#i’m ready fr
wonusite · 1 year
(Not to add to the mountain of asks I'm sure you have to get through but) N A L A N I, MY BELOVED. I'M SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU BACK ON HERE. I'm so sorry to hear that life hasn't been great but, I'm glad you feel better enough to be active on here again. I've definitely missed you attacking me and seeing you on my dash lol.
You're back in time for comeback season too!!!! Very excited to read your thoughts on all the concept photos and photoshoots we've been getting lately 👀👀👀
(Also, thank you about the url!!! I just liked the ring of this one more lol)
RJ MY BOO THANG MY LOVE MY BABY 😭🤍 you’re always welcome in my inbox u know this!! STOP I ACTUALLY MISSED U SO MUCH!! i know i missed seeing you come for me in my inbox w ur thots ahhhh!
anyways ily sm and i’m glad to be back so we can go feral together 🥰
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baggy-holmes · 1 year
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important tummy time ;)
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Husk: How was your day?
Angel: Good.
Husk: Really?
Angel: Don't make me lie twice.
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cherrybomb107 · 3 months
Okay, so, I’ve been thinking about it for a while now and I think I’m finally able to articulate my feelings about Vi becoming an Enforcer. Stick with me, cause this’ll be a rant, but I promise it’ll all make sense (I hope).
As I’ve said before on here, I feel like the Arcane fandom across different platforms is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. Here, vs the subreddit is a whole world of a difference. That difference being so large is part of the reason why I feel how I feel about Vi becoming an Enforcer. It’s not so much that I don’t like it(cause it’s not that I don’t like it; I hate it actually. REAL BAD). But, if I tried to talk about WHY it bothers me so much, some dude bro with a superiority complex and 0 class consciousness is gonna be like “Um ackshully, Vi is trying to protect her community. Why are you mad about that but not mad about Jinx being a TERRORIST?! Huh? Huh?” Then I’ll be accused of being a moron who didn’t watch the show . And then if I tried to defend myself I’d get dog piled and downvoted to oblivion.
So, first of all, irdgaf about Jinx being a terrorist. So what? What goes around comes around. When she burns Piltover tf DOWN, Imma sip on an ice cold beverage and watch, cause fuck em. Secondly, I understand WHY Vi is joining the Enforcers. Just like I understand why women can be raging misogynists. And why immigrants become Trump supporters. And why poor people join the military. And why Black people perpetuate respectability politics. I understand why members of marginalized communities join the opposition responsible for their marginalization. I understand that at its core, these people understand, at least on some level, that the powers that be are punishing them for existing as themselves. So, in an effort to take some of the heat off, they’ll internalize the messages they’ve been force fed since forever. They’ll try to change. Try to be “better”.
But see the problem with that is, trying to become “one of the good ones” and “rise above it all” doesn’t work. For the simple fact of no matter how hard you try to assimilate, you’ll never be one of “them”. You can parrot all the talking points, you can change your hair, the way you walk, the way you talk, the way you dress etc. But no matter what, you’ll never be accepted wholly. You’ll always be on the outside looking in.
I say that to say, the thing I hate most about Vi becoming an Enforcer is that I’ll have to see a character that I love dearly fall victim to this mindset. In a show full of tragedies, is this not yet another one to add to the list? Piltover took Vi, a scrappy kid from the Lanes, slaughtered her family in front of her, locked her up and threw away the key, and convinced her that the only way to save her sister was to put on a uniform, and enforce the will of the crooked politicians who don’t care about her or her people.
That’s what’s got me somewhat scared for season two. I really hope they frame Vi’s reluctant decision to join the Enforcers as another tragedy in and of itself, instead of just “a necessary evil” or worse “the right thing to do”. Cause it wasn’t the right thing to do. It was just the only thing Vi felt she could’ve done.
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zeb-z · 5 months
Arthur Bennett was chemically made in a lab for me to go insane over I think. he’s got a guilt only an older sibling could have and a drive for vengeance that is half driven by his own self hatred. yet still he strives for peace. he’s desperate to cling to any humanity, any hope. he’s aware he’s fallible. it doesn’t save him
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jolapeno · 3 months
is somebody gonna match my freak 🫦
aka, stay in, order takeout, wear sweats and binge sitcoms with me
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johnny-but-emo · 4 months
dhmis doodle :3
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runawaymun · 1 month
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myuiis · 9 months
I just KNOW that gen zero flashback is going to give us some of the most delicious, doomed by the narrative found family in fiction. just trust that ptj is going to take whatever drugs he was on when he wrote Jake Kim arc and he will COOK
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codecurucho · 10 months
Is anyone else old enough to remember when the Malec (Shadowhunters) sparring scene came out?? Gay sparring session that made everyone lose their shit?
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caribbean-ace · 5 months
it’s decided! once season 7 ends i’m going to rewatch all 7 seasons of station 19 and rant here (bc i don’t have the emotional capacity of starting a new show, falling in love with it and then surviving the news of said show being cancelled) since i’ve been missing the long rants here so, i’m getting ready for it!
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batfossil-fr · 3 days
there are only a few gripes I have with FR nowadays but by far the one that bothers me the most is still no dark mode
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kimaisalloren · 1 year
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It’s the PK Psychic Trio on the case!
Well some psykids and Toritsuka 🤢
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saberafterdark · 2 years
cuz why would he wanna spin him around if he wasn’t checking him out 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
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leavememorieshere · 6 months
Stop, I literally watched Descendants 2 and 3, and I forgot how much I loved watching the movies 😭.
Jane and Carlos were so cute, them in Descendants 2 is my favorite ngl, Because both Jane and Carlos get a little more screen time:).
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Watching Descendants also made me cry because I kept thinking of Cameron Boyce and how much I miss him
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akkivee · 6 months
I feel like HypMic is at this weird point where they are lingering on how they want to proceed forward. I feel like the music for the 2nd DRB was very experimental, and I did appreciate that even if I didn't like all the music (except for that DragonAsh song tho that was ass LOL). It feels like KR is struggling with how to move forward with telling a story while using the voting system, as such they've kinda written themselves into a corner. Like it was obvious they wanted FP to win the 2nd DRB because it was needed for plot. But at the same time it really feels like the plot has slowed to a crawl at the same time, and between that and the music creeping away from rap you're kinda left with a feeling of disappointment overall. It esp hits harder when you're a fan of BAT and DH given how under utilized they still are in the grand scheme of things. But given how they placed them geographically it feels like yet another instance of KR accidentally writing them into a corner and struggling to rectify that so they can be more relevant but also make it make sense, idk. I still love Kuko no matter what even if the series is currently languishing. (it also doesn't help that there isn't really any unified fandom because of politics, too much content too fast, and people being so oshi-pilled they have no interest in touching content that doesn't interest them. Which again, sucks as BAT fan cuz we don't really have a translator solider for us.)
what’s really really annoying about that, is that it has been put out there that we’ve entered the third act in hypmic’s story and tho it’s not always necessarily the case, usually that means we are heading towards an end. and we are starting to see an end with a lot of og division plot threads so to be closer to the end than not and still having like a third of your cast floundering around is not good!!!!! at all lol!!!! unless there’s a max effort push to bring nagosaka into the fold, it really does feel like nagosaka, no matter what, will feel under utilised
hypmic’s slow to come plot bombs have been a staple since the beginning so i’m not mad at it, esp since i suspect those long waits have something to do with production values and making the next shiny, economically stimulating thing lol, but you’re right about it not being great rn when everything else is not great lol
but i will say hypmic has its formulas. like the way first solos were surface level character introduction raps and the second solos went into depth, for the og divisions, their first drb and preceding dramas were introductory and the 2nd drb dramas really dug deep into them. so hopefully the same will happen for nagosaka when the 3rd drb drama hits them lol 🤞
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