#i went to london when i was 13 and my parents asked me if there was anything i wanted to do and they’d see if they could fit it
roaringroa · 8 months
just watched the brazilian production of matilda the musical and to the surprise of no one i cried. to the surprise of some, 4 times.
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lazycats-stuff · 2 months
What about male reader being Alfred's nephew who came to live with him because his parents died or were just unfit parents? Alfred isn't all too happy that he's here, but not because he hates him, no, but because Gotham isn't the safest place and the fact that he's bow living with the vigilante family isn't the greatest fact. I feel like Alfred would be very overprotective of his nephew, and just the family's reaction to Alfred's nephew, i feel like the family didn't really ask Alfred about his family and such .
Oh yeah, some Alfred for the soul. That man needs more love. Also, this will be under Batfamily since I'm too lazy to put a new masterlist for Alfred.
Summary: Alfred's nephew comes to live with Bruce and the rest of the fam.
Warnings: child abuse, mentions, mentions of what happened, everyone trying to make sure that (Y/N) is comfortable, Alfred being protective.
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Alfred left the UK and London behind a long time ago. He had his training and career as a soldier and then as a spy. Soon enough, his path led him to the USA, where he got a job as a butler for the Wayne family, even before Bruce was even in the picture. It wasn't really easy to leave his life behind, but Alfred knew it was for the better.
He needed a new beginning after everything he has witness over the years. Especially since his sister cut contact with him. Alfred, while said, he knew he couldn't change her mind in the slightest. But that didn't matter today. What mattered was his new family and his four grandsons and son.
Yes, he did consider Bruce to be his son. After all, he did raise him from when he was 7. And as his four grandsons came along, he was happy.
As far as his old family? Around 13 years ago, his sister had a baby. A boy named (Y/N). Yes, Alfred kept some tabs on his family, just to make sure that everything was like okay back there. Years went by and when (Y/N) was 13, Alfred got a call.
It wasn't a pleasant one.
Alfred sighed as he ended the call, rubbing his temples, muttering a lot of unpleasant things underneath his breath. His nephew (Y/N) was taken out of his sister's custody because she was abusive in every since of the word. And in every shape too.
Starving, beatings... Neglect...
Alfred was really mortified and he could barley speak as he remembered the conversation... He sighed and quickly made his way down to the kitchen opening up the cabinet where he held the strongest drinks in the manor. He poured himself a glass of scotch, since it was the first thing he could see.
I downed the scotch in one sip before pouring himself another one. He sighed yet again, leaning on the kitchen counter, trying not to snap.
" Something happened? " Bruce asked from behind him and Alfred sighed for the third time.
" Well master Bruce... Something did happen. " Alfred said, taking the glass and turning around to face Bruce. Alfred knew that (Y/N) had to come live here... But this family is full of vigilantes... But this is also a safe space too.
" What happened Alfred? " Bruce asked, worried for the man. Alfred is often composed and sarcastic, but now, he was shaken and just... Sad?
" My nephew is in the custody of CPS, well, at least the British version. " Alfred started and Bruce crossed his arms as he leaned on the doorway.
" I didn't know you had a nephew... " Bruce admitted softly and Alfred chuckled, sipping his scotch slowly.
" Yeah... My sister cut contact with me a long time ago master Bruce... " Alfred acknowledged and Bruce nodded, not knowing what to say.
" Either way... I'm the only family he has master Bruce, which means he will have to come here. " Alfred whispered, downing his scotch again.
" That's not a problem Alfred. I'll make space for (Y/N), clear out one room for him and talk to the boys. " Bruce responded and Alfred shook his head, making Bruce frown and tilt his head in confusion.
" That's something I know you would do master Bruce. " Alfred explained and poured himself more scotch. " It's... You are Batman and the danger that comes with that name... I can't bring my nephew into more danger. " Alfred finished explaining and downed the scotch once more.
" It will be different. We will be honest with him. " Bruce said and Alfred did have to agree, they had to be honest with him.
" He will flying here tomorrow master Bruce, so we will need to pick him up. But before hand, we need to talk to the boys. And it will need to be serious. "
" Of course it will be serious Alfred. (Y/N) will feel safe here. And if any boys are out of line, send them to me Alfred. I'll call them down now so we can talk about this. " Bruce said before he went upstairs.
Alfred just finished a bottle in the meantime.
Bruce sat his sons down, telling them that this is very serious.
" Now, listen to Alfred intently. He is officially a lead on this. " Bruce said and sat down. The four boys looked at Alfred, who looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here.
" Well... My nephew is coming here to live with us. His parents, my sister and her husband were abusive to him... Physically, verbally... They starved him too... Either way, he is in a bad mental place. Which means that you four better be on your best behavior. No fights in front of him, both verbal and physical. Don't force him to talk about it and try to befriend him. " Alfred finished, looking at his grandsons with a pointed look.
" Is that all you had to say? " Dick asked and Alfred nodded.
" You have a nephew?! " Jason exclaimed and Alfred nodded.
" Okay, that... I thought you had no family. " Tim said and Alfred sighed and Bruce smiled sadly.
" I thought you were an agent for the MI6 and had no family... Like killed off. " Damian said and Alfred sighed yet again.
" Okay boys, that's enough commentary. " Bruce said and they all grumbled. " It's important that (Y/N) feels safe here. And Alfred has my full permission to put you all back in line. "
" As if he ever needed permission. " Jason mumbled quietly and Dick smacked the back of his head.
" Thank you master Dick. "
" Everyone, this is (Y/N). " Alfred said, introducing his nephew to his grandsons. " (Y/N), these are the infamous Wayne kids. I don't think anymore introduction is needed. " Alfred said, glancing at his shy nephew.
" Now (Y/N), let me lead you to your room. " Alfred said and gently lead (Y/N) to his room. It was one of the bigger ones, with a lot of room and a comfortable bed.
" Now (Y/N), are you hungry? Because it's lunchtime in America at the moment. " Alfred said as (Y/N) put a small suitcase on the bed.
" I could eat something. " (Y/N) said and Alfred nodded, smiling at the fact that (Y/N) would eat something.
" I was thinking about some burgers actually. I can make a good one, with my awesome recipe. Do you want to come down or do you want to stay in your room? " Alfred asked softly.
" I would like to go down... This is a nice place... " (Y/N) said, still nervous.
" I agree it is nice, now come on mate, lets go down. " Alfred said and let (Y/N) go down. Alfred gently led him down to the kitchen and (Y/N) sat down, the boys all around him, keeping some distance, trying to not make him feel overwhelmed.
" So... Is it true that the Queen is a lizard? " Jason asked out of the blue and (Y/N) rolled his eyes at that, but with a smile.
" She passed away. " (Y/N) said and Jason raised his brow.
" No. "
" Yes. "
Jason scoffed with a smile and Alfred listened as he started making the meat mixture for the patties.
" Is it true that people from London speak the best English? " Dick asked and (Y/N) rolled his eyes.
" It's not true. It's so far from the truth... " (Y/N) said and Dick chuckled.
" Well, the royals are there and they must be educated... So how come? " Dick joked and (Y/N) shrugged his shoulders.
" Is it true that gun control is tighter? " Jason asked curiously and (Y/N) nodded.
" Damn... Well, welcome to the land of freedom. " Jason joked and (Y/N) smiled, but it was tiny. Tiny as hell.
" If you hear a bald eagle screeching it means you have reached the peak of staying here. " Tim stated and (Y/N) rolled his eyes a bit.
(Y/N) turned his head when he saw Titus, the Great Dane walking in with his head high and tail wagging at the sight of a newcomer. Damian was ready to intervene if necessary, but Titus was calm with people.
Damian watched as Titus sniffed (Y/N)'s hands, licking them softly and then (Y/N) hesitantly petting him.
" What's his name? " (Y/N) asked, not sure who to ask directly.
" His name is Titus. " Damian answered as he kept watching, tilting his head in wonder.
" Is he yours? " (Y/N) asked as he scratched Titus' ears.
" Yes he is. " Damian answered and (Y/N) moved down his hand to Titus' cheek. " He is huge... " (Y/N) mumbled as he kept patting Titus, who was wagging his tail.
" He is a Great Dane so he is big. " Damian explained and (Y/N) stopped petting him, making Titus whine.
" He is a big baby. " Jason chimed in and Damian nodded.
Alfred put the things he needed aside and checked on (Y/N) and the way he was handling the situation was great. The boys didn't push him, joked about something with him... And (Y/N) was comfortable. That was the most important thing here.
Thankfully, Alfred and Bruce both have experience with sort of traumatized children so (Y/N) will be able to heal properly. And the truth about them being vigilantes... Well, that can wait until (Y/N) is more stable.
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widowbitessting · 2 years
Sugar Mommies Pt.15
Right imma apologies for the LONG wait for this part! 😂 I’m still not overly happy with it buuuuut yeah, it’s finally here! The Sugar Mommies Trio! are back!❤️
I’m going to tag everyone like I did yesterday with the Drabble and if anyone’s username isn’t underlined - apparently it doesn’t tag you - I’m gonna remove you so if your username is taken off, let me know and I’ll retag you. Lol me trying to desperately make this tag list work!  
Please let this tag list work!
New upload time is every Sunday at 8pm GMT (London) time! 
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MJ(11:13): Y/N did you get milk when you went grocery shopping??🤔
MJ(11:13): Cuz I can’t find it…
MJ(11:13): I really need my hot chocolate fix too, Y/N.
MJ(11:14): Y/N????
MJ(11:14): You’re always on your phone, what are you doing???
MJ(11:14): Shit 
MJ(11:14):…you went out to your gals didn’t you…
MJ(11:14): 😳😳
MJ(11:14): God,you’re so horny I love it😋
MJ(11:14): Did you take protection?
MJ(11:15): I’m not ready to be an auntie!
Wanda stops reading when you cover your face with a pillow.
“Shall I continue?” 
God, you can hear her smirking even though you can’t see her. 
“Is murder still illegal here?” You ask, voice slightly muffled. 
Wanda drags the pillow from your face and sticks her bottom lip out in a small pout.
She squishes your face with her fingers and pecks your lips.
“Unfortunately, my sweet.”
“Shall I continue?” Wanda asks again. 
“Is there more?” 
You don’t know why you’re so shocked. It’s MJ. She once spammed your phone with 50+ messages when you were in the shower at your parents’ house, and she was binge watching Stranger Things.
“There’s a lot more, baby.”
You exhale loudly through your nose.
“Please say yes, I kinda want to see how she ends these texts.”
“She’s actually so embarrassing.”
“Pleeeease?” Wanda shoots you with her best puppy dog eyes and you give in almost immediately.
“Go on then.”
“Yes!” Wanda looks back at your phone, “where was I?”
MJ(11:15): I’d be an amazing auntie wouldn’t I?
MJ(11:15): Yknow, if you actually reply to me, I’ll slap you.
MJ(11:15): After your women do of course…😏
MJ(11:15): you’d think I’d stop texting you by now…buuuut nope! 
MJ(11:16): What’re the chances your ladies will kill me if I interrupt you again?
“Quite high.” Wanda mutters. “Luckily you were too…occupied…this time.”
 Wanda winks at you and you blush.
MJ(11:17): Anyways, hope you have fun! If you’re hoarse when you come home then I know why!
MJ(11:17): last thing I promise, did you get that milk or not…?
Wanda looks at you, eyes dipping down to where you’re holding the bed sheet to your bare chest.
“Her last text says she’s locked herself out again. Does your friend do this often or just when you’re with us?” 
You can’t help but laugh when Wanda tells you this.
“She’s locked out again?” 
“She is.” Wanda hands you your phone. “See?”
There it is, encased in a dark grey bubble, MJ’s iMessage. 
MJ(11:18): Sooo I was rushing out and didn’t grab my keys…any chance you’re nearly done screaming over there?
“Not to be rude…but is your friend an idiot?” 
You shrug. 
“She’s just…MJ…very forgetful MJ…” 
“Hasn’t she got a boyfriend?” 
“Peter? Yeah.” 
“Does she have keys to his place?” Wanda asks. 
You nod with pursed lips. 
“They’re with the keys she locked in the apartment aren't they?” 
“They are. I actually think they’re on a hook by the door to be more specific.”
Wanda lets out a laugh and grabs your phone back. 
When you see her begin to type back to MJ, you dive forward with a startled noise.
“What are you doing?” 
Wanda moves effortlessly away from you, stepping off the bed in one swift move and you can do nothing but follow her. 
You hastily wrap the sheet tighter around your body, giggling after Wanda. 
“I’m just giving her some advice.” Wanda says, moving your phone out of reach. 
Once she finishes typing, Wanda shows you what she’s written and waits patiently for you to read it.
“Go get a hot chocolate and meet up with Peter for a while. Y/N will be back much later - Wanda.”
“Am I okay to send it?”
“I’ll do you one better…” 
You press send yourself and smile up at the other woman. She grins down at you, puts your phone on aeroplane mode so MJ can’t disturb you again and tosses it blindly onto the bed.
“Now…where were we?” 
Wanda’s hands grip your wrists firmly and she pulls slightly so that the sheet droops slightly. 
“Y’know, I’m really having a hard time sharing you with MJ. Especially when you’re wearing that.”
You’d swallow if you had any moisture left in your mouth. 
“Oh yeah?” 
She nods. 
The taller woman leans down and captures your lips with her own; kissing you possessively. 
She suddenly pulls you flush against her, tearing your hands from where they’re keeping what little modesty you have, so that the sheet falls freely away.
Leaving you standing in their bedroom naked. 
Whilst kissing a very clothed, and very turned on, Wanda. 
She moves to your neck quickly, teeth finding home in your skin, marking you up with little to no care. 
She nips a little too hard, causing you to hiss as you’re backed up blindly. 
And when you’re about to buckle down onto the mattress, Wanda’s hands lift you effortlessly before chucking you onto the bed. 
Watching wordlessly as you bounce a couple of times.
Before she practically jumps on the bed, towering over you with a smile. 
Wanda pecks you before moving to kiss down your chest - lavishing at your nipples until they become small peaks. 
When your hips buckle, Wanda drags herself lower, her spit glistening on your skin as she settles herself between your legs. 
“I was gutted I didn’t get a taste before.” Wanda mutters. She licks you greedily and moans as your taste fills her mouth. “Now you’re all mine.” 
And fuck, your eyes roll to the back of your head. 
She doesn’t relent once she has you, arms locking around your thighs to keep you where she wanted.
Her tongue moves at an almost inhuman speed against you, wet noises gushing from you.
When Wanda shifts her arms from you, you whine at the loss of contact. 
It’s only for a small moment however; as seconds later, with a devious grin and wink up at you, Wanda slips two fingers into your clenching hole, and when you feel her teeth graze your clit, a small scream escapes you. 
Your eyes flutter shut as you can feel the coil in your belly tightening again.
Your hands grip onto Wanda’s hair.
“Gonna cum already for me, kotenok?”
“Uh huh.” 
You shamelessly grind your hips up to meet her face. 
“That’s my girl.”
“Faster.” You all but plead. 
Wanda’s fingers curl inside you as she quickens her pace, switching from sucking on your clit to rubbing it with her free hand. 
“I wanted you to ride my face,” Wanda says as she moves herself closer to your face before kissing you soundly. “But I was just too eager to fuck you, baby girl. Maybe next time.”
You continue to moan as Wanda’s fingers fuck you qucker, moving in such a rhythem that has you squelching around her. 
When she stops abruptly, your eyes are quick to look at her. 
She smiles smugly down at you as she removes her glistening fingers to suck them into her mouth. 
Wanda moans at your taste.
“Your turn.”
You open your mouth as Wanda slides her two fingers into your mouth. 
You’re quick to suck on them, tasting the small residue of yourself still on her. 
“That’s a good girl. Get them nice and wet for me, detka.” Wanda is hypnotised by the way you suck on her fingers. “Not that you need it, you’re so fucking wet for me.”
When she pushes back into you, two fingers automatically curl, she doesn’t stop, doesn’t let up until you’re shaking under her. 
She kisses you as you let out an incoherent steam of words, hands cupping her face as you close in on your high. 
“That’s it.” Wanda pecks your nose. “Cum for me.”
The coil in your belly snaps.
You let out a silent cry as your orgasm hits you, body shuddering under her. 
She lets you ride it out before withdrawing her fingers from you, kissing you soundly.
“You okay, detka?” she asks, settling beside you.
You can’t figure out how to form words anymore so you can only nod at her. 
“Good girl.” She sucks on your fingers again, enjoying your taste. “I’ve got one question to ask you though.” 
“Think you can cum again for me?” 
You stare at her, slightly dumbfounded. 
“I - I…maybe?” 
Wanda grins. 
She settles more comfortably on her back and brushes her hair out of her face. 
“Hop on, baby girl.” 
“You heard me. I want you to ride my face. C’mere.” 
When you don’t move, Wanda raises an eyebrow. 
“Do not make me ask again. Come here.” 
You rise on shaky legs and slowly mouth her face; where Wanda wastes no time. 
She pulls you down roughly against her face, lips enclosing around your pussy. 
In hindsight, you’re wondering if you should be ashamed of how quickly Wanda made you cum like that, her mouth and tongue working wonders against you. 
It takes you under 60 seconds until your release is leaking down Wanda’s chin and you’re being nudged back onto the bed, panting. 
“You taste amazing.” Wanda murmurs, gathering your excess juices on her finger before licking them clean. “I think I’m hooked.” 
“I think I’m hooked, Wanda.” You let out a shaky laugh. “Is it bad that I can't feel my legs?”
Wanda lets out a laugh, watching as you look around the bedroom. 
“Is it bad that I’ve just noticed Carol and Nat aren’t here…?” 
Wanda snorts and taps your nose. 
“I’m sure their gigantic egos will be able to cope.” 
“Where are they?” 
“Business called.” Wanda glances at your bare chest. “They’re on a Zoom in the office.” 
“Weren’t you needed?” You ask. 
“Trying to get rid of me?” 
You snort out a laugh. 
“Shut up.” 
Wanda hums and leans down to peck your lips. 
“I could have gone but I wouldn't have done much.” Wanda replies. “Besides, there’s a beautiful girl in our bed; what better excuse is there?” 
Your eyes widen.
“You didn’t tell your boss that, did you?” 
Her fingers trace down the length of your jaw.
“So what if I did?” She asks. “In fact, we all told the bosses the same thing…” 
“Relax, detka; we’re the bosses. It’s our company.” 
You’re shocked but then you can’t really say you’re surprised. Everything just makes sense. 
“Of course you are.” 
Wanda can’t stop smiling.
“They’ll be finished soon enough. Then we’ll all get ready and go out; as long as you’re able to walk that is.” 
“Oh! We’re still going out?” 
“Of course...we don’t intend to keep you trapped in our bed.” Wanda replies, “unless you want to be...” 
You playfully shove her with a laugh.
“Where are we going?” You ask.
Wanda shrugs.
“Don’t know.” 
“You’re lying.” 
“I’m actually not. Carol and Nat won’t tell me either. Apparently I’m a walking spoiler. Or whatever that means.”
This time it’s your turn to tap her nose. 
“That is hilariously cute.” You say. “Do you really not know where we’re going?” 
“Nope. They don’t tell me about gifts either because I can’t keep them a secret.” 
You stretch and let out a loud groan. 
“What time are we going again?” You ask. 
“1. You’ve got about an hour until we need to go.” 
You pause to think before saying,
“I have two requests…” 
“Go on,” Wanda replies, interested. 
“Am I okay to have a shower before we go? I smell of…sex…” 
“Of course, kotenok.” she grins. “What is your next request?” 
“Can you carry me? I think my legs have turned to jelly.” 
Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt.4 Pt.5 Pt.6 Pt.6.5 Pt.7 Pt.8 Pt.9 Pt.10 Pt.11 Pt.12 Pt.13 Pt.14
Tag List under the cut! 
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writebackatya · 7 months
Rant about anything
Confession: I don't think Villain Louie would be the powerful mastermind that so many in the fandom would paint him. To me, Villain Louie would a mixture of Mark Beaks and Doofus Drake since he would no longer have his family to guide him
Rant: Okay, let me rant about the most confusing crossover/cameo in the history of fictional crossovers and cameos. The time when Colonel Klink from Hogan's Heroes appeared on Batman
I'm sure an explanation is needed before I get into the rant so here it goes:
Batman is a DC superhero that is alter ego of billionaire Bruce Wayne who witnessed his parents die in front of him at a young age thus beginning a his path to use what he has to make sure no one went through the tragedy that he witnessed. He had an intentionally campy tv show in the 60s where he and his trusty ward Dick Grayson protect Gotham City as the Dynamic Duo, Batman & Robin, from the villain of the week. The show was known for having cameos by various celebrities as well as characters from other tv shows
Hogan's Heroes was a sitcom from the same era of television about a group of POW Allies that are held prisoner at Stalag 13, a POW camp in Nazi Germany that holds the record of never having a successful escape despite being run by the incompetent Colonel Klink with his first officer, the cowardly "sees nothing" (and honestly is more of a neutral than a Nazi) Sergeant Shultz. The reason why there is no escape because the prisoners, lead by the charming wise-ass American Colonel Hogan, have their own underground base underneath the POW camp where they have contact with other Allies in London, around Germany, etc. and often work with other Allies to get people out of Germany, blow up bridges, spy on the nazis, etc. Hogan and his men have accomplished many things such as hiding and restoring an Ally Officer's plane from within the camp, convinced a bunch a Nazi officers (including a member of the Gestapo) into thinking the war was over, gone to France so many goddamn times, started an avalanche while chained up in an inn, hid an entire tank in one of the barracks, had a very small role info about the Manhattan Project away from the Nazis, made a pizza to convince an Italian officer to join the Allies (that same officer returns in a later episode and is played by a different actor btw), and invented the gonculator. OH and did I mention that this WWII show had a laughtrack? Because it did because it's a sitcom
There are so many questions here. How did these two meet? Colonel Klink pretty much spent his life in Germany. He has avoided combat. If it's the 60s, why Colonel Klink still in the Nazi party. The dude would surrender to the Allies with his hands up and be like "Colonel Hogan is my best friend and I'm on your side!" the second WWII ended. Batman and Robin also clearly know Colonel Hogan, so they must know about their operation right? I mean how could they not? Both Americans, both I HOPE are against the ideals of the Nazis, yet they are concerned about Klink's safety. Why doesn't Batman do more to help out the allies of WWII? Do Hogan and his men know Batman's true identity? Probably not. Strangely enough I can Kinch from Hogan's Heroes communicating with Batman via and that's how Hogan and his men communicate with Gotham's protector, but also Colonel Klink does too? Do they talk on the phone? Does Batman also have a similar relationship with Klink like Hogan does where like they're sorta friends but using Klink's incompetence/status/connections to help benefit the Allies? Has Batman ever been to Stalag 13? Like in his costume and all? There are just so many questions I have from this less than minute of television history.
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The Dancer and the Rockstar Pt 4 {Joe Elliott x Reader}
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Sorry for making y’all wait for part 4. Here it is now! I hope you like it!
Y/N woke up at around 8 in the morning, the boys seemed to be asleep. Joe is really pretty when he is sleeping, Did I say that out loud?
She went into the main cabin and tried to find something to eat in the fridge. She found some toast and a little container of butter. This was her favorite breakfast, Tahlia made it for her all the time. 
While spreading the butter on the toast, she felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her waist. 
“Good morning, my love,” Said the all too familiar voice of Joe Elliott, as he rested his head on her shoulder. 
“Good morning, Joey,” She whispered to him, “Want some toast?”
“I’d love some toast,” She nodded and handed a slice to him. They both sat at the table and ate in silence. 
“I’m excited for the rest of the tour, now that I'm with you, I will surely enjoy it a lot more,” Joe grinned. That stupid smile, the stupid adorable smile. She couldn’t deny that she was developing a crush on her bestfriend. God, I love him. 
“I’m excited too,” The girl smiled. It came out a little more high-pitched than she had hoped. 
“You ok?” He asked.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine…” She trailed off, which didn’t make it anymore convincing. 
“Good morning,” Said a sleepy Steve with a light red almost pink robe on and dark red slippers.
“Mornin’” Joe and Y/N respond at the same time. Joe sat on the couch as the dancer cleaned the dish that once had toast on it. She hummed a little bit of “High N’ Dry (Saturday Night)”. 
“Saturday Night,” She hummed, “High…”
“Saturday Night, high n’ dry….” Joe sang with her. 
“You two sound good together,” Steve smiled and sipped on his tea. 
“Yeah, you do,” Sav said as he walked out into the main cabin. 
“Thanks guys,” The girl smiled and went to sit next to Joe on the couch, “So, where is the next show?” 
“We are leaving to go to London  for the show tonight, so we are on our way over there now.” Sav responded and Y/N looked out the window. She loved London, even though she had only been once before her mother died. 
“I haven’t been in years,” She whispered. Suddenly, all of these memories rushed back to her and she sighed, “I had gone with my family and we had good times,”
“Wait,” Joe started, now realizing that he hadn’t seen Y/N’s mother or father when they went to the apartment, “Where are your parents?” 
“Oh, you don’t know,” The girl looked down, “Mother died a few years ago and father didn’t want to deal with me alone, so he left.” 
Joe went to hug his bestfriend, her mom was a wonderful person. He loved her and hearing this news felt like he was stabbed in the heart. Joe began to cry, he had never cried in front of the boys, but he did not care. Y/N also began to cry, she loved her mother. She was a very kind woman, she loved to bake and take care of animals, yeah, Y/N lived with 3 dogs and 4 cats. 
“Joey, it’ll be ok, she’s still with us, in here.” The girl pointed to her heart, Joe nodded as the tears he cried began to decrease. 
“I know, it’s just, I didn’t get to say a proper goodbye to her,” Joe stated.
A 13 year old Y/N and her father rushed to the hospital to see her mother. She was in the hospital because she had cancer. Y/N almost refused to go to the hospital knowing that her mother was going to leave. 
“Dad, I don’t want to go,” The girl whispered.
“Don’t you want to say goodbye?”
“Yes, but it’s hard, I wish I didn’t have to say goodbye,” The girl’s mother had made her feel safe in a world so truculent. A sort of emptiness filled her life after that day. 
Y/N and her dad entered the hospital room and noticed that mother was awake. 
“Oh, Y/N, baby, come here,” 
“Mom!” Y/N rushed over to the bed and hugged her mother, “I love you, I love you, I love you!” She repeated over and over, as if she hadn’t said it enough in her past. 
“I-I know you do,” Her mother stated, “I love you more than you will ever know!”
“Mom….” The girl whispered, tears falling on the bed.
“Don’t cry, my love. I will always be here,” Her mother struggled to point to the girl's heart.  
“No, no, no…..” The girl trailed off.
“Tell your bestfriend, Joe, I say bye,” She said and grinned weakly. The last moments of Y/N and her mom came quicker than the girl ever imagined. Her mother passed away while holding the girl's hand and there was a special feeling about that. 
“Good bye, my love,” Her mother said and closed her eyes, letting herself go. Then, all of a sudden, the world went dark, the vacuous feeling filled her world. 
For a week she lived with her dad, but he really did not want to have to deal with a teenager, so he left. The girl woke and went to find her dad, but he just wasn’t anywhere around the house. She had tears streaming down her cheeks as she left the house to go to her dance studio. She then found Tahlia at the front desk, Tahlia was kind of like Y/N’s second mother. She was the woman that the girl trusted most after her mother.
“Sweetie, you don’t have practice today, what are you doing here?” Lia questioned. The girl began to explain all that had happened in the past week, again tears, and lots of them. Tahlia tried to comfort her, but it only made her sadness worse.  At the end of the conversation, Tahlia asked Y/N something that made her smile again after so long. 
“Y/N honey, I can possibly arrange for you to move into my apartment and you can live with me and my husband.” 
“Yes, yes, yes!” The dancer cried, she was so lucky to have found Tahlia. She went in to hug the woman and then she whispered, “Thank you so much.”
“It’s no problem, honey,” Tahlia loved the fact that she could help young kids going through things like this. Y/N made Tahlia happy and she wanted to see the girl happy. 
“I am so sorry, love,” Said Steve, holding the girl’s hand. The boys all nodded in agreement to Steve’s statement and they all went in to hug the girl and Joe. 
“That’s all in the past now, I miss mother, of course, but she would want me to be happy,” 
The rest of the morning the group finished eating breakfast and got ready. Three hours later, they made it to the venue in London, but the group went for a walk instead of staying at the venue. 
“It’s just as beautiful as I remember it…” Y/N smiled. Joe walks right next to her with a smile on his face. Y/N notices and smiles again, but she also puts her hand in his and he squeezes it. There was a kind of spark when he held her hand and butterflies fluttered in her stomach.
She blushed, I hope he likes me back….
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mattsmithwife · 1 year
Summary: Living among the Targaryen’s may not be an easy task, even more so when the dragons want a piece of meat in common TW (For Now): Incest, mention of toxic relationship, bigotry with the English (nothing with the working class, only with the elite), mention of snake. Word Count: 2,148 words Tag List: @darksat6rns , @arielj  (comment for you to be added) A/N: next chapter will be for Nyra fans and will have age difference (pedophilia is a strong word because yn will have consented and Daemon is aware)
 English is not my first language, so please forgive me for any grammatical errors.I do not own any of the House of The Dragon/Fire & Blood characters nor do I claim to own them.
Saturday morning - 13 hours before family dinner
Location: Targaryen manor - house
-You know the problem with the Englishman... they are imbeciles in our land, land conquered by Targaryens who came from Valyria to the European continent.
You went downstairs that Saturday morning already listening to Aegon's arrogance, you rolled your eyes and entered the kitchen. Already dressed casually in place of your pyjamas, you sat down at the table that held Aemond, Helaena, and Aegon. Aemond at the end of the table, sitting in his chair, you on the other side of the table and the two oldest were on each side of the table.
You helped yourself while listening to Aegon, bragging about Valyrian and despising the English, like a racist aristocrat, that is, if it were possible to be racist when so much of London is white people. Aegon really is part of the elite, but it is not a reason to despise someone, even if this is directed at the English elite who only live in parties, pubs and live on their parents' money.
Anyone from the elite of Westeros, go to college and work in the family business or set up one, they are not lazy as the world thinks. Ambition is precious and honoured in Westeros.
-Westeros is governed by us together with the council of the seven kingdoms. Why did we have to give up London?
-Because London belongs to the English royal family, and don't get me wrong, but London is better off without you in the government. Aegon I, traded lands for free pass to anyone born in Westeros and lands to every house in Westeros, that's enough.
-You say that about our government just because it's not Targaryen.
- You're right, but I'm Hightower above all and I'm very proud. Don't forget that you are half Hightower too.
Helaena started rambling something that neither you, Aemond, nor you since Aegon despised such “visions,” she understood. Soon Aegon started wanting to reason with you that you just blinked slowly at him and argued back.
-Aegon, Westeros is an independent and isolated continent from the world that does not need other countries or continents to survive. We were born there but raised here, the council can manage without the ruler there, so be thankful London is our current home.
-And why did we set up the company here? Westeros would be better.
-Because it already exists in Westeros and all seven lords trade with our company.
It was Aemond's turn to argue, you just exchanged glances with him and he took a sip of his drink. Only you, Aem, Jace and the elders knew why you came to London and didn't want to worry the others.
-I just don't understand why we live in London yet.
-A dazzling capital, comfortable and the climate gives peace, even if depressing.
Helaena rambled on as she turned her attention to the book in front of her. You smirked at Aegon.
-Helaena is right, but I think that if I have children, they were born in Westeros where I was born.
-And why not, Yn?
Helaena asked interested, you just turned your attention to her and then looked at the picture in the kitchen. A painting of the original red fortress before it burned down 5 years after you were born
-I was born there and I certainly intend to die there. I'm proud of where I come from, proud of my home. By the way, where are Drogon and Rhaegar?
Aegon felt a chill at the mention of that creature's name. Everyone had common animals, but you had a Pseudoboa Nigra and an orange cat. Drogon, your snake, was a gift from Daemon when you turned 14, and Rhaegar, your orange cat, was a gift from Nyra on your 16th birthday.
-They are with Daemon, Aegon refused to sleep in the same house as a snake - Helaena said as she continued to read.
-It is 30cm long and not poisonous.
-HE WAS 30cm, now she is almost 70cm. That pest scared me, I would go into her room and she would appear at my feet.
-And what the hell were you doing in my room?
-Theoretically it was abandoned and there was almost no sun, it was good to sleep during the hangover.
You shook your head, got up and walked past Helaena patting the older one on the head. You just nodded to Aemond before you left and went upstairs to Jace's room.
You opened the curtain, which made Jace cover his head with the pillow, you sat on the edge of the bed and nudged him
-Wake up Sleeping Beauty, the monsters are gone.
-Give me another 5 minutes.
You went to pull the blanket off him, but he held it before you did.
-I'm not dressed properly
-And how does it affect me? Seeing you naked won't be new.
Jace widened his eyes and looked at you, he definitely thought you'd seen him naked at some point.
-Get ready, I want you downstairs in half an hour.
You left and closed the door, going to your bathroom to brush your teeth and fix your hair. You were going to see the university campus to adapt in the middle of the semester, the dean asked you to go on shift
in the morning to avoid the tumult of changing classes and that most of them studied after ten o'clock.
You went downstairs and sat on the couch in the foyer, you checked your Instagram and Tumblr while you waited for Jace. Aegon and Aemond were going to the company as they had to organize the meeting for the week ahead, so they walked past you and said goodbye, but not before Aegon asked:
-Are you going somewhere?
-I'm going out with Jace.
-A date? Is this not incest?
-We don't have a blood tie and no, it's not a date yet.
Jace came downstairs in black dress pants and a long-sleeved shirt, his perfume was strong and reached your nose before he got to you. Jace smiled at you and you got up, you put your arm through his like this intertwining
-Well, let's go. See you later, Chip 'n Dale
Aemond paid too much attention to your lacerated arms, he felt a lump in his throat and even if he didn't admit it to himself, he was very melancholy. Aegon just watched his younger brother. The Targaryen brothers would go in separate cars because Aemond would have to go somewhere else and Aegon would advance his part to get rid of it soon. The journey to the city would take half an hour because the two Targaryen mansions were far from civilization.
-Because you need me?
-Because I don't have a car, Jace.
-And where are we going?
-First at my university and then I have to see some ... things at the mall.
-What mall?
-Westfield London.
He waved and you chatted the whole way, he asked about your life abroad. He was really interested in your life out there and worried that you might have fallen in love and gotten hurt. Jace was very sentimental and humanitarian, so much so that in the family he was nicknamed the "little sentimental boy".
- I met a lot of people. I made amazing friends and met the parents of most of them, they will be good investors and partners in the near future.
-And did you go out with someone? I mean, I don't know if you're straight, lesbian, bi, pan.
-Relax, boy. I don't have a taste, I'm just attracted and that's it. I prefer not to label myself.
- But you went out with someone?
-And liked?
-No, he was conservative, toxic and wanted a trophy wife. “That outfit is too short and low-cut”, “A woman can't dress like that”, “don't think she's overweight”. It didn't even last a week, well, you know how Targaryen and Hightower women think.
-80% of our company is made up of women, all of whom support gender equality.
- Exactly, but for him feminism meant “let's make men slaves, puppies on a leash” and not gender equality. He believed that dressing my way would be body capitalism since I didn't sell my image like that or prostitute myself.
-He must be an ass, lack of education when you have such a shitty opinion... I'm sorry for having met someone like that.
-Not me, I managed to humiliate him in public and even broke his arm when he tried to slap me.
-This one has real Hightower blood and she's definitely Daemon's daughter.
At the mention of your guardian, you went quiet. He remembered that if he had listened to his oldest, he wouldn't have gotten so screwed up in China and would have been fully formed. You missed Daemon, it would be a lie to say you didn't.
He raised you and when Laena had the car accident with Leanor, he also took custody of the Velaryon girls since according to the council and court, Rhaenys was too old to care for children and Daemon was still in his 29s.
But they never lived in the Re keep, they only stayed there from time to time and they grew up with Rhaenys in Driftmark, in Westeros, even though it was theoretically illegal, and the girls' real father had abandoned Laena and the girls before Baela was 6 years old.
It was always you and him, but you never treated each other like father and daughter, just like you were two roommates, but you got along well. He created you as a less impulsive version of him, and you unconsciously influenced Aemond to have a little bit of you. You also didn't live much on the Red keep, you lived in Targaryen house, which was originally your house with Daemon, but you stayed every day from 8 am until 9 pm on the Red keep, sometimes you slept there as a sleepover between you and the others, but they always went to school together.
As the children of the Red Keep grew up, Daemon decided to create this tradition of teenagers living in Targaryen mansion as a college sorority.
-You haven't spoken to Daemon during this time.
-You know, Daemon deprives himself of feeling by feeling too much. For the first two years he would say "happy new year" and send me money for birthdays and Christmas, but we didn't talk much beyond that.
-You and he deprive yourself of expressing feelings and it turns into outbursts of anger.
-Yeah, our fault.
-Like father, like daughter.
 Saturday morning - 13 hours before family dinner.
Location: Red Keep
-I want flowers red ones here, use the crystal goblets, and make one of her favourite desserts.
The housekeeper nodded and Daemon dismissed her. He was organizing the Red keep and Alicent watched this with amusement, after all, Daemon was a perfectionist and if he saw a vase of flower placed two inches to the right the wrong way, he would freak out.
-What's all this for? You know Yn doesn't care.
-Doesn't mind, but appreciates the little things. I know you very well, Ali.
-Daemon, relax.
-I was not present all these years in her life. I want to make it up to her.
-She just wants her family present in her life.
-I never regretted becoming her guardian. Never. She always made us proud, always honoured our homes and surnames.
-And she became one of the best and most promising heiresses in Westeros.
Daemon's jaw clenched, and Alicent watched him stomp up the stairs as if he were going to tear a hole in the floor. She sighed and looked at the family board, the same board she had in Targaryen mansion with all of her family.
Rhaenyra came down the stairs with several papers and a black suit. She grabbed her car keys from the entryway table, but Alicent called out to her before she left. Rhaenyra was in a hurry as she would have to go elsewhere before the company
-I need you to ask them to organize a room for Yn at the company.
-My room is big enough for the two of us.
-She likes privacy
-Look what a coincidence, me too. We are intimate enough for that.
Rhaenyra left in a hurry and Alicent squinted at the younger one, wondering what kind of intimacy they had. It was no secret that Yn and Nyra were close, but it became a hot topic in Westeros whenever they visited Rhaenys together.
Rhaenyra always held Yn's hand or her waist, always alone in hidden corners. They stayed up late in each other's rooms, there were always rumours that they went out at dawn with light steps.
Whatever they had, both of them didn't care about other people's conclusions.
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Chapter Three: Understanding
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Chapter 3 is finally here!! I have enjoyed writing this chapter so much especially because of all the topics it covers! I have loved it so much and it definitely is my favorite in this story so far 🥹✨ Come talk to me after you read and tell me what you think! All the love 🤍 Mar
Disclaimer: In no way do I wish to spread hate or negative opinions about any of the characters here depicted, this is just fiction and with the purpose of entertaining you guys
February 14, 2022 – March 13, 2022: Month Three
October 16, 2014
Boston, Massachusetts. 7:35 AM.
The smell of coffee was welcome on this fall day, for once I had made it on time to Professor Jameson’s class and was able to buy my coffee. The class started filling up with students from all over campus since “Political Analysis of the 21st Century” was a common core subject for a lot of majors and minors, including mine.
After a series of arguments with my parents they agreed to let me get my bachelor’s degree with a major in Communications and a minor in Graphic Design, and so far, I have loved every single moment. Upon the recommendation of juniors and seniors I decided to get done with the common core subjects first, hence the reason I was here sitting at one of the biggest halls at Boston University waiting for my professor.
While I was reviewing my notes someone cleared their throat, I turned to look at him and I had to hold my breath, he was tall and lean, head full of loose curls, brown eyes full of kindness hidden behind a delicate frame and a smile to die for, “Hi, are you Y/N?” I stared for a few before I cleared my throat and nodded
“Yeah, that’s me”, his smile grew bigger if that was possible, “We got partnered up for the midterm project, I tried to catch you last class but had no luck”, I chuckled, “Yeah, I tend to get out as soon as I can, but thank you for reaching out”, he nodded and took the empty seat next to mine, “No problem, hey why don’t you give me your phone so we can work a schedule or something”
I nodded and reached into my bag for a post-it, scribbled down my phone number and handed it to him, he smiled before speaking up in a half whisper since Professor Jameson had arrived, “Thank you, I’m Matthew by the way”, I smiled, “Nice to meet you Matthew”
February 13, 2022
London, England. 12:30 PM.
I was pulled from my thoughts when I felt someone squeeze my arm, I opened and closed my eyes wanting to make sure I was not dreaming, however when I opened them, I came across the smile that a few years ago had me weak on my knees, Matthew chuckled before speaking up, “I’m sorry, I guess old habits die hard”
I chuckled, “How are you? It’s been a few years”, he nodded before asking, “About four or five I reckon?”, I nodded. Harry then cleared his throat and I turned to see him, he had a strained smile on his face and was silently asking who the man standing in front of us was, “Oh! Where are my manners? Matthew this is Harry”, he smiled before offering his hand to shake, “Harry it is a pleasure to meet you”
He nodded and curtly answered, “Yeah you too”, they both pulled back before I cleared my throat, “So, do you live here now?”, he nodded, “Well not really, I’m in the process of moving”, a ding from his phone had him checking the message before sighing, “I’m sorry, I have to go, but I hope to see you soon yeah? Maybe catch up?”, I nodded, “Yes of course”, he nodded before turning to look at Harry, “Nice to meet you Harry”, Harry gave him a tight-lipped smile, “You too”
And as he pulled back, I felt myself get lost on memories before Harry squeezed my hand, “Hey, everything okay?”, I smiled at him and nodded, “Yes baby, just surprised I guess”, I cleared my throat before squeezing his hand back, “Shall we?”, he nodded and reached to kiss my temple while we made our way to the museum.
February 20, 2015
Boston, Massachusetts. 9:30 PM
The party was in full swing when the girls and I got there, Chelsea went to look for her boyfriend while Cassie and I searched for Otto and Davie, the four of us were studying communication and had become a very close group of friends. A few minutes later we could see Otto’s blonde man bun and standing next to him was Davie with his favorite Red Sox cap and beside him was another tall man.
When Otto saw us, he smiled and waved to us, and as we were making our way to where he was standing Davie and the mysterious guy turned, and when he did, I stopped in my tracks, it was Matthew. I could see a flash of recognition and a smile on his face before he smirked, “Well, well, well, if it isn’t my favorite partner”, I laughed before saying hello to them and pulling each of them into a hug and stopping to stand next to him.
“It’s good to see you! How have you been? How is junior life treating you?”, he smiled and nodded, “Good, good, working on my dissertation and final credits, and you? How is freshman life?”, I sighed, “It’s interesting, but I cannot wait for it to be over”, he laughed, “Oh you’ll regret saying that soon”, I smirked, “Speaking from experience?” he nodded.
I did not realize but soon enough we were left alone, and we decided to go sit to the back patio next to the bonfire where we delved into a conversation about anything and everything. And as we were sitting there, I realized I could get used to this, conversation on never-ending topics, a feeling of ease and well, looking at his handsome face. I was pulled back from my thoughts when Cassie made her way to me, an apologetic look all over her face
“I’m sorry to interrupt, but we have to wake up in about four hours so we should sleep”, I stood up and nodded before turning to look at Matthew, before I could speak up he blurted, “Go on a date with me”, my heart started beating faster after he said this, I pretended to ponder for a few before giving him a small smile and nodding, “I would love to”, he smiled
“I’ll text you the details, yes?”, I nodded and reached in to place a kiss on the corner of his lips before making my way to where Cassie was waiting for me, after we linked our arms, I turned to see Matthew standing there and waving, I gave him a wink and turned back to see where I was walking to.
February 13, 2022
Harry. London, England. 5:00 PM.
Our date at the museum had been everything I expected and more; I had forgotten how much I enjoyed visiting museums and especially with her and being able to share our passion for art with Pippa was everything I ever dreamed of. After we finished visiting the exhibitions, we went to the gift store and bought Pippa a few books and puppets so we could play with her.
We stopped at the café so we could grab a drink and let Pippa feed, and while we waited for her to be done, we discussed what we wanted to do while we were still here and what we would need to get done before leaving for Coachella. About forty minutes later Pip finished feeding and after we made sure we had everything, and she was buckled back in her carrier we made our way to the car and headed home.
Tonight, was bath night and it was Y/N’s turn, while she was busy bathing the baby, I handled the laundry we had definitely been neglected these last few days. I had just finished putting away the last of my t-shirts and changed into some sweats when the bathroom door opened and out came my girls, I smiled and went to grab Pippa from her arms and kissing her cheek multiple times, “Hi little bug, oh you smell so nice! Did you thank mumma for your bath?”
Y/N smiled and went to the closet to change into some cozy loungewear, when she came out, we headed downstairs for our evening routine. Rain had started to fall since we got home which had us cooking some Minestrone soup and garlic bread for dinner and while everything was ready, we sat down in the living room, Pippa was laying on my knees and Y/N cuddled to my side and started playing with her tiny hand.
There was a question that had been nagging me since we ran into Matthew a few hours ago, and truly I did not want to ruin our day, but I knew that if I kept quiet it would not be good, so I took a deep breath, kissed her forehead and half whispered to her, “It was him, wasn’t he?”, after a few moments of silence I felt her nod her head.
I swallowed the lump of anxiety I could feel was stuck in my throat before speaking, “Do you… do you want to talk about him?”, she nodded again before whispering, “Let’s eat and put her to sleep and then we’ll talk okay?”, now it was my turn to nod and kiss her head in reassurance while she cooed at the baby who was enthralled with the attention that she was getting from her mumma.
August 20, 2015
Boston, Massachusetts. 2:45 PM
My plane had just landed and the only thing I really wanted to do was run to Matthew’s apartment. He had been in Washington for the whole summer working, we had been able to see each other a few times but truly it had not been enough.
After that first date back in February we had continued to see each other until he asked me to be his girlfriend in April. May brought the end of the semester and a few tears with a promise to see each other during summer and a much-awaited reunion in August. Once I got out of the plane I ran across the airport and picked up my bags in baggage claim, ordered an Uber and made my way to the dorms.
I dropped my bags and decided to take a shower before leaving to see him; however, a knock on my door had me furrowing my brows and quickly running to open it, when I did, I found Matthew standing there, a bouquet of daffodils in his hand and a smile adorning his face.
I smiled before letting him in and pulling him into a hug, “What are you doing here?”, he kissed the top of my head multiple times before muttering, “It’s been too long Birdie, I missed you and couldn’t wait”, I smiled and nuzzled into his arms before kissing his pec and pulling back a little, “I missed you too hot stuff”
February 13, 2022
London, England. 7:30 PM.
After we finished eating dinner and cleaning the kitchen Harry said good night to Pippa and I headed upstairs, I sat down in the loveseat in our room and started feeding her; as I did, I took the time to grasp the fact that she now was two months old, her personality was definitely showing through, and she is starting to look like a complete mix between Harry and me.
After a feeding, a diaper change and a little sway and kisses she was fast asleep, I settled her into the cot, turned on the monitor and headed downstairs to meet Harry, I smiled when the smell of apple and cinnamon filled my nostrils, and my suspicions were confirmed when I entered the kitchen and found him brewing some apple cinnamon tea.
When he saw me come in, he smiled and handed me the big cup we had made a few years back during a pottery class, it was definitely well loved and held a lot of memories. We turned off the lights in the kitchen and settled in the T.V. room, the fire was on, and soft music played throughout the speakers.
And as we sipped our tea, I took my sweet time studying Harry’s look; there was something bothering him, and he was conflicted about it too. I could bet it had to do with Matthew and the run-in we had today, but as I had learned with Cece my therapist, I would need to let him speak and not pressure him to do so.
We sat there in silence for a few before he spoke up, “Were you shocked?”, I turned to look at him, “Hmm?”, he gave me a small smile, “Matthew, were you shocked you ran into him?”, I sighed and nodded, “Very”, he nodded too before taking a sip of his tea.
March 25, 2016
Boston, Massachusetts. 9:00 PM
After unlocking the door, I was met with the pleasant smell of Bolognese pasta and my favorite chocolate cake. Soft music was heard through the whole apartment and Matthew’s humming made me smile. After dropping my bag and keys, I removed my shoes and made my way to the kitchen.
I smiled when I saw him finishing plating our dinner, “Hi darling”, he turned and gave me a smile before dropping the plates on the table, “Hi Birdie! Happy birthday!”, he walked to where I was standing and pulled me into a hug, “Thank you babe”, once we pulled back, we made our way to the kitchen where I was welcomed by the smell of Italian food, a personal favorite at the moment.
I was distracted with dinner before Matthew cleared his throat; when I turned, I smiled at him, he was standing there with a big bouquet of daffodils and a gift bag in hand, we both started walking and met halfway, after he handed me my gifts, he kissed my temple before I pulled him into a hug.
Once we pulled back, he started cooking again and I went in search of a vase to put my flowers, while fixing them I spoke up, “Thank you for the daffodils, they’re so beautiful Momo”, I turned and gave him small smile which he returned and continued to serve dinner. I helped him bring the salad and bread to the table while he carried our pasta plates.
And as the soft music played, we started eating and catching up on everything we had missed about each other since the last time we had seen each other two days ago. Being a junior and trying to finish getting all credits while working on projects was very tiring, but I knew at the end it would be worth it.
After we finished dinner Matthew picked up our dinner plates, I was pulling out the dessert plates while he went into the fridge, when he turned, he had a small chocolate cake in his hands; and after he placed it on the table and lit up the candle, we both sang ‘Happy Birthday’, and just before I blew out the candle, he told me to make a wish.
So, I closed my eyes, placed my hands over my heart and made my wish, I wish for a life of adventures, love, and happiness, I opened my eyes again and blew out the candle while he clapped for me.
February 13, 2022
Harry. London, England. 7:30 PM.
A million thoughts ran through my head; was the surprise good or bad? Either way why was she so quiet? Did she miss him? Did she love him still? No, please no, I wouldn’t be able to handle that. Alice had told me that I shouldn’t keep quiet my fears and doubts, but the question is, am I willing to learn the truth and live with it?
She squeezed my hand before asking, “Hey, what’s in your head? Talk to me, yeah?”, I nodded, sat up straighter and turned to look at her, “I know you have told me about your story with Matthew, but I have always felt like there was a part of it that you kept quiet, and I never tried to peak into it”, she nodded, and I took a deep breath.
“But I want you to trust me, to share it with me; I want to know you, what lead to your breakup and what I can learn from it to make our relationship, if you want us to have one, better”, she smiled, “You got me physically naked already and now you’re getting me emotionally naked huh?”, we both laughed at her comment because technically, it was true.
She reached in for my hand and squeezed it before pulling it up to her lips and kissing it and then lowering to her lap, “I agree with you, and you are right, I didn’t give you the whole story, but I need you to know that it had nothing to do with me not trusting you, but with the fact that I was hurt and grieving still”
I nodded before asking her, “Did you ever stop grieving?”, she smiled a little and nodded, “I did, actually”, I smiled, “When?”, “The day I flew to LA to meet a certain singer who had been busy traveling the world, I think you know him?”, a mischievous smile on my face when I answered her, “I may know who you are referring to”, we both laughed before she cleared her throat.
“I’m not going to lie , Matthew was someone really special in my life; you already know how we met and how we started dating”, I nodded, a melancholic faraway look took over her face, “He was my first in so many ways; first love, first kiss, first time, he was the first one to help me pull out of my comfort zone”, there was a feeling at the pit of my stomach I couldn’t identify but I hoped it would disappear soon while she continued to talk.
“Everyone loved him; for my parents he was the perfect future husband: a young handsome guy with a nine to five job, that was a philanthropist on his free time and played tennis at the club and who never missed Sunday Service and Brunch. For me, a guy who didn’t undermine me for our age difference, even if it wasn’t that much and who always said that if I wanted to work I could, or if I wanted to be a stay-at-home mom, he would support it too”
Okay now I understood why she had kept so much private about her relationship to him, and God I wished I would’ve stayed quiet, but if we wanted to learn and be better, I would have to. As if she could read my mind she quietly said, “This is why I was so reserved on talking about it, because you are probably overthinking the situation”
I laughed while nodding my head before clearing my throat, “I really don’t want to be cross or rude, but I really don’t find other way to ask a question”, she nodded and I continued, “If he was so perfect, what happened?”, I saw her lip quiver and tears start to line up her lash line, my heart started beating too fast before I reached to pull her into a hug.
Once she was safely in my arms I kissed her neck before whispering, “Baby no, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you cry”, she shook her head and sniffled, “No, don’t apologize”, she pulled back a little and I grabbed her hand and started running my finger down her knuckles, “Harry, before I continue I need you to know that you are the first person I have ever told this to, not even my siblings know”
My mind started running with the worst-case scenarios, but I had an inkling on what she would say, she blew her nose before continuing to speak, “Matthew and I, we never labelled our relationship; yes when people asked if we were dating we said yes and I referred to him as my boyfriend and him to me as his girlfriend, but there was never a lot of fuss around what we were, the only thing we knew for sure was that we loved each other”
I nodded and continued to run my finger over her knuckles while she continued talking, “Once I graduated college we moved to New York together, we were renting this little apartment in the West Village and life was good, I started working for Vogue while he was working at one of the top financial companies” I nodded.
“We had started discussing what were our common goals, we both agreed we wanted to get married, have babies and maybe move to the Upper Side of Manhattan and raise them there, but the answer was always ‘in a few years down the line’, until one day I found myself with a missed period for two weeks and anxiety crawling out of my throat waiting for the test to finish loading”
What? I was not expecting that, and I bet my face could tell how shocked I was because she let out a half chuckle before continuing, “I think it is safe to understand the result the test showed given the situation we are currently in, but that result lead us to a conversation on how ‘a few years down the line’ could be kept for moving and babies, but not for marriage”
She let out a laugh at the shock I bet was displayed all over my face, this was all too much too soon but I was glad we were talking about it, I cleared my throat and spoke up, “He proposed?”, she shrugged her shoulders before answering, “I mean he did not get down on one knee and said the words ‘Will you marry me’, but there was love; we decided we loved each other enough to share a forever together and then he gave me a ring”
I nodded in understanding still processing what I was hearing, “ However the words ‘we really don’t have to make a big deal of this’, and ‘maybe we should keep it to ourselves for a while’ were involved, which at the time seemed to be a comfort, when in reality it should have been a sign”, I gave her a half chuckle and cleared my throat, “How… how long were you two engaged for?”
“Three months, first month and a half was as if nothing had changed, then came the letter to Edinburgh”, I furrowed my brows, “Edinburgh?”, she nodded, “He applied to study a master’s at the University of Edinburgh, when he first told me about it, I even started looking onto programs for me, but I never found one that fulfilled me”
 “I still remember the day the letter came, we had just returned from visiting my parents and there it was, sitting in between bills; I still remember how happy he was and how proud he felt of himself, and I did too, I knew how much he had worked for it, but as the excitement of acceptance washed off and reality of what this move meant crashed, I knew deep down what would eventually come”
June 26, 2017
New York City, New York. 8;45 PM
Thunder, rain, and lightning had overtaken the city over the last few hours, the only source of lights coming from the candles I had lit up a while ago. Boxes were staring to line the hallway, and it seemed they were mocking me, knowing what was about to happen.
A key turning inside the lock pulled me out of my thoughts and made the dread wake up again, he went into his routine, closing the door, dropping his keys in the bowl, removing his shoes, and walking to the kitchen where he leaves his work bag.
A few seconds later he appeared at the living room entrance giving me a smile, “Hi Birdie, how was your day huh?”, the nickname was enough for me to start tearing up again, he started making his way to sit next to me, I answered quietly, “Hi Momo, it was good”
He furrowed his brows, “Birdie? What’s going on huh?”, a small sob left my mouth before I covered my eyes and let the tears fall, he placed his hand in my back and started rubbing it, “Birdie… come on”
After I cried for what felt like an eternity and clearing my tears, we sat there in silence, Matthew’s hand not stopped running down my back, I took a deep breath and prayed to the heavens that the correct words would leave my mouth, “I have been thinking a lot in the last few days, about us, the pregnancy scare, the engagement, Edinburgh”, he nodded.
“And I have found myself feeling conflicted every time the reality of what this all means”, he cleared his throat, “Conflicted?”, I nodded and sniffled, “Matthew, I’m not ready”, he squeezed my hand, “We still have a few months Birdie, everything will be okay yeah?”
Silence. An uncomfortable silence I have never experienced, I started toying with the ring that had been sitting on my finger, but instead of feeling joy I felt dread, I dropped my hands before turning to the window and started talking again.
“I know I was the one who said we shouldn’t make a big deal and we should also keep it quiet; I really thought it had to do with us enjoying the moment, but there was always something there, at first I thought it was because of all the newness this would entitle, but truthfully as the weeks have gone by, the uneasiness has grown”
I sniffled, “And I’ve come to realize that… that I’m not ready for it all”, he whispered, “What?”, I sniffled again, “I’m so sorry Matthew, but I’m not ready; this is all coming too soon too fast, and… and I don’t feel the same excitement or dreaminess I felt a few months ago when we talked about it”
Matthew nodded, a solemn look in his face, “And us?”, oh God, a sob left my mouth while I reached to squeeze his hand, “Matthew, you are so special, so unique, you have brought me so much joy, happiness; you showed me a world I didn’t know and for that I love you, and I’m so thankful for you”
A sad smile started adorning his face, a squeeze returned to my hand, “But you’re not in love with me anymore huh?”, I couldn’t look him in the eye while I nodded, a sob leaving my mouth while he pulled me into a hug swaying and shushing while I cried whispering how things were okay.
When we pulled back, he started clearing my tears, while I apologized, “I’m so sorry Matthew”, a smile adorned his face, “Why Birdie? You were honest and your feelings are so valid; I will not lie, it hurts, and I will probably be sad for a while, but everything will be okay, yes?”
I shook my head, “How can you forgive me so easily?”, he kissed my cheek, “Because I love you, and you are special to me, and I’m so grateful we got to share so much and before you start thinking I hate you I don’t, Birdie you’re young, you deserve to live your life, not the life I want or your parents want”
“And if that is not next to me, it is perfectly fine, I just hope that one day we can run into each other again I hope you tell me that your life was everything you wanted it to be, okay?”, I nodded and sniffled, “Thank you Matthew”, he smiled, “Thank you Birdie”
February 13, 2022
London, England. 7:45 PM.
“I moved out the next week into the apartment we now live in, we didn’t keep in touch after that, but it took me a few months to be other the heartache”, Harry sat there a serious look on his face, “And then?”, I smiled.
“And then, I fell in love with my life again, continued to work in free-lance projects, until I landed a very picky client, he’s a pretty famous singer”, he smirked and pretended to think, “I think so, care to tell me more about him?”, I laughed before continuing.
“Well, he hired me to help him with his album, and somewhere along the way we fell in love; but sadly, one day we broke up, and heck was I felt with a broken heart. I had started to learn about living without him, until one day a little tiny plus sign changed our lives forever, and now we are trying to raise a baby and getting to know each other again; after all I never fell out of love with him”
The smile on his face made everything worth it, he reached and pulled me in for a kiss, a kiss that was everything I needed at the moment, I hear you, I love you, thank you for trusting me, when we pulled back, he smiled at me before whispering, “Thank you for sharing this with me, I feel honored that you trust me enough”
“I do Harry, and I want for this to work for us to be together; frankly we both know that if we were to co-parent, we would do It awesome, but I love you and I want to have a relationship with you”, he ran his knuckles down my cheek, “I do too baby, more than anything I want you”
February 14, 2022
Harry. London, England. 4:30 PM.
I had just finished burping Pippa while Y/N was getting ready, my mum was finishing setting up in the guest room; she had agreed to come stay with us for a few days because she missed her granddaughter and future daughter-in-law, a comment that had me laughing every time she told me.
When I heard someone come down the stairs I smiled when I saw it was my mum, she smiled as she started walking to where I was standing with Pippa in the kitchen, “Hi mum, everything okay?”, she nodded and reached for Pippa, after I handed her the baby, she started kissing her forehead.
“Pippa you need to ask your daddy when will he ask your mumma to be his girlfriend again huh? Say ‘Daddy Nana wants to call her daughter in law”, I laughed before turning to the door to check if she was near before leaning in to whisper, “Baby tell your Nana it will be soon, like soon next week” I winked before pulling back while my mum danced a little.
I laughed and turned when I heard footsteps come down the stairs, I walked out of the kitchen to meet her, she looked so beautiful, once she reached the main floor, I pulled her in for a kiss and whispered against her lips, “Well it seems I’m the luckiest man this Valentine’s Day” she laughed before giving me an eskimo kiss before whispering, “Hi handsome”
We started making our way to the kitchen where my mum was finishing her tea, she smiled and walked to Y/N and handed her the baby so she could give her a cuddle before we left, my mum took a sip of her tea before speaking up, “So, what are your plans today loves?”
I smiled before answering, “We have an appointment for a painting class with a friend of Gemma’s and then we have dinner plans; is Darren still planning on coming over?”, she nodded and smiled, I was happy to see my mum falling in love again, Y/N made her way to stand next to me while my mum gave us a questioning look.
“Are you two sure you have no issue if he comes?”, we both shook our heads before Y/N spoke up, “Anne you deserve to have your date, it is the least we could do after you agreed to babysit”, my mum smiled, “I missed my girl, so this makes me happy. I’m just glad he can be here with us too”, I smiled, “Mum dinner is on me and don’t even try to fight it okay?”
She rolled her eyes and nodded while making her to where we were standing saying goodbye to Pippa, “Bye baby, be good for Nana yes? We’ll see you in a few hours”, after we kissed her forehead once more, we gave her back to my mum and grabbed our coats and masks before making my way to the van.
The drive to the little art studio took about twenty minutes, we got out of the car and walked to the white door before ringing the bell, and while we waited for, I pulled my girl into my arms and started cuddling her and kissing her forehead, and in return she kissed my pecks, we pulled back a little when we heard the lock turn.
When the door opened, I smiled, the brunette had not changed through the years, she smiled before excitedly saying hello, “Harry! It’s so good to see you!”, I smiled and moved from Y/N so I could pull the brunette girl into a hug, “Sadie! It’s been so long”, once we pulled back, she turned to look at Y/N and smiled, “Hi! You must be Y/N, I have heard so many good things about you from Gemma”
Y/N smiled and pulled Sadie into a hug before telling her, “It’s so nice to meet you Sadie, I have also heard so many good things from Gemma”, she smiled and motioned for us to come in, we removed our coats, but she told us to leave our shoes on to prevent accidents and we started following her when she spoke over her shoulder
“By the way, congratulations on Pippa’s birth, Gemma showed me a picture and I died, she’s gorgeous”, we both smiled and thanked her before she stopped in her kitchen and turned to smile at us, “I might have a little surprise for you two from a little birdie”, from the distance you could see the fairy lights inside the greenroom.
I laughed while shaking my head as we followed her to the backyard where I could see a little greenhouse, “I’ll thank Gemma later”, she grinned and nodded before opening the door to the greenhouse, inside the first thing you could see was a long table full of little remnants of arts and crafts, in the back corner there were big racks where different clay figures were sitting, two cabinets full of material were hidden in the back wall and along the right side you could see painting hung up to dry.
When we got in, we noticed that Sadie had set up two canvases opposite of each other and an array of paint colors I bet there were colors I didn’t even knew existed. On the ither side there was an ice bucket with a bottle of sparkling apple juice chilling and a picnic basket with some paninis, chips, fruit, and chocolate.
I smiled as I watched Y/N take in everything before giving Sadie a smile, “This is so beautiful Sadie!”, Sadie smiled and cleared her throat, “So, there is a speaker on the table so you can play your music, and I will go inside. I left a little book with some pictures so you can get ideas on what to paint or you can leave it to your imagination; if you need me you can click on that doorbell and I’ll come, otherwise I will see you two in a few hours”
We both thanked her and waved as she left the room before settling down and getting ready to paint, while I was looking at the book for inspiration she cleared her throat, which had me looking up to her, she smiled before speaking up, “I have an idea for our paintings”, I nodded and placed the book in the table to give her my whole attention.
“Let’s paint something that represents a happy memory for us”, I smiled, “Just one?”, she laughed, “But it cannot be around Pippa, let’s think, like really think about everything”, I smiled and nodded, and while I opened the bottle of wine, and she unpacked the food I raked through my mind on what I wanted to paint.
And as we sat down, I got the perfect inspiration, I cleared my throat before asking her, “Know what you will paint?”, she nodded and grabbed her brush to start painting, I pressed play in my phone, and we started painting.
It had been about fifteen minutes before Y/N called my name, “Yes baby?”, she let out a shuddering breath, “Can I… can I ask you something?”, I nodded, “Did you and Olivia, uhm, ever discuss the future?”, I dropped my brush before turning to look at her, “What do you mean?”, she shrugged, “Like, did you two ever discuss marriage, having your own children? Like it’s okay if you don’t want to talk about it”
“No, no, it’s okay darling, I understand, and we did promise we were going to be honest with each other”, she nodded, and I sighed, “I made it clear since the beginning that before we ever thought of the future, things regarding Otis and Daisy would have to be settled with Jason, she wasn’t too happy about it but agreed”
“When Jason and her were able to work something out for the time being we started discussing moving in, truth I wasn’t too sure, Otis and Daisy were getting used to this new arrangement, I still remember one day Daisy asked me to call her dad because she missed him and it broke my heart, funnily enough, the day I found you in L.A. we were discussing the fact that she wanted to move in but I didn’t want to”
She nodded and squeezed my hand, which I took as a sign to continue, “Marriage was not on the table, I was busy touring and she still had to settle with Jason, and kids were ever only brought up when she had that scare last year, and we know how that ended”, she cringed at the memory and I kissed her knuckles before speaking up, “So yes, there was some talk, but nothing too serious”
She nodded and I cleared my throat, “Baby everything okay? Where is this coming from’”, she nodded, “Well… no, I guess I have been thinking a lot about my relationship with Matthew and your relationship with her, and… I don’t know”, I squeezed her hand once more before kissing her knuckles, she sighed before talking, “I cannot help but compare myself to the Y/N that broke up with Matthew all those years ago, and how karma did reach me when I broke up with you over falling in love with Olivia”
I nodded solemnly letting her know I was listening, “If I told the Y/N that was sitting in her first NYC flat that things would improve after her break up, then go to shit again and then shift so much, she would laugh; because truly my life has been so unexpected and what I needed but wasn’t sure I did, and I know that it sounds like a complaint but it isn’t, I’m still trying to understand everything, and well truth is that every time things come up in therapy I stir the pot”
I smiled a little, but there was something in her eyes that told me she wanted to say more, “Darling, what’s bothering you still?”, she laughed before speaking up, “You’ve always known me too well… I guess I have a confession to make, and I’m scared of how you will react and the floodgates it will open”, I furrowed my brows, but she beat me before I could speak up, “I saw the ring H”
My heart stilled and I whispered, “What?”, she smiled a little, “I was putting away your laundry from set, from the two weeks you were away due to the Covid case, and all of your underwear were not fitting perfectly, so I reached in to see what was going on and found the box”, I gave her a nervous laugh and she cleared her throat, “I thought you were acting the way you were because you were going to propose, and God how different it turned out to be huh?”
I nodded and she squeezed my hand before taking a sip of her wine and clearing her throat, “Wow okay this feels loaded now and I do want to continue talking about it, so why don’t we finish our paintings and once we do, we’ll show each other and continue yes?”, I nodded and reached in to pull her for a kiss, okay maybe two and then we continued painting.
February 14, 2022
London, England. 6:00 PM.
I knew what i wanted to paint since we arrived at the studio, and I was very excited Harry was so onboard with it. As we were painting, and conversation started flowing I realized we still had a lot to discuss but we needed to decompress a little before we could continue talking. I had just finished putting on the finishing touches to my painting when H cleared his throat and let me know he was done too.
I smiled before speaking up, “What if we showed our painting at the same time?”, he nodded and grabbed his canvas before clearing his throat, “On the count of three yes?” I nodded, “One… two… three!”, we both turned our canvases, and we started laughing. Because right in front of our eyes I found that we had both painted something related to the same memory.
Harry had painted the landscape of the hill where the house we stayed during our visit to Sorrento, while I had painted the hill and the ocean because we both knew we weren’t professional, his eyes lit up when he came to the realization and he let out a laugh, “Really? Same memory?”
I nodded and grinned, “Guess we really loved it huh?”, he nodded before reaching for my hand and squeezed it, “It was a very special trip and time baby, it was magic and bliss”, I reached from across the table and pulled him into a kiss before whispering against his lips, “It really was”, he smiled before pulling me into another kiss.
While the painting dried, we started munching on the contents of the basket and continued to talk, I was finishing my panini before he cleared his throat, “Should we… uhm should we continue the conversation we left off?”, I nodded and swallowed before speaking up, “Just promise me, that this won’t cause a fight between us”, he reached in for my hand and kissed it before speaking up, “Uncomfortable topics will make us have a better communication okay?”
I nodded and cleared my throat, “I have trouble understanding why would you buy an engagement ring if you weren’t sure”, he sighed, “I bought the ring a year into our relationship”, my heart stopped, “What?”, he smiled, “Funnily enough, during the Sorrento trip, while you were busy baking and cooking and learning Italian with Giuseppina, I was visiting jewelry stores”
 I nodded and he continued talking, “I wanted to propose right then and there, but I knew it would be too soon, so I decided to wait, and wait, a year later we were both in our projects and on top of our careers that I thought 2021 would be a better year to get married, but… yeah”
I chuckled, “We both know what happened”, he nodded, I sniffled and cleared my throat, “If you were so set on us… on us getting married, why Harry? Why break my heart like that?”, he reached in and pulled me in for a hug, where he let me cry for a few moments before he pulled back started caressing my cheek and speaking up.
“Everything was good, yes we had our fights and we made up, we shared our dreams, goals and aspirations, and for the first time, ever, I felt complete peace, I was truly happy, because I had found my better half and yes I know it sounds cheesy but is the truth, you balance out my perfection and I do my best to uplift your confidence, you help me see the good in everything and I help you remember how beautiful and charming and incredible you are”
I smiled while he continued to speak, “It was finally starting to feel real, it was sinking that sooner rather than later I was going to ask my best friend to marry me, that we would start a new chapter of life together, have some babies, and live until we were old together, and as exciting as that was, the realization was also hitting; how could I, a child of divorced parents keep a healthy relationship and marriage together?”
I squeezed his hand before whispering, “You are not your parents H”, he nodded, “I know that now, but at the time I didn’t, and my insecurities got the best of me”, I squeezed his hand, “Baby how long had you been feeling that way?”, he shrugged, “A few months, I was planning to propose on the anniversary of you moving in with me”
I nodded while he continued, “But then filming started, and I formally met Olivia and Chris and met again with Florence and Gemma, and you were here and everything was great, until one day the compliments started flowing, ‘Great job H, better than last time but we will roll it again’, ‘Harry the dancing? Impressive I’m so glad you agreed to it’, and we then moved to ask for my imput on shots, what emotions should we convey”
He sighed, “Then after we came back from our break from the Covid case she seemed even more excited than before to see me, and there were subtle details like a coffee just how I ordered it in my trailer, some lunch a few days and when the cast and crew got together she always made sure I was there for the important discussions and the thoughts and opinions got back to my higher up management which was a win-win”
I bit my lip and nodded a little before he continued, “I guess at the time I was loving getting that attention, and slowly I was expecting those details, because I started to see that this was not because of my acting but for me; I would be a hypocrite if I said that I didn’t love the attention I was getting, and after breaking up I used it as an excuse”
He squeezed my hands, “A few months later I realized that I had confused being needed by someone to being wanted by someone; because unconsciously I needed her attention and her love to heal up the pain I was feeling from our breakup, but truly I wanted all of you, your heart, your best and worst, your thoughts, and above all your love”
I sniffled before speaking up, “I really thought you had feelings for her”, he nodded, “I cared for her, and I was appreciative of her helping me deal with what I was feeling, but I didn’t love her”, I nodded, “You didn’t come for me”, he gave me a sad smile, “I did”, I furrowed my brows, and he ran a hand down my cheek
“I flew to New York after Jeff and Glenne’s wedding, I was determined to get you back, and I remember standing outside your door about to knock until I let my fears get the worst of me, like how on Earth would I explain to you what I was feeling without hurting you even more? And if you did forgive me, how would I be able to make it work? like I said, I realized I didn’t have the best examples; so, I didn’t knock and left”
I gave him a sympathetic look, “Harry…”, he smiled, “I am better, therapy has done wonders and I know I am not them and I am only responsible for my actions and not theirs; and I do get to choose and learn from them”, I nodded and smiled in agreement, “but there is one thing that will never change: the fact that I am choosing you; I am choosing Pippa and I am choosing the life we will build together” I gave me a timid smile and nodded, “I am choosing you and Pippa and our future life too”
February 25, 2022
Harry. London, England. 8:30 PM.
We had finished eating the past we spent all afternoon making, and while Y/N went and settled Pippa for the night I was cleaning up the kitchen and moved to the living room, I could hear some steps behind me before she spoke up, “She went out like a light” I smiled and patted the space next to me in the couch.
She gave me a smile and started cuddling her and kissing her forehead while she sighed in contentment, we pressed play in the movie and ate our sweet treat my mum had left for us. There has bene something on my mind for the last few days and especially since her and Pippa would fly back to the US pretty soon.
That had caused a fight between us, but I understood that it would be the best for Pippa, and in turn I would definitely push to be back soon with them. Once the movie finished, we sat up and stretched she turned to look at me and tapped my nose before asking me “What is on your head baby?”
I smiled, “I have been thinking about a lot of things, but above all about how much we have both grown and above all, how much I love you”, she smiled and squeezed my hand, “I love you too”, after a few seconds in silence before I blurted out, “Be mine”, she sat up straighter, “Sorry?”, I smiled and squeezed her hand, “Will you be my girlfriend?”, she smiled and gave me an apprehensive look.
“Harry, how can I be sure you won't pull a freak out again? Because I must remind you, now it isn't just me but her too”, I nodded and understood where she was coming from, that is why I had something planned, I reached into my jacket and pulled out a box, handed it to her and asked for her to open it, when she did tears were filling the corners of her eyes before she let out a wet chuckle and whispered, “My necklace”
I cleared my throat, “Turn it around”, she furrowed her brows but followed my instruction, a choked sob left her mouth once she did, because the inscription had changed from To a promise of forever to read, To a promise of forever; cross my heart
She grabbed my cheek and pulled me in for a kiss, we pulled back and pressed our foreheads together before I whispered, “I know it’s not promise ring, but I need you to know, I held onto this until last month when I had to send it to add the new engraving”, she pulled back and sniffled before speaking up “What do you mean?”
I smiled, “Had Lamby add a small pocket in my concert and in normal outfits i always had it in my pocket, I couldn't part with it; like I told you last time, I screwed up, but I’m done thinking about the what ifs, I’m not wasting this second chance and as soon as you let me, I’ll marry you and we will think of when's”
She let out a wet chuckle, “You’re so sure I will say yes that you’re thinking about marriage huh?” I laughed and nodded, before she pulled in for a kiss before whispering against my lips, “Yes”, I pulled back and gave her a small smile, “Yes?”, she nodded before kissing me again, when we pulled back, she kissed my cheeks before saying “Let’s write the story of us”
March 4, 2022
Harry. London, England. 12:30 PM.
The tarmac was buzzing with planes getting ready to leave, Harry, Tommy and Jeff were finishing talking with the stewardess about our flight information; we had agreed that Tommy would fly with us and make sure we got home safe.
The last few days here had been spent visiting family, house hunting and above all enjoying the bliss of being able to tell people we were together again; I will always remember the happiness in Anne’s face when we told her, and Gemma was on her way to celebrating a party.
We had to tell my family and our friends back home through the phone, but the excitement was the same. Yesterday we had spent it packing and crying, Harry would be staying here for the next two or three weeks while I would return home and settle back into our routine. We both weren’t so happy about this but knew it was for the best, and that was enough to keep us both going.
The mood had significantly dampened since we left Harry’s house and made our way to the airport, the private terminal was empty which allowed for us to be a little more at ease. I had just hung up with Anne and Gemma and said goodbye again, Pippa was in her stroller sleeping, when she started stirring up a little, I placed her cover over the stroller, and I swayed it a little hoping to help her settle.
As I was putting my phone away, I saw Harry make his way to us, I gave him a smile and he gave me back a very small one, “Hi mister”, he sat down next to me and kissed my temple, “Hi sweetheart, everything is set”, the knot in my belly tightened, we waited for a few minutes before Jeff came to get us before he stopped in front of us and asked us, “Shall we?”
We both nodded, we stood up and Harry grabbed the stroller’s handle, while Jeff grabbed our bags and I grabbed my backpack, security helped us get to the plane and waited until Harry and Jeff were ready to leave, after storing the bags we wouldn’t need for the flight along with the stroller and car seat, Jeff and Tommy let us know they would confirm some things with the crew.
Jeff hugged me and he caressed Pippa’s head before wishing us a safe flight and walking away with Tommy, when I turned to see Harry my heart broke, he was sitting and cuddling Pippa to his chest while tears clouded his eyes, I kneeled in front of him and squeezed his knees, he closed his eyes and sniffled
“Baby…”, he shook his head before sniffling and speaking up, “I know we agreed to do what’s best for her, but that doesn’t mean I’m not devastated”, I kissed his knee before speaking up, “We always knew this would be hard my love, but we will always make things work okay? you’ll be back with us before you know it”, he nodded and then leaned to kiss her forehead multiple times before whispering to her temple.
“Please don’t grow up too fast Pip, daddy won’t be able to handle it”, Pippa let out a squeak which made us laugh, I hadn’t noticed I was crying until I tasted the salt on my lips, “She won’t, but I promise we will talk every single day yes?”, he nodded and then pulled me into a kiss, “I’ll miss you my love”, I smiled, “I’ll miss you too handsome”
He disembarked the plane but not before sending us a kiss, and once the doors closed and the plane started sliding around the tarmac, I started to breastfeed Pippa while whispering to her, “Everything will be okay baby, it’s just you and me for a while, yes? And then daddy will come home, and we will be very happy together”
Taglist @adoredeanna @alienorknight @be-with-me-so-happily @beachwoodcaferryy @behindmygreyeyes @cherrylovesblog @clarawolf22 @dayxoxodreamer @dirtytissuebox @futuristicpalacegardenpsychic @goldenlouvr @groovychaosavenue @harrysficreblog @harryspirate @hoya122 @imaginesofdreams @i-got-the-cinema @infinitely-yellow @irelilien @itsgabbysblog @itsgigikay @jgoff717 @kathy522 @kaitieskidmore1 @last-saturday-night @michellekstyles @msolbesg @qualitygiantshoepsychic @shawnsblue @spicyscorpsag @sunshinemoonsposts @tinydeskwriter @tinydestinybear @tpwkstyles1d @voosa @watercolorskyy @wherethehellhaveyoubeenharry
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freeuselandonorris · 5 months
for the ask game: 1, 19, 20!
heyyyy thank you for asking! 🫶
what are 3 things you’d say shaped you into who you are?
ooooh bloody hell. let's see. 1. being an only child in a single parent household. it's made me very happy with my own company (sometimes to a fault) and very close with my mum. also probably contributed to why my inner fantasy life is so active lmao 2. having a period of very poor mental health through my teenage years/early 20s. i basically lost the years between 13-23. it's made me very careful about looking after myself now i'm older and it forced me to have to understand myself more. it's also made me more keenly aware of not wasting more time. 3. art school. i went to a fairly prestigious art school in london and it really opened my eyes to class (i'm northern and working class) - it was the first time i'd really come across PROPERLY priveleged people (a close friend was the daughter of a tory mp and i was later a bridesmaid at her wedding at westminster palace lmao, weirdest day of my life) and realised just how much the world was skewed to their success. also made me realise i like making art but i hate the art world and most art people. still wanna write an art school AU one day.
19. favourite thing about the day?
when i'm having a good head period and can manage it, my morning routine is the best. i get up and make my lil coffee (V60 4 lyf) and then sit down and write for an hour - i like writing first thing before my brain is knackered from Life - and listen to lauren laverne's 6music show, then i read for however long i have left before work. sometimes i'll burn incense or a nice candle. for a while i was doing morning pages too although i find them a drain long-term. it's just my time, yknow? i try not to look at my phone or anything.
i'm going to be moving to a partly office-based job again and not being able to do my morning routine on those days is the thing i'm most upset about.
20. favourite things about the night?
i'm the kind of person who has a brain that is constantly chewing on to-do lists and anxiety spiralling about All The Things I Must Do and i like feeling like i am mostly done with the day's tasks by evening (even though i find it hard to stop percolating them or adding more sometimes). recently i've got into the habit of listening to shaun keaveny's daily grind podcast on my headphones while i cook my dinner which is a rly nice way to mark the end of the workday, although i guess that's evening more than night.
i like that the night can be either end of the spectrum - it can be the time for extreme cosiness, feeling safe and protected and sleepy, or it can be the time for excess and sleaze. when all the hidden things come out to play!
from questions i think it would be fun to be asked!
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tayfabe75 · 13 days
Love your blog. Been going down rabbit holes myself. I’m fascinated by the idea they may have met sooner than 2013/14.
Taylor’s first UK concert was August 22 & 23 at V Festival. The headline act was none other than Oasis, a band that Matty has a history of liking and excessively calling out for breaking up, both from Manchester area.
Ironically enough, Calvin Harris also played at that same festival.
So it’s possible he went to the show? I can’t find anything that says Drive Like I Do was playing anywhere that day. But they were starting to play gigs at this time & with Matty’s parents connections, it’s not far fetched he would be close to some of the acts there.
Also Matty does write in The 1975 song Mine the lyrics “looking back on 2009” & with the “Mine” reference on Guilty As Sin? it’s making my head hurt.
Who knows. I’m clowning. But interesting information if you have anything else from this time period.
Thank you so much!! I've been a bit quiet since I'm working on a pinned post that will better help users navigate the blog better, hopefully aiding in falling down more of those rabbit holes!
First and foremost, I personally believe chances are pretty good that Taylor and Matty knew each other before this 2009 festival you mentioned (more on that here). Here are all of my posts from 2009, so you can get a sense of what was going on for them around this time (most notably, Taylor appears on Loose Women and, please read this post thoroughly about when and where she started writing a 13 on her hand!)
As for Drive Like I Do, it's so hard to find information about their early gigs, but they seemed to play small bars around Manchester and occasionally in London. Even if DLID was not playing at the festival, chances are still good that Matty was there, since he has talked about going to music festivals when he was younger.
I'm glad you brought up Oasis! Taylor happens to have a very curious unreleased song from 2006 called Love to Lose. As much of a banger as it is, I don't think there's any chance it could end up as a vault track on Debut TV because of how sonically and lyrically similar it is to Wonderwall by Oasis!
Wonderwall: And backbeat, the word is on the street that the fire in your heart is out Love to Lose: Come on, gather 'round, I'm gonna tell you how the fire went out
Curious to me that she would so heavily base one of her early songs on not just a song from Oasis, but one of the most popular songs of that period? lol Like you said, a Manchester band that Matty once described as the "coolest band in the world". Wonderwall was also featured on her playlist from 2008.
My question is... could this possibly be a "plot device"? 'Love to Lose' would also come to have one of its melodies recycled in a 1989 vault track 'Is It Over Now' (listen here) (IION also uses of of Matty's melodies!) I can't shake the instinct that she uses these "plot devices" to tie songs, themes, and perhaps subjects together. I mean, we're seeing her do this in real time with her surprise song mashups!
While there's no telling whether Taylor meant her 'Mine' or Matty's 'Mine' in 'Guilty as Sin'… the song has a country feel to it, right? Another song with a country feel is 'Roadkill' by The 1975! Interestingly, at about 1:42 in the visualizer, the word "mine" starts floating around the screen! The storyline in the video is also worth analyzing, especially since the song shares lyrical similarities with 'Cruel Summer'.
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Is any of it related? Who knows! But my "tattered" brain is stuffed with strange coincidences and parallels, so now I'm giving it to you to clown around with lol 🤡 As for Taylor's 'Mine', well she played it as a surprise song in Nashville with Matty in attendance, and gave a fascinating speech beforehand! Thanks for the ask! 💛
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mygeekcorner · 10 months
For the book ask
8 13 16 23 25 38 52 53 90 and 135 :)
8 a book you finished in one sitting
It wasn't the first time I read it so if that's how we're counting this isn't the right answer but:
The Horse and His Boy by C.S. Lewis. Growing up my mum would read us Narnia and when I was old enough to read myself it was the first series I devoured so I have a very nostalgic glow about the whole thing. When I was somewhere in my mid-20s my parents asked me to house- and dog-sit for them when they went abroad for a week. Which was all well and good until I got the flu halfway through. I remember going into their library and finding The Horse and His Boy, mums favourite from all seven books, and then just laying in their bed reading it as I waited for my fever to go down, and with a blizzard howling outside the windows. I finished the book before I finished my coughing fits, but it was a very comforting night thanks to all the memories attached to the book.
13 your favorite romance novel
Oh god. So here's the thing, right? Here is The. Thing. I read a lot of books that Have romance in them - are they very good books? Yes. Are they romance novels? No. Do I read romance novels too? Yes. Do I like them as much as Stories? No.
But I guess if I had to pick one I like that has romance as the focus I enjoyed Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen when I read it in school. Even if I was more interested in the family dynamics than the romance. Sorry.
16 a book you’d recommend to your younger self
There are quite a few I think baby Geeky would have liked, but also many of them weren't out when I was the perfectly intended age so I don't know if it disqualifies them?
Silverthorn by Raymond E. Feist was a very good book I got in a gift-exchange with an online friend and I think I would have liked it just as much if I had read it in school as I did in my 20s. And back then I might have had the energy to get my hands on the whole rest of the series and not just one more book rip.
23 a book that is currently on your TBR
We do not speak of my to-be-read pile.
This is How You Lose the Time War by Max Gladstone is the most recent buy to be added to it after I happened upon it earlier this summer. Trigun twitter tells me to go in blind though so I still have no idea what awaits me.
25 a book by your favourite author
Ok so I haven't actually had a favourite author since I was a preteen. Not because there aren't good authors out there, I just haven't been like Dedicated(TM) to reading all of their books like that. But the last time I had a favourite it was Eva Ibbotson because she had so many .. I want to use Finurlig but there's no proper translation for it .. clever in the tingly exciting way that makes you want to poke it? delightfully innocent yet clever stories and I just reveled in them as a child. Especially Not Just a Witch, the one where the two witch besties broke up because they both wore the same hat made of snakes to graduation, but then they came together to defeat the man who was two-timing them for capitalistic reasons.
38 your favourite series
I don't have favourites as such. Anymore. But I always have a blast reading The Parasol Protectorate Series by Gail Carriger, there is just something about a supernatural Victorian London with romance and queer rep that just tickles me. I love watching Alexia have tea with the most flamboyant vampire ever, admiring her werewolf husband´s behind, and hitting evil scientists with her umbrella. All while her ditzy bestie is trying to tell her all about the latest fashion in hats. Who wouldn't love to read about chaos like that?
52 a popular book/series that you love
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins is a brilliant trilogy and we are all correct for saying it.
The themes! The brutality! The way I was bawling on the bus and couldn't stop for hours after finishing Mockingjay? Fucking superb you funky little YA-book.
53 a popular book/series that you hate
Is it cheating to say Twilight here? ^^;
It really wasn't for me, sorry to anyone who hoped differently. I did finish it for research (fanwar) purposes though. That's a week I'll never get back.
90 the longest book you’ve read
So I said when I got this ask before that it was probably Gone with the Wind (418,053 words) or one of the A Song of Ice and Fire books and apparently A Storm of Swords (424,000 words) and A Dance with Dragons (422,000 words) would all look very promising for longest novel I've read. And they were all worth the pages they took.
135 recommend any book you like!
The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman, listen I know none of us tumblrinas actually miss anything that Neil puts out, and this was a big one at that. But it really was so good and scary and inventive and I had a really good time being creeped out by the coins showing up in peoples mouths over night.
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limetimo · 1 year
RAB fics i read 13-1 april
All of You, All of Me (intertwined) by ajom28 celebrity fake dating jegulus muggle au, so far everyone's miserable
the golden king by maladaptivewriting !!!! regulus wakes up 1991, being 11, and pretending to be Sirius' secret lovechild he enrolls school withthe golden trio to protect harry (because he loved james). im loving it
Stars Of A Kind by orphan_account just regulus ruining his parents' dreams and aspirations
Silver Souls (He's the one for me) by Hhenesc im so--- why is everybody so stupid. why. is. everybody. so . stupid. talk to each other ffs. thank god for the lesbians
In a little welsh café in London by Thou_Maternal_Parent single parent remus, developing wolfstar
Certain Definitions of Normal by einsteinapproved for desertredwolf sirius is ftm trans, his friends and brother are helping
It was just a prank by DragonWitchPrincess this is more about sirisu being stupid than anything else
Learn How to Sprint Through a Stumble by sspideyman teen father regulus this is not a drill teen father regulus (he had a one night stand after sirius run away)
Heartbeats by Siriuslymoonyprongs yeah so trans regulus breaks up with james after he gets the dark mark, finds out he's pregnant, and eventually fakes both the child and his own death to protect them. after the war it's safe for them to re-emerge.
Mad Adventure by MightyMight shit gets fucked, hermione is yeeted to 1970s as barty crouch's older sister, and sets on destroying voldy before 1981.
Little One by Siriuslymoonyprongs sirius runs away from home, regulus is accepted by his parents as trans, and oooops he's pregnant with james
the stars of the night sky could never be enough by galaxy_of_pi angst no comfort of regulus dying (except it went from 1/1 to 1/15?? inchresting development)
Run Away With Me by Of_stars_and_moon for WolfstarPups90 reg gets basically adopted by the potters
The Dog and Deer Detective Agency by Artemisia_Black_95 detectives prongs and detective padfoot!
Kill Your Darlings by MesserMoon uni muggle au with hockey, they're t r y i n g okay
glimpses of heaven by lunahunt !!!! <3<3<3
Would You Come Be My Downfall? by WalkOnThroughARedParade regulus and remus pretend todate to get back at sirius. it doesnt stay fake for very long.
Ask away by purplefrogz texting jegulus!
but I cant find the brakes by thirdgleam (leafmeal0ne) james dumbs imself down for his friends to feel better, then studies secretly in the library at night, regulus also frequents the library at am hours.
There's just no gettin' through by neanora sirius finds regulus diary, big sad
Smoke Slow: A Spy!Regulus AU a series <3<3<3<3<3
i see how this ends (poorly) by Quillium !!!!!!!!! <3 my beloved
What We Do Today by Moe64 marauders era reading hp books (as written by trelawney)
Shimmering Beautiful (and when I break it’s in a million pieces) by srslvr13 for padfootsflowers sirius gets self destructive, regulus does damage control
at blue diner (i'll take anything you want to give me) by greenrosey spy regulus meets his ex once a month for info exchange, sad jegulus but like also hopeful somewhat
i'll be home for the summer by greenrosey the night canon-him would run away from home, sirius shoves regulus out of the door and stays at grimmauld. the marauders + reg plot how to get him out
blue and yellow skies by alarainai quidditch rivals to lovers fake dating jegulus
antithesis by rweoutofthewoods very lovely music au! jegulus
Bound By Honour by moonyfest lowercase screaming
5 pm by imagineacoolusername remus regulus friendship :)
no amount of therapy can help by The_wig_is_a_metaphor asudfhaosidufhaoif youtuber harry and tom riddle shenanignas
he'll be selfish, just this once (and many times in future) by vintagenovella iceskating regulus
His Word Is His Bond by FanonStar fem regulus asks james to marry her to avoid worse suitors
toys to be toyed with by aimlesscalamity bored and done with his friends regulus agrees to seduce james and or lily to break up the hogwarts star couple. they both faall for him but oops, he falls for them too
Three wrongs... by mothluvr lily WILL NOT be wooed by Potter like ugh that would be losing (even if he is kinda hot and got his shit together lately..-¨) so what's a girl gonna girl, a girl is gonna fuck the Slytherin seeker of course! accidentally leading to james' bi awakening. im having fun
Everything is Better with Chocolate by DEaTh220467 willy wonka regulus
Burden of Duty by Grey_Kenaz regulus is ace but also wants to hold up his duty and produce a heir with his wife. sirius works at a reproduction clinic. this is like, very heartwarming, for me as ace, it has my stamp of approval. I adore Else, she's so sweet!
I'm Staying Here And I'm Not Lyin' by ItsYlva reg comes out as nonbinary aroace to sirius
Your Love In Any Form by Anonymous aroace reg
We got chemistry, baby? by Sulfus jegulus
anosmia of the heart by bari_astra, bari_astralis jegulus is happy but snape makes them have a misunderstanding
Take you like a drug - I taste you on my tongue by Moonsss regulus likes fucking james behind sirius' back (no infidelity)
I promised myself I'd learn to be the one who leaves by AlistairIsLost regulus and friends run off to be a muggle band. they rock.
A Lost Soul (Found Once More) by INeedMoreSleepLmao regulus would very much like a nap thank you
Amicus Alter Ipse (Complexity) by aureusprongs for alarainai i have no recollection of reading this but im assuming it was good
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Garcia mentioning how flabbergasted her therapist was at all the shit she's been through kind of makes me laugh at now that conversation must have gone.
"So my parents were killed by a drunk driver when I was 18 because they were out looking for me, I got into a relationship with a manipulating hacker that ended up with me getting arrested by the FBI but then I got a job helping catch serial killers and rapists and such, and while working that job my friend Elle was shot, and then she left our team, found out my best friend Derek had been sexually assaulted as a child, my friend Spencer was kidnapped and tortured, had to pick up one of my bosses, Gideon, to get him away from a serial killer who killed Gideon's girlfriend in his own apartment, and he ended up leaving, I was shot by a dirty cop, then that same cop came and tried to finish me off so one of my friends had to shoot him which I felt guilty for, my best friend Derek almost got blown up while driving an ambulance with a bomb in it while on the phone with me, my friends Emily and Spencer were held hostage and almost blown up and killed in a cult, I had to help my friend Spencer learn if his father was a pedophile and murderer, my friend Spencer was poisoned with anthrax and had me record his final message to his mother, but it's fine, he lived, my other boss, Hotch, was stabbed by a serial killer who started threatening to kill his wife and son, he did end up killing the wife and heard her get shot over the phone, one of my best friends JJ was forced to leave our team for a little while, which really sucked, my friend Emily faked her death to escape a serial killer and so I believed she was dead for seven months, and in that the JJ came back which was great but Emily was "dead" so that was NOT great, and then Emily came back and we got the guy who was trying to kill her, a woman who was in a support group I ran was kidnapped by another member of the group who had kidnapped and raped her daughter, so, you know, guilt, my now-ex boyfriend proposed but I wasn't ready so he broke up with me, my friend JJ's husband was almost killed and then Emily left again to go work in London, which is when my friend Alex joined, my friend Spencer got a girlfriend who had a stalker who got shot in front of him and then he went into a depressive spiral for MONTHS, my higher-up boss Erin was stalked and murdered, Hotch had medical complications from when he was stabbed and almost died again, I had to work with my manipulator ex boyfriend hacker to solve a case, my friend JJ was kidnapped and tortured, my friend Spencer was shot in the neck by a dirty cop and I was sitting with him and they tried to come after him so I had to rescue him, then another dirty cop disguised as a doctor tried to come into the room and kill him with medicine he was allergic to and shoot him so I had to shoot the guy, then my friend Alex left, the guy I shot ended up on death row and I felt really guilty about that so I tried to fix it but I couldn't and he asked me to go to his execution because he didn't have anyone so I did, my old boss Gideon was murdered, Hotch was drugged by a serial killer and almost shot other people on my team, my friend Kate's daughter was kidnapped, then she left, I was the target of a group of hitmen/serial killers, my friend Derek was kidnapped and tortured, then once he was safe and better his very pregnant wife was shot and almost died and then HE left and then that destroyed me, Hotch was framed by a serial killer and arrested by SWAT agents in front of his son, and then there was a massive prison break where 13 serial killers got loose, then a new guy came into our team, Luke, who I pretended to hate for years because I actually liked him but was terrified of getting hurt, the serial killer who drugged and framed Hotch started stalking him and his son so they went into WITSEC, but then Emily came back and became our boss, my friend Spencer got arrested in Mexico and falsely accused of possession with intent to distribute and murder, and he was in prison for months and I was the one who found out he was being hurt in there, and then I was part of a car chase to apprehend a killer who was using cars as his weapons,"
"are we close to the end?"
"almost. But then Spencer got out of prison but his mom was kidnapped so we had to save her, and then while following up on a lead on a serial killer that had been terrorizing us for years at this point, everyone on the team was in a car crash, Emily was kidnapped and my friend Stephen was killed and I found his body, then we worked a case that caused my PTSD from getting shot to act up, then our team got temporarily broken up, then I went to the parole hearing for the man who killed my parents, and I forgave him and he was granted parole which ruined my relationship with my brothers for a while, then Spencer and I were kidnapped by the same cult that held him hostage years ago, and I started to be really hard on myself, but then my friends helped me and I got close to my brother again, a friend of Luke's was murdered and Luke went after him and almost lost his job because of it, my friend Dave was attacked by a serial killer, JJ and Spencer were kidnapped, but they're fine, the serial killer who attacked Dave became a problem for us for over a year and his daughter shot JJ, a girl I know had a stalker and I ended up leading that case which was hard since I had an internet stalk of my own, my friends Matt, Luke, and Tara got attacked, Matt and Luke were kidnapped, a bunch of my friends were considering leaving, Spencer was too close to an explosion and got a brain bleed and I was the one who found him, fortunately he's fine, we got the serial killer who we had been chasing for a year, and then I decided to leave the team because I couldn't take it anymore. [This next part is not canon yet but highly likely.] Then Luke and I stayed for a bit but it still took too much of an emotional toll on me being that close to the job, so we broke up."
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shadowqueen402 · 1 year
Prim And Proper Origins: Part 18
Part 11 is here:
Part 12 is here:
Part 13 is here:
Part 14 is here:
Part 15 is here:
Part 16 is here:
Part 17 is here:
Vladimir glared at the pile of letters that sat at his end table of his apartment. They were all from his parents and had been piling up for a long time. But he refused to write back to them. Especially after they refused to believe his warning about Primrose's behavior and threatened to send him to military.
With a huff, Vladimir stormed over to the pile of letters and grabbed them with such speed. Then, he harshly threw them into the garbage can. Seeing those letters did nothing but constantly remind him of the one person that got him sent here: Primrose.
He lost all sibling love for her the moment she tried to frame him years ago. He couldn't even think about her without being filled with disgust and contempt. He no longer cared about what went on in her life. Just as long as she stayed out of his.
The last letter that he read from his parents back when he was in London had stated that Primrose had fallen in love with a man named Roy. Vladimir did not know who this Roy was, but if given the chance, he would warn him about his sister's nature. Frankly, he didn't want to know about what else his sister was doing.
But he had no time to be worrying about this. Right now, he had bigger things to worry about. Such as attending military school. If he graduated, he'll be able to get in the military and become pretty successful.
Vladimir grabbed his keys and made his way to the door of his apartment. "This is what you made me…" He said to himself, referring to his family.
Mr. Gaillot was at the psychologist's office with Dr. Murray. He was currently speaking with him, regarding Primrose's behavior. "My son warned me about this," He said. "But my wife is in complete denial that something is wrong with our daughter. Is it true that Primrose has ASPD?"
"I'm afraid it is true, Mr. Gaillot," Dr. Murray said. "Your maid contacted me the other day and explained the behavior that Primrose possessed. After analyzing the traits, it was quite clear that Primrose is mentally ill."
"How bad is it, Doctor?" Mr. Gaillot asked, growing rather concerned.
"Considering what the nurse has told me, it was rather really bad." Dr. Murray frowned. "To the point that if nothing is done to make sure that Primrose receives the help she needs, she could end up in an asylum where she will have to stay until her behavior is in check."
"So, what can be done?" Mr. Gaillot asked. "I want to protect my wife and I want my daughter to realize that she needs help."
"Well, there are three options on what can be done," Dr. Murray said. "The first option is to get therapy for Primrose regularly. As for the second option, well, I must know: has Primrose ever been to a camp?"
"No, she has not," Mr. Gaillot said.
"Fortunately, there is a camp located in Ireland." Dr. Murray pulled out a brochure for Camp Daybreak. He showed it to Mr. Gaillot. "This camp is specifically designed for troubled peers like Primrose. She will not only be able to participate in activities that can relieve her symptoms, but she will be able to make friends with those that have similar behavioral issues like her."
"Sounds…interesting." Mr. Gaillot took the brochure into his hands. "And what happens if Primrose refuses to accept therapy or camp?"
"We would be left with no other option than to put her Edinburgh, Asylum," Dr. Murray said.
Mr. Gaillot closed his eyes. For a while, he remained silent as he thought over the three options that Dr. Murray suggested. This was really tough as he had no idea how Primrose was going to react.
After a while, he finally spoke. "I have made my decision, Doctor."
I don't own Madame Prim or her family.
Roy belongs to me.
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waugh-bao · 1 year
8, 10, 13, and 17? :)
8. How did you discover your favorite band?
My parents are in the right age range (boomers) to be Stones fans, but, for various reasons, aren’t, so I didn’t really ‘discover’ them until I was in university. (I’m also not much of a rock person, the Stones and Cream are pretty much the only rock bands I listen to. 95% of my music is early modern/classical, jazz, and, to a lesser extent, blues). But I went to LSE, where Mick Jagger is a big deal (basically the only creative alumnus we have), and that pushed me to give them a try. It took a little while, but, especially during lockdown in London, I eventually got quite into them. Especially when I discovered that Charlie was a jazz drummer and Keith was a history nerd.
10. What’s your favorite album by your favorite band?
Of the ‘classic’ Stones albums, it’s neck and neck between Sticky Fingers and Exile on Main St. For the later albums, which get so much less love, Voodoo Lounge. Which actually has some exceptionally good outtakes floating around in various places.
13. Post your favorite group picture of your favorite band.
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17. What’s your least favorite band?
Rush. It’s not that I have a particular musical objection to them, although I’ll admit I’ve tried the music and it doesn’t do anything for me. My issue with them is the fans, or, really, a specific segment of the fans. There’s a certain kind of boomer to middle aged prog rock man who believes that he’s the arbiter of all musical judgement, despite likely having the taste diversity and formal musical training of a potato. They show up, with this white collar job, disappointed suburban dad who annoys all the neighbors with his shitty weekend garage band practice energy, and proclaim (when no one asked) that no one could ever be a superior musician to Neil Peart. Like music is a competition for who is ‘best’ even past a level when everyone can understand you’re dealing with professionals who all play at a basic level of excellence.
I’ve seen these people show up under Dave Brubeck videos on YouTube and start arguing that Joe Morello (!!!) is nowhere near the technician that Peart is, or that Charlie Watts is a profound, lucky mediocrity in comparison to his greatness. It’s part, I think, of this mentality that more cymbals/equipment + speed or volume = more talent. Which is patently false. Some people just desperately need to take a breath and go listen to a Roy Haynes album, and learn that less can be more.
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auxiliarydetective · 2 years
Sweet & Spicy Bingo - Vicky/Newkirk: domesticity
Zoe stood at the stove, slowly stirring a small pot of punch. The smell filled the air and it was nice and warm near the flame. Everything was still rationed and so this was just a tiny bit of luxury. She felt her mind trailing off to wartime, like it had a habit of doing. She remembered the evenings she had spent in Barracks 2, the card games, the friendly banter and LeBeau’s cooking. Truth be told, sometimes she missed Stalag 13. Sometimes? Oftentimes, actually. Not for the place itself, but for the people. She kept in contact with her American, French and even German friends through letters, but it was far from the same, far from being in the same room.
Suddenly, she felt a set of hands on her waist and a kiss on her neck not a second later. She giggled quietly and brushed her fingers along those familiar hands, eventually intertwining them.
“After almost a decade, you still manage to sneak up on me without me noticing anything. Sneaky little thief…”
“Little, right… I’m eight inches taller than you.”
She turned around and gave Peter a proper kiss on the lips.
“How was the show?”, she asked as she turned back to her pot and filled the punch into two large mugs.
Meanwhile, Peter took off his coat. “Lovely”, he said. “Everythin’ went really well. The new assistant’s really great - Margaret’s ‘er name, a really charmin’ lady - but not as wonderful as you, darlin’.”
“I would hope so”, Zoe said with a content smile. “Who knows, maybe you’ve grown tired of me after all these years.”
“No, no, never”, Peter reassured her.
When she turned around, he was dangling a silver necklace from his hand, bearing that same smirk he had had safecracking and stealing back in Germany. With a sigh and a smile, Zoe put down the mugs on the table. Peter put the necklace around her neck, gently running his fingers across her skin as he did.
“You’ve got to stop stealing, Peter”, she said calmly. “I know you never will, I just figured it was my duty to remind you every once in a while. I know for a fact you taught William how to pickpocket and surely you will do the same for Bonnie once she’s old enough. It’s in your blood and you’ll pass it on to the next generations, no matter what I say, won’t you?”
“It’s in my nature to steal, you know that”, Peter replied. “Keeps things interesting. Speakin’ of interesting, I might not be ge’in’ bored, but I think you are. You’re tired of being Mrs Newkirk.”
“I chose to be”, Zoe said, letting Peter take her into his arms. “Our children deserve good parents that won’t leave them alone like your father did. That’s what you said when you found out I was pregnant. That’s why you didn’t go with the circus after all. You decided to stay and so did I.”
“But you miss being free to do whatever you like”, Peter concluded. “You miss being Vicky, a woman that could go where she liked and do whatever she wanted. There was nobody there to control you.”
“None of that was real, Peter.”
“It was real. If it wasn’t real, ‘ow did you an’ I meet? You’ve set your boundaries now, but that means you can also move them. Go out, ‘ave fun, do something that doesn’t ‘ave to do with our kids. They’re old enough.”
“Bonnie is five.”
“So? I was-”
“Your childhood should not be the norm, Peter Newkirk.”
“I know, love, I know”, Peter said, quickly placing a kiss on Zoe’s nose. “But you know what I mean, right?”
“I know. I love you, do you know that?”
“I don’t know if I know, can you remind me again?”
Zoe scoffed, but then she started showering him with kisses. Truth be told, she loved spoiling him, even if she was obliged to complain about it first. That was how it always had been and how she wished it would always be in the future. Really, she didn’t want her husband to stop stealing. She didn’t even mind him teaching it to their children. Because that was the Corporal Peter Newkirk she had met during her mission. Now, both of them were no longer in the army and both of them had returned to London, but some things would never change.
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moreventsthanamongus · 4 months
big time vent
The first memory I have of my body is when I was 8. In year 4 we were learning about the different states, solid liquid gas. Miss Nolan handed around a bag of cholate buttons and asked us all to take one, hold it in your hand or place it on your tongue, and see what happens she said. I’ll hold mind in my hand I thought, then my classmates will know I’m not fat because I’m greedy, I just happen to look that way. No one else held theirs, I walk to the bathroom alone to wash my hands.
When I’m 10 I walk to school alone. I’ve only just started to be interested in boys, and I’m even more aware of how I look. I know I'm bigger than the other kids my age. A group of men in a car stop for me at the zebra crossing. They tell me I'll grow into my body soon. They tell me to give them a call. I'm only 10 I think, can't they see my school uniform? I'll never know their names.
When I'm 13 I have a friend named Luce. She's pretty and skinny. She's a vegetarian, so I become one, maybe I can be skinny too. She's anorexic, so I imitate it, maybe I can be skinny too. I starve myself when people can see, and I go home and eat. I develop binge eating disorder. My weight doesn't change. I'll never forget her name.
When I'm 14, we spend out time at sleepovers on Omegle. It's what everyone did. You laugh when old men flash you and ask how old you are. Something doesn't feel right, but everyone's doing it. I'll never know their names.
When I'm 15, I use Tagged. Everyone around me is in a relationship, and I think my chances are better online. I speak to all sorts of men from different ages. I'm not being groomed I think. I know what grooming is. These men are just kind to me when they talk about my body. A 21 year old man named Nick plans for me to visit him. I'll never forget his name.
When I'm 16, I loose my virginity to Jake. It wasn't special, or mind blowing. But I loved him, and it was intimate. I still remember small details, how we went to London and the science museum, my red lipstick, his blue camo coat, how we raced my parents home so we would have a free house. I consented, and he checked. I'll never forget his name.
When I'm 16, I start college. I meet Quaid. He tells me I'm pretty. He convinces me to send him photos of myself, I think he likes me. He shares the photos with his friends. I don't know the names of the men who have seen my breasts now. I cry because I'm a slut, I've only had sex with one man. I'll never forget his name.
When I'm 16, I date Julien. I think he loves me. He rapes me. It's not rape I tell myself, he thinks my no's are playing. Like when he tickles me. He leaves me and gets with another woman, and starts telling everyone about my saggy tits. I don't bother explaining gravity. I go to the youth centre in town, and the man tells me that it's hard to prove rape if he was my boyfriend. I steal ibuprofen from my nan, and swallow them. I get scared and call 999 for myself, dying is scary. I survive. I'll never forget his name.
When I'm 17, me and Ryan break up. I still have to stay at his house, as we made plans. He's drunk and he starts to touch me. I don't want him to, so I say no. I sleep on the floor that night. I know how to say no, and he respected it. He ends up cheating on me and getting chlamydia, I'll never forget his name.
When I'm 18, I start university. I haven't experience night life before this, except drinking in a field with friends. One night my friends go home early, they leave me with someone, I can't remember who. Another man wants to take me home, no-one checks what I want. I remember trying to stop him. I remember waking up and he was gone. I remember the comments from my flatmates about the good night I just had. I don't know if anything happened, what proof do I have if I don't even know what he looks like. I'll never know his name.
When I'm 18, My binge eating disorder gets worse. I plan it days ahead. I still do not know that I have an eating disorder. One cheat day won't hurt I tell myself.
When I'm 26, My boyfriend of 3 years sexually assaults me. I don't know that yet. I wake up from a nap with Liam. One of his hands were down my pants, and the other down his. He notices I wake up and he stops. Maybe he thought I was awake, I tell myself. He breaks up with me 6 months later, that was the last time he touched me. Maybe if I stayed asleep he would still love me I tell myself. Maybe if I let him he would still love me. It's not assault if he's my boyfriend right. It's not rape if he didn't use his penis. I bring it up the last time we speak, he doesn't remember it happening. Maybe I'm just making it up. I'll never forget his name.
When I'm 26, I am the most suicidal I've ever felt. I plan my suicide using tools from amazon. I stop working, I binge nearly every day. My boss buys me 6 hours of therapy. I start to realise that I was sexually assaulted. I was asleep, I could not consent. I did not consent. I realise that I have an eating disorder, and that every time I do it, I've been self harming. I continue therapy from my own wallet, until the desire to kill myself subsides.
My name is Ally and I'm 26 years old, and I start to wonder when I lost ownership of my own body. Was it when I was 8 and decided that my peers opinion of my body mattered more than mine? Was it when I was first catcalled or flashed. Was it when images of me were shared without my consent, or when sexual acts were taken from me without consent. Did I get ownership back when I said no, and proved I could say no, only to loose it again to the next man to take it?
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