#i dont know i guess a vlog of their how they do their little time
miffle-fox · 11 months
i thinkk i wanna get a colorring book with lots of stickeres i miss using those and not feeling bad about using stickers "wrong" and being messy with coloring because thats all what its there for!
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kaceythecrunch · 6 months
RANT. (sturntok.)
Yall. Im so mad. Sturntok pisses me the fuck off to the point it isn't even funny anymore. This might be messy, so bare with me.
Tara. Why the fuck is everyone pressed about Tara hanging out with the triplet, specifically matt and Chris. Yall are acting as if it was only two of them, like they're on a date. They were with fucking I don't know, 8 other people? Like why does Sturntok care who they hangout with? Did you not learn from elementary school to mind your bees wax, or business? You're probably 15. They're literally 5 years older than you. There is no way, in any universe they're gonna date you girl. ALSO TO SHIT ON TARA?? LIKE GIRL. FIND SOMEONE ELSE TO SHIT ON CUZ HOMEGIRL DONT CARE. SHE DONT CARE. SHE IS STRIVING AND LIVING LIFE LIKE YOU SHOULD GIRL. Live life and don't care. You'll probably have a positive outcome. No cuz y'all know how Chris owns the Saturn necklace thing? Its vivienne underwood. It's less than 20 bucks on Amazon. Also when was the last time y'all saw Chris wearing that necklace girl. Also there's a post from like months, or I think a year ago of Tara wearing the same necklace. These fucking tiktok girls are so annoying. Like we get it, everyone wants to be Tara. (she's my gf.)
Podcast. I saw a bunch of btiches shit on the podcast. Like cmon. THEY ARE PRODUCING AN HOUR LONG VIDEO FOR YALL EVERY WEEK. Mfs are burnt out, you're lucky that they even produce content for you ungreatful hoes. Like lwk, I'd rather have them remove Wednesday videos. I remember when they first started their podcast that they were really excited to start and stuff. I also remember, I believe it was their earlier vlogs. When they were still living in Boston and they haven't like went to LA yet, they were talking about turning their basement into a podcast room. Like cmon. This is something they've been wanting to do and you hoes just don't appreciate anything. Like have y'all's mama's not been pissed at y'all for not appreciating her food. Live life positive and not negative tf. But ofc, I respect their decision.
Intro. Yall just love to shit on everyone. Ruining the party. Sturntok reminds me of the kids-the class "clowns" who would be so shitty to the teacher for no reason and would ruin fun things for everyone. Like guys, I think we should all as a community bully Sturntok. It requires a bit more bullying, just to knock some sense into their heads. Anyways, back to what I was ranting about. I loved their new intro. its a new era. A new them. Change. Is. Fucking. hard. I understand that you love the teens from Boston running around making fools of themselves. Me too, I shall admit it. But in order to get sponsorships, to get the little paring things. (For example, them sponsoring Celsius, even becoming the youtooz thing.) Like they gotta act more professional.
Change. This tied in with the last few things. CHANGE IS HARD. CHANGE IS A DIFFICULT THING. But how the fuck are you gonna live life, and enjoy life when your stuck on one thing forever. Change is needed for growth, and for learning. Like guys, THEYRE 20. I think that's something y'all forget. They aren't teenagers anymore. Its kinda like how when everyone went into middle school and started to not like kiddy things when you still liked kiddy things. When I was in middle school I still like to play with Legos, draw, watch anime. Until I hit 7th grade, aka everyone's downfall. I still enjoy some of those things today but I changed because people in middle school stopped like those things and its embarrassing (well for me at least) to show up in school with anime shirts cuz I'm getting older. Thats what they're feeling I guess. Again, theyre 20 now.
Crazy ass mfs. Crazy, as in them soft mf's on sturntok. Also what pisses me off more is that they're coming here on tumblr. Like no, I know your soft ass belongs on Wattpad bffr. I have a long rant about this one, so bare with me again. They are so so so so so SOOOOO sensitive about the "spicy edits." Sometimes the fucking video frame isn't even about something "spicy" aka- them being shirtless, video frame near their crotch. It was when there was a song about sex. How soft can you be. Most songs these days are about sex. Some songs y'all probably didn't know about was about sex. (cake by the ocean for example.) LIKE LETS ME FOR REAL. MOST SONGS ARE ABOUT SEX. Also with the tiktok audios being removed like cmon. Not everything is about sunshine and rainbows. I remember I commented on a Chris edit and I was like.
"I need this man in my life. He's so hot."
"you're fucking gross. He's a human being and do you know how grossed out he would be if he saw that you said this? (bullshitbullshit,morebullshitandstupidness.)"
Yeah, keeping fucking running your mouth. THIS TIKTOK HAS LIKE 4K VIEWS. DO YOU WANNA KNOW HOW MUCH FUCKING FOLLOWERS THE TRIPLETS HAVE? YEAH. THAT'S NOT EVEN A QUARTER OF WHAT THEY HAVE. THIS VIDEO HAS 1K COMMENTS. ARE THEY FUCKING HUNTING ME DOWN?? MY COMMENT HAS 3 LIKES. WHY WOULD THEY CARE TO FUCKING CHECK GIRL. ITS ALSO TELLING THE FUCKING PERSON WHO EDITED THIS THAT THIS EDIT WAS FIRE AND THAT THEY MADE THE EDIT HELLA GOOD. UR FUCKING LUCKY I KEPT MY ANGER TO MYSELF CUZ OH GIRL. I WOULD SUCKER PUNCH YOU. You know whats also funny? They're the same people who will be pissed with when they see matt or Chris with a female. Like girl. You're calling me fucking gross? Do you think how much more worse that is than my comment? You ruin friendships. OG sturniolo fans know that they've been friends with girls. If you genuinely care, yall would know that nick made most of matt and chris' friends. Meaning most of them were females. SO OBVIOUSLY THEYRE GONNA HAVE GIRL FRIENDS. I remember watching the Zach sang pod when nick was on and he explained that matt usually doesn't make the friends. Theres a joke where matt says "I'm gonna make a friend that wasn't originally nick's friends." smth like that. Anyways, off topic. Just because they are seen with a girl, doesn't mean they are fucking dating them. Like shut the fuck up. please. Respectfully shut the fuck because I'm a nice person. Also Chris gives off major virgin vibes lets bffr.
Madi. Yall hate so bad on Madi and its fucking grossing me out. Why do you have to ship her with matt and chris??? Literally to the point they can't even put her in photo dumps or videos. You just gotta ruin it for everyone, huh? shes fucking gorgeous, and she's so funny in videos. Plus, when she does talk shes hillarious. She literally reminds me of Matt. She doesn't fucking talk much because she is more of a listener.. Like guys bffr. How can you hate her when she barley spoke in videos. Like respectfully, shut the fuck up. Yall just jealous shes pretty.
Calling Nick fine. I also hate them mfs who are always running their mouth about girls calling Nick fine. Lets bffr. Y'all didn't think a gay guy is fine? I'm sure you've had a crush on one gay person before. And if you haven't trust me. You will. I had a crush on my gay friend in 8th grade. I feel like its a canon even in every girl's life. anyways, I hate when girls will be scared to call nick hot.
"Nick is so fine. But like as a cool guy friend way. Please don't attack me."
POOR GIRL BELIEVES SHE IS GONNA BE ATTACKED IF SHE CALLS A GAY MAN FINE. Sturntok leave her the fuck alone. He's hot as fucking and I will kill civilians if I'm not given more nick edits. He's so fine. Literally the hottest triplet.
If u made it here thanks. There was shit on my chest that I really needed to let out. What have we learned today?
Sturntok can suck my fucking dick.
Thanks goodbye.
Me to Sturntok :
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sturniololoco · 8 months
SLS where reader and chris are the only two who dont test positive for covid, so they have to hunker down in chris’ room together. except, her and chris arent as close as her and nick and her and matt, so they disagree and argue a bit before they make up and bond <33
Sturniolo Little sister (SLS) x The Sturniolo Triplets
Warnings: Sick, language, fighting, etc.
Nick got covid right after last week's Friday video, then passed it on to Matt, so they both have to quarantine by themselves. Chris and I were still standing though, but now we had to quarantine together in his room, in the hope of avoiding the sickness.
"Hey, guys. As you know Nick got covid and now Matt has it now. So I'm stuck with this goofball until they all feel better," Chris said to the vlog.
I rolled my eyes and stuck my AirPods in my ears, not wanting to put up with his shit at the moment.
Chris and I aren't as close as I am with Matt and Nick. I'm not sure why though, I guess I just drift to people who aren't annoying little grimlins every time you try and talk to them.
It was finally dark outside and it was time for bed. after a day of hearing Chris talk and talk and talk into a camera has made my head began to throb.
But I wasn't going to bed anytime soon.
Chris was playing fortnight with Matt right now, and being extremely loud while doing it, banging on the table and screaming our strings of cuss words.
I walk over to his closet, yawning, pulling out one of his fresh Love hoodies and throwing it on, leaving the hood on. I snuggle under Chris's covers, getting warm, and being so tired that I fell fast asleep in the middle of my brothers bed, even with him screaming in the background.
Chris's POV
"Alright man, I'm tired as fuck. I'm signing off." I heard Matt say through my headset. I told him I loved him, then turned off my PC.
After throwing on some sweats and a sleep shirt, I walk over to my bed, ready to crash.
But I stop once I see SLS/N laying in the middle, snuggled up in one of my hoodies that was too big for her.
I couldn't help but thinking how adorable she looked, snapping a picture then sending it to Matt and Nick.
I eventually came to the conclusion that I was just gonna lift her really fast. I snaked my arms up under her and picked her up bridal style before laying down with her in my lap.
As I pulled the blankets up, I hear her mumble something incoherent in her sleep, snuggling close into my chest. I wrap my arms around her, drifting to sleep myself.
I woke up this morning to the pounding headache that hadn't gone away over night like I hoped. I opened my back pack full of things I brought from my room and pulled out my emergency bottle of Tylenol, I climbed back into bed, popping two in my mouth.
Chris was still asleep, but I really wanted to snuggle up into his warmth like last night. I don't know why, but it felt so good getting cuddles from him. Probably because we don't hang out enough for me to ever get some on the regular.
I ever so gently lifted his arm, crawling under it before letting it go. I felt him stir as his hand hit the mattress and look up just in time to see him blink the sleep from his eyes.
"Sorry, I didn't mean too wake you up." I mumbled, kind of embarrassed.
"Its fine, I promise. Are you okay?" He asked, probably seeing the squint my face was making due to the throbbing in my head.
I shrugged and told him my head still hurt like a bitch.
"Well why don't you do your covid test then hop in the shower while you wait, The hot water will probably help your head." He said, reaching over to his night stand to grab a new test.
I hop out of the shower and change into some sweats and one of Chris's big t-shirts, then immediately go and check my test.
I reads negative, as does the one next to it which I assume is Chris's. I sigh in relief, not wanting to get sick at all.
I walk into Chris’s bedroom to see him scrolling on his phone in his bed. l’m surprised when I see him put his phone down and open his arms for a cuddle. I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his torso, the awkwardness only lasting half a second.
“hey sissy?” I hear him mumble quietly into my hair. I hum in response. He clears his throat thickly and I can hear the emotion in his throat.
“I just wanted to say that I’m glad we got to spend this time with you. I love you so so much and that will never change.”
I look up to see a tear fall from his eye, but he quickly whipes it away. I feel my own tears coming and I snuggle up close into his chest.
“That was cringey.” I say, laughing out a sob. He chuckles and wraps his arms around me, squeezing me tight.
@idkwhosnyla @babypat08 @eyelessdemon00 @christopherowensturniolo @sturnsxx @freshloveforthefit @matty443355 @sleepysturnss @emeraldgreenbeautiesstu @sunsetsturniolos @hoesturniolo @x4nd3rsukz @chr1sgirl4life @sstvrnioloo @sturns-posts @chrisstopherfilmed @kylasrealityx @zoeysturnioloooooo @comet235 @islaasblog @sturnioloblogs
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to6ge · 1 year
IV. after math of the rain
( long chapter ahead !! )
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“We’re going to be using a wheel spinner to decide who is going to partner up with who. And this time, Im not going to accept any complaints, or regrouping. Oh and before I forget, you are going to be taking a small vlog about anywhere you and your partner go.” (e.g mountain or sumn like that) Yaga said as he spun the wheel of names—and it was going soooo well, till it landed on GOJO and YOU.
You looked at eachother, everything about your face looked so dissappointed, frustrated, annoyed and irritated. While he had a big smile plastered on his face.
“Alright, so **** with ******, [name] with Gojo, ***** with ***” and so on and so far. Yaga continued to blabber about how its going to go and what youre supposed to do—till finally it was dismissal. “Dismissed for now. Make sure you submit by next 2 weeks.”
The class was so obnoxiously loud, everybody had gotten good pairs except for you. You grabbed your items and put it to your locker, you rush over to your dorm—wanting to rest and lay on your bed.
You return to your dorm, a long sigh escaping your mouth. Thank goodness gracious that tomorrow was a public holiday. Otherwise youd be tortured by school, again.
After a few minutes of laying down, your phone buzzed and you went to check it.
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You felt so lazy to go to his dorm, even though it was near yours. “meet you in 10” was just because you were so lazy and you just wanted a short break before meeting Gojo.
A few minutes after you read that message, you went out of your dorm, took back all your items from your locked and in exactly 10 minutes—you knocked on Gojo’s door.
“Y/nn!! You actually meant it when you said “Ill be over in your dorm in 10,” He still had that same, annoying grin. “Ofcourse I meant it” you roll your eyes playfully “Anyways, so you wanna start now? Or are you just gonna stay like this forever?” you had a small smile on your face “Yeah yeah, lets just go”
You both entered his dorm and it was..surprisingly clean. “So, [name], where do you think we should go?” he asked “Uhh..The beach? Maybe? That’ll be fun.” you said with a smile.
“The beach??? I mean..Okay I guess. We better take the train to the nearby beach soon, or else it’ll be dark” he suggested, “Just stay here for a little longer, im sure it wont get dark so soon..!” You said positively, it was just an excuse to rest. “Alright then, if thats what you want” Gojo shrugged.
After around 30 minutes, you decide to go take the train to the nearby beach. It was a 1 hour trip, and that time it was around 5.30. It would definitely get dark.
You and Gojo stepped into the train, sitting by the edge. It wasnt too crowded, and you were so grateful for that. You put on your headphones, drowning yourself in music. You were too lazy to talk to Gojo irl, so you just chat him.
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IV.5 ( 4.5 ) HERE because ive reached the image limit.
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SUMMARY : You transfered to Tokyo Jujutsu highschool, where your “enemy” goes. ( Friends that loved to tease eachother & get on their nerves ) Even before you transfered, you both had a rivarly ever since you were a kid. This’ll be so bad. Atleast you though so. Then, you both decide to fake date eachother for some reason,, and you didn't think youd even fall for him—but you were wrong.
NOTE : i dont know why i decided to make this so long..
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tstwitterupdates · 1 year
I feel like (imo from being a creative and having life get in the way) Thomas plotted out s2 and how it was supposed to go a long time ago and then his whole fricken world changed. Cause like, first it was the production company, then Joan and Talyn, then several health scares, then a relationship and a breakup, and, obviously, and entire pandemic and a hurricane ruining part of his studio. And that's just the stuff externally. So I get why it's taking so long, cause he wants to make it perfect, and he can't change his plans for s2 at this point, because it will ruin basically everything. Plus, with Into the Unknown and the among us videos, right, it's clear he's trying his best to put content out there. So I can understand where he is.
I think I'm just frustrated because I miss when we had stuff like Thomas and Friends content, like Real or Fake Anime or Joystick Joyride and stuff. I feel like the Sides/Cartoon Therapy wait would be less painful if we were getting a bit more content on that end, you know? Cause while it's been a long time, I still feel like it would've mitigated the pain seeing him a little more frequently. Plus, I think Roleslaying would feel less odd if there was other content going out around as often as the once-a-week uploads for a month or so, rather than it being basically all the content we see from him, now.
I know Thomas is also getting to a better place with bulk recording an the like, and I'm genuinely still excited to see what's coming up. It just sometimes feels like Thomas is hyperfocusing on the big projects, and not letting himself enjoy the stuff that makes the bigger projects feel more substantial, if that makes sense.
i kinda agree im not sure i haven’t made up my mind on this. i liked the videos with his friends before but they’ve also gotten so extra that i no longer watch them either, im now one of those fans just waiting for sanders sides. but i do wish he would make simpler fun things either small sanders sides episodes or small vlogs. i miss his vlogs. but mostly because of nostalgia, those things made me company through the worst years of high school lol. anyway getting off topic.
i do think thomas is trying his best, i do not doubt that in the slightest. but even when you try your best if you don’t have a good strategy the results might not be the best. but i dont know what their strategy is so i can’t judge i guess.
more asks and replies under the cut
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yeah like. they pushed the limits of what they could do with what they had back since accepting anxiety. and then they got better equipment and staff and stuff and instead of saying “now we can do the same things in less time and with less effort” they went “now we can do even bigger things that push our limits just as much!”
which is their decision to make not mine but i assume that’s where some of that stress might be coming from.
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yes i agree with all of this. there’s some blogs that have posted criticism or defenses against criticism that i just find incredibly mean spirited or that make good points but phrase it in aggressive ways i don’t like.
i think whichever opinion you have it’s best to be open minded. acknowledge our own feelings and talk about them without attacking anyone. it’s okay to feel frustrated and angry and then we’re responsible about what we do with those emotions. and i think it’s cool to talk about them with other fanders that have felt the same. just stay open minded about what others have to say and then make up your mind about how much you agree or disagree.
and keep in mind that we know nothing about how thomas and co work. on both sides. like you cant claim their workflow is perfect nor claim it’s horrible because we just don’t know. but we can say we’re feeling disappointed or bored or annoyed or whatever because those are our own feelings.
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yeah again this is my blog and i post what i want. and im doing my job by tagging and warning them.
and also thomas is a grown man in his thirties who has been a social media personality for, what? maybe almost a decade? im sure he knows how to be responsible about it and not go digging to read criticism of his work to get hurt by it. or at least i hope so. if he doesn’t then that’s out of my hands as well. and the hundreds of people supporting him on the replies of all his tweets more than make up for a handful of blogs that make angry posts every once in a while.
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yes that’s understandable. but i still don’t know. if thomas has these personal problems that are so serious that they cause his content to come sooo slowly and still cause him to have this much stress then he should probably just take a huge actual break. and let us know about it. without necessarily telling us the reason of course.
if after Putting Others First or the last Asides he had said “hey im going on a hiatus for big projects like sanders sides and cartoon therapy while i figure stuff out, but i’ll film x kind of content because it requires less effort and i enjoy it” or even that the entire channel is going on hiatus, and then he came back like a year later and said “okay we’re back first thing we’re doing is writing the finale script!” or whatever then that would have been less frustrating than this. even if it had taken the same 3 years. because at least afterwards you know that he’s better and the wait would be worth it. at least that’s my opinion.
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boypussydilf · 1 year
actually i was going to save this for when i made All Grown Up Now designs for the human kids in sgt frog but idk if/when im actually gonna do that so heres jusyt my random thoughts about what some of them r doing as adults and also maybe some au/oc stuff
transfem fuyuki is SO real to me tbh. when she moved out of the hinata house keroro came with her bc theyre all time best friends and keroro deciding being with fuyuki was more important than staying w the secret base or anything like that. fuyuki lives in like a normal apartment with a convenience store job or smth like just the most average life but she also makes youtube videos where she talks abt the occult, goes over conspiracy theories & even debunks them if smth is really stupid, makes vlogs going to places that r supposed to be haunted or have been visited by aliens or whatever other supernatural thing u can think of. also talks casually in her videos abt having lived with an alien since she was 12 but obviously everyone watching just thinks that’s a running gag. she also miiiiigjt be roommates with mois? bc i think mois would want to go wherever keroro goes but i also dont know how fuyuki would feel about that. i dont know if mois can get a job to help with rent. i think that 10 years in the future mois would still be basically 13 years old.
also fuyuki is a lesbian and has a better chance of figuring out that she likes momoka now that shes got herself figured out more but she has NOT figured out that she likes momoka yet bc fuyuki is dense
transmasc natsumi, also, is so real to me. he becomes both a model and an athlete, bc tbh? i do believe in natsumi’s rights to just kind of be Good At Everything. when he moved out he was like Man! It’s so great to not have to deal with the stupid frog all the time! and then felt like everything was weird and too quiet without keroro around obviously but he is still relieved to not have to deal with shit like. oh all the curtains in the house have been turned into pudding. or whatever. that does still happen sometimes sometimes keroro comes to visit and it can go well or it can go horribly. Dating koyuki, obviously, who is the girlboy of all time and also probably still lives in the same house w dororo and hasnt changed significantly so i dont have anything else to say about him.
I haven’t been able to decide what giroro & kururu do after the hinata kids & keroro move out? Bc it feels kind of weird for them to still just kind of be there at the house when it’s just aki and a no-longer-used secret base. and omiyo i guess. But also what else are they gonna do. If kururu wanted to live w saburo they wouldve done that from the beginning so idk. Maybe giroro does just stay in his tent and kururu stays in her lab.
Some time after anime canon the keroro platoon ends up OFFICIALLY resigning from the keron army or giving up on their mission in a way they can’t go back on or Something to that effect where they’re very up front about not planning to invade instead of lying their way around it. I like to think that keroro becomes like a Space Actor and giroro gets to be a train conductor like he wants but that might be a little while away for them still. However this also means that inevitably a while after THAT keron sends in a NEW earth invasion team because theyve been trying (and failing) to take control of this planet for millions of years they’re not gonna fucking give up NOW. & the new platoon doesn’t necessarily HAVE to take any drastic moves against the keroro platoon but they should make sure the kplatoon doesn’t do anything to interfere…..
I wuz gonna design a whole platoon to be that ^ replacement platoon but i didnt get around to most of them </3 maybe someday. Anyway obviously they all have a power of friendship arc and come around to the side of NOT invading planets. except the leader.
I dont know what momoka & saburo would be doing as adults either </3 Momoka doesnt really have to do anything. shes rich. its not like she needs to take up a career or anything. Actually she probably becomes a martial artist or something? Goes into the business of kicking ass like her mom. Saburo MIGHT keep up the radio show but I think they’d get bored of that but maybe stay in a similar vein, entertainment of some sort. Oh I guess there’s art lmao. I dont know. Saburo has a tumblr blog where they post slightly overdone musings on life and nature and shit.
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tarosin · 3 years
the great adventures of y/n, tubbo and jack - we built a boat
requested: yes/no
this is part 10 to the great adventures series
you didn’t actually expect to be filming a vlog with tubbo and jack today, you were spending one of you last days away from home with lani at the beach, not knowing that tubbo and jack would make you join them. you ended up finding several rocks you liked and ran off to pick them up thinking tubbo would like them, so you put them in your pocket. whilst you were collecting rocks, lani was on the phone to tubbo letting him know you were actually at the beach if he wanted you to join him in the vlog.
“wait y/ns there? put them on the phone.”
“they’re in the water.”
“yeah they’re fighting Poseidon, where are you going to be? ill bring them to you.”
few minutes later you made your way to lani drenched in water.
“i fell…stop laughing!”
“im not!”
“you’re eyes are literally watering because you’re holding in your laughter, anyway look what i got you!”
you placed a clear quartz crystal and a piece of sea glass in lanis hand.
“thank you y/n!! wait this isn’t like your other rocks?”
“i know!! it’s clear quartz and sea glass. i felt like you should have it! i think it’s because i won the battle with Poseidon!”
“you fell.”
“shut up!”
“are you staying at ours again tonight?”
“think so… wanna turn the crystal into a necklace?”
lani ended up taking you to where tubbo was, but didn’t tell you what was happening, you only found out when you looked up to see jack recording you and lani.
“hold up, guest appearance.”
“oh hi lani…y/n, guess what?”
you looked down to see the boat.
“oh fuck no!”
you walked away laughing, tubbo followed after you dragging you back to the others.
“they said they can’t wait to go on the boat with us jack!”
“how likely is he to be able to build this?? how likely are me and y/n going to drown??”
“uhm good chances!”
“of what?”
“lani, am i going to live or die?”
you laughed as lani walked away shrugging.
“tubbo how much money did you spend on this…”
“oh great i’m drowning today!”
you stood next to jack tilting your head as tubbo attached the sail to the pole.
“just remember if you two die, i’m in your will.”
“i didn’t write a will.”
“well that was your first mistake y/n did!”
“tubbo gets my rock collection, tommy gets whatever he wants just not the rock collection, ranboo gets whatever tommy doesn’t want, and you get what ranboo doesn’t want.”
a few minutes later you helped tubbo put the sail up whilst jack stood filming you both.
“this looks unsafe..”
“and muddy.”
“it’s unsafe and muddy but we’re trying our best.”
“jack didn’t do anything.”
you stood next to lani trying to convince her to go on the boat so you didn’t have to as tubbo tried to lasso jack. after being told no several times, you stood with jack whilst tubbo began to tie a figure of 8, you watched as tubbo began teaching you how to actually tie a figure of 8 using a really morbid story.
“why was that so morbid?”
“we like death on the tubbo channel!”
“i want to go home!”
the three of you began to carry the boat out to the sea, however you crashed into something straight away.
“could be worse…could have hit a member of the public.”
“i can tell…it’s not good enough but i can tell.”
“my bad T bo!”
“what the fuck did you call me?”
as you were getting ready to go down the ramp, lani looked directly at you and tubbo who were now trying to push each other into the water.
“try not to hit little people in the water!”
“little people…”
“shall we waterproof up?”
you turned around a minute later only to have tubbo holding his phone up to your face after annoying jack with it .
“say hello.”
“hi there , please send help. i’m going to die!”
“ignore y/n, they’re just dramatic..i wouldn’t let them drown.”
you helped tubbo get the boat into the water as jack filmed the pair of you .
“it’s cold.”
“i’ve been in here before…i fell.”
“how cold was it?”
“the weed of the sea is in my feet.”
“ew! what the fuck!”
lani noticed you had all let go of the boat and yelled at you all to grab the boat before it left you all behind, jack, and tubbo got in the boat, however you refused as lani kept yelling that the trailer was on.
“oh we’ve left the trailer on.”
“that’s what lani has been saying.”
tubbo got off to untie the trailer and you stood nervously laughing as the wheel fell off .
“i'm actually going to die!”
“it’s fineee!”
you helped jack get out the boat, so you could all fix the boat.
“he thinks we could be doing better.”
“i think everyone could think that.”
jack got on the boat first, then tubbo, who then helped you get onto the boat.
“off we go!”
for the first five minutes, the three of you sat yelling at each other what you all should be doing to make the boat go forwards.
“i quite like this.”
“we’re not moving!”
soon enough you had figured it all out and waved goodbye to the others after they gave you a thumbs up.
“so now what do we do?”
“to what?”
“god..say your final goodbyes we’re going to die!”
“hey that rhymed, you’re a genius!”
at this point the boat had completely stopped moving, however tubbo didn’t think this was the case, and began trying to turn the boat around as it was apparently going to shore, despite the fact you and jack were telling him you all hadn’t moved.
“so what’s the sail for?”
“i mean jack has a point you are paddling.”
“y/n you talk to technoblade too much.”
“i’ve been saying heh before i met tommy, what the fuck?”
“jack go up to the front, so y/n can sit next to me.”
jack moved and you sat next to tubbo.
“so how long does it take to go to france?”
“ahh you know, about 20 minutes.”
“how fast do you think we’re going bud?”
“on a, on a, on a train.”
“how would you get the train?”
“i don’t think the train can go across this..”
rather than answering that question tubbo decided he made a hit list.
“we’re going to just go through here.”
“…through where?”
“between the people.”
“you’re creating unnecessary danger.”
you and tubbo started bickering about why he suddenly decided that he was going to hit a bunch of people with the boat for no reason.
“fine you take control y/n!”
“tubbo you were going to kill them!”
“that’s just part of the sailing life!”
you just stared at tubbo shaking your head slightly, trying to process what just happened, then all of a sudden tubbo got up and put you in charge of controlling the boat. you were surprisingly good at it, which was lucky for tubbo and jack who were now leaning out of the boat claiming that they were hiking. they only stopped when the boat began to go faster and noticed you had no idea what you were doing.
“y/n is going to be the reason we crash!”
“yeah i will!”
“why do you sound happy about that?”
“eta france?”
“any second now.”
you decided to focus on making sure the boat was going where you wanted it to go, whilst the others yelled out to the sea occasionally yelling phrases in french as they claimed they could see the french. well you think tubbo was yelling phrases in french, however halfway through you were convinced he started just yelling things in a french accent as he revealed he didn’t actually know french, resulting in jack asking to go to russia as he knows russian.
“y/n, sail is to russia!”
“you know what i don’t wanna drive here you go jack it’s your turn.”
“we’re sick of this shit aren’t we y/n, jack take that…you’re on the wrong side switch sides with us.”
you all swapped sides and you and tubbo sat with your arms around each other instructing jack how to sail .
“yeah, yeah, yeah.”
“thats good now turn us and we’ll be in the wind.”
“we’re about to catch the wind.”
you all swapped sides again and tubbo whispered in your ear, as you sat next to him, about making the boat capsize so jack would go into the water, jack ended up doing a lot better than you and tubbo did, and you all actually started going pretty fast. however, there was absolutely no way you’d get to land any time soon. you sat laughing with tubbo whilst jack yelled about how he was a fisherman, and that’s why he was doing so well and how he studied their fins so he could find out how fish swim.
“for a £50 boat it’s done us well, look we’re sailing, the water cleaned the boat.”
“we havent died.”
“im a little wet, but not too bad.”
“must be nice.”
“oh yeah you fell earlier.”
“they were fighting Poseidon.”
“they probably found a rock they liked and went to get it but it ended up in water.”
you all ended up catching the wind and tubbo decided to make you and jack do reaction images.
“help girl, i don’t know how to sail.”
“okay jack your turn, drive and film.”
“hey look i’m filming and driving!”
“no film me and y/n!”
jack filmed the pair of you, tubbo had his arm around you to prevent you from falling out of the boat as you had a habit of leaning out the boat to touch the water. you had no idea what to do so ended up copying tubbo, the pair of you took off your hats .
“tips fedora…what do you want to name our boat?”
“no way..”
it was around now you and tubbo claimed you were all drifting out to sea, and to just let the wind take you wherever it wants to, whereas jack claimed the boat wasn’t moving at all. you pointed at a boat which was moving a lot quicker than you were.
“he stole our wind.”
“we’re stranded jack,y/n.”
you noticed lani and waved out to her.
“jacks sailing, hes getting sailing tips from my cousins!”
“great can he take us to land?”
“i hope we don’t capsize..”
“why would we?”
tubbo looked at you and you nodded back at him.
“hey jack we’re gonna tip this boat!”
and with that the pair of you stood up and began tipping the boat over whilst laughing.
“tubbo i’m about to fall!”
tubbo grabbed your hand keeping you up on the boat with him, you both even managed to get back in the boat without getting wet.
“no, if i’m in you have to be in too.”
jack pushed tubbo into the water tubbo then went on to pull you into the water with him.
tubbo helped you onto the boat first as this was the second time you ended up in the water, and you were quite clearly cold, he got on after you. you sat on the boat as he filmed the outro and jumped back into the water. once jack ended the recording, you reached out your hand to tubbo helping him back onto the boat. the way back to shore was you and tubbo clinging onto each other trying to warm up, and the three of you making shit jokes, and enjoying each other’s company. you even made a few more plans for when ranboos in the uk. few hours later you had said goodbye to jack and went back to tubbos house, tubbo let you shower first while he stayed with lani as she streamed.
“chuck your clothes outside the door, i’ll put them in the dryer whilst you shower. you can change into these.”
tubbo gave you a hoodie from his merch collection that would be dropping soon, along with your pyjama pants, 30 minutes later you sat with lani whilst tubbo went off to shower, lani ended up finishing the stream after 15 minutes.
“wanna make the necklaces lani?”
“i’d love to!”
not long later tubbo joined the pair of you.
“oooh tubbo i got you some more rocks, they're over there with your phone.”
you ended up making a couple of them into necklaces for him, so the the three of you had something to help you remember the day.
“y/n, i hope you’re enjoying your stay, youll practically be living here for a few month soon.”
“wait their parents said yes?!”
“what are you all talking about?”
@dumb-chaotic-bi-energy @uselesssapphickitten @l0ver0fj0y @etheriaaly @xx-smiley-xx @hawarun @kylobensgirl @cawcaw-pretty-thing @reverse-iak @renleicrashed @augustine-is-joy @c1loudee
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hwangsies · 3 years
just the two of us
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pairing: idol!lee minho × idol!f reader
warnings: smut as in, masturbation (f), softdom!minho (?), choking, thigh riding, somewhat denied orgasm i guess lol, swearing and bad descriptions of dancing
wc: idk maybe 2k?
enjoy <3
"hi guys, im on my way to the jyp building right now" you speak into the vlogging camera.
"...where i'm meeting stray kids lee know sunbaenim to study a choreography for us to perform at the upcoming awardshow" you smile into the camera, holding a thumbs up as you try to conceal your nervousness.
You know that the vlog isnt going to be released until after the show so you dont have to worry about spoiling anything.
"I'll see you guys later" you wave into the camera before handing it back to your manager who lets you know that you'll be there in about 10 minutes.
The only thing you're worried about is meeting a certain very handsome main dancer you may or may not have been biasing since his debut, which was about six months before your group had theirs.
So naturally, when your group grew big with you as their maindancer, and the organizers of the awardshow suggested that you and minho get together for a collaboration stage, you freaked.
Once you pull up to the jyp building, you can make out dispatch paparazzi and roll your eyes.
Your manager just reminds you to ignore them before getting out and opening the door for you.
Quickly you grab your bag and pull your jackets hood over your head.
They start calling your name but you and your team are quick to be inside of the building.
The nice woman behind the front desk gives your manager acsess cards as you look around to see the young camera woman on your team is already pointing the vlog camera on you so you wave into the camera.
Outside you see a crowd of fans also waving and pointing their phones at you through the large glass windows so you also wave back at them; laughing when one of them sends you a flying kiss, so you send one back.
"lets go y/n" your manager speaks to you, and you nod, waving goodbye to the fans before disappearing from their eyes as you step into an elevator.
Inside the elevator you check yourself out in the large mirror, pulling back your hood and smoothing out your hair.
"how do i look?" You ask your manager at which she grins "you look good, relax"
You sigh and nod, clearing your throat as to avoid a voice crack later.
When the elevator doors open, you see the famous dance practice rooms, that are named after big musicians on each side of the hall.
The door to the Madonna room is open and your manager leads the way.
Once you walk in you see another camera pointed at you, minho is standing in the middle of the room.
He as well has a camera pointed at him, he smiles when you lock eyes and bows.
You bow back when he walks towards you; extending his hand, you shake it.
"I'm Minho, nice to meet you" he smiles, he looks even better in person you think.
He's wearing light makeup but you can see that his skin is smooth underneath and his eyes seem even bigger and spraklier in person.
"Y/n, hi, nice to meet you" you bow again, partly to hide your blushing face.
After a minute of somewhat awkward smalltalk you hand your jacket and bag to your manager and the choreographer positions the two of you.
You had already memorized your part of the dance from the video he sent you and minho (you're assuming), now you just had to practice it together.
He makes you stretch to warm up before starting the music to see how much the two of you know of the dance.
Everything goes smoothly and the choreographer praises the both of you.
"lets go ahead and try the lift, im assuming you didnt practice that yet?" He asks.
"no" minho shakes his head, you do as well.
"okay minho, you hold her here" he takes minhos hand and places it on your waist.
"and on the inner thigh so you can spin her better" he explains, your mind starts running though.
What if he feels your inner thigh fat, or even worse, what if you sweat excessively and he slips and drops you.
Your thoughts get disrupted when minho carefully wraps his arm around you to grap onto your thigh.
"is that okay?" He asks from behind you, the little hairs on your neck rising.
"yea" you nod.
"okay, on my count" the choreographer speaks up "one, two..three and up!"
You tense your body when you feel him lifting you, your arms raise on their own accord, legs stiffening to create an aesthetic sillouette.
"very nice" the choreographer claps after minho lets you back down.
"lets take a break" one of the jyp staff members announces.
"you were great" you feel minhos hand graze your arm, your head whips around.
"oh, thank you" you smile sheepishly "so were you" earning a grin from him.
"thanks" he nods, grabbing a bottle of water before giving you one as well.
"thanks" you say, opening it and taking a few sips.
He watches you for a second before doing the same.
"hey, you guys" a young jyp staff woman comes up to you "we're gonna do a little sit down q&a moment, to give the fans some more interaction alright?" she explains, leading you guys to sitdown on the large sofa in the back of the room.
She moves back behind the cameras "so we're gonna be really casual okay? Im gonna throw in some questions and you just answer them"
You and minho nod, looking at each other before looking back at her.
"okay, so have you ever met before?"
"uh- well" you look at minho, he nods, encouraging you to talk "we've seen eachother at music shows, when we were with our members but we never talked" you say.
Minho nods.
"What did you think when you heard of this collaboration?"
Minho starts "i was excited because i think y/n has great stage presence and is a very talented dancer, so i think i could learn a thing or two from her"
"oh, thank you" you huff, surpressing a giggle as you bow slightly.
"What about you, y/n?"
"Uhm- well i was a little scared to be honest because he's really talented himself" you look over at him, so see he's smiling onto the ground "but also because i've been a fan of his since skz debuted so..."
After coming back to the dorm and your members pressing you for every detail of what it was like to meet him and dance with him, you hop straight in the shower.
The warm water prickles at your face before you turn around, letting it run down your back.
You cant stop thinking about the feeling of his hands on your body, they were so strong and warm.
Or the one part of the chorepgraphy where you grind back into him and feel his muscular thighs flexed against the back of your own.
Not to mention his pretty smile and plump rosy lips, you would bet everything that he's a phenomenal kisser.
Your hand is trailing down your body as you imagine it was his, gently running over your mound before dipping into your folds.
A whimper slips past your lips out of frustration, its been way to long since someone had his way with you.
The idol life doesnt always leave time for that, but you can imagine what it would be like if you let minho have his way with you.
Your fingers start rubbing cirlces into your clit as you imagine him being the one to do it to you; kissing down your neck with his plump lips before toying at your nipples with his tongue.
You feel the way your belly tightens when you tink about how he would talk dirty; you dont know what would turn you on more, him calling you a good girl or a filthy little slut.
Would he let you cum right now or drag it out so your could cum around his cock? Damn you bet he has a gorgeous cock, everything on that man has got to be perfect.
And the way his dancer hips would snap into you would definetly be the thing to push you over the edge.
Your head rolls back and you bite your lip as to not let out a sound when your orgasm finally hits.
Your legs quiver a little when you ride out your high.
It wasnt the most earthshattering orgasm you've ever experienced but it did its job in satisfying you a little.
Clean and dry again, you let yourself fall onto your bed, sighing before you climb underneath your sheets.
Grabbing your phone from your nighstand, you see a message from an unknown number pop up.
unknown number : hey y/n -received at 9:56 pm
unknown number : its minho :) -received at 9:57 pm
Your heart skips a beat when the second one pops up, slowly you slide the message and land in the chat.
Whats a cool way to say hi back? hey?....no
sup? oh hell no
hiii....definetly not.
you: hi :) -sent at 9:58 pm
Good one, y/n.
you: how did you get my number? -sent at 9:58 pm
minho : my manager pulled a few strings lol, how are u? -received at 10:00 pm
you : im fine, a little tired ,hbu? -sent at 10:00 pm
Shit, yea go ahed y/n be the driest texter in the world no biggie, its not like this is lee minho.
minho: aww practice was to hard? lol im feeling fine -received at 10:01 pm
minho: jkjk lol the real reason im texting you is to ask if you want to meet up again -received at 10:02
Excuse me?
minho: yk, to practice but without all the cameras and people -received at 10:02
Okay, y/n calm down, dont answer yet. Dont make him think you're desperate to meet him again even though you are.
you: yea, sure. when are you free? -sent at 10:05
Very chill, nice job.
minho: im actually off the day after tomorrow, hbu? -received at 10:06 pm
you: i can make that work in the evening -sent at 10:06 pm
And there goes not looking desperate.
minho: nice, meet me here around 6 then? -received at 10:08 pm
minho has shared a location
minho: its an old dance studio, i know the owner :) -recieved at 10:08 pm
you: alright, see you then :) -sent at 10:09 pm
minho: good night y/n :) -sent at 10:09 pm
Do you send a good night back?...no, that would be too much...right?
You sigh and drop your phone next to you on your bed, your fists rubbing at your eyes.
There is no way you'll be able to sleep the next two nights.
It has been getting warmer recently, so you are surprised when the weather turns its back on you and suddenly blows icy wind against your face.
And you thought you had chosen wisely when only putting on a hoodie over your shirt.
You check your phone to see that you arrived at minhos sent location, yet there is no dance studio in sight.
Shivering, you turn around to search for signs on doors when you hear the door behind you opening.
"hey, in here" minho grins when you stumble around.
You look up at the building and look down at him.
"hi" you smile, somewhaþ confusedly.
"come in" he holds the door open for you.
"this building looks like its gonna get torn down soon" you say, still shivering a little as you look at minho, who's only sporting grey sweatpants and a black tshirt.
"it is" minho nods, looking around "sadly, i love coming here" he adds before looking back at you.
"still cold?" he asks, approaching you before rubbing over your arms with his hands.
"ye-huh" you interrupt yourself, gulping harshly when his cologne creeps up your nose.
He grins "better?" You nod, forcing a smile "yea, thanks"
An hour later, you are deeply immersed in the dance when you stumble at the same spot again, for the nth time.
"fuck" you aggrevatedly run your hand through your hair, angry at yourself for not getting this turn down the way it should look.
"I'm sorry, im usually not this bad i j-"
"you're not bad y/n" minho giggles, shaking his head "its alright, sometimes a move just doesnt work at first"
You huff out some air "im just nervous" you shake your head "i've never done a stage like this and i dont want to disappoint people"
"its normal to be nervous" minho stops the music before coming up behind you "just dont let it overpower the fun part"
He moves some hair from your shoulder "plus its just the two of us right now, and you cant disappoint me" he smiles softly, heat rushing to your cheeks.
"try positioning your hips..." he places his hands on your hips before gently rotating them to the left "... more like this before turning" he explains ,eyes locking in the mirror.
For a second, the only thing you can hear is your own heartbeat as his hands move up a little and linger on the exposed skin of your waist.
"okay" you breathe "lets try it from the top"
"yea" you nod.
The music starts again and your body takes over for you, you kick and jump and turn.
Minho lifts you like its nothing and before you know it, you do the turn exactly like you're supposed to.
The music stops and your breathing fills the silence before the euphoria of getting every single step down perfectly reaches your brain.
You squeal excitedly and clap before falling into minhos arms.
He stiffens at your touch and you immediately let go "i- i'm sorry- i dont know why-"
Suddenly, he lounges forwards and presses his plush lips against yours.
It takes you a second to register whats happening, but when his hands encase your waist, you sling your arms around his neck to pull him even closer.
An approving moan tears from minhos throat before he backs you up untill you feel the cold mirror pressed against your back.
You part your lips and let his tongue roll against yours , his hands roaming over your body.
Everything his happening so fast you cant track where they're going, first they're at your ass then one of them squeezes at your boob; and now it trails up your neck and wraps itself around it as he kisses down the other side.
You feel like your nerve endings are on fire everywhere his hands and lips wander, your eyes fluttering shut as you moan out his name.
He nips at your collarbone before coming back to your lips "i've wanted to do this since the second i saw you" his hand around your neck tightens protectively and you feel yourself clench.
"me too" you whisper before he crashes his lips to yours again, your hand tightening in his thick brown hair as the other clings to his shoulder.
A firm thigh lodges itself between your legs and you feel brave so you roll your hips into it. The ache thats building up in your clit, getting released a little.
Shamelessly you whimper against his lips.
He sucks your bottom lip inbetween his before breaking the kiss again, looking down at your ministrations.
"dirty girl" he grins, releasing your neck and placing both hands on your hips and helping you grind against his thigh.
Your head falls back against the mirror when the fabric of your cotton thong gets rubbed against your clit in just the right way. An almost pornographic moan leaves your lips, "fuck" you whine, locking eyes with minho again.
"god i wanna do so many bad things to you" he grunts, at which you swear you gushed a little more into your panties.
You see his cock straining through the flattering grey sweat material, your hand wandering towards it but he catches it.
"cum on my thigh and you'll get it" he promises, grinning when another high pitched moan spills from your pretty lips.
A sudden loud ringing makes you flinch, and minhos head whips around before removing himself from you.
"wha-?" you mumble confusedly.
He takes his phone and answers the incoming call.
"Hi, hyung" he speaks, turning around "i went for a run, yea-sorry...yea okay...okay bye" he hangs up.
"Who-?" you attempt to speak but your mind is still fuzzy as he throws his backpack over his shoulder and grabs his sweater before coming back to you.
"My manager" he says, taking your hand "i have to go"
"I'm sorry" he kisses your lips "you want me to take you to your dorm?"
"No- no i dont want you to get in trouble" you shake your head.
"Sure?" He tilts his head.
"Yea, of course, im good" you nod, a smile tugging at your lips because he looks really cute with his messed up hair and puffy lips.
"Here" he gives you his sweater "im sure its colder now"
"you'll get cold though" you hold it up.
"nah, i'm hot blooded" he quips, leaning down to lock lips again.
More lingering this time, you feel you stomach churn with butterflies when he moves to your cheek.
"i'm not finished with you" he whispers into your ear, winking before walking out the door.
a/n: ik im supposed to be writing zephyr but this popped in my head and wrote itself so easily i was like👁👄👁 anyways hope u liked it🥰 not proofread so i just know there are thousands of spelling errors in there😍😍
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barsformars · 3 years
req: hiii, idk if you are still accepting requests, but im trying anyways. How about an headcanon of ateez as types of soulmates bonds/ which type of soulmate bond will suit them? Bye have a nice dayyyy
a/n: this one is kinda just like what soulmate aus remind me of them & what i think would wanna write if it was soulmates au and them hehet i hope i interpreted the request properly lmao
ot8 / w.c 1.1k / t.w none
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reincarnation soulmates au
look ik everyone has been hyping up the seonghwa's first life thing so it's my turn to talk about it
the soulmate au where one is immortal and the other is mortal
seonghwa is the latter
and you just watch him from afar everytime he reincarnates, only talking to him once he is of age
and isn't the thought of being with him from his first life to his,, maybe 100th life,, just so,,,, bittersweet
bittersweet because damn obviously it hurts everytime he goes
dreaming of your soulmate au
you're in every dream of his and his in yours anytime the two of you are asleep at the same time
dreams with each other in it always feel so warm and fuzzy and you're always having a good time with each other
and sadly, nightmares when the two of you are not together in the dreams
but thing is you always wake up remembering everything except how he looks like and what his name is; same thing goes for him
*cue draw&draw lyrics*
he misses you and he wants to 'draw' you but he doesnt even know who you are physically
you can hear your soulmates thoughts au
but when you make eye or physical contact, you can't hear those thoughts
so imagine the two of you are seated across each other on the train and the thoughts go like
"omg they have nice shoes"
"why are his hands so pretty"
and those kinda thoughts just keep going and the both of you are just laughing internally at your soulmate because like "honey, im your soulmate, not whoever you're probably drooling over right now"
and then "wait im also drooling over someone else right now,,,"
and then the both of you just decide to lift your heads to meet each other's eyes and suddenly everything is quiet!!!!!!
also imagine later on when youre in a relationship with him and the two of you are just sharing a romantic moment and it's like:
"come on, you have to say it out loud because i can't hear you right now" AND THEN BEING ALL SHY BECAUSE OF THE NON-EXISTENT DISTANCE WHILE SAYING SMTH CHEESY
your soulmate’s face is blurry to you au
this can be kinda sad because you will never really know how each other looks
but i think the sweetness lies in that the feelings you have for each other is genuine and purely because of their personality and all
and of course physical attraction is still important to a certain extent but think this:
the both of you are so familiar with each other through touch and a lot of experiences that you just know exactly where his lips are so you can kiss him pretty effortlessly
you know exactly where his nose ends so you know how to tilt your heads when you kiss so as to not bump noses
AND because you just are that familiar with him, you can kind of form a picture of each other's faces in your heads, like you have a rough idea how big his eyes are, how widely spaced, what his eye shape is etc.
idk but that just sounds really beautiful to me despite all the inconveniences that could arise
PLUS its so easy to spot each other in crowds because only one face is blurred to you lmao
you have a mark wherever your soulmate first touches you au
you are very disturbed because like half of your body is marked
like so much so that it's definitely not like an accidental bump on the streets or smth
so you're just there thinking "who in the right mind would touch a stranger to this extent and why!"
until one day you're minding your business while walking around and someone runs up from behind you and literally just engulfs you into a hug while resting their head in the crook of your neck
and of course, because you're panicking, you turn your head back to look who the hell it was
AND how coincidentally,,, your lips made contact with their brow bone
he releases you when he realises that you were not the friend he was supposed to meet around here
and because your long sleeves rolled up a little, you see the mark slowing fading away, and it just clicks,, he was the one
"this is truly unfair, i gave you a cute little mark and you give me that big ass mark"
you see your soulmate's memories when you touch something they have touched before au
and fate is cruel because it always seems like one of you is always a little later than the other
like if you or him walked a little bit faster and reached the same place a little earlier, maybe the two of you would have met
until one day maybe one day mingi is keeping the change after paying at the cashier and he drops some coins
and you're behind him so you help him pick it up and you suddenly get flashes of his memories
and so does he when you hand the coins back to him
fate is so stupid sometimes but it's cute ig
whatever you write on your skin shows up on your soulmate's skin as well
and wooyoung being wooyoung, loves to share things that makes him happy and things that he wish you would try out as well
and so you can expect his own food recipes, or maybe some lyrics that he's been trying to write, or like ideas for his vlogs and all
let's be real, it's 2021, the two of you could really just share social media handles and meet irl easily but both of you just love the comfort of anonymity
and knowing that someone out there is always listening, or rather, reading, whatever you want to say
when your soulmate gets hurt, flowers bloom at the same exact location
i think this one's kinda cute even tho it can be scary at times i guess
like imagine both of you just wanting to bubble wrap each other up because
i think it is the beauty of taking care of someone as much as you would take care of yourself or reversely, taking care of yourself as much as you wanna take care of someone else
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theppandaboyyy · 2 years
hi so im having a crisis at the moment and really need advice. this post will be really long (probably) and if you dont want to read it thats fine. i just need a space to vent and maybe get some advice from some people.
so i am 16 years old. ever since i was newly 6 years old, i started watching minecraft youtubers. the first one i ever watched was dantdm. i remember feeling so safe and at home when i watched him as a kid. i used to get bullied really badly in elementary school, so when i had a bad day at school or if i really just had a bad day in general and was overwhelmed, i turned to dan’s content. it gave me a space to feel safe when life got too crazy for me. as i got older, i stuck with dantdm for comfort. i started getting really into minecraft, and finding more content creators who liked the same things i did. i remember watching the first episode of dandtm’s diamond dimensions series, and i realized something. THIS is what i want to be when i grew up. i wanted to make content, i wanted to be able to just mess around on a minecraft server with my friends or by myself and people enjoy it. i wanted to make people smile. i even made some stupid vlogs on youtube, just because it made me happy. i went to school with this aspiration, and it got shot down. people told me that since i was born a female, i would never make it. i would never be what i wanted to be. and my little self couldnt understand that because ldshadowlady made it. laurenzside made it. i just couldn’t understand why people were telling me i would never make it as a little girl when some of the people that inspired me were female. so after that, i kept that to myself and went along with every other little girl my age. “i wanna be a vet!” butthat never felt right to me. now as i got to middle school, i was scared to tell people who i wanted to be. i was in my shell, scared to make people see who i actually was. i found my friends over the years of middle school, and they gave me a little bit of the confidence i needed back then to be who i am today. when covid first happened, i was at a low point in my life. i couldnt see my friends, my cousins, my crush at the time, and it mentally killed me. being on my own with nothing to do all day killed me. but, i found my outlet in playing video games. i would play on my dads old systems in my basement, i would play super mario brothers, this one racing game we had, sonic, all the old stuff. and when i wasnt playing those, i was on my dads pc playing roblox with my friends, playing free games on steam, or the sims. i really found my way of getting out my stresses and just havung fun. now around that time, i discovered the dream smp. which at the time, was a new multiplayer server that a couple streamers were on. i watched technoblade first, but because of him u discovered people like dream, sapnap, tommyinnit and tubbo. now i really looked up to tommy and tubbo, theyre only a two years older than me and theyre doing exactly what ive aspired to do since i was 6 years old. i watched their content, watched what they did. i wanted to be just like them. my yearning to be a streamer only grew as i was watching more and more people who were very close to my age grow and succeed at doing what i want to do. now, i have people in my life who have supported me in becoming a content creator, i have the money to buy a gaming setup. i still really, really want to be a content creator. i want to give people, kids, the same safe space that dantdm gave me. i mean when i was overwhelmed, or scared, or had a bad day, they were what i turned to to make myself happy. now as ive gotten older, ive learned so much about content creating and how it can mess with your head if youre not careful. how it can go wrong and not gain any traction at all. but i really, really want to do this. but at the same time, i have another job aspiration i could do. but i know that id forever regret not at least trying to be a content creator. i guess what im here to ask is, what should i do? should i just take the jump and try streaming ? (if you made it this far ily thank you for reading my little rant <3)
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lilyfreshwater · 2 years
Jack’s new vlog was great, if anyone has seen it i recommend even just playing it in the background, but there were points it felt like i was watching the europe vlog again except replace amelia with shubble. i know it was not intended on jack or the editor’s parts but it felt like such a clue in into their relationship at the time to the point it felt as invasive as that sometimes. which if thats the case i dont know how theyve lasted this long bc i feel like i would have gone nuts after a trip like that. Im also not a cc, so maybe some of its normal but still. probably reading too far into it but thats why its called speculation.
i also feel bad bc it seems like she’s really only there bc shes the only one who can drive, she doesnt really get ‘included’ in the vlog until the end. its almost like shes just the driver they got for free bc she happens to be dating one of them. but maybe shes fine with that being that shes an adult who can make her own decisions
side note, i know this definitely has nothing to do with anything but i found it funny, i tuned in to a stream the other day and she mentioned specifically wanting to dye her hair a pale orange, which if she does i hope she likes it, bc someone else will especially like it too
couple things 1) shubble is not a regular participant in the jack manifold vlogs as apposed to wilbur and ranboo, 2) she was driving so that probably made it a little harder for her to participate in some of the bits, and 3) jack was sitting right next to 5up in the back seat. what all this means is it may have seemed like shubble wasn't being included and was just third wheeling the group/there to be the driver, but im sure she was there because she also wanted to be and had a lot of fun. through jacks vlog we only see about 18 minutes of a several hour long car ride so there's a possibility that things could have been much different. they also could have been exactly how youre describing, but we really can't know for sure.
as for the "seeing into the wubble dynamic" part, idk if it's just me or if im remembering the video incorrectly but i didn't really get that feeling at all. i guess the way i still look at wubble from a content perspective is "how would a fan who assumes they aren't dating view this?" and i don't think this vlog was suspicious at all. obviously we have a little bit of a different perspective, but i thought the vlog was pretty standard stuff
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tiredbiostudent · 4 years
i love seeing your posts it's very motivating. if you dont mind me asking, do you have any advice for studying (or tricks you use for urself) ((it's v vague sorry))!!!
hi, thank you! honestly I am absolutely awful at studying but I will try to provide some helpful tips:
1. watching university vloggers always makes me feel more motivated to do work! my favourites atm are nayna florence, moya mawhinney, paigeyy (her old cambridge vlogs bc I think she’s graduated now), linh truong, and may gao 2. I have a really hard time getting started so sometimes you just need to be like alright I can at LEAST open up this pdf or assignment. and I can at LEAST create a new word document and write out what I have to do. and occasionally this tricks your brain into actually starting ;) 3. when you plan a study schedule, give yourself at least one free day where you have nothing planned bc at least for me I will absolutely need it. don’t cram your days full of unrealistic things to do! 4. take advantage of your productive moods, but also don’t be too hard on yourself when you’re feeling super tired or burnt out or unproductive. you can also try and flip your productivity switch on (tho this is hit or miss) by doing less taxing stuff like going on a walk, making your bed, watering your plants- any task that makes you feel like you’re accomplishing something 5. have a hobby and life outside of school. easier said than done, but this will really help alleviate the stress and anxiety you feel when something goes wrong academically and that’s the only “important” thing you feel like you have in life. take time for yourself to learn new things, relax, spend time with friends, be in nature, exercise. all about balance baby! 6. study based on what your exam will test you on. if it’s short answer, study the material but also practice writing out example answers. if it’s matching labels to diagrams, practice that! go beyond just writing out your notes, try and fit your studying method to the format of your test. it helps s o much. 7. similarly, ALWAYS DO THE REVIEW QUESTIONS. if you have no time to do anything else, DO THESE!!! I’ve been burned so many times because I feel obligated to retype out all my notes (bc I have to have everything altogether) and run out of time to do the practice questions my prof gives, and those are always the most relevant to what you’ll be tested on. hell, do these before anything else. cannot stress this enough lol!!!! 8. don’t do the readings unless you NEED to or it helps you learn. otherwise it’s a waste of time (and money for a textbook!) imo 9. switch up where you study. unfortunately this isn’t really feasible right now but I find I’m most productive at the library- at your university (if you go) try to find your favourite study spots, and have a few you can cycle through! for me it’s the lifesci commons, law library and the comp sci building because they’re chill, productive atmospheres (as opposed to the SUB or the health sci building, which are too loud and too intense respectively) 10. keep your phone out of sight lol. and get one of those browser locks like forest to dissuade you from getting distracted. for me it’s more of a split second compulsion to check and once there’s a barrier in my way I’m like oh. nvm. 11. my personal note-taking method is taking written notes in lecture of anything important that’s not on the slides. usually your prof will emphasize the important of a topic too! but if they don’t, pay attention to what they’re spending a lot of time going over. after class I’ll add my written notes to the lecture to supplement it and better explain everything we covered. (for virtual lectures, I basically have the slides open in one half of my screen and the lecture in the other and type notes onto the slides as it plays) 12. practice explaining concepts to yourself out loud- this is a great way to see if you’ve actually understood the material! if you can do this once solidly, you’re good to go and it’ll stick in your brain for a while. 13. also try and make connections between topics you’ve covered because often this is what profs like to ask about on exams (cough ~synthesis~). for instance, recognizing that keratin composes tissues in birds, mammals, reptiles, etc. 14. if you’ve been working hard or having a stressful time buy yourself a nice warm drink because you deserve it! :) 15. this one’s a little weird but if you need to remember something like what the foundational traits of vertebrates are, focus on memorizing how many you need to know! if I know there’s 6 of something I need to remember, it makes recalling them SO much easier 16. if you’ve been sitting down studying for a while take a break to just jump tf around your room. you could also go on a walk I guess but jumping is more fun. 17. it’s good to get a reminder of why you’re in school and what makes you passionate about what you’re studying to drive you to keep going. for me I love to watch nature documentaries or go on hikes or look through field guidebooks or read really neat academic papers :) 18. for the love of god please get enough sleep.
I also have a whole tag of #study tips that is 1000% more helpful than what I can provide so definitely take a look through there! good luck, you got this :) ps sorry this got so long winded lol I hope it helps!
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deerixiie · 4 years
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synopsis: headcanons where you go on aimless road-trips with the boys.
warnings: suggestive themes (in atsumu because he’s atsumu), mentions of drinking (in terushima because he’s terushima)
pairings: atsumu x gen!reader, yamaguchi x gen!reader, terushima x gen!reader, oikawa x gen!reader (i think, please tell me if i have any implications of fem!reader!)
a/n: i hate how my headcanon style changed dramatically through each of these. also, new banner and layout style! hehe <3
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atsumu was looking stressed so you planned a getaway
he thought it would be some fancy hotel with jacuzzis and like king-sized beds but no
you are in the car. together. driving to nowhere in particular
anyway atsumu is a little grumpy at first but then he warms up to it
if he's driving he has one hand on your thigh and if there is a song playing he taps the beat on it
he has a very interesting music taste 
you guys play games like i spy or twenty questions 
okay but atsumu treats i spy like its a major league sport but he just teases you when it comes to twenty questions
you: is it an event? atsumu: yep *smirks aggressively* you: is it an event done commonly? atsumu: hopefully *more aggressive smirking* you: is it a fun event? atsumu: definitely you: .... you: shut up you horny pisshead
(if you don't understand that you're too young bye)
you guys argue about the most random things 
(guess who said what)
you know those annoying songs like "100 bottles of beer on the wall" yeah atsumu is singing that
the entire trip is just him being annoying or being soft 
he talks to you if you're alseep it's the cutest thing ever
when you drive atsumu just looks at you
he has his head resting on the dashboard and his head is turned towards yours with a small smile on his face
"yer beautiful, y'know. i love ya so much <3" (i can't he makes me so soft)
it catches you off guard so the car swerves a lil and you're just like "'tsumu you're going to kill us keep to compliments to-"
"the bedroom?"
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its literally so cute
you and yams are just going nowhere in particular, exploring the back roads and stuff
its for the ✨adventure✨ 
you blast the radio and coax him into singing along with you and its literally so cool because yamaguchi lowkey sounds amazing??
he likes holding your hand as he drives, he traces little patterns into your palm (it calms him down)
he's literally always asking if you're okay because he doesn't want you to be miserable and ruin the whole trip
hes saying stuff like "are you thirsty, baby? should we stop somewhere? do you want to rest your legs?" 
you have to reassure him that you're okay, but just because he cares about you 🤧💗 im so soft
you guys have nice conversations as you drive, sometimes you point out the scenery or just listen to the music
if you fall asleep he'll just look at you, if he can he might just stop the car and admire you because he loves you so much
when you're tired you stop in a relatively safe place and go in the backseat to just cuddle and fall asleep together with a weighted blanket, it's not too comfortable but it's good nevertheless
you guys find this empty field on a really clear night, and you drive out and just sit in the field and look at all the stars
yams tells you he loves you over and over again 🥺💗
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the summer coming-of-age movie vibes y'all give off-
terushima somehow has a jeep, it's one of those convertible ones yknow
the top is always off. no matter how cloudy or sunny or how dark it is the top is always. off.
you guys scream song lyrics at the top of your lungs, even if you're on the highway (terushima listens to five seconds of summer fight me)
you're drinking pop and eating chips and popcorn the entire time
terushima literally has no idea where he's going but he doesn't care
you guys found a cliff 😳 you drove up to it and just hung out there for a while (terushima wanted to cliff-dive, but you said no 💔)
teru is always making jokes and laughing and having the best time of his life
he puts his arm behind the back of your chair but sometimes snakes his hand through the headboard to play with your hair or tickle your neck
he's literally always looking at you, his eyes are NEVER on the road wHO GAVE THIS MAN A DRIVERS LICENCE
you guys play truth or dare 💔 it doesn't go well-
(you can decide who said what ❤️)
terushima always wants to drive even though every time he's behind the wheel you end up fearing for your life
but the one time you drive is when terushima gets really drunk drowsy and you're driving at night on this really empty road
terushima is looking at you and he's quiet for once, and all of the sudden he's like "babe, i love you so much" and you're just like "i love you too, dork"
but then he's like "no really you're amazing, im so lucky to have you" and you just 💘🥰💓🥺💗❣️❣️
and then you start making out
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he'd be driving and then he'd see a place and he'd be like "omg y/n let's stop over there and take a few pictures"
at first it was good, you stopped in a sunflower field and an abandoned road and took some really good photos, but then it just got annoying 💔
 like yams, oikawa holds your hand while he drives. sometimes when he's driving and you're just chilling you'd randomly feel him squeeze your hand
he also does the thing where he kisses the back of your hand as he holds it 😳💗💗
he's always stealing your food 😔👊🏾 like he'd have a full container of fries sitting in his lap and he'd reach over to take yours
and then he'd have the audacity to give you that little wink and tongue thing afterwards
you guys fight over the aux... it gets heated but you guys still love each other <3
he vlogged like the first two days of the trip before it got boring and just took random videos of the two of you instead
basically the whole time you're usually just talking about random things (sometimes you'd have really deep conversations about the future or aliens) or just sitting in a comfortable silence as he holds your hand. it's just really relaxing
if its your turn to drive he's sneaking pictures of you (and himself) or taking naps (he'd complain about neck cramps as soon as he wakes up)
you guys find a really good place to watch the sunrise and you sit on the front of your car and just watch in silence
oikawa rests his head on your shoulder and places a tiny kiss on your cheek. "you know what's beautiful?"
"the sunrise?"
"no :3"
"yes, but no :3"
"tooru, if this is a-"
"you are! :3"
he's too cute so you don't say anything else
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babyflossy · 4 years
exposed | p.js
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pairing: jisung x reader
requested: i’m working on loads of request atm but when i saw this i had to write it straight away lmao
summary: when dispatch reveals your secret realtionship with jisung to the public, the fans aren’t the only ones surprised.
warnings/genre: unedited, kinda just self-indulgent fluff, lots of words, not much happens
word count: 1.7k
a hand on your shoulder breaks you from your slumber, words already being spoken at you. in your sleepy haze, they floated straight through your head, mind still groggy from being woken up so suddenly. as soon as you recognise the voice as your manager’s,  your eyes snap open, meeting equally wide ones over the head of your manager. haemee, your leader, shoots you an apologetic look, something unsettling for so early in the morning.
“what happened?” the words are quiet and tired and your manager sighs in pity, handing over their phone. your eyes squint in response to the brightness, stomach dropping when your eyes finally focus on the news article.
the title is accompanied by three photos; one of you at a fansign, smiling at a fan, one of jisung waving at a camera in the airport, and then a blurring photo of two figures walking hand in hand through a park at night. the park you and jisung had visited two weeks ago. 
“there’s a meeting at the company. can you get ready quickly, please?” despite the ‘scandal’ and the stress your manager was most likely under, she shoots you a comforting smile and ruffles your hair before leaving, phone already ringing. 
as soon as you and haemee are left alone you reach for your phone, feeling the bed dip as she sits beside you. she rests a hand on your shoulder, rubbing her fingers down your back soothingly. your lockscreen in full of text messages. you thumb through them, seeing many from jisung, along with the other nct members you were close with. you ignored them all, only searching for the ones from your boyfriend.
jisungie <3: have you seen it yet?
jisungie <3: call me when you see this
jisungie <3: are you okay?
jisungie <3: i know you didn’t want ppl to find out like this
jisungie <3: let me know you’re okay plzzz x
“it’s gonna be fine, you know?” haemee’s hands abandon your shoulder and take your phone out of your grasp, tipping your chin so she can look at you. there’s still a smile on her face and you’re reminded of why she’s the group’s leader instead of anyone else; always able to keep things calm. “think about all the other idols that have dated. i bet the fans were expecting this, anyway.”
that was probably correct, you knew. ever since you and jisung had starred on a dancing show in america together, your social medias were full of edits of the two of you, compilations of your interactions from the vlogs you had filmed. as jisung wasn’t fluent in english you had translated for him and done the speaking whenever you ordered food, giving the fans loads of things to include in their edits.
the show had been fun and you had kept in close contact with jisung after it ended, eventually deciding to start dating after months of pining over each other. since then, only haemee, taeyong and the company knew, although you expected chenle knew as well due to the teasing you got whenever you met jisung outside of your training hours. 
when haemee left you to get ready you took your phone back, unlocking it and calling jisung as you flicked through your wardrobe, trying to find your hoodie. the call connected after the first ring, jisung’s voice echoing over the line and into your bedroom.
“are you okay?” although there was high chance you were about to be scolded for days, the worry in jisung made your heart beat just a little faster, a reluctant smile taking over your face. 
“i’m fine. what about you?” spotting the lilac hoodie at the end of your closet, you pulled your sleep shirt, jisung’s shirt, over your head, replacing it with the warm softness of the purple material. you followed it with a pair of jeans, slipping a face mask on after realising there would probably be reporters outside the SM building already.
“yeah, i’m fine now. i freaked out at first, though,” he chuckled, shouts coming through from his end. “jaemin came in screaming about how he was so betrayed i didn’t tell him, i had no idea what he was talking about.”
“what’d you think is gonna happen?”
there was a pause before he spoke and you had time to grab your bag, throwing in your headphones and a spare mask along with a pair of sunglasses incase. “i’m not sure, taeyong said he’s hopeful, though. so it might not be that bad. it’s not like the company’s finding out about it, though, so it might just be press and stuff.”
“yeah, i hope so. i’ll see you in fifteen minutes i guess,” before you left the safety of your bedroom, you reached for the bucket hat hanging from the corner of your chair, pulling it over your face to hide your eyes. you looked ridiculous, like you were planning to rob a bank, but you guessed it was better than the alternative; hundreds of photos released of your sleep-deprived, drooping eyes.
no one else in the dorm is awake and you’re able to slip out the front door before haemee catched you again, taking a deep breath before heading outside to the car waiting. as it’s just you and your manager, you’re able to sit in the front seat, something you would normally be ecstatic about but due to circumstance it feels lonely and cold. not a word is spoken until the car reaches the entrance to the SM building, throngs of people with cameras waiting outside the front door.
“we’ll go in the back entrance.” you manager says with a frown, eyeing the reporters with concern. “god, it’s impossible to get any privacy nowadays.”
after security escorts you through the back door, pushing reporters out the way when they got too close, you can finally breath properly. for the most part you ignored their questions, signing the first song that comes to mind in your head to distract yourself. ironically, it’s chewing gum, and you realise with resentment it’s going to be stuck in your head throughout the meeting.
upstairs, taeyong and jisung sit on the opposite side of a glass table, two seats left open for you and your manager. their manager stands and motions for him and your manager to talk privately outside, leaving you with the two boys. you take off your hat as you sit down, pulling you mask down so you can talk properly. jisung’s tired eyes crinkle with a smile when you do, a smile you return eagerly.
for a moment you see taeyong think over what to say in his head, trying to find the right words for the situation. eventually, he settles on what your own leader had already told you. “i’m sure this will be fine,” and as if he realises how cliche his words are, he adds “in the end.”
“in the end? what’s that supposed to mean?” jisung tears his eyes away from you to look at the older boy.
“well, i mean, it’s gonna be a big deal at the start,” he states matter of factly, eyes switching between the two of you. the voice he uses is just as level and calm as the one haemee uses whenever she’s trying to sort something out, it must be a universal thing. “the press and the fans will go crazy for a bit, let alone everyone you didn’t tell.”
the reminder makes you dread going back home, knowing the rest of your members will blow this way out of proportion. you were the youngest, and they always managed to be overdramatic whenever it came to you ‘growing up’ as they had put it so many times. none of them knew you were dating jisung, and you could already picture the gloomy pouts you would get for the next few weeks.
after your managers returned, a few more staff entered, filling the last few seats and closing the door, successfully locking you in. they talked for what felt like hours, only occasionally asking you or jisung a question. they decided the easiest thing would be to just come out and admit it, allowing you and jisung a moment to disagree. you locked eyes for a moment, having a silent conversation between yourselves. you raised you eyebrows in question, taking the minuscule nod he sent your way to be the go-ahead.
“i don’t see why not,” you answered for the both of you, smiling at your manager who nodded in agreement back at you.
you don’t get a chance to say goodbye to jisung properly before you leave the building, the staff ushering you in opposite directions to get your schedules for the day started. in the car on the way back to the dorms you send him a text promising to facetime when you both have time, mentally preparing yourself for the confrontation from your members.
“you’re dating jisung?” is the first thing you hear when the front door opens, closely followed by “why didn’t you tell us?” which is swiftly followed by “i can’t believe you’re the first one to date anyone, it’s not fair.”
“that’s mean.” you smile back at the oldest, laughing at the disbelieving smiles covering their faces. “why are you guys so surprised? you didn’t think i could do it?”
“whatever, but, why didn’t you tell us?”
“in my defense, the company told us not to tell anyone.”
for the next few days, your group’s twitter was hectic. you trended on twitter for nearly a solid day, photos and edits and memes of you and jisung together filling your timeline. there were the negative comments, obviously, from jealous fans of both fandoms, some even claiming you should both be removed from your respective groups. they were easy to ignore when the positive comments and the text messages from your boyfriend outweighed them astronomically.
jisungie <3: as much as i hate to say it.. taeyong was right x
a/n: if you got this far im acc proud of you lmao i rlly dont like this but it's been a kinda mentally exhausting day for me so im gonna post anyway and edit tomorrow x
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twopoppies · 3 years
Hi love, if you're up for it, I have two questions for you or those that have ever been to a concert:
1. I have good hearing, but when I listen to videos from past concerts, a lot of audio gets picked up, which means the singer tends to be challenging to understand, not by much most of the time, but there is a noticeable amount where I have to go back and listen again. When I go to a concert, I worry that that's how it will sound, but in real-time, I won't understand all of what they are singing, especially what they are saying in between. Is it like that?
2. I'm pretty sure I'm overthinking it but I've seen a couple videos where a fan repeatedly screams the singer's name while they are two feet away or their eyes are glued to their phone trying to capture three seconds of them walking by. Maybe if the person is getting the video for a loved one, but if not, it feels dehumanizing. I get it but at the same time I dont and ever since I saw this psychology video explaining fan behavior I wonder that I'll do something like that because I'll be in shock. It would be great to be calm instead of shouting or shoving a camera in their face out of basic respect while they try to speak/sing and enjoy being there in the moment if I can help it. Even though freaking out and getting footage is a totally natural reaction that Im not judging anyone for. I mean it's a concert so it's kind of the best place ever for that. Have you ever been the calm friend everyone expects to be chill and then you’re so chill you pee yourself? 😆 That actually came from a vlog where another woman was calm and then after the show in the parking lot said when louis or harry (can’t remember which) walked on stage she peed herself a little jfoijfpijdk
Hi love. So, I don’t think you’ll actually have an issue with either one. The only time I really had a hard time hearing what was being sung or said was when I saw 1D during WWA because I had shit seats, it was an outdoor stadium, and you cannot IMAGINE the volume of the screaming of the girls at that show. Never before and never since has it been that bad (and I’ve seen some huge acts in huge arenas/stadiums).
As for question number two, unless you’re actually going to be right at the stage, I don’t really think it matters how ridiculous you are with your screaming or phone. And if you’re going to be close, I don’t know. I guess just try to remember he’s a human being. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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dojae-huh · 4 years
Ok so the cameras arent installed according to the kfans, they even point out that in the second half of the video it's all jaehyun blurry video taking skill they have (what1sjdclub/status/1296526800235819013?s=19). They also have everything else guessed even the shoe size of the the white shoes lying in the room. But do u think jaedo would be alone there, I dont think so. They differently need a manager for all the hotel booking and them going in, to the making everything else like travelling to the concert venue for doyoung as he went away to the concert of taeyeon. I do believe jaedo were in the room together, coz jaehyun has the shittest camera skills out of neos. All his videos are always blurry and just unfocused so I definitely feel like doyoung came along to help him out and the hotel is near the concert so it good for him too as doyoung reached in time to show support to someone he was trying to bag as a friend (and now doyoung is one of few male idols taeyeon is close to).
I've even read kfan saying that they got the room for the night but why would they go out for nights, when they have their own dorms with an empty room for them 🤷‍♀️.
I know kfans and also cfans keep talking abt this but I want to know what they want to cover up ever few months that they bring this topic up. Either jaedo are seen around and instead of talking abt that they always bring this back or the boys do go out to "hotels" and this is the kfans way of talking abt a new incident. The kfans would never talk abt a sure thing so openly on twitter, coz they're more afraid of antis than ifans are. Jaehyun is on a rise they would try their best to hid all his things. This is just a little charming gossip coz it was for a offical video.
This also makes u wonder how much they know abt the outings but never share them at all. Remember when johndo was reported everyday but the fandom refused to talk abt jaedo going to dinners together. Kfandom hides alot, if they're talking abt something openly on twitter it's not that big
Link (1. Do took the pic before the concert (Taeyeon’s clothes), 2. the part with Jae shooted by another person, 3. the venue the concert had place in could be seen from the window).
The cameras were installed, here is a view from an on-wall camera. And there is a tripod. The shooting of Jae’s vlog was preplanned. 
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Why kfans keep bringing it up is an interesting question. Maybe it is actually known Jaedo were there with a manager? And talking so much about this makes it “delulu conspiracy”? Noone talked about Guri. Take note, during the winter break Doyoung went out in his hyung’s clothes (not! dressed up in a new pricy jacket) and he tagged his mom as the photographer (he tagged noone for Guri’s pics). 
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