#i went through the tag with the express purpose of looking for this meme and couldn’t find it
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layingeggs · 8 months
Watched Night of the Living Dead then Dawn of the Dead and finally Day of the Dead. Fantastic films superb. (Some spoilers but I'm not going to spoiler tag films made before I was born.)
Especially love Bub from the last film. Triumph for Bub. Praise for Bub.
It is endlessly fascinating to me that it took decades for Pontypool to get into the memes of zombies when zombie films have been talking about zombie memes since the beginning!
And of course we needed to have two films first where the minds of the zombies are unexplored before we finally have a third film really get into it. Makes it feel more special. I feel that zombies are less interesting if everyone has their own gimmick to 'improve' or 'redeem' them for being old slow monsters.
Bub is the one who escapes in the end. Bub is the one who breaks off his chains. Bub is the one who went from being a mindless zombie to gaining insight and awareness of the world around him, king of the wasteland! He's the only zombie we see in these films express empathy. We see him wailing and banging his chains at the sight of his dead father-figure Doctor Logan. The idea of a zombie who can mourn is endlessly fascinating on its own! Not only that they can empathise, but that they can understand life and death! Aren't they removed from that by being zombies??
And you have John telling Sarah the real solution to the problem of zombies. It's not to control them. It's not to cure them. It's not to understand them or overcome them in any way. Just get away, get somewhere safe and live a good honest life, and have kids and raise them to do the same.
Well we never see John and Sarah actually have kids in the end do we?
But we see Dr Logan have a kid! We see him raise Bub up into a fine man! We see him teach him to shave! We see him impress upon Bub the importance of calling your auntie once in a while!
Logan's plan to "domesticate" the zombies actually worked. But Bub isn't just tamed. He's independent. Living a life for his own purpose. He's lost his father figure Dr Logan and so he lives for revenge!
That moment where Bub kills Captain Rhodes is wonderful, isn't it? When Bub shoots him dead, and then salutes him? What was that salute! Was it just Bub following through the motions of what he remembers from life? Thoughtlessly chasing signifiers without any idea of what they signify?
Or was it a kind of mockery? Was it Bub declaring his triumph over the man who killed his family? Bub mockingly giving the salute to a man who was insulted at having received it?
We know that Bub is aware that other people think of him, and we know that Bub wants other people to think of him in a certain way. When Bub first broke his chains, he used his mind and not his strength to do it. And the first thing he does is go to Dr Logan to show him. When he finds Logan's corpse, before he has realised that Logan is dead, he holds up the loose chain and he has an expression that resembles smiling. Look! Look what I've done! Praise me! Praise me!
Maybe Bub is just acting on the instinct to pursue a reward food from the human he knows to give out reward foods. But why would he think that breaking his chain should get him a reward? When you have a dog or a cat tear up the sofa, they don't usually try to show you what they've done, on the hope that maybe you'll like it and give them treats for it.
It's almost as if Bub understands that it's shows of intelligence that get him reward. Which is at least more aware and discerning than just performing actions at random and seeing which ones get the desired reactions.
Whatever became of Bub? Do you think he was reunited with Dr Logan eventually through the zombie infection? Do you think Bub got fed up with Logan losing his intelligence, and had to "domesticate" him right back? The parent becoming the caree, the child becoming the carer?
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what happened the first time Wes tried to crack open the Danny is Phantom conspiracy did he like, confront Danny first or was it all behind his back like, maybe hoping ground zero would be lost among the gossip and that Danny wouldn't find out who spilled the beans once everyone knew
I mean it obviously wouldn't work because nobody believed him and the gossip didn't take off very far beyond a few people talking about Wes being kinda weird
I should absolutely write a fic about this.
I am absolutely going to write a fic about this.
"Hey Fenton! Fenton!!" Dash came bounding over and threw a meaty arm around his shoulder.
"Jesus Dash! What?!" Danny buckled under the weight (pretended to anyway) as Dash gave him a surprisingly lighthearted punch on the arm.
"You haven't heard?! Wes has this total batshit insane theory, it's hilarious!"
Dash was in a genuine giggle-fit, Danny didn't think he'd ever seen him this merry, he was also starting to suspect he was going to leave this conversation being the butt of the joke somehow. Wait-
"Wes? Who the heck is Wes?" Danny asked, it wasn't like he knew everyone in school, like Dash seemed to.
"He's on the basketball team, you know, tall guy, red hair, threw a sick move at least month's game! You know, WES!"
"I didn't watch that game."
"Oh," said Dash, flatly, "Oh yeah, almost forgot you're a total nerd. Anyway, like I was saying!"
Dash grabbed Danny by the shoulders and nearly lifted him off the floor.
"Wes thinks," he could barely speak through his giggling, he even snorted a few times, "Wes thinks your secretly PHANTOM."
Dash dropped Danny back down as he doubled over laughing.
"Could you imagine?! You! You're not even DEAD!" Dash honest to god slapped his knee in mirth.
Danny went through an incredibly swift array of emotions in the span of about five seconds.
The first was fear, clear and bracing, then came confusion, how did he know? Had he seen something? Then there was hope, Dash didn't believe it, and if DASH didn't believe it, maybe nobody else believed it either. Then relief, he could roll with this, he could TOTALLY roll with this! Dash was right! It was absurd, it was ridiculous, it was hilarious, him being Phantom? What utter nonsense!
Sam and Tucker had been standing by his side at a Dash-safe distance, looking absolutely horrified. Sam looked ready to jump in and lay down a swift defence, but Danny gave a quick little low wave for her to stand down. He got this.
"Oh my god SERIOUSLY?" Danny busted out a slightly hysterical laugh, okay so he wasn't completely over the initial terrified anxiety.
"How could I- I mean what- WHY does he think I'M Phantom?! I mean how does that even work I don't-"
Dash clapped him on the shoulder, this was probably the most contact he'd ever had with him without being physically assaulted.
"I know right?! Like apparently he thinks you look alike? And he's all like 'But I've seen his eyes glow green' and 'they're never in the same roo-hoo-hoom." Dash wheezed and started hacking and coughing.
Danny carefully constructed a look of offence.
"Hey I mean, it's not THAT funny. Why couldn't I be Phantom! I know how to use a Fenton Thermos! Look I even HAVE one right-" he torn open his backpack and pulled one out, making sure to fumble it in a terrific display of fuck-uppery and drop it noisily on the cafeteria floor, he dropped to his knees trying to grab it but knocked it under a table.
A few girls standing nearby who'd been listening in started tittering, one of the guys sitting at the table snorted milk through his nose and Dash was just about on the floor in hysterics.
Even Sam and Tucker covered their mouths in an attempt to look like they were holding in laughter. Tucker muttered to Sam, just loud enough for people around to hear.
"I mean, he's our friend and we love him, but god that was painful to watch. He knows he's terrible at ghost hunting! He's got like, nothing but thumbs."
Danny climbed under the table, grabbed at the thermos and lifted it up as he crawled back out.
"See! See! I have a thermos! I could TOTALLY be Phantom!"
Sam walked over and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "It's okay bud, I think you'd be a great Phantom." her voice was thick with her usual sarcasm, soaked in pity though it were.
Danny's ears burned in embarrassment, he might have been humiliating himself on purpose, but it was still humiliating, watching everyone laugh at him for being so weak and incompetent. He was grateful to his friends for pushing through their discomfort and keeping up the act, it was still painful, but it came with a wash of pure unadulterated relief.
Nobody believed this Wes guy, nobody thought it could be even remotely possible. People would talk about it for a little while, have a laugh, maybe there would be a few memes and in-jokes, but eventually it would drop off. People would forget all about it and it would be just another notch on the gossip mill belt.
Even if someone DID believe it, they could never admit it for fear of vicious ridicule, for once in his life peer pressure was his friend.
And then Wes walked in.
Once Danny saw him he realised that he did recognise Wes, he'd seen him hanging around Kwan a few times, and chatting with Star, he was also in Danny's english class. That was about as familiar as he got with the guy, they'd never spoken a word to each other.
Wes had a terrifying expression of seething fury ripping across his face. He was glaring at Dash.
"It's NOT. FUNNY."
Dash was completely unable to stand, it was honestly overkill, Danny almost thought he was hamming it up on purpose, but maybe not, his face was turning an alarming shade of red after all.
"Wes don-" Dash gasped. "Don't do this to me man, I can't brea-" Dash was gasping for air, trying desperately to hold down the giggles.
Danny could almost see steam rising as Wes seethed. Then suddenly that furious stare was shooting daggers straight at him. Danny shrank into himself, looking as small and helpless as he possibly could.
"Uh hey Wes, um, I've heard the news." he joked tacking on a nervous laugh for emphasis. "Uh, soooo," he tossed the thermos from hand to hand, nearly dropping it again. "Is this like, just a joke or do you really-?"
Dash continued to wheeze, Kwan was holding him up by the arm, muttering about getting some water to cool off.
Wes strode over until he and Danny were face to face, he was taller by a good couple inches, even more so with Danny making a conscious effort to appear small.
Wes jabbed a sharp finger into his collarbone.
"Don't think I'm fooled by this pathetic act you've got going on, I am ONTO you, Phantom." he spat.
Danny glanced sidelong at the table beside him, silently begging for assistance, they only watched in silence, strained faces trying not to laugh. A glance the other way to his friends, they simply shrugged.
"Um, okaaay," Danny started backing away slowly. "Uh look Wes I am honestly really flattered but, do we really look that alike?" Danny ran a hand through his hair and then pointed up at Wes. "I mean we BOTH kinda have Phantom's haircut."
Sam deadpanned from the sidelines, "Maybe they're BOTH Phantom."
"We should start marketing that haircut." Tucker muttered to himself, tapping something on his tablet. "We could make a fortune, are you any good at hairdressing?"
Sam shot him a look of disgust and did not dignify the question with a response.
"Don't play dumb you two," said Wes, flipping his focus, "You're definitely in on this!"
The entire cafeteria was awash with giggles by this point. Just about everyone had heard about Wes' theory, but were mostly convinced it was some kinda joke. Now? Now they knew Wes was straight up fucking delusional.
He glanced around as people laughed, at him. At HIM.
"It's not funny!" he yelled over the crowed, the tittering increased in volume. Someone across the room yelled-
"Hey if I get the haircut, can I be Phantom too?"
One of the goths stood up on her seat.
"I've GOT the haircut! Mom says it's MY TURN to be the Phantom!"
There was a fresh round of mirthful laughter, some kids wheezing as hard as Dash had been. Another few kids piped up above the cacophony, throwing jokes of their own.
"I've got a soup thermos so I'm Phantom now, sorry sweaty I don't make the rules."
"If I wear a Phantom shirt does that make me Phantom ALL the time or am I only Phantom when I'm wearing it?"
"I have an ass, Phantom has an ass. Conclusion: I am Phantom's ass."
"Tag yourself I'm the thermos."
Wes had been trying to scream over the din, infuriated, desperate to find SOMEONE who would listen.
Danny gave him a pat on the back.
"Hey, if it makes you feel any better, The Guys in White once hunted some guy down because he had white hair, if a government agency can fuck that up then-"
Wes slugged him.
It wasn't a particularly solid punch like Dash's hits, it was quick and precise, Was wasn't a brawny guy, but he was lean and fast and had good aim.
Danny whuffed out a heavy breath as Wes' fist collided with his sternum and he collapsed to the floor.
Everyone in the cafeteria lost their shit, a few people screamed and one table of football jocks all stood up chanting, "FIGHT. FIGHT. FIGHT. FIGHT."
Tucker ran over to him as Sam stepped up and without hesitation slammed a fist straight into Wes' nose.
The footballers lost their minds, one of the goths stood up on their table screaming "REPRESEEENT!!"
Wes backed up immediately, crying out from the sharp pain blossoming across his face, he'd never been hit before and couldn't pull his thoughts together quick enough to throw a punch back at her, so he was taken by surprise once again as Sam placed a solid roundhouse kick to his stomach.
He had certainly not been expecting that kind of brute strength from her, she had incapacitated him swiftly and effectively, barely having broken a sweat.
One of his teammates hollered over the crowd and came barrelling down on the goth, she dodged without batting an eye and darted nimbly out of the way, giving the guy a quick kick in the pants to throw him off balance as she rocketed for the cafeteria door.
As Wes took a deep breath through his mouth, his nose dripping blood, he realised that Danny and Tucker were gone. The fight had lasted only seconds but Sam had run distraction well enough for the boys to take off without anyone noticing, a glance around showed Tucker supporting Danny about to exit through the cafeteria doors.
The doors opened to an out of breath Mr Lancer on the other side.
"'The Light Fantastic!' WHAT is going on here?!"
Oh they were all so fucked.
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fairyhee · 4 years
Chocolate eclairs (pt.1)
“Aren’t you a Valentine’s day hater, though?”
“Only because I don’t have a date and I’m bitter about it, but you can change that.”
🍫optional bias x reader (h/n means his name)
🍫enemies to lovers, kinda slow burn?, flirting (smut in pt.2)
🍫inspired by: 5sos-valentine
[I know Valentine’s Day has already passed but I got this idea while daydreaming a few days ago and I couldn’t help myself. And also maybe I love this made-up celebration a bit too much and I don’t want to accept it’s over. If you dislike cheesy stuff this might not be for you lmao]
When it comes to Valentine’s, people are always either hardcore fans or hardcore haters. While you were definitely part of the first category, you just couldn’t understand how anyone can dislike a celebration that’s meant to spread love. And also, the pretty lingerie, the sweets, the champagne and the sex, hello?? You would have them any day of the year if you could. And if you had someone to celebrate with, in the first place.
As for people in the other category, they could hate it all they want but in your eyes they were probably just painfully single. Not that you weren’t, but you never wanted to let that spoil the fun. So what if you were single? What one can do with a partner, you could very well do on your own. So every year you made plans to do everything you wanted, but on a solo date instead of with somebody else. Love yourself first, right?
So on the morning of february 14th, after you were done with your self-pampering ritual, you stepped out for coffee and pancakes. The plan was that after breakfast, you would stop by the lingerie store and treat yourself to a nice set, then buy some sweets from the french bakery, then go home and get all dolled up for the evening, when you had reserved a table at a pink-themed restaurant, beautifully situated on the top floor of one of the highest buildings in your town. It was definitely among the most popular spots for that day, but you couldn’t care less that you were going by yourself. You could have gone with one of your girl friends, if they weren’t all already taken and spending the day “watching netflix”.
Thinking about the peaceful day that was ahead of you, you had almost reached your first destination. Your favorite cafe held an event today and served red pancakes with chocolate hearts as a special menu, as well as v-day themed coffee cups that you couldn’t wait to take photos of. As you entered the cafe, you spotted a familiar silhouette by the counter. He didn’t have to turn around for you to confirm it was him, because as soon as you heard him order his ice americano, your perfect day was already ruined. It was h/n. 
Instead of saying hi, you groaned as you approached the counter. “Who drinks iced coffee in february? You have serious issues.”
He turned around, seemingly suprised to see you at first, but he quickly got to back to his usual self. “Only cool people can drink iced coffee, you wouldn’t understand. And also, a ‘good morning’ would have been enough.”
“It was good until I saw you, so now I can’t say that anymore, can I?” you said while scanning the menu. “One rose lemonade and the special strawberry pancakes with fresh cream, please.”
From where he was standing, you heard a dramatic gasp. “How can you tell me I have issues when you ingest so much sugar from this early in the day? If this is what you have for breakfast, what the hell are you having for dinner?” You wanted to slap that overly exaggerated shocked expression off his face.
“None of your fucking business. Now if you don’t mind I’m gonna walk to my table and go on with my day. If I spend another minute with you I’m afraid it might turn bitter and cold, like you and your beloved americano.”
You were beyond irritated that you had to put up with his shit today, too. You had met h/n at a party during university because of a mutual friend, and you immediately found out you had absolutely nothing in common, except both wanting to excel in your field and to be right at all times. Both of you had strong opinions and just wouldn’t back down. Every time you met, your personalities clashed, and the useless arguments and snarky remarks wouldn’t stop coming. It certainly didn’t help that he was so handsome and so good at what he did (he was a singer in a band) and that everyone else always complimented and admired him, because that made his ego grow and everything just annoyed you even more. Handsome boys always had to be over-confident and you hated that with a passion. The worst part was that he had every right to be confident, but you would never admit that. You weren’t sure what his opinion was of you but you didn’t care to know.
While you were sat at your table, scrolling through your phone and trying to block the previous conversation from re-entering your mind, he just casually sat down across from you at the table, putting down not one, but two iced americanos.
For a few seconds you stared at him blankly. “Can I know what the fuck are you doing?”
“I’m gonna try to convince you that americano is the best coffee.”
“Ha, nice try. What makes you think I would even try it? It’s way too cold outside to drink. Haven’t I told you I don’t want bitterness in my life?”
He smirked. “I asked the barista to put 3 pumps of sugar syrup in it so it can be at least remotely drinkable for you. You will also need someone to watch over you, since I expect you to have a heart attack from all the sweetness, so, before you ask me to, no, I don’t want to leave your drink here and fuck off. So since you’ll be stuck with me until you finish your breakfast, tell me, what have I done to make you dislike me so much?” he placed his chin on his left hand and took a sip of his americano. “I’m curious.” rather than annoyed with you, he looked rather playful.
“Wow, you seem to be having a lot of fun interrupting my day. Glad at least one of us is having a good time. If you want me to touch that drink, you better take out at least half of that amount of ice cubes. After that, we can talk.”
You didn’t expect him to actually do what you said, but he stood up without a word and slowly walked to the counter to ask the barista to fix it. He was so tall, that the strings of the heart shaped helium balloons that were floating around the ceiling reached his eyes, so he walked around the cafe shielding his face with his hand. Why did you find that cute all of a sudden? It’s like you had just realized that his height was very attractive to you. When he turned around, you were smiling at him.
He gave you a wide-eyed look while he was placing your drink down for the second time. “Now you’re smiling at me? Did the sugar from those pancakes get to your brain already?”
“It’s just kinda funny seeing you between all those heart-shaped pink balloons after our last argument.” He had argued that all these holidays, like Halloween, V-day, Mother’s day and so on are made up for purely capitalist purposes and people who celebrate just feed into the consumerism. Besides, his social media posts had appeared on your feed the other day, because he had shared a bunch of memes poking fun at the cheesy traditions. “So what are you doing here today anyway, I thought you were a Valentine’s day hater?” 
“Only because I don’t have a date and I’m bitter about it, like you said. But you can change that.”
You quickly looked up from your plate to check for any sign that he’s joking, but he definitely wasn’t laughing. His eyebrow was cocked up and an annoying smirk was planted on his face. He looked so hot, it was absurd.
His proposal, combined with your own thoughts, made you burst into laughter. You were annoyed at the fact that you were considering it. “Aren’t you getting a bit ahead of yourself? Of course I can change that, but do you really think I will?” you asked ironically. You took a sip of the iced americano, hoping it would cool down your brain and help you think straight again.
He smiled. “I don’t know, but the fact that I just made you laugh is a good sign. Also,” he said pointing at the coffee, “you just drank that and didn’t complain. You just accepted my drink and I got you convinced it’s not bad, both at the same time. That’s three wins in a row for me.”
Shit, he was right.
“I love it when you talk back to me, so I’m almost feeling sorry I left you without any comeback to that.”, he laughed. “So what other plans do you have today? What else do I have to try to ruin?”
“Oh, just a bunch of uninteresting things. I’m sure a self-proclaimed cool dude like yourself would be bored just hearing about it.” That was it. Your defense had fallen, you were actually starting to like him, but you still wouldn’t admit it, so now you were adamant to prove you were completely uninterested in him and he didn’t affect you even in the slightest. You were even willing to accept him tagging along when you went shopping if he wanted. Half because you wanted to spend more time with him without actually accepting his half-hearted date proposal, and half because you wanted him to think you don’t care even if he tries to bother you.
“Well, I don’t have anything better to do today. You asked me what I’m doing here, I actually simply came to get coffee. So do you mind if I come with you? Annoying you is more fun than doing nothing on a sunday.” 
Perfect, you thought. You fake-rolled your eyes. “Whatever. You’ve already ruined my day, it can’t get worse no matter how much you’ll talk. Let’s go shopping, I know men are absolutely crazy over this activity, so let’s see how much fun you’ll have there.”
“Try me.” he said while finishing his drink. 
You smiled and, having finished your breakfast, you stood up.“You might want to have another americano to-go, to keep you from getting tainted with my sweetness. Get up, we’re going to buy chocolate eclairs.”
part 2
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yeochikin · 4 years
video games and questions. | p. seonghwa
a/n: thank you anon for requesting this! ngl this was p difficult even if it sounded easier it my head so i’m sorry this is short fdfjf i hope you enjoyed this! ✨💖 also lemme tag @hwanami hehe lov u 
word count: 2.5k.
warning(s): i don’t think there’s any, just some multiple times of a video game character dying!
“hey guys, welcome back to my channel!” you beamed, waving into the camera as soon as you started your stream, then adjusted your gaming headphones. 
you weren’t a popular streamer nor were you unknown as well, just somewhere in the middle of it. honestly, you never really cared about the attention you received. merely, you enjoyed what you did whether it was for a vlog, a reaction video, an occasional mukbang, and more often nowadays, gaming. you aren’t a huge gamer yourself due to work life but somehow, you’ve grown really hooked to this game even if it came out a few years ago. 
“so, today i’m gonna play this roleplaying based game from before, and continue where we left off!” you grinned, excitedly wiggling in your chair as you waited for your computer to load the game. 
while doing so, you read the comments left by the viewers, some were words of encouragement and support, and some were interesting questions that would either make you think deeply to yourself (not at how the viewers would take a screenshot of your confused expressions and use them as a meme). suddenly, as soon as you started the game, fingers quick to control your character in the game, a particular question caught your eye.
“ah, seonghwa? he’s in the other room, saying he needed to practice a cover he’s about to do.” you chuckled, gazing into the camera before cupping your lips as if you were whispering to someone yet purposely making your voice loud.
“we all know he sings well, damn angels must have blessed his voice.” an amused laugh bubbled out of your lips upon hearing the muffled ‘i heard that!’ from the other room by a certain male. 
park seonghwa, your boyfriend, was who everyone adored. just like you, he has his own channel, though he would mostly do singing covers or even dance covers. sometimes, you would even ask yourself how the two of you got together due to having differences when it came to your contents in your channels but if it weren’t for a convention the both of you were invited to a couple of years ago where the two of you first met, maybe the two of you wouldn’t be where you are right now. though it was rather awkward at first, you slowly came to realise you had a pleasant time with the male during the time at the convention, which led to you exchanging numbers and social media. 
“woah, a dragon! i wonder if i could ride i- oh, oh..” your jaw dropped as you watched as how your character laid lifeless on the ground after a minor accident. 
your eyes stared into the camera, eyes wide yet somehow they looked so defeated while your jaw was open, pulling a round of laughing emojis along with keyboard smashes in the comment section of your stream. as your character respawned, you buried your face into your hands as soon as you realised that you forgot to save before deciding to… ‘befriend’ the dragon in the game. 
“hey guys, remind me to save every time BEFORE i do anything dumb in this game.” you laughed frustratedly, starting to go over the quests yet again, mimicking the npc’s voice every time. you were too busy playing the game while occasionally engaging with your audience between loading screens, and telling your character to quickly escape from the enemies, that you failed to notice your boyfriend peeking his head through the door to watch you, an amused smile playing over his plump lips. 
‘y/n, who is that behind you?’
“ha-ha very funny, guys. there’s no one behind me, see?” you deadpanned after reading the comment, turning around to face the door. 
but instead of seeing only the door, your eyes were met with seonghwa’s head. due to half of his body was outside of the door, it looked as if his head was floating, effectively making you scream out of surprise, which made seonghwa yell along with you. once you calmed down, you pressed a hand on your chest, then glared over at your lover. 
“you could have knocked?” 
seonghwa merely sent you a straight, unamused expression with his hand on his own chest, before parting his lips to retort. “if you weren’t too busy yelling at your character to run faster, you would’ve heard me knocking.” 
“no! i would have heard you, yelling or not.” you protested. 
seonghwa merely rolled his eyes then smiled out of defeat, he couldn’t stay mad at you. walking further into the room, he wrapped his arms around your neck from behind and leaned down to press his lips against the top of your head as he whispered a small ‘hi’ to you. grinning from the sudden affection, you reached a hand up, and pulled his face a little closer so you could plant a tiny peck on his lips. turning to look at the camera, you gently nudged seonghwa to properly get into the frame so the viewers could see him a little better, now pulling up his own chair from his desk in the room to sit next to you.
“say hi, babe. i’m sure the viewers would love for you to join us.” you patted his thigh, laughing at how most of the viewers in the comment section were gushing at how good looking seonghwa is. 
with a bow of his head along with a gentle wave of his hand, seonghwa introduced himself to your audience. “hello everyone, i’m park seonghwa. y/n’s unexpected guest.” 
he laughed towards the end of his introduction after seeing you roll your eyes in a playful manner at him, knowing full well at this point he’s an expected guest from the amount of times he spent peeking in your livestreams or purposely creating a random reason just so he could join you in your videos. and in return, you would sometimes even appear in his videos to sing a duet with him.
the introduction managed to pull another round of gushing from your viewers while some even gave a casual ‘hi!’. you only gave him a small nudge with your elbow, your boyfriend feigning a pained expression as if you punched him in the guts. deadpanning, you turned towards the camera.
“somebody come and pick up this dork, he’s acting up today.” you said, earning a laugh from the male who then ruffled your hair.
despite being annoyed at his teasings, you can’t help but smile to yourself at how seonghwa was finally warming and opening up the more he joined your streaming while he interacted with some questions left by the viewers, whether you invited him or the latter merely inviting himself in occasionally. 
believe it or not, he was rather shy in front of the camera when you first collaborated with seonghwa for a mukbang video despite him having his own singing and dancing channel. though you finally understood why after he explained how he was.. in his own world whenever he did covers. it was no wonder seonghwa has  a lot of fans due to how well he expressed his emotions through them.
“babe, you’re not gonna make it in that jump!” you exclaimed as seonghwa took control of the game now.
“what are you saying? there’s a river underneath, your character will survive!” seonghwa protested before pressing the key, much to your protests.
“seonghwa wait!”
silence filled the both of you as you watched your character who is now laying motionlessly in the waters due to the miscalculation of the jump, courtesy to your boyfriend. the both of you stared into the screen.
then at each other.
then at the camera, both wearing a poker face on your features before groaning at the same time. you grabbed onto his arm so you could shake him while scolding him at how he should have known better, seonghwa letting you do as you please with a guilty smile played over his lips. standing up from his chair, he bowed his head.
“i’m sorry, i should have known before jumping straight into things. or in this case, off of random cliffs in the game.” 
his last sentence made you burst out laughing, yet again making your viewers cut the certain scene as a highlight for the day’s livestream. feigning annoyance, you gave out a sigh as you took over the controls once again while seonghwa read through the comments being left. 
“ooh, this is an interesting question, babe! what are your sleeping habits?” seonghwa said, eyes still glued to the comment section with the corners of his lips quirking up due to some comments that were hilarious to him.
“sleeping habits?” you hummed, leaning your back against your chair with lips pursed in thought. crossing your arms, you looked over at seonghwa and hummed, turning to the camera afterwards.
“i don’t think it’s that serious but sometimes he talks in his sleep.” you said, snickering underneath your breath when seonghwa lightly swatted at your thigh.
“hey, i don’t do that!”
“oh? then tell me why you think that i was san or wooyoung to stop teasing you, huh?” you raised an eyebrow, a huge grin threatening to curl itself over your brims from the flustered expression of your boyfriend.
“at least i didn’t almost fall out of bed from the amount of times i toss and turn.” he pouted.
“that was one time!” you whined, a red tint covering your cheeks as you remembered the said moment, promptly giving your boyfriend’s chest a light slap in retaliation as he teased you more and more. cooing, seonghwa pulled you into his arms and pressed a couple of kisses on the top of your head.
‘omg the two of you will be the death of me!’
‘you two should do more livestreams togetherrrr’ 
‘still can’t get over how seonghwa just pouted lmao’
the both of you giggled at the amount of comments as you shook your head, then went back to your game. the room was now filled with the sounds of fingers rapidly clicking onto the keys of your keyboard, your occasional groans and laughs from the various moments you encountered throughout the game, and seonghwa’s praise whenever you defeated an enemy, along with the occasional questions being answered by either you, seonghwa, or both. 
you’ve been playing the game for quite a while now and soon enough, you’ve finally grown tired of the game. totally not because of the fact that you kept dying in the game. with the remaining few minutes you had to spend, you decided to interact more with the fans this time now that you are more focused. 
‘y/n think fast, forehead kisses or hand kisses?’ one person asked. without a heartbeat, you immediately answered with a huge grin. 
“forehead kisses, definitely! something about them seems more… intimate in a way? as if someone is making you forget the things around you momentarily even without the need to say anything. just one forehead kiss is enough to erase the bad thoughts away, i guess?” 
next to you, seonghwa couldn’t help but to smile at how awed you looked answering the question as he listened intently and arms crossed in front of his chest, the certain dazed look in your eyes never fails to make him want to gather your frame in his arms and just give you all the forehead kisses you needed. suddenly, your laughter rang in his ears, making the male look at what you were laughing at, eyes widening slightly in the process.
‘in that case, let me be the one kissing your forehead lmao’
scoffing underneath his breath, seonghwa wrapped his arms around your waist and playfully glared at the screen, making a gesture with his hand as if saying that he had his eyes on the commenter.
“no, no, only i can kiss the little bun’s forehead.” seonghwa mused, a playful jealousy tone in his voice, wagging a finger in front of him as he hugged you close against him. 
“that’s a no-no, okay?” he spoke, causing you to coo softly underneath your breath from how the tone of his voice was slightly high pitched as he spoke out the sentence, somehow going a tad higher from the ‘okay’ he did. 
“sorry, guys. i guess seonghwa can only give me forehead kisses.” you laughed, shutting your eyes briefly upon feeling a pair of plump lips pressing against your forehead.
wondering how long you have spent playing the game, you opened your eyes and looked at the time. you had noticed that you spent almost two hours of just playing video games that you finally noticed that you felt hungry. before you could even say anything, a low rumble that came from your stomach made the words you were about to utter suddenly disappear. seonghwa, who also heard the low grumbling noise, laughed at you with a hand over his lips.
“i think that’s our cue to finally get lunch, huh little bun?” he grinned down at your flushed cheeks, dainty hands over your stomach. 
“oh yeah, definitely. so i’m gonna have to stop the streaming right here guys. see you in my next video, bye guys!” 
the both of you waved into the camera for a few seconds, then you reached out to end the stream. you then proceeded to stand up from your chair and stretched your arms out, the little dinosaur-like noise leaving your lips upon feeling your tense muscles relax, seonghwa doing the same. 
“thank you for being in my livestream today, i had fun. even though you made my character die after that jump from the cliff.” you laughed once seonghwa deadpanned at you.
however, the unamused expression slowly melted away into a look of fondness. he then placed his hand against the back of your head as an attempt to pull you closer so that he could press his lips against your forehead. 
“i had fun too, maybe next time you should collab with me again the next time i film.” he suggested.
“we can talk about that later but for now..” you trailed off, patting your stomach.
“we need to find something to eat.” you continued, seonghwa playfully giving a light poke against your stomach, then made his way to your small kitchen with you happily trailing from behind, your hand clinging onto the back of his shirt as you do so.
“ramen sounds good to you, little bun?” he inquired, checking the cabinets for said food. 
hopping on the counter top, you nodded your head in agreement. your stomach suddenly growled once again at the mention of food that it made you hug your arms close to your stomach in surprise, seonghwa laughing at the noise and prepared the utensils. while waiting for the water to boil, your lover leaned in to steal a little kiss on your lips. smiling sheepishly, you hopped off of the counter and helped him in cutting up the vegetables.
needless to say, the both of you spent most of the time in the kitchen just enjoying each other’s company along with playful hip bumps every time the two of you stood next to each other as you waited for the food to finish cooking. you couldn’t ask for anything more than this.
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prixmiumarchive · 6 years
Don’t Hug Me I’m Confused
Disclaimer: The following post contains some personal critique of certain fandom patterns and habits that I personally find strange, don’t relate to, or don’t enjoy. However, this post really isn’t that deep in those areas, and so while I’m not talking about kink at all, just kind of consider this a sort of KINKTOMATO disclaimer. What you enjoy and how you enjoy it is not my business, and your art and cosplays are things that a) seem to be of high quality and b) I could not actually accomplish so kudos to you for doing it even if it’s not my thing in its expression. You do you, and I’ll do me, and I’m not trying to hurt anyone’s feelings. This is just a personal blog post / semi-review that I’m tagging in case anyone else who has watched dhmis wants to read it. This post may likely come across as pretty “anti-shipping,” but rest assured that I probably ship some weird stuff in other fandoms so I’m not judging you, or whatever.
Nursing a headache better and responding to a text, I was reminded of the existence of a weird web series on YouTube that, apparently, was released over the course of several years. The first installment of Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared was shown to me by a former friend sometime after its release many years ago now. Naturally, I was pretty unsettled by it at the time in a sort of nervous-laughter, later-haunted-nightmares sort of way. However, at the time and with its sole initial video being around, the way I processed the video and its purpose was quite different from the way I process it now. I had seen that there were a couple more videos over the years, but I had never actually managed to watch the little series to its sixth installment because at some point I got disturbed ever time and quit. However, in a state of resolve and slightly greater desensitization, I finally finished it up. And I’m strangely satisfied and intrigued, particularly after watching a couple of commentary videos about it.
Rather than rehashing someone else’s explanation, I’ll simply refer to The Film Theorists two videos on the subject. I think that this YouTube channel sometimes gets a lot of raised eyebrows and bad press for reaching really hard to get shock-value, click-bait-y ~dark theories~ out of benign or extremely popular media. I haven’t really consumed their other material, so I can’t speak to that, but I can say that the two videos on DHMIS are not reaching for even more darkness and edge. Rather, they seem to be well-researched, well-reasoned explanations for what is otherwise a strangely difficult work of art to process. I say “work of art” not terribly lightly nor terribly dogmatically because I really don’t know what else to make of something that intrigues, bothers, pleases, disturbs, and fascinates me that is intended to communicate something even if that something is the particular sense of unease I am describing.
As is my custom when I don’t really know what to do with feelings about a particular work of fiction, I opened a tab to AO3 to see if fanfiction exists for that “fandom” to see if a quantifiable fandom is actually there. To my surprise, DHMIS actually had over 100 fics. So, I scrolled through the first couple of pages to see what they tended to be about or whatever. I had no particular craving or desire to read fic about this at the moment; I just wanted to know what the environment was like. And what I found was really, really deeply not what I expected.
A major part of the fandom seems to be something called “p/adlock” shipping which I’m censoring so that I’m not picking on someone’s OTP. Again, disclaimer, not judging, simply commenting. It seems to be shipping the Sketch Pad from the first installment with the Clock from the second. I really don’t know where people came up with this or why it seems to be so passionate, but I am not here to judge. It just seems like it is strangely misaimed and sort of misses the central themes of whatever the hell is going on in DHMIS. Even if I’m not sure what is going on, I’m pretty sure that it is not a romantic love story, subtextually or otherwise. Of course, there’s shipping in everything. Before you get mad at me, let me also say that it reminds me of another fandom I’m involved in in which I am one of the weird maybe-missing-the-point shippers, so I’ll get back to that.
Perhaps one of the reasons that this is such an interesting experience for me is that I feel like I’m experiencing my discovery of this fandom much the way those who discover the Portal fandom and poke around not knowing what to expect must do. I came looking for commentary or elaboration on the universe that seems to have been established in these little shorts. Instead, I find shipping that I cannot really find the thread for at all. Now, of course, I would argue that I do find subtext and reasoning and so on in Portal fandom and “chelley” (Chell/Wheatley) shipping. I also find reasons to believe that Wheatley being in a humanoid or android form makes sense in some cases. I don’t see why there are humanoid forms of already anthropomorphic set pieces and characters in DHMIS. See the above videos for a theory I’ve pretty much bought into, I think, that these characters represent props or animations or such anyway while only Red Guy, Yellow Guy, and Duck are real characters/people/performers. (I realize they have names, maybe.)
Anyway, digressing a bit from the strange experience of seeing how a subset of fandom that is really transforming the original work (again - kudos even if not my thing, I think) being the majority when you don’t really get it from the other side of it, I also want to comment on how worth-it I found finally finishing DHMIS. It went from what felt like a strange, occasionally darkly humorous, occasionally dark-dark-dark exercise in internet meme-y nihilism to something that became so much more. Initially, watching the first couple of episodes, it felt like something that existed that sort of titillate and affirm that particular vein of teenage, edgy, oppositional defiance-y, XD-random, I wear black as it is the color of my soul, I have fantasy colored hair despite it not being goth because I like color secretly and because it bothers some conservative people, I’m angry at societal structures that have failed me and am determined to throw all the babies out with all the bathwater because I’m so angry frustration. Now, I still relate to a handful of those things. If my life allowed for it I would be a pink-hair-but-wearing-all-black kind of person some of the time. However, I find that the depth of that particular soft-laughter rage that comes with being a teenager with the experiences to develop it sort of off-putting as someone who has both been-there and has become a teacher in my adult life. I see myself in it, but I also see things that I hate both on their own merits and that I hate in the form of hating it for a person who has to go through it or go through the steps to have gotten there. In the end, though, I found that DHMIS was less late night Cartoon Network programming is the pinnacle of artistic expression and more some kind of play on nostalgia, capitalism, anxiety, power structures, creativity and its opponents, institutionalized violence, and even, maybe, the meat-packing and commercial food industries. In a way, watching it all the way through sort of felt like going through a fast-motion montage of going from being a sort of disturbed teenager to being an adult on the other side of it with a whole other set of frustrations and anxieties that can still be found in the same sort of imagery. It felt like growing up in a weird way.
Still in episodes I had seen before, I remarked to mentioned texting friend that Red Guy was my favorite when she indicated that she was watching a bit of it. I wasn’t even sure why, but in particular his reactions to the clock in the second episode really sold me. All of the characters had strange reactions to a lot of things, but his deadpan, monotone confusion, and the way in which he complies to this-might-as-well-happen sorts of circumstances until he cracks in the end and has some kind of epiphany really resonated with me. Then, I realized, it was because he was, in fact, that avatar of the adult in this situation, and that is its own kind of mind-blow because initially one does not really conceive of these characters as anything but ageless muppets. Which is its own layer of unsettling. In any case, I am really impressed with this little series. Whether or not the “film theory” is right, I feel more satisfied in the end. However, I would really recommend those videos because it totally flipped my perspective on the ending of DHMIS from “there’s no hope and not escape from this hell” or, possibly, “you might escape hell but you’re dooming someone else to replace you,” to something entirely and much more hopeful bout the drudgery of a creatively inclined adult trying to slog through the obstacles and soul-drains that our present societal pressures place on us. I really hope I figure it out in the end like Red Guy.
One final, mostly off-topic note: upon a glance, I think that maybe that film theories youtube channel is, perhaps, more genuine in its efforts to dissect internet memes than in the clickbait it produces for blockbuster movies. But then again, in a a world dictated by ad revenue, whatcha gonna do?
Given that our focuses on what we like about the series seem to be wildly different, I doubt that I’ll be hard-joining the DHMIS fandom for the most part. I enjoyed some of the content in the tag, and if you’re reading from outside it, you might check it out.
If you like or hard-relate to Red Guy and enjoy scifi (Doctor Who, The Expanse), other web series (Carmilla), or other common fandom stuff (superhero shows, DC/Marvel, select anime), you might consider messaging or following me. I’d love to talk about Red Guy with someone who kinda gets it, but again I’m not really interested in shipping in this fandom.
If you read this far, thanks and have a lovely day!
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blarfkey · 6 years
Three Fandoms
I was tagged by @shiroyuri
My first ever tagged meme thingie! Let’s go!
Tagging: @emilytwist1 @pizzopaps @nsml
Rules: Choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions, then tag people you wanna know better.
Three Fandoms: Dragon Age // The Queen’s Thief series // Ouran High School Host Club
It was so hard to pick! 
The first character you loved:
Dragon Age -  I started with Origins, having no idea what Dragon Age even was, and so of course I met Alistair and fell in love. He’s so disarming and self-deprecation and nothing like what I thought he would be. Also his voice is hot and I have a MAJOR voice kink.
The Queen’s Thief - Eugenides . OMG. He’s probably one of my most favorite characters of all time. He’s snarky, fully aware of how pathetic he is in the first book, a trickster, does not take himself seriously at all, secretly kind but shows it in fucked up ways. Perfection.
Marvel- I started with Tony and even though I’m still pissed at him, he was definitely a great love of mine from Iron Man. When that movie came out, there was no real superhero like him (in cinema) and I was so intrigued at how that movie kind of dismantled what superhero movie was expected to be like and how he subverted a lot of superhero expectations.
The character you relate to the most:
Dragon Age - Varric. I come from alcoholic parents, I have an older brother that does nothing but disappoint me, I cling to my friends like they’re my family, I adopt lonely people into the friend group, I love to write and tell stories, I’m fascinated with people, I don’t want to be in the limelight, I tease people all the time and I give them nicknames. I love Varric the most out of any character.
The Queen’s Thief- The Queen of Eddis. She is not beautiful and she doesn’t give one shit about it. She is loved by her people because of her personality and her wise leadership and they just straight up adore her. I aspire to that level of self esteem where I know I am valued for what I contribute and not for how I look. Even so, she has times where she is deeply self conscious of the fact that she doesn’t look the way a Queen is “supposed” to look and it humanizes her. Plus, she is unflappable in the face of all of Eugenides’s insanity, and this reminds me of the way I have to be with my middle school students, lol.
Marvel - The Hulk? It’s hard to relate to a lot of superheros, but I definitely have a very bad, destructive temper that I have learned to control. But the rare occasion when I do lose control, it’s bad and scary and I always hate myself afterwards. 
The character you’d slap:
Dragon Age - I think everyone wants to give Bianca a good wallop, but I am going to have to go the unpopular opinion route and say Cullen. If he had just showed up in Inquisition and I’d never seen him before, I would like him. But  I played the Dragon Age  games in order and I’m very pro-mage and  I saw Cullen express and act upon too many horrible and oppressive ideaologies to really trust him in Inquisition. I know they tried to give him some kind of redemption, but to me the writers did not spend enough time having Cullen process his actions and his attitudes and try to move away from them. Instead, he just wanted to move past and forget all his past mistakes without acknowledging them. If the game had shown more of him realizing the problematic things he had thought about Mages (like the fact that they are just weapons and not people to him) and working through them (especially if you ally with the mages) then I would have liked him more. I don’t think less than a year is long enough for him to unlearn a lot of his issues.  
Queen’s Thief - Ambiades in the first book just because he’s a classist piece of shit and he almost got them all killed. He deserved what he got.
Marvel - Tony Stark after Civil War. I could write pages and pages about how that movie enraged me, but to sum it all up: No matter what you think about the Accords, the fact that Tony went off without talking to the team and made a deal on their behalf without their input in it whatsoever, then slapped the rules down on the table and said follow them or be a criminal/leave the Avengers was complete and total bullshit. I didn’t see Tony’s desire for the Accords as some noble act, but an avoidance of responsibility. He wanted it to be where if the Avengers screwed up and some got hurt or died you could ultimately blame the people in charge of the Accords and not him. Even so, he should have sat down with the team and discussed the possibility of the Accords instead of going behind their backs and making the decision for them. 
Not to mention that his reaction to Bucky before he learned about the assassination of his parents was total bullshit. As if Tony doesn’t know what it’s like to have a friend who’s destructive in a way he has no control over and he doesn’t want, as if the Hulk didn’t destroy an entire building of people in Age of Ultron, as if Tony doesn’t have to build an iron man suit with the sole purpose of battling his best friend when Bruce loses control, but whatever.
Three favourite characters (in order of preference):
Dragon Age - Varric // Cassandra // Solas  (this was really really hard).
Queen’s Thief - Eugenides // Helen // Irene
Marvel -  Steve Rogers // Rocket Raccoon // Shuri 
A character you didn’t like at first but do now:
Dragon Age- Sera? This question is hard because I either like or don’t like the characters and it doesn’t change a lot. But while I never disliked Sera, I didn’t get a better appreciation for her until after I had played the game a couple of times. I thought at first that she was a bit too immature and it got old and so I didn’t talk to her a whole lot and her friendship was hard to earn for me. But after a couple play-throughs, I got to see all the deeper aspects of her character and I love her more.
Queen’s Thief- The Magus. He seemed so insufferable in the first book, and then his weird friendship with Eugenides develops and he turns into this adorable badass grandpa that I love and adore.
Marvel - Spiderman. I used to hate Spiderman so much because of the original trilogy with Toby McGuire. I hated that he was a whiny, angsty teen with a weird and obsessive crush on Mary Jane. But Tom Holland is slowly but surely warming to cold cockles of my heart because he’s so guileless and sweet and funny. Just kill me.  
Three OTPs:
Dragon Age - Varric x Cassandra // Solas x Inquisitor (of any race or gender) // Hawke x Varric (I am forever bitter that you cannot romance Varric. I will never get over this)
 Queen’s Thief - Actually the main ship is kind of a major spoiler, but if you read the books you know what I’m talking about ;) Also Eugenides x Helen as a platonic OTP and Costis x Kamet
Marvel -  Steve x Natasha // Steve x Bucky // Loki x Sif
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bisexualdanavidan · 6 years
oh boy oh boy my friend tagged me in a WIP tag meme thing!  thank you @thepartyresponsible, you don’t even go here and you’re still my favorite 
we’re gonna go under a cut cuz i can’t ever shut the fuck up
i wanna tag uhhh @orgyforone @sweetiefiend @theseusinthemaze and whoever else that follows me that wants to do this, i don’t want to impose!! 
1. wip #1 (“and start again”) is a three-part thing about arin & co living in a little oregon town where arin is the elementary school art teacher and dan is a single dad to a seven or eight year old
The farmers’ market starts the first Saturday of September and ends the last Saturday of November.  It’s always been that way - it’s certainly been that way since he moved here, six years old and starting out the season in shorts and a t-shirt and ending it bundled up behind the little stall his mom rented to sell bread and muffins out of.  He’s made it a longstanding habit to get up early on Saturdays year-round, and it pays off by the time fall rolls around - he’s almost always the first person to get his stall set up on the town square.
It isn’t that he has anything very interesting to sell.  There are other gardeners and farmers with better tomatoes, and Mrs. Culver talks about different breeds and cross-strains of blueberries like his mom used to talk about horses, and anybody with opposable thumbs can grow herbs like he does, even if he does have twice as much mint and lemon balm as anyone else because he let it overgrow a couple summers back and never did get around to wrangling it back to a more manageable level.  He kind of likes the way it looks, more garden than yard on three sides of his little house.  
“Hey,” Ama’s dad says, “I’m sure Mr. Hanson has stuff to do,” even though Arin’s pretty visibly not doing anything other than talking to them.  Arin takes a moment to look him over while he’s distracted by his kid: they might be the same age - Arin might be a little older - but he looks harried, Arin thinks, and thin in a way that suggests he’s getting over a long illness rather than that he tries to stay that way.  He’s pretty, in a skinny sort of way, with Ama’s long face and curly dark hair.  
2. wip #2 is a record/bookstore au; dan is a former opiate addict whose grandparents/parents set him up with a small shop to run so that he would have something to occupy his time that wasn’t drugs (and set him up with an “employee” aka babysitter in the form of barry, who’s grandma probably went to shul with danny’s or something); arin moves to new jersey, which is as far away from los angeles and his cheating jerk ex-boyfriend as he can get without leaving the country, and ends up spending maybe too much time in this weird little shop; also, arin has a dog
(Part of him is aware what a romantic comedy this is - the whole post-breakup-get-a-dog thing - but there’s not a ton about his life that feels romantic <i>or</i> funny right now, so maybe that specific cliche isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.)
The guy at the front desk seems delighted that he's coming in with the express purpose of adopting a dog.  "If you don't fall in love with someone today," he says after he gets Arin's basic information, "we can get your email or your number or, like, your Facebook or whatever, we get surrenders all the time.  But we've got a really, really great group in right now."
He's short-ish, with a dense scrub of dark beard and bright, clever brown eyes, and his nametag says <i>Hi, I’m Barry</i>.  He's cute, Arin thinks, but there's no spark of legitimate interest like there might have been a couple years ago back home.  <i>Back in California</i>, he corrects himself inside his head.  He leads Arin with a surety through the shelter, past offices and vet tech rooms until they get to the actual anima holding areas.  
"Are you thinking, like," Barry says, "a puppy?  Size preference?"
"Not a puppy," Arin says immediately, because the little brown-and-white terrier puppy that's eyeing him from a couple kennels down is cute as shit, but he's never actually owned a dog by himself before.  "Do you have, like.  A beginner dog?"
3. cw for domestic abuse, skip to the next one if you aren’t cool w it; wip #3 is yet another normal-world-never-famous au where ross and arin are art students in philly and dan works a series of odd jobs in between open mic nights; arin befriends him and gradually tries to ease him away from his piece of shit boyfriend (mostly i want to write about the dynamics of a bad relationship where at least one half of the relationship cares about the other despite being able to acknowledge the toxicity/abuse and avoid the trope where there’s One Final Straw and they make a clean break the first time and live happily ever after)
There’s a chunk of hair ripped out, Arin thinks, and then realizes faintly that it’s not hair, it’s scalp, too, that there’s dried blood matted into his mess of curls, dry and flaky under his fingertips when he reaches to touch it.  Dan jerks away infinitesimally, breathes in, careful, and seems to make himself relax.  
“Sorry,” he says, and when he looks up, Arin can see the hemorrhage in his left eye, a little explosion of scarlet that makes his breath catch in his throat.  He still smiles, though, and it’s small and tight around the edges but almost believable.  “Sorry, that’s - uh - that’s pretty gross.  Sorry.”
4. wip #4 is weird and way overambitious; tl;dr egobang medieval semi-realistic fantasy where arin gets the attention of the seely court and gets arin-napped and dan, who is wildly unsuited for rescue missions, has to venture through the fae forest to get him back 
Morning comes cold and wet to the farm. Mist hangs low over the pastures and stables, clinging to the gardens like a lover; Dan wraps his cloak more snugly around himself before he steps outside, burying his fingers in the thick grey fur lining in search of the cords that lace it tighter.  It's Arin's cloak, made for someone far broader of shoulder, but there’s no one there to see how foolish he looks in a cloak twice his size. The wind from the east is brisk and cold, and it only seems to grow colder as he checks everyone over: the chickens first, who flutter their wings at him and cackle the news of the morning’s bounty - and the goats, the little doeling and her mother, who nips at his sleeve and vainly tugs him forward to her stall - and then all fourteen of the horses, the handful of colts and their nosing mothers and the three raw-boned geldings, ready to be traded.  Ice clings to the very tops of the long grass in the near pasture, and crunches under his feet as he walks the fenceline.
It seems lonely in a way that the farm rarely does.  He lingers in the barn with the hens, scatters more barley than usual so that they peck and prance around his feet, and even offers a handful to the goat doeling.  <i>It’s the cold,</i> he decides.  The doeling snuffles at his empty palm and bleats, a thin, piteous little noise.  Reflexively, he reaches into the bag for another palm’s worth.  <i>The cold has come too early, and without Arin - </i>
He stops himself there, shakes his head as if that will shake the thought away from it.  He’s given to spells of melancholy, and has been since he was young: they’re worse when Arin is gone away, but he only has only one more day to wait.  
so yes those are the myriad things i am Struggling with!!  tbh if any of those catch yr fancy send me an ask, if people seem like they’re more interested in one over the other it will probably be Much easier for me to write them lmao 
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rask-the-rogue · 7 years
Character Dissection Meme: Rask
Yo its ya boi back at it again, making up memes and shit!  This is really more of a writing exercise than a meme, but no one likes exercises, and everyone likes memes, so here we go!
This meme will force you to dissect how you present your character through visual and verbal cues during role-play.  If you’ve been rping for a while, most likely you have some sort of list in the back of your mind of how your character behaves, key features or characteristics, even favored ways of describing these visual or verbal nuances.  This meme is just putting that list down in real words, both to give people insight to your character and, most importantly, to allow you to see in a broader capacity what makes your character unique.
There is NO SET NUMBER of bullet points for each section, and no formula for the answers.  Copy/paste, delete all the bullet points, and think of how you describe each portion as you role play.  It’s that simple-- and that hard.  :)  Have fun and tag me in your answers!
What body parts do you describe most often, and how do you describe them?
Dark eyes
Tawny skin
Clever fingers
Slender waist or slender frame
What emotions does your character frequently display, and how do you describe how they look or sound?
He smirks and grins crookedly.  These expressions are also sly or vulpine.
His naturally narrow eyes squint into dark slits when he smiles or is feeling sly (or both), like a fox.
His laugh is full-bellied and holds a slight wheeze or rasp; if he’s laughing hard he’ll be reduced to just wheezes that make it sound like he’s dying or running out of air.
If he’s really worked up (you know in what way) his blush will burnish his brown skin.
If you get him mad, his eyes will go flat, and his expression will become inscrutable.
How does your character stand?  How do they sit?  If they were a character in a video game, what would their idle animation be?
Drapes himself over furniture; his stance, sitting or standing, is usually casual, relaxed, and asymmetrical (ex: one foot up on the bar).
Usually stands with his feet spread apart and hands on his hips.
Scratches absently at the stubble on his chin when thinking.
Pushes or rakes his hand through his hair when he’s frustrated or baffled.
Drinks from his ever-present mug of ale.
He winks often, and gives people finger guns.
How does your character speak?  What quirks do they have in their speech?  Do they curse?  Do they speak more than one language, and if so, does this affect their mannerisms in any way?  Do they use exclamations of surprise or anger?
Nicknames people almost immediately after meeting them, or fills in with “Darlin’” or “Sweet’eart”.
Uses phrases of exclamation and colloquialisms often.  “Well butter my ass an’ call me a biscuit” is one of his favorites, alongside “Hell’s bells!  Stars an’ stones!  By all tha suns in tha sky!  Sixteen hells!  By tha Light!”.
Has a potty mouth for sure, though he’ll dial it back to “damn” and “hell” when in company he doesn’t know well.
“Lightdamnit”, “I reckon”, “pa", “ma”, “lad”, “lass” and “feck" are all regional quirks.
Talks pretty quickly, which is helped along by his drawl, the rules for which are outlined below!
VOWEL CHANGES:  To = “ta”, You = “ya”, The = “tha”, Your = “yer”, What = “wut”, For = “fer”.
Exception: If two of the same word is next to itself, or if there’s too much already being slurred in the sentence, he will enunciate.  "I had ta, to be sure!”
Exception: If it’s the first word in a sentence, he sometimes won’t change the vowel.  “You gotta believe me!”.  It all depends on how understandable the sentence becomes if the vowel changes.
DROPPED ENDINGS:  Almost ALWAYS drops the “g” off of an “-ing” word  (“I was feckin’ swimmin’,”), and will OFTEN drop the “t” from words and contractions. (“an’, jus’, tha’, didn’, wouldn’”).  Also drops the “d” from “and”, sometimes.
Exception:  If the “t” is important for understanding the word, or if the next word sounds awkward without the ending, he will leave it.  “Tha’s good ta know” works, but he’d say “Let’s hope it don’t come ta that”.
DROPPED BEGINNINGS:  Them = “‘em”, is = “‘s”, until = “‘till”, sometimes as is “‘s”
Exceptions:  If it’s the first word of a sentence, he doesn’t drop it.  “This ‘s a sight a man could get used ta” works.  But he wouldn’t drop the i from “Is this what ya want?”.
DROPPED MIDDLES:  Only specific words, usually those with 3 syllables or more.  “Diff’rent”, “Sweet’eart”, “Prob’ly”.
COMBINING WORDS:  “Ya’ll” and “C’mon” are common.  He will combine two words next to each other, written with an apostrophe between them, such as: “How long d’you think?”  “You understand, don’cha?” “Y’know wut?”  “I should’a done that”, “That went better’n I would’a thought”.
Also has combined, non-apostrophised words where applicable in his vocab, such as: “Dunno, gonna, wanna, outta, kiddo.”
INCORRECT GRAMMAR: “We was,” “You ain’t,”  “It weren’t,” “I got”, “It don’t”.  He essentially uses one conjugation of the verb for every pronoun (”I ain’t, you ain’t, she ain’t, ya’ll ain’t, they ain’t, we ain’t”), and makes English teachers cry.
Despite the way he speaks, Rask is fluent in several languages: Common, Orcish, Gutterspeak, and Darnassian.  He speaks some Thalassian and even some Draenic.  He’s very good at picking up on language and replicating the sounds with his mouth.  He still speaks with “low class” in each language, once he learns it, essentially understanding the rules well enough to break them in a way that leaves him understandable, but flavored with his characteristic unassuming “uneducated” sort of drawl. It’s absolutely a purposeful strategy of his, which might lead one to wonder if the way he speaks Common isn’t also a purposeful choice.
Tagged by: I made dis bitch
Tagging:  @fortherisingsun @anti-dreamer @high-inquisitor  @the-elf-mahat @susan-gampre  @ EVERYONE ELSE
[Here’s another example, using my alt!]
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mythicamagic · 7 years
DL Character meme!
I got tagged by @barbiebrival, thank you!
Rules: List your top 10 favorite DL characters (it doesn’t just have to be the dateable guys, any characters are fair game) in order. And the answer the questions. Blank questions at the end.
1. Subaru 2. Ruki 3. Shuu 4. Yuma 5. Azusa 6. Laito 7. Reiji (from here they're all pretty much at the same level. I don't hate the guys, they're just not my favs) 8. Kou 9. Ayato 10. Kanato
1. Number 5 (Azusa) has decided they want to completely change up their wardrobe and they take you shopping with them so you can give your opinions on what new outfits they should buy. What sort of clothes are you going to recommend?
I would try to get Azusa to buy more of his comfy sweaters. His sweaters are so soft and warm looking, and they suit him. 
2. You walk into your room one day to find number 2 (Ruki) standing on your bed, dancing to your favourite song while wearing nothing but your favourite underwear. How do you react?
"....Ruki, did you eat something strange from Yuma's garden?"
3. Number 7 (Reiji) has to go to the dentist but they’re adamantly refusing. How would you persuade them to go?
Use logic. I can see Reiji wanting to solve a problem like that by himself by reading up on dentistry. I'd try to convince him to see a dentist from the Demon World, since they'd not have a heart attack after seeing his fangs like a human dentist would.
4. You lose a bet with number 6 (Laito) and now have to be their personal maid for a day. Do you go through with it or do you try to get out of it?
Oh Gawd, I'd try to get out of it but that would probably make things worse. 
5. Number 4 (Yuma) takes you to see a horror movie however they end up getting absolutely terrified halfway through and bury their head into your shoulder. How do you react?
Pfft omg. I'd be surprised but ultimately not comment on it to save his pride. I would be lying if I said I wouldn't absolutely try to touch his hair though.
6. Number 9 (Ayato) surprises you with a cake they’ve baked especially for you. Are you going to eat it?
No! That prankster would put something weird in it, like bugs.
7. Number 8 (Kou) accidentally manages to completely trash their room, to the point where it’s uninhabitable. They don’t have anywhere to stay while it’s being repaired and so they ask if they can room with you for the next couple of weeks. How do you respond?
I'd let Kou have the room and stay on the sofa or something. No way would I share with him, he would probably try to pull some sort of exchange.
8. Number 1 (Subaru) has decided to learn how to play the trumpet. The downside to this is that, for some reason, they’ve taken to practicing right outside your room around the time you normally go to sleep. What are you going to do?
Aww as much as I'd want to be mad, I don't think I'd have the heart to discourage him. Subaru very rarely expresses himself, I would want to encourage it. If it got super bad though, I would offer to help him practice at a reasonable hour lol
9. Number 10 (Kanato) recently purchased a cat onesie and they’ve insisted on wearing it everywhere over the past few days. They’ve now purchased a matching onesie for you and they’re being very insistent that you wear it and go out in public together. What do you do?
Omg Kanato would look adorable wearing it. I would wear it around the mansion but try to get out of wearing it in public.
10. Number 4 (Yuma) is still scared after watching that horror film with you. It’s now late at night and they’re demanding that you let them sleep in your bed with you. What do you do?
Oh well I GUESS I'll let Yuma stay with me. Urgh you're REALLY inconveniencing me though. *cough cough* I would try to seduce him using my sexy knowledge of floriography. 
11. Number 3 (Shuu) confesses to you that they want to be an Olympic gymnast but struggle to even touch their toes. What sort of advice do you give to them?
Well...I'd be shocked, but hey, hidden depths and all that. I'd suggest trying Yoga. I image it would go as follows: Me: Shuu...you can't just lie in the sleeping dog postion, you gotta..you know..,move? Shuu: Zzzz...
12. Number 7 (Reiji) decides they want to paint a picture of you. They make you sit still for hours while they work on it, only when they finally reveal it to you, the image bears absolutely no resemblance to you. They ask you for your opinion, what do you say?
Reiji wouldn't take ANY criticism for me anyway, but I'd at least try to point out a few things he could possibly change. I'd be sure to compliment his shading or use of colour however, to balance out the criticism.
13. Number 5 (Azusa) buys a large pet python and they try to talk you into keeping it in your room. How do you respond?
Uh..I'd very politely decline. I don't mind snakes but I get the feeling giving Azusa one is a very BAD idea. 
Azusa: *watching as the python chokes someone around their neck*  Aww...he's hugging them. The pain looks wonderful...
14. You go on a Ferris wheel with number 6 (Laito) but when you reach the top, it stops moving and stays still for a long time. There seems to be some kind of fault, which means you’re trapped with number 6 till someone can get it working again. What do you do?
Rip me. Laito would absolutely use this time to try and get frisky. 
15. Number 2 (Ruki) proposes you play a game of twister. Regardless of whether you want to or not, you get dragged into it. As you’re playing, you notice number 2 seems to be touching you a lot more than necessary. Do you call them out on it, or take some other course of action?
Again I'd inwardly question if Ruki had eaten more strange things from the garden, but I'd be very flustered yet nervous. I would probably be too nervous to try and reciprocate.
16. You’re getting changed in your room when you suddenly hear a noise from your wardrobe. You open the wardrobe to find number 3 (Shuu) standing in it. How do you react?
"Shuu did you fall asleep in here again?"
17. Number 1 (Subaru) manages to accidentally handcuff themselves to you. They don’t have a key and for some reason, no matter what either of you do, you can’t seem to get them off. What are you going to do?
Ohh noo how TERRIBLE. No but seriously, Subaru would probably get frustrated by this, so I'd try to calm him down. If he got violent while I was that close to him, I'd probably die. Not saying I wouldn't enjoy it once he did get calm though.
18. Number 10 (Kanato) presents you with a bouquet of roses and declares that they have feelings for you. How do you react?
Welp I'm dead now. Unless I had a thing going with one of the other guys (which is unlikely) who could protect me from turning Kanato down, I'd have to accept the flowers and his feelings. I mean...would YOU risk turning Kanato down? He'd probably kill you.
19. You go swimming with number 8 (Kou). You’re having a great time until they pull you aside and tell you that they’ve somehow lost their swimwear. Are you going to help them and if so how?
I would go and buy him some new swimwear.
20. Number 5 (Azusa) wrote a love letter to you and slipped it into what they believed to be your locker, however the locker actually belongs to number 8 (Kou) and they didn’t bother writing your name on the letter. How does number 8 react when they find it?
Kou is pretty sharp, he'd figure out what was going on and use this to his advantage. He'd have a little fun with probably causing some sort of drama, but not too much that it would irrevocably hurt Azusa’s feelings. 
21. Number 7 (Reiji) gets very very drunk and tries to give number 3 (Shuu) a strip tease. What happens?
Pffft Shuu's soul would leave his body. I would be torn between finding Ayato and getting him to record it for blackmail purposes, or trying to dissuade Reiji from doing it.
22. Number 6 (Laito) and number 2 (Ruki) get into a rap battle and they want you to be the judge. Who do you think is going to win and why?
Laito, because he has more confidence in singing. Also RUKI STOP EATING STRANGE THINGS FROM THE GARDEN.
23. Number 1 (Subaru) accidentally ruins number 9’s (Ayato) most prized possession and begs for your help in covering it up. What do you do?
Oh Gawd that would probably be Ayato's Iron Maiden? Subaru wouldn't be able to cover that up, he's the only one who wrecks things like that in the house. I'd still try to help him though.
24. You wake up in between number 4 (Yuma) and number 10 (Kanato) with absolutely no memory of how you got there. Do you have any idea about what might have occurred and what are you going to do now?
Um..most likely when Yuma went to my room after the horror movie, he fell asleep next to me. Then Kanato wandered in? I'd die.
25. You go on a camping trip with number 9 (Ayato), number 6 (Laito) and number 3 (Shuu). What sort of stuff do the four of you do together?
Aw I think that would be kind of fun if they didn't try anything strange. I'd spend time with Shuu though when it came time to tell stories around the camp-fire. He'd retreat to get away from it, so I'd follow him rather than spending time with Ayato and Laito.
26. Number 9 (Ayato) and number 4 (Yuma) have somehow swapped bodies. How do they react and are you going to try to help them get back to normal?
Pfft omg Ayato: YES. I AM NOW THE GREATEST BASKETBALL PLAYER EVER. *loves the height change* Yuma: Urgh.. I'd find Reiji to try and get a cure.
27. You’re playing a game of Monopoly with number 5 (Azusa), number 7 (Reiji), and number 10 (Kanato). Who wins and who goes bankrupt and storms off in a rage?
Reiji wins, Azusa, Kanato and I go bankrupt. Kanato flips the game board and storms off in a rage with Teddy.
28. You go on a hike with number 8 (Kou) and number 2 (Ruki). Number 8 is in charge of the map and they manage to get you completely lost in the middle of nowhere. What are you going to do?
I can actually see this happening. Well, if we had camping stuff, we could just set up camp and figure out where to go from there. If not, Ruki would probably order us to help make shelter if we were exhausted, while he worked out where we were.
29. Number 1 (Subaru) has given up on learning the trumpet and has taken up the banjo instead. They write a song and play it for you but it sounds beyond terrible. How do you react?
I'd still try to support him and maybe look up youtube tutorials on how to help him improve.
30. Number 1 (Subaru) and number 2 (Ruki) get in a fight over you. Number 2 manages to win and asks you for your hand in marriage. How do you respond?
Oh you just HAD to ask that question, didn't you? I'd be damn stuck is what I would be. It would depend on the depth of feeling between me, Ruki and Subaru. If Subaru was in love with me, then I'd hesitate, but if he was only fighting because I was his prey and a blood bag, I'd accept Ruki's proposal because there'd be nothing holding me back. It would be such a difficult situation though, I mean Ruki wouldn't propose unless he was really in love so I'd be very flattered ethier way.
I tag: @yoooooooooooooooooooooooh, @mtkthedreamer, @missconnita, @laveenderee, @dialoversotaka and anyone else who wants to do this x
Blank questions:
1. Number 5 () has decided they want to completely change up their wardrobe and they take you shopping with them so you can give your opinions on what new outfits they should buy. What sort of clothes are you going to recommend?
2. You walk into your room one day to find number 2 () standing on your bed, dancing to your favourite song while wearing nothing but your favourite underwear. How do you react?
3. Number 7 () has to go to the dentist but they’re adamantly refusing. How would you persuade them to go?
4. You lose a bet with number 6 () and now have to be their personal maid for a day. Do you go through with it or do you try to get out of it?
5. Number 4 () takes you to see a horror movie however they end up getting absolutely terrified halfway through and bury their head into your shoulder. How do you react?
6. Number 9 () surprises you with a cake they’ve baked especially for you. Are you going to eat it?
7. Number 8 () accidentally manages to completely trash their room, to the point where it’s uninhabitable. They don’t have anywhere to stay while it’s being repaired and so they ask if they can room with you for the next couple of weeks. How do you respond?
8. Number 1 () has decided to learn how to play the trumpet. The downside to this is that, for some reason, they’ve taken to practicing right outside your room around the time you normally go to sleep. What are you going to do?
9. Number 10 () recently purchased a cat onesie and they’ve insisted on wearing it everywhere over the past few days. They’ve now purchased a matching onesie for you and they’re being very insistent that you wear it and go out in public together. What do you do?
10. Number 4 () is still scared after watching that horror film with you. It’s now late at night and they’re demanding that you let them sleep in your bed with you. What do you do?
11. Number 3 () confesses to you that they want to be an Olympic gymnast but struggle to even touch their toes. What sort of advice do you give to them?
12. Number 7 () decides they want to paint a picture of you. They make you sit still for hours while they work on it, only when they finally reveal it to you, the image bears absolutely no resemblance to you. They ask you for your opinion, what do you say?
13. Number 5 () buys a large pet python and they try to talk you into keeping it in your room. How do you respond?
14. You go on a Ferris wheel with number 6 () but when you reach the top, it stops moving and stays still for a long time. There seems to be some kind of fault, which means you’re trapped with number 6 till someone can get it working again. What do you do?
15. Number 2 () proposes you play a game of twister. Regardless of whether you want to or not, you get dragged into it. As you’re playing, you notice number 2 seems to be touching you a lot more than necessary. Do you call them out on it, or take some other course of action?
16. You’re getting changed in your room when you suddenly hear a noise from your wardrobe. You open the wardrobe to find number 3 () standing in it. How do you react?
17. Number 1 () manages to accidentally handcuff themselves to you. They don’t have a key and for some reason, no matter what either of you do, you can’t seem to get them off. What are you going to do?
18. Number 10 () presents you with a bouquet of roses and declares that they have feelings for you. How do you react?
19. You go swimming with number 8 (). You’re having a great time until they pull you aside and tell you that they’ve somehow lost their swimwear. Are you going to help them and if so how?
20. Number 5 () wrote a love letter to you and slipped it into what they believed to be your locker, however the locker actually belongs to number 8 () and they didn’t bother writing your name on the letter. How does number 8 react when they find it?
21. Number 7 () gets very very drunk and tries to give number 3 () a strip tease. What happens?
22. Number 6 () and number 2 () get into a rap battle and they want you to be the judge. Who do you think is going to win and why?
23. Number 1 () accidentally ruins number 9’s () most prized possession and begs for your help in covering it up. What do you do?
24. You wake up in between number 4 () and number 10 () with absolutely no memory of how you got there. Do you have any idea about what might have occurred and what are you going to do now?
25. You go on a camping trip with number 9 (), number 6 () and number 3 (). What sort of stuff do the four of you do together?
26. Number 9 () and number 4 () have somehow swapped bodies. How do they react and are you going to try to help them get back to normal?
27. You’re playing a game of Monopoly with number 5 (), number 7 (), and number 10 (). Who wins and who goes bankrupt and storms off in a rage?
28. You go on a hike with number 8 () and number 2 (). Number 8 is in charge of the map and they manage to get you completely lost in the middle of nowhere. What are you going to do?
29. Number 1 () has given up on learning the trumpet and has taken up the banjo instead. They write a song and play it for you but it sounds beyond terrible. How do you react?
30. Number 1 () and number 2 () get in a fight over you. Number 2 manages to win and asks you for your hand in marriage. How do you respond?
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relenafanel · 7 years
/rolls on. i'm craving scarlet pimpernell steve/bucky au stuff.
*subtly tries to roll you off* *sheepishly looks up at followers*
Ok so original pimpernel au tag we wrote. So, your timing is perfect because I could never quite get my head around the power corrupt politician Pierce would have during the Obama administration, but it’s so much easier to see these days.  I’m not saying Pierce for President, absolutely not - Pierce is more like the puppetmaster who smiles to the public and pretends he’s working for The People rather than his own gain.  He doesn’t need to be president in order to hold all the power.
Steve Rogers, political activist, runs one of the best ‘American conspiracy’ blogs in the country. Is a true investigative journalist, on the ground during protests etc. Former BFF of the scandalous, notoriously capricious Bucky Barnes, adopted son of Alexander Pierce.
And he’s willing to use that friendship to gain access to Pierce’s inner circle, because he looks at Pierce and he sees the snake underneath the kind smiles of the man who turned down a Nobel Peace Prize.  It nags at his conscience a little, but Bucky Barnes is no longer the loud-mouthed kid who used to stand next to him to defend the helpless.  Bucky Barnes has turned himself into a ‘let them eat cake’ meme, is featured on the cover of trash magazines half-dressed and drunk, and doesn’t blink an eye at homeless vets.
The only good thing about him is that for every time there’s a story about him fucking a celebrity or a scandal about him driving under the influence, Pierce’s public image takes a dive.
So Steve shores up his reservations, sacrifices his good memories of Bucky Barnes in childhood, and goes to say hello to his old friend.
And Bucky is everything they say about him.  He’s irreverent and flighty and doesn’t catch on to jokes insulting his intelligence.  He wears thousands of dollars worth of clothing while doing forced charity work at shelters.  He drives a car worth the cost of most middle-class homes.  The first time Steve met him again at an event, Bucky went down on him in the bathroom and then grinned up at him, saying 'what are friends for?’ before dragging him home for the night.
And Steve? Steve falls for it. He sees past Pierce’s oiled subversive charm. He’s exposed scandals and bribery and corruption, but he doesn’t see past Bucky’s fractured mask, taking him in on surface level and not looking deeper.
Except - well. Steve Rogers is the only one who remembers the old Bucky Barnes, and that person has been so systematically and ruthlessly destroyed, that there’s this tiny glimmer on the periphery of Steve’s awareness that asks if it’s on purpose.
Bucky Barnes is bored.  Everyone who knows him now knows that he lives his life in pursuit of the next rush to alleviate that boredom, but not a single one of them can see that what he’s bored of is the game of pretending that he’s so much less than he is.  It takes everything he has not to react sometimes when he sees some injustice in the world around him.  It takes a lot of effort to pretend to be the public persona of Bucky Barnes, and he’s given it everything.
Only. Then Steve Rogers comes back into his life, and Bucky knows why.  If anyone could see Pierce for what he is, who could follow the bread crumbs that Bucky had been able to leave, it would be Steve Rogers.  Steve makes the game interesting again.
So Bucky brings Steve back to the family mansion, leaves him in rooms with sensitive documents after riding his dick.  He grins and flutters his eyelashes and feeds Steve all the information he needs for his expose-all expose.  
When Pierce tries to stop the article Steve is writing, the mythic Winter Soldier shows up (name a layered reference to the Winter Soldier Investigation and the The American Crisis by Thomas Paine) - no one knows who he is, or who first gave him the moniker, but there’s a rumour that if someone tries to stop the truth coming out through violence, that he’ll be there.  He grabs Steve and his laptop and his backup files from his apartment and pulls the fire alarm right before Steve’s stove explodes.
He drops Steve and the laptop off at 'Steve’s boyfriend’s apartment’ and keeps the backup files to put in a safe location, and Steve wonders at why  anyone would think he’d be safe at Bucky’s place.
(and what Bucky will think that he’s there, since they’re fuck buddies at best)
But when Bucky returns an hour later, wearing sinfully tight jeans, a shirt that defies public decency laws, and smelling of cigarette smoke and alcohol, he blinks at Steve in his pyjamas sitting on his couch, grins widely at him, and drags him into the bedroom.
Steve is on edge the next day, waiting for something to happen.  Bucky lounges on the couch napping off whatever he’d done the night before (besides Steve), and occasionally opens one eye at him to tell him to relax.  Late afternoon he gets up, showers, hands Steve a suit to change into, and brings him to supper at a very high end restaurant.
When Alexander Pierce sees Steve with Bucky, his expression goes tellingly blank for a moment, before he reaches across the table to shake his hand, and Steve knows.  He knows exactly who tried to have him killed, and watching Bucky smile blithely and eat like nothing is wrong grates at his nerves more than the way he napped all day had.
But there’s something about Bucky’s smile that looks the same way it did when he won a fight at 7 years old that makes the hair on the back of Steve’s neck tingle with awareness.  He’s having supper with Alexander Pierce, and even with all he knows about the man, Bucky is the one who feels like he might be the most dangerous person at the table.
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starcrossed-sky · 7 years
A man with two arms - a Tentacl retrospective
So today on a discord server dear and precious to my heart, I got a bit wistful about a site I fondly refer to as Gaia for Grownups. Transcript under the cut, w/ others’ comments removed. WARNING: Contains discussion of nsfw subjects. I don’t know what you’re expecting.
ANYWAY. it's 5 am and so while I chop the last of this chicken and so on, I promised you guys the story of Gaia for Grownups. It is a Story.So some years ago, GaiaOnline, as a company, finally gave in to the pressure to make an adult version of their site. 100% 18+ users. They called it tentacl, and it was a hot mess.
Being a member of the Gaia Online Brand, it was, of course, an avatar site with an anime aesthetic. However, unlike the regular Gaia, it had more "realistic" proportions
please note the finger quotes. The finger quotes are intensely relevant.
As you can guess, the girls were Boobs on Legs and the dudes were Muscle Chumps.
They had three body types for each, which was somewhat nice! ... Except that the thinnest girl body type looked like this:
and none of the others were much better
content warning for that link: Critical Body Horror Proportion Error
So! That was a thing. Also, as you might imagine from an adult-oriented site, 75% of the clothes you could buy with the gold currency of the site were in some way stripperific. (Again, see the Horrifying Image.) I did not wind up taking a cap of my avatar, which is a shame, but she was the most dressed you could manage on the site, and it boiled down to "sexy librarian, minus glasses."
Did I mention that every single item on this hellpit of a site was gender locked? Because they were, and the vast majority of them did not have any corresponding item for the opposite gender.
One of the top items on dude avatars... Well you can probably already guess, with the kind of audience that was being catered to.
"Was it a fedora, Nai?" You bet your bottom dollar it was. 
And let me tell you. There is no more disappointing feeling in the world than getting into a discussion with a dude-avatar who seems like a reasonable human being, only to come back the next day and discover that he's bought and donned one.
There is not a word in English nor any other language.
Anyway! That's not even the messiest thing about the site. It was, put simply, a hot mess thrown together by someone without any eye for graphic design in the slightest, for a start. Again, I wish I had taken screenshots, but thankfully google can provide!
This doesn't quite get across the full concept of how badly designed the forums, in particular, were - they showed the entire first post of a thread on the landing page for that forum, regardless of length, and it was criminally painful to try and scroll through for anything.I don't think there is a screenshot that could express how truly horrific it was.
But anyway! That was, while incredibly unfortunate, still not even the worst example of how poor the quality control was.
because tentacl had this... "get to know me" quiz system that seemed almost like it was borrowed from dating sites.
as you may be able to guess from this screenshot, users put their answers in, and other users could take the quiz in order to get to know each other, earn gold (one of the only profitable ways - unlike Gaia, tentacl had no minigames), and unlock each other's Personal Information, whatever the person chose to provide
Making the "your face" image some form of meme was extremely popular.
In spite, or perhaps because of this, one of tentacl's major advertising phrases was something along the lines of being an "anonymous adult hangout." Yeah, okay, sure.
Anyway, this quiz - and I am so glad [Pokemon-obssessed friend], in particular, is here to be offended by this - had some serious errors in it. Usually fairly minor spelling and grammar errors, but nonetheless persistent. My absolute favorite question, however, asked which of three Pokemon you would choose to start your journey with  -
And that is without even getting into the user generated comment. Because hoboy, the user generated content.
Take your typical teenage Gaia Content, and make it ~adult~, and that's pretty much what you'd expect.
Straight up dick pics in the forums? Check. Everyone you know getting creepy PMs? check and double check - several friends went into the cesspit with me, of varying genders, and we all got at least two, including one of us being straight up asked for tit pics.
A few highlights -
http://68.media.tumblr.com/5bef1ec70df103e2320562d94c986979/tumblr_n9k2p5diLN1qjb2vmo1_500.png from the RP forums
http://68.media.tumblr.com/dcdea2ce7948b21dedde4f4bf1a63632/tumblr_n9kbotUjDP1qjb2vmo1_500.png this fine example of tentacl's ability at keeping minors out.
http://68.media.tumblr.com/374677c99684cc0d7668bee74cf7d5ec/tumblr_n9m6lqB7821qjb2vmo1_500.png this (nsfw/not safe for life text) from a "What's your weirdest fetish" thread, which routinely produced gems of substantial quality (and the occasional gag post such as "sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation," quite possibly my favorite post from the site and definitely my favorite from the Fedora Herd)
http://68.media.tumblr.com/11f3f5427de47dae028b8c18a494f85a/tumblr_n9qb9t62zS1qjb2vmo1_500.png this (sfw) from the "why do people have kinks" thread
http://68.media.tumblr.com/41fd1d1df08e9e1ea796b519b17ff954/tumblr_n9vlotdu8O1qjb2vmo1_500.png and this, featuring cis dudes being cis dudes and therefore gross.And a variety of other nonsense which I will leave you to discover at your leisure, via my liveblog tag from my time on the site:
Roughly a year after opening, tentacl closed its doors and vanished from the internet, presumably because it wasn't profitable. By then I had long since gotten bored of it and moved on, but I will never forget the saga of my experiences there. After all, it provided my favorite RP starter line of all time - "Though, it was night, and it was crowded, hopefully no one would notice a man with two arms."
Thank you my friends, and goodnight.
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quantumkris · 6 years
Rules: Tag nine people with excellent taste.
Tagged by: @severeinfatuation
Colors: The two best colors for me are both Green and Hot pink. Ever since I was born I’ve always loved green and I honestly have no idea why. It brings me feelings of mental freedom and happiness (I guess because it pertains to nature probably). And hot pink because in my mind it represents comfort, support, and my place of euphoria; eden. It’s a color that when I look at it in any format, I receive feelings and thoughts of comfort and love, and while though a rarity for me, it still comes somewhat.
Last band t-shirt I bought: I never really have “bought” any band shirts. The closest is of ACDC, but I don’t listen to them so I wouldn’t count it <)’-’)>
Last band I saw live: I don’t have the social confidence to even try to go to a live concert in the first place, let alone it probably triggering sensory overload, which wouldn’t be a good thing. Just ain’t meant for concerts, I’m not one of those people that can go to parties and or loudly packed places and come out of it having had fun.
Last song I listened too: Eden - Take Care. Eden when I first discovered him, honestly was a big stepping stone to have me express and open my locked away emotions. From the first song I listened to of his, Statues, I honestly broke down into tears and had cried for hours on end. It wasn’t just the lyrics that caused it, it was the frequencies, how the song sounded, how they traveled through more than just my ears. Ever since then, every single one and all of his songs and future releases would impact my emotional output. Take Care is the most recent one that had the same sort of reaction from Statues, strong emotions coming from it. It’s even more evident as before I even found Eden, I rarely ever showed any “strong” emotions. I never cried on the outside as for parental upbringing, but again, after discovering, all of that went out the window and even today I still tear up to his songs. They’re truly connective with my body and soul, and I can confidently say that he is a big reason for why I am able to express emotions much part today.
Last movie I watched: Uhmmmmmmmmm do Anime’s count for this one?.. I hardly watch any “mainstream” movies anymore. But I guess the most recent movie would be of Dragon Ball Super: Battle of Gods. Oh my fucking god was it pure art that movie. 17 years after Dragon Ball had been produced and THIS IS WHAT THEY COME BACK WITH!? FUCKING YASSSSSSSS. Dragon Ball in of itself is a unique cartoon as it gives me so much stimulation and goosebump type feelings when watching it. This movie was no exception It was just ughh, amazing and perfect.
Fun fact for Dragon Ball btw, it’s the only anime of which I will ever watch in Dub format as I live for the screams of it. The Japanese just.. don’t bring the goosebumps as the English actors do like Sean Schemmel and Chris Sarbat <(’-’(>
Last three tv shows I watched: Again, I don’t really watch too much of T.V. anymore, but going back a few years, I would have to say Gravity Falls, Rick and Morty, and actually Code Name Kids Nextdoor as I recently have been binge watching it just for nostalgic purposes. Gravity Falls ending made me so fucking depressed let me tell you. If Disney were to bring it back for a 3rd season, I would put my college savings into that damn show JUST AS A DONATION AND THANK YOU OOOFFF. And Rick And Morty, it peaks my Physics and Philosophy interest honestly. I love the profound laws and logistics of the show. Fuck the memes and reputation of it, I don’t follow the “community” I follow the show.
Last three characters I identified with: Mmmmmmmmmmmm you can be pissy with me but I’m going to MOSTLY stick to Anime for this one just to make my life easier  (つ'ヮ')つ.
Top 3 here starting with #1 (not anime surprisingly) being August (or Auggie) from the book Wonder. I first picked out and read this book alllllllll the way back in the 7th grade, and today I still re-read this book. And with the movie representation of it just having come out recently, I re-read it for maybe the 8th time now. I still love it so so much. The reason why I am literally August in almost all aspects is that he is a character who was born with a facial deformity (I was born with a mental disability, Autism). Through his first years of life, he had to have ~27 surgeries to try to “fix his face” (in my first years I had to go to the doctors several times for them to run tests on me in order to diagnose my Autism). He also was isolated from public schools because no kid could look at him without being scared shitless and fearful of him, so he was homeschooled (I wasn’t ever homeschooled, but I went through the same thing in public school. Being isolated, left alone, and just having myself). I don’t want to spoil the end of the book, but the ending also HUGELY relates to my life in more recent years, so if you know me well enough then you can connect some dots there. But I’d still suggest just reading the book ;D
2nd would have to be Violet Evergarden from the Anime of that same name. Yes.. it’s weird that Miri suggested it to me and I put her as my 2nd, but I already had it in my to watch and just forgot about it ITS DESTINY OKAY DONT OVERTHINK IT. But with Violet, just how I described with Eden and my lack of emotions, is a perfect mirrored version of me when I was younger. Not on the kind of “robotic” standpoint of her exactly, but in the sense of how she doesn’t understand them. Sure, I knew happiness and sadness and emotions like that back then, but more “out there” ones like Sympathy and Empathy to be specific enough. With me not having those two, mostly because of my Autism, I, by no exaggeration at all, had no care for human life at all. I did not care if someone was hurt, I did not react when someone had gotten angry at me, and even to my own mother, I didn’t react when she got injured or anything. It wasn’t my fault that I didn’t react, I simply did not know how to or why I had to. My brain literally could not process a response when Sympathy or Empathy came into play. I would freeze, which in a sense, yes, made me seem like an asshole or psychopath, but it was truly just me at the time. No I didn’t blame my Mild Autism because I knew it didn’t control me, I knew i could branch out from it. And looking back on that today, I obviously did. Obviously now I care about people, I know how to react in situations, and more recently than not, I know how to help people in emotional distress than most people. I actually use this helping as a source of bringing up some self-esteem. Knowing that I’m able to help people with something that my past self could NEVER do is amazing. I literally have 2 close friends that say call me their counselor because I know how to talk to them so well. Only now am I just understanding and applying these two things, but hey, I had a bad start (◞‸◟;)
and the 3rd character would have to be Meliodas from The Seven Deadly Sins. This character honestly is my happy and loopy side of me that doesn’t often come out. While it’s only when I'm comfortable with people that this side of me comes out on, Meliodas reallyyy hits the nail on the head. He’s humorous, jokes around in a more.. kinky matter, to which I do this also, but again, wouldn’t know that if i wasn’t comfortable with the people I’d be talking to <)’-’)>. And he also has his protective manner, to which I’m the same exact way with my friends, family, or significant other (if I were to have one). Most times I may think on myself as a burden for how I check on my friends, but I mean if they weren’t okay with it then they would say something, so I always have to tell myself that anyway.
Book(s) I’m currently reading: Currently reading 3 books for my Philosophy class: The Joy of X (a book of math and reallyyyyyy taking it home with how amazing the conceptualization of math is. And with my nerdy ass, why wouldn't I loveeeee it). And Man is The Measure (Basically a pure philosophical book that goes layers and layers deep into several subjects such as Metaphysics, reasoning, perception, and so on). Even with having those 2 books for class purposes to read, I still fucking LOVE THEM TO DEATH. The 3rd one is a book that my Grandpa had given to me when I was literally 6 years old. He basically told me when he gave it to read it when I'm in high school. The book is called UFO’s and the Unified Field and is a pure Physics book. The weird thing about this is that I didn’t get into physics until I was 9, so how did my grandpa KNOW that I would love this book in highschools time!? My explanation: Destiny  (っ^◡^)っ ❤️
0 notes
apsbicepstraining · 7 years
47 Funny Memes That Will Speak To Your Inner Basic Bitch
You’re working at a hedge fund? bro that’s awesome. you were always pretty unoriginal and I had a seeming you would do coin for a living. Can you maybe keep your accomplishments to yourself before it daunts everybody else at this party? Some of us are on a lot of drugs right now and frankly it’s rude to talk about you convene developmental milestones and having “love” in your life. Thanks. (@ cabbagecatmemes )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 3, 2015 at 9:51 pm PDT
hey … “xavier” … Have I told you that you are.. Hands down … my brand-new favorite person? oh, YOU say I exactly told you that thirty seconds ago but I recollect( belch) I will be, government officials magistrate of time in this gondola, Chavier. Because … I examined time in, college .. Chaviery ,,, whats the craziest act you’ve seen as a sled driver in this city. hahahaha oh shit I just said “sled driver ??! ” ahahaha Javier that’s INSANE … It’s, primarily, the reason for that, is earlier the other day there was a movie about sled wolfs and I guess it’s down there .. In, my subconscious. Melvin? I don’t kno- sorry, Xaviery? I don’t know if I have my keys to my, neighbourhood. So this will be, preferably entertaining your best friend, when I have to kick the door down to get In. But in the big picture I’m just so happy that .. Chavier saved me from that party tonight. Chavier, you are coming to my family’s thanksgiving. Yeah you are. You wait and look, Carlos when That request comes to Your Lincoln navigator, which I would like to tell your boss that you also Impede very clean and searching( belching) majestic. You’re gonna be there at thanksgiving with me as, my parents- behavior of thanking you for saving Me . . It’s how science toils. What’re you gonna wear? (@ cabbagecatmemes )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 3, 2015 at 7:29 am PDT
Really, bro? You got a picture of yourself sitting next to a minor luminary who seems uncomfortable and under duress? Got bottle service at the association and felt like sharing the receipt with the world? New sneakers? Congratulations. You precisely applied the most horrible, obnoxious humblebrag and now I’m legally allowed to drown you .
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 3, 2015 at 5:09 pm PDT
damn, babe. we was texting backward and forward all day. then my epoch then was real brightened when that pic of u came through. there u were. my girlfriend. skimpy organization. iPhone pointed at that mirror in yo bedroom. u lookin mad cute. mad good. i ain’t consider no teeth but that’s cool cus ur lips was pursed in a seductive lil knowing smile. it was like yo look was saying “Yeah we did all kinds of sinful-ass things together last weekend but I ain’t relenting and merely my husband kno jus how freaky I am& far as the rest the world referred, I’m a actual angel. a angel that wear lingerie, for the purposes of our painting .’ I be smilin so hArd. then I check the instagram … YO! how person got into my phone and threw my phone on the Instagram ?? and who this nigga’ giantspro1 38′ script that my daughter “gorgeous.” hold up … Oh fuck no. you done uploaded my draw to the Instagram? why, daughter? I don’t adoration u enough? who u tryna share that smile with? damn … guess everyone gonna ascertain I went good taste that’s cool. and I ain’t callin I a chisel or a thirsty, but embankment. predict the freaky happens that we do, r exclusively between me and u& thousands of strange people that look our social medias .. not mad … precisely feelin like, 20% less special rite now
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 15, 2015 at 5:05 pm PDT
learning by star-wipes
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 13, 2015 at 3:29 pm PDT
the hills come alive, husband. fuck’s sake .
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 13, 2015 at 10:03 am PDT
blessed to announce that I am anointed to announce these realistic seems .
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 2, 2015 at 10:10 pm PDT
oh hey girl. or we could talk about potassium, k. Cherish some chemistry talk if u just knowing that amine
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 2, 2015 at 6:37 pm PDT
the fuckboy shirt, by @dizzle_saint_james
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 2, 2015 at 7:58 am PDT
hobbies include doing coin for a living. awaiting till I’m blackout wino to express any seems. and shorts with little swine on them to showcase my wild slope. do u even asset bank bro?( tweet by @stuartvcraig )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 15, 2015 at 11:59 am PDT
first baristas gotta find me … what’s 50 kors pouch to a motherfucka like me can you delight prompt me ?
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 1, 2015 at 8: 08 pm PDT
Yes, I’ll have a Venti mete child abuse with two kills of Okay This is Kind of Adorbs but Definitely Mentioning This in Therapy. Why white people need closer monitoring, Exhibit# 82,868 B “Train up a basic in the way she should go, and when she is old she shall not deviating from it.” -Kors 4:13 (@ periodictabledancer )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 1, 2015 at 4:12 pm PDT
I would give this target zero starrings if I could, but I’m legally required to give them one idol. I don’t commonly use the computer. But after “dining” at this hellish Turkish prison disguised as an alleged “restaurant, ” I enrolled in a continuing training direction at my town’s library to learn about the Internet so I could alarm others to prevent this situate that destroyed their own families. We made a reservation for two. When we arrived, there was a junk on the storey. When I objected this out to the “manager, ” he told me that there are tens of billions of junk corpuscles in the air at any right moment and that they may actually be composed of the representatives of my own scalp and rudely suggested that I would enjoy my dining experience more if I didn’t drawing my electron microscope to the counter. Nice try! When the liquid arrived, my teeth were rudely awakened by the most obnoxiously cold ice cubes I have ever been assaulted with. I now take medication to deal with the stress of ingesting here once. If I save simply one life by writing this, my sacrifice may precisely be worth it. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to read Fifty Shades of Grey to my felines.( via @robfee11 )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 1, 2015 at 3:19 pm PDT
Did He like, come down from a mountain? Was there a burning bush that spoke to you? Did He give you permission to talk about it on Instagram? Did he send you the Kors pocketed or just give you the strength to evident one? (@ trevso_personal )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 1, 2015 at 6:51 am PDT
be safe. make sure Netflix& shivering doesn’t become Netflix& children( via @carolynduchene )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 14, 2015 at 8: 23 am PDT
hope this obligates your day astounding
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 1, 2015 at 6:25 am PDT
you know how that shit get .. missin’ that ex that was shit for you WOAH! yeah they are able to verse em and perhaps sexuality em but 3 hours later it’s like NO! I need a shower a Xanax and a brand-new country to GO
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 30, 2015 at 3:57 pm PDT
shoutout to all my sleepless friends in various regions of the world who are capable of play this tonight. first to pick up the phone and text a shitty ex loses. hang in there. trev loves you
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 28, 2015 at 8: 11 pm PDT
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 21, 2015 at 10:35 pm PDT
“Evolution of a Friday Night.” -by @ katethewasp Tag some1 u enjoy but u r too tired 2 realistically hang w/ 2nite !
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 18, 2015 at 7:41 am PDT
realistic friend points
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 13, 2015 at 7:11 am PDT
shoutout to those girls you’ve been following on Instagram for 3 years. U construed slew of thirst-trap mirror selfies with lots of creepy remarks under them from busters hopin’ they had a chance. Every now and then- something slightly unexplained like maybe a picture of a gift like a glistening duo of Loubs with no caption or explanation of where them shoes received from. Or maybe once every the three months you received her standing on a balcony of a neat Caribbean hotel and she smiling and it’s like’ who took this painting ?’ but you shrug it off and say it was probly her mamas. she close with her mommas and they are likely travel together. most of her feed be typical daughter substance. out boozing w/ pals. out at EDM celebrations with the flower headdress and the tit out and she lookin like a free spirit and prob on molly and u lurkin her sheet for years and the the working day BAM! “so this just happened can’t just waiting invest the rest of my life undertaking my perfect man.” Hold up hold out hold out run the goddamn infringes. You went 3,800 photos and not a single one of them boast a actual gentleman. not formerly. not one actual being. now you just discontinue this wedding missile on the world? girlfriend, what in the fuck else is you capable of obscure? u straight up attracted some talented mr ripley shit on the whole world. experience your wedding, assassin .
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 10, 2015 at 11:05 am PDT
honestly whatever rn
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 7, 2015 at 8: 02 pm PDT
On the Internet, all the refrigerate children are like “sorry I missed your bellow, I don’t use my phone for that ” or “calling someone is the rudest concept you can do.” Nah son. Nah. You know what’s rude? Roping me in to a half-day long’ exchange’ where I have to stare at my radioactive telephone and sort shit while I dismiss the people I’m next to and read your abbreviations and emojis to are going to the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow: that it would be better to meet up next week for dinner instead of tonight. Most of you are safe, but if you’re my lover or one of the 3 parties I care about- I might actually call your ass. Wrap yo mind around that. You and me. Voice to singer , motherfucker. Just like they did in caveman daylights. Paleo communication. Namaste .
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 6, 2015 at 9:56 am PDT
literally done with negativity. getting all the negativity out of my life. going on a killing rampage to get rid of the negative beings. kors .
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 16, 2015 at 10:27 pm PDT
don’t let fitness points prevent you from living the life you were meant to enjoy .
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 16, 2015 at 11:49 am PDT
for anyone who saw you last night
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 16, 2015 at 7:25 am PDT
truly transportive know (@ dizzle_saint_james )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 12, 2015 at 6:50 pm PDT
priorities, bro. I’ve been steady laughing at this image all morning like an imbecile
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 12, 2015 at 10:30 am PDT
greet the sunup get back in touch with a whole cluster of random parties. Nervously alphabetize everything in your kitchen. Scavenge the flooring like it’s never been scavenged before. Forget what nutrient is for 10 hours. Appear a strange gumption of attainment although you invested the day focusing even harder on your distractions
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 12, 2015 at 8: 01 am PDT
The post 47 Funny Memes That Will Speak To Your Inner Basic Bitch appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2Co6BMf via IFTTT
0 notes
apsbicepstraining · 7 years
47 Funny Memes That Will Speak To Your Inner Basic Bitch
You’re working at a hedge fund? bro that’s awesome. you were always pretty unoriginal and I had a seeming you would do coin for a living. Can you maybe keep your accomplishments to yourself before it daunts everybody else at this party? Some of us are on a lot of drugs right now and frankly it’s rude to talk about you convene developmental milestones and having “love” in your life. Thanks. (@ cabbagecatmemes )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 3, 2015 at 9:51 pm PDT
hey … “xavier” … Have I told you that you are.. Hands down … my brand-new favorite person? oh, YOU say I exactly told you that thirty seconds ago but I recollect( belch) I will be, government officials magistrate of time in this gondola, Chavier. Because … I examined time in, college .. Chaviery ,,, whats the craziest act you’ve seen as a sled driver in this city. hahahaha oh shit I just said “sled driver ??! ” ahahaha Javier that’s INSANE … It’s, primarily, the reason for that, is earlier the other day there was a movie about sled wolfs and I guess it’s down there .. In, my subconscious. Melvin? I don’t kno- sorry, Xaviery? I don’t know if I have my keys to my, neighbourhood. So this will be, preferably entertaining your best friend, when I have to kick the door down to get In. But in the big picture I’m just so happy that .. Chavier saved me from that party tonight. Chavier, you are coming to my family’s thanksgiving. Yeah you are. You wait and look, Carlos when That request comes to Your Lincoln navigator, which I would like to tell your boss that you also Impede very clean and searching( belching) majestic. You’re gonna be there at thanksgiving with me as, my parents- behavior of thanking you for saving Me . . It’s how science toils. What’re you gonna wear? (@ cabbagecatmemes )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 3, 2015 at 7:29 am PDT
Really, bro? You got a picture of yourself sitting next to a minor luminary who seems uncomfortable and under duress? Got bottle service at the association and felt like sharing the receipt with the world? New sneakers? Congratulations. You precisely applied the most horrible, obnoxious humblebrag and now I’m legally allowed to drown you .
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 3, 2015 at 5:09 pm PDT
damn, babe. we was texting backward and forward all day. then my epoch then was real brightened when that pic of u came through. there u were. my girlfriend. skimpy organization. iPhone pointed at that mirror in yo bedroom. u lookin mad cute. mad good. i ain’t consider no teeth but that’s cool cus ur lips was pursed in a seductive lil knowing smile. it was like yo look was saying “Yeah we did all kinds of sinful-ass things together last weekend but I ain’t relenting and merely my husband kno jus how freaky I am& far as the rest the world referred, I’m a actual angel. a angel that wear lingerie, for the purposes of our painting .’ I be smilin so hArd. then I check the instagram … YO! how person got into my phone and threw my phone on the Instagram ?? and who this nigga’ giantspro1 38′ script that my daughter “gorgeous.” hold up … Oh fuck no. you done uploaded my draw to the Instagram? why, daughter? I don’t adoration u enough? who u tryna share that smile with? damn … guess everyone gonna ascertain I went good taste that’s cool. and I ain’t callin I a chisel or a thirsty, but embankment. predict the freaky happens that we do, r exclusively between me and u& thousands of strange people that look our social medias .. not mad … precisely feelin like, 20% less special rite now
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 15, 2015 at 5:05 pm PDT
learning by star-wipes
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 13, 2015 at 3:29 pm PDT
the hills come alive, husband. fuck’s sake .
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 13, 2015 at 10:03 am PDT
blessed to announce that I am anointed to announce these realistic seems .
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 2, 2015 at 10:10 pm PDT
oh hey girl. or we could talk about potassium, k. Cherish some chemistry talk if u just knowing that amine
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 2, 2015 at 6:37 pm PDT
the fuckboy shirt, by @dizzle_saint_james
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 2, 2015 at 7:58 am PDT
hobbies include doing coin for a living. awaiting till I’m blackout wino to express any seems. and shorts with little swine on them to showcase my wild slope. do u even asset bank bro?( tweet by @stuartvcraig )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 15, 2015 at 11:59 am PDT
first baristas gotta find me … what’s 50 kors pouch to a motherfucka like me can you delight prompt me ?
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 1, 2015 at 8: 08 pm PDT
Yes, I’ll have a Venti mete child abuse with two kills of Okay This is Kind of Adorbs but Definitely Mentioning This in Therapy. Why white people need closer monitoring, Exhibit# 82,868 B “Train up a basic in the way she should go, and when she is old she shall not deviating from it.” -Kors 4:13 (@ periodictabledancer )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 1, 2015 at 4:12 pm PDT
I would give this target zero starrings if I could, but I’m legally required to give them one idol. I don’t commonly use the computer. But after “dining” at this hellish Turkish prison disguised as an alleged “restaurant, ” I enrolled in a continuing training direction at my town’s library to learn about the Internet so I could alarm others to prevent this situate that destroyed their own families. We made a reservation for two. When we arrived, there was a junk on the storey. When I objected this out to the “manager, ” he told me that there are tens of billions of junk corpuscles in the air at any right moment and that they may actually be composed of the representatives of my own scalp and rudely suggested that I would enjoy my dining experience more if I didn’t drawing my electron microscope to the counter. Nice try! When the liquid arrived, my teeth were rudely awakened by the most obnoxiously cold ice cubes I have ever been assaulted with. I now take medication to deal with the stress of ingesting here once. If I save simply one life by writing this, my sacrifice may precisely be worth it. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to read Fifty Shades of Grey to my felines.( via @robfee11 )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 1, 2015 at 3:19 pm PDT
Did He like, come down from a mountain? Was there a burning bush that spoke to you? Did He give you permission to talk about it on Instagram? Did he send you the Kors pocketed or just give you the strength to evident one? (@ trevso_personal )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 1, 2015 at 6:51 am PDT
be safe. make sure Netflix& shivering doesn’t become Netflix& children( via @carolynduchene )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 14, 2015 at 8: 23 am PDT
hope this obligates your day astounding
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 1, 2015 at 6:25 am PDT
you know how that shit get .. missin’ that ex that was shit for you WOAH! yeah they are able to verse em and perhaps sexuality em but 3 hours later it’s like NO! I need a shower a Xanax and a brand-new country to GO
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 30, 2015 at 3:57 pm PDT
shoutout to all my sleepless friends in various regions of the world who are capable of play this tonight. first to pick up the phone and text a shitty ex loses. hang in there. trev loves you
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 28, 2015 at 8: 11 pm PDT
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 21, 2015 at 10:35 pm PDT
“Evolution of a Friday Night.” -by @ katethewasp Tag some1 u enjoy but u r too tired 2 realistically hang w/ 2nite !
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 18, 2015 at 7:41 am PDT
realistic friend points
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 13, 2015 at 7:11 am PDT
shoutout to those girls you’ve been following on Instagram for 3 years. U construed slew of thirst-trap mirror selfies with lots of creepy remarks under them from busters hopin’ they had a chance. Every now and then- something slightly unexplained like maybe a picture of a gift like a glistening duo of Loubs with no caption or explanation of where them shoes received from. Or maybe once every the three months you received her standing on a balcony of a neat Caribbean hotel and she smiling and it’s like’ who took this painting ?’ but you shrug it off and say it was probly her mamas. she close with her mommas and they are likely travel together. most of her feed be typical daughter substance. out boozing w/ pals. out at EDM celebrations with the flower headdress and the tit out and she lookin like a free spirit and prob on molly and u lurkin her sheet for years and the the working day BAM! “so this just happened can’t just waiting invest the rest of my life undertaking my perfect man.” Hold up hold out hold out run the goddamn infringes. You went 3,800 photos and not a single one of them boast a actual gentleman. not formerly. not one actual being. now you just discontinue this wedding missile on the world? girlfriend, what in the fuck else is you capable of obscure? u straight up attracted some talented mr ripley shit on the whole world. experience your wedding, assassin .
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 10, 2015 at 11:05 am PDT
honestly whatever rn
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 7, 2015 at 8: 02 pm PDT
On the Internet, all the refrigerate children are like “sorry I missed your bellow, I don’t use my phone for that ” or “calling someone is the rudest concept you can do.” Nah son. Nah. You know what’s rude? Roping me in to a half-day long’ exchange’ where I have to stare at my radioactive telephone and sort shit while I dismiss the people I’m next to and read your abbreviations and emojis to are going to the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow: that it would be better to meet up next week for dinner instead of tonight. Most of you are safe, but if you’re my lover or one of the 3 parties I care about- I might actually call your ass. Wrap yo mind around that. You and me. Voice to singer , motherfucker. Just like they did in caveman daylights. Paleo communication. Namaste .
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 6, 2015 at 9:56 am PDT
literally done with negativity. getting all the negativity out of my life. going on a killing rampage to get rid of the negative beings. kors .
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 16, 2015 at 10:27 pm PDT
don’t let fitness points prevent you from living the life you were meant to enjoy .
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 16, 2015 at 11:49 am PDT
for anyone who saw you last night
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 16, 2015 at 7:25 am PDT
truly transportive know (@ dizzle_saint_james )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 12, 2015 at 6:50 pm PDT
priorities, bro. I’ve been steady laughing at this image all morning like an imbecile
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 12, 2015 at 10:30 am PDT
greet the sunup get back in touch with a whole cluster of random parties. Nervously alphabetize everything in your kitchen. Scavenge the flooring like it’s never been scavenged before. Forget what nutrient is for 10 hours. Appear a strange gumption of attainment although you invested the day focusing even harder on your distractions
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 12, 2015 at 8: 01 am PDT
The post 47 Funny Memes That Will Speak To Your Inner Basic Bitch appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2Co6BMf via IFTTT
0 notes
apsbicepstraining · 7 years
47 Funny Memes That Will Speak To Your Inner Basic Bitch
You’re working at a hedge fund? bro that’s awesome. you were always pretty unoriginal and I had a seeming you would do coin for a living. Can you maybe keep your accomplishments to yourself before it daunts everybody else at this party? Some of us are on a lot of drugs right now and frankly it’s rude to talk about you convene developmental milestones and having “love” in your life. Thanks. (@ cabbagecatmemes )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 3, 2015 at 9:51 pm PDT
hey … “xavier” … Have I told you that you are.. Hands down … my brand-new favorite person? oh, YOU say I exactly told you that thirty seconds ago but I recollect( belch) I will be, government officials magistrate of time in this gondola, Chavier. Because … I examined time in, college .. Chaviery ,,, whats the craziest act you’ve seen as a sled driver in this city. hahahaha oh shit I just said “sled driver ??! ” ahahaha Javier that’s INSANE … It’s, primarily, the reason for that, is earlier the other day there was a movie about sled wolfs and I guess it’s down there .. In, my subconscious. Melvin? I don’t kno- sorry, Xaviery? I don’t know if I have my keys to my, neighbourhood. So this will be, preferably entertaining your best friend, when I have to kick the door down to get In. But in the big picture I’m just so happy that .. Chavier saved me from that party tonight. Chavier, you are coming to my family’s thanksgiving. Yeah you are. You wait and look, Carlos when That request comes to Your Lincoln navigator, which I would like to tell your boss that you also Impede very clean and searching( belching) majestic. You’re gonna be there at thanksgiving with me as, my parents- behavior of thanking you for saving Me . . It’s how science toils. What’re you gonna wear? (@ cabbagecatmemes )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 3, 2015 at 7:29 am PDT
Really, bro? You got a picture of yourself sitting next to a minor luminary who seems uncomfortable and under duress? Got bottle service at the association and felt like sharing the receipt with the world? New sneakers? Congratulations. You precisely applied the most horrible, obnoxious humblebrag and now I’m legally allowed to drown you .
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 3, 2015 at 5:09 pm PDT
damn, babe. we was texting backward and forward all day. then my epoch then was real brightened when that pic of u came through. there u were. my girlfriend. skimpy organization. iPhone pointed at that mirror in yo bedroom. u lookin mad cute. mad good. i ain’t consider no teeth but that’s cool cus ur lips was pursed in a seductive lil knowing smile. it was like yo look was saying “Yeah we did all kinds of sinful-ass things together last weekend but I ain’t relenting and merely my husband kno jus how freaky I am& far as the rest the world referred, I’m a actual angel. a angel that wear lingerie, for the purposes of our painting .’ I be smilin so hArd. then I check the instagram … YO! how person got into my phone and threw my phone on the Instagram ?? and who this nigga’ giantspro1 38′ script that my daughter “gorgeous.” hold up … Oh fuck no. you done uploaded my draw to the Instagram? why, daughter? I don’t adoration u enough? who u tryna share that smile with? damn … guess everyone gonna ascertain I went good taste that’s cool. and I ain’t callin I a chisel or a thirsty, but embankment. predict the freaky happens that we do, r exclusively between me and u& thousands of strange people that look our social medias .. not mad … precisely feelin like, 20% less special rite now
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 15, 2015 at 5:05 pm PDT
learning by star-wipes
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 13, 2015 at 3:29 pm PDT
the hills come alive, husband. fuck’s sake .
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 13, 2015 at 10:03 am PDT
blessed to announce that I am anointed to announce these realistic seems .
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 2, 2015 at 10:10 pm PDT
oh hey girl. or we could talk about potassium, k. Cherish some chemistry talk if u just knowing that amine
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 2, 2015 at 6:37 pm PDT
the fuckboy shirt, by @dizzle_saint_james
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 2, 2015 at 7:58 am PDT
hobbies include doing coin for a living. awaiting till I’m blackout wino to express any seems. and shorts with little swine on them to showcase my wild slope. do u even asset bank bro?( tweet by @stuartvcraig )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 15, 2015 at 11:59 am PDT
first baristas gotta find me … what’s 50 kors pouch to a motherfucka like me can you delight prompt me ?
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 1, 2015 at 8: 08 pm PDT
Yes, I’ll have a Venti mete child abuse with two kills of Okay This is Kind of Adorbs but Definitely Mentioning This in Therapy. Why white people need closer monitoring, Exhibit# 82,868 B “Train up a basic in the way she should go, and when she is old she shall not deviating from it.” -Kors 4:13 (@ periodictabledancer )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 1, 2015 at 4:12 pm PDT
I would give this target zero starrings if I could, but I’m legally required to give them one idol. I don’t commonly use the computer. But after “dining” at this hellish Turkish prison disguised as an alleged “restaurant, ” I enrolled in a continuing training direction at my town’s library to learn about the Internet so I could alarm others to prevent this situate that destroyed their own families. We made a reservation for two. When we arrived, there was a junk on the storey. When I objected this out to the “manager, ” he told me that there are tens of billions of junk corpuscles in the air at any right moment and that they may actually be composed of the representatives of my own scalp and rudely suggested that I would enjoy my dining experience more if I didn’t drawing my electron microscope to the counter. Nice try! When the liquid arrived, my teeth were rudely awakened by the most obnoxiously cold ice cubes I have ever been assaulted with. I now take medication to deal with the stress of ingesting here once. If I save simply one life by writing this, my sacrifice may precisely be worth it. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to read Fifty Shades of Grey to my felines.( via @robfee11 )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 1, 2015 at 3:19 pm PDT
Did He like, come down from a mountain? Was there a burning bush that spoke to you? Did He give you permission to talk about it on Instagram? Did he send you the Kors pocketed or just give you the strength to evident one? (@ trevso_personal )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 1, 2015 at 6:51 am PDT
be safe. make sure Netflix& shivering doesn’t become Netflix& children( via @carolynduchene )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 14, 2015 at 8: 23 am PDT
hope this obligates your day astounding
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 1, 2015 at 6:25 am PDT
you know how that shit get .. missin’ that ex that was shit for you WOAH! yeah they are able to verse em and perhaps sexuality em but 3 hours later it’s like NO! I need a shower a Xanax and a brand-new country to GO
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 30, 2015 at 3:57 pm PDT
shoutout to all my sleepless friends in various regions of the world who are capable of play this tonight. first to pick up the phone and text a shitty ex loses. hang in there. trev loves you
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 28, 2015 at 8: 11 pm PDT
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 21, 2015 at 10:35 pm PDT
“Evolution of a Friday Night.” -by @ katethewasp Tag some1 u enjoy but u r too tired 2 realistically hang w/ 2nite !
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 18, 2015 at 7:41 am PDT
realistic friend points
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 13, 2015 at 7:11 am PDT
shoutout to those girls you’ve been following on Instagram for 3 years. U construed slew of thirst-trap mirror selfies with lots of creepy remarks under them from busters hopin’ they had a chance. Every now and then- something slightly unexplained like maybe a picture of a gift like a glistening duo of Loubs with no caption or explanation of where them shoes received from. Or maybe once every the three months you received her standing on a balcony of a neat Caribbean hotel and she smiling and it’s like’ who took this painting ?’ but you shrug it off and say it was probly her mamas. she close with her mommas and they are likely travel together. most of her feed be typical daughter substance. out boozing w/ pals. out at EDM celebrations with the flower headdress and the tit out and she lookin like a free spirit and prob on molly and u lurkin her sheet for years and the the working day BAM! “so this just happened can’t just waiting invest the rest of my life undertaking my perfect man.” Hold up hold out hold out run the goddamn infringes. You went 3,800 photos and not a single one of them boast a actual gentleman. not formerly. not one actual being. now you just discontinue this wedding missile on the world? girlfriend, what in the fuck else is you capable of obscure? u straight up attracted some talented mr ripley shit on the whole world. experience your wedding, assassin .
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 10, 2015 at 11:05 am PDT
honestly whatever rn
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 7, 2015 at 8: 02 pm PDT
On the Internet, all the refrigerate children are like “sorry I missed your bellow, I don’t use my phone for that ” or “calling someone is the rudest concept you can do.” Nah son. Nah. You know what’s rude? Roping me in to a half-day long’ exchange’ where I have to stare at my radioactive telephone and sort shit while I dismiss the people I’m next to and read your abbreviations and emojis to are going to the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow: that it would be better to meet up next week for dinner instead of tonight. Most of you are safe, but if you’re my lover or one of the 3 parties I care about- I might actually call your ass. Wrap yo mind around that. You and me. Voice to singer , motherfucker. Just like they did in caveman daylights. Paleo communication. Namaste .
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 6, 2015 at 9:56 am PDT
literally done with negativity. getting all the negativity out of my life. going on a killing rampage to get rid of the negative beings. kors .
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 16, 2015 at 10:27 pm PDT
don’t let fitness points prevent you from living the life you were meant to enjoy .
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 16, 2015 at 11:49 am PDT
for anyone who saw you last night
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 16, 2015 at 7:25 am PDT
truly transportive know (@ dizzle_saint_james )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 12, 2015 at 6:50 pm PDT
priorities, bro. I’ve been steady laughing at this image all morning like an imbecile
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 12, 2015 at 10:30 am PDT
greet the sunup get back in touch with a whole cluster of random parties. Nervously alphabetize everything in your kitchen. Scavenge the flooring like it’s never been scavenged before. Forget what nutrient is for 10 hours. Appear a strange gumption of attainment although you invested the day focusing even harder on your distractions
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 12, 2015 at 8: 01 am PDT
The post 47 Funny Memes That Will Speak To Your Inner Basic Bitch appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2Co6BMf via IFTTT
0 notes