#i’m actually scared to start a different series because i don’t want to find something better than tgcf
yumemiruuuu · 5 months
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The Happiest of the New Years from me to everyone! I haven’t been in this fandom long, but I am so incredibly glad that I’ve discovered this series when I did. To be honest, when I first found the series as the donghua, I didn’t think I would get far with it because I’ve dropped MDZS so many times (I’m so sorry, I swear I’m trying 😭), but hohhh boy was I wrong.
2 days later and I was already on Season 2, which is when I started to listen to an audiobook version that was posted on Spotify. By the second week of December, I already had my hands on the first 3 volumes, with the 1st volume being completely read through by the 2nd day of being in my possession.
I am so grateful to my friend who got their hands on the volume 8 Special Edition for me for Christmas, which I read over the course of New Year’s Eve and at the crack of dawn on New Year’s Day.
Truly, I did not expect to fall head over heels for this series the way I did since I normally don’t read romance filled reads, but I guess the universe has it’s own ways of proving me wrong.
This series will forever have a special place in both my heart and mind; it has taught me so many different things and have helped me through the processing of so many difficulties that I’ve accumulated over the course of my life.
I remember trying so hard to not get frustrated and upset, and have told myself that I’m in the wrong for having these feelings. I’ve gone back and forth from being overly positive for no reason, to feeling bitter and angry for several days because it felt pointless to force myself to be positive when life just… didn’t seem fair to me. I felt like I didn’t know who I was, who I am, and who I’m meant to be. Why I’m here, what purpose I have, and where I even was.
But this series taught me that sometimes, it’s okay to let go. It’s okay to feel frustrated, and to feel upset. It’s okay to not worry. It’s okay to not dwell. You don’t have to be overly positive and friendly all the time. You don’t have to force yourself to be out there just because you want people to like you, and care for you. Life has its ups and downs but no downs are forever, just the same as how no ups are forever.
And quite frankly, this sounds cheesy, but after starting this series, I’ve felt so much better about myself, my outlook on life, and the way the universe has its own ways. Yeah, life sucks. But life also doesn’t suck all the time. So… as XieLian had said (or at least a reiteration because I don’t have the exact quote on me) why not think about the good food that I’ve had, rather than dwell on the complicated and negative stuff that happened in the past?
Again, happy new year to everyone. And I hope to see you all and interact one way or another somewhere down the line.
(Please enjoy my TGCF shrine that I’ve set up in my room right past the door)
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stardustizuku · 3 months
I’ve recently been thinking on why there’s people who interpret Kuro in such a drastically different way.
And something I notice is that you can easily tell how someone experiences the series, based on what they think of the GWA.
The way you interpret the Green Witch Arc is indicative of of how you have been interpreting the story so far, and how you’ll interpret it going forward
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Generally, there’s two interpretations:
1.- The Reaction Ciel had to the mustard gas, are his true feelings coming afloat
2.- The Reaction Ciel had to the mustard gas, isn’t how he feels.
The first interpretation (and I’m really not trying to be mean about it this time) comes from a very, uhm, shall I call it Teenage-Like? mindset of how pain and trauma works.
I call it Teenage-Like, because I’ve seen it in mostly literature aimed at teenagers, be it fanfics or YA. It comes from an inability for teenagers to actually voice how they feel towards their parents. A helpless feeling of being ignored.
I don’t wanna point fingers but this is the basis of a lot of Self Harm tendencies (physical, emotional, psychological, or others like EDs or digital self harm) come from. A need for people to notice you are in pain. But because you feel like you cannot voice it yourself (or don’t deserve it, it can vary) you start to lash out. Put yourself in higher risks, to have someone find out there is something wrong with you.
So the moment the main character finally breaks down, or has a moment of weakness, it’s interpreted as someone finally being truthful.
This is how Ciel’s reaction is interpreted by the first half.
The mustard gas is simply a trigger of pain, that causes all of Ciel to unravel. He’s in pain right now, cause he’s always in pain. He’s avoidant to Sebastian, cause he’s always been scared of him. He doesn’t trust him. He doesn’t trust adults. Finny is the only one who actually cares.
This makes the fact that Sebastian ,essentially, slapped him to get him to react, come off as cruel.
The boy is finally being honest, and you just tell him he’s being childish? Horrible.
Obviously, that’s not my interpretation.
Okay so, what happens once you’re not a teenager? Once you don’t have an adult figure to take care of you? What happens once you start avoiding telling your parents the pain you’re in, not because you think they won’t care, but because they’ll care too much and get worried and you don’t want them to get worried?
You start to realize pain is not the end of the world.
While, when being a teenager, getting sick meant someone gets to take care of you and maybe notice you aren’t okay, as an adult getting sick potentially means - not going to work. Which means your won’t have money to buy food, which means you’ll probably go hungry.
So getting sick becomes less of a way to get away from the responsibilities you have, and more of a burden.
That’s why you’ll see, in media aimed at adults,mental breakdown less depicted as an opportunity to be honest, and more of a sickness that needs to be healed.
You can have a more honest and truthful conversation, while you are sound of mind. There’s no power dynamic between friends, like it would with adult figures and children. So this song and dance, isn’t necessary.
You don’t have to be sick to be understood. And your friends will rather try to help you, than understand you when you’re suffering. That’s the nature of adult relationships.
This is more or less the framing that comes from Ciel’s breakdown (in the second interpretation).
The Mustard Gas isn’t showing Ciel’s true nature - it’s showing Ciel at his most vulnerable. This means, not in his sound mind.
Saying things he normally wouldn’t, hurting people he normally would hold close, and clinging to people he generally would never try to get close to.
Simply put, it isn’t just “a bit of pain to make him unravel” but a “Ciel is getting psychologically tortured by a weapon used for chemical warfare”.
He’s past being honest. He’s having such a severe reaction, that he cannot function. He’s being tortured and broken, to the point he is no longer himself.
He isn’t being “truthful” he’s scared.
And fear can make you do things that, in your sound mind, you would never do.
The point is that, Ciel isn’t saying what he truly feels or being “honest”. It’s him scared out of his mind, saying everything and anything to make the fear stop.
And the biggest proof is how he treats Sebastian.
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The fact that Ciel asks Sebastian to “go away” or “not come near” is perhaps the most glaring reason as to how badly this Gas messed with him.
I’ve said this before but to Ciel, Sebastian is a lifeline. He’s the only tool he has for his revenge. The thing that, even after he lost r!Ciel, he was willing to sacrifice it all to achieve.
And at this point in time, Sebastian is also the only emotional anchor Ciel has.
As far back as the second episode, Ciel has asked Sebastian to stay. Even when he’s having flashbacks, even when he’s having an episode. In fact, Sebastian leaving him is a great source of anxiety - since as seen in BoC in the Asthma Scene, without him Ciel feels powerless enough to die.
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He feels more protected with him, because he KNOWS Sebastian will protect him and that Sebastian will follow his orders.
Again going with the analogy of a dog - He feels more comfortable having the chained beast by his bed, simply bcs others are trying to hurt him and the beast won’t eat him right now.
So him asking Sebastian to go away, is throwing away his biggest safety net for a surrogate for r!Ciel, just means he’s reverting to the mentality he had during the cult.
If Sebastian is constantly telling him “it’s okay, they can’t hurt you anymore, you’re outside the cage, you can do what you WANT”
Ciel clinging to Finny is him going “no, im staying in the cage bcs at least the cage is familiar”
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And no matter what the first camp tells you, staying in the cage, trapped inside your pain ISNT the healthy option.
(We could argue Ciel’s need for revenge rather than healing is also unhealthy, but no one in the second camp would even call Ciel anything other than a villain in someone else’s story)
So, Sebastian slapping him and going “no, that’s not what you want”, isn’t as cruel as it would be in the first interpretation. Because as we see, he’s right. That’s not what Ciel wants. And it’s proved by the next scene where Sebastian talks to Ciel about what he truly wants.
Rather than Sebastian telling Ciel to “get over it”, it’s closest to a “snap out of it, something’s wrong”
This is further proved by the fact that, Sebastian first instinct isn’t to scare him. He does back away, he does try to wait and gently coax him. But Ciel literally cannot reason with him.
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That small but significant difference in interpretation has wildly different outcomes in how you perceive both, the characters and the story.
If you pick the first, you’re reading Sebastian as an enemy. Someone who does not respect Ciel. You see his attempt to eat Ciel’s soul as a breach of trust, and proof that he doesn’t care for him.
But if you pick the second option, you see Sebastian as an ally. Someone who’s running out of time and ways to save Ciel. His actions, while crass, ultimately help Ciel. What he was trying to do, was help.
Yana, very clearly, wanted the second interpretation. However, I cannot, in good conscience, tell you it’s the only interpretation. People are free to pick and chose how they read the text, irrelevant of how little of the actual text they’re reading.
But I will say, picking the first is symbolic of a less mature way of thinking. Common on those who like to infantilize trauma and trauma responses. It’s the easy, safe and comforting way of reading the text. As I said, it’s common in those who want their pain to be acknowledged.
That reading of Kuro is one that speak to me, that you’re not really ready to confront pain. And someone with that mentality, is not someone who’s reading of the text I find particularly interesting. Sure, you can share it, I’ll never stop you, but know you’re speaking to me in an entirely different language. You’re interpreting the text so differently, that I don’t think it’s even the same text anymore.
Again, you’re essentially writing analysis on fanfiction. And I’m not all too interested in dissecting your own trauma sloppily painted over British Aesthetic.
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pimosworld · 5 months
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The ties that bind
Pairing-Dave York x f!reader x Frankie Morales
Series summary- Dave is a private investigator who tracks down soulmates. He’s tasked to find Frankie’s, but what happens when he finds you and wants you all to himself?
CW-18+,MDNI,NSFW, angst,fluff,(m) masturbation,talks of loss of a parent and spouse, kissing,lots of music references, PTSD,slow burn
A/N- If I knew what was going to happen with Dave and Frankie I’d tell you but I don’t yet. Santi and Alicia (that’s all I’m going to say). Reader has some tough decisions to make.
[Series Masterlist][Main Masterlist]
Not beta read
Chapter IV
You were starting to worry that Dave hadn’t contacted you since your lunch date. He didn’t really owe you anything. As much work as you’ve done on yourself you can’t quell those thoughts that run wild. What had you done wrong? He seemed genuinely interested in you, but maybe you were reading too much into things. 
  Your shirt clings to your sweaty skin, another unbearable hot and humid Florida day. The only difference is the store ac went out again and the repair man won’t be able to come in for a few days. 
Your current predicament is the only distraction from your own mind threatening to drive you crazy. 
  You contemplate closing the store for the day as you stare up at the poor excuse for a ceiling fan. Slowly whirling the warm tepid air amongst the room. The sound of the soft crackle of the speaker can be heard signaling the record is done but the back of the store might as well be a mile away. 
  Your phone buzzes and you glance down seeing Dave’s name on the Lock Screen. Part of you wants to ignore it but you told yourself you would work on not getting upset over trivial things. 
  “Hi hummingbird.” He sounds a little distressed and you prepare yourself for the let down. “I’m sorry I haven’t called…or texted.”
  “There was an emergency and I had to go home. I know that’s no excuse but I want you to know that I’m sorry and I’d like to see you again when I get back.” It’s all rushed out like he’s out of breath but he sounds sincere. 
  You were honestly expecting him to ignore you and the apology is something foreign to you. Taking accountability is admirable….but. 
  “Did Mrs. Dave need you home with the kids?” You hate the bitterness in your tone but the heat and your emotions are running high. 
  He sighs deep on the other end. “I know you have no reason to believe me. I’m not married and there’s no one waiting for me at home.” As much as it hurts to say out loud it’s the truth. “My last name is York by the way.”
  “I’m sorry.” You let out an exasperated breath. “I don’t mean to be so crass. I really like you and that scares me because I know next to nothing about you.” 
  “If you give me a chance I promise I’ll tell you everything.” You can sense the desperation in his voice. “I actually have something planned for you if you’d like to spend some time with me tomorrow night?” 
  It’s sweet that he’s already thought of you. You really want to see him again and you know Alicia will be busy with Santiago anyway. You hope what you’re feeling are the good kind of butterflies at the prospect of spending more time with him. 
  “Okay…I like surprises.” Your voice perks up a little at the end. 
  “Great, I’ll meet you at the store at 7. It’s not a far walk from there.” 
  You’re curious and excited as to where you’re going. You find yourself nervously fidgeting with the hem of your shirt as you wait for one of you to hang up. 
  “I’m gonna hang up first so we don’t end up doing the thing.” You hear him chuckle on the other end with a faint ‘bye hummingbird’ before you end the call. 
  Frankie has had a day to calm down and clear his head. He decided against Santiago being his lookout for Dave. He wanted to have this experience all on his own without the threat of an altercation or further involving Santi who is now majorly distracted. 
  Santi and his connections called in an anonymous tip about Dave’s house being compromised which will surely put him out of commission for a few days. 
  Plenty of time for Frankie to swoop in and have you forget all about Dave. 
  It’s really so simple…he just needs to tell you who he is, how he met Dave and leave the ball in your court. Things aren’t ever really that simple. 
  It stings a little as he exits route forty one and sees the ‘Welcome to Naples’ sign. You were right under his nose but you might as well have been on the other side of the world. What were the odds that he’d ever find himself here let alone walking into the place you worked. One in a million he thinks. 
  He cranks up the ac in his Jeep as if that’s going to quell the heat trying to penetrate his skin through the windows. He probably should’ve done his hair instead of wearing his hat but now his sweat soaked curls are trapped underneath. 
  He subconsciously brushes his thumb along the roses where his ring used to be as he sits on the street where you work. His fingers tapping some song that’s been stuck in his head against the steering wheel as he practices what he’s going to say to you. 
  Fuck it just go
  The sun beats down on him as he slams the door to his Jeep and crosses the cobblestone street. He takes a few deep breaths not quite the way his therapist instructed but close enough as the window with the plants comes into view. 
  He had a plan to peruse the store if you were busy with other customers. He had a general outline of how he would approach you if you were alone in the store. He was however not prepared for the sight of you standing at the window as you flipped the closed sign. 
  You can’t take this anymore, it’s too hot and no one has come in for hours. Your boss can shove it for all you care. He can’t even be bothered to check in once a month. Closing up shop and going to the beach with Alicia sounds like a much better way to spend your afternoon. 
  You peel yourself off the chair at the front desk and grab your purse. As you flip the closed sign on the window you lock eyes with a rather handsome and distressed looking man. 
  He looks like he’s seen a ghost as he scrubs his hand behind his neck nervously. You’re not sure when the record store became a beacon for hot middle aged men but today was certainly not the day to entertain anymore. You hastily fix your hair and smooth out your shirt, while trying to put on your brightest smile. 
  “I’m sorry, we’re closing early. The ac is on the fritz and I just can’t sit here anymore.” You’re not sure he heard you as you wait for him to respond. “If you…want to come back tomorrow I can set something aside for you?” 
  “You’re so beautiful.” He says like he’s in awe as you give him an inquisitive look. 
  “I think we have that one,it’s just not available as a single. You’d have to buy the album.” He laughs as he realizes what he’s just said out loud. 
  “I ugh…sorry. I meant…never mind.” Fuck he’s totally bombing this. “You know I can take a look at it if you want. I’m pretty good with my hands.” That sounds worse than he intended but he can’t stop the words before they leave his mouth. 
  You glance over your shoulder at the empty store as you bite your lip. 
  He seems to notice your apprehension. “I’m not a creep or anything.” He takes off his hat running his fingers through his gorgeous curls. 
  “Hmmm, that sounds like something a creep would say.” You grin at him and lean back against the door signaling for him to come in. “I would appreciate it honestly, I have no idea when they’ll be able to come take a look. Then I’ll have to wait for approval to have it fixed and it’s just a whole thing.” You stop your incessant rambling when you see him taking in the surroundings. 
  His hands are on his hips as he stares at the posters on the wall. He’s broad and his shirt stretches taught along his back. He rolls his shoulders and turns to see you still standing in the doorway gawking. 
  Now who’s being a creep
  You clear your throat and fix your face to a neutral expression as you gesture for him to follow you toward the back. 
  Goosebumps trail along your arms as you walk in front of him, it’s assuredly not cold enough to cause such a sensation. His cologne and sweat is flooding your senses… perhaps you’re ovulating or something similar to desperation. 
  “You’re gonna have to talk handyman, I can’t stand the silence.” You tease as you peer at him over your shoulder. “Or maybe I can put some music on. What’s your preference?” 
  He tries not to focus on the way your hips sway when you walk and of course any music he’s ever listened to has left his brain entirely. 
  “Queen.” He blurts out and you laugh. It’s so disarming he relaxes his shoulders a bit. The letters of the cities are hard to make out on the back of your shirt but he can tell it’s Queen from the design. 
  “You cheated handyman.” Your voice drops to a flirtatious tone that he can’t ignore. You lift the dust cover and place a gently used record into a sleeve of The Essential Mozart.
  He leans on the table next to you, so close his breath ghosts over your neck. “So you're a classical gal.” 
  You snort as you raise your eyebrows. “No one’s ever called me a gal. And yes I enjoy the occasional Mozart, Debussy, Bach—.”
  “Okay now you’re just showing off.” You notice the dimple in his cheek when he says it and the way his arms look as he fold them across his chest. 
  “I’ve gotta put this useless music degree to some use.” You absentmindedly thrum through the records on the display until you find the one you want. “ aha…Queens greatest hits.” 
  He scoffs as he takes it from your hands. “I would hardly say it’s useless by the collection in your store.” He flips it over and gives you a questionable look. “And I would hardly call these the greatest hits.” 
  You snatch it back as you narrow your eyes. “Not my store. Although I’ve dreamt of running my own.” 
  A momentary glossy expression crosses your face as you carefully place it on the cloth. He watches as you delicately handle each piece like you’re plating a five star meal. You gingerly place the stylus on the edge as he hears the  familiar sound of record buzzing just before the music starts. 
  Is this the real life?
Is it just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide no escape from reality 
  You turn to him, arms crossed mirroring his stance as you lean into the table. A bead of sweat glides down your neck as he follows it to the v in your top before his eyes meet you again. 
  Open your eyes
Look up to the skies and see
  He throws his hands up in mock surrender. “Fine, I stand corrected. But you have to admit there’s a few questionable picks here.” 
  You brush past him and he gets a whiff of something strawberry, maybe your shampoo. “I’ll admit it when you fix my ac handyman.” You wink and he’s no longer disguising that he’s checking you out because you’ve been shamelessly checking him out since he stepped foot inside. 
  He follows you into a small stock room, mostly empty boxes and a shelving rack with old paint and a few picture frames. He can see the old unit in the corner as you bend over to open the side panel. Fuck. You’re making it very hard for him to keep his mind in an appropriate place as you stand and wipe your hands along the back of your jeans. 
  “I’ll be honest, I have no idea what I’m looking at. I’ll get out of your way.” It’s too small in here as you awkwardly maneuver past him and he brushes against you murmuring apologies as you hold your breath. 
  He somehow already found a flashlight amongst the odds and ends on the shelf as he crouches down to take a look inside. You watch the way his shirt lifts up slightly revealing a small sliver of skin on his back. 
  “Now who’s being quiet.” His muffled voice comes from inside the unit. 
  “I just didn’t want to be a distraction while you’re working.” You hear an uncomfortable grunt as he sits back on his heels. He smirks at your stance as you lean casually on the wall with a perfect view of his ass. 
  “Mhm I’m sure…” He turns his hat around and it somehow gets impossibly hotter. “Listen, you can distract me all you want if you happen to have a screwdriver?” 
  You chew on your lip as you think and then start rummaging through the shelves when you find one amongst an abandoned project. 
  “Will this work?” You hand him a flat head and he looks particularly pleased as he takes it from you. 
  “This is somehow exactly what I need.” He resumes his work and you wince as you hear some questionable noises coming from within. “There’s just some ice build up on the evaporator coils.” His voice raises a little so you can hear him over the sounds of ice chipping from metal. 
  “Whatever you say handyman.” You pull out your phone to check the latest text from Alicia. You’ve been giving her subtle updates just in case he decided to turn into a weirdo. 
  “Francisco.” He says as your finger hovers over the send button of your last text. You watch him rise and lift his shirt to wipe the sweat from his face. 
  You’re staring at the way his soft belly dips into the front of his jeans. You wonder what it would feel like to run your fingers along the seam of his boxers. 
  “Breaker?” The corners of his lip curl up into a smile as he catches you mid thought. “I need to see if this worked.” 
  “Sure ya…right over here.” You stammer out as you point him to the small box on the wall. 
  He flips a few switches and the sound you make when the air comes out of the vents is bordering on sinful. 
  “Thank you, thank you, thank you.” You’re ecstatic and he’s got that satisfied look on his face with just a tinge of pride. 
  It’s a flicker of a moment as he hands the screwdriver back to you. Your heart feels like it’s going to beat out of your chest when you see it. 
Distinctly your hummingbird tattoo on the inside of his right wrist. There’s no way he can’t know. Things were too easy with him, it’s almost laughable that it feels just like they said it would. 
  You turn to leave and stumble searching for the door handle, he pulls you back just as you're about to faceplant. “Slow down there. I can’t fix you if you break.” His voice in your ear and his hands on your waist…it’s all too much. 
  “Sorry I’m a little clumsy at times.” You grip the handle with an unsteady hand as you step out into the hallway. “There is a bathroom at the end of the hall if you need to wash up.” He offers a polite thanks as he takes in the concerned look on your face. 
  He stares at his reflection in the small bathroom mirror wondering where he went wrong. Everything was going so well. It was almost too easy. Maybe he was coming on too strong. He takes off his hat and splashes some water on his face. He’s looked better, but he’s definitely looked worse. 
  Get it together Morales
  He sees you when he returns seated in the lounge chair. The music has stopped and your foot is nervously tapping on the floor as you finish texting and place your phone face down on the table. 
  Your face is expressionless as you look up at him. “Have a seat please.” 
  He’s trying to think of something to say but he’s lost for words. 
  You cautiously grab his hand as he sits in the chair next to you. “Can I see?” He nods and holds his breath as you turn his arm over. Goosebumps raise on his skin as your soft hands trace the patterns of the wings on his forearm. Your breathing hitches as a small jolt of electricity runs through his veins. 
  He notices the roses on your ring finger. Roses meant for someone else, yet they look so perfect on you. Like they were destined to be yours.
  “Why roses?” You say, your voice barely above a whisper. 
  He clears his throat and shifts in the chair. “They were my ex-wife's idea. I didn’t dislike them.” He sees your shoulders drop a little at the confession. 
“Why a hummingbird?” 
  He sees you smile then, while he waits for your answer. “My mom…she always said I had endless amounts of energy.” You tilt your head and point to his other arm. “What’s with the hawk?”
  He tenses a little and his fingers flex in your hand. “Sorry, if this is too much.” 
  “Don’t be.” He quickly interjects “I’ve wanted to know for so long…everything about you.” 
  “I don’t even know who you are.” You try to keep your voice steady as he stares at you with those deep brown eyes. “You don’t even know my name.” 
  You tell him then…he has to pretend it’s a name he hasn’t heard before. 
  How does he even begin to tell you? Telling you about Dave would ruin everything. 
  You stand from the chair before he has a chance to start. “Do you maybe want to talk about this over some drinks? I owe you at least for fixing the ac.” 
   He relaxes at that as the air of flirtatiousness returns to the room. “If you think I’m letting you pay you are sadly mistaken.” 
  In the few brief seconds you had to yourself, Alicia practically screamed at you to go for it. Her tone let on that she may know more than you think but you shelved that for the moment and decided to be spontaneous. 
  You hold your hand out. “Let's go handyman.” 
  He snickers under his breath. “How long are you going to keep calling me that?” 
  Your hand in his feels right as it should, when you lead him to the front of the store. Dropping it briefly to grab your purse and keys to lock up. 
  “I doubt Francisco is your real name, so we’ll see.” 
  After the initial shock wore off of learning that Santiago was the one who tipped him off to you, you settled into the idea of how nervous he must have been to approach you. 
  You’ve got a crash course over the last hour in Francisco Morales. He prefers Frankie and you think that suits him better. He was a helicopter pilot in the military but now he flies commercially. His apprehension when you first mentioned the Blackhawk tattoo was something he wasn’t sure he was ready to address with you. 
  The way you listened so intently to his story of how proud he was when he first joined, he left out some of the more gruesome details of his time in the service. When he retired he wanted to commemorate it somehow and you were the one that ultimately helped him with his decision. 
  Your hummingbird was your first tattoo, your mom actually let you get it when you were seventeen. It was one of the last things you did with her before she passed. Frankie wanted to match. The guys gave him shit for it but seeing the way your eyes lit up when he told you made it all worth it. The whole ‘birds of a feather’ sealed the deal. 
  This isn’t quite how Frankie thought he would be spending his afternoon. He followed you out the store as you confidently led him to one of your favorite spots along the beach. A small bungalow bar overlooking the shore. Despite you having told him you weren’t from here, you seem to be a regular. The older red haired waitress Trudy gestures to your usual spot that's open and sends a wink your way. 
  You ran through all of the stereotypical questions, favorite color, favorite movie, favorite food. Hobbies, dreams and aspirations. He didn’t laugh when you mentioned you were afraid of the dark. You didn’t laugh when he said he was afraid of the rain.
  You talked about your dream of owning your own music store, getting to curate things to your liking. Much like you did at your current job…but it didn’t belong to you. 
  Frankie didn’t necessarily give off rich guy vibes but he let on that money was no longer an issue. He recently became part owner of the company he currently flies for. 
  It’s so easy, like long lost friends catching up. The way you listen so intently as you rest your head on your hand. He catches you often looking out into the water like you’re waiting for something. 
  Maybe he’s trying to make up for lost time or perhaps he wants all his cards on the table in case you determine that his baggage is too much. You don’t really think it’s baggage when he tells you that he’s in recovery and his ex wife left him for her soulmate. He’s been putting in the work to better himself, and if she hadn’t left you would’ve never met him. 
  In between the plate of shared nachos and beers the conversation shifts to you. You decide since he’s shared such intimate details about his life that it’s only fair you return the favor. You tell him about your mom…the reason you believed in soulmates in the first place. Your mom and dad, highschool sweethearts. Somehow destined to spend the rest of their lives together. When she got sick it all happened so fast, too fast for you to come to terms with the fact that your dad had already moved on. 
  The idea of soulmates left a sour taste in your mouth after you moved out of your dad and step moms home to go to college. It’s why you think you were so inclined to not find yours. People fell in love everyday and lived happily ever after without theirs. 
  You and Frankie’s stories are so similar in some ways. 
  You signal for the bartender to bring you another round before you tell the rest of your story. A comfortable buzz runs through your veins as your foot brushes the inside of his calf under the table. 
  You gasp as he grabs your ankle and places it in his lap. “Ticklish?” You shake your head as he raises an eyebrow at you. His fingers trace the gun tattoo and your body betrays you as you nearly kick him in his stomach. “The jury's out, maybe I should keep testing.” 
  “No please.” You giggle and his hands travel further but stop just before the crook of your knee before he gently sets it back down. 
  “So…what kind of gun is that?” You ask cautiously as you tilt your leg to the side. 
  He sighs deep. “It’s an M sixteen…it was a dare.” He hangs his head a little, knowing how that must look on someone like you. 
  “Oh right of course.” You say sarcastically as Trudy drops your drinks off at the table. 
  “Can I get you two lovebirds anything else?” She clicks her pen to the pad as you both lock eyes and burst into laughter.
  “No Trudy, we're fine, thanks.” She sends you a mischievous smile as she tends to the other patrons. 
  His eyes widen as you take a rather large sip of your drink. He can tell you have something to say so he waits patiently as he takes you all in. The way you squint your eyes when you’re thinking, the way you tap your foot when you're nervous. How bright your smile is and how everyone you seem to cross paths with has a special connection with you. It’s why he’s not prepared when you tell him about your ex. 
  “The gun was the last straw.” You trace the lines of condensation on your glass. “He couldn’t take anymore reminders that I wasn’t his.” 
  “You don’t belong to anyone.” His voice is stern as he takes your hand. “I would say sorry but…it’s his loss.” He gently presses his lips to your fingers and you have to fight to keep yourself calm. 
  “Ya…hers too.” 
  You squeeze his hand as you take in a sharp breath. He sees it then, the thing you were waiting for. As the sun sets through the palm trees and the yellow bleeds into red and orange. It’s a task not to watch you instead of the aquamarine water and the gentle waves kissing the shore. 
  Something so simple, that so many people take for granted and he thinks this may be the most perfect day he’s ever had. 
  Without second guessing himself he leans in close. “It feels wrong if I don’t kiss you right now.” 
  Your face is mere inches from his and you’d be a fool not to admit that you wanted to kiss him in the stock room earlier. “What are you waiting for?” 
  His lips are soft against yours, it’s like he’s breathing you in with each passing second. Your hand plays with the curls at the nape of his neck as he cradles your jaw. You don’t care if anyone’s watching right now because you’ve dreamt of this moment a thousand times. It’s electric, sending a shiver down your spine and he groans as you pull away biting his bottom lip. 
  Your forehead rests against his as you catch your breath. “I didn’t want to give anyone a free show.” 
  He chuckles and pecks your lips one last time. “We certainly wouldn’t want that.” 
  The walk home felt like you were floating. His hand in yours as he tugged you close. Stealing kisses whenever he could. The heat of the day was long forgotten as the gentle breeze rolled in with nightfall. It scared you a little how fast you fell into this domestic bliss with someone you just met. But isn’t that how it’s supposed to feel? Isn’t that why people are made for each other? 
  As you approached your apartment you could see from below the light was on, no doubt Alicia waiting up for you to hear all about Frankie. 
  “Well this is me.” You point up to the loft as you await the dreaded conversation that you’ve been wanting to avoid all afternoon. 
  He can sense your shift in mood as you rock back and forth on your feet. 
  “Frankie I…really want to see you again. I want to see where this goes.” You sigh as you look down at the pavement. 
  He grabs your hands in his as he steps into your space. “But?” 
  “But I met someone recently. I’m supposed to see him tomorrow.” You shrug as you look up at him. “I’m not the type of person to just abandon something, it’s not in my nature to be that cruel. I want to at least see it through, even if that means I’m letting him down easy.” His face is unreadable as you wait for his response. 
  He swallows thick trying not to let on that his blood is boiling. He can’t tell you who Dave is, he’s too far gone. 
  His hands drift from yours as they travel up your arms, your heart rate picks up and your eyes are wide with desire. His large hand cradles your face as he caresses your jaw. “Like I said…you don’t belong to anyone. You’re free to do what you want, all I ask is that you give me a chance. Do you think you can do that?” The way he asks you and the look in his eyes you would say yes to anything. 
  You nod your head in his hand as he licks his bottom lip, still tasting your chapstick from earlier. “I wouldn’t mind something to think about on my date.” 
  His eye twitches slightly at the word but he quickly recovers. “I was hoping you’d ask.” His lips meet yours again and the way your body fits against his is almost too much. Your hands grasp at the back of his shirt as he consumes you. You can’t help the moan that escapes your lips as you feel the obvious bulge in his pants, a little overwhelmed at how quickly he’s got you falling to pieces. 
  “Get a room!” He inhales sharply as you laugh against his lips. Your laugh grows at his obvious confusion because of course you recognize the voice of your best friend. 
  “Ignore her please.” You half whisper as you kiss the small patch on his cheek where the hair is missing. “I don’t know how Santiago is gonna handle all that.” You gesture up towards the open window. 
  “Oh I’m sure he’ll find a way.” He pulls you into one last hug and reluctantly steps away. You have to distance yourself from him or you just might invite him up right now. “Don’t have too much fun tomorrow.” He says it in a teasing tone as he walks backwards, not wanting to tear his eyes from you. 
  “I’ll try.” You wave at him as you hear Alicia buzz you up to your apartment. 
  “How.could.you.keep.that.from.me.” You mercilessly hit your friend with a pillow as your crowd over her on her bed. 
  She laughs as she blocks your futile attempts at causing any permanent damage. “Once he told me it was too late to let you know.” She tilts her head feigning innocence. “I’m so sorry.”
  “I’m so sure.” You huff as you roll over laying next to her. “I’m so fucked.”
  “Not yet.” She laughs and dodges your last blow with the pillow. “I’m just kidding. I’m glad we can finally go on some double dates…maybe tomorrow?” She wiggles her eyebrows at you playfully. 
  You sit up against her headboard as you tuck your legs beneath you suddenly feeling a little ashamed. “Well…I’m actually going out with Dave tomorrow. I told Frankie and he seemed to be okay with it.Now saying it out loud it sounds a little ridiculous and to be honest with you, I have no idea what I’m doing.” You facepalm as you throw your head back ending your rant. 
  She sits up next to you and gently pulls your hands down, giving you that look that only you know a friend would give. She knows your mind is running a million scenarios of what you should be doing and how you should be acting. Trying to be ten steps ahead of every situation so you don’t find yourself in the one that landed you here. 
  “Listen to me.” She rubs your hands softly grounding you. “You don’t have to figure it all out yet, you’re just going on a few dates. As long as you’re upfront with your intentions with them, and they agree, what more could they ask for?” She sees you staring off into space not quite grasping her words. “Babe, you just met Frankie.”
  “Ya and I let him stick his tongue down my throat. In public. Twice.” 
  “No one said you can’t have a little fun. And just so you know, I’m very jealous and very happy for you.” She nudges you slightly as you sink back under the covers. She rolls over to her bedside table and turns off the light. “I take it you’re sleeping here again.” 
  “Your bed is so much more comfortable than mine.” You whine as she laughs and gets under the covers. 
  It’s quiet for a moment as you think over everything you learned about Frankie. How fiercely he loved his friends. How passionate he was about his work. How he loved so deeply despite being hurt. How easily he opened up to you and how comfortable he made you feel. You trusted him with things you hadn’t told anyone but Alicia after just a few hours of knowing him. You also can’t stop thinking about his lips, and they felt against yours. How you fit perfectly in his hold like you were meant to be there. 
  The phone on her nightstand buzzes illuminating the dark room. She laughs as she stares at the text and sends a quick message back. You’re trying not to eavesdrop as you move your head on the pillow trying to make out some words. 
  “Santi says hi.” She says as she turns toward you with a smirk on her face. 
  “Oh…he’s Santi now? Well tell him I said hi.” You reply half in a whisper. 
  She clears her throat. “He also said you might need Frankie’s number if you want to see him again.” 
  You groan as you roll over realizing both of you forgot to exchange information in your haze of the whirlwind afternoon. 
  “How do I look Fish?” Santi holds his arms out with a stupid grin on his face. 
  “Like an asshole.” Frankie grumbles on the couch with his arms crossed in defiance. 
  “Look hermano it’s not my fault you didn’t tell her.” Santi grabs his keys from the table and Frankie looks on at him wide eyed. 
  “How is this not your fault? What was I supposed to say!”  He stands and Santi holds his hands up trying to calm his friend. “Oh hi…I’m your soulmate. I hired someone to find you for me. They did, and now you’re sort of daring them.” He rips his hat off aggressively, running his fingers through his hair. “Fuck.”
  Santi regards him cautiously. “Sorry Fish, I didn’t mean it like that.”
   Frankie sighs heavily through his nose as he plops back down. “I know Pope…I'm sorry. You like fine by the way, I hope you have a nice time.” He grits out the last part. 
  Santi punches him lightly in the shoulder “I know that was hard for you to say so I appreciate it. Plus you said so yourself she really likes you. Don’t think about it too much.”
  Easy for him to say. He was about to go on a date and Frankie was gonna sit here and try not to stew. 
You’ve consumed his thoughts over the last twenty four hours. He knew meeting you would be overwhelming but he did not anticipate falling head over heels, rom com, quintessential love at first sight, completely crazy for you. The thought of Dave being anywhere near the parts of you he wanted to explore made his blood boil. His mind ran wild last night with the scent of you still on his clothes. The way your body felt pressed against his, the way you said his name Francisco like some forbidden secret. 
  His hot shower ran cold as he stroked himself to thoughts of you. Imagining the way your lips would feel wrapped around his cock. The way your breast would feel on his bare chest as grind down on him. The soft moan that escapes you when he bit down on your lip and how you would sound if you didn’t have to be so quiet. 
  You awoke something in him he hadn’t felt in a long time. 
  He can’t think about it anymore sitting alone on Pope's couch half hard. He needs to go home and hope sleep comes easy tonight so he doesn’t have to think about the prospect of losing you before he’s even had a chance. 
  The last two hours have been chaotic to say the least. You both needed to get ready at the same time so of course the hot water ran out. Alicia blew a fuse in her bathroom trying to blow dry her hair so now she was in yours while you sat on the floor in her room in front of her floor length mirror doing your makeup. 
  Judging by the pile of clothes on her bed you don’t think she was planning on bringing Santi back to the apartment. Perhaps she wasn’t planning on returning either as you notice a small overnight bag placed next to her door. 
  She rushes into her room and grabs the bag before placing a kiss to the top of your head. “I gotta go hon, he said he’s coming up but I don’t want him to think I’m messy.” She wildly gestures to the state of her room as you meet her eyes in the mirror. 
  “He’s gonna have to figure it out at some point.” You state dryly as you finish your mascara. 
  “Not tonight though.” She fixes herself once more before addressing you. “Please try and have fun tonight. Call me if you need anything, you know I’ll be there in a heartbeat.” 
  “I got it Alicia.” You laugh as you wave her off. 
  “Oh and don’t wait up.” She yells out over her shoulder before slamming the front door. 
  You breathe a sigh of relief  that you’ll at least have a few moments to yourself before meeting Dave at the store. You loved your friend but you could tell her nervous energy was bleeding into your mood. So many emotions were running through your head. This would be your first real chance at getting to know him. You were giddy at the thought that he had a surprise planned for you. In the five years you spent with your ex he’s never once planned a surprise. It didn’t really bother you but it was just one of those things you assumed you would never get to experience. Looking back on it now you realize it’s a blessing in disguise that he broke up with you. You had put up with so much apathetic behavior that it became second nature to put yourself last. 
  Your phone pings on the floor beside you and you glance down to see Dave’s name. 
  Dave: Can’t wait to see you hummingbird 
  You sit for a moment trying to come up with a clever reply when another text comes in. 
  Frankie: I hope u have a nice time tonight 
  This can’t be your life right now.
                          can’t wait to see you too 🥰
  You double check that you sent that text to the correct person.
                   I promise I won’t have too much fun 😘
  There’s a feeling you can’t pinpoint at the moment. You’re not sure if it’s even right that you’re feeling this way. To be the object of two men’s affection is a situation you never thought you’d find yourself in. It would be a lie to say that you’re not riding this high. The end game however is something you haven’t quite worked out. 
  The sun is just starting to set as you make your way down the familiar street towards your work. Checking your reflection in every car parked alongside it like it’s somehow going to drastically change. He didn’t really give you very many details so you opted for a long black sundress and some strappy sandals. Your phone and lipgloss tucked neatly into the brown cross body purse Alicia got you for your birthday. 
  His back is to you when you see him, his hands in the pockets of his tight blue jeans. Almost sensing your presence he turns to you with that devilish smile on his face. He’s in front of you in a few brief steps, his woodsy cologne invading your senses and a hint of aftershave. The black short sleeve button up pulls taught along his biceps and you have to stop yourself from reaching out and grabbing him. 
  As if on cue he pulls you into a tight hug, you wrap your arms around his waist feeling his muscles flex in your grasp. He sighs long and deep like your embrace was the only thing keeping him from losing his sanity. He doesn’t say anything for a while as you both just sway for a moment, like two lovers who’ve gone weeks without seeing each other. It’s so comforting you almost forget about the impending doom of having to tell him about Frankie. You decided on the walk over that you would be upfront with him from the beginning. Just in case he wanted to call things off. You didn’t want to come off as some girl who wanted a free date from him just to break the news to him at the end of the night. Ultimately you would leave the decision up to him and go from there. 
  “Hi hummingbird, I missed you.” He speaks softly into your hair as you try to stay on your feet. 
  “I missed you too.” He pulls back slightly to look into your eyes. It feels wrong but it’s true, you did miss him. 
  “I hope you like what I have planned for us tonight.” His eyes twinkle when he mentions it again but you can’t quite meet his gaze. “Something on your mind?”
  You take a deep breath and put a little more space between you as he holds your hands in his. “I have a lot to say before we go on our date so just give me a moment okay?” He nods once acknowledging what you said. 
  He’s stoic on the outside but internally he’s starting to panic. You didn’t say you didn’t want to go on the date but there’s clearly something wrong. 
  “I’ve been looking forward to seeing you and getting to know you better, but I have to be clear about some things since you’ve been gone. I’ll spare you all the details but…I met my soulmate yesterday.” His hands tighten their grip a little but you don’t seem to notice. “I know this may sound confusing but…I’m not going to just drop you for someone I just met. At the same time, I feel like it would be crazy to not give my soulmate a chance.” 
  You stare down at the ground hoping it will stop your rambling and give you the words you practiced in the mirror that are coming out all wrong. “I understand if this is too much-“
  He cuts you off as he tips your chin up with his finger. He’s comfortably stepped into your space again and you wouldn’t know by the look on his face that he’s seething. 
  “I haven’t felt this way about anyone in a really long time, and I’m not about to back down from a little friendly competition.” Your eyes are challenging him when you don’t pull away. He leans in, his lips barely ghost over yours like he’s waiting for permission.
  You’re not sure what reaction you were expecting from him but it certainly wasn’t this. You’re sick of trying to predict what your life is going to do and instead decide to go with the flow. 
  You kiss him first. 
  It almost knocks you off your feet how different he is from Frankie as he takes back control. He’s more sure of himself like he’s kissed you a thousand times. His hand travels behind your head, while the other grabs your waist. You gasp at how close he has you pulled into him as you taste the hint of mint and something else that’s entirely Dave. He chuckles a little at how he’s already got you so worked up. If it’s a competition you want then it’s a competition you’ll get. 
  “It’s not really customary to kiss before the date.” He’s a little breathless and you laugh as his muscles twitch beneath your fingers. 
  “I don’t think anything we’re doing is customary.” He huffs at that, yet you have no idea the full weight behind it. 
  “I’m just glad I haven’t lost my touch…it’s been a while.” He laces his fingers with yours. “I hope you like what I have planned.” 
  “Oh I’m sure I will.” 
  You don’t care how ridiculous you sound as you scream the lyrics to don’t stop believing at the top of your lungs. It’s just one of those songs no matter how many times you hear it or how many times it gets overplayed, you can’t help yourself. 
  Dave is doing his best to hide the fact that he’s been singing every song word for word as he hovers close behind you in the crowd. 
  He was a little nervous at first when you arrived at the venue…picking a concert for a first date was a bold move. He’ll be replaying the excited jumps you did on a loop in his head when he revealed it was a Journey cover band. He remembered from the first time he walked into your store and somehow got lucky when he saw a place on the waterfront hosting the special event. 
  You’re a stone's throw from your impromptu date with Frankie the previous night. The setting is much similar as you look out onto the water. Your stomach does a flip every so often when he possessively shields you from someone getting too close, or the way his hands instinctively wrapped around you during the slow songs. 
  Thankfully he made time before the show to get some dinner at one of the many food trucks outside the venue. You’re excited giggles when you said you wanted to try everything so that’s exactly what he did. You both shared a little from each one and of course donuts for dessert. You also shared a lot with him about your life. No doubt hoping he would reciprocate. 
  He rarely if ever talked about his wife with other people and most wouldn’t consider the topic a great first date conversation. Except for you. The way you made him want to open up and be better at sharing. It wasn’t awkward at all, in fact it felt a little freeing. If only he could tell you that’s how he found you. Resigning his life to helping people find their soulmate, it’s really his karma that he’s now competing with Frankie. He did this to himself and now the question lingers in the air of how he found you and why don’t you know about who Dave really is. He’s not sure what kind of game Frankie is playing but it’s making him uneasy. 
  His phone vibrates in his pocket as he glances down to see the aforementioned name. 
  Francisco: I hope ur having a nice time let’s talk soon
  He hears a small gasp from you and immediately breaks out into a cold sweat. He tucks his phone into his pocket hoping he hasn’t been found out this way. 
  You’re staring at him with those sad eyes half pouting and it’s quite possibly the scariest and most adorable thing he’s ever seen. “It’s the last song.” 
  His eyes tell a different story than yours as he takes your hand. “We’ll just have to make the most of it then.” He spins you in his arms and you feel a bit like Cinderella, you’re time at the ball running out soon. 
  When the lights go down in the city 
And the sun shines on the bay
  It’s hard to enjoy your favorite song when he’s singing it so sweet in your ear. His face nuzzled in the crook of your neck as he sways with you. Your stomach is doing flips for an entirely different reason now because you know at the end of the night you won’t be calling it off with Dave. 
Comments and reblogs are much appreciated
Taglist- @missladym1981 @legendary-pink-dot @brittmb115 @christinamadsen @heavennumber2 @anoverwhelmingdin @guelyury @hannahkatharine @heareball @vabeachazn @frogjumps-world @jessthebaker @littlenosoul @adriennemichelle98 @syrupsstuff @pixielou5
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insertyourselfhere · 1 year
Anomaly Part 3
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Characters: Mostly Y/N & Aunt interaction with a tiny bit of Miguel and Gwen.
Description: Your Aunt decides to have a conversation with you about your relationship with Gwen.
Third Installment to my current series
A/N: I wrote this a bit differently from my other 2 stories in a different perspective to see if I liked it or it flowed better. Still trying to find my writing style I literally only started this page yesterday! Anyway I hope you guys are enjoying these little stories.
It has been a couple of weeks now since Gwen opened up to Y/N about her dimension, she still hung out in their dimension, mostly in their place, and in their room wearing their clothes. She did get her own stuff when A/N had dragged her out of the house finally to get other things that weren’t their jumpers.
However today was actually just a simple day for Y/N, It was one of those off chances that Y/N wasn’t scheduled to go sort out an anomaly with her, instead it was Hobie and they were running around catching a Prowler in another dimension. Y/N kicked their feet up on the couch and tuned in to some very needed R&R, since joining the Spider Society there had been no time to relax it was always just Miguel breathing down your neck.
“No Gwen today?” The voice scared Y/N out of their thoughts, they were surprised they were caught off guard, it seems that their Spidey Senses needed a break as much as they did.
“No Gwen today” They responded resuming their relaxing pose on the couch. A/N nodded and placed the groceries she had bought on the counter, she moved over to the single reclined also located in the lounge next to Y/N and sat down.
“Good there’s something I want to talk to you about Gwen” Y/N opened an eye towards their Aunt, she looked very serious so they sat up and made themselves comfortable on the couch.
“You know I love you very much” Y/N knew exactly where this was going and rolled their eyes standing up, making their way towards the window but only to lean on in case the conversation did get too uncomfortable. “I can see the way you look at her Y/N I’m old but I’m not blind just yet” You shrugged not speaking a word yet, too nervous about being called about but also their not 100% sure on what they feel for the ghost spider.
“She comes over almost every day, you 2 barely leave your room unless of course it’s a Spidey emergency, I can see how you look at her even under that mask of yours. Both of them by the way” She said gesturing to the Spidey Mask and the one Y/N held in general when they weren’t the Spider.
“She’s my friend” Y/N said softly, looking at their Aunt. A/N gave Y/N a look that said ‘You and I both know you don’t treat any of your friends like this’ Y/N let out an exasperated sigh and moved closer to their Aunt.
“What’s this about A/N?” Y/N asked, hands firmly placed in their pockets. She got up and walked over to Y/N placing her hands firmly on their shoulders. “She is lost, she has gone through so much hurt and suffering, we are a reminder of that” She said looking at Y/N.
“She’s scared of reaching out but also she lets her own mask come off too, I’ve seen the real Gwen and she is a beautiful person. But your line of work isn’t exactly the safest” She said knowing the stress it caused her whenever Y/N left the house on an emergency.
“I just want you to be careful, both of you. This is clearly new for both of you, finding out there are others like you, finding out other people have gone through the same hurt you’ve gone through and will always go through” She let go of your shoulders and held their face.
“You won’t admit it but you feel something for her, I just want you to be absolutely sure that this is something you want, because if it isn’t and things start to spiral down I am worried that she may never open up to another person again. Because I know you wouldn’t” Y/N grabbed their Aunt’s hands and threw themselves into a deep hug. A/N also returned the hug adding in extra effort and even lifting Y/N off the floor.
“I like her a little bit” Came a muffled noise from Y/N, A/N rolled their eyes. “Yes a little bit, I watched you give away your favourite shoes so she doesn’t have to wear those ballet ones” Y/N let out a small laugh and let go of their Aunt.
“How long have you been holding onto that one for?” Y/N asked, looking at their Aunt who looked caught.
“Since you bought her home that day” Y/N looked flabbergasted at how quick their Aunt had known about their feelings. “Don’t look at me like that” She scolded slapping your arm a bit. “I have known you my entire life, you wear your heart on your sleeve even though you want people to think you’re a big bad Spider” She said with the smallest smile on her face.
“I guess I had a great mentor growing up who taught me all the things I know” Y/N said with a sly smile on their face. Once Y/N felt that the conversation was done they sat back down on the couch.
“I don’t know what this is, I don’t know where its going, I don’t know if she even likes me the same, All I know is that pain and suffering she has gone through I want to fix that” A/N sat down next to Y/N and pulled them in for one more hug “You have that senseless drive I do to help every single person out there, as if she doesn’t like you already”
Y/N smiled and went to thank their aunt for the pep talk when a loud voice echoed through the room. “Y/N we have a problem” They rolled their eyes knowing it was Miguel calling for another Spidery emergency. A/N looked at Y/N with the most genuine smile they could must. “It’s probably about Gwen you need to go see what’s happening” With a swift nod and a quick change into their Spidery Suit Y/N opened a portal and was quickly transported back to the Spider Society.
“Somebody better be dying” Y/N said as they stood at the foot of Miguel’s platform that slowly started to descend. They sighed rolling their eyes at how over dramatic it was until they decided to take matters into their own hands and throw themselves onto Miguel’s platform
“What are you doing? Your ruining my whole thing” He said towards Y/N baring his fangs.
“This is stupid you know it, stop being so dramatic what’s going on” Y/N replied folding their arms across their chest tapping their foot impatiently.
“What do you know of a villain called the spot?” He asked staring at his computer with pictures of the Spot and what seemed to be another Spider-Man. You recognised that suit anywhere from Gwen’s stories.
“Miles? And I know nothing of a villain called the Spot, what a stupid name” Y/N said laughing to themselves. Miguel slammed his fist into his desk and turned to face Y/N.
“That’s what we all said until we found out he can destroy worlds with a click of his fingers”
“Like Thanos?”
“No, Yes? It doesn’t matter look he needs to be stopped so I’m sending you to earth 1612 to go deal with this mess” Miguel said folding his massive arms across his chest looking down at Y/N.
“You know if anyone’s going into that dimension it’s going to be Gwen” Y/N said standing up for their friend.
“That’s exactly why I don’t want to send her, her personal issues will ruin this mission” He said worry etched over his face.
“I don’t think it’s fair that you make that decision, she’s focused enough to handle this mission and she deserves to see Miles no matter what the reason is that your keeping her from him. Even if he is a supposed anomaly himself it doesn’t change anything” Y/N said walking towards Miguel and poking he hardened chest.
Y/N pulled their hand back shaking it after it came in contact with Miguel. “Look Jessica will agree with me and you know she will, she needs this for her so send her in there to handle Spot and give her the chance to see Miles”
“Fine but if anything happens its on you Y/N” He said before walking away, Y/N watched as Miguel walked back over to his desk and started rising back to the top. Y’N jumped backwards off the platform and placed their hands in their pockets.
As they walked out of the Spidey-Cave Miguel had adapted a familiar face ran up to them and pulled them into the biggest hug. “You’re back!” They said excitedly seeing that familiar short blonde hair.
“I am back, but Jessica told me Miguel already has another one lined up for me? Are you coming with?” She said pulling herself off Y/N. They shook their head and guided her towards the dark cave Miguel holed himself in.
“Trust me you’ll want this one all to yourself”
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miss0atae · 3 months
Random thoughts about Dead Friend Forever the series episode 10 :
I finally could watch the latest episode and it was great as always. I’m truly enjoying every moments. You never get bored and they always manage to grab your attention so you’ll want to see the next episode.
▪️ Phee finally revealed the truth to Jin about everything he planned with Tan/New when joining the group. It seems Phee is not on board anymore with whatever Tan/New wants to do to know what happens to his brother if the results is more death. Phee always had this guilt about Non and he wanted to have answer but he draws the line at killing others to know it. I understand why. They have different motives in this quest. I would also said how his feelings for Jin made him rethink his “partnership” with Tan/New. Now, he wants to put an end to Tan/New’s schemes before it gets to crazy. I do agree with @mikuni14 about how it makes sense they forgave each other. We have to see them as a pair now. Phee said again how he will protect Jin and I don’t think it’s a coincidence. Now they admitted they had feelings for each other, so they will try to get out together or they would die together. I don’t think, it would be another way for them in the future.
▪️ Back in the house, White convinced Tee to not use the gun against Fluke and Top. We could say it’s the power of love. Tee really is listening to what White has to say. I also gave him the gun and it’s again a proof of how he trusts his boyfriend. There is one thing annoying me in this scene and it’s how long it took Tee to stop pointing his gun at the Fluke or Top. No one can just stand there pointing a gun for so long without making a mistake. But anyway, that’s not important. My favorite boy, White is more intelligent than any of these idiots because he was the first one to question the so-called possession of Top and to recognize he was acting like he is high. Of course, Fluke and Tee didn’t really listen. Then, there was a fight between Fluke and Tee about Non.
▪️ Phee and Jin, after spending a lot of time going around in circle in the forest (apart from losing the ax in front of the house, I’m still trying to find what it means for them to have spend that amount of time going in circles. There must be a reason!) came back to the house and stopped Fluke and Tee from fighting. It became the grand moment of reveal about the true identity of Tan. I laughed a bit when Tee didn’t really reacted when the name New was said. Those guys never cared for Non and his life. They didn’t even know the name of his brother. They just used him and tossed him after it. It was only Jin who liked him and even his love was not enough for him to actually do something to help him (quick aside about how I was socked to learn he knew about Non having a boyfriend… How?! Did he saw the phone calls? I can’t seem to remember when he would have learn about that). Tan/New tried to deny but Phee admitted he told everything to Jin. I think if anything happens to Phee in the coming episodes it’s because he did revealed Tan’s identity. Maybe Tan/New had suspicious about Phee before, but he never did anything to him and gladly accepted his help. Now, things may change because Phee choose to side with Jin and Tan/New really saw it at this time.
▪️ Fluke decided it was the moment to act like stupidly again and took the gun from White to threaten him with it. I don’t know why he is always the one to torment White but it’s really starting to piss me off. Among all of them, White is still, so far, the only innocent person in this house. Tee, again, was really scared for him. It’s really hard to accept that he was a terrible person to Non, but at the same time he is ready to die for White if it means saving him. That’s the moment Top decided to free himself and he died. I won’t say I will miss him because it’s a miracle he survived until now. I thought he would have died before. Better him than my favorite character. Finally, we got the confession from Tee. He brought Non to his Uncle. Non was then beaten black and blue by his Uncle’s minions and he asked them to get rid of them and find any excuses to explain their disappearance. We already knew something like that happen so it wasn’t exactly fresh news for us. Tee admitted to everyone he has no idea what happened to Non after. I felt mostly sad for White because he discovered his considerate and loving boyfriend is not what he seems to be. It must hurt a lot. Jin and Tan/New vented their anger at Tee after learning the truth. Only thing I really appreciated from Fluke is how he stopped Tee from playing the victim card to make excuses for what he did. It’s not like he had no idea about what his Uncle was doing or what could happen to Non. You don’t have to be a genius to know.
▪️ Now what is very interesting is the preview for the next episode. I don’t know how they do it but the always manage to keep you hooked for the next one. It seems like Non is still alive and was working at Tee’s Uncle hidden place. Tee knows it and said he will help Non. The scene seems to be after the beating of Non, so why did he say he had no idea what happens to Non? I don’t like this small apparition of White in the preview. What does it mean? Does he know about Non too? Does it have nothing to do with anything? It’s in the past so it must mean something… Also, Tee gave Non an envelop. What is inside? Is it a way to get the hell away from this place? Is it money? If Non is alive why has he not tried to contact his brother/family (he may not know his parents are dead… or maybe he knows, couldn’t find New because he was masquerading as Tan at that time and thought he was alone… Or something else...) This preview is raising so much more questions. What is Tan/New going to do now? They can’t stay much longer in the house. Will they try to find Non? I think Tan/New is going to get crazy and kill all of them because what else can he do at that point?
I really love this series. It’s a pleasure to watch but also debate about it. All the theories or thoughts about it are also really fun to read. Next Saturday won’t come fast enough.
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casanovawrites · 9 days
random sentence prompts   ━ from various tv shows, part 2
this can’t end with us going home.
it’s a broken world, and you’re the only thing that brings it back together.
’til my last breath, i am yours.
you think i trapped you?
i think i hate myself more than i love you.
we’re young. we can still make bad decisions for a few more years.
you’re the one crying in a parking lot.
you wanna die quick? or you wanna die screaming?
oh my god, you can handle one day alone.
i think a little buffer would be good for us.
you said dating me was a lot, but i need you to know that i’m always gonna be me.
you need to decide. do you take me as i am, or not take me at all?
i think i want to find my dad.
the best that i could do was love you.
don’t take this the wrong way, but are you in the middle of a full-on spiral?
you see me, and i see you.
you’re so not fine. you think i can’t see that?
i’m scared. i’m terrified, actually, that you’re gonna break my heart.
if i could go back to the night we first met, i’d do it all over again.
people will remember the last thing you do.
i’m entirely unremarkable. 
you don’t get to shut down whenever it’s convenient. 
it can’t end like this.
i wanted to experience something i didn’t understand.
wow, that is pretty out there…
this is the first time i’ve felt like me again in a long time.
i like you. you’re scary.
i don’t trust any of these other fucks, so let’s watch each other’s backs.
they’re clearly cannibals.
my dad thought he wanted a child, but he lost interest. he doesn’t care about me.
i’m gonna leave you alone now.
i want to stay here. we were supposed to be a family.
we’re finally together now. let’s start fresh. 
i’m really sorry for what’s about to happen to you.
stop talking to me like a stranger and say what you mean.
are those your tattoos? do they have a meaning?
i will never regret you. i would do it all over again, everything. i would suffer all of it a million times.
our lives are like a series of ghost stories.
you and me, i’d do it all over again.
i wear longing like a fucking veil.
tell me what it made you feel.
look at you. it’s much more likely that you’re gonna break my heart.
you look right through me. you don’t even see me.
i want this to work.
you’re blowing it, and it pisses me off.
you sit here and bleed, or you trust me.
i just don’t scare easy, so when i do, i pay attention.
please don’t break up with me because i’m insane.
it was a stupid, drunken, one time kiss. that’s all.
can we take one night off of the horror show that is our lives?
how do you overcome your fear when all you’re really afraid of is you?
this is not gonna end well.
long distance was brutal. 
we’re not supposed to get personal, big boy.
turns out, i love math.
i was gonna text you, but i got in my head about what to say.
we were both horrible to each other at different times. i regret that.
why don’t you just lay down and die, please?
stop agreeing with each other like you’re fighting. it’s weird.
i’d back your hunches any day of the week.
that should be our motto: “who cares?”
we’re probably all gonna die anyway. 
don’t walk away from something before you even know what it is.
i missed you when we stopped talking, and now i’ll miss you forever.
for a while you were my best friend. i’m gonna hold onto that.
sibling rivalry is bloodsport.
i can’t stop thinking about her.
we’ve had a pretty fucked up year.
i warned you. you should have shut the fuck up.
i stand by what i did.
well, welcome to hell, i guess.
i thought to myself, “what if i could be someone different?”
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chdarling · 11 months
Hello CH.  I’ve not contacted an author before and I don’t know Tumblr all that well, so I don’t know if you’re actually going to see this.  But if you do…I was disheartened reading your post about how some were being unkind.  I wanted to contribute to the positive voices you hear, and hopefully outweigh any negativity.
I’m not a writer (grammar, sentence structure…what?), please bear with me.
I just wanted you to know how much The Last Enemy project means to me and how much I appreciate you.  I stumbled onto The Howling Nights about the same time that I had a health scare.  I had four or five months of talking to doctors, tests, and waiting for results.  A surgery.  Lots of stress and worry. Reading your fic played a huge part in me getting through that with a lot less stress and fewer tears.  I cannot begin to express how much your writing meant to me during that time. I could just fall into your world and put mine on pause for a bit.  
It’s just so easy to fall into the world you made. The Last Enemy is just so beautifully thought out and written.  I’ve seen it expressed more masterfully by others when you respond to them on Tumblr so I just have to echo a few points already made.  I love the different flavors of each chapter depending on which character’s POV it is.  There’s a different tone and manner of thinking for each character.  I can only imagine how much planning, character analysis, and time went into thinking about each event from multiple POVs to explore how it should be told.  I love all the small details that you (probably) agonize about; it makes a world of difference in continuity.  I love how we’re inserted at one point in time, and we learn about the past from someone’s point of view.  Like here’s Lily, a Muggleborn thrust into a new world and learning about wizarding politics/history through Dearborn and Dorcas’s bookstore.  We can see the pendulum of wizarding politics and culture and the effect it has on Hogwarts; for example, students eschewing Muggle clothing as a reflection of the current political leanings(Welcome to the backlash, baby!). I love how you’ve even brought in unconscious biases (Sirius - The Whisper of Trees), which is such a subtle but important detail in prejudice and breaking out of it.  And the relationships set within this context!  Lily thinking James acted the way he did because of blood purity.  James realizing that Lily went through so much more than he initially thought because she’s a Muggleborn girl and you know how these muggle girls are. The Muggleborn group! James teaching Quidditch because that’s the only thing he can do right now to fix something. Okay, I’m just rambling now, so I’ll be shorter.  Lily and Severus’s relationship…just so twisted.  Remus and Sirius - so much there. How James and Sirius confront Lily about Remus to protect him; aw. Lily’s “medicine” for Remus…I can’t even.  There’s so much more about your writing that I admire; I just can’t keep going or this will take forever to read.
I don’t even know how many times I’ve re-read the series, but there is always some new nugget I’m finding or some connection I’m making.  I also joined Tumblr because you were on it.  When you answer a question someone has or a reader points out something I missed, I have to go back and read it again.  It’s so much fun.  Whenever I start reading the series again, it’s like talking to an old friend. On a side note, I’ve also found a ton of new authors through Tumblr.  I wouldn’t have found them without you.
Ramble ramble.  Okay.
I’m always super exciting when I see that you’ve posted a new chapter.  Of course I am.  I sincerely hope you finish the whole series.  Of course I do.  And I will read every word and probably re-read more times than I can count.  But I’m happy knowing that it’s something you’re happy with and it’s what you want to post.  No matter the length of time between updates.  You exist beyond the keyboard.  You have a life. Rational people know that.  Also, I’ve been through grad school…it’s a lot.  Yikes. That you’re creating this series during grad school…um, how?
Thank you, thank you, thank you for the time and effort you’ve put into this and for sharing with us. Lots of love.
This made me rather teary (in a nice way!) 🥹
Thank you so so much for taking the time to send such a kind and supportive message. It truly means a lot to me. And I’m so sorry to hear about your health scare and all the stress from that. I hope you’re doing better now. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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sparkle-d · 2 years
waiting game | daniel ricciardo
pairing: daniel ricciardo x you
summary: in which you switch your phone with daniel's without knowing
tags: falling in love; chatting and messages; kind of enemies to friends to lovers
warnings: insecure reader; f!reader; dumb people
chapter: 4/?
(you: blue/ daniel: orange)
Tumblr media
✧.* tag list: @bloodyvalentine93 @organasith @verstappens-hat @idkiwantchocolatee @landhoe @theplobnrgone @iamasimpingh0e @chiliwhore @buendiabebeta @icecoldtiress @holy-macncheese-balls @caosfanblr @cxliforniadream @calmleclerc @hannahholland1811
chapter 4 - beginning
hot stuff said: oh shit
hot stuff said: i just cut my thumb really badly
hot stuff said: don’t ask how
ma fraise said: how.
hot stuff said: i was shaving my hand…
ma fraise said: at the same time that i want to know why you were shaving your hand i’m a little scared to ask
hot stuff said: to have soft hands what else would it be
ma fraise said: idk you are "“kinky
hot stuff said: w-wht
With the blink of an eye, your vacations have come to an end.
You didn’t do anything special with your free time, aside from enjoying your own company and watching the most chick flicks you could. Even with the amount of movies and young adult series you’ve been binge watching, you still have a single and persisting thought inside your brain. You had a conversation with hot stuff a few days ago, the one he mentions about fancying you, at least that’s how you interpreted his text. 
This continues to make you wonder between yes, he made a move on you and no, you’re being delusional. You like hot stuff, his company and to talk with him during your days and nights, but you can’t put your mind to believe that he would find you attractive. Maybe this is the way friends joke around with each other and you’re not used to it because your two best friends are more like your brothers and they would never do something like that. 
It makes you confused.
You didn’t mention this to your best friends because 1. you felt weird about commenting on this kind of stuff with them, when you normally have nothing to comment about so you just don’t talk about it with them. And 2. they know who hot stuff is, and exposing that he made such a move on you is embarrassing.
Pierre and Charles have no filter in this matter, they always mention to you about their partners, people they hook up with and it’s so normal to you, you don’t even mind it anymore. But thinking about opening up about it to them when the issue is on your side, it’s different. They wouldn’t do anything to make you feel ashamed of it, but they definitely would lecture you about not being innocent and naive about things. They would want to protect you like they always do.
The truth is, you never felt desired.
You actually never gave the opportunity for anyone to see you with different eyes; you always tried to hide yourself from everyone, if someone turned heads on you, you would assume they were thinking badly about you. Well, and you’re probably right.
“You’re the ugliest out of all of us.”
You grew up in this reality - the reality that every single cell in your body is hideous. Your hair sometimes covers most of your face, leaving only a small gap for your  eyes to pop out. Your skin feels too hot against your palms, making you think that your touch is feverish. The lines on your face are too deep and that makes you not smile too much, not that you’re someone who often gives away smiles out of nowhere, anyways.
You never felt beautiful.
When Charles and Pierre became your  best friends, the friendship started because they never cared about your appearance. They never judged you for the way you’re, the way you look, or the way you dress - Pierre and Charles never tried to change you. Even though you are a very hard person to have around, in your opinion.
They came into your life and never left.
Your best friends could have anyone around them, they easily make friends without problem. But there’s something they share with you, they’re very anxious people. With you, Charles and Pierre have nothing to worry about. They always say you are a very sincere person, you never lie to them, never hide things from them and would never replace them with someone new.
You feel the same for the both of them, and as years went by, you noticed that now they understand you. They understand that you don't like crowded places, that you like the silence and being alone. Well, you like to be alone with them, mostly. You enjoy watching chick flicks with your best friends, especially because even when things don’t work out in the beginning, in the end, everything is worth it. 
Sometimes you need some positivity inside your brain.
Maybe you should start to believe more in yourself. 
Charles takes off the protection on your ears, patting on your shoulders “Oh, I’ve missed having you around.” He gives you a smile, side hugging you “I didn’t see you arrive at the garage today.”
“I got late this morning, you know, I got used to watching the races from my television, so I did not calculate correctly the time I needed to get ready and get here.” You arrived at the paddock late, a coffee in one hand and another holding your notebooks and papers “I ran immediately to check in if everything was right.”
“I bet they are.” Charles says as if you would let him drive in a car that wasn’t in a perfect and safe state “Want to check in with Pierre? I haven’t seen him either and you will go there anyways.”
You nod, checking one last time if everything is okay, making sure you can relax a bit with your friends “Yeah, I was about to head there.”
Sometimes you can’t turn off your brain from being focused on the race, but being anxious and worried about everything all the time is the ‘you’ that you want to change a little inside.
If Charles, who is racing later on, is okay with hanging out with his friends, you can do it too.
Pierre gives you and Charles the biggest of smiles, waving as he sees you - acting like he hasn’t seen you in years when in fact you had dinner together yesterday. Having them with you during race weeks, hanging out around the garages and smelling the oil and burnt tyres in the air, makes you nostalgic.
This was your childhood, and things didn’t change at all. It makes you feel warm in your heart.
You only notice that Pierre isn’t alone when you’re too close to run away from it.
“Oh my god, yeah, you’re a Ferrari member.” Pierre shouts at you, touching your Ferrari uniform - looking like a couple of tomatoes with Charles “Red looks good on you, lucky you went working with Charles and left me alone.” 
You can’t concentrate on whatever Pierre and Charles are starting an argument on, something about you having a preference for Charles and making Pierre feeling lonely, when in fact you used to share beds with Pierre and leave Charles to sleep on the ground when you were younger.
Your attention is completely on the man in front of you smiling, looking like the menace he is because he knows his presence annoys you, he annoys you - and he likes it. He likes to see your cheeks turning redder as you try to avoid his stare, leaving your shyness as a view he enjoyed seeing.
“So baby girl is a Ferrari staff.” Daniel leans closer to you and bumps your shoulder with his “I didn’t know you were working here, thought you were only friends with these two.”
You open your mouth to retort Daniel, but when you look up at him, you notice he’s having fun with your embarrassment. Your cheeks are getting a tint of red so bright, anyone around the paddock could notice it. Is this how Rudolph feels? You let out a breath and decide to put your mind in its right place. You shouldn’t feel ashamed or anything, when in fact is Daniel the one saying embarrassing things. 
You can deal with it.
“That’s only my part time job, my full time job is being an engineer.” You reply the most simple thing you can think of, if your interaction with him ends fast, it’s easier for you.
“This means I will have you around more.” Daniel grins, as if he has won something, when in fact there’s nothing to win here “I knew I should’ve known who you are, you’ve always been with these two.”
“Thank you for making it more evident that my presence is unnoticeable.” You give him a fake smile, crossing your arms, you don’t want to talk with him, but you stay beside him.
“Not at all, I think your presence is very noticeable.” He winks, but you are not in the mood, especially because you didn’t know you would see him around today “You’re mysterious and that intrigues me.”
You look at him, not getting what he means by that, but when you are about to ask it, Charles speaks louder.
“She’s happier when YOU win.” Charles says, his tone a little louder as the discussion with Pierre got heated, bringing your attention back to your best friends.
“Well, you win all the time, of course she’s happier when I end up winning.” Pierre shrugs. They aren’t serious about this discussion, but they’re using real arguments on this. Pierre is right, you made a fuss when he won, of course you did it for Charles every time he won, but with Pierre you even cried.
Well, you cried on Charles' first win too.
Charles snorts “She works with me, she shouldn’t be happier with your wins, dumbass.” 
“Are you trying to get me fired, Charles?” You say, but your voice comes out almost like a whisper and you giggle in the end, to make sure anyone notices you’re just joking. 
“Do they always fight for you like this?” Daniel crosses his arms, interested in all of the dynamics with your best friends.
“They aren’t fighting…” You try to say, but your voice again fails you and it comes out too weak “They are just messing around.”
“I’m on Charles’ side, I think you’re favoriting Pierre in your actions.” Daniel simply says, mocking you with his tone. You don’t want him to meddle in, to have an opinion or a side. You aren’t close to him, you barely know him. Until a couple of weeks ago he didn’t even know your name.
“Thank you.” Charles says “She even has a tradition with Pierre before every race. Me? Nothing.”
You beg with your eyes for Charles to shut up, but the person you didn’t want to notice is the one that notices first. Daniel lets out a loud laugh, going back to your eyes and staring at them. This time you try to not break the stare, and try to pierce him with your glare.
Pierre looks at you side by side with Daniel, only noticing now how close you two are “Are you friends now?” He raises an eyebrow, and Charles immediately does the same.
“I wouldn’t call it like that.”
“We are building up our friendship.” You and Daniel speak at the same time, exchanging looks as the answers are not on the same side “Don’t be jealous, I’m not trying to be her best friend, just a friend.”
Daniel bumps into you again and you snort, but wanting to leave a smile at the thought. Not that you like the idea of being Daniel’s friend when you’re always bothered by him. But having a new friend, of any type, is something new to you. Charles and Pierre have been trying for years for you to open up to new people, and now someone is there willing to destroy your walls and share a space with your best friends.
Charles looks at Pierre and they exchange a look that you can’t comprehend what it means, maybe they are indeed jealous of you. They don’t need to be, no one will ever replace them inside your heart.
“Anyways, I think it’s time for us to prepare ourselves.” Charles finally says it, looking around and notices everyone in the garage is wrapping things up “Just do your thing with Pierre and let’s leave.”
The tradition you have with Pierre is that you always close his racewear, for good luck. Pierre puts his overalls on his shoulders and you zip them up, tapping his chest in the end. You give Pierre a kiss on his cheek and wish him good luck, and do the same with Charles, so he won’t have such a pout on his face. His expression lights up immediately, the least thing you would want is for one of your friends to feel left out.
“And me?” Daniel says, showing his left cheek to you and standing still. 
Pierre and Charles are watching Daniel waiting for your kiss. You look at them as if they were crazy, almost laughing on Daniel’s face. Why would you kiss his cheek? Why would he ask you for it in the first place? It’s not like you’re uncomfortable with it, but you aren’t leaving kisses everywhere you go. 
“I would rather die, Daniel.” You answer, if Daniel has no shame in asking for a kiss, you shouldn’t feel ashamed to answer him like that. He deserves it.
“Ouch, you’re in a bad mood today cupcake?” 
“For you my mood is always bad.” You say. Daniel seems to be having fun with this, and it infuriates you even more.
hot stuff said: how do you know if you’re into someone?
hot stuff said: i think i might be-
ma fraise said: what?
ma fraise said: falling in love?
ma fraise said: kdfjgnsdfkj
hot stuff said: this sounds so boring omg
hot stuff said: falling in love and etc
hot stuff said: but yeah something like it ig…
(prev chap // next chap)
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telamons · 1 year
it’s just me rambling because i can’t stop thinking about what could happen to cal in the third (and possibly last game, knowing that respawn originally wanted to make the jfo series a trilogy?) but anyway here it goes. spoilers below of course, feel free to interact with this post, i really want to have other people’s theories on that matter.
a few days ago, i was still in the mindset that cal could potentially die at the end of his story. why? well, primarily because as jedi survivor proved it to us, no one within the mantis’ crew is safe from being harmed and/or killed and cal showed us that he seemed to have a death wish more times than i would like to admit. BUT. call it wishful thinking but actually i don’t think he’s gonna die.
you see, whether we’re talking about jedi fallen order or jedi survivor, both games are actually journeys where cal learns. it’s a journey of discovery. in jfo, he learns how to properly use the force (his connection to it being “broken” at the beginning of the game), he learns how to trust people (him being a jedi makes him a target to pretty much everyone he meets), he learns how to accept his former master’s death (amazing cutscene by the way). In jedi survivor, he learns what obsession could lead to (bode and garan being two good examples), he learns how to be in control of the dark side at the end of the game (there’s a big difference with how he fought on nova garon and how he fought bode on tanalorr even though it’s still not perfect).
there’s a scene at the beginning of the game between greez and cal that i feel is extremely important, and people are sleeping on it. cal sleeps at pyloon’s saloon and they have this big conversation where greez tells him to just rest, stop fighting and settle to find a home because if he goes on like this, he’ll end up losing something important. to which cal replies that if he stops fighting then it will be like he gives up on all the people that have died so he could live. greez drops the subject, knowing he won’t make him change his mind even though cal told him he’ll think about what he said.
at no one’s surprise, cal keeps fighting all the way through even though he’s starting to realize that his obsession with the empire is anything but safe for him. as greez predicted earlier, he does end up losing someone very dear to him (aka cere) near the end of the game and for a short period of time, cal ends up almost losing himself in hate and anger and almost lets the dark side take over. good thing for him though, merrin’s here to support him and talk him out of it and he finally realizes that the way he lives is no way to live. during the ending, cal promises cere he still won’t give up the fight (for now) but he’s more in peace with himself than he used to be. killing him would basically do more damage to his character/persona than just kill the character “physically” because it would mean that all the knowledge he gained throughout jfo/js would have been for nothing.
remember when i said that that particular conversation in pyloon’s saloon between cal and greez was very important? because i actually think that greez represents what cal is meant to become while the cal we see at this moment is the present cal, who’s mentally broken. they’re just two sides of his personality that clash during this cutscene, i’m 99% sure that cal actually doesn’t want to fight, but he feels like he has to, for all the people that he lost over the years and i hope that the third game would help him realize that okay, it’s a good reason to fight but him being dead won’t settle anything. we talk a lot about his ptsd after surviving order 66 and more specifically his survivor’s guilt that makes him restless (he won’t stop running because he doesn’t want to think, he’s scared to be alone with his thoughts, we even have proof that he has nightmares when sleeping, so you won’t change my mind about that), but i think we’re all missing the point here: i do honestly think he hates himself and for as long as he doesn’t overcome this hate (mostly through fighting the darkness/dark side) and just accept his past, he won’t be able to move on to the person he’s supposed to become and get the happy ending he deserves.
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robotstrategy · 3 months
Recalled • Part 5 • 40 - Connor Robert
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It’s a cold morning in Marseille, Robert wakes up entangled with Risa. As he shifts around she groans as he tries to get out of her grasp. “Don’t they have rations for another day?” She murmurs.
“I think, but I’d better check on them anyway.”
Risa still has a tight grip on him. “Please stay, just one more hour.”
Robert nods, laying back down with her. “But only for another hour.” He uses his hand to brush away her wavy hair from her face, her pretty green eyes barely opened as they look back at him. 
Running an unwind-safe house isn’t all that easy, especially when you yourself have an unwind part. Some days Robert doesn’t even notice Roland’s arm anymore, and some days he does because of the AWOLs. Risa usually has to come down and lull them back into silence, explaining that he never wanted that arm. 
Robert lifts right arm in the air, staring at the shark tattoo above him. “What’s on your mind?” Risa asks him.
“Nothing really,” he takes a breath, looking over at her again. “Have you been looking at the news from America lately?” 
“Yes, have you?” 
“I haven't really been trying to look at it.”
Risa hums as she lays Robert against her chest. “They’ve been making a lot of rewinds lately, they’ve got two StaHos full of them.”
“Oh, more Cams.” Robert grunts and Risa elbows him in the side. “There’s always been a lot of Cams, didn’t you hear about the army of them on Molokaï?” Robert simply huffs at her.
“They’ve also got Recalls now.” She adds.
“What’s the difference?”
“They're just made of one person, like you, and they get adopted back into their families.”
Robert shifts his head off her chest so he can face her. 
“According to Recall class types,” She continues. “You’d be a Stable Recall.”
“What’s the other ones?” He asks. 
“There’s just one other, Modified, they’re called that because a lot of their parts were missing when they were being built, they used the Biobuilder to get them all back in one piece.” 
Robert looks down to his right arm. “I’m lucky someone like you will never be recalled.” 
Risa laughs. “Well it has been around two years hasn’t it?” Her face straightens. “Even then if he was recalled, it’s not like we’d ever see him again.” 
“Yeah, you’re right.” Robert gets off Risa, he picks up his phone to see if there’s anything new going on in politics. 
“I’ve been meaning to tell you something.” He starts
“What is it?” 
“There’s been a voicemail sitting on here for three months now.”
“I’m scared to open it.” 
“Oh for goodness sake Co- Robert, it’s probably just a telemarketer!” Risa groans, whenever she’s angry or upset with him she has the knack to almost call him Connor. 
“I know, I just,”
“Would you like me to listen to it with you?”
“Yes please.” 
Robert sets the phone down between them as he puts in the password the voicemail starts with a familiar voice.
“Vous avez 1 nouveau message. ‘Hi Con-Robert, Robert, It’s me, Hayden, I’m not actually in France like the unknown number location might give you, I didn't want any of us to be charged. Anyway, I found you!’ The voice says in an almost sing-song way, ‘Don’t worry, it wasn’t easy finding you, you covered your ass very well, anywho, nice catching up! Bye!’ Si vous voulez sauvegarder le message pesser 7, si voulez supprimer le message pesser 1.”
Robert looks up at Risa with a face of pure dread. “Some, someone found us.” He stutters. Risa holds onto him as he quivers. “Someone found us.” He repeats, and Risa combs through his hair, “But isn’t that someone Hayden.” She cooed.
“Risa, it doesn’t matter! Someone found us!” He keeps repeating. 
Risa hushes him, “Robert, if that message has been sitting on there for three months I don’t think there’s anything to worry about, besides, it’s high time someone would be curious enough to wonder where we went.” Risa lays him back down in bed, covering him with the blanket. “You stay here, I’ll go check on the kids today.” She tells him. Robert stares at the ceiling as he hears Risa leave. He should be more confident in her, but she’s not a double agent like Trace was; she doesn’t have intel on the government, and she doesn’t know what they’re thinking. For all they know, his opening of that voicemail could have sent off a hint as to where he was.
Robert hears a knock on the door before it’s opened, he sits up in bed to the sight of Lucas; his eyes encompassed in black makeup. 
“Are we doing anything today?” He asks his little brother.
Lucas shakes his head “Nah, just felt like putting makeup on.” He leans against the doorway. “Gotta second?”
Robert cocks an eyebrow. “Yeah, why? 
“I’ve got something to show you.” He turns around heading to his room as Robert gets up to follow him.
Once in his room, Lucas hands him over a pamphlet. “When the social worker came in today, she handed that over to our parents while gesturing to me.” Lucas comments. Robert reads over the pamphlet Jack’s Canadian Camp, Robert looks up at Lucas. “I don’t get it.” 
“Flip it over and look at its sponsors,” Lucas orders him.
Robert looks at the back, among many generic camp sponsors including a fast food franchise there sits a lone oddity at the bottom. ‘In cooperation with Canada’s free-range camps.’ It reads.
“Pfft, what’s a free-range camp, like, what’s its opposite, a harvest camp?” Robert laughs, Lucas shakes his head. “It is a type of harvest camp, Robert.”
Robert coughs on his own spit. “Huh?!”
“From the research I’ve done, you can either sign up your kid for it like it’s a regular camp, or you can send them there to be unwound, and they won’t even know you’ve signed an order for them until they’re on the table.” 
Robert turns around facing the wall, his forehead and left hand pressed against it. Who’s sick, twisted, mind came up with these places, not knowing you’ll be unwound until it’s already happening? But maybe that’s considered a better place than Divan’s black market plane. Lucas sighs.
“You’ll be happy to know it’s the last of its kind. All the others have been turned into actual summer camps or they became the usual kind of harvest camp.” 
Robert’s forehead is still pressed against the wall. “Why haven’t all Harvest Camps become like that?” 
“I looked that up too, worse merchandise, both mentally and physically.”
The merchandise, the children, the money, of course, that’s all they care about. If people really wanted all of this, they should all be raised as tithes. Then nothing would matter anymore, they could get away with all of this. 
“I don’t mean to break your moody internal monologue, but, do you think that the social worker wanted to be done away with me?” Lucas pipes up. 
Robert stops zoning out, he looks over to Lucas, waving his hand at him. “You are out of the ordinary, there’s no doubt that some people would unwind you if you were their teenager,” He pauses. “I don’t think our parents would ever consider it, I think they learned their lesson.”
Lucas looks doubtful. “And if they didn’t?”
“I’d disown them again, and never accept their apology.” 
Robert looks down at the pamphlet. “At the end of summer huh?” Robert is not an old soul like Sonia was, AWOL rearing doesn’t seem like much of his forte right now, but maybe when he’s older. When he grows weaker and can be seen as nothing more than an old innocent man.
“Nah, you won’t be going here, but I will.”
“Connor…” Lucas starts. 
Robert gives him a dirty look. “Not like that, and don’t call me that either!” 
“So then why would you go there?” 
“To get a point straight one last time, and well, to look like I’m doing something. I’m pretty sure the social worker thinks I’m a NEET.” 
“You sound like that one guy covered in unwind names that stripped naked and started clapping.” 
“Lev, that’s Lev.” He says bluntly.
“You were friends with that guy?”
“Still am.” Robert snaps, annoyed.
“Right, but you‘ll never see him again?”
Robert frowns, “Maybe I’ll write to him someday, you never know.” 
“And when will that be?”
Robert sighs, flailing his arms at Lucas. “A lot of places are vetoing unwinding, maybe Europe will veto it soon.”  
“Sooner,” Lucas smirks. “Or later.” 
Robert scowls, annoyed by his brother. “You’re just a pessimistic sad sack aren’t you?” Robert walks out of Lucas’ room, taking the pamphlet in hand. “I’ll be showing Risa this, I’ll see what she thinks about it.” He waves the pamphlet at him just before closing his door.
Robert heads downstairs, out the back door that leads to the insulated hatch of the basement. Robert opens the hatch and heads downstairs, closing the hatch as he goes lower. The basement is fully finished with a few closed-in areas, it had to be, or else they couldn’t run this safe house like a foster home. Robert was surprised it worked out, as long as the kids received different names, no one batted an eye to it.
Risa comes up to him, “I was right, they’ve got enough rations.”
Robert looks at the girl who sits in the corner, she always sits in the corner, staring into it. 
“I’ve heard her talking recently, she only talks to Justin.”  Risa exclaims, catching his glance.
Robert looks at over Justin, Justin reminds Robert a lot of Roland, he constantly calls Robert a piece of shit. Yet, there’s no creep factor to Justin, he’s just angsty. 
“Si tu la touches je vais te donner un coup de poing!” Robert threatens him.
“Pourquoi je la toucherais? Je n'y vois aucun intérêt.” Justin responds, at least he has no interest in her, unlike Roland had with Risa.
“Can I speak to you for a moment?” Robert asks Risa, she nods. They head out of the basement onto the dock behind the house. Robert hands her the pamphlet. “It looks like a summer camp, but it’s actually a harvest camp.” He explains, she gasps. “That’s so much false advertising, do you think it’s so that kids just think they’re going to a normal camp?”
“Oh, they will, because it’s free-range, they won’t know their parents have signed an order until they’re already on the surgical table.”
Risa clutches the pamphlet in both hands. “This is ridiculous! At least we knew at the harvest camp we were being unwound!”
“I know,” Robert mutters.
They sit in silence for a while until Robert puts his hand on Risa’s shoulder.
“It’s the last of its kind Risa, after that those free-range camps are gone,” He pauses. “Would you do me the honour of wreaking havoc with me one last time?”
Risa chuckles. “You sound like you’re trying to propose to me.” 
“Well, I am proposing something.”
Risa looks down at the shoreline, smiling. “So, you’d be willing to travel again?” 
“Hey, I mean, we’ve been able to properly immigrate here. Besides, if people see me, they’ll only recognize me as one of Les Frères Saltries.” 
Risa sighs. “I suppose Mademoiselle Wion can go with Robert Saltries to destroy one last chop shop.”
Robert holds Risa in his arms and kisses her on the forehead, thanking her.
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cdyssey · 5 days
Hacks (1.09) Reactions:
I thought it’d be fun to do half incoherent write ups for the s1 finale episodes ☺️
Ava lying about a doctor’s appointment to catch her flight… this is not gonna end well. 😭😭
“But do me a favor. Will you stay off WebMD? It’s bad for your personality.” This is the fucking funniest show.
“Great. Love you, bye!” And Deborah looks up and stares at Ava as she runs off. Oh, my fucking godddd. The first “I love you” between them and it’s so beautifully casual, like it’s something that Ava has said to her a thousand times before.
Deb at Marty about embarrassing herself: “Oh, well, thanks for looking out for me, you condescending piece of shit.” get his ass!!!
They did a really job of casting Ruby. There’s a lot of chemistry between her and Ava. You can sense the history between them.
Deb so nervous and worked up about the new set that she hasn’t eaten. ;w;
Ruby notices that something is different about Ava, and Ava says she’s happy.
Ooough, Ava being caught by the subletter, and Marcus is on the other end of the line. Jesus, this isn’t gonna be good.
“His job is just a series of high-cholesterol lunches.” FJSKSKSSN
Now’s as good as of a time as any to mention this—this season has done a remarkable job of showing the subtle tensions between Deborah’s various employees. There was Damien and Josefina in the kitchen during DJ’s party. And slowly but surely, we’ve watched Marcus grow increasingly discomfited at possibly being edged out by Ava.
Like their ambitious boss, they’re all jostling for their positions in the hierarchy—to be number one, to be the person Deborah relies on. Jealousies emerge, and that feels so real and painful and human.
Ava walking with so much confidence to her interview is nice. Such a huge change from her pathetic loser girl status at the start of the season fjskjdmsks.
Deb wanting Ava to come over now, and Ava making up a lie about bloodwork. Girllllll.
“You’ve been through way worse than silence, Deborah.” 😭
Ava: “Trust me.” / Deborah: “Okay, okay. I do.” Sobbing. OH, GOD, and this on the heels of Marcus questioning Ava’s trustworthiness.
“Okay, I’m getting my pussy waxed.” ALALWOQOFODKSKSOQA
Oh, jesus christ. The interviewers reveal the subject of the show, and Ava’s face immediately falls, and she’s immediately defensive because she’s gotten to KNOW Deb.
And she’s not a “crazy bitch.”
She’s someone that she loves.
And so she blows up this job to defend Deborah, even though Deborah is about to fucking find out that she was in LA in the first place. My Stomach is in Knots.
Ava tripping and her diva cup falling out of her bag after she tries to power walk away is perfect. Yeah
the heaviness in Deborah’s face. She trusted Ava, and trust does not come easily to her at all
“Actually, you made light of my dandruff problem and told me to fuck off, so we really don’t have to go there.” ALALAOSJSK
“And when you share a sense of humor with someone, it’s like finding someone who speaks your own, you know, private little language. And you make each other better. But his ambition got in the way, and he left me, and I was so scared because I thought I needed someone else and that I would never find anyone like him ever again.” HACKS WRITERS, GO SIT IN THE CORNER AND THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU’VE DONE.
Stand-up not being scary to Deb because no one can disappoint her. :((
“Isn’t that a little lonely, though?” / “It’s just true.”
I’M SO???
Deborah in the kitchen, her apron bloodied, as she filets a fish… and it takes you back to earlier in the season as she fishes quietly on the pier while Ava watches her late night show. And that moment was important because it was the first time Ava really connected to Deborah’s humor, when she discovered that Deborah makes her laugh.
(Also, something, something about Deb having a lot of practical skills that I really appreciate—fishing, cooking, etc. it would have been super easy to make her helpless about those sorts of things, but giving her that touch of competence helps to ground her, I think. Makes her feel more real.)
Deb pretending like everything is okay, and Ava continuing to lie—god god god—while Marcus is surprised to see Ava still by Deb’s side in the kitchen. So many unspoken dynamics and tensions here.
Deborah’s hatchet comes down SO hard, and it’s silent condemnation.
It’s a taste of what’s to come for what can only be a fraught and emotionally painful finale.
FUCK ME, this show is good
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xenon-demon · 1 year
💝: fave trope w/ rec
This isn’t from the list, just offering it up to give you the chance to talk about it if you’d like—no pressure!
ok. so. It’s very hard to pick an ULTIMATE fave trope buuuuut a very strong contender for the title is time travel fics. More specifically, time LOOP fics. (What can I say, Doctor Who had some significant effects on my preteen brain chemistry.) I love a good time loop fic because it lets you hit a lot of my favourite things all in one: timey wimey nonsense, getting to Fix whatever canon bullshit you need to, having all these little character moments where you can explore different dynamics and do character studies - especially if people other than the looping character start to change/remember things as the loops go on??? MAN. I EAT THAT SHIT UP. Also the potential for calling back to previous events or repeating an event with a subtle twist to it each time, it’s suuuuuuch good shit. I also find stories about the importance of trying - even when it’s difficult, even when you don’t want to anymore, even when it may not actually change anything - really resonate with me. Which is major time loop vibes, yknow? I am a certified Time Loop Enjoyer™.
I know there’s a lot of good time loop fics out there in the ST fandom (especially steddie fandom), which, duh, Steve and Eddie and the events of season 4 are practically BUILT for a time loop. Because of that (and because the fic I really wanna rec for this trope is A Lot and Not For Everyone), I’m going to rec TWO time loop fics for you.
1: echo by CaptainHoney (~30k words, rated E)
Warning - READ THE GODDAMN TAGS. CHECK THE ARCHIVE WARNINGS. I AM NOT KIDDING. This fic starts out going full tilt balls-to-the-walls and it does not stop once. It’s emotionally intense (lots of angst), the events of the fic are intense, it’s a heavier take on time loops than a lot of other fics in this fandom, and you Will feel like you’ve been put through an emotional blender by the end. But there is a happy ending (I’m a sucker for happy endings, I can’t read anything more than ~5k without one), and like I mentioned above this is a story about Trying. Trying even when it’s hard, even when you don’t want to anymore, is such a powerful story theme for me and I really like the way it’s explored in echo. Plus, it’s a love story of course, and a damn fucking good one - both the love between Eddie & Steve, and the love their whole extended found family have for each other.
ALSO. I’m a feral creature for fun narrative choices and echo is told both non-linearly AND from multiple POVs (don’t let that scare you, it’s always really clear who and when we’re dealing with. You’ll see if you read the fic). It’s absolutely fucking delicious. I don’t see this fic talked about much (literally ever, actually) and I think that’s a SHAME. That being said, I do recognise this fic is Very intense and not for everyone, which is perfectly fine! Take care of yourselves, and don’t read something that you’re worried might put you in a bad spot mentally just because I’m hyping it up here. 💙
2: you are young and life is long (and there is time to kill today) by heartofwinterfell (~70k, rated M)
This is a fun one. This is technically a series, with the first fic being ~18k from Eddie’s POV as he goes through the loops, and the second is ~52k from Steve’s POV as he lives in the time loop without knowing it’s a time loop. Yeah. I really love that perspective, you don’t often see a time loop fic from the perspective of the other character, and it’s done really well here. PLUS the second chapter of Steve’s fic goes into time loop aftermath and recovery, which is one of my favourite things to explore that often doesn’t get addressed in great detail.
Thanks so much for the ask, anon, I really loved getting the chance to ramble a bit 💙
Ask me for a fic rec!
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toujokaname · 1 year
Musical Guidance Tsukinaga-Style ☆ (Leo Idol Story)
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Author: Chitose Umeda
Characters: Leo, Tomoya
“Through Shiro's blank slate of a voice, I can picture various landscapes and melodies...☆“
Season: Autumn
Location: Sky Garden
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Leo: Wahaha, not a cloud in the sky! Sunny, clear autumn weather...☆
Such nice weather, I knew it was a good decision to go outside!
In this sky garden, I'll write a masterpiece that will go down in history, all while feeling the autumn air!
...Well, it's nice to be enthusiastic, but... This place is rather large. In fact, it's really difficult to find a good spot.
It's hard to see the music sheet if it's too bright, yet it looks a little chilly in the shade?
Ggh, for problems to arise after coming here! Life is truly a continuous series of choices!
???: Ah~... Ah~...♪
Leo: ? What's that?
(I've heard this singing voice before... I should know it, but whose voice is it? It's exquisitely, hazily stuck in my memory.)
(But if I can hear them singing, they must be close by! Where are you, where~?)
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Tomoya: Uwaah?!
T-That scared me...! Don't suddenly jump out of the shadows!
Leo: Sorry, sorry, I was just wondering who was singing.
But I've heard Shiro's voice many times before, so I should be able to recognize it right away~
Has Shiro always sung like that? Or did he change his singing style?
Tomoya: Uuu~... I was practicing in the corner of the sky garden because I'd be embarrassed if anyone heard me. I guess it can't be helped now that you found me...
But, Tsukinaga-senpai, you can tell just by listening for a little bit to my voice that I sound different from usual?
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Leo: Well, I tried to be a little bit genius-like...☆
So? There must be something going on if you're talking like that.
The autumn wind is blowing pleasantly, so I'll put on my senpai airs and let them blow as well! Why not let me hear you out?
Tomoya: Ahaha, thank you very much.
...Actually, I have a stage audition coming up soon. And in that audition, they'll also judge me on my singing.
It was written by an up-and-coming playwright, and it includes a singing scene in homage to a musical movie or something...
Leo: Hmm, so?
Tomoya: After researching the playwright's past works and watching a number of musical movies, I wasn't sure how I should sing for the role...
When I thought that my usual way of singing as an idol might not be good enough, I suddenly started to feel lost.
Despite all my trial and error, nothing felt right.
Leo: I see~ No wonder I thought just about everything sounded strange in Shiro's singing voice.
Tomoya: "Just about everything," was it really that strange?
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Leo: Yup. Shiro's singing wasn't good at all!
Tomoya: Ugh! My chest hurts just by hearing you say that...!
B-But. What's so good about my regular voice? It doesn't have the piercing quality of Mitsuru's or the delicacy of Hajime's...
Leo: Hey, hey. You're so focused on the good qualities of others that you can't see your own.
Even when I do vocal exercises in Dramatica, I listen to Shiro's voice because I think it's good.
Tomoya: W-What do you like about my voice?!
Leo: Just like your name[1] suggests, it's a "blank slate"! It sounds subdued, but the good thing about Shiro's voice is that it's a blank slate and straightforward.
Tomoya: A blank slate...?
Leo: Mm~ Is it hard to understand?
Shiro's singing voice is like a blank notebook—with no color, with nothing written on it yet.
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Leo: So, when I listen to him, I feel like writing all types of songs. It makes me want to have him sing "this kind of song" and "that kind of song" with his voice.
Through Shiro's blank slate of a voice, I can picture various landscapes and melodies...☆
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Tomoya: (Tsukinaga-senpai praised me so much, I'm so happy...!)
Leo: And yet, Shiro's voice just now had none of those good qualities~!
Tomoya: Ughh, you said there was nothing good again...!
—But, I see.
My mind was so busy trying to figure out the right way to sing for the role...
What kind of voice do I have and what kind of songs can I sing? Maybe I wasn't able to think about such ordinary things.
Leo: Mhm, mhm. Whether it's singing as an idol or singing on stage. Each one has its own characteristics and good qualities.
In both cases the voice comes from the same person, Shiro. It's meaningless if neither of them have Shiro's strengths, I don't want it to be a waste in which his merits aren't expressed.
So relax and just sing in a more Shiro-like way. That's what I think!
Tomoya: Be more like myself, and relax...
Fufu. As I listened to Tsukinaga-senpai's words, my shoulders gradually relaxed.
...This audition is close to Ra*bit's Live. I think that's why I was even more preoccupied.
I was thinking about how I needed to change my attitude, and I was afraid that if I didn't do well, I would drag the Live down...
Leo: I see. Shiro was thinking about what he could do and preparing for it all by himself.
You're doing a great job~ And I'm getting more and more eager to support you! So, I'll stay here and listen to Shiro's singing voice!
Tomoya: Eh?
Leo: I'll be listening to Shiro's voice to make sure it's coming out right. Shiro's voice will stimulate my inspiration...♪
C'mon, sing for me, Shiro! I'm always ready!
Tomoya: I-I understand. Please let me know if you find anything strange...?
...*Takes a deep breath*. Be more like myself, and relax—
Leo: (Yup, it definitely sounds more Shiro-like than the singing voice I heard earlier! It's still a bit stiff, but Shiro should be able to do better!)
...For now, I'd like it to be softer. Try fluffing it up, like you're trying to grow wings with your voice!
Tomoya: Y-Yes!
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Leo: (There we go. My inspiration is welling up, too!)
(Every staff notation will be filled with notes in no time. If I listen to this voice, surely...♪)
Tomoya's surname is Mashiro (真白), a nod to 真っ白 (masshiro), meaning "pure white" or a "blank slate".
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geowrites03 · 2 years
Winning the Attention (and him) pt.1
Damian Wayne x Cobblepot!Reader
Summary: Kids of villains and a massive party at Wayne manor. What could go wrong?
A/n: I’m using some portrayals of characters from the ‘Gotham’ tv series such as the Penguin, the Riddler and Victor Zsasz.
I sat there staring into his eyes, lost in a jungle of different shades of green. They weren’t as pretty across the classroom as they were up close, but he’s still making me fall more head over heels, than I already was.
Sure Damian and I are on talking terms, but we’re not friends, he just can’t seem to let go of that tough exterior and the ‘i don’t need friends, they disappoint me’ mindset. Or maybe I’m just telling myself that it’s his exterior and mindset, because in reality he’d never want to associate himself with a villain’s child. Nobody does.
“Y/n Cobblepot! Would you like to stop drooling back there and actually answer a question or better yet, actually learn something, for once?” Instead of the rest of the class snickering or laughing at the teacher’s pathetic attempt to embarrass me, they were all shocked and concerned. The last teacher who tried to put me down, ended up found in a ditch on the news.
“Well Miss, considering you said my last name I’m guessing you’re aware of who my father is, yes? And I also assume you know what happened to last math teacher, right?” She didn’t falter, surprisingly, that’s what it took for most other teachers to back down but this one’s dumb enough to hold her ground.
“Did you just threaten me?” She tried to sound strong and menacing, but I just kept prolonged eye contact to make her uncomfortable. “Well, that’s not going to work on me, little missy, we’re not all chess pieces on a board for you to play with. And you don’t scare me, either.”
I only continued to stare into her eyes, she was started to get uncomfortable and shifting a bit. I cocked an eyebrow and the bell rung to signal the end of the school day. Whilst it was ringing I pointed to my forehead.
There was a red dot from a sniper directly in the middle of her forehead.
“Do I still not scare you Miss? All I have to do is give him the hand signal and he’ll blow your fucking brains all over the chalkboard, while us students watch.”
“Look, I’m sorry just, call him off.”
“You didn’t ask nicely.”
“I’m not gonna ask nicely to a stuck up brat.”
“Really? Not even when the stuck up brat has your life in her hands? You really are as dumb as the last one.” I signalled for him to shoot.
At least I keep my promises, her brains did end up on the chalkboard. Only two people in the class jumped, they were the two girls that had only just moved up classes. The rest of us are all children of villains and have gotten used to all the gore. Damian, obviously wasn’t a child of a villain, but most villains and their kids know that the Wayne’s are actually the bat-family.
“Well, I guess class is dismissed then.” Joker Jr practically jumped out of his seat next to Damian and ran out of class. The two shaky girls were second to leave, just wanting to get out of there already.
I quickly left after everyone else so I could the keys to the faculty lounge off her dead body. I skipped out of the classroom and went to find Poison Ivy’s daughter, Flora.
She just so conveniently happened to be at her locker which is right next to Damian’s, come on, would you have combusted into flames if you waited for me anywhere else? Oh well I sucked it up and walked over.
“Here you go ma’am.” I dangled the keys next to her and she grabbed them.
“Thank you!” She hugged me tight. “Now I can get those Venus flytraps outa there, the teachers always close the windows so no fly get in for them to eat. Not that they’d even eat bugs on they own because they were grown indoors and actually have to be fed.”
“So, let me get this straight, you can’t even look after yourself, but your gonna care for 4 Venus flytraps?”
She nodded then skipped down the hall. I chuckled and quickly ran to my locker. The whole time I was over there I could feel his eyes on me, I didn’t know if it was a good or bad thing, but my worries and doubts got the best of me. They made me feel as though he was judging me the whole time.
Hell, he most likely was. I mean, come on! Why would the son of Batman like a villain’s daughter? Especially me. Even with the slightest ever chance of him liking me, it’s destined to go down in flames.
“Boo!” Jack grabbed onto my shoulders and shook them lightly. “Why weren’t you boarding this week, your dads just keeping you locked away at home?”
“Nah, they weren’t gonna pay an extra $10,000 just for me to sleep in the shitty dorms with an even shittier curfew.” He nodded but still looked a little confused. “What?”
“Nothing, just wondering why they’re not jumping at an opportunity to get rid of you for a week…” I laughed and shook my head.
“I’m barely at home anyways.” Which was half true, I wasn’t home a lot this is just due to me wondering around the city, somehow finding something new and exciting each day. Finding something exciting in Gotham which doesn’t lead to instant death is rare and I somehow manage to do it at least 3-4 times a week.
“Yeah but, I thought they wanted you to start having rules and discipline, including a curfew.” He always thought it was weird that 2 villains would want their kid to have discipline.
“Yeah, but that’s nothing, the curfew is at 11:30 because they still want me to have a little freedom and fun. The rules are only a few and more about my safety and if I get caught by the police or something. Then with the discipline they only want me to have self-discipline to get homework and assignments done.”
“Imagine your parents wanting what’s best for you, therefore implying that they care for you.” He scoffed and straightened his blazer of his uniform. “Sometimes my dad just doses me with a bit of his fear toxin when he doesn’t want to deal with me.”
“Damn sucks for you Crane! But I need to steal her away for a sec.” I looked at Jack with a sorry look as one of the shitty student council members dragged me down the hall. Jack nodded at me and started walking towards the dorms.
“What do you want?” I looked at her while she looked me up and down, I knew she was judging me but I need an excuse to make her pissed. “You know you didn’t have to pull me aside to check me out, I kinda like people admiring me from afar.”
“Shut up! I just need you to stay away from Damian.” I looked at her with my eyebrow raised, as if asking her to continue. “He doesn’t need somebody like you dragging down his reputation, or grades.”
“Somebody like me? What do you mean by that Jessica? Because last time I checked, I actually earn my good grades, you just think with your tits and let your parents bribe the school to get your grades and even let you attend, let alone be apart of the student council.”
“Um, excuse me!?” She scoffed, I started to walk away but she gripped my arm and dug her nails into my skin causing it to bleed. “You don’t get to lie like that and expect to walk away from me without a beating.”
“A beating!? Ha! You literally can’t even hurt a fly.” She tried to slap me but I manoeuvred my head out of the way and swung a punch to hit her nose, clouding her vision for awhile. While she couldn’t see properly I punched her again on the eye and tripped her over.
When she fell her head slammed into the ground and a teacher made her way through the crowd that had formed around us. Just as she got through the crowd I made a break for it. Since it was the end of the school day they weren’t too bothered about chasing after me, but checking up on Jessica to make sure she was okay.
I put on my blazer so parents outside wouldn’t see then complain to the school about health and safety, and ran out the building and around the corner to where the richer kids would get picked up in their fancy cars, by their butlers/parent’s personal staff because they were stuck in ‘very important meetings’. All the other kids were picked up, besides Damian who usually got picked up at the same time as me.
It’s usually 3:40 when we get picked up, that’s a 40 minute wait from when school finishes. Neither of us minded the late pick-ups, it gave us more time to do homework, or sometimes we would actually talk to each other instead of sitting in silence.
“Only 5 minutes today? I thought you were talking to Jack, you two talk for much longer than that.” I rolled up my blazer sleeve to show the bleeding nail marks. “That looks bad, come here.”
He pat the space next to him on the bench signalling for me to sit down. I put my bag down in front of the bench and sat down next to him while he rummaged through his bag for a small bandage. He held out his hand for me to give him my arm. I hesitantly laid my wrist in his hand.
“Jeez, who even did this? And how on earth did they manage to do this much damage?”
“It was Jessica, she still had her stiletto acrylic nails on, she dug em into my arm.” He hiss at thought. “Worst part was while her nails were still in my arm, she scratched them around and shit. Then when she pulled her hand back after I punched her the nails got ripped out of my skin. Stung like a bitch.”
“I could imagine.” He chuckled at my last comment and wiped off the blood around the deep cuts in my arm. “How did she even lay a hand on you though, your guard’s constantly up, even around people you trust.”
“I actually don’t know to be honest, I guess I just got distracted when I was talking shit about her.” He took a short pause of wrapping the bandage around my forearm to look at me as if asking what I said he looked back down when I told him. “I said she only thinks with her tits and her parents have to bribe the school for her grades and all that.”
“I mean… You’re not wrong.” He shook his head and chuckled at me, I blushed only just now noticing how close we were. “Awe, are you all flustered for me?”
“What? No. It’s just really hot out here.” I started to fan my face but he just laughed. Fuck!
“There you go.” He smiled at me and I retracted my arm. It was rare to get a smile for him, it made me blush even more. He must’ve noticed my blush get darker because he chuckled and teased me more. “Y’know if you’re that infatuated with me you could’ve said something.”
“Pff- Infatuated with you? No. Absolutely head over heels for your mom? Fuck yeah!” I giggled a bit and Damian only shook his head, almost disappointed in me.
“You’re ridiculous.” I laughed a little more. He looked at me again causing me to stop laughing, thinking he found it annoying. “You’re laugh is pretty, why’d you stop?”
“Sorry, I just thought you found it annoying.” I looked down at my fidgeting hands. He grabbed one of my hands and squeezed it reassuringly.
“I don’t think it’s annoy-” He got cut off by Zsasz calling out.
“Y/n! You dads want you back early, we gotta go.” I sighed and he let go of my hand as I picked up my bag with the other.
“Bye Damian.”
“Bye Y/n.”
We were half the drive home when Victor starts teasing me about Damian.
“Oooh la laa. Who was that back there, huh? Your little boyyfriendd?” I blushed and looked out the window.
“Heh, I wish.” He just let out an over-exaggerated gasp and chuckled and decided not to press too much more knowing I was embarrassed. “Do you know why my dads wanted me home early?”
“They didn’t say.”
When we arrived I opened the door and both my dads were already standing there waiting for me.
“Y/n, your father and I have decided to go on a little cruise for 2 months.”
“Do cruises even last that long?” I said in a bored and tired tone.
“Yes, in fact there is actually a cruise that lasts 9 months. Now you’re lucky we didn’t go on that one.”
“Yeah, lucky, because you would’ve ended up dragging me along on it.” They nodded in agreement and chuckled. “When are youse leaving anyways?”
“Tonight.” And that’s why they wanted me home early, to tell me that they were leaving for two months, tonight.
“Why tonight? Couldn’t you have chosen a cruise that’s longer away?” I asked with a sad face causing them to hug me.
“Awe, sorry. We were planning this for awhile and they’re non-refundable tickets.”
“ ‘S okay.”
The first morning with them was boring, every Saturday morning we would clean the house then go do something as a family. But my mood completely changed when Damian sent a message to the group chat with all of our friends.
DW=Damian FI=Flora JJ= Joker Jr JC=Jack
DW: Party at my house
JJ: Bro, what about ur fam?
Dw: They out for 2 months, left last night
Y/n: Cruise?
FI: Geez calm down stalker
DW: How’d you know? lol
Y/n: My dads went on the same one
JC: Still don’t explain…
Y/n: Wdym, i just connected the dots, they all left for 2 months on the same night not much of a coincidence
JJ: Bro, what speed does your brain work at
FI: *photo of flash*
DW: So youse coming or not?
JJ: I’m down how many other people did you invite
FI: Knowing Dames it’ll either be A: only us or B: Nearly the whole fucking school, I’m down for either
DW: The latter
Y/n: As long as Jessica’s not there I’ll go
JC: I’ll go, need to get away from my dad anyways
DW: Welcome to the shit parent club
JJ: Bro, wdym your dads Bruce Wayne/Batman
FI: A: you literally cosplay (on a daily basis) the dude that despises his dad B: he said parent not dad so he could’ve meant his mother
Y/n: Even tho he meant his mother, tell me that you won’t get atleast some trauma when your dads a 50/50 billionaire playboy/emo dude who dresses in all black who’s a bat furry
DW: Wtf
FI: bahaha
JJ: 💀
Y/n: Tell me I’m wrong
When I got there, some people from school were already there. I made my way through the crowd to get to my friends. When I saw them Damian and JJ had worried looks on their faces.
“What’s wrong?”
“Don’t freak out, Jessica’s here.” I rolled my eyes they’re getting worked up over nothing.
“I thought her nose was broken though, and she’s not good at hiding bruises, how is she going to go hide that black eye?” They all looked at me after I said this.
“That’s the thing, she’s flaunting it and telling everyone that you attacked her, unprovoked.”
“Of course this bitch would, she’s an attention seeker.” I scoffed and took off my jacket so I could take off the bandages. “But! Two can play at that game.”
“Holy shit! There’s no way she did that!” JJ called out when I unwrapped the bandage and took off the gauze.
“I know I was surprised too.” Damian spoke up.
“Well you don’t sound surprised Wayne.” I shot him a wink and walked off into the crowd. Completely ready for the shit I’m about to start.
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bitchapalooza · 1 year
This has probably already been done but I feel like a Switched au where Maka takes Crona’s place and vice versa would be really interesting. Not in like the same manner. No Maka isn’t literally taking Crona’s place and all their abilities! She’s still the same Maka, just with added trauma and similar issues as Crona(aka cptsd and anxiety I guess?). And Crona is a little more open and outgoing, they’ve still got Ragnarok and he’s still their weapon. Like all that still happens.
It’s just, the two had gotten separated from their caregivers at some point when they were really young.
Crona was already in Shibusen custody, an investigation into the very clear abuse and neglect going on and most of all the whole existence of Ragnarok and their black blood and everything. So Medusa couldn’t just go take them back without raising suspicion. I mean if she went and claimed Crona, she would have been charged with child abuse. That’s what made it difficult, not the whole her being a witch thing. Because she probably would have been made out regardless. I think eventually they’re put under the school’s permanent care, however they are frequently visited by Spirit, who’s kind of using this help grieve his own loss as well try to help a lost and scared child(that he genuinely feels bad for). Then eventually straight up adopted by Spirit when it seemed like his presence was doing something for Crona’s mental health. Which granted Crona didn’t have prior experience for what care and love was so don’t blame them for seeing Spirit as a sort of safety blanket.
Whereas for Maka, maybe her parents were fighting. Getting into a lot of arguments lately because of Spirit’s unfaithful behavior. And Maka thought it was her fault so she ran away. Until she eventually got lost. She eventually runs into Medusa who is figuring out a strategy to get Crona back because fucking shit her whole plan is going underwater with every second that passed by. But then she finds out Maka is the daughter of a Deathscyth so she uses this to her advantage. She takes Maka and uses her. Manipulates her and even experiments on her with vials of black blood she had taken from Crona.
Eventually, this leads to the series start. Only difference, Soul and Crona and Ragnarok are a trio, just Soul doesn’t really technically have a partner. He couldn’t find anyone he could match wavelengths with. Crona and Ragnarok are incredibly strong thanks to the black blood, to the point where Lord Death is worried Crona may lose control. And so Soul is assigned to supervise them. They’re going on a lot of the same missions as Maka and Soul do in the source material. They fight Blair. Goes the same way, just it’s Soul’s turn to take the soul. Of course Blair isn’t a witch so he failed. And why Ragnarok and Crona failed and lost their souls….. a lot of property damage to the surrounding apartments and businesses.
Maka does act the exact same way as she did on the black blood, but I’d say it’s toned down a little due to being exposed to it for so long. She’s pretty lost on who was. Often asking who she really is. Do they know. It’s a whole identity crisis as compared to Crona’s anxiety and lack of self confidence. Anyway, her first encounter with Soul and Crona is the same as canon. She’s carrying out a mission for Medusa. I’m thinking she doesn’t have a demon weapon partner, rather she has a regular weapon. This is due to Medusa being unable to replicate the same process into making Ragnarok and Crona one and the same. Her weapon, a scythe, is actually boosted with spells, however. The souls she collects are instead supposed to just be bait so Shibusen does notice. This time she does want Shibusen to get a whiff of her plans. She still infiltrates Shibusen tho. The whole reviving the Kishin operation plays out nearly identically as in canon.
I think it wouldn’t immediately click with Soul or Crona in who Maka is, but once described Spirit— who’s still incredibly upset about his only daughter’s disappearance nor can he accept how easily the police declared her dead after three years and closed the case for good— he gets this nagging feeling that this girl seems so familiar to him. He can’t figure out why. Fast forward to when he DOES see Maka, well, he certainly has a breakdown. He’s full of every emotion possible. And he wants to bring his daughter home, he wants to tell her mama she’s alive and he’s going to bring her home and they can be a happy family again(well okay the happy part is a stretch, he’s still a shitty cheater in this au, but the divorce was actually not over this, it was over Maka’s disappearance and presumed death, Maka’s mom, understandably, couldn’t stand not only her husband’s behavior but also, this being a much heavier burden on her shoulders, the grief over her daughter she left and hasn’t been back since). This makes the fight with Medusa a lot more personal, very much full of rage, to the point where it causes he and Stein to be unable to work well enough because their souls are off balance. But they work through it only with minor burns on Stein’s palms.
Eventually when Maka is saved with the help of both Crona and Soul, she’s taken in by Shibusen as, of course, a trial student. And Soul is actually assigned as her partner because their souls match. Crona is still there, though. They’re a team now. But because Maka doesn’t know how to resonate souls yet, much less soul perception, they don’t start team soul resonance until the Arachne arc. Maka adjusting to everything is slow but there is progress.
This is really all I’ve got right now lol
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ilikekidsshows · 1 year
I don’t have fandom friends so I’m coming in ur ask box with this hope you don’t mind. Basically adrien was my favorite character ever. ML my longest fandom fixation, and I never really shipped anything before lovesquare. now it’s like a gaping hole from betrayal. I don’t find new favorites easily and I’m terrible at watching tv, I never finish series. Plus I’ve never been a writer, it scares me,I don’t have that faith in my ability. if i could start a new creative phase that would be amazing. I don’t know how or to make friends on tumblr.
do you have any recommendations or advice?
Hello! Okay, don't take this as definite correct answers for everything ever, but I've been around the fandom and creative block a few times, so I'll just share my experiences and maybe something there will be of use to you.
I’m going to say this about writing: your work is always going to look like a work in progress to you, because it’s your work and you saw the entire process of creating it. My advice is to pick something you really like and be as self-indulgent about it as possible. If you’re having fun writing it, it matters less if others don’t like it. However, there’s a big chance that those who do like it will like it for the same reasons that you do, that they’ll like the same things you do in general and you can have some fun conversations about those things.
As for how to make friends on tumblr, you’re kind of already doing a part of it. Interact with people. Make contact. Ask questions, state your own opinions and keep doing those things. My tumblr friendships are based very much on sending prompts for ask games and responding to posts made by people I think are cool. The ask game thing is a good tip for determining who to try this with too. If they reblog a lot of ask games, that means they want to be sent asks and be interacted with, otherwise they wouldn’t invite people to do so.
Now for the recommendations: I don't watch many romance-focused shows, but I do watch a lot of superhero shows and I have a preference for strong character dynamics, especially found families and friendships, so I have some recommendations I think might work. I'll give some details about how they're similar to Miraculous and the biggest differences in case you're looking for something very similar in a particular way.
Ultimate Spider-Man: I made an entire post series about how this show has the exact same energy as Miraculous. It's very kid-friendly, a more humorous take on a hero who often comes with a lot of emotional baggage, and Peter will not chill about his bestie Harry. The main difference is that big parts of the series are a bit more like the New York Special in that Spider-Man spends a lot of episodes meeting different Marvel universe heroes. The show is kind of a crash course on the big names of Marvel in addition to being a Spider-Man show.
Spectacular Spider-Man: This one is more romance-focused with some love triangle drama and secret identity hijinks. The target audience clearly veered more towards older viewers and it ended before its time so it doesn’t really have a satisfying conclusion. Although most shows on this list don’t really have a definitive ending, this show has a flagrant: “come join us for the next season (that never came)!” vibe. This is generally seen as the most high-quality Spider-Man show.
Teen Titans: Fun superhero team show with an actual main couple. On the other hand, it doesn’t really do anything with secret identities and the romance is only focused on sporadically. The team dynamics are really varied with the kids on the team all having different personalities that mesh and clash in different ways.
X-Men Evolution: Romance and high school hijinks with superhero action. This is a team show like Teen Titans, but actually has a double life thing going on. The show clearly telegraphs to you who the final couples will be, even if the way getting there might have some drama along the way. Far more focus on things to do with school than the other recs on this list. Not really secret identity hijinks since all the heroes and villains know who each other are; it’s the normal students who are being kept in the dark, so it’s more of a “don’t let anyone know this different aspect of the world exists” secrecy thing.
Danny Phantom: A Spider-Man clone with ghosts. This one also telegraphs who the main couple will be in episode one, but there isn’t really much development there, so the characters spend a lot of time focusing on other stuff. Like X-Men Evolution, this one also has more focus on school stuff, although with the whole “superheroics make school even harder for an awkward teen” angle. Some secret identity hijinks with Danny trying to keep his ghost-hunting family in the dark about his ghost powers, but his best friends are in on it from the get-go.
Batman Beyond / Batman of the Future: So, funny story: this team got told: “make a Batman show where he goes to high school” for relatability points, and their solution was: “a new Batman goes to high school in a cyberpunk dystopian future and gets mentored by the original”. This show is a sequel to the Batman the Animated Series, but you don’t need to have seen that show to follow this one, since it’s set so far in the future. Just having a concept of Batman and his usual supporting cast will do. Terry has secret identity hijinks, gets stuck between two girls, neither of whom he feels understands him fully, and saves the day from some pretty creepy villains. This one is definitely for an older audience because, as I just stated, the singular episodes can get creepy.
Kim Possible: This is a banger of a girl power show. The main premise is “Kim Possible: she can do anything. Ron Stoppable: he can’t.” Kim’s sidekick is her main love interest even if they take forever getting there and, despite his sidekick status, Ron is treated with a lot of respect as a character by the writers. He frequently gets his own focus episodes and he’s allowed to have opinions that go against Kim’s and this aspect of them is really showcased in how different they can be. Even so, you never question whether or not these two adore the heck out of each other even while they’re still trying to keep their relationship platonic. No actual super powers or secret identities, but there is some drama with trying to schedule your civilian life around your hero one.
W.I.T.C.H.: This show has peak “guy who starts off as strictly the love interest suddenly becomes a major player in the plot” development in addition to having another guy who’s there for the action from the get-go while also having a major romance arc with one of the main girls. In addition the girl team gets secret identity hijinks with their families and friends although they all know each other’s secret identities. Gets more serialized in season two, like the comic it’s based on, but each episode still has a bunch of meat to it.
Winx Club: This show is a bit more of a changeling fantasy story than a superhero story, but the main characters do need to save the day a lot and even start to view themselves as heroes the more the series goes on. The main point is the main lead having a Normal Teenage Girl perspective in a magical school. She and her friends basically all get their own romance arcs, all with different flavors so there’s something for everybody. Each season has a self-contained story that gets concluded by the end, but the quality of said stories decreases from season four onward (kinda like another show), so I recommend watching only seasons 1-3.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: This pick is mostly if romance is not a key factor. It doesn’t matter which one you pick; there’s barely any. The focus is on family first and foremost. But, the thing about this franchise is that it’s been relaunched so many times and the different versions are so different that there’s a high chance of there being a version for everybody. The 87 cartoon is kid friendly, until the edgy retooling that was panned and the 2003 cartoon is grittier until the lighter-toned retooling that was panned (almost like you shouldn’t mess with a working formula). Fortunately you can skip the seasons that don’t work, because of the “and the adventure continues” nature of Turtles shows; there is never a conclusive ending. The 2012 show is a zany CGI cartoon and Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is the most anime-esque with Studio Trigger-like action scenes.
Power Rangers: @infinitysgrace and @chronicallylatetotheparty keep telling me early Miraculous and Power Rangers have a lot in common, so I’m downloading Mighty Morphin Power Rangers as we speak. Can’t say much more than that yet.
My tip for not wanting to deal with shows letting you down: wait until you can be reasonably sure of what the show is going for before you get into it. The thing about Miraculous though is that season four was a retooling of the series so it introduced some pretty bad curveballs that few people saw coming. Of course, that’s why my recommendation list is full of shows that have already concluded. Sometimes works that are already finished are better because the drama has already passed and you can check beforehand if you should be concerned about a particular character’s treatment in the show.
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