#i wrote this after i just woke up so it's . probably everywhere
urfavlarry · 3 months
Can I request a Tyler ( or Aiden but please Tyler) x reader fic? Reader has lived in the phantom realm for almost her entire life and because of that she is always sleepy and hungry since she doesn't get transported back like the others. But she is a great fighter. Fem or gn reader please and could you please write a scenario too? Thanks you and a you can ignore this if you like ❤
warnings: bad grammar, swearing, mentions of reader not eating, reader has some form of insomnia(??) gender neutral reader
A/N: I tried to make sure that this is gender neutral but if I made any mistakes then please correct me! Also I’m new to the fandom so if I got anything incorrect then again, don’t be afraid to correct me.
I hope I wrote everything the way you wanted and that you will request again some time<3
Tyler & Aiden (seperate) x gn!reader
You’ve been stuck in this place for a while, ever since you were about 13. One day you were playing outisde in the yard, when you saw this strange creature. You being a naive child went towards it and tried talking to it. You weren’t really the type of child to be scared of everything and you thought it was just your imagination. When you when to confront it, you collapsed. After that you woke up in this strange place, an exact copy of the real world yet the sky was red and strange creatures started to appear everywhere. Your big brother would get into fights often, so he taught you some self defense so you managed to survive, quickly seeking shelter. At your age many kids would panic and probably wouldn’t survive, but you pulled through. Ever since then you kinda were afraid to sleep, scared that the creatures would somehow manage to get to you and hurt you. Same with food, you rarely went out to get food, only living off what people left in their houses, well at least the houses that weren’t infested with phantoms.
You and your parents would go out into the wilderness often, so you had necessary survival skills and had enough supplies for the first few weeks of being there. You learned to survive the phantom attacks and you have a pretty well built shelter. In the present time you met a group of people your age. You almost collapsed from how happy you were to finally have human interaction after so many dreadful years of being in this horrific place. They accepted you into the group, some being a bit skeptical at first but changed their mind once you told them your story.
You were a more skilled person in the group, taking the role as leader with a girl named Ashlyn. You moved your things from your shelter that wasn’t that far from the “graveyard” as they liked to call it. After a few hours you were done taking your things there and saw they weren’t there anymore. Your eyes widen and you start to panic; “Did they leave me?” “Was I just imagining it?” “Did they get hurt by the phantoms?” You run into one of the buses and see a note on one of the seats. It explained that they have a different experience in this realm. They go to this realm at midnight for 7 hours, then wake up in the human realm. You couldn’t help but envy them but you were glad nothing happened to them and that you weren’t imagining it.
Tyler Hernández
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To say that Tyler would literally turn into your second mother that would be an understatement.
He would constantly bring you food when he could and when he was in the living world he would make you some food before he went to school so you don’t starve while they are away. (things that are moved to a certian place in the living world appear in the “phantom realm”
You two would definitely start dating after some time but you would be the one making the first move lol
He would have some trust issues but once he warms up to you he’s cool
Taylor would definitely be happy that her twin brother is finally happy with someone (even if he can’t see them whenever he wants)
He would cuddle you in the bus and protect you with his life fr
He would be super caring and would scold you if you wouldn’t eat for a long period of time, the same with sleeping.
When you eat and get a normal amount of sleep you have a LOT of energy. Like it’s as if you drank 10 cups of coffee in on go!
definitely praises you!!
He would be jealous if you taught anyone other than him so give him some love right after!!
Admires you for sure like he’s looking at you with heart eyes and is the most love sick guy you will ever meet lmao even if he doesn’t look like it
Overall I believe he isn’t the MOST caring in the group but definitely one of the most caring :3
Everyone quickly started noticing your sluggish movements and the constant rumbling of your stomach. You always had dark eye bags under your eyes and you were exhausted all of the time. Tyler was the first one to notice and comment on it. You tried saying you were fine but he just didn’t buy it. “Come on I can tell you’re exhausted and clearly hungry, come we should have at least an apple for you to eat.” He says and drags you to the bus where they would keep these types of necessities. He mumbled some swears you couldn’t quite understand since it was in Spanish. He handed you the apple and rolled his eyes, acting like he doesn’t care. “After you eat that go and rest, I don’t want you to collapse tomorrow..” He says, looking away from you and sits down on one of the seats in the bus.
You nod and raise a brow at his strange behavior. He never really acted kind or caring towards anyone except his sister, but you didn’t mind the special treatment. You lay down on the seat, curling into a ball and close your eyes, falling asleep in almost an instant. It was a while since you’ve slept for a healthy amount of time. You usually wouldn’t sleep or only had a few minutes of sleep since the phantom noises kept you awake constantly.
You slept for quite a long time, even past the time the group would appear and wake up in the real world. The moment it hit midnight Tyler quickly checked up on you, hoping you wouldn’t be mad that he wasn’t there when you woke up, but when he went to look towards the seat you slept on you were still there, asleep. He was taken aback by this since you slept for literally the whole day! He shook you awake, wanting to make sure you didn’t die or something in your sleep. You woke up, grumbling as you glared at the person who woke you only to see Tyler with a concerned expression. “What?” “What do you mean what!? You slept for like 30 hours!” He says and looks at you as if you were some kind of psycho. “Oh I did?” You ask, stretching your aching body and sit up. “Jeez Y/N when was the last time you’ve slept? And I mean properly.” You chuckle at his reaction and explain how you’ve had trouble sleeping, since you heard the phantoms like Ashlyn, just not so intensely. You explain your situation a bit more to him, not wanting to just leave him without an explanation on why you were the way you were.
You explain and Tyler looks at you with a sympathetic but quickly rolls his eyes and flicks your forehead; “Whatever nerd, come it’s time for you to teach us fighting or whatever..” He rolls his eyes and exits the bus. You usually teach the group how to fight when they can’t practice with Ashlyns parents since.. her parents can’t go into the realm with them. Tyler was sitting on the side while you were teaching Aiden and he yelled “Yea babe beat his ass!” He whistles and claps, having a proud look on his face. He definitely admires your skill but is like “pfft of course she’s strong she’s MY girlfriend” but in private he praises the living hell put of you. He grabs you by the hand and pulls you away from the group who is now resting and catching their breath. He pulls you closer to him and cups your cheek; “You did great princesa I’m so proud of you.” He says and kisses you on the forehead. “Oh well what kind of teacher would I be if I wasn’t any good?” You tease and wrap your arms around his neck. “Stop flirting I can hear you both!” Ashly yells and you both pull away quickly and look at each other, bursting into fits of laughter.
Aiden Clark
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He is a TEASE but like tbh he oblivious asf like bro doesn’t even notice for a good few months even after you start dating
He is really concerned once he finds out tho but still he doesn’t take it THAT seriously but still cares!!
He fr is terrified of you when you have energy tho cuz likeee your really strong
Aiden had seen you fr collapse somewhere from exhaustion and get back up like a few seconds later, beating the phantoms like it was nothing
He is super sad that he can’t see you in the normal world and tries to spend as much time with you as possible
Teases you if your stomach grumbles lmfao he finds that shit hilarious (runs away 2 seconds after he teases you)
Definitely brings you food, even if it’s not the most healthy but if you have a particular food you like expect to get it like at least twice a week
Overall is pretty chill but still caring<3
Aiden didn’t really notice at first, his mind wandering else where like usual or would tease and flirt with you. He only started noticing when you started dozing off in the most inconvenient places like when you were on a mission with the group and they just found you collapsed on the floor, only waking when you heard a phantom and kicked its ass! He was amazed but a little bit concerned but didn’t really show it, teasing you without an end. Once you got back to the graveyard he pulled you away from the rest of the group, finding Ashlyns rambling anout the next plan boring. He leads you to one of the buses and sits down, his back against the window and lays you down on top of him, your head resting on his chest. “What are you—” He silences you with a quick kiss on the lips and smiles, his usual manic like smile no where to be seen, only a genuine soft smile. “Rest, you need it. I can’t promise I will be here when you wake up but just rest, ‘kay? You’re safe.” He hugs you closer and your heart skips a beat. You smile and make yourself comfortable, falling asleep in the blink of an eye.
Aiden layed there with you, rubbing your back and playing with your hair. He grew bored after a while, typical Aiden but he let his mind wander, keeping himself occupied by thinking of random things and unconsciously braiding pieces of your hair. He only snapped out of it when he heard a quite loud rumbling. He lifted his arms off you and looked down at you with wide eyes, his manic like smile reappearing. He chuckled, he would definitely tease you about that later.
After a while he awoke in the real world, he texted the rest of the group in the group chat and smiled mischievously. Once midnight hit, you were awoken by noises coming from outside the bus. You quickly sat up, but calm down once you see a smiling Aiden looking down at you. You sigh, relieved it wasn’t phantoms when the door to the bus suddenly opened. You stood up and saw the group holding different kids of food you haven’t eaten in years! You look at the food like a kid seeing a toy they want and look at Aiden who smiled at you. “Surprise.” He says and the rest of the group places the food down on the floor, everyone sitting down and dig in. You sit down and eat a good amount of food yourself, eating to your hearts content. Everyone watches in awe at how much you ate but they were happy, especially Aiden that they could do this for you.
After everyone finished eating you helped cleaning up, Aiden approaching you and hugging you from behind; “Enjoyed the food, love?” He says and kisses your jaw, then cheek. “Yeah, a lot. How did you come up with this?” He smirks and rests his chin on your shouler; “Oh, I heard a little noise~” He puts one arm on your stomach and chuckles; “And I thought you would be thrilled with this surprise!” Your face turns red and you turn around and smack his head, grumbling and storming away.
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socialkid · 6 months
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It’s a casual Saturday afternoon in the middle of June. The sun is out with mild wind, it was the perfect weather. And when the weather is nice like this, everyone knows to watch out for you. Because around this time, you’re shopping. Shopping, shopping, shopping. You run from store to store buying everything in sight. Most of the time with your money, which makes your boyfriend mad. He likes to pay for you.
You boyfriend: Bakugou who knows you love shopping. The days when you have free time, what are you doing? Shopping. The nights where Bakugou’s pacing up and down your apartment because you won’t answer the phone then suddenly, you come bursting through the front door with a bunch of shopping bags. He knows. If anyone knows it’s him.
This morning Bakugou had gotten a call and he was reminded that he had a day off from the agency he worked at. So when he woke you up to ask what you wanted to do today, he wondered why he asked, already knowing your answer.
Now you and Bakugou were walking through the strip mall, him holding two of your bags in one hand and his other holding yours.
“Are we done yet? I wanna take you dinner and we can’t be here all day.” Bakugou asked, grunting as he readjusted your bags.
“Not even close babe,” you said with a quickness as he groaned, “Besides, it’s only two o’clock. You don’t want to just sit around till dinner do you?” You asked him.
“Yea yeah.” He said.
You looked through the windows of the stores as they went by. Preppy, pink and frilly stores, tomboy stores, casual clothing stores, toy stores, and so much more.
“Where we goin’ next huh?” Bakugou asked, looking through some of the bags he was holding. “Hmmm probably Spencer’s, then we could hit up the food court for Auntie Anne’s, and then Foreve-” you stopped in your tracks at a merch store. The window displayed, shirts and hats of merchandise by well known creators.
Bakugou looked at you as you made googly eyes at the coryxkenshien merch, worn by a mannequin. “Y/n…don’t start-” your boyfriend was interrupted by you squealing and jumping. “Just go in the damn store already.” Bakugou sighed as you rushed in. Bakugou made his way in behind you slowly after. Not even 15 seconds later and he had already lost you.
He made his way around the store looking for you, and calling your name every once in a while. He got the idea to check by the Cory section. No sign of you. He checked the sections of your favorite artists and creators, still no sign of you.
He had actually started to become a little panicky. “Y/n? Where are you?” He raised his voice. He knew you were smart, the complete opposite of vulnerable. You could help yourself if you needed to. Even without using your quirk, you can handle anyone. But still, Bakugou wanted to make sure you were safe.
Bakugou had checked almost every area of the store and he had continued to worry. Before resorting to shouting your name he saw a section under a sign that wrote “Heroes”.
As soon as he entered, your voice began to fade in, “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my goshhh!” Bakugou walked past all the merchandise: Earser Head, Red Riot, Chargebolt, and more. He finally stopped when he saw you gazing at a triple layered table, sitting under a sign labeled “Dynamite”.
There on the table was a clear representation of Katsuki himself. The black and orange shirts and pants, hoodies labeled ‘Dynamite’ in black and orange letters, and miniature sized Dynamite plushies.
Bakugou couldn’t help but grin a little bit when you turned around to face him, already wearing a baseball cap with his named labeled onto it. “Babe! Look! It’s you! Everywhere! Oh my gosh!” You said smiling from ear to ear. “I can see that y/n.” He said sarcastically, chuckling a bit, “Calm down, you can get what you want I’ll pay for it.”
He didn’t have to tell you twice. You picked up everything that had his name on it. Hoodies, tank tops, hats, water bottles, stuffed plushies, fake tattoos, etc. You also stashed a few items by Shoto, Red Riot, and even one or two Deku items.
You were so excited for your items. So excited you didn’t pay attention to the shocked face of the cashier ringing up all the Dynamite merchandise, as she looked at Dynamite behind you.
After that nothing else in the mall seemed interesting. At this point you were ready to go home before dinner and check out your man’s merch.
After that day, you made sure to put your items to use. You were always flaunting your boyfriend and you made sure everybody knew it.
One night your boyfriend had called you up and asked if he could sleepover at your apartment. And when he arrived he was meet with you, wearing an oversized Dynamite shirt. He couldn’t help his intentions that night. And when everything was done, you cuddled up next to your Dynamite plushie and your life sized Dynamite.
“You love me don’t you?” Bakugou asked, you could practically hear his grin.
“Yup, both of you.”
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007reid · 8 months
u have absolutely no idea what 'coffee caramels' did to me omg 😭 u write spencer and his mannerisms so WELL hsbsghdbdh so i come to u with a lil request if that's okay with u !!
spencer insists on playing pretend-doctor for reader who's sick (but denying it) so he invokes his technically-a-doctor card and gives his second opinion just to take care of reader n smother them w looooove
essentially just him teasing y/n and being the stupid Cute attentive nerd he is <3
(inspired by S5E3 where he gets stuck at the bau w garcia bc he was being stubborn abt his injury)
i am never ever Normal abt this guy 😞 i look forward to reading more of ur work and losing my mind over reid with u, aine !! mwa
hiii tysm for requesting, youre so fucking sweet!! <33 drop an emoji to let me know who you are and let’s loose our mind over our fav boy together anon!!!! also sorry this took so long, i wrote like 3k but then hated it so i started over, i love this prompt sm so i feel like i had to do it justice.
pspspsp i love s5 spence so fucking much... his hair went from beautiful to ethereal to mad sexy...s5 treated us well. requests are ALWAYS appreciated !!!!!!
soup. spencer reid
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spencer reid x fem!reader, 3k
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you've been off it for so long, dodging virus after virus and disease after disease and just right when you thought that you are immune to sickness, you caught it. the inevitable fever.
there was no denying it, you've tried. after getting a headache, you popped a tylenol before you went to sleep, nonchalant. the next morning was when reality really came crashing down. a sore throat.
it progressively got worse throughout the day, and when you came crashing into bed after a long day at work, your nose was feeling stuffy and your were coughing, spewing sickness everywhere you went. you woke up in the middle of night sweating like you had just ran a fucking marathon and only able to breathe through one nostril unless you shift your body entirely.
you did not take to these news well. firmly in denial, you still planned to show up to work the next day.
except you didn't show up to work. sickly and delirious, the part when you press snooze then snooze again slip your mind and at one point you must've turn off your alarm entirely. drifting in and out of consciousness and slipping into dream after dream, it gets harder to tell what is real and what is not.
"y/n? y/n!"
now, it is very probable that the voice isn’t actually real, because why the hell would you be hearing spencer reid’s voice outside of work? the chances are slim to none, and despite the heat pounding at your skull you manage to smile. there is something unexplainably comforting about spencer’s voice, soft and deliberate. it would be foolish to say that under the mad spell he’d cast on you (him simply saying two words) he’s managed to melt away your headache, because he didn’t. you still feel like shit.
you frown, the voice sounding too insistent and real and not matching up with the visuals of your dream. you feel a tapping on your shoulder and when you blink your eyes open you could’ve screamed.
you jump up and then backwards, huddling your blanket with you, scared for your life. because right in front of you is perhaps the most intimidating creature on the earth; spencer reid in a purple sweater vest with his face so close to yours he could breathe in your sickness, hair tucked carefully behind his ear.
“spencer?” you ask incredulously, but instead your voice comes out a rasp. you clear your throat, feeling something warm creep up your cheek. it might be a blush, but you blame it on the chills. you keep blinking, trying to regain your vision and feel instantaneous embarrassment. you look a mess, sick and dehydrated with dry lips and bad hair and you probably reek of morning breath. and spencer’s there, looking like heaven’s finest angel, smiling at you like he’s smiling at a person and not a monster. spencer has the tendency to treat and look at everyone like they’re the love of his life. you sort of hate it.
“hi y/n,” he breathes, crouching down on the floor before you on the bed. “i—“
“what are you doing here?” you’re too impatient to wait, still in shock.
now. you try not to make it obvious that you have a mad crush on spencer, because if the fact were to spill, you’re not eager cleaning up the consequences. it’s an unestablished, unspoken rule that should be common sense that no workplace dating will be allowed and usually it’s a ridiculous rule, because who the hell would want to date their coworker, like actually? work crushes are normal but they exist only in a part of your day, an eye-candy for you to stare at to get through the day, then you go home or go out and forget about them. who actually has serious work crushes, actually? actually? it’s ridiculous.
your defense is completely solid, you’d say. your number one defense is you can’t help the fact that you and spencer were meant to be friends. the moment you joined the team, you and spencer clicked together like two lego pieces, despite your clashing personalities. you find it refreshing to have someone like spencer, someone who’s soft and sweet but cunning and resourceful but thoughtful and kind, and it was equally refreshing for spencer to have someone blunt and straightforward but still patient enough to put up with him.
spencer doesn’t like physical touch but ever since your first week he made you the exception and if you could, you would parade the privilege around like a badge. what can you say, you’re proud to be spencer’s little exception, anyone would be. he makes you feel special, differently than the others do and what’s a girl to do? to have that great of a relationship with a coworker and not be work spouses and not be actually head over heels with the guy? how laughable.
it’s not something you’re proud of, however. you know it’s a lost cause, chasing after spencer. it hurts, sometimes, but you always patted yourself on the back with an ‘it is what it is.’ spencer, as sweet and vulnerable as he is, has layers behind his thinly veiled heart. he talks a lot but he never talks about himself and he never talks about the past so he doesn’t have to revive it, so all the memories are just wounds left out and neglected to burn. spencer’s trouble, definitely trouble, but it’s hard to be aware of the workload that spencer reid is when he’s rambling to you about something as innocent as halloween or knocking his knuckles on your knee during a flight trying to get your attention.
spencer blinks sheepishly, settling criss cross apple sauce on the ground, lanky legs twisting uncomfortably. “you didn’t come into work and you didn’t answer your phone,” he explains. “emily told me to go check on you.”
you nod. he’s here because emily told him to. it makes a lot more sense now. “i’ll head in the office now,” you say, making your way out of bed, wiping at your eyes. “sorry—“
“no you’re not,” spencer says immediately, not even hesitating. he places a hand on your upper chest, pressing you back down on the bed. the butterflies at the pit of your stomach throws a fit. you know he means nothing by the action—has spencer reid ever been the one knowledgeable about romance?—but knowing that doesn’t help the heat that spread up your cheeks that’s definitely not from the sickness. “you’re burning up,” he says. “i’ll get you some water. you should clean up,” he says, uncrossing his legs difficultly and then stumbling out the room, mismatched socks slipping on the hardwood floor.
you take advantage of the time that spencer’s not there and race to the bathroom, ignoring the blackout and the dizziness that threatens to make you faint from getting up too abruptly. you squirt some toothpaste onto your toothbrush and by the time you exit the bathroom, spencer is already there, waiting, except he’s by your desk, hands on a book.
he perks up when he hears your footsteps pad into the room, turning around, looking like a child who’s been caught with your book in his hands. you smile at him, albeit it’s a pathetic smile. you feel dizzy.
“you like toni morrison?”
“i love toni morrison,” spencer chirps, excitement bouncing all over his face. “especially her masterwork, beloved,” he looks back down at your red copy admiringly then sets it down. "get back in bed," he says, and you can't wrap your hand around how ridiculous the situation is. your coworker, or work crush, is at your house, checking your temperature and shooing you to bed to rest. "i bought you soup so you can eat up, i--"
“you bought me soup?” you ask, incredulous. spencer nods seriously.
“it's proven that eating soup makes people feel better, not just some stereotype. the right amount of sodium can help help relieve sore throat pains and the vitamins and minerals found in soup can play a very large part in recovery...i had a feeling you were going to be sick, it’s the weather, you know? everyone is catching the cold. you need to eat it before it gets cold, the heat helps with nasal digestion and also sinus pressure and it'll be useless if you ate it lukewarm...i’ll be right back…” and with the babbling his voice fades out as he walks back out to the living room, leaving you alone standing on the side of your bed. you look at the forgotten copy of beloved set carefully back onto your desk, smiling to yourself slightly before climbing back into bed, because spencer says so and spencer’s always right but mostly because your legs feel like they’re going to give out.
spencer is speedy, striding several steps at once with his ridiculously long legs that looks unnaturally lanky but once he reaches your room again, soup and spoon in hand you were already nodding off, head lolling and eyes slipping shut. spencer stops at your bed stand, thinking to himself for a second before balancing the plastic bowl of soup on one hand and using the other to gently nudge at your face, waking you up. he grimaces when he feels that your skin burns to the touch, a bright tint to your cheeks that he hates himself for liking because you're sick, he shouldn't be thinking that you're pretty or stuff like that.
spencer waves the thought away, determined to focus on his mission. deliver soup, make sure you're okay, and send his farewells. that's what emily told him to do, and even though derek added a "kiss her goodnight too, loverboy!" he's only going to listen to emily, because emily knows best.
yes. perfect. that's exactly what he's going to do.
"hey," he whispers, caressing his thumb across the lightly purple patch under your eye, frowning to himself. you haven't been getting good enough sleep, and he feels guiltier for waking you up, but then straightens himself up resolutely--no. emily said the soup must be delivered and consumed--just to melt again when your eyes flutter open, confused and traces of sleep still floating around your facial expression. "sorry," he mumbles, feeling oddly embarrassed. "it's just--i mean, you don't have to, jus' want you to eat something before you sleep again."
you sit up slowly, and once you're fully awake again, the smell of the soup hits you like a bucket of ice and you suddenly feel your mouth watering. you feel like a princess, sitting there with your hands crossed in your lap while you wait for spencer to unwrap the plastic utensils and tissues from its clear packaging, carefully opening up the lid of the soup on the night stand and hot steam floats around the room, engulfing both you and spencer in a bubble of tomato soup.
spencer, a planner that he is, didn't let you eat directly from the plastic take-out bowl from the restaurant and had rummaged through your kitchen for a bowl and pours half the soup into the ceramic, no spillage and perfectly clean. then he hands the soup to you, and you eat.
to say that spencer is concerned is to say the least. you're a profiler, and you're trained to pick up on this sort of thing but you only need to be a child with an undeveloped brain to work out that spencer's worried, watching your every move and monitoring that you eat enough, the crease in his brows deepen whenever you set the bowl down so you pick it up again and stuff two more spoonfuls in your mouth, to hopefully make him worry less.
the silence is awkward, the only sounds in the room is you biting down on the spoon occasionally as you drink your soup and spencer watching intently, hands on his chin and unaware of his staring problem. you and spencer rarely has these kind of silences, the silences where you scramble for things to say because the atmosphere would always be too comfortable. you sneak glances at him as you eat. since spencer's completely oblivious to the heaviness of the silence, you feel it's up to you to break it.
"i'll clock in once i'm finish eating this, don't worry," you say, trying your best to sound reassuring as you try to choke back a spoonful of soup too big. you lick your lips, and spencer is biting his, a bad habit.
"no you're not, y/n," he says, exasperated. normally, when spencer uses his 'i'm right so you should listen to me' tone like this, it means he's geared for an argument and you would be happy to challenge him, but now you can't find the energy for it. yet you muster enough up anyway.
"i'm only a bit shaken up 'cause of the weather," you say, trying to sound as convincing as possible, still in the calm before the storm of the bicker. "'m not immobile. and i already used up all my off days visiting my family--"
spencer, however, didn't bother for the peaceful offering. "you're not coming in today, y/n," he says, and he sounds a bit anxious but you know his true intent. his eyes are mirthful with confidence, and he knows he's already won the argument. despite the buzzing in your ears and the fuzziness in your brain, you can't let the bastard win. you can't.
“i can’t miss anymore days spencer, and i won’t,” you say coldly, but you slurping on the soup hungrily like it’s your last day on earth sort of ruined your cool facade. “i’m not too sick, either, it’ll be useless for me to stay home—“
spencer reaches to press his palm against your forehead, his skin cold to the touch. you close your eyes instinctively.
“you’re burning up,” he announces. “means your sick. you’re not coming in today, y/n.”
“says who?” you say defensively, feeling a bit like you’re loosing.
“says me,” spencer says cooly, cheeky smile at his lips. you should hate it more than you do. “who’s a doctor.”
you scoff. “so now you’re an actual doctor? you got a medical phd on you?”
“i have a bachelor in medicine and enough doctorates to make me slightly knowledgeable in every field,” spencer quips and you didn’t even know that he had a bachelor in medicine. how many fucking degrees does this guy even have on his resume?
“whatever,” you grumble, sounding a lot like someone who’s just got defeated. you set the bowl of soup down on the nightstand and spencer hands you a bottled water before you could think about needing water. you pluck it from his offering hands, muttering a “thanks” under your breath.
spencer laughs quietly, watching you drink patiently and putting the cap back on when you hand him back the bottle, setting it next to your soup. you feel ridiculously babied and your cheeks burn with the guilt you feel. you’re talking him off his office hours just to be here and feed you stuff and make sure you’re taking care of yourself.
spencer, the 24/7 profiler, notices. "is something wrong?" he asks innocently, round eyes blinking and oblivious. bless him. "you got redder. is it too hot? i can adjust the a/c."
“fine,” you mumble, still a little embarrassed with your realization. “little cold, actually.”
“it's the chills from your fever,” spencer informs you. “i…” he pauses, frowning again, frustrated from not being able to finish his thought. he abandons it. “do you need anything else?”
“no spence,” you laugh sort of pathetically, throat strained. “you’ve been an angel already. you can go back to the office, if you want.”
spencer thinks back to what emily had told him. soup. make sure she’s ok. leave. he’s done the past two steps. it’s time he completes his mission.
“are you sure?” he prods, a little bit of him hoping that you'd say no. he doesn't know what it is; something bothering him, making him dread leaving.
you didn't get the cue. "mhmm," you shoot him a reassuring smile. as reassuring as you can manage, anyway, grimacing at the insistent throb in your head. spencer gnaws on his bottom lip, indecisive. you don't know what he was deciding between.
whatever battle it was, he wraps it up quick. "okay," he repeats. "i'll get back."
"you do that."
"remember to drink water."
"i will."
"do you need me to bring you more?"
"i'm okay."
the conversation feels incomplete and spencer isn't interested to complete it, booting out the door, except he lingers for a bit and awkwardly turns around, hand on the frame. you are already looking at him when he looks at you.
you and spencer are never this awkward, never this hesitant and strange. the tension that suffocates your room feels like signature first-date-tension, the kind of nervous excitement and tip-toeing blind lovers and uncertainty.
"are you sure?"
i'd rather you stay. you push the response away. "i am."
"you have medicine right?"
you do have medicine. for a brief moment, you want to lie about it; want to say that you ran out this morning and then he would run to the store for you and return and then spend more time in your insufferable, sickly presence. you brush the thought away within a second. never in a million years do you want to bother spencer, especially not with a thing as selfish as that. maybe it's because of your biased vision but spencer is looking like he's desperate to leave, practically screaming for outlet at the door. it's time you let him go and indulge in the worst sleep you'll ever have.
"yeah," you say, clearing your throat. "i do."
"okay," spencer says. "i'll go."
"thanks," you add awkwardly. "for the soup. and for coming."
"'course" spencer says absentmindedly, lingering at the door frame but not looking at you in particular, not looking at anything. he snaps back and sends you a wave. spencer has a power to him where everything he does looks unplanned, like he's doing it against his own will.
he leaves. if you had change your mind and ask for him to come back, for him to stay, he would've. no hesitation. but you didn't, and he wiggles back in his broken in converses and return back to the bau with no elevator partner.
maybe another day.
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a/n: sorry for the ending, this was getting too long so i had to cut it short 😓😓but i think it's kinda fitting! lmk if you guys want a part 2 <3
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icabrth · 1 year
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sleep deprived
pairings: gustavo fring x fem!reader
summary: your boss noticed you’re overworking yourself and decides to do something about it.
a/n: gus got that email rizz
warnings: really messy lol
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You couldn’t sleep. You couldn’t. Gus had you making ninety pounds worth of meth every week, and due to your partners’ sudden disappearance, you were stuck doing all the work by yourself. You sighed, thinking back to how you got into this position.
You were a just a broke college student, trying to pay off your loans when you you met Jesse. You knew each other back in high school, and now he was your dealer. The two of you became buddies and one day you walked in on him and Walt talking about somebody named Gustavo Fring, the owner of a fast food restaurant with an undercover drug business.
You needed money and you convinced them to let join in. Realizing that the “the more the merrier” shit you had pulled really was just that, shit. After they had taught you the recipe, you ended up doing everything, always.
Gus had put to lines under the deadlines, signifying that if you didn’t get this done in time — there’d be consequences. At the same time you had a lot of due college assignments, and skipping all your lectures. So you practically lived in the lab, sleeping and eating there, until you had no time for either of those things.
You were leaning against the counter with a hand on your jaw, steadying your face. Your eyes shut and light snores coming out of your mouth. As Gus inspected your face, he realized you’d never once look so peaceful as you did in that moment.
“I see you’re getting a lot of work done,” he commented, knowing it’d wake you. Gus needed to talk to you about this. He had cameras everywhere and had been paying very close attention to how much time you’d been spending at the lap. You had your laptop and school books there, a few snacks and amount less cups of coffee.
The sudden sound of his voice startled you as you woke up with a final snore. “Shit– I’m so sorry! I-I didn’t even notice I was, uh’falling asleep” your slurred, your words blurring together due to your grogginess. You looked up at him with lazy eyes.
Gus looked at you through his glasses, his expression as emotionless as usual. You thought you saw a glimpse of emotion in his eyes, though it was probably just your sleep deprivation making you see things. Gustavo Fring doesn’t care for anyone. Especially not some random meth cook who can’t even do her job right… right?
“You should get home and get some rest, ___. Your drowsiness is affecting your work performance.” Stated as a fact, though functioning more as an excuse.
“I can’t, sir! I’ve only made like, half of the meth I was supposed to and–“ you rambled on, but he interrupted you almost instantly. “Stop it, ___! You have done your part. Your partners’s neglect of their responsibilities is not your problem,” as he shushed you, his expression remained the same though his voice got notably more aggressive. “I’ll consider getting you new partners, you’ve mastered the arts of cooking now.” In that moment, you couldn’t be bothered by his comment on your friends; all you wanted to do was go back to sleep.
“Are you absolutely sure? I’ll get back to work as soon as I wake up, I promise!” You insisted, and he shook his head. “No, you’ll have the rest of the week off,” he said. “I value your effort but I cannot have your drowsiness affect my product.” Gus explained while putting a gentle yet firm hand on your shoulder. You eyed the hand and as did he, though he didn’t let go before he you reluctantly agreed.
“Alright, I guess,” you sighed. He smiled professionally as he took out his notebook, scribbling something something. “Fantastic! Write down your email and we can discuss your work ethic further.” He demanded suggested, handing you a note and a pen. You smiled as you messily wrote down your email address and gave it back to him.
When you went to sleep that night all you could think about was your interaction earlier, and how this might’ve been his stiff attempt at flirting with you. Although you figured this could’ve easily been your head playing tricks on you agin.
When you woke up the next morning you noticed a gmail notification. Written bellow a [email protected] it read:
Hello, I hope you slept a worthwhile and woke up energetic and better. I suggest we meet up at my restaurant to further discuss our game plan.
Sincerely, Gustavo Fring.
Did Gustavo Fring just ask out out on a date?
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✧ sequel to the death says hello microfic that i wrote ages ago and just straight up forgot to post whoops, have some steve doing his best ✧
"Come on, come on -"
Steve skulks around the neighbourhood, muttering under his breath. He doesn't know if breathing in Upside Down air matters anymore considering they already - well, it wasn't the air down here that almost killed him.
Steve woke up with a gasp, gulping down air like he hadn't tasted the ashes in hours.
"Steve! He's awake! Guys, guys -"
His eyes blearily scanned the room, messy with supplies (black blood stains everywhere), and found Robin right next to him, gripping his hand tightly enough it hurt. Dustin was laughing right into Steve's chest, which was definitely covered in snot and tears but he hugged them both anyway.
Apparently the venom was a late-bloomer and only caught him the night after everything went down, in his fucking sleep, like some grandpa. God, he hopes he gets to be a grandpa before he almost dies again.
Then again, considering the fact that he argued to come back to the place that's tried to killed them like twenty times in the past three years...
He's probably got enough grey hair enough to count anyways.
But he couldn't let them hold him back, not when he knew, when he had a gut feeling that Eddie. Wasn't. Dead.
Dustin stared at him blankly before his face scrunched up into the most pissed-off expression Steve's ever seen from the kid.
"Are you fucking kidding me? Steve, you - no, fuck you, get -" He shoved himself away and stomped out of the room. "Fuck off!"
Steve sighs. He should have been more - tactful about how he said it but - he knows, somehow, he just can't explain it. Maybe he's wrong but - but it's his gut that made him run back to the Byers' house way back then, it's his gut that made him stick with the kids when Dart went missing, it's his gut that made him talk shit at those fucking Russian interrogators and he's made it through every time. So he's trusting his gut.
What was that?
Spinning around, Steve arms himself with his axe. It's a different weight than the bat but he thinks it's like, narratively appropriate or whatever.
Something leaps at him and he swings, chopping at a massive demodog. Fuck, is it a pack?
There are more, surrounding him, he's ready, but they stay back. He wants to flinch at their growls but he can't, he has to find -
A creature, almost like a demogorgon, crawls through the crowd of dogs. Steve's grip on his axe tightens as it slinks closer and looks down at him and it's -
"Eddie!" Steve almost laughs but - "Eddie?"
But his gut tells him to run away.
With an animalistic roar, Eddie-not-Eddie lunges at Steve. He dodges, barely remembers not to swing, and runs back. The - the not-Eddie growls, maybe at him, maybe at the dogs, and circles around Steve like some kind of messed up predator.
"Come on, Eddie," Steve hates begging, he hates it, but he has to. "I don't know what happened but -"
Eddie snarls, lunging again and Steve barely dodges, and he begs, and Eddie almost gets him and he dodges and it keep going on and on.
It takes ages, they keep circling each other while the demodogs watch like some messed up gladiator battle. It's fucking frustrating.
"You piece of shit," Steve pants, but Eddie's breathing heavy too which means it can't be hopeless. "You just gonna let Vecna tell you what to do, huh? So much for sticking it to the man -"
The demodogs shriek, throwing Steve off so Eddie can leap at him and they're on the ground.
"I came here," Steve grits his teeth, ignoring the sparks of searing pain running up his back as Eddie digs him deeper into the ground. He pushes back, the axe held between them. "For you, jackass. Because Dustin needs you. He - agh - he looks up to you."
Eddie somehow tosses the axe away and Steve has to grab his hands before they can claw at his face.
He doesn't say anything.
The dogs howl.
"Are you listening to me, Eddie?" Steve yells, pushing back against Eddie's grip. His jaw aches and he pushes up as hard as he can, until they're nose-to-nose, hands shaking against each other's. "You're Dustin's hero!"
He just keeps snarling, not even flinching at the sound of Dustin's name and something in Steve snaps.
"So fucking act like it!"
Steve smashes his head onto Eddie's, stumbling back as the creature falls to the ground with a howl. Shit, at least his ears aren't ringing too hard.
"What the fuck, Steve?!" gripes a hoarse voice in front of him and Steve would laugh out of sheer, crazy relief for it. "What was that for?"
"Shut the fuck up, Munson," Steve inhales shakily. Fuck, he shouldn't be this weak from a headbutt, right? "You're the one who...who -"
"Wh - woah, easy, I gotcha." Something's holding on to him. Maybe he's holding on to someone? He doesn't know, everything's too heavy, too foggy. It all blends together. "Steve? Hey, hey, stay with me, come on!"
"Gotta get up," Steve mumbles as the light fades away. He thinks he feels someone's hand in his hair, familiar but cold.
You'll need more grey than this, Steven.
And then nothing but darkness.
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dameronology · 2 years
we'll be okay (s.h)
summary: after risking your life for steve, he gives you a lecture and a heart-to-heart
warnings: mentions of death & physical injury, swearing
i wrote this and re-wrote this a thousand times and i need to post it before i try and do it again. enjoy.
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Bats literally fucking everywhere.
That was the last thing you’d remembered before passing out. There had been screaming – maybe yours, probably some of your friends as well – and then reality had escaped you. Dying in the Upside Down had felt like an unavoidable truth for a little while now but even when you’d been staring death in the face, it still came as a surprise. It felt a little sad that you’d survived demogorgons and demodogs and quite literally everything up to this point, only to fall short at the bats. In your defence, not much thinking had gone into your actions. You’d seen them coming towards Steve and that was all you needed to throw yourself in front of them. Perhaps your mum had been right in saying that you didn’t think right when you were around Harrington. In all fairness, she’d probably been talking more in the sense of homework and high school finals but the same logic applied.
So, yeah. Death. Cool. Unavoidable, unfortunately. And at least you died protecting the man you loved – which might have been a blessing in disguise, because you had no doubt in your mind that he would have killed you for doing so.
That became clear the moment you woke up. Maybe death was a little more avoidable than you’d thought; despite your near-mortal wounds and pounding headache, you were alive. Your reality had cut from the red skies of the Upside Down to the bright lights of Steve’s bedroom in seconds. You had no idea how long it had actually been – long enough for him to get out, clearly. Unless, of course, this was heaven…but based on the pain you were in, you sincerely hoped it wasn’t.
“Hey,” Steve’s voice was soft, barely a whisper, as he threw aside his book and crossed the room. His hands were on you almost immediately, holding the back of your neck to support your futile attempts at lifting your head. “No sudden moves, baby. You’re still weak.”
“That’s a word for a it,” you murmured. “I thought I died.”
Steve didn’t respond; he kept moving, jaw clenched, hands desperately pulling his jumper further over your shoulders, running ever-so-gently over your bandages, checking that every piece of you was still there. It was almost as though he were scared that part of you had been left in the Upside Down. Part of him certainly had been, or it had at the very least died there the moment he thought you had.
He was tense – stiff jaw, stiff hands, stiff back. Not relaxed and smiley like the Steve knew. He had the weight of the world of his shoulders, and it was though he were scared to let the slump, just in case it felt off. Came crashing down and smashed to pieces, everything that he was juggling falling to the floor. Things were a little more in perspective for him now after your near-death experience.
“Steve?” you pushed. You reached out and grabbed his hands, pulling them away from your torso. “You’re being uncharacteristically quiet and I hate it.”
“Words are not my strong suit right now,” he admitted. Steve took a seat beside you and crossed his legs, gently reaching out a hand to take yours. “They haven’t been over the last few days.”
“Talk to me?” you asked. “I know when you’re holding stuff in. You get this look on your face and then it all comes out in word vomit, remember?”
He gave you a sideways glance, smiling slightly.
“C’mon, Harrington,” you quietly returned the smile. “Word vomit on me. Word vomit all over me.”
“I love you,” Steve replied. “But I also hated you just a little for throwing yourself in front of those bats. The entire time you’ve been out I’ve been building up this massive lecture in my head about it and then you actually woke up and…nothing else matters, actually. The only thing I care about is that you’re here and you’re awake.”
“You can give me that lecture if you want,” you gave his hand a light squeeze. “Just let me ask you one thing, Steve. If the tables had been turned, how much thought you would have given it before throwing yourself in front of them to save me?”
“Absolutely none ­– oh,” he paused for a moment. “That’s different, though.”
“Because if I die, then I don’t have to live without you?” he said – despite it being an attempt at reasoning, he posed it more like a question. His logic was questionable at best, but you did understand.
“Riiiiight,” you rolled your eyes. “Steve, think about it: I did what I had to do to protect you in the same way you would for me. I don’t want to live without you anymore than you want to live without me, even if you’re a pain in the fucking ass.”
“You’re not always a walk in the park either, honey.”
“Thanks, babe.”
Steve gave you another smile. “I guess we’re in the kind of relationship where we would die to protect each other, huh?”
“That’s probably the main take away from this, yeah,” you replied.
“I’m always juggling a thousand things at once. I got a lotta balls in the air, you know?” he continued. “Sometimes I’m worried I’m gonna drop one of my metaphorical balls. And in the moment where I thought you died, they all came crashing to the ground.”
“Really,” he affirmed. “It’s like…my balls don’t matter unless you’re here.”
“- yeah, I heard it!” he groaned. “What I’m saying is…very few things in my life have a purpose without you. So please, try not to die.”
“I’ll do my best,” you gave him a smile. “Now, d’you think you could help me change these bandages? These ones are a bit…bloody.”
“Yeah, of course.”
Steve crossed the room and produced a first aid kit – you probably should have gone to hospital but there was no way in hell for you to explain your injuries. That meant that Nancy and Robin had tended to your wounds; the stitches were a little wonky and they didn’t have strong enough pain killers on hand to really help, but their efforts hadn’t been in vain. Admittedly, Steve had been a little useless in that moment – he was completely fucking numb, only able to watch in disbelief as they tried to help you. He wanted to kick himself for it, but at least he could help you now.
Softly pulling up your arms, he lifted the fabric of your hoodie (his hoodie) and began to unwind the bandages. He saw the wounds then, deep and jagged and still swollen and bumpy from the bats and the stitches. It was almost like he could physically feel the pain in his own side – it looked awful. And it had all been for him.
“Shit,” Steve murmured.
“Hey, Steve, c’mon,” you softly said. You reached out a hand and brushed it over where his lay on your side, giving it a squeeze. “It’s fine.”
“It’s not fine. You’re not fine.”
“But I will be!” you shot back. “It’s been what…I don’t even know how many days, but presumably not many. It doesn’t matter how I got the wounds; it just matters that they’ll heal.”
“It does matter, honey,” his voice was still quiet. “Because you did this all for me and that is not okay.”
“Are you honestly telling me that you wouldn’t let yourself get a little hurt for me?” you said.
“You know I would,” he murmured. “I’d get mortally wounded and grotesquely disfigured for you.”
“There we go then.”
Steve didn’t say anything else; he instead replaced your bandages and then climbed into bed beside you. His movements were still gentle and restrained, erring on the side of caution as he moulded his body around yours – one arm on your good side, pulling you as close to him as possible, a large hand guarding your head as he kept it tucked into his shoulder. It was close as the two of you could physically get without actually being the same person and in that moment, it was exactly what he needed. You might have been the one who was physically ailed but he emotionally, Steve felt like he’d been attacked by every demo-piece-of-shit the Upside Down had to offer.
You let out a tiny sigh, snuggling closer to him as you drifted off. It was in that moment that Steve realised only one thing mattered: you were going to be okay and so was he.   
tags: @karasong
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rand0mfangurlstuff · 2 months
I'll Look After You - Part 3 Bucky x Y/N
I feel like I'm slowly getting the hang of actually making posts on tumblr. I'm still not great but bare with me. I'm still utterly obsessed with John 'Bucky' Egan and since I'm running out of fics to read I feel I need to make my own. Part 2 kinda got away from me but I think I have a bit more of a clear direction for this now. This includes jealous! Bucky. Enjoy:
When Bucky awoke the next morning, he was dissapointed Y/N was not by his side. He had hoped he would get to see her beautiful face again when he woke up. But the chair was empty and the book left on the bedside table. She must have left once I fell asleep he tought to himself. And who could blame her? That chair hardly looked comfortable. I wonder is she working again today? Maybe she will come by again soon. He looked to the book on the table. The hairpin stuck between the pages told him there was still a few more chapters left to read. His chest swelled with hope. She might come back again tonight. Bucky thought about relaxing into the small hospital bed and being comforted by her beautiful voice once more. As he imagined that gorgeous voice, he heard it from a short distance away. Almost as if he had magically made her appear. He couldnt see her, thanks to that godforsaken curtain; but it was her. He heard her melodic laugh. Who is she talking to? Whats so funny? Bucky couldn't help it. Suddenly he felt.. jealous. Why on earth would he feel jealous? Because he wanted to be the once to make her laugh. Thats why. But Bucky did his best to quell those jealous thoughts. She was probably just talking to one of the other nurses.
'I couldnt help it, I just started spewing everywhere!' It was awful.' Bucky knew that voice. That was not a nurses voice. 'Oh Major Crosby, why on earth did you become a flight navigator if you suffered from air sickness!' She said in between giggles. Crosby. Crosby was making her laugh. Well at least she was laughing at him. 'I didnt know I suffered from it till I was already in the air! You gotta help me Y/N, I need more of the stuff the doc gave me but he's not back till Monday!' 'Okay, okay, here you go.' 'Thanks Y/N I really appreciate it.' 'No problem Major.' Bucky heard footsteps, then Croz's voice again. 'Y/N?' 'Yes Major?' 'Please, call me Harry. I was just wondering if I could pay you back, for the pills?' 'Oh theres no need Harry.' 'I know, but I want to thank you properly. Are you working tonight?' 'No, thankfully for the first night in what feels like weeks I'm off for the night.' Bucky's heart sank at this news. There goes his plans of a lovely nights sleep. 'Oh great! Theres a dance on tonight in the main hall, are you going?' 'I hadn't thought about it, but I guess it would be fun!' 'Oh great, well I'll buy you a drink there, to thank you.' 'That's very kind Maj- Harry. I'll see you there.' 'Great! I'll see you there Y/N!'
Bucky's blood boiled. Croz was going to be at the dance with Y/N. Croz couldnt even dance! She would have a terrible time with him. It should be Bucky buying her drinks and sweeping her off of her feet. Not Croz. Pukes-a-lot Croz. If only his ribs would hurry up and heal. Then he could go to the dance and show her a real good time. Bucky tested himself, trying to get out of bed. It was painful, but maybe managable? Just as his first socked foot hit the ground, the curtain swung open and there she was, Y/N.
She went to Bucky's cubile to find he was already getting to his feet. 'Haha! Great minds really do think alike! I was just about to get you for physical therapy.' Bucky looked at her like he was caught with his pants round his ankles. 'Physical therapy?' he questioned. He sat at the edge of his bed, one to look 'non-chalant' and two because he was afraid his legs would gave in from under him with the pain in his side. She smiled at him 'Yeah, didnt the doctors tell you? It's about time we get you up and moving Major! Cant expect you to be in the air if you cant even be on the ground. Come on.' She stepped close to him and held out her hands, waiting for him to take them. He stared. 'Come on, lets go for a walk.' He did want to, but he felt angry. How could she be so kind and nice and smile so beautifully at him when she had just agreed to a date with Crosby. He looked at her, eyes shining and smiling a smile that could probably wrap even Hitler himself around her finger. He gave in and put his hands in hers. It was electric. He never wanted to let go of her perfect, soft hands. He didnt think it was possible, but her smile grew even bigger. Maybe she feels it too. This connection between us. She stepped back, giving him room to stand. He towered over her. She looked up at him, and all Bucky wanted to do was kiss her. All her had to do was bend his neck a bit, tilt his head to the side slightly, and his lips would be on hers. But no, she was Crosbys girl. He was the one going to kiss her. His blood started boiling again at the thought. 'Lets get this over with.' He said with a scowl. The sooner this was over, the sooner he would hopefully be able to stop thinking about her. As if I could ever think of anything but her. He thought. Her smile faltered, not expecting him to be anything other than his charming self.
They made it to the hallway, their steps slow and steady so not to hurt Bucky too much. Y/N tried to be encouraging, often praising him at how well he was doing. But Bucky barely responded. Eventually, she decided the silence was too much. 'Whats your favourite type of cake?' she asked. 'What?' he looked at her confused. 'Cake! Mines chocolate. I absolutely love chocolate cake. Whats your favourite?' 'I don't have a favourite type of cake.' he said. 'You like them all then huh? That's fair. If I'm honest I like all kinds of cake. Except carrot. Carrot and cake should not mix. Everything else is great -' 'I really don't care for or about cake!' Bucky snapped. As soon as he said the words he regretted it. Her bright smile vanished, and she physically recoil from him. She put as much distance between them as she could. Deciding she no longer needed to hold his hands. He immediatly missed the warmth of her hands in his. Longed to grab them back and never let tem go. 'I think you're okay with walking. Turn around back to your bed. I'll be behind you if you need me.' Bucky didnt know what to say, so he just turned around and slowly walked back to his bed. She was right on his heels though, being a good nurse and making sure nothing happened to him. He could sense her hand hovering over his shoulder, ready to catch him if he faltered. She never said a word though. Bucky wanted to break the awkward silence, but how? He had no idea what to say. She helped him back to bed and made a quick exit. 'Anoher nurse will be around later for evening rounds. I'm done for the day.' Without another word she walked off. Bucky cursed himself. He was a dick to her even though she was always kind to him. He would be pushing her even further into Crosby's arms now.
The day turned into evening, the evening into night. Everyone else in the infrimary was asleep, but not Bucky. He didnt know what was keeping him from slumber; the thought of nightmares or the thought of her and Crosby at the dance. Y/N and Croz at that dance is my worst nightmare. Bucky realised. What if they're dancing? He's a terrible dancer. I would be far better at dancing with her. What if they're slow dancing. What if he holds her a little too closely? What if he kisses her? Bucky tried to stop his racing mind before he had a stroke. He looked at the book again. Exactly where she left it. He didnt even want to read it. He knew the story word-for-word by now. He just wanted to hear her read it. That wasnt going to be happening tonight.
Y/N was enjoying the dance. The music was great, and everyone was in good spirits celebrating someones 25th mission. Harry was ever the gentlemen, buying her a drink and making sure she was okay. She liked Harry. He was kind, funny and charming, dispite his issues with air sickness that everyone cruely made fun of him for. She sat at a table with some of the other nurses and a few soldiers. 'Would you like another drink?' Harry asked her, noticing her empty glass. 'Oh I'm fine, thank you Harry.' 'How about a dance?' his hopeful smile was too much for her. 'I'd love to.' They made their way to the dance floor, a lively jazz song being played by the band. Harry wasnt the best dancer, but he had fun and made her have fun too, which was the most important part.
After their dance, Y/N needed to catch her breath. It was then she looked up at the clock and saw the time. 'I didnt realise it was so late! I better get going.' 'I'll walk you home.' Harry said, holding out his elbow to her. 'Oh thats very kind Harry, but theres no need. I'm going to head to the infirmary to check on some patients before I go to bed. You stay with they guys and enjoy the party.' 'Are you sure?' Y/N could sense some dissapointment in his tone, but chose to ignore it with a warm smile. 'I'm sure. Enjoy yourself.' She gave him a kiss on the cheek, and headed for the door. JUst as she was about to leave, she remembered she was meant to grab something...
At midnight he was still awake. He knew the party would be ending soon. He thought of Crosby walking Y/N home. Ever the gent. What if he tried to kiss her? would she accept his kiss? He hoped not. What if she did? He couldnt help picture Harry Crosby with his hands on Y/N, kissing. Hands moving to places he would sell his soul to touch. He was fit to scream. He couldnt hack it. Just when he was about to bang his head against the wall to rid himself of the terrifying mental images, he heard a voice. 'I'm not too late am I?' I'm hallucinating, Bucky thought. The pain meds must be very strong tonight. Y/N stood at the foot of his bed. Wearing a beautiful red dress, hair in flowing waves. Red lipstick he would love to smudge. 'What are you doing here? Weren't you at the dance?' She smiled, 'I was, but when it was almost over I thought I'd come check on you. Not that you deserve it. You were very cranky earlier.' 'I'm sorry Y/N I-' she cut him off 'There's no need to appologise. Physical therapy can be very difficult. Your body has been through a lot it's okay if it takes time to recover.' She was a literal angel. After how poorly he treated her, she still showed him so much empathy. More than he deserved. Even after her date with Croz, here she was checking in on him. 'Thank you. There's no need to check on me though. I'm fine. You should head back.' She moved closer while pulling a paper bag from behind her back. 'The dance is over now. Besides, I think theres about two chapters of Great Gatsby left. I brought some treats for us to eat while we read it.' She pulled out two small pieces of cake from the bag, white frosting on each piece with jam in the middle. 'You wouldn't tell me what kind of cake you liked, turns out it didnt matter because by the time I got to it this was all that was left anyway.' Cake? She had brought him cake? She was at the dance, with another man, and she thought about bringing him cake in the middle of the night? Bucky almost cried. 'You didn't have to do that, thank you. That's very kind.' She looked at the chair next to his bed. Her back already hurt before she even sat on it. 'Do you mind moving over a little? That chair is horrendous.'
Bucky was sure he heard her wrong. She wanted to sit in the bed with him? He stuttered out a response as he slowly moved as much as he could in the small bed. 'Sure, be my guest.' She sat beside him with her back againt the headboard. The sides of their bodies touching from their shoulders to their ankles. If Bucky's heart wasnt racing before, it was now. She handed him his piece of cake and picked up the book. 'It was when curiosity about Gatsby was at its highest that the lights in his house failed to go on one Saturday night....' She read to him, occasionally taking a break to bite into her cake. They sat like that, eating and reading, with Bucky never taking his eyes off of her beautiful face. Slowly, his tired eyes fluttered closed. He dreamed of cake, Gatsby's mansion, and her.
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sofasoap · 1 year
Death, comes easily.
Pairing: Simon " Ghost" Riley x f!Reader/OC ( aka "Mini" MacTavish )
Summary: The threat never stops. Inspired by the piccadilly circus mission.
Warning : Mature theme, Violence, swearing. Angst. open ending ( possible happy ending? if you want. )
A/N : I had this idea while commuting to work, and wrote it within 20 minutes before seeing my first patient. I just had to get it out. So expect lots of mistakes. English isn't my first language. You are responsible for your own media consumption. Turn back now if you don't like it.
Character of Mini MacTavish is from @saltofmercury fic " “The Favorite MacTavish” " which she graciously let me borrow and write bit more expanded universe. Please go read her wonderful story to get bit of background. Thank you for leading me your character.
"masterlist" for more stories to this Mini MacTavish expanded verse.
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You woke up with blurred vision and pounding headache.
Blinking rapidly, trying to get a better look at your surrounding. There's carnages everywhere. How did you get here? One minute you were browsing around the for replacement of broken kettle, and the next thing you heard a huge blast, which must have knocked you out.
Something wet start to drip into your eyes, you try to raise your hand to wipe it, and realise you were tied up. Looking down, you have this huge military like vest on you, with wires and what looks like explosives.
Gunshot sounds echoes in the building. More shouting and screaming.
Suddenly you saw four men storming up the staircase, scouting the area.
One of them has a skull face mask on.
"….. Simon." You called out to him, voice hoarse.
Ghost's eye met yours, you see it widen, a flash of fear.
"Mini!!!" Hearing your brother's voice calling out to you, you turn your focus to the other three men, running up towards you.
"What.. what happened?"
" Terrorist attack. They set multiple bombs off around Piccadilly circus." Soap explained as he hovers over you, assessing the situation. " Fucken steaming Jesus." He cursed. Soap is demolition specialist, but disarming bombs are slightly out of his league.
Price and Gaz kneeled down beside you, intense worry shown on their face.
"Bravo 6 to base. Request bomb squad specialist to our location IMMEDIATELY. I repeat, URGENT."
"Captain, there's only FIVE minute timer left on this, we need to get started immediately ourselves." Gaz commented.
"I'll do it." Ghost volunteered. There is no way he is going to stand on the side and do nothing to help you to get out of danger.
Swiftly following instructions relay on by the squad specialist, along with Soap's expertise, the men started dismantling the bomb. Coming up to the last two wires,
" Red or Blue." and you saw all four of the men frowned.
" I ASK RED OR BLUE…. WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT'S RANDOM!!!" Ghost shouted. He is starting to lose his cool.
" Three minutes left .. " Gaz commented. You starting to sense distress and worry from the men.
Closing your eyes, you whispered out your decision. "Just go boys.. I can't let all you go down with me."
" We can't leave you here. I AM NOT LEAVING YOU HERE." Simon rejected.
" Simon, the kid need their dad," Looking at Soap, Price and Gaz, " And their uncles."
" AND I NEED YOU." You can hear the strain in his voice.
Opening your eyes again, you turn towards your brother. "Johnny. Just go. Look after the kids for us with Emma. Tell the kids I love them. and Ma and Pa too.. Gaz, Uncle Price, Thank you for everything." you whispered.
Price nodded. He made a lot of difficult decision in his life. This will probably the one that will haunt him for rest of his life. After the three of them gave you a quick kiss and hug, they started pulling back. You can hear Soap's anguish cry as they leave the building.
".. You know I love you very much right Simon? A Lot."
" I know love. I know…" He pulled his skull mask off. Tears streaming down his face. Taking a deep breath, he lean in for a kiss as he cut the wire.
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shiinata-library · 2 years
Imagine: Bees’ fear
How would Thorin, Fíli, Kíli, Bilbo, Dwalin, Ori react if they found out you were afraid of bees?
Note 1: I’m not an English native speaker so there are probably mistakes. Note 2: It’s the first time I wrote with Dwalin and Ori, I hope it’ll be alright!
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You tried to hide your fear of bees during the whole quest. Thinking nobody could realise it, you were pretty proud of you, and to your surprise, there weren't as many bees in Middle-earth as you thought. After the Shire, you never saw one. Your meals and your walking were so peaceful that it was strange, but you were thinking the other lands may be not conducive to their development.
The thing you didn't know was that Thorin always made sure to put himself between you and a bee as soon as he saw one, or to push you slightly away from it without you realising it. He still remembered when he had discovered your fear of those tiny animals: you had closed your eyes tightly as you had remained motionless, waiting for it to disappear at some point.
He never said anything about this. Until Beorn’s house. The house with a lot of animals and giant bees.
If Thorin already heard you yelling because of goblins or orcs, it was nothing compared to the cry you made when you woke up alone with a giant bee above you. Between its size, your waking, and the unknown place, your (stupid) instinct, you couldn’t help but yell. 
The surprise continued with the sudden arrival of Thorin, almost breathless, in the room. The giant bee left the room, more scared than you. 
Your scared eyes, shining with contained tears, stopped him from thinking. He just ran to you and took you in his arms. His chest was hard like a rock, but his warm coat and his scent calmed you immediately. Your heart took a few minutes to calm down, until you realised you were in Thorin’s arms.
“I-I’m sorry, I overreacted! I’m okay, i-it surprised me…” you said as you placed your hands on his chest, trying to push him because of your embarrassment. 
“It’s okay to be afraid,” he said in a calm voice as he stroked your back. “From now, I will be with you when you wake up. Nothing will scare you.”
From that moment, Thorin got into the habit of sleeping next to you. Even in Mirkwood, even in Laketown, even in Erebor.
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Even though you know the benefit of bees for the environment – and for honey, you couldn't help but be tense when one of them was flying near you. And of course, they were everywhere in Middle-earth!
“They may often be around you because you smell as good as a flower,” Fíli said one day when you were alone with him in a forest as the sun started to set.
Thorin had asked for you and Fíli to bring kindling for Gloín’s fire, so you were both alone in the middle of a forest. No Thorin for ordering something, no Kíli for making jokes, or no Bombur asking for help for preparing dinner.
You couldn’t help but stop your moves when your cheeks stupidly blushed at his sentence. As you had your back to him, you tried to stay insensitive, not wanting to misunderstand what he said.
Staying insensitive is easy when there are no bees around you, but when a tiny one flew next to you, you couldn’t help but say Fíli’s name in an imploring tone, remaining motionless. With a few slow steps, he joined you and pushed the bee away. After a shy “Thank you”, you continued to search for kindling.
During the whole quest, you developed the habit of calling Fíli each time a bee was coming close to you. His help was so often that the other made fun of you sometimes, imitating your imploring voice. You let them do it since they were right. You weren’t proud of yourself, but he never complained, always walking quickly to you and saving you from the tiny thing. 
One night, you were both on watch duty as you were sitting next to each other, whispering while everyone else slept. The moon was high in a sky without clouds and a light wind was blowing in the trees. A perfect quiet night.
“Can I ask you something?” you eventually asked as you smiled at him after a long discussion about an anecdote of his brother.
“Yes, you can. Anything you want,” he replied with a smile, making the braids of his moustache dance.
“Why do you never complain when I call you as soon as a bee approaches me? I must call you at least once a day,” you said as you looked at his smile widened.
“Because I love when you call my name in an imploring tone,” he simply replied without looking away, obviously proud of the effect his answer had on you.
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The first time Kíli saw you being afraid of bees it was in the Shire. They were everywhere! On each flower, on each tree, on each step you have taken! It was at the very beginning of the quest. Just a little cry of surprise – alright ‘of fear’, when a bee approached you as you were on your pony. You almost fell from it and it didn’t escape Kíli’s notice.
Since then, not two days went by without him pretending to have seen a bee, making the sound of a bee, or showing you one near you.
It was tiring and not fun. Even his uncle scolded him about it, but he continued.
“You’re stupid and I hate you!” you ended up exploding after a long, tiring day. “You know what, don’t approach me or talk to me again!”
You left him alone, surprised by your reaction, as you joined the camp without any woods you were supposed to bring. This evening, he searched for woods alone as his brother was with Thorin and Balin talking about the road.
Then, you kept your distance with him for days. He tried several times to speak with you but you ignored him. The whole company laughed about it, calling you ‘the sulkiest woman of Middle-earth’, and joking about Kíli’s grumpy behaviour.
However, when Bilbo and you discovered the trolls had captured the ponies because of Fíli and Kíli’s inattention, you had no choice but speak with him to plan the ponies’ rescue, which quickly failed of course.
After that, Kíli and you started talking again, as before. He apologised one last time and you finally forgave him. As you both spoke about what happened the day you avoided him, you realise you weren’t the only one to miss your chatting.
Your good understanding lasted until you arrived at Beorn, when you discovered Kíli’s fear for the giant bees. He avoided them, trying to stay brave, while you could almost see cold sweat on his face. 
What could you do to make fun of him as much as he did to you? So many possibilities! Once you eventually found the good joke, you started it!
One afternoon while everyone was busy on their own, Kíli was sleeping on the ground at the back of the house. Laying under a tree, the sun didn't bother him to sleep, you could even hear him snoring. In the quietest way possible, you walked to him with a giant bee. 
In conversation with Beorn, you realised these giant bees were harmless and they could even understand you a little. So you asked one of them to follow you to Kíli.
In front of him, you took your most beautiful voice to call him. After calling him several times as he groaned, he ended up opening his eyes. At the sight of the bee just in front of him, he froze. You never saw him so quiet, you even suspected he stopped breathing. Kíli only reacted when he heard you laugh as you asked the bee to leave.
Once the bee left, it didn’t take him a long time to understand you made fun of him, especially with your laugh echoing through the garden. “I promised if I catch you…” he shouted as he quickly got to his feet. Between your laugh and his sudden move, you stumbled over a root and fell to the ground. Kíli easily caught you.  He lowered to the ground above you and locked your arms next to your head, as he used to do with his brother when they were young.
“Do you think it's funny?” he groaned, still angry with you because of his sudden, scary waking.
“It was very funny! If you could have seen your face!” you continued to laugh until his hands hurt you. “Ouch! Hey calm down, I’m not a solid dwarf like all of you! You’re going to break my wrist!”
His grip loosened but he didn’t move. He looked at you from above as his cheeks started to blush under his little beard. 
You wondered how long he could have stayed like that if Thorin hadn't called him from the other side of the house…
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It wasn't hard for Bilbo to understand you were afraid of bees. Still in the Shire, the journey barely started, you let out a light cry as you were sitting on the ground for lunch. At that very moment, Bilbo was just next to you. So it was impossible to hide it. 
He looked at you with a gentle smile as he made it leave with a simple move of his hand, not even standing up. 
“Do you have a superpower with bees? Do they understand you?” you asked, looking first at his hand, then at his face. 
“A super what?” he replied with a questioning face as he bit into an apple. 
You didn't try to explain him and preferred to change the subject, still impressed by him however. 
After that, you decided to stay next to Bilbo when you were sitting on the ground. It was the safer way! And Bilbo’s company was always agreeable.
The rest of the journey was better now you knew Bilbo’s superpower. If we talked of bees, of course, not of goblins or orcs. You didn’t even know where he was when you faced the goblins. But for bees, he was the best!
When you spent the first night at Beorn, the company let you sleep the next morning as much as you want. The sun was already up when you felt something tickling your cheek. You first scratched your face before opening your eyes and understanding a giant bee just in front of you. 
With a quick involuntary move, you hit the bee and it fell on the floor, not moving anymore. Your heart arched and you tried to think what you should do.
The solution was evident when you found it. You run to find Bilbo in the house until you find him outside talking to Balin. Without explaining anything, the little hobbit eventually followed you to the bee still on the floor, moving a little. 
You let him act as he wanted and he found a way to wake it up and help him to go outside. Who knew that a little honey could save a bee?
Bilbo knew. After he brought out the giant bee and came back to you, you immediately hugged him. Surprised and embarrassed, he tensed before thinking you needed comfort.
“It’s fine. I don’t think another one would come in after what you did,” he said as he stroked your back.
“I’m sorry! And I thank you so much!” you said as you pulled back a little, your hands still holding his upper arms. “It was amazing! You’re amazing!”
Your enthusiastic words quickly made the little hobbit blush, or maybe it was your hands on him or your previous hug. Unlike the dwarfs, he had no beards, so you could see it easily, even if he tried to hide it with some nose moves and by offering you breakfast.
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“Why are ye scared of something so tiny?” Dwalin asked as you hid behind him.
“I don't do it on purpose,” you replied a little too harshly.
You don’t want to talk about it, you want it to disappear. From your sight, not from this universe, you’re not a monster.
So you had hidden yourself behind the first person next to you until the bee’s sound went away, and the person in question was Dwalin. This big dwarf was a good shield for tiny things. Tiny or big, for trolls, goblins, or orcs, he wasn’t bad either! 
But for bees, he couldn’t help but laugh when you were running behind him without a word until it left. Dwalin wasn’t the kind of dwarf to laugh, so you were surprised the first time you saw him smile after you thanked him for being your shield.
“At your service, lass!” he always replied with a smile before regaining his serious behaviour as usual.
You were glad to always have him when you needed it. He was a perfect shield.
When you arrived at Beorn’s house, you quickly noticed the giant bees. So you tried to avoid them. They were almost less frightening. Almost. Until you went on a walk and you found several of them around you, gathering pollen on flowers. They hadn’t noticed you, but their sounds were scary. It was nothing like the discreet sound of tiny ordinary bees.
You tried to keep you calm but the anxiety made your heart beat so hard that your eyes couldn’t stop the tears from coming. The ultimate solutions were to yell Dwalin’s help or to run away, but afraid like you were, you just closed your eyes and remained motionless.
Bees’ sounds were everywhere until you felt something in front of you. Your fear made you hesitate to open your eyes, but at the sounds of the bees moving away, you eventually opened them.
The back of Dwalin was just before you. The strong back of your shield was protecting you. 
You let your head fall on it, tears running over your cheek with relief. Dwalin immediately turned to you when he heard you. You hit his chest with the little strength you had as he wrapped his arms around you.
“Are ye ok?” he said in a worried voice.
“Why did my shield take so long?” you said, hitting him once again.
“I’m here, and I’m sorry. Yer shield was looking for ye in the wrong place,” he said as he stroked your back. “I promise ye it'll never happen again.”
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Bees used to scare you when they were near you. If they were far enough away to not hear them, it was fine. So you used to look around you when you were sitting on the ground, maybe a little too much.
“They don't go out at night,” Ori said with a shy voice as he was sitting next to you. “You won't find any insects like bees or wasps at night. I read it in a book when I was young.”
“Are you sure?” you asked, full of hope. “I never think of it, but you must be right. I never saw any of them at night.” 
“If it can reassure you, bees almost never attack someone. It’s very rare, I’m sure you will never be attacked if you do nothing to them,” he said with a comfort face’s expression.
“Do you promise me?” you asked seriously.
“Oh, hm, yes. I promise you,” he replied in a hesitant voice but still with his nice smile.
This was the first of many conversations with the shy dwarf. He always taught you something that calmed you down when you were scared. And in this quest, there was enough to be scared of! 
Even at Beorn, you weren’t so afraid of the giant bees. You were almost used to them. Then, one nice afternoon, with the permission of Dori and Nori, you went for a walk with Ori in Beorn’s territory. You both were sure you would be safe here, so you took your time. And the time always passed quickly with Ori because you always found good subjects to talk about.
In the middle of the afternoon, you took a break near a river under a big tree. As your head leaned towards the water to refresh your face, you heard a light but loud cry from Ori. You ran to him as fast as you could and saw him shake his hand. In front of him, you wanted to take his hand but he stepped back. Looking more panicked than him, he tried to reassure you but it didn’t work.
“It was just a bee that stung me. I didn't pay attention and put my hand on it when I wanted to sit down,” he explained as you were more and more worried.
He couldn’t tell you he was watching you instead of paying attention to the ground. Between you and the ground, his choice was easily made.
“You promised they never attack!” you exclaimed in a louder voice than you wanted. “What if you react wrongly and die? What if you lost your hand? Your hand Ori! What if–”
“M-my hand is fine,” he cut you off in a calm voice when his cheeks were red from your sudden over-attention to him. “I have never read that a dwarf died because of a bee. I’m sure Oín can help me with that easily. D-do you want to come with me?”
Of course you were coming with him! You will help Oín as much as you can! The scribe dwarf will need your help for a long time before he can use his hand!
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k-slla · 8 months
Watching Over Me
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A/N: So I had this idea last night before falling asleep and just had to finish it. All mistakes are mine, ignore pls😊
@cevansbaby-dove & @jackles010378, thought of you two when I wrote it , so I hope you'll like taking care of Sick hubby Dean🥰
My Masterlist
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I woke up and turned around to look at Dean. I was surprised to see him already up, he was usually deep sleeper. He didn't notice me waking up and continued to stare the ceiling. "Morning, babe." I said quietly and put my arms around him. "Morning." He groaned back weakly. "Are you okay?" He didn't answer. I sat up to take a closer look at him. "Babe, are you sick?" I asked worriedly and touched his forehead. "You're burning up. Can you sit up, please? I'll bring you some water and Advil. I want to get the fever down, okay?" He only nodded for answer. He really must be feeling awful to admit it to me on first try. I stood up from bed and looked for my robe. "Hey, babe?" He asked. "Yeah, can I get you something?"
"No, just wanted to say you're beautiful." He smiled weakly at me. I smiled back at him. "Aw,babe, you're just delirious." I kissed his forehead and turned to leave our bedroom. Almost out of door I heard a quiet mutter behind me. "No, I'm not." Smile was again on my lips as I heard him sigh loudly. "I'll be right back."
The bunker was quiet. Sam probably stayed at Eileen's last night. I entered the kitchen and straight to the medicine cabinet. After finding what I needed, I grabbed a glass of water and went to see Dean. "Hey, take these and try to sleep, okay? I'll make you some soup. "
"Thanks, dear." He took the the meds and drank the whole glass of water. "Can I get some more please?"
"Sure." I said as I went to fill the glass again. When I got back, he was already asleep so I left the glass on a nightstand and went to make him some food.
After hour and half of struggling, I heard front door closing. Sam got home and followed the noise I was making in the kitchen.
"Y/N! What are you doing? Where's Dean?" He laughed at the mess in the kitchen. I was getting hopeless. Chopped veggies were everywhere. "Uuhh- He's asleep. He's sick and I wanted to make him soup, but I'm- " I cut the words and looked around in the kitchen. "Can you help your poor sis out? " I looked at him pleadingly.
"How is it possible that you bake so well but can't cook even if your life depends on it? Of course I'll help you."
I retreated into the corner to sit at the table out of his way. Marrying into the Winchester family was best decision I've made in my life. Watching Sam move masterfully in the kitchen, I couldn't help but gawk at him in awe.
"You Winchesters are amazing in kitchen. Where did you learna to cook this well? " I asked him. "Oh, yeah." I said knowingly, as I remembered that the boys didn't really have a choice, with John always away they had to cook for themselves.
"Dean teached me, you know? He used to experiment with different recipes as soon as he could go shopping alone. Until the we pretty much lived off canned soups and corn flakes." He said sadly and he reminisced about childhood.
After some time the kitchenwas filled with amazing smells.
"Soup's almost done. Can you make some grilled cheese sandwiches?"
"That I can do!" I said happily as I jumped up from my seat.
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Carefully balancing the bowl of soup and sandwich on a large plate, I made my way to our bedroom.
"Hey, D. I brought you some soup. "
He sat up in bed. "I have to admit, I had some help making this. I was a lost cause in there and Sammy finished the cooking. So it should be fine." I said smiling at him. "Are you feeling better?"
"Yeah, I am actually. "
I carefully placed the plate in his lap. "Please try not to spill, okay?" I laughed as I sat down next to him.
"What am I? Four?" He asked and immediately spilled some soup onto the blanket.
"Oops. Sorry!" He said innocently. I just facepalmed.
After he finished his lunch, I took care of the dishes. The worst part of cooking.
Finally when kitchen was squeaky clean again, I took a quick shower.
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"Babe, come here." Dean called me sleepily when he heard me entering our room again. "Just a sec, hun." I answered as I pulled the towel from my hair. I dried my hair a bit and joined him on the bed. "Can I get you something?"
He swiftly put his arms around me and pulled me into his embrace. "Hey!" I squealed.
"Just want some cuddles, babe." He kissed the top of my head and I just sank into him. "Thank you."
"For what?" I asked, looking curiously into his eyes.
"For taking care of me. I love you, Y/N." I gently stroke his head.
"In sickness and in health, that's what we promised each other, right?" He smiled at that remark. "Get some sleep now, you'll feel better soon."
"Please stay with me." He said quietly.
"Of course."
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uselessbun · 5 months
Just smth I wrote yesterday, I hope you like it :)
word count:~1,300
contains: G/T, safe/soft vore, accidental vore, mentions of digestion
That story starts from elsewhere. Once upon a time, the siencist from the hill decided to do another experiment. This time, high technologies were involved. So, he made a device that should've been able to change body's between two creatures, by just touching the button on it. It was small enough to wear it on a mouse. And he did put it on one. But WHOOPS! The mouse ran out of the laboratory.
OK, keep that part in mind. And our story will return to its main events.
Craig FINALY got let out of his house after school. On that such fantastic event, the fisrt thing he decided was go wisit his lovely, nervotic best friend - Tweek. He was kinda excited even, which caused a small smile to appear on his usual magpie face on a lil while. The fact he was already next to his door woke him up from his thoughts. He knocked on the door. After a minute, some voice was heard from behind the door:
-Who's there?
It definitely wasn't Tweeks voice. It was his mom, probably. Before he could answer, the door opened, revealing that it was indeed Tweeks mom.
-Oh! It's you!! You can come in!
She probably alredy knew he was one of her sons friends. After Craig came in, she said:
-Tweek!!! Your friend is here!!!- She shouted to her son, who was probably somewhere in the house. Then she returned talking to him - Sorry, Tweek is still busy with doing chores. But he's almost done!! So he'll be free in no time. You can wait for him in his room.
Without saying a word, he went into his buddys room. It looked as usually as always - messy. There also was a mug of coffee standing on his table. Nothing unusual here too, cuz, knowing him, he needs coffee every time and everywhere. What was unusual, is that there was something swimming in the coffee.
-What the-?!- quietly escaped his mouth, as he dived his hand into the cup to get out the object, and it turned out to be… A mouse!!! With some weird mechanism on it- …The fuck?
He holded it in his hands a lil, and then putted on the table. After that, it ran out though the window.Yes, reader, it was THAT mouse. And the thing is, when he grabed it, he grabed it exactly at the place of button. But the mechanism didn't work actually right. Instead of bodyes, they changed sizes. That's why there now was tiny craig in Tweeks room, and a giant mouse running by the streets. And guess who just fell into pile of melted cheese?? Right! Kenny! But that's a different story ;)! Back to Craig, since he was slightly bowed attop the coffee, when he shrank, he turned out to fell exactly there.
Now, we'll turn to Tweeks POV. As he heard his mom say his friend had come, he exactly knew who could it be. So he started doing even faster what he was doing, so he could meet with him. But when he was finally done, he ran into his room with one single thought:"COFFEE!!!". You see, the room he was doing chores in surprisingly had not a single way to get coffee. So he wasn't drinking it for a loooong while. That's why he needed IMMEDIATE portion of the stimulation the drink gave him. That's why he rushed to his table with a mug of so desired liquid standing on it and immediately drank it. He took such a huge sip that he drank the whole mug in one go. But… Something felt weird about, so familiar for him it would seem, drink. There was something else in there…Something that is not a liquid nor a coffee powder. Weird. But then he remembered what he was told. His friend should be somewhere here. He looked around his room but didn't see him anywhere.
He started looking everywhere in his room. Under the table, in closets, but then he heard a respond.
-Cough-cough..Yes?? -In that moment, Craig was already thinking of how to explain the situation without making his friend nervous. Or at least not TOO nervous. Knowing his temperament, that'd be a challenge.
-Wh.Where are you?!!! You sound close but I don't see you!!!-He seemed already panicked AF.
-Uh…-Craig was still thinking of his answer.
-Craig, WHERE ARE YOU?!!! OMG, DID YOU BECOME A GHOST?!!!!-But it seemed the more he didn't answer, the more nervous Tweek turned and he started imaging his own.
-No!!No, I'm not dead!!- He assured him.
-Well, when you die, there should be a tunel with the light in the end, and…I can't see anything. Not to mention that doesn't feel like a tunnel. And it's too warm for death.
-…Fair point…-He calmed down a lil, and Craig was about to sigh in relief, but that wasn't for too long- B.But still, WHERE ARE YOU?!!!
-Well…Firstly, let's say…I…Turned tiny.
-..OMG, I didn't step on you,DIDN'T I?!!!-He shouted as he looked under his feet.
-No, no!! I already said, I'm not dead. Not to mention I'm not THAT tiny.
-..Well, I can tell you where I WAS. And… I was in… A coffee…-Craig tried to not be too specific, but it didn't stop Tweek from understanding what happened.
-…-He felt bad cuz of failing his mission of not making him too nervous.
-GOD, I DID!!! AHHHH!!! I KILLED MY FRIEND!!! I KILLED MY FRIEND!!! I KILLED MY FRIEND!!- Silence made him even more insane.
-No!! Tweek, I'm not dead.
-B.But you're LITTERALY in my stomach!!! YOU'RE PROBABLY DYING AT THE MOMENT!!! AHHHH!!!!- already nervotic in general he was nervous even more, because his friend was involved.
He was right at some point. Stomach acid should've probably dissolved at least part of him at the moment. Should've, but didn't. Not to mention there wasn't even a single hint of acid. Either bc of Tweeks coffee diet his digestion was slowed down or for some else reason, but either way there was nothing threatening his life…Yet.
-Well, no. It's pretty surprising, but no, I'm not.
-…Wait…You mean, YOU'RE OK?!!!
-Yes, I am. And I think that gives us chance to get me out of here safely.
-…Ok…B.But..HOW DO I GET YOU OUT?!!!
-I think we can come out with something…Oh,I have an-
-WHAT IS IT?!!!!-His partner was impatient and nervous still
-Well…-He tried to sound as calm as possible so maybe Tweek calms down. He realy disliked how panicked he was.-I read somewhere that… If you..adruptly press two fingers in your mouth, it'll cause you to spit out everything that was in your stomach…
-..W.Where exactly did you read that..?!
-…OK, I.I don't see any other way anyways!
He then did as he was told. Right in the room. He didn't care about anything but Craigs safety right now. Not even about having a huge puddle of coffee in the middle of his room.
It worked. And he also managed to catch his friend in the mid air, just so he doesn't fall on the ground or, god forbid, crushes. Tweek's now breathing heavily.
His shouting was two times louder for Craig cuz of his size. It wasn't so noticeable when it was muffled by flesh and stuff, but now it was distrubing slightly. As he opened his eyes, getting used to the light, he saw his friends face in front of him. Of course it was twitching, same as his eye.
-Yes! I am. See??..I'm fine!-He tried to get up and stand on Tweeks hand, but sliped cuz of amount of liquids he was covered at. So, he almost fell off it. Luckily, Tweek Catched him with his other hand.
-BE CAREFUL!!! JEEZ, I DON'T WANT TO LOOSE YOU!!!..- He shut up for a small bit, realizing what he just said- I mean…As a.a friend.!!
-OK,OK, I understand… Anyway, could you…Help me come out with a solution to my… Size problem??
-Why, of c.course!! I'll help you as I can!!!
And so they was trying to find a way to return Craig back to his size. But our story ends right at this moment.
Tnx for reading!:>
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jewishcissiekj · 6 months
A few months ago I woke up (I wasn't sleeping) in cold sweat at night from a story idea and grabbed a paper I found and wrote on it the OC name that came to me in a vision but only now I started thinking about her more and finally fucking designed her so here's my Jedi Master OC and her three Padawans (and everything I have to say about them) if you want to see them
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(mouth on the first one came out weird, ignore that) Bliz Karse she/her (Karse pronounced Kuh-rs, not sure about Bliz yet) -Ky Narec's best friend! her main story point lmao. They were partners most of their life, from the crèche to knighthood up until Ky ended up on Rattatak. -Theelin -Qui-Gon's and Ky's age - born circa 80 BBY -Lives up to TCW, probably dies in Order 66 (haven't gotten there yet) -Ky and her are really close friends and like half the temple's padawans gossip about them dating. They aren't together. -Her master is Burryaga from The High Republic! Was thinking about a Master for her and he just fit idk -She's short -Ky and her go around the galaxy as Jedi explorers. They're both aspiring Wayseekers, striving to be independent from the council and help wherever they can (this gets serious for Bliz after Ky crashed on Rattatak) -She takes her padawans everywhere so a lot of times people think they're Ky and hers' children -um idk I think she's aroace?
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Padawan I - Sevo Zash They/them -Mirialan (purple!) -I drew them as a Padawan but they're like, older than Obi-Wan. -Bliz took them on not long after her knighting -They love Ky -I need to develop them more (gave them a name like an hour ago and came up with the design this afternoon, I don't know them yet) -Survives Order 66 but is killed by an inquisitor not long after
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Padawan II - Nyyra Xor She/her -Falleen (green, naturally) -NOT AURRA but love me some almost bald characters with a pnytail at the top of their head and no eyebrows -I should make a timeline for Bliz but she's like, in her late 20s/early 30s by the Clone Wars -She thinks Ky is annoying but was still Bliz's Padawan when he crushed on Rattatak (that adds up, right?) so she came to miss him after a while -a big fan of annoying the fuck out of Bliz. She also doesn't like traveling as much as the others so she ended up with the worst possible master in that regard -Sevo sees her as their little sister, I feel like all 3 Padawans are kinda siblings in that way -Oldest sibling energy, doomed to be a middle child -Wants to be on the council. Dies in Order 66.
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Padawan III - Arck Kyvett she/him -Tholothian (no idea how to draw their head-tendrils but I think I did a decent job) -DIES (killed by Asajj) - her main story point is dying. That's where I started, with Asajj being sent to kill Ky's childhood friend's padawan by Dooku and then Bliz came to me -Bliz took him on 2-3 years before the Clone Wars, and he died very quickly (Asajj's first Jedi kill, maybe even before the Clone Wars started) -I wanted to give all of them some sort of Padawan braid, so Arck gets beads on one of his tendrils, I think that can work -Youngest sibling energy, if she didn't die she'd also become the favorite child (Nyyra and Sevo love her dw) -The Ky in her name is the first thing Asajj hears when Bliz refers to her. Wanted to call her Ky originally but felt this would do instead
Woooo building OC lore is fun I should do it more Talked a lot about Ky but never drew him once in my life. Let's ignore that.
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Summary: Living without Dean is an unbearable endeavor.
Pairing: Dean x Female Reader
Warnings: ANGST, character death-no graphic detail
Word Count: 1,000😮 (Probably will never do that again.)
Title Card Credits: @tumbler-tidbits
Beta(s): Un-betaed, (😬first time for everything), but tear tested.😭😭😭
Author’s Notes: Based on the song evermore and the SPN finale. I am not a Taylor Swift fan, but the first time I heard the song, there was a visceral need to write a Dean-related fic. Listen while you read. I wrote this in one afternoon after listening to the song on repeat for about four hours the night before and literally crying when I woke up visualizing the story.
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Months pass. Devastating sorrow lingers. The scene too vivid in her mind. The torment in her heart too painful. The hole in her soul too big to fill. A gut-punch in unsuspecting moments. A colorless world void of vibrant peridot eyes. 
Roaming the bunker’s hallways like a ghost, she looks for him around every corner, listens for his voice echoing through the building, smells the cologne of motor oil, leather, and spice everywhere. 
Sam had left with Miracle and the Impala days ago. She missed the lovable mutt but knew he was better off with Sam. She couldn’t take care of the dog. Hell, she can barely take care of herself. 
They’d argued about Baby, though. That car was everything to Dean; one couldn’t be mentioned without thinking about the other, synonymous. Sam had never appreciated the black beauty the way that she and Dean had—seeing it as just a car. That is until Dean d-. Then, then, he saw it as something more—a token, a connection to the larger-than-life man that no longer existed in this life.
She’d finally let it go, exhausted from dealing with him, but had put her foot down regarding Dean’s other belongings—clothes, weapons, albums, the old record player. Finding a spell in the MOL archives, she’d ensured that no one could enter Dean’s room but her. Was it unfair to Sam? Maybe, but by that point, she didn’t care anymore. Dean had been taken from her, and she wasn’t about to let anyone, not even his brother, take more. She knew it wouldn’t bring Dean back, nothing would, according to Jack, but she couldn’t, wouldn’t, let go.
The old scaffolding groans beneath her weight, threatening to give way as she climbs higher. The wooden planks sigh under her feet as she leans against the brick. She stares disconsolately through the broken window of the dilapidated factory hiding the bunker below. The wind howls, ripping leaves from the trees. Dull, ugly shades of goldenrod, ochre, and walnut whip through the air and over the ground—drops of rain lash at her skin, the cold, harsh sting goes unnoticed. The only thing she feels is a pain so deep in her bones that she knows it will be there evermore.
Tiny crystals crunch beneath her feet. The path to their place hidden beneath soft white flakes and icy shards tinted blue. He’d brought her here the first time he told her he loved her. She’d found him here, heartbroken and crying after the loss of his mother. It’s where they came to escape everything the universe threw at them, even if for a brief moment. It’s where he proposed—painted a picture of a life without monsters, angels, or demons, free of the burden of saving the world and the almighty’s manipulation. A colorful, shining life full of freedom, happiness, and love.
Sitting on the fallen tree, she runs a hand over the space next to her. Face turning to the dull sky painted in greyscale, hot tears sear a trail over her cheeks. She’s lost, adrift in a vast ocean without him, tossed about on waves of misery threatening to drown her. She tries to recapture those fleeting moments of happiness, to break through the eternal sadness. Yet, every time she tries, the images distort and evanesce, like a reel of film disintegrating in a fire. The only scene to play out entirely is the one where she lost it all.
He doesn’t want her to live like this. He’s told her as much. Told her to move on and be happy. She’d tried… for him. It lasted a week. She contacted old friends, took an easy salt and burn a few towns over, and even went to dinner with Donna and Jody. It was all too much—too bright, too loud, too full of… life.
That’s why she comes here most days now. It’s peaceful, safe. She feels closest to him here. Can see him in the sun’s rays shining through the tangled tree limbs, hear his voice on the breeze, feel his presence in the thrum of the earth. Sometimes she’ll fall asleep for an hour or two. That’s when the dreams come. It’s the only place she can dream anymore.  No nightmares reach her here. The feel of his touch lingers when she wakes, a thumb brushing over the back of her hand, a rough-skinned palm against her cheek, supple lips pressed to hers. The deep rasp of his voice an echo in her ear. Ethereal, but enough to get her through to the next day. 
It’s snowing now. Inhaling the cool, crisp air deep into her lungs, she closes her eyes. The pain still there, always, evermore. A single tear slips beneath her lashes, and he gently thumbs it away, whispering into her ear, “Rest.”
It’s warm when she wakes. A soft gust of wind tousles the hair falling on her face. A shiver flutters through her as she pushes up to sit in the shade of the flowering Mountain Ash above her. It’s just like the one she pictured outside the cabin he had promised to build for her. Standing, she spins in place, the skirt of her sundress lifting in the breeze. When her eyes land on the wooden structure, her heart skips. It’s exactly as he described it. The grass is cool beneath her feet, tickling her soles. Skipping up the stairs and across the porch, she throws the door open. Floorboards creak beneath her steps as she races from room to room, ending up where she started. Chest tightening when she doesn’t find him. 
A shadow blocks the sun streaming through the open door, and her breath catches. For a split second, she’s frozen in place, terrified that the slightest movement, the tiniest breath, will send it all up in a haze of smoke. The air shifts around her, and warm, rough-skinned hands rest on her shoulders.
Turning with a small cry, she breathes, “Dean.”
“Welcome home, baby.”
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Love Me Some Pie taglist: @akshi8278 / @asgoodasdancingqueen / @calaofnoldor / @compresshischest09 / @deanwanddamons / @flamencodiva / @idreamofplaid / @jerkbitchidjitassbutt / @michellethetvaddict / @mvdeanw / @shawnie74 / @siospins2 / @thinkinghardhardlythinking / @thoughts-and-funnies / @waynes-multiverse / @wayward-and-worn / @waywardbaby / @weepingwillowphoenix
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I am currently getting interested in severance for the old gays and the horrors
and i was just wondering(I can’t remember the rules for what you could or couldn’t bring into the elevator, but mike brought a book)…
What if someone left a note. A little scrap of paper that said “hello.” It was crumpled super tiny. They wouldn’t have known it was there except for the fact that it was wedged right under the seam of their pocket, digging into their leg slightly.
And they freaked out. Do they tell upper management? Do they ignore it? Eventually, after a long day of Sorting Stacks they decide to reply.
Hello World.
A little joke. Something they had read about in the books. And the next moment after they leave, they find another.
What is your name?
Does the outie not know their own name? They scribble out the string of letters they were told when they first woke up, cursing when they misspell it. Outie probably never did that.
We have the same name. But what do you like to be called?
This paper was bigger than the last, and was placed on the inside of their belt buckle, resting between the fabric of their pants and leather.
They had to sit for a while. What…were they called? Everyone just used the name. Maybe…a nickname?
They wrote a question mark, too confused with that question.
That makes sense. Do you have pronouns?
What made sense? Why did that make their stomach clench? These notes needed to stop, they were taking valuable thought time away from Sorting and Work. They shoved it crumpled into their pocket and huffed about the Stacks.
The next day, it was the same paper. They were confused at first, and confused at being confused. They wanted the notes to stop. It was all too much right now, there was important work to be done. But why were they so upset? The note…
They sat down properly, taking their allotted break to properly pay attention to this. If this was the outie that had their name and face, or rather, the one that loaned their name and face for work…then…what could they know? What could they learn? What were the windows like to look through?
They were about to write their own proper note before seeing a very small line of writing squeezed in at the bottom.
I’m sorry I made you upset. I only want to know you.
They had to take a moment to slow their breathing down. They want to know themself. The self at work. Okay. Okay. This is okay.
A nearby notepad suffered the loss of a page as They scrawled a shaky line of conversation onto the paper. It was rude to ignore the question, and of course that was answered first, but there were so many things they needed to hear about.
It was almost exciting that they shouldn’t. They didn’t have an experience to compare it to, but maybe it was like anxiety. A very nice anxiety that made you scream happily instead of with terror.
Unfortunately, there was only so much room on the paper, so they settled for three questions.
How old are you. Do you have family? Do you have books?
They should have started with more important questions, but this was something that burned inside them. Families were so important and big in the lives of outies. It followed them everywhere. And books! They stacked the books and the papers and the files all day long! But they were all numbers and strict words. Were there freely flowing words? They needed to know.
The next day, they felt an itching on their chest. They used the restroom and discreetly pulled a paper from their undershirt. It was folded, but a far larger size when compared to the first couple notes.
They trembled. Yes, skimping on a reply would have been the worst, especially when the window was open now.
Eventually, they were able to sneak away around a corner and another corner and stopped when they all looked the same but in a distant sort of way.
36. I have a little family, not all of us are close. I have friends too. And I have a bookshelf full of my favorite fantasy series! Do you read?
They almost giggled. Finally, someone to Talk to. Nobody else wanted to talk properly, not in the Sorting department. O&D got to have all the adventures but Sorting was stuck in the bowels of the beast.
They went on about their favorite manuals, most pertaining to structure and organization of workspace in relation to productivity. Another juicy read had been about the rules of conduct associated with Sorting. It was fun to imagine the rules but…not following them.
Even writing this on paper could get them into serious trouble but they didn’t care. They could feel the breeze through the window tussling their hair.
They were so happy.
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cyanidebitsg · 11 days
Wyvern angst
Tags: Rape, non-con, Sa, kidnapping, gang rape, trauma, torture
Wyvern was vaguely aware of the feeling of Makorav slicing her skin again. The cool air of wherever he was on his exposed body. Fluids hers or his on them dried tears on her cheeks. "This'll show Graves what happens when he leaves me. I can't wait for him to come crying back to me when I frame his precious Price and Nikolai for your murder~." She hears Makorav muse slicing her thigh again.
She tried to speak but she couldn't. Her throat raw from screaming earlier. "What cat got your tongue~? Y'know you can't fight back and no one will find you maybe I should take advantage of this~" He says Wyvern's eyes widening in panic when they realized what he meant. She heard the distinct sound of pants unzipping before a pause before Makorav spoke again. "Maybe I should let some of my soldiers have a go at you to I'm sure they would be grateful" He said chuckling before radioing some of his soldiers to come. Wyvern was panicking now breathing heavily terrified.
"Look at this slut" she heard a soldier say after a few minutes hearing multiple soldiers walk In. Before she has any time to process anything she feels someone thrust into her roughly causing her to choke or was there a hand around her throat? She wasn't sure anymore. Her mouth opens in a silent scream as she feels someone grabbing her boobs and someone else shoving their dick in her mouth. People were biting her. Everywhere. But especially her boobs. "If you bite I will kill you" She hears Makorav say and she realizes the dick in her mouth is his.
It goes on for hours the rape, the torture she just wanted it to be over to die. But she wouldn't they wouldn't let her. Not yet anyway. Maybe it was days, she didn't know anymore. But finally she heard a familiar, comforting male voice. Graves he'd found her. "Oh darlin'…" she heard him say as he removed her blindfold they put on her and he untied the top and she almost cried at the sight of her battered body. Covered in cum and blood. rope burns all over her actual burns, cuts she felt like she should cry but she had no tears left.
Wyvern woke up in the infirmary and started panicking. "Hey hey it's ok your safe we saved You. Your home." She heard he friend Vance say and he went to touch her but stopped realizing she probably won't want anyone to touch her as much as possible after what she went through and he pulled his hand back. "M-m-mak" She tried to say Makorav's name to ask if he was still out there but she couldn't speak it hurt too much. "I'm not sure Graves left base shortly after bringing you here and hasn't been back in a week" Vance said figuring out what she wanted to say.
Imma end this here I'll write a pt 2 eventually but I hope you enjoyed it I've never written smut before so I'm sorry if the little bit I wrote sucked I've thankfully never had this happen to me so I don't really have a good idea on what it'd be like so yeah.
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miyubo · 1 year
OKAY OKAY GUYS links first diary entry as a sneak peek from my fanfic!!! This is a prototype so I mightttt rewrite it but this should be how the fic opens up!
Anyways, heres the entry from my draconic au fic!
First entry
A lot of things have happened since I wrote anything in this diary, things that I probably couldn't have imagined happening at all. But here we are.
Where should I start off.. Well it's been a few months since the battle.
And the disappearance of Zelda. I looked for her all across Hyrule. I went to all of the regions in Hyrule to search for her, I asked the locals everywhere I could. There were sightings of her, so I followed those. Whenever I thought I was close to finding her, I always went a few steps back. All of those traces led to loose ends. Either it was The Yiga impersonating her to trap me, or Ganon's little puppet that played with my emotions. Still I kept on going with the hope of finding her even after all of those traps and loose ends. I alway looked up at the sky wondering where she was, I saw a dragon following me everywhere. Its gaze never left mine. I was really confused where it came from. It was strange, I was wondering why I saw it every time I looked up to the sky. It felt like it wanted something from me. I was fascinated by this dragon so I decided to take a closer look. I went to a sky island, and hopped on the dragon. When I studied its scales I felt something warm, familiar from it. It felt like a warm loving touch that I’ve felt somewhere before. Still I couldn’t put my finger on what it was exactly.
Until eventually I discovered the Dragon's tears. Then I understood everything. She was above me, watching me all this time, without me knowing it was her. She was there when I woke up, she was there the whole time. All I could do for her at the time was just visit her every so often, and leave a silent princess on her back to comfort her. She's been crying all those years and suffering alone without me knowing that. Sometimes in the middle of the night I would wake up suddenly to a dragons growl. The first time I heard it I didn't think much of it. I just thought it was a little odd cause none of the other dragons growled so frequently. It sounded like a person calling for help. I heard a humane voice fading in with the dragons. The scream.. I could hear how much pain she was in, she was desperate for help. It sounded awful. Every night it just sounded worse, I knew I had to help her somehow but how? I’ve never felt so useless in my life before, even now I still do.
Will she be able to come back? I'm the hero of Hyrule, I’ve saved this kingdom and its people twice. If I can do all of that, then why can't I save her again this time, why can’t I help her?
She's right beside me. Her mind is blank and her mouth is shut. She looks like an empty husk. The tears are still falling down from her eyes. Is it her that's beside me, or someone else? What is she thinking? Does she think anything? When she looks around and sees me, does she see a familiar face or a stranger?
how am I supposed to find you, if you are clearly here but your mind isn’t?
I miss you, zelda
Anywayssss thats it for the sneak peak, I will post the full fic on Ao3! See you there :)
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