#i was so stunned when I first saw this I didn’t capture it disappearing
piraticoctopus · 11 months
Apparently gloom hands grow from bulbs
When they go back in the ground to despawn, the bulbs all merge into one. Weirdest shit I’ve seen so far.
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gh0stsp1d3r · 4 months
Can you please write about a dark/yandere Luke x Child of Ares reader? The reader has anger issues and Luke is like totally in love. How would the reader act if they noticed how Luke is always following/stalking them? IF YOU LIKE TO CHANGE THE PLOT THEN YOU CAN DO SO! THANK YOUU!
Warnings- LOTSSS of tension, mentions of stalking but nothing crazy,
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“C’mon, You can do better than that!” You said to the kid, they picked up their sword and were breathing heavily, sweating.
“Can we just take a break?” The kid complained, leaning against a tree.
“No. Do the Gods take breaks? Do the monsters coming after you take breaks?” You replied. God, this kid was annoying. And if Chiron handed another one off to you, you were going to scream.
“No, but-“
“But nothing. You’re too weak, and you need training. No breaks.” You said. The kid huffed and you got in a ready stance again.
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“You’re harsh on them.” You heard a voice say from behind you. You had just wrapped up the training. You knew that voice from anywhere.
“What do you want, Castellan?” You asked him, tone annoyed. You picked up your sword and tools, not even glancing at him.
“Easy, tiger.” He laughed, holding his hands up in defense. You ignored him. “Just wandering around and I saw you with the kid.”
“Mhm..” you rolled your eyes, standing up and turning to him now.
“Well, I’ll see you later.”
You furrowed an eyebrow at him. What was later?
“It’s capture the flag day…” he said, when he noticed your confused expression.
“Fuck.” You groaned, he smirked and left you alone for now.
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You conversed with your team, and Annabeth was out sick, so you guys were going against fucking Luke Castellan.
You noticed him glancing at you from afar while you spoke to your team and he spoke to his. He had a shit eating grin that you wanted to wipe off his face, desperately.
You discussed the best plan, changing up some roles. “Any new campers, follow Clarisse.” And with that, Chiron explained the rules, the horns were played and game started. You and Luke looked at each other one more time, you flipped him off from afar and he just kept on smiling cockily before disappearing from your view.
You all went across the bridge, you looking for Luke, who you knew would be the biggest problem out of them all.
You ventured into the woods, you saw some kids, but easily brought them down and left them begging for mercy when they tried to pick a fight with you.
There was no sign of him, he usually didn’t go with the flag holder, because he was always looking for you. Of course you didn’t know that, but he did.
And that’s exactly what he was doing now. He creeped up behind you quietly, and put his sword to your neck.
“Found you first.” He breathed, his warm breath hitting the shell of your ear. His body was now pressed against yours as you stood, stunned.
“Great job, Castellan.” You said sarcastically. He was confused why you said it like that until you grabbed his arm from behind you, using all your strength to throw him onto the ground. He groaned, his helmet falling off next to him.
He went to grab his sword but you grabbed it before him. He looked up at you, cocky smile gone now.
You put your shoe on his chest, a smile of victory now on your face.
The horns started to blow again, and you both turned into the direction of the sound. You huffed, taking your foot off him. He stood up, brushing himself off.
You handed him his helmet and you walked ahead of him, glancing over your shoulder as you spoke.
“By the way, don’t think I haven’t been noticing you watching me, stalker.”
He stood still, stunned at your words. You just smirked as you walked away, already knowing your team had won by the shouts you could hear.
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babymochibeargyu · 21 days
I Want Beom but I Got a Gyu
POV: bf gyu acting goofy for you everytime he notices your camera
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You don’t know how he does it. It was like he had a camera detector just for you. 
Gyu was picky about how his pictures would turn up on other people's phones. So he would always make sure to look his best when he saw someone sneaking a pic of him. You will never catch him lacking in any of the stranger's pictures of him. 
It couldn’t be helped though. He was one out of five of the most handsome people at your school, and that meant that people would be sneaking pics here and there.
When it comes to you, all you want is how Gyu poses for these random strangers. All prim and poise, handsome side profile, and all that good stuff that others get. 
However, all he ever does is make funny faces at your camera. Every time you think you have caught him off guard and it’s finally time you got a good shot of him,
BAM! Faster than lighting, mans had already spotted you from afar. Somehow even though you thought you were quick when you clicked capture, the result was still the same. Utter failure, goofy Gyu:100 | Y/N: 0 
I mean it had its perks. You thought it was cute. Having pictures of your bf that no one else had. It was like he was purposely doing this to you so that you could have a collection of silly Gyus on your phone. 
But enough is enough. You just wanted some decent photos of your bf too, was that too much to ask? And that was how you ended up at his locker.
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As he walked out of class, he had a glimpse of you at his locker. Gyu immediately ran up to you like a little puppy and gave you a big hug.
“What are you doing here” he asked. You could hear the excitement in his voice. 
“I gotta talk to you about something. Let’s go back to my house.” When you said that, Gyu was kinda scared.
‘Is she gonna break up with me?’ he thought to himself. 
This wasn’t the first time that Gyu had been to your house. He has been here almost every weekend because he enjoys your company and wants to spend as much time as he can together with you.
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He would be lying if he said that he wasn’t nervous because you sounded so serious earlier that it gave him goosebumps.
Y’all never really fought throughout your entire relationship either and he wishes for it to stay that way. 
You didn’t know how to bring up what you wanted to say. To be honest you hate confrontations and this was something that you’ve never done before. It was always Gyu who had driven the daily convos between the both of you. 
“So what did you want to talk about?” you heard Gyu speak up. 
“I don’t know how to say this without it sounding silly.”
The suspense was killing him, you could see on Gyu’s face he was pleading for you to tell him now.
You finally muster up the courage, hoping that he won’t get mad at you for what you are about to say.
“Why is it that every time I try to take a good picture of you like everyone else, you always give me a goofy Gyu… I want handsome Beom pics like everyone else too.” you pouted.
Gyu was stunned because he never realized that he had done that. It was probably because his inner child felt so at peace whenever you were around, and that’s how all the goofy Gyu pics happened. 
“I’m sorry Y/N. But I didn’t realize I’d been doing that. I guess my body just feels so relaxed whenever I see you, that my inner child takes over without me noticing. I swear I didn't do anything on purpose to irritate you. If it made you feel that way I'm truly sorry."As Gyu was saying this, you could see tears already forming in his eyes. 
Now that you knew the actual reason, any ounce of irritation you felt for him disappeared. You took him into your embrace, wrapping him up in a tight hug. 
This was nice. Your warm embrace mixed with the familiar scent of his favorite perfume that he loved on you. 
Why didn't we do this more often? We should do it more. Gyu thought to himself. 
After you felt that he had calmed down, you looked up at Gyu while still embracing him. 
"So could I get my overdue handsome Beom pics now?" you said shyly. Like who wouldn't be shy asking your handsome bf to act like a model just so that you could take photos of him? 
"As long as it's for you, I can do anything that you want me to Y/N." and gives you a quick peck on the lips. 
"Let's get started shall we"Beom said. 
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Got really inspired when i saw goofy gyu and ended up making a Gyu board hehe.If yall have anything you want me to write about do lmk in the comments or the ask me anything bar!!Do give me a follow if you’ve been enjoying these hehe!! see yall in the next one🥹🫶🏻🤍
taglist: @moagyuu @heyanonymous123
© babymochibeargyu - all rights reserved. please do not copy/repost/translate
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captainremmington-13 · 2 months
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖆𝖚𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖋 𝖉𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖍
𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖘𝖎𝖝
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show!Luke Castellan x daughter of thanatos!reader
DISCLAIMER: I don’t own the image above or any of Rick Riordan’s characters/world-building.
⚠️Warnings⚠️: swearing, slight angst, mentions of parental neglect
A/N: let the dark!couple arc begin :)
You and Luke were in Elysium for a whole month. 
After your first kiss, Luke immediately asked you to be his girl. And of course, you said yes.
Every resident of Camp Half-Blood knew of your union by the campfire that night. You weren’t exactly sure how, but you suspected that Aphrodite’s children had noticed the sudden change in your dynamic. They had a reputation for spreading gossip like wildfire. 
Most of your fellow demigods were stunned by the new development, save for the other residents of the Hermes Cabin. 
“We saw it coming from miles away,” Travis Stoll had told you at dinner one night, giving you and Luke a cheeky grin. “The way you looked at him and the way he followed you around made it obvious.”
“Yeah,” his brother Connor agreed. “Luke’s usually pretty tough on everyone else, but he’s so soft with you.”
They both proceeded to make obnoxious kissing noises at you, making Luke groan loudly and bury his face in his hands. You had just laughed, and leaned your head against his shoulder. 
Being with Luke had heightened your spirits immensely. No longer did you appear stoic and un-phased. You laughed, smiled, and socialized with campers, satyrs, and nymphs alike. It surprised them, and some of them were still afraid of you at first, but they warmed up to you eventually. You felt more accepted than ever.
Sure, some people openly disliked your relationship. They said you weren’t good enough for your boyfriend. That you were like a bad omen, and you’d just bring him pain and suffering. That he would be better off with a child of Aphrodite, or Athena, or anyone else but you. 
It didn’t bother you a lot. In fact, you only told Luke about it because you found it amusing.
He was not amused. 
He’d pulled the people who slandered your relationship aside and threaten to target them during the next Capture the Flag game. The negative remarks stopped immediately after.  
Luke was the best boyfriend you could’ve ever asked for. He was attentive, sweet, and protective. He made it clear that he adored you, and only you. You still trained vigorously together, but it was much more fun. Besides, no matter if you won or lost, you were rewarded with a kiss. 
Everything was perfect.
Then, the gods had to go and fuck it up.
“Where in Hades have you been?”
Luke winced at your sharp tone. You hadn’t meant to sound upset, you were simply worried that he had vanished after the campfire instead of meeting you back at Cabin 11. 
He stepped towards you and took your hand.
“We need to talk. Somewhere more private.”
As he lead you off of the porch of Cabin 11 and towards the woods, your heart pounded. Was he mad at you? Had you done something wrong?
After walking for awhile, Luke halted. He was still gripping your hand, as if he was afraid you’d disappear if he let go. 
He turned towards you, and in the silver moonlight, you could see that his eyes glittered with anger. 
You reached up to cup his cheek, and he leaned into your touch. “What’s wrong?”
Luke sighed. “I just got visited by my fath-Hermes.” 
You stared at him. “You’re fucking kidding.” 
“I’m not. He offered me a quest.”
You felt your anger begin to boil. After ignoring Luke for basically his whole life, Hermes decided to just waltz in pretending to care about him by giving him a chance to be a hero? 
“I’m going to kill him.”
It wasn’t just Luke who had become incredibly protective. You would become a bit very violent when someone crossed or hurt your boyfriend, just as he would for you.
“Angel,” Luke sighed. “That’s not how it works.”
“I know, I know. Sorry, I just got upset on your behalf.”
He gave you a small smile, but it quickly faded.  He let go of your hand, which made you frown slightly. “The quest I was given is simple: steal a Golden Apple from The Garden of Hesperides.”
You racked your brain, trying to recall anything you knew about the Garden. “Is that the tree that Gaea gifted Zeus when he married Hera?”
“That’s the one.”
You bit the inside of your cheek. “This seems like a pointless quest. You gain nothing from it, you’re not solving any problems or saving anyone. Besides, didn’t Heracles do the exact same thing millennia ago?”
Luke’s jaw clenched, and you could tell he was irritated. “Yeah, yeah he did.”
“So you’re going to turn Hermes down, right?“
He looked away from you. Even though he was silent, you knew exactly what he was thinking.
“No, Luke, you can’t do this! It makes no sense, you wouldn’t gain anyth-“
“Yes, I would!” Luke insisted. “I haven’t gotten a real chance to prove myself in all three years I’ve been at camp!”
“You don’t need to prove anything to anyone!” you exclaimed, not caring if you were being too loud. “Luke, you’re already an incredible fighter and a respected leader. What else could you possibly want?”
“Then wait for a better opportunity. Wait for the Oracle to give you a real quest, don’t just take orders from your deadbeat, asshole of a father.”
“Angel, listen to me.” Luke’s tone was firm but gentle. “I want to do this. Not because of my  father. I want a chance to do something that people will talk about, something that will prove once and for all that I’m not to be messed with.”
You looked at him, and you knew he had made up his mind.
“You’re not gonna change your mind, are you?”
You stepped towards him, taking hold of his forearm softly. “Fine. Then I’m going with you.”
“It’s not up for debate. We’re a team, Castellan, and I’m your girl. I’m not letting you do this alone.”
Luke put a hand on your waist, the other one reaching up to brush the hair out of your face. “Okay. You can come.”
He let out a quiet chuckle, placing a kiss on your forehead. “You’re so stubborn.”
“So are you,” you retorted, resting your head against his chest. Your eyes fluttered shut, the feeling of fatigue beginning to set in.
“You tired?” he asked, petting your hair gently.
“Yeah,” you murmured. “Let’s go back to the cabin.”
As you laid in bed that night, wrapped in Luke’s embrace, you realized that you should’ve fought harder to make him deny the quest. It really wasn’t worth it for him to risk his life for some stupid golden apple.
But he was hellbent on going. And you knew you couldn’t stop him. So, the next-best thing was to join him.
After all, when you fought side-by-side, you never failed. 
“Are you two absolutely sure about this?”
Chiron stood at the top of Half-Blood Hill, the shade provided by Thalia’s tree casting a shadow on his face. 
“Yes,” you and Luke said in unison. 
Both of you were carrying medium-sized backpacks full of supplies needed for your journey. You had each packed a canteen of nectar, four squares of ambrosia, a change of clothes, all of the cash you owned (which wasn’t a lot), and some drachmas in case you needed to send an Iris message. 
Because it was July, you decided to wear a light, breathable outfit. You wore black cargo shorts and a loose grey tank top, accompanied by your trusty black leather boots. The grommet belt strapped around your waist held your weapon, which was in its condensed form.
You hoped you wouldn’t need to use it until you arrived at The Garden of Hesperides, but you knew that was extremely unlikely. 
Monsters were bound to come after you. They always did.
Chiron sighed. You hated when he had that “I have a bad feeling about this” look on his face, it made you feel extremely pessimistic. 
“Should you need anything, send us an Iris message. We will expect you to return within two weeks. If you do not, we will send a satyr to find you.”
“We’ll be fine,” Luke said, but it seemed like was trying to convince himself instead of Chiron. “But thanks.”
Chiron nodded. He then turned his attention to you.
“I am very proud of the hero you are becoming.   I know you have not had the easiest childhood, but nevertheless, you have persevered and become a strong fighter and a crucial member of Camp Half-Blood. I believe in you, and I believe you will succeed. But if you do not, that does not define your worth.”
You resisted the urge to tear up. Chiron had been consistently kind to you, even it felt like nobody would give you the time of day. 
“Thank you,” you said quietly. “But we will succeed, I promise you.”
Chiron gave you a warm smile. “Good luck,” he said, looking at both you and Luke. “Be brave, but avoid recklessness. And most importantly, take care of each other.”
Luke nodded. “I’ll protect her with my life.”
You smiled at him. “And I’ll do the same for you.” 
Chiron gave you a nod. “Safe travels, demigods.” 
With that, Luke took your hand, and lead you down the hill past the camp border. He glanced over his shoulder for a brief moment, his eyes wandering towards Thalia’s tree. He looked nervous, but determined. 
Determined to prove himself, and determined to keep you safe.
No matter what it took.
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taglist: @orionspaperwork, @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy, @marvelescvpe, @lovingjasontoddmakemewanttocry, @louweasleymalfoy, @stars4birdie, @stargurl-battleship, @daughterofthemoons-stuff
Thank you for reading! Pls let me know what you think in the comments!!!
We aren’t given much info about Luke’s quest in the PJO books, I’ll be making up a lot of the things that happen during it. Because of this, it make take me a little bit longer to write Chapters Seven and Eight.
Let me know in the comments if you want to be added to the taglist!
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saintunhinged · 1 year
When All Is Forgotten
word count 2.1k content warning angst
w/ comfort
requested by @ppeachpits
summary julian breaks your heart, then disappears without any communication. during nadia’s ball, you come face to face with the man you’ve grown to hate for the first time in months. he’s eager to talk to you, but the feeling is far from mutual.
When he took you to the docks, you never expected the events unfolding before you. Just hours ago things were fine between the two of you, but now it was all falling apart and you had Julian to blame.
You knew he was breaking up with you— at least it was considered one seeing as nothing was made official. But you didn’t need any labels on your relationship with him to know you were head over heels for a man you’d only just met.
“We never- we never had anything to start with. Just… a night or two stolen from time.” Julian hesitates, then his uncovered eye finds yours, lit with a gaze intense enough to burn right through you. The chance to ask the meaning of his claim never arrives. “I never loved you.” He blatantly confesses, leaving you in a state of shock.
You’re too stunned to speak. The words you once wished to share with him have disappeared. Your brows creased when you finally managed to speak. “What?” You timidly ask, hoping to have heard him wrong.
He’s quick to add, “I said I never loved you.” He repeats, his voice gradually coming to a whisper almost as if ashamed to say. Though he stands firm in his statement, it’s easy to see his facade struggling to hold up. Or perhaps it was the figment of your imagination that desperately hoped he didn’t mean it.
The gaze that once bore through you now struggles to stay on you. “That’s not true.” You sternly declare, your mask of confidence throwing him off guard.
“I– ah…hmm.” A pregnant silence stumbles over you as he thinks carefully about choosing his next words. “I suppose it’s foolish of you to think so, no?” His rhetorical question rings through the air. “I’m sorry. For everything. Truly.”
You reach out to touch him, but he takes a step back out of your reach. It only makes your heart hurt more. The stinging sensation in your eyes warns you of the oncoming tears threatening to spill over. “Julian..?”
A solemn smile played on his face. “Goodbye, dear.” It was the last you saw of him.
The memory of that night rages through your mind like a fierce storm. It’s all you can think about as you watch the tall man stride proudly through the ballroom. From the small crowd around him and the exaggerated waving of his hands, you can tell he’s captured an audience with a story.
He’s too busy to even notice you.
You’re unable to stop yourself from glaring at him. The feelings that you thought had vanished with the months that had passed were beginning to resurface. Did you hate him, or was the thought of being in the same room with him that sickening?
While re-enacting a part of his story, he does a flamboyant spin while swinging an imaginary weapon, one you assume to be a sword, his gaze landing on you in the midst of it all. It takes only a second for him to fumble in place, his attention now fully on you. Even from across the room, you see the color drain from his already pale face.
You don’t stay long enough to see what he does next. Turning on your heels, you let your feet guide you away until you find yourself at the garden’s fountain. The still water vividly reflected the bright moon shining above. Twinkling in the night sky were the stars. You could easily clear your mind here.
Seeing Julian was certainly not a part of your plans, but you refused to let him ruin this for you. Because of how diligently Nadia worked to make the ball an enjoyable event for everyone, you couldn’t let her invitation go to waste. All you needed was a few minutes to collect yourself and you’d be fine.
A puff of air blows past your lips once you sit at the fountain’s edge. Your eyes slip close as you focus on your breathing, but the more you try to direct your mind elsewhere, the more you find yourself thinking of him.
The soft sound of footsteps approaching coaxes your eyes open. You’re not pleased to see a jittery Julian closing in on you.
Your name falls carefully from his mouth. “I didn’t know you’d be here.” He anxiously informed you. Like before, his right eye remained covered by a black eye patch, but the dark circles around his eye was more prominent than you remembered.
“You would’ve never shown your face if you did.” You snarkily retort.
“... I deserve that.” His demeanor was unsure and tense as he racked his brain for something— anything to say.
The laugh you let out was not amusing in any way. You scoff in disbelief. “Oh, you deserve a lot more than that. Months Julian, it’s been months since I’ve heard from you!” You’re practically shouting at him, disregarding the quizzical looks a few onlookers shoot you.
In another situation, Julian would summon the perfect response he thought would calm you down or at least one he thought would. Now his mind was blanking. “I know– and .. and I’m sorry. I feared what you might say. What you might think of me...” He trails off, a pensive look crossing his apprehensive features.
“I think you’re a coward.” You begrudgingly express.
You hear him swallow the lump forming in his throat. His gaze shies away from you and his face flushes a deep shade of red. “I know.” His mouth quirks, his lips falling apart to say more, but he decisively remains quiet.
One second passes, two, then three and four. “I didn’t come here for this.” You pointedly murmur through gritted teeth. He was wasting your time. He followed you out here for what? You brush past him, your shoulder roughly bumping his arm.
Julian reaches out to grab your wrist only for you to jerk away from him. “Do not touch me.” You snap.
Instantly, he lets his hand drop back to his side, regret flickering across his face. “I couldn’t drag you down that road of destruction with me. I wanted what was best for you. If something happened to you because of me there’s no telling what I’d do.”
You eyes subconsciously roll. “That’s selfish! You’re selfish! What about what I wanted? Did you ever ask what I wanted?” Your question rings through the air between you. His head falls and you hear him sigh. His low voice is thick with guilt when he speaks. “...No.”
“Yeah, I thought so.” You turn to walk away, this time gaining a short distance from Julian.
“Wait!” He pauses briefly. Despite your mind yelling at you to continue, your legs carry you nowhere. Though you don’t turn to see him, you know he’s struggling to annunciate his thoughts. Behind you, Julian’s brows furrow. He doesn’t think at all; soon words are flowing past his lips before he can stop them.
“I uh.. I regret that night more than you know. Every day I thought of you, and quite frankly— I need you. I er .. messed up, I know. I mess everything up. I’m not worthy of your forgiveness, nor your time, but… I do love you.”
Your shoulders slump. Your eyes screw shut as you slowly shake your head. You fight against the prickling burn in your eyes. “Newsflash, no one leaves someone they love.” With that, you return to the ball determined not to let your encounter with Julian deter your night. You run into Asra on your way in.
You’re not sure if it’s the tears that gave it away or whether he just knows you that well, his face immediately softens upon seeing you.
Worry is written on his face. “What’s the matter?”
One question manages to break the dam. You find it nearly impossible to stop the overflowing tears. When you fail to respond, Asra wraps a comforting arm around your shoulder and leads you somewhere secluded. There you begin to sob. “I thought I was over him.” You shakily cry.
For a second his eyebrows knit together in confusion, then relaxes when he realizes. “Oh.” he softly whispers, “I’m sorry. Do you want to talk about it?” His gaze is earnest. At this moment you know he will do anything to console you.
After Julian ghosted you, it was easy to lean on Asra. You insisted on going through the “breakup” alone, but he was adamant on getting you to open up. Never pressuring you, but always telling you it would certainly make it easier.
You tell him about your evening. His expression changes several times. By the time you’re finished venting, you notice Asra in deep thought. “What do you want?”
“A part of me never wants to see him again, but I can’t ignore these feelings I still have for him. I don’t know what to do.”
Asra sighs as if he can’t believe what he’s about to say. He hardly called himself a fan of your fondness for the doctor, but Julian made you happy. That was all he wanted for you.
“Talk to him.” He suggests, and before you can protest against it, he speaks again. “You don’t have to forgive him, but at least hear him out. I know Ilya. He’s rash and reckless in his decisions. If tonight is any indication, I know he cares for you.”
His statement lingers in your thoughts. In the wake of your silence, Asra offers you a small smile and leaves you to your thoughts. “Think about it.”
The second he’s gone, tears involuntarily run down your face. You wonder if he really does care for you. While you’re alone, you blearily observe the room you’re in. You assume it’s one of the storage rooms due to all the cleaning supplies stocked on the shelves. Unfortunately for you, there’s nowhere to sit.
Wiping your eyes, you inhale deeply. When you open the door to leave, you’re met with Julian once again. This time you don’t even react.
You trust Asra would have never told him your whereabouts, but it did leave you questioning how he was able to find you so fast.
“What do y—”
“Wait. I just … I owe you an explanation. After everything, that is.”
Standing there, you contemplate what he said. With nothing to say, you open the door further and allow him to come inside with you.
Inside, Julian self-consciously clears his throat. “You were bound to get hurt being with me. I figured leaving you was the only way to protect you from going down with me. Now, I know how wrong it was. I thought I was helping you... in the end, I ended up hurting you. It doesn’t justify what I did to you, but you deserve the truth. I’ve always cared for you ... more than you uh, you might know.”
Asra’s words replay in your head. He was right. Julian was reckless, and the cloud looming over your judgment was beginning to clear. Would you have done the same if you were in his position?
“I don’t know if I can forgive you,” you think your words over— making sure the next ones to come are ones you won’t later regret.
You see him deflate, then he musters up the courage to utter a response before you’re able to finish your sentence. “I suppose I’m not right to blame you for your choice. I brought this upon myself and—”
“But I want to try.” Julian is too busy rambling to process what you said. When he does, he stops abruptly, a glimmer of hope flashing in his widened eye. “Could you er.. what did you say?” His voice falters.
“Nothing is easy and this won’t be either,” You move your finger back and forth between you and him. “But it doesn’t mean we can’t try.”
Julian’s gaze softens and a gentle smile touches his lips. “That..” he trails off, then tentatively holds out his hand for you to take.
You decide to do him one better. You can’t deny how much you missed him, and it shows when your hands are suddenly cupping his cheeks and your lips tenderly touch his.
His shock is evident. Too stunned to move, Julian’s body tense, wide eyed and flustered. You feel his face on fire beneath under your palms. He’s lost fpr words when you part. “I er.. You didn’t mean to do... that.. right?”
A hardly visible smile paints your face and you nod. “I did.” Unlike before, the silence that comes is serene and welcoming. Neither of you knows what awaits you in the future, but you’re willing to see it through with him by your side.
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ghostofskywalker · 1 year
I loved your fic "Return the Favor!" Can you write something similar for Anakin, where he leaves the order and becomes a bounty hunter that competes with the reader?
thank you!! i really hope you enjoy this!!
warning: this fic has a content warning for graphic descriptions of violence and murder
words: 1071
anakin skywalker masterlist
The Only Way Out of a Stalemate is Together
You and Anakin Skywalker didn’t always get along, but you’d be lying if you said he didn’t make your job easier sometimes. He had something you liked to call Jedi Morality, leftover from when he worked with the Order. Obviously it wasn’t enough and he was now working as a bounty hunter, but it was more compassion that you had felt in a long time, and he also had a tendency to monologue. 
You didn’t know how he was allowed to keep his lightsaber after he left, but the thing was recognizable enough that all you had to do was follow the sounds and the light. He had to get up close and personal with his targets, whereas you preferred the distance and precision of blaster fire, and often used your skills as a sniper to do your job. You worked for different people, but often got assigned the same jobs. You were both the best, so it made sense that people out there would want to cover their bases just in case one bounty hunter failed to capture or kill the target. Unfortunately, it led to a certain rivalry between you and the former Jedi.
Right now you were perched on top of a roof, watching down into the alley below as the man you had been hired to kill was cornered by the former Jedi Knight. Skywalker seemed to be giving him a choice, whether to run and die or go willingly with him, but you had other instructions and a perfectly developed lack of empathy for those who cried and screamed. 
He was halfway through some kind of plea when you fired, and there was a satisfying thump as he fell to the ground. You took out your datapad and snapped a holo of the kill, the blaster hole in the man’s head still smoking, and you made sure that Anakin was not in the shot. There was no question who killed this man, and you needed the credits. 
As if he knew where you were, Skywalker turned and looked up. The look on his face was one of anger and annoyance; this wasn’t the first time you had sabotaged one of his jobs. But to be fair, there were multiple occasions where he had done the same to you, so you weren’t too broken up over it. 
You shrugged nonchalantly and saluted him before disappearing from view, packing up your things and sending a communication to your employer. It wouldn’t be the last time you saw him, that much you were sure of. 
Two weeks later, you had tracked one of your bounties to an abandoned warehouse. This time your orders were to bring him back alive, so you couldn’t exactly show off your sharpshooting skills. What you didn’t know was that a certain someone had followed you, and he was set to get his revenge. 
“Don’t bother fighting it,” you said. This man was small and wiry, but you were able to catch and trip him when he tried to run. Your gun was set to stun (though he didn’t know that), and he was slowly getting up off the ground when a shot rang through the window and pierced his chest. As he slumped down to the ground, a scowl crossed your face. 
If this was who you thought it was, he would definitely be around to gloat. 
“I thought you didn’t like blaster combat, Jedi,” you said, venom dripping from your voice. 
“Former Jedi, actually,” the smug tone of your business rival entered the room, and you turned around to see him with a telltale smirk on his face. “And I’ve been brushing up on it, found it’s quite useful in certain situations.” 
“Like ruining my jobs?” you asked, raising your eyebrows. 
“Oh, is that what I did? Because I didn’t realize you were even here.” 
You rolled your eyes. “Nice try, but you’re still a terrible liar. What are you even doing here anyway?”
“Business is slow right now, and my wanted poster makes my life look way more interesting than it actually is.” 
“So you’re just following me around to ruin my day?”
“Believe what you want to believe,” he said casually. “But now I’d say we’re even.” 
“So are you going to stop messing with my jobs and get a hobby?” 
“Maybe. Are you going to stop messing with mine?” 
A silence fell over the room as neither of you wanted to admit the game you’d been playing and be forced to apologize first. “I can’t help who employs me,” Anakin said. 
“And neither can I.” 
“What about an agreement?” he suggested. “We keep in touch, try not to take the same jobs, and work together if necessary.” 
For a second, you thought he was making a joke, but the expression on his face told you otherwise. “You’re serious?” you asked. “I thought you knew I only work alone.” 
“You’d still be working alone,” he responded. “But we just make sure our professional paths don’t cross.”
“And how am I going to trust you?” 
“What do you mean?” 
You raised your eyebrows at him, turning back to look at the dead man on the floor. “That was supposed to be my latest paycheck. How do I know that you won’t go back on your deal?” 
“How do I know you won’t go back on yours?” 
Well, he did have a point there. “Then you see why this a dumb idea.” 
“Come on,” he said. “I’m tired of playing this game with you. You want me out of your hair, I want the same. This way, we never have to see each other again.” 
You considered the proposition, and against your better judgment, you nodded. “Fine,” you said. “But I work alone, so don’t expect to come to me for help, because you won’t get it.” 
“Deal,” he said, holding his hand out for you to shake. His skin was soft, but you shoved that thought to the side, wondering where the hell it had come from. Sure, he was nice to look at, but the cocky personality type had never been one you were attracted to. “It’s a pleasure doing business with you.” 
You gave him a dry smile “I wish I could say the same about you, Skywalker.” 
With one last look back to the body in the room, you turned and left, hoping that he would keep his word. 
- the end -
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approvedtrash · 1 year
Smile Pretty for Us
Tumblr media
Booking your first modeling job was supposed to be exciting. Thrilling even that you would be going all the way to Japan for this. You’d even have all expenses paid, but the kicker was your nerves. They were getting the best of you. Your first job was going to be with Pro Heroes. You were used to regular models. No quirks or fame of that height, and you weren’t finding out who until you got there. 
Your brain was trying to wrap around the fact that this particular line was to showcase versatility of formal wear with Pro Hero antics. You really just hoped that it would be Deku with his sweet charm or maybe even Earphone Jack with her fun sense of style. Boy how wrong you were when you walked in and spotted ash blonde along with red and white split hair. 
Dynamight and Shoto. Up and coming new Pro Heroes who just so happen to be fan favorites and personal favorites of yours. They were arguing with each other which you saw a lot of in interviews. Dynamight claiming that they aren’t friends while Shoto asks endlessly how they aren’t best friends. 
You put your bag on the chair that had your name on it. Looked around at the bustling crew. Your assigned make up artist came up to you and introduced himself. Complimenting your skin and eyes. At that time you noticed how much quieter it got and realized two extra sets of eyes were now directed at you. You weren’t sure if they’d hear you from across the room so a small wave and bright smile is how you greeted them. 
Shoto being the polite one smiled and waved back while Dynamight gave a head nod while his eyes grazed over your body. If that didn’t make you extra nervous. An hour later you had your hair and make up done and were about to get into your dress. A long beautiful silver dress with a slit up your left leg. Pair with black strappy heels and a simple bracelet set. Dangling diamonds fell from your ears and a simple black choker accented your neckline. You were stunning. 
“Those two aren’t going to know what to do with you when they see you,” your stylist said. His lips curling up in a sly smirk. 
“I assume just what the director wants, and thank you. I’ve never felt more beautiful that I do now,” you responded. 
You were walking out and asked to stand for some lighting tests. You got to know the photographer and director in this time and were relaxing a bit. Until you heard the door slamming and more yelling.
“You took my tie you bastard, it matches my suit,” Dynamight yelled as he adjusted the collar on his open button shirt.
“You don’t even like anything around your neck, I’m doing you a favor really,” Shoto responded. 
The blonde just growled in his direction continuing his venture but stopping dead in his tracks when his red eyes landed on you. Taking in every breath taking morsel that he could. His eyes dilated the red almost disappeared. Shoto being right behind him ended up not stopping in time and crashed into him while fiddling with his tie. When he looked to see why his friend had stopped a sharp inhale could be heard. His eyes went wide and his mouth dropped. 
“Welcome gentlemen, thank you for joining. She’s gorgeous isn’t she?” The director announced.
Neither of them said anything so you took the first step. 
“Hi there, sorry I didn’t introduce myself earlier. It’s so nice to meet you both,” you said sweetly. Extending your hand out to them both and walking towards them they snapped out of the trance. 
“You’re so beautiful, it’s nice to meet you. Not that you weren’t beautiful before, I just -” Shoto was stammering on when an elbow was nudged into his side.
“What the IcyHot idiot means is that you’re going to be a joy to work with and get to know,” Dynamight said. 
He took your out-stretched hand and kissed the top. Making you blush while watching his pearly white canines sparkle as he smirked. 
“Right, it’s already been such a pleasure to be able to work with you,” Shoto responded with. He tucked a stray strand of hair behind your ear while his piercing eyes captured yours. 
“Let’s get started!” The photographer called delighted. 
A few hours had passed and between solo shots and the two of them having some promo shots together along with duos of you separately with each hero it was decided to include all three of you. You could handle this, you were a professional and they would be too. They were pros and this was your job. Why would you be nervous about being close to two incredibly attractive and powerful heroes. 
“Why don’t we have you in between our two heroes, Dynamight put a hand on her hip and Shoto if you could come in close and place a hand around the neck area,” he says.
“Tell me if you’re uncomfortable, this is supposed to be for fun and I can feel your heart rate increasing,” Shoto
You gulped, “It’s just a bit hot under the lights is all don’t you think?”
His right hand came up to your arm as he cooled it down and place it on your skin. Goosebumps littering your skin now as a shudder went down your spine.
“Better?” He whispered in your ear.
All you could do was nod. Dynamight couldn’t have your attention off of him for long. He moved to the side and was shielding you from the bright lights. 
“Do you trust me?” He asked. His bright red eyes scanning your face for any doubt.
“Yes Dynamight, why wouldn’t I?” You responded.
He grinned and locked eyes with Shoto while he leaned in. His tongue meeting the flesh of your neck slowly and then he was blowing on the damp mark he made. You gasped and melted back into Shoto who was now holding you up. 
“You respond well gorgeous, what else do you respond to?” Dynamight chuckled as he held your hip harder and lifted your leg. 
“You’re going to scare her off, don’t listen to him beautiful, just keep breathing and this will come out natural,” Shoto whispered into your ear. 
You let out a small groan as you felt their hands sliding on your skin. Shoto’s lips were close to your ear while Dynamight’s eyes were roaming the curve of your neck. 
“Oh god! Wait, what’s happening right now,” you squrimed as your head came back to focus. 
You heard some laughs and camera clicking. You looked over at the director and photographer who were smiling and looking at some shots.
“These are wonderful, if we could get a few more just candid shots I think we’ll be ready to go,” the photographer said.
The two heroes looked at each other then to you. Their brains always working at full speed while you were just trying to keep calm and not mess anything up. It was like the two were talking telepathically as they shifted hands and nods were exchanged. 
“What’re you doing after this gorgeous?” Dyamight asked. His index finder going underneath your chin to lift your gaze to his.
“Probably lunch at my hotel and some rest, I came by myself so I’m going to enjoy this while I can,” you responded.
“No boyfriend or anything that came with you, to make sure you’re safe?” Shoto asked. His grip moving over your hip and his fingers digging into the flesh on your upper thigh. 
“I don’t have a boyfriend, my agent booked everything for me and I’m old enough to travel by myself you know,” You huffed out. 
They both smiled at that statement. Shoto’s teeth were grazing your shoulder and neck while he let out cool gusts of air to gauge your reaction. Dynamight still held your eyes as he leaned closer.
“This just made it my favorite shoot then,” he said and then leaned in more. His lips meeting yours instantly while Shoto bit down.
You were stunned but your hand went to Shoto’s thigh while the other went to Dynamight’s hair. Right at the nape of his neck. He pulled on your bottom lip as you two exchanged a few heated kisses. Then you heard the small explosion.
“What the fu-” you yelped but Shoto’s fingers caught your lips before you could finish your sentence.
“A dirty word coming out of such a pretty mouth, what are we going to do with that?” The half and half hero asked you.
You moaned and glanced around. Trying to figure out how you were pressed together between two of your favorite heroes in this predicament. 
“That’s a wrap! The three of you make a wonderful team! We are going to be sure to request you for future shoots. Would you ever consider moving to Japan?” They asked. 
The two had reluctantly pulled off of you giving you some space. They stayed close to you though. Listening intently to hear your answer.
“It’s been a pleasure, I’m sure it would be something I’d think about,” you explained. 
After about thirty minutes of taking off the excessive make up and letting your hair down you got to change but keep the dress. A perk of working with designers that just wanted to get their name out there. You had everything ready when you heard a knock on the door. You wondered if it was the director but opening you were surprised to see the two heroes in their casual clothes. 
“Oh, hi! It was great working with you both. You’re two of my favorite Japanese heroes,” you stumbled your words out. 
Shoto smiled softly and said, “It was a delight to work with you and I hope that we can continue to work on future projects. You’re beautiful and talented and extremely professional.”
“It wouldn’t be the worst if I got to kiss you again either,” Dynamight added as he leaned in the doorway. 
You glanced up, a red tinting your cheeks now. A huff came from Shoto as he glared at his blonde friend. The smug look on his face was enough that you could feel the temperature drop. 
“I hope he wasn’t too forward, and I wasn’t either. We were told to try and get some candid shots that would sell,” Shoto explained. 
“No trouble, I didn’t feel uncomfortable and I wouldn’t mind that either Dynamight,” you snipped back at him. 
His hand went to lift your chin again, “Careful sweetheart, you don’t know what you’ll get yourself into, and it’s Katsuki.”
You were caught off guard by another hand turning your head towards the dual quirked hero. His lips again going to your ear to whisper, “I’d like the next one though.” 
Placing a kiss on your lips you melted into his touch. Who were you to say no to your favorites.
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headcanonsandmore · 1 year
All You Ever Wanted
Summary:  Tegan Jovanka thought she would never be able to see Nyssa of Traken again. But the future has a way of turning out differently to how you expect...
                          Read on FFN.                         Read on AO3.
‘Stupid bloody machine!’
Tegan Jovanka was not having a good day. The Doctor and Turlough had run off into danger as per usual, leaving her to pick the pieces. The Doctor had told her to reactivate a piece of technology from the TARDIS workshop; it looked almost like a bicycle, except with added panels.
Oh, and it didn’t work, either.
The Doctor had said that, once she had got it going, the technology contained within it would integrate with the rest of the TARDIS and run diagnostics on the alien egg that the Doctor had brought back from their initial foray onto the surface of the world outside.
Well, the Doctor had been captured by the palace guards and Turlough had disappeared off to goodness knew where, so Tegan was the only one who could do this.
And, like with everything the Doctor told her to do, Tegan found herself wondering if he’d just suggested it so she’d stop yelling at him.
The pedal of the machine swung round, hitting the front of Tegan’s leg and leaving a small gash.
Suddenly, the machine whirred into life. The seat changed to be the correct size for her, and the pedals changed direction entirely.
The monitor of the TARDIS, set up nearby, flickered into life. It seemed to be playing footage of someone setting up the machine. A young woman with bushy hair, wearing a dark maroon jumpsuit.
Tegan’s heart seemed to break.
It was Nyssa.
‘That’s what she would say,’ Nyssa was saying, as she worked the levers of the machine. ‘I never understood Earth curse-words, but that was one that Tegan used a lot...’
Nyssa’s face suddenly creased, and Tegan was stunned to see a tear slide down the Trakenite’s cheek.
‘Oh, Tegan…’ Nyssa said, beginning to gently sob. ‘I know she wanted to go back to Heathrow but… we didn’t have a chance to say goodbye. And now she’s gone…’
The screen blinked off.
Tegan stared at the now dark monitor before reaching up to wipe a tear from her eye. She wasn’t normally in the habit of crying, but Nyssa had always had a habit of being her weakness. Not that she cared; if anyone had a right to make Tegan vulnerable, it was Nyssa. The woman she had loved from the first moment they had met; from the moment Tegan had clapped eyes on her in Logopolis, she had been well-and-truly gone for the last daughter of Traken.
She swore to herself -there and then- that if she ever was lucky enough to find Nyssa again, she would tell her that she loved her.
                                                -Four decades later-
 Tegan smiled. She had to admit, she had been doubtful about the idea of a support group for friends of the Doctor when Graham had initially suggested it. But, now that she was here, she saw how much of a good thing it could be. Granted, she had already known Ace through U.N.I.T but there was something rather wonderful about meeting so many other people who had been through the same sorts of experiences as she had.
That whole business with the Master attacking Earth had happened several weeks ago, and U.N.I.T was starting up its new new headquarters. Tegan was technically still a freelancer, as was Ace. And Yaz.
Poor Yaz.
The young woman had clearly been in love with the most recent version of the Doctor. Tegan wasn’t sure what had happened to them but, from the scarce bits of detail Yaz had provided, that version of the Doctor had been at the point of regenerating when they had dropped Yaz off outside the community hall.
Tegan could tell that Yaz was putting on a brave face. But, when Yaz had walked in with Graham and Dan, the look of pain and barely disguised grief had been there under the surface.
Tegan had shared a look with Ace, who had nodded at her in understanding. While the support group was there for all of them, they all needed to be there for Yaz in particular. She needed to know that someone could have a fulfilling life after travelling with the Doctor.
After the meeting had concluded, Tegan was in the kitchen of the community hall, along with Ace.
‘I think that went well,’ Ace said, cheerfully. ‘Nice to meet more people who’ve been through the same stuff as us, eh.’
‘Yeah,’ Tegan said. ‘Although I still think the Doctor could have graced us with a visit.’
‘You know fully well they wouldn’t do that because of Yaz.’
‘Hmm,’ Tegan muttered, taking a sip of tea. ‘That’s their excuse.’
‘Someone mention the Doctor?’
A man, roughly a decade older than Tegan, had poked his head through the door. He was tall, with an amiable face, long sideburns and an easy smile.
‘Mister Benton?’ Tegan asked, putting her cup of tea down. ‘Good grief, talk about a blast from the past!’
Benton grinned and crossed the room, shaking hands with both of them.
‘Sorry I couldn’t make it here earlier for the meeting,’ he said. ‘I was looking after the grandkids today.’
‘How have you been?’ Tegan said. ‘The last I saw you was… what, the early nineties?’
‘Something like that,’ he said. ‘Kate sent a car for me today; weird, considering I used to help babysit her back in the day. But that’s the passage of time for you.’
Ace chuckled, grinning.
‘Fancy a cuppa, Benton?’ she said. ‘We’ve got enough here to fuel an army.’
Benton grinned and began helping them with drinks for everyone (mainly orange juice and a couple cups of tea). Tegan then lifted the large tray off the kitchen counter. She had expecting Benton to insist on carrying it, but he likely knew her too well.
It was at that moment that, from outside in the corridor, the voice of Kate Stewart talking on her phone drifted in.
‘Os, what do you mean, they just teleported in?’
Ace, Tegan and Benton shared a look. Ace darted over to the door and stuck her head out, throwing a quizzical look around the corner towards where Kate was presumably stood.
‘Okay, stand by,’ Kate continued. ‘I’m coming over. Good grief, that’s all we need right now; someone from off-world teleporting into a major London airport…’
‘What was that about?’ Ace asked.
‘There’s an incident over at Heathrow,’ Kate said, coming to stand in the doorway. ‘A woman, presumably from another planet, has teleported into the middle of Terminal One. Scared the baggage-handlers half to death. Border Force called us because the woman kept insisting on speaking to U.N.I.T.’
‘Wait, she knows about U.N.I.T?’ Ace replied, looking baffled. ‘How?’
‘Apparently, she met my father once,’ Kate said, slipping her phone into her pocket. ‘She used to travel with the Doctor.’
‘Really?’ Benton said. ‘Maybe Tegan knows her.’
‘I would imagine so. Apparently, her name is Nyssa of Traken-’
Ace, Benton and Kate spun round.
Tegan had dropped the tray. Her eyes wide, her mouth open, the Australian ignored the rapidly growing pool of tea and orange juice spreading across the floor, and stormed towards Kate.
‘Take. Me. There.’
 ‘So… what’s this all about?’
Ace turned to face Yaz. The two of them were sat in the back seat of Kate’s car. Benton was sat in the front, along with Kate, who was driving.
‘Nyssa used to travel with the Doctor back in the eighties. A while before my time.’
‘And she was… friends with Tegan?’
Ace looked over her shoulder at Tegan. The Australian was staring out of the window, face a mask of urgency. She hadn’t spoken a word since her outburst at Kate at the community hall. Which, for Tegan, was pretty unusual, to say the least.
‘That’s one way of putting it,’ Ace said, quietly, to Yaz. ‘They were… very close.’
Yaz nodded in understanding.
The car stopped, and everyone piled out, hurrying towards the main building of Terminal One. Sure enough, several U.N.I.T personnel were stood around the exits and entrances, consulting with the border staff.
Tegan followed the others into the building.
‘So,’ Kate said, as several officials hurried up to her. ‘Where’s this woman who keeps demanding to speak to a U.N.I.T official?’
‘Just through here,’ one of them replied, gesturing towards a group of U.N.I.T agents. ‘We thought it best to keep her under observation until you arrived.’
A woman emerged from behind the U.N.I.T agents. She was wearing a spacesuit of sorts, with the helmet missing. Her hair was long, bushy and starting to grey.
Tegan’s breath hitched in her throat.
It was Nyssa. The same kind smile, the same inquisitive eyes, the same porcelain skin and the same quiet resolve in her stride. Roughly forty years had passed, but Nyssa was much the same as she had been when they had parted ways on Terminus all those years ago.
Nyssa looked around at the assembled people, unsure of who each of them were. But her eyes then landed on Tegan, and the Australian felt her heartrate increase as she saw recognition in Nyssa’s eyes.
Without thinking, Tegan ran forwards across the floor between them. At the same time, Nyssa began to do the same. It lasted barely a few seconds, but Tegan felt as if time was slowing to a crawl as they finally reached each other.
The two woman threw themselves at each other, their arms wrapping around each other in a protective hug.
‘Tegan…’ Nyssa’s voice whispered in the Australian’s ear. ‘Oh, Tegan…’
‘Nys… I got you, Nys…’
‘Oh, I’m missed you,’ Nyssa said, hugging Tegan tightly. ‘I-’
Nyssa stopped speaking because, at that moment, Tegan leaned forward and pressed their lips together.
The Trakenite remained rigid for a second, before leaning upwards into Tegan’s touch, one of her hands pressing into Tegan’s back while it’s brother wrapped into the back of Tegan’s hair so as to kiss her better. All other thoughts disappeared from Tegan’s brain; all that mattered was Nyssa-
‘Hem. Hem.’
The two women’s lips broke apart, their faces flushing. Tegan was suddenly very aware that the two of them were not, in fact, alone and were instead standing in the middle of a crowded airport. The same airport that had indirectly caused their first meeting all those years ago.
It was Benton who had coughed. The man was stood, rather awkwardly, next to the others.
‘I… I missed you too, Tegan,’ Nyssa said, her face a very pretty shade of pink as Tegan’s head turned back to her. ‘Although I wasn’t expecting such a… warm welcome.’
This was when Tegan’s carefully constructed wall of iron came crashing down around her ears. She burst into tears.
‘Nyssa…’ she sobbed, holding the startled woman close to her. ‘I’m sorry… I need to tell you… I wanted to… but with Terminus and everything… I never… I never stopped…’
‘Never stopped what, Tegan?’ Nyssa said, softly.
‘I… I love you, Nyssa,’ Tegan blubbered. ‘I’m sorry I never told you at the time, but I was so scared… I was a scared young woman in love with her best friend, and I know you probably think I’m being ridiculous but I just wanted to tell you-’
Without any warning, Tegan was swept off her feet, and Nyssa kissed her on the lips. It was arguably just as passionate as the first kiss, but with less urgency and more tenderness, as if Nyssa had been waiting for the opportunity and knew it was finally alright to do so.
Eventually, their lips parted.
‘Tegan, I love you too,’ Nyssa said, tears now trickling down her cheeks. ‘I always have.’
‘Of course, my darling.’
There was a sudden cheer, and both Tegan and Nyssa startled.
Ace was jumping up and down in excitement, a wide smile on her face. Kate was grinning to herself as she applauded. Yaz was smiling happily. Benton was clapping enthusiastically, a huge grin on his affable face.
‘A welcoming committee?’ Nyssa asked, turning back to Tegan.
‘Er, yeah,’ Tegan said, face burning red. ‘That’s Ace and Yaz; they both travelled with the Doctor after we did. Benton used to work with the Brigadier, and Kate is the Brigadier’s daughter.’
Nyssa smiled at the assembled people.
‘A pleasure to meet you all,’ she said. ‘You must all know the Doctor well.’
‘Understatement,’ Yaz said, a little wistfully. ‘Yeah, I just left her.’
Nyssa’s eyes widened in confusion as she turned back to Tegan.
‘Long story,’ Tegan said. ‘We just saw her the other week, actually.’
‘You’ve been busy, then?’
Tegan chuckled.
‘Something like that. I would like to know one thing, though, Nyssa.’
‘Oh; what is it?’
‘Did you choose Heathrow to teleport to because I mentioned it so many times?’
Nyssa grinned, blushing prettily.
‘You know me too well.’
Tegan reached out and squeezed Nyssa’s hand.
‘Can’t help myself, love,’ she said, feeling the weight of four decades finally leave her shoulders. ‘Not when you’re involved.’
Thanks for reading, everyone! Hope you enjoyed this fic; I thought this one might be suitable for the New Years celebrations, as it deals with the past and the future. Hope you all have a happy 2023!
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withoutatrace-pkmn · 11 months
off-screen rp
“… so next year, I intend to approach Raihan in order to see if we could collaborate on a pride parade for Hammerlocke! How fantastic would that be?”
Holly hummed her agreement. She’d never shared anything close to Demetria’s energy, not when they were children and certainly not now. But it was nice to hear what she had to say anyway - to have a nice, normal chat about normal things, to pretend her own life wasn’t a constant carnival of disorder.
That said…
“So,” and here Demetria’s tone turned serious, “how are things with you?”
Of course she couldn’t avoid it forever. The fact that what was meant to be a simple trip to Sinnoh turned into a full blown monster hunt.
“Fine. I haven’t seen… it since the pic I snapped yesterday. I’ve just been following its trail.”
“You don’t have to engage with it Holly. You are not obligated to solve this region’s problems.”
“I’m the hero of Kalos, Demetria. Feel like it would be a bit of a dick move to just leave ‘em to it.”
She heard it then. The sound that had been playing on loop in her head since she’d first heard it the night before. The cry of a wild pokemon, or- or something like a wild pokemon. The sound of shrieking static, and breaking glass.
Holly tensed. The sharp intake of breath on the other side of the phone told her Demetria had done the same.
“That was it, was it not?”
“Yeah. Yeah, that was it.”
“I’m ok. Talk later, alright?”
She hung up before Demetria could argue, and started moving forward more cautiously than before.
Her hand tightened involuntarily around Bubble’s pokeball, her finger held firmly over the release button. If the gems covering this thing’s body were anything to go by, it was likely a rock type - hopefully her Greninja would be the perfect opponent to it.
Stalking through tall bushes now, easing her way through the Sinnoh wilderness, Holly’s heart pounded in her ears. The strange cry came again, and she was stunned momentarily, wrestling with her own instincts - to run, to hide, to destroy -
A few more hesitant steps, and she finally saw it again.
It hadn’t gotten any less disturbing. Stood on two legs, stooped over, arms dangling gently from its sides. It’s back was to her, exposing the writhing mass of tendrils that emerged seamlessly from a back that seemed otherwise covered in some kind of strange black hide. But Holly wasn’t too disconcerted by this. If anything, she was glad it faced away from her.
At least this time she didn’t have to look at its eyes.
And maybe she wouldn’t need to endanger Bubble after all. The thing hadn’t noticed her after all. Her other hand reached slowly into her bag, pulling out a quick ball.
Wait. Wait for the perfect moment. Hold your breath. Then-
A Staravia took sudden flight from a nearby tree. The creature startled. And Holly threw the quick ball.
It connected, thudding against the creature’s back. It tensed immediately, before being consumed by the light emerging from the pokeball, and disappearing inside.
It shook once. Twice.
Holly held her breath.
And the ball cracked open again.
The thing stumbled away, turning to face it’s would-be capturer. And those eyes were turned on her once again.
Holly gasped, hiding her face on instinct. It didn’t help, she knew it wouldn’t - there was no where on Earth she could have escaped that gaze. Those eyes staring into her, and out of her, and-
The pressure lifted, and Holly gasped as the creature turned tail and fled once again.
“… shit.”
Another failed capture. And with her luck, if she didn’t catch that thing soon someone would get hurt. Or killed.
She gritted her teeth in frustration, before glancing into the bag that hung by her side.
“fuck, I don’t want to have to use this…”
The masterball had made its way to the top of the pile of pokeballs inside, taunting her with its violet hue that reminded her all too much of the monster’s terrible eyes. As a rule, Holly was against masterballs, against the concept of stripping any Pokemon of their free will in a bid to capture them. You could capture any Pokemon if you could only earn its respect.
But if she was in a race against time - considering she didn’t know what this thing could do, how much damage it could cause - well, maybe her hand would be forced.
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endless-oc-creations · 2 months
Betrayal, future, ghost + eve, lilith or asha?
Oooo! Thank you!🙏 How bout I use all three of my ocs for each question? 👀
[Lilith] Betrayal: Has your OC ever been betrayed by someone they thought they could trust? Has your OC ever betrayed someone who trusted them?
Answer: Unfortunately yes... Lilith has been betrayed twice and it was by her adoptive father, Emrys. The man she spent years looking for after he suddenly disappeared one night. But it's complicated. In Act 3 it's revealed to Lilith that her father Emrys had become a Mindflayer and had been one of the nautiloid ships that captured her and her companions. Lilith didn't want to believe it was her father at first, but then they connected through the tadpole and it truly was Emrys or what was now him anyway.
She also found out Emrys purposely left her in the woods that night he disappeared...he had been looking for a higher power to help with something he needed to be done. Lilith felt hurt that after all this time looking for her father, thinking he was taken, he had left her alone on purpose. Then Emrys wanted to try and help Lilith and her companions. And he did help with a few fights. However...it's been so long since he had transformed into a Mindflayer and his humanity was little to nothing.
During one of the major battles he completely loses himself and begins attacking one of Lilith's allies. (I haven't decided yet on who it will be) But Lilith is left stunned and hurt, trying to come to terms with her father who is now truly gone.
Like I said the betrayal is complicated. The same thing goes with Lilith betraying someone who trusted her. That 'person' was Emrys. To Mindflayer Emrys, when Lilith was forced to kill him he saw that as her betraying him.
Can we all thank @astarionbae for giving me this idea for Lilith? Cause I'm still obsessed with all of this...
[Asha] Future: What's the worst possible future for your OC? Are they taking steps to avoid that outcome? Are they even aware it's a possibility?
Answer: The worst possible future for Asha...well you could say it could be giving into the blood lust that constantly haunts and torments her every night. But for Asha, the worst future for her would be that Gale, the man she suddenly came to love dearly, would end up deciding to use The Netherese Orb and dying from it. She's trying to prevent that from happening by trying to get him to see that there's hope. But...she doesn't quite know or is confident that there is any hope for her with this dark urge inside of her.
[Eve] Ghost: Who or what haunts your OC? What happened? How do they live with their ghosts?
Answer: The Ghost that haunts Eve most of her life in the apocalypse is that of her Uncle Dale. Before he was killed by that Walker on Hershel’s farm he had expressed disappointment with everyone and said that their group was broken when it came to the decision of killing someone. But what haunted Eve the most about it was that he was more so disappointed with her. “I thought we raised you better than that…” She never got to make it up to her uncle or showed him that he was wrong about their group. So, in seasons 5-6 when the group kinda goes ‘off the rails’ so to speak, Eve will start seeing the ghost of Dale. She will talk,argue and even cry to him through it all. But Eve eventually comes to terms with that her Uncle didn’t know everything that would happen, what they had to do to survive. Their group maybe be a little broken but that’s okay…it’s broken but still good. She know that whatever the apocalypse throws at them they will eventually know they can overcome it. And with the lives Eve ends taking away she tries to give back by saving people by being a doctor for them.
oc asks: not-so-nice edition
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wildxlily · 1 year
First Look and Wedding
Their day had finally come. It felt like they’d been waiting and planning for this day for so long, but at the same time, time seemed to have passed so quickly since the night they got engaged. Either way, Harry could not have been more excited to finally be married to his Lily.
They’d spent the morning getting ready separately, Lily longer than Harry, and currently he was stood in the garden of the Crown. The weather luckily turned out to be perfect and the garden had been prepped to look its best for their pictures there. Their photographer was also there with him, who had instructed him to face the opposite way so he couldn’t sneak a peek when Lily would make her way outside. He could only wait there with anticipation, looking down at his hands clasped in front of his body.
  Lily’s father had offered to drive Lily to the Crown after she was done getting ready for her first look pictures with Harry since he didn’t need all that much time to get ready. She was grateful for his calm presence and soft reassurances as they drove. Similar to Harry, he placed his large hand over hers whenever he noticed her anxiously fiddling with the fabric of her dress. It was insane to think that the day was here; in less than a couple hours, her and Harry would be married and she’d officially be a Styles. It hadn’t quite hit her yet, even when she saw her reflection after her mum helped her zip up the dress and Liz made sure every strand of her hair was perfectly in place.
But it got more real when they pulled up to the Crown and her father helped her walk around the hotel towards the garden, holding her dress for her when needed. Every bit of nerves disappeared when Lily saw Harry there waiting and she couldn’t hide the large smile on her face which the photographer captured, unbeknownst to Lily who was solely focused on Harry. Her father stepped back and let her go to him on her own, the anticipation clear in her quick steps. She stopped, though, when the photographer held up her hand and Lily anxiously awaited as the woman signaled for Harry to turn.
 Harry got more anxious to see Lily when he heard her and her dad’s voices behind him, though unable to see anything or turn around. He picked his head up to look at the photographer when she stepped into his view, just waiting for the signal. It felt like forever before that signal came but once it did, Harry slowly turned around and his gaze instantly fell on Lily, the biggest grin and most loving look appearing on his face. “My god,” his eyes raked up and down her body, taking her all in, “You are so stunning, my love. Absolutely gorgeous. You are so perfect.” They’d only get this moment once in their lives to see each other before their wedding ceremony, and he was going to make it last. He reached out for her hands, unable to keep from smiling big. “I want to kiss you. I don’t know if I can kiss you. What’s the rules?” he laughed, stepping closer to Lily and shaking his head as he looked her over once again; he couldn’t believe how lucky he was.
  Lily’s chest squeezed when Harry began to turn and that big smile was still on her face. She took him in just like he was doing for her, all the way from his shined shoes to his clean-shaven face and perfectly placed curls. “Harry, love. Look at you!” she returned, the absolute awe clear in her voice. She wasn’t sure when she had stepped closer to him, but the second he reached out, she was right there; hands in his and eyes sparkling as she grinned up at him. She laughed softly at his rambling and shook her head. “I don’t know,” she admitted. Sure, they could ask the photographer, but neither of them were about to tear their eyes off of each other. Lily couldn’t even keep her hands off of him, reaching up to tenderly cup his cheek in one. “You make a breathtakingly handsome groom, darling,” she murmured softly.
  Harry already could not wait to see these first look pictures once they’d finally be ready. He knew they’d be full of grins and laughs and just absolute love for one another. He kept their fingers on one hand laced as her other came up to cup his cheek, fully grinning while he looked down at her. “And look at you, my incredibly beautiful, soon-to-be wife. I am so lucky.” They were as close as they could be at the moment, so smiley it was almost ridiculous. But he was so happy. He leaned back, finally giving attention to the details of her dress. “Give me a twirl, love. Need to see this dress fully. It’s absolutely perfect for you,” he spoke and held their hands above her head so she could turn for him.
  Lily laughed shyly at his request, even though she was absolutely in love with the dress and how it looked on her. Her hand dropped from his cheek to instead lift the skirt of her dress some so she could twirl without stepping on it. “Think it’ll work on the dance floor?” she grinned up at Harry. They would undoubtedly be dancing the night away, but that was for later. Lily was perfectly content to stay in this bubble with Harry for as long as possible. She’d already completely forgotten about her father, who had actually slipped away to get back to the ceremony space, and the photographer despite the insane amount of clicks that could be heard as she snapped shot after shot.
  Harry watched as Lily twirled, taking in every detail about her. The dress and how it flowed so perfectly, her hair and the jewelry she wore which matched. He was so in love and completely in awe, wondering how he was going to get through the rest of the day when he was taken aback with how gorgeous she looked each time he laid his eyes on her. “Absolutely stunning, my love. I hope you’re ready for a thousand more compliments from me for the rest of the day,” he teased and pulled her close again. “Think it’ll be perfect for dancing. Been dying to see this dress, you know,” he added with a grin.
  Lily shook her head, "You know I'm never prepared for all of them. I'll just have to return it with a bunch of compliments of my own." Today would have to be a day when she did her best not to deflect from the compliments no matter how badly she wanted to. It was their wedding day after all. Her one hand was still interlaced with Harry's while the other rested on his chest. "I'm impressed how strong you've been. It's my own dress and I was constantly sneaking peeks at pictures of myself in it," she giggled. It was no secret how much she loved her dress.
  Harry smiled down at Lily, his free hand finding her waist. “I would’ve been, too, if I were allowed. Looks absolutely gorgeous. It’s perfect for you, darling.” He grinned. They were quiet, just taking everything in for a moment, and that was when Harry remembered again that the photographer was there and snapping away pictures of them. “Ready for so many pictures today?” he smiled, bringing his hand up to rest along her jaw.
  Lily was lost in his green eyes and just the magic of this moment for who knows how long before Harry brought her back a bit. "Yes, if only because I want every moment caught on film for us to look back at it. I don't want to forget anything." She gave him one more blindingly bright smile before she looked to the photographer. "I am so sorry if that was like...longer than it should've been," she laughed sheepishly.
The photographer was quick to shake her head as she lowered her camera. "Never apologize. That was the most adorable thing I've ever seen. I got so many good pictures that I hope you like," she assured them. "If you're ready we can get the other locations you talked to me about."
  Harry looked at the photographer once Lily spoke up and laughed softly, feeling better with her reassurance. It was their day after all, and Harry wanted to take the time to make each moment special and to remember it all. They agreed to go to the next location and Harry took a step back. “Can I hold your dress for you, babes, or will I mess it up?” He laughed softly, but thankfully the photographer came around with him to the train of Lily’s dress and showed him how to carry the material, which he was so appreciative of.
  Lily was ready to start towards the hotel with Harry, but froze whenever she heard him. "Oh," she glanced back at him with an appreciative smile. "That would be lovely, actually. Don't need to show up to our wedding with grass stains or dirt already." So, she waited until Harry was holding her train and then she lifted the front of her dress to carefully make her way to the back entrance of the hotel. Of course, the photographer got pictures of the moment as well before ducking into the hotel with them and following the couple to the front desk.
  Harry followed Lily towards the front desk with her train in hand, then gently laid it out once she stood behind the desk. Luckily, no guests were there and the employee working had no problem at all moving from the space for a few minutes while they took their pictures, looking content to watch actually. Harry stood on the other side of the desk, just like he always would when he got any chance to see or flirt with Lily at work. The photographer clicked away and then instructed them both to lean towards each other over the desk, getting as close as possible without kissing yet.
  When Harry first took his place on the other side of the desk, it took Lily's breath away. It had been months now since she'd seen the familiar sight of Harry leaning on the front desk, that charming smile on his lips. Her heart ached a little, but it didn't last long. Not when Harry was staring at her with that look of absolute love and awe. Once instructed, Lily rested her elbows on the desk and leaned across so her forehead lightly rested against Harry's. "To think it all started here," she murmured softly, just barely brushing her nose against his affectionately.
  Standing on the opposite side of the desk felt strange yet so familiar. It had been months since the last time but he’d done that pose every day for years before that. They got even closer, staying like that so the photographer could take the pictures. “Crazy to think about,” he smiled a little, cupping her chin in his fingers for a few pictures. “Never thought I’d meet my wife when I first started working here,” he grinned.
  “And I never thought I’d marry the handsome charmer who always loitered at my front desk,” Lily couldn’t help but tease. She’d at least thrown compliments in there to lighten the playful teasing.
“Okay. I’ve got it. That was perfect,” the photographer announced, breaking Lily out of her trance. Which was probably good, because she was dangerously close to kissing Harry, especially being posed that close. “Would you like a peek at this one? I know you said it was important to you,” she offered, holding out her camera as Lily walked around the desk.
  “Hey…” Harry laughed. Though, he stood up straight once the pictures were taken and walked with Lily to peek at a few on the camera. Harry gave Lily props as she was the one who found this incredible photographer. “I think they’re amazing. Do you like them, babes?” he asked. At least they could make sure the pictures were how they imagined them to be while they were still at the hotel.
  Lily eagerly leaned in and couldn’t help but smile widely at the image. “They’re perfect. That’s practically exactly what I had pictured in my head when Harry asked for pictures here,” she complimented before standing up straight and looking to Harry. “I think that should be the cover of our wedding book.” Honestly, she’d probably have that picture everywhere. But at this rate, it might be nearly impossible to choose her favorite photo.
  “I’d be more than okay with that,” Harry agreed with a smile and nodded.
“What do we think, guys? Still up for the picture in the hot tub?” the photographer asked with a grin; clearly, she was agreeable to any sort of idea they brought up to her.
  Lily smiled and nodded, “I’ll grab a large bath towel to put down. Not that I don’t trust our housekeeping, but I don’t want to get anything on my dress.” It would be her luck she’d find a way to get it dirty and they didn’t need that right before the ceremony. “We could also ask the bar for champagne and glasses if we want.” She looked to Harry then for his opinion. He was just as much a part of this shoot and this day as she was and she wanted him to get everything he wanted out of it as well.
  Harry looked at Lily and nodded. “I’ll go grab some glasses and a bottle for us, okay?” he smiled. He went to do exactly that while the photographer went with Lily to find a bath towel. They gathered all that they needed before meeting up again and heading to the room with the hot tub.
  Lily was grateful for the photographer carrying her train for her as she stopped at the supply closet and then made her way to the suite. “Look at us. We just can’t get out of the habit of working when we’re at the hotel,” Lily teased with a smirk sent Harry’s way.
“Now don’t go working too hard. Let me set up the tub and champagne and you two just enjoy some time together, okay?” The photographer raised her brows as she took the items from the couple and then slipped into the bathroom.
Lily couldn’t argue with that and happily slipped her hand into Harry’s once they were left alone, lacing their fingers. A quick glance at the clock showed they had plenty of time, though Lily couldn’t wait for it to be time for their wedding. “T-minus two hours until I’m no longer Lily James,” she grinned at Harry, swinging their hands between them.
  They all met in the suite and Harry was happy to let the photographer set up their space. She knew best out of all of them what would look good in the pictures, anyway. Harry entwined their fingers and grinned down at Lily, brows raised. “Can you believe it, darling? Then we’ll have all night to celebrate.” He absolutely couldn’t wait. To finally be married to Lily, and then to have the rest of the night with her, friends and family. All the planning and stress would finally be worth it.
  Lily shook her head. “It’s crazy to think about. Especially standing here where it all started.” She glanced over to the spot on the floor where they’d shared their first (sober) kiss and not too far from there was where Harry had knelt down on one knee and proposed to her. Now here they were standing in their wedding clothes. It was all so crazy to think about and it made her a bit emotional, but in a happy way. “I’m the luckiest girl in the world to get to live this life with you,” she smiled lovingly up at Harry.
  “Right? On the floor over there… wouldn’t have happened for us any other way,” Harry laughed and rubbed his thumb against the back of her hand. They were still crazy for each other after all these years, Harry feeling completely the same as Lily’s words. “And I am the luckiest guy… it’s only just starting, girly. You just wait until I can kiss you this afternoon.”
  A laugh bubbled up Lily’s throat and she quirked her brows at his statement. “Yeah?” she grinned. Honestly, though, it was absolutely killing her not to kiss Harry. Normally they would’ve shared a minimum of ten kisses by now.
  “Yeah. I’m struggling big time over here, babes. Especially with how good you look,” Harry easily admitted with a grin.
Only moments later, the photographer was opening up the door to the bathroom with a big smile on her face and stepping aside to let Lily and Harry in. “It is alll ready for you! Hope you like. And I’ll help with your dress, Lil, so don’t worry,” she promised.
  “If it makes you feel better, I’ve been struggling really hard, too,” Lily returned the sentiment. Even if the photographer kind of interrupted, Lily was grateful for the distraction or the desire to kiss him might have become too much. So, she didn’t hesitate to step into the bathroom, bringing Harry in with her. Besides the towel covering the bottom of the tub and the filled champagne glasses sitting on the corner, she’d also scattered some flower petals around the edge that matched Lily’s bouquets. “Where on Earth did you get the flowers?” she looked to her in slight awe. She was quite the magician in Lily’s opinion.
  Harry followed them into the bathroom. Immediately upon seeing it, he knew it was a good choice by both of them to let the photographer do her thing. It was very obvious she knew what she was doing. “I may have contacted your florist to sneak a few of the extra petals,” she answered with a grin and then motioned towards the tub. “Lily, if you’d like to step in first, then we both can get you settled and sitting perfect,” she offered and with that, Harry held out his hand to Lily so she could step in.
  Lily smiled appreciatively at the photographer. They had really lucked out with her. “Okay,” she nodded, turning her attention to the tub as she once again gathered the front of her skirt much higher this time. Then she carefully stepped into the tub, not wanting to slip in her heels, and let the fabric fall back around her feet.
  Harry had his hands out to Lily just for steadiness, while the photographer helped with the dress and made sure it laid perfectly once she was sitting. Harry followed Lily in and sat, some candid pictures taken before the photographer instructed them a little in how to pose. It made Harry feel better, for sure, to have a pro there to suggest how they move and to help with Lily’s dress as well when needed.
  Lily happily took direction on how to pose and move just right in the tub so it would be flattering. But she never once took away the fun from the shoot, letting Harry and Lily have their candid moments as well. At one point, Lily took one of the full flowers and leaned forward to tuck it above Harry’s ear, smiling to herself when she got it to stay.
  Harry smiled and sat still once he figured out what Lily was doing, gaze lovingly on her and picture after picture being taken in the background. It was easy to forget sometimes through their fun that the photographer was even there. “Do I look pretty?” he grinned, flower in hair and all. They grabbed their champagne glasses for a few, arms linked as they sipped.
  Lily giggled like a little kid at the sight of Harry grinning with that flower. “The prettiest,” she assured him with a nod. The flower managed to stay for a few pictures before falling out when Harry reached for the champagne. Lily didn’t replace it, though; too focused on not getting a drop of champagne on herself.
The photographer snapped a few more photos. “Alright, I think I got what we wanted,” she smiled at them. “Better be getting the two of you back for the ceremony.”
  Harry and Lily were having the most fun with the pictures, most candid and some posed. The time flew by until it was announced they should be heading back. “Thank you so much. Can’t wait to see all the pictures,” Harry made his way out and then helped Lily as he could, holding the champagne glasses in his unoccupied hand.
  Lily waited for Harry to stand and gratefully took his hand, her other holding her bundled up skirt as she climbed out just as carefully as she climbed in.
“Of course! I love this idea you two had.” The woman quickly reached for the glasses to take them from Harry. “Let me clean this up. I’ll be right behind you to meet you at the venue.”
Lily thanked her profusely for being flexible with their schedule and coming early. Then she took Harry’s hand to walk out of the bathroom and the suite. “First look done. Now we just have ceremony and then party!” She did a little dance at ‘party’.
  Harry thanked her again as well and held Lily’s hand as they walked out towards the doors of the hotel. He laughed softly at her little dance and went to pick up her train again once they got outside. “Almost party time! I’m hoping we get some time to sit and eat. I’m getting a little hungry already,” he laughed.
  Lily thanked Harry as she carefully crossed the parking lot to his car, opening the passenger door since Harry’s hands were full. “Why don’t you snack on something when we get back? I could have my dad grab something for you,” she offered as she sat down. There was nothing to do but pile the fabric of her train in her lap and hold it until Harry had shut the door.
  “I probably will. I’m sure there’s food laying around somewhere,” Harry smiled and made sure all of Lily’s dress was in the car before carefully closing the door. Then he got in on the other side, hand quick to settle in her lap once he began to drive. “Ceremony, here we come.”
  Lily grinned and didn’t hesitate at all to take his hand in hers. If they couldn’t kiss, constantly holding his hand was the next best thing. She ran her thumb over his bare fingers, not used to his rings not being there. There were excited butterflies in her stomach that just grew the closer they got to the venue.
  There was a lot on Harry’s mind during the drive. Mostly excitement and thinking about how things should go during the ceremony and walking into the reception, but it was enough that he was mostly quiet until they arrived. He helped Lily back out of the car, train in hands. “Are you going with Liz and the girls now until the ceremony?” he asked, wondering where they should be headed.
  It was a situation in which there was so much to say, but also nothing really at all. And Lily was honestly content with some quiet time with Harry before the chaos of the afternoon. She waited for his help before she got out and then nodded at his question. “Yeah, I wanna see what they all look like and should probably do some touch ups before the ceremony.” She hadn’t had a chance to glance in the mirror, but it wouldn’t hurt to check.
  “I’ll come with to help you there. Then I’ll leave you girls alone,” Harry smiled and followed Lily’s lead to where all the girls were getting ready. The least he could do is help with her train until that point, then they’d have to part ways until seeing each other again at the ceremony.
  “I think Liz would run you off if you tried to stay,” Lily giggled softly as she started towards the girls’ dressing room. “Besides…I want you to go get some food. Don’t need you fainting on me during our vows.” It was entirely too soon for her liking, though, when they reached the door; chatting and laughter coming from the room. Lily lowered her dress and turned to Harry. “See you at the altar? You won’t be able to miss me,” she grinned at him.
  They arrived at the door and Harry let her dress down gently, then smiled at Lily. “It’s a date,” he returned the grin and raised her hand to his lips to press a kiss to the back of it. “I love you so much. I can’t wait.”
  “Our best date yet.” Lily squeezed his hand at the feel of his lips against her skin. While it wasn’t a proper kiss, she’d take what she could get. “I love you. Always,” she practically whispered.
  Harry smiled and gently let go of her hand. He knew he should get going, so he blew kiss after kiss to Lily as he walked away from her, taking a few steps backwards. It would have to do as long as he couldn’t kiss her. “I love you,” he told her once more with a smile before heading off to where the guys were getting ready.
  Lily bit her lip when he pulled away, but it did little to hide the ridiculously big grin on her face or the giggles at his antics. “Love you!” she called out.
Her voice must’ve alerted her sister of her presence, because it was mere seconds before the door opened. “Alright, lovebird. Get in here,” Liz teased, glancing down the hall at Harry’s retreating form. She assisted Lily in getting into the room and making sure every bit of her train was in before she closed the door.
  Harry grinned when he heard Lily before having to walk away. He’d be counting down the minutes from then until he could see his Lily again. The time until the ceremony didn’t seem like too long, though. Harry snacked and hung out with his friends until it was time for them to line up at the front of where their ceremony was taking place, the anticipation and slight nervousness and excitement really building up then.
  The time went by quick whenever Lily was with her mum, sister, and friends. It didn’t seem like any time at all before her father was knocking on the door and peeking in to let them know it was time. He escorted her mum to the ceremony space before promising to come back for Lily. Each of her friends gave her an excited and encouraging hug as they filed out of the room to line up. Lily waited at the door for her father and immediately started to get emotional and teary-eyed the moment she slipped her hand into the crook of his arm, hearing the music begin to play.
  All Harry could do was patiently wait as he stood in the front, and that was proving to be incredibly difficult to do. He was anxious to see Lily again, to finally be married to her, and to be able to kiss her after a long day of going without.
Lily's father was calm and encouraging as they began to slowly walk down the aisle, hand resting on top of Lily's that was on his arm. "You are very lucky to have each other. I love you," he whispered just before getting to the end where Harry was. Harry stepped forward to meet them then and held his hand out to shake her father's.
  Lily beamed the moment she saw Harry, even if they had just been together not even an hour ago. If it hadn’t been for her father walking her, she probably would’ve ran down the aisle to him, eager to get through their vows and get to the husband and wife bit. Especially the kiss. Her attention however was drawn to her father when she heard his words and she smiled softly up at him, mouthing an ‘I love you’ back. She smiled as he shook Harry’s hand and then gave her dad a tight hug before she was turning to Harry and taking his outstretched hand. She gave it an excited squeeze, the dopiest grin on her face.
  Harry had the biggest smile as he then reached out for Lily, her hand in his as they stepped over to where they needed to stand. Liz was quick to move from her spot to make sure Lily’s train was perfectly in place, then returned to where she’d been standing. “Hi,” he spoke to Lily quietly, the two of them looking so ridiculously smiley and in love. “Long time no see.”
  Lily stepped into place, only looking from Harry long enough to make sure she didn’t trip. “Fancy meeting you here,” she returned the joking. Then the officiant was speaking. All of it was basically background noise to Lily. She hadn’t taken her eyes off Harry and honestly, she was just waiting for the officiant to request that she repeat him.
  Harry smiled. He couldn’t focus long enough to truly listen, and could tell Lily wasn’t fully able to either. They were completely lost in each other. Harry was the first to repeat the officiant and he did with no hesitance, both of Lily’s hands resting in his own. He’d never been so sure of something.
  Lily smiled softly as she listened to Harry. When it was her turn, she spoke with confidence, giving his hands yet another squeeze when she finished. Then came the rings. Lily was ridiculously excited to give Harry his ring.
  Harry smiled as he listened to Lily. That smile hadn’t left his face the whole time yet. When it came time for their rings, Harry’s best man stepped up to hand over both, Lily’s ring to Harry and vice versa. Given the cue, Harry took the ring and gently slid it onto Lily’s finger, fitting and looking perfect on her.
  Lily was practically wiggling with excitement when it was finally her turn to slide the ring on Harry’s finger. They’d been so thoughtful and meticulous when picking it out. It was all worth it when she saw it on his hand. She knew that even with all his other rings rightfully in their place, this one would always catch her eye.
  Harry couldn’t help but laugh a little at Lily’s excitement, though understandably so. They both knew how long he’d been waiting to get a ring of his own that connected him to Lily, just like her engagement ring did for her. “Perfect,” he told her quietly with a smile, both rings now on their fingers. The officiant made their last few statements before finally, and officially, announcing that they were now husband and wife.
  Everyone absolutely erupted in cheers, drowning out the officiant as he shared that Harry could now kiss his bride. But Lily heard him loud and clear. She had been waiting all day for those words and couldn’t wait a second longer to get her lips on him, throwing her arms around his neck to bring him down to her level.
  They had waited long enough to share kisses that day and both were eager as the officiant announced that Harry could finally kiss his bride. His arms wrapped around Lily's waist and he leaned down towards her as he dipped her slightly back, lips connecting easily. They shared several kisses and Harry was grinning against her lips for each one of them.
  Lily took all the kisses she could get, not caring at all that their loved ones were looking on. This moment was just her and Harry. Husband and wife. Lily was practically glowing once they finally stood up right and parted, both of them beaming. If there was any motivation to go back down the aisle, it was to find a little spot where she could get even more kisses.
  Harry was grinning when they pulled away from each other. He gently cupped her face in his hands, careful not to mess up her hair or makeup. "I love you so much, my beautiful wife." That felt too good to say and he already knew he could quickly get used to it. He reached for her hand and then nodded his head towards the aisle. "Ready?" he grinned.
  Lily couldn’t help the elated laugh that escaped. “My husband,” was all she could get out. God she just wanted to pull him back in and kiss him until they had to break apart for air. So, she didn’t hesitate to nod, squeezing his hand before she stepped down and made their way back down the aisle, their family and friends still applauding and cheering for them.
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russic · 2 years
Dazai Osamu Boyfriend Headcanons
Warning: 18+ Below Cut (Especially this head canon).
Request: Can you write for BSD? Can I request boyfriend headcanons for Dazai x fem reader? Thank you! - Requested by @joyfulenthusiastwitch -
        Other requests can be deposited here. Please refer to my character list before requesting! If you wish to be tagged, do not request anonymously.
        Likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated. Thank you for supporting my work. I’m so flattered that you love my pieces and continue to request new material. I look forward to seeing your reactions - especially to this piece. It’s a little detailed... ♡
I mean this in the nicest way possible: Dazai Osamu is ALL OVER the PLACE. 
You and Dazai personally knew each other a long time before he admitted his feelings for you. Apparently, Dazai was captivated by you since he first met you, but you never knew. Dazai flirted with everyone, but he hardly flirted with you. Instead, he blushes, - something Dazai never does, - laughs at your jokes, and respects your wishes and talents.
Everyone could sense the difference in Dazai’s demeanor but you. 
I hate bursting your bubbles but... C.O.M.M.I.T.M.E.N.T.  I.S.S.U.E.S. 
Before dating you, Dazai refused to be in a relationship. Thus, when you began dating, Dazai had a tough time not flirting with other women. His flirty personality initiated a ton of tears. 
However, Dazai didn’t know it hurt you because you refused to communicate your feelings. You expected Dazai to acknowledge that he could no longer flirt with other women. 
When Dazai saw your figured huddled in the closet crying, he realized “I fucked up... bad.” He never wanted to make you feel unworthy and insecure. 
Now, Dazai refuses to look at other females. You’re the only woman that matters to him - all of his attention will forever remain on you. 
Kunikida purchased you a huge trophy for your one-year anniversary. On the metal plaque it says, “charity worker.”   
“Y/N, I believe this is appropriate for the occasion. Thank you for doing the charity work.” 
If someone is discussing you and your accomplishments, Dazai immediately inserts himself in the conversation. Eventually, everyone in the room is captivated by him as he is bragging about you and your relationship. 
“Can you believe that she was the best in her class? I’m the all-around best at everything; so we fit together perfectly.” 
You’ll have to stop Dazai from attempting suicide a least five times a day. Overtime, you limited his opportunities to once per day. Yes, he complained and cried. 
“Babe, it didn’t work,” Dazai said trudging through the house dripping in water. 
“Awe, I’m sorry, love.” You’ll monotonal say washing the dishes. 
Yes; you agreed to die via double suicide when you are ready. 
Dazai enjoys witnessing your possessive nature when women flirt with him. He’s amused by the image of your smile slowly disappearing as you glare at anyone who attempts to capture his attention. 
Dazai’s jealousy appears in strange ways. If someone is flirting with you, Dazai casually approaches the person, smiles at them, shakes their hand, and threatens them. 
“What's your name?” “I like it; I’ll make sure to tell the police when they find your body.” 
Oh - If someone threatens you... They aren’t living to see the next day. 
Just admit it: Dazai’s hot as hell when he loses his shit. Sure - you grow terrified when the look of uncontrolled madness resides in his eyes, but you can’t deny that he’s stunning. 
You’re constantly laughing when Dazai’s with you. 
D.E.G.R.A.D.I.N.G. J.O.K.E.S. Someone cannot be with Dazai if they don’t enjoy/tolerate being picked on (playfully). 
Degrade him too - He enjoys it.
His odd expressions and carefree attitude always make you laugh while melting your heart. 
Developed a terrible habit of squeezing your cheeks and hugging you in public. 
“If you wouldn’t be so darn cute, we wouldn’t have this problem!” 
Sure, Dazai is silly and ridiculous, but he never forgets anything. If you tell Dazai something personal, it never leaves his memory. He proudly admits that he knows everything about you. 
Doesn’t use pet-names like “Princess,” “Sweetheart,” or “Love.” He enjoys the sound of your name.
Never any Public Displays of Affection. Dazai will occasionally brush a hand on your waist, but don’t expect any touching unless he’s teasing you - He aims to keep his relationship private.
In private, this man cannot keep his hands off of you.  
If you’re fighting an opponent together, Dazai will wink at you during the most inappropriate times. He can’t touch you, so he’s convinced a wink is “good enough.”
SHOOT A GUN, do it. He gets turned on. 
“Do it again.” 
“Dazai... I hit the target right in the forehead.” 
Plans STUNNING dates that cause your heart to throb. He planned tons of dates including pizza making, cooking classes, beach walks, shopping trips, dinner/desert (wink, wink) and movie dates. 
However, every date ends the same... 
“Are you ready for our double suicide now?” 
If it’s not obvious... You’re driving to the dates. 
ADORES when you wear his tan trench coat. Whenever Dazai sees you shivering, he drapes it over your shoulders. 
Developed a tendency to pull on your necklace or belt buckle to kiss you. 
Oh, I forgot to mention... THIS MAN CAN K.I.S.S.
Softest lips you’ve ever kissed - Dazai’s 18 tubes of Chapstick come in handy. 
Before Dazai kisses you, his thumb slowly traces your bottom lip as he’s pressing your foreheads together. 
Begins slow but quickly increases the intensity. 
Yes, he bites your bottom lip. 
Writes or sends you small loves notes, then scatters them around your home or office. 
As you were working at the Armed Detective Agency communicating with the police via email, Dazai sent you an email interrupting your important work. 
“Hey, you’re hot. Want to date?” 
“I do love nothing in the world so well as you: is not that strange?” (Obviously copied from a Shakespeare play). 
Dazai has a TERRIBLE time sleeping. A ton of memories haunt him at night. You’ll always try to stay up with him because you HATE the idea that Dazai is haunted by his past. He holds an incredible amount of guilt that no one knows about. 
That being said, you don’t take naps often. Dazai always wakes you up saying, “Rise and shine, it's time to pay attention to me.”
LOVES sleeping in: Dazai forcefully holds you in bed in the morning. Often, he makes you angry because you have things to do. 
“PLEASE, y/n! Stay in bed today! I promise I won’t try to kill myself if you stay here!” 
In all seriousness, Dazai has a delicate side to his flamboyant personality: 
The moment  I  you developed the greatest connection with Dazai is when he admitted, “Anything I would never want to lose is always lost. It is a given that everything that is worth wanting will be lost the moment I obtain it.”
No joke, my heart broke. 
Dazai’s afraid to lose you. Thus, you must reassure him that, “life with you is worth my entire life.” Existing without the light in your life (Dazai), is hell on Earth. 
Maybe that's why you aren’t eager to say you’re ready to do that double suicide. You never want to separate from this man. 
And he doesn’t want to separate from you. 
Openly discusses your sex life at the Armed Detective Agency office: As you’re blushing mess attempting to hide from everyone, Dazai publicly broadcasts your stunning sex life. 
“Fuck you, Dazai.” Kunikida yelled trying to concentrate on his emails. 
“No thanks, y/n already does that enough. Thank you though, I’m flattered.” 
Dazai’s stamina is indescribable. Dazai can go six rounds, but he “requires” a snack. After his third orgasm, Dazai opens a candy bar before fucking your brains out again. 
At first, you thought, “how strange,” but now you have adapted to Dazai’s odd behavior. 
Before sex, Dazai removes his bandages with his teeth making eye contact with you. 
Before I continue: Don’t expect to be your usual playful selves within the bedroom.
SWITCH. SWITCH. S.W.I.T.C.H: No in-between. 
Dazai is either a H A R D dominant or a W H I N Y submissive: Opposite ends of the spectrum. 
S.U.B.M.I.S.S.I.V.E.  S.I.D.E: 
Make him BEG. 
Softly run your fingertips over the sensitive parts of his body watching him squirm underneath your touch. Hover your lips over his and softly order, “Beg, like the bitch you are.” 
His pleads are music to your ears. 
GETS OFF when you tug on his brown locks to pull him closer and whisper the dirty things. 
“It’s almost like your tongue was meant for my pussy.” 
Step on his throat with your high heels. 
What, he’s kinky... 
Into B.R.A.T. T.A.M.I.N.G. but he’s the brat. 
Stuff your panties in his mouth.
He LOVES the taste of you.
G.U.N. P.L.A.Y: 
Press a loaded gun to Dazai’s temple after you’ve forced him to his knees. As he’s seductively staring into your eyes, you can’t help but smirk. One of the deadliest men in the world kneels before you waiting to bury his face inside of your pussy. 
Dazai EATS PUSSY like a STARVING man who has been deprived of taste. 
He forces you to be a moaning mess with just his tongue; even as a dominant woman. 
S.I.T. ON THIS MAN’S FACE - I’m ordering you. 
Be a HUGE Tease:
Tie and blindfold Dazai to a steel chair. Kneel between his naked thighs and teasingly touch/lick everywhere around his balls. Suck only on the tip of his dick. He will be squirming within seconds begging to be properly sucked off. 
Use HANDCUFFS; They drive him crazy.
Often, you’ll handcuff Dazai and force him to his knees. As he’s studying your naked body standing before him, pull his hair and force him to look in your eyes. You’ll see his eye glimmer as you slowly bend down pulling on the collar of his white shirt. For seconds you’ll connect your lips before you’re hovering over him again and forcing his lips to suck your clit. 
His favorite position is when you’re RIDING HIM. 
Cuff this man to the headboard and ride his dick until he’s a whimpering mess below you. 
He continues to cry your name until you see small tears escape the side of his eyes. 
Order him: “Cum inside of me, baby.” 
Dazai  n e v e r  hesitates to spill his load inside of your body. 
LOVES the moments of pure bliss after cumming inside of your pussy. You’ll continue to softly kiss him as you praise his performance. 
“You were such a good boy.” 
As you slowly rise off of his dick, Dazai watches as the mix of your cum drips out of you. 
“Please, again.” 
D.O.M.I.N.A.N.T.  S.I.D.E: (My personal favorite). 
R.I.P. your pussy if Dazai is having a bad day... 
Imagine this mother fucker’s cocky ass smirk he’s wearing when you’re kneeling in front of him. 
“Is this what you see when you shove my face into your pussy? You’re such a filthy slut when you want to be.” 
Dazai enjoys pressing a knife to your throat if you’ve been a brat. 
“Be a good girl and sink to your knees.” 
You’ll follow his orders as Dazai is pressing a loaded gun to your forehead. Slowly you take ahold of his cock and begin to suck on him. 
“Faster. Don’t test me.” 
Dazai LOVES when you suck his dick: 
Extremely forceful: Holds the back of your head on his huge cock making you gag. Whenever you gag, he moans and smirks to himself. 
He adores the pleasure he receives as your throat squeezes when you’re in desperate need for air. 
“Thats it; gag, whore.” 
THROAT BULGES. He takes photos. 
Often lays you across the bed and dangles your head off the side. He forces his dick down your throat as you’re forced to lay there and take his brutal assault. 
LOVES the dirty image of you playing an innocent maid. He towers behind you, forces the tiny skirt over your ass, and fingers your pussy until you’re begging him to “fill you up.” 
Yes, he bought you an outfit. 
“Just so you don’t make a mess, I’ll cum inside of you.” 
Masturbates imaging the picture of fucking you in the office. He can’t wait to see your legs spread open on top of his desk. 
Teases you by softly licking your pussy over your panties as a “punishment.” Pretty brutal. 
Speaking of punishments - S.P.A.N.K.I.N.G. 
Dazai drapes your body over his legs as he forces your bottoms down. 
He orders you to count the number of times his hand connects with your ass. You’ll whimper from the stinging sensation. 
“I hope you learned your lesson.” 
LOVES fucking your pussy from behind. He forces your head into the mattress as he forcefully uses your pussy to his advantage. 
Occasionally, if Dazai’s feeling extremely ruthless, he takes your arm folding it behind your back so you can’t intake fresh air until he’s done ramming inside of your pussy. 
Dazai will not hesitate to PUBLICALLY fuck you in abandoned alleyways when “no one is around.” 
Out on a stroll, Akutagawa overhears a moaning sound in the distance. Feeling the need to investigate, Akutagawa rounds the corner and instantly got flustered: 
He sees your fucked-out figure pressed against a buildings brick wall as Dazai’s cock moves in and out of your pussy. 
Immediately feeling his presence, Dazai smirks at the teen as he continues pounding inside of you without telling you someone’s watching. 
Akutagawa can’t tear his eyes away from the dirty scene. 
Forces you to O.V.E.R.S.T.I.M.U.L.A.T.E. yourself as he’s fucking you. 
“Play with your clit. Do you need help finding it? You’re acting like a dumb whore when I’ve only came inside of you once. We aren’t finished.” 
Often results in you squirting. 
He gets off on that shit. 
After you’re finished, Dazai immediately kisses your sore lips and softly rubs the areas of your body that you’ve gotten scratches, cuts, scrapes, or bruises on. 
“How are you going to explain these, darling?” 
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Draw your swords, pt. 3
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Summary: While his bride is exacting her plans from the very first day in Little Palace, the Darkling finds he has a soft spot for the enemy.
Warnings: sexual references, swearing, angst
Part one // Part two
The last thing Y/N expected upon waking up was to wake up alone. Spreading out in the bed, she huffed a loose strand of her hair off her face. Narrowing her eyes, she stared up at the canopy with her wicked husband on her mind.
After the way he had acted the night before, she found herself wondering what game he’s playing. They were meant to be married in paper only, yet he seems to have a possessive streak that extends to her as well. A part of her wasn’t sure if he truly had a shred of decency within considering he didn’t take advantage of their marital status, but the other part of her wasn’t easily swayed. That part of her remained defiant as it was forged in a fire the Darkling set. Intentionally or not, his actions have damaged her before they ever even met and she wasn’t very forgiving.
Opening the door, unannounced, strolled in the most beautiful woman Y/N had ever seen. Her long, auburn hair was perfectly styled and framed her face without obscuring an inch of her stunning beauty.
Genya, she realized. Even on the other side of the fold, Y/N knew of the empresses’ tailor.
Large, amber eyes fix on Y/N who slowly sat up. She stared at Genya without shame, admiring her appearance.
“Well, from what the general told me, I expected I’d have more work on my hands.” Genya huffs, her hands on her hips as her lips form a thin line.
“I have nothing wrong with me”, Y/N defends, graciously getting out of the bed that was far too comfy considering who she shared it with. “And where is the general?” Raising her eyebrow, Y/N folded her arms. No matter where he disappeared to, she couldn’t let him wander too far in case he tries to break their agreement and attend a meeting alone.
Humming, Genya didn’t try to hide her curiosity as she looked Y/N up and down. “Are you sure you don’t need my services?”
Glancing at the door, Y/N saw the servants waiting in front for a command. “Leave us”, Y/N waves them off, swiftly closing the door behind them. Her eyes settle on a seemingly startled Genya who cocks her head to the side.
“Interesting. So you do need me?”
Inhaling deeply, Y/N nods. Coming closer, her eyes remain on Genya’s whose gaze drifts at first. Once Y/N stopped before her, their eyes met.
“I need you, but not as a tailor.”
Furrowing her eyebrows, Genya steps back. “What is that supposed to mean?”
Swallowing thickly, Y/N licked her lips. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but you hate the emperor and you’d do anything to make sure he never lays a hand on you?”
Genya’s nostrils flare, her lips drawing back between her pearly whites. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m loyal to my emperor.”
“I know”, Y/N reaches for her hand, “I’m saying if your loyalties shifted, I’d make sure that fat fuck died in agonizing pain.”
Yanking her hand out of Y/N’s reach, Genya stepped back with wide eyes.
Gnawing on the inside of her bottom lip, Y/N wished she was more tactful. Hearing of Genya and her fate, she assumed she’d gladly ally with her in this fight. Not only does she need Genya on her side to fight against Kirigan, but the emperor as well. Genya would have been an ideal ally if only she was willing to hear her out. But she should have waited, befriended the Grisha. She should have been more tactful.
“Does the general know of the treasonous plans you speak of?”
Chuckling in disbelief, Y/N shakes her head, “Do you truly believe I’d be breathing if he did?”
Pursing her lips, Genya turned her back on Y/N, contemplating all the possibilities that could stem from her decision.
“It’s a lot, I know, but I am here with a few secrets of my own.” Y/N takes a step closer, her hand clasping Genya’s shoulder as a show of support. “I realize you barely know me, but we can change that now.”
“How?” Genya whispers, more to herself than Y/N who released a shaky sigh.
“By revealing a secret that would be lethal for me if you shared it with anyone.”
Glancing over her shoulder, Genya’s eyes narrowed at Y/N who felt genuine, more than anyone had been since the day she arrived in the Palace. Despite the initial mistrust, Genya nods.
The guards stationed outside of Y/N’s room only heard a loud gasp behind closed doors, unaware that very gasp was a start of a friendship that would define Ravka’s future.
Meanwhile, the Darkling had spent the morning out in the fields. Riding his favorite horse usually served as a way to distract his mind from ongoing worries, but it had no such effect today. No amount of speed or distance could possibly erase the feeling of Y/N’s hand on his body, much less of her body pressing against him.
He behaved as a pious man, an honorable gentleman with self-restrain of a saint. If he could, he’d have taken her without regrets, but he never crossed that line and doing so with a woman meant to be his wife would set him on a path of no return – of true evil.
The Darkling may have done some heinous things, but they were never without reason. If he had done anything against her wishes, he’d be beyond redemption and he couldn’t help but grit his teeth every time he imagined himself losing his mind around her long enough for her to turn him into the villain she sees him as.
Another thing he’s decided to do is break the rule he knew she expected him to uphold – sleeping in separate chambers was the worst thing for them now. He had to be in her bed every night, regardless if she wanted to let him between her legs or not. He wouldn’t force her, that much would be true, but he wouldn’t sleep in his own room anymore. The room they were given last night would be the one he goes to, stumbles to, crawls to, in order to fall asleep beside her. And though it’s a risk as he could easily find himself with his throat cut, he refused to back down.
Dismounting, he headed to the map room where his subordinates waited for further instructions regarding the war.  
“Shall we start?” The Darkling tossed his riding gloves on the desk as he looked at his people. A new face caught his attention, making him do a double take until his dark skies narrowed at her.
“Now that you’ve arrived”, Y/N stands, smiling sweetly. “I believe we can present to you what we’ve discussed while you were off on a joy ride.”
There’s nothing sweet about her, Darkling realizes. Even her smile is coated in honey but laced with poison.
 He licked his lips, “Well, if you want my opinion-“
“I don’t”, she stood her ground, “I have my own.”
Chuckling darkly, he leans forth on the table. His nostrils are flared, his hands gripping the edges until his knuckles turn white. “And what exactly is that?”
“We agreed on having the First army general having a vote in the decision making process as you all do, and since I’m his proxy, I’ve decided you will no longer use humans as canon meat.”
Gliding the tip of his tongue over the inner side of his teeth, he stared at Y/N as if she were made of glass he had every intention on shattering. That would be a mistake – glass is only brittle until it breaks, the shards can cause more damage.
“We will train Grisha to protect humans and humans will use their weapons to protect the Grisha in a more effective manner with the emperor’s gold.”
“Gold?” Kirigan says through gritted teeth as she approaches him, her hands behind her back and he has no doubts she’s stashed a weapon in them and the blue kefta she wore. He’d tell her to take it off and never wear one since she’s but a human, yet as his wife, she was entitled to a kefta. Besides, she looked like a dream in one.
“The emperor agreed to fund the First army’s armory during breakfast”, she smirks, lifting her head up to maintain eye contact.
“Get out”, he grumbles.
Raising her eyebrow, she giggles, “Are you that incapable of admitting I may have opinions and capabilities with potential to do better than the ones you brought before the emperor?” Hardening her gaze, she cups his cheek so tenderly he felt a shiver run down his back. “Did I hurt your feelings?”
“GET OUT!” He turns to the others, watching them scramble to leave before he unleashes the darkness everyone feared. Once the last one left, the door slamming behind them, Kirigan locked his eyes on hers.
“Don’t ever try to get inside my head”, he snarled, slamming her against the door. As his heartbeat echoed in his ears, they stayed there with his grip crushing her wrists, keeping them pinned to the wall.
She didn’t breathe, trying to guess his next move. There was a risk she’d push him over the edge and she quite liked herself in one piece, so she waited – waited for him to move first despite the aching pain in her wrists. Releasing a shuddered breath, her chest deflates.
Finally, his eyes soften as he realizes he might have scared her and while he’d usually triumph, he found no satisfaction in being rough with her. He imagined himself releasing her from his grip, cupping her cheeks and asking for forgiveness, but the way she refused to blink made him unsteady. Yet he whispered still, “It’s too dark for you.”
Squinting, Y/N pressed her lips into a thin line. She easily breaks out of his grasp, shoving him against the wall with her forearm on his chest. Trailing her hand lazily towards his neck, she tightens her grip, lightly choking him. Pulling him down, she stands on her tiptoes as well. Leaning in, her lips brush against his ear; whispering, "Darling, you may wield darkness but you don't know the meaning of dark."
Stepping away, she raised her chin defiantly and he wished he could grasp it and pull her lips to his until her jaw relented and her mouth opened for his. And that’s when he realized – why would he hold back?
Her eyes drifted up to his and she knew his resolve was gone. His lips captured hers in a hard kiss, driving them apart with the force of it. There was something gentle about it, regardless of the brute strength he used to push her into the door. She felt the door rattle against her back as he shifted, pressing her into it, taking her face between his hands.
When he kissed her, she felt as if she were losing his mind. She couldn’t comprehend why her hand wasn’t holding her dagger at his neck, or why she allowed herself to moan into the kiss as if he had brought her pleasure.
Every thought she once had evaporated as the darkness of lust drew her in, bending all her rules, stealing the last trembling bit of restraint. She tries to pull away, to stand firm and turn away his affection if she could call it that.
“No”, he whispers, bringing her lips back to his.
And when he kissed her again, she wasn’t sure she wanted her sanity back. She slid her hands under his kefta, wrapping arms around him to press him closer. The low groan at the back of his throat, a small, pleading noise set every inch of her skin on fire.
Opening her eyes, they widen as she notes his are closed as he lost himself in their passionate exchange. A single intelligent thought formed inside her mind, sparking others to appear as well. Playing with fire is her favorite hobby, but this wasn’t a game – not when she was losing.
Pushing against him with all her might, Y/N gasped for breath as he stumbled back. Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, she narrowed her eyes at him. Lifting her chin, Y/N met his gaze decidedly. After all, she couldn’t avoid her marital duty if she allowed him to kiss her like that. He may not be an old, unattractive, undeveloped man she had imagined in her mind, but Y/N still wasn’t quite keen on giving herself to him. She had kept her maidenhood all those years only to lose it to a man who shall never be more to her than a husband in name only. She’d never love him…she promised herself that. She never broke a promise before and he would not be the one who changes that.
“Don’t touch me”, she spoke through clenched teeth.
He looked at her in surprise. There was hatred in her enchantingly cold eyes, her cheeks flushed red. If possible, her anger made her even more beautiful. Never had he felt such a raging desire.
His hand went around her neck, his thumb digging into the soft flesh. “You are my wife,” he said in a low voice. “You are mine!”
“I believe we have already covered that. I’m not yours and I never will be.” Y/N told him with such spite, such determination that he let her go immediately.
“You’re untouched, aren’t you?” Darkling’s voice softened, his eyes holding more understanding than she liked. Had he acted unreasonably and taken her against her will the night before or now, she’d at least be right about his horrid heart and vile mind…but he didn’t. Instead of being a savage she imaged him to be, he offered her gentle understanding.
“I’m sorry I was rough. I’ll try and be gentler. If you don’t want to go through with this, I won’t force you.” Running a hand across his face, he leaned back on the table. “I want you…really fucking bad, but I won’t take you against your will.” The Darkling sighed as she stared at him with her doe eyes, seeing confusion pass her features.
“Good to know where you draw your line. Murder – good, rape – bad.”
Rolling his eyes, he squinted as he looked at her again, “We can’t sacrifice Grisha for your men.”
Knitting her eyebrows, Y/N could hardly believe he just forgot the kiss they shared. In seconds, he crossed his arms and the lustful look was gone. The man before her was a general once more, and though he tried to hide it, he was still a man who had a hard-on despite the subject change. She wished she could ignore the evidence his blood is still boiling for a touch, more so because he was fucking right – he wasn’t small at all.
“If you keep wasting human lives, we will stop defending yours entirely.”
Raising an eyebrow, his face hardened, “We’ll kill you.”
Scoffing, she raises her eyebrow to mimic him. “It’s you or Volcra or the Druskelle and Fjerdans or Shu. We end up dying either way.” Stepping closer, she folded her hands behind her back. “We can work together and lessen our losses or you can do it your way and have a massacre instead.”
In less than a minute, her eyes turned from ice to flame and he found himself captivated by the change.
“I’ll agree on one condition.”
His gaze roamed over her as if he is unable to fully comprehend her beauty. Only when he looked back at her eyes did he see she was troubled. Was that expression fear? The possibility struck him as so humorous he nearly laughed out loud.
“State your terms”, she snapped, refusing to concede when she’s close enough to do something she’s wanted for years – to protect the soldiers used as a shield for those who are perfectly capable of protecting themselves.
“I plan on getting to know you better”, he leaned in closer. He raised his hand, cupping her cheek just as he imagined – tenderly, enough to show dominance but not quite capable of harming her. “If you let me.”
Heart fluttering inside her chest had made her doubt herself. She stared at him, stubborn and unrelenting. “I’m still not sleeping with you.”
Chuckling, Kirigan drops his hand, noticing her relax as he steps back. With a tightness in his chest, he looked back at his wife, so small, so alone and still so fierce. He would never admit it, but he had already a sliver of love for her and knowing she did not had hurt him.
His smile falls and he nods. Clearing his throat, “How about we go for a ride in a few days?” He took her hand in his and gave her a gentle squeeze, looking up at her weary eyes.
“Does that mean I have the bed all to myself?” Raising her eyebrows expectantly, she squeezed his hands right back, as bold as ever. Genya seemed to trust him, yet Y/N couldn’t understand why. He’s too charming to be trustworthy.
Using his grip on her hand as an advantage, he tugged her closer to him and she found herself between his legs as he remained, leaning against the table behind him. His eyes flicker to her lips, “Better find more pillows, my wife. We wouldn’t want you to be the big spoon again, would we?”
With that, he turned them so swiftly, she had barely blinked as he pulled her up on the table and she gasped in surprise. Heart beating fast, she nearly gripped his kefta and claimed his lips, but he leaned in on his own accord and she had no need for brutish behavior.
The tip of his nose brushes hers and just as she begins to lean in, he takes a step back. Winking, he takes another step back.
“If you want a taste, you’ll have to ask.”
Watching his retreating figure in shock, she remained perched on the table with her mouth open and her eyes wide.
Covering her mouth, Y/N shakes her head. Her mind was right, the heart cannot be trusted.
Tags: @bruxa0007 @rangotangomango @kaitlyn2907 @thestoryofmylife9​ @shelivesindaydreamswme @hxrgreeves @safetyhtom @kaqua @savannah-elliott @all-art-is-quite-useless  @azure23x​ 
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And I, You
Comandante Veracruz x fem!reader
Word count: 3k
Warnings: slight blood, injury, kidnapping, mild violence, protective!Veracruz, minor character death, kissing, FEELINGS....?!, no use of y/n, hint of spice but no smut this time
Notes: I’ve been waiting on this one for a LONG time and I’m finally ready to post it and I’m so excited for y’all to read this!! I think this is the SLOWEST burn for feelings I’ve ever written (this unofficial series is sitting at like 48k-ish words total as of now). Don’t worry tho, I’ve still got more in the works so this is nowhere near the end of V and cariño! 
Taglist is in the reblog, if you’d like to be added, please fill out the google form in my masterlist. You can also follow my update blog @flightlessangelwings-updates​ and turn on post notifications to stay up to date!
Gif credit: @thewaythisis​
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It was a long and lonely day in the camp without Veracruz by your side. You had spent most of the day in your chair outside lost in a book, acutely aware of a pair of eyes on you at all times. It had to be the comandante’s idea, but you chose not to acknowledge it. Although the thought of how much he always secretly looked after you made your heart flip in your chest. You sighed as you wondered when he would be back from his mission. It had to be soon since the sun had set hours ago and you had moved into the tent that you shared with Veracruz. You only hoped that he was ok and nothing went wrong while he was away.
Comandante Veracruz always made his way back to you, though, and just as you were about to stand up from the chair you sat in, he barreled through the tent. He looked disheveled and worn out, and his usually perfectly styled hair was flat against his forehead. The sudden movement in the tent made you jump, but you immediately relaxed when you were met with his intense gaze.
“V,” you were breathless as you crossed the space and crashed your body into his, “You’re ok,” you sighed in relief as you pressed your body against his in a tight embrace.
Veracruz was stunned to stillness for a moment, but quickly wrapped his arms around you and held you just as tightly, “I am.” He moved his hand to cup your face and guided you to look him in the eyes, “Have you lost your faith in me already, cariño?” Veracruz added in a mock pout. 
“Never, Comandante,” you whispered in response and the look he gave you made your heart flip in your chest. You clung to his tac vest and fiddled with the straps and velcro while he kept a tight hold of you as well.
As you scanned his face, you saw how tired he looked, but the usual fire still burned behind his dark eyes. Neither of you were sure who moved first, but both of you closed the gap between your faces without another word and captured each other in a heated kiss. Veracruz’s kisses were always hot and heavy, but this one felt more desperate than before. He growled into your mouth as he deepened the kiss and he felt the way you clung to him.
When you finally broke away for a breath, you stayed close to him and you felt your heart pound in your chest, “How did it go?” you asked in a hushed tone.
The comandante scoffed.
“That good huh?”
He didn’t tell you much about his missions, mostly for your safety, but this was one you knew a little more about. Veracruz was after a man named Agent Smith, an American who he had dealings with in the past. The two men started off on common ground as Smith worked with Veracruz to buy and smuggle weapons. But things turned sour when he set up the comandante for failure and disappeared. Veracruz had chased after him ever since, but so far had no luck.
Just as you were about to speak, a loud crash and shout in the distance made you both jump in surprise. Veracruz immediately pushed you behind him and ran to the entrance of his tent, “What’s happening?” he shouted out to his men.
“We’re being attacked,” someone yelled back.
Your eyes went wide as he turned back around to you. Veracruz clenched his jaw as he ran through a plan in his head and he tried to keep his cool for you as he dug an extra bulletproof vest out of his trunk. The comandante practically heard the way his heart pounded in his chest as adrenaline rushed through his veins; the stakes had never been higher for him than right in this moment.
“Put this on,” his voice was low and cold to cover how afraid he actually was. Not for himself, though.
“Just do it,” his voice was louder and harsher than he meant it to be, but he tried to push that down. Veracruz quickly got your vest on before he adjusted his own and grabbed his guns, “Come with me.”
Veracruz grabbed your hand and kept you close against his body as he led you through the chaos that erupted outside. The previously calm atmosphere was completely gone and the camp was filled with men shouting and shooting at the intruders. Veracruz ducked and dodged any attacks and kept you protected while he took you away from the heat of the battle and into the darkened forest.
You could barely see, but you still made out the shape of Veracruz’s face as he took you deeper into the woods and away from the fight. When he found a ditch behind a large tree, he took you by your shoulders and guided you down to the ground.
“I need you to stay here, cariño,” he told you as he knelt next to you, “Do not move no matter what,” Veracruz tightened his grip on your shoulders as he saw the fear in your eyes even in the shadows, “I’ll be back for you when it’s safe.”
Your breathing was fast and erratic in your fear and you gripped onto his shirt with trembling hands. Before you even thought twice, you pulled him in for a desperate kiss before you spoke against his lips, “You will come back to me, right?”
Veracruz cupped your face as he looked into your eyes, “Nothing will keep me from you, cariño. You have my word,” his jaw tightened as he thought about adding more, but instead he pushed you down to the ground and pulled his gun out.
You kept your eyes on his retreating figure until you couldn’t see him anymore and you felt your heart pound in your chest as you laid on the ground, “Stay safe, Comandante,” you whispered to yourself.
You were so focused on the battle in the distance in front of you that you didn’t hear the rustle of movement behind you. And no one heard the scream you let out over the sound of gunfire and shouting from the soldiers. 
The smell of blood and smoke filled the air as Veracruz stood over the last of the attackers. He smacked the side of the man’s face with his gun before he shot him as he lay on the ground. Veracruz let out a deep breath and wiped the sweat from his face as he finally let his shoulders drop in relief. He recognized the uniforms of the attackers right away: they were Smith’s men.
The comandante knew he would have to find him sooner rather than later, especially since no one else had ever been brazen enough to attack his base camp before. It was something Veracruz would not stand for. But first, his priority was to get you and make sure you were safe. He would deal with Smith afterwards and make him pay for this bold attack.
Just as Veracruz put his gun away and started to make his way to where he left you hidden, a rustle of movement and shouts from his men grabbed his attention. In a lightning reflex, he pulled his gun back out and aimed at where the commotion came from, but the sight he was met with made his blood run cold, even in the heat of the jungle. Even his men were stunned to stillness at the sight.
Agent Smith had made his way quietly through the camp, and he had you. Not only did he find you, but he held you at gunpoint flush against his body like a shield so that Veracruz and his men would not shoot him. And even in the distance, Veracruz could see blood run down the side of your face and he could tell that you were in pain. You limped as you were forced to walk forward and your breaths were heavy as if it pained you just to breathe. The comandante let out a low growl as he wondered just how badly Smith had hurt you.
“Looks like I found your precious prize, Comandante,” he taunted as he pushed his gun roughly against your jaw and unlocked the safety.
You whimpered at the pressure against your already sore jaw from where he struck you, but you still tried to struggle in his grasp. It was no use, however, since he was much bigger and stronger than you. He had also gotten the upper hand on you from the moment he first grabbed you and he got several hits in to incapacitate you further, which left you helpless.
Veracruz faltered ever so slightly as he flinched when you whined in pain. But he recovered in a flash and trained his gun right on Smith, “Let her go!” he shouted in a blind rage as his finger hovered over the trigger. His gun trembled in his hand as Veracruz struggled to keep it still.
Smith tisked as he tightened his grip on you, “I don’t think even you are that good a shot, Comandante,” he taunted, “I’d hate for you to miss and hit your pretty girl here,” he cooed against your skin and you couldn’t help the cry you let out.
“I said let her go!” he yelled even louder as his vision ran red with rage. His men kept their own weapons trained on Smith, but no one dared move. The risk of hitting you was too great for anyone to take a shot.
“Tell your men to lower their guns,” Agent Smith said confidently; he knew he had the upper hand and he took full advantage of it. When Veracruz stayed silent, he squeezed you harder and repeated himself in a lower voice, “Lower their guns, Comandante, or watch your girl die.”
Veracruz clenched his jaw but stayed still for a moment. You watched him with tear-filled eyes, and he had never seen you more scared in his life. And he did not like it at all, nor did he like the feeling in his own chest as he was at a loss of how to save you. “Lower your weapons,” he finally said in defeat. He didn’t miss the way your eyes went wide since he never looked away from you.
His men looked confused, but they all slowly did as they were told.
“Good,” Smith chuckled darkly, “It’d be a waste to have to mess up her pretty face here,” he poked his gun against your cheek and you whimpered as the metal pushed harshly against the bruises under your skin, “But I suppose you should still use her body…”
“Enough!” Veracruz roared. His grip on his own gun tightened as his hand shook ever so slightly. If looks could spark fire, Veracruz could have set the entire forest ablaze.
Agent Smith just grinned in amusement at the comandante’s situation, “Now, you’re going to listen to me. And I’m going to call the shots from now on, or else say goodbye to your girl.”
Fire still raged behind Vercaruz’s eyes; he hated the helpless feeling in his chest and he wanted nothing more than to shoot Smith for hurting you. But, he had to be smart, and he had to get you out of the way somehow before he took a shot. That was when he got an idea.
“I do not think you are capable of calling any shots, señor,” Veracruz taunted.
That made Smith angry as he pulled you against his chest again, which made you cry out in pain, “What the fuck did you say to me?”
“You think you’re a tough man,” Veracruz went on, “But look at you,” he used his gun to point at Smith, “You hide behind others. Use a woman as a shield.” This was a gamble for sure, and Veracruz hated to put you in the middle, but he had no other choice. He kept up the facade as he hurled insult after insult at your captor.
And you hated the helpless feeling too. You never wanted to be a burden to Veracruz, and even though you tried to fight Smith off, he was bigger and stronger than you and he easily overpowered you. All you could do was hope that Veracruz knew what he was doing, though you had complete faith that he would get you out of this. He always did before and even though you were afraid, you knew he could do it again.
“Motherfucker!” Smith shouted as he suddenly pushed you hard and you fell to the ground.
The moment you hit the ground, you covered your head with your arms and made yourself as small as possible: something Veracruz had taught you just in case the need ever arose. You heard the sound of two gunshots and a body hit the ground nearby, but you didn’t dare look up. You trembled in fear as you laid there for what felt like forever, but in fact was only a matter of seconds. It was only when you heard your name in a familiar voice that you finally looked up.
“Cariño, look at me,” Veracruz’s voice was rough as he pulled you up to sit. The two of you locked eyes for a moment before he broke away to check you over. You were beaten and bruised, but you seemed to be ok, considering. His jaw clenched as he studied every cut and mark on your body and he suddenly wished he hadn’t killed Smith so quickly.
“V…” you breathed before you collapsed into his arms and sobbed.
Veracruz wrapped his arms around you and held you close, careful to avoid any place you were hurt. He said nothing, but you knew by the way he held you what he was thinking. Faintly, you heard him shout orders to his men to get rid of Agent Smith’s body and secure the camp before he spoke to you again, “Come on cariño, I’m taking you out of here.”
You sniffled and nodded as you let him help you up. Veracruz never broke contact with you for a second and once you were steady on your feet, he led you away from the camp and to one of the jeeps. As you let him guide you away, all that ran through your head was how he held you as if he was shielding you from the world. That and you couldn’t get the look on your comandante’s face when Smith held you captive out of your mind.
When you reached the jeep, you felt Veracruz take one arm off of you to open the door, and you took the opportunity to bury your face in his chest as fresh tears fell down your face. He tried to get you into the jeep, but you stayed still as your words spilled from your lips before you could stop them, “I’m so sorry V,” you sobbed, “I didn’t move from the spot, I swear. He found me somehow.”
For another time that night, Veracruz was shocked to stillness. Truthfully, the thought that you didn’t listen to him didn’t even cross his mind at all. The only thought he had when he saw you was how to get you back and how to keep you safe. He wrapped his arms around you and held you as you cried into his chest, “I know,” was all he said. Veracruz normally never showed this softness to anyone else, but you weren’t just anyone… 
Your next words broke him out of his thoughts and caught him even more off guard, “I love you V,” your voice was raw with emotions from your brush with death, “I know we said no feelings but...” you trailed off as your sobs overtook you again.
Veracruz held you tightly and rested his head against yours. He was quiet for several moments, and when he spoke, it was in a low mumble that you wouldn’t have heard if his lips were right at your ear, “And I you, cariño.” 
You let out a soft gasp at his confession, and you squeezed him even tighter. Veracruz let you stay like that for some time, even though he still felt the urgency to get you somewhere safer. If he was honest with himself, tonight was the most fear he ever felt in his life, and it even gave him some comfort to hold you close and know you were safe and ok in his arms. You had been in harm's way before, but it was never anything like this, and Veracruz silently swore that you would never be in danger like that ever again.
“Come on, cariño,” he finally spoke as he broke away from the embrace and the tender moment and shuffled you into the jeep.
“Where are we going?” you asked, your voice still weak from your fear.
“I’m taking you to the base,” Veracruz replied as he shut the door and moved around and sat in the driver’s seat, “You’ll be safe there.”
You were silent as he drove through the darkness of the jungle. A thousand thoughts ran through your head, and your eyes never left Veracruz’s profile. You saw his face was scrunched in concentration and anger and you wondered what was going on in his head. If only you knew how scared the comandante actually was when he was faced with the possibility of losing you.
Without a word, you reached out for him and slithered your hand into his. Veracruz’s jaw remained taught and his eyes stayed fixed on the road, but he opened his palm for you and allowed you to take his hand. He felt your eyes on his, and he gave your hand a squeeze in a silent acknowledgement. You knew him well enough to understand how much that little gesture meant coming from him, and you never doubted the lengths he would go to keep you safe. 
Comandante Veracruz may not be the best or most honorable of men, but he was the one you chose to be with, and you had no regrets, even after your brush with danger. You trusted him to keep you safe, and Veracruz would do anything for you, even if he wouldn’t say it out loud.
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bchanslvr · 3 years
☁️ Hi I love your writing! Especially your Harry fics, I read them all most every night. So I was wondering if you can do nswf blurb of the reader having a crying kink with sub!harry. Thank you so much!
Ty! ☁️ - Nswf Blurb:
word count - 2k
warnings - mommy kink, sub!harry, anal fingering, pegging, dacryphilia and i think that’s it.
Harry Potter. Never in your life did you think that you’d have Harry Potter on your bed. Let alone crying.
You had told him that you wanted to try something new during sex. He agreed of course, ever the brave Gryffindor. Though he wasn’t expecting you to turn up to his dorm with a strap? Is that what it was? He’d heard about it before but he didn’t know much. It was shaped like a dick, but pink. He was curious on what this thing was but didn’t say anything because he wasn’t allowed to.
You started off gently by kissing him, taking control by pining his hands on both the sides of his head as your tongue invaded his mouth, trying to get him into the mood. And soon enough his dick was rock hard, and he was squirming underneath you.
You smirked as you finally broke the kiss for air. Conjuring some lube wandlessly. You put it to the side and started undressing, ordering him to do the same.
You were both completely nude by the time you were on him again, a wolfish grin adoring your face sending shivers down Harry’s spine. You pecked his lips once more and began uncapping the bottle, pouring a generous amount on your fingers.
You’ve done this once before when Harry had suggested it. He’d seen the way your fingers moved in and out of your cunt, your back arching as your fingers found your g-spot. And he wondered how it felt. Seeing the way that your were completely in pleasure as you bucked your hips.
He was kneeing in anticipation, waiting for you to fuck him with your fingers. You saw that and decided to play with him a little. Show him who’s the superior. You took your slicked up index finger, placing it hear his jawline and proceeding to drag the cold lube down his nipples.
Circling the bud with the lube covered finger as you watched with satisfaction at the way it hardened, and the tiny wimper that fell from his lips. Other hand pinching and pulling the other bud as you looked down at him. He was squirming again, panting and desperately trying not to reach your finger and shove it up his ass where he wanted it.
You decided you’ve teased him enough, your own arousal threatening to overcome you. You slicked up your fingers once more, moving yourself down to where he wanted you to be.
You lifted one of his legs and put it on your shoulder, admiring the view of Harry’s pink pucker. You kissed his inner thigh, gently sucking on the soft skin as you rubbed against his hole. He tensed up immediately, but soon relaxed at your gentle motions, and your mouth sucking a hickey on him.
You pushed merely a fingertip into his tight heat, hand on his hips rubbing soothing circles. You pushed more of the finger, stopping at the first joint. He moved sightly edging more of the finger inside. He let out a sharp inhale as you pushed the remainder of the finger. Remembering to be gentle as you pumped your finger in him slowly, in and out, in and out. Over and over till he was begging for another.
You complied, sticking another long digit in him slowly. Thrusting them into his hole. You added another as he begged for more. Thrusting three digits in his slick pucker. Over and over, your fingertips occasionally grazing his prostate driving him mad.
“Oh please, oh please. PLEASE,“ he begged as your fingers never stopping plunged into him. His hips bucking forward for more friction.
“What do you want mhm?,“ you questioned as you watched with heated eyes at how his hole sucked you fingers in greedily.
“Need you please, please mommy need you, nee-AHH,“ he nearly screamed as your fingers slammed straight into his prostate, and once you found the right angle, you found yourself fucking him with your fingers, constantly abusing his prostate. And by now he was writhing and begging for you.
Your own wetness was running down your thighs, mind fogged in lust for the man below you. You couldn’t keep dragging this on forever. You knew that it would only be matter of minutes before Harry would cum. But you would have none of that.
You suddenly pulled your fingers from his hole. He whined as he felt the cold air, the emptiness in his ass making him squirm, trying to get the fingers back inside him.
“Hush now. You’ll get what you get,“ you said quite sternly. He stopped almost instantly, not wanting to get on your bad side tonight.
You smirked before reaching over to were you put the strap and fastened it around you. It was a good 7 and a half inches. You would have done a 5 or a 6 but today you weren’t having it and decided instead to start off my big, even though this was his first time. You lubed it up with the reminder of the container and tossed it aside.
You watched as Harry’s eyes widened slightly, taking in the sight of you wearing something like this. He unconsciously licked his lips at the thought of the monster fake cock going into him, stretching him wide, filling him to the brim.
You noticed of course, smirking at him as you positioned the tip near his entrance. You rubbed it teasingly around his hole and watched in delight as it twitched in excited.
You sneaked a look at him; he was biting his bottom lips, eyes shut tightly and hands clutching onto the bed sheets like a life-line.
You grinned at the scene before you placed your hands on his hip, one leg still on top of your shoulder the other pushed up to his chest. You pushed in the head of the cock, pleased in the gasp that escaped his red lips.
You pushed a bit more, staying still for a few minutes for him to adjust. You pushed in more when you realized he was warming up and could take it.
About an inch into him and he's already moaning out like a bitch in heat. Merlin you couldn't wait to fully be submerged in him and to see how good he'd look stretched around your cock.
You pushed another quarter of the cock into him before you heard him let out a strangled cry.
You pushed on the spot again, electing another loud moan from his spit-licked lips. Oh, there it was. You purposely pushed on the spot again, another centimeter of the cock entering his body. The pressure on his sweet spot making his eyes roll back into his skull.
You let a smirk form on your face. Getting impatient to be gentle and slow. And so you pushed the rest of the cock into him without a warning.
He let out a high pitched scream as the rest of the cock pushed into his tight heat, the fullness of it all, and the tip brushing on his prostate so lightly, so teasingly, almost making him cry. Almost.
Your impatience was getting low, really low. You'd taken far too long to get into him, and now that you have, the feeling was overwhelming. And all you wanted to do was pound into him mercilessly and just take what you want from him.
And as much as you needed wanted that, you had to go slow in the beginning as to not overwhelm him too much.
"Good baby? Feel nice?," you asked. Rubbing soft circles on his hips once more.
"Mhmm, feels so nice mommy," his eyes were still closed, but a small smile appeared on his face at the feeling of it all and how you were making him feel even though you had just started.
"Yeah? My good boy feels so nice? How does he feel?," you questioned, beginning to gently rock your hips back and forth.
"Feel so full, so big, so nice," he murmured as he too began pushing against the rocking.
"Yeah? My baby feels so full of 'm cock? Mhm?," your pace seemed to increase of its own, the sense of going slow for his needs seeming to disappear into the back of your mind.
"Yes mommy, yes," he cried out as your rockings' turned into full-blown thrusts within seconds.
You lost all self-control the minute his hands came up to claw on your back, his nails leaving angry red crescent moons visible for days to come.
You started fucking him with long short thrust for him to get used to the pace and now that he had, you lost all sense and started pounding into him mercilessly. Hand tightly gripped on his hip, sure to leave bruises, the other free hand coming up to hold onto Harry's leg on your shoulder tighter.
He was crying out for every thrust, mouth open in a perfect 'O', eyes screwed shut, and hands clutching onto the crinkled sheets for dear life.
You found that spot again. Pleased in his cried-out sob as you aimed your strap on the bundle of nerves over and over again. Cock abusing his prostate.
You were so gone, mind only fogged in lust, and greed that you hadn't noticed that Harry had started outright crying. Not of pain, but pure pleasure. Well you noticed as soon as you heard him sniff.
Your eyes immediately darting to his face and oh merlin was it a sight for sore eyes.
You could have swore you would have been able to come from that image alone; glazed emerald green eyes are wet with unhushed tears, the thick black lashes clumped and glossy, his nose adorably red and leaking, knuckles turned white at the tight grip of them on his blankets, glasses askew, panting and moaning with each thrust and his face scrunched-up as you continued to molest his hole.
Fuck. He looks stunning. You wished you brought a camera to capture this moment forever.
His nails tug harder into your back as he sobbed from the pleasure. He makes these little irresistible little hurt sounds that you're pretty sure are the soundtrack to heaven. His hands coming up to your gorgeous y/h/c and tugging on them as he nearly breaks.
“Look at you,” you whisper, “So pretty for me when you cry.”
Oh but he was, face wet with tears and puffy from crying, so red and open, and still he wants more. You can't resist him like this and keep your steady thrusting. Faster and Faster as your climax started enveloping you.
Harry's own cock, red and leaking pre-come was ready to spill his seeds.
"Go on baby, touch yourself," you panted, as you watched him let out a cry as he began pumping his cock back and forth.
Your own climax fast approaching, thrusts becoming sloppier and sloppier till you let out a loud moan as you came.
Hips stuttering and head thrown back as your cum spilled down your thighs. Body trembling and out of breath as you came to your senses.
Harry rapidly wanked himself, the image of you being undone on top you bringing him to his own orgasm.
He all but let out a whine as hot white cum spurted in between your chests. Breath stolen and body numb.
He let out a wince as you pulled out of his abused and over sensitive hole. Throwing the strap aside to clean tomorrow and flopping onto the bed next to him.
You both stayed there, catching your breaths and raveling in the mind-blowing experience in a comfortable silence.
Harry was the first to move, pushing himself closer to your sides. He was always cuddly and soft in the aftermaths of sex so you gently turned on your side. Hands enveloping him in your arms, his head resting in the junction where your shoulder and neck meet. His soft breath tickling you.
"You okay baby?," you murmured breaking the silence. He simply hummed, voice soft from all the screaming and moaning.
You felt the soft-sated smile on his lips beginning to form, and felt a one of your beginning to grow.
You let out a chuckle, "Someone enjoyed that huh?", he simply hummed again but asked "Can we do it again?".
It was your turn to hum as you snuggled your head in his soft black hair. His legs tossed on top of you as you wandlessly pulled the blanket over you two and tucked the both of you in.
You decided you both could take a shower tomorrow, and let yourself completely relax in his arms.
And that's how the night ended. Limbs tangled, the smell of sweat, tears and sex in the air, and pure bliss
tags: @hey-there-angels @dracomalfoys-wh0re
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gummytoasty · 2 years
autumn boy.
the time when everything bursts with its last beauty, It was autumn when you first laid your eyes on him. the boy who would always be there watching something from afar on their wheelchair. the changing colour of leaves on the trees, turning from green to a beautiful selection of browns, reds and oranges. It was beautiful. he came like autumn and disappeared when winter came.
you were a young amateur artist who now had an absurd idea of drawing a patient, you thought it was a bad idea but as soon as you came across the hospital, that's when you laid your eyes on him and perfectly at that moment- autumn had started. leaves flew with the wind as he caught your eyes, his blue eyes held tears before he flinched when he finally realised someone’s staring at him. you saw him start moving his wheelchair and went inside the hospital.
“ oh. wow “ you stood there dumbfounded, completely stunned. you were about to grab your sketchbook out of your bag, you felt around your bag for a few minutes before dawning on you that forgot about it.
Room 203. There it is ! you perked up and knocked on the door, you just hoped he’d let you draw him. “ come in “ you twisted the doorknob and went in, your eyes wandered around his room, it was plain. The flowers had dried up and there was his wheelchair beside his bed.
“ what the- It’s you! “
“ i’m – “
“ the pervert yesterday ! “
you started coughing, “ wait no- no. I'm not a pervert. “ he held a disgusted face and stared suspiciously. you took your bag off your shoulder and opened it, held up a sketchbook and a pencil with stickers.
“ I just had a project of drawing a patient. so maybe- you’d let me draw you “ you mustered up the best puppy eyes you could do, “ please. I swear I'll draw you so good. you can go down in history, I’ll be publishing the art at the museum if I’m able to to win the contest. “
The patient on the bed turned towards you and blinked. “You want to… draw me?” he had a faint blush on his pale cheeks, an awkward gaze on the sketchbook you were holding.
you eagerly nodded, “ I swear you won’t regret it “
“I don’t care. You can draw me if you want.” an almost redder blush covered his paleness, it’s almost spreading on the tip of his ears.
It’s been an hour since you started drawing him, he has been awkwardly smiling trying to keep a pose. “ you don’t have to pose. just act like i’m not here “ you laughed at his stiffness.
“ don’t laugh. you- hmph.! “ a silence grew between the two of you, whilst he was reading a book, you drew him, just the calming silence but occasional loud laughter from him between the silence. The bustling noises outside the hospital, in a place where birth and death happened, the two of you are in the middle of just merely existing at this moment.
you traced his features across the pad with a pencil, looking up every so often to compare the drawing and the real person. The feeble sketch isn’t able to catch his beauty. No amount of shading could capture his focused expression, or his indifferent frown, or the small smile that would appear every once in a while or the sunken bags under his eyes. you caught yourself staring for almost a whole minute, you blushed and continued drawing, you didn’t notice the faint smile for a moment that disappeared as soon as you looked up from the pad.
He settled down the book and stood up a bit before sitting down on his wheelchair. “ Come on. the sun is about to set “ you didn’t notice that time had completely flown by, you packed up your sketchbook and pencil and pushed his wheelchair to the elevator.
“ I forgot. What’s your name ? “
“ I’m Toasty “
you stood there with your hands on his wheelchair. for the first time, you saw his features turned into a pained expression as he stared at the sunset. He let out a sigh, “ let’s get back now “ he moved his wheelchair back to the hospital. you stood there for a moment , ‘ why did you have such an expression ‘
“ Can I come back tomorrow?” you asked as you sling your bag on your shoulder, he turned his head toward you. “Can you- what?”
You felt your face heat up, but you kept going. “It’s just- I’m not finished. With the drawing. So could I come back? And finish it?”
He stayed quiet and you sighed. you didn’t know what you were expecting. “It’s fine. Forget what I asked.”
you made your way to the door , “ you can. you can come back- but can you bring some cupcakes and cookies by the bakery across the hospital ? I’ve never tasted it and It’s just newly opened - “
“ Of course.! I mean I’m bothering you so this is the least I could do “ you waved goodbye, “Then, see you tomorrow ”
“ OH - Y/N ! hello. What can I get you ? “ Two2 asked as he cleaned the counter.
Two2 is your friend who works at the local bakery, you have known him for awhile now.
“ Hey Two ! Can I get some cupcakes and cookies? “ Your eyes searched for some other pastries , “ Oh and these macaroons “ he smiled and nodded, picking out the pastries and putting them in a brown paper bag.
The cold breeze hits you as soon as you leave the warm bakery, you tighten the scarf around your neck and held the paper bag and felt the warmness coming from the freshly made pastries, the leaves has finally fully changed from green to an incredible display of vibrant colors, just as your cheeks get a little ruddy from the colder weather. dry, dead leaves crunch beneath your feet and clouds appear when you breathe out.
you knocked on the door, “ come in ! “ his voice was muffled and clogged, he sniffled. you found him hiding under the covers, visibly shaking.
“ Did you drink your medicine ? you have a fever. “ he groaned and closed his eyes, you pulled a chair beside his bed and ran your fingers through his hair.
“ don’t stop … “ he mumbled tiredly and you hummed gently in question, “ your fingers in my hair … “ he continued, “ feels really.. really nice “ his eyes fluttered shut as he let out a heavy hot sigh. you brushed away the sweaty locks of his hair plastered on his head due to his sweat.
An hour has passed, you checked your phone and continued drawing the sick boy who got sick on just the third day of autumn. He stirred a bit for a moment, mumbling a tired hoarse, “ water.. please ? “ you gave him some water and medicine. he lets out a quiet, ‘ thank you ‘
you bit your bottom lip as you smiled as you watched, tracing the art of him eating the pastries. crumbs on the side of his cheeks, still drowsy sleepy eyes as bits of yawn followed as he took small bites on the cupcakes.
‘ he looks so adorable ‘
he turned with big puffed cheeks , “ what are you looking at - ? “
“ nothing. You just look so adorable ~ “ you smirked as his puffed cheeks turned red, he avoided your gaze and kept eating. devouring all of the sweets with a contented smile.
You let out an amused chuckle and couldn’t help but draw all of his cute little moments, “ hey. tell me about yourself as I draw you “ he stayed quiet.
“ well - I'm Toasty. I love sweets and I’ve been stuck here for as long as I can remember, I for once want to be able to see the world. It’s kinda a plain dream right? “ he let out a chuckle with a pained smile.
“ then. Let’s find a paradise for the two of us, in exchange of letting me draw you I’ll show you places where you want to go “ you unknowingly held his hands tightly as he also gripped into yours, his eyes shined and his frown broke into a smile.
“ don’t make such promises , pervert “ he laughed with a cough as he pulled the covers closer to warm him up.
you shrugged, “ I don’t make empty promises, autumn boy “
Like a curious little kid, he was filled with laughter while holding his dripping ice cream, he opened his arms contently and smiled. “ Thank you for bringing me out there. '' His beautiful locks of hair flowed with the air, decoratively leaves flew by his hair and attached to him.
“ I told you, I don’t make empty promises. “ you smiled at the bustling lively family and children, a bunch of piles of leaves. the cold air sending shivers down your spine. “ Well I’m done drawing, I still need to get you back to your room “ he frowned sadly but nodded.
“ Can we go here again ? “
“ Of course. “
He laid down on his hospital bed, the bright smile never left his face, “ the world is so beautiful “
your eyes captured yet another beautiful occurrence that involved this beautiful boy.
The sunlight fell onto Toasty’s bed, and his skin was so pale it looked like he was glowing. Holy shit. That- There. Right there, that’s the beauty. you thought, studying the scars and veins running down and across his arms. The beauty in the world… It's him. He’s the most beautiful thing you’ve ever laid your eyes on. You’ve seen all the beautiful things in the world but his beauty is incomparable.
“You’re beautiful.” you breathed out, and he laughed. God, you wanted to bottle up that laugh and play it on repeat.
And so the two of you had spent the rest of the day together. In engulfing silence, you could hear the silent stifled laugh coming from him as you drew every part of him.
the way he’ll try to cover his laugh, or his eyes would flutter on your for a whole minute before he started turning red , or his puffy red cheeks whenever he got embarrassed.
your heart skipped whilst thinking about him. your hand trembled as your breath shaked, “ damn “ you breathed out and held your face with your rough calloused hands. feeling the heat on your cheeks spreading.
As you tried to calm your heart down, you didn’t notice the sincerity and adoration that his eyes showed. His own heart, beating the same as yours, his hands almost unnoticeable trembling.
he looked up and locked eyes with yours.
you were about to reach out to him when a loud stomach growl grew in that moment of silence. his lips twitched before letting out a laugh. “ don’t laugh ! “ You heard another stomach growl, you bit your tongue to contain the laughter, you smiled as you saw Toasty embarrassingly hid his face with his pillow.
“ I’ll go buy some pastries ” you heard a muffled ‘ thank you ‘ his ears were red again. It was a full week before you finally went out to see Toasty, you were filled with assignments and schoolworks to do and today you finally finished it, you grabbed the newly bought sketchbook. your old one was completely filled with him.
you knocked on his door, but didn’t hear an answer. you went in quietly, you spotted a heavily sleeping toasty. When he fell asleep his perfectly tied hair turned into a messy tangled mess. you set the pastries on the table and sat down beside him, ‘ i could just draw later ‘ you played with his messy locks of hair. He stirred and wrapped his hands around your waist with an inaudible grumble.
he blinked twice before a drowsy smile appeared. Bags under his eyes now are more evident than it was before. He fell asleep again on your shoulder, you tried not to move and let him sleep as you continued drawing steadily.
He yawn and turned red when he noticed he was drooling a bit on your shoulder, “ I’m sorry ” his voice was hoarse and dry as he spoke up, you reached out for your water bottle and lent it to him, who’s completely still half asleep. His usual tidy hair was sticking up messily, he mumbled a low “ hm- thank you, “ whilst he rubbed his eyes sleepily, you cracked a smile and drew another one of his cutest occurrences.
He was mysterious. Every moment was a beautiful occurrence with him, even the dried up drool when he woke up or the bitten nails as he nervously read a certain part of his favourite book. For you, he was the most beautiful art you could’ve ever drawn.
The elevator doors opened with a ding and you wheeled him into the hospital lobby, and then out the front doors. There was a little park next to it, specifically for people from the hospital, and you carefully brought him along one of the paved paths, it led to a beautiful place where you can clearly view the sunset.
Every chance you could get you always visited him with his favourite pastries, and just like that autumn ended. you’ve completed the third sketchbook filled with him. winter came, you excitedly wanted to announce that you won the artist competition and the drawings of him would be displayed. It took five days for all the arrangements so you didn’t get the chance to visit him sooner.
you knocked carefully on the door before slipping inside. you turned around, there were three very confused people staring at me.
“I’m sorry, who are you?” One of them spoke up. I rechecked the door number, and then looked back at them.
“Where is Toasty? this is his room.” you were shaking slightly, and your voice cracked as you spoke. The person who’d spoked the first time, an older man, must have seen the fear and pain in your eyes because his tone softened.
“We’ve had this room for three days. I don’t know who this Toasty is, but he’s not here.”
“No, no, no, that can’t be right! He was here, he was right here! He has to be here!” your hand shaked, as your breath quickened. your eyes got blurry. many thoughts ran through your head as you stood there.
“ calm down. Why don’t you go talk to a doctor? I don’t know anything about Toasty.” you nodded shakily, dropping the flowers onto a table and running out of the room. you tracked down the nearest doctor.
“Hi, I’m here for Toasty? He was in room 203, but now he’s gone.” your voice broke on the word ‘gone’.
“Check with the reception desk.” Came the gruff reply, and you ran off without bothering to thank him. your heart wretched as you ran. you never got to tell him. He couldn’t possibly be gone.
“Hi, the boy who was in room 203? He was in Room 203 but now he was gone” your voice couldn’t contain the shake as you were tapping my fingers against the desk, unable to hold still. you couldn’t stop your brain from going to the worst possible scenario. What if…
“ I’m sorry but he is gone– “
you couldn’t believe it. you stood there bewildered.
“ please! He can’t be gone– “
your voice broke out a agonizing painful sob, ‘ damn it ‘
the secrets of the autumn boy. He was a complete mystery.if you’ve brought up what he is in the hospital for, he would just ignore it and change the subject. you’ve never been able to tell your feelings to him. your hands trembled as you tried drawing him once again, but you could only continue to cry on the paper and let your tears wet the paper.
the beauty of autumn.
drawings of him were plastered on the museum every autumn, you wanted for him to appear every autumn as he did to you.
And disappeared as soon as winter came.
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