#i’m gonna eat this mood board
endlessthxxghts · 1 month
“Uncle”!Joel Miller x afab!reader | w/c: 5.4k
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Summary: Joel hurt his back at work, so you've been helping him around the house until he heals.
Content/Warnings: able-bodied, female sex anatomy, and inherently fem!reader. No description of reader, everything is neutral (ex. “your bottoms,” “the curve of you” — nothing is specific in the way “you” are described). Age gap (reader early 20s, Joel in 50s). EXPLICIT MATERIAL PRESENT. HEED THE WARNINGS. WEIRD boundaries are crossed…you're not blood-related to Joel, but you were raised like you were. You call him “uncle.” Pet names (baby, darlin’, sweetheart, etc.). Pussy pronouns (she). Innocent touches until it isn't. Sexual tension galore. Slight dub-con. Icky Joel. Icky reader. Pussy grinding. Dirty talk. Slight degradation (“bitch” is used only once). Multiple orgasms. P in V unprotected. Reader is on top. Lots of teasing about the nature of yours and Joel’s relationship. If there’s anything that should be up here but I missed or I made any improper tags, please let me know!
A/N: Hi, my loves! This is slightly different than what you’re used to coming from me… All I can say is, you’ve read the warnings! Don’t bite if it is not your flavor! But for those who do like, I really hope you enjoy! And to my love @strang3lov3, thank you for prompting this and encouraging this side of my brain to finally stop hiding in the shadows. And thank you for your eyes on this and the mood board as well. I love you.🩶
masterlist | notifs blog
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“Hey, hon, when you headin’ over to uncle Joel’s?”
You glance at the timer on the oven. “In about ten minutes after these cookies cool. Need something from me?”
“Can ya grab my toolbox before ya leave? Forgot it there the other day,” he replies. “Figured you could get it since you’re already goin’ there today.”
“Sure thing. It’s not the heavy one, is it? Because I don’t know if that old man’s back is ready for a heavy lift like that yet.” The timer on the oven beeps. You slide on your oven mitts to pull the tray out. “Made two batches by the way. How many you want? I’m taking some to Uncle’s, too.” 
About a week ago, Joel had a contracting accident. Some newbie wasn’t watching the older man’s back as Joel climbed up a wobbly ladder, and the next moment, Joel’s footing slipped. He landed right on his lower back, a piece of wood perched on the ground, sitting at just the right spot on the floor to render him immobile. Tommy, Joel’s younger brother, and your father, his best friend since before you were born, are the only two Joel trusts to get the job done perfectly, so Joel put them two in charge until he heals. 
Bed rest, the doctor had ordered Joel, for at least three weeks. It’s been one so far, but with you offering to be his nurse — one that forces him to stay in bed unless he needs to eat or use the restroom — he thinks he just might be back to work by next week. If you’ll let him, that is. 
“No, it’s the small one, hon, you got it,” your father reassures you. He lovingly slaps his growing belly as the trays hit the kitchen counter. “Y’know, darlin’, ever since you moved back, I’ve been gainin’ some weight. Can’t imagine what you’re doin’ t’ Joel over there.”
Your lip pulls up in a smirk. “Joel is in good hands, y’know. And technically, I don’t have to leave you any,” you say with a challenging brow, pulling the cookie trays out of his reach. 
“No, no, I’m not sayin’ that,” your father’s eyebrows raise in worry. His daily cookie is very important to him. “You can leave me like… five… or six.” 
“I’m just gonna leave you a whole batch. The six are gonna be gone before I even leave the house,” you tell your father as his hand subconsciously reaches for the cookie tray. 
He scoffs, “Ya have no faith in me.”
“So what’s in your hand already?”
“Whatever,” he mumbles, walking away with a mouthful of warm cookie dough and melted milk chocolate chips. 
“Uh huh,” you yell back. “Gonna be leaving in just a sec. I’ll see you later.”
It takes less than ten minutes to get to your uncle’s house. You unlock the door using the spare key he gave you as a teenager, and immediately, nurse mode is activated. 
“Uncle Joel!” You yell, exasperated. He turns around from his place in the kitchen, painfully slow. He’s going to make his back worse. “What do you think you’re doing?” You place the fresh cookies on his dining table along with your keys. You cross your arms angrily for good measure. 
“My coffee’s cold. I was warmin’ it up,” he huffs, annoyed.
“Bed, please.” Your hands find his waist, and you guide him back to his room. “You know I’m here around this time. You didn’t wanna call me first to see where I was?”
You ease him in a sitting position at the edge of his bed. He grunts as his ass meets the mattress. He grumbles his response. “Need to start gettin’ back to everythin’ independently, y’know that, don’tcha?”
“Is your memory going with your back, too, unc?” 
“‘Scuse me?” He looks at you incredulously. 
“Three weeks were the doctor’s orders. Not one,” you tell him, putting your foot down. 
He lays himself down with another wince at the motion, no acknowledgement to your words. God, he’s so stubborn. 
“I’ll go make you a fresh cup,” you tell him, feeling sympathetic for the man. His work is his life, and it’s not going to get any easier with age. 
Making your way back to his kitchen, you wash out the coffee pitcher, replace the grounds and the filter, and do some light cleaning as you wait for the bitter, brown liquid to brew. 
It’s only been five minutes since you returned to the kitchen, and the painful moans and groans from his bedroom have only gotten louder. You search around the place and find the heat pack you bought a few days ago and pop it in the microwave. You grab some pain meds, fill up a glass of water, and just in time, the microwave sings to you, telling you your contents are ready. 
Ignoring the coffee for a moment, you make your way back to Joel’s bedroom. His eyes are closed, but his entire body is tensed up in pain. Poor guy. You knock at his door to catch his attention before entering. “Unc?”
One eye peels open. “Yes, nurse?”
“Funny.” A sarcastic laugh leaves your throat. “Come take these.”
He makes no move to get up. 
You set the painkillers and the water on his bedside table, the heat pack wedged underneath your armpit. You start to reach for Joel to help him up, but he stops you. “I got it,” he grunts. You let him have this win. 
You hand him the glass of water first, then the pills. He swallows the painkillers in one big gulp, swallowing down the rest of the water in another. He eyes the heat pack in your arm. 
“Do you want-”
“Yes,” he says immediately, reaching for the soft warmth. 
“Lay down first, I’ll put it underneath you.”
Without another word, he positions himself. His body jerks when your soft hand slips underneath his back, pushing him to lift a little while you slide the heat underneath. “This okay?”
“Mhm,” he forces out, eyes clamped shut. It’s not okay, you think. 
“How would you feel on your stomach?” you suggest. 
“Dunno. Never tried.”
“Well, then.” You set the heat pack down, and it’s your turn to crawl, uninvited, into his bed. You walk on your knees towards the opposite, unoccupied side, adjusting the pillows in a way you think might be the most comfortable. This isn’t your first rodeo dealing with an old man’s back; you’ve got your dad. This is, however, your first rodeo dealing with an old man more stubborn than a screaming goat not getting his way. “Come on.”
“What do you mean no?” 
“That ain’t gonna be comfortable.”
“How do you know?”
“I jus’ do.”
You pinch the bridge of your nose and take a deep breath. “I swear to God. I will flip your ass over myself if I have to.”
“You’re bossy,” he spits.
“So you’ve said.” 
Not giving him a chance to prepare, you hook your one hand at his side and your other on his hip, and you pull him towards you. It doesn’t fully flip him over, but it does the trick in getting him to finish the rest of the action himself — albeit, with a very strained yelp from the back of his throat. 
He groans for a few minutes more as you adjust some flat pillows underneath his belly and then prop the lukewarm heating back right at the base of his spine. You’ll probably have to heat it up in ten minutes again, but it’ll do for now. You stay in your spot for a minute, and already his pained noises begin to subside. 
“Better?” You know it is. You just want him to admit it. 
And when a single huff with zero protests from the grumpy man reverberates around the room, you know you’ve won this round. 
“I’ll go get your coffee now,” you hum. 
A soft rasp of your name has you spinning back around as you reach the room’s threshold. 
“Thanks,” he tells you. 
“It’s what I’m here for, unc.”
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You put his fresh cup of coffee in a thermos this time. You can’t imagine how often he’ll get up being in this position, but at least the freshness will be there with every sip he does end up taking. 
“How’s it going?” You ask him as you set his coffee nearby. You feel the heat pack on his spine, and it’s as you called it to be by now: room temperature. “Want me to reheat it?” 
“‘M okay,” he replies, voice groggy. He must’ve fallen asleep. 
“Okay.” You stand there for a moment. You can tell the heat helped, but his body isn’t entirely relaxed. He’s still tense, as if a nerve or something is being pinched. 
You recall your memory from a while ago before you moved back with your dad. Your brother, who is a mixed martial arts athlete, had a sparring session that hurt his back, nearly in the same area as Joel. He had you running his massage gun over his muscles nearly every night for a month straight. “It needs to uncoil somehow,” he told you. An idea crosses your mind then. 
You saunter to Joel’s en suite bathroom in search of some type of lubricant. Sitting loud and proud on the center of the bathroom counter is a little bottle of Equate’s Personal Liquid Lubricant. Your brain falters for a second, the bottle of lube throwing you off your original plan. That is absolutely not the kind of lubricant you were looking for. Shaking away the image from your mind, you bend down to look in the cabinets underneath. Bingo, a bottle of Aveeno body lotion. This should do. 
You invite yourself onto his bed for the second time today. “Let me give you a massage.”
“What?” His head turns to you now, utterly confused. He definitely heard you wrong, he thinks. 
“Let me give you a massage,” you repeat. “It’ll help.”
A massage actually does sound nice right now. But you’ve been nothing but bossy this last week while Joel lays here helplessly. He’s bored. And he’s had enough. “It ain’t gonna help.”
“How do you know?”
“I jus’ do.”
Jesus. Haven’t you had this conversation before? You mentally slap your forehead. Again, leaving him no other options, you reach for his flannel atop his shoulders and begin to pull them down. 
“Hey, hey, wait, now what in the hell-” He tries to stifle back a laugh as he wriggles in your hold, trying to playfully push you off without hurting himself more in the process. 
You quickly release his clothes, hands up in surrender where he can see them. You’re just realizing now just how forward your action must’ve been. “How am I gonna massage you-” 
The embarrassment written all over your face has Joel tearing up as he tries to hold his wheezing laugh in. With his eyebrow quirked at you, he responds, “If you wanted me naked, kiddo-”
“Jesus, ew! Really?” An unbearable heat spreads across your cheeks. Your eyes are downcast, looking everywhere else but him. “It- it’ll be better if I can directly touch-”
Only then do you feel the bed shaking with his laughter. He’s fucking with you. And here you were, about to offer something that would relieve a whole lot of pain. “Oh, fuck you,” you scoff, pulling yourself up and making your way off of his bed. 
“No, okay, wait,” he laughs, trying to catch his breath. “Jus’ messin’ with you, who am I to deny a massage?” He raises his eyebrows once, twice. Still messing with you, seeing how far his taunting with you can go. 
“You’re disgusting,” you deadpan. 
“‘M not the one tryin’ t’ massage her uncle,” Joel says as he attempts to shrug his shoulders at you.
“I’m gonna leave now.” One foot makes it to the ground before Joel speaks again. 
“Oh, for Christ’s sake, ya can’t take a joke? I’m only messin’ around. Come back. Gonna leave me hangin’? In pain? C’mon, nurse.” His tone falls softer, sweeter. You can hear the shit-eating grin in his words. And, fuck, why is it making you heat even further, in places beyond your face? In places you shouldn’t be?
“Fine,” you relent. “Stop saying weird shit then.” You still can’t look at him. Not after the way your body decided to react in the shift of energy. An abrupt shift of energy, as far as you can tell. 
He’s your dad’s best friend. Your uncle, for crying out loud. Not by blood, but still. There’s never been a feeling beyond that. Sure, you’ve had your silly little school girl crush on him during your young teenage years, but that was your hormones being your hormones. You grew out of them. Even your own father can’t deny the conventional attractiveness of his best friend. 
Plus, suggestive commentary is bound to make anyone feel hot. It’s basic biology. Your response is nothing. It doesn’t mean anything. At least, that’s what you convince yourself of when you climb back into your uncle’s— no, into Joel’s bed, trying to ignore the way your panties stick dutifully against your throbbing core.
Joel leans onto his side as you get yourself situated, unbuttoning the bottom half of his flannel, so you can flip up the bottom to reach his lower back. After the bottom half of the buttons are undone, he lays back on his front. “Here,” he calls your name. “Jus’ lift it up from the bottom.”
You scoot closer to him, standing on your knees, and you reach over to grab the hem of his flannel, pulling it up as gently as possible, exposing just enough to be able to reach the irritated areas. You frown at what you see. Inflamed skin, purples and yellows dancing all across his lower back, forcing him away from the very thing he lives for. He may have been a stubborn bitch this entire week, but that doesn’t stop the sympathy you feel for the man. 
You put some of the lotion in your hand, rubbing it between your two palms to warm it up a little. You place your hand on the side closest to you first, moving in circular motions and adjusting your pressure ever so often. “Let me know when the pressure is good.”
So far he hasn’t said much, a slight groan here, an exhale there. You feel a knot as you move lower, so you increase your pressure. You’re met with a literal moan, and you swear you have to bite back your own vocal response. “Fuck,” he sucks in a sharp breath. “Yeah, jus’ like that, ‘s perfect, darlin’.” 
“Okay,” you squeak, your thighs clenching together to attempt any kind of relief to the heat between your legs. 
After a few more passes over the area — and a few more indulgent, harder presses of your palm to pull more angelic sounds from him — you switch to the other side. Except, at this angle, you don’t really have as good an angle as you did before. Your leg swings over his ass, bracketing him in between your thighs, before you can even register the move your body just made. A soft gasp falls from your lips as you feel the new angle you’ve just given yourself. 
“Joel?” You call sweetly. Innocently.”I- I’m not hurting you or anything, am I?”
Hurting? No. Putting him through Hell? Close enough. 
Joel has done many questionable things in his lifetime. Getting involved with taken (married or otherwise) women, couples who wanted a third… Joel has lived through it all. Mainly in his younger years, but nevertheless. He has done and seen many things. But none of these things have ever included getting a fucking hard on for a girl — a woman? — he practically had a hand in raising. You call him uncle, for crying out loud. 
His physical response means nothing. It’s basic biology. The tender yet skilled touch of your warm hands directly against his even hotter skin, lighting every single nerve ending on fire, forcing the blood to course through his veins, to make its way down south— 
“Christ-” he snarls as you practically sit on him. His mouth shuts instantly as his eyes shoot open. He didn’t mean for that to come out. “Y-yeah,” he corrects. “‘M alright.” 
“Just- just let me know,” you tell him. He can hear the shake in your voice. He can tell biology is doing a number on you, too, based on your tone alone, if the heat engulfing his rear as you try your best not to make contact with it isn’t enough to go by. 
He focuses on his breathing as best he can as your hands push slightly past his jeans, getting underneath the seam of his boxers, and then immediately softening your touch as you run your fingers up his spine, awaking a chill he never knew was possible until now. You rub beyond the exposed area of his lower back, reaching his shoulder blades and entirely up to his shoulders, forcing the flannel to rise with your hands. He’s so broad and warm, and you would absolutely be drooling all over him by now if you weren’t so shocked at how tight his muscles really feel. How has this man not gotten any injuries sooner? How was he still doing all this heavy lifting? You dig the pads of your finger tips further into the thousands of tiny knots you feel, and his body jerks in actual pain this time. 
“God damn, girl,” he snaps. “What are you doin’?” 
“How the fuck do you even function?” You sound genuinely horrified. 
“Your shoulders and neck are fucking covered in knots how do you even-” you cut yourself off with a disappointed click of your tongue. “You need to flip over.” 
“Why?” He asks defensively. 
“I’m gonna break these knots. I need to start from the front.” 
“Ya ain’t gettin’ anywhere near my neck, I swear to God-”
“Quit being stubborn. What did I say earlier? I’m gonna flip you myself if you don’t-”
“Alright, fine, gimme a sec,” he bites. Joel takes a deep breath, at war with himself for how he’s going to handle his next course of action. 
Whatever happens next, there is no avoiding the fact that you will be made aware of the bulging erection between his legs. You can know about it, that’s fine, but the second you make contact, he doesn’t know if he’ll have the strength to control himself. Which is why he rips off the band aid quick. Flipping himself over with you still hovering over him, he tries his best not to touch you. Though, the second he’s comfortable, his focus is on your waist, grabbing you immediately and missing the way your eyes widen at the tenting fabric of his jeans. He pulls you higher up to sit on his lower tummy. 
You squeak out a little gasp as he adjusts you, and fuck it makes the pulsing between his legs even worse. He releases you, bringing his hands back to his sides. 
“Comfortable?” you whisper. You try so hard not to use your voice, worried that it’ll reveal just how turned on you are by this situation you’ve put yourself in. He gives you a single nod, and with that, you lean to grab more lotion. 
The angle you are at forces you to lean the front of your body onto Joel to be able to reach his shoulders. You can feel his body tense underneath you; you can hear his labored breathing as your hands further push away his flannel, working away at each knot. 
You lean forward further, giving yourself the ability to reach just below Joel’s neck. With this action, your hips shift, pressing down against Joel’s belly in a way that sends a sudden jolt of butterflies through your core. Your hands freeze in their movement, breath and fingertips stuttering as your entire face and neck heat up. You sneak a quick glance to Joel, and his eyes are still relaxed. He didn’t notice. 
It takes you a moment to start your movements back up again, but when you do, you can’t help the way you repeat exactly what you did before — allowing yourself another experimental roll of your hips against his soft abdomen. Only this time, you’re way less sly, for the whimper of pleasure you thought you could hide slips right out, right for his sharp ears to take note of. Shit. 
“Y’ alright there?” His eyes are trained on you now; he knows what you just did. Joel sports a quirked eyebrow as he waits for your response. 
“Mhm,” you rush out, ignoring his piercing gaze. 
It takes every ounce of willpower for you to run over the knots in his shoulder again without driving your hips into him, but even the push and pull of your arms is a full body movement, and you feel it. You feel the growing wetness in your core, the growing heartbeat that his bare tummy no doubt can feel now. 
Your body is splayed across him, the warmth of you leaking through your bottoms and onto his hot skin as you pathetically try to play off the fact that you aren’t grinding your wet cunt across him right now. With a rasp of your name, he takes a sharp breath in. “What are ya doin’?” He grunts, pained. Conflicted. 
This is so wrong. But it feels so good. Your arousal — how utterly desperate you are for the older man underneath you — is shone all over your face, brighter than any other feeling of disgust or wrongness you’re trying to convince yourself of. But the internal battle is still there, though, and it forces your hips to come to a full stop. It forces cries of apologies from your lips. It forces regret. 
“I- I’m sorry,” you choke back a sob. “Please, I- this is so wrong, I’m so stupid, uncle, I-” 
God damn it. Joel is too damn hard to deal with this shit now. “Oh, Jesus Christ, will you cut the fuckin’ uncle bullshit?” He finally snaps. His hands spring to life, finding their way up your thighs, tightening once they reach your hips. He forces you to move again. “Ya think I wanna hear that fuckin’ word while you fuckin’ soak me? Huh? While ya rub on me like a fuckin’ bitch in heat?”
“Shit,” you moan, the strength of his hand making the assault against your mound all the more intense. “Joel, please,” you cry, your fingers shaking as you hold onto his chest. 
Your thighs begin to tremble as he maintains a rough pace to your movements, his bed creaking with every shove of your hips against him. His grip on you is one of steel, the pads of his fingers digging into your flesh, no doubt leaving tiny bruises as a reminder of today’s actions. 
He is fucking covered in you — the slick of your desire pooling through your bottoms and into his skin, making each grind smoother. He licks his lips at this, his eyes dark as he drinks you in from above; your own eyes glossy and a sheen of sweat along your skin. “Look at ya, darlin’,” he murmurs, voice low enough to send a fresh wave of arousal pouring from your hole. “Fuckin’ soakin’ me, baby. Needed me that bad, did ya? Was tryin’ t’ tell ya earlier,” he grunts, “Y’know ya just had to ask.” A lazy smirk pulls across his lip. 
You let out a whimper at his words, your hips finally rolling alongside his own guidance, instinctively searching for more friction. “Atta girl,” he groans, “That’s it, fuck- makin’ a fuckin’ mess a’ me, darlin’.” 
You’re panting now, the rhythm and pressure mixed with the filth of his Southern drawl ignites every single nerve ending throughout your body. He watches you with a dark intensity, the brown of his eyes replaced with pure black lust, his eyes unable to stray away from the pleasurable desperation filling your features. 
“Gonna come like this, sweetheart?” He taunts, driving you into him even harder. 
“Mmm- my God, yeah- yes,” you cry out, eyes rolling back as the coil in your belly finally tightens, your breathing ragged as needy moans escape your lips. 
With a final roll of your hips and the utterance of a that’s my girl, the coil finally snaps, pleasure crashing over you, coursing through your veins as you come all over him, your slick unable to stay within the limits of your clothes, leaking and dripping down the sides of him and onto the mattress below. Your thighs convulse around his waist, his hold on you continuing your thrusts, dragging out your orgasm until your own hands find his and rip him away from you.
“Ya ain’t done yet, sugar,” Joel gruffs, grabbing the globes of your ass cheeks and dragging you down, letting you feel his ignored and now raging erection. 
“Never said I was,” you purr, a soft moan blessing his ears at the feel of his bulge against your ass. He can feel your smirk against his chest. 
Body still trembling, Joel lifts your ass in the air, sliding your bottoms down over the curve of your body. The stickiness of your panties pulls off with a wet squelch, the cool air of the room mingling with the wet warmth of your bare pussy, the stark contrast forcing chills to run through your veins. 
“God,” he murmurs as you give a little wiggle of your ass in the air. “Pretty as a peach, huh, darlin’?” He guides you lower, pushing you down onto his bulge. The hardness of him beneath you immediately sends a fiery need to your core. Your hands move on their own as you pull your body up, reaching for the buttons and zipper of his jeans, undoing them with ease despite the eager shake of your hand. You pull the jeans down just enough to let his cock spring free, thick and angry and leaking. 
“Oh, fuck,” you swallow your gasp. “God, I need you so bad,” you whine, already lifting up to line the tip of him to your swollen cunt. 
You sink down with a breathless moan, your head flying back as your hands grip onto his tummy to keep you from buckling. 
Joel’s breathing stutters, his moans filling the air as you practically choke his cock. “Shit- so fuckin- fuckin’ tight.” His hands find their home on the meat of your ass, holding you tight, grounding himself from coming like a damn teenager.
You move slowly at first, savoring the way he feels inside of you, how big he is. God, you don’t think you’ve ever taken anything quite as long and as thick as him. Your heart skips a beat at that, knowing that he’s ruined you for anyone else. 
It isn’t long before the raw need takes over, and you move faster, hips rolling back and forth as you ride him, the wet sound of skin against skin as you alternate to a bounce ever so often. 
Despite the risk of hurting his back even more, he can’t stop himself from gripping you tighter, his nails digging into your flesh as his hips buck up into you, starting their own rhythm, meeting every one of your thrusts. The sensation is overwhelming with the size of him; it’s a perfect mix of pleasure and pain, mixing sweet whines of ecstasy with whines of overstimulation, and it’s the best music to have ever graced his ears. 
“Look at ya,” he grunts. “Fuckin’ made for this, weren’t ya? Fuckin’ made for takin’ this cock, huh, sweetheart?” 
You nod weakly at his words. They send a flutter down your belly to your pussy, and his mouth is all it takes to send you to your second brink of collapse — your heart beating rapidly in your chest as you move, as he drives himself into you without abandon. 
Every thrust pushes you further to the edge, the sting of the stretch, the sensation of being so full — it’s almost too much to bear. He can hear it in the way your cries change. It’s becoming too much. 
“Y’ can take it, sweetheart, almost there,” he grunts. His hands take over in guiding your movements, urging you faster, harder, bringing you both to the cliff’s edge. 
“C’mon, baby, can feel her squeezin’ me, know she wanna come, baby. Breathe, doll, jus’ let go,” he rasps, his words coming in staggered.
The wet tightness of your walls, both the feel and the sound, causes Joel to fall first — a low, guttural groan filling the room as he fills you with his hot, thick spend.
The sensation of him pulsing inside you, unloading everything he’s worth, sends you over your edge, your pussy clenching around his cock as you come, the sensation rippling through you, shredding your vocal cords as you scream out in pleasure. 
Everything goes dark for you, nothing but the fuzzy sound of Joel’s sweet praises at the top of your head as he guides you through your come down. 
“Did so fuckin’ good f’ me, darlin’,” he murmurs. “Sweet girl.”
For an asshole, who knew he could be so sweet? 
You roll off of Joel as soon as your heart steadies, your entire body on fire from all the exertion. You can feel Joel’s body stiffen as you use him for support. His back is killing him right now.
A few moments pass as your eyes slowly start to close, but the deep gruff of your name stops you from dozing. 
You turn your head to the man beside you. “Yes?” 
For the first time today, it’s Joel who can’t make eye contact with you. “Can you, uh… can you-” he clears his throat, trying to rid himself of his awkwardness. “Can you warm up the heat pack again?” 
Your smirk lifts your cheek before you can even try to stop it. “Come again?” 
He lets out a frustrated huff. And he can’t turn away from you. His back is killing him right now. “My back-”
“Yeah, what about your back?” 
“You fuckin’ little shit-”
You giggle as you flip onto your side, your hand holding your head up to get a better look at him. “Your back is hurting, baby? Need me to get the heat pack for you, hm?” 
He doesn’t respond. He just has the deepest, most grumpiest scowl known to man on display. 
“Oh, come on. You need my help, is that it? Need to hear you say it, unc.” You emphasize the last syllable of your sentence, a belly laugh threatening to escape you. 
Oh, two can play at that game. “Yeah, baby, I need your help. I need the help from my beautiful, beautiful niece, hm? My beautiful, needy niece whose pussy gets all soaked jus’ thinkin’ ‘bout me, huh? Gets all wet and needy thinkin’ ‘bout her uncle-”
Your resolve finally snaps, your eyes clamping shut as you cover your ears, loud la la la’s coming from your mouth as you ungraciously roll yourself off of his bed. “Enough, fine! Fine! Fuckin’ nasty,” you groan as you make your way to the kitchen. 
“‘M not the one who started it, sweetheart,” Joel says, a triumphant smile plastered across his cocky face. 
“I made you cookies by the way,” you yell after a beat. “Want one?” 
Joel’s hand reaches for his belly. He doesn’t need one, that’s for sure. “Yeah,” he responds not a second later. 
You come back to his bedroom, heat pack in one hand, no cookie in the other. You hand him the heat pack. You make him adjust it himself. 
“Where’s the cookie?” He asks, a tinge of impatience on his tongue. 
“Oh, I thought you were gonna come down and get it.” 
He looks at you incredulously. 
“I just figured you wanted to start being more independent and all. Given how strenuous you were being a few moments ago,” you offer with a faux innocence.  
“I swear to fuckin’ God, when I get my hands on you-”
“Your hands on me? Yeah? When?” You start making your way out of his bedroom. “Come get me if you wanna show me a lesson. Know you been dying to all week.” 
If he can fuck you the way he did, maybe full-time bed rest isn’t what Joel needs. He needs to stretch and move around; he needs to activate his muscles, especially being on the older side. It really is basic biology.
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I would absolutely love to hear what you guys thought of this! Any and all your love and commentary truly keeps me going and motivated even when the writer’s block is at its strongest. Wouldn’t be here without you all. I have so much love in my heart for you! Talk to y’all soon🩶
I cannot get myself to write for Joel or for TLOU without mentioning the horrors occurring in Palestine. Please check out the links in my navigation + bio to learn about the situation in Palestine and also learn about some ways in which you can help🇵🇸. Reading and interacting with those links takes 5 minutes of your time at the bare minimum.
Leaf divider by @saradika-graphics
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aurorawritestoescape · 3 months
HEATWAVE || Joel Miller x f!reader || 2,5k
Summary: Joel helps you to cool down on a hot summer day. In his own way.
Tw: 18+ mdni, smut, pwp, horny!Joel, sweaty filthy sex, m!masturbation, unprotected piv, creampie, cum eating, fingering, praise kink, swearing, pet names (baby, sweetheart). Pics are for the mood only, reader has no specific physical descriptions.
A/n: I’ve been dying of heat all week but imagining Joel railing me slightly alleviated my hardship. Hot Joel kiss to @milla-frenchy for beta-ing😘 Dividers by @saradika-graphics 💕Hope you will enjoy this story. Love ya!❤️
same couple - HEATWAVE collection || MASTERLIST
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“Don’t, Joel.”
“Don’t touch me, please. It’s too fucking hot.”
Joel sighs and falls back on the couch as you shift away from his feet, getting comfortable as far as possible from his heat radiating body.
“Fine. Jus’ wanted to make you feel good. You’ve been snappy all day.”
“Sorry. It’s all this damn heat! I’m dying without the AC!” You groan and shake the hem of your crop top, trying to cool off just a little. You’re wearing the tiniest shorts you could find but nothing really helps when you’re dealing with a Texas summer without any conditioning.
“It’ll be fixed tomorrow, baby, don’t worry.”
“I know but… ugh!”
You throw a glance at Joel who has the most sympathetic expression on his handsome face. You also can’t deny that he looks hot like this, completely naked except for his home shorts. His broad chest, rising and falling in steady rhythm, is glistening with sweat, his thick thighs are spread and his cock is slightly tenting his only garment. You’d eat him whole if not for the fucking heat!
Torturing you even more he gives you his bedroom eyes and you bite your lip, thinking how to fuck him without touching him. Suddenly your gaze lights up.
“Oh! I know what we need!”
He raises one brow in a silent question and you start hastily explaining, at the same time grabbing your phone off the coffee table and opening a browser,
“I’m gonna look for hot weather sex positions.”
Joel chuckles and you furrow your brows at the man.
“No, don’t laugh. They minimize skin contact and should be easy on the movements. I saw an article once.”
Your pussy aches more and more the longer you watch Joel splay on the couch and you need him to be on board with your idea but he doesn’t seem very enthusiastic.
“Not sure it’ll help much but…let’s try it,” he shrugs and you beam at him before typing away.
As always when you need it the most, the internet is slow and you shake your leg, already losing patience.
In your peripheral vision you notice Joel move and your eyes shift from your phone screen to him for just a second. You do a double take when you see him pull the waistband of his shorts down, freeing his semi hard cock, as his mischievous gaze is set on you.
"What are you doing?" you groan at the sight of his big hand, wrapping around his long juicy member.
"Jus' a lil' pre-game, baby. Go on with your research."
You watch him give his manhood a few languid pumps and your mouth waters when some wetness beads on the tip. A new surge of desire burns your core and your breathing fastens. A few seconds later you remember what you were doing and turn away from the hot sight so you could return to the task at hand.
You try to open the first link but it’s loading for eternity so you close it with a curse and press the second one.
Then soft grunts reach your ear and you see Joel pleasure himself in earnest, as his cock is drooling on his veiny hand.
“Hey, wait for me, would you?” You grumble, tapping the same link three times, as if it can make it open faster.
“I’m imagining your hand doing it, sweetheart,” Joel smirks with his eyes already hazy as his palm is sliding up and down his length, thumb brushing over the tip from time to time, “or your pretty mouth, licking my cock. Oh, I bet your pussy wants some of this. She doesn’t care about the heat.”
You know he’s teasing you so you’d hurry up but the solution of your problem is so close that you can’t just stop now. So you fix your shorts that are sticking to your already wet folds and avert your eyes from your tormentor.
“Fucking cookies,” you curse, getting hotter because of the sweltering weather and also after noticing Joel buck his hips to fuck his fist better.
Finally you find an illustration of an almost contactless sex position and tilt your head, trying to understand it.
“Where’s his..? Oh! But… Nah. I’d break your dick like that.”
“We don’t want that,” Joel chuckles, his voice strained with pleasure he’s giving himself.
You’ve never seen him jerk his cock for such a long time so your gaze involuntarily shifts away from your phone again and you shamelessly stare at his hand gliding up and down his stiffness.
“We miss you,” Joel taunts you, seeing desire paint your face, and shakes his cock from side to side, spilling precum everywhere.
“Joel..” You whine and using every ounce of your will you tear your eyes away from his body and return them to the screen.
“Ok, this one is more doable. But it’ll take me forever to come like that… Oh and this… this just defies gravity.”
Giggling at the picture, you show Joel the screen and he gives you a polite smile but his half-lidded eyes tell you that he’s already deep in the ocean of lust, close to reaching his high.
Your gaze slides down to his throbbing cock, his big hand jerking it and you give up. You throw your phone back on the table and with a quiet “Fuck it,” you decide to literally fuck it. Fuck Joel.
Your man’s eyes light up as he coos at you,
“Yeah, c’mere, baby. Come sit on your popsicle.”
You laugh, climbing up the couch over his huge body and straddling his thighs. His skin is unbearably hot but your need overshadows everything.
You take his cock in your sweaty hands and purr, wetting your lips, “popsicle? shall I lick it first then?”
“Usually I wouldn’t say ‘no’ to that, but…,” he says, taking in your body, wrapped in a tight crop top and little shorts. You hear him groan as you lean down to his leaking cock but then his hand on your cheek stops you, “but! I’ve been playing without you and … My cock’s ready for your sweet pussy, baby. Gimme.”
With that he shifts to the side and pulls you to lie down next to him on the couch. The warmed up surface and Joel’s huge body pressed close to you make you whine as another wave of heat hits you.
“Shh,” Joel shushes you and clumsily sits up, almost making you fall off the narrow seat.
He takes his shorts off and helps you discard your clothes as well.
“Fuck, look at you,” he mumbles, his hungry eyes travelling over your exposed body, “wanna lick you all over.”
You take a sharp breath, suffocating with lust, but then Joel does the unforgivable. He lays down on top of you, pushing your legs apart with his knee, and you’re about to cry at how hot the vast expanse of his sweaty skin makes you.
“Joel!” You cry out, trying to push him off, palms braced on his chest, but the next second his lips crash against yours and he’s giving you a heady kiss which quickly makes you forget all about the heat. You’re immediately enchanted by him, his taste, his desire for you. The kiss is sloppy and messy and you cool off a little whenever your wet lips part from each other, even only for a second.
Soon sweat coats your body and Joel’s cock pulsating against your belly turns you into a desperate puddle. To get some respite from the heat, you tilt your head down and blow on your chest.
“It won’t help,” Joel murmurs, “Maybe this will.”
He hunches over you, leans down and licks a long stripe from your breast over your neck and jaw and reaches your lips and kisses you again. You hum with pleasure, noting your salty taste on his tongue and enjoying the sensation of the cooling wet path on your skin.
You’re making out for a few more seconds but the ache between your thighs makes your wriggle under him and Joel hastily lifts his torso and hovers over you, his chest inches from yours as you breathe out after this tiny relief. You glance down and see his heavy cock rest on your mound, his balls pressed to your folds, some wetness smeared on your belly where he is leaking on you. The sight makes you whine his name and reach for his big member.
It’s hot, stiff and damp when you caress it gently with your fingers and Joel’s dark eyes lower to the place where you’re making him even harder if it’s even possible.
“Put it in, sweetheart. Want you on my cock already. You’re drippin’ all over me. My balls are fuckin’ drenched.”
His Texan drawl is even more apparent when he’s so turned on and you know it’s time for him to fuck you. But he teased you so much. Why can’t you?
You throw your legs apart wider, but pressing your hips deeper into the couch, pull away from Joel’s hot crotch. You feel the air slightly cooling your sopping pussy and it feels so amazingly good, that a gasp climbs up your throat.
“Where’re you goin’, naughty girl?” Joel groans and rolls his hips against your pussy, scorching you with his heated thighs, balls and cock, making you mewl. He overplays you, making your hungry hole clench around nothing, clit twitch and you immediately bring your hand down and push his pulsating hot length into your soaked entrance. Both of you moan loudly at the anticipated sensation.
Joel drops his body on you again, holding some of his weight as he braces his forearm on the couch.
You should be uncomfortable, annoyed, hot and miserable but all you feel is his cock spreading your insides, his balls rubbing against your ass. His scent, a mixture of sweat and musk with a slight trace of his favorite piney deodorant, envelops you completely. He invades all your senses at once and you let him, welcome it with your body and soul.
“Joel,” you whisper, choking on your feelings and hugging him even closer.
“I know, baby, I love you too,” he replies, covering your whimpering mouth with his and drinking your oh’s and ah’s.
Soon he’s rolling his hips, his thrusts languid and gentle, as you’re making out, glued together by desire and love. You become one as the heat, radiating from the two of you and the sweat on your skin are mixing together and your bodies slide against each other in this lustful dance.
His cock is massaging your walls, kissing your cervix with its fat head and you glide your hands over the expense of Joel’s dewy back, shoulders and arms before they sneak down and you grab handfuls of his ass. You start grinding your pussy against his pelvic bone and coarse hair.
Suddenly Joel lifts his torso and looks at you, blown out eyes darting between yours, his hips still moving.
“You’re drownin’ my cock, sweetheart. So fuckin’ wet. My perfect pussy. Wanna see?”
After hearing your sultry ‘yeah’, Joel brings his hand to your face, brushes your lower lip with his thumb and then his palm glides down your heated body. Your skin erupts in goosebumps from the gentle contact and you whimper when he runs his fingers over your slicked up folds, spread around his fat cock.
You lift your hips chasing his touch on your clit, and he grants your wish. His index and middle finger find your hardening bud and he swirls it for a few seconds, closely watching your reaction. Your lips part and eyes flutter shut, as his cock and fingers make your pussy purr. Joel’s manhood twitches deep inside you before he pauses his thrusts into your wet heat.
Suddenly he pulls his cock out entirely.
“Joel! No!”
He tsks at you for the impatience but then his girthy length gets replaced by three of his fingers and you gasp and then moan when he begins pushing them in and out of your messy cunt, curling them to press the pleasure spot inside your core.
Joel sees how close you’re by the way your eyes roll to the back of your head and your walls start squeezing his digits harder and harder. He places his thumb on your clit and pushes, sending a new wave of ecstasy to your brain and you cry out as your climax hits your sweaty body. The drops of your sweat slide down on the couch because of how hard you tremble under him and Joel watches the euphoria course through you with an adoring gaze.
“Yeah, jus’ like that. Good girl.”
When you still and open your spent eyes at him, his fingers curve inside you as he scoops your slick and cum and then pulls them out. He raises his hand and watches your creamy juices slide down his hand.
“Joel,” is all you manage to mewl, witnessing your liquid euphoria.
With his tongue peeking out, he brings his hand to your chest and paints your pebbled nipple with your wetness. Then he leans closer and blows on it and you moan at the temperature change.
“Yeah, you like it, huh? Dirty girl.”
As if confirming his words, your nipple hardens more and with a grunt Joel latches onto your breast and licks off the taste of your pussy. You whimper as another course of pleasure reignites your core.
Joel hums, enjoying the flavor of your skin, and the next moment his cock spears you in one go and he begins pounding into you, pulling his hips back fast and thrusting his throbbing manhood into your sopping pussy with hard and sharp strokes. His tongue continues dancing over your tits and you clench his curls with the last drops of strength you have in your spent body. After a few more thrusts, Joel parts from your puffy nipple and growls, still railing you.
“Fuck, baby— choke my cock again— C’mon, be a good girl—come again.”
He kisses you passionately while his hand slithers down between your bodies and he starts rubbing your clit, chanting, “One more, one more.”
In no time you’re squealing as your pussy is clamping around his cock and it sends him over the precipice. Joel breathes out a moan and his hips jerk again and again, sending rope after rope of his hot cum inside you. Your cunt keeps milking him of the last drop as he presses his sweaty forehead to yours, your eyes locked with his and full of gratitude, love and euphoria.
You’re descending from your highs together, limbs tangled and bodies flush against each other. To your surprise the sweat cooling your skin and his cum seeping out of your pussy send a shiver down your spine.
“I’m cold,” you mumble into the crook of his neck.
“Really? Maybe we don’t need AC at all? I can just fuck the heat out of you?”
“Yes, we do,” you disagree, giggling.
“But I loved helping you, baby. We should reschedule the repair for next week.”
You push him off you, burning the man with a fiery gaze, “Don’t you dare, Joel Miller.”
“I’m kiddin’, sweetheart,” Joel chuckles, hugging you tight and shutting your grunts up with a kiss. A second later you feel hot all over again.
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Thank you for reading! Please comment and reblog if you enjoyed the fic!💖
Same couple - HEATWAVE collection || Masterlist
General tag list: @milla-frenchy @harriedandharassed @iamasaddie @nervousmumbling @bbyanarchist @stevie75 @puduvallee @auteurdelabre @mountainsandmayhem @senoratess @flamingochick55 @theoraekenslover @schnarfer @mermaidgirl30 @staywildflowahchild @yesjazzywazzylove-blog @evolnoomym @keylimebeag @joelmillerisapunk
If you'd like to be tagged in my future fics, let me know!💕
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milla-frenchy · 4 months
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The detective
2k6 | Tim Rockford x fem reader | ao3 | Masterlist
Summary: being a suspect in a theft case, you get interrogated by a handsome and dominant personal investigator Warnings: 18+ mdni. dubcon. power imbalance, brat tamer, humiliation, degradation, sir kink, spitting, spanking, oral (m), cockwarming, piv, cum eating No age specified. Pic in mood board for mood only
a/n: this is a contribution to @iamasaddie writing challenge 3.0 💛🫶 prompt: humiliation/Tim Rockford Dividers @saradika-graphics 🙏 @aurorawritestoescape thank you for beta-ing and for being you 💕 🫶
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“That’s all I have to say, detective,” you concluded with a not so subtle sigh.
You were sitting in front of a desk and the detective was facing you. Rubbing his beard with his thumb. He smiled when he heard you say "detective" in a condescending tone.
“You know ma’am, there is some inconsistency in your testimony.”
“Excuse me? You’re just a private detective. I don't think you have the qualifications to presume any of this.” You had a hard time hiding your annoyance at being there, summoned by that detective to that dingy, dust-covered office. When he asked you to go to that room, you pointedly rolled your eyes as you passed him.
“Well, sorry ma’am, but the information you’re giving me is clearly imprecise. Seems like you’re forgetting some important details.”
“I already told you I have nothing more to say, detective.” He smiled again, and you rolled your eyes even harder than when you had entered the room, then you stood up.
“Sit down.”
“Excuse me?”
“I said, ‘sit down’. I’m not finished.”
The tone in which he talked to you sent a deep shiver down your spine, and you sat back. 
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He stood up and took off his black suit jacket, and hung it on the back of his chair. He was wearing a holster over his white shirt and for a moment your eyes lingered on his broad shoulders and neck, then his tie. He walked around the table, passing behind you.
“I need you to be a little more collaborative. I need to see that you are making every possible effort to help this investigation move forward.”
He rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, revealing his tanned forearms with multiple veins, and your eyes lingered on his body again.
“I already—,” you paused when he took out a tape recorder and pressed ‘play’, leaning towards you from across the table. One palm resting on it. You frowned, annoyed by his behavior. When you heard the moans, the frown turned into shock, then embarrassment.
“Oh, fuck…fuck, I’m gonna come.”
“Come on, soak my cock. Yeah, just like that.”
Only your moans were now audible. Then, the sound of skin slapping against skin.
“You like to be fucked like a whore, uh? Bent over a fucking table?”
“Yes, yes! Fuck me! Harder, please. Please…”
The detective pressed ‘stop’, and put the tape recorder on the table. 
“So, ma’am. I’m afraid I’m going to have to repeat myself. This recording was made the day before the jewelry robbery. In his apartment, where the jewelry was kept in the safe. No one else entered the apartment except you and him.”
“Detective, I... I don’t know what happened to the jewelry.” Hearing the recording had disoriented you, and your tone was much less confident and arrogant. You felt vulnerable. He felt the change in your voice immediately and his smile turned into a grin. He was clearly enjoying the situation more and more, and you, less and less. But his firm tone awakened something in you and you squirmed in your chair.
“Well… Where has your attitude gone, ma’am?” he asked, walking again, and then stood near your chair, arms crossed. Way too close to you.
“I don't allow you to talk to me like-” You started to say in an unsure voice, totally disoriented by the recording and by him, but you stopped again when you saw his bulge, and looked at him, eyes widened.
“Ok, that’s enough now”, you said as you stood up, trying to regain some control, but he grabbed your arm, bringing his face closer, his brown eyes fixed on yours.
“I have enough to call the police, you know. All your little games are gonna amuse them, for sure.”
“Shit”, you said, dropping your gaze to the ground.
“And the problem is that you wasted my time, right? With that tone of yours… how do you plan to fix this?”
“I don’t understand.”
“You came here with a very unpleasant attitude, for someone who doesn't understand things quite well”, he said, stepping back from you, before grabbing his chair and placing it against the opposite wall. He sat there, manspreading. 
“What do you want?”, you asked in a low voice.
“You're really not the smartest, are you? Pleasant to look at, for sure, but a bit dumb, poor thing… Come towards me”, he added. 
You took a step forward, hesitant.
“No”, he said abruptly. You looked at him with confusion, and he added "hands and knees. Like a whore."
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The reminder of the recording, his firm voice, the way he was sitting, everything about him exuded dominance and confidence, and you felt your own self-assurance crumbling ever more.
And you don't know what happened in your brain, if his attitude made you short-circuit, but you sure felt the desire soaking your panties. You looked at him, eyes widened. Shocked by his order and by your arousal. By his smirk. As if he knew you wouldn't say no. Your cheeks heated up thinking that he surely had listened to the whole tape. Hearing you being submissive, ready to do anything to have more and more of the cock that ruined your throat and pussy that night. 
He was waiting calmly for you to process what was happening. And what would happen next. He saw you hesitating, and added “unless you want me to call the police? I'm sure they'd love to play “good cop/bad cop” with a brat like you. In your pretty little skirt. So short, it doesn’t leave much to the imagination, mmm?”
He paused, then added, “do as I said. Now.”
And that was it. You knelt down, in your tight skirt and heels, and advanced slowly towards him. Both humiliated and horny. Your back arched and your clit was twitching. Eyes fixed on him. Ashamed to bend so easily, but eager to learn what would happen next. How far he would go, as if you were not in charge anymore. 
When you reached his lap, you sat back on your heels. You looked down at your knees, covered in dust, then looked up at him. Waiting.
“Are you gonna be a good girl?” he asked in a husky voice. You swallowed loudly. It was like he knew exactly what you'd easily dive for.
“Yes what?”
“I'm gonna accept it for now. But you will call me "sir" with no hesitation before I'm done with you.” Wetness ruined your panties a little more.
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“Follow me. The same way.”
He got up and went to sit at the desk, gathering the entire file in front of him.
“Come here”, he repeated, pointing at his crotch with his chin to show you exactly where he wanted you. And you obeyed, slavishly, as he undid his leather belt and placed it on the table. You slipped under the desk, between his knees.
You opened his suit pants, and grabbed his cock. Half hard. Even now, his cock was big, and you tried not to moan. But it slipped from your lips nevertheless.
“In your mouth. Keep me warm while I check what to send to the police.”
A part of you still couldn't believe you were in this situation, in this dingy office, and that the detective was ordering you to act like that. And you couldn’t believe you were about to submit again. To be humiliated again. And that it was turning you on to the point that your pussy was dripping. You even wondered if you would have submitted, even without his threats to call the police. He was hot, way too hot, and everything in him exuded natural dominance. And you didn't really know how to resist all of it. In that office or elsewhere.
So you submitted, and took his warm, thick, heavy cock in your mouth, its weight pressing down on your tongue. You waited and didn’t move, feeling used and dripping for it.
You heard him sorting the papers, keeping some in hand longer. Sometimes you would hear the tip of his pen scratching the paper. You heard him rub his beard. You felt his cock twitch sometimes, but he had impressive self-control. He never got fully hard between your lips. 
Minutes passed and your jaw was getting sore. Your saliva was now running down your chin, as your wetness was flowing from your pussy. Your knees hurt as you were standing on the cement floor, and when you tried to change the position he put his hand on the back of your neck, and told you not to move. His warm skin on yours made you shiver and you didn't move. Letting your knees stiffen in the imposed position.
“Ok, that’s enough”, he said, pulling back after a time you couldn’t evaluate.
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You heard a clicking sound when he told you to come out from under the desk, but to remain kneeling. You felt the handcuff bracelets on your wrists, behind your back, then the sound of metal being tightened. “Don’t want your dusty hands on my cock”, he added.
You were facing the table, and he leaned on it, his cock out of his pants. 
“You want that cock?”
“Yes what?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Suck it.”
Upright on your knees, he grabbed his cock and held it towards you. Unable to hold back a moan when you felt it again between your lips, before you started sucking him, applying yourself. You loved his taste and loved blowing him, to be on your knees for him, handcuffed, in that room.
“You’re being filmed, you know. And it’s a shame you’re so bad at sucking a dick.”
Petrified, you stopped for a few seconds. But there was no way he was going to make you doubt yourself. You pulled back and placed your tongue flat just above his balls, then licked his shaft towards his tip, twirling your tongue on it. You leaned down again, and licked his balls. They were big, resting heavy under his cock. You thought they must be full of cum, and you couldn't wait for him to fill you with it. Your tongue lapped at their barely hairy skin. He got hard immediately. You looked at him, a slight smirk on your face.
“Open”, he said. “Tongue out.” Then he leaned down slightly, before letting his saliva fall down your chin and into your mouth.
“Swallow. Like a good girl.”
You swallowed, then stuck your tongue out again to show him.
You approached him and licked the precum that was beading on his tip. Then rounded your lips, trying to take as much of him in your mouth as possible, until your nose brushed against his hair.
“How do you feel, sucking a detective’s cock in his office?”
You looked at him, not daring to stop.
“I kinda like it, when a brat is on her knees for me. Mouth full of my cock.”
He thrust and hit the back of your throat, making you gasp and pull away, coughing.
“Damn. You’re so pathetic.” You stared at the trickle of saliva that linked you to him, the only link between you and his cock, which your mouth was already missing.
“Desperate, mmm? Say “I’m a whore and I just want to get filled by your dick, sir.”
“I’m a whore and I just want to get filled by your dick, sir.” He was right. No hesitation in your voice this time.
“Bend over the desk. Lemme see that cunt.”
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You rested your chest against the wooden surface, your hands still bound by the handcuffs behind your back. He placed his hand on your ass, caressing its roundness. Gently, so gently that you closed your eyes for a moment and held your breath.
You didn't see the first spanking coming, and you let out a cry. Then the second, just before he unzipped your skirt. Sliding it slowly from the small of your back to the bottom of your buttocks. The third spanking made you moan, and ruined your panties a little more.
The mixture of sweetness and pain turned you on. Standing behind you, he pressed his cock against your ass. His manwood pressed against you, you only wished to feel his cock in your cunt, pushing your walls.
He grabbed the hem of your skirt and slid it down your hips, then your thighs, through your ankles. Your tights followed. He knelt down to remove these pieces of clothing from your feet. Your ass, covered by your panties, was at his eye level. When he slid them slowly down and your folds got exposed, he hissed softly.
“Alright. I hope you're better at taking a dick than at sucking it.”
He stood up and glided his cock along your soaked folds, making you moan.
“Your cunt is dripping for every man? Or you just like to be humiliated by a detective?”
He slipped his tip into your dripping hole, making you gasp, and stopped.
“Answer me.”
“I… I like to be humiliated and degraded.”
“Beg me to fuck you.”
“Fuck me, sir. Please, please… need your cock.”
“God, you’re so pitiful.”
He sank without stopping, bottoming out, and you whimpered. Full of his cock. He pulled back and thrust all the way in again, then started fucking  you hard and fast, making you moan with every thrust of his hips. Hands clinging to your hips, yours cuffed behind your back, you could only take his cock. Let him use you freely. The desk shook under his thrusts. Tears were beading in the corners of your eyes, as he was growling, spreading your pussy with his shaft.
“Yeah, make a show for the camera. Maybe you’ll have an Oscar for the best drama queen.”
He grabbed your shoulders for more leverage, and was fucking you deep and slow now. His cock was brushing your g spot at every move, and you quickly came on his cock, trembling.
“Such a slut, coming that fast on my cock, uh?”
You were unable to answer, and he sneered, adding “so cuckdumb”, pounding you faster and you were moaning continually, feeling your wetness trickling from your cunt.
He pulled back and looked at your soaking pussy before thrusting in again. “You're so wet, my cock and balls are covered in white, Jesus.”
He grabbed your hips and railed you, chasing his orgasm.
“Say “I’m a whore and I just want to be full of your cum, sir.”
“I’m a whore and I just want to be full of your cum, sir.”
He sneered again, as if you just said the most stupid thing in the world. “Your pussy isn’t good enough to make me cum, I’m gonna have to jerk off,” he spat, before pulling out of your pussy. He grabbed your elbow and made you kneel in front of him.
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“Tongue out, open wide.”
You stuck out your tongue, eyes staring into his. He looked at you from his height, eyes frowning. His hand tight on his cock, he jerked off. Strong, slow jerks on his hard, thick cock. And you had already forgotten your pussy clenching over nothing. Now you wanted his cum. So you waited, tongue out. Until he groaned, and the white ropes of cum hit your tongue, your cheeks, your chin. Covering your face with his seed.
“Swallow.” Of course you obeyed.
“Say ”thank you sir.”
“Thank you sir.”
You were exhausted, a little part of you was ashamed. And another part missed feeling him in you already.
He rubbed his tip against your chin, your lips, your cheeks, then he tucked his cock into his clothes.
“So. About the jewelry. Let's start from the beginning. I might need more time to investigate and I'm afraid we’ll have to work closely together again”, he said, and your pussy clenched, begging for more.
Thank you for reading 🙏
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@iamasaddie your banners are hot af 😍😍😍
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twst-drabbles · 5 months
Malleus 16
Summary: Class has ended and you’re ready to eat for lunch, but everyone has stopped at the door. Turns out Malleus was there, and he craves affection.
(Wanted to write about kisses. And then Malleus popped into my head. So here you go!)
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“Um, hey, Prefect?” Oh, well would you look at that, it’s Deuce speaking up this time, “Can I… copy your notes again? Please?”
“Yeah, I really couldn’t pay attention,” Grim tapped his paws on your desk, like that’ll somehow endear you to him, “besides, the board is so far away.”
You and your group are two seats away from said board.
“Yeah, come on,” Ace laid an arm across the back of your seat, “do us a solid, yeah? You know you want to. Can’t resist the call of enlightening our tiny little brains.”
“What are you gonna give me?” You closed your notebook just so Ace and Deuce don’t have a chance to look at your notes. “I’ve been saving your asses for the past two weeks. You gotta give me something.”
“Hehe, that’s my minion! If you want a fast pass, you need to give us reparations in tuna!” He cheered, once more using ‘we’ as soon as he thinks he’s getting something.
“You have to pay too, Cat.”
There will be no ‘we’ this time.
“What?! Why?!”
You tried tutoring them in the past but having Ace, Deuce and Grim all in the same room for more than ten minutes always leads to either an argument breaking out, a bunch of whining, or just general chaos because one or more people tried to slip out of trouble.
Yeah, yeah it’s partially your fault for losing patience and just giving up on them, but you’d think they’d at least pay attention long enough to take notes.
They’re right there! On the board!
They have no excuse and they have to at least pay you back for this emotional trouble.
Was this petty? Yes, very. You don’t care right now. You want a treat. Or money. Or both!
“Huh, ah, well,” Deuce got sheepish and reached into his pockets, “I have gum.”
“No.” He has disappointed you. An unworthy treat for your notes.
“How about I only eat three-fourths of your food this time?” Suggested Grim.
“My treat is me giving you more of my food?” And you don’t even give it, he just steals it!
Grim hissed. He was probably hoping you didn’t know fractions. But, good on him for finally learning. Shame his first thought was to try and trick you with it.
“Okay guys, you all know that’s not what the Prefect really wants,” Ace leans in, acting chummy, “how about this?”
You were given one thaumark.
“Alright listen, I need the rest to buy other things, okay?”
You got up after calmly putting your notes away. “I’m going to get lunch.”
“No wait come back!”
But, as much as you wanted to walk out and sit at the regular table while your friends slowly fill in the seats, the exit to the classroom was blocked by a cluster of murmuring and rather nervous students.
“What’s he doing here?” You heard one whisper.
“Uh, did we do something? Were we too loud?”
“I’m really hungry but…”
You are not in the mood. You tried to excuse yourself as you bumped into shoulders but you had to settle for grumbled apologies instead as you shoved yourself through.
Finally, you popped out of the other side, a little more heated and more irritable.
“There you are, Child of Man,” so goes the voice of Malleus, who stood to the side of the door, waiting. The cause of this blockage, students frozen with only his green-eyed stare. “I was kept waiting quite a while. How bold of you to do this, after the slight you made this morning.”
“Wha?” Your annoyance was momentarily replaced by bafflement, but that quickly went away when your brain caught up to his words. You grumbled, “Oh, come on…”
Yeah, you’re probably not even gonna eat at the cafeteria. You’re just gonna get your food and go hide away somewhere until you cooled down.
Malleus walked forward, the surge of students all taking a collective step back as though his very air could potentially kill them.
“Well? Don’t you remember?” He crossed his arms and you were ready for that high-brow glare that comes with all people of royalty, but instead, you found an exaggerated and childish pout. “You forgot to give me my morning greeting. I felt off the entire morning, unable to focus, because I didn’t have the memory of you kissing my brow fresh in my mind.”
A hush fell over the classroom.
And then a, “Huh?!” shot out of Ace’s mouth.
You snorted, then gave out a hearty chuckle. Once you calmed down, you waved Malleus over.
“Alright, alright, get over here. Let me correct that.”
A laugh rumbled low in his throat as he tilted his head into your hand. Playfully, you lightly pinched his ear, just because his pointy ears always caught your attention. He twitched, breath hitching just the slightest bit, and you couldn’t resist the urge anymore and kissed above his brow.
Malleus’s lashes fluttered open and the sigh that escaped him reminded you of a pure-hearted maiden with a fast-beating heart. And yet, there’s nothing delicate about the way he stood. If anything, the affection flowing through him made his pride more apparent. He practically glowed with that royal grace he was taught to have.
You couldn’t help yourself. You gave him an extra kiss on the corner of his lips. Malleus nearly hissed in a breath as he clamped his hand over your own, his body leaning in closer towards yours, as though he wanted to meld with you.
But, with a chuckle, you pulled away and he had no choice but to let go. Malleus was back to pouting, though this time, cheeks flushed and hair slightly messier than usual. The air around you was slightly charged with wayward magic, causing the hair on your body to stand on end. And his eyes…
Well, whoops.
“Good morning. I’ll see you later, okay?”
Better get out of here before Malleus jumps you right in this hallway.
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jappleseedoree · 8 days
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it will always be you
han taesan x reader
academic rivals to lovers
genre: fluff
wc: 1,455
a/n: i was in a crazy writing mood so enjoy this!! i was planning on starting the anton smau but i felt like writing. this is my first au in a WHILE… so sorry if this has any typos or grammar mistakes since i didn’t proofread it. i don’t know if i’m really happy with this because i’m weirdly scared to publish this 😭 but nevertheless, enjoy reading 💕
You had a test tomorrow and you had been practicing for it for almost 2 weeks. You looked up from your book, checking the time on your digital clock, 2:47AM, it read. Your study session spanned for much longer than you hoped for. You sighed, closing your book and putting your pens back into the case. You tucked yourself into your warm bed, as you let your eyes close themselves.
You woke up four hours later, at the ripe hour of 6AM. You quickly checked your Instagram, seeing that your rival had posted a story, you clicked on it. It was a picture of his face at 5AM, oh how sweet he looked, from the way his hair was slightly disheveled but still kept tidily, his lips, the perfect shade of pink, so soft and kissable. Only if it wasn’t for his personality, only if he treated everyone like he treated you. The way he stupidly raised his eyebrows when his name was called as the top scorer instead of yours, a small smirk arising on the sides of his flawless lips. It provoked so many emotions in you, seeing his face so early in the morning. You put your phone down, took a quick shower, put on simple jewelry, and headed out the door.
You sat down in your seat, not long after, the boy of the hour joined you, weirdly enough, sat next to you. He made his existence more clear, as if you hadn’t been thinking about him the whole morning. The universe must be telling you something.
“You good?” he asked, oddly kind for his usual remarks. He snickered, “You don’t seem like you got enough sleep from the look of it.” His signature smirk plastered on his face. “Oh shut up, I was studying, Taesan.” you rolled your eyes back, thankful he hadn’t spoken about your attitude. “Dropped the last name?” he said, looking at you through the side of his eyes. You swear you heard him say a small “cute” under his breath. The small word made you burn up, why did you feel like this? Right next to him? He started to rummage through his bag, pulling out a little bottle, an energy boost. “I got it for myself, but, seems like you’ll need it more.” he says, propping it on your desk. “Thanks, I guess…” you were confused by the backhanded comment but grateful for the small act of kindness. You opened the bottle, taking the drink like a shot and feeling the taste flow through your throat. With that, you two kept quiet as more people bustled through the door.
You finished your test with a sigh. You made sure you put your name on it, as well as flicking through the papers to make sure you wrote an answer in all the questions and passed in your test. You packed your stuff back into your bag and left, but of course, not before Taesan caught up to you. “Hey, Y/n!” he smiled sweetly, him saying your name in such a way wasn’t good for you. You waited for him, standing still as he ran towards you. “How was the test?” he asked, passing you a candy while walking. A heart shaped candy. You couldn’t get your mind off of it, you thought about it while eating dinner, showering, you couldn’t even focus on your homework because your mind was busy, creating new ideas yet scrapping them, denying the thought of him liking you with a coincidence.
Your phone got a notification from an unknown number.
this is y/n, right?
yeah, who is this?
taesan :)
oh, how’d u get my number?
mmm a little bit of sneaking
kiddinggg i was looking at the board and it has the numbers of students who tutor
right. i forgot they did that… did u want tutoring?
nope, just wanted to talk to u, silly
wellllll i’m gonna study a bit so ttyl?
still studying? the test is over
i still wanna study for science, i’m not super familiar with the topic :(
i could help u
u wanna?
sureeee let’s call!!!
alright, but i look a bit weird so don’t judge
i’d never, ur too pretty
ok sorry let’s call
You and Taesan called. Something was so comforting about calling Taesan, maybe it was the way his voice sounded, his tone was gentle, much more different than when you two were bickering at school, or the way he helped you and made sure you understood everything well, it all made you feel so at home. Or maybe it was his perfectly sculpted face in juxtaposition with the oversized hoodie he seemed to wear. “Thank you, Taesan, and sorry for keeping you so long…” “No worries, Y/n, it was nice to keep you company. Well, goodnight Y/n, sleep well, yeah?” “Mhm, you too, Taesan.” you smiled at your phone, waving at Taesan as you ended your call, you closed your eyes with ease, smiling into your pillow as you recounted the moments you had with Taesan. Whatever happened to you hating him had somehow faded away, had it turned into love?
As you got into your seat, you saw Taesan comfortably sitting next to you. “Thank you for yesterday.” you smiled. “Hey, I told you, it’s no problem.” Your routine of staying quiet as more people entered the classroom resumed.
You got your math results back, your hands covered the results and in your head, counting down, you removed your hands to see your marks. 78%. 78%? You spent so long studying for your test for not even 80%? You held back tears, excusing yourself to the toilet.
The second you got outside of the school building, you sat on the benches outside, the tears started flowing. You couldn’t believe you spent so much time and energy, staying up for nothing. You felt so upset, how could you forgive yourself? Your moment was cutoff by a voice, Taesan’s voice. “Y/n? Are you okay?” he crouched down by your legs, looking up at you. “Taesan, I did so bad. I spent so long studying on this, for not even 80%? I seriously can’t believe myself.” you sobbed into your hands, as Taesan sat next to you, holding your shoulder. You looked at him, holding the silence as he fixed pieces of your hair, tucking them behind your ears. “Y/n, it’s okay. You did the best you could, and that’s all that matters. This one test won’t discard the work you’ve put in and will put in. Please, don’t worry.” he softly swiped away the tears that streamed down your cheek. He pulled you into a warm hug, his arms wrapping around you, as you rested your cheek on his shoulder, taking in his scent.
You spent a couple minutes with Taesan, walking together so that no one would know you were crying. You re-entered your classroom and took a deep breath. You couldn’t bear spending any more time in that classroom, but you’d do it for Taesan.
After school ended, you got another notification from the unknown number, namely, Taesan. Before you answered his message, you wanted to change him contact.
wait let me change ur contact
ooh, what r u changing it to?
what do u want it to be? because i don’t know honestlyyy
can i ask u a question first?
can i be ur boyfriend? i mean, i want to at least!! also, sorry i’m asking online and not irl but i couldn’t catch u after school :(
actually? THE han taesan asking to be my boyfriend? (yes)
i thought u hated me
i thought i did too, but i realized it’s probably because i wanted to deny my feelings for u. and i haven’t been able to get u out of my mind
cute. well anyway, u should save me as “super sexy and cute boyfriend”
cute? sure. sexy? hmm
come onnnn pleaseee :)
save me as ”super smart and pretty girlfriend” then
ofc baby
?? do u not like it
wait no
i mean i love it
i love u, my super smart and pretty girlfriend
i love u, my super sexy and cute boyfriend.
The next day, you immediately went to Taesan, though he wasn't aware of your being. You gave him a small peck on the cheek and that had him turning around. "Hey, my boyfriend." you giggled with a sweet smile that made Taesan's eyes fill with love for you. "Hey, my girlfriend." he said, holding his hand out, waiting for yours to be in it.
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Thank you @xxhellfirebunnyxx for this incredible mood board ! Her and @babygorewhore have made these headers and just chefs kiss frfr !!!
Thank you always for you undying support guys always ! @monstxrteeth
Also thank you to @cafekitsune for these lovely dividers!
Eddie Munson x Fem reader
Wc: 1.4K
Tw: slight Dom Eddie , male masterbation, female masterbation, sex on film, phone sex , praise , pet names , voice kink, dirty talk ( any other ones pls let me know)
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Eddie was nervous. He had the video camera he borrowed from Gareth sitting in front of him with a small red flashing light and suddenly he felt like he couldn't breathe.
He had never sat and recorded himself on film; he’d made some rushed demos but never anything visual, and this was going to be all of him, not just his voice. His nerves were more than eating away at his fantasies. In a way, he thought this would be easier and yet here he was as if he had stage fright.
He had wanted to make you a special tape one that you had asked for a few weeks before. One where you could watch him get himself off, an insight into what he did while you weren't around.
Eddie was nervous. So he did the only thing he could think of , he called you. He picked up the phone that he had bought specifically for his room so he wouldn't bother Wayne with his late night calls, and he dialed your number. One he had memorized by your first date.
“Hello?” a raspy tired sound from the opposite end of the line had rang through.
“Hey baby. Did I wake you ?” He could hear you shuffle into a sitting position as he waited for your answer.
“You did but it’s a good thing you did, definitely didn’t mean to nap that long. What’s on your mind Ed’s.” He knew the sound of your voice would calm his nerves and if he was being honest with himself he knew he had only one thing on his mind right now. He was going to make this tape and you were going to be his special guest. Why hadn't he just done this to begin with?
He shot out of bed and hit record on the camera and made sure that it was angled to where he was sitting in bed. A quick shuffle of his face in the frame where he stuck his tongue out in concentration. He settled back onto his headboard and picked the phone back up once he threw his shirt across the room.
“Eddieeee? “ He let out a small laugh at how you had kept calling him, figuring he had just let his ADHD win over his thoughts.
“I’m here , just had to get a bit more comfortable, babe.”
“Oh ? How comfortable are we talking ?” He had started to run his hand across his abdomen and across the hair that led from his navel down. You had once told him it was the perfect trail to treasure you’d ever seen.
“Just took my shirt off, keep your mind out of the gutter.” that earned a laugh from you, a sweet sound he never tired from hearing.
“Eddie, we live in the gutter. You’ve permanently moved me there.”
" I moved YOU there , you got that backwards babe. But you know I could use your help a little if you're up for it.” He had unknowingly sent a shock through your core. You had already started to glide your fingers over the lace between your legs as his voice began to deepen.
“What kind of help Eds “
“Don’t play dumb Doll , you know exactly what kind of help I'm looking for.” his tone had you humming in anticipation of what he could have running through his mind.
“Oh come on Eddie you know you like it when I tease you a little.” Almost a purr in your words, the brat in you was screaming. You knew teasing him now would only bring on a well deserved punishment the next time you saw him but when the consequences not being doled out instantly made that fire burn brightly within you. “What do you need from me baby?”
The pet name always sent a tingle down his spine. His cock has started to stiffen as your voice had goosebumps breaking out across his skin. He glides his hand over his groin and cups his length with a squeeze, groaning into the sensation.
“I'm gonna need you to talk me through this one. You think you can do that for me sweets?” You nod and Eddie knows by the sound of the receiver on the opposite line. “Words babe words. Use them.”
“Yes I can do that , I can talk you through it.”
“That's it, good girl. Alright tell me what you would want me to do to you if you were here with me right now.”
“Well see now there's is the problem Ed's there are just so many things you do that make me … feel just so fucking good.” You drop your sentence into a breathy moan as you circle your clit.
“Are you …. Are you touching yourself right now? You dirty girl. This really doing it for ya?” You giggle at his words , because yes this really is doing it for you. That overwhelming heat licked its way up your back and placed its hands at your throat as Eddie liked to. It sent shivers and shockwaves down your legs that would shake as they locked his hips in place. But his voice was the one thing that got to you more than anything, and he knew exactly what he was doing to you.
“I just need you to fill me full ed's. Please?” There it is, just what he was waiting for. Wanting you to be so intoxicated on just the thought of him alone that you'd be begging for him through the phone line that crossed Hawkins airwaves.
Edie gripped his cock with a spit coated palm, edging his way from the base to his tip. Squeezing as if it was your pussy doing the work for him.
“You just want me to fuck this load straight into you yeah? Want this town to know that you're a little cum dumpster of forest hills ? Knocked up by the Satanist right ? I bet you'd just love that wouldn't you? “ His slick sounds rebounded into the receiver only to be met with the wet sounds you were making all on your own. A whine to your mewls as you thrusted two fingers in and out of your dripping cunt.
“Yeah that's right baby. Just need everyone to know your mine huh? “ You can't hold back your moans as his name starts to fall from your lips with a silent plea to let you cum. One he knows all too well as his name starts to become babble.
“Eddie, Eddie , ed's , fuuck please , please , please.”
“Fuck me. Shiiiit” his body is following his fist as his bed starts to thud gently against the wall and the springs in his bed start to squeak ever so slightly. He can't stop chasing that high and letting his chest rise and fall faster as he reaches his climax. “ Alright baby I'm gonna need you to be a good girl and cum for me. You think you can do this one last thing for me?”
When the words leave him you have already started your descent into pure ecstasy. The way your moans sound strangled tells him that you had dropped the phone in reaching for your throat to draw out that dizzy hazy feeling before coming down.
He arches his back off of his head board just in time to have his release shoot out so hard that a small bit lands in the fringe of his bangs while the rest lands against his chest and a few drops splatter against his lips. Licking his lips as he reaches for his discarded T-shirt he throws to the floor to clean his hands and chest off. He picks the phone back up only to hear you rustle against the sheets in your bed as you end a yawn.
“Sorry baby didn't mean to wear you out , although I wish it would have been in person instead of just over the phone but alas some days my powers of sexual expertise is just all too powerful.”
“Shut up munson.” a sleepy giggle leaves you as you fight your eyelids from closing.
“Get some rest babe I'll see you tomorrow yeah ?”
“Goodnight ed’s”
“Goodnight my love”
He stares at the red light on the video camera as he places the phone back into its receiver and slowly gets up to walk towards it.
“Well I hope this lives up to your expectations babe but just know as soon as you unwrap this I'm giving you your punishment for teasing like you did. Love you baby girl, Merry Christmas.” Eddie winks as he places his hand over the lens before shutting the camera off and ejecting the tape.
He writes an I love you in the blank label with the date in the corner before taking the tape and wrapping it in an old comic strip from the newspaper Wayne had sitting out and he sets the gift right under the tree. God he can't wait to watch you get all hot and bothered while watching him fuck his fist to your voice.
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garbbitch · 5 months
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you stood me up!
jb x reader
angst, fluff
julien was working on her next album, spending long hours at the studio and working. you were as supportive as you could’ve been. she was working a lot and getting a lot more pissy a lot more often. like, you guys had fought a lot in the last month after being together for a few years.
one night she came from home from the studio but you were still at work, she knew you were gonna be, she knew that you were gonna be later than usual. that morning you guys agreed that she was gonna cook dinner to make everyone’s life a little easier. except when she got home that day, she got in bed, and just went to sleep.
you came in from work exceptionally tired from a long boring meeting with the board of directors of your company. when you came in and saw there was no sign of anything being done in the kitchen you started to worry.
“julien? are you home?” you called as you took off your shoes by the door. you didn’t even see her usual converse by the door.
she said nothing. you huffed and walked to your bedroom where you saw julien laying on the bed asleep. you knew she was working hard and honestly felt bad for her. you gently woke her up.
“baby, are you alright?” you asked gently as your stroked her hair.
“fuck— i was supposed to cook. i’m sorry.” she said as she started to get up. you didn’t wanna stress her more than necessary so you offered to help her cook. she declined and ran to the kitchen. you shrugged it off before changing into some comfier clothes before joining her in the kitchen.
“it’s not like you to get in bed so early, are you feeling ok?” you asked as you made yourself some tea to soothe your lingering headache from work.
“i’m fine.” she said in a tone that made you do a double take. you could tell she wasn’t in the best mood.
“well, if you had told me you were too tired i would’ve picked up takeout or something.” you said gently, not wanting to stir the pot any further.
“fuck—“ she said softly, “i can’t keep you updated on my every fucking emotion yn.” she snapped. you were taken aback by her words.
“woah, i didn’t say—“ you started.
“you were gonna.” she cut you off. you eyed her as she cooked, she didn’t face you.
“no i wasn’t, julien.” you said back, she turned off the burner and went back into your shared bedroom, slamming the door. what the fuck just happened? you stood there in shock for a moment. you looked at the half cooked food and you decide to let her think about whatever was causing her bad mood and finish cooking yourself.
[end of flashback]
lately, you guys had a lot of little petty arguments. about walking the dogs, what kind of food they were eating, your work schedule. you name it yall had a petty argument about it. lucy had told you guys you needed a date night after hearing yall fight one too many times. you guys liked the idea and settled for a night the two of you weren’t working.
it was a monday night, you both knew it was a weird night to go out but you figured any restaurants would be less crowded.
you got home early, around 4:30 and you got ready for your date that was supposed to be at 6. she still hadn’t got home at 5 and you sent her a text.
yn: hey baby, you leaving work soon?
she didn’t respond till 5:45.
jb: yeah, something is running later than expected, take an uber there. i’ll be there soon.
you got to the restaurant at 6:10 due to the uber being later than you expected. you waited outside the restaurant for her. you waited and waited and waited.
you texted her at 6:15.
yn: are you almost here?
you called her at 6:20. she didn’t answer, you started to realize she wasn’t coming. you waited another 10 minutes and you called her again at 6:30. you got no response.
yn: i’m going home.
julien saw that final text and felt her stomach drop to her toes. she knew she fucked up, but there was a specific sound she was trying to get in the studio and nothing was working the way she wanted it to. she knew she fucked up.
at home you took off your makeup, took off your cute clothes and threw your new lingerie you bought for tonight in the closet somewhere. you put on a hoodie that was no doubt hers and a pair of shorts, you curled up on the couch with some ice cream and watched crappy tv.
around 6:50 you heard the door open behind you. you didn’t turn around to see who it was. you knew it was julien, you could tell by the way the floor creaked under her step.
“baby— i’m so sorry. i fucked up bad.” she said gently as she walked over to the couch.
you turned to face her, your makeup smudged and what mascara you couldn’t get off running down your cheeks.
“baby— talk to me.” she pleaded with you. you sighed and placed the ice cream on the coffee table.
“you stood me up, jb.” you said softly, sounding hurt. it wasn’t so much the fact that she stood you up, it was all the constant arguing that was happening lately combined with the getting stood up.
“i know baby— and i’m sorry.” she said, she sat down on the couch, she was trying to get on your level. you met her gaze.
“do you still love me?” you asked softly, your voice barely above a whisper. her face fell as she realized how badly she fucked up.
“of course i do.” she said gently, she moved a hand to cup your cheek. “i know i’ve been very tense lately and i took it out on you a lot. and i’m sorry. but i still love you so so so much.” she said as she stroked your cheek.
“you’ve been fighting with me all the time and then when we finally have time to be together you leave me stranded.” you said, feeling fed up. “do you do that to the people you love? would you do that to lucy and phoebe?” you accused. she was dumbfounded by your words.
“no- i-i wouldn’t. but they also understand my job. you don’t.” she said back to you, you were both tense now.
“what, cause i can’t afford custom gucci suits i don’t ‘get’ you? has it ever occurred to you that maybe you don’t get me?” you snapped. you started to walk away. she gently grabbed your wrist to stop you.
“what do you even mean by that?” she asked you.
“you’ve never worked a real job in your life, jb, c’mon. you don’t get me, just like i could never get you. guess we should just fuckin break up, right?” you snapped again, taking your wrist from her grasp. she opened her mouth like she was gonna say something but closed it.
“yn, baby, i fucked up but, it’s not worth ending what we have. and you do get me. better than anyone. i shouldn’t have said that.” she said gently.
“what exactly do we have?” you snapped, you were really tired of all of the fighting. “cause lately, all we have are arguments, julien.” you said before she could answer.
“no we don’t.” she said, trying to plead with you.
“oh really? what happened when i had to work late? you picked a fight about me asking how you were doing.. and when i fed the dogs a different food you basically called me dumb. hell, you know it’s bad when lucy is trying to tell us we need to go on a date night to relieve some tension.” you spoke quickly. she knew you were right.
she sighed. “your right.” she said softly sounding defeated. “but i love you so much baby, even if i haven’t shown it lately. i really am sorry i’ve been so terrible lately.” she spoke gently and stepped a little closer to you.
you shook your head. “i don’t like feeling like i need to walk around on eggshells julien.” it dawned on you why she was acting this way, “did you stop taking your meds?” you asked gently. her blood ran cold.
“n-no i uh— i can explain” she stuttered.
“oh my god— julien, you can’t just do that.” you sighed, you wanted to still be angry with her but you knew that her attitude had a reason, and a good one at that. “you can’t go off your meds, especially when you’re working so much.” you said gently.
“i’m just trying to write good music.” she admitted softly. you shook your head.
“julien, you and i both know that’s not how that works.” you said gently, she started to protest. “ah ah— tell me, have you written anything you like since you stopped taking it?” you asked.
“i- no.” she said sounding defeated.
“please go back to taking them. please.” you said gently.
“fine.” she said softly. “can i she a hug from my favorite girl?” she asked gently as she held her arms open.
you hugged her tightly. “i’m sorry i stood you up baby. let’s try again, yeah?” she asked gently as she stroked your back.
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mvltixcc · 7 months
Girls Like Girls - Robin Buckley X Cheerleader!Reader
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Summary: Robin has a crush on the new girl in town. Y/N is also a new member of the cheer squad, which means Robin sees her all the time at games and other school events. Unfortunately, Robin is put in a tough situation. She's scared to talk to her because the cheerleaders have a reputation of being mean girls and she fears that Y/N may not feel the same. Little does Robin know that Y/N does not appear as she seems. Y/N becomes best friends with Eddie, which seems unlikely at the surface due to different social circles. This leads to rumors of course and word spreads like wildfire here at Hawkins, which then makes Robin's feelings even more confusing. After hanging out with Steve and the gang, Robin starts to see a different side to Y/N. Will they end up together or will they just remain friends?
Word Count: 2.3k
Pinterest board for inspiration
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4
Chapter 5
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“Hey pretty lady!” You say skipping up to Robin as she walked into work. 
“Hey stranger!” She responded with a smile. 
“Are you doing anything for Thanksgiving this year?” You asked, twirling your skirt.
“Oh I um-” Robin cleared her throat. “I don’t have anything going on actually. My parents are gonna be out of town on a trip they've had planned for over a year, why do you ask?” 
“I was having a little get together with some people since it’s just gonna be me and my family, I thought maybe you’d like to join!” You suggested. Robin’s face lit up like a little kid on Christmas morning. “I’d love to!” She proclaimed. 
“Oh yay! How exciting, all 6 of us are gonna have so much fun!” You said, Robin’s facial expression dropping at this. 
“6? Who um, who else will be there exactly?” Robin questioned.
“Well my family and I of course! Steve will be there too since his parents aren't really around much. And also Eddie as well, his uncle is gonna be working that day and I didn't want him to be alone.” You stated.
“Oh okay, that’s- that's great! I cant wait!” Robin tried to hide her disappointment. 
“Yay!! I’ll see you there! Okay, I’m off you have a good shift! Don’t drive her too crazy, Harrington.” You joked as you headed out the door.
“But that’s my job!” Steve replied. He turned to Robin and noticed the mood change. “What’s wrong?” He asked.
She sighed. “I didn’t know Eddie was gonna be at this get together. I thought it was gonna be like-”
“A date?” Steve questioned. 
“Maybe I guess, I don’t know.” Robin said, putting her head in her hands. 
“I still don’t see why you don’t make the first move?” Steve suggested. 
“Oh I don’t know, maybe because it would end totally horrifically. Catastrophic even!” She exclaimed. 
“But you don’t know that, maybe it won't end the way you think it will.” He said.
“Look, can we just drop it please?” Robin asked, getting ready to start her shift. Steve nodded and went to stock the candy.
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“Well don’t you look nice!” Steve complimented as he picked up Robin. 
“Thanks dingus, you don’t look too bad yourself.” She thanked her friend. 
“What the hell is that?” Steve asked, pointing to the container in her lap.
“It’s a pie, what have you never seen a pie before?” She joked.
“Since when do you bake?” He scoffed as he continued to drive to Y/N’s house.
“Don’t be stupid, I bought this from the store. You really think that I’m gonna make her eat a pie that I don’t know how to make? Plus, at least I brought something, I don’t see you with anything.” Robin stated. 
“Uh huh okay whatever Buckley.” He laughed.
As Steve drove the rest of the way to the destination, Robin’s nervousness increased. She spent all week trying to make everything perfect for today. From her hair, her outfit, and what she would say in a conversation. She practiced VERY hard with that as she didn’t want to be a rambling mess in front of you. She got so lost in her anxious thoughts that she didn’t even notice that they had arrived. 
“Earth to Robin, hellooo?” Steve said, waving his hand in front of Robin’s face trying to capture her attention. 
“What huh, sorry.” She replied coming back to reality. 
“Look who was waiting for you.” Steve said pointing to the door, she saw you standing there in this cute outfit waving at the both of them. A blush began to creep upon her face. The pair got out of the car and made their way toward you. 
“I’m so happy you guys are here! Come in come in!” You said leading your friends inside. Everyone was sitting there chatting and eating snacks. Robin looked around expecting to see your parents. “So guys this is my nana and papa, and this is Steve and Robin!” Y/N said introducing the two friends to your family. 
“And I’m Eddie.” Eddie said as he stuffed his face with cheese cubes.
“Yes Eds we all know who you are.” You chuckled at him. “Now save some cheese for the rest of us!” You say slapping the cheese out of his hand. This made everyone laugh.  
Everyone began to converse with one another and having a good time, which you were glad. You took hosting VERY seriously and wanted everyone to get along. You made sure that everything was perfect for today. “Hey, where did you want me to put this pie?” Robin asked as she approached you in the kitchen.
You turned around to face her, “oh um you can set it on the counter over there.” You say pointing to the free spot. You went back to adding the finishing touches to everything. 
“Is there anything you need help with?” Robin asked, now standing next to you. 
“Yes actually! Can you put the potatoes into the bowl over there for me please?” You asked kindly. Robin nods and starts to help out. She finishes up and is shocked at herself that she didn’t drop any. 
“Alright everyone, time to eat! Ah go wash your hands you goose!” You said smacking Eddie's hand as he was reaching for the rolls. 
"Ouch! Will you stop smacking my hands?" Eddie chuckled.
He returned and everyone sat down and began to eat. The food was being passed around as well as the stories, especially from your papa. Boy did he love to tell his stories. Robin was having a great time, all her anxiety was gone by this point. She was sitting next to you,  just enjoying your company and that was all that mattered most to her. ‘Maybe everything would be okay after all.' She thought to herself. Boy was she so very wrong.
Your grandparents had just went to bed so now it was just the 4 of you hanging out. Steve and Robin were in the living room while Eddie was helping you clean up. While Steve and Robin were dancing, they heard a screech coming from the kitchen. They both ran to see what had happened. There you were being playful with Eddie. He was chasing you around with olives on his fingers. “BWAH!!” Eddie said as he chased you. 
“Stop, that’s so gross, you don’t even like olives anyways!!” You chuckled, trying to get away from him. He wrapped you up in his arms and lifted you up in the air. “Ahhh put me down you weirdo!!” You yelled.
Robin’s heart sank as she watched the scene unfold in front of her. She felt tears brimming her eyes. She pushed past Steve and grabbed her coat. Steve tried to call out for her to stop, but she ran out of the house. Y/N heard the door slam and Eddie set you down to go see what had happened. You walked into the living room and saw that both Robin and Steve were gone. You opened the front door and saw the car was now gone too. You felt a wave of sadness hit. Had you done something wrong for them to leave so suddenly? Without a goodbye at that. Eddie noticed the sadness in your eyes.
“Hey come here.” He said pulling you into a hug. “Maybe there was an emergency, I know it’s hard not to take it personal, but try not to, okay? At least not until you know what happened.” He hated seeing you so sad. "Come on, let's go finish up in the kitchen." You nodded and followed him.
"Alright here you go." You say handing Eddie the containers of food.
"Thanks, Wayne is gonna be thrilled to have this when he gets home from work." He thanked. "You know how he loves your cooking."
"Anytime!" You said trying to flash a smile, but in the back of your mind you couldn't stop thinking about Robin. Eddie could see the look on your face.
"I know." Eddie said as he pulled you into a hug. "Everything will be okay, I'm here for you always." He pulled away. "How about I come over tomorrow and we can do something just the two of us yeah?" He suggested.
"I'd really like that." You said with a smile. Eddie always knew how to make you feel better.
Eddie pulls you in for another hug. "Perfect, I'll see you tomorrow then okay peach?" You nod.
You helped him out to his van with all the food you had packed him and said your goodbyes. As he pulled out of the driveway he waved at you and you waved back. Then he drove on home and you were left alone to your thoughts. You went upstairs to shower and get ready for bed. You couldn't help but cry as you were in there. You never wanted to upset anyone and the thought of you doing that to Robin affected you deeply. After your shower, you crawled into bed and passed out.
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Some time had passed since the last time you saw Robin. She wasn’t at school the week after everything had happened so you’ve tried calling and going to her house, but you heard nothing. And even when she finally came back, she avoided you. She just won't talk to you and that devastated you. You weren’t sure what had happened, so you didn’t know how to make things right.
Steve was no help either, he wanted to tell you because you were his friend too but he had to respect Robin’s wishes. You had quit your job at the family video because it made you too sad going there and not being with Robin.
You’d cry to Eddie all the time about how sad it made you and he was there for you the best he could, he hated seeing you like this. Eddie knew how much you cared for Robin. He even tried to reach out to Robin to try and fix whatever had happened, but he got nowhere.
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It was now Christmas time and Steve had invited you over for a small get together. Part of you had hoped Robin would be there, but the chances of that were low. You still had gotten her a gift anyways, you didn’t want her to feel like you stopped caring about her. You finally had your own car so that meant no more Eddie driving you around everywhere, not that he’d complain anyways. You pulled up to Steve’s house and grabbed the gifts out of your trunk, soon making your way to the front door. 
“Well look who decided to finally show up!” Steve said as he opened the door for you. You couldn't see him because of the big pile of gifts you had, but you could tell it was him by the sound of his voice. “Got enough gifts there Y/N?” He chuckled, helping you take some inside. 
“Hey I didn’t want anyone to go without a gift!” You stated.
“Even me?” You heard someone say from behind. You turned around to see who it was and once the realization had hit, you ran right into their arms. 
“God I’ve missed you so much.” You said softly as your voice began to break, tears welling up in your eyes.
“I missed you too Y/N.” Robin replied, hugging you tightly.
You pulled away to face her, tears streaming down your face at this point. “I’m so so so beyond sorry Robin, I-” She interrupted you. 
“No no, there’s no need to apologize. You’ve done nothing wrong. There was just- a lot going on in my head and I needed some time to work through it.” She said, wiping your tears. You hugged her again not wanting to let go, you truly did miss her. 
“So no Eddie huh?” She asked.
“No, he’s at home spending time with his uncle while they both have the time off from working.” You stated. 
“Ah I see, that’s good I guess.” Robin replied. She was a little happy that he wouldn’t be there with you so she could have you all to herself. 
“Alright come on you two, let’s go open gifts!” Steve interrupted 
Everyone sat around in a circle and opened their gifts. Everyone had gotten things that they had enjoyed or needed, like Y/N got movies, Nancy got notepads for when she did her reporting, Steve got cans of hairspray (naturally), and the kids got stuff for DND. But Robin got random stuff, things that weren't really for her or what she liked. Things like candy, stickers, or knick knacks from a gumball machine. Basic stocking stuffers. She was grateful of course, but she felt like no one really knew her or didn’t care to get her anything that she would like. That was until she opened your gift. You had gotten her favorite records as well as ones that she had been wanting to get for a long time. She had the biggest smile on her face and her heart felt so full. No one had ever payed this much attention to her, not even Steve. She felt seen and heard for once. You went over to her spot and sat next to her. 
“Merry Christmas Robin.” You said giving her a warm hug. 
“Merry Christmas Y/N.” She replied, hugging you tightly. She really had missed you a lot and she was glad to have you back. 
Next chapter
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avastrasposts · 1 year
The Pilot and his girl - ch. 3
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So I have a clear plan for where this fic is going now, yay! I've outlined about 13-14 chapters and we're gonna do a little bit of TLoU crossover down the line so expect a Joel/Tommy cameo at some point :) I also decided on a title finally so it's now offically The Pilot and his girl
I'll add warnings as needed but there's only fluff in these first few chapters, playing around with our sweet Frankie.
(oh, btw, for anyone who notices, I know "chamo" is Venezuelan, but I love the expression, maybe the chef is from Venezuela :) )
Taglist: @pimosworld
Chapter 4
It’s not until Denny drives past in his truck and honks loudly that Frankie and you finally break apart, you’re giggling into Frankie’s neck as he waves at his boss and from the corner of your eye you see Denny give Frankie a gleeful thumb’s up through the window.  
“Maybe I should take you somewhere nicer than an airfield,” Frankie says and pushes back a strand of your hair. He’s got his hand hooked around your shoulders, behind your head, and the other still on your cheek. He’s warm and solid pressed up against you, the warm metal of the car at your back and him in front. 
“I don’t wanna break the mood,” you smile at him, “but I’m really hungry. Do you wanna have lunch since our breakfast was cut short?” 
“I’m fucking starving,” Frankie confesses with a grin. “There’s a small place nearby that does really good tacos if you like that? They’re really good and they’re usually quiet during the day.”
“Tacos sounds awesome, I haven’t had any in ages.” 
“Ok then, let’s get some tacos in you,” Frankie pulls you in for a final kiss, which turns into another long, slow exploration of each other's tongues until Frankie’s stomach rumbles loudly in protest and you start giggling pressed against his lips. Frankie reluctantly lets go of your bottom lip and glances down at his small belly. 
“Traitor,” he scolds it and reaches behind you to open the door to the truck, giving you a hand inside. 
The taco place really is nearby, less than ten minutes later Frankie pulls into a small parking lot next to a green park. Across the road is a small cluster of buildings, one sporting a big chilli pepper and the sign “El Chibiski” in bright colours. 
“I thought we could get some food and then eat in the park if you want?” Frankie asks as he parks the car and pulls off his hoodie, you copy him and leave his green one in the truck. 
“You’ve got this all planned out, it sounds like a great idea,” you say as he jumps out of the car and quickly comes round to your side to open the door. “You’re never gonna let me open this door, are you?” you smile as he takes your hand and you step down. 
“No, never,” he grins and closes it behind you. 
The taqueria is almost empty, the lunch rush over, and the smell that hits you as Frankie opens the door is mouth watering. As if on cue your stomach rumbles and he chuckles as you look at the menu over the counter. 
“Got any recommendations?” you ask him, “I definitely want some pastor but it all looks good.” 
“The carnitas are my weakness, and the gringas.” He points to two dishes on the board. “I say we get all three and some bistec ones too and just share everything, seeing as they don’t have fries on the menu.” He says the last thing with a grin and a quick glance at you. 
“I guess that means you’re getting a second date, Morales,” you huff in fake exasperation, “should’ve known you had ulterior motives.” 
“Oh no, you’ve seen right through my clever plans, cariño,” he giggles as you give him a playful slap on the shoulder. He gives your hand a quick squeeze, smiling under his cap, before stepping forward to order, adding a couple of bottles of water too. 
You watch Frankie chat in Spanish to the guy taking the order, exchanging jokes as he relays the order back to the kitchen. It sounds like Frankie comes here a lot by the way the chef greets him too when he spots him through the open order window. It’s an easy atmosphere and it’s nice seeing Frankie’s relaxed manner with the staff. You can only see him from behind but his head falls back as he laughs loudly at something the guy behind the counter says, and the chef yells a response from the kitchen, making them break out into more laughter. There’s something about seeing a guy you’re dating be liked by others, like a little green flag popping up. But to be fair, so far you’d seen no red flags around Frankie. He seems to be exactly what he looks like; a friendly guy, a little bit shy sometimes, but easy to like and easy to be around, a warm personality that seems to shine when he’s comfortable and in his element. You find yourself smiling as you hear Frankie laughing again, he makes you feel good, even though you’ve known him less than twenty four hours.  
When he comes back over he's got a big grin on his face, still chuckling from the jokes at the counter. 
“They always tell the dirtiest jokes,” he says, “I’m too embarrassed to translate them,” he smiles as he sits down in the chair next to you. 
“You know I speak Spanish, right?” you smirk at him and his eyes widen in shocked surprise and his neck immediately starts turning red, his cheeks tinged with pink. 
“¿Tú hablas español?” 
“Not a word, but seeing you blush was totally worth the lie, you’re so cute.” You can’t help touching his flushed cheeks. 
Frankie bursts into rumbling laughter as he grabs you and pulls you closer, chair and all. “Cheeky girl,” he grins and takes hold of your chin before kissing you softly. You kiss him back with a smile and his scruffy beard tickles your cheek when he moves his lips and presses a soft kiss just below you ear. 
“Maybe I should teach you some Spanish,” he murmurs, his breath hot against your skin, “so I can tell you exactly what you do to me when you’re this close.” He presses his lips to the thin skin under your ear again, letting his tongue slip out for a taste of the salt before kissing it again. Your breath catches in your throat as a shiver runs down your spine, heat pooling between your legs, creeping up your neck. When Frankie leans back he gives you a cheeky smile. “Now who’s blushing, hermosa?” 
You hook a couple of fingers into his t-shirt and pull him in for another kiss and he comes willingly, still with a cheeky smile. 
It takes a few more minutes, you’re lost in your own bubble with Frankie, but when someone loudly clears their throat next to you, you reluctantly lean back and look up. 
“Chamo, enserio?” The chef is holding out a take away bag for Frankie, grinning down at him, and Frankie gives a little embarrassed shrug and takes the bag while the chef gives him a friendly slap on the shoulder, smiles at you and retreats into the kitchen, waving at Frankie’s “Gracias”. 
Frankie calls out a goodbye to the guy behind the counter as you leave the restaurant, his hand seems to automatically fall to the small of your back now, and you cross the street to the park. The park isn’t big, but big enough so that when you walk towards the middle the noises from the street and the city are muted. Frankie stops by his truck and pulls out a blanket from the backseat and when you find a shady spot under a big leafy tree he shakes it out for you both to sit on. 
The smell from the take away containers makes your stomach rumble as Frankie pops them open and when you finally get to bite into a taco with pastor meat you moan and let your head fall back. 
“This is so fucking good, Frankie,” you groan and go for another bite, missing how Frankie’s hands stops trying to pick up one of the carnitas as his eyes go dark, fixed on your mouth. He swallows and shifts on the blanket, looking down at his food again. 
“Yeah, they do the best Mexican in town, we go there for lunch a lot since it’s so close to the airfield.” He grabs his taco and keeps his eyes on it as he takes a big bite, trying to ignore the way you moan again at the taste. 
“I can see why you like it, I’d be here every lunch if it was this close to my job,” you say, trying to catch some juice that’s running down your hand. 
“I go too often to be honest, I think the carnitas are directly responsible for my old man’s belly,” Frankie looks down at his midriff and pats the small soft swell under his t-shirt, “definitely not as flat as it was in my 20’s.” 
“I like it,” you say, “can’t believe I’m gonna say this, but…it’s kinda sexy on a guy, something soft when you’re all hard angles and muscles everywhere else.”
“You think my old man’s belly is sexy?” Frankie is looking pretty pleased about your confession. 
“Yeah, I do. And stop calling it an old man’s belly, you can’t be that old?” 
“34, and I’m already going grey,” Frankie scrubs at his beard, where there’s a few strands of grey with the dark brown. 
“Oh yeah, you’re ancient.” you smile and touch your fingertips to his few grey hairs. “A whole two years older than me.” 
“I nearly had a panic attack when I saw the first grey one,” Frankie says, “but my friend Pope has loads and he’s younger so I try not to worry.” 
“I think you look really good, Frankie, with or without grey hair,” you reply and he looks over with a warm smile, his eyes crinkling in that way that makes him look so soft and sweet. 
“Thank you, hermosa, and I think you’re probably the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” 
“Frankie…” you blush and can’t even make yourself look at him as he continues to smile at you. “I’m serious,” he says, “you made my heart stop when you smiled in the bar last night, and you weren’t even looking at me.” 
You’re too overwhelmed by his attention to even find your voice and just blush even more like a fool while you pretend to pick another taco from the boxes. Your heart is racing at a hundred miles per hour and you can still feel Frankie smiling at you, his half eaten taco in hand. 
“Fuck!” Frankie suddenly sputters out. You look up at him and see a large drip of juice from his taco trickling down his white t-shirt. “Damn, I guess I was pushing my luck with the tacos after the cherry pie,” he grumbles and gratefully takes the napkins you hand him. Wiping at the stain only makes it worse, spreading it out, and Frankie soon gives up, accepting his now stained appearance. “Can’t take me anywhere,” he gives you an apologetic smile and finishes off his carnita. 
It’s easy to hang out with Frankie as you share the remaining tacos, sitting close to him on the blanket, talking about movies. He’s making a list of horror movies for a future date and your loud protests make him laugh as he lists one movie gorier than the other. Finally you force him to have the last carnita, your stomach already full, and as he bites into it you tip backwards onto the blanket. 
“I’m so full, Frankie, I’m never eating again,” you groan as you put your hands over your belly, laying flat on your back. You can hear Frankie chuckle with his mouth full and you glance up at his profile. The air is warm in the shade under the tree, the light filtering through the leaves makes a dappled pattern over his body and cheeks but his nose and eyes are still shaded by the peak of his cap. 
“Frankie, come here,” you beckon him and he turns to look down at you as you put your hand on his shoulder. He wipes his hands and his mouth on a napkin, before stretching out next to you, propping himself up on his elbow.
“Can I take your cap off?” 
“Sure,” he replies with a smile, and you reach up and pull it off him. The sun immediately creates a halo of unruly curls around his head and you can see the dark brown of his eyes change to something more amber. Looking at the way the sun turns his dark brown curls golden you reach up and push your fingertips through them, your nails scratching along his scalp as the smooth strands slip underneath your hands. A shiver runs through him and he closes his eyes, leaning into your hands, as you play with his curls, letting them wrap around your fingers and watch how they bounce back when you let go. Frankie sighs and drops down on your chest, resting his head just above your stomach. “Please, don’t stop doing that,” he pleads and you continue to run your fingers through his hair, hearing him moan gently as his breathing slows down. 
You’re not sure when he actually falls asleep but when you hear a soft snore from him you realise he’s in a deep slumber on your chest, one arm thrown across your stomach. Continuing to caress his curls, making them stand on end even more, you close your eyes too and enjoy the feeling of his solid body pressed against your side and warm breaths against your t-shirt. It doesn’t take long before you’re asleep too. 
Frankie wakes up first, blinking at the bright light and feeling disorientated before turning his head and seeing you sleeping with a hand in his hair. Your head is tilted sideways, your mouth slightly open and he can feel your chest rise and fall with your gentle breaths. Carefully he pushes himself up so that he can move his arm and slide the back of his hand across your cheek. Sleep and sun has made your skin flushed and he relishes the silky feel of it as he caresses you lightly. 
The movement must have roused you because he sees your eyes move as you slowly blink, turning your head to focus on him. 
“Hi,” he says gently with a smile and you smile back at him, “Hi, Frankie.” 
You yawn, clamping a hand over your mouth and giggling as it makes Frankie yawn too. He scoots up further so that he can prop himself up on his elbow closer to your head and his hand leaves your cheek, caressing down your neck, stroking random patterns over your skin. 
“I guess tacos make us sleepy,” he smiles and you nod, slightly distracted by how close he is as he leans over you, blocking the sun. His curls are even more unruly, sticking up all over his head, and you run your hand over them again, lacing in your fingers into the curls at his neck and pulling him down towards your mouth. He comes willingly, his lips finding yours easily and when he parts them for you, his tongue is soft and eager against yours. The cool tip of his nose brushes against your cheek as he moves closer, deepening the kiss when you let out a low moan against him. Your fingers wrap tightly around his neck and your other hand finds the side of his chest, the warm cotton soft against your palm as you touch him properly for the first time. He’s firm under your touch, bunched muscles as he holds himself up over you and you caress further up his back. You relish in being able to feel the curve of his shoulder, the way his spine dips between his shoulder blades and disappears down towards the edge of his jeans, wishing there was no fabric under your hand. 
You feel his hand leave your neck, graze across your throat and softly brush against your breast as Frankie lets his fingertips trail down along your torso, finding the sliver of skin between your jeans and t-shirt. With a soft grip he runs his thumb along it, grabbing your waist and pulling you closer. 
“Is this ok?” he whispers close to your mouth as his hand caresses under your t-shirt. 
“Yes, Frankie,” you murmur and push your lips against his, tasting him on your tongue as your need for him grows, a louder moan escaping you. Your response makes him bolder and he pushes you into the blanket with a growl, buried against your mouth. His large hand is flat against your torso and you can feel how he wants to move it further up under your shirt, to feel more, grab more, but you’re still out in the open, still in public, and with a groan he pulls back. He slumps down beside you, burying his face in the crook of your neck with a sigh. His hand leaves your skin, instead he rests it modestly on your stomach, over your t-shirt. 
“Tan suave, hermosa,” he mumbles, “When can I see you again?” He pushes himself up on his elbow again, looking down at you with eyes that seem darker. 
“I’m busy next weekend, the wedding,” you explain with an apologetic smile, “but after that I’m all yours.” 
“All mine, huh?” Frankie grins and you wink back at him. “I wanna take you out for dinner, properly, but I also don’t wanna wait two weeks to see you again,” he says, “maybe we can catch up for drinks or something before then? Or dinner if things aren’t too crazy at the airfield, depending on when I can get away.” 
“I’d like that, Frankie, “ you smile at him, “I’ll check with the bride what the plans are for this week so I know what evenings I’m free, I know she had some sort of social events planned and then the rehearsal dinner on Friday.” 
“Wow, she’s going all out with this wedding?” Frankie raises his eyebrows. 
“Yeah, full on everything, rehearsal dinner, actual wedding day and then spa day and brunch on Sunday. I’m going to work on Monday after the wedding to relax…” you sigh, thinking about how drained you were going to be after three days of socialising with a crowd mostly made up of strangers. “Speaking of next week,” you say with a glance at your phone, “I should probably get home and get everything ready for it.” 
“Yeah, sounds like you’ve got an intense week coming up,” Frankie smiles and pushes himself up to his feet before giving his hand to you, pulling you to your feet. “I’d love to see you soon if you can but don’t stress it, there’s time.” 
He pulls you in for a kiss as you stand, wrapping your arms around his neck before sliding his hands down your waist, stopping to tug you closer to him. You press up against him, feeling his belt buckle dig into your stomach and his mustache tickles you as he gently makes you open your mouth to him again. Kissing him feels addicting and when he starts pulling away you slip your fingers into the curls at the back of his head and slowly let your fingernails run along his scalp. He immediately moans and pulls closer again, melting against you. 
It takes you a while to get back to the truck, stopping for more kisses, Frankie’s arm wrapped around your shoulders, and his soft lips so easy to reach up to, his hand sliding up to hold your neck, grabbing your hair and pulling you in for another long kiss while the afternoon slips away. When you’re finally by the passenger door he cages you in against the truck, his hands on either side of your head as you pull him closer, needing more of him. It leaves you both breathless, Frankie shifting his stance when his obvious hard on becomes uncomfortable but it does nothing to hide it. 
“Sorry,” he mutters when he pulls back a little from you, giving you an embarrassed little grin, “it’s difficult to control when you’re so close, hermosa, you feel so good.” 
“Don’t be sorry,” you mumble, pulling him back, “mine’s less obvious but just as out of control.” Frankie groans and drops his head to his chest before taking a deep breath, “Ok, I need to get you home before you say more things like that.” He opens the door behind you, “Get in before I change my mind.” 
Frankie drives back to the coffee shop where your car is parked and pulls up next to it, again jumping out and coming around to your door to open it. You stay in your seat until he puts out his hand for yours this time and he gives you a warm smile. 
“You’re learning, cariño, never letting you touch this door.” 
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” you smile back and take his hand and step down. He holds onto it as you walk over to your car, parked just down the street. After you unlock it and put your jacket inside you turn back to him. He’s smiling down at you, his eyes crinkling at the corners and his face is so handsome and warm it makes you wish you could call off all the plans for the week and just spend it with him. 
“I’ve had a really good time, Frankie,” you say as his hand comes up to cup your cheek, his thumb smooth over your skin. 
“Me too,” he says, “call me about next week, I’ll make sure that Denny lets me leave on time any evening you’re not busy. I really want to see you again soon, hermosa.” The last thing he says as his thumb caresses your lips, tracing the outline of them, his eyes flitting between your eyes and your mouth. 
“I’ll see if I can get out of some of all the social events, maybe Wednesday’s…” You close your eyes as Frankie’s beard tickles the side of your neck, his lips moving slowly over your skin. “You’re making it very hard to concentrate, Frankie,” you protest weakly and you hear him chuckle before he pulls back. 
“Ok, I’ll let you go,” he gives you a grin, “I need to start planning our movie date, need to get my dvd of The Shining back, I thought we’d start with that one.” 
Your face pulls into a grimace, wrinkling your nose at the prospect of a horror film and it makes Frankie laugh. 
“Un-wrinkle your face, hermosa,” he rubs his thumb down your nose with a grin, “I won’t really make you watch it if you don’t want to.” 
“Let’s start with something less scary, please.” 
“Anything you want, really,” he replies and you lean into him, kissing him one last time before getting in your car. “Thank you, Frankie, for today.” 
“See you soon, hermosa,” he smiles back at you. 
Your week turns out to be more hectic than anticipated and as Friday rolls around you still haven't been able to see Frankie. Between your work, his work and the looming wedding, all you’d managed was a few phone calls late in the evenings when you got home. You’d hear Frankie’s sleepy voice assure you it wasn’t too late when you called him and then his rich baritone would keep you company as you got ready for bed. On Thursday you’d crawled into bed and facetimed him, his dimly lit bedroom making his eyes black as he smiled at your big yawns. You wish you could ask him to come over and just sleep next to you, the ache for him almost physically painful. When you said goodnight and turned off your phone you rolled onto your side, trying to imagine what it would feel like if you had Frankie’s warm body curled around your own as you drifted off to sleep. 
Friday morning you put on your office clothes and pack a bag for the rehearsal dinner; a dress and heels to swap into after work before heading to the very upscale restaurant booked by the groom’s parents. Frankie has sent you a sweet good morning text and you reply as you wait for your coffee to drip down, smiling at his usual lack of capital letters, punctuation or any apostrophes. You’d asked him about it during the week, thinking maybe his phone was broken, and after a few awkward chuckles he’d confessed; he just hadn’t figured out how to do them on a smartphone and now he was too embarrassed to ask anyone. You’d tried to not laugh, his flustered huffs down the phone made you want to hug him tight, and you’d promised to show him how to do it the next time you met. 
“Didn’t realise I’d need a college degree just to type on the phone,” he’d chortled. 
You manage to leave work a little bit early and change into your dress and heels, touching up your make-up and hair, before heading out. As you arrive early to the restaurant you find one of your best friends, Sophia, at the bar. She’d missed the bachelorette party and had only just flown in for the wedding weekend, her suitcase still next to her bar stool. She waves both her hands over her head when she spots you and you all but run over to her with your arms outstretched. 
“It’s so good to see you, sweetie,” Sophia says after you’ve both stopped hugging and squealing, tucking her arm under yours, squeezing it tightly. “I miss having you around.” 
“Well, that’s what happens when you move to another continent and decide to marry some random Welsh girl,” you reply. Sophia had married Carys three years earlier and moved back with her to London a year later. “Speaking of, where is she? Not here for the wedding?”
“She is, but she had to wrap something up at work, she’ll be here in time for dinner.” 
The bartender comes over and you both order champagne, seeing as it’s the groom’s parents who will be footing the bill for the open bar. Sophie grabs her suitcase and glass and motions you over to one of the booths. 
“So what’s going on with you? I hate to be the one that asks the obvious question but…anyone new in your life? It’s been ages since..you know who…and I’d love to see you happy with someone.” 
You take a sip of the champagne to avoid answering straight away. You didn’t like talking about the people you were dating too soon, preferring to find your footing and know where it was heading before fielding a hundred questions from your friends. But Sophia was different, she wouldn’t start planning your wedding or pester you to introduce him to her, and she was a solid judge of character. 
“Ok, so…” you start slowly and Sophia lights up, her smile like a thousand watts, “I did meet this one guy last Saturday.” 
“I fucking knew it!” she exclaims, “you looked different, happy different, sweetie.” 
“We’ve only had one date so far, but it was really nice,” you say, smiling at the memory of your Sunday with Frankie. 
“What’s his name?” Sophia asks, sipping her drink. 
“Frankie, Francisco Morales.” 
“Good name, great name, very solid.” Sophia smiles, “I approve of his mother’s choice of name.” 
“Dumbass,” you chide her with a snicker. “He was at the last bar we went to with the bachelorette party, he was there with some friends, and he was so sweet and handsome and kinda shy that I gave him my number, despite swearing to never do that again.” 
“Sweet and handsome is good, what does he look like?” 
“I won’t do him justice at all, but he has brown, curly hair, dark brown eyes and an adorable scruffy beard with a dimple. But his face is just perfectly sweet and soft and when he smiles his eyes go all warm and I feel like I can’t move when he looks at me.” 
“Girl, you have a crush on this man, I can tell…” Sophia giggles and clinks her glass against yours. 
“I do, I can’t deny,” you laugh with her. “We kissed on Sunday and, oh my god, I just wanted to take him home and keep him in my bed for a week, maybe two.” You lean back, sighing as you remember how Frankie’s body felt pressed up against yours, his eager tongue slipping against yours as his hand slipped under your t-shirt. 
“So do it, what have you got to lose?” 
“Nothing, but this week has been crazy and the entire weekend is packed. He knows I’m busy so we’re gonna try to meet up for drinks some night next week. But definitely dinner next Saturday,” you take another sip of your champagne. 
“Ok, but what are you doing here tonight, babe?” Sophia looks at you with a frown. “It’s not like you have to be at the rehearsal dinner, bail and go see him instead.” 
“Lizzy would kill me, and if not her than Steve’s mother, they’re paying for this thing.” 
“Lizzy will not kill you if you ditch her for a guy that makes you smile like that,” Sophia points a meaningful finger at your face, you can’t seem to make the corners of your mouth go down. Talking about Frankie has you longing for him and as Sophia pokes you in the side you start giggling, wriggling away from her. “Go see him, call him right now, see if he’s free, and then you go fuck his brains out and come to the wedding as a new woman.” She pokes you again, “Go now, call him. If he’s available I’ll talk to Lizzy.” 
“Ok, ok, jeez, woman, I’m going,” you laugh and push yourself out of the booth. 
You leave the bar area and wander out to the patio in the back, away from the crowd that’s starting to congregate in the restaurant, as you pull up Frankie’s number on your phone. 
“Hey, hermosa,” his warm, rich voice comes through the phone after two rings and you feel yourself smiling. “What’s up, I thought you were at the rehearsal dinner? 
“I am, it’s just about to start. I just wanted to talk to you, I wish we could’ve made time to meet up this week.” 
“Yeah, me too, cariño, I’m sorry I was so busy at work.” 
“No, I’m the one who’s had the crazy week and all the stuff planned this weekend. But I was thinking, maybe I can sneak away from this dinner early and we can meet up, unless you already have plans?”
“I do, I’m meeting the boys for a couple of drinks, but I will most definitely ditch them for you any day.” You can hear the smile in his voice as he gets eager about the idea. 
“Maybe if I stay for the actual dinner here and leave when that’s done? So you can hang out with your friends first and then we can meet up for a drink or something?” 
“Yeah, that sounds like a great idea, we’re going to some new place downtown that Will wanted to try out, and I think it’s pretty close to your restaurant. Send me a message when dinner is done and I’ll come and meet you there, ok?” In the background you can hear someone yell, “Come on, Fish!” and he calls for them to give him a sec. 
“Go Frankie, go with them, I’ll message you when I’m done.” You feel heat rising in your cheeks at the thought of seeing Frankie again so soon. Frankie’s voice is softer and lower, you can hear him walking, his boots scuffing across a hard surface as he replies. 
“Can’t wait, hermosa, I miss you.” 
“Miss you too, Frankie.” 
True to her word, Sophia pulls Lizzy to one side during the dinner and explains why you’ll be disappearing as soon as her uncle Herb has wrapped up his rambling speech about Steve mowing his lawn. Both women shoot you wide grins and thumbs up across the room as you excuse yourself while the coffee and dessert is being brought in, fumbling in your bag for your phone to text Frankie. 
You wait for him to arrive just inside the entrance of the restaurant and can’t help but laugh as Sophia’s head pops out from behind one of the large potted plants, looking like she’s in a bad spy movie. 
“What?” she giggles, “I just wanna see this guy who’s got you all smiley. I’ll be totally discreet.” 
“Come here, dumbass,” you say fondly, and she wraps her arms around you in a big hug. 
“Sweetie, I hope he’s all you want him to be, you deserve this.” 
“Thanks, Soph, you’ve always got my back,” you peck her on the cheek and she gives you a smile before glancing over at the big windows on either side of the glass door. 
“Please tell me that’s him,” she mouths, her eyes widening slightly. 
You turn and spot Frankie walking towards the door and your breath catches in your throat at the sight of him. He hasn’t seen you yet and as you watch he smooths his large hands down the front of his dark red button up shirt, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, showing off his strong looking forearms. He’s ditched the cap and the evening breeze ruffles his curls, making them escape the attempt you can see he’s made at taming them. He’s got dark jeans on, hugging his thighs and showing off his ridiculous shoulder to hip ratio. Spotting you through the door his eyes crinkle and he gives you that sweet nervous smile. You smile back at him as his hand shoots up and rubs the back of his neck, his ever present awkward little gesture that makes your heart clench. 
You’re about to turn and say goodbye to Sophia when she swiftly steps forwards and opens the door to the restaurant for Frankie. 
“You must be Frankie,” she beams at him, ushering him inside. 
“Uh, yeah, I am, hi,” he stutters, taking the hand Sophia holds out. 
“Hi Frankie,” you say, “this is my friend Sophia, she’s just leaving.” You give her a stern look that she ignores.
“Really nice to meet you, Frankie, I’m so happy I convinced my darling friend here to ditch this dull crowd and call you instead.” She’s still beaming at Frankie, unashamedly looking him up and down as you step closer to him. He seems to find himself a little and gives Sophia a friendly smile before turning his attention back to you. 
“Hi, hermosa,” he says in a low voice as he drops his head and kisses your cheek, his hand landing on your waist and pulling you closer.
Sophia gives you a quick thumbs up and an excited grin before Frankie looks up again. 
“Alright, Mr Morales, take my girl out and show her a good time, you have my blessing,” she croons and starts ushering you both out the door. “Now get going before you get roped into this damn wedding again, sweetie.” 
“Bye, Soph, I’ll see you tomorrow.” you call out as you leave, Frankie’s arm still around your waist. 
You both laugh as you walk down the street, getting away from the restaurant. “I’m sorry about the ambush,” you giggle, “She’s a bit of a whirlwind but she’s my best friend, I can’t deny her anything.” 
“She seems like a good friend, looking out for you,” he smiles. 
“Yeah, always.” You tug lightly at him, making him stop as you turn, looking up at him. “Hi,” you whisper and his arms wrap around your waist. 
“Hi,” he mumbles, dropping his head to your forehead, his eyes warm and soft. He stays still for a few beats but when you reach up for his lips he almost makes you stumble back with how fiercely he kisses you. His arms come up along your back, pulling you in as his tongue frantically licks into your mouth and you moan against him, his fevered advance making your body ache. A few moments pass, his body hard against your own as he seems to need to pull you as close as possible, his hot breath over your skin as he kisses you acutely. Only the loud whoop from across the street makes you break apart. 
“You’re so gorgeous in that dress, hermosa,” he murmurs as he reluctantly pulls back, letting his eyes slide over the black wrap dress and down your legs on display. “You’re always gorgeous but that dress on you…” he trails off, his hands slipping from your waist, down over your hips. His eyes are dark and you feel your own need mirrored in them as he looks up at you again. 
Eventually he takes your hand and starts walking again, “About that drink, yeah?”
You nod and let your breath slip out, slowly exhaling to calm your nerves, squeezing his hand tightly.
The night is a disaster. As you let the door to your place slam shut behind you, you slip down to the floor, tugging your heels off as hot tears start welling up. All you can see when you squeeze your eyes shut is Frankie’s furious face as he slammed the man against the wall, the dull thump of his fist against his face, the blood pouring from the battered nose. Sweet, shy Frankie suddenly dealing out violence, dropping the man with two swift punches and then turning back to you, taking hold of your arms, his knuckles still coated in blood, another man’s blood. 
You’d barely heard him as he tried to make sure you were ok. It had been nothing. The man had groped you as you left the ladies, you’d slapped his hand away and he’d grabbed your arm, pulling you around with a leer. Frankie had appeared at your side out of nowhere, the man slumping on the floor a moment later. But it was Frankie’s transformation that scared you, his face had been furious, but as the punches fell it was cold, emotionless, and he didn’t even flinch as blood spluttered from the man’s broken nose. When he took hold of your arms, looking down at you, he had blood on his shirt and you couldn’t look away from it. Frankie’s face was still impassive, only a slight frown, as he asked you again if you were hurt. You stared back at him, pulling your eyes away from the blood, it was on his skin too. Suddenly, severely aware of how little you knew Frankie, you pulled away from him, scared of the man in front of you, of the violence he’d shown. 
Who could be that violent? 
Who would punch a man so hard he didn’t get up again? 
You’d stammered something, telling him you needed to think, to not follow you, seeing the shock on Frankie’s face turn to despair as you backed away, his hands still on your arms, slowly letting go. Turning your back on him you heard him speak your name but you ignored it, the adrenaline in your system was spiking, making your hands shake and your legs move quickly. 
You hold it together in the Uber home but now you’re on the floor of your hallway, sobbing at the unfairness of everything. 
Chapter 4
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sweetlummie · 1 year
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Mood board made by my lovely love @iamasaddie tysm 💗💗
Creep!Joel Miller x plus size!fem!reader
!!! 18+ content. If you’re a minor go away !!!
A/n: Well- I didn’t think I’d make a part 2 to Creep but here we are 😭 this is my first time writing smut so I’m sorry if it’s not that good! Also not proofread so any and all mistakes are mine! As always constructive criticism is welcome! Enjoy! Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated! 🫶🫶💗💗
Warnings: virginity loss, degradation, pussy slapping, unprotected PiV, slight mentions of impregnation, lmk if I missed any!
W/c: 1.3k
Creep (pt. 1) The Hell am I Doing Here? (pt.3)
* ・‥…━━━━━━━ *˖◛⁺♡ ━━━━━━━…‥・
You’d entered Joel’s room behind him, your stomach rumbling from the nerves. You’ve never been with anyone before- what if you disappoint him? Surely a man as beautiful as him has had many beautiful conquests. By no means did you have low confidence, in fact you always paraded yourself with such grace and poise. You knew your worth but when faced with a man like Joel you couldn’t help but get weak in the knees.
“C’mon sweetheart. Lay down f’me.” He ordered as he nodded his head towards his bed. You did as he asked, crawling up his bed and turning to lay on your back. You felt so exposed to him. He eyed you like you were the last piece of meat in a post-apocalyptic world. “So fuckin’ gorgeous baby.” He murmured as he made his way in between your legs, spreading them open. He yanked your sleep shorts and panties in one clean swoop. “So wet. Is this all for me baby?” He asked as he looked up at you with such a mischievous and hungry gaze. You nod your head shyly. This was so unlike you. You were always so vocal but you were never in an actual sexual situation before. “Words little girl.” He spoke harshly as he brought his hand down hard. Smacking your pussy, eliciting a high pitched moan from you. “Keep it down girl. Don’t wanna wake up Sarah. Now. I’m gonna ask you again. Is this all for me?” He spoke with such authority, such conviction, you couldn’t help but moan under his grasp.
“Yes! All for you..” you managed to whimper out. “Good fucking girl. Good to know you still have that voice of yours and ain’t too cockdumb to respond.” God his degradation was to die for. Who would’ve known your dad’s best friend was such a dirty dirty man. He struck your pussy once more as you whined out, arching your back. “Tell me. Have you had anyone in here before, little girl? And don’t lie to me.” You looked into his dark eyes, he was so different from the Joel you knew from just a few hours ago. “No. Never. You’re my first.” His eyes softened as you spoke. “Right.. I’ll take it slow then.” He brought your thighs to rest on his shoulders as he leant down to eat your pussy once more. He lapped up your juices and swirled his tongue around your clit. You gasped and brought your hand to grip his head full of curls. “Fuck! Joel!” You breathed out as he laughed against your sopping wet cunt. He slowly inserted his finger, it hurt a little. His fingers were much thicker than your own. No matter how much you masturbated it wouldn’t amount to the pleasure you feel now from Joel.
As he worked his finger inside you, he continued to suck on your clit making you a babbling, whimpering mess. Eventually he was able to slip in another finger, scissoring them inside of you before he inserted a third. “Such a good fucking girl. Look at cha. Takin’ my fingers like the little pretty slut I knew you’d be.” His praise made you squeal in pleasure. This was all too much, he was all too much. As he kept going you felt the coil deep inside your stomach snap! You came and hard, your back lifted off the mattress as your thighs trembled around Joel’s head and your pussy clenched around his fingers. “Good girl.. thas it. Take what you need.” He encouraged you as you came down from your high.
You’re left panting on his bed as he lifts up off of you, you watching him as he stands up. He pulls down his sweatpants and boxers. Fuck he’s huge. He can tell you’re intimidated by his size given how wide your eyes had gotten when he whipped it out. “It’s okay baby, I’ll go slow. It’ll fit, I promise.” He cooed quietly as he got on the bed again, spreading your legs, lining his bulbous cock head at your stretched entrance. “Tell me if it’s too much okay?” He said as he placed a hand on your cheek, caressing it. “Yes sir..” you whispered as you looked into his eyes once more. This was it, you were losing your virginity to the man who’s had your heart since you met him. This was such a tender moment between the both of you. It was as if no one else mattered, no one else existed, it was just you and him, he and you. He nodded and slowly pushed in. You began to moan at the painful stretch and he smothered your whines with his mouth as he kissed you. Licking all around the inside of your mouth, your taste on his tongue distracting you from the pain. He had fully bottomed out inside you and he pulled back from the kiss with a quiet groan. “Fuck. Tell me when to move, pretty girl.” He grit out.
“Please.. move..” you whimpered as he pulled out and snapped his hips back inside you. His pace was harsh and needy. “Fuck! So tight princess! Such a perfect little cock sleeve!” He groaned as he held onto your plush hips, his grip solid. You knew there would be bruises there in the morning. You tried to moan as quietly as you could but the sensation was too much. Your eyes rolled to the back of your skull as Joel pounded into you with such fervor and harshness. “Fuck. ‘M not gonna last much longer baby!” He grunted as his pace began to get sloppy but still powerful enough to where it drove you to the edge before he came overstimulating you. Your body shook uncontrollably as he painted your insides with his cum.
He fell on top of you, holding you close as you both calmed down. “You were so amazing baby. Can’t wait to try other things with ya.” He whispered in your ear. You relished his warmth until the sudden realization of what you both did came crashing down on you. You shot up causing Joel to fall off you and onto the bed. “Baby? What’s wrong?” He asked concerned, sitting up, bringing his hand to rest on your back. “We- we shouldn’t have done this!” You shrugged his hand away as you quickly got off the bed and put your panties and shorts on as best you could. “Baby slow down, it’s okay-“ he tried to pacify you, defuse the situation but it was too late, you were crying, consumed with guilt. “No it’s not!! I can’t believe I did this to my best friend- I can’t believe you did this to my dad!” You almost yelled out in frustration. His cum was slowly seeping out from inside of you, collecting in your panties but at this point you could care less. In your mind there was bigger, more pressing issues than a UTI or the possibility of ending up pregnant because of his spilt seed. Joel stood up and tried to reach out for you. You backed away, looking at him like he was some sort of monster. The look in your eyes broke Joel’s heart. He had to fix this, he had to calm you down.
“Baby..” he tried once more. “No! Stop! This never happened. Don’t talk to me, don’t text me, don’t reach out. I’m going home.” You said sternly but you both knew there was no ignoring what happened between you both, no ignoring the love you felt towards each other. All Joel could do was nod his head as he watched you leave. At first Joel just wanted to fuck around with you but after tonight something else had blossomed inside his sick and twisted heart. He had to make it right, he had to have you.
* ・‥…━━━━━━━ *˖◛⁺♡ ━━━━━━━…‥・
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idontplaytrack · 4 months
“Don’t say forever.”
Janis ‘Imi’ike x overweight fem! reader
Warnings: fluff, hurt/comfort? + self-loathing, coarse language, bullying, implied eating disorder. Ends in smut. Vent writing, I had no idea where I was going with this fic— I just felt shitty and needed to get the feelings out
In which reader avoids Janis for the whole day at school because she claims to be in a bad mood
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The second you walked into school, you see Janis approach you. You’d woken up a little late this morning so you told Janis to make her way to school alone first. You forced a smile and went right ahead to your locker.
“What’s wrong?”
“I dunno.” You told her flatly, “I’m in a bad mood.”
“That’s okay.” She told you, eyes closely watching you to decide her next move. Janis wanted to kiss you on the cheek, but she didn’t do that. Instead, she says, “Text me if you want me to take you home, okay? I’ll see you in French class in a bit.”
You simply gave her a nod while you shut your locker, mumbling a ‘bye’ to her and just headed to your homeroom.
You and Janis were separated by classes for awhile, and during which, your mood worsened. All because of nearly everyone in your classes. You excused yourself to go to the bathroom and was luckily allowed to go. There, you unexpectedly ran into Gretchen. “Are you alright?”
“Don’t. Regina’s been making fun of me along with everyone else. You can’t be serious with this. Why are you being nice?”
“She calls me little miss overthinker, thinking I wouldn’t know it’s me that she’s talking about.” Gretchen says. “Not much has changed since middle school.”
“If you’re trying to get me to spill something I can use, you’re not gonna get it outta me.” You stared at yourself in the mirror, sighing. Before she could open her mouth to say anything, you leave.
And then came Aaron in AP Calc class. “Are you okay, dude?”
You flat out ignored him. Though he was truthfully the only one apart from Janis and Damian to have never made fun of you in anyway. At least from what you’ve seen and heard so far. “Aaron, focus.” Mrs. Norbury pointed to him, then at the board.
“Sorry.” He replies quickly.
You hear it, the code names, the chuckles, the occasional full-on cackles. Third class of the day and you couldn’t take it anymore— you leave the room, grabbing your things and hastily carrying your backpack on one shoulder.
You feel everyone watch you leave, including Mrs. Norbury. She doesn’t stop you. You go to the nurses office to hide. Until it was time for lunch, then you saw Janis again. Who at least made you feel a little better with her presence and company.
You had to admit, you let out a sigh of relief at the sight of Janis and Damian. You sit down beside Janis with your lunch tray right in front of you and just poked and pushed at the food with your fork. Janis was then looking at you— you could feel her gaze like they were burning holes into your head. She also had her hand on your thigh, which was something she did all the time. But today, it made you feel worse. You shifted your leg slightly and she got the hint and took her hand away. They knew what was going on, they’ve reported it. But what was done about it? Nothing. Janis was about to tell all of them off herself. But then she would definitely get in trouble.
“Eat your lunch.” Janis said firmly.
“No.” You licked your lips, feeling the lump forming in your throat.
“You need to eat something, baby.” She continues.
“I’m going home.” You decided, leaving as quickly as you arrived. Janis quickly caught up with you though, leading you to her car. You got in, knowing that you couldn’t argue— because you would absolutely burst into tears right then and there in the parking lot.
She stops in front of your house and you get out of her car, into your house. You were expecting her to leave, but she doesn’t. Janis follows you inside. You got up to your room and just crawled under the covers after kicking off your shoes, still desperately trying to keep from crying.
You feel a dip in your mattress— Janis laid down with you, her body entirely pressed up against yours. Her arms wrapped around you securely as she pressed a kiss to your shoulder. “I’d kill for you, and you know that.”
“I do, but please don’t.” You mumbled, swallowing thickly. “What they’re saying…is the truth. I’m fat.”
“Baby.” Janis exhales, snuggling closer to you, “No decent person will do that to someone else. It’s wrong. It’s bullying.”
“Well, I’m a human being. I have emotions…I’m sensitive to hate— as much as I try not to listen to them, I still hear all of it. And I just— I cannot think about anything else but crap they’re saying about me.” You took in a shaky breath, tears stinging your eyes.
Janis just held you and let you get it off your chest.
“Saying it once, going ‘I don’t like you’? Fine. We’re not going to be everyone’s cup of tea. But everyday— the same thing, over and over. And for what? I don’t need people telling me that I need to lose weight. I know I do and I have! You know how that went. I gained the weight back, and now too much of it. But I’m—”
Shit, you just burst into tears now. You’ve been holding it in since this morning. “The privilege I had while being skinny…I remember it, how good it felt, you know? But now I just am a joke to them. An object they can whack around and expect me to not be hurt? How fucking cruel is that?! I’m not ‘conventionally pretty’, yeah. But who on earth looks like runway models all the time? What—”
“Nothing will make me feel differently about you.” Janis says after you stopped talking, “Nothing.”
“I don’t deserve it. Any of the love and care and support…whatever you’re giving me. I don’t deserve any of it.”
You feel Janis breathing heavily by your ear as you ranted, sobbing in her arms. “I promised you this the day I asked you to be my girlfriend.” Janis adds on, “I will always love you no matter how much things change in our lives. How challenging things can get, how bad of a day you’ve had…I don’t fucking care what you wear, what you eat, what you drink. What you look like? You can be bald or have a haircut that I don’t like or wear a really silly t-shirt that you have just cause it’s comfy— but I’ll still be here, loving you. I don’t care about all of that. All I care about is that you take care of yourself. That you’re happy, that you’re healthy. You do what you like, as long as you’re living for yourself and not changing yourselves because others want you to. I’ll love you forever.”
You sobbed at her words, wanting so badly, “Don’t. Don’t say forever. That’s not true.”
Janis sniffles, tears beginning to stream down her face. It broke her heart seeing you like that— so upset and feeling so unsafe in a place where so much was promised for the safety and well-being of students, but yet nothing was ever truly taken seriously or done about things like the students bullying you.
“y/n, I’ve been with you for five years…we’ve been through a lot.” She replies, “I’ve never lied to you. There’s nothing I haven’t seen, we’ve been through way worse than this. I love you. So damn much, baby. You’re so perfect, so beautiful, y/n.”
You felt better after speaking your mind— a little. But you still wished the students saying shit would shut the fuck up.
“You’re mine.” Janis says, a hand running up and down your arm, “You’re my girl. You are perfect for me.”
You were still resisting her compliments, but not so much as before. You closed your eyes and just basked in whatever the hell she was doing. Janis started kissing you on your neck, your shoulder again, then your cheeks.
“I’m gonna put all of them in their place, they’re gonna regret that they’ve ever opened their pathetic mouths in the first place.” Janis says, her voice low— threatening. It sends a shiver down your spine as you let your mind wander in that scenario she’d just brought up. “The school won’t do anything? I will. I’ll take care of you. I’ll take care of them for you.”
After kissing your neck a few times, she draws out a small whine from your lips and she chuckles. “You sound so pretty all the time, princess…” She hums, hand reaching down your front and beginning to rub your clit. “You deserve this, baby.” She whispers directly into your ear, her hands roaming all around your body giving it every bit of attention it was swiftly beginning to crave. “Such a pretty girl…” She tells you while squeezing your tit, “Can I take your clothes off?”
You nod, fuck it. Fuck it. You needed her. Screw those shitheads at school.
You give her a nod of approval, mumbling in agreement. She carefully strips off your clothes but you soon become more eager than she was to give you some love. “That’s it, I got you.” The closeness of her mouth to your ear sent a vibration done your spine. You whimpered needily in return. She tosses your clothes all on the floor and started to kiss you again, quite literally everywhere. Now fully exposed to her, she had free rein.
Janis knew exactly what made you tick. She kissed and sucked at your soft skin so tenderly but at all the right spots, eliciting her favourite noises from your mouth. Before you knew it, you weren’t thinking about anything else but her. Which was just what she wanted and what you were hoping for.
Pulling you back closer to her own body, her fingers slid down from your clit right to your entrance. They dipped inside you smoothly, beginning their push and pull to drive you to your climax. Janis went faster and faster based on how you and your body were reacting, but eventually, her fingers leave you. Causing you to be a hot and bothered mess beneath her. Janis’ hands trailed down the sides of your body after fondling with your breasts for a good minute, massaging your thighs and watching your wetness spread. You locked eyes with her, seeing that happy grin on her face and you feel yourself blushing so you looked away.
“Look at me.” Janis said softly, hands still caressing your thigh just how you liked it, “Look at me, y/n.” Very slowly, you do. Your gaze focused on her again as she lowered herself once more to pepper kisses all over your body. Each and every inch of it. It made you crazy. This level of attention, how vulnerable you were…Janis absolutely just took her sweet time worshipping you like you were her goddess and you loved it. You listened to her, and knew that she meant every word.
Your neglected pussy was throbbing painfully with each passing second Janis spent away from it. After a particularly loud moan, her hands reached over to your breast and gave it a massage, her fingers twisting your hardened nipple. Shit. You needed more. She knew it, but she still wasn’t where you needed her the most.
One shaky breath was all it took for Janis to look directly at you. “Hey, hey. Baby, don’t cry.” She cajoled, “Don’t cry, I got you.”
“I need you.” You admitted quietly.
She watches you lovingly, playful glint in her eyes as her lips wrapped around your growingly sensitive nipple. You cried out, the sound dies down to a pathetic whine. Her mouth picks up its pace, making you feral.
“Janis.” You said firmly. Her mouth stops, her eyes flick upward to look at you again, “Hm?” The vibration, again, makes you feel a little bit of something. You exhaled harshly, “I need you. I need you, Janis.”
She smiles brightly, “That’s my girl~” As she kneeled before you, she pushes your legs apart, keeping them bent and she lowered her mouth onto your clit to begin. Her ass being perked up in the air gives your eyes a nice treat and a boost in your arousal. Janis kept both her hands on either of your inner thighs, licking your folds ever so softly. You pulsed against her tongue, which she’s definitely felt. She laughs, breath hitting your heat and you backed away— just a tad. Janis moves herself closer so she could continue properly, at the pace she wanted to. And at a pace you needed to get to your high.
She’d usually pull you back down, but you appreciated this more gentle approach. It was certainly what you needed instead of her usual roughness.
Your hand finds its way to her hair, combing your fingers through it. You could hear that satisfied hum for approval she gave you when you did that. Abruptly, she stops. “Keep going.” You tell her, hand still in her hair. She doesn’t, but watches your face contort and your pussy throbbing and clenching and dripping. But before you could complain, she resumes and you feel the warmth of her tongue against your overheating cunt. “Ah, fuck. Fuck.” You cursed, grip on her hair tightening. The flicks of her tongue become firmer and quicker inching you closer and closer to the edge.
You kept making noises for her, and she kept praising you. You just kept growing wetter and wetter, getting more needy for more of her. “Does my pretty girl want to come?” She asks, voice muffled. You barely got a break when she asked you that, buy was quickly attacked again by her skilled tongue.
“Mm— fuck, yeah— fuck, fuck~” You panted, whining at the end, hips bucking up towards her face. She moves along with you, her hands staying gentle. But her tongue, it was merciless. She slowed then started going faster, alternating between the two speeds up until you had to let go. Then, her fingers slammed into you and found your g-spot quickly, curling up to hit it while her thumb pressed down on your swollen clit, rubbing it as you unravel.
Your entire body trembled as you came, overwhelmed by the pleasure that you were yet to start coming down from. Janis’ thumb slowed down gradually and her two fingers exited you.
“I told you…I’d do anything for you.” She winks, “If this is what it takes to prove to you that I mean it, I will happily fuck you every single day— for the rest of our lives.”
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🏷️ Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @reneeswif3 @ludoesartnstuffs @pda128
Told myself I’d be asleep 2 hours ago. It is now 1am and Im tired, but at least I’m not that sad anymore?
34 notes · View notes
Carnal chapter five
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Summary: Daisy takes Mattheo to her home in Hogsmeade and reveals the events that led to her living there.
Warnings (please read these): 18+, Heavy angst, discussions of death and loss, emotional vulnerability, but on happier notes, idiots in love, mentions of masturbation, slight dom!Matty who refuses to let Daisy think badly about herself, badass!Daisy who wont let anyone say shit about her man, major relationship progression, idk guys they're just super in love and its so cute
Pairing: Mattheo Riddle x f!OC Daisy Waters
Word count: 5343
A/N: I'm sorry in advance for how this chapter will break your hearts, guys. If it makes you cry, you're not alone, I had a major breakdown while writing it. But the end scene makes it all worth it, I promise.
Divider credit to : @enchanthings
Chapter one Chapter two Chapter three Chapter four
Character mood boards Chapter two mood board Chapter three mood board Chapter four mood board Chapter five mood board
Taglist: @sylviaonyx , @helendeath , @secret-sophieee , @evaslytherpuff , @hotcinnam0nspicy
If you would like to be added to the tag list, leave a comment or send me an ask 🩷
Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated!
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Daisy woke early the next morning, feeling restless and anxious after dreaming about Mattheo. Dreaming about him was nothing new for her but they usually ended happily. This one hadn’t, Mattheo rejecting her after she revealed her secrets to him, telling her that he could never love someone like her. 
She slowly got ready for the day, the dream weighing heavily on her mind as she was planning on telling Mattheo the story of how she had come to live in Hogsmeade. It wasn’t a happy tale, one she usually kept to herself, but she wanted him to know. 
Standing in front of her mirror she shook her whole body, head to toe like a dog, trying to get into a better mood. You’re gonna see him in a little while, that will cheer you up. In the meantime focus on finding a cute outfit. You can do this, Daisy. 
Looking through her wardrobe she quickly decided on an outfit; a black denim miniskirt, a nirvana tee shirt she’d ripped the sleeves off of, fishnet tights, and an old pair of Dr. Martens. Smiling to herself in the mirror she hooked a black leather choker around her neck before sitting down to do her makeup. Thanking Merlin she could use magic for this step, she brought her wand up to her face, saying the spells to perfectly apply her desired look. Finishing with a swipe of her new blood red lipstick, one she knew would set Mattheos heart racing, she looked herself over one last time before heading to the Great Hall. 
Sighing sadly when she didn’t find Mattheo waiting for her near the stairs like he usually did, she went inside, eyes immediately going to the Slytherin table. Where is he? I need to see his handsome face. Turning for the Hufflepuff table she took a seat near the end, pouring herself a glass of pumpkin juice. After twenty minutes of checking the doors and his table she was growing tired of waiting for him, her hunger making her grumpy. Standing, she loaded her plate with a few spoonfuls of eggs, half a dozen pieces of bacon, four pieces of toast, and after debating for a minute, a couple sausage links. It was a lot of food but she would eat every bite and be just as hungry again by lunch time. 
She couldn’t explain it, just one more thing I don’t understand about being an animagus, after her first transformation she was starving all the time, as though she needed to fill both stomachs. She knew Mattheo had noticed the amount she ate, usually at least double what he did, but he never brought it up. She loved him for that, thank you for never bringing up the ridiculous amount of food I stuff into my mouth every day, Matty, I’m not sure I could explain it. 
Daisy began to eat, humming happily to herself with every bite. That was something Mattheo did comment on, the little happy dance she did, wiggling in her seat and humming, when her meal tasted especially yummy. “What are you doing, Daisy? Are you dancing? Oh no, please don’t stop, it’s so very cute, I swear.” He had laughed and attempted to kiss her even though her mouth was full, making them both laugh. Now, she’d noticed, he waited to take his first bite, anxious to know if she thought the food was worthy of her excitement, smiling when she began to hum. 
Where are you, Mattheo? Swallowing her food she lifted her head and took a deep breath, hoping to smell him over the food. Scents from all over the Great Hall hit her like a bag of bricks, too many of them containing bad body odor, or strong perfume. Her eyes watered as she took another breath, shaking her head and lowering it to her food to cancel out some of the scents of her peers. Gonna have to rely on your ears to find him today, Daisy. Closing her eyes she listened to conversations around the room, silverware scraping against plates, footsteps on the stairs outside. Right when she was about to give up she heard a sound she was becoming quite familiar with, his racing heart beat. Smiling to herself she resumed eating, glad he would be with her again soon. 
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Mattheo was racing through the castle as quickly as his exhausted body would carry him. His muscles were sore and he yawned so hard he almost ran into a Ravenclaw student passing by. I really should have gotten more sleep last night. I know I was having a good time but this might be too high a cost. He had spent the night doing exactly what Daisy had told him to, wasting hours stroking his cock, cumming hard for her multiple times, whimpering her name with each one. In between each session he would wave his wand, cleaning himself up, and open his sketchbook to draw her. She was naked in each picture, posing in exposing manners, all of his attention going into her breasts and pussy, and he hoped the details were similar to her actual body. 
Rushing into the Great Hall his tired eyes found her quickly, his feet carrying him to her. Sitting down beside her he leaned in, pressing a few soft kisses to her temple as she chewed. “Sorry I slept so late, princess. Had a long night jerking it to you, pretty girl.” 
Daisy’s eyes widened, a deep blush spreading across her face, making Mattheo chuckle. “Are you telling me you didn’t do the same, little one?” He saw her swallow and slipped his hand under her chin turning her head to face him. Fuck, those lips. There’s no way she doesn’t know what she does to me. Capturing her lips in a passionate kiss, he groaned, wrapping his arms around her, pulling her closer. The world around him disappeared, Daisy the only thing he cared about. 
“Get a room, freaks.” The words registered in his mind but he ignored them, kissing her harder. “I can’t believe Mattheo Riddle chose her.” “I can’t believe Daisy chose him, have you heard the stories about him?” Ignore it. Ignore it. Focus on Daisy. He felt her tense and slid his hands into her hair to keep her thinking about him. “You could do better, Waters.” 
Daisy was on her feet, face to face with a fellow Hufflepuff girl before Mattheo could stop her. “Are you looking for another broken nose, Brooke?” He rose, slowly moving closer to her, gently resting his hand on her back. Is she growling again? He could feel the vibrations in her chest, ears just barely picking up the rumble coming from her lips. 
“Daisy, she’s not worth getting into trouble for, baby. Come back and finish breakfast with me.” 
“She’s not, but you are.” His heart skipped a beat, no one had ever said that about him before. Does she really mean that? Gods please let her mean that. 
Brookes eyes flashed with surprise, apparently not expecting Daisy to fight back and certainly not expecting Mattheo to be the level headed one here. Daisy took her surprise as a sign of weakness, stepping even closer to the girl. “Do not speak of things you know nothing about. Get out of here. Now.” The growl he heard in her voice got louder with every word until she was practically snarling, spitting the last word at the offending girl. Brooke let out a frustrated squeal and turned, storming out of the Great Hall.  
“Daisy,” wrapping his arms around her waist, he guided her back to the table. “Did you mean that? You really think I’m worth getting into trouble for?” He didn’t care if it came off as insecure, he needed to know for sure, his eyes searching hers for any sign of regret. 
“Of course I mean it, Mattheo.” She slid a hand up his arm, running her fingers over his cheek and through his hair. “There’s very few things I wouldn’t do for you.” 
Pressing his forehead against hers he couldn’t help himself, couldn’t stop himself if he tried. “I love you.” Blurting out the words he felt his cheeks flush, eyes widen, and then his breath slip away as she leaned over to kiss him. Melting into her touch, he lifted her into his lap, kissing her jaw, working his way down her neck. Is this a choker she’s wearing? Fuck, pretty girl, you know just how to get to me. 
“Mmmm, Matty, let’s get out of here…” She whispered to him, trailing her fingers through his hair again. 
“Your dorm or mine?” His voice laced with a growl, he began to tighten his grip on her, not letting her get away just yet, rocking his hips so she could feel just what she did to him. 
The groan that left her was exactly what he needed to hear. “Hogsmeade. I want to take you home, Matty.” 
This caught his attention, his mind kicking into overdrive. Home? Her home? Gods what if her parents are there, she wouldn’t be taking me home to meet them so soon would she?! This from the guy who just blurted out that he loves her after a single week. Clam down, Mattheo. 
Loosening his hold on her, he gave her one more kiss before helping her slip off his lap. Once they were both standing he took her hand. “Lead the way, pretty girl.” 
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You didn’t say it back. Why didn’t you say it back? You know you feel the same way about him, so why not say it? 
Daisy was doing her best to ignore the voice in her head and enjoy their slow walk to Hogsmeade, but she felt like an idiot. It didn’t help that Mattheo kept pulling her over to the side of the road to lean against trees and boulders so they could make out along the way. Ugh, where’s a time turner when you need one? I’ve got to make it right. 
“You’re perfect, so fucking perfect.” Mattheo moaned as he worked a big love bite onto her neck, sucking and nipping at the skin. She was moaning like mad, never experiencing this from someone so skilled before. But his words cleared the fog of pleasure in her mind, bringing her back to reality. Gently pushing him off of her, she sighed. 
“I’m not perfect, not even close, Matty.” Before she could say anything else his hand slipped over her mouth. 
“You’re perfect because I say you are, princess. Do you understand?” 
Her eyes grew wide, his tone held no room for misinterpretation. ‘I say you’re perfect because I love you, do not disrespect me by saying negative things about yourself.’ In an attempt to agree she began to nod, but Mattheo gripped her chin keeping her head in place. “Use your words, princess.” 
“I-I understand, Mattheo, I understand.” Her voice was shaking but his insistence was touching her heart in a way she couldn’t explain. Is this love? Someone encouraging you to see the best in yourself because they see it? 
“Good girl.” Leaning in again he gave her a firm kiss, as if to seal their agreement. “Now will you tell me what’s really bothering you? You’ve been quiet the whole way here, Daisy.” 
Daisy cursed, why does he have to know me so well already? Cupping his beautiful face in her hands she kissed his cheek. “I didn’t say it back and I don’t know why.” 
Watching his happy smile fade a little felt like a spell hit to the heart, filling her with longing to make it better for him. “I did wonder if maybe I said it too soon, but Daisy, I’d rather you don’t say it if you don’t feel it. You’re not hurting my feelings by being honest.” 
“But that’s just it, I do feel it!” Snuggling in closer to him, she let out a sigh. “I’ve been in love with you for months, Matty. I don’t know why I didn’t say it back. Most of the time I’m struggling to not shout it at the top of my lungs.” Chuckling, she dropped her head onto his shoulder. 
“Pretty girl, it’s okay. Just knowing you feel it is enough for now. You’ll say the words when you’re ready, I have no doubt. For now,” pausing, he kissed her passionately, moaning against her lips, “take me home. I want to be alone with you.” 
Whimpering when he pulled away from her, Daisy took his hand in hers, leading him through the village. 
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Mattheo smiled nonstop as Daisy took him to all her favorite spots around the village, her eyes lighting up as she told him little stories. Gods, she’s amazing. I could spend hours wandering this tiny town with her, just to see the world through her eyes. 
“Alright we’re almost there, I promise.” 
“You know you’ve said that a number of times now, right?” He couldn’t help but tease her, loving the little looks she was giving him in response. 
“Well, I mean it this time!” Tugging on his arm she led him to the outskirts of Hogsmeade Village. He didn’t mind the trek through the hills even though there was a perfectly fine pathway they could be using instead, enjoying the sight of her walking in front of him, her skirt riding up as she climbed over boulders. 
Breathless by the time they could see the only house for at least a mile, it’s got to be this one, right?, he decided now was the right time to ask something he had been wondering about since they left the castle. “Daisy, will your parents be here?” 
“No.” She called confidently over her shoulder as she unlatched the front gate to a small cottage. 
How can she be so sure? It’s Sunday morning, where else would they be? 
“Good morning, Daisy. How is school going, dear?” An older woman called from the open front window of the cottage. He could barely see her face, but she appeared to be smiling. 
“Oh it’s going great, Mrs. Nettle. I’ve realized I forgot a few things, we’re here so I can grab them. This is my friend, Matty.” Daisy called out to the woman, taking his hand again and pulling him along a side path to the back garden. “Now, my cottage is pretty small, don’t judge, okay?” 
He ran right into her, not paying attention to where his feet were taking him, his mind trying to understand what he was looking at. That’s her idea of a cottage? “Daisy, that’s a shed, a straight up garden shed…” She lives here? Please tell me I’m missing something, there is no way in hell I’m letting her live in a falling down shed! 
Daisy was laughing at him, “just come inside.” Pushing the door open she stepped inside, urging him to join her. Will we both even fit in there? Seriously considering he might be losing it, he followed her, laughing out loud as he took in the space around him. It was a full house, all one room, but a full living space. He laughed again, realizing, not for the first time, he was so caught up in the magic of her presence he had forgotten actual magic existed. 
Looking around the room he could see her touch everywhere. The kitchen was bright, yellow cabinets painted with flowers, potted plants and herbs on the windowsill planted in funky pots shaped like skulls, crystals, even one shaped like a pair of breasts. You are so strange, pretty girl. 
The dining table, surrounded by mismatched chairs, was taken over by her potions kit. Stepping a little closer his eyes went wide as he saw what page her potion book was open to; 
Contraceptive Potion: How to brew and when to use
He could feel his face flush, getting a little turned on knowing she was thinking about sex to this extent. “I’ve never seen that in any of my potion books.” Mumbling under his breath he picked up the book, looking at the cover. 
Brews and Enchantments for the Blossoming Witch
Oh, well that explains it. Sensing something he looked up to find her staring at him. After gently putting the book back where he found it, he moved closer to her. 
“Having fun snooping, darling?” 
The smirk on her face made his heart race and he couldn’t even pretend to be embarrassed. “I was, actually. Do you want me to stop?” 
“No, look around all you want, Matty. I’ve got a few things to gather up, make yourself at home.” Standing on her toes she kissed his cheek before walking further into the house.
Mattheo took her permission to heart and slowly made his way through the house, looking at everything he could. The living room had a single oversized armchair, a fireplace large enough for him to stand in, fitted with half a dozen pot hooks and an iron grate over the embers. She cooks over an open flame? That’s kind of sexy. On the coffee table was a record player, a box of records next to it and three more under the table. In the corner were three guitars on stands, I knew it!, and a stack of sheet music. Picking up the papers he found she was writing her own songs, a lot of them. Gods, she is so cool. Looking through them he realized a few might be about him, the thought making him giddy.
Peeking over his shoulder he saw her in what he assumed was her bedroom, the only separated part of the house, a large wardrobe and a pair of bookshelves set up like room dividers to give her privacy. Wandering over he saw her tearing apart her bed, searching for something. Letting out a frustrated groan she threw herself face down onto her bed. 
“Hey, what’s wrong, princess?” Sitting beside her he coaxed her to turn her head to look at him. Chuckling at her pouty expression he lay down beside her, pulling her onto his chest. “What are you looking for?”  
“My journal, I can’t find it anywhere. I don’t like being without it, I have so many personal things written in it, Matty.” The stress in her voice felt like a tightening vice around his heart, making him wish he could instantly fix this for her. 
“It’s okay, princess, we’ll find it.” His grip tightening when she attempted to get up to keep searching. He let out a soft chuckle. “Not yet, I finally got you in bed, at least let me hold you for a while.” Her giggle sent his heart racing and he ran his hands through her hair as they lay together. But something was on his mind, something he needed to know. “Princess, who is Mrs. Nettle to you?” 
Feeling her stiffen and the heavy sigh she let out made him worry he shouldn’t have asked. Worming her way out of his grip, she sat up, looking down at him. “She’s my guardian.” Her words were the most simple in the world but the crack of her voice…the sound broke his heart. 
No, no no no, no no no no no, Merlin no, oh don’t let her say it, not my sweet girl. “What about your parents?” He hated himself for asking. 
Her calm blue eyes went dark as a stormy sea, her pale face lost what color it had, and she pulled her legs close against her. “They…they’re…dead.” 
His heart shattering into a million pieces, he sat up, pulling her into his arms. “Oh, Daisy.” Not knowing what else to say he began to press gentle kisses to her cheeks and shoulders. “Do you…do you want to talk about it?” She was sniffling, tears already falling down her cheeks and he kissed them away, tenderly running his fingers through her hair. She nodded, snuggling in closer to him. He pulled her into his lap, nuzzling against her, giving her silent courage. Trust me, princess. Your heart is safe with me. 
“It…” She stopped, taking a deep breath. “It happened when I was twelve, right after we started school.” Twelve, gods she’s been dealing with this for four years? 
“They were supposed to pick me up at Kings Cross that first Christmas break. But they never showed up. At first I thought maybe they couldn’t get through the barrier since they’re muggles, so I waited for them on the other side. I waited for hours, Matty, until it was well past dark. I was trying so hard not to cry knowing I’d have to ask for help. I didn’t want the muggle police to think I was a helpless little girl.” She stopped again, a tiny sob escaping her. The sound broke his heart all over again and he squeezed her tighter to him. 
“I finally asked a station worker for help. They tried calling my parents, asking me all about them. They finally called the police to take me home. We - we drove past an accident scene and it looked bad. Like no survivors, bad…” she forced her way out of his arms, leaving him completely stunned, and ran for the bathroom. The sound of her vomiting filled the air and he raced after her. He wasn’t sure which sound was worse, her gagging or her sobbing in between. 
He sank down to the bathroom floor, gently taking her loosely gathered hair from her hand and collecting the strands she had missed. Feeling quite useless he held her hair and rubbed her back, his mind still trying to process the story she was telling. Gods, she must have been so scared waiting at the station for so long, not knowing where they were. Suddenly she was back in his arms, sobbing hard, her entire body shaking. 
“W-we drove r-right p-past them…” 
He could barely understand her, her sobs turning into wails, his brain taking a moment to comprehend. His hand flew up to his mouth before he could stop it, a broken “n-no” slipping past his lips. No! Oh Daisy, no. Please, Merlin, no. 
“W-we were almost h-home when the o-officer's radio w-went o-off. 
C-Crash victims a-adjacent to Kings C-cross identified a-as Evan a-and Josie Waters…” 
Her cries rocked him to his core, she sounded so broken, like she was reliving it all over again. “E-very t-thing after that w-was a blur u-until some woman t-tried to take m-me with h-her and s-suddenly Dumbledore was t-there. He b-brought me back t-to school a-and I-I had to p-pretend like n-nothing was wrong.” Oh my Daisy, oh my sweet girl. 
He felt awful, wanted nothing more than to wrap her up in his arms and never let her go. He wanted to ask what she meant, why she had to pretend but now wasn’t the time. Wrapping his arms tightly around her, he stood, carrying her back to bed, laying her down gently. Before he could lay down beside her, she curled into a ball, breaking down even further. He curled himself around her, pressing his chest against her back, whispering to her softly. “Let it out, princess, let it all out. I’ll hold you through it all.” He had a feeling she had never shared the story with anyone, never let herself truly mourn the loss of her parents, always holding back her emotions. “You’re safe with me, princess. Let yourself feel it. Scream, throw things, anything you need. I won’t love you any less, my sweet girl.” 
As if those were the words she had been waiting to hear since the day it happened she let out a raspy, agonized scream, her sobs choking it off. Body shaking, she went completely quiet, rolling onto her stomach, burying her face in a pillow. Screaming again she pounded her fist against the mattress, kicking her feet, keeping it up until she was completely breathless. Seeing her this way broke Mattheos heart but also made him love her that much more. She was so beautiful, completely raw and vulnerable, and he felt incredibly proud to be witnessing this moment. 
He pulled her into him, taking a few soft hits from her fist in the process, before she went completely limp, all her anger gone. Rubbing her back and kissing every inch of her he could reach, her sobs slowly faded. 
“I love you, Mattheo.” She looked up at him, makeup a mess, eyes red and puffy, snot running out of her nose. For fucks sake, how is she so fucking beautiful right now. She’s a mess and it’s gorgeous. 
“I love you too, Daisy.” He kissed her forehead, tightening his grip around her waist, sighing as she laid her head back down on his chest. He wanted to clean her up, wipe her face for her, but he knew the story wasn’t finished yet. “Do you think you can finish the rest of the story, baby? Why did you have to pretend everything was fine when you got back to Hogwarts?” He kept his voice gentle, but encouraging. 
“Oh. That girl from earlier, Brooke, she was already making fun of me back then and I didn’t want to give her any more reason to. I never told anyone at school about my parents.” She rested her chin on his chest, looking up at him. “Dumbledore and the other professors helped me deal with my parents house and all those things a twelve year old shouldn’t have to know anything about, and by the end of the year Mrs. Nettle had come forward saying she could take me in.” 
“Do you like living with her? She seems to really care for you…” 
“Yeah, she’s pretty great. That first summer we fixed this place up so I could have my privacy when I wanted it. I think she knew how awkward I felt living in a strange woman’s house, always feeling like a guest. That made it hard to let my guard down and be comfortable. Over the years I’ve turned this into exactly what I needed, a space to be myself. We’ve become good friends and, to be honest, I think of her like a mother most of the time.” 
“That sounds wonderful, princess.” Her tears had stopped but his heart still hurt for her, and a little for himself if he was honest. Her experience, losing parents who loved her dearly, was gut wrenching, but he would have preferred it to his own family story. Having a mother who was as crazy as she was beautiful, laughing with him one moment then pointing her wand at him and screaming the next, made it seem like a relief when she was locked away in Azkaban. No, Daisy’s pain was much worse because love had been present in her life.
They stayed silent for a few long moments, Daisy’s soft sniffles the only sound. “You all cried out, princess?” She nodded. “Let’s get you cleaned up, okay?” Holding her tight he carried her to the bathroom, setting her on the counter. While she blew her nose he found a clean washcloth, soaked it in warm water, and gently wiped her face until only her red rimmed eyes gave away that she had been crying. He kissed her face, whispering softly to her. “You’re so beautiful, Daisy. Inside and out. So damn gorgeous.” 
“Thank you, love. Oh, I’ve made a mess of your shirt…” 
He could feel how soaked his shirt was from her tears, but looking in the mirror he could see shiny streaks of her snot all over him. He couldn’t help but laugh and lean in to kiss her, he couldn’t care less about the mess. “Don’t worry about it, pretty girl, I don’t mind. Let’s get you back in bed, I want to hold you.” 
He carried her back to bed, setting her on the edge and kneeling to untie and slip off her boots, kissing his way up her legs purely because he could. Kicking off his own shoes, pulling his shirt over his head and dropping it on the floor he crawled in beside her, throwing the covers over them. 
She curled up beside him, her head resting on his chest. Looking up at him, blinking slowly, her crying having exhausted her, she spoke softly. “I lost everyone I loved that day. Until now.” Her eyes closing, he ran his fingers through her hair, gently lulling her to sleep. I love you too, princess. 
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Mattheo woke after a few hours of the most restful sleep he had gotten in a long time to find the bed empty. 
“Daisy?” He called into the room, hoping she was still there. This is her house, where else would she go? Seconds of silence passed before he sat up, discovering her shoes still on the floor at his feet. 
Pulling on his shirt, walking through the house he caught a glimpse of her outside, kneeling over a garden bed with who he could only assume was Mrs. Nettle by her side. They were talking, working in the dirt, Mrs. Nettle frowning a little as the conversation went on. Opening the front door as quietly as he could he caught the tail end of their conversation. 
“Are you sure about this, Daisy? About him? You didn’t hide his identity from me by calling him Matty earlier. Anyone my age can see he’s the Riddle child…looks so like his father.” 
“Matilda.” Daisy’s voice was full of warning, and the older woman sighed. 
“Child, you know I think of you as an adult, and you’re free to make your own choices, I just want you to be careful. Even I know the boy’s reputation.” 
“And I know that a reputation is nothing more than the opinions of others. I have no interest in what others think of him. I can judge him for myself, based on who he really is.” Oh, I love you, my sweet girl. 
“Are you prepared for the case he turns out to be more like his father than you think?” 
He could hear Daisy’s voice begin to rise, her frustration clear. “I am under no illusions of his family tree, Matilda. I’m well aware there is probably a darkness to him that he hasn’t yet shown, but I don’t care. My heart screams for him, I feel it in my gut-“ 
“Oh here we go with your gut again. Daisy. It’s not a real thing, your intestines are not capable of-“ 
“Maybe it’s a muggle thing you can’t understand, Matilda, but it is very real to me! As is my love for him. Any darkness in him won’t change that. I’m not afraid of darkness, I’ve faced my share of it, knowing there were people who would love me on the other side. But he’s never been shown darkness is nothing to be ashamed of, that it doesn’t have to define you, that it can be beautiful.” There was a pause and Mattheo risked a peek around the door, finding her standing up with an armful of carrots. “I don't understand it, I have no explanation why, but I know I’m meant to show him that, meant to love him for everything he is, meant to be his.” 
She turned away from the garden bed, Mrs. Nettle sighing and slowly following her into the big cottage. When they had passed Mattheo slowly closed the door to Daisy’s house, sliding down the door and resting his head in his hands. I don’t understand it either, pretty girl, but I know you’re right. 
The love between them felt like fate, like destiny, and even though he didn’t believe in such things, actively prayed against it, he couldn’t deny he had the same absolute certainty when it came to Daisy. Whether it would be a slow burn that lasted for decades or a short fuse only lasting a few years, there was nowhere else for him to be but by her side, loving her with everything he had. 
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ladylooch · 9 months
BTS of Stella on that bus ride with Connor and David 🤭
A/N: So bestie 👆🏻 and I had already talked about Stella on the bus. But I did get another ask about it this morning! Thank you Nonnie! How you enjoy this adorable sweetness.
“Hey! Boys!” Connor yells out to the bus as he steps on with a bouncy Stella in his arms. “Baby coming on board. Keep it clean.” Connor wasn’t entirely worried about that tonight. There is a sour mood over the boys after losing to a close rival in the waining seconds of the game. He feels similar, but having to transition quickly into dad mode means he doesn’t get to wallow in it like the rest of them.
“Stell!” David yells. “Come sit by me!”
“Okay!” She exclaims, pointing to her daddy to go towards his defensive partner.
“Luc is pissed at me, isn’t she?” David asks when they get to his row.
“Well you’re not currently her favorite person.” Connor says, sitting down next to him. 
“I know you already yelled at me during the game, but it wasn’t intentional. Are you mad?” Connor slowly turns to his D partner, giving him a ‘duh’ look.
“My wife is sleeping at Lio’s tonight. I’m solo parenting, which means I can’t have a beer. I don’t get my favorite woman in my bed, curled into my side after a post-game boink. Yeah, I’m still mad.” Connor settles Stella on his lap facing him. Stella looks up at him with big eyes. Her little lips curve into an amused smile. Connor can’t help but grin back, chuckling. 
“Kiss?” She puckers her lips aggressively. Connor inhales heavily then attacks her face with kisses. She squeals and giggles, sending infectious happiness through the bus of grumpy Rangers. A few of the Russians point and smile, waving at Stella. “Hi!” She yells back, showing them her toothy grin.
The bus releases air to begin the journey back to the New York side of the river. Stella gasps, looking up at her dad.
“We going! I need a snack.” She insists, nodding her head. He reaches into his suit jacket for the bag of Goldfish Lucie handed him. “Open.” She pats his hands. 
“Ask nicely.” Connor redirects her demanding energy.
“Fuck, she is cute.” David murmurs. Stella gasps again, looking at David then whipping her head back to her dad.
“Yeah, that’s a bad word, huh baby.” He gives David a side eye.
“Oh shit, sorry. Fuck! Sorry! Sorry!” David clasps his hand over his mouth. “Wait, is shit a bad word?” Connor ignores him, but Stella looks concerned.
“He gonna have to put lots of monies in the lego jar.” The concept of the jar is that when they, well when Connor, swears money gets put into the jar for a lego set for Stella. 
“Yeah. Daddy is gonna have to front him I’m sure.” Connor grumbles, handing over the opened bag of orange crackers. 
“Fishy.” She grins, stuffing one in her mouth. She chews gently, poking her fingers around to grab another one. “For you!” She exclaims, passing one to David.
“Thanks, Stelly Belly.” David eats the cracker. “Ooo, those are good. Can I have one more?”
“No.” Stella says simply. She puts one up to her dad’s lips. Connor sucks it into his mouth, then kisses her fingers.
“Thanks, baby.” Connor observes his daughter, glad to see she is content for the moment. But he knows this will not last. Stella hates sitting for long periods of time and there will be traffic after the game tonight. Getting back will have them in moments of stop and go. 
When they get to that first stall, Stella gets antsy.
“No. Go bus. Go!” Stella squeals anxiously. Her hands ball into small fists while she tries to wiggle out of Connor’s hands.
“No. You need to sit here with me until we get off.”
“No! I don’t wanna!”
“How is daddy going to keep you safe if you’re wandering around?” Stella scrunches her nose, squirm harder. “No.” Connor says more firmly, tightening his grasp on her. “Please sit still.” Stella sucks in a big breath, preparing to cry. Oh, here we go.
“Stell, do you know wheels on the bus?” David asks. Stella looks over, confused. She shakes her head no.
“You do, babe. The wheels on the bus go round and…”
“Round!” She yells, eyes widening at the realization she does know. “Yes! Yes! We sing!”
“Boys.” David calls to the rest of the team. “The wheels on the bus go..”
“Round and round.” Some of the boys call back.
“Hey! Let’s go! Wake up! We need to support our little Ranger.” 
The next round is louder.
“The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round. The wheels on the bus go round and round, all through the town.”
The deep voices of men drown out Stella’s voice as they sing through all four verses. There is a little confusion in the third verse about what happens to the bus next. But a Canadian rookie googles it and the boys jump back in just as boisterous. 
“Beep, beep, beep!” Stella giggles as she sings. Connor tickles her tummy. Some of the boys have their phones out recording to send back to their families. 
When the team finishes the song, they all cheer. 
“Great job, boys! When are we opening on broadway!?”
A collective laugh goes through the men, then everyone settles down as the bus begins to flow through lighter traffic.
"I spy! I spy!" Stella says as they make their way over the big bridge. This is a game him and Lucie play with her because she gets nervous about the bridge. 
"I think it's too dark." Connor tells her, kissing her cheek .
"Oh." She frowns, eyes getting big and sad. David can't have that. 
"I spy... something.... blue.” He begins.  Stella looks around, trying to see over the big bus seats. 
"I can't see." She whines, unsure. Connor sighs. They might need to get another verse of wheels on the bus going stat.
"Yes, you can see it from here." David promises her.
She looks him over, then her dad, not seeing any blue. Connor gives her jersey a little tug by the hem. Stella throws her hands wide on her chest.
"Me!" She squeals. David cheers and Stella collapses into giggles.
"It's you!”
Stella giggles excitedly. Then, she suddenly lays her head on Connor's chest, looking at David. She reaches out for him to hold her hand while her long lashes begin to close. Her baggie of goldfish is half falling out of her hand. She is suddenly so tried, literally crashing. Too tired to even fight the sleep anymore.
Stella keeps gripping two of his fingers as she falls asleep. Her small hand can barely get around the big defenseman’s appendages.  Her cheeks become pink from being sleepy. Her pig tails are lopsided from all her I spy searching and whipping her head around at every noise. Her cheek smooshes deeper into Connor's chest as her mouth opens to pull in puffs of air.
"How do you and Lucie only have one kid?” David asks. Connor is rubbing Stella's back over her jersey, helping her settle into her sleep. David throws a little pout at the yawn that stretches Stella’s mouth open.
"Lucie won't let me get her pregnant again.” Connor moves to his right to see if Stella is sleeping. She’s close. He grabs her bag of gold fish so it doesn’t spill all over the floor.
“You gotta wear her down man. The world needs more of these kids.” Conner smiles, kissing the top of his daughter’s head. “Maybe you’ll get a boy?”
“Honestly man, I kinda want all girls.”
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t0omuch4you · 1 year
You Could Start A Cult | Luke Hughes
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"I'll follow you 'til there's no tomorrow" inspired by Niall Horan's song You Could Start A Cult
Hailey wasn’t a huge sports fan, she watched a couple of games with her roommate Allie, but that was it. That being said, it was odd that she was headed to Yost for the hockey game, one Allie had invited her because she had free tickets as the team’s social media manager. The problem was that her roommate was already in her seat, but since Hailey had schoolwork to finish, she decided to stay a little longer in her room not realizing that she was already late.
She was about to reach the arena when she felt a body collide with her, bringing her and the other person to the ground.
“Shit! Sorry! Are you okay? I didn’t see you there and I was running late to-“ the boy ranted nervously to Hailey when he stopped abruptly.
“Oh, hey! I know you, you’re Allie’s roommate, Hailey” he recognized her.
“Uhm…yes, Do I know you?” she replied confused as to why the curly-haired boy knew who she was.
“Yeah sorry. I’m Luke, I play for the hockey team. Allie mentions you all the time” he said standing up and offering Hailey a hand.
“Oh, right. Allie has mentioned you a couple of times too” she said taking his hand and standing up, brushing aside the feeling she felt the moment their hands connected. “And I guess you’re running late to your game, so I’ll see you around,” she said ushering him.
After their encounter, Luke had asked Allie for Hailey's phone number since she had caught his attention, and after a few days of texting he decided to invite her on a date. When he arrived at her dorm room he couldn’t contain his nervousness.
“You...uhm, you look really beautiful,” he said while his breath hitched and his heart made a flip, not knowing how to properly tell her that she looked mesmerizing.
“You look not so bad yourself,” she said while blushing because of his compliment.
For the rest of their date, he couldn't stop his gaze from always coming back to her, not even when they were admiring the stars in the back of his truck. How could he when she was so much more than beautiful to him? After that night, going on a couple more dates, and Hailey getting to befriend the rest of the team, Luke finally decided to ask her to be his girlfriend.
In the first year of their relationship, there were a couple of fights, them being due to the time apart during the constant away games that the team went on. Because of this, Luke had suggested leaving the hockey team but Hailey had instantly shut down the idea, not wanting him to give up everything just because he didn’t want it to affect their relationship. She didn’t realize that Luke had considered it because she was the girl he loved, the girl who made him who he was and who he was gonna be, and without a doubt, Hailey could have it all.
They were about to be two years together now, and things couldn’t get any better, or so they thought. They were about to board the team’s plane to go to the Frozen Four game against Quinnipiac. Luke had been a nervous wreck for the past few days, all thanks to the game but also because New Jersey wanted him to sign as soon as possible, what worried him was having to tell Hailey and upsetting her.
“Hey, are you okay?” she asked him while softly squeezing his hand three times, a gesture they did every time they wanted to say I love you.
“Yeah, everything is fine. Just nervous for the game” he lied, not wanting to ruin the mood for the weekend too soon.
When they arrived at the hotel they met with Jim and Ellen and decided to eat the four of them before Luke had to practice before the next day’s game.
 “So Luke, excited to finally sign with the devils after the weekend?” Jim asked his son as they waited for their food, not knowing that Hailey didn’t have a single clue about this.
“Uhm... yeah, it’s all I’ve ever wanted,” he said while trying to reach for his girlfriend’s hand under the table but she quickly moved it away.
The meal went on smoothly and without Jim and Ellen realizing the tension that could be cut with a knife between the young couple. They soon said their goodbyes and went back to their respective rooms.
“Were you planning on telling me before or after you went to New Jersey?” she asked disguising her sadness with anger towards Luke.
“Look, baby. I didn’t want to ruin the weekend-“he was interrupted by a sob that came out of Hailey's mouth.
“You wouldn’t ruin it, I would’ve wanted to know! I am happy and proud of you!” she said while the tears ran down her cheeks.
“I-I don’t-“ he tried to explain but he was once again interrupted by her.
“No Luke, just leave it. You need to rest for tomorrow's game” she said, her voice barely above a whisper.
To say that the next day was worse than the previous day was an understatement, Michigan had lost 2-5 and now Luke was leaving. He met with his parents and girlfriend at the end of the game, ready to sign those papers.
Things between him and Hailey weren't the best but that didn't stop her from feeling beyond proud of him, of course, there was still a part of her that was sad to see him leave, so she contacted Jack, the one person who could help her get things done without Luke knowing before transferring to Princeton. Luke’s parents and hers had told her it was a bold and risky thing to move to New Jersey with her boyfriend but they agreed after they had seen how in love the two of them were with each other. 
When Hailey arrived in New Jersey it was almost nighttime, Jack would be the one picking her up since Luke still had no idea that his girlfriend would be living with them.
“Well, everything is in the trunk. Ready to go?” Jack asked her after loading everything in the car.
“Yes, thank you so much for helping me. It means a lot Jack” she said sincerely.
“No worries, you know I would do anything to see you and Luke happy,” he said while wrapping his arms around her shoulders in a protective way.
When they arrived at the apartment Hailey couldn’t contain the joy she felt as she was about to reunite with her boyfriend. And this time nothing would separate them, well aside from the away games, but that had been sorted out a long time ago.
“Lukey! I’ve got a surprise for ya. Come here!” Jack shouted while entering the apartment.
“I’m really tired Jack, it better be-“ he stopped talking as he saw his girlfriend at the entrance.
“Surprise,” she said sheepishly while walking towards him and connecting her lips with his in a much-needed kiss.
“And that’s my cue to leave,” Jack said while walking to his room, leaving them alone.
“I can't believe you’re here,” Luke said in disbelief “I’m starting to think if I were to start a cult you’d follow me” he joked while wrapping his arms around her in a bone-crushing hug.
“Is there even a doubt? Anywhere you go, I’ll be” 
A few hours and coffees later, they were done unpacking everything, and now the two of them were ready to sleep in their bed.
“Thank you for following me and not giving up on us,” he said resting his hand on his girlfriend’s hip.
“Anytime Lukey. I love you” she said snuggling in her boyfriend’s neck before closing her eyes to finally rest after a day of traveling and moving in.
“I love you more” he murmured planting a kiss on top of her head before falling asleep.
The next morning Luke woke up with a weight on his right side, when he turned to see what it was or who it was, he was more than happy to see Hailey sleeping peacefully. There weren’t enough words to describe the feeling of waking up by Hailey’s side.
“Stop staring you creep,” she said while turning her back to him.
“I didn’t know I couldn’t admire my beautiful girlfriend,” he said while wrapping his arms from behind her and kissing the side of her neck softly. She turned her head to give him access to her lips and hummed as she felt his lips on hers. There was no better feeling than that and they both knew it.
All they wanted to do was to wake up beside each other, what Hailey didn’t know was that in a few years, they would probably have that for the rest of their lives, all because of a little velvet box that was on Luke’s nightstand waiting a couple more years for the right moment to appear.
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hyunsvngs · 1 year
having had a workplace crush in the teaching environment, here is how i would assign the boys as teachers. given my experience in in elementary but we’ll let it slide. obvi they would all love to be music teacher but i cant pick one.
chan: channie has a calling in math. he’d sit on the floor with kids and use all different kinds of tools to help students find their way of thinking. he wouldn’t force the standard way of math. he’s rarely behind his desk, his class is so hands on, all the kids use different methods to learn and they are the top of the school.
lino: lee know would be incredible in the theatre teacher roll. imagine him helping the quiet kids finding their voices. every year starts off with stage blocking and moving correctly so he gets to joke around and they see that the quiet looming teacher is actually a goofball? and they get to spend a whole year with this guy who quickly showed his colors.
binnie: this man is a p.e. teacher. argue with the wall. also he lives for two things: dodgeball and field day. seeing the kids let out all their energy and laugh their asses off while also exercising? nothing can make him happier. he spends all year planning the best activities for field day and makes sure to ask the kids what they would like.
hyune: an art teacher. but he loves stepping in and helping for the ela teachers!! his classroom is filled with his students art (he refers to his students as his kids), he’s been told multiple times to take it down by fire marshals but he’ll take the risk. he loves to see what creations they come up with, and he WILL take things home.
han: han would kill it as a history teacher. every history teacher i had was so carefree and i know that han would love to have kids act things out. he’d have a couch in his room for kids to relax on while working. he’d be super chill with deadlines and things like that. also he’s be open about his anxiety so his kids can see that adults are like them too.
felix: home economics. he spends his weekends coming up with different ways to make recipes accessible for kids with allergies and food restrictions. he makes sure everything is up to standards and is fun for students too. he loves to play videos for the kids so they have fun. also has a food pantry for all the kids on campus just in case they need something to eat.
seungie: seungmin gives off bio or chem teacher energy. but in the best way. most science teachers can be kind of anxiety inducing, but he would make sure to write a joke on the board everyday, he’d wear his pocchaco hairclip on test days to lighten the mood, or go around putting stickers on people papers then denying it just bc he thinks its funny.
innie: language arts. he loves loves loves helping the students write and find their voice. whether it’s essays, poems, short stories, he loves seeing his students grow during the school year. also his kids love story time (yes he does story time and he would never take that from his kids) they love to hear his voices!
sorry for going overboard, i’m a sucker for tropes.💕
victoria baby you ate with this.
also the way im literally gonna be teaching history & english after uni… i’m telling u me n sungie r soulmates
AND AND AND i COMPLETELY agree that bini would be a p.e teacher who would make things fun!!!!! i wouldve actually enjoyed p.e if he taught me LMFOAHSJD
♡ juno
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
haah can i request a larissa x r fic?
maybe larissa comfort reader that is in a really sad/depressed mood and has a mental breakdown ‘cause they think they are a burden and they are not enough, they feel like they are constantly bothering the people around them with their stupid things, so they isolate themselves and cry, larissa finds out and comfort them and, idk, biig cuddles and sweet words (i’m so sorry if it’s too much specific, feel free to do whatever u want hh and it’s oki if u don’t want to write it)
i love u and ur fiic sm<33 -🌱
Never a burden to me| h&c
*Authors note~perfect mood to write one of these and it's such a good prompt.*
Trigger warnings~ depression anxiety and paranoid thoughts
Prompt~ see ask^^^
Recently, everything had been piling on top of you, it was almost suffocating really. All you could do is try and cope with it, yet you weren't coping at all. Asking for help wasn't an option for you either. You didn't want to burden anyone with your problems after all they are just that, your problems. Recently you had leaned on your dear friends Enid and Wednesday, you felt you annoyed them with needing their help and support. They were lovely, yes Wednesday can be lovely once you get past the hard outer shell she had, but truthfully you felt like you infringed on their couple time and they saw you as this annoying cling on. So you'd avoid asking for help just to ensure you won't lose your friends.
You knew you were isolating yourself, you knew that wouldn't help you feel any better. You knew that. Yet you couldn't stop. No matter how hard to you tried to convince yourself, that it was okay to need someone's help, love and support, you just couldn't face the fact you'd be burdening them. After all why would they care about your problems?
You'd stop attending classes, opting to stay in your dorm wallowing and all in all crying until you couldn't cry no more, then you'd nap and repeat. This was day three now, you knew you needed to eat, drink some water and shower, yet the thought of leaving your bed was too overwhelming. That meant accepting you needed help. You knew that as soon as you got up and attempted to feel better, that you'd break down in guilt over pushing everyone away, and no one had checked on you yet so why should you bother?
Firm knocks sounded on your door and you immediately hid under your covers and tried to hold your breath. If you didn't make a sound they would leave. Right? Well wrong, Larissa Weems was determined to figure out why you had been skipping  class, after all this was extremely out of character for you. She was worried something bad had happened after being informed no one had seen you for three days. Meaning you hadn't left the room for a shower or to get food. Most concerning.
"Go away!" You mumbled hoping your foul mood would put the offender off. However, when the doorknob turned and you heard the creaking of the floor board you knew you had no such luck. "Oh sweetheart" she murmured taking in your room, truly it was as if a bomb had gone off, you in your hidden spot didn't see the waves of concern rushing over her. Larissa sat herself on the edge of your bed and murmured one last thing to you, "sweetheart when you are ready I'm here to talk okay? I want to help you darling."
Then silence was a comfortable one, only disturbed by the ticking of your bed side clock. Before you even knew it you were sobbing harshly once more, coming out of hiding and throwing yourself into the older woman's arms. She immediately embraced you and began to hush you with words of comfort, "oh sweetheart it's okay, you're gonna be okay. I'm here darling."
"Mm not too much?" You mumbled into her shoulder which was now drenched in your tears. "No darling not too much I promise you" she hummed, "and I never break my promises sweetheart." You sat in her embrace trying to soak in her words and gain the confidence to share your burden. "Feel like burden everyone and I feel unexplainably sad. Even getting dressed or showered or eating is a chore" you whimpered slightly feeling the emotional toll of your words, truly it did feel better now you had shared the burden. Obviously not magically disappeared, all better, but a little less intense and overwhelming.
You sat like that for a while until your stomach growled causing the headmistress to spring into action, "sweetheart you go grab a shower and I'll go down and get you something to eat and drink okay? Think we can manage that? And as a special treat I'll brush your hair and fix it however you wish okay?" Larissa Weems brushing your hair? Was this a dream come true?  "I'd like that momma, sorry I'm sorry I didn't" you whimpered feeling embarrassed at your slip up. "Hush sweetheart I don't mind and you can call me momma if you wish I feel like a mother too all my students" she reassured and made sure to flash you a genuine smile. "Darling shower time momma will be back soon" and with that she stood up to leave. "Thank you" was all you could whisper before the door shut, both of you feeling better than before her visit.
Word count~ 928
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