#i went through all this trauma of isolation + no ones apologized yet + no ones even tried to help me or help repair the situation.
snekdood · 1 year
All ik is if i gotta be isolated and socially ostracized in spite of doing nothing wrong, then maybe we dont get to be so forgiving and understanding and Here For the person who put me in this situation. Kinda think they deserve the same shit too, i mean, if we're all being fucking genuine right? Or did they convince you so well that theyre so uwu weak and innocent that even though theyre a rapist you still need to hold them with kiddie gloves?
#cops when it comes to be but have the Nuanced Leftist Understanding Of Retributirive Justice & Why Its Bad when it comes to them lmao#okay#so i gotta go through all this trauma but even if you find out what i say is true then they srill face no repercussions of any sort huh?#yeah yall dont care about me too lmao. yall dont care about victims. yall like making victims and finding targets.#yall LOVE trying to destroy peoples loves and will jump at any opportunity to do it but suddenly your fave blogger is outed as a creep and#lives* not loves#its all fine and you give 0 of that same energy back to them. iight.#like go fuck yourselves lmao. wipe yourself from the planet or at least from society if this is how you fuckin are#they could be outed as a serial rapist and yall would look at their fursona still and go 'awwww' like. why are you on this planet shisjsks#why cant you evenly distribute the energy of Hating Rapists when it comes to them huh?#some of yall are already in an abusive relationship with them and dont even realize. you dont even see how they have such a hold over you#that you react different than you did to me about finding out theyre a creep.#i went through all this trauma of isolation + no ones apologized yet + no ones even tried to help me or help repair the situation.#yall literally do not care about other humans. you care about drama and bloodsports.#yall dont understand HOW MUCH you've made me lose faith in humanity. like if yall thought i didnt care if humans died for whatever reason#before i probably believe that shit now BUT ITS FUCKING BECAUSE OF YOU PEOPLE. ITS FUCKING BECAUSE OF YOU#its tumblr users that are this dogmatic about their favorite creators which is why i say people on this site dont deserve shit#yall are just whiped fucking dogs.#did you get a treat for not putting up too much of a stink? for never comfronting them? for standing by?#kys
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emrulerz · 5 months
I’ve seen some people who seem to strongly dislike Della Duck or see her as a terrible mother so I wanted to give reasons as to why she’s actually a good mother. I’m writing this as in-depth as possible to prove how Della is a good person. This is a biased opinion, obviously, but I’m also not entirely disregarding Dellas mistakes.
I talk about her mistakes but I also talk about how those mistakes aren’t her defining characteristics. She’s way more than how people make her out to be.
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“Nothing Can Stop Della Duck!” Episode 12, season 2
Coming back to Earth after ten years of being stuck on the moon can be challenging for multiple different reasons. (Adjusting to society, missing out on a decade of new things, getting back on a proper food and sleep schedule, etc).
The biggest thing the show highlights for Della is her struggle to parent. It can be hard to interact with people again after such a long time let alone become a parent of three (especially once they’ve already grown into 10 year olds). One could say that she had it coming since she was the one to have kids and then hop on the rocket prematurely. I can understand that it is infuriating that Della got onto the rocket but obviously getting lost was never her intention. She made a mistake and it’s shown throughout the show that she does deeply regret it.
Della did not intentionally leave her kids when she did this. There is a difference between leaving your family intentionally and going missing. It’s clearly shown throughout the show that Della cares for her kids so she would never leave them permanently. She tried her best to go back to Earth to get back to Huey, Dewey, and Louie.
Even when Della was stuck on the moon all she talked about was her kids and how much she missed them. No matter how many years went by she still talked to them through her camera to communicate a message to them (that, at the time, she believed would get to them) and would even talk about them to people she didn’t even know that well. She never stopped thinking about her boys.
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“Whatever Happened to Della Duck?!” Episode 7, season 2
I fully believe that her only optimism and motivation to keep going was her kids. She always tried to remain positive even after several years went by. It can be really hard to remain optimistic while being stuck on the moon especially when you have no one else there with you. It can be isolating and terrifying.
Della has gone through ups and downs especially after seeing a beast who turned out to also be a mother. Della felt she related to the beast and even gave the mother her gold tooth even when she didn’t need to. She realized there was no way she’d be getting home if she did this yet she selflessly did it anyways. She felt heart break after heart break of losing her ways to get home.
It is unfair to say that Della hasn’t gotten any backlash or a punishment from her mistake. Yes, getting on the rocket was a big mistake and an awful one but her mistake was her punishment. She faced monsters that constantly attacked her and prevented her from getting home, she’s been stuck with no interaction with anyone for 10 years, she faced trauma, and she had to face her children whom she left after 10 years. So yes, she was punished and I don’t see or understand what other punishment she should have gotten.
Once Della had gotten back on Earth she immediately went to Scrooges mansion to see her boys.
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“Nothing Can Stop Della Duck!” Episode 12, season 2
Della apologized and even asked her boys if they could have her back as their mother. I do understand that they are children and it can be difficult to make such a choice. And, being children, it would be likely that they’d say yes. But I believe Della handled this apology well and the most important thing is that she DID apologize and even asked for forgiveness. Not a lot of parents do that.
I understand that during this scene Louie didn’t have a moment to accept like his brothers did. Dewey got excited and instantly agreed to having her as a mother so he didn’t give Huey nor Louie a chance to say anything. This is more of an issue with Louie’s feelings not being heard by, not only Della, but also by his brothers. It can be easy to unintentionally ignore someone’s feelings when you aren’t paying attention.
This isn’t necessarily Della nor Dewey’s fault. Louie in general has very complex feelings unlike his brothers (but I’ll get to that in a moment.)
This is an easy mistake to make especially if you’re too excited when seeing your kids for the first time. To Della she’s meeting new people she doesn’t know yet. Each of her kids are different with different feelings and she just needs to learn more about them. That’s why I believe it made sense for Della to come off as “too much” when first meeting them. She’s still learning to be a parent and that comes with some mistakes.
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“Nothing Can Stop Della Duck!” Episode 12, season 2
Della messed up a lot on learning to be a parent which is natural! She’s taking care of ten year olds whom she didn’t know at birth so obviously she is going to have some trouble.
She made the boys cake which she messed up, she told them scary stories, and she tried to act fun. Della may have made these mistakes but she was trying to be the best mom she could for them. It would be completely strange and unrealistic if Della had been completely perfect for them.
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“Nothing Can Stop Della Duck!” Episode 12, season 2
Della & Huey
Out of the three triplets Huey definitely had the least interactions with Della but that didn’t make their relationship is any less important. They still related in ways that they are both intelligent and, when first meeting each other, Huey got super excited when he discovered that Della was a Junior Woodchuck too.
The side plot in “Happy Birthday, Doofus Drake!” Is an example of a bonding moment between both Della and Huey. The two were both playing a video game called “Legend of Legend Quest.” This is a game Huey was currently obsessed with while Della mentions she used to play it all the time after adventures. This is another example of what both Della and Huey have in common relating to special interests.
While playing Della discovered that Huey would rather sit and plant his garden than fight because he claimed it was too dangerous. Della, on the other hand, would rather fight than sit around and plant. This seems to be the twos defining differences, super safe VS the not so super safe.
While Della is fighting, however, Huey seemed to be getting jealous and antsy, suddenly getting the urge to fight as well.
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“Happy Birthday, Doofus Drake!” Episode 18, season 2
Huey wanted to step out of the area that caused him comfort and Della was fully encouraging of this. It’s good to step out of your comfort zone every once in a while and to not stay so boxed in to one area. She claimed that “every journey begins with a single step” which is a motivating and good thing for a kid to hear.
Della never once forced Huey out of his comfort zone and slowly allowed him to do it himself. This is completely his choice and Della is just encouraging it which is a good thing. Theres nothing wrong with stepping out of your comfort zone as long as you aren’t being forced into uncomfortable situations.
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“Nothing Can Stop Della Duck!” Episode 12, season 2
Della & Dewey
In season one Dewey discovered information about his mom and found out about the Spear of Selene so it’s only natural that the two would bond well together once she had come back.
Della does relate to each of the boys in different aspects but Dewey was definitely meant to be the one she related to the most. Dewey is like a mirror of Della. They’re both very similar and the show wants you to know that. They’re both hyper, ambitious, and jump into action/danger.
With this information in mind, it is known that since they’re similar they have a lot of moments together throughout the show. This does NOT mean she picks favorites as some people like to point out. She loves each of her kids individually and just because she is similar to Dewey that doesn’t mean she favors him the most.
Della and Dewey instantly went on an adventure together after the episode Della came back. Throughout the episode “Raiders of The Doomsday Vault!” Della taught Dewey how to fly the plane and they both defy Scrooge to go on their own little adventure to the money tree. Della and Dewey both struggle in this episode with each other: learning to say no.
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Della is very encouraging to Dewey and tells him he can do anything he sets his mind to. When a kid as young as Dewey gets told this by their mother they truly feel that they can do anything no matter how impossible. This can be both good and bad for a multitude of reasons. While, yes, it is good to encourage your kid that they can do things it can also be very dangerous since the kid could get into bad situations.
Dewey started to get more risky the more Della convinced him he could do anything. When he hopped toward the money seeds, no ground beneath him, Della started to panic, thinking he’d fall. Dewey just convinced her it would be fine, “I can do anything! Just like you told me!”
Della started to realize that maybe what she had said wasn’t the best but she didn’t stop him. Once he made it to the money seeds, accidentally planted them, he slipped and fell when he realized he couldn’t do it. Della saved him and Dewey suddenly felt like he let her down.
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“Raiders of the Doomsday Vault!” Episode 13, season 2
Dewey let out his emotions and Della convinced him that he didn’t need to impress her. Dewey didn’t need to be her. He had limits, obviously, and there was just some things he couldn’t do that she could. But no matter what she would always love him.
Della made a very simple mistake that a lot of parents make. It’s not talked about a lot because not everyone sees any bad in encouraging your kid but sometimes in situations like this it can go too far. No one usually wants to say no to their kid or tell them they can’t do something.
Throughout the show Della seems to be very supportive of Dewey and what he wants to do (an example of this is “The Lost Cargo of Kit Cloudkicker!” Episode 20, season 3.) It’s hard for Della to say no because she wants to support Dewey no matter what even if it’s something he’s not so good at.
Again, theres nothing wrong with doing this. Dewey will grow and learn that the hobby he wanted to do so bad wasn’t something he was so good at. Dewey is a kid who seems to jump from one hobby/activity to the next. And once he discovers he’s bad at something he will just hop to the next thing to see if he’s good at it. And Della will always be encouraging and supportive no matter what new thing he tries.
I’ve seen a point being made that Della is too dangerous and isn’t considering her kid’s safety. Just to clarify this is a Ducktales! This shows whole premise is big, dangerous, adventures. Scrooge Mcduck puts these kids through so many dangerous situations that is the point of the show. But people seem to pick on Della more for doing the same thing Scrooge does. I understand not every character is into big and dangerous adventures (Ex: Louie, Donald) but that is more of an issue that needs to be communicated with the rest of the family.
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“Nothing Can Stop Della Duck!” Episode 12, season 2
Della & Louie
This is where people have the most complaints regarding Della. You could say that Louie is the complete opposite of how Dewey is with Della. But this doesn’t necessarily mean Della and Louie don’t have a good relationship. In “Nothing Can Stop Della Duck!” It is very clear to the audience that Louie is confused and has complicated feelings towards his mom unlike Huey and Dewey.
Not only does Della unintentionally ignore Louie’s feelings but so does his brothers. Both Huey and Dewey are happy that their mom is back while Louie seems confused and conflicted by his own feelings. This is a completely valid emotion for Louie to have. If someone you barely know comes back after a long time it can be hard to trust them or see them as family.
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“Nothing Can Stop Della Duck!” Episode 12, season 2
Louie expresses his feelings about his mom and even felt guilty for feeling this way. Della over heard this and it hurt her, for obvious reasons. But then later, near the end of the episode, Della saved Louie from the Gilded Man which was a very emotional moment for him. Della and Louie hugged then Della said to her three kids, “I know you’re not used to having a mom…and I am not used to being one, but I’ll figure it out as we go along. In time.” To which Louie smiled and responded back with, “we all will.”
Even though Della was talking to all three of her boys here you can tell it was more directed toward Louie considering he was the one that felt conflicted with their mom coming back. Della saying this and Louie’s response is like a silent agreement that they both understand each other in some way. Della will figure out how to be a mom and Louie will figure out how to have a mom.
Another big important moment between the two comes from “Timephoon!” In season two episode 21. Throughout this episode Della is convincing herself, and others, that she is a cool mom. She’s not strict and she is completely ok with the kids bringing in a cave Duck that came from no where. While a storm is happening outside the family is forced to stay indoors. Dewey and Webby get food prepared which is revealed to be chili dogs. Beakley is highly against it while Della is fully ok with it.
While watching it’s noticeable how often Beakley picks on Dellas parenting style. She’s too ok with what her kids are doing and she lets things go easily. That is until things get more and more out of hand when they discovered that different people from the past were appearing in the present time. Scrooge and Beakley instantly assume that one of the kids must have caused it. Della, on the other hand, is certain that her kids could not be the cause of it.
While Beakley and Della fight ninjas from the past, Della is still not convinced that her kids would be the cause of the time incident. She believed that her kids are “good kids” and says so to Beakley.
“Even good kids do dumb things and we have to make sure those dumb things don’t turn into bad things.”
Beakley is stating that good kids can make mistakes but that it’s a parent’s responsibility to make sure they don’t make more or worse mistakes. If a kid makes a big mistake, but they don’t learn from it, that can lead them down a bad path. At the end of the day a kid needs discipline to learn from their behavior and to never make that mistake again.
That being said there are right ways to discipline but there are also very, very, bad ways to discipline (ex: any form of hitting/spanking). But i believe Della handled it well.
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“Timephoon!” Episode 21, season 2
In the end Della found out that Louie had been hiding the fact that he stole the time tub from Gyros lab to steal treasure from the past which, in return, caused time to get screwed up. Della was furious when she found out and took Beakleys advice into account. She realized that Beakley was right: kids need discipline even if you love them. Tough love. So Della gave him a stern talking to and explained that what he did was wrong: he stole and he almost lost his family by causing them to go back in time. So Della grounded Louie when no one else was going to.
Louie was mad, obviously. He’s a kid and to him he felt it was unfair, no kid wants to be grounded. But he needed the grounding to learn his lesson. Once Louie marched to his room Della dropped to her knees. On her exterior she had been trying to remain strong and tough towards Louie but once he was gone she expressed how hard it was for her to do it.
Beakley let her know that it would make Louie a better person in the future to learn from those mistakes. No matter what anyone says a child needs proper discipline. It’s hard to raise a kid and not everyone wants to discipline their child. But it is needed so they don’t step all over their parental figure and get away with things.
No one else was going to do anything about Louie’s behavior. He’s a kid and he’s obviously gonna make mistakes but he needs to learn from them and not get away with it, especially if it hurts others.
People seem to take this scene way too seriously even going as far as to say that Della is an abuser or a terrible parent for this reason. This is an absurd way of thinking. No good mother is going to allow their kid to get away with their behavior and potentially hurt others.
Louies grounding was completely deserved because he did something he really shouldn’t have done. Also this clearly isn’t Della “picking favorites.” If Dewey or Huey did something this bad Della would also ground them. Huey, Dewey, and Louie are all different and those differences come with some negative and some positive attributes and behaviors. Louie gets into more trouble than his brothers due to his money schemes so, eventually, it’s gonna bite him in the ass. And as we see here, it did.
The episode that comes after (GlomTales! episode 22, season 2) is another big moment between Louie and Della. In this episode Louie is grounded and he’s forbidden to leave his room. The family is getting ready to go to Big Rock Candy Mountain without Louie which is unfortunate since it’s the perfect place for him. Cherry pep springs, gold/money, being lazy. This was unlike their other adventures which were usually more dangerous and less enjoyable for Louie.
When Louie found out they were going he was mad and demanded he go too but Della claimed that he was still grounded and couldn’t come. I see this as an unfortunate coincidence considering Louie conveniently got grounded before they went on the trip. Scrooge chose this adventure as a victory to when he would beat Glomgold in the money bet. Della didn’t choose this adventure to purposely upset Louie as she didn’t choose it at all. But her grounding against Louie still stood. Just because they were going on a fun adventure this time that didn’t make him any less grounded.
The only complaint I have against this situation is that I wish Della didn’t go on the adventure. Even though Louie did have protection at the mansion due to the home security I still feel as though Della should have stayed home with him. I also do feel like the family going on this adventure is to poke more fun at Louie since it’s a place he’d actually enjoy but that isn’t necessarily the fault of Della or Scrooge. It was just imperfect timing.
While grounded Louie tries to use his phone or even Hueys tablet but Della programmed a way to only show videos of her giving lectures. This can be a good way to get your kid to listen when they have nothing else to do in a boring room. Preferably, though, I’d say Della should give those talks in person so it’s most likely that Louie would listen. But I believe those lectures on the phone are meant to be taken lightly just in a way that Louie can’t use his phone or any other device.
Throughout the episode Louie is trying to escape his room to go to Big Rock Candy Mountain but the DT-87 (security robot) doesn’t make it any easier. He tried to escape multiple times only to fail each time.
Louie even dressed up as Huey to try and trick the DT-87 into believing he was Huey. This unfortunately didn’t work out as Huey conveniently called at the same time. Huey talked about how cool the place was (which obviously only made Louie more jealous). When Louie tired to ask for more details Huey hung up the call.
Louie got mad at this and asked out loud to no one in particular, “What’s so wrong with an innocent scheme?” to which the DT-87 replies back with another lecture video from his mom. Louie just rolled his eyes until Della in the video said,
“Your plans, your schemes, they only lead to bad things for your family. If you wanna be apart of this family, you’ve gotta stop.”
Louie looked guilty and slowly sat back on the floor while saying out loud, “this is the one thing I’m good at. Why can’t you see?”
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“GlomTales!” episode 22, season 2
This shows a big miscommunication/misunderstanding between Louie and Della. Louie believed that his only good trait was his schemes and his ability to see every angle of a situation. Meanwhile Della is concerned about whether these schemes Louie has are good for the family if they just end up hurting everyone.
I don’t fully agree with how Della worded her statement. I understand her worry that Louie’s schemes might hurt the family, since it has before, but saying that the only way he can be apart of the family is if he stops entirely, i’d say, is going too far. This is the first time Della had ever disciplined one of her kids and, again, she’s still struggling with what’s right and what’s wrong when it comes to parenting.
I understand this doesn’t excuse her words and it may have cut deep with Louie. I do genuinely wish we got a call back of what Della had said here and that maybe Louie would bring up how much it hurt him.
Near the end of the episode after Louie took the villains (and Scrooges) money, he talked to his mom.
“I know I messed up before but seeing all the angles is what I’m good at.”
She smiled and hugged him, “ok, but you need to take care to not hurt the ones you love and i’ll be here to help you see the angles you can’t.”
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“GlomTales!” episode 22, season 2
Here we see a bit more of them understanding each other. It’s not a lot but it’s a start. Della says she will be there to help him when he needs it and Louie’s learning to not hurt others with his actions (which can be debatable). There are some instances after this incident (Ex: The Richest Duck in the World! Ep 23 season 2, Louie’s Eleven! Ep 5, season 3.) where Louie does still come off as mean or selfish. This doesn’t necessarily mean he didn’t learn what his mom said. It could be the case where Louie struggles with being more considerate and thoughtful of others. Again, not every kid is the same and they all learn differently.
In the second half of the “Moonvasion!” Episode, Della is struggling with wanting to keep her kids safe. They’re going through an invasion by the moon people and the kids want to help. Della, on the other hand, wants to keep her children safe. She’s already lost them once and she does not want to lose them again.
Her kids later pick up on the fact that Della was trying to get them to safety instead of getting help for the war. When they get stuck on a deserted island the kids try and find a way to get home. Meanwhile, Della is still insistent that they should just stay on the island since it’s so safe.
When they deny her she started to sulk and hide in the plane. Louie walked over and decided to talk to her. When they talked Della expressed more how she’s scared to lose them. Louie, who’s usually scared of most things, comforted her to believe it’ll be fine.
Louie noticed how Della is in clear distress about possibly losing her kids again. He sat down next to her and had a talk with her.
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“Moonvasion! Part ll” Episode 25, season 2
Louie admits to her that he hates surprises and that’s because they come unexpectedly and a lot of the time they’re bad. But when a bad surprise comes, that can also lead to a good surprise. Implying that his mom was a good surprise for him.
Louie loves his mom no matter what anyone thinks or believes. He wouldn’t just lie to her face if that was the case and probably wouldn’t have said this at all. He was really happy when his mom came back he was just indifferent about her which is understandable.
Just because he was confused about her at first, that doesn’t mean he hates her. Just because he got discipline from his mother, that doesn’t mean anything. They both still love each other.
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“Moonvasion! Part ll” Episode 25, season 2
Della & Donald
Donald and Della broke down once they saw each other (of course, after yelling at each other). Donald thought Della, his sister, was dead for all those years. And, even though Della seemed to put him under a lot of stress, he never stopped loving her. Even when he had to take care of her kids.
He doesn’t and has never hated his sister. He also doesn’t seem sad to let Della take care of the kids again. If anything he’s probably grateful since he was struggling so bad with money (this doesn’t mean he doesn’t still love the triplets.) Obviously he’s still gonna see them, he is their uncle, after all.
Just because Della is taking her kids back, that doesn’t mean Donald is against this. He was going to go on his own trip with Daisy and start his own life with her (“The Last Adventure! part I” Ep 22, season 3). Della was even against this, as she wanted to spend more time with him, but eventually she knew it was best to let him go.
Donald and Della never show any awkwardness and hatred towards one another once she got back. Donald loves his sister and aways will.
Did Della make a mistake? Yes, obviously, but that isn’t her defining feature. Donald has made mistakes (Ex: Quack Pack! Ep 2 season 3) and Scrooge has as well (Ex: New Gods on the Block! Ep 15 season 3) but no one holds those mistakes against them as much as people do with Dellas mistakes.
You could say that their mistakes weren’t as impactful or important but, and I don’t know about you, but Donald wishing he’d rather have a “normal” family isn’t too loving.
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“Quack Pack!” Episode 2, season 3
I’m not saying he’s awful for this. He obviously has reasons for wishing and thinking this (wanting his family to remain safe and out of trouble) but he still made a mistake and he then went to apologize to them and help them. He was forgiven by his family and no one in the fandom bat an eye.
Scrooge is another example. He treated the triplets and Webby like they were useless, even if he did it unintentionally, he was still going to replace them in some way. Della was even the one to try and help the kids and motivate them that they could do anything and to not listen to Scrooge.
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“New Gods on the Block!” Ep 15 season 3
Scrooge has done this a few other times in the show where he would hurt the kid’s feelings. Sometimes unintentionally while other times he would intend on coming off as hurtful.
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“The Missing Links of Moorshire!” Episode 11, season 1
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“The Rumble for Ragnarok!” Episode 7, season 3
People can be biased when it comes to their favorite characters which I think isn’t a set way to determine whether a character is good or bad. If Donald, Scrooge, or Della did something bad it should be acknowledged and not just thrown under the rug just because they may be your favorites. But to obsess over EVERY mistake a character has made can also be very tedious because they will always make a mistake of some kind.
I acknowledge Dellas mistakes but I don’t obsess over it and make it her whole personality (just like how I don’t do this with Donald or Scrooge). I see how she genuinely feels bad and has made up for her mistakes and THAT’S how I determine whether a character is in good faith or not. If I saw that she didn’t feel bad about her actions then my opinion on her would change into a negative one. But since the show represents Della as a kind hearted character who saw how negative her actions were my opinion on her is a good one.
These characters are bound to make mistakes it’s natural and it’s what makes a character realistic and complex. Sometimes it can range from little things like lying and other times it can be big things that can impact a characters life. It can make a story interesting and, in Dellas case, I was really interested in what the Ducktales 2017 show did to her and her story.
It was heartbreaking and sad, in my opinion. She was lost and she had to be stuck for years knowing that it was her fault that she was in that predicament. She knew that her kids were growing up without her.
No one’s denying that Della has made a mistake, but to make it an excuse as to why Della is a terrible person or parent is lazy thinking. I truly believe that people don’t look as in-depth with her character and only see her for her mistakes. This is ridiculous especially if you don’t hold other characters to that same standard.
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That’s all <3
(I also love Della and Webbys relationship. “The Golden Armory of Cornelius Coot.” Season 2, episode 20 is a good example of a nice moment between them.)
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howlsofbloodhounds · 2 months
Because all of the boys have severe PTSD, I like to imagine how they each cope with it (and help each other cope).
In previous posts, I've noticed that Epic deals with trauma by avoiding and dismissing it. He struggles with facing the fear head on because he doesn't want himself or others to get hurt again, so he runs away and downplays it to others don't get concerned because he can't deal with their emotions, much less his own.
Color often has panic attacks and tries his best to prevent the traumatic event from repeating. He struggles with the fear of his trauma repeating, insecure and afraid of others, and yet trusts them anyways due to his good nature. He and Delta take turns sharing the role of the 'therapist friend'.
Delta has two ways of coping; isolation avoidance, and doing everything they possibly can to prevent anyone from experiencing the trauma that they went through, no matter the cost. He struggles most with survivor's guilt because he refuses to accept that sometimes, people are just meant to die and not be saved, but if he admits that, then that means it was no one's fault - and he'd rather believe that they died in spite of trying to be saved rather than admit that sometimes, you really just can't save everyone. He does not cope well with failure, even if he didn't fail the person who died.
In short, they all care too much about saving others to the point where they forget to save themselves, too.
However, during flashbacks, depending on what it's about, these things might change.
For Epic, I think that if he had a flashback (maybe about a nightmare or something idk), his first instinct would be panic, and then he'd switch to what he always does during nightmares. He'd try to fight it. It would be very hard to snap him out of it, and harder to calm him down, no matter how much he denies it and tries to play it off once it's done.
For Color, he will most likely have a panic attack, but it might also make him aggressive, depending on what triggered him. Like if his friends accidentally left him alone for a long period of time, he'd most likely have flashbacks to his abandonment, and that would most likely cause a panic attack. But once his friends get back, he may grow angry and snap at them for leaving without saying anything, and then might have another panic attack from the idea that they might have forgot to say something. However, once he's calmed down, he'd probably apologize for snapping and they'd apologize for leaving.
For Delta, I like to imagine that he gets incredibly aggressive. If he has flashbacks to when he had to fight for someone (or himself), he will become violent and both physically and magically attack the person he thinks he's fighting, which could seriously hurt his friends if they're near him. However, once he's calmed down and out of it, he will have a guilt-attack (a panic attack from guilt) and try to heal them while also staying away from them so as to not scare or hurt them anymore. He will not let them near him. It will take a very long time for him to trust himself around them again, and he will isolate.
I think I don’t know what to say because you said it all so well and amazingly that I just agree with it. I absolutely love it.
I really like thinking of ways the trio might help eachother cope from their respective traumas and neurodivergence’s—such as overstimulation, shutdowns and meltdown.
And I mentioned before how I think Delta likes deep pressure, so giving Delta weighted blankets or vests can help ground him during episodes of distress, offering a sense of security and comfort.
Gentle pressure massages can help soothe and ground Delta when he’s overwhelmed, if he’s comfortable with touch at the moment.
Delta could benefit from engaging his senses to stay present. Using calming scents (like lavender), soothing sounds (soft music or white noise), and textures (soft fabrics) can help him stay grounded.
Techniques like holding onto something solid (like a stress ball or a comforting object) can help him focus on the present moment. Maybe he has certain item he finds comforting, similar to the way Delta carries around a small toy for Beta. (I like to think Beta is actually obsessed with The Lion King, so the toy is a little stuffy of Mufasa.)
Zorox can also help by offering a calming presence by staying close to Delta, providing physical contact like leaning against him or resting his head on Delta’s lap. The pup’s presence can be soothing and reassuring, helping Delta feel less isolated during his distress.
Zorox can also be trained to perform specific actions, like nudging or licking Delta, to help interrupt and ground him during a flashback.
As Beta shares a body and mind with Delta, they can provide emotional support by offering reassurance and understanding, helping to ground Delta in the present moment. And helping walk him through grounding techniques when he struggles to remember.
They can also engage in calming activities together, such as listening to soothing music or practicing relaxation exercises, can help both Beta and Delta manage their stress. Maybe they’ll watch a favorite movie together.
Beta can also help monitor Delta’s reactions and communicate with him during moments of distress, helping him recognize when he needs to take specific actions to calm down.
And whenever Delta just can’t do it, is exhausted or too overwhelmed to handle the external world at the moment and just needs to be alone, he and Beta can switch places until he’s ready to.
Which is a concerning thing for Color and Epic of course, to know that their friend is hurting that badly, but they both instead just take the opportunity to spend time with Beta.
Neither want to get involved in how Delta and Beta manage things between themselves unless specifically asked for help or advice, and neither want to send the idea that they prefer one over the other.
For helping Color calm down, it’d probably be different for if he’s having a flashback/panic attack or if he’s having a meltdown/shutdown.
For a panic attack, I don’t think he’d like being alone, but he’d also be even more sensitive to sounds or touch or stimulation. Touching him after a panic attack can send him straight into a meltdown sometimes.
For a panic attack or a flashback, just having his friends quietly nearby is a great help. I’d think he’d be highly sensitive to being ignored, because he’ll fear he’s being forgotten again, so of course Epic and Delta make an effort to include him always.
They often use ASL a lot, the three of them I think.
For a shutdown or a meltdown, I feel Color would need to be alone and have quiet even if he doesn’t want to be alone. So instead he goes somewhere quiet, alone, with a comfort item/stim toy and some photographs of himself and his friends. So he knows they’re all still nearby.
For Epic, redirecting or distraction would probably be very appreciated by him—with Color and Delta doing things like redirecting his attention to puzzles and memes for a bit. Maybe puzzles are a common activity if in the Epic Sanses’ friend group.
For Epic, I feel like theres an established comforting routine they all go through. I feel like trying to make Epic seriously discuss what he isn’t ready to or comfortable doing would only push him away if not make the source of his panic attack worse.
I feel like Color and Delta would let Epic know that they’re always there for him and willing to talk when he’s ready, but will not push him into something he doesn’t want.
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jeonstudios · 2 months
Boy am I about to rant in this ask lol
The amount of people who want them (jk, OC) in DC to be end game makes me question whether they would survive a serial killer in a horror movie.
Basically, all I hear is "yeah he was mean to her, called her names, told her she doesn't deserve to be treated nice from men..BUT he's hot and said sorry!" Like...you really missed the point. I'm not saying they can't end up together but my girl OC has been through hell and back with the opposite gender. She needs to heal first lol
Also I'm glad DC is taking it's time because girl you ALMOST had me not read the rest of the chapter when I read she asked for handcuffs.
I was thinking "has everyone suddenly got amnesia and forgot he was mean to her? But oh well he's being nice to her so let's jump forward to a relationship... 👏 grab the handcuffs!!!"
Honestly I really don't think as of now they should be end game but let's see what he does to atone for his previous treatment of her. Does that mean that once he apologizes with words or actions he can get together with OC? Probably not, but it's up to OC. She hasn't been treated nice or as an equal from men. JK is too good to be true to just forget how she's been treated.
(and now for my literature interpretation of this series so far lol)
I really hope the next chapter with jks pov can clarify some of my doubts because the complete 180 he did is so....I can't wrap my head around it. He insulted her appearance, her chest, that she doesn't deserve flowers...but now that he found out she's a SA victim NOW she deserves to be treated like a human. NOW she's a woman deserving of flowers 🙄
I'm gonna give him a crumb of doubt because at the time, his friends, who are the perpetrators of OCs trauma, were nice to JK.
It's hard to imagine that a friend who treats you so nice can have this horrible side to them and assault OC. Not only that but they implanted a false narrative of what went down and because they are so nice to him, he took their story for what it was.
It's easy to say from an outsider perspective "well why didn't he come to his own conclusion and investigate before automatically assuming it was true?" But we're not omniscient. We can't predict the future and this perspective comes from what is known now vs what little information you had then. And this can fall both ways like yeah he didn't know much back then but also he could've dug a little deeper but that's such a rabbit hole I will not dive into cuz it's a neverending cycle.
ANYWAYS, Now that he's got the other side of the story, WITH PROOF, he wants to get justice for OC and maybe even start a relationship with her (TBD), but how can you do that when you were also indirectly hurting her with your words that further pushes her to not trust men? That further deepens her wound/trauma/wtv you wanna call it.
I mean think about it, if you were OC, you were close to dying at the hands of a man who wanted sexual gratification one way or another, and then it kinda swept under the rug...she's never gotten true justice. And because the guy hasn't been put in jail, it gives him an ego boost to think he got away with it and rubs it in OCs face by making up a false narrative that everyone believes and turns against her, further isolating her from who she can count on.
First, by getting away with the assault, he's won, and now by having people turn against her and hate her, he's won again.
DC jk and all the things he's said and done to her, indirectly adds more salt to a wound that hasn't healed. Yet again another victory to the perpetrator.
So at this moment, a "sorry" and "I'm not like the other guys, I'm a nice person, I took a knife for you, you can trust me" isn't enough for OC to heal. OC even said how she wants to trust JK but after everything she's been told, after everything she's been through, it's hard to put that guard down and just trust him. Because that's also how she was assaulted by her previous partner.
So...with that said, let's see what the next chapter reveals because right now the plot is in the middle and it can go in any direction. I think it was a good choice for OC to leave bc that whiplash from jk being rude to the greenest flag ever might be a bit too much for someone like OC who's only ever had bad experiences with men.
As for the romance between JK and OC, let's put it in the back burner! Lets put these cowards in jail first and then we can talk about it.
My girl OC needs therapy...
Oof! Sorry for the rant but I'm ready to look like a clown if the next chapter completely destroys what I just typed lol 🤡🤡🤡
to be fair and maybe play devil's advocate, i feel like, to many people, jk has already redeemed himself. because we already knew he was horrible to her before, but he did apologize pretty sincerely for how he acted because he didn't know. and then he died for her (but survived lol) only to go on to rat all the rotten men at the station out and take them out, one by one. then he tried to respect her decision to lay low for a while (literal months) but had to check on her because he was worried for her safery. and then he convinced her to stay with him because of that worry. so he's been "taking care" of her while also working almost day in and day out on catching the ones who raped and tried to murder her (and him!) while also trying to "uncorrupt" the station. not to forget that he went to her friend and talked about reopening her case against one of their colleagues that drugged her, and he didn't do that to earn brownie points with reader.
so i think it's a little of "he thought she was the evil perpetrator but now he knows that she's the victim"? more like they not only assaulted her but trashed her character?
but yeah, they did feed him a false narrative, which he shouldn't have believed!!! so his first and maybe biggest mistake is trusting these men over the woman blindly when he's very much aware of the fact that men do stuff like this? so he definitely should've talked to her instead of just believing them and then going to such lengths to "avenge" his friend.
because yeah, even if he's shown himself to be a good guy now, reader can't know exactly why he's acting like he likes her. if that's because he actually does like her or if there's another reason. because as she's come to know him, she realizes that he probably would've told her if he thought she was pretty and was attracted to her. and knowing everything that he said, it's understandable for her to doubt if he has feelings for her or not.
so i definitely understand both sides, both the people feeling like yeah, it hurts to know what he actually said and how he treated her, but he's shown (actions over words) that he's actually a good guy and if he can explain himself and thoroughly apologize, there's still a chance. and the people who feel like he went too far and the wounds are too deep no matter how good of a guy he is now.
anyway, thank you for your analysis!! i really enjoyed reading it!! ♥️♥️
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I know there's some debate on Boston atm but I'm really only thinking about Ray. Because this show has made it extremely obvious that they have built this character to have insecurities and trauma over alcohol and loss. Attached to that, we've met a man who has grown up rich, something he also associates with his misfortune to some degree, because it's always money and substance abuse together. That's his thing. He uses money to buy friends and allies very blatantly so that he is aware of it, so that he cannot be used. He was trying desperately to control the situation by playing the rich asshole, because the rich asshole is always in control. But this is also a suicidal man. He loves his mother to DEATH... And I mean that literally. The most prominent memory he has of her is the one of her drinking herself to death, so it is only appropriate in his eyes to die the same death.
But then Sand came along. And he let his guard down. He couldn't buy him, and in the end he was not trying to. He stopped getting drunk with him, so he could not blame his stupidity on the lack of consciousness. All of his walls were down, and the moment he sees the money exchange between his father, the man he blames for all of his misery, and Sand, the man he related to all of the good things, his whole world collapsed. Because he had made himself vulnerable and he got shot through the heart. And then he's the bad guy. He's the one that didn't listen and the one that blew it out of proportion... But what some fail to realize is that it's not out of proportion; for him that's his world ending right there . It's not that he doesn't trust sand, it's that he trusted him too much. And as Sand was witnessing his breakdown he only tried to shift the focus to his own feelings, his motives, how he cares and to Rays untrusting nature... but he never denied the money, he never said he didn't want to take it. "He hired me." That implies he took the money, he did the job. Ray is completely torn by this and he went to directly ask sand if he got hired instead of just quietly isolating back into his vices because he wants to hear Sand deny it, yet he doesn't.
And in the end? He's the bad guy. He has to apologize. He has to listen to the person he's most resentful of and go fix it. His emotions are being so invalidated by the plot, by the people, by the fandom.
Ray was shifting his entire world view. The center of gravity inside his body now sat somewhere else so when the shoved him he obviously fell.
"oh but this character is so annoying" "why doesn't he trust sand" he is broken and is trying not to be. People don't change as quickly as many shows have led us to believe. The power of love is not a magic spell, and Sand thought that it was; that his feelings should be enough to Rat... But no. Ray yet has to heal so much..
Heal his relationship with himself. With his father. With his mother and the memory of her. With money as well. It's not a minor thing.
This rant probably makes no sense but I cannot keep reading comments belittling Ray and his process and his outbursts. Because it is unemphatic and condescending.
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tariah23 · 4 months
Yeah! The biggest threat to goiji is gojo himself. Not just because of his status and hang ups about being the strongest but because his powers make him so above it all he can't begin to comprehend where ijichi is coming from and he's so mean to him for it 😭😭 he starts out nicer in opposites attract because from the onset he already wants to interact and hang out with ijichi on purpose. otherwise in pretty much any other scenario he's just not considering him. It could even be backhanded if gojo extended literally any thought to him at all 😭😭😭
Exactly!!! I’ve talked sm about their whole THING for months and MONTH now with friends/ mutuals privately 😭…….. for Gojo, he’s just TOO stuck in his ways; absolutely stubborn. He’s also been sheltered to hell and has been raised to believe that he isn’t really a person ever since he was a child and so, it was probably always hard for him to actually BELIEVE that he could ever connect with anyone on a human level because he doesn’t see himself as one. He’s too far above them and feels that it’s useless to actually connect and build bridges with other people because they already don’t SEE, nor do they understand him, at least from his perspective.
It’s like he most likely unconsciously prejudges everyone around him, even his friends and students, because he’s already set himself up to never be truly part of their world on a personal level that’ll leave him vulnerable. He just exists in it and he won’t ever go any further than a silly joke, teasing them like hell to the point of bullying (Ijichi……), and hugs (because Gojo really does love to throw himself onto other people. Physical contact is fun for him and he’s already an extremely affectionate individual as is so it comes naturally for him. He also seems to do this on purpose because he’s tall as hell, annoying af, and ugly!!! He is aware of the fact that he gets on everyones nerves but when he does this, it really does show that he enjoys the company of those who he cares about even if his way of thinking might come off as backwards skkssksks.)
As for Ijichi, yeahssshs. In “Opposites Attract,” Gojo is the one who makes the first step but tbh, the story/characters themselves seem to be very much in character imo!!! I can see all of what’s happened in the story, especially between them, legit go down in canon IF JJK were a different story and that the themes revolving around Gojo’s trauma were more zeroed in on and I’m so serious.
The writer handles his feeling of loneliness and isolation so well and you can literally see how hard he tries to push back on Ijichi from getting closer to him in the story until it had gotten to a point where the both of them just became legit friends who were 100% comfortable around each other. They had built up a comfortable routine… they had their disagreements and confrontations and Gojo never apologizes for the awful things he said to Ijichi in the story but you can always tell that he’s at least sorry and that he will do better with dealing with Ijichi next time. I love seeing just how used to Gojo’s personality Ijichi becomes over the course of the story lol. That’s what close proximity and overexposure does to a mf!!! The development from Ijichi feeling awkward and uncomfortable around Gojo to Gojo swinging him around at the airport bro…… (that chapter was so fun whajajajl. Ijichi was going THROUGH it while Gojo, his new FRIEND who used to be bully his ass back in HS, was gone away on a mission and he missed him sm lol. Then I think that was the same chapter where he went out drinking with fellow auxiliary managers and how he had to defend Gojo from being badmouthed by one of them 😭… and Gojo heard about it and teased Ijichi by calling him his hero or so 😭… falling to me knees…….. )
It’s so well written and the way that the writer had dragged their relationship along for so long… It’s literally insane that they haven’t kissed or even so much as held hands yet lmfao. They’re probably still not even dating even after 100K words lmfaoooo. I’m behind on the last 5 chapters so idk if anything has happened YET but uhhh. Gojo FEELS like Gojo in the fic for sure!!! Same with Ijichi! I love how character driven the narrative has been! Gojo does have the tendency to surprise others, especially Ijichi, when he wants to. Like, he’s kind of shitty towards him and he doesn’t usually realize that he’s being dismissive and mean at all but he’s aware of the fact that Ijichi is a sensitive person who’s always nervous and wanting to do his best and please others as well and so he takes advantage of that people pleaser side of poor Ijichi lmfao.
I think the story handles their dynamic incredibly well and the progression from Ijichi being annoyed with Gojo being around to falling head over heels for him makes sm sense 😭!!! Gojo has the capacity to treat other people with respect and he’s not the monster he thinks he is. People actually DO care about him, not just because he’s strong 😭! I just love how Normal Ijichi is… and it has been brought up multiple times throughout the story as well. Of COURSE he’d feel insecure around someone like Gojo but Gojo, even in canon, doesn’t really give “shallow,” at all to me at least. He’s kind of ableist though and again, super dismissive of those who he views as weak, but it’s because of the way that he’d been raised and conditioned to view himself as a something not human. His views don’t steam from a place of malice at all. Also, because it’s his job to “protect,” the weak. That’s always been part of his whole mindset. Gojo is also a weirdo lakakakakl. Given a little time and patience, Even outside of all of the bullshit that comes with dealing with him because of his personality, I think that It’ll definitely come down to Gojo allowing himself to be vulnerable with others in order for something to shake. My guy is literally a thorny rose 😭!!! I hate him for that!!!
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kimwxler · 1 year
Actually, a ton of overall thoughts on OFMD 2x04 - 2x05 under the cut instead of me inevitably making 10 different posts
Anne and Mary were everything I could have dreamed of. I love their terrible marriage, and yes I do believe in their love
I like that we're not meant to think that they're right about Ed and Stede overall, but that yeah--Ed and Stede are like teenagers, not people in an adult relationship.
Love Ed's terrible "celebrity/influencer" type apology and that it was called out in the narrative for not actually including the words "I'm sorry".
Also, Stede is doing better with the crew but he still just went ahead and invited Ed back onto the ship after about 12 hours. Them all being on the same ship is necessary, but I think it's obvious this isn't really great behavior as a Captain. I definitely think Ed and Stede being self-centered and not really seeing the crew fully as people despite them being friends/family is going to be called out and improved some more.
I'm not sure how I feel about the tone switches and general rushed pace, but I'm trying to roll with it knowing they should've had 10+ episodes this season. I really like what they're doing in terms of actual themes/plots, though. The focus on healing, facing your trauma and the things you've done, making amends, changing to accept love and to love in return. Half the crew being severely traumatized, and then everyone coming together to help Izzy, who is (physically and emotionally) hurt more than anyone else--it's so good.
Izzy lore: he can read, whittle, has whip scars on his back, and taught Ed everything he knows. (I saw some people saying this was Stede manipulating Izzy, but I don't know, combined with some lines in the first two eps, I think we're meant to take this as pretty truthful. I'm sure Ed taught Izzy things too because he's a genius, but they've known each other so long that Ed really did learn a lot about fighting/piracy from Izzy.)
Pete really bothered me in ep 5. I appreciate that he also went through something traumatic, but it hasn't actually been long since this all happened, yet alone too long that Ed's been back on the ship. He could stand to be a little more patient and supportive before lecturing Lucius.
That said, I like this realistic approach to healing where sometimes you just... have unhealthy coping mechanisms. Not that Izzy saying a shark ate his leg is a good thing or the end of this arc, but sometimes it's about what keeps you alive. Izzy isn't doing well, but he's making it through each day and opening himself up to good experiences.
The fact that Ed is still a pirate but not Captain is really interesting. On the one hand, of course not? But even if piracy and the loneliness of being Captain made Ed miserable, I think he also loves and relies on the respect he gets. If 90% of the crew are still wary of him, he's now gone from isolated but respected/admired to just isolated. And if he's just sick of piracy in general, how does that work when Stede is starting to thrive?
It also makes me wonder about the first mate business. On the one hand, if Buttons isn't here, Izzy is and his relationship with Stede and the crew has already improved a lot. But again, Izzy as Ed's First Mate was such a point of pride to him and such a big part of his identity. I do wonder if they're gonna make this into an actual plot point, and if it'll tie into the Ed and Izzy confrontation that needs to happen.
Coming back to the idea of Ed and Stede being like teenagers, it feels like they addressed some of the issues--moving too fast--in a healthy and mature way, but they do need to think and talk about what would happen long-term. It's kind of like they're entering their senior year of college and not discussing what colleges they want to apply to.
They need to work on the lighting for Season 3. Beloveds I can't see anything 💖
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denimbex1986 · 8 months
'All of Us Strangers is going to break your heart, and every crack is worth it.
Andrew Haigh's movie is a magical experience exploring universal fears – grief, isolation, loneliness, fear of not being loved – while creating an incredibly touching, personal story about queer trauma. It's extraordinarily unexpected, too.
Ultimately, this is a story about learning how to live with ghosts.
The movie follows Adam (Andrew Scott), a screenwriter who revisits his childhood and his relationship with his parents, who died 30 years ago in an accident.
Now, this is not a flashback-based narrative – All of Us Strangers is not about revisiting the past, but reprogramming it so it's bearable to live with it in the present.
The movie exists within a mysterious space, equally likely to be interpreted as a paranormal scenario where ghosts exist or simply as a hallucinatory manifestation of Adam's corrosive grief. It doesn't matter, really.
Scott travels back to his childhood home to find his parents (Claire Foy and Jamie Bell) exactly as they were before they died. He, however, is a fully-grown man now. The image is striking, bordering on comical, yet still intensely affecting.
Only a superb movie would be able to stick Scott in children's pyjamas and still make us cry with the rawness of what's happening in that haunted house.
For the first time, Adam gets to tell his parents he is gay. He also gets to confront them about not having a better understanding of what he went through as a bullied child. Far from an ideal fantasy, these ghosts are not perfect. They don't necessarily say what he longs to hear. And still, the protagonist is getting the closure he so desperately needs.
In one of the best scenes in the film, the family is decorating their Christmas tree to the sound of Pet Shop Boys' rendition of 'Always on My Mind'.
The lyrics come alive as the mother sings, looking at her son with eyes filled with regrets for love never given and apologies never offered. It's a healing moment for a broken family, and one of the most beautiful movie moments of the year.
While exploring unfinished business with his parents, Adam starts getting close to the only other person living in his near-empty London apartment block, Harry (Paul Mescal), who one day shows up at his door looking for company.
Scott and Mescal's chemistry is beautiful, pouring in every heart-on-hand conversation and every incredibly sensual sex scene they share on screen.
Haigh nails this relationship in the vein of his 2011 movie Weekend. The filmmaker is hardly a stranger when it comes to exploring meaningful, complex connections, as well as the emotional burdens queer people carry.
In All of Us Strangers, he seems to rely on contrasts to dismantle preconceived ideas.
There are tensions between the present and the past, how it used to be and how it is. The cold city turns out to be a place of acceptance among unrelated people, while a home in the suburbs is the one that is full of strangers. The idea of the 'chosen family' is essential for the LGBTQ+ community.
As Harry says in one scene: "I always felt like a stranger in my own family."
All that is connected by public transport, which Haigh focuses on often. The constant movement between contrasts is what creates restlessness in Adam's life — the incessant travelling between the past he can't let go, and the present he can't fully live in.
Through drug-induced nightmarish sequences and Adam's distorted reflections on countless mirrors and windows, All of Us Strangers takes viewers into an emotional storm crafted to perfection.
The movie's performances, visual language, song choices, emotional scope — everything is on point, utterly devastating and still soul-healing.
Since Adam is a writer looking for inspiration, this is also about how stories help us live through memories, keeping people alive when they're no longer here and allowing us to tell them things we'd never had the chance (or the nerve) to in real life.
Stories help us deal with grief, understand it, embrace it, and live with it. This movie deals with all that in the most mystical, heart-rending way.
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abri-chan · 2 years
Chapter 36, Sadistic Beauty BL
If I were Minho and I just woke up from my coma to see hobbo-looking WK shouting at me, I would be so pissed and tell him to GTFO and look presentable/put some effort. Is it not enough the first face I see is yours, but you look like shit, even worse than I do, and I have been in a coma for who knows how long!
In a way, how dare WK make this about himself again, no I would not be happy to see how tired and unkempt you look, as though not putting effort around my comatose body (bc you so couldn't leave my side, could you?) shows how much you love me, when it's your own fucking fault I attempted to take my own life.
Idk the translation yet, but the least WK can do is let Minho free. Give him all your money and let him go. Minho has been in a coma but what is your excuse for looking like shit WK?
Update: So WK asks Minho to leave his house, doesn't even say sorry to the man for causing him to commit suicide, Minho instead has to say thank you for saving my life? I understand the stress of it all, but there's nicer ways to go about this: apologize, arrange some money for Minho (if he doesn't want to touch the money, he can give that money to charity for all you care), and so on so Minho can recover. Otherwise, where the fuck will he go after you isolated him and cut off any attempt he made at working? He has no savings and no house to go to. Why drop him like a sack of potatoes, especially since this is all your fault?
Furthermore, making Minho feel guilt for being suicidal is such a stab to the back, since he's vulnerable right now mentally and where he needs the most support emotionally. Yet, you blame Minho for how you cannot think of anything else than his breathless body, and all the words you told him about always being with him and how you only could love him cannot surpass that image? (So no statue of liberty, you bitch?) Minho has such grounds to sue WK's and on so many criminal charges that WK's rich mommy and daddy better be willing to open up their wallets. (I hope you paid the hospital fees at least, and didn't dump Minho on the Korean taxpayers to care for... Really this man can't get out of his mom's shadow and it's all about him him him, and it's all words but he never acts on his words-- he presumably has the right emotions but lacks the action part to materialize his love.)
I'm kinda happy for Minho also dragging his ass for looking unshaved and aged in this one, and making him mad. I can see WK still has anger issues, but he's mellowing out. I don't want to judge anyone's mental health rn bc they both went through trauma, but I feel less empathy for WK bc this was all his fault, and he doesn't step up to his promise to Minho, making a guy who was just suicidal feel alone once more; why is WK such a thot that acts in the moment and doesn't think the consequences of what he says. He most definitely will regret it.
Minho: I love you now
WK: get out of my house, bye
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tw mention cocsa, parental abuse
looking for someone to listen about my story, also questions at the bottom
I was abused by a kid my age when I was really little, ive dealt with all sorts of symptoms bc of that (and other traumas ive been through.) my parents were abusive as well as an ex and my parents stood up always for my other abusers saying maybe they were victimized and I was the bad guy...
there have been some occasions my parents have straight up admitted to abusing me growing up and it felt really good hearing that, still feels really validating even though they didn't mean to validate me they did.... they didn't apologize but they change their story up so many times by saying I was at fault, then saying their abuse was justified (admitting it, YAY), then implying their abuse WASN'T justified (even more YAY) bc they will get defensive and scared saying things like "I was never a bad mother! I tried! cut me slack! im tired of you acting like im so horrible" which idk if you mods agree or not but in a way she's showing she feels guilt and shame bc she knows her abuse towards me wasn't justified....?
also, ive started to do my research and recognize somatic and emotional flashbacks ive been dealing with, some I can relate to specific traumas, I usually try not to think of any of my memories or abusers
but rare times when i decided to think hard about a specific abusive scenario I went through with a specific abuser and I went into this sort of horrible emotional/phsycial state along with somatic experiences with some of my five senses re-experiencing I guess things I don't remember too well about the event usually goes on for half-hour to 3 hours. some of these are new and scary.
im glad in a way to be experiencing these things bc I grew up believing my abusers that I was abusive. but my reactions to being abused were completely valid and normal...
sometimes if I think about specific trauma events I start feeling physical sensations like my whole face becoming flush and hot, heart racing. but it goes away quickly sometimes. idk what that is but the memories feel like dreams and its kind of validating when I experience that stuff bc I know its real when strong, scary emotions and physical sensations are attached to the memories, esp newer ones I keep getting...
and I get auditory hallucinations which scare the living shit out of me. I feel like I get into states of fear for my life. idk if thats a flashback or not?? idk if im psychotic or not?
I also have a question? is it normal to feel "obsessed" with your abuser or preoccupied with arguments in your head with your abuser? is that cptsd symptoms or am I just weird for that? seems contradicting bc I try not to think of the abuse, and get irrited with intrusive thoughts about it, yet sometimes obsessively choose to think about arguing w my abuser and I get so heated....
Hi anon,
I'm so sorry to hear about what you've been through. It sounds like you've endured a lot of painful and isolating experiences that can be incredibly challenging to grapple with, and please know that you're not alone.
It can be especially frustrating and isolating to experience your parents immediately siding with your abusers instead of considering your perspective or feeling protective over you. It seems that their abusive behavior towards you over time explains why they don't support and care for you in the way you deserve.
I can understand how validating it can be when our abusers admit to what they've done. But sometimes they mention these things in a nonchalant or unapologetic way because they fail to recognize the gravity of their actions, and perhaps they haven't changed. It's important to remember that there is no excuse or justification for abuse, and it's common for abusers to construct reasons to avoid accountability. It's possible that the way your mom responded could suggest that she feels guilt, but it could also just be an attempt to justify her actions instead of take responsibility for them or feel guilty.
It sounds like you may have been experiencing flashbacks when you described the sort of sensual and emotional state that lasted for several hours. It's understandable how it can feel validating to experience this when your abusers have been painting you as the abuser and playing the victim themselves (aka DARVO). But alongside these other physical sensations such as a racing heartbeat and a hot face, it's important to find a healthy balance between allowing yourself to experience these physical symptoms and validating your trauma in less distressing ways.
Feeling obsessed with your abuser and preoccupied with arguments with your abuser in your head can be a part of rumination. Please know that you're not alone in experiencing this and it doesn't make you weird at all. There are many reasons why trauma survivors do this, and sometimes these thoughts are intrusive. Rumination can be especially difficult in the case of CPTSD, because a trauma survivor with a string of traumatic events has multiple different things to ruminate on, and it can be hard to ruminate about one aspect of the trauma without starting to think about another.
These could be things to bring up with a mental health professional such as a therapist, if you can access or afford it. A therapist can help you process your trauma, work with you to explore these symptoms and discover where they may be coming from, as well as finding healthier ways to validate your trauma.
If anyone would like to make any comments or suggestions, feel free to add on. Otherwise, I hope I could help, and please let us know if you need anything.
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nelll101 · 2 years
A Silent Voice
Idk if it's just me but this movie just isn't a masterpiece like a lot of people say it is and it wasn't overly sad to me but I do appreciate the themes in the movie as I think we could all relate to at least one character and it brings attention to very serious topics that need to be talked about more. This is my second time watching this, and this watch was pretty hard to go through since I already don't like this movie that much 😭. It's not a horrible movie but in my opinion, overrated.
The movie starts off extremely strong by showing Shoya's suicide attempt and then cuts back to the past showing the constant bullying Shouko received throughout her childhood. Shoya's bullying is given a bit more attention than the others but overall the kids and even the teachers ended up treating her wrong. She lost like 8-10 hearing aids and nobody did anything about it which literally makes no sense as all I was thinking watching that is how much money is going down the drain. Also, the teacher was a bit weird as he wasn't outwardly bullying her like the kids, but his actions just seemed like he literally did not even want to be there or do his job. I also liked that when they showed Shouko's different bullying scenes cut back to back, they paralleled it with Shoya's bullying scenes after he was blamed showing him being bullied the same way. In the future, they all grow up and show truly how the effects of trauma and bullying can affect the development of a child into adulthood. I feel like people don't take bullying that seriously because it can really change you which is noticed with Shouko and even Shoya. Both of them attempted suicide and both of them hated themselves. Shoya show's character development as he regretted his actions when he was a kid but I personally feel he could've gone about it better as I barely noticed a time he actually apologized to Shouko. Also, the big X's on people's faces was a pretty interesting thing they added in the movie to expand on Shouya's self isolation and social anxiety due to what he went through. When he comes to terms with himself after Shouko's suicide attempt, he realizes that he cannot keep living like this and when the X's fall off their faces, he starts crying which shows he's accomplished his goal. In the end, it is Shouko and the school to blame for this because Shouko should've never bullied a deaf girl but kids will constantly be immature, but it sucks to see him taking all the blame when other kids did the same thing yet they got no blame because the school did not take it seriously enough and ended up living regular lives.
Also, another criticism of the movie is that it kind of seems unrealistic when it shows these topics but maybe that is done to exaggerate things. Naoko's character is an example because she is a bully but the movie literally made her character's bad traits to the extreme and I didn't notice any character development which is just frustrating to watch her disgusting actions. She literally fights Shouko's mother like wdf....
Also, Miki is a pretty crazy character as she shows those types of people who literally are just fake. They lie and deny when they've done something wrong and gaslight you into thinking it never happened. Anytime someone calls her out on her bs she starts crying and denies it and one time someone called her out (I think Shoya) and she redirects the blame back to Shoya. This movie honestly does a great job of showcasing the horrible character traits that people can possess and then shows the effects of those traits on other people.
To add, Tomohiro was a good addition for Shoya as he made him realize that it's ok to have friends and open up to people. I think he was the stepping stone to Shoya being more comfortable with himself and Shouko was what sealed it.
Overall this movie did well for showing the effects of bullying on development and also bringing attention to serious topics.
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marcspectrr · 2 years
I've been scrolling and reading through your blog love your pov on Layla and Marc and I wanted to add a headcanon of mine if that's okay .
Both Marc and Layla worked with each other , she did tell him that she loves them but he didn't say it back because he's to scared and Layla was understanding and didn't want to pressure him into saying it because deep down she knows he does .
In on of there adventures something went wrong and someone shot Layla while they were running away it was a minor injury just a surface scratch and when they were safe Marc realize the injury meanwhile with the rush of anxiety and adrenaline and fear of losing her he just breaks .
Sobbing into her chest holding her by the waist just crying, meanwhile Layla is shocked and trying to reassure him she's fine but he just shakes and cry and hold her even tighter which is new to Layla because Marc is always this cold confident man and he wasn't a hugger or had so much physical touch, so she tries to hold his black locks soothing him while he mutters how terrified he felt when he thought he was about to lose her and perhaps even tell her how much he loved her afraid of losing her before telling her how mich he did love her and adore her.
Sorry this turned out longer than I thought
Oh firstly, thanks🥰 sometimes I feel like I'm just word vomiting into my screen so I'm glad it comes across semi coherent haha and PLEASE don't apologize, you just happened to touch on the very thing that occupies my mind constantly so I actually apologize for the length lol
That moment where Marc's walls crack for Layla is such a mystery, right? Bc Marc is vigilant, cautious, so utterly guarded and closed off from both conscious and unconscious methods of self-preservation. Even if he hates himself, even if he's internalized all the words and touches that decayed his worth and value, and even if he's not always okay with the fact that he's still breathing, he still has these emotional/psychological safeguards put up.
And that's also a big part of the significance of when he becomes vulnerable with Layla. Bc as much as he might want that connection, as much as he's somehow started to build this attachment he never thought he'd have, it's not this easily achievable thing for him.
On a more literal note...
If the body endures enough trauma and neglect, the mind literally adapts by learning to shut off the midline structures of the brain, parts that deal with sensory experiences. Essentially, in an effort to cope with said trauma, areas of the brain responsible for transmitting feelings that form a foundation for self-awareness, what makes us feel alive, literally turn off.
Marc may not have any physcial scars left on the outside from his abuse due to Khonshu, but his brain is literally wired differently. Not only bc of his disorder, but bc of his minds capacity for preservation. For survival. It's both amazing and heartbreaking, really.
On a behavioral note...
Our bodies and our minds learn to regulate our feelings and respond to distress in different ways. For some, reaching out to trusted loved ones becomes what's associated with comfort. For others who've never had a secure person to turn to, they seek out whatever else means comfort in their eyes. Obviously for Marc, isolation equated to being safe. There was this relief in being alone bc being alone meant existing out of reach of what was hurting him.
But the problem with this is that the thing that once brought Marc relief became this perpetual source of loneliness. What meant not getting hurt turned into what makes his life solitary, unfulfilling and ironically full of pain.
So he has all of these literal and emotional scars telling him no, to stay away, to not get attached, to do anything but get attached. But then...
But then Layla tells him she loves him. And she shows she loves him. And, scariest yet, she makes him feel loved. So much, it's almost tangible. And somehow she knows the weight of that for him, so she's not mad when he doesn't say it back. She's not mad at all. She knows.
The shot is just a graze, a surface wound. Marc's seen plenty, hell, he's had plenty. There's still blood, though. This person who's never touched him wrong, who's never misplaced her tone, always, always, given him this place away from that desolate, lonely, seemingly inevitable isolation he knew so well, and there's blood. Contaminating her. This person is hurt. Shot.
And when Marc breaks, he breaks.
He's never clung to someone else so closely, so intimately, so desperately. It hurts so much that for a moment he's sure he's lost her. Bc that's what loss felt like. 
Only it wasn't the loss he thought.
That mask, hiding his heart and blocking his face from the world and using the name 'protection', suddenly it's forgotten. Fallen away and still within reach but for a moment or two just lost.
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
Real ciel with a fem darling
In all honesty, if I wouldn’t have been already far enough in the manga, I would have needed to reject this. It’s kind of bad that they didn’t put this into the Anime since it’s ridiculously important. So I apologize if I missed something, but I’m not finished with the manga yet.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, manipulation, kidnapping, gaslighting
Real Ciel with a female darling
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🍵Let’s just say that “Ciel” is a lot more possessive over his darling than his little brother is. Because whilst Ciel had a lot of people around him who seemed to care about him, “Ciel” had no one. He only had Undertaker on whom he seems to look down too as well even though he’s the one who keeps “Ciel’s” body functional. He’s a Bizarre Doll, a very advanced one who can blend in perfectly under humans, but is still no human. He wouldn’t want his darling to feel scared of that fact and for that tries to hide it.
🍵He’s also incredibly isolating, judging from how he always wanted to isolate his brother. But he manages to make it look less like he is isolating his darling, more like just coming over as extremely overprotective, guilt-tripping his darling mercilessly with his past and making her feel bad. Don’t know if that changes later on, but his body seems to be weak and fail him from time to time. No wonder, he is somewhat dead. He uses that as an advantage as well. He’s housebound, just like his brother used to be when they were younger. You surely wouldn’t want to leave him whilst he can’t even accompany you?
🍵Feel like he is also the more dangerous one from the two brothers. To start with, he has far more confidence in himself than our Ciel has, seeing how he was the dominant sibling during childhood and even know doesn’t even seem to falter after everything that happens. It just makes him so much more willing to get rid of people than Ciel, who is already very vicious. Here comes the aspect in that “Ciel” was all alone whilst Ciel had always people around him who cared for him. And whilst he might have pushed them away and told himself, his priority is vengeance, their love had an influence on him. “Ciel” had no one for nearly four years, he had no one who could have influenced him and is in my opinion due to that far more vengeful than our Ciel is. Combined with his possessiveness it makes a horrific mix.
🍵Also feel like he has an easier time charming his darling than Ciel has. He’s more outgoing and playful due to his confidence and doesn’t have the same awkwardness than Ciel does. It would be much more easier for him to sweep his darling naturally off her feet than his little brother might have. He is much more open to his darling and can socialize better than Ciel can. He would most likely find a way to set some rumors up which will lead to his and Elizabeth’s end of the engagement. But he is still smart enough to keep a good relationship with them since they’re good connections to have. Lizzy is anyways confused with her feelings and feels bad for not realizing sooner that the person she’s been with for the last four years was in fact not her Ciel, but his brother. It makes her see herself in a bad light and “Ciel” will use this to his advantage.
🍵Whilst he doesn’t have Sebastian or the butler Ciel used to have, “Ciel” still has influence and Undertaker by his side, next to a lot of other connections. He can draw his darling willingly closer to him if he wants too, but is also not above using manipulation and bribing to make that happen. He is after all good-looking, charming, rich and is a fascinating person to be with, given his past. He’s quite caring, looking back how he always took care of his brother and tries to be just the same way for you.
🍵Being a far more controlling one than his brother is due to only being able to watch his brother acting like him for years makes him a scarily obsessive one. He had little to no control in his life before and doesn’t want the same thing to happen with his darling. He will get his hands on any sort of information he can get and try to charm his way into friends and family’s hearts, expressing his interest in you so they’ll hopefully be more open with him.
🍵He excuses a lot of his actions, not letting you out, not letting you talk to any other people, through his terrifying backstory, having been marked, mistreated, abused and a lot of other horrible things. His paranoia can be so easily excused due to everything he went through and might make you think that he can’t help, but be that way. It might make you more lenient with his behavior. You would most likely want to help him getting over his trauma.
🍵Personally believe he would much more rely on gaslighting and guilt-tripping his darling than his brother might do. “Ciel” is without a doubt a true mastermind and his darling is a person he truly loves, in another sense than his brother. He already wanted his brother to rely on him and had always this feeling that he had to be there for him since he didn’t even want to be the next heir when hearing that his brother wanted to open a toy store. It’s similar with his darling. He wants her to see him as her fiancé and the one person she can always trust and rely on. It’s his pretty dream and he installs indirectly great fear on his darling to make her more frightened from the outside world.
🍵Being a doll makes him run on his desires a lot and you just happen to be the greatest of them all. He causes great troubles without ever being caught by you nor suspected, he’s too smart for that. He’s also far more vicious and brutal when it comes to getting rid of any obstacles in his way due to never having experienced these last four years anyone loving him which made him, as mentioned, more vengeful. He experiences mainly through his darling love again since she matters to him more than anything else, besides his little brother of course.
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shroomcult · 3 years
Day 4: Apologize
I fell way behind with Soma week because I got slammed with work and this monster of a fic took me too long to write.
Maka comes to realize that Soul had never felt fully comfortable around Crona, and in ignoring this entirely - she unknowingly hurt her closest friend.
Special thanks to Tori @chichirichick (she betas all of my dumpster fires, bless her) for proofreading this mess of emotions and also to Zi @azroazizah for coming up with the concept for this fic. 
**Disclaimer** This story is not about putting blame on Crona, but instead about acknowledging the fact that Soul went through trauma due to their actions and it was never taken into consideration by Maka before inviting them into their friend group. I'm not saying Crona didn't deserve support, but it's also completely valid for Soul - a victim of Crona - to not feel entirely safe around them regardless of their tragic background and circumstances. If Crona is a big comfort character for you and you feel you would likely be upset by this concept, then I recommend not reading it altogether. We all interpret things different and we're all entitled to our own opinions, and I'm not going to get in arguments with people over this.
It’d been a while since the Spartoi team was all together again.
After the fall of Asura, they really had no purpose to join forces as a team. No big baddie to unite them in ass-kickery. 
The skies were blue again. There were still Kishin eggs to take down, and a shaky new diplomatic relationship with the witches to maintain as well. 
Things were more or less … normal. Boring, even.
The only big difference Blackstar could discern was that nobody seemed to have time to just hang out and be friends anymore.
Kid was over his head with his new responsibilities, and while he was doing an admirable job filling his father’s shoes; there was a steep learning curve and his perfectionist tendencies only made it more challenging to overcome. He upheld a calm and collected demeanor in the public’s eyes, but Liz and Patty spent most of their time holding him together behind the scenes. 
Soul and Maka were a different situation entirely.
It was odd enough to adjust to the recent change in the nature of their relationship. They claimed to be the same as they’ve always been - just Soul & Maka. Only, they grew much closer after the hardships they had endured both in the book of Eibon and on the moon.
They had been close to begin with, but this was a different kind of close. Stolen glances, hands reaching for each other when they thought nobody was looking. Blushing for almost no damn reason. 
Something was going on between them - he could be sure of that.
More recently, however, Maka had been particularly obsessive about solving the dilemma of Crona’s entrapment on the moon. She was driving herself to a slow-burning insanity, considering every moment that she hadn’t rescued them yet to be a personal failure.
She’d been spending much of her time in the restricted section of the library, consuming every piece of relevant research for hours on end. Soul often stayed up there with her doing the same, or at the very least keeping her silent company when he was too burnt out to read anymore.
He’d also spent much of his extra time with Stein, training to perfect his sound-wave abilities into his own form of wavelength attack.
He’d been giving his all ever since making deathscythe status to hone his strength and better serve Maka. He’d even been able to hold his own for a surprising amount of time in the sparring ring against Blackstar, and that was a feat in and of itself.
All of the focus on Crona’s rescue had appeared to be wearing on him, though. 
Soul may have accepted Crona into his friend group for Maka’s sake, even empathized with them - but he had never fully trusted the demon sword meister. Although Soul was outwardly friendly towards them, Blackstar noticed the way his friend had watched them like a hawk before they turned back to Medusa. He was always ready for a scenario like that because he had never felt entirely safe around them to begin with.
Not that Maka had bothered to even take Soul’s feelings into consideration before forgiving Crona on his behalf.
She couldn’t have possibly been that dense. She had to have been actively ignoring the signs of Soul’s discomfort because she couldn’t handle acknowledging them.
And now she was doing the same thing all over again even with Crona as far away as the moon. It was obvious that Soul was doing what he always did - shoving his own feelings aside in favor of Maka’s. The loyal mutt of a boy valued her wellbeing far above his own, that was for certain.
He just seemed so exhausted of it all now. Searching tirelessly with Maka for a solution that may not even exist took up much of his time and energy.  
He never had the time to shoot hoops or play video games like he used to, and Blackstar was far above begging for his attention. He stopped even bothering to ask him.
Just for one night though, by some divine luck - everybody was willing to clear their schedule to have a late night dinner at the most beloved and heart-attack inducing burger joint in town. 
Every member of Spartoi was crammed into the largest booth in the restaurant and their chatter was loud enough to fill the whole section. 
There were multiple conversations happening at a time, but Blackstar was zeroing in on Soul who had his chin resting on his palm and that stupid, dopey look he got on his face when he was proud of Maka. Yuck. Keep it in your pants, loverboy.
Maka was next to Soul, his arm stretched out behind her on the booth, while Ox engaged her in a fiery debate over god knows what across the table from her. Judging by the redness in baldy’s face - Maka was on the winning side. He really couldn’t understand Soul’s hard-on for a bossy know-it-all personality, but whatever floats his boat he supposed.  
He decided he’d seen enough of that look on his best friend’s face and crumpled up a straw wrapper, dipping it in his soda and sticking it at the end of his straw.
He blew on the other end, sending the sticky wad of paper flying across the table. The projectile hit its target directly on the cheek.
“Fuck’s sake dude, how old are you?” he grumbled, reaching over the table to grab a handful of napkins to clean his face off with.
Maka snatched some of his napkins for herself, rubbing it vigorously into the flecks of cola that stained her uniform. “You got my shirt all wet, idiot.”
Blackstar simply threw his head back to cackle obnoxiously. “I just thought I should break up your lame little debate team fight before Ox over here pops a blood vessel. You know he can’t handle losing well.”
“I wasn’t losing!” Ox hissed under his breath.
Maka only met her opponent’s glare with a shit-eating grin.
“Hey, Maka! What had you stopped to talk with Professor Stein about earlier today?” Tsubaki cut in, obviously attempting to diffuse another argument between the two competitive brainiacs.
Maka’s expression relaxed into something a little more neutral, seemingly caught off guard by the question. Debate-mode successfully disarmed.
“Oh. Well… I just had some questions about my black blood research for him.” 
Blackstar didn’t miss the way Soul tensed up beside her at the mention of black blood. His face was void of any distinct emotion, but something was off in his body language. The way his shoulders squared as if he were instinctively bristling.
Anyone with a shred of social awareness could have deduced that black blood, Medusa, and Crona were not Soul’s favorite topics. It wasn’t unusual for him to shut down and discontinue any contributions to a conversation when any of these things were brought up. 
Unfortunately for Soul, all of those subjects were constantly on Maka’s mind since she began her obsessive pursuit for a solution to Crona’s ordeal.
“Oh? And what did he have to say?” Tsubaki pressed, completely oblivious to the tense situation she was potentially triggering.
“As you’re already aware, there’s not really any official research on the black blood that exists. We’ve been digging through countless books - gathering as much information about madness and Kishins as we can, but it can only get us so far. It would be so much more useful if we could get our hands on a physical sample of the substance itself.”
Soul’s eyes widened in concern, but only for a second before he slipped his usual poker face back on. His Adam’s apple bobbed nervously despite the veneer of calm he displayed.
“Anyways,” she continued, turning to look at Soul, “I was going to talk to you about this later, but maybe some of the black blood still remains in your system? I know we believed it was all gone, but surely there’s some residual amount of it lingering behind? Something we could maybe isolate, extract and create a concentrate of? Stein said it was unlikely, but technically possible. We have to try for Crona, right, Soul?”
He was no longer wearing his mask of apathy. Unmistakeable, visible discomfort was etched into his facial features and he was clenching his hands, knuckles whitening from the pressure. Everyone at the table was hushed and the tension was palpable.
“He doesn’t have to try anything,” Kid’s voice cut sharply through the silence, golden eyes flashing sternly at her.
A soft gasp escaped her and her eyebrows shot up, clearly taken-aback by the sudden burst of hostility from her boss and close friend. Her eyes darkened seconds later, determination setting in.
 “I think that’s his decision to make, and I’d like to hear what he has to say,” she turned her attention back to Soul, hope still shining in her eyes.
He fidgeted with his necktie, loosening it and clearing his throat. “Yeah, s’fine. Whatever you need, I guess.”
Maka’s face lit up into a bright smile that turned Blackstar’s stomach and she pulled Soul into a brief hug. “I knew we could count on you, Soul! You’re the best partner ever.”
“Whatever, it’s no problem. Just try not to drain me of all my blood, alright?” he chuckled weakly, avoiding her eyes in favor of staring a hole in the middle of the table.
She gave an easygoing laugh in response, and went back to conversing with Tsubaki as if she hadn’t just pressured her partner into volunteering himself as a guinea pig for the sake of someone who had literally sliced him open from shoulder to hip and infected him with black blood to begin with.
Is she fucking serious?
Blackstar was practically vibrating with fury from the interaction he’d just watched, and Tsubaki’s normally soothing hand on his shoulder did little to calm him down. When he glanced at Kid, he instantly knew the death god had shared his frustration with Maka’s obliviousness. 
It wasn’t long before Soul abruptly stood from his place at the end of the booth, pulling a twenty out of his wallet and placing it on the table in front of him.
“Soul? What are you doing? The food hasn’t even gotten here yet,” Maka blinked at him in confusion.
“I’m not feelin’ too great - gonna head out, sorry guys. Could you just bring my food back in a to-go box?” he said with an apologetic quirk of his lips. He squeezed her shoulder gently before turning on his heels and making his way out of the diner in long strides.
Why does she look so shocked? Does she really not understand that she’s been hurting him?
After that, the night passed by in a haze for Blackstar. He hardly spoke for the rest of the meal due to the fact that he was using all of his mental capacity to keep his impulse to stand up and loudly call his friend out in front of everybody in check. 
The only thing truly stopping him was the knowledge that Soul would likely be embarrassed and more than a little pissed off if he’d made a big scene over something that he wasn’t even willing to talk about.  
So he waited - held his tongue until he could lash out in private.
As everyone was saying their goodbyes, Blackstar watched her rise from her seat gathering her to-go boxes carefully and giving him a nod of acknowledgement before she headed out.
His eyes bore into the back of her head as she left, and Tsubaki’s hand clamped gently on him for the second time that night. Her eyes were crinkled with a gentle concern.
“I think you should leave this between them. If Soul wanted all of this out in the open, he would have had that conversation with her himself.”
A heavy sigh settled in his chest, “You know how he is. He’s the suffer in silence type and he always does her bidding. If nobody says anything, then nothing’ll change. I just want to talk to her - not like I’m gonna beat her ass or anything … unless she gives me a reason to.” 
“Blackstar,” she chided, fully aware that he would make good on that threat.
“I know, I know. I won’t be long, see ya at home,” he said, throwing up placating hands before stuffing them in his pockets and striding in the direction Maka had gone. 
Maka set her walk home at a leisurely pace, dragging her feet slightly as she watched the sunset bleed into the sky above.
It wasn’t that she was trying to prolong seeing Soul, or that she wasn’t worried about the way he’d acted back in the diner - like something was eating at him. 
She was pretty positive that he wasn’t physically ill, which only left the option of it being an emotional issue. 
And getting Soul to talk about emotional issues was like trying to pull teeth from a temperamental bear. 
She had to figure out a way to go about this delicately, and she had to figure it out soon because their apartment block was fast approaching.
She stopped in her tracks when she felt the presence of a familiar soul behind her. His steps had been so quiet, she wouldn’t have even been aware he was stalking her from behind if it weren’t for her exceptional soul perception abilities.
“I know you’re following me, Blackstar.”
In moments, he was stepping out in front of her. “Wasn’t trying to hide. I need to talk to you,” his voice was uncharacteristically stern.
She wasn’t stupid. She knew Blackstar had some kind of problem with her since dinner. He was deathly quiet and glowering at her for most of the night; very unusual behavior from someone who never shuts up or hesitates to start a fight. 
“Okay, I’m listening,” she said, already preparing to defend herself against whatever absurd argument he wanted to pull her into.
“The whole situation with Crona - have you ever once thought about how Soul feels about it?”
Whatever she had been expecting to come out of his mouth - that wasn’t it.
“What? I mean, I know how Soul feels. He wants Crona to be safe, just like I do. What are you trying to get at?”
“I’m not talking about what he thinks about Crona being stuck in the deathdamned moon, Maka! I mean have you ever thought about how he felt when you forced Crona into his life to begin with? After being sliced open?” 
Maka’s eyebrows shot up to her hairline and her mouth opened and closed a few times, baffled by the question. 
“Soul understands why I welcomed Crona as a friend. He trusts me,” she answered, hoping her voice conveyed the confidence that she couldn’t find in this moment.
This entire conversation was throwing her off.
“Yeah, okay. He accepted your decision because he trusts you, or loves you or whatever the fuck. We all know that - but that doesn’t mean he was comfortable with it. It doesn’t mean he felt safe. He just stuffed his own feelings down, because he knew it made it easier for you.”
Her throat tightened as her own conflicting emotions overcame her. He had no idea what he was talking about. Soul was fine. He’s always been fine. 
“Did he say that to you? That he didn’t feel safe?” she choked out. 
“Soul? You think he tells people things? About his feelings?” he snorted. “No, he doesn’t have to tell me shit. It’s clear on his face every time you mention Crona, or Medusa, or that fucking blood.”
“Maybe you’re just making assumptions about how he feels!” she shouted back, gripping handfuls of the front of his shirt.
He leaned in, completely unfazed by the rage burning in her eyes. “You ever noticed how when Crona was around, he was always watching them out of the corner of his eye - twitching every time they made some sudden move. You ever noticed how quiet and withdrawn he’d get around them? Or any time they were brought up? You didn’t - because you didn’t want to.” 
“Shut up! Y-you’re making something out of nothing. Are you trying to tell me that I should just give up and forget about Crona? That they don’t deserve to have a friend?” 
Some of his aggression was fizzling out as he released a heavy sigh, placing his hands calmly over hers, still clenching in his shirt. “I’m not trying to say that you shouldn’t have helped Crona, or that you shouldn’t keep trying to help them now. I’m only telling you that even if Soul has forgiven and moved on - he’s still a victim of Crona’s actions. He suffered trauma from that, even if he’s too fucking stubborn to admit it. Just acknowledge that maybe he needs a break from thinking about them - all of that shit that happened - every now and then. Get your head out of Crona’s ass long enough to check if he’s okay too.”
She stumbled over wordless sounds as her hands went limp and released their vice-grip on his clothing. She was trying desperately to think of a way to refute the awful things he was saying, but Blackstar wouldn’t give her the chance. 
“If you gave him even half the thought you gave to Crona - maybe you would have noticed it like everybody else has. I just want you to think about it for a bit, that’s all,” his voice softened towards the end, shoulders sagging slightly as he turned away, leaving her to deal with the aftermath of his confrontation.
The heat of tears prickled behind her eyelids and she clenched her fists tightly to her sides. 
She wanted so badly to swing around and scream at Blackstar’s retreating figure that he was wrong, that he had no idea what he was talking about and of course she thinks about her weapon.
But the longer she allowed his harsh words to sink in; the more she could feel the sting of truth settling into her heart.
Had she really been so blind? 
Soul had been laying on his back in bed, hands resting on his stomach and eyes pointed at the ceiling, unmoving for some time. He wasn’t entirely sure how many hours, but he knew his playlist had ended long ago - no music played from the earbuds that were still jammed in his ears.
He couldn’t explain the heaviness in his heart. The anxiety that often set in whenever Maka mentioned Crona or the black blood. It was all water under the bridge, wasn’t it? There was no point in allowing himself to wallow in all the negative emotions that punched him in the gut at the mention of their name. It was selfish to feel those things - it was his job to give Maka his full support. His own feelings were irrelevant.
It was just harder on this particular night. Sure, she droned on about those sore subjects often. Their research revolved around it anyways. He’d just hoped that it could have been different just for one night.
He’d secretly been ecstatic when Maka begrudgingly agreed to shelve her research just long enough to get a late dinner with all of their friends. A break had been long overdue. 
Things had been different between them, after all. They’d been sharing a bed, and they’d even shared a few kisses in the small, rare moments that they’d spent alone together - focused only on each other. They were chaste kisses, but he’d greedily take whatever he could get. 
As she became more frantic about her lack of results in helping Crona, he may as well have not even existed to her. 
He’d just needed that one dinner to pretend things were normal, to pretend as though he was on a date with her and she was willing to spend time with him and think about literally anything aside from her latest fixations. Instead, she’d asked him to play part in some unsound experiment - to prod for things that he hadn’t wanted to find again. It had only been made more uncomfortable by the scrutinizing presence of all of their friends. 
He’d felt used.
Soul perked up at the familiar sound of the front door creaking open and slamming shut. He was immediately ashamed of the pavlovian response he had to the sound of his meister returning - the little flip in his heart that made him feel like a stupid dog wagging its tail at the sound of its master.
Just keep to yourself. She doesn’t need to interact with you in this useless state of self pity. You don’t deserve her comfort.
Self-loathing curled in his gut and he kept his eyes stubbornly trained on a water stain in the ceiling.
Suddenly, light flooded into his dark room as his door was hesitantly opened. He reflexively brought himself to sit up on his elbows only to meet a teary-eyed Maka.
All self-indulgent angsty thoughts instantly evaporated from his head, and he was ripping his earbuds out and swinging his legs over the side of the bed to get up.
She made purposeful steps across his room, throwing her arms around his neck and forcing him back onto the bed with the motion.
“I’m so sorry, Soul,” she warbled mournfully into his sweater. 
“Huh? Sorry ‘bout what? What’s going on, Maka?” he tried to nudge her into looking up at him, but she adamantly refused.
She took a few shallow breaths before rubbing her wet cheek against the quickly-dampening fabric and looking up at him with dewy eyes.
“I haven’t been a good friend to you - have I? 
Was that a trick question?
“I-I don’t get what we’re talkin’ about here,” he stuttered uselessly, attempting to compensate for his lack of eloquence by brushing his fingers comfortingly through her soft hair.
“I never asked if you felt okay with Crona being around you. I never asked you if you forgave them at all - I just brought them into your space, your home. I just wanted them to have a chance at a normal life so badly - I ignored your pain, and I’m so sorry,” she rushed her confession out like it had been a breath she was holding in.
He had to fight the urge to bark out a laugh. It wasn’t that he found anything that she said humorous - it was just so strange that she was addressing this out of the blue. She’d seemed completely unaware as usual back at the diner, where had this even come from?
He was so lost in thought, he’d almost forgotten to respond and instantly regretted the prolonged silence he’d left her in. “Maka, it’s fine,” he insisted, “I get why you forgave Crona. I admire you for it.”
“But that doesn’t mean you were okay. I should have at least checked on you, or asked you about how you felt - or literally anything,’ she mumbled numbly from his chest.
“Hey. Look at me,” he said, lifting her cheek from its resting place against his sweater, “Sure, I didn’t feel the most comfortable around Crona. I think it was pretty awkward for both of us to be near each other. That doesn’t mean I dislike them, or didn’t want you to be their friend. You can’t beat yourself up over something I hadn’t bothered to tell you.”
His words hadn’t brought the comfort that he’d hoped they would, and her brows remained stubbornly crinkled. “If it had been me - if I was the one who’d been cut by that sword, would you still say that you don’t dislike them? That you’re okay with us being friends?”
It was a question that he instantly knew the answer to, but he was reluctant to say it out loud. He finally caved, bringing his eyes back to hers, “No. I wouldn’t have been able to forgive them if it was you.”
She closed her eyes tightly, nodding her head in grim acceptance of that truth. She had likely known that would be his answer already, but hearing it must have been difficult.
“But I love that about you. You have so much compassion. I only care for the few people that I’ve decided I love - I don’t have room in my heart for others like you do. I’d like to be more like you,” he whispered reverently, taking her cheeks in both of his hands and briskly wiping away all of the moisture he could reach with his thumbs.
“I should’ve had more compassion for you,” she lamented softly under her breath, eyes downcast.
“You’re not a fuckin’ mind reader, Maks. It was my choice not to bring anything up.”
She nodded slowly, but the way her grip tightened on him only confirmed his suspicion that she wasn’t going to forgive herself for it.
Minutes passed before a word was spoken, but Soul eventually cleared his throat. “You know, I don’t expect you to ever stop being friends with Crona, or to give up on rescuing them. I don’t want that. I don’t mind helping you like you’d asked earlier tonight, too. If that’s what you need from me, then I’m here.”
She brought herself to her elbows on top of him to get a better view of his face.
“I know. I’m not going to give up on them. But It matters to me that you’re happy too, and if that means you need a break from all that, then I want you to know that it’s okay to ask for that.”
“Right, I’ll keep that in mind,” he said in a hushed tone, distracting himself with a piece of her hair twirled between his fingers.
“And I don’t want to use your blood for research. It was wrong of me to even think of asking you that. We’ll find another way,” she assured him, voice tightening with emotion, “I definitely got carried away with all of this. It wasn’t healthy, and I really am sorry I’ve pushed you away in the process. We can’t solve this thing if we don’t have time to properly take care of ourselves. You’ve been working so hard with me, and I think we need more actual quality time together.”
“Yeah, I could get on board with that. I kinda walked out on dinner tonight, so how about we do something - just you and me tomorrow? Movies sound good?”
“Movies sounds great,” she hummed in agreement, hands idly playing with his hair.
As much as he would have preferred for her to continue her ministrations, he stopped her movements to grasp her hand, bringing it to his chest to rest above where she knew his scar was. He pressed down on her hand lightly.
“I’m glad it happened. I’m glad they gutted me, ‘cause I hadn’t understood what you meant to me till that moment,” he muttered, pressing a quick kiss to the top of her head.
She only exhaled shakily, hand tightening against the evidence of his devotion.
“I just hate that it took a lecture from Blackstar of all people for me to realize that I’d been hurting you.”
His eyes widened a little at that new piece of information. Blackstar was the one that brought all of this on her mind? He could’ve sworn it would have been Kid if anyone. He couldn’t help but feel a little touched that Blackstar had been so concerned about him, but he was also somewhat irritated that his friend had distressed Maka as much as he had.
“Blackstar, huh? Remind me to have a conversation with him about mindin’ his own business,” he laughed half-heartedly.
“No, don’t. I’m glad that he said what he did - I needed to hear it,” she urged him.
“Doesn’t matter. He didn’t have to make my girlfriend cry from guilt over bein’ friends with someone,” he muttered, but his face immediately burned a bright red as soon as he’d caught what he’d called her.
She was a similar shade, holding her breath as well as his gaze with a tortuously difficult to decipher expression on her face.
“That is, uh- I mean… fuck.”  
Very articulate. Great job, Soul.
He hadn’t needed to agonize over whether or not he’d just fucked everything between them for long because her face soon melted into a warm, genuine smile.
“Girlfriend, huh?” she said with a glimmer of mischief in her eye.
“I’d like that. If that’s w-what you want,” he wanted to kick himself for the voice crack he just experienced. Not cool in the slightest. 
At least she got a good giggle out of it. The melodic sound squeezed something in his chest and he swallowed nervously as a response.
She brushed back his bangs, leaning in to place a soft kiss to his forehead. She peppered a trail of kisses down his cheek until she reached his lips. 
This kiss was far from chaste. She cradled his cheek and jaw as she slanted her mouth sweetly over his, pressing fervently, constantly moving against him and eliciting a breathy moan from him that he would never admit to making. 
When she tried to separate, he followed her, bumping noses for a moment and giving the corner of her mouth a few more enthusiastic pecks before backing up and allowing her room to look at his face. 
“Girlfriend sounds nice, actually,” she smiled broadly, letting her fingers brush against the back of his neck.
“Glad that’s settled, then,” he laughed easily, not even bothering to feel any embarrassment over the flush of his skin or the lightness of his breath.
He crushed her to his chest, and they stayed like that for a while, just listening to the other’s loudly beating hearts until they were lulled to sleep. 
He’d have to thank Blackstar with a game of basketball later.
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Scattered AU Conclusion
To tie up the Scattered AU, I have written a short conclusion. I can't even express how much I've enjoyed working with all of you on this, and once again I have to say I've been absolutely blown away by the number of contributions there were. I am so happy that this idea was loved, and I hope all of you continue to take joy from it even after the official end of the event. Once again, thank you.
I tried to cover as many Hermits as I could here, but my energy ran out partway through. Feel free to add on an ending for anyone I've missed. Also, it's worth mentioning that this conclusion is not the only possible ending and does not overwrite any other endings submitted for the AU. This universe is a multi-branched thing, and the timeline of the story is flexible depending on what makes you happy. With that being said, I hope you enjoy this small effort to keep up with all your boundless creativity. 💙
After a long discussion, the Hermits decide to stay in the season 8 world instead of starting a new one. They will take this broken wreck of a place and turn it into something beautiful, just like they have every season. They will heal alongside the world they created, fixing what glitches remain as they support each other and make their best effort at recovery.
Impulse settles in the desert, with Tango and Zedaph close by him. The hot air stings his transformed body, but he is more than done with water for now. Maybe one day he will return to it - but not this season. For now, he keeps the air in his base humid, learns to build with sandstone, and invites his friends over often. Sometimes they talk about the things they all went through, but mostly, they just talk about all the normal things friends talk about. How their day went, what might be causing Tango's latest farm to malfunction, how Zed is going to pull off his next wild plan... they're just glad to have each other back. They're just happy to not have to be alone and afraid anymore.
Cleo is rezombified with the help of Joe, Stress, and False, as soon as they can manage it. Nobody really understands why she wants that, but no-one really needs to - it's her choice. It's what she needs to feel whole again. Seeming vital and normal to the outside world is not nearly as important to her as being herself is, and the others are glad to see her back to her former undead glory. Returned to her familiar form, she laughs and jokes in a way much more alive than she ever seemed when her heart was actually beating.
Jevin keeps every single axolotl he found on his and X's journey through the caves. His mind returned slowly back to normal after Xisuma fixed the plugins, and focusing on the adorable creatures helped him to control the lingering aggressive tendencies as he recovered. Now, when another Hermit seems to be having a hard time, he'll let them borrow an axolotl to take care of until they feel better. It helps to ground them and give them a sense of control, and reminds them all how lucky they are to be alive in this strange, updated world.
Scar struggled. For a long time after the events of the early season, he struggled. He claimed he could control this new level of Vex power, but more and more, he felt as though he was being subjected to it rather than using it. He could feel himself slipping more and more every day, and it scared him, so much that he couldn't even say anything...but the others noticed. Cub's own connection to the Vex told him that this wasn't a sustainable way for Scar to live. Together with Mumbo, he formed a plan. Using Mumbo's new Evoker power, they summoned the Vex that was controlling Scar and broke its hold. Scar is more vulnerable to deals with the Vex now, and it will be a long time before he can visit the End again without feeling weak, but he's more than happy to feel like himself again. Eventually, TFC talks him through his fear of the End - talking himself through his own fear in the process. He offers to go with Scar the first time he decides to return. Both of them find the obstacle more manageable with a friend.
Ren, Grian, and Doc find themselves drawn to each other even after things go back to "normal", not wanting to be alone again. In fact, many of the groups that formed in the more than a year since the world started remain intact. Whether for comfort or protection, or just sharing resources, the Hermits continue to rely on each other. That trio specifically has something new in common - with Grian's new foxlike features, they are all mob hybrids now. They share experiences and support each other, and they can often be found gathering around a fire to tell stories. None of them particularly fancies the cold anymore.
After all that they went through, nobody feels very strongly about banning Evil Xisuma again. His crimes are so far in the past by now, and it feels wrong to condemn him to a future of darkness and isolation when he's already gone through so much of that this season. He doesn't live on the server permanently, preferring to wander off and cause mischief elsewhere, but when he does visit Hermitcraft he stays with Hypno. They bond over a desire to stay on the outskirts and a persistent fear of flowers. They live in a base in the ocean, not a blossom in sight.
XB and Iskall live in the jungle, close enough to see each other but far enough so they don't feel pressured to talk. Both of them feel slightly guilty for getting separated in the desert, but neither of them want to be the first to apologize. Their conversation happens in stops and starts, not in one big rush - but they get there. Eventually, they get there.
Etho drifts. For what seems like an age after the glitches are fixed, he drifts. He talks to the Beetlejhost, sends messages through him sometimes, even manages to manifest in a way others can see occasionally - but that takes a lot of energy. Mostly, he just drifts. He hovers especially around Xisuma, who works for hours on fixing his code. The world can't be considered fixed until everyone is here. Nothing can be fully right until all of his Hermits are safe. It's the hardest admin challenge he's taken on yet, but it's worth it. When he gets to finally hug Etho again, it's worth it. When he brings him to the shopping district and presents him to the other Hermits with tired eyes and a grateful heart, here and real and alive again, it's worth it. It is more than worth it.
Nothing will ever be the same again. That much is obvious. Though the world was fixed and the season went on, the physical changes and emotional wounds are too lasting to be erased, no matter how much time goes by and how much the Hermits support each other. No matter what, the things they went through are unforgettable. Nothing will ever be the same again - but it doesn't need to be.
What is broken will heal back differently, what was changed will be adapted to. New things will be created, new habits will be formed, and for each new fear and trauma there will be a new kindness to match. It won't erase what happened, won't make the pain of the past any less real - but it will help. Healing is not a return to one's original state. Healing is progress. And, together, the Hermits are making progress.
And, there it is! The inbox will stay closed for another day after this (because I do occasionally need a break), and then it will be open again for regular Hermitcraft headcanons. If you have made any art or writing for the Scattered AU that hasn't been posted yet, please feel free to send that in too! Chances are if you just tagged this blog without sending me a link, it probably got lost in the flood of notifications.
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fannishcodex · 4 years
So I really thought Jamack and Boom Boom and co. were gonna be like: “JFC getting caged up and prodded and the needles and Emilia were awful”
And Hugo/Scarlemagne would overhear and was gonna be like, flat and bitter: “Oh wow, never heard that before.”
And Jamack and Boom Boom and the captured co. would just suddenly go “oh” and fully realize key parts of Hugo/Scarlemagne’s backstory and have a way better understanding of where the hell he was coming from, and feel more sympathy for him and bond with him and get him to talk more about what he went through and help him process it better, and be willing to help him. And Jamack and co. are like super horrified that Hugo/Scarlemagne endured what they went through way longer and endured it since he was born, as a child, that was his childhood; and they would be like, “ohwow no wonder you got so messed up.” It was bad enough for them, and they’re all adults (maybe K-Pop narwhal is a teen?); they can’t fathom enduring it as a child, and from since you were born. They’re super horrified Hugo went through what they just experienced but no one ever came for him, no one ever saved him like they got saved. It would particularly eat at Jamack because he kept the others’ spirits up by telling them that Kipo would come for them, and she did--but no one came for Hugo. And they would be even more horrified that Hugo went through what they suffered through all alone, he had zero other fellow mute lab subjects to even lean on for some support. Jamack and Boom Boom and co. would know it would’ve been worse if they didn’t have each other and had been experimented on in isolation.
And while Hugo/Scarl would be initially kinda overwhelmed by Boom Boom’s new fear of needles because it’s Hitting Very Close to Home, he becomes very sympathetic to them because it Hits Very Close to Home and he’s terrified of needles too, he gets it, so he tries to help Boom Boom, and Boom Boom tries to help him, and they both help each other.
Imagine one side of mutes being like uncomfortable with Hugo/Scarlemagne and wanting his apology and wanting him to make up for what he did, and another side of mutes with Jamack and Boom Boom and co. being like “he had every reason to freak out” and being more positively supportive of Hugo/Scarlemagne and trying to directly help him with his trauma over being Emilia/DNA Burrow’s lab experiment, and they’re like the first ones to ever do that for him.
Imagine a callback to Hugo/Scarlemagne’s public apology with Jamack like cornering Zane. (Thanks to @lemonadesoda for some inspiration on this.)
Jamack: Hey, if you’re sticking around, go the f*ck to the great hall place thing and apologize to Hugo for helping Emilia experiment on him.
Zane: ...Um, I was only following orders--
More under the cut:
And later just like:
Jamack: Wait, Zane, shut up, before you say anything else-- *passes Hugo/Scarlemagne a plate of pancakes and fruit*
Hugo/Scarlemagne: Jamack, I’m actively having a stupid panic attack over being in the same room as Zane, I have zero appetite, you do realize I only ever saw him when Emilia was around or for some other horrible thing like sticking needles into me or when they were harvesting my pheromones, he’s not even as worse as Emilia and I’m still stupidly freaking out--
Jamack: It’s not for eating, it’s for throwing. The others threw junk at you before, you should get to do the same with Zane too.
Hugo/Scarlemagne: *is overcome with emotion and just drops the plate and hugs Jamack*
Jamack: *is keenly reminded of Kipo and it really hits him that Hugo and Kipo are siblings, and he awkwardly hugs back because he’s doing better but still unused to stuff like this and didn’t expect Hugo/Scarl to break down like this* O-okay how about Boom Boom and the others throw food at Zane for you, would that be okay--?
Hugo/Scarlemagne: That’sfinethankyousomuch.
Jamack: You bet. You guys ready?
Zane: What the f-- *gets covered in pancakes and such after Boom Boom and co. start enthusiastically and angrily throwing food at him*
Jamack: Okay Zane, go ahead. Apologize to Hugo now.
Omfg imagine Jamack and co. trying that with Lio and Song.
Jamack: Hey Song, happy for you and Kipo--well, mostly Kipo--but have you talked to your son since you got all un-megafied? You know, after he tried helping you communicate with the others andthat’sbecauseyouturnedyourselfintoamegabutthat’sawholeotherdiscussion.
Song: ...Not yet, it’s been a lot right now, things have been happening so fast--
Jamack: Haha okay so I’ve learned by now that’s not a phrase you should ever use with Hugo again, so don’t. C’mon, you need to apologize to him.
Kipo: Um, Jamack--
Jamack: It’s fine, burrow girl. You had Hugo apologize to the others, but he needs some apologies too.
Kipo: But Mom--
Jamack: And your dad.
Kipo: Well, Dad apologized already...kinda....
Jamack: Well Hugo’s apologized, and he’s kept apologizing, and he keeps actively doing something to make up for what he did, it’s been a process for him. Your dad could stand to do a little more too as an ongoing process.
Kipo: But why Mom--
Jamack: Look, Kipo, your parents meant well...I guess...but they still experimented on Hugo before. Like even after Hugo’s apologies and him trying to be better, the others still get to be somewhat bothered by what he did before. It’s kinda the same thing--Hugo can still be upset with your parents experimenting on him even if they’ve changed orsothey’vesaid.
Kipo: When you put it that way....
Jamack: And if I’m understanding this right--sorry burrow girl, but your family history’s just screwed up on multiple levels--your parents could’ve tried immediately escaping with Hugo right after the formula mutated him, right? Like Emilia didn’t suspect a thing. They had just realized they couldn’t continue with the “regress mutes” project. But they stayed to try to find another way for humans to live on the surface--as opposed to just going up there and actually trying and talking to us like you did--and that led to them just mutating you too, right? And they kept Hugo confined and told him to be quiet and that must’ve screwed with his mind, even if they meant well. But again, maybe that could’ve been avoided if they had left with him as soon as they decided they were done with trying to revert mutes.... Anyway after everything, they never got him out of the shitty situation that they were complicit in, for all their promises and “epiphanies.” They never made up for what they did to Hugo.
Kipo: ...I’ll get Dad.
Jamack: Thanks Kipo, that’d be great, I’ve been meaning to get ahold of him too--hey, Lio, you still haven’t visited Hugo at all, have you?
Lio: ...No....
Jamack: And we had a few slow months of just searching for Emilia and IdunnowhywehadtwomegamutesdoityouthinkthatwouldmakeiteasyforEmiliatoseethemcomingandgivehertimetorunbutthat’sagainanotherdiscussion so you could’ve--you know--ha ha, I wouldn’t say things were happening too fast that time, and you were the one to save him after all. Like, that must’ve been so confusing for him; you finally saved him, but then you just don’t see him for months afterward and kinda just leave him in a cage again--
Ahhh Later Later
Jamack: Hey so Hugo’s recovering but he’s well enough to take some visitors now, so Greta, come here, we’re gonna throw some pancakes and junk at you in front of Hugo--might cheer him up a little--and then you’re gonna apologize to him for helping Emilia with--
Greta: I like pancakes!
Jamack: Boom Boom, give the pancakes to Troy and Benson, we’re just gonna use apples this time.
And later later later
Jamack: Kipo, please tell me you didn’t get Emilia too.
Kipo: Fun-Gus took her...pretty sure she’s not gonna last long...either Fun-Gus is gonna suffocate her by accident or something or she’s gonna...off herself somehow, I don’t think she’d want to handle Fun-Gus for long...
Jamack: Ohthankgods Boom Boom and the gang were just gonna throw nectar bombs at her and be done with it if it came to that.
Just Jamack and Boom Boom and Hugo/Scarlemagne and the others should’ve bonded and become the “Humans Experimented on Us and It Sucked” support group, and most of them should’ve come together to help the guy most harmed by Emilia and also become the “Hugo/Scarlemagne Defense Squad.”
And of course Hugo/Scarl should’ve been saved in every way.
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