#i’m so. waugh. abt it
sonnynewts · 7 months
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forever set in heart and stone, like all great myths of old 🗡
green knight embroidery + acrylics
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shmothman · 1 year
It’s the Thought that Counts (Part 2)
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Pairing: Vash the Stampede/Reader
Rating: Explicit (18+ only)
Words: 5242
Read on AO3
Summary: After that mysterious merchant gifted you and Vash a very particular little black box, there are… some things that should be discussed. Though, who really needs to discuss with words, anyway?
(A sequel to @jelly-doughnut-drabbles’s It’s the Thought that Counts!)
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my-little-loverboy · 10 months
Our own starlight
A SFW Modern AU Halsin x Tav/Reader ficlet
“What’s something small you miss? From living in the forest I mean.”
“Starlight. It was one of the first things that really threw me off about this… place. Night is unbearably dark, yet somehow unpleasantly bright at the same time.”
TWs: Family death, grief, spoilers abt Halsins backstory.
Reader is gn and undefined besides working in a greenhouse.
AN: waugh this is just kinda word vomit following me having a really good idea. It’s entirely unedited so if you see any errors no you don’t <3
Also I am fighting for my life trying to find a voice for halsin bear with me please.
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Halsin remembers being a kid in the cabin his family lived in. His mother teaching him how to cook alongside his younger siblings.
He too remembers sitting outside with his father, the chill of fall nipping at his face while he was taught how to pick good sticks for firewood; along with the promise that next year he’d be old enough to help split up logs with his father.
He remembers a thick book shared between him and his eldest sister while she taught him Druidic magic, and the terror on his mothers face when he gave himself fuzzy little bear ears (and his sister laughing because couldn’t figure out how to get rid of them.)
He remembers being sick, just a little sick. A stuffy nose and a sore throat he caught from falling into the stream in late November when the frost set into snow.
He remembers burying them all that spring.
He didn’t want to, but he knew that disease clings to corpses long after the flesh chilled. He thanked Silvanus that the illness came in December and not one of the warm months that would’ve forced him to bury them immediately lest he meet the same fate.
He remembers the following winter being warmer than usual, but little else of the year.
Halsin knows now that he had gotten lucky, unbelievably so. The gentle winter allowed him to live despite being unwilling to split his own firewood, it allowed him one year to prepare himself before he was truly forced to acknowledge the finality of it all.
He remembers finding his balance the following year. Their garden took quite of bit of work to recover after being abandoned for a year. But he managed it, along with making himself some traps based on some diagrams in an old book and the odds and ends he remembered learning about how to make them more effective from his mother.
“So… why are you here?”
They look up at him, visibly confused.
“Not that I don’t like talking to you- but it seems like you were managing fine past the first year.”
“The expansion of the city drove the animals away. Then men in suits appeared at my door asking for documents I didn’t have. Proof of ownership and deeds to the land our cabin was on. They threatened to arrest me for squatting if I didn’t leave.”
He sips his tea, it was brewed far too hot. Leaving it bitter even with sugar, but it was something he could afford, which seemed few and far between lately.
“I only recently learned what squatting actually is. They’d looked at me like I was a fool for asking”
“That’s… Gods I’m sorry. I can’t even fathom how shit that must’ve felt, I’ve always lived in the city so…”
“It isn’t all awful; being in the city. Living is a much more manageable kind of tiring.”
He was lucky to be as strong as he is, he’d manage to land a job as an unskilled labourer. As much as he resented the title he knew it wasn’t a slight, he didn’t have any of the certifications or diplomas required to hold any other station at the greenhouse he worked in. Even if he knew more about many of the plants they grew from his own personal experience working with them.
One thing of many he’d yet to get used to. Your experience doesn’t matter in the city unless you have a piece of paper proving it.
“That’s fair I suppose… I would give damn near anything to be able to be self-sufficient like that… Alas I’m doomed to forever be a slave to capitalism.”
Halsin wants to tell them that they’re not.
He wants to say that if enough people stopped thinking that they don’t have the option to rebel the entire system would fall apart.
He bites his tongue, figuratively and literally. Wincing as the sharp taste of iron settles in his mouth.
Well, it’s not like his tea could’ve gotten much worse.
“What’s something small you miss? From living in the forest I mean.”
“Starlight. It was one of the first things that really threw me off about this place. Night is unbearably dark, yet somehow unpleasantly bright at the same time.”
They nod, and ponder their tea for a beat.
“Do you have any plans tonight?”
“How forward.”
They scoff, but it lacks venom.
“Just answer me you dork.”
“No I do not.”
Their smile widens considerably.
“You do now, assuming you don’t mind coming over to my apartment.”
He nods in agreement, and they beam.
Another thing that’s definitely not awful about living in the city is them. He had met them through the greenhouse they both worked at, and had kept contact after they had quit.
The afternoon passes by as it usually does during their little dates. They would talk about their job and their cats, he would reply in kind. His tea went cold long before he finished it, and he’d thank the barista as he handed their mugs across the counter.
The walk to their apartment was nice. He realized as they spoke about the bus they missed how much he missed not being alone.
It was a long walk, he silently thanked Silvanus.
Their apartment was almost identical to his on the outside. Grey building, black doors, painfully sterile.
The inside however, was not. Almost every flat surface was plastered with posters and prints, the shelves full of knickknacks and candles more so than actual books.
“Okay so, I don’t have a couch obviously because I have a studio apartment but my bed doesn’t have the best view of the thing I want to show you.”
They push some things haphazardly out of the center of the room, before pulling a blanket off their bed and laying it out.
“Gods this is so sketchy I’m so sorry- Lay on this and close your eyes.”
“It’s alright. I trust you.”
The blanket is soft, but thin. The linoleum below digging into his shoulders as he lays down. There’s a soft click and the lights turn off, they settle beside him after a moment.
“Okay. Open your eyes.”
It takes him a second to put together what he’s looking at.
Stars. Painted on the walls and ceiling between the posters and tapestries, glowing in the dark of their apartment.
“It’s obviously not as pretty as real stars but… I dunno I’ve never been far enough out of town to see many real ones so I made my own starlight.
“It’s beautiful.”
He doesn’t need to be able to see them to know they’re smiling.
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© cakeboxie •• 2023 •• Please do not translate/repost. reblogs are appreciated and requests are open!
Part of the @eveningatthrmoviesnetwork
Taglist: @yarnnerdally • @starrry-angel • @yuelqnn • @yeonpm • @beardedladyqueen
Wanna be added? Send me an ask off anon and lmk if you want to be on the sfw only list!
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heartorbit · 10 months
!!! You saw my ask! I’m v glad you liked the question and since you asked for ppl to share their takes on the charas I’ll give mine:
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Rui as the fox was what started it all for me. Like “great shows can’t be made alone” and the fox talking about all the wonderful things that would happen if he were to be tamed… Rui’s craving for connection just fit the fox so well.
The other three I mostly chose for like, scenes/dynamics I wanted to see with them. So Tsukasa and Emu are the little prince and the rose respectively bc of their back-and-forth of *wild statement* *exaggerated frustration* but ultimately Tsukasa does want to take care of her (thinking of him calling her “our stubborn little princess” in his Smile of a Dreamer card story). And like the prince’s arc from running away from the rose because he can’t keep up with her requests before he realizes he needs to go back to her and Tsukasa’s begrudging assistance in the main story to swearing to help Emu save the stage.
And Nene’s the aviator for largely the same reasons: her and Tsukasa’s bickering just makes me think Nene would absolutely get fed up with Tsukasa insulting her sheep and just draw him a box instead. And her role as the “normal” one in the group also lends to it (emphasis on the quotes). She calls everyone in the troupe crazy for accepting a robot while she’s the one piloting the robot. She’s grown up, let go of being childish, but she’s still listening intently to the little prince’s story.
But like your casting is so so good! The longer I think abt it the more I love it. Like little prince Emu’s asteroid hopping is so perfect; she’s meeting all these grownups who care only about sums and wealth and other pointless things and it’s all just very odd to her. And Rui drawing the boa constrictor is heartbreaking. He’s trying to convey something through his art that nobody around him can understand… And Emunene being the little prince and the fox. They’re absolutely this quote from the fox: “Other steps send me hurrying back underneath the ground. Yours will call me, like music, out of my burrow.” And the slow, deliberate process it takes to tame a fox, and how long it took to get Nene to come out of her shell while Emu constantly reached out to her; they’re adorable. And Tsukasa will cry and throw up if he isn’t special ur so right. Tysm for responding to my ask!
OOOOOOOOH MYJTJ IT'S SO CUTE I CRIED FOREVER I LOVE THESE SOMUCH THANK YOU FOR SENDING YOUR DRAWINGS I T____T emu rose is the cutest ever ever ever. i love YOUR CASTING SO MUCH. here i throw this before i go under a readmore to scream
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THE STUBBORN LITTLE PRINCESS LINE KILLLLLS ME IT KILLS ME YOURE SO RIGHT OAKYT AUUUUUUUWUUWU i take 800 years to respond to this both because i absolutely had to draw again for your cast and also i look at your beautiful drawings and i scream and kick my feet and grip my phone so hard it breaks into a million pieces
i;m so normal Your drawings are so lovely they feel right from a storybook ooouh nene as the aviator is really getting me. with how nene had to look back at her child self to rediscover what was so important to her passion for singing and it fits so well. waugh. """normal""" one for sure. but her loyalty is really fitting of both the aviator and the fox.. her and rui really are alike in the most dastardly heart crushing ways
rui as the fox. AH. I SHALL CRY. brother does he ever run the risk of weeping.. and just the abject boredom of the fox in its loneliness fits rui really well. after their fight in the main story how they approach rui more and more.. but you will sit a little closer to me every day..
your emu rose is so cute i can't get over it but i love this casting so much. i love how you connected the princes responsibility to the rose with the main story and their promise to save the wonderstage. Oh my god their stubborn little princess. THEIR STUBBORN LITTLE PRINCESS
i acknowledged that i just have emu favoritism severely when i gave them a casting but when i thought of her as the prince beyond whimsy i was thinking a lot of the ending, how the prince doesn't want the aviator to see him look to be in suffering and when says he can't return home and his body is too heavy.. the wonderstage being emus home where she wants everyone to always smile but also the place she's convinced she can't leave .. something something im not good at this. but with tsukasa i think that works equally as well because of how he shunned and ran away from it at first but at the end the wonderstage is where his heart really was and how he lets go of his old self. auuugh.
and for tsukasa as the rose and how emu finds his shows so dazzling even though he sees himself as one of hundreds of thousands of actors that he's not yet on the level of. but to emu he IS one of a kind. also because it is for her that i have killed the caterpillars (except she grabbed a caterpillar and shoved it into his face that one time but) sniffle. SNIFFLE. because it is she that i have listened to when she grumbled or boasted...
ok your little prince tsukasa is starting to kill me i AHGBHH you're singlehandedly making me want and need to reread the little prince again but ooh my god. my star will be just be one of the stars for you and so you will love to watch all the stars in the heavens (falls over) i shall look as if i were suffering i shall look a little as if i were dying do not come to see that (FALLS OVER)
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cupiidzbow · 9 months
OMG THE WAY I JUMPED AND KICKED MY FEET WHEN I SAW YOU FOLLOWED ME ?#?#($;##(# HELLO!!! your art is sooo lovely and i came to see more of it BUT i stayed cus your gushes are so cute to read + you seem super cool !! tom nook loves you btw literally visited residential services today and he rambled my ear off about how much he loved his husband >_<) !!!
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ALSO WUAGHHH that’s rlly so sweet I always feel so shy abt my gushes I’m glad you think they’re cute oh gosh thank u 😭 ALSO AUGHHUHHHHH (GETTING ELECTROCUTED) oh my god . I love him so much too i can’t believe he’s rambling abt me the same way I ramble abt him 😭😭😭😭 WHEEE TYSM ONCE I REALLY APPRECIATE YOU !!!!! 🥹🫶🏽💕💕💕
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thekidsarentalright · 6 months
atlas bestie i’m so genuinely terrified for my show after seeing last nights setlist… XO?!? GET BUSY LIVING?!?!?! SPIDEY?!?!?! every time we think they can’t get more unhinged they Do!! i’m the best kind of scared for my show bc it’s soonish and i feel like they’re abt to snipe me lmaooo 😅 between whatever tf pete was doing during get busy living and the whole spidey thing and xo with like… no warning. this is so much. like wtf else could they possibly do and why are they the scariest lil guys ever and how are we meant to survive this??
also not to get emotional but that speech before spidey made me kinda tear up! like this band genuinely wasn’t supposed to make it this far and they Did and patrick overcame so much self doubt and just 😭😭😭 he’s playing songs he wrote for a spiderman cartoon at a SOLD OUT SHOW at madison square garden with his best friends!! never thought i’d be crying over spidey but that happened lol… sorry for the rambling but the patrick emotion is so strong rn, everything he said abt impostor syndrome was super fuckin validating and just. how do they do that? how does fob always do that?? i’m gonna be an emotional wreck at my show and the 8 ball is Not gonna help lmao
(alsooooo this is hella late but AHHH CONGRATS ON GETTING ALLIE!!! <3 u won SO hard fr fr!!!!! genuine question, how did u not like… collapse when that started? like anything from soul punk is insane but especially that song?? holy shit 😭)
- 🧋 anon
GODDD BFF I KNOW RIGHT??? the madison square garden setlist was sooooo crazy and tbh last nights was too like.... i swear each show theyre just getting more insane somehow i am SO scared in the best way too for my next show and u are in my thoughts for yours 😭 like every time i think there isnt more they could do, they find something so like. truly we're in for it for these last 9 shows!!!! we are not surviving!!!!!
also YEAHH WAUGH that speech made me soooo emotional too do Not be sorry for the rambling bc literally the fact this band was supposed to just be a fun little side project and is now This big, to where patrick can play his scoring "day job" songs to sold out audiences of thousands for Fun because he Wants to for his passion project is just. so much??? seeing him, like, overcoming imposter syndrome in real time??? it is so so sweet and inspiring literally how do fob always manage to be sooooo healing and beautiful and inspirational i can't handle it!!! manifesting thee most insane emotional 8 ball for you tbh fkjsnfds
alsooo AUGHHH THANK U i still cant believe i got allie live like. tbh idk how i didnt collapse either i think i was just in such shock it was happening 😭 i remember turning to my mom and sister w my jaw fucking dropped repeating "THIS IS SOUL PUNK??!!??!" over and over... he was so insane for that
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dolliecworpse · 1 year
1, 4, 7, 11 ! (Of ask game)
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꒰ 🪦 ꒱ WAUGH TYSM FOR SENDING IN STUFF FROM THE ASK GAME YIPPIEEEEE. it’z a bit long so under the cut it goes!
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1. who is your favorite organization (armed detective agency, port mafia, etc.) and why?
URGHHH FIRST QUESTION AND ITZ ALREADI HARD. i think i’m gonna go basic tho and just say the armed detective agenci bc i don’t think there is a single character is dislike or hate in the armed detective agenci. wait no i take that back. NAOMI is in the armed detective agency. erm. idk i still think the armed detective agenci is the least fucked up™️ so yeah i think i’ll go with them.
4. whose backstory is your favorite and why? if you have multiple, that's okay too!
ough…this is a good one *pats myself on the back for my question making skills* tbh i don’t know a lot abt backstories (yet) but i think my fave is dazai’s rn. THATZ PROBABLI THE ANSWER YOU EXPECTED THO WHOOPS. although. from the spoilers i’ve gotten for season four yosano’s backstori also is intriguing!!! so so sad ☹️ i just wanna give her a hug (and also beat mori the fuck up). i wanna hug dazai too tbh. all the characters are so so fucked up…..my babies…..
7. do you have a favorite polyamorous ship? what is it and why? if you have multiple, that's okay too!
YES WE DO!!!! mostli bc darla (our dazai fictive) can’t stop crushing on ppl…….but aniways yeah yeah yeah!!!!! chuuya x dazai x sigma is so so yum. darla was/is dating chuuya and she has a crush on sigma so….she also has a crush on tecchou (which. explaining why we ship dazai x tecchou to ppl who don’t know we’re a sys is so fucking funni bc idek if they’ve ever interacted in canon. so like. it’z crack as hell.) so you could also say chuuya x dazai x sigma x tecchou (ITZ SO CHAOTIC IM SORRI). i’m trying to think of like. a polyam ship we have that isn’t bc of darla LOL but idk if we have one 😭😭 like i ship both higugin and tachigin but idk if that would work well as a polyam ship??? idkkkk
11. who is the most underrated female character in your opinion? if you have multiple, that's okay too!
tbh like most of the female characters are underrated…although some are underrated while others are just not as cool. there’s a difference. like i think gin is underrated (maybe not a lot, but she’s definiteli not as appreciated as her male counterparts) but margaret mitchell is just…not as cool. i was originalli gonna say margaret but then i realized the difference and i was like…oopsie!!! but yeah i realli like gin!!! i feel like the male characters often dominate the female characters in terms of populariti which is not super cool!!! but yk what can you do
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Finally redesigned my sona after abt 3 years and holy fucking shit. the improvement. is so real. I’m so happy with my art waugh (comparison courtesy of duet sys!)
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mauxanhduong · 2 years
blocking randos is so much fun blocking followers is like shooing them away. but blocking mutuals feels like breaking up with someone by ghosting them. like i’m not gonna tell u lets just move on with our lives. but waugh we could have been something if not for literally everything abt u
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hey yes! 🌖 i do write fics (only for sugu tho, to no one's surprise) but i don't post them or anything <//3 they're all in my google drive and i'm not good at writing (or visualizing), and i'm so out of ideas/energy/motivation that i hardly work on them. BUT they can be very rewarding to revise and read! though i never finish any of them though HAHHAHA
YES of course i re-read your fics... i don't really use tumblr aside from reading your posts and stuff just because i don't have that much time (or the will to sift through all the smuts in the search bar), but i always drop whatever to read your stuff and any time spent reading your fics is time well spent!! yay!!!
thank you for the tips! they're super helpful and i will be applying them to whatever i write next. also i accidentally found a website like lix (but in english) once when i was writing an essay, so i'll use that as per your recommendation. are you swedish??
ALSO DROPPING OFF A SUGU FOR U https://twitter.com/whyyouareunique/status/1780781328302280798
hey 🌖 anon !! :3
ahhhhh i see !!! the sugu fics….. that’s so real of you. i actually started writing jjk fanfic that way too!!!! just wrote a bunch of self-indulgent stuff in my notes app lmao. i genuinely think it improves your writing so much though… i was out here writing 50 pages of a stsg/reader au that will Never see the light of day but i still read it for comfort sometimes :’3 being insecure abt your writing is understandable though!!! as long as you’re actually Writing something you’re already doing really really well, so pls don’t beat yourself up too much!!! though i know From Experience that it’s easier said than done :’’3…. we’re in this together 🌖 anon.
BUT . WAUGH . OW. YOU’RE TOO SWEET I’M HAVING A HEART ATTACK …… you use tumblr for lil old me ??? 🥺🥺 SOBS YOU’RE SO KIND. i’m so happy my fics can give you any kind of satisfaction 🥺🥺🥺 AND YOU’RE SO REAL. THE SMUT. wading through the jjk tags is impossible atp i literally have every single smut tag blocked but i STILL get smut on my dash. sigh.
buuut anyway!!! you’re so welcome 🌖 anon <3 ik this is boring advice but like . Sincerely. the best way to improve is just to write. even if you aren’t finishing anything you’re still making lots of progress :3 i believe in you!!!! <3333
AND THANK YOUUUU FOR THE GORGEOUS SUGU ART I’M BITING HIM GENTLY <33333 here is one of my recents favs in return !!
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mars-ipan · 3 months
worst part of echolalia is the urge to mimic accents. i am gonna get my ass beat one day
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seafoam-taide · 8 months
runs in circles I’m so glad you like my ocs idkdkshsjjsjdhsnsjdjd you don’t understand how genuinely happy it makes me 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
of course!!! the little bit ive seen so far is so cool and i saw that youve got a bunch of stories so i definitely need to check those out later!!! i was just excited abt how much you had posted bc sometimes i get drawn into a blogby their characters and then theres just nothing waugh . but your stuff is so cool :33
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bramblepurr · 2 years
ppl who like my art ppl who talk abt my art. ilysm u mean the world to me i’m v nervous abt posting my art but i Need to start doing it bc i’d like to be able to open up commissions so i don’t have to get a job bc i am. too disabled for that! waugh
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glitchydyke · 2 years
Yo, I just took an amazing nap and thought about Byakuya’s comment about being “Ultimate Perfection” and I’m just so unwell about him.
I’m just imagining that one day, he covers up every last one of his percieved flaws with contour and concealer, and all it takes is Mondo jokingly throwing him into the pool for that facade to be literally washed away and he’s left feeling exposed and human for the first time since his childhood and he hates it. But none of his peers treat him any differently, none of them comment on how his face shape is slightly rounder than he would like, or how he actually seems to be tired for once. They’re just glad that their friend joined them in the pool.
STOP THATS SO FUCKING CUTE…. i think abt him doing stuff like that SO often like someone makes him laugh when he isn’t expecting it and it’s this like snort-cackle laugh, or he goes to the cafeteria to get food at like 3am and someone sees him in his pyjamas,, these little moments of vulnerability with his classmates where they get a glimpse of his true self behind the perfection and he just freezes up out of terror, but every single time without fail they accept him with no questions asked and it gives him this warm feeling he doesn’t know how to deal with,,, WAUGH
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ghostzzy · 3 years
i think van and i might be getting a dog.
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sakasakiii · 3 years
Hi! I absolutely adore all your art, it’s always so sweet or absolutely tears my heart out (in a good way) and your style’s so lovely! I was wondering, do you have a design for Findis or Lalwen?
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nonnies!!! apologies for the delay, but thank you so so much for your sweet words and request 🥰 it tears MY heart out whenever u guys take time to send in such kind feedback so like... THANK YOU WAAA 🥺😭 i always appreciate the requests too, cuz if i didnt get prompts from u guys 3/4 of my posts would be maedhros lmao
as such, here are my designs for findis and lalwen!
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and as per tradition, sketch pageeee 💃
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thoughts n ramblings under the cut (plus expanded credit to @dialux for her influence + a little update at the very end)
- now this was a bit hard to answer at first cuz i had like ZERO ideas on how to do findis and lalwen lmao (they were done so dirty by being cut out of the silm waUGh)
- but over the months i had a better idea of Findis, mostly thanks to @dialux 's AMAZING findis character study on ao3 !!! definitely read it if you havent already bc her findis is just,,, SO well written hhHHhh 💓 ngl she's practically my canon findis by now!
- so!! the parts abt feanor and findis' relationship, and findis' singing, and short-haired findis are all inspired and pulled from her fic (and she tackles it way WAY better than i could ever so AGAIN i would highly recommend reading it 🥰)
- admittedly from there i did end up diverging a little down my own path of hcs (e.g the songstress bit) so Dia i hope u dont mind !! 🙏
- i kind of played by ear with Lalwen, and so she just came to me as I was sketching... there were some other hcs i have of her that i physically cannot draw (such as her being a skilled equestrian) but tl;dr all u gotta know is that under her skirt she's wearing breeches and tall riding boots
- i wanted to give her a messier fringe, but in the end she's become my 13795th elf who has a middle parting :'D (is this a curse of morgoth's? somewhere out there the discord peeps are sighing in disapproval BAHAHA)
- all in all im ENAMOURED with exploring the finwean aunties' relationships with their nephews and nieces! perhaps one day...
update update: im back home but some things are going down IRL that have me a little 😬 so I might be inactive for a few more days! To those who've left comments or messaged me privately, I'm really really sorry I haven't gotten back yet but I promise I'll respond as soon as I'm able!! 😙💓
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