#i’m so fucking pathetic
kitsaystransrights · 3 days
I am the most pathetic lesbian lmao
Went to pick up a pizza last night
Girl at the counter is presumably trans (her voice has that unmistakable trans girl quality that I always find really cute)
We’re both super stuttery when we’re talking to each other.
We both wish each other a good night with WAY more enthusiasm than any normal customer service interaction should have.
And on the way out I accidentally slam the door open because I’m too flustered 😭😭😭
I will absolutely not be thinking about this moment for weeks hkskrntxf
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pics-and-fanfics · 2 months
When you’re so pathetic and scared of roaches that you scream yourself hoarse bc there’s one in the living room with you and you start crying but thankfully your mom gets it (true story this just happened)
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theklaapologist · 1 year
First ice cream of the year
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pois0ncandy · 2 years
why does no one care about me
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froggi-mushroom · 2 years
I feel so hopeless at times, I wish I could function normally
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lotus-pear · 5 months
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doing skk meme redraws instead of sat prep >:)
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Why is this so fucking hard? Why do I want to talk to you so badly? Why do I miss you so much it fucking hurts? Why do I know that if I did reach out to you that nothing would be different? You’d just block me after a day or two. Treat me like you used to. It’s never gonna be any different and I know that, but why do I still miss you so much? And why the fuck did you have to add me and then block me again? What the actual fuck?
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Found on Pinterest
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The way I would [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacte-
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fakeoutbf · 2 years
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fantasykiri5 · 1 year
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They’re so bad(boys)!!
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royaltea000 · 15 days
I cannot stress how many times this fancam of hetamyu Prussia plays in my head daily I need to be neutered immediately
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angelstitss · 2 months
and on this episode of analyzing and yapping about vox’s every move…
vox puts up a front to make himself look charming, but underneath that is an insecure, obsessive, controlling man. he’s obsessed with things that can and have hurt him (alastor, valentino) and even though he has cameras everywhere and can no doubt see how abusive valentino is, he’s fixated on the fact that he isn’t the main subject of valentino’s attention, and he wants to be.
he’s even overjoyed in the brief moment that he thought that angel had quit, his face lighting up hopefully as he asks the question and getting upset/frustrated when valentino cares more about going to get angel than vox telling him not to. now, i’m not saying that this is the ONLY reason vox sounded happy when asking if angel had quit because vox is also likely just sick and tired of hearing valentino yapping about angel 24/7 (if u look back, he does it in nearly every single scene he’s in. imagine years of living with him.) but he’s DESPERATE to be valentino’s favorite, and he’s unhealthily obsessed with the idea of it. same with alastor and the way he’s obsessed with him to the point of literally being turned on at the sight of him hurt.
finally, at the end of poison, the second vox sees angel on the balcony, he makes a face, looks at val, and immediately dips. if that first look was not the face of jealousy, i don’t know what is.
in conclusion he’s so fucking jealous i just cannot do this anymore guys I CANT THIS LOSER NEEDS MENTAL ASSISTANCE 😐🫵
if there’s anything else any of u all noticed please tell me because the brainrot is so bad
(u guys better enjoy this post because i spent an hour yapping and finding clips for this)
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nightgoodomens · 6 months
I don’t understand calling any character pathetic or a loser when they act like a normal partner who’s in love but why the fuck Crowley gets called pathetic and a loser because he saves Aziraphale and cares about him while Aziraphale who’s a damsel in distress and waits for him to rescue him and looks up to him for approval is apparently not pathetic I will never fucking understand. And no I don’t think he should be called pathetic for that and I don’t think Crowley should be either. I also don’t understand why this fandom sees characters doing anything that shows them being in love and see it as pathetic and a loser behaviour.
Just stop reblogging my posts about Crowley adding shitty tags and comments calling him pathetic and a loser I fucking beg you at this point.
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seagull-scribbles · 2 months
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♠️♣️ Play your card ♥️♦️
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