#i’m so sorry my other wip
beekindtobees · 5 months
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pov the miraculous love square but make it even more insane
(they cannot decide how they feel about each other. the denial is so deep. what idiots <3)
as civilians, they start out with their normal rivalry but start to warm up to each other.
as heros, it doesn’t take too long for them to be buddies. for kokichi, it’s just a new mask to put on but no one knows it’s him so he can kinda let loose. for kaito, he’s already kinda been wearing the hero mask. that would probably annoy kokichi at first, but i think he helps kaito break that need to be viewed as a hero a little.
kaito has the tendency to hero worship, so that’s why i think he’d be more interested in kokichi as a hero (which, i still need to name their hero personas teehee). the opposite is true for kokichi, he wants to see what’s behind people’s masks.
teehee. idk if that made any sense !! feel free to let me know ur takes if ur so inclined <3 this will probably be roughly what i stick with tho
the love square would probably get flipped in the future. dumb dumb idiots <3
anyway, the mental illness won and i’m now in the process of making my first ever comic thingy ( in general and for them ) it’s definitely not the best but it’s fun !!
there also may be a doc for a fic but we’ll see :p
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ricky-mortis · 7 months
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Richie doodles bc my two current WIPs are actively trying to murder me dead.
Feat. my trans + hard of hearing HCs
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gaydexvocaloid · 8 months
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so there’s this game…… .. …
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chaosduckies · 2 months
Nose Hugs ❤️
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Whattt these two again? (I can’t stop doodling them I love their dynamic so much help-) Again, I think the tiny is going to be smaller, but I can’t draw that small, nor am I an artist sooo… TwT
The tiny’s wings finally healed up after months and is just grateful that the human he’s lived with took care of him for so long. :3 (Or is that it?…)
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crybaby-bkg · 5 months
you know its wrong. he knows its wrong. but its something about the wrongness of it all, the sneaking around, the secrets, the pleasure, that makes it all so worth it.
"Nurse, would you mind staying late again today? I'm going to need your help with pushing these records through to Kyoto." Doctor Getou informs you, as he peeks his head into the break room. you perk up instantly, already knowing the insinuation of his message that the other nurses clearly don't get.
"Of course, Doctor." you nod to him, meek, as if you were nervous to stay late around the very prestigious, very professional and non-rule breaking doctor. if only.
when he walks away, the nurses start to gossip, elbowing you in your side, telling you how lucky you are to be able to stare at him a little longer. that if they were in your shoes, they would do more than push records with him. that you should take the opportunity to at least let him kiss you, with tongue.
if only they knew that it was so much more than that.
"I think you like this," Getou says against your mouth, panting, his own smiling. but you can't seem to form enough thought to close your own, too focused on not sliding off of his desk that he's got you on right now. he fucks you on it hard enough that papers go flying, that his computer mouse is knocked on the floor, that the desk has scraped up the linoleum from the exertion.
"Ask me, nurse; what do I like?" Dr. Getou grabs your face in his hands when he realizes that you're too fucked out to really hear him. that's what two orgasms back to back will do to a person, especially without reprieve. he smacks your cheeks a few times, calling your name sweetly when it still doesn't bring you back down to earth.
"What," you swallow down the spit accumulated on your tongue. "What do I like, Dr. Getou?" he groans at the title, something you've discovered makes his cock twitch when he's inside of you. maybe its because you moan it so debauchedly in the late afternoons, and turn around in the morning and say it so sweetly in front of your coworkers, in front of your patients, in front of Dr. Gojo who still thinks he might have a chance with you.
"You like the secrecy of it all," he smiles, looking so composed save for the flush on his cheeks and the strand of hair that's fallen from his bun from fucking you against the wall earlier. "You like knowing something so painstakingly obvious, yet no one can even guess what goes on between us. You like looking so innocent and meek, even though your hole swallows me up, greedy, every time I call for you."
he sounds so cocky, so sure of himself, like you're some pet that comes crawling every time he places his palm out in front of you. you try to frown at him, to pout, but he fucks the expression right off until it melts into one of pure bliss.
"That's not true," you still try to fight back, despite the way your thighs wrap around his hips when he fakes like he's going to pull out. he fixes you with a knowing look, but doesn't stop, grabbing your chest in his hand, the other toying with your swollen clit.
"Don't try to deny it, sweetheart. This tells me everything I need to know." he says with another flick of your clit, cocky, grinning all the while. and even though you try to deny it again, Dr. Getou works your body the way he knows will bring you into a puddle of nothingness in only a matter of seconds. after all, the doctor always knows best.
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corriethosaurus · 1 year
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Doodles yippee! Alien is my first love, my favorite movie, my sweet darling dearest film, and when I saw Scout’s Isolationist cosmetic I went insane. Knew I had to draw it. Making another piece with Alien Scout as well.
Also a lot of Spy hate, I’m sorry Spy lovers/players, I will draw him not being harassed some day but today is not that day. He gives me a lot of grief in-game. >:(
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hatoddity · 3 months
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Fr thou June has been so eventful for me I have had no time to just,,,, relax,,,, also I’ve been obsessing over baldurs gate 3 and I’m losing my mind :]]] (100+hrs, hasn’t beaten act 3)
ALSO uhmmmmm happy very late pride month !! Take this wip artwork of my favesies + personal HC abt them (edited so there’s less yapping, Srry for the 2 month hiatus)
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writerfae · 7 months
I'm here to make you talk about Aiden pining!
I imagine the difference between Talon and Aiden figuring out their feelings is:
Aiden: oh no
(If you know what I mean)
And imagine Aiden pining as being so sad!
I hoped you’d do that! xD
You are completely right with Talon’s realization of his feelings. Aiden’s reaction would just be the softest “Oh.” Not even an “oh no.”, just “Oh.” (Classic fanfiction moment)
Like I said, Aiden falls first. He’s pretty emotional intelligent, so he recognizes the nature of his feelings for Talon.
However he is not sure how Talon feels about him, cause he gives Aiden mixed signals. Not too long ago the two didn’t get along at all and Aiden values their friendship a lot, which is why he decides not to act on his feelings before he’s got a clear sign that they are reciprocated.
But like I said, lots of mixed signals on Talon’s part. Sometimes he’d do things or react a certain way that makes Aiden think he might like him too, but then he’s being all distant and snappy again.
Now though he doesn’t want to act on his feelings, he can’t help his nature and he’s pretty affectionate with people he likes. All of them (just ask the girls) but with Talon especially. It’s partly just Aiden’s natural behavior and partly testing the water.
Now after some time of having feelings for Talon, Talon himself realizes his feelings for Aiden and freaks out. Unfortunately, Talon’s natural response to unexpected and fond feelings is flight, so he starts keeping his distance from Aiden.
And since they are kings of not communicating properly, Aiden assumes Talon avoids him cause Aiden is too affectionate and he didn’t like it and maybe Talon even figured out that Aiden liked him and keeps his distance because of that.
So Aiden recoils as well, thinking he fucked up. Things get a little tense between them and it hurts so Aiden confronts Talon, which ends up in a fight and a yelled confession on Talon’s side, finally putting an end to both of them pining.
Some more pining Aiden info:
he had several crises because why is Talon so handsome even when he calls him an idiot? and why is he so smart? and why does he have to smile LIKE THAT when he’s proud of Aiden getting a good grade? and why does it have to be him of all people? (He knows exactly why)
he asks Callan for advice, not explicitly stating that he means Talon but Callan knows that it’s Talon anyway and he’s been waiting for this to happen
sometimes Aiden will just stare at Talon and kinda zone out during a study session and he gets stressed every time Talon almost catches him look
Talon buys Aiden food or apple juice for lunch pretty often and it’s a running gag among the girls to call Talon Aiden’s (quite literal) sugar daddy and the first times Aiden laughed along but now that he’s aware of his feelings he can’t hear it without blushing
he’s blushing a lot around Talon in general and it’s a miracle that guy didn’t notice
sometimes he lies awake at night thinking about how Talon could never like him back and how he’s not good enough for him anyway and that he should just give up
quite a lot “I’ll never be with him.” and “He’s too perfect, I don’t have a chance.” moments and loud rants to himself about Talon in the privacy of his room
but he can’t give up. Even when every time Talon does something slightly flirty/caring/idk he gets his hopes up only to be let down at the end whenever Talon is behaving like an ass again
Talon once offered him some of his clothes cause Aiden had to stay the night and didn’t have spare clothes and it made Aiden blush really hard (also if he kept Talon’s shirt a bit longer than necessary before returning it that had no particular reason, no not at all)
taking Talon’s hand when they go to/leave a concert together so he won’t lose him in the crowd has a whole different weight once Aiden has a crush on him
Aiden trying really hard to cover up the fact that he finds Talon attractive (he’s staring at him when watching his friends’ volleyball games instead of focusing on the real game and acts like he doesn’t get why girls are interested in Talon…)
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sesamestreep · 1 year
wip meme
tagged by @firstelevens to share some part of a WIP I’m working on!
“Did you just call me a shark?” Foggy asks, struggling with the fact that the morning light is cutting directly across his right eye in a way he finds profoundly unpleasant and the fact that he would also rather die than move right now. It’s a tough spot to be in. Matt makes an inarticulate noise against his shoulder and buries his face further into the pillow, not enjoying being woken up for conversation at this hour one bit, by the looks of things. Foggy nudges him gently. “Matt?” “I’m awake,” he says, in a way that directly contradicts his own assertion. “Wha—what’s it?” “I asked you a question…” “Yeah,” Matt says, fairly confidently for someone who definitely does not know what’s happening. “I heard you.” “So…?” “Yes.” “Yes, you did call me a shark?” Foggy asks, alarmed. “What?” Matt asks, equally alarmed and finally, mercifully awake enough for this conversation. “Why would I call you a shark?” “That’s what I’m trying to ascertain,” Foggy replies. “I don’t think you were fully awake yet and you said something that sounded like ‘room shark’ and it was right after I kissed you, so I assumed it was directed at me.” “Oh.” Foggy does his best not to sigh in frustration at that very Matt response, which tells him precisely nothing. “So, was it? Directed at me?” “It’s not ‘room shark’. It’s,” Matt says, before repeating the word from before, which still sounds suspiciously like ‘room shark’ to Foggy’s ears. This probably means he’s being made fun of, but, if so, Matt’s doing a good job of hiding it. Looking embarrassed, though, he adds, “It’s Gaeilge, Foggy. Irish?” “Oh.” He’s heard Matt speak Irish before, his heart doesn’t have to get fluttery about it every time. It’s getting more than a little pathetic. “Well, what does it mean?” “It’s not—it’s hard to translate exactly—I wasn’t really awake, so…” Foggy does let himself sigh this time, in case it wears Matt down at all. “Is that code for you’re not going to tell me?” Matt just buries his face in Foggy’s shoulder again, immune to any attempts to influence him by virtue of his sheer shamelessness. “I can’t have you knowing all my secrets,” he says, with a cryptic smile. “I have a reputation as a mysterious gentleman to maintain, you know.”
no pressure tagging @brattytrixie @firefeufuego and @flythesail if they want to share anything they’re working on ♥️
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bbyboybucket · 5 months
Hiiiii hope you are having a lovely day!!! For the WIP ask game, how about Redwing? Would love to know more ;)
Hiii!! Thanks for sending this! ♥️
So not very much of it is written so I can’t really give a snippet :/
Butttttt the fic is a canon extension of TFATWS episode 4, in which Bucky and Sam have another conversation after their heart to heart. Essentially, Sam explains how he understands why Bucky is so attached to the shield and feels like it’s his last connection to Steve, because he’s the same way with redwing. Sam confides in Bucky about Riley, and reveals that redwing was Riley’s code name before he was killed and that’s why he’s so attached to the drone(s), because it’s a reminder of Riley. And the boys kinda just bond over sharing their feelings and having a similar way they’ve grieved.
I hope to one day actually get this written because I really like the concept but knowing me, it might be a long time 🥲
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shuckstruck · 7 months
i’m gonna be real w you guys. it’s scary to feel confident about ur art online but everybody here has always been so lovely about anything i post and i’m so :’) i’m super touched every time someone interacts w my art
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eternal-reverie · 7 months
It’s happening I have oc brainrot!!!!
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Do you ever just feel bad for hyperfocusing on one fic when you know you’ve got like 4 other fics that also need to be written/updated? Because I do
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crybaby-bkg · 2 years
I’m writing a long fic about being a singer in a speakeasy that’s always visited by mafia bkg and I am struggling SO BADDDD trying to figure out an ending. everything I come up with feels so unnecessary and SCHEWPID and it’s annoying omg I’ve been actively writing it for over a month and it never takes me this long to finish fics but GODDAMN!!!!!!! why is this so hard I’m gonna cry
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deus-ex-mona · 2 years
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rip to my valentines yujiro tl tbh
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kinnbig · 2 years
just found the funniest fucking opening to a chapter that i must have written in some kind of late-night sleep-deprived trance cause i do Not remember writing this but lmao it’s iconic… unfortunately it’s the opening to chapter 2 of a fic i haven’t finished chapter 1 of yet so i can’t publish it for ages :(
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