#i’ll probably make some photo edits
midnightsnyx · 8 months
girl at home | mat barzal | part 4
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pairing: mat barzal x fem!reader summary: you’re eighteen when you find yourself pregnant after Mat leaves for hockey. nearly eight years later, Mat finds out about your daughter and you have to deal with the consequences of not telling him about her.
warnings: not edited, angst, mentions of alcohol, pregnancy, food word count: 1.3k authors note: sorry it's late & short but i was sick and then had writers block. i hope u guys like it!! if u like it let me know but if you hate it also let me know. also HUGE thanks to @barzysbaby for the help with this chapter!! it probably wouldn't have been finished without your help! if anyone wants to be added or taken off the tag list, let me know! you can shoot me a dm, send an ask or fill out my tag list form.
requests are open 🫶🏻 masterlist masterpost ask box taglist form
After your unexpected heart-to-heart with Mat, you begin to realize that you’re starting to tread on some thin ice with your relationship with him. Letting those feelings you’d tucked away start to come back was a recipe for disaster because you had Nora to think about. If he really wanted to be a part of her life, the two of you couldn’t start a relationship because if it went wrong, it would ruin the opportunity for him to be in her life comfortably. 
However, the problem is how perceptive Nora can be. 
Letting yourself have ‘just one moment’ with Mat last night was a bad idea because you wake up on the couch the next morning, Mat holding you close, and a grumpy six-year-old demanding breakfast. 
“Eggs please,” Nora demands, curious eyes watching you and Mat. When you make no move to get up off the couch and get her breakfast, she stomps a foot and crosses her arms.
“Grandma said I could have eggs for breakfast,” she says and then pauses before adding: “and she said I could have pancakes. Chocolate chip pancakes.”
“You’re not at grandma’s, are you?” you reply, watching her frown. 
“Well then can you bring me to grandma’s?” she replies without missing a beat.
You open your mouth to tell her no, you won’t be bringing her to grandmas with that attitude when Mat interrupts. 
“I’ll make some pancakes,” he mumbles sleepily, sitting up and pulling you with him. You turn to tell him no but your mouth goes dry because you forgot how good he looks in the morning. You’re staring long enough that he notices and a smirk tugs at his mouth but he doesn’t say anything, instead standing up and offering a hand to Nora. 
“Let’s go make mom some pancakes,” he says and she smiles up at him and it’s just so damn domestic that you want to cry.  
You watch them walk over to the kitchen and start preparing the ingredients while you sit there, trying to pull yourself together. He’s falling so seamlessly into being a parent that you can’t decide how to feel. His attentiveness and patience with her could be temporary and then when he realizes how hard being a parent really is, you’ll be left to clean up the mess he leaves behind. On the other hand, he might be serious about the entire thing and everything could work out.
Nora's giggles catch your attention and you look to see Mat cracking an egg on her forehead like the video he had sent you a few days ago, claiming that he would try it on Nora. Almost as if he can sense that you’re watching them, he looks up and catches your eye and grins, tilting his head slightly.
“You wanna help or just sit there all morning?” he teases so you stand up and make your way to the kitchen to stand next to Nora, kissing the forehead when she grins up at you. 
“How can I help?”
. . .
It was inevitable that the hockey world would catch wind that Mathew Barzal had a child. Whether it was his now ex-girlfriend, or just someone from home that spilled the beans, suddenly all the sports sites had articles up about it. They can't legally say Nora’s name or show photos of her because she’s still a minor, but they can definitely dig up old high school pictures and find your instagram.
It wasn’t hard to put the pieces together for people to realize that you were his baby mama. You had to turn your social media accounts private because you were suddenly having people comment on your photos, and sending DM’s. Most of them weren’t the nicest, accusing you of kid-trapping Mat and while you knew that it was useless to be upset over it, it was hard. They didn’t and would never know the details but it bothered you to no end, and unfortunately, you took your frustration out on Mat, who took whatever you threw at him. You said things you regretted the next morning and he would just smile and tell you it was fine. 
But it wasn’t, and everything crashed down about two weeks after the first article was posted. You woke up to your phone buzzing, calls and texts from your mom, Jax, some other friends and even Liana. 
And a single text from Mat that had just two words, and a link attached.  
baby daddy: I'm sorry. instagram.com/matbarzal 
It was a statement, clearly written by a PR Manager from the Islanders organization. The statement basically said that Mathew Barzal did not in fact have a child. It was just a rumor floating around that a disgruntled fan spread. A lot of people called it bullshit, saying that it was PR cleaning up a mess, which technically they were doing. Then, there were the fans and journalists who did believe the statement and tried to take back whatever they may have said that was mean. 
It wasn’t the things other people were saying about it though, it was what Mat wasn’t saying. After the post, he ghosted you for four days, ignoring all the texts and calls even when they were about Nora. Liana and Nadia still asked to see Nora on the weekend that she normally does so you dropped her off Friday evening, noticing that Mat’s car was nowhere to be seen. Nadia and Liana didn’t say anything about the situation, just thanking you for letting Nora stay over for the night and promising to call if anything came up. You didn’t have anything planned so you went back to your apartment, hoping to catch up on some overdue work you’d been letting pile up.
Halfway through writing a draft for a chapter, there’s a knock on your door. You’re once again suspecting it to be Nadia or Liana with Nora but you come face to face with Mat.
His eyes are trained on the ground, refusing to meet yours. There are a thousand things you want to say, most of them not nice at all but what comes out is: “beer?” 
His head shoots up, clearly not expecting that response from you but he nods his head and walks in when you step to the side. He toes off his shoes and walks straight towards the kitchen. By instinct, he opens the fridge to get himself a drink and then pauses, looking at you sheepishly.
“Water,” you reply and he nods, passing you a bottle of water. You both sit at the kitchen island, drinking your respectable drinks in silence until he clears his throat.
“I’m sorry,” he says. “I didn’t know that they were going to write that. Our public relations manager wrote it and just told me to post it. My agent asked her to clean things up a little because it was getting out of hand. I didn’t want to hurt you or Nora, I swear.” 
“It’s too late for that,” you say sharply. “You said you want to be in Nora’s life but she can’t be a secret, Mat! You can’t say you want to try, and then turn around and tell the world that she’s not yours. If you’re not going to be in this one-hundred percent, then you shouldn’t be here at all.” 
He must take your last statement as a dismissal because he stands up, slips his shoes on and leaves, closing the door a little harder than necessary. 
You sit in silence far too long, part of you foolishly hoping that Mat will come back but you know he won’t. Not today at least. So, you go back to working on your draft but you can’t focus. Part of you wants to try and put yourself in his shoes, to try and understand why he didn’t fight harder against what public relations wanted but you can’t. You can’t imagine not being Nora’s mom and you wonder if maybe this is the way out he was hoping for. Maybe he decided that being a parent was fun for a little while, but when he understood the real consequences and struggles that come along with it, he realized he didn’t want it. That he didn’t want Nora.
Maybe this is his out.
tag list: @literatureluster @dasiysthings @barzyblogbabe @teapartydreams @diary-of-jj @heatherawoowoo @fallinallincurls @topguncultleader @shadowsndaisies @lovinbarzal
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artbykhuggs · 2 months
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The Shadowhand
Finally taking the leap and posting some of my cosplay photos for the first time! Essek’s character and story arc is one of my all-time favorites in any piece of media, and this cosplay was really a labor of love.
💜 Essek Thelyss created by Matthew Mercer for Critical Role 💜 Cosplay and Beacon prop made by me 💜 Photography by me
(additional notes below the fold)
In addition to making the actual cosplay, the beacon prop, and trying body-paint for the first time, I also fulfilled a long-time dream of trying short hair by getting a real-life Essek haircut (15 inches off).
I’ll probably post photos that show the actual outfit and makeup eventually (once I work up the nerve), but I also just love how these photos turned out! They are both single, long-exposure photographs, and are not edited beyond a slight contrast adjustment and removing a couple tiny artifacts caused by dust on the camera lens.
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jayskaiart · 3 months
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and i can finally post all of them together 😭❤️ someday i’ll add more characters…. maybe…. i really wanted to draw athena and juniper :’) but for now i think i will let this series rest! but i might draw more casual outfits in other fanart and comics because i love drawing my faves in silly outfits instead of their canon designs lmfao <3
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+ all the improvement comparisons lol! 🩵 [ EDIT: I just realized i didnt put the comparison for maya and franziska 😭 i lost the comparison edits i did back in 2023 and i can’t add more photos here for some reason lol im sorryyyy ] the 2021 drawings were actually some of my first aa drawings, and the first posts that reached the fandom! so they were my introduction to the community and the beginning of the insanity (this is probably the franchise i’ve drawn the most fanart of for now 🥲). seeing the improvement makes me feel really happy and also a bit nostalgic ksckjdkdc i love these games and im very happy i got to play them and join this fandom <3
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scudslut · 3 months
em's masterlist/guidelines
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fluff - 𐙚 || smut - ♱ || angst - ✾
➳ Daryl Dixon
one-shots: sins and honey flavored sweetness 𐙚 ♱ ✾ heartsease 𐙚 ♱ a summer wasting 𐙚 midnight refreshments 𐙚 a new years surprise 𐙚 ♱ lazy mornings 𐙚 stay with me 𐙚 ✾ too sweet ♱
drabbles: taste me ♱ head w/ daryl 𐙚♱ daryl’s uncut ♱ s4 daryl 𐙚 ♱ ✾
➳ Scud Frohmeyer
one-shots: take me however you want too ♱
drabbles: cockwarming w/ scud ♱ scuds a slut (canonically) ♱
➳ My Edits
normy's bday dhl burn, burn, burn
please send requests!
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About Me!
em | 20 | gemini
hi everyone! this is so long awaited (i’m legit so lazy) but finally i have a masterlist/about me!
╰─▸ my names emma, i’m obviously in love w daryl dixon/norman reedus. i love to write and make edits — u guys should totally follow my tiktok account @mrsemmadixon or otherwise known as scudslut;)
i met norman jdkskajajs at the nyc comic con 2023, he signed the back of my phone case, i’ll actually die on a fucking hill. yes, he’s just as godly in person.
in my day to day life i work with animals 10 hours a day, they are my main passion aside from writing and whatnot, so if i post a photo of a really cute dog i met, that’s why lmao.
i have 2 cats right now, my baby lily i got last year and sophie who i’ve had since i was a kid. typically we rescue all our animals!
i deal with extreme anxiety and depression from a major accident that happened in my life a few years ago (so if i don’t respond or have trouble posting sometimes… that’s why and i really hope everyone understands.)
I love, love, love music. I play the piano and guitar, probably not very good but who cares. some of my all time favorite artists are.. and here we go on a rampage... deftones, cigsaftersex, wheezer, nirvana, mac, frank, lana, djo, catpower, the vines, dinosaur jr, 21 sav, labi siffre, the kills, tom odell, basement, strokes, velvet underground, kendrick, norah jones, red hot chilies, the smiths, billy idol, the cure, no vacation, mazzy star, fleetwood, empire of the sun, pinegrove, otis redding, neil young, etta james, summer walker, motley crue, guns'n'roses, foo fighters, biggie, shady, drake, nelly, jay-z, $uici$ide boys, gucci, trippie... and so much more, my music taste is actually bipolar.
on that note, i actually have a playlist for daryl + norman (music he reposts/i think he’d like) lmk if u want me so share them.
i’m canadian, born and raised.
my parents are both extreme alcoholics, so i suffer from a multitude of childhood traumas as well as current ones. we love it here!:) but id like to think i relate to daryl in some sense, if its the only comfort i get from it.
i love pasta and wine so fucking much, if u don’t we are gonna have issues…
i spend my time either at my job, reading, writing, editing or spending time with some close friends.
and that’s pretty much me!:)
please feel free to ask me questions or request fics, i will absolutely love to do them! (as long as they follow guidelines) if your unsure, just message me to clarify! i won’t ever leave u on read, i promise!
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My Guidelines:
absolutely no rape/SA/even slight connotations of it.
no incest.
hitting, slapping, or any extreme violence during play, is a no. (daryl loves to smack your ass when he hits it from the back… that’s okay… but he would. not. hit you.)
age play - i will dabble in this but nothing major where reader is barely an adult. the most i’ll do is early/mid 20’s and daryl is his canon age.
oh yes, and i will write for all norman reedus characters! if you want someone else, messsage/ask me!
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gifs/dividers from @cafekitsune
© scudslut - all works are my own. please do not steal, copy, translate or modify any of my work!
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averysmolbear · 1 year
Caught in the Act
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Pairing: Reiner Braun x f!reader
Word count: ~ 5.2k
CW: Minors do not interact, smut, f!reader, modern AU, slightly self ship coded (but not in a noticible way, I hope!) basic pet names used (princess, babe, etc), established relationship, light teasing, male masturbation (briefly), fingering, unprotected sex, creampie, cursing, not proofread, and if I'm missing any tags, please let me know so I can add them!
A/N: It's been awhile since I've tried writing smut so this is the first time in awhile and I'm still rusty so it's not nearly as descriptive as I could be but hopefully that'll come back to me as I attempt to write more little bits like this. This wasn't proofread so it'll probably have some mistakes that I'll maybe edit later.
Summary: You and Reiner have the day off but as you have plans earlier in the day, you decide to text your boyfriend a teasing photo while you're out. When you return home, you catch Reiner in the middle of pleasuring himself, which leads to you facing the consequences of sending the photo to him in the first place.
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Reiner hated that he wasn’t going to get to see you nearly as much as he wanted today. The two of you had the next two days off but you had appointments scheduled and you planned on going to lunch with your best friend. All of which meant that he was going to have to find things to do while you were out. You had already written out the grocery list and as much as the blond man didn’t want to go shopping on his own, he knew it would be something he could do so he didn’t spend all day at home pouting because he couldn’t cuddle with you on the couch.
As usual, Reiner woke before you and as much as he wanted to wake you up with kisses, he knew where that would lead and you had already warned him last night that he would have to keep his hands to himself as much as possible until you got home again. So he settled for gently brushing some hair out of your face before softly saying your name.
You woke up, blinking slowly as your eyes adjusted to the dim light in your bedroom. You smiled lazily at your boyfriend and leaned in to steal a soft kiss, laughing when Reiner grunted when you pulled back. You rolled out of bed, feeling Reiner’s honey colored eyes watching your every move. You glanced over your shoulder at him with a raised eyebrow and watched as he climbed out of bed as well.
“I’ll go make us breakfast,” you said by the time you were halfway out the door.
Reiner watched you walk out of the room with a sigh before getting out of bed as well. He dug out some clothes from the closet to pull on, not worrying too much about what he was going to wear. By the time he joined you in the kitchen, you were already cooking pancakes for the two of you. He huffed softly as he sat down at the table to watch you. What he really wanted to be doing was standing behind you with his arms around your waist but he didn’t want to incur your wrath either so he was trying harder than usual to behave himself.
You laughed as you glanced back to see him sitting at the kitchen table with his head in his hand, pouting. You shook your head at Reiner’s dramatics but didn’t beckon him over like you usually would. If he was going to try to keep his hands to himself, you weren’t going to try to tempt him. You didn’t have much time this morning before you knew you had to leave for a handful of routine doctor’s appointments. Today was the first day you had enough free time to schedule the appointments. Had you known in advance that Reiner was going to have the day off today too, you would have put off the appointments a little longer so you could have today and tomorrow all to yourselves.
You set a plate down in front of Reiner before sitting down by him. Your foot absently started to brush along his calf and he nearly choked on some of his breakfast when he felt it. The only reason you stopped was because you could see the way his face started to flush and how his chest was starting to rise and fall erratically.
You both chatted a little, with you reminding him that you should be home around 3 that afternoon and then you would be all his. It was a lot of time for your boyfriend to try to fill so he wouldn’t think of you too much but Reiner thought he could do it. When you got up from the table to get ready to clear it, he jumped up to do it first, shaking his head as he took the plates from your hands.
“Go get ready, babe. I’ve got this,” he said before leaning down to kiss you, the plates balanced in one hand. Unlike when you kissed him earlier, Reiner was slower to pull away from your soft, plump lips. When he did, he grinned to himself at the slightly dazed look on your face. “I’ll see you around 3.”
You headed for your bedroom, laying out your outfit for the day on the bed, before you shuffled off to take a shower. Reiner heard the water running and groaned to himself as he finished loading the dishwasher. The temptation to try to join you in the shower was almost too much for him to take. He headed down the hallway, stopping at the bathroom door and taking a deep breath. He had to steel his nerves before opening the door because he didn’t think he would have the willpower to stop himself from joining you otherwise.
“Y/N?” Reiner called out softly, poking his head in the door. If he stepped into the steamy room, he knew he would lose all resolve so he lingered at the door. “I’m gonna head out to go grocery shopping. If you think of anything that you need or want that’s not on the list, just text me.”
“Okay,” you said, not even bothering to look over toward the door. You knew what would happen if you did and you were still trying not to tempt the blond man. “Everything should be on the list though.”
“Mhm,” was Reiner’s absent-minded reply as he stared at the glass shower doors, just able to make out your form as he watched you. He suddenly shook his head when he realized what he was doing, clearing his throat. “I’ll see you around 3. I love you.”
You turned off the shower just as Reiner spoke but you didn’t move to exit the shower just yet. “I love you too, Rei.”
He quickly shut the door, feeling his pulse already starting to quicken the moment the water turned off. Reiner closed his eyes as he leaned his back on the door, trying to get his mind off of the thought of you naked on the other side of the door. He knew he could resist but part of him really didn’t want to wait until later today to ravage you. When he heard the blow dryer going, Reiner took another deep breath and pushed off of the door to put on his shoes.
It wasn’t long before he left, not wanting to linger too much longer. If he focused on the errands that he had to run, he would make it through the day. At least that was his hope. He knew he could probably even run to the gym to work off some of the sexual tension that he was feeling this morning. Anything to keep his mind off of you.
You hadn’t heard Reiner leave but you slipped out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around yourself nonetheless. The house was quiet so you knew he had probably left. When you got to the bedroom, an idea started to form in your head. You wanted to give Reiner something to look forward to so you made sure you put on his favorite bra and panties set. It was one that he had picked out for you when you had been out shopping together and any time that you wore it, Reiner couldn’t keep his hands to himself.
Once you had it on, you moved to the full length mirror on your closet door, snapping a picture of yourself. You smiled a little at the photo after taking it and decided to wait to send it to Reiner later. You checked the time and knew you had to rush to get ready but you were out the door just in time to hopefully make it to your first doctor’s appointment on time.
*** *** *** ***
You had finished most of your doctor’s appointments and were now waiting in line at the pharmacy to pick up your prescriptions and some vitamins and supplements when your friend texted you about lunch. You texted her back that you would meet her in 20 minutes. Since your phone was still open, you smirked to yourself as you quickly sent Reiner the picture you had taken earlier with a ‘can’t wait to see you at 3’ added for good measure. You already knew what Reiner’s reaction would be when he saw the photo so you knew you would be in for it when you got home but that was the whole point.
Once you got everything and paid, you headed out to your car. Your phone went off and you checked it once you were in the car only to find what amounted to a keyboard smash from Reiner. It was quickly followed by a text calling you a little minx, telling you he was going to make sure you won’t be able to walk tomorrow. With a smirk, you texted back to tell him that was your hope before tucking your phone away so you could drive.
*** *** *** ***
Reiner knew he was going to need to work off the sexual frustration he was starting to feel after your text. He had gotten it while he was eating lunch at a small cafe. He had already shopped and put all of the groceries away at home, busying himself as best as he could. He had even gotten a bouquet of flowers to put on the kitchen table to surprise you. Since he didn’t want to be stuck at home, he had decided to go grab some lunch and to make a stop at a shop that he knew you liked where they sold handmade chocolates.
He had barely started to eat his lunch when the text arrived and immediately Reiner was shifting in his chair, trying to readjust himself. Your response hadn’t done anything to calm him down either. Reiner closed his eyes and softly groaned, trying to think of anything other than that photo you had sent him. That was when he decided the gym would be his next stop instead. His gym bag was still in the trunk of the car so he wouldn’t have to stop at home for anything.
He put his phone in his pocket to stop himself from looking at it again before he focused on the food in front of him. It was taking more of his willpower than he thought to keep his mind off of you though. But he knew he could do it. Because he knew when you got home, he was going to bend you over the arm of the couch if he had to so he could remind you how much he missed you.
*** *** *** ***
You had been surprised that Reiner hadn’t tried calling or texting you again but you made it through lunch without hearing from him. Your last appointment, the one with your therapist, was canceled due to your therapist having a family emergency so you headed straight home, hoping to surprise your boyfriend. You parked and headed for the door with a little bounce in your step, excited to see Reiner again after spending most of the day away from him.
When you opened the door, you heard the soft sounds of Reiner moaning and whimpering from the living room. You bit your bottom lip softly, feeling your breath catch for a moment before you slipped off your shoes. You quietly set your keys on the table by the door and left your purse by the door. You didn’t want to disturb Reiner after all as you started toward the living room. The sounds only got louder as you got closer and you could already feel your excitement growing.
You stopped in the doorway, softly gasping at the sight before you. Reiner was sitting on the couch, his t-shirt pulled up to expose his abs and a bit of his chest. He had his sweatpants pulled down just enough to free his cock, which he was furiously pumping with one hand while holding his phone in the other. You didn’t have to get any closer to know what it was that he had his eyes fixed on as he fucked his fist.
You could feel your body heating up, the throbbing between your legs starting to grow. If you kept silently watching Reiner, you knew that feeling would become unbearable but you also knew that he wouldn’t leave you unsatisfied once he became aware of your presence. The waiting would make it sweeter or that was what you kept telling yourself as you felt your legs shake just from hearing Reiner whimpering your name as his hand pumped faster and faster.
The phone fell from his hand as his head fell back, eyes closing as his hips bucked up to meet his own thrusts. His chest rose and fell frantically as he started to cum, the sticky stream coating his stomach as he continued to work himself through his orgasm. It was clear that he was trying to coax out every last drop as he grunted and groaned, your name obscenely slipping out from his slightly parted lips as Reiner started to pant softly.
“Fuck, baby,” you murmured but you clearly spoke louder than you had meant because you saw Reiner’s eyes open to fix his soft gaze on your face. Without realizing what you were doing, you had started to walk toward him, watching as his face flushed.
Reiner’s blush spread all the way to his ears as his face heated up with embarrassment. He started to quickly clean himself up, muttering some sort of apology as if you weren’t supposed to see him doing that just now. He pulled down his shirt and pulled up his pants as you stopped at the edge of the couch.
“You act like I’ve never seen you do that before,” you teased, your eyes slowly looking him over. “I’m usually the one getting all shy while you watch.”
Reiner swallowed thickly, shaking his head. “You weren’t supposed to be home yet.”
You let out a soft laugh as you sat down on the arm of the couch. You saw the way your boyfriend looked you over though, his pupils still blown and a lustful look in his golden colored eyes. Your body trembled a little as he started to shift to stand up, looking up at him with your eyes widened. Before he reached you, you slipped off of the arm of the couch and started to back away from Reiner, giggling softly.
He followed you, moving slowly but deliberately. He was like a predator stalking his prey. He wasn’t in any hurry because he knew it wouldn’t be long before he had you trapped. You weren’t looking at where you were going but Reiner knew that soon your back would be up against the wall. You let out a soft oof as your back hit the wall and Reiner chuckled, quickly closing the gap between the two of you now.
He pressed his large muscular body against yours, licking his lips. He looked like he was about to devour the most delicious meal ever and honestly that wasn’t too far from the truth because he was ready to devour you. His hands moved down the sides of your body slowly until he was able to lace his fingers with yours. He chuckled when you offered no resistance to him, pinning your hands above your head.
Reiner held them there with one large hand wrapped around both of your delicate wrists. He looked down at you with an almost lopsided grin on his face. He used his other arm to lift you easily and you immediately wrapped your legs around his waist. He pressed his hips hard against yours and you let out a gasp as you felt that he was hard again already.
When he captured your lips in a kiss, it was rough and hungry. His tongue didn’t politely ask for entrance into your mouth. Instead he pushed his tongue into your mouth forcefully but you didn’t hesitate to part your lips for him when you realized what Reiner wanted. You moaned against his lips, your hips rolling a little against him but he didn’t stop. He wanted to remind you that you were his with this heated kiss.
Just when you started to feel dizzy, needing to catch your breath, he finally pulled back from your lips. His lips were soon trailing messy kisses along your jaw as he worked his way toward the side of your neck. You tilted your head enough to give Reiner more access to the soft, sensitive skin of your throat and he took full advantage. He soon had you moaning and whimpering his name as his lips and teeth grazed your skin. He made sure to suck on the most sensitive spot at the crook of your neck, leaving a mark behind.
You were panting as he pressed himself against you a little harder, rocking his hips so his clothed cock rubbed against you. You whined softly, his name falling from your lips once more as you struggled slightly in his grasp. There was no getting away from him and he enjoyed the way you tried to squirm with his body pressed up against yours.
“You’re not going anywhere, princess,” Reiner roughly whispered before his lips brushed against your neck again.
“Please, Reiner,” you whined, begging him for something. It was difficult to say if you were trying to get him to loosen his hold on your wrists or if you wanted more of him although it was likely a combination of the two. You wanted to touch him, to show him how much you wanted him. The best you could do while pinned to the wall was to attempt to grind your hips against his.
He groaned as you moved in just the right way to create a delicious amount of friction between your bodies. It was only a hint of what would come but his hand released its hold of your wrists as he moved to slip that hand under your shirt until he was cupping and massaging your breast. You gasped but one of your arms wrapped around his shoulders as your right hand slipped into his hair.
As your nails lightly scratched his scalp, the movement of Reiner’s hips became a bit more deliberate. Each movement was nearly a thrust of his still covered cock against your still clothed pussy. Your back arched away from the wall as much as you could with your much larger and stronger boyfriend still pressed against you.
Reiner pulled you away from the wall, one arm firmly holding you against him although your legs around his waist helped. He didn’t say a word as he carried you to the bedroom, leaning down so your back was now pressed against the firm mattress of your bed. Immediately his lips were back on your throat even as he started to undress you. You were just as eager, pulling up his t-shirt and whining when you couldn’t get it over his head because his lips were still attached to your skin.
Reiner chuckled softly but he pulled back and let you remove his shirt, taking the opportunity to do the same to you. Both pieces of clothing were haphazardly tossed to the floor and soon after almost all of the clothes you both wore were lying in random spots on the floor. Reiner was completely naked but you were still in that bra and panty set you had put on this morning to tease him. He smirked as he looked down at you, letting his fingers play a little with one of the straps of your bra.
He let his eyes slowly drink in your form as you laid beneath him, a hunger in his eyes that was greater than any you had ever seen there before. He was kneeling on the bed, his knees on either side of your thighs. “Mm, kinda wanna fuck you just like this, love,” Reiner said, almost growling the words as he let his fingers trace the curves of your breasts. Soon his hands were trailing down your body and he chuckled as he watched you shiver and squirm beneath him.
His hands stopped at your hips and it wasn’t long before you were trying to spread your legs a little more for your boyfriend as one of his large hands slipped down between your legs. Every brush of his fingers on bare skin made your whole body tingle but when his hand reached the crotch of the lacy panties you wore, you nearly whined for more. He let two fingers slide in the side of your panties, slowly teasing you as he let his fingers explore a bit.
Reiner smirked at the soft whimpers that fell from your lips as your hips rolled upward slightly. You couldn’t seem to form words while he took control like this, your head too dizzy to focus on anything that wasn’t Reiner’s touch. He tsked softly and shook his head even as the tips of his fingers dipped inside of you, making you gasp.
“You’re so wet already for me already,” he said even as he pushed his fingers deeper, watching your eyes flutter closed. Reiner reached his left hand up, lightly grasping your chin and tugging to tilt your head up slightly. “Uh-uh, princess. Eyes on me.”
You slowly opened your eyes as you felt the pad of Reiner’s thumb brushing and tugging at your bottom lip. You parted your lips and bit down on his thumb before leaning your head up enough to take the very tip of his thumb into your mouth to suck on it softly. If you weren’t so wrapped up in the way Reiner already had you feeling dizzy as his two fingers pumped in and out of your pussy, you might have smirked at him when you heard your boyfriend grunt softly at the feeling of your lips on his thumb.
His long, thick fingers continued to work your core, groaning as he could feel your walls tightening around his fingers. Reiner slowly pulled his thumb from your mouth and reached down to pull the crotch of your panties to the side a little better, allowing him to push his fingers even deeper inside of you. His thumb, still wet with your spit, started to lazily circle your clit, making your back arch gently off of the mattress.
“You look so pretty like this,” he softly said as he quickened his pace, his cock almost aching. But Reiner wasn’t stopping until he made you come undone for him with just his fingers. He could feel how close you were already but he didn’t let up the pace, wanting to give you every bit of pleasure he could. “Fuck, y/n, you feel so good.”
You wanted to respond but anything that wasn’t a moan or Reiner’s name seemed to die on your tongue before you could form a response. Your hands were gripping the sheets beneath you, tugging on them as your hips rolled up to meet the thrust of his fingers. He knew just how to touch you so it wouldn’t be long now but you also knew if Reiner wanted to prolong this, he could. His fingers found that sensitive spot inside of you, hitting it just right with each thrust to make you lose all sense of thought.
“A-almost,” was the only word you could gasp out before your back was gently arching off the mattress again, your lips parted in a soundless moan.
Reiner groaned, his thumb changing the pattern he used to rub your clit. He felt your walls tighten even more around his fingers and his hips actually bucked at the sensation but he never took his eyes off of your face. He could see the blissed out look your features took on as he felt you starting to cum.
“That’s it, baby,” he cooed even as you whined softly, your body writhing beneath him. His fingers continued to work to draw out the pleasure you felt. He was almost certain that the sheets would be soaked by the time he was through with you tonight. “Shit, you look so good like this. Just a mess for me.”
You couldn’t keep your eyes open as Reiner continued to finger you through your orgasm, your toes curling as you repeated his name like a prayer. Your hips were rolling to meet each thrust of his fingers and you felt his cock brush against your inner thigh, which nearly caused you to cum all over again.
Reiner slowed his thrusts as he heard you whimpering, easing his fingers out of you with a self-satisfied smile on his lips. He waited until you were looking at him again, your chest heaving as you tried to catch your breath. Then he slipped his fingers, wet with your slick, into his mouth. He hummed around his own fingers, licking and sucking every bit of wetness off of them.
“Reiner,” you whined, your hips rolling gently in anticipation. You wanted more. You wanted him inside of you. You wanted all of him but you could tell Reiner was enjoying the tease right now. Still you watched him intently as his fingers slipped out of his mouth and he started to lean toward you.
You reached up and pulled him down toward you, making the blond man chuckle at your eagerness. Still he pressed his lips against yours, taking his time as he kissed you. You could taste yourself on his lips as you parted yours to brush your tongue along his seam of Reiner’s lips. He moaned as his lips parted and you slipped your tongue inside his mouth. Your kiss was hungry and filled with your desire for him and he started to ease the tip of his weeping cock inside of you as you continued to kiss.
Your nails lightly dug into the back of his broad shoulders as you moaned into his mouth. His hips moved to ease more of his throbbing cock inside of you as your right hand slid up until your fingers tangled into his short cropped blond hair. Your hips rolled forward as if to help him enter you completely and Reiner’s hands slid down until he was gripping your hips, holding you still as he paused his movements.
You whined softly as he pulled back from the kiss, trying to wiggle gently against his hold but it was no use. You weren’t going anywhere as Reiner kept his cock sheathed inside of you, both of you breathing heavily. Your eyes rolled back the moment that Reiner’s hips began to move again, pulling back and snapping forward. You tugged at his hair as his pace began to build slowly.
“That’s it, princess,” Reiner cooed, his voice rough with desire. His thrusts were growing rougher with each movement that he made. His eyes were heavy lidded but he didn’t pull his gaze from you, wanting to see every expression as he pounded into your pussy. “Take it. Take all of it.” 
It wasn’t long before the only sounds filling the room were the lewd sounds of skin meeting skin with each thrust of Reiner’s hips and the desperate whines and moans coming from each of you. He reached one hand out to grip the headboard while the other held on to your hip to keep you pinned to the mattress. Each of you panted and whispered moans as Reiner’s pace quickened.
“Ahh- ahh- fuck!” he groaned as he felt your walls tightening around his cock. His hips stuttered a little before he recaptured that steady rhythm from moments earlier. “You close, baby? Huh? F-fuck … come for me then.”
Your heels pressed a little into the backs of Reiner’s thighs, causing his thrusts to become shorter but no less rough. If anything, he found that he was able to fuck you harder and faster this way. Your eyes rolled back as your neck arched gently and Reiner took the opportunity to kiss and suck on the soft skin of your throat, trying to leave more marks on your skin so there would be no doubt who you belonged to.
Your orgasm ripped through your body suddenly, like a coil in your belly suddenly snapped, and it seemed to pull your boyfriend right along with you. He was whining softly as he came without warning, filling you with his cum. His thrusts were erratic but they didn’t stop as he rode out his own wave of pleasure. Reiner was panting as he finally slowed to a stop, pulling out of you with a sigh.
Your eyes fluttered open as you fixed your slightly dazed eyes on the man that was leaning over you. He was supporting most of his upper body weight with his arms as he watched you start to come back down from the high of him making you come. You couldn’t feel it yet but in the morning your body was going to be sore and there would be bruises on your hips and anywhere that Reiner had deemed fit to bite down or suck on your skin. Right now you were still running on adrenaline as you smiled lazily back up at Reiner.
He reached out and lightly brushed away some of the hair that had stuck to your sweaty forehead. He heard you hum softly, making him laugh. You were clearly still too blissed out to form words. Once he had caught his breath enough to speak, however, he shifted slightly to lay on his side beside you, pulling your body tight against his own before softly whispering near your ear.
“I’m going to get a bath going for us,” Reiner said as you turned your head toward him. He watched you nod and laughed yet again as you attempted to steal a kiss although your lips connected with the tip of his nose instead. “I’ll strip the bed and get the sheets washed too. Okay?”
You nodded as you felt him carding his fingers gently through your hair. You attempted to get up when Reiner moved and he shook his head at you. Still you stood on shaky legs, causing your boyfriend to swoop in and scoop you into his arms, carrying you bridal style as he headed for the bathroom.
“So stubborn,” he teased and you laughed softly as you rested your head on his shoulder. He carefully set you on your feet near the toilet and you held on to the counter while Reiner started to run the water, checking the temperature before plugging the tub to let it fill with the warm water.
“I’ll be right back,” he said as he headed to the door and again you nodded silently.
Once he was out of the room, you stripped down and quickly used the bathroom. You tried to clean yourself up a little but you ended up sitting on the lid of the toilet as you waited for Reiner to return. He smiled softly as he saw you sitting there before he quickly turned off the water. He held out his hand to you and helped you into the tub, moving to sit behind you. You sat between his legs and leaned your back against his chest, letting out a soft sigh.
In the quiet of the bathroom, the two of you let your bodies relax and your tense muscles unwind. Reiner held you, placing soft kisses along your shoulder occasionally. And while the two of you still had the rest of the night to yourselves, this moment was all that you needed.
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dsm--v · 4 months
ok this post probably won’t make sense to a lot of you but.
pinterest culture…?
i’m not talking about the, like, recipes side of pinterest, or the aesthetic photos side of pinterest. i’m talking about the pretty specific subsection of like, tumblr screenshots and badly edited facebook memes, and mentally ill gay teenagers. i myself, am on this side of pinterest, i’ll admit.
there’s some, like, niche pinterest micro celebrities, for example, pickle man, erm what the frick, johnny the mommy, etc etc. whenever they’re seen in a comment section, there’s at least one person saying “omg you’re everywhere!1!!11”
another example, pinterest commenters are special. there’s like…inside jokes, just like on tumblr, but..idk
here’s an example:
(some kind of weird/oddly horny post)
person a: let’s remember our digital footprint guys !
(replying) person b: foot 🤤
(replying to b) person c: i have feelings for you
you can probably find that exact thread if you just look through the comments a bit. now, this type of thing is fine, of course, we all love inside jokes.
but, starting off as a pinterest kid, that became like, ingrained in my brain, so whenever im on tumblr my immediate reaction is to say shit like, “i want you” “i have a crush on you” instead of just “what”.
another thing, pinterest fucking sucks. and everyone on there (the gay side of pinterest, i mean) knows it. the ui sucks, especially on the browser version, the dms hardly work, and pins just disappear sometimes. lots of brands (i guess?) will take like ‘memes’ and upload it to pinterest, to get people to click, and take them to some shitty article. this leads to, fuckin idk, a picture of some tumblr post with the ifunny logo, and the title of the pin is like Top Ten Ways Wives Aren’t Satisfying Their Husbands.
pinterest hate culture, is also very interesting. for example, if you mention, say, ed sheeran, or look for ed sheeran pins, it’s so. much. hate. and then there’s troll/bait accounts, that exclusively make posts going against the grain so they’ll get attention. because there’s another thing, pinterest users fucking suck at ignoring bait. the boyfriends comic (? i think it’s called that) has so much hate on there. i’ve never even read it but i know so much from people talking about how shit it is. those pinterest kids are crazy, they talk to the obvious bait accs and tell them to “sayori challenge” (video game character that took her own life). i could go into the mogai/xenogender discourse but that’s a whole other post.
so. pinterest. it’s crazy.
why’d i write all this but i can’t write one fucking science paper oh my god.
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itsharleystuff · 10 months
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Read part one here.
— 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: dbf!Joel Miller x afab!fem reader (no outbreak au).
— 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 10.6k (once again, I’m sorry)
— 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: after your steamy encounter with Joel during your homecoming party, things between you have been stagnant. Although, fate seems to be on your side when both Sarah and your dad have to leave town for a short while.
— 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬/𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬: 18+ content (minors dni!), sex, p in v sex, Joel hits it from behind, blowjobs, some teasing, a bit of spanking, pet names (darling, sweetheart, honey), unprotected sex (pls do not attempt), cum eating, taking nsfw photos, Joel tries to be dom but fails, age gap (reader is twenty four, Joel is late forties), reader is kind of a brat, fluff and feelings (yes, this is a warning), alcohol consumption, brief mention of family death. Barely edited, sorryyy. No use of y/n.
—A/N: this can be read as a stand-alone but I suggest reading the previous part for a better understanding. Btw, there’s a couple of Easter eggs from the game in this! Also— I tried making a moodboard and I’m not sure how I feel about it. I’ll probably stick to gifs in the future, lol.
“I like Indiana Jones," you babble, taking a sip from your coffee without looking at anyone in specific. "I was twelve and in love with Harrison Ford..."
"Okay, so that's one movie we're definitely not going to watch." Sarah chimes in, lazily chewing on her scrambled eggs. "How do you feel about Robert Pattinson?"
"That depends," you reply, moving your head side to side in a contemplative manner, "are we talking twilight or Harry Potter?"
You hear your dad snort on the other side of the table and see Joel chuckling beside him. Sarah crosses both arms over her chest and raises a brow at them. “What's so funny?"
"Nothing," your dad clears his throat and side-eyes his friend. "Just thought you two were a bit old for those crappy vampire movies. Maybe watch-"
"Forgive me, but I don't think it's a good idea to take recommendations from either of you," you cut him off, leaning back on your chair. "You're both obsessed with die hard, think The Godfather is incredibly complex and in your spare time watch construction programs. We'll be fine on our own."
It's been three weeks since your homecoming party, and ever since then it has become a habit to have breakfast together every weekend. Today, Saturday, it was the Miller's turn to cook, which consequently had you and your father sitting at their table. As of now, you and Sarah were discussing your movie night, which had to be postponed due to her road-trip to San Antonio— apparently, she and her friend Ellie were going to visit some college campuses there.
It's also been three weeks since that little, hot encounter you and Joel had in your kitchen. And, contrary to your better judgement, both of you were more than eager to spend some extra time alone. Things since then had been uneasy, specially when being surrounded by others; always worried that someone might notice those stolen looks you'd share or sense the palpable tension that rose when you would stand too close to each other.
You try not to think about it. Except when you do. A swirl of memories would come flooding your mind in the most inappropriate moments, creating that heat that made you remember exactly how his fingers felt inside you, his tongue between your folds, the sloppy kisses and that feral, hungry look in his eyes while eating you out, touching you like you were the most precious thing on earth.
"How about pride and prejudice?" the girl wonders, standing up to clean her dishes and snapping you back to reality.
"Shit, I love period dramas!" your dad shoots you a reproachful glare at your language, but you chose to ignore it. "As a matter of fact, most of my designs are inspired by the Victorian and regency eras."
"Oh, yeah," Sarah recalls, "I remember I read about it in one of your blogs. Dad showed it to me, by the way..." Joel clears his throat loudly, making her giggle.
Although she had mentioned it before, it was still kind of weird that he acknowledged your work. At first you thought it was merely because he wanted to connect with you somehow, but lately he'd been asking if he could see your new sketches and would let you borrow some old magazines he had around the house. Your best friend, Sophie, mentioned he might've been trying to show his interest in you subconsciously. And she was that one psychic friend who believed in zodiac signs and angel numbers, so you decided to believe her.
In that moment, your dad receives an incoming call on his cellphone; he excuses himself and heads to the living room. Your eyes lock with Joel's, and the fact that he was uninhibitedly staring back at you drew a smug smile on your face.
"Are you interested in fashion, Mr. Miller?" he sulks out a dry 'no', but you could see him fidget with his watch nervously. "Pity. I thought maybe you could model some of my male designs."
Sarah genuinely cracks up at your comment, slapping one hand on the table. "You want dad to pose for you? Seriously?"
"Why not? I brought my Polaroid camera, I can get some very nice shots." You were partially joking, but deep down you just wanted to see how he'd react.
"I mean, I know dad's got his charm with women, or so they keep saying-"
"No way anyone says that," he rambles.
"But the idea of him modeling is probably the funniest thing I've ever heard."
The fact was that you didn't want to take pictures of him so anyone else could see them. You wanted them exclusively for yourself. A couple of naughty Polaroids to keep around for whenever you were aching for him —which has been nearly every fucking night since your arrival—.
"It was a silly idea," you finally agree, shrugging. Joel stands to take his things to the sink. "Do you really have to leave for the weekend? You're like, my only friend here."
"Uh, about that..." she leans in towards you and you can practically smell a scheme on her. "Would you be mad if I gave your number to someone?"
You can quite literally feel the man standing behind you tense up. "Huh?"
"Yeah, like... To a guy." She moves in her place, but there's still no answer from you. "He's my English teacher. His name is Will and he's super smart, young, really funny and very handsome, I might add. I believe he can be your new male model." Sarah adds that last bit with a grin.
When you turn your head to see Joel, there was a deep scowl etching on his face, his body remaining still as a stone.
"I don't know... As friends, maybe." You weren't sure why, but the idea of meeting anyone new didn't really sound appealing.
She opened her mouth to say something but before she could actually do so, your dad walked in again. He appeared upset, gesturing nonsense and muttering impassively.
"What's wrong?" your tone comes out concerned.
"I have a meeting in Boston," he sighed, resting a hand on your shoulder apologetically. "Apparently it's urgent and I have to catch the next flight if I want to be there by nightfall."
"Oh, don't worry," you smile at him warmly. "I understand. Besides, I'm an adult. I can manage a weekend by myself."
He nods, still seemingly aloof. "I know but- I just wanted to spend some more time with you."
And of course you wanted that too, but saying it out loud could literally bring him to quit his job. He was always very extreme when it came down to you.
"What time d’you leave?" his friend asks him.
"Half past four. Why?"
"I can drop Sarah off at Ellie's and then drive you to the airport, if you'd like." Such a caring friend, Joel Miller. So selfless. Helping your dad out, attending his daughter's every special need...
"Yeah, thanks a lot, man. Take care of my little girl while I'm away."
You see his eyes gleam with a mix of unknown emotions, "Will do."
The last few days had been no less than torment for Joel. Each moment that went by in which he didn't get a chance to be near you had him losing his mind. Badly. And it wasn't necessarily a physical thing— not always, at least.
Every morning, he would wake up and go to work, knowing for certain that when he comes back home he'll find you hanging around with Sarah or sitting out on your porch with a sketching notebook on your lap.
He liked to guess what you'd be doing.
Would you be playing board games with his daughter? Watching a movie or baking desserts? Maybe you were thrift shopping with your dad or simply going to the mall. And later on, when he finally gets to see you again, you'd tell him all about it.
Joel also liked to imagine what kind of clothes you'd be wearing. One thing he noticed is that you never stick to one particular style or aesthetic. One day you could be wearing pastel sundresses with ribbons in your hair; the next one could be long, black skirts paired with basic tank tops and multiple necklaces, or even something more extravagant, depending on your mood.
Seeing you was an experience— one that he could never get tired of. It's like every time he sets his eyes on you there's a certain color palette that changes constantly, or the feeling of gathering all your favorite songs into one playlist and then hitting the shuffle button. He never knows what to expect. Hence why he had given up on trying to relate you to the silly things around; like seasons, animals, artists or foods. Instead, he started associating you with feelings.
You were creative, unique and incredibly fearless. In a way, you made him feel uneasy, excited, thrilled, confident and many more emotions at the same time. If he had to describe you in one word, he'd say evoking.
Oh, how you pestered his brain.
He hated how much he thought about you, and how little guilt he felt from it.
Right now he was sitting on the drivers seat of his truck, waiting at the airport's parking lot. You asked him if you could walk your dad to his corresponding gate and he agreed. The downside: it had started to rain, probably not too bad for your dad's flight to be delayed but enough for your clothes to get soaked on your way back.
"Shit, I'm sorry," you muttered, shutting the passenger's door behind you. “The seats are gonna get all wet..."
"Here," Joel takes off his jacket to place it over your shoulders.
It feels warm and it smells like him, "Thanks."
He starts the car without saying anything else, keeping his eyes glued to the road. You, on the other hand, could not stop staring at him. Now that no one else was around, there was no shame in admiring his side profile, the way his muscles flexed and his hands grasped the wheel. There was something inherently attractive about men driving, but- Jesus... This image had your mind roaming around dark places.
Suddenly, realization sinks in— you're alone.
Alone with him.
"I, uh..." he taps the wheel with his thumb, still avoiding your gaze. "I wanted to take you out for dinner. The weather kinda ruined it."
The corners of your mouth hitch up in a silly smile. "Too bad. I really didn't want to be alone tonight."
Joel hums, appearing somewhat distraught. In reality, he was fighting for his life. The clothes you chose to wear today were not fitted for the rain; denim mini-skirt, high pair of boots and a white top that complimented your upper body. He tried not to look at the raindrops rolling down your thighs or note how transparent your shirt has become, forcing himself to stare at your hands and the many rings that decorated your fingers, seeing there the one he gifted you.
"How about you come over to my place?" you suggest, trying to catch his attention. "I'll need a shower and a change of clothes but... Maybe we can do something afterwards."
His tongue darts out to lick his lips, still avoiding your gaze, "Like what?"
This time your voice goes lower, a smirk spreads across your face and something in your eyes flickers; a darker, sensual spark.
"Oh, you know..." your hand carefully comes to rest on his knee. His thigh tenses but he doesn't say or do anything to push you away. "Whatever you want."
He swallows hard, feeling the pads of your fingers run circles on his leg, your nails mildly scratching over the jeans in a way that raises goosebumps on his skin and eases his nerves.
"I've got a better idea," he says, keeping his tone calm —barely—. "Why don't you come to my house instead?"
Your eyebrows shot up in surprise, "Sure, but- what about my clothes?"
And then he smiles cockily, as if this had been his plan all along, "Wear mine."
Well, there was absolutely no way you were going to turn him down. With a bit more boldness, you slide your hand a few inches up his inner thigh, still rubbing soothing patterns. His jaw clenched, but remained silent and apparently unbothered.
"Joel?" his name rolled off your tongue sweetly, in a way only you knew how to. He uttered a 'hm?' in retort. "Did you miss me?"
"I've seen you nearly every day," he answers playfully.
You laugh, stopping your movements and simply resting your palm there. "So... No?"
"Didn't say that, darlin'." The truck suddenly stops at a red light as he exhales heavily, giving in to you at last. "But I'll let you guess."
A push and pull game, like a cat chasing a mouse. Your smirk widens. "I don't think so. Not as much as I have."
His eyes scan your body from head to toe, the way you sit with your legs slightly parted, back laying flat against the seat and face turned towards him with heated cheeks and low gaze. Unexpectedly, your hand draws back from his lap as you start looking through your purse and a frown forms on his face, baffled by the loss of contact.
"Which is why..." you take the Polaroid camera out and see a whole shift in his eyes, like he's about to burst in laughter. "I brought this."
"No," despite his categorical denial, you still held the object up.
"You have a green light," he curses under his breath and you hold back a chuckle. "Just let me have one, please."
He sighs in defeat, "Why'd you want that?"
The rain had started to settle down but the air was still pretty cold, all that could be heard besides your own voices being the drops that crashed against the car.
"Cause you're handsome," he rolls his eyes sarcastically. "And I like you."
Hell, you were always so straightforward. It made his heart jump inside his chest, wondering if it was gonna burst out.
"You won't like me as much once you meet that Will dude," Joel prattles through gritted teeth, remembering his daughter's suggestion from earlier.
"The guy Sarah mentioned?" your brows furrow subtly. "Why? What's up with him?"
He yanks his head to the side, glancing over at you for a second, "Nothin'. Just thinkin' out loud." In spite of your puzzled expression, he decides to grant your wish. "I'll let ya' take it. But only if I get one in return."
Your lips purse in a smile, "As many as you like, Miller."
He doesn't say anything in response, but his grin doesn’t fade either and you managed to capture it on paper. The image slowly started to become visible and your first thought was how well it captured the whole 'Joel Miller' essence. It was a simple photo of him driving with one hand on the wheel and the other arm thrown lazily over the backseat. That denim shirt hugged his arms exquisitely, the rolled-up sleeves adding to his appeal. He was looking at you when it was taken, so you could see more than half his face— and the way he was grinning, you couldn't help but think he appeared so much younger when he did that. The entire thing felt so much like him: snuggly, blue, genuine and you absolutely loved it.
"There," you show it to him as he started to pull over. "Isn't it nice?"
"Just keep it to yourself, aight?" the man grumbles.
"F'course," with a spark of joy, you slide the photo inside your wallet. "Wouldn't want anyone else peeking at that gorgeous smile of yours. That's a treasure of my own."
"Shut up-" he rumbled, turning his face the other way and opening the door, seemingly flustered. And out of all the amazing things you've accomplished in your life, making this rugged looking man blush was probably your greatest pride.
When he helps you out of the car, holding your hand firmly and cleaving to your waist; you wanted nothing more than to kiss him under the pouring rain, wildly and unhinged, just like last time. But this particular spot possibly had too many curious eyes of which you were unaware of. He obviously doesn't need to guide you through his house, since you already know nearly every corner of it, except for one. His bedroom. And apparently, that's the precise location he's taking you to.
"Please excuse the mess," he says, placing one hand on the door handle, "I haven't had a woman in here for ages, so I'm afraid I probably won't live up to your expectations."
"Joel," you snort, "it's been a decade and a half since you last dated anyone. Trust me, my expectations are pretty low."
He scowls, squinting both eyes. "You didn't have to say it like that..."
It's honestly better than you thought. His bed is nicely done, brown bedsheets striking as warm and welcoming; the walls were painted a pretty, light shade of blue that matched the grayish curtains on the left. The drawers in front of his windows had a bunch of stuff scattered on top of them: a CD player along with a few music discs, some papers, a cap and a pair of reading glasses, batteries, one screwdriver and a framed picture of him and Sarah at the beach. Meanwhile, the nightstand simply had one lamp and an alarm-clock on it. Over the bed's headboard were one poster of a music festival, the image of a landscape and an advert of what you guessed must've been a club, that read 'tacos and beer" on it. The door to the bathroom was on the right.
Messy, yet tidy at the same time. Very Joel-like.
"No way..." you murmur, eyeing the guitar beside his bed. "All this time I thought it was a myth."
"What?" he asks from behind you.
"Dad told me you used to serenade girls back in college and that you wanted to become a singer." A giggle escapes your lips, unable to contain it. "I remember saying he was surely making it up, but..."
"I didn't- I mean..." he clears his throat, scratching the back of his neck and feeling his chest swell with your laughter. "Oh, shut up!"
"Make me." The lingering, mischievous smile on your face made his heart pound and blood rush. "Come on, Miller. Shut me up, I dare you."
His eyes darken, but you don't falter for a second. He doesn't move a muscle, solely watching as you took off his jacket and threw it to the bed.
"You dare me?" his voice goes drops an octave, following your every move closely. "That's rather bold of you, sweetheart."
"Mhm," without breaking eye contact, you start taking off your boots. "And yet you're doing nothing about it."
Joel starts walking towards you slowly, holding your gaze intently. Your hair was damp and your clothes were still wet; it didn't really matter that the air was chilly cause you still felt warm all over. He soon invades your space, cupping your chin in his big hand and lifting your head upwards.
"Well, you're awfully quiet now, aren't ya'?" his hot breath fanned across your cheeks, the gap between your faces being basically invisible.
"I'm just waiting for you to start singing some random song by Alabama or Johnny Cash," you scoff. "Like a good ol' Texan ma-"
He doesn't let you finish the sentence, abruptly crashing his lips into your own. Joel isn't delicate about it and the fervor with which he kisses you makes your body stumble a few steps backwards. Your shoulders hit the wall and he pins you against it as your mouths find a way to mold perfectly, at a much nicer pace than last time. You throw your hands around his neck and let your fingers tangle in the curls around his nape, tasting the fresh mint on his lips. His hands rest on your hips, chests pressed together as the temperature kept rising with each second that went on.
You part your lips in order to grant him deeper access, feeling his tongue slide past your teeth and meeting your own in an ardent, heated way. It was perfect, until he broke apart, looking down at you with an asserted confidence.
"You really know nothing 'bout country music," he says in between shaky breaths, beaming. "S'that what you wanted?"
"Yes," you manage to say.
"Then say 'thank you'," Joel indicates petulantly, stroking your bottom lip with the pad of his thumb. "Go on, don't be such a brat."
You blink twice, your brain still buzzing with the sensation of mouth on you, barely capable of processing anything else. "But I want more..."
"You'll take what I give you."
Shit, when he said it like that- "Thank you."
"That's my girl," he straightened his back, opening the door next to you. "Now, get your pretty ass in the shower before you catch a cold, 'kay?" You roll your eyes and hear him chuckle. "There's clean towers under the sink. You can take some clothes from my drawers, or Sarah's if you feel like it. I don't think she'll mind."
"Understood." He can tell you're annoyed, which he finds funny.
"Don't be mad at me, angel." Joel tugs a strand of hair behind your ear. "Promise I'll make it up to you."
You nod distractedly, lost in the cocky spark on his eyes. "I'm not mad. Just hoping you fuck me real good if you're making me wait for it."
Your words almost make him choke on his own saliva. "Sweetheart, you're making it real hard for me to be a gentleman."
It makes your ego boost, in a sense. "I'll be quick. Can you get something for dinner, though? I'm starving."
"Shit, darlin', pick a struggle," he mocks as you enter the bathroom, "are you horny or hungry?"
"Oh, you jerk!"
6:15 pm.
You take a quick glance at Joel's alarm clock once you come out of the shower. It's been little more than an hour since your dad's plane took off. You hope the rain hadn’t made his flight any difficult, cause the weather turned out to be quite a blessing for you.
The cozy feeling of a nice, warm shower after being soaked under the rain was starting to settle in your bones, making your limbs relax. Then you realize, you smell like Joel. The scent of his soap, his shampoo, even his laundry detergent, is all over you. It's intoxicating in the most fantastic way possible, making your insides burn with a thrill of excitement. You took one on his flannels, —dark green with red stripes— and decided to wear it without anything besides your underwear. It was pretty big anyway, and covered just the necessary areas.
You slid your socks back on when all of the sudden you hear the faint sound of music from the floor beneath. Curious, you walk towards the noise, finding out Joel was in the kitchen, crouched down in front of the opened fridge. The CD player that you saw earlier on his room was now on the table, playing a melody that you recognized almost immediately.
"I like this song," you say, leaning against the wall. "That's Billy Idol, isn't it?"
"Yeah," he recalls, taking out a medium sized plastic box from the fridge. "Tommy made that mix. There's plenty of hits from past decades. I think you'll enjoy it."
The man finally turns around to face you and his face fails to hide his surprise. The way his prying eyes sweep your body in detail, taking his time particularly on your bare thighs, almost made you feel self-conscious if it weren't for that shadow of desire that crossed his eyes and the way his nostrils flared from a contained breath.
"How is he, by the way?" you ask, still on the subject. "Haven't seen him in a while."
"Who?" he clearly forgot what he had just said.
"Your brother," you call to mind, "how is he?"
Joel sets the box down on the table and drifts his gaze back to your face. "Fine, I guess. Last time we spoke he said he'd go to Dallas." He takes two glasses from the pantry and what it looks like a bottle of wine. "I-uh... There isn't any real food in here besides those strawberries and chocolates that this guy brought for Sarah. Should I order something?"
You shake your head and walk over to him, "This will do. Won't she get mad if we eat them, though?"
"Don't think so," he replies, pouring the red liquid into the glasses. "I'll blame you if she does."
"Oh, okay-" you cock an eyebrow at him and hold back a giggle. "Thought you didn't like wine."
"It's a fancy drink," he explains, "s'only for special occasions."
"Oh?" you take a sip from it, eyes boring into his. "And what's tonight's?"
Joel smiles conceitedly, jutting his chin out. "I've got you all to myself."
You snort, feeling the heat soar across your cheeks. He takes the snack box and with a sly gesture asks you to follow him into the living room, the melodic sound of the eighties tune turning to background noise as you do. The only lights on are the ones in the kitchen and the lamps beside the couch, shining a perfect light on his features.
"Come here," he calls, the leather squealing under his weight when he sat down. You set the glass down on the coffee table in front of the tv, going to sit next to him. "No, sweetheart," he grabs your waist and pulls you closer to him. "I meant here."
His legs part slightly, making room for you to sit on his lap. Your smile broadened toward a soft chuckle, settling yourself on his thigh. Joel immediately gets his hands on you, one on your lower back and the other merely resting on your upper leg.
"So, who's this mystery man that's been giving gifts to your darling daughter?" he scoffs in response, reaching for a chocolate from the box.
"Honestly? No fuckin' clue." You hum in surprise, drinking from your wine. "She never involves with them, thank god, and once they meet me they never come by again."
"I see,” you muse, “you're the overprotective type," you bite on a strawberry next.
"I wouldn't say it like that..." he sees the sarcastic glimpse on your expression and holds back laughter. "It's a dad reflex, I can't control it."
"Right, sounds convincing."
You stretch your arm behind the couch, setting your elbow and laying the side of your face on your palm. His face is very close to yours but all you do is simply stare at each other; Joel's big brown eyes glimmer with infatuation. “Can I ask you a question, sweetheart?" he asks lowly. "Somethin' more serious."
You wince in confusion, but still nod, "Sure."
He inhales sharply, taking a couple of seconds to actually say what he meant to. “Why are you here?" your frown deepens at his words. "I mean- Texas. I know you said you wanted to make up for the lost time with your old man, but... I feel like there's something else you're not saying."
It takes a minute for you to really sink in on his question. You nearly gulp down the alcohol before setting the glass down, avoiding his ardent gaze.
"Honestly?" you sigh, "There's so much to unpack that I don't even know where to start."
"Try." Although he didn't sound harsh, the effort he was asking you to put in wasn't something of your liking.
"Well, first of all," you meditate, clearing your throat, "the city didn't feel like home since my mom passed. It made me realize how much I missed here." He nods comprehensively, caressing the exposed skin of your thigh in a reassuring manner. "And then there's this- fear. Yeah, I guess it is fear... I've managed to accomplish so much in such short time that it actually fucking scares me to go any further and see that-" you stop, sighing and shaking your head. "That I've reached my limit."
For a moment, there's just silence floating between you, all that could be heard were the rain and a song by tears for fears.
"Darlin', look at me," he asks softly but you can't bring yourself to do it, embarrassed by your confession. "Please, let me see those pretty eyes of yours."
And it's practically impossible for you to deny him anything. Specially when he asks so nicely, when his hand grabs the side of your face so gently— you give in, just like that.
"You're afraid to succeed because you don't know what to do with yourself afterwards. Is that it?" You nod faintly. "Can I speak frankly?"
"I have a feeling you will anyway-"
"Yeah. A bit of tough love, but you need’a hear it." Joel strokes your cheek sweetly and you get shivers from the affection in the action. "Sweetheart, I know what you're going through. Shit feels like it's either moving too fast or not moving at all. And I know how scary that is. Trust me, there's still plenty of time for you."
You square your eyes to his, "Sure, bet you were frightened when you were twenty four."
"Terrified," he spoke truthfully. "Everyone I knew was getting married, moving out or working their asses off."
"And you?" he grunts, taking a strawberry from the box. "What were you doing?" Joel eats the fruit patiently, simply staring at you silently. "Come ooon, don't play hard to get."
"Gotta promise you won't laugh."
It's a tricky business for someone who makes fun of everything, and yet you simply reply: "I swear."
"Fine," he rasps out in fake annoyance. "I used to make my own guitars and- sell 'em sometimes. I'd also teach guitar lessons and horseback riding."
Your eyes widen in surprise and something flutters in your stomach. "Shit, that's actually pretty cool!"
He groans, rolling his eyes at the same time, "I told you not to make fun of me."
"No, no- I mean it." You shuffle on his lap, resting a hand on his chest. "And you sound passionate about it... Why'd you stop?"
The man shrugs his shoulders, tightening his grip on your waist. "It went well for a couple years but I eventually had to get something more solid. More so after Sarah was born." He takes a deep breath in, the smell of his own shampoo on your hair hitting his nostrils and catching him off-guard.
"You should teach me," you suggest with a smug grin. "I always wanted to learn."
"What, guitar or horseback riding?" he wonders, suddenly nuzzling his face on the crook of your neck.
"Guitar. I'm pretty good at riding, if you must know." You feel him chuckle against your body, his facial hair scratching your sensitive skin.
"We'll see 'bout that," his voice comes out husky as he starts kissing along your jawline.
Joel's common sense jumped out the window long ago, but the string of self control that kept him sane all this time couldn't bear the weight of you wriggling on top of him, semi-naked and with his scent all over you. Something primal took over him, a glimpse of possessiveness that he didn't believe himself capable of feeling towards you specifically. He wanted you to wear that flannel around town so people would look at you and know who it belonged to; whose bed you've been visiting. He wanted you to smell of his cologne so other men would know that you weren't free for them.
Your fingers run through his soft curls, messing his hair while he grabs the back of your thighs and manhandles you onto straddling his lap. He nips and licks over all your vulnerable areas, making your breathing start to labour. How could he possibly know this well the easiest ways to have you so desperate this quick? Leaning into his touch, yearning for him even with the smallest action? He wasn't aware of the answer himself, he just knew.
Joel instinctively throws his head back when you tug at his hair and seize the opportunity to duck down and lay a sweet kiss on his forehead. His hands coast up your thighs, splaying his fingers on your ass to squeeze the flesh. You hold back a giggle, kissing the curve of his nose before catching his soft, soft lips on yours.
He slides an arm around your waist, pressing his palm between your shoulder blades to keep you as close as possible. You feel your nipples harden when his tongue ran along your bottom lip— tauntingly slow, until you allowed him full access to your mouth, letting him taste the sweet mixture of wine and strawberries on your tongue. But his vehemence didn't make you any less eager, kissing him back with just as much passion and vigor, sinking your teeth into his bottom lip and mildly pulling at it with minor strength.
The action ignites a fire within him, seeing you on top, feeling your fingers roam around his cheekbones and along his jawline like you knew just how much fucking power you had over him... It was a new sensation, a new kind of desire he didn't recognize at first.
Joel's lips were swollen and his own excitement was starting to feel evident underneath you, which created a blunt ache between your legs. He usually appeared so big and mean, with those broad shoulders and permanent scowl on his face. Now, though... He seemed like he'd let you do just about anything with him, to him— it didn't really matter as long as you kept staring at him like that; through heavy lids, eyes sparkling with a profound, desperate need that spoke without words, saying 'only you get to see this side of me'.
You start grinding your hips against his, rubbing your clothed core above his growing boner in small, calculated circles as you shore yourself up with a hand to his chest. He merely admired you from his position, letting you have your way with him; all the while his gaze reflected patience, like he could take over the situation any second but enjoyed watching you lead.
"Joel," you call his name, leaning forward to kiss his chin, moving your lips all the way down his throat and feeling the nice scratch of his beard. Your hands grab the collar of his shirt as you come up to whisper in his ear: "Stay still."
Panting, he narrows his eyes in confusion, "What?" Though you don't give him enough time to figure out your words, getting back on your feet and parting his legs further with a light thump of your knee.
He observes your every move quietly, amused by your confidence and determination when you drop to your knees in front of him. Joel's cocky expression doesn't sway, not even when you drag your nails across his inner thigh, inching closer towards his very visible hard on. However, his body betrays him, selling a whole different story. His muscles tense, his jaw clenches and his Adam's apple bobbed up and down.
"Stop being such a fucking tease," he hissed, refusing to place his hands on you.
"Or what?" you drawl, coming to rest your palm on his crotch. A simple, feathery touch that made his pulse accelerate.
"You'll regret it," he warns grimly.
"S'that so?" you start to unbuckle his belt, way too slow for his liking, tugging down the zipper of his jeans. "I think I can handle it."
He smirked, his hand slithers to the back of your scalp and forces you to lock eyes with him. "Don't test your luck, sweetheart."
You pout mockingly, doing exactly the opposite of what he was saying while dragging down the fabric just enough to free his cock. Your new found courage falters for a second, finally seeing him in all his size and girth. He was, by all means, a big one, the amount of precome oozing on the tip telling you just how much he loved being teased, despite whatever words came out of his mouth. The mere sight of it sent a new heated wave of slick between your thighs.
Joel mimicked your expression scornfully, brushing his thumb across your cheekbone, "Too big for ya'?"
"None of that," you wrap your hand around the base, not really applying any pressure; though the sole warmth of your touch was enough to give him goosebumps, "we'll make it fit."
"That's my girl."
With a chuckle, you lower your head to kiss the inside of his thigh, the pads of your fingers softly grazing the veins on his length. His whole body shudders, leaking onto your hand and letting out a subtle gasp as you spread kisses all along his shaft. Your eyes peer into his soul when you gently place your lips to the slit, tasting the salty precome as he calls your name in what resembles a desperate plea. In a swift move, you finally take the tip in your mouth, swirling your tongue around it and deciding to put an end to his suffering. He mutters a gruff 'fuck' when you attempt to take him farther, pumping what you couldn't yet fit and snaking your free hand under the hem of his denim shirt to caress the soft skin of his belly.
"Shit, darlin'-" you feel the heaviness of his palm simply resting on the back of your head, not pushing or forcing you in any way, but allowing you to adapt to his size. "The only way to get ya' to stop talking is with a mouth full of cock, ain't it?"
You hum in response and the sensation is completely enrapturing for Joel, his callused fingers tangle in your hair to ground him as he releases a shaky breath. It's a huge challenge to focus on anything else but him; your mind whirring with a familiar dizziness while you bob your head up and down his shaft, intoxicated by the taste of him, the smell of him and every sound that escapes his lips, making your clit throb with need and your arousal pool in your panties, uncomfortably sticking to your skin.
For Joel, it's overwhelming.
He's never really been the noisy type during sex but heck— you were doing it for him. He's a panting mess above you, his hips buck ever so slightly in tandem with your mouth, trying not to lose it entirely. Your spit drools down his dick and the way your dark, dilated pupils sparkle with lust as you hollow your cheeks around him pulls a groan deep from his throat.
"That's it, you can take it," he coaxes when your nose nudges his pubic bone, the head of his cock hitting the back of your throat. "Good fuckin' girl, just like that..."
Enticed with the praise, you keep repeating the motion, sliding one hand to hold his hipbone for support and feeling his burning skin under your touch whilst the other plays with his balls to aid his pleasure. The obscene slick sounds mix in the air with his hoarse cursing, the rain and the faint music of kings of leon, sex on fire.
He looks so good from this angle, chest rising and falling with heavy, irregular breaths, head thrown back and both hands on you, keeping you angled for his cock. Drops of precum roll on your tongue as you keep changing the pace at which your head moves, tears welling in your eyes and jaw going slack. Shit, you're aching for him so bad that the only thing you can think of to relieve the need is squeeze your thighs together in order to create some friction. And it works, the action eliciting a moan from you that makes him fucking whimper your name.
"Bet your cunt's drippin' just from sucking my dick," he muffles a laugh that turns halfway into a sigh when you pay special attention to the ruddy, sensitive tip. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum-"
You can tell he is by the way his cock twitches in your mouth; his spine straightens at the heat gathering between his legs and he tries to pull you off against your will, uttering a warning that you chose to ignore. Joel's lips part in a throaty groan when he reaches his high, feeling the outline of your fingers digging harshly on his hip, your hand rubbing his length and your tongue lapping at his slit, taking in every single drop of his release until he's spent, right before pressing a soft kiss to it that makes him shiver. And hell— contrary to others, he tasted good; warm and thick, coating your senses.
His heart beats aggressively against his ribs and he loosens his grip on your hair, allowing you to get back on your feet while resting your hands on his waist. Although his eyes are barely open, he can quite literally feel your smile when you chastely kiss his lips. He chuckles breathlessly as you sit beside him, tugging himself back in his pants.
"We're not done yet," he says, grabbing the back of your knee and promptly engulfing your leg around his waist, maneuvering your body so that your back rests against the couch and he's crouched down, caged in the middle of your thighs. "I said I'd make it up to you and I will."
"Well, you've certainly got some stamina in you, old man," you poke fun at him, raising a hand to move those rebellious curls away from his eyes.
Joel smiles, caressing your cheek affectionately. "Always got somethin' to say, don't ya'?"
"Oh, Mr. Miller," you coo, enveloping your arms around his neck, "we both know just how much you love to hear me talk."
"Mhm," he leans down to kiss the corner of your mouth, "yes, I reckon you're right."
His big hand covers nearly half of your face as he holds you still, crashing your lips together. He kisses you deeply, vigorously, in a way that makes you wonder if you could possibly drown in a person's essence. His other palm slides between your bodies to start undoing the buttons of the flannel —his flannel— you were wearing. You can't help but whine when he draws back, watching you from above.
"Joel-" blood rushes through your ears and can feel your cheeks warm up as he takes in the sight of you, his fingers coasting down your throat and to the valley of your breasts, licking his lips when he sees your hardened nipples.
"You're fuckin' beautiful," he speaks freely, without holding back emotion, and it makes your heart skip a beat. "Such a sweet, sweet girl I can't get enough of."
"Then take a picture," you purr, "it'll last longer."
He stares at you through a measuring squint, a lighthearted smile forming on his face. "Since you insist." It takes a moment for you to realize what he means, until you finally recall that there's actually a camera inside your purse; one that he reaches for. "If I remember correctly... You said I could take as many as I like."
You lightly squeeze his waist with your thighs, feeling your whole body burn with anticipation. "I did say that..."
"Let's just pray your dad won't find these hanging around," he ponders, turning your face slightly to the side. "He'll have my head."
"And that would be terrible..."
He takes the Polaroid with one hand, the other coming to grope your breast as he backs off for a better angle, ultimately deciding to wrap his fingers loosely around your neck instead, purely holding you there. You glance at the lens, making your best "fuck me" eyes added to a cheeky smile, hearing him curse under his breath prior to snapping the picture.
"You've got the prettiest fucking tits I've even seen, sweetheart," he snarls, laying a palm flat over your lower abdomen while he waited for the photo.
"Has anyone ever told you you've got such a marvelous way with words?" he suppressed a laugh, safeguarding the picture on the back pocket of his jeans.
"Just a few women." Before you can even begin to act annoyed, he sets the camera aside and leans down to kiss your collarbones, the pad of his thumb kneading circles around your sensitive nipple. "Look at you, honey," he murmurs, "you're so easy to please... Or is it just because of me?"
You're panting, your back arching in response to his constant ministrations, every inch of your skin blushing under his attention. "I think it's-" you're cut off by the sudden need to swallow when he sucks a mark on the vulnerable skin between your breasts, "you."
His body vibrates with a laugh and you feel his hand palm your clothed sex, dragging his tongue over your delicate nipple, gently nibbling at it. You screw your eyes shut and let a single, fluttery moan slide past your lips when his thumb nudges your clit.
"So wet just from giving head?" Joel shakes his head in fake disapproval. "Who knew you were such a horny little thing?"
You are holding onto his bicep for dear life, fearing you might collapse into oblivion if you part from his body. His index glides across your slit over the drenched cotton fabric, making you squirm beneath him.
"You- you tasted good," you babble, mind all over the place. 
"Yeah?" his chest swells with pride, "you should taste yourself, angel," his mouth travels across your abdomen, "sweetest thing I've ever had."
It's pointless trying to conjure a response, you're simply too far gone by now. He hooks your legs over his shoulders and buries his head between your thighs, flattening his tongue against the bundle of nerves. You whimper, running your fingers through his locks and bucking your hips to meet his face.
"Please," you blurt out, "Joel, please..."
"What, sweetheart?" he asks, moving the underwear aside to directly touch your clit, fondling it as he watched your slick coat his fingers. "What do you want?" But you can't conceive an answer, all that could come out of your mouth were those pathetic, desperate moans. "Use your words."
With his free hand he plays with your nipple, grabbing your breast with his entire hand. "I want you."
He tauntingly moves his fingers around your seam, refusing to go any further. "Say it again."
"I want you, Joel."
Cocky bastard.
He licks his fingers clean and starts getting off the couch, leaving you with a confused, dumbfounded expression that nearly makes him crack up.
"You didn't really believe I'd be fucking you on the couch, did ya'?" he teases, but all you can muster up is a barely audible 'oh'. "Come on, let's take this to my room. And don't forget to bring that camera of yours."
Mind still dazing, you obey his instructions, following him silently upstairs as he undoes the buttons of his shirt. For a second, he glances back at you, gifting a soft, reassuring grin before extending his arm to grab your fingers, holding your hand in a pure, intimate touch.
And just for that moment, you forget that he's actually your dad's oldest friend, that he's Sarah's father or any other thought of the sort. He's just Joel. Joel Miller, the only man that has managed to make you feel butterflies in the pit of your stomach, or that made you blush with merely a few compliments.
"Ask me to kiss you," he urges, taking the camera from your hands and carefully placing it on his bedside table, his eyesight fixed on you.
"Kiss me," you don't ask, you downright beg.
He does, though it's not like the previous times. He's tender, almost languid about it. His hands are on your bare hips while yours cup his cheeks; Joel's fingers reach to remove the flannel from your shoulders and moves his lips to the newly exposed skin, murmuring constant admirations. You feel your lungs clench and a tingly sensation on your lower belly.
"I'll take care of you, darlin'." You let the shirt slide down your arms and fall to the floor. "Gonna show you what you've been missin' out on by fooling around with those stupid boys." His words go straight to your core as he takes a step back to sit on the edge of his bed. "Take them off," he gestures to the last piece of clothing on your body.
You compel to his wish, stripping under his prying eyes while he lazily gets rid of his boots. His lips twitch in a smile when he sees the glistening mess he's made of you, promptly dragging you on top of him. Your hands lay flat on his exposed chest shortly before he switches positions, readjusting you on the middle of the bed.
"Joel, please just-" you whine when he keeps playing with your entrance, stretching you with his fingers. Your skin scorches with desire, knees weak from the growing heat on your lower body.
"Stop nagging, sweetheart," he grits through his own lust, his gaze impossibly dark. "I wouldn't want to hurt you."
"Joel, I'm too worked up, I-" you gasp when he curls his fingers inside you, hitting that particular spot that made your toes curl. "Fuck..."
"Come on, baby." He ducks down to kiss the skin behind your ear and his beard tickles nicely. "It's just the two of us now, feel free to be as loud as you need to."
His pants are undone and hanging loosely on his hips, the image being so blatantly erotic that only managed to get you more aroused as you fumble to get rid of his shirt. He chuckles at your eagerness, shrugging it out of the way and haphazardly kicking off his jeans and underwear altogether, discarding them on the floor with the rest of the clothes.
You take a second to revel on his naked figure, his tanned skin, broad shoulders and sturdy chest, the marked collarbones and every noticeable mole. His hair is messy from your fingers, a thin layer of sweat sticks some curls to his temples as his wild, hungry eyes bask in the view of your sopping pussy when he parts your shaky legs further. But the moment of appreciation is brief, both of you being edged and spurred on.
He maneuvers a hand to your lower back and aligns your hips with his, watching the way your hole drips for him, wetting his bedsheets. You're a panting mess beneath him, lightly scratching his shoulder-blades and biting on your bottom lip, looking up at him doe-eyed and all splayed out for him to take. Joel wants to tell you just how badly he's longed for this— how he's been yearning to have you so achingly bad. But right now, feelings overrun his thoughts, especially after hearing his name spilling from your lips, begging for him to take you.
"Relax, darlin'." Joel teases your slit with the head of his cock, rubbing it along your sex and coating it with your slick. Your head tilts backwards, dipping on his pillows, small whines keep spilling from your mouth. "I won't go easy on you."
"Great, cause I don't want you to-" your slurred words get muffled by the sudden feeling of intrusion as he finally buries himself in your cunt, letting out a filthy, guttural groan.
You close your eyes, feeling lightheaded and staggered from the way he was filling you up so nicely, the stretch being a tad painful at first, but the kind of pain that could only ever feel good. Then your whole body quivers from head to toe.
"That's it, you can take it," he mutters, peppering kisses to your chin and collarbones as he bottoms out. "Fuck, you feel divine-" The tight, warm grip you welcome him with resembles nothing he's ever had before. This is new, this is you.
You bear down on his cock, enveloping your legs around his waist and lifting your hips to encourage him. He holds you down with a firm grip around your neck, starting to set a pace with his hips as he draws out and then back in slowly, roughly, making your back arch. Your erect nipples brush against his strong chest and create a delightful friction that has you moaning louder than you could've expected. You're amazed by the way he thrusts into you, somehow mindful to hit every right spot inside you —needless to say that it was something that others could hardly manage before—, his pubic hair tickles the skin below your belly button, sending shivers down your spine that prompt you to drag your nails down his back.
"Look," he indicates, despite your inability to even think straight. "Look," he repeats harshly, using the hand that was on your hips to tilt your head downwards, forcing you to stare at where your bodies connected. It was obscene, the wet noises of your pussy and skin clapping against skin sounding purely pornographic. "Look at the mess you're making."
"Joel, I-" you can't form sentences properly, all your attention being focused on how good he's making you feel. "I'm so close, for god's sake..."
"Lemme help with that," he speaks breathlessly, pining your leg over the crook of his elbow to make his thrusts deeper, more precise. You cry out in bliss, feeling the heat expanding from your stomach to your legs. "Yeah, you're close, I can fuckin' feel it- fuck..."
Your walls flutter around him, squeezing his dick just right. He knows he's in too deep when you call out his name like it's the only word you can remember, when he wallows in the glorious view of your pretty face contorted in pleasure. He looses the grip on your neck and strokes your lower lip with his thumb, prodding you to keep eye contact as your orgasm washes over you. It's electrifying, a feverish kind of sensation that gratifies every nerve on your body.
He rests his forehead on your shoulder, overcame by the intense feeling of euphoria that your body was providing. You realize in that moment that the reason why Joel could fill that void so easily was because he kept prioritizing you above him. Your pleasure was his, too.
"Jesus Christ, Joel-" you mewl when he abruptly pulls out, “… Worth the wait.”
He laughs shakily, kissing your lips shortly. "Turn around, sweetheart. I want to fuck you from behind."
With a buzzing dizziness, you follow his instruction. God, right now you'd do just about anything if he asked you to. You notice movement from his part and patiently wait with your butt up in the air for him to stuff you again; instead, you hear the familiar clicking sound of the Polaroid camera.
"You fucker," you chuckle, "did you just take a picture of my ass?"
"Couldn't help myself," he groans, caressing the soft flesh before lightly slapping it. "You look too damn gorgeous." The hit on your skin burns nicely and you can't hold back the gasp that escapes your lips.
"Shit- do that again..."
You can practically hear his smile when he talks, "You into that?" he repeats the action with a little more force and the pain sends a shock of pure pleasure between your legs, your own fluids dripping down your thighs. "F'course you are, I should've guessed with that attitude of yours."
He plays with your swollen pussy, enjoying your tiny moans and the way your legs tremble as you fist the sheets underneath you, burying your face on his pillow when he spanks you again— this time so hard that it probably left a mark. But before the sting washes away he takes the opportunity to enter you in one swift move, holding your hips steady and trailing his fingers along your spine.
"That's my sweet girl," he praises a midst, starting to grind his cock inside you. "Taking me like you were made for it."
This is way more intense, the angle allowing him to hit deeper, harsher. His gruff moans become more frequent as he speeds up his pace, letting you know just how good you were making him feel. The sensation was purely fantastic, melting every thought away and just leaving Joel Miller to fill you in every sense of the word. His hands are never still, roaming your responsive areas, caressing the most sensitive and always taking care of your aching clit.
You might cry from the overwhelming ecstasy— the way his tip constantly hits the depths of your cunt with each relentless thrust has you seeing stars. Joel gets a thrill from the way you can't seem to get enough of him either, throwing your hips back to meet his unwavering pace, clawing at the pillows and moaning helplessly, pushing him close to his climax.
"Joel, it's too much..." you mumble. "Please, I can't-"
He hunches over you, kissing your nape to ease the overpowering sensations, "Yes, you can. You're a big girl, you can take it." And then your vision goes blurry, all you're able to hear being his disjointed, lewd moans; all you can feel is his hard, hot body flushed to yours, his cock twitching inside you and the wetness of your own body. "That's it, give me another one, baby- fuuuck..."
The buildup is so strong you nearly collapse, feeling yourself tremble as he chases his orgasm, fucking you through yours. His fingers reach your bundle of nerves and apply barely any pressure, which has you coming undone in seconds, absolutely soaking his dick and the sheets beneath you, chanting his name like a prayer. A string of curses falls from his lips as he pulls out and quickly manhandles your fucked out self to lay on your back. He exhales sharply through his nose, spilling his load all over your stomach without even touching himself.
You both stay there for a while, catching your breath and looking intently at each other’s eyes before he rolls over, going limp beside you. You stare blankly at de ceiling, suddenly feeling aggressively aware of your sticky skin covered in sweat and cum, the numbness on your lower body that will surely feel sore in the morning and all the marks he's left dispersed on you. You feel satisfied, fulfilled even. Joy bubbles up your chest and comes out in form of a giggle, one you're unable to hold back.
"What?" he asks, turning his face towards you with a half-smile.
"I don't know, I just..." you shake your head, still laughing. "I don't know."
He chortles in disbelief, holding out a hand to take some tissues from the bedside drawer and going to swipe his mess off your tummy and inner thighs. "Shit, I think I might’ve just fucked the sense out of ya'."
Joel sets himself between your parted legs, laying the weight of his upper body on top of you, resting his chin on your chest, eyes boring into yours. He looks so young like this, despite the greying hair and the small wrinkles, his beautiful brown orbs sparkle ever so brightly under your attentive gaze.
"What will your dad say when he returns and finds out his only daughter has completely lost her mind?" he jokes, cradling you in his big arms.
"Come on," you roll your eyes playfully, "we both know that if I had been in my right mind since the beginning, I probably wouldn't be in your bed right now." He doesn't reply, but his smile doesn't fade either. Joel nuzzles his face on the crook of your neck, kissing your pulse zone briefly before closing his eyes. You run your fingers through his hair, softly massaging his scalp in utter silence.
The wind was howling outside, rustling the tree branches, but at least it wasn't raining anymore. You can feel Joel's heart beating against your ribs, his deep breaths fanning across your shoulder and his unique scent all around you, on you. In spite of the cold air, your naked bodies are warm enough to stay comfortably in this position, at least for a while— however, there's something deep inside you that doesn't want this moment to end.
"Hey," you call him lowly and he hums in response, "can we order pizza?"
He nods faintly, "Anything you want, honey."
If only.
"I'll call," you say. "Any specific requests?"
"As long as there isn't any pineapple on it, we're fine." You glance down at him, almost appalled.
"You don't like pineapple on pizza?"
"No. That's disgusting, come on."
"Oh, grow up!" he opens his mouth to retort, but when he sees your dismayed expression he can merely bark a laugh that you get infected with.
"Order whatever you want," he whispers in your ear. "But you'll have to promise something."
"What's that?" you raise an eyebrow, intrigued.
"Say you'll stay," he murmurs, slightly hesitant. "Stay here and spend the night with me."
The proposal takes you by surprise, so much that you actually stopped breathing. You ponder wether if you could or you should; because, at the end, what would a night really mean? What could possibly change?
Nothing, right?
Besides, no one had to know.
A few moments later you're downstairs looking for your phone, wearing nothing other than his green flannel. Joel decided to take a shower while you ordered the food and you chose to walk around the house, paying attention to the little details you hadn't quite noticed before.
Now that you see it, there are plenty of horse images here and there. Very Texan of Joel, you can't deny. Lots of pictures of Sarah growing up, some of him and Tommy and a good deal with your dad. None of his ex-wife. In fact, there's no proof that she even existed. You decide not too think too hard about it, since it was none of your business after all.
You pour yourself a glass of water and wander your eyes across the amount of pills he usually takes. Anxiety pills, painkillers, vitamins. What could possibly be troubling this middle-aged man so bad? Again, you decide to turn a blind eye and simply pick up the phone, expecting a message from your dad to tell you he arrived in Boston well and safe. Instead, you find that your direct messages in social media have new requests. Curious, you open them to see what the fuzz was about.
This is Will
I don't know if Sarah mentioned me...
I'm her English teacher, haha
I hope you don't find this creepy, your profile popped up in my 'people you may know' section and since Sarah said she wanted to introduce us, I thought I might just say hi 😉
Honestly, with everything that went down you had nearly forgotten about Sarah's 'you should hang out with people your age' speech. And now that you were stalking his profile, he appeared to be maybe a couple years older than you— handsome in a boyish, intelectual way, if that made sense. Apparently, he studied in New York too, and lived in Queens.
Yeah, I reckon she did
What's up, Queens? :)
You don't really expect a reply, not giving much thought to anything in the moment. Though, an involuntary smile twitches your lips when there's a quick message that reads "Not much, Brooklyn" and the writing bubble underneath.
After all, having a friend in Austin wouldn't hurt.
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lfghughes · 11 months
Can you write a best friend piece with Trevor & Jack after a breakup where they joke around with you and try to cheer you up? I recently saw a funny tiktok edit using the start of Paris by Taylor Swift with them going back and forth saying the lines and I feel like I can totally see those 2 getting together and gossiping 😂
Link for reference: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM25pQAvg/
a/n: this tiktok has had me laughing the whole time
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Music filled your bedroom suddenly making you lift your head up from your bed to look at your two best friends. You had so many questions for them. For starters why did they raid your closet for clothing items and your second question was out of all the songs why ‘Good 4 U’ by Olivia Rodrigo. Sitting up on your bed your jaw dropped slightly as both of them started lip syncing to the song. Or well Trevor was lip syncing and Jack was trying his best but it was showing that he never actually sat and listened to it.
A laugh left your lips as you watched them and as the song kept going, the funnier it got until it ended. “It was either that or Taylor Swift. Either way Jack is helpless.” Trevor laughed as he playfully pushed Jack, taking off all the items he had put on from your closet. Jack hopped up onto your bed. “I think I made her laugh more so clearly I helped in some way.” He did make a good point there. “Why exactly did you guys just put on a whole show for me?”
“To help with the whole break up thing, duh.” Trevor pointed out to you. “Oh so I’m not just allowed to sit here and wallow in misery?” You asked and they both shook their heads. This time Trevor jumped up on the bed too. “Not on our watch. Me and Jack are here for your entertainment all night long.” Trevor pointed between him and Jack. “No tears allowed over some loser.” Jack confirmed as he threw a sock at you.
“But guys, just let me be sad about it, it’s healthy to be sad about a break up.” You appreciated them and of course they were able to make you laugh but you knew it would only be a matter of time before your mind went back to the inevitable. “Oh come on, all his outfits were terrible, right Z?” Jack asked Trevor and he of course immediately agreed. “So 2003 unbearable.” Trevors comment made you laugh probably harder than you ever had before.
“I mean did you see his photos on instagram?” Jack asked again and you rolled your eyes at him even though everything he was saying was making you feel better. “You deserve so much better than that guy.” At his words you opened up your arms so both boys could give you a hug. “Thank you both for being the best friends I could ever ask for.” You told them as you gave them a tight hug or as good of a hug as you could with both of them in your arms. “If you want we can go out to a club, get you a new man.”
At Trevors words you just shook your head and laughed, you knew better than to bring these two boys around to be your wingmen. “Why so you could scare off any boy who did try and talk to me? I think I’ll save that for another day when I’m having a girls night.” You told them and both of them looked at you with a horrified look on their faces. “If me and Trevor approve of them then you know they’re the perfect guy.” At this you just rolled your eyes. “Whatever you say Jack, alright I want to see you guys do another song. Taylor Swift this time please.”
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jelly-of-many-ships · 9 months
To anyone looking for a complete list of trailers, vids, and photos released for OFMD season 2, here ya go.
(I’m not rly active on anything other than tumblr rn so i’m sry if I missed smth)
So, first of all we have the official teaser trailer, released on August 30th: TEASER LINK
On September 14th we finally got the full length trailer. I’m assuming we’ve all seen these already: TRAILER LINK
There was a promo vid containing new s2 scenes that some people were getting on their TVs and recording and uploading to twitter. What some people don’t know is that that the official OFMD facebook account recently uploaded the same promo thats actually good quality and not just recording off a tv screen. Anyways if there’s a scene you’ve been seeing but it wasn’t in the trailer or teaser, its probably here: PROMO VID LINK
Here’s the links to some of those twitter vids if you don’t know what i’m talking about: twitter vid, twitter vid, These have the same content as the facebook link, just shitty quality.
Oh also Vico Ortez (plays Jim) posts a lot of s2 things on their tiktok. Nothing with spoilers just BTS (not the k-pop band I swear to god) I guess this doesn’t count but some of it’s rly funny: Vico Ortez tiktok
The first batch of season 2 photos we got were from Vanity fair on august 24th, but those photos plus a bunch of others are now available together somewhere i’ll say in a sec. Here is the article that showed us the first look at s2: VANITY FAIR ARTICLE
So, warner bros discovery gave us an *almost* complete collection of currently released photos. This does include the vanity fair photos but most of these you can’t find anywhere else. they say which episode every photo is from and let you download them too which is pretty cool. The site also has some great articles in the media releases section but they’re not that relevant. Go to the images section to see the s2 pics: S2 PHOTO COLLECTION
The final thing I found was the exclusive photo “The Streamr” posted on twitter. In fact there’s this whole thing happening with the OFMD twitter fandom and The Streamr and apparently they’ve posted exclusive photos that aren’t in the Warner Bros collection. Once again I am not actively on twitter so I don’t really know that much. I was only able to find one exclusive image posted by them but if there are any more please let me know. THE STREAMR EXCLUSIVE PHOTO
EDIT: found another photo on twitter! YET ANOTHER EXCLUSIVE PHOTO
EDIT: There’s a S2 behind the scenes vid from the max YouTube channel and it’s got so many extra clips it’s practically a third trailer!!! Also apparently there are some more articles that just released and I’m a bit busy rn but I’ll find and add them soon behind the scenes vid
that is all that I personally know of but if there is anything else you think should be included please add it or lmk, I want this to be a complete list. If anything new comes out I will try my best to add that as well.
I was pretty confused where everyone was getting all the s2 info and I couldn’t find a complete list anywhere so I decided to make my own. hope this cleared it up for anyone else🤗
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astarionposting · 6 months
I’m at work right now, but I feel like doing gifs/portraits of tavs tonight once I get home… if anyone wants to allow me to borrow their tav/oc to make some gifs and portraits, send me a dm and/or ask into my inbox!! <3
I’ll need all the info for their mods and all the customization stuff so I can apply it into my game. Also an idea of what kind of scene/theme you would like + colour palette (since some may want it different from what I usually do)
If you play on console and maybe are missing out on mods (but have an idea of what your modded tav would look like), I’m happy to do so as well ! 😊
EDIT: forgot to add, the photos will be 4K and I can email the original PNG files to you as well for higher quality downloading. The gifs quality aren’t guaranteed to be suuuper amazing because it honestly depends on the length/colour complexity of the gif, but I can also export a higher quality (over 10mb) gif and send it by email if you wish.
ANOTHER EDIT: A lot of people are concerned about if there are a limited number of slots. I have no limit as of right now and will be taking every request that is sent to me until I impose a limit (which I probably won’t). If I receive a lot, it will just be first come, first serve and MAY take like 2-3 days MAX. I pretty much do nothing with my life except play games, sleep and go to work lol.
Thought i'd do a template to make it easier if you aren't sure what I need to know:
Picture of your tav/oc
Name: Race: Head: Body type: Skintone: Scar: Skin details: Eyes: Body art: Piercings: Makeup: Eyes- Lips- Hairstyle: Haircolour:
head: neck: body: hands: shoes:
(links to your mods)
(what kind of scene/theme did you have in mind?)
(a general colour palette, e.g. cool tones, focus on blue hues, dark and gloomy or warm tones, focusing on orange/yellow tones, bright and cozy)
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A Great and Gruesome Height by @moku_youbi. 
So this bind was a wild ride, with experimentation galore. It’s my 10th bind (HURRAY) and I started this bind knowing I wanted to play with thread, given I had so much fun with the stab binding. I had some red thread which i had originally purchased for the VTE bind - and just the right shade i was going for so i went for it.  
the original idea i was going for was ‘red thread of fate, but make it MURDER’ and so this tidy little concept was born. half way through the design conceptualization phase i had a little epiphany while watching season 3 of hannibal that blood spatter stringing was ALSO red thread and i just couldn’t resist (yes i know hannibal’s little murder tableaus seldom have blood but the string! MORE STRING!) 
More photos under the cut. 
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115559 words || 426 pages
Body Text: Crimson Text 
Chapter Headers: Cormorant Garamond
I quite like the experimentation with body fonts and trying to divert away from regular Garamond. So far, I’ve only used Baskerville, Garamond, Liberation serif and Cardo, but I do like this one. I lack the typography terminology but it feels fancy and posh and something Hannibal would enjoy. 
I also aggressively rounded this book - boy is it ROUND, perhaps a little too so. i had a difficult time getting the spine piece to be as round as I liked. 
Also, it was my first time putting a quote on the first few pages - i have zero regrets. Also featuring my new imprint page with AN ERROR (IT’S DECEMBER 2022 NOW OOPS). 
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I didn’t have enough heat-reactive foil and this fic has 40+ chapters so I could only foil the last couple of chapters which were actually short mini-sequels to this fic which I also added in. I have to say, using a laminator over an iron for heat-reactive foil is MUCH superior. I didn’t have to work myself into a frenzy trying to get an even layer of foil on it. 
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Endpapers are a little bunchy because of the thread. But i had to put butterflies because THE CHRYSALIS has hatched (i will never tire of hannibal metaphors).
See below for the conceptualization phase on cricut and er paper. I have zero art skills and have aphantasia so I had to print it out to try and figure out where everything needed to go. 
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This bind is also the bind where I won my blood sacrifice badge - don’t use rusty tools guys. The spouse had borrowed my rotary cutter to cut wrapping paper for christmas wrapping and is RIGHT-HANDED. Self is LEFT-HANDED. Tool returned to me as is and I did not check if the blade protector was on the correct side as the tool will get flipped direction wise depending on the handedness of the user. So guess who needs to get a tetanus shot today? :joy:
 All in all, still a successful bind. It is a little busy, and if I had to do it again, I might not put the titling on the spine (always a little crooked, cause I roll that way). The Siser gold and silver metallic HTV for the hands fought me the entire way, and I’d probably not use it for such delicate lines - only part of it adhered and it made me very upset at first but since the bind is for myself it’s fine. 
I’d also use a thinner red thread next time (the thick waxed linen thread for leather work doesn’t fuck around, WILL NOT BUY AGAIN) because as you can see 3-4 rounds around the finger looks like it’s choking it and i had some space limitations at the edges. 
Well, a fun idea, with less than perfect execution but I’ll probably do it again one day if i ever summon up the courage to consider making this again (perhaps for the author if i get over my massive to-bind pile). PROBABLY NOT IN WHITE - gad WHITE IS SO SMUDGEY - nothing to remind you how dirty your hands are than white bookcloth. this is off-white pearl BUT fingerprint smudges!!! 
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Resources: Page dividers made by evil-robot-cat here. 
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madi-writes-things · 1 month
Nobody Pt. 5
(C.Sturniolo X Reader)
Chris and Y/N never seemed to get along, but sometimes help comes from the most unexpected places
Word Count: 906
TW: Cursing, SH (not in detail, but it is talked about), Hurt Comfort, Crying, Not Edited, Hangover (again, I’ve never even had a full beer. So this is probably not realistic 🤷‍♀️), Liquid Tylenol (self indulgent, but I personally struggle with swallowing pills. Any thing other than my iron pills is liquid 🫠), mentions of a dead sibling/toxic family, birthday stuff
A/N: I have over 100 photos/videos from the hozier concert… it took so long to find the Chris pics 🙃.
-Madi <3
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Pain. Excruciating pain all throughout my skull and body. I reach out and realize that Chris isn’t in the bed with me. When I finally muster up the strength to open my eyes I see a bottle of water, liquid Tylenol, and a note on the nightstand.
Out filming with the boys, I’ll be back soon. I got you the liquid Tylenol, I know you struggle with pills (especially if you’re nauseous). Make sure you drink plenty of water, and try to eat something :)
I quickly take the accurate dose of Tylenol, nearly in tears about the fact that he remembered my struggle to swallow pills. My hands shake as I lift the water to my lips, my mouth feeling dryer than the Nevada deserts. The thought of eating right now made my stomach churn. I rolled over, and tried to imagine Chris holding me. As much as it sucks, it’s the only way that I can sleep at this point.
Chris’s POV
I hated leaving her alone this morning, but our video is supposed to go up at 6:00 today and we hadn’t even filmed it yet. I left her a little note with some pain meds and water, I honestly hope that she didn’t wake up yet. The thought of her waking up disoriented, without me there is one that I’ve been trying to push to the back of my mind.
“dude, she’s fine. We’re almost home, and she probably just rolled over and went back to sleep if she did wake up.” I look at nick when he says it. I know he’s probably right, but it doesn’t stop the incessant bouncing of my legs.
I finally decide to change the subject to something that I’ve been thinking about for a while. “What are we doing for her birthday?” I know she doesn’t celebrate her birthday usually, but I think she deserves a celebration. Nick and Matt both make faces at me, conveying my thoughts. “Listen, I know that she doesn’t celebrate, and I understand why… but I want to make her feel loved, we’re basically the only family that she has.”
“we’ve tried to do birthday stuff with her…” Matt starts, staring straight ahead. “I promise you, she’ll just cry.”
Before the conversation can continue, we pull up to the house. I’m out of the car before Matt can even get the keys out of the ignition, and I’m up the stairs in no time. When I open the door she’s laying peacefully on her side, the water bottle is empty and the Tylenol has been opened.
she looks so peaceful. Her hair falls gracefully across her face, and her arms wrap around her body. As I get closer I notice something odd about the way she’s lying.
there are obvious tear tracks down her face, and he’s holding herself tight… it resembles the way that I hold her.
I feel hands on my face before I register the fact that I even fell asleep. Soft hands, brushing the hair from my face and pulling me gently from my slumber.
“Hey baby” that when my eyes open. There he is, crouching in front of me. Chris. “There she is.” He’s practically giggling, which makes me smile.
I sit up quickly, making myself a bit dizzy. He just holds me upright, a slight look of worry in his eyes.
Suddenly his hands are on my face again, wiping away my tears. He wasn’t supposed to see that, he can’t know that I cried myself to sleep because he wasn’t there to hold me. That’s not allowed when you’re fake dating someone, you aren’t allowed to need them this much.
I can’t get out of Chris’s bed. I no longer sleep in my own, and as soon as I opened my eyes this morning I regretted it. For a moment, right when I woke up, I felt like it was going to be a normal day… but then I saw the date when I opened my phone.
I contemplate trying to sleep through the day, when I hear the door creak open. I roll over to see Chris balancing a personal sized cake in one hand, and a ballon that says “20” in the other.
I’m crying before he can even make halfway to the bed. As soon as he sees me crying he rushes to set the cake down and comfort me.
“I know baby” there it is again, even when we’re alone it slips out sometimes. I live for the moments that I can pretend that he loves me too. “I know you don’t really celebrate, and I understand why, but I also think that you deserve to feel cared for and celebrated by the family around you.”
now I’m crying even harder.
I hate today, partially because it reminds me of my brother, but also because I feel like I’m not allowed to be happy on a day that centers around him. Growing up, I wasn’t allowed to celebrate, my parents practically refused to acknowledge me on my birthday after his death.
“Here, I had nick get your favorite flavor” he shows me the cake that was formerly sitting on the nightstand. He places two candles into the cake before lighting them. “Make a wish.”
I wish that this wasn’t fake, that someone could actually love me as much as Chris pretends to.
@unbruisable @bernardsbendystraws @sturniolo-fann
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lillylvjy · 7 months
Oh, (the places you’ll go.)
a/n: hello! Um this is a super small fic, um… yeah! Have fun!
warnings: some angst but more hopeful, mentions of abuse (wils father), parents on both sides being assholes, readers parents not excepting them, homophobia, use of baby boy and sunflower, running away together, Wilbur is a year older than reader but nothing to worry about I promise. If I missed any feel free to tell me in the comments!
wc: 1.2k
edited: yes
Wilbur soot x male!reader, Wilbur gold x male!reader
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“why don’t we just leave?”
You looked over to your right to see Wilbur looking at you, brows furrowed as he examined your face as you sat up on the truck bed to look at him.
“What?” You asked with utter confusion on what he meant.
“I’m out of school, you only have a year left. If we left now, we could get you into another school before anything big happens, find a place to stay at until we can afford an actual apartment, and start anew. This place isn’t made for us, sunflower. You know that just as much as I do.” Wilbur explained as he cupped your right cheek with his hand, leaving in closer to you.
Your eyes fluttered as they looked down at your hands, hesitant about this. “Wil, my mom already has my life planned out for me. Already knows what college I’m going to, what girl I’ll probably marry, what I want- what she wants me to do. It’s all in her perfect scrap book, ready to be played out.” You explained as you looked up at Wil with a hurt expression, but not towards him, but towards your mother. Towards her stupid plan she still wants after you told her many times that you don’t want any of that. You want to live in a quiet place and not go to college but rather sell photos you take of the scenery, or maybe open up a shop full of trinkets and treats. Something worth doing. Something that you want to do. Marry a man, maybe even the man in front of you. Who knows what you want and always treats you just the way you want to be treated and more. You wanted what you wanted. But what you wanted wasn’t good enough.
Wilbur sighed as he cupped your face in his hands and rested his forehead on yours. “That’s why we leave. So you don’t have to start that plan she has. So I can get away from my stupid father. And so we can just be us. Just two people in this world who want to live a happy life that is full of happiness and fulfillment. Not, violence and misery. Please, sunflower, please come with me. Leave with me, we can make it work. I know we can.” Wilbur finished off as he pulled you into his embrace and cradled you, patiently waiting for a response.
You didn’t want to leave off of no word but, he had good points. His home life sucked, and yours did too. No one appreciates you two here, everyone seemed against you two for who you were, but I guess we should’ve seen that coming in a small town like this.
“Yeah, fuck it why not!” You said as you looked up at him, smiling at him as his smile spread so wide it reached his ears. The biggest smile you’ve seen from him in months.
Cupping your cheek again, Wilbur gently pulled your lips into a kiss as he pecked your lips again and again and again, giggling and smiling at you as he did.
“We’ll make it my dear. We always do.” Wilbur whispers out as you both pull away.
“Side by side.” You finished as you rested your head in his chest, the sound of his heartbeat pounding against his chest lulling you to sleep as he hums a soft melody.
a week later.
You currently were cleaning Wil’s eye and lip up as it has been freshly cut moments prior by his father, drunk and angry at Wilbur yet again for no reason, punching and slapping him anyways he could. Thank god you were there moments after to help, didn’t look pretty.
“Wil you have to stop moving-“
“We’re leaving tonight.” Wil finished as he looked up at you, a cold expression taking over his face.
Pulling the rag away, you stared at him for a moment before nodding. “Ok. Let me finish this and then I’ll go home and wait. I’m all packed anyways.” You said as you pour rubbing alcohol on the rag and placing it back on his cut, Wilbur groaning and hissing as you did, grabbing onto your waist. “I know, I’m sorry.”
“It’s ok, baby boy. It’s ok. Just stings a little.” Wilbur whispered out as you cleaned his eye and lip, putting cream on them, making sure they were truly disinfected before kissing his forehead.
“All done.” You ran your hands through his curls as he rubbed his hands up and down your back.
“I love you.” Wil says as he kisses you gently on the lips, smiling into the soft and gentle feeling of the moment.
“And I love you.” You finish off as you run his cheek bones with your hands.
two hours later.
‘I’m here, make it quick so people don’t see us.’
You got the text from Wilbur shortly after making sure everything was packed, quickly making advances towards the door with your suitcase and bag in hand. Quickly going outside, you handed your suitcase to Wil as he gave you a reassuring smile.
“It’ll be ok.” He said as he kissed your head. You nodded as you quickly ran back inside, going straight for the kitchen. Finding a piece of paper and pencil, you quickly wrote a simple note.
‘You can’t change me. No one can. Have fun making sure your little plan works now, Mother. Go find someone else to fix.
Sincerely, your gay son.’
You smiled to yourself as you read the message over, making sure she knew her little boy wasn’t so little anymore.
Rushing out the door, you quickly ran over to the passenger seat , taking one last glance at the house you grew up in and taking a deep breath.
You’re going be fine. You’re going to make it.
And with that, you let out a sigh and smile as you close the door, forgetting all of your worries and troubles and leaving them at that house. That god forsaken house that left you nothing.
“You ready?” Wil asks as he started the engine.
“Always.” You replied as you grabbed his free hand and kissed the back of it. “We‘ll make it.”
“Side by side.” Wil smiles at you as he began to back out of the drive way, ready to leave both of your pasts in this shitty town.
Nothings stopping you. Your only worries were getting to the destination and what the future held with you both. Walking side by side through it all. Together.
taglist: @mysticalsoot @maxx-is-dumb12 @enanon (wanna be added to my Wilbur soot Taglist? Send me an ask or dm!)
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- Have a rare pair so rare they never interact in canon? Or even exist in the same canon?
- Is literally only known by a small circle of friends and is completely incomprehensible to the average onlooker?
- CANNOT interact in canon! We are talking the obscurest of obscure. I need to have to hunt these character down and edit them into a photo in order for them to be valid. If I google their names together and can easily find official pictures of them hanging out it’s invalid(exceptions can be made depending on circumstances)
- CAN be from different source material. Literally anything goes!! Anime character and Spongebob? OKAY!!! Two characters from the same show who’ve never interacted?? YES!! I’m looking for ships you need to explain the development of. There needs to be a lore.
- CANNOT have a mass following. Once again, I’m looking for ships that can only be comprehended by a group of friends with insider knowledge. So things like BBC Sherlock’s mormor, despite being a ship wjere one of the characters technically doesn’t exist, doesn’t count on account of being immensely popular and having several hundreds of fics made for them. WE’RE TALKING WEIRD. RANDOM. OBSCURE. There’s gotta be like 5 fics of them MAXIMUM(exceptions can be made if they’re all by the same one or two very dedicated ppl)
- ALL SUBMISSIONS WILL BE JUDGED BY DEDICATION NOT NUMBERS!!! I want you FIGHTING for your LIFE to justify why your blorbos are not only weird but extremely valid to ship. I want to see essays with the same passion and effort youd put into your English paper worth 50% of your grade.
- NO REAL LIFE PEOPLE. streamers count.
- I have full control of who gets in or not. Once again, we are going by dedication, not numbers. Please don’t be upset if your blorbos do not make it in. I f things go well, I’ll probably do this again, so you’ll likely have more chances to see them submitted.
- I DO NOT HAVE ENCYCLOPEDIC KNOWLEDGE OF EVERY MEDIA EVER. while i will go out of my way to do background checks of any character I don’t recognize, I’m not very smart. If a ship gets in that’s in some way notably problematic, I assure you I did not know!! Please just DM me about it if it happens!!!
- I don’t want to see any trash talking towards other opponents. This is a for fun poll! Please have fun. Discover new weird ships to have. Form weird ship polycules with the opponents and kiss or smth. If I see any vile behavior in the polls you will be blocked.
- unfortunately I am a human bound by feelings and bias. This was originally just going to be a ‘weird a3 ships’ thing before I decided to branch out since I doubt I’d get many submissions sticking to one fandom. If you see a lot of a3! Specific ships thats because I have a lot of friends who are all individually buckwild about certain weird ships.
(Should a date be needed I will specify later down the line. I will give more than enough time with a heads up for when I close submissions, so you do not have to worry about being too late to submit your blorbos.)
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mldrgrl · 2 months
Hi, how are you ? I just wanted to say that I miss seeing you on my dash. Lately, I've been re-reading some of my favorites. I lost count of how many times I've read ' the best interest of the child.' Hope to see more of you soon.
PS: How is Tucker doing?
Well hey! Thanks for checking in. Personally things have been a little chaotic for me, but some of it has settled and I’m trying to finish up the story I think I’ve been working on for what…two years now 😬 It’s coming along a little better now than it had been.
Tucker is okaaaaaay. He had dental surgery last month and they had to extract 14 teeth from him and his recovery was a bit rough but he’s on the other side of it now and back to his old sassy self. You can kind of see all the front teeth that are missing now here:
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In other news I got to see Scoop tonight and I actually really liked it! I really didn’t think it’d be that enjoyable going into it, but it was super engaging and fair warning, Gillian is not exactly the main character, even though she’s billed as such. They’re really using her to sell what’s in reality a Billie Piper vehicle. But she is still in it plenty! And here’s a photo from the Q&A after. The woman at the end is the real person BP plays and she was such a delightful human. They could probably make 10 more movies about her. P.S the 92StY has a podcast feed so a lot of these talk backs get posted afterwards. I’d keep my eye on the feed to hear the Q&A.
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Edit: and I forgot to say thank you for the re-reads! ITBIOTC is one I keep thinking I’ll do a short sequel to at some point 🥰
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makethatelevenrings · 11 months
Somewhere Only We Know - FOUR
Chapter Warning: swearing, spoilers for 2x03, mediocre writing
Series Masterlist
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“Fucking hell,” you grunted as you tried to balance a camera bag, your work bag, and the box of treats in your hand while simultaneously attempting to lock your car door. Glancing over your shoulder, you realized with dismay that after succeeding at this, you would somehow have to open the door to the training facility.
“Oi, babes, let me get that for you,” Keeley, your hero and savior, called. She exited her own car and took the large box out of your hands which considerably lightened the load on your arms.
“Y’know, if you needed me to kill someone, I would do it without question,” you gasped out as you finally locked the door to your car. She grinned and bumped her shoulder against yours.
“Good to know. I’ll keep that in mind. What’s today’s treat?”
“Blueberry and strawberry muffins. Blue and red, like Richmond’s colors.”
“Fucking brilliant. Have I told you that yet? You’re fucking brilliant.”
“You’re just trying to butter me up for more sweets.”
Keeley batted her lashes at you and shrugged. “I might be, but I’m not lying. I wouldn’t be opposed to some brandy snaps if you ever make those.”
You chuckled. “I’ll keep it in mind.”
Keeley led the way to the locker rooms through the maze of halls. The blonde announced herself with a loud “knock, knock” before she pushed her way in. You set your camera bag and work bag down so you could take the box and free up her hands.
“Sam, I think I have something you might want to see,” Keeley exclaimed. “You want to look at your photos from the Dubai Air shoot?”
He had taken the photos a few weeks ago and they had the edits done in no time, giving you and Keeley a chance to come up with a few ideas on how to promote it.
“Ooo, yes please. I am very nervous, but also very excited. That’s similar to whenever Colin drives me anywhere in his Lamborghini.”
“Ah, it’s true. It’s way too much car for me,” Colin agreed. Having witnessed him trying to back out of a parking space yesterday, you knew it to be true. The boys gathered around to look at the photo and, of course, they all started ribbing him. In the short time you worked here, you quickly learned that these boys cared deeply for one another but didn’t hesitate to tease them endlessly. Despite the fact that you were still unsure about your place at AFC Richmond, you were warming up to them and, in turn, added onto the teasing when you had the chance.
“Sam, how does it feel to be the new face of teenage vandalism?”
“It’s remarkable. I feel honored,” he jested in earnest.
“Bro, why are you wearing your kit on the plane?” Bumbercatch added.
“It’s the only way they know he’s a footballer.” Jamie Tartt’s insufferable voice piped up above the crowd. Every head turned towards him, including yours. From what Colin had told you, Jamie hadn’t been the kindest guy in the locker room and it certainly seemed as though he had it out for Sam. Probably because Sam was a damn good player and Jamie was, well, an insecure twat.
His face fell and he recognized that his joke didn’t land. It’s hard to land a joke if all you were known for was cruelty. Hefting up the box in your hand, you lifted the lid to display the muffins inside to the boys.
“A little Richmond treat,” you announced before slamming the lid down before Jan Maas could grab one. “That you will receive after practice because there is no way in hell I’m being blamed for you all puking on the pitch.”
“But…” Bumbercatch whined.
“No.” You were firm but your eyes glinted with humor. “If you puke, you owe me a hundred. Do you want to be indebted to me?”
“No, ma’am,” they mumbled and began to disperse. You headed into the office to give Beard a muffin and to also store the box away until after practice. Keeley instructed the boys on joining Bantr as you placed a muffin on his desk.
“Your blueberry muffin,” you announced.
“I could kill a man for your food,” he replied, practically pouncing on the treat.
“I’m…not sure if that’s a joke or not.” But you thanked him nonetheless and tucked your box into the hiding place Beard made for you with the promise that he got first dibs. You walked back out into the locker room just in time to see Jamie fucking Tartt standing up and opening his big mouth. Oh, this had to be good. You leaned against the doorframe to the office and watched him put his proverbial foot in his mouth.
“I know I wasn’t the greatest teammate. I did some shitty things. I said some shitty things. But I want each and every one of you to know that I’m truly sorry and I’m ready to do whatever it takes to make it up to ya. Yeah?.” Was this some kind of Twilight Zone? Or was Jamie Tartt actually apologizing for his behavior?
Silence met his declaration and you almost started to feel bad for the guy when Colin piped up.
“You called me a jaundiced worm.”
“Right, yeah. I’m sorry about that, Colin.”
“In a profile for my hometown paper.” You held back the snort of laughter that threatened to escape you. Sure, Colin was probably the closest friend you’ve made on the team next to Keeley, but jaundiced worm was kind of funny.
“You hit on my mum,” Bumbercatch interjected. “In front of my dad.”
“I apologize for that, Bumbercatch. Please tell your father I’m sorry. And give Janice me best, yeah?”
You muffled your laugh into your hand and turned so your back was to the team. Christ, that was funny as hell. The room descended into shouts, both French and English, as everyone tore into Jamie. Hell, you did start to feel bad for the guy. But he asked for this.
Ted directed the team to go outside for practice and you pushed off the wall, intent on following so you could get some good shots for the various social media platforms. Grabbing your bags, you sidled up next to Colin.
“A jaundiced worm?” you choked out through a laugh. “I’m sorry. It’s not funny. It’s a creative insult, though.”
“My da thought it was next to the funniest thing he’s heard since Thatcher croaked,” he complained.
You patted his shoulder. “Don’t worry, if you were a worm, I’d still be your friend.”
A sniffle from behind you drew your attention to Dani who wiped a tear away. “That was a beautiful thing to say.”
That set off another round of laughter but this time Colin joined in. At least you were able to make him laugh after all the chaos. Practice wasn’t bitterly cold this week, but you were still bundled up in a jacket, gloves, and a Richmond beanie. You wished bitterly that you had a hot coffee or tea right now, but you knew they would be waiting for you back in your office. Fumbling with your camera, you tried to keep your fingers from growing stiff from the cold. Your focus was on the screen in front of you to see if you had enough photos from today so you could go inside.
That’s when you heard someone shout your name.
Your head snapped up just in time to see a ball flying towards you. With a yelp, you ducked and it slammed into the wall behind you before bouncing back and hitting your legs. It stung but it wasn’t as bad as a direct hit.
“Are you alright?” Sam exclaimed as he jogged over. You scooped up the ball and tossed it towards him. He caught it easily, but didn’t leave. This team was full of softies.
“I’m fine, Sam. Truly. I guess that’s a sign I should head in and start editing these.” You lifted your camera with a shrug and then bent down to pick up your bags. Before you straightened up, another voice joined Sam’s.
“I am so, so sorry,” Jamie Tartt apologized. “The ball just got away from me and I put too much power behind it and-”
“It’s not a big deal. No harm, no foul, right? I’m fine. Seriously.”
Sam shot Jamie a dirty look but you didn’t want that. You didn’t want the boys blaming Jamie for a genuine accident. You knew that standing on the edge of the pitch was always a risk. And you hadn’t been paying attention. That was your fault, not his.
“Go practice before Nate blows his whistle,” you said. Maybe you could go get some work done at the cafe Keeley introduced you to. That would get you away from the prying eyes and constant questions. As much as you appreciated working at Richmond, you weren’t the kind of person who would delve their entire being into their work. Everyone here seemed intent on being close-knit and connected. You were just the girl that posted shit on Twitter.
Keeley approved your idea of working at the cafe and reminded you that you didn’t need to constantly update her on your whereabouts. She was a very chill boss and if you kept delivering quality content, she really didn’t care where you got your work done. That found you at a small table tucked into the corner with your laptop in front of you and a half-drunk vanilla latte clasped between your hands. Steam curled off the top of the mug and you inhaled it, drunk on the heady scent of coffee and the warmth it provided.
You were so engrossed in your work that the plate being laid in front of you made you nearly jump out of your skin. Heather, one of the baristas, grinned at your surprise but apologized.
“I didn’t order this,” you protested.
“I know,” she retorted and jabbed her thumb over her shoulder. “He did.”
Jamie Tartt stood at the counter with a to-go cup dangling in his hands and a sheepish smile on his lips. He had some stupid baseball cap on his head that proclaimed him as an ICON and his flashy clothes made you roll your eyes but you gestured for him to join you.
“I just wanted to apologize for almost hitting ya,” he explained. “And I figured you like pastries and stuff so…yeah.”
“Sit down if you’d like,” you offered. He fidgeted for a moment before accepting your offer and sitting across from you. “I’ve been meaning to set up a meeting with you, to be honest.”
“With me? What’d I do? Don’t tell me the jacuzzi pictures are back.”
You suppressed the urge to roll your eyes once more and sighed. “No, I meet with everyone to discuss their social media presence, goals, and management they might work with. It’s to make sure I can cater to you all while building a steady presence.”
He sat back, his eyebrows raised, and nodded. “That…is smart. I’ve got a manager but, I don’t know, I’m not really sure he’s helping me.”
“Is he the one that convinced you to do a reality show?” You hid the disdain over that choice well because he clearly didn’t notice.
“Nah, that was all me. I won’t be doing that again, by the way. I don’t really have any goals, yeah? Nothing for the socials, that is. I should but…” He shrugged. “Gotta figure out what I’m doing with the team first.”
The day’s events flashed through your mind, from him being absolutely demolished in the locker room to the boys ignoring him on the pitch. Jamie looked genuinely defeated by today. His shoulders curved in, giving him the appearance of a boy protecting himself against the world. Something told you that it was a familiar position for him to be in.
“Have you ever considered that the team needs to see you be part of them rather than just hear apologies and see no change?” As you spoke, you unwrapped the muffin and cut it in half before putting one half on the wrapper and placing it in front of you and pushing the plate with the other half in front of him. Jamie opened his mouth to refuse, but you merely raised an eyebrow. He gratefully broke off a piece and ate it, chewing on the sweet as though he was chewing on your words.
“I dunno. I don’t think they’ll ever see me as anything but the twat I was.”
“Then make them see.”
Doubt painted his features, but you weren’t going to entertain his insecurities right now. Instead, you flipped your laptop around and showed him the photo you were editing. “Got any caption ideas for this?”
The two of you sat in the small cafe for nearly three hours, drawing up ideas for posts and analyzing pictures. Jamie was a genuinely funny person when he wasn’t insulting someone and you found yourself laughing at his quips more than you expected.
By the time you realized the sun had set, it was well past the time you normally get home. “Shit, I better get home. I need to prepare stuff for my other job.”
Jamie silently stood as you packed up all your stuff. You expected him to just say his goodbyes and leave you there, but he surprised you once more. He carried the dishes up to the counter and then doubled back to help carry your camera bag and laptop case, leaving you with just your purse.
“It’s dark. I’ll walk you to your car,” he explained.
“Thank you.” He acknowledged your thanks with a dip of his chin and then followed you outside into the cold winter air. You really needed to pull out your bigger coat because it was just going to get colder. Your teeth were chattering by the time you reached your car parked on the street. Jamie stowed your bags in the passenger seat and then he stepped back from your car and shoved his hands in the pockets of his hoodie.
“Well, I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said. You couldn’t stop the small smile from slipping across your lips.
“Yeah. Have a good night, Jamie.”
He waited until you were in the driver's seat before he walked off in search of his own vehicle. Cranking the heat on high, you took a moment to relax back against the soft fabric of your car seat and exhale a deep breath.
Maybe Jamie Tartt wasn’t the twat you thought he was.
Maybe, just maybe, you should practice what you preach and give him a chance to show you that he’s changed.
Tag List: @shiptheship​ @teigo-the-explorer​ @geeksareunique​ @queenofthekill​ @actuallybarb​ @for-fucks-sake-im-alive @maggiecc​ @alipap3​
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