#i’m just sayin overall
generallysapphic · 2 years
this is just me but uhhhh —
i don’t find the jokes about letitia being bald funny like at all… nor the ones about eva like … black women are already so scrutinized for our hair and cutting it short is such a big deal and y’all go there first the minute this celebrity who doesn’t know you at all decides to fuck around with her friends..
and yes it’s usually other black women and ppl make the “lil bill” jokes but to me.. i just can’t read it right..
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sonicfrontiers · 5 months
no way somebody put t+pazolite as their response to that “tag the smallest, least known artist you listen to” post
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hatchetmanofficial · 5 months
Help who would dislike the new sprites of Alan? I think they're so much better and improved (This is just me personally, the old Alan sprite threw me off bc of how long his neck was, but for the new one I rlly loved that you put a cute lil turtle neck on him!). Overall, the new sprites got me gnawing at the bars of my enclosure.
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THATS WHAT I’M SAYIN’ ‼️‼️ The proportions are so off and the characters had big ass foreheads 😭
It was legit my first time making sprites idk how anyone took them seriously. Anyway, I should probably stop bitching about how I hate my old art and if you enjoy the old version of the game that’s *fine*.
I’m just asking for you guys to understand that my art changes constantly. It’s called art progress. The more I draw the less uniform it’s going to be. That goes for every artist.
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miryum · 2 months
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Summary: Detective!Jason Todd x detective!Reader based on Jake and Amy's relationship
Series Warnings: Swearing, descriptions of violence (but nothing descriptive), guns and other police stuff
Series Masterlist
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“I- I don’t like Halloween.” Tim manoeuvred around a packed, crazed precinct. “Especially in Gotham. So many people in weird costumes doing weird shit that we have to fix.”
“The holding cell’s completely full,” Jason called from where he was pushing a Raggedy Ann into the folds of costume. Raggedy Ann blew him a kiss and Jason stalked over to his desk opposite Y/n’s. “So many people have slipped me their phone numbers or thought I was a stripper.”
“Seems like you should follow your true calling then, Jaybird,” Y/n said. “You’d make an excellent stripper.” She winked dramatically at him and said, “I’d be first in line to see you.” 
Before Jason could cuss Y/n out, Steph said, “Seriously, we need to do something about the prisoners. We’ve already had to separate Kim Jong-Un and Hillary Clinton.”
Y/n was walking past the holding cell when she noticed a Hillary Cilton practically in the lap of a Kim Jong-Un, sucking his face off. “Hey! Hey!” She barged through the door and attempted to pull Hillary off. “Come on, now! What would Bill think? I mean,” she paused and muttered, “he kind of deserves it, but you could do so much better than Kim Jong-Un.”
“And… who are you supposed to be?” Jason squinted at Cass. 
“Dude, it’s kinda obvious.” Y/n said, “The entire precinct’s got a theme going on. It was decided in the group chat.”
Cass was dressed in an orange jumpsuit, a pillow shoved in for her stomach. She wore large, comical glasses that looked like she’d bought them for three dollars at a convenience store. Y/n, on the other hand, was in a yellow shirt with thick denim overalls, as were Tim, Steph, and Damian. Tim seemed disgruntled about it, while Damian sat reclined in his chair, taking it with pride. 
“Minions!” Dick called out loudly, silencing the precinct. He was in black jeans and a sweater. Around his neck, he wore an iconic scarf and a bald cap was thrown haphazardly over his hair. “Tonight, we steal… ze moon!” He threw his arms up and Y/n jumped up, cheering. 
“Ze moon! Ze moon!” Steph clapped along and Damian pumped his fist lazily. Tim just sighed and covered his face with his hands. “I was blackmailed into this,” he whispered.
“Oh my gosh, I work with idiots.” Jason sat back in his chair. 
“Attention,” Wayne strode into the bullpen. “I need two detectives to go undercover at a Halloween party where we suspect there will be a transition of drugs and illegal behaviour.”
“It’s like he was born on a thesaurus,” Y/n whispered. 
“Brown and Drake, you’re already in costume. I’m assigning you two to the case.” Tim groaned at his Captain's words, but nodded anyway. He couldn’t disobey his superior. 
“Drake,” Steph looped her arm through his, dragging him to the elevator. “I know you hate Halloween, even though it’s one of the greatest holidays, but I’ll make it the best.” 
“Can you make everyone kind, sober, and fully clothed? Tim asked desperately. 
“Kind, sober, and fully clothed!” Y/n shouted out. “Title of Jason’s sex tape!” 
Jason gawaffed. “I wasn’t even in this conversation!” 
Y/n exhaled and said, “Yeah, but I already tease Timmy-boy enough. He needs a break. However, I haven’t filled my quota for bugging you today.”
“I feel like your quota for teasing me is much higher than anyone else’s.” 
“Yes,” Y/n nodded. “Yes, it is.” 
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“Listen up, dorks!” Y/n paraded into the bullpen, wearing a GCPD jacket over her costume. “I just arrested my first Halloween idiot! He was trying to rob a bank but had a… heh. Little bit of trouble getting away.” 
A man dressed in a large banana suit was stuck in the doorframe of the bank. Y/n couldn’t hold back her laughter as she tried to arrest him. “Trying to ‘split,’ huh? But I’m sure you’ll get out on ‘a peel.’ You have the ‘ripe’ to remain silent.” She snickered before saying, “I’m so glad you’re stuck! I’ve got a million of these! Wait, no, no! Don’t touch the money!”
“I swear, some of these perps are so stupid. I’d make a better criminal than any of them. And the best part is, none of you would be able to catch me!” 
Jason scoffed as Captain Wayne said, “That’s unrealistic. I’m one hundred percent sure you’d get caught.”
“Oh, ho, ho! Chall-enge accep-ted.” She sounded the words out slowly, placing her hands on her hips accusingly.
“I didn’t issue a challenge. There was no challenge. Where did you hear a challenge?” Wayne shrugged, his arms crossed.
Y/n hummed, thinking. “What’s the most valuable thing in your office?”
“My medal of valour,” Wayne replied instantly.
“Oh my god, you’re such a nerd. Fine. Okay. I bet that by midnight tonight, I can steal it from your office.”
“And why would I possibly agree to that?”
Y/n sang out, “because if I lose, I'll work the next five weekends, no overtime. And I won't tell anyone about the time I saw you wearing shorts outside of work. But if I win…” She rocked back on her heels, tapping her chin thoughtfully.
“You won't,” Wayne cut her off.
“You have to do all my paperwork tonight, the busiest and spoooookiest night of the year. Oh! And you must publicly state that I am an amazing detective-slash-genius.”
Wayne raised a brow, intrigued. ”And this won't interfere with you doing your job?”
“You mean my job as an amazing detective-slash-genius? No, it will not.”
Wayne hummed and his eyebrows lifted by half a centimetre. “I'm considering it... I'm interested. I agree to participate.” He held out a hand and Y/n giddily shook it.
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“Hey, Damian? Dami? We don’t talk much anymore. How are you? Did you get a haircut? How’s Titus? What’s the Captain's schedule? I love you, bestie!”
Damian glanced up at her, unaffected. “I’m not going to assist you with your scheme. I am Captain Wayne’s assistant; a job I take incredibly seriously.”
“You’re literally making paper knives out of police reports.”
“How else am I to stab someone?”
“More like give them a harsh paper cut.” Y/n whined, “come on, Dami! Please, help me out here!”
His gaze was piercing. Quietly, he finally muttered, “he has a meeting downstairs in ten minutes.”
“I love you! I love you! Thank you so much!”
A while later, Captain Wayne was in his office and suddenly spoke to the air, “Are you in my ceiling, L/n?
There was a pregnant pause before a voice filtered through the vents. “No?”
Wayne seemed unimpressed. “So what's the plan? You wait for me to leave my office, lower yourself down, take my medal, and win the bet?”
“Die Hard meets Mission Impossible,” Y/n snickered before remembering her place and tutting, “who are you talking to? There's no one up here!”
“L/n, just so you know, right now, I am taking my medal off the wall and placing it in a locked safe whose combination is known only to me. The safe, in turn, is locked in the cabinet. The only key to that cabinet is on my person.” True to his words, Wayne did as he was saying. ”I'm off to my meeting. Good luck with your plan.”
Y/n cried out, “you think that scares me, fool? I laugh in the face of adversity!” She waited a moment before asking timidly, ”Are you still there? Captain, are you still there? I can't hear... Ack!” Suddenly, the ceiling fell from beneath her and in a crumble of dust and plaster, she collapsed on the floor. “Ow.”
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“Oh, geez, what happened to you guys?” Jason asked Steph and Tim, the latter who was covered in runny eggs. Steph seemed to be unharmed. Dick stood up in surprise.
“We got egged,” Tim said flatly. “Some pieces of shell got in my contacts and my underwear.”
“Ooh, very hot,” Y/n snickered, swaying where she stood. Jason held a hand out to steady her. 
“I wish I was dead,” Tim grumbled.
“I’m doing great!” Steph squealed. “I’ve made four new friends. How’s the unwinnable bet going?”
“So little faith, Stephanie,” Y/n sighed. “On one hand, I fell through a ceiling. On the other hand, I think I bruised my brain.” She cupped her face in her hands, muttering nonsense about how brains look like loofahs.
“Look, Y/n,” Dick said carefully. “I love you like one of my daughters.”
“Aww, you do?” Y/n cooed.
“Yes, and I need to look out for you like them. You’re all irresponsible and need constant supervision. But this bet isn’t about you. It’s about Captain Wayne. That man is a genius. He’s had your number at every turn.”
“Well, not this day... Turn... time,” she stuttered. ”Sorry, I'm pretty sure I had a concussion back there! Jason, please catch me.” Jason leapt forward and cradled Y/n to his chest when she started falling backward. “Ooh, strong one,” she mumbled incoherently as he gently set her down in her chair.
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“Damian.” Wayne walked up to his assistant and asked, “could you please decipher L/n’s handwriting? I believe the concussion is affecting her. She and Cain arrested a group of Royal Babies, but I’m unsure of what for.”
Damian took the paper and inspected it. “The Royal Babies were attempting to rob a small bakery. Being able to read Y/n’s handwriting is a gift. A useless gift, but still one nonetheless.”
“Pardon me, Damian.” Captain Wayne turned to a nearby janitor who was emptying Jason’s trash. “Nice costume, L/n.” 
The janitor cleared their throat and said in a deep, faux voice, “no L/n here. Just a random janitor pushing trash around.”
Y/n spun around, a sheepish smile on her face. Jason hid a snicker as Y/n awkwardly said, “hey, Captain! What’s up?”
“You thought this was going to work?” Bruce hummed. 
“It did work!” Y/n scoffed. “This… was supposed to fail. It’s like chess. Sometimes, in order to win, you have to sacrifice your king.”
Jason’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “That’s how you lose chess. Have you ever played?”
“Uh, yeah!” she put a hand on her hip. “My Uncle Dave taught me!”
“Come on, lass! Even girls need to know how to shoot!”
“You’re slightly misogynistic, Uncle Davey, but I love you anyway!” A much younger Y/n propped up a handgun and carefully shot a number of chess pieces lined up on a faraway bench.
“Atta girl!”
“I expected better of you, L/n.” Captain Wayne shook his head. “You could’ve created a diversion to distract me from your terrible costume.”
“I had a diversion!” Y/n stomped her foot. “There was just a slight timing issue…” Just then, a nearby trash can lit up in a brilliant fire. “Whoops?” Y/n shrugged.
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“Come on, Tim!” Steph threw her hands up in the midst of a party. “You look like such a cop! Have some fun, you know? It'll help you blend in!”
Tim stood stoically on the dance floor, not moving a muscle. “Stop trying to get me to love Halloween. It'll never work. Hey, heads up!” He noticed a man swap drugs for money with someone else. “I'll cut 'em off at the exit!”
Steph whirled around, instantly forgetting about the party. “Move! Move, move!”
The pair raced after the culprits and Tim cursed when he found the pack of drugs abandoned on the floor. “He ditched the drugs. I'm on it.” Tim shifted through partygoers and spilled drinks. “Ew… it’s sticking to me. Ugh! What is that? How is it hot and cold? Stephanie, help!”
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“Hey, Cap-i-tan?” Y/n called from the bullpen. “Can you come out here for just one teeny weeny second?”
Bruce sighed and rubbed his temples, but did as his detective requested. “Do you need something, L/n?”
“Why yes, yes I do. Hit it, Royal Babies!” Y/n shouted out and at her command, all the Royal Babies marched into the bullpen. They began walking around randomly, swarming Captain Wayne, and throwing key chains around. Wayne just rolled his eyes and returned to his office. He found Y/n hunched over the cabinet drawer, attempting to copy Wayne’s keys. “Wha…. no!” Y/n groaned in frustration, slamming her fist down on the desk. “Ow…” She shook her hand out.
“Give me my keys, please.”
“Can you just stop catching me?” Y/n whined, “do you know how much I spent on key chains?”
“Probably around twenty-three dollars,” Captain Wayne said instantly. 
“That is unbelievably close and scary,” Y/n admitted. “Twenty-two dollars and seventy six cents.”
“Keys,” Wayne demanded.
“Okay, okay, look.” Y/n stood up, an embarrassed smile plastered on her face. “Tonight has been a tiny bit humiliating. Things aren’t going well, so what do you say we call off this silly little bet and pretend this whole thing never happened?”
“Oh, no no no,” Wayne let out an unusual chuckle. “I’m not letting you off the hook.” 
“What? Pffft. No… I’m giving you an out so you can save face.”
Wayne shook his head. “This is getting sad.” 
Y/n scoffed and tossed him his keys, sauntering out the door. “Uh, yeah. For you.”
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“Captain,” Tim knocked on Wayne’s opened door. “Sorry to interrupt, but, uh, some officers just arrested L/n.
Bruce blinked. “What?”
“They caught her scaling the side of the building with a blowtorch.” Tim shook his head, still not understanding how Y/n managed to find a blowtorch and climb the building in the first place. Wayne just sighed in response. 
In the interrogation room, Wayne found Y/n handcuffed to the table. Knowing her, she had probably asked for the handcuffs.
“Welcome to the endgame.” Y/n tried to spread her hands ominously, but the handcuffs harshly pulled her back. “Ohh, that hurt. Forgot I was wearing those.”
“What the hell were you thinking, L/n?” Wayne shook his head, sitting down opposite Y/n.
Y/n inhaled through her teeth, trying to look ashamed. “I was thinking I had better core strength. I got winded, like, ten feet up.”
“I have to admit,” Wayne said. “I expected better of you. You have five minutes until your deadline, and yet, here you are, handcuffed to a table, in a locked room.”
“Which is precisely where I planned on being.” Y/n smiled sinisterly. “You remember when I pretended to be Herman, the janitor?”
“Yes, it was mere hours ago. And I caught you as Herman.”
Y/n wagged her finger. “But you didn't catch Cass! As it turns out, she’s great at picking locks!”
Cass crouched by Captain Wayne’s desk, carefully and quickly picking the lock as Y/n distracted him.
“Of course, I needed a way to get her out of your office without you noticing. Y/n explained, “so I created a diversion. Not a mistimed one… a perfectly timed one so Cass could escape.”
A fire burned in the trash can that caught Captain Wayne’s attention. Cass somersaulted out of his office.
“But you needed a way into the safe,” Wayne reminded her.
“And I got it. You were so concerned with getting your keys back, you didn't even notice the sergeant stealing your phone. That's right, even Dick is on my side! Then, Jason dusted your screen cover for prints. The greasiest smudges revealed the four numbers you use the most…” Y/n leaned back in her chair. “Based on your advanced age, I assumed that you use the same passcode for everything.”
Wayne conceded, “that would be a fair assumption.”
“It was at that point that I made fun of Jason for reading some sappy romance book.”
Wayne raised a brow. “And how is that a part of your masterplan?”
Y/n shrugged. “It wasn't. It just ruled. And that brings us to five minutes ago, when Tim barged into your office and told you I’d been arrested. I knew he’s the only one you’d believe because, frankly, he’s too lame to partake in these things.” Y/n grinned sharply and continued, “And as you walked over here, Stephanie crawled into the ceiling, using the hole I so cleverly left behind to enter your office. We had the four numbers for your code, which meant there were twenty-four possible combinations for Steph to try. That would take up to four minutes, which is why I really dragged out this explanation.” Wayne shook his head in disbelief and sat back in his chair. Y/n chuckled and kept rambling, “I mean, really stretched it. I don't know if you noticed, but there were times where I was like, what am I even talking about? I could make a career out of this! Professional monologuer.” The beeping of a timer interrupted her. “Oh! But now, four minutes is up. Which means Stephanie is either on the other side of that door holding your medal, or I've lost.” She pointed towards the interrogation door and simply smiled.
Captain Wayne stared at her a moment longer with a look somewhere in between wonder and frustration. Slowly, he stood up and opened the door. Stephanie proudly grinned from the opposite side, holding up his medal of valour. “Just one question,” Wayne started, not bothering to sit back down. “How’d you convince them to help you?”
Y/n chortled. “You think so little of me. Of course, I appealed to their sense of teamwork and camaraderie with a rousing speech that would have Shakespeare begging for my talent.”
Y/n stood atop a chair in the middle of the bullpen and announced in a terrible Scottish accent, “For too long, we thee have been ridiculed, pushed around, and put down. But I say no more! For today, thee shall defeat the mad king and win our thine country back!”
“How did you actually do it?” Bruce gave Y/n a knowing glare.
“Unfortunately, my speech did not work.” Y/n sighed and continued speaking as if she hadn’t heard the Captain. “The sixty-sixth precinct has no sense of honour and solidarity. Maybe we should start doing team-building activities… Anyway, I bribed them. Told them I would do their paperwork.” She gave her superior a shit-eating grin. “And cause you’re doing my paperwork,” she sang, letting him come to the same conclusion.
Wayne huffed a laugh. “Well played L/n. Well played.” 
He slowly exited the room, leaving Y/n to cry out, “Captain? Hey, Captain? Are you gonna unlock me?” She rattled the handcuffs. “Captain?!” Eventually, Jason came in to help her (not before taking many pictures).
Later that night, Wayne gathered everyone in the briefing room and swallowed his pride. “Y/n L/n is an amazing detective-slash-genius.” Y/n mouthed along to the words. “And if you’ll excuse me, I have some paperwork to do.”
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Captain Wayne sat in his office, surrounded by paperwork. However, instead of beginning, he opened a pad of paper and wrote: Halloween 2
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crosbyism · 3 months
'it's not gay if it's Gretzky' 'first overall orgasm'
stoooooop I'm pissing myself laughing 😭😭😭
I would read it 💀
i need biz to be the most toxic man about having gay sex (while having gay sex) so bad. he would absolutely nut just from the CONCEPT of gretz putting the tip in
([podcast biz voice]: so you’re saying— wait. you’re saying ya wouldn’t let gretz put the tip in? if he asks— no i’m just sayin’— if he asks, you’re tellin’ him no? that’s WAYNE right there ya know! he’s the man! [whit, offscreen: yeah, i’m saying no, i don’t want a dick in my ass dude.] look i don’t give a shit if you’ve only slammed the hottest pussy in your life, you’re gonna let that man in when he comes knockin’, y’know. ain’t no one sayin’ no to that. [whit: i don’t know bout that biz] ‘ey besides. how many people can say they’ve had wayne gretzky’s dick in their ass, huh? who knows if he even does that with his wife. you don’t know. you might be the only person who’s ever had wayne gretzky’s dick in their ass)
anyway wayne has number one leading regretzkys about the whole hookup, especially because afterward biz somehow becomes MORE adoring and clingy and annoying in public, not less. which is :/. awkward for wayne. as the orgasm was about mid-tier and the rest of the experience was abysmal. it’s the only time in his life he’s ever had to pull out all the stops to make himself come faster so the whole experience could be over bc biz is terrible to have sex with if you’re a guy. outrageous internalised homophobia. (he’s also terrible to have sex with if you’re a woman but for entirely different reasons.) wayne had to fantasize about the green line for a hot minute there
also— someone tagged that post as gretznasty and like. truly ship name of all time, that’s exactly how biz sees it
(biz: i’m about to get gretznasty heeeey haha [smacks the back of his hand against wayne’s chest in a bro way while they’re walking up to the room]
wayne: :/ (is this is a mistake? hmm i’ll give it a shot)
wayne 15 mins later dick-deep in biz’s ass: (this was a mistake.))
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abellmunsonmovie · 7 months
"Always take care of you"
Word count: 1,904
Warning: F!Reader, age gap (Eddie is in his late 30s/early 40s), swearing, implications of sex, bad parentals (dumped my daddy issues into this one), use of Y/N, pet names (a lot!)
Also if this is not your thing, completely understand! But please do not send any negativity. Thanks! -Bella
The men in your life have always been, to say the least…not great. You and your dad have had a very rocky relationship, he’s an emotionally unavailable asshole, and even though you used to be close…now not so much, it’s been like this for a few years, but oddly enough, you’ve always been close to his friend, Eddie.
You’ve always somewhat looked up to him, he had a cool guitar, he can sing, he’s got tattoos, and most importantly…you could trust him, you felt safe with him.
Today was, unfortunately, familiar, your dad was being a complete ass. He’s questioning your beliefs, your politics, how you dress, the things you like, making you feel like a disappointing child, calling you names, overall just putting you down, and usually you just…defend yourself, get yelled at, then go to your room to calm your nerves, but today, your emotions got the best of you, of course you wasn’t gonna let your dad see that, so you went to your room and called Eddie.
Have you ever told Eddie about how big of an asshole your dad really is? No, one you don’t wanna ruin their relationship, 2 what if Eddie stopped coming around? But Eddie was one of the only people you could trust, with tears falling down your face, you call Eddie, and after a few rings he picks up.
“Hey, kiddo” Eddie says cheerily, he loves talking to you, you're so interesting, and funny, and smart, and overall an amazing kid, you sniffle, “Hey, Eddie” you say with a quivering voice, Eddie hears this and his smile immediately drops, “You okay, babygirl?”, your heart cracks a little more, “Are you at work right now?”, you ask trying to keep it together, “No, d-do you need me to get you? Are you hurt? You need anything?”, this is more concern than your dads ever had for you in your entire life, “Um…yeah can you come get me at the gas station by my house?”, Eddie knows that gas station, he’s been there a thousand times coming from and to your house, “I’m on my way, I’m like 5 minutes away okay, honey?”, you sniffle, “Okay, thanks Eddie”, he smiles softly, “Of course…see you in a sec”, he hangs up the phone, you hurriedly put on a jacket since it’s raining and some shoes, you sneek out of your window and book it to the gas station.
After you get to the gas station you wait there for a few moments, and then you see Eddies van pull up, Eddie gets out of the van, and as soon as you see him you wrap your arms around his waist and hug him, he caresses your head, and holds you close, “I got you, baby…Come on get inside the van before you catch a cold.
Eddie opens the passenger side for you and helps you in, he jogs to the driver's side and starts driving to his place, its silent for a few minutes until Eddie sees you shivering and takes off his leather jacket, “Here baby, put this around you”, you take the jacket and wrap his around yourself, it smells like Eddie. The scent of weed smoke and Eddie’s cologne fills your nose, “Thanks” you murmur, and takes your hand and rubs it with his thumb, “What happened, sweetheart?” he asks sweetly, you sniffle feeling tears burn your eyes, “My…my dad…”, his eyebrows squeeze together, “What about your dad?”, a tear falls from your face, you wipe it away quickly, “He hates me…”, he shakes his head, “Honey your dad does not hate you”, more tears form in your eyes, “Then whys he always making me feel like shit!” you snap, you don’t mea to it just…comes out, Eddie turns the radio down before locking his fingers with yours again, “What…baby…What’s he sayin’?”, you sniffle and wipe your tears, “…He’s always making me feel bad…making fun of me…making sure I know everything I fuck up…he makes me feel like i’m such a failure”, Eddie pulls over and stops you, “Y/N…you are not a failure…you’re beautiful, smart, funny, cool…you’re anything but a failure baby…and if your dad is too fucking dumb or too big of a fucking asshole to know how amazing you are, just know…I know you’re amazing”, your heart shatters, you cry quietly and Eddie leans over the seat and hugs you, “You're a good kid, Y/N…Anyone would be lucky to have you as a daughter…never think anything your dad says is true…cause it’s not, trust me, I’ve known you since you were a little kid…have you said anything to him about this?”, you continue to cry and you nod, “He doesn’t care…says I’m sensitive…asks if I’m on my period”, Eddie clenches his jaw, he’s so angry. so. fucking. angry. Eddie pulls away slowly and wipes your tears away while he holds your face his his hands, “Your staying at my place tonight, ‘kay?”, you nod looking into his eyes, he kisses your forehead and pulls you into another hug, “I’ll take care of you, babygirl…always”, you snuggle into his neck more and nod, he kisses your temple before pulling away slowly before starting the car and driving to the grocery store.
In the grocery store he buys you all of your favorite snacks, favorite sodas, and he buys you your favorite ice cream. Once you get out of the store he drives you to his trailer, he opens the car door for you and you both go inside his home. Eddie puts all the food away, while you sit on the couch, after Eddie finishes putting the groceries away he walks over to you, “Your gonna catch a cold, why don’t you get into some dry clothes, they might be a little big but at least you’re not gonna get sick”, you smile softly and nod, “Thanks Eddie…”, he smiles and walks into his room and picks out an old band tee he thrifted and some grey sweatpants, “Here baby, go change into these”, you take the clothes and go get changed into Eddie’s clothes, after you get dressed you put your hair up into a low ponytail. You walk back out to Eddie, he smiles at how good you look with his clothes on, you walk into the kitchen where he’s standing and he rubs your back while he hugs you, “Feelin’ any better, baby girl?”, you nod and snuggle into his neck, he smiles softly and kisses your hairline, “Good… go pick somethin’ for us to watch while I cook dinner, alright?”, you nod and Eddie smiles as he kisses your head again. You go snuggle up on Eddie’s comfy couch, you throw a blanket over you and you rest your head on a pillow, you turn on your favorite movie and you fall asleep feeling safe and peaceful. Eddie notices this and smiles at your beauty, you look just like an angel, which almost made him more pissed at your dad, why the fuck would you ever be mean to such a sweetheart like you?
After dinner gets done, Eddie makes you and him a plate, and he wakes you up gently, rubbing your arm and kissing your forehead, “Baby… dinners done”, you wake up yawning, you smile at the sight of Eddie, Eddie gives the same warm smile back, you sit up as Eddie hand you your plate, he asks you about the show you put on, letting you ramble about it, you guys watch the show while talking, Eddie seems genuinely interested in the show and into what you have to say about it, during dinner he makes you laugh, he makes you smile, he makes you feel a lot better.
After dinner, Eddie cleans up, while you tell your mom you're staying at Eddie’s for the night, Eddie sits down on the couch and you walk out from his bedroom after getting off the phone with your mom and he smiles at you, making you blush and smile back, “C’mere” he says motioning to sit on his lap, you bite your lip slightly and he pulls you into his lap, making you giggle, “Your so cute, yknow that?” he asks smiling, you smile softly, “Thanks”, he kisses your head and you lay on his shoulder looking up at him, “You got pretty eyes…” you mutter, he looks you in your eyes, “Thank you, sweet girl” he says brushing some strands of hair out of your face, you blush and feel your heart beat faster, he caresses your face, you snuggle into his neck whining softly, “What is it, baby?”, you whimper softly, “Sleepy”, he smiles and picks you up, “You can sleep in my bed”, he carries you to his bed and covers you up before kissing your cheek, “Night, sweets”, as he begins to walk away, you grab his fingers, “Wait! Eddie…”, he turns around and rubs your knuckles with his thumb, “Need something, pretty girl?”, you nod, “You…” you say shyly, he smiles, “Want me to sit with you?”, you shake your head, “Can you hold me…atleast just until I fall asleep?”, his smile widens and he turns the lamp off and gets into bed with you, wrapping his arms around your waist, facing you. Eddie closes his eyes and rubs your back, you look up at him and say “Eddie?”, he smiles and looks down at you, “Hm?”, “Thank you…for everything”, he smiles and pulls you close, “Don’t need to thank me baby…you're my girl…I wanna take care of you”, you smile and kiss his cheek which makes Eddie's face turn a light shade of pink, “…I love you, Eddie”, his smile grows and kisses your forehead, “I love you too, my pretty Y/N”, you smile warmly, “Eddie?”, “Yeah?”, your heart beats faster, “Can you…Can you kiss me?”, Eddie smiles and caresses your face, “You sure baby?”, you nod instantly, “I need you Eddie…”, Eddie feels his face go hot, he softly presses his soft lips against yours, running his fingers through your hair, his other hand meets your hip and he pulls you in closer, he pulls away slowly, “Baby?”, you look in his eyes, “If you really wanna do this you gotta promise me something”, you nod, “Anything”, he smiles softly, “Promise not to tell your dad…not yet’, as you nod you say “I promise”, his smirk grows, “Good girl,” he says before meeting his lips with yours, the kissing leads into making out and the making out leads into something more…
Eddie pulls away from you slowly, collapsing next to you, panting, his bangs sticking to his forehead due to sweat. You are breathing heavily, trying to get yourself together, trying to come back from one of the best experiences you’ve ever had, Eddie grabs a rag and cleans you off, gets you water, massages your shaking legs. After Eddie slips back into bed and pulls you close, “You did so good, baby, I’m so proud of you, sweetheart”. He says kissing your forehead, making you smile, “I love you so much, sweet girl”, your smile widens and you kiss his lips, “I love you too, Eddie”, he hums kissing your hairline, as your cuddling you feel yourself drifting to sleep but before you do you say, “Thank you again…for taking care of me today”, Eddie smiles pulling you closer to him, “Of course baby…Your my girl…always take care of you”.
Love you! -Bella
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sadie-bug345 · 5 months
greasers when they’re sick
i myself have been deathly ill for the past week so whilst i am bedridden i’m writing this🤡🙆‍♀️🤩 ANYWAYS LETS GO
hates missing school solely cause my guy despises talking to teachers abt what he missed
also cause he thinks he gets super behind when guy just skipped one day of school😭
probably holes himself up in his and sodas room and when soda comes in to check on him after work it’s like PITCH black and pony is just sitting in a pile of tissues
”what do YOU want?” says pony with a voice similar to kermit the frog cause bros nose is SO stuffed up
and soda just assumes pony is in one of his moody, poetry reciting moods again and slowly exits the room, leaving only a baloney sandwich in his wake💀🤡😭
def the type to not accept help
like he would go to school sick and the second someone brings up how his voice is screwed up he’s like 😐”what’re you sayin bout me?”
if the gang does quarantine him to a room he’d def just be able to entertain himself and prob come up with his own secret language and fictional multiverse or smth
idk he just gives the type to be fully okay with being alone for a bit but the meds he’s on make him all wacky too so it’s an interesting mix for sure
i’m sorry this guy has the most nastiest cough 😭
idc if he doesn’t smoke a lot he just got those mucusy coughs
other than that everyone’s having a good time, making jokes and feeling good and then soda pauses his laughter and unleashes the most rattley cough and then everyone just goes quiet and he just looks like 😃
definitely unfazed by sickness in general
until one day my guy just has the worst time and breaks downnnn🥰
we’ve all been there too esp when you’re sick and shit just goes downhill and everything sucks and you hate everything and everyone
now johnny doesn’t accept help but that’s NOTHING compared to darry
he has peak older-sibling syndrome and is just used to only helping other people
so when those people that he takes care of flip the script, my guy is just weirded outtt
like he def appreciates two trying to make him soup but he just doesn’t know how to react
goes lowk crazy with not being able to work or straighten up the house just cause he always feels like he’s gotta do SOMETHING productive with his time
i’m sorry but guy is def the type to go to school FULLY sick and either not say a word about it or complain like a lil bitch the whole time
also he totally smokes while he has a cough like soda which is so unhealthy i can’t even😭
just overall his habits and life doesn’t get upended by “some fuckass cold” (his words, not mine)
like bro please you just gotta rest sometimes😭
the gang is able to get him to stay at the curtis’ couch one day and bro just WIPES OUT
istg he’s out for like 15 hours straight in the full daytime and everyone is scared to walk past in case they wake him up
but dally is a crazy heavy sleeper so he actually gets a lot better after calming down for once🥰
honestly stays home from school like a normal person
except bro gets one cold and then just doesn’t show up to school for like two weeks😭
and it’s not cause he’s a wimp it’s just cause guy finds an excuse to skip out for a so called “vacation” and he rolls with it
and then he’ll just spawn back in on campus like a month later like nothing happened and everyone just expected two to take a dare too far and end up in the hospital🤡
bro just pushes thru the pain😭
he probably takes way too much of the recommended dose of general meds (don’t do this please🧍‍♀️)
and then goes all loopy for hours straight
and people are kinda sus about it but honestly it’s steve so who is really all that surprised
ANYWAYSSSS i think imma post a romantic kinda sick reader x greaser thing so that’ll hopefully come out soon while im still coughing my lungs out🫶
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upsidedownwithsteve · 2 years
i would do anything for dad!eddie painting the baby room in some matching overalls with reader 🥺 idea kinda inspired by paper rings cuz this song makes me melt
something similar for you! 🧡
“You know, Wayne would have my head if he walked in and saw you,” Eddie grumbled.
You snorted, dipping the brush back into the tin of paint. “That’s a bit dramatic, no?”
“You should be resting,” the boy responded, wincing as he swiped the colour onto the wall a little too vigorously, and when he turned to face you, he had sage green freckles across his cheeks. “You’re makin’ me look like a slave driver, baby.”
“Teddy, it’s a bit of paint,” you told him gently but when you turned back to slick the brush over the wall, you rolled your eyes.
“I saw that,” he told you.
“Good,” you laughed back. “I’m three months pregnant, not on my deathbed,” you reminded him.
You were barely even showing, not really, especially when you were wearing one of Eddie’s old hoodies, a Hawkins High gym sweater that was hardly worn. But Eddie had been the one to rub your back through the morning sickness, the nausea that seemed to not know how to tell the time, ‘cause it lingered way into the evening.
He made you ginger tea and brought in your favourite snacks when lunch and dinner seemed too much to bear and you appreciated it all, thanking him with more kisses than he could handle, his cheeks turning pink from all the fond attention.
But he’d come home from work with a bag full of paint and some brushes and trays, a bright excitement in his eyes that you didn’t dare snuff out, even though you were close to telling him there was plenty of time to paint before the baby arrived.
You followed him into the spare room instead, where the boxed up crib that Wayne had bought you both lay against the closet door. He’d grumbled and pouted when you picked up a brush and grinned, but the boy let you paint the edges of the doorframe until it got too high for you to reach.
“Don’t even think about getting on a ladder,” he warned and before you could huff back a response, Eddie cupped the back of your neck and pulled you into him, kissing away your argument with a smile that you could taste. “Don’t make me fight a pregnant lady.”
You grinned back, nose pressed to his and your eyes still closed and everything was the sharp smell of fresh paint, engine oil and Eddie’s cologne.
“Your pregnant lady,” you reminded him, as if he’d ever forget.
“Damn straight,” Eddie hummed, pressing another kiss to your lips, your cheek, your nose.
“I’d still win,” you whispered and neither of you seemed to care that your paintbrush was crushed between your chests, light green seeping into cotton and staining the skin below. “I’d totally kick your ass.”
Eddie huffed out a laugh and pulled back just an inch, eyeing you with a fondness that you’d never tire of. “Don’t doubt it, sweetheart.” He took the brush from your hand, gentle and kind enough that you’d didn’t complain. “Can you do me a favour and go chill out on the sofa?”
You pouted. Eddie kissed it away.
“I’ll let you kick my ass if you have a nap,” he tried to bargain.
“You saying I look tired, Munson?”
Eddie twisted his lips to hide his smile, knowing that trouble was close by. He shook his head, curls bouncing and he pressed a paint covered thumb to your jaw so he could angle your face the way he wanted. He pressed another kiss to your lips to sweeten you and you hated that it worked.
“I’m sayin’ that I heard you emptying your guts into the toilet at four am,” he murmured and he made a soft noise of sympathy when you frowned. “Go sleep, or Christ, watch a movie, yeah?”
He gave your bum a pat, the small swell of your stomach a soft rub.
“I’ll wake you up later and you can tell me how to build that damn crib, how’s that sound?”
You smiled like you couldn’t help it, stifled a yawn into the front of his shirt and ignored the way he snorted.
“That sounds nice,” you agreed.
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silkythewriter · 2 years
General dating headcanons for Angel Dust, Husk, Sir Pentious, and Alastor?
꧁General dating headcanons for Angel Dust, Husk, Sir Pentious, and alastor!!꧂
Summary: dating headcanons for our favorite demon boys!
Small warning!: sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes and Sorry if any of the characters are OOC!!
Small note!: Hi! I’m exited to be writing again for hazbin hotel I hope you enjoy these!!<33
Fandom!: hazbin hotel!
Daily song suggestions!:
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❤︎︎Angel Dust❤︎︎
He absolutely loves physical affection to be honest only thing is don’t do it without warning cause he could get quite startled. But other then that he loves when you hug or cuddle him <33
He never ever lets you get involved with his work though, even if you guys met at work or not he just doesn’t like bringing up work with relaxing time, also Valentino is a powerful man so he doesn’t want you getting involved with his shady business
I feel like he knows a lot of self care routines and he loves doing it with you!! Like face masks and stuff, he also likes showing you how he takes care of his fur/hair and chest fluff he finds it relaxing doing it with you and explaining the steps
He calls you and him the parents of fat nuggets ☠️ but honestly you don’t mind considering how cute they are!! He loves playing with fat nuggets and you, he even once did that thing where you put your pet on the ground and made them choose between you and the other person, fat nuggets went to you some how which angel was completely shocked about but accepted it 😭
This man can get very flirtatious at any given moment even when it isn’t appropriate, like that one time he started flirting with you as you tried talking to a friend on the phone ect. You always get flustered or flirt back, if you do flirt back expect a flirting war too Accor
He loves stealing stuff for you, of course he never out right says it but when you see a ring he gave you and see a name incrusted into it on the inner side you kinda just assumed it 🤷‍♀️
Overall this man is very affectionate towards you and absolutely loves you to death and back, and he can show it in many different ways if you know what I’m sayin 🧑‍🦯
Cherry bomb and you are great friends to be honest and honestly angel loves that, he absolutely loves shopping or blowing up and causing chaos together!!!
Has adorable nicknames or you like sugar, bunny, sweet cheeks, and my lil addiction <333
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People where honestly surprised with your guy’s relationship and how you made him fall in love with you- they always assumed he just hated the thought of dating until you came along
Please be patient with him cause he’s not the best with physical nor emotional affection he’s still getting use to it so please give him the poor guy some time 😭😭
Drinking buds for sure only if you really want to though, but don’t expect to get drunk easily. You’ll have a to wait a bit and dink wayyy more then what’s good for you just to see him tipsy
He doesn’t let you try drinking like him cause he does worry for you even if he doesn’t show you in the best ways.
Your guy’s relationship probably gets really rocky sometimes, he honestly doesn’t mean to do it but he’s just kinda getting use to the idea of someone caring for him so he can maybe make you cry sometimes because of he’s comments so if your soft hearted keep in mind he doesn’t mean it in a rude way!….most of the times….
He’s has a genuine fear of you leaving or you just breaking things off randomly cause he knows his behavior is hard to handle but he can’t really fix that
He does (surprisingly) cut back on drinking, this honestly took him a bit of will power but he did it for you so he doesn’t regret it one bit <3.
On the off chance he gets use to physical affection, he absolutely loves when you pet his fur/wing. Sometimes it leads him to purring iyour lucky but the other staff tease him about it a lot so he’d rather do it in private ☠️
Not one for PDA to be honest he has a rough persona and he has a hard time shifting/Changing that
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🐍Sir Pentious🐍
This guy is a piece of work honestly- he’s a big hand full
Whenever you guys are in public he’s a “bad boy” but trust once your behind closed door this man is all over you and can’t handle being without you😭😭🫶
If you complement one of his plans or inventions you bet he’s gonna be stuttering and blushing like he’s having a heat stroke- he feels completely embarrassed afterwards 😭😭
The egg bois love setting you guys up for random dates- sir pentious always said he hated it but secretly loves it cause you laugh and giggle at the silliness of the situation, he find your laugh intoxicating
You have to constantly make sure he isn’t hurting or accidentally killing the sweet eggs ☠️they are at constant thanks to your mercy and treat you as well as they treat sir pentious. They absolutely adore you<3
You have to make sure he’s okay after every battle he has that mostly contains alastor- you have a bone to pick with that deer boy but for now you have to focus on the hurt grumpy sack of snake infront of you
He has cute nicknames for you like angel!!, the ones he uses the most is my butterfly, tiny mice, and darling <3 he mostly uses them in private though cause he doesn’t wanna show any weakness to he’s enemies
Whenever you guys cuddle he loves wrapping he’s tail around you while he snuggles his head into your chest or you snuggle into his, sometimes he accidentally tights his grip a bit to much- but it manageable once you start getting use to it!!
He can be quite the drama queen sometimes- depending on the setting and situation. If you guys are in private you have to help him calm down by hanging out with him or just petting him and comforting him. But if you guys are in a public situation he’ll just make a big scene and just fight someone randomly-
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This man can be such a gentleman but smart ass at the same time 💀💀
People are very aware of you guys being together, which leads to people scattering or running off at your presents because their terrified of what would happen to them if they do one wrong move around you
He’s a complete gentleman to you, like opening doors for you, pulling out a chair, or kissing the back of your hand type stuff! Honestly it would be completely adorable to people if it wasn’t for his overlord status
He’s pretty okay with PDA! Just doesn’t really like overdoing it, he mostly keeps it to hand on waist and that’s pretty much it 💀he likes dong more interment stuff privately like hugging or cuddling
On rare occasions he might let you stroke his hair or touch his tail but it’s very rare 💀 he doesn’t like being vulnerable most of the time so don’t expect this to happen often sadly :(.
He loves seeing you wear he’s tie for some weird reason, he can’t explain why he does he just finds it adorable and humors it
OMG, he absolutely AODRES making Jambalaya for you, or just cooking and baking in general!!!, though he’s a bit worse at baking then cooking but he still finds it fun! It doesn’t Matter if you do or don’t know how to cook or bake it’s just for fun, he loves seeing you giggling or smiling while your clothes and face are covered with flower and such <3
He’s not overprotective to say just a bit… worried, is the best way to put it, of course he never breaks he’s undying smile but with how many powerful enemies he has he gets worried about all the worst possibilities, that’s why he keeps a close eye on you, also makes you guys wait awhile before being a bit public about your relationship but even then few demons know about it if they pay close attention. Which works in their favor cause they can quickly run away from you just incase the radio demon is lingering near you
Nifty is one who goes with you incase he can’t he needs to make sure your okay, or he just sends his shadow. Like I said he has many powerful enemies so being with him might come with some drawbacks but trust me after awhile it’ll be worth it!! <3
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THANK YOU FOR THE REQUEST!!! I absolutely loved writing this😭😭😭😭🫶🫶🫶it was so fun I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!!
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reader pronouns: she/her “Are you going to this stupid thing tonight?” you asked Daryl, barely through the front door onto the porch.
He hummed a noncommittal response and continued fiddling with his crossbow. “You?” he asked, pausing to shoot a look in your direction.
You sighed heavily and leaned forward onto the railing of the porch next to him. “I wasn’t going to but Maggie made me feel guilty about it.”
“Mm,” Daryl hummed again and nodded before chewing on his bottom lip. He took the opportunity while your eyes were focused outward to study your face. “So, yer goin’?” he clarified.
You straightened up and faced him, leaning against the railing now with your hip. “Yeah. But I’m not wearing a dress,” you said.
Daryl’s eyebrow quirked upwards. “No?” he said, a trace of amusement in his voice.
“Fuck no... I’ll put on some clean clothes but that’s it. Like you would wear a—a tie to this shit?” you said, grinning at him. “Oh my God. Daryl Dixon in a tie!”
He let out a gruff noise and rolled his eyes. “I’d rather set myself on fuckin’ fire,” he drawled, eliciting another laugh from you. “You? I’d—I’d like to see ya in a dress sometime,” he said, an upturn on one corner of his mouth.
You felt your cheeks flushing. “What?! Shut up...”
“Nah, ‘m—’m serious. I mean, ya look—ya always look... even with walker blood sprayed on ya, ya look—” he was rapidly losing his nerve. “Just—it’d be different to see ya in a dress. Tha’s all ‘m sayin’. In a good way.” He couldn’t hold your eyes any longer and ducked his head.
You knew your cheeks were burning red still. Your body temp seemed to be rising overall. “I’ll make you a deal, Daryl.” His blue eyes glanced back up. “You go with me to this thing tonight, and I’ll find a dress to wear.” He looked skeptical. “I’m serious. Come with me and I’ll wear a dress and pretend to be nice all these people. I’ll smile and everything. Might not even have to try too hard if you’re along.”
“...I still ain’t wearin’ a tie,” he said.
You laughed. “Of course not. You can go like you are right now. I don’t care.”
He glanced down at his filthy skin and clothes and chewed on his bottom lip. If he was going with you, he’d clean up... “Is this like—like a date or what?”
You nodded. No hesitation. “Yeah. Like a date,” you smiled. “We can go together for ten minutes and then get the fuck out of there and no one can say shit.” Daryl gulped, nervous at the prospect of an evening with you to himself, especially if you planned on dressing up... was this a daydream? He stood up and slung his crossbow over his shoulder. “Alrigh’. Guess it’s a date.” Prompt: “I’m not wearing a dress.” A/N: This was too cute send halp
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streaminn · 1 year
acting news
streamer enid au! once again part 2
There's a taste on Enid's tongue when she speaks. It's sweet, flavorful and distracting - addicting she can almost say. No wonder she keeps talking and talking, murmuring about anything just to taste that drug stuck in her mouth. 
It's why she couldn't fully focus on her stream, why her eyes aren't drawn to the colourful lights of the game she was playing on autopilot. Something was distracting her and she didn't know what. 
It isn't until she hears the slow yet measured footsteps passing by her door that it finally clicks and a smile grows on Enid's face.
Right, she ate well yesterday. 
Chat is as noisy as always, clamouring with their normal chatter but they seem to be confused as to why Enid suddenly decided to shut up. 
"streamer going insane?" 
"U see that glaze in her eyes? Bet she’s high on chocolate"
“You can get high on chocolate???”
“Ofc not this is y u dont believe everything in the internet” 
The werewolf quickly looked back to the game, a lil snort bubbling in her throat. Chat definitely has their moments, these were one of them. To think people wonder why she was streaming, it's for dumb reasons like this.
"hi guys what's happenin" 
"ur mom is what's happenin" 
“Yall so rude ;-; i was just asking”
A sound alert is the one that fully snaps Enid back to attention. With a quick thank you to one Sokoe-chan, she finally dragged her eyes away from the game to give a very concerned look at the camera, her eyes just reading that mess of a convo. 
“What the fuck chat?” she murmured, but the tone definitely couldn't hide the upward quirk of her lips. “Also I don't get high on chocolate, that's not how werewolves work.”
Chat begins to spark at that, questions of ‘duh, dogs are allergic that makes so much sense’ to ‘who made you the werewolf expert huh!?’ 
It makes Enid lean back as she builds a house. She’s playing minecraft after all, albeit one with horror mods but considering that the sun was up and her chests were full, she decided to go and finally build a house.
Before her chat remembers and calls her homeless.
She shivers at that, can you really blame her? It's hard to build things when you’re being chased and only have your own flesh and bone to keep you running.
The sound of rattling bones rings through her headphones and Enid’s cheeks burned as she gave her full attention back to chat. It's still a little shocking to have people pay for a free live stream, so she does try her best to give her gratitude to any supporters. “Thank you again Sokoe-chan for the ten gifted!” 
The text to speech drawled in reply “did you hear that Lunal curse is getting a movie adaption exclamation mark exclamation mark question mark.”
Enid’s eyes widened as she immediately straightened and pulled herself close to the camera. “Really?!” she places a hand on her chest, leaning back with a dramatic sigh. “My wife is going to do amazing, I'm telling you.” Enid points at the screen, a bright smile on her face. “Ain’t nobody can beat my woman! Imagine being a director and the main actor-”
As the werewolf goes on a tangent, chat meanwhile has their own thoughts.
“There she goes”
“Can you blame her?! Wednesday does such a good job as Viper”
“It just feels a lil self insert for the author to act out the main role yknow?”
“Hey now, if it works then it works”
“Just sayin!”
“Brother ur in the wrong channel to be dissing Wednesday”
“Endespair is a huge W.A simp after all”
Enid paused in her words to raise a brow. “Hey hey, nothing wrong with saying your thoughts but you’re treading a thin line there man.” she waves her hand around. “She’s giving good content and getting that bag! Besides, she auditioned for that role and the others greenlit her to be Viper.” 
Most of the chat agrees, some even citing a few articles of the process. This definitely wasn’t a new topic in terms of Viper’s casting.
The tone overall seemed rather easy going, everyone vibing until a comment pops in that makes Enid’s lips drop and her brows to furrow.
“Trust a dog to be at someones heel”
“Too far dude wtf”
A stormy look crossed Enid’s face and the ban hammer dropped. The wolf sighs, escaping the game to the menu as she gives a look. 
“we’re boutta be scolded againnn”
“Its not our fault!”
“Sjdklajdklsja father forgive us”
“Pls not again, i havent recovered from the last lashing”
Enid’s look is affronted, but chat’s lil attempts to make her smile works. “You guys make it sound like I abuse you or something,” she laughs and for a moment, chat thinks they’re off the hook before she removes her glasses to raise a brow at the camera.
A classic look of disappointment.
“Dangit thought that was going to work”
“Lowkey i dont mind being scolded if its endespair”
“Daddy issues right here”
“Ay no need to call me out like that”
Normally, Enid would hold out for a few more seconds, just to make the tension palpable enough to fuck with her audience until the loud sounds of bones rattling makes her shoulders drop.
This is why she can’t be serious until it's really needed.
“Lunaslandingpad threw 50 gifted subs into the pile” spoke the alert but just before it could continue, Enid paused it to let out a harsh and very tired sigh.
One so filled with emotion that it makes Chat pause themselves as she rubbed at her eyes before sliding on her frames.
“One, no bribing me to feel better,” Enid starts and immediately, chat clammors in agreement. “Two, none of those dog comments. Not only is that a shitty thing to do but I have werewolf tagged on stream to make sure others like me find it easier so don’t make me regret it.” A shine of white is shown, her fangs seemed to almost be bared if it weren’t for the hand that covers anything below her nose. “Last, there is nothing wrong with criticising a piece of work but don’t bring that stuff here.”
Silence filled the air as Enid leant back, her lips pursed as she crossed her arms. “Got it?”
message deleted by moderator
“WE SAW THAT” “Caught in 4k”
Soon, Enid’s scowl turned into a bigger raised brow before rolling her eyes as she opened up the mod log to see the rather.. Thirsty comment. “You all really gotta think before you type.” her head shakes as she laughs. “you guys are lucky i wouldn’t have you guys any other way.” 
Taglist: @agathaharkness-simp​ @lunaslandingpad​
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monkayemporor · 11 months
“I didn’t want this!”
Synopsis: fem!Lorenzo (aka possum) and her parent 😱😱😱
Cw: Talks of plastic surgery + reader doesn’t like Lorenzo (at first)
Featuring: Fem!Lorenzo and Gn!Reader
Wc: 660
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“I’m gonna get plastic surgery.”
“Excuse me?”
Looking up from your phone, you were faced with Donna Lorenzo. And her usual shit-eating grin. Under normal circumstances, you would’ve indulged her, but this wasn’t a normal situation. Considering how she wasn’t even supposed to be here.
A few weeks ago, your friend Snuffy had dropped off some kid at your doorstep, explaining how she wanted you to take care of her. Of course, you had vehemently refused. And could anyone blame you? This girl looked like…well something. A freak would be the proper term. 
Rotten teeth, terrible hygiene, and her overall eccentric personality. You were so sure that you wouldn’t be able to deal with her. And what was Snuffy’s excuse? That her job as a pro would keep her too busy. 
“Can’t you just…I don’t know…buy her an apartment or something? You have a shitload of money!”, you had pleaded, but Snuffy had explained she didn’t want to leave Lorenzo alone. 
Sure, you could’ve refused. And if it had been anyone else, you would’ve. But this was Snuffy, your dearest friend. So, against your better judgment, you took Donna Lorenzo in. 
Living with her though, was certainly an…experience. From following you around your place, messing with your stuff, barking like a dog, and mooning over the weirdest boys on your computer. 
“Isn’t he just the best?”, she asked, an image of some gothic-looking boy open on the screen. 
Sipping on your coffee, your nose wrinkled, “Ew. No. Just no.”
Just what was wrong with her?
And now you were here, with Lorenzo proclaiming that she was going to get plastic surgery. 
“So, you want bigger boobs? I thought those were like bad for football or something.”, you said, clearly confused. Lorenzo shook her head and sat next to you, a bit too close for comfort though. 
“Nah, I just wanna get rid of something.”
Vague. You momentarily wondered if you should push for more info. But why bother? She was old enough to get one and it wasn’t like you were the one paying for it.
What would Snuffy say? She would probably want you to ask. Sighing, you placed your phone on the table and looked Lorenzo in the eye.
“Just what exactly do you want to get rid of?”
Silence suddenly filled the space and you noticed the defender avoiding your gaze. Odd.
“Well…”, you trail off, trying to find the right words to say as the teen girl perks up. “You’re not that bad looking. So I don’t see why you need to get plastic surgery.”
Lame. That was the best you could do? Screw it. You never wanted kids in the first place.
Instead of Lorenzo mocking you though, she simply laughed, showing off the golden grills you very much hated. “I’m not sayin' that it was terrible, but it was!”
In defeat, you slumped on the couch. Screw Snuffy. But just as you were about to leave the room, Lorenzo suddenly spoke up.
Well, now this was awkward. What were you supposed to say? No problem? Nahhh. 
“You’re cute looking—like a possum!”, you suddenly blurted out. Why were you doing this?! Just why?! The younger girl tilted her head, “Possum? Ya, mean those ugly rat things?”
“They are not ugly!”
“Are too. And that means you're calling me ugly!”
“Stop putting words in my mouth!”
Arguing with Donna Lorenzo turned out to be quite tiring. And at the end, you were laying on the couch, side-eyeing her, “Look. Just, don’t do it. You’re perfectly fine. And you may be kinda gross, you’re not that gross to need plastic surgery.”
It was quiet for a couple of minutes, you staring up at Lorenzo as she stared right back. Her shit-eating grin was visible, “Dah, fine~”
“Oh.” You weren’t expecting her to listen. Now what? Do you just leave? Or…
“Am I still a possum though?”, Lorenzo asked.
“Definitely yes.”
“You’re weird.”
“Look who’s talking.”
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moonw1shes · 4 months
my moa opinions (that no one asked for i just did👍)
i’m also only abt halfway through so this might not be accurate!
1. did anyone else be reading pipers pov in MOA and TLH(mostly moa tho) and think girlll when are you gonna speak about something other than jason and have a little personality??like i loveee piper so much but i was getting so bored of continual jason talk you could have such an interesting pov but it was wasted on obsession over ur detached bf(i’m not a jason hater or a jiper hater btw but this specific part of the book just got me)?!
2.alsooo in MOA did anyone find jason and piper(when she wasn’t speaking abt jason 😤)constantly talking abt how they were really close friends with leo during their povs but never actually showing us any decent friendship interactions?im only about half way through moa but like can u show us the friendship without js telling us or not likee where’s the chemistry the three of them had in tlh?
3.the comment above also goes for percy and frank like percy was always sayin how he and frank were good friends but only showing us about one interaction where they acted like somewhat bsfs i was so confused after reading son i thought they were such better friends than that but i reckon they were both preoccupied w their gfs(rightly so)!!
4.i NEEDED more hazel getting angry like she was when they were deciding whether to save nico and she nearly hit jason with a metal plate i was eating it upppp😋 girlboss or what? on that note i was wishing that percy would’ve spoken up for hazel during that convo but he just stayed quiet like no?
5.and finally i was BEGGING for piper and annabeth moments! i hope more come bcs their friendship means everything to me the sharing breakfast thing was sooo cute i loved it and need ALOT more 🫶
and yeah that’s it for now i’ll probably do overall ops when i finish but i hope you guys can relate and this is also my first post😛
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jemgirl86 · 6 months
The reactions to this (not at all new) news about Captain America 4 have been fascinating (derogatory)
Everyone being upset that Sam’s movie isn’t tuning into Bucky’s movie, instead of being upset that Sam’s movie IS turning into a Hulk movie is so incredibly on brand for the MCU fandom that I can’t do anything but laugh.
Oh, and by the way, umm… I have a question, and don’t fight me ‘cause I know how you girls like to tussle, BUT y’all have been telling anyone who would listen that you were boycotting Cap 4, so why do y’all even care that Bucky’s not gonna be in it all of a sudden?
Hmmm… could it be because no Bucky and no Steve were always the reason y’all weren’t planning on watching Cap 4? Lmaoo Come on, let’s be for real for five seconds. I mean, again, we all knew from jump that Bucky wasn’t announced to be in this movie. And, if we’re keeping it a hundred, that’s the reason y’all used to say you weren’t going to see Cap 4.
Look, I’m sorry, but I’m honestly getting a kick out of most of these reactions 😂 Watching y’all get online and (accidentally on purpose) admit the true reason you’re not planning - were never planning - on seeing Cap 4, has been nothing short of hilarious.
***For the record, I do like Bucky. Hell, I ship SamBucky lol. But baby, as a Sam fan, most of these reactions ain’t it. In fact, they’re actually pissing me tf off. But, overall, these reactions are just confirming what I’ve thought about a vast majority of Sam “fans” and SamBucky “fans” for a long time now… just sayin’ 🤷🏾‍♀️
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ohforficsakelibrary · 10 months
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You Brought Me Poison Flowers
Chapter 7: Maple - A child passed through the branches of a maple tree will have a long life.*
prev / series masterlist / masterlist
Series Summary: Joel and Ellie settle into life in Jackson, one more easily than the other, until Joel is reminded of what normal feels like. The kind of normal that he perhaps never had. A series of one-shot glimpses into a relationship (no true plot here, people.) Soft!Joel. Two touch-starved babes.
Chapter subtitles taken from Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs by Scott Cunningham. Although herbal preparations are consistent with historic uses, nothing herein is to be construed as medical advice.
Pairing: Joel Miller x Herbalist!OFC (age-appropriate age gap)
Word Count: ~1.2K
Rating: Explicit 18+ overall / no smut in this part. Minors DNI.
A/N: Porch drinking and brotherly bonding with Tommy and Joel Miller.
*Don't read into this subtitle, there will be no babies here. But I see these boys as sturdy, protective, and steadfast and it felt fitting.
Friday night there’s a knock on the door and Joel’s heart jumps into his throat. 
But it’s just Tommy and a bottle of whiskey and he swallows hard to will it back down.
“You still up for porch drinkin’ these days?”
Joel grins and claps his brother on the back, reaching for a hoodie off the coat rack.
“Alright, fresh batch, tell me what you think," Tommy fills Joel's glass and sits back in his chair expectantly.
At the first taste of whiskey on his tongue Joel very nearly wells up with pride. 
“Shit. ‘S good, Tommy. You do somethin’ different with that one?” Joe holds the glass up to the porch light to inspect the shade of amber.
“Actually, added just a hint of maple syrup.”
Joel tips it in his brother’s direction in a salute. “It works.”
They’re three glasses in before Tommy springs the heavy questions.
“So you and Len, huh?”
Joel turns to him, eyes wide.
“Bingoo,” Tommy takes a self-satisfied sip of whiskey.
“How the fuck…”
“Don’t worry, no one said nothin’,” Tommy grins. “Just the way you’ve been the last few days. Less–" he pauses, "disagreeable. Someone chilled you the fuck out.” 
Joel is still looking at him with a frown.
“I just put pieces together. You were in the shop the other night. And you don’t fuckin’ talk to anyone else, so…”
Joel reaches for the bottle and helps himself to another heavy pour. 
“Don’t worry, I ain’t sayin’ nothin’,” Tommy continues with a smirk. “And hey, she’s beautiful, man. Smart as hell. Waay out of your fuckin’ league.”
“Yeah, alright.”
“I’m serious, you ain’t gonna do better. She probably could–" and Joel kicks Tommy's boot.
“Yeah, alright, what’s your point.”
“Point is, even if it was just the one time. You needed it.”
Joel is quiet for a few beats.
“It was two times,” he mumbles.
 “The one night. But two times.” 
Tommy’s eyebrows jump to his hairline.
“Four for her.”
“You’re lyin’. She was lyin’ to you, big brother,” Tommy points a finger at him.
“Sure didn’t feel like she was lyin’.”
“Did you two fuck in the barn? In front of my horse?”
“Wha, no," Joel thumbs the corner of his mouth. "No, it was after that.”
“Fuuck you, old man. Shit.”
“Still got it.”
“Don’t sound like it’s just gonna be the one time, then.”
“I’m makin’ her dinner tomorrow night.”
“Oh you are down SO bad, big brother.”
Joel grins.
“So I guess you’re sticking around for a bit then?”
“Yeah,” Joel huffs. “Yeah I guess so.”
“Tess gonna be okay with that?” 
And it’s so automatic that Tommy doesn’t realize what he’s said until he notices Joel shift.
“I’m sorry. Fuck, man, I’m sorry. You know what? Forget it. Forget I said anything.”
And Joel says “it’s fine,” but big brown eyes betray him.
“Oh, Joel,” Tommy's gase softens.  
And Joel stares back like a man drunk on the memory.
“Joel, I’m so sorry.”
And Tommy thinks he’s fucked it all up. That Joel will call it a night there and then and storm across the street to sulk in the privacy of his own home.
Instead he reaches for the bottle, topping up Tommy’s glass before his own. 
They sit in the silence for a while longer before the younger man clears his throat. 
“For what it’s worth…”
Joel snaps his head to look in Tommy’s direction.
“She never had anyone else. Len. After Andy died.”
“How long?”
“Three years, maybe?”
And Joel stares down at his boots.
“She needed you too, is my point there. Whatever it is that put you two together. Y’all need each other. More than you know.”
And Joel is silent for a long while before he starts again.
“I’m just gonna fuck it up again, aren’t I? Like I did with…”
“You keep sayin’ that Joel, but you ain’t the same person. Not anymore. None of us are.”
“You wouldn’t know, you weren’t there," Joel growls, just this side of accusatory.
“You know what?" Tommy sits up straight and turns in towards his brother. "Fine. No. I wasn’t there. But let me tell you something about me, bein’ here.”
Tommy jabs his finger in the air, pointing towards the wood planks of his front porch.
“I fuckin’ failed too, Joel. When I found the Fireflies, I thought I found my purpose. Thought, yet again, that I could finally fight for something I believed in. But it’s all the same shit when there’s someone at the top. Just soldiers takin’ fuckin’ orders from some faceless coward who ain’t got the balls to step out there themselves.”
Joel rubs at his eyes with his thumb and index finger.
“And honestly, for all of Marlene’s flaws at least she had that. Maybe that’s how she convinced me to do it, I dunno.” 
“But even that fell apart. Because people need hope, Joel. Some kind of light at the end of the fuckin’ tunnel. I was down so deep I didn’t even have that when I left. I just—left. Fuckin’ walked off into the darkness.”
“And it just so happened I stumbled ass-backwards into this place.”
“And then I started to see it again. Started to see light and hope and a future. And when things started getting serious with Maria, it, it was like—like I started to see life again, Joel. A year, five, ten, twenty years out.”
“When was the last time we had that, huh? Twenty something years ago? Fuck, I don’t even think I had it then.”
“‘S because you were stupid twenty years ago.” Joel grunts.
“Maybe so,” Tommy sits back in his chair and takes a long draw from his glass. 
“How do you know this ain’t just you joinin’ some hopeless cause again?”
“Look around you, Joel. What hopeless cause? What cause at all? Growin’ food and protectin’ my community? A community where no one person calls the shots, and I know everyone’s name, and everyone pulls their weight? Protectin’ these kids? My kid? Yeah, fine. That’s a cause I’ll throw in for.”
“There’s a future here, Joel. Maybe our sins catch up to us, maybe they don’t. I ain’t delusional about that. But there’s something here that doesn’t exist anywhere else, not anywhere that I’ve seen.”
“We have a chance to be different here. I’m gonna take that. And I’m gonna work at it every day. To be a good member of this community. A good husband to Maria. A good father to that baby. Because this place gave me that second chance.”
“Maybe it’s giving you one too.”
And Joel sniffs hard and rubs at the tip of his nose with the back of his hand.
“Give it a chance too, Joel. Don’t think about fucking up. That’s the quickest way to do yourself in.”
And maybe life has finally knocked something into Tommy Miller, or knocked something out of Joel, because that motherfucker finally makes some kind of sense. 
They’re quiet for a bit longer, listening to coyotes yipping beyond the wall.
“What are you makin’ Len for dinner?”
And Joel laughs when he realizes that a grin spreads across his face at the mention of her name. 
“Probably steak? Garlic mashed potatoes…”
“A Miller specialty.”
“That's right, best foot forward. Ellie brought home some broccoli yesterday, probably throw that in.”
“Yeah,” Tommy grins, “yeah, she’ll love that.”
Joel smiles into his glass. 
“I’ll bring a bottle of this by in the morning.” Tommy tips his glass towards Joel.
“Thanks, brother.”
“Hey, listen to me.” Tommy grabs Joel's sweatshirt sleeve. “Lennie’s a good woman.”
Joel meets his eyes.
“Don’t let her go.”
Taglist: @iamskyereads @harriedandharassed
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Mcsm Jesse doobles
what do we call this version of female Jesse? Cyan shirt Jesse? Brown overalls Jesse? Huh- RED HAIR CLIP JESSE-
idk, I’m confused.
Jesse hates slime, the female version is like more of an offense type o person, and Petra is like her “Hold me back” type as well. Just sayin’
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