#i’m just going to block all of the accounts that are associated with the post bc i cant mentally deal with this rn LOL
mysicklove · 4 months
sigh, me and my big mouth got me in trouble again.
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afterglowsainz · 1 month
hi you said you were free to request someone you haven’t mentioned so i’m wondering if you’d be willing to write something for trent alexander arnold?? anything you won’t but i love angsty -> fluff
i look in people’s windows | trent alexander-arnold
summary: you struggle to move on from your break up with trent until one day you have to face him at your favorite coffee shop
warnings: none
word count: 1.2k
a/n: this wasn't very specific which was great (in a way) because the angst to fluff plot gave me an idea for my tortured athletes series! (i also didn't mean to make this so long, but i hope you enjoy it)
the tortured athletes department series
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you're not proud to admit that you still stalk your ex-boyfriend's friends on social media just to see a glimpse of him. it wasn’t that hard considering that you live in liverpool, if you wanted to see his face you just had to go outside and he will be there in any billboard. but there was something more personal about casually watching him on someone’s post. sometimes you just look up liverpool’s account to see him during matches or making fun challenges.
you consider blocking him, blocking his friends and everyone else remotely associated with him, you even did it for two full weeks, but it was impossible not to see him everywhere you look. sure, he was not showing up on your phone, but he was in the streets, he was on the tv playing a game, or acting in a random commercial; he was even in the supermarket next to a product he was the face of.
trent alexander-arnold was absolutely everywhere and he was impossible to escape.
so you unblock him and everyone else and you just see him. not everyday, of course, you weren’t gonna get over him if you stalked his socials every day.  maybe once every week you look up one account, and then another, and then another, and you see him, and once you do you turn your phone off and do something else and maybe, you forget about him for a moment.
sometimes you wonder what would happen if your eyes met one more time. would you realize you got over him? would you fall back in love? would he even say hello?
“what can i get you?” the barista behind the counter asks you.
“hi, an iced vanilla latte, please.” you smile. the guy nods and charges you, moving quickly to the next client.
you sit down in a booth while waiting for your name to be called, and play with your phone in the meantime. suddenly, a huge shadow blocks the natural light that was hitting your face and you shift your face from your phone to the stranger who sits in front of you, only it wasn’t a stranger at all.
“y/n.” trent whispers your name with a smile.
you were a bit shocked to see him in person, like it was the first time you lay your eyes on him all over again.
“hey.” you respond. he chuckles at your lack of words.
“i knew it was you the second i heard your voice.” he points at the register. “an iced vanilla latte as always.” he repeats your coffee order and only then you register the situation.
before you have a chance to say something, you hear your name being called throughout the whole coffee shop, announcing your order was ready.
“stay there.” he says before you have the chance to even stand up. “i’ll go get it.” you didn’t know what to say so you just nodded and he made his way to the front, claiming your coffee and getting it to you.
“thank you.” you say when he was finally in front of you again.
neither of you say anything for a few seconds. you didn’t feel uncomfortable at all, but it did feel odd to be there with him, not saying anything.
“nice jacket.” you mention, just to fill the silence.
“you like it?” he unconsciously touch it and smiles at you like he always did.
“mhm, it's pretty.” you take a sip from your coffee.
“i haven’t seen you in a while. how are you?” he asks.
you were about to answer when you got interrupted again by the barista calling his name to get his coffee. he quickly made his way to the front and back, sitting in your booth in no time.
“what is that?” you ask with a grimace, looking at his order. it was some sort of juice? you couldn’t really tell.
“it’s a pomegranate lemonade.” he shrugs. you arch a brow and he shakes his head smiling. “don’t look at me like that when you drink vanilla flavored coffee.”
a laugh escapes your lips and you just agree, still confused by his drink of choice but not making any more comments.
“how are you?” he repeats his question.
“good.” you lie to him. “you?”
“bad.” he says.
“oh?” this took you by surprise. “what happened?” you try to remember if maybe he lost any big game recently or if something happened to any friend of his, but you can’t remember anything of relevance.
“i just…” he exhales and takes a sip from his lemonade. “i’ve been missing you. a lot, actually. a bit more everyday.”
your face grows hotter by the confession and you just look at him without reacting.
“why are you saying this?” you ask the first thing that comes to your mind.
“because.” he shrugs. “why not? i’ve miss you so much since we broke up i can’t think of anything else, and now i feel like i’ve think you so much i actually manifested you and now we're both at the same coffee shop at the same time, i mean, what are the odds of that, you know?” he rambles and you feel your heart beating in your throat.
to be fair, this was the same coffee shop you both used to go to while you were still dating. and you both still live in the same city. and you’ve been stalking him on social media so you might’ve manifested him as well by accident.
“you woke up brave this morning, didn’t you?” you joke lightly and the shadow of a smile takes over his lips. “i didn’t know you still think about me.” you say instead of confessing your feelings back at him.
“you’re not an easy one to forget.” his eyes clocked in with yours and you felt like everything was the way it used to be.
why did you even break up in the first place? looking at his chocolate eyes you couldn’t even remember anymore. you finally clear your throat to speak, but he interrupts you.
“you don’t have to say anything right now,” he pleads. “i don’t… if you’re gonna say something that’s gonna break my heart for good, i don’t think i’m prepared to hear it just yet.”
his eyes look away from yours, but you’re still watching him.
“i think about you too.”
your voice was barely a whisper, but it was loud enough for him to hear it and look at your eyes, straight into your soul.
“we should talk, no?” you knew he was battling a triumphant smile but he kept a straight face for you. you nod. “wanna take a walk?” he points to the window with his head, but you shake your head.
“it’s too cold outside.” you say and he laughs, shaking his head as well.
“you and cold.” he rolls his eyes amused.
“hey.” you slap his arm playfully. “i have sensitive skin.” you defend yourself.
at that moment you felt grateful for this little plot from destiny that had brought you and trent together again. you didn’t have to wonder ‘what if, you didn’t have to avoid seeing him downtown, you didn’t have to look into people's windows anymore. his eyes meet yours one more time, and now you know.
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moondirti · 1 month
Before I say anything, please read this with a friendly tone because I am absolutely not saying this in a nasty way.
I think it’s wonderful that you are spending time at your school’s encampment to protest the genocide in Gaza. Our voices are being heard, it’ll just take some time before we see results.
But, when you say Zionist, I have the weird feeling that you mean Jew. And the reason I say that, is because I have seen so many videos, tweets and interviews where the protestors are calling for violence against Jews. Not Zionists, Jews.
And please, please don’t try to say that’s a lie because I have seen way too much evidence that support what I’m saying.
No one in their right mind would ever support what’s going on in Gaza. The Israeli government MUST be held accountable for what they’re doing.
But when there are people calling for violence against Jews, people will react violently. This has happened before & it’s terrifying that even though I don’t support Israel and am disgusted by their actions, I am still a target for these people simply because I’m visibly Jewish.
I am proud of my heritage and being Jewish, I had family members who survived the concentration camps, which is a major part of why I would never support what Israel is doing to the innocent people in Gaza.
Maybe I’m being sensitive, but when you say things like this, I can’t help but feel that I would need to avoid you and your friends simply because I’m jewish & don’t want to get attacked for it.
Thank you for being friendly about this and explaining your feelings in a comprehensive way. I think it’s important to set any misunderstandings right, especially when liberation calls for unification and compassion.
When I say zionist, I do not mean Jewish. I won’t gaslight you into distrusting the evidence you’ve witnessed of others’ words, especially since I haven’t been given that evidence to watch for myself, but I need to make it clear that I am strictly referring to those who support the genocidal entity of Israel when I call out their brutality.
I understand why you might feel hesitant, as precaution is a given when you’ve been exposed to past discrimination. But please do not misrepresent my words. I am very against antisemitism. Within my school’s encampment, Jewish students have been one of the loudest voices calling for peace, and even if that weren’t the case, I am intelligent enough not to conflate them with a proper fascist doctrine. In fact, part of my advocacy against the state of Israel discusses the fact that their actions done ‘in the name of judaism’ are directly harming the Jewish community by associating them with this attack, and so it would be hypocritical of me to then believe such disinformation.
I don’t know how many other ways I can say it, but in the future, please don’t apply accusations onto someone who has never given you reason to do so. I am very careful upon choosing my words, and I have never pushed the narrative that the Jewish population is responsible for what’s happening in Gaza. They are not the ones who should face the consequences, and I’m sorry that you seem to have come across those who believe otherwise, but that is not me.
I also didn’t call for violence, if that’s what you’re concerned about. In my previous post, all I meant was that we should call out zionists for their brutal reactions to peaceful protests (look at what happened at UCLA for example). That is, to hold them accountable, since the state isn’t interested in doing so.
​(and if anyone is using Israel’s attack on Gaza as an excuse to express their rotten prejudices and antisemitism then block me. this is not a safe space for you)
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dsaf-confessions · 25 days
I’m going to start this post by saying that I’m genuinely very confused by the entire situation.
I’m aware this wasn’t the best blog in the past, and that the screenshots provided were old, and things I’d already apologised for and learned from.
But in all honestly, I’m mainly confused about the fact that the person im posting about that I won’t name because I’d hate to start drama has already been blocked from this blog an unidentifiable amount of time ago for posting about us on their twitter page, and I don’t like drama, so I blocked them so it wouldn’t escalate
But it still has. Somehow. Because it also seems like they’ve been reblogging posts from this account since they were blocked, which I have no idea how.
That’s just my way of starting this post, though. Because I’m still really confused, accidental blocking bypass aside.
A call out post has been made about this blog, me more specifically, for posting confessions that intentionally start drama.
And I’ve read the post that was sent to me by my friends, and i actually don’t know how to respond to that.
I’m not providing screenshots, because you know, I’m making a response here, I’m not trying to start more drama (and the person has already blocked me, as they’ve said I believe. So they wouldn’t be seeing this post anyway)
but they posted some really old screenshots from this blog back before there were anons and a discord server, who I now essentially treat as a council (this post will be being read by them before I post. Because I don’t actually trust my own thoughts, especially not when I’m stressed out, shaky, and tired because it’s late at night and I planned to sleep an hour ago)
If you weren’t here back then, I admit this blog was chaotic. I made a mistake pretty much. Not by posting any confessions specifically (even though I admit I didn’t have the council back then so a lot of stuff slipped under the radar and caused drama). I made a mistake by making the blog to begin with.
(Note: I have no regrets. This situation is stressful and scary but I’ve made so many friends here, I wouldn’t trade it for the world!! Let’s hold hands and look into the sunset guys)
And yeah. I admit it was a shitshow. And I admit I posted a lot of confessions that shouldn’t have been posted because I didnt know if I would start more drama by just deleting them and having people ask why. And I apologise for that, I’m genuinely sorry. I really wish I had just kind of purged this blog’s posts past a certain point because god it sucked, but it’s not something I can actually do right now.
But the thing is, I’m pretty sure I’ve apologised for this before. And I won’t hesitate to apologise more however times people need, because some really shitty confessions were posted since I hadn’t ran one of these things in A WHILE.
And I took people’s advice. And I made this blog into a place that I thought was chill and drama free. And it was, i think, at least. But everything goes wrong eventually.
When I made the pinned post, I thought my stance on drama was clear. I said that I would delete the confessions that weren’t just ragebait, but would clearly start drama.
But I don’t think people got the memo.
There was also the mini-fandom thing. But I posted that I was very uncomfortable with it because it could backfire, and it was over.
Unfortunately, saying that I didn’t want there to be a fandom probably didn’t even delay the inevitable. Because now there’s a call out post. And this isn’t a response to the person who made the initial post, this is a response and an apology to everyone else who’s probably wondering what the fuck is actually going on right now.
I hope the person who made the post doesn’t see this, actually. Because they’ve already blocked everyone who’s associated with the blog, and if they do see it then it means that they’ve deliberately unblocked us for whatever reason, and that would only show to me that they want to start drama.
This all could’ve been solved in DMs, or better yet, a simple post that said “hey, I really don’t like this blog. I will be blocking everyone associated with it because I do not like it”. Not a callout post. You never DM’d me, or tried to communicate with me. You saw this blog, talked badly about it for a little bit, then made a call out post on the mod without even exchanging a single word of conversation with me about it.
What’s the fate of this blog? I don’t know. I might go on break. I really don’t want to leave the blog, but for the most part I’ve already left this fandom. I don’t really post stuff on main about it anymore. I still like it, but I don’t engage with it anymore for reasons unrelated. Just interests coming and going. However, I might leave. MIGHT.
if it was just this situation that I was dealing with, then I’d certainly stay. Tumblr call out posts don’t matter much in the long run anyway. But I’ve also got a very stressful personal life and this is the last thing I need.
But I don’t know.
What I hope you took away from this post, though, is this:
1) you can block this blog or blacklist this tag at anytime
2) you can dm me at any time if you have any advice or criticism that you think I can use to improve this blog and make it better
3) I don’t tolerate people starting drama, and I certainly don’t enjoy it either.
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nightgoodomens · 2 months
Your stupidity continues to amaze me. We "haters" do ship MS/DT you know. There's no denying that there has been something beautiful something precious going on with these two that we are all happy to witness and cherish. We just don't hate women so much as you do. Polycule exists and it's such a light and fun way to Indulge our little shipping fantasy instead of insisting on finding something trivial to hate every single day.
How poetic to start with “your stupidity continues to amaze me” and finish with “instead of insisting on finding something trivial to hate on every single day.”
You come on anon to insult me, associate with a group of people who spend their days rage and hate reading, creating additional accounts to see what we post after we block them from stalking, sharing it even though we block reblogging, and publicly talking shite about us and our opinions if they’re not like theirs, plus spreading misinformation about what we say to get better hate effect, yet you say you don’t hate women and don’t look for things to hate.
“There is no denying” yet you call it a fantasy, keep on calling it a joke, and how stupid shippers are for believing it’s true. Yet it’s only acceptable if you see it as poly only and don’t you dare criticise something GT or AL has done.
“We don’t hate women as much as you do” Oh we hate all women now? Wow! By the way you do realise there are words like indifference, dislike, criticism? That you are allowed to dislike someone who happens to be female and you’re not a sexist if you do? The second someone dares to say they dislike something GT or AL did, you guys jump on how much we hate them and are sexist. Get a grip. I guess me repeatedly excusing them doesn’t matter now either, because I also criticised something they did - automatically a hater? Great logic. How dare people have opinions and like or dislike certain things about others, right? It must be positive opinion only.
“Polycule exists” you say to me after I spent months talking about it (and getting hate for it too!). Thank you for proving once again that you haven’t actually read shit, just based your opinion on the hate you guys have been spewing recently.
I’m not wasting any more time talking about this. It’s impossible to talk with people who see things so black and white.
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longing-for-rain · 2 months
On sexual abuse, trauma, and recovery
I’ve wanted to post something like this for a long time, because of things people have said directly to me and other things I’ve seen. It strikes me how people who haven’t experienced this really don’t understand how it feels, both in the moment and in the aftermath.
The reason I finally decided to make this post is actually on a more positive note—I’m writing this just after I’ve had my first real date in years. My first real date I’ve had the courage to go on after escaping a sexually abusive situation I endured for nearly a year during the COVID pandemic. I’m writing this to say that even though what I’m talking about it going to sound bleak and disturbing, it doesn’t end there. We can still move on. I used to think I would rather die than be looked at sexually again. I didn’t even want to go out in public. But I’m sharing because no matter how bleak what I’m about to say sounds, I’m still here. We don’t have to stay trapped; we don’t have to stay silent.
I’ll put the rest below, and please, read at your own risk because I will be discussing heavy topics such as sexual abuse and the aftermath of that.
I’ve learned a lot over the past few years, but probably the most important thing I’ve learned is that the idea that recovery is quick and easy is a myth. The idea that it’s easy to get justice when you’re abused is a myth. Some people will probably get angry at me for saying this, but in all honesty, I wish I’d been warned. That’s the part I truly wasn’t prepared for—how isolated I would feel in the aftermath, and how the people and systems that promised to always support victims failed me. I’m tired of being told that it’s easy to simply report and move on. It’s never that simple.
The first time it happened, I was naïve and drunk and blamed myself. I just blocked it out. By the time it fully hit home that I’d been assaulted, it was too late. I had no evidence of the event and knew nothing would come of it if I reported it. So I didn’t. It was painful enough that it happened. I couldn’t handle also being accused of being a lying whore trying to ruin an “innocent” man’s life for no reason. That’s how women like me are treated when we try to say anything.
That was right before COVID. During COVID, I was mostly online and that’s how I got into fandom again. I found comfort there, especially after what I’d been through, but unfortunately I repeated the same mistake I’d made the first time—I was naïve, I was somewhere unfamiliar, and way too vulnerable. Someone took advantage of that.
I don’t really want to go into details, but I was sexually groomed and abused over the course of about a year. I didn’t realize it at first, because that’s the cruel thing about grooming. When it starts slowly, you don’t realize what’s happening to you until it’s too late. I spent hours a day at times on the phone with this person. What I thought was “advice” was really just her pushing me into places (sexually) that she knew I wasn’t comfortable with. To this day I still don’t know if it was because she was interested in my sexually or if she just liked the idea of “corrupting” a much younger woman into destroying herself just like she had.
But at the time, I was blind to it. I thought it was just a toxic friendship. I felt hurt and traumatized but didn’t understand how to express why I was feeling the way I was. I didn’t yet recognize it as abuse, and even the slightest hint of that was crushed by my abuser and her friends. She knew the community better than me and how to manipulate it—how to make me look crazy for trying to come to terms with what happened. So ultimately, I simply blocked her, deleted every account I’d been associated with her on, and thought it would end there.
At the time it seemed like the best option. But later, I realized what I’d done. Those conversations were evidence, and I’d gotten rid of them all. So now I’m suffering the same fate I did the first time. I have no evidence. I have to deal with what happened, and I can’t prove it.
I did try to speak up, eventually, as many abused women do. I got a taste of why rape has a 2% conviction rate, why this is a crime that goes so often unpunished. People who barely knew the situation got involved, because they were friends of friends of the abuser. I was called things like “shit stirrer” and accused of “disrupting the community” for trying to say something. I lost friends I thought I could trust, either because they sided with my abuser or because they were too cowardly to say anything. And nobody has ever apologized for anything—not one. I’ll be honest. I seriously considered suicide multiple times and attempted once. The aftermath was even worse for me than the abuse in some ways. I was still living under the lie that as a victim, I’d have support and understanding from my community when in reality it was the opposite. Sometimes I feel like if it ever happened to me again, I would actually end my life. I don’t know if I could go through this whole process again.
So yes, that’s why it’s isolating. That’s why it’s so painful; why “just report it” is bullshit. If you haven’t been through something like this, don’t even pretend to understand. You will lose friends. You will be isolated and ostracized from communities you thought could support you. You will watch people repost essays about supporting victims on their social media turn around and blame you for your own abuse. You will watch people use sexual harassment and abuse in ship wars about fictional characters and then participate in your real life abuse. People will make fun of your sexual abuse. People will tell you your sexual abuse is hot. People will tell you that they understand, then side with your abuser anyway, after you’ve already opened up to them.
That’s the reality. Why is it this way? I don’t know. I think a lot of it is deeply ingrained misogyny, which is why I think it’s so so important to recognize and call out the misogyny intertwined in our culture and communities. It’s what creates the environment that allows this to happen and isolated victims from each other.
This is rambling, I know, but I’m getting frustrated by some of these anons spouting off about something they clearly know nothing about. Stop treating it like some easy thing that just goes away and that people actually care about sexual trauma and victims. They don’t.
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molsno · 8 months
this is kind of random but do you ever feel like people treat transmisogyny as a lesbian-specific problem, and if so, does it bother you as a trans lesbian? i don’t really mean general criticisms of transmisogyny within lesbian spaces, but rather people who seem to talk about transmisogyny like lesbians *specifically* perpetrate it the most, or are more capable of perpetrating it than anyone. i feel like this has become a popular trend in queer discourse (usually from tme non-lesbian ppl) to demonize or ‘other’ lesbians, & i think it extends from contempt toward “man-hating lesbians” but lumping trans girls under “men” to legitimize it, but i don’t know if i just notice it more because i’m tme, and i don’t want to overstep or make anyone feel like I’m discouraging discussions of transmisogyny by saying this isn’t a lesbian-exclusive issue. i know the ‘political lesbian’ movement was predominantly driven by straight cis women (and a smaller but non-zero number of cis bi and lesbian women) who laid a lot of groundwork for associating bioessentialism with lesbianism but is it unfair to say “lesbians aren’t an essentialist hate group and shouldn’t be generalized/singled out”? like is this a trend you’ve noticed as a tma lesbian, or am i looking at this through a misguided lens? sorry for rambling on, feel free to ignore and i hope your night/day is going well <3
I think that definitely happens to an extent, but that's mostly because tme non-lesbians believe in lesbophobic stereotypes that lesbians are more likely to be terfs and that most terfs are lesbians. it definitely bothers me as a lesbian, because not even being trans exempts me from these stereotypes. I've literally had one of my former best friends tell me they didn't trust lesbians, including me, because terfs invalidated their gender as a nonbinary person. like. it's vile.
so yeah, I think it's fair to ask people not to generalize about lesbians, but at the same time, I've also seen firsthand, many times, that transmisogyny is still prevalent among tme lesbians. the critiques tme non-lesbians make are mostly just blatant lesbophobia (and transmisogyny by assuming lesbians are talking about trans women when they say men), but over time I've become increasingly disillusioned by tme lesbians after seeing just how willing they are to throw tma lesbians under the bus. as just one example, a few months ago, there was this bi lesbian blocklist that was going around on here, and regardless of your feelings on that particular topic, the fact of the matter is that almost every single person on that list was transfem. trans women who have never identified as bi lesbians or even said anything publicly about bi lesbians (including several of my close friends) wound up on that list for seemingly no reason, and found themselves blocked by most of the tme lesbians on this website. you would think that people who put "tme" in their bios and reblog posts about transmisogyny would at least make an effort to stop and think about the implications of this, but it turns out that a sizable number of tme lesbians will exile a bunch of trans women from their community based on blind accusations of them being predatory men invading the lesbian community without a second thought.
that being said, the behaviors I just described aren't really unique to tme lesbians either. tme people of all genders and orientations have been doing the exact same things for decades. so what I'm saying is, although I don't think it's fair to generalize or single out lesbians as being particularly transmisogynistic, that doesn't mean tme lesbians should be pretending that they're incapable of transmisogyny and insisting they don't need to hold each other accountable for perpetrating it.
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arecaceae175 · 11 months
Can you explain the LU drama on the discord is? Because I first saw you listing off peoples names tk block then I saw another person I follow post the most HEINOUS fanart of hw link mpreg that genuinely disturbed me and I didn’t even get a good look at it and what it going onnnnn 😭
(Edit 07/09: read my reblog for updated information)
Hi! I will try to make this as comprehensive as I can.
First of all, I want to say to everyone: don’t send hate to people who are not immediately associated with this situation. I got another ask and I’m not going to share that one because it will spur more hate.
So. Here we go. @/alasse-earfalas made a post and tagged it with the main linked universe tags inviting people to join a “conservative Christian LU discord server” as she called it. That, by itself, is fine! Legend of Zelda does have religious themes so it’s reasonable and valid to want a safe space to discuss those. (I believe the post is still up, but if not I have screenshots for proof)
The issue is that one of their rules states that the server does not support the pride movement. They called the pride movement “predatory and overtly sexual.” Those things are not true. That is the ideology legislators are using to take away queer people’s rights in the United States right now. It is a serious, bigoted viewpoint of the queer community and it is false. It is just hatred toward us because we are not the same as them.
They also started that they wanted a space away from their favorite characters being “queered into oblivion.” It is up to you to choose which posts you interact with (not you, the asker of this question. I mean everyone). Religious posts and pride posts should both have a place in our community.
I made a list of people who interacted with that post and joined the server because I wanted to block them to protect my health and safety. I made the situation worse by not checking the intentions of everyone in the discord. Some people were there to snoop like I was. I take full responsibility for the hurt I caused by my actions, and once again I apologize.
However, I stand by my more recent post of people I chose to block. Bigotry of any kind will not be tolerated on my page.
HOWEVER, that includes Christianity. The server was a Christian server, but that does not mean all Christians in this fandom were involved with it. Queer Christians have been hurt most by this situation and they deserve to feel safe in the LU community, the pride community, and the Christian community.
Please do not send any hate towards other Christian’s on this app if they were not involved in the situation.
This account is a safe space. I apologize if anything I did spurred hate towards anyone involved with this situation.
I am part of the queer community and I stand by that proudly. We are not predatory, we are not overtly sexual. We just want to be proud of who we are.
I don’t know what art you’re talking about. I don’t believe it is associated with this situation at all.
I hope this doesn’t sound hostile. I am not mad at you at all, I promise! I am frustrated with the situation and that people I thought were my friends are so hatefully against my identity.
Once again, there is no space for any kind of bigotry in this fandom. As long as you don’t disrespect anyone else’s existence, you deserve a place here.
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the-kipsabian · 8 months
Ayo! Greetings! I hope you are doing pretty well! I’m really sorry for asking this as I’m truly in dire need of help. My cat needs some immediate help for her surgery so I’m trying to raise some funds for her. If you have some spare time, please check it out the post that I have pinned for her, and if you feel it in your heart to help, please do us the favor by boosting the post or share it! Even if you cannot donate, spreading the word is definitely more than enough. Thank you for your kindness, and so sorry again for being this direct! <33
//update they blocked me instantly so hey anyone peeping this post or in their url tag just know this is a scam :) stay safe out there kids
you know what i feel in my heart
fuck no 🙏❤
hey kids, lets play a game of spot a scam again!! (im copying the message ive replied with before here and the original is at the bottom if you wish to reblog that one :) just editing this a bit here to show the new stuff they are putting out there in this very message yay!!)
okay this is literally the same story ive seen before at least three times. its word to word the same. youre not even trying
reblogging ONLY FROM ORIGINAL SOURCES posts in the past two days so :)
also they try to act more human with a decent description and likes and follows turned off. dont try hun
their only original post as far as i scrolled (which admittedly wasnt very far as its obvious this is a scam lol) is the donation post. unsurprisingly
ive said it before and i’ll say it again - they seem to target people in similar positions that they are supposedly in, trying to pluck that sympathy cord with “your pet is sick so you are sensitive and know how this feels”. this isnt my case rn but i obviously have posted cat photos and i have a donation ko-fi link in my pinned post sssoooo
“pls consider answering this ask privately” lmao so what people dont know youre a scammer? NEXT (this isnt in this ask surprisingly, but im leaving it in here cause they do this occasionally still)
a simple search even within tumblr tells you people already know about this. the account, the story and the cat. you aint fooling anymore
if unsure kids, ask a friend and google things 👍 reverse image search, for example, is your best friend!! also googling the latter half of the given paypal name reveals immediately that this is a scam. plastered all over the first search page lmao
also kids, in case youre asking “well what bad could a one little me reblogging a post even if its a scam do if i dont donate :/” 1. im sorry what and 2. it makes them look legitimate which they are not. the more notes the more trusted the source cause tumblr is full of idiots (sorry not sorry ive been here for over 11 years i know what people are like) plus you put your friends, mutuals and followers in a risk of participating in a scam. and have your name associated with it as well. do i need to go on?
anyways hi go report this blog and always be hesitant if someone you dont know asks you for donations like this. unless its a beloved mutual on your dash, reconsider. stay safe, thanks 💜
looking forward to being blocked immediately after posting this, but i’ll be sure to report you for a scam. :) also fuck you for using someone elses poor cat and their situation to literally scam good natured people out of money, what the fuck is wrong with you
peace and love, fuck you ✌💜
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vampstel · 25 days
Hi! Welcome to my blog ໒꒰ ˃ ᵕ ˂ ꒱১ ₊˚⊹ ☆
Warning!! This pinned post is extremely lengthy but important to read if you’re specific about DNI and BYF lists. I heavily suggest reading everything before you freely interact with this page. Thank you in advance!
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♡ About Me ♡
My name’s Nikolai and I have a variety of nicknames you can call me. The most common ones being:
I go by He/They pronouns and you can use one set to refer to me or use both interchangeably. I don’t mind either way! I prefer masculine and androgynous terms and am strictly against most feminine labels and sexual/romantic descriptors.
If you’d like the specifics, I have a pronouns page that lists all the words I’m comfy/uncomfy with. I also have a linkt.ree with all my social media accounts.
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I am a Filipino-British artist, writer, and content creator that (currently) lives in the UK! I am chronically ill and have AuDHD as well as general anxiety, making it hard for me to post or do things consistently.
I’m constelic, meaning I (unintentionally) hoard identities and heavily relate with/identify with certain things such as bunnies, dolls, plushies, and vampires!! ໒꒰ྀི˶ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ˶ ꒱ྀི১ ˖⁺‧₊˚
These are all the flags I use to represent my identity:
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♡ Loves ♡
My OCs, dolls, plushies, Bendy and the Ink Machine, indie horror in general, Cookie Run, anime, HermitCraft, and more ໒꒰ྀི ˃ ᵕ ˂ ꒱ྀི১
If you ever wanna ask me about my interests or talk to me about them, feel free to do so in my inbox! I love talking about things I’m passionate about and I also enjoy hearing people talk about their interests
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♡ Hates ♡
Small talk, flashing lights, loud and sudden noises, being interrupted, and tons of food and fabric textures ໒꒰ྀི˃ ⌑ ˂ഃ ꒱ྀི১
(Also most of the people listed below in my DNI criteria but shhhh we don’t talk about that. Kinda…)
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♡ Before You Follow ♡
I post very sporadically and I don’t have an upload schedule; sometimes I just disappear for months or spam my socials
There are times where I don’t respond to Tumblr asks or comments. I’m super sorry about that!
I cuss a lot and sometimes make sexual or unsavory jokes. I suggest only 16+ folks follow me
I use queer labels that can be considered problematic(?) by some. Such as bara, bear, twink, femboy, etc. If that makes you uncomfortable, don’t interact with me and don’t make a fuss about it because I won’t stop using them
My art has heavy queer themes and I often draw gender-nonconforming people that may cause dysphoria for some
I sometimes draw lingerie or artistic nudity that some people may find suggestive. I also draw revealing outfits that can be suggestive as well. Thus, I once again suggest only 16+ folks follow me (or people who aren’t sensitive to such media in general, since I know adults can be uncomfy as well)
There are times where I vent and rant, but I don’t overshare too much and I usually delete these posts after I’m fine
I sometimes use unicode symbols and kaomojis that are oftentimes incompatible with screen readers. I’m super sorry about that!
If you complain about any of the above, you’ll get an instant block from me. Curate your experience online and mute/block people you dislike. Don’t come into peoples spaces whining for them to change especially here on Tumblr. Thank you!
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♡ Do Not Follow/Interact If ♡
You’re a bigot (racist, queerphobic, ableist, etc. this one should be obvious)
You’re a truscum/transmed and don’t support MOGAI identities
You endorse cringe culture, cancel culture, and ‘art lore’ (aka harassing artists for doing nothing)
You fakeclaim other people and are against self-diagnosis
You think alterhuman, otherkin, or otherhearted identities aren’t valid or think they’re ‘weird’
You’re very discourse heavy and purposely pick fights with the intention to tear people down rather than help them improve
You support the Dream Team (I heavily dislike them and I don’t want to associate with their fans)
You support Astro Renaissance or are heavily tied to the Royale High community (both fandoms make me uncomfortable due to the treatment I’ve received from them in the past)
You dislike my content, my interests, or anything that has to do with me (AKA: do yourself a favor and block me if you detest me)
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P.S: LGBT related discourse makes me uncomfortable, especially the exclusionary kind. Please do not rope me into those discussions or I’ll be forced to block you. I support any and all identities so long as they’re in good faith. This is a safe space and I won’t judge if your identity is complicated.
I do not have any strong opinions on proship discourse. I am neither an ‘anti’ or a ‘proshipper’ but I do find lots (but not all) dead dove content to be uncomfortable so I may block those who create such things. Please do not rope me into this discussion either or I’ll block you.
My specific fandom DNI criterias can’t be changed. If you support anything I’m uncomfortable with, I have to block you for my own sake. I mean no harm and don’t want to cause any offense so please take this lightheartedly. However, Royale High specifically can be flexible and I do find a few of their players alright so long as they aren’t overly negative or bring up drama about the game to me.
Overall, just be chill. Respect my boundaries and I’ll respect yours ૮꒰ྀི⊃´ ꒳ `⊂ྀི꒱ა
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♡ Blog Navigation ♡
#꒰ v’s art ꒱ → features all my finished art
#꒰ v’s wips ꒱ → features works in progress as well as unfinished sketches and doodles
#꒰ v’s rambling ꒱ → general talk tag where I discuss anything
#꒰ v’s answered asks ꒱ → where all my answered asks are
I have other minor tags indicating what topics and characters I’m talking about. There’s a lot of them though so it’s hard to list them down. I also have an exclusive tag for fanart!! You can check that and my main tags out below
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My name is Roxie! I’m a nonbinary lesbian self shipper. I go by they/xem/him pronouns (but I am okay with “she” sometimes!) and I am 19 years old. I have a HUGE soft spot for campy evil ladies and they make up a majority of my f/o list. I interact from @penduulum
As of currently, my primary f/o is Victoria Vance from Paw Patrol: the Mighty Movie! Other romantic f/os I have are Belle Bottom (Minions: the Rise of Gru), Ursula (The Little Mermaid 1989), Monsieur and Madame Thénardier (Les Misérables), Mrs. Lovette (Sweeney Todd: the Demon Barber of Fleet Street) (who I’m sharing with my amazing friend Magnus), Balthazar Bratt (Despicable M3), King Magnifico (Wish), DK West (No Straight Roads, Dr. Volumnia Gaul (Hunger Games: the Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes), Glitz and Glam (Hell/uva Bo/ss) (I ship with them both separately & I do not support Viv/zie/pop), and Mr. Puzzles (SMG4). I am okay with sharing f/os!
BYF: I am very forgetful! I will most likely forget I even have this account a lot of the time, because I am super busy in my regular life. If I forget to reblog or comment on your posts, please do not take it personally, as I might have not seen it or forgotten to reblog it! Don’t be afraid to message or tag me if I did - I won’t take it personally! I am also a legal adult and I cuss very frequently, so if you are under 18 and don’t feel comfortable interacting, I’ll fully understand. I also have some f/os who Are canonically male, but in my ships I interpret them as Butch lesbians.
please DNI if you’re under 16 years old (current friends are an exception) or over 35, are not a self ship account (if it’s not your main that’s fine! Just shoot me an ask letting me know what the @ is so I can follow you back :) ), are against having villains as fictional others, or are a pro shipper. (please do not try to debate this with me. I Do Not want to associate with the shipping debate, nor do I ever even consider sending people hate, but am personally very disgusted by pro ship content and think it is wrong. Please just block me if you are pro ship.)
There aren’t many things I need tagged, but if you’re a close friend/mutual you can dm me to ask!
And that’s all!! I’m excited to make some new mutuals and friends on here 🫶
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overlordmao · 1 year
To that one pholue guy.
Hey Blue/Maru!! Kind of a shame I have to acknowledge your existence again. (¬、¬) 
I literally told you months ago that we moved on from this crap LONG ago yet you keep bringing it up.  Heck, this was even before 2023 had started yet you blocked me   💀 💀
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Still waiting for your reply maaan whatcha waitin fooorrr
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And it’s come to my knowledge that you have been harassing Leafy’s friends as of recently, even demonizing the BPD one of them has, and harassing their partner, and now they’re traumatized thanks to you. Huh, are you proud? Does this make you feel better about yourself? Traumatizing someone who never did something to you just because you’re too pissy to resort to guilt by association? Bullshit.
I swear dude, the hell is wrong with you. I’m fucking sick of you going after my two best friends just because of something that happened NEARLY A YEAR AGO and should’ve kept as a private matter. Yet you still chose to make this a public thing so you could get good boy points over how “muuuch of a good person you are!!!”. Gross.
I’ve been witnessing the bullshit you’ve saying for months demonizing my friend, and you pulling the excuse of “they’re stalking meee!!!” WHEN YOU’RE DOING IT YOURSELF, and hiding under the excuse of “I’m a minor!” guess what bruh, I’m also one, Leafy is also a minor, so that does not excuse your bs in the slightest. Whatcha gonna do now? Huh? 
Plus, if it were “stalking” then don’t post it in a damn public site where literally everyone can see it??  💀 I swear, you do have a complex of contradicting yourself every so often. You say none of us deserves harassment, which is true, then two seconds later turn around and demonize the hell out of Joka-san and Leafy. Veeery creedible huh  💀 💀
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Are we just supposed to sit here while you do stuff like this   💀
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I also don’t get this statement, how is me posting a drawing of strange joker stalking you?
Also here are some things you can do!
Don’t spread lies and say shit how we want you dead.
Don’t do the guilt by association move.
Don’t go up and traumatize people in general.
Don’t resort to the suicide baiting only to get your way out, it’s sickening.
See how things get better for you after trying these out.
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Also what “downfall” lmfaooo nobody know you lil bro 💀 💀 Also funfact, I already experienced my “downfall” two years prior! Over something that I did, that was my fault! Something that happens when you don’t set your hormone boundaries, don’t make that mistake! Also we never said you told us to kill ourselves, lmfaooo
Didn’t you say that Joka-san wanted you dead a while ago? (¬_¬) What about those whole nights she had to force herself to stay up (even when she had to work), so you wouldn’t kill yourself in theory? Pointing out the fact you were draining her mental state enough besides her abusive job, you’re just gonna let all of this slide, huh.
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I would be getting ready for school at 4am, and she’d still be up trying to prevent you from doing something bad. Going as far as dawn, nearly 7am.
See Leafy in the image, worried about you.
See how you say you “appreciate it”. With all of the crap you’ve said, it honestly makes me think you only say it, so people could get attached to you, then manipulate them and say you want to “kill yourself” whenever something isn’t how you want it to be. (I could be wrong, let me know.)
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Debunking the “They forced me to like Joker” argument.
You sicken me. How is that possible to be so petty to the point of holding a grudge on someone who did literally nothing?? Leafy was barely active in your server(s)! And yet you claim like she’s some sort of bully for associating with us? Geez dude, talk about being petty. All because she kept following your account and didn’t block Joka-san or me.  ಠ⁠︵⁠ಠ
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It’d be fine if you just removed her and that’d be it, but to have the AUDACITY to accuse her of awful crap, HARASS her friends, TRAUMATIZING them, and then claim you’re still the “good guy” in this whole situation?
The only true good guy in this situation is Leafy, if we’re being brutally honest.
She’s innocent, leave her alone.
I also love how you call us the “Ring Leader” and “Their lackeys”, I’ve had that as a personal nickname for a while, haha, Lackey 1.
 There’s also the fact you claim that we forced you into talking nsfw which we never did??? We never explicitly told you to post porn or some shit, you did it yourself, you genius. Remember that fake joker post? In that nsfw server you made?. I wouldn’t be mad at you for this, if you weren’t claiming shit like this, only to get validation.  
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You’re aware that this statement is blatantly false.
How about the time you talked about Blue loved being mating pressed or something? Didn’t you claim you were uncomfortable with nsfw content? Yet you do it yourself? Also didn’t you claim that it was bad to age up minor characters for porn? Yet you contradict yourself with this? You’re literally aging up Blue for this kinda content, aren’t you? ಠ⁠︵⁠ಠ
That wasn’t just another “spicy joke”, was it? 
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What about the countless times you claim the same thing for Joker? Joker doesn’t have a canonical age, that’s true, but if you’re claiming stuff like this?? Then I don’t know what to tell you, man.
You mentioned how you headcanoned him as 18-19 right when we just had met. Then change your statement to be seen as the “good guy” months later? This confuses me dude.  (ÒДÓױ)
In conclusion: Yes Maru. If you still go by that. We're making fun of you, because of all of this bullshit. We will continue to do so if you don’t learn to shut up and let go for once. If that makes you feel more relieved. (I’ve seen those vaguing posts.)
Leave us alone and we’ll leave you alone. That simple!
What about me? You got something against me now, huh? You’re gonna vague about this rant now, are you? Accuse me of bad stuff? Say how I want you dead? Go ahead! 
Just remember that I’ll still be there laughing at your nonsense, XD (≖ᴗ≖ )
I’m fucking tired man, I just hope that you learn from your wrongdoings and we come to terms someday. Agree to disagree perhaps?
just stop harassing innocent people and we’re all good lil bro  💀
Apologies for my followers for having to witness this long rant, it’s something I’ve been wanting to say for months to this one volatile dude in the KJ fandom...sigh
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birb-boyo · 11 months
I’ll have you all know, if I get another “You’re a lesbian?!?! I can’t believe you’ve strayed from god” ask, I’m going to start going batshit. Know that I see these asks and see that they were all on anon and that I’ve deleted them all. I was raised Christian and don’t believe in the religion. That doesn’t make me crazy. It means I can think for myself rather than just absorbing every thing some random guy says.
I won’t magically be Christian and you can’t change that.
But thank you for confirming that I was a satan spawn. (:
And to everyone associating themselves with that discord server, leave me and my friends alone. You fuckers have put them through enough turmoil. If I find out who you are, get ready to block a fuck ton of accounts. I’m tired of hearing their reaction to this and how this has affected them. I’m tired of not being able to help. So you know what? Fuck you and fuck your discord server.
I don’t know why making characters more like us is such a crime. But you know what? Nearly everything we do is wrong. Whether we’re kids that just want to feel connected to something or adults who were never accepted.
I don’t hate Christians but those who go out of their way to hurt others and make them feel like they shouldn’t exist even though we all live under the same star and share the same water, they piss me off more than anything.
I’m sorry this post was so long, but I meant every fucking word.
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story-book-sillies · 2 months
I’m making some big changes to my blog so I thought I’d make an update because some of the changes affect my request rules and other aspects of my blog. Changes will be under the cut if you want to read them:
Here are the changes I’m making!
1: I am not associating with the tickle community anymore, meaning from now on, this is a strictly sfw Agere blog!
To put it simply I do not feel comfortable being associated with that side of Tumblr anymore, even though I only interacted with sfw blogs. When I first made this account, it was both an sfw Agere blog and a sfw tickle blog, even though I mostly posted about my regression. I honestly only “joined” the tickle community because I saw other regressors doing it and because I thought it would make it easier for me to make friends because it was seen as “cute.” Which in some instances it is, so I’m not judging anyone in the community! Though I am not uncomfortable by the idea of tickling, I just don’t have the interest to post about it anymore and I want to separate myself from that community, especially because it makes it difficult to not see nsfw things. I have gotten questionable messages and stuff from “sfw” tickle blogs, and I just don’t want to deal with it anymore. I do not want any nsfw interaction on my blog, so I’m taking away the main cause of it. I hope everyone understands this decision. It makes me more comfortable for my blog, and really, that’s what matters.
2: Changing my theme
This one isn’t as big as the first change, but I’m thinking of changing my blog’s theme! I’ve had the brown, fall/ferret aesthetic for a while and I want to do something different! I’ll probably go with something moodier, maybe something blue? I feel like that fits my regression lately.
3: Blocking tags that make little me uncomfy
For some reason had an aversion to doing this at first, because I thought it would make people mad at me?? I realize now that’s silly, (I have a lot of irrational fears like this), but it’s something I’ve struggled to do for a while. Mainly because when I see certain tags used, people are just trying to spread a positive awareness around something that wouldn’t bother me when big. Big me is all for awareness around what would be called “sensitive” topics such as mental health, world events, etc. Unfortunately, sometimes it triggers me when I’m small because I often come on this blog when little and the things I read or see scare my small brain. So I’m just going to block tags that frighten or scare regressed me, even if they don’t bother big me because I think it will help my anxiety. Basically I’m keeping “big” things for my big blog, and “small” things for my small blog!
4: Updating my fandoms list
I will also be updating my fandom list because I feel like the one I currently have is outdated (meaning it needs some additions and some subtractions), plus I need to go over my rules again. I’ll probably just end up making a new pinned post too.
Anyways, thanks for reading if you did! I just wanted to make a little announcement thingy before I went and made the changes, because it makes me feel less anxious about it. Here’s a puppy dog since you made it to the end!
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tigerbears · 1 year
Hello there!
You can call me TigerBear.
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I’m a 20s something trans-girl who's only been on tumblr for almost a year
I mostly just do reblogs, and just random stuff but I'll also post links to my fanfics so keep an eye for that! (Only been one so far, but lots of folks seem to enjoy it xD)
Expect my fics to mostly be UT and DR fics... Same with posts.... Just a lot of UT/DR related reblogs and post, but you'll also see a few posts related to other games I like or things that catch my fancy. (E.G, I've reentered the doctor who fandom after like 4-5 years)
Aiming for the blog to be SFW/Minor friendly but y'know, still and adult and stuff. Might reblog stuff with swearing.
Guess I can talk about some things about myself.
I’m a trans-girl lesbian who goes by she/her pronouns.
I'm also neurodivergent (autistic specifically) so if I act differently/misunderstand things that's why. I'm sorry my brain just be running differently.
I’m likely suffering from chronic Asriel and Noelle brain rot. I want goat boy to get a happy ending and love the trans Noelle head-canon. Shipper of Suselle (Susie/Noelle) and Dessriel (Dess/Asriel). (Oh and of course Alphyne (Alphys/Undyne) but I'm not obsessed with the pair like Suselle and Dessriel. Alphyne's still cute though!) Also opened asks! (but don't really know what I'll do with them, and don't expect quick responses, especially bc I’m the shy type of trans-femme.)
Standard DNI: (note realize it got too long with my explanations so I put the longer ones in a separate footnote post. You can find it at the bottom of the DNI list.)
DNI if you hold
transphobia/TERF beliefs. are homophobia or queerphobia in general. exclusionary towards enbys, transmascs, transfemmes, aro & or ace, intersex, & or other folks/identities. are a transmed/truscum, & or any other gatekeeping/invalidation type. racist. xenophobe. Islamophobe. ableist. or are discriminatory in any other way.
Religious fundamentalist, Militant Atheists, or anyone cant respect other people's religious/areligious beliefs. (Its ok to criticize religious people that are being bigoted/harming others, or parasitic cults abusing and leaching off of their members though. Just don't interact if you say stuff like "All religious people are mentally ill" or "all people of X religion are bigots/terrible".)
(can't believe I have to say this) DNI if you ship "those ships." Y'know, the ones which involve some form of i*nest or p*dophilia. (Fontcest, Chasriel, Frans, Lancer/Susie,) Just generally do not interact if you ship any of those "yikes" ships. I don't want my posts to be associated with these accounts. (Footnote 01)
Kralsei (for now and only for now) just barely gets a pass because we don't fully know what Ralsei is, but future reveals may push Kralsei shippers into the DNI category. I'm not touching the ship due to Ralsei's concerning connections to Asriel. If its revealed Ralsei's the personification of Kris's familial love for their brother or something, and you still ship Kralsei do not interact. You won't be punished for shipping Kralsei before the reveal though; I'd just see you in a similar light to those who shipped Luke and Leia before ROTJ. Even in the best case scenario though the ship is going to feel weird to me though just because of the resemblance to Asriel. (Footnote 02)
Please tag your anti-ship posts as anti-[shipname], or I will likely block you, especially if you just tag the ship name. When I follow the Suselle tag I'm looking for everything but Anti-Suselle posts. (Footnote 03)
If your posts look like that of a p*rn bot I'll likely block you.
Here are the tags I use for my own stuff.
#reblog For all the posts I reblog.
#queue For all the posts in my queue (which are just reblogs)
#posts from tigerbear's tumblr (Or) #my posts (Or) #tigerbears posts Stuff that's from me (or reblogs which have comments from me.) Pretty much "tigerbears posts" is going to be anything past the 25th or 26th of April 2024 (because I'm not going back to change all of my past tags.)
#tag that are like posts from tigerbear's tumblr Basically similar to posts from tiger bear except their reblogs and the new content is only in the tags. (I don't use this tag often/probably ever btw)
#Upsetting-Triggering For the very few posts/reblogs that are potentially upsetting, E.G talking about stuff like wars or LGBTQ+ rights being stripped away, general transphobic stuff, ect. (I usually come to tumblr for escapism, so if you feel the same way add it to filtered tags so you at least get the warning pop up before seeing it)
Here's the link to my YT channel even though I've so far not posted anything!
Here's my AO3 too! Even though so far I've only posted one fic!
I also have a pronouns.page
Anyway I hope you enjoy my blog!
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calmwaterstarot · 3 months
Both team real and team pr are crazy but I must say one side has one person with legit tea and it ain’t team real. It’s one thing to have people send things to plant but it’s another to post merchandise from a movie that’s not even out yet and to be in the know about a property going on sell, if LA house goes on the market by next week……yeah there’s one blog I’m keeping my eye on. As far as the others associated to that blog…….yeah by the responses alone tell me they know nothing. See when you have truth you don’t stay on,one arguing with people and calling them stupid, but the one blog amongst them post like maybe once a day and does waste time going back and forth like Regina. But I won’t call them all delulu, but team real making blogs to harass them is even crazier, like wtf if they think he’s married cool but imagine creating multiple tumblr accounts about blogs you think are crazy and claim to have blocked…..make that make sense.
It's wild how both sides go back and forth, spreading hate. I can't imagine spending all of my time on Tumblr, just to see what other blogs say, then hop in their asks to leave them hate messages. It's giving ✨unemployed behavior.✨
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