#i‘m sorry but this shoot was just screaming daddy all over
copias-juicebox · 7 months
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come here. come to daddy kitten @cinematiclegends!
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(Saw a video on Nicks death lines, got upset, made this to fix it. It turned out a lot longer)
Nick: (Taking cover behind a wall from Triggermen, wounded badly)
Triggermen: (Firing heavily, closing in around the synth Detective)
Nick: (Strained, hand on his chest) “We aren't done here… It'll take more than that…” (Looks down at the blue staining through his clothes) “Oh… thats a lot of coolant…”
Jasmine: (Appears to shoot down the remaining Triggermen, sprinting over) “Dad?!?” (Puts an arm around him to hold him up)
Nick: (Leaning heavily on the teen girl, eyes flickering on and off) (Weakly) “Been roughed up pretty bad here Doll…”
Jasmine: (Glancing Nick over with wide eyes) “Well no SHIT Sherlock!” (Helping him hobble to the exit)
More Triggermen: (Charges into the room, firing at the pair)
Jasmine: (Pushes her and Nick down behind a counter) “Shit...” (Drawing out her pistol with one hand)
Nick: (Pained) “Not… like this…” (Slumps downwards, eyes ominously flicking off and staring into space)
Jasmine: “DADDY NO!!!” (Lays him on the floor, glaring deathly up at the Triggermen) (Through gritted teeth) “Now you'll have to deal with me Fuckers…” (Pulls out her dagger)
[Loud gunshots and screaming, blood splattering everywhere followed by thuds of bodies hitting the floor]
Jasmine: (Runs back to Nick, easily lifting him up using the fireman's carry) “Im not losing you too…” (Makes another mad break for the exit)
[Hours later at Sanctuary]
Nick: (Sitting up on a bed in the Red Rocket station, completely repaired) “Huh?- What the…”
Sturges: “Hey you, you're finally awake-...”
Nick: (Frantically standing up, remembering the last events) “Where's Jasmine?!?”
Jasmine: (Standing in the darkest corner, unmoved since she got them both there) (Quietly) “Here…”
Nick: (Sighs in relief at his daughter being safe) “Hey there kiddo… quite the hectic day we've had huh?”
Jasmine: (Doesn't move, just stares at Nick absently)
Sturges: (Leaves to give them a moment)
Nick: (Assuring smile) “Sweetheart, I’m fine, see?” (Holds out his arms to gesture at himself)
Jasmine: “………” (Slingshots herself into Nicks arms, gripping him in a hug and bursting into tears) “YOU MORON I WAS SCARED AS HELL!!! WHY DID YOU GO IN THERE ALONE?!?”
Nick: (Stumbles back, sitting down on the bed with his crying kid in his arms) “Hey, shhh. Its okay, I am alright now…” (Stroking the teens hair)
Nick: (Goes quiet at her words)
Jasmine: (Softly whimpering) “I cant lose you too Daddy… I cant… Not like everyone else…”
Nick: (Rocking the girl side to side, placing a kiss on the top of her head) “I know Doll… I‘m so sorry.”
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lupiningwolves · 3 years
forever and ever | sirius black x fem!reader
summary: mob au. you have to hide away in the closet, but things don’t turn the way you had been taught
warnings: violence, mentions of murder, ddlg
„y/n, go in there this instant.“ the last words sirius told you before he shoved you in the walk in closet. it wasn’t the best hiding, but sirius was sure to have killed all intruders before they could come upstairs and hurt you. you wanted to say more, tell him to be save, tell him that you loved him, anything really. but you surely didn’t want to leave him like this.
sirius had kept his work life hidden for a long time. at the beginning of your relationship, you had been shy around him, but the more comfortable you got around him, the more curious you got. one time, you found a gun in his nightstand while you were just looking for tissues during a cold you had caught. that day, he told you everything.
there was a situation he had always prepared you for. and you were in exactly that situation now.
you heard the front door open spring open. right after, gunshots, screams and groans filled your ears, making you curl more into a ball in the corner under sirius‘ suits. tears flooded down your cheeks and whimpers left your mouth. ‘you have to be quiet, angel‘ is what sirius had always told you. therefore, you pressed a hand over your mouth.
you heard not just sirius, but also remus and james shouting. then, a loud scream followed you couldn’t exclude was from one of them.
be big. everything is gonna be alright. i‘m not scared. be big, is what you repeated over and over again in your head. but it felt so hard to do all that why you heard someone who was not sirius coming upstairs.
„hello“, a man called with a sweet voice. „y/n“ he dragged your name out, making you cry even louder. „where are you?“ you heard his heavy footsteps coming closer, then the door opened. „maybe you’re in here.“ he opened another door, but it was the one to the bathroom.
you already saw your life rushing past you. tho man, whoever he was, would find you eventually. and the last conversation you had with the person you loved most didn’t end with ‘i love you‘. you wanted to scream and cry out loud and fight. but you were numb, practically unable to do anything but sit there and wait for the man to come and end it all.
„or maybe you’re in here.“ the door to the closet opened abruptly. he smirked at you, the gun hanging loosely in his hand. „c‘mere, sugar.“ you shook your head. „too bad“, he said and dragged you out by your shoulders.
that’s when it snapped in you. adrenaline rushed in your veins, making you feel even more fuzzy. with the new build up confidence, you screamed, loud, like you had never screamed before. „daddy!“
there was silence for a moment, then loud steps rushed upstairs, skipping every second one. „oh, you dumb, dumb, girl. you’re making him watch me shoot you?“
„no, you won’t.“ sirius stood in the door with his gun directly pointed to the man. before anything could happen, a gunshot was fired.
you were unsure who was shot. there was a loud pounding in your ears when you heard a body fall on the floor. you were about to look to the left, but before you could do it, you were pulled in sirius‘ embrace.
„shh, angel, it’s alright. it’s okay. it’s over“, he whispered in your ear and pushed your face in his chest. „it’s over now.“
„wan‘ leave“, you sobbed.
„of course. c‘mon.“ he lifted you up in his arms, making sure to cover your eyes.
„i‘m so sorry, doll. so, so sorry“, he whispered in your ear as you laid on the bed in james‘ guest room.
you didn’t know what to answer. „lub you, daddy.“
you heard sirius sniffle, then press a kiss to your forehead and answer. „i love you so much more. forever and ever.“
taglist: @acciorxses @depressed-barnes @princess-jules47 @pinkcloxds @messers-moony-lupin
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juminsmysticmc · 3 years
For a request idk if this to vague but anything angsty is fine for me. I'm not feeling too well and think reading something like that would help. But do what's best for you as well.
RFA try to save their kidnapped child
Hey there, I know, this took ages to write but I finally did it. I hope that you are better by now and feel much better. I am sorry if I couldn’t reach out for you. Please DM me, I would like to support you, okay? 
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The only thing you could hear were voices from afar and a sniffing little voice next to you as darkness surrounded you.
What in the world just happened?
Suddenly, everything came back at you.
,,DADDY, MOMMY IS AWAKE!“ the snorting sound gasped, opening the door and letting the bright light come in again.
,,Mc!“ Jumin said before he entered the room a bit later, closing the door and turning on the light.
Luckily, it was a much dimmer light.
,,How are you, my love?“ he asked you.
You looked around as reality hit you. ,,Where is… my baby? Jumin, where is our son?“ you asked him.
Jumin stroked your head and began to tear up.
,,I know that this is hard on you, Mc, but you need to tell me what happened… My men are already working on finding him but… you need to tell me everything you remember…’’
And so you began to tell him how you walked hand in hand with your children and the bodyguards from the playground and how suddenly you heard the bodyguards yell.
,,Everything went by so fast… I took our daughter in one arm and grabbed our son to run away, but… someone grabbed him! And, I tried to pull him! I yelled for help but… I don’t know how, but I fell and he let go of my hand and… that’s all I remember…’’ you confessed, crying in your husbands arms.
,,We will find him, we will…’’
Days went by and no call came; no one who wanted money or anything.
But suddenly, a call arrived.
And so, you disappeared with a lot of money to the requested place on your own, leaving your daughter in Zen‘s care.
You didn’t even tell Jumin, who did his everything with his bodyguards.
But little did you know that Zen had already informed Seven, who continued to track you down and informed Jumin later on.
And indeed, when you arrived, Jumin and his bodyguards were already at the place, a few men in their care and a crying boy in his father’s arms.
,,My… baby!“ you hiccuped and jumped towards him, hugging him too.
,,I will never let anything happen to you again…!“
Jumin tightened the security and even found out that the kidnappers randomly decided to kidnap a kid, finding out later that they caught a rich kid.
Perhaps, a big mistake for their lives.
,,Hyun, don’t let her out of your sight,“ you warned him, stroking the head of the infant sleeping in your arms.
,,I won’t. I‘m her daddy,“ he whispered before kissing you and your sleeping daughter.
,,Princess, let‘s go to the mall!“ Zen said to your older daughter in a whisper as to not wake up the baby.
,,Why is mommy staying at home with the baby?“
,,Baby, she‘s staying at home with the baby,“ Zen corrected her and stroked her head.
,,Because your little sister has a fever and mommy needs to stay home to make her feel better,“ Zen explained.
The little girl accepted the explanation and walked happily together with her dad through the little street with the little shops on the side.
,,You didn‘t buy that much, Princess,“ Zen wondered after carrying four full bags of clothes, toys, chocolate, and decorating stuff for you.
,,Daddy! Mommy said a little!“ she lectured him.
Suddenly, a few girls began to yell and apparently spotted Zen, who became pretty famous in the last few years.
,,Seri-ah, stay with Daddy, okay?“ Zen told the little girl who nodded.
However, more and more fans arrived and saw Zen, which led to chaos.
,,Daddy! Daddy!” The girl screamed suddenly.
Zen’s heart was shattering when he saw how someone had his daughter on his back, carrying her away from him while she was trying to get off.
,,LET ME GO! MOVE! MOVE! MY DAUGHTER IS GETTING KIDNAPPED!’’ he cried and screamed into the crowd, trying to get away from the fans.
However, his screams got overturned by the fans and they stopped him from saving his daughter.
,,Mr Ryu, I need you to work with us,’’ the officer said to Zen, who was sitting on the cold ground.
The stuff his daughter bought all over the floor, broken, and ready to go to the trash after people stepped on it.
He was in a trance.
Only your voice could make him look up.
,,Mc… I’m sorry,’’ he sobbed and jumped up, hugging you.
Like a little baby, he cried into your chest as you let your tears fall onto his white hair.
Days went by and no one called.
Zen was getting questioned increasingly by the day, but it never led to anything. 
,,I can’t wait any longer,’’ he hissed, one day.
The RFA was currently at his house, Seven sitting at the table, trying to figure out where that man came from.
,,You don’t have to,’’ he said suddenly.
That’s how it began.
Instead of telling the police, Seven, Zen, and Yoosung went to where the GPS led them. With the help of Jumin’s closest bodyguards, they stormed the place.
,,Whatever your reason was,’’ Zen said while he was holding his bloody daughter, ,,as of today, you will regret ever thinking of harming her,’’ he whispered, handing Yoosung his weak daughter and beginning to torture the man who almost killed his daughter.
,,DADDY!’’ the blond man heard, jumping up from the couch and panting.
Cold sweat was dripping down his forehead.
A short glance over to your hospital bed showed him that you were still sleeping.
It was no wonder that after getting beaten up, everyone would sleep that long.
Slowly, without making a sound, Yoosung got up and stepped out of the white room, which was making him crazy.
Just when he closed the door, his phone rang in his pocket, making him fumble the gadget out as quickly as possible.
It was either the police or Seven, and no matter who it was, one of them had good or bad news about the whereabouts of his daughter.
,,Seven,’’ Yoosung said firmly over the phone.
,,I found her. Come out right now. I will pick you up and we will save her, but don’t tell Mc,’’ Seven shortly said and cut the call.
Of course Yoosung didn’t lose any time on going out of the hospital and running up and down in the parking lot where his red haired friend picked him up in one of his cars.
,,Take this and wear this,’’ he said, handing him a gun and bulletproof jacket.
Yoosung was prepared for the worst and just accepted the equipment.
A few moments later, which seemed like an eternity to him, they arrived.
,,The CCTV says that they’re here,’’ Seven showed him on a map of the building.
,,We will enter from down here,’’ he showed him the place, ,,and move this way,’’ he went on, making Yoosung follow his finger with his eyes.
And so they went. Not losing a single moment, both of them walked the way they agreed on.
,,Daddy… daddy….’’ he heard a faint voice sobbing.
The little voice he missed so much, was filled with pain. The single thought about her being in pain made his blood boil.
,,Wait till we have her and then you can shoot as much as you want,’’ Seven said, throwing something into the crowd and fetching the girl as quickly as possible.
,,Assholes,’’ Yoosung said, his violet eyes filled with hate as he hit the man once again and shot at him a third time.
,,Hope you survive with the pain,’’ he said and vanished with Seven from the bloody place, his daughter now in his arms.
,,I’m sorry, Mc. I couldn’t save him,’’ Jaehee said at your grave.
The last thing you begged of her was to save your son before you died in the hospital due to the injuries the kidnappers gave you.
However, Jaehee couldn’t save either you or her son.
Instead, both of you died right in front of her eyes. What did life matter anymore?’’
With this question, she sat down on your grave, her back leaned against your stone while she looked up to your smiling picture.
The last time you smiled went through her head.
How you begged her to save him, her son, and how much you cried the day he was pulled out of your embrace.
Just a few moments earlier, you guys were laughing in the shop, when men in black barged in, shooting in your coffee shop and yelling for money.
Of course, just as every mother would do, you tried to cover your son with your body while she gathered the money out of the cash drawer.
However, life never went like Jaehee wished and the men shot you.
The last thing Jaehee saw was then your bloody body over your crying son, who got pulled away from you and disappeared.
A few days later, when she finally got the call, the day she left you to go and catch your happiness again, just to see him dying in front of her.
Blood over his face, Jaehee couldn’t recognize him anymore if it wasn’t for his tiny voice begging her to run.
,,Baby… Mommy is here…’’ she whispered, stepping closer to the boy hanging. 
,,Run-’’ he begged.
A loud bang followed and his last scream was when everything turned even redder and darker.
,,Jaehee-’’ you gasped when you saw her entering your room with his dead body.
It was the last time she ever heard you before you died from a heart attack.
,,I killed you both,’’ Jaehee cried and held the gun at her temple.
,,At least, I will kill myself too now…’’ she sobbed louder.
The loud gunshot was almost a little noise below the pouring rain as blood dropped on the green grass surrounding your grave.
The fight was supposed to be over, he thought as he watched your lifeless figure on the bed.
The only thing that reminded him that you were alive were the sobs which left your mouth.
Nothing more.
You hadn’t eaten in days and you never got up either.
Saeyoung knew the next person he would lose would be you.
Suddenly Saeran called him, making him turn around in the big room and approach his brother who was sitting in front of a balck computer.
,,I think I got something. Let’s go and check it out,’’ he whispered.
Saeyoung was about to lose hope, but this last chance made his cold heart grow warmer.
Without telling you anything, he left, ready to fight once again. His father, the man who tried to once again destroy his happiness.
,,You guys finally arrived,’’ the white haired man laughed, him sitting on the chair, the lifeless body of his daughter on his lap.
,,You asshole. If she’s dead, I will-’’
,,Then do it,’’ he laughed, throwing her into the middle of the room as if she was an old bag.
,,You arrived too late,’’ he began.
,,You guys should have let the story die. If you would have done it like that, she would have survived,’’ he said while Saeyoung was still looking at her.
The face, which he only knew with a smile implanted on was pale and as white as the wall.
,,What did you do…?’’ he asked him, hate, despair and sadness in Saeyoung’s voice.
,,I played with her, just like a grand-’’
Saeyoung didn’t let him end his sentence and shot him there where he was the most vulnerable.
,,Asshole, you will go through much worse pain,’’ he hissed. Not even Saeran could recognize his brother while he began to beat up the man who killed his daughter and probably would make you die too...
19.02.2021// 11:29 MEST
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emeraldbabygirl · 5 years
VAV Reaction
To you moaning in the shower because the hot water feels good on your sore joints uwu. Also I‘m sorry my reactions for each member are getting longer. Usually reactions are supposed to be a couple sentences, from the ones I’ve read but oop it’s VAV so..
St.Van: Laying in bed, Geumhyuk could hear you moaning in the shower and he got excited thinking of what you might be doing. But he stayed in the bedroom to avoid the awkward situation in case you weren’t actually doing what he thought you were. As you made your way into the bedroom with your towel wrapped around you Geumhyuk decided to ask. “Did you have a good shower?” “I suppose so. Why?” you ask fishing around in your dresser for some undergarments. “Um..it just sounded like you were having..um.” Geumhyuk almost choked on his words as you just dropped the towel to put on your bra and panties. Geumhyuk’s face turned a vibrant shade of red as he struggled with his words. He tried clearing his throat. “Baby,” you cooed causing him shift in bed. He watched as you gracefully slipped on a pair of panties and bra. “You didn’t think I was masterbating in the shower did you?” You turn around to see a beat red-faced Geumhyuk. You laughed as you crawled under the covers next to him. “I was enjoying the hot water. Nothing more, nothing less.” You peck Geumhyuk on the lips before turning the bedside lamp off and rolling over. Geumhyuk giggles to himself and wraps his arm around your waist nuzzling his head in the crook of your neck. The thought of you in the shower is what puts Geumhyuk to sleep.
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Lou: As the hot water hit your back you began to relax, the water feeling good on your sore muscles. You didn’t hear Hosung come in until you heard someone else moaning that wasn’t you. “Hosung?” you called. The moaning got louder as you heard him jerking one out “Hosung.” you called again. “Yeah, just like that princess, say my name again.” You pulled the curtain to see Hosung sitting on the counter dick in hand, head tilted back against the mirror. “Hosung!” At that outburst Hosung groaned as cum shooted all over his hand. “Fuck baby!” Hosung looked at your wet figure standing in the shower, face red from watching him. He chuckled and started taking his clothes off. “Hosung, not now please.” Despite your annoyance Hosung joined you in shower and began massaging your shoulders. “Let Daddy take care of his princess.”
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Jacob: Jacob would bust in and open the shower door causing you to scream. “Jacob what the hell,” you’d say trying to cover up. “Oh, sorry. I thought you were enjoying yourself.” “No, I’m sore and the hot water feels good on my joints.” Jacob grins, “sore from the rough fucking I gave you last night?” You roll your eyes and close the shower door. “You wish Jacob.” “Maybe I should fuck you harder next time.” “Jacob, can I finish my shower in peace?” you said slightly annoyed. “Can I join you?” “How bout you join me in bed later.” you said. “I’ll light some candles!” he says excitedly running out of the bathroom.
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Ziu: Heejun ran into the bathroom causing you to freeze in the shower. “Sorry babe I really had to go.” After what felt like minutes and minutes of Ziu peeing you asked “Ziu, what was the sudden rush? And why so much?” “Uhh..I had a lot of water” his voice cracked at the end. You heard him curse under his breath so you opened the shower door and stepped out to see what he was actually doing. “Heejun you’re cumming.” “Well you were jacking off in the shower. I couldn’t help it.” You stared at Ziu. He blushed as he quickly pulled up his boxers and pants trying to hide the second errection. “I was not masturbating. Heejun, you get so horny over anything that moans.” Heejun looked at your wet naked body. “Not everything baby, just you.” He smiled before grabbing your hips and kissing your lips. Then he quickly left the bathroom leaving you confused and now horny
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ACE: Wooyoung would hear you moaning in the bathroom and he would enter with his camera. “Are you having fun babe?” you jumped at his voice and opened the shower door a little. “What are you doing Wooyoung?” “I could ask you the same thing, moaning in the shower, you’re such a dirty little kitten.” “the hot water feels good.” “I’m sure it does. You don’t mind me filming you moaning for material later do you?” Wooyoung turned the camera on and focused it on you causing your cheeks to turn pink. “Anything for you Wooyoung.” he grinned pressing the button to record.
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Baron: You just got in the shower and the warm water felt so good you couldn’t help but let out a moan. You wanted to stand under the hot water for a bit and enjoy it as it soothed your sore muscles. You were in a trance til you heard the bathroom door open. “Y/N? What are you doing?” “I’m taking a shower what does it sound like.” You suddenly thought about the words you used and how it could be taken the wrong way. You pulled the curtain open a bit to see a very shy looking Chunghyeop staring at the ground. One hand was rubbing the back of his neck and the other was resting in his jeans pocket. He always did this when he was nervous or embarrassed. His gaze met yours, his cheeks turning a bright pink. “It’s okay if you’re playing with yourself, there’s no need to be embarrassed about it.” Chunghyeop pulled his bottom lip in and held it between his teeth. “I-” you didn’t know what to say. You were embarrassed. “Chunghyeop, the water just feels good on my sore joints..” your voice trailed off adverting your eyes. Baron chuckled. “I’m sorry..I’ll leave you alone then. 
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Ayno: You told Yoonho you’d be in the shower if he needed you and you were finished but stayed to enjoy the warmth of the hot water on your aching muscles. Letting out a few moans caused Yoonho to quickly enter the bathroom. “Babe, I thought you were taking a shower.” you can see Yoonho leaning up against the bathroom wall. “I am.” “It doesn’t sound like it.” you could hear his pout through his voice which caused you to chuckle. “Yoonho, babe, don’t you think if I was playing with myself in the shower I would invite you to watch?” you heard him chuckle a bit on the other side of the curtain. His footsteps approached the curtain and he pulled it back a bit. “Maybe since I’m in here now you can give me a show?” he smiled watching the water run down you body. Yoonho always loved seeing you wet and naked. You sighed. “I suppose, you have been a good boy lately.” Yoonho beamed as he quickly stripped and joined you in the shower pressing his lips to yours.
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juminsmysticmc · 5 years
MC with her twin who plays a prank on RFA plus V plus Sarean
MC and her twin sister who plays a prank on the RFA + Minor Duo
Woah! I read this a lot but often skipped the scenes…but now I can write it myself…lmao! Well, I‘m not really good at joking or being funny so I apologize that my HC is boring, sorry XD
,,I‘m coming to Seoul to show you my boyfriend.“ you read out while Jumin was in the kitchen. 
,,Did you say anything, my love?“ he asked you and looked at you from the kitchen. 
,,Uhu? No…“ you mumbled and thought about something funny. 
,,Oi, are your hairs still red?“ you typed. 
,,Red and green by now baby hoe“ she responded. 
You and your sister were totally different. 
She was more the funny to go type. 
You instead were pretty conservative and took everything seriously. 
,,When we meet I will leave my husband a few hours sooner. You approach him and show him your tattoos and hairs. Act as if you were me.“ 
You texted and went offline. 
The two of you really did so. 
You left earlier with the excuse that you wanted to spend a few hours alone with your sister and that he should come afterwards. 
When he finally arrived at the coffee shop you wanted to meet up, a crazy woman approached him, hugging his arm. 
,,Hiiiii Juju!“ she squeaked. 
Jumin looked at her in a mixture of surprise and fear. 
,,M-Mc….?!“ he mumbled shocked. 
,,Yes! I thought I would have to support you to distinguish my sister and me and so I changed my hair color and….aiiii my tattoos. They hurt a bit….ohhhh how about a tattoo with our names-“  
,,Who are you? Are you brainwashed…?“ Jumin mumbled with his coldhearted eyes starring at her. 
Your sister got scared for a few seconds and that’s when you decided to intervene. 
,,Ahahahahahahahaha! Jumin! I‘m here! That’s my…hahaha twin!“ you laughed and finally saw the softness in his eyes. 
,,Thank god! I got so scared…why would you make a tattoo of a dog instead of a cat?“  he mumbled. 
,,HAHAH YOUR HUSBAND IS CRAZY!“ your sister laughed as she heard his words. 
,,I don’t know….“ you mumbled as you heard the words of your sister. 
,,That’s not really funny…“ you mumbled and began to think about it. 
,,Why? It’s me who will do it!“ she tried to convince you. 
Her plan was to trick him on a date. 
While you would go out with him she would come running to him, asking him how much she traveled in time. 
After a time you finally agreed with her stupid idea. 
A day before your date the two of you went shopping to buy the same clothes and talk about the details. 
Everything was perfect. 
You and Zen enjoyed the day and laughed all day long. 
Finally the two of you were resting in a coffee shop. 
Zen slipped at his tea while you enjoyed a cake and your coffee. 
,,Now“ you typed quickly and in the next moment your identical sister stood in front of your table. 
,,In which year are we?!“ she panicked. 
,,Huh?!“ Zen screamed as he saw her. 
,,Zenny! I traveled in time! In which year are we?!“ she rattled his shoulders. 
Zen was already pretty white from nature. But right now he got even paler. 
,,What….?!“ he mumbled. 
But at some point you couldn’t hold it anymore and just began to laugh, making your sister angry. 
,,I wanted to tease him more!“ she whined. 
,,I…haha know hahaha but…HAHA I couldn’t…his face! HAHAHAH!“ you laughed so much that at some point you even cried. 
At the end you told Zen that she was your twin. 
,,Nice to meet you, buddy! I feel sorry for you but I think you will need to endure pranks like these in the future!“ she laughed while Zen stood there, shaking his head.  
You and your sister had a really good idea to prank your husband. 
Of course he already knew that you had a twin. 
And he also meet her a few times. 
But still, Yoosung still couldn’t tell the difference between her and you. 
And so the two of you planned to meet up to give him a heart attack. 
You would hug and stroke him all day long while your sister would come to meet you, screaming at him, acting as if she were you. 
,,I love you…“ you mumbled in his ear. 
,,Me too…“ he mumbled and was about to kiss you when your sister appeared.
,,Yoosung! I‘m home what do you want to eat for di- WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!“ she screamed out of the blue. 
She was acting so good that she shocked you too for a moment. 
Of course this seemed even better. 
Yoosung was shocked and pushed you aside and compared you two. 
You could see that he was pretty scared and shocked. 
,,You two….no…“ he mumbled with a trembling voice. 
,,No….you’re the real Mc, right? Your sister is playing a prank I mean…I know my wife!“ he mumbled and looked at you. 
You were speechless and so your sister began to laugh, agreeing with him. 
,,Amazing, brother-in-law! You finally did it and could tell the difference!“
,,OHHHH YOU GUYS!’’ he cursed you while your sister still laughed. 
The two of you had a really good idea how you could trick Jaehee. 
You simply told your sister to stay in the super marked and buy milk and eggs and come into the shop as soon as you told her. 
,,Jaehee, I’m going out now!’’ you yelled and hid. 
,,Okay Mc stay safe! Huh? Already gone well-‚‘’ she talked to herself.  
When someone opened the door she wanted to greet her customer but she really didn’t expect to see you! 
Well, the person in fron of your girlfriend however wasn’t you but your twin sister. 
Jaehee was a bit shocked to see you with the groceries. 
,,You just said bye…’’ she mumbled and looked at you with surprised eyes. 
,,Yeah, I took a bit longer than thought.’’ she smiled at Jaehee, leaving your girlfriend open mouthed. 
,,Longer….?’’ she asked surprised. 
But at her surprised face you just couldn’t hide anymore and began to laugh crazily, making your twin sister laugh too. 
,,Sorry babe, that’s my twin….!’’ you kept laughing and kissed Jaehee to excuse yourself. 
,,Twin….you have a sibling?!’’ Jaehee asked you even more surprised, making you laugh even harder. 
,,I need revenge.’’ you told your lovely sister over the phone. 
,,What?! Did he cheat on you?!’’ she asked you angrily. 
,,No.’’ you responded ,,But he always plays pranks on me.’’ you told her. 
Your sister quickly agreed to your idea, to play a prank on your future husband. 
The two of you just needed a good idea. 
And so she came home and bought the same clothes you had. 
,,So, he will talk to me, I will go hide afterwards and then you will call him from another place. Let’s do this for a while!’’ you told her. 
You quickly converted your idea.
,,What do you want to eat?’’ you asked him in the living room. 
,,Uh….we have left overs from yesterday.’’ he responded without looking up from his phone. 
,,Ok, go take them for your lovely 606. She’s hungry.’’ you pushed him aside, making him muffle and get up. 
,,Here you are.’’ your sister handed him over the pizza as he entered the kitchen.
Well, he still didn’t look up but thanked you and went back to the living room. 
,,But why did you tell me to take it if you’re already there?!’’ he shouted, thinking you would hear him better because of the distance. 
,,Gosh! Why are you yelling?!’’ you snapped. 
,,Because you’re in the…..kitchen….?’’ Saeyoung slowly looked up.  
,,Huh?’’ he ran to the kitchen and back to the living room, always meeting one of you. 
At some point he was unsure of his own eyes. 
,,Idiot..’’ you mumbled and kissed his cheek as your sister approached you. 
,,Yes, he is.’’ your sister answered. 
The two of you left him alone and enjoyed the left overs while he stayed in the living room with an open mouth. 
,,I don’t want to trick him…’’ you mumbled over the phone when your sister told you her idea. 
,,Come on, I want to meet him and make sure that he’s okay for you….!’’ she mumbled. 
After a lot of time you agreed with her idea. 
The two of you returned to Seoul for a few days and you and your sister used that time to play the prank. 
Saeran was walking in front of you and you were following his steps. 
Out of the blue however someone packed your shoulders and pulled you strongly. 
You left a screech, making your boyfriend turn around in an unthinkable speed. 
He starred at the person who was holding into you with big eyes. 
Eyes filled with fear, panic and worry. 
You felt sorry for him. 
You looked up at your sister, she was so mean, she was wearing a black mask. 
You tipped her arm, trying to get away. 
,,Please….don’t…do….anything to her…’’ Saeran mumbled. 
,,It’s okay Saeran.’’ you smiled and ripped her mask off, revealing her bare face. 
,,That’s my stupid twin sister.’’ you told him and hugged him after she finally let go of you. 
You regretted your prank even more now that you felt his trembling body at yours. 
,,I’m sorry…I didn’t think that he….’’ your sister mumbled. This wasn’t even funny. 
Saeran looked up as he heard your sisters words. Out of the blue he pushed you aside and looked at her. 
,,She looks really a lot like you…..’’ he mumbled and you gave him a nod. 
,,Hah…’’ he chuckled. 
,,I wonder what my idiotic brother would have said about this situation….’’ he mumbled and took your hand. 
The two of you were currently outside in the park, enjoying the good weather and the singing birds. 
While Jihyun took a few pictures of the flowers, you and Lucy talked about the different flowers. 
Out of the blue a passenger passed by. 
In that very moment Jihyun thought about shooting a picture together and so he asked the woman if she could take a picture for him. 
He couldn’t see the woman since she was wearing big glasses and a hat. 
That’s why he couldn’t see the similarity between the two of you. 
,,Here. I took a picture.’’ the woman said and gave him his camera again. 
,,Thank you it looks-huh?’’ 
,,What is it daddy? Ohhh the woman took a selfie of mommy!’’ Lucy laughed as she saw the picture. 
The woman began to laugh too, finally revealing her face. 
,,Hi Mc!’’ your twin sister laughed as she saw your smirking face. 
,,You could have told me, dear sister.’’ you laughed and hugged her. 
,,Jihyun, this dummy didn’t shoot a picture of me but a selfie. That’s my twin sister.’’ you told him. 
Finally Jihyun began to smile as he realized the situation. 
08.04.’19// 22:25 MEST
@foreversunshine-love @giulia2372 @milkyxstrawberry 
@widya345 @remiliadacalde @sailormoonrocks666 @r-f-a-journalists  
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