#i’ll also totally do other newsies
totallysora · 3 months
Newsies (1992)
Ok so these are some things from 92sies! Icl I never actually had time to rewatch it so this is all from memory 😔 There is deffo more and at some point I will actually rewatch it and add to it, but this is all I have for now!
Crutchy is a cutie 
Oscar mocking blink
For a group of kids who can’t actually sing they actually sound rlly good when they’re singning together 😭
Crutchy being stressed out at the start of carrying the banner
CRUTCHY OK I LOVED HIM SM 😕 Him messing with the newspapers 😭
“Nobody told the horse >:(” - Racetrack Higgins 1899
SANTA FE 🥰 For someone who clearly can’t sing HE DIDNT ACTUALLY DO A BAD JOB OK 😭
SPOT 🥰🥰 
“Never fear Brooklyn’s here” - Spot Conlon 1899 
Race and the others all asking synder to donate 😭 AND HIM ACTUALLY DOING IT 💀
Kloppmann 😻 Him protecting Jack 😭 they totally butchered his roll in the bway show but honestly I see why lmao
Icl I don’t hate high times hard times I thought it was kinda fun
Everyone holding spot back ☹️ honestly I would’ve just let him beat his ass
Ok I could say this about both the bway show and the movie but in king of new york the fact that they’re all asking for rlly simple things 😕
Also Denton!! Don’t get me wrong I absolutely adore Katherine but I kinda like denton tbh
“Go back to Brooklyn 😡” - A random newsies 1899 (to spot at the end lmao)
LES MF JACOBS ☹️ HE WAS SUCH A CUTIE 😭 (and he actually did look 7 so 💀) 
The delanceys were just,,,ridiculous 😭
Jack and David r somehow still gay in the movie like what 😭
Do you think they know how much people ship them 😭❓
Ok but spot’s eyes were actually so pretty??
“I say, that what you say, it what I say” - Spot Conlon 1899
“On the grounds of Brooklyn your honour” - Spot Conlon 1899
Can you tell I love spot
Mush bullying Jack at the start 😭
Crutchys laugh
“Extra extra Joe, read all about it” - Jack Kelly 1899
“Headlines don’t sell papes, newsies sell papes” - David Jacobs 1899
This wasn’t in the movie but blood drips heavily on newsies square is iconic
Ok this also wasn’t in the movie but the bloopers of crutchy mentioning the delanceys when they’re first introduced r so funny 💀
The fact Morris calls Weisel ‘uncle weas’ 😭 (I THINK DON’T QUOTE ME ON THIS 😔)
Jack on a horse,,,that’s it 😭 IT WAS SO SILLY LMAO
The whole cowboy thing with Jack is also a lil silly
Ok but Jack scabbing in this was like,,sm better done?? Don’t get me wrong I love the whole sellout thing in newsies live but cmon 
Also the fact that JACK ACTUALLY GOES TO THE REFUGE ‼️‼️
The whole spinning on the lights/fans thing in King of new york (AND HOW THEY DID IT IN UKSIES 🥰)
The way Race says “It takes and orphan with a studdah”
Once again this is from memory of watching it at Christmas so sorry if some of this is wrong 😭 If I think of anything else I’ll add it! (Also this was requested by @artemis-lynn [praying this actually tags u 🙏] sorry it took so long!)
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letstalkwhump · 1 year
Welcome to Let’s Talk Whump, a series of interviews that spotlight the amazing people in our whump community! I’m Malice and I’ll be your host today. 
Here today to talk all things whumpy is the brilliant @whumpcereal!
It’s great to have you here! Let’s start with a fact or two about yourself  like your favorite color or favorite animal? 
My name is Kay, and I’m a high school teacher in my 30’s. Besides whumping unsuspecting gentlemen, my hobbies include reading a lot, belting out showtunes, cooking for people I love, hitting up new bars and restaurants with friends, and traveling. And since you asked–and as a teacher, I hate unanswered questions–I’ve recently realized that orange might be my favorite color, and I love gorillas. 
What does whump mean to you?
 It’s the sort of pressing-on-a-bruise feeling that is wrapped up in watching someone suffer and then be comforted. It’s the need for vulnerability and human connection. It’s watching Prince Philip get chained to a wall and not understanding why you find it so magnetic, but you do, haha! 
How did you find the whump community? What made you want to join? 
I was writing for the Newsies fandom (I know) during the pandemic, and one of my favorite authors tagged her epic work with “whump.” I clicked the tag on tumblr, and I found @lonesome--hunter’s Ezra almost immediately; I fell down the rabbit hole and never came out. After Ezra, I spent a good long time with @ashintheairlikesnow’s Danny and then @galaxywhump’s Wren. I realized that a lot of what I was putting in my own writing could be classified as “whump,” but I wasn’t sure how to join in the fun. I lurked for a while and then beta-ed for @darkthingshappen before I got brave enough to post my own stuff. But part of what motivated me to start posting was just how supportive and welcoming the whole community is. On AO3, you can get tons of hits but almost no real engagement; with whump, that’s totally different. It makes my little dopamine receptors ping. 
The whump community is amazingly supportive! Do you think your view on or the way you consume whump changed since you joined? 
 I am definitely a hurt/comfort gal. I can’t do the hurt without the comfort, and I need my whump to be strongly oriented in the characters’ feelings, whether we’re talking whumpers or whumpees. I struggle when a character is just getting the shit kicked out of them endlessly; I want them to have some relief, even if the relief is bittersweet or painful in its own way. I also find it easier to whump an OC than I do a fandom character, just because if they’re mine, I can build the kind of backstory that makes the whump reasonable. 
And your favourite whump trope?
 I do like noncon. Whump is a genre where I’ve really been able to explore scary things that have happened to me, and when a whumpee has an honest (and not needlessly gratuitous) nonconsensual experience, I gravitate toward it, especially if they’re allowed to explore the aftermath and how it makes them feel. I also love a mute whumpee–probably because I watched The Little Mermaid too many times growing up. Something about the helplessness of being trapped in your own body and at the mercy of others–hey, whumperflies! Captivity whump too, especially anything in the BBU. The BBU was one of my favorite discoveries when I found the community. It provides such rich opportunities! 
Captivity whump is so good! Would you mind sharing a favourite piece you've written? (the following pieces may contain non-explicit nsfw references)
Ooooh. Well, I guess I’ll choose one from each of my series. For Jack, my first and forever whumpee in Behavior Modification, and his caretaker, my wish-fulfillment fake husband, Joe, it’s this piece with their little girl. It’s something that I wrote in basically a single stretch one afternoon last summer, and I’m proud of it because it shows both how far Jack has come in his recovery and how much everything he’s gone through is still affecting him. It also shows how fierce of a protector Joe is, even though Jack’s got strength of his own. Plus, Hallie, their little girl, was super fun to create. She’s a feisty little thing, and I liked the idea of looking at such a dark, violent system through a child’s eyes. 
For The Kennel, it’s this piece which immediately follows my boy Will after his best friend Tommy is forced to assault him. It’s got the aftermath of noncon, plus it includes a lot of world building for my scary whumper, Doc, and his particular set-up. It really sets up the horror of the situation in which Will and Tommy have found themselves and also emphasizes the stories of other whumpees whose stories I’d love to explore (Justin and Tony, I’m looking at you). Plus, it gives Annie–who’s technically the caretaker in this story, even though she’s been abused herself–a chance to think about how she’s been raised and the way her father treats people. My favorite moment is when Will just breaks down completely, because we haven’t seen him do that yet. It’s a human moment, and he’s feeling so much less than human that it’s almost cathartic. 
And then, honorable mention to this piece where I crossover my two stories and let Jack help Will as his post-rescue counselor. I had so much fun with that reveal! 
Oh wow, I love the Kennel piece! You’ve broken my heart with Justin and Will! Would you like to share your writing routine  with us?
 I’ve actually been riding a bit of a block lately, but typically, I am an evening writer. No drinks or snacks, but usually movie scores that match the mood of what I’m writing. On good nights, it’s big blocks; on others, it’s just a sentence here and there (that’s been where I’m at lately). I try to write a little every day, but again, it’s been rough lately. Being a teacher at the end of the year is just as hard as being a student, haha. 
I can only imagine! Are some things easier for you to write? Anything you struggle with writing?
 I have an easier time writing recovery than I do straight whump, which is sometimes a bummer, because the whump community doesn’t seem to like recovery quite as much. So, I’ll pour myself into a recovery piece I have big feelings about, and then it won’t get quite as much traffic and engagement as when I’m roughing up the boys. I am very careful about how I write noncon. I think I do a decent job, but I try to approach it from a place of sensitivity to the person who is suffering versus engaging through violence alone. That can take a lot of time and thought and big feelings. 
And is there anything you're working on at the moment? 
I do have a fantasy crossover miniseries with Jack, Joe, and Ivan and @oddsconverts’ Josh and Felix that I’ve had a really fun time working on. I need to write a little intro before I post it. I need to go back to Jack and his intimacy consultations at WRU, and AU AU Joe and his reaction to the Drip. Poor Will and Tommy are in desperate need of attention; I need to get Will sold away so all the drama can increase. Maybe during summer vacation? 
Do you have a joke or pun you would like to share to spread some smiles today? I am only funny on accident. Just ask my students. ;-) 
Do you have any writing advice you’d like to share?
I’m great at giving advice to others, but absolute shit at following that advice myself. For instance, write for you. Don’t write for hits, likes, reblogs, etc. Just write what you want to read. Write as often as you can. During the pandemic, what got me back into writing after years of thinking about it was trying to write a little every day. Find you some writing friends who will get excited with you when there’s something you can’t wait to write about. 
Finally, would you like to give a mention to some of the amazing people in the whump community?
I already mentioned some of my favorites, but shout outs to @hold-him-down (whom I was lucky enough to eat very expensive risotto with this spring and whose Leo is one of my very favorite whumpees), @peachy-panic (58 Days is one of my VERY favorites), @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump (whose Wyatt has my whole heart), and @squishablesunbeam (I mean, Jesse? Come on!). My first friends in the whump community were @darkthingshappen (creator of my Benny baby), @oddsconvert (whose series are all so beautifully written that I can’t choose a favorite–she even made me like vampire whump–and who is my wonder twin forever), and @sparrowsage (go check out his new stuff!). 
Thank you so much for joining us, @whumpcereal ! It was a pleasure to have you here! 
And to all you lovely folks at home, have a whump-derful day!
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whyareyouhere66 · 2 years
Imagine/Fic Links
So I already made a list of all the fandoms/characters i’m gonna write for, but I don’t actually have anywhere with all the fic links, 
So I’m putting them here! Just to make it more organized, y’know?
no idea how often I’ll update it, so if there are some links missing then that’s why
ALSO- make sure to scroll because it is gonna grow a lot and you might miss something you’d like so just bare with me as you scroll through this-
These are the characters/fandoms I write for - link
The Outsiders-
Late Night [Angst, Sodapop and Steve friendship]
Mini Series - Grief: [CW: mentions of major character death (Johnny and Dally), no reader, no ships, implied violence/drinking]
Only Love Can Hurt Like This [Ponyboy Curtis]
Wish You Were Here. [Two-Bit Matthews]
To Where You Are [Sodapop Curtis]
Fire and Rain. [Darrel Curtis]
Let It Be. [Dallas Winston & Johnny Cade]
[Steve Randle in progress]
How They’d React to Your Friend Flirting With Them [HC] [GN Reader]
Sodapop Curtis -
Started With a Ring   [Male Reader]
Vandalize    [Fem or GN Reader]
Can’t Help Falling In Love  [Male Reader]
Can’t Help Falling In Love - Part 2. [Male Reader]
Showering With Sodapop [HC] [GN Reader- NOT SMUT]
I love you. [Male Reader]
Snowed In. [GN Reader/ Reader using Fae/Faer/Faers pronouns]
Steve Randle
Wrong Direction  [Fem Reader]
Dallas Winston
The One That Got Away   [Fem Reader]
Anxious Reader HC. [Fem Reader]
Showering with Dallas [HC] [GN Reader - Not smut]
Darry Curtis
Coping Mechanism. [GN Reader]
Physical Affection [HC]. [GN Reader]
Let It Snow [GN Reader]
Showering with Darry [HC] [GN Reader- Not smut]
Ponyboy Curtis
Secret. [Fem Reader]
random Tim and Sylvia thing from when they were kids
The Mighty Ducks-
The Ducks-
The Ducks in a Haunted House [HC]   [No reader, just an HC]
TV. [GN Reader, no romantic stuff but lots on Adam]
Charlie Conway-
Exile - Part 1   [GN Reader]
Exile - Part 2   [GN Reader]
Kenny Wu -
Homework and Cuddles   [GN reader] 
Dean Portman-
Reunion [Fem Reader]
Reminder: there is much more to come! Y’all should see my drafts-
Lies [Male Reader]
Lies pt 2. [Male Reader]
Too Late [GN Reader] tw! for blood/implied death
Nail Polish. [GN Reader]
Mezo Shoji
Dating HCs. [GN Reader]
Pulled Away. [Male Reader]
Neito Monoma
Just Can’t Help Myself. [Fem Reader]
Haikyuu Characters as Quotes From my Life [HC]
Total Drama Island -
Hanahaki Disease Part 1   [Male Reader]
Hanahaki Disease Part 2   [Male Reader]  WARNING: hanahaki disease (duh)
Julie and the Phantoms -
Reggie Peters-
See You Again.  [GN Reader]
The Sandlot -
Benny Rodriguez
Do It Again. [Male Reader]
Visitor. [GN Reader]
Rumors. [GN Reader]
Touch. [Male Reader]
Call Me A Snitch. [GN Reader]
Newsies -
Spot Conlon-
Idk U Yet [Prologue/Part1]. [GN Reader]
Romantic/Platonic HCs. [GN Reader]
Chubby Reader HCs. [GN Reader]. (I recommend combining this one with the other HCs just for one big thing of Spot HCs)
Jack Kelly-
Love at your Convenience. [GN Reader]
Mike Faist (actor)
Pleasant Distraction. [Fem Reader]
Found Family. [FTM Reader]
His Smile. [Fem Reader]
Racetrack Higgins
Romantic/Platonic HCs. [GN Reader]
Kid Blink
How you met/Asking you out HCs. [GN Reader]
Rooftop. [GN Reader]
Thank You. [Fem Reader]
IT 2017
Henry Bowers-
Untitled Lol. [Male Reader]
Harry Potter Fandom
Owe It All To You. [GN Reader x !Father Figure! Remus Lupin]
Draco Malfoy -
Perhaps, Perhaps. [Male Reader]
Look What You Made Me Do [Male Stark !Vigilante! Reader]
[Almost] a Loss. [Dad! Loki x !Son!Teen!Reader]
DNA [Dad! Loki x !Son!Villain(?) Reader]
JJ Maybank -
You Are Home [Male Reader]
Kook Prince [Male Reader]
Smoked. [Male Reader]
Lonesome [Male Reader]
Safe With Me [Male Reader]
So Say It [Male Reader] Bonus part
His Sweet, Sweet Words. [Male Reader]
Awake With You. [Male Reader]
Kiss It Better [Male Reader]
Polaroid. [GN Reader]
I’ll try to update this as much as I can, and again I promise there is more to come! My drafts are full rn man soooo-
Feel free to send in a request!!
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burtonsdoodles · 1 year
Here we are on the 16th of April, the day of the last newsies performance with the OG cast and as I journey towards the theatre I’m thinking - I have a load of random (probably unfinished) notes I’ve made from the different performances I’ve seen since the very first show and I’ve never actually posted them… so guess what I’ll be posting today…
Like I said above - random - unfinished - and totally my personal interpretations based on that specific performance of the day… enjoy…
(29th Nov - the very first preview - sat in FLUSHING AA01)
Ryan as Davey is incredible - he felt like a merging of film and Broadway (the whole show feels like that which I love SO MUCH!) - the moment I realised how incredible his portrayal actually was was in seize the day - specifically when he starts seize the day… with the Broadway version it’s Jack who spurs him on - almost passing the baton to see if he can rally the troops… here Jack is about to call on davey but gets cut off by davey starting to sing - when it happened I thought they’d messed up the timings (and who knows - maybe they did and played it out well - I will find out tomorrow) but I don’t think they did (they must have because for me it’s never happened since) - davey sees how things are falling apart, jacks losing control and makes his position heard - he believes in this cause and he is going to make his position know - he doesn’t need Jack to convince him to help - he takes his moment and his courage, his voice is what successfully rally’s the troops. His boldness even catches Jack off guard - this shows davey taking charge - just like he does in the film.
Love having the Newsies playing in the balconies before the show started (something that also never happened again!) and then having race be the one who essentially starts the show - calling the other Newsies to order - it was really cool. This race doesn’t have the youngsters energy Ben cook has in the Broadway version, he’s very much alike with 92sies race - has his own sense of authority amongst the newsies that’s separate from Jack.
(30th nov - MANHATTAN)
While sat in Manhattan I was able to notice crutchie sat hiding in one of the side spaces during the snyder entrance - when the scene started I did notice him being there but then didn’t think anything of it and watched the scene taking place on the stage - it wasn’t until all the commotion starts with Snyders arrival that I realised crutchie was still there and reacting to the drama on stage… as snyder shouts his threats to jack, you can see crutchie curling up in the corner he’s sat in looking utterly terrified - the dread in his face is heartbreaking to see and visually establishes crutchies fear of snyder and the refuge. This choice of staging is such an interesting inclusion which adds so much to crutchies character - it continues to establish this anxiety within him that’s always growing with each day he isn’t in the refuge - he’s never free from his belief that he’s gonna end up in the refuge and it terrifies him. Beyond that it’s interesting because there’s no acknowledgement or emphasis made to it - other than there being light on him so he can be seen - but that part of the performance space isn’t even visible below a certain point of Manhattan seating - so most don’t even know he’s there - including Jack and crew. In this moment we see (or for those who do actually see him) how isolated he is - whilst Jack, davey and les bond and interact and are watching out for each other when trouble arises, crutchie is totally alone and unnoticed but still hearing and reacting to everything that’s going on over on the main stage. I really love it as a detail!
(Unspecified dates - MANHATTAN)
When the bulls join the fight and knock down one of the newsies (splasher? ( it is in fact splashed)) crutchie’s there trying to help with some of the others - they fight off the cop but everything is heating up - Crutchie is still trying to help but Albert is there and takes responsibility for the fallen Newsies Splasher, he tells crutchie - “I‘ll take care of him, you get out of here crutchie!” Albert leaves with the newsie splasher but crutchie stays amongst the fighting - and we all know how that ends. Albert looking out for crutchie is one of my favourite things to see in the show!
There’s just something really interesting with Tommy boy - he’s the one I’m kinda obsessed with watching and wanna know more about. He’s always isolated from everyone else prior to the scab situation… (a lot more on him later…)
TBC… as the train is now in London…
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blurglesmurfklaine · 8 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
gonna unofficially thank @forabeatofadrum for this tag bc she said whoever wanted to do it and I wanted to so here it be!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
49??? What when how did that happen??
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
706,964 woah so not quite a million but uh I have shit to say apparently
3. What fandoms do you write for?
46 of the 49 fics are glee lmaooo, two are Newsies and one is Roswell, New Mexico! I anticipate more Newsies (Javid) fics to come because I’m obsessed
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
There From The Start
Cornelia Street
Here We Go Again
An Honest Man
If Music Be
All for Glee: Klaine!
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to respond to as many as I can, but I usually forget lol. If someone leaves an insightful comment though it will usually spur a long conversation in the comments and I LOVE IT
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
If The World Was Ending bc they uh :) die, technically speaking
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Uhhhh probably every other one??? I really don’t like sad endings so most have a happy ending, but i actually really like the ending to Stick Season because despite it being so terribly emotional and angsty, I feel like the ending is a turnaround and really hopeful!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really? A few annoying comments telling me characters wouldn’t act this way, and one asking me “where my creativity was” which rubbed me the wrong way but I try to focus on the positive ones! Those definitely linger in my mind longer 💞
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Don’t look at me. Yes. Sometimes. Idk man sometimes those dudes just need to fuck it out???? But I usually only write it if the story feels like it’s naturally going there. It’s never really porn for porn’s sake (for clarification there’s nothing wrong with that we all love a little pwp), it’s usually the sappy emotional kind that’s mostly feelings and vague descriptions. it’s definitely not my forte and something I still get a little embarrassed and self conchas about lmao
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not recently but I did have a Supernatural/Glee crossover a few years ago (shut up I was 16) and honestly it was loads of fun! Blaine was the child of that Gay Angel and Repressed Bisexual Man. Absolutely a slay
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don’t think so? But a few old ones from my fanfiction dot net page ended up on one of those search engine thingies??? Idk how to explain it or how to take it down but honestly… I have bigger problems lol
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No but if anyone ever wants to let me know!!! It would make me so happy!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yeah! Quite a few actually. I usually do the franken-fic every year and I did the roulette challenge and that m aforementioned crossover was actually a collab! Some of my favorite memories was writing the final chapter of A Night At The Ryerson House with @esperantoauthor 💞
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
OOF. Okay so. With 46 fics on AO3 you could say Klaine has a special place in my heart, buuuuuuut…….. my best friend introduced me to newsies in April and I seriously think it did something to my brain chemistry because Jack and Davey own my entire ass
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Ugh. I’m so fearful that I’ll never finish Amidst The Chaos, which I LOVE but takes so much out of me. There’s also one I’ve never posted called “Strangers Again” that involves like timeline jumping but in a romcom way that I’m not sure how to go about??? Also the community college one. I have so many.
For Javey I tried writing that Spider-Man AU but like. I need to re do the entire first chapter. I absolutely hate it actually and I think it’s because I don’t have a clear vision of what exactly I want, but I know what I DO NOT want????
16. What are your writing strengths?
Uhhhhhhhhhhh I’m actually not sure entirely? I’m gonna go with dialogue bc that’s usually how scenes come to me first.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Scenery/setting/sensory, world building, plot points, physical movement holy fuck do not get me started when That Guy has to move Across The Room AHHHHHH I wanna tear my face off
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Love it! In my brain Jack Kelly is Mexican because I love to project, and I’ve got a wip where Blaine is involved in a Hispanic community (no he’s mot Hispanic he’s just got a Mexican friend who is an old lady and also Catholicism is involved it’s a lot to explain okay go with it) so I like to use it, but only in a way that feels natural to ME based on MY experiences. Different people have different approaches!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Oof. This one is hard but I think it’s an even tie between Here We Go Again and If Music Be!
Tagging: @somefeministtheatrepls @somanywords @justgleekout @kurtsascot and anyone else who wants to try!
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noxexistant · 1 year
I wanna take the Delanceys and put them in a jar
I promise I probably won’t go too far
just shake em around a bit
I need ideas for a fic
Fluff or angst it don’t matter
Though I’ll never say no to the latter
-A powm by me
(Please give me ideas)
literally how could i refuse a request supplied like this. it’s like ryan kopel himself is here, in my inbox
also there is nothing i love more than shaking the delancey brothers, either in a jar or just by their shirt collars
assuming you meant delancey ideas specifically, i forever have about eight hundred rattling around in my head (like them in that jar). some quick fire ones:
one of them getting sick and the other being so goddamn worried. wiesel won’t let them have breaks or days off, and goes mad if they’re working too slow, so whoever’s sick just has to continue pushing themselves to work even harder than usual. in my own headcanons, morris is sicklier - he’s scrawnier, spent more of his very important developmental years malnourished, so he’s unhealthier - and oscar gets hit harder by illnesses because he works himself so damn hard - protecting and looking after morris, trying to take the brunt of the work, taking the lead in everything, dealing with wiesel. and the other, even though they’re healthy, is just so helpless but still so desperate to do something.
morris getting a crush, maybe on one of the newsies or maybe on someone else he interacts with during his work. potential to be very sweet OR be very angsty, particularly if he’s rejected harshly - because who the hell would want the interest of morris delancey? they see him staring and think he’s just being a creep or trying to instigate a fight, don’t understand his lack of social understanding or that his awkwardness (at best) or unkindness (at worst) is him just trying to interact with them. morris knows he’s weird, knows he’s unlovable - even ma and pa left him - but he’s heartbroken anyway. and, just the same: it’s entirely possible that oscar doesn’t approve. maybe he sees morris looking at a guy and panics, because the two of them don’t need more trouble - especially not like that.
the two of them have to pass by - or maybe actually go into - the refuge to deliver some sort of message, or maybe escort someone in or out. heck, maybe it’s crutchie when he’s released after the strike. but being in the building immediately triggers morris badly, which only oscar can recognise because morris always locks up and totally dissociates when he’s triggered - and then falls apart afterwards. it’s usually oscar’s job to try and grab him and get him somewhere safe to do so. and maybe crutchie sees this, and - already exhausted and starved and beat to hell and too worn down to be able to reach his resentment - offers for the brothers to come with him back to the newsies.
an’ hopefully those are alright for you
maybe one of ‘em’s just about good enough to be used
but just lemme know if you want any more
or something different, it ain’t no chore
i love these boys and putting ‘em through emotional torture
could go on for hours, but i kept this post shorter
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emmedoesntdomath · 1 year
we’ve talked about other newsie names A Lot, so ofc we’re going to talk about his.
jojo is a nickname for josephino jorgelino de la guerra (and I want you all to know that I literally copy and pasted that because I’ll be damned if I sit here trying to spell that out for five fucking minutes), because clearly, no one has the time for that whole name. it’s clearly a mouthful, and was probably given to him before he lived with the nuns who raised him (he’s an orphan, and grew up in a harlem cathedral) (think of the nuns in carrying the banner). this doesn’t tell us much about his parents, except that they were probably immigrants.
jojo became a manhattan newsie, and damn, if he wasn’t good at it. he was persistent, and stubborn, but would persuade you with a smile. and then he’d somehow manage to get more money than everyone else doing it? like there were kids crying, pretending to be sick, and faking limps and broken bones, and there’s jojo. tipping his hat at you and grinning while his pockets were FULL.
not only that, sir keeps his money. he doesn’t spend it on the races, or games, or debts. no, no, jojo is planning on being RICH. does he know what his occupation will be? no. how he’ll make more money? nope. if he’ll have to provide for other people? nah. either way, he’s going to be loaded, and anything less is a failure.
another thing is that jojo’s kind of known for saying the most out of pocket things with absolutely zero context provided. obviously, this makes sense considering who he’s friends with. but when you look at him, your first thought is not about the time he decided to inform everyone that he once stole everyone’s rosaries at the cathedral during mass because he was bored. no, you think this man is one of the normal ones.
and oh, how wrong you’d be.
also, he totally flirts with morris just to get into his head. just saying.
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well i’ve been giving everyone fic titles but since the title i was going to give you was “you can’t stand my words”, i’ll ask u this instead:
who of the newsies are the best liars, how often do they use it as a tactic (negatively or positively), and who can see through them/what are their tells!!! canon era or not either works!! @jack-kellys 💥
Tysm Rizz because I have Thoughts To Share
I’m going with Race but only in this very specific au (I won’t say which one it is because what I’m gonna say only happens later in the story and it’s one of my main gimmick in it, so dm if you really wanna know)
Okay, Racetrack Higgins. He’s the jokester, witty, charming, approachable, very much still the guy we know and love. All of these are who he is as a person but he also tend to dial his “agreeable traits” (saf explained this better than me) to 11 and present himself this way because a) he thinks that’s what people think and like about him and b) It’s easier for his line of work. He’s more of an archetype than a person, he’s here to fill a role not having a good time
With that being said, lying is kind of his default mode, more of a telling-half-truths, leaving stuff out, and misdirecting way. He’s a con man (not exactly but let’s just call him that for now), not being honest and remain undetected is literally in the job description. He lets on enough about himself to build a sense of honesty so he can do his thing, but he also keep up the “This guys is chill and Will Always be There For You and You Can Trust Him!!” façade around his friends/family. Telling truths means offering a piece of himself, and that kind of vulnerability is just too terrifying for him. His lies are his safety net, something that he has control over
He’s the best liar because again, he build his stuff around part of the truth so there’s a fundamental thingy there, and then he convinces himself like, “Yeah that’s Totally What’s Going On” (Unhealthy af when he’s dealing with his own emotions and problems) , Jack and Albert can tell that something is slightly off every once in a while, but they can’t pinpoint what is wrong. Finch can see that something is bothering him, his eyes have this sparkly thing when he’s telling the truth and have a sunshiny warmth aura around him, and he tends to be more tactile and touchy-freely, so whenever those aren’t happening he’s pretty much underselling his feeling/straight up lying. Finch knew him since they were kids so he knows Race before he built his façade and would nudge him to open up whenever he can. Another person that can tell he’s lying is Spot, but for him it’s more of a take one to know one situation. Spot has his own façade and reasons to put up a front and although not quite the same as Race’s, he can tell when something is up after knowing him better
So quick summary and other stuff: Race hides behind lies because he’s afraid to show too much of himself and then people won’t like what they see, also his work involves lying to survive, and as time went on it became a knee-jerk reaction to lie. Finch knows his tells because he knows Race the longest and he’s observing, and he does his best to help Race, Spot can tell because his kinda in a similar situation, different motivations different tactics different outcomes but both do it for Other People.
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bright-and-burning · 7 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
thank you @glasscushion this was really fun!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
two under various pseuds rn and 1? or 2? orphaned fics from years ago
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
19.6k!! not much but i’m proud of it <3
3. What fandoms do you write for?
hopefully f1 skdjskjd. ive got a ted lasso wip i reeeeally want to finish someday. and a newsies historically accurate magnum opus that may never see the light but that’s fine
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
i only have two non-orphaned fics published rn so:
five times colin cooks for his team (and one time his team cooks for him)
cute lil 5+1 ted lasso fic !! mildly colin/isaac but mostly colin & co being besties. written before season 3 came out
a look never hurt this much
tiny meat gang soulmates au (i refuse to be ashamed abt this). noel/cody lol
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
oh absolutely yes!! i treat comments like dms honestly i love giving a directors commentary type whatever in the comments
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
an orphaned fic in a to-remain unnamed fandom. unrequited love very very angsty stuff but more than a bit silly looking back on it (i was like 14 and really going through it). i tend to write very domestic-y stuff so not much i write has any lasting angst in it!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
probably my tiny meat gang soulmates au mentioned above i won’t lie 😭 i haven’t read back through it since i wrote it so if it’s bad don’t blame me
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i’ve never gotten hate on fics thank god i would die
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
i’m trying to figure out how to write it lol (ask me about curly girl method lando and blowjobs). unfortunately (fortunately?) my draw to silly domestic stuff shines through so it’s not like molten hot smut, it’s kinda silly sex, i won’t lie
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
ive never published one bc i am occasionally a coward but i have many many notes on them/half written stuff. i like a lot of things and i like mashing those things together like barbie dolls! i think the craziest one i ever conceived of was newsies x music man tbh.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
who knows. as far as i know no
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no but i would LOVE to omg i feel like there’s so much potential to balance out my weaknesses with other people’s
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
i am a multi shipper girlie i can be convinced of the appeal of ANYTHING. in terms of f1. lando/oscar maybe tho. won’t lie pierre/esteban kinda hitting…
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
hm i have some very grandiose far-reaching plots floating around rn (runners au and apartment/roommates au) that will be written and “completed,” but probably won’t ever fully get expanded to the point i’ve thought about them, if that makes sense
16. What are your writing strengths?
oh i like to think i’m very good at writing like. domestic intimacy/intimate friendships. feeling like home. comfort, and food! ppl tend to describe my writing as cozy and lived in, and i think that’s what i’m good at! (someone once said reading my fic was like eating comfort food and i literally cried)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
transitioning!! time passing!! i’m so bad at that! also smut as i’ve discovered lol. i tend to stay away from genres i feel like im bad at writing so that’s less of an issue (hence why i haven’t really written any real angst). writing on my own w no feedback is Hard i would die for someone to look over my stuff
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
if it’s like a random line/couple of lines in a different language then usually i’ll put it in english but in italics. if the entire fic is between people who would all be speaking the same (non english) language then i don’t bother. i don’t translate to that language tho bc i don’t trust translation sites and im VERY rusty on my languages (you will not get french or mandarin in a fic from me i would die of fear). throwing in random words in other languages also makes me cringe in my own writing for some reason? but it doesn’t bother me in others’ writing lol
19. First fandom you wrote for?
if we mean published fic, for either 5 seconds of summer (cringes) or the maze runner, i can’t remember. if we mean wrote in general, definitely harry potter when i was like 9 in a little notebook that i sincerely hope has been burned since then.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
probably the ted lasso fic! i love writing food, and comfort, and that’s like entirety of the fic, so. if i get runners au off the ground any time soon i would bet money on that becoming my fave tho
pretty much every single one of my mutuals has been tagged in this already so. if you see this and you wanna do it do it like i’ve tagged you!!!
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lgcyushin · 2 years
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what are the top 5 most used apps on your phone?
“spotify, melon, youtube, all for catching up with the newest music features honestly. i like to see what other artists are coming up with. i do also watch cooking youtubers too. i’m always trying to figure out new easy recipes but honestly, it’s hard finding time nowadays, so i usually use all the other delivery apps too. i don’t have a specific delivery food app, more like a variety of 4 or 5. i know it’s obnoxious but we’ve got to do what we’ve go to do to survive when we’re on the go. that and... messaging, i guess. i prefer messaging over calls. but again, i’ll do what is required of me for the job.” 
what is the most random note in the notes app?
 “it’s not that random. i don’t use the notes app all that often, so you have my perfect recipe at coffee shops that i like to order. there’s two but the weirder one is... eight scoops of matcha, vanilla syrup, latte but no foam, no water, oat milk, the largest size they’ve got. but honestly, i don’t use the notes app so it’s not as interesting as what others might have to say...” he’s actually quite surprised, there’s only a total of 4 notes. “the rest of them are all ‘what i need to buy from the store’ so i don’t forget. i hate making multiple trips.” 
what was the last message or call you’ve received and who was is from?
“my last call and text is from... my little brother. and it’s both a call and text because apparently i completely overslept one day, and had to rush off to where we were supposed to meet at. i usually wake up early, but lately i’ve been so exhausted. i think i might be coming down with a cold, because i have no problems waking up to my alarm. anyways, i didn’t mean to stand him up, it’s an honest mistake. we just rescheduled to meet later in the afternoon. it’s been a crazy busy season anyway with all the concerts. i should get a little slack for that.”
what were the last 5 songs that you’ve listened to?
“i’m in my big, ‘oldies but goodies’ era. not even that old, but the last decade. songs like... ‘g-dragon - butterfly’, ‘big bang - we belong together’, ‘blazing - abracadabra’, and then i jumped into the recent release from fabula. their music has a different concept this comeback, and it was unexpected but pleasant. i know you guys think that we may get spoilers because the idols are close, but i’ll be honest, i got zero spoilers and was pleasantly surprised. so far i’ve only heard ‘illusion’ and their title, ‘how you like that?’ which had a nice beat.” 
what were the 5 most recent online searches?
“hahaha, don’t kill me, but my most recent search is ‘hanbyul shin dating’, for obvious reasons. i’m sure you looked it up too, don’t lie.” he opens up his searches. “i also looked up ‘most comfortable dance shoes’, because i’m looking for a new pair. i feel like my last pair has worn out through all the practice for the concerts. ‘cheap bluetooth speaker’. i want one i can bring around the entire dorm, to the practice rooms, and to the bathroom and kitchen. everywhere. i live on music. and lastly, ‘musicals near me’. i was hoping to catch newsies before they stop running, but if not, another musical too. it’s a near and dear to my heart excursion that i miss participating in, but that doesn’t mean i can’t support musicals.” 
**BONUS** FOR IDOLS : what are your contact names for all of the group members?
haru - maknae jiho - leader
it might be a bit impersonal but i feel like yushin always jokes around and calls haru the baby, and jiho their leader more than even by name, but yushin rarely puts people in his phone by name... 
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tarantulas4davey · 3 years
Youtuber!Ralbert Au
originally done by the lovely @we-are-inevitable you can find the original concept here
part two to this series can be found here
and my valentine’s hcs can be found here
ok so let’s set up the basics first
albert is a faceless gaming youtuber known for his voice (thing corpse husband but instead of how deep it is it’s cause of his distinct accent)
race is a vlogger/lifestyle youtuber who makes chaotic content that shows off his bubbly personality p e r f e c t l y
they also happen to be roommates (and boyfriends, but that’s not public just yet)
at first, their fan bases were pretty separate, as their content didn’t really mix
until one day race posts a video of him trying on outfits picked by his subscribers through twitter (video inspo by phil lester here)
and he brings in his vague, never-shown-on-camera roommate that he mentions occasionally in vlogs to help him
enter, albert dasilva (aka chaotic red on twitch/youtube)
now albert’s voice is distinct, especially to his fans considering it’s the only thing about him that’s consistently in videos
so IMMEDIATELY the comments are full of “holy shit is chaotic red race’s mysterious roommate omg-“
the whole video is full of playful banter and fond looks from race to behind the camera, and waY MORE LAUGHTER FROM RED THAN ANY OF HIS SUBS ARE USED TO
it’s basically a goldmine for albert’s fans cause it’s the first time he’s out of his usual element of video games
and about 2 days after the video drops, albert tags race on his public twitter saying their going live on twitch to play among us with their friends
(friends meaning all of the other newsies, who in this au are also youtubers)
apparently, the thing about al’s laughter in race’s video wasn’t “red being out of his element,” it was the fact race was there making him laugh
cause this stream is the happiest they’ve EVER heard red be (albert usually plays horror games and among us, there’s just a lot of yelling and swearing and a bit of banter in usual gameplays)
he’s joking with everyone more than normal, you can practically HEAR him smiling, and race is making him genuinely laugh every couple minutes with his stupid one liners and general confusion at “how to video game”
albert is really lucky his alias comes from the face race nicknamed him “red” in middle school, cause race manages not to accidentally call him by his real name at any point during the stream
it’s actually al who makes a mistake
now it’s not an “i accidentally revealed my secret identity mistake live on stream” mistake-
no, it’s almost w o r s e
he calls race babe, live on stream to thousands of people, more than once
twitter absolutely looses its shit, as expected
race may or may not have sat on their living room floor laughing his ass off at what he can see of albert’s distressed expression as he lays face down on their couch
yeah let’s just say the next week he’s in race’s vlog again (kinda? like his voice is in it but he’s still not ready for his face to be all over everywhere just yet)
now albert’s fans have a vague description of him, the basics of sorts, and the voice to guess his general region of origin
they know he’s stockier and muscly, got red hair and hazel eyes, covered in freckles (he may or may not get compared to a weasley or two on twitter more consistently then he cares to admit)
but racer’s fans know A LOT about him, he’s a lifestyle vlogger ffs, it’s his j o b to share his life
so long story short there’s a segment in race’s vlog where they’re just like “yeah we’re dating and have been since junior year of highschool it be like that lmao”
and the rest of the vlog is just them doing domestic shit? like albert’s face is off camera but for the first time you can s e e him on camera
they bake cookies at one point and you can see his trademark necklace race got him for graduation when he was 18, his troye sivan concert tee that he’s cut the sleeves off of, the freckles all over and the fact he wears stacks of bracelets on both wrists and his hands are covered in rings
you can see the scar on his shoulder from when he jumped the fence sneaking out to hang with race freshman year, and the semicolon tattoo on the side of his right hand
you can see his personality, not just hear it, and believe me he’s got SO MUCH OF IT
he’s funny and witty and he teases race like nobody else does and his fans can finally see the way he leans back and laughs with his whole body when race does something stupid
all of their fans are slowly combining, cause race shows up on the chaotic red gaming channel more often from dramatically popular request (and the fact albert loves making fun of him for having no idea what he’s doing
and albert is in almost all of race’s vlogs at least once, because he’s a massive part of race’s life and he’s finally allowed to share that piece that was missing
the amount of fan content made for the two of them is ASTRONOMICAL (think jenna marbles and julien solomita levels of fan content, it’s two massive fanbases combining and theyre so hyped up)
they’re just happy vibing together on youtube once they finally start posting together, and absolutely nobody’s complaining about it
and if they have to do a little extra editing cause of kisses on camera or impromptu slow dances in the kitchen or race accidentally saying albie, then it’s worth the extra work for how happy everyone is
lmk if i should do more of this cause i love this au more than anything
also seriously go follow jac their blog is one of my favorites and everything they write is pure gold
fín :)
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mason-ajar · 3 years
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hi newsies fandom i offer a race doodle do u wanna kiss now ? /j
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wisteria-lodge · 3 years
Archetypes: Sorting Hat Chats
I’ve been asked about my rationale for naming different primary/ secondary combinations. I did this originally as a tool to help me sort characters - I wanted to see how these types tend to be used, so I could more easily see what subversions looked like. I'll run through my thoughts, but know there’s a lot of variation within each category. But even WITH that variation, I do think that each one has its own specific energy that makes it interesting to talk about. An explanation of the terms I'm using.
Pretty straightforward. The Lion primary knows something is wrong, they know it in their bones even if they can’t articulate it, and they’ve got to go out and do something about it. Probably charging at whatever power structure is directly in front of them. It’s unlikely you find a character leading a revolution who isn’t a Double Lion. These guys are intense, inspirational, single minded.
The villain version of the Lion primary tends to be the person who “went too far" or "became the monster they were trying to fight.'' But I think that the much more interesting Lion primary villain trope is the Traitor. Since Lions work from their feelings, and their philosophies can’t necessarily be articulated or linked to individuals outside of them - they can definitely have their head turned while still feeling moral about it.
One of my favorite examples of this Revolutionary archtype is actually Christian Bale‘s character from Newsies. He’s the spark that starts the unionizing revolution, but 100% needs his Badger and Bird lieutenants to keep him focused and keep him from defecting
These guys are similar to the Double Lion - they will recognize a cause or injustice revolutionary style - but Robin Hood doesn’t go up and bang on wicked Prince John’s door. His move is the snake secondary one: confront the problem indirectly. Undermine the regime by stealing tax money and re-distributing it to the poor. Be simultaneously Robin Hood the outlaw and Robin of Locksley the noble, infiltrating and getting information. The Lion Snake is more likely to work within society (or deliberately separate from society) versus just breaking everything down.
The fact that the Lion Bird can either be the Lawman or the Vigilante shows off the very clear hero/villain split you get with Bird secondaries. We also see this with the Snake Bird (simultaneously the Mastermind and the traditional Villain) and the Double Bird (either the Scientist or the Mad Scientist.) This is why I think I had such trouble naming the Badger Bird. I wasn’t leaning into the duality of the Bird secondary enough. The Badger Bird can be the King Arthur, or he can be the Mob Boss, and he’ll look kind of similar either way.
The Lion Bird also has that Lion primary conviction and drive, but they want to follow up on it with investigation, evidence, and plans. I actually think there need to be more stories about Lawmen turning into Vigilantes and vice versa. Because Lion Birds are their Cause no matter what external alignment gets attached to it.
This is my own sorting - although when I came up with this name I still thought I was a Double Bird. The linchpin is the pin-axle thing at the center of a wheel that prevents the whole thing from falling apart, and I think it's a good way of talking about the energy of this combination. The Badger secondary means they’re a lot less single minded than the other Lion primaries: their power comes from being part of a group. They become the emotional “heart” a lot, and have a way of quietly keeping things together just by existing. They can be leaders, but a Double Lion will lead from up front while a Lion Badger will lead from in the middle (if that makes sense.)
I do think it’s really funny that this is a common sleeper villain trope. Peter Pettigrew, Prince Hans, and Randall Boggs of Monsters Inc. all became integral to a group, and then exploit their position within it. They’re kind of the evil bureaucrat. Maybe that's a good trope for children’s media
This is another straightforward one. Double Snakes are in it for themselves (and maybe like three other people.) They're going to be clever and tricksy about how they get what they want, and will not mind doing things backward and unofficially. And they won't mind if you know that's what they're doing. There’s something very unapologetic about the Double Snake which makes for very attractive characters. They are consistently voted the sexiest... and when they’re villains they’re fun villains. You know what they want, and what they want is not that complicated. I think that’s a big reason for the appeal of Snake primaries in general. They’re the easiest primary to understand and explain.
I used to call these guys “The Rebel,” which... is too generic, doesn’t really mean anything. So I started thinking about the Lion secondary as the Knight secondary, and I liked that. Double Lions are the Crusader Knight, riding for their Cause. Bird Lions are Grail Knights, riding for their own personal truth. Badger Lions are Champion Knights, here to help the helpless and defend the innocent.
And if that's that case… Snake Lions have to be the Knight Errant, the knight who rides for his lady. It is that simple. Lancelot might be a Knight of the Round Table, but he’s riding for Arthur the person, not Arthur the King. And for his lady, Queen Guinevere. I feel like his dilemma is one that’s common to a lot of Snake Lions: what happens when they’re forced to split their loyalty? It’s tragic, but Lancelot can’t have Arthur and Guinevere simultaneously.
(At least not until my awesome Arthur/Guinevere/Lancelot OT3 which I will totally write at some point :)
The classic. We see a little more of the Bird Secondary split, and well… this is your stereotypical villain. They want power. They’re going to use an elaborate plan to get it. There’s a lot you can do with this sorting, but I actually do think it’s fun that whatever you do, this slight undercurrent of villain and/or mastermind… never quite goes away.
The Love Interest sorting. Chances are very good that if there is a love interest (who does not serve some other role in the story...) they're going to be a Snake Badger. Devoted to one person, solving problems by caretaking. This is the Badger secondary who is likely to have the smallest group, which is just going to make them look excessively devoted to their friends. This type is pretty gender neutral, which is fun. A lot of female love interests, but also your Mr. Darcys and Peeta Mellarks.
One of my favorite things about this trope (mostly just because I think it’s funny...) is that if you write a character who is not supposed to be a love interest, but who is a Snake Badger... subconsciously I think people are going to read them as a love interest anyway. Looking at you Jaskier, Horatio, and even Captain Barbossa.
I think that (especially if you aren’t a Bird Primary yourself) your response to hearing a fictional Bird Primary’s motivation is kind of …huh. That seems random. Or oddly specific. You get your Hannibal Lecters, whose entire motivation is... wanting to eat people while drinking nice wine.
Double birds seem especially unusual, just in terms of society. They are Bird secondaries and they interact with the world through gathering data, but their Bird primaries mean that data can literally lead them to any conclusion, no matter how potentially wacky. These guys consciously build themselves from the ground up, and that can make them kind of detached - either in a logical way, or an unmoored way. They're written as either really stable, the rational mentor figure. Or really... not. And that’s how you spot a Bird villain. They’re not after money/power/safety, they’re after something weird.
This is the trope of Perceval or Galahad, questing after the Holy Grail chalice... which is really just meaning, and truth. It’s a personal quest. Grail Knights tend to ride alone, and a lot of the things that concern them are metaphysical, to do with identity, purpose, things like that. You can have extremely different Bird Lions, but I do think there is a sort of spiritual core there. Doctor Harleen Quinzel sees freedom and truth in whatever the Joker is doing, and then once she recognizes his hypocrisy, has to go build her own meaning.
I actually think these guys are pretty easy to spot because of that Lion secondary. When they change direction, they change direction, and there’s probably a period of despair between the direction changes. I’ve talked about how Bird Lions having a habit of falling apart pretty dramatically, and that’s where this idea comes from.
A rare sorting, but an interesting one. I call this one “the Survivor” or “the Last Man Standing” because, well, they seem to be. They seem remarkably stable. This is the Bird primary least likely to be a villain, and maybe the sorting least likely to be a villain. I think what’s going on is that they are grounded and integrated in whatever community they happen to be in (because of that Badger secondary), but they can define themselves and rebuild themselves in the Bird primary way. This makes them uniquely suited to building a new version of themselves for whatever situation they happen to find themselves in.
Maybe a better name for these guys would be “The Adapter.”
Like all Bird primaries, these guys are inspired by their own projects and their own worldview, but because of that Snake secondary, Bird Snakes have a more easy-going ‘take the world as it comes' kind of energy. They are “the Artist” because everything they do is art: they want to use themselves and the world around them, put all of that towards whatever their Bird primary happens to be interested in.
You can have villains like the Nolan Joker, or the Talented Mr. Ripley, who kind of turn the world into their own personal philosophical social experiment. Or Scotty from Star Trek whose meaning is solely the well-being of the Enterprise. Maybe they just like traveling, and that's all they need. (It's a way for the Bird primary and the Snake secondary exist very happily together, so I wouldn't be surprised if that was pretty common.)
Badgers are interesting, because while I think they’re generally regarded as “correct,” they’re also seen as kind of boring. That’s the case with both Badger primaries and Badger secondaries, which means it is doubly reflected in the Double Badger. They often get written as simplistic, the sweet Jane Bennet type who loves everybody and caretakes everybody and just wants everybody to get along.
They are often the targets of what TV Tropes used to call “Break the Cutie.” What could be more interesting than making this character, who wants to be happily part of a community, be forced to build protective models, be all tortured and angsty? I actually think we’re seeing a return of the Double Badger as an interesting character in their own right, with people like Aziaphale, and I'm here for it.
What can I say? There are a lot of protagonists that are Badger Lions. They want to help the group - so we know they're the good guys - and then they charge and make stuff happen. Lion secondaries are very useful in fiction - you drop them into a situation and stuff just happens. I also think of this as the Starfleet officer sorting - because if you’re a Starfleet officer, either you are the sorting, or can model it really well.
I will say that this is kind of the stock Protagonist sorting, the way that the Snake Badger is the stock love interest and the Snake Bird is the stock villain. There’s just something sort of generic good guy about this one, which is why I want to see it used as a villain sorting more. Badger villains - mostly people who define ‘human’ very narrowly - are insanely terrifying.
Possibly “the Power Behind the Throne.” This is another one I had difficulty pinning down. I called it “the Politician” for a while, which unfortunately came off as a little bit more negative than I meant it to, since I think this sorting has a lot in common with Lion Badger, the linchpin of a heroic team. The difference is that Lion Badger takes on that role kind of unconsciously, while the Badger Snake does it very consciously.
Their loyalty is to the group, but their skill set is all about subversion and different ways of going around the group, which is why there’s an interesting contradiction at the heart of Badger Snake. A lot of real life Badger Snakes struggle with feeling like “bad people" and it's too bad. These guys are ridiculously powerful and competent when they are sure of themselves, and I love seeing them in action
Another difficult one, despite (or because) I really like them. I was calling them “the Architect” because “The City Planner” sounded too boring… but that’s what they do. They’re all about the community but they problem-solve the way all Bird secondaries do, by prepping, and gathering knowledge. I talked more about this in the Lion Bird entry, but Bird secondary seems to have this villain split going on, and that’s what I see here too. This is a controversial love-them-or-hate-them sorting, and I think that’s why. There’s a lot of room in whether or not you see this sorting as villainous.
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joaquinwhorres · 3 years
Fic Writer Tag Game
I was tagged by the embodiment of sunshine @reggiemantleholdmyhand-tle, the queen of edits @sgtbuckyybarnes, and the master of puns @akabluekat
Also, as much as I love everything AO3 stands for, I find FFN more user friendly & I've used it longer, so I'm giving my stats on both.
How many works do you have on AO3? 14! (I have 17 on FFN though.)
What’s your total AO3 word count? 169,469 (274,779 on FFN)
How many fandoms have you written for, and what are they? I've written for 12 fandoms: Harry Potter, Avengers, Stranger Things, Star Trek, The Umbrella Academy, Newsies, Inception, Covenant, Hobbit, SyFy's Alice, Riverdale, and Charmed.
What are your top five fics by kudos AO3?
The Dating Game (Diego Hargreeves x Reader) - 123
Dangerous (Steve Harrington x Reader) - 94
Gazes (Joaquín Torres x Reader) - 80
Public Knowledge (Sweet Pea x Reader) - 73
The Fool (Fred Weasley x OC) - 55
What are your top five fics by follows on FFN?
Parting Shot (Clint Barton x OC) - 572
Living Memory (Clint Barton x OC) - 129
Second Wind (Pietro Maximoff x OC) - 125
Whispers in the Dark (Reid Garwin x OC) - 122
The Fool (Fred Weasley x OC) - 75
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? It depends. If a comment asks a question or the person put a whole paragraph of writing into the comment, I'll respond. If it was something quick and surface level that didn't take a lot of thought, I'll generally just smile and move along.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? I haven't written it yet but Volatile Measures gets pretty angsty towards the end because it's canon compliant.
Do you write crossovers? If so, what’s the craziest one you’ve written? I've only ever written one crossover and didn't really end up liking it, so--no!
Have you ever received hate on a fic? I've got some charity reviews on FFN cuz of Tumblr drama, but otherwise not really!
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? uh kinda? I'm trying to work up the courage to put it in my stories.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Yup. I had some Stranger Things fics stolen and copied to wattpad which was really annoying and also the reason why I hate wWattpad.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope. If you want to, please let me know!
What’s your all-time favorite ship? Taylor Markham and Jonah Griggs from On the Jellicoe Road. But like in fandoms I usually like OCs better. Right now my favorite ship of mine is Mattie Crenshaw + George Weasley.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish, but don’t think you ever will? All of them. Although Mind Over Matter is one that I had great ideas and plans for and now just can't seem to find where they all went.
What are your writing strengths? What are your writing weaknesses? I'm pretty kickass at dialogue. And planning. I actually have each of my HP stories plotted on a calendar to make sure things unfold realistically and I remember canon events. My writing weaknesses? Actually writing and following through on my great ideas.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? I do this in some of my fics, but I tend to only make it a few lines at most and easy enough to understand in context so the reader doesn't have to run to Google Translate or down to the notes. I try to only write in languages I speak or understand. Even then, I check what I write with Reddit to see if it's actually natural. Otherwise I note the language that's being spoken but keep it in English.
What was the first fandom you’ve written for? The first fandom I wrote for was Harry Potter because I co-wrote a fic with a friend, but the first fandom I ever wrote in by myself was Newsies.
What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written? It changes day to day. My favorite completed fic I've ever written is Parting Shot, but that's also because it's the only fic I've ever completed.
I am tagging: @raith-way @hiddenqveendom @asirensrage @zeleniafic @barbied-wire @decennia & anyone who wants me to read their fic
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Newsies but it’s French (Canadian)
Inspired by that one post about German newsies (the movie). I’m heavily bilingual, so I don’t really talk the same way as those in Quebec. I’ll probably be laughing at a lot of the subtitles lol. Honestly, I’ll probably still laugh even if it’s how I talk, bc everything is funnier when you translate French to English.
Act two will be out soon.
~ santa fe (prologue) scene ~
Instead of “be a pal, Jack!” It’s “Be nice, Jack!” lol
“Look at me, I’m standing! Look at me, I’m running!” idk whether to laugh or cry-
~ carrying the banner scenes ~
‘Pickings’ is now ‘fish’
“Long as pigeons don’t mind paying-" hmm ok
“Wese as free as air.” What happened to fishes?? Did you waste it on pickings???
Okay they’ve used both ‘small’ and ‘pretty’ for ‘what a fine life’ now idk what to think
“Cheeky Boy Loses His Time For Nothing.”
“This boy is full of riches!” h-how did you get that from bottle-
A bunch of big shots / big vegetables??
“I’m ignoring it, my sister. It’ll end up well by raining.” I CAN’T
“A trick to keep me awake” yeah coffee is a trick-
Why did they change ‘88 degrees’ to ‘30 degrees’ ????
“No, idiot, that doesn’t make a headline anymore!”
“... all the pigeons that we find.” What is it with them and pigeons?? HOW DID THEY GET PIGEON FROM SUCKER???
Again with the pigeons...
Also apparently newsies are now called ‘the sellers’???
“Look at this! A new!” a new what weasel?? weasel a new what???
they cut out the ‘with his shoes on’ part of Jack’s insult-
~ the bottom line scene ~
“And when Nunzio gets nervous, I don’t have a pretty head.”
“Exactly, fool.”
“Even after having stepped in mud, everything will go right!” I mean, it’s already not all right if you’ve stepped in mud-
“The bottom line” is now “can make all the difference” and idk how to feel about that either-
that’s it. Wasn’t much happening in that song.
~ that’s rich scenes ~
“Not at all! I said he heard it here. And it’s true.”
“Save yourselves!” I like that better honestly
Did Snyder just call the cop ‘mister money’??
“Where’ve you been keeping yourself, my child?” awww
“Your friend is all an artist!” I mean, i guess?
“I’ve never known anyone who has a talent!” pfft-
“Boys, lock the doors and sleep here!” that sounds vaguely threatening
“I’m doing alright for myself, my friends” why do French people call everyone their friends?? I’m in 10th grade and my teachers still call us their friends-
“Seems whatever I touch… turns to gold.” alright so I’ve heard that line isn’t for the innocents (aka me lol) and idk but I don’t think that’s what they meant-
They really changed it to “and scotch from scott”-
“But I’ve got no luck. They’re nothing but idiots.”
“Hey, my dear, it’s you I’m talking about!”
“Now, listen, my friend.” there it is again-
“To lose it with youuuuuu-”
“You are not rich!” absolute savage
~ i never planned on you / don’t come a knocking scene ~
“Re-hello” why french. just why.
“At least be polite!” srry miss medda
oh so now you use fools for suckers alrighty then I see how it is-
“I find girls kind.” uhh that’s nice-
“This love is not blind but idiot.” why am I even doing this?
~ the world will know scenes ~
“You want to calm yourself?” awww it doesn’t make sense when Tommy Boy looks down anymore…
“Hey, Jack. You think always?”
This is actually a common expression, but it’s still funny. “Ah, gee” or other things like that is is “Good blood” lol
Davey’s “I don’t know!” (the first one) Is now “I’m ignoring it!” you’re welcome
“YES!!” does no one know how to say ‘yeah’ in french?
“What’s it gonna take to stop the machines” ??
“See, the world ignores!”
“Pulitzer takes away our voice, but we’ll give him the deaf ear!” I’m confused-
Ohh I thought it was a different word. It’s “Pulitzer raises his voice but we’ll give him the deaf ear!” Which still doesn’t really make sense compared to “Pulitzer may crack the whip, but he won’t whip us!”
~ watch what happens scene ~
“Can’t you see it in my eyes?” “Yeah, agreed.”
“The wagons” are now “the trucks”
“This is important, dear lady, don’t mess it all.”
“I’m totally ignoring what I’m doing!” same
“Write on these young boys.” I-
“These youngs will take life on the page.” nice
“Jack Kelly is ready to take on the monster Pulitzer.” I love it.
~ seize the day scenes ~
“... Are we?” “No question! No!”
“And the Queens?” not just queens. THE queens
“Now is the time to seize the chance.” *disappointed sigh*
“That’s lamentable.” wow race
“They have to work very hard to win their bread… and help their parents!” Jack feels very strongly about that
“Hey! What’re you doing? Look!” yeah the background comments are funny, but they’re even funnier in French-
“Very good, Jack!” I can’t why do they sounds like proud parents-
“Go, sirs!” before they all rip the papes lol
~ santa fe scene ~
“The captain Jack just wants to close his eyes and go!” why do they always put ‘the’ in front of everything?
“Why should we live and die here?” the real question is wHY WOULD YOU CHANGE THAT??
“And the dates to faaaaaaall” what
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livesincerely · 3 years
Here’s a concept:
Javid office/co-workers au. Davey is a Very Tired HR associate and Jack is the artist in the Graphic Design and Marketing department that keeps calling him through the inter-office phone line because he’s bored.
Jack gets in trouble for being on his personal cellphone during office hours—after so many of the same infraction, he gets a call from HR to emphasize the importance of following company policy. The HR person that makes the call is Davey.
Somehow, in this short conversation, Jack becomes a little obsessed with the guy from HR who’s voice makes Jack’s brain feel like it’s actually tuned in to the right frequency. So he calls Davey again, and they somehow end up chatting for, like, an hour right in the middle of the work day.
And then this happens several days in a row. Davey isn’t sure what to make of Mr. Kelly, who apparently is not at all upset about the verbal warning Davey had to give him and likes to just???? Call??? And talk??? And he’s so funny and charming and a little stupid in such an earnest and endearing way that talking to him quickly becomes one of the best parts of Davey’s day, but Davey just can’t figure out why Jack keeps wanting to him, of all people
It eventually comes out that the reason Jack keeps making personal calls on the clock is because he does his best artwork when he’s talking to someone while working. (Not sure how much this will be made explicit in-fic, but Jack’s got ADHD and he needs just enough of the right kind of background stimulus to focus on other tasks.) Unfortunately, the other artists in his department are the listen to music/podcasts/audiobooks or the ‘total silence to Focus’ types and don’t like to be bothered when they’re in The Zone, so whenever Jack gets frustrated and hits a block—which has been more and more often lately—he’s been calling up his friends/brother for as much conversation/distraction as they can stand.
“Kloppman wouldn’t have even filed the complaint if Weasel hadn’t’a insisted on it,” Jack says. “The fucking brown noser.”
“Well, have you considered informing Kloppman about your reasons?” Davey asks. “I mean, explicitly phrasing it as a accommodation that you need in order to do your best work? There’s a form you can fill out and file with us that would keep you from getting any more citations, no matter how often you’re on the phone. Well, as long as you can get a work request from your doctor.”
“Can I really do that?” Jack asks.
“Sure you can,” Davey says. “Here, I’m sending you a copy of the relevant section of the employee handbook and the paperwork you need. Just drop it off at HR whenever.”
“You’re an absolute godsend, aren’t you Jacobs?” Jack says. “Fuck, that would make things so much easier.”
“Just hand in those forms and you’ll have the company’s full permission to call your brother as much as you want,” Davey assures him.
“Spot’s gonna fucking hate me,” Jack says with what sounds like a delighted laugh. The sound of it sends a shiver down Davey’s spine, even as his heart pangs at the thought of not getting to hear it anymore.
“Happy to help,” Davey says. He takes a breath, then forces his usual levity into his voice. “Will that be all, Mr. Kelly?”
“That’ll be all, Mr. Jacobs,” Jack says. “And hey, David? Thanks.”
And Davey thinks that’ll be that. He regrets that he won’t get to spend an hour talking with Jack every day, then feels stupid for getting so hung up on someone he’s never even met—all he knows of Jack is his voice and that they work for the same company. But the next Monday, Jack calls right when he usually does.
“Spot told me he’d murder me dead if I called for anything less than a fully-fledged emergency,” Jack says cheerfully. “So it looks like you’re stuck with me.”
“You could call one of those friends I’ve heard so much about,” Davey volleys back, feeling lighter than he has all morning. “Unless this is your way of trying to tell me that you don’t have any friends.”
It’s nothing different than their usual banter, but when Jack speaks again, his voice sounds a little weird.
“If you don’t want me callin’ so much, I can dial it back,” Jack says. “I mean, even my own brother gets tired of the sound of my voice sometimes, so I can’t imagine how you feel after spending so much time humorin’ me these last few weeks—“
“No!” Davey blurts out. “No, that’s not what I— I don’t mind talking with you. I like talking to you,” he corrects.
“Yeah?” Jack asks, strangely hopeful.
“Yeah,” Davey answers with a smile Jack can’t see. “And besides, I wouldn’t want to be the reason your brother ‘murders you dead’,” he jokes.
A bark of laughter. “Yeah, how would you live with yourself,” Jack teases.
Lots of office shenanigans. I love the idea of Katherine being one of the workers in Davey’s office and just constantly teasing him about the mysterious artist upstairs that’s always calling him. Similarly, I’d have Charlie as one of the workers in Jack’s office, and every now and then Davey can hear his voice in the background of Jack’s side of the line—he can’t always make out the words, but it always makes Jack sputter and yell at him to go away.
And maybe cameos from the other newsies if I can think of places to sneak them in? Not sure yet, I’ll have to think about it some more.
I’d love for them to not actually meet until the absolute end of the fic, and by complete accident. Like, maybe there’s like an internet safety/email and interpersonal etiquette seminar that the HR department requires everyone to attend, and when Davey goes up to the podium and introduces himself as Mr. Jacobs from HR, he happens to notice a very handsome man sitting in the back straighten up in his seat, suddenly avidly attentive.
But most importantly, a Javid office romance/mutual pining/strangers to lovers where the whole fic takes place almost entirely over the phone. And also they call each other Mr. Kelly/Mr. Jacobs bc ever since I saw that text post I can’t stop thinking about it.
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