#i will never apologize for being a reylo
the-heartlines · 2 months
ok I sent an ask in a little while ago and I also saw your recent post and I can't remember if I referred to the events that were revealed as fandom drama, I'm sorry if I did, that was insensitive of me...as a POC I was really hurt to see one of the main perpetrators being racist, especially because I'd actually opened up to her about deeply personal things thinking she was a nice person....and after seeing how she spoke and the things she said, I'm really just heartbroken to see it. She made me feel like her blog and her as a person were a safe space, and I stepped out of my bounds of comfort to open up, only to deeply regret it afterwards, when it was revealed the truth of her character.
I'm sorry if my earlier ask might've been offensive or insensitive, you're right, it's more than just drama, it's unforgivable behaviour. I just sent the earlier ask to show appreciation for your blog as not being a space like that. <3<3
oh god no, no! don't apologize!!!! PLEASE!!! my post wasn't in regards to you or responding to that. it is drama but to just boil it down to fandom drama— i'm 1000% pointing fingers at the perpetrators who just reduce it down that and think everyone will forgive them for allowing it to happen or being complicit in it! saying sorry publicly and making a broad statement isn't enough will never be enough, because the damage is DONE and you're sorry you got caught, not trying to truly make amends, atoning for past mistakes.
also, it was just a thought i have had all day because i saw the racism kelly marie tran and BIPOC reylos dealt with first hand after the last jedi came out. then bethany antonia's post about the racism she's dealing with.
and you, as POC, should never ever apologize to me! PLEASE i am a white cis woman in her 30s...and i am sorry you had to see that shit in a place you're suppose to find a fun outlet in, build fandom friendships in! no one should have to be subjected to such nastiness, but alas, this is fandom and racists will find a way and infiltrate spaces and be their nasty selves. i'm just glad they are being revealed.
again, this was no way shape or form in regards to the last anon you sent me, just a rant and something i felt i should speak up about because i feel if i had a responsibility to! ♥️♥️♥️
and i will try my best to continue to do in the future.
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techorgana · 11 months
thanks for the tag @idontgetanysleep this is so much fun (english is not my first lenguage so i apologize for any mistakes i make)
1. ride or die ship (your otp): kanera, they're healthy AND tragic what else would u want
2. most annoying ship: reylo, rexsoka, obikin, anakin + ahsoka and clone + clone, i just can't
3. second favourite ship: chopper + crime they're so <3 (i'm kidding it's obitine cause i like the banter)
4. favourite platonic relationship: i'm obssessed with the found family trope so every family/sibling relationship, especially the ghost crew, the domino twins and the bad batch INCLUDING crosshair (also asajj and obi wan but in a funny way cause the amount of time they flirt is ridiculous)
5. underrated ship: bail x breha they love each other sm and raised their girl SO WELL
6. overrated ship: i can't say
7. one thing i would change in canon: padmé and satine not being mentioned in the newest shows, when they were so important and did so much for their people
8. something canon did right: the entirety of rebels, it's so well done it's perfect
9. a thing i'm proud of creating for the fandom PLEASE BRAG ABOUT YOURSELF I WANT TO SEE/READ YOUR ART: i can't draw to save my live and i'm bad at designing, i have many ideas to write but i lack inspiraton, but i'm always happy to read and reblog everything i see cause people here are talented
10. a character who is perfect to me (wouldn't change a thing): every clone, ahsoka, plo koon, satine and everyone in the ghost crew
11. the character i relate to the most and why: hera, four reasons: i like to advocate and fight for the things i belive in, i always end up adopting my friends, i'm also working on some issues with my father even tho i'm exactly like him and the most important one i would (i already have) fall completly in love with kanan (i wouldn't be so cool about it but that's why hera is perfect and i'm not)
12. character(-s) i hate the most and why: i viscerally hate palpatine, krell, governor pryce, the troopers that punched grogu and the zygerrians and hutts (they are slavers and i hate them)
13. something i've learned from the fandom: NEVER pay attention to the haters, it'll only make you miserable cause they already are
14. three tags i seek out on ao3: i don’t use ao3 like that, normally i find fics here or twitter and then click the link
15. a song i strongly associate with my op/favourite character: i don't have a favorite character but the one i'm currently obssessed with is Ezra and the song is Vienna by Billy Joel (mainly bc i like to imagine hera singing the song to him)
tags: @r-2-peepoo @purplezombietumbler @starwarsbean @kyber-kat @plan-of-dissent
it's ok if you don't participate :)
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"The Nine Lives of Kylo"
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~ A Reylo Holiday Textfic ~
CW // Villain Alert (more scheming than in the original)
CW // Fake Dating (more than in the original)
I hope you enjoy!!
Ben feels confident leaving the cafe. Sure, he was wrong about the milk, but now that he knows his mistake, everything will be fine from here, right?
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After the shopping trip...
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Not everyone is happy to hear about Kylo.
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Rey’s facing her own complicated problems with her foster brother.
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Rey doesn’t want to date until after graduation. She wants a decent job before any relationship.
But Finn never listens to her on this. She needs a different reply or she’ll spend the whole party with a stranger.
If only she had a boyfriend.
A horrible idea enters her mind.
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Rey racks her brain for something that doesn’t sound made-up.
Charlie? Clyde? Flip?
What name would Finn believe?
And why does the man from the cafe keep entering her head? It’s not like he can help her now. She doesn’t even know his name, but maybe…
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Another text notification gives Rey an escape. She doesn’t even look to see who sent it. She just tells Finn she has to go.
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It’s sad to think about Brown Eyes giving up Kylo, but Rey knows a person can’t be forced into being a pet owner if they don’t want to be—or at least she can’t expect things to go well in those situations.
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Rey fights back tears at his sweetness. She tries to keep herself together on her reply.
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The next day...
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Rey doesn’t want this. She just wanted an excuse for Finn’s party, where she plans to say Brown Eyes is a fireman and couldn’t attend because he had to cover a shift.
Maybe she’s borrowing too much from the real Brown Eyes, but it’s believable.
But what can she tell Rose now?
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Finn and Rose don’t know any firefighters so what’s the harm? Rey can’t mention his name, and there has to be more than one brown-eyed fireman in town.
And she’ll see the real Brown Eyes this morning. She can warn him about Finn and Rose and beg for his help with this lie.
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When Rey arrives at Maz’s, Rose is sitting at one of the tables outside.
Worry fills her, and her tone becomes a bit more accusing than she intends. “What are you doing here?”
Rose smirks at her. “I’m just getting coffee, but what are you doing here?”
Through the cafe window, Rey can see Brown Eyes sitting inside, looking at his phone.
“It looks like you have your coffee,” Rey comments. “Do you want to walk to class early?” 
Rey can send an apology text to Brown Eyes later. She doesn’t want to deal with Rose and this dating lie right now.
But her friend must notice her discomfort. “I figured this would be the place you’d meet Brown Eyes. Maz’s is your favorite. But don’t worry—I don’t expect you to introduce me to him right now. I just want to see you happy. Please?”
Rey releases a frustrated sigh, as she realizes Rose intends to stay and watch her interaction with Brown Eyes. “Fine, but you’ll stay out here, right?”
“Will do!” Rose replies happily.
Rey walks into the cafe, her stomach in knots as she approaches the fireman. A glance back at the window reveals Rose is watching her.
“Hey,” Brown Eyes says with a smile, rising from his seat.
“Hey,” she answers, and she can hear the lack of enthusiasm in her voice. 
The brightness in those brown eyes fades, replaced with worry. “What’s wrong?” he asks.
“This is going to sound stupid,” she says, drawing nearer to him as she tries to find the courage to explain the situation. “But would you kiss me? There’s someone outside—”
She doesn’t have a chance to describe her lie—how she’s made her brother and her best friend believe she’s dating this man.
Instead, there’s a hand on her cheek and another around her waist before she can say anything. Then warm, soft lips are on hers.
The kiss is better than any she’s felt before, and Rey melts into it. She loses herself in the sensation until his lips pull away, but he keeps his forehead pressed against hers.
“If someone’s following you, I can deal with them,” Brown Eyes whispers. 
“What?” Rey asks in confusion.
“I can go outside and talk to them or I know people at the police station—”
“No,” Rey interrupts, realizing the mistake. “It isn’t a stalker outside—it’s a friend of mine.”
His brows furrow. “I don’t understand.”
“And I’m doing a poor job of explaining,” Rey says, speaking quickly. “I told my brother and my friend I was seeing someone so they’d stop trying to set me up with people.”
“And you told them you were dating me?” he asks.
“I know it was stupid, but you have no idea how tenacious they can be,” she says, still unable to slow her words. “I had no intention of actually pulling you into this. I was just trying to come up with something to call my made-up boyfriend and I thought of you—and Kylo—so I just told them Brown Eyes.”
His grin returns. “It’s okay,” he interrupts, his voice soothing. 
“How is it okay? I’ve never done anything this foolish in my life and now I’m making an innocent bystander kiss me in public.”
“Well, I do owe you for helping me with Kylo. One kiss in public doesn’t seem like a bad way to repay you—if that works for you?”
The tension in her body slowly eases, and Rey takes a deep breath. “You have to be one of the nicest men I know.” She turns slightly and sees Rose is gone from the window. “My friend’s gone. I think we’re safe now.”
“Right,” he says, pulling his hands away from her.
Rey tells herself she doesn’t miss the contact, as they walk to the line in front of the counter.
And then her guilt returns as she remembers his girlfriend.
“I’m a terrible person,” she says, loud enough for him to hear.
“You have a girlfriend, and I just kissed you.”
“Technically I think I kissed you, and it was just to help you out of a tough situation,” he replies. “It’s not like you were trying to seduce me.”
An awkward chuckle escapes her lips. “Of course I wasn’t.”
“Do you mind me asking a question though?”
“No—ask away.”
“Why the fake boyfriend? Are the set-ups that bad?”
“Some of them are, but really it’s just because I don’t want to date.”
“Oh,” he replies in a way that makes Rey feel a need to explain.
“I’m trying to finish school and become an actual vet. I want all that settled before I bother dating again.”
“I can understand. I’m not really a romance or true-love kind of guy myself.”
“It’s not like that,” Rey clarifies. “I believe in love—if you can find the right person. I just need to focus on my career right now. I’ll have time for love later.”
“And what happens if you find ‘the one’ before you’re ready?”
“You can’t find what you’re not looking for.”
“If you’d grown up with my mother or my grandmother, you would’ve heard you should never stop looking,” he replies. “You should be looking while you’re trying for all A’s, while you’re trying to do well in your job, while you’re trying to have some kind of life.”
“Sounds like a lot of pressure.”
“And it never stops—or at least the love part didn’t until I told them I was never getting married.”
“How did they take that?”
“Did you mean it? That you’re never getting married?”
“I was the only child in my family for my generation. My parents only had me, and my uncle never had kids. Everyone had expectations, and I knew I couldn’t live up to all of them, so something had to give.”
His words sound sad until Rey realizes she’s told her loved ones nearly the exact same thing. 
“Does your girlfriend know your stance on marriage?” she asks.
“Yeah, and she feels the same way. No need for strings tying us down.”
“Oh,” Rey replies. “I guess that explains why you don’t want Kylo.”
“It’s funny. At first I thought he’d be trouble, causing messes and interrupting my life, but it hasn’t been like that,” he says. “Now there’s a part of me that’s tempted to keep him.”
“But you said your girlfriend hates cats.”
“And that’s why I’m still looking for a new place for him—but I’m going to take my time with that. I may not keep him, but I want him to have a good home.”
“I’m sure we’ll find someone,” she adds before they arrive at the counter.
Once they have their coffees, Brown Eyes asks, “Do you have a minute? I can understand if you have to go, but if you have a second—”
“I do,” she answers. “I haven’t even given you that present to help with a sneaky cat.”
They settle at a table, and Rey rifles through her bag. Finally, her hand closes around the thin box.
“The store where I work is having a sale on these for the holidays.”
The box is green and covered in red paw prints, and it looks strangely small as Rey passes it to Brown Eyes’ hand. A telling jingle sounds as he shakes it, and another grin appears on his face.
“It’s a bell?” he asks.
“Not just any bell,” she corrects. “It’s our special sleigh bell collar.”
He opens the box to reveal the holiday-themed collar. “You think Kylo will agree to wear this?”
“Of course! The bells will give you warning so you won’t step on his tail—that’s to his advantage.”
“I was thinking he might complain more about the giant bow than the bells.”
Now it’s Rey’s turn to grin. “If he does, I’ll have no choice but to get him the matching reindeer antlers.”
“Okay,” he says, raising a hand in defeat. “I’ll let him know your threat and maybe he’ll cooperate. Now you’re sure you don’t mind more questions?”
“It’s the least I can do after…well, earlier, but do you mind if I ask you one first?”
“Go right ahead.”
“I can’t keep calling you Brown Eyes.”
“My name’s Ben Solo,” he answers. “And should I call you something other than Rey the Vet on my phone? Is Rey short for something?”
“No, it’s just Rey—but Rey the Vet is acceptable. So what are your latest questions?”
Ben pulls out his phone, and opens up a list. “There’s a range of them from disgusting to probably dumb and in no particular order. My friends even contributed a few.”
“So long as they aren’t from your friend Poe, we should be fine,” Rey asks before taking a sip of her coffee.
“He only had one,” Ben replies. “Is it normal for Ben to find cat videos funnier now?”
Rey nearly spits out her coffee from laughter.
No one answers the door, so Baz borrows the spare key from under a planter on the front porch.
She likes to borrow things, and if Ben’s just going to leave them lying around, why shouldn’t she take them?
Baz enjoys Ben. He’s easy on the eyes, but he also never notices when things go missing. He always has too many projects going on in the house he’s renovating or he’s too busy with work.
It’s made her visits here quite rewarding.
A hiss from behind her makes Baz freeze. She turns to see the annoying vermin in the hallway.
“Shoo,” she says waving her hand dismissively.
But the cat ignores her command, and the hiss turns into a growl.
Baz sidesteps into the living room, which fortunately has a door she can slam in the cat’s face.
Sadly, this is one of the rooms she knows Ben uses. He might miss something from here, but that doesn’t mean she can’t have a look. 
There are cans of boring white paint along one wall and obvious signs of cat hair in Ben’s chair. The man needs to get rid of that pest—or else she’ll have to get rid of it. 
A ping from a tablet distracts her. She looks down to the device and sees a “Thank you!!” from ‘Rey the Vet.’
Ben never locks his tablet, so Baz opens the message. She sees a series of texts between Ben and this woman—mostly about the cat—and Ben’s latest texts include pictures of the animal. Scrolling back further, there’s texts that suggest Ben likes talking to Rey.
Perhaps Baz needs to get rid of more than just the cat.
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On the topic of EoT’s suspension and whether or not that’s a self ask anon, it’s very much likely bc I’ve never really seen any of LO’s fans use her exact name calls for anything or think they’re being creative by coming up with a clever insult for something she doesn’t like, or copy her exact phrasing word for word, not that I’ve really paid much attention to that anyway, however….I was once a LO fan, and my ex as far as I know, most likely still is. Even when we were still together, they sometimes threw around specific terms LO uses when talking about stuff ie “white favoritism” in terms of writing characters, shipping and character lineup, “Poe faced” about a mobile game we played together coming out with a new season at the time and their ‘concern’? over it being unnecessarily ‘edgy’, “gay reylo” about catradora, and “nazi/fascism/abuse apologist” about making their main villain oc irredeemable and making sure not to write them like rebecca sugar would,etc and i hate to say it but they’re a pretty good example of a sheep and not even just when it comes to Lilian. I think what started to have me go down this rabbit hole of how problematic and awful LO really is, is how I kept getting this vibe/fear of accidentally offending her, if I were to interact with her, basically walking on eggshells, which is not good, and brings me back to my own past traumas with toxic abusive assholes I’ve dealt with. If anything I still kind of enjoy MO’s art and videos, but I’ll have to watch in a way that doesn’t go straight to LO’s pocket.
And I kind of have the feeling LO’s influence may have also contributed to even my friendship ending with my ex too, bc even when we broke up as a couple, we were still okay with being friends, and even while I thought things were fine between us after awhile, apparently things weren’t on their end bc they pulled away from me completely over how similar our coming outs were; they told me after reflecting on it, they noticed this pattern of similarities between them and their timings, basically accusing me of copying them and tacking on their labels just so they could notice me? I’m sorry but don’t flatter yourself. Because that is farrrrrrrr from the truth and it literally took me over 6 yrs to come to terms with being gay, going back n forth on whether I was actually bi or lesbian, and even with my pronouns, I am comfortable with going by she/they, and even with those I still contemplated over for awhile bc I always had this fear of ‘faking’, so I made sure to take my time in figuring these things out, regardless whom I was interested in, not letting anyone define me and they knew that. While they said I never did anything objectively wrong, it’s like they just picked apart any “questionable” thing about me and used it as a reason to drop me when she/they were never like that at allllll, more so the opposite, and seeing them act this way felt like such a betrayal because I never saw it coming from someone I considered one of my best friends, we literally started dating on our 7th friendship anniversary the year before. We almost made it to a year and despite their hectic work schedule, I knew they still did their best and I was nothing but understanding and supportive and loved them no matter what…I just..feel like it could have been handled so much better and that we could have come to some sort of understanding. I made it clear that I wanted to hold myself accountable for any flaws and mistakes I may have made throughout our relationship and apologizing for my timings coming off a certain way that offended them…taking responsibility for myself, my actions, any misunderstandings, open to having a civil conversation, call things out and clear up any confusion, but they just weren’t here for it and I don’t think it would have mattered what I had or hadn’t explained at that point, not if they were just going to pick it apart in a black and white/all or nothing way like a certain youtuber they sheep over. Shortly after Christmas, I found they had me blocked/removed on everything… Also they didn’t know I was getting those walking on eggshell vibes from LO either, I never told them, mostly bc they seemed to be defensive of her and I was still trying to figure out my feelings on that, not knowing if it was intuition or just me being paranoid. I’m so sorry if this is all over the place, but I also recall seeing an ask here about friendships falling apart bc of LO’s influence and I felt I may as well work that in and vent a little. If LO encourages questioning the validity of someone’s labels and cutting them off over it, that is truly fucked up, considering she said that if someone identifies a certain way, you don’t question it unless you want your teeth knocked out, yet she also misgenders those she doesn’t like… those inconsistencies alone, among many, are a red flag.
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uh, no need to get so defensive. ive just never seen a ship positivity month like. anywhere. normally it's just a week and just normal shipping. so positivity month is. huh
Ah, okay. Apologies for the defensiveness. For a LONG-ASS time, Entrapdak-shippers were on the defensive because other people in the Spop fandom were big on telling us we were bad people for shipping the ship - that we were "colonizer apologists" or "abuse apologists" or were into thinking that poor widdle Entrapta was being corrupted by big meanie Hordak (instead of, you know, the other way around! Or you know, mutual mad scientist ship). Or just because it was M/F in She-Ra's Lesbian-World-for-Lesibans-Only (or apparently so - a lot of people on the outside think it's cishet, when most actual shippers see it as bi, demi-ace spectrum or Hordak as generally very trans-coded). But... for a while, there was a great nonsensical war between the Catradora shippers and the Entrapdak shippers, even though the ships have nothing to do with each other and many people enjoy both. Also, EVERYONE was insane in 2020-2021 for the non-fandom Big Obvious Reason. It was kind of like the Reylo situation with Star Wars (from what I guess viewing from afar as only being a casual movie-watcher and not being in that fandom). The "How dare you ship the cute lady with "ugly" big bad?" and, understandably, there was backlash and Entrapdakers, in general, became an incredibly defensive species. I'm not active in the fandom anymore, and it looks like I *still* have that bit of defensiveness. And I'm sorry. It's a very ingrained knee-jerk reaction. (I've been called an "abuse apologist" and accused of defending abusers in real life by people who know nothing about me based on this dumb cartoon ship). Spop is full of fandom-trauma.
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faustocosgrove · 2 years
a wind named something i forget
oh experimental japanesse anime films, how i do love thee. i love your humans with somewhat realistic body proportions, your detailed mecha and other high tech drawn on 2d animation cells, and i love your philosophical conundrums. this film also comes with the whipped cream and a cherry on top of being 80 minutes of anprim hate. it also features some of the the most highly detailed and least sexy nipples i’ve ever seen in anime.
it’s almost as if someone read my mind to know exactly what kind of movie was gonna tickle my fancy this evening, made it, went back in time 32 years to publish it …then pulled the rug out from under my feet with a sex scene between a 15 year old and an alien. i skipped that scene, so apologies if my review is missing some extra important thing Sophia said while fucking.
to breeze (ba dun tss) through a summary you can also find on wikipedia or IMBD, A Wind Named Amnesia is about a post apocalyptic world where a strange wind blew over the entire planet and gave everybody amnesia. our main character is Wataru, a kid who’s re educated from the ground up by another kid whose memory was intact from a secret government memory experiment that gave him a computer for a brain. fortunately, the film chooses to have Wataru as the MC and not the implant kid because that proves for the rest of film that any other amnesiac can be reeducated. on his way Wataru meet Sophia, the barefoot babe who drops more hints at having magic powers that are not commented on than i’m used to seeing. i mean come on Wataru’s whole schtick is that he likes to learn, at least have him ask why she can fly and have her blow him off.
the duo go on to fight religion, the police state, and the concept of safety when achieved through submission of self. the arc where they fight the concept of safety was giving me huge Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind vibes. which if you haven’t read the manga you SHOULD it’s such a great manga.
we then learn that Sophia is an alien, and her people created the amnesia wind. she has become convinced through her experiences with Wataru that humanity deserves to have their memory back, then they fuck, then she goes off to try to convince the aliens to restore human memory and Wataru goes off to try to educate more people. it’s kind of a fart of an ending, but no matter what happens next it’s looking up from where things are now. again the ambiguous ending is giving me Nausicaa vibes. plus it has a wind wiping everyones memory and wind like nausicaa of the valley of the wind.
y’know the last movie i watched that referenced nausicaa was that piss poor official star wars fanfiction that spawned the infamous reylo fandom. star wars rouge one wasn’t it? that movie was like getting slapped in the face. this one… it’s fine. i’m not pissed off by the nausicaa references. it’s kind of refreshing that it’s nausicaa flavored without being a carbon copy or fucking it up. i feel like an actual brain virus or like, infecting the technology with a program that would delete the memories of people who get near technology would have been a better way to go. would make it less silly than the wind removed memories. honestly without wind in the title and as the magical reason people lost their memories i would probably be gushing about the similarities and differences between the nausicaa scene and this scene. oddly enough there’s another movie called “Memories” that has this as one of it’s storylines, is this just some reflection of what was going on in Japan in the 80s? yeesh, well add Japan in the 1980s to my list of spots to never time travel to. …y’know it’s also the final arc in Naruto too. scratch that, let’s just make that Japan at any time, i’ll just enjoy the anime from afar.
also have i mentioned the anprim hate? well, if you’re blessed to not know anything about anprims, i apologize for the cursed knowledge i’m about to bestow upon you. an anprim (which is short for anarcho primitivist) is someone who believes that everything humanity has done since the discovery of fire is sinful and a mistake and that climate change is going to kill billions of people and those of us left alive after the collapse had better not use any technology at all because that’s what got the human race into this mess. and once billions of people die and the randomly selected chosen ones are living in a way prescribed by them as pure and correct the earth shall be cleansed. and don’t tell any of them that they sound like fascists or catholics, they’ll just feign ignorance at you in an attempt to make you loose hope in humanity’s ability to learn and grow, thus making you one step closer to becoming one of them.
anyway this movie argues that if humanity is reverted to its primitive state tomorrow like the anprims want that you’ll get death and misery and the two MCs spend the entire film wading through the hell that such a prescribed future would bring.
in spite of my humorous review it should be noted that the film doesn’t have a lick of comic relief in it. it’s a good damn movie anyway, so long as you ignore the teenager in a sex scene and the alien’s stupid reason for removing humanity’s memories. but hey, if it had been flawless I would have heard of it before now.
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clonehub · 3 years
Hi I’m terribly sorry because you probably get a looooot of asks like this- but can I ask what’s wrong with reylo? Genuine question, no hate whatsoever, I’ve just seen a lot of people be very against it but I’ve never actually seen someone explain why.
I actually don't get this question very often akjsdflaks but here's my take on why reylo sucks, from the perspective of a Black person:
reylo was started by white women who love stories of white women redeeming and loving and sexing back into goodness villainous white men. doesn't matter that that villainous white man has a propensity for abuse of multiple varieties or that he's the leader of a neo-fascist government that kidnaps and enslave children. rey (a lot of white women project onto her) exists solely for the benefit of the white man, Kylo Ren.
(btw i always side eye people who call him Ben because it's clear that they think he's been redeemed--I wonder how you can be redeemed without ever once apologizing to the people you've hurt, especially when you've actively been trying to kill them up until the point of sudden redemption. but i digress).
Reylo is an incredibly white thing. Finnrey was set up to be the main romance of the trilogy--seriously just watch TFA and you'll know what I'm talking about. Reylos saw Finn and started accusing him of a whole host of things that actually apply to kylo ren: violent, possessive, aggressive, infantilizing, and patronizing and dismissive and disloyal to rey. Kylo Ren enslaved Finn, forced his way into Rey's mind, slammed her and Finn into a tree, killed countless innocents, nearly killed Finn, yet finn is the one who's bad for Rey, and Kylo Ren is supposedly her soulmate.
(Reylos and Rian Johnson clearly have issues with respecting Black characters, so it's no wonder that Finn ended up being treated the way he did in TLJ)
Vast majority of reylos are white women. They'll try to tell you otherwise, but it's a fact that it's a space that is overwhelmingly White Woman. Reylo as a ship sprung into existence from white women's inability to project any romantic feelings onto a Black man. Reylo as a ship exists because white women love rehabilitation projects--the murderous, violent, abusive, and emotionally unstable man just needs a woman's touch. You'll notice that this especially happens if they're coded as being racist (which the FO is--it's an entirely human organization and just look at the aesthetic of them lmao. who do they remind you of?)
A Black man and a white woman is an unviable romantic option. A white woman with Kylo Ren is viable--and then they reduce all of Rey's traits down to "virginal young woman here to save kylo ren from himself" (with the help of both Rian Johnson and JJ Abrams).
(notice how reylos continually insisted that Finn wasn't important and laughed and celebrated when he was fully sidelined in TROS)
Quite simply reylos are collectively racist <3 "But not all--" being a reylo is a huge red flag the same way empire apologists are a huge fucking red flag. remember that reylos harassed the shit out of JB and cant separate Daisy Ridley and Adam Driver from their characters.
I havent met a single one that wasn't antiBlack. Not one. Those reylos spreading outright lies about what JB said or did, or what Finn said or did, were antiBlack.
I know this is about the shippers more than the ship itself, but the ship (in my view) is an expression of already latent views in the star wars fandom and in like 99% of white dominant spaces anyways. reylo is code for "fascist violence is forgivable". Reylo is code for "i dont like Black people".
And the kicker is that this doesn't even thoroughly cover the abuse or misogyny entrenched in the ship, just the racism. But the shippers and writers and directors said "no, we don't want an interracial couple, we want Kylo Ren and Rey instead" and that's what we got.
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writingwife-83 · 3 years
Reylo prompt! "Chivalry is not dead." :)
Here you go, my friend! This goes out to both you and darthsydious…because of reasons we both know. 😂 Also posted on AO3!
One of the first times Ben noticed her, she was balancing a coffee, three books, and a laptop in her arms. And quite frankly, she was doing it badly. He’d seen her around campus before, a few times since he’d transferred here, and she always seemed to be running late and somewhat disorganized.
The precarious situation this young woman and her things seemed to be in drove Ben to hurry over to her across the campus lawn as she made her way to the front door of the building.
“Hey, can I help you with that?”
The young woman whirled around, glaring at him almost instantly. “No, thank you. I’m fine.”
Ben lifted his hands in a gesture of retreat. “Just offering to help, that’s all.”
She made a little huff. “Yeah, sure.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“No such thing as just helping,” she shot back, prompting him to follow along as she continued to walk. “I know better than to fall for that.”
Ben shook his head, laughing a little. “You don’t think much of people, do you? Ever heard of, ‘chivalry is not dead?’”
“It is from what I’ve seen,” she bit back, adjusting the books in her arms as they neared the door.
With an exaggerated flourish of his hand, Ben opened the door before she could, allowing her entry. They locked eyes for just a moment and he might have forgotten to breathe.
“Thanks,” she mumbled quietly, and hurried through the doorway.
“I’m Ben,” he called after her.
She glanced back only briefly, calling out as she continued walking, “Thanks, Ben!”
“Nice to meet you too,” Ben muttered to himself.
The next time Ben saw her, he was in the library. He couldn’t watching in amusement as she walked along the rows of books, piling up a truly stupid amount in her arms.
It wasn’t long before a couple of the books started to topple from her grasp. Just as they fell to the floor with a thud and she cursed under her breath, Ben rushed to pick them up and hand them over.
She looked up suspiciously as she took them. “So what are you? Some kind of stalker or something?”
He scrunched up his face in confusion. “Because I happen to be in the library at the same time as you? I mean, c’mon, am I really that scary?”
“You’re enormous!”
Ben’s eyes widened in surprise and amusement as her entire face flushed a hot pink. She shifted nervously, clearing her throat and hugging the books tighter to her chest.
“You know what I mean. A woman can’t be too careful.”
“That’s true,” he agreed, knowing very well that she was right. In the space of a breath, he decided that he didn’t want to push it. Who knows what this woman had seen in her life. The last thing he wanted was to make her uncomfortable. “Well…have a good night then.”
He turned and walked away, only hoping that if there was a next time, he’d actually get to learn her name.
The third encounter was at the cafe across from the campus. Ben stopped in one afternoon and realized, to his surprise, that this was where she worked. He hoped he wasn’t about to make her assume that he was indeed the stalker she’d accused him of being.
Ben took his place in line, waiting behind the man who was already putting in an order.
“And remember,” the man said. “I need those coffees extra hot.”
“Yep, no problem, sir,” she replied politely. “I’ve got it written right here on the cups.”
The man let out a little chuckle. “Good girl.”
Ben had never seen red so fast in his life. He stepped up to the counter so he was in the man’s line of vision. “I’m sorry, what did you just call her?”
The man sneered at him. “Who are you?”
“Doesn’t matter,” Ben snapped, undeterred. “Did you really just say, ‘good girl’ to her? You know who I say that to? My dog…because she’s a dog.”
“Yeah yeah, relax, hot shot,” the man said, shaking his head. “Can I just pay and get outa here?”
“I wish you would,” Ben practically growled.
“12.50,” the woman said quickly, her gaze darting to Ben as the human piece of garbage paid and walked to the other end of the counter with a huff to get his coffees and food.
“Large Americana, please,” Ben ordered, giving her a tight smile. “Sorry about that.”
“Why are you apologizing? He was the jerk.”
“Yeah, but maybe I shoulda just kept my mouth shut.”
She shrugged. “No, that’s ok. I appreciate it.”
They exchanged a brief glance as Ben handed over his money and thanked her. He picked up his coffee, glad to see the other guy was already long gone. Probably better if he didn’t knock another customer’s teeth in, he thought as he walked outside.
“My name is Rey.”
Ben turned, surprised at the sight of her standing outside along with him.
She gave him a shy smile. “Sorry I didn’t really introduce myself before now.”
He tried not to grin like too much of an idiot. “It’s ok. Good to meet you, Rey.”
“Yeah, you too. Ben, right?”
He nodded. “Right.”
“Well, I hope I see you around again, Ben,” she added on her way back in, a breathtaking glimmer in her eyes. “Oh, and I’d say you’ve definitely convinced me.”
“Convinced you of what?”
Rey gave him a playful smile. “That chivalry isn’t dead.”
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awesome-bamon · 3 years
Reylos got caught up in their social media/online bubbles to the point where they mistook their fandom online fandom vocalness for their power and ability to be able to shape and control the decisions Hollywood and the overall film industry made in the future. As they seem to think that the industry would  create a special place where they wouldn’t do anything to upset the Reylo fandom or that they would seek the approval of Reylos before they moved forward with certain decisions such as casting actors for future roles, movies and projects.
As being in their fandom bubbles on social media gave them the false impression that they had more impact and more influence over studios and the industry than what they really had, they suggested using their influence to get together and conspire to flood sites like Rotten Tomatoes with bad reviews on any post TROs film, movie on project John Boyega would be in.  And wanted to be able to spam John Boyega’s movies with bad reviews in their attempt to have his career cancelled out of spite due to him telling a joke about a fictional shape having sex and instead of backing down or apologizing like some others have done when they got the Reylo fandom upset. He stood up for himself against the constant harassment their fandom was giving him.
So they really overestimated their fandom’s influence and thought that they could use their dogpiling antics to make Hollywood and the industry disregard John as an actor or never hire him again. Or hoped that the industry would refuse to hire him on behalf of the upset Reylo fandom. Or they just were projecting their dislike and obsessive hate of John onto everyone else and figured the industry would be share the mentality of the Reylo fandom and would view John in the same light that they do, so therefore John wouldn’t be able to have a career after Star Wars, since they kept pushing the notion that he either wouldn’t have a career or would be blacklisted after Star Wars.
I always knew how Reylos overestimated the influence and the power that their fandom had. Still it gives me validation to see John winning a Golden Globe after all of the Reylo fandom’s trash talk about how his career was over or how he would need to apologize to the Reylo fandom if he wanted any chance to save his career.
He stood up for himself and didn’t back down no matter how much the Reylo fandom tried to harass and pressure him to do so.  And won a Golden Globe, so their wishes and attempt to have him blacklisted from his career have failed.
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sepedarodatiga · 3 years
Symbolic marriage in the story only serve to disappoints, why would they give us that
I’m just going to put it out there, I ship jonsa and reylo. Even though there are people who ships both just like me, I think there aren’t very many. Most people, if they ship one, don’t ship the other and even leaning towards a different ship. So I apologize in advance if this post found the wrong people. I will try to tag appropriately.
I have recently came across a hero archetype defined by Lord Raglan, an anthropologist who studies folklore. This simple discovery has led me to a revelation on why this is the two stories that I am invested in, because they are essentially the same story, following the hero archetype that Lord Raglan had defined. Here is how Jon Snow fits into the archetype and here is how Kylo Ren fits into the archetype.
And the ship.. well the shipping part occurs because of the tension built by the story between the two characters with their respective love interest. That is also why I got involved shipping two ships that are... controversial? problematic?... I mean, yes exactly, the tension is what making it interesting. Jon and Sansa are siblings but secretly they are cousins who can marry? OH MY GOD. Kylo and Rey are attracted to each other but they are on opposite sides? OH YES, gimme.
Anyway, following Raglan’s archetype, the two protagonists (Kylo Ren is a villain protagonist), would have married their love interest, before they become King (or Supreme Leader). And (shippers had found) that it DID happen in the story, BUT ONLY SYMBOLICALLY.
I mean, yeah, thanks very much for giving the tension relieve symbolically. No wonder non-shippers totally missed that and accused shippers as delusional. And moreover, we are STILL waiting for the actual relieve. We are STILL waiting for an ending and resolve that NEVER CAME because the story just move forward with its trajectories and leave us shippers behind.
I felt like now I owe an explanation on what I mean with symbolic marriage. In Raglan’s archetype, the protagonist “marries a princess, often daughter of predecessors” before they becomes King. I will break it down one by one starting with reylo.
Rey is not a princess, but she an equivalent of a princess in this story, being the main female protagonist and a jedi knight. Kylo’s “kingship” is being the Supreme Leader that he took from Snoke, and Rey is also not Snoke’s daughter, but she is Luke Skywalker’s apprentice, another patriarchal figure in Kylo’s story. Maybe I’m pushing it a little, but I do think it still fits. You are of course free to think otherwise.
I have read meta from reylo shippers that the hand touch scene during the force bond seems to emulate Hindu marriage rituals where the bride and groom will clasp their hands around a sacred fire and say their vows. Kylo and Rey did this. Their hand touches near the fire and they say their vows: you are not alone/neither are you.
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What follows after this they slay Snoke together (so actually the sequence is a bit messed up, but not by a lot) and then Kylo becomes “King”. And of course after that the story moved on to which he lost favour of his followers and driven away followed by death. So the marriage, the slaying of the beast and the ascension to the throne was the story’s climax, there was no happy ending to look forward to, only a tragic ending. And the marriage, which is the culmination of the story, was only done symbolically. I don’t know why they think that will ever going to satisfy viewers?
Now on to jonsa.
Jon’s kingdom is the North; he has become the King in the North in the story, and therefore the princess, daughter of predecessor, is a Northern princess. Sansa Stark fits into this as the daughter of Ned Stark whom Jon met before he is hailed as King in the North. And just like reylo, their marriage only happened symbolically.
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Jonsa shippers had noticed that Sansa was given Jon’s cloak after her arrival at Castle Black when they were eating their soup by the fire reminiscing about the past and asking forgiveness. In Westeros, a wedding ceremony would involve the groom covering the bride in his cloak. And then after they were talking about the past, they drank ale from the same cup which is a common wedding ritual practice from around the world, including from Scotland where The North in Westeros is sort of based upon (cmiiw). Followed after that is their vow for the future: “where will you go/where will we go”, and “if I don’t watch over you father’s ghost will come back and murder me”, effectively taking over Sansa’s protection from his father. In return, Sansa gave Jon a cloak just like the one Ned Stark used to wear, as a form of blessing for Jon to become Ned’s successor.
And then they continue slaying the wild beast Ramsay and Jon becomes the King in the North, with Sansa by his side.
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Then the story move on with Jon reigning uneventfully for a time and then he decided to make alliance with Daenerys and so on to his tragic ending. Jonsa shippers weren’t given an actual romantic relationship between them, only in the subtext.
At least reylos was finally given a confirmation in the last minute, but jonsas are being kept in the delulu land, while the books are not out yet which gave us only another source of frustration. But for both, the UST stays unresolved, because the marriage is only symbolic.
So I just want to say....I don’t know, thank you for the double disappointment I guess? I do hope other people had it better than I did.
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crypticpatterns · 3 years
The Darkness Without You - A Post-TROS Comic - Part Two
part one
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read on ao3
please reblog if you enjoyed! I'm a tiny blog and could really use the support 🥰
I really need to work on drawing eyes...
I apologize for the long wait between updates. My life has been pretty chaotic lately with school, work, and my other writing projects. But I love drawing this "fix-it" of sorts, so I promise I'll get the next update out as quickly as I'm able.
Enjoy the Reylo Banter™ while you can, because things are about to get...well...dark. You'll see what I mean in the next update... This is the closest we get to things being Okay for a long time.
So, for the commentary. The world Rey entered IS the World Between Worlds, but it's a small corner of it that's been infected by Ben's subconscious because he's been trapped there for so long. He's sort of created or projected a whole world for himself. A paradise of mountains and fields of flowers--but the irony is, he's never seen it himself. Instead, he's voluntarily trapped himself in the cave Rey finds him in, unaware anything else even exists. It's a kind of metaphor for his current mindset about redemption and living a new life--it's right there, waiting for him, but he's too trapped in his self-loathing and hatred to acknowledge it, let alone think he deserves a second chance.
Anyway. I'm hoping that once I'm done with this comic I'll draw a sequel from Ben's perspective, and we'll get to learn more about where he's at right now in that.
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nimbostrxtus · 3 years
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I finally reached my 100 followers milestone!!! (101 by the time of this post) so I wanted to celebrate this achievement by sending all of you my thanks and sincere gratitude to each of those 100 followers. Thank you again, for finding something on here worthy enough of a click that follow button.
Shout Out To
abrokenremnant, ancientblxde, apernor, aviseagle, badassbarmaid, bittersurvivor, blitzrod, brokenxfragments, caltivatxr, catamatronic, cindersoflotric, clowniefish, cloudsmom, cumuliformation, devilreno, dubious-dango, edenslostfwallflower, fallen-seraphim, finalhxaven, flordorado, flower-girl-aerith, fullthrottled, goddessvowed, hatredheld, heavenlyfighter, hercbled, hextechenforcer, highwindrocket, hiraethyr, holywhitemateria, hyperionnheart, kayleeredfield, knights-of-reylo-reborn, lacunxa, letterflower, lifexbt, light-of-judgement, lovelessblade, loyalandroid, luccisimp, luminaryhub, mezzomorendo, mcurnful, mousxr, obscuratusdivina, oflockharted, onepartbrave, primalvessel, primasoloris, rcdwrxck, rezaclse, roleplay-abiogenesis2, runexknight, sanguinepeccatorum, sentineloftheunderworld, skyfallenxsoldier, sometimesrufus, spottedassassin, starcrossed, starcrowns, thegutterandthestars, thememcry, theshadowysuvivor10, triggerxhappy, tuestiheir, warofthebeasts, wrxckfear, zenos-zos-galvus
Special Mentions
@azure-steel​ - We have not plotted together on this blog beyond a silly cloudcest gag au (that I still wanna write one of these days :3) but we chat quite a bit on discord and I love listening to you talk about your muse, FFVII as a whole, drama, and the weird shit that goes on in your personal life (someone please write a soap opera about your life. I would binge-watch the hell out of it). I hope the FFVII London Orchestra actually performs in September when things finally calm down because I would totally be ok with meeting up at the venue.
@chaton-encore​ - Thank you for poking my in chat and sending me good vibes whenever I go mute. Sometimes it’s nice to know mutuals do think about you when you need to take short breaks and I really do appreciate it. Your muse was also a pleasant suprise because I didn’t have much of an opinion on Leslie until we started talking and I grew to appreciate him for his role in the story and character depth. I also love your other FFVII muses and how well you handle writing for so many characters. 
@dreamsofasoldier​ - I love your Zack. Your portrayal is spot on to the point it’s uncanny how loyal he is to canon. Our threads give me so many emotions because I’m never experienced Cloud getting so flustered over a romantic partner in the way he fawns over yours. Also, I see a lot of you in your muse. I’m not gonna lie, the first time we properly talked in chat I had to step away from my monitor because I was smiling too much, and the first word that came to my head was, “Puppy~”
@flamedance - Roche was not a character I thought would rank very high on my favourite characters but your writing makes me want to know more about him. You’ve added so many small details and headcanons for a character who disappeared from the game just as quickly as he made his entrance. I love how you match his energy in your writing and how he has this instant effect on Cloud that is so fun to write for. XD
@floralcetra​ - I can only apologize for my lack of writing these past couple of months because I really wanna get back to our thread. Cloud and Aerith having deep discussions about their future plans against Sephiroth, subtle hints to Aerith’s fate, and their growing relationship has been very fun to write. Cloud is very protective of Aerith but is still in the progressing of getting to know what makes her tick and it’s been a delight to see them play off each other.
@hiislegacy​ - Zuti! My bae! My enabler! My problematic twin! My friend who loves all the same weird kinks and fetishes as me. I am so glad I met you on this platform because our conversations get me through the day. Your ideas, ships, starters, replies, or just shoving saucy fanart my way always gets a smile out of me every time I see you in my notifications. We don’t have a lot of threads going on this blog but I still wanted to give you a shot out. I’m only sorry I can’t keep up with all of our threads. <3
@neko-mun-rp​ - (Tackle hugs you to the ground) Your Sephiroth has been a joy to write with. I love all of our aus and the different versions of Sephiroth you come up with for every single scenario. I love Naga Seph. I love Redeemed Seph. I love Chocobo Breeder Seph. I love all Sephs. So soft. So sweet. I hope to get back to writing replies soon because watching you reply to all my threads in a matter of minutes is the best feeling any writing partner could wish for.
@pacifistghost / @onewingedxngel​ - Firstly, I love all of your muses, both canon and ocs. It’s been so much fun getting to know each and everyone one of your characters and coming up with unique scenarios to plot out with them. Secondly, I would be honoured if you wanted to meet up at the FFVII London Orchestra venue when they stop moving the date back (crosses fingers for the new September date).
@pulchralilium - We haven’t been writing for very long but I’ve been enjoying our thread because you took a silly self-indulgent au and gave it depth. I honestly was not expecting that and I love you all the more for it. Aerith approaching Cloud to help with her confidence and Cloud being her reluctant dance teacher. I want to get back to writing soon because I wanna see him starting to warm up to Aerith and looking forward to her next appointment.
@somethingxgreater - Congratulations on being the first (and only) non-ffvii muse I have interacted with since I started this blog. Your writing is amazing and I'm touched by how often you send things into my ask box. Yuna is a sweetheart and Cloud certainly feels a connection with her that reminds him of home. Her soft demeanour but fierce optimism and acceptance of his sudden arrival has garnered his interest (and he would probably fight sin itself when he learns of her pre-determined fate).
@starlightbrawler - My Tifa! My waifu! I’ve been enjoying writing with your muse and exploring Tifa and Cloud’s relationship in-between the main plot of the game and drifting away from canon as their bond grows stronger. I’ve never felt Cloud get so overprotective of another muse, especially one who is more than capable of taking care of himself. But he just wants to keep her safe so badly and is ready to throw hands with every man who dares to approach her. He just loves her so much <3  
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mandaloriangf · 3 years
I interacted with a reylo recently who tried telling me that george lucas, who called the antagonist soldiers stormtroopers, was ONLY criticizing american imperialism and not at all, you know, Nazis or fascism (like it is but to say the dark side isn't a fascism metaphor? and that the empire isn't also Nazis??? incorrect). Also that Kylo Ren was abused so, like, I guess it makes the mass murder and genocide OK. I'm just baffled bc I don't feel like the vast majority of Anakin fans are like this? Like don't get me wrong there ARE a some, but I feel like for the most part we're like "wow fuck this guy the baby murders and threatening to kill your son and wife bc they don't want to join your fascist empire are amongst the worst things you could possibly do ani" even after acknowledging the abuse and trauma anakin went through (and most people who are...... very into him prefer pre-baby murder anakin FOR GOOD REASON) but kylo stans are like..... "he's a baby" when referencing him during the events of the ST, despite the fact that he's a full grown 30-year-old adult and has already done The Bad Thing. I understand he's a character they enjoy but fucking hell abuse =/= terrible action morally OK. I'm just....... tired. This is why I don't interact with ST content smh
its wild to me because anakin is by far more sympathetic than kylo, yet you never see the same level of apologism. so, like others have said, i 100% believe the defense of kylo is a reactionary response to finn being the main male lead. everything they feel bad for wrt kylo? thats what finn went through. kylo never did. they dont want to feel for the black lead, so they instead give kylo that same backstory in their heads so they’re more comfortable.
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sakura-haruka · 4 years
Mike aka captainpoe is talking shit about me so let me get things straight.
He’s gonna do screenshots of what will makes him look like the victim, like he always does so you will have to believe me on my words (since I coun’t found our conversations by pm) but most people who know me or I've been following me for a long time know that I usually stay out of the drama. Big thanks to my friends for telling me what he was doing behind my back like the adult he is.
3 years ago Mike started following me, I was back then a small blog and I thought “wow a big blog is following me!”
He started to talk me and really fast told me to send him my edits by messages and I did! he also reblogged me on his mcu blog (and his sw blog too... I think).
I was really stressed with a big exam around July and I became obsess with EVERYTHING, I was a true pain in the ass to everyone. I’m not gonna lie. So yeah I also became obsess with my Tumblr notes, I did gifs to relax but it was not working very well back then. my behavior was childish and I apologized to him after! 
(He accused me of wanting to be reblogged on his sideblogs, it’s true, but it’s natural to me to reblog everything that people send me or tag me in on my sideblogs, I sincerely don’t understand people problem with reblogging on sideblogs things ).
When he got harassed on here, more like called out (it was actually around the same time I was a dick)  he asked me to take his defense and to reblog a post he made, he was basically whining about how he was the victim and never harassed anyone, he sent me messaged telling me that he was a married man in florida and never did anything against the once upon a time fandom, wasn’t homophobic and meh meh meh... Back then I believed him because he was the nice guy who was helping me getting notes in the MCU fandom. He used me, after talking to other members I realized that I wasn’t alone. 
He started being aggressive but nothing worriedly when TLJ came around, it was a real little thing but I wasn't shipping Rey x poe and I felt like it was problem for him that I wasn’t shipping them. I didn't thought too much about it but still, it left a bad taste in my mouth, I wasn’t talking a lot to him after that.
When I had problems and got hate on my blog he didn't do shit to help me. 
I was still sending me my edits because... Notes. I can’t lie about that, like every  creators here I want my edits to get notes. 
I think we haven’t talked for a verrrry long time, I was sending my edits that’s it. 
Last year he asked me to join my GOT blog, after all the reblog he did for me I thought It would be really bitchy to me to not add him as a member. But I also noted that it was funny how he joined both the B99 and the GOT fandom once he realized that it was very popular. 
He did edits on the blog so no problem at all, until s8 ended. I’m like everybody, I hated that season but when someone join my sideblogs, especially my got one, I am very clear about the no hate rule (I had problems with that on this blog before). But he thought that since he was popular he could do what he wanted, I deleted the two first he reblogged, one of them was calling people to harass D&D and I hate what they did but as someone who has been victim of bullying at school and still suffer from that I was disgusted by what he posted but I haven’t told him anything since he’s really popular and I didn’t want to create any drama... I have a life so I  finally forgot about it. 
My laptop broke and gosh, I really understood who he was at that moment! I sent a messages to all the members of my sideblogs asking them to keep the blogs active while I can’t, normal stuff for an admin. I had my tablet with no photoshop... spidey got “fired” and like a lot of other people I thought about that scene in iw where Tony told him “you’re an avenger now”, lucky me I have already made that gifset before so I took my tablet and just reposted my own gifset, it took me so long because I had to convert it back to gif format because of Tumblr... Anyway, later he sent me a message accusing me of having copied him and I haven’t seen his gifset so told him exactly that. He then accused me of doing that ALL THE TIME with endgame and I told him “listen bro we’re both using the same 30 seconds YouTube clips that marvel gave us”, like 20 other people (they were not a lot of people because that channel was weirdly unknown), it’s true that I was doing them after him but it’s just because I have a life and cannot always do gif, I make them when I have time. He also basically told me that I must be rich for having replaced my laptop that fast, I haven’t, I was using my tablet but even if I did replace my laptop, mêle toi de ton cul ( I have no English expression coming to me ).
I really understood who he was then. 
He totally stopped making edits for my got blog, because it stopped trending so it wasn’t interesting him anymore. 
a few months past and I think the only thing he told me is that he was scared of clowns... Literally. 
And then the BIG ONE, I know he was a douche but omg. Mike asked me to reblog ALL his posts on a sideblog I'm only a member of. He told me that the admin have blocked him because she was shipping reylo and well reylos hate him because he’s posting shit on them , they were a huge misunderstanding then (because i’m French and I may not have explained myself right) , I told him that I wouldn’t reblog him if the admin didn’t want to see his posts on the blog, he was blocked! and I was, at the same time, talking to another member of this blog who is a close friend of the admin and she agreed with me. he was very insisting and I told him that the admin was checking what we add to the queue and would certainly delete his posts, it was the big misunderstanding that could have hurt the admin of the blog, I just meant I know she checks what’s happening because she told me when I don’t tag a post with the right tags, it’s just what a good admin (unlike myself) does. I also told him that it was a new blog with “only” 14k followers, he must have something like 50K followers sooooo, and that his edits were getting 100K notes, more than anybody here. He became... I have no words to describe that. He told me that it was a dictatorship if I couldn’t reblog what I wanted, and that I should leave the blog, I stopped answering pretty fast after that. 
 In our last conversation I was vulgar. (it’s in the post he sent to my friends), he really need to get over it, I’m French and from Normandie : I am vulgar! wtf. It’s also the last thing he ever posted on my game of thrones blog. It was a Sunday either two days after after the last star wars movie came out or ten days ( I don’t remember if he waited a week or not) but he reblogged a text post from his blog sending hate toward the writers of both got and sw and spoiled the entire Star Wars movie on my game of thrones blog, which was “the drop of water that caused the vase to bleed” like annoy me all you want but when people goes on my got blog they don’t want to be spoiled, it was so rude and mean and that post had nothing to do there and it was at least the third time so I told him to “fucking stop” and since mr thinks he is the king he went all “you can’t talk to me like that” “I'm an adult” meh meh meh. I told him to never go in France ‘cause he wouldn't like us. And it was the last time we spoke.  Nothing to do directly with me but I would never do what he does to get notes, that man he’s ready to use any big events such as pride or women’s day to get notes. I do make edits for those events too but I'm actually a bisexual woman and not an heterosexual man and I really don’t think he’s doing those edits to show his support to those movements but just to get notes, this year he did the same thing with blm movement I thought it was disrespectful at best, he even made the famous “I we burn you burn with us” gifset  from the movie and no, just stop dude.  Making that gifset of Naya before she was even found was awful, a lot of people are doing gifs to feel better about things but I don’t think it would have came to anybody else mind to have it ready in their draft. It actually make me think of myself because after they died I made a gifset of Carrie Fisher and Stan Lee  and in my head  it was a tribute but now that I think back about it I wouldn’t make gifset when people dies anymore, I said it once again but in my head it was a tribute to those wonderful people life and work.  I did to feel people and myself a little better in those situations but it didn’t makes me feel better. I thought about it even more, especially for Carrie, because I couldn’t stop thinking about Billie and losing my mom is the worst thing that could happen to me. You can say that, at the end, Mike makes me realize something. 
He has been calling out for his behavior but instead of facing it like an adult he just want to take people down instead of him, I'm one of them and I certainly won’t be the only one.  it’s someone who doesn’t know how to face the consequences of his behavior and still think he’s untouchable, me and one of my friend said that he thought he was the king of Tumblr and I sincerely think that in his head he is. 
Sorry for the grammar I'm French and it’s almost 4 am so I'm gonna check the grammar tomorrow. 
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I was tagged by @vishcount thank you ♥️
1. Why did you choose your url?
I love Rey and Ben/Kylo from the Star Wars sequel trilogy, and they are a force dyad who travel through and can communicate across space so, ergo, a force dyad in space ✌🏻
2. Any side-blogs? If you have them, name them and why you have them.
I don't have any sideblogs at the moment, but I'll be sure to tell you guys if I ever make any 😋
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
With this account, about two years, but I had another account before this one that ran from about 2011-2018 👀
4. Do you have a queue tag?
Nope, when I'm not online my blog is as dead as a doornail 🤣🤣🤣
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
Some months after I deleted my old account (for mental health reasons that I won't go into right now), I wanted to branch out into the Tumblrverse again. Even on my old account I hadn't been really active in a while because I was mostly on Twitter at that point. When I made this account, I still wasn't very active for a while, but after I watched The Rise of Skywalker I was in desperate need of kindred spirits and tired of really terrible takes on Twitter, so I started being more active here again (and made some great friends along the way ♥️), until I pretty much neglected all my other social media
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
Again, I love Reylo, and since my URL is Reylo-based, I felt like my icon needed to be, too (even though I rarely even post Reylo these days, I gotta change that 😅); the icon I got right now is a bit dark and ominous for my liking now, tho, so I'll probably change it to a nicer one soon
7. Why did you choose your header?
When I watched The Untamed for the first time in November, I fell in love with WangXian, and I still love them to this day ♥️
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
Uh, this one might come as a surprise since I rarely post about Twilight, but it's my Eclipse rewatch post where I praise the vampire make-up and David Slade's beautiful use of the vampire sparkle (the Eclipse make-up and VFX departments really did the most) 😅 As of today (June 5, 2021) that post has just under 1k notes
9. How many mutuals do you have?
As of today, 16 (and I love every single one of them ♥️) 
10. How many followers do you have?
As of today, 153, but I don't really care about the quantity, more about the quality 👌🏻
11. How many people do you follow?
As of today, 357
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
Uuuh... does my WangXian crack giftset count?
13. How often do you use tumblr each day?
Way too much probably, but honestly it and the Asian dramas I'm watching are what have been keeping me sane during this pandemic, so I don't really care 🤷🏻‍♀️
14. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? Who won?
Not that I can remember, but I have gotten rude anons before whose asks I simply deleted and moved on (I don't have the energy for that kind of bullshit; which is also why I don't accept anon asks anymore, my apologies to the people who might have sent me nice anon asks and are too shy to message me off anon; I don't bite, tho, I promise)
15. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
I don't like "Reblog this or you're a terrible person" posts (tho I have to admit, I've let myself be guilt-tripped into reblogging these types of posts before, but I'm trying not to let those get to me anymore), because
1) by guilt-tripping people into reblogging something, whether it's an important topic or not, you will never know whether the person you guilt-tripped actually cares about the topic,
2) by trying to guilt-trip them into reblogging you might actually cause them to do the exact opposite and make them care even less because caring might feel like a chore as opposed to a learning curve about something they may have never heard of before they saw the post that's trying to guilt-trip them
and 3) at the end of the day we're all just running our little blogs here and absolutely no one is obligated to reblog anything they don't want to reblog.
Yes, it's important to raise awareness about important issues, but guilt-tripping someone into caring about something instead of just letting them know that that something is happening and letting them do their own research about it and grow to care about it on their own terms is not the way.
Okay, this one turned out more ranty than I anticipated, but here we are. 😅
16. Do you like tag games?
If I didn't I wouldn't be doing this one right now, would I? 😋
17. Do you like ask games?
I do, but no one ever sends me any asks for them 🥲🥲🥲🥲 (tho I rarely send other people asks for ask games, too, so I guess I could make more of an effort as well)
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
Definitely @cenedrariva, their SongXueXiao fic "Red Azalea" is absolutely amazing and they deserve all the love they get for it ♥️
Also, @krispycreamsicle and @byallaccountsitdoesntmakesense both make super awesome gifsets that they absolutely deserve to be tumblr-famous for 🔥
19. Do I have a crush on a mutual?
Who knows? 😏
20. tags?
Well, the three blogs I already mentioned are welcome to do the tag, of course, if they want, and also @calamity-queen @huxdameron @yumingyesfairy @nika1882 and @angst-wizard ♥️ No pressure tho, of course
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This series has always felt like the Catra Show, and so much so that even Hordak never felt like the main villain. And nothing drove that point home more than season five proving once and for all that this series moral line(or lack there of) is REALLY about a Villain Protagonist when the character that increasingly became a MONSTER for FOUR SEASONS still got everything she wanted in the end.
Catra is the poster child for the moral bankruptcy of this series.
I can’t buy her “redemption,” or her relationship with Adora, because she WENT TO FAR.
Therefore nor can I buy the HYPOCRITICAL mental gymnastics that arise when she is a topic of discussion in the fandom.
For four seasons I watched this character WILLINGLY and GLEEFULLY jump rope with the moral event horizon. Then she finally broke it to the pieces when she genocides the planet, and everyone on it, because of her sick,evil obsession with being better than Adora.
Loved all this time my behind.
Catra was a vile person from her introduction, and just got increasingly more poisonous as the show went on.
The story seems to want us to treat Catra like a bad friend that said a few mean words here and there, and therefore all she has to do is sincerely apologize then friendship can begin again.
Here’s the thing Catra wasn’t just a bad friend, but also an ABUSER and a FASCIST.
She had multiple opportunities to leave the horde, had no reason to stay in the first place, gleefully attacks the resistance, is pretty much the direct reason Angela died, tried straight up multiple times to end Adora’s and her friends lives, and was just an abomination to even the ones on her side etc..
On the flip side we have Adora who doesn’t give a damn about Catra for four seasons. She’s too busy enjoying life with her REAL  friends. Try and recall, was there ever a moment where Adora was…concerned for Catra’s safety? Pining for her in any way romantically? Ever? Even once during the first four? Because I don’t. Honestly Catra wasn’t important to Adora until Catra showed up on screen. And then they both wanted to kill each other. Any moments of Adora thinking about Catra it was in the context of Catra being her ENEMY.
But I’m supposed to believe in their romance based on what?
Catra’s toxicity? Adora’s nonexistent romantic feelings for pretty much the entire series?
In season 5 all Catra had to do was one act of atonement and out of nowhere, like Adora has been possessed by the ghost of Queer Rep, she suddenly can’t get Catra out of her head. Also note Catra didn’t save Glimmer because she realized her past actions were evil, no it was all for Adora’s sake; the person she is toxically obsessed with.
Back to Catra, her redemption is handled with the most condescending of kid gloves.She seems like she was replaced by a clone for season five. She’s just accepted. It’s like seasons 1-4 didn’t happen.
The forgiveness was excessive, and therefore forced, so we could be okay with this ABUSER/WAR CRIMINAL being chummy and romantic with her victims.
For example Glimmer cries over her, kisses her cheek etc… Yet Catra is responsible for her mothers death, the world ending once before, trying to kill her, war crimes against Bright Moon etc.
Then Entrapta also forgives Catra like it’s nothing even though she sent HER TO DIE, and apparently she was in this hell space for a YEAR.
Same with Scorpia who forgives Catra’s toxicity in five seconds.
But everything is suppose to be wonderful because an abuser ends the series romantically involved with her victim?
When Adora said you made your choice now live with it THAT should have been the end of any reconciliation either platonic of romantic.
Even her flashbacks are her being abusive. You see her in one of them( in her so called redemption season at that) SCRATCHING Adora’s FACE to the point it left BLOOD,and JUMPING ON HER STOMACH just because Adora DARED to be friends with other people.
This was pretty much every childhood flashback they showed. She would emotionally and physically abuse Adora, and then Adora would take her back. This would continue even as near adults. It was a PATTERN(red flag) that Adora unfortunately didn’t escape. 
But…..I always loved you,says Catra.
For ADORA’S own mental health/closure she could forgive,but only if she also makes it clear that she doesn’t want her abuser/war criminal ex friend back in her life.
I could have tolerated that ending instead of Adora becoming a COUPLE with her ABUSER.
Basically this villain sue ends the show getting everything she wants even after evil manipulation of several characters, genocide, war crimes against her own people, physical and mental abuse(especially toward Adora), repeated attempts at murder toward again especially Adora( bares repeating loved all this time my behind) as well as anyone else within spitting distance of her toxicity.
She gets to be pretty much a abusive scum bucket for four seasons, on top of ACTUALLY DOING THE SAME THING PRIME WANTED TO DO, yet whiplash forgiveness and Lesbians 4 Evah is her ending.
“So we’re all just okay with this?”, says Mermista incredulously of the war criminal Hordak. Good question,but then I remember you all seem to be okay with war criminal Catra who is pretty much Hordak’s parallel soo ….
Her mirror Hordak, according to the showrunner, is sentenced to beast island for his war crimes. However, my question then becomes where is Catra’s sentence?
Oh, that’s right if you’re Catra you get to be a war criminal in peace.
It’s also convenient that Mermista’s was chipped,and therefore didn’t get to say anything to the girl who helped bring down her kingdom with a smile on her face.
Funny how that worked out.
It’s even more convenient that her victims gave their lighting fast forgiveness.
Can’t have icky things like abuse and war crimes get in the way of that ending smooch you know.
I suppose we also just need to look at Angella as collateral damage while we smile at her daughter hug and kiss her killer I guess.
I also find it odd(since were loving abusers and war criminals) that Shadow Weaver point blank doesn’t get forgiveness from Adora, and she even ends the series dead. However, she defected to the good side in season two(regardless of any impure motivation), and stayed there and helped the protagonists until her season five death. But Catra who not only stayed with the conquering organization the Horde for almost the entire series,and even became their LEADER, was not only forgiven but also given a romance with her victim. Curious.
I’m tired of this abominable trope invading every piece of media.
An antagonist crosses the moral event horizon, and some even break it to pieces, but somehow the story gets selective amnesia and thus they are free to join the protagonists with their numerous sick crimes ignored or a sob story is bsed into a justification onto why we should ignore physical and emotional abuse and/or the numerous bodies piled up.
When you don’t have a moral LINE in your narrative then that means you have already made a mockery out of morality and numerous victims.
The only way I can stomach her season five ‘redemption’, and lighting quick forgiveness, is if I forget the monster of four seasons didn’t exist. Problem is I can’t do that.
Why should I get any catharsis that the protagonists prevailed over Horde Prime when you have two characters in  particular(Hordak,Catra) that are pretty much him with a sob story attached. If THEY get to kumbaya with the hero’s then Prime should to because that’s honestly where the morals are at in this story.
I had to stop watching two shows(Vampire Diaries and Once Upon a Time) because I got tired of this sick trope. There were SEASONS worth of whitewashing and selective amnesia for two sick and evil characters(Damien Savatore and Regina), to the point their VICTIMS became their BIGGEST CHEERLEADERS and LOVE INTERESTS.
There is no justice when this vile trope is in play.
The moral event horizon exists for a reason. It means once a character has jumped over it then there should be no moral way they can come back from it.
Humanizing them is a good narrative choice,but that humanization doesn’t and SHOULDN’T erase their heinous crimes.
Thus the only true ending that moral event horizon characters should get are redemption equals death or thanks for growing a conscious and helping us out, but you’re STILL going to prison for life afterwards kay. They don’t get to kumbaya with their victims while the other one’s, THE DEAD BODIES, stay cold.
But you know if I HAD to I COULD have TOLERATED Catra and Hordak going on an atonement journey so they could help the people still living that they made homeless/ lives they ruined. Also they can do this while they both get the therapy they badly need.
Instead Catra (ADORA’S ABUSER) gets to make out with Adora(HER VICTIM), and also become her girlfriend as well as best friends of her other victims.
So it seems this show’s message is no matter how much emotional and physical pain a person does to you it’s okay to not only let them back in your life(damn your mental health I guess),but also enter a romantic relationship with them to.
Yes, that’s what children need to see.
I did my research on the show runner, and the creators pet/villain sue bias became clearer when I did so. Catra is HER pretty much, and Adora is her wife.
That explains EVERYTHING, and not in a good way.
What the show’s title should actually be called: She-Ra: The Show Where The Villain Sue Antagonist,War Criminal Abuser, Gets a Happily Ever After With Her Victim; Whom She Emotionally and Physically Abused for Four Seasons. Another alternate: She-Ra: The Story of Lesbian Reylo.
Thank you for sharing this submission with us.
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