#i wasnt expecting her to be awake but she was and she called me. and we had a good talk
cyberkitty1 · 1 year
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- he knows that the work he does is dangerous and could very easily all blow up in his face, but he wants.. no needs to keep you and the other two people he has in his life. He keeps his work away from home he doesn’t want you or his mother to figure out anything. But one small mistake and he releases his secret.
“ Where is he? “ you mumbled to yourself dressed casually ready for your pre-planned date with Miles. You guys where planning on going to small restaurants to eat at them go to him place for a movie. Checking the time on your phone your realize he’s an hour late late. He was supposed to pick you up at 7:00.
So you text him
y/n. where are u??? you where supposed to pick me up over an hour ago
“ Are you kidding me? “. You stare at your phone waiting for a response but it doesn’t happen. you start to get frustrated, upset even. The tears build in your eyes as you tilt your head up to the sealing. This is the fifth time he flaked on you, in a row.
You decide to get undressed, no point in waiting anymore. Just as you where about to lay down and put on your favorite show, Bzzz he texted you.
miles. im sorry mami i got called in for work ill make it up to you
y/n. so work is more important than me now???
miles. dont start now we will talk later
y/n. sure
She was mad, beyond mad angry. The thing that got to her the most was that he told her he would take her out not the other way around. Slowly the anger turned into sadness, why was he always working? Was this so called work even important? was he cheating? No he would never.
You where just so confused. You checked the time and saw is was already 10 o’clock, had you thought that much? You sighed brining the blanket up to your neck turning off the TV to watch tiktoks on your phone. He texted you multiple times but you where not in the mood to respond.
Suddenly you heard the familiar sound of your window being opened. You knew who it was but you didn’t want to look; continuing to face the opposite way.
You heard him close the window behind him and walk a couple steps. “I know youre awake” he said “ I never said I wasnt “ you spit back. “ well you werent even looking at my texts, whys that?” he questioned. You sat up turning twords him “ you know why! “ tears filling your eyes.
“I waited an hour for you to show up but you never did! I waited and waited until i gave up.” Miles sighs holding the bridge of his nose. “ im sorry you know that, I had work-” “ oh! so work is more important than me? Youre willing to ditch me so you can go do your so called “ work” you said doing air quotations.
His face hardens “alto, te dije cuando nos pusimos serios que mi trabajo me llama al azar. Whenever they need me I go” he sighed. You thought about what you were going to say next. “ Ok Miles, but i need you too” you tried to keep your voice even but failed, your eyes welled with tears threatening to fall. He sat next to you on your bed.
“Lo sé mami, lo siento, sé que puse el trabajo antes que tú, pero estoy haciendo esto para mantenerte a salvo, ¿verdad?.” You only stared at him. “ Keep me safe from what?” He closed his eyes taking a deep breath, and explained to you everything from the moment his dad died.
“ Solo lo hago para que mi mamá no tenga que trabajar tanto por dinero. Ella ya hace tanto por mí que necesito ayudar. Do you understand?” You turn and look at his brown eyes just as the moonlight hits them. His eye bags are dark his face is tired.
You know what he does now and for some reason you are not scared instead you feel for him. You had no idea he was going through all that he never told you.
You wrap your arms around his neck bringing him into a hug, in turn be wraps his hands around your waist head resting on your shoulder.
“ You’re not scared of me right mami?” He says quietly “never mi amor.”
This was not proof read that much sorry .
This is my very first writing on here so please be kind. I have more in the works so expect more soon 🤭
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clouds-regression · 1 year
some more rottmnt headcanons, warnings are next to the numbers. if i missed any tws, tell me.
•when they were younger, splinter went into a severe depression, so raph had to raise his brothers.
•when he first met april, it was weird, since she took on the role of the oldest.
•it was the first time he could be a kid, and just play with his brothers as a brother rather than a parent.
2. (disordered eating & sleeping)
•when donnie gets invested in a project, he'll forget to eat, sleep, and drink water.
•the only thing he consumes is coffee in these periods, causing quite a bit of weight/muscle loss, depending on how long it lasts.
•leo's taken note of this, and has memorised how donnie acts before hyperfixating.
•if he recognises it, he'll go out and buy a case of water and some protein bars, along with vitamins to keep his twin as healthy as he can.
•leo has insomnia, and will often lay awake for hours.
•because of this, mikey picked up the habit of going to him after nightmares, since he was the only one awake, and mikey wasnt in the mood for donnie's infodumping.
•after a particularly hard mission, leo will have his room set up for a 'sleepover', knowing mikey will have a nightmare.
•mikey, in turn, will bring fluffy pajamas, a fairytale book, and melatonin for leo, in an attempt to help him fall asleep.
•raph doubts himself, a lot.
•all of the turtles do, really, but raph's self doubt haunts him.
•he constantly rethinks battles, reminiscing on what he could have done differently, how he couldve protected his brothers, etc etc
•this started the turtle pile tradition after a mission, because as much as leo trusted raph, he didnt want his 'big bro' to be alone in that mental state.
5. (suicide attempt)
•leo will often sacrifice himself, fully expecting to die, with the excuse of it being an impulsive decision.
•when donnie catches onto these patterns of depression and self sacrifice, he questions leo.
•leo ended up breaking down and telling donnie everything, and he wasnt allowed to be alone for a while after that.
6. (meltdown, harmful stim)
•raph is usually the first to notice when donnie is about to have a meltdown.
•having to raise them all, he sort of noted that donnie will start pacing, hitting his leg, and scrunching his eyes before a meltdown.
•it hurts raph so much when he cant do anything as his little brother throws himself against the wall and bruises his head because of another meltdown.
•however, he knows he can help afterwards, by just being there.
•after the krang, draxum had explained to leo that his spine and leg muscles would likely never fully heal, and he may need a cane or wheelchair.
•upon donnie finding out, he begun making a dozen different wheelchair and cane blueprints for his twin to choose from.
•leo was still a bit insecure about the ambulatory wheelchair thing, but hey, the blue chair with jetpacks and purple ribbons was pretty cool!
•casey still sometimes calls leo 'dad', and it breaks everyone every time he does.
•leo's response is never judgy, and he usually doesn't acknowledge it unless casey's talking about his future counterpart, which is when he'll say 'im proud of you, buddy', or something along those lines.
•although casey sr has taken the role of giving her son a childhood he missed out on, leo still has a big part in it, and he knows he'll always be 'dad' to casey jr.
•raph age regresses, and he tends to be pretty insecure about it.
•he was especially embarrassed when mikey had found out; he was supposed to be the 'big brother', the role model!
•but mikey loved the idea of being an older brother for a bit, and took.up the role of sitting raph when he was small.
•it made regressing easier for raph, and gave dr. feelings more coping mechanisms to suggest.
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spricket-central · 14 days
this is a particularly hard memorial to write.
let me tell you about Bagel, the king of Chill.
on may 23rd, 2023, i successfully hatched my first ever captive bred spricket, a special girl named Poppyseed.
having one hatchling was already exciting, but soon afterwards, i spotted another fresh hatchling on my bedroom wall.
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i tried to capture the lil guy, but he bounced away before i could, and i was unable to find him.
i theorize this little hatchling was Bagel, because exactly two months later, i found a young nymph in my bedroom who appeared to be exactly the same age as Poppy. this time, i managed to catch him!
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if this was the same hatchling, im so, so grateful i got a 2nd chance at catching him.
to match his buddy, Poppyseed, i decided to name him Bagel.
he was pretty chill as a young nymph. id often find him just zoning out in the open. i was actually somewhat concerned by this behavior, as nymphs are typically EXTREMELY shy, so i worried that he was perhaps in too poor health to hide away, but my fears ended up being unnecessary. Bagel was just Like That!
he was even pretty chill during tank cleanings as a nymph, going into the Jr. Tube used for transport with no fuss! ...he became more defiant of the tube as he aged though, ahaha. damn.
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theres no way of telling the sex of a spricket until they reach the age where females begin to sprout their ovipositor. when i noticed Poppyseed's coming in, i was hoping Bagel would turn out to be male so i could play matchmaker with them, and to my delight, his butt remained bare!
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it became pretty evident as he aged that Bagel was just extremely laid-back (for a spricket at least). even when he lived on the kitchen counter, a fairly busy place, he would just remain unbothered, even when i was making a bit of a commotion while preparing my cat Wembley's food. this man was truly The Vibe Master.
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about a week after Poppyseed, Bagel had his final molt and entered adulthood, which meant it was finally time for the two to meet!
when i moved the pair into my biggest tank (the Luxury Suite, i call it), i didnt know what to expect. i put Bagel in first, and he got a bit spooked upon entry (chill as he was, he was still a spricket, ahaha) and ended up hanging on the ceiling. oops. i went ahead and added Poppy, and she immediately seemed to be aware of Bagel's presence up there: she was anxiously pacing around beneath him, rapidly waggling her antennae straight up in the air to touch them against his. eventually, the curiosity was too much for her, and with a boing, she sprung up onto the ceiling to join him!
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they sat up there together for a while, now touching each other with their antennae gently and calmly. it would end up being the beginning of a truly special little relationship.
sprickets are, of course, insects. theres no way of us to truly know what they are capable of thinking and feeling with those simple little brains, but i think its safe to say they dont form complex bonds with each other in the way we and our fellow social mammals do... but there was definitely some form of "affection" between Poppyseed and Bagel, to whatever extent sprickets can feel it. they had an observable preference for each others company. id find them just calmly relaxing side by side extremely often, whether they asleep or awake.
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they spent most of their lives together, coexisting, mating... and chasing each other away from their daily veggies. hey, no relationship is perfect!
on april 25th, only a day after she turned 11 months old, Poppyseed died peacefully of old age. Bagel lingered beside her body. he wasnt cannibalizing it (as sprickets, being opportunistic scavengers, are prone to doing to their fallen comrades); just sitting beside. it. he lingered in the spot her body laid after i removed it to bury her.
i dont think sprickets feel grief, but i was a little worried for Bagel all the same. losing his partner of 9 months was still a change, and every living thing strives for homeostasis. still, in his new, smaller tank, he continued to thrive.
he had grown "outgoing" in his old age, often to be seen taking little strolls during the day, and, of course, continuing to emanate emaculate vibes. he was a delight to observe, and was such a handsome boy! he had this lovely pair of spots on his back, a striking feature that had always made him easy to tell apart from Poppyseed, even when without seeing his lack of an ovipositor.
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because of how close in age he was to Poppyseed, i knew that Bagel didnt have much time left either after she passed, but he hung on for much longer than i could have hoped for: a whole month! he was active and spunky right up to his final day.
when noticed his slumped, lethargic posture on night, i knew it was time to say goodbye. he passed away peacefully the next day. while i didnt know his exact age, having been wild caught and not hatched in captivity, i estimate he lived to be about an entire year old.
it was a wonderful year spent with him. id like to imagine it was for him too. he had a safe home and never had to go hungry. he had a tankmate, and got to mate... many, many times, ahaha. and, while he had no way of knowing or comprehending it, he was so, so loved.
Bagel... i cant thank you enough for the joy youve given me. ive raised quite a few sprickets, but you truly did stand out from the rest. every spricket has its own personality: some have been brave, some have been spunky, but no one has had the laid-back nature you brought to the table. you were my suave little sleepy head, and im so, so grateful for every moment i had with you. im grateful to have caught you, whether it was my 2nd chance or my 1st. im grateful to have gotten to see you grow and thrive. im grateful that you and Poppyseed were able to grow old together.
i love you, you silly old man. I'll always love you. thank you for being my friend.
i will always remember my dearest Bagel, The Vibe Master. 💚
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July 23rd, 2023 (caught) - May 25th, 2024
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ukittyu · 2 years
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Jack In The Box!
Summary: You never seen it's face but you've seen it's silhouette. You've heard it's laugh and sometimes it calls your name. It's always been this way but it was always at the back of your mind, until, due to a series of unfortunate events that led you to a mental hospital for a couple weeks, things started to get trippy.
Part 3
TW: Yandere themes, traumatic childhood, substance ingest, Imaginary friend turned sleep paralysis demon!Hoseok AU! Slow-burn. This episode contains violence, leave if you're sensitive. TW will be updated if needed.
As expected, you didnt get any sleep thst night. You tried everything to keep your mind busy with other things. you wanted to sleep, you didn't wanted to give up your rest for a nightmare but the fear was swallowing you whole. Your neck hurted and you spended quite the time trying to cover them up with make up, sunday. Today its the day you must do something for this.
The night was warm and despite being in the middle of the city, there wasnt much noise. It got on your nerves, you hated this silence, in silence you could only hear your thoughts, so you played music, watched some mvs on your tv. 3:00am on your clock your eyelids felt so heavy, your body was fighting to stay sat and straight. Everything was so boring and this dread on your stomach, you knew it well.
You felt lonely and even though you considered yourself the most independent person, you wer afraid to be alone, to feel alone. You found it weird that none of your friends responded through out the day, it led you to overthinking. "Maybe they still sleeping?" "Or maybe the just got tired of me." Am I just the party friend? Do I even have real friends?" You did, you were certain of that until yesterday. You felt like when you were little.
When you will ask the kids from your block to play with you and they gave you bad faces or straight up told you to get lost. Same in some parks, same in the school. You weren't the most introverted but also not that outgoing, you felt like it was a good amount of both. You always tried to make people laugh, talk about intresting topics, anything to be accepted because most of the time you didn't feel like being enough.
Two tears scaped your eyes as you reminisce, you held your knees up to your body and hid your face in them as you sobbed. Seems like you've never got over that awful moments. Your mind recalling all your sad memories. Like when you told your parents that you wanted to dance, be a professional dancer one day and they just laughed, when a little girl pushed you out the playground claiming your were a crazy weirdo and your teacher laughed from afar.
These and many more, they still hurted and you cried like you haven't done in a while. You were to busy getting your life together, hanging out. You felt like your real life begun after 14. People approached you willingly, people wanted to be your friend as if it was magic, as if that gloomy cloud raining above your head disappeared.
You felt accepted, content with this people who became your family, you kept 3 of your first teenage friends til this day and you were so grateful. You wished them the best always. That's when your phone beeped. Your group chat had like 10 messages, you smiled relieved.
They always got your back, it was as if they sensed everytime you felt bad but they coming up and responding in the middle of the night was far from comforting today. They said that one of your friends, Misa hadn't picked up her phone nor responded since the night of the party. The rest, Max and Syd your guyfriends were asking if you knew something. Worried as hell you said no, that it was the same with you, she never responded.
The 3 of you made plans to meet the next day to look for her. This was beyond odd. Misa was always a responsible girl, she always texted back, she always made sure her people know where she's at, what she's up to. If you were worried before this got even worse. The sun rised up again and you were still awake, eyes puffy from all the crying and tiredness.
You got up from the bed and had your breakfast. 2 hours lattee you hear a banging in your soor you open up to see both of your friends. You received them with a smile but their faces were the exact opposite. They looked kinda like you, dark bags under their eyes, they were looking pale and mad. You let them in and Max speaks first.
"Do you have any idea of where she could been?"The air got thick and there was a couple seconds of silence as all of you recalled the last time you saw her."I never saw her leave the house, I left first and said goodbye. She was here with you "
"Yes, she was but she left in the morning, after everyone left. She was heading home."
"She never answered our calls, her phone seems to be off. Her family is looking for her already."
There was this silence again, you looked down, feeling a sorrow. This was all wrong, your friend, she cannot be lost, you tried to be positive and think maybe she lost her phone and it's out with some other friends, maybe, even if it didnt make sense. "What's on your neck?" Max pointed out and you panicked, you forgot it and you quickly covered the marks." Hey what's happening? Who did this to you?" Syd was agitated, raging at the thought of someone hurting you.
"It's nothing, I swear. I just..." You couldn't make up any explication at the moment and sighed."
"Does it have to do with Misa? Did someone did something to you and her? Where is she?!"
The situation was getting out of hand as Max grabbed your arms as he shouted every question into your face. Tears spilled from your eyes and you said "I...I can't explain." He let go of you and run his hand into his hair as he sigh.
"Listen, I'm sorry. I'm just nervous with all of this. Misa suddenly vanished into thin air and you, you appear with marks on your neck. You know you can trust in us, just tell us what happened!"
He screamed last sentence and broke down in tears. Syd was shaking, the pressure of the conflict was to much to take.
"L-let's just calm down. She's going to come back...anytime." That was all Syd said during the evening. Max just cried with you and apologized like a thousand times. They left a couple hours later and promised to stay tuned to any update or news.
As they were living Syd stood at the door for a second and turned around to you.
"If she doesnt show up...and you don't explain what happened to your neck, I'm calling the cops on you." Then he left. You couldnt understand how your friends switched this way. They were never rude to you, never had this demeanor, you understood, you felt scared too and you knew that you'll freak out in their position but mever this way.
There was never a dull moment beside them and now that Misa was gone, everything went downhill. Once again you didnt sleep, you tried to find your old therapist number. You remember her name, the last time you met her she worked at your school but she didn't work there anymore. You searched for her name online but there was no phone number, hopeless you threw yourself on your bed, as you looked up you saw your plushie fall from behind your pillows.
"Hey, where you've been little doll?" You held it above your face to examine it well. It was grey colored, his head was like a skull, x-cross were it's eyes and it had little pants and gloves like the old cartoons. Your mom never liked it, she said it seemed like it was dead and it creeped her out.
You never felt afraid of it, it comforted more than any person has, it was there in your worst and best moments. As if it was your first best friend, but somehow you knew it wasn't, you didnt remember how you got it either. You just know you had it since you were like 11. Once again you felt the sting of your tears in your eyes, you wanted to go back to where good things started to happen to you, you knew that life its a cycle and everything need to balance itself but you wanted to be tranquil. You hadn't felt this bad in a long time.
A feeling of emptiness, feeling like you disappointed your friends and now they doubt of you. In a sense they're in their right, one of their friends is missing and the last person to be seen with her has her throat marked up. Still it hurted you that after all these years of friendship, they turned into your chosen family and this was the first breaking point in which you felt like everything could end terribly wrong. You hugged your plushie as your tears ran down your face, slowly you drifted off.
A/N:Hey! Sorry for taking so long to upload this one, I wasnt really satisfied with the result. It's much like a filling chapter? If thats the right expression? Im working on the next but hope you can understand the character a lil nore now. As always thank you for waiting and reading!
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catnykit · 6 months
𝔽𝕝𝕠𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕡𝕤 𝕗𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥 #𝟙 𝔸 ℙ𝕆𝕆ℝ 𝔻𝔼𝕍𝕀𝕃
𓃠 𓃬𓃠 𓃬𓃠 𓃬𓃠 𓃬𓃠 𓃬𓃠 𓃬𓃠 𓃬𓃠
pls tell me if you want to be tagged for more stuff like this idk
Word count: 1674
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;Suicide/suicide attempt
Blood loss
Torture hints/mentions
✨️Trauma,Of course
Mourning(????? Mild mourning???
Self hatred
Major character death :)
All warnings happen almost randomly,But not immediatly,Like— I gotta first explain and then the fuss happens you know
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The dizzness was starting to became hard to ignore
Damm,It was expected,You cant lock yourself in the bathroom after accidentally torturing an innocent and then go free like nothing
Well,In her defense,Carmen did not knew that liam was innocent
Now she was the monster here,Isnt she? She had good meanings,The suspect's actions were too much to get ignored by the police Even if she was there,All by herself,She could still hearing her friend's cries that night....
She didnt know what happen in the woods until she saw wesley,Her best friend,Cover in a blanket while sitting in the border of an ambulance
They were shaking,All bloody.Carmen couldnt let the things like that!! Since childhood carmen was told she was 'way too impulsive' And why would they care?! She only did what was needed
Blood didnt stop coming as the yells didnt stopped. They wanted her to go out of the bathroom. Now.
Of course,The needed was to kidnap liam and torture them just like he did with wesley....
So one good day,She grab choloform and kidnap him in the middle of the night
How fun!,Guts,Blood,Burns,And a little syringue to make sure they dont pass out
The begs where even more satisfactory considering that,It was probabily how wesley beg in liam's hands,he deserve it!
What was not fun Was the call....
After being done with liam,And without any more ideas She decided to call wesley!,Yay!
Little problem,She did not tell wesley anything about her little plan ....Carmen was sure they would accept no matter what.
Or maybe she fogot it? In all the rage?
Staying awake was hard,Breathing was hard. She deserved it thought. They were always right and this wasnt the exception.
or Atleast thats why she throught
It didnt matter now
God,Wesley was mad.
So,So mad :(
And they had the right to be it! It was the wrong person!! Carmen is the heartless monster In here.....Atleast that was Wes said.....
"B-But I did it for.... you!"
God,And they used to be friends
Dear fucking God,It was truth....
Liam was aslo bleeding out,Atleast kind of
Carmen was so careless that she sewed up the wound with the first Thing she found,It wouldnt last forever
But the diference is that wesley was there for him
Such a backstabbed!,Or was she?
Did it care anyway?
Why was wesley yelling at her to get out?
Why did they wanted her alive?
Wesley was just there,Outside the bathroom,Trying to get who was once his friend out,For their own fucking sake
Liam was still there too,Watching quietly the blood stain the floor under the bathroom's door;All while squirming slighty In pain
The sedatives of the first aid kit did barely anything,Atleast he wasnt crying
Wesley was scared too,Goddamit,They were way too scared of anything that happen
Why the fuck did they told carmen about it? Knowing how she was?
It didnt matter now,They went mad and they know it.
They aslo knew that she was way too sensitive for reasons that they told eachother on countless outings to eat, walks, just being together
The worst part it was how close they were from eachother,And how that somewhat end in this absolute Mess
Now wesley has to cope with Not one,But two persons bleeding out.
Why do they always need to be so rude?
They felt way too guilty too
Guilty about the person in the couch who didnt hurt them,But everyone thought against it because they say "He look similar"
Well,They didnt know it was gonna end like this.
They didnt know how Mad carmen was for someone hurting them
How much Rage in order to find someone to blame
It wasnt till then that they noticed The stain that they relized it. All the restroom was quiet since they kick the door open to the basment And find their best friend torturing an innocent person,Liam They didnt think carmen could do this and yet? It was there Just there And the worst part its that All was Her fault,Thats what she thought. Carmen was alredy blood-stained when she run upstairs trying to hide from wesley,Who didnt stop yelling at her how much of an horrible person she was And in part,It was right,The problem is that She alredy knew that. She alredy knew that So when wesley saw the blood under the door,open the damm bathroom door, He wasnt ready. He had to leave liam just to... Just to see it? How one of the most important persons in his life was laying om a pool of her own blood.
Well,She regret it.
How do you deal with the thought that you're a monster who deserved to be put down?
Its not like somebody would care anyway,Is not like they would care anyway
by this point,The blood lossed was enough to just
Pass out
Wesley was terryfied. Standing there,In the bathroom door....
Liam was still laying on the couch,In pain after Everything that carmen put them throught horryfing torture...
How was they supposed to fix this?
Was it any way to do it,Was it possible?
And now they were crying.Over the dying figure of someone who tried to be a good person And failed.
𓃠 𓃬𓃠
Carmen was...confusing
A year ago,They were the one in an ambulance
And they werent that...bad
wesley remembered how bad it was... They remember a strong hand dragging them to the white van They do remember the pain,They got beat up and starved But that was nothing compared to what carmen did to liam
What was most heartbreaking it was that there was no "villian" to blame
The ones who actually kidnap them were in fact,An entire gang.
They got confused following instructions and end up getting the wrong guy
The gang promised them that,If they didnt say a word they would free them and never meet agaim
Wesley accepted
And now they're here
With two people on the ambulance
All because they didnt talk...and because carmen went insane
was it her fault tho?? Wanting revengue for her friend??
Was it wesley's fault? They were too focused on trying to keep liam alive they didnt notice when carmen— ... Carmen was only concern. It was her fault the way she decided to be ruthless about it But she didnt deserve...death. She thought she did tho That was wesley's fault.
Wesley was shocked when carmen,Practically drunk called him to say to him that she kidnap one of the suspect and gut him alive.
And other unspeakable stuff that left Liam way more broken than Wesley. All in one night.
The second worst night!— who would guess it...
Wesley tried to get an first aid kit being on the restroom, trying to atleast help liam
Even so,They did not measure their words....
Carmen felt hurt. Attacked,Even so!
by a Friend. That she thought she could trust... But could she? They instead called her inhuman and disgusting Because? Just for wanting revengue? Camen felt alredy sick when she lock the bathroom door and got left alone with her thoughts... Thoughts that didnt stop ominously chanting what wesley said. Liam was innocent you heartless monster.
Liam was innocent.
Liam was fucking innocent
All this time it was wrong
Because liam. Was. Innocent.
There was no one to blame more than the monster that looked back in the mirror The monster that did all of that to an innocent person The monster that cried while hearing who was supposed to be their friend yell at her for all that she has done Nothing but a fox that deserved to be put down
She was gonna get killed anyway,If she didnt do it,The police would.
So...she did it
Eventually wesley give up and just stay,Trying to keep liam alive
Wesley thought that carmen would just hide in the bathroom
The police would kick the door open and all would be over
Carmen felt backstabbed.
Wesley wouldnt even care,Probabily.
He did.
He did when they understood that it went more far than that....
She was dying. Atleast liam was stable She wasnt. Wheb the ambulance finally arrived to the place,Wesley finally got to open the door snd rushed to her The cuts in the wrist were too deep. Too bad. While he tried to hold on her,To just try to stop the bleeding and made her sit up,To just have a last moment!... She lean in his ear whispered with hatred,Her voice straned because of the blooe loss
the whisper of the devil. A self-proclaimed demon
Wesley was destroyed
Liam was healing
And carmen died. That very night,Commited suicide
All because wesley went mad. All because they didnt say a word
All because carmen was impulsive,And ruthless
All the pain for revengue,All the death for guilt
All for nothing at all.
𓃠 𓁹𓃠 𓁹𓃠 𓁹𓃠 𓁹𓃠 𓁹𓃠 𓁹𓃠 𓁹𓃠
(The ones who anwsered the last post :3)
Pls tell me if you want a taglist,I think im gonna do more content if you guys like this <3
i gotta admiiit this wasnt what I had in mind buuut...again is just a draft sooo
This is literally the First one
If this gets 10 notes or something imma start the next
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jumengz · 1 year
math and love ;lee juyeon>
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math was really a wreck ball for you, you never understood it, but soon enough, who knew would soon be a turn over with the help of juyeon; quiet, smart, mean and couldn't be bothered about anyone but he is such a heart throbber, why must such a jerk be so pretty?
math.. it was the most dreading 3 hours of your day, you, barely awake, woken up by your name called out by your teacher. you quickly stood up full of anticipation you actually studied for this exam so it made you more excited expecting a good results. your results... disappointed you so badly but why? you studied for long hours for this exam though.. you slumped your shoulders as your math teacher gave you that look, she wanted to talk to you, "i think you really need some help.. your results gets worse each time. meet me after class" shitty was what you felt it was so annoying, you never understood math and now really proves math is really not your subject.
the bell rang, i slowly picked my bag to look for your math teacher. you entered her classroom, but she wasnt the only one there, beside her was a tall, black haired, well put upped; lee juyeon. what the hell. you didnt even want to take a step closer anything with juyeon would be hell, he was mean to everyone and so selfish. "there you are! i think i found your way to ace this class" your math teacher said with a wide smile on her face pointing to juyeon "your new tutor!", he just looked at you with no reaction. "oh please, he barely even shares his notes, your asking him to teach me now?" you said full of disgust "i dont think so, he was the one that actually proposed this idea to me juyeon is such a gem!" you stood there mouth agape, in disbelief as you swallowed her words, you looked up to see juyeon looking right in your eyes pricking up a grin 'nah bruh..' you thought.
well you still had to suck it up, but you still couldn't believe it even at the fact that your walking to his house together now to start your first session "so, let me guess you dont study at all?" juyeon said raising his eyebrows, oh that made you little angry, "hey! i actually did! really hard! i just cant get math, math hates me i hate math" you said juyeon just looked at you admiring you, it was just juyeon but come to look at him hes actually really pretty. reality hits when you took a step into his room, math... again. "so what is so difficult for you" he said that with his head leaning on his right hand staring right into your eyes, "i dont know..." you replied he just chuckled showing his pearly whites. after sometime, we finally got somewhere to start, honestly i dont know why but for the first time i actually understood math a lot better it was unbelievable.
you tried doing the question but at the corner of your eyes you kept looking at him, but he was already staring deep at you, you quickly looked away with your rosy cheeked, cursing yourself, then juyeon let out a laugh "was that worth a laugh?" you yelped "it was pretty cute" juyeon laughed pinching your cheeks, that made your heart race so fast "why am i acting like this?" you quietly thought. it was dark already and you were getting alot tired, you kept dozing off and waking up until you really felt off and slept while juyeon went to go get water for you, he came back to you sleeping on his table, he quietly took tiny steps back to his seat infront of you, placing the water gently on the table, he looked at you, adrenaline rush came it was full of love, he reached out his hands and tucked your hair behind your ear "your so cute fuck" he cursed he went closer to you feeling the warmth between the two of you.
juyeon fully laid beside you with both your heads on the tables, you slowly opened your eyes only to see juyeons perfects face causing you to react and the cup of water spilled all over you "shit" you let out juyeon quickly picked up the cup, getting a cloth to dry your shirt he quickly went to his closet to bring out a hoodie "its abit big but wear this, i dont want you falling sick" he said with a concerning voice. coming out of the toilet with his clothes, why have you not ever notice how juyeon was such a sweet person it made you fold for him much more, you have never seen this side of him before you were only used to the juyeon that gave people looks ,selfish, never shared any notes with anyone. juyeon keep his eyes as you walked over to him "sorry.." you said he just nodded his head he was too busy looking at his clothes on you "my clothes look even better on you, you worked really hard today, and honestly i had a hard time trying to keep my feeling kept but fuck your so loveable, i may be a jerk to everyone but honestly i would do anything for you it kills me to just see you and i would be too scared to approach you, i really like you" you just stood there "what the fuck" was the shit you thought i never imagined this but honestly i loved him so much more today, you walked to him, heat generating in you as you leaned to him and you placed your lips on his, he took it and embraced it, the warmth filled the room, breaking the kiss juyeon chuckled "stay with me tonight and forever please"
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stylezxsilvermoon · 11 months
not to be all sad and shit bc i hate posting sad shit but vent
sometimes i just hate being me idk, like last night my gran DIDNT tell me to wash the dishes and i wasnt feeling well like my mental health at the time was so shit so i was gonna go easy on myself and not wash them
and she hasnt been telling me to wash them lately bc ive just been doing it bc one, shes toxic and manipulative and she'll make me feel like shit
and thats what she did.
and i just feel this inconsolable guilt when i dont do something im supposed to but i cannot get myself to do it bc im just so TIRED why cant i go easy on myself why cant i just she just wash the dishes sometimes
and all night i didnt even sleep well bc i didnt wash the dishes and i saw her in bed this morning and she usually wakes up at the crack ass of dawn to drink her coffee and listen to church music and la la la and she didnt she was in the bed watching tv and she ALWAYS gets up so if she doesnt get up ik shes mad/i messed up
and im not even half awake and she goes "i see you didnt wash the dishes last night" and shes in the bed and she looks so depressed and im like GIRLLL i was so tired and i just feel like this bawl of anxiety bc i didnt wash them and i went to make myself breakfast, before i did that i obviously washed them bc i felt so inconsolably guilty for not washing them one time
even after washing them shes still mad at me and she went on a whole rant abt how im so lazy and shit when literally my mental health has been so fucking bad
and plus WHY CANT SHE WASH THE DISHES? ik shes like almost 80 and she uses this respect ur elders shit on me so i end up having 2 wash them i KNOW i should wash them for whatever reason it is bc im lazy and im horrible and im a trash person bc i literally BREATHE
and she makes dinner and i wash them thats the invisible 'deal' except the deal only works in HER BENIFIT hence manipulation, when i cook she also expects me to wash the dishes
like when i cook for myself i obv wash them bc I DIRTED THEM I WASH THEM
and she acts like bc i ate the food i have to wash them, by that logic you ate it too so like?
im just so ugh bro im so ugh shes been making me feel like shit all fucking morning bc of it and ive cried like 3 times bc i just wanted to rest bc i cant fucking vent to anyone bc ive been feeling like no one fucking cares abt me and i dont deserve to be amongst other humans bc im always the problem im always causing drama im always the horrible one im always playing victim ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS.
and plus ive been dealing w this weird thing recently where like my mom shes like not here anymore but i look exactly like her we could be twins okok and my whole family loved and adored her and when she died they were obviously sad bc from what i heard she was a great person and im obv not against that and when she had a daughter they acted like all of their problems were solved HEY WE GET A SECOND ONE OF HER
when they discoverd i look walk talk act like her we have the same intrests
im literally her in a diff font
she was gay, i am also gay
she loved boybands, i love 1d
she wanted to be a nurse, i wanna be a labor and delivery nurse practitioner
she was kind and giving, i am also that
not to mention we basically look the same like i said before, i have a class for career prep bc i wanna be in the medical field and my mom used to work at a hospital and the scrubs we wore, were the same color... as the ones she used to wear
and since then anytime anyone in my family sees me they pull up that picture and laugh and laugh of how i look just like her
and i always get the feeling they dont love me (well obv bc they treat me like shit) but also i feel like they dont love ME for ME just her bc i look like her and im her daughter
and my crazy ass gran has said so she even calls me by my mothers name sometimes not MY NAME its like im not even a person i dont even have my own personality i just STOLE IT FROM HER
its like im a reincarnation of her and i cant help i like all the same things as her bc ig that just happend but sometimes i feel like i dont even have my own identity anymore no one even loves me for me im just sme hollow representation of what they loved before no one in my family actually loves me even if i didnt look like her
they'd cast me aside and call me crazy and weird if we didnt have similar lives they'd treat me like shit more than they already do if i didnt look like her, feels like the only purpose of them treating me with 1% respect is bc i have the face of someone they loved
but then i ask myself, why cant my face be a representation of someone you love? in a weird way... why cant when you look at me you think jamila, not lena
because they dont like me, forever questioning why since i was like 8 my close family just finds me so disgusting and repulsive bc i dont conform to their thinking i dont conform to the typical 'woman' in my family
im not obedient and small, i dont put up with shit i dont deserve, i like diffrent things im still a fucking kid, im sensative to violence and i dont like watchin war movies where ppls arms get chopped off i dont like watching m*rder documentaries i dont like 'facing the facts' of the world and finding it entertaining
i rreally dont
i like princesses and fairys and barbie and winx and one direction and teenage mutant ninja turtles and adventure time and fantasy and glitter and pink and being called babygirl and princess im soft and i dont like those things
I DONT KNOW WHY and i hate that i get hated on bc i dont conform to this invisble checklist of what a woman is by my families standards
by my families standards a woman is obdedient and small and never questions anything shes submissive to her hUsbAnD and shuts up when he/her elders tell her to and do anything to please anyone else in the family bc shes 'well behaved'
and when she has kids, they better not act 'fast' have a personality, act like kids, they better be obdedient little monsters who sit and play quietly while the adults are tAlKiNg
who are EXCLUDED from ever being loved respected or accepted if they act any different
and i hate it.
ty for listening 2 my rant
im sorry it was so long
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bishiglomper · 1 year
I was in bed all day. Just totally sapped of energy. And flipping between freezing and sweating 😣
I attempted to get up. Which was me propping myself up into a sitting position until i was awake enough to leave. But it just devolved into my dozing and sinking lower and lower. Pfft. I wasnt successful
And then DAD called. I was expecting him to at some point when i learned mom told him about my heart issue. 😅 he gets a stick up his butt about my health whenever something happens.
I told him I'm trying to be good and i see flippin' every specialist they have and they dont ever have answers for me. And hes giving me a hard time. We both gradually got loud and frustrated at eachother until his wife (they do speakerphone) starts ripping him a new one like "ITS HARD TO BE A WOMAN IN THE MEDICAL SYSTEM, THEY DON'T KNOW WHATS WRONG WITH YOU AND YOU'RE NOT LISTENING TO HER."
And I had gotten teary and i was just like "....YEAH." 🥺
"Good job, see, you made your daughter cry"
Lmao 😂 i cried more because I was touched but honestly it probably would have taken only another moment of yelling before frustration ran out and i just broke. Mom hates this womans guts but i cant help but love her. She has her own autoimmune issues so SHE UNDERSTANDS. And she puts dad in his place when he gets a bug up his butt.
He really wants me to go up there and make me be seen by one of his doctors which im all for but insurance is fickle. He may need to pay out of pocket for something like that.
None of my doctors actually talk to eachother. And it seems like even if i go to a "specialist" they're not special enough. 🙄 still waiting to see if/when i can see the rhythm specialist to be tested for pots.
Theres always something that makes me go "no it cant be pots, I don't do/have this particular symptom" but someone told me i could have it with high BP, which was one of the things... And i know thats been up and down. So dad decided hes gonna send me a blood pressure machine.
He was thrilled when i said i would totally check it all the time. I love knowing wtf my body is doing. I dont check my bloodsugar enough but when im curious about it enough I'll check it all the time. I just need that extra motivation lol. told him ive been using the pulse ox. Now we just need to see what my bp is doing.
Honestly if i thought i could just walk into the nearest building with a cuff id do it at least once a day. But I dont think they'd do it without question.
He wants me to experiment with my drugs. Like going off them. I wanna do the BP tilt table thing but im with mom, i dont really wanna do it without a doctor knowing about it. But if i have my own cuff, then i can bring data to them 👀
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gk999time · 2 years
Bro I just had a super weird creepy dream about toriel and when I woke up my frikin lights were on
I just kinda sat there like what then the cat found out I was awake and started trying to headbutt my door open
So I just woke up from a nightmare, the room isn’t how I left it, and somethings trying to get into my room-mind you I’m still half asleep for all of this-
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Just for reference this is kinda what toriel looked like in the dream.
so first she looked normal and we were in a place i didnt recognise. it looked like i was standjng in front of her like for a fight but the background was like the background of the normal ruins- colored and everything. In the bottom theres a text reading ”it seems the (something, i dont know the meaning of what it called her was but it kinda sounded like a racial slur) is hiding secrets”
So idk how cause there wasnt much of an option but i leave the room. except now im in a different place in the ruins with a faceless toriel in front of me. She doesnt say anything i just turn back around and i see whats in the picture but shes like, really far away from the screen. theres some kind of button on the bottom its a black button with a red x in it and next to it is a word (i cant remember what it said but it was like ”talk” or something). After a long while of staring she says ”ill get inside some way” except theres no picture of her face where her text is and theres no font noise. its just her font.
Then i wake up and my lights are on. I dont sleepwalk but my little sister knows im paranoid and she peobably turned them on to scare me, as im a really heavy sleeper and she can do that. So i go to turn off the lights and suddenly something starts banging on my door. Mind you my light switch is right next to my door so im standing next to a violently shaking door. I open it expecting it to me my sister but....
it was toriel.
Jk jk it was my cat she found out i was awake and was trying to get my attention so i would feed her.
Thid whole thing happened like an hour before me posting this ;-;
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bearcuryama · 5 months
Ive read worse mangas
《 The List 》
Kinda dissapointed this went from a 7/10 to 5/10. It really had a lot of potential. Not the plot, i ment the actors, they had good casting and the esthetics and colors scream my style.
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I went in not expecting much cuse i literally just chose it from the myflixer catalog, with no recommendations. Therefore, i was pleasantly surprised it was not absolute compost.
It's still not a good romance. But honorable mentions cuse it wasn't as cringe as it could have gone. They did a good job for a cliche white woman romance novel. The ending was just really disappointing. It started out so well. The ending is litteral trash.
My main issue :
They undersold the love intrest
Dude they casted him so well, he emanates "besties" vibes. But u guys do realise that for that type of love intrest to shine U STILL HAVE TO TREAT THEM AS A MAIN CARACTHER.
On my first watch, i thought the fault was on him and maybe he wasnt a charismatic actor. But rewatching his very few scenes, the fault is entirely on the director !!! Use the camera better !!! Center him !! Light him better, give us close ups and more individual shots just for him.
I know that the point was that she didnt see him as an option and she was focused on the 5 other love intrests but we all knew those guys wouldnt be endgame ( altho i was rooting a little for british boy, for selfish reasons. He sounds like tweksbury///)
But still... treat him like a main caracthers a little. He was off focus and off cadre most of the movie !!! I know he's a tiny boy but plz try to center the shots!!! Wtf was that TT
Also im sorry, there was a potential chemistry between them but idk it just didnt feel right in the end. Maybe casting them together wasnt a good choice. Or maybe the movie was way too fast and u didnt let the actors enought time to bond ( or even let the caracthers enought time to bond either). If you wanna do the friends to lovers trope MAKE THEM BESTIES not just friends who met a week ago. Homeboy was closer to her bestie than to her and they spoke less TT
Speaking of her bestie, she's my favorite caracther and im so happy to see her here TT omg girl !!! I knew this had to be you !!! Look at u ! From being a boy obsessed biker girl in disney's teen beach to a ride or die bestie that simp for her ex-gf TT
What do i call this type of era?
I call it "the result of my parents not giving me access to the internet as a tween and locking me in our house all summer with no cable either so all i had was the on demand bootleg service every imigrant house tv installs so ive gotten used to watching bad white people movies even if they are not up to my standards cuse u never know when ull discovers another love rosie ♡"
Or " i crave romance but all the new kdramas i wanna watch are still ongoing, ive finished rewatching my ults, ive read all the new shojo mangas i might like, and fics just dont hit the same ( people are cringe) so i have to stall for time and find a new source of romance".
Why am i awake
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nidailylife · 2 years
So is the pandemic over? Because i was under the impression that it is not.
Just a few minutes ago, i went into the kitchen for 1 last bite to eat before ending my all nighter, and suddenly my mom says "we're going to our extended family's house for Thanksgiving." The same family house, where the last time everyone got together for Xmas2021, a lot of them came away with Covid. I told my mom this was a bad idea, the pandemic is still going on, i didnt yet get the new variant booster yet, i heard cases were expected to rise this winter, etc. So I'm not going. Thankfully, she allowed it. But I'm so afraid of confrontation, especially against my parents, that there's nothing i can really do to stop her from doing whatever she wants. And she's already cooking for the potluck, so she seems pretty locked into attending.
I know i gave into some things recently that might give the impression that i may think, just as much as my mom does, that the pandemic is over. 2 months ago, i went to 2 funerals with my family. But that was mandatory, serious stuff! It wasnt a party for fun snd socializing, which would be the unnecessary frivolity that i consider a family holiday party to be. Then we gave out Halloween candy last month. I was still really iffy about handing out physical objects to kids during this continuing pandemic. But a cousin convinced me it was safe, because most people are vaccinated.
Well, my dad is not vaccinated! At all! He says he has a medical history of bad reactions to vaccinations, therefore he needs written authorization from his doctor before he could get the Covid vaccine, that his doctor never gave it, and he's not exactly eager to follow up for when that might change. Last time i talked to him about the vaccines, he was starting to sound a little like an antivaxxer. Yeek. I say this, because even if i get all vacvinated and feel safe for my own health, I'm always afraid of going outside, and bringing Covid back home to him. Even besides his vaccination status, he's already in two high risk groups: the elderly, and pre existing chronic illness (diabetes). And sure, despite all this, he still breaks quarantine pretty regularly to shauffer my mom and tag along to her social butterfly things, and he hasnt seemed to have caught Covid yet. But i cant go tempting his fate myself! It's 1 thing that i can't stop my parents from doing whatever they want to do. I've always been too paralyzed by confrontation, especially vs them. But it's another thing for me to exasperate their risks with my own actions. I dont want to do that!😭
On top of that, i was a germaphobe and socially anxious, even before the pandemic. And maybe i dont want to unnecessarily break quarantine for those reasons too. But even aside from the pandemic, there are problems with springing these sudden party plans on me, on the same day, with no prep. This morning was the first i heard of us going anywhere for Thanksgiving! No heads up, for me to fix my flipped sleep patterns, so I'd be awake enough to attend. No heads up for me to mentally prep, when she knows i have a lot of social anxiety. Not even a heads up in terms of just basic calendar planning! This is crazy.
Then add on top that she told me this morning that "it [the Covid pandemic] is over" ...and she wants to breaks quarantine, at a big gathering (since our extended family is numerous), that already has a recent history of infecting lots of our family with Covid...and all because she wants to socialize????? I know she's very social and extroverts go crazy without socialization. But she talks on the phone with her friends everyday! In extended calls! This is an unnecessary risk.
And I'm too tired from my all nighter to deal with this.
Maybe i can plant doubt into their minds about staying long at the party. Maybe i can convince my dad to just drop off my mom instead of him attending himself. I dunno... I'm tired.
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vquacki · 3 years
It's My Fatherly Duties!
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It's My Fatherly Duties!
Short DAD Scenarios 
Characters: BONTEN - Rindou Haitani, Ran Haitani, Sanzu Haruchiyo
~ Inui Seishu, Kokonoi Hajime, Izana Kurokawa, 
~ Souya Kawata (Angry), Nahoya Kawata (Smiley)
Warning ⚠︎︎ : Mature content, cussing, MINORS DNI
Note : requested, I added some characters. Hope ya don’t mind! These are pretty short, just little things I put together. Word barf kinda..? Anyways- I hope you enjoy :))
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R I N D O U 
His lashes fluttered open when he heard a loud crash coming from the hallway, along with a string of cuss words sounding like his daughter's voice. 
“What the hell was that?” You groaned, not a single word was uttered from your husband when he sprung out of bed, bolting to the bedroom down the corridor.
“Tohru?!” Rindou yelled, flinging open the door. Revealing your teenage daughter fully dressed, half way through her second story window. A facade of pillows under her blanket seeminging meant to be her ‘sleeping body’.
“Oh dad, I-”
“What the hell are you doing” The man was fuming by the ears, pajamas ruffled when he jolted out of his slumber. 
“Is Tohru okay?” You peeked from behind the broad shouldered man. 
“I was just going to get fresh air!” Your daughter lied, making up a somewhat excuse to appease her angered father. 
“Hey Tohru! Hurry up and get down here!” You heard a boy's voice call out, looking over at Rindou’s face to see the man's darkened expression.
“Who the fuck is down there? Is that a boy?!” He growled, stomping his feet over to the glass. Pushing past his daughter to take a look. 
“Oh shit- her dads here. Let’s book it!” The kids whispered, but loud enough for Rindou to make out, hastily running down the dark street. 
“You little shits! Don't you dare come back here!” Rindou growled, slamming the window shut in the process. 
“What! Dad!” Tohru whined, 
“You're so grounded young lady!” Rindou shouted, not caring for the sleeping neighbors beside his shared condo at three in the morning. 
“Rin, she was just having some fun!” You defended, you were also like her when you were her age, trouble makers run in your blood. Actually Rindou couldn't even talk- he was running roppongi at her age.  
“No! She's just too young to be hanging out with boys!” Rindou’s brows joined together as he withered in front of you. 
“But we dated when we were her age-” You deadpanned at him, 
“Grounded! My final answer!” 
R A N  
Ran was coming home from a late night bonten meeting, mouth agape when he saw his daughter’s feet dangling out from her window. 
Fearing the worst he sprinted to the ground below his child, hands outstretched to catch her if she were to misstep. 
“Mitsuri!” His voice boomed,
“Eh? Dad?!” His daughter stuttered, slowly slid out the window, climbing down like she had done this many times prior to this awkward occurrence. 
Toes easily touching the grass with ease, not a scratch upon the females porcelain skin. 
“Ran?” You yawned, cracking the door ajar. It was late, you waking up to your husband's screams outside your house. 
“Mitsuri, what are you doing climbing out your window like a maniac?!” Ran scowled, hands running through his messed up hair. Sweat dripping down his temple from the not so pleasant adrenaline rush. 
“I was just gonna hang out with some friends..” your daughter answered, fingers gripping the edge of her shirt, scarily waiting for her dad’s reaction. 
“At this time of night? .. out your window?”
“Phone privileges. Give me it.” Ran demanded, palm stretched out. 
“But-” no question she was a tad bit spoiled by her father. You being the bad cop, while your husband played the good cop for his beloved daughter. 
“If you want to go anywhere all you got to do is ask!” Ran plucked the phone from his daughter's hand, a wave of relief washing over him. Secretly thanking whatever being watching over him that it wasn't some sort of gang related subject. 
“This is what you get for spoiling her!” You laughed from the sidelines, hand clutching your stomach.
“This is your fault too ya know!” Ran argued. 
“I’m the one who tries to discipline her! But someone always lets it go!” You emphasized the special somebody. 
“Whatever” Ran sighed, This was a lesson for the usual carefree man, a special lesson he wouldn't forget in the many years to come with his unborn future children. 
S A N Z U 
It was Sanzu’s best day of his life when his daughters were born, the two only being about one year apart. They were spoiled to the core, anything they wanted their money liberl father blessed them with. He thought they were the sweetest things ever, them both being a daddy's girl after all. 
He never would have expected to see both of his daughters outside his humble abode, standing beside two boys, most likely a double date. 
He stared in shock, hands pressed firmly against the glass, teeth gritting. 
“Huh? I tucked them into bed an hour ago” You rubbed your eyes, riding yourself of the sleepiness threatening to drown you. The pink haired only tutted his teeth, swifty twisting the door knob to confront the four children outside. 
“Oh you better run” your oldest daughter whispered, gesturing for the boys to make haste from her deadly father. 
“You better not come back here, unless you want trouble you fuckers!” Sanzu yelled, red in the eyes from anger. Not bothering to chase after the two scoundrels. 
“Dad, mom! What are you guys doing awake?” Your youngest asked, sheer panic in her eyes, watching her insane fathers unpleasant smile. 
“I swear you two will be the death of me” Sanzu uttered, shoving his hands into his pockets. A irked gleen in his orbs as he stared them down. 
“They were just friends dad, stop overreacting” the older daughter said, 
“I- You little shi-” He bit his lip to suppress his anger fueled words, knowing well it would definitely hurt his precious children's feelings. Having regretted it later if he were to say those sinful words. 
“Now now Sanzu, let's head to bed” You wrapped your arms around your lover, dragging him inside the house. 
“You can sort out their punishment tomorrow, after a good night's sleep” , coating him with reassuring words. That day he learned how misjudged he was of his children, even so he still loved them with all his heart.
I Z A N A 
Izana had his feet kicked up, relaxing in his office while he watched the moon. He had a clear view, the street lamps positioned next to the sidewalk, the side of his beautiful house facing his office window. He was enjoying his free time, mind taking over his body while he thought about his life choices. He was in ease until he saw his son's window light up, a long string of rope being tossed out the opening. 
Sitting up from his chair, he rushed over to his clear casement. Throwing his window open, a boy and girl standing beneath his son's window. The two holding the rope still as your child tried to slid down. 
“My my Yuki, where are you off to?” Izana laughed, nerves finally relaxing when he figured out what was going on. Calmly settling into the frame, head leaning on his chin. It wasn't like he had the right to be upset, he did much worse when he was his son's age. Robbing, fighting, killing. You name it, Izana’s done it. 
Sneaking out was nothing compared to what he did, but he wasn't gonna just let his son go. He was more wise now, he knew for a fact he didn't want his son to end up anything like him. Sure, he wanted the boy to have fun, but in a normal kid way. 
“Dad! Um- I”
“You better get your arse back up that window before I drag you around with that rope” Izana smiled, Totally different from the sentence he was portraying. Not forgetting his manners, giving a nonchalant wave to the other two kids. 
“Zana? Who are you talking to?” You asked, placing a cup of tea you had prepared for Izana on his desk. 
“Oh no one doll” Izana answered, closing the window before walking over to you. 
“Let's go to bed, yeah?” He proposed, trailing his hands around your shoulders, guiding you to the door.
“But the tea I made”
“Im tired~” 
Overall the male wouldn't want to talk further about the situation, nor would he discuss it with you. Trivial matters held no place between you both, as long as the child did not dare do it again. 
I N U I 
Inui wiped the sweat dripping from his forehead, the AC wasnt working at the motor shop. Him, draken and yourself were sweating bullets, the hot material around you not helping. You had decided to help the pair around the shop, cleaning what you could. Or helping with cashing every customer out, it would've been an easy task if it wasn't blazing hot. 
Leaving your daughter home alone, obviously thinking she’d stay and do her teenage things. You couldn't be more mistaken, astounded as you watched her fiddle around with a boy across the street at the ice cream parlor. 
“Y/N please don't tell me that Kagura..” Inui’s jaw dropped, the wrench that was once in his clasp dropping to the ground. Startling the concentrating Draken that was crouched over a motorbike. 
“What's wrong Inui? Y/N” Draken twisted his body around, raising a brow when you two just started muttering to each other like two creeps. 
“Is that... a boy” Inui held his chin between his fingers, squinting to get a better view of his kid. 
“You trying to catch flies with your mouth Inui? Close your yap” You whispered, 
“Y/N! She's too young, I feel like I just held her in my arms not too long ago. She can't get married just yet!” Inui argued, he would've been on the verge of tears if he didn't have a reputation to uphold. 
“What? The fuck are you on Inui? She's probably just with a friend!” You patted his back, reassuring the man. 
“Boys and girls can be friends ya’know” you added.
Cueing the two children across the road from you, feeding scoops of ice cream to each other.
“I don't think friends do that..” Inui looked over at you, eyes widening when you swung the motor shop’s door open. Hands coming around your mouth to amplify your words,
“Kagura, is that your boyfriend?” 
“WHAT?” Inui almost fainted, the ledge behind him holding his wobbly frame up right. 
“I didn't know you guys would be here!” Your daughter jogged across the street, leaving the boy sitting by himself. 
“And no! Just a friend” She answered your embarrassing, blushing as she stared down at the ground.,
“I sense some lies” you wiggled playfully at the flustered girl. 
“What! Anyways, Sorry I left the house without telling you” Kagura apologized, 
“Just don't do it again, without my permission..” Inui stated, 
“Especially not with a boy.”
Bribing people is his forte, and if they did not obliged? Threatening always did the trick. 
And that's exactly what he did when he saw his descendant out with a male. All was dandy until the boy came running back, babbling about how his girl was the so called ‘love of his life’.
“Hey brat, you got a death wish?” Kokonoi asked, leaning against the door frame. 
“Koko go easy on him, he’s just a kid” You nudged the man, a mischievous grin plastered on the males face. 
“And I kinda think it's cute” You said, a small smile erupting from your daughter that was not so far behind her parents. 
“I approve, kid! I like your romantic drive!” You clapped, 
“Y/N!” Kokonoi pouted, 
“You better not try to bribe him with money again” You threatened, waving a finger at the whiny man. 
“Yeah! I like him too, dad!” Your daughter agreed. 
“You're like twelve, go play chess or something” Kokonoi barked, crossing his arms in disapproval. 
“Dad, I'm sixteen!” 
“That's what I said” 
S O U Y A 
He almost had a panic attack at the sight, having to shield the man from the scene playing out. Your twin daughter saying their goodbyes to their dates, followed by a kiss. You removed your hand when the boys were no longer in view, riding off in their motorcycles. 
“Shira, Nihra” You held Souya up by the shoulder, the light headed male limping towards the worried kids.
“What's wrong with dad?” Nihra questioned, eyeing her ghostly pale father. 
“He's out of it” You giggled, 
“I'm not crazy am i?” He stood tall, letting go of the arm you had draped around him. 
“There was boys-” His voice cracked. 
“You saw that dad?” Shira sweat dropped, watching as her fathers should leave his body. 
“Next time ask before you go out” You smiled, you weren't too strict on the two. They were Souya’s children, earning most of their adorable traits from him. Even his fighting skills. 
“This better not happen again, i'm trusting you” Souya grumbled.
“Sorry pops” The two girls remorsefully sollied the man, both hooking onto one of Souya’s arms as they helped his shell into the house. 
N A H O Y A 
Nahoya was beyond pissed, infamous smile widening. Taking fast steps towards your daughter and her significant other. 
“Look boy, I don't know who you are. But my daughters not up for grabs” Nahoya grinned, cracking his fingers. 
“O-okay sir” the boy was jittering, body trembling from the males intense arua. 
“If I catch ya here again” he used his finger to slash his neck, motioning to the death that would happily greet the boy if they were to ever meet again.
“Yer dead meat kiddo”  Nahoya laughed, watching as the boy ran for his life. 
“Dad, that was really extra!” Your daughter sneered, a pout on her lips. 
“Shut up!, you're grounded rat!” Nahoya shouted. 
“Yeah Nahoya, there was no need to threaten the poor kid. He looked like he was gonna piss himself.” 
“Exactly the effect i wanted”
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End Note : as I said this was a word barf T-T, so it’s quite short.
Reblogs & Notes are always appreciated! Take care! ♡︎♡︎
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kikixreverie · 3 years
Hi- may I ask for an angst-mix with Bucky x reader: she had her share of abusive/toxic relationships in her past, but it was nothing she spoke of, and not now when she had James. It wasnt like she thought she was gonna be triggered again, not by him, any other guy- buy not her Bucky! Some tiny bickering evolved to a large dispute, and before she knew what was happening, she shied away from him, making herself small, awaiting the blow - that never came... And instead she was overcome by shame...
Pasts and Apologies
Bucky x Fem!reader
Word count - 3k
Warnings - Mentions of domestic abuse from ex, some descriptions of abuse, angst, trauma
A/n - Okay I definitely went hard on the angst for this one. I kinda just went off on one so not so much bickering and more just a full blown argument but I've been feeling kinda angsty lately so I kinda accidentally made this darker than I expected. Please read the warnings and do not read if you think this could trigger you.
Love had not been kind to you before Bucky. Every decent memory of your ex was clouded with uncertainty, you would walk on eggshells around him, terrified that saying the wrong thing would set him off and you'd be calling Sam again, sobbing down the phone, cradling another bruise at the hands of your 'partner'.
You were together for years, devoted to and unconditionally in love with the man that you had met in high school. Childhood sweethearts.
He always was quick to anger and he wasn't shy about that. He never had any issues with shouting at you when you pissed him off, just as he never had issues with shouting at his mother or younger brother, but at the time, you had always stood up for yourself and defended the poor woman, making him apologise, and he let you, he always let you clean up his messes.
The first few years were spent in ignorant bliss, you constantly ignored the fear that would creep up your spine when he got angry, but you could manage a screaming match or two, you could manage it all because you loved him, you depended on him despite that he wasn't at all dependable.
The arguments were tough, but you never expected it to go further than that, but eventually, it did.
The first time he was physically aggressive was on his 22nd birthday. He had insisted that he spend his birthday with his friends, calling it a guys night, and you were fine with that, you knew how handsy he got when he was with his friends anyway, so you spent the day with him instead, making sure to keep him happy and spoilt rotten.
As the night crept on, you had tried to wait up for him to return, just as he had asked, but as it passed 3am you decided that he wouldn't mind you going to bed since you had work the next day, so you crawled into bed and fell asleep, a mistake, at the time, you didn't know you had made.
When he returned half an hour later to see you unconscious, he woke you up with his shouting, angry that you hadn't stayed up for him, convinced that you were ruining his night on purpose. The loud awakening was enough alone to trigger your fight or flight but when he threw the duvet off you and grabbed your ankle so tightly you knew a bruise would form, you were terrified. He dragged you off the bed and pushed you towards the door, telling you to fuck off, and you did, tears streaming down your face as you laid awake on the couch till morning.
It only got worse from there, when he realised that he could hurt you and get away with it, it became his favourite past time, he'd look for reasons to shout at you, make you do things that would piss him off just so he'd have a reason to be cruel.
When Sam started noticing dark bruises on your skin, he was livid, and despite how often you'd try to convince him that it's just clumsiness, Sam knew better.
There were rare days that you would have long conversations with Sam, you'd talk about how you'd lost all your friends and distanced yourself from your family but you didn't blame your abuser, you blamed only yourself, and Sam would beg you to leave him but you'd be sobbing in his arms, telling him that you still loved the man who hurt you, that he didn't really mean to hurt you and you'd feel even more guilt if you ever got him in trouble for it.
It was a long and hard journey, but the moment you told Sam that you wanted out, he was there for you, offering you to stay at his place and helping you call the cops. He gave you all the resources he could possibly find through the VA and set you up with an amazing therapist and eventually you were living in your own place, talking to old friends again, and filing a restraining order against your ex.
It was nearly two years later when you met him. Introduced through Sam, you met the love of your life on a Sunday. He was quiet and focused, with hard eyes scanning the room, looking for escape routes, analysing people's faces.
You smiled gently at him when you met, opting for a small nod in greeting instead of a handshake. You stayed near him for the remainder of the gathering, not pressuring him to speak to you, just sitting in silence. You were drawn to him, his behaviour was so similar to yours.
You knew what it felt like to want to just blend into the corner, to stay unnoticed, you understood the need to know how to escape a room, and you saw the way he hesitantly returned your smile and then struggled to chase his smile away once you had sat down beside him.
You and Bucky soon became each other's rocks, always there for the other on the hard days, days that you would spend just walking or reading together in calm silence. There was no doubt that the two of you loved each other, and after months and months of trying to hide longing glances and blushing cheeks, you finally confessed to each other, and the rest was history. You trusted him like you had never trusted anyone before.
As your relationship progressed, Bucky started to notice some strange things in your behaviour, how you'd always ask his permission for you to go out with friends, how you were always quick to apologise in any situation and distanced yourself from him when he was the slightest bit irritated.
He had tried to ask you about it, but you always changed the subject as soon as it was mentioned, ensuring him that it was nothing to worry about.
To tell the truth, you were embarrassed, you were ashamed that your ex still had this effect on you, and no matter how many times you told yourself that he would never, that your Bucky would never, your brain refused to allow you to believe it and you continued with the odd behaviour that you used as a defence mechanism when in the abusive relationship.
You never spoke out of line, you never asked him where or who he was going out with, and you never let small bickering escalate.
It was only after you had overheard Sam and Bucky in a heated conversation, Sam scolding Buck for being reckless and stupid during a mission, that you had your first argument with him.
You had called Sam while Bucky was at the store, convincing him to tell you what had happened and after a few minutes of guilt-tripping, Sam finally confessed that Bucky had practically ran into open fire, endangering himself in an attempt to shut down a Hydra base, it could've very easily been fatal, and it wasn't the first time something like this had happened.
You knew it was wrong, you knew you should've just asked Bucky about it, but you couldn't help yourself, and you knew that Bucky would've downplayed the whole situation.
When he returned home you were pacing up and down in the living room, chewing the inside of your cheeks and your nails to pieces because you could've lost him, Bucky could've died and he was acting as if it were nothing.
"Doll?" You could hear the worry in his voice as he placed the shopping bags on the kitchen counter and walked over to you, standing in front of you to stop your movement, pulling your hand from your mouth and kissing your knuckles.
It was supposed to calm you, and it almost did, but as his soft lips grazed your hand, and his eyes met yours, your mind kept wandering to the fact that he could've died.
This moment could've never happened, instead, you'd have Sam or Steve at your door, trying to deliver the news of their best friend's death, your lover.
"Honey speak to me" He looked utterly confused, but the look only made you feel angry.
How could he be so reckless?
"I just got off the phone with Sam."
He froze, eyebrows furrowing and taking a step away from you, waiting for you to explain.
Your gaze didn't move from the floor, trying to even out the anger and worry rushing through you, settling like a heavy rock in your stomach.
"He told me about the missions, about how you've been acting."
"What do you mean, how I've been acting?" He scoffed, sounding offended, and you sighed.
"How reckless you've been acting. Sam said that Tony's considering pulling you out of missions! How many times have you endangered yourself like this? How many times is it gonna take for you to realise that you could fucking die out there, James."
Your voice was stern, and the tone felt foreign against your tongue. Bucky's kept his face hard, refusing to show any emotion, but you could see the way his jaw clenched harshly, eyes glued to the corner of the room, ignoring your fiery glare.
"Were you ever going to tell me? I thought that all the injuries you got were fairly normal for the jobs you do, but when I hear that you run into open fire, that you make decisions on your own before talking to your team, that you've gotten fucking stabbed in the past, and you never told me, how do you expect me to react?"
He sighed heavily through his nose, jaw ticking in annoyance towards his friend, angry that he had told you even though it wasn't his place.
"I told him not to tell you." His voice was gruff, the words spoken harshly under his breath and you felt your anger flair again.
"What and you think that's okay?!"
His gaze shot to yours, looking at you incredulously.
"Bucky we're partners! You're supposed to tell me this shit, you're supposed to tell me when you've nearly died on a mission, you're supposed to trust me."
"You think I don't trust you?!" His voice was slightly raised and you felt your annoyance spike, "I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to worry."
"Of course I'm gonna worry, James. This is a big deal, I can't believe you've been getting seriously injured and not telling me."
"Well, I don't think it's that big of a deal, Sam shouldn't have fucking told you. This wouldn't be happening if he had just kept his mouth shut, but no! Of course not!" Bucky's eyebrows were drawn in tight with annoyance, wishing you'd just drop the subject, "I'm not stupid, I know what I'm doing."
"What the hell do you mean 'You know what you're doing?' You know that you're not supposed to endanger yourself to complete a mission, yet you do it anyway. I'm glad Sam told me because otherwise, I doubt I'd ever find out!."
"I don't see how what I do on missions is anything to do with you. Sam is exaggerating. I'm fine!"
As Bucky's voice raised, you started to lose focus, flashbacks of your past echoing in your mind and in his annoyance, Bucky didn't notice the way your eyes had gone distant, losing sight of the man in front of you, the man you loved, and forming the image of the man you still see in nightmares, the man you're so terrified of seeing in the street that you haven't stepped foot in Queens since leaving him.
You could almost feel the sting of his palm against your cheek, the burn of his hand, tight around your wrist, and you tried to remind yourself that it wasn't real. It had been months since you'd had an episode, and your steps to control them were hard to find with the false image of your abuser so clear in front of you.
"Are you even listening to me?" The statement dragged you back to reality and you felt yourself calm when your eyes focused in on Bucky, reminding yourself that your ex wasn't here, that Bucky wasn't like that, he would never, but as he raised his arm to push his hair out of his face, everything flew out the window and in the moment, you were 21 again and you were sure he was going to hit you, your exes face flashing behind your eyes again.
You flinched, a gasp falling from your lips as your eyes squeezed shut and your head ducked down, breathing heavily through your nose as you awaited the hit.
Time slowed.
Bucky froze completely, his eyes wide and frantic as he quickly stumbled away from you, shaking his head as self-hatred ran through his veins, disgusted at himself for making you think even in the slightest, that he would ever hurt you.
"Doll?" He sounded absolutely broken.
Your head shot up, panic flooding through you when you realised what you had done and pain replacing the feeling when you saw the agony on Bucky's face.
"Y/n, I- I would never-" He kept his voice at a pained whisper, not wanting to scare you further as he stayed at a distance.
You collapsed to the floor, sitting on your knees as the weight of the situation pulled you down. Your hands raised to cover your mouth as a sob threatened to tear through you, so fucking ashamed of what had just happened, so fucking ashamed that your ex had done this to you, and you had let him for so long, ashamed that he still haunted you.
"Babydoll I-" He struggled to find the words, terrified that he had just lost you, wanting to reach out and hold you but scared shitless of hurting you more than he already had, "I don't know what- I'm so fucking sorry y/n, I can't- I can't even fathom the thought of-"
His voice trailed off, unable to even say the words and you felt your guilt tenfold.
"N-No Bucky, I'm sorry I thought-" You struggled to speak through your crying, hot tears flowing down your cheeks as you rocked yourself gently in an attempt to self-soothe.
"Why are you apologising honey? This is on me, this is-"
"No, it isn't, I promise Buck this isn't you, it's.." You couldn't get the words out, you couldn't tell him, "Just come here, please."
You wanted him to wrap his arms around you, you needed him to know that it wasn't him, you know the way his mind works and you knew that by now he would already be drowning in guilt and self-hatred.
"I don't think that I should. I don't want to hurt you, I can't- I can't hurt you" You smiled at him gently through your tears and your chin wobbled as you saw the tears running down his cheeks too.
"It's okay. I'm okay Bucky, I just- I-I need you over here, I need you - I need you to touch me. I need you."
He was over in an instant, falling to the floor beside you and letting out a huge sigh of relief when you instantly wrapped yourself around him, tucking your head into the crook of his neck and crawling into his lap, needing to be as close to him as possible, to rid the memories of the pain, to remind yourself that his touch is good, his touch is safe.
Arms enveloped you and he held you as tight as possible, the both of you crying.
After the two of you had calmed down and a comfortable silence enveloped you, Bucky knew he would have to break it.
"Why did you think that I would hit you?" He asked, his voice tentative and gentle and you sighed, knowing that it was time for you to tell him.
"I didn't, I don't, I promise."
You lifted your head from his shoulder but still stayed on his lap, instead, resting your forehead against his.
"Then why-?"
"I thought I was better, I-I thought it was all over but I just- I lost myself again. Everything got all foggy and I lost where I was and I just, I thought I was there but-" The floodgates opened again and you knew that Bucky had no clue what you were talking about but the words just kept coming.
Bucky's eyebrows were furrowed tightly and when your vague, confusing explanation only made his worry grow, he felt himself pulling you even tighter against him.
"Doll, Did someone hurt you? Is that why you're always walking on eggshells around me? Is that what the nightmares are about?" He struggled against the words, not wanting to say them because he didn't want to believe them and he watched in agony as you swallowed hard and nodded slowly, your hands coming to rest on the back of his neck as you continued to hold your forehead against his.
He refused to let his anger show, he wouldn't do that to you, especially with you so fragile, but he couldn't hide the pained shaky breath he let out at your confession, "Fuck, I'm so sorry. God, I'm so sorry that that happened to you. Was it your ex? Did he hurt you?"
You nodded again, doing your breathing exercises, and calming yourself so that you could explain your situation fully to your partner.
"I should've told you, I know, I just, I'm so angry that I'm still like this, I just wish it would all go away and I could forget about what he did. I thought I was better. I can't stand that I'm still so haunted by that asshole" Bucky nodded along as you spoke, brushing his fingers up and down your back to help calm you.
"It's okay, Doll. Things like that don't just go away. Believe me, I wish they did too, but things will get better, I promise you that. Thank you for telling me."
You scoffed in self-deprecation, "I should've told you ages ago."
"That doesn't matter, you've told me now, and I'm sure it wasn't easy, so thank you for sharing" His voice was so gentle, his hands caressing your back almost making you feel sleepy.
"And Buck?" He hummed in response, letting you know that he was listening, "About the mission thing, I'm just worried about you. I can't lose you, I need you, and I need you alive."
A gentle smile lifted his frown and he nodded in understanding, feeling bad for getting mad in the first place, and you leaned back, looking down at him, your hands playing with his hair.
"I know. I'm sorry for being an idiot, It's just so hard to look at them and remember what they did to me and know what they've done to so many innocent people and I just lose it, all rationality out the window" You nodded at him, understanding how painful some of the missions must be.
"I'm sorry I got so upset with you, and I'm sorry I went to Sam instead of talking to you. Don't be mad at him, I kinda forced him to tell me" You gave him a sheepish look and he breathed out a small laugh, his nose crinkling like you always loved.
"It's okay doll, I'm sorry for being so careless and hiding the stuff about the missions, I promise I'll be more careful, I gotta make sure I always come home to my sweet girl. And don't worry about Sam, you deserved to know and I know what you're like."
You tutted at him and he smiled in response, the adorable, loving look on his face making you pull him into the sweetest, softest kiss which he instantly returned.
After sitting together in each others embrace for a while, the yawns eventually started. You were both positively exhausted from all the emotions you had both just experienced so Bucky wrapped your legs around his waist and lifted you both from the floor, discarding the groceries still left in bags in the kitchen and carrying you to bed, holding you as close as physically possible as you both drifted off to sleep.
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lolita-lollipop · 3 years
Hizashi and Aizawa kidnapping a young teenage girl, and her bonding and quickly finding comfort with Hizashi, leaving Aizawa to awkwardly attempt at being super soft and all the more gentle to his sensitive little girl, his heart panging with pain every time she flinches or cowers away from him. “You don’t need to be scared of me, kitten.. please”
your little acts of favoritism weren’t necessarily intentional, you hated both of them. they were your brothers teachers, and whoop dee doo, they kidnapped you. but... you liked hizashi more.
it was just something about him that made you believe he was some form of comfort item, probably because he wasnt brooding, and didnt have a mean face, and he was the first human yud ever seen in this place, that all combined into one and he became your rock, your shoulder to cry on. he was just... so nice, although his quirk was loud, somehow he managed to speak softly with you. it was such a bright contrast to at home where two firey blondes always scream at each other, and your father tries to calm it down.
on your first night ever here, you had tried to jump out the window, and were captured by the thick scarves you once admired, hed lectured you, yelled at yiuu even, all you could see were those red eyes of his, and hear his voice. and he scared you, he scared you so much. i guess it justtranslates to now, first impressions are everything, and to you, he looked like a big scary man who would yell at you.
eventually, you stopped caring about how you hated him, or how you wanted to leave, as you clearly never were. so, instead of glaring at them, or crying, you accepted the fact that he was taking care of you. hizashi, hizashi was taking care of you... aizawa though? no way in hell, he was just so... you'd never seen him with a smile, he never tried to talk to you, he just kinda watched you, and it freaked you out, at some point you started believing he was trying to kill you, don't even ask how you came up with that conclusion.
you just couldn't manage to warm up to hi as you'd done so quickly with hizashi, and it showed. you were always tense when alone with him, like he was going to jump out at you any second and stab you, you didnt talk to him , sometimes you felt so anxious around him that you would outright start crying, shaking in some form of fear, or hide yourself under a blanket. although hizashi was proud that you loved him so much, he knew that this was hurting his husband, that his own little girl was scared of him.
so he would always try to coax you into doing things with him, saying things like "can your papa come and help" or "how about we have papa do this with you while I make lunch?", just trying to get him included so you would feel just as comfortable around him as you were with his own self. Sometimes he just left the room to let you have alone time with him. He’d even lectured his husband about how he always looked angry, and that he has to smile form time to time, and not the creepy “I’m gonna kill a villain” smile.
And so Aizawa started trying, not trying to be like hizashi, even that was too much for him, but trying to be nicer, he was a gentle person when he wanted to be, so this came with ease for him, he would tuck you in at night, read you stories, hold you if you cried, feed you, help you bathe (which you usually liked hizashi to do, and in general, inserted himself as a gentle roger in your life. You would expect taht this would work, that because he was so nice to you, because he was so sweet like hizashi, you would accept him as your father.
But nope! Again, first impressions are everything to you, and now, he was written off as the villain of you story, now, you jsut ran off to papa whenever he was around, and didn’t even give him the chance to hang around you, it just made it worse honestly, because now, not only did he look scary, but he also looked fake, which is never good. Every time he would try to if you, you would clutch onto hizashi for dear life, acting like his hand would do nothing but burn you.
Tears would cloud your vision, and he would pulle back, not wanting to cause you any more pain, and jsut stare in. Pure jealousy at his husband, who cooed and gave you a hug.and guess what? You hugged him back, and hid yourself in his chest, willingly, without a fight, without a tear, instead with a smile, most of the times mic wouldn’t interfere, wbatigg ns this to everyone a safe space for you, a place where you should naturally do things, but sometimes, he would give you little bushes int he right direction. Like disappearing completely for my he house so you’ll be forced to talk to Aizawa.
This is one of those times.
Yo been wandering the house for about ten minutes now, waking up form a nap, to find mic absent from his usual place in the rocking chair at your bedside. It was a little after lunchtime, and they’d only given you a small cup of fruit for breakfast (intentional, from mic), you were fairly hungry, and usually he was there to give you food, but you had no idea where he was, you had heard the… other one on the phone in their shared office, but you did not want to talk to him right now.
Aizawa could tell you were awake by the fact that all of the cats were meowing like crazy, and little pattering footsteps had followed his hearing around, mic had left abruptly, probably some little plan of mischief again, he was hizashi after all. He was just waiting for you to either 1: go back to bed, or 2: come to him for help. Mic had specifically told him to follow these rules for after nap time, so he did. And grew progressively more worried as over twenty minutes, trying to read through his students grading work, too distracted by the urge to go find you to accomplish anything.
His worries dissipated though when he saw your little head poking through the door, cat in hand, confused and tired looking, small tears beginning to prick th corners of your eyes, little sniffling sounds left you. His wha specked up form the desk, you’d given up walking around the whole house, your restarting had slowly pent up, you couldn’t manage to find him, and you were so hungry.
“Oh- hey honey, I didn’t know you were up. Do you need something?” He questioned, smiling intently at you, you just inched back into the door frame, breathing heavier by the moment, your hands shook and your head felt like it was going to explode at any point. Youbcontenoajted runnign back to your room and waiting till mic came out where you could hear him, but your stomach grumbled, reminding you how hungry you really are.
“I’m- im looking for daddy. Where is he.” You spoke, a very hushed tone overtook your words, making them almost inaudible for him. His face sunk slowly, he tougher you were actually gonna come for him, but the he remembered taht patience is key, and that he shouldn’t get mad, because it is t your fault taht you’re just a little sensitive, too fragile to handle more than one attachment, he gets it. He jsut at least wanted you to look at him, instead did your little feet, I’m Ayer if you could meet his eyes the. You would see how much he loves you.
“Oh, he left a. Little while ago. Is there something you need from him? Your papa can give him a call if you want, you could even talk to him!” He exclaimed excitedly, plastering that happy smile across his face to seem more inviting, liek mic had told him to do. He stood out of his chair, rounding up the papers and putting them in his file folders.you tried to sink back furthers, almost disappearing behind the doorway, you shook your head aggressively, almost running off, then yet again, your stomach made another noise, and forced you to stay.
“I- no. I’m- im hungry-“ you spluttered, not caring if it was embarrassing that you were stuttering so much, you just wanted food. And calling mic would just get you a lecture on how you could’ve just asked your papa, the same thing would happen whenever you went to uncnecesary lengths to avoid the man, your daddy would make sure you knew that it made him feel bad, while you’d at there bored. Not caring, at all.
“Oh- well you should’ve told me sooner kitten, if I’d known I would be up already. Cmon, let’s go to the kitchen, your daddy made you some food earlier” he spoke, rising from his chair slowly, you cowered slightly as he walked over, clutching the little kitten right to you for comfort, he mewed and snuggled closer, completely asleep. The man sighed when he saw you backing away from his grasp, he knew you were still scared. But he was just so impatient… he was tired of waiting, he wanted to hold you, even if it was jsut foena few minutes. He needed it feel you there with him.
Is he acted quickly, moving in a matter of seconds, he swooped his arm under your leg, and hooked his other around your torso, pulling you straight up into his grasp. Youu huh froze, his hands felt cold as ice on your skin, like they were burning you, immediately after he started walking, it snapped you out of it and you threw a fit. You dig your fingernails into his skin, and kicked and flailed in a panic, still trying to keep the little kitten in your lap safe. A full blown panic washed over you, clogging all your senses.
The dam holding back tears form your eyes crashed, and immediately you were sobbing, biting at his shoulder to let you go, he tried to rub your back to calm you down a bit, but just made it worse, as his hands felt like living anxiety creeping up and down your spine. He didn’t know what to do, let you ride it out, andkk no possibly have you get sick because of how much your crying in an empty stomach? Or let you down and go straight back to square one.
Your veined felt like pure ice had flooded in them, and it felt liek someone was repeatedly jabbing you in the head with tiny needes, fear was jsut so prominent in your sense, it overcame you, and made you whimper and scream.
“Whoah, breath for me alright? I just want to hold you. I’m not going to hurt you okay? I would never hurt you. Kitten… you don’t have to be scared of me” he spoke, trying to keep a proper computers, he wanted to cry with you, he wasn’t a very soft or emotional man but honestly, he was so upset with himself already, this was jsut pushing him for the edge. You cried, and cried, at some point you weren’t even crying and screaming at him, more with him. He held you close, you’d stopped the struggle almost five minutes ago, letting him hold you. It was odd. It almost felt… nice.
“I-I’m sorry. I’m being stupid again” You alien through your remaining little hiccups, shove my your face into his shirt, smelling the woody scent he carried around with him. He cooed, letting you hide yourself from him, savouring this soft moment was of top priorirty in his head… you jsut looked so sweet, so different from those harsh cries that would sound usually whenever he came around.
Who would think, shouts aizawas hand couldn’t feel nice? The same ones that had just been burning you, the ones that made you scream, felt like a breeze on a spring day, he actually felt warm, he felt like happiness, like contentment.
“No hon, it’s not stupid. Your scared. I know that, we all get scared and it’s not a bad thing, I love you, I really, really love you kitten. Just know that” he continued on with his little speech, leaving down to kiss you in the forehead, Jsut to be suprised when you didn’t flinfh, you were too tired to be scared; and too hungry, plus, he was really warm, the cat had pretty much snuggled up to him already, who says you shouldn’t.
“I- um- I love you… to?” You spoke, more of a question than anything, you’d spent so long Harding him that you didn’t know if you even could love him, it didn’t even feel possible, then again, you litterally cling to hizashi like a koala, and your mental state has relaly said “swoopity swoop” and scattered itself everywhere. Maybe having two comfort items was actually better than one… huh.
“Well, let’s go eat then. All taht crying probably made you tired, I’ll let you watch a movie in my office, you can watch pinto again, I know you love taht one. Cmon, let’s go” he spoke, and started walking again, you cuddled closer to him as he did, smiling slightly at the warmth. Hizashi was very extravagant, exiting, and hyper, this man felt very cool, calm, it was such a dark contrast, but it worked so well. You jsut… you Jsut liked it.
Well… now we’ll just have to wait and see who’s the favorite
Thank you for requesting! It was super fun to write and had me feeling super happy when I finished :)
I’m thinking about doing yandere todoroki family asks, because I’m litterally in love with @i-cant-sing one… so, requests are open for those if you want to put them in (please do I’m begging)
Anywho, have the most wonderful to days today! Goodbye!
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sohnamoroll · 2 years
anything for you | e. sohn x reader ft. yeonjun of txt
summary 》 longterm bf cheats on you & causes you to turn to your bsf for the night, but the night takes a turn
warnings 》 arguing, cheating, alcohol intake, fighting, suggestive at points, its just very angst
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| yn
2:31 am
are you awake
come get me
you quickly clicked your phone off after sending the text, using your sleeve to wipe your eyes. you sniffled and what felt like hours of waiting for a text back was simply a couple minutes. you took another sip of the bottle sitting next to you.
| ericicicic 
2:33 am
leaving now 
he was a lifesaver. eric, your bestfriend since middle school. he didnt even ask why you needed to get out of the house, always at your call like a loyal dog, a knight waiting to save his princess. in a platonic way of course. “its strictly platonic” was something you had to say often, for many reasons. like explaining to your mom at the age of 13 it wasnt necessary to plan your future wedding with eric. telling your first boyfriend at the age of 15 that erics like a sister to you. begging your dad to let eric spend the night at 17 so you could work on your joint science project. you could see why maybe it didnt seem so platonic but really, you never viewed him that way. 
the most recent event of having to explain just how platonic the two of you were was when you moved in with your current boyfriend, yeonjun. eric was passed-out drunk in your bathtub and you had to beg yeonjun to let him stay the night. he always seemed jealous and unnerved by eric. 
“no, he cant stay here” yeonjun grabbed your wrist pulling you close to him so he could whisper shout to you. “why not? i would let any of your friends stay with us! he cant be alone like this.” yeonjun rolled his eyes “you would never let any of my female friends stay the night”
you didnt know it at the time, but you were right to have never let his female friends stay over. the very reason youd texted eric was because about an hour ago you caught yeonjun cheating on you. you remember every detail. its been playing in your head since it happened. youd just come back from the bar with your girl-friends, celebrating one of their engagements. everyone thought youd be the first engaged, and up until your friend announced her engagement so did you. you even found the receipt for the ring yeonjun had hiding in his closet. but the ring was no use. the damage was done. 
“yeonjun im home-” you said, opening the bedroom door. “wait baby wait-” he said, frantically standing up from the bed. sheets and blankets tangled on his body, as you started to tear up almost immediately. “yeonjun- who is this woman in our bed?” you pushed your hair back almost ripping some out, before tightening your fist into a ball. he put his underwear on at the speed of light, signaling for the girl to remain quiet as he ushered you out the room, grabbing your wrist just as tight as he did on eric-bathtub night two years ago. “i can explain-” he stuttered together, expecting immediate protest. you threw him off his track when you replied with “oh you can explain? please explain then.” he looked around trying to find words to say “im cheating on you” without sounding like he was cheating on you, but alas his brain betrayed him. “youre drunk y/n, lets just talk about this in the morning.” you rolled our eyes so far back that it hurt a little, using your free hand to rip his off your wrist. “you cant explain it to me so i must be drunk right? get the fuck out of here yeonjun.” he was half right. you were sorta drunk, granted not drunk enough to hallucinate a whole woman in your bed, but he could smell it on you. “get out? fuck do you mean get out this is my place? seriously lets just talk in the morning yn-” yeonjuns speech drops as the girl(now fully dressed) walks out of the bedroom “i think im just gonna go ill call an uber or something” she says, avoiding any and all eye-contact with you. “shes a smart one- god you really know how to pick them huh yeonjun?” you scoff, sticking your middle finger up at the girl. no, you realize its not entirely her fault, she probably didnt know he was taken, but seriously? you guys are arguing in the hallway and she just interrupts like that? what a joke. you hear the front door of the apartment close as yeonjun stares to make sure shes left. “you have about three minutes to explain who the fuck she was and what the fuck she was doing here before i kick you out.” he placed his hand on his forehead, wiping away sweat. “first of all, im not leaving. second of all, i said i would talk to you about it in the morning.” you pushed him further way from you, walking with anger towards the kitchen. “where the fuck are you going?” yeonjun half-shouted, reaching out for but barely missing your arm. you rummaged your cabinets for a bottle of something, anything, to land on a half-full titos. “you dont wanna leave? ill fucking leave. i dont wanna see your fucking face, i dont wanna see this fucking apartment, and i dont wanna sleep in a bed where you just fucked someone and did god-knows what fucking else.” you took a sip from the bottle. “babe you cant just leave its 2:30 am.” he says, meeting you in the kitchen. “do not babe me. im a grown woman and ill do whatever the fuck i want. fuck you yeonjun, seriously.” and so just like that, you left the apartment, slamming the door. 
and so brings us back to the “hey” you sent eric at exactly 2:31 am. you slid down the wall outside your apartment early 2000s rnb style, sobbing into the sleeves of your black dress. eric, who lives 10 minutes away, got there in a record breaking five minutes, like he could sense something was wrong. His car that was only semi-falling apart pulled into the parking lot and he rolled down the window to look at you, only to see you fallng apart on the pavement floor. he opened his door and sprinted towards you. “yn what the hell happened?” he said, bending down to meet you. his plaid pajama pants were slightly too long, hair brown and messy. he moved your arm away from your face, as his hand moved your head up. he sat directly in front of you, criss cross apple sauce style “did..did yeonjun do something?” he asked hesitantly, afraid to be wrong. you couldnt even speak, your anger had evaporated into sadness, so you just nodded as you buried your face into his neck. your mascara tear stains copied onto the shoulder of his jacket. he pet your head as he glared at the apartment door, knowing his newly-sworn enemy was on the other side of it. “hey, yn, we should get into the car, youll freeze to death out here.” eric spoke softly into your ear. sure, he did want to keep you warm, but everytime he saw yeonjuns shadow in the kitchen window, he had to stop every bone in his body from starting a fight. so it was also a safety measure. 
he held your waist to get you up from the ground, taking his jacket off and placing it on your shoulders. thank god for the jacket, cause if not for the extra layer your black makeup wouldve ruined his white tshirt. “do you want me to take that with us?” he said, pointing to the bottle of titos left on the floor. “no,” you laughed sarcastically as he smiled sweetly. youd always felt like his smile could light up the dark, but tonight it just felt so much more comforting, like home. he helped you walk to his car, still drunk enough for your heels to make you stumble. he opened the passenger door for you before getting in on his own side. “do you wanna talk about it? or do you just want me to drive?” he looked at you, waiting for you to decide. “lets just drive for a little, if thats ok.” he was with you, anything wouldve been ok. he stuck a thumbs up to you, starting his car. you hummed along to the songs on the radio for a few moments, until your phone started to blow up. multiple notifications across multiple apps flooded your phone, messages from the names “yj<3″ “junnie” “the boyfriend” depending on the app he used to try and communicate. every message following the general tone of “where the fuck are you?” “are you with eric??” “yn answer me”.
"so fucking over this." you said, holding the power button to shut your phone down. you shoved your phone into the glovebox, deciding to fully not deal with it. "im sorry yn." eric said, looking over at you. "its fine, not like youre the one who cheated on me after 5 years." erics grip on the steering wheel tightened to the point of his fingertips turning white. "he cheated on you?" oh fuck, did you just say that outloud? he turned sharply into the dennys parking lot. "yeah, he did." you fiddled with the necklace around your neck. “how did you find out?” he asked hesitantly. “when i came home she was just...there. in my bed. he said he would explain everything in the morning but i just cant imagine what there is to explain.” you looked down avoiding any eye contact, "but its ok. i think dennys will make up for it." you tried to lighten the mood, but eric was not having it. "ill meet you inside yn, go get us a table." he smiled at you, unlocking the car. unbeknownst to you, this was not the first time you had confessed to eric about something yeonjun fucked up with. however, you were usually too drunk to remember. 
“i just cant believe he would do this to me, he was flirting with my friends the whole time we were out eric” she sobbed over the phone, audibly drunk. “i just wish you were here with me.” yn sniffled as you heard her down more of what you only assumed was alcohol. 
“i just met his parents for the first time and now his mom is talking shit about in the next room. he isnt even defending me”
“he was supposed to meet me for dinner 3 hours ago”
as soon as you were inside the dennys and too far away to see the car, eric could hear the little devil on his shoulder feed him an idea. “call him” the devil said, “call yeonjun”, he taunted. “i cant, if yn found out that would fuck everything up”. eric thought to himself, but he knew the devil could hear. he pulled your phone out of the glovebox to see messages still flooding your phone. “she doesnt have to know.” was the last thing the devil had to say for eric to be convinced. 
"oh my god yn never scare me like that again-"
 "listen up, choi yeonjun"
 "you are so fucking lucky i didn't come into the house and beat your ass when i picked yn up, do you understand that?"
"you couldnt beat me in a fight anyways, eric."
"do you wanna bet on that?" eric fired back,"if i ever, ever, hear about you contacting yn again after what you did to her, you will not live to see another day. understand?" was that an empty threat? at the time, no. he really meant that he would kill him. but he also knew he was no fighter.
the call hung up and eric deleted it from the log, shoving your phone back into the glove box.
"just a fruit punch and an iced tea, please." you said to the waitress, waving at eric as he finally walked into the restaurant. he had a pair of sweatpants in his hands, which he offered to you as he sat down. "are you saying you dont like my dress?" he laughed, "no yn, you look beautiful, but i figured those would be more comfortable." beautiful? it rolled off his tongue so naturally, but it stuck out to you. you accepted the sweats and went into the bathroom to change. when you finally met your reflection, you realized something. you didnt really miss yeonjun. you got cheated on and that was still affecting you, but the idea of yeonjun had shifted. the hole you thought yeonjun would leave in your heart had been patched, and fairly quickly. youd never admitted this to yourself until now, but youve had feelings for eric for years. but he felt unattainable. he was your boy-next-door, a romcom fantasy novel people got to read about. yeonjun felt real, even if the reality was daily fights about some strange inconvenience in the relationship. yeonjun was like the relationships you saw in real life, the fighting, the tears, the anger, and to you that was love. loving someone like eric was so easy and natural, there was no angst or fight. you werent good enough for him. you slipped on his sweat pants, they hugged your waist just tight enough. 
eric tried to hide the blush creeping onto his face seeing you fully decked out in his clothing, with the same jacket from earlier now zipped up. "thank you," you slid into the other side of the booth, "for everything tonight." he playfully rolled his eyes, "id do anything for you, y/n." butterflies danced in your stomach at his words. the waitress brought the drinks over, setting them down. "are you two lovebirds ready to order?" you felt your face get immediately red. eric felt like he should clarify you guys werent together, but before he could get the words out you simply said yes.
eric couldnt hear whatever you just ordered out of pure stun, and he stuttered at the beginning of his order.
"i dont feel like telling people i was just cheated on. so we're lovebirds tonight." you grabbed his hand, squeezing slightly. you knew you shouldnt be moving on this fast. but eric felt like home. you just couldnt deny it. all those times, telling people how platonic the relationship was, was just a feeble attempt to hide what was rising in you all these years.  “so, why were you so dressed up earlier?" he said, trying to change the topic of conversation. "oh god, i was at my friends engagement party." you chuckled, realizing the slight irony in how your night started vs. ended. erics hand flew up to his face slightly embarrassed about bringing it up. "its fine, its no big deal anyways. in fact, if it werent for them i probably wouldnt even believe in love anymore." you said, letting your sentence turn into a whisper towards the end. "whys that?" eric raised an eyebrow. "dont know. guess im just realizing that men dont just show up on white horses anymore."
and right on queue, the dennys doors burst open. a tall man with black hair walking in to cause a scene. "yeonjun?" you said, throwing down your silverware, standing to meet him. you werent sure if your next action was fueled by alcohol, anger, or adrenaline, but you smacked yeonjun right across the face. yeonjun stood there in shock, hand covering where you smacked, as eric rushed to grab your waist and hold you back. you could see yeonjuns eyes change, as his arms tensed up. behind his eyes it was obvious he was fighting with himself to not hit you right back. "did you just...hit me?" yeonjun asked, but he clearly knew the answer. you felt tears well up in your eyes, you used the sleeve of erics jacket to wipe your face. "how did you find us here?" eric asked while sizing yeonjun up. "well, eric, when you called me it updated yns location. but i shouldve known youd be with him, your little boytoy." you felt erics body tensing up behind you but you turned towards him before he could move. "you...called..him?" you said between tears, quickly glancing between the two boys. "yeah, yn, he did. tried to tell me off, he said hed beat me up if i tried to talk to you again, which...doesnt seem to be happening." erics jaw clenched, "yeonjun you should just leave." he said, trying to keep calm. "im not leaving without yn," yeonjun tried to grab your hand, but you pulled it away. "in what fucking world would i go home with you? god i dont wanna be around either of you right now." you sobbed, pushing through your boyfriend and out the dennys. 
yeonjun and eric both followed you yet eric stopped at the windows, giving the two of you space. "its either him or me, yn." yeonjun says, sounding sincere for the first time this whole event. "you or him? you or him? you cheated on me, and yet ive been given the ultimatum? how about its me or her, yeonjun? whoever the fuck she was." you say raising your voice with every word, and if alcohol didnt have you drunk anymore the pure emotion of the situation definitely had you not feeling sober. "YOU, i would pick you everytime. i was just, being stupid." his eyes started to water but there was no sympathy left in you. “I cant do this, yeonjun. the constant back and forth arguing over every. little. god. damn thing. you cant date someone for 5 years and then decide to act stupid.” he tried to approach you but you just shoved him back, and like a scene from a drama rain started to pour down. “i know i fucked up, yn, but please, you have to give me another chance.” you couldnt find the words to say, how to properly convey that you just wanted everything to go back to normal. that if you could you would turn back time and wouldve waited a few more hours to go home, maybe she wouldve been gone. “i cant. i just cant.” you turned around and opened erics car door, slamming it shut. you sobbed into your hands, making you blind to your surroundings. 
yeonjun turned to face his own car, smacking a fist down on the hood. eric, who now had a clear shot to his target finally made his way out of the dennys. immediately left hooking yeonjun before being pushed onto the hard asphalt. after slipping on his way up, his now bloody-hand shoved yeonjun against the already dented hood, loud enough for you to look up from your wet hands to see the two fighting. you went to pull on the door handle but of course in a time of urgency you struggled to get a grip on it. once it finally opened, you ran to pull the younger off of your boyfriend yelling out for them to fucking stop. like hed been cleansed from an inner-demon erics facial expression immediately changed upon seeing you, a mixture of guilt and sorrow now spreading across his face. you shrieked seeing the blood on his face and hands, yeonjun quickly seeing that he wasnt the one you were going to check up on. and while you shoved eric into the passenger seat of his own car, yeonjun escaped(granted not scratch free). you stomped to the other side of the car to get into the drivers seat, pulling your sleeves up as you got in. 
“eric sohn what the fuck is wrong with you?” you said, voice almost raw. he stayed almost completely still and silent. “i-im sorry, yn” he muttered out. “sorry? yeah, im sorry too. god men are so fucking stupid.” anger littered throughout your words, tinges of sarcasm peaking through. “i just. couldnt listen to him treat you like that anymore. i dont know how you deal with him.” the truth was, you never did deal with him. you let everything slide, never confronting him, but eric didnt need to know that. “well i dont fist fight him thats for fucking sure.” eric laughed, “yeah well, maybe you should next time.” normally youd be pissed off at someone making a joke when you were so frustrated, but in all honesty you were over the fighting. “i dont think theres gonna be a next time.” you sighed, coming to terms with the fact that 5 years of a relationship had just been tossed. thrown away. eric was probably going to regret his next move, but he was also probably going to regret not making a move.
“yn, i love you.” he looked at you directly, his eyes full of such innocence in contrast to the blood on his face. you froze entirely, trying to figure out what type of love he meant. “i love you too, eric.”you said slowly, and unsure. no, that wasnt what he meant. “no, yn, i really truly love you. in a non platonic way.” your heart was beating out of your chest, butterflies flooded your stomach like youd been sick with them. you were confused, time felt like itd started to go 10 times faster. “i know this is horrible timing but-” you kissed him. straight interrupted his sentence, turnt your body, grabbed his face, and kissed him. you didnt think about any consequences to your action, or if you would regret this or not, you just knew you had to kiss him. he kissed back with passion like hed never get this chance again. the box inbetween you was causing too much space so you crossed over it, now straddling him in the passenger seat. you cupped his face, careful to not hit any sores, kissing deeper and deeper. your bodies kept rolling against eachother, and not in a lustful way, but because you just couldnt get close enough(so maybe a little lustful). he grabbed your waist going underneath your his jacket, feeling soft and warm skin. you gasped for air after pulling away, strands of his brown hair stuck lightly to his forehead. “yn that was- i dont know what to say.” he looked up at you, hands still resting onto your waist, the softest smile gracing his face. “then dont say anything. just kiss me again.” you pushed his hair back, admiring his features for a second. as you leaned back in, noses touching, he simply let out a whisper. 
“anything for you.”
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minjiarchive · 2 years
ALREADY HERE? : handong x (fem!reader)
you peaked inside your house before closing the door behind you. you set your bag down before making your way upstairs. you didnt expect handong to be awake at this time, working extra hours today interrupted spending time with handong earlier.
opening the door, handong was no where to be seen. she wasnt on the bed where she usually is, always waiting for you to come home and greet you on the bed.
"handong? where are you?" you called out as your eyes wandered the room nervously.
suddenly, you felt arms wrap around your waist pulling you closer and her breath fanning against your nape.
"baby im right here. i knew you wouldnt forget about me."
you turned around slightly before smiling, kissing her forehead. you felt bad that you werent with handong the whole day, she would be more touchy especially on days you both arent with eachother. you stared into her eyes and noticed the puppy eyes she gave you.
"whats that look for babe, do you need anything?"
"i want you, please y/n. i havent seen you all day and i miss you a lot." her fingers traced against your lips, brushing back your hair.
"it would be hard denying you my love dont you think? wait for me on the bed and i'll be there soon."
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