#i would write something coherent if i could but i can't
wewillbehappyagain · 2 years
“Mal,” I whispered into the night. “What?” “Thanks for finding me.” I wasn’t sure if I was dreaming, but somewhere in the dark, I thought I heard him whisper, “Always.”
I spun. Mal’s voice in the dark. Let it be a trick of sound, I thought. But I knew the Squallers’ blanket had long since been lifted. How had he found me? Stupid question. Mal would always find me.
“Bring him back to me,” I repeated. I wasn’t making sense. I knew that. They didn’t have Morozova’s power. But Mal could make rabbits out of rocks. He could find true north standing on his head. He would find his way back to me again.
*Something something about Mal always being able to find Alina, always finding his way back to her, always being there for her, never voluntarily leaving her side*
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theflyingfeeling · 9 months
#like the clown i am i spent half the night awake trying to come up with a way to make the olli/allu modern-day royalty AU work out#my first idea was to try and make it similar to my college AU with POV chapters and shit#but i quickly realised it wouldn't work out for the same reason i'm still struggling with the gran hotel AU:#unlike with the college AU i don't have a clear character arch for everyone#e.g. i can't for the life of me think of a way to link the joel/niko side plot to the main plot to make it make sense#and idk what joonas' role would be other than to occasionally hook up with olli and fangirl about aleksi and pine for joel#soooooo it thought i could instead make it a series of shorter stories? if anyone out there is seriosly interested in reading this AU? 👉👈#like. the first one would obviously have to be a little longer since it's the establishment for the whole AU#so far i have an outline for a 6-chapter story from olli's and allu's povs. basically just them getting together#and the rest of what i have planned for the AU would be standalones or shorter establishments?#because if i were to include EVERYTHING in one fic it would most likely end up being +20 chapters lol#and no way in hell would i have the patience for that 💀#that way i could just time-jump to the scenes i want to write the most lol#instead of having to try and weave them together to form a longer coherent plot#i mean i looooooooove slow burn and all that but i don't want to overwhelm myself by starting to write something#only to realise 32k words later that i have no idea where i'm going with it D:#(my ski jumping rpf fic says hi 🙃)#but by writing individual shorter stories it would be much easier for me to handle the plot while also advancing it#because the storyline in my head is so extensive that i feel like i can't fit it all in just one fic#at least in a way that i would be satisfied with 😭#i can make them get together in 6 chapters with no trouble#but for them to actually form a secure relationship and get messed up in all that tabloid drama and face the prejudice of the royal family#until eventually getting their happy ending? yeah nope. gonna need at least 20 chapters for that lmao#and if i wanted to advance all the sideplots on top of all that? yeah nope 😵#with individual stories i could just write all the joonas/tommi and niko/joel (and unrequited j/j) as spin-offs! yay problem solved! 😇#pls don't get your hopes up though lol i may love planning fics but writing is another story entirely 😂#but yeah. watch this space?#or maybe i'll just continue writing random pointless olli/allu standalones whenever i get a burst of inspiration. we'll see 👀
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Since you've mentioned Scarlet Lady in one of your posts, what's your opinion on it?
I've mentioned before that I'm a big Scarlet Lady fan, which is the only reason that I'm comfortable answering asks like this one. I don't publicly criticize the content of hobby creators. That's wildly inappropriate! Punch up, not down.
The linked post was a general discussion of the adaptation process and how @zoe-oneesama did a fantastic job, so for this one, I'm just going to do some general gushing because I do actually like praising and enjoying things!
Scarlet Lady's chosen format (comic) allows it to have this wonderful conversation with canon where it can rely on the framework of canon to tell it's own story while also using canon for jokes and meta commentary. This means that Scarlet Lady is about as close as fan content can get to a direct reboot because it's able to have moments like this one from the comic's first post:
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[Image description: Adrien standing in his room after transforming into Chat Noir for the first time. He is beaming and his eyes are shining with excitement as he exclaims, "This is gonna be awesome!"]
A single picture that communicates everything we need to know about Adrien getting his miraculous. When I've done this same thing in fanfic, I had to write out the full scene because that's how novels work. You have to give the full picture. With a comic, you can just quickly acknowledge this thing that we all already know and then move on to the new stuff. A picture really is worth a thousand words! (Or, in my case, more like two thousand...)
This allows Zoe to keep the same akumas that we get in canon without her story feeling like a boring rehash because she can focus on what's different in her version. A novelization of the same content would have to show both the stuff that stays the same and the stuff that changes for it to be coherent. That's a lot less fun to read and write. It's why I basically never revisit canon akumas in my own stuff. It's just too derivative for the written word.
This is one of the big reasons that I loved Scarlet Lady. Because it was able to have that more directly conversation with canon, it was able to take canon and say, "hey, why don't we embrace the tone that you established in season one and retell the story with that vibe?" That's something that I desperately wanted to see, but that is totally unsuited to my chosen artistic form. It couldn't be a novel. It had to be a comic.
If you want to know what a true formula show version of Miraculous would look like, Scarlet Lady is it. It does everything that Miraculous should have done:
Sticks to a lighthearted tone where nothing is ever super serious
Keeps Gabriel entirely unsympathetic
Has slow character development and background hints at a bigger plot as the only serial elements, allowing the individual episodes to be their own story while never feeling incomplete or rushed
Allows characters other than Marinette to shine while keeping Marinette as the clear main character
Makes Adrien narratively important
Understands that Lila and Chloe can't coexist as antagonists
Reverses the love square, which is the best way to tell their story. Yes, I will die on my "love diamond" hill. It's a good hill. Come join me. I'll bring cookies.
I could keep going, but you hopefully get my point. While Scarlet Lady is certainly not the only way to do a formula version of canon, it's proof that a formula version does work! You don't have to go the serious route for Miraculous to be successful.
I want to take some time to gush about the ending, but I don't want to spoil it, so I'll put that gushing under a "read more" in case anyone hasn't seen it. I'll finish out this less spoilerish section with this:
I feel like some people are surprised when they learn that I love Scarlet Lady because - as some of you have probably picked up - it is quite different from my ideal version of canon. I'm not sure why that would stop me from enjoying a thing, though. It's important to remember that our personal ideals are not the only way to tell a good story. There are lots of ways to take what canon gave us and make something wonderful! It's part of the reason that I enjoy being in a fandom.
If I only wanted to see my ideal take on canon, then I'd stick to writing/imagining my own stories. But I don't want that! I like seeing alternate takes, too. Scarlet Lady is one of my personal favorites. It's completely different from anything that I'd ever think to write and that's why I'm so glad that it exists! I like being entertained just as much as I like creating my own entertainment and I don't want to only read stories that look like something I'd write. That's boring!
Spoilers below:
I've mentioned before that there are many, many ways to properly handle Chloe's character and Zoe did such a good job with her take on that! Chloe isn't absolved of all the things she did wrong, but she's also treated as a young woman with the ability to change.
While the comic bares the name of Chloe's alter ego, she was the never the main character. She never went on a journey. The story kept her to her shallow season-one self: a petty brat who just wanted attention. It did this because that's who Chloe was in canon and who Chloe needed to be for the comic to work.
The first time we see any complexity from Chloe is in the comic's final few episodes, which was absolutely the right call for Zoe to make! In a recent post, I talked about how the end of a formula show is the only time when you can break the formula in catastrophic ways and that's what Zoe did. She kept Chloe static until it was time to end the story and that's when the formula breaks. That's when Chloe gets depth because, once she has depth, the formula doesn't work.
That depth is not used to redeem Chloe, but to show us that there's hope for Chloe. That this petty brat who we've been dealing with has some serious issues and needs help. Help that she's going to get far away from the people that she's hurt because her issues aren't an excuse for what she's done. They don't erase the harm that she caused. At the same time, understanding her issues makes us hope that she can be better now and Scarlet Lady took a moment to give us that hope. To show us the START of Chloe's true story.
That is the kind of ending that I have wanted to see in so many properties!!! It was so wonderful to finally get one that did this right. A story that understood that full redemption to the team and damnation to death/suffering are extremes on a scale of possibilities. You don't have to go to extremes! You can fall in the middle and the middle is a perfect, natural place for Chloe to land in this kind of story. Fully redeeming or even fully damning Chloe simply doesn't work in lighthearted formula content. It's too big a lift as canon has already demonstrated.
I also loved Zoe's take on Emilie. I've mentioned that I don't like evil Emilie in part because it makes her revival feel like the start of a new story. She's back and she'd bad, so we have to take her down now! But I don't want that. I want the story to end when Gabriel is stopped. Zoe does this by giving us an Emilie that is another perfect middle ground. She matches canon's uncomfortable implications without feeling like a true villain who is a threat to society.
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faraway-archive · 5 months
Favorite Secretary
Yan!CEO x GN (secretary) Reader
Tw: yandere behavior, smut, mind corruption
AN; Sorry for any mistakes, and no plot- smut :p
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Gasping for air as you grasp his desk as he keeps fucking you. Trying to keep your moans down as his cock fits perfectly into your hole, as if it was made for him and that just made him more feral. He wants to hear more of you, if only you didn't have to be quite while he fucks you brainless. Every time both of you have sex he is very happy about ruining your career, he did everything in his power to make sure you only work with him. That you are under his control. He made sure you got rejected and blacklisted from working anywhere else but his company. Even better that you are his secretary, it helps to make sure you are closer to him than before.
He keeps ramming into you and grabs your waist tightly, making sure you don't fall onto his desk. He wants to make sure you feel his dick inside of you, at some point he pulls you up and makes you sit on his dick. Opening up your legs and just starts ramming his dick into your hole, you lost it and moaned loudly. You can't help it, his dick feels good as he keeps going in and out, it doesn't help that he is taller and buffer to. He has all that muscle and it wasn't for show, it's something that he can use to his advantage.
"Fuck baby, you feel so good. You love taking my cock right? Panting like crazy, grabbing my arm as if that can stop me from being in your tight hole."
You couldn't say anything but moan. His dick is too good, too good for you to mumble anything but a slight 'yes'. Grabbing his arms as he goes into you, begging to cum. You can't help it- his dick is too good for you to keep it in longer and you just need to let it go. You can't think straight anymore besides his dick. You hate it, you wish that you didn't have to come to this life. If only you didn't get blacklisted from the job site, you could have been anywhere else. But on the other hand you can't deny, this job is good and it helps keep you afloat in the current world. If only your CEO wasn't so.... obsessed with you, but I guess that comes with the job.
"I will only cum if you beg for it." "Please let me cum! Let me, please please," You kept blabbing, unable to make coherent sentences or thoughts. His dick is too much for you. "Cum then, since you're desperate enough for my dick."
As soon as you came, he still kept going. At this point you felt overwhelmed and your legs shake violently. Soon after he came inside of you- no warning as you feel his cum inside of you. Gasping as he slowly pulls his dick out, watching his cum drip out of your hole.
"Good.. you did so well. I'm proud of my little secretary, taking my dick well. But you did moan loudly... ah well that's another time. Good job." Smiling as he helps clean you up, dressing you in your outfit and watching you struggle to leave his office as if nothing happened.
Below this is old writing, I didn't like the way it was heading so yeah, didn't feel like deleted it LOL
⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘ You always kept quiet and did your own things. Wondering why the CEO would make you be his own secretary, didn't he have one before? You wonder what happened to them. Shaking your head you continued your job, scheduling meetings, responding to emails, all sorts of boring but important tasks. While in the mists of your task, Lux, the CEO called you to his office. That's weird, he never called you to his office unless it was an emergency. Aka you fucked up. Gulping, you finished up sending the last email and began to walk up to his office.
While you were walking up to his office, Lux was eagerly waiting for you. He has done so much to get you to be this close, just a bit more and you will be his. He was able to mess up your life to the point to where you now depend on this job to survive. He was getting tired of his old sectary anyways, but you. You were appealing to him. Something about you appealed to his taste, you were someone so pure, kind-hearted, something that he mostly lacked. You touched his heart when he first saw you in that small café. He was going to pass that until he heard your voice, and than he saw you. You captivated his attention. He just had to have you. To make you his. He smiles as he eagerly waited for you, he just can't wait to make you his. No matter what.
You made it to his office, standing in front of it you softly knocked. Hearing a muffled 'come in' you opened the door. Lux. The CEO sitting in his desk, smiling at you and gesturing to come closer to his desk. You do, very shakily. When you arrived at his desk, he stands up and walks towards you, Lux towering over you as he slowly leans in to your face. You slowly back away from him until your back hits his desk.
Glancing up at him he smirks, one of his hands holds the back of your hair and yanks it. Making you look at his ceiling and felt his breath on your neck. Kissing your neck as his other hand travels down into your pants. Gasping as he quickly unbottles your pants and watching it slide down.
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atlasofoverthinking · 2 months
The Problem with the League of Villains
this is just me ranting after reading many people say that the lov deserved a better ending (i agree with them don't worry). most of that stuff has already been said but i'm bored and need something to write
so why is everyone disappointed?
by definition, an antagonist is someone that goes against the main character(s) and a villain is someone who does immoral and/or illegal things (wow, shocking)
so by definition, the league of villains is aptly named. shigaraki and dabi are mass murderers, toga is a killer too, and even if the others are 'less dangerous' they're all guilty of terorism and kidnapping a teenager.
not nice, right? then why would anyone would want them to have a good ending?
long story short: horikoshi made the league too sympathetic and relatable
when horikoshi has decided to make them funny, he's decided to make them likeable. that's not enough though. you can find a fictional villain funny and not root for them (for some reason the examples that comes to my mind are the disney villains. captain hook is hilarious but no one wants him to win)
the cause of everyone's disappointment is the relatable part. everyone in the league has gone through stuff viewers can relate. touya, shigaraki and toga have been abused; twice has mental health issues (and stuggling to get a job is relatable too lmao); spinner has been discriminated against... you get the idea
and even without knowing their backstory, most of the league's fights can be considered noble: they want to change society and make the world a better place. to take a more precise example, the league kidnapped bakugou because they thought he had gone through similar struggle as them
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(this is mr compress talking in chapter 85) as far as i've seen, most of the fandom either think bakugou being chained and muzzled at the end of the sport festival was just comic relief or agree that it was fucked up
so yeah, you can't put a group of people rejected by society, who just want a better world and expect people to not like them
and that's why their ending is disappointing (the rest contains heavy spoilers of the last few chapters of mha)
they're all either in jail or six feet underground. we rationally could understand it, they're all criminals/villains so of course they wouldn't get a happy ending and face consequences for their actions. the only one who could have gotten away with it is shigaraki because of all the grooming/brainwashing he's gone through and maybe toga because she's a child
but if you relate to a character, you want them to get a happy ending. of course fans would want dabi to be at peace, but instead he's forced to spend his last moments being stared at by his abuser). of course fans would want shigaraki to be free from afo (but instead his only freedom was death). of course fans would want toga to be understood and cared for (but she never had that opportunity)
that's not very 'save to win' out of you horikoshi
maybe it's just a shortcut made by the fandom, but the league are seen more as victims of abuse than actual criminals. i mean, what's more important in dabi's story? the fact that he burned himself alive after overworking himself to get his abusive father's attention, or the fact that he's burned people alive? probably both, but there's more focus on the first element.
and obviously we would want abuse victims to get a happy ending
basically, their ending isn't coherent with what we've seen of them, and that's why people are disappointed
btw, the same logic applies to stain. some fans agree with stain's reasoning bc he's fighting against corruption. of course, his logic is stupid and he's delusional but he's introduced not long after we've discovered shouto's past. you can't say "one of the most popular heroes is abusing + all he wants is to get n°1 to satisfy his own ego" and then follow with "see that guy fighting against corruption? he's bad, don't do that"
the clever way to make sure no one would agree with stain would have been to make the heroes fight against injustice with good methods. i live for the fanfics in which izuku takes down the hpsc
okay i'm done ranting thanks for reading
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faithshouseofchaos · 2 months
Hi, I wanted to ask you if you can write about how dilfs suck breasts (Kimi Raikkonen, Fernando Alonso, Mark Webber, Nico Rosberg). I will be glad if you write a work in this format, but if you can't write it, then there's nothing wrong with that, because I understand that it's a little awkward. 😅😅😅
A/n — I think @norrisleclercf1 did something similar but I can’t find it 😭 also I tried my best.
Warnings— smut slightly suggestive public sex?
Word count 1k
Drivers — Kimi raikkonen Nico rosberg Fernando Alonso mark webber
Nico Rosberg
Nico was a cheeky bastard. He always loved your breasts before and after you had kids. He was obsessed with them; he was just a simple man after all, a simple man who had his wife all to himself for the weekend with no children around. He couldn’t help himself when he woke up and saw that your shirt had slightly risen revealing your stomach. Smiling to himself as he slowly lifted the shirt revealing your stomach and breast Nico smiled again and kissed your stomach up to your breast. Nico knew you were awake when he felt your hand tug at his soft blonde hair at the base of his neck. Nico smiled when he felt you play with his hair and he looked up at you. “Good morning, darling,” he said, giving you another kiss on your stomach. He continued to kiss his way up to your breast. “The kids being gone makes this much easier, huh?” Feeling his lips against your skin gives you chills. You ran your fingers through his hair, tugging at it slightly as he spoke. “Yes, it does,” you replied breathlessly, unable to form a coherent sentence as his lips moved up your body. Nico noticed the way you reacted and it made him smirk. He knew exactly what he was doing to you and he loved it. “You look a little flustered,” he teased, his lips now hovering over your breast. “And whose fault is that?” you responded with a hint of sarcasm in your tone. You arched your back slightly, silently begging for more. Nico chuckled at your response, pleased with himself that he had such an effect on you. He noticed your arching back and took it as an invitation to continue. He continued to kiss your breast, his lips lingering on your skin. A soft moan escaped your lips as you felt his stubble against your skin. You pulled at his hair a little bit harder, encouraging him to keep going. “Nico…” you breathed, your voice laced with desire. “Don’t worry sweetheart I'll take care of you” Nico says, taking one of your nipples and begins sucking on it while fondling the other. “Mmm Nico” you moaned, tugging at his hair a little harder. “I always take care of you, my darling,” he replied, his voice a low growl. He loved hearing his name on your lips, especially when he was pleasuring you like this. Nico was a simple man, a simple man who loved your breast.
Fernando Alonso
Fernando loved it when you tried on lingerie for him and he loved buying them for you. This time Fernando had found an Aston Martin green set that he was dying to know what you would look like in it. Nando was giddy when he handed you the bag and lightly pushed you into the bathroom telling you to try it on. Fernando watched as you went into the bathroom, his excitement growing with each passing moment. He could barely contain himself, imagining how you would look in the revealing green lingerie. He leaned against the wall, waiting patiently for you to come out. After a few minutes, you stepped out of the bathroom wearing the green lingerie. The material hugged your curves in all the right places, making you feel sexy and confident. Fernando's eyes widened as he took in the sight of you. He let out a low whistle, clearly pleased with his selection. "You look stunning," he said, his voice filled with desire. He couldn't take his eyes off of you, his gaze roaming over your body. "Come here, mi amor." You walked over to him, your hips swaying with each step. You could feel his gaze burning into you, and it only heightened your desire. "You like it?" you asked coyly, biting your lip. "Like it? I love it," Fernando replied, his eyes never leaving your body. He reached out and pulled you closer to him, his hands sliding over the silk fabric. "You have no idea what you do to me, cariño." You wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing yourself against him. You could feel his heart racing against yours, the heat between you building. "Then show me," you whispered, your voice a sultry challenge. Fernando didn't need to be told twice. In one swift motion, he scooped You up in his arms and carried you to the bed. He gently laid you down on the sheets and climbed on top of you, his body pressing against yours. His lips found your neck, kissing and biting at your sensitive skin. You felt a shiver run down your spine as his mouth trailed down your body, his hands roaming over every inch of you. You tangled your fingers in his hair, pulling him closer, needing more. "Mmm, Fernando..." "I've got you, mi amor," he whispered in between kisses. He continued his path down your body, his mouth mapping out every curve and contour. He slowly removed the laci green lingerie, taking his time to appreciate each piece of clothing as it was tossed aside. Returning his attention to your breast which he kissed and marked. "You're so perfect," he breathed, his lips attached to your breast. He took his time, showering your breast with kisses and gentle suckles, his tongue teasing and tantalizing your sensitive flesh. You arched your back and let out a soft moan, pleasure coursing through your body. "Please, Nando," you pleaded, your hands gripping his shoulders. Fernando chuckled against your skin, enjoying the effect he was having on you. "Patience, cariño," he murmured, his lips moving to the other breast. He repeated the same slow, torturous process, relishing the sounds of pleasure escaping from your lips.
Mark Webber
You sat on Mark's lap, his hands on your hips as he kissed you pulling you closer to him. It was the kind of kiss that was hot and needy, the kind that made you desperate for more. Mark broke the kiss tilting his head up slightly to look at you “can I take this off?” Mark asked, playing with the hem of your shirt. You nodded eagerly, your breath coming in short gasps as the need for him grew. "Yes, please," you said, your voice thick with desire. You lifted your arms, allowing him to pull your shirt over your head, leaving you exposed to his hungry gaze. Mark's eyes roamed over your body as he tossed your shirt away, his hands immediately returning to your hips. He pulled you closer, your bare skin now pressed against his. "God, you're beautiful," he murmured, his lips finding their way to your neck. You arched your back at the feeling of his mouth on your sensitive skin, your fingers digging into his shoulders. "Mark..." you breathed, your voice a mixture of a moan and a plea. You could feel his growing desire pressed against you, his body's reaction to yours only adding to the already intense moment. Mark groaned at the sound of your voice, his hands gripping your hips tighter. He nipped and sucked at your neck, leaving a trail of love bites in his wake. "You drive me crazy, you know that?" he muttered against your skin, his lips moving down to your collarbone to your breasts. You gasped as he reached your chest, your body arching into his touch. "I could say the same about you," you managed to reply, your brain fuzzy with pleasure. You tangled your fingers in his hair, holding him against you, as his lips and tongue worked their magic on your sensitive flesh. Mark let out a low growl as you tugged on his hair, the sensation only fueling his desire. He switched his attention to your other breast, giving it the same amount of attention as the first. His hands roamed over your body, touching and caressing every inch of skin he could reach, sucking , biting and kissing.
Kimi raikkonen
Kimi Raikkonen was a man of few words, but his actions spoke louder than any words ever could. When it came to loving you, he was always passionate and there was no doubt about that and you weren’t complaining. Kimi had just won his first world championship with Ferrari and he was high on adrenaline and he was sticky with champagne. You were at the after-party with him, surrounded by the noise and cheering of the other drivers and team members. Kimi had a wide smile on his face, his eyes sparkling with excitement. He grabbed you by the waist, pulling you close to him. "Come here, love," he said, his voice low and raspy. You willingly followed him, your heart racing as his grip on you was strong and possessive. He led you into a quieter area, away from the crowd. The minute you were alone, he pushed you against the wall, his body pressed against yours. "You look so beautiful tonight," he breathed against your skin, his lips finding their way to your neck. "I've been wanting to get you alone all night." You shivered at the feeling of his mouth on your skin, your head tilting back to give him better access. "You took your time," you teased, your own hands exploring the expanse of his chest. Kimi chuckled at your comment, his lips ghosting over your collarbone. "I was trying to be gentlemanly," he replied, his hands sliding down to your hips. "But you make it very difficult to behave." You couldn’t help but let out a soft moan as he caressed your hips. “You don’t have to be polite with me,” you said, your voice sultry. “I like it when you’re a little rough.” Kimi’s eyes darkened at your words, a low growl escaping his lips. “Be careful what you wish for,” he said, his mouth moving up to your earlobe. “Once I get started, I won’t be able to stop.” You could feel the heat rising between you, your body responding to his touch and his words. “That’s exactly what I want,” you breathed, your own hands roaming down his body. “I don’t want you to stop.” Kimi groaned pulling you into the bathroom where he lifted you up and set you down on the counter. Kimi then pulled your shirt and bra off his lips now on your breast. You gasped as he lifted you onto the counter, your body arching towards him instinctively. You could feel his body pressed against you, his hands roaming over your bare skin. "Kimi..." you breathed, your voice a mix of excitement and anticipation. Kimi’s lips latched onto your breast, his mouth and tongue working their magic. He was hungry and determined, his movements rough and yet, somehow, still reverent. He clearly wanted to show you just how much he appreciated you and Wanted to make you dizzy with pleasure. Your fingers tangled in his hair, holding him close to you as you surrendered to his touch. "Oh, Kimi..." you gasped, your head falling back against the mirror behind you.
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cat3ch1sm · 6 months
This is so awkward, but I was wondering if you could write hcs for if the reader called L, Mello, Near, and Matt "daddy" or "sir" or something else along those lines during sex? 😭 (if not that's totally fine I just got a mental image of Mello being like "what-" and I'm seeking other opinions lol)
🐸~ loll!! don't worry i have gotten much worse requests than this, this isn't at all awkward. this request seemed fun lol i hope u enjoy! i love u lots and thanks for ur support<33
nsfw ahead, gn!reader, sub!reader
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how they'd react to being called daddy/sir during sex~ wammy boys
~ it just slipped from your lips in the heat of the moment. you had been really hazy and a bit delirious and matt had been deep inside you when it just popped out. and yes, it did catch him by surprise for about half a second since he wasn't expecting it and it wasn't something you'd ever called him before. but in the same half a second he was caught off guard, matt decided he loved it. he doesn't say anything about it in the moment, but it was the way you said it, with your shaky voice barely coherent and your pretty eyes crossed, overwhelmed with pleasure. matt takes it as a sign that he's doing a really good job, and best believe he makes it his mission to get one of those out of you again every time you two get intimate. on the other hand, expect pretty relentless teasing about it. matt both finds it amusing and a hell of a turn on how easily he can get you off, how he can make you just lose yourself like that.
~ "hey, matt, can you get that over there for me?"
~ "don't you mean daddy?"
~ "you are the worst."
~ mello is someone who enjoys being in control during sex. so when you moan that in this pathetic, trembling voice, pleading with tears pricking the corners of your eyes for him to keep going, it's really such a rush for him. the brief moment of surprise at the unexpected title is quickly swept away by the surge of pride, almost arrogant in its nature. you've fully surrendered yourself to him; your pleasure is in his hands; you've acknowledged his power over your body. he'll probably get rougher in the moment, and later on in future intimate encounters he'll outright make you say it, denying you any release until you do, over and over and over.
~ although near does usually prefer it when you both are equals during sex, he can't help the swell of satisfaction in his heart when you call him that. after all, he has an ego like every other man on this list, and near gets something out of being at least somewhat in control, even in your sexual encounters where he does normally prefer not for anyone to be dominant. it's not like he needs to hear you say it every time, but near certainly doesn't mind when you do. besides, it means you like what he's doing and he's making you feel good, which is what he wants most.
~ he probably spends the most time being surprised out of anybody else on this list. he doesn't have anything against it- besides, it would probably kill the mood if ryuzaki paused mid-sex to ask about it and what brought it on- but he just is somebody who likes having answers. so he may or may not literally interview you about it later- did he do something different? is that something that might happen again? what prompted you to call him that? he must know, even if you can hardly even sit up or form a full sentence yet.
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doki-doki-imagines · 9 months
Not sure if you take requests but could you write about Shang Tsung (and others) with breeding kink?🙏
feat. Shang Tsung, Bi-Han, Liu Kang, Syzoth (aka the guy I think would be into it)
tw: smut, afab!reader
author note: requests are open! It's been a while since I wrote smut, I hope you'll like these.
Shang Tsung: -He is staining your soul, putting his seed of evil into you. -The thought gives him goosebumps, his right hand keeping your leg up and open wide, while to other play with your nipple and at the same time pushes your back against his front. -The hand that way playing with your chest slides lower, now drawing patterns on your tummy that in a few month will be round and full. -Shang Tsung bites his lower lip, and close tight his eyes, it's a sinful thought that is bringing him too fast to the end. -"Let me cum inside, you want it too right? You always tell me, don't you remember?" He whispers into your ear, voice weavering at each of his thrust in your core. -You seriously don't remember ever telling him that, but you nod, too fucked, too lost in the throes of pleasure to formulate a coherent thought. -"I knew it, you will be an excellent brood mare." He smirks, wide and wicked. -Shang Tsung almost hope he didn't impregnate you this time, the idea so good he wants to try again and again. -Not that he will stop anyway…
Bi-Han: -He is the Grandmaster, you know? He needs heirs! -But Bi-Han isn't doing this to follow orders, his eyes liquid lust while looking at your soft body, phrases way too broken and badly formulated to be of a man following his duty. -"I'll make you full of my cum, I'll fuck you so good-" The sudden grip of your core make Bi-Han stops in his track, lost in the pleasure of your pussy suiting his cock like a glove. -It's not like you are doing any better, legs up his shoulders, hands scratching his biceps the only stable thing to keep you anchored to this moment, mind wandering in the sea of bliss at each of his hard thrusts. -Bi-Han can't stop thinking of your chest, filled to the brim with milk, soft and round begging to be touched, nipples hard desperate for some attention, tummy full of yours and his child. -His mind plays a dirty trick and he cums with just one last thrust, falling on top of you, groaning into your neck, while he fills you with his cum. -"Keep it all in, don't make a single drop fall."
Liu Kang: -He waited his entire life to be in peace and in love. Now it's time to step up the game. -The idea of you carrying his baby, your entire body glowing of happiness make his brain vessels close really fast, blood flowing to his crotch pathetically fast. -That's why now you are on your hands and knees, taking him like a champ, his thrusts hard and fast, the fat of your ass red from the slaps you counted a minute ago, the sound you are both making obscenely lewd. -Liu Kang isn't a gentleman. He is a man with a goal that he needs to accomplish if he doesn't want to become crazy. -Something that you already are, tears running down your face, drool escaping your open mouth, moans escaping freely. -"Please, lemme cum-" You sob "I've been good." You gasp out. -Liu Kang whines after hearing your voice. You always sound so good, and he is too weak to you. -"Take it all, my darling, you can do it. I know it." He prompts you on, close to the end himself. -And you do, not even a sound escapes your mouth, too tired and desperate, total opposite of Liu Kang whom cum into you, an high pitched moan blessing your ears. -You lay down, knees and arms weak after the intense session, trying to stabilise your breath, while your lover stay behind you, pulling out and admiring his work. -Liu Kang notices some cum rolling down your core, so he scoop it up with his index and middle finger to plunge it inside you again, earning him a whine. -"Don't waste any of it, keep it inside. It's holy, you know?"
Syzoth: -He gets a bit insane thinking of you having his kids, honestly. -That's why for the longest time, Syzoth won't say anything and keep this thought for himself, ashamed you may get scared. -But then he finds out you share his kink and his wall drop. But he'll ask to repeat yourself because Syzoth thinks his intrusive thought pulled a bad joke on him. -Syzoth prefers to enjoy his kink when he isn't in "heat", when his mind is a bit more stable and he can control himself a bit more. You tell him he is fine either way, but please respect his decision one step at a time. -Doesn't mean Syzoth won't rock your world anyway; you should know how hot your shy boy is. -Syzoth would bite your neck, tell him if he is being too rough, he may not be in "heat," but the blood isn't pumping only in his brain right now. -Don't tap out! For lizards, it means you are being submissive, and it is like an okay sign to keep going, Syzoth didn't agree on a safe word with you just for fun. -"You are so fucking big-" You turn your head back as best as you can, face still pushed into the mattress, voice almost a little whine "Fill me up, please cum inside!" -Syzoth doesn't have to mind to reply, but he understands enough to act, filling you to the brim, the idea of your full tummy and soft glow the last push he needed.
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💗Pancakes for Dinner - Lando Norris
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'I wanna eat pancakes for dinner, I wanna get stuck in your head'
<word count - 2386>
As Lando kept checking the time on his phone, he couldn't help but feel worse and worse as the minutes ticked agonizingly by. He had promised to go straight to your place after he had touched back down in Monaco.
As he's thinking about you, your smile, your laugh, your eyes, he can't help but want to teleport to yours instead of having to endure the painfully slow plane journey. He felt like he was missing something, though. 
He racked his brains, trying to remember what he was forgetting, but nothing was coming to mind. It was some sort of special day. It certainly wasn't Christmas, or your birthday. It wasn't Halloween or anything, so it... shit. 
It was Valentines Day. 
It was Valentines Day and he hadn't booked anywhere for dinner like he had said he would. Well, he had never actually told you he was going to, but he had made a mental note to book a table somewhere in advance. And he hadn't. 
The guilt he felt was incomprehensible, and he didn't want you getting angry at him because he hadn't. He knew you weren't like that, and you'd probably tell him it was fine and you could just stay in and cuddle, but he wanted to do something nice for you.
He wanted to treat you like the princess you were to him, and he was scolding himself for forgetting to do one simple thing while he was away. He tried to see if he could get anything last minute, but everything was booked up. 
He wouldn't even be able to give you your gift since it was at his place, and he was going straight to yours so you could have a couple hours together before you both went to sleep. And, he'd probably be sleeping earlier since he had had a long day of traveling. 
He wanted to give you something, at least. Something more than an apology on the day of love. Conveniently enough, he was able to ask for some paper, and he had a pen in his bag. As he started to write, he had to think carefully about what he was going to say.
His mind instantly went into doomsday thinking as the thoughts flashed in his mind of the plane going down, and the last thing he imagined was you. He didn't want to take it too far, either, but he was awful at telling you how he felt.
He could barely tell you how beautiful he thought you always were without blushing and stuttering, so writing the extent of how he felt was a much better option. Telling you was too scary, so he always just said something else. 
He read it over and over until the words didn't make any coherent sense in his brain, and he folded it before he backed out and threw it away. Lando thought that this was the best way he could give you what you deserved. The truth.
He finally touched down, and took a taxi straight to your apartment. You had texted him, telling him to come straight in instead of knocking. He had a key, so he could just enter whenever he wanted to. 
"Babe? You home?" he called out, dropping his things down by the door and slipping his shoes off. Just being in your apartment alone was enough to take away the stress of travelling. 
"In the living room!" you responded, listening as his footsteps approached where you were. You had missed him a great deal while he had been off on his travels, but he was having fun, so you didn't mind so much. 
He entered the room, and was relieved to see you just sat on the couch, curled up in a blanket. You weren't ready for a fancy dinner, you weren't looking at him in expectation of some grand gesture. You were simply happy for him to be back.
"God, I have missed you," he smiled, taking a seat next to you and slinging an arm over your shoulders, tugging you snugly into his side. He pressed a tender kiss to the top of your head, just allowing himself to relax. 
"I've missed you too," you agreed, revelling in the feeling of being back in his arms. "So, I was thinking for dinner, we could-" you started, but Lando abruptly cut you off. 
"Well, about dinner... I feel really bad because it's Valentines Day, and I know I should have gotten us a table somewhere. I wanted to treat you, but it completely slipped my mind and I'm really sorry," he rambled, his grip on you tightening. 
"Hey, hey, Lando, no, I was just going to say that I'll look in the cupboard and see what I can make us," you told him, knowing he would have told you to dress up in advance or something if you were going for dinner.
As he had suspected, you weren't waiting for anything, but he still felt awfully guilty. "But I still wanted to take you out and I feel like a shitty boyfriend for forgetting," he continued. 
"Lando, my love, I was going to book us somewhere too, since I knew you would have told me weeks ago if you had reserved something. But I figured you'd be tired and you'd rather stay in and relax," you explained, and his heart melted. 
It was baffling to him how sweet and considerate you were, but that was one of the many things he adored about you in the very, very long list. "You're such a sweetheart, I swear," he smiled, softly kissing you before pulling away and looking into your eyes. 
"I try, I try," you chuckled, blushing slightly. The pink tint that coated your cheeks was one of the most adorable things he thought he had ever seen, and now he was glad that the two of you were just staying in instead of going out. "What do you want me to make?"
"Can we have pancakes for dinner?" he asked, an innocent smile on his face. He had had the same thought earlier, and there was no harm in asking. 
"Now that is a splendid idea, my love," you agreed, getting up off the couch and heading through to the kitchen. Lando followed on, not wanting to be away from your side for even a minute. He leant on the counter and watched as you prepare the pancake batter. "Do you want crepes or American?" 
"Whichever you prefer is fine," he said, wanting you to get the choice. 
"Crepes it is," you smiled, putting the pan on the stove. 
"Do you want me to set the table?" he asked, wanting to feel of use and wanting to help you out somewhat. 
"You can sit down if you want, you've had a long day," you told him. And just when he thought you couldn't get any sweeter, you just had to ass a cherry on top of the cake. He shook his head, his curls flopping about on his forehead. 
"No, no, I'll do it, don't worry," he smiled, kissing you on the cheek and going over to the dining table in the other room. Lando made sure you couldn't see what he was doing as he changed the table layout so you could sit opposite each other. 
He took the flowers that you had on the coffee table and put them in the middle of the dining room table, as well as a few candles to create the proper romantic-restaurant feel. He was very proud of himself as he looked at your transformed table. 
Once he was done, he went back into the kitchen to see how you were getting on with the pancakes. You were flipping one in the pan as you noticed him, standing in the doorway. "Hey, you," you smiled as he walked up to you. 
He wrapped his arms around your waist from behind as he rested a head on your shoulder. "Hey," he softly said, just enjoying having you in his arms after being away for a while. 
"Do you wanna go get dressed up? Make it like a proper date?" you asked, leaning back into him. 
"I like that idea," he said, kissing your neck and letting you go off to your bedroom to get changed. He had some stuff at your place in the wardrobe in the spare room, and it'd suffice for a nice date setting. 
He found a pink shirt, perfect for the Valentines Day feel with some slacks. Simple, yet classy. When he came back out, he noticed that you were still getting ready, which was to be expected. He patiently waited, and his head snapped to the door when he heard it click open.
"Baby, you look stunning," he smiled, watching as you walked out, all dressed up. You had done as much as you could in the short space of time, but it was more than enough for him. You had both had the same idea, opting for pink dress.
"You're looking handsome as ever," you smiled, liking the pink on him. 
"Thank you, my love," he replied, taking your hand and walking you through to the dining room, the candle flames dancing in the darkness, casting your shadows on the wall.
"Lando, you didn't have to," you chuckled, taking in the room around you. The atmosphere was absolutely perfect, and this was better than any fancy restaurant. 
"I did for my love," he flirted, pulling your chair out as you sat. You had opted for the pancakes with bacon and maple syrup, since it was a classic combination. The two of you talked as you ate, enjoying the moment together. 
It didn't really matter where you were, as long as you had each other, you'd be happy to spend the time together. You had finished a short while ago, and now he had something itching at the back of his mind. The note he had written you. "Wait there," he said, getting up from the table and going to the front door. 
He rummaged around in his bag and pulled out the folded piece of paper he had written on the plane, and set it down in front of you. "You can open it," he said, and you could already tell he was nervous about whatever it was he had written. 
For a moment, you thought you were getting broken up with, but you quickly realised that wasn't the case. Lando watched anxiously as you read through the note, your face softening as the tears pricked the backs of your eyes. 
'Dear Y/N,
I think this is one of those times where I'm thinking overly negatively, so bear with me. I think that I should probably tell you this, in case there is an accident, and I never see you again. But, on this plane tonight, I'm thinking, honestly, what do I have to lose?
I want to do everything with you. I want to have pancakes for dinner, I want to be the one stuck in your head. I want to watch TV shows with you, and if we're feeling under the weather, we can watch in bed instead of the couch. I want to go out on the weekends and take you to races. I want to get dressed up just to get undressed again. 
I'm not trying to be too forward, and I don't want to cross any lines with you, but I think writing this to you is easier than telling you verbally. I can tell you everything I'm feeling without chickening out and changing the topic. 
I love you. There, I said it. Well, wrote it. I love you. I didn't want to say too much, but there's no way to skirt around this. I love you. The more I write it on the page the more it feels right, because I'm finally accepting that I love you. I love you so much. 
If I'm still in the room while you're reading this, just know I can take it if you don't feel the same. All I want is for you to be happy, even if the feeling isn't mutual. Or if you want to take a step back and just be friends. Or if you just like me a little and not a lot. 
I can take whatever it is you feel, even if this ruins everything. I guess that just comes with being in love with the prettiest girl in the world, huh? Anyway, I've rambled on enough, and I'll leave you to think. I love you.'
"You don't have to say it back, but I do really love you," he said, waiting for you to say something. Waiting for you to say anything. Anything at all. "I get it, it might be too soon-" he rambled, trying to fill the silence. 
"I love you too," you said, cutting him off. For a moment, he just looked completely gobsmacked, and he wasn't too sure he had heard you right. "I love you too, Lando," you repeated, letting a stray tear of happiness roll down your reddened cheeks. 
"You do? You really do?" he asked, needing to hear it one more time as confirmation that he wasn't just hearing what he wanted to hear. 
"I love you, Lando. I love you so much," you reiterated the words of his letter. It took every ounce of control that he had not to leap to his feet and scream because the girl he adored loved him back. The prettiest girl in the world loved him back. 
"Baby, you have no idea how much that means to me," he beamed, standing up from his chair and rounding the table so he was on your side. He wasted no time in taking you in his arms and kissing you. But he wasn't just kissing his girlfriend anymore, he was kissing the woman he loved. 
"I love you," he smiled against your lips, becoming obsessed with the way those words sounded when he said them to you. 
"I love you too," you smirked, snaking yours arms around his neck as you kissed him deeply. It was a damn good job that the two of you weren't at a restaurant, because you certainly couldn't do that on their tables. 
A/N - And the second Valentines post of the day! I still think I'm shadowbanned, so if you could reblog this if you read this far, that'd be such a massive help! Also, based off Pancakes for Dinner by Lizzy Mcalpine. Love y'all 💗
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kitasgloves · 28 days
I saw requests were open(hopefully if i read it right, English isn’t my first language 😭) but i was reading one of your Chuuya drabbles where you said he was aggressively sweet with you because he found you so cute and i wanted to know if you could write about him with a golden retriever gf/type of reader?
Like their just so cute that they just give Chuuya cute aggression or something(and an accidental corruption kink, whoops)
I got you covered, anon <3
— ♬ NSFW
I would like to imagine how protective NAKAHARA CHUUYA would be with a golden retriever type of s/o. He wants to preserve your sunshine and selfishly keep it to himself. Your mannerisms, habits, and personality make his insides melt. He finds everything you do super fucking cute that he can't stand it. Eventually, he develops this cute aggression with you.
The gravity manipulator enjoys pulling you into bone-crushing hugs, hoisting you into his arms, and spinning you around so he can hear your adorable laugh. When you two are alone together he'd randomly grab your face and litter kisses all over it until it's obnoxious, he finds your glare cute when he squeezes your cheeks until they turn red. Chuuya would grab your jaw with his hand and pinch your cheeks to make your lips form into a pout before leaning close to kiss you hard. He loves to run his tongue over your lips before slipping them inside your mouth. God, he's a lip-biter too. You'd whine and whimper when he leaves your bottom lip swollen and red from his biting.
I could not stress enough how this mf is a biter. He'd bite your exposed skin. Sinking his teeth on your flesh is his way of showing his affection. Chuuya would bite the nape of your neck, your shoulders, your tummy, your inner thighs, etc. He feels so proud when he sees you covered in red bite marks. Sometimes you'd scold him when he's getting excessive, and for the most part, he feels guilty and would offer to lick the fresh bite marks as an apology.
You would get so bubbly that it's infectious. Chuuya could be having a shitty day but once he sees you coming up to him like an adorable puppy, his bad mood just vanishes. He loves to spoil you too with gifts whether it would be food or clothes. Oh! And if you're into dressing up, Chuuya would be so supportive of it (he's a fashion icon fr). When he sees you dressed up in bright-colored clothes he just gushes, blushes, and clutches his chest because holy fuck you're so adorable :(( ! (he wants to fucking bite you).
You're so kind and pure-hearted too that he almost feels guilty for being your not-so-green-flag boyfriend. Your naivety just adds to your charm that Chuuya finds it impossible to resist you. Unbeknownst to you, every little thing you do is driving him to the edge. The fact you're enabling him to squeeze you and bite you gives him the impression that you're enabling his sweetly aggressive behavior.
"Oh fuck, babydoll—"
Chuuya growls when he feels you clenching around him. Tonight was supposed to be an adorable cuddle session while watching rom-coms, but your boyfriend was pushed to the edge when he found you wearing those cute fluffy pajamas and nuzzling against his chest like a cute cat. He just had to shove you down on the bed, pull your ass up, and pull your pajama's down.
"Chu-ah! Chuuya! Pl-please slow down!"
You were pleading with your boyfriend but he doesn't obey you. Chuuya grunts as he greedily slides his cock inside and out of you, your warm and tight walls fueling his carnal desire. The pace of his hips slapping against your ass becomes unbearable when you were unable to form any coherent words, every breath was knocked out of your lungs with every brutal thrust, and with every brutal kiss of his cock against your cervix. You were practically crossed-eyed and drooling against the pillow. And Chuuya finds it so fucking adorable that he wants to corrupt you more.
"Flip over, darling"
Suddenly, you're on your back and he pulls out. You gasped and stared at Chuuya towering over you. He stares at you sharply as he goes to bite your thighs, you cutely whine and try to swat his head away while he chuckles. He lines his dick against your cunt again, he pushes in viciously that it sends your head rolling back. The mafioso snatches your jaw and brings your face close to his as he starts up a languid pace and hits you in the most perfect spots.
"You're so fucking cute, [Name]. Fuck! Just-hah-look at your cute little pussy squeezing my cock. You're just begging to get ruined by me, aren't you?"
"Nghh—no, Chuuya I—oh shit!"
Your boyfriend immediately gives you one ferocious thrust and goes still when he sees your eyes rolling back. He lightly slaps your cheek to bring back your attention.
"You're going to cum on my cock like the adorable doll that you are. And you're going to take my cum because you deserve it, understand?"
Chuuya sounded like he was threatening you with the way he was snarling and staring darkly at you. He was squeezing your jaw so aggressively that it was beginning to hurt.
"Do you fucking understand me?"
With that, Chuuya grabs your legs and hooks them over his shoulders. Your heart drops, and you gaze worryingly at your boyfriend when he begins to hover over you, slowly folding you in half. He fiercely pins your wrists in place, smirking devilishly down at you while you're panicking.
"No! Chuuya, wait! Don't—"
Chuuya cuts you off when he mercilessly thrusts forward, stealing a pornographic moan out of you. Tears gradually formed in your lashline as you helplessly watched your boyfriend fuck you in a mating press. The position was sending his cock deeper inside you as you allowed him to further bully your cervix. The pleasure was so mindblowing that it made you go limp. Chuuya laughs as he sees his adorable lover getting pounded senseless. Your eyes were literally at the back of your skull, your jaw was slack and drool was seeping out of the corner of your lips.
"Shit! Well, aren't you adorable—fuck, you're tightening around me again! Yeah, that's right, cum on my cock. Come on, come on, come on—"
Chuuya watches hungrily as your intense orgasm sends you convulsing and breathless under him. He hears you whimpering his name when you creamed around his cock. He stops as he lets your release properly pass through. To see you properly fucked out by him makes him impatient though, so he decides to continue pounding into you the second your orgasm passes. It didn't take long for you to get overstimulated.
"Gonna cum next, babydoll. Hah—shit, take all my cum. It's all yours, it's all fucking yours—"
The gravity manipulator was unable to hold back his release. He yells out a raspy moan as he went still and shoves his cock in you before flooding your walls with his seed. He hears you whimper with delight as he feeds your cunt with his thick cum. Chuuya doesn't pull away after, he leans down to give you a fervent kiss on the lips and bites your bottom lip in the process.
You felt tired and full of Chuuya's cum as you lay motionless in the bed. Your boyfriend felt more satisfied than guilty to see you in a fucked out mess. When your eyes begin to flutter close, he starts the aftercare. Eventually, you were cleaned and pulled close to Chuuya before falling asleep.
phew! time for me to touch grass now
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wonderlandwalker · 9 months
He Knows Better | Finnick Odair x Reader
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THG Masterlist / Taglist / Inbox
Summary: Finnick tells himself not to get close to you, because what is the point? But when you survive your games he finds that he can't stop thinking about you. When he finally comes to see you, you're in pieces, and he swears to himself he will put you back together, no matter the costs. Find part 2 here: Should've Known
Content Warnings/Tags: Mentions of prostitution/sex trafficking, angst, Finnick deserving better, crying, bad representation of a panic attack, not proofread
Word Count: 1.6k
Requested by Anon: I loveeeee love love love your Finnick fic. It was the perfect mix of sweet and so angstyyyyy !! I'm having constant Finnick brainrot 😭 I was wondering what you think about writing a finnick × reader fic sort of loosely based on Hozier's "It Will Come Back" where reader is maybe a tribute or another Victor and the first person to show Finnick softness and kindness without asking for anything in return in so long and he's like "dont let me in with no intention to keep me" and "dont be kind to me" and he just is totally feral and obsessed with the reader ? You're such a talented writer !! ❤️❤️❤️
A/N: There is this Dutch expression which goes ‘the monkey comes out of the sleeve’ loosely meaning the hidden meaning is revealed and I couldn't for the life of me think of the English equivalent that made sense to me, so, well, I hope the story is coherent. As usual, divider by @saradika
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He remembers first seeing you, you were so young, but to be fair, so was he. In previous years he had always become quick friends with the tributes he was supposed to mentor, how could he not? But it didn't take him long to figure out that they never made it back, and while the company was nice for a while, the hurt in the end wasn't worth it anymore. There's something about you that he can't quite place, but it doesn't matter, because he's not going to get attached. When you first stepped into the training hall you didn't look scared, you didn't even look excited, no, you looked like you had made peace. 
He didn't get to talk to you much, you spend most of your training with Mags, not learning how to fight, but learning how to survive. And every time he watched you, he watched how your eyes lit up when learned how to filter water, he watched how proud Mags was of you each time. And he felt something tugging at him, he felt a need to get to know you. But he knew better.
Because what were the odds, he had seen this before, he had done this before. No, he shouldn't get attached to you. And yet, for the first time after returning from his own, he found himself watching the games. Watching the tributes become fewer and fewer, hoping, praying, that you'd make it through. The fewer left the more desperate he became. You've gotten this far, don't let the luck run out just yet. He saw how your last opponent fell, and he saw your face in the centre of the screen, of virtually every screen. And once again, you didn't look excited, you looked like you had found peace again, and maybe, just maybe, he let himself believe he could too, that you could show him. 
He didn’t go see you after, it wouldn't be of any use. What more did he have to offer you, you did not need a mentor anymore. He had made peace, he had made peace with never seeing you again. So what was the difference if you were alive or not? That's what he thought, if he gave in now, he didn't think he'd ever be able to let go, it would keep coming back. 
It wasn't until a few months later when someone knocked on his door, and in a sleepy haze, he opened it without thinking. He had spent the night at the capitol, and he never managed to get much rest after. Usually, when he had been gone for the night, Mags would come to check in on him, and have Valerian tea with him. He doubted it actually worked, but the effort was enough to brighten his day. So he opened the door, but it wasn't Mags, it was you. Your face was fuller, it had more colour, but the bags under your eyes were still there. Would Mags bring you Valerian tea as well? No, no he needed to stop thinking about you. The last time he had actually seen you was when you won. He had forced himself to avoid you ever since, he hadn't been completely sure why anymore, but now he knew again. The way you looked at him gave him hope, hope he couldn't afford. “What do you want” he asked, he sounded upset, and in a way he was, but the way the sparkle in your eyes dimmed made him regret it. 
And so he opened the door further, stepping aside, and you didn't need more of an invitation before you walked in. You took a seat at his small kitchen table, and he decided it would be impolite not to join you, so he sat down as well. He was about to talk, but you beat him to the punch.
“Snow came to see me.” There is was he thought, the reason, everyone always had a reason. Still, he found himself allowing you to continue, wanting to hear your voice again, even if it brought bad news. 
“I talked to Mags about it, but she said I should come see you, so here I am.” You chuckled, but the situation was not something that asked for it, must be nerves, he thought, but why were you nervous, surely he didn't make you nervous. 
“Look, I don’t want to bother you with my problems Finnick, I know you're dealing with enough yourself, but I don’t know what else to do.” Your eyes glossed over, and you looked like you were about to start crying, but you didn't. He wanted to say something, to comfort you, but what was there to say? And so you two sat in silence, he was looking at you, he was memorizing your face. This was the last time he would let himself see you. He didn't want to get close to you, and with how mesmerizing you were to him, he knew better.
And yet, as days passed, he found himself thinking of you. Whenever he needed comfort, he thought of you, the way you smiled at him when he told you a nervous joke. He could get lost in the memory of your eyes, and more often than not, he did. Every day he spent without seeing you made his heart hurt. 
Without thinking, he found himself walking to your door. It was like he wasn't in control of his own feet. He was in constant agony with himself. He wanted to be with you, but your kindness was one he couldn't afford, because it had the power to break him. He knocked on your door, not even aware he was doing so until he heard the sound echo back to him. He heard rustling, but he didn't hear you approaching the door, so he knocked again, and for good measure, he decided to call out. “Y/n? It’s me, it’s Finnick”. He heard someone approach the door at that, and a little bit of hope sparked inside him that you wanted to see him as much as he wanted to see you, but he knew better. 
The door opened, but it wasn't you that he came face to face with, it was Mags. She was standing in your hallway with a sad smile on her face, and she didn't say anything, but she looked to the stairs on the right end corner. He didn't need any more encouragement, and he sped up them, taking two steps at a time. He knocked on the door he was in front of, but there wasn't an answer. But when he listened more closely, he could hear crying coming from the other side. You were crying. His mind was reeling with possibilities, but whatever it was that had caused this, he swore to himself he would fix it, even if it broke him. 
And so he entered the room, opening the door softly so as not to startle you, but it didn't matter. He saw you in the corner, you had pulled your knees to your chest and he couldn't see your face from where you had hidden it, but his heart broke over it nonetheless. He walked towards you, testing the waters, testing his luck. He was scared for you, but mostly, he was scared you wouldn't want to see him. When you heard him, your head shot up to look at him. The way in which your eyes were bloodshot and swollen made him want to punch a hole in the wall next to you. The way your voice cracked when you said his name made him want to curl up right next to you. he got closer to you, kneeling down in front of you. Allowing you to take the next steps on your own time.
After a few minutes, you had slightly calmed down while he was tracing patterns on your knee with his thumb. You spoke to him, but you didn't look him in his eyes.
“They’re bidding on me Finnick, they’re bidding on me like I’m something to possess”
The feeling of dread that came over him was something he had never felt before. He thought he had gone through all someone could. He thought there was nothing that could hurt him anymore in a way he didn't already, but he had been wrong. 
He was willing to do anything for you to be spared from this, but he knew it wasn't any use. 
He knew better. And so he did all he could, taking you in his arms and whispering reassuring words, until your crying and your shaking stopped, and you seemed at peace again. 
He had tried himself to get away from what snow had wanted, what the capitol had wanted, he tried everything he could think of, but he couldn't get away from it. He had made peace with the fact that people always wanted something from him, and maybe that's why he couldn't get you out of his head, because you were the only person that was at peace with him, without anything more, just him. So he told you the only thing he could. He told you he’d be there for you, that you’d get through it together. He wasn't sure if he believed it, but he knew it was what you needed to hear, it was what he had needed to hear, except there had been no one to tell him. He would spend the rest of his life wondering if you needed him.
But he won't shut you out again, he knows better.
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Part 2: Should've Known
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melodic-haze · 4 months
Can I ask about sub Arlecchino being fucked with a strap-on in his office? I love your writing and sub Arlecchino is so... 😩
☆ — DEMO TRACK: sub!Arlecchino x dom!fem!Reader
☆ — CONTENT WARNINGS: Mommy kink 😜 aka reader is the 'Mother' figure to Arle's 'Father' ahahahahahah, reader with a strap referred to as a dick, overstimulation, semi-public? It's in her office so
☆ — NOTES: THANK YOUUU OMG I'M HAPPY YOU LIKE MY WRITING ANON❗️❗️SORRY THIS WAS ROTTING IN THE ASKBOX I had to do some stuff 😭😭😭 but it's okay bc I come back with a VENGEANCE
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Ohhh dude the thing that just popped into my head you're NOT READY (delusional)
While she thought that battling her own children + the Traveller was the best move, it had kinda very much irked you. "I had trained them, it's fine," she says dismissively at the time when you confronted her and something inside you just kinda! Snapped!!!
If a Father has to have a hard hand on his children, then a Mother contrasts that by giving them a gentle touch
That DOES mean that you are to put anyone who threatens your children in any way, and Arlecchino is NO exception whatsoever
And what better way to punish her than to give her a taste of her own medicine in.. a different context?
One hand grabbing a fistful of her hair as you pushed her head down on the desk and the other clenching onto her hip as you moved her on your length, you're drilling into your lover relentlessly despite the slurred sobs that she had let out.
She had cum so many times by now, you didn't bother to keep count after the third time. Through that, however, you hadn't even entertained the mere thought of stopping, only reluctantly doing so when you ran out of stamina or needed to drink water—it's not as if you let her catch her breath as you did so, with the vibrator you had shoved into her at max setting whenever you needed to step away.
Your assault hasn't relented in the least, no matter how many times Arlecchino begged you to stop, no matter how many times she said to do better, no matter how many times she pleaded for you to go easier on her.
"Why would I give way to lenience when you hadn't done the same?" You mused coldly as you continued to plow into her over and over again, "You deem yourself exempt to my wrath, Peruere?"
You feel her try to shake her head in response before quickly following it up with a slurred defense, "N-No, 'm nn-- mmng! Not.. I--"
You clicked your tongue and gave her ass a loud smack, which earns you a garbled moan from the one underneath you, "You can't even form coherent sentences because of something you initially regarded as an 'unnecessary' action.. but that's okay."
The auditory mixture of her excess of slick between her thighs, your skin coming in contact every time you bottomed out inside of her, the pornographic noises that escaped her lips... It was all downright sinful, something completely unbecoming of her position.
But right now, she didn't care less. Or couldn't, more like, considering the complete lack of thought in her head. The only remaining thing within her mind was you and the way you put her in her place.
And the both of you knew that she relished the feeling of having things out of her control.
"You don't need to answer me," you continued, leaning down to press a kiss on the back of her neck.. before shoving her face down roughly as you straightened back up, "you just need to be put in your place, baby. Understand?"
You actually receive a desperate nod amongst the constant surge of white-hot overstimulation and constant orgasm.
"Good... Just don't resist and let mommy discipline you properly."
As if on cue, she cums again with a jolt, much to your delight.
Wanna fuck her so hard that her juices drip onto the floor and slide down on the side of the desk 😞😞 oughhghghh
There's that RISK of being caught in the midst of your lil session too—you could have it locked all along and while normal everyday Arlecchino would've noticed it perfectly fine, the Arlecchino you have underneath you is wayyyy too fucked out to actually realise in the moment so she's panicking but also? Her arousal is actually RAMPED UP are you kidding me
She won't admit to exhibitionism but there's smth There when she thinks of how the world would know that you have such a powerful Hold on her 🫶
But rn she doesn't care to move, not when her thighs are quivering and her pussy's aching to be filled all over again, practically getting used to the feeling of you inside her
Godddd break her enough and she might not be able to live without you ☺️☺️ or maybe you already have who knows ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️ just saying the moment you donned the title of a Mother was the moment that she was indesputably yours for you to do as you saw fit ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️
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mythicmanuscripts · 1 month
Sensitive!Jace is canon to me now!
Could you write something about edging him? I feel like he would be really into it to prolong the high as much as possible before having to come down, but he'd also be so impatient about it like begging and tearing up a bit because he wants to finish yk?
That + some teasing like asking him what he wants even though he can barely form coherent sentences, let alone make up his mind
Amazing idea anon!! I absolutely love this idea oh my god. I also love how we're all obsessed with sensitive!Jace, it is cannon to me too now.
Anyway, soft, NSFW sub!Jace below the cut!!
I've discussed this with other asks before but it definitely bares repeating: Jace would have discovered edging on his own and not even know what it was? He just knows that it feels so good and if he stops before he cums then he doesn't get that horrific comedown afterwards. However, it was also playing with fire because if he did cum it would be so much more intense and he'd be left panting and crying for over an hour afterwards. He also had to be careful because any stimulation soon after that at all could make him cum and send him spiralling.
(Sidenote: I'm now picturing a situation where Jace edges himself before the wedding because he's far too horny to do nothing. When he stops for the last time, he just lays there for a while trying to make sure he doesn't accidentally cum. But then he gets out of bed to change into sleep-clothes and while he's doing this, his shirt grazes his cock and then next thing he knows he's collapsing on the floor and cumming so hard he can't even get up for a while. Maybe after this he panics and goes to you? Or even calls a servant to fetch you and you find him on the floor, still unable to get up? Just a thought lads... Anyway back to the actual ask!!)
It takes Jace a few months to admit he likes that, and I think maybe it only gets admitted when you two are talking? You're laying in bed with him, with Jace on his side to face you.
You're discussing how you can help him better after he cums and so you ask him what he used to do when he touched himself, and that's when he blushes deep red and tells you about how he used to touch himself and then stop before he came.
Immediately you ask if that's something he'd be interested in doing with you, where you edge him. He's nodding pretty much instantly, and then burying his head in your shoulder because he's gotten all flustered. You chuckle and wrap your arm around him, turning onto your back and taking you with him so that he's on top of you.
You ask him again, and he just whines and stays where he is, clearly embarrassed and very very flustered. You've been with him for long enough now that you know as much as he gets all blushy and squirmy, he absolutely LOVES being lovingly teased like that. He feels so nice and warm.
You feel him nod against your neck, and then you feel more than hear him mumble something. You ask him to repeat himself, and whines again before lifting his head just enough to say, "Would be nice, as long... you'll be there after, right?"
Which, you'd die for him actually.
You give him a little squeeze and turn you head to kiss his cheek, "Of course," you tell him, kissing his cheek again before saying, "Always, I'd never make you recover alone, you know that."
You can feel him smile against your neck, and you slip your hand under his shirt to run your nails up and down his back. You feel the way his entire body shivers and he relaxes into you, letting you rub his back. Jace just... absolutely loves being petted? Laying in bed with you and letting you love on him.
Pretty soon you feel he's starting to get hard, which isnt at all surprising considering what you had been discussing and how you're gently scratching his back.
"Wanna give it a try?" you ask him, kissing his cheek when he lifts his head up.
You feel him nod against your neck, and also feel that he's starting to rock his hips to get some friction. As much as you want to just turn him over and play with him, you also want to tease him a little because he's clearly all soft and flustered and in the perfect headspace for it.
You tell him if he wants it then he has to ask for it, and he immediately whines and tries to hid in your neck, grinding down against the bed harder. You give the hair at the nape of his neck a light tug and ask the question again. He tries his best to answer you, but he also can barely form sentences.
He slips into subspace so easily. He's all warm and safe in bed with you, feeling your hands all over, knowing you'll make him feel amazing. He lifts his head and looks up at you and you see that teary look in his eyes that lets you know he's floating.
You flip him over then, and start playing with him. He's so sweet, squirming and whimpering as you palm him through his underclothes. When you remove his clothes, he’s rock hard.
You settle between his thighs, gently stroking his cock before taking him in your mouth until he’s crying out and saying he’s close. He’s so pretty, tears streaming down his face as he begs and pleads, but he’s also thanking you the whole way because it feels so so good.
He keeps on begging to cum but then thanking you every time you edge him because it prolongs the pleasure and it feels amazing.
When you finally give him permission to cum, he actually tells you to stop. You’re confused, and obviously you pull away immediately and ask what’s wrong.
It takes him a few minutes to stop crying enough to speak and then he asks you to come sit up the top of the bed with him. You ask what he means and he blushes and whines and then eventually says, “Wanna, wanna be held when I cum. Please?”
There’s no way in hell you’re denying that request so you quickly shuffle up the bed and pull him close. You wrap your arm around his shoulder to keep him close and then lift his one leg up and hook it over your lap so you have full access to stroke him.
He cums like that, crying out and burying his head in your shoulder. He’s so sweet, shaking and whining. The moment it’s over you quickly remove your hand. You know how sensitive Jace is at the best of times and now that you’ve edged him you’re sure it’s even worse.
He ends up curled up sideways on your lap, his entire body shaking. You just rub his back and kiss his neck, whispering praise into his ear. He eventually just collapses against you, not an ounce of tension anywhere in his body as he just breathes deep.
When he opens his eyes again, he looks up at you with this lazy smile and it’s just so so clear that he’s so happy?? Yeah he’s sensitive and definitely vulnerable, but he’s in bed with you, in your arms, he knows he’ll be just fine.
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sodavizz · 5 months
I Own You.
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★ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ★
This is part two. Part one is here > ★
Pairings. - Vox x gn!reader.
Summary. - You sell your soul to Vox, but he wants something in return of course; Your body.
(Disclaimer! – 18+ content, mdni. What content you consume is not my problem. Characters that I will write do not belong to me, and rightfully belong to Vivziepop.)
TW. - Vox being a total perv, obsessions, dirty talk, swearing, ooc Vox?, pure smut, creampies.
AN. - This is the last part. I'm not gonna write more parts lol. Still trying to figure out how to do this shit ❤
Word count: 432 words...
★ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ★
Ever since you sold your soul to him. You started to work at Voxtech, of course. And every time you do something very well, he makes sure to give you a reward.
Vox makes sure to take full advantage of this, by bending you over any chance he could do so. You're busy doing something? He's pulling you to a nearby storage closet. Doing nothing in your room? He's pulling up to your room, spending the whole night with you being his personal cum dump, to the point you could barely walk. Just woke up? Easy, morning sex.
He makes sure you both have done every position he could think of. Cowgirl, missionary, against the wall, doggystyle, and even at his office most times. He's terrified that someone might hear you both, especially the other Vees. So he makes sure to lock the doors securely and keep you quiet.
"S-sir..." You said as it's the only coherent word you could blurt out, as Vox pistons into your sensitive hole. Besides your tired moans, the lewd sound of flesh smacking against flesh is all that can be heard within his room. You've been going on for a couple of hours but he’s so pussy drunk he can’t think straight. All he wants is to feel you around his cock... You wouldn't let him stop, would you...?
Well of course you can't stop him after the deal you both made. Not like you want him to. You love the feeling of the demon assorting his dominance over you and fucking your brains out every night. So here you are, with Vox slamming his hips into yours like its the last time he could do so. Hitting your sweet spot with every thrust as your eyes roll back in pleasure.
“Fuck. You feel so damn good.” He grunts as he leaned down to give you a rough kiss on your lips. His thrusts become sloppier as he gets closer to reaching his climax. “Oh Vox- Sir! P-please make me cum...” Your desperate pleas were all it took to push to his peak, shooting hot streaks of cum straight into your insides. You follow suit as you come for what you think is the th time already.
"Hah... Need more of you.." He groaned before starting to pound into you again. "Just need to... feel you for a bit longer... Damn, your fucked out face is getting me all riled up again. You’re tired, baby? I'm sure you could handle one more round.." He said before he starts going faster.
This is gonna take a while.
★ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ★
Tagged: @it-gal888
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so-mordor-itis · 1 year
Eye on You
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“give peace a chance, let the fear you have fall away, i’ve got my eye on you. say yes to heaven, say yes to me.
if you go, I’ll stay.. you come back, I’ll be right here. like a barge at sea, in the storm I stay clear, cause I’ve got my mind on you”
I told you I'd write a drabble but uhhhhh this ain't no drabble- @unhealthy-leon-brainrot
Leon loved differently back then. He loved in a way a 21 year old man freshly graduated from college could. He was giddy whenever the person in his interest would smile at him, would give him any time of day. His hands would become clammy, and his heart would race as if he were still a teenager. Sometimes, he truly felt like one at heart. That his soul was trapped in that time period, and it wouldn't ever leave.
It's why when he met you for the first time, and when you smiled at him as if nothing could go wrong, his face burned, and his heart almost burst right then and there. You were a brilliant flame, and he felt like a small candle stick awaiting to be lit.
He asked you out in a sputter of words, hating himself immediately after listening to them tumble. Leon didn't want his nervousness to show. He had been practicing for weeks in front of bathroom mirrors and sometimes in the Officer's Academy shower, hoping nobody overheard him. He wanted it to be perfect because that's what you deserved.
You giggled, and somehow, his heart both fluttered and sank. Your eyes glittered with an emotion that made him slightly hopeful. "You want to take me out on a date?"
"Yeah," he replied, all too quickly. "If you'd like to that is--only if you'd like to." He wished he could stop himself from talking, but he couldn't.
You smiled at him, and dammit there went the last of his coherent thoughts. "You know what? Sure. I don't have anything interesting going on." You laughed again, looking away shyly. "I can't say no when you're looking at me like that."
"Like what?" Leon asked, though he fully knew what you were talking about.
"Like I'm the only thing on your mind," you responded. You were fidgeting with your shirt, and Leon wanted nothing more than to grab your hands and hold them.
You weren't incorrect, either. You were on his mind a frightening amount. This affection for you was a buzz in the back of his mind, a throb in his chest.
You still said yes.
"So it's a date?"
"Yes, it's a date."
He swore he grinned from ear to ear, and he saw you return it.
The day he was supposed to pick you up, he never did. You were more worried than disappointed. Leon didn't seem like the type of guy you ask you out, gazing at you as if you created the sky and the stars, and then drop you like a hat. Despite the bitter part of you wanting to think he ditched you, the rational part knew better.
He called you hours later, apologetic and broken. "I'm so sorry. Something... something came up."
"Forget the date," you quickly muttered, surprised at how swift the words left your mouth. "Are you okay?"
He was silent for a bit. "Not really."
"Where are you? I'm coming to you."
"No, wait," Leon called your name almost in a plea. "I don't want you to drag yourself into this."
You weren't backing down without a little bit of a fight. "Leon, please."
He paused before stating he was in a hospital outside of Raccoon City.
Leon knew he loved you after that. He never admitted to himself until he was sure, but he couldn't prevent that innocent crush from growing into something more powerful.
You became a firework, blazing in his lonely, starless sky. You had always been.
He liked to believe he still loved the same. Wanted to love the same as he did all those years ago. His heart pounding and his palms becoming clammy, blue eyes full of innocent love.
He knew he didn't.
Leon was reserved now, awkward with his affection, hesitant with his touches yet still craved it. He hated that you had to watch him develop--no, perhaps devolve was the better word here--this trauma response. This training, this work, it all collapsed on top of him, and sometimes he felt as if it would eventually crush him.
Yet, some part of you still saw his old self. That stupid, lovesick boy who craved your attention the way a puppy would a scrap of food. You still gave him love, still kissed his scars, still told him sweet nothings when he broke down crying because the pressure was too much.
He once asked you if you were okay with all of this still, okay with him. You gave him your usual smile, the one that made him weak and touched that lovesick boy deep down. "You're stuck with me, Leon. I gave myself to you the day you asked me out. I'm staying. No matter what happens, I'm here."
He kissed you hard that day. Harder than he ever had. Placing a promise against your lips that he would always come back to you. No matter what.
You often wondered what he would do without you. If he would crash and burn the moment you turned around, if the night terrors would claw at his throat and suffocate him.
It was hard, watching him suffer mentally when all you could do was give him words of affirmation. Reassure him that the nightmares weren't real and that you were truly there with him and not bloodied up and dead.
Those moments made the good ones feel like precious gifts. Not just for you, but also for him. You carried them in your heart and held on to those when the bad days would storm over his head.
You remembered one of those good days so clearly, so vividly it never failed to make you smile. One day, while looking over some files, Leon had fallen asleep. His glasses--the ones he usually only used whenever he was reading important work files--were scrunched against his face, pushing up against the bridge of his nose. You remembered walking into his office, snickering a little at the sight. You sighed, shaking your head. "What am I going to do with you?"
You approached him quietly, as if the smallest movement would ruin his peaceful slumber. You grabbed the rims of his glasses carefully, pulling them off his face so he'd be more comfortable. As you did, you caught a feel of his soft locks and couldn't help but lightly smooth between your fingers. You took note of his facial features; his cheekbones were more rigid, and the shadows of his eyes were sunken in. His hair was even a bit darker, looking dirtier blond than it had when you first met. Still handsome, that would never change.
The urge to kiss his forehead had you twitching, but you didn’t want to disturb him. Especially since he had probably been staring at documented words for who knows how long.
You moved to quietly nudge yourself away before his sleepy voice mumbled. "Gonna go so soon?"
You blinked, looking down to see his eyes were now open. Still hazy from his rest. You practically beamed at him. "Didn't wanna wake you."
Leon sat up, stretching a little before putting his glasses back on. "Guess I must've passed out. These reports practically put me to sleep. I can't believe this is part of what they pay me for."
You attempted to catch a glimpse of whatever was on the document, but he placed them flat on the table when he caught you.
Leon snickered. "Classified. Sorry, baby."
You pouted a little. "Can't I help my boyfriend out a little?"
He stood up and stretched more, popping his back. "Not if it means you getting in trouble by seeing the reports. I'd also get in trouble, and we definitely wouldn't want that."
"Man, and here I thought I'd be able to see the famous missions Leon Kennedy goes on," you teased.
Leon just rolled his eyes as if you two had had this discussion before. You have. You just like to see him smile. Distract him as much as you could.
"Become an agent, then we'll talk." He took off his glasses and put them back on his desk. He placed his gaze upon you, and you could feel the adoration in his eyes. He still looked at you as if you had created the sky, the moon, the stars. As if you were his sun and he orbited around you and only you. You would never get over it.
Leon mimicked the action you were doing earlier and parted your hair from your cheeks so he could kiss your forehead.
His work phone rang loud, interrupting the moment. Leon sighed and kissed you quickly against the lips before the obligation to his duty forced him to go answer it.
"Kennedy. Yes, sir."
You observed his body language as he discussed with his superior. His shoulders went rigid, his eyes focused as if he were already on the field. He was prepared for whatever they were about to tell him because he had to be.
He hung up after a minute of giving affirming hums and a variety of yeses. Leon plopped his phone on the documentations and gave you an apologetic look.
"Don't worry about it." You shook your head. You knew what he was about to say. He didn't even need to tell you anything out loud. His eyes told the whole story.
"I really don't deserve you," he mumbled. "Makes me wonder how you do it."
"Because I love you." You said simply. "I'm here to stay, remember?"
@seraphiism , @uhlunaro , @izuniias , @honeyfict , @konigbabe , @leonskillshot , @airanke , @muffimtv , @justonemore-fic , @mandalhoerian , @tosuckmyweenis , @boundinparchment
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seongsangssbitch · 8 months
Seonghwa X Reader
Fuck me like you mad at me baby
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Pairing Drug dealer Seonghwa X illegal racer(afab reader)
Word count: 8k (4.5k plot)
Summary ⇢ What would happen if you got entangled with your best friend's twin brother, who has an illegal side hustle? It's not like what you do isn't illegal either
Warning: Minors Dni, sub! reader dom! seonghwa, blowjob, edging, overstimulation, smoking, mention of guns and violence, cunnilingus, penetration, unprotected sex, car sex, dry humping, degradation, praise, breeding kink, cigarette, shotgunning, slight choking, begging, drug usage, consensual (tell me if i miss out on something I wrote this at 3am)
Smut with plot
This is my first smut after 2 years specially dedicated to Ash @ygswl thanks for giving the plot idea for real my hands were SWEATING to write a smut like this, hope you enjoy it q(≧▽≦q)
“Junho i swear to god if you don't come to the drift meet which is after 3 days i will gut you like a pig,” you said to your best friend on the way home as he giggled at you
“I promise girl I'm coming, can't wait to see you lose,” he said as you turned to look at him with a long glare
“Want to sit in my car and go for a ride Park Junho?”
He shivered and declined
“I can't trust you with my life”
Before you could reply his phone suddenly rang he picked up hastily after seeing the caller id
“Hyung?” He meekly said as the other line shouted some coherent words you couldn't understand
“Hmm” he replied and cut the call looking at you with a sigh
“Looks like my brother needs me, see you later y/n”
You looked at his disappearing figure sighing loudly cursing his brother for always calling him during important times.
“Seems like bad news already”
Junho walked to the location his brother had seemingly sent to him
He walked through the dark hallways, bodyguards situated every 5 meters apart glaring down at his frail figure, noticing Seonghwa at the very end sitting on his colossal seat manspreading in his leather pants while he ate the apple from the very tip of the knife he cut it with, looking at Junho with that smile on his face. Reaching closer to him, Junho bowed down not looking up as a guard came from behind and held his hands behind his back making him wince a little.
Seonghwa glared at the bodyguard and stood up.
“That’s my brother you moron,” He said threatening the guard as the guard slowly backed away.
Walking closer to Junho, Seonghwa tried to hold his cheeks softly but Junho just looked to the side as. Seonghwa sighed taking out a stash of cash from a duffle bag near them
“That’s for the rent,” He said but Junho just looked down
“I can manage it hyung don't worry about anything” He replied with a shaky voice as Seonghwa just rolled his eyes deeply and sighed
“I don't like owing anyone money, take it this instant”
“You owe me nothing seonghwa hyung, it's my duty as a brother to let you stay in my house” Junho whispered back clearly intimidated by the presence of the bodyguard. Noticing his discomfort Seonghwa dismissed the men around Junho.
“Calm down Junho you know I'm not going to do anything to you,” Seonghwa said his voice a bit softer now seeing his twin be so scared around him.
Honestly, he never knew how he ended up like this
Junho was the perfect model child, the epitome of kindness, and the sweetest child ever who excelled in both school and his life
While seonghwa, the rebellious outcast of the family who was kicked out as soon as he hit the raw age of 18, getting picked off from the streets by a drug dealer and now continuing the legacy 8 years later. He still lived with Junho wanting to maintain the bond but the younger one didn't seem to reciprocate it, since that one day 2 years ago.
“Hyung” 24-year-old Junho happily said walking towards Seonghwa’s office to give him the ice scream he specially brought for him as he suddenly heard a blood-curdling scream
He saw the open door and peeked inside seeing a sight that would make even the strongest throw up.
Seeing his sweet and caring brother throwing the most brutal and violent punches toward the frail body that lay under him, the blood sprayed out the body with every punch he gave him
“You dare fool me with your money twice Jaeyong” he whispered as the body just whimpered under him
“After stealing from us, you dared to even think of selling your wife and daughter to us, for what? Just so you could continue snorting up some drugs while your wife gets forced into prostitution?”
“Why do you care, you're getting the money” the man named Jaeyong whispered as Seonghwa stood up taking a gun from under his belt and cocking it
Seonghwa's eyes narrowed, and he replied with a cold, unwavering tone, "Because I still have morals, unlike you," as he pulled the trigger, the gunshot echoed through the room
Junho gasped outside the door as the icecream left his hand, seonghwa looked out with the speed of light, his eyes going wide as he noticed his brother outside
“Jun-” he began but the younger one had already run away
Seonghwa shivered at the memory looking up to see his brother already walking away with the money bag in his hand
It was the day of the drift meet ,you checked around your Nissan Skyline for some damage, wearing a pink miniskirt with pink knee-high boots and a blue crop top in open raven hair. Junho was nowhere to be found as you frantically messaged him.
Meanwhile, Seonghwa stood at the top of the elevated platform in his faux coat over a golden satin shirt, the buttons opened till his collarbones and leather pants in Alexander McQueen leather boots getting a clear view of the drifters
“Who are you placing your bet on Seonghwa?” His friend asked as he shrugged at him, eyeing a particular raven head as Seonghwa grinned.
“I bet on the drifter with pretty legs,” He said and Hongjoong chuckled at him from the side
“The skyline? Don't be fooled by her pretty face this is her first drift race, she always raced speed before, i wouldn't bet that much money if i were you”
Ignoring him Seonghwa walked down the platform, the click sound of his heels and the chain noises made you look up towards the platform
“Oi Skyline,” he said as you looked around and pointed toward yourself
You looked at the man in front of you who looked eerily similar to Junho
“Junho?” You accidentally blurted out as he poked the inside of his face with his tongue with a sinister smile
“Park Seonghwa”
A tube light lit above your head as you remembered that he was the organizer of the race as you bowed down at him with respect
“I'm betting 3Mil on you, pretty face, if you lose this race, that skyline is mine and if you win I'll gift you something,” he said with a small smirk on his face as he pointed towards your car with his eyes and walked back before you could reply to him
“Fuck” you muttered under your breath, calling Junho again and again but the man still wouldn't pick up.
“If i lose I'm blaming it on you Junho”
A man came from the side and handed you a small packet filled with white powder and you looked at him confused
“It’s called Synth, it’s given especially to the drifter who Mr. Park bets on so the adrenaline doesn't run out,” He said and you hesitatingly took it
“If you lose the race you have to pay for the drug too”
“How much is it” You said eyeing it with suspicion as the man smirked slightly
“You’ll know after the race”
The night air was thick with anticipation as you revved the engine of the skyline. The industrial area served as the battleground for the night's illicit drift race, with a crowd of eager spectators huddled in the shadows, their whispers blending with the distant hum of engines.
"Go !!"
As the signal to start echoed through the air, your car shot forward, tires burning rubber on the gritty asphalt. The neon-lit track blurred into streaks of color as the car skillfully navigated the twists and turns, adrenaline pumping through your veins.
The first corner approached, and you executed a calculated drift, the car's tail sliding around the bend. You pulled the gear lever and pressed the accelerator ready to slide around the road.
However, something went amiss. The tires lost traction, and the car veered off course. In an instant, you found yourself fighting to regain control as competitors sped past you, their engines drowning out the disappointed murmurs from the crowd.
Desperation gripped you as you struggled to catch up, but each attempt to close the gap only seemed to widen it further. The once-confident drifts now felt strained and forced, the rhythm disrupted and you kept on confusing the accelerator to the breaks due to the stress. As the final stretch loomed, you could see the finish line slipping away.
The drug seemed to only elevate your anxiety as sweat dripped down your forehead, looking to the side to see the tall man with a ponytail simply taking a puff off his cigarette and looking straight at you with a smirk on his face.
‘That bitch knew i was gonna lose’
With a heavy heart, you crossed the line, the cheers of the crowd now transformed into sympathetic murmurs. You parked your car in defeat, tears threatening to fall out as the engine cooled down.
The man walked down with a smirk plastered on his face
“Seems like the skyline is mine,” He said and you looked at him with anger
“You knew i would lose,” She said and he sarcastically scoffed at her
“A deal’s a deal sweetheart, you lost the drift and now the car is mine. You gotta pay for the synth too,” He said and moved his jacket aside to show you the gun by his waistband as he winked at you while walking away
“There was no deal you simply just betted on me, i came here to have fun not try to get the name of the next DK”
Seonghwa stopped in his tracks and looked back at you with that annoying grin on his face yet again
“A deal’s a deal doll," I said what i said. You've got a good memory for details, I'll give you that. But in this world, it's not about fairness; it's about seizing opportunities. And you just handed me a golden one. Your Nissan Skyline? It's mine now. Don't worry, I'll take good care of it. Consider it the cost of underestimating the stakes in our little game”
His unapologetic answer just made you stomp annoyed and toss him your car keys
“ Let me make a deal with you too then ‘park seonghwa’ if i win the next drift race, give me back my skyline”
He looked at her with amusement and a sly grin, as if he had just met his match, The playful glint in his eyes hinted at the fact that he was thoroughly enjoying the banter and looking forward to the unfolding drama. It was almost as if he found her attempts to challenge him amusing, adding another layer of intrigue to the dangerous game they were playing.
“Ah, using my card against me, I see. You're a gutsy one, I'll give you that. Win the next drift race, and I'll consider giving your precious Skyline back. But let's be real here, sweetheart, the odds are stacked against you. I wouldn't get your hopes up too high. If, by some miracle, you manage to pull it off, maybe we can talk about keeping things interesting. But until then, enjoy the thrill of the chase."
At that very exact moment, your best friend called you as you cursed at the phone picking it up
“I'm coming to your house for the night, don't dare say no,” you said and cut the call angrily strolling towards your friend’s residence, The cold evening air stung your cheeks . Your determination to escape your recent defeat in the drift race was palpable, your quick strides carrying you toward Junho's residence.
Unbeknownst to her, the sleek silhouette of a black Ferrari SF90 stealthily followed her through the dimly lit streets.
With every step, the unease of the recent loss fueled her frustration, and she muttered to herself, "I need to win in the next race" Little did she know that her night was about to take an unexpected turn.
Reaching Junho's house, you rang the doorbell with a sense of urgency, your emotions still raw from the race. The door opened, revealing the dimly lit interior. Before you could register anything else, a voice from the shadows behind you interrupted your thoughts.
"Fancy seeing you outside my house, princess," Seonghwa's voice, dripping with a teasing undertone came from behind you, sending a shiver down your spine. You flinched, your eyes narrowing at the unexpected encounter. The black Ferrari SF90 parked nearby now made sense.
Junho, unaware of the underlying tension, opened the door wider with a warm smile. "Hey, Y/n!, oh hey Seonghwa hyung Come on in," he greeted, his voice wavering a bit noticing his brother beside his best friend but he regained his composure.
As you stepped inside, you couldn't shake off the feeling of Seonghwa's eyes on you .His teasing demeanor persisted, his words carefully chosen to provoke a reaction. "Did you miss me, princess?" he whispered, leaning casually against your ear
Rolling your eyes, you retorted,” You don't have your little bodyguards here to save you if i do punch you, sir." Her dislike for Seonghwa was evident, but he merely chuckled, enjoying her annoyance.
“You two know each other?” Junho asked visibly confused
“Why didn't you ever tell me your brother is organizing the race I'm going to, i would never have gone,” She said sending a glare to Seonghwa
“Oh wait, why didn't YOU come??”
Junho scratched his ear sheepishly as he pulled you with him inside his room.
“My brother denied me leaving the house today, that's why i couldn't come, sorry to not pick up your call,” He said as you visibly rolled your eyes yet again
“Your brother is an asshole by the way, he looks exactly like you but that menacing glint in his eyes puts it off for me,” You said as Junho tried to shush you
"He's not your typical underground race organizer, Y/n. Seonghwa is the mastermind behind PRDGM Glitch and controls the entire underground drug trade. You can't afford to say shit to someone like him, even if he happens to be my brother. And please, be cautious.”Junho cautioned, his voice dropping to a hushed tone on the last note.
Your expression tightened at Junho's revelations, absorbing the gravity of Seonghwa's influence. A mixture of apprehension and determination flickered in filled your eyes as you replied, "I appreciate the warning, Junho. But where did you even get the idea that I'm planning to overthrow him or something?"
Junho sighed, a mixture of concern and understanding etching his features. "You look like you’re planning something."
You met Junho's gaze, appreciating the genuine worry in his eyes. "I'll be cautious, Junho. calm down I'm not killing him or something I'm just going to win the next drift race and bring my car back easy," you reassured, a silent pact passing between you two.
“WAIT what happened to the car?” He asked and you glared at the door which separated your from the man sitting outside
“You should ask your brother,” You said and walked towards the door opening it
Making your way into the drawing room, where Seonghwa waited, Junho couldn't shake off the lingering worry. His brother's world was a dangerous one, and he hoped you wouldn’t do anything rash.
In the drawing-room, Seonghwa lounged in a plush chair, a smoldering atmosphere surrounding him. His tall figure, adorned in a faux coat that cascaded effortlessly over his shoulders, hinted at a mixture of casual opulence and dangerous allure. The sheen of leather pants hugged his legs, emphasizing a predatory grace. A gold satin shirt, buttons undone to the collarbones, revealed a hint of the sculpted chest, adding an extra layer to the enigma he presented.
Seonghwa's eyes followed your entrance with an intense, predatory glint, and a wry smile played on his lips. "Well, well, the princess returns. Missed me, didn't you?" he quipped his words a dance between taunt and intrigue, the tension between you simmering beneath the surface.
As he spoke, Seonghwa took leisurely puffs from his cigarette, the tendrils of smoke curling into the air. His posture exuded confidence, a man spread that suggested a combination of power and nonchalance. The room seemed to bend to his will, and the air thickened with an undeniable magnetism, making it hard to decipher whether it was the surroundings or Seonghwa himself that cast the intoxicating spell.
You just ignored him and sat on the other end of the room next to your best friend
The night just continued, with Seonghwa leaving to his room barely 15 minutes into the conversation. You and Junho continued with different plans to learn drifting properly in the next coming weeks, planning to bring your Skyline back before your older brother notices that it’s missing. As the clock struck midnight, you and Junho stood in the corridor of his house. It had been a night filled with unexpected turns, and you couldn't shake off the lingering tension from Seonghwa's flirtatious jokes earlier on.
"Goodnight, Junho. Thanks for having me," you said, your exhaustion mingling with a sense of gratitude.
"Anytime, Y/n. Sleep well," your best friend replied, giving you a reassuring pat on the shoulder before heading to his room.
As you turned to head towards your room, Seonghwa emerged from the shadows with an air of casual charm. "Leaving so soon, love?" he teased, a faint smirk playing on his lips.
You rolled your eyes, unamused by his persistent flirtations. "I've had enough annoyance for one night."
Seonghwa's gaze followed her, and just as she reached her room, he called out, "Wait, Y/n."
Turning back, you raised an eyebrow, curious about what he might have to say.
He stepped closer, his tone surprisingly gentle. "I couldn't help but notice you don't have a car anymore. How about you take my spare Honda S2000 for a spin? You know, to practice your drifting skills."
You eyed him skeptically, suspecting an ulterior motive. "And why would you offer me your car?"
Seonghwa's expression softened, and he offered a genuine smile. "Call it a gesture of goodwill. Besides, it's a shame to let a talented racer like you be without a vehicle, even if you’re a horrible drifter. Consider it as a collateral so you don't run away from the next race"
You scoffed and looked at him with annoyance and hesitation, contemplating his offer. The sincerity in his eyes clashed with your preconceived notions of Seonghwa as a cunning figure. Eventually, you nodded, "Fine, but this doesn't change anything between us."
Seonghwa chuckled, "Of course not, princess. Just enjoy the ride."
As you entered her room, you couldn't shake off the feeling that beneath Seonghwa's casual exterior, there might be more to his actions than met the eye. Shaking off the feeling you just closed her eyes, reminiscing the eventful day, and drifted off to sleep.
A few days later, you found yourself behind the wheel of Seonghwa's spare Honda S2000. The car, parked in front of Junho's house, was a stark reminder of Seonghwa's unexpected generosity. As you inspected the vehicle, Seonghwa materialized from the house with a nonchalant air.
"Enjoying the new ride?" he inquired, his tone easygoing.
Still wary of Seonghwa's motives, you nodded cautiously.
"It's decent. Thanks for letting me use it."
Seonghwa grinned, and then, in a whisper that seemed almost intentional, he said, "You know, if you're looking for a more private space to practice, my race arena is always available. No prying eyes, just you and the asphalt."
You furrowed your brow, the offer sounding peculiar coming from someone entrenched in the criminal underworld.
"Your race arena? Why would you let me use it?"
Seonghwa leaned in, his gaze appearing sincere. "Consider it a favor. I've seen your determination, and I figured you might want a space to work on your technique without any distractions."
Despite your reservations, you couldn't deny the appeal of a secluded space for practice.
"And what's the catch? Why would you be so generous?"
Seonghwa's smile remained, and he shrugged nonchalantly. "No catch, princess. Just thought you could use a place to let loose. Besides, it's not like I use it all the time."
As you climbed into the Honda S2000, you mulled over Seonghwa's unexpected offer. The lingering suspicion remained, but there was an unintentional sincerity in his words that left you contemplating the complexities beneath his seemingly hardened exterior,but smiled towards yourself softly unknowingly. Something was definitely wrong with you right now. You smacked your face lightly and went back to normal.
The abandoned industrial area, once a witness to your defeat, transformed into your training ground. Neon lights flickered overhead, casting an ethereal glow on the pavement below. You, clad in your signature pink miniskirt and knee-high boots, stood beside the hot pink Honda car, ready to conquer the art of drifting.
Under the dim glow of streetlights, you practiced the art of controlled slides and hairpin turns. The whirr of the engine echoed through the deserted alleys as the car glided seamlessly, tires gripping the asphalt with precision. It was a dance between machine and driver, a delicate balance that required finesse and control.
As the nights wore on, your dedication intensified. The sought solace in the rhythmic hum of the engine, losing yourself in the adrenaline-fueled pursuit of perfection. The once-unfamiliar world of drift racing became a canvas for your determination, and the twists and turns of the industrial terrain became the strokes of your evolving skill.
But the ghost of Seonghwa lingered in the periphery. His presence, though not physically there, cast a shadow over the training sessions. The memory of his smirk at the previous meet fueled your desire to not only reclaim her car but to prove a point. You still couldn't shake off the thought that Seonghwa's interest in you extended beyond the race itself.
One evening, as you pushed the limits, executing flawless drifts with newfound confidence, a familiar figure emerged from the shadows.
Seonghwa leaned against a nearby wall, a cigarette dangling between his lips. His piercing gaze followed your every move, a silent acknowledgment of your progress.
"You're getting better," he remarked, the smoke curling around him like a shroud. "But drifting is more than just skill; it's about instinct, about feeling the rhythm of the road beneath you."
His unexpected advice caught you off guard, and for a moment, the rivalry between you both seemed to blur. However, you quickly refocused, dismissing his words as an attempt to distract you.
The weeks of unwavering dedication shaped you into a skilled drifter. As the eve of the impending drift meet approached, the industrial landscape became a silent spectator to the last-minute preparations. The skyline, once a painful reminder of defeat, now stood as a symbol of your unyielding determination.
In the ensuing weeks, a curious development took place. Seonghwa found himself frequently drawn to the industrial area where you tirelessly practiced your drifting skills. The initial interest to monitor your progress gradually evolved into something more. He observed the precision in your movements, the calculated control you exerted over the car, and an undeniable passion that fueled your relentless pursuit of perfection.
As Seonghwa became a silent spectator to her nightly sessions, an unspoken understanding seemed to develop between them. The once palpable hostility began to waver, replaced by a subtle acknowledgment of each other's presence. It was as if the shared pursuit of a common goal had forged an unexpected connection.
Their interactions transformed from terse exchanges to casual conversations. Seonghwa, still clad in his enigmatic aura, would offer occasional insights into drifting techniques, his comments a blend of genuine advice and playfulness. Y/n, against her initial resistance, found herself occasionally reciprocating with a chuckle or a retort.
The hate that had once burned fervently in Y/n's heart now flickered, giving way to a complex mixture of emotions. Seonghwa's unexpected interest in her progress, coupled with his occasional words of encouragement, created a bridge that spanned the gap between rivals. The lines between animosity and camaraderie blurred, leaving behind an unspoken connection that both refused to fully acknowledge.
As the nights passed, Y/n couldn't deny the subtle shift in dynamics. While the rivalry still lingered in the background, a begrudging respect seemed to emerge. It was a dance between adversaries on the precipice of something more, each move a careful balance between competition and an underlying camaraderie that neither was willing to fully embrace.
It was finally the day of the meet.
The air crackled with anticipation as you stood on the starting line, your heart pounding in rhythm with the distant hum of engines. The neon-lit track awaited the culmination of your efforts, a stage for the next chapter in the tumultuous dance between rivals turned reluctant allies.
The night was thick with tension as you positioned yourself on the starting line, ready to prove yourself in the upcoming drift race. The Honda S2000 roared her engines and the neon-lit atmosphere heightened the anticipation. However, before the race could commence, The chaotic symphony of sirens filled the air, signaling the impending arrival of the police. You left the car there in a hurry and ran to another corner noticing seonghwa running into a dark alley. In the urgency of the moment, You found yourself following Seonghwa who ran through the labyrinth of dark alleys signalling his guards to hide at the places they must have decided some day,
Seonghwa, sensing a presence behind him, swiftly pulled out his gun, ready to face any potential threat. Meeting Y/n's eyes in the dimly lit alley, he let out a soft smile that was barely visible.
"You never struck me as someone who would follow me into the shadows," Seonghwa remarked, his tone tinged with a hint of amusement.
Catching your breath, you shot him a skeptical look. "This doesn't mean I trust you," you retorted, your gaze unwavering.
A shared pause lingered between them, the silence punctuated only by the distant echoes of the ongoing pursuit. Seonghwa took a step closer, the air charged with a peculiar tension that defied the constraints of their rivalry.
"You might not trust me," Seonghwa began, his voice low and measured, "but in moments like these, trust becomes a luxury we can't afford to ignore." His eyes held a sincerity that momentarily eclipsed the calculated edge he usually wore.
Y/n felt a subtle shift in the atmosphere, an acknowledgment that beneath the surface-level enmity, there were complexities to their dynamic. The unspoken connection manifested in the way their eyes locked, and a subtle understanding passed between them.
Seonghwa, seemingly guided by an instinct neither could deny, gently reached out to cup Y/n's face. The touch was unexpectedly tender, a contrast to the adrenaline-fueled escape. Their proximity became a silent acknowledgment of the nuances that defined their relationship.
"You might not have seen this coming," Seonghwa admitted, a subtle smirk gracing his lips, "but there's something undeniable lingering between us,or maybe it is just in my heart"
As the tension hung in the air, you felt a conflicting mix of emotions. The sudden closeness, the vulnerability in Seonghwa's demeanor, and the charged atmosphere became the backdrop to a moment that felt both unexpected and inevitable.
He took out a cigarette from his pocket lighting it up, taking a big puff "you smoke?" He asked and you nodded
"i do, just not today" you said and he sighed at you , taking a really big puff and turning the burnt end towards himself, leaning towards you and enticingly blew it on your face, you looked at him with a wide mouth as he just looked to the side, throwing away the wet end of the cigarette.
He looked up at you,pupils dilated.
As their eyes met in a quiet surrender to the unspoken connection, their lips met in a slow, lingering kiss. It wasn't impulsive; it was a culmination of shared danger, hidden complexities, and a tentative exploration of something that defied the constraints of their roles as rivals. It seemed sudden if a bystander was there, but to the two souls it felt perfect
He pulled back from the kiss, his hand stroking the side of your cheek while the other still grasped the gun in his hands His gaze locked onto yours, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he slowly traced the edge of your jawline with his gun, the love radiating through every stroke. Gliding the gun down your neck towards your chest softly as he still connected his forehead with yours, cupping the side of your face with the other hand.
Seonghwa leaned towards her again, his lips just ghosting above the outline of her lips, stroking her back tenderly
"I want to kiss you again" He muttered against her lips, the vibrations reaching to her soul as she swallowed hard, physically dizzy to even form proper sentences.
"Do i make you nervous doll?" He asked with that 'annoying' grin on his face yet again as you looked up to him, remembering why you were here in the first place, right it was to show him you're capable of proving him wrong.
"You don't," You said with a newly found courage your fingers trailed down along the buttons of his shirt, feeling their coldness against your skin.
Seonghwa leans his hips a bit closer toward you barely keeping any distance as he holds your waist pushing you towards the wall and pinning your hands to the sides
"Why not?" He asked and nuzzled against your neck, kissing against your skin as he brought his hand up holding your neck softly.
You can feel him growing hard in his pants against your leg and your hand travels downward, grazing across the fabric. Seonghwa sharply inhales, eyes closing for a moment as you rub his cock through his pants.
"Because I think we both want the same thing," You said and he groaned against your skin pulling you closer to him by holding your waist. Looked up as his lips met yours again, kissing a bit more roughly than before, his tongue in your mouth while his hands slide down to grip your ass. He guides your hips down on his clothed erection for some friction, fueled by your soft cries of approval. He sits back for a moment just to admire your facial features, his eyes catching the aroused and flustered look on your face before he goes back in for more.
"Never knew you could become even prettier," He said as his hands traveled towards your ass yet again picking you up softly, not breaking eye contact for even a second. You wrap your legs around his waist leaning forward to kiss him again. He walks towards who knows where and walks into a deeper alley laying you on top of a cold hardcover. Pulling back from the kiss he takes your knee-high boots off, pulling you closer to himself.
"Im gonna fuck you on top of your car princess" He whispers against your legs as you look around noticing that it was in fact your beloved Nissan skyline
"Hwa" You softly whine as his hands reach towards your miniskirt pulling it off you and leaving you only in your panties.
He comes near you and leaves a soft peck by lips
"Do i have your permission to proceed doll?" He asked and you nodded, pulling him closer to you by his tie, urging him to take of his shirt as well.
"Use your mouth baby" He said smirking at your completely fucked out state
"Take it off hwa" You pleaded,the last 2 buttons seemed to be impossible to open.
"I want to fuck you stupid so bad, Princess, reminding you that your challenge against me is nothing" He whispered
He pulls back from you before kneeling at the edge in front of where you’re sitting. You let out a shocked yelp when he grabs your bare legs and yanks you toward him. His eyes are dark as he gazes up at you like he’s going to devour you.
The heat coming from his hands and just having him nestled between your legs makes your cunt throb.
“H-Hwa.” You whimper desperately sounding completely needy.
"Tell me how you just lost the deal against me twice princess," He said with amusement dripping in his voice, caressing your thighs open softly.
"I didn't lose the second deal yet" You huff out as he looks up at you with a grin and sinks to his knees. He trails his warm hand up your soft thighs and grips the top of your underwear, Unraveling it with agonizing slowness, relishing in the eventual satisfaction of toying with your anticipation.
He groans softly against your cunt, leaving hot open kisses towards your inner thighs.
His groan makes you clench around nothing. Before you can say anything, Seonghwa yanks you forward and smashes his face into your wet cunt. Any and all coherent thoughts are quickly ejected from your mind. You let out a small moan when you feel his tongue split through your folds, tasting you for the first time.
"Fuck" He moans on your wet folds "You feel so good against my tongue baby"
You toss your head back with a moan. All you can feel is his tongue plunging deep inside you. Every time his nose bumps against your throbbing clit, it sends a jolt of pleasure up your spine.
“S-Shit, Hwa.” You whimper, hands falling on his messy hair.
You can feel his lips shift towards a small smirk in your cunt when you start to tug on his hair. Your cries of pleasure sound like music to his ears, and it makes him more determined to have you begging and crying for his cock. Shifting his tongue towards your clit as he enters two fingers softly inside your cunt with no warning sending your brain into a short circuit and waves of pleasure all over your body.
The sight of your face twisting in pleasure is a sight he’ll never forget.
"p-please, keep doing this hwa" You gasp out grinding your pussy into his face as he keeps licking and fucking you with his tongue and sleek fingers.
Nearing your orgasm you hold his hair tighter ready to let out the most guttural moans you ever would've, when he suddenly unlatches himself, looking up to see your sinfully fucked out face, staring at him with the most killer annoyed eyes he has ever seen of you.
He innocently smiles at you, pulling you up by the waist and kissing you roughly, you wrap your legs around his waist, slowly grinding your pussy on his clothed cock, his hand dropping down towards your ass slowly guiding you to grind on him better. One hand of his reaches towards your short crop top, tearing it apart using his other hand and quickly unclasping your bra
"Do you still not accept that you lost 2 deals against me, princess?"
You shake your head and give him a bored smile.
Seonghwa looked at you with unashamed lust in his expression, hand now trailing the soft flesh of your boobs, Leaning in, you let your lips fall to his pretty neck. His breathing became heavier as you suckled on the skin, he cupped your breasts together, pressing open-mouthed kisses onto your skin. With no more support, you wrapped your legs around his waist to keep yourself steady, simultaneously pushing your breasts closer together toward his mouth. Groaning, Seonghwa nipped you lightly, taking pleasure in the way you whined quietly.
"You like that, baby?"
You nodded, closing your eyes and letting your head fall back slightly. Eventually, he moved his focus to one of your breasts, tongue teasing the nipple as his hand groped the other.
When he pulled away and focused his mouth on your other breast, you couldn't help but wrap an arm around his head, pushing him closer.
You couldn't help but begin to grind down in desperation, your lower half craving stimulation since the moment his tongue left your clit. Seonghwa groaned onto your skin, and the vibration shot up your spine until your brain was completely intoxicated, before you could get any more pleasure from your nipples he pulled back as you whined slowly
"H-hwa why-?" You asked, your voice too shaky to form proper sentences
"Fuck, I don't think I'll ever get enough of eating your pussy", he murmurs, sinking to his knees yet again to take your throbbing cunt in his mouth
Your breathing became irregular, body shaking and arching off the car hood, so fucking turned on, so fucking close.
His mouth moves around your clit, gently suckling and that's all it takes, to near your orgasm yet again.
He pulls back again when he feels you pulsing around his tongue, as a long whimper of pain leaves your lips, A carnal desire takes over Seonghwa when he hears your needy cry.
"I hate you park seonghwa" You whine out as the man simply smirks,taking off his boxers as he helps your fucked out body get off the hood of the car
"Can you suck my dick like a good girl please, princess?" He seductively whispers.
All the past anger of him edging you disappears as you sank to your knees leaning forward to take the tip of his dick in your mouth, eyes rolling back and thighs clenching.
"Fuck" He groaned out holding your hair tightly, you moaned into his dick, loving how he pulled your hair.  Your tongue was tracing his cock from the base to the tip whilst you had one of your hands holding the base gently whilst simultaneously cupping one of his balls, the other free hand you used to “anchor” yourself on his thigh, massaging the flesh gently. Seonghwa nearly bucked his hips and let his eyes roll back,a heavenly moan leaving his mouth as the sensation on your cunt intensified. The man's moans were downright pornographic,his moans turned you on more than anything. Seonghwa let out a guttural groan, his head falling forward as you moaned into his dick. His dick feeling heavy on your tongue and stretching your corners out,gagging you occasionally.
"What are you thinking hwa?" You mumble pulling back a bit as you notice his concentrated stare
"whether to cum on your face or your tits" He whimpered out, fucking whimpered it out. Seonghwa had his head thrown back in pleasure as he let out moan after moan. The sounds he made were melodious to your ears, it pumped your ego as you know that you were doing a really good job. You began moaning into his dick, the vibration it produced added even more pleasure for Seonghwa. His eyes opened when he felt like he was seconds away from cumming. Nearing his height,he held your face in its place to thrust into your mouth instead of having you bob your head up and down.
"Look at me while you take my dick in your mouth princess" He moaned out,as you looked up at him with glazed eyes, flushed cheeks, and swollen lips that has his cock slipping in and out of it. With the aid of how you looked, Seonghwa let out a grunt and a last thrust of his hips before cumming hard, filling the cavern of your mouth with his seed. The warm sensation made you close your eyes and moan softly, looking absolutely in bliss,he pulled out of your mouth spreading the warm liquid all over your face.
"Hwa, fuck me please" You whimper as he picks up your body, opens the door of your car, and lays you on the backseat
"You should accept that you lost against me by now baby or the consequences won't do you any good," He said towards your ear, his whole body on top of you as you felt the bulge of his dick poke your stomach
"I'm not giving up so quick Seonghwa," You say and he presses his oozing tip against your entrance without any prep. A needy, pathetic moan stumbles out of you as he fingers your clit from above.
"I'm going to edge you till Sunday if you don't fucking agree that you pathetically lost the deal from me twice," He says and grips your neck, only tight enough to choke you but lose enough to allow you to breath
You exhale sharply as the painful feeling of your orgasm being incomplete reaches your soul and you nod toward him
"I'm just a pathetic loser, Hwa. I've lost to you in that deal twice, and it seems like I can never come out on top," you moan out, your voice laced with a sultry undertone.
"Fuck, you brat, You don't know how long I wanted this" He groans bucking his dick inside your cunt harshly, giving you no time to adjust at all
"Hwa-p-please" You shudder against him, his moans making you see stars
"Hearing you scream my name as you take my cock deep inside you. Having you drunk up my cock just like you're doing now. Fuck, thought about it all the time"
You could only let out a pathetic whine as the man just continued to fuck you
Seonghwa can’t take his eyes off your pretty little pussy and how it swallows his cock so perfectly. His heavy balls are being stained with your arousal as they slap against your clit. He becomes more esurient with every rough thrust.
“You’re already soaking my cock, baby. I fucking knew you wouldn’t be able to get enough.” He grunts as he grabs your hips, quickly growing obsessed with how you feel around him.
His cock is stretching you out so good that you can’t think straight.
“So fucking good.” You mewl as you deepen your arch so he can fuck you deeper.
"God, the second I saw you standing in that short mini dress in front of the whole stadium bending down to check the tires of your Skyline that day, I just wanted to throw you on the nearest surface and fuck the life from you"
One of Seonghwa’s hands trails down your body to squeeze your ass while the other goes around your waist to rub your sensitive clit. He pounds into you harder, loving the cries and whimpers you’re letting out every time he fucks his cock into your cunt. You’re throwing yourself back on him to meet his thrusts, loving how his big cock splits you open with every snap of his hips.
“Gonna ruin this sweet little pussy so only I fit.” Seonghwa growls, spanking your ass harshly.
"im going to fucking cum inside your cunt", he grunts, slamming repeatedly right into my spot, "You want that, don't you? I can feel your cunt get tighter and tighter"
"Yes", you cry, holding onto his arms as tight as you can
"Yes what?"
"Want it", you moan, tears springing to your eyes from the bliss
"Tell me what you want. Say it", he demands
You just whimper as his thrusts become harsher, bucking deeper and deeper inside, you swear you could feel him in your lower stomach if you just kept your hand there.
"Want me to fuck baby in you huh? is that what you want?"
You hungrily let out a whine of approval as he sped up fucking you inside your own Nissan Skyline which you so desperately wanted back.
Thinking back, this car is in fact the reason you have this man balls deep in you, fucking you till Saturn, till the stars in your head faint by
His hips start to snap with a rough precision you claimed he wasn’t capable of, and you wonder how longer it’ll take him to realize that he already proved you wrong.
Seonghwa feels your cunt start to tighten around his cock like it doesn’t want to let go. With the way you’re starting to tremble, he can tell you’re close to falling apart.
"H-hwa please quicker" You whimper,your voice barely audible. The look on your face makes his cock twitch painfully inside you. You look absolutely fucked out, and to think he hasn’t even made you come yet. Seonghwa licks his lips and teases your soaking entrance with his leaking tip. His smirk is deviant, but so hot that all you can do is buck your hips desperately.
"Cum for me good girl" He purred softly as you held the man's thighs, begging him to go faster and break you down.
You scream his name loudly as the mind-shattering orgasm hits you like a fucking truck running at 80 km/ph , ecstasy encircling your whole body. But he doesn't stop.
You heard him moaning loudly about how amazing it felt but all you can do is ride the pleasure out on his cock
The erotic sight of your fucked up red cheeks and glossed-out swollen lips drives him to start fucking into you again. He lets out a deep groan when he sees your cream coat his entire length as you squeeze him tighter than anyone ever has.
Pleasure consumes you and licks up your entire body as Seonghwa pounds his cock into your hot cunt. Your moans turn into loud cries that mix into the lewd squelching coming from where you two are connected when he presses your legs to your chest. The new position allows him to fuck into you deeper than before.
You keep your legs on his shoulders pushing him closer towards you.
"h-hwa f-fill me up please" You choked out, your mind still not wrapping around the fact of how the man hadn't cummed yet.
The moan Seonghwa lets out is downright pornographic. He feels himself going feral at the thought of breeding you.
“You want my cum, baby?” He coos sweetly, heavy balls slapping against your ass in sync with your overstimulated moans.
It’s embarrassing how fast you nod, back arching as you feel a wave of pleasure start to consume you. His cock is throbbing inside you, and all you can think about is milking him for all that he’s worth. “Want it so bad!”
“Fuck.” Seonghwa sucks in a sharp breath. “My doll is so tight for me”
Before he could cum you pushed his chest slightly taking your legs off his shoulder and pushing him towards the headrest, sitting on his lap instead.
"You've fucked me enough love,im gonna ride you"
He just threw his head back squeezing the bottom of your ass as you started grinding on him
"So pretty...bouncing on my cock, fuck" He whimpers yet again closing his eyes and gripping your waist tightly.
You let out a small gasp as he slowly started to thrust upwards into you.
Your cunt is gripping his cock so tightly that it doesn’t take long for him to release his thick load inside you. Your movements grow sloppy as he starts to fill you with ropes of cum. Your soppy cunt is overflowing with so much of his seed that it leaks down to the seat of your car—a filthy sight Seonghwa will never forget.
"Fuck that's it, baby, make a mess all over your car"
You’re both panting as he slowly lets go of your waist. Seonghwa watches you carefully but doesn’t make a move to pull out of you. He wants to keep you plugged and full of his cum, He looked at you with eyes that went beyond lust and arousal, the type of look to make you blush and make your heart pound deeply in your chest, even in this lustful heat-worthy moment.
Seonghwa held your head softly and pulled you towards his chest,patting your head like you were his good little girl.
"Wait did you just say my car?"
"Congratulations princess, the skyline is yours again"
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