#i’m drunk don’t mind me
agent-troi · 1 year
ok i’m watching millennium again and after reading @randomfoggytiger’s analysis placing the IVF arc between the unnatural and biogenesis, that scene where frank says to mulder “they claimed i was an unfit father… that i was obsessed with conspiracy, that my work meant more to me than my daughter…” just hits different, like mulder was totally ready to give scully a baby because that’s what she wanted, but this scene placed into an immediate post-ivf context now becomes even more of a turning point for mulder, because he’s being asked to confront the question he must have asked himself a million times while they were trying to conceive (do i deserve this? do i have the right to bring a child into the world? can i be a good father? is that something i can balance with my life’s work?), but now it’s been stripped of consequences because he can no longer have children (if scully can’t he can’t either because he only wants them with her), and yet he still feels compelled to change the outcome, to end up in a better/different place than frank has, hence why he chooses to kiss scully at the end of the episode and kick off the season of secret sex
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hazelnut-u-out · 2 years
‘pickle rick’ is popular for all the wong reasons…
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sigurdjarlson · 2 years
Obsessed with night elves being generally shown as these gentle and wise keepers of nature and sure, they fit that role in many ways but they’re feral as fuck when wronged or threatened too.
That much too brief glimpse of badass Malfurion we got in BFA? Bear form is all claws and teeth and outside of it they describe his enemies choking on the dirt as they’re buried alive.
Tyrande’s ruthlessness in pursuit of revenge for her people?
*chefs kiss* handled terribly by the writers but interesting as a concept
Like nature is cruel as often as it is kind.
Its not just life. it’s death too.
Something something nature has teeth and so do it’s protectors.
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bitethedevil · 4 months
weirdly obsessed with with the idea of Raphael purring like a cat when he’s comfortable. I can even imagine him making a deep “brrrrrp” noise like cats do when you unexpectedly touch them.
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3fling · 1 year
Almost the entirety of Noah Kahan’s discography feels like the moment you realize nothing in your life is how it used to be and at the same time nothing at all has changed but also everything has changed and it’s terrifying. It’s the unspeakable sadness of growing up and being hurt and not knowing how to carry your grief but having to carry it every day while it continues to hurt you but being unable to do anything about it. It’s the hope you can barely bring yourself to think about, much less speak out loud, that maybe someday you’ll have something to be happy about or be proud of or even just not hate yourself for. And every song he writes further details that expression of self in a way I haven’t seen very often outside his discography. And it’s devastating but it’s also such a blessing at least to know all of that isn’t a unique or isolated experience.
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call-sign-shark · 9 months
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Thanks @heavencanbeaprisontoo for recreating Heaven from Heaven in Your Eyes by blending Daenerys and Alla’s faces! I genuinely love the result.
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theeleventhhour · 28 days
Me and my brother aren’t bffs and we don’t have a close relationship but today I decided to play the big sis role and we have a rough time at home so I decided to pay him to hang out together and I have to pay his drinks too but I don’t care bc I feel I’m making him happy with this little and makes me feel proud of playing that big sis role
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sga-owns-my-soul · 1 year
i’m having Thoughts about rodney and jennifer so here’s some rambles
i am forever salty about the romance between rodney and jennifer. it felt so forced and so weird to me, neither of them actually seemed to like the other.
it felt so much like rodney went for her bc she was the Young Hot Smart doctor and it was just another status symbol to him. it felt like rodney viewed and treated her as a trophy to parade around and show off (looking at you brain storm) and jennifer deserved better than that, she deserved to be with someone who genuinely understood her and got her as a person and saw the strengths AND flaws to her and still loved and wanted her (like oh idk ronon perhaps?????)
and it definitely felt forced on jennifer’s side too, she kept trying to change him and make him into someone he’s not. the whole ‘i fell for the new rodney mckay’ in shrine really makes it feel like that, bc the whole thing was rodney was losing himself and that’s when they try to establish they’re falling for each other. and rodney deserves better than that too. yeah he’s brash and arrogant and whatever but he has so many strengths too and he deserves someone who will love him because of his flaws, not try to change them (like oh idk john perhaps??????)
and my ronon/jennifer and mcshep hearts aside, the potential of rodney and jennifer to have the best, most chaotic friendship was RIGHT THERE!! they would’ve caused so much trouble oh my god!!! they’re both so sassy and stubborn and strong willed. they both excel so strongly in their specific field but get so flustered outside their expertise (even tho they still kick ass bc they’re super strong and smart) could u imagine them getting together after whatever disaster and just absolutely bitching about how unfair all this is and how this is absolutely not what we signed up for and we don’t not get paid enough but also you can pry this job from our cold dead hands
there were so many better options for all the characters than the path they took with rodney and jennifer
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anicehomicidaltree · 6 months
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As always I’m trying to connect my interests in any way I can. So I was thinking of somehow matching the lines from this verse of mayday by chonny jash to the grotethe crew.
My first thought was chip fully relapsing into his assassin ways for the addict lines. Matilde being the Icarus lines bc birds and wings and such. But that feels a bit shallow. And then elga as the hercules and Barney as atlas. For Barney atlas would also maybe make sense because of his age the first (optional) line would work but idk.
I had some other combinations of lines and characters but I can’t recall them rn sorry
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flowersforfrancis · 10 months
baby come join me there’s nothing like a sleepless night, drinking warm beer and coke, listening to Led Zeppelin, eating sweets from the Asian grocer, eyes bleary, smoking reds on a mattress on the floor I think I’m gonna die
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olgunny · 6 months
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fiber-optic-alligator · 4 months
I think about Albedo Genshin Impact a lot. Like. Damn this blonde twink is kinda funky with it. He should put me in his mouth.
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kinos-fortress-2 · 8 months
i think….
bid and pauling would give it a try.
just for three hours later acknowledging they can’t kiss each other and they just don’t go.
they were both drunk in a bar and reddy wasn’t around. so that’s why they go insane with the topic “haha we’re both kinda similar and fucked up why don’t we give it a shot since we don’t wanna end up in this single boat forever”
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twiintaurus · 7 months
I am very bad at Discord and barely know how to use it but can we please make a discord server for survivors of HetaStuck? That feels like a very specific form of trauma that we can all bond over
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agent-troi · 1 year
Ok so I’m onto Arena in my TOS rewatch and the Gorn ship “doesn’t correspond to any configuration they’re familiar with” totally inconsistent with the SNW idea that they already know about the Gorn and have seen/encountered them. I’m sure this has already been discussed to death but this is egregious even by star trek standards
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cloyingcadaver · 5 days
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