#i was trying to sleep and the brain thought of this instead
bambisnc · 3 days
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i'm like some kind of supernova [ft. u.ae]
⤷ pov : literally all of the clocks of your house stop working and a random girl falls into your house?? she says she's like .. a goddess?? and now you've agreed to help her find her colleagues that disappeared?? or else she might torment you for all your life???
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pairing : timekeeper!giselle x reader genre : serious codedish + crack cw/tw : talks about dying/not dying + giselle talks old timey-ish for a couple mins + lowk this is a fever dream + uneditted womp womp wc : 914 woooo !!
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the strange quiet should’ve tipped you off.
when you woke up from an (unusually) dreamless sleep, your first instinct was to fight the urge to look at your phone and instead focus on the digital clock situated to the left of your bed. 
you were trying to make a conscious effort to “stop being dependent on your phone” and metaphorically touch grass.
and, obviously, that was your first mistake. 
the flashing numbers of the screen looked back at you, almost defiantly. 00.30.
one look at the sunlight streaming in through a conveniently located window proved that incorrect immediately. 
the clock appears to be broken.
pretty normal occurrence, could happen to anyone.
but when you venture out to the dining room, another clock, one of the analog variety, proudly displays the hour hand at 1 and the minute hand at 8. 
the clocks in the living room, guest room and kitchen all respectively seem to believe it’s around 2.45, 3.06 and 4.58 am respectively.
you can no longer put this off to a coincidence and the realization that there may be some foul play at work shakes you to the core. 
until, of course, there is a loud BANG! and a girl falls right on top of you. 
by then, your only coherent thought is AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.
the girl groans, likely in pain from the fall (where did she fall from??? is she a neighbour and did your ceiling just … break down??). she’s quick to regain composure however.
“greetings mortal. be not afraid for i am merely a being that most humans desire to have control over, despite knowing how utterly unattainable it is.
i am giselle; the keeper of time, in its purest essence.”
“your name tag says uchinaga aeri though.” you gesture with your eyes as she still has your arms pinned down with just enough strength to render them completely immovable.
“and also,” your fight or flight reaction shows itself by a means of ceaseless curiosity, “isn’t time supposed to be .. an old bearded man holding an hourglass? wasn’t he called father time?
the time keeper/uchinaga aeri/giselle/ looks pissed. or is she just flustered??
“the name tag is just a slight error, okay?! and i actually DO have an hourglass. also assuming that time is “male” is sexist.”
“no that’s not what i meant-” you try to defend yourself, but she brushes it off with practiced ease.
“my colleagues and i recently faced a … misfortunate incident. they all disappeared soon after.  the thorough investigations i carried out right after lead me nowhere for quite a while. 
but now… my sources have led me to you, mortal.”
the way aeri giselle speaks is enough to show you that she would not hesitate to resort to any means necessary to bring back the people she’s lost. they are obviously much more to her than just “colleagues.” 
you admire that. but also … according to her “sources” doesn’t she think that you are the one responsible for the disappearances? 
giselle’s grip on your hands eases only slightly while your brain busily tries to make sense of the events; wondering if she perhaps terrified you into silence. 
you do not let that opportunity go to waste.
with a slightly awkward, not as suave movement as you would have liked it to be, you flip over so that the timekeeper is now below you. 
“mortal?!” she gasps out, “you dare manhandle one of the 4 Supernovas, the guardians of the universe?! why i should-”
“hear me out please, before you burn me to a crisp or whatever you’d like” 
giselle’s eyes twinkle. 
she snaps her fingers. and all the lights blink out.
you find yourself … in your bedroom? almost like you’ve been sent back in time to earlier the same day…
the time keeper sits at the edge of the bed, rather nonchalantly, for someone who looked like they were merely seconds away from..
“letting you age and age and age some more, until all that’s left of you is a shriveled husk and all you can think of is the sweet release of death; but alas you’ll never find respite, because i will simply ensure that you remain undying. i think that’s what i’ll do to you if you don’t cooperate <3 arson’s not really my thing, ningning however,-”
you interrupt her once more, probably not the best decision but you need to make your offer as soon as possible if you have any hopes of getting out of this alive, “i’ll help you.”
you ramble on about how all the clocks had stopped working and how you were 99% sure that this meant you were definitely a key part in helping to find the people who had disappeared.
it almost feels like an interview; trying to convince giselle to hire you as a helper and also, as a side bonus, not torment you for all of eternity. 
and surprisingly, it works.
as you’re ending your pitch, she suddenly leans forward so that her forehead almost touches yours. 
“rest up for now, then.” she says, “you need all the energy you can get for our mission. and if you even think of backing out…”
“i won’t!!” you affirm quickly, which makes her smile and
god she’s really pretty isn’t she? 
beep. beep. beep.
the digital clock on your bedside says it’s 00.30. 
you grab your phone.
the Contacts app opens up. the first saved number is of a certain timekeeper.
o giselle (NOT aeri.) xxxxxxxxxx
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notes : I HATE THE TITLEEE IM MIGHT CHANGE IT IDK THO + [m.list] song rec : man idk i was js watching danny gonzales videos/horror video game playthroughs + supernova - aespa???
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𐙚 . regulars : @skriri ⋆
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fanfoolishness · 2 days
Growing Pains
This one came to me as a combination of prompts from @thecoffeelorian (who sent Tech and Crosshair + Cadet as a prompt!) and @summer-of-bad-batch, whose week 1 prompt was water gun fight. Somehow my brain mashed them together and here we are!
Crosshair has trouble sleeping, but Tech has an idea for a distraction. Cadet Batch, brothers being brothers, pure fluff. ~1700 words.
Tap tap tap.
Tap tap.
Crosshair growled, rolling over in his bunk and kicking his legs out from under his blanket.  “Tech,” he warned.
There was no answer. Crosshair lay on his back, scowling up at the ceiling.  He reached down and rubbed his shins, wincing.  They throbbed and ached. 
More growing pains. He was so sick of them.  Nala Se said they were normal, that pain medication wouldn’t help. Crosshair wished he could just grow up already and be done with them.
He lifted his hand, nibbling at the dry skin around his fingernails, biting at it until he tasted blood.  He frowned, balling his hand into a fist and jerking it away.
Tap tap.
“Will you stop tinkering and go to sleep?” Crosshair hissed.  
“Hm?” Tech asked from across the room, where he was working on a half-scuttled battle droid under the light of a single glow lamp.
What he was doing with it, Crosshair had no idea, but the nagging tapping wasn’t helping him get to sleep any faster.  Especially not with the way his shins pulsed and ached.
“Put that thing away and go to sleep,” Crosshair snapped. “Haven’t you noticed it’s been lights out for hours?”
“You can usually sleep through my projects,” Tech said, adjusting his goggles. He got up, padding over to Crosshair and peering closely at him. Despite the late hour Tech looked as alert as ever, though his brownish hair was rumpled and dark grease smudged his cheeks.  “Why are you still awake?”
Crosshair sat up with a scowl.  “Because you’re annoying.”
Tech raised his eyebrows at him, unperturbed. “I’m no more annoying than I usually am.”
Crosshair sighed, crossing his arms over his chest.  “My legs hurt,” he confessed.  
“Oh. Growing pains.  They’re no fun.”  Tech paused, looking closely at him.  He reached out and grabbed Crosshair’s hand, examining his fingers.  “You should stop biting those, you know.”
“Shut up.”  He yanked his hand away.  “I know.  I just -- I start and it’s hard to stop sometimes.  Especially if something else is bugging me.”
Tech sat down beside him, sitting with him back to back.  Crosshair felt some of his tension fade, and he leaned into his brother, closing his eyes.  He was so tired.
But his legs twinged, as painful as ever.
“So why aren’t you asleep yet?” he asked Tech, trying to keep his mind off his legs.
“I’m trying to figure out how to reprogram this droid,” Tech said.  “Make it fight for us instead.  I know it’s a training droid, so it won’t really be fighting at all, but it’s good practice.  Maybe it’s something I could do on the battlefield, once we get our shot.”  
“Huh,” said Crosshair, impressed.  “That would be good.”  He was quiet for a minute, thinking.  “Don’t you get tired staying up, though?  You could do this stuff during the day.”
Tech fiddled with his goggles.  “I could.  But we have other training then.  I want to learn as much as I possibly can, but since we grow so quickly, that translates into less time.”  He shrugged.  “And I don’t really get tired when I’m focused.  It’s as if I go into my own little world.”
Crosshair stifled a snort.  That was an understatement.  “I’ve noticed,” he said, but considered.  He thought he knew what Tech meant.  “Like when I’m planning a really hard shot?  Everything else goes away.”
“Yes, exactly.”
Crosshair wished he had that kind of focus now.  His legs ached with another horrible set of pulses, and he rubbed at them with both hands, swearing under his breath.
“It’s particularly bad tonight, isn’t it?” 
“Yeah,” Crosshair admitted.
“You know what helps me?” Tech asked.  “Distraction.  I may have just the thing.”  He trotted back to his tangles of wires and tools.  Crosshair watched him, wondering if they’d wake up Wrecker and Hunter.  But Hunter had buried his head under his pillow, and Wrecker could sleep through anything.
“If you want me to tear apart droids with you, thanks but no thanks,” said Crosshair. He was okay with basic datapad work, but hopeless at the intricate stuff Tech managed to do without breaking a sweat.  “They don’t make any sense to me.”
“You could learn if you wanted. You’re very bright.  Not at my level, but still —“
Tech finished rummaging in his pile of projects and came back to Crosshair, pressing something into his hands.  “Here.”
Crosshair looked down at what appeared to be a small white blaster, but with a curious tank attached to it.  He lifted it and heard it slosh.  “What is it?”
“A water blaster,” said Tech. “They won’t let us have real blasters to practice with in here, of course, but I thought I’d try making something like this for practice.”  He held up a little board of shiny white material with a black target drawn on it.  “Where do you want this?”
Crosshair grinned.  “Across the room. Give me a challenge.”
“You might find it’s more of one that you think,” said Tech. “You’ll have to account for gravity, and the minimal propulsive capabilities of this water blaster compared to the real thing.”
“Hm. I’ll be the judge of that,” said Crosshair, experimentally squirting Tech with the blaster between the eyes.  Water dripped down his nose and splattered on his goggles.
“Very funny,” Tech said, mopping his forehead and lenses with his sleeve.  He flashed Crosshair one of his little half-smiles.  “All right, let me find a spot to stick this.”
“Try over here,” Hunter groaned. “Since you two are keeping me awake anyway.”  He tapped the top of his bunk.  “I think… it’ll take Crosshair four tries before he gets a bullseye.”
“Four?” Crosshair asked, offended, as Tech affixed the target above Hunter’s bunk, across the room.  He took aim with the blaster, lining up his shot, figuring that the water would take a parabolic motion at that distance.  He fired slightly higher than the target —
And the water splashed harmlessly onto the floor a good meter away.  
Crosshair stared at the dry target, infuriated.  “You didn’t tell me this thing had no power!”
“Well, look at it,” Tech chuckled. “Do you see a power source? I just put it together with some spare casing material and a simple plunger. It’s significantly limited.  That’s why I had it set aside, I’m sure I could design something much more effective if I had the time.”  Tech sat down again amongst his wires, resuming his fiddling.
Hunter yawned, sitting up and running a hand through his shaggy hair.  “Maybe four was too generous. Maybe I should make it five tries.”
Crosshair glowered.
“What are you all blabbering about?” Wrecker mumbled. “Some of us are trying to sleep!”
“Crosshair’s trying out a new weapon,” Hunter said.  Which was the wrong thing to say around Wrecker.
“What!” Wrecker cried in excitement.  He tried to get out of his bunk, but was so tangled in his blankets that he rolled onto the floor with a thump.  From there he propped himself up on his elbows, all hint of sleepiness forgotten.  “New weapon? Where’d you get it? How’d you sneak it in? What’s it do? Can’t believe you were holding out on me —“
“It’s Tech’s. It’s just a water blaster, and not a very good one,” Crosshair said, taking aim, adjusting based on the disappointing performance of his last shot.  He experimented by slightly covering the barrel of the pistol with his fingernail, narrowing the opening, and shot a jet of water out the end. It sailed across the room, falling short of the target again but hitting Hunter square in the face.
He grinned.  That would do nicely.
“Oh that does it, Crosshair,” Hunter grumbled, wiping his face off.  “Tech! You got any more of these things?”
“Yes, I made enough for all of us,” Tech said mildly.  “Though as I said before, the design could be better…” He searched through his piles of debris and pulled out three more blasters, tossing one each to Hunter and Wrecker before whirling and squirting them both in the face with his own.
“Oh, it’s on!” Wrecker roared, rolling out of his blankets and squirting Tech three times, then training his blaster on Crosshair.
“Oh no you don’t —“
The battle was pitched and bloody.  Crosshair leapt from his bunk to take cover behind the crate that held their dirty laundry, sending out jets of water that spritzed his brothers dead in the face every time.  Wrecker charged him, wearing a blanket as armor, water from his blaster flying everywhere.  Hunter circled around on the outskirts of the fray, catching Tech from behind, but Tech pulled out a secret fifth water blaster and squirted both Hunter and Crosshair at once. 
They howled with battle cries, erupting into a mad scuffle in the center of the room, water splashing into the air, limbs a tangled frenzy.  
“I’m gonna get you!”
“I’d like to see you try!”
“You’re all dead!”
“We’ll see who has the upper hand now!”
At last the battle came to a close.  By the time they flopped onto their backs panting with exhaustion, Wrecker had a (self-inflicted) bloody nose, Hunter’s head was drenched, Tech’s goggles were halfway across the room and Crosshair had stolen all five of the blasters for himself.  
“We should do this every night,” Wrecker snorted, pinching his nose shut.
Hunter laughed, elbowing him.  “Well, it was pretty fun.”
“It was certainly a good distraction.”
Crosshair took aim with one of his blasters at the target over Hunter’s bunk.  The spray drenched the bullseye perfectly.  “There.  Three,” he said in triumph, sticking his tongue out at Hunter.
“Haha, nice one, Cross!”
“Ahhh, I knew you had it in you.  I only said four to piss you off.”
“Not that that is difficult.”
“Hey, that’s -- okay, that’s true.”
Crosshair lay on his back near his brothers, still catching his breath, his eyelids getting heavy.  He put his hands under his head and stretched out on the floor.  With the blankets Wrecker had managed to hurl around the room beneath him, he was pretty comfortable.  
Comfortable enough to stay here, just a little longer.  He yawned and his eyes fell closed.  
He drifted off to sleep, and his legs didn’t hurt at all.
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marypaol · 1 day
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Poisoned Thoughts
Draco x fem!reader
Summary: Reader is drowning in the river of insecurities, and Draco is only the hand that’s pushing her further down.
Warnings: Insecurities, obviously, mention of suffocation, choking, strangling, etc. Bullying about weight, eating habits, mention of drowning, drowning someone, ANGST, crying, mention of blood, all that good stuff. :)
Note: This is very personal to me, and I was happy to write a story that kind of puts awareness out there about insecure people. Everyone has their own dislikes about themselves, and I don’t think it’s at all funny to make fun of someone that thinks bad about themselves. So please know to spread kindness and respect others, because you never know what they think of themselves. I’m here if anyone needs to talk, and remember that you are absolutely beautiful just the way you are!!! 🫶🏻
For the wonderful @maaaapara I hope you enjoy!
This is my first time writing full on angst, so it might be bad.
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The feeling of hunger was over her, the long hours of studying finally catching up. She didn’t plan on doing the whole Charms essay, just a few paragraphs and she’d be done for the night. But her quill kept moving nonetheless, swirling the cursive letters against the parchment with soft grace. The soft scratching noises arising from the action were peaceful to her ears, and the cackling of the flames in the fireplace was another sign of calm.
Once she finished it, she rolled it up neatly, tying a thin piece of string around it that was worn out from continuous usage. She always seemed to use that certain one out of the millions she had in her bag, since not only was it old, but she liked the material’s feel against her fingertips.
She liked to think of the soft feeling as an award for finishing the work, letting herself know that she can feel the calming sensation if she completed what was asked of her.
The sun was sinking into the sky with such ease she couldn’t see it moving. The soft warmth was warmer than the daylight, glowing innocently into the green room, letting the world know it’s almost time for slumber.
Of course, the urge to eat after a long day was much higher than the desire to sleep, mostly because she felt like everyone, not just her, had an issue falling asleep if they were hungry. As so did she, but she knew she missed the feast far too long ago, too busy frying her brain out of her head to make the action to consume food.
So she sighed, trying to ignore the yelling of her stomach as it demanded something, anything. She had to set aside the want, knowing she had to go to bed and if a prefect caught her sneaking for food they’d think she was a freak, desperate for something to eat but in reality she was too busy doing school work.
The last thing she wanted was a person coming off that way so her tired legs carried her to her dormitory, all the way up trying to fight the want to eat.
She set her bag down on the ground as she got there, her roommates ignoring her presence as per usual, the feeling settling in her chest a long time ago.
Thinking about it now, her brain took her as she went into bed after changing into pajamas, the soft sheets relaxing on her skin, she’d never fit in as easily as the other girls did.
She’d always be the one who was too shy to talk, too shy to interact with people, instead taking place in a corner where she’d watch act unfold. The corners seemed to be the only place that accepted her, the curve of the wall as they both merged together taking home on her back as she sought for warmth that wasn’t there.
The line going from the floor to ceiling basically fit her quite well. She liked to think of it this way. Everyone was the walls, either side of her nice and flat as they lived life. They were smooth, beautiful, and simply flawless as you walked into the room, admiring the wall pattern in the space. But, she, however, was different. She was the corner, where all the webs built up and all the dust formed that wasn’t wanted; the corner wasn’t wanted. The person who lived in the room doesn’t attention to the corners, too busy admiring the wallpaper full of beauty and elegance to care. They don’t bother cleaning the corner while polishing the room for guests, knowing they’re blocked by furniture so the people won’t notice. No one noticed her, it seemed. Why exist, she thought, head turned to the left, staring right at the floor corner of the room, the darkness making it barely visible but she knew that was just her trying to look into her chest.
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When she woke up, the room was empty and there was a cold absence in the room, floating in the air. The beds of her roommates were made, the neatness seeming to mock her, the sight of the smooth blankets making her twist in her bed sheets.
The sight was unsettling for an unknown reason, feeling something off. She looked out the window, rubbing her eyes and seeing the sun quite high within the clouds, shining upon world with such grace.
She yawned, grabbing her watch of the table beside her bed and snapping it on her wrist, looking down at the time lazily.
She gasped, lips parting and chest squeezing. It was almost time for her first to class to start, and she was still in bed, yawning like it was nothing that she forgot to set an alarm the night before. Too busy thinking about food, the thoughts in her head grumbled to herself, feeling hot anger flush in her blood. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
She scrambled out of the bed sheets, feeling more suffocated every second.
She wondered why her roommates didn’t wake her, but the thought only lasted for a second. They didn’t care, was the truth.
While she was putting on her robes, the sleeves being extra irritating that morning, she felt an unexpected sensation of anger brewing in her emotions. She felt angry with herself, disappointed. She wanted to feel normal, not having these never ending thoughts swarming in her mind.
She scoffed the clothes on, standing in front of the mirror, looking at her pathetic tired self standing there, wanting nothing more than the day to end. Right then and there, she wanted it all to end. She wanted her brain to shut off, like a light switch, flipping from emotions felt to nothing at all. She pulled at her hair strands, feeling deep annoyance and irritation building in her heart and stomach. Her hair wasn’t corroborating in the way she wanted it to, and her robes seemed itcher than usual. The fabric seemed to be choking her and the more she tugged at the collar the more it seemed to be strangling her neck.
She felt tears prickle her eyes, nose burning at the want to sob.
She went close to the mirror, not wanting to ruin the makeup she put on her eyelashes, carefully wiping the forming unwanted tears. She still looked horrible despite her attempts to make her look more awake, but it was good enough compared to what she saw when she first got out of bed.
She quickly made her way down the stairs to the Great Hall, hoping to at least grab a piece of toast before class.
She raced to the Slytherin table. The students had that sense coming off them, the feeling that they’ve been content and full, ready for the weekend as it quickly approached. Her stomach wasn’t happy, so she grabbed a piece of toast cut diagonally and spread butter with jam, trying not to combine the two condiments.
She bit into it kinda quickly, already seeing a group of Ravenclaws leave the Hall. She knew it was just because they had a habit of being prepared and responsible, but she did have a couple traits from that House, and being persistently on time was one of them.
“What’s the matter with you? Trying to gain weight, I see.” She heard a snicker, boys around her chuckling and girls giggling. She looked up, confused on who the person who spoke was talking to.
She looked up and saw Draco Malfoy, silver eyes staring right at her with lips turned up into a smirk.
“W-what?” She pathetically squeaked, pausing mid-chew. The toast’s texture felt weird on her tongue, the urge to just chew it was getting greater as it got wetter with her spit. She suddenly felt like throwing up.
“Are you deaf? And how are you eating another one?” He snarled, looking disgusted. “We just ate.”
Th laughter seemed to get louder in her ears, echoing in her head. The toast didn’t seem so appealing anymore, her stomach feeling sickening. She felt like throwing up.
She cleared her incoming dry throat. “I-I was-”
“Was what? Gaining a million pounds in one meal?” Draco interrupted her attempt of explaining where she was the previous night. He snickered, smirk widening at the rising laughter at the table. She couldn’t help but notice some yellow robes joining them within the green, a few Hufflepuffs finding interest in the occurrence.
Her cheeks warmed, heated, even, and she stood on wobbly legs, eyes burning with liquid that she desperately wanted to go away. She picked up her bag, slinging it over her shoulder with great effort. She couldn’t seem to carry things like she usually was able to, the tears decreasing her ability to use her muscles.
She didn’t want to scan the people there, just in case she spotted one of them in future classes and have to experience awkward eye contact, but she did anyway; specifically Malfoy.
His sliver eyes met hers and the differences were clear. Hers was full of see-through gloss, folded with innocence and gentleness. His, however, full of hardness and hatred, looking at her as a way to challenge her to see what she would do.
And she did something. The gasps that were heard from the girls, the chuckles and soft curses from the boys were ignored, she just did it.
She had grabbed the spoon from the jam she used earlier, scooping an abnormally large amount of the spread and aggressively flung the scoop right in the middle of Draco’s chest. The jam splattered on his spotless ironed robes, green and black replaced with stained strawberry jam. His pale face finally was given color, chunks of strawberry on his cheeks.
Draco practically growled. “You little-”
She huffed, breaking through her nose as she broke her eyes away from his face after glaring.
She stormed out of the Hall, tears in her eyes that she harshly rubbed away.
“My father will hear about this!” She heard him holler after her. Her anxiety rose, not wanting to get in trouble with Mr. Malfoy, but the burning in her eyes distracted her. She doubted he would actually do something to her, his father, but the lingering thought of being expelled was in the back of her mind.
I’m in so much trouble, she thought, rubbing her cheeks that now had thick streaks running down them.
“Hey!” She heard, the voice the one that she heard yelling at her just moments before.
She walked faster, not wanting to encounter him once again.
“Hey, I’m talking to you.” He said, suddenly grabbing her shoulders and forcibly turning her around so she faced him. A gasp escaped her lips, not having enough time to wipe her puffy eyes so he saw it all. Her face was red, cheeks flushed from the embarrassment he caused her and from rubbing the continuous tears. The once was whiteness around her eyes were no more, they were now red and almost bloodshot looking. Her eyelashes were wet and her body shook as she looked at him. He still had the jam on his robes, the red for sure going to stain. His face was clean though, like he wiped it off before he went to make fun of her more.
“What’s this?” He sneered, chuckling at the sight of her tears. “Crying about the truth, are we?”
She shoved him off her, his hands coming off her shoulders leaving a not so satisfying sting behind. “Shove off, Malfoy.”
He laughed. “What’s the matter? Not my fault you’re fat.”
Her breathing stopped, the breath in her lungs pausing mid-way as she looked at him, a moment of silent bracing between them.
“I’ll have you know,” she started, voice wet as the tears seemed to flood her throat not just her eyes. “That I was studying last night and missed dinner.”
Draco was smirking at her reactions, eyes twinkling with excitement. “Missed dinner? Studying?” He scoffed out a laugh, not believing her so called alibi. “That’s your excuse for stuffing your face?”
The girl stared helplessly as he laughed at her, eyes showing nothing but satisfaction as he watched her fall apart in front of him. She was drowning, and he was above the surface waiting for the bubbles to stop.
“Go to hell, Malfoy.” She spat through a clogged throat, turning away and starting to walk away towards the bathroom; her first class was the last thing on her mind.
“Oo so threatened!” He called after her, and she could hear the smirk in his voice. “Don’t forget to miss lunch too!”
His laughter and calls faded out as she stormed into a girls bathroom, the cold space abandoned as everyone was probably just about now getting to their lessons.
It felt like her tears were a river, and her eyes were the dam, the bricks breaking as soon as she entered the bathroom. The water came flooding out, killing whatever there was in its path.
She sank to the floor, green robes and sniffles, her hand held high, fingertips grazing the surface of the water’s depths, waiting desperately for a hand to reach for hers and pull her out.
The bubbles of screams and pleads rang within the water, no air inside for it to be heard.
Her brain took over, wanting nothing more than to escape and be free again.
She sat there for a while, bottom getting numb as her eyes felt like they would fall out after all that hard labor.
She got up, legs wobbly as she had a horrible flashback of when she stood up from the table of the Great Hall.
Leaving her bag disfavored, she arrived in front of the mirror and gazed reluctantly.
What she saw displeased her very much so. Her hair was a representation of the word ‘mess’ if it was alive and breathing, as well as her eyes being redder than before.
She scanned her reflection. She’s always hated her face. Her nose was too big for her liking, her lips were too plump, and her eyes were small. She liked the color but wished they were bigger so they could be seen better. Her hair didn’t have volume despite the constant Charms she casted to make it look more full.
She looked gross.
She turned away, brain already taking a mental image of her appearance, labeling each flaw of her face until she couldn’t see the image anymore. She dug her hands into the hair she hated, tugging at the strands and yelling inside her brain to shut the hell up.
But as usual it didn’t, it just smirked at her as it re-read the list of things wrong with her. She would die before it was finished, the never ending enumeration lasting centuries.
The tears flowed senselessly, her cheeks so raw she couldn’t feel them falling anymore.
“You again? You do know this is the boys bathroom, right? Or are you just dumb. Honestly, all that food going to your head?”
A dark chuckle followed the remark, making her hold her breath at the cold voice behind her. She looked around, noticing it was the boys bathroom, and she didn’t realize before since she was too busy trying to breathe.
She turned around, puffy red teary eyes meeting his.
The smirk seemed to wipe off his face. He took a small step forward, his robes coming into the soft light that was on, causing her to once again see the jam stains. He tried to chuckle nervously to break the tension but he failed miserably.
“Woah, you oka-”
“Go to hell, Malfoy.” She spat, wet lips feeling like she didn’t just lick them, but like water was flowing out of her mouth. Like her lungs were full of water, gurgling her voice as she tried to breathe. Her feet were touching the sandy bottom now, the coldness of the water that never saw daylight chilling her skin in the most intense way. Her toes tried to hopelessly kick off the rocky bottom but she just sank back down, limbs pathetically moving in the liquid around her.
She picked up her bag in her hands, it feeling like a weight in the river that was flooding her body at the moment. She exited the bathroom with quick yet shaky legs, lungs still swollen with pain and the strong desire and need to take a breath.
The Slytherin that was left behind, the boy above the surface and constantly seeing the sun, stood utter less. His feet felt cold on the tile beneath him and his lungs took normal full breaths.
He wanted to walk and rush after the girl, he wanted to bend over the river and touch its surface, hand wanting to feel she desperate fingertips. But she was already at the bottom, so sticking his arm in wouldn’t be of any use.
He wanted to jump in and swim to the bottom, limbs moving as the water got colder against his pale skin, turning it even whiter, but he wouldn’t be able to make it that far down without coming up for a breath.
But he was the reason for her being in the river in the first place, or at least going from being foot deep to being at the bottom, feet grazing the sand.
And yet his feet were glued to the ground, silver eyes dulled over with a light grey, fading his eyesight.
His lips parted for a gentle breath, one he knew she couldn’t take, and picked a spot on the tile to stare at until his brain started up again.
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The thorns were piercing his hands, blood already flowing down his wrist, the red looking bright as ever in his pale skin.
His black dress shoes took him through the huffing grass, the air kinda breezy but the colors of plants were nice for his grey eyes. The cement was evermore, row after row in the grassy ground. He knew which one he was looking for, yet not quite the place.
The name in stone was bright and noticeable, for he could recognize something like that from centuries away.
He bent down, knees crackling and elbows resting on the end of his thighs. He first set down the jar in his hand, turning it so he saw the picture of the strawberry to represent what flavor jam it was. He then set down the roses, deep red in color that set free the pain in his hand that he was doing a good job at ignoring.
He huffed before taking a nice long full breath for her, giving her a taste of crisp air that she wasn’t able to experience.
“They’re beautiful,” he whispered, gesturing to the flowers that he set down, the black ribbon around the stems mocking him. “Just like you, loves.”
-Like, reblog, and comment to make me happy!🫶🏻
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holylulusworld · 2 days
Smackuff( Implied smut +crack +fluff) thought from by sunday brain below 🤭
Y/N and Sam are having their lunch by the kitchen dining.Dean is still sleeping. Sam has been pestering Y/N to courage up and tell Dean about her feelings and is frustrated with her constant try to divert the topic
Sam: Oh come on Y/N..I am his Brother..he likes you..i know that..
Y/N: Well if that’s the case Sammy, why are you constantly nudging me to make a move and not your brother?
Sam: Coz there is a less chance with you that i might get punched in the face
Y/N gives him a glare
Sam: Ok ok.. Just start subtle..you know flirt a bit..you know to get things moving
Y/N: I don’t know Sam..he.
But before she was able to finish her sentence, Dean walks into the kitchen, just woken up from his beauty sleep, his hair in all directions, with cute little pout on his face
Dean: Morning.. what’s for breakfast?
Sam: You mean lunch dude..
And Sam is met with a flying beer cap on his face as Dean opens his not so healthy hydration drink
Dean: Keep quiet…Morning Sweetheart
He looks at Y/N
Y/N: Morning Deano..Beer?? Dean come on..you just got up!!
She looks at him with Those eyes and Dean puts away the bear and starts making him a cold coffee instead
Y/N: Good boy!
Y/N says with a giggle and earns a slight cute smirk from Dean
Sam( whispering into Y/N’s ear) : See what more proof you need..Come on Y/N..you have got it in you..
Dean interrupts their secret convo..
Dean: Sammy..do you have a chapstick?
Sam: I am sorry Miss Dean Winchester…I don’t keep those
Dean: Very funny Dickward..even I don’t have..but my lips are cracked and nothing has been helpful lately and it hurts to drink the beer man
Sam snorts at this
Sam’s words and constant telling her to say something to Dean finally gets to her, so she attempts at flirting him finally
Y/N: Sorry Dean, even i don’t have a chapstick, but if you want i can moisten your lips for you.
This results in Dean choking on his coffee and sam on his food..Both wide eyed staring at Y/N..
Y/N finally speaks up: It was Sammy’s idea..
Hehehehhe..Hope you like it
Oh, I love it! I bet Dean would be all too eager to get his lips wet...👀👀👀
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bultaoreunheyyy · 2 months
bts "bless you" - irl vs. my head cannons
inspired by the bless you bangtan video that @btsnz made a while back (jungkookie at the very end is my fave hehe)
namjoon irl: on occasion will say bless you, but only during an interview or if someone else says it first my namjoon hc: very rarely, but sometimes catches himself saying it more often if hoseok is saying it a lot around him recently
seokjin irl: no my seokjin hc: very rarely, and usually only if he’s alone with the sneezer. doesn’t bless anyone in a group setting
yoongi irl: no my yoongi hc: says “bless” instead of “bless you”, but only very quietly and pretty much only to his hoba or his jungkookie. and on rare occasions to namjoon and taehyung. and on even rarer occasions to seokjin and jimin
hoseok irl: says bless you to most sneezes my hoseok hc: says bless you to every single sneeze for every single person, even if he has to whisper it or mouth the words. he WILL bless you. and everyone will know it.
jimin irl: no my jimin hc: sometimes, but it really depends on the day and the person. says it more often to taehyung and jungkook and less often to his hyungs
taehyung irl: no. he does not hear sneezes that are not louder than 200 dB my taehyung hc: no. see above.
jungkook irl: blesses one sneeze, one time, because he randomly remembered that his hobi-hyung and namjoon-hyung say bless you, and then smiles and is very pleased with himself  my jungkook hc: every few months he’ll go on a bless you kick and bless every single sneeze that happens in his vicinity. when this happens, he’s very aware of the sneezer’s needs and tries to make sure he has a tissue to offer with each blessing. then he forgets about bless yous for a half a year 
please feel free to add your own “bless you” headcannons in the comments or send them to my inbox!!
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theshadowrealmitself · 11 months
I got two thoughts tonight:
Vulcans who’ve become so good at regulating their emotions that they still have a pretty good hold on them even when compromised, like under the influence of chocolate, and being quietly happy about that fact
Human partners/friends/coworkers/etc, not just other Vulcans, understanding how important it is to the Vulcans they know to not show emotion outwardly, and how humiliating it must be to not only show emotion in public but to have that choice + control ripped away from them, so whenever a situation where their control slips, like chocolate/weird plant pollen/emotionally compromising event/etc happens, they focus on helping that Vulcan get away from people and into some privacy (even from them) instead of using it as an opportunity to “find out how that Vulcan really feels about them”
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disdaidal · 4 months
I wanna thank my irl friends who follow me here and also my beloved mutuals as well as followers who still send me kind messages and try to interact with me and my stuff even if I'm bad at doing it myself.
Honestly, things haven't been that great with me lately, so... it means a lot to me. Honestly. <3
#personal#i had to make the tough decision to drop out of school last week#i didn't exactly want it if i'm being completely honest here#but certain stuff was preventing me from getting further so i knew the teachers are gonna ask me to quit over at our teams meeting#i instantly contacted my nurse about my situation. and she got me a doctor's appointment which was yesterday#where i kind of broke down a little. not because she didn't grant me the sick leave i thought i was going to get#after feeling down and sleeping terribly for weeks#but because she actually *got me*. like. she actually listened to me and figured out some stuff and told me that#what i'm going through and what i've been going through for years would make anyone depressed#so i couldn't help but cry a little because yeah. i'm so tired of never being enough no matter how hard i try#because my brain's wired a certain way and it makes me slow and kinda clumsy and inattentive at times#which. you might guess is not ideal at today's work environment. or studying-wise even#so instead of granting me sick leave (she did say we can change that at anytime though) she told me to wait for that phone call#from the unemployment office. which i should be getting tomorrow. or well. later today#and talk to them about this. to see if they can offer some solutions. or if we can figure something out#'cause i'm getting closer to my 40s and not getting anywhere and it's wearing me out and tiring me out#because i clearly can't help myself or change my ways on my own#i managed to get some work last week though. at the local youth house. one shift though but money still#but i haven't been getting those offers a lot during the past few months so it's not enough to support me obviously#so i definitely need something else. and i hope i can get help. that someone could help me#i should finally get tested for adhd next month too. i don't know if i even have it or if it's gonna change anything but#at least i'd know#anyway i needed to get this off my chest. cause i'm kinda crying a little bit even now just thinking about this whole thing#sorry
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lemony-snickers · 8 months
dear body: when I complained about being So Very Tired for no reason, what I meant was that I wanted to wake feeling rested after a long night’s sleep, not that I wanted you to wake me up at 2:30 am and keep me awake.
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mvnces · 3 months
me: just trying to go the fuck to sleep
my brain: do u think that the ws would be tasked with killing illya if uncle was set in marvel instead of dc?
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the-casbah-way · 5 months
i haven’t written a single word of anything since uni ended and everything i’ve tried to draw has turned out awful and i can’t even sit through an episode of a tv show to distract myself because this time of year makes me so depressed and suicidal i hate this
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okay so you know that teaboot post that went around forever ago about how they accidentally made themself sick by taking hot baths and dropping their blood pressure
I thought I didn’t do that
apparently. I just accidentally did that.
My normal heart rate is ~105 beats per minute. Yeah, that’s technically tachycardic, but my doctor and I talked about it and it’s likely just bc my ADHD meds raise my heart rate. I keep an eye on my heart rate every now and then, just to make sure it stays around there (bc if it got higher I might need to switch meds).
Took a bath today. Was chilling. Relaxing. Vibing. I zone the frick out. The water was pretty hot but it didn’t hurt or burn so I wasn’t worried about it.
An indeterminate amount of time passes.
Far too slowly, I realize that there’s black spots in my vision, and that they’ve been there for a hot minute. I clock that my heart is beating way too hard (felt kinda uncomfortable), and I can feel it in my neck. Not great. I get out of the tub (clumsily) (very wet), sit on the floor, grab my phone (phone is now wet), set a timer for 30 seconds, and start counting heartbeats.
86 beats in 30 seconds. That’s 172 beats per minute.
So, hot tip: don’t do that!
I felt woozy and clumsy so I laid down for a couple minutes until I stopped feeling my heart pounding (checked heart rate again, down to 120bpm), cleaned up the mess I made in the bathroom, and now I’m in PJs in bed.
No idea how long I was in the bath for. Probably will not be taking hot baths for a while. Still feel weird and swoopy, like the plug between my brain and my body is loose in the socket.
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running-in-the-dark · 7 months
not only do I get extremely obsessed with things (people), I also have to obsess over the fact that I'm doing it. every time. great.
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mikumixtwix · 2 years
no thoughts head empty brain going nuts over sleeping beauty parallels i am manifesting about my keykid juniper and ephemer
also fun fact: juniper trees can symbolize purification and protection, while one meaning the briar roses expresses is “I wound to heal”. 
Putting these two together could create the meaning “I wound to protect”, which happens to be exactly what the player did in the khux finale by attacking ephemer and skuld to ensure they escaped in the pods.
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selfnss · 8 months
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// i was gonna write something today like i was gonna write literally anything just Something.... but my meds are changing and im not feeling too hot actually so i just. Didn't write anything at all i guess... getting brain zaps from coming off sertraline and also just not coping well with life atm i guess. sorry for the lack of content i'm just in a very weird place right now and i really don't know how to cope with it tbh
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Maybe I am Normal, or maybe I'm as rabid as one can be. Maybe I'm unhinged and insane and long gone off the charts, but I am not wrong. Loving like this can never be wrong. So thank you, Noah. I appreciate you, I adore you, I wish you all the best! Maybe this nighttime confession will help me. Maybe it will help so many others out there. But it doesn't matter. At this moment? Noah is the sunlight. Please outlive me, please outlove me, please keep slaying king.
It was never that serious.
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dallonwrites · 9 months
lately my only goal w my writing sessions is just to do whatever i need to feel good and set myself up for success w the next writing session and it feels kind of like basic advice but i seriously never gave specific focus to that and it's kinda life changing lol
#like i'll have specific goals like finish this story draft or write this many words finish this scene/chapter etc#but if i dont feel like i can make that happen i try not to see it as a failure and just reroute it into#okay what do i need to do to make sure i get closer to that tomorrow#or will make it easiest for me to get back into it tomorrow/what will set me up for success tomorrow#actually v clearly focusing on THAT instead of focusing on what i DIDNT do right now makes the whole#thing feel easier overall AND makes me feel like i can actually continue to get closer to Finishing The Thing#and i make it very tangible like how much do i need to write that also accommodates my abilities today. or do i just need to write a quick#outline or just the first line etc#i dont think im gonna finish this micro first draft tonight so i thought what can i do that will help ensure i (hopefully) can tomorrow#and it was just write all the lines that are in my brain out on the page. like no matter what i can do that n i probably can do more#like i have specific goals and self imposed deadlines so im trying to get things done by certain times but giving myself grace with it so i#dont burn myself out in the process#also trying to plan in advance so i never Have to do something By The Next Day that i dont think i can do#this is what helped me finish my dissertation LOL#i realised it was far more beneficial to not force myself over my limits for that day but set myself up for success the next day#i would be like “i need to do this but i know it will be easier to do it with a refreshed mind tomorrow”#and i kept thinking “getting a good nights sleep will help me more tomorrow than forcing myself to write/edit more”#“so i have less to do tomorrow”. like okay maybe id have less to do but id also have less brain power bc i overexerted myself!#which then turned into okay what else can i do to ensure success tomorrow etc#like im tired tonight! my brain isnt working! but i know i can do things that will make me more motivated to write tomorrow#and that in itself is a success. no failure in writing as long as you are taking care of and helping yourself#instead of isolating every writing session into a single Okay How Much Can I Do Today#but acknowledging how a string of writing sessions work together. some have more production some dont#and working with that
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