#i was watching some agere videos
miffle-fox · 11 months
i thinkk i wanna get a colorring book with lots of stickeres i miss using those and not feeling bad about using stickers "wrong" and being messy with coloring because thats all what its there for!
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cheezyratz · 1 year
I wanna make a carrd thingie but I hear u need to code them and I don’t really know how to code
if I find a tutorial I’ll share it here ^^ Anyway the summer is coming up (by coming up I mean tomorrow my summer break starts ^^) so I’ll be able to post more art, and even some crochet stuff ^^
im thinking I’ll put my dni on the card and make masterlists of my different hobbies so people can enjoy them too! ^^
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regal-rosebuds · 5 months
ꔫHow to Voluntarily Age Regress
ꔫHi all! I wanted to post this, but I can't call it as much a "guide" as I usually would, since it is purely my anecdotal experience!
ꔫNonetheless, I hope this is helpful to you in your endeavors!
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ꔫTypically, when I am trying to regress, I start with age dreaming! This comes with a number of things, maybe it's:
Watching cartoons or another piece of media that I find comforting or that I've found puts me in the space
Coloring a picture or doing worksheets
Babytalking with my cgs, babysitters or other in-community friends
^Asking my cgs/babysitters to care for me as if I am already regressed
^^Generally interacting with other littles or friends I find comforting
Scrolling agere tags on here or ingesting other agere content
Using little gear like pacis, bottles, etc.
Playing with toys or playing video games that I've found put me in the space
Listening to a playlist that one of my cgs made me
Writing agere headcanons or making content of my ocs who regress
Daydreaming about agere outings, playdates, etc.
Going shopping and looking at toys
Cuddling, holding hands, getting my hair pet, etc.
ꔫThis is just a short list of things I've put together, there's a lot more that could be done, especially since it's extremely individual! This is just what works for me!
ꔫFrom there, I try to maintain this comforting and safe space by not taking on any work/responsibilities or really anything else not suitable for my small age.
ꔫAnd, it’s not like it’s a 100% success rate either! Sometimes, I’m just not feeling it; sometimes, I just continue age dreaming for the rest of the night! For me, you can’t really force it — it’s okay if it does happen, it’s okay if it doesn’t!
ꔫSome other helpful things:
I find it much easier to slip when I’m tired.
You might feel kinda silly being big and trying to do your small things, but that’s okay!
It’s not just a switch one can flip, so don’t be frustrated if it doesn’t come easily!
It’s different for everyone — for some people it comes really easily, for some people not so easily. Some people need to do a specific set of things and have a specific set of conditions to regress. Going further:
Not everyone can voluntarily regress, and that’s okay, but there’s no harm in trying it out!
ꔫWhile this isn’t as educational as my other posts, I still hope that you are able to find it helpful!
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Activities for Regressors Without Caregivers! (or just fun regression activties!)
(Although you're always welcome here if you'd like any form of comfort anyway! ^w^)
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This one's kind of a long one, after the few tips I list, I've mentioned an app I use called Finch, which will be talked about below the cut.
Since that's the case, I'll put my little ending message here instead:
Knowing how to take care of yourself can take a lot of work and practice, but I believe it's worth the effort, because then you'll be a happier and healthier you! Especially if you can find ways to make it fun!
I'm more than happy to be here for you and offer my support in any way I can, anyhow! I'm proud of you for doing what you can, I know it can be very hard.
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I myself don't have a caregiver for when I regress, so most of the time I end up taking care of myself! Here are some fun activities and things I do when I regress to keep myself calm and happy! ^w^
Paci mentions/pics not long after the first section for those of you who'd rather not see 'em.
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♥ Arts and crafts! I absolutely LOVE coloring and making bracelets with beads, something not too complicated for little hands, but also something fun!
With coloring, you can buy coloring books, or draw something of your own to color in- even printing out a page you find online, coloring digitally, or tracing over something to color in could work! I prefer coloring more than drawing personally because I don't draw all the time, but I bet I could learn a little thing or two from the artists around here!
For bracelets (and other jewelry), strings can be hard to knot with little hands (at least they aren't those small, slippery clasps!!), but the beads shouldn't be too hard to handle if you're careful! Even just planning out patterns is fun!
Here are some My Little Pony bracelets I made, and the decorations I did for my pacis!
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♥ Making playlists! Dancing is fun, and a good way to get the zoomies out, but you can just make playlists for any occasion! I have playlists that help me pet-regress, songs with sounds I like, adventure playlists... (Well- a lot of these are still in progress, but- you get the point!)
I also love those playlist videos on YouTube! Animal Crossing, Super Mario Galaxy, Minecraft and music box music are typically my go-to to help me settle or just make for comfy background music! Here's one of my favorites, shadowatnoon has lovely Nintendo music mixes!
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♥ Playing with your plushies! You can take them on adventures, or make your own!
Like Toby, climbing The Great Pillow Mountain!
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(This is Toby by the way, he's one of my best friends and a VERY good hugger!)
You can play games with them, too! Toby's REALLY good at hide and seek... Maybe you can find him for me? :0
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♥ Finding shows to watch! I really like Paw Patrol and Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles at the moment. Plus, you can look at agere content and fics from shows you like! People make really cool stimboards and moodboards, for example, and I like reading through all the fun stories people write!
Here's a silly picture of Rocky I found! :3
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Finch is a self-care app where you take care of your very own little bird friend by taking care of yourself!
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You can set daily goals, or for each day (or more specific ones as well I think.). By completing these goals, you give your bird energy to go on adventures! They usually come back with a funny little story or silly questions, because they're learning, too!
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Through completing these goals (or daily, at least), you can get Rainbow Stones, which you can use to buy clothes for your bird, make them different colors, or give them furniture for their house!
They're also LGBTQ+ and disability-friendly!! :3
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This is my little bird, Honeydew! You're welcome to friend me as well if you'd like, my code is: Z3E2T7VRK6
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It's helped me learn a lot about taking care of myself and keeping track of my goals, and I get little rewards for it! I've used the app for several months now, and it's helped me out a lot!
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"Fluttershy protects this blog! SFW interaction only, please and thank you! ^w^"
"Wouldn't show a kid? Doesn't belong here!"
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littletism · 4 months
🎀🧁 little rules and chores to give yourself when you don’t have/want a caregiver! 🧁🎀
- firstly, make a sticker chart for yourself! every time you follow a rule or complete a chore, give yourself a sticker! and be honest! give yourself a big reward at the end of the week, like a toy from the store!
- no swearing! every time you swear, mark it down in a journal and reflect on that at the end of the week. did you swear too much? think about how you can do better next week. did you not swear at all? reward yourself!
- set a “clean up alarm” on your phone! ideally this would be about an hour before your bedtime. when it goes off, it’s time to put everything away!
- set your bedtime alarm! when the alarm goes off, it’s lights out! make sure you’re getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep! for instance, my bedtime alarm is at 10:30 on weekdays, and i wake up at 6 for work! no screens during bedtime unless it’s to help you sleep.
- portion your food properly! make sure it’s the proper, healthy amount! nothing to little or too much. i have a binge eating problem, so this rule greatly helps me portion better!
- put your dishes in the sink when you’re done, throw away your garbage, and recycle your plastics and cans!
- do the dishes, if you’re able! put on your favorite song and sing along to it while you clean your dishes to make it go by faster. and make it more fun!
- don’t be rude or a meanie! practice kindness with your toys or stuffies if you struggle with attitude problems. there’s no shame in having an attitude problem, i struggle with it sometimes too! practicing manners can really help.
- do some worksheets! there’s so many you can find on tumblr using the agere classroom tag! download them (or print them out) and get to work! set a goal for yourself, and reward accordingly. (ex: 3 completed worksheets = 1 sticker on your chart)
- do something active at least once a day, if you are able! go for a walk, go swimming, play a sport, do yoga, play an active video game like wii sports or just dance, do jumping jacks, etc! if you can’t, that’s okay! i’m physically disabled and can’t be active for long periods of time, so i get it!
- limit your screen and social media time! when your screen time is up, go play with your toys instead!
- if you have a job or go to school, reward yourself for doing well! if you accomplished a lot of work, give yourself a sticker. if you didn’t, give yourself a sticker anyway for trying your hardest!
- read something once a day! if you’re a baby/toddler, read one picture book a day. if you’re a kiddo/middle, read one chapter of your favorite book a day!
- try to do something educational at least once a day! google facts about your favorite animal and write it down, play math games online, watch an educational children’s show, etc!
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 3 months
Would you perhaps gift upon me some Age Regression facts about the SK boys?
Fictional Agere serial killers give me serotonin, and i need some serotonin this week (and any facts about your other AUs :D i love them all)
wanted to wait to answer this so i was on my laptop-
HI YES ABSOLUTELY!!! I'll share some facts both old and new as kinda like a refresher, and I'll talk about them individually.
is mostly nonverbal, but will make noises to indicate what he wants
likes to play games, do arts and crafts, will watch cartoons
comfort items are an old plush of himself from the Pizzaplex and a blanket with circus elephants on it
has a binky, but doesn't use it as often as Moon
mostly regresses due to stress or it happens because of a traumatic trigger
calls Moon "bubba" (and Moon calls him the same thing)
responds to "Sunny" rather than just "Sun"
he walks on his knees or will crawl to move around
does not like being by himself, he will freak out and panic
responds better to softer and kinder voices (kinda like how pets respond better to baby talk)
getting angry around him makes him think you're upset with him and he'll cry
needs a lot of reassurance
likes to be read stories (a favorite is "Very Hungry Caterpillar")
was actually the first to show signs of regression pre-fire
also goes nonverbal, hardly making any noises unless he's crying
he needs to hold part of you, whether it be your hand or your sleeve. He needs constant physical contact. Anywhere you go, he will want to follow
has a binky he likes to use
comfort item is a blanket of his own, which has sleeping forest animals on it
also watches cartoons, but prefers watching things like videos of aquariums with calming music. Less stimulating
likes to nestle in a pillow fort and read stories
like Sun, regresses due to stress or traumatic triggers
prefers to be in comfy loose clothing when regressed
behaves very timidly, and won't do anything unless you say it's okay to
responds to "Moony"
responds to kind and patient voices, similar to Sun
will want to hear his brother's voice and will "ask" you to give his bubba a call (Sunny will do the same when their roles are switched)
wheeeee fun facts!
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multi-fandom-agereg · 10 months
hihi!!! could i possibly request some regressor young neil (scott pilgrim) headcanons or a moodboard?? no pressure- the headcanon has just been on my mind hehe
- @beaistiny 🐝
🚀 Little!Young Neil HCS
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🚀 | I can 100% do that! Thank you so much for requesting^^ love your content btw! I hope you enjoy:]
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💙 : the type of baby to prefer naps over being awake when regressed. Don't get me wrong— he loves to play video games, watch every cartoon he can stumble onto and hang out with friends or family. However naps is something that keeps him calm literally 80 percent of the time. If he doesn't get his naps he will be a very cranky boy
💙 : his favorite little food(s) is anything involving ice cream or Mac and cheese. He highly prefers ice cream over Mac and cheese and everything else, but he isn't that picky. He gets what he can get, and he'll end up being neutral about it. If he were to hold a grudge about it; he'd forget about it within two hours
💙 : very very quiet around people. He's like the kid in your class who rarely talks at all. (Or socialize much in class). He's exactly like that most of the time. Just hand him a controller or a comic book and you won't even notice he's there.
💙 : is pretty liquid with his agere age and isn't sure what his age is. But all he knows is that he regresses younger than 10. Not much older than that. (I think hes either a infant or toddler regressor)
💙 : a very sweet baby. Will ask for cuddles from his babysitters and CGs whenever the opportunity is there. He will also follow them around while he's glued to his games. He will let you play his games, but only because he wants to watch and do commentary on your gameplay.
💙 : his little hobbies are mostly him napping, playing games or reading. But sometimes he will color for his friends or redraw scenes from his books.
💙 : I feel like when little he'd play animal crossing, red dead redemption and minecraft. He finds comfort in those games. When it comes to books the majority of it is comics. Such as manga or superheros (DC and Marvel)
💙 : steals his babysitters/caretakers shirts and or hoodies. You can't get them off of him because before you can, he's asleep. Sometimes he likes to tease about it when he's big because he knows nobody has the guts to wake him up. So he's pretty slick when it comes to getting what he wanted
💙 : doesn't have a permanent caregiver per say, but he looks up to Stephen Stills alot more than other people. He see's him as an influence and father figure enough as it was. So he trusts him to be his caregiver
💙 : owns 'too many' agere gear for one person. But it's often than not that he's spoiled rotten. But he doesn't mind it
💙 : he's probably a bluey and paw patrol fan. Change my mind
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dino-boyo-agere · 2 years
AgeRe YouTube Channel list
I decided to write down my favorite age-regression YouTube channels, as well as some I just really like to watch when I'm tiny!
Some of those channels are sparse in their uploading schedule, diverted their theme away from regression or have stopped uploading all together. Nonetheless, even in those cases, their old videos on/ about AgeRe are still a great watch and I highly recommend checking them out!
!! of course it's all SFW content aswell !!
So, without further ado, here is my list..
Age regression channels:
• ri's space (formerly known as Rileys littlespace)
• Smolbinkie
• AspenSprout
• Babie dani
• Little Moo Moo (i love them so much + their a POC) ╰→ ! they are DDLG aligned, but still make SFW content !
• Vexedbabie
• Princess smol bean
• Natalie's age regression
• milkwebs
• Little kitty space
• Xlittle.plantx
• Small safe space
• cottagebabydol
• Little Disreactions (AgeRe themed/ coded ASMR)
• Blond boy (i think this one's actually ABDL tho?)
• LittleBabysLittleSpace (this one's also ABDL)
Crafting channels:
• NerdEcrafter (always fun when smol)
• North of the Border (great for spookie tiny ones)
• Bobby Duke Arts
• Studson Studio
• Nick Zametti
• Ten Hundred
• I did a thing 
• Jazza (also especially kiddo friendly)
• Evan and Katelyn
• Kasey Golden
• Moriah Elizabeth
• Super Rae dizzle
• Maquaroon
• Dollightfull
• HeXtian
• Tyler Tube
Toy and slime review channels:
• ashens (idk why lil me luvs to watch this, u might too)
• Great Big Toy Box
• Next Jen (Main of GBTB)
• Sandaisy
• It's kristiii
Learning channels:
• Mrs. Rachel (recommended by @zack-agere)
• William Osman
• TheBackyardScientist
• Be Smart (recommended by @zack-agere)
• Crash Course Kids
• Free School
• Peekaboo Kidz
• It's AumSum Time
• Clever Kids
• Toy Time Town
• SciShow Kids
• KLT (learning with songs, for smol & big kids)
• Danny Go! (rlly like dis one, even has a vid on ASL!!)
• Kids TV123 (learning with songs, for extra tiny ones)
Dino channels:
• The Dinosaur Channel
• Dinosaurs
• Ben G Thomas
Space Channels:
• Future Space
• PBS Space Time
• History of the Universe
• melodysheep (has some really great vids on space!)
Arcade channels:
• Push Time Wins
• Kawaii arcade master
TV/ Movie talk Channels:
Dylan Is In Trouble
Alex Hefner's TV and Movie Vault
That's all the channels I can think of thus far, I'm more than happy to add your suggestions aswell though! I would actually really appreciate some more recommendations on channels, especially if u have any SFW agere boy channels, aswell as channels that are highly focused on dinosaurs or space!
Thank you for reading!
I hope this helps some of y'all to find some more people to connect to in our amazing community!!
Love y'all 💞 ~ ฅ⁠|°▿▿▿▿°|ฅ
.゚.*・。゚×゚。・».゚°・⁠✧ ↓ DNI ↓ ✧・° ゚.«・。゚×゚。・*.゚.
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mystarsohee · 3 months
heyhey kae ! missing u MWAH there's a kiss ! was just wondering if u had time in ur busy schedule to write some more cg!shotaro? just missing him atm,, hope u understand. thanks ! <3
— @swee7dream
we makin' music
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genre: fluff
riizes new music video came out.. and now shotaro has to deal with your fixation on it.
!!! non-sexual agere, only cg name used is taro.
cg!shotaro fem!reader , (ft. rii7e) ((seunghan is here even tho he isnt back for boom boom bass))
boom ba doom boom boom bass ♪ boom ba doom boom boom bass~
this is what shotaro heard echoing throughout the apartment when he came home from promotions that day. riize recently released a new music video, boom boom bass. you were a briize as much as you were his baby, so you were there for the music video premieres, and you asked shotaro to get a few albums for you to open!
he opened the door to the bedroom, and he saw you jumping on the bed, dressed in sunglasses with a hairbrush in your hand as a makeshift microphone. the tv that was against the wall was playing the music video, him and his members dancing across the screen.
"woah baby, you're gonna steal my job! my little dancer!" he said, ruffling your hair.
"hi taro!!!!!!"
you jumped into his arms, onto the floor so the two of you could dance together! he knew all the moves, you knew all the words, it was perfect!
once you restarted the song a few more times, you found yourself worn out.
————— ୨୧ —————
the following day, shotaro found you watching youtube on your ipad in the living room. he immediately recognized the video as a boom boom bass performance (duh, its his song!) he joins you on the couch, puts an arm around your shoulder, and kisses your head.
"taro!" you give him a kiss, "hehe, you look so cool in this video!"
"you know it! only the coolest performance for you pretty baby. there are only a few more promotions left, you should come watch soon!"
the two of you discussed tagging along with him, and it sounded like a set plan!
it was all you could talk about for the next day or two.
"taro, what outfit will you wear?"
"taro, what if you forget the dance moves?"
"taro, will they have snacks?"
he was just as excited, since you were his biggest motivation, inspiration, and supporter.
"i dont know yet baby. i'll find out the day of."
"you know, im too good of a dancer to forget!"
"i'll make sure they have all your favorites. i'll also make sure anton doesn't eat them all."
shotaro thought it was absolutely adorable. the way you'd be regressed so much, yet you would still ask to watch riize's comeback performances, behind the scenes, and of course the music video. and he would put them on every time! he would also find you in your room looking through the photobook of the album, or sometimes he'd catch you singing boom boom bass while playing or coloring.
the night before the performance you were going to watch, you could hardly sleep!
"my love, i know you're super excited. i am too, but you gotta sleep! we have a long day ahead of us. look! all your stuffies are already sleeping."
your taro was right.. you should probably head to bed.
————— ୨୧ —————
finally the day has come! you were going to watch riize perform boom boom bass! you put on your coolest looking outfit, paired with a cute headband, and of course, the matching bracelet you and shotaro had. you also accessorized with a photocard of taro, one you pulled from the album all on your own!
speaking of taro, he was currently texting one of his members.
sohee ✌️: you're bringing the baby right??
yeah shes coming with, shes actually really excited to see you and the guys
sohee ✌️: good good, what snacks does she want? i'll let staff know!
he responded with a few of your favorite snacks and a drink you enjoyed.
"i am so excited!!" you could barely stay still since the moment you woke up.
you held his hand the whole way backstage, and when you saw the other riize members, it was safe to say you were a little starstruck. after all, it has been a few months since you've last seen them, in person of course. other than that, the only way you've seen the members was from the same perspective as every other briize!
you hid behind shotaro, wrapping yourself around him. you didn't realize how scary this would be!
"sorry guys, shes being a bit shy! oh look pretty, eunseok has a snack for you."
you peek out from behind his back, and see eunseok holding out one of your favorite snacks!
"go ahead baby, i'll be right behind you."
you quickly grabbed the package from him, and ran right back to shotaro. hiding your face from everyone while you opened the bag.
"what do you say? use your manners please."
oh right, you don't want taro mad at you for not using your manners! quickly you turned back around to face eunseok.
"thank you eunseok.." you softly said. you were already eating some of the snack so your words were hardly even heard! but it seemed like he understood since he gave you a big smile!
"could i have a bite? please?" a black haired boy said from the side.
you recognized him as seunghan and he was holding out his hand in front of you. you looked back at shotaro, and he gave you a nod of approval. placing a piece in his hand, he replied with a quick "thank you"
some more interactions with the other members were shared, and it was time for them to head on stage. you stayed back, watching from a tv screen since you and shotaro weren't comfortable with you out in the crowd. the performance started, and it was like shotaro wad the only one on stage. his presence and voice were so beautiful, how was he even real!
the performance lasted shorter than you wanted, but the boys were back in the room with you faster than you expected! shotaro scooped you up and brought you to a couch in the corner, placing you on his lap.
"how'd i do? who was the coolest one there baby?"
"of course you taro!! thank you for letting me come." you put your arms around him, your face snuggled tightly in his neck.
"no problem pretty girl. lets head back soon so we can cuddle?"
after dinner, a shower, and another boom boom bass dance party, both of you were tucked in bed. you rambled on and on about how special today was, and how special shotaro was to you. he rubbed circles around your back, trying to get you to fall asleep. once you got everything off your mind you were out like a light. today was long for you, but it was more than okay because taro was there with you. and he'll be there whenever you need him to be.
author note: ok 1 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。 this was not proofread so pls ignore any errors! 2 this was written for my sweetie vix i love her guys (⌒��⌒) i tried my best to write something really good, so i hope it lives up to your expectations! i wanted to come up with a better plot but its already been so long since you sent this in and i didnt wanna keep u waiting!!!i also enjoy writing cg!shotaro i think hes so amazing. also boomboom bass has been stuck in my head since it came out... (^^)
as always, feedback is always appreciated 💕
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dadzawa-abc · 2 months
☁️ Random Media recommendations ☁️
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🍼 Agere Edition 🍼
╰┈─➤ 🌕 These recommendations will also have age range recommendation with them! However: we believe that any little of any little age range can watch whatever they wish to (even if the media itself might be directed to an older audience, etc) the age range is just there for what I think age regressors may enjoy in that range / or what they might want to check out — 🎀
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. Little age recommendation . ( 6-10+ )
. about . "Monkie Kid, also known as MK, a young teenager who leads a normal life as a noodle delivery boy until he is chosen for a legendary quest" -Via google.
. Why I personally recommend it . A very supportive and welcomed community. The show can be for both adults and kids to enjoy without the unnecessary adult themes such as cussing, heavy violence and inappropriate material. The community is also very LGBTQ+ friendly (by the artists, and even some of the voice actors) such as MK having "he/they" pronouns — the main voice actor acknowledging (and very welcoming) a popular MLM ship of the character they VA.
. where to watch . Amazon prime video and HappyKids (Amazon prime as far to my knowledge has all 4 seasons. HappyKids only have 3-4 seasons available for free there)
2)) OK KO! (let's be heros)
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. Little age recommendation . ( 0-2 / 0-5 )
. About . "In the future year 201X, naive youngster K.O. aspires to be a superhero in a video game-inspired world set in Lakewood Plaza. Him and his friends go on adventures while also foiling their enemy (and Villian) Boxman and his henchmen' plans"
. Why I personally recommend it . Majority of our littles watch this show, especially our littles who regress a very young age. They enjoy it, and it's very kid friendly. Another friendly community with the main two Villians who's a canon MLM married couple
. Where to watch . Prime video and Hulu
3)) Craig of the Creek
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. Little age recommendation . ( 4-12+ )
. About . "Following the adventures of Craig Williams and his two friends, Kelsey Pokoly and John Paul `JP' Mercer, as they explore the untamed wilderness of the Creek, which is dominated by tribes of children." -Via google
. Why I personally recommend it . The show just sits right with me. All of our littles (and even caregivers) enjoy this show. Never bored of the show's episodes and it keeps me entertained everytime I watch it. Once again, a very friendly community. The show isn't afraid to show off that some of their characters are LGBTQ+ (mostly consistent of non-binary characters and Gay characters)
. Where to watch . Prime video, Hulu, Disney+, Max, Cartoon network
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🎀 — please let me know if you'd like a part 2 (or) would like to see more of this. I'm happy to recommend shows, songs, media, etc. Just ask!
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snarp · 2 months
Bad sentences I have to beat in order to become Tumblr champion of bad sentences
"Mr. Rogers WAS punk because he practiced punk ideals"
"I am trying to work towards saying faggot more often but it’s been so stigmatized that it’s a little hard for me"
"mr. krabs eyestalks probably sensitive af"
"i like boys who dress like icecreams and ignore me for video games and get food all over their face so i can wipe it off and spoon feed and baby them esp when they are mean to me it’s garbage i know but i can’t help it"
"i watched a video where a heterosexual guy celebrated his sexuality in a way diametrically opposed to the rigid, objectified ways het men are socialised to only know."
"Also a not so casual reminder that you can report people like OP for election interference."
"A full birth chart, which is what the OP suggested, is an incredibly powerful parenting tool."
"None of this is to minimize the very real health effects or addictive properties of tobacco and nicotine - if you are truly addicted, struggling with addiction, or were addicted in the past, you probably can't just look at cigarettes as some interesting cultural artifact to experiment with or occasionally partake in."
"Dragon Age fandom discourse is training wheels for real life politics."
"And no, it's not some wYt thing; it is universal and many international lightworker communities in Taiwan, Japan, France, S America etc pray with Violet Flame in mind, among many other techniques that I cbf going into rn."
"heckin her doggostyle with my wholesome chonker"
"Actually, she’s not really going to be in for that much of a surprise, because while yes, labor can be painful and uncomfortable, it’s no worse than menstrual cramps, really."
"It’s one thing to want someone dead, it’s another to destroy them so much that they kill themselves"
"if you don’t remember this man abused his wife to the point where she was so mentally ill she decided to pee for hours on end and starved people to the point where they ate their neighbors kids… maybe"
"No I reblog everyone's takes even if I don't particularly like them to add activity to the fandom."
"Disclaimer: As an Indian, I find the caste categorization of nakshatras to be very icky ngl but that said I do find that it does aid in the understanding of the nature & behaviour of nakshatra natives."
"Is there any franchise in the world with as much concentrated drip as Arknights?"
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thelunarsystemwrites · 7 months
Age regression, a useful coping mechanism.
Long post about agere!
So, it's possible you've seen these things on my blog:
Agere. Petre. Agedre. Petdre. Age regression. Regressor. SFW. All that stuff, but, what does it mean? Well, I'm here to tell you!
So firstly, questions are ALWAYS welcome! Rather in reblogs, comments, or in my ask box, I'm always willing to answer questions about age regression!
Second, if you want JUST the terminology explained, you can find it here!
With that out the way: Age Regression. It's basically mentally reverting back to an eariler age! It's a completely SFW (Safe for work) coping mechanism! Though not all regressors use it as a coping mechanism, some just do it for fun! (Also it's technically a form of dissociation!
Same idea with pet regression, but it's reverting to the mindset of an animal! Kinda like shifts for a therian! (Coming from a therian!)
It's a wonderful thing, though it may not always feel like it. Just like how toddlers for example, might have tantrums, not know how to comprehend big emotions, or feel confused. That can happen in regression too! It can be voluntary or Involuntary. But there's ways to manage that!
Oh, and regression is for EVERYONE! (Any ethnic group, any gender, any identity, nobody is allowed to gatekeep it!)
When you're regressed, it really does feel like you're younger, like things are simple, and such. The levels of how extreme it feels varies from person to person!
But yeah, you mentally become a younger age, can be anything from a baby to a teen!
I do HIGHLY recommend doing it! I highly recommend watching shows you loved as a kid, or kids shows you think you'd enjoy now. I recommend getting in cozy clothes, maybe drinking from a sippy cup/water bottle to feel younger? Colouring, playing games (like minecraft!) Listening to soft music, these things really help me!
I'll admit, it can be scary the first time. But you have to trust your mind, trust that youll be able to become big again (your current mental age) when you need to.
Agere (short for age regression) and petre (short for pet regression) can help you have a childhood you never had, help you process difficult emotions, help heal your inner self and inner child, destress, and lots of other benefits!
And hey, some regressors PREFER to watch shows like Hazbin hotel, like playing games like call of duty, like drawing detailed artwork, like swearing. That's all okay too! You don't even have to use baby/kid stuff or talk/act like a baby/kid to regress! But, I do recommend starting off with that first, as it can help you know what regression feels like! ^^
Another thing, you might be a regressor without even knowing it! Like, have you ever laid in bed, grasping to cuddle anything soft near you—Just wishing you were a kid again, that someone would care for you? Maybe you felt like you were having unreasonable fears, like afraid of growing up, or afraid of the dark. Did the world feel bigger, did you maybe want to have a pacifier, or a stuffy?
That could be Involuntary regression! It's a defense mechanism of the brain, basically trying to process the world by becoming mentally younger to help.
You can learn to help control this, not always, but there's ways to help! Pushing away your regression isn't always a good thing, as often, it comes back stronger.
Instead, I recommend trying to find what makes you feel good or safe while regressed, and finding time to do it once or twice a week! (As long as regression isn't taking over your life/interfering with you as a teen/adult, you can do it a lot more than that! Every day if you want!)
You can watch videos online on how to regress, how to do it in secret if you're not ready/don't want to tell others! (I recommend looking up "Agere" or "How to age regress" or "What's agere?")
Same for pet regression! And another thing, there's something called Agedre (Age dreaming) and Petdre (Pet dreaming)
Again, it's always safe for work! It's basically acting, and wanting to be treated as a certain age/animal. It can help to have someone coddle you, and treat yourself younger, even if you'd rather not regress/can't! It's just as valid as Agere/Petre!
And, the community is huge! Slowly, we're working to normalize this, help spread awareness about mental health, and that regression ISN'T a disorder, it doesn't need to be cured! It's a tool that even some therapist recommended!
And hey, even if it's not for you—Please, don't hurt us who rely on it, or use it for fun. If it makes you uncomfortable? That's fine, even if it's 200% SFW, you're allowed your own safe space and boundaries. But try to understand that, we're not hurting anyone, and we can respect each other without taking away each other's safe spaces.
Thank you for listening, questions are always welcome and encouraged! And I hope this helped! (If you have a question you're afraid to ask, you can ask in my ask box with anon! This is a judgement free space!)
The end! ^^
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bratzforchris · 7 months
could you write an agere fic of little!johnnie & cg!jake where like johnnie accidently breaks a rule or something and thinks jake is gonna be super mad but he's actually really calm and just talks to him about lying or something and its super sweet and stuff ahhh idk how to request sorry 🧸💗🍼
No Secrets
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Summary: In which Jake knows how to make everything better, even when Johnnie is struggling in littlespace
Pairing: Caregiver!Jake x little!Johnnie (non sexual and platonic--i do not ship jake and johnnie in any way)
Warnings: None!
Word Count: 893
A/N: Thank you for the request! I love writing agere so bad :3
Johnnie was arguably the best little Jake could have asked for. He always listened, never broke rules, and hardly ever threw temper tantrums. It was rare that Jake ever had to discipline him, and he was grateful for that, because Johnnie was just so cute in his littlespace it probably wouldn’t have gotten done anyway.
However, Johnnie was a little, and with that came mischief and curiosity. He had a set of rules laid out for him, printed, decorated with Scooby Doo stickers, and hung up on the fridge. They were the run of the mill things like
Eat at least 2 meals per day and drink water
Always tell Daddy when something’s wrong or when you’re hurting
No being little when Daddy or babysitter is not here
But the biggest rule was at the top of the list, bolded and underlined, No Lying to Daddy. It wasn’t that Johnnie lied to purposely be deceitful or act out. The little one just had such a terrifying fear of disappointing his caregiver, that he would rather lie than see his daddy disappointed in him. 
Fast forward to now. Jake needed to take a business call about an upcoming video in their shared office, but Johnnie had spent the morning in littlespace. He didn’t feel the need to pull Johnnie out for no reason, so he simply sat the boy in front of the TV with his paci and stuffie, a sippy of juice, and cartoons. 
“Daddy needs to take a very important phone call, honey. Do you think you can watch some cartoons and wait for me, angel?” Jake asked, crouching to be eye level with Johnnie.
The little one nodded enthusiastically, a happy gleam in his eyes. “Mhm!” he giggled, clutching his stuffie to his chest as his bright blue eyes fixed on the screen. 
“Good boy.” Jake planted one last kiss on Johnnie's head and retreated to the office, closing the door, but not locking it in case of emergencies. 
All was well for the first fifteen minutes. Johnnie was happily watching cartoons, giggling at the funny characters on the screen while Jake successfully took his call. It wasn’t until the little one’s belly rumbled with hunger that things started to go wrong. He padded into the kitchen, eager for a snack. Luckily, Jake had just gone to the grocery store, and the kitchen was fully stocked. Johnnie surveyed his options, before landing on a container of pink, sprinkled cookies. 
He quickly pulled the package off the counter and towards his chest, opening the plastic as quietly as possible. Johnnie quickly shoved a cookie in his mouth, smiling to himself at the sweet taste. Normally, Johnnie despised sweets when he was big. They made his stomach upset, and thus, he decided to mostly stay away from them. However, in his young headspace, Johnnie
didn’t understand that. And so, he snuck a quick peek over his shoulder to make sure Jake was still occupied in his office before he continued to munch on the delicious cookies. 
Fifteen minutes later, all six of the cookies were gone, and in their wake, Johnnie was left with an awful belly ache. The little one clutched his tummy and whimpered, not understanding why he was experiencing such bad pain. In too much pain to care that Jake was still technically busy, he waddled to his daddy’s office and opened the door quietly. 
Jake had finished up his call a few minutes ago and was now just answering some emails, but he turned when the door opened, a smile on his face. “Hey sweetheart!”
“Daddy,” Johnnie whimpered, crawling into his lap. “Tummy hurt.”
His caregiver noted how Johnnie had lost his paci sometime between when he left and now, but didn’t think much of it. “I’m sorry, angel,” Jake frowned, rubbing his back. “Do you need to potty?”
Johnnie shook his head, curling further into Jake’s chest, which allowed the younger man to glimpse a remnant of pink frosting on the corner of Johnnie’s lip. 
“Johnnie, did you get into the cookies, baby?” Jake asked gently, raising a brow. 
Johnnie froze with fear, then almost immediately shook his head. “Nuh uh.”
“Are you lying, sugar plum?” Jake asked again. 
“No.” Johnnie said, but avoided Jake’s eyes. 
“Johnnie, I’m going to give you one more chance to be honest, sweetie. Did you eat the cookies?”
The blue-eyed boy finally cracked at Jake’s statement, throwing his arms around his caregiver and wailing. “Mhm!”
“Oh angel,” Jake’s tone softened. “You can’t do that, buddy. It makes your tummy upset.”
“I sowwy, Daddy,” Johnnie sniffled, wiping his eyes. “Be mad me?”
“I’m not mad, buddy. But you and I both know that lying to Daddy is a no-no, right?” he asked, rubbing Johnnie’s belly comfortingly.
Johnnie nodded, sniffling as silent tears rolled down his cheeks. “Mhm.”
“Now,” Jake stood up, propping the older boy on his hip. “I think your tummy ache is punishment enough, but let’s remember not to lie to Daddy next time, right?”
Johnnie nodded as Jake made his way to the couch. Between Jake’s snuggles and belly rubs, and the newly added blanket once they sat down, he was starting to get sleepy. And as his daddy continued to comfort him, Johnnie knew that Jake would always have his back, even in his highs and lows in littlespace. 
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tags ♡: @aemrsy
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soft-bugs · 4 months
Stress Relief/Calming Distraction/etc. Ideas for Regressors (based on my own experiences and things I've learned from others)
• Take some deep breaths. I know that's like listening to a broken record and obvs doesn't work for everyone, but it's worth a try!
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• Drink some water and put some comfy clothes on and/or wrap your favorite blankie around yourself!
• Put on some soft lighting, if available. Especially if you're overstimulated!
• If you gotta/wanna bodily/vocally stim, DO IT!!! I also like to use stim toys and touch/hug soft things like a blanket, stuffie or pillow.
• If you have a pet, give 'em a cuddle or some pets! (a stuffie is also very comforting!) Or if you have one that can't/doesn't like to be handled/touched, you can just sit and watch them move around (feeding them if needed, can also be fun to watch!) (I love watching my fish swim around/eat sometimes 😹)
• If you're feeling anxious; dip your face in a bowl of cold/ice water, eat something sour or spicy like Warheads sour spray, Sour Patch Kids, Takis or jalapeños, hold something cold like an ice pack against your chest/stomach, try to relax your jaw and shoulders, use stim toys/stress balls
• If you're feeling angry; you can crumple/tear up pieces of paper or an old notebook. Writing down your feelings and/or scribbling rapidly before doing this is good too! You can also punch a pillow or anything soft enough to where you won't hurt yourself. Ik it can be wasteful, but snapping wooden pencils into lil bits was very therapeutic for me for a while! If you happen to have balloons for whatever reason, you can tie one to a rubber band(/string?) and bounce it against your fist like onea these babies:
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• From the one above, write out your feelings! Even if it's just "I am feeling _ because _". If you have a hard time finding the words, here's some cool emotion wheels I like to use!:
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• If you are on your period, take some painkillers (Midol is a lifesaver!), try to avoid caffeine & nicotine if you smoke, use a heating pad/heated blanket if available, take a hot bath or shower, if possible exercise/walking or certain stretches can help with cramping, and I'm gonna be completely honest here free-bl33ding on the toilet just helps sometimes idk 😂
• If possible, go for a walk or ride your bike around the block!
• If possible, try to talk to/call or text someone you trust, like a friend or family member. You can talk about anything, it doesn't have to be about what's causing your stress/anxiety/etc.
• Watch TV, YouTube, stim GIFs/videos, etc. Whatever helps you relax or laugh!
• Play a calming video game (I like to play Slime Rancher, Animal Crossing, Cooking Mama, Night In The Woods, Webkinz and No Man's Sky on creative mode!)
• Be creative! Even if you think you're "bad" at it bc it doesn't matter if it looks "pretty," you don't have to show anyone or post it anywhere. All that matters is if it makes you feel better! Drawing/doodling and coloring have always been a very great emotional outlet for me! Other fun stuff you could do: Splatter/abstract paint, make a collage or start a scrapbook, make a DIY craft with stuff around your house, SCRIBBLE!!, play around with an instrument or music program/app, design a character on Picrew or some sort of character creator, print out/make paper dolls and their clothes, stickerbomb something, film a music video featuring ur pets/stuffies/toys!
• Continuing the creativity one, make a mood/stim/agere board for yourself, an OC, your fave/comfort characters(s), etc.!
• Do word/number puzzles like word searches, crossword puzzles, sudoku, acrostic puzzles, cryptograms, framework/fill-in puzzles, etc.
• If you like making lists (like me), write out a list! (Ideas: Your comfort characters/movies/shows, your favorite board/video games, favorite places or cool places you've been, interesting animals, favorite bands/musical artists, current favorite songs, etc.)
• If you're like me, you can play some music and write down your favorite lyrics from each song that plays! (And doodle/scribble around the paper borders in between hehe) And/or make a playlist! Maybe make a playlist of songs that make you feel better in that moment, so you can look for it whenever ur stressed/upset!
• If possible, take a hot bath (you can add bubbles, bath bombs and/or toys!) Or a quick shower. Oh, and speaking of, I have a tip for people who struggle with brushing your teeth/remembering to do so! Try brushing your teeth when you shower!
These aren't the only things I do/know about, just ones I can remember at the moment, and they may not all work for everyone of course, but hopefully this is helpful to someone. 🥺 Feel free to add more in the replies/tags/reblogs!
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creature-wizard · 2 months
What's your advice to people starting spirit work?
Hmm, so in the context of communicating with spirits? First, always remember that we don't have any solid evidence that spirits - or at least, the vast majority of what we perceive to be spirits, aren't just psychic constructs of some sort. If we look at records of spirit interactions for as long as we have them, with a decent sense of historical context, we can see a long pattern of said "spirits" conforming to what are very clearly subjective cultural and personal expectations. You can be an extremely earnest practitioner, and your "spirits" can still be very obvious mental constructs.
Now, I say this not to discourage practitioners, but to keep them grounded. Because even if your spirits are in fact mental constructs, that doesn't mean your experiences working with them won't be valuable or enjoyable.
But it does mean that you should be aware that the communications you're getting might not be coming from some higher, objective source, and shouldn't be readily granted that kind of authority.
Secondly, even if you really believe you're working with a real entity outside of yourself, keep your critical thinking skills on. Like, while researching New Age beliefs and watching videos from New Age channelers (who were just as earnest as anyone else), I have seen them make failed claim after failed claim. Like for example, a few years back there were a bunch of them claiming that we'd soon (as in, within a few months) be seeing quantum healing technology everywhere. We'd have these "medbeds" that we could just lay on and they'd fix literally everything wrong with us. And a number of them claimed that Elon Musk was involved in creating them. Elon Musk, of all incompetent clowns. And this level of departure from reality doesn't just happen to New Agers; it can happen to anyone who starts relying on spirit communication to find out what's really going on in the world.
With this said, my next piece of advice is to be respectful and kind to spirits, and make a habit of being respectful and kind in general. If there's one thing I've noticed among practitioners, it's that the people with the worst experiences are frequently assholes. Being someone who leans toward psychological explanations, I really think a lot of this is because they just unconsciously expect hostile behavior from others, from all the pushback they get when they're assholes to people. Other people might explain it as their vibes attracting entities similar to themselves. But either way, it's a thing.
Also? Make sure you're good with setting boundaries. The type of people who are able to say "nope, we're done, bye" or "nope, I'm not gonna do that" have, in my experiences, far fewer bad experiences, while people who see themselves as powerless and always at the mercy of others often have very bad ones. In my own personal experience, one of the best wards you can have is the ability to say "no, now begone" and mean it.
If you're looking for a basic method to get started with, I wrote one over here. I can't promise it's for everyone, but it's meant to be simple and flexible.
Hope this is useful.
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agereonly · 3 months
shows for agere :3
Some of these aren't necessarily toddler shows, just PG videos :3
HermitCraft If you didn't know, I'm a HUGE hermit craft fan, my favourite hermit is grian. You can find this on yt, and its all free n PG. remember to check if the hermit your watching is PG. I also recommend the guess the build videos!
Paw Patrol You can find this on Netflix(?) and some on YT.
Bluey I love bluey! Its definitely meant for agere.
Blues Clues i used to love blues clues, it brings back nostalgia.
SolidarityGaming Yes.. another minecraft YouTuber....... Im a big minecraft fan.
If you have more, lemme know! Ill make a pt 2 later :3
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