#i would not count this as bury your gays bc they lived full lives and also ELLIE is still there so it’s not like all the gay ppl died
vi-v-iv · 2 years
how am i supposed to live my life normally when “so, who’s the girl” “there is no girl” “i know” is burned into the back of my eyelids
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lilacandladybugs · 4 years
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Hey anon thank you so much for sending me this ask so I have an excuse to rant about something I really care about ^-^ here is something I wrote about for Pride month a few years ago that I think is really applicable.
TLDR: No. God died for YOU marshmallow and there is absolutely nothing that can change that. The Bible is a love letter to YOU it is a love letter to the LGBT community, it isn’t for the religious elite, it’s for people who feel rejected from society. He promised to be the father to the fatherless, and to love you and hold you and count your tears and to defend you and to express your grief with groanings too deep for words. He loves you.
Long version:
I just wanted to tell you that if it’s hard for you right now because of Pride month that in the Bible it says God formed you before you were even born, he knew what you would be named and he loved you before you existed.
It’s okay if you aren’t a Christian, this post is still for you, you don’t have to agree or anything. I just wanted you to know that this is the real story of the Gospel, so you can know. It isn’t called “The Bad News” chronicling ways of how You are Evil and Suck… what type of God would that be? The Gospel means “The Good News” it is the story of how God loved you so much that he died for you. After Dan Howell posted his new video “Basically I’m Gay,” and mentioned not feeling safe at church I just couldn’t not say anything about how the Church is supposed to be a safe place and how God is the Ultimate Safe Person and I thought someone should tell you. So here goes.
Before we get to the Gospel though I just want to talk about “Take Me to Church” by Hozier bc it’s kinda like the LGBT anthem. It makes me sad that so many people relate to it because he just really doesn’t understand what the Gospel is supposed to be. Hozier says that being a Christian and being gay would be like living a deathless death because of how much you would have to deny yourself but when Jesus came he said, “I have not come to condemn the world but to save it” (John 12:47) and “The the devil comes to steal kill and destroy but I came so you might have life and have it to the full” (John 10:10) He didn’t come to make you live a deathless death, he came so that you could be saved.
Humans were created originally to be in perfect, loving, free-will relationship with God, but we rejected him and were separated from that relationship by the wrong things we do that go against his nature. God is the giver of life, so without him, we die. And so normally the consequences for our actions would be death. But God wanted to mend the relationship and make it possible for us to be in that perfect loving relationship with him. Since the consequences for rejecting God and doing wrong things is death, someone had to die for our choices. So God himself, in the form of Jesus, the creator of everything in the universe, died in our place, so that if we want to we can re-enter that free will loving relationship with him.
After being put to death in a horrific and torturous manner, Jesus was buried, and on the third day (which was “so dead your spirit is gone” dead) he came back to life! If he had stayed dead then that would have been it. He would have just been another man claiming to be God, or even if he was a loving God, a useless dead God. But Jesus is more powerful than /even death/, and he came back to life. He conquered death for us so that we can live.
I just feel like there is so much hatred that goes back and forth between the LGBT community and the Christian community and I wanted to remind and inform anyone who didn’t know that Jesus died for you. He died for you, the gay community, the trans community, he died for everyone on Earth. John 3:16 says, “for God so loved the world,” NOT “for God so loved straight people,” or “God so loved perfect people,” or “God so loved people who are lovable by human standards,” or “God so loved neurotypical people.” It says, “God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” 
In Romans, Paul wrote this, “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor principalities, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” If you choose to accept God, to enter into a free will loving relationship with him. If you choose to let him into your life. Do you think that there is anything standing in the way of his compassion, grace, and love? Do you think that there is anything that can stop him from loving you, anything at all?
Despite all the rejection you might get from your parents and your community, God opens his arms, and he promises to be a good father. That’s who he is. He is called the good father and the definition of Love. He is so respectful and so wise and so gentle. He is like… that person who gently sits with a wounded kitten and trains them to slowly trust him. 
The rainbow was a promise from God to humanity a long time ago, that he would never destroy the earth again. He is so powerful and so just and so mighty, he creates mountains and storms are like nothing to him. But God chooses to be represented to us in the whisper, and in the rainbow. I think it is very fitting that the rainbow is what you guys chose as your flag. It is a message of his patience and good will toward humanity. 
If you take away anything from this, please just know this: God is not your family. God is not the church. And sometimes he chooses to work through imperfect people who say imperfect things. But God is perfect, and God’s love is flawless. He loves you so much, and there is nothing that you could ever do that could take that love away from you.
So maybe next time you see the sunset that he made for you, or a song makes you smile, or you find a really nice flower, remember that he made that for you. That his love for you is around us in a thousand different whispers every day.
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notveryglittery · 4 years
birthday prince (5)
summary: happy birthday, roman!!! words: 2,900 / ship: dlampts (deceit/logan/virgil/patton/roman/thomas/remy) author’s note: this is part five of my Giving The Gay Anything He Wants series for roman’s birthday (june 4)! all ships are written implied romantic but i’m not stopping you from interpreting it otherwise. check the end notes on ao3 for credit on these gifts (bc i don’t know where to put them in this post)! i hope you enjoy!!
part 1 (roceit) | part 2 (logince) | part 3 (prinxiety) part 4 (royality) | part 5 (dlampts) |  read on ao3
— — —
“Rise and shine, buttercup!”
Roman swatted at the air, as if that would send away the voice trying to wake him. “Five more minutes,” he grumbled, burying his face back into a pillow.
“You said that ten minutes ago, sugar,” drawled another.
If Roman really thought about it, he’d remember that, yes, he was guilty of this charge. That didn’t mean that he would admit to it, of course! Besides, even if he did, today was his day so he should have been able to do whatever he liked.
Energy shot through him as he jolted up. “It’s my birthday!”
Patton’s laugh was musical, the most beautiful sound Roman could ever ask to start his morning with. “I knew we’d get there eventually.”
“I dunno, I was sure it’d take him at least another half hour,” Remy teased, standing in the doorway.
"Good morning!" Roman exclaimed, swooping in for a kiss from Patton. He happily obliged, taking it also as an opportunity to comb a hand through Roman's tangled hair.
Were it not for Remy clearing his throat a moment later, the two might have lost track of time entirely. They pulled apart, only a little sheepish about it. Patton took Roman's hands in his and gave him a tug, urging him out of bed. Thankfully, now that Roman knew what was being celebrated, he followed easily, lips curled into a grin that seemed it'd never go away.
"What's on the agenda?" He asked eagerly, curious how early it actually was and how long it'd be before his first gift.
"Get yourself dolled up first, hon," Remy told him, tilting his tumbler in the direction of the closet.
"Remy!" Patton hissed, a hint of a scolding reminder in his tone, if Roman was hearing right.
Apparently, this was all it took for Remy to remember whatever Patton was trying to say. They swapped places faster than Roman thought possible, especially with his sleep addled brain not quite keeping up. Remy looped an arm through Roman's and began leading the way to the bathroom.
Patton waved at them as he left, "see you in a bit!"
"You're up to something," Roman accused without hesitation.
"Why I never," Remy said, pouting. "When have I ever been up to anything in my whole life?"
It was, again, thanks to Roman's still half-asleep state that he could level Remy with his best unimpressed look.
"Here I am, just trying to help you look your absolute best, and you're claiming me a criminal. That's just plain unfair."
Roman couldn't deny how wonderful that sounded, actually. Doing his own makeup and hair was a regular occasion, so much so that it almost got boring to do anymore. Remy, without a doubt, could be trusted to make sure Roman's winged eyeliner would be sharp enough to kill a man. Not that Roman would ever admit it, but Remy might have been even a better makeup artist than he was.
"Alright, alright," Roman yielded, "I supposed I'd be lucky to have someone of your talent dress me up today."
Remy looked equally smug and delighted at this. He shooed Roman along to take a shower, ducking back out of the bathroom to, presumably, pick an outfit for Roman for the day. The prince used the hair and body care products that he liked to save for special occasions, singing (of course) various Disney love songs as he did. With what must've been some sort of sixth sense, Remy was on him again as soon as he was wrapped up in a bathrobe and towling his hair dry. He got to work without wasting a moment, making sure that Roman's luxurious locks were fluffy and styled just right. The swoop to his bangs had never been so perfect, if he was being honest! The makeup look was bold, reds and golds and glitter; thankfully, Remy reassured him he'd used all waterproof brands so that Roman could cry all he liked without issue.
They returned back to the bedroom, where Remy had the outfit displayed on a mannequin. It shouldn't have been a shock that he'd picked some of Roman's favorite pieces but he was pleasantly surprised all the same.
"I really do just know you that well, I guess," Remy said, nonchalantly.
Roman, lightning quick, pressed a kiss to his cheek, leaving behind a lipstick print. "You do and I love you so much for it!"
While Remy blushed and stammered at the sudden affection, Roman darted ahead and began to get dressed. Remy didn't need to turn away to give Roman his privacy, all things considered, but he did anyway, fiddling with the jewelry on Roman's vanity. It took some deliberating, but he decided finally that, above all else, the rainbow jewel encrusted crown was a must for today's ensemble.
"How do I look?"
"Babe, I don't even need to—" Remy's words died on his tongue as he faced Roman. Sure, there had been no doubt that Roman would look handsome as hell, but the beaming smile and light in his eyes and bouncy excited posture… He looked so happy and radiant and— "Wow."
"Stop," Roman said, giggling.
Remy took the crown and approached. He gave Roman a half-bow, smirking up at him. "May I have the honor, your majesty?"
“Stop!" Roman repeated, squeaking.
"Never," Remy promised, standing and reaching up to nestle the accessory on Roman's head. Each strand of hair still fell perfectly into place. "Now then," he said, taking Roman's arm in his, "shall we begin the festivities?"
Getting downstairs took no time at all, though Remy did dart ahead and down the steps first, so that he could loudly announce Roman proper. Patton and Thomas cheered for him as he descended, which added only more to the warm blush that he had a feeling might be a permanent addition today to his makeup. The pair ooh'd and ahh'd over Roman's look, showering him in compliments and praise. If this was just the beginning, then he sincerely was unsure whether he'd make it out of the celebrations alive.
They gathered at the dining room table, where Virgil and Deceit were laying the finishing touches on breakfast. The spread looked delectable, every one of Roman's favorite foods, and all of it hot and freshly cooked. Logan joined them last, carrying a plate with a single biscuit on it. There was a lit candle, too, and they'd all started singing before Roman could even catch up. He blew the little fire out and made a wish - though they'd nearly all already come true at this point, anyway.
"We're breaking a record today of how many times we can sing happy birthday," Thomas said with a wink, "fair warning."
Breakfast was full of fun and light chatter. They talked about the rest of their plans (at least, the ones they weren't keeping secret) and reminisced on old milestones. Roman felt full and happy, content to just sit and listen to his loved ones talk and joke around him. He was never left out of the conversation, though, always pulled back into a topic or started one anew with. He was listened to, unequivocally, and the attention was pleasant.
Soon, the food was finished, and the group moved to the kitchen. Patton and Deceit worked together on dishes while Logan presented what would be the first of birthday treats. They were muffins with Crofter's jelly in the middle, a flavor that Roman didn't recognize.
"Roman's Razzleberry," Logan explained, looking mixed on his feelings regarding the name. "It took some experimenting, but this combination of raspberry, strawberry, and dragonfruit came out the metaphorical winner."
"It's delicious!" Roman exclaimed, taking another from the tray. "My own jam! Thank you, dearest."
They gathered in the living room next, where the furniture had been rearranged to give them space for various activities. They did start with a movie, to let their meal settle, all huddled together on the couches. Roman was squished between Virgil and Thomas, the former playing absentmindedly with Roman's fingers while Thomas trailed his hand up and down Roman's arm, leaving tingles along the way. He might have dozed off a little, warm and cozy as he was.
The short nap energized him for their next game. Charades was one of his favorites as it gave him an opportunity to really practice his acting skills. What better way to hone one's craft than by not being able to use all the normal necessary components? Playing a part without any speaking lines and having to hope he'd do well enough that his companions could guess… It was a challenge he always looked forward to!
Virgil popped out and back in shortly with snacks for them all, the apparent second birthday treat: popcorn and candies and chips and soda, all easy and quick but not any less appreciated. They split into teams of two, leaving one to be their referee, and then each round, swapping out so that they all could have a turn to play. Roman ended up the winner, to absolutely no one’s surprise, though Deceit did come in a close second.
Lunchtime had rolled around and this time, they took to each making sandwiches for themselves. Patton and Remy surprised them (well, surprised Roman) with the third and fourth birthday treats: heart shaped cookies with exquisite frosting doodles and red velvet cake pops, respectively. They were sweet and delicious and baked perfectly and Roman only resisted eating more than he could count because he knew he had to save room still for whatever Thomas and Deceit had made. After they were finished and the dishes were washed, Patton led the way back upstairs. They stopped in front of his room.
“Would it be okay if we took a trip down Memory Lane?” He asked, holding Roman’s hands. “I was thinking we could visit some birthdays past!”
Roman looked to the others, nearly overwhelmed with how much affection and love he had for them all. “Whatever you have planned, I’m all in.”
“Nap time,” Remy and Virgil chorused.
Deceit rolled his eyes while Logan stifled a laugh.
“Shh,” Thomas hushed, giving them pats on the head. It was an amusing sight, to say the least, as Remy had a couple of inches on him and Virgil’s hunched over form was shorter than them both.
Memory Lane was as warm and fuzzy as Roman remembered it. He didn’t come through here often, usually only when he and Remy needed something for a Dream, but the consistent feeling it carried of being embraced by Mom or Dad was nice. The memories they visited were nice, too: old visions of time spent with friends, trips to amusement parks, parties that ran late into the night. While they all had their moments, Roman couldn’t help but feel that his birthday today was the absolute very best of them all. By the time they exited, he wasn’t sure he’d ever felt quite so relaxed. Logan and Virgil, on the other hand, looked like they were a little tired from the adventure. He took to their sides, planting himself between them, and grabbing each of their hands. Their quiet, grateful smiles were enough to give him pleasant shivers down his spine.
“Kitchen’s off limits,” Deceit announced as they all arrived back downstairs. “None may enter.”
“Except me!” Thomas piped up.
“Except you,” Deceit agreed, giving him a not-so-secret smitten smile.
Before Roman could ask why, they’d both disappeared. His attention was quickly stolen by Remy anyway, who was dragging him down onto the couch for his and Virgil’s aforementioned nap time. Patton giggled, making sure that they had enough blankets and pillows to be comfy.
“You sleep well, okay? We’ll wake you up in a little bit!” Patton said, taking Roman’s crown for him so that it wouldn’t get in the way, and setting it carefully on the coffee table.
If Roman wanted to ask Logan and Patton to join their cuddling, he didn’t get a chance to. Remy was carding a hand through his hair, draining him of his energy with each gentle scrape of nails against his scalp. He would have declared Remy a cheater for using his powers like this, but Virgil was falling victim to it as well and having his emo nightmare curled up with him was too pleasant to allow any upset feelings, regardless of how joking or serious they were.
Roman did, in fact, nap well, especially thanks to Remy’s presence.
When he woke, his limbs were only a little stiff, but he was overall very warm and relaxed. Virgil was gone but Remy had his face tucked into the crook of Roman’s neck. His sunglasses had been removed and Roman decided it might be worth dealing with the possible attitude of rousing Remy before he was well and ready if it meant getting to see his pretty eyes.
“Pstt,” he whispered, cupping Remy’s hand in his cheek. “My sweet dreamcatcher, it’s time to wake up.”
Remy grumbled, leaning into Roman’s hold. “Sweetie, I know you aren’t trying to coax me out of slumber right now.”
“Why I never,” he teased, echoing Remy’s earlier faux offended tone.
It took a moment longer, but Roman was blessed with getting to watch Remy blink away the lingering sleep. He thought this might be the best present of them all, seeing the swirling and shimmering shades of brown in Remy’s eyes, never one color at a time. It didn’t last long, what with Remy letting his eyelids slip back closed, but that was because he was leaning in to kiss Roman, and that sort of made it worth it.
“I should’ve known better than to leave you two alone,” Virgil groused suddenly, startling them apart.
“You’re just jealous I got to kiss the most handsome prince in the world before you did,” Remy said cheekily, reaching over to grab his sunglasses from the table and sliding them back on.
Roman couldn’t have prepared even if he wanted to. Virgil moved so quickly, thanks largely in part to those flight reflexes, swooping in and capturing Roman’s lips with his own. The kiss was fierce and passionate and even as Virgil pulled away, Roman followed after him. He sighed, disappointed for it to have ended so quickly. Virgil stuck his tongue out at Remy and then shot away as Remy lunged for him. They chased each other around the living room, laughing and throwing playful insults back and forth. Roman watched fondly from the couch, warm still in their nest of blankets.
Hands pressed down on his shoulders, massaging the post-nap aches away. Roman looked up, finding Logan above him. Logan smiled, bending slightly to give him a kiss on the forehead.
“Troublemakers, the both of them,” he said, only pretending to be disappointed.
“You’re one to talk,” Roman pointed out. “I’ve seen what you and Deceit get up to.”
“Shh,” Logan hurried to interrupt. “I haven’t a clue what you’re talking about.”
“Dinner’s ready!” Patton called suddenly from the kitchen.
Roman’s stomach growled, surprising him; he wondered how long they’d slept for. Logan came around to the front of the couch and helped Roman up. Virgil and Remy had already darted away to try and steal bits of food.
“Has your birthday been so far satisfactory?” Logan asked, taking a moment to return Roman’s crown to his head. It was a testament to Remy’s hard work that his hair still looked flawless.
“It’s been perfect,” Roman answered enthusiastically.
Dinner consisted, once more, of Roman’s favorite foods. The cupcakes were courtesy of Thomas, another birthday treat, and while he seemed embarrassed about the messy frosting, Roman thought it overwhelmingly endearing; he especially liked the edible glitter and fondant stars. As they were nearing the end of their meal, Deceit procured the final birthday treat: champagne glasses for them all, filled with bubbly cider. There was another happy birthday song as Patton brought the cake out to the dining room. Roman had definitely started crying by now, as it all came together just how much they’d done for him today.
“A toast,” Deceit began, holding up his glass. The others followed. “To our favorite author, poet, artist, actor.”
“To the prince of our dreams,” Remy chimed in.
“And our hearts!” Patton added.
“To the best Creativity I could ask for,” Thomas continued.
“To the greatest hero,” Virgil suggested.
“To a wise and clever leader, one whom we can always trust to take care of us,” Logan rounded out.
Roman wiped frantically at his eyes, uncertain whether his makeup was smudge proof as well, but not caring one bit. “Thank you,” he said, voice wobbly and thick with tears. “I love you guys more than I can say.”
Deceit, from his seat beside him, used his free hand to take one of Roman’s. He pressed a kiss to his knuckles and then held that hand to his cheek. “How unfortunate for your wellbeing,” he threatened sweetly, “because I think that we can say plenty.”
And they did, praising him on anything to everything: from his appearance to his creations, his traits and what made him tick, and the cute faces he made without realizing, and every tiny simple little thing they adored about him. It was, to say the least, the best way to end what had been the best day.
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
mtmte liveblog issue 33
[sees rewind cover] time to be emo
swerve giving us a nice lil recap of the wild events of slaughterhouse thus far
and then the roll call page...I love how the last one is ‘rewind?!?’
I adore that nautica has a list of in-jokes to check off 
ohhhh man I forgot that alt-lost light rewind doesn't really know skids?? bc the alt lost light never picked him up....
POOR REWIND he wakes up all elder scrolls style and then immediately autobot megatron is just There without explanation lmao this poor lil guy
love the casual gender stuff honestly
nightbeat: ayyyy rewind!! sup? what horrific slaughter happened here? spill the tea! 
hvakjdfbskdf poor rewind is going thru it jesus
nautica and riptide hvbhkjasdsfasdfn ‘are jokes not funny where you come from?’ immmmm
nautica is so cute I love her
ohhhhh I love the panel of the two lost lights going off in separate directions with the title right below 
‘I remember it well. kind of’ that's a really funny line actually hbvkdjfnasdfl
I really like how on the alt lost light, rodimus’s risky stunt with the sparkeater actually kills him - I mean I'm glad that didn't happen in the main story but that's such a cool jarring discrepancy 
ok but its inherently VERY funny that the djd like, murdered the entire lost light, but later in the story the lost lighters are obviously still around and not dead...that's so fucking funny, the djd were probably like ????????????????? what the fuck didn't we kill these guys?????? but also they were tripping so they cant be sure
isn't it brainstorm who called the djd on the alt lost light??? oof 
LOVE the continuity of the alt lost light being the place that the djd went at the end of the scavengers 2 parter wayyyy back in the beginning of s1
more horrific slaughter, as one would expect from an arc called ‘slaughterhouse’ 
jeeeesus I forgot how completely fucked up all the shit was for poor rewind 2. christ 
also the like, thematic irony of alt-chromedome refusing to erase rewind from his memory and choosing to die horribly instead....SCREAMS I cant handle it
ITS SO HORRIBLE I'm so sad. poor rewind
‘silly string’ I love riptide
nautica is so smart I lov her 
oooh skids going off on megatron is really good. I find the whole ‘cons are super anti-organic/alien life’ angle interesting, bc it like, Makes Sense that a race of robot aliens who live for millions of years wouldn't consider shorter-lived organic life to be on the same level as them, but its also like, not morally right, so the autobots are correct w/the whole ‘freedom is the right of all sentient beings’ thing...its LAYERED
rewind: ‘I'm tiny’
me, crying: yeah...
honestly I really really love the quantum duplication plot in this arc. its like, peak sci fi nonsense but it also like, Makes Sense, and is presented in a very understandable manner...plus its like, super entertaining and fun, so I just love it
love how they're perusing brainstorms lab and just stumble across a dead body. classic
aaaand the plot thickens, with the reveal that brainstorm is a decepticon????? whoaaaa
I love that twist too oh man. I cannot WAIT for the time travel arc yessss
oof nautica being in denial about brainstorm being a con :( 
I find it kinda funny that getaway is IMMEDIATELY like, punching walls and going full that-one-wack-storm-trooper-from-that-star-wars-movie abt brainstorm being a con lmao, like what's even ur beef dude
when nightbeat is all like, wait there's a Type™ for decepticon double agents? and megatron says ‘hm. have you never been approached?’ bvhjaskdfbaksfd
mannn tho, I love all the character stuff this issue...I love the panels of megatron where he looks mad and crushes brainstorms mask, bc like, he’s gotta be thinking abt the fact that the djd, his personal squad of bloodthirsty attack dogs, were the ones responsible for all of this, as well as overlords presence, and brainstorm secretly being a con....
ok rewind and megatrons interactions are fantastic
like, rewind IS the nice one, but the definition of ‘nice’ is probably a little different than it used to be due to Big Ole War 
how are they propelling themselves in space????
NOOOOOOO I'm so fucking sad, rewind 2 is literally like ‘I'm fine with being deleted from existence bc my husband and everything I knew is gone’ aughhhh
and then megatron lies and tells him that he and chromedome, on the og lost light, are ‘inseparable’ 😭😭😭 I mean I guess that's not a lie if you count cd rewatching rewinds goodbye video on loop...AUGHHH
‘let’s not drag out the goodbyes’ but rewind, what about one of the story’s themes, ‘how to say goodbye and mean it’? 
and we cut off right there for maximum suspense...
omg I love swerve like, fistbumping cyclonus in the chest, and cyclonus is just like ?
skids,,,,,maybe surprising chromedome with his not-so-dead alternate-version husband isn't the best idea...like, this isn't exactly a zero-explanation-necessary kinda situation...
I adore rewinds massive shoulder pads tbh
oh god. GODDDDD. the panels of rewind and chromedome sitting next to each other, not saying anything, and just slowly moving closer to each other while looking out at the stars....literally these gay robots invented romance, thank you very much
I'm so fucking tender guhhhhhhh
like,,,,the fact that both of them separately watched the other die horribly and could do nothing to stop it, and now they're reunited here, and they don't even need to say anything...AUGH.....
OUGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I'm sorry I can’t. SO tender
and MANNNN I'm so so glad that rewind is back. I don't always love when characters don't stay dead but I'm completely happy w/it here for multiple reasons, like the fact that I really like rewind and chromedome’s story after this arc - like, I LOVE that they addressed the fact that rewind 2 is different from OG rewind, despite being fundamentally the same person, so he and cd cant just immediately get back together and pretend everything's fine, but also there's really only an 18 month (?i think) disparity between the 2 rewinds which is nothing compared to literal millions of years, soooo
ALSO I literally never considered this until this reread but it would've been kind of an L for rewind to die and stay dead considering that rewind and cd were The First transformers gay couple, and that's a really big deal! and I don't really consider it bury your gays bc like, rewind doesn't stay dead that long and also there are soooo many other gays, but STILL 
plus rewind and cd ended up having a lot of story left to get thru, which is awesome
also I just love rewind so I'm glad he’s back :) 
ok the fact that the suspense over brainstorm being a con still isn't resolved bc not everyone knows....spectacular tbh
don't knock the power of love, nightbeat! 
the briefcaseeeeeee
ok but I really don't remember jros explanation as to why rewind 2 and the briefcase didn't get deleted hvbhjsdkhfk I gotta go look that up again
I fucking love this scene bc this is basically the culmination of brainstorm being Completely Ominous for the entire story thus far, like, it really hit me this readthru that brainstorm was so totally sinister for like most of his screentime up until this arc...and this scene is the pinnacle, I love how everything brainstorm says is overlaid with so much tension for the reader bc of what we know now about him
like brainstorm saying ‘yes - here’s to fixing things’ is so fucking sinister even though out of context that sentence is just normal
and when atomizer basically voices what the entire audience is thinking as brainstorm opens the briefcase - ‘brainstorm, you can’t do that.’ bc yeah, what the hell, he’s opening THE briefcase, Oh Shit
AND THEN THE FINAL SHOT....brainstorm front and center looking SCARY AS HELL.... ‘I can do whatever the hell I like.’....everyone suddenly collapsed around him...the fantastic shadowy lighting...the ominously open briefcase...the clear segue Directly into the next high-concept arc....[chefs kiss] ART
seriously I love this issue so much. SO many good things. such good character stuff, really great interactions, some fantastic plot development, super creative sci-fi fun times...all around just an extremely solid and enjoyable issue, 10 outta 10
and MAN OH MAN I cannot wait to get into the elegant chaos arc, it fucking SLAPS, that arc and remain in light have always been my favs, I'm so excited to revisit it 
AND ruth bought the physical comic TPB for like issues 34-38 or something and I'm so so glad I can read that instead of braving the many split-up double page spreads on the online comic 
so yeah, cant wait!
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in-the-whisper · 4 years
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Hey anon thank you so much for sending me this ask so I have an excuse to rant about something I really care about ^-^ here is something I wrote about for Pride month a few years ago that I think is really applicable.
TLDR: No. God died for YOU marshmallow and there is absolutely nothing that can change that. The Bible is a love letter to YOU it is a love letter to the LGBT community, it isn’t for the religious elite, it’s for people who feel rejected from society. He promised to be the father to the fatherless, and to love you and hold you and count your tears and to defend you and to express your grief with groanings too deep for words. He loves you.
Long version:
I just wanted to tell you that if it’s hard for you right now because of Pride month that in the Bible it says God formed you before you were even born, he knew what you would be named and he loved you before you existed.
It’s okay if you aren’t a Christian, this post is still for you, you don’t have to agree or anything. I just wanted you to know that this is the real story of the Gospel, so you can know. It isn’t called “The Bad News” chronicling ways of how You are Evil and Suck… what type of God would that be? The Gospel means “The Good News” it is the story of how God loved you so much that he died for you. After Dan Howell posted his new video “Basically I’m Gay,” and mentioned not feeling safe at church I just couldn’t not say anything about how the Church is supposed to be a safe place and how God is the Ultimate Safe Person and I thought someone should tell you. So here goes.
Before we get to the Gospel though I just want to talk about “Take Me to Church” by Hozier bc it’s kinda like the LGBT anthem. It makes me sad that so many people relate to it because he just really doesn’t understand what the Gospel is supposed to be. Hozier says that being a Christian and being gay would be like living a deathless death because of how much you would have to deny yourself but when Jesus came he said, “I have not come to condemn the world but to save it” (John 12:47) and “The the devil comes to steal kill and destroy but I came so you might have life and have it to the full” (John 10:10) He didn’t come to make you live a deathless death, he came so that you could be saved.
Humans were created originally to be in perfect, loving, free-will relationship with God, but we rejected him and were separated from that relationship by the wrong things we do that go against his nature. God is the giver of life, so without him, we die. And so normally the consequences for our actions would be death. But God wanted to mend the relationship and make it possible for us to be in that perfect loving relationship with him. Since the consequences for rejecting God and doing wrong things is death, someone had to die for our choices. So God himself, in the form of Jesus, the creator of everything in the universe, died in our place, so that if we want to we can re-enter that free will loving relationship with him.
After being put to death in a horrific and torturous manner, Jesus was buried, and on the third day (which was “so dead your spirit is gone” dead) he came back to life! If he had stayed dead then that would have been it. He would have just been another man claiming to be God, or even if he was a loving God, a useless dead God. But Jesus is more powerful than /even death/, and he came back to life. He conquered death for us so that we can live.
I just feel like there is so much hatred that goes back and forth between the LGBT community and the Christian community and I wanted to remind and inform anyone who didn’t know that Jesus died for you. He died for you, the gay community, the trans community, he died for everyone on Earth. John 3:16 says, “for God so loved the world,” NOT “for God so loved straight people,” or “God so loved perfect people,” or “God so loved people who are lovable by human standards,” or “God so loved neurotypical people.” It says, “God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.”
In Romans, Paul wrote this, “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor principalities, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” If you choose to accept God, to enter into a free will loving relationship with him. If you choose to let him into your life. Do you think that there is anything standing in the way of his compassion, grace, and love? Do you think that there is anything that can stop him from loving you, anything at all?
Despite all the rejection you might get from your parents and your community, God opens his arms, and he promises to be a good father. That’s who he is. He is called the good father and the definition of Love. He is so respectful and so wise and so gentle. He is like… that person who gently sits with a wounded kitten and trains them to slowly trust him.
The rainbow was a promise from God to humanity a long time ago, that he would never destroy the earth again. He is so powerful and so just and so mighty, he creates mountains and storms are like nothing to him. But God chooses to be represented to us in the whisper, and in the rainbow. I think it is very fitting that the rainbow is what you guys chose as your flag. It is a message of his patience and good will toward humanity.
If you take away anything from this, please just know this: God is not your family. God is not the church. And sometimes he chooses to work through imperfect people who say imperfect things. But God is perfect, and God’s love is flawless. He loves you so much, and there is nothing that you could ever do that could take that love away from you.
So maybe next time you see the sunset that he made for you, or a song makes you smile, or you find a really nice flower, remember that he made that for you. That his love for you is around us in a thousand different whispers every day.
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seyenna · 5 years
shinsou-centric fics rec list
so here are some of my favourite shinsou-centric fanfics in no specific order
You Want it Darker by Ms_Chunks https://archiveofourown.org/works/15692550
Summary: Aizawa hunts a killer and takes on a new student. He gets more than he bargained for from both.
Status: In Progress
Important Tags: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Shinsou Hitoshi; Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 352,187
Commentary: Murder Mystery, pretty dark, be warned. best shinsou fic hands down. also, from aizawa's pov so extra points for that. and great characters, characterisation, relationships, etc. just all around amazing pls read this everyone don't be intimidated by the length it's totally worth it and it doesn't seem so long at all while reading
 and i'm nothing like you by aloneintherain https://archiveofourown.org/works/19935958
Summary: Of all the people to have been kidnapped alongside, it had to be this person, this hero, the one person who would never blame him for the things he was forced to do.
“Don’t cry,” Midoriya says.
“Fuck you,” Hitoshi chokes out.
(When Shinsou goes grocery shopping a few weeks after transferring to Class 2A, Midoriya tags along. Because he is, for some reason, determined to be Shinsou’s friend.
Shinsou remains cold and withdrawn in the face of Midoriya’s friendliness—until they’re kidnapped by a woman with a brainwashing quirk who believes Shinsou doesn’t belong in the hero course.)
Status: completed
Important Tags: Shinsou Hitoshi & Midoriya Izuku; Kidnapping
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Word Count: 9,322
Commentary: Angst, eventual Fluff
 The No-Family Club by Ms_Chunks https://archiveofourown.org/works/19385560
Summary: When Aizawa steps in to provide Shouto with an alternative, he learns some people get to choose their family. That a family can be a man, a girl, and a couple of teenagers living in an old house full of cats, but it can also be much, much more.
Or: Shouto, Shinsou, and a hot summer just bursting with possibilities.
Status: in Progress
Important Tags: Shinsou Hitoshi/Todoroki Shouto
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 39,722
Commentary: Shouto learns to exist with his new strange family and Shinsou explores who he is and who he wants to be and they both get to be teenagers and explore their identities
 Gentle Honesty by CureIcy https://archiveofourown.org/works/19070149
Summary: Shinsou continues to figure out the mysteries of friendship with the help of his new friends
Status: Completed
Important Tags: Midoriya Izuku & Shinsou Hitoshi; Shinsou Hitoshi & Todoroki Shouto; Friendship; soft
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Word Count: 2,628
Commentary: this is so soft I’m melting. Part 2 of a series, probably makes more sense with the first part but it also great on it’s own. Short&Sweet
 Impossible by mustdang100 https://archiveofourown.org/works/13293294
Summary: It was really only a matter of time before Shinsou Hitoshi changed sides. But Midoriya Izuku is not very good at abandoning his friends, or even his acquaintances. Even if they’ve renounced everything he believes in.
Status: Completed
Important Tags: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Shinsou Hitoshi; Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku; Midoriya Izuku & Shinsou Hitoshi
Rating: General Audiences
Word Count: 2,175
Commentary: Also part of a series and only really makes sense with the first part and I love both parts but this part has an amazing scene with Aizawa so it wins
 LetShinsouPetALLTheCats2k18 by ANoGoodPigeon https://archiveofourown.org/series/917145
Rating: General Audiences
Important Tags: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Shinsou Hitoshi; Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic & Shinsou Hitoshi
Commentary: A series of Shinsou-centric one-shots, mainly Aizawa & Shinsou. They’re all amazing and I couldn’t choose a favourite. Shinsou is a constant mood. Contains such gems as: “Dead men can’t pet any cats at the cafe after they train.”
He flips back up and starts to stand. “It’s a miracle. I live.”
And “Sensei.” Shinsou lays his head down on his arms, bracing himself against the table. “Have you ever wanted to be buried alive under a pile of cats?”
“Yes.” The answer is immediate.
 The Power of Memes by Ms_Chunks https://archiveofourown.org/works/16965087
Summary: In which Shinsou makes a new friend, and a little extra, whether he likes it or not.
Status:  Completed
Important Tags: Kaminari Denki/Shinsou Hitoshi
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Word Count: 16,002
Commentary: Just two boys, experimenting. At least that’s what Kaminari tells himself. Part of a Series but you don’t really have to have read the first one to get it
 we were made of stardust (so i wished on you) by Ibelieveinahappilyeverafter https://archiveofourown.org/works/17731235/chapters/41832128?show_comments=true&view_full_work=false#comment_251250245
Summary: "If you're looking for Midnight-sensei, she already left." Shinsou Hitoshi spoke softly, couldn't keep eye contact, and looked like he was a few seconds away from collapsing into an exhausted pile caused by copious amounts of stress.
"No. You're Shinsou Hitoshi." Shouta didn't bother to phrase it as a question, but he was curious when the kid tensed as if expecting a fight or a scolding. "Do you know who I am?"
Shinsou glanced around as if expecting a trick, the kid finally meeting his eyes for a quick moment, "You're Eraserhead." Huh. Kid knew his heroes, then. "And you're here to tell me what I'm in trouble for."
"Who says you're in trouble?" Shouta had seen Shinsou's school file and it certainly hadn't been light, but considering his quirk and background, he wouldn't be surprised if more than half of those 'fights' had been started by others and then blamed on him.
"Because you're a teacher for the hero course, sir, and the only reason for a teacher from Class 1-A to be talking to me is if I'm in trouble." What a depressing and sarcastically polite kid.
"Do you still want to be a hero?"
Status: Completed
Important Tags: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Shinsou Hitoshi; Shinsou Hitoshi & Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic; Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Word Count: 7,595
Commentary: aizawa slowly getting attached to shinsou and it's so soft and he's totally prepared to fight anyone who says that shinsou can't be a hero. Just soft and beautiful. Also: aizawa pov
 Criminal by Lila17 https://archiveofourown.org/works/13781337
Summary: Shinsou's story gets worse when you think about what the word "villain" really means.
Status: Complete
Important Tags: Shinsou Hitoshi; Bullying; Character Study
Rating: General Audiences
Word Count: 802
Commentary: short and not sweet at all bc it hurts. Part of the series Quirks of Society, they’re all really good!
 Hawks Needs to Stop Scaring the Shit Out of Shinsou, the Compilation by RadioMoth https://archiveofourown.org/series/1222937
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Important Tags: Hawks & Shinsou Hitoshi;
Commentary: A really strange combination of Characters but it works amazingly!!! Basically: Shinsou  likes sitting on his windowsill and Hawks scares the living daylights out of him and then they bond. shinsou can't sleep and hawks visits him and saves him from mental breakdown
 All We Do by Celestialgunfireopera https://archiveofourown.org/works/15855459
Summary: “I’m assuming some people find your humor amusing,” Todoroki said, voice dry.
 “You find my humor amusing,” Hitoshi pointed out. “When it isn’t directed at you. I’ve seen your lips twitch and everything. One day I’ll get a smile.”
Status: Completed
Important Tags: Shinsou Hitoshi/Todoroki Shouto
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Word Count: 2,664
Commentary: Shinsou is hopelessly gay but way too good at the “art of hiding his emotions behind sarcasm and an amused look” and Todoroki is a very confused gay boy. short and sweet
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grayisholi · 6 years
@ the DND ask game: ALL OF THOSE QUESTIONS, I CAN'T CHOOSE!! XD (or if not that, the ones you rlly wanna do!!
BOY OH BOY OH BOYIve been answering these throughout the day and I’m too lazy to reread the full document so sorry if I’ve left gaps or whatever but here it is! All 35 questions about dnd! Matt you unstoppable Madman.
1. A favorite character you have played.
You can’t just make me pick between my children!!! I think I might have to say Atticus Sallow, my faeborn bloodhunter, partially because he’s like 100% homebrew content which I LIVE for, but also because he’s probably the most kinda self-insert character I’ve ever played? Almost became the kinda angsty, brooding asshole character before he was like “get your shit together” and learned that loving people isn’t so bad.
2. Your favorite character that someone else has played.
I almost, ALMOST had the pleasure of DMing for @no-more-good-omens and their character was gonna be SO RAD and I’m a little heartbroken he never came to be. A half-drow paladin of Vecna, pretending to be your typical good and wholesome paladin? Dude, I love that kinda two faced backstabbing in a player. It’s such a shame it never came to anything (although if yall still wanna play hmu ;))
3. Your favorite side quest.
Ooh, there’s been so many good ones. Probably when i was playing as Adrian Smirks and went off on a tangent to rescue his brother ? That was the first time I ever got to see Adrian’s more raw and emotional side beneath the suave mask he wears and it was fun to explore his character in that way ^.^
4. Your current campaign.
That I’m DMing? It started inspired by Guy Fawkes and was gonna be “your party blows up parliament” but I got bored of following historical accuracy so it ended up being “blow up the palace in a magical city that just happens to be called London”. I accidentally wrote myself into a hole with this campaign tho, so once they’ve finished this arc I’m handing over the DM hat to my sister @philosophical-wanton because she seems to love it and I kinda miss being a player lmao. I can’t wait for it.
5. Favorite NPC.That I’ve written? Probably Hai Shen, the youngest son of a group of circus performers who were killed and the party got blamed for their murder. He had such a great attitude and his dynamics with the party kicked ass. And the twist that he was actually dead the whole time and it was his soul that had stayed behind to help solve his family’s murder? ICONIC.
6. Favorite death (monster, player character, NPC, etc).
NPC death would probably be Hai Shen, actually. After the party had brought the real killers (A cult to the demon Prince Orcus) to justice, Hai’s time on earth had come to an end. He had really beautiful moment with the party before being reunited with his family. Alternatively, the time I broke my entire party’s hearts? “Artagan’s staff comes cracking into Ellios’ chest, forcing him onto the ground. Artagan raises his sceptre in hand, pointing it menacingly at the young prince. And for the first time, you see him. Like, REALLY see him. He’s not the strong and powerful leader you’ve all come to know him as, he’s not Prince Ellios of the Four Realms. He’s just a boy. A boy who is much too young to be involved in such a grand scheme. And the fear in his eyes. You see the fear he’s managed to keep buried for so long, finally coming to the surface. And then? You don’t see anything, aside from his cold body hitting the ground.” I got punched three times for that moment, but GOD was it worth it.
7. Your favorite downtime activity.
Like in game? A healthy lil bit of vandalising the local law enforcement buildings is always a good time.
8. Your favorite fight/encounter.
Aw man, how can I pick ? I gotta say, that one time we, a level 6 party, managed to take down two earth elementals was pretty rad. The DM kind of expected it to be one of those encounters that we saw and immediately tried to run from, but what she didn’t take into account was that ALL of us had chaotic alignments so we just went crazy. The DM was rolling really badly (thank God) and we were getting really creative (“I use the produce flame centripetal to light my bottle of ale on fire and create a molotov cocktail” “you do WHAT”) and after like an HOUR we won and it was amazing. The rush I got from that victory was better than any drug my dood.
9. Your favorite thing about D&D.
I know I say it a lot, but I legit can’t choose. There’s so many great things about ttrpgs that a lot of people don’t really think of. The creative fulfilment I get from a session is incomparable, the friendships you can build that you couldn’t form in any other way. And like, not to get too real for a sec here, but I grew up with undiagnosed autism and didn’t understand how a lot of social situations worked, and DnD was such a good mechanic for me to try communicating with people without many real world consequences, and I appreciate that experience so much. It’s just such a great thing my dood.
10. Your favorite enemy and the enemy you hate the most.
Can they be the same thing lmao? I mean, I’m obviously partial to Count Cassius, the vampire lord that Adrian slept with lmao. I also always appreciate a good beholder, until I get hit with three disintegration rays IN A ROW.
11. How often do you play and how often would you ideally like to play?
We’ve got kind of a monthly schedule with my main campaign, and I manage to get a couple online games in-between them, but honestly I’d kill to be the kind of group that got together every weekend.
12. Your in game inside jokes/memes/catchphrases and where they came from.
Oh MAN. “I say we do this.” “Yeah, but that’s coming from the guy who decided to tie 3 50ft ropes together to escape the palace.” “iT wOrKeD dIdN’t iT ???” i.e that time I forgot I gave the gnome rogue flying boots so when I planned for them to get arrested at the palace, they managed to escape by tying their ropes together, sending the gnome with it to the top and climbing the wall. I had to improvise the rest of the session. Also “FLINTON BELINDA SKINTON” bc as a role-play exercise I got my party to come up with rumours about their characters and the gnome rogue called Flint AKA Flinton B Skinton decided that one of their rumours was that the B stood for Belinda, and it was GLORIOUS.
13. Introduce your current party.
My current group consists of Flinton B Skinton, gnome rogue. He’s a quick-fingered, silver-tongued gay disaster who can sell anything to anyone. He’s a charming flirt, and a veritable genius in his own right. Kava Daardendrian, dragonborn ranger who loves nothing in life more than her animal companion - her pig Snortin Norton. She’s fun and sassy and shameless, she’s great. There’s Sparks, the fire Genasi Monk, and full embodiment of a disaster lesbian. She drinks, fights, and gets laid, and doesn’t deal with her problems in healthy ways. An icon. And finally Milo, the halfling Bard who falls in love at the drop of a hat and just wants everyone to get along. I call them “The Shenanigang” and I love them.
14. Introduce any other parties you have played in or DM-ed.
A party I joined late? We had Sylvia Moondrop, the half elf sorcerer who was just trying to get along with everyone despite what the world seemed to want. Orland the half orc bard who was just trying to shake off the Barbarian stereotype his family left him with. Rose Morleen, air Genasi fighter who was literally born to kick ass and take names. I joined as Mason Terrai, the Earth Genasi Alchemist with a perchance for explosives. The very definition of chaotic neutral.
15. Do you have snacks during game times?
Of COURSE. What manic wouldn’t ?
16. Do you play online or in person? Which do you prefer?
I used to play online a LOT back before I had friends who were into dnd, but I VASTLY prefer playing in person. The chemistry that’s built not only amongst the players, but also the actual characters themselves is unparalleled. It’s just such a great experience.
17. What are some house rules that your group has?
Anyone can attempt anything, the only restriction is the dice. Don’t question the DM unless it’s out of session, then bully the dm on the groupchat until he’s so pissed off he gives you inspiration just to get you to shut up. And also canon lore and canon rules are bullshit when it’s convenient. That’s about it
18. Does your party keep any pets?
Our ranger, God bless her, has her pack pig Snortin Norton, sold to her by one Flinton B Skinton. And Flint really wants a monkey, he’s been trying to find one for ages.
19. Do you or your party have any dice superstitions?
Not really ? I’m the kind guy that if my dice rolls a 1 I will bench it for a bit, but tbh all my dice are cursed af and I’ve kinda just learned to roll with it by making my characters canonically terrible at everything lmao.
20. How did you get into D&D? How long have you been playing?
Aw man I can’t remember when or how, it’s been so long. I had a couple friends who were kinda into it, but all the games they tried to run were complete disasters. I only really started playing I’m the past year or so? Maybe a little more ? Adrian was my first character, and he was a very RP heavy character in a party of tanks and they all hated him but MAN was it fun.
21. Have you ever regretted something your character has done?
Oh all the time. One time my character was careless and didn’t check for traps on a legendary artefact and it lead to the death of a party member. One time my character got angry at his party and walked out. My characters don’t make good decisions, but that’s part of the fun.
22. What color was your first dragon?
White! I thought it was silver at first and went to go say hi, and it clawed me within half my HP straight away lmao.
23. Do you use premade modules or original campaigns?
Oh dude, original all the way. I live for that shit.
24. How much planning/preparation do you do for a game?
Depends on the session, but usually a good few hours, couple of days if I’m DMing.
25. What have your players done that you never could have planned for?
“You wake up in a mysterious forest. The strained autumn sun shines through the trees. The only thing you can see it each other, the trees, and an old sign post leading to a path that says "Myrrill” on it. What do you do?“ "We walk in the opposite direction of the sign deeper into the forest.” “…of course you do.”
26. What was your favorite scene to write and show your characters.
I wrote a full carnival show one time for them to watch, and then it got derailed when a horrific monster attacked. But writing all the characters and their acts, and watching my players get entranced as I described it ? Magical, my dood.
27. Do you allow homebrew content?
I live and breathe homebrew content. I don’t know what my games would be without it. I LOVE homebrew.
28. How often do you use NPCs in a party?
I make some pretty sick characters if I do say so myself, so I throw them in a LOT.
29. Do you prefer RP heavy sessions or combat sessions?
Oh dude, role play all the way. Fighting and killing stuff is great, but role-play is just so good. We can go from laughing with a bartender to crying over a backstory reveal and it’s just beautiful.
30. Are your players diplomatic or murder hobos?
Depends on the party, but i find the best players are a little bit of both XD
31. What is your favorite class? Favorite race?
Official ? I’m a fan of the hexblade warlock? Bards are always a good call, and to be real playing monks make me feel like an absolute badass. Race wise, there are just so many. If we’re only talking players handbook stuff, half elf is always rad. Outside of that? I’ve been researching the Shadar-Kai lately and I’m LIVING. They’re so rad.
32. What role do you like to play the most? (Tank/healer/etc?)
What would you call the disaster gay? I don’t really gear my characters towards usefulness in combat, so it’s just whatever the class happens to lend itself to.
33. How do you write your backstory, or do you even write a backstory?
I usually write my character, personality, backstory, alignment etc, before I even pick a class or even a race. I basically just make OCs and apply them to dnd rules, and it’s SO much fun. 10/10, would recommend.34. Do you tend pick weapons/spells for being useful or for flavor?
FLAVOUR. My party usually hates me, but what I lack in combat utility I more than make up for in creative out of combat skill checks XD.
35. How much roleplay do you like to do?
Boi, I even RP my combat, and the great thing is it rubs off on my party too. I’ll have a really low initiative and everyone else will be like “I attack and do 10 points of damage” but then on my round I’m like “I use my staff to leap across the battlefield towards the opponent and launch out with a spinning kick to their jaw” and everyone else is like “oh, okay, that’s what we’re doing.” and the battle becomes so much more dynamic and cinematic, it’s amazing !
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atypicality · 6 years
Edye, Kira, Clovette, Vix, and Rufion
Full Name: okay so none of my OCs have last names,, embarrassing i know. he’s named after a neopet as that’s how i formed his character (this is progressively getting more embarrassing). his name is pronounced “eddie,” and an interesting fact about his name is that the part “dye” (pronounced “die”) is a nickname for dionysus, a god that has definitely influenced his character.
Gender and Sexuality: male, he’s bisexual
Pronouns: he/him
Ethnicity/Species: he’s latino and he’s human(??)
Birthplace and Birthdate: i literally have no idea (i feel like i should look into astrology and choose his birthday according to his personality…he’s probably a leo or a gemini and he was clearly born somewhere in latin america. i was thinking ecuador but i’m biased bc i lived there lmao),, he’s 22 though
Guilty Pleasures: reality t.v. and romcoms
Phobias: (i’m not putting the names of each phobia bc no one knows what that means) emotional intimacy, being buried alive, and abandonment
What They Would Be Famous For: i could see him being an actor with a horrible reputation
What They Would Get Arrested For: anything ranging from drug dealing to kidnapping (he was supposed to return vera to the shadow realm, for example). i wouldn’t put much past him
OC You Ship Them With: aliah and rufion (i like him with vera platonically)
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: nora bc she has to deal with his bullshit
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: action and comedy
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: pointless sacrifices. they died, dammit! let that count for something!
Talents and/or Powers: he’s an illusionist, meaning he can warp reality (or one’s perception of reality) and trick people. he can also make portals and fly/hover to some extent.
Why Someone Might Love Them: he’s a party animal and he’s fun to be around. he’s also pretty loyal to the people he cares about.
Why Someone Might Hate Them: he’s a no strings attached kind of person. he can be very apathetic and insensitive.
How They Change: he goes from being a villain to being the sidekick of the MC (vera),, i’m so proud of him
Why You Love Them: he’s the classic asshole/misunderstood bad boy turned good…he’s a huge loser that accidentally became cursed and now has a cult following and he’s just hilarious to think about.
here’s a mix i made for him
and his three shipping mixes lmao (aliah)(rufion)(vera)
here’s the cult mix if you want to listen to that  😂😂😂
alsoo i have a sidekick mix
and i’m literally developing two more for him (villain / hero arc, respectively)
can you tell that he’s my favorite
Full Name: just kira (hi, just. i’m nina)
Gender and Sexuality: female, heterosexual
Pronouns: she/her
Ethnicity/Species: she’s mixed: japanese and black. she’s a human
Birthplace and Birthdate: she was born in japan (city whomst) and she’s 27. probably a gemini or a scorpio
Guilty Pleasures: chocolate/sweets in general and creeping on social media if that counts
Phobias: she suffers from body dysmorphic disorder and suffers from fears that accompany that, such as not being good enough, etc. she also hates bugs, especially spiders.
What They Would Be Famous For: despite her bdd, she’d definitely become famous for being a beauty vlogger/youtuber. her ‘mask’ (aka whatever it is people with bdd do to help themselves cope with their body’s appearance/perceived flaw) would be makeup and she uses her powers to give herself the illusion that she’s someone else (in terms of appearance, if that makes any sense).
What They Would Get Arrested For: shoplifting (idk if you can be arrested for this but it’s the only thing she would do)
OC You Ship Them With: will a lil bit tbh. they’re the mom-dad pair
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: no one lmao
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: romcoms and horror
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: white people doing stupid things in horror movies, the most aggravating definitely being having sex/making out while danger is imminent
Talents and/or Powers: she’s an illusionist and can make portals like edye. she’s also a makeup artist
Why Someone Might Love Them: she’s super sweet and a good listener.
Why Someone Might Hate Them: people misinterpret her as shallow
How They Change: she betrays the Good Guys for her benefit but is forgiven. she also seeks help for her bdd and stops using her powers to alter her appearance (her makeup still serves as a mask though, her insecurities and anxiety don’t disappear overnight)
Why You Love Them: her struggle with self-love is so heartbreaking and she’s so strong and admirable.
Full Name: clovette. some people call her clover. she’s also a neopet.
Gender and Sexuality: female, pansexual
Pronouns: she/her
Ethnicity/Species: she’s asian and a human
Birthplace and Birthdate: she was born somewhere in southeast asia. she’s 20 and probably an aquarius
Guilty Pleasures: sleeping in and staying home all day
Phobias: she has a fear of flying and the ocean. she suffers from social anxiety and is afraid of large crowds.
What They Would Be Famous For: she’d be a kickass video game developer
What They Would Get Arrested For: probably doing something illegal online (piracy maybe?)
OC You Ship Them With: maybe with nora
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: no one!!!
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: science fiction and fantasy
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: white savior trope
Talents and/or Powers: she doesn’t have any powers but she’s great at coding and game design and she’s a talented artist.
Why Someone Might Love Them: she’s really funny when you get to know her.
Why Someone Might Hate Them: she comes off as judgmental but she’s really not
How They Change: she’s initially scared of travelling from her island (boats? Horrifying. airplanes? Terrifying.) but then she’s forced to move and has to face that fear plus the fear that comes when you don’t know anyone and have to form new relationships.
Why You Love Them: she has so much potential for growth and she’s so cute and inspiring
Full Name: i have to pick out a really basic white girl name for her but she goes by vix and vixen is her villain name (edye doesn’t deserve a villain name).
Gender and Sexuality: female, heterosexual but the kind of straight girl that will kiss other girls for male attention.
Pronouns: she/her
Ethnicity/Species: she’s white and a human
Birthplace and Birthdate: she was born in paris, she’s 21, and she’s probably a pisces.
Guilty Pleasures: kissing girls uwu, eating way too many tubs of cookie dough ice cream, and erotica.
Phobias: she’s scared of birds and the deep sea. she’ll enjoy going to the beach but she won’t go in the water because then she thinks of sea monsters and other unknown terrors hidden in the unexplored ocean. she’ll go to a pool, though.
What They Would Be Famous For: she’d be an actress or a journalist
What They Would Get Arrested For: robbery, possibly arson
OC You Ship Them With: no one
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: edye
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: film noir and slasher films/thrillers
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: love triangles
Talents and/or Powers: she uses love magic and mental manipulation.
Why Someone Might Love Them: she’s clever and really determined.
Why Someone Might Hate Them: she’s a bitch.
How They Change: she’s initially shy, awkward, trying to make her way through life. then she falls in love with someone (*coughs* edye *coughs*) and gives herself a makeover. she goes from innocent civilian investigating something to villainess and cult leader. 10/10 transformation
Why You Love Them: i don’t lmao. i like that she fits the femme fatale archetype. she’s a really interesting character. she also unironically calls herself vixen, so there’s that.
here’s her mix
Full Name: rufion (pronounced rough-ee-an). he’s also a neopet (he looks so ugly rn because he’s my lab rat).
Gender and Sexuality: male, homosexual
Pronouns: he/him and they/them
Ethnicity/Species: honestly i have not thought about where he’s from at all but he’s brown (we love ethnically ambiguous characters in this house! /s). he’s a human.
Birthplace and Birthdate: [me seeing birthplace: owo what’s this?] he’s 23 and he’s probably a capricorn.
Guilty Pleasures: does ordering a lot of takeout food count? he stays up all night playing video games and loves reading comic books. he also really likes baking sweets (he’d probably be a really good cook but tbh he’s too lazy)
Phobias: he’s scared he’s going to die in his sleep and stays up all night as a result. if someone told him the effects of lack of sleep on his health he would definitely panic
What They Would Be Famous For: he would definitely be in a band. fuck
What They Would Get Arrested For: He Would Never Be Arrested. Next 
OC You Ship Them With: edye
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: vix
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: he doesn’t really like watching tv/movies but superhero films
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: bury your gays
Talents and/or Powers: he’s good at fighting.
Why Someone Might Love Them: he’s really nice, super optimistic, and honest. he’s hard working and responsible. he’s a huge nerd basically
Why Someone Might Hate Them: people might view him as naive and annoying.
How They Change: he’s a sort of private investigator but then he takes a…peculiar case and then………………..he catches feelings lmfao. there’s definitely some side-switching/ambiguity in his future
Why You Love Them: he’s just trying his best honestly. idk how to articulate it but he’s kind of like xD as a human being.
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