#i’m kinda ???? underwhelmed ngl
my-zen-space · 3 days
Just finished watching Wynonna Earp: Vengeance, so here are my first impressions (spoiler alert, folks!):
Overall plot is underwhelming for a movie; felt more like a long episode as opposed to a movie.
Mercedes’s death was unnecessary. There are so many other ways Mina could’ve drawn Wynonna back to Purgatory.
I don’t understand why Wynonna and Doc never went to get Alice. Was it not supposedly safe to do so post-season 4? And why were they going around gambling??
Glad to see that Kat’s and Dom’s (and in turn, Nicole’s and Waverly’s) chemistry has remained intact, but the whole Nicole-holding-Waverly-back felt a bit off. Nicole has always put Waverly first, so if for some reason Waverly has ‘stayed back’, it’s not because of Nicole.
Nicole’s Stetson is 🫶🏻
Waverly’s character in the movie seems inconsistent to her usual bubbly nature in the show.
Waverly speaking French was kinda sexy, ngl.
The movie did not have enough Peacemaker-wielding i.e. the power that makes Wynonna Earp, Wynonna Earp. Other than with Paco, we didn’t really see Peacemaker light up again…
Cannot say I’m surprised that Doc dies. We can all say it was unnecessary but imo, a happy ending without any death would’ve been too predictable and there was no way they would’ve killed off the titular character or one of Nicole or Waverly ‘cause this show has always praises itself on not killing off the gays (remember Nicole’s bulletproof vest?). But I will say that his death could’ve been better depicted.
Following on from point 9, Doc’s funeral was… unemotional? Brief? Sidelined? All of the above? I expected it to be more of a milestone.
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snazzyladreal · 6 months
finished princess peach showtime so time for a review cause why not
spoilers and pictures cause I got things to say
this is your last warning :)
this rant is a lil unhinged
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no Mario in game 0/10 /s
but yeah, this game was kinda a let down, I’m not gonna lie. It is for younger kids, like what you could give a 10 year old to keep them occupied. But I’m a technical adult, so I’m gonna talk about it like a technical adult
I like the world and the lil side guys, I can’t be bothered to remember their names
The power of ‘Sparkle’ and ‘Darkle’ were kinda dumb, seeing the word ‘darkle’ being used in a serious context felt very out of place ngl.
one big highlight is the boss designs, a nice blend of masquerade with stage prop puppets, they were very fun
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All of them have their own vibes, and stand out great. Well except there’s two of them with the same spotlight kinda theme.
it made me stop playing for awhile just cause I have the temper of a 13 year old boy on cod sometimes
Madame Grape is cool
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Very cool design, reminds me of Mardi Gars kinda cause of the colors. Wish she had more a motivation, like maybe saying that she was rejected from a role she adored, and it made her go insane cause she was obsessed with it. The only thing is, in her boss fight
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main head/body, floating hands, big ass accessories that add a menacing glow and make them seem bigger.
her boss fight also makes poor use of space, it’s set in a massive arena but you only move in a small space during it. Not to mention Peach looks like a mix of Rosalina and Elsa in her final dress
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It felt like an underwhelming ending
the plays and their stories were very stylized and cool, my favorite story probably being the hero plays with Mighty Peach.
In the first half you fight an alien invasion on Earth, and in the second one you go to the alien’s home planet to recuse the creatures that kidnapped. It’s a nice two parter story
Gameplay wise, my favorites are the baking stories. It was fun and challenging to finish all the patterns on the cakes, and baking all the cookies in time. Very cute and pretty calming. Made me smile
overall, I don’t think it was worth $60. Maybe $25-$30 overall, a good part of it due to the visuals. The more detailed transformation scenes blend well against the gameplay and don’t stand out in an obvious way. A lot of care went into the game, and I can appreciate that. Do kinda think a Mario cameo at the end of the credits would’ve been silly and cute, like he came to save Peach and hands her back her crown (she lost it at the start of the game). I know it’s meant to be a game about Peach, but it would’ve been cute
thanks for coming to my Ted talk, might draw something of this game later
peace ✌️
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humanoidtyphoons · 1 month
no i got things to say about gun x sword
-genuinely sad the opening did not commit to the bit of silhouettes revealed and remaining silhouettes if the characters had died. ray dying broke my heart but i think he should have remained a silhouette in the opening after his death, but at some point the anime stopped doing that and it’s a real shame bc i thought the way it initially did things was sooo fun
-didn’t expect to like ray so much but he’s a foil to van in a way that gradually became really pleasing. also him thwarting the claw’s plan, even temporarily, was super satisfying!!!
-the claw was such a good villain. trying to suss out why things don’t add up with him, what people say about him vs what he’s doing. meeting him in person, being underwhelmed, baffled, cautious and temporary insane about how things don’t make sense before coming to the conclusion that he’s actually insane so the dissonance is… intentional? he clicks in a way that’s really great to process tbh. like the good intentions he has just don’t work with his logic, he doesn’t seem to realise he killed people when he gives them hugs, and doesn’t really care if people die so long as his dream is fulfilled?
-it’s a little embarrassing to be in denial about his blatant madness, and i should have figured it out sooner, but ngl he flummoxed me for episodes bc people couldn’t hate him and apparently found him so charismatic that they joined his cause??? so i. convinced myself that there was going to be this super complicated reveal that would explain his bizarreness in a convoluted way, that would explain everything… and the simplicity of it being. he’s just insane, actually. so much more effective.
(-knives out glass onion with benoit blanc going “you’re not smart! you’re just stupid!!!” is the closest comparison i think i can get but it’s just… wasn’t satisfying for that movie, (i did like the movie, tho, with nitpicks) whereas gxs… me coming to the realisation about claw… sometimes as the audience, you doing the legwork is what makes the figuring out and making it make sense satisfying??)
-i really like that van wastes no time killing claw in the final episode. bc we’d seen something similar with ray, who also wanted revenge for the death of his wife at claw’s hands. claw talking and being dismissive. we’d seen in the previous episode, van and the claw talking, in which the claw repeatedly calling van an idiot. it was clear that they were never going to get through to each other. so van quickly cuts him in two, and honestly? so fulfilling. so satisfying.
-found myself shipping van/pricilla and joshua/wendy. ofc they didn’t end up together, but i’m super relieved van/wendy didn’t happen either and they remained platonic til the end.
-ngl van kinda inexplicably hating joshua soooo much made me laugh so much! it’s so mean and i love both characters but it’s hilarious
-i kinda do like wendy vs her brother michael and her telling him off bc she explored the planet with van and gained new experiences
-docked a point for the fan service tho
-i’m not… particularly happy about michael once he sleeps with his teammate tbh? idk how i would have written it but… uh… not like that tbh?
-honestly the story is nothing new but the characters are so fun and likeable and that matters more tbh! ngl my attention span wandered at times but when it was good, it was very very good
-but also i liked that van wasn’t solely motivated by revenge. not like ray. ray lived for nothing else but revenge, but van… as cranky as he was, still had connections to the living.
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etherealnoir · 8 months
My expectations are low ngl. I really want the show to surprise me but last week was so underwhelming so I’m not trying to get hype lol I think the promos are right and Gabi will get the easy out of Sir escaping just as she goes to confess. Hoping they’ll prove me wrong though!
I actually liked last week's episode, though I wish the conflict lasted longer than just one episode. Can you imagine if Gabi's kidnapping and resolution lasted into the finale? They always end everything too damn fast.
What if Sir actually didn't escape, but was actually kidnapped? And now M&A have to use their skills to find the kidnapped kidnapper who got kidnapped from his first kidnapper?
It'd be kinda funny ngl because that would mean Gabi would not only have to explain that she was holding Hugh hostage that whole time, but that she actually cares about finding him again. Because lbr you know she would.
God can you imagine that conversation with Trent? "Hey remember how I said I wasn't in communication with Sir. Well I was. And he wasn't actually missing, but now he really is 😬 So.......aha 😛"
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victorianvivisection · 6 months
👛, 💕, ♠️, 🗝️ for CV? :D
👛 I’m not sure I have any rarepairs??? I kinda just ship the really obvious/basic stuff, but I did once rarepair a ship so hard I was the first person to have it as a tag on Ao3 apparently… Walter x Lisa… But I can’t really say I ship them, their dynamic is interesting especially in regards to my own personal canon of how exactly Dracula works
💕 I’m the CEO Mathias x Leo and I stand by that… I like when they make each other worse people… I like the sort of sun and moon dynamic they have going on and how those two are the very start of everything… They’re like Adam and Eve to me in ways I cannot explain but will talk about for hours <3
♠️ Soma without a doubt… Idk that’s probably a basic answer but I enjoy him immensely, not only is he fun to play I find his concept interesting and ngl I relate to him a lot. If I’m being honest I often liek to imagine the Sorrow character as a whole just doing random mundane things because I find them entertaining
🗝️ Probably Walter, I might come up with a different answer some other time but I don’t feel like putting too much thought into it rn X/ I love how dramatic and almost non serious he is, he didn’t think he could be defeated so he’s literally just having fun, literally using the suffering of human being for entertainment. I guess Dracula is an obvious pick but as much as I love him as a character I kinda find him to be an underwhelming antagonist
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thewomenofwindsor · 1 year
Tbf, I was kinda underwhelmed by the pic. Don’t get me wrong, George is adorable. But like only 1 pic and a pic that’s not even that special for the 10th birthday of a future king? I’m like not expecting him in regalia posing in Windsor castle. But ngl this pic wasn’t very special. I liked Louis’ and charlottes more, in a way George’s pic was more ‘formal’ in comparison to charlottes and Louis’ pic
Agreed completely...tbh, something from the coronation? Cause you know the family enjoy taking many photos of the same event.
I expected more than one photo..cause there hasn't even been a thank you tweet, no?
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claudiasharon · 1 year
I watched the new ep gameplay trailer and it was underwhelming but those damn goats r so fucking cute lol ngl I’m kinda excited! But I’ll probably get bored with it after a week hehe like cottage living lol. XD
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spinningbuster98 · 1 year
Mega Man 7 Part 1
I don’t know about nowadays but years ago MM7 was ridiculed by fans. Either because of the relatively stiffer controls when compared to the 8 bit games, or the more cartoony artstyle (really?) and also for the simple act of not being an 8 bit Classic game, since for a time I remember fans having a bias against anything Classic related that wasn’t 8 bit, a byproduct I’m assuming for having made the jump to 16 bit so late, MM8 being underwhelming and MM9 being what it was.
Well I think MM7 is pretty damn underrated, even if it does have its flaws. I just can’t believe this game was rushed to hell in 3 months!
It’s actually really interesting to see all the influences this game takes from many games that were not part of the main lineup
You can immediately tell that this is a post X Megaman game since it starts with an opening stage that’s a ruined highway, Bass is an edgy character, the character artist is the same as the first 2 X games, you can switch between weapons with the shoulder buttons and the levels are a bit more explorative.
But MM7 also takes notes from the Gameboy games: you can only select from 4 stages to start with which....I’m not the biggest fan of as it limits player choice.
Even the shop originated from MM4 on Gameboy, only there it was run by Dr.Light and you used “P-Chips” instead of Bolts.
Also I’m playing a fan translation once again because MM7′s localisation is...interesting in some places, the international versions even eliminated the random scenes where either Roll or auto would have joke conversations about a new weapon Megaman had just obtained, leaving only those with Light
I kinda hate Burst Man’s stage ngl, mainly due to all the stop and go, and the boss himself is a bit of a mess
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tuiyla · 2 years
You said in one of your answers that you think Finchel's voices sound better with other people than together, so with whom? Actually, who are your favorite duet partners for each of the major Glee characters?
OKAY Anon so we’re finally getting to this, no more procrastination.
So I feel like Finchel sound better with pretty much everyone but each other oops. It’s hard choosing just one partner for each ch and such a short post feels underwhelming after having put this ask off for two weeks but I’d be more than happy to go on more about Glee duets and duet partners. I will be cheating a bit and putting some chs twice.
Rachel-Santana: I don’t just love Pezberry for their fire and gasoline dynamic but because I think they’re each other’s best duet partners. They sound SO good together it’s insane. Going a little mad just thinking about their Tongue Tied verse, actually. Top tier, no questions asked, excellent all around. Honorable mention for Rachel is Jesse and for Santana, well everyone but of course mostly Mercedes.
Finn-Quinn: I think Quinn blends insanely well with everyone and a video showcasing that somewhere on reddit but this pairing, vocally, just feels right. I Don’t Wanna Know is a banger and I think they just complement each other well. Honorable mention for Finn is Ryder! Of all people, and for Quinn let’s go with Artie.
Mercedes-Puck: I feel bad having taken Santana from Mercedes but she sounds heavenly with literally everyone, so. This is a bit of a random choice but their duet is good. The other person I would have given for Puck is... also Santana! I’m not biased you’re biased.
Marley-Unique: Maybe don’t count as major characters, not OGs at least by my god they’re so good. Deffo deserve to be up here.
Jake-Kitty: Again, so good! Everybody Talks deserves all the love! But special shoutout to Kitty and Marley in Holding Out For a Hero, listening to it rn.
Tina-Artie: Ngl this doesn’t quite feel right but we’re rolling with it for now. They both sound so good on everything and it’s kinda weird they’d only have two duets and in the same episode, at that. I’m tempted to, again, go with Quinn for Artie and for Tina just literally all the girls.
Sam-Blaine: Some might say they blend TOO well together but who cares it sounds good.
Mike, Brittany and Kurt are left but it’s impossible to make a duo of those three in any way and nor should I. Mike has limited singing time and it was mostly with Tina so I’d say her, but his duet with Artie is also great and that part with Santana in Homeward Bound/Home is heavenly. I also think he could have been great with Mercedes. The obvious choice for Britt is Santana but I think she and Tina could have been great and I’ll reluctantly admit that she and Sam also sounded decent together. And she has a good duet with Marley. For Kurt, the obvious choice would be Blaine but I’m gonna go with Rachel while also noting that I would have loved to hear more of him and Quinn together.
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pokevillainsrus · 2 years
Remember when I used to talk on this account lmao?
You may see an uptick from me recently.
First off, I wanna thank all y’all for sticking around for seven years. Seven years???? Wow, time really does fly fast. When I first started this blog back in 2015, I was literally just starting college that winter, you know fresh-faced bright eyed 20 year old waiting to kick ass and take the world, and now here we are seven years later, closer to 30 with every passing moment, being your casual cool college dropout with a WFH job and still obsessed with pokemon villains LMAO
So a lot’s happened in seven years, namely kinda quit tumblr for a bit and came back amidst the tumblr renaissance and El*n losing his shit on the twitter dot coms, and I’m still not as active as I used to be, but I’m a lot more active than I’ve been maybe in the past three, four years. We also kinda just brushed through two whole gens since then so it’s update time
- May change up the blog theme a bit in 2023. Idk coding seems to be more of a mess nowadays but everything’s outdated. I may or may not leave it alone, we’ll see
- GEN 8 AND GEN 9 LMAO. I’m ngl, for me gen 8 was probably one of if not my least favorite pokemon gen to date, and Team Yell was uh. underwhelming in my eyes. You have not seen Team Yell posts on this blog. It’ll probably stay that way unless the obvious caveat that they’re actually being menaces to society. (You have seen Rose + Oleana posts on here, though)
- LEGENDS ARCEUS - I haven’t reblogged any Volo yet but I’m not opposed to it, plus the coin sisters finger guns. I just don’t come across it too often because I think I passed the timeframe
- POKEMON MASTERS - Apparently ????? This has gotten really popular over the last few years???? I don’t follow it but idk if there’s villains stuff I’m not opposed to it. I’ll look into it more
- GEN 9 - I will not elaborate yet as I’m doing a personal embargo as to not talking unmarked spoilers til after Christmas, but it’s looking like at this moment I will not be reblogging Team Star stuff until the villains clause caveat. Shit may change if any DLC stuff comes out or villains or ????? idk. The antagonism in gen 9, without getting into deep spoilers, wasn’t really there, so for now you will just not see any gen 9 stuff here, period (Team Rocket carries 25 years later-)
so there you have it. tldr, will continue reblogging gen 1-7 villains, gen 8 is up for grabs, gen 9 is not up for grabs for the foreseeable future. We’re living our best lives for 2023 \o/ 
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cs-venting · 1 year
I honestly enjoy froads because they have a very welcoming community but I’m honestly getting burnt out? every month I have to like draw gift art, featured froad and the shard prompt
it just feels like a chore and I’m getting really burnt out with the species so I decided to like, take a break from them for now as I really miss doing my own personal stuff a lot
I really wish they would do more fun events, in June I think they did the mermay event which had like 6 art prompts you can do and ngl, the prizes were kinda underwhelming? Like the premades were all made by one admin, expect one, I thought it would be like a “big” event of some sort but it’s just art grinding
I would love to see a myo event or something of that sort like they did a few years ago, to make more people join the species!!! They deserve more support, the discord feels really quiet most of the time and the trading scene is just really quiet because of how small the community is
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soobberries · 1 year
also babes I’m tryna get into cix, any songs you would recommend?
Hell yeah!
Alright a small disclaimer though: In my experience, all of Cix's songs are growers. If you aren't feeling it initially, you will totally vibe after the next few listens.
Also, some of their songs are very heavy in the sense that the content can be rough, and perhaps a little angsty but I mean... Their meanings are pretty solid at least.
Let me start with their title tracks since, most of those are bangers ngl.
These aren't recommendations per se but I'll give you a sloppy description and you can probably gauge what might be worth listening to.
[the red and blue ones are the main ones that I'm technically recommending or they're my faves.]
I hope this helps? lmao-
Movie Star - It's sultry and kinda groovy; reminds me of lucid dream by aespa and some of vixx/sf9 songs. (one of my favorites for sure).
Jungle - straight banger, pretty moody though, somewhat slow bpm and is 100% a grower. the more I listened, the more things I noticed within the song that just accentuates the overall song.
Numb - the break at the chorus is pretty solid, not my first recommendation but can definitely be enjoyable if you like a mix of noisy sounds and what I'd describe as 'sleek' sounds lol.
My New World - This is their Japanese release and ... I'm starting to realize their overall sound tends to be smooth and steady... powerful sounds that make you feel like a main character that's trying to overcome some great evil. So that's the main essence of this song lmao.
Wave - pretty feel good, relaxed. Reminds me of the view by stray kids.
Off my mind - has as rich rythmic instrumental, pretty sultry/groovy sound. Nothing stand out but a solid song. The chorus has an engaging beginning.
Pinky Swear - Another Japanese release that is very wholesome and just feels like someone is telling you things will be alright.
Save me, Kill me - It makes me oddly nostalgic. It has this bittersweet sound to it. It's basically a tragic song but you can do a dramatic contemporary dance to it that would slay-
Bad Dream - I really like this one so much but again, it has that main character fighting their inner demons or something. It has the coolest break though. It's so like, 2010's club sound in a good way.
458 - banger, pretty moody as well, but gosh the chorus just GOES HARD ngl.
Tesseract - The ultimate movie song lmao. Picture someone walking in this vast desert-like terrain with a sword in hand, and then they plunge it into the ground causing shockwaves into the ground, absolutely annihilating the enemy in style. That's all I'll say.
Cinema - I really was underwhelmed with this initially but then I found myself humming the chorus. It has a light feeling to it. A simple song you can play in the background and it makes your chest less tight.
Okay, I think those are the title tracks.
Overall I'd recommend their album "'OK' Prologue : Be OK" just because it's a pretty solid glimpse into their discography OR their EP "HELLO Chapter 1: Hello, Stranger" jeez their names....
Then there are some that I find myself liking:
What you wanted - has some cool melodies. again, has a mix of sleek and noisy sounds. The chorus is sleek and the verses are what's noisy. Reminds me of Exo.
Like It That Way - Those chilled tropical vibes that were really popular a while back.
Move My Body - IT BANGS IDK WHAT ELSE TO PUT. It's the type of song that feels like a guilty pleasure. Like you play it at 3am and dance in your room but you won't outright play it for just anyone.
Black Out - Solid noisy goodness (It gives NCT 127 vibes)
Round 2 - It reminds me of Dean's music. Idk if it classifies as rnb but definitely has that laid-back vibe.
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midtown-parker · 3 years
alright y’all i finally watched the last episode of loki !!!! what the fuck happened !!!!!
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layzeal · 2 years
ngl i do like the idea of modern wwx who tries (and fails) to participate in hook-up culture
like, as a teenager he didnt care to seek out relationships, despite always kinda wanting one. he’d been confessed to plenty of times, but he genuinely did not reciprocate and thought it’d be disrespectul to accept someone’s feelings out of pity
then he’s in college, and he’s still never dated or even kissed anyone, and that doesn’t bother him at all! but wei ying does notice that’s a topic that becomes a little harder to escape from, especially in parties when someone is interested on him and asks if he’s single. he loves parties, loves meeting new people, loves making friends! but for the first time, his lack of interest starts striking him as a bit odd, as if he’s missing out on something
like, yes! he’s single! would even consider himself “available”! but... how can he say that and in the same sentence reject someone? “oh yeah i’m single and available, i’m just not interested in you specifically”? no, that’s just a great way to get a slap in the face
so... maybe he should just start giving people a chance? maybe he needs to try it to know he likes it, see if it can evolve into something more?
fake it until you make it?
so he does. when someone flirts, he flirts back. when someone asks if he’s single, he says yes. when someone leans in for a kiss, he doesn’t step away.
he tries not to feel disappointed at how the first kiss he’d been saving for 20+ years felt so... underwhelming.
making out isn’t that special either, he found out when a kiss started evolving and he didn’t have the heart to stop them. even when the person is really nice and pretty and has good breath, it’s still just “eh”. it feels kinda good, but for the most part it’s a bit too wet and smothering. but ey, his kissing partner is having fun, so!! that’s fine, really, he’d like to keep hanging out with them after the kiss is done
and he keeps trying to make it fit, trying to find that spark that makes everyone so excited for this. wei ying is a scientist! he’ll find it at some point!
or maybe it feels like this to everyone else too. hm... he’d have to analyze the hypothesis
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jellisdraws · 2 years
Ngl I liked the first two episodes of Rings of Power. I’m not over the moon, I’m not underwhelmed. (except at Elrond’s hair) It’s visually fucking stunning, epic on a scale that GoT never achieved for me. And there are moments when it really gets it right. Things are being set up, I AM genuine intrigued to see what happens with these characters and I’m happy to just be kinda thrown into it. I’m not going to make predictions one way or another but I can see it being really good and I can see it being… ultimately really quite bad.
Time will tell. I don’t need the strictest and most faithful adaptation- just one that tells a cohesive and interesting story.
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enternecersarc · 2 years
pt 2 spoilers under read more.
ngl  i  was  mostly  underwhelmed  by  these  episodes.  i  think  they  hyped  them  up  too  much  but  ep  7  still  remains  my  favorite.  in  fact,  ep  8  felt  somewhat  boring.  as  for  the  five  deaths,  i  predicted  most  of  them.  i  do  think  they’ve  hinted  at  m*x  being  gone  so  i  feel  like  she  is  only  coming  back  for  the  finale  finale  or  hen/ry  is  using  her  a  vessel.  bre/nner  died?  didn’t  care.  jas/on  dying?  didn’t  care.  ed/die  dying  broke  my  heart  though  because  he  was  brave  and  i  loved  him  and  dus/tin  loved  him.  vec/na’s  death?  no  one  bought  it.  also,  ca/li  crew  remains  underwhelming.  i  loved  wi/ll’s  speech  to  mi/ke  (  or  should  i  say  his  love  confession?  )  but  we  could’ve  had  that  in  pt  1.  the  two  day  time  jump  was  ridiculous.  they  left  everything  open  ended  and  we  missed  out  on  some  important  scenes  to  see  vic/kie  and  rob/in  flirt?  nah,  man.  also  jon/athan  and  na/ncy  are  so  doomed  it’s  not  funny.  nan/ce’s  development  this  season  too?  chef’s  kiss.  overall  i  was  disappointed  and  bored  until  m/ax  died.  also,  dav/id  spoiling  the  jo/pper  kiss  kinda  ruined  it  for  me.  there  were  a  lot  of  things  they  spoiled  in  the  stills  and  trailers  and  interviews  that  ruined  it  for  me.  anyway,  at  least  ed/die  and  chri/ssy  are  endgame  in  heaven.  i’m  going  to  nap  now.
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