#i’ll do other characters later
henwy-cway · 4 months
ranking the ocean’s eleven crew on if they’re lesbians:
danny ocean - you could make the argument, but i think it’s weak, i’m going with not a lesbian
rusty ryan - definitely a lesbian
rueben - not a lesbian (gay man)
saul bloom - lesbian in another life, but not this one
frank catton - similar to danny, i see the argument but i don’t think so
livingston dell - lesbian (egg)
basher - not a lesbian (gay man)
virgil malloy - straight man lesbian (i do not know what this means but i know it to be true)
turk malloy - not a lesbian
yen - not a lesbian
linus caldwell - lesbian but only a little bit
(they’re all still in a polycule to be clear)
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supernova351 · 1 month
My opinions on the different character iterations in Trigun! (Some of these are serious…. Others less so)
Trimax Vash: My girlfriend who’s suffered more than Jesus
98 Vash: My little comphet king. You are trying so hard all the time
Badlands Rumble Vash: He’s ovulating and somebody needs to do him about it (it’s me I’m somebody)
Tristamp Vash: I like his new design solely on the basis that it was a choice Vash made to look more human, not studio orange trying to make him more fuckable. Come on. He already was.
Trimax Wolfwood: She has eldest daughter syndrome she has religious trauma he walks around wearing a suit in a hundred degree heat he’s bitchless and terrified of his girlfriend I want her
98 Wolfwood: Insane. He failed to knife fight a robot in the same episode he blew his priestly cover by shooting the same robots he failed to knife fight. This was the episode he was introduced
Badlands Rumble Wolfwood: Rack +10 waist -5 whiteness x 29
Stampede Wolfwood: hes trying so hard and it’s so pathetic I’m gonna punt him down a staircase (affectionate)
Trimax Knives: So cunty with it she slays absolute penis. She has a PRESENCE!!
98 Knives: Cartoon ass super villain. Just so pathetic it captivates me
Stampede Knives: I can’t verbalize how much I want to break a chair over his head. Just fucking let him have it.
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alyona11 · 3 months
Tbh rewatching the OBC Hadestown cast bootleg I’d say that no one quite hit that awesome Hades/Persephone dynamic in the show as Amber Gray and Patrick Page. They are so 👌
And with them the show works in its fullest.
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podsn · 3 months
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Hello friends I’m here today to give you this Batwoman sketch. Not as detailed as my Nightwing one but I still like how it came out.
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Gonna say it here too but Wei Wuxian has nothing to be sorry for regarding Nightless City.
He tried to speak but they refused to listen.
He was attacked first, defended himself, and was condemned for it.
They wanted to kill not only him, but all the innocent people he was protecting as well.
People blaming him for the ensuing slaughter when his mind broke upon Jiang Yanli’s sacrifice (which was ALSO not his fault like c’mon???) make no sense to me.
They pushed him to it.
They spit on the sacrifices of Wen Qing and Wen Ning.
They refused to hear him out and decided he was done for before Jin Zixuan even died, let’s be real.
(And no, 3000 cultivators did not die at Nightless City. Wei Wuxian straight up questions the absurdity of such a high number himself.)
I don’t know, I’ll probably delete this, but it boggles my mind when people hold this against Wei Wuxian when he was the one attacked.
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herebecritters · 4 months
Please understand that, more often than not, works of fiction are a fictional exploration of concepts and ideas rather than a declaration of morality
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prommytheus · 6 months
tgaa main cast birthday headcanons
gina: march 14, 1881
kazuma: september 26, 1875
barok: august 11, 1866
iris: june 17, 1888
yujin: february 7, 1856
ryunosuke: july 6, 1875
susato: november 20, 1882
herlock: december 2, 1864
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cherrychan-0110 · 5 months
Snake Mari 💜💜💜
She and Gloria will eat Martin alive
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askamnesiamoonjumper · 2 months
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me after editing the aau prologue for the bajillionth time
#First chapter I changed the opening bc I always thought it felt off/abrupt and wanted to have it be prince pov from the start#I wanna get in his head more ok sue me#Beyond that tho it was just some wording edits#Specifically with the internal dialogue moments I helped them flow more/feel more like thoughts#Also mj gets a bit more of their usual edge/pessimism bc the prologue they always felt a bit too “ówò sad poor smol bean” or whatever#That’s it tho chapter 4 I didn’t change bc it’s peak#Did add some teases to later things tho like snatch senses mjs soul at the end of his chap but doesn’t realize it#Or like I added the Not Now running thing in the earlier chapters bc it was more of a chapter 4 thing so I wanted 2 set it up more so boom#I think that’s all the notable edits ig like I said just description additions the only actual new thing is the opener for chap 1 👍#Also also I got to include a hc that I have that I neglected to do before but I hc a!prince used plural internal dialogue#Because lol we love dramatic irony in this house#Grace post#this reminds me tho one of these days I should look through heart strings chapter one to look for editing things#Bc I think I did that recently but I don’t remember it much tho#Mostly just when the Hat stuff starts that was the parts I never directly rewrote I just edited them so they feel out of place in my brain#Also I’d wanna edit her dialogue bc it *was* in character (after rereading her diary’s to confirm) but I wanna have her be a bit more snark#Hat is Hard bc i Need the balance of cute little kid and also smug little shit (affectionate) like she is a pain to write man cries#This is just me rambling lol ignore it I just wanted to spam aau thoughts#In other news I made shapes redesigns but I’m on the fence on posting them bc idk if I wanna spoil or not hhhhhhhhh#Nowadays I’m more chill w spoiling things than I used to be#But there are a handful of things I’ve kept shut about (ex being princes name or mjs species stuff etc)#So I’m not sure if this thing with shapes i should keep secret or just post bc I used to spoil it but idk now#Shrugs#maybe I’ll do a poll later I dunno#Ok yapping over byeeeeee
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snaill-dragon · 8 months
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Some little messed up guys!
Meet Willow, Scarlet, and Coal.
They have. A lot going on. But I thought up a little story and couldn’t help making some designs (and turning them into dragons).
The short version is they all used to get along really well(they were dating. At least in my head they were). But then seemingly randomly broke apart, and no one around them is sure exactly why?
All people know is there was a big fight, that ended up with Willow vanishing, and Scarlet and Coal having a lot of grumpiness with each other. The story is mostly about others around then(their friends and family), trying to figure out what happened…
Along with some cool action story-esq stuff in the background, hehe.
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ciderjacks · 2 years
me watching the newest MQ episode: wow this is so good, really reminds me of why I love this show so much! And I love how the characters were written and developed here, it felt like whoever was writing and directing this ep really understands these characters and how to write them we—
*directed by Danny Pudi*
me: ohhhhhhh of course
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Nutcracker lineup ✨❄️🎄🍬💕
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aliencatwafers · 6 months
One of my favorites
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Panel 1
Wafers: You’re one of my favorites
Panel 2
Fawful: Is this meaning Fawful has treatment like that of a beloved king deserving luxury? Right?
Panel 3
Wafers: …
Panel 4
Fawful: R-right?
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showinalittlelife · 10 months
J*ly stans are like cockroaches infesting my house and no matter how much anti-cockroach spray I buy they always find ways to get on my nerves it doesn’t matter how many I crush, or how many times I move they’re like tiny parasites finding their way to me through every crack and one day I’ll just burn my entire house down with them all inside and live a peaceful life.
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sapphicdib · 8 months
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THEATRE ‼️ 💛 💥🔥✨🧡⚡️
#theatre gives me shrimp emotions that are sometimes hard to articulate other than ‘THEATRE ‼️💛💥🔥✨🧡⚡️’ but yeah! theatre! i love it so much!#the other week in the theatre class i’m taking this semester we got in groups and in turn performed a scene from twelfth night#which was super fun! it was the scene where viola and and olivia meet for the first time#and it was really neat to see how each group interpreted it#i was the olivia of my group and i made her really assertive / almost kind of aggressive because i interpreted her as trying to hide her#curiosity about viola beyond a very confident/assertive exterior; but some people played her as openly curious; or super mysterious;#or what have you; and it was so interesting!#the department is currently doing twelfth night (which is why we’re studying it in class) so a few classes later the actors playing olivia#and viola came in and performed the same scene; which was also very unique! it was SO COOL :D#they also talked a bunch about their interpretations of their characters and i got some really interesting insight into the characters that#i hadn’t considered before (for example viola’s actor said that she and the director are throwing around the idea of viola dressing as a#man in order to keep her brother alive; because at that point in time she thinks he’s dead)#and when they were done the costume designer for the same show talked to us about her process and showed us a slideshow of her renderings#+ some other relevant stuff which was super cool as i don’t know very much about costume design in general#i learned so much it was soooo cool :D#AND THEN today i saw the production of firebringer i’m working on which was also so cool but i think i’ll make a separate post about that#once i can gather my thoughts#but yeah! THEATRE ‼️💛💥🔥✨🧡⚡️#my words#elliott’s theatre adventures
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