#i will need therapy after this show
damnitiloveyou · 6 months
This part of an interview that Max Gao did with Ron Nyswaner and Robbie Rogers (https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna122481) perfectly sums up my feelings towards 80s Hawk and the complexities of Hawk/Tim's relationship by the time we see them in 1986:
“In the ’80s, you see a side of Hawk that is much softer, and even if it’s a look or him going to San Francisco to see Tim, you’re like, ‘Oh, there is something more here that he’s not showing us.’ It takes Hawk much longer to express and to see how much he loves Tim,” Rogers previewed. “I think early on you get a sense of that, because we’re not just with him in the ’50s where Hawk is much harder. But when you see old Hawk, it’s impossible not to feel for him as well.”
Although there are moments in the series when Tim could have cut Hawk loose for making self-serving decisions that put an intentional strain on their relationship, Rogers said he doesn’t think of Tim as someone who should be pitied for how his life has turned out with or without Hawk.
“We all behave differently, and we all protect ourselves in different ways,” Rogers said. “Tim is much more expressive, and he would maybe even more so than Hawk believe that he deserves love. Although I wanted to protect him, I never felt any pity for him, because their love story is complicated — and I think the best ones are.”
Yes! That is perfect!! Hawk is complicated and messy and infuriating. No one is arguing that but I don't understand how some people refuse to acknowledge his pain or why he is the way he is. Tim and Lucy are not the only victims and rather people like it or not (some of you look away) they're not victims of Hawk. They are all victims of the era they were born into. Hawk and Tim were not allowed to openly be who they truly were. Lucy grew up being told she had to be a wife and mother. Marry a respectable man with a respectable job, who also has the approval of her father. She was then instructed to just close her eyes to the uglier parts of her marriage. None of them had a chance. The really sad part is that by the time society was in a place where they could have made, at least some, different choices, Tim was the only one who did. He lived a life as true to himself as he could. Sadly for Hawk and Lucy making those choices would have come at a higher cost. Neither one was willing to do that, and I don't fault them for staying where it was comfortable and familiar.
I do believe Lucy was in love with Hawk at one time, I do not believe she's in love with him anymore, and I don't think she has been for a long time. I think she only knows this one way of life, which Hawk represents, and the idea of not having it scares her, as it would anyone. Hawk has never been in love with her. He loves her in his own way but he has never been in love with her. He can't love her like that. It's not who he is. He is in love with Tim and Lucy has known this since the 50's. You can make the argument that Hawk robbed her of a chance at a life with a man who could have loved her like that, and that's a fair argument to make. It's why I genuinely don't understand the group of people who want the two of them to run off to Milan together in the last episode. That's a fraudulent life and they have been living that life long enough. They both need out.
I really liked the comment about not pitying Tim. I don't pity him for spending his life being in love with Hawk. I pity that he's dying and at this point in our history no one in a position to help gave a shit that he was dying. I wonder if we will see Hawk have this realization as well. The man he loves is dying and he can't do anything to help him but there are people who could and those people just didn't care. I keep waiting for his snap moment and I feel like it will happen in the last episode.
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tutterypuff · 9 months
tbh though if you look at the older episodes, Betty was always like absolutely 100% fully and irrevocably unhinged, and her going insane was barely a departure from the status quo at all
like this woman is and always was nuts, and I think it's for everyone's benefit that they're both equally obsessed with each other, because that means nobody else ever has to get involved with their fucked up dynamic
I think it's less that she put her life on hold for Simon's benefit, but that she's a scary lady who knows exactly what she wants, and what she wants is a relationship with a nice autistic guy who's really into femdom
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pendragonsclotpole · 3 months
hi i just started watching that 911 show in the background while working thinking it would be a basic cop show/procedural drama i could play for white noise to boost my productivity like i did with all six seasons of SWAT (shout out to shemar moore’s overly passionate pecs and BECAUSE SWAT IS FAMILY speeches and that one ryan and shane cameo for getting me through my job onboarding months ago) and avoid the attention issues i get with british legal and cop dramas (shout out to the current loml rupert penry jones on silk and whitechapel, his roles as clive reader and di chandler are iconic)
and like yes. 911 is exactly that. so cringey. so feel warm-y and trite in the worst ways possible, filled with random monologues, oddly paced and placed one-liners, random quote intros that desperately try to replicate the word bangers of criminal minds, unnecessary flashbacks interspersed in the worst episode arcs ever and completely destroying the suspense, and with the weirdest combination of over-acting and under-acting in the entire fucking world that i have ever seen, and some entire scenes i just cannot stand to watch but do anyway because of how unrealistic and ridiculous they are but oh my god when this show hits its high points, it hits them
i need angela bassett’s athena grant to come and railroad my life. i want her to point her finger in my face and threaten to cuff me to my bed like she did that boyfriend in that season one episode (and yes THAT HAPPENED THANK GOD THE BUCK CENTRIC SEXY SCENES DID NOT LAST AS LONG AS SOME OTHER SHOWS COUGH SWAT COUGH BUT WHY NO MORE ATHENA?) you my friends have not lived until you’ve seen her on the other end of a huge tv screen raising her eyebrow and acting like she’s about to beat you up with nothing more than her commanding tone.
and also like all the other fucking characters.
i watched this show hoping to have inane drama and dialogue watching over me while i send emails and plan. i did not watch this show to bite my nails over maddie buckley’s psycho ex husband storyline, nor to swoon over the romance between to her and chimney (howard han i would die for you, your bg episode was so sad but so beautiful and if you had died i wouldve been so sad, yours were the flashbacks that won me over), nor to fangirl over ROBERT FUCKING NASH AND HIS GUILT COMPLEX (I LOVE YOU BOBBY), or to have my heart grow three sizes with the fucking tsunami episode
like you guys, i was on the edge of my seat, eating my dinner and actually wondering if they were about to kill off christopher diaz and break my heart and buck’s heart and ruin everything and like they didnt but now evan buckley’s character growth is such an inspiration and i just dont want him to fuck it up by trying to go back to work early and ahhhhhhhhhhh this was supposed to be a casual watch but now im writing this so im gonna have to find something else or worse go back to watching silk or whitechapel in the bg and be enraptured by rupert
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dairyfreenugget · 12 days
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(Alt text under read more)
I think "one or more of them is in danger or almost fucking dies, in the process discovering their child's impurity, and then after a lot of emotional turmoil they just pass the fuck out the second they're safe and calm again thanks to the awful, exhausting day they've had" is a scenario I write weirdly often for this messy as hell family
Anyway. Family cuddles. My babygirl is exhausted and deserves to be held for once
ID start: A black and white doodle of the Pale King, White Lady, and Pure Vessel from Hollow Knight as humans. The three of them are covered in bruises and scratches. They're sleeping in a pile of blankets with the Pure Vessel tucked in between their parents, with only their face showing. The Pale King is hugging them with both sets of his arms, his face buried in their hair, while the White Lady lays beside them with her arm drapped over the both of them and roots coiling around them. End ID.
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blonde-and-cat-suc · 5 months
Catra being anxious and having panic attacks over the bad things she did is actually counter productive to any hypothetical scenario where she is self reflecting and/or receiving constructive criticism.
Her potentially having crippling anxiety over being an asshole in the past PREVENTS and/or DELAYS any changes she might potentially make.
Making this character spiral over moral dilemmas does not inherently mean she’s actively working to change her ways. Her being afraid of facing her badness does not make her good; it simply means she has anxieties toward constructive criticism/dialogue.
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stealingyourbones · 5 hours
recently watched a handful of episodes of Supernatural and im kinda impressed with Dean's steadfast belief that all monsters are monsters and can't be redeemed.
With that in mind... there could be some VERY angsty Danny Phantom crossovers with that as the main premise
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saltyb0ba · 6 months
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"you always beat the level before me, but i had fun anyways!"
AU/prediction for S5. MK goes beserk in his kaiju form and mei shows him a drawing he made of him and mei back in S1 MK runs to mei to knock her out but he stops just a few feet in front of her when he sees what she's holding.
more AU since i don't think this will happen but there's always a chance!
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omg-gojo · 23 days
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"You're not Shinki... you're Metal!"
"That would be correct. I'm sorry"
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leverage-ot3 · 22 days
sorry to keep personal posting but my day fucking SUCKED and ended with me dropping one of my brand new earrings from a set that I just finished cleaning down the drain, took the sink apart and still couldn’t find it 🙃
if y’all feel like asking a leverage/misc question for thoughts or headcanons I’d love to answer them in the morning! or even if you just want to say something about your day- I just like hearing from you guys 💖
#or ask me abt my lockwood & co hyperfixation/chat w me about the show#and how I have been egged on my a moot to pursue my cot3 hunger games au (I have never finished a longfic)#(was bored at lunch break and wrote a portion of the berry scene 👀)#boss still owes me more than 2.5k and has been gaslighting me and continues to emotionally manipulate me and my coworkers#and cause serious shit that triggers clients in a THERAPY CLINIC#and has started second guessing my work by asking other employees if my input is ‘accurate’#which caused a flare up in my skin picking AND latent SI#ugh sorry for rambling yall I just need to write this out yk#I need a fucking sugar mommy or something 😭😭😭 I need to get out of this mentally/financially abusive job#not leverage#ask me things#jackie talks#about me#mine#this is the worst place I’ve worked which doesn’t necessarily say too much because I haven’t had many jobs#but one of my former bosses was a [redacted school shooting] denier when we were literally 20 min away from where it happened#which still boils my blood to this day LIKE WDYM YOU THIBK THE GOVERNMENT PAID OFF PARENTS AS A PART OF A CONSPIRACY TO INFLUENCE GUNCONTROL#she would tell a new hire ‘J doesn’t like conspiracy theories’#NO [redacted] I CAN DISCUSS THEM FOR FUN IN CONVERSATIONS BUT URS IS FUCKING RIDICULOUS#EAT A DICK#hmmm I wonder if I still have anger about that lol#ANYWAYS I finally got my intake after waiting 8mo for the clinic I needed to get in and will be starting therapy in a few weeks#🫡🫡🫡
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f4llingstrr · 2 months
currently watching supernatural for the first time, im in season 7 and bro... bobby's episode... "they are my boys. they grew up great. they're heroes" "saved the best for last" what the fuck man. literally what. they. they have no one left. NO ONE. campbell, cass, now bobby WHAT THE HELL
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jout--jout · 1 year
deanna heard imogen had an absent mom and said "hold my yarns"
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Raimondi is deeply growing on me its not even funny anymore
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He's so underrated bro I love him sm
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He and Caramba are such cool character like their designs and their personalities are so fun and their duo is also what is so cool about them like they went from wanting to beat eachothers ass to becoming best friends in a span of idk 20 minutes?
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yourfaveiskenough · 7 months
bob velseb, spooky month
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Bob Velseb from Spooky Month is Kenough!
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sparrowmoth · 1 year
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➼ Shadow and Bone (S2E6) + Crooked Kingdom, Chapter 16
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seagreenstardust · 5 months
Listen for all intents and purposes Izuku doesn’t have a dad and All Might stepping in and filling that role for him is so important to me, especially telling Izuku he’s proud of him. I think MHA is my favorite subversion of the Your Mentor Must Die trope because Toshinori decides he has to live because Izuku needs him and then he just does it. Like a boss. This is how you show up for a child!!!
And on the flip side Mitsuki Bakugo repeatedly hitting her son in front of his teachers?!! I don’t know how I never noticed that before but yeesh. I figured there was some verbal and emotional abuse from that scene but apparently I was never fully watching because yeah, she full-on hits her kid :/ and his dad just sits there and let’s it happen??!?
I am having FEELINGS about bkdk parents today I guess
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solradguy · 8 months
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New GG books came in!! The guide books are dry as hell, absolutely nothing new or interesting in either of them. They need to be skinned before I can scan them so they're backburner projects for now. The Famitsu issue's pretty interesting, I'll scan that when I can
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