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A Great and Gruesome Height by @moku_youbi. 
So this bind was a wild ride, with experimentation galore. It’s my 10th bind (HURRAY) and I started this bind knowing I wanted to play with thread, given I had so much fun with the stab binding. I had some red thread which i had originally purchased for the VTE bind - and just the right shade i was going for so i went for it.  
the original idea i was going for was ‘red thread of fate, but make it MURDER’ and so this tidy little concept was born. half way through the design conceptualization phase i had a little epiphany while watching season 3 of hannibal that blood spatter stringing was ALSO red thread and i just couldn’t resist (yes i know hannibal’s little murder tableaus seldom have blood but the string! MORE STRING!) 
More photos under the cut. 
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115559 words || 426 pages
Body Text: Crimson Text 
Chapter Headers: Cormorant Garamond
I quite like the experimentation with body fonts and trying to divert away from regular Garamond. So far, I’ve only used Baskerville, Garamond, Liberation serif and Cardo, but I do like this one. I lack the typography terminology but it feels fancy and posh and something Hannibal would enjoy. 
I also aggressively rounded this book - boy is it ROUND, perhaps a little too so. i had a difficult time getting the spine piece to be as round as I liked. 
Also, it was my first time putting a quote on the first few pages - i have zero regrets. Also featuring my new imprint page with AN ERROR (IT’S DECEMBER 2022 NOW OOPS). 
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I didn’t have enough heat-reactive foil and this fic has 40+ chapters so I could only foil the last couple of chapters which were actually short mini-sequels to this fic which I also added in. I have to say, using a laminator over an iron for heat-reactive foil is MUCH superior. I didn’t have to work myself into a frenzy trying to get an even layer of foil on it. 
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Endpapers are a little bunchy because of the thread. But i had to put butterflies because THE CHRYSALIS has hatched (i will never tire of hannibal metaphors).
See below for the conceptualization phase on cricut and er paper. I have zero art skills and have aphantasia so I had to print it out to try and figure out where everything needed to go. 
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This bind is also the bind where I won my blood sacrifice badge - don’t use rusty tools guys. The spouse had borrowed my rotary cutter to cut wrapping paper for christmas wrapping and is RIGHT-HANDED. Self is LEFT-HANDED. Tool returned to me as is and I did not check if the blade protector was on the correct side as the tool will get flipped direction wise depending on the handedness of the user. So guess who needs to get a tetanus shot today? :joy:
 All in all, still a successful bind. It is a little busy, and if I had to do it again, I might not put the titling on the spine (always a little crooked, cause I roll that way). The Siser gold and silver metallic HTV for the hands fought me the entire way, and I’d probably not use it for such delicate lines - only part of it adhered and it made me very upset at first but since the bind is for myself it’s fine. 
I’d also use a thinner red thread next time (the thick waxed linen thread for leather work doesn’t fuck around, WILL NOT BUY AGAIN) because as you can see 3-4 rounds around the finger looks like it’s choking it and i had some space limitations at the edges. 
Well, a fun idea, with less than perfect execution but I’ll probably do it again one day if i ever summon up the courage to consider making this again (perhaps for the author if i get over my massive to-bind pile). PROBABLY NOT IN WHITE - gad WHITE IS SO SMUDGEY - nothing to remind you how dirty your hands are than white bookcloth. this is off-white pearl BUT fingerprint smudges!!! 
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Resources: Page dividers made by evil-robot-cat here. 
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holespoles · 4 months
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Mokuyoubi "Heart"
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danikatze · 11 months
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[ID in alt text]
Mushishi week, day 4! Vigil / Crossover
Obvious crossovers that I've seen (and would love to do one day) are Mononoke and Natsume Yuujinchou, but I've had Yamato from Naruto in the Mushishi world in mind for quite a while! So yeah I did that for this prompt instead :3 This little comic is a lot sillier than what I had in mind back then, but I've given up on that idea for now.
Just love the idea of Yamato living in peace with his Mokuton the way Shinra from chapter one does with his drawings that come to life. Not being used as a lab rat or a secret weapon or whatever. Just a man who can make stuff he likes out of wood that grows from his body lol.
Also also lil note: "Adashino would pay a fortune for this" means "Adashino would love this," not "I'm going to try to sell this kind gift to a friend for a lot of money." I think Ginko will want to keep it.
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toranekooo · 1 year
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let's declare this relationship to the world!
r: @mioulovr
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monanarumis · 1 year
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I don't care if it ruins my image, I'll tell the whole entire world He's the one I love, and I'll declare just how much we love each other!
木曜日のスキャンダル // 2.3.2023
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chiisana-lion · 5 months
working on this animatic rly made me appreciate kawaiiku naritai even more than i already did. thank you narumi sena
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bright eyed mormon boys who i cant seem to avoid at my college campus spreading the word of our lord and savior jesus christ give me 1 chance i could fix you.i could make you worse
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amarriageoftrueminds · 4 months
Saw your tags saying Hannibal fanfiction is the best, I'm new to the fandom, do you have any recs? Love your blog btw!
Thank you Nonny and OOP you're in luck!
I just came across a cracking thread on Twitter t'other day where a bunch of us fannibals were recommending the fandom 'must reads!'
So here the list is so far:
Consenting to Dream (emungere) THE fic.
A Remedy for Love (emungere)
Blackbird (emungere)
Separately to a Wood (emungere)
Taken For Rubies (emungere)
Two Solitudes (emungere) S4
Faded Fantasy (phenobarbital)
Hyacinth House (bluesyturtle)
He Who Pours Out Vengeance (underground) S2 before S2
A Great and Gruesome Height (mokuyoubi) S4
The First Condition of Immortality is Death (onehandedbooks) S4
As Soft, as Wide as Air (blackknightsatellite) S4
The Shape of Me Will Always Be You (missdisoriental)
Shark Tank (xzombiexkittenx)
Bloodline (xzombiexkittenx)
Pi's Lullaby (t_pock)
Wolf And I (t_pock)
We Killed a Dragon Last Night (inameitlater) S4
A Cliff and the Wine Dark Sea (saintsavage) S4
One Way Out Of Many (hellotailor, nakamasmile)
Bright Hair About The Bone (missdisoriental)
Chimera of the Chapel (bleakmidwinter) S4
Eve of Dreams (Le Réveillon des Rêves) (inter_spem_et_metum) S4
Heart and Mouth (disenchanted)
Symbasis (tei)
Lagbrotna (cognomen)
Vorspiel (kareliasweet) S4
Omega Point (cognomen & whiskeyandspite)
Haarlem (spqr)
Heal Your Wolf(hound) Well (devotitonal_doldrums)
Falls the Shadow (littlesystem) my personal most-read fic!
The Fault in My Code (liaS0)
The Unquiet Grave (liaS0)
Flesh and Bone (pragmatichominid)
The Fisherman and the Beast From the Sea (pragmatichominid)
Attachment (pragmatichominid)
The Hole Is Still There (croik)
The Long Weekend (devereauxs_disease)
Each According to Its Kind (chaparral_crown)
Their Beaks Not Yet Turned Red (chaparral_crown)
The Lamb and His Monster (pterodactyl352)
Oddbodies (toffeecape)
This Dangerous Game (missdisoriental)
Page Six (thisbeautifuldrowning)
Bram Stoker's HANNIBAL (dbmars)
Falling Away with You (shotgun_sinner)
Two Slow Dancers, Last One’s Out (antiheroblake) MCD
Nowhere to Ascend but Down (yourminecraftboyfriend)
Overcoming (purefoysgirl)
Paragon (bloodywa2411)
Silence in Heaven (theglintoftherail)
The Mark of His Name (theglintoftherail)
The Mongoose and the Mouse (hiding now)
Between Here and There (deadratz)
Omiai (iesika)
Remember (that you are) to die (13empress) unfinished sadly
What the Water Gave Me (iesika) discontinued but so vivid it's worth reading anyway
And I would recommend looking at this twitter feed, which does nothing but recommend hannigram fics.
Bon appetit. 😈
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witchyficbindery · 1 year
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A Great and Gruesome Height
In his mind, the fall lasts a small eternity. In reality, it's maybe two seconds. Will and Hannibal go over the cliff, just like they planned.
115,559 words / 462 pages
Fic by @moku-youbi
Cover character art & endpapers by @miasmatik
Dust jacket designed by @bambiispots
Okay, here it is: my favorite bind to date! A Great and Gruesome Height by mokuyoubi wasn’t my first Hannigram fic, but it is my favorite so far, and I knew this book deserved something special! This bind needed drama, so I reached out to a fellow binder to collaborate and was THRILLED that the incredibly talented @/ferns.and.fables on Instagram agreed to design this stunning dust jacket with character art by @miasmatik! The case is covered in maroon book cloth with multi layered HTV details. The endpapers are also by miasmatik and I love how macabre and gorgeous they are! I am really obsessed with how this turned out! It truly is this bright—it’s not just the editing! 🤣
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Happy Fanfiction Writers Appreciation Day!!!
For FFWAD, Renegade Bindery runs an event where we bind copies of fics for their authors, and I was super excited to participate and help mod for the event this year.
I had the great pleasure of binding A Great and Gruesome Height for @moku-youbi this year. I had initially bound a copy for myself sometime last year, but had done so in the early days of my fanbinding experience and oh boy, there were so so many flaws with the construction of that book.
I was so excited to be able to update it and make a nicer, fancier copy for the author.
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I decided to go with colibri graphite instead of white this time - i had a terrible experience with the white cloth and I was very excited to do this version entirely in black. For the usage of the thread design on the cover - i used a thinner, less waxed linen thread this time and kept up the tension of the thread as I was stitching the design on the cover, and it looks much better now.
I have also gotten significantly better at doing endbands - and the crowning glory of this bind are its venomous snake endbands (not entirely intentional, but I AM GOING WITH THE VIBES WITH THIS ONE). they look really fucking great with this bind, I love them so so much. I used Crepaldi endpapers from hollanders (with a design that felt very reminiscent of a blood film so i was very excited to use it) and I foiled some of the chapter headings for the additional added-on fics at the end.
All in all, I think the bind turned out well and i faffed about minimally with it, so I was proud to be able to give this copy to an author as an example of my work. I was definitely very thrilled that the author enjoyed the copy and as always, I am absolutely enthused to be able to preserve someone's beautifully written work in a physical form.
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holespoles · 2 years
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veryace-ficrecs · 1 year
Spideypool identity reveal fic rec
This list will include all ratings and tags, so read at your own discretion! :) 
Two Idiots and a Baby by riseofthefallenone - Rated T
Peter’s roommate bails with little notice before the renewal of their lease. Not wanting to give up the apartment, Peter puts out an ad for a new roommate. He didn’t really expect to end up living with a newborn and her “ex-special forces” father, but… Here they are, and he wouldn’t change a thing about it.
cracked halves by Scarlet_Ribbons - Rated M
"So… what is this?" Deadpool asks faux-brightly, even though he looks like he might lose it. Peter takes a deep breath, willing his voice not to crack. "It's, um. Hot water with salt and oregano so I can trick myself into thinking it's soup." (It starts with food. As with most things regarding Deadpool, it hardly ends there.)
hey you (who the fuck are you) by fancastical - Rated T
For some reason, Peter thinks Deadpool knows his secret identity so he thinks its not a big deal to chat with the merc in his civilian identity whenever he bumps into him in various locations. Wade, meanwhile, is confused on why a cute but grouchy nerd keeps talking to him like they know each other but hey, its New York! Eccentrics are everywhere and this guy is really cute and doesn’t seem to mind hanging out with him!
let me explain by jilliancares - Rated G
Wade scoffs, shaking his head and elbowing Peter in the side. “Sure,” he says, sarcastic. “That’s why your spidey-sense doesn’t see me.” Peter’s on the verge of laughing, wanting to join Wade in his amusement, but he freezes. His entire body goes still. He finds himself staring at a roof three buildings over, not even looking at anything. Two blocks away, a car alarm finally shuts off. “I never told you that,” Peter says, the realization startling him. Or: Peter's starting to realize just how much Wade knows about him.
Chiaroscuro by Purple_Mind - Rated T
Peter needs to take a good picture for a college course photography assignment, but can't, for the life of him, find a decent subject, and time is running out. It's a good thing Wade is willing to lend a hand (or, rather, another part of his anatomy). Pure fluff: definitely not half as dirty as that last sentence would have you believe.
Of Blizzards, Coffee, and Jackets by chasing_the_sterek - Rated T
Peter didn't expect agreeing to borrow Deadpool's jacket would lead to his secret identity being found out. Although maybe he should've considered the repercussions before he wore it outside. In civilian clothes.
Lobster Biscuit by Scarlet_Ribbons - Rated T
Peter goes on a terrible, terrible date, cashes in a favor on behalf of Spider-Man, and begs Deadpool to crash it. Deadpool delivers.
Dressed to Thrill by mokuyoubi - Rated T
Wade takes every aspect of Halloween very seriously, right down to the costume. So when he goes as Spider-Man, his costume isn't complete without all the accouterments. There's one person who can help with that, but is he ready to give up his secret identity like that?
It Just Takes One Look by TimidTurnip - Rated T
Peter is running late and doesn't have time to deal with Deadpool on his campus. Especially when he's not wearing his Spider-man suit.
Not One Hundred Percent by HashtagLEH - Rated M
After being drugged at a party, Peter is lucid enough to figure out that he needs help. But who does he even know (and trust) enough that he can just pop up on their doorstep at two in the morning? Meanwhile, Wade would just really like to know who this random college kid is that showed up at his door.
are you sure you wanna' love me? by scarlett_starlett - Rated T
Spider-Man is everything Peter Parker wishes he could be—witty, confident, loud, sassy, and sexy… This is no more apparent to him than when Deadpool walks past him without a second glance the first time they meet. It sucks, considering Peter Parker has an embarrassing crush on the ex-merc.
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fanfic-recs-01 · 1 year
Spideypool Fics
This is just a list of all the Peter Parker/Wade Wilson fics I like on AO3, if you have any recs for me feel free to send me some!
Updated 5/15/24
I Think I Missed a Step ('Cause I'm Fallin' For You) by mokuyoubi
~Peter thinks Wade knows his secret identity, and Wade is really confused by the hot coed who keeps popping up and hanging out with him.~
The Health Benefits and Damages of Being an Avenger by Mushka
~"Tash? You done cleaning up the helpless puppies down there?"
“They’re monkeys. And yes. Status report.”
“I’m up here with Spider-man. He’s bleeding out despite my best efforts. ETA?”~
Join the Club by HashtagLEH 
~Homeless and mute after everything Peter has been through, he somehow makes friends with Deadpool, as Spiderman. And then he meets the Avengers, as Peter.
(Peter is underage here but there’s no romance)~
Peter Parker's Home for the Wayward Villain by BeanieBaby
~A really long redemption story.~
are you sure you wanna' love me? by scarlett_starlett
~Spider-Man is everything Peter Parker wishes he could be—witty, confident, loud, sassy, and sexy…
This is no more apparent to him than when Deadpool walks past him without a second glance the first time they meet. It sucks, considering Peter Parker has an embarrassing crush on the ex-merc.~
Mission by Woodlie
~SHIELD has found where Deadpool lives. Normally, this information would just be added to his file, but a civilian named Peter Parker also lives in the apartment with him.~
Petey and Wade discuss the proper way to go about vigilantism (and maybe they fall in love too) by isaDanCurtisproduction
~Deadpool totally crashes Peter's lunch date with some left-overs Aunt May had inundated him with, and Peter is like "Woah, isn't that that murder guy?" and then it kind of spirals from there. And maybe when Peter first saw Deadpool, decked out with fuzzy panda gloves and enough guns to take down a small monarchy, he should have high-tailed it the other way, but where's the fun in that, right?
buddy you're a boy make a big noise by orphan_account
~Wade’s hanging by one leg from the firescape outside Peter’s seventh floor apartment, katanas sheathed on his back and a gun on each thigh - but he’s frozen like a deer in the headlights, as if Peter poses some sort of threat, standing like an idiot at the open window in sweatpants and no shirt, only a flashlight and a thin smattering of chest hair to defend himself.~
Oblivious In Love by Atsvie
~Peter and Wade are sort of a thing. Everyone knows. Except for Peter.~
Off The Record by crookedswingset
~Peter Parker is a corporate lackey whose sole job is to root out problem executives who waste Oscorp’s money and time. Wade Wilson is a reserve Avenger on the hunt for a prize even Iron Man couldn’t nail down: the real identity of everyone’s favorite webhead.
Too bad most people think Spider-Man is Harry Osborn.~
The 6 Months Peter Parker was Dead by Spongeekat
~Peter is forced to fake his own death to save the lives of his friends and family. Now living as his secret identity of Spider-Man, he must cope with the pain he's causing his adoptive fathers Tony and Steve, as well as Wade- the boyfriend he left behind- while adjusting to the lonely life of a full-time hero. It's not easy when his decision keeps finding ways to haunt him, and it seems his identity is even harder to hide from the Avengers when he's 'dead.'~
Petey and Wade discuss the proper way to go about vigilantism (and maybe they fall in love too) by isaDanCurtisproduction
~Deadpool totally crashes Peter's lunch date with some left-overs Aunt May had inundated him with, and Peter is like "Woah, isn't that that murder guy?" and then it kind of spirals from there. And maybe when Peter first saw Deadpool, decked out with fuzzy panda gloves and enough guns to take down a small monarchy, he should have high-tailed it the other way, but where's the fun in that, right?~
Rich in Love and Life by Adsdragonlover  
~Peter keeps running into Wade out of costume, and, remarkably, Wade's actually interested in him. In Peter Parker. And he keeps paying for Peter's things.~
Imperfect Strangers by oprime  
~Wade Wilson rents out his extra room to the kid that takes all those action shots of Spider-man. Peter something or other. He seems like he'll be an okay roommate and maybe an in with Spidey Cakes but why does everything about him seem so familiar?~
I dunno how to act or if I should be leavin' by sadieb798  
~A sudden weight clamps down on Peter’s right shoulder - a hand, he realizes when the fingers give his arm a brief squeeze - that immediately makes him tense. Why didn’t my spider-sense go off? Peter wonders as he turns to look -And comes face-to-face with Deadpool.~
Hot damn, and you too by Winterchildboobear  
~"How do you know my name?" Wade asked, keeping his voice light as he cocked the gun. The boys body tensed at the click of the metal, sitting up he stared at Wade sombrely, his gaze slightly unfocused.~
Shelter From Cold by torchestogether  
~The snowstorm was too severe for anyone to sleep out on the streets. Peter knew it was a bad idea, but even Deadpool deserved to have someone looking out for him.~
Deadpool's Dating? What the... by Ninjababe  
~Deadpool's dating squeaky clean Peter Parker. SHIELD wants to keep an eye on that.~
Time After Time by glaciya    
~“I can’t let you kill him.” Peter watches as Deadpool goes almost unnaturally still, the only movement coming from when he tilts his head at Peter. The odd tingling his spidey-sense has been making all night gets even worse as Peter tries not to shudder under the heavy weight of Deadpool’s gaze.~
Propositions by stuckybarnes  
~Wade finally convinces a very tired Peter to go to New York Comic-Con with him and enter a Deadpool and Spider-Man cosplay contest, sure they'll win. Obviously. It doesn't go exactly as expected, and Peter is not thrilled.~
hey you (who the fuck are you) by fancastical     *New
~For some reason, Peter thinks Deadpool knows his secret identity so he thinks its not a big deal to chat with the merc in his civilian identity whenever he bumps into him in various locations. Wade, meanwhile, is confused on why a cute but grouchy nerd keeps talking to him like they know each other but hey, its New York! Eccentrics are everywhere and this guy is really cute and doesn’t seem to mind hanging out with him!~
i know your secret by jilliancares    
~“I’m your new neighbor,” Wade forged on, oblivious to Peter’s state of shock, and he stuck out a scarred hand. Peter gripped it, feeling numb, and gave it a shake. Did Wade realize who he was? No, clearly not. He was acting way too normally. Wade was one for dramatics.~
The 6 Times Peter Wanted To Reveal his Identity (And the 1 Time He Did) by Spongeekat    
~Peter is madly in love with Wade, and plans to meet him on top of his apartment building to reveal his identity. Wade thinks Peter is standing on the ledge ready to jump, and takes it upon himself to make sure he gets home safe and finds a reason to live again.~
took no time with the fall by cherryvanilla    
~When the Avengers had briefed him on Deadpool, they played up the Kills People for Money and Has No Real Morals angle and left out the Is Pretty Damn Funny and Charming in a Weird, Terrifying Sort of Way part.~
Peter Parker’s Perfect Shot by GreyLiliy
~Peter found himself unlucky enough to witness one of Deadpool’s hits up close and personal, and to make matters worse, he failed to get a shot of the action. His boss J. Jonah demands Peter make it up to him and what could be more impressive than a perfect shot of Deadpool himself?~
Sister Margaret’s fics
I'll Tell No Lies by doctorestranged    
~When a series of murders take place, Peter Parker goes undercover in Sister Margaret’s to get intel on Tony Stark’s prime suspect: Deadpool. Peter goes in hoping to get enough information so that Spider-Man can save the day, but like everything in Peter’s life, it becomes a bit more complicated than that and it soon becomes apparent that he might not be the best fit for the job.~
It's Sweater Weather by Chaze_Come_Down
~After their friendship anniversary Wade gives Peter a special made sweater, it sparks a new age of their friendship and much to Peter's stupidity, decides to wear it out in his everyday wear and happens to stubble upon Sister Margaret's School for Wayward Children. Hoping to just get drunk, he meets a very intrigued and angry Wade Wilson who just wants to know how he got the one of a kind sweater from. Hell breaks loose and both are oblivious idiots.~
Liquor Might Not Solve All Your Problems But It's Worth A Shot by MissMoochy
~Spideypool Bingo prompt: [Sister Margaret's]Wade walks into Sister Margaret's School for Wayward Children, to see Weasel has hired a gorgeous new bartender called Peter.~
Sister Margaret's School for Broke Spiders by Lilacs_and_the_sea
~It's summer, and school is out. As a high school teacher, Peter is not being paid for three months. He's shit out of luck, and he desperately needs another job.~
Unmasking Spidey by Willow Writes (Willow_1)
~J. Jonah Jameson has offered a frankly ridiculous reward to whoever can unmask the friendly neighbourhood menace. So Wade returns to New York to make some easy money.Meanwhile, Peter Parker looses his job and finds work with his old school friend at Sister Margaret's School for Wayward Children.~
Weasel Knows Best by TreacleTeacups
~In which Weasel calls in a gold card because Peter Parker is too much of a handful even for him and he knows the perfect sucker for the job. Or, the one in which Weasel is sick of the tension and finds a solution.~
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silvermoon424 · 10 months
I have a few things that might interest you in relation to your Sailor Senshi Etymology post:
Setsuna's name is also interesting because the kanji for it used to be pronounced Sechina, which is a Japanese transcription of the word kṣaṇa from sanskrit. Kṣaṇa is the Buddhist concept of the shortest possible moment, and is related to the Buddhist teaching that one should live well even in the shortest moment of time (it is similar to living to the fullest, but since the ultimate aim of Buddhism is to detach oneself from Earthly desires, free oneself from the cycle of rebirth, Samsara, and reach Nirvana it takes on different connotations). You can see how this might relate to Sailor Pluto's duty vs her life as Setsuna Meiou.
Although they're not introduced in the correct order (Mars and Mercury are switched up), barring Minako, the Inner Senshi and Sailor Saturn's surnames also relate to Japanese days of the week: 月曜日 = Getsuyoubi = Monday 火曜日 = Kayoubi = Tuesday (an alternate reading for 火/hi is "ka") 水曜日 = Suiyoubi = Wednesday (an alternate reading for 水/mizu is "sui" 木曜日 = Mokuyoubi = Thursday (an alternate reading for 木/ki is "moku") 金曜日 = Kinyoubi = Friday 土曜日 = Doyoubi = Saturday (This is the one that is the most on the nose because Saturday is named after Saturn) This is also means there is no 日曜日/Nichiyoubi/Sunday equivalent.
This is great, thank you so much! I was aware of the Buddhist meaning behind Setsuna's name but didn't really go into it because I was trying to keep everyone's entries short. So I appreciate you going into it!
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arkashas · 1 year
do you have any fic recs? i trust your taste lol
sooo sorry for taking so long anon!
you’ll see a lot of one-shots and shorter pieces here because i don’t really have the patience for longer fics. the ones listed here are all well characterized, introspective and i have a preference for fics which evoke the dreamlike and heightened quality of the show so there’s some softcore horror in here too, though i’m not really fond of “dead dove” stuff, just be mindful of the tags.
hannibal x will:
songs of experience by borevidal
strange state by halotolerant
the vigil by achleys
a white-walled room by rodabonor
ananta by canis_m
drops by more_night
appreciate the company by fallenangelsneverfade
how pale and wanton thrillful by mokuyoubi
place the fetter by zombieboyband
cascade by teaberryblue
the arrangement by the countessolivia
(this author is so good at making the fondness they have for each other come across....they just Get It)
longitude by orphan_account
parfait by softmoth
towards the door we never opened by depths of green
wrong turn by weconqueratdawn
climb into my arms with blood on your clothes by sordiddetailsfollowing
(i just put this one in because i find it hilarious)
roses (are falling for you) by orphan_account
gallery by berlynn_wohl
leashing machiavelli by pragnificent
the heart’s topography by contorno
hierarchy of needs by xzombiekittenx
(this is self indulgent on my part because it’s hannibal leading his own cannibal nation in a post-apocalyptic world and i love evil mastermind hannibal who gets everything he wants... hashtag problematic :/)
daylights savings by thebeespatella
instinct by bluecarrot
bourbon. by gazing
sugar fuel by northern
lampyridae by elusive_eventuality
only the tender meat by isagel
faces of god by eremji
the hollow man by artificer
da capo by makokitten
strange bedfellows by amare
bloodletting by damnslippyplanet
the graceful art of falling apart by euphrasie
becoming by jujubiest
you with those nails, me with this cross by thebitterkitten
til it bore an apple bright by crazyamoeba
trotline by colonel bastard
assiette by coffeandcas
when can i see will again? he often thought. by berlynn_wohl
a sea-spell by gleamingandwholeanddeadly
we rise in the dying by euphrasie
and so i raise me up from sleep by bendingsignpost
lost at sea by karillith
safe home by falls_the_shadow
stuck in rewind by bonesandscales
caveat by cesare
the bee made me shiver like a rag by stereokem
from the sea by treacle_a
when the devil smiles back by goldenusagi
jingle-knells by thisbeautifuldrowning
falls the shadow by littlesystems
not hannibal x will / gen / centered more on other characters:
kiss me quick by caissa
doddici settimane by tiersein
the apprenticeship by miss_aphelion
ring the bell backwards by essenceofmeanin
pianoforte by magical_destiny
the hinges of human sympathies by brunetteauthorette99
round and round we go by thestarvedghost
the one where you fly and i don’t by skvadern
barter, my sweet reaper by subtlenuage
the price of fame by yggdrastiles
the proposal’s refusal by thelazybaker
running like water by macneiceisms
(i wasn’t going to put an ongoing fic in here but it's SO GOOD. but just keep in mind it hasn’t been updated for almost 2 years. so good though)
all sad words of pen and tongue by fatal_drum
beat the devil’s tattoo by bluesyturtle
an inheritance by coffeeandoranges
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moku-youbi · 8 months
I wanted to do something fun for Halloween, and then it ballooned into a monster, but I'm still pretty happy with it. It's almost complete. The last chapter should be up tomorrow. I wanted to get it done today but trick or treating with the kiddo got me sidetracked!
Five/Klaus, Explicit ~30k
A successful biotech CEO at 29, Five is unwilling to accept a terminal diagnosis. The deck might be stacked in Death's favour, but if anyone could beat him at a game of chess, it would be Five. Klaus, the new PA sent by the temp agency, is happy to help him practice, although he presents a distraction Five just can't indulge with everything else happening in his life...
Tags: AU No Powers, Klaus isn't a Hargreeves, Terminal Illness, Grief/Mourning, Everybody Lives, Personification of Death, Happy Ending, Falling in Love, Fast Burn, Smut, Rough Sex
(Despite the Terminal Illness and Grief/Mourning tags, I want to stress it is a happy ending and no one dies. Five is going through some shit, trying to come to terms with his diagnosis, but I've tried not to dwell on it overly much--if you're concerned it might be triggering, feel free to reach out and I can give you details or answer any concerns)
“Is there anything you’re not good at?” Five muses, over a round of Spite and Malice, where Klaus’ stack is down to the last three cards and his own still has at least fifteen.
Klaus rolls his head to the side along the cushion of the couch to look at him. He moved around to watch the show during dinner, and never went back to his own side. Probably not the most conducive to gameplay, but Five’s not gonna say a fucking word. From this angle, the slit in Klaus' jumpsuit offers a view of the soft dip of his stomach.
“Candy Land.”
Five laughs. “You are so ridiculous.”
“I mean it!” Klaus says. He sits up, animatedly waving a hand. “I always get stuck in the Molasses Swamp with fucking Gloopy.”
“Yes, I’m certain that’s just the thing to have Death take you seriously,” Five says, still grinning wide enough to stretch his cheeks. “Showing up to challenge him with a children’s game.”
“Maybe he’d appreciate the change of pace,” Klaus says. He turns a little, to lean sideways against the sofa, one arm on the seat to rest his head against his palm.
“Maybe Death is tired of everyone taking him so seriously. Maybe you’ll amuse him.” Klaus reaches out with the tip of a finger, nail barely brushing the curve of his cheek. “Maybe he’ll take one look at your pretty face and decide to let you cheat him.”
The expression on Klaus’ face is open and fond, and it aches–that dull ache in Five’s stomach, a steady pinpoint of hot pain, his body eating him from the inside out. It aches, to think that maybe, were circumstances different…
Five cuts that thought off and shoves it aside. There’s no space for it in his life as things stand.
“Klaus,” Five admonishes. He catches Klaus’ wrist in a gentle grip.
There’s sombre understanding in Klaus’ gaze, tender as the touch of a loved one. There and gone in an instant, before his whole demeanour shifts. Bubbly and bright and irreverent once again. He reaches for his beer bottle to take another swig. “All I’m saying is anything’s gotta be better than chess!”
“What’s your problem with chess, anyway?” Five asks, curious and amused.
Klaus holds a hand to his lips as he hurries to swallow, clearly excited. “God, it’s just such a lazy choice when there are literally thousands of games to pick from,” he bursts out, swinging his bottle around in a wide, sweeping gesture. “How many fucking games of chess as the poor guy played in the last half millennia?”
“It has to be better than the stories from antiquity. I don’t intend to shackle him or stuff him in a sack.”
“Shackles can be fun,” Klaus says, speculative. He pauses to slip the joint between his lips and strike a match to light it, then draws in a lungful. “It’s all about consent, Fivey.” The smoke billows from his lips. “You can’t just invite a guy over to your house for the first time and slap the cuffs on the second he walks through the door.” Klaus smiles, and holds the joint out to him.
Five hesitates. His doctor has mentioned it as a possibility for pain management, but Five has never smoked, not when Diego and Viktor were going through their rebellious phases. Not now that almost all his siblings use it casually. Five has never been one for vices. Even with alcohol it’s never been about getting drunk. He’s never liked the idea of losing control before now, but simply being in Klaus’ presence has that effect. 
Klaus has just begun to withdraw when Five reaches out to take it. “Slow,” Klaus murmurs. Five meets his eyes, looking for guidance, as he brings the joint to his lips. “Just close your lips around it, and let it fill your mouth, without inhaling.” Five obeys, and Klaus gives him a sweet little smile. “There.” He takes the joint back. “Now breathe in, just a little, and let it out slow.”
There’s a slight burn. Nothing like he was expecting. The taste is more pleasant, too. “How long will it take?”
“Oh, you’ll feel it soon,” Klaus promises. He takes another long, deep drag. “Anyway, my point is…” His brow furrows. “What was my point? 
“Fuck chess?” Five prompts, with a tease of a smile.
Klaus eyes go wide with feeling. “Fuck chess, Fivey! Like, Death could be playing, I don’t know, strip poker, but all these basic ass bitches think they’re gonna flex on him.” He shifts his weight a little, folding his leg up against the sofa to rest his chin on his knee. “Incidentally, there’s another game I might lose. But. I mean…” His fingers toy with the necklace hanging loose in the opening of his jumpsuit. Brushing bare skin like an invitation. “Even when I lose, I think we all win, in the end.”
“Of course you’d lose,” Five snorts. “You’re wearing a onesie.” 
“It's a jumpsuit,” Klaus corrects, haughty. “This is high fashion, Five”
“Sure. Regardless, Death wouldn’t be a single hand away from defeat. He isn't going to be wearing a onesie.” He thinks the pot might be kicking in already. It’s not at all like being drunk. His whole body feels light and easy. The shadows in the room are smudges blurring into the light, everything just lightly out of focus.
“It’s a jumpsuit. And he might be,” Klaus sulks, bottom lip jutted out. “You don't know what he's got going on under that cloak.”
Five laughs, helpless. His heart squeezes painfully at how much he loves being around Klaus, how he wants to keep him near. How he wants to reach out and touch. To pull Klaus in, fingers carding gently through his curls, and catch his pouting lip between his own. He has no defence against this magnetic attraction. Again and again he can tell himself not to want. He can make a mental list of the many reasons why he can’t. He can apply all his formidable logic to try to reduce what he feels towards Klaus to serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine, but it’s all in vain.
How can he ignore that longing thrumming within him? Constant and insistent, in time with the beat of his heart. Five has never been one to hesitate–less out of any sense of bravery, more of a lack of fear. But he’s afraid now, of what he’d do to Klaus, if he allowed himself to have this.
In their game, Klaus plays the rest of his hand to clear a stack and flips over the top of his bank to reveal an ace. Five shakes his head in disbelief and dismay. “Just call me Death,” Klaus crows, “the way I’m owning your ass.” Off the look on Five’s face, he dissolves into giggles. “Okay, okay, let’s try something different.”
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