#i wrote that thing in like a single day! i didn't realise it was an ENDANGERED SPECIES! this is too much responsibility!
giannaln4 · 2 months
Do You Miss Me?
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lando norris x fem reader
summary: Four months after your breakup, Lando needs to know if you miss him as much as he misses you, or at least if you still think about him, even if the answer might kill him.  (3k words)
warnings: angst, breakup, cursing, mentions of alcohol, mentions of one-night stands, use of Y/N, happy ending
a/n: FINALLY i wrote some angst. honestly i had this idea in mind sometime last week, but i didn't know where to start. not gonna lie, i really do like how it turned out but i never know how to end fics so it sucks a little towards the end. anyway pls let me know what you think!! feedback is very much appreciated 🫶🏻
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Four months. It had been four months of pure agony. Four months since you left him, and for four months, he couldn’t think of anything else than you. 
You wouldn’t say you ended on good terms, considering the last conversation you had was more of an argument about how little you thought he cared about your relationship. 
That was far from the truth, and he tried so hard to convince you otherwise, but clearly it wasn’t enough. You broke up with him that night, leaving his apartment immediately after and never looked back, leaving a broken Lando behind. Two amazing years beside you down the drain just like that. Maybe he should tried harder.
He really shouldn’t have waited till the last second to express how much he cared, and you would probably never know that, but he still does. 
After the first month, he started to give up. You wanted nothing to do with him, and honestly, he didn’t blame you, so when he realised he would never be able to fix it, he stopped trying, but that doesn’t mean he stopped loving you. 
He still remembers vividly when he got back home after a race weekend and went out for a drive, something he thought could help him get his mind off many things that were going on. It worked, at first, it was going great, really, the fresh Monaco air running through his hair as the music blasted through the speakers, Lando singing at the top of his lungs every single word, until he paid attention to the passenger seat and spotted a shiny little tube. He reached for it, and his world went back down when he realised what it was. Your lipgloss. Not any lipgloss, but your favourite one. The one you used to wear every single day and the one he got so used to tasting and smelling. 
After that, it was like something shifted inside him. Lando tried hard to forget about you, going to parties, and getting involved with anyone he could take back to his hotel. He never took anyone back to his apartment, the space contained too many happy memories of the two of you; it was almost sacred to him. He would never dare to stain those with one-night stands. 
Every time he sat on the couch where he watched you leave, for some reason he waited for you to come back. It was stupid; he knew that, but maybe one day you would. And if it wasn’t you, he prayed that at least it was someone just like you. 
Maybe that’s what he was looking for every other night. Sometimes they were good enough to make him forget, but most of the time, they weren’t. They weren’t even close to that, because he thought about your lips when he kissed someone else, he thought about your hands when he felt his hair being pulled softly, he thought about your legs when he had someone else’s wrapped around him, he thought about your eyes when he looked at anyone else. 
Just when he thinks he’s getting over you, something happens that pulls him back in, and he thinks it’s slowly killing him inside. 
Tonight was one of those nights. He was at the club with some of his mates, his mind fully enjoying his surroundings, not a trace of you up there, until that song started playing, that stupid song that you used to hum when cooking a meal for the both of you, his mind bringing him back to all those times he hugged you from behind as he watched you and helped you, humming along with you and planting soft kisses every now and then. Or when you were taking a shower and didn’t care to keep it down, and he would just enjoy the little concert while he laid on your shared bed, waiting for you to come back to him. Or when you played it in repeat every time you were in the car, messing up a few words even though you had heard it a million times. God, he hated that he got a little sick of it back then.
He stopped moving immediately, and instead, he looked around him, only to spot everyone else dancing along with the melody. 
Did no one else care about what that song meant? Did no one else think of you? 
But there was one main topic invading his mind. Did you also think of him when you heard that song? Did you remember all the little moments? Do you even think of him anymore? There was only one way to find out, and even though he promised he wouldn’t do it anymore, he just needed to know. 
Lando took his phone out of his pocket and started walking away from his group, already looking up your contact. 
“Hey mate, where are you going?” Max stopped him, catching a glimpse of what was on his screen. 
“I just need to step outside for a moment.”
Max looked at him in doubt. He knew how stubborn Lando was when it came to you, so no matter how hard he tried to convince him, there was no stopping him. “Alright, just don’t do anything stupid.”
Lando nodded, not really caring what he thought, and kept moving until he finally found a way out of the loud club. He clicked on your contact without even thinking, nervousness washing over him when it started to ring. He waited, and waited, and waited, until it went to voicemail. 
He was not surprised; it has been like that for a while anyway, but he couldn’t deny he was a little hurt. 
Once the beep ended, he cleared his throat, ready to utter all those questions that he had been dying to know, but he didn’t even know where to start. You hadn’t talked in so long, how was he supposed to ask such things?
“Y/N, it’s me, uh- sorry, I know it’s late and you’re probably sleeping right now, or you just saw my name and didn’t feel like picking up, which I get, I don’t expect you to… you know… anyway, uh-“ 
He has no idea where he was going with this, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t think of segue that made sense. What he truly wanted to ask doesn’t make sense either. 
“I know that you probably don’t want to see me again- I don’t know but, uh- I wanted to tell you that… you left your lipgloss in my car- and I was wondering if maybe you wanted it back, I could stop by one of these nights.” He cleared his throat again, mentally cursing himself at how stupid and desperate he sounded. “Anyway, please call me. Bye.” 
He hung up and went back to his car, looking for the lipgloss once again and putting it safely in his pocket before making his way back home. 
Even with alcohol in his system, it was hard for Lando to go to sleep. If he couldn’t ask you over the phone, how could he possibly stand before you and say all those things?
In reality, it was simple. He had nothing to lose if he had already lost you, and who knows, maybe you never stopped loving him either.
The last thing he wanted was to get his hopes up. He wanted to see you come back to him, but seeing you again would be enough.
⋆。° ✮ ⋆。° ✮ 
The next morning, you stared at your phone screen for a little too long, debating whether you should listen to his voicemail or just ignore it. 
You wanted to hear it so bad, but it took you so long to forget about him that you knew you probably shouldn’t. Not that you ever forgot about him completely, no, but just enough to go on with your life and pretend to be fine. 
Curiosity got the best of you, and before you knew it, you were listening to it. You could tell he had been drinking, the alcohol influence was notorious in his voice, and he sounded unsure of what he was telling you. However, you knew he was telling the truth. You did leave your lipgloss in his car, but there had to be another reason for his call, right?
The day went by and you didn’t get back to him, but his voice and words lingered in your mind all the time, and at this point, you had convinced yourself that he had an ulterior motive; why else would he call you at 3 AM, drunk, telling you about something you left in his car months ago?
You would be lying if you said you were never close to giving him a call while being drunk, but your friends never let you do something so stupid, telling you to remember why you left him in the first place, but sometimes you wonder just that: why?
It wasn’t because you didn’t love him anymore; you did, even now, but the heat of the moment made you utter those words without you realising it until it was too late. 
Your pride would never let you take it back anyway, so you just left his apartment after packing your stuff, with Lando following every turn you made as he begged for you to listen. Sometimes you wondered what would have happened if you never broke up with him, and instead, you listened to what he was telling you; they weren’t excuses, you know he meant every word, and maybe you should’ve given him one more chance.
You weren’t sure why, but your mind decided you should see him. Maybe it wasn’t the best idea, but god, he had been living in your mind more than usual, and you needed to know if he truly just wanted to give you your lipgloss, and if not, what were the reasons he had, so you texted him the next morning.
⋆。° ✮ ⋆。° ✮ 
His heart nearly stopped when he saw your name pop up on his screen. Five simple words that could change everything. Or at least he hoped so. 
‘You can stop by tonight’ is what the message read, and he immediately started to get nervous. 
After not getting a response from you the first day, he pretty much gave up and figured you were done with him and would never see you again. He thought you either didn’t buy his dumb excuse or didn’t care to even listen to his voicemail. But there he was, on his way to see you after four long months. 
Lando parked outside your apartment, taking a deep breath and rehearsing what he’s been meaning to ask you, his heart pounding with every step he took as he walked towards your door. 
He kept your lipgloss in his pocket, like he had been doing for the last couple of days, and knocked on your door, a little unsure of how tonight would turn out. 
The door slowly opened before him, and there you were, standing in front of him as beautiful as always. 
“Hi,” he said nervously as he tried to give you a smile. 
“Hi. You can come in.” You stepped to the side, almost melting at how his delicious scent invaded your nostrils as he walked past you and into your apartment.
“Thanks.” He looked around and he felt… weird; it was all so familiar yet so strange. That used to be your apartment before you moved in with him, and the memory of all those nights he would stay over came back in a rush. “Love what you’ve done with the place.”
“Thank you.”
“I see you finally got that lamp,” he said, your eyes following his and finding the green lamp that rested on your console, one that you had been wanting for a while when you still lived with him, but he was never a big fan of it, saying the colour didn’t really match with the rest of his apartment. 
“Yeah. I know you always thought the colour was hard to match, but I like it.”
“Right. It looks good,” he said, his eyes finding yours again. “You look good.”
You didn’t know what to say; you wanted to say it back, but something in you didn’t let you, so you just nodded and tried to utter a little ‘thank you’, but you weren’t sure he heard it. 
“Anyway, uh- I have your lipgloss. I know it’s your favourite one, so I thought I should give it back.” He took it out of his pocket and placed it in your hand. Somehow, it was hard to let it go; it was almost as if he was giving up the last piece of you. he had, apart from the memories.
“Thanks,” you said as you took it, your hand brushing his for a split second. You locked eyes with him, waiting for him to say something else, but he didn’t. Instead, his gaze dropped to his now empty hands. “Is that really why you are here?”
He thought about it for a moment. No, there were a million reasons he was standing before you right now. He shook his head and took another deep breath, getting ready to finally let it all out. 
“I miss you,” he looked at you again and saw your intention to say something, probably to stop him from going back to that topic, so he decided to interrupt you. “I know- I know we’ve been over this a million times, and a million times you have given me reasons why it can’t happen, why we can’t happen, but Y/N, for four months I’ve done nothing but miss you and regret how stupid I was for letting you go.” 
Unsure of how you would react, he took a step closer to you and tried to hold your hand, almost letting out a sigh of relief when you didn’t pull away. 
“I just need to know, do you miss me? Do you ever think about me, about us?”
You could feel the tears threatening to leave your eyes. You wanted nothing more than to say yes and kiss him, but after how things ended between the two of you, you didn’t know if that was a good idea. 
“You have no idea how much I wish I could go back and make it right, love you the way you deserve, and show it like I was supposed to. Maybe our time is over, and even if you think it’s better to say goodbye, please don’t say goodbye.”
He finally stopped and waited for you to say something. The seconds felt like hours, and it seemed impossible to read your face.
“I’m sorry, Lan.”
“Please,” he begged, standing even closer to you. “Please, baby. How can I live without you now that I know what your love feels like, what loving you feels like, and how terrible it is to live without you?” Locking eyes with you, he decided to ask you one more time “Do you miss me?”
His teary gaze was intense, almost suffocating, and you couldn’t keep it together any longer. You nodded as your tears started falling down your face, squeezing his big hand back. “But I don’t know if it’s gonna work.”
“Yes it will, I will make sure of that. Everything I did wrong the first time, it won’t happen again. I promise.”
“But what if it doesn’t? I can’t go through another breakup. Not with you.” Not that he did terrible things, his job was getting in the way of your relationship and you just wished he made an effort to make sure you never felt neglected, but right now, all you could think about was how bad it got for you when you just broke up with him. It was hard to do everything, and you didn’t know you could handle it again.
Lando, on the other hand, was sure it would all work out this time if you just gave him one more chance. He was not letting you go, not again.
“I know it’s too much to ask, but please, just give me one more chance. I won’t let it go to waste; I’ll use it so I can spend the rest of my life with you, just like we planned.” Maybe that’s all you needed to hear. You believed him, but you were somehow scared to give in. “I will never hurt you again, I promise.”
“Okay,” you said, barely above a whisper, so he wasn’t completely sure if he had heard you right.
“Okay?” He waited for you to either break his heart again or to make him the happiest man alive.
“Yes,” was all you said, leaving all your pride and insecurities behind as you hugged him as tight as you could, almost as if you were making up for all those times you needed his touch but didn’t have it.
Lando had more tears in his eyes than before, but they were happy tears now. “Come back, baby, you can bring that lamp.” You let out a genuine laugh for the first time in a while, enjoying the way he was embracing you.
He pulled away and looked at you, as lovingly as always. He couldn’t believe you were his again. Putting a strand of hair behind your ear, he was begging with his eyes to kiss you again.
It probably had to be you to make the move this time, you thought, since he was the one that had the courage to do what you didn’t. So you did, you closed the gap between you and finally tasted his lips again. It was long and full of love, the kiss transmitting what the words couldn’t.
“I love you,” he whispered as he pulled away, with his forehead resting against yours as he caressed all of you.
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tyrannuspitch · 2 years
i know co is a romance novel so it's not THAT weird but it is still kind of weird to me that as far as i can tell, my silly little story about baz and mordelia is one of only ~3 (depending how generous we're being with categorisation) genuine gen fics about baz and his siblings on ao3. like..... three. THREE??? in SEVEN YEARS???
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darkstaria · 3 months
Yandere Superfam - Happy Father's Day!
It was Father's day semi recently, so I wrote this. Note: it is very important to me that every one who reads this understands that I didn't actually write this on Father's Day. I swear!
Oh, and I updated the soul animal au Taglist again, so hopefully I got everyone!
"Rise and shine, sleepyhead!" A voice sung to you, dragging you from the depths of oblivion you found solace in. The sound of opening curtains cut into you like a knife.
"Mmmghhh..." You attempted, keeping your eyes firmly closed against the rising sun blaring into your eyeballs. Couldn't he just go away? You stared blearily. Clark Kent, or rather, Superman was smiling, a beaming ray that burnt into you.
"Come on now, Sunshine. It's Father's Day! Aren't you excited to spend it with your dad?"
No, is what you wanted to say. But you bit the comment down as you often did. It never helped, not with Bruce, not with Clark. How unfair.
"You couldn't have let me sleep for a little longer?" You tried, almost whining. First they use ‘medicine’ to get you to sleep, then they force you to wake up early.
"Sorry but that won't be happening. We only have limited time with you today! We have to enjoy as much time together as we can before you go to Bruce's." He looked apologetic, but you doubted it. He never truly was.
Your life with Superman was an endless spiral of apologies, a litany of white lies hidden by a brilliant smile. A sun that shone so brightly, you almost forgot the burns.
You gave a little sigh, but acknowledged the futility of your actions. A few years of this and you let go of resisting the little things. It made things easier.
You got out of your bed, doing your best to ignore the fervent eyes that traced your every movement. You reached under your bed, pulling out his present from under your bed. It wasn't much of a hiding space, given that it was known by every person that lived in the house, but you appreciated that they let you have little things like this. Or pretended to, anyways.
“Here you go.” You thrust the present towards him, wanting to get it over with.
“That’s Bruce’s present.” He replied, with a slight smirk.
“Eh.. how?” You mumbled, looking down. “You peaked, didn't you!”
“No I didn't not. I just know the difference between your wrapping, and Alfred’s wrapping.”
You glanced down, noticing the immaculately decorated and wrapped present in your grasp. Whoops.
With a swift movement, you reached under your bed and grasped the other present, exchanging the two with a quick action. There was a visible difference in the two, Clark’s being much more shoddily wrapped.
“Forget about that.” You demanded. Trying to get him to ignore it, you pushed his actual present in his direction.
“Woah, hold on there.” He smiled. “Jon’s been waiting downstairs to give me his present too, you two have to do it together, remember.” He patted you on the back. “Come on!”
With your frustrated affirmation, the two of you went downstairs, immediately meeting the excited gazes of both Lois and Jon. Jon in particular was bouncing in his seat, clutching onto a bunch of gifts.
“Happy Father’s day!” He shouted, a beaming smile on his face. Clark chucked, patting Jon’s hair.
“Thank you Jon.” The two began a conversation about Jon’s gifts, and you swiftly became bored. Your eyes strayed away from the table, until you accidentally locked eyes with Lois. She smiled at you, a soft image of happiness. She was definitely the most subtle of the family. It even took you a few escape attempts before you realised she wasn't your ally. After that it became difficult to see her the same way.
“And what about you, sunshine?” A hand ruffled your hair, Clark interrupting your musings with a single gesture. You bit back a flinch.
“Ah yeah, this is my present… Dad.” You attempted to sound jovial. Judging by the smile on his face it had worked, but you weren't entirely sure if that was a result of your actions skills or his delusions.
“Thank you! Let’s see what you've made this year.” Clark took no time in unwrapping the gift. “Ah, another mug, and just look at this drawing, you get more creative every time.” He beamed. You felt like living in this household half the time entitled you to sunglasses.
Your gift wasn't anything fancy, just a simple mug with a terribly drawn face on it. The words ‘happy dad’ were written under the face, in sloppy handwriting.
Clark walked over to a cabinet, opening it up. In the cabinet lay another mug, this one lacking any drawing at all. Instead, it had the name Clark written on and drawn out, and the word Dad swiftly smudged on instead.
That mug was actually one of Clark’s old mugs, you had just stolen it upon learning that they had actually expected a gift from you on Father’s Day. You originally wrote Clark down, but soon realised that would be a mistake, crossing it out and writing Dad. Somehow, he loved it.
In all honesty, you couldn't complain. If you set the bar this low, you could easily up it the next year without having to put in much effort. As long as you were ‘creative’ Clark accepted anything, if it was from you. Maybe next year your mug drawing would be two drawings, instead of one. You dreaded the time when you'd eventually have to put actual effort into gifts. Surely, you'd have escaped before then.
“Come on kids!” Clark called out, drawing your attention back to him. “Let’s enjoy today as much as we can, before Sunshine has to go to Wayne Manor later.”
Jon pouted. “Do they really have to go? They went last year too. They already spent half their time at Wayne Manor as is.” He grumbled. Jon was more obvious in his possessiveness, something that occasionally ruffled the feathers of the Batfam. The tug of war between Jon and Damian was far too frequent, the memory of it making your shoulders ache a little.
“Now now Jon. Bruce is Sunshine’s father just as much as I am.”
Considering neither of them were your father, his statement was a little infuriating.
“What game are we going to play this time?” Your question was both an act of masochism and genuine interest. Feigning injuries never worked against two superhumans who could look into your very bone structure. Instead, you had come to find some enjoyment in watching Clark and Jon bumble about, trying to play fair in a competitive game wherein they viewed you as both weaker and fragile. It was actually a great method for venting your anger, as long as you weren't too overt about it.
If you accidentally hit them with a hockey stick a few times, or aimed a basketball to their face a little too much, it wasn't your fault! It's not like they could feel it anyway.
“It'll be tennis today.” Clark declared, receiving an excited Ooh in response from Jon.
Ah, tennis. A little harder to use, but very much still workable. If it was golf you'd be screwed.
Oh, wait but..
“How are we playing tennis with three people?” You questioned. Lois tended to stay out of your games, preferring to watch.
“I'll play against you and Jon. If any of Bruce’s family show up early again, then one of them can join in too.” Clark spoke cheerfully, but you knew it always bothered him a bit when they arrived too soon.
Clark and Bruce’s ‘shared custody’ of you wasn't always so amicable. At one point it was downright violent. Honestly if it weren't for the effects their efforts were having on you they'd have probably escalated into a war. They had come to an agreement since, but it always bothered them whenever it was infringed on in some form.
“Time to get going Sunshine! Jon’s already waiting for you!” An abrupt push to your back jolted you forward, giving you a small jump of shock. Ugh. You glared at Superman as he responded to your surprise with good natured laughter.
You slowly walked out into the field, Jon handing you a tennis racket, his smile gleaming like the sun.
You could only hope that Batman was a little calmer on Father’s Day.
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uravitypng · 1 month
pseudo/faux - brother & sister ((toru-nii?)) ??? -oikawa x chubby reader HEAR ME OUT GUYS TORU WOULD HAVE THESE PERVERTED FEELINGS ABOUT SOMEONE WHO GREW UP TOGETHER LIKE SIBLINGS !!! (i've been thinking about this for the last couple days so i had to write it but go easy on me, first time writing this concept.) (there's probably mistakes in this, i wrote it before bed, i'm sleepy, sdfgchjvs)<3 (dark content)(MDNI -18+)(always check the warnings on my writing)
you're the younger sister of hajime by a year and you've been close since you were kids, you were his number one supporter. even though you were a year apart you spent a lot time together because you didn't have many friends you had joined the volleyball team as the manager so you could spend more time with him.
because of hajime it meant that you grew up surrounded by toru as well. you were so close you even called him toru-nii, he was like family, an older brother like hajime but toru didn't see you like that, not anymore...
once he had been your protector from bullies and your tutor to help you pass difficult classes you didn't understand but that was a long time ago now, you're not kids anymore.
in your eyes he's still your toru-nii, just like hajime is your nii-san. people say you need to stop calling them such childish nicknames now that you're in your adulthood but you ignore them, it doesn't sound right coming out of your mouth when you call them their names.
toru doesn't know when his feelings started to change towards you, he doesn't know when his innocent feelings became warped, when he started to feel guilty. all he knows is just one day you came running up to him wrapping your arms around his neck and hugging him, your soft body pressing against him, you hadn't seen each other in weeks since you've both been so busy and barely had any contact at all through texts. oikawa hugged your back just as tightly that day.
all he knows is that day something changed within him, he wanted to hug you all the time, wanted you on your lap. he wanted you to go to every single game of his and wear his oversized jersey, imaging how it would cling to your round frame. he wanted to kiss your chubby cheeks and take you to fancy restaurants. he wants you.
it became a problem that day, you grabbing his hand to take him where you want to go while you call his toru-nii, that should have stopped his feelings in his tracks but it didn't- he got hard. that was the thing that made him guilty, you referring to him as toru-nii made him aroused. he wanted you to call him it again, straight after.
an innocent nickname turned into something more.
to you nothing changed though, you didn't ever think of him differently. you knew girls fawned over him and objectively you understand why but it's weird for you to think about for too long. back at school some of your classmates would say how jealous they are of you because you get to spend so much time with oikawa and you agreed that you were lucky to spend time with him, just for completely different reasons.
what toru didn't realise is his feelings towards you weren't something that he was suppose to feel even when you were both younger. he excused it as an big brother being protective just like iwa is but it wasn't the same. it's not normal to disguise subtle threats with a smile whenever someone got a bit to close up and personal with you asking for your number, he wouldn't want them to hurt your feelings. it's not normal for him to offhandedly make a comment in front of a large group of people about someone who upset you, if a rumour gets spread around school about that person then so well. he did this all platonically of course... hajime would have done exactly the same... right?
so was it really a surprise that late at night he couldn't help himself but stroke his cock, bucking his hips up to meet his hand. wet sounds echo around the room and toru lightly applies more pressure when his hand hits the base of his pelvis. his other hand holds onto his sheet tightly as he groans and moans picturing you there with him.
he starts talking like you're there with him, imagining you bouncing on his cock and your plump figure laying underneath him. stomach rolls squished together when when he's pushed your legs up against your chest and body jiggling with each thrust.
"feels so good baby, you make me feel so good. i know- ffuck- i know i'm big baby but you can take it, can't you. let toru-nii look after you." as soon as he says 'let toru-nii look after you' he cums with a moan of your name.
with every single night that passes he feels less guilty. this weekend you're planning to stay at his for a few days instead of getting a hotel. oikawa knows his walls aren't very thick. 'maybe she'll decide to help her poor toru-nii out. maybe she loves her toru-nii like i love her.'
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lcriedlastnight · 25 days
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lost the breakup | charles leclerc
○tw: alcohol, swears, charles is a proper dick, silly reader, this is the most angsty thing over ever wrote. to celebrate charles win today!○
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ : w/c: 4.3k of pure hell.
"this would be so much easier without you!" it felt like those words flitted around your brain in a loop ever since that night in charles' flat. you hadn't intended it to turn into a massive fight, all you said was you couldn't wait for summer break to finally spend some time with your boyfriend. but seemingly that was all it took for charles to go off on one, roaring at you as if you had actually done something wrong.
you had stood, staring at the man after he had stopped ranting about how being with you only brought him down and how life before you was much easier on him. you couldn't believe that was actually what he thought of your relationship. i mean it wasn't perfect, but who's was? all that you thought mattered was that you tried to make each other happy, and up until today you had thought that you were succeeding in that, clearly not.
"do you mean that?" there was an obvious wobble in your voice that you had tried to disguise but it didn't matter, charles didn't care anyways. you knew that now.
all it took for you to scramble to find somewhere new was that singular nod of his head. you knew he wasn't sure if he meant it but he nodded. he fucking nodded. you could've forgiven him if he took it all back then and there, he didn't even have to beg for your forgiveness you would've just given him it. but he didn't. you didn't mean as much to him as he did to you and he had made that oh so clear tonight. so you did what any sane person would do, you grabbed a pair of shoes and a jacket and left. a part of you thought that maybe he had said all that just to get a rise out of you and to create a fight between the two of you, for whatever reason? you didn't know but you had a nagging feeling that was why he did it. or maybe your brain was just trying to soften the blow of your boyfriend secretly despising you for god knows how long.
so yeah, that was how you ended up rotting in your bed. at this point you really shouldn't still care about him anymore but your heart refused to let him go. and it annoyed you so much. how was it fair that you sat here mourning your relationship and what it could've been while he was out there winning grand prix's and clubbing every other night, seen with a different girl every single time. while he was out picking up girls you were picking up your heart, that had gone straight in the journal as soon as you had thought it.
the fans had realised something was up by the second day of your breakup. you hadn't even collected all of your things from his yet and they were already trending you both on twitter. it honestly felt like the last thing you needed right now but you smiled through the pain and tried to make your instagram feel as normal as possible until charles put up a statement about it, so that you could too. then you could finally put this relationship to rest.
being with charles had given you a following of sorts of your own and you felt like you owed them something, seeing as they only liked you because you were dating- used to date charles. your best friend and current roommate (for the time being, seeing as you were living with charles full time before the breakup) jess had told you millions of times that they were just random strangers and you didn't owe them anything. it never eased the weight you felt though.
one night after the third night in a row of summer break (that very same summer break that you were longing to spend with charles) that charles was out and had been pictured taking some random girl home was the night where jess had tried to snap you out of it.
"i think it hurts more that literally none of them look like me? like if any of them resembled me at least i would know that he missed me, even a little bit. even if it was subconscious, you know?" you had ranted, staring holes into your phone that had showed you the dreaded pictures of the three girls who all looked alike in regards to each other but nothing like you. in fact they were the complete opposite of you in every single way.
jess had swiped your phone off of you and slid it into the back pocket of her jeans.
"look, you technically broke up with him but it doesn't matter. he clearly doesn't care so why the fuck should you?" ever so blunt, jess was.
"i don't mean to be mean, you know that. i mean this in the nicest way possible but you have to get over yourself. this isn't the end of the world as much as it feels like it. the world has continued to spin this past week and it will continue to do so no matter what so you need to get up and live your life. you're wasting your emotions on a man who literally doesn't care whether you live or die at this point."
although it was filled to the brim with all the shit you didn't want to hear, jess knew exactly what you needed and she gave you the wake up call you had been needing since that night. that night she helped you wash your bed sheets and tidy your room up, moving the furniture while blasting taylor swift's breakup songs. jess was still letting you grieve the relationship because she knew better than anyone, that you can't just hear one inspiring speech and finally stop caring about him. even though she knew that you would stop caring sooner rather than later with the way he was acting.
"you better not wear that skirt with those heels!" jess' girlfriend, hailey had shouted over the thrumming bass of someone's getting ready playlist. you weren't too sure who's it was but you knew for certain it was not the usual music that was played in the flat.
'the inchident' (which you thought was a particularly cruel play on words) had happened almost a month ago and jess had invited your closest friends for a night out in monaco. as well as her girlfriend, she had also invited sophie, probably your second best friend.
"why?" sophie asked back, brows down as she moves the skirt in her hands, looking for an issue with it. "it looks good, no?". three shakes of heads are her answers.
"soph it looks so fugly." jess said, trying to pull on a pair of doc martens. you had burst out laughing at that and it had set everyone else off too. you knew pre-drinks were a great idea. the group had already taken three shots already and for a lightweight like you, this was the perfect state to go to the club like. drunk enough that the night seemed endless, plus you would save a fortune on drinks while you were there too, seeing as you were almost on your way to being absolutely smashed. exactly what you needed after this past month.
as you all clamber into the taxi to take you to the club, the group chatters with each other while jess is chatting away to the driver. she got so talkative when she had alcohol in her system. the ride to the club wasn't long so when you all arrive and after you had all given about a million thank you's to the driver you head into the club.
you and sophie find a table to sit at while jess and hailey head in the direction of the bar, hailey offering to buy the first round in celebration of you finally going out with them for the first time in months.
in the taxi ride over, sophie was telling you all about the boy she was speaking to and how he may or may not be a famous athlete. after a joke or two from you about watching what she's getting into she tells you that she had been on a few dates with him and they were days away, as she put it, from becoming official. with all of this in mind you still had no idea why, when you were both on the hunt for a free table, scouring around the very back of the club, she suddenly stops in her tracks, grabs your arm and turns to face you. the poor girl looked like she was about to pass out. surely she hadn't had that much to drink already, you had just gotten here, you had thought to yourself before she spoke up.
"that's him! he's here?!" sophie whisper shouts as she kind of just stands there, almost like shes lagging. you look at her, confusion plastered all over your face.
"who? who's here?" you ask her. it's easy to tell she is annoyed at your question but she's much too preoccupied to tell you off for it in her usual sophie manner. like her fight or flight kicks in at that very moment she suddenly pulls you towards the large booth filled with people, seemingly all men but maybe a few girls from what you could make out. it was actually really dark in this part of the club.
"my man." the blonde girl whispers to you like it was obvious, nothing was obvious to you when you were sober never mind this tipsy. you recognise a man at the end of the row but it doesn't sink in your muddled brain until you are standing directly in front of near enough half of the grid.
you stand like a deer in headlights as it clicks in your brain. the weight of a thousand busses suddenly weighing down on your chest. oh this was so not good. you hadn't looked to see if he was here but did you really need to? it seemed like he was going out at any chance he could find since the two of you last spoke. you avert your attention to sophie who was standing very closely to the man at the edge, who you now could see what carlos. you had no idea that was who she was talking about.
you hear someone in front of you call your name, one of the drivers, maybe lando? he had always been nice to you any time you and charles went out together and ran into him. you don't reply, not that you get the chance to because an arm is gripping yours from behind and at first you swear your heart falls right to the ground and is so very close to taking you with it but you look over and see it was only jess and hailey with your drinks. this was not how tonight was supposed to go.
jess says something you can't hear to sophie and the blonde nods back before you feel your best friend pulling you away from the table. you still feel frozen as she drags you to a free table you and sophie must have missed on your own hunt. you felt like you were having an out of body experience. there was no fucking way in hell that just happened. no way he was here. why couldn't he just let you have this one night to yourself without ruining it? he had already ruined your life, what else does he want?
hailey slides you your drink of choice and heads back up to the bar to order another, knowing you'll need it. jess could see the look in your eyes even if you couldn't feel it yet. what stage of grief was this you were in now? because all you wanted to do was to get the ground to swallow you whole. maybe depression. jess' soft voice pulls you out of your daze.
"hey, drink it. i'm not encouraging drinking to numb your feelings but tonight is not the night to deal with whatever the fuck that was." jess says, her voice as comforting as she could make it. you really appreciated it so you downed your drink and waited for hailey to come with your next.
"we'll process this tomorrow but tonight, we drink." hailey says as she returns. you swear you hear her curse sophie under her breath as you drink. you didn't blame sophie though, she didn't know he would be there and clearly didn't think before she acted. you think that maybe hailey and jess are mad at her now. great, another thing in your life falling apart. you were so getting shitfaced tonight.
the drinks blended into one another as you danced with your friends after sophie had joined you, after promising to carlos she would leave with him.
you were swaying to one of your favourite songs when carlos come over to distract sophie, you just smiled at the two 'couples' that surrounded you. even if there was a clear favourite, nothing against carlos but c'mon. it was jess and hailey. speaking of they had signalled to tell you they were off to join the long line for the toilets. they had asked of you wanted to come but you didn't need to pee so you said no. you should've went though, you probably would need to pee by the time you got to the front of the line but your drunk brain was not in the mood for rational thinking.
that's why when a man slides his arms around you don't protest it and instead lean into him. it had nothing to do with the familiar scent flooding your nose or the hums you heard every single night in your sleep, nope. nothing to do with that twat.
"This one is your favourite, no?" his accent fills your ears and you can literally feel the tension from the past month ease out of you. you lean further into charles as you sway a little to the beat. you were far too drunk to dance properly, the way you were when you first stepped foot onto the dance floor.
"mhm." you nod as your hands slide down to rest on his clasped ones, which were holding your stomach to keep you close, you hoped. charles moves his head to right behind your ear, just so you can hear him better. there was no way he didn't hear or even feel your breath hitch at the feeling of his breath on your ear. if you weren't this plastered then you would be so embarrassed at how easily you let charles do this again. you could even hear the rational part of your brain screaming at you, asking you what you were doing but you could barely even see at this point so of course you ignored it in favour of being the girl in his arms again.
"then why'd all your friends leave you, sweetheart?" charles asks, it feels teasing and maybe even a little mocking but there is no way you would be able to tell the difference in this state, so you just respond, dumbly. "they went to pee."
charles laughs in your ear and it sends goosebumps throughout your body and puts a sappy grin on your face. you hadn't heard his laugh in a while and it felt so good to hear it again. it felt like home to you and god had you been homesick.
you would've done anything the man asked you to when you were like this, well maybe sober too but when you were sober you would've definitely put up more of a fight about doing it. maybe charles was taking advantage of this as he practically moves you both to the next song that plays. it's a good job that jess and hailey come back when they do because you would've done anything for him. it felt like he actually wanted you again. you had missed him like this and here he was acting like he couldn't get enough of you. every part of you hoped to remember this in the morning as both girls pulled you away from his grasp (without any fight from charles, which told the girls everything they needed to know) and took you home, without as much as a goodbye to sophie. safe to say she was not going to be invited round again after tonight.
the next morning consisted of waking up at three pm with the sorest headache you think you've ever experienced and a blurry memory. turns out your hoping and praying last night had worked because the only thing you can remember is the way charles held you. the words he said weren't one hundred percent clear but god if this didn't set you back three weeks. jess was furious with sophie and hailey had literally cut her off in every single way possible. jess tells you over dinner that night that hailey had blocked sophie last night when you had gotten home and it did make you laugh but now you had to mourn the end of two relationships. you knew it was for the better but it still killed you, ripped you apart from the inside.
the thing that hurt you most was charles. you reflect on it in the shower after dinner. he knew how drunk you were and he still came over, clearly because he knew it was the only time you would let him back in without any fight. did that mean he missed you like you missed him? or was he just doing it because he could, showing you (a drunk you, mind you but still you nonetheless) that no matter what he still had his claws in you? your questions were answered as you scrolled through a gossip page and seen that charles left with another girl who looked nothing like you last night. you really had to stop looking through those pages, it did nothing but bring you down.
nothing prepared you from the instagram dm from the quiet australian mclaren driver about another month after the club incident. he had never really spoken to oscar a lot before back when you were a regular in the paddock but it was still super nice to hear from him. it didn't mean you were prepared for him to ask you if you wanted paddock passes to be guests of mclaren at the next race. when you had asked what you had done exactly to deserve this gift, oscar had responded with 'i know your birthday is coming up and i also know how much you love f1'. you cried to jess before texting him back that you would take them. he was such a lovely boy.
you knew how bad ferrari were doing because you were an f1 fan way before you had even met charles so you of course kept up with the sport even after the breakup. even though it killed you to see his face on the screen. and you would never admit this to anyone, not even jess but seeing ferrari do so badly did make your heart ache for charles.
a few days before the race jess takes you shopping to find the outfit that makes charles beg for you back just so you can let him down harshly. her words of course, you would never even think that. as much as he's hurt you there wasn't a bone in your body that wanted to hurt him in return.
"i'm not drinking today, or tonight." you inform jess as you enter the paddock, the cameras immediately snapping in your face. you had not been in the eyes of the media for a good few months and now coming back to this made you feel dizzy but you powered through it because you had missed attending races so much. you found yourself beating up past you for not appreciating the privilege you had, getting to attend all those races.
"mhm, sure you aren't." jess doesn't even try and entertain you. you roll your eyes at her words.
"we both know what happened the last time alcohol and a certain ferrari driver mixed and i, for one, don't feel like going back down that road again." you try to make a joke out of it you're sure it would've worked if it was anyone but jess, she knows you far too well.
oscar greets you not long after and has the audacity to thank you for accepting his invite, he was literally the sweetest boy who's ever walked the earth and jess was sure to let him know of that fact. it left him with a big grin and rosy cheeks.
you and jess both cheer on the mclaren cars, which you have to admit, was one of the weirdest things about the full experience. you couldn't help but let your eyes wander to the red of the ferrari cars every now and then. you will your eyes to shift in the opposite direction every time. no way was anyone catching you lacking today, not on jess' watch that was for sure.
lando and oscar end up both on the podium so it was a great finish for the papaya team. oscar comes over with lando this time, after the podium and they both thank you and jess for coming again and this time you give them both swety, champagne covered hugs, unaware of the eyes peering into your soul.
said boy catches you on your way out, again when you're alone while jess makes a quick pitstop at the bathroom. you were hanging around across the hall, waiting for her to come out.
"hey, didn't know you still came to races." charles tries to make casual conversation with you. like the months you two were together didn't mean anything and like he hadn't just used you as a player in his game when you were hammered last month. this man has no dignity you swear. you had thought a few nights after the night out at the club that night.
"oscar asked me." you take a page out if jess' book and stick to the blunt responses. you knew you had moved on from the boy in front of you because as soon as he made his way over you weren't nervous or excited, you were annoyed. it made you feel happy and a little healed. charles seems surprised at your bluntness so he cuts to the chase.
"i miss you." he utters your name. "i miss you so much. i keep dreaming about us, and every morning, it feels like I've lost you all over again." you don't even look in his eyes to see if he's telling the truth. you used to be able to read him for filth, like he was your favourite book that you had read and re-read a million times, a book you had scribbled all your thoughts onto. now he just feels like a book you used to love when you were a child and as much as it helped shape you into the person you are now, you have new favourites now, that you read over and over and write inside, for someone else to read your thoughts and feelings.
you do though, see it hitting charles that you won't let him walk all over the top of you anymore. you see it register on his face and he makes a move to leave you be. maybe the you from a few weeks ago would've cried at the thought of this happening but whatever has happened to you in the past couple week has helped you grow mentally and helped you know your worth. charles walks away without so much as a goodbye, and you hope it kills him.
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firegirl888101 · 24 days
Hi! I’ve been re-reading the insatiable madness series and can’t wait for the next chapter! I have a little thought though, what if reader cosplays a character the harbingers know? Like Raiden Ei or Zhongli? And then reader almost perfecting the makeup look and persona of that character that the harbingers think they are the character reader is cosplaying, really wanna see their reactions! Have a good day/afternoon/night! :))
- 🌮 anon
Ladies and Gentlemen, The Special Ask:
In the canon story I'm not going to include cosplay regarding clothes or wigs.
(this is because they're a college student with parents who barely support their genshin habit) 💀
Plus that shit is expensive, I think we all know Y/N doesn't have that type of money.
This question was asked by five different people funnily enough, and they were all within the same weekspan! Either the same person asked the same question but wrote it differently grammatically every single time, or that's one hell of a coincidence. Either way, I wanted to answer since it's a fun concept.
I did think about this when coming up with a plot - the Harbingers were first supposed to meet Y/N at a cosplay competition actually! But, I changed it since there would be way too many questions and too much chaos that I probably wouldn't be able to convey well :(
@fuhuaily you asked about this on the 30th of January, I've mentioned you since you didn't put on anon mode <3
Just wanted to warn people that I decided to choose Raiden Ei as the specific cosplay, which means there will be she/her usage when Y/N is wearing the cosplay. This is because Childe sees the cosplay as an entirely different person in his mind, thank you!
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Childe was having a relatively normal morning.
Sure, he'd woken up with worst neck cramp he's ever experienced in his life, but he felt ready to take The Balladeer in another fight. To him, this means he's in tip-top form.
Well, he thought everything was normal until he realised that you were nowhere to be seen.
"Hey, has anyone seen Y/N this morning?" He questioned his insufferable comrades, rolling his eyes when seeing their exasperated faces when they turned to him.
"Probably sleeping in again." Scaramouche rolled his eyes in return. "That mortal sleeps later and later everyday."
"Hm. I thought they'd be crying." Dottore shrugged.
"Why?" Pierro mumbled worriedly, a sharp glare crossing his face and waiting for the doctor to explain himself.
"They had a tantrum due to their homework, not a big deal."
"They had a what!?" Pulcinella raised his voice, worry in his tone. "And you didn't tell a soul?"
"They were being a child. No, not like Childe. Ugh, that's besides the point. They were whining about biology, something about forgetting which parts of the heart were which." Dottore explained, an uninterested face present on his face.
"You ought to report these situations sooner, Dottore." Pierro scolded him.
"Why didn't you help them?"
"Jester, he did." Columbina smiled politely at her superior, a small wave gestured to get his attention. "The Decider didn't listen and ran off."
"Tartaglia, go see what they're up to. If they truly are in their room crying again it's best we force bring them downstairs for a chat." Pulcinella coughed into his hand.
"Who makes the orders, you or I?" Pierro turned to look at him.
"What are you going to do about it?" Scaramouche snickered into his hand. "According to Dottore, we're going to be stuck here. Can't tattle to the Tsaritsa now, can you?"
"Don't you start with me, puppet." Pierro glared at him, feeling all the other harbinger's gazes on the two.
"The minute we get back to the Zapolyarny Palace, I will make sure everyone is reminded why the rankings exist." He threatened.
"Ah, and the Tsaritsa will be informed of everything that takes place. I must remind you not to take things too far otherwise it will get worse for you."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. If we get back home." Childe rolled his eyes, walking upstairs after loitering at the bottom to hear the drama.
"I heard that!" Pierro shouted from the bottom.
Childe sighed and walked up to your bedroom door, the nameplate crooked and slightly dusty. He knocked on the door three times. Actually, make it a fourth. For good measure, he reasoned with himself.
"Don't come in! Who is it, and what do you want?" He heard you call out from behind the door, your voice barely discernable.
"The boss man is wondering if you're alright. He's concerned about you crying or something." He answered.
"Whaaaat?" You sarcastically shouted at the door, already recognising Griffin Burn's voice shouting from the other side. "Noooo."
"You totally were."
"Was not. Anyway, I can't come out my room right now. I'm a little... occupied with something." You called out, hairspraying the blonde wig in front of you.
"Listen, as much as I care about you being busy and personally wanting to leave you to it, it's not up for discussion. Pierro and Pulcinella don't look pleased." He rubbed the back of his neck to soothe his cramp.
"When do they not look pleased? Sometimes it seems like simply being in their presence pisses them off." You sighed to yourself, foregoing the wig you were working on and taking pictures of yourself in the mirror.
"Well, I wouldn't say that's the reason... But the way you turn their mood upside down is always funny to watch." He chuckled to himself.
"Whatever, can you leave me alone now? Tell them I can't come down right now - I'll be there in half an hour at most."
Childe felt confused with this. What could you possibly be doing that causes you to be unable to come outside your room straight away? From what he knows, you don't have any evident hobbies. Throughout the days the Harbingers have stayed in your home, you're forced to spend time with them only and answer questions they have about this world.
This is the first time you've ever done something by yourself, and from the sound of your voice, you seem to like doing it too. So much to the point that you got irritated when he tried to make you come downstairs right away. Seeing you act independant for once is a big change he wasn't expecting this morning.
He also doesn't know why, but he doesn't like this change one bit.
Ideas cross Childe's mind as he tried to guess what you could be doing. Eventually... no. No, no, no, no, no. You couldn't possibly be... No, you can't be. An hour for doing that??? If that truly was the answer you must have some impeccable stamina! Maybe the urge to have a spar with you wasn't as outrageous as he thought.
"Hmm... Okay. But, I don't know what Pierro will say to this. If only you had a reliable man on the inside who could tell him to leave you alone for now. Oh wait, that's me." He slyly pushed an idea he thought of in his head.
"What's your point? I don't like that tone of voice you're using." You rolled your eyes at the door.
"Let me in and show me what you're doing! In return, I'll defend you when we go down in an hour or when another Harbinger comes up."
"Seriously? Are you actually blackmailing me right now?"
"Blackmail?" Childe feigned a shocked gasp. "Of course not, it's just a deal within both of our self-interests."
"Riiiiight. Your interest being what I'm doing, which is very nosy by the way. And my interest is not being in trouble with Pierro. For some reason, he's always the one turning my voice against me. Ugh, I hate my life, I've been reduced to a hormonal teenager who whines and complains all the time. Oh wait, that was me years ago."
"Just open the fucking door."
"Fine, but you have to promise not to tell anyone." You gave up, putting down your phone in your hand and tucking it under one of your pillows.
"No way, did you give up that quick?" Childe spluttered.
"Obviously not. I just figured that you'd go on and on and on about it. Plus, you'll probably find out eventually if you search through all my cupboards."
Childe put his hand on the doorknob, his fingers shaking in anticipation. He was going to be the first Harbinger to enter your room, and you had no problems with that? It seems his day really is going great today!
With a deep breath, he pushed through the door, anticipating your room to be neat and tidy. However, unlike your consistent checks to make sure the house was tidy, your bedroom unfortunately wasn't.
Looking in your direction, you were kneeling on the floor with a can of something he didn't recognise in your hands. Whatever you were looking at intently looked like it was about to fall over any second, the blonde hair being propped up by a cardboard box on your bed.
"Who...? Where's Y/N, and what are you doing with that hair in front of you!?" He exclaimed, not recognising the person in front of him.
Is Childe really this shallow to not recognise me when I don't look like myself? Maybe I can use this somehow... You thought to yourself, deciding to pull a small prank.
"Daring to enter my personal chambers without my permission..." You slowly turned around, trying your best to keep you movement rigid and stoic.
"You are aware it's not the most intelligent of ideas for lower lifeforms to anger their superiors, correct?"
Childe couldn't move, he didn't recognise the person in front of him. She had purple eyes and raven hair, her plait having the same shade of purple at the tips. She wore a stone cold glare on her face which gave no hint of mercy, he figured as much considering the tone of voice she used before. The thought of her not giving him any mercy made him feel excited, has he finally found a worthy opponent to spar with in this world?
"Well, will you at least give an excuse for your blatant blundering?" You narrowed your eyes with folded arms.
"I..." Childe's eyes shook, his dull eyes shining in adoration. "I want to fight you."
Hah? Even when Childe doesn't know it's actually me, he still wants to fight me? Of course he would...
You can't actually fight him. The safest option right now would be to break character. But, this is too fun. Let's keep going.
"You disturbed my peace within my own sanctuary, and now demand things of me?" You questioned him, taking a step closer.
"Do you really wish to taste the engulfing lightning laying dormant in my blade?"
"I do." Childe nodded, displaying his own hydro blades, their glow lighting up the room.
"Very well." You nodded, unsheathing the engulfing lightning polearm you made from its custom case.
"You're not going to take my request for battle seriously? Why fight with a weapon as shoddy as that?"
"Bitch!" You broke character.
"This was my first ever prop I made myself! Apologise right now or I'll kick you out of my house!"
"Wait, Y/N? That was you all along?" Childe cautiously stepped closer, his blades disappearing with his change of thought.
"You're really... them?" He eyed you up and down, eyebrows furrowed with confusion.
"Yes, you prick!"
"How are you all purply? And the way you acted before, it was nothing like how you usually are!"
"I wanted to mess with you since you didn't recognise who I was. It's such a shame I was dressed as the Raiden Shogun, it would have been much easier if I wasn't cosplaying an archon."
"Raiden Shogun? As in the Electro Archon!?"
"Oh yeah, I forgot you didn't go to Inazuma. Well you do, but after the Traveller finishes their business there." You thought outloud. "But still, fuck you for calling my masterpiece 'shoddy'!"
"It's not even made out of metal! Good thing you'll never become a weaponsmith..." He laughed nervously, eyeing your angry strare growing by the second.
"Anyway, could you finally tell me what you're doing in here? It's not just pretending to be an Archon, right?"
"Of course not. Also I'm not 'pretending to be' anyone, I'm cosplaying." You explained, picking up your hairspray and continuing to spray the golden locks.
"...What the fuck is cosplaying?"
"It's a hobby of mine. To put it in simple terms for someone as uneducated as yourself, you dress up as fictio-- uh, people you admire."
"You seriously admire the Electro Archon? Scaramouche would have your head for that." Childe rolled his eyes, unable to hide a mocking grin.
"I don't admire her. In fact, my opinion of her is quite negative. I just find her beautiful, so, I wanted to cosplay as her." Yeah, that negative opinion of her is only due to the fact that now you have to deal with her prototype puppet bullying you both physically and mentally.
"How many of your wacky costumes do you even have?"
"Quite a lot. I recently sold a couple online because I don't wear them much anymore. I got a lot of money for it ya know?"
"Damn, so this is an actual business you've got going on then."
"Exactly. Anyway, can you get out now? I showed you what I was doing." You shooed him away with a hand gesture.
"Nuh-uh. What are you doing to that blonde hair on your bed?"
"Don't even get me started on this Navia wig. It's the last part of her outfit I need and the hairspray ISN'T STICKING. I have spent almost 15 minutes trying to still the curls and it isn't working. If I'm not careful I'll dry it out!" You complained, aggressively spraying the hair.
Childe just stared, feeling the hairspray shroud his lungs leading to him cough excessively.
"Can't you just, not do that? If it's not naturally meant to be that way why are you trying to force the hair to keep still?"
"Styling, my friend. It's because styling exists."
"Riiiiight..." Childe dragged out the vowel, accidentally mocking you from earlier.
"Wait, do you have Lord Capitano's outfit??" He asked suddenly, practically having stars in his eyes.
"Ah, no, I don't. I wouldn't be able to pull off a cosplay of him anyway. Hmm, I don't know about you, but I think he'd be overjoyed at the fact you can't cosplay as him." You answered, snickering into your hand.
"Why would I use one of your wacky costumes when I can get the real thing from the man himself?? I just have to fight him for it!" He excitedly proclaimed, running out of the room whilst shouting his name.
"Oh shit, CHILDE NO!"
Running down the stairs after him without thinking, you were greeted with the Harbingers looking exasperated at a very loud and excited Tartaglia trying to fight Capitano but just being dodged.
"This is why I keep my hobbies to myself.." You sighed into your hands, watching the scene unfold with the rest of the Harbingers.
"Decider, what did you feed him this ti--"
All the Harbingers turned to you with wide eyes, some looking confused and some (Scaramouche) enraged.
"What the fuck... do you think you're wearing?" He grumbled, voice gradually getting louder as his shock wore off into anger.
Uh oh. You forgot you were still in your full get-up... AND THE BALLADEER IS RIGHT THERE. THIS IS THE WORST THING THAT COULD HAVE HAPPENED!
"Let's calm down, and-"
"I asked you a question, mortal." His teeth clenched, stepping dangerous steps closer towards you.
"WHY ARE YOU WEARING HER CLOTHES? You could probably fool an incel like Childe, but I would never be fooled by your appearance. What do you think you're doing, pretending to be that... that.... traitor...!"
"Well, I just thought-"
"You thought wrong." He snapped. "What would possess you to dress like someone I hate? Someone you know I despise."
"Listen, you have every right to feel frustrated with the character I decided to dress up as today. I don't fault you one bit for that. But you have to understand, this was just bad luck. Of all the days I decide to wear this cosplay..." You tried to reason with him, leading to his eyes snapping open.
"You mean to tell me you do this to others? And I thought I was evil." He scoffed.
"The only people who think of themselves as evil are people who are trying to be looked at that way." You winced at his accusation.
"Except Dottore, that man is vile in both personality and hygiene."
"Genuinely shut your mouth." Dottore scratched his ear, only proving your point and causing many Harbingers near him to scoot away.
"That has nothing to do with this." He folded his arms. "You know, I've been getting sick of your attitude as of late, aren't you the one who always makes me apologise when I do something wrong? Why don't you do that for a change?"
"Hah? But I already apologised?" You muttered.
"Don't make stupid excuses. All you did was take fake-pity as if you're a friend of mine. I want you on your knees with a heartfelt apology."
Fuck that. You're not apologising sincerely to this piece of shit. Yeah, you messed up and genuinely feel bad, but you'd never tell him that.
"Uh, no thank you." You waved him off. "I didn't even wear this to torment you, I was checking to make sure my stitching was stable enough."
"So you can wear it again?"
"Yeah, for a competition. The whole point of dressing like this is to compete with other cosplayers."
"Ohhh, so that's what you were doing!" Childe pitched in, seemingly giving up with his one-sided fight.
"These competitions you speak of," Sandrone coughed into her hand politely, gaining attention. "Do many compete?"
"Yes. You can dress up as whoever you like. I decided to dress up as the Raiden Shogun because she's beautiful. Also she's popular among competitors to cosplay as, so I like the amount of competition I get by dressing up as her."
"Interesting..." Pantalone mumbled. "And these clothes are expensive, no?"
"Definitely. They can cost over a hundred if you get the entire outfit - and I'm talking about the cheaper lower-quality ones. As for me, I buy the raw materials and sew the outfits myself."
"You... made this?" Signora gaped in awe, stepping closer and feeling the fabric.
"Yes, it has potential. Have you tried clothes which aren't Inazuman?"
"Of course, I dress up as all kinds of people. I'm currently working on Navia from Fontaine. She's--"
"The President of the Spina di Rosula." Arlecchino finished for you, sipping her cup of tea. "The children stationed in Fontaine told me."
"Right, Lyney and his siblings. Yes, I remember them."
"Hm? You know of them?"
"Something like that." You laughed nervously, creeping towards the stairs.
Let's not tell her they're framed for a murder trial and almost get wrongfully convicted...
"Anyway, I'm going to get changed as per request by Scarawoosy. I'll be upstairs, and may not come down. So uh, yeah. Have fun with whatever you wanted me to do before."
You quickly ran off after that, hearing Scaramouche's shouts for you to grovel growing fainter.
"You're just going to let them run off like that?" Scaramouche looked around him, only questioning the others when feeling Capitano's heavy hand on his shoulder.
"Not necessarily." Pulcinella walked into the room, his cane supporting his slow movements. "It's an admirable skill to have, wouldn't you think so, Dottore? I'm aware you have a similar skill."
"Indeed." Dottore contemplated his words. "Although, it was only because we've lived for hundreds of years did we realise they were pretending to be the Electro Archon."
"Do not put me in the same league as Tartaglia." Arlecchino swirled her cup with a teaspoon. "I could easily tell they were pretending."
"No, you didn't see them." Childe argued. "The second I entered their room, they switched personalities and aura's quickly. Not to mention they agreed to fight me when we all know how much they hate any talk of that kind."
"So they're good onstage." Sandrone grinned to herself. "Perhaps if we asked too much of them regarding their ability they'd crack under pressure. It's certainly not perfection, but it's a close start I suppose."
"I'm very intrigued." Columbina announced, being strangely silent throughout the entire confrontation. "Although Childe is younger compared to us, we shouldn't doubt his words. He was named a Harbinger for a reason, maybe they were very convincing?"
"Ugh, out of all the people to defend me of course it's you." Childe shuddered slightly, staying quiet when noticing her intense gaze.
"My point is, we should test them and find out which people they specialise in. Heheh, I'm more focused on the amount and range of people they have in their wardrobe."
"You put forth a good point." Capitano nodded in agreeance. "Although, do you believe they perhaps have some outfits of us?"
"They better not." Scaramouche stated, walking back to the seat he once sat in moments ago. "If they had my outfit, I'd rip their hardwork to shreds." And perhaps, he'd give you the real outfit instead... after all, you still need a punishment for going behind his back and choosing her of all people to present yourself as.
"Well, if they had my dress I wouldn't be opposed. They'd finally be worthy of looking at in the eyes if so." Signora grinned wickedly.
"I want to see what else they have up there." She announced before also walking up the stairs.
"Wait for me!" Columbina giggled, running after her. "If they have my outfit, they have to put it on right away!"
"I better follow them, you know how those women get when intrigued. Besides, it will give me the opportunity to look inside their room." Pantalone pocketed his coins before also walking up the stairs, much calmer than the woman before him.
"Rooster, where is the Jester?" Sandrone spitefully asked him, a slight sickeningly amused tone in her voice.
"Working, as usual. He often tells me 'when we get back', but at this point that day might never come."
"It will come." Dottore silently warned him. "Despite what you've seen me do during the day, at night I work on a plan for the machine back. It would be oh so helpful if The Decider could help me, but why would they help me when that's practically planning their own death?"
"So, it will take longer without their help?" Capitano questioned him.
"Well then," Sandrone had an incredulous look on her face, not believing the stupidity of the men around her. "Why don't we just force them to help?"
"So we're not playing the 'nice guest' role anymore?" Scaramouche laughed, a laugh almost escaping his lips.
"No. I would say we can't afford that anymore." Pulcinella secretly winced, feeling his bones grow shakier every minute.
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I honestly see a Y/N who would keep up their cosplay hobby during captivity using it as a way to escape. They would dress up as other characters and imagine themselves to be them as they're not being held captive.
The Harbingers would also use this skill of yours on their enemies as bait. They'd have to assess and train you how to act like them, but eventually you'd be a spitting image of them and be the perfect trap for luring in potential assassins. Don't worry, they'd never let them actually hurt you. They've most likely shot the enemy down before you even realise the threat has turned violent.
Scaramouche, if he had no feelings for you, would definitely use the Raiden Cosplay against you. I feel he would tell you and lash out at you whilst saying everything he's always wanted her to hear but never heard him out for. It sucks for you, but it's a good stress-manager for him. As long as you play the part correctly, he won't get physically violent. Play the part poorly, and expect to become the punching-bag instead. In the little oneshot, Y/N is quite lucky it ended where it did. They should try to avoid dressing up as Archons going forward though.
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melodic-haze · 2 months
Can I ask for a sub Jade x fem reader? Jade is so cocky and self-confident thinking that she will dominate the relationship, but reader puts her in her place by taking her to the extreme Thank you in advance and have a nice day!💕
☆ — DEMO TRACK: sub!Jade x dom!afab!Reader
☆ — CONTENT WARNINGS: None? A lot of biting?? Does that count???? Rough sex in general
☆ — NOTES: To celebrate getting Jade I am writing about scissoring her she CANNOT escape me. As per usual I wrote this at the dead of night so if nothing makes sense then 🤷‍♀️
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It's so funny, dating Jade, bc she's so self-assured of anything and everything—no matter how risky a deal may be, it's as if she has it all figured out.. and really, she probably does. That confidence transfers over to her general personality ofc which. Aha 💀 goodness
She's definitely convinced herself that she was going to take the lead for every single thing, taking care of you and punishing you if you deserve such treatment. She already does so in her daily life, what's a relationship with someone so precious as you make a difference?
A lot, she goes on to realise sooner or later when you have your first time together LOL
"So eager, aren't you," she practically coos at you as she steps further into the secluded room, taking off her hat and placing it carefully on the vanity.
"What, you rather I wasn't?"
"Now, I didn't say that." The pink-haired woman let out a soft laugh, "I would like to give you credit where credit is due, however, for waiting to get inside the bedroom rather than pulling me into the next available alley you find."
A huff slipped past your upturned lips, your eyes scanning every inch of your lover—who you once thought was unattainable without a hefty price, much like such precious gems are, is now standing in front of you at the foot of the bed with a not-so-innocent twinkle in her slitted eyes.
"I wouldn't dare have our first time together in some random setting," you simply say, "a lady should be treated as such.. and I wouldn't want to break you where everyone could see. Not yet, anyway."
That gained Jade's attention, her hand halting to a stop before she could slowly remove her singular glove. "Oh? I was under the assumption that I would have to take care of you, sweetheart. Unless you think that I can't leave you more than satisfied?" She walks up to you as she speaks, tracing your skin with a manicured nail before gently grasping onto your hand, "Because I assure you that I never leave my clients with the feeling of.. incompletion."
"One problem with that statement."
"I'm not a client of yours, am I? I'm much more than that."
She raises an eyebrow, its shape perfectly sculpted and arched and perfect, "Confident in where you stand, aren't you? Such arrogance can often lead to one's downfall, you know."
You walk forward, prompting her to follow your motions like an intimate dance, "Are you saying that because you believe you're the exception to the rule?"
"Not that I'm the exception, no.. but challenging such things is something I am required to have expertise on, considering my line of work."
You hummed in response, "You've yet to prove that to me beyond professional transactions."
"Haven't I?"
You don't speak in turn, though instead you draw your hand back from hers before swiping it under her intricate blazer that hangs on her shoulder, letting it slip down.. and then pressing the same hand on the centre of her chest to push.
Your lover gently falls onto the mattress with a soft sound of surprise, with her long hair fanning out under her like some sort of pink halo. That momentary surprise is easily replaced with a pleased smirk, however, as her hands roam around her body to caress every inch of herself like a tantalising temptress, simultaneously opening up her outfit and fully revealing the lacy underwear underneath.
"So you caught me off-guard. That's a first."
You moved to straddle her, stripping off your topmost clothing and discarding them to the side, "Is it, though? No point lying through your teeth there."
"Ha. I suppose you do have a penchant for surprising me on the occasion." She puts her hands on your hips, gripping you and gently digging her nails into your form, "And I also suppose that that was you taking advantage of the situation, which.. bravo. I hadn't even noticed I let you take the lead."
You leaned down, capturing her lips with your own and cutting off whatever words she had planned to form after—if she ever even planned to, which you sincerely doubt it considering how her arms tugged you closer to her—before drawing back and leaving her wanting more. Her beautiful blue eyes, formerly slits, had seemingly expanded as she laid there in a silent daze.
"And you can continue. Letting me take the lead, I mean." You breathed out as you took one of her breasts into your hand and groped her idly, "Let me take care of your needs and desires this time, yeah?"
"Unfortunately that isn't in my job description," she jests with a slight rasp to her voice.
"Too bad you're not working right now," you quipped back.
And without any more to say, you lean back in as the two of you let your desires take over completely.
She definitely absolutely challenges your authority HAHAHAHA oh my god. She's SUCH a brat actually, teasingly trying to grab the reigns back and dominate you but somefuckinghow you're looking at her and acting a certain way that it actually sends a shiver down her spine once she realises you mean to consume her wholly like a snake with its prey
She isn't used to being on the receiving end, to being the one being taken care of, to being the one overwhelmed by the amount of pleasure you're giving her. And the foreign experience fucking thrills her bc almost nothing scares this woman in bed
I say "almost nothing" bc if your buttons are pushed enough bc she makes it a point to make it INSUFFERABLE for you bc you could just hand her control and she'd take care of you :((( and take the easy route like everyone else :((((( and you snap, there's no telling what'll happen to her 🥰
ROUGH HER THE FUCK UP and that's when she starts getting concerned for her wellbeing (in the fun way), though the thrill is still there and has never been this amusing and overstimulating since.. god knows when. It has her wanting for MORE
She wouldn't beg though. She refuses to do so—something something she still has some modicum of dignity in her—but that's fine.. you can just have her struggle in desperation 😋!!
Such a bestial, carnal act was unbefitting of such a classy lady.. and that debauched expression on Jade's face was even less so.
Her nails dug into your skin, though this time her grip was a far cry from its gentle yet possessive force. Instead, it was harsh and desperate, perhaps even enough to draw blood. Your neck and the line of your collarbone was in a worse state as your lower back was, though, with the multiple bite marks that littered your skin (and some of them were even the slightest bit punctured, not necessarily all that dissimilar to a snake bite).
Not like she was any better either, with how throwing her head back meant that you were able to see the myriad of marks all across her body—her skin was painted like a canvas, signed repeatedly by you and only you through some sort of binding contract.
You bucked your hips into hers with a crooked smirk to your lips that easily broke off as a groan escaped your lips. Your clit had rubbed onto hers in a certain way that had the both of you stumbling, if the time spent repeatedly switching from making her hold off from cumming, continuously pushing her off the edge and having her please you as a form of gratitude rather than her initial service didn't exhaust you two enough already.
Whenever you look at her, she always seems to be on the cusp of truly letting go and pleading for you to finally give her the release she needs from your constant minstrations throughout the night, always seems to be on the edge of admitting that you hold the power over her, that you were more than some random client like she joked about.. but she seems to have some extra willpower within her that prevents such sudden declarations.
Doesn't matter, though, because you have the power to simply draw back and leave her on the tipping point.
And when you look at her again, when you see her mouth smudged with lipstick move as she voices out her thoughts, when you see her reach out for her, when you feel just how embarrassingly wet she is...
When you see the Stoneheart at her rawest, without any sort of modification to suit whoever she deigns to interact with, you just can't help but give her a bit more.
Guys I'm a firm believer in Jade having fangs but anyway
Be mean enough to her and eventually she'll crack 🥰🥰🥰 and it'd be RUDE to leave her hanging..........or yk. Leave her hanging 😜 as a way for her to remember exactly how easily you can put her in her place
Either way now she knows FULL well not to get all cocky again unless she wants that hot-and-cold rough treatment again ☺️ and she also knows not to underestimate you ANYMORE what a way to learn not to underestimate someone
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Hey honey!! So Im back with more dad!tan request. What if like y/n and tan were not dating, maybe just one night stand or were kinda talking at some point/friends with benefits, and tan did not know he was a dad until he runs into y/n either during a mission or just like at the store, and y/n has like a 5 year old who looks like tan. Like… the DRAMA!!
Hope you’re doing well hon!!
hii bb!! I just realised that I automatically wrote this in headcanon format, hope that’s okay. I really love this idea🤭 thanks for requesting hope you like it💌 sending love
I got carried away, apologies!! wc: 675
at the beginning, maybe his job got in the way, so you both kept things casual - ie friends with benefits. things ended abruptly and kinda suddenly, and you lost contact. and then soon after you split, you found out you were pregnant
you didn't tell him as you knew he wasn't ready, and bc of how things ended, you didn't want to bring him back into your life. maybe you relied on the support of family and friends to get you through the pregnancy (and with the uncertainty at the start)
I always write tan having a girl, so im gonna switch it up and say you had a boy (WHO is practically the spitting image of tan. but he also has a mix of your genes too. your body did the work. you deserve the credit for a pretty baby too)
when you were pregnant and when baby boy was born, you kept it secret and hidden. and didn't tell tan. you were very conflicted about it. you wanted him to know that he had a child, but you couldn't stomach the potential disappointment for you and your son. and then you got so busy bringing him up, that the time almost flew by. over the next couple years, you debated picking up the phone to text him, but every time you see your last message chats, you decide against it
maybe your son's birthday is coming up in a couple days, so you take him to the store to pick out decorations and flavours for his cake. he's sat in the trolley, playing with a toy while you walk down the aisles. THEN maybe you see the back of someone familiar... see where this is going?? so you try to avoid him and go down another
then out of nowhere, tan pops up and you both see each other. maybe bc of the child in the trolley, he feels compelled to say hi to you (he's nosey like that) and you do one of those internal 'fuck's for making eye contact with someone you don't want to speak to
you twist the trolley and turn baby boy away so tan can't see his face. and you have pleasantries - asking how the other is doing, what they've been up to etc. then the elephant in the room topic comes up. he asks if you're babysitting, then you say no. then he asks if he's your nephew, you say no again. he pauses, connecting the dots. then baby boy turns around and it's game over
and while tan is looking at your son (they have that vision & white vision moment in wandavision. please say you get the reference) and then tan asks how old the kid is, while he's smiling and nodding at the kid. then you say he's almost 5. and he's speaking in a friendly way while entertaining your son (like a baby voice, pretending he's speaking to baby boy but it's actually to you) "he's mine, ain't he?"
and you're looking between them both, and it just makes you feel warm and fuzzy. so you tell him "yeah" and then right after he asks when the birthday is, so you tell him it's in 2 days at your place. so he says to you "is it alright if I come?" and you tell him "yeah" and it's very sincere. and you and tan have this sweet, silent moment. then before leaving, he says to his son "see you in a couple days little buddy" 
and he turns up for the birthday with tonnes of gifts!!!! everything you need that might not have been able to afford (being a single mum and everything) gifts, balloons and basic necessities he wished to have bought when you both needed them
he apologises for everything, and you do too for not telling him (maybe you feel guilty for those 5 missed years) 
he asks if he can come over again tomorrow and do something. asking if he can spend time with both of you
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yayakoishii · 1 year
Hello, I’ve loved seeing all of your One Piece content recently! Could I request a Sanji and a fellow straw hat reader who recently got married? I saw something recently about how once Sanji gets married, there would come a moment where someone would call ‘Vinsmoke’ and both would turn their heads and it would just cause Sanji to get emotional because he finally shares a last name with someone who doesn’t see him as worthless. Someone who instead looks at him like he single-handedly placed every star in the sky. If you don’t end up writing this that’s alright, I at least wanted to share this little scenario.
Vinsmoke | Sanji x Reader
Fandom: One Piece
Pairing: Vinsmoke Sanji x Reader
Word Count: 600
Genre: Fluff, minor angst?
A/n: *laughs in still haven't read past Ch. 526* Hey there requester <3 Firstly, I'm happy to hear you enjoy my writing! Thank you so much for this absolutely lovely request. You actually requested it when they were closed but I found it too cute and wanted to write it– even though I haven't reached that part in the manga yet. But, I wrote based on the things I learnt from fanfics (and whatever I got spoiled about, lol) so this might be inaccurate? I would have loved to expand but I need to know the entire backstory properly before I could do that TT Still, I had a fun time writing this cute drabble! Hope you enjoy it ♡
also available on ao3!
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Sanji woke up to the most beautiful sight in his entire life– you lying next to him, curled up against his chest from where he could see your hair spilling over the pillow and your relaxed face. This was the sight he was going to wake up every day to, from now on, and the thought of it made him feel like the most blessed man on Earth.
You shifted a little, burrowing closer into him, as if you two were already sticking to each other. He could feel your skin on his own, reminders of the night before but all he could feel at the moment was overwhelming love. He couldn't hold back when he saw your hand with a ring come up to lie above his heart. The choked off sound he let out woke you up, and you looked up at him with sleepy puffy eyes.
"Sanji…?" You mumbled, humming in contentment when he wrapped you up in his arms. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing, my love," he said quietly, gathering you into his arms, his own wedding band grazing your back as he did so. You shivered at the sudden cold touch but looked at him with dopey eyes full of so much love that he felt blinded. "Just thinking of how lucky I am."
The two of you eventually rolled out of the hotel bed and got ready to leave for your trip. You were on your honeymoon, a week long trip to a famous vacation island that had a lot of fun activities. Sanji had gotten ready first and gone down to the lobby to discuss something with the staff. You hurried up and joined him there after you had made sure that all the marks he left on you were hidden well under your clothes. You were not embarrassed by them – but you were also a private person who preferred to keep certain things to yourself. The love Sanji made to you was something no one else has to see or know. It was something just for you to experience.
You checked out at the reception since you had the room key and were about to make your way to Sanji when the hotel staff behind you suddenly called out, "Vinsmoke-san?"
"Yes?" You turned around automatically, feeling a little giddy. You had been preparing for this ever since Sanji proposed to you. To be called by his name, to be called his…
You didn't notice Sanji's reaction because of your own thoughts. The blonde had turned to answer the call only to be left dumbfounded when he realised the staff had called for you. You, who were now Vinsmoke (Y/n), had replied back with so much ease, like you had been answering to it your whole life.
And it was like someone had pulled his heart out of his chest and clenched it– it was both painful and pleasing to him that you were a Vinsmoke now. The first one to always be by his side, the first one to protect him even though he was clearly no longer the weak boy he once was. The first one to look at him like he hung the stars in the sky, the first one to love and accept him for who he was– you were now his first, real family. The family he had chosen and started. The family who loved him.
"Sanji?" Your concerned voice jolted him out of his thoughts and he blinked, feeling his eyes wet suddenly. His face was cradled gently in your soft hands as you looked up at him, silently asking him why he was about to cry. "What got you like this?"
Sanji swallowed the heavy lump he could feel in his throat, like his emotions had turned into a ball and were trying to come up his throat. He blinked away the last vestiges of his tears, instead wrapping you up in his arms again.
"You being mine now," he whispered, knocking his forehead gently against yours. His clear blue eyes looked straight into yours as he added, "In heart, mind, name and life."
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theshinazugawaslut · 8 months
Sanemi as a best friend who is obsessed with you, so when you tell him you've never ridden someone he offers to let you practice on him. On his face, abs, thigh, on anything that you can ride, he'll train you before you take his cock
a/n: sorry if this didn't come out good, I wrote it under a half-hour since I'm sick.
He's your best friend, the little boy you grew up with in the same neighbourhood — everyone knew the two of you were attached at the hip, everyone also knew that Sanemi would never let a single boy near you and so, no boy ever tried.
Your earliest memory of him is when you were both three years old, standing in a long queue on a hot Summer's day outside an ice-cream van in the park.
He had been right behind you, humming a tune, and you had turned around and said, "I love that song!"
The boy had the lovliest, archangel-white hair with the softest, lilac eyes; his cheeks all soft and squishy. He had smiled shyly and gave a small nod, though the two of you ended up holding hands as you took him to play in your sandpit.
Ever since, the two of you have been inseperable.
He always held your hand — tight, firm, like a kite he was afraid of letting go — and he looked at you like you had been weaved out of starsong and rose dew and the most honeyed siren song.
God, in his eyes you were this shimmering moon that he yearned to touch, you felt like what heaven must be like — he'd heard so many stories of heaven when he went to church with his mother, he imagined God had a face like you. There couldn't be anything else.
He was a sweet boy, you realised very quickly. Always helping you put pretty flower clips in your dishevelled hair, always using his own chubby hands to try and tuck your hair into a lopsided ponytail and smiled shyly as you squealed and squished your cheeks together to his.
He didn't mind being the subject of your childish eyeshadow palettes either, letting the cheap glittery gel being smudged across his eyelids though it did help him learn his own talent for eyeliner.
You're always over at his house or the other way around, too, and you're always making the loveliest drinks and snacks so you can watch Cinderella together, tiny hands weaved with his as you gush about how pretty the sapphire-blue ball gown is.
Soon enough, school starts, and Sanemi remains your best friend, sitting right next to you and saying no to playing football with the other boys in favour of reading a story book with you in the corner of the classroom.
You also witnessed him grab a boy bigger than him by the hair and hurting him because the boy had tripped you over and made fun of you in the playground where you had been awaiting for Sanemi.
Even when he'd gotten in trouble, he'd given you that smile that only got wider as you kissed his cheek.
He'd always been a serious child, a happy child but mature, and when he got a younger sibling, he was ecstatic, taking his newborn brother out his cot and running over to your house carelessly to show you Genya.
When his mother had rushed out in a panic a few hours later, she found you and Sanemi in your room, Genya bundled up safe and warm. The newborn safe in your arms as Sanemi snoozed against your shoulder, you looking at the newborn with bright eyes.
When Sanemi awoke later on, Genya now in his mother's arms, something inside of him stirred seeing you hold a baby with such care. He didn't know what.
Ever since he was a child, he'd give you flowers, braid your hair, kiss your cheek shyly when he was feeling very bold but one thing remained the same in highschool, that firm grip he had on your hands.
Everyone knew you two, nobody dared come near the either of you as Sanemi made it abundantly clear that his only interest was you and made it clear to everyone else - much to your obliviousness - that you did not need for friends and you especially did not want for any boys.
You never thought much of it.
You were more than happy being with him, cheerful nature and bubbly personality meaning you'd cling onto his arm anyway, doe-like eyes looking up at him as he kept an arm around your waist as he walked you from class to class.
You're bright, like the Sun, and he burns just looking at you, but for now, he's more than content helping you study for maths (you're hopeless) in the library, slipping you sweet treats every few minutes that make your eyes light up though his own shine brightly when you give him the after-school snack you baked for him in the morning.
You always give him so much — often making him bentos with all his favourite foods; spending time in his house to help take care of his six younger siblings whilst his mother worked — bathing his little sisters, changing his baby brother's nappy, singing songs and playing games with his siblings to keep them occupied so that Sanemi can finish his essays in peace, and you coming into his room after putting them all to bed, giving him dinner.
Though he rolls his eyes as he sees how you've made your notes all colourful and pretty.
"You're finding the equation of the tangent of the curve, you're supposed to do that by finding the y co-ordinate, differentiating it, calculating the gradient, and finding the equation of the line not... drawing flowers and galaxies on the page, doll," he says, exasperatedly fond.
"What's a y co-ordinate?" you ask innocently and he bangs his head against the table.
"How can you be good at fucking politics and biology and literature but be so utterly shit at maths?" he groans though you only look at him with that sweet expression of yours. "Hell, how are you good at Physics and not good at maths?"
"...I just copy your answers in Physics, and I only understand the theoretical stuff," you tell him and he glares at you, causing you to giggle. "I'm kidding! I sometimes copy your answers."
He flicks a sweetie wrapper at you then so you shriek as it touches your lashes. "You almost ruined my mascara!"
"You don't need it, anyway! Your natural lashes are like spiders anyway."
He snickers as you pull a strand of his snowy hair. "Sorry, dumpling," he says teasingly.
"You're the dumpling here! With your big, mochi cheeks!" you say with a huff.
"Next time when we go to the gym, I'm turning your treadmill to the highest speed," he threatens and you blanch, causing his laughter to grow louder.
Soon enough, you're both adults, sharing a dorm for university even though Sanemi was rather upset about having to leave his siblings and mother behind at home. Thankfully, you're adamant to keep in contact with his family which means an hour-long video call to his siblings and mother alongside your own family.
And even now, as you share a dorm for university, both wanting to become teachers, you're glued to the hip.
And now you're both twenty-one, still virgins, and you're currently cooking, calling for Sanemi who is lazily sitting on the couch, reading a book about teaching.
"'Nemi?" you say in that sweet voice of yours, calling for him as you cook something — usually Sanemi would cook but you wanted to try out a recipe this time yourself.
He puts his book down, taking a moment to come into the kitchen, thinking you had probably burned something though he's pleasantly surprised to find that's not the case though he tries to not let his jaw drop at the sight of you.
Pale-pink off shoulder top showing him just your left shoulder, all smooth and pretty, and your apple-green, pleated skirt had you looking so girlish.
"Hmm?" he says, deep voice all thrumming and rich, like smoked apples and wind-swept ash. "Oi, if you're cooking, you should do your hair back, do you want to be set on fire?"
With the words, he's already come behind you to start doing your hair in a loose braid — you're used to it; he always does your hair, helps with your make-up, most of the time he'll blow dry your hair as you study.
"What's it you called me here for? Ya missed me?" he asks behind you.
"I was just wondering," you begin. "But how come I've not had a boyfriend yet? You've not had a girlfriend either, ever... Mitsuri's dating Obanai; Hinatsuru, Makio, and Suma are all with Tengen... And- and Shinobu's been seeing that Tamayo. Even my little sister has a boyfriend and I don't..."
Sanemi has frozen up behind you before he continues finishing the braid. "Why are you thinking about this?"
"I wanna love someone, too!" you tell him. "I wanna be loved! Is that so bad? I've never had a single man ever like me. I've never even kissed someone, how am I supposed to even have sex when the day comes? I have no experience and-"
"-You're seriously thinking about sex?" he interrupts, voice a little cold.
"Well, yes, I want a lover, too, and I have no practise! I know you don't either so it's not like you could actually help-"
"-I could," he whispers, mouth suddenly grazing your ear. "It'd be nice, no? Learning with me? We could learn together, it'd be fun." You don't have to look to know his eyes are hot and intense and bloodshot, that rabid grin on his face. "I'll be good to you. I'll help you learn whatever you want, hmm?"
You've entirely stiffened up, pretty eyes blown wide. It's no secret you're head over heels for the man but you didn't think...
"I'll let you think about it," says Sanemi, leaving a wet kiss on your jugular that makes you shiver, and he leaves the kitchen to finish his studying.
Though it takes only till night-time for you to agree and Sanemi gives you that tender smile of his, gently taking your hand and guiding you to his room.
"I knew you'd agree, since you're just the best," he laughs gently as he sits you down on the soft mattress, reaching over to brush some hair from your face. "My darling girl..."
You hadn't known Sanemi could look so sweet, so ravenous; his hunger a bottomless abyss, his love an endless well. He thumbs at your lips.
"Though I'm worried," he croons, suddenly gripping your jaw and making you face him. "You're such a delicate thing, you won't be able to take my cock so quickly. Tch, what a shame."
Your eyes are doe-wide now, blood rushing across your cheeks and making your cunt hot — you've never felt like this in your life. Sanemi... you hadn't expected him to be so filthy with his words immediately.
"That's fine though, I'll help you," he says with a sweet smile, as if sin wasn't clouding his eyes. He leans forward and he looks at you tenderly before capturing your lips with his; it's shy and a little awkward but god, Sanemi is desperate, grabbing your face as he peppers wet, feverish kisses against your lips. Taking your first kiss, your second, third, fourth, fifth...
You don't even realise he's deftly taken off your shirt and unclipped your red, lace bra, allowing your breasts to come spilling out and you whine, shy, trying to cover them up in the eyes of your best friend who only grins but removes your hands gently.
"No, no... You can't be doing that," laughs Sanemi. "I like'em, they're pretty, though that's only expected."
He takes your small hands and covers them with his larger, rough ones. He brings your fingers closer to his shirt, urging you to unbutton them with your own fragile fingertips, grinning as you starts kissing his chest with unsure, intoxicating lips that cause him to moan softly as you take off his shirt.
"So pretty," he coos, rubbing the base of your head as you kiss all the way down to his abdomen. "So good to me, always giving me the best gifts."
"'Nemi, I... 'm scared," you whispers against his skin and the rough pad of his thumb strokes the shape of your brow.
"So am I," he says softly, in that sincere tone you've known since you were young and he gently lifts you up so you're eye level as you both kneel on his bed. He holds your face like it's the moon. "But I trust you, and you trust me, right?"
You nod in his hands and he grins. "Atta girl." Then he's kissing you, languid and slow, keeping a hand on the back of your head so that you can't pull back. His other hand reaches for one of yours as you kiss him, lacing them together, teeth grazing your jaw momentarily as your free hand comes to drag nails against his skin.
Between those slow, sweet kisses from your best friend, you find that he looks so sweet with his wintry, moon-kissed hair from the dim light of your unconcealed window. He freezes, looking at you as though you were radiance, as you trace a finger from his strong forehead to his stronger nose — silvery scars almost glowing under the light as large hands made you shiver as he cupped your breasts, making you whimper under the searing heat of his hands.
Your delicate finger traces down the hollow of his throat and Sanemi's restraint begins to wave, his desire increasing tenfold.
You've been driving him crazy with want since the day he met you at that god forsaken ice-cream truck. His voice comes out rich and dark and thick with insanity, "You are sure about this? I do not want... God, I don't want you to regret this. We will only go as far as you please, only do whatever you want, I swear it."
You give an eager nod and he plants a chaste, lingering kiss against your mouth. You're not stupid, you know this isn't just 'practise', you know so badly what it really is. He loves you, too.
"'Nemi, please, touch me," you whisper.
"Okay, okay," he says with the lilt of murmuring brooks as he puts his svelte lips on your hair once, then twice, before move down to touch your soft stomach, tracing a line down to your belly button as he nips at your hips causing you to let out stuttered, breathy moans of his name.
"Nngh- 'N-Nemi," you say between choked breaths as his finger press against your lower back, almost moulding dimples into it.
"I know, baby, god, I know," he whispers, kissing directly above your womb, and it sends liquid lava — coarse and hot — through your veins, making you gut twist with pleasure. "We'll like this, I promise..."
He presses shaky fingers against your hips and you finally notice that dark, crazed glint in his eyes.
"'M gonna fuck you nice and good, 'm gonna fuck you full, you hear me?" Before you can even answer, he's ripping at your skirt and underwear, chucking them to the side. "I've gotta prep you first though."
You whine at the words, trying to grab at his erection though he stops you with three fingers — catching your wrist. "'Nemi, I- I don't need to be prepped."
"Sweet thing, you gotta be prepped," he says, and he gives you a dry, teasing smile, "I wouldn't be a good friend if I just shoved my cock inside you, dry and raw."
"What're you gonna do?" you ask through short, choppy breaths and he chuckles.
"Let's see..." he says, almost playful but he gives your nipple a sudden squeeze that causes you to jolt in his arms.
He's quick to lie down on the bed, still clothed by his bottom half, and he has you right against his rocky abdomen that is all smooth, supple skin and ridged muscle.
"Ride me," he says, one hand on your hip, rubbing soothing circles against the plump flesh. "Move your hips for me, my girl."
You place your delicate hands on his hardened chest, rippling scars flexing as you begin to shyly move your cunt against him. He hisses softly, cursing under his breath, vulgarities spilling like prayers from his mouth.
"You pretty thing," he whines, holding the sweet fat of your hip in his large hand, guiding you back and forth on his body — he wants to be used like a fucking toy, he doesn't give a shit, it's you for god's sake, you're all he's ever wanted.
His thumb tries to search for that sweet pearl between your legs, he almost panics that he might embarrass himself but you cry out as he brushes a particularly sensitive bundle of nerves. He grins.
"There, baby?" he asks as he begins to swipe at your clit as you ride his abs. Your toes are curling into the sheet as you hump desperately against him, crying out as you feel his bulge nudge against your rear as you move back and forth, nodding deliriously to his question, tears leaking like falling stars out your eyes.
Though it's his fingers that have you coming undone as you squirt over his body deliciously, nectar coating his body like a divine sheet.
You don't even have the chance to recover as he grabs both your hips and lifts you onto his face, you squeal and try to scurry off but his strong, veined arms keep you clamped onto his face.
"Fucking sit," he sneers and you whimper, the sound making Sanemi drunk.
You feel something hot and wet flatten against your folds, his tongue silky and burning as he drags it up and down, inhaling like a man starved. "Always wan'ed to try this," he murmurs into your gorgeous pussy as he laps at it and you let out a high keen.
The sound seems reverberate in his lungs. You're all he fucking needs, wants.
You, and this sweet pussy of yours that's suffocating him in the most sweetest way possible, your hips bucking against him.
"Nngh-! O- oh god, 'Nemi," you cry out, trying to hold onto something as he keeps you firmly planted right atop his pretty face as your juices smear across his jaw and plump lips.
He's practically set you alight and crying with his tongue prodding inside your fluttering cunt, tasting you, nose bumping your gushy clit.
"You're so sweet," he groans against your pussy; the tender, pink muscle of his tongue hard at work as he made you see stars. All that left your panting mouth was feverish cries of his name to the point it was more like you were blabbering random syllables.
When you release onto his tongue, he doesn't waste a single drop — teeth almost gnashing at your cunt in his desperation to have it all inside him.
He gets you off his face and simply kisses you, nice and long, you desperately panting into his mouth, tasting your own nectar on his tongue but he just kisses you like a man starved.
"Baby," he whispers as he kisses the fat of your cheek, suckles on it a little before moving to that lovely curve of your jaw. "Wanna fuck you on my finger, my thighs-" He can barely breathe- "Wanna do it all but let me fuck you full first, hmm? We've practised enough for now, yeah?"
And you're quick to nod along to his frenzied words, causing him to lay you down, kissing your neck sweetly before kneeling on the bed to kick off his boxers.
His cock is a pretty thing ― thick, pale; strong veins across the shaft, an angry, throbbing tip. At least seven inches or so, pearls of precum falling down as he holds it.
"You... Are you ready?" he asks gently. "We can stop now if you want, I don't mind, dumpling."
You freeze, tears welling your eyes. God, you really do love him. Dumpling. Even after all this frantic lust, he looked at you like you were his world, his best friend.
He smiles against your mouth when you kiss him and he keeps at it as he slowly pushes his bulbous head through that first tight ring of muscle that has you crying into his mouth.
"You're doing so well, my sweet girl," he hisses through his teeth as he kisses your neck, pushing in inch-by-inch, all slow and languid in hopes to avoid hurting you but he was inexperienced man, he couldn't help but thrust himself all the way in when he felt you squeeze him so tight.
"See, look, such a good girl, took all of me," he groans, smiling down at you, brushing a strand of hair from your face.
He begins to drag his cock out and then in, soon enough slamming into you over and over and over as you cry out, toes curling. He holds one of your hands with his, fingers interlacing as he cries out into your neck, too, your body causing every primal instinct in him to become this burning thing.
"F- fuck, y-you think 'm gonna let you- let you go to anyone else after this?" he says as he holds your waist to slam your cunt back into him with force, causing you to let out loud gasps as you keened his name. "You're fuckin' wrong. I'll be the only one to- to see you like this."
He knows he's muttering nonsense but you're so damn pretty as you come undone around his cock, squirting against his abdomen a second time and he's sobbing softly as he cums for the very first time right inside your gummy walls.
"Oh, fuck!" he cries and he starts peppering kisses all over your face. "I love you, I love you, I love you, ever since we were fucking kids, I love you."
He collapses next to you on the pillow, kissing your forehead a last time. "Thank you, baby," he murmurs.
As you catch your breath, Sanemi suddenly asks, "So... when should we get married?"
The question would shock anyone else but you're cute as always.
"I always wanted a Winter wedding!"
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Various characters on your birthday
A/N: So this is very self indulgent because yesterday was my birthday (yippee!) but I wrote some headcanons with a few of my fav characters from the fandoms I write for. Anyway have fun reading!
Warnings: none
Characters: Aro Volturi, Emperor Belos, Elrond, Shadow Weaver, Thranduil
Aro Volturi:
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Now, celebrating birthdays in the vampire world is a little bit different. Since most people at the palazzo have been alive for centuries, they don't really celebrate their birthdays every year. It's more like every decade or even every 100 years.
However, if Aro's mate is still human or a newborn vampire, they can expect to have a big party thrown for them. Even if they prefer solitude, they can expect to at least have the family invited. That being Caius, Marcus, Athenodora and Sulpicia.
Aro obviously gets his mate the best gifts. He can, after all, see their deepest wishes with a single touch. His mate had seen something online and thought "wow, it would be nice to have this"? Aro had already added it to the list of possible birthday gifts.
Obviously he would buy them more meaningful gifts as well. For example, maybe the mate absolutely loves a certain book series, well Aro would commision someone to make them a special edition of the books.
His mate can expect to find love notes and poems all over the place on their birthday. Aro is a gifted writer and he makes sure to capture all the things that he admires about his mate. Which is pretty much everything. Seriously, he can barely name anything he doesn't like.
The entire day is planned carefully by Aro and he intends to go through with his plan unless something absolutely crucial needs his attention. In that case, he promises his mate that he'll make up for being away.
Aro will ask them to dance with him to their favorite songs. Whatever the song may be, he would find a way to dance with them.
It brings him great joy when he sees how his mate has so much fun. Especially if they are holding his hand while doing so. Aro loves it when he can bury himself in their mind.
When the day is coming to an end, he takes them to stargaze outside of Volterra, somewhere not that affected by light pollution. They both would look at the stars and hold hands while doing so. Aro would whisper sweet nothings in their ear, possibly slipping into other languages while doing so.
His mate can definitely say that their birthday was amazing, if not the best birthday they ever had.
Emperor Belos:
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When it comes to Belos and celebrating birthdays, he actually prefers to not have a grand party for his beloved. He just thinks it would serve no reason and a private dinner or something similar means far more than anything else.
That being said, he is actually... hardly torn away from doing his Emperor duties. He must prepare for the Day of Unity after all. But after enough begging, he decides to humor his partner for a while.
I'm not saying that he didn't get them gifts, because of course he did. Belos is the type of person to hand-craft presents instead of buying them. He just feels it's far more personal that way.
Belos being the old fashioned man that he is, he writes them a heartfelt letter. As heartfelt as Belos can be of course. He would reminescence of their first date and the moment Belos realised he loved them.
Somehow the entire castle found out of their birthday, so the s/o can expect getting birthday wishes from most of the guards. Some (like Lilith, Kikimora and Hunter) even give them presents. Lilith and Kikimora just want to suck up to Belos of course, but Hunter's is more personal. After all, it's his uncle's lover.
As much as Belos denies it, he loves having matching things. So his beloved would get something for their birthday that matches something he owns. Perhaps it's a gadget he uses often, or a piece of clothing that he loves; he would get them something similar.
This day is the ONLY day he would allow them to wear his emperor outfit. Belos would watch them try to imitate him and would laugh along. After the day is over though, he makes sure to tell his s/o that they got their emperor-outfit-wearing priviledges revoked.
Obviously Belos knows everything on the Boiling Isles, which means that he knows all of the secret places that are just absolutely mesmerizing. He might just surprise his beloved with a trip to one of these places.
I believe at night, once the both of them are in bed, Belos would share some of his fond memories. That is probably the most sentimental his s/o had ever seen him. It's sort of a birthday present of sorts I suppose.
Now, if his lover REALLY wanted to have a big party, he might be convinced. He would use that to manipulate the Isles into believing that he is a kind man, but he would also just want to make his beloved happy. Belos is just a tiny bit twisted like that.
Absolutely the type of man who would ask for their s/o's hand in marriage on their birthday. I can just totally see that happen.
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Oh Elrond, beautiful Elrond.
Now birthdays are a bit questionable for elves as well since... well, they are immortal. But, whenever Elrond and his beloved would celebrate their birthday, the elven Lord would make sure to make it unforgettable.
Elrond plans the whole day of course (if his s/o agrees into the planning).
First, they would wake up and receive breakfast in bed. Elrond would stay with them the whole time, smiling down at them as they eat. After that he takes them on a walk in the gardens where they would talk for hours.
If someone happens to "accidentally" play some music in the distance, Elrond would ask his lover on a dance. They would talk while doing so and laugh along when they accidentally trip and fall in the grass.
After the walk in the gardens, Elrond takes his s/o back to the main halls and leads them to a room that is decorated just for them. There awaits them Elladan, Elrohir, and Arwen with smiles on their faces. All of them would give Elrond's beloved a gift while the Lord waits patiently.
Elrond's gift wouldn't be too grand but it would be meaningful. Most likely it is something he made with his own hands. Like if his beloved wears jewellery, he would make them something out of their preferred materials. Since courting is taken very seriously for elves, I believe they wouldn't commision anyone for a piece like that like humans would. The elves make important gifts themselves as it's more meaningful that way.
After a joyful lunch with music involved, Elrond brings his s/o outside to celebrate with the rest of Rivendell. It's a very carefree party where the elves play music and dance around with or without the s/o.
Once nighttime comes around, Elrond will get them away from the party and bring them to a clearing where they can watch the stars in peace. The stars are very important in an elf's life, so why not spend the last hours of their birthday looking at them.
Elrond would tell his beloved how much he loves them while in the comfort of the stars. He would also describe their relationship using great many metaphors.
At the end of their birthday, they walk back to the party and dance the night away.
Shadow Weaver:
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We all know how Shadow Weaver loves gardening, right? Well, she would obviously put together a lovely bouqet for her s/o. It consits of their favorite flowers, or if they don't have any, flower in their favorite colors.
Shadow Weaver would wake her lover up by gently caressing their face and wishing them happy birthday once they open their eyes. After that she let's them eat breakfast before giving them the bouqet. It has a little note attached to it that is enchanted so it sparks little fireworks once it's opened.
Now, the sorceress is actually not that sure how to act in this situation because, let's be real, she did not partake in many relationships before. So her s/o will have to excuse if she's being a bit awkward.
She would get her beloved a cake, as suggested by Glimmer. It would be their favorite flavor and most likely would have frosting that is their favorite color.
Because Shadow Weaver is not very big on letting her feelings show, she wouldn't really give her s/o a speech about how much she loves them but she would try to write some of her feelings out in a form of a letter.
Once the s/o is ready, she will take them to her garden that is decorated just for them. It's more colorful than usual, but it still stays in the theme of the sorceress' taste.
Shadow Weaver would then lead them to a table that is decorated by candles. They would drink tea or something her beloved likes while talking. While outside, some residents of the castle would walk by to wish them happy birthday, especially Glimmer.
Once they're done with the little tea party, Shadow Weaver takes them out to a clearing in the Whispering Woods. There she reveals a picnic set up just for her s/o. While sitting and eating, Shadow Weaver finally gives them their present. It's something very personal.
The rest of the day consists of Shadow Weaver and her beloved watching the sunset and enjoying their picnic.
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Once again, the elves are a bit different about birthdays but Thranduil sure does throw a big party. Wine for the whole realm and dancing all night.
But before he gets to that, he makes sure that this day is the best day his s/o has ever had.
Thranduil wakes his beloved up by whispering to them and wishing them happy birthday. He let's them have breakfast in bed, while he eats beside them. After the breakfast he gives the plates to a servant while they stay in bed for some more quality time.
When they finally get up, Thranduil takes them on a stroll in the garden. They walk around, simply talking. Once they found a place where they could sit down, Thranduil gives them their first gift. It's a very personal gift that he made himself (much like Elrond).
While his s/o is looking at the gift, Thranduil whispers in their ear in elvish, explaining just how much he loves them. They stay there for some time before heading back to the palace.
Legolas would wish them happy birthday of course. If he likes them enough, he might make them a little carving of sorts and give it to them.
Thranduil showers his beloved in other types of presents as well. If they like wearing jewellery, he would get them something that matches his. Perhaps his s/o would like another sword? Something that fits them perfectly but also just so happens that matches Thranduil's weapon?
Once Thranduil and his lover had finished with the gift giving, he takes them to the dining room where an exquisite lunch/dinner is prepared for them. Some elves are playing music while they eat.
When they finish, they go to celebrate with the rest of the realm. Thranduil opens up the wine barrels for everyone to drink and all of the elves dance around while singing songs.
The Elvenking obviously would ask to dance with his s/o while most likely already drunk. His partner can also expect to hear a speech from him that is adressed to the entire realm. He talkes about how important his beloved is and expects everyone to respect them as such.
If his lover is more anxious, then he swoops them away from the party to dance alone in a more secluded area. After all, he only wants them to feel great on their birthday.
The day most likely ends with the drunk couple entering their chambers and laughing as they fall on their bed. Alternatively, if his lover isn't one to drink, Thranduil still gets pretty drunk and his s/o can deal with a far more affectionate King.
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enam3l · 2 years
these days, rockstar Eddie doesn't give a fuck
read all rockstar eddie stories and lore at #enam3ls rockstar eddie
In 2022 Eddie Munson former lead guitarist and backing vocalist for Corroded Coffin is 57 and he's living his best life
He nearly breaks the internet when in an interview looking back on his career he casually mentions he's bisexual. He said any of his old fans who are bigots are gonna get the shock of their lives when they realise half the songs he wrote before he met his wife were about men.
Eddie is the ultimate girl dad and he loves it. You gave him three beautiful daughters and he stopped touring until they were at least teenagers because he just wanted to be a stay at home dad
His youngest is 22, he once admitted he was pretty suspicious about Y2K so spent the turn of the century in bed with you. Thank god the world didn't end because 9 months later you had your second child together. It also resulted in Corroded Coffin's best selling single to this day 'Millennium Babe'
Speaking of his kids, his oldest daughter came out as a lesbian. Since then every year Eddie is spotted pretty drunk with his family at pride
People are desperate for him to write an autobiography but legally he can't. The CIA made him sign a contract to make sure he doesn't let anything slip about Hawkins and The Upside Down
He's still a huge nerd. The invention of Comic Con was one of the best things to happen to him. He's seen at multiple Comic Cons each year with his old DnD gang
He got an iPhone so he can have group chats with his friends and family. But mainly it was so he could sext you whenever you were apart
Eddie does not know how to use social media so anything he wants to share, he makes his daughters do it for him. He likes to share film and music recommendations with fans and also any nice pictures he takes of you
Once drunk on an Instagram Live with his daughters, he revealed he actually has a tramp stamp. It's a butterfly you drew with your name underneath, you have a matching one with his name. You'd both got them done on a holiday for your anniversary
The best part of being a rockstar with money was spending on the people he loves. He will never admit how much he spent to get Dustin a cameo in one of the new Star Wars movies as a Wookiee
i am so drunk on making rockstar eddie content, let me know if you want more or have any requests 🥺
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caramelarchive · 10 months
Can I request maybe how the death note trio react to reader being too shy to hold their hand? Like Reader obviously wants to hold their hands but doesn’t know if it is ok (you don’t have to write for the trio you can pick a single character to write for)
oh. my. gaaaahkjsbdjjshjdhd yes. thank you anon for asking this!!! I wrote it more story-ish than bullet point headcanons so I hope it's okay :)
I also included how I think they would actually hold your hands... I realised when writing this I had headcanons for that??
I have moved to my main @lawlietscaramels please follow there for new content!
can you tell L's hands are my favourite thing. like, ever.
╾ To Hold Your Hand
L 🍰
L had oddly feminine hands. They were much larger than most women's, sure, but so slender and delicate. His fingers were pale. Well, L never went outside, so that was to be expected. But still. You couldn't help but wonder, as you looked at him absentmindedly running those wonderful fingers through his hair or a bowl of sweets, how they would look with the nails painted black.
Or, even better, how they would look intertwining with your own fingers.
L, being L, noticed your gaze rather quickly. He looked at you, looked at you looking at him, and the edges of his lips slowly curved into what might just be called a smile. He tilted his head in a nod of acknowledgement and went back to work. The detective's fingers ran over the keyboard, applying calculated pressure as he pressed down each key with a soft chuk.
You wanted to hold his hands.
So, so very badly.
And yet L was so, so very likely to decline the offer. He didn't like showing affection in "such manners." And he needed both his hands, too, for working.
But they looked so warm and soft.
"Yes?" as he typed away.
"...Never mind."
Silence for a moment. He picked up a cupcake with two fingers and pressed it into the palm you were resting on the table.
"This is what you wanted?"
You smiled as his fingers rested against your skin. They were shockingly cold and somewhat sticky, but so soft. "Yes."
L nodded in satisfaction at this and went back to work. You ate your mini cupcake with one hand, leaving the other one palm up on the desk in the hope that L's spectacularly analytical mind would apply its skills to you for once.
You looked at his hands longingly in the silence. Would it be okay if you reached over and touched it? You didn't know.
Well, you had to find out sometime, right?
Your hand inched across to L's, and you rested your pinky against his, curling your finger around L's after a moment. He looked down in surprise at the feeling, staring for a minute, then gently picked up your hand and placed it back on the desk. Away from the keyboard.
He glanced back at you after a minute, his eyes wide and his lips straight. It was, as ever, impossible to determine his thoughts. So you just waited as he stared at you, an internal monologue likely going through his mind.
L reached over and turned your hand around, flattening your palm into the table.
And he hesitated.
And then he placed a large, cold, soft, perfect hand on top of yours.
Light 🖋️
"Light," you groaned, falling back a little to rest against a tree.
"Hold on, sorry," he says, placing a hand to the speaker of his phone. "What is it?"
You gave him a glare. "We're on a date. Stop calling Misa and just walk with me. Come on, it's such a nice day!"
"I know, Y/N. It's imperative I maintain a positive relationship with Misa for work. Just give me a minute." He continued his conversation with the girl and you let out a quiet sigh, grumbling to yourself as you kicked little rocks across the floor.
This was the third date you'd been on recently where Light had been distracted the entire way through. Last time he even started writing what appeared to be notes on the Kira case beneath the table, his eyes on you but his attention elsewhere. As always.
Your gaze drifted across the pavement, stopping at Light's feet for a moment before trailing up his body. You halted again at the sight of his hand on the phone.
His somewhat loose grip tightened suddenly, along with his expression. That caught your attention for two reasons.
One, he seemed cross with Misa.
And two, you were suddenly enamoured with his hands. They looked strong.
You took three quick steps across from Light, yanked his phone from his hand, and pressed "end call." Light looked at you in shock and you simply slipped his phone into his pocket.
"Come on, you can tell Misa the connection dropped out. Just come walk with me."
Light sighs, before a smile starts pulling at his lips. "Alright. I suppose you're right. It is a rather nice day." He starts striding along, eyes half closed and head tilted back. He puts one hand, the one further away from you, in his pocket. Green-tinted shadows fall over his face as you walk between trees.
You keep glancing at his other hand. The hand that had just previously displayed an oddly surprising firmness. It hung loosely at his side now, knuckles prominent as he swung it in time with his stride.
It was a very nice hand. Oh, you started imagining just looking at his callused fingers, at the just-visible veins running from wrist to fingers.
If only he'd hold your hand the same way he was holding that phone. His grip soft, loose, then tightening suddenly when you... when what? Maybe his hand would grip yours tightly if you kissed him. Maybe if he saw another guy looking at you. Maybe, just maybe, if you simply asked him to.
You could feel your cheeks filling with colour as you stared.
You wanted to ask Light if you could hold his hand. You wanted to have the courage to just reach over without even asking.
But he hadn't said a word for a while now. Perhaps he was a little cross with you. Perhaps he was thinking about Kira. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps. Any of the many options had you feeling horribly shy and awkward to just hold Light's hand. Your boyfriend's hand. So you just stared and imagined as the blood rushed to your head.
And then Light noticed.
He smiled. Probably the sweetest smile you'd ever seen from him. His eyes opened all the way, then narrowed to slits. He looked for a moment like he was going to tease you as he stopped walking, bending his head so his nose brushed yours.
But he didn't say a mocking word. He didn't say anything at all. He knew it would ruin the moment.
Light took your hand, his clasping yours at a perfect diagonal. It was warm, a little rough, and the best thing that had ever happened to you.
He ran his thumb over the back of your hand, chuckled at how you bit your lips, and gave your hand that affirming, possessive, strong squeeze you'd been hoping for.
A smile played over your face at that squeeze. It was the perfect hand-hold in every way.
It felt like...
Like he was holding your heart in his hands.
Bonus: How Misa Holds Hands 💝
She'd start off with her hands in the same position as Light does above, but much softer and more delicate. Misa would nuzzle into your side, then her fingers would intertwine with each of yours, her neatly painted fingernails tapping against your skin.
𝖎𝖋 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖙 ˏˋ⋆˖⁺˖⁀➷ 𝖕𝖑𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖊 𝖗𝖊𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖌 + 𝖋𝖔𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖜
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eluxcastar · 6 months
The One and Only
── ୨୧:arlecchino x reader
୨୧﹑synopsis :: a collection of moments from Arlecchino's recollections of the former Harbinger
୨୧﹑genre :: Idk actually
୨୧﹑content :: fem reader, reader is a harbinger, not proofread
୨୧﹑words :: 2.8k
threw this together on a whim because I missed these two I realised it's been like nine months since I wrote one of repetition I was like I wanna play around with these people in their dynamic. you don't have to necessarily have read one of repetition for it to make sense I don't think but I have a bad habit of assuming people know things they don't so take that with a grain of salt
one of repetition
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Snezhnaya has never been immune to the curse of rumours that run rampant among its people. Some spread like wildfire and others die out before they gain enough traction to matter. When they somehow manage to make their way to the House of the Hearth, it matters—Mother is liable to find out, and that's when it's revealed whether or not she spread them herself.
There have never been more rumours about anyone but the first Harbinger. Arlecchino realised that when she was young.
They tell the daring tales of a tyrant decorated in well-worn armour able to bring the nation to its knees at their feet with nothing more than a pyro vision and a claymore.
Many of the kids at the House share the same sentiment. Brighella is terrifying, and though they'd like their approval, they never want to meet them. The few who have met them say they're weird.
Supposedly the child of the Tsaritsa, you have been tainted by the ever-waining loveless God of Snezhnaya and become little more than a heartless warmonger seeking absolution. You have not even removed your helmet in three centuries nor shown your face. You are fussy, childish, impulsive and arrogant like your whole reign of tyranny is a giant temper tantrum, and you'll only stop once you've realised the nation that has been dwindling ever so gradually will one day be reduced to a wasteland.
Maybe then, the ashes left behind by the fire you let tear apart this icy world will be your single lesson.
Arlecchino meets you for the first time at the celebrations for her ascendance to her Mother's position. Every Harbinger gathers at the behest of the Tsaritsa, an important event demanding their presence. All nine others and the Director are called to return, and along with them, you appear clad in armour, even on a formal occasion. You are feared, yes, but undoubtedly lavished in praise and feigned respect meant only to appease you. People seek to impress you because you are the first, an immortal Harbinger with the nation under their thumb.
Though foolish, she finds she cannot help but be swept up in the glory of it all, the appeal of having a warmonger's approval if only because it feels like the only good sign she'd ever get. Her ascendence is not born of admiration, merely convenience, a way to escape her Father and gain power. She is young and inexperienced and fills the shoes of her Mother with the grace of a newborn fawn. For just a moment, she could revel in receiving your praise, then go right back to indulging the bitterness she associates so heavily with your name. Whatever you have that sends shivers to the very core of grown men, she wants it, and having you pay some attention to her feels right. It cannot keep her from detesting you for possessing it.
You touched her shoulder once with an unnaturally warm gloved hand—a silent congratulations, she tells herself—it is the only way to justify her racing heart as you lean down and speak barely above a whisper. "Do no disappoint me, Arlecchino."
Everything takes a backseat as a fire is lit in the pit of her stomach, the drive to wipe that infuriating smirk she knows is hidden beneath your mask off your face. If she didn't know better, she could almost convince herself you thought you owned her.
For all her staring, however, she can't recall another moment of that night you spared her more than a single glance in her direction before turning away. It was Pierro who pinned Arlecchino's delusion to her chest and welcomed her, the Director, not the Tsaritsa's child. You merely took it upon yourself to congratulate her— professionally— as any colleague would.
The first time Arlecchino saw your face, she could not believe her eyes. You lack the odd companion she has long grown used to seeing by your side. She does not even recognise you at first, sitting in a chair in Pierro's quarters in plain clothes, your helmet discarded at your feet. In your hand is a glass, the liquid inside sloshing as you motion with your hand in some general direction amid your conversation.
It almost makes her uncomfortable to see, like staring down at your severed head pathetically rolling back and forth under the sole of your boot as you entertain yourself with it. It does not roll far before the adornments resist, and you don't fight them, instead rolling it back. Your only response to her gawking is to quirk your eyebrow at her.
You regard her with curiosity, though she would be remiss not to notice the glint in your eyes. "Arlecchino," you say, perhaps some mockery of greeting her.
Since she met you, her poker face has only gotten better, though her short pause is a dead giveaway that she has to think to recall your title. She still does not quite believe the woman she sees is you. "Brighella."
A smile tugs at your lips, and another sip of the drink in your glass marks your second pause. "Are you lost, or did I interrupt something?" you ask, though you turn to Pierro for the answer to the question.
Arlecchino takes a breath, determined not to let you get away with speaking to her that way without seeing any bite— "I called her," Pierro interrupts her before she can even say a word, and your eyes flicker back to her.
"I'll take my leave then," you say, gathering your things. You hook your fingers under your helmet and pick it up like nothing is wrong, as if you don't notice how Arlecchino stares and tries to remind herself that it should be obvious someone was under there. 
The only thing that helps her remind herself nobody else could sport that cocky smirk in Pierro's office without receiving a cold glare. He merely watches as you down the rest of your drink in one mouthful and leave the glass for him on his desk before stalking off. You stop only to put your helmet back on.
There's a sigh once you leave the room, and Pierro silently collects the glass.
The second time Arlecchino meets you, it is more arranged: a trip down the halls leads her to a stray fatuu bearing a message for her. You want to see Arlecchino in your chambers. There's no indication of why, and the man delivering the message had no inclination to ask before scurrying off. She cannot even say she blames him. She's seen the way you speak to the lesser fatuus before.
Arlecchino arrives in the corridor to hear the unusual noises in your room. It is like someone is rummaging through your belongings with reckless abandon and tossing whatever is in their way aside. 
She eyes the door with particularly harsh scrutiny. If there is an intruder, rifling through your room is the most effective way to get things they might want, and she can't allow them an opportunity to escape.
That is until Arlecchino hears your voice from inside, and you exaggerate a frustrated groan. You sound on the verge of tearing your hair out.
Then she braces herself to knock, and the room falls starkly silent as you register someone is standing outside.
"Who's there?" You pose the question like an accusation despite having to know you would have guests. You invited her, after all— demanded her, really.
Through gritting teeth, she finds the will to bite her tongue and say nothing about your attitude rearing its ugly head again. You find a way to always be like this. The moment she gains some semblance of understanding of your motives, you screw it up by acting superior again, like you genuinely believe the world should fall helplessly at the mercy of your whims and run as you will it to. 
"It's Arlecchino," she responds, the animosity she wishes to show neatly tucked away beneath a layer of barely cordial stoicism.
"Oh," is the only sound from inside, followed by footsteps and a light thud as if you place something down, perhaps one of the things it sounded like you were moving. "Are you alone?" 
For a moment, she almost began to wonder if you had forgotten her.
The question confuses her. "Yes."
"You may enter. The door is unlocked."
Arlecchino does not waste another moment before she opens the door to greet your unmasked face. This time, she recognises you from the pattern of your scars to the odd look on your face, though the off feeling staring into your eyes gives her strikes immediately with the same confusing force. 
It should be less jarring the second time, and yet, as she slowly closes the door behind her, she cannot help but scan the room in search of your helmet.
Your room is a damn mess, probably because you just tore it apart for reasons beyond her. She spies your helmet discarded by the bed on its side, hollow and lifeless and so unlike she usually sees it perched atop a suit of armour brimming with self-assured grandiose.
"I was worried he'd followed you all the way here."
She grasps at who you're implying almost immediately, yet can't say she understands why. It can't be anyone but the man in armour you brought back from the abyss who follows you around like a stray puppy. 
"Are you referring to the—" she also realises she has no idea what it is that follows you around— "man you took in...?"
"Yes." You answer without notice for her apprehension, or perhaps so used to it that it no longer seems worth commenting on. "He has a habit of stealing faces, and though I already told him he can't have mine, he's determined to get it."
"You're probably wondering why I wanted to speak with you." All too quickly, you change the subject, jumping from whatever you just said to a completely different train of thought as you turn away from her to find something amidst the clutter on your dresser. Your body obscures her view, unable to see what you're doing.
She saves you the discomfort of having a hole burned into your back from her gaze, instead taking the opportunity to look around. Do you always live in this dump? In a way, it's not hard to believe; your behaviour is reminiscent of a spoiled child who never learned to clean up their messes, yet she expected you would treat your living space with the same methodical attention as your subordinates.
"It wasn't included alongside your message," she responds absently, merely engaging because she must. Her mind is occupied, overlooking the pile of armour dumped on the floor like junk metal.
You place a glass down behind her as you speak, the sound unmistakable to her ears, compounded by the sound of something pouring. "Intentionally. You would never have come if you knew why I wanted to see you."
She cannot help but glare at the back of your head. "Is that so?"
When you turn to her, she cannot help the way her attention draws to the two glasses in your hands—glasses you have no doubt filled with alcohol. Pantalone taught her such a trick not long after he became a Harbinger, and she has not a single doubt that you learned it from him as well.
While your company isn't paying attention, fill a glass and offer it to them. It's rude to refuse once it's been poured. It'll keep them put.
It didn't occur to her until after you extended the glass in your left hand to her that she realised you had trapped her in the conversation should she strive to maintain her pleasant façade. Her fist clenches tightly at her side, nails digging into her palm with a sharp pain.
Arlecchino takes the glass with a tight smile, a wordless exchange. The look in your eyes tells her you know it, too.
"I hope you didn't bring me here for a frivolous venture." Her own warning, one she feels she has earned over the past few minutes.
"No," you say, swirling the liquid in your glass as a means of entertaining yourself. "I simply wanted to observe you."
"How forward." She cannot help it by the time she realises she's said it. There is obviously disapproval in her voice.
Despite her venom, you only smile at her dumbly as if you don't notice the tone of her voice or the furrow of her brows. "Isn't it?" a rhetorical question. You let out a light chuckle at yourself. "It's strange, I thought the one to overtake the Knave would be a little more like that old hag, but it turns out you couldn't be more different if you tried."
This is what you wanted to say?
Arlecchino's eyes narrow. "What do you mean by that?" 
"Oh, come on, are you blind?" Your penchant for mockery shines through your words whether you meant it to or not. "Surely you've noticed by now."
"I don't aspire to become my mother," she retorts just a touch more harshly than she meant to.
"I meant it as a compliment, don't you realise?" you question, "The House has run this way for years because she made it that way. I'm sure many of the children she bought are itching to go home." Your musings lead somewhere—they must—and yet you insist on meandering your way there at a leisurely pace to draw it out. It's as if you wait and watch with eyes filled with curiosity for her to guess, but she makes no attempt to. "Will you return them to their families?"
Arlecchino considered it many times. The thought is appealing. It would be like setting her siblings—now her children—free. She grew up alongside them, played with them as a child and now presides over them.
Wanting to stall, Arlecchino takes a sip from the glass before speaking.
"No," she answers. 
It's not possible. 
If not a monetary figure or tangible reason, it quickly became a stark impossibility when she considered that someone would have to explain why the orphans the Knave had acquired carefully raised were being returned. 
Many would live in harsh conditions, some would die or merely be sold again, and some were too broken down by motherly love to find their peace in the common world again. 
It's not worth the pain of trying.
Something in her answer piques your interest, and she notices your hardly disguised intrigue almost immediately. Years of wearing a helmet to hide your emotions have certainly done a number on how much you are able to hide them naturally. 
"I thought for certain you would say yes."
"You were incorrect."
You quirk an eyebrow at her as if to challenge that idea. "Was I?" you question.
Were you?
"Yes," she says before she can think of anything to disprove that. Time made her aware of the many impossibilities she had spent years fantasising about, but she would not share that with you.
"You're certainly gentler than her," you remark, almost a passing comment as it's quickly overshadowed, "Less of a pain in the ass to talk to as well. I'd have to chase her for days to get her to come talk to me."
Arlecchino suddenly understands why the room is in such a state of disarray—you hadn't expected her. Instead, you were tearing your room apart under the impression you would have days to clean it up before she found her way to you. It seems that punctuality is a burden to you. If nothing else, it's motivation to never be late.
She finds herself aimlessly staring into the glass in her hand, a lesser part of her mind trying to determine what's in it, though too clouded by conflict to place an answer anytime soon. Instead, she stands and listens to whatever you insist on saying, lost in your words and the musings of the past, your unique knowledge of what came before her.
The observations of now the piercing gaze that threatens to spill her soul out before the two of you and dissect it as you please while she watches at the mercy of your rank, the lingering respect that refuses to leave her from years of seeing you as an ideal.
Talking to you is something quite bizarre; knowing you is something even stranger. 
She may never forget the time you spent intrigued by the young orphan who overthrew her mother to take her place at your side as your colleague.
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ughgoaway · 9 months
midnight kisses // day 12
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content warnings; kissing? maybe swearing? but like nothing really!
a/n; mmmm I hate this... but ahhhh who cares!! here is the final 12 days fic, despite this actually being the first fic i wrote for it all lol. hope this isn't too cringy <3 (it is oops)
(p.s this is so short I apologise)
word count; 1.6k
(this fic takes place after they've gotten together)
12 days masterlist
Snow falls out the window as Matty wakes up with a chill in his bones, groggily he reaches over to his phone, the light of his screen briefly blinding him. The numbers 23:45 flashed back at him. God, he must have passed out as soon as his head hit the pillow. 
He slides out of bed carefully in an effort to not wake you. But he quickly notices the lack of heat in the bed and sees you aren't where he expected you to be, mouth open and fast asleep with your hair spread over the pillow in a fan.
He hums thoughtfully as he slides his slippers on and potters downstairs, his throat quickly feeling like sandpaper. He tiptoed past Annie's room, not wanting to wake her. It was Christmas Eve after all, and it had taken a full week of convincing for Annie not to stay up and wait for Father Christmas. 
Matty finally managed to convince his daughter when he pulled the social anxiety card. He claimed Santa was a very nervous person and didn't want to meet Annie because he was too scared. This was the only thing that got his stubborn daughter to give up and admit defeat.
However, she insisted on writing him a letter so he could meet her next year. That way, he knew her through the letter, so he had no excuse. Matty decided that the problem could be for next year Matty, and agreed to her terms.
Once he had slithered past Annie's room, he walked down the stairs and down the long concrete hallway, his arms wrapped around himself at the chill that emanated through the house. Maybe living in a concrete bunker did have its downsides. 
Soon, his slippers met the rug of the front room, and Matty felt the chill leave his body. He began to walk into the kitchen but stopped in his tracks at the sight in front of him. You sat below the tree with a mug of something in hand, tapping on the ceramic mindlessly.
The lights illuminate your face in a way that has Matty blinking to assure himself it's real. The glow in your eyes makes his heart flutter. The soft, warm light spreads over your cheeks, highlighting the red flush from the hot drink.
Your hands are clasped around an old mug of his that continually embarrasses him but that you love. His “lol you're not Matt Healy mug” is your prized possession. Red nails click against the mug in the tune of a vaguely Christmassy song Matty can't put his finger on.
You sit at the base of the tree staring up in childlike wonder. Matty briefly thinks maybe no one broke the secret about Santa to you based on how wistful you look.
Swallowed in his jumper and cross-legged on the floor, you sit drinking in a state of peace that Matty isn't sure he can disturb.
He used to dream of you in his clothes, and still, the sight made his head spin. His penchant for oversized jumpers had never made him happier.
Well, he's just generally never been happier. You make him a brighter and better person than he ever thought he could be.
Matty thought he was done. He tried the whole madly in love thing, but all it did was break his heart and make him a single dad. Not that he didn't love Annie, he loved her more than life itself but he couldn't help but think it wasn't right. That life didn't go the way he wanted.
But now he knows that all the roads in his life were simply leading to you. You were it. The big love he's tried to write about for decades was there sitting below his Christmas tree. The big love he’s yearned for was simply there, in front of him. 
Matty grew restless just staring, so wandered over and plopped down beside you. You jumped at his presence but quickly realised it was just him and leaned into his shoulder. Making your home in the junction between his neck and shoulder, burrowing in and breathing the lingering scent of matty that you love so much. 
Silence fell over the two of you apart from the occasional hum from either one of you as you got comfier, soon ending up on the floor in a tangled mess of limbs lying face to face illuminated by the string lights around the room.
You may have seen Matty in every light in the world, but he's never looked as beautiful as now. The slope of his nose is accentuated in a way that demands you to trace it with your finger.
so you do.
Soon, your finger makes its way to his cheekbones, feeling over the sharp bone with a gentle smile on your face. 
You trace his face like you're trying to memorise his features. As if you've never seen it before, and you're nervous you won't ever again.
and you certainly won't ever see it like this again, aglow with love.
Your finger continues its journey to his lips, and you follow the line of his cupids bow down to the corner of his mouth. You feel over his plump lips as Matty presses a kiss to your pointer finger, grinning as he does. You can't help but break out into a grin at your boyfriend's cheesy smile. 
“I never thought we'd get here, you know?” you say, finally breaking the shroud of silence that surrounded the two of you. Your hand slides down and interlocks with Matty's. He brings your linked hands up and presses another kiss to them as he sends you a confused look.
“I never thought I'd get you. I remember last year, it was Secret Santa, and I knew Annie was my secret student. You know she couldn't wipe that toothy grin off her face all day. It reminds me of you when you get me a present” you say giggling. Matty matches your laughter and shamefully nods, knowing neither he nor Annie can keep a secret for more than 5 minutes. 
“But getting those gifts was more painful than I expected.” Matty shot back and looked at you with wide eyes. Quickly, you cut in and corrected yourself.
“No no- not like that. They were perfect and so thoughtful, but I could feel the effort you put in. Each piece just screamed you. The tissue paper even smelt like your cologne.”
Matty chose not to share he sprayed it to make it that way, just nodding and slyly smiling to himself. 
“It was all amazing, but then I got to that book. It was just a physical representation of all the feelings I knew we shared. The fact you listened to me and took note of my likes and dislikes to the point where you remembered my favourite book from childhood? It broke my heart that I couldn't just run and kiss you then and there.” tears mist your eyes, but a hard blink causes them to disappear. Matty can't say the same, tears collecting in his lash line and looking as if they could fall any second. 
“That night, I went home and read the book over and over. I sat on my sofa and cried over the little prince just like I'm sure I did however many years ago.” You pause for a second a suck in a stuttered breath.
“I think that night was it for me. The night I realised this wasn't just an innocent crush. That I was in love with you. And it was simultaneously the worst and best realisation of my life. Because I never thought we'd get here. I never thought I'd get to lie with you in front of the Christmas tree in the house we share.” You smile and look back into Matty's eyes for the first time since you began only to be met with tears streaming down his cheeks.
Your hands shoot up and wipe them away, and you giggle wetly, feeling the tears collecting in your own eyes.
Cutting the tension you say, “You sap. Crying on Christmas is very cliche, you know?”
Matty laughs as much whilst crying and nods thoughtfully. 
You stare briefly, every emotion swimming in each of your eyes. Silence took over the pair of you again, and you simply stared, watching the life you're going to live play like a movie between the two of you. 
Eventually, the tears stopped, and Matty lent in pressing kisses all over your face as you giggled and playfully pushed him off. “Stop! I'm all gross and blotchy from crying!” 
Matty leans back and catches your eyes before once again leaning in, but this time, instead of random kisses being littered over your cheeks, he simply presses one to your mouth. A quick peck, nothing mind-numbing or life-changing, but it held the weight of the world in it.
Your hands slid up his back as he leaned over you, fingers snaking in amongst the curls at the base of his neck. You pulled him in slowly, just lingering in the moment the two of you had created. But soon your lips touched.
Each movement from your lips felt as if it was choreographed, working together seamlessly. The clock ticking over onto Christmas day was missed by the two of you, time quickly becoming an illusion.
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❣️If You fall, I fall!❣️
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Pairing: Daniel ricciardo X Cherrie!
Word count: 5k
Summary: in which Cherrie is a clumsy idiot. Daniel loves her anyways.
Daniel loved his girlfriend , he really did. And anybody that knew the couple could say with a hundred percent of their chest that he was crazily in love with her, the kind of love that was ridiculously sappy and made others a little sick to witness right in front of them all of the time .
They were simply the best of friends and whilst most of the time they didn't have a single problem between them, the trust between the two of them was unwavering .
Expect on one tiny , little thing.
Daniel could not trust his girlfriend not to hurt herself or break something accidentally. She was a walking accident on clumsy legs and considering the fact that she drove a f1 car for a living , it was more than slightly concerning for him to witness her outdoing herself on a daily basis.
Because if being a clumsy idiot was a sport, she would already be a world champion. Year in and year out .
At first he had honestly thought that it was just because she was tired and not looking where she was going the first time that he had watched her fall down a flight full of stairs while walking up them, still unable to believe just how she had managed to fall down the stairs while walking up them... he had been worried then.
Who wouldn’t after witnessing their girlfriend nearly break their neck like that right in front of them?
And then he had been absolutely Gobsmacked when she had just casually gotten back up to her feet, not a single pause in their conversation as though she hasn't just nearly broken her neck down a flight of stairs.
Daniel had been a nervous wreck , trying to fuss over her worriedly only to get shooed away with a rolling of her eyes as she told him that it wasn't a big deal.
He hadn’t wanted to argue with her at the time , still so fresh in their relationship and not wanting to Piss his already very temperamental girlfriend off. He had just wrote the whole incident off as a one off .
But then she kept doing it. Over and over again.
She Kept falling over things that seemed impossible to fall over. Kept walking into door frames and dropping plates onto the floor all the time.
Daniel realised that it wasn't just a one off, the love of his life was honestly just a clumsy idiot.
A clumsy idiot who refused to admit that she was one and instead would casually just step over the broken plate and tell him that she just didn't want that food anways . Too embarrassed to look anyone in the eyes after each accident that happened .
And if he tried to call her out on it or fuss over her in worry when she hurt herself , she would get snappy and storm off on him. Because she couldn't handle the embarrassment off being fussed over like a child , instead liking to pretend that nothing had ever happened in the first place .
So over the years Daniel had learned to just silently go along with it because he loved her and she was his best friend . Even if she was going to give him grey hair before it was even acceptable.
The clumsily little idiot was the love of his life and if embarrassing himself to make her feel less embarrassed about her own embarrassing moments , then he would humiliate himself all day long because as long as she was happy , he did not give a single fuck.
Like now , as they walked up the stairs to where the conference room was, he was a step behind her while keeping a casual conversation up with max as she jogged up the stairs while humming a Taylor swift to herself happily.
Keeping his body lined with the back of hers so that if she did happen to fall back down the stairs like she did last time, she would crash into his chest instead of onto the hard floor. Having learnt from his past mistakes of letting her anywhere out of his sight and reach while on the stairs.
He didn't even flinch anymore as she tripped up the last step, still not stopping humming her song as she just casually jumped onto the landing as though she had totally meant to do that.
Daniel shaking his head at her and raising his eyebrow in silent amusement at max who was grinning beside him, trying not to laugh .
Daniel bit down on his own grin when Cherrie turned to look at them over her shoulder , raising her eyebrow challengingly as though daring him to say a word about her tripping again.
He chewed on his inner cheek and tried so hard not to laugh at her cute little, bratty face .
“Alright?" Was all he said to his girlfriend , holding the door open for her.
She just pulled a face and huffed at him, avoiding their amused eyes "why wouldn't I be?" She muttered with an attitude before hurrying past them into the conference room before he could even answer her.
He snorted in amusement , glancing over at max with a grin.
"She's such a brat when she's embarrassed. Last night she fell into a bush in our driveway and then shouted at me for not trimming them!" He snickered to him, recalling the way she had gone bright red and ran into the house before he could even remind her that they were fake bushes that he couldn't even trim.
Cherrie was boredly fiddling with her microphone as she listened to Charles give a explanation on how he was feeling about his chances at championship this year , barely listening to anyone as she grew restless with just sitting there doing nothing.
She tapped her nails against the sponge of the large microphone in her hand , pulling at it curiously as she tipped it this way and that. Oblivious to the way her boyfriend was side eyeing in amusement as he watched her mess about with the microphone like a little , bored child .
Already expecting what was about to happen, he covered his smile with his hand as he watched her pull at the top of the microphone boredly, only for her eyes to widen when the large sponge part suddenly fell off onto the table leaving her with just the bottom half of it instead.
She froze and looked down at it in shock, watching the other half of the microphone bounce off the table and onto the floor in front of the press noisily , everyone looking over at her , questions abruptly paused.
The interviewer looked between Cherrie and the broken microphone with a startled blink of his eyes "what-?"
Before anything could be said that could embarrass her anymore , Daniel laughed and got the attention on him instead and said loudly "good throw but not quite far enough baby!" Nudging his wide eyed girlfriend as he then picked up his own microphone.
The rest of the drivers and the press watching in disbelief as he broke off the top half of the microphone like Cherrie had and suddenly flung it across the room , grinning casually at everyone like it was no big deal .
"What the hell?" Charles laughed in pure confusion , looking between the two of them with wide eyes.
Daniel just shrugged and flung his arm around Cherrie who was sinking lower in her seat , face straight as she pretended that nothing had even happened . Refusing to admit that she had broken the microphone (again) on accident because she was bored.
Luckily for her, Daniel had her back like always.
"It's a game we have. To see who can throw the furthest. She's not winning obviously." He lied to them with a straight face just like his girlfriend , he had learned from the best after all (Cherrie had the best poker face he had ever witnessed in his entire life) nodding at everyone in the room like what he said had made total sense.
Sebastian blinked over at him "a game - to break microphones and throw them at press?" He knowingly smirked at them.
Already Used to seeing Daniel go out of his way to copy whatever his clumsily girlfriend did so she didn't feel bad or get embarrassed in front of others .
Though he would never admit it and Cherrie would never verbally thank him for it, far too cool for that.
(Plus thanking him would mean admitting that she had a problem in the first place .. which she did not, thank you very much!) But the small squeeze she gave to his leg spoke volumes to him.
Daniel just grinned at them "yeah. A brilliant game. Cherrie wanted to throw our glasses at them last time but I told her that would get us a lawsuit. So.." he joked , snickering .
They all laughed and then just like that the moment was moved on , although from that moment on the both of them weren't given microphones at a conference ever again.
Told to just speak loudly instead.
Cherrie was bouncing up the podium with a grin on her face as she laughed hysterically as she was soaked in champagne by both Daniel and lando , having won the race this time around .
She couldn't see from the alcohol blasted in her eyes, taking a step back as she tried to wipe her stinging eyes with her sleeve .
Only she greatly misjudged the step and went flying.
Gasps were heard all around as she fell hard onto the champagne covered floor , freezing for a moment as she felt pure embarrassment flood into her.
Grimacing to herself as she glanced up to see her boyfriend fling his champagne bottle aside quickly , their eyes meeting for a moment before he just rolled his eyes at her fondly .
Then not even a second later be made a show of pretending to slip in the champagne too, flailing his arms out like a crazy person and flinging himself down onto the podium floor beside her with a loud laugh.
While lando just stared at the both of them with wide eyes , giggling hysterically at the sight of the champagne covered couple tangled up on the floor in front of everyone.
"Whoopsie daisy!" Daniel exclaimed with a smirk as he kicked out his foot and knocked lando's legs out from underneath him , sending the driver flying onto the floor with them.
Then he casually turned his head and kissed cherries rosy cheeks , amusement filling him when she cleared her throat and avoided his eyes like usual, accepting his hand to pull her up again but quickly letting go.
He just ruffled her hair and laughed affectionately at her "love you, you clumsy idiot." Was all he muttered to her with a smirk. The crowd no longer gasping at her but laughing at his antics Instead.
Cherrie hid her smile and just squeezed his waist silently , grateful for having a boyfriend that wasn't afraid to embarrass himself with her. Even if she wouldn't admit it.
"That was landos fault." She lied unable to admit that she hadn't seen the edge of the raised podium, too busy laughing at her boyfriend pulling silly faces at her .
Daniel just snorted while lando looked at her in disbelief , having been no where near her when she fell.
"All lando's fault!" Daniel agreed loudly, giving the driver a shove so that he fell again , grinning at the cameras slyly while everybody laughed at them.
Then there was that time that Cherrie had convinced him to let her take out his new Ferrari for a drive, bitting on his nails in worry but unable to deny her cute little face when she pleaded for him to let her drive it.
So He could only look on in pure disbelief as his Ferrari rolled back into the driveway slowly , a sheepish looking Cherrie getting out of the car as she cleared her throat nervously .
"I- some idiot reversed into me in the parking lot!" She blurted out , lying through her teeth. Once again unable to admit what she had done. This not being the first time that she had managed to fuck up one of their cars.
Daniel glanced between the dent that was now in the front of his Ferrari and then over to the mailbox at the end of their driveway , the mailbox that was now bent at an odd angle.
The same mailbox that had been completely straight when she had left.
He exhaled loudly , hands cupped over his gaping mouth as he reminded himself that she was the love of his life. That it wasn't her fault that she was so fucking clumsily.
That if he shouted at her angrily she would just kick him in the nuts and give him the silent treatment for a month . Because she was petty like that.
He almost whimpered in pain at the state of his brand new Ferrari , knowing that he should have never have let her drive off in it without him there to watch her every move in the first place .
What was he thinking?! How had he forgotten just what a clumsy idiot she was?!
"It's-who-did the same idiot-" he gritted his teeth slightly as he gave her a annoyed glare "also drive into our mailbox?" Nodding over to it pointedly .
Cherrie paused , glancing back at the bent mailbox and sniffling. Slowly nodding her head as she glanced cautiously at him, not knowing what to say.
The truth wasn't it , so instead she pursed her lips at him "yes. But I don't think it was their fault. Taylor swift was on the radio and..." she shrugged helplessly , still avoiding his eyes.
Daniel looked at her in disbelief. Hands on his hips and looking back and forth between the car and his lying girlfriend silently.
Then he noticed the guilty swallow she gave , nervously fidgeting with her fingers and he felt the anger fade away. Just like that.
Sighing loudly he nodded his head okay "right.. so this idiot just happened to be jamming along to Taylor swift and took out our letterbox then?" He summed up for her, giving her a knowing look as he pulled out his phone ready to call the garage to fix the mess that she had made out of his beautiful, new car.
Cherrie hugged her arms around herself, giving her exasperated boyfriend a sheepish smile.
"Yeah.." she mumbled quietly.
Daniel walked over to her and rested his elbow ontop of her head as he assessed the damage even closer, shaking his head at her.
"Which song was it?" Was all he could think to ask her.
Knowing how much she loved to have her own little concert when she was his passenger princess .
He just wasn't aware that his clumsy girlfriend was also putting on a show while driving too. That was far too dangerous for her to do!
Cherrie glanced up at him, sighing in relief when she realised that he wasn't mad. Just.. a little fed up with her bullshit but not at all surprised.
"Er- it was karma.." she muttered well aware of the irony of crashing into their letterbox because she was too busy banging her head along to karma by Taylor swift .
Daniel titled his head and smirked a little, letting out a amused laugh as he pushed her head away from him with a joking huff.
"Bloody typical! I hope you know that you owe me nonestop sex everyday for this!" He told her honestly , not letting her completely get away with this one .
Cherrie just nodded her head in understanding "I know. I'll be- I'll go wait in the bedroom while you call the mechanic.." she said more to herself than him, already planning on wearing her fanciest lingerie to make him feel better about her crashing his car (again).
Daniel watched her run into their house with a amused snort . Putting his phone to his ear with a loud sigh.
"It's a good job that I love her.." he muttered to himself in amusement before focusing on the call.
Unfortunately it wasn't only Daniel's Ferrari that she managed to damage with her clumsiness , it was Charles's too.
They were having a small party at their house and everybody else was inside drinking and carrying on, loud laughter echoing outside as Daniel quickly stepped out to their driveway to check in on his girlfriend who had went out for some fresh air.
Not wanting to be away from her for too long , he let out a laugh as he spotted her dancing around in her heels on the gravel, head tilted to the sky as she hummed along to the music that could be heard from inside their house.
"There you are! Are you having fun baby?" He called over to her with a grin .
Quickly hurrying over to her as he warily eyed her thin heels, knowing how much she could barely walk a straight line in trainers, never mind with pointy weapons on her feet.
Cherrie just smiled at him and giggled tipsily , reaching out her hand for him to grab. 
Knowing what she wanted him to do, he twirled her underneath his arm, laughing at the girly shriek that escaped her lips as she spun around in her heels.
He then went to do it again, expecting her to keep ahold of his hand as he twirled her.
But she didn't , because of course she didn't!
He could only watch with wide eyes and gasp loudly as she let go of his hand mid spin, sending herself flying down onto the front of Charles's Ferrari with a bang.
They both froze together, Daniel looking down at his wide eyed girlfriend in shock.
"Oh no." She mumbled worriedly as she pulled herself up from the front of the Ferrari , both of them gasping again as they looked down at the dent that she had made with her elbow slamming into it .
"Daniel! That was your fault!" She exclaimed , immediately pointing blame.
Daniel gaped at her , blinking rapidly. "Me?! You're the one that let go of my hand you clumsy idiot! What is wrong with you-?" He genuinely couldn't believe it.
Looking at her with a mixture of pure amusement and honest concern. "Were you- were you dropped on your head as a baby? Where is your brain? Why is it so.." he knocked on her head three times "empty?!"
Cherrie slapped his hands away with a whine "Daniel! Stop messing about! Charles is going to kill me!" She worried, too drunk to be dealing with this.
Daniel looked at the dent in the Ferrari for a long moment before getting an idea , clicking his fingers at her as he grinned widely .
"I know! One minute! Wait there!" He rushed out before running off back into their house, running straight to the bathroom and grabbing what he needed.
Only to smile at their friends as he walked past them in all in his front room, the drivers looking down at the bright red plunger in his hand with a mixture of amusement and curiosity.
Daniel just shrugged "had a massive shit so.." he casually told them waving the plunger in front of him with a grin .
"Need this big boy! So Don't mind me!" He gave them all a head nod before running back out of the room and straight back outside to rejoin his little idiot .
Cherrie was leaning against the Ferrari with worry written across her face, only to look at her boyfriend in confusion when he proudly  showed her the toilet plunger in his hand.
Daniel laughed "I'm a genius baby! I’ve seen someone do this on tiktok once.." he told her before proceeding to slam the plunger down onto the dent that she had made, ignoring her surprised gasp and worried muttering at him to stop .
Instead he pulled on the plunger with force and watched with a smug smirk as the dent popped back up easily , glancing over at his now stunned girlfriend triumphantly.
"See? He'll never know now! It's as good as new!" He exclaimed happily , placing his arm around her shoulders as they both admired the now dent free Ferrari.
Only to freeze when they heard a familiar voice echo out behind them.
"Why are you two stood in front of my car with a plunger?" Charles questioned them in worry, looking between the two of them warily. Well aware of the trouble that they always got themselves into.
Cherrie stammered for a answer "well.." she couldn't find a reasonable explanation that didn't give herself away. Never being the best liar .
Luckily for her, Daniel was a pro at lying on her behalf and simply Beamed at Charles innocently .
"Oh nothing mate! Just admiring your car! Very nice.. very ... smooth!" He exclaimed while grinning.
Charles frowned "with a plunger?-" he looked at the plunger in his hand in confusion.
Daniel just laughed and waved his hand carelessly in front of him . "Yeah! Was just measuring the wheel.. to see if it was as big as this plunger!" He told him with a straight face , tapping the wheel with said plunger gently .
He looked at Charles seriously "I can confirm that it is not the same size so.." bedore shrugging and squeezing a speechless Cherrie to his side.
Quickly pulling the both of them away from the Ferrari , nodding his head a bewildered Charles casually .
"Anyways- if you'll excuse us-" he started dragging his clumsy girlfriend back along with him to the door, wanting to get her as  far out of reach from the other expensive cars as possible. Before she did something to one of them that a toilet plunger couldn't fix.
Then there was that time that a speechless Cherrie walked into their bedroom with wide eyes, looking at him with a pout , upset with herself.
Daniel just glanced at her hair and blinked, slowly sitting up in their bed as he looked at her now red hair silently .
It was brown an hour ago.
But she had told him that she was just going to refresh it , that he needed to leave her be while she did it herself . Denying his help.
But now she was stood in front of him with tears in her eyes and a face full of regret as she pointed at her Ferrari red hair.
"I'm a redbull driver dan.." was all she could breathe out , clutching her face in upset. Cheeks about to turn as red as her hair was now.
Daniel snorted loudly . He couldn't help it .
Chuckling a little as he stood up from the bed and approached her slowly like she was a wild animal about to attack.
He tried to smile softly . But he just couldn't stop laughing . Even as she started to glare at him, getting pissed off by his reaction.
"I can't have red hair! This is not going to help the Ferrari transfer rumours at all!" She groaned in misery , eyeing herself in the mirror with a scowl.
Daniel carefully ran his fingers through her hair , raising his brow at her in amusement .
"How the hell did this happen?" He wondered , honestly impressed by how she managed to fuck up something that seemed unfuckable . How hard was it to read a colour on a box?
She grumbled at him "I was trying to dye it a reddish brown but apparently it was just red.. bright red.. I didn't know!" She whined, wrapping her arms around his waist and burying her head into his chest with shame.
Daniel just laughed even harder, patting her back and awwing at his flustered girlfriend. Unable to help himself.
She was so cute sometimes. His love for her just got stronger with each idiotic thing she managed to do to herself .
"Aww baby! It's going to be okay! It looks great! It'll fade soon anyways won't it?" He reminded her of the fact that the dye was only semi permanent.
She just huffed "we have a press tomorrow Daniel! I'm going to be so embarrassed!" She snapped upset, before moving away from him and throwing herself down onto the bed face first in misery.
Leaving Daniel to press his hands to his hips as he watched the love of his life worry over her now red hair .
Then he got a an idea.
Cherrie could only gape at him in disbelief when an hour later , her boyfriend casually wandered out of their bathroom with bright red hair to match her own.
Giving her a cheesy smile as he ran his fingers through his new hair proudly , tilting his head from side to side to show it off.
"We match now! I quite like this look! I look hot!" He exclaimed as he posed in front of the mirror smugly , seeing Cherrie still gazing at him from
The bed with wide eyes, mouth dropped open in shock.
Then she felt her heart melt as she crawled over to him , wrapping her arms around his shoulders and pressing her face to his side as she looked at the both of their reflections, with matching bright red hair and lovesick grins.
She felt any embarrassment she felt fade away.
Face softening as she gently kissed his arm in a silent thank you .
And when they both walked hand in hand to the press room the next day. Cherrie didn't even flinch when their friends and fellow drivers burst out laughing at the sight of him.
Completely unbothered just because Daniel was as he made the photographer take a hundred pictures of the two of them, joking that the rumours were wrong , that they were both going to Ferrari, not just Cherrie.
"Gotta go red before we go dead! All that jazz! We're no longer blue and Cherrie .. I love you! You knows it's true! Bye bye blue! I see you!" He started singing out randomly , serenading her dramatically just to make her laugh and forget that this entire fuck up had been her fault in the first place.
Because If there was one thing that you could guarantee, was that Daniel would never , ever let the love of his life be embarrassing on her own.
He would always join her and make sure that she didn't feel bad for being such a clumsy idiot.
Because he loved her and he would do anything to make her happy.
If she was going to walk around looking like the top of a hot pepper , then you could bet on it that he would be too!
So it was with those memories and facts in mind that made Daniel not even find himself surprised when he was down on one knee at their favourite beach , watching Cherrie get up from where she had been tying the lace of her shoe in front of him.
He was knelt behind her readily with the ring box in his hand , about to propose to her.
When he could only watch silently , completely unsurprised as she turned back around,
Took one look at him on his knee in front of her and then promptly twisted her ankle and stumbled over a rock behind her , falling flat onto her ass in the sand in front of him with a loud , startled Yelp .
Laid out in the sand in shock as she looked up at him from the ground , Daniel just raising his brow at her in amusement and nodding casually to the ring box in his hand.
"Wanna marry me so that I can have your clumsy ass for life?" He casually asked her , not even flinching when she tried to get back up only to trip over her own feet again.
Falling in front of him with a loud huff , fading red hair falling over her face as she looked over at him with a teary smile.
Sniffling loudly and shouting a excited "hell yes! Oh my god!" Already bawling her eyes out in happiness.
Daniel just grinned and quickly shuffled closer to her, pulling her into his arms before she could even attempt at getting up to her feet again. Not wanting her to break an ankle this time.
He rocked them from side to side, his own eyes teary as he slid the diamond ring onto her shaky finger , pulling away to give her a kiss, both of them grinning into it. Uncontrollably happy.
"Just so you know .. I got this ring insured in case you lose it.." he told her with a knowing smirk , making her giggle bashfully into his chest as she admired the sparkling ring on her finger in amazement.
"I've also got some back up rings back home in the safe. So we're covered on all grounds." He told her insanely proud of himself for thinking ahead, because he knew what she was like.
He gave it a month before she was panicking and crying to him about losing her ring while doing something stupid .
She was a clumsy idiot but by being one he had gotten her to accidentally fall in love with him too so...
It wasn't all that bad.
He just had to have hope that she would at least get down the isle in one piece , remembering  the way that she had fallen on the red carpet at a gala once because she had been too busy looking at the sky boredly.
It if anything happened(it would) Daniel was ready.
If she fell? He would throw himself onto the isle right beside her.
If she ripped her dress? He would rip his tux, no hesitation!
If she fucked up her hair again? He would fuck his hair up as well!
Because he had her back. Always.
That's what happened when you were madly in love with an idiot who would push at a pull to open door and fall while going up the stairs.
But he wouldn't change her for anything. She gave him a lifetime of personal amusement , and he couldn't wait to laugh at her next accident too!
Well, If they managed to get home safe first!
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