#i wish we could watch these videos together so we can hear each others opinions on her takes in real time and have a proper conversation
bigtittiecomitte · 28 days
What are your thoughts on this video?? This was recommend to me and I watched it and I didn't really care for it..maybe it's just me but it feels like this person seems more salty about V not getting together with N instead of giving actually criticisms of why he didn't like the finale, in fact I've seen most people act act this way when it comes to the finale..it's been mixed since it released and more people have lately been finding reasons to find Nuzi *Problematic* and a bad ship with saying the whole N is dating is "sister" (Cyn) because of Uzi and the solver being in one together in the same body even though that's NOT the case!! Idk, part of the reasons I was never able to fully ship Envy was because of some of the toxic fans and V fans and how they treated Uzi as a character..even after the finale Uzi is still getting undeserved mistreatment and hate and it's truly unfortunate. People need to see and realize that although Nuzi is canon people are still allowed to ship whatever they want canon or not, and just because Nuzi is canon doesn't mean anybody can be a dick and jackass. People also shouldn't be sending threats to Liam and Glitch because of the finale, yes the finale was flawed but that doesn't make it okay to to doxx or hass the studio or creator, MD is Liam's show and he should allowed to do whatever he wants with this show, I've said this in my own post but I think many in this fandom truly took this show for granted and didn't really deserve it..although I'm grateful for Murder Drones and will forever cherish it as it's my comfort show, this fandom is truly a mess and I know that's all fandoms..but the MD community is just so toxic and I wished it was a much better and healthier fanbase. :(
I saw the video and holy fuck Media Literacy is DEAD
I’m all for hearing people’s opinions but it really does piss me off when people just start saying crap without properly understanding the characters they’re talking about
For anybody not wanting to check out the video, basically the guy is saying that N and V should’ve gotten together and N and Uzi should’ve just stayed friends or even have a “sibling dynamic” (pretty much stuff we’ve already heard before lol). The issue is that if you have been watching the show with your two eyes you would know that N and V getting together in the end would actually be WORSE for N and V
N and V’s relationship is very catered to the past, present and future. In the past, N and V had a thing for each other in the manor (maybe even dated) then we have the present where N and V are now genocidal robots with the intent of killing worker drones for oil. N still has a crush on V prior to meeting Uzi while V tries to protect her and N by continuing on their path of death due to her trauma of Cyn and everything that happened in the manor, she tries pretending to forget his name and hides secrets from him, which makes him upset and lash out on her. Then we cut to the future, N and V are now friends and living in the bunker with the rest of the worker drones, they’re healing but they’re doing alright now that there’s finally no hiding secrets from one another
The problem with a lot of people complaining that Envy should have been canon instead is the fact that their entire relationship throughout Murder Drones is all about moving on and the fact that not all romantic relationships end with them being happy together. N and V could never have what they had in the manor again because not only have they moved on from each other but they’re also building up their platonic relationship brick by brick. N and V were never proper friends and never got the chance to rekindle until Uzi came along, which another thing I want to talk about
I see so many people hating on Uzi for being the reason as to why N and V didn’t become endgame but if it wasn’t for Uzi. N and V would’ve never ended up where they are today like if they never met Uzi then they would just end up killing all the worker drones and dying after all the oil is gone, N and V wouldn’t even get to rekindle their relationship because it would be stuck to how it was before Uzi came along. The reason as to why Nuzi became endgame and not Envy wasn’t because Liam favoured one ship than the other but because N and Uzi were actually communicating. They were friends and understood each other’s trauma and feelings, which is what made them work. N and V didn’t have that until N lashed out on her and she got her character growth
The only part I can somewhat agree with is that we should have seen V apologise to the real N (she did apologise but it was to a fake N instead) but I’m at least happy that real N was there to know that she was being sincere with her words. They’re all traumatised characters, none of them deserved what they went through
He says that Uzi should’ve stopped having a crush on N which leads to N and V getting together and I just full on stopped the video because how are you seeing the interactions between N and Uzi and thinking that Uzi should have just stopped having a crush on him when N’s feelings for her were also the same, them not being canon would have actually made no sense because of all the moments we had got of them, hell even them implied to be dating in Episode 7 lol. N and V getting together in the end would have been way more rushed than the ship of what some envy shippers actually claim to be rushed
Not only that but him calling V “jealous” of N and Uzi being in love because apparently that’s what she wanted with N, like hell did V tell you that? She’s happy for them even if she doesn’t look like it (I mean I don’t like seeing couples in public either lol)
Nuzi being canon doesn’t mean you have to stop shipping other ships that you find better and it’s totally ok to be disappointed that Envy wasn’t the main ship. But it doesn’t give people the right to just make fake screenshots of Liam’s twitter and blaming Nuzi shippers for the reason as to why Nuzi became canon (apparently we all did a meeting and pay for Nuzi to be canon lmao). Remember that fanfiction and fanart exist my dudes, support your local AU’s too
Basically Envy is a very tragic ship and it was always written that way and guys please stop mischaracterising V it hurts
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salvatoreren · 11 months
I finally watched AOT's last episode and frankly, I am not okay, I have been sobbing a river oh my fucking god.
Anyways, it was really good, as expected of MAPPA anyway, I was pretty much crying the whole episode actually.
I have complaints, mostly because of the not included anime, little things like not having the flashbacks of Armin of reading a book in the rain, the squirrels etc. etc. I would have love to see them in the market and the way to the boy who sought freedom, goodbye was not implemented, I WAS WAITING FOR THAT COME ON
The anime only scenes were good too, like Levi giving food to the refugees, falco and gabi, i wish we saw their outfits tho, they slayed with that one.
the way they played 13 no fuyu, im killing myself, ive been listening to that shit since 2022 which mind you was when i was active once more in aot, the fucking flashbacks my god, that was so tragic RAHHH
THE SAME BIRD WE SAW ON S4 ENDING 1, oh my god, the opening was really cool omg, it perfectly showcased eren's journey, what he went through, despite being absent in the final chapters, it still showed Eren was still the protagonist...Which isayama did not understand when he made 139
Yes, I am bitter still with the ending, no, I am not hearing anyone out and no, I am not going to pour my disappointments with it STILL, here because yeah.
It's such a shame that's the last and final time we'll ever see it, devastating tragedy omg.
Now that's out of the way.
It's been a long and fun ride, regardless, the final season has been going for what three years, i've been with this series for three years, it was fun really it was, this series took such a simplistic and cliched approach then twisted into something more complex and truly gutwrenching. 2020 was nothing without AOT, in my opinion, watching AOT broadened my media consumption, yanked me into the anime world and i already have so many fandoms i'm in.
2020 was a hard time too, i couldn't have done it without this bloody series, god, i remember aboarding the train hype, everything was everywhere, fics, art, videos, memes etc. All those I read influenced my writing style, all those theories made me think more critically, those memes and videos of it made me laugh. It's funny how a series like this one comforted me so much.
I remember being so traumatized by the first episode i'm like who the fuck would ever like this series with this much blood and that night i immediately searched for eren fics because i was like who is this boy i like him, i fucking dreamt of the beast titan, all those nights racing with my sister who could finish the series first, i literally woke up at 4 just to watch it before she could.
Fucking terrified which of my favorite characters were going to die next, literally sobbing over armin's death, god and the mindfuck with Marley and Eldians and Subjects of Ymir in the fray oh my god.
Can I just say, I wouldn't be who I was without AOT? Even with my cynical behavior, it's all because of it.
2021 who i never fail to reiterate and think fondly is good because of AOT as well, I figured wow, the final season is coming back, I should rewatch it again and so the hyperfixation began, i was sick too, almost dying too actually, dengue is dangerous and it was just a fond memory because i was watching aot and i acted like i never had watch these scenes in my life and despite feeling like dying i felt okay.
I was so batshit crazy when part 2 came out, that was the one that was actually peak AOT don't lie, I was literally screaming like i was giving birth OVER AN OPENING AND AN ENDING, i'll never forget any of it.
When I cried watching the whole episode, it really just occurred to me that this is really the end for AOT, i was only ever able to go through it because I have the anime and it what really kept the whole fandom alive, the anime's honestly the reason why it had this many fans as you can see.
And again the way it's heartwrenching for it to just be a simple series and then it's full blown war, jean and reiner holding out to each other, remembering how they used to be close and comrades then betrayals and war happened and it's all ruined.
The devastating realization of seeing the last few panels animated, watching the end flash through the screen, realizing there was nothing out of this now, no more next episodes, no more hype, it's gone and it's so devastating because how happy it made you, the way you'll never see these characters again, only in rewatches or art. But it's not the same.
I admit I don't feel as hyperfixated over it now, after getting burnt out of it last year, even good things go badly sadly and i was just here for eren now, but doesn't change the fact this series has nurtured my quarantine, i grew up with this series even if it was only recent, who changed the trajectory of my life and had me find my paths.
I'll never forget these characters who made my life, who brought life to the story, even if they were just moved by the plot now, i'll always have a soft spot for AOT, i will always love it, regardless how much i hate it, there will always be fondness within it.
It's kind of weird, really to see Levi who has done so much to the fandom just by existing and being drawn and animated now cease to exist? I suppose, looking at him feels weird like imagine comparing 2014 levi to 2023 levi now omg, that's where you really begin to realize how much time has passed and how much AOT has evolved AGAIN JKSDHJ
well, i'm still on eren's side, still hate what happened to him but i'll always love him, he is such an important character to me, i don't think i truly ever loved someone like him despite representing the total opposite of me, he just had that charm i suppose, his views are so hauntingly beautiful, idealistic, him representing hope, despite what he did, in the end he did what he could for himself and for his people IN MY HUMBLE ONION
eren yeager i'll always love you
i'm kinda scared what would happen to this fandom now, will it die now? Will it live? I doubt, I haven't even finished my eren fic and lol, either way i hope someone will still enjoy AOT, i hope still there will be new watchers.
This is long but this is just how I really feelt about AOT which I wholeheartedly do love and cherish with all the memories and the pain it gave.
Thank you Isayama for this world, for these characters, for these mindblowing revelations about war, life and freedom, for the heartaches and the joy.
Thank you WIT for raising AOT and truly breathing life to it, for garnering fans for it to be more appreciated.
Thank you MAPPA for continuing WIT's legacy, you are not the same but still delievered, thank you for carrying the final season and the fandom on your back, may you sleep well and have your deserved pay.
Thank you for the voice actors who breathed those memorable lines to be used in edits.
Thank you Linked Horizon for coming back, aot was iconic because of your openings.
Thank you AOT for everything.
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GT July Day 8 Bonus:
Slightly related to today's short story, my very dear and good friend @neonthebright shared a song with me recently that wasn't even on my radar. The second I heard it, my entire heart sank into Zepheera/Orrick feels. If you don't know what I'm talking about, check out their love story in Zepheera's Origins, chapters 4 onwards specifically.
I'm a music lover first and foremost, and I've already associated certain songs with my star-crossed lovers. This one is less diegetic than ones I've put into the stories, but it still gave me big ol feelings. I figured I'd share if anyone else cares and is as masochistic as me.
The song was the re-imagining of "Just A Dream" by Nelly. Specifically, the recent re-recording.
Emotional flailing under the cut. Tl;dr:
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From the get-go, it's an emotional song because this video is spliced with old footage of the original cover made almost 13 years ago. Footage of the late Christina Grimmie. The male singer Sam Tsui and the instrumentalist Kurt Hugo Schneider returned for the re-recording. The original cover is also outstanding, but the vibe from them both in this new version is much more somber and heavy with the loss of Christina. So that's already crying points.
Then there's the added dynamic of the male and female singers that immediately invoked in me the feeling of lovers who adore each other so much but cannot be together, which hits so much different than the single perspective of the original. Made it very easy for me to insert my most tragic M/F couple into their roles.
I want to preface my next statement by saying that I was not aware of Christina Grimmie or her death before this song was shown to me, and it is the farthest thing from my intention to disrespect her memory or her admirers with my words. That being said, the age difference between her 12-year-old footage and the others' re-recordings brings to my mind the entire reason Zepheera left Orrick to begin with. She was stuck in time, fated to be forever youthful, and was terrified by the notion of watching the person she loved age away while she stayed the same and had to deal with being left without him.
And don't even get me started on the lyrics! They're not always exact, but some of them just Hit Me in the Heart, guys. First there's the chorus, which they always sing together.
I was thinking about you Thinking about me Thinking about us What we gonna be Open my eyes It was only just a dream Travel back, down that road Will you come back? No one knows I realize It was only just a dream
Changing the gendered pronouns throughout (most) of the song to "you" adds a more personal touch in my opinion, not just relating this story to someone else but wishing that the subject themselves could hear them. Adds an emotional urgency to it for me.
Lots of Orrick feels in the first verse (skimming through the less relevant lyrics):
I was at the top and now it's like I'm in a basement Number one spot, now you find you a replacement I swear now that I can't take it (...) Now you ain't around, baby, I can't think (...) 'Cause I can still feel it in the air See your pretty face, run my fingers through your hair My lover, my life My baby, my wife You left me, I'm tied 'Cause I know that it just ain't right
I can vividly imagine things like this running through Orrick's mind, reeling after being left high and dry.
The second verse related to Zepheera less than Orrick's, mostly because it was initially written from the perspective of a man who pushed a woman away. Even so, there are a few lines that really stuck out to me and stabbed me right in the heart:
Another riding, I swear see your face at every turn (...) And I just hope you know that you're the only one I yearn for No wonder I'll be missing when I learn (...) Hey, you were so easy to love But wait I guess our love wasn't enough Going through it every time that I'm alone (...) 'Cause I was wrong
She knows that leaving Orrick behind was a horrible thing. She knows that, and she did it anyway because she couldn't face losing him the long way around. Not when she couldn't carry the burden of aging alongside him like normal people and partners do.
And if that wasn't enough, they hit us with this bridge:
If you ever loved somebody, put your hands up If you ever loved somebody, put your hands up And now they're gone and you're wishing you could give them everything
The second time this repeats, and I say this without judgement on Christina's crystal clear talent, the way her diction comes across made me think the lyric was "If you ever lost somebody" and just made Everything Hurt.
I have no good way to end this other than to reiterate:
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perfectarmony · 2 years
I am actually frustrated with TCL this season cuz where is the armony magic??? Like they are hell bent on showing us Nadia/Arman and thony always fixing luca and going loco loco in the process. I seriously though that this Western drama would make me stick to it but nope...
I mean who are we kidding here! The showrunners of this are the same devils who ruined the 100
What a waste of time
Hello anon, and sorry for the delay!
Okay, I could literally feel the awkwardness and frustration here on tumblr given how quiet the tag is 👀
Warning as usual: this is just my opinion - but it's also completely understandable for people to get frustrated when they're passionate about something 😉
I hear you anon, and I understand the frustration with the teasing and anticipation each week if you focus and wait for some Armony content - but really, the show is so much more, and I don't think the showrunners have failed us so far.
~ A while back, an anon told me it might be best to not expect anything from Armony, and take crumbs if there were any - and it's pretty much the voice of wisdom in this case. If you look at the characters' development - how the different relationships affects them, and how they evolve, the quality of the show hasn't diminished at all.
When you think about it, Thony started selling drugs because she needed the medicine for Luca, and wanted to help those who didn't have access to medical care. Then, she turned away from that, to become as Gabriel called her, a drug dealer - to help Arman. It wasn't so much about Luca anymore - it became about getting him out and then quickly about themselves getting out - it was about her/their survival. Arman is now kinda free of Kamdar - yeah, he's not free at all when at least 3 men want him dead, add Tarik to the mix and it makes 4 - but still, he doesn't have to work for him anymore. So now, Thony proved her worth and we're back to the show's core - keeping Luca alive any way she can.
Wait for it, I'm about to use that quote again. It's not about doing things the right way or the wrong way - but any way you can. That's what it has always been about - and Anna-Mae telling Thony that she ''always knows the right thing to do'' was also a nod to that quote, and to Garrett telling her in 1.09 that what she's doing [helping Arman] is wrong, and to Fiona telling her she's someone who always things she knows better than everyone else, and to 2.04 - how we do it isn't always the way we want/Bahala Na. And there are more!
Again it's just my opinion, but it all makes sense, and they are still doing an amazing job putting this story together.
And again, I completely understand that the fandom expects so much more when Armony has been so vivid in S1 - but the spark is still there. Plus, they barely had time to sleep since the season started. I'm not going to list everything they all had to go through - but I mean, Arman has been arrested on October 15th, and if TCL's timeline is now synced up with real life, so much has happened in just ~6 weeks from 1x10 to 2x09!
That being said, I would be lying if I'd say I wasn't also frustrated at times and didn't sometimes wish for more for the entire show - but mostly because I'd like to slow down a bit, and spend a bit more time on some scenes.
~ I haven't watched the 100, so I don't know much more about that other than what I saw amongst the vidding community when reading video descriptions and comments on Bellarke fanvids - but I'm kinda aware of the anger many fans felt in the fandom. I guess that's what you're refering too? Or are you talking about character development in general? Miranda was indeed working on the show for a while - and I can completely understand your reaction, but unfortunately can't go any further than that when I haven't watched it, sorry 👀
But where I can compare is with Queen of The South. If you haven't watched it, I 100% recommend it - and even more as a show you can binge-watch! I won't go into too much details to not spoil the series for those who haven't seen it - but it has always been about Teresa Mendoza and her journey to becoming the drug queenpin in white. A ship - Jeresa - quickly emerged, and long story short, James wasn't in s4 and came back for s5, which was announced as the final season. And of course, with the clock ticking and each week getting us closer to the end, everyone - me included - had big hopes for their reunion and wanted them to be together. There was a lot of heat, anger and frustration amongst the fandom - that I watched from a distance, but also saw in comments on mine and other fanvids.
To sum it up without giving too much away, their ''relationship'' was..stopped/paused?..in the second episode, and with everything she had gone through, it made sense too. She was scared, had lost many people, was getting deeper and deeper to desperately make it to the top to finally become legit and be untouchable / and feel safe - and was also protecting James by pushing him away.
All of this rambling to get to the point that Armony and Jeresa are the magnificent cherries on top of a magnificent story. No matter how powerful a ship is, I won't be sticking around if the rest makes me want to fast forward. I was drawn to QotS by Teresa, then also fell in love with James, Camila, Branda, Pote, Kelly-Ann,...Thony's story made me want to watch TCL, and then I fell in love with her little human, Fiona, the kids, Arman, Mateo (who was supposed to be my parallel to Pote 🤧 rip), Nadia,...
If you really aren't enjoying the show as a whole anymore, I feel like it might be a good idea to take a step back once the season is over, and binge-watch S1-S2 once your frustration has hopefully eased off 😉
I hope I could somewhat help anon? And I'm sure we'll have 3 amazing last episodes with Armony content - don't give up on it just yet ❤️
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jaanlouis · 2 years
I agree, these two things bbg and H*livia suck but sadly it’s out of our control as fans who watch from afar. Whilst we can’t control these external events, what we can control is how we respond and ‘deal’ with them. I personally expect every Louis interview to have a kid mention, so if it doesn’t happen I’m like oh nice. If I see on my dash that it does, I roll my eyes, accept it was coming and move on. Accept that there’s likely a reason for it, laugh at the ridiculousness of the kid being mentioned so much compared to other celebs who actually see their kids on the regular and go back to other things. Know in my heart of hearts that him mentioning F so much for some reason, won’t take away that everything surrounding that kid and birth is shady, maybe be a bit miffed with him but get on with things. I’m not gonna start throwing my toys out of the pram and threaten to not listen to his music anymore. If him saying something you don’t like causes a fan to do that, maybe they’re a fan for the wrong reasons but who knows each person is different. Maybe some people like a certain celeb for their personality and romantic relationships more so than their actual creative work. Sadly due to all this bbg amp up it means I don’t end up watching many Louis interviews anymore but I still have fun reading all the transcripts online and keeping up that way. I just personally don’t want to sit through Louis talking about F been there done that, I’m here to hear about his music his opinions his tour, not awkward kid mentions, so I’ll just see the gifs. I guess you curate your own online experience. Trust the one video in a while I actually watched to be the one where he unexpectedly mentioned the kid out of the blue. damn could ladbible not have given him Mac and cheese, that F mention came out of nowhere man!
H*livia really does my nut in especially after all that’s come out about her but honestly most of the time when I see things about her when I’m scrolling I just used to laugh and move on because I just can’t take her seriously anyway or her and Harry looking miserable together I’m just like yay PR walks how predictable and staged and move on. That relationship is so obviously PR I can’t be bothered to give it the time of day. Since all that stuff came out she makes me so angry anyway so i probs need to block her name in my tags.
There’s so much we don’t know and never will but there’s also so much that Louis and Harry do and let us see that makes it worth it. Louis’ tour alone was quite loud. You take the good with the bad. I also tell myself I’ll take a break from here but easier said than done as scrolling on here becomes part of the daily routine and you worry you’ll miss out on something good. But yeah I can understand why all this will affect people and some people find it easier to not let it get to them than others, but there’s also so much joy that comes with supporting these guys it’s never gonna be smooth sailing but I’m here for the ride 🙃
Yeah, I totally agree with what you’re saying about curating ur online experience and yeah it is easier said than done and of course, when things like this happening and we believe what we believe it’s understandable that we’ll be upset momentarily. What I find is concerning is the amount of people who use instances like this as an opportunity to shit on hl for things that aren’t their fault, and speculate about how they would navigate this situation when they have no real basis or information about the entire situation and how complicated it probably is in reality. And also, when that’s all you think about, it’s kind of inevitable that those negative feelings will compound and conflate with people’s feelings about hl and it just turns into them being angry with hl for things that might not be in their control. And even if it is in their control, it’s still their life and they do what they feel is best. Anyway, I am rambling again but. I wish you the best in ur journey curating ur online experience! I know it’s hard because you feel like you’re missing out on certain things, but I promise it’s not worth the impact it has on your mental health. Take care of yourself first, the drama will always be here if you ever wanna catch up later.
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violetlilysunshine · 3 years
Flip These Lines
Boyfriend Harry Holland x Actress Reader
Summary: Helping Harry with some work usually comes with a little loving. 
WC: 1,544
Warnings: friendly teasing, suggestiveness, one sexual-ish joke
A/N: y’all asked for it. Plus it’s nice to break up all the Chris I’ve been posting with a little bit of Harry :)
“Hi!” you grinned as Tom opened the door for you.
“Hey, Y/N, c’mon in,” he smiled back, pulling you in for a one-armed-hug, “good to see you, ‘s been a while.” 
“Yeah, filming’s been crazy,” you answered, “glad to be back here though.”
“Well, Harry sure missed you. He hasn’t stopped talking about you since he got home last night,” Tom informed you, making you chuckle, “glad you guys got to reunite though, he’s much more tolerable now.” 
“Hey, I can hear you!” Harry called from the other room.
You laughed, shaking your head at Tom, “I’m glad we got to go out last night, but I missed you too, ya know?” you teased Tom, knowing Harry was still listening.
“Yeah? Missed you a lot,” Tom said, playing along with you, “what d’ya say we hang out later, maybe grab some dinner together?” 
“ALRIGHT GET IN HERE!” Harry yelled from the other room.
You and Tom laughed for a second before he held his arm out, gesturing you towards the living room. 
Harry flashed you a bright smile from his spot on the couch, he was resting against the corner, half on the back of the sofa, half on the arm; he had one leg tucked under the back cushions, the other bent over the edge with his foot resting on the floor. He opened his arm towards you, his smile widening even more.
You practically skipped over, sitting down in front of him and starting to pull your legs towards you.
“Ah,” he scolded, “no shoes on the couch, Tom’ll kill you.” 
You laughed lightly, knowing he was absolutely serious, putting your feet back to the floor, untying your laces, and toeing off your shoes, before pulling your legs up again and crossing them criss-cross-applesauce.
Harry was quick to lean forward, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his chin on your shoulder. He had his laptop open on the cushion next to you, a text document pulled up.
“Watcha workin’ on?” you asked lightly, expecting him to not answer and close the lid.
“Oh just tryin’ to write a script,” he answered, snuggling into your neck, “actually,” he pulled back, “would you maybe want to read it? I’d love your input…” he trailed off.
You were stunned that he was willing to share with you; most things with him and work were kept very tight-lipped, either by his choice or the studios’. When you didn’t answer right away, he started to get nervous.
“It’s okay if you don’t want to, darling, don’t worry about it.”
“No no no,” you hurried, pulling the laptop across the couch and closer to you, “I want to,” you smiled, “just surprised you want to and can share with me is all.”
You hunched forward over the screen, resting your elbows on the cushion and your chin in your hands. He followed you, one arm still wrapped around your middle, the other on the trackpad as he scrolled around the screen. 
“Alright, so start here, love,” he whispered in your ear, “and don’t be afraid to make suggestions if it doesn’t sound good or doesn’t make sense or something,” he smiled, pressing a light kiss to your shoulder.
“Okay, babe,” you smiled, leaning back into him, taking the weight off your arms, and starting to read. 
His hand rubbed up and down your side gently, the other rested on your calf, as he hunched over you. He placed a few kisses to your neck and shoulder as you slowly read over the script. 
“So what’s the idea here?” you asked quietly, in your own little bubble as Tom, Harrison, and Jacob played video games on the TV mounted next you, “like what’s happening before this?” 
He explained a little bit, giving some character descriptions as well, before letting you read again.
You sat there quietly for probably about 10 minutes. Harry’s hands passed soothing touches to you; his lips tapped your neck, jaw, and shoulder occasionally. His eyes scanned the page as well, checking for typos and things like that because he might as well. You could feel his chest and stomach rise and fall against your back as he breathed, comforting and relaxing you. 
“Hey,” you spoke so quietly it was almost a whisper, “I think you should flip these lines,” you said pointing at the screen, “it’ll flow better and the tension will build smoother, ya know?” 
He reread the section, his hand ceasing its movement on your tummy as he focused: “Yeah, love, that makes sense, I think I like it better that way too,” he smiled, highlighting the text and flipping the lines around. 
“Okay, now I gotta read that again,” you giggled, scrolling back up to get into the scene again with the new order.
Harry chuckled at you, pressing another kiss to your cheek, “whatever you say darling.” 
He suddenly tightened his hold on your waist, giving you a small hug, “sorry,” he whispered quickly in your ear.
“For what?” you asked, turning to look at him.
“Don’t think I did that when you got here,” he smiled, “or this,” he said, just before pressing a kiss to your lips.
You giggled as you pulled back, “mmm I don’t think you did either.”
He smiled at you, nudging his nose against your cheek, “okay, back to reading.” 
You turned back to the screen, starting the scene over again and then continuing on. He smushed your cheeks together as he read with you, wanting to see the new section as well. 
You read past it, liking the new change a little better, and so did he. A little further down you highlighted a section and made a note, “sorry, this just sounds a little weird, could use some rewording.”
“You don’t have to apologize, love, I want your opinion.”
“Okay, well, just a note for later,” you smiled, “do with it as you wish.” 
He chuckled at you, “alright, darling, whatever you think.” 
You smiled, going back to reading, nearing the end of what he had.
Jacob tapped Tom’s leg, pulling his attention from the screen, “hey,” he whispered, grabbing Harrison’s interest as well: “look at them,” he said, nodding towards the two of you, hunched over the computer, curled up in each others’ space.
“I think it’s cute,” Harrison whispered back.
“God he’s so in love with her,” Tom smiled, shaking his head.
You were too focused on the script to be aware of anything else happening in the room; Harry, however, heard everything. His attention was caught as soon as the screaming at the game stopped.
“Can’t believe she’s getting to read the script that we don’t get to know anything about,” Harrison added.
“Yeah,” Tom said a little louder, pulling your attention away from the screen.
“What’s that about?” Jacob asked, nodding at Harry.
You weren’t sure exactly what they were talking about, but you clasped your hand over Harry's on your tummy, turning your head to focus on the conversation.
Harry didn’t know what to answer; this was something he told the boys that he ‘wanted to do on his own’, but he couldn’t help but bring you into the mix. 
“What can I say,” he answered them after a while, “you’re not as cute as her,” he shrugged, squeezing you lightly once more.
You smiled, sinking back against him a little further and he placed another peck on your cheek, just next to your ear. 
The three boys laughed lightly, shaking their heads and turning their attention back to the game while you both went back to working. 
You soon finished what he had written, but when you got to the end, you didn’t make any effort to move. You wanted to stay held in his grasp like this forever; you loved having him wrapped around you and were determined to soak up as much of it as you could.
“So what’d you think, darling?” he asked, pulling you to rest back on him as he settled against the arm again, “honestly?” 
“It was really good!” you answered, turning your head to look up at him, “can’t wait to see it on film,” you smiled, pressing a kiss to his jawline.
“Yeah? You think so?” he asked, doubting himself a little bit.
“Of course! It’s gonna be big, I know it.”
He smiled at you, about to say something in response, but Tom beat him to it, “would you two get a room?” he called, watching the two of you fawn over each other.
“What’du say?” he asked, passing you a wink.
“Mmm, sounds lovely,” you smiled, sitting up.
“Ewwww,” Tom groaned, scrunching up his face.
You and Harry both laughed loudly at that; you picked up your shoes and Harry grabbed his laptop before taking your hand and guiding you towards the hall. 
“We’ll try to keep it down!” he called over his shoulder, laughing loudly.
He led you into his room, gesturing you to get comfy on the bed as he turned to close the door behind the both of you, “pick a movie, love.” 
Just before the door latched, you heard a yell from Harrison, “USE PROTECTION!”
“DUDE!” Tom yelled in response, causing Harry to laugh again and finally close the door. 
TAGLIST: @xamourx @spider-barnes @hogwartsmarvelmommy @tulipholland @harryhollandsgirlfriend @cupids-crystals @sunwardsss @bvttercupbby @mcushvft @elishi03 @golden-hoax @mistakenpersonn
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Life Without Colour {PART TWO}
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Soulmate AU: Your vision is in black and white until you meet your soulmate. You and your boyfriend, Steve Rogers, aren’t each others soulmates but you love each other. He introduces you to his friends, the Avengers, and a very odd thing happens.
Characters: Steve Rogers x Plus Size Female Reader, Bucky Barnes x Plus Size Female Reader
taglist: @domainoflostsouls​  forgetthisbull  handon-h-art  yourspecialcrush  giulsgotmusic
As morning crept in through the blinds, you opened your eyes. It had been a horrendous night. You’d slept for a couple of hours, if that, all in and every time you woke up, you felt like crying. You opened your eyes to see wonderous colour, everything was so colourful and it shocked you but my god, you wished that your vision was still black and white. If your vision had been black and white everything would’ve been fine and you would be happy. You would’ve given up anything to have black and white vision back. Black and white vision wasn’t so bad, I mean, it always felt like you were trapped inside a 50s sitcom but that was pretty cool! Though now with colour you could easily see what your clothes looked like...
Steve was still sound asleep beside you. His alarm would go off in an hour or so. Carefully, you got out of bed trying not to wake him as you went to wander through Steve’s apartment. You were grateful that Steve’s décor was darker and more muted colours; dark blues and browns (and you knew what colours they all were because during the night, you’d found some YouTube Kids videos telling you all the different types of colour. You liked red and you really liked yellow). You spend a while walking around the apartment and looking out the window, watching the sun come up. Your stomach flips and you feel sick as you see a photo of Steve and Bucky; the same photo that you’d seen so many times before except now it’s in colour and you can see Bucky’s dark eyes and Steve’s bright eyes. Taking a breath, trying to push the nausea away, you wish it had been Steve’s eyes that you saw. You wish Steve’s bright blue eyes had been the first ones you saw in colour.
Your mind refuses to stop picturing Bucky and that first moment of seeing colour crashing over you like a wave. The guilt hits you like a train as you stare at the photo. How could you love Steve Rogers and yet have Bucky Barnes be your soulmate? You needed help; you needed some form of guidance, someone to talk to that wasn’t Bucky Barnes. 
Steve finds you sitting on the couch, staring at the photo of the pair, fifteen minutes later. He pads over to you, realising that you’re in a daydream of sorts, “Sweetheart?” He says softly sitting on the couch beside you.
You tore your eyes from the picture and stared at him, once again the colour of his eyes surprising you. Quickly, you set the photo down and pull him onto the couch, “Steve, I have to tell you something.”
Steve brushes your hair out of your face, frowning in concern. He could tell something was eating away at you, he noticed it last night at the party. He’d hoped it had just been the migraine but now, seeing the fear in your eyes, he wondered if it was something else entirely. He asks if you’re okay, asks what’s wrong and you open your mouth and then shut it. You need to tell him. A relationship shouldn’t have secrets or lies and you had always been honest with Steve. Steve valued honesty and truth among all else, he valued loyalty and yet, here you were, keeping the biggest secret of your life from him.
He repeats the question, “What’s going on?”
You shake your head and plaster a smile on your face, “I was just thinking that I’d go see Nat today,” you told him, “She was telling me about her and Bruce yesterday but never got to hear much of the story before my migraine kicked in.” It wasn’t a lie, you were waiting to hear more of Nat and Bruce’s story but that wasn’t the only reason you wanted to go and see her. You wanted Nat’s opinion on everything; you wanted her to tell you what you were supposed to do.
Steve nodded his head slowly, “Are you okay, (y/n)? You’ve not seemed quite right since last night at the party.” No, I’m not right at all, Steve! My soulmate is your best friend! How do I tell you that? How am I meant to tell you that without destroying you?
“Yeah, everything’s fine, love,” you smile at him, “The migraine’s away but I barely slept.” He looks at you with that stare, the one where he’s trying to figure out if you’re telling him the truth, “Honestly, Steve, I’m okay. I’m absolutely exhausted but I’ll have a cup of coffee and go see Nat and I’ll be fine. Must’ve been the champagne last night, I only had one glass but you know I’m not a big drinker and you know Stark buys the expensive stuff.”
Steve relents with a sigh, he’s unsure but you seem to be talking a little more, “Okay, just remember that I’m here for you if you need me...” He stands up, stretching and you smile as you look at him. He is one fine specimen. He notices you admiring his muscles, “You think these are impressive?” He chuckles, “You should’ve seen me before the serum.”
You laugh, a real genuine laugh, and for a few seconds, you forget about everything. Things were just so real and easy with Steve, “I would’ve loved to have met you back then you know.”
Steve scoffs, “Yeah right. You’re way out of my league right now never mind back then.”
“I’m serious,” you say as you follow him into the kitchen, “Steve, you’re the best person I’ve ever met. I would love you in every lifetime and every size or shape. Skinny, pre serum Steve would’ve been just as perfect. The serum changed the way you look but it never changed the way you act or the way you think. That’s all you and what do I always tell you?”
Steve smiles as he makes the coffee, “You love the way I think.” He looks up at you and you smile at him. Everything was always easy with Steve; it always had been, even on that very first day.
The rain poured down, splashing onto the sidewalk. You pulled your jacket tighter around you as you tried to back further into the wall. You’d been waiting outside a café for over thirty minutes waiting for your date to show up. So far, nothing. You’d text and left a voicemail asking if he was on his way but no answer. You huffed as you shook your head, “Bloody men.”
You go to turn and walk away, knowing that you’d been stood up and didn’t want to hang around for nothing, when you almost bump into something or rather someone, “Sorry, I was going to ask if you wanted my umbrella.” He asked with a smile, “But you started cursing out men and honestly, it’s a little intimidating.”
You looked up at him and smiled, well he wasn’t your soulmate but that was okay, you didn’t need colour to know that he was ridiculously good looking,  “Sorry, I, uh, I got stood up so I’ve been standing in the rain for nearly forty minutes. I even went to the effort of putting on a whole new outfit and curling my hair!”
The man sighs, “I’m sorry to hear that, how about I buy you a cup of coffee?” He holds his hands up when you look at him concerned, “I just wanna be nice, that’s all. If you hate me, you never have to see me again.”
You find yourself laughing and shrugging, “Oh, what the hell- sure... I’m (y/n).”
“Steve, Steve Rogers.”
It hits you then. Of course, “You’re Captain America!”
Steve nods, “I hope that’s not an issue?”
You shake your head, “Not at all but... why does someone like you want to go on a date with someone like me? I mean you look like that and I look like...” you look down at your soaked outfit, “a drowned rat.”
His laugh is lovely, you realise as it comes booming out of him, “Someone like me? I look like this now but before the war, I was a scrawny five foot four kid with too many health issues to count and someone like you? You mean someone beautiful with a gorgeous smile?” He opens the café door, “Shall we?”
A cup of coffee with Captain America, you muse in your head as you sit at the table in the small café waiting for him to bring you back your drinks, your mom would have a field day with this one. You shrug your jacket off and hang it over the back of the chair, thankful that your jacket had kept the rain from soaking you straight to the bone.
Steve appeared a minute later, two coffees and two muffins, “I wasn’t sure if you wanted something to eat so I got us muffins.”
“Thanks,” you smile, happily taking a bite out of it. Steve sits down and you suddenly feel rather awkward as he smiles at you. You’re not soulmates. Your vision is still black and white so... what was the point?
Steve seems to read your mind, “We’re not soulmates... It’s okay.” You breathe a sigh of relief and Steve can see you visibly relax.
“Yours is still black and white?”
He shakes his head, taking a sip of the coffee, “No, I... I met my soulmate a long time ago.”
“Oh?” you pause and he can see your eyebrows furrow in confusion.
“It was during the war we met,” he goes onto explain, “Things couldn’t really go anywhere since I woke up in the twenty first century... She died a couple of years ago.”
Well, shit. “Oh god, Steve, I’m so sorry. That’s... That’s horrible.”
Steve smiles, appreciating your genuine sympathy, “It’s okay,” he shrugs, “besides, I like to think I can make my own destiny; that there’s more than one person in the world that could be a match for me.”
A smile spreads onto your face. He was like a breath of fresh air, the way he spoke about things with such hope... it was inspiring. No wonder he was Captain America; everything America should have been, “I like the way your mind works.” And it’s true. You’d never met anyone who was so hopeful. Everyone you met followed the rules and stuck by them but Steve, despite his past and despite his definite trauma, he remained hopeful for a better future.
He asks about you and your situation, “Still black and white,” you tell him, “I have to send pictures of my outfits to my sister who met her soulmate years ago just to see if the colours go well together.” He laughs, “I’m in no rush to find my soulmate, if I ever find them. I don’t believe too much in it either.”
The pair of you look across the table at one another and smile and it’s an unspoken agreement of ‘are we going to do this?’. Steve takes a sip of coffee, hiding a bashful smile from behind the mug, “You know, I’m real glad your date stood you up.”
His kiss on your temple as he slides your mug of coffee over to you breaks you out of your trance, “Penny for your thoughts?”
“I’m real glad my date stood me up,” you murmur with a smile.
A slow grin spreads on his face, “Yeah, me too...”
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Once you’ve eaten breakfast, gotten dressed and ready for the day ahead, you text Nat and ask her if you can come over. She responds right away telling you to come by whenever. You get ready to leave and say bye to Steve, who’s using a laptop looking up something else that Sam told him about.
“I’ll be home soon,” you say, kissing his hair, “Text me if you’re wanting me to pick up anything while I’m out.”
“I love you,” Steve calls as you’re pulling on your sneakers.
A pang of guilt hits you and you take a deep breath, “I love you too, Steve.”
You leave.
The drive to Natasha’s apartment is a short one and it helps that you’re breaking most of the traffic laws to get there. You need to tell someone. Honestly, at this rate, you’ll be having stomach ulcers with the stress. Maybe you were overreacting, maybe this wasn’t such a big deal... Maybe you would tell Nat and she would roll her eyes and tell you that it would be fine, to tell Steve and don’t talk to Bucky again. You hoped that it could be that easy but really... would it be?
Natasha immediately knew something was wrong, “Have you slept?” She asked, noting the dark circles under your eyes and your stressed appearance.
“Couple of hours.”
“What’s going on?”
“Coffee and then we’ll talk.” Nat nods and goes to the kitchen so prepare the coffee. Her apartment is bare but stylish. It’s not very personable but she wasn’t very personable so it makes sense. Nat always told you that she was ready to up and leave if she needed to. You follow her into the kitchen to see her lifting down two blue mugs, “Actually, can I get that red mug that’s on the top shelf?”
Nat nods and reaches up. Then she realises what you just said, “No fucking way.” You sigh, sitting at the kitchen island as she stares at you, throwing question after question at you, “You can see colour? When? How? Who?!”
“Coffee first, please.”
Natasha Romanoff has never moved faster in her life as she makes that cup of coffee and has it sitting in front of you within thirty seconds. She demands to know everything, “When?!”
“Last night at Stark’s party.”
Natasha snaps her fingers, “I knew something wasn’t right! You left so early and didn’t even say goodbye, by the way. Tony said you had a migraine but I thought something was off.”
You nodded, “Yeah, the colour was overwhelming and it gave me a migraine. It’s still pretty overwhelming, to be honest.”
Natasha leaned forwards, elbows propped onto the kitchen counter, “Is it...”
You shake your head, looking at your hands, “No... It’s not Steve.”
She curses under her breath, “Damn... I’m sorry, I can’t imagine how difficult that is but... doesn’t mean everything’s doomed. Who is it?”
All of a sudden, you can’t say anything; all you can do is stare at the coffee. Natasha begins to list of names, “Stark? Thor? Galactica man? Fury? Parker-”
“Nat, he’s seventeen!”
She holds up her hands, “Wanda? Strange? Sam? Maria Hill? Oh my god, is it me?” You roll your eyes at her and then she says it, “Bucky?” Your bottom lip trembles and Natasha’s jaw drops, “Bucky?! Bucky Barnes?” A nod is all you can muster, “Holy shit! I knew the universe is fucked but I didn’t realise it’s this fucked!”
“You said it doesn’t mean everything’s doomed, tell me it’s not doomed, Nat.”
“What did Steve say?! Holy shit, I can��t believe that. No wonder you didn’t sleep.” She sees your eyes lower, “You have told him, haven’t you?”
“I tried,” you whisper, “I tried, Nat. I-I couldn’t.” She sighs heavily, “It’s bad, isn’t it? It’s real bad.”
She nods, “Yeah, it’s gonna be bad.” The two of you are silent as you sip at the coffee, trying to figure out what the next move is. It feels good to talk about it with someone; feels much better to share the load with someone who isn’t Bucky.
“I don’t know how to tell him,” you say eventually, voice cracking with emotion, “I mean, how do you tell your boyfriend that his best friend is your soulmate?” Nat doesn’t have the answers and you know she doesn’t. She can’t tell you what to do. Bucky couldn’t tell you what to do either. You have to figure it out by yourself.
“Tell me everything.”
So you tell her everything. You tell her about seeing him, about going to get air, about Bucky finding you and having a secret conversation with him, about the migraine and about going home with Steve, “The worst part of it is... Bucky’s eyes were the first pair I saw in colour. How many times have I said to you even if Steve wasn’t my soulmate, how many times have I said I wanted his eyes to be the first ones I look into with colour vision? I feel like I’ve betrayed him.”
Nat’s hand reached out, clasping yours from across the table, “This isn’t your fault. I know that if you had your way, you would’ve seen colour with Steve from that very first glance. If not Steve, you would’ve picked me, obviously.” You laugh slightly, “Steve will understand that you didn’t want or mean for this to happen. His soulmate is someone else as well.”
“But his is dead. My soulmate is another Super Soldier who has a freaking metal arm and used to be an assassin!”
“Don’t knock assassins,” she scolds with a smile, “I’ve seen the way you and Steve are together and I know that you’re the real deal, soulmate or not. You know that too. Your talk with Bucky seems like you two are pretty okay with nothing happening between the pair of you and that’s a good first step.”
“What do I do?”
She squeezed your hand and gave you a small smile, “You know what to do.”
You let out a long breath and nodded slightly, “I have to tell Steve.”
Natasha smiled. She was one of your closest friends, she seemed to understand you pretty well. She understood your anguish and your pain and she would always listen to your problems. Steve was close with Nat for the exact same reasons. She helped and she listened. Natasha had welcomed you practically with open arms (except she hated hugs) when Steve introduced you to her. Straightaway she knew that you two were made for each other, even if the universe didn’t think it. She made a comment that stuck with you to this day,  ‘You both make each other a better person. You share the load and take turns of carrying the burdens. It’s not common that happens.’
To distract you, she updated you on her and Bruce Banner saying that he’d finally asked her out and their date was tonight, “I’m sorry. I know the last thing you want to deal with is my relationship problems,” you apologised as she told you.
“Don’t be silly, I’d rather help you than worry about what I’m meant to say on this date! I’ve not been on a date in years!”
“You’ll be fine,” you laughed, draining the last of your coffee, “You know that the pair of you are soulmates just... no work talk.”
Natasha looked like a deer caught in the headlights, “No work talk? What am I meant to talk about?!”
“I don’t know... the weather?”
The redhead rolled her eyes, “I’m not taking advice from someone who’s dating their soulmate’s best friend.”
“Low blow,” you said laughing. She did always know how to lighten the mood, “You’ll be fine, Nat.” As if on cue, you get a text, “It’s Steve... asking when I’m coming home. Can’t put it off any longer.” Standing, Nat tells you that she’s proud of you.
“It won’t be easy but... it’s the right thing to do.”
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In the car ride over, you had rehearsed what you’d say to Steve. You would tell him everything that happened, you’d tell him about Bucky, about the conversation you had with him, about the real reason why you had a migraine and you’d apologise for not telling him as soon as it happened. You were scared but fear isn’t a real excuse to not do the right thing. You hoped that he wouldn’t hate you. You hoped that he would forgive you for not saying something sooner.
As you open Steve’s apartment door, you hear laughter... You frown as you close the door behind you, “Steve?” You call out.
“(y/n), you’re home,” Steve replies, “We’re in here.”
“Who’s we?” You ask, kicking off your shoes and peering around the corner,  “Oh.” You don’t look at the figure sitting next to Steve. You can’t. You’ll lose your composure and everything will be a mess again.
Steve grinned, “Bucky thought he’d stop by, isn’t that great?”
You force a smile, “Amazing! I’m going to go make myself some lunch.” Quickly, you rush into the kitchen, trying to slow your heartrate. What the fuck is he doing here?!
That’s when someone clear their throat from behind you, “I brought the coffee mugs we used back...” Bucky Barnes was the last person you wanted to see right now and now, here he was, standing in your kitchen trying to make conversation with you?! Universe, you and I need to have a good long chat.
“Why are you here?” Your voice is harsher than it should be but you’re annoyed. You’d agreed to only see each other when necessary not randomly! You thought that you’d be able to tell Steve yourself without unwelcome guests such as Bucky.
“Steve said you were out and I thought I’d be okay to see him for a few hours!” Bucky’s just as annoyed apparently not wanting to see you much more than you wanted to see him. He’s annoyed that you’re annoyed. You turn to him, glaring into those blue eyes, “Look, I know you hate me for fucking things up but... I needed to see you.”
“Why?!” You’re whisper shouting at each other and you were so glad that Steve didn’t have super hearing.
“Because I- I can’t stop thinking about you!” He hisses, arms flailing as his eyes bore into your soul, “I never slept because I couldn’t get you out of my head!”
You’re breathing hard as you look at him. He couldn’t sleep because he was too busy thinking of you? “You couldn’t sleep either?” Bucky cocks his head in confusion, “Every time I closed my eyes, all I saw were yours.” You explained and you give a bitter laugh, “Forgive me for being annoyed but I wanted the first colour I saw to be Steve’s eyes, not yours so yeah, I’m a little pissed.”
Bucky rolls his eyes, “Oh, I’m sorry, princess,” he scoffs, “If I had it my way, I wouldn’t have picked you to be my soulmate. Plenty more people better.” The comment stings. You don’t know Bucky at all, all you know is what Steve told you of him but so far, he had made a terrible impression. Though to be fair, you’d said similar things to him so... Immediately, he groans and realises how big of a dick he looks, “I’m sorry. I- I didn’t mean it like that. It’s just- It’s-”
“Complicated. I know... I’m sorry that I’ve been a bit of a bitch. I never thought that this would happen. I’m stressed and I feel like I’m going to get a stomach ulcer from the stress.”
Bucky nods, “I’m sorry too... I’m sorry for showing up here too. Steve said you’d be out but I was hoping to see you again. I couldn’t sleep last night because I couldn’t stop thinking about what would’ve happened if I’d met you first.”
“Bucky...” Your voice is a warning. A warning to not break over that threshold because once you break it, there’s absolutely no fixing it. It’s a warning that nothing will happen between the two of you. 
He realises and quickly straightens, “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. Just... Just don’t go there,” you say with a nod as you turn around and open the fridge. You pull out some leftovers from your dinner the night before and go to the microwave to reheat it. The pair of you are quiet; the only noise to be heard is the hum of the microwave, “We should tell him,” you say eventually.
Bucky sighs. He too felt terrible for lying to Steve but he thought that hiding it was the easier thing to do, “Are you sure that’s what you want to do?”
You nod as the microwave beeps, “We have to tell Steve.”
“Tell me what?” Steve asks, walking into the kitchen and placing some dirty dishes on the counter, “What’s going on? You okay?” Your eyes fleet between Steve who remains happy yet confused and Bucky who won’t stop staring at you with the deep stare. 
Oh, fuck.
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roo-bastmoon · 2 years
Some red flags
Disclaimer: not a medical professional. Not a nutritionist. Not Korean. Not trying to diagnose anyone. Only sharing my own personal thoughts as a compulsive overeater. Feel free to keep scrolling if not your thing.
In the past, Jimin has called himself an ugly pig and confessed to Hobi that he was worried because he “can’t stop eating.” And we all know about how he fainted because he went 10 days with only one meal but was constantly rehearsing. (Jimin is a perfectionist who used to rehearse until 4 in the morning during his school days, so I think it’s fair to call him an extremist.)
 But to hear him talk about it, that’s all in the past, he doesn’t starve himself any more, he eats well and he’s fine.
 And yet… in my opinion, Jimin still exhibits signs of binging (both food and alcohol) and food obsession.
 In the most recent V Live, Jimin ate for 25 minutes and commented:
·       He only feels 10% full
·       His face was too round these days
·       He can really put on weight
·       Once he starts eating, he can’t stop
·       Before he came to the US, he ate 5 meals a day and gained so much weight
·       It was really hard to lose that weight
·       He can’t have leftovers; he eats everything that’s in front of him immediately
·       He can eat an entire fried chicken by himself and then is puffy the next day
·       When dieting, he watches mukbangs (videos of other people eating)
·       He didn’t intend to eat but food was right in front of him and he couldn’t resist 
·       He no longer starves himself but he exercises a lot
 Some of this could just be differences in culture (I’m told binge drinking in Korea is quite normal, as is an obsession with diets, skincare, and plastic surgery), but when I hear Jimin talk about food, it’s just red flag after red flag for me.
 Also just my own opinion, but I think JK is exhibiting signs of an exercise obsession…
 After traveling internationally, being diagnosed with COVID (thankfully only mild symptoms), and under quarantine with orders to rest, he was dancing around and working out with weights in his hotel room. He insisted on doing this because he didn’t want “to get out of shape” or gain weight… from a few days of not exercising. (He also complained exasperatedly that all he did lately was eat and sleep... while sick with COVID.)
 On the third LV concert day, after 3+ hours performing, JK also was:
·       Running
·       Doing back lifts
·       Doing ab exercises
·       Boxing
·       Sparing
 And yet he refused to eat during the V Live, saying he’ll save it for tomorrow.
Because Jimin and Jungkook are always together (*casually looks into the camera like in The Office*), I think they both trade habits to some degree and shape each other’s perspectives.  
Overeaters Anonymous has defined as “symptoms of unhealthy food behaviors” to include:
·       Obsession with body weight, size, and shape
·       Periods of strict self-control followed by eating binges
·       Grazing on food that is there
·       Extremely restrictive diets
·       Inability to stop eating after the first bite
·       Preoccupation or obsession with food
·       Using food as a reward or for comfort
·       Over exercising 
·       Exercising to combat feelings of guilt for eating
Now I don’t know if the boys have an Eating Disorder™ but I do think they have an unhealthy relationship with food (due to their industry’s image standards--let’s not even start with Jin’s malnutrition from only eating chicken for a year). I think this because I’m a compulsive overeater and binge comfort eater myself (as are approximately 30% of the human population), and some of this just resonates loudly. I don’t mean to project, though.
 I wish with all my heart that Hybe would get each of the members their own trainer and nutritionist who will calculate their exact basal metabolic rates based on heartrate measurements during high intensity days, then ensure they get adequate calories with at least 3 meals of protein, fat, and carbs plus one snack on a daily basis. (I also think the members—like all human beings—would benefit from regular therapy sessions, but that’s a whole other post. Doubt my little tumblr blog is going to impact cultural stigmas on the other side of the world.)
 Maybe I’m way off base. Maybe they are just men in their twenties who are very active and then like to eat a lot and complaining about their lack of control is just a casual way for them as celebrities to relate to their image-conscious fans.
In any case, I hope they are doing okay. I’m gonna love and support all members of BTS even if they don’t shower or wear makeup or have pimples or stuff their faces or smoke or forget English words or fall down on stage or crack on high notes or miss their choreography from time to time. In fact that stuff often endears them to me more. I don’t love them because they are perfect; I love them because they are authentic, talented, kind-hearted people.
 These are just my thinky thoughts what I needed to think out loud. I appreciate others’ perspectives if folks feel like discussing the topic (just please keep it kind)!
Here, have a cute Jikook smiling compilation pic as a palate cleanser:
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 3 years
Memories of 2020 - A first look into all the content (OT7 as well as vmin and namjin)
As promised here’s my second post in which I just want us to have a look at some of the amazing content Memories of 2020 has in store for us. If you don’t want spoilers while you wait for your DVD (though I don’t know how anyone can hide from all the pictures and videos being posted everywhere) this post isn’t for you. If you want to have a look, than it’s very much for you. Truly there is so, so much here and everything I mention just scratches at the surface of it all. There’s more than eleven hours to go through after all!
From anon: Good luck for all the incoming questions regarding j*k*ok and their moment in memories - I think you know which one! I for one am enjoying all of the content and the love that each member has for the other, including vmin ofc. My favorite moment so far is definitely vmin kissing namjoon though - excited to hear about y'all's favorite moments :)
As I mentioned in my previous post, no worries anon, we barely got any and I already gave my opinion. As for our favorite moments, some of them are listed here along with other fun things, though I’ll admit, that forehead kiss was just so, so adorable. I mean, what other way is there to celebrate Namjoon’s birthday if not by kissing his forehead and squishing his cheeks?
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One of the first things for the year were their practices for ON and Black Swan with the LAB dancers. We got a wider shot of Jimin helping Tae stretch, which we also previously got in their IG story last year, as well as Tae cutely asking Jimin to teach him how to do the cartwheel.
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Furthermore we also saw Jimin practice his Black Swan solo dance which, what a surprise (not really), Tae was present for and (by the look of it) was filming him to show him later how it looks. I wonder if this was around the time when Tae wrote on weverse that Black Swan=Jimin. 
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Then when filming the ON MV we got to see vmin dancing, the full version of what we originally saw in the teaser and contrary to what anons tried to suggest, as in that Tae wanted to remove Jimin’s hand, it was actually him moving Jimin’s hand so he could twirl him around and continue the dance further. Afterward Tae also repeats the dance with the little girl that starred in the MV alongside him so I wonder if this is when Tae introduced Jimin to her.
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A lot more below the cut:
Then we saw some more of vmin being adorable at that one MOTS7 interview in NYC whereafter Jimin led Tae down the stairs while JK was behind them asking Tae if he was crying. The context here being that Tae was “sulking” because he didn’t get a chance to say the answers he’d prepared in English so, once downstairs, Jimin along with JK and Hobi (who was filming him much the way he did at the Grammys when a similar situation happened) encouraged him to at least show them his answers while Tae pretend cried and sulked some more.
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Speaking of MOTS7, we also got some more behind the scenes of the jacket photoshoots which included vmin as dark angels and Jimin charming Tae while he was speaking, namjin making jokes about darks/ducks, and Tae and Seokjin looking stunning but we have an entire Bangtan Episode for that so I’ll save including a visual for this so I can include more pictures of other things instead. I hope you don’t mind.
We also had Jimin visiting Hobi and Yoongi on the sets of Interlude: Shadow and Outro: Ego which, judging by Jimin’s outfit, might’ve been filmed at the same time? Which, to be honest, makes a lot of sense. But the reactions were so different, as in Hobi was so happy and bubbly when Jimin came while Jimin “complained” that Yoongi barely even paid attention to the fact that he came. Their different dynamics are just so cute and interesting.
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We also got so, so much content from the Daechwita MV filming, including a video of JK petting a chicken to the point that the chicken fell asleep. JK and animals, a very precious concept. Honestly I love this MV (the visuals are unreal) and the song so I’m glad we got to see more of the behind the scenes.
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We also got plenty of Dynamite dance practice shenanigans like this:
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Since we’re on the topic of dance practice, one thing that truly impressed me was Jimin’s core strength which we got a presentation of via him doing a headstand, as well as some gymnastics type looking something with JKs help. The control and strength he needed in order to lift himself up like that? Insane. Especially since he also lowered himself back down again in a controlled manner as well which makes it even more impressive. These men are so athletic, wow.
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One of the moments I loved the most because it’s so meaningful and genuine is this one where they were filming their AMA performance and it was also the day of Tae’s grandma’s 70th birthday so, like the good boy he is, he decided to call/FaceTime her and Jimin joined him. From what I’ve seen Jimin used language showing that he’s familiar with her and it’s cute how natural this moment looks, like of course Jimin is there with Tae wishing his grandma a happy birthday. To be fair Seokjin also comes by and calls out a happy birthday but walks away just as quickly leaving just the two of them behind. Adorable.
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Some more fun, random and cute stuff includes, but very much isn’t limited to, all of this:
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Side note - Hobi singing You are my soulmate while vmin were practicing their Chingu performance? It really is his favorite song.
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Honestly all the Seokjin and JK, as well as Hobi and JK content is so adorable and fun and there is so, so, so much more of it to be found and enjoyed than what I managed to include here. I’m glad we got to see so much more of their interactions across Memories of 2020 especially since they are the kinds of bonds that don’t get nearly enough attention most of the time which is a shame.
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There were quite a few things included from their Esquire photoshoots but this moment with Namjoon, Tae and Hobi is just...wow. Love it. It’s one of my favorite moments and now also one of my favorite pictures of those three together. The fact that Tae was wearing a crop top for his solo pictures yet we didn’t get to see it (properly)? Wow.
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From anon: Why is there so little Namjin in the memories of 2020 😞 I’ve seen so much from all the other pairings. It’s made me sad.
I don’t know who lied to you, dear anon, or who hid all the good stuff from you but rest assured we got plenty of wonderful namjin content, and this likely isn’t even all of it. 
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Does Seokjin’s sweater say RM in hangul? Yes, it very much does. And is that Namjoon trying to stop Seokjin from walking away? Yes indeed. Much to think about.
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And that’s about all I’m able to include without tumblr telling me I’m just doing too much. Like I said this is just basically a glimpse at all the content so everyone who ordered the Memories of 2020 DVD, there is plenty more for you to look forward to. Once I’ll be able to watch the full thing, I’m sure I’ll make more posts and if there’s something you’d like me to talk about or a moment you particularly enjoyed, let me know.
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Moving day
Based on @lucywrites02's writing challenge, with the prompts "1. You're family" and "8. I have a surprise for you". I wish you a very happy birthday, Lucy!
Pairing: Loki x fem!reader (Tony Stark's daughter, not Morgan)
Word count: 3.2 K
Warnings: fluff and pregnancy :) This was very adorable to write.
Taglist: @lucywrites02, @louieboo87,@jesuswasnotawhiteman, @geekwritersworld, @whatafuckingdumbass, @mysticunicorn7, @toe-vind-ek-jou, @t00-pi, @selfship-mishaps, @sallymagnoliaposts, @deadgirl88, @enderslove
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Gif: @moonrainbow
It had surprised Thor greatly how quickly and intensely his brother had fallen for you. He was as committed and truthful as he has never been in his long, long life. He looked at you softly, in comparison with everyone else. As soon as you walked in a room, he followed you with his gaze and invited you to his conversation. It wasn’t a surprise that after a few months of this very silent flirting (that very few noticed, because it mainly consisted in batting eyelashes and repressing subtle smiles when the other was around) you’d come out of the shell and admit you started dating. Thor was ecstatic.
Tony, on the other hand, was not amused. Not amused at all; in fact, he hated the idea of you going around with that God. He said, explicitly “if you ever get in trouble because of him, you solve it yourself. Nothing of coming for daddy to help, clear?”. Pepper had told him to cut some slack, and observe at how happy you were together, but he, stubborn to the bone, had to take a few months more before accepting the fact that his little girl was in love with the God of Mischief.
But the months passed by; almost a year, and you grew closer and closer. You hated to sneak into his room every night, and get interrupted all the time by every single soul in the compound, or mocked to death every time you cuddled on the sofa, watched a movie or read a book together. So, it all boiled down to the same conversation:
“I don’t think he’s ready”, you said while pouring some milk on your cereal. Nat rolled her eyes.
“He’s even readier than you”, insisted Wanda. They were exhausted from having the same conversation over and over, but you couldn’t bring yourself to actually do something about it. “He’s lived much longer, if any of you two were to be unready, that’d be you”.
“Do you think I’m not ready?”, you doubted yourself.
“God, Wanda. You’re planting unnecessary seeds here. The girl’s already anxious enough”.
“I just think… I want him to be with me for the rest of my life. I don’t know if he feels the same”.
“He totally does”.
“Yeah. No doubt about that. Just look at how he looks at you. What are you even waiting for?”.
“I don’t know, a signal?”.
“Of what? You’re impossible. Unless God themself comes down the sky and tells you textually just move in with him, you wouldn’t consider it a ‘signal’”, bitched Nat. But she was right. Commitment was not exactly your thing, even though you were as in love as you could be.
You heard an oncoming scream approaching the room. In silence, you three observed cautiously, and moved away from the middle. The screaming increased its loudness, until a body shattered the roof and fell to the floor violently. Loki laid still among the dusted debris until a second screaming started sounding from the sky.
“Oh, fuck”, he said, managing to get up quickly and making himself as a shield for you three. Thor landed on his feet over the same spot Loki had fallen. Dust flew everywhere and the floor cracked a bit more. “Don’t”, he alerted, pointing at his brother menacingly.
“I’m tired of your whinings, brother. Do something or I’ll do it myself”, spat Thor, grabbing Mjölnir and leaving the room. Loki sighed and sat on the couch, cleaning the remains with his magic. Wanda sighed and put it all back together.
“And what was that about?”, asked Nat, eating a candybar, still on the same spot as earlier. It wasn’t an unusual scene.
“I…”, said Loki, but desisted. You sat on the couch by his side and he laid, using your lap as a pillow. You took out a tissue and started carefully cleaning the blood off his cuts. He smiled softly. “We just had a fight”.
“I can see that. What did you fight about?”.
“He wants me to… well, talk to you”, he struggled to say.
“Well, we’re talking now”.
“Yes. No, wait, no. Like, talk talk”, he clarified, and Nat and Wanda nodded, leaving the room. You could still hear their chattery from the door.
Loki sat up and grabbed both of your hands, making direct eye contact. He was nervous, which only made you even more unsettled. He was never nervous. He was always calm, even in life or death situations. He was unfazed in everything and with almost everyone. Almost.
“What do you want to talk talk about?”, you joked, and he chuckled, releasing some tension.
“I want you to move in with me”.
“Oh. Wait. What?”.
“Like, move out. But with me”.
“To your room?”.
“Out of the Compound”.
“To an apartment?”.
“In Midgard, yes”.
“But like, in New York?”.
“Wherever you want, actually”.
You stayed silent for a few seconds, and Loki grew nervous again. You couldn’t help but laugh. He looked at you quizzically, raising an eyebrow.
“I’m sorry, it’s just that… a God just fell down the sky and told me to move in with you”, you clarified, which didn’t actually clarify anything.
“You… what?”.
“Yes, I’d love to move in with you, love”.
And in no time you were already packing things up and going together on apartment huntings.
Tony insisted on helping you out himself, which was hilarious, given the repulsion he had for the idea in the first place. So, you’d go to an apartment by yourself, check it out and talk to the owner for a bit; Loki would arrive later, tensing things up (the owners would usually recognize him, but after a little chat they’d find out he’s a fine man), and then, just after you’d be all calm and good, the owners would see in the papers you’re a Stark, and tense up even more. Easier to say, it wasn’t a normal neighborhood chat.
You had finally decided on a small but very cozy apartment near Central Park; far enough from the Stark Tower, but you could get there pretty quickly for every mission.
You found the place advertised on the papers, and when you showed it to Loki, in sickness and all, you insisted on going to visit it that same day.
“My love, my dearest… you need to rest. I’m afraid you might faint again”, he cooed, trying to get you back to bed.
“A little fever won’t do anything to me, really, I’m f…”, you said, but you felt like vomiting, so you stopped your words and sat on the floor. Loki sat by your side and rubbed your back.
“If you feel better tomorrow, we go, yes? Now, come on, I’m gonna call Banner and you wait on your bed”.
“No, but they might take it, we need to go to make sure…”.
“What about I go, call you on one of those animated images, and you can see it from here?”, he proposed, helping you up. He meant a video call.
“That… sounds about right”.
But you had no actual time to have that video call, for when he was in the apartment, Banner was delivering some more important news.
You’ve been to the examination’s room of the compound before. But this time it seemed brighter. The lights shone so strongly, you had to close your eyes a little.
“What would you like to do about it?”, asked Banner. You were sobbing and trembling.
“I… I don’t know, I’m sure Loki will leave me”.
“What? No, don’t base your decision on that guy’s opinion”.
“Well, I don’t want the kid to not have a father, you know?”, you said as he gave you a tissue. “I want to have it, I’ve always wanted a kid. I think I’m… ready? I’m probably not. Not by myself, and I can’t do this alone. He’ll leave me, won’t he? Why would he want to have a kid with a mortal? We’d die as fast as he blinks”.
“Look, I’m no one to talk about it, but this sounds more like your anxiety and less like something he would do. He really loves you, he has for like at least a year, and I don’t see that going away anytime soon”.
“I know. You might be right”.
“You’re allowed to doubt everything. This is a huge thing, y/n. Think this through, talk to people, talk to your friends, or your parents. Don’t let this eat you”.
“Thanks, Bruce. You’re really… you’re being really nice, I appreciate it”, you sobbed. He handed you another tissue as he rubbed your shoulder.
“This is your call, okay? You have time to think. Text me later how you’re feeling, and have bed rest now. And if you feel too bad, take this”, he handed you some pills, “it should be innocuous for the baby”.
One of those days, that same week, you had decided to make it the official moving day. So, you put every box in the van and drove through the city, to your new home. You haven’t told Loki yet what you knew, and you were terrified he’d get even more upset because you didn’t tell him before the moving. But, to be fair, you didn’t think he’d actually leave.
You had told no one about it, despite Banner’s indications. But it wasn’t eating you. You were enjoying it silently. You were glad; you had your doubts, fears… Hell, you were terrified. But you knew, if Loki wasn’t going to be a part of that, you could do it yourself. You hoped he’d wanted to, though.
Loki and you had started taking the boxes inside, all by hand (to be honest, he was a little scared of the neighbours watching him do things with magic and kicking you two out). You laughed through it, and played races to see who’d finish their boxes first. He was wearing one of those midgardians shirts and pants that melted you completely. He wore that for your anniversary dinner the week before that day, and he noticed how much you loved it on him, so he started wearing fancy casual clothes more often than not.
After about two hours, you were done and completely exhausted. You laid in the middle of the wooden floor, surrounded by boxes and a strong smell of floorwax and fresh paint, and looked at each other fondly.
“Welcome home”, you said, and he showed you the biggest smile he’s ever done.
“I think this place is perfect. It’s away, but not exactly far from your family for whenever you’d want to be with them”.
“Yes, it’s perfect”, you said, getting up and helping him up. “You know, I have a surprise for you”.
“Really? What is it?”.
“Tonight at dinner, shall we? In the meantime, what about we get something to drink before unpacking?”.
“Can’t wait for tonight, then. Would you like some tea?”, he said, surrounding your waist with his arms. You played gently with his hair.
“I love you”, he said, giving you a small peck over your smile.
“And I love…”, you started saying, but the entrance got filled with noisy people, interrupting you. Four of your friends were already filling the place, giving you an idea of how a small party would fit in there. “... you”.
“Oh my God! This place is so well illuminated!”, said Wanda, marveled.
“And what’s that smell? Have you been cooking something weird?”, said Nat, less enthusiastic, but equally curious. Sam and Bucky were still on the door, and Sam seemed to have brought food. Like a cake, or something similar. Wanda and Natasha were quick to invade the place without further notice.
“Oh, you got one of those hidden drawers! What are you hiding in there?”.
“Probably sex toys”, guessed Nat.
“I’d say drugs. But, like, alien drugs. You know, from his town”, apported Bucky, now making his way in and leaving the cake over the counter.
“I thought drawers were supposed to be for clothes”, said Sam, rolling his eyes.
“Yeah, but hidden drawers? Sexy clothes”.
“Actually, I’m saving my daggers in there”, finally said Loki, kissing your cheek before pulling away from you, and appearing a cup of tea in each guest with a movement of his wrist.
“So, guys, what do you think?”, you said as you started opening one of the boxes.
“I think it’s small”, said Tony, as he walked in. Pepper rolled her eyes behind him.
“Don’t listen to him, you guys chose perfectly. This place will look very nice once you paint it and decorate it”.
“It’s already painted”.
“Oh. Well, it… it looks nice”.
“Thanks mom”, you chuckled. “It’s small but we don’t need it to be big”.
“You better be actually saving daggers in here”, Tony peeped inside the hidden drawer. “Now that is not so hidden. I wouldn’t like to open it up someday and find a…”.
“Dad, please”, you rolled your eyes and went to Loki’s side. “Don’t worry, you won’t find anything weird. Just the daggers and knives of my very innocent boyfriend”.
“Well, you’ll have to think further about having knives so close to the floor, you know”, he muttered. Loki furrowed his eyebrows.
Tony ignored him and walked to you earnestly, with the most serious face expression you’ve ever seen, and everyone observed quietly. He grabbed you by the shoulders, and inhaled a deep breath. All of the sudden, his eyes got watery, and you realized Banner had told him about the pregnancy. Your heart beat so fast you thought you’d faint again, right there. The corners of his lips formed a tiny smile, and he hugged you tightly. Loki was certainly confused now. As far as he knew, Tony didn’t like him, and why would he be so happy about you moving out? It’s not like you were his only child, either.
“I’m so proud of you”, he whispered, and then Loki had the feeling he wasn’t talking about the new apartment, but didn’t ask any further.
That night you managed to cook something special, even though you still hadn’t gotten the gas installed. You cooked together, and laughed at every minor inconvenience the house could give you. The doors of the countertop cabinets were the perfect height for Loki’s 6’4” ass to stump his head every time he tried to open it.
After some time of silent cooking, absorbed on each’s thoughts, Loki asked about your dad’s pride.
“Oh, he’s… well, he just, gets very emotional with these things”. He chuckled at your very obvious lie.
“No, he doesn’t. Certainly not with me”.
“Come on, he likes you now. He likes anyone I love, because you make me happy, and because he has no other choice”.
“Well… I thought he’d be less amused”, he admitted. “Hasn’t he? Other choice, I mean”.
“I don’t think so. He’d have to deal. Family is family”.
“Oh, do I know about that”, he said, cutting a carrot more strongly than before. You laughed.
“I meant it in a good way”.
“Well, your family is one thing, mine is another… I can’t push yours to like me, as much as I would like to. They’re very nice, and I wish I had a family like that, but I don’t”.
“Love, family is built”, you said, this time a little more serious. He repressed a smile, still looking at the vegetables. “You’re part of this, too, you know?”.
“Of this?”.
“You’re family”.
He didn’t repress the smile this time.
“You’re right. You’re my family, too, my love”.
“You…”, you took a deep breath. It was the perfect moment. “Do you ever imagine us in the future?”.
“Why yes, of course”.
“I want to spend all your life with you. I didn’t want to rush into things because… I don’t know, scaring you out of anything, but I…”, he said, and the alarm on your phone went off, to take the rice from the fridge. You two laughed at how mundane this conversation seemed. “But I love you, and I want you by my side”.
“Okay. Well I do too. That’s good, right? That’s good”.
“Yes, of course it’s good, why so doubtful?”, he laughed, grabbing a tomato and stabbing it.
“Because I’m pregnant”.
“Yeah”, he chuckled, without actually realizing what you just said. And then, he fell. “Hold on, what did you just say?”.
“I’m… I’m having a baby. Yours, of course”, you clarified. You felt like you had to, but it wasn’t actually necessary. Silence filled the kitchen.
“Oh dear” he paused. He left the knife over the counter and looked at you, looking for any trace of a joke. You weren’t joking, and you grew nervous as he let time pass by without saying a word. “How could you not tell me this before moving in?”, he muttered, still in a bit of a shock.
“Oh. Well… I…”.
“I wouldn’t have let you carry those heavy boxes, love, I’m so sorry”, he said, and cupped your cheeks. “Are you really…?”. You sighed in relief. For a moment you thought of the worse.
“Yes, I am”.
His arms embraced you completely, hugging you as tight as he allowed himself to. He muttered how much he loved you, and how happy you had just made him, for the rest of his life.
Later that night, as you laid in bed, he cuddled you from behind with his hands on your tummy and his lips on your bare shoulder. You could feel his soft breathing grazing your skin, and his warmth keeping you safe.
“Loki”, you whispered, checking if he was still awake. You couldn’t sleep.
“Yes, love?”, he whispered back.
“Are you sure you want to be a daddy? With me?”.
He turned you around, and lowered his head to your abdomen. He sank his face and kissed all around your stomach and hips, leaving a trace of kisses up to your neck, and then your lips.
“How could I not?”, he whispered in a low voice. Burying his nose in the crook of your neck, teased “besides, the word daddy comes out so well from your lips”.
You laughed softly, and after some more silence that was fairly filled with loving stares, a thought crossed his head and you saw the light of his eyes turn to dark.
“What is it, love?”, you put a strand of his hair behind an ear.
“I… I’m just realizing something bad”, he said, and you nodded. “I’m a Frost Giant”.
“Why is it bad?”.
“My actual form is bigger than this. And… colder. And if the baby were Jötun too...”.
“You think the baby might hurt me?”.
“They might. I don’t know. Oh no, what if they hurts you?”, he began to panic, and you shushed him, kissing his temples.
“Don’t worry, Lokes. If that’s the case, we’ll figure it out”, you reassured him. “And maybe it’s not. And we’ll have a little and very healthy half-Jötun running around this small apartment. When have we not solved our issues? We’re good at that bit”.
“You’re right. You’re right, my dear”. He sighed, and then chuckled. “Should we have gotten a bigger place?”.
“We’ll be a very close family”, you laughed.
“We already are”, he whispered, cuddling back to you. “We are a very close family”.
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lovingonrepeat · 4 years
sometimes i like to think of the little sexy secrets the boys have, like a day everyone was so horny and they jerk off together to porn. its their little secret and theyre so ashamed of it but theyd love to do this again bc yeah this is hot. the problem is... they all disagree abt the type of porn they want so each one of them has their turn and they get to see what turns them on... thinking of wayv hihi
They decide that the fairest way to do this is to go in age order and go from oldest to youngest in picking videos. So that leaves Kun to go first and he's way too embarrassed to put anything he really wants to. He can't help but feel like there's so so many eyes on him and his dirtiest secrets, so even tho he has an exact video in mind that he knows will get him there so so fast, he chooses instead to search around and after he gets yelled at by the other members for taking too long, he finally plays something pretty vanilla but that isn't too embarrassing for him. It's good, but it's not earth shattering, and he knows he's definitely gonna need more than it to really get him where he needs to be to finally ease this tension in his body. But he's decently satisfied in his choice, and he feels like he might be able to look his members in the eye after all is said and done.
That is, until Ten's turn. Everyone had stayed more or less respectfully and awkwardly quiet during Kun's video, with everyone being too embarrassed and self conscious to really touch themselves, despite the ache they were all feeling. But when Ten snatches up the laptop and instantly starts playing a video full of edging and begging and the models in shibari, the tension in the room snaps.
They're not really sure who was the member to make the first move, but suddenly hands are stroking themselves and clothes are long discarded.
It's Sicheng's turn next, and he had been dreading it, but he swears his fingers move on their own accord as he searches for a video and finds one with a guy sucking on a girl's nipples. He has an oral fixation and you cannot convince me otherwise. The video plays and this time, they're sure it's Xiaojun that is the first one to let out a sound, a muffled groan into the back of his hand as the woman praises the man tending to her, and with that, it's not long before the room fills with more than the sounds coming from their laptop.
Xuxi gets the next turn, and he chooses a video with a close-up on a guy being instructed on how to finger his girlfriend to get her off. It's a crowd pleaser in the dorm.
Xiajoun's hands are shaky when it's finally his turn, and he doesn't even hesitate to search for a video that he knows he'll enjoy. Problem is, with the state he's in and his lust filled brain driving his actions, he completely forgets that the video is one that he has saved in his most secret folder of mommy kink videos. The room lapses into stunned silence as the pornstar utters the title for the first time, and Xiaojun swears that if the attention would've been on him for just a second longer, he would've came from the sheer embarrassment alone.
It's Hendery turn where things slow down. He is adamant that he wants to skip his turn, saying that he's just not that into porn, but Xuxi calls bullshit at the raging boner and sounds he's been letting out the entire night. Kun suggests instead that maybe he should be allowed another turn, arguing that he didn't realize the night was going to get this... Intimate, and demanding a redo where he gets to watch something he's into more.
But it's Sicheng that figures it out first, leaning over to ask a question in Hendery's ear that had his face paling and cheeks heating up. They jump on it, demanding Sicheng share with the rest of them, but he refuses, granting Hendery his last shred of dignity as he can feel the grip he has on his most shameful secret slipping away.
They start throwing out kinks left and right to try to find out his secret, with everything from omaroshi to a foot fetish to full on pet play being tossed around. But Yangyang is finally the one who gets it right, asking simply, "It's gay, isn't it?"
Hendery honestly doesn't think he's ever felt more embarrassed in his life than in that moment, as he types into the search and finally clicks play on a video of a guy giving another guy a handjob. Their own highs abandoned for a minute, they all watch intently, weighing in their heads if they're into it or not. No one verbally states an opinion except Xuxi, who leans over and tells Hendery that he made a good choice.
Hendery tries his best to zone out, ignoring his members around him and chase his own high, but he can't when he feels so fucking self conscious. He's shocked out of his thoughts when Ten taps him on the shoulder and asks him to stop touching himself for a minute. His brain hasn't even finished processing Ten's request when he all but screams, directing all attention to himself as Ten wraps his hand around Hendery's dick.
The video is abandoned quickly by all members but Ten as they turn their attention to the scene in front of them. But Ten pays them no attention, instead watching the video and trying his damndest to copy each and every movement exactly. Hendery cannot help but be sure that Ten has done this before, but he can't find it in himself to voice it.
Another debate breaks out when it's Yangyang turn, as they're not sure if they're really ready to know what kinda kinky shit their maknae is into. He argued adamantly for his equal treatment, but rethinks it immediately when they cave and he's actually expected to play something. It's obvious that he didn't think this one through, but they won't let him back out now.
Much to everyone's surprise, he plays a video with male orgasm denial, with lots of begging and edging, and Xuxi swears he's never discovered more of his own kinks in one night.
It's Xiaojun that finally ends up cumming first, as silently as he possibly could when the woman on the screen degrades the guy. Kun follows pretty soon after, with Sicheng cumming next.
It leaves Ten, Xuxi, Hendery and Yangyang left. Ten has abandoned his own quest for release in favor of torturing Hendery, and he can barely keep it together when Ten demands that he asks for his release the way the guy in the video does. Hendery can't bring himself to let everyone hear him beg, so he leans over and whispers pleas into Ten's ear, and Ten accepts it. Hendery's shot headfirst into his orgasm, followed by Yangyang. With Hendery's worn out body next to him, Ten goes back to chasing his own high, and it doesn't take him long at all to get there.
The boys barely register that Xuxi hasn't finished, too busy in their own afterglows until he lets a grunt escape his lips. Hendery notices right away that Xuxi is copying the video as well as he can, and so they wait for the video to end and for the man in the video, as well as Xuxi, to be granted the opportunity to cum. Yangyang can't help but wish he had chosen a video where the guy didn't get to finish, just to see what Xuxi would've done, but he won't bring himself to admit it.
They don't talk about that day again, or about how they notice when Sicheng stares too long at a woman's breasts, about how they notice the way Xiaojun gets weak when a woman is mean to him. Ten and Hendery don't mention the events of this day to each other again, even tho Hendery has so many questions to ask him about it, the most important of which being, "God can we do that again?" Xuxi is left with a confusing tangle of new revelations about his sexual preferences to unravel, and none of them can look Yangyang in the eye anymore when conversations start to take a sexual turn.
And Kun will never mention it to them, but he's secretly grateful that this whole event took place on his laptop, and cannot thank the internet gods enough for the wonderful feature that is the search history. He has definitely watched every video at least five times at this point, not that he'd ever admit it to anyone.
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ivyyreid · 3 years
stars in your eyes
2 description: reader is tortured, spencer tries and save her.
category: definetly angst, maybe a teeny tiny bit of fluff?
tw: death, mentions of cuts, burns, kidnapping, words like ‘whore’, knives.
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spencer’s pov:
the team sits around the table, at the sacramento police department conference room. well, everyone but y/n. y/n is also the reason the team is in the conference room. 
while the team was tracking down an unsub, y/n was kidnapped, drugged, and taken to who knows where. 
at 27, she’s the youngest member of the team so everyone is protective of her. but it’s not just because of her age. it’s because she’s just herself. funny, sarcastic, bubbly, bold, gorgeous, and affectionate. even her flaws are lovable.
we all sit at the round table, discussing where she could be. the only thing we know, is that she was taken as leverage, or as a warning. all our other theories on where she could be are a bit too far-fetched.
our unsub is a woman named coleen robbins. she’s been kidnapping, torturing, and killing girls in their 20s who resemble the girl her boyfriend cheated on her with. y/n fit the description exactly. y/h/c hair, y/e/c eyes, and freckles. we didn’t notice until it was too late.
garcia's been on facetime with us for the past two hours, helping us trace pointless leads, or trying her best to track coleen. none of our efforts are working though. y/n’s phone is off, and coleen hasn’t used her credit card or anything. we’re at a loss.
hotch is pacing back and forth by the whiteboard, rossi is staring out the window, emily and jj are looking at every other victim’s file together, derek has his head in his hands, and I’m just sitting here. This is one of the only times where my brain is of no use to the team. 
“hey guys?” Garcia’s voice is wobbly, somethings wrong. “i just got emailed a link. you’re gonna want to see this. i’m sending it to you now.” i’m racking my brain trying to think of what the link could be. i have nothing. that is, until a live feed pops up on the television. everyone gasps, and i feel all the blood rush from my face.
y/n is tied to a chair, in the middle of a dark room. there are burns, cuts and bruises all over her body. coleen stands behind her, twisting a knife in between her fingers. 
“oh my god,” hotch mutters, and everyone else just stares at the television in stunned silence. “go on, you little whore. say your goodbyes,” coleen’s icy voice slips through the speakers in the room, and I hold back the urge to punch the tv screen.
y/n looks up, her face illuminated by a single light bulb. she smiles weakly. she’s the only person I know who would focus on others feelings in a situation like this. 
“hey guys,” she says, her voice wobbling a bit. for some reason she’s smiling a bit. “i wish i could say bye in person, but this is the best i can do i guess,” she laughs weakly, and plays with her fingers; her nervous habit. 
“rossi,” she starts, and he looks up at the screen, his eyes brimming with tears. “oh my god I’m going to miss you so much. you’re the only person I know who brings instant pasta in their suitcase, and you can always make me smile. just, keep being yourself, don’t change.”
“hotch, you’re like the strict, loving father I never had” her voice breaks, and she laughs a bit. no one else does. “you were always there for me, for my first dead body, my first case, everything. you’re the reason that i didn’t quit after my first case. you helped me get through it, and you can always keep me on track. i’ll miss you so much.” hotch tries to maintain a normal, serious expression but I can see the pain in his eyes. 
“emily, you’re so funny and sarcastic and beautiful and amazing. i’m always wishing i knew more about you, you’re just so interesting! i still can’t tell if you were joking when you said you worked at a strip club or not,” a tear spills out of Emilys eye, and she mumbles something to the tv screen. “i love you endlessly, please please never change,” y/n says, and i see her blink away a tear or two through the screen. 
“penelope, you’re probably one of the most unique, amazing people i’ve ever met. i remember on my first day i was so scared and nervous, and you just gave me a huge hug when i walked in, and I knew everything would be fine. i love your hair, and your outfits, and the way you greet the phone. i love you so much, never ever change or I will rise from the dead and perform some satanistic ritual on you” I hear penelope cry through the facetime video.
“derek. you’re just so great, and it will always amaze me how you always have a girl on your arm. i loved every second of getting drunk with you, even when you would force me to do karaoke. please do me a favor and marry penelope.” derek puts his hand on his head, and stays silent. i can see the emotion on his face.
“and jj, I don’t know how to thank you for being my first real best friend. i never really had people i could trust, but then i met you and i knew, i knew we would be friends until the end. you’re so gorgeous, i’ve spent hours wishing i was you. i’ll miss our saturday girl’s breakfasts, and our movie nights, and even you calling me at four am to say we have a case. love you forever.”
jj sobs, but everyone else is too upset to comfort her. i know it’s my turn for the goodbyes. but i can’t do it. i want to run out of the room, punch a wall, i can’t do this. i can’t watch her say bye to me, while i think about everything i never said, everything i should have said. i should have said it when we sat on the roof and watched the stars. i should have said it when we sat in the car and ate ice cream and listened to 90s music. i should have said it everytime we sat in the cafe and drank coffee with way too much sugar. i should have said it. but i didn’t. and now it’s too late.
“spencer.” y/n’s voice comes in through the tv, and i bring myself to look up. she has a sad smile on her face, and she’s holding back tears. “spencer, my best friend. not even my best friend. best friend was just too generic, you were so much more than a best friend. we were the type of people who would look at the stars together, and talk about constellations, and the theory of the universe together. we were the type of people who would come over to each others apartments at three am and watch movies or lay in bed and stare at each other and just talk. we were the type of people who would sit in the parked car, eating ice cream and forcing each other to listen to nineties music or beethoven. we would sit together in the police department for hours, drinking coffee to keep us awake while we tried to solve a case. we would laugh at each others jokes that no one else understood, and compare our opinions on classic novels. i remember the first day i met you, when i spilled coffee all over you in the elevator, and you told me this crazy fact about how meeting someone for the first time when you’re embarrassed strengthens a relationship. and then i remember i took you out for coffee because i felt bad, and then you accidentally spilled it on me. i remember getting home and laughing for hours. we were the type of people who were happier when we were with each other. and whatever star I was born under, you were born under it too. we’re not best friends spencer, we’re soulmates. and...and....I love you.” her voice breaks, and she looks at the camera with a nostalgic face, like she’s already gone. 
i cry, i can’t help it. i just want to scream, ‘i love you too!’. i want her to hear me. but it’s too late. it will always be too late. 
we’re all in the suvs. coleen gave us her location. i know i should be rejoicing, but it was what she said after she gave it. ‘now you’ll be able to watch her die.’ I yell at morgan to go faster, even though deep down i know he’s doing everything he can.
‘now you’ll be able to watch her die.’
after what feels like an eternity, we pull up to a small shed. everyone jumps out of the van, vests on, guns and flashlights in their hands. morgan kicks down the door, and we all run in. i hear hotch yell that he has coleen, but i don’t care. i need to find y/n. i run from room to room, panicking, until I reach a small porch at the back of the house. and y/n’s there.
she always seemed so large in life, but now, nearing her death, she seems so small. like a little girl. i hold back tears, i have to be strong for her. she’s lightly breathing, and watching the sky. when I reach her, i sit down, and cradle her head in my lap. 
“i wanted to see the stars,” she whispered, and i nod, watching her face.
“remember that day…. that day in the park?” she says, tilting her head to look up at me. 
of course i do. we had just gotten back from a long case, and y/n had me come to the park with her, to watch the sunset. we laid down in the grass, and watched the sky. i was still struggling with the case, and i was telling her about how awful it was, when she grabbed my hand, and pointed at the sky. look at how beautiful the world is, she had said. without hard cases, and ugliness, we wouldn’t be able to appreciate this. we wouldn’t be able to appreciate the beauty of everything, she told me, and I remember I had just stayed silent, watching the angelic-looking girl.
“of course,” I say, and she smiles up at me, blood dripping down her face. 
“remember how pretty the sunset was? how beautiful everything was? you have to remember the beauty of that day, spencer. the sky was glowing, and trees were rustling, and birds were singing. the earth is beautiful. that was the day I knew i loved you. when I held your hand, and we just looked at the sky.” she brings a hand up, and touches my face gently. of course she’s the one who’s comforting me when she’s dying. i stay silent, cradling her head, and stroking her hair. she looks at me again, and i see pain in her eyes. “i don’t want to die, spencer” y/n whispers, her voice breaking a bit, “i don’t want to die like this. i don’t want to die, spence” a tear slips down her cheek, and i notice i’m crying a bit. “hey, hey, shhhhh” i comfort, wiping the tear off her face. she stares back at the stars. this is my chance to tell her. i know she’s going to die, and it’s completely pointless because she already knows, but I have to. 
“i love you, y/n. i love you so much. i’ve loved you, and i don’t want you to go”. the girl turns and looks at me, a sad smile on her face. “i know, spence. and i love you too. so much”. I stroke her hair, wishing I could kiss her but i can’t. she looks at my red eyes, and my tear stained cheeks, and starts humming. humming a song. our favorite song. my head fills the lyrics in. 
you’re a part time lover, and a full time friend.
the monkey on your back is the latest trend,
i don’t see what anyone can see, 
in anyone else.
i kiss you on the brain in the shadow of the train,
i kiss you all starry eyed my bodies swayin’ from side to side
i don’t see what anyone can see,
in anyone else, but you.
here is the church, and here is the steeple, 
we sure are cute for two ugly people,
i don’t see what anyone can see, in anyone else.
suddenly, she stops and turns and looks at me, and suddenly i realize this is it. “i can see the stars in your eyes, spence” she whispers, and i watch as the breath leaves her body. the way she sadly smiled, before her eyes glazed over to look at the sky, the way her lips parted. and it’s kind of beautiful. but there was something sad and terrible about it too. because it was death. 
i can see the stars in your eyes, spencer.
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gamergirl929 · 4 years
Life Is A Song (Love Is The Music) (Christen Press x Reader)
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Anonymous Request:  Hi, would you do a Christen imagine? Where R is like a wellknown singer (who is known to be in a relationship but not with who) and the USWNT is always like thirsting over R and you know CP's calm and collected persona finds it amusing and for some reason one day the team meets R, Christen's gf/wife, where CP has to "come clean" about their relationship after actually joining them on their thirsting over R. It's okay if you can't or don't want to do it. Hope you're ok with everything happening!
I’m doing alright my dear anonnnn! <3 
Incredibly brief smut aheadddd!
Emily jumps from her seat at breakfast, her hazel orbs wide as her chair falls to the floor, scaring every one of her teammates.  
Alex claps her hands excitedly.  
“Oh! Oh! Let me see!” Mallory beams, jumping up so she can stand behind Emily, her brown orbs on her phone.  
Tobin glances at Christen the green-eyed forward giggling as she sips her latte innocently.  
“She always looks like a SNACK.” Kelley stares at her phone, a hand on her rapidly beating chest.  
“Yeah, whoever she’s with is one LUCKY bitch.” Emily adds, Lindsey, Mallory and Rose fighting to look at her phone’s screen while Sam easily has the best view, towering over them all.  
Meanwhile, Ashlyn, Ali, and Megan are ogling the singer on their phone’s, the others grinning at their screens, though Christen Press’s grin rivals them all.  
“Your girl has moves.” Tobin whispers in her ear and Christen giggles as you sing, your voice as enchanting as the day the two of you had met.  
Christen had been able to keep her and your relationship a secret, of course, Tobin knew, because Tobin knew everything and Christen couldn’t keep a secret from HER to save her life.  
She shook her head, watching as a number of the women in your music video hung all over you, something that would make her jealous, if she weren’t 100% sure that you were hers and ONLY hers.  
The song ends, the camera fading to black as you kick the kickstand up on your motorcycle, a beautiful blonde on the back as you drive off into the sunset.  
Kelley starts a slow clap, the others soon to follow in.  
“Platinum.” Ashlyn places a hand over her heart, wiping at a phantom tear.  
“You know...” Emily hums, everyone turning her way.  
“We could always extend an invitation to a game.” She shrugs. “A congratulations on the new song.”  
Alex snorts.  
“You just want to invite her so you can stare at her.” The forward rolls her blue orbs and Emily shrugs.  
“Guilty as charged.”  
Tobin gives her best friend a nudge, green orbs locking with Tobin’s browns.  
“Looks like you’re going to have to tell them about Y/N sooner than you thought.” 
Graciously, you accept the USWNT’s invite to their next game, why wouldn’t you accept when you’d be able to see the love of your life?  
In all honesty though, you’d already planned on surprising her by attending a number of her upcoming games, the two of you had been separated for FAR too long in your opinion.  
You rub your hands together, watching as the stadium fills with fans, most of them donned in their favorite player’s jerseys, face's painted and makeshift signs in hand.  
Seeing so many little girl’s wearing Christen’s jersey makes your heart soar, so many looked up to her, she inspired so many, including you.  
“Excuse me, Ms. Y/L/N? May I get a word?”  
“Oh my god she’s here, oh my god she accepted our invite.” Rose flails excitedly, a grin stretching across Christen’s face as Tobin gives her a nudge.  
The two of you hadn’t seen each other face to face in a while, considering the two of you were incredibly busy, but now, now the two of you were together again and Christen couldn’t wait to hold you in her arms again.  
“You guys remember Y/N is taken, yeah?” Megan asks, every one of her teammates, even the married ones, sending a glare her way.  
“Stop trying to take our eye candy away.” Mallory flaps an arm at her and Megan’s brows furrow.  
“Aren’t you straight?”  
Mallory glances at Sam and Lindsey, before turning to Megan with a shrug.  
“Hey, we can appreciate a fine lady now and then.”  
Megan glances at Ashlyn and Ali, the two shrugging.  
“Hey, we can still appreciate a good-looking woman now and then too.” Ali shrugs and Megan snorts, shaking her head.  
“I’m sure Sue won’t mind.”  
Christen giggles, glancing at her phone, grinning at the blush on your cheeks when a fan comes out of nowhere and wraps her arms around you.  
“Do my eyes decisive me!?”  
Christen picks her head up, her eyes widening when she realizes every one of her teammates are looking her way.  
“Are you thirsting over Y/N too?” Kelley asks, eyes narrowed and Christen shrugs.  
“I mean, if you all can appreciate her, I can too.” She grins and everyone laughs. 
“I knew you had it in you Pressy.” Julie ruffles her hair before she’s turning her attention back to your ongoing interview, a small smile on her face.  
Watching Christen make her way out of the tunnel made you beam, the sight of her making your heart skip a beat.  
If you were being honest, Christen Press always made your heart skip a beat.  
You loved her, loved her more than anything in the world, and seeing her, being in the same vicinity as her, made you want to leap out of your seat and run onto the field.  
Of course, this wasn’t a rom-com and you weren’t about to get tackled by security, so for now you’d watch from afar, a massive grin on your face as Christen’s green orbs locked with your Y/E/C orbs, nothing but love in her gaze. 
You stand, your hands tucked behind your back as the anthem’s play, your eyes locked with Christen’s, the woman biting back a grin the entire time.  
The second the anthems end the team gathers at the sidelines, a number of them glancing your way, but the only person’s eyes you see are Christen’s.
You send her a wink, the forward blushing as she makes her way onto the field, ready to show the world exactly what she can do.  
As per usual, Christen Press was on absolute fire, so much so that your voice was hoarse from the amount of time you spent cheering for the woman and her team.  
The whistle blows, signaling the end of the first half and you grin, clapping as the women make their way towards the locker room, one of them unable to keep their eyes off of you.  
You cross your arms across your chest, butterflies flapping their wings rapidly in your stomach, butterflies that were always riled up by the sight of Christen Press.  
“Excuse me, Ms. Y/L/N?” You turn around with a grin, the same reporter from earlier giving you a smile.  
“I’d love to hear how you’re enjoying the game so far...”  
Christen was absolutely giddy, the prospect of holding you, kissing you making her wish the game was already over, in a sense it was considering the USWNT were literally trampling Canada.  
“Someone looks excited.” Tobin whispers, giving her best friend a nudge, the woman grinning excitedly.  
“I am, I just... I miss her.” She shrugs, her cheeks flushed.  
“Oh, she misses you too, she couldn’t take her eyes off of you.” Tobin winks, her best friend unable to bite back a smile.  
She couldn’t wait until the second half ended so she could hold you in her arms again.  
Unfortunately, Tobin was saddled with the job of lookout, standing outside the door where you and Christen were currently behind, doing less than appropriate things, things Tobin could unfortunately hear.  
Christen body twitches with aftershocks from a powerful orgasm, the woman chuckling as you lean in, your lips meeting hers over and over again, a massive grin on your face.
“Fuck I’ve missed you.” Christen whispers, gasping as your fingers slip out of her. She watches with wide green orbs as your digits slip into your mouth, cleaning them of her essence before your lips meet, your tongue slipping into her mouth, the taste of her slick on your tongue.  
“YOU GUYS OWE ME FOR THIS.” Tobin yells, the two of you parting with a snort.  
Christen buries her face in your neck, nuzzling against your collarbone.  
“I’ve missed you so much.” She whispers and you grin.  
“I’ve missed you to.”  
You turn, kissing her forehead, her cheeks, her nose, anywhere and everywhere you can, the woman giggling as you playfully nibble her neck.  
“I have a confession to make.” You whisper, Christen pulling back with a furrowed brow.  
You grin.  
“WAIT, SHE’S HERE AGAIN!?” Emily squeals when she spots you in the VIP seating again, she and rest of the team staring at you with googly eyes.  
“You know she’s totally here for me.” Kelley smirks, earning a dramatic scoff from Alex.  
“She’s here for me.”
Julie lets out a humorless laugh.
“Nooo, you’re both wrong, she’s here for me.”  
“You’re both married!” Megan throws her hands in the air, but still, her eyes too linger on you.  
“Hey, don’t act like you’re not appreciating the view.” Emily scoffs, earning a shrug from the veteran forward.  
“Ehh, guilty.”  
“It doesn’t matter anyway, she’s here for me.” Emily smirks, she and the rest of the team bickering while Christen and Tobin stand side by side, silently watching the women argue.  
“Are you ever going to tell them you’re together?” Tobin whispers, earning a shrug from her best friend.  
“It better be soon, I’m not being the look out again...” She pouts, brown orbs wide when Christen turns to her with a grin.  
You wrap your arms around Christen, the woman burying herself in your embrace, kissing the curve of your jaw over and over again.  
“Are we ever going to tell your teammates we’re together?” You ask, the forward smiling as she nuzzles into you.  
“Yeah, I guess I just like messing with them.” She confesses and you laugh.  
“So, they’re still being thirsty?” You ask, the forward snorting.  
“They’re trying to guess which of them you’re there for.”  
You throw your head back with a booming laugh.
“Just wait until they realize we’re staying at the same hotel.” You grimace, Christen’s eyes widening.  
“You are?” She grins, eyes shining and you beam.  
“I am, I want to spend more time with you, not just in a backstage room in the arena.” You snort, the woman cupping your cheeks, pulling you down into a kiss. 
“I want to spend more time with you too.” She whispers and you smirk.  
“I’m pretty sure Tobin would RATHER not stand guard anymore, RIGHT TOBY!?” You yell, the forward groaning through the door.  
Christen giggles, burying her face in your chest.  
“I suppose we are torturing her...” She laughs.  
“YOU ARE.” Tobin yells and you snort.  
“Well, meet you at the hotel?” You ask with a smile and Christen grins, pressing a kiss to your lips, her bottom lip trapped between her teeth.  
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.” Lindsey mumbles over and over again when she spots you in the hotel’s lobby, a smile on your face, a smile you direct at her, at least, she thinks at her.  
“She smiled at me.” Mallory whispers, earning a loud snort from Kelley.  
“In your dreams Mal.”  
“Okay, we’ll settle this...” Emily turns to Christen, the forward’s brows arching.  
“Who was she smiling at??” She asks and Christen shrugs.  
Her teammates grin.  
“WE KNEW you’d eventually join us.” Ashlyn pats her back. “Welcome to the club.”
You smirk across the lobby, making your way towards the elevator, passing the USWNT.  
“Hi ladies, big fan.” You grin, each and every one of them staring at you wide eyed.  
“Yeah, us too.” Emily says, eyes going comically wide.  
“Yeah, us too?” Rose snorts, Emily’s bottom lip jutting out into a pout.  
“I know okay!”  
Christen shakes her head with a giggle, her phone vibrating in her pocket. She reads your text with a smile.  
“Room 407. Also, Emily is adorable and I love her, she needs to be cherished and protected.”  
Later that night you open your door with a grin, Christen’s grin just as wide.  
“I’m sorry, do you have the wrong room?”  
Christen giggles as she shoves you into the room, kicking the door shut behind her before she pulls you into a kiss.  
Christen cups your cheeks, the woman sighing as she stares into your Y/E/C orbs.  
“I’ve missed you.” She whispers, pressing another sweet kiss to your lips. “I missed this.”  
You cup her cheeks, gently tucking a lock of hair behind her ear.  
“I’ve missed this too. Now get in bed so I can cuddle the hell out of you.”  
Christen giggles, climbing into bed, opening her arms expectantly.  
You look up at her with a smile, your lips splitting in a grin.  
“What?” She asks, her smile just as massive as yours, her beautiful shining green orbs making your heart skip a beat.  
You climb into bed, wrapping your arms around her, the woman burying her face in your neck.  
“I just love you so much.”
Christen smiles, pressing a tender kiss to you neck.  
“I love you too.”  
“SHE TWEETED ABOUT US.” Kelley screeches the next morning at breakfast, everyone turning to her, wide eyed.  
“She did not...” Emily snorts, choking on her OJ when she sees you had in fact tweeted them, tagging her specifically.
“@emilysonnett is adorable, and deserves to be cherished and protected.”  
Emily squeals.  
“She said I was adorable.” She claps her hands, Christen giggling as she shakes her head.  
Tobin leans her way with a snort.  
“Better be careful, Em’s about to steal your girl.” She whispers, earning a raspberry from Christen.  
“Childish.” Tobin mumbles, getting smacked in the chest with a packet of butter.  
Christen nearly jumps out of her skin when Emily appears out of nowhere, phone in hand and cocky grin on her face.  
“Did you see Y/N tweeted me?” She asks, waving her phone around and Christen nods.  
“I did.”  
Emily shrugs.  
“Yeahhh, I think it’s OBVIOUS now who she’s here for...” She shrugs. “It’s okay though, I’m sure you’ll find someone.”  
From out of nowhere a jelly packet flies across the room, hitting Emily square in the face, the blonde scowling as she glares down the table at Lindsey.  
“YOU’RE JUST MAD BECAUSE SHE TWEETED ME.” Emily yells as she races down the table to dive on Lindsey, the two wrestling on the dining area’s floor.  
Tobin turns to Christen with a shake of her head.  
“You HAVE to come clean, before they kill each other.”  
“I know. I know. I’ll talk to Y/N.”  
“You’re uhhh, sure you’re ready for this?” You ask, swallowing hard, the forward nodding as she takes your hand, giving it a squeeze.  
“What if they get mad?” Christen mumbles.  
You give her a soft smile as you duck down, kissing her forehead.  
“If they love you, they won’t be mad.” You smirk cockily. “Jealous maybe, but not mad.”  
Christen smacks you in the chest.  
“Chris?” Tobin jogs towards the two of you, the woman grinning. “Everything is ready.”  
Christen turns to you, taking a deep breath.  
“Are you ready?” She asks and you nod, smiling as you lean in, pressing a kiss to her lips.  
“I am, are you?”
Christen swallows hard, clearing her throat.  
Your eyes narrow as you glance at Tobin, the woman’s brown orbs already on you.  
“Are you sure?” Tobin asks, noting the way Christen’s cheeks flush.  
“I am.”  
Christen wasn’t sure if she was ready at all, and it turned out that she wasn’t.  
Looking into the eyes of her teammates she can’t find the words she’s searching for, the woman eventually blurting out whatever comes to mind.  
“I just wanted you all to remember that tonight is my night to pick a movie.”
Everyone looks at her in confusion, the forward nodding before she makes a beeline for the locker room, Tobin on her heels, the two zooming passed you.  
“Did I miss the signal?” You ask, Tobin grabbing your arm, dragging you to the locker room.  
“No, Chris chickened out.”  
“I knew she wasn’t ready.” You shake your head, jogging beside Tobin towards the locker room.  
“Looks like we’ll have to come up with another plan.” You shrug, the forward screeching to a halt, snapping her fingers.  
You stop too, a few feet ahead of her.  
“I GOT IT.”  
"You seemed pretty excited about movie night earlier, hope you picked a good one Chrissy." Kelley gives her a nudge, the forward's cheeks flushing.  
"Ohhhh, she did." Tobin sends her a wink, the forward's cheeks further darkening.  
"Shut up." She mumbles, giving her best friend a nudge.
Tobin leans towards her, voice dropping below a whisper.  
“So, we’re ready?” She asks, Christen turning to her with a furrowed brow.  
“I thought you and Y/N were handling it.” She mumbles, Tobin shrugging.  
“We are, just making sure you don’t flake this time.”  
Christen gives her stomach a smack, the woman grunting.  
“I’m not flaking.”  
The door swings open, Emily and the other youngsters rushing in, bags of food and candy in their arms.  
“How did you get all that by Vlatko?” Megan snorts, swiping a bag of Doritos.  
“Very. VERY carefully.”  
Emily rubs her hands together.  
“Alright, I need a potty break, then we’ll start the movie Christen was so excited about.”  
Tobin’s eyes widen in horror as Emily pulls the door open, the forward unable to stop her.  
“AHHHHHHHHHH!” Emily lets out a scream, hazel orbs wide when she sees the silhouette of someone in the shower.  
Christen’s green orbs widen before they narrow, turning to Tobin, the woman cringing.
“We thought it was a good idea?” She shrugs.  
“COME OUT.” Ashlyn yells, the woman wielding a lamp.  
“Wait.” Christen holds her hands up, putting herself between you and the armed goalie.  
Everyone watches wide eyed as you clamber out of the shower, nervously rubbing the back of your neck.  
“Ummm, why is there a famous singer in your shower Press?” Kelley asks, brown orbs darting from you, to Christen and back.  
Christen takes a deep breath, the woman gently grabbing your hand.  
Everyone watches, eyes as wide as saucers as Christen intertwines your fingers.  
“I can explain...” Christen shuffles nervously from foot to foot, a smile stretching across your face as you turn to her, finding her nervousness endearing.  
“She’s giving you heart eyes, why is Y/N Y/L/N giving you heart eyes Chris.” Megan asks, her eyes growing immensely.  
Christen turns to you, swatting a hand at you.  
“Stop that.”
You shrug, biting your bottom lip to stave off a grin.  
“Hey, I can’t help that my wife is adorable.”  
Everyone’s mouths drop open at roughly the same time.  
“YOUR WIFE?!?!?!”  
“Let me get this straight...” Alex starts, Kelley letting out a snort.  
“Well, I wouldn’t say straight... OW!” She winces when Alex slaps her in the back of the head.  
“ANYWAY.” Julie throws her hands in the air, everyone turning to her wide eyed. 
“WE’VE BEEN THIRSTING OVER YOUR WIFE THIS WHOLE TIME!?” She squeaks, your brows furrowing.  
“Wait, the MARRIED members of the team have been thirsting over me, that makes me a HOMEWRECKER CHRIS.” You whisper in shock.  
Emily pouts.  
“So, when you tweeted that I was adorable...”  
You grin.  
“I still stand by my statement.”  
Emily turns to Christen with a grin.  
“Your wife thinks I’m adorable.”  
Christen shakes her head.  
“BACK to the matter at hand.” Julie yells again, everyone shrinking away from her.  
“You let us thirst over her for MONTHS!” She grumbles, snorting when you shuffle to hide behind the forward.  
“I’m scared.” You whisper, peeking over Christen’s shoulder.  
“We just weren’t ready to come out publicly, and you guys KNOW you can’t keep secrets.”  
Ashlyn scoffs.
“That’s not true! I never told Alex it was Emily who ate the waffle that was on her plate while she went to the bathroom.”  
Alex’s turns towards Emily with a growl, the blonde hiding behind Lindsey.  
“IT WAS YOU?!”  
“I rest my case.”  
Mallory giggles.  
“That still doesn’t explain why you were so excited for movie night.”  
Christen’s cheeks flush, you and Tobin snorting.  
“She was supposed to tell you earlier, but she chickened out.”  
The room fills with laughter as Christen hides her face in your chest.  
“So, you guys JUST planned this?” Crystal asks, consoling an angry Julie Ertz, the woman still grumpy that Christen hadn’t told them the two of you were together.  
“Tobin and I did.” You grin, the forward holding her pinky and thumb up.  
“Yeah, I NEVER would’ve had you hide in the bathroom.” Christen rolls her eyes. 
You shrug.  
“Well, I wasn’t about to hide in the closet, I did that for a LONGGGGGG time.”  
Everyone again laughs, Kelley and Emily nodding.  
“Well, I like her.” Kelley grins.  
“Me too!” Emily adds.  
“Well, the Frat Daddy’s love you.” Carli shrugs, with a smile. “So how could we not?”  
You attempt, and fail to bite back a grin, your arms wrapping tightly around your wife.  
“See? That wasn’t so hard.”  
“I guess.” Christen murmurs, the brunette smiling as you duck down, kissing the top of her head.  
“Wait, so what was the plan then?” Ali asks curiously.  
You and Tobin share a glance.  
“It’s in the DVD player.”  
Christen’s brows furrow, as do everyone else’s, you and Tobin sharing a grin as everyone scrambles to see what is in the DVD player.  
The second the DVD starts to play Christen’s heart swells, the sound of your singing your wedding song filling her ears.  
The woman turns in your hold, tears in her green orbs as she pushes herself up on her tiptoes, pressing a kiss to your lips.  
“I love you.” She whispers, the woman giggling as you kiss her cheek over and over again playfully.
“I love you too.”  
Kelley lets out a sudden wolf whistle.  
“Damn Y/N, you look like a fox.”  
You hear a smack, the defender wincing.  
“Stop thirsting.” Alex growls.
“Shit, sorry Y/N!”  
You laugh, shaking your head, bumping your nose against Christen’s.  
“Come on, let’s go relive the happiest day of my life.”  
Christen beams, pressing another kiss to your lips.  
“And the happiest day of mine.”  
You turn to Tobin, the two of you high fiving.  
“Worked like a charm.”  
“They found you in the bathroom and Ashlyn nearly killed you with a lamp.”  
You shrug.  
“Well I’m not dead, sounds like it worked like a charm to me.”  
Eventually, you end up on the floor at the end of the bed, Christen’s back against your chest as you watch the day you married the woman of your dreams.  
“Does that mean we’re going to tell the rest of the world soon?” You whisper in her ear, Christen grinning as she fishes her phone out of her pocket.  
“Is tonight too soon?”  
You grin, eyes filling with tears.  
“It’s never too soon to tell the world I love Christen Press.”  
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yn-x-animeboy · 3 years
Jungkook x y/n (as a famous artist) Pt.5
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pairing: reader x Jungkook
genre: fluff, romance, for entertainment purposes
BTS x Fem Reader
synopsis: You are a popular artist in America, pretty famous, loved and well-known by the general public (actually you were one of the top 10 artists in the world but you are pretty humble and naïve to realize your popularity), one day during one of your fan meets you talk about how much you love BTS, and not only how you wish to meet them and work with them but how Jungkook is one of your celebrity crushes. During the meet you fangirled with other ARMYs in the crowd; video clips of you fangirling and talking about BTS at your meet where posted and reposted all over social media. This obviously broke the internet because you were not only a famous singer but you also were always accepted and loved by ARMY and this made a lot of people happy. Suddenly it felt like everyone wanted you to meet the seven handsome and talented idols and collaborate, but you could only wish, you believed they didn't even know who you were...or so you thought
part 4: here
(a/n I will do another time skip so it wont turn out to be a 500 part fanfic)
Mini Billboard awards recap:
After the drunken hotel chaotic night you all were late for rehearsals, both your and BTS’s staff looked for you guys’ everywhere in the morning and the last place they thought to look for you all was in Jin’s room. Let's just say it was in general an interesting experience to find eight adults sleeping soundly in uncomfortable random positions. 
You all finally headed to your rehearsals for the performances. They invited you to watch them rehearse when you were taking a break from your own rehearsal. Even though the guys were tired, hungover, and their muscles ached from sleeping all over the place; they did such an amazing job at rehearsal, they were so professional. 
During the live award show your fans and ARMYs lost it everytime you guys would interact during the awards; the fact that you had met them last night and you all seemed to be such good friends now made fans so happy. Once again your name and BTS’s were going viral on social media; a bunch of ‘fancams’ were filmed and posted focusing on you all. 
You and BTS won all the categories you we’re nominated for that night and your performances went great too. That night after the award show ended, instead of going to the Awards After Party, you all decided to not go and instead hung out in Jin’s room again for the night. You ordered room service and champagne (this time everyone was only allowed to have 2 glasses max.).
After being all drained form the long day, you all went to your personal rooms. Jungkook again offered to take you to your room. When you arrived at your door you turned and looked at eachother,  this time sad smiles painted your faces, you had held in the tears when you where in Jin’s room because you felt sad your first real friends in the industry were going back to Korea tomorrow just like that.
Now you were standing in front of Jungkook, the man of your dreams, a literal fantasy that came true all thanks to your fans and supporters; you couldn’t help but tear up at the thought of letting someone like him go. 
You broke eye contact and turned towards the door to hide your tears, a small sniff from behind you made you stop dead in your tracks. Jungkook turned you around and hugged you tightly as he hid his face in the crook of your neck. You also wrapped your arms around him in response.
He loosened his hold and avoided eye contact with you as he was getting more and more emotional, his eyes where red and glossy; he cleared his throat and said “Well I think I should get going, It was so nice hanging out with you y/n- and meeting you, good night” he gave you another tight sad smile and walked off with his head hung low. 
You reached him and held onto the back of his shirt, “Don’t go....” you sniffed and played with the back of his shirt. “Do you want to.. maybe... hang out a little longer? O-only if you want to” you said awkwardly, but he smiled and nodded.
You went to the terrazze you had visited just the day before and sat on the outdoor chairs. You sat there talked all night. You stayed up until you could see the sun slowly rising; you both stood up, taking the sunrise as a sign to go back inside. Before you could even begin to move towards the door, “Y/n, can I hold you one more time?” Jungkook said, he was trying so hard to smile and not make you cry, but his little voice crack as he said it betrayed him. You sobbed and hugged him again, after a while he sat down, sitting you on his lap. You stayed like that until you received a “wake up” phone call from one of your staff members.
In the morning you all met each other outside the hotel, the boys said goodbye to you one by one hugging you and saving your phone number in theirs.  They even made plans, comparing your schedules and timezones, so that they could all facetime you daily.
While you waited for your assigned cars to pick you up, you all teared up and  huddled together saying goodbye once again. Paparazzi were peeking through the crowd of security and staff members to get an insight to the sad goodbye. 
----- time skip ----
It has been almost a year since the Jimmy Fallon Show. Even though the distance made everything more complicated, the guys have done everything in their power to make time in their busy days to dedicate time for you. After almost a year of daily video call conversations and catch-ups you have become such good friends, they even call you ‘yeodongsaeng’ (little sister) now; (the only one who doesn’t call you that is Jungkook tho, he calls you by your name or by random nicknames).
They have kept their promise after all this time, they facetime you EVERYDAY, they have never missed a day where they don’t call you, sometimes not all the seven members can be there for the call, but even if there is only one BTS member available, you WILL recive a call from them. 
You also have individual calls with the guys from time to time: 
Jin calls you once in a while when you are making dinner to help you/guide you and or just talk to you. 
Suga calls when he is stuck writing lyrics or creating beats for new songs, or just for musical advice. You are always the first to hear new BTS music now.
Jimin calls when he feels like talking, you have become each other's personal psychologists
J-Hope calls you every couple days to have “lunch together” through a screen. 
RM calls you too to chat a lot, you both recommend each other good books and even exchange lyrics from time to time. He also asks you to revise english lyrics to make sure they sound okay.
Taehyung calls you for pretty much everything: for advice, opinions, to catch up, for help, to keep him company etc.  He always knows how to make you laugh, and regularly interrupts your calls with other members.
Jungkook…. He doesn't just call you “sometimes”, he  not only  participates in the ‘daily facetime group call’, but he also calls you everyday before you go to bed, no matter what time it is in Korea or how busy he is, we always calls and to wish you a good night sleep; keeping you company and not hanging up until you fall asleep. Plus you two constantly text back and forth 24/7. 
You loved calling the guys and catching up with them every day, those calls were the highlight of your day; but every time you got a phone/video call, text, mail, snap, ANYTHING that was sent by Jungkook, your heart always skipped a beat; you felt tingles on the tips of your fingers every time you answer back; you smile stupidly at your phone and even now can’t sleep without your nightly virtual tuck in from Jungkook. 
(Deep down you knew your ‘platonic crush’ had become a real crush but you still denied it because in your mind, still, dating him seemed something impossible, but after every conversation you two have had over the course of almost a year left no doubt in your mind, he was the one for you)
One day, you visited your label’s building, you had a scheduled meeting pretty early in the morning, you had never been this early anywhere, it was currently 5:30 am. and you were just arriving.  Once you step into the meeting room you are greeted by the intimidating group of businessmen and businesswomen who are part of your team. Even though they are intimidating and powerful;  they are kind hardworking people; they really respect you and always listen to what you  want or have to propose. 
Walking in, you are greeted respectfully by them; the boss of the company stands up, gives you a side hug, and opens the chair next to his, inviting you to sit there, after you take a seat and your manager takes a seat next to you too. The meeting begins going over normal business stuff you don't really understand, (Sam would probably just translate the info later into simple words for you.) They talked about numbers, statistics and percentages until someone’s assistant said the ‘important person’ they had been waiting for was finally ready.
 You turned to the door as you expected the ‘important guest’  to come in through the door, but instead his video call was answered and projected on the room’s screen from a laptop. 
You recognized him immediately, he was BTS’s PD Bang Si-hyuk, he was the owner of BTS’s label company. You greeted him through the screen in Korean but he actually greeted you back in English before greeting your team.
the meeting’s summary: 
Bang Si-hyuk talked about how much BTS liked you as a person and as an artist; and how the Hybe Corporation also really admired and respected you.
He invited you to Korea next week to meet the Hybe corporation, and overlook some business proposals
He also offered for you to participate in RUN BTS, while you were there and hang out with the boys if you agreed.He hinted you would be seeing them more often, which made you more confused
You agreed to go and to visit the company and OBVIOUSLY to see the guys, but still, you were confused as to why this offer was being made, why now, why you, why?
After you kindly thanked him, you also asked why he was doing it. You were confused why make such a big deal for you to visit, and what he meant by ‘business proposals’ you were to overlook there.
Bang Si-hyuk tried to explain in short and simple words; he explained that:  Hybe and your label company had had meetings before, overlooking the possibility of merging part of your company under your name with Hybe, they were not only  interested in collaborating with you, but actually working with you. This would give you many more opportunities as an artist and for your label’s name. (your company has connections to other music companies in other countries too, but this time it felt more of a big deal to you than the others tbh) 
In conclusion if you agreed, and signed the contract; you could become part of the Hybe company while staying under your Label’s name
By doing this, it meant: 1. you had an extra contact in Korea (just like your company had in other countries) 2. extra work opportunities (thanks to your Korean speaking skills and influence) 3. possible future collaborations with BTS mainly, plus other K-pop artists 4. becoming a producer for other artists under the Hype record label  (something like what Suge does irl; you are now able to produce or work behind the scenes making music for you, BTS, and others. a.k.a your dream come true) 5. SO ON AND SO ON. 
You asked for the papers and after revising them with your lawyer and team you signed it, satisfied and excited tho what's to come.
You worked hard and finished all of your weekly tasks and even worked on things you had scheduled for next weeks. Before you knew it you were on your way to Korea…
You traveled on your  private plane;  you used it mainly to travel and avoid creating crowds in airports. (this was safer for you, your team and fans.)
When you arrived at Seoul, as you were getting off the plane and looked up after watching your feet as you went down the plane’s steps you saw seven boys stand out from the other people. They ran towards you and huddled around you hugging you tightly, they didn't let go of you, even as you all walked towards the assigned cars and again tightly rode the same car together like that one time after meeting on your way to the hotel. Staff members laughed at the Deja vú they felt as they saw a recreation of that chaotic day a year ago
It felt as if you all had never left each other, no weird silence, or awkward interactions, you all picked up where you left off.
When you arrived at the Hyde building, Hybe bilingual staff greeted you and your team, introducing themselves as the people who would be in charge of our care while visiting.
They took you and the few team members from your staff  traveling with you to one of the floors where they gave your team some temporary office cubicles, so they could do their jobs while away from their cubicles back in America.
The Hybe staff also showed you to a private studio/office next to Sugas’s, it was decorated for you, it was spacious, comfy and waay better than your studio/office from back home. They told you they wanted you to have a personal space where you could hang out or work, since it was probable you would now be traveling back and forth from Korea and the US, due to the new business alliance between your companies.
The guys showed you around the building and introduced you to many Hybe staff members. They all made you feel at home.
You visited PD Bang Si-hyuk at his office and met him in person. He was so kind and welcoming, totally opposite from what you were expecting. He told you how excited he was for you to be part of the team and to work with your company. He also asked you if you could record a short video for his nieces who loved you.
Then, after finishing the tour the guys took you to their favorite restaurant in Korea; they taught you how to eat Korean food, how to properly hold chopsticks and about general Korean culture.
They showed you to the nice building of apartments where they currently lived and where you would also be staying when you came here.
You all toured you apartment and hung out the rest of the afternoon, enjoying each other's company. 
After having dinner and chatting for hours the boys waved you off as they left your temporary home; they wanted to stay up and drink (again Jimin’s and Jin’s idea) with you but they knew you were super jet lagged from the time difference, fighting off sleep as you tried to enjoy your time with the guys.
They lived in the same apartment complex, but a different building, (a lot of famous Korean celebrities stay here too due to the security and convenience)The apartment complex was almost like a hotel resort or a private villa/island, it was huge, it had everything, form tennis courts, gyms, cafés, etc. It was also close to all the major ‘artist’ studios, sets, buildings. 
So once the guys left, all they had to do to get home was ride the elevator down to your building’s the main floor, walk a bit, enter their building, get on an elevator, go up a couple floors, walk a little more and then into their shared million dollar apartment that was a literal castle compared to your apartment. (your apartment was big and luxurious too, but theirs was a multimillion dollar apartment)
You just arrived and felt so at home, everyone was so nice and promised to take good care of you. Nobody looked down at you or your team for being foreign or for being the ‘new guys’. Everything felt again like a dream. One day you are talking about BTS to your fans, the next you meet them, the next you are making contracts with the company they work for, the next you will be working with them; What’s next?
For now you are in Korea for two weeks max. The plan was to introduce you to the company, talk about future plans, projects, etc., and once that is done, go back to America and every couple of months or weeks depending on the schedules, travel back to Korea, etc, etc.
You brushed your teeth as an uncontrollable smile painted your face. Once you got ready for bed and finished texting your staff members making sure they were comfortable and well taken care of  after a long day, you heard a knock at the door. You cringed at the noise, you felt as if you were hung over almost, in reality really you were just super Jet lagged (the day before coming here you binged watched a TV show in one night, packed just hours before leaving to the airport and ditched sleep all together before and during the plane ride...stOpid) You stumbled around the unknown apartment with the lights off towards the door; it was not that late at night but who would be looking for you right now.
When you looked through the peephole you recognized them immediately; their hair was now a little longer from the last time you saw them, they had different earrings decorating their ears, they seemed different, still super attractive, but that smile did not change at all, it was still that adorable bunny smile that seemed melt your heart every time. 
You quickly typed the alarm code, unlocked the multiple locks on the door and swung it open, revealing a nervous Jungkook, you had hung out with him and the guys less than an hour ago, but now he was nervous… (he was scared you changed your mind about him after almost a year from meeting and seeing each other in person, he was scared that he was not you celebrity crush anymore, he was scared that the real feelings he had developed form all your daily video calls, texts, random phone calls were not corresponded, he was scared that you had forgotten about those night at the terrazze, he was scared you had changed after a year).
As he stood frozen you couldn’t wait or control yourself any longer and you flung yourself towards him; you hugged him as tight as your body could (during all the time you hung out today you never once had a moment just the two of you alone) but as you leaped and wrapped your hands around him you started thinking about him and how he could be feeling right now and couldn't help but feel a little insecure, (what if he had come all the way back here to tell you whatever happened a year ago in New York at that terrazze was a mistake, that all the calls and texts were just friendly exchanges, what if he came to tell you you were better off as friends or worse.. better of as colleagues…)
It took Jungkook a split second to respond to your hug, you loosened your grip as those thoughts had sworn in your head, and after realizing Jungkook was not hugging you back, so you prepared yourself to get your heart broken… but that all went away as Jungkook wrapped his arms around you, he lifted you a little off the ground as you rewrapped your arms around him, hiding your your face in the crook of his neck. You inhaled his scent as he held you even tighter against him. He rocked your bodies lightly as you held each other in front of your door. 
After, you loosened the hold on each other, but didn’t let go, you looked into those beautiful dark brown eyes you had missed and had prayed to see in person one more time after all this time; He lifted his hands from around you and cupped your face, lightly stroking your cheeks back and forth with his thumbs. “hi” you said, just like that one time in that New York terrazze, “hi” he responded with an adoring smile as his eyes traveled through your face, looking at your every detail, he didn’t want to miss anything, h was so glad to finally see your face in person instead of on a 2-D cellphone screen.
 As you two stood outside looking at each other you suddenly  shivered a little from a cold air breeze that swooped by, it was pretty chilly outside compared to your comfy apartment’s room temperature, it was almost winter; you gently took your arms from his neck and wrapped them around you to warm you up. You had answered the door barefoot, in your pajama shorts and oversized flowy t-shirt without thinking twice. But you then realized Jungkook was wearing a short sleeve oversized shirt too, it was pretty chilly outside and he came all the back to your apartment not wearing a hoodie or jacket. 
“Omg Jungkook it's cold outside why wouldn’t you wear a jacket, jeez” you said as you pulled on his arm leading him inside the apartment to keep him from the cold. “Actually I came back here to get my hoodie back,” Jungkook said. A small “Oh…” escaped your lips as you switched on the light illuminating the once dark room “I see” you again said, almost whispering, avoiding his look as you walked deeper into the room to look for the missing hoodie. You felt disappointed almost, ‘he came back for his hoodie duh, why would he have bothered coming back to ONLY see you’ you though as you looked in the living room, you  didn't see the hoodie there so you then went to the small dining room next to the kitchen to see if it could be there, ‘maybe he took it off before we all sat and ate the take out dinner for dinner’. You spotted the black fabric neatly sung over the seats’s back where JK sat earlier.
Jungkook took off his shoes and tried to catch up with you before you could take the hoodie off the seat and after seeing your reaction to what he had just said; yes he actually did leave his hoodie by accident, but that wasn’t the reason why he came all the way back, so when he saw how your face dropped and heard that reply of yours, it gave him the courage to say why he came back. 
He took a deep breath and cleared his throat before saying “Um, y/n, actually, ‘me forgetting my hoodie’ was just an excuse to come back here and see you again” he swallowed and looked down at his feet. “I don’t really care about the hoodie, I wanted to come here and see what would happen; if you would be excited to see me alone, if you would be glad or happy it was me at the door, you have no idea how bad I wanted to be the first and only one to hold you as you got of the plane, how badly I wanted to run towards you, picking you up and not let go, how bad I wanted to spend the day just the two of us and just- um *clears throat again*”  he fiddled with his fingers, he was so nervous to admit that outlawed he didn't even notice you turning back to look at him as he  confessed. You found his actions to be so adorable and cute.
You giggled and stood in front of him, once you were closer you carefully took his fiddling hands in your left hand and used your right hand to lift his face up to look at you. “Thank you, you made me really happy by coming here to see me, I missed you so much too and couldn’t wait to hang out with you again, I only wished for an opportunity where only the two of us could hang out, but you took the courage to come all the way back here, thank you” you responded to him and his actions with a warm and loving smile that made Jungkook’s legs feel like giving out and heart feel as it could explode. 
He again  observed your face now under a brighter light, he couldn’t believe how your face could look so, or more, beautiful then you face with the light makeup you wore just hours ago. You broke eye contact and spoke, “So um do you have to leave anytime soon?” as you looked anywhere but his face. Your tired eyes and shy tone warmed his heart even more “No, I don’t….. why?” he lowered his face, closing a big gap of space in front of you, forcing you to stop avoiding eye contact and look at him again.
“Well um I was thinking we could hang out again tonight. I could make some…. *you yawn* popcorn and watch a movie, or I could make some coffee and we could talk, or…..” you wanted to keep going but you felt another yawn coming so you stopped talking to fight it off. Jungkook chuckled at your adorable yawns. He  took the hoodie he had forgotten in the first place form the chair behind you and put it over your head. 
“Y/n you are tired, I think it’s best if you rest and tomorrow we could find a way to hang out again just the two of us…” he said as he fixed the hoodie around you, but you cut him off, “Please don’t leave, I haven’t seen you in a year Jeon Jungkook.” you realized how needy and clingy you sounded, but you actually did want to hang out with him. 
You rubbed your tired eye, fixed the hair around your face (your hair was inside the hoodie but some baby hairs tickled your face) and looked back at him, his eyes were wide and surprised at your reaction to him leaving,  “I’m sorry, it’s okay, I get it. I don’t want to make you do anything you don’t feel like doing, it’s okay...guess i will see you tomorrow then” you said as you tried to hide the sad look off your face and smile at him. 
He was moved, the fact that you didn’t want him to leave meant so  much to him, he took you face in his hands and kissed your forehead softly, he then kissed the end your your nose he then kissed the space next to your lips, he didn’t want to kiss you and make you feel uncomfortable or taken advantage of; but you being you, immediately spoke as he kissed the side of your lips ``aye that is not my lips...what a tease” in a sleepy tone. He chuckled as he opened his eyes and looked at you. You had your eyes closed, head slightly looking upwards and a smart smile, as you found your own reaction funny. 
He chuckled and blurted out: “cute..”. You opened your eyes to clap back, but before you could even open your mouth and say something back he leaned in again, shuting you up real quick…. but he leaned slowly…..very slowly…..v eee r y slowly…...SUPER SLOWLY, he was taking his dear time, he now discovered he liked teasing you like this. You got impatient and just closed the space between you for him, giving him a short peck before pulling away. This was the first kiss you have had after a year; you walked around him to tease him back for teasing you in the first place. He stopped you by placing his arm around your waist, “Are you expecting me to accept ‘that’ as our first kiss after being apart for a year…” he said. 
“Oh, so I’m not a good kisser? Was that not good enough.. okay… I guess I-'' you played the victim but were quickly cut short by Jungkook pulling the hoodie on you towards him and stealing a kiss from you.
You smiled against his lips at his neediness, but kissed him back as you placed your hands on the back of his head, sliding your fingers through his hair. He slid his hands under your hoodie and placed them on your bare waist, and pulling you even closer. You kissed each other slowly, taking in every detail about the kiss, not wanting to miss a thing; as things heated up you picked up the pace, the sweet kiss turning hungry and deeper. He moved his hands from your waist downwards and your once delicate fingers playing through his hair suddenly pulled softly making him groan against your lips; he squeezed his hands behind you making you whimper against his lips, he used this as an opportunity to deepen the kiss even more; he had lifted his hands and placed back on your sides as he softly caressed your skin under the hoodie, you wanted to to that too; so you slid your hands from the back of his head, down to his chest and too, under his shirt, you could feel his abs tense as your cold fingers lightly brushed against his skin, continuing to slide your hands around his torso, and gently running your fingers on his skin. That action made his breath hitch at his throat and his heart skip a beat. 
The two of you kissed passionately taking the other deeper, not wanting to let go. After a while you both slowly pulled away, breathlessly and numb from the kiss, you both wanted to go further but knew it was not time yet. You rested your foreheads together as you catched your breaths, looking adoringly to the other person, swollen lips, rosy cheeks and curious eyes. 
He spoke first, as he used his finger to soothe the skin under your eyes, “You need to rest y/n, come on”, pulling your arm and leading you. You thought that meant he was leaving, but this time you didn't fight him back; but instead of leading you towards the door he lead you to the big fancy couch in the living room, he turned on the TV to a random Korean variety show and lowered the volume to the point were if there isn’t absolute silence you couldn’t hear a thing the TV was playing. 
You both sat on the deep couch, he lent you his arm behind your head as a pillow as you sat closely next to him, the silent TV and warmness coming from the handsome man next to you quickly started to drowse off. Jungkook planned to keep you company until you fell asleep and then leave you to rest comfortably. 
JK watched the screen as he waited for you to fall asleep. Once he could feel your breathing rhythm became deeper indicating you officially had given in to sleep, he looked down to you and smiled at how adorable you looked, he stared at you for a little longer as he reflected on how lucky he was his once celebrity crush now actual crush was so close to him; he was so glad to have such an amazing person in his life and prayed he never had to be without you in his life ever again; he badly wished he could have you as his and only his but he understood the circumstances, he was happy he could athletes share precious moments like this with you. 
Jungkook shifted in his seat as he was about to stand up to leave you the full couch to rest, but you turned towards him, and wrapped your arms around him. “Don’t…” you whispered against his shirt, you were asleep but your sleepy conscience managed to say that. Jungkook couldn’t resist, he planted a soft kiss on the top of your hair, he then pulled you back with him from a sitting position to a horizontal one as he laid his back on the couch taking you with him without waking you up. He too quickly gave in to sleep as he held each other. 
a/n: I'M SO SORRY for taking so long to update, I had writer’s block and had no idea how to pick up the story, but last night I got inspired hahaha. I re-wrote this part and started writing part 6&7 so wait for those too.
PART 6 ------> here
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this is so random but can you do a fluff headcanon of seeing his s/o in a kimono for Sakusa, Suna, and Atsumu. And maybe kuroo, komori, and kita too I watch this todomomo CD drama the other day where the two saw each other in festival and they're like so cute frickin' cute todoroki compliment Momo, being kinda open towards her, and Momo just being really soft and cute makes me giggle and smile.
AHHH that is just such a good idea. I'm always so soft when they see each other wearing yukata's or kimono's at festivals. I only wish they had that sorta stuff where I live too 😭🤚💕💕💕✨
And omg yghhhh todomomo is such a cute ship, like I genuinely adore them both so much >:(
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The boys seeing their cute s/o in a kimono
Characters: Atsumu, Kita, Suna, Kuroo, Sakusa
Warnings: none
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Okay so Atsumu would definitely be extremely smooth. like he's internally freaking out and thinking you look so adorable!! but on the outside he's just trying to play it cool so you don't catch on.
His eyes would literally not leave you and he's just taking in how you look the entire time.
“yer ready ta go babe?” with this hot ass smirk on his face.
You're just blushing and you nod and follow him, your geta making sounds beneath you.
When you reach there, you're buying takoyaki, and you ask him if he wants some.
He ends up eating almost everything, like what the heck, man?
Apologizes and buys you more.
Would definitely try to show off and win you stuff at the festival to prove how manly™ he is, and also hopes he impresses you in the process.
“hey babe, watch me win this for you” and he's having a full-fledged war with the kid he's competing with.
He ends up winning and sticking his tongue out at the kid. Because it's basically canon that his mental age drops to 5 when he's competitive about things.
You just ruffle his hair and congratulate him.
Would definitely do the whole yawning and bringing you closer to him thing, when you've decided to take a break and rest.
He's trying to be slick, please don't call him out.
Your friends text you, telling you about the firecracker show and you ask Tsumu if he'd be okay to stay for that.
He practically jumps!! at the chance!! I mean, more time spent with you is always good :]
Asks if he can have your first kiss under the firecrackers. He's a consensual king
After you say yes, he'd just gently cup your face and lean down (WE LIVE FOR MFING HEIGHT DIFFERENCES!!) and kiss your lips gently at first, as the sky is filled with bursts of colour.
Y'all definitely end up making out but that's a different story
Walks you home after everything is over, and tells you how much he liked spending time with you on the way home.
“ya looked beautiful today, y/n-chan” and he has the shyest look on his face.
You kiss his nose and walk inside, leaving him flustered on your doorstep.
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Plans this weeks in advance, after hearing about the festival, and musters up the courage to ask you to go with him.
You jump at the chance. At first you think the whole team is coming along, until a flustered Kita says “i hope it would just be the two of us.”
Your eyes widen and you're both just blushing messes looking at the ground.
You both arrive early, and laugh, seeing how you had the same idea to come a bit earlier.
He looks at you in the kimono and takes a few deep breaths before genuinely complimenting you in the most poetic way possible?
“your beauty is unrivalled, y/n-san. Even the brightest lamp is nothing when compared to the radiance you emit.”
And you're just so Mcfreaking flustered™?????? Like where did he learn how to make your heart go doki doki like that omg
You guys would probably be very rational about making your way around the festival.
Food first, and maybe we'll play some games later?
He definitely pays for everything ugh, such a gentleman, eventho you told him it was okay.
And old lady at one of the stalls flusters the two of you by saying he has such a pretty girlfriend.
And he just smiles, with flushed cheeks. Neither of you disagree.
It starts drizzling and the two of you find shelter under a tree.
You're a bit sad about how your kimono got a bit ruined after slipping in some mud, and he gently helps your roll the area up and wipes it with a tissue.
He also smiles and tries to crack a joke by saying “the clouds thought you were so beautiful, they started crying” as he gestured to the rain.
Although the fireworks show was cancelled, Kita wrapped his arms around you and kept you warm, as you talked so many things, whilst waiting for the rain to stop.
Maybe it was a blessing in disguise :)
He gently holds your hand at some point too, and plays with your fingers, pressing a small kiss to the back of your hand.
The rain finally stops and he walks you home, thanking you for spending time with him.
You take a deep breath and kiss him before entering your house, and he smiles through the kiss.
“i've always wanted to do that” he says softly, after kissing you gently again and waving goodbye.
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Going out with Suna was definitely an impromtu plan of some sort. Like he just randomly texts you, asking if you want to go and you agree.
Definitely sends you a few memes about how he can't wait and begins to get ready.
You guys meet there and both of you are just so shocked at how the other looks.
Suna thinks you look gorgeous, and he tries to tell you in a teasing way. Much like Atsumu, he's trying to play it down when he's actually so flustered.
“hey dork, you don't look too bad”
You're not good at hiding your thoughts though, and you blurt out a rushed “Suna were you always this hot?” gesturing to his Yukata.
Y/n-chan I think you broke Suna.
He's just a flustered mess and he doesn't reply, instead saying he's hungry and buying something to eat. He buys one for you too, and suggests you guys walk and eat at the same time.
Definitely shows you memes and takes videos of you as the night progresses and the two of you loosen up and start doing dumb stuff.
Takes lots of pictures of you so he can document how pretty you look and keep it with him.
You pose for some, whilst some are just totally candid, with absolutely no pretense, your beauty in its natural glory.
Suna is just so whipped, and he knows he'll regret it if he doesn't tell you honestly, so he wipes some sauce off from the side of your lip and kisses you gently.
It's a quick peck, but it took lots of courage.
“i mean to tell you earlier, y/n, but you look beautiful in this kimono”
You smile, and he's just so super happy he got over his nerves.
“thank you Suna. I think you look amazing in your yukata” you say softly, as you run your fingers along the hem of it, feeling the soft material beneath your fingers.
The fireworks are just streaking bursts of colour across the sky, and you're looking into each others' eyes with so much adoration.
“just now's kiss was too short” you murmur softly as you capture him in a passionate kiss.
It gets really late, and you guys go home. He makes sure you're walking back with your friends before heading home himself.
Calls you after he reaches home and tells you he had an amazing night.
He definitely looks over all the pictures he took of you and makes one of them his lockscreen
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I actually mean this if I could date any of the hq boys I would date Kuroo. He's such a sweetheart and I adore him to bits and pieces.
So Kuroo asks you to the festival with a bet. He's like “if Nekoma wins this match, you'll go on a date with me to the festival, kitten.”
And he has the hottest smirk on his face. Like stfu and leave some pretty for other men >:(
You're so flustered but you eventually agree.
No surprise that Nekoma wins both sets and it's mainly because Kuroo didn't let a single ball go past him, he was literally on fire.
So he's smiling and tells you he'll pick you up at 8.00.
I'm pretty sure Kuroo is a total gentlemen, so he meets your parents they totally love him and he's just waiting for you to come down when he sees how lovely you look in a kimono, and he's the literal embodiment of the 😍 emoji.
Like he can't tear his eyes off of you and you're getting so flustered, so you just drag him out of the house and to the festival.
“Such a dom, aren't you kitten?”
When you're at the festival he tries playing a game. He wants to win you something, so he's pretty serious and focused.
He ends up winning and he's all like “so I got reward for you. Do I get a reward from you?” and he's just lowering his face to meet yours.
So you grudgingly kiss his cheek but you definitely loved it, ok?
He definitely buys food and will not eat any of it unless you feed him.
Feeds you too, and takes cute selfies to post on his Instagram.
You guys end up taking a lot of selfies together and trying out all the cute filters. Kuroo's favourite picture is one of you looking at him whilst talking to him, your eyes super bright, and he's just smiling for the camera, but his eyes are on you.
Makes it his phone wallpaper on the spot, to your delight.
Informs you of a fireworks show happening in a little while, and settles down to find an empty place to enjoy it.
Wraps as arm around you because it's apparently "cold" and "your kimono won't keep you warm like his arms will"
You complain but secretly love it.
He then goes full-on nerd more and explains the science behind fireworks, whilst the colours are filling the night sky.
But he soon goes quiet after seeing the colours reflected in your eyes. He's so shy, and he literally can't help himself, he kisses your lips softly.
You guys totally smile into the kiss ugh this is so cute.
Takes you home responsibly and thanks you and your parents before leaving.
Sends you a thank you text before falling asleep, dubbing the night he saw you in a kimono "the best night of his life, to date"
I'm gonna cry Kuroo is so important to me, I love him so much.
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Okay in my opinion, you'll have to be the one asking Sakusa out. He'll be super moody about it, but internally, he's dying to go.
You arrive at his doorstep to pick him up and he's just blushing at how cute you look in the kimono.
Like wow aight thank God I'm wearing a mask because this blush is fresh as heck +_+
Silently passes you a tube of hand sanitizer and you're so confused.
“if you put this on, we'll be able to hold hands.”
You're close to dying, no one has ever been able to touch Sakusa's hands, or hand sanitizer before. So you eagerly put it on, and intertwine your soft hands with his.
He's just so touch starved, so he holds your hand tighter as you guys make your way to the festival.
Sakusa hates it there. He waits for you to buy food before finding a secluded area to get away from the crowds.
You're also kinda glad you'll get to spend some time alone with him, so you aren't complaining.
You guys talk about lots of things, you definitely being the more flirty one in the conversation.
You suddenly muster up the guys to tug his mask down softly, seeing his pink cheeks and soft smile.
“can I kiss you?” you ask gently, eyes fixated on his lips.
“yes” he breathlessly replies, as your lips make your way to his, the sky is lit with fireworks, but the two of you hardly notice.
Your hand is tangled in his soft curly hair, and you're both blushing messes.
He walks you back, this time, and thanks you for spending a wonderful night out with him.
Low-key feels bad that you didn't get to enjoy the festival properly, so he tries to make it up to you by buying you lunch the next day. Very wholesome 10/10
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[Ari's note: AHHHHH This was such a whirlwind to write it actually took me so long so I hope you enjoy this <3]
Taglist: @k-sakusa-old
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ventura-starlight · 4 years
line without a hook
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A/N: hello my beautiful angels! This is based on a little funny story I had a little while ago. One day I was just scrolling and stumbled upon this absolutely adorable video. In the video, this lovely human named addie talks about a scenario she had while shifting. I fell in love with the idea and asked if I could write a fic based on it and she said yes!!! I really hope she enjoys this lol. If you’re reading this addie thank you so much and I hope this doesn’t completely suck :)
I’ll shut up now and let you all enjoy this. Remember to stay safe, wear your masks, drink some water, and enjoy yourselves. Love you!!!
**Addie’s tik tok: adrienneisntmyname**
Summary: what happens when you stay at the burrow for the first time? With the Weasley’s, chaos always ensues.
Warnings: none! just cute fluff I am pretty sure. I tried to keep it a general reader as well so If i messed that up let me know <3
It was the holidays at Hogwarts but all I could feel was bitterness. My family was on a trip during the holidays and I would be home alone throughout the whole break. With a long sigh, I sat next to my boyfriend of 6 months, George Weasley as he chatted with his twin Fred.
“What’s got you down sweetheart?” George said when he felt my presence next to him. I explained all that was going on. He knew how much I adored the holidays and could just see how upset I was. None of that helped the utter shock of what he said next, however. 
“Why don’t you come back with Fred and me for the holidays.” looking back between the twins with my eyes practically bulging out of my skull.
“I think you broke her Georgie” Fred chuckled at my shocked expression.
When George had asked me to stay at the burrow I was absolutely terrified. I mean this was the first time I would be at the burrow with his family. This was the first time I would meet his parents and be under the same roof as all the Weasley children. Still, I agreed, shaking with fear and excitement.
Terrified. Yeah, that was the perfect way to describe it. Absolutely terrified.
George knew how scared I was about the whole thing so when I got there he was outside the house with Fred waiting for me. He came up and grabbed my bags. He stopped outside the door and turned to me.
“Y/N I don’t want you to be afraid. It’s just my family and I know my parents are gonna love you. You already know some of my siblings and they seem to tolerate you so that’s lovely isn’t it?” he chuckled. Way to go George, way to make me even more nervous than before. Walking into the burrow was truly something magical. The warm smell of cinnamon and a warm fire filled my lungs, laughing and shouting rang through the house as Fred ran off to mess with Percy. Ginny smiled at me as she walked through, this being her wish for good luck. 
“Mum!!! Y/N is here!” a crash was heard from the kitchen and a loud shout from a feminine voice at George’s words. The infamous Molly Weasley came into the room, flour dusting the apron she was wearing and her face. Immediately I was trapped in a bear hug as Molly laughed
“Oh my goodness Y/N you are even more stunning the Georgie says! Are you sure you want him I mean he is a bit of a mess.” I laughed at George’s shocked expression.
“Mother you wound me!” He feigned hurt and put his hand over his heart, clutching the shirt he was wearing in his hands.
“Oh, Georgie don’t be so dramatic!” I laughed “It’s lovely to meet you, Mrs.Weasley.” I finished turning to Molly.
“I will have none of that. Just call me mum sweetheart.” she smiled warmly “Go ahead and show her to Ginny’s room Georgie, let her settle in, and then you can come down and get acquainted with everyone.” George nodded at his mother’s words and picked up my bags and lead me upstairs. 
When we got upstairs and I started to get settles George grabbed my waist and pulled me into a hug. “Now was that so bad sweetheart?” I only chuckled and shook my head.
“No I suppose not, thank you for letting me come stay Georgie.” a kiss was placed on my forehead. 
“Don’t thank me Y/N. Besides, having you here gives Fred and me an alibi for the genius pranks we have planned against Percy.” he chuckled and pressed kisses all over my face. Laughs emitted from both of our throats as we fell onto the twin size mattress I would be sleeping on. I stopped for a second, taking a moment to stare at the man above me. His laughs calmed and he looked down and met my eyes. Moments flew by as we just stared at each other. George leaned in and gave me a passionate kiss. His lips were slightly chapped but still soft and sweet. I could spend hours kissing his lips, I probably would have.
“GINNY! Y/N AND GEORGE ARE MAKING OUT ON THE BED!” Fred cried. With that George and I jumped away from each other, blush coating our already flushed cheeks. This was the beginning of one of the best winters I had ever had.
I had woken up the next morning to laughing coming from downstairs. I sat up in the bed and stretched, hearing my bones crack loudly behind me. A cold shiver runs off my spine as I take a few breaths to try and assist in waking myself up. Waffles and other breakfast smells that I couldn’t identify with the only few minutes of consciousness circling through me. I trudged downstairs with a blanket wrapped around my shoulders. The laughs only got louder as I continued down the stairs. Honestly, I wasn’t very worried about laughing. I was more worried about a cup of something warm and a nice breakfast. In the days leading up to coming to the burrow, Freddie talked nonstop about the food his mother would make during my stay. My stomach let out light rumbles as I reached the kitchen. Being greeted with warm rays of sunlight coming in the windows littered the walls of the room felt nice on the cold parts of my body, yet to have warmed up.
“Georgie I dunno if she will be very impressed with that.” George’s clenched his jaw at his brother’s words. I wasn’t really sure what he was doing so I tried to peer further into the kitchen. I knew if I went too far Molly would see me and ruin whatever the twins were working on.
“Fred I don’t really remember asking your opinion.” I heard Ginny laugh and saw her pass over a roll of tape to George. 
“Well, you don’t really have to worry about hiding your Uhm...bouquet from Y/N. Our sleeping beauty is awake.” Ginny pointed towards the door frame where I stood watching the scene. George hid whatever he was working on as Molly flew into the room
“Good Morning Y/N! I hope you slept well! Breakfast should be ready soon so make yourself something to drink. I have tea ready but if you prefer coffee we have that too or we ha-”
Fred cut her off mid-sentence “Mum I think she can make something just fine.” With a huff and a sarcastic glare, Molly wandered back into the kitchen. Mutters of “good mornings”  were heard from the Weasley siblings after Molly left the room. I wandered into the kitchen and made a cup of coffee. When I looked back to George he was desperately taping together pieces of paper. A few of the cut pieces were stuck to a long piece of tape he was trying to cut. I walk back over to him and gaze at the look of concentration painted in his expression. Pink tongue stuck out slightly, eyes narrowing to focus on whatever he was working on.
“Are you trying to romance me?” I asked as he jumped. He took a breath as a deep red flush flooded his cheeks and reached his ears. Thank goodness (more for him) his the rest of the Weasley siblings were focused on their own conversations rather than our little exchange. He moved slightly, inadvertently showing the small army of paper flowers. His large hands gathered the roses in his hands, trying to make them into a makeshift bouquet. George handed them to me, scratching the back of his neck.
“Is it working?” He chuckled, still embarrassed. Some flowers were slightly askew, the tape being shown through the petals but it was perfect. Sure maybe they were a little messy but who cares? George made them and that was all that mattered. “I thought you might like them,” he continued “You always get sad when I get you flowers and they die, so I thought this might be a better option.” he smiled. 
“Your romancing is definitely working Georgie” I say, taking the roses from his hand. I trap him in a hug. “Thank you Georgie” He only chuckles and holds me tighter, kissing the top of my head.
“Anything for you Y/N” The sweet silence we shared as we swayed wasn’t one that was suffocating or awkward. It was more peaceful. No matter the loud crashes and stories surrounding us, it felt as though it was just the two of us.
“OH MY GOODNESS GEORGE IS BEING SOFT!” Fred cried, causing everyone’s attention to fall on us. Over the teasing and laughing that came from everyone in the Weasley family I had only one thought in my head. This was home. Home is with George, and no matter how chaotic, no matter how many sweet moments were ruined by his family, they were my family too. Now the only thing to do was to enjoy the rest of winter, something I figure wouldn’t be very hard to do.
@70swonderpoisonstark ​ @skyeisaprincess ​ @brianmydear ​ @casuallywriting ​ @fantasticnewtimagines ​ @silversslytherin @mercerss ​ @hunter-with-a-tardis ​ @ghullehh ​ @living-through-the-fictional ​ @fire-in-her-veinz ​ @regalillegal ​ @a-hopeless-fan ​
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