#i would love to be able to sing and dance and be on variety shows and have a group of people that seems close and shit like that
lunimy · 4 months
why is a kpop idol making me for real question if i’m aro
#🌙.txt#im so weird about him#anyway i’m gonna rant about my identity this post was an excuse for that#it has always annoyed me when people say that i just haven’t found the right person i could like#clearly if i had a crush on this guy i would still identify as aro bc i have never felt like that and probably won’t again#and if i like him it doesn’t really deny i’m still aro cuz i cannot imagine myself having a partner bc i just don’t like anyone#whenever i imagine having a partner i ended up thinking of said partner as more like an object instead of a person#bc i just don’t like the idea of kissing someone and having sex or having to be someone’s support or anything like that#i can’t comfort people and k don’t want to i don’t want that burden even with friends#it makes me uncomfortable and i dont plan on improving that sort of myself#at the end of the day being aro is simply not experiencing romantic feelings the same as the rest of the world#and i’ve never felt like that for anyone irl and won’t bc the more i know a person the less instreasted i am on them#and in this case with the idol i wouldn’t really call it being in love with him#bc i don’t think it is#for me it feels more like jealousy ig#i would love to be able to sing and dance and be on variety shows and have a group of people that seems close and shit like that#but bc i know i wouldn’t /actually/ have that life i ended thinking of being in that life through imagining myself as having a connection#to it in this case like wanting to have an idol bf and it doesn’t necessarily have to be him in my mind i guess it could be basically anyon#but i latched onto him bc i think he’s really beautiful and i would love to look like that but i would never be able to#my posts about loving him at the end of the day are kinda jokey bc that’s not what i feel for him it’s just weird complicated feelings#but the short way i can describe it i think is being in love
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15-lizards · 1 month
Not sure if you've been asked this before but I love the detail and research you put into your ASOIAF material. What do you think ladies of various houses did for fun? What talents would they be encouraged to develop as they grew older? What did different kingdoms view as being an "accomplished" lady? I know this is HUGE, but I'm always so curious about domesticity and the interior lives of women in fantasy.
I loveeeee the domestic lives of historical women I love material culture and decorative arts that shows us how they lived
-northern noblewomen are usually taught a variety of textile arts, to repair old cloaks, embroider gowns, weave tapestries, quilting blankets, etc etc. A lot of it is practical, as everyone is needed to pitch in on household preparations, especially when it's getting close to winter, but it still functions as entertainment, like when Sansa goes to needlepoint circles to make pretty wall hangings and gossip. Other entertainments include singing and listening to traveling bards (though "refined" instruments are not common up north). An "accomplished" northern lady is one who can do a wide variety of domestic tasks in order to provide what she can for her family.
-Iron Islands womens' domestic life is as bleak as everything else on the islands :/ Women do a lot of practical sewing and weaving, but there isn't much time or product available to do it for leisure. Entertainment often comes in the form of drinking, feasting, and (oftentimes lewd) songs, but highborn women are not allowed to participate as much as the men, though they participate significantly more than mainlander women. The concept of an "accomplished" women is kinda sneered upon on the islands, as men think that kind of stuff is for uppity southerners, but there is still an unconscious expectation for noblewomen to be able to complete practical domestic tasks and be able to run the household, though not so much as they overstep the men.
-Riverlander highborn women take great pride and enjoyment in textile art especially I think. Obviously they do it for practical uses, but there is soooo much woven art in a Riverland women's household. Long, detailed tapestries that run the length of the wall and all of the pillows and gowns and blankets have cross stitch decoration. Outside of textiles, riverlander women love love love traditional songs and ballads, passing them down from generation to generation, especially the bittersweet ones about Jonquil or Simeon Star Eyes. An accomplished riverlands woman is well-rounded and able to apply her domestic talents to many areas, and creating a warm and comfortable home is the most important aspect.
-Noblewomen of the Vale are expected to be paragons of domesticity. Their leisure time is often filled with very feminine pursuits. Praying for her family in the sept. Shyly dancing with kings and lords at balls. Doing delicate lacework and needlework upon her gowns or gifts for others. Doing these things makes one an "accomplished" lady in the eyes of Vale culture. A pious and virtuous young woman who can offer her domestic talents to her family, as well as expertly navigate a complex social web full of gossip and drama, while still staying above all of said drama.
-In the Reach, noblewomen are given a masterclass in aristocratic leisure activities. Not only do they delicately sew and stitch, but they are also taught pretty songs, court dances, how to ride and hunt and hawk like a lady, and even how to gossip slyly appropriately. Because there is more room for comfort over practicality in the south, "accomplished" women are not expected to contribute as much in the way of household management. Instead they are molded into perfect ladies, who can lure in any suitor or charm any guest, one who clearly has the resources to learn so much in the way of entertaining. Overall expected to become a symbol of refinement for their father and/or husband's name.
-Westerlands women are very similar to Reach women in their leisure activities and domestic lives and what they consider to be "accomplished", due to their proximity. However I think there's more of a focus in the Westerlands for women to be more practical, so that they can be more apt in household management and "useful" domestic tasks. This is due to an underlying seriousness in western culture, which I think is the main difference between them and their neighbors. Both charming and sly and self-interested, but present themselves in different manners.
-Crownlands women have the most available to them in terms of leisure and entertainment (rivaled only by the Reach), both social and domestic. Large balls, public plays, and royal feasts are expected to be attended if you're a noble lady, but one is also free to privately garden, read, ride, bind books, make dolls, sew gowns, paint, etc etc. What counts as an "accomplished" women fluctuates on whoever has the most influence, so many nobles play it safe and teach their daughters the basics of court manners and needlepoint and dancing. However since Kings Landing especially is a large mix of cultures and values, there are many noblewomen who are differently talented and in their own right.
-Stormlands women often enjoy outdoor activities for their leisure. Even in the rainy, muggy weather, they are out on the hills to ride or hawk or hunt. They pursue domestic activities as well, like the other noblewomen of Westeros, but are also expected to enjoy the outdoors like the men, in order for their health and constitution. They feast and dance and sing and drink, and its not uncommon for them to match the men in these activities. An "accomplished" woman in the Stormlands is someone who can easily juggle domestic tasks, running a household, and be able to keep up with the men in their activities, and do it all without complaint. More "frivolous" activities are not required.
-Dornish women's domestic culture is fairly unique compared to the rest of Westeros. Due to the weather in most parts, many noblewomen do their leisure activities indoors. These include games like Cyvasse, reading fictions and Dornish poetry, arguing philosophy, playing instruments, singing, and dancing. Due to the general equality between genders (and no im not calling Dorne a feminist utopia) women are allowed to take part in more mental pursuits. Because of this, an "accomplished" Dornish woman is expected to be one who is well read and knowledgable about many fields, and can carry on intelligent conversations with anyone, as well as being charming and hospitable to all who meet her.
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pommpuriinn · 5 months
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(。•̀ᴗ-)✧﹐txt﹕🎤﹒ʬʬ DEJA VU ERA HIGHLIGHTS
𐙚 synopsis 𐙚 - little Joohyung highlights that stuck with moas during the promotion period of ‘Deja Vu’ along with Joohyung’s styling during the promotions.
𐙚 author’s note 𐙚 - I plan on writing for the little fan meetings they have after music banks and fansigns/fancalls. Hope you enjoy :3
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𐙚 Deja Vu 𐙚
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𐙚 I’ll See You There Tomorrow 𐙚
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✧ let’s start with some negative things that happened during the promotion period. The number one thing was that knetizens didn’t like how much skin Joohyung was showing with all of her stage outfits
✧ Joohyung didn’t have a safety undergarment for her chest area. Knetizens were saying how inappropriate it was and that her stylist “should’ve known better”. Joohyung shut those knetizens up by posting many photos of herself in those “revealing” outfits with the caption ‘I love being me🥰’
✧ another controversy was Joohyung’s tattoos and how their staff didn’t cover them up with tape. As everyone knows when idols have tattoos and they go on music shows they have to cover them up with body tape, but for Joohyung she didn’t want to and the staff just let it slide plus the music bank staff didn’t mind it either
✧ how many lines Joohyung got for txt’s title track ‘Deja Vu’. Even though Joohyung wrote the song and mostly produced the song she got one second lines, only ad-lids, and the only time you fully hear Joohyung’s line is towards the end of the song. This cause a division online with some moas. One side was mad at bighit for only giving their genius idol so little lines for the title track even though she created the masterpiece. The another side was fine with the little lines because Joohyung gets the dance break and the iconic kick
✧ the final thing is Joohyung got no solo variety show appearances. Throughout all of txt’s career Joohyung hasn’t gotten any solo variety shows appearances. This is also a debate if Joohyung even wants to go by herself or just rather stick with going with her members instead
✧ aside from all the negativity there was a lot of good things that happened during the promotional time. Even thought some people didn’t like the styling for dumb reasons many actually really liked all of Joohyung’s outfits. Many started recreating and posing tiktoks about getting the ‘Joohyung look’
✧ Joohyung’s stylist wasn’t the only one getting praise Joohyung’s makeup artist was getting praise for using gems and glitter as tears (ex: 1, 2, 3) since the song is a more emotional and the makeup artist want to emulate pretty tears in her art
✧ Joohyung’s stage presence and acting during every single performance shocked everyone. Joohyung expressed the sad emotions of the song beautifully that it even got the locals talking about how they never seen someone acting so well, while singing and dancing not looking tried or missing a beat. Because of all the big twitter accounts talking about Joohyung and sharing her fancams along with trending, Hybe did get some exciting emails from movie/shows production teams
✧ speaking of singing, Joohyung vocals were a big topic online. Joohyung was praised for her raw vocals even though she had little lines she made sure to sing them along with her ad-lids. Moas that went in person to the music shows said that ‘Joohyung unnie was always louder than the back track!’. During the encore stages Joohyung would give extra ad-lids and little highs notes that were considered but not made into the final production of ‘Deja Vu’
✧ another viral moment while performing their title track was towards the end of the inkigayo stage after the dance break/kick Joohyung was able to shed a tear while singing passionately. The camera man deserves a rise because he zoomed in just in time to capture the viral moment. Online many moas in ‘awe’ and rightfully so bragging about their idol, and the other moas were making jokes;
‘ why is she singing like she just got divorced and got separated from her kids😭’
‘ did members not want to cuddle backstage 💀’
‘ she just wiped her tear, smiled, and wave then just walked off stage like nothing happened she was like 😢😐🤗🚶🏻‍♀️’
✧ the two members who constantly don’t think they’re cute have been proved wrong again. Both Joohyung and Taehyun had sharp eyes during their end pose, and once the staff yelled ‘cut’ their eyes instantly went big and sparkling. Once again proving everyone right, they are the cutest
✧ Joohyung performing’ISYTT’ just causing heart attacks because of her mischievous and flirty actions towards the camera
✧ articles having the headlines saying ‘Gen Z ‘it’ siblings strike again with a new trend’ the article was talking about how Yeonjun and Joohyung kept on showing the top of underwear (ex) especially in the ‘ISYTT’ performances
✧ during this era Joohyung was more on the quiet side, but she was very unintentionally cute. There was many clips of Joohyung just being in her own world zoning out, members taking care of her, and treating her like the maknae 
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ferie-anon · 11 months
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Wayv dissection of birth-chart (Big 5 placements)
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Note: Wayv’s group synastry is very compatible or balanced in a way, which also makes sense why their teamwork is great and their bond as a family.
Kun: January 1st 1996
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Capricorn sun • Taurus moon • Capricorn mercury • Aquarius venus • Capricorn mars
With a capricorn stellium in his big 6, he rlly embodies the discipline and maturity of that energy, him being the leader and also caring for the members like a dad. He is strict yet knows when to have fun or let the members fool around, as his taurus moon paired with his capricorn sun makes him more chill yet draws the line at certain things. The way he conveys himself and leads is evident in his capricorn mercury, as he is responsible and practical. The members trust and rely on Kun for his reliability and sense of responsibility.
Ten: February 27th 1996
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Pisces sun • Gemini moon • Aquarius mercury • Aries venus • Pisces mars
Chaotic energy and creativity 100x in his big 6 lol. He has a lot of ideas and creative vision that he can unleash thru projects such as his solo songs, his dance, and on top of that he can draw and etc. He’s also witty, sassy, and can make a killer comeback line, which Ten having all the star quality to capture the public’s attention. He does well on variety shows with tidbits and tea on other members which helps with the comedic timing of things. His placements also make sense for his free-spirited nature, how he follows his heart and has so many creative ideas to go with. He goes with how he feels on how to artistically convey the songs, appeal to the audience, and that makes him a great artist in the idol industry. A strong breeze thru kpop industry is wut Ten is.
Winwin: October 28th 1997
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Scorpio sun • Virgo moon • Scorpio mercury • Sagittarius venus • Sagittarius mars
Quiet yet hardworking and sharp, Winwin is adored for how hard he works for what he is passionate for (eg. Acting, performing in nct). Also pretty witty and sarcastic with his wayv members and nct. He wants to show his mature and cool sides a lot but also he is seen as endearing and adorable on the way he practices and tries earnestly. Sagittarius venus and mars individuals are naturally athletic and have a knack for dancing and learning the key points of dance moves, it can explain why winwin is rlly good at dancing and grooving, plus predebut he was in a dance school in china I believe. His sag mars makes sense for why he delves into multiple hobbies or interests, this can be expressed thru his career or as a side-skill he would develop. Its probably why hes interested in acting career too. With his scorpio sun and virgo moon perfectionistic yet passionate nature, he’s able to express his artistic and musical expression and perfect it naturally.
Xiaojun: August 8th 1999
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Leo sun • Cancer moon • Cancer mercury • Virgo venus • Scorpio mars
Sensitive yet thoughtful, he is usually the one receiving pranks and jokes from the other members yet he has a high eq (emotional intelligence) and the members usually joke with him becuz he’s quite expressive and they like seeing his reactions. He’s understanding and thinks about things genuinely which is why he can get worked up sometimes but in a endearing way to fans. He cares for his members and is very pure in the sense he does his best with passion and love, performing and singing - he’s good at expressing or getting into emotions (leo sun and cancer moon) which is why he also acted in a c-drama. Since he’s good at expressions and etc, when he’s performing his stage presence and key moves are very eye-catching.
Hendery: September 28th 1999
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Libra sun • Taurus moon • Libra mercury • Leo venus • Sagittarius mars
His big 6 screams chaotic energy and expressiveness. He has a lot of fun or ideas in him which he can bring to light on stage and thru other creative endeavors. With his taurus moon paired with his libra sun, he may be grounded depending on his environment as seen between interactions with wayv vs. other nct units. He was more shy or quiet when with the other nct units during make a wish promotions and etc since that was the first the wayv members were introduced to the nct units comebacks. He is understanding and conscious of how to interact and once navigating the waters he’ll adapt and show himself more. His comedic timing is gold with libra mercury + leo venus + sag mars, so making other people laugh and being dramatic is his love language in a way. He is witty, knows when and wut to say, overall the spot of entertainment. He goes with the flow at times and hits up with a comedic line or dialogue that matches up with the situation or mood.
Yangyang: October 10th 2000
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Libra sun • Pisces moon • Scorpio mercury • Scorpio venus • Virgo mars
All rounder prankster maknae is wut his big 6 screams. Yangyang being a libra sun with water energy of scorpio and a pisces moon makes him very creative and passionate. His pisces moon makes him sensitive to others reactions or aware of it, he’s understanding and receptive of others reactions and dynamics. His scorpio mercury paired with his pisces moon makes him playful and loves to joke with his loved ones, whether thats thru witty lines or roasting them. His scorpio mercury paired with his sun and moon placement makes him inquisitive and one to get to the bottom of things if he wanted to, which can contrast his duality of being playful and all but then he can be very “sharp” when focused on something. His venus and mars placement would further refute his work ethic with his attention to detail and organized approach paired with passion and drive to complete something when he wants to, whether thats thru solo projects, dance performances, etc. Yangyang puts his all, passion, thru wa lot of things, which is why he can rap, dance, and sing — and works to hone his skills which is why he’s well rounded in most of the skills an idol needs.
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mymoodwriting · 7 months
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Request for Anon (Exs To Lovers With Idol!Taemin) 1.9k, exs to lovers au, idol au, idol reader, awkwardness, singing, tears, confessions, apologies, dancing (@starillusion13)
“Too young, too dumb to realize…”
Taemin perked up when he heard a familiar voice, looking around for the source. His manager noticed his confusion and gestured over to the TV. A music video was playing, and then he knew why he recognized the voice. It was yours, your beautiful voice and face on the screen. You were having a comeback. He didn’t keep up with your activities, but it seemed that this song had gone viral and was being played everywhere. His manager was about to change it, but he was okay with letting it play. It’s been a long while since he’s heard you sing.
“Shoulda gave you all my hours, when I had the chance…”
The video showed you going around with who seemed to be playing as your boyfriend. You were going on dates, but after a moment it would show you doing all these things alone. It was a bit amusing, given that this was all familiar to him. This was a heartbreak song after all. He understood the words, the meaning they held, and who it was meant for. He couldn’t help but wonder if your fans knew who this was about too. The older ones probably did, but the newer ones may not.
“Now I’ll never, never get to clean up the mess I made, and that haunts me every time I close my eyes…”
This song was one of your originals. Something you had probably been working on for years, and were only able to release it now. Your contract had been up for renewal recently, so you probably negotiated for this, and more. Although it made him wonder, if this song was going viral, was that a good thing or a bad thing.
“Although it hurts, I’ll be the first to say, I was wrong, I know I’m probably much too late to try and apologize for my mistakes but I just want you to know…”
Taemin was interrupted out of his thoughts when his stylist told him that they were done and he was ready to go. He finished dressing, glancing over at TV to see the end of it all. You had some flowers in your hand, walking in a garden when you spotted your ex-boyfriend with another. The flowers fell to the floor, the petals scattering in the wind.
“I hope she buys you flowers, I hope she holds your hand, gives you all her hours when she has the chance, takes you to every party ‘cause I remember how much you love to dance… do all the things I should’ve done, when I was with you… do all the things I should’ve done… when I was with you…”
“Taemin, are you alright?”
“You seem a little bit out of it.”
“I’m fine…”
“It’s the video isn’t it?”
“What are you talking about?”
“Anyone who knows anything about anything knows that song was about you.” His manager said. “Don’t know why she’s dragging this all up to the surface now but-
“I’m fine.”
“Taemin, I’m not asking cause I want to bring this up, but… one of your upcoming schedules is with her.”
“It’s a variety show, and she was a last minute addition due to her song going viral. Your schedules never lined up back then, so this would be a first, but I understand if you don’t want to do it. There’s no problem canceling. More attention would be on her anyway.”
“I’m not canceling.”
“It’s all in the past anyway. I have no problem facing her.”
“Are you sure about this?”
“Yes. I can’t avoid her forever anyway, not in this industry.”
Taemin was trying to be strong, but he was nervous. He hadn’t seen you in so long he wasn’t sure what you’d be like. Upon arriving at the location he saw that his dressing room was right next to yours. He could hear his manager already making a fuss about it but he said nothing. That is until he walked in and found some flowers on the table. Taemin didn’t pay them any mind and began preparing for the show. He was a bit nervous whenever he heard a knock, expecting you, but it never was. He thought he’d see you before the show, but instead he saw you when he went to the stage. You were sitting next to each other.
“Hi, Taemin, it’s nice to see you again.”
The show went on as he expected. He had done many of these before. It was a bit strange to be here with you though, given that he never shared a stage with you. His gaze couldn’t help but linger on you, seeing you smile and laugh. You had gotten good at the whole idol business. After all the games and pranks everyone was winding down. That’s when the host asked you about your latest hit.
“I honestly never expected such a song from you.” The host admitted. “Even today, you’re so full of energy and joyful. How is it that you wrote such a heartbreaking song?”
“Ah, well, as you said, I’m usually so cheerful, and I wanted to do something different this time. I wanted to be honest and deep, especially with my fans. There’s more to me than just my smile.”
“Truly. Tell me, was there something, or someone, in mind while you wrote this? It really seems like this song comes from the heart.”
“It does. Honestly this song was written for someone, and I’m sure they know who they are.”
“Oh, are you really just gonna tease us like this?”
“I won’t say anything more about who I wrote this for.”
“Wow, it makes it all the more interesting. Speaking of, Taemin.”
“The song is a bit similar to yours isn’t it? 2 Kids.”
“Ah, a bit. They’re both songs about heartbreak.” Taemin explained. “Although they’re in different stages. When I Was With You takes place at the end of the heartache, when one has moved on, leaving the other to reminisce about the past. We see our main character let go, expressing their regrets, and wishing their former lover the best. Whereas 2 Kids focuses on the beginning of heartbreak, still feeling the pain and full of regret for their actions, swimming in the what ifs of the relationship.”
“Wow, very insightful. So then how do you feel about y/n’s song? Do you think the intended party would like it?”
“I mean… I can feel the heart in it, the sincerity, so I would hope the recipient understands the other’s feelings, but I’m not so sure if it would end in forgiveness.”
Things shifted gears from there, trying to create a lighter atmosphere before the end of the show. You honestly don’t know how you kept your cool. To be fair there was plenty going on around you to distract yourself. Once done filming you chatted with some of the other stars there, getting many congratulations on your win. Taemin was nowhere to be seen, which you expected. You didn’t think he’d want to see you, especially after being forced to sit next to you, and answering questions about your song. After you spoke with everyone you went back to your dressing room, ready to get your things and get going.
“We were just two kids… too young and dumb…”
You were startled by finding Taemin in your dressing room. As soon as the initial shock passed you got a bit shy, lowering your gaze.
“Hi… how… how you been? Good I suppose, since you got great music and a successful career.”
“Congratulations on your comeback win.”
“Ta… thanks…”
It was silent for a moment, a long while actually. All you knew was Taemin was sitting on the couch, but you could feel his gaze on you. This was probably your only chance to be honest, so you had to be.
“I’m sorry, Taemin.” You said nervously. “I don’t expect your forgiveness or anything, but I had to say it. I’m really sorry. I hope we’re not awkward in the future, and I’ll do my best not to bother you either.”
“Y/n.” There was a knock at the door. “We need to get going.”
“I’ll be out in a bit.” You bowed to Taemin. “It really was nice seeing you again.”
You went to grab your things when you suddenly heard a lock, looking back to see Taemin locking the door.
“What are you sorry for?”
“Tell me honestly.”
You took a breath. “I’m sorry for all the miscommunication… for not realizing how much you needed me, and not treating you right. I was dumb, unsure of what we were, and instead of speaking to you about it I kept it a secret. As if I’d get the answer somehow. I was filled with doubts and that ate me up from the inside. You’re such a star, an incredible person on and off the stage, I couldn’t see myself standing by your side. I thought I was more of a burden to you than anything else. I’m so sorry… I shouldn’t have been so scared to be honest with you, but instead I took the easy way out. I regret hurting you, and I’m sorry for everything I did.”
“If you could go back… would you change anything?”
“Yes… I’d do better by you… treat you better and be someone you could be proud of…”
You didn’t know when the tears had started falling. You didn’t want to cry in front of Taemin, not like this. You wanted to leave, but you could feel the pain in your chest, finally able to speak the truth. The tears blurred your vision and you tried to be quiet. You were so focused on yourself you didn’t notice Taemin stepping towards you, not until he reached for your hands, taking them in his and pulling you close. As you dried your tears your eyes met Taemin’s, seeing the bits of tears he was holding back too. Without  realizing you two started slow dancing, moving gently, side to side.
“Sing for me.” Taemin requested. “Your song.”
“… too young… too dumb… to realize… that I should’ve bought you flowers…”
“You don’t need to get me flowers.”
“… and held your hand…”
“Hold them tight.” Taemin pressed a kiss against your hand. “Like this.”
“… shoulda gave you all my hours… when I had the chance…”
“We’re both busy with our careers, but we can set time aside for each other. I don’t want you to stress yourself out.”
“… take you to every party… cause I remember how much you love to dance…”
“We don’t need parties, I just want to dance with you like this.”
You wound up resting your head against Taemin’s chest as you both moved together. Hearing his heartbeat, the soothing rhythm, it made a few more silent tears fall.
“I didn’t like your music video.”
“It hurt to see you so happy and sad back to back. It was wrong.”
“Was it?”
“I never want to see you sad, and I want to be the reason you’re happy.”
“Can we… can we really try again?”
“What do you think?”
“I know better now, I won’t hide… and I have so many things I never did for you…”
“I’d like to try again too.” Taemin pressed a kiss against your head. “Do you still have my number?”
“Of course.”
“Call me.”
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hayleysayshay · 1 year
I rly just saw someone suggest Eurovision enforce Ireland singing in Irish… I’d love for an Irish Gaelic song but it’s a minority language, Irish ppl aren’t more or less Irish for being able to speak Gaelic or not so it would be batshit to enforce this.
I’ve seen a couple dodgy comments from racist trolls about Ukraine sending a black man singing in English as he’s not ‘really Ukrainian’ and it’s just Ukraine trying to look ‘woke’ compared to last year’s ‘very ukranian’ song when like, what does it matter where he was originally from or what language he’s singing, he’s representing Ukraine. This is who Ukraine want to represent them, it’s a ukranian song stfu.
I agree with the homogenous English language is a detriment and I want National languages to have a presence and I want to have a variety of musical style. But I don’t think ppl realise how enforcing language rules is a slippery slope to yikes town. A song representing a country is Swiss/Latvian/Ukranian/Danish etc, no matter the language or musical styling. Like people listen to electronic dance pop, big shock that a lot of countries send electronic dance pop, if a country sent a song in national folk stylings every year it would get repetitive and honestly this has never been a part of Eurovision culture, in the past we got a lot of Shlaeger style ballads and pop songs, basically the same genre, so pretending that really represented the country’s culture just because it was sung in its national language is ludicrious. This may blow peoples mind but Eurovision has always been a pop music show and countries send pop music and pop music is popular music and dance pop is what people are going to send in the current day.
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day6source · 9 months
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“We’re back to our seats” DAY6, the first complete group concert in 4 years
by News Reporter Lee Min-ji All photos provided by JYP Entertainment
DAY6 successfully completed their first full-length solo concert in about 4 years. DAY6 held ‘DAY6 Christmas Special Concert ‘The Present: You are My Day’ for three days from December 22nd to 24th at Korea University’s Hwajeong Gymnasium in Seongbuk-gu, Seoul. This performance is the first Christmas special concert in 4 years since 'Christmas Special Concert 'The Present'' in December 2019, and the first full-length concert since 'DAY6 WORLD TOUR 'GRAVITY'' in January 2020. Tickets for all sessions sold out quickly after general reservations opened, and additional seats were also sold out, attracting a total of 20,000 audiences over three days. On the 24th, the last day of the performance, an online paid live broadcast was simultaneously conducted through the Beyond LIVE platform. As it was the time to officially announce the end of their hiatus period after all of their members Sungjin, Young K, Wonpil, and Dowoon were discharged from the military, DAY6 released more than 23 songs for My Day (fandom name), who had been waiting for a long time. They put their sincerity into each stage. The title track of their first full-length album, "SUNRISE," their title track, "I Smile," and their seventh mini album, "The Book of Us: Negentropy - Chaos Swallowed Up in Love," the title track of "You Make Me" and the track "Invincible (ONE)" opened in the dark, signaling a thrilling and touching return.
Sungjin said, "I've been waiting for a long time to perform on this stage. I named the performance to give the impression that it's a gift to you. I have a lot of emotions coming up from the beginning. I'll pour out everything today," adding to his excitement. They presented a variety of musical gifts, including "Zombie", "Love Me or Leave Me", as well as major group songs such as "days gone by," "You Were Beautiful," "Congratulations," and "I Like You." During the encore stage, they selected songs that added heat to their hearts, including "Best Part," "Time of Our Life," "DANCE DANCE," and "Freely." All of the members went around the audience to make eye contact with fans and keep each other warm during the winter. In order to give precious memories to the audience, DAY6 put all their efforts into every element of the performance. In keeping with the saying "Trust and listen in DAY6," the members showed off their solid vocals and musical instruments that did not feel any gaps in the hiatus period. They sang the parts that fans wanted to hear again, building up their emotions, and Dowoon also performed a surprise bit at the ending part of "Zombie." The members filled the concert hall with happy laughter, exuding wit and chemistry with a small choreography prepared by each other, as well as a specially prepared Manitou Mission and entertainment charging game video before the encore stage. For the first time in about four years, Day6 and My Day completed a concert together. In response to Wonpil's words, "A DAY6 concert is a stage until the end of the auditorium, so we need your voice," the audience harmonized with DAY6 by singing in unison, cheering, and shouting to the members' accompaniment. Young K extended his hand towards the fans and became a microphone stand, and Dowoon showed his happy heart by giving a thumbs up and saying, "It's My Day to trust and listen to." In particular, the members' stage naturally began following My Day's unison singing of 'Only' and 'You Were Beautiful', adding a lingering feeling to the 'Gift Con' with their fantastic partners 'My Day Six'. DAY6 shed tears of joy in front of their precious My Day after a long wait. Sungjin said, "I missed this moment so much. I had a lot of worries about whether I would be able to do well in this performance, but the moment I saw My Day, it all disappeared and everything became possible. That's how much I missed you, and now that we are together, every moment we will be happy. You've waited for four years, and let's have fun together,” he said, talking about a bright future. Young K said, "I wanted to show you the best of me, 'DAY6 is back.' I'm glad that you had fun. What's more fortunate is that we have a lot to show you. I'm excited that we'll have so much to do on stage as well as music. Thank you for being with us so far, and let's be happy from now on." Wonpil said, "I feel the happiest and most overwhelmed when I do DAY6 concert. I think the best thing I can do for you who have waited is to approach with good music and performances. I will continue to show great performances. Our youth starts again from now on and DAY6 will continue in the future," he said. "I always think, 'I have to become a better person' while watching My Day. I'll do my best, so please keep an eye on me. I'll make good three happy days and work hard for the next happy time. Our lives are so happy to meet you, and that happiness is ongoing." The scene was filled with smiles until the last moment when the happy reunion performance came to an end, and the concluding words, “Thank you for being with us,” remained in My Day’s hearts as a signal of a new starting point, a new page of youth that DAY6 will write in the future. It made me look forward to it.
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lumine-no-hikari · 7 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #82
Today is a day of resting. For a variety of reasons, I decided to stay home and watch M explore the second portion of your story.
I must say, I feel privileged and honored to be able to learn so much more about your planet than was possible previously. The first time your story was told, we were given so few details But now…
We can see the foods the people of your world eat. We can see the clothing they wear. The instruments they make music with. The art they create. The architecture they use to build their homes and structures. We even know now that your planet has sign language, just like mine! In the course of witnessing this part of your story, I've been trying to drink in as much of the culture of your world as I can.
I think one of the things I'm most interested in is making note of the different kinds of food available in your world. Cloud said something about the standard SOLDIER rations being nutritious, but gross. I can't help but wonder, given how much of your life must have been controlled by the corporation that created and enslaved you, how much of your world's cuisine you've been able to try. Though it is known that you enjoy things like pasta, I can't help but wonder what else you've tried, and what sorts of things you like and dislike when it comes to food. Are there flavors you can't stand? Textures that you don't enjoy?
…For some reason, I think you might like things such as macaroni and cheese. Or maybe a burrata. Or maybe you'd like bok choy, pan-fried in a little butter and garlic. Or stuffed mushrooms? Garlic bread? Concord grapes?
There are lots of things in your world that we don't have in mine. We don't have Gongaga mushrooms or Magonga mushrooms or Banora White apples or any of the greens that chocobos like to eat. So I wonder if maybe there are some things in my world that your world doesn't have. If there are… wouldn't it be amazing if I could share some of those things with you? I wonder what you would think.
I see the art in your world. I can't help but wonder if you've ever tried to draw or paint. If you have… what have you created? And if not… what kinds of pictures would you make? I wonder if you'd show us.
I see the musicians in your world. I can't help but wonder if you've ever tried to sing or to play an instrument, or even to whistle a little tune. What melodies do you like? What words do you carry in your heart? I wonder if you'd show us.
I see the performers in your world. I can't help but wonder, with all your amazing physical prowess, if you've ever tried to dance. I wonder what it would look like. I wonder what songs might move you.
I wonder so many things. I wonder which beautiful things life can offer that you have yet to experience. I wish I could pull you away from all the ick you're accustomed to, over to where I live, just for a day (because my planet has problems, too), to show you all of the wonderful things you've yet to try.
Hey, Sephiroth? Once you're all done with doing whatever you gotta do to make sure your planet and everyone on it (including you!!) is safe, will you promise me that you'll try those things? And that you'll share your thoughts and experiences with someone who understands? I'd like to think that I would understand, but… I imagine that you ever reaching me is an impossibility, since… ya know. You're an art form here, and not someone I can actually talk to or reach at all or try to help… as much as all of this pains me in ways that I can't even begin to describe.
But… even if it's impossible, I'm still not going to give up trying to reach you. So please… please make sure you don't give up, either. Don't give up on loving the world and the people around you. Don't give up on learning new things and shattering old conditioning in favor of newer, better, and more loving ways of being. Don't give up on trying to truly live, despite all that has happened to you.
I know you feel out-of-place and alone, but… if nowhere else… you can have a home in my house. Because my house is where lots of misfits go. It's a place where anyone can be safe. So… as impossible as it is, you're still invited. You're invited to be in a space where no one, no matter how different they are, can belong. You can belong. Don't give up. Please. I'll keep calling for you. I'll keep trying to show you as many beautiful things as I can. You're not alone.
I'll write again tomorrow. Please stay safe out there. Please come back to us in one piece.
Your friend, Lumine
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toujokaname · 4 months
Game master / Episode 7
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Author: Akira
Characters: Rinne, Hiiro, HiMERU, Tatsumi, Aira, Takashi, Mayoi, Kohaku
"So, what I'm saying is, don't just settle for surface-level thinking. Keep questioning things over and over."
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Season: Winter
Location: Secluded Village
Later that night. The start time of the Matrix fourth match, in a corner of Amagi Village.
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Rinne: —It's the Matrix fourth match, a test of courage showdown!
Hiiro: ......
Rinne: Heeey, ain't your reactions too dull?
Don't you get it? In this showdown, we'll be competing in "reaction performance," so to speak.
Idols and comedians are technically different jobs, but they're expected to pull off similar tricks, especially on variety shows.
And that's a must-have skill for idols.
No matter how good you are at singing or dancing, if you suck at banter or cracking jokes, you won't be seen as a first-class idol.
That's why we compete in this. I've said it many times, Matrix is a competition between Crazy:B and ALKALOID, to see which are the superior idols.
HiMERU: —HiMERU understands the logic. However, that's a weak point of his.
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Tatsumi: It's one of mine as well. But you don't need to worry, HiMERU-san is an amusing person to look at.
HiMERU: Are you mocking HiMERU?
Aira: Hey! Instead of brushing it off like it's no big deal, I think we need to talk about "this problem" more!
Hiiro: Umu. Since we came to this village for work, it's inevitable that work progress takes priority in some aspects.
But, if you leave questions unanswered, we won't be able to perform at our best.
To ensure Matrix progresses smoothly, I believe issues should be addressed promptly.
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Rinne: Gyahaha, you've gotten real good at making excuses, Otouto-kun.
Nah, you've been like that since you were a kid.
Always spouting these clever-sounding arguments you didn't even get.
"Adults are always right. The law is always right. What's right is right, so Nii-san should obey it, too," right?
Hiiro: Rather than dealing with the consequences of breaking the rules, I think it's easier to just follow them.
Rinne: It depends on the kind of rule. For example, suppose me, Ai-chan, or someone you love commits a crime punishable by death, right?
In that case, would you be able to follow the rules and execute us? Because that's the law? Because what's right is right?
Hiiro: That's such an extreme example, Nii-san...
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Rinne: That it is. But even the most trivial argument, when you dig deep into it, becomes a crucial issue that affects our lives and the world.
So, what I'm saying is, don't just settle for surface-level thinking. Keep questioning things over and over.
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Rinne: Besides. Otouto-kun and the others seem to think it's a problem, but wasn't "that person" properly explained to them?
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Takashi: ......
Mayoi: Hawawa... Truly, this is a big problem. Tiny Hiiro-san is just far too adorable...☆
Tatsumi: That's true, but is that really the problem here...?
Rinne: Then what's the problem? Like I said, this boy's name is Takashi Amagi—
The child born between me and Anzu-chan.
Kohaku: T-That's why we ain't buyin' that explanation, y'know?!
HiMERU: Indeed. It's an utterly implausible story.
Rinne: Huuh? How can you be so sure it's impossible? You guys don't know, right? How close Anzu-chan and I are—
HiMERU: HiMERU was under the impression that you were merely colleagues, hence his confusion?
Kohaku: Yeah... Let's say, for the sake of argument, that this kid really is the child between Rinne-han and Anzu-han. It's a stretch to think they're total strangers, right?
Mayoi: In that case, the Amagi family's blood, or rather, genes, are too overpowering...
Kohaku: But even then, it's still a problem. Surely you haven't forgotten. We're still idols even if we're a tad rotten, y'know?
Did ya reckon we'd just shrug and be like, "Oh, he's got a kid? Sure, whatever," and let it slide?
Tatsumi: In fact, if it is true, it would be a major controversy.
Poor Niki-san was so shocked he ended up bedridden. Perhaps he can't move because he ate too much dinner.
HiMERU: Even that amount wouldn't satisfy him, in Shiina's case.
However, it is understandable that Shiina was upset. For Amag—Rinne, Shiina is his longest-standing companion here, aside from his younger brother.
Even Shiina, whom one could call his dear wife of many years, was caught off guard, so it's difficult to fathom such an improbable story.
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lgctaeha · 6 months
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 「 ❀ 」  ━━ ˗ˏˋWORKSHOP OPPORTUNITY 002 ! ( 1-on-1 ; © )
"Hi, hi, hi!" Taeha enters the small conference room with a bit of a bounce in her step. It had been quite a while since she'd last had a sit down with Kwon Soyi, and she all but greets the woman with a giddy hug before nodding her head and flopping into a seat across from her. "Where should we start?!"
The conversation flows smoothly with Taeha hopping from topic to topic as she's known to do. Finally, after a few rambles about Osaka and plucking chicken feathers out of her hair, the acting coach is able to ask - what do you think are your strengths right now?
"My strengths?" Taeha parrots, chin pinched between her thumb and forefinger. "I think that this year I've really been able to improve on stage! I was watching a few clips from my first big performance as a trainee compared to an LGC Girls' stage, and I think that I've really grown overall as a performer," she nods affirmatively, folding her hands in her lap. "I came here a pretty confident dancer but with everything else I just... Sort of... I was very unsure of myself? And I think that showed whenever I performed. My face just always looked like I knew I was about to make a mistake... But now I think that I have a lot more fun? I feel a lot more... like the stage is home? So, performance definitely! I also feel a lot more confident about my rapping ability! Before LGC Girls Japan, I hadn't really thought I could ever see myself as a rapper... But now, I think that I really hold my own. Even my older brother who used to rap was impressed by how far I've come - and, I beat him in a rap battle over Chuseok!" She gives the coach a playful grin, flipping a lock of her over her shoulder. "And of course, Japanese! I'm really proud of how far I've come in such a short time as well. Being on tour and getting to interact with all the fans in Japan really helped sharpen my language skills, and of course there's always more to learn, but for now I think I've made a lot of good progress and can chat pretty okay!"
What are three skills that you would like to work on in the next few months?
"Oh! If I got to choose? I would really, really, really love to spend more time on dancing. It's always been one of my strengths, and although I've been doing a lot of choreography while being part of LGC Girls, I would really like to devote serious time to trying out new styles of dance, and maybe... possibly choreographing more of my own? Then, of course, singing. Over the past few months I've felt very good about my vocals, but I know that I'm not as strong of a vocalist as some of the other trainees. I've been planning to meet more with the vocal coaches for one-on-one sessions, and maybe even trying to sing some ballad-type songs? I'd like to become very versatile in that way! And then... maybe some acting? I haven't done too many acting workshops outside of those we were assigned for the Project Origin musical... but I do think a lot of the skills that I learned in those have helped me become a much better performer now, so... maybe more of those?"
If given a chance, what types of gigs would you be interested in participating?
"Oh, oh, oh! Drama acting and variety, for sure!" she beams, clasping her hands underneath her chin. "I loved being on Charms Japan and Invisible Youth, and I would love, love, love to try out more variety. I think that I've done pretty well so far so I'd like to do different kinds of shows too! Maybe... The kind of variety shows that have a lot of puzzles to solve or, or, or more traveling type shows? Like Charms but in other locations around Korea? Or even internationally, like... Hawaii!" she grins, well knowing that a show like that would be nothing more than a ploy to take a quick vacation trip home. "And for acting... I think I would really like to star in a drama one day! I've been watching them since I was a kid and although I don't have much acting experience, I do think it would be super fun to try!"
During your time here in legacy, what are some of the lessons that you’ve learned about yourself?
"Lessons?" The question gives Taeha pause, gaze wandering up to the ceiling. "I think... I think - I think that I've learned its okay to go at your own pace... To be where you are, when you are, in this moment!" She points to her lap, knees bouncing up and down once for emphasis. "Sometimes, I can get really trapped in a... bubble of worries? But lately, I have found that I really enjoy... the journey of all of this? No matter where the road is taking me, and all the ups and downs and bumps and blips on the way - I really am happy where I am, with everything that I'm learning and... I'm always hoping to learn and grow, but I still feel like I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be. Here and now." She tilts her head to one side with pursed lips. She wonders if she should add the most important lesson she's learned thus far - 'never try to ship coaches.' ...Nah.
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lgcxsarang · 6 months
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a one on one.
those were always a little nerve-wracking but sarang put on the bravest face and she could and bowed to her coach as she walked into the meeting room. she found her seat quickly after that, not speaking until her elder spoke first. there was a little small talk, maybe to get her comfortable? sarang felt it was easy enough to see she was small buddle of nerves.
what do you think are your strengths right now?
the first question wasn't hard to answer, it was something she knew right away but sarang did want to give a full answer.
"right now, i'd say my strength's strength's are dancing, rapping and performing. i've always been comfortable with rapping, i think it's the skill i think i struggle the least in. there is just something about rapping that comes natural to me and i feel comfortable in it. i would say i feel about the same when it comes to my dancing. there are some dance styles i would i like to improve on because you never know what concept's we'll get in the future and i want to be able to rise to any challenge but it's also a skill i feel confident in. and when it comes to performing, i think it's the time i feel most comfortable in my skin. normal face to face interaction's are a little harder but there's something about letting go on stage that i feel shines through when i perform."
the entire time she spoke, her face was focused on a little spot on the wall behind soyi, until she shifted her gaze to fully look at a face that gave away nothing.
what are three skills that you would like to work on in the next few months?
"the skill's i'd like to focus on in the next few months…i'd have to say, my singing, english skills and variety skills. singing is a fundamental, i don't know what parts i might get if i debut but i want to be able to do whatever i'm done to do with confidence. i think i've improved on the fundamental but i think i get weak when it comes to singing during a performance. i'm a little more unsure myself it's a roadblock i'd like to get past. the same applies to my skills at variety, i know that i would have to promote on tv and go on various shows. it's something people don't think of when it comes to being idols but i think it can be helpful. and my english, because it's such a universal language, you can connect to a lot of people, as idols that's something we'd have to do so i think it'd be helpful in the future."
that question had been easy to answer as well. her singing had improved a lot but she knew it needed more work. it was her main concern and focus, the other thing's were something she wanted to work overall, important but not as important as carrying a tune.
if given a chance, what types of gigs would you be interested in participating?
"i think it'd focus on acting and pod-casting. they're very different but i think they both fit different sides of my personality. in terms of a podcast, it's a way to connect with people but also has a degree of separation that i'd enjoy. i have a lot of interest, so it would be fun to talk about those with someone or do a review of a tv series! i think it could go a lot of ways and there are a lot of thing's you could do with that format. as for acting, not only am i studying that in school currently, it's almost like performing for me. if i couldn't be on stage as singer, i'd like to be in a drama. the feeling of being able to become another person? that's something i'm interested in. and it wouldn't hurt to put my degree to use."
that answer had come quickly too, acting was first on her list between the two. pod-casting would be something great to have in her down-time. maybe a solo debut but she but acting was the first thing she wanted to try outside of her group, if she ever made it to the debut phase. it wasn't her main love but it was something she did love and was willing to study.
during your time here in legacy, what are some of the lessons that you’ve learned about yourself?
"hmm, this is a little hard…when thinking about myself. i think the biggest thing being a trainee at the company has given me a sense of a community? i don't think i really had that while i was going through middle school and high school? i did find community's outside of that but school was every single day. and being apart of one…i think i've done well. it's something i'm doing everyday focused on a goal that everyone around me has. i think i've learned that it's okay to come out of my shell, i'm not perfect at it but i have the ability. i think i've learned to believe in myself a little more…and i didn't realize how little i believed in myself before that."
the last question did take a little time to answer. it was unexpected and something she hadn't given much thought too. she wasn't sure if it was the answer they wanted, if they event had one in mind but it was what she had for now. there was a little more chatting before she was finally allowed to leave with a final bow.
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yebinisms · 1 year
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hello, this is also luna, and this firecracker her is joo yebin. originally part of viv:id, a temporary group formed from a survival group, she is now a solo artist who's becoming more well-known for her television appearances instead. again, please feel free to like this post to plot, and you can also find me on d*scord if that is more comfortable for you!
one of those kids that was always singing and dancing since she was young. she'd talk about how she was meant to be a star and all that jazz. lucky enough to have supportive parents that didn't mock her for her dreams, so she was able to strive for them!
both her parents are more educational though so they didn't think she was serious serious until she comes home one day and tells them that she passed everlast entertainment's audition and was going to become a trainee
anyway, she thinks she's going to debut in some shiny girl group after training for a while but surprise! the company decides to throw her into a competition show instead even though she hasn't even been a trainee for a year
the competition is called win or nothing, and she's not the most skilled trainee when she begins, but she shows improvement, and she just has a very charming personality (typical gen z behavior) that she manages to make it to the final group!
she promotes with viv:id for one and a half years where she's mostly pushed as an all-rounder and variety personality! she's fun, doesn't always know how to shut up and seems to work really well with others, and so she's being called here and there
when viv:id disbands, she returns to being a trainee. during that time, her fans go through sort of a drought, however, because everlast doesn't want to release her as a soloist until they feel like she's perfectly up to their debuted artist standards, so she works hard once more as a trainee
after almost a year, she finally makes her awaited solo debut! however, it's received with mix reactions because it doesn't really fit yebin's personality. fans were looking forward to something more spunky and fun, but instead she's given rather mellow music. she can put on the performance, but her fans don't think it's entirely her (and she doesn't completely disagree, either)
but everlast is everlast, and they insist they have a vision for her so instead of listening to fans, her first comeback is also a similar vibing song. since she's not sitting on top of the charts and only selling moderately well, the company decides to go back to selling yebin's personality instead
as she is very much still a rookie, her career is still a work in progress! right now, yebin also thinks she'd enjoy a change in sound/concept, but she loves performing, and she doesn't mind being recognized more as an ex-viv:id member and as a variety personality. everybody has to start somewhere, right?
her application says this as well, but she's very stereotypically what the internet would label "gen z"
unapologetic, full of energy and just fast to hop onto trends. i see her knowing all the latest tiktok/reels trends and absolutely smashing them. she'd love to do dance challenges for any folks who release music!
kind of living life with the flow. having some grandiose goals sounds like a great idea in theory, but yebin isn't thinking that far ahead in her life. she very much enjoys living by the moment and letting life make decisions for her. the type to get off at a random bus stop and just explore that city because that's the fun part about life
can come off as being a little too unserious at times, and there are sometimes nate pann comments that'll be like "yebin is seriously so close to crossing the line when it comes to her behavior" so yeah... but does she care? not really, oops
a strong mentality when it comes to that aspect, though. it's a rather healthy mindset to have in this industry because people are going to nitpick her every move and look anyway, and since she knows that's going to happen, she'd rather do things and not regret never doing them than holding back
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lgchyuk · 10 months
hyukjae was surprised that he got called about a meeting with his coaches and being in legacy for some time and had watched some of his fellow trainees going through the same path, he knew what that meant.
when he closed the door behind him and sat in front of the three coaches, he finally was able to feel all the nervousness he bragged about not feeling during any important event; but this was about to change.
the informal conversation about his future started with questions that seemed easy but nothing was easy when it came to changing someone’s entire future, so he was cautious when he answered them, but still truthful about his history.
what do you think are your strengths right now? 
“singing, dancing, and performing”, his answers are practical because it is what it is. “i’ve been breathing singing and dancing since i started my journey here. i admit i took too much pride in my singing, i believed i was extraordinary and you wouldn’t be able to keep me off any of the groups we have here but reality just hits differently and it’s with your help and hours of practice that i was able to improve myself. the road ahead is still long but i believe i’m on the right path. i picked both performing and dancing because i know i’ve been praised for my dancing and i take pride in it but also because i now know, after all those years where i belong. and it’s on a stage, performing in the gigs that were offered made me realize i wanna do better, i wanna grow stronger, with my dance routines and my participation in anything the company might offer.”
what are three skills that you would like to work on starting 2024? 
“i still wanna improve my performance, first. i know i mentioned it as one of my strengths but i still wanna improve it. i want to be able to go up on stage and know exactly where i’m needed, i wanna see people watching me and knowing that i’m delivering everything i can, even if i was still lacking, and for that i need to grow and practice more and more. since dancing is one of my passions, i’ve come to love choreographing some of our songs, i know the routines we have are amazing but it makes me happy when i create stories through a new routine and if given a chance i’d like to improve on this field. last but not least, i’ve been teaching myself how to play the guitar, and it’s difficult and time is short but next year that’s one of my main goals for improvement, i believe playing an instrument can be another way to become a complete idol.”
if given a chance, what types of gigs would you be interested in participating? 
“i could easily pick gigs related to our singing and dancing path but i think that would be playing safe. and i wanna move forward, i wanna challenge myself. even if i might not have the best face or have the most piercing attire or even height, i would still be interested in modeling, especially cfs. maybe the runway wouldn't be my field but i trust my charisma to help brands to sell their products. i wouldn’t say i’d like to act but i am interested in participating in variety shows, i’ve been invited to a podcast from one of our trainees and the experience was amazing, i didnt know i would have that much fun and since it’s a whole different audience, i strongly believe i could do well if given me an opportunity.”
during your time here in legacy, what are some of the lessons that you’ve learned about yourself? 
the question made hyukjae think harder for the first time. it made him think about his journey since he was signed until now and how much he gave up to be there and how much he was willing to give to remain there and reach his goal. he was half smiling when he looked at the coaches as he answered “the biggest thing i’ve learned since you brought me in was that i was no longer who i thought i was. i wasn’t the son of my father, i was a trainee, and just like everyone else, i should always be humble about who i was and what i wanted. there was no easy road ahead of me and no alternative route. if i wanted something, i needed to work hard for it and even when i did work hard sometimes someone worked harder and it was okay. getting frustrated was part of the process but it wasn’t what was going to take me where i was supposed to be.  and last but certainly not least, i was never alone, that i wouldn’t be able to be who i aimed to be without the help of my friends, trainees, and the coaches. thank you very much, for everything.”
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ancientloztrio · 2 years
What's each of the Trio's favorite hobby/pastime? Also, would it be alright to draw your characters? I'm in love with their designs and I'd love to try my hand at drawing them sometime :D
I feel like this is just a list of Link being able to do everything 🤣 or more about skills than just hobbies.
Hobbies: Links main hobby would be herbalism. Going into the forest by himself and collecting herbs for remedies and potions. Using them for himself and others in his troupe who need them. This is also great for using with his cooking by collecting herbs and spices.
He also loves to draw. Drawing the plants, animals and people he encounters. Its a way for him too communicate or show his feelings and easier way.
He is good at whittling and sewing but these are a bit more of chores than a hobby. Same with his skills with combat for protection and hunting.
Music - he can play a variety of instruments but is most skilled and enjoys playing the Erhu. Definitely not much of a singer but boy can he dance when he is does rarely do it.
Hobbies - Reading would be one of her main hobbies. Might seem strange since shes full of energy but nothing is more enthralling than real life adventure adventure than being sucked into one on the page.
She also loves to train in the Sheikah arts with Impa! Magic, gymnastics, tonto, bow and arrow etc. Which she is very decent at and pretty proud of but also very unprepared for actual real world use. She also uses those skills to escape the castle and have fun or run off with Ganon/Link or mingle and experience the world and people on her own.
Music- She has been trained in music and dance of course. She is moderately skilled at the Lyre when she wants to be but not super into it. She can do all the more proper dances when she has too but prefers the more upbeat wild dancing. Really gets embarrassed if she has to sing.
Hobbies - Politics/travel and combat training would be his main hobbies. training so he can protect his people and be a skilled and strategic leader.( he also just loves the work out and the feeling of sparing) . Travelling and learning about all the races and meeting their people, languages and their policies.
He is quite good at writing but doesnt use it too much for leisure but for business or writing to Zelda. Researching history is something he is really into and will travel to the castle library often.
He also likes to collect weapons from all over Hyrule.
Music - he isnt super skilled at playing music itself. But he does know some drums and a bit of singing. But he is mostly good at dancing when the Gerudo would throw parties he is very easily convinced to show off his moves. Very strong yet graceful.
Yes of course you can draw them. n_n
please tag me/credit me if you do cause I want to see it! <3
thank you for the ask.
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npyelle · 2 years
Boys Planet
After watching Episode 1 to 4 last week and Episode 5 today, here are the trainees who stood out for me and also my top picks :D
Episode 1
Sung Hanbin - waacking with Lip J
Zhang Hao - played violin
Seok Matthew - must protect this cinnamon roll and resemblance to EXO’s Xiumin
Han Yujin - dance and resemblance to TXT’s Soobin
Park Gunwook - powerful dance
Kim Gyuvin - cute face and dance
Chen Kuanjui - traditional chinese dance
Bak Doha - funny performance
Jung Minggyu - funny as well
My Picks:
Sung Hanbin
Zhang Hao
Seok Matthew
Episode 2
Jay - nice vocals
Keita - awesome rhythm
Haruto - good dancer
My Picks:
Sung Hanbin
Zhang Hao
Seok Matthew
Episode 3
Kim Jiwoong - sexy charisma
Jay - awesome vocals!!!
My Picks:
Sung Hanbin
Zhang Hao
Seok Matthew
Episode 4
Park Hanbin - good dancer and leader
Lee Hoetaek - good vocals
My Picks:
Sung Hanbin
Zhang Hao
Seok Matthew
Episode 5
Keita - good dancer
Dang Honghai - handsome visuals
Chen Kuanjui - awesome dancer
Kim Gyuvin - his clueless and shocked expressions are funny
Jung Minggyu - he’s funny in a good way
My Picks:
Sung Hanbin (K)
Zhang Hao (G)
Seok Matthew (G)
Jay (G)
Still thinking about it:
Kim Gyuvin (K)
Kim Jiwoong (K)
Park Gunwook (K)
Han Yujin (K)
Kim Taerae (K)
Park Hanbin (K)
Lee Hoetaek (K)
Wang Zihao (G)
Keita (G)
Ricky (G)
Hiroto (G)
Some comments about other trainees:
Bak Doha - his face and demeanor suits a coming-of-age or school drama.
Jung Minggyu - I think he would be good in variety shows hahaha.
Lee Daeul - reminds me of Kim Yohan. He looks so squishy.
Wang Zihao - just noticed him in Episode 5. He’s a very good dancer!!!
Keita - not sure if Mnet is pushing him but he’s been having good edits lately. Slowly becoming one of my picks.
Park Hanbin - would like to have him in the lineup but I’m still not sure.
Ricky - would want him in the lineup too but there are too many trainees from Yuehua Entertainment already (Is it allowed to have at least 3 trainees from one company?).
Kim Taerae - he is good in vocals and dance, seems like a strong contender too.
Possible Debut Lineup (In no particular order):
Sung Hanbin - STUDIO GL1DE
Why is he on the list?
All-rounder. And the dimples won me over lol!
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Kim Jiwoong - Individual Trainee
Why is he on the list?
Stage presence and sultry expressions.
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Lee Hoetaek - Cube Entertainment
Why is he on the list?
You can see and feel the years of his experience on stage. The group would need it.
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Kim Gyuvin - Yuehua Entertainment
Why is he on the list?
Love his interactions with his hyungs. I love his meme-able reactions.
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Han Yujin - Yuehua Entertainment
Why is he on the list?
Visuals, check! Dance talent, check! Hardworking, check! What more could you ask for? I think he would grow at a fast pace once he debuts.
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Park Gunwook - Jellyfish Entertainment
Why is he on the list?
Caught my eye since Episode 1 but wasn’t my pick at that time. What? This guy’s charms grew on me.
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Zhang Hao - Yuehua Entertainment
Why is he on the list?
All-rounder. Feels like he would be another mother of the group.
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Seok Matthew - MNH Entertainment
Why is he on the list?
He is the vitamin of the group. Another contender for someone who looks like the maknae. He is good in singing, dancing, maybe a little variety, and the list goes on.
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Jay - FM Entertainment
Why is he on the list?
His vocals! Need I say more?
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Okie, that’s all for now! :D
Edit: I just realized I wrote SUNG HANBIN’s name wrong. I’m so sorry Hanbinnie! ❤️ Already corrected your lovely name. ❤️
Bonus: Here’s a gif of them boys dancing to NewJeans’ Hype Boy.
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lgcsori · 1 year
i know that one!
          sori has quite a love-hate relationship when it comes to variety shows. they’re difficult to sori, as they aren’t scripted, and she well just has to be funny by herself. sori was truthfully not very funny, nor very skilled at variety. being in front of a camera for an acting gig? fine! for selfies? fine! capture a video of your dancing? excellent! but sori felt awkward in front of a camera when there was no script. but as much as she felt awkward in front of the camera during variety shows, variety shows were also a great opportunity to gather more fans. sori still didn’t feel completely sure in that she would be able to gain new fans from this show, but she could try?
they’ve already done the first few episodes, and this time around her japanese song knowledge is being tested. sori luckily enjoys japanese music quite a lot, but it’s still difficult guessing a song after just a single second. but it takes less than a second for her to know this song, and the same for taeha apparently, the newest member to team unknown. “ponponpon by kyari pamyu pamyu!” they yell it out at the same time, and sori quickly looks at the other with a smile. she takes the other’s hand, smile on her lips as she begins singing the song, hoping for the other to join her.
                                                              GO! @lgctaeha
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