said helping her with the coffee cups.
“Never. I had to change out of my stage dress.” She smiled. “Now I got some biscuits, and eggs, so you need to eat up.” She said sitting down across from him and a still sleeping Bucky.
“I’m not really all that hungry right now..” Steve started. “Well I am.” Bucky said yawning and grabbing a biscuit while he stretched.
“I thought you were shipping out today?” Steve said, taking a biscuit for himself. Y/N leaned back and drank a sip of her coffee.
“Nope, who told you that? I ship out in 3 months.” Bucky said, stuffing another biscuit in his mouth. “You did!” Steve called as Bucky got up to sit next to Y/N.
“Can you believe him, the kid is always makin stuff up.” Bucky laughed, throwing his arm around Y/N as she rolled her eyes at him before removing his arm.
Bucky and Steve both smiled at that.
“Rogers?” The doctor called into the waiting room. Steve shot up and practically ran to meet her.
“I’m Steve Rogers.” He said, out of breath.
“I’m sorry, son. Your Mother, Sarah, I’m afraid she only has a few days left. I’m so sorry, if you want you can go visit her.”
“How did this come about all of a sudden? She was fine.” Steve sighed looking to the doctor for answers.
“Sweetheart, it’s in our records that she’s been coming in for treatment for the past 6 months. I’m so sorry.” The doctor sighed and told Steve which room his mother was in.
Both Bucky and Y/N waited outside of Steve’s mothers room. They had been told that she had days left and would most likely not wake at all. Steve was seated by him mother’s bed, watching her chest rise and fall with unsteady breaths. It broke his heart that his mother had lied to him for so long about being sick.
After about 3 hours Bucky said he had to pick his sister Becca up from school but promised to be right back. He gave Y/N a kiss on the cheek and told him he was happy that she had stayed.
“Hey, Buck?” Steve called walking into the hospital hallway.
“He had to pick his sister up, is there anything I can do Sweetface?” Y/N said looking up from her book.
“Is there any way you can sit with my mom, I just don’t want her to wake up while I’m not there, ya know.” Steve said not making eye contact. She smiled softly before nodding.
“Of coarse.” Y/ N said, rubbing his shoulder as she placed a small kiss on his cheek, before walking into the room.
As soon as she stepped into the room, her breath caught in her throat. She’d never witnessed Tuberculosis this closely. She walked over to the chair by her bed and sat in it.
“I don’t know if you can hear me or not, but I’m Y/N Sinatra. I’m a friend of your son Steven, and you should know that he’s the greatest guy I’ve ever met. He’s so kind and smart and he just genuinely cares about people, you raised him so so well.” She whispered to Sarah Rogers.
“Thank you, Love. It means the world to hear that.” Sarah’s raspy voice whispered into the quiet hospital room. Y/N was shocked, she hadn’t thought that Sarah would be conscious.
“I wasn’t expecting you to be awake, how are you feeling?” Y/N asked, already handing her a cup of ice water. Sarah silently thanked her, before taking a sip of the water.
“So Sinatra huh? How exactly did you come across my Stevie?” Sarah asked sitting up as far as she could in bed. Y/N blushed, starting to fiddle with her hands.
“Yes ma’am, I’m Frankie’s little sister. And I only met Steve because he and Bucky were at one of my brothers shows tonight.”
“Stevie is a good boy, and I know you just met my son, but please watch out for him. It’s a harsh world and I don’t want him to meet me on the other side too quickly.” Sarah rasped, grasping Y/N’s hand.
“I-“ Y/N started to say but was cut off by Sarah. “Please.” Her eyes pleaded with Y/N.
“I will.” Y/N promised.
“Hey, thanks for being here with me.” Steve said, he and Y/N had gone to get some coffee, while his mother rested.
“I told you Sweetface, I really don’t mind.” Y/N said for what felt like the thousandth time this week. His mother was getting weaker and weaker, and it was getting so hard to watch Steve go through this.
“You don’t know how much this means to me.” Steve said, reaching up and pressing a kiss to her cheek.
“Now Steven, I know you can do better than that.” Y/N said, pulling his face towards hers and locking their lips together in a passionate kiss.
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@kaetastic @hoppers-babygirl2
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I Like Surprises Too (Sriracha, Part 44.)
Series description: A problematic college student gets the worst summer job of the ‘83 - Jim Hopper, the Chief of police in your hometown will have you as his secretary since his old lady Flo has two months lasting holiday. It was agreed so Hopper could keep you far away from all the trouble.
Part Summary: Diane was gone just right after she came for a visit, but there was still more to go through.
A/N: I just wanna be done with the series, tbh.
Word count: 2.4 K
Tagging:  @nemodoren, @missdictatorme, @ysljordy, @creedslove​, @hopperlover, @btchsm, @rita-lean
Master list: H E R E
Series playlist: Jim Hopper 😠
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For the first time forever, you were afraid to come home. The last time you were so terrified of opening the doors was when Hopper drove you after you've puked all over his beloved Blazer. It was logical for you not to come home - you were standing in front of Harrington’s house, more specifically in front of a building where he had rented a flat, and waited for Robin to open up the door for you.
She came there only in her t-shirt and pajama shorts, her eyes were still glued together by sleepers and she was looking... Awful. Both her and Steve were extremely worried about seeing you at their hour in such an unholy hour, but she ran down to open the door for you. And the worse it got when Robin noticed that you had mascara all over your place, your face was colorless and your hands were shakily holding three cups of coffee and doughnuts from a Dunkin' Donuts. It was obvious that you and Hopper argued.
Without questions, Robin took you in and helped you with the sweets you brought. Steve was pleased to see you, so after he hugged you, he took off your coat and offered you a shower, getting you some of his clothes. Which was something so nice of him that you cried again? And the boy was wondering what did he do wrong.
"Spill the tea, sister. Let the council judge you." - Robin said, already spread all over the lazy chair while eating one of the donuts. So, you talked - about Diane just appearing out of nowhere with a kid, about Hopper drinking... And the small part when you shouted at him that you're pregnant.
"Oh, fuck." - Robin sighed, sitting straight by the end of the story. - "Oh, fuck indeed." - You answered, drinking your cup without caffeine. Steve was looking at you with a shocked furrow. - "You're pregnant? I'll be an uncle?" - Suddenly, he was on his feet, walking around the room. This was the reaction you expected from hopper - pure happiness.
"Robin, you and I will be the best uncle and aunt in the Hawkins, I tell you. Is it a boy or a girl?" - He sat next to you, his eyes shining at the question. Jesus, the boy was something, but you loved the energy. With tears in your eyes, you smiled at him and shook your head.
"I'll tell you as soon as I know something, deal?" - You asked back, having steve falling into a rant about taking the kid to restaurants, swimming pool, teaching them to play basket, and how to pick up girls... And Robin was just laughing at that. In the middle of his ranting, you've fallen asleep - night shifts were a bitch. It was quite funny when Robin and Steve was co-operating to get you into his bed, whisper-shouting at each other because Robin thought you'll bang your head into the doorframe every second. In the end, you were there, safe and sound.
It was around midday when Hopper called the if they have seen you. Eleven reported to Jim that you hadn't shown up the whole day, so Jim rode his daughter to your mum's - so she wouldn't be home alone since it was fall break starting.
Since Steve would tell Hopper all he wanted to know, because that boy was a little bitch, Robin told James the most innocent 'no' of her life before promising she'd call him when you'd appear at their place. You got up around two in the afternoon, smelling something Robin was cooking. Steve was nowhere to be found, presumably being at his shift in the VHS store.
"That looks good." - You hummed and realized how hungry you were. Robin nodded at you with confidence, serving you a plate of her risotto. - "I should go home, shouldn't I?" - You asked silently when you had half of the plate inside, having Robin look at you carefully.
"I kinda wanna tell you you can stay here... But you should go home, yeah." - The girl fixed a few strands of her hair. - "Listen... This isn't a thing about which someone calms down in a few days. This is a baby on its way. A new life you and he created. Even if you'd keep him in the dark for a little longer, he'd get to know eventually. You'd got bigger, you'd have swollen feet and Hopper isn't a dumb guy at all. So, go home, wait for him, talk to him. You'll make it work, at least I hope so." - Robin supported you with the purest tone you've ever heard. - "And if don't, we and Steve can help you with the baby. He's a damn good babysitter." - The girl tried to cheer you up once she saw other tears in your eyes. Geez, these hormones were doing things to you, didn't they?
Soon after the delicious lunch, you set on your way home. What should you expect? Him yelling at you? Will it be a heated argument full of bad words? He already told you that you were acting like a bitch into the phone, so it was quite possibly the words will get harsher from face to face. Was he looking for you when you were gone? Or was he at home? He was sure worrying for you, you knew Jim wouldn't be calm about you just disappearing even for the morning...
It was quite a surprise to find his car missing in the driveway. He had a day off, or at least you remembered so, so it was quite surprising to finding the home completely silent. El was at your parents'  and you let her stay there - it wasn't a good idea to call her to come home before talking to James about the whole baby thing.
You were nervously looking around the house, calling out his name to see if he isn't hidden somewhere out there, but the house was empty. - "Well, fuck." - You whispered to yourself. It was an hour later, an hour of nervous waiting later, when you heard him pulling onto the driveway. And at that moment, it didn't seem that you were sitting in the kitchen for an hour. The panic inside of you intensified almost instantly. Every sound coming from the outside was strumming through your ears like fucking Chinese gong. The stopping of a car motor, the opening of the door, and James' frantic footsteps as he realized that you were finally inside the damn house. You would swear that you heard him talk to himself, but you wouldn't swear that.
The front door opened in the following minute. This sound made your heart stop. Were you ever so scared? No, damn, this was horror at its best. Dear Lord, you closed your eyes for a second - your palm gently rubbed your belly, please don't let us argue. And don't let this relationship end. It would mean the world to me. There was not a single percent of you being religious, but when you saw Jim's shadow in the main hall, you suddenly started to pray to every god you ever heard about.
When he saw you sitting at the table with your nose red, he almost started the conversation by telling you that you look like Rudolf the reindeer. Yet he rather just put his bag down and went to hug you with a great force. One of his palms ruffled your hair as he took in the scent of your perfume. It was just one day and Jim was already going crazy from not smelling it. - "I was lookin' for you everywhere. Jesus fuckin' Christ." - The man pushed you off his chest just so he could palm your face, looking you in the eyes. Your face was already falling into an emotionally unstable expression as you started to cry almost immediately.
"I was worried to come here." - And there you were. There it was. The quiet, basically meowling, tiny voice which indicated that you're not only terrified but guilty as well. This side of you was not to be seen too often. It was possible for the second time Jim was ever seeing this behavior. You shut up, listened, and you were able to say 'yep, I've fucked up too, I've messed up, let's just talk about it'. And honestly, it felt very good. - "I didn't want to argue, again. After you called me a bitch... And the stuff I've said." - You almost rolled your eyes out when Jim chuckled at what you've said, yet he was quick to smooth your shoulders to calm your down. - "We've argued way worse than this. Come on. This was nothin'."
"But the matter is something, Jim. I should've done it differently. I should've told you maybe... Before Diane came here. But I was shitting myself with fear." - The way you clung onto him was almost heartbreaking. It was incredibly sweet, yet done out of fear - it was the fear of losing him. - "I would be terrified too." - The man mumbled into the back of your head, closing his eyes. If I would be pregnant, I mean. Tellin' you would be the worst thing that had ever met me, probably." - The man whispered. This speculation made you grin.
Sure, you two could argue. You could yell at each other for hours to come to no avail. You could tell each other rather nasty things, be very mean and angry. Or you could turn it into a joke. A happy occasion if you will.
Sure, having a baby was far from an actual joke, but you got what Jim was trying to do. He wasn't the most excited to do it again, mainly because of the everlasting fear regarding Sara, but he was happy that he was going through this by your side. A kid. Wow. A damn kid.
"I'm sorry for gettin' so drunk. I fucked that up." - The man whispered as he moved strands of your hair from side to side. - "Sorry for acting like a hysteric bitch. I should've trusted you with Diane. And I failed." - You answered after a while, sighing quite loudly. Carefully, you tiptoed to kiss him, closing your eyes as you leaned into the kiss itself.
"'s alrite. I was probably more confused than you, baby." - Jim's thumbs gently smoothed the sweet spots under your eyes, massaging your skin in the process. He was unbelievably gentle with you. As if you could break under his fingers any minute. - "You acted without thinkin', but yeah, I can be a fuckin' asshole sometimes." - James admitted sincerely, having this small sweet small light inside his eyes.
This man has admired you for some time now. And the more time passed by, the more years you've spent together, the more love he had in himself. It took him a few more weeks to adjust himself to the whole pregnancy situation. And yes, occasionally, there were some misunderstandings and small arguments between the two of you, but would you be a married couple if you didn't have these?
Diane called here and thereafter her visit, still climbing on Jim's nerves and getting inside his head, but these calls lasted less and less time every time it repeated. Eventually, she stopped calling completely. And since then, there was no doubt in your mind about James and his intentions.
What about the other acknowledging that soon, you'll be a mom? Eleven was over her heels. The girl always adored small kids. She loved spending time with them and every time she met some downtown, she stopped just to chat with the kid or to make faces at them. Having a younger sibling almost sent her to another dimension.
Mike and the other kids were regularly happy. Kids were cool... Unless they were younger siblings. Lucas had miss Erica as his sister while Mike had Holly, of both the brothers had to occasionally had to take care. Both the boys realized that over time, Eleven will have to spend her time with the small kid too. And they would most likely have to look after them.
Yet the young gentlemen were so cavalierish that they managed to overcome themselves and to promise you that they'd sometimes look after the kid. You managed to seal a deal with them, pre-planning them as occasionally, fully paid nannies - although your concern about what they'd do with the kid was growing more and the time as you heard what they plan to teach the kid.
Over time, as expected, you grew larger and larger. You grew so much that you had to move your seat in behind the steering just to fit there. Any of your coats and blouses didn't fit you anymore and over the time, you needed to buy some preggy jeans. When you had a worse day than you usually did, which you could recognize based on your back pain, Jim tried his best to help you with the household - he could do dishes, do the laundry and when he was feeling courageous, he tried to cook something. It was nice of him, yes, but he didn't know how to cook at all. Even Eleven could cook better than him. Sometimes, when you woke up from your slumber, you just saw black smoke coming from the kitchen and you knew what James was up to.
Slowly, the time when you couldn't go to work anymore came by. It wasn't that you were sat down on a wheelchair all day or something - but it was quite hard to run around the hospital and to interwiev kids all day. But that didn't take anything from your charming personality - James made sure he behaves or he could be schooled like a small kid. You didn't care how long would it take, but you would have an elaborate lecture all night if needed. It was one silent, calm night when it came.
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thorne93 · 4 years
Unforeseen Chasm (Part 62)
Prompt: Two sisters fall for men that are absolute enemies. The love they have could tear all of them apart, or it could bring them together.
Word Count:2392
Warnings: Language,self-isolation, fighting, attempted robbery, misery, keeping memories alive, hopeful new start. Note: This is by far the longest thing I’ve ever written (including my novels). It’s a collaboration with the amazing @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo​​. It started as a funny “What if…?” and it evolved and got huge. This took two years to write. We are both proud and happy and we hope you enjoy it. It follows from Thor 1 to Endgame in the MCU. Some of the timelines may be off in order to fit certain people, and some characters may show up earlier or in different ways than they have in the movie. But for the most part, it follows the MCU. It also has a bit of crossover with some other Marvel characters throughout the story.
Masterlist for Unforeseen Chasm
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Time seemed to pass… slowly as it were. 
You’d begun a new chapter in your life. If you could call this your life. It was just sort of existing at this point. You didn’t want to hurt Shannon with an untimely death, but you didn’t see much point in going on. Shannon had her life. She had Tony, Bruce, Steve, Nat, Rhodey. She was surrounded by those that she loved. Sure, she lost Peter in the snap, but in the grand scheme of things she’d lost very little. 
You on the other hand had lost your homeland. Your birth parents -- dead. Your semi-adoptive parents, Odin and Frigga -- dead. Your closest friends, Stephen, Vision, Wanda, Pietro -- gone. No one knew where Clint was. Thor didn’t even talk to you now. No one at the Avengers Compound would even miss you besides Shannon. 
Although, at this point, you might as well be dead. You left no clue for Shannon to find you. You left behind your phone. You’d completely gone undercover. 
The world was fragile, more so than it had been before. Governments were falling apart. There were societies crumbling. World leaders had disappeared. People that were heavily needed to run the world, were gone: doctors, nurses, engineers, politicians, police, mechanics, scientists, veterinarians, farmers… everyone. Every person in this world had a vital role and for the last two months it had been scrambling to make up for the gap.
The world started to function again, barely, but when push came to shove, cities had to keep things going. One of those cities was Paris. 
You were walking back to your hotel from a night at the Louvre. This was what your life had been, one sight to see after another. On the way through an alley, you heard rustling up ahead, and just as you were about to hone in on it, three guys jumped out from behind a corner, armed with knives.
“Nous ne voulons pas vous faire mal mais nous le ferons. remettre la bourse,” the big one demanded and you frowned, trying to remember French. Although, you didn't need much context. Knives, alleyway, darkness, and the only thing you had valuable was a purse. 
“Parlez vous anglais?” you asked, cocking your head.
The three men laughed, throwing their heads back. The confidence was unnerving, and displaced. 
“Oui, uh, sweetheart?” he said with a thick accent. “Hand over the purse.” 
“Oh… Oh you mean this purse?” you asked, holding it out. “Come and get it,” you challenged, your eyes narrowing as the rage bubbled up in you easily. 
They charged at you but you dodged the first one, the largest one. He tripped behind you and turned to try to grab you in a headlock, but you flipped him over. The other two ran forward, their knives out. 
You kicked one of them before punching the other one. The one you punched came up behind you and hit the back of your knees but you didn’t buckle. You turned to face him, your hand hitting his throat quickly. He grabbed it, gasping for breath as he backed up.
The third guy grabbed at your hair but you grabbed his wrist quicker, bending it and squeezing it until you heard a break in the bones. He looked at you with fear in his eyes before he cried out from pain. 
The big one tried to wrap his arms around you, but you were tiring of this so you lit your hands, grabbing him with your power and launching him into some trash bins several feet away from you. The other two looked on in bewilderment and fear as they backed away. They started to run away, quickly.
“What’s the matter? Purse wasn’t worth it?” you called after them angrily, smirking. 
“Trouble just seems to find you, doesn’t it, cher?” that all too familiar Cajun voice said from behind you. 
“Go home, Remy,” was all you said in a cold voice as you picked up your purse and began to make your way back to the hotel, taking the streets this time. Remy walked beside you. “How did you find me?” you asked, nothing but contempt in your tone. 
“Is this any way to greet your oldest friend?” he asked, feigning offense. 
“I’m really not in the mood. I didn’t want to be found.” 
“I’ll say! Do you have any idea how long I been lookin’?” he asked. 
 “Remy,” you groaned. “I left for a reason. I didn’t want to be around anyone.” 
He stopped walking, grabbing your shoulders as he became serious. “I know, cheri. I know you lost him,” was all he said. 
And that’s all it took for you to fall into his arms, a sobbing mess. It was embarrassing, breaking down like this in the middle of the street, but you couldn’t help it. Truth be told, you don’t think anyone could. 
After the snap, it was almost second nature to see people randomly burst into tears. Every place you went someone was mourning someone else. This made the guilt of not finishing Thanos off that much worse. 
Did these random citizens of France know that you were involved in this? Know that you were a great deal of the reason their loved ones were gone? You hoped not. 
Several minutes later, you leaned away from him and he asked if you were alright. You nodded and began walking again back to your hotel. The two of you stopped into the bar in the lobby. It was rather full, and it made you wonder if more people were drowning their sorrows more than usual. 
You two sat next to each other. You ordered a simple drink, as did Remy. Once you got the drink, you didn’t take one sip, you just played with the glass. 
“So...how’d you find me?” you asked again. 
“Well… when that… when the event happened, just about every one in the mansion disappeared. Only people left were about three students, Logan, Jean, and myself.” 
“So Charles...Hank.. Scott...” you started listing off people you cared for. “They’re all…?” 
He nodded solemnly while closing his eyes. The news slammed into you, hard. “Yeah. Well, after tying up loose ends there, I wanted to go find you. You’re the closest thing I got to family.” 
All you did was nod. 
“I went to the compound, but Shannon told me you ran away two months ago.” 
You bobbed your head side to side. He wasn’t wrong. 
“From there I started to think of places you might go. I checked New Orleans. I checked our hometown. Then I realized you once told me you and him planned on taking a trip over to Europe here. You said he wanted to go to Paris the most. Thought I’d give it a whirl.” 
“Yeah,” you softly noted. “I thought I’d tour the places we wanted to go, you know? In honor of his memory.” You tried your best to swallow down the lump in your throat. 
“Why’d you run away?” he suddenly asked. “You’ve never been the type.” 
You scoffed, rolling your eyes. “Ever the charmer.” 
“I’m not lyin’. So what is it? Shannon seemed pretty broken up that you were gone.” 
You shrugged. “I’m sorry for that,” you started, “I just… After the snap, we thought we lost Tony, right? He was lost in space for over three weeks. We had no way to get in touch with him when he and Stephen and Peter all went up there. They were lost to us. Shannon and I were both facing grief. Her’s was worse, I think, because she didn’t know if he was dead, lost, or vanished.”
He nodded before you took a deep breath. 
“Then just before Tony came back, I think I caught something between Bruce and her. I know both of them pretty well, and I think she loves Bruce. I think Bruce asked her to move on with him, when the time was right. The next thing I know, Tony’s home. Which was great. I was so relieved and thrilled… Then all this happiness was around me. Everyone gained Tony back. Bruce had Shannon and Tony, even Nat. Steve had everyone he cares about, except Bucky and Sam. Everyone was rallying together. Friendships were getting stronger. I just felt like I wasn’t needed. Shannon was so focused on Tony, focused on everything. Thor was my last connection to Loki and we haven’t spoken one word to each other since the snap. Asgard was destroyed a few days before Thanos came to Earth. So my home planet is destroyed. The love of my life is gone. My birth and adoptive parents are dead. We tracked down Thanos only for him to tell us he used the infinity stones to destroy them. So there’s no hope of any of them coming back…” 
He reached over and placed his hand on yours, squeezing. “Y/N, cher, I am so sorry.” 
You nodded, acknowledging his words. “I just couldn’t do it anymore. I couldn’t be there for Shannon, who didn’t appear to need me anyway. I couldn’t pretend to be strong, or pretend like anyone wanted me there. Thor went to find a home for our Asgardian people who managed to escape with Valkyrie. I just was so… jealous of Shannon. She had her husband back. She had Bruce. She had Steve and the rest of them. All her friends, her family. She lost Peter but… I have nothing.” 
“Hey, now, that’s not true. You got me, and you got her.”
A sad smile touched your face. “I know. I appreciate you coming to find me. But that’s why I left. When Tony came back, it reminded me that things always work out for her, and never for me. I just snapped, realized I couldn’t watch everyone be so happy. I was so bitter about it. I’m just in too much misery to watch that. I didn’t want to bring them down. Half of me was filled with bitterness, half of me didn’t want that bitterness to spill over into the small bubble of happiness they’d all found in all of this newfound Hell.” You shrugged, voicing your feelings for the first time, realizing them. It wasn’t so much that you left because you were jealous of Shannon. Of course you wanted her to be happy, she was your best friend. But you didn’t want to be an emotional burden on them, nor could you be there to pretend like you were fine, like everything was okay, when it was the furthest from okay you’d ever been.
“Sounds selfless, to me.”
You laughed without humor. “Ah, yes. Telling you I’m jealous my best friend is happy and that I can’t stand being around it. I’m a true saint.” You raised your glass and took a sip.
He shook his head. “No, that’s not what I’m sayin’ at all. I’m sayin’ that you recognized that you needed to be alone.” 
“You don’t think it’s selfish to leave Shannon?”
“Not really. She’s got tons of people who care about her. She’s gonna be fine. She’ll worry about you, but we both know if she knew where you were at, she’d come lookin’ for you. She might even try to convince you to come back, that everything will be okay. You need time to grieve and you can’t have that if everyone around you is crowding you with hope and positivity. You gotta do what’s best for you, darlin’.” 
You nodded, slightly grinning. “That’s, uh, exactly right.” 
The two of you caught up some more on what you’d been up to since the snap, nursing your drinks until the bar closed. You failed to mention the proposal. It somehow felt hard to bring it up to anyone. Tony was an exception because you thought he should know why you were so miserable. The bartender all but kicked you out, forcing you to stand in the lobby making you awkwardly bid Remy goodbye. 
“Where you stayin’ anyway, cajun?” you wondered, nudging him slightly. 
“Just up the street,” he informed. “I’ve only been here two days.” 
You nodded. “Well, I appreciate you finding me. It was nice to have a friend again, for a little while anyway.” 
“I came all this way just to find ya, and you’re just gonna kick me out? That’s cold, Y/L/N.” He gave you a signature smirk. When you didn’t really respond, his tone lost all jest. “Cher, I can’t let you be alone. Not like this. Let me stick around, be a shoulder to lean on. I want to make sure you’re safe.”
“You know as well as anyone that I can take care of myself,” you remarked seriously. 
“I’m not talkin’ about getting into fights, which I know you’re gonna get into, given the state you’re in. I’m talkin’ about emotionally, mon cher. You’re hurting, and even though you don’t wanna be around the Merry band of the Avengers, maybe my company might make you feel a little less alone.” 
“It would, Remy, but I don’t want to bring you down.” 
He shook his head as he put both hands on your shoulders. “You could never do such a thing. I’m already pretty broken. You and I are just about all we got left in this world. I say we don’t waste that on feelin’ sorry for ourselves. We can grieve together, if you’ll have me.” 
It took you a second, staring at him, weighing the pros of having him around. Of course you wanted him around. It wasn’t so much that you wanted to be alone, you just didn’t want to make anyone more depressed than they already were. But if Remy was certain that you two wouldn’t do that to each other, then you didn’t see the harm. In fact, he was probably right. You two needed someone in the world. All the Avengers had their counterpart… you needed yours too. 
A soft look touched your face. “Alright. Yeah. let’s do it.”
“Glad to hear it. We can go everywhere you two planned on goin’. Tell me all about him. We can keep his memory alive, you and me.” 
You nodded, feeling a dash of hope for the first time in forever. “I think I’d like that, and I think he would too.” 
Tag List: @essie1876​ @magpiegirl80​ @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked​ @iamwarrenspeace​ @marvel-imagines-yes-please​ @superwholocked527 @missinstantgratification​ @thejemersoninferno​ @rda1989​ @munlis​ @thefridgeismybestie​​ @bubblyanarocks3​​ @igiveupicantthinkofausername​​ @kaliforniacoastalteens​ @feelmyroarrrr​​ @kaelingoat-blog​ @friendlyneighbourhoodweirdo​​ @damalseer​​ @heyitscam99​​ @yknott81​​ @sorryimacrapwriter​​ @glitterquadricorn​​ @xxqueenofisolationxx @little-dis-kaalista-pythonissama @bittersweetunicorm​​ @alyssaj23​​ @sea040561​​ @princess76179​​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​​ @sarahp879​​ @malfoysqueen14​​ @ellallheart​​ @breezy1415​​ @marvelmayo​​ @random-fluffy-pink-unicorn @cocosierra94 @hardcollectionworldtrash @capsmuscles​ @marvelloushamilton @paintballkid711​
@lostinspace33​​ @ultrarebelheart​​ @lenawiinchester​​ @esoltis280​​ @tngrayson​​ @wangdeasang​​ @harrymewmew @jayfantasyatyourservice​​
UC: @lokis-high-priestess​
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stilldani24 · 5 years
You Are Here 📍 -  A Bucky x Reader Fanfiction - 38 Planes/Blankets and Bedding/28 Hours/Wherever We Are
Description: On September 11th, 2001, the world changed forever. During the horrors in New York City, planes all over the world bound for the United States were promptly landed at the nearest airport. For a small town of nine thousand in Newfoundland, Canada, thirty-eight planes were grounded at the Gander Airport. As a Gander native, you were going about your normal day. For Bucky Barnes, a Brooklyn native, landing in this backwater Canadian town while terror was happening back home was a whole new adventure in it of itself. While this will be based on Come From Away, it is also a completely true story.
Warnings: This fic deals with the events surrounding September 11th, 2001. 
Word Count: 1815
A/N: Hope (not van Dyne) is based on @captainscanadian​
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10:02 AM, Tuesday, September 11th, 2001 
“How many planes are there now?” you asked as you approached the town’s constable, Clint Barton, while looking at the tarmac. The planes had been touching down all morning, constantly and at an eerie schedule. Every twenty minutes or so, the roar of a 747 erupted over the town as another plane came in for landing.
“Seventeen,” Clint replied, running his fingers through his hair with a heavy sigh. “Most of them are jumbos, eh. They have two, three hundred people on the average each. Holy shit.”
You look both ways across Airport Boulevard, the main road through town and leading up to the seemingly abandoned airport. Lined up, both ways, are cars. The cars of everyone in town, surrounding towns, and even news vans. They were backed up all the way to the Shoppers, crowding around the McDonald’s, and the only other constable was routing traffic as to leave room for when the plane people would be evacuated from the planes. No one knew how soon that would be, if at all, but the town was at a standstill. Stores were closed, kids were sent home from school, and nearly everyone was watching either the news or the planes touching down.
“Wanda’s getting the school ready with Hope and Maria,” you then told him, interrupted by the roar of another plane touched down. Eighteen. “Natasha Romanoff from the news is wanting to interview you about the planes in about fifteen minutes and Tony is announcing a state of emergency soon, too.”
Clint chuckled now, shaking his head as he turned his back to the airport. “How the hell did you get yourself into this? I assumed you were gonna be helpin’ at the school there, eh?”
You shrugged, tucking your hands into the back pockets of your jeans. “I needed to do something other than watchin’ the news. Hope has the tubes at the school with different news channels and I needed to stop lookin’ at those images. Can’t even imagine what they’re going through right now.”
Clint clapped you on the shoulder, giving you a welcoming smile. “We don’t have time to worry about it, kiddo. We have nearly four thousand people on those planes achin’ to get off and we can’t let them until we’re ready. Go around town and ask what different people need and if locals are willin’ to take some guests.”
You did just that, first heading back to the school to help with cots and getting the cafeteria set up for a day full of cooking, then ran down to the Baptist church to ask what they needed, then down to the Lions Club. Every public space that wasn’t a store was being converted into a shelter. The Shoppers Drug Mart was willing to give anything off the shelves, Dr. O’Brian from another pharmacy down the road was ready to fill any emergency prescriptions as needed, and the town school buses were willing to end their strike for the time being to transport passengers from the planes to the shelters when the time came. After a couple hours, you returned to the airport to see Natasha interviewing different locals. Pepper Potts, who ran the SPCA and wife to the mayor, was giving an interview as you ran up.
“On a normal day, we get half a dozen flights. Now, we already got three times as many landing in such little time…that’s a lot of noise. You can smell the fuel,” she was saying as yet another plane touched down. Clint was looking at the tarmac yet again, counting up the planes. The lights in the control tower had gone out now, the air control not in the tower, signifying that no more planes were to be coming in.
Clint’s eyes widened now, dropping his hands to his sides where they once rested on his hips. “Jesus…we got thirty-eight planes. With two hundred people on the average…”
“Christ,” you cursed, running up to Natasha now as she was too just staring at the tarmac. “Nat, c’mon. You have to make an emergency broadcast, people all over town need things if we’re gonna play host to these come from away’s, yeah? Clint, go down to the Shoppers and help clearing out those shelves. Tony’s there loading up trucks to take to the school. We need to get going.”
Clint nodded, running back to his cruiser and heading down Airport Boulevard to get to the Shoppers. The road had narrowed so only one car was allowed through, since cars were lined up on either side to watch the planes, so it was a sight to see. You then handed Natasha a list of what different people needed to be able to operate as a shelter, and she quickly turned back to the camera man.
“11:53 AM, Tuesday, September 11th, 2001. Live from the Gander Airport. Any available community buildings will be converted into shelters. With thousands of passengers arriving at any minute, the town is asking for help with…well, anything you can do,” she spoke to the camera before reading from your list. “The Baptist church needs help movin’ their pews, Dr. O’Brian down at the pharmacy is ready to fill any prescriptions, oh, and the Lions Club is looking for some toilet paper, if you have any extra.”
Locals were quick to act. In under an hour, anything that could ever be donated was. Medicine, toothpaste, underwear, aspirin. Even jackets women’s kids grew out of last summer. Since the Rogers News station was the one to put out the call, that’s where all the donations were being dropped off. Except for the toilet paper, and truckloads were arriving at the Lions Club by the minute. At 1:17 PM, Natasha had to give another request.
“For the love of God, stop bringin’ toilet paper to the Lions Club!”
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9:26 PM, Tuesday, September 11th, 2001
The mood on the planes was vastly different than what was happening outside. People were cranky, tired, and sore from sitting on the planes. Some people, from the beginning of their flight and the accumulated time sitting on the tarmac, were on the planes for twenty-eight hours. Bucky’s flight, from Paris and bound for NYC, touched down six hours after they took off. They were let out of their seats, but not off the plane. Something about the town they were in needing to get ready and the airport they were at not actually being a real international airport. No one even knew what was happening. The pilot wouldn’t tell them, and neither would the attendants. The phones on the backs of the seats weren’t working, so they couldn’t call loved ones, and those with cellphones only had limited service or battery life. Those who did get through weren’t getting any information either, just talking to their loved ones and assuring them they were okay. Bucky had no one to contact, as the one person he would have called in this situation was sitting next to him.
“How much longer?” one guy from the back of the plane shouted up to the front, irritated. The pilot had announced that the minibar the plane held was free, and people passed around the mini bottles of liquor. People got drunk fast, and while some people got friendlier, others got much more irritated. “We’ve been sitting here for twelve hours!”
Bucky shook his head, needing to get some fresh air. Many of the planes had their doors open to let some in, but it was still so stuffy and hot in there. He nudged Steve, nodding towards the door to let him know where he was going before getting up. He walked to the door, where a couple of women were sitting on the edge with their feet dangling from the plane. He stood behind them, looking out at the long line of cars along the road while the sun was setting behind them. It was almost insane. All he knew about the town that it was small, much smaller than he was used to, and seeing that many cars made him think that the entire town came out to watch him. While most people remained in their cars, he saw a small group of people standing in the middle of the road. One woman was a redhead, in a white button-down shirt with some sort of logo. She appeared to be a news reporter, since she was speaking to a camera and held a microphone while gearing to interview someone else. A man stood next to her, but off to the side in the grass of the ditch. He was obviously the police officer, as Bucky could see the gleam of his badge despite the distance between them. Finally, there was another woman. She stood at average height, with [Y/H/C] and dressed kind of like a stereotypical school teacher but with messy hair and a clipboard in her hands. From what he could see from his spot on the plane, she appeared to be the one in charge down there. He couldn’t help but give a smile, as seeing a woman take control of such a huge situation was surprisingly a turn on for him. He, however, turned back to the interior of the plane when the pilot made announcement.
“Ladies and gentlemen, please quiet down,” she had spoken. “Please listen to this broadcast from the President about the situation that had occurred today.”
After a few moments of silence, the sound of George W. Bush’s voice began to play over the PA system, but a bit fuzzy. It was being relayed through a handheld radio. Bucky turned back to watch the people in the road, who had stopped what they had been doing to listen to the broadcast from the officer’s car.
“…I ask the American people to join me in saying thanks…for all the folks who’ve been fighting hard to rescue our fellow citizens and to join me in saying a prayer for the victims and their families. The resolve of our great nation is being tested but make no mistake. We will show the world that we will pass this test. God bless.”
Bucky sighed as he watched the people in the road look at each other as the broadcast ended, the officer getting in his cruiser with the woman and driving onto the tarmac.
“Attention, plane people!” A loud voice then boomed from the tarmac, the officer turning on the lights and obviously using his cruiser’s intercom system. Every plane had their doors open so thankfully, they could all hear in the area the cruiser was in. “You are going to be the first group to deplane! We’re not sure how long that will take, so please keep your patience. Thank you for your cooperation.”
After a moment, the intercom crackled to let someone else talk. A woman’s voice then spoke up through the system, making Bucky smile.
“Welcome to Gander!”
Permanent Taglist: @buckysmischief​ @captainscanadian​ @thingsthatkeepmeawakeeveryday​ @this-kitten-is-smitten​ @wtfisachoncexx​ @jllngls02​ @abrilkatz123​ @writeturnlove​ @buckysgirls-stuff​ @tomhollandenthusiast​ @sebastian-i-stan​ @imma-new-soul​ @lumar014​ 
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lynneshobbydomain · 4 years
Memories To Last (OwaMiki Week 2020 Day 4)
((Damn I’m late. I will possibly come back to this and polish this to a better look. Also please, please, please be wary of the tags. The prompt was angst and I came prepared with angst. Please if anything is triggering for you don’t touch it! This will include Major Character Death as well. Thank you so much for OwaMiki Week 2020 for hosting this event!))
Prompt: Angst/Soulmate-Au
Rating: T (16+)
Summary: The said that high school romances don’t last long, and they were lucky that they lasted as long as they did. MIkan thought about how she met Mondo and how they said their inevitable goodbyes.
You can read under the cut or here at my AO3
They said that high school romances don’t last long, and that they were lucky to have lasted for as long as they did. Mikan supposed that was an accurate assumption, as most high school romances did die after graduation. After the initial rebelling against fate and the words that were etched on everyone’s skin, they would unintentionally find their soulmate as they went out into the world. The statistics of finding one’s soulmate in a high school setting was astronomically low. 
She had met hers in the courtyard during lunch. Mahiru, Ibuki, and Hiyori were waiting for her underneath a shaded tree. Mikan had been trying to restock the nurse’s office, as it was her Ultimate and she was shadowing the former Ultimate School Nurse to practice her talent. Today the Nurse was absent, and Mikan had been allowed to miss school until she came back in order to practice and take care of the students. Mikan didn’t doubt that it was an early practical test since taking care of real patients would determine more than a dummy would. 
She was going to have to eat lunch quickly and go back to her job so that if someone got sick or hurt, they would be able to find her. She rushed out of the school and without looking where she was going, slammed herself into a hard wall that made her fall to the ground, hitting her rump and lower back. 
“Shit are ya okay?” She opened her watering eyes to see a hand being held out to her, and a tough-looking gangster standing above her. Her eyes widened in fear before she scrambled up, ignoring the burning on her right forearm as she got onto her feet. She missed the scarred words turning red in acknowledgement until much later that day.
“I-I’m o-okay. I’m so so-sorry!” Mikan apologized profusely. “P-please let me g-go.” Before he could say anything, she grabbed her things and ran away from him. 
It would take days before she would speak to him again. She knew that he was her soulmate, and she felt so ashamed of herself for just running. Of course she would get someone terrifying as a soulmate. Of course it was going to be someone that would probably hurt her. She knew that soulmates were supposed to be good for each other, and that they were supposed to bring out the best in each other, but...she wasn’t sure about this. Gang members never were kind and they were always in dangerous situations. Mikan didn’t want any trouble. She just wanted him to stay as far away from her as possible.
Mikan now would roll her eyes at the teenager that she was. It took Mondo coming into the nurse’s office with a good gash on his head, bleeding and bruised. As if he had just come out from a scrap. She nearly toppled over her supplies in shock when she saw him, bent over against the frame of the door. Both of each other looked, and the scary-looking bike leader was about to leave.
“Wait! Where are you going?” Mikan called out after him, getting to his side and grabbing his arm. “You need to rest and that cut looks dangerous. You need to sit down.”
“Ya don’ want anythin’ to do with me.” Mondo said gruffly. “I can handle it myself.”
“Now’s really not the time to put on a tough guy act.” Mikan panicked. Head injuries were no laughing matter. The slightest bump could be fatal if it was hit in the right place. She dragged him over towards a bed and made him sit down. “I’m going to ask you some questions now and I need to be honest with me and tell me what you think the answer is.”
“What is this a fuckin’ math test?” Mondo asked, his voice raising a little. Mikan flinched, but she had a feeling that he was worried about his own memory. What kind of signs he’d show. 
“Please?!” Mikan wasn’t above begging. “Please. I’ll do anything if you’ll just answer.” Wrong choice of words, but...it got him to stop and clamp his mouth shut. “What’s your name?”
“Mondo Oowada. Nice to fuckin’ meet you I guess.”
“Oowada-san.” Mikan said slowly, “I’m Mikan Tsumiki. It is nice to meet you too. Do you remember what day it is?”
“It’s a monday ain’t it?” Another raised pitch, he didn’t like being unsure of himself. 
“Good, but I was looking for a date.” Mikan prompted as she started to wash the wound. It was a shallow cut, nothing that would need stitches, but it liked to bleed. “Can you tell me that?”
“....Not really.”
“Okay. We can work with that. What’s the capital of Japan?”
“Tokyo. Obviously.”
“Where do you go to school?”
“Hope’s Peak Academy. Am I in the clear, nurse?” Mondo asked gruffly.
“You’re in the clear.” Mikan assured him as she finished putting the bandage on his head. She was grateful for no lasting damage, but she really hoped this wasn’t going to be a common occurrence. She fidgeted with her hands and she felt her throat tighten. She couldn’t let him leave without knowing how serious this was. “I-if you start feeling bad you need to come back here or go to the hospital. Headaches are probably going to be common, but if you start to get a migraine that doesn’t go away after a few hours, or if your stomach starts to get upset, then you want to consider emergency action. You need to have someone watch for you as you recover.”
“That’s it?” Mondo grinned. “Hell yeah. I was expectin’ somethin’ far worse than that! Thanks, doll.”
“Do-doll?!” Mikan stared at him before she remembered that a) this was her soulmate and b) she was going to have to get used to whatever pet name he gave her. “O-oh. Yo-you’re not upset wi-with me then?”
“Upset with you?” Mondo stared at her for a long moment before he looked away. “Look, I probably scared you when I asked if you were okay. I didn’t mean for my voice to get that loud and I was a bit nervous. Sorry.”
“N-no. I do-don’t blame you fo-for getting upset.” Mikan looked away, fidgeting. “Yo-you probably wo-would be an-angry that your soul-soulmate was a clutz li-like me. I do-don’t blame you for ha-hating me.”
“What the fuck?” Mondo looked up at her and Mikan bit her lower lip nervously. “Who the fuck am I punchin’?”
“Huh?!” Mikan immediately got worried. “No, you are not punching anyone! You ju-just got out of a fi-fight! You nee-need to rest more than, more than anything right now!” 
“No one should be sayin’ shit like that to you. Jesus Christ if I find out you’re-”
Mikan wasn’t sure if she should be touched with the fact that he was willing to fight someone on her behalf despite just meeting her and knowing tha she was his soulmate, or be worried that it was his first response. “I-it’s no big deal.” She assured. “Ri-right now you sho-shouldn’t be punching an-anyone. If you are I’m, uh, I’m going to b-be really m-mad at you.”
They both kept a look at each other and Mikan wanted to hide underneath a table or apologize. He was injured though, and she needed to stay on somewhat of a firm foot. He couldn’t jeopardize his health like that. Finally he looked away and got himself up. “I’ll keep an eye out on my injuries.” He said after a moment. “Thanks for lookin’ out for me Mikan.”
“An-anytime Oowada-san.”
“Mondo. Call me Mondo.”
It was supposed to be the end of that, but they continued to run into each other after that. Mikan was too worried about him to let him go, and he kept getting hurt every other week. Nagito would call it the best luck ever to have hit her and most of her classmates would agree. Of course, with Nagito’s superstition about his luck, whatever good happens, bad wasn’t too far behind. 
Of course all relationships had their ups and their downs, Mikan wouldn’t say that Mondo’s and hers was anything that was sweet and perfect. They fought. He was stubborn, she was a worry-wart, they both argued on the occasion about her getting hurt and her friends and in turn they’d argue about him and his bike riding and the fights that he would get himself into. He gave her more than enough heart attacks throughout high school, and the one time she wound up in the hospital herself made him snap.
“You’re comin’ home with me.” He said when he sat down next to her. The machines next to her beeped insistently. She had small gifts on her bedside table. If anyone wasn’t familiar with Mondo, they would’ve thought that he was trying to intimidate her with how close his chair was to her bed and how he sat, ready to get up on his feet and knock someone’s light’s out. His hands were already balled into fists, hanging on his lap. His expression is too serious to take lightly. 
Mikan didn’t have the heart or the energy to argue with him this time. She was lucky to have been able to crawl to the telephone and ask for the ambulance. She was used to being tortured and made fun of. She was used to having her hair pulled and yanked around. She was used to getting slammed into walls and being looked at. Being used in more ways than one. She deserved every little bit of it, she believed. Yet this time...this time she knew that they crossed the line. She broke her arm down the stairs and she couldn’t walk. She knew she tore something inside of her and she was right. 
As much as they hated her now, they were under arrest and the kit was done and the evidence was gathered. Mondo must’ve heard that she was stuck here through the grapevine. She didn’t doubt that Mahiru or Peko might’ve had an idea of what was going on. Peko considered that she was part of the yakuza and listened in on police scanners. Mahiru because if she was absent for anything, it was because she wasn’t in great shape. 
“O-okay.” Mikan murmured. “I’m so-sorry.”
“Not this time, nurse.” Mondo assured. “Nothin’ to be sorry. We’ll get it right.”
She still had no idea what that meant, but she could understand the implication. Mikan gathered what little she had and she did move in with the Ooada family and she had to learn fast to get used to loud voices. Every single one of them were loud. Yelling was a common household theme. 
They did their best to soften around her and they did their best to make sure that they weren’t overly obnoxious, but there were times where she heard Mondo’s mother knock a couple pans out of the way and made her flinch, and where she heard Mondo and his mother talk as though they were arguing when in reality it was just another conversation. 
Mikan brought her hands together and rubbed them against her forehead, trying to keep her heart from breaking further at the memories that were playing through her mind. Their first date. Their first kiss. The first time he called her “babe”. The moment he proposed to her and married her. 
“What do ya think of kids?”  
Mikan was trying to help wash dishes and hadn’t expected the question. The plate slipped out of her fingers dropped back into the soapy water, splashing at her mercilessly. Mondo laughed and she let out a sharp whine giving him a look. “Yo-you did that on pu-purpose!” She was getting better at trying to bicker with him. It was how he showed he was close to people and it didn’t do her any good to apologize with a head bowed low. He inspired her to be confident, and in turn their apartment wasn’t filled with banging doors and softer expressions of affection.
“Nah. I was actually just curious. I was just thinkin’ about it and was wondering your thoughts. Not expectin’ an answer though. I’m damn happy to be where I am now. No pressure.”
“Kids.” Mikan mused as she reached for the plate and started to scrub it again. She let her mind wander as she tried to picture the family. It would have to be a big one, Mondo wasn’t the type that would go for just one. If he was then that would be a surprise. She thought about where they were in their lives. Mikan worked extremely long hours and she barely got to be home. Mondo worked as a carpenter, but still rode his bike on occasion with his gang since they got married. Between the two of them they made enough to be comfortable, and it’d stay like that if they had one or two. “I…” She trailed off. “Maybe.” She said in answer.
“Again there’s really no fuckin’ pressure.” Mondo looked at her. “I’m happy as we are.”
“Y-yes, but…” Mikan trailed off. “I do wan-want to be a mot-mother. I ju-just don’t kno-know how good of one I-I’d be. W-we could d-do it if w-we wanted to.”
“I get it.” Mondo said quietly as he took the plate from her and started drying it. Mikan panicked a little inwardly, trying to think of where she might’ve gone wrong in her statement. “I don’t know how good of a father I’d be. My dad ditched my mom after I was born. Mom had to raise me and Daiya by her lonesome.”
“I-I don’t thi-think you’d leave.” Mikan assured. “I-if any-anything yo-you’d stick so close t-to me we wo-would be att-attached to the hip.”
“Hell yea.” Mondo flashed her a grin. “So you in or you out?”
No pressure. Mikan smiled thoughtfully. “In.” She said, mustering all the confidence in the world to say it.
Of course that was the start of the problem wasn’t it? It was the start where everything that went wrong could go wrong. Mikan nor Mondo ever really told anyone about it. It had happened so quickly, and they were internally grateful that they both had thought to wait on announcing anything when it happened.
Mondo and Mikan threw themselves into work, but they also threw themselves together when they were able to meet again from long work hours, trying to recover from the loss. They talked here and there about trying again, but the moment always felt wrong to them both. As if they were trying to replace something that couldn’t ever be replaced. 
Now this and Mikan was devastated. She looked up from tracing the words on her arms as she looked at Mondo’s lying form in the hospital bed. It had been a wreck. She was on call for thirty six hours, and she had just barely started her shift when she was told to get off the clock and get into the waiting room. There was no way she could help, it was unethical practice and she was too emotionally attached to the patient. All she could do was pray and pray and pray…
But praying didn’t work here and his mother was sitting on the other side of him. Brain dead, they said. He was on life support, but there was no way that was going to continue. There was no way it was going to last. Mikan twisted her rings, trying to come up with something to say but she couldn’t.
How did she miss her arm turning black?
“Hey babe, me the boys are going to go on one last ride around the town.”
Mikan looked up from reading and she grinned at him. It had been a hot minute since he thought about going with his friends. “B-be safe.” She told him sincerely.
“Always.” He walked behind her and gave her an upside down kiss, cupping her cheek and stroking her hair, just the way she liked before he moved off of her. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” Mikan beamed.
Of course it wasn’t every day the last words spoken were going to be loving ones. She saw blackened words of hate and of ambiguity. She saw how her patient’s lovers and friends all felt remorse for the things that they said, things that they wish they could say. She was grateful that Mondo didn’t live like that. 
He lived with saying everything that he needed to say. There wasn’t a person in their friend group that could have remorse. More conversations? Of course, that would be the most common regret. More hangouts? More invites? More being around each other? Mikan knew those kinds of regrets wouldn’t sit well with the biker. 
“I-is it okay if…” Mikan let out a shuddering breath, trying to hold herself together even though she wanted to burst into tears. Later. She could fall apart later. “If I...called his friends? L...let t-them-”
“Of course.” Her mother in law said quietly. It was the first time and the only time Mikan ever heard her talk so soft. As though she was afraid that she was going to wake Mondo up. Mikan wanted to assure her that Mondo could sleep through anything, but...that was the point now. She stumbled upwards and went into the hallway. 
She didn’t go to the phone at first, she went straight to the bathroom and turned on the faucet as loud as she could get it. She burst into tears and collapsed onto her knees. She as all alone. She was going to be all alone. She wasn’t going to go to the apartment and see him. She wasn’t going to hear him yell for her across the  apartment. They weren’t going to bicker over little things like dinner plans and dates. They weren’t going to cuddle on the couch and watch something stupid on the television. They weren’t going to….
She cried until her heart couldn’t take it and her stomach hurt. She cried until her body ached and she just wanted to go home and wrap herself in a blanket. She wanted to pretend that this was all a bad dream and that he was going to be at the apartment. This was just a nightmare and she was going to wake up. 
She was going to wake up?
She stood on wobbling legs and she held herself steady on the sink. Her face was splotchy and her eyes were swollen and red. She looked like a mess and she couldn't bring herself to apologize for it. Not even to her reflection. She turned the water off, not needing it anymore to hide her sobbing and crying. She tried to find a way to pull herself together, but every time she thought she stitched herself up correctly she wanted to fall apart again.
She needed to call his friends.
She needed to call them especially. She stumbled out of the bathroom and headed towards the phones. She apologized over and over again, her voice breaking. She couldn’t remember exactly what she said, or what she was told...but she knew that the message got across and…
Taka was there within an instant. She knew it took him much longer than that, but he was there within a good few minutes. Makoto wasn’t far behind. It...was hard to be there with them. Taka was unashamed in his emotions and she burst back into tears as he cried. They both hugged each other, trying desperately to comfort each other but at the same time understanding that the loss was going to be inevitable. Makoto also shed tears, and was dragged into a hug as well. 
They tried to swap stories, share memories, but it was raw. It was hard. Mikan felt like it was poking at a bruise that had yet to heal, still fresh. She thought about him in the nurses office and all the times in between with wounds and a smile. He was bulletproof until he wasn’t anymore.
She went back to her apartment soon afterwards, unable to keep her eyes open and knowing she needed the strength for what would come next. The plans, the goodbyes, the event. Mondo would want all of his friends there, his ex-gang. They undoubtedly felt ashamed for what had happened, and she couldn’t...bring herself to hate them. It was easier to forgive. 
She sat on the bed, trying to keep herself together but knowing that she was going to fall apart. She was alone. The apartment felt empty and devoid of life. She rubbed her arm again, tracing the black words as she tried to keep her sanity. The only positive thought that went through her mind was what her friends had told her a long time ago. That high school romances didn’t last long, and that they were lucky to have lasted as long as they did. 
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sub4bondage86 · 4 years
(Stories found on Slaveboys - amupfurit)
I sit here writing this wearing white Adidas trackie bottoms, white McKenzie T-Shirt, Air Max Cap and Lacoste trainers, smoking, with a chastity cage on and a large black butt plug lodged firmly up my ass.. Ned-Slave Well, where do I start? I’m Dan, 20 years old from Glasgow in Scotland, kinda tall at 6ft, got dark hair and eyes and a great body, if I do say so myself! I was considered a bit of a scally, or Ned as they’re called in Scotland, always walking about with trackies, Lacoste trainers and a fag in my mouth. I got on well with my pals, all lads, proper lads, we got wrecked every weekend and ended up doing shit that really wasn’t cool; vandalism, happy slapping, etc. Sex talk didn’t really come up in day to day conversation with the lads, sometimes our pack leader, Jamie, would tell us of the bitches he had taken over the week and the others would all act impressed and cheer him on whereas I just smiled and lit up a fag or kept myself distracted to not look like the pussy I was... I’ve been into kink for a while now, looking on various websites to get my kicks out of other ‘slaves’ being used and abused, thinking to myself how great it would be to be put in bondage, even for just a little while. From my mid-teens I found myself looking less and less at girl porn, and more at guy porn, but I had fooled around with girls in the past and have had my fair share of pussy mostly just to keep the guys impressed and to stop the torrent of abuse the other guys who seemed to never get any action got. I had convinced myself I wasn’t ‘gay’ but I knew that I needed to be dominated by another man. I had looked and tried to get hard at Femdom stuff, but it just wasn’t for me, I couldn’t see me being used by a woman and from what I had seen most of them seemed pretty desperate, but I guess I didn’t look too hard cause I knew deep down that only a man could make me feel the way I needed to feel! It was my secret taboo and no one could find out, regularly deleting all my history and cookies, making sure there was no way my older brother Cameron could see, even if he did manage to log on as me. Cameron was not only my older brother, but my guardian as our parents had left some time ago, and despite being in and out of homes, Cameron took me in as soon as he could and we set up home together, 2 brothers having a great lads time in Glasgow. The house really was the party central in town, with mine’s and Cammie’s pals coming round most weekends for a good ol’ booze up. One weekend, a good few months ago Cameron was away at his girlfriend’s house, so I took this as prime time to have a major wank session while browsing the internet, trying to find a master or someone kinky to go on cam with. I’d told all my pals I was away with Cammie for the weekend, so had from Friday morning til Monday night to myself and man, was I looking forward to it! I finished work at the builders at 3 and went straight back to the house, sat down at the computer with a bottle of beer and a pack of fags to see me through the night. I found a website and quickly made a profile to see what it had on it. Wow. It was awesome. I didn’t realise there were as many guys out there into the same stuff. Some of it was pretty wierd for me though, guys pissing on each other and stuff like that I could never find a turn on. I read some of the forum messages, and man was there some horny stuff. I quickly had a look to see who was online and messaged a guy quite local to me in Glasgow... “Awryte man, nice pics, wud luv 2 get sum action wi u!” I clicked Send, and for some reason I was nervous. It was the fucking internet! He didn’t know anything about me apart from what was on my bare profile, age and location! Why the hell was I nervous. I got a reply quickly. “Boy, you will call me Sir from now on, I am not ‘man’ or ‘m8’, I am Master and you will treat me accordingly. Now boy, do you have a way for us to chat like MSN? If so, I want you to send me your user name immediately.” I got an instant boner when I read that, this hot sounding 25 year old with great pictures was telling me to send my MSN username to him. I lit up a fag and had a quick look around the site before another message popped up “Boy, I don’t take time wasters lying down, either message me your MSN now or never contact me again”. I kinda laughed but thought what the hell and sent him my e-mail address and waited. Just after I put out my first smoke I was messaged on MSN by ‘Master T’: “So boy, why haven’t I seen you on here before?” I explained to him I was new to this and was having a look around to see what I was interested in and maybe have a wank over cam. I explained that I was straight but was curious to find out more about this lifestyle and so far I was pretty turned on. “Very good, a newbie boi for me to break in! U look good boi...” I shat myself, how the hell did he know what I looked like? I started looking around me to see if there was someone looking or any hidden cameras like on the TV shows. I messages him back “LOL man, how the hell u know if I look good? “BOI, U will address me as Sir or master, and Mr Ford, I know everything” By now I was freaked out, he knew apparently what I looked like, but hell.. He knew my surname! I lost the horn and was shaking a little, wondering how this pervert had found out my sir name without me telling it to him. “Sir how do you know my surname? Please tell me or I’ll block you and that’s it!” There was no reply for a good 5 minutes, I was sweating and was swithering on blocking him and hoping it was a really good bluff! He replied and I just about jumped out my seat... Not only did he know who I was, but he had access to all the lads and my pals! “Facebook boi!” Shit what an idiot I had been, I had given him my real e-mail address which I used for everything, Insta, Twitter, facebook! Everything! I didn’t reply, I was shitting myself, what if this guy was going to out me in one go to all my pals? What if he was going to harass me or contact my brother!
“Well boi, get on cam, I want to see my new boi live! Don’t worry, if you please your new master, no one will ever find out. Trust me boy, Im not an old perv, I’ll show you my cam too.” Somehow, this eased my nerves a little. This guy probably didn’t want to be found out either and what the hell, if he did try anything I would just get the police involved. I clicked the send camera button and within a few seconds he sent his and my, oh my, he was stunning. He was muscled, with blonde hair and great blue eyes, he had a cool tribal tattoo similar to mine on his arm and both his nipples were shining with the little silver rings hanging through them. I got hard again and told him he was amazing looking. He looked like an Abercrombie model, only with a wild streak! “Good boi, now, tell ur master what you are into!” I told him I had been looking around the site and loved the look of cages and collars, even the handcuffs and masks looked horny. I explained I wasn't into getting fucked and I wouldn’t suck another dude’s dick for anything. I lit up another fag and told him a bit more about me and asked him what he liked and what he has done in the past. “Boi, I love getting wee ned fuckers like you all chained up and doing things to them beyond their wildest imaginations. Do you have any gear boi?” I asked what gear was, to me it was dope, but how wrong I was... He asked if I had any toys, anal toys! Any handcuffs or tape? I explained I really was new to this and only had handcuffs on once before, and that was after being in a fight on Argyle Street! I was still hard as a rock, sitting here like a faggot looking at this hot guy talking to me about dildos and things called butt plugs. He told me he had to go for an hour, but to research about kink and hopefully open my mind to the things he was going to do to me. I was wanking slightly and he said not wank or touch my cock before he came back. I said OK and started doing my homework for this amazing guy! I started looking around the site some more, reading the forums and trying to find out more about this new found fetish of mine. I read about loads of positions, different gear that guys use and looked at more photos of guys chained up with their cracks’ stuffed with dildos and these plug things. I googled most of the gear and found some sites that sold stuff and man, I didn’t realise there was so much and so many sites that sold them, it was amazing. I found it hard not to touch my dick which was tenting up through my trackie bottoms but just kept lighting up fag after fag to keep my mind (and hands) off my cock. Messenger popped up again, “Well boi Dan, how’s the research coming along?” “Hi Sir, Done loadsa lookin aboot n its aw fuckin horny stuff. Here, u got ne of it?” Master T replied instantly, “More than you could ever realise boi, and you are going to get to try it all out! Now get back on cam!” I quickly turned the camera on as I lit up another fag, shit, I only had 5 left, I wasn’t going to be able to make it through the night chatting to this stud with 5 fags! “Boi, smoke that cig quick, inhale each and every drag well, stand up, then strip. In that order. Go!” I puffed as quick as I could pulled the smokey goodness into my lungs, stubbed it out, stood up and stripped quicker than I ever had before. Fuck, what the hell was I doing? Stripping to another bro on a webcam, it seemed so fucking wierd but man I was as horny as hell and with my dick pointing straight up, I quickly realised he knew I was horny too. I typed to him, still standing, leaning over the keyboard, “ Like wot u see man” then quickly changed man to Sir! before hitting enter. “Yes boi, but it will be better to see you in real life. When are you free for me to train you up real good?” I asked him how he meant by train and he referred me to some of the pictures on the site and on another site while explaining that soon, very soon, I would be his trained cock slave. Reading what he said and looking at the pictures only made me hornier and my twitching cock gave it away. “We’ll need to get that greedy cock locked away too boi, can’t have my boys wanking without Sir’s direct permission...” I laughed out loud thinking it was a joke and Master T clearly saw this on cam. “That was NOT a joke boi, I have a CB-6000 waiting for you and you WILL be locked up until I say otherwise. Kneel down.” In my complete ignorance I asked what a CB-6000 thing was and kneeled on the floor in-front of the computer. I was still horny as hell even although this guy had managed to find out everything about me in not such a long period of time and have me do what he wants without him actually forcing me to. He replied saying I must not have done my homework well enough and not to worry cause I would be having it on very soon! He asked once again when I was free to come over. I quickly said, stupidly, that I was free all weekend.
“Excellent boi, I will be training you!” I started rubbing my dick again, hoping he wouldn’t see. Man I was horny, but I was nervous as hell about talking about this training. Over the past few hours I had learned so much and truly realised how much it got me horny. “Leave your dick alone boi, you will be punished! What’s your phone number?” I read his comment and instantly let go of my dick, this guy really did have power over me, and he didn’t even need to remind me that he could out me instantly if he wanted, but it didn’t bother me. I wanted, for some stupid fucking reason to let this guy tell me what to do and make me do it. “Eh sir, I dunno if I wanna give oot ma number the now” “OK boi, thats fine, who do you want me to tell that ur a little bitch to a man first?” I got nervous again and changed my mind, its only a number, I could change it if things got wierd and I wanted to call it off. I sent him my mobile number and started staring at my phone, excited and nervous about him calling or texting me. “Good boi! Now, I am going to phone you, you are going to pick up and we are going to discuss what time you are to meet me and what I want you do to beforehand.” “Awrite sir, no bother!” The phone rang and despite me knowing it was coming I just about jumped up with the fright, my heart was racing as I went to pick it up “Private Number”. “Good boi” His voice was gruff but soothing at the same time. “Now, while on cam, stand up and turn around, bend over and spread your crack for me to see whats now mine!” I didn’t say a word but did exactly as he wanted. He told me again I was a good boi, this pleased me more than I expected and was still hard as a rock. He told me what to do before meeting him and we talked about where I was in relation to him in Glasgow. Turned out he was only 5 minutes by car away from the centre so I could meet him in town and go back to his with him. “Boi, I want you to go to a sex shop and buy the following items, a large butt plug, lubricant, and a vibrating cock ring” “Yes Sir” I replied, thinking where the nearest sex shop was. He hung up and told me on messenger to turn off my cam and get going, and that he would text me further details. I lit up another fag as the first text came through: put your trackies back on, make sure u r as neddy as possible and get going. I finished my fag and replied Yes Sir, just leaving the house. I went on google after I got dressed and found a gay sex shop not too far from me and the city centre and found out how to go there. I was nervous, yet horny as hell. I left the house, wearing my tracksuit, a white cap, reebok classics, with only my fags, lighter, phone, keys and wallet on me... I walked round to the city centre, took ten minutes and started having second thoughts, man this guy could fuck me or make me suck his dick, eugh! I was into the domination, but wasn’t so keen on getting my arse violated. I made my way to the sex shop, looking all around me to make sure there was no cunt I new about before entering the shop. I was blushing and just about jumped out my skin when the shop helper offered me some help. “Eh, erm, aye man, just gettin some stuff for me n ma burd tae use! She’s into this kinky stuff like!” He sniggered, and clearly new my ‘burd’ was a man. I was red as a post box and started getting hard, I hoped he wouldn’t notice, but my bulge was clear through my CKs and white trackie bottoms. I pointed out a plug, and a cock ring with a vibrating egg attached and got some lube. He packed it all and I paid in cash to be discreet as possible. I walked out the shed as coy as possible with my cap pulled down and face down so not to be seen. I looked at the bag, SHIT! There was a muscled man’s silhouette on the bag! I had to walk with this bag, trying to keep with to side streets to try and avoid people. I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket, a text... “Now boi I assume you have made your purchases, I wont be meeting you in town so head to Central Station and get the train to Bridgeton, but first, stop in the toilet and remove your pants and dispose of them. If they are on when you get here, you will be punished. Text me back when they’re off.”
Holy fuck! This guy was serious and I didn’t seem to have a chance to meet him before going to his, plus I had to walk along one of the busiest streets to get the train. I was going to get on at another stop closer to me, but realised there was no bogs and nowhere to take off my knickers. I started walking briskly towards the station with my head hung low and lit up a fag. Shit, last one! I nipped into a wee shop on the way and got some, fuck there was some wee neds in the shop doing the same thing. I waited behind them in the queue while they bought their cigs and then got mine, not before one of them pointed at my bag and started laughing and telling his mates what it was. I was so embarrassed, even the shop keeper was sniggering as he handed me over my 40 fags and change. I left the shop and headed to the station, lighting up yet another fag en route to calm my nerves. When I got to the station I saw the train was leaving in 6 minutes, so quickly went to the toilets, locked myself in a cubicle and took my pants off. I thought about putting them in my bag for later, but realised I might be caught by Master T and though otherwise. I walked out the toilet and dumped my underwear in a bin before jumping on the train just before it pulled away. My phone buzzed again, this time a picture message. It was him, Master T, completely naked with handcuffs in his hand, the message read, Im just leaving for the station, you better get on a train soon. I replied instantly, just on the train Sir, be there in 5 mins. I started getting hard again, the train was busy and I had to stand, fuck! I was aware of people staring at me, my bag and now, my raging hard-on poking up through my nylon trackies. Nervous as I was, thinking of this meeting with a guy I barely knew for my first male-male experience was turning me on so much! The train announcer came over the tannoy: Next Stop, Bridgeton. My stop. My stomach was churning, my head was spinning and I was bright red with embarrassment but I knew I couldn’t turn back now, he would probably be waiting for me at the train as I got off. The next two minutes seemed to take an age to go by, then finally, the train stopped and I was at Bridgeton. For those of you who don’t know, Bridgeton isn’t the nicest part of Glasgow, its full of other neds like me, but harder, with teeth missing and shit like that, I wasn’t too comfortable with getting off with this hard on and bag in hand, but I did as I needed and stepped out into the cold air. I looked around and fortunately there was no one around, including Master T. I text him saying that I had arrived and asked what he was wearing to help me identify him. I never got a text back for a couple of minutes, I started worrying that he wasn’t going to come and I would have to make my embarrassing journey back to my house, underwear-less and horny. Then, a blue Audi RS4 pulled up beside me and I saw him for the first time in the flesh, he rolled the window down and shouted, get in the back boi, now!
I opened the door and climbed in, sitting opposite him in the back of the car. It smelled of smoke, leather and male musk, “Hi boi, glad to see you didn’t ditch on me like the other fuckwits I have had try it with me.” I laughed nevously, “Yeah man, eh, Sir! Nice motor!” He reminded me that I was to call him Sir, or Master T all times and I would be punished if I didn’t. I was still horny as hell, but worried about my fate. This guy could kill me for all he wanted and there would be little anyone could find out, I had deleted all my history. My mind was racing but deep down I knew he was all right. The guy was stunning, even better in real life. I kept staring at his face as he told me the journey was short, but he wanted to examine me before we went to his place so we were going to a deserted industrial area for him to check me out. He threw back a pair of handcuffs, proper police ones with the black plastic mould in the middle so they couldn’t be moved. “Put them on, tight!” I did as he said and was now trapped in his car with my hands cuffed between the seatbelt strap. I couldn’t get out if I wanted, not that I did. This was the horniest thing I had ever done. We drove in silence for 10 minutes, I wanted to ask him so many questions but he had told me not to speak without permission. Finally we pulled up outside a warehouse and he leaned back to undo my cuffs after pulled my trackies down over my knees. “Good lad, you followed my orders, my, my your a big boy!” I laughed again, trying to hide my embarrassment. He ordered me out the car, and told me to recuff behind me back, with my trackies lying at my ankles. I hobbled out and stood there in all my glory half naked. He revved the engine and moved the car off, I panicked and started hobbling towards the moving car, falling flat on my face, with no hands to stop my fall. I picked myself up, glad to see the car had stopped and saw him laughing at my trip. Master T climbed out the car with a cigarette behind his ear. “Thanks for the toys and smokes boi, all mine now!”. I spoke up, “Can a have a smoke please Sir?” “ I told you not to speak without permission boi! But as you are new to this and you asked so politely, you may” He pulled out my smokes and put one in his mouth and one in mine before lighting them both. I didn’t have free hands, so had to dangle my cig in my mouth while he walked around me checking me out, occasionally slapping my ass and feeling my abs. I was quite uncomfortable with him touching me, but my dick was more than happy. After he had thoroughly checked my body out he stepped back and nodded, taking a deep drag of his fag. “You’ll do boi!”. I felt so degraded and used, and I had a niggling feeling this was only the start. I finished dragging on my fag and spat it out. He commanded me back to the back of the car and opened the boot, “Get it, now!”. I stammered, “eh, whit?!!” Smack! He had hit slapped me hard on the side of my face. I was stunned, I must have started weeping. “Fucking pussy, get in the boot”. I whimpered, “Yes Sir” and tried to throw my self into the boot, which luckily for me had a blanket to land on. He grabbed my legs and tucked them in, “It’s only going to be a 5 minute drive boi, stop greeting and get a grip, you’re about to have the best weekend of your life, and so am I!” I felt comforted by his words and pulled myself together as the boot lid shut, the engine started and I lay there as the car was pulling away. I was scared, but excited. I had the biggest boner I had ever had and I was looking forward to jerking off when I got the chance, with my hands cuffed still behind my back it wasn’t possible and with it being so dark and confined I couldn’t manoeuvre them to my front to have a fondle. For the duration of the journey I just kept quiet lying in the boot, not quite sure what to think. I was awestruck by his attitude, demeanour and sheer manliness. After what seemed like a good hour (probably only 15 minutes), the car stopped and I breathed a sigh of relief. We were here, wherever here was. The boot was flung open and Master T lifted me out the boot. He quickly slung a blindfold over my face before I got a chance to take in my surroundings, which seemed like a generic housing estate. He grabbed my cock and started walking me to what I assumed was his house. I was strangely at ease for a man to be holding my cock, nay; I was aroused even more by it. I heard a door open and I carefully stepped up into the room.
“Welcome to my humble abode boi” Master said “Now, kneel down and open your mouth.” I did as he said as he closed the door, and I heard multiple locks turning. I opened my mouth and felt something hard, like a small tennis ball being shoved in my gob and something being strapped behind my neck. After some fiddling, Master stepped away and I tried to push the ball out my mouth with my tongue with no avail, it must have been one of the ball gags I had seen on the site, man, I grew even more horny! Then I felt something cold round my neck, “Boi, you will wear this for the duration of the weekend, and even longer if I feel it needs to be worn in public.” I heard a lock and realised I had been collared. I was now owned. “Kneel down boi”. I knelt there with a metal collar round my neck, a rubber ball gag planted firmly in my mouth, a leather blindfold on and my hands cuffed behind my back. I was as hard as a rock, but nervous to find out what was going to happen next. “Now boi, I am going to get you ready for a weekend of servitude, and fun before I release you back to your home comforts” Master T was laying out his plan, “ I don’t expect to be questioned and I don’t ever want to hear No as your first answer to any question I may ask you, of course when your gagged like that I don’t suppose you will be the conversation starter anyway.” He laughed. Master T whipped off my blindfold, the light hurt my eyes a little, but I was delighted to see him in his masculine form towering over me like a god! “Follow me boi” I went to stand up to follow him up the staircase in front, but Master T barked back “I did not give you permission to stand up slut, crawl!” I quickly jumped back down onto all 4s and struggled to ascend the stairs behind him with my hands cuffed. I must have looked some sight! Master T opened the door to the bathroom and pointed for me to go in, he instructed me to get in the bath, face up and to close my eyes. Once again, the leather blindfold was applied. Shit this was horny! Shit, is he going to drown me? I panicked and jumped up, only to be pushed back down by Master. “ Fuck sake boi, stay still, I’m not gonna kill ya! Relax, and trust me”. His manly, calm demeanour eased me a little and I sunk back into the bath. I felt his touch on my arms and the right cuff was removed. It was then clipped to the bar on the left side of the bath. “Be right back boi”. I was now cuffed to the bath unable to see or speak, and my boner was still raging. I must be sick. "Don't dare touch your cock!" I heard Master leave the room and listened some extensive fumbling around in the room next door, what the fuck was he doing in there?! I didn't touch my cock incase I got too excited and shot my load, which given my predicament wouldn't have been a good move. Finally, Master came back, I could smell cigarette smoke, damn I needed a fag! I heard metal knocking together, just lightly, and then my right arm was cuffed to the right side of the bath. Totally unable to move now! “Right boi, slave prep stage 1 begins” Master laughed, then blew some smoke in my direction. Aghh, this was torture; the smoke, the suspense, my raging boner not being touched! I felt something cold being squirted on my pubic area; I didn’t have a lot of pubes to begin with as I trimmed them down, but I knew what was coming… I was 100% right in my thoughts, he was shaving my pubes and dick, slowly and carefully, making sure there wasn’t a stray hair in sight. Laughing and coughing occasionally, he paused, presumably to take a drag from his fag and to admire his handy work. What a god!
With my pubes now as bald as the day I was born, I felt more and more horny. Damn, this guy was good! He leaned over and whispered, “we’re not done yet boi”! He lifted my blindfold and once again I could see his face, beautiful – God this guy is turning me into a right faggot. He took out both my diamond earrings, and my gold chain and bracelet; “Slaves don’t need these embellishments” apparently, “you’ll get them back when I release you”. “What do you think boi?” I strained to look down and I was truly bald, he really did take his time and make a good job. I mumbled “Amazing Sir!” and nodded. I was drooling by this stage and pretty thirsty, I was having a great time but wanted out of the cold bath soon to get a drink, a fag and a comfy seat. “Now boi, I’m gonna flip you over and do the back side”. Shit, why would he want my arse shaved?! I didn’t wanted fucked, well… I wanted to know get fucked, but it was taking it to a new level. I didn’t have a choice, so no point in protesting. He uncuffed my right arm at the bath side, and attached it to the left bar, then uncuffed the left cuff and attached it to the right side; this guy’s a pro, not letting my free at any point, whilst flipping me onto me knees face down. Once again, the shaving crème was applied and the razor was dragged across my bare arse and arse crack, slowly and carefully as before. I didn’t have much hair but he wanted to be sure, clearly! “We’re done boi, you look like a good wee slave” Master T chortled, “Best get you washed down and cleaned up before we move on to stage 2!” With that, he uncuffed my right arm and attached the cuffs together, then did the same with the left, double security! He turned me round just before I fell on my face and proceeded to take out my ball gag. Finally! My jaw was aching! “Well boi, how do you feel?” “Good Sir, cheers! I am so fuckin horny right now! I’m dying for a fag as well, Jeez Master, that was amazi…” He cut my verbal diarrhoea of whith a swift slap on the face “Shut up boi, your mumbling away like you’ve just discovered speech, but I am glad your having fun. Now, you thirsty?” “Aye Sir, im parched with drooling so much, please can I have a drink n a fag?” “Very well boi, I’ll get you a drink and we can have a smoke when we’re downstairs” He put my blindfold on, and there was silence, then I heard a zipper open “Open your mouth boi, I’ve got you a drink” He then started pissing straight in my mouth, I was black affronted, I didn’t know what to do. Pissing? In my mouth? I started to choke. “Swallow boy, you’ll be supping the rest out the tub if you don’t. I swallowed, trying not to gag, taking as much in my throat as possible without having to taste it. He laughed as I coughed a little, but shit, he was pissing like a stallion. He finally finished by showering me down with his piss. He rubbed it into my bald pubic area and grunted “That’s you washed down, and watered, lets get you cleaned up!”
I was totally turned off by this, my cock finally subsided and I was speechless. How could someone piss on me? Master T totally freaked me out, but he didn’t seem to think anything of it! Are people into this? What the fuck?! “What’s the matter lad, not like golden showers?” He laughed “Stay still til I clean you up”. He started the shower, shit it was cold! It soon warmed up and Master T rubbed me down. I still had my T-Shirt on, my favourite McKenzie one, it was now pissed on and soaked. Fuck. Master T turned off the shower and helped me stand up. “Now boi, I am going to un-cuff you, I don’t want any funny business or you’ll be drinking your meals from now on!” “Yes Sir” I mumbled, shivering with the cold air. I now resented even coming, how disgusting was that?! “Out the tub, come on slut, easy does it” Sir guided me over the tub. “Stand still whilst I dry you off”. I heard the sound of metal on metal again and I felt my right leg, then left leg be cuffed with a sharp click. “Not sure I could trust you to not run away before I take off your handcuffs, so these leg irons wlll reduce you to a hobble.” He uncuffed both sets of handcuffs holding my arms together and whipped off my T-Shirt “Fuckin nice body boi, felt good earlier but it looks great all covered in Goosebumps” He said as he rubbed the towel over them. I was proud of my body, with doing manual labour I had developed strong core muscles and good pair of strong arms; still, nothing like his amazing god-like physique. Following my rough towelling off, he clicked a pair of metal cuffs back on, damn they felt sexy. My libido returned a little, hey that experience wasn't that bad. “Right boi, stage 2 is coming soon, lets get that blindfold off you and go down stairs” He said as he pointed to the floor, obviously I was to crawl again. I crawled behind Master T down the stairs and into his living room. It was really nice, but had a definite man’s touch; big telly, awesome sound system and all the gadgets you could think of. He must be quite well moneyed I thought. “Right ya cheeky little cunt, sit on the floor at my feet til I catch up on Sky Sports News, I don’t wanna hear a sound out u, so here” He handed me an ashtray and a pack of fags, “Smoke away all u like but don’t fucking dare touch your dick” I sat in front of him with my back to the chair, he put his muscular legs over my shoulders pinning my in place. After watching the match highlights and us both having a good share of smokes, he said to me that it was now time for stage 2, and I was going to enjoy what was coming next. I was already boned watching the footie highlights with him, but after saying that I was rock solid. “Stay there, be right back cunt boi”
Master T came back a couple of minutes later as I finished off another smoke, wearing nothing but a pair of army camo fand boots, damn his body was amazing, I must have dropped my jaw as I saw him. “Haha boi, like what you see?” He said getting even closer. His nipple rings glistened in the light, highlighting his perfect torso, I was so aroused. “Crawl over here bitch” he beckoned as he sat down on the sofa across the room, “Lick my fucking boots clean” I don’t know what came over me but I went for them like a hungry dog, slurping and licking them all over, left then right foot then back again. “Nice work boi, I see you like my boots. C’mon upstairs”. He jogged up the stairs in front of me crawling, trying to keep pace, I tripped over on the stairs planting my face on the carpet “Ah ya fucker” I yelped. Slap. He leaned down, “I said, don’t say a fucking word earlier and I meant it, speak when spoken to, hurry up”. His verbal abuse just got me hornier, my dick was just about hitting off the stairs as I crawled to the top. I crawled after him into a room next to the bathroom where I had been shaved bald earlier, this was definitely not a bedroom, it was like a medieval torture room. Metal chains, a sling, numerous whips and paddles, wow. There were evil looking metal stocks and things I had no idea what they did, this was too horny. What kind of weirdo was I turning into, getting off on all this stuff I had only glimpsed at online?! “Right boi, stage 2 begins. Over here” He bellowed in a deep, sexy voice, pointing at the stocks. I crawled over to him standing at the stocks and looked into his eyes, for even a hint of what was coming next. “Stay” he said as he walked over, took a key out and locked the door. They key was returned to his pocked and he came back to me. “I’m going to unlock you and get you dressed in my favourite gear, seen as you have been so compliant.” I took this as a compliment and smiled, favourite gear? I wonder…
Master T reached down and unlocked my handcuffs and leg irons with care and speed, he reminded me not to say a word and do as I was “fucking told, or else”. I was completely at ease now, despite still being in a compromised situation, but I trusted him. His demeanour and attitude was so manly and powerful, yet it seemed he cared for me. He went over to a closet in the corner and rummaged around for what was presumably his favourite gear. After some time, apparently ensuring he got the right image, he shouted for me to close my eyes before being presented with my outfit. I closed my eyes and waited with baited breath for my outfit. “Right boi, open your eyes” Master whispered in my ear. I opened my eyes and saw some horny stuff… Firstly there was a leather upper body cross harness with a shiny metal cock ring, like I had seen online that afternoon, then a pair of leather shorts, then a chain with a clip on each end and finally a rubber gas mask. Jeez, if I wasn’t hard already, I was rock solid now. ”Lets get you dressed, slut” Sir said. Firstly my arms were lifted up, and the harness slid over and tightened. Then, Master grabbed my cock and slid the cock ring over to the base and popped my balls through. Master told me to lie on my back, then lifted my legs to slid on the shorts, “Boi, these aren’t any normal shorts, these are chastity shorts, just to make sure you don’t get off when I’m not looking”. He tightened them and added some padlocks. Total lockdown! “Right now boi, lets get you restrained for some training”… Master T led me behind the metal stocks and opened them up “You know what to do”. I put my wrists and neck in the recessions in the metal, the ‘lid’ was brought down and a big metal padlock was added. My legs were then restrained with cold metal shackles. Now it was complete and total lockdown, I wasn’t going anywhere. After stepping back to admire his work, Master T came back over to me and smiled “Want a fag?” He kneeled down on one knee in front of me and lit up a cigarette, blowing the smoke on my face, gawd did I want a smoke! He smoked most of it, teasing my by holding the filter near my mouth but not close enough for me to get a toke. Finally I got a good hit and exhaled. Nice. “It’s getting late boy, I had better get on before its time to lock you up for the night! Hows ur ass like a good ramming?” Master T enquired “Fuck off, you’re not fucking touching my ass” I stupidly blurted out. “Firstly, If I want to fuck you, I will. Secondly, don’t dare speak unless spoken to. Thirdly, you were doing so well, I guess I’ll need to punish you for refusing to accept whats coming to you”. Master T said calmly. “I am now going to have to whip your ass, which unfortunately means pulling down these chastity shorts, luckly there is no moving for you!” He unlocked the padlocks and pulled the shorts down with a sharp tug, my naked, bald ass free in the air. “Count em out slut, or we’ll see how long you last in that cage over there without a fag and only my piss for liquid!” WHACK! It took me a second to get what he meant to count them out “One, Master” WHACK “Two, Master” WHACK “Three Master”. This went on up to 15, by this point my ass was in agony and likely bright red. I was sobbing slightly, “Shut up pussy, that’s nothing” He said. What did he mean that was nothing, it was fucking torture and I couldn’t move to caress my butt.
“Right boi, that is enough for now” Master T said, “Now, lets have some fun, eh?!” Fun sounded good, anything to let me forget about the throbbing pain coming from my ass. Master T then moved to in front of me, ripped off a piece of silver duct tap & whapped it on my gob before I had a chance to protest. He repeated the strips of tape a few times over my mouth and down below my chin until he was confident I was going to be silenced. He then placed the S10 gas mask on my face and tightened the elastic straps behind my head. What a strange, horny sensation! The sound of my own breath through the mask was exciting me, my cock was rock hard swaying between my spread legs. Despite kneeling down on the floor with my legs locked down and my arms and head locked in a stockade, I was very comfortable and felt quite at home here. “Slut, now you are gagged and locked up, I want one nod for yes and 2 shakes for no, got it?” Nod. “Good boi, now, have you ever had anything up your hole?” I presumed he meant my ass-hole. Shake, shake. “Hehe, nice, did you expect to come here and get anything up your hole?” Shake shake. “Well boi, I am not going to fuck your tight little scally hole with my monster cock, I’ll rip you in half… We had better leave my cock out of there for now, agree?” Nod!! “Thought you might ‘say’ that”, haha! Well, the good news is I wont fuck you with my dick, infact tonight, I won’t even make you suck my dick, but you will be sleeping with a butt plug in, do you know what that is?” Nod. I knew exactly what they were, and I didn’t like the look of them. “Eager, I see boi!” Master T laughed as he walked towards his toy chest. After some rummaging around he came back with a handful of black rubber plugs in different sizes and shapes, some even had things hanging off them. Wow, what the hell was I doing here?! “Right boi, new game, I have the a 14cm plug in one hand and a 16.5cm plug in the other hand. I am going to shuffle then behind my back and the one you pick goes up your ass until breakfast tomorrow, ok?” Slow Nod. I saw they both had a wide girth but the larger one was less tapered at the base. “I’m going with your thumbs up to whichever hand you want” Nod. He then shuffled the plugs behind his back and asked the question, “Left, or Right?” I put up my left thumb. “Well boi… you’ve picked…
(Sadly it wasn't finished......if anyone wants to.....)
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bezgoesboo · 5 years
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––  m i c   t a p !    “ an’... ohp !  we’re live ! ”    
               r u s t l e   r u s t l e . . .   
“ well, if you’re listenin’, welcome to another episode of witchin’ hour, in which i’ll do a real valiant job of wastin’ your precious time. 
                             we got the tunes, we got the loons, and the night’s fresher                              than a pack of fuckin’ mini mart twinkies. yep. i’m bez.                                                              whaddya say we get jinkie with it ? ”
or, alternatively:  my name is linc, this is bez holmes, and i hope you brought your schnazziest seatbelts ‘cause, oh bud... you’re in for quite the trip.
( timothee chalamet, ghost, he/him & cismale ) is that ( another one bites the dust ) by ( queen ) playing? guess ( killian beelzebub holmes)’s comin’ in hot! heard folks say the ( twenty three ) year old ( local radio host ) was at the thanksgiving fair, ( throwin’ darts at the balloon wall with his buds ) when chaos ensued. during the glitch, ( he was killed by one of his best supernatural pals he was tryin’ to talk down while everyone else was bookin’ it to the woods, but ain’t the faintest clue he’s dead… yikes ).
b a c k g r o u n d    .  .  .
the autumn of 1959 brought the youngest holmes sibling into existence and knocked out their mother in one fell swoop. killian beelzebub holmes was born to mr. holmes and his late wife at precisely 3:33am just before an uncharacteristically frosty dusk.
mrs. holmes chose the name killian long before her second-born ever killed her, so... heh !  joke’s on her !  bez’s pops didn’t have the heart to call him *cough* er, killian, so the family settled for the next best thing so they could still honor his mother’s wishes: beelzebub. except... well. that still was a lil problematic, given the timing of his birth. and callin’ beelzebub on class attendance? not exactly the best look. hence, the nickname bez was born, and he’s been goin’ by it ever since.
bez has an older sister lee and the two are as thick as thieves. growin’ up, they always kept their father on his toes –– wherever the holmes kids go, trouble follows.
mr. holmes served as county sheriff until he was killed by his second wife when bez was 13 and lee was 14. lee went back to art school after the local police department covered up the bear out as a fuckin’ armed robbery gone wrong. lee ‘n bez were sworn to secrecy, but nothin’, not even authoritative men in police badges, can erase the image of stepmonster slashin’ dad to bits and lettin’ him fall face first into a plate of spaghetti.
bez never liked stepmonster to begin with, but killin’ their dad was the kicker. lee returned to art school and bez struggled to keep the peace in the household. the bitch stepped up the loving stepma act until a year later, when she wigged out again ‘n landed him in the hospital for a couple days. after that, lee returned home, ‘n it was officially holmes vs. mama bear.
movin’ out was the dream, but unfortunately, mr. holmes overextended when he bought this nice shiny new house for his new wife ‘n kids; most of his insurance money went to getting the house out from underwater, ‘n the rest went to funeral expenses. so... the kids were kinda stuck with her. still are.
bez never let himself be stupid enough to dream ‘bout leavin’ letum falls. he likes it here. he’s got his people. throughout school, he romped ‘round with the cool kids. hung out with all the supernaturals. in fact, you’d be hard pressed to find bez holmes chillin’ ‘round anyone who’s actually human. contrary to his sister, his father’s death didn’t turn him off from supernaturals –– if anythin’, it made him desperate to prove to himself just what a wildcard stepmonster was.
after high school graduation, bez pestered his way into workin’ at the local radio station. what started as a simple soundboarding gig morphed into hostin’ his very own show, the witchin’ hour, on which he talks about letum falls’ spooky happenings and engages with live callers. he’s got a sleep with me bit –– callers name celebrities, fictional characters, or even existing locals bez has to seduce via song and cheesy pickup lines. basically, the whole show’s a hangout with bez –– more often ‘n not, he’s high as a bird. so the witchin’ hour’s got itself a steady cult of listeners. bez loves every second of it.
he’s got a reputation for bein’ sexually ambiguous. he was outcasted pretty young as bein’ a lil... off? never into sports. liked to paint his nails colors sometimes. borrow lee’s shirts. his dad never raised issue with it, but stepmonster definitely had her reservations. still does. bez holmes is a kid some fathers told their sons to steer clear of. for fear of, bez’ll laugh as he tells ya, spreadin’ it around.
labels are for chumps, he’ll tell ya, mid-cigarette drag. size y’up real good. odds are, if you’re attractive ‘n mysterious in some way, he’ll fuck ya. ( not countin’  six months of abstinence in 1980 when he was convinced everyone he fucked wound up dyin’ two weeks later... there were a string of incidental deaths. but honestly, sometimes ?  he thinks ‘bout it. )
fuckin’ klutz. yeah, he skateboards. yeah, he looks cool doin’ it. yeah, he’ll even wear his shades while he’s doin’ it at night. but surprise him? make him laugh? he’ll trip over his own two feet.
addicted to cinnamon waffles, enough syrup to drown atlantis a second time. he always haunts the local diner. when he’s not there, he’s likely playin’ pinball or skeeball at the local arcade, or slurpin’ down a rootbeer float and annoyin’ the living shit outta earl at the mini mart.
if it’s illegal? sign him up.
he owns a shit ton of thrifted clothes. lots of chunky jackets, v-necks, rings, necklaces. funky pants. he’s recognized around town by his crazy curls. they’re never tame. he’s always lookin’ artfully disheveled. smirkin’. stealin’ looks.
t h e    f a i r     .  .  .
bez was hangin’ out with his supernatural buds ( wanted connections )when all hell broke loose. he was actually makin’ a fool of himself with balloon darts, but he made a ten buck bet he could win a stupid hat.
while everyone else ran, bez tried to talk down one particular friend ( wanted connection ) who was tryna keep themselves from attackin’ him. he got so far as to get ‘em calm, place a hand on their shoulder. lean in to look ‘em in the eye real close. 
“ hey man, hey now. listen. y’don’t gotta do this. killin’ ain’t punk, ‘kay? y’hate blood, hear me? i believe in you, ‘n even though you serve killer looks –– you’re not a killer. ”
even in the face of death, this kid fuckin’ joked around, and... basically this friend slashes his throat and ripped his heart out right after bez managed a hopeful smile. talk ‘bout a magical fuckin’ friendship.
lee and dean hollis took bez’s body with them when they fled the scene.
bez woke up a few days later in the woods near the fairgrounds. he wandered ‘n wandered, almost in a sleep-like trance, ‘til he reached dean’s house. walked in, blinked right at the guy. they exchanged words, albeit bitter ones, before bez left and walked on over to the radio station. did his show like normal, like he’d never even died. no memory of the glitch. no nothin’. 
heads on over to earl’s mini mart like usual. but earl won’t check him out. earl isn’t hearin’ him. so he fuckin’ leaves with a bag of doritos and a big bottle of mountain dew. runs into his boyfriend, xander chapell. all’s fine ‘n well. he’s overjoyed to see the other male. everythin’s normal.
the next mornin’, he slinks home. finds lee cryin’ in her room. pieces it together and thinks it must be dean hollis. must be ‘cause of that asshole.
c u r r e n t l y    .  .  .
ain’t nobody got the heart to tell this poor kid he died. he’s dead. and since he doesn’t know he’s a ghost ?  he thinks wakin’ up near hose weird ass woods, near the fairgrounds ? it’s all a dream. he thinks the worsened insomnia ? ah. that’s just the weather. ‘n when his hand sometimes goes through things ? when people sometimes don’t see him ? some witch is probably havin’ trouble controllin’ their abilities.
stepmomma has a hunch bez’s spirit might be hauntin’ the house. she keeps tryna sage it. tryna figure out what’s gonna help get her stepson to the beyond. ‘cept bez doesn’t know this, and lee’s playin’ damage control.
he’s still so hopelessly in love with xander, but neither of these two goons have actually shared that with one another. it’s all in the looks. the touches. and now... there’s an added bonus that bez is dead –– technically a goner, unless he never resolves whatever’s keepin’ him here. which, y’know. he won’t. ‘cause he’s got no clue.
can he please get a waffle ?  now some of the waitstaff won’t serve him at the diner ! the fuckin’ nerve !  it’s really okay because he’s got duffy ‘n georgia there to help him out. but damn. no one’s ever been this cold ‘cause of his off-color humor before. what’d he do ?  lord knows.
weird shit’s happenin’. people in town are actin’ strange. something’s up. but then again, somethin’ always is. so bez doesn’t mind it. keeps on hummin’ his stupid tunes. carries on with his show. the radio station producers are scared shitless ‘cause like... this dead kid keeps goin’ on the air. what kinda cruel joke is this, huh ?
c u r r e n t     c o n n e c t i o n s  .  .  .
older sister – lee holmes.  the holmes kids are revered and feared. always up to somethin’... tragic, what happened to ‘em, but lordie. that dead sheriff raised some weird kids.
low key love of his life – xander chapelle.  they started dating a few months ago and bez... never... expected... this. he ain’t the feelings type, no sir. but xander lights somethin’ in him. somethin’ new. yeesh. now you’ve got him all fluttery.
chaos crew – maya shen.  partners in crime, in an endless pacman and pinball war. they’ll beat one another’s scores back ‘n forth and back ‘n forth, never ending. bez is fascinated by maya’s family line ‘n all. she’s great to have ‘round, too, when he’s got a hankering for a cig but needs a decent light.
row, row, row your boat the fuck away from me – dean hollis.  dude was pretty cool, ‘til y’know... he fuckin’ dumped his feelin’s on lee and skipped town. yeah, football. yeah, nfl. cool beans, huh? what’d he have to go and fuck with his sister’s heart for? and now that he’s back and lee’s actin’ weird... bez knows he’s the cause of it for sure. and he doesn’t like it one bit.
grew up together – georgia duchannes.  bez, lee, ‘n georgia all grew up peas in a pod. mr. duchannes took over the role as sheriff because he sniffed somethin’ fishy goin’ on in the department and wanted to protect bez ‘n lee. bez gets a real kick outta georgia, ‘n folks even thought he had a crush on her back in the day. which is hilarious. ‘cause everyone ‘n their mother always knew georgia’d end up with vanetten.
the case he’s gonna crack – teejay vanetten.  bez always liked vanetten, thought he was a chill guy, y’know? a lil’ vanilla, but hey. not everyone can be as ace as him. the dude’s always been a lil’ defensive around bez though, ‘cause of georgia. bez thinks it’s funny. plays into it sometimes, just to get a rise outta him. after the glitch, it becomes clear teejay’s goin’ through something not human, so bez is tryna get lee on board to help this guy figure out his shit.
w a n t e d    c o n n e c t i o n s    .
the best supernatural friend who killed him.  bonus points if things get, like. real fuckin’ angsty.
past hookups.  bez has gotten around. guys, gals, non-binary pals. sex is sex.
supernatural kool krew.  this squad has a runs with wolves kinda vibe. bez might be the glue that holds it together. keepin’ up with supernaturals as a human, though? fuckin’ full time job.
avid radio listeners / callers.   i... would love for some routine callers? maybe some peeps he knows from around town who he has ongoin’ banter with on the air?
goofy gays.  all the gay vibes, just... we need a power gay squad mmkay?
enemies.  i’m sure bez is on a lot of people’s shit lists. he speaks his mind. he goes outta his way to be a nuisance. but he’d just find this whole thing abso-fuckin-lutely hilarious.
music jam peeps.  music is a huge part of bez’s everyday life. he listens to bands more than he listens to people. ‘n he dabbles in some musical shit himself. piano, some songwritin’ here ‘n there. nothin’ too major, but it’d be cool to have some pals who also feel as connected to music as him. he does, after all, run a radio show.
post-glitch connections.   dude roams ‘round letum falls a lot now. he did before, too, but maybe there are some people who knew of him but didn’t know him before who’re now startin’ to talk with him? ‘cause they can see he’s a ghost, ‘n they feel bad? i dunno. at this point, bez is startin’ to yammer on ‘n on to whoever’s gonna listen. maybe they just see one another in odd ass places. like earl’s mini mart. or the arcade. or maybe this person’s willin’ to speak to someone for him when they’re doin’ that stupid ass ignorin’ game again.
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defleurtradingco · 5 years
Epoch- Tradition
(Previous: Film, Next: Dominant)
“Looks ta me like ya had some luck with th’ city after all!��
“And you with the library.”
“And me with the chow.”
The three sat in the car with their respective materials. Solaina with copies of the city planning from public records., Verdei with scans of news clippings that had been saved in the public library’s archives, and Monte with a bag full of burritos from a place down the street, seeing as no one had really eaten all day anyway.
“So lemme get this straight- th’ lab’s actually WAY out there in th’ middle of nowhere. Sorta,” Verdei held one of the maps up to the dashboard where the sun was hitting so he could see.
“Yes. I thought perhaps this Phoenix Labs location was somewhere in the city, but it turns out that is not so.” Solaina reached over and pointed to the spot on the map. “It is this way, about twenty miles away. It can easily mistaken for government property, and there are no known roads that lead to it that I can see here. Perhaps they are simply not marked.” Monte chewed on his food in the back seat, glancing back and forth between the two. “Ya don’t say,” “Well I guess it’d make sense then if they got runners out there makin’ deliveries fer’em. They wouldn’t get caught comin’ n’ goin’. Well, not so close ta them. Th’ trek’s probably th’ dangerous part.”
“Maybe. And yours?” “Oh yeah,” Verdei fidgeted in his seat to get comfortable as he held up the papers he’d made copies off that were sitting over their drinks in the cupholder. “These? See I wasn’t lookin’ deep enough till ya had that whole idea about lookin’ inta where their main facility was (not that I hadn’t tried ta do that before but they wouldn’t LET ME…) Then I got ta thinking. Maybe they weren’t always called that. Companies change names alla time and I’m PRETTY SURE it’d kinda be a household name if it were around fer that long right?” “Ya’ll two talkin’ some conspiracy shit, it’s entertaining,” Monte commented with a semi-full mouth.
“Well, ‘ccordin’ ta these news clippin’s here?? There was another genetic research company stationed out here back in mid ta late 60s that got called out n’ investigated and shut down soon after a whole media debacle. Wollenburg Genetics. That’s gotta be related. Or th’ same place.” Solaina took the scans and looked at them, speed-reading them. The quality wasn’t the greatest, so she couldn’t make out all of it.
The headlines were the most important things though.
“Human trafficking??” Solaina raised a brow as she took a bite of her food. “I thought they were potentially smuggling illegal goods?”
“Might be more buried under all th’ crap but those were some’a the biggest ones I found. There weren’t that many really other than minor things here n’ there like breakthroughs with animal research n’ such. But that’s kinda linin’ up with all th’ stuff ya said before about the Were-folk and what have ya right?”
She frowned, staring down at the soda cup in between them briefly. “It is. All this is a bit much for it to be a coincidence then.” “Right. And I’m thinkin’ now- if law enforcement was ever involved in all this at one point in time, then either they got paid off ta shut up or this Phoenix place is coverin’ shit up REAL good. Maybe they got guys on th’ inside.” “I don’t know.” Solaina ultimately was at a loss.
Illegal testing? Smuggling? Weres breaking the common law? Were they even on the DeFleur registry?? Why weren’t the police doing anything about it? Did any of them even know? She doubted it to some extent.
This was an entire operation.
Why didn’t ADRIAN know?
Or DID he??
Another headache was coming on fast.
Only the sound of rustling aluminum foil from the backseat shook her out of it. She looked back towards Monte, who was stuffing his face. His half-of-face. “What do you think about all this?” Monte paused before taking a bite of food. “I think we let sleepin’ dogs lie Solaina. That’d be th’ smart thing ta do. I however, am not a smart man by any means.”
She snorted, smirking a little. “No...so what should we do then? We must do something. These supply runners for the Phoenix company, they may be exploiting or threatening them.” “Might be, wouldn’ surprise me.” The deader shrugged.
“Wouldn’ shock me either frankly.” Verdei nodded in agreement. “’S practically tradition ain’t it? Big company wants money an’ things. Big company can’t buy things. Start promisin’ n’ harassin’ the little guys ta do shit fer ‘em and wham-o. Ya got yerself an entire op goin’ that gets too big fer even ‘big city cops’ like me ta handle. Judgin’ by the lack of any action bein’ taken in the last...oh, what… fifty-ish years it looks like? That’s incredible.
An’ I don’t mean in th’ good way.”
Solaina laid back against her seat, staring outside. The sun was bright, and it made it hard to see anything out there.
“I still feel as though we need more confirmation...we need to question someone who has seen this for themselves. Maybe from afar, or maybe they know someone, or are a part of it. Mr. Randal clearly is not willing to share, since, we assume him to be one of these runners.” That bit was the most frustrating of all.
Why wasn’t he talking to them? Why wasn’t he trying to HELP them? Didn’t he WANT to find his family? Was their well-being being threatened? Maybe.
It was impossible to know otherwise.
“Ya know, speakin’ of weird things, I remember somethin’ when I went ta th’ bird-man’s house a bit ago.” Monte said suddenly, sitting up.
“Oh?” “Yeah, he said he weren’t no Were either, just like Gray did. Made me kin’a wonder, but, after hearin’ alla this? I got a feelin’ he knows somethin’. Seems like a secretive kind’a dude, livin’ out there all alone. Plus-” The deader reached for one of the maps, pointing out a spot near the genetics facility. “He lives right about here. That’s close by.”
“Then maybe we need to pay him a visit.” Solaina wouldn’t have said so, but she felt some twinge of excitement at the prospect of a lead. Finally, a trail they could follow.
“Right, so...ya’ll can do that. In th’ meantime, someone’s gonna hafta keep n’ eye on Gray, so just drop me off back home. I’ll keep ya’ll posted while yer out lookin’ around.”
“Good idea,” Solaina cleared the dashboard of papers and started the car. “I admit there is so much going on I was not considering that.”
“Yeah, last thing any of us need is him runnin’ off AGAIN,” Monte grumbled as they pulled out of the parking lot. “Pain in th’ ass lookin’ around out here fer a runaway!”
“Yer tellin’ me! Hey these burritos were great- was it that lil’ corner store?” Verdei asked, turning to reach for the bag.
Monte handed it over. “Yeah, din’t think they’d be THAT great but oh my god-” Solaina made sure to step on the gas a little as they drove back to Verdei’s house to drop him off.
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acsversace-news · 7 years
Warning: This recap of the “Manhunt” episode of The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story contains spoilers.
From the beginning we’ve known that Andrew Cunanan fancied himself a man of finer tastes. Even while on the run for a murder spree, he still took the time to purchase just the right Wayfarer knock-offs or order a surf ‘n’ turf meal from a wealthy john. Did Cunanan wear just any old bathing suit? Nope, it was magenta Speedo all the way. And when it came to rat-infested, crumbling junkie motels, you better believe Cunanan asked for an ocean view. Yes, even the lowest of human existences can leave room for glamour.
“Manhunt” continued last week’s premiere with even more backstory of where both Versace and Cunanan had been in their respective lives before the titular assassination. And like last week, it took what everyone knew about the case (from sensationalized tabloid coverage mostly) and filled in the gaps with new facts, genuine insight, and arresting beauty. Let’s talk about it!
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We began with an unrecognizable, anonymous man in disguise.
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Underneath this ingenious, identity-concealing ensemble was none other than famous fashion designer Gianni Versace. But this costumed ruse would be for neither heist nor romp. No, he was at a clinic receiving bad news about a blood test he’d recently taken. And while this episode was careful to keep things vague, this scene, added to a later scene in which he could barely walk unassisted, was meant to suggest that Versace’s life had once been threatened long before Andrew Cunanan ever pointed a gun at him. You can probably guess what the illness was. But as a reminder, the ’90s were an especially bad time for a specific group of people.
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Versace’s diagnosis played heavily into this episode’s central concept. That he’d been able to fight off his illness using state-of-the-art medicines, he’d slapped the grim reaper across its tacky face, and he’d begun to embrace life as only a formerly dead man walking could. Which, as Donatella Versace noted, made his later murder all the more devastating.
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But death comes for us all, even those who can afford to have their facial bullet wounds spackled over and their cremains laid to rest so fabulously.
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Even when reduced to several ounces of ash, Versace still flew first class. Honestly touching.
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We then cut over to Andrew Cunanan, who was currently speeding on the freeway scream-singing “Gloria.” Which, we’ve all done that, and in my case nearly every day. “Gloria” is one of the greatest songs of all time. As we quickly discovered, Cunanan was only just arriving in Miami, so this act of free-wheelin’ joy came after he’d murdered his first four victims. Yep, he was now murder-jazzed, and it was time to spread his brand of awful in a beach community!
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Cunanan showed up at the dingiest motel with the most beautiful oceanfront view in Miami. It was clearly a faded stucco hell pit of junkies and, well, other serial killers I’m guessing. Between the presence of a junkie Max Greenfield and a duct-tape gimp mask, this was like if American Horror Story: Hotel had been crossed with Miami Vice. Into it.
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Meanwhile the FBI had arrived in town around the same time, but this local Miami detective lady quickly realized they were terrible at their jobs and had not tried particularly hard to catch this gay spree-killer yet. They hadn’t even made any copies of his “Wanted” poster! And as we’d learn later, citizens were ready and willing to report a Cunanan sighting, which made it all the more frustrating that the FBI had been so slow to spread the word. (Thank God for America’s Most Wanted.)
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As you can imagine, Andrew Cunanan made fast friends with junkie Max Greenfield, and after a heartfelt scene in which Greenfield’s character talked about his HIV diagnosis, the two schemed openly about how to make quick cash and/or buy some junk to smoke. An enterprising liar and conman, it was almost charming that Cunanan still resorted to turning tricks sometimes. I guess that was easier than, like, check fraud or whatever.
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So, sex work for local lonely hearts was now on the menu! Congratulations, Miami fellas!
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Except, whoops … there was the pesky fact that Andrew Cunanan was a total psychopath. Which meant that this john’s simple request to be dominated led him to finding himself suffocating under a face full of duct tape and terrorized within an inch of his life while Andrew Cunanan danced around the room in a pink Speedo.
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Yeah this was one of the most disturbing scenes I’ve seen in a Ryan Murphy joint, but the terror was effective. The disturbing vibe continued even afterward, as the terrified john sat watching Cunanan finish a lobster meal, waited until Cunanan left, and then debated whether to call 911 and report the assault. Alas, the wedding ring he placed back on his finger suggested why the crime ultimately went unreported. Again: The ’90s really sucked.
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But enough darkness, it was time to remember what made Versace famous! In this scene, Donatella urged Versace to change things up and compete with his more goth-inspired competitors Galliano and McQueen, but Versace made clear that he was in the business of joy and beauty and life, especially now that he had his health back. Donatalla couldn’t help but see his point.
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And credit to this show for not only producing a convincing fashion show (with convincingly Versace-ish looks) but also even casting a runway model who resembled Shalom Harlow to play Shalom Harlow! Miss her. Come back, Shalom.
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As though we needed more evidence that Andrew Cunanan was unhinged, we got this cute scene where he smoked tons of drugs, then went to the bathroom for some quiet time. In this case quiet time involved wrapping his head and face in duct tape and also admiring the intensely insane serial killer wall he’d created in the bathroom:
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Yeah, I think we’d recalled Cunanan as being an out-of-control party boy or whatever, but this series has done a lot to prove he was insane in a scary and singular way. Just a bad-time-guy lookin’ for trouble.
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We also got glimpses into the romantic life shared by Versace and his lover, Ricky Martin (as himself, jk). And though their lifestyle of hooking up with men together and going to the clubs was nothing they were ashamed of in their private life, we could sense that the straight world would never understand their situation. Versace himself doubted that his partner truly loved him enough to want to be married (which … gay marriage? What a futuristic concept in 1997!), yet they still were clearly everything to each other. It would be romantic if we didn’t know where this was all heading.
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We then got another classic Cathy Moriarty appearance, in which we saw the incident when Cunanan sold a stolen coin to her at her pawn shop and she remembered it enough to contact the police after the shooting. And again, she’d even glanced at her collection of “Wanted” posters before making the sale, underscoring again that the authorities’ slow-to-act tendencies toward gay crime had almost directly led to Versace’s murder. But at least we can all continue to count on Cathy Moriarty when we need her!
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I loved this brief scene when a drag impersonator of Donatella showed up at Versace’s manor and demanded to come in and hang out. He was polite enough about it, noting that one Donatella in his life was enough, but still. She DID look fun to hang out with. I probably would’ve let her up.
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That night, Versace and his lover went out to the local dance club Twist, and Andrew Cunanan followed them there, presumably to shoot him right there in the club. But Versace ended up ducking out before the encounter happened but not before his lover informed him that even at night, even amid opportunities to be around other men … he still chose Versace and wanted to marry him. Again, except for the line of strangers behind them and the bad ’90s techno wafting in the air, this was an incredibly touching and romantic moment. These two.
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Inside, a clearly dejected Cunanan was approached by a random hottie, and he responded by having a borderline meltdown in which he listed all the different fake occupations he’d ever pretended to be. Including, of course, serial killer. But while the random hottie had no reason to think Cunanan was being serious about any of them, it was a chilling notion that someone who had spent a lifetime lying about his accomplishments was now going to try to make a name for himself in a more tragic and gruesome way. Ugh, he was the worst.
“Manhunt” functioned best as a continuation of last week’s introduction to the story and setting. And like last week, it relied on visuals and physical performance more than written dialogue, and was just as spellbinding. Tense, funny, emotional, and troubling all at once, this is a fascinating world to explore and I can’t get enough. Obviously it’s a dark story and doesn’t promise to get any lighter by the end of it, but I can’t help myself. That this is even on the air (and executed so perfectly) is enough to give someone a new lease on life. How very Versace.
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