#dedication gif
cosmicmetalman · 1 month
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Thank you Rachel Lillis. One thing I remember when watching Pokémon as a kid, is that Jessie and James were characters that taught me that bad guys aren't all bad and can have good tendencies. I'll remember that with Team Rocket. May you rest in peace.
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geekgirles · 6 months
Okay, but the fact that Yugo's love for Amalia runs so deep he was able to break free from Toross' stasis attack and even master it himself because the mere thought of his princess queen gave him the strength he needed to overcome it?
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dianastaurasi · 2 months
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tha-wrecka-stow · 1 month
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Vincent Price as Robur - Master of the World (1961)
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officialndilhmx1 · 7 months
All my dreams are slowly surely becoming reality I honestly never thought I'd see it all my way, truthfully couldn't be happier everything's feels amazing. Starting over fresh on certain socials following all the close ones who support me no matter what.. count every blessing 💕
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mrvenuspluto · 5 months
8 The master molder 8
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Although we all don't like to be controlled or limited in our actions. We all have to deal with and face Saturns restrictions, boundaries and life lessons. Saturn represents time, judgement, repetition and work. We all deal with this energy differently, some might accept it and understand it, many may lose their minds and want to just give up on life period. Wherever saturn is in your natal chart shows where last life or lifes where you were weak, didnt learn, or just misused these great powers.
Like the saying says " With great power comes great responsibility " so with that being said we need to understand its here to help us grow and mature into our great potentials. Saturn brings debt and karma so its no running from it while you are on this realm. The law maker, disciplinary, judge, king of karma etc what every you want to call it, it needs to be handled and more understood. Many try to avoid this aspect and placement in their natal chart.
Saturn aspects the 3rd, 7th, and 10th from its placement. Why does saturn choose these houses or aspects, well each planet has aspects to certain houses due to degrees and so on. These houses are very important to saturn and each teachings. 3rd house saturn helps with responsibility, communication, connection with siblings, your courage, hardwork, and determination etc. 7th house this is where saturn deal with relationships with other people. teach you how to commit to something long term while understanding the longevity of a partnership, joint business and marriage. Also thats why saturn is exalted here. The 10th house this is all about your career, authority, reputation, success, ambition, etc.
Now when these aspects are made in your chart they may not align normally in the 3rd, 7th, or 10th house but whatever house the aspect takes place it still will represent each houses aspect. example ( say saturns 1st aspect which would be considerd the 3rd from itself, so lets say it landed in the 8th. This would bring delays in shared resources, inheritances, intimacy, and will bring tough restraints in this house or area of life. As so on.)
Saturn makes its 1st impact into a person life around 27, 28, 29 half. This is where you really become an adult and life hits you with reality, all the delusional mess you been experiencing at a young age with now become concrete and play out. remember whatever you do saturn watches and takes notes, and hold you responsible for it in the long run. So karma follows you until its time to reap the benefits of the good karma from helping, working hard, putting time into yourself or perfession etc. then on the other note if you were messing around, being negative, lazy, complaining, cheating etc you will reap those negative rewards. Remember out of all the other planets or luminaries saturn is the only one who gives you what you put out good or bad.
Each planet has a age or period when they mature. Saturn matures at age 36, so by this time it will be less tough and more manageable, by this time you will be more mature as a adult that understand its teachings, struggles, lessons, restrictions, hardships were just a life lesson to help grow you into your true authentic self that your soul been waiting for. When you have structure in your life, it helps to maximize your abilities to understand your true gifts and potentials that needed time and repetition to grow them.
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think-through-pen · 1 year
Dear Diary,
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I am not yet ready to read some Urdu, Persian and Arabic poets. They incite in me an ocean that cannot be calmed by a splashing current of lava, or colossal icebergs blocking the way. I write even after the paper has run out of pages, spilling on the table to the ground as I fumble around—gasp to find English words to just describe how I felt. I am so incompetent. I run out of tears but my heart still sobs.
This is why I prefer to read Urdu, so I can write a refined English poem which is, maybe, equivalent to one line of an Urdu poem.
Yours Wounded,
Taglist: @most-ment @jordynhaiku @hauntedandwholesome @distilledmelancholies @vixen1012 @sunlovemoon @sweetwarmcookies16 @a-moonlit-poet
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rainyfestivalsweets · 11 months
Just wondering what will happen if I keep up my every other day walk 'n jogging practice.
Where do you think that will take me in 6 months?
4 workouts solid of every other day.
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danielalanusse · 2 years
Mi mirada es para ti, ¡Solo para ti! Nuestro amor no grita, pero es infinitamente fuerte y verdadero. me gusta amarte
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cosmicmetalman · 6 months
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shwetaveer · 2 months
When your passion and purpose align, you won't be chasing your dreams - they'll be magnetically drawn to you. Focus, dedication, and clarity create an irresistible pull that attracts success.
-Your Ambition-lessness won't pay your bills, DSA will.
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umbratticalksp · 11 months
My Chrollo merchandise is coming in the mail today...message me with idle curiousity and I'll tell you what it is~ 🥰🖤✨✨
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xxjblackr0sexx · 2 years
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inah-marasigan · 2 years
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I took a lot of pictures of you
The ones you're unaware of
The photos I treasure
I photograph you in my memory
I capture the little details of you
I try my best to remember them
I record your voice in my memory
So I could play it over and over
In my head
I try my best to remember them
The gestures you make
I try to remember them
The way you talk
I try to remember them
I always see the things you do
I treasure everything you do
The habits you do
I remember them all
The flaws you showed me
I love them
The imperfections you showed,
To me you are perfect
Your imperfections makes you perfect.
It took me a lot of time
To write this
But it is a worth writing
Because it's you
I will keep you,
I will treasure you
Like a gift that heaven sent
I'll keep you in my memory
And I'll keep you forever
In my heart
If I lost this precious memories
of you
I trust my heart
To remember you
My heart always
remembers you
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