#i will give it to them that looks so fun
violetsandshrikes · 1 year
Lavender and Poppy are two badger sisters who are enjoying a piñata-styled bag full of crickets (these two are at Northwest Trek Wildlife park and are not pets!)
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saradiation · 2 months
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Hey it's that time of the year again :D
HAPPY 413! 🎂
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umblrspectrum · 2 months
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you'll never guess which movie i finally watched after 2 years of being lazy
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mizgnomer · 6 months
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The gymnastics of playing ball Doctor Who style Behind the Scenes of The Giggle with David Tennant as the fourteenth Doctor
Bonus: Ncuti's impressive one-handed cartwheel:
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eugeniedanglars · 1 year
the way i see it, colin has three options for handling the repercussions of kissing michael on the pitch in front of everyone:
gatekeep: by some miracle no one caught the kiss on camera so colin's sexuality is kept between him and any fans who happened to be on the pitch near him. the safest option.
girlboss: keeley gets the pr challenge of a lifetime handling the story of the first active premier league player to come out as gay. rebecca is tall and powerful and intimidating in the press room making it clear that richmond stands behind colin one thousand percent. the most realistic option.
gaslight: straight-up blatantly lying. not because he's ashamed or because he thinks he can actually convince anyone that the kiss didn't happen, but just because he refuses to let it be a big deal. acts like he has no idea what anyone is talking about if asked anything related to his sexuality. he doesn't claim to be straight, mind you, he just pretends to be extremely confused about why they're asking because he never kissed anyone in the middle of a football pitch at the end of an internationally-televised game? when presented with photo and video proof of the kiss he says that was some other richmond player named hughes who wears a number 12 jersey. you don't know him, he goes to another school. the funniest option.
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francy-sketches · 1 month
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sorry I got posessed by the wattpad demon I'm normal now (lying)
+alt version that didnt fit the #aesthetic but it better represents my #vision of them ^_^ hashtag couplegoals
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suntails · 9 months
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the weight of family and the pull of gravity
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wildflowercryptid · 3 months
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i haven't drawn any kieflo stuff in awhile so here's so doodles inspired by me realizing how long florian's hair would be when it isn't styled into the chunky twists i usually draw him with.
[ transcription for the comics below the cut bc my handwriting can be hard to read rip ] ⤵
FLORIAN : Oh, Kieran! You're already here? FLORIAN : Sorry, I guess I should've mentioned it was a wash day. It's gonna take me a little longer to get ready. ( You can wait in my room if you want. ) KIERAN : Dazokie... ( W-Wowzers. ) FLORIAN : Huh?
FLORIAN : I've still got a few things to do with my hair, but you can sit wherever or have a look around if you like! KIERAN : T-thanks. ( Pardon the intrusion. ) KIERAN, thinking : Ugh, I really hope he didn't notice how red my face is. Florian walks into the bathroom's door frame with a loud WHAM! KIERAN, thinking : Actually, I think I'm in the clear... ( Guess he isn't wearing his contacts. ) KIERAN : You okay? FLORIAN, off-screen : Y-yeah...
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chrisrin · 11 months
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after reading @sixteenth-days's very lovely new fic chapter (go read here!) i just HAD to do a take on a flower husbands fusion design!
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fivepibbles · 11 months
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iterator siblings!
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surreal-duck · 9 days
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master artist and his number one fan
guy who is being so normal about the new additions to their profiles. i think abt midoris initial infatuation with his art slowly developing into appreciating yuzuru himself as a person and idol to the point he worries about how he sees him (ex: a bit of home party and in workplace survival rules) sometimes thats a lie i think about it a lot. and yuzuru learning to enjoy art just for the sake of drawing!! seeing the lets try diy story where he doesnt even refute drawing on midoris desk and was only worried that his doodles might cover up the mascot design compared to how discouraged he usually would be in earlier ! stories. everything to me i adore their dynamic if that wasnt obvious by *gestures to basically everything*
and happy pride month 🏳‍🌈
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canisalbus · 5 months
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 7 months
I love how you draw Xie Lian fucking jacked lmao
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He's built like a trucker. To Me.
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toddtakefive · 11 days
one of my favorite things about dps is the completely irrelevant background conversations/comments you’re probably not meant to hear but are still just barely audible? like the two guys in the study room arguing over their turns on the dart board, or the guys laughing under their breath and making ridiculing remarks when knox reads out his poem for chris, or the people in the opening scenes you can hear finding their friends and saying hi. it literally doesn’t matter at all, but it makes it feel so much realer and like you’ve really just been dropped into the setting with todd on the first day.
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chalkrub · 1 month
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return of mendel
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novelconcepts · 27 days
The more the show progresses, the more I want to see the 90s cast infiltrating the modern timeline. We've gotten hints of it with Shauna and her younger self, her Jackie hauntings. We've gotten a little more with adult Lottie seeing teenage Nat (and Laura Lee), and with Natalie getting teenage Lottie in her final moments. I want more. I want the teen cast to be absolutely invasive on pivotal adult moments, infecting their adult counterparts when least expected. I want Taissa's argument with Van to dissolve into their teenage selves, their bond endless and timeless and inescapable. I want Misty absolutely wrecked by young Natalie lurking around corners, watching from mirrors. I want to see these women unable to navigate adulthood without the specters of their teenage selves cropping up absolutely everywhere, more and more as they let the memories in, as they stop being able to repress the trauma. They didn't grow up. They never could. You are always doomed to regress around your high school teammates. You are haunted by the phantom elements of your misspent youth. It is a comfort, and it is a gift, and it is a trial, and it is a curse. I would love to see that reflected with greater intensity, until the lines blur, until the timelines have no choice but to intersect. They haven't escaped themselves at all. They didn't grow up. They just got older.
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