#i’m sure someone has already done this but like y’know
Misumi Ikaruga | [SSR] Mankai Treasure | Treasure Hunt: MISUMI - Part 1
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Izumi: Good work at the meeting, you two.
Izumi: Since, apart from the leaders, we had you and Azami-kun join us today, Yuki-kun, we were able to make lots of decisions on costume-related things.
Yuki: I’ve been really looking forward to making the costumes I’ve been thinking of trying to make.
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Tenma: Sakuya and the others had some pretty high hopes for those costumes too.
???: Sumi-san, that’s so crazy cool!
???: But it’s kinda wild how weird it feels without Kumopi, y’know~?
???: Next time we do a rerun, let’s see what we can do!
Izumi: Room 202 certainly sounds lively.
Tenma: That reminds me, I got a message from the Summer Troupe LIME saying to meet in Room 202 after the meeting earlier.
Yuki: I wonder what’s got them all worked up… Whatever let’s just get going.
Tenma: Since you’re already here, why don’t you come with us, Director?
Izumi: Are you sure? Well, I guess I’ll just pop in for a little bit, then.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
*Knock on door and door opens*
Tenma: We’re here.
Muku: Ah, Tenma-kun, Yuki-kun, and Director-san, too! Good work to you all.
Misumi: Welcoooome.
Kumon: We were watching the recording of “Sky Pirates”!
Tenma: “Sky Pirates”?
Kazunari: Yep, yep! I was sorting through videos and then it turned into a sorta viewing party. So I thought why not just invite the whole gang over, y’know?
Yuki: So that’s what all your yapping was about.
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Kazunari: Did you guys just get done with the meeting, Director-chan?
Izumi: Yeah. We’ve been discussing it for a while now, but we’ve decided that we’re going to do birthday merch again this year.
Kazunari: For realsies!?
Kumon: Wooo! We’ve been waiting to hear that!
Muku: What’s the theme going to be this time?
Izumi: The costumes are going to be made of PVC material and we’ll be taking advantage of the light reflections from it. Yuki-kun was the one who suggested it.
Misumi: PVC material? What’s that~?
Yuki: These are the references I showed to everyone at the meeting earlier. I’m thinking of something like this for the general vibe.
Kumon: Whoa, so sparkly! That’s awesome! And crazy cool!
Kazunari: Super galaxy brain of you to come up with something like this, Yukki!
Tenma: It’s something different from the previous outfits, and it looks nice and has a real birthday feel to it.
Kazunari: For sure!
Kazunari: Speaking of that, now I kinda wanna come up with a birthday-related project too. Since we do something every year, y’know?
Kazunari: I’ve had a few ideas, but I’m still trying to decide on what to do~.
Muku: …A treasure hunt.
Izumi: Treasure hunt?
Muku: Ah, umm… The costumes this time are really sparkly! So I thought that maybe we could do a treasure hunt with the thing linking the two being sparkling things.
Muku: And because we were just watching the recording of “Sky Pirates”, I thought it’d be kind of timely.
Kazunari: I LOVE that! Great thinking, Mukkun!
Misumi: I wanna do a treasure hunt!
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Tenma: You’ve got a point. The way the costumes shine definitely can be linked to the appearance of treasure.
Yuki: Yeah, it’s not too bad of an idea. I’m sure I’d be able to incorporate some of that idea into the costumes.
Kumon: I agree! This is gonna be a super exciting project!
Kazunari: Alright, I think about it lots with that in mind! Do we have your seal of approval, Director-chan?
Izumi: Of course. I’m looking forward to it too.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Kazunari: Thanksies for gathering here today, gang~!
Kazunari: So I’ve been thinking about the deets of the birthday project while keeping the idea of a treasure hunt that Mukkun suggested the other day in mind.
Misumi: What kinda project is it~?
Kazunari: On the day of each person’s birthday, whoever’s birthday it is will get a note from Director-chan with a clue as to where to find their gift… A.K.A., the treasure.
Kazunari: Other clues and the gift will be given to them by someone else in the company, and it’ll be that person’s job to find out who that person is!
Kazunari: And based on the info in the note, it’ll be like going out and looking for the gift and for the person who prepared it.
Kazunari: BTDubs, you’re gonna be filming the whole thing ♪
Tenma: I see. So we’re gonna search for the treasure and the people participating while recording the whole thing?
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Kazunari: You’ve got it! And then I thought for the end that we could take pics of the treasure and post ‘em.
Kazunari: Even though it’s a whole project, the only real way to show it off is to post the final pics on Inste…
Kazunari: I know I said you’d be recording the whole thing, but that’s more so just for documenting it or just for the memories.
Kazunari: It’ll just be like a home video, so there’s no need to be too worried about being on camera!
Muku: Waaah, that sounds really fun! And it’ll make really wonderful memories.
Kumon: That sounds really interesting! I wanna do it, I wanna do it!
Yuki: There should be lots of room to be creative about the gifts and clues.
Tenma: And I’m sure posting the pics on Inste would make all of our fans happy.
Misumi: I can’t wait to do a birthday treasure hunt!
Izumi: It sounds perfect for a birthday and I think it’s a great idea. Let’s go with this for the project.
Kazunari: Kay-kay! Thanksies, fam! Alright, I’ll get to updating the others right away ♪
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: --Alright, here’s the camera Kazunari-kun gave to me. Make sure to be filming when you start the treasure hunt.
Misumi: Roger that~!
Izumi: Well then, here’s your clue paper. Try your best to find the treasure based on what’s written there.
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Misumi: Kaaaay!
Izumi: Alright, good luck!
Misumi: Okay, time to go treasure hunting~!
[ Next Part ⇢ ]
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goldensunset · 6 months
i need to make a full outline for what i’d headcanon kh characters’ pokémon teams to look like at some point
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uplatterme · 1 year
Honorary Maid, Aether!
a/n: im not even gonna say anything, i just wanna fuck aether in a maid outfit. there’s plot i suppose but y’know. also ended up longer than it should have been…
cw: sub!aether/dom!amab!reader, top!reader/bottom!aether | aether wears a maid outfit, blowjob(chara!receiving), aether calls reader “master”, his eyes get covered for a bit, mirror sex, slight cockwarming
The traveler has been faced with different types of commissions. So he’s not really one to complain no matter its difficulty or strangeness. After all, he’s been often tasked to jump on mushrooms back in Sumeru and nothing can get weirder than that…he supposed. He’ll take anything, since this is what keeps his mora pouch full.
Unfortunately for him, today was looking a little scarce. 
“I’d like to apologize, but we have run out of commissions for the day. You may come find us tomorrow.”
Aether clicks his tongue. He needs to save up if he’s planning to travel to Fontaine anytime soon.
“None at all?” He asks again.
“I’d like to apologize, but we have run out of commissions for the day. You may come find us tomorrow.” Katheryne repeats word for word.
That’s troublesome. He’s a few mora short of what he usually earns.
He’s already done his share of bounties and requests for the week. He doubts that they’ll let him take another in fear of both exhausting him and taking opportunities from other adventurers.
And almost as if Katheryne could read his thoughts, she speaks up.
“There is a commission. Although, we have declined it for being too suspicious. Would you like to take a look, traveler?”
He nods, and she hands him a flier.
With one look, he understands why exactly it would be described that way. The details are vague and the mora that is being offered is far too much considering it’s only asking for housework.
“I’d advise against it but if you are going to take it, it is good to be careful.” She says.
That would be the most reasonable idea.
Aether, however, takes the flier and puts it away in his bag.
He did not think it would be that difficult. Perhaps the mora was reasonable after all.
The directions written on the flier weren't helpful at all. He’s been in circles, has been ambushed by three groups of hydro slimes and his clothes are a mess to look at.
It is his fault, he deems. He underestimated it, but who could blame him when he’s saved four nations from being ruined? A simple commission should have been easy. Exactly that, it should’ve.
Aether icks at how sticky he is. He tried to get off as much goo as he can, but some of it just spread to his skin and to his clothes.
He sighs, wondering if he should turn back.
That is, until he finally sees the mansion mentioned on the map.
It would be rude to show up in such a state, but going back empty-handed after going through so much trouble…
The money, Aether. The money. He thinks to himself.
He fixes his hair at least, making sure his braid is clean and neat. 
The mansion is big, perhaps even bigger than the Dawn Winery. He wonders what kind of person would live like this and this far away from others. He grits his teeth. His opinions when it comes to rich people aren’t that great, he has met his fair share of aristocrats without manners.
He knocks on the door, waiting patiently, although a bit anxious at how they’d react.
The door finally opens.
He did not expect that.
What opens the door is clearly someone who gives off elegance. You wear a silky robe, a wine glass in your hand as you lay on the door frame.
Aether gets eyed up and down.
“May I help you? You may wash yourself if you want, I see you’ve been attacked by slimes.” You hum.
“I—Yes. Thank you.” He stutters out, not expecting such kindness. He follows you inside and then remembers what he’s here for. Right, no time to get distracted.
“I’m actually here…because of a commission you sent? I believe you need some help with housework.” 
He watches as your mouth gapes open. “Of course. I didn’t expect anyone to be coming truthfully, with how late it is already.”
Aether winces at the indirect insult. Maybe, if you actually drew the map better—
“I got a bit lost.” He says.
“Yeah, I can see that.” You say, alluding to the slime that remains on his body.
Aether flushes, not expecting that. He coughs it away.
“As I was saying, you could take a shower first. I only need the house to be lightly dusted and cleaned. If you have time to cook, that would be fine too.” You inform the traveler.
“That’s it?” He asks. Surely, there was something else. No way you were paying him such a high price for just sweeping and cooking.
“Oh. If you finish early, you can come by my office and see if you can help me out with things.”
Is this really it?
“You didn’t add a few extra zeroes for the reward right? It’s 100,000 for this?”
You stare at him confused. He concludes that he was right that you had sent the wrong price.
“That’s fine. I’ll still do it for 10,000.” Aether replies with a reassuring smile.
“No, no. I clearly wrote a million.”
Did he hear you right?
“I’m pretty sure I wrote a million when I sent the letter…” You mumble, trying to remember what you had written.
Meanwhile, Aether is stunned.
Even he wasn’t paid that much when getting compensation from the Qixing.
“Ah, it doesn’t matter. I’ll have to work now, if you’ll excuse me. Your uniform is in the bathroom closest to my office!” You rush out before he can even deny the high price of such a reward. 
Wait, what uniform?
Aether doesn’t see you for a while after that. He focuses on keeping every surface clean due to what he's being given. He sweeps and dusts what he can, only being limited by the locked doors you told him not to bother with. 
The blond does all that while wearing this ridiculously fluffy outfit.
He shouldn’t be this flustered. He’s seen Adelinde wearing these kinds of outfits.
It’s in no way revealing, the socks he’s wearing even reaching up to his thigh. Yet, he still stumbles whenever he passes by a mirror.
He takes a deep breath, flattens out his skirt, and checks his braid before knocking on your office’s door. You tell him to come in and you don’t even spare him a glance, too busy with whatever it was that you are currently working on.
You still wear the same silken robe and he smells the alcohol mixing in the air with each deep breath.
“I’m done with everything.” He says.
“That’s good. You may rest now, I’ll give you the payment after I’m done.” Is all you reply to him, eyes not leaving your desk.
Your cheeks are tinted a bit red due to the wine so he assumes you’re a bit tipsy. It doesn’t do well talking to drunk people, he knows that much thanks to a certain archon.
“M-May I help you with anything else?” He interrupts.
That’s when you finally stop and glance at him. He’s red, embarrassed that he sounded like a squeaking animal. You place your head on your hand, tapping the pencil as you gaze upon him.
A smile lingers on your face. “Just sit next to me, if you really want to do something.”
“Yes, It would be nice to work next to a pretty maid, no?” 
Aether flinches at how you described him. He walks to the chair in front of your desk, staggering his steps.
He watches you work and realizes that you being this near is not good for his heart. He notices it from before, that you weren’t exactly wearing anything under the robe, showing more skin than necessary. He doesn’t want to look down—He’s not going to—but if he was to look under…
“Is there something wrong, dear?” You ask.
Aether quickly shakes his head. “No! Not at all!”
He swallows the feeling of embarrassment. He shouldn’t have these kinds of thoughts, you are his employer, and he should treat you with proper respect.
Unfortunately, he can’t ignore the tired grunts you make, the way your robe seems to lower even more, and at this point, he’s not sure if he’s hallucinating.
The skirt is getting uncomfortable to wear, and a certain problem emerging. In fact, the whole outfit has started to do so. He fixes the collar, sweat starting to drip down despite the coolness of the temperature.
He places his palms on his cheeks, staring down, trying to calm himself.
He wonders how it would be if instead of the wine glass, you were to place that hand on his neck instead, to have you cup up his chin as you’re behind him with his back against your chest.
Aether continues daydreaming, not noticing that you’re calling up to him until he feels his wrist being taken away.
You pull him towards you and finds that you’re really warm.
“Traveler? Are you sick? Shall I send you home right now?” Your worry outstands him.
“N-No. I’m fine,” He glances down and tries to hide the growing tent with his apron. “I can wait. I’m good.”
You sigh. 
If Aether was standing right now, he’d be down on his knees.
“No, I refuse to have you here any longer. You are clearly not well, I’ll compensate for it.” 
Compensate? Does that mean you’ll be adding more to that ridiculously high payment?
He can’t have that.
“It is alright! I just uh—” What? Is he just supposed to admit that he was eyefucking you in his head?
He closes his mouth, scared that he’ll say something just as embarrassing.
“Don’t you have another task that I can do?” Aether asks.
“You can go home, I won’t take it against you—”
“Are you sure, Master—”
And Aether immediately wants to bury himself underneath. He didn’t mean to, he just didn’t want to go yet. Oh, when did he become this stupid? He’s always been rational when it comes to most things. 
He hears you chuckle softly, which then turns into a burst of hard laughter.
He’s embarrassed himself and now you’re laughing. You’re laughing so hard that you start tearing up.
“W-Why did the Adventurer’s Guild send me such an adorable maid?” You say.
Aether thinks he’s far from adorable. In fact, he’d consider himself to be scary. He’s defeated three harbingers, fought a dragon, and gone through multiple battles. He is not…adorable. Not in the least.
He can’t find it in himself to argue with you.
“What’s wrong, baby? Don’t want Master to send you out?”
“I—You’re mocking my words! It just slipped out! I have a friend and I also call him by that title sometimes!” He frustratingly yells. Right, because of Diluc, that’s it.
“So you’re saying you…just have a habit of calling people your Master?”
Aether tries to stammer out a response. “W-Would you stop with all the teasing?”
“Oh, I’m the one teasing? Not the one who’s been so quiet as a mouse his whole stay, but all of the sudden drools as I innocently do my work?”
“You noticed…?”
“Of course, I noticed. You aren’t exactly sneaky when you stare at me as if you can see through my robe.”
Aether covers his face and crouches on his knees. Yes, he won’t argue that he does want your attention. However, he didn’t expect to get everything thrown at him all at the same time.
“Don’t worry, I think it’s cute.” You reassure him, helping him stand up.
“Sorry…I know you employed me for cleaning and all I’ve been doing is bothering you with your work—and you’re paying me too much already, I’ll just leave—”
Ah, Aether did not expect that.
He did not expect to be cut off from his mumbling with a kiss. Your lips were calming, soft and gentle. He feels you try to pull away.
He doesn’t want you to.
He pulls you closer to him, compared to you, he’s messy and in need. In need of your touch, in need of your attention. It’s a bit fast, he thinks. He’s only met you today, after all. 
Aether doesn’t mind.
You separate from him, out of breath. “You know I’ll be holding that against you, right?”
“Yes…and no compensation needed. Please.” He stresses out. He doesn’t want this to come off as you are paying for his body. He wants this, it’s dizzying but relaxing. He’s been needing this kind of break, especially as of recently.
It’s a shame that his black stockings are ripped this much, he thought they were rather cute. The desk is a bit uncomfortable on his back but he’s too distracted by your mouth on his cock, mouth gasping out pleasantly as you hold him still.
“S-Shit—” He curses out.
You apparently take that as a sign to go even deeper and multitask with your hands at the other end of his cock. You grumble something incoherent, and the vibrations send pulses to his nerves.
“W-What?” He asks, and then regrets it since you answer him again with him still inside your mouth. He tilts his head back, squirming on the hard desk.
You remove your mouth before he can even climax, just edging him to the point of him shuddering. His legs are so sticky, he can’t see it due to the skirt, but he feels it, the way his thighs slide against each other.
“Such pretty noises…I might just get tempted to keep you here if you keep doing that.” You state.
“I can’t.” He breathes out.
“Really? You’re sure I can’t convince you?” 
“You can try.” Aether smirks.
You sneer at his confidence.
“Come here.” You direct.
“Mhm, I’m sure laying like that can’t be good for you. Unless, of course. You already can’t stand up?”
Aether rolls his eyes at you. His legs shake with each step but he manages to position himself well, his back against your chest. 
He hears the sound of the robe hitting the ground and he’s tempted to see. No, he wants to see. 
He turns his head but his eyes are covered with your hand.
“Ah, no looking. Not yet.”
He can feel his entrance being stretched out, your fingers clearly taking their time. His heart thumps as his vision remains in darkness. Noises of satisfaction sounded from his throat.
He’s starting to get impatient with it, if he’s being honest. He remains still, however, he trusts that you know whatever’s best for him.
You hum and the tone of your voice seems satisfied.
After a few seconds of emptiness and silence, he finally takes you in. The urge to bend down right there was uncontrollable, but you hold his shoulders up. He’s this close to having a misstep and falling down.
His legs quiver, struggling to stand on their own. 
You push further in and a silent cry comes out of him. He hopes that’s the last of it.
It isn’t, but he doesn’t have to know that.
God, he feels so full. He curses your hand, he wants to see it. See how filled he is, see how your length bulges from his stomach.
“P-Please, move your hand.”
“In a bit, dear.”
It doesn’t take much for his body to succumb with a few thrusts. Each breath seems as if you’re somehow getting even deeper. He seethes at the pleasure, close to spilling.
“Hngh—” Aether grunts out.
It’s intoxicating how you hold him by his waist, rubbing his stomach. And with each pump to his body, his mouth releases a satisfied sound.
He swears in his head. Close! He’s so close!
He taps your hand on his eyes repeatedly, wanting you to take it off now. But you ignore it, pounding deeper instead as a response.
His body shrivels, and the next thing he knows, he’s screaming because of how good it is.
He’s blinded by the light when you finally allow him to see, his vision taking a while to adjust. The first thing he sees is how much he spills on the floor and how there’s still some coming out, dripping on his thighs.
“Would you look at that? My maid, creating a mess. Aren’t you supposed to be doing the opposite?”
He tries to turn around and almost slips, if not for your arms.
“Want to see, my baby?”
“Yes.” He answers.
Right after he says that, he feels himself getting lifted up, you still inside of him. A soft moan quickly escapes his lips. 
“W-Wait!” He complains, confused at what you’re doing.
That’s when he notices the mirror across the room. “No, you’re not actually thinking of—ah!”
You walk towards it all the while his legs are lifted and spread out. The movement has him bouncing on your cock despite still being sensitive from his first orgasm. It’s only a few steps. He can count how many you took with his fingers.
So, why is it that his body is responding too well to the point that he gets hard again?
“You alright there?” You ask him, his head still overwhelmed that he can’t hear you.
You blow on his ear and he looks at you annoyed.
“Why don’t you look in front of you before you pout at me?”
He stares at himself and looks away, having trouble maintaining eye contact with his own. The scene is so…passionate.
The way his skirt is lifted up to show his waist, his ripped stocking, and his flushed face. All the while you’re carrying him so lightly, your cock only halfway inside of him, wet from all the juices he’s leaking out.
Halfway? He questions himself. There’s no way you weren’t fully inside him earlier, right?
“What are you thinking?” You ask.
“Is that so?”
He whines at how you push further in, stretching his walls out fully. It’s way too big for him and he has no idea how he’s being able to take you so well. He watches the reflection as much as he could, despite his vision being blurry at most.
His body writhes at each slight movement that he makes, making him be reminded of the fact that he’s still being lifted up. He wants to say something, to speak about how you’re so mean to him for placing him in this position that you know will ruin him and his vocal cords. Yet, he doesn’t, knowing that’ll push you even further.
He’s so drunk and breathless, which doesn’t make sense considering you’re the one who’s been drinking the whole day.
You slowly pull yourself out to make space and Aether sobs. He sobs at how his walls clench onto you as if it depended on it, he sobs at how much pleasure this is giving him than what he expected.
He’s scared of what might happen after this. Of how his body will be affected by how much affection you’re giving it.
And then you thrust in. 
A loud whimper breaks out of him, and as the noises of skin slapping together get louder, so does he. 
Aether sings out pleas and how much you’re ruining his body, that he’ll never be able to take anybody else after this.
“You shouldn’t even be considering that, to begin with. You’re mine now, yes?”
And he hastily nods. Yours, of course.
He struggles to breathe, not knowing where to focus on when you’re pounding ruthlessly into him. His body feels so heavy and so brittle at the same time, You’re—
Aether’s thoughts get interrupted when you empty inside of him, filling him up. Warm, you’re so warm. 
He throws his head back as he reaches his second climax, everything draining out of him.
“Hah—give me—a sec…” He stutters out.
“Of course, should I pull out?”
“No, keep…keep it in.”
It took a while for Aether to recover. You suggested that you two should sit down but he immediately shuts that off once he remembered that warranted more movement. So, he stays there slightly lifted up, bearing the slight twitches of your cock.
You waited patiently, having a sight to look at just like this wasn’t exactly a complaint of yours.
He grabs your arms, lowering himself to the ground.
His legs aren’t exactly what you would call stable.
He moves on his own, pushing his body in and out. It’s slow, but it’s also gratifying at the same time. Some of your cum slips out with each push, being used as lubrication by your maid.
“You’re doing so well, keep it up.” 
“‘Love your cock.” He says.
“Hmm…I see that. Need some help?”
He nods embarrassingly. 
You position him to face you instead, making it a lot easier for him to work his way through.
It’s adorable how he hard he tries, his fingers are barely grabbing themselves onto you, in fact, you’re the one that’s the cause of Aether being to at least be on his feet.
He cries out loud as he hits that sweet spot of his, tongue lolling out from the pleasure. He’s tight and the movement is riling up the fire inside of you to use his body to your own accord. You fight against it, admiring at how much he’s trying to get that satisfaction without overwhelming himself from being too sensitive.
“That’s right, baby. Keep going. You’re so close aren’t you?”
He shudders at it, his core boiling to its brim. 
“Please don’t let me fall.”
“I would never.” You promise.
Aether goes at a quicker pace, from what strength he has still, and lets his lower half do all the work until he spills out again, breathless but finally satisfied.
Aether knocks on the door again, waiting for you to open it.
As usual, you carry a glass of alcohol in your hand. Although more clothed, ever since he got possessive that someone else might see you like this.
You smile, and he braces for the teasing.
“My, at this point I really have to ask. Do you enjoy getting ambushed by hydro slimes or is your memory that bad?”
Aether rolls his eyes. He needs to persuade you from having a proper path made to get here. “I need a shower.”
“Ah, I’ve set up a bath.” You offered.
“And I assume you’re coming with?” The blond snickers.
“Of course, I am. Like you even have to ask.”
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wicchyy · 5 months
—0.6 touch me the right way, baby ; james potter
sum: you’ve never been touched the right way, and James helps with that / bestfriend!James
warnings: (smut) fingering, oral (fem receiving), some light dirty talk
You’ve been sighing incessantly for the whole hour, annoying your best friend, and not in a good way. James had called you over to hang by his dorm while he finished cleaning himself up, quidditch practice ended early.
“Look, sweetheart, you either tell me what’s wrong or I’m kicking you out.”
You looked up at him with an annoyed pout, “You won’t.”
“I certainly will.”
Your head dropped to James’ pillow with a loud huff, body colliding with the softness of his comforter. “It’s nothing.”
“Sure is something if it’s got you huffin’ like a little child.”
As James gets ready, the corner of your eye watches carefully while he does the steps of his night routine thoroughly. He’s already wearing a light sweater, but his lower half is still covered with a towel. James puts on all his necessary skincare before he’s finally grabbing a pair of boxers from his drawer. This is where you look a way, just in time to only see the sliver of skin on his back before your eyes are darting to the ceiling.
“You wouldn’t understand, Jamie, really.”
“Try me, sweetheart. I’m your best friend, sure I’d understand you.”
“It’s just—“ you cut yourself off, sitting up so you could make eye contact with James. “Promise you won’t be weirded out?”
“Mhm. Course.” He replied. James flicked his wand one time, then his towel was gone and the sheets on his bed perfectly done after the mess you’ve caused by laying on it.
He took the rest of the space you’ve cleared for him and took a sat down. James stretches out his legs, each one in between your own.
“I haven’t been … how do I say it, satisfied? In a while.” The moment you uttered the words, a light blush spread all over James’ cheeks. “Oh, see! I knew you’d be weirded out by it.”
He opened his mouth to reply but nothing came out. Truthfully, he was quite speechless not because he was weirded out. But because he’s already imagined different dirty scenarios with you more than he’d like to admit.
“No! I’m not weirded out, sweetheart. Definitely not, just … surprised, I guess.”
“Ugh. It’s just— everytime I try to hookup with someone, I just can’t … y’know?”
James turns even redder. This time, it’s a bit because of the jealousy his mind automatically goes to when he hears your words. “Look, honey. Honestly I think it’s just the guys? You— you’re perfectly … perfect. Maybe you’ve just been picking the wrong guys to hook up with.”
“And who are the right guys?”
Me. James wants to say. Me. I could have you coming in so many different ways you wouldn’t question yourself ever again.
“I— I dunno.”
What? Did you actually just say those words aloud? James and even yourself can’t even believe it right now. You’ve never been so bold like that, definitely never flirting him up with something like it. James thinks that his heart could stop right this moment.
“I— .”
“Could you make me come, Jamie?” The way you’re asking, with your innocent smile and your beautiful lips just voicing the words out already has James’ cock hardening.
“Fuck, sweetheart. Is that a hypothetical question?” He tries to clear the nervousness out of his voice.
You bite your lips carefully, reaching for James’ hand resting on the bed. You gripped it and bought it closer to you, hovering over your clothed cunt. “Definitely not.”
The way you’re sitting right now, it makes your position with James even closer. Especially as you pull his body towards you, which he’s reciprocating very obediently.
“Do whatever you want to me” You whisper.
In a second, James is launching himself at you. He’s careful not to hurt you with his weight but hes immediately taking your hand as he guides you to a position he’s eager to settle in.
James leans against the headboard of his bed, desperately bringing you up on his lap. You’re straddling him as he looks up at you with lustful eyes.
Christ, he thinks. He’s been waiting for this moment for such a long fucking time that it feels like a dream right now. He has you atop him, you wearing his red and golden quidditch jersey, nothing but a pair of thin white shorts, and undoubtly another pair of thin panties underneath.
“Sweetheart, are you sure about this? I don’t— don’t think we can just be best fucking friends again after this.”
You take his hand and slide it under your clothed cunt, the warmth making all the blood rising to James’ cheeks. “I know, Jamie. Just touch me, please. Need you.”
“Baby .. y’so perfect like this. Like my girl.” He replies, breath stuffy like he can’t handle it anymore.
“Mhm.” You whined. You unconsciously grind down on the James’ open palm, spreading your wetness over your panties. “Always been your girl. Jamie, please, please. Touch me the right way.”
Your begging makes him finally taking action. He lifts up your body slightly like it weighs nothing, ordering you to take off the thin shorts, which you do almost instantly.
“So fucking wet, already. D’you always think about me when you’re touching this pussy?”
Fuck. He hasn’t even touched you properly but it already has you feeling a high. James moves your panties aside and immediately slips inside a finger, the wetness providing easy access. Your whines fill the room, good thing Remus and Sirius aren’t going to be here for a while.
“Feels s’good Jamie.”
He smirks just slightly, using his thumb to rub at your clit in circles. “I always love when y’call me that. You’ve no idea how much I got myself off in the shower thinking of you calling me that, sweetheart.”
His thumb rubs harder, while your hands move upwards to drag the hem of James’ Jersey upwards. You lift it up to show him your tits, making the boy even more hungry for more. You can feel James’ cock prodding at your entrance and the feeling adds up to your pleasure.
“Jamie … feels good.”
“I know, baby. Lift that top up, let me see your pretty tits.” He takes you through it gently, but quickly at the same time.
One of your hand holds the top up to showcase your body to James, and you used the other to gently massage one of your tits.
“Keep those eyes on me.” He orders. You obey, keeping eye contact as James works you through your orgasm. It takes you a few more minutes, and then he’s prodding two more fingers inside your wet hole, thumb still working wonders on your clit.
James has you begging, begging for more, begging for release. You’re absolutely melting in his arms. He lets you come and you’re immediately spilling all over his lower half. He takes your panties and covers your cunt again, making the come spill over and ruin your white panties.
“Fuck, I love that sight.” James says roughly, clearly too turned on after seeing you come so easily with his fingers.
“Jamie … want more, please please.”
“Course, baby. Lay back, let me have a taste, yeah?” He says as he adjusts his glasses up the bridge of his nose and running a hand through his hair.
That’s how he has you whining and moaning, desperately begging for a release. First James takes your panties off, then he licks it clean, then he works you up using his fingers, and finally he uses his tongue to bring you to your second orgasm. By the time he’s done, his glasses are fogged up from the heat of your hot cunt. And his hair is a just mess of curls as your fingers twist unrelentlessly at it.
He’s skillful with his tongue, teasing your clit and making sure to taste every inch of your cunt before he lets you come again.
After he has you coming again, this time dripping down to his clean sheets, James kisses your pussy lightly. “This is my new favourite thing, baby. Aside from your tits. Fuck, I love you so much.”
“I love y’too, Jamie.”
That line alone has James coming in his boxers.
💌 thanks for reading lovie! support me by reblogging <3
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lolaxbunnyy · 4 months
IDK IF YOU STILL DO MY HERO ACADEMIA AS IM NEW- but I love your writing so
What about poly Bakugo, Deku, Todoroki x Fem!reader who’s nine months pregnant, due any day now. She’s about to go into labor but they’re not home due to a mission
Idk if I explained this well 💀
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also I hope this is good enough I haven’t been on here in a while 😬 . Also I gave the baby a name and a gender if you want something else then you can feel free to change it. Also if anybody has anything they would like me to write please ask!
warnings: fem black reader, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of birth, nothing bad though just enjoy.
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SHOTO, IZUKU, AND KATSUKI. The top three most amazing and well known pro heros who were well loved by their fans had a little secret. They had a pretty little wife who was carrying one of their babies. Katsuki decided that he was going to be the one to get her pregnant first, the other two had no problem with that. After months of trying and no show she was finally pregnant and all four of them were so happy to finally have their first kid.
It’s been 9 months already and their precious baby girl has yet to leave her place within her mamas tummy.
Y/N rubbed her swollen belly as she did her rotations on her exercise ball. Katsuki’s mom was here helping her out with the little things that she needed. Mitsuki loved her from the moment Katsuki introduced them and now that she’s going to have a little grandchild she was even more happy with her future daughter in law.
"Y/N honey. The boys are calling again."Mitsuki said as she walked in from the kitchen to the living room rolling her eyes. “This is the fourth time they’ve called in the last hour.” Mitsuki chuckled.
"They're so worried that you're going to pop before they get back." Y/N grabbed the phone from, Mitsuki’s hand and put it up to her ear.
“Hello?” “Hey, baby. You doing okay?” Y/N rolled her eyes even though he couldn’t see her. “Yes I’ve been okay since the last time you called.” She heard him chuckle. “Okay. You’re a little worked up. What happened? Sick of us calling?” Y/N giggled. “Nope, never. I can’t even miss or worry about you guys because you’re too busy calling all the time instead of focusing on your task that you three were sent to do.” Before Izuku could respond she heard the faint voice of someone talking to him. “Oi? Is that Curls?” Katsuki of course.
Y/N heard what sounded like the phone being snatched away from Izuku. “Oi, Curls! If you ever hand up in my face again we’re gonna have some problems when I get back home, you hear me?” Y/N chuckled. “Yes sir.” She heard the blonde kiss his teeth before handing the phone back to Izuku.
“Sorry, bout that. Anyways you’ve got some scolding to do to Katsuki anyways.” “Don’t you dare tell her about that!” She could tell Izuku rolled his eyes. “He was being careless today and almost lost his leg.” Katsuki grumbled. “ ‘Was not bein’ fuckin’ careless. ‘The hell was I s’posed to know he was gonna turn his leg in to a fuckin’ chain saw?!” Y/N pursed her lips. “Y’know if you two are done bickering we have matters to attend too.”
Shoto said out of nowhere. “That’s right. Well baby, look like we gotta go. We’ll see you next week, hopefully.” Katsuki butted in. “Yeah so tell the brat to avoid her eviction notices till then.” Y/N laughed. “I’m sure she heard you, Kat. I’ll see you boys next week. I love you.” “We love you more baby.” Then the phone clicked and the call was over.
Y/N sighed. She truly did miss them. Sure she enjoyed the company of her soon to be in laws, but she missed her boys. It was quiet and peaceful while they were away and she hated that. The bed was always cold and empty and she also hated that but it still smelled of them and she could at least appreciate that. So did the large shirt that she borrowed from Shoto’s side of the closet.
The boys had already been gone for two weeks and they’d be back home next week but it doesn’t feel like Blossom can wait any longer to be out in the world. Her eyes trailed over towards the belly cast that she had gotten done. The boys had decorated it all pretty and even drew a little family of four on it in Katsuki’s terrible excuse of a drawing. She’d never tell him that though because even if it was bad it’s still cute and still has meaning to it. She can still even feel their careful hands on her stomach.
Izuku’s hands are the most scarred and a little calloused but still firm and calming. Katsuki’s hands being the most calloused and somehow a bit sweaty from time to time. Sho’s hands were the softest but were always cold.
She missed the special treatment and massages they’d give her before they left. They were very caring and spoiling.
It’s been like this since they’ve found out that she was pregnant. They couldn’t be home for her, they had their moms take care of her. Then when they came home for the night, they’d be all over her because in their words, “you look so cute when you’re pregnant.”
She smiled softly at Mitsuki as she smelled the cooking of her favorite food. It’s getting later and later and there was a storm outside brewing. She didn’t want her poor boys caught outside in the rain.
"Y/N, Inko sent some more clothes for Blossom." Mitsuki smiled as she handed them to her. “Awe. We’re going to run out of space in her little closets.” Y/N held the shirt to her stomach. “Do you like it, B?” Y/N suddenly winced at a sharp pain in her stomach. “Okay, I’ll put it away.” But the pain kept coming. Mitsuki helped Y/N up carefully and at that very moment, her water broke.
Mitsuki immediately started to call phones. "Inko, Rei! It's happening! I need you here now! The babies coming!"
Mitsuki was rushing around the house to get the bags ready and extra clothes before helping her soon to be daughter in law towards the car.
Once they arrived after some time Mitsuki rushed in to get a nurse and she came back with a nurse who had a wheelchair ready and the both of them helped Y/N out of the car in to the chair and she was wheeled in and rushed towards the maternity floor. They put her in a room and went to go get things ready for her.
“Where the fuck are they going?!” Y/N whimpered out as one if her hands held her stomach while her other arm was draped across her face. Rei and Inko walked in. "They're going to get everything ready. More doctors and your epidural for your pain, Honey."Inko responded and Y/N hummed in pain.
“Did you call the boys?” Rei asked and Mitsuki nodded her head as she tried to get Y/N comfortable and situated. "Yes but they're not answering. I think they're too busy in what they're doing."
Rei let out a soft okay before looking at the clock on the wall. 12:03 AM it read. A nurse came back in and injected her with the medicine but it didn’t have time to do its job because right after the doctors came in and it was time for her baby girl to come out in to the world.
Everything went smoothly. (beside the three mothers having to stop Y/N from attacking the nurse. Twice. First time because if her giving her the epidural late and second because the bitch almost dropped her baby.) when Blossom was all cleaned up it was about. 2:19 when Y/N got to hold her baby and feed her.
She was so pretty. Her skin was a mix between Y/N and Katsuki and her hair was blonde and straight but Y/N was sure that her curls would come in soon. Last but not least her eyes her round and (e/c) just like her moms as she looked up at her through her blonde eyelashes. The three mothers huddled around Y/N to look at their granddaughter. "Awe. She's so pretty." Inko cooed softly. “I’ve got to get pictures.” Rei gushed and both her and Inko rushed to their purses to get their phone out while Mitsuki stayed by Y/N.
"Do you want me to get her so you can rest?" “Yes please, if you don’t mind.” Mitsuki took Blossom and soon after, Y/N was knocked out.
Izuku was the last person to get out of the bath for that morning. They’d been up since midnight going on a fake lead, practically wasting their time all night. Izuku grabbed what he thought was his phone but noticed that it was Katsuki’s. “Hey, Kachaan? You’ve got 10 missed calls from your mom.” Katsuki raised an eyebrow as he set down his freshly cooked spicy ramen.
He went to his call log and clicked on his mom’s name in face time. "Hello?" His mom’s face showed in the camera. “You called 10 times?” He said unamused. Thinking that it was just her being worried and paranoid again. "Well, I needed to tell you something." Katsuki hummed. “Kay?” The camera flipped around and Katsuki saw blonde hair then the phone fell to the floor as his mom let out an agitated ‘damn it’ before picking it up and a sleeping baby was shown.
“Is that?” "Yep." Inko cut off her son. “That’s Blossom guys!” The boys mouths dropped. Their daughter was so pretty just like her mommy. After that face time call that day the boys had to call off the mission to get home to their girls immediately.
Y/N was released from the hospital two days before they could come home so when they made it back they instantly without a second thought came straight home and they finally got to see their daughter. Blossoms little hair started to curl up a little so she most definitely started to look like Y/N.
Katsuki was the first to hold her and she was so small Katsuki feared that he might break her. Izuku and Shoto walked towards Katsuki, standing on either side of him as they looked down at their daughter. “She most definitely looks like a Blossom.” Shoto spoke softly as the little baby curiously looked at the three men.
Their moms smiled at them. "Congrats boys!" Mitsuki had tears in her eyes as little sniffles came out. "Oh my goodness. I'm finally a grandma! I'm never gonna get over this!" She cried into Inko’s shoulder and Inko patted her back comfortingly. “I wanna hold her next.” Izuku held his arms out and Katsuki carefully handed Blossom to him. Once he was secure in his arms, Katsuki turned towards Y/N.
He smiled softly and he walked over towards her giving her a kiss on her cheek. He watched the others coo over the little blonde haired baby.
“Thank you so much, baby.” Three months later, the world knew about their two girls after Izuku had posted a video of Blossom giggling away at Katsuki and Shoto making silly faces at her while Y/N just watched in the background with a big smile on her face. That video was the most brought up topic in their latest interviews and they didn’t mind at all telling the world about their girls.
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this story belongs to @lolaxbunnyy !!
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mrsensitive · 1 year
4 times everyone else caught on before the 1 time you and quinn finally did
a good old 4+1 ft. best friend beau & a couple other cameos, some mutual pining and also reader is a costume designer . kind of an elaboration of a lil blurb i wrote a while ago so if it seems familiar no it doesn't 😋
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You’d never been more grateful for Friday to roll around. You’d had what felt like the longest week from hell and just wanted to take your mind off everything, so when your new neighbour turned best friend Beau texted you to meet him and a couple friends at the bar, the thought that you wouldn’t know half the people there wasn’t enough to dissuade you from joining.
When you arrive, you’re quick to spot the group - Beau hadn’t lied when he said it wasn’t just the team, but he might’ve stretched the truth when he said you already knew some of the guys. A quick once over is enough for you to realise the only other person you really know is Brock. Sure, you had heard of the others from Beau’s stories and the fact that you sometimes watched the games, but you were starting to wonder if you should’ve just gone home to your bottle of wine instead.
Beau is quick to welcome you though, flooding you with the names of everyone you’d yet to meet and pushing you into the seat he’d just vacated.
“Wait here, I’m getting the next round,” he beams at you, a good few drinks in already. “Brock come give me a hand, bud.”
You try to get your bearings a little, looking around trying to commit names to faces since the only two people you knew had left, and you realise mostly everyone is in their own conversations save for the guy on your right. You pause, staring at him trying to remember his name as he watches you struggle, clearly bemused.  
“It’s Quinn,” he offers after a moment or two. He’s laughing lightly and you relax in your seat a little. “Don’t sweat it.” 
You breathe out a smile, “Thanks. I was getting there, y’know.” You pause, taking a moment to get a better look at him. “Hughes, right? I’ve seen you play before. You’re a great skater.”
“Oh uh…thanks.” He shifts a little in his seat. “Beau’s talked about you a couple times actually. So it’s nice to meet you finally.”
You can’t help your eyebrows from shooting up, both of you are equally surprised and amused that you’re even aware of the other. You’re half expecting Quinn to elaborate, scanning his face for any hint that what Beau’s said about you was any level of incriminating, but somehow, you find yourself a bit distracted by the way his hair is curling over his forehead. 
Before either of you can say anything, Beau’s dropped a glass in front of you and inserted himself back in the conversation.
“So what was so terrible about work this week? What’s the drama this time?”  
You let out a sigh, remembering why you’d dragged yourself here in the first place. “Oh, nothing new. They just decided to reschedule all our fittings so we barely had the right costumes prepared - which is just an embarrassing look for me, you know, even if it literally wasn’t my fault. I was running all over the place trying to make it work - and then on top of that I find out they’ve put our costume truck about three states over from where the set is so I’ve got to hassle someone about that and-”
“Costumes?” Your rambling is cut off by Quinn who looks much more interested than Beau, who, to his credit, has heard some variation of this story just about every other week.
“Oh, yeah. I’m a costume designer,” you explain, “I’m working on a movie at the moment.” For some reason you feel rather embarrassed that you didn’t clarify this to him before and you’re hoping the dim lighting is hiding the way you’ve started blushing. 
“I’m going to take this as my cue to leave.” Beau says, already standing up to move across the table, “You tell Quinn the whole back story and I’ll come back when you’re done with that, okay?”
Beau, in fact, does not come back for the rest of the night but you’re so wrapped up in your conversation with Quinn that you don’t particularly notice anyway. Usually you hate talking about yourself, but the drinks have loosened you up and he seems so genuinely curious and intrigued about you. He asks how you met Beau, so you tell him the story of how his 7’s look a little too much like 1’s and you ended up getting so much of his mail that you had to go and confront him about it. You try to ask him about hockey but he seems rather adept at deflecting the conversation back to you every time. You can’t help but bask in the full attention he’s giving you and the more drinks you have, the more you find yourself quietly admiring his bone structure. You’re a little surprised to hear yourself laughing so much and how easily the conversation moves that you can’t quite remember how you ended up discussing how you both think roses are overrated. 
You’re so caught up in each other that neither of you catch Brock nudging Beau and nodding his head towards you across the table.
“You reckon?” Brock asks, a cheeky grin plastered on his face.
“Oh, easily. I’ve been watching them all night.”
You pick up Beau’s call almost immediately.
“Hey, what’s up? Do you need something?” There’s a tinge of confusion in your voice.
“What? No, I just- I have an extra ticket to the game tonight and I was going to offer it to you if you weren’t being so snappy.” Beau teases.
“Oh,” you let out a chuckle, “Sorry, you just never call. I do happen to be free tonight though, if the offer’s still on the table...”
“Great, I’ll send you the ticket,” you can hear him smiling through the line. “Don’t drive, I’ll give you a lift if you wait a little after the game. Stick around and say hi to some of the other guys too.”
“Sure,” you reply, “I’ll see you later then. Maybe score or win or something? I dunno, make it worth my night?”
“Yeah ok,” you can hear him laughing now, “Will do, just for you. See you soon.”
And even if you were only joking, the team does deliver on your request. You hang by the exit as you wait for Beau, congratulating some of the other guys on the win as they start to trickle out. When Quinn catches sight of you, he can’t help the way the corners of his mouth quirk upwards and you can’t help the way you mirror it.
“Hey Quinner, congrats on the game,” you greet him, “Big win!” 
You’re mildly aware of the way your heart rate has picked up slightly since he stopped in front of you. You want to believe that it’s just because the handful of times you’ve seen him now have always been aided with a bit of liquid courage, even if you’re currently fixating on his slightly damp hair and the way his bag is slung over his shoulder. Quinn, however, is severely aware of the way his heart rate seemed to stop upon hearing the nickname leave your mouth.
He clears his throat, “Yeah, thanks. I didn’t realise you were going to be here?”
“Beau said he had an extra ticket last minute - enticed me with a ride home, so I’m just waiting for him now.” 
“Yeah, he should be done with the interviews soon - you know, three point night and all,” he laughs, glancing back at the doorway in search of a sign of his teammate.
“Coming from you, mister record breaker!”
Quinn whips his head back around to you, eyes wide as he starts to mumble something to try and downplay his night. He knows he’s blushing from the way he can feel his cheeks burning but he’s hoping it could be disguised as some sort of postgame flush.
You can’t help but let out a laugh at how off guard your comment seemed to catch him. “Surely you’re going out to celebrate?”
“Oh, I don’t know… we’ve got an early start tomorrow…” He rubs a hand at the back of his neck and your eyes flicker to his bicep briefly.
“Hmmm boring,” you tease, “All work and no play I guess.”
Something in your tone has him grinning now. “No rest for the wicked,” he quips.
Unbeknownst to the two of you, you’ve had an audience for just about all of your conversation.
“Is this what he looks like when he’s trying to flirt?” Petey asks, raising his eyebrows.
“I guess. Or trying to, at least,” Brock answers, still eyeing the scene in front of him. “How long do we think til they do something about it?”
Beau’s appeared next to them at the door now too, smirking as he watches you and Quinn completely oblivious to everyone else.
“Wanna take bets?”
Quinn’s nervous. He’s already texted you to let you know he’s arrived but he’s expecting that you’ll have to turn him away last minute. He’s still in disbelief that he’s even here, despite the fact that you’d offered to have him visit you on set several times already, but he always thought it was just a throw away thing you would say to be nice. He only tells you this about the fourth time you’ve asked, the arrival of the post season working out with one of the quieter days of your schedule, and you couldn’t stop yourself from laughing in his face about it.
“Quinn. I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t mean it. Most of our conversations are about movies, so I just thought you might find it cool to see what it’s like,” you shrug. "I've watched you play games before so it feels kind of fair, right?’
As much as he protests that it’s different, you are kind of right, naturally. He thinks it is extremely cool that this is what you do for a living, and even cooler that you’d even considered to bring him along and show him a part of it. At least, cool is what he’s trying to convince himself he’s feeling about it all. 
When he sees how excited you look, running out to meet him, he once again can’t help the grin that weasels its way onto his face. He holds out the second coffee cup in his hand to you.
“Hey,” he greets, “I brought you a coffee. I stopped on my way here but I didn’t really know what you usually get or if you prefer, like, hot or iced? So I just got you what I get which is-”
You’re pleasantly surprised and amused, letting him ramble a little before you cut him off, thanking him and groaning when you take a sip. “God, thank you. I’ve already had one today but I truly needed this.”
He’s relieved to hear it, immediately relaxing. “Hectic day then?”
“Kind of, but like… A controlled hectic you know?” You pause, giving him a once over, realising he’s a little less jittery than a minute ago - and also that he looks good. You’ve only ever really seen him in very weak bar lighting, or after a hockey game - but definitely never before lunch. The sun looks good on him you think, and you’re rather charmed by the outfit he’s picked out for the occasion but you’re quick to snap yourself out of your thoughts.
“Let me show you around!”
You give him a tour of the set, proudly pointing out how you managed to convince them to move your trailer closer, talking him through your designs you have pinned up and showing him some of the final costumes.
Quinn’s already wide-eyed, kid in a candy store at all of this, staring and asking if he can touch things. He almost doesn’t believe you when you say he can watch them film a scene or two. He’s amazed by the whole set up of it all, the cameras, the monitors, all the people who seem to be constantly walking places very quickly with a lot of purpose. You lead him to your little costume camp in the corner, letting out a chuckle at how impressed he is. 
“Okay, look so I do kind of have to do my job and leave you alone here, but just stay where I tell you to, don’t get in the way and you’ll be fine.” You’ve barely finished your sentence when someone calls your name, so you’re pushing Quinn into an empty chair, wincing a smile at him and scurrying away.
You don’t really get a chance to check back in on him for a good hour or two, but Quinn’s barely noticed the amount of time that’s gone by. He’s shocked at the fact that he’s so close to actors who he actually recognises, but he’s even more in awe simply watching you in your element. He knew you’d downplayed your role to him but even so, he’s mesmerised at the way you’re handling everyone’s questions, how you’re there in between takes to fix collars and ties and things he hadn’t even noticed, at how almost out of nowhere, you suddenly seem to have this commanding yet gracious air of authority around you. He’s never seen or even pictured you like this but he’s completely caught up in it, not realising that one of the makeup artists has been watching his laser focus on you this whole time and sidled up to him.
He doesn’t quite hear her at first.
“I was just asking if you were the boyfriend?”
Quinn’s immediately blushing furiously and he’s only glad that you aren’t there to see it. “No- no, um. Just, uhh, just a friend is all.” 
His response appropriately earns a raised eyebrow.
“Ahhh, okay. Gotcha. Sorry, was just asking,” she pauses, entertained by his spluttering, “She’s rather amazing, you know? Really great at her job and just incredible in general.”
“Yeah, I, uh- I know,” he answers, glancing at you briefly. There’s something in this stranger’s tone that has him slightly confused, wondering why he’s being told this.
She only hums in response before walking away, leaving him to try not to overthink the interaction. He quickly pushes it aside when he sees you making your way over.
“Hey,” you grin, coming to a stop in front of him, “Been having fun?”
“Oh yeah,” he perks up immediately, “Heaps.”
“Great, because we’re starting to wrap up. I’ll take you back out to the entrance, save you all the boring stuff, y’know?”
Quinn’s surprised that it’s already heading into the late afternoon when you exit the studio. He turns to look at you, shoving his hands into his pockets and mustering up as much sincerity as he can.
“Thanks again for having me. It was, um, it was really cool watching you do your thing.”
“Well thanks for finally taking me up on my offer,” you counter, “and thanks for the coffee. I’m glad you had fun, really." You pause, cocking your head slightly, “We’ll go watch the movie together when it’s out.”
This, Quinn is sure, is a throw away line, at least he thinks. You’re not completely sure if you meant it either, but you know you only said it because you knew he would take it as one.
A couple days later you get a text out of the blue from Beau, and then Brock.
Brock: I like movies too :))
For whatever reason, Beau’s apartment had become the designated gathering spot. You’d already found yourself there a couple times already with the rest of the group, so you didn’t really question it when he ropes you into the games night he’s hosting, claiming they need another person to even out the numbers. It doesn’t occur to you to ask why he couldn’t have asked literally any of the other guys instead, so you don’t realise he has a whole catalogue of excuses ready to cover the fact that he’d been orchestrating a reason to get you and Quinn in the same room again.  
If anyone were to ask Quinn why he was late, he also had his own list of excuses ready to rattle off before he’d admit the truth. He’d spent an embarrassingly long amount of time switching between three shirts knowing that he’d see you - and so what if you’d done the same, as long as nobody else knew? 
Currently, you’re all way too many drinks in, lining up along the couch in preparation for the final tie breaking round of charades. Beau’s couch is definitely not big enough to fit six of you but you all squish in anyway, mostly too drunk or too determined to win to care. You should have expected this level of competition from a group of professional athletes; you've done a good job of keeping up all night, but you’re suddenly very acutely aware of how close Quinn is sitting next to you. You take another hard swallow from your drink before turning your focus onto Beau flailing his arms in front of you.
You manage to keep your cool through several rounds, but eventually you realise Quinn’s thigh has, at some point, ended up pressed firmly against yours. Immediately your whole leg is tingling and your face is flaming up, but Quinn doesn’t seem to show any signs of pulling away, or simply even realising. You blink, trying to refocus, but the only thing your brain seems capable of processing at the moment is the feeling of Quinn’s leg against yours through your jeans. If it weren’t for Beau’s overly dramatic reaction, you probably wouldn’t even have noticed that your team had already lost. 
You move to lean back against the couch - which was a mistake, considering now your shoulders are brushing too, and someone might as well have set your entire body on fire. Your head is starting to spin - must just be the shots catching up, you try to convince yourself - and you’ve drawn your lips into a thin line in an effort not to combust. 
Brock lets out a laugh, clocking your expression. “Alright, no need to be such a sore loser, princess.”
You can feel Quinn turning to look at you, even if you’re desperately avoiding his eye contact. Beau is looking at you now too, eyes flickering over the way you and Quinn are pressed into each other’s sides. He grins, gears already turning in his head.
You hope your laugh sounds convincing. “Yeah, didn’t realise I’d get so into it, huh?”
“We’ll just have to have a rematch another time,” Beau reassures you, well aware losing wasn’t the reason why you looked so distressed. He fakes a look at the clock as you stand up from the couch, having decided you wouldn’t have survived much longer if you didn’t move.
“Well I guess it’s getting a bit late. I think we’re all pretty far gone at this point so everyone’s welcome to crash for the night if you want," Beau offers.
“Dude,” Quinn pipes up, “There’s no way you have enough space for all of us.”
“Well, lucky a certain someone just so happens to live not so far away!” Beau is already shepherding the two of you out of his apartment, still wearing the biggest grin on his face.
Before you can even begin to protest, you’ve already found yourself standing next to Quinn in the hallway. A beat passes, the two of you staring at the shut door incredulously before you finally catch Quinn’s eye, both unable to help the fit of giggles that escapes when you catch each other’s expressions. 
In hindsight, you think this is the exact moment where you lose the ability to deny to yourself that you see him as just one of Beau’s friends. His eyes are a little glazed over from the alcohol, and his lips are flushed the prettiest pink to match his cheeks which are pulled into the widest smile you’ve seen him wear to date, and for the first time you notice exactly just how full his eyelashes are.
“I guess I do have a free couch,” you breathe out once you’ve both calmed down. 
“No it’s fine really, I can just get an uber home, don’t worry about it,” Quinn argues, the slight awkwardness of the situation finally hitting him.
“Quinn, don’t be ridiculous. Your car’s still here, isn’t it? I literally live down the hallway,” you pause, “... like Beau said.”
He swallows, blinking at you for a good while. “Yeah, okay. If you’re sure then.” 
He waits for you to tell him that you’ve changed your mind, that actually the boyfriend you’ve never mentioned before wouldn’t like it if he stayed, or anything along those lines - something that would make the whole thing feel a little more believable, but instead, he just finds you looking at him. He doesn’t think he can handle that much longer without buckling at the knees, the way your eyes are searching his face, so he turns and starts walking down the hallway. He goes to ask what number your apartment is when he suddenly feels your soft hand slip into his.
You don’t know what it is. Maybe how nervous he suddenly seemed, maybe the way his hair looked perfectly dishevelled, or maybe in your intoxicated state you’d just finally decided to throw caution to the wind.
“I’m back this way, idiot,” you laugh at him before tugging him down the other way to your door. 
Quinn is sure that his heart is thumping so loudly that you can hear it echoing through the silent hallway, or that you can somehow feel it where your fingers are laced through his but you’re being nice and saving him the embarrassment by not saying anything about it. He’s also hyper aware of how you didn’t drop his hand until you were both inside, even when you were rummaging in your pockets for your keys.
He glances around your apartment, following suit as he watches you kick off your sneakers. He’s overtly aware of the quietness compared to the chaos of just earlier, and the overwhelming sense of domesticity as he trails behind you into your home. 
You watch him as he looks around, trying to find something to do in order to not get distracted staring at his nose. “Want some water?”
“Yeah actually, thanks,” he feels like he’s whispering, like if he speaks any louder you might realise that he is, actually, in fact, standing in your apartment and decide to kick him out. 
He watches you reach on your toes to grab an extra glass from the cabinet and he finds himself endeared by it all - the way your shoes were lined up in the hallway, the sweater left draped over the couch, the lone mug left on your kitchen counter by your coffee machine.
He gestures at what he’s guessing is an open script left on the table next to an array of pens. “New project?”
“Yeah, I’m almost done reading through it,” you answer, “I won't be working on it for several months still, but I haven’t completely decided yet.”
“Is it shooting here as well?”
“Only bits of it. Looks like it’ll be mostly in LA though. And a couple other locations but it’ll be fun,” you shrug, handing him the glass.
“So you’re gonna do it?” 
“Yeah, I think so. Script’s pretty good so far, and it’s an exciting team. Kind of like why not, you know?”
Quinn only manages to mutter out some sort of agreement. He’s surprised by his own disappointment at the idea that you could be moving out to LA, when in the grand scheme of things he’s only known you for about half a year. Thankfully, you interrupt him before he can think about it much more.
“Anyway, I’ll go get some blankets for you. Bathroom’s down that way, there’s extra toothbrushes in the first drawer.”
When he’s back, he almost crumples at the sight of you in your pjs setting up the couch for him. He notices you’ve refilled his glass before you turn around and shove a pile of clothes into his hands.
“Sweats for you, they should fit, I think,” you crinkle your nose. “My room’s down that way, just let me know if you need anything.”
He only manages to get out a small thanks in response. He’s staring at you, he knows that, but he can’t help how soft you look in the dim lighting.
You tilt your head, giving him a small smile. “Night, Quinn.”
“Yeah, goodnight,” he mumbles.
He makes a mental note to both punch Beau and then thank him in the morning.
+ 1
Nothing ever happened after that seemingly eventful night. It’s now well into the next season and you’re thinking that this is just what the dynamic of yours and Quinn’s friendship is like. You’ve gone back to trying to convince yourself that it’s normal - like you also think Beau’s good looking, right? You had a bit of a crush on him too when you first met him, even if that came and went awfully swiftly and you don’t get anything even close to the same kind of head spinning giddiness when he talks to you. Quinn thinks he’s been less subtle about it all, and you think you’ve been dropping hints but apparently your efforts have only been evident to everyone else but each other.
You know that the team has a gala coming up soon. Beau’s mentioned it to you a couple times in his attempt to gauge how you would feel if he forced Quinn to take you as his date. When he tells Quinn his master plan to finally get the two of you together, Quinn almost chokes on his own spit.
“Ask her as my date?! You’re kidding right?” he practically screeches.
Quinn stammers, trying to formulate some kind of reply. “I don’t- We’re not- … I’m not doing that.”
Beau groans. “You guys are both such idiots, I’m sick of it. It’s so obvious that you like her and I don’t know how you can’t see that she’s head over heels for you too!”
Quinn only stares at him in response.
“Why won’t you just ask her? The world isn’t going to implode.”
There’s a good minute of silence, the two of them staring at each other waiting for someone to break. Quinn finally sighs, taking a seat on the couch.
“Isn’t she leaving for LA soon?”
“Are you being serious right now? Please tell me you’re not actually this stupid.”
Quinn blinks. “I don’t know. Vancouver and LA are pretty far apart.”
Beau is just about ready to physically knock some sense into him.
“You’re not even in Vancouver half the time anyway. Plus she’s not moving away forever. Don’t be such a drama queen.”
When Quinn doesn’t say anything in response, Beau doubles down.
“If you don’t ask her, I will for you. I’m not lying but you can test that out if you’d like.”
Beau doesn’t believe that Quinn will do anything, but he doesn’t give him much time to prove him wrong anyway. He’s calling you that evening.
“What are you doing Saturday night in two weeks time?”
“What? Nothing, I don’t think.”
“Okay, great. You’re coming to the gala as Quinn’s date then.”
“I’m what?!”
“You heard me.”
There’s a pause.
“Are you home right now?”
You hang up on him before he can finish the syllable and you’re storming down the hallway until you’re banging on his door. He looks rather calm when he lets you in, but you don’t miss the mischievous twinkle in his eye.
You point an accusing finger at him. “Explain it to me again. You want me to do what now?”
Beau rolls his eyes. “You’re free. Quinn’s free. Why not? It’s painfully obvious that you have this massive crush on him.”
You huff, crossing your arms over your chest. “No I don’t. And you’re asking me instead of him because?”
“Because he’s being an idiot, like he has been for almost an entire year now.” Beau looks at you and he can tell you could be convinced. “Just say yes. I’ll be there, the other guys will be there, there’ll be free food and drinks. Plus you’ll get to dress up! You’re always telling me you want to have an excuse to dress up yourself instead of other people!”
You can’t deny his last point. Literally just the other week, you’d sent him a link of this drop dead gorgeous dress you’d found whilst sourcing for your next project and complained to him about how you wanted to get it for yourself but had nowhere to wear it to.
You narrow your eyes at him. “What’s the catch?”
“There is no catch. Just say you’ll come as his date. That’s it.”
You pause. Beau finds himself in his second stalemate of the day, but he knows you’re going to give in more easily. He listens to the tick of the clock in his living room, patiently waiting for you to cave.
You don’t give him a chance to properly react before you’ve flung open his door, marched back to your own apartment and screamed into your pillow about what you’ve said yes to.
Beau should’ve known you were going to be insufferable leading up to the actual night. You spend the entirety of the next week pestering him about what the dress code is, how you have nothing to wear, what to expect, who else is going to be there. He gives you the same answers every time you ask and he promises to go dress shopping with you on Thursday. You’re only the slightest bit more relieved at this, but as soon as you agree, Beau’s texting Quinn that he has about a week to deliver.
Quinn had called you as soon as he saw Beau’s message, apologising and saying that he wished Beau had given him a little more warning so he could have asked you himself (he knows he wouldn’t have) and telling you that you don’t have to go if you didn’t want to. You were barely done freaking out about it yourself, but the way he sounded so completely flustered about it all through the phone was somewhat reassuring. 
When you make your way up the stairs to your apartment on Wednesday evening, you find yourself actually excited to go pick out a dress the next day. You would be lying if you said you hadn’t pulled together some inspiration images, but in your defence, you were just good at your job. Your steps falter a little when you notice a package at your door, but as you get closer, you notice there’s a post-it note over it. 
Been a minute since our mail got confused again :)
– Beau
You’re confused because you don’t remember ordering anything, but it’s definitely been addressed to you. You head inside to open it, brows furrowing when you start to recognise the fabric. Needless to say, your jaw is definitely on the floor when you pull out the same dress that you had sent Beau not too long ago. You’re scrambling to grab your phone to yell at him when you remember they’re currently playing a game at the moment, so you settle for a borderline blasphemous string of texts instead.
Hours later, when you’re still reeling, you get one single message in response.
Beau: Wasn’t me. Was all huggy :)
It feels like the last days left until the gala had gone all too quick yet also taken way too long. You felt like you’d been pulling your hair out about it nonstop, and it didn’t help that the guys had gone away on a roadie in between. 
You’d started getting ready way too early. You couldn’t do up the clasp of your necklace since you weren’t used to having your nails done, leaving you too much time to start wondering if you’d maybe gone a little overboard with it all. You’d been pacing around your apartment for the past half hour trying to occupy your hands with something else instead, waiting for a more appropriate time to get changed. You think you must look like a deranged housewife, washing your dishes and folding your laundry with a full face of makeup and maybe too much diligence.
You’re so caught up in distracting yourself that the buzzer ringing makes you jump. 
“Hey, come on up. I’ll unlock the door, I’ve just got to get changed,” you say over the intercom. 
You run back to your room to pull on the dress you’d been fawning over for weeks, still not entirely sure how either Quinn or Beau had managed to work out the right size for you. You hear the door being opened and Quinn calling out your name just as you’re spraying your perfume. 
“In my room!” You yell back, “One sec!”
When he rounds the corner and lays eyes on you, Quinn’s certain he’s turned completely into putty. He’s never seen you so dressed up and you look so breathtakingly stunning that he almost drops the bouquet in his hands.
You’re equally breathless when you turn around to face him. You didn’t realise that he’d gotten a tie to match, and you wouldn’t know that he’d dragged Petey to help him pick a new suit in an attempt to impress you. You’re both staring at each other for what feels like forever before either of you can manage a word.
“Um, hi,” he breathes, barely audible, “You look- you look really beautiful.”
You can’t hide the blush that’s creeping up your neck, but you don’t try to anyway considering his cheeks have gone a rosy shade to match. 
“Thanks, Quinn. You look really good too.” You don’t notice how he flushes even deeper because you’ve finally noticed the flowers he’s holding, and even more so, how there’s not a single rose in the bunch. “Are those…?”
Quinn suddenly feels embarrassed about the fact he got you flowers. “Yeah, I um, I got- they’re for you.” He feels like a school boy all over again, mentally kicking himself for not being able to get a proper sentence out. He looks down at the stems, rubbing at his stubble. “Did I overdo it?”
You laugh, you’d been fidgeting with your nails the entire time.
“No, I think it’s really sweet.” You take the flowers from him, laying them down on your vanity when you remember your necklace.
“Oh, can you help me with this? I can’t seem to get the clasp.” You hand him the chain and turn, moving your hair out of the way. 
You can smell the waft of his cologne and feel his focus on the back of your neck, suddenly incredibly aware of how close you’re standing. Your mouth has dried, you're pretty sure your ears are ringing and you think you’re fully frozen in your spot.
“There,” Quinn mumbles, barely even able to get the word past the lump in his throat. He’s still thinking about how unreal you look and fighting the overwhelming urge to spin you around and kiss you right then and there. 
You’re both snapped out of the moment when his phone starts ringing. It’s Beau, asking what time you guys are going to arrive.
“Yeah, we’re just about to leave. See you soon, dude.” Quinn answers, turning his attention back to you. “Ready to go?”
On the way there, you’ve somehow recomposed yourself to manage a somewhat normal conversation. You’re not sure exactly what it is that sent your nerves into haywire in the first place. The fact that you’re so done up, that you’re technically his date, or the fact that he seems just as antsy as you. He tells you he’s a little nervous about the speech he has to make, so you squeeze his hand in reassurance and try to reel your nerves in for both of you.
It’s a lot easier when you get there and see everyone else. You’re reminded that they’re your friends and that this is just another time you get to hang out, even if it’s a lot more fancy and official than what you’re used to. But when you finally go to take your seats after doing your initial rounds of mingling, you still manage to somehow knock your fork to the floor. You bend over to pick it up and you don’t realise Quinn’s covered the edge of the table with his hand until you bump your head into it. Before you can even say anything or just thank him for it, he’s offering to swap forks with you.
“Oh, don’t even worry about it,” you laugh a little breathlessly, “Five second rule, right?”
“Yeah, sure,” he replies, but he’s already replaced the fork next to your plate with his anyway. 
Brock and Petey have watched the whole exchange and share knowing smirks from across the table.
Everything else seems to go smoothly. Maybe it’s the soft touches on his arm or on your back, the blushing smiles and longing glances across the room, but something about tonight feels like tomorrow you won’t be able to pretend nothing happened.
Quinn’s speech goes well, and now everyone is up and moving around again. You hang back and let the long line of teammates and attendees go to congratulate him first.
Beau approaches Quinn, interrupting his train of thought.
“Now that the business part is done, you gonna finally make a move or what?”
Quinn’s eyes almost pop out of his head at the idea of this and also the volume at which Beau is speaking.
“Shut up,” he hisses, “She’ll hear you!”
“Doesn’t matter - she’s going to notice anyway with how hard you’ve been staring all night!”
“No I haven’t,” he mutters, rolling his eyes.
“Yeah ok, sure buddy. Just- no time like the present!” Beau claps him on the back and leaves Quinn to shift his gaze back to you. He’s starting to get lost in how at ease you look, talking to some of the other wives, when he realises Beau is right and you’ve caught him staring.
You make your way to him, prodding him gently in the shoulder.
“Told ya you didn’t need to be so worried.”
He’s blushing again. He can’t seem to get a handle on the effect you have on him.
“Yeah, it went alright, I guess. Made it out alive.”
“Well I, for one, think you spoke really well.” There’s a slight teasing in your voice, but you hope he can tell you mean it.
Quinn finds himself lost for words in front of you for what feels like the hundredth time that night. He’s scanning your face and tries not to think too hard before he opens his mouth again.
“Can I kiss y-”
His hands are quick to find your waist and pull you closer as your hands find a place against his chest. The kiss is quick and rushed and almost all teeth from how big you’re both smiling, but you don’t mind it. You feel like the ground’s been pulled out from under you in one fell swoop and you’re free falling but somehow it feels like exactly what you needed.
When you pull away, Quinn’s wearing the goofiest lopsided grin you’ve ever seen and you can only imagine that you look the same.
“I, uh-”
“You’ve got lip gloss on you.”
You’re both giggling as he swipes over his lips with his thumb. 
You’re so lost in him that you almost don’t register all the hollering and clapping from your table. Usually you would hate the idea of so many eyes watching you, but it all feels like such a long time coming that you can’t seem to be even remotely embarrassed about any of it.
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rrenzwrld · 6 months
sound of my heart III
third part! read second part here
i do kinda liked how it turned out but the ending is free to kinda let you think about how you’d wanna go forward. would you let ony prove his words to you? or would you go ahead and let him go to move onto someone more appreciative? but anyways…enjoy!
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[ ony!❤️ ]: hey
once you got a chance to look at your phone, you instantly regretted it when you saw a text from ony. deja and taylor could see your shift in energy and leaned over to see what was causing it.
deja rolled her eyes. “girl, ignore it.” that was easier said that done. you knew you were supposed to ignore his message just like he ignored you, but you also wanted to respond in hopes that he’d explain himself.
“you know she’s not gonna do that…” taylor said.
“maybe i should just see what he has to say.” you opened the message but just began staring at it. deja smiled slyly at you.
“can i do i—“
“no.” you snapped. you sat there and thought about what to say until you realized that you’d rather get an explanation from him vocally instead of through text. “should i facetime or call him?” you turned to deja and taylor.
“call him. so he won’t know we’re here.” you nodded before texting him and telling him to call you. deja turned down the music playing in the car as the phone rang throughout.
“yo.” deja rolled her eyes and fake gagged.
“yeah. why you text me?” you weren’t gonna waste anymore time.
“i missed you.”
“i couldn’t tell. you haven’t texted me in weeks, ony.”
“i know, i’m sorry. i just…i don’t know.”
“you still never told me who she was.” deja and taylor were silently exciting themselves in the background, proud of you for standing your ground.
“i thought you forgot about that—“
“oh so there was another bitch?”
“just somebody who bought from connie but he told me to give the shit to her because he had something to do so i did.”
“so why did you smell like her that day? and why couldn’t you be honest back then?”
“she was hugging all up on me but i had to push her off cause she was doin too much. and i never told you that because i knew you’d be on some shit.”
“on some shit because i don’t want my man to smell like other girls? i loved you ony and the last thing i would’ve wanted was to think you’d cheat on me! why’d you let me go on thinking that—“
“i’m sorry, y/n.”
“and then you go weeks without talking to me, having me think i did something wrong and making excuses for you.”
“you’ve never listened to me before so i don’t even know why i wasted my time that day. i should’ve just let you think you can go and do whatever like you used to doing.” you were getting mad now if you weren’t already and could feel your throat knotting up.
“i love you, y/n. y’know that?”
“do i? because i thought love was reassuring and you haven’t given that to me.”
“i can’t read your fuckin mind. if you don’t tell me—“
“i shouldn’t have to tell you anything! i don’t ask you for shit, ony. nothing but to know and be shown that you love me and what do i get? ignored for weeks? got me overthinking and shit.”
“i’m sorry.”
“is that all you have to say?”
“i never meant to hurt you, truthfully.”
“so why did you?”
“i should’ve paid attention to you and what you needed from me more, and i’m sorry for that. i was negligent and i really wanna promise you that it’ll never happen again.” ony’s words were luring you in but you weren’t sure if you should’ve surrendered.
“thank you.”
“we good?” you didn’t know that yet.
“i don’t know…”
“i understand completely…i do wanna see you though.”
“too bad, bye ony.” and with that, you hung up. not even anticipating what he was gonna say next. you were no longer gonna let him think he can say what he should do without actually taking initiative to carry out those actions. hearing him say it was nice but you had to see it to believe it.
“sooo you not gonna ask him about him being on that bitch’s phone in chipotle?” deja questioned.
you shrugged. “nope.”
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tvgals · 1 year
— e42! miles morales x black! fem! reader
synopsis — you’ve been cheated on, you’ve been lied to, and you’ve been heartbroken but you damn well ain’t gon be wallowing in self pity forever.
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“you’re not mad?” jess asks you, her face covered in surprise. “nope.” you shrug, grabbing your bag full of snacks and walking out of the store, jess trying to follow up behind you. “on god?” she inquires, biting the inside of her cheek. you kept on walking without any response. “i take that as a no. look, please don’t say anything to jaya. she really trusts me and-“ jess is cut off with you heaving a sigh. “you’ve been talking shit too, huh?” you confront jess, well..not really..it’s more of a yes or no question. “what? ahah! why would you say that?” jess chuckles nervously, twiddling her thumbs.
“i’ve known jaya since sixth grade and i been living in brooklyn since i was born. i know when people talk shit about me, i’m not an idiot. so i will ask you one more time,” you take a deep breath. “have you been talking shit?” jess sighs and stops walking, turning around and walking the other way. that was enough of an answer for you. “fuckin’..” you mumble, walking back to your dorm. everything fell apart within the span of two days. you learned your boyfriend cheated on you, your so called “friend” was talking shit about you to someone new. this was terrible. you missed miles, as much as you hate to say it. you wanted him to hold you and have him tell you he loves you and all of this never happened. you look on your key ring and see the key to miles’ dorm room. you change routes and head over to his room, hoping it’d just be him so his roommate wouldn’t have to hear the oh so awkward conversation. you walk up the stairs leading to the dorms and find yourself outside miles’,contemplating on leaving. before you could think anymore, you insert the key into the lock and walk in, the smell of miles’ cologne hitting your nose. you walk into miles’ room to see him on the bed, seeming as if he’s sleeping. you knew this was a dumb idea. you bite your lip and turn to leave.
“come back..” miles mumbles, rolling into the wall to make room for you. “miles-“ you groan. “just come here. please.” you take your shoes off and lay next to him, trying to not make bodily contact with your ex. in his bed. you and miles sit in silence for a while, listening to the bustling sound of traffic outside and the occasional laughter of children walking down the street. “miles.” you whisper, turning to face him. “yeah?” he whispers right back. “what really happened?” you ask, watching miles hands inch closer to your own.
“if i tell you this you won’t do nothing stupid, right?” miles turns to you, cocking a brow. “promise.” you tell him. miles sighs. “y’know that party i went to like a month ago?” you nod. “i was walking ‘round talkin’ to people, and yo’ lil’ friend jaya came up to me talking bout how she wanted to get put on with me — so i said no cause i already got a girl, right?” you nod along while miles talks. “then she was talking ‘bout how she was better than you this that and the third and i’m like, ‘what?’ you feel me?” you scrunch your face up. someone has to be lying. it’s either him or jaya. “wait wait,” you interrupted him. “jaya said you called her phone?” miles scrunches his face up and looks at you crazy.
“forreal? nah, she’s lying to you ma’.” miles chuckles lowly, pulling you into his side. “are you sure?” you question him, ignoring the fact he told you he did inafct cheat.
you couldn’t help but think he was lying too, miles was prone to lie. like the time he said he would come home at 9 and came home at 2:30 in the morning or the time he told you he’d never lie to you, but he did, and you couldn’t help but think he’s doing it again. “you’re a liar, miles.” you whisper into his stature.
“i wouldn’t lie to you-“ “but you would. you’ve done it countless times and you expect me to fall for it again. well i won’t, miles morales,” you tell him, pushing yourself off of the bed and walking out his room. “baby, come back.” miles says sternly, getting up and following behind you. “no. you can’t force me to stay here wit’ yo lying, cheating ass. you told me you cheated,” you pointed an accusatory finger into his chest. “and you wanna sit here and sweet talk me? well it’s not gonna fucking work.” you sniff, turning around and walking out the door.
you were gonna get your revenge and fast.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
TAGLIST ; — @venusluvslove @mangolog @ohmaiscool15 @ohsanghoe @iiilovemilfs @garnetj @guapaneeseb @nekoweb @samndwich @cloudniteee @azadabts @elitesanjisimp @theyfwkayla14 @lennielane @kelesisworld @aaliyahlia-babyy @dorkmuffin27 @markleedreams @violxtbxbyy @pinkluvrr @yourrfavzxri @noraloralei @anoungsoneandonly @neteyamsmunch @1lennii @
772 notes · View notes
Hard to say- pt. 3
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overview- you and the sturniolo’s have been best friends since you remember, but you’ve always had a thing for Matt. When a new girl, Abby, moves into town, things between you and Matt change.
warnings- crying and a little angst.
pt.2 pt.4
it’s been about a month since Abby came to the school. Somehow her and Matt have become closer.
thankfully Chris had been there to comfort you. He would say ‘he’ll come to his senses eventually,’ or ‘he doesn’t know what he’s missing out on.’
but did he really?
Like, Abby was looked like a goddess in human form. You couldn’t blame Matt if he did like her.
still, the thought of the two of them together made your stomach clench.
You were at the triplets house right now. You and Chris were supposed to have a ‘study session.’
you knocked on the door and Matt answered. “Oh hey y/n.”
“hey,” you said. “Is Chris home?”
Matt tensed a bit at Chris’s name but you didn’t notice. “Yeah he is. Come in.”
“Chris y/n is here!” Matt yelled. You sat on the couch. “Why don’t we study together anymore?” He asked.
You shrugged. “These days you’re always with Abby. Whenever we make plans you always just blow me off.”
Matt felt bad after hearing this. “I’m sorry,” he muttered. You shrugged again. “I’ve gotten used to it.”
“So… you’ve been hanging out with Chris a lot lately.” You smiled at his name.
“I mean yeah. He is one of my best friends after all.” Matt’s heart sank a little. Did you even still consider him as a close friend anymore?
“Hey y/n/n!” You looked up to see Chris grinning at you. “Hey Chris. You ready?” “Yeah let’s go to my room.”
you got up. “Nice talking to you Matt.”
you sighed as you entered Chris’s room. “I’m not sure if I can do this anymore Chris. At this point he doesn’t even know he’s avoiding me. It’s like Abby has him on an invisible chokehold.”
Chris gave you a sad look. “I’m sorry y/n. I wish he would open his eyes and see the amazing person you are.”
you sighed and shrugged. “There not much that can be done now. Now, where is your science notebook?”
when you got back to your apartment, you saw your mom sleeping on the couch.
after your dad died, she had made sure to work extra hard to provide for both of you. She was your true best friend.
she would always listen to your problems and help you solve them. She deserved a break.
you kissed her forehead and walked to your room.
when you walked into English the next day, you already saw Matt and Abby laughing about something.
you decided to expand your social boundaries and sit with someone new today.
you scanned the classroom until your eyes landed on a boy looking at his computer with an EarPod in.
you walked over to the desk and sat down next to him. He glanced up at you, a little confused.
“um, I’m just gonna sit here today. Is that okay?” You asked. “He just shrugged. “Do want you want, I don’t care.” He went back to watching his screen.
you couldn’t help but look at it. “Are you watching bridgerton? I love that show.”
He looked up at you and smiled. “Really? I just started watching it recently.”
“oh,” you said. “What season are you on?” “Season one. Episode 4 to be exact.”
“oooh. You have a long way to go.” He chuckled in response. “Y’know, I haven’t seen that many guys watch bridgerton.”
he shrugged. “I don’t know. I like it.” You laughed. “What’s your name?” “Logan. Yours?” “Y/n.” “Y/n..” he repeated. “I like that name.”
you and Logan continued to laugh the rest of class period, gaining attention from Matt. He felt jealously bubble in his stomach.
You didn’t laugh that way around him anymore.
he shook the thought from his head. Why was he thinking about you so much all of a sudden?
“I feel like we have other classes together,” Logan said. “Yeah me too.. I think we have this class, history and science together?”
“yeah that’s it.” The bell rang. “I’ll see in our other classes, yeah?” You smiled at him. “Yeah.”
in Math, you were sitting with ally. Abby and Matt were sitting at another table.
“Matt, I have something to tell you,” Abby said. “What?” He asked curiously.
“it’s about y/n.”
his eyes widened slightly. “What is it.” She hesitated a little before speaking. “I’ve heard her talking to a guy in the hallway the other day… apparently she pays guys for sex.”
Matt’s eyes widened. “W-what?” “It’s true,” she continued. “That day she was practically begging the guy to fuck her. Apparently she’s done it with a lot of guys in this grade.”
Matt was still in shock. Y/n wouldn’t do that. Would she? “I mean, she has been acting kind of distant lately..” he trailed off.
Abby shrugged and glanced at you. “I just wanted you to know.”
“hey guys,” you said as you approached your usual lunch table. You were met with hi’s and waves.
you sat down across from Matt. “Hey Matt did you get the notes in math?”
he didn’t even look up to acknowledge you. “Matt?”
“what,” he snapped. The blinked at him. “Are you okay?”
he huffed. “Can we talk in private please?” “Okay…” you said a little unsure.
you followed him into an empty hallway.
“Matt what’s wrong?”
he sighed and shook his head. “Abby told me that you pay guys for sex. How long y/n? How long have you been doing this?”
your eyes widened. “I would never do that Matt! You should know this.”
“Should I?” He asked. “It makes sense- you have been pretty distant lately.”
you laughed in shock. “I’ve been distant? You’re the one who spends every second of your time with Abby.”
Matt just rolled his eyes. “You know that I’ll only have sex with the person i love. I’ve told you this!”
Matt just scoffed. “are you saying that Abby is lying?” “Yes I’m saying that. Who are you gonna believe? Someone you’ve known all your life or some girl you meant less than 2 months?”
Matt paused for a second. He had only known Abby for a short while, but he should believe her, right?
“I don’t think we should be friends anymore y/n.”
that was enough to crack your heart. Tears started rolling down your cheeks before you could even comprehend it.
Matt looked hurt for a second, but he just walked away from you, leaving you to slide down the wall, holding in your sobs.
the rest of the day was blur.
when you got back to your apartment, your mom was on the couch watching something.
“Hey sweetie!” she said. “How was your day?”
that was enough for you to start crying again. A look of concern washed over her face as she got up and hugged you.
She led you to the couch where you cried on her should. “Don’t cry sweetie.” She hushed you and patted your hair.
she waited for you to calm down a bit before talking. “Let me guess- it has something to do with Matt and Abby?”
you sniffed and nodded your head. She cursed under her breath.
“that bitch,” she mumbled. “Mom!” You laughed. “Don’t tell her I said that. Anyways, wanna tell me what happened?”
you sighed. “Abby made some rumor about me and she told Matt. Apparently he’d rather believe her than someone he’s known his whole life.” Your mom frowned.
“listen y/n. If he can’t see the amazing person in front of him then he’s not worth it. Trust me, he’s going to see it one day.”
“thanks mom,” you said. She kissed your forehead. “Any day. Anyways, legally blonde and popcorn?”
you grinned. “Always.”
tags- v4mp1r3c4t sturniololvrrr sturnssan blahbel668 arleanka futuristicladywonderland iloveneilperry sturnstvr jetaimevous britishamerican11 alicejwebster sturnsforlife ldrloverrrrrr
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wren-kitchens · 17 days
lazy mornings
1382 words
etho wakes up in a warm bed, with the sun peeking through the portholes and a still-asleep joel attached to him. it’s.. kind of sweet, if he’s being honest, to see joel like this. joel is the kind of guy who would never in a million years let someone see him like this if he didn’t trust them wholeheartedly not to make fun of him or stab him in the back. it’s.. kind of wonderful to know that joel trusts etho like that.  just as he thinks this, joel mumbles something incomprehensible and nudges closer, burying his face in etho’s neck. whatever the platonic version of falling in love is, etho is pretty sure he just did that.
this is kind of unfinished but as you may suspect, I started writing this before joel was announced as a new hermit, so I am thoroughly done with this wip
anyway qpr boat boys are the best kind of boat boys and this fic made me realise I am also embarrassed to show affection if someone doesn't do it first so thank you qpr boat boys for showing me the light
etho wakes up in a warm bed, with the sun peeking through the portholes and a still-asleep joel attached to him. it’s.. kind of sweet, if he’s being honest, to see joel like this. joel is the kind of guy who would never in a million years let someone see him like this if he didn’t trust them wholeheartedly not to make fun of him or stab him in the back. it’s.. kind of wonderful to know that joel trusts etho like that. 
just as he thinks this, joel mumbles something incomprehensible and nudges closer, burying his face in etho’s neck. whatever the platonic version of falling in love is, etho is pretty sure he just did that.
okay, but- come on. for someone who loves to paint himself as a terrifying red name who’ll trap your base and steal your diamonds, joel is.. well, he’s kind of a doggy. sure, he’s the kind who’ll bite you when excited and will tear up your cushions when bored, but at the end of the day, he’ll curl up and fall asleep on your lap. etho kind of loves it.
closing his eyes again, etho presses a kiss onto the top of joel’s head, burying his own face in joel’s hair. there’s a small noise of contentment from underneath him, before a quiet mumble of, “you’re a sap, y’know.”
etho gives a little scoff of laughter. “oh yeah?”
“yeah.” joel says, muffled slightly. “I woke up and you’re hugging me already. you’re a sap.”
etho snorts, pulling back a little so he can see joel’s face. “yeah? you wanna know what I woke up to today?” 
joel frowns at him, as if he already knows what etho is about to say and is preemptively mad about it. it’s both funny and sweet—not that etho reckons joel would appreciate either of those comparisons, but still. he’s not wrong. “what?”
“when you were asleep, you started hugging me.” etho grins, watching joel’s face turn progressively pinker with every word and grinning. “you were asleep! I woke up and you were already attached to me, and then you did this-“ etho copies joel’s earlier actions, noting the distinctly foreign warmth filling his chest as he does.
“yeah, well- I was asleep.” joel says, and etho smirks at him. “but, y’know, I don’t care. i’ll get up now actually, since i’m awake-“
before etho can make a joke or tease him or- y’know, anything normal, he makes an embarrassing noise of protest in the back of his throat as joel starts to sit up, and holds him tighter. he feels his face go hot, but he can’t help feeling pleased when joel settles back down again—even if it is because he’s about to tease him relentlessly.
“shut up.” etho says, before joel can even open his mouth.
“I wasn’t gonna say anything.” joel sounds so smug, etho can practically hear his smirk. he would be annoyed if it weren’t so endearing. “I was just gonna do this.” 
within the space of what has to be five seconds, joel has buried his face in etho’s neck, practically laying on top of him. for a second, etho is a little taken aback, considering how self conscious joel gets when showing affection—this, whilst very much appreciated, is pretty odd. he quickly realises, however, that etho managed to embarrass himself just enough to make it feel less- well, vulnerable for joel to do something similar. after all, when someone makes a noise that honest as you stop hugging them, you can kind of rule out the possibility of them rejecting you. well- that’s kind of a win?
etho can’t quite keep the smile off his face as he hugs joel back, letting himself entirely ignore his worries about what if joel thinks he’s weird—they are well past that now. burying his face in joel’s hair, etho closes his eyes and begins to wonder how joel finds any time to wash his hair in this game (he smells like shampoo).
“etho?” joel mumbles, somewhat muffled. etho hums in answer, feeling as if he might end up falling asleep again in a minute. “you. you mean a lot. to me.”
etho feels that thing again- the platonic falling in love thing. man, he’s never gonna be able to stop smiling around joel, huh? 
he presses a kiss to the top of joel’s head, who huffs a little in what sounds like exasperation—however, the warmth beginning to fill his chest once again says the exact opposite. “you mean a lot to me too.”
joel doesn’t say anything, but etho can feel him smiling against his skin, and man, this might be the happiest etho has felt in- pretty much any of the death games. he hugs joel tighter, grinning as he mumbles, “etho.” exasperatedly.
“I love the way you say my name.” etho says into joel’s hair. “you go eefo.”
“I do not.” joel protests, but it’s clear he’s not putting much effort into it. 
“you do.” etho teases. maybe he should kidnap joel and smuggle him into hermitcraft when this is all over. he’s sure he can convince xisuma to let him—although, he may have to bring lizzie and jimmy along if he wants joel to stay on hermitcraft. “it’s sweet.”
joel gives a muffled noise of complaint. “‘s not sweet.”
“it absolutely is.” etho says, already creating an elaborate heist to get joel past the firewalls in his head as they speak. he thinks he could probably get grian and scar involved if he tried hard enough. “you’re like a dog when they do something that’s like- an instinct that’s meant to make them look scary but they just end up being cute.”
“you’re being annoying.” joel mumbles, but he sounds a little pleased regardless.  
“i’m being lovable.” etho pauses. “it works for bdubs.”
“yeah, but- have you seen the guy? he’s in a permanent state of concussion.” joel snorts. “i’m not surprised it works for him.”
“that’s mean.” etho pretends to pout. joel gives him such a withering look that etho stops immediately, grinning. “what, am I not lovable enough for you?”
“you’re not lovable, full stop.” joel says, actively disproving his own point by settling back down on top of etho. “you’re just- dumb.”
“you wound me.” etho says, trying not to smile too much; joel is so bad at lying. 
joel is quiet for a long moment, and etho has begun to wonder whether or not he has actually fallen asleep again or if he’s pretending in order to give etho the silent treatment when joel shifts abruptly and presses a kiss to etho’s cheek. that- okay, that just happened. how does etho respond without sounding like he’s losing his mind?
“you- what-“ etho scrambles for any comprehensible words that make a full sentence. “i- why?” 
joel cackles at etho’s reaction (the asshole), apparently very pleased. “well, you do it all the time to me. I had to return the favour.” he says, sounding every bit the smug bastard etho knows and loves. 
etho spends a solid five seconds blinking, still trying to process anything. he feels like a shitty printer of emotions, and is seriously hoping he doesn’t release them all in one flood of inconvenience and accidental leaflets. joel, sensitive as ever, continues to laugh at him. after a moment, etho gives up on words, and instead pulls joel closer and buries his face in his hoodie. joel gives a fond little huff, returning the hug readily. 
"you should know," etho mumbles, something fuzzy in his stomach. "i’m making a plan to smuggle you into hermitcraft as we speak."
joel snorts, and etho feels the soft ache in his chest as he nudges his face into etho's shoulder. "you’re an idiot, you know."
etho kisses one of joel's ears, smiling as he feels joel's face grow hotter against his skin. "well, you haven't heard the plan yet."
"don't need to." etho can hear joel's smile in his voice. "I already know you’re an idiot." there's another pause, and etho has begun to understand that they just mean joel is thinking. "but, uh- what's the plan?"
etho snorts, and joel elbows him. "i’m not gonna tell you if you’re gonna hurt me."
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astermath · 10 months
The touch starved prompts are making me be in my feels :') If you're still open to requests for them, can I have either "how long has it been since someone hugged or?" or "you don't need to earn my affection, not now and not ever." with Steve? Those two really hit hard for me... :')
omg i almost completely overlooked this ask i'm so sorry! the first one i answered not too long ago with this oneshot, but i'll happily write the second one!
send in some touch starved prompts! ♡
word count: 1K
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You’ve been sick for two days already, and frankly, you’ve had enough.
It’s not that you feel bad for missing out on work. Seriously, you could have used a break from 10 hour shifts a long time ago already. And you don’t really have any other commitments you regret not being able to attend either.
No, Steve is taking care of you.
And it’s very conflicting.
On one hand, you love it. He’s your boyfriend, of course he takes care of you. He makes you soup, makes sure you have a blanket and a nice hot water bottle at your disposal, does everything around the house. It’s like heaven. Well, almost like heaven.
Because you can’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of guilt about it all.
It’s stupid, you know it’s stupid. You would do the exact same thing for him if he was sick.
But there’s this awful feeling gnawing away at you, making you feel like he’s slaving away for you and that you’re ungrateful, that you don’t deserve it. That he doesn’t even like taking care of you, he just pities you.
That’s why when he comes to sit down next to you on the couch, reaching out for a cuddle, you pull away.
You don’t dare to look his way. You know the expression on his face already, a mixture of confusion and hurt. Mostly confusion. You’re sick, maybe you just don’t want to make him sick as well?
“Come on, we can cuddle, right? I’ve got a strong immune system, I won’t get sick from giving my girl some attention now.” He chuckles, but you don’t give in. It’s starting to concern him now. His sweet girl, not wanting to be enveloped in his arms? Maybe your sickness has gotten to your brain, or he’s done something seriously wrong.
“Hey,” He ducks his head under a little so he can get a look at your face, but you turn away. “What’s up baby? Did I do something?”
That makes you look at him, because you can’t have him thinking your insecurities have anything to do with his actions. He’s perfect, literally the dream boyfriend. And yet you feel like he’s being too good for you right now.
Your eyes are watery, and that you cannot blame on the illness. Steve’s expression softens, and he suddenly feels a lot worse for joking around just now.
“It’s just— you’re being so nice to me, and I… I don’t know…”
“Peach… If I’m doing something wrong, you can tell me. You know that, right?”
“No, it’s— you’re not doing anything wrong, it’s just—“ you sigh, sniffling a little. “Feel like I don’t deserve this.” you pause, eyes quickly darting his way and back. “Like I don’t deserve you.”
Steve’s facial expression contorts into one of worry and confusion in a matter of seconds. “Oh, baby… C’mere.”
He reaches out, wrapping a strong arm around your shoulders and pulling you flush to his chest. The warm scent of his cologne overtakes your senses, and you can’t help but feel comforted by it. His large hand rubs over your back, gently, soothingly, and he presses a kiss to the crown of your head.
“Y’know, sometimes I feel like I don’t deserve you.” He mumbles against your hair.
You scoff; why would the Steve Harrington ever feel that way?
“Seriously, like,” he leans back a little, still holding you, “I used to be such an asshole. And you knew me back then, you’ve seen me during my worst times, when my ego was bigger than Hawkins itself, and you still decided I was worth your time. The fact that you stuck with me all that time, that really does count for something.”
You close your eyes to reminisce for a moment. He’s not entirely wrong, he was an asshole, but if anyone is the living proof that a person can change, it’s Steve.
He looks down at you, eyes full of love, glad to see you're starting to come out of your insecure cloud of thoughts.
"You know, even if you're not sick, you don't have to earn my affection."
Your head peeks out of the embrace he has you in, all curled up on his lap. Your eyes are a little glassy from almost crying, and though he hates seeing you sad like this, you do look so pretty.
"Yeah?" you ask, voice a little fragile.
"Yeah," he replies, pressing a soft kiss to your lips, "not now," peck, "and not ever."
You giggle softly, returning the gesture. The kiss deepens by the second, your lips melting together in what you could only describe as "getting lost in each other". And that's exactly what you do, because while his tongue slips past your lips and your fingers slide into his hair, you forget all about the sickness you'd been so tormented by.
Your eyes open suddenly, a soft gasp erupting from you as you pull away. "Wait, no-- no, I'm sick Stevie!"
He simply chuckles in return, pulling you in again before you can protest. "So what?" he mumbles against the plushness of your lips, "if I get sick, you'll take care of me too, right?"
"Duh," the tip of your nose rubs gently over his, "I'll make you chicken noodle soup and everything."
"Good, so," he shifts your positions, laying you down gently under him, your back flat onto the couch, "a bit of kissin' won't hurt."
You grin, the pure love and affection flooding your body making you forget all about being sick. "You're impossible, Harrington."
"You love it." He leans down to peck your lips once more.
"Yeah," your arms wind around him, "you got me there."
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@palmtreesx3 @inkluvs
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dabislittlemouse · 1 month
Corrupt Hero Au Dabi is so underrated for me that I never see. Like imagine Dabi is a menace outside of hero work but he does such a good job doing the hero stuff people look past it. He sleeps around, parties a lot, skips office work until he met you in an accident. He saved you from being trapped under a piece of rubble and luckily you weren't too hurt. You thanked him and walked away casually. He's a bit flustered cause he's used to people worshipping him and gushing over him. So, like the hero he is he asks her for her info for witnesses for the accident and definitely not cause for personal reasons. He then usues his hero connections to get every bit of info on you. He then shows up at places that you would hang out usually sometimes he would just watch you and leave. Other times he would have a small conversation with you. And it wasn't suspicious at first Japan is a small place. The frequency of it happening the more time passed scared you. But what could you do? He's a top hero and he hasn't technically done anything too you. Dabi couldn't wait anymore and confronts you in a semi public area too make sure when he asked you out on a date you couldn't say no. You looked scared but you agreed and the fear in your eyes made him hard as hell. He quickly gets your number and gives you a kiss on the cheek before he leaves. He couldn't wait to ruin you.
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corrupt pro hero!touya who actually gets into lots of trouble (as if he was a villain) but always has his name cleared because of his strong connections and his status. Who does some questionable things when he is off duty, something that doesn’t really fit a hero who is assumed to be righteous. He looks down on others, and his aura is intimidating enough for most people.
Pro hero Touya who is a womaniser, and broken the hearts of many. He’s never been in for serious relationships, getting bored fast and always sleeping around, a total red flag and a man who doesn’t know the value of relationships and love, with superiority complex that he took from his father, someone who’ll do anything to fulfill his ego and reach his pleasures, even if it hurts people.
Touya who suddenly got way too obsessed with a cute little civilian like you who, compared to the other people that would literally give their soul to be around Touya, you didn’t actually care. And that pisses him off, when he notices that his charm and looks don’t actually work on you. But he likes the chase, you surely are playing hard to get, and in the end he always gets anything he wants. He is powerful and he knows it, he has society at the tip of his hands, and you’re nothing but a little mouse in the mids of it.
Touya who stalks you for days, showing up at the most random places, claiming that he is “on duty”, all while his eyes glare at you inappropriately. You feel almost naked under his gaze, as you try to fix your dress, uncomfortable in his presence. Touya who saves you, while you were at risk of getting hit by a car. His hand wraps around your waist, as he keeps you close to his body.
“You hurt?” he says, making sure you’re alright.
“I’m fine.. thank you for saving me” you say trying to back off, but he doesn’t let go. Touya keeps you in place, both your bodies almost sticked together.
“I’ve saved your life twice so far..” he says, amusement in his tone. “Isn’t it about time you make it up to me, dollface? Maybe a little reward for my hard work, don’t you agree? M’not asking for much y’know~”
And that’s how he got you coming over to his place, right after both of you dined together. Despite the fact that you refused, the way he insisted, used sweet words to change your mind, made actually give in. You can already tell that this man is no good news, yet another part of you ignored it, thinking that he is a hero, you should be safest with him.. right?
Not when he locks the door, and his behaviour changes. Not when he starts getting closer to you, the teasing comments he was throwing here and there about to become reality as his warm hand goes up your thigh, slowly, making you shiver.
“Tch- Don’t act like you didn’t want this” he grins, gently biting your ear while his hand proceeds to go to risky places. “Looking at me with those doe eyes, wearing those slutty dresses the whole time I was on duty. You’re way too obvious, babe..and you still love playing hard to get”
Touya who is a hero, but fucks like he kills, he has you screaming and crying to the point your throat goes sore. He lets out all the frustration you had caused him all this time by playing your little games, by keeping him depraved and thirsty, but the wait was worth it, because your sweet pussy is heaven on earth, nothing like the other sluts he has fucked before, your moans are music to his ears, your pretty face and your expressions while he fucks deep inside of you… he is getting addicted.
Touya who after a while of keeping you around and using you as his personal fuckdoll, finally announces his ‘relationship’ with you to the public, as he kisses you and grabs your ass right in front of the paparazzi. Whether you wanted it or not, you now ended up famous, a top hero’s girlfriend, who nicely spreads her legs and warms his bed every night.
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fragileruns · 1 year
fake dating with james? major angst end with fluff?
okay, to be completely candid with you guys, this is my first time writing like this. i’ve never really done fics or even small drabbles before, so i deeply apologize if this is the worst thing you’ve ever read. i promise i’m trying to get better. this has also been sitting in my drafts for so long, since i couldn’t decide how to end it.
summary: you fell in love with your fake boyfriend. he fell in love with you, too.
warning: not as much angst, sorry </3. fluff, horrible writing, a lot of rushing. james rants ab his love for you
Dating James was like a dream, truly. Even though it was fake, meant to just be a ruse to make Lily jealous, he made it seem like it was perfectly real. He walked you to every class, offered you his jumper the moment you shook in the slightest, gave you his breakfast if you were still hungry. He even made sure to throw in a grand gesture every once in a while — a large bouquet of flowers, buying you a nice outfit or that expensive perfume you wanted but couldn’t afford. Anything he could do.
The only problem was how much you liked dating him. It was hard to remind yourself that it was all fake — that it was all happening just to make another girl jealous, because that’s who he was in love with. Lily. Not you. And it broke your heart every time you were reminded of that. Every time he’d kiss your cheek and murmur something about Lily watching, whenever he’d come to you with so much excitement over the plan working, whenever he’d immediately pull away as soon as you two were alone. It all hurt.
And that was why you had to end it. Today, before you could chicken out and let yourself get lost in something that’s not real.
“James? Can we talk?” You questioned softly once you found him in his dorm room, Remus and Sirius studying something on one of the beds, and Peter trying to make light conversation. “Um — somewhere private.”
“Yeah, of course.” The bespectacled boy gave you a grin, quickly slapping Sirius lightly on top of the head to signal for him and Remus to leave, before nodding his head for Peter to do the same. After a few grumbles, the three eventually left the room, leaving both you and James alone. “Hey, did you see Lily at breakfast today? Marls said she was ‘bout ready to stab someone, must mean the plan’s working.”
“Right, yeah, that’s great, James.” You murmured distantly, almost as if you weren’t really listening, which was what caught James attention. A frown came over his face and he took a step closer to you, tilting his head slightly in confusion.
“Is something wrong? What did you want to talk about?”
“Us. I mean — this whole dating thing. Fake dating thing.” You clarified, mentally sighing at how nervous you already were. It was already proving to be more difficult than you could handle.
“I think we should end this.”
“This? The plan? No. Why would we do that?” James questioned frantically, his frown only growing. Truly, he didn’t know if he was upset because he didn’t want to backtrack with Lily, or if it was because he didn’t want to stop being with you.
“Because, it ran it’s course. It worked, it did what it was supposed to do. I think going on any longer would just be beating a dead horse, y’know? And you can’t exactly get with Lily if you have a girlfriend, even if it’s fake.”
“No — No, we have to keep going. We’re not done yet,” James was trying to come up with a reason. He didn’t know why, you did have a point. But the idea of ending things caused a feeling in his gut, and he didn’t like it. “There — there’s the Yule Ball. We can’t break up before the Yule Ball.”
“Ask Lily. I overheard her talking with Marlene and Mary about how she wished she could go with you.”
“Then I’d just seem like an asshole who left his girlfriend for another girl.”
“James,” you sighed. He was making it more difficult than you thought he would. You almost thought he’d be happy, that it had worked well enough he could be with Lily now. “It won’t seem that way. Ask Lily to the Yule Ball. This has to be over, okay? I just — it has to be, I’m sorry.”
You left before he could come up with another reply, leaving both yourself and James completely devastated and wishing for something that never really existed.
Two weeks and some moping later, it was finally time for the Yule Ball. Something that you should be excited for — all of your friends were.
But, it was hard to be excited when you knew the person you were in love with would be going with another girl. Sirius had offered to go with you, as friends, of course. You had updated him on why you ended things with James and you figured he wanted to distract you from it all. However, you declined — you knew he wanted to go with Remus and you didn’t want to stand in the way of their night.
Amos Diggory had asked you as well — you thought about saying yes at first, not wanting to be the only person without a date, but it would be cruel to lead him on, so you simply said you wanted to go alone.
It hurt, hearing Lily gush over James as she got ready. You were so used to hearing her complain about his antics and gestures, and now she was swooning and you didn’t think you could bear it. Mary kept sending you sympathetic glances — clearly your moping hadn’t been as subtle as you thought.
It even hurt when you were there, surrounded by friends. James avoided eye contact, always either making an excuse of getting drinks for him and Lily or simply staying silent — something very rare for him.
A slow song eventually came on, all of your friends rushing off with their dates to get the first dance of the night, all of them blushing and giggling. And you were happy for them, you were. You just wished you could join in the feeling, rather than sitting alone to the sidelines.
The even was going by dreadfully slow, and you were beginning to contemplate just leaving early — making an excuse that your head hurt, or you were sick — whenever Amos came up to you.
“Hey — I know you didn’t want to come with anyone. Or with me, at least. But you seem lonely,” he started, before plopping down on the seat next to you. “Do you want to dance? No strings attached.”
“I — that would be lovely, actually.”
He grabbed your hand, pulling you up and over to the “dance floor,” which was really just the middle of the Great Hall. You immediately felt less awkward than you had before — even if it wasn’t James, at least you weren’t sitting by yourself.
“Did you say no to me because of James?”
“Did you not want to come with me because you’re still hung up on James? You two seemed really… happy, together. I guess I should’ve figured you weren’t over him.”
“Oh, we were never actually —” You were cut off, both yours and Amos’ heads looking up to the figure who interrupted you. James.
“Sorry, mate, do you mind if I steal her for a moment? Thanks.” James didn’t wait for either of you to respond, instead pulling you to the complete opposite side of the room.
He avoided making eye contact with you, leaving you more confused than you were two seconds ago. What was the point of pulling you over here if he didn’t have anything to say?
“It looked like you and Lily were having fun,” you decided to speak, hoping to ease whatever tension was building between the two of you.
“What? Oh yeah, sure. I guess,” he said, practically waving you off. It was as if he wasn’t even listening, his mind in a totally different world. “I need to say something. And I need you to not interrupt me. Okay?”
You nodded, part of you terrified for what was about to come. You couldn’t think of anything you had done to him recently. You hadn’t even spoken to him, how could you have possibly upset him? What could he possibly need to talk about?
“I’ve always been in love with Lily. Since as long as I can remember, it’s been her. I didn’t even give anyone else a chance, because she had to be the one.”
“Gee. Thanks for the reminder, James.”
“Wait. I’m not done. I never gave anyone a chance. Not a serious one, at least. And — and then you showed up. And I know it was supposed to be fake, and it was supposed to just make Lily jealous. But, somewhere I think… I think I realized that maybe she’s not the one. Because whenever you ended things, it felt like — I don’t know, it sort of felt like my heart was missing.”
He kept rambling, and you opened your mouth to interrupt. To ask if he was saying what you thought he was. But, he quickly shushed you, holding a finger up to signal he was still talking.
“And, I thought maybe I just liked the attention. Liked being in a relationship. But, I’m here with Lily and it’s not the same. It doesn’t feel the same. I don’t feel the same. I just, I guess what I’m trying to say is, you’re the only person who made me feel so seen, so… so me. Does that make sense? I just, I think I might be in love with you.” He finally finished up, letting his eyes fall to your face, his eyes wide as if he had just confessed to murder.
You could tell he was nervous, but you stayed silent, blinking slowly as you processed his words. “You can — you can say something now. Please say something.”
“I think I may be in love with you, too, Potter.” You finally spoke, watching the grin that slowly took over his face once he realized what you said.
“Really?” He tried not to show how giddy he was, tried not to seem too much like a child who was just told they could get ice cream. But how was he supposed to contain himself when you just told him you loved him, too? How was he supposed to pretend like he wasn’t on cloud fucking nine?
“Yes. Now, are you gonna kiss me, or do I have to do it myself?”
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alittletaste · 1 year
↳ In which Harry uses a face mask before the Brits and has a deep conversation with y/n
Warning: sweet sweet fluff and a little article at the end! Please reblog and show some love if you enjoyed, i appreciate it! Anyways, have fun reading :)
It was no secret that Harry took care of his skin, from the very get-go, the first concert he ever had to perform, the night before, he stood in front of his mirror applying his face mask. And now ten years on, he was sitting on his bed, his beautiful wife sat opposite him, slathering his soft skin with a layer of creamy goodness.
“Harry, stop wiggling!” She whined, trying her best to smooth out the cream all over his perfect face. Harry smiles, listening to his wife, but not before cheekily sticking his tongue out and licking her hand that was hovering over his lips as she applied the mask to his nose.
“Oi!” She giggled, playfully slapping her annoyingly handsome husband on his thigh causing him to let out a belly laugh. “God, you’re so annoying”
“You love it though” he smiles, “it’s why you married me” Y/n rolls her eye, as she works on applying the face mask onto his forehead. She appreciates the headband Harry put on earlier, to keep his unruly locks out of her way.
“Is this the pore cleanser one?” Harry asked, looking at his wife, he was in awe of her. To him, his wife was the most beautiful person to ever grace the earth. To him, she was his everything. Harry often finds himself saying that he would be lost without her, he wouldn’t know what to do. Apparently, y/n keeps his head screwed on, she grounds him and sometimes humbles him. It’s what a man needs, he says, someone to not only love you but to keep you sane and make sure your ego doesn’t inflate too much.
“Mhm, it also calms the skin, helps any breakouts. I know you get some before a show, so this is perfect” y/n says as she finally applies the mask to his chin. She knew it’d be a good time to bring this mask out seeing as the Brits were approaching. The Brits meant a lot to Harry, his whole family would be watching and as he was opening the show, y/n knew he’d hate for a breakout to start right before.
“So thoughtful” Harry hums softly and a smile tugs on his face as his wife pulls back, inspecting her work. “Done?” He questions, earning a nod from his partner.
“All done” she smiles. “Just got to wait until it hardens now” she says.
“Whilst the mask hardens, I’ve got something else for you that I’m sure would harden up in a second” he smirks, eyeing his own junk, and y/n rolls her eyes as she realises what he’s referring to
“God, you just had to go and ruin the moment, didn't you? You can’t help yourself mister” she giggles and Harry laughs.
“It’s hard to contain myself around you, you’re m’everything. Y’know that, right?” Harry smiles, tucking y/ns hair behind her ear as he tugs her over towards himself.
“Be careful!” She warns as Harry ends up on his back, y/n now straddling him. “Don’t want to ruin my masterpiece” she spoke, referring to the face mask.
“Oh no! Would never want to do that, what a tragedy that would be” sarcasm thick in Harry’s voice. It was one of the many things y/n loved about him; his humour. It was very British, but also very funny. To y/n, Harry was the funniest man on the planet, but she didn’t dare tell him that, why boost the ego of a man who had millions of people going crazy over him any more than it already was? To y/n, Harry was also the sweetest, the best thing to happen to her. He came into her life and made it so much better, God what would she do without him and his humour to get her through the day?
“You’re so adorable” y/n speaks, her hands on Harry’s chest as she took him in, some parts of the facemask were now hardening, like the part around his nose and beneath his eyes.
“That should be my line” Harry jokes, “but thank you, baby. You’re not too bad either”
“You’re such a meanie” she pouts and Harry reaches up to carefully pull her lips towards his own, there was no doubt that some of his face mask had transferred onto y/ns face but she didn’t mind.
“I’m only kidding baby” he says, pulling back, “I was serious before y’know that? You’re my everything, my most favourite person. Sometimes, it blows my mind, like I actually found my person you know?” He ponders.
“It’s crazy, isn’t it? I’m glad to be your person, I love you so much” smiling, she leans in for another kiss.
“I love you so much too, I’m happy to call you my person” Harry says, gently squeezing his wife’s side, happy that he found his lifelong companion and soulmate, happy that he knew he’d wake up to the same person by his side every day for the rest of his life, something he thought would once be impossible. You proved all his inner thoughts wrong and he couldn’t be happier.
And he certainly showed his appreciation when he won his four Brit awards, thanking you in each and every speech.
The former one direction star won all four Brits he was nominated for, including best album and best artist.
It was no surprise when Harry opened the show with his hit song, As it was, which later went on to win song of the year. Fans were, as expected, chanting the anthem back at him.
Styles looked absolutely amazing tonight, sporting four different looks for this occasion. Onlookers went on to say that although he looked absolutely stunning tonight and did have his fair share of jokes with the crowd, he made it quiet obvious that he is a happily married man.
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During his acceptance speeches, Harry didn’t fail to recognise and shout out his wife, Y/n Styles, going on to say that she was his “forever muse” and that he would be “no where without her”
He also thanked his mum for pushing him to audition at x-factor, claiming that he “wouldn’t be standing here” if it weren’t for her. One thing we all know for certain is that Harry is a family man and we love him for that.
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Even during his post award show interview, Harry was seen thanking his wife with a kiss on her lips before talking about how she was “always there for him” and this “album would be impossible to make without her” so cheers to y/n for these bangers.
He also mentioned how he was planning on “having a drink” so we hope he has a great rest of the night! A true champion like him deserves that.
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simplyraeblue · 19 days
hunter and hunted (jjk)
ღ first attempt at short stories on tumblr. bear with me. ღ
college (summer) break au: a fic in this y/n is pining over Yuji's older brother Sukuna, while unbeknownst to her, Choso is doing the same thing for her. contents: sukuna x reader, choso x reader, modern college AU, yuji and choso are brothers, sukuna and yuji are brothers, eventual smut warning as I'm planning for this to come in parts
index part one | part two?
part one
“thanks for letting me stay over here this summer, Yuj. I really didn’t want to go home over the break but I couldn’t stay in the dorm either so you’re a lifesaver.” you tell your best friend while following him up the stairs to his front door. both of your arms are full of groceries, same as Yuji’s. the first store run of the summer. 
Yuji looks back at you, giving his usual wide grin. “of course y/n, you know you’re always welcome. you’ll just have to excuse my brothers, I’m sure they’ll be keeping to themselves but if they cause you any trouble I give you permission to punch them.”
you laugh, but you know his concerns are mostly valid. 
Yuji has two older brothers; Sukuna and Choso. the latter is always keeping to himself, blaring loud metal music in his room (which is always almost pitch black), and exclusively communicates in grunts ninety percent of the time. the former… well… Sukuna is the biggest asshole you’ll ever meet. however, that doesn’t stop you from feeling your heart stop when he’s in the room. how can someone who's an absolute dick walk around looking like that? 
you’ve had a crush on Sukuna since high school, when he was a senior and you were an underclassman. of course he never paid you any mind. and when he did, it was to pester you and try to get a rise out of you. [little did you know he enjoyed that]
Yuji held open the front door for you, allowing you to walk into the house and hurry yourself to the kitchen. you’d been successful carrying a load of groceries so far; until you see Sukuna standing shirtless in the kitchen drinking a glass of water. 
all of the groceries drop out of your hands almost immediately. “for fuck’s sake, y/n are you really that weak?” Sukuna yells, walking over to try to clean up the mess you made.
“it’s not my fault you scared me you asshat, I came around the corner and you were just standing there quiet as a mouse.” you snap at him, trying to stop the blush from creeping onto your cheeks. 
“woah, y/n that’s my fault I shouldn’t have asked you to carry so much!” Yuji joins the two of you in the kitchen, setting his groceries down and proceeding to help. He angles his head towards the stairs before shouting, “Choso, get down here it’s time your turn to make dinner!”
you hadn’t even notice the music coming from upstairs. how Choso’s ears don’t bleed you’ll never know. even from a separate floor your ears are almost in pain; but you guess that could be from the embarrassment you were already feeling. soon after Yuji hollered, you hear heavy footsteps coming down, before you see him. Dark, messy twin buns and his signature face tattoo… you could almost admit that the tattoo was attractive, but it didn’t compare to the ones all over Sukuna’s body. it’s a surprise that Yuji hasn’t gotten one yet. 
“hey, y/n.” Choso says to you in a low tone, so low you barely catch it. all you can do is nod while still trying to catch up with the chaos of the groceries. “Yuji says you’ll be crashing with us for the summer, is that right?”
“yep. didn’t want to go home but couldn’t very well sleep on the streets, y’know?”
“I think you’d feel right at home on the streets.” Sukua chuckles, and you proceed to slap the back of his head. “hey! physical violence!”
“oh yeah, I told y/n that she has full permission to hit the both of you if you cause any trouble.” Yuji warns them, causing Choso to raise his eyebrows in direction like he’s doubting I could ever cause any harm. “and just saying, she does a have right hook when she tries.”
after dinner was done, you volunteered to clean the dishes since Choso cooked and Yuji bought the groceries. it also didn’t seem like Sukuna was going to speak up and you were the guest after all. you even tried to ignore Sukuna’s “because she’s a girl” comment he made under his breath when Yuji tried to get him to take over for you. 
Choso and Yuji stay downstairs with you while you clean up, both of them talking about their plans for the summer and everything they want to do. you don’t hesitate to chime in on occasion, but the only responses you get are from Yuji. eventually, it’s you and Yuji left downstairs, with both brothers shutting off in their rooms. 
“I’m gonna take the couch tonight, okay y/n? tomorrow I’ll work on getting the spare bedroom ready but for now just take over my room. there’s a bathroom right next to it, but just be warned, you do share a wall with the bathroom and the other wall with Choso.” Yuji explains as you yawn. 
“so what you’re saying is I should pick up some earplugs.” you remark to him, making the both of you laugh. you bid him goodnight, before heading up the stairs to find Yuji’s room. it wasn’t your first time sleeping here, but every other time you were almost certainly black out drunk and never remembered getting up the stairs in the first place. 
after getting settled in Yuji’s bedroom, you grab the extra towel he gave you and your pajamas before going to get a shower. you take a quick scan of the second floor, and curse under your breath. of course there’s only one bathroom upstairs. before you can knock on the bathroom door to be sure, the door to the right of Yuji’s opens suddenly, startling you until you see Choso in his pajamas staring at you. 
“I think Sukuna is in there, but do you need to get in there next?” Choso asks you, rubbing his head. you nod silently, earning a sigh from him. “well, I just need to brush my teeth so would you be okay if I went first? I’ll be in and out.” 
“of course, this is your house after all.” you answer, just as the bathroom door handle starts to turn. steam rolls out once the door is opened, and you’re face to face with Sukuna in only a towel with water still dripping off of his hair. 
“move.” the eldest sibling grumbles, nudging past you to get to his room. you can’t help but let your eyes follow him before he gets to his door. 
for a split second, he turns his head to meet your eyes. if you had blinked you would have missed it. then as soon as it happened he was slamming his door. 
heat crept over your ears and cheeks, but you tried to shake it off. Choso brushed past you to get into the bathroom to brush his teeth, and you took a deep breath. you stood waiting, but Choco didn’t shut the bathroom door so you just looked around and at the ceiling instead of being weird and watching him practice oral hygiene. 
“all yours y/n.”
“thanks.” your gaze ends up following Choso back to his bedroom door, mostly just making sure you would have some privacy once you shut the bathroom. and yet… there he was. stopping just short of closing his door before looking up at you, his dark eyes blending it with the darker line tattooed across his face. 
you shut the bathroom door behind you, taking a deep breath once again. what the hell was that feeling in your chest?
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babygirlmurdock · 9 months
Unexpected Connection
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Pairing: Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader
Summary: Your friend convinces you to go to a singles event only for you to meet Hell’s Kitchen infamous lawyer.
Word Count: 2.9k
Warnings: mild swearing, alcohol
a/n: heyyy lol so this is my First piece of fiction. i’m trying to get better at writing fiction and this actually came to me when something like this was actually brought up to me recently lol so i thought hey why not try to write something about it?
You’ve been single for quite some time now. Your last breakup was nasty, left your heart shredded; you weren’t too sure when you’d be truly ready to date again. Your friends have been helpful, pushing you to get out there and meet new people. Get your mind off your ex, y’know?
Swipe after swipe. Messages that are painfully one sided. Or men that just want to hook up or want something casual.
“Ooh, I just got this advertised to me on Instagram,” Jill says to you. Jill is a coworker turned friend. You perk up from your desk to see what she was talking about, “a meet and mingle this Saturday at the Refinary rooftop. We should definitely go!”
“Ugh, I just don’t know Jill. All men have done is just disappoint me and nothing has compared to Jam— ”,
“James. I know. But maybe the guy that is way better than James will be there. Your soulmate could be here and you would never know! C’mon it’ll be fun, I think. Plus meeting people in person is way better than on the apps,” she leans up against your desk. You worked as an editor at the New York Bulletin. It was an internship turned full time position after you graduated college. You dreamed of New York one day, and it still feels surreal that this is your reality.
You are sure your friends were tired of you sulking about James. It’s been well over 6 months and he’s probably already moved on while you’re stuck in this trench of dating.
“Okay. Fine. I hope there’s good drinks because Lord knows I’ll need that liquid confidence.” You scrubbed your face.
Jill squeals, “I’m so excited!! It starts at 7.”
“Matt! It would be so fun, talking to beautiful women all night and who knows, maybe take one home!” Foggy hints to Matt about this meet and mingle.
“I’m really not in the cards to be dating right now, Foggy,” Matt says, shuffling through some papers. The mid-afternoon sun beamed through Matt’s office as Foggy stood in his doorway. Matt was trying to get through the last of this litigation before the end of the week and Foggy was not making this easier.
“This might be the opportunity that you meet someone who is actually normal! Not some psycho chick that almost got your ass expelled back in law school. That’s how long it’s been, Matt! Do you know how long ago law school was?” Matt lets out a small laugh at Foggy.
“Yes, Foggy. I was there, I know how long ago it was.”
He never understood why Foggy was so adamant on him meeting someone. Now that the firm is getting some business and he’s gone out more times than he can count as Daredevil, he just doesn’t have the time to commit.
“I’ll go only for an hour,” Matt sighs and Foggy lets out a cheer.
“You’re not gonna regret this, Murdock!”
Saturday night rolls around. You and Jill are about to head to the singles event.
“I hope I meet someone rich,” Jill says, applying her lipstick. “I just don’t want to work again, y’know?”
“Tell me about it. I just hope nobody is too much of an asshole. I don’t know if I can take another person mansplaining what investing is and why I should do it,” You shouted from the bathroom, spraying some hairspray in your hair. You came out of the bathroom wearing jeans and a plain black t-shirt.
“Whoa girl, what are you wearing? You can’t wear that!” Jill said from your living room.
You eye yourself in the mirror, “what is so wrong with jeans and a t-shirt?”
Jill says your name sternly, “everything? You might meet the love of your life! Show some more!”
“You’re ridiculous. You’re lucky I’m going to this in the first place! Would it make you happier if I changed my top?” You say, taking off your shirt to dig for something she deems more appropriate.
“Atta girl, show the goodies,” Jill says, shimmying her chest. “Uber is downstairs, let’s get going.”
You arrive at the venue and make your way upstairs to the roof. It was decorated with greenery and twinkle lights. The place was lit just enough to make it romantic but not where you couldn’t see anyone. Not even 15 minutes into the event, you lose Jill in the crowd already talking to people. You make your way to the bar to order yourself a drink.
“Dirty martini, gin, please. Thanks,” you stand at the bar while you wait for your drink and hear a smooth voice next to you.
“Whiskey, neat, please. Thank you,” you peer over and your eyes meet a beautiful man wearing red glasses. You take a moment to read him a little bit. Gorgeous side profile. Your eyes make their way down to his hands, and meet with a cane. Blind?
“Dirty martini & a whiskey neat.”
“Thank you,” you both say in unison. “I suppose we should cheers?” The man says to you.
“Oh, uh sure, cheers,” You clink your glass against his and a smile breaks out on his face as the glass meets his lips. God damn, this guy looks like the next coming of Christ. He was so unreal looking. He had the jaw sculpted by God himself, decorated with just the right amount of stubble, and his lips. They were so pink and full. The thoughts of kissing him already danced in your head. The faint smell of his cologne twirled around in your nostrils.
“So let me guess,” you take a sip from your drink, “your friend basically dragged you here too against your will even though you told them you were over dating?”
“Wow,” his eyebrows perked up as he took another sip, “how did you guess?” he says, sarcastically.
“Well, considering you look like that,” your hand vaguely gestured to his body, “and women aren’t at your beck and call, I had to assume.”
“Look like what? Oh God, did I forget to put on my pants? You’d tell me that I’m pant less right?” He says frantically, trying to hide his laughter.
“Ha ha, very funny. But was I right?” You raise an eyebrow at him.
“You’re not too far off. It’s hard to do modern dating when everything is on dating apps and eyesight helps that. Phones can only be so accessible. I’m Matt by the way, Matt Murdock.” He sticks his hand out for you to grab. You give him your name as you shake his hand. You notice some bruising on the knuckles and wonder what that could be about.
“Wait like, the lawyer?”
Matt sheepishly nodded in agreement, “that would be me.”
“Where were you when I told a cop to fuck off because I didn’t like how he was speaking to my friend?” You take a big swig of your martini hoping the alcohol would hit you sooner rather than later.
“My law partner must’ve missed the call from the woman brave enough to tell a cop to fuck off,” Matt smirks at you. Butterflies erupt inside you and your heart beat jumps.
As the night goes on, and after a couple more drinks, conversation between you and Matt flows effortlessly. You two made your way over to a couch to sit and talk. The crowd ebbed and flowed throughout the night. People left, more people showed up, but it never got too crowded. It honestly felt like you and Matt were alone, like the world stood still.
“So you mean to tell me he took your furniture outside?” You laugh at the thought of his college roommate moving all of Matt’s furniture outside.
“Yeah, it was kind of rude of him to do that to a blind guy. He thought it was hilarious though,” Matt smiles at you.
“You guys seemed wild in law school. I bet campus police weren't too thrilled with your shenanigans,” you rest your chin on your hand as you lean a bit closer to Matt.
“Foggy actually got into some trouble with them because he was breaking the school's disability rules. Nothing too major, he just had to volunteer as a part of campus police to pay his dues.”
You laugh at Matt, and briefly look around and notice you and Matt seemed to be two of the other five couples that are still there.
“So, I have a question for you…” you trail off, debating on asking this question.
“No, I haven’t been blind my whole life,” Matt states.
“How did you know I was going to ask that?” your voice has an edge of surprise to it.
“It came in the pamphlet when I lost my vision. Don’t worry about it though, it doesn’t bother me when people ask,” Matt reassures you. “It’s been 20 years at this point.”
“Oh wow, so you had to adapt and relearn the world without your eyes. That’s insane, it must have been tough for you,” you rest your hand on Matt’s bicep. What business does he have to have this much of a defined arm?
“It took some adjusting but my other senses were…” Matt stops mid sentence before realizing what he was about to say.
“What? Like sensitive? I’m sure your other senses had to compensate now that your eyes were out of commission.”
“Yeah, you can say sensitive in a way,” Matt sighs. Silence falls between you both. You fiddle with your glass for a moment until he speaks up, “what do you say we get out of here?”
“Oh, um,” you look around in hopes of finding your friend because you’re still nervous about potentially going home with somebody new. No matter how gorgeous the man is. “I–“ you stammer.
“I don’t want to give the wrong intentions. What I mean is maybe go to another bar. There’s a place two blocks over that we can go to. If you’re up for it,” Matt gave you a small smile of reassurance.
You think for a moment, staring at his face while your heart feels like it’s going to leap out of your body. What the hell, why not? “Sure, I’d like that,” you smile and get up. You let Matt grab onto your forearm for guidance as you walk to the bar to close out. After he graciously also paid for your tab, you walked with him to the elevator.
“What’s this place called? How do I know you’re not going to murder me? You are still a stranger by the way,” you ramble on. Matt laughs at your nervousness.
“It’s called Josie’s. I’ve been going here since I was in law school. And if I were going to murder you, I would have done it already,” Matt leans into you playfully.
“Ah yeah that makes me feel so much better, thank you, Matt,” you joke.
The walk to Josie’s is mostly silent, but not awkward. You feel at ease around Matt. His energy is soothing, it feels like you’ve known him for ages. He asked about your upbringing, what brought you to New York. Your typical “getting to know someone” questions.
As you approach the bar, your nerves dissipate as you recognize this is a dive bar. “You seem less tense,” Matt said to you, his hand lightly placed on the pulse point of your wrist.
“Yeah, I love a good dive bar. It’s charming in a way,” you breathe out, leading the way into the bar. You find a seat at the bar for you and Matt to sit. You look around the bar, and notice the pool table in the back. There were old beer signs all over the walls. The lighting was dim and moody. Classic rock was playing over the speakers. Matt must’ve waved down a bartender while you were distracted because two beers are placed in front of you as you sat down next to him.
“I love how you assumed I liked beer,” you tease, taking a sip from your bottle.
“I can order something else if you’d like me to,” Matt's voice breaks a bit.
“I like beer, don’t worry,” you reassured him, “so what are the odds a blind man knows how to play pool?”
“I’ve played. I can’t promise I’ll be any good.”
Your drinks start to hit you more as you speak, “Do you want to make a bet?”
“Betting against a blind man? Low blow,” Matt sucks his teeth teasing you a bit. You giggle, “Fair point, Matthew. Fair point. C’mon, do you need guidance to the table?”
“No thank you, I know this place like it’s my own home,” Matt smiled at you as you both made your way over to the pool table.
You rack up the balls and Matt grabs some cues. “Do you want to break the triangle?” Matt asks.
“Sure, why not,” You bend over, lining up the cue ball with the tip of the triangle. Your heartbeat quickens as you feel Matt’s gaze upon you. You know, for someone who is blind, you sure can feel like his eyes were all over your body. The loud crack of the ball break snaps you out of your train of thought. “Do you, um, do you need help lining up the cue?”
“Actually yes, that’d be helpful.”
You make your way to Matt’s side, telling him solids were his and what balls were lined up with which ones. To your shock, he nails two solids into the sink holes. “I’ll be damned. Blind man is good at pool.”
Matt’s voice is low and husky when he says, “there’s a lot of secrets about me,” which gives you full body chills.
“Well, okay then, I—” you stammer trying to collect your tipsy self. You take your shot and, “God damn it, missed. You’re not hustling me, are you? You said you weren’t good!” you protest.
“Ehh, lucky shot, I guess,” Matt laughs, taking a swig of his beer.
The round of pool goes at a good pace, flirty innuendos fly off the walls. At this point, Matt’s jacket is off and the sleeves of his dress shirt are rolled up showing his forearms. Every passing hour, you feel more and more attracted to him. And you only hope he feels the same.
“Alright, 8 ball is up. Absolutely no fucking way I’m about to lose a game of pool to a guy who can’t see,” you said competitively.
“Well to be fair, you have been helping me line the cues up, you could’ve hustled me and lined up with your balls.” He suggests with a shrug.
“God damn it, you’re so right. Holy shit why didn’t I think of that?!” You line the cue up to the ball and take your shot...and miss. You let out a gasp as you just lost this game of pool.
“That didn’t sound like a good gasp,” Matt teased.
“You’d be correct. Good game, Matt.”
“Good game,” he said your name back to you.
You looked at your watch and realized it was almost midnight. “It’s getting late, I think we should head out. That sound okay to you?” you say, even though you secretly don’t want this night to end.
“Yeah, do you want me to walk you home?” Matt asks you, with a shy smile secretly hoping you’d say yes.
“That’d be really lovely, thank you. I’m just 5 blocks up actually.”
“Alright, this is me,” you halt in front of your building’s entrance.
“Are you sure it’s not up one more block?” He flashes you a cheeky smile.
“Unfortunately, it is not. I had a really good time tonight, Matt,” you step closer to him, inches away from his body.
“I had a really nice time tonight, too,” Matt’s voice just above a whisper. God, that register in his voice practically made you fall to your knees.
You and Matt are still standing dangerously close to each other as both of your body’s heats mingled together, practically begging for some physical touch. “I should, uh, get upstairs. Goodnight, Matt.” As you are about to turn away, Matt pulls you in closer as your chests nearly touch. Lips hovering over one another as your breath intertwines with his. Your brain is barely forming coherent thoughts, until you whisper, “I think this is the part where you kiss me.”
“I was waiting for the words,” Matt’s hand snakes up to gently rest on your jawbone as he tilts your head up. His lips meet yours with the tenderness and sweetness that you crave so desperately. He pulls away and you both sigh. “That was—”
“Really nice. You’re an excellent kisser by the way,” you let your inside thoughts exist on the outside now. “That was meant to stay inside my brain, oh my god….” You buried your face in your hands as you pulled away from his embrace.
Matt laughs, “I appreciate the compliment, thank you.”
“Let’s do this again, next week? You owe me a rematch in pool.”
“Next week sounds fantastic. If the pool game went anything like it did tonight, it won’t be much of a rematch,” Matt banters with you. You gasp at his remark which makes him laugh. “I’ll call you sometime this week to set something up, okay?”
“Do you mind if I put my number in your phone? I figure that’d be easiest maybe,” You suggest.
“Oh yeah, that’d be great,” Matt said pulling out his phone. You grabbed it and put your name and number in there and handed it back to him.
“Okay,” you smile at him, “I’ll be anticipating your call.”
“Goodnight,” Matt whispers your name, dripping from his lips like honey. You kiss his cheek and head upstairs. As you close the door, you squeal in excitement.
Matt stood outside your building for a moment, listening to it shut to ensure you made it in okay. As he was about to step away, he heard you squeal to yourself in excitement, which made him laugh to himself.
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