#i’ve seen some brilliant rp about it but like it is just hard to make that work
afterthefeast · 11 months
honestlyi kind of get that the game ruthlessly punishes you for siding with minthara because you have to do something so awful for that to happen so yeah maybe there should be consequences. and i also get that people who do the “evil” route are annoyed by it because it means the only other major story route is super hard and annoying and mean. maybe the answer to these problems is that a game touting ultimate freedom shouldn’t have made its first major “bad” choice slaughtering innocent refugees
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crowsource · 9 months
🐦‍⬛ 𝐀 𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐃𝐘 𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐎𝐖𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 — quotes taken from ava reid's novel. some edits have been made to allow for rp purposes. feel free to adjust for pronouns/names/etc.
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❝ It began as all things did: a girl on the shore, terrified and desirous. ❞
❝ The ephemerality of things is what gives them meaning. ❞
❝ They were both creatures of rage and salt and foam. Both could strip me to the bone. ❞
❝ I wanted nothing more than to tempt their wrath, because if I were brave enough, I might earn their love instead. ❞
❝ I was a treacherous, wrathful, wanting thing, just like he was. Just as he had always wanted me. ❞
❝ Although the tide pools had not shown me my face, I had been revealed. ❞
❝ It was fae-like trickery. There was no answer that wouldn’t damn me. ❞
❝ You’re so pretty. You really are. You’re the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever seen. Do you know that? ❞
❝ We must discuss, then, the relationship between women and water. When men fall into the sea, they drown. When women meet the water, they transform. It becomes vital to ask: is this a meta-morphosis, or a homecoming? ❞
❝ I wanted to say I don’t believe you. ❞
❝ I wanted to say thank you. ❞
❝ I wanted to say tell me more about who I am because I don’t know anymore. ❞
❝ I could tell the whole story as if it had happened to someone else, and it would be completely painless. ❞
❝ The weight of a memory is one thing. You get very used to swimming with it dragging you down. Once it's loosed, you hardly know what to do with your body. You don't understand its lightness. ❞
❝ You don't have to take up a sword. Survival is bravery, too. ❞
❝ In the end I learned that the water was in me. It was a ghost that could not be exorcised. But a guest, even uninvited, must be attended to. ❞
❝ If you can learn to love that which despises you, you can dance on the shore and play in the waves again, like you did when you were young. ❞
❝ Anything can be taken from you, at any moment. Even the past isn't guaranteed. You can lose that too, slowly, like water eating away at stone. ❞
❝ It saved me in more ways than I can count. Because I knew no matter how afraid I felt, I wasn't truly alone. ❞
❝ Are there any ships on the horizon? Will they signal back to me? I never got the chance to know. ❞
❝ But stories were devious things, things with agendas. They could cheat and steal and lie to your face. They could crumble away under your feet. ❞
❝ I wish I had fought. ❞
❝ I know I beat him in the end, but for so many years all I could do was run and hide. I just sat there and let the water pour in around me. ❞
❝ I didn’t know that I could fight back. I didn’t know how to do anything but wait to drown. ❞
❝ Every wanting man has the same wound he can use to slip in. ❞
❝ I wanted you, too. For so long. It was terrible. ❞
❝ Sometimes I could barely eat—sorry, I know that sounds like the strangest thing. But for days I didn't feel hungry at all. I was... occupied. ❞
❝ You took away all the other wanting from me. ❞
❝ It was a beautiful house, but not a clever one. It was a house with no imagination. ❞
❝ Fear could make a believer of anybody. ❞
❝ Didn't all drownings begin with a harmless dribble of water? ❞
❝ There's very little worse than when our heroes fail us, is there? ❞
❝ Men just say whatever they want and everyone believes them. ❞
❝ Love transcends petty theological squabbles. ❞
❝ But if fairies and monsters were real, so were the women who defeated them. ❞
❝ It doesn't matter. I'm not afraid to care about you. ❞
❝ It's very hard to believe something when it feels like the whole world is trying to convince you otherwise. ❞
❝ You're not just one thing. Survival is something you do, not something you are. ❞
❝ You're brave and brilliant. You're the most real, full person I've ever met. ❞
❝ The sea is treacherous, but women are even more treacherous. ❞
❝ You don't see yourself very clearly. ❞
❝ Challenging me isn't pestering. I'm not always right. Sometimes I deserve to be challenged. And changing your mind isn't foolish. It just means you've learned something new. ❞
❝ Everyone changes their mind sometimes, as they should, or else they're just, I don't know, stubborn and ignorant. ❞
❝ Moving water is healthy; stagnant water is sickly. Tainted. ❞
❝ If you want to see what you are, look into the tide pools at dusk. Look into the sea. ❞
❝ I will love you to ruination. ❞
❝ You can die as easily of thirst as you can of drowning. ❞
❝ Love is a fire that cannot burn alone. ❞
❝ The better you know someone, the more terribly you could hurt them. ❞
❝ You don't have to love something in order to devote yourself to it. ❞
❝ A romance is a belief in the impossible: that anything ends happily. ❞
❝ If a story repeated itself so many times over, building itself up brick by brick, did it eventually become the truth? A house with no doors and no windows, offering no escape. ❞
❝ How terrible, to navigate the world without a story to comfort you. ❞
❝ That was the cruelest irony: the more you did to save yourself, the less you became a person worth saving. ❞
❝ I was a woman when it was convenient to blame me, and a girl when they wanted to use me. ❞
❝ I believe you. ❞
❝ Things are only beautiful because they don't last. Full moons, flowers at bloom. You. ❞
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overthinkingfandom · 3 years
Cards on the Table - Breaking down the tactics in L'manburg Independence
/rp /dsmp
Much has been said in the fandom about L'manburg's independence. It is, after all, arguably the most important moment in DSMP's history, as the rest of the story wouldn't have existed without it. 
In light of the recent anniversary of it, yes I know I’m late, I wanted to throw my hat in the ring and add something to the discussion surrounding it. However, as the morality of the situation has been discussed to death I'll be taking a slightly different approach to it. 
Due to the nature of the DSMP's medium, the story has many unique quirks. One of those quirks is how realistic the tactics used in the story's portrayal of politics are. The independence conflict is a great example of it. While on the surface things seem to be rather simplistic in nature, there's a lot more going on that’s less obvious.
Both Wilbur and Dream are brilliant politicians who get to show both their strengths and weaknesses in dealing with an equally skilled opponent in this encounter. There’s actually quite a bit to go into, despite their interactions being so short.
When most people think about the L'manburg's independence, they think about the moment the declaration has been written up and the subsequent declaration of war. While this moment is certainly iconic, it's not really all that impactful in the grand scheme of things. Both declarations are the culmination of decisions that have been made beforehand. It's the moment when those decisions were made that really influenced things.
Conveniently, Wilbur and Dream only hold a single conversation about L'manburg before the declarations are drawn up, so we don’t need to look far in order to figure out where those decisions were formed. 
Wilbur has been working on L’manburg, collecting materials and building the wall surrounding it, for almost an hour when he spots Dream lurking. “Get [Dream] into the VC, I need to talk with him. He’s the leader of the other nation, I think we need to have a congress.” (52:44)
Dream: “Hello?”
Wilbur: “Hello Dream. Welcome to our great nation of L’manburg.”
Dream: “L’manburg?”
Wilbur: “Yes. We are seceding from Dream SMP. This is our own server now. This area, just this part [between the walls of L’manburg], is our server.”
Wilbur doesn’t waste any time before getting right down to business and talking about the matter at hand. However, the way he speaks about it here and in the rest of the conversation is fairly interesting. Wilbur is talking about L’manburg as if it’s something which already exists. They are seceding. This is their land. This conversation is merely a courtesy to give Dream a formal notice of their separation.
Yet, a bit later Wilbur shows he knows they need Dream’s acknowledgement in order for L’manburg to be its own entity. Independence is not a concrete thing that can just be taken or created on one person’s whim, after all. It only exists when the people with power agree it exists. 
Wilbur: “Dream, basically all we want from you is just acknowledgement that we are an independent nation now. That’s all we need.” (56:20)
So if Wilbur knows they aren’t independent yet, why is he talking like that? 
It’s because he’s using a salesman technique called an Assumptive Close. Instead of posing it as a question and putting the choice of agreeing or disagreeing in Dream’s hands, Wilbur acts as if it’s already true and leaves the burden of challenging his claims on Dream’s shoulders. He even moves on to ask secondary questions on how Dream feels about having embassies in his land (and notably he frames it as a question, unlike how he frames the topic of L’manburg’s independence) as if L’manburg is already a political entity. 
Wilbur: “Dream, I’ve got a proposition for you. How do you feel about having Tommy’s land being an embassy? Like it’s an enclave in your own land.” (59:01)
Wilbur’s use of this technique has an interesting side effect in that it signals to Dream Wilbur is taking a non-compromising position in this negotiation. In essence saying “L’manburg is independent, take it or leave it.” 
A non-compromising position is the game theory term for when someone goes, "I'm going to do that, this is going to happen and nothing can dissuade me from this course of action." It's a strong tactic which forces everyone to react to that person's position, reducing the others' options into a binary of either accepting that position or rejecting it. 
This is a very common tactic and various manifestations of it can be seen all over history and media. From Martin Luther who refused to recant or compromise with his famous words of “Here I stand, I cannot do otherwise” to groups who cultivate a "with us or against us" mentality to heroic characters who say they would die before giving in to whatever Evil the story focuses on.
This is the situation Dream is facing here. He can either accept Wilbur's assertion that L'manburg is an independent entity by either encouraging them or even doing nothing, or he can reject Wilbur's assertion by acting against it.
As we all know, he ended up choosing the second option but what were his considerations for doing so?
For that we would need to know what his goal was here, something we don't really get a sense of from his conversation with Wilbur. However, he ends up stating what it was in a later conversation with Skeppy. 
(Emphasis added by me and wasn’t part of the original dialogue.)
“Everyone can build wherever they want. [L’manburg] just decided to say that they get to determine where they can build and we can’t and we said well no, you can’t do that. And that’s what the whole war was over.” (31:44)
“[L’manburg] can’t tell us that we can’t go in their land. That’s all we wanted to say. That they’re not independent, they are a part of the Dream Team SMP. They’re just a delusional, small part." (34:26)
Dream lies a lot, so just because he says something doesn't mean it's necessarily true. However, this seems to be genuine. Dream has no problem telling Skeppy “we burned down their houses and blew up the whole land.” (32:36) later on in the conversation, so we can rule out that he's trying to paint himself in a better light, and there aren't really any other reasons for him to lie to Skeppy here about this. 
When looking at Dream's options with his goal we can see the choice is pretty much a no-brainer. 
Accepting is a total lose scenario for him. Not only will it fail to fulfill his goals, it would actively encourage the sort of behavior he doesn't want to happen, as Wilbur would set a precedent that so long as someone insisted hard enough and implied Dream is a bad person he would fold in negotiations and give them what they want.
Rejecting gets him far closer to his goal of railing against L’manburg’s exclusion. Going to war means he has to invest much more effort and resources into his reaction than if he just accepted as well as deal with the risks any war has, however the sheer difference in ability between Dream's side and Wilbur's side make the risk minimal. 
Going to a war he’s pretty sure he can win VS encouraging the sort of thing he disapproves of, isn’t really a hard choice.
This is actually the result of a mistake on Wilbur's part. CC!Wilbur called his character naive (37:49) and he's not wrong. Wilbur has a tendency to act as he wishes and not take into account that people might disagree or retaliate. We see it with him saying they could just ignore the Americans (1:51:17) or during the elections when he told Quackity his scheme and got blindsided by Quackity deciding to run against him. 
Historically, non-compromising positions worked best when the person who used it made sure rejection would be more costly than acceptance in one way or the other. In essence, narrowing down the options for others even more and leaving them only with acceptance. 
Wilbur may have managed to wipe off the table all other options and put pressure on Dream to accept with his use of Assumptive Close, but he didn't do anything to prevent Dream from rejecting. In fact, it seems like Wilbur didn't even consider it as a valid possibility as he outright dismissed it when Dream brought it up as an option.
Dream: “What happens if the rest of the server decides to take over your land?”
Wilbur: “They can’t. It’s literally not how servers- Dream you’re supposed to be smart man, that’s not how servers work. You can’t just take over another person’s server.” (54:33)
But, you may be asking, if it was better for Dream to go to war against L'manburg rather than grant them independence, why did he end up giving into their desire for independence in the war? Wouldn't it have been better if he just saved everyone the trouble and gave it to them when they asked for it the first time? Or maybe Dream’s obsession with Tommy and his discs is just that strong?
We can find the answer to all those questions at Punz’ video where he shows the behind the scenes of the independence war, including some of the planning which went into it from the Dream Team’s side of the war. Specifically, this quote:
Dream: “[The L’manburgians] are never gonna give up. So then in the end the resolution will probably just be, we won but they can think whatever they want, we’re just going to ignore them because they’re essentially like- You want to think you’re independent? You’re not, you’re still part of the SMP, but if you want to think you’re independent, you can.” (9:04)
“They’re never gonna give up.”
Whether it’s true or not doesn’t matter, as this is what Dream thinks and so this is what dictates his actions. Perhaps he’s overestimating his opponents here, or maybe he’s talking about how even if L’manburg is defeated this time they would try again for independence in the future. In either case, it’s clear Dream thinks the best case scenario for him - completely preventing people from fighting for L'manburg's independence - is impossible. 
So, he tries for the second best case. If he can’t prevent L’manburg, he’s going to allow it but only under Dream’s terms. That’s what his “they can think whatever they want” line is all about. He intends on giving them token independence here, something which would satisfy them but wouldn't pose a real threat. Which is exactly what he ends up offering them during the bow duel.
Dream: “Let me just clarify: if you win, we grant L’Manburg independence.”
Tommy: “Alright.”
Dream: “But we recognize it still as a part of the Dream Team SMP.”
Wilbur: “That’s fine, that’s a fine condition.” (40:54)
The token independence thing didn’t work out so well for him. L'manburg quickly grew to be seen as an entity separate from Greater Dream SMP by everyone, and so Dream was forced to concede and treat it as one as well. 
However, despite this part of his plan failing, overall the independence war was a glowing success for Dream. 
By giving L'manburg independence after winning the war, Dream sent a very clear message. L'manburg only gets to be independent so long as they stay on Dream's good side. If they don't adhere to the terms Dream sets out for them? He can and will kick their asses, as the war so aptly demonstrated.
This message is received loud and clear. During his entire presidency Wilbur went out of his way to treat Dream with respect and try not to piss him off. Something he clearly demonstrates a number of times, like when he asked if he should call Dream “king Dream” (59:08) or during the railway skirmish (24:16).
In fact, it can be argued that this message lasted all the way up to Tubbo's presidency. Unlike Quackity, who was perfectly fine with starting a fight with Dream, Tubbo knew first hand what a war against Dream looks like. He knew that they could not win a war against him, especially in their weakened state at the time, and that influenced his decision. 
As Dream once said: "L'manburg can be independent but it can't be free."
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serasvictoria · 4 years
5 Fanworks Meme
Rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and post or link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
Got tagged by @plavapticica (ages ago, I do apologise)
I tag @schreiberpablo (gifs!), @basilone (fic and gifs!) and @itstheheebiejeebies (wallpapers!). I’m not expecting anyone to do this by the way, not in the least because today is the last day of the year. It took me that long to decide to actually post this.
This is kinda difficult for me since the only writing I do nowadays is strictly for myself and I never share it, but I’ll bite. So the only thing I have to share are excerpts really. Or just the one in this case since I’m not particularly comfortable in sharing most of the crap that I write which is why it took me so long to post this.
I don’t think I’m a particularly good writer (trust me, I am well aware of my limitations) and the only writing that I even shared with others was for BBC’s Robin Hood (Allan, baby, those damn writers did you so wrong) and the last time that I wrote for an RP site was in 2012 so... long time ago. I also have a very hard time finishing things. During this batshit crazy year I finished a fic that I started writing almost 10 years ago. I shit you not.
So here, have an excerpt. And it would probably make sense if I posted something from earlier on the story, but I didn’t. Nothing I do makes sense basically. It’s just what I’m like.
Ronald Speirs (Band of Brothers)
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Catherine headed outside, eyes immediately drawn towards the sky which was streaked pink, purple and blue as the sun set. When it was quiet and peaceful like this, she had to keep reminding herself that the only reason that she was even here to begin with was because there was a war on.
When she heard a lighter being lit to her left, she was momentarily startled. Looking to the side, she saw her CO sitting on the ground, leaning against the building.
“Admiring the sunset, sir?”
“Something like it.”
“Want some company?”
She took his silence as consent and sat down next to him, taking care not to invade his personal space too much. He produced a packet of cigarettes and held it out to her. She was well aware of the fact that he offered them to everyone just to see the terrified looks on their faces, but he never got one of those from her. She’d been accepting his smokes before the rumours surrounding him had even started so she could hardly stop taking them now, even if he would think nothing of it if she suddenly started refusing them. Besides, he hadn’t pulled a gun on her yet.
Looking ahead of her at the brilliant display that Mother Nature was putting on, she said, “It looks like a painting.”
“Does it?”
“Like Turner himself might have painted it.” She took a drag and added, “Sun Setting over a Lake.”
“No lake here, Taylor.”
“We’re not in Switzerland either.” When she looked at him, she found him staring at her questioningly. How he looked in the fading light took her breath away for a few seconds and made her think that some painters would have jumped on the chance to be able to paint him. “He liked to paint there.”
“How do you even know those things?”
“My father’s an art teacher. So I’ve been spoon-fed that kind of stuff ever since I was a kid.” She tapped on her temple before continuing, “My mind’s full of all kinds of useless information like that. Like Raphael being only 37 when he died. Or how Botticelli had initially trained as a goldsmith.”
“Sandro Botticelli. Italian Renaissance painter. The Birth of Venus?” The look on his face told her that he had no idea what she was talking about. “Naked blonde girl on top of a big shell?” Still nothing. “Bet if I showed you one of those pinup drawings from Esquire that you’d recognise those.”
“That’s different. I like those.”
He didn’t reply, merely offering a little half smile before turning his head to look at the sky again so she did the same. She smoked the rest of her cigarette in silence and kept sitting there until the brilliant display of colours was over and nothing but a small strip of red could be seen on the horizon as the sky above it gradually kept going darker.
She’d look at him out of the corner of her eye at times, but he hardly even seemed to notice her presence. He wasn’t really the talkative sort and she had to admit to herself that she quite liked that. If she wanted to talk complete and utter bullshit, she’d seek out one of the other guys. If she wanted silence, Speirs was her best bet. Though he did sometimes seem ever so slightly bewildered that she actively sought out his company at times, but she also expected that if he didn’t want her to sit with him that he’d tell her to fuck off and as long as he didn’t explicitly tell her that, she would continue sitting with him in silence like this.
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stagcharmed-a · 4 years
🍓 oh FUN
G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thyat many exclamation marks because that’s how I feel every time I see I on the dash and talk tkm you mr get a reply firm you or anything !!! Because I loce u !!! This is my second time doing this but oh well let’s GOOOO okay first of all I think ur just one of the best people ever !!! Like literally ur like ken of the major people make rp fun and worthwhile for me right now I love all our threads so much and I just thing ur a genuinely brilliant writer and friend and ur writing of chara thes is so CHEFS KISSA like I cannot even imagine any other regulus except yours ?? I’m sorry but yeah like I literally just lov evehrjing U do with him and all the different ways u think about him and develop him outside the canon and I’m so glad u actually uhh write with me and actually like my take on james and that u do insane AUs with me like snsnsjsjsjs
Also here’s my COMPLIMENTARY acrosftcic poem come with this ask : the second editon Tokyo drift
P robs one of the first person to welcome me to the community for that I will always be great full. SO FOREVER THANFUL
R rally love how much we can talk to eachother sometimes we will just randomly talk for hours I love that sm just bouncing from topic to topic about whatever both ic and ooc relate it’s fun and I have come to see u as such a good friend
D elves so much into so many nuance and idea in. A way I HAVENT seen many people do with any character let alone regulus. Like Thank you FOR SUXH A GOOD,, DEEP AND CAREFUL AND THOUGHTFUL AND WONSERFUL PORTRAYAL I stan so hard
I genuinely think u make my james so much better just by virtue of the fact U give me so much to think on and develop and I think that’s like ..... literally such a rare and important rp partner who can do that and it’s what I loce about Rp like writing with u reminds me why I love it
T ERRIFICQLLY CREATIVE. and productive !!!!!! Like I’ve said this before but the amount of incredible inbox responses!??! HOW!!!!! I feel ur so unique and creative with everything you post I admire how u find so much variation and make every post feel special and IM SO JEALOIS OF HOW MUCH QUALITY COMTENT U GENERATE OVER AND OVER
E XQUISITE TASTE AND SENSE OF HUMOUR. All the nail polishes for a start wowee Nd I think you are so funny honestly like some of the stuff you out on dash makes me laugh out loud and every opinion about anything we have talked about has slapped
U nderstandjng and patient and in a way that feels so genuine and I appreciate it so much cos u never make me feel guilty for being such a slow ass at replying snsnsnsb. But also I think so often about how I told u so much ooc drama shit that time w my friends and u literaly wrre no nice and understanding about it sksjks like that meant so much to me and I’m so !!! Ur just a good good person genuinely
R Wally excited I to see what we come up when and write next I love that no matter how many threads we have we can always come up with more ideas it makes it so fun and exciting to write with you I feel so LUCKY to have landed in the same rp time and space
that’s all !!!!!!!!!! Much love many thanks for all the times I think we were talking the other day we have been writing together for a year ??! WOWEE. That’s really cool and unforgettable tbh !!!!! I’m so glad we met KISS KISS KISS KISS
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mythsxndlegends · 5 years
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@the-solitary-monster​ ||  1-20
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1. What was your first impression of the roleplay community on Tumblr? And what’s your impression of it now? (ANSWERED)
2.  Tell us about the first fandom you roleplayed in. Are you still part of it or have you moved onto others? My very first fandom, serious fandom at least was Harry Potter and though I still have Remus, he doesn’t have an HP active thread right now. But I have Remus for nearly 4 years I think - but 3 years here on Tumblr. 
3.  Who was your first muse? Remus Lupin was my absolute first muse - the URL was bittenchildremus and that is how I got the nickname Bitty thanks to my two best friends here.
4.  How many roleplay blogs do you have? Right now? Just one - with a total of 9 muses, but 1 is closed to a partner and thus I have 8 active muses!
5.  What’s your oldest roleplay blog? Now, it’s this one xD Though bittenchildremus was my oldest blog for nearly 2 years, I eventually started to struggle with myself and my writing. Chose different muse (Theseus Scamander) and that didn’t work out and went back to Remus in a renewed blog. Then we had a big ass drama that kinda pushed me and my friends out of the HP/FB verse and I ended up making a multi-muse! Now I’m happily running along with the DC universe as half my muses are now DC-related xD I STILL HAVE REMUS! He’s my baby, even if he’s not in his original verse anymore.
6.  What are your thoughts on the current roleplay trends on here right now? Uuuh! Too hard to keep up!
7.  What is the one trend you miss the most that are no longer popular or seen as much as it was before? That was the HP/FB verse - it started to die... Which was part of the reason that I didn’t want Remus as my main blog anymore. People don’t like it when an HP character is following someone that is from a completely different verse.
8.  Are there other websites you roleplay on that’s not on Tumblr? Used to, I used to RP on Facebook and roleplayer.me - not anymore, just here.
9.  How long have you been roleplaying? Pfff, over 10 years now - I started in my own language (Dutch) and that escalated to English and I don’t want it any other way.
10.  Are there any fandom(s) you avoid roleplaying in? Uuuuuh... Anime and cartoon fandoms mostly. 
11.  What made you start wanting to roleplay? I actually don’t know - it was just so much easier than interacting with real people. How I rolled in it, I can’t remember... I just did! 
12.  Are there any characters you’re interested in wanting to roleplay as? Hmmm, not at the moment - I already made the muses I’m interested in, but you never know who tempts me for another muse in the future xD Wouldn’t be the first time!
13.  Are you interested in creating an oc and roleplaying as them? I used to play ONLY OC’s to be honest - so much easier and less pressure, but not much want for OC’s and Remus was my first dare on making a Canon character. I tried before but never too long. I used to play as Oliver too in the past. 
14.  What are your thoughts on duplicates? I don’t care! We can make something work! I used to have Loki and roleplaying with another Loki is rather easy. Sadly, he’s not among my muses anymore. 
15.  What’s your impression on blogs who are selective/private? They should do whatever they want - if it makes them feel more comfortable, why not? I’m semi-selective, though not private. But I did had private side-blogs for my friends.
16.  What do you expect from others when they want to roleplay? More than just one-liners and one paragraph? I don’t mind one paragraph with some people, because I know we have a lot of activity going on. But I want more as well and luckily I did gain partners that write more than just that. I don’t mind short and casual stuff! But I’ve started to long for bigger things, more things.
17. What are your thoughts on people who goes all out on the aesthetic for their blogs? Do you think they’re have the right to express their creativity however they want? Yes of course! I do the very same thing when I can and I have the mood for~
18.  What’s the one thing you want to try the most on your blog? I want to grow more in the dark theme - gross and iew! I want to be able to freak someone out with just words. I’ve managed to play a victim very well and bring out emotions of fear and I want to do the same with all kinds of things. One day I will! 
19.  Give us a headcanon about your muse that you never shared to anyone else or wanting to explore deeper. Uuuuh - no comment right now x_x been low on headcanons lately
20.  Is there someone you admire on here? Yes, my two best friends I have known for 3 years! @legacyof-deathandmadness​ and @ineffableduality​ and they are truly brilliant with their words! They create art! But I got to know this awesome person who has amazed me as well and that is @hellsrhapsody​ and all their blogs! I also admire a lot more people~ @stagekiller​ and @theednygma​ and @blue-eyed-devils​! 
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jq37 · 5 years
Have you done breakdowns of the last few episodes yet? If not 👀
**spoilers for a new york wedding**
Prologue: I had a partially free day today (as in the day I started writing this which is now two days ago) so I decided to swing by Central Park and check out the Bethesda Fountain where I saw both a proposal and a man on a segway with a live snake around his neck so, yeah, New York is just Like That.
"Here's a possibly magic crown. Why don't we ask the butt stuff guy about that?"
The face Brennan makes when Emily says, "I used to do colonics at the salon," is great. Like, "We are two minutes into this ep, your sentence isn't even complete, and I already can't handle it."
So they get out of the sewers and Bethesda Fountain has been attacked (which is a shame just aesthetically because, having now seen it in person, it's a really pretty fountain). Em is devastated and explains that the fountain is like a Important magical symbol of good change and a source of divine purification magic.
Another side note about the fountain: There are these little cherub figures around it in additional to the Angel. I wonder if those are sentient too. Also-also, the promenade across from the fountain has these cool murals of the seasons. My point is, there's a lot of fodder for possible lore just in that small area of the park.
Misty finds ashes by the fountain (concerning) and wipes it on Kugrash's fur (rude).  
I love that Emily thought Pete was pouring one out (one being one bag of cocaine).
"Sophie, your magic is that you're a wonderful person and you jump really good."
"The Bread Wedding"
Kudos to Brennan for all the wide range of crazy voices he had to do in this ep. Don Confetti. The Golem. Perry the Pigeon. That can't be easy on the throat.
Sophie is fully ready to fistfight Don Confetti over their last names which is wild for a lot of reasons we're not gonna get into.
So Brennan has everyone roll a Wis save and everyone did OK except I think Ricky. Brennan never explains why he had them roll that. Concerning. I'm wondering now if it was something that would have needed a nat 20 to save from it or something where the people who saved didn't realized they saved from it and the people who didn't are just ticking time bombs or sleeper agents or something else awful.
Pete is such a dangerous friend to be around when you're emotionally compromised. His solution to everything is drugs.
"It's an off-white!" --Misty upon being called out for wearing white to a wedding.
Brennan has Perry go on a wild 39 second monologue about relationships that Pete interrupts by stuffing drugs down his gullet--see again my previous bullet about Pete.
Sophie notices that a lot of the pixies recognize her which pm confirms her brother is In This which, to use the word of the day again, *Concerning*.
Emily having Sophie get really emotional but also struggling to keep the laughter out of her face is always super funny to watch.
So Pete finds a table of vampires. Brennan spends a couple of minutes describing them before he gets to it outright but it's pretty immediately clear they're vamps. Well, vamps plus a suspicious older guy and a girl (Melissa) who seems to be playing Renfield to the vamps. Getting high so they can drink her blood and get high. Pete brilliantly confirms this by getting the suspicious guy (Rob, as far as we know) to go off on Politics and then deep mind-reading the girl. That's one of the most clever RP things I've seen a player do. Pete also sees that Rob is hanging out with the vamps but he doesn't seem to be one.
Pete fails his wild magic check but nothing happened that we know of. A lot of stuff on the wild magic table is situational though (like the reincarnate spell from Bloodkeep with the potion Sohkbarr drank).
Rob implies he knows what happened with Pete's dad. Pete goes into a tailspin, as if he isn't constantly in one.
Everyone dancing so they can talk in public instead of just, like, having a sidebar. Just that entire sequence is peak comedy.
Ricky, the good boy, is dancing with his pigeon date while everyone else is mystery solving (or, in Soph's case, crying in a closet or something).
Rob is supposedly in finance. Last time there was a character involved in finance/banking in D20 it was the whole KVX fiasco in FH.
"Did I use up my favor? I could have had anything in the world."
Sophie upon seeing anything young woman in any kind of situation immediately springs into action, ready to drag them out by any means necessary. I love her.
Robert works at a hedge fund and Kug recognizes him. Brennan explains how he knows him in a very vague way which the rest of the table clocks instantly. Murph asks if Rob knows Gabriela. He does. Who the hell is Gabriela, Misty and I wonder.
Emily goes galaxy brain and theorizes that the bad guys are laundering souls which is equal parts bonkers and brilliant. The camera unhelpfully *doesn't* cut back to Brennan so I can attempt to read his DM poker face. I am reminded of Emily wondering if [redacted] was in the sword in a recent ep of Naddpod and Murph just deciding that they were on the spot because it was cooler than what he had planned. I know you can't win at DnD but I think Emily is winning at DnD.
I mentioned this in passing I think last recap, but Pete's magic is really interesting to me because Pete doesn't know what his character sheet looks like and he's not someone like Kingston or Ricky who's been doing their thing for a while and knows that they can do and what the things he can do are called. So Ally has to get a little creative about activating abilities (like True Strike in this ep) without being too meta, if that makes sense.
Kug knows Rob from a while ago (from the 80's he later says) but he doesn't seem to have aged. The group is thinking vampire, but he wasn't drinking blood in the memory Pete saw. Suspicious. Put a pin in that with everything else on my conspiracy board.
Misty: Eyyyy Macarena!
Kug kisses the pigeon. Sure.
Misty/Siobhan also does a clever thing and suggests taking a selfie with the vamp table in the background to see who shows up. Only Melissa and Rob do, so they're not vamps for sure.
So they go back to Kingston's place and he, Pete, and Sophie cook for everyone which has basically nothing really to do with the plot but I think it was a nice character beat for them.
Kingston and Misty fought a mummy on Long Island back in the day. As you do. Sidenote, when I was in Central Park today (two days ago), I passed by a big-ass obelisk that apparently exists and that I am *certain* Brennan has lore for, even if it doesn't come up.
Misty, a very wealthy Broadway star: If you pay for the Metropolitan Museum, you're a Goddamn fool.
Sophie had not put together that Misty is a fairy before now and I was like ??? for a second but, actually, with the info she has, that's not necessarily the conclusion she would draw. She could just be a really short lady with magic. It's been that kind of week.
Kingston presses Kug on how he knows Rob and Kug reluctantly confesses that HE USED TO BE A GUY. Zac blindly guesses that he was a stockbroker which is ALSO CORRECT.
"movie horse breeder" is such a specific job to pull out of thin air.
Siobhan, making a choice: Let me tell you about my good friend, John Wilkes Booth.
Brennan's total break of composure when Zac/Ricky says, "I wasn't always a firefighter." Zac lowkey has the best comic timing of everyone on the squad. He's just really understated about it.
Anyway, there are levels to this. How long has Kug been a rat??? I feel like it must have been a while because of all the weird ass stuff that he does. Also, he excuses a lot of his behaviors due to being a rat considering he's actually a rat-MAN, emphasis on the man. The stock broker thing surprised me more considering that Kug is introduced doing some pretty altruistic, non-stockbroker-y things. Did Kug piss off a homeless witch and get Beauty and the Beast-ed? He never actually answered the question about how he knows Rob since everyone got sidetracked by the fact that he used to be a whole-ass HUMAN MAN. Did Rob curse him for less moral lesson reasons? What's going on here????
Esther and Ale have been researching. The grey baby is apparently named Nod, just like the place, and it (it specifically, not him or her) like the ruler of there.
There's this whole group bit Brennan, Ally, and Siobahn do about how you can take the L train really far and then catch a shuttle bus that can only be seen by the pure of heart to get to Nod and it's really funny but how funny would it be if they actually tried to do it in a dire moment and also Ricky could do it for sure send tweet.
Kingston is trying so-so hard to keep everyone on task all episode. Bless him.
Kug asks Esther about her mom, which surprises her. He says they used to be friends (Did *SHE* curse him????). Esther says she hasn't seen her in a long time, since she was 5 or 6. Of course, it's easy to want to connect this to the Gabriela he was asking about earlier but we'll see about that. I think I saw some people speculating that he's Esther's dad which I'm even more skeptical about considering what we learn later but wouldn't that be wild?
Ricky decides to shoot his shot with Esther. His brain is full of love, determination, civic responsibility, and absolutely nothing else, bless his golden retriever heart.
Brennan as Esther drops the best stealth joke (though, it has a very high likelihood of crossing from joke to plot point) in D20 so far with the Imperial Axiom/Sinatra's Law explanation. It was a full, "Wait. What? Oh!" Big gold star for Brennan for that one. I had to take a second and recover from that when I heard it the first time.  Beyond the joke, it also seems like a likely hook for the eventual Big Bad of the campaign. First NY, then the world, you know?
The fact that the highways go against the grain of magic leylines of NY in this world is such a good detail and it makes a lot of sense intuitively.
Zac breaks Brennan again with the, "Traffic's really bad," comment.
Please let Ricky's big dumb puppy self win over Esther. "It's really hard for me." Riiiickyyyy.
So Kingston goes to see Willy, the Williamsburg golem about Lazarus from the Bible (New Testament). Aren't golems de facto Jewish? I think. I am correct. However, as much as Willy doesn't know about the New Testament, he *does* know about the Statue of Liberty which is convenient because--shoutout to the people who figured it out in advance--Lazarus is not Lazarus from the Bible. It's Emma Lazarus who wrote the poem on the Statue of Liberty. This of course means that I need to do a close read of that poem at some point but not today baby because I need more information before I start going full Pepe Silvia. Sidenote: What a great place for Kingston to be when figuring out that info. Close enough that Willy can just point out the statue. It's cinematic. Fantastic.
(Also, I made a post about the fact that Siobahn just knew Emma's name off the top of her head, but when it cut to the other side of the table, Emily's eyes got all big too).
Emily gets a nat20 which RUINS her plans because she runs into Isabella aka the woman her husband left her for. They have an adult Means Girls stand-off where Sophie finds out they're getting married (or at least having a ceremony bc Dale didn't send her divorce papers yet). Big ups to Emily for staying in character and ditching all the sleuthing she was going to do because there is no way Sophie would be stable enough for that to be her top priority at the moment (even though I really wanted her to do all that stuff!)
Also, I'm looking forward to watching Sophie rip her to shreds when she inevitably turns out to be a succubus/demon/fiend/whatever. Honestly, she can just barfight her and I'd be satisfied.  
So Misty goes home and finds a present waiting for her. It's a big ass mirror. Correction. It's a big ass mirror that Titania immediately uses to angry Skype her. Yikes.
It seems like her shoes of Titania are literally that, stolen from Titania (love that Titania was barefoot in her character art btw). I know they let her cast a certain spell in an earlier episode but I'm wondering why she stole them. Maybe they helped her cross over from Faerie (which happened ~400 years ago we ind out)?
Titania is pissed that Misty is stealing "glamour" that should be hers (via playing her in the new show). Glamour in the fairy sense is like a disguise. Glamour in the DnD sense is a fey-based bard option (which is the class I'm guessing Titania will be if they have to fight her). Curious to get a deeper explanation on that later.  
Misty is able to cover back up the mirror but she breaks a hip in the process because of Titania's mojo and has to call Kingston. I already said this but I love their relationship.
(Sidenote, I meant to mention this earlier, but I think whiffs of the undead came up a couple of times in this ep which makes me wonder if the mummy situation Kingston mentioned is going to come back).
"Please, use any one of the guestrooms."
Ugh, this ep is an emotional roller coaster
"Wherever you are Rat Jesus, know that I love you. From Wally." What a good boy. 
Everyone reacting to Murph's reaction to Wally before they Find Out is like, an experience. It's like that airpods meme.
OK, I'm not going to go through a whole play by play because nothing I could say would be better than watching the scene but I guess Murph/Bren decided in for a penny, in for a pound because we find out via a conversation between Wally and his businessman brother David that he is Kug's SON. HIS SON. S O N.
Wally is convinced that their dad wouldn't have just left them. David thinks Wally is being naive. I want to die.
Everyone around the table except maybe Ally is so visibly upset at this new information and Ally goes, "FUCK!" at the end so you know we all express emotions in different ways.
God, it's so sad! And I'm not gonna say, "I knew it!" because I didn't. I super didn't. But when Wally was introduced (man that scene hits differently now) I remember thinking, this is such an oddly specific NPC. Like, you know when you're playing a game and the stuff you can click is slightly better rendered and you can kind of tell what you should focus on and what's background art? That's how he felt.
Anyway, again, I'm sad. (GMYeah!.gif)
Watching *OVER* you Murph. OVER you. That's how you make it not creepy!
Meanwhile, Pete lets a bunch of bug monsters out of his dream into real New York City which, tbh, I'm not surprised. This seems like the kind of thing that would happen. Pete is exactly the worst kind of person to be the dream avatar in terms of being responsible.
I love that Siobhan is like, “I have a broken hip” as if all but one of them don’t have literal magic powers. That’s a very fixable problem compared to other stuff they’ve dealt with that day alone. 
Anyway next time, a wasp centaur (thanks, I hate it) and a nat 20! See you then.
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praecipiopatronum · 5 years
A love-letter to rp
So! I’ve reached 500 followers today, which is absolutely insane!
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I wanted to write something on the topic of the hp rp community for a while, but never really had the time/emotional capacity, and I don’t have much of it today either, but it’s a well enough opportunity to do it anyway. It’s gonna be a little sappy and very personal, but I’m someone who thinks a lot about their own mind and this is where it got me. Also it’s TMI-tuesday, so buckle up!
I am still fairly new to this community, started in /checks profile/ April. (I could have sworn it was longer). I don’t know a lot of people, though I’m slowly expanding the list of people I follow and get in contact with and there are a lot of amazing creators here to be added. So many brilliant writers, impressive actors, actual shapeshifters... It can be intimidating. It definitely was for me. I saw you guys supporting and celebrating each other and I really wanted to be a part of that, because there are literally no limits or bars here that you need to meet. You don’t have a uniform? Casual clothes it is, then! You don’t have a wig? Fuck it, what is canon hair anyways? Got no binder? Who cares? You are still a valid and included member of this community and that’s mindblowingly beautiful to me, who’s seen the competitive sides of cosplay in various forms.
I’ve always admired creative people. People with a passion. I don’t care about the value of a production, I want to see the spark in your eyes when you talk about it! I want to see how much you enjoy what you’re doing! And boy, do you guys deliver!
This goes for me, too. I love to create. My mind is spinning stories and making up scenarios 24/7 and I like that about myself. The problem is getting it out. I have a history in creative outlets, including acting on stage in amateur productions, writing wholeass plays for those productions, writing fanfictions, shooting videos. All of these are great and fullfilling in one way or another, but there’s always a downside.
Acting in groups means compromising. Right now, it also means traveling a lot for rehearsals in a different city. It’s expensive and draining. Sadly. Writing for these groups ended up being a chore, because my love for writing was overshadowed by the task when it came to plays on topics I wasn’t invested in. Writing fanfictions is easily the most ungrateful fanwork, with minimal recognition and when you feel like no one is reading what you write, you start asking yourself why you even bother? I also lack the stamina to write the full length fanfictions my mind comes up with. I’m not a native english speaker and will never be as good as the writers that are and that discourages me. More to that later. Shooting videos and pictures was the best outlet so far. I got to work on more stuff just for me, stuff I like doing and that made me happy. But it’s also hard to shoot a video and act in front of the camera at the same time. And bigger projects require a lot of planning and scheduling and when all your friends literally live at the other side of the country or in different countries. I don’t want to plan, I just want to create. I want to portal to friends, I want them to magically have time, I want some time on my own -which I literally never have- and I want to be able to control my camera x-men style, with the power of my thoughts only.
All of that is obviously never going to happen, this is why I love this form of creativity here so much. I don’t have to write down every single thing for an online. I don’t have to write down shorter threads that I’m doing on my own. I don’t need a shit-ton of planning, I just get into costume whenever I have the time, whenever it suits my schedule, and then I create! Absolutely mind-blowing!
I pay a lot of attention to details. Backgrounds, costumes, I’m a sucker for the little things that in the end, half of you don’t even notice. And I want things to be perfect. I have this really high standard for literally everything I do, that doesn’t count for anyone else, just for me. I need to know that I gave something my best shot and with every other creative outlet before, I didn’t feel like I did/do them justice. I always feel like it’s not good enough or I could have put more effort into it, I constantly strugge to meet my own expectations. (I want to stress that this does in no way go for others. I don’t judge based on “quality”, I don’t judge based on ressources. I’m not trying to “raise the bar” -which I’ve been told in tags that I do-, the only person who needs to impress me, is me. Anybody else: If you love what you’re doing, that’s absolutely enough and I love you for doing it!)
Anyway: Here, it’s easier. The limitations to this format give me a different goal. I don’t have to think about different camera angles, filling time with beauty shots, camera movement, because those don’t exist here. I don’t have to worry about correct pronounciation or my accent, because they don’t exist here. I can’t compare myself to people coming up with the most extravagant phrases and vocabulary that’s just far enough from day to day language for me to know it but not think of it myself when writing narration, because most narration is done visually here! Emotions, inner struggle, everything translates via acting only and I’m absolutely loving it!
So thank you for this community. Thank you for this opportunity. Thank you for including me. The interactions and feedback here mean the world to me and I have so much planned that I can’t wait to get to once my offline-life lets me. Collaborations with people I’ve grown not only to admire but genuinely love. Special shout-out to @softsiriusblack and @the-moon-and-stars-my-love, who put up with literally all my angsty bullshit and have been nothing but kind and supportive.
I’m still anxious every time I dm someone about literally any kind of collab. I’m still incredibly nervous every time I send someone a script. I’m still awfully scared whenever I post any content, but I’m getting there and the soft landing within this community that follows after every tiny or huge leap of faith, is a blessing.
Thank you.
One more thing, that’s less related to the hp rp community itself: This is the first time I added they/them pronouns to any online bio. I always only went for she/her, which is still fine, I guess, but I’ve been struggling with gender a lot lately, trying to know myself better and I thought: Where if not in a majorly lgbtq+ community on tumblr, just to kind of “try it on”. And it feels pretty incredible that you all immediately used it. Because it feels kinda nice.
So, another thank you for that <3
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nikvs-blog · 5 years
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pov rp: i try to wink at u but i close both eyes like jinsoul in this gif <3 SBJDWBDJWBDJ hello im xan im 22 & from the est timezone i use she / her pronouns & ur watching disney channel. is this super late ? yea...but thats super on brand for me its fine its fun its sexy so * jugkook vc* let’s get it !
— jung jinsoul. she/her. cis female. | was that niko seo i just saw in the hideaway lobby ? i hear the twenty-two year old spends most of their time working as a waitress, but i’ve always just seen them scribbling poetry on napkins. they live in 3A and i often see them in the halls. they always give me a vibe of making wishes on falling stars, silk ribbons adorning messy ponytails, and breakfast at midnight.
so miss niko was born in a teeny tiny suburban town in north carolina to a pair of  young high school sweethearts ! unfortunately her mom passed away during childbirth so it was a very bittersweet arrival into the world for baby niko
her dad was a mechanic who never made it to college since his girlfriend got pregnant towards the end of their senior year. they got married before niko was born though because they were pretty serious abt raising her right but they never really got the chance to /: but her dad loved his job he loved working with cars & it was something his own dad did before him plus it was a job the town really valued since it was so tiny ( u really only needed one of everything )
when i say tiny i mean everyone knows everyone tiny. growing up the town kinda pitied niko bc of her mom dying so to compensate everyone kinda tried to do their part in raising her ! her neighbors were just as much of a parent to her as her own dad was, and everyone had stories abt her mom so niko kinda appreciated how small the town was.....sometimes
that changed as she got older ! when she started high school her dad kinda entered a rough patch & started drinking more with his buddies, started working less, and niko started getting calls from the sheriff at 2 am like “hey we’re gonna keep ur dad for the night he didnt do anything crazy but he got a little too drunk u can pick him up tomorrow” sort of thing 
she was there for him every time but it got kinda overwhelming knowing everyone was in her family's business & how much kids would gossip at school or adults would give her sad looks
basically she kinda just....became very disillusioned with her reality & began to realize no one around her was really.....happy or had big dreams and their entire lives revolved around this tiny town which scared her
but also ? it had started becoming her life, too. she was voted prom queen senior year, she had a job at a diner where the same people ate everyday, she’d been dating the same boy for four years and everyone talked about how they’d probably get married soon. she’d become exactly like everyone else without even realizing it....she didnt have some big dream.....she didnt even have plans for college she was just so stuck
and then disaster hit the summer after she graduated high school. her dad had crashed right into a tree on a rainy night trying to drive home after a night out drinking & died on impact. the news honestly didnt feel real to her until her grandparents were helping her clear out her house so she could come move in with them 
which is when she finds her mom’s old diary ! and boy was that thing . fat & juicy ... it had all four years worth of her mom’s high school years inside and niko became ...obsessed with it. all she did that summer her dad died was read her mom’s old diary learning more abt the woman from those pages than she ever had from the mouths of everyone in her town
 thats how she found out her mom had always dreamed of moving to some city like seattle and starting this new life once she found out she was pregnant with niko ! so niko was like ok this has to be a sign....told her grandparents she loved them but she couldnt stay in north carolina.....and boop ! she pretty much disappeared from the town, didnt tie up any lose ends ( including her bf of four years who she was kinda engaged to ? JSDBJBDJ ) because she just had to leave that bad. 
cue a scene on bus with niko looking out the window as some dramatic song abt new beginnings plays . JSDBJSBDJW seattle was truly her new start at 18 ... and all she wanted to do was just ... reinvent herself 
so she did ! first thing she did was get a job as a waitress bc uh ur girl was BROKE broke but she knew she was good at serving. the first year was.....pretty rough there’s no sugar coating it niko was struggling bad, probably living in some questionable apartment when she wasnt coach hopping at her coworker’s places. despite all this she was....insanely happy she really believed ( and still does ) seattle is magic !
she was working at a diner ironically, just like she had been back home, but this diner changed her life about a two years ago. one day one of her regulars ( a very well off lawyer who worked downtown ) told her she was way too pretty and charming to be serving at a place like this & that he had a buddy who owned an upscale restaurant near his job downtown & that he could probably get niko a job there if she wanted
so she was like UH hell yes....showed up the next day at this fancy restaurant, charmed the pants off the owner, and the rest ? is history !  she moved into hideaways a bit after getting this new job & has been there ever since <3
personality wise niko is kinda ....hard to figure out. she doesnt do it on purpose, she’s just still learning about who she is and what she really wants. back home in north carolina she was kind of the small town golden girl, loved by everyone type of deal but also very romanticized by those around her ??? ppl thought she was brilliant and knew so much about everything when the truth was she just knew a little about a lot. she would read to escape the suburban boredom of her reality & took a special interest in things like art and poetry and astronomy. shes the type to want to share the stuff she’s learned with those around her
in seattle since no one knew her the way they did back home, niko decided she wanted to keep it that way. because of this and because shes so hesitant to talk about her family sometimes she can come across as mysterious but she’s a surprisingly open person !! she’s naturally super curious and friendly and she’s found it really helps to be the kind of person people want to get to know and trust when working in the service industry. she’s got the type of aura about her that makes you feel as if maybe you’ve known her forever, even if she’s only told you one thing about herself ( which is often the case) . can probably make anyone feel at home within five minutes of talking to her & you won’t even realize how she’s doing it. her boss swears she’s charming enough to sell honey to a bee ! 
she’s also got a flighty side though that comes out when you get too close. niko’s great at relationships when they aren’t deep, but the moment you start and figure her out and see past the smiley walls she’s got up she recoils fast. in a way she’s terrified of anyone knowing too much about her because she’s scared that once they do they’ll pity her, and niko can’t stand being pitied. she’s also super good at dishing out affection but not so good at receiving it. the type to fall in love then right back out of love in one day. kinda a heart breaker bc of this but she doesn't mean to be, she just gets infatuated kinda easily & isn’t very good at keeping things serious ever since literally running away from her long-time ex in north carolina JSBCSJBDJW 
some fun facts: she wants to get a cat and name it cat so bad but she’s not sure she’d be a good pet mom so she just settles for petting stray cats in public. 100% that weirdo crouching in the street making kissy noises because she saw a cat and wants to pet it. she can name just about every constellation & loves to sit outside and look at the stars on clear nights, usually while smoking a joint . she’s a hardcore lightweight .... im talking one tequila shot and she’s floored ... two glasses of wine and she’s taking her top off  then crying kinda deal like she CANNOT handle her liquor so she tries to keep partying to a minimum. she’s got a collection of napkins from work were people have scribbled their phone numbers onto as well as a collection of napkins niko herself has scribbled on. she mostly writes poems and sometimes she even leaves a napkin with a poem on it behind at a table like a little gift for whoever sits there next. she’s probably always writing poems for all her friends or infatuations so if you’re in her life....you’ve gotten one at some point ! 
the only thing she brought with her from north carolina were all her records. she’s got a pretty extensive collection that ranges from donna summer to louis armstrong to led zeppelin & when she finally got a record player of her own in seattle it was probably the best day of her life <3 she really likes to watch scary movies but also they scare her so bad so it’s a cycle of oh yes lets watch this.....fuck why did i do that.....im sleeping with the lights on rinse & repeat. she really likes to cook ! she learned at a pretty early age out of necessity but now she does it for her own pleasure also because of her growing interest / knowledge in the restaurant industry. her wardrobe is 95% thrifted and 5% stolen from miscellaneous people ( her dad, old boyfriends, hookups, friends, etc. ) is a notorious hoodie thief so dont lend her yours......
and this is WAY too long im.....so sorry this literally always happens aha <3 yes i ramble but thats bc . i have a lot to say and i also have a lot of love to give ! spare some plots ? we can im on tumblr but i am 100% easier to reach on discord  @ EL i love u 💖✨🌙#8172 so hit me up there & lets get this show on the road baby ! 
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hellrager · 5 years
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Welp, we cracked the number of the beast m’dudes! I probably would’ve tried to make something way more crazy satanic than this, but sadly I’m drowning in work. So have some of Damien’s handwriting scribbled onto the lockers for you. Was a crazy ride so far. Seen people join the fandom, leave the fandom, and made a bunch of awesome friends! So I’m taking this moment to write down, how much I appreciate some of you guys, cause you deserve it.  ❤
🔥 The Fuck Squad  🔥
( @thezomblr ) Of course I had to start with Cat, because you and me have grown so close over this single year. It’s crazy how we immediately clicked. I’ve only met one other person I’ve grown as close to via RP, and I think that’s something incredibly rare and amazing. It’s not like we aren’t constantly referencing each other in RP already, but this is a special occasion, so indulge me. I admire you so much, you are such an amazing person with your priorities set straight. You have no idea how much respect I have for you as a person and how much I value you as a RP/Shipping partner. Because it  has been ages since I’ve been so invested in a ship, and I’m enjoying it so much. Okay listen, I could fill an entire book with your section but this post is not supposed to get too long. So thanks for becoming my friend   🐺 ❤ 🐱
( @woofjock ) You are the reason I even joined this fandom. I was trying so hard not to make yet another RP blog, but then I saw your post in the Monster Prom tag and wanted to interact immediately. So I went ‘fuck it’ and made the blog. And honestly? I wanna thank you, because making this blog was one of the best decisions of my life. Not only for the awesome RP we had, but also for all the great people I met. I watched how you greeted everyone who was new to the fandom with such kindness, made me almost tear up, man. You are the adult of this group, even if you don’t believe it yourself. You were managing the MP RPC when the fandom got crazy for a while, and you still do us many favors by just being around. Thanks for that! 
( @loveyourfears ) I think the funniest part about us is, that we already used to RP with our Oc’s without even realizing. I really enjoy talking to you and I love interacting with your characters. The chemistry we have with Damien and Oz is pretty much how I imagined this ship to go, and I’m thankful that you’d indulge me when I bring up crazy plots. I hope we get to interact more in the future and get to know each other some more OOC, cause I think we got a lot of stuff in common! 
( @youngsouthey ) We’ve just started getting to know each other but I’m still very glad that we started talking at all! I think its great how we seem to have the same taste in shows or Anime, and how our taste in favorite characters seems to clash so much - yet works so well as shipping material. Of course I’m still really thankful for you being such an inspiration with your art and writing, it really helped me getting out of a slump where I just couldn’t create anything I was happy with. You are a constant inspiration to me, and I hope we can get to know each other some more! 
( @gruselhigh ) It’s kinda funny how I have seen you on Dove for, I guess years? But never had the guts to approach you, since I’m not someone who wants to force their muses on someone else. I always assumed you just were not interested and enjoyed watching your characters from afar. The fact that we actually ended up talking through Damien here - is like faith was doing this meme where you push two characters together going ‘now kiss’. You are an incredibly funny, energetic person and I admire your ‘take no shit’ attitude. I thought people like you had died out on this website, glad to know there is more people fighting the good fight. And holy shit let’s not get started on your brilliant Oc’s. Fuck, yeah. You are stuck with me now. 
( @oz-answers​ ) I still remember that it was a meme I reblogged that got us to actually start talking, haha! And even if we have not gotten to talk that much, I like how we seem to be able to just enjoy the same stuff. You know, like funny animal memes or incredibly gory Manga. Man I love talking manga. But you as well are a great inspiration, and the collab we did was such a fun experience, thanks for being so chill about it! Love seeing you on the dash, stay awesome!
( @glamourwitchcraft​ ) Another Oc I’ve seen on my Oc blog around and who ended up approaching me on Damien. Small world huh? But glad we got to talk and interact, cause I really adore Keiko. He’s such a great, sassy brat. He and Damien have such perfect chemistry - its crazy. I know our busy RL has kept us a bit from interacting, but keep in mind that I highly value you as a RP partner and love our ooc chats just as much!
( @spoiledfins​ ) You know this is a crack mention because we are at that part of our friendship, where you insult each other to show how much you love one another. But this list wasn’t complete without you dumb sea pancake so.. Here you go! I love your stupid face and love that I can drag you into every fandom I go to <3 
😈 My Noobs, Hands off! 😈
@half-reverse-wereray​ ❌ @electrifyingstitches​ ❌ @screvvedloose​ ❌ @monsterxjam​  ❌ @half-reverse-wereray​  ❌ @eldfic​  ❌ @zombfear​  ❌ @zgords​  ❌ @glitchwalking​  ❌ @a-poisonous-gamble​  ❌ @lcbotomy​  ❌ @bcnejones​  ❌ @karismatickitty​  ❌ @lxrosalita​  ❌ @best-wolf-boi​  ❌ @seutahateu​  ❌ @monstersmashed​  ❌ @howlkissed​  ❌ @purpleshopkeep​  ❌ @pseudogaiety​  ❌ @cultmadness​  ❌ @king-of-motor-city​  ❌ @sukkubxs​  
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romanssippycup · 7 years
Arc 2: Cuts, Confessions and Public Compressions
A story arc based on a truly epic RP with @tinysidestrashcaptain, this fic will have several arcs. Some will be posted on my blog, some on Mew’s. We hope you will enjoy this as much as we did! Warnings in this arc include a paper cut, angst, and a lake full of fluff. (Yes I referenced the lake for our discord members. Go jump in it if you wish. XD)
Arc 1: Fond Memories
Logan spotted the small cut on Patton's wrist, and  his eyes widened.
"Patton, you are injured!" He immediately pulled Patton in close and sank them both down, popping up in the (thankfully empty) bathroom. He released Patton to get the antiseptic cream and band-aids out of the medicine cabinet, then turned back to Patton, offering a small smile.
"I need to cleanse it and apply a bandage. Would you prefer SpongeBob or Moana, as those appear to be our options?" Patton giggled at Logan’s antics. He had wanted to tell Logan that he was fine, but seeing the logical aspect this passionate, especially over a little cut, warmed his heart. A small part of him wanted to be cheeky, but he knew Logan wasn't good with emotions so he let his blushes show throughout the logical aspect’s healing process.
"Aww Logan. See? I did mean it when I called you my hero. Oh and Spongebob please." Logan quickly dabbed the ointment on the cut and covered it with a SpongeBob bandage. He hesitated a moment, torn. Patton would always kiss their injuries, claiming it promoted healing. Logan had yet to find a single study to support that claim, but it had been a tradition of sorts for every injury, big or small. Normally, Logan would just ignore it, but for Patton...his heart thumped rapidly in his chest...he was tempted. He realized abruptly that he was holding Patton's hand, gently running his thumb over the bandage, while Patton looked at him with that fond expression that always gave him metaphorical butterflies in his stomach. He quickly dropped Patton's hand and stepped back, a blush riding high on his cheekbones. That had not been socially appropriate, he was quite certain, and if he wasn't extremely careful, Patton was going to pick up on his highly inconvenient infatuation and he had no idea how that would even work. He was very sure that his feelings would never be reciprocated, but he was even more certain that Patton would never intentionally hurt him. Honestly, thinking about all of the different ways this could go wrong was making his head spin, so better to ignore it. Safer that way.
As Patton looked at the way Logan was leaning his head towards his hand, his eyes widened. Was...was he really going to kiss it?! A sharp jolt of affection quivered from the flushing of his face and traveled all the way to his stomach, the butterflies flitting around angrily. Logan had seemed to be fighting himself on the decision, but once he dropped his hand a surge of dissapoint hit Patton in the chest. His face dropped quickly, a look of confusion replacing his earlier expression as he saw the blush on the logical aspect's cheeks. Logan awkwardly cleared his throat, looking away, his face flushing.
The moral aspect’s grin couldn’t grow any wider. Logan had always cared even if he did so in his own special way, but Logic was finally showing affection in a way that Patton understood. It took a minute before the emotion that danced across Logan’s face registered in Patton's mind, but once it did, Patton stood in awe. He had not seen Logan blush like that since they were kids. He caught eye contact with him once again, then offered Logan a comforting smile to assure him that he was fine.
"If you are doing alright, perhaps we should continue our task? With less personal injury this time, I hope." Logan offered a small smile, his cheeks still slightly pink.
"Y-yeah, there’s a couple more things we need to do, in my room." He held out his hand to him once again, a small chance of hope burning brightly inside of his chest. "Sink out?"  
They both sank down, reappearing in Patton's room. Logan had been holding Patton's hand, and he reluctantly relinquished it, nervously adjusting his glasses. "So, I have completed the first stack of photos. What task would you like me to accomplish next?”
While they sunk out, Patton blushed as he held Logan's hand, stealing tiny glances towards the logical aspects face without speaking. He rubbed the bandaid thoughtfully, the tiniest of hopeful smiles spreading gradually across his face. Once they appeared back in the room Patton held onto Logan's hand a little longer after he had released. He squeezed it thoughtfully with a smile, and then dropped his hold.
"Well. I'm dreading going through the pile of Thomas's old relationships and that’s something that badly needs to be sorted. I was afraid of being sad through it all, but maybe because you’re here I won't feel like crying...as much. Eheheh." Logan blinked at that.
"I...am glad my presence can be comforting to you." He cleared his throat, a slight blush on his cheeks as he looked down. "I would be more than happy to assist you in that endeavor."
Patton bit back a sad sigh and smiled at his friend. "Thank you so much Logan. It really does help. Basically what needs to happen in the pile is I'd like to find what memories are actually worth keeping around." He walked over and rummaged through the pile and picked out a couple items. "See these? These were nice moments we had with him, but they really aren't worth keeping. I held onto them because I didn't want to let go. I guess that wasn't the logical course of action, ey Logan? Eheh." He nervously laughed.
Logan gently took the items, his gaze warming as he looked at Patton. "Perhaps it was not logical, but you do not need to be. It is not in your nature to be logical as it is for me. That is not a negative thing, Patton. You have your own function to serve and you do it very well. You needed time in order to relinquish these memories. I didn't understand that before, but I do now. If you require time in order to let things go, you may have as much as you wish. Do not feel badly for being precisely who and what you are." He knew his affection was coloring his voice, his words, but he couldn't abide by the nervousness in Patton's voice. Patton should never feel guilty for doing his job, or worry about Logan's judgement.
Patton’s hands dropped to his sides as Logan took the items. "They say time is the best healer, and I totally agree, but I was too open and caring for all of Thomas's relationships. I look back on all of it and realize I just wanted Thomas to be happy, so I opened myself more than I should have. I busied myself with his relationships, because as he grew older I knew that was my job. I guess I couldn't bear to think about what I needed, or what Thomas really needed. He didn't need a relationship to be happy, and I made him think he did.”
Patton paused before continuing his thought. “That’s why I was so excited when he started doing the Sander's Sides videos. Learning how to love himself like he used to when he was a kid and slowly breaking down walls between us that we so adamantly hold up between us. It is good for us and for him. And It also made me realize what Thomas truly needs and what I want. Because what I really wanted all along, from the very beginning, stands in front of me...in every Sander's Sides video..."
Logan's heart leaped in his chest. Oh....oh....was he saying....? Did he mean...? The possibility that Patton could reciprocate his feelings was a tantalizing thought, and there was a part of him that wanted to say something, to metaphorically lay himself open and let Patton see his true feelings, but fear stopped him. He was bad at emotions. What if he was wrong? What if he was completely misreading the situation? He swallowed hard, torn about what he should do.
"Logan. For years I've cried over our lost friendship, not even knowing that was what I was crying about. But as Thomas brought all four of us back into the open again, it brought joy to my heart whenever I saw you. Even if I did have to tease you sometimes to get you to notice me. I always did like you as a friend, but through the videos as I had said I learned that self-love is just as important, if not more! It’s one thing to accept yourself, but an entirely different thing to love yourself. Because someone can't truly learn to love, until they learn to love themself just as they are.”
Patton paused yet again. “Going back to my original point though, I...I, the moral trait, did some research...because if I was ever going to ask to be in a relationship with you, I'd think it best to ask in a way that I'd hope you understand. My results are as follows: Whenever two humans are in a relationship, not only do their hearts beat as one but their trains of thought also overlap in time, meaning the heart and mind have to be in sync for a relationship to happen." Patton rubbed the back of his neck nervously.
Logan grabbed Patton's hand, a brilliant smile spreading across his face. "Patton, I know that emotions are illogical. I am cognitively aware that I should hold you in no greater regard than the others, but I have always felt more for you, and in a stronger capacity. My heart jumps at the sight of you. Your happiness is far more important than my own. You have become of central importance in my life, second only to Thomas. In everything that I have experienced, with all of my reactions, I can only logically conclude that I am, in fact, in love with you. I have been for quite some time. I hope that my feelings are reciprocated?" His eyes were sparkling, he was so close to Patton, his thumbs rubbing gently over Patton's knuckles, and he gently brought the hand to his face, pressing a soft kiss to his palm.
Patton gasped, eyes widening at his reaction. "Yes Logan, I love you too!" The moral trait couldn't hold his excitement back anymore. Morality threw himself into Logan’s arms, wrapping his own around Logan’s neck and kissing his cheek in zeal.
"I couldn't be happier to know that you feel the same way. Ack! I'm so excited right now! I could squeal!" Logan chuckled, at that, happily embracing Patton and feeling lighter than he had in years. He leaned back, smiling into those dear eyes, and gave him a soft kiss. When he broke away, he was still smiling.
"I find I am quite pleased with our new relationship paradigm as well, Patton." He hugged Patton closely again, heaving a contented sigh.
"Ahhh! Me too!!" Patton excitedly squealed at his kiss and hugged him tighter than he ever had any of the other sides. He laughed sweetly through the embrace resting his head on Logan's shoulder. He finally could hug Logan the way he had wanted to for years and he would stay like that forever, if time permitted.
"And now I get to treasure you like I treasure all of Thomas's precious memories.” The moral trait gently pressed a hand to cup Logan's cheek, trying to demonstrate just how special the logical aspect was to him.
Logan chuckled at that, his heart melting a little. He opened his mouth to respond, when Virgil's voice rang out from the hallway.
"Hey, Patton, Logan, where are you two? Something's going on with Thomas and it's weird." Logan reluctantly released his hold on Patton, sharing a concerned look with his new partner.
"We had better go see what's going on, dearest." Logan sighed, a little disappointed to be called away so soon. Patton let go of Logan as soon as he heard Virgil's voice, not wanting Logan to be the brunt of one of the darker aspect’s sarcastic comments. Patton stared into Logan's eyes a little longer, before replying.
"Yeah. I guess we are good here for now. Thank you for your help Logan. Now on to help Thomas." He mimicked Roman poorly and sunk out but not before brushing the palm of Logan's hand on his way out, then appearing in his regular spot in Thomas's apartment.
Logan popped up in his regular spot next to the stairs. "What seems to be the issue, Virgil?" The darker side grimaced, gesturing to Thomas.
"I don't know! He's being all....weird. You're the brains in this outfit, you figure it out." Logan rolled his eyes, but turned to Thomas, who was just standing there, smiling and staring into space.
"Thomas?" The man in question merely turned to him, a dreamy smile still on his face.
"Yeah, Logan? What's up, buddy?" Logan  huffed a little, slightly irritated that such a sweet moment with Patton was interrupted for this.
"I could ask the same thing. What appears to be the issue, Thomas? Are you having another one of your dilemmas?" Thomas shrugged.
"I don't know, Logan, I just feel really....happy. Like everything is right in my world, you know? I have no idea where this good mood came from, but it's awesome!" Patton beamed at Thomas’s response.
"Well that’s good Thomas! I feel fine and dandy too-" Then it occurred to him why Thomas might be having this happy spell. His face dropped to one of surprise as he glanced at Logan with no malice on his face, but only questioning. He badly wanted to talk this feeling over with Logan, but he knew he couldn't do it in front of Virgil.
Suddenly, a far off scream silenced Thomas and the other aspects as a deranged princey was thrown out of the ground and into his spot. "Goodness Thomas! This is the seventh time you've called me on a quest! Do you not know how to give a warning?!" The prince was covered from head to toe in leaf bugs. "Shoo shoo!" He shook his garments violently, the bugs flying off and vanishing into thin air.
Logan caught Patton's expression and immediately put the pieces together. He and Patton were in love, they had admitted such, and Patton was happy. The two of them were no longer warring, which meant that Thomas's heart and mind were in agreement for a change. No wonder Thomas was in such an overly happy mood! He was likely feeling some of their joy reflected back. But of course, in order to explain it, he would have to basically announce the change in his and Patton's relationship, and he wasn't entirely certain that was something Patton wanted. He wouldn't care, in fact he'd prefer honesty, but he knew Patton to be an emotional aspect, and he didn't want to cause him undue distress. Roman was still ranting in his overly dramatic fashion, but Logan was ignoring him. The more pressing problem was that if anyone asked Logan a direct question regarding this, Logan could not lie. He tried to communicate all of that non-verbally to Patton, but frankly, he had little hope of it getting through.
"Smooth landing, Princey. What the heck were you doing, anyway?" Virgil's lip curled in disgust as he watched the bugs disappear. Gross, he hated bugs.
Patton watched as Logan subtly tried gesturing to him what he meant. Quite honestly, Patton was lost and failed to give an understanding expression. When Logan arched a brow, non-verbally asking the moral aspect if he understood, Patton regrettably shook his head no and sulked. Suddenly, an idea struck him! He gestured to the notecards in Logan's pocket and then waved a pencil he found in his catigan in Logan’s face quickly, hoping he would understand.
Roman pulled a couple real leaves off of his prince costume, unaware of the exchange happening between the pair to the right of him. "I'm glad you asked, Fall Out Boy. I was simply going through a jungle, looking for a sacred city that I promised to find for the nearby village there. I was getting close, too. Though I suppose the timing couldn't have been more impeccable. The leaf bugs were getting annoying."
While Roman was distracted, Logan quickly jotted down a few lines on one of his note cards "T happy due to our relationship status change. I cannot lie. Ok to go public?" and subtly handed it to Patton. Virgil and Roman were too busy chatting to notice, but Thomas did, shooting him a curious glance. Logan offered a reassuring smile. He'd try to explain as soon as he had an answer. Virgil rolled his eyes at Princey, but paused when he glanced at Logan. Logan looked...nervous? Logan was rarely nervous.
"Okay, what's going on here? Logan, what's up with you? Something's going on, I can tell." Virgil eyed Logan and Patton suspiciously.
"Uhh. Uhh." Patton quickly jittered around in nervousness as he read the notecard Logan had passed him, almost dropping it and the pencil in the process. He wrote a large 'YES' on the back of the card as quickly as he could, then turned it so Logan could see, nodding as fast as he could in response. Logan breathed a huge sigh of relief.
Roman noticed the situation and Patton's nervousness. "Woah you okay their padre? And Logan you look on edge today... And Thomas looks...delighted? What the heckity heck is going on?" He turned to Virgil looking for an answer of some sort.
Virgil shrugged, looking to Logan, who nervously cleared his throat.
"Yes, well, I believe I know why you have been feeling so unusually happy today, Thomas. You see...well, there's no use hesitating, I'll just come right out and say it. The relationship between Patton and I has switched from platonic to romantic. We are a couple...officially. As of today. You are likely feeling some of our happiness reflected back, which is causing your mood to elevate. I imagine everything will stabilize within a few days." Virgil stared at him, then shot his gaze to Patton, then back to Logan. Silence reigned for a few seconds, then Virgil threw his hands in the air.
"FINALLY!!! YOU OWE ME $20 ROMAN, PAY UP!!!!" Roman was dumbfounded and switched his gaze between the two said aspects.
"What!? When did this happen!? And how!? You two fight constantly! I do NOT see how something like this would ever work out in your favor or Thomas's!" Roman looked away from Virgil in his shame and reluctantly handed him the 20. "And I should know because I'm the romantic one." He assumed his fanciful pose.
Patton chose to ignore Roman’s words while smiling brightly towards the four other entities in the room. He even outstretched an arm towards Logan asking to hold his hand, signifying Logan was indeed telling the truth. Logan immediately took Patton's hand without an ounce of hesitation, smiling softly at him.
"Roman, you are indeed correct in that we are each other's opposites in many ways, but the majority of our fighting is not out of malice but misunderstanding and misdirected frustration. I have always held Patton in the highest regard, and although there will likely be times when we will disagree, I strongly feel that our relationship will actually help Thomas. We have different approaches to problems, being who and what we are, but for Patton I am willing to learn to compromise. Having us working together would be much more effective than having us work against one another, wouldn't you think?" Logan's voice was steady and calm, but his eyes were soft and lit with affection. Virgil grinned as he pocketed his cash, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
"Seriously, Roman, how have you missed it? Those two have been dancing around each other for years. That's literally why we made the bet in the first place. Don't be salty just because they caved a year before you thought they would." Thomas was beaming at Logan and Patton.
"Awwww, well, I'm happy for you two! Love is love, right?" Thomas lightly punched Logan on the shoulder, and the logical side blushed, smiling at the moral aspect. Patton smiled back, eyes twinkling with excitement and pressed a soft kiss to Logan’s knuckles, chuckling at Roman.
"Well yeah! Love is love except...when there is an age gap, that-that's not something I condone. Heheheh." Patton smiled at Thomas, then turned to Roman.
"Well, that’s the funny thing about love. It's not always a feeling, but also a choice. And if you choose to bet on love, sometimes it comes back to bite you. I agree me and Logan have had some spats in the past, but I'm willing to look past that and see what sort of things I can learn through this experience. Even the heart needs to learn something new every once and awhile." He shrugged loosely, squeezing Logan's hand fondly. Roman playfully pouted.
"D’oh all right. You're right. I'm just surprised it happened so quickly. You two were always inseparable in our younger days." Roman looked out into the middle distance. Virgil grinned, remembering when they were younger.
You two were really cute when we were kids. Dad followed Logan literally everywhere, used to sit and listen to him ramble about random crap for hours. That was back when you called yourself Learning, Logan." Logan chuckled at that.
"It was no different than you and Roman. When we were children, you used to come up with all kinds of ideas and follow Roman on adventures. Everything changed once Thomas hit middle school, though. You disappeared, Roman got more arrogant, I changed...even Patton changed. Growing up has a way of doing that, unfortunately." He looked away, trying not to remember how overwhelming the knowledge had been, how he'd had to pull away in order to maintain control and keep Thomas productive. The arguments, the harsh words, times when he knew he'd hurt Patton by shoving him aside in his need to push Thomas to excel. He hasn't been at his best in those years, none of them had. Logan gently pressed a kiss to Patton's palm, to convey his regret and his affection, gently tangling their fingers together again. Virgil looked away, hunching his shoulders a bit.
"I disappeared because it was made very clear to me that I was not wanted. You all hated me for a long time....still not entirely sure what changed..."
Patton's gaze dropped as Logan listed off the ways they all changed, clinging a little tighter to the hand he held in past hurt. The apology kiss from Logan was accepted gratefully however, and lifted his spirits; Patton knew that future looked far brighter than the past, thus he was happy. Roman dropped his head slightly clenching and unclenching his fists rapidly.
"What changed was...I and Logan's blindness was revealed to us full force. The clearer vision of you returning to him before my stubborn...hind end actually had an inkling of wanting to accept you as part of the group again. There was a part of me, Virgil, that always knew you were never the villain, and yet I was too still too ignorant to see the villain that was morphing itself inside of me. I really was saddened when you stopped coming with me on my quests, but...if I treated someone how I treated you, then I can clearly see why you despised me so much...or why any of you would want to talk to me. I had it all wrong for the longest time, and I still sometimes have it all wrong." Now it was Virgil's turn to look surprised.
"I don't...hate you. You're a pain in the ass sometimes, and your ego's so big it's a wonder you haven't flattened all of Orlando, but I don't hate you. I figured you hated me, what with you actually saying you did and all." Roman's head shot up and he immediately put a hand up. "Relax, I know you didn't mean it or you're sorry or whatever, we're good. I'm not holding a grudge, I'm just saying that's why I left for awhile. It was easier on everyone. Things are different now." He looked over at Logan and Patton. "Uhh...really different, to be honest. But it's not a bad thing. You'd better keep Dad happy, Pocket Protector." Logan gave Patton's hand a squeeze.
"I will certainly endeavor to do so, Virgil." Logan looked at Roman. "You are....exasperating. You have dreams that are delusional and highly unrealistic. It is my job to reign you in, and I realize that we are often at odds as a result. But I do not despise you. I am irritated by you, frustrated by you, and I often do not understand you in the slightest, but to think I feel hatred or enmity towards you would be wildly inaccurate."
"Yeah Roman. We are sides of one person so self-conflict is inevitable! But what matters is how we handle the arguments. The Sander's Sides videos have been a great environment for us to rebuild the tight knit friendship we had and more," he tilted his head towards Logan giving him a playful smile, "that we used to have. And I wouldn't trade these moments for the world. Sure you might have had trouble in the past, but we can put all that behind us. Thomas has basically stopped growing and he shouldn't have anymore awkward personality changes."
Roman picked his head back up and flashed his toothy smile. "Well that's good. I feel better already."
"Good, awesome. Dad and the Professor are dating, Thomas is super happy, we're all good here. Can we go? I've got a new Fall Out Boy album to listen to." Virgil gestured with his thumb over his shoulder. Logan rolled his eyes.
"Yes, crisis averted. Thomas, you have no plans to go anywhere, correct?" Thomas was still smiling that dopey smile.
"Nope! Gonna stay here and watch Steven Universe again!"
"Excellent. It would appear we all have a free evening then." Virgil grinned and saluted, sinking down into the mindscape.Roman sighed.
"Well it appears I've lost yet another bet with sunshine over here. While you two love birds catch up on old memories and fluffy kisses, I'm going back to my quest. I will see you all tomorrow." Roman teased the bespectacled pair and sunk out in his fanciful pose only to be bombarded by leaf bugs again. "Agh! I thought you left!" The last phrase that was heard from Thomas's apartment by the royal ended hilariously in a distressed tone.
Patton giggled and found himself walking towards Logan, embracing him gently. He then burrowed his face in his shoulder softly, quietly hoping not to get pushed away, lest Logan think it was too much social interaction.
Logan immediately hugged him close, one hand threading through his hair while the other arm banded around his waist. He rolled his eyes at Roman's antics, chuckling a little as the bugs attacked him again. "We have such an odd family, Patton. How long do you think it will take those two to figure it out?" His voice was soft, almost teasing.
Patton smiled and nuzzled into him a little more. "Give them time Logan. They'll figure each other out soon enough, like we did. Their friendship has a few more battle scars than ours does, so it’s only natural for those to work themselves out first before the seeds of love can blossom." He giggled and snaked his hands around Logan's neck and kissed his cheek once again, practically swooning with infatuation.
Logan sighed a little, turning and gently cupping Patton's face with his hands. "I hope you realize I am hopelessly smitten with you?" He smiled at Patton, gently pulling him into a soft, sweet kiss. When they parted, he placed gentle kisses on Patton's nose, cheeks, and forehead before hugging him tightly again. "It is a predicament from which I hope to never escape." Thomas made a slight gagging sound, and Logan shot him a half-hearted glare before beginning to sink both Patton and himself down into the commons of the mindscape.
Patton's cheeks flushed red as he melted into the kiss, and quietly giggled at the tickly kisses Logan had planted on his face.
"Oh Thomas. I'm proud of you. I hope you know that. You’re doing great kiddo. Keep up the good work!" Patton waved as they sunk out. Once they got back to the commons, Patton’s excitement released itself yet again. He jumped up and down a couple times before breaking it out in song.
"If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands!" He clapped his hands and waited for the logical aspect in front of him to do the same. Logan arched a brow, but obediently clapped his hands. He wasn't entirely sure what the point of that exercise was, but he had a feeling that participating would make Patton happy.
"You are very strange, Patton, but I adore you." Patton giggled with delight again and decided not to subject Logan to the rest of the silly song.
"Say Logan. I know you want to go stargazing sometime and because Thomas is STARting to think about it, I noticed that a planetarium appeared in the mindscape. Wouldja want to go with me sometime?" Logan froze, then a brilliant smile spread across his face.
"I...really??? You would want to go there...with me??? I will try not to 'info dump' on you, as they say. But yes, I would very much like to do that." Logan adored astronomy. Space was just...it was fascinating. Perhaps not as fascinating as Patton, but a very close second.  He knew the others often found his long rambling speeches about the facts he knew to be boring, so he vowed he would try to reign himself in this time. He realized this would be their first "date", and he wanted to make it an enjoyable experience for Patton, not a boring one. Just the thought of being able to share something he loved so much with Patton thrilled him to his core.
"Aww Logan. I love your info dump sessions! You get this twinkle in your eye and you talk for hours. It’s one of the few times I heard you happy in the dark days, but now I hear you happy all the time and I’m so very grateful for that!" Patton booped Logan's nose adorably.
Logan didn't think it was possible to love Patton more, but it would appear Patton was going to make a habit of proving him wrong. Something warm and soft filled his heart. Patton didn't find him boring! Logan blinked when he booped his nose, wiggling it a little, then leaned in and gave Patton another kiss, a little fiercer this time. Patton blushed at his kiss and gladly returned it a little rougher this time.
"Thank you, Patton. It....I have a question. Is it normal to feel love for another person increase? I wasn't aware it was an emotion that came in levels. Can I expect to continuously love you more?" Logan had no idea how emotions worked and this was genuinely confusing him.
"Oh Logan! There are so many emotions that come with love. Good ones, bad ones, funny ones, sad ones, but they are all needed inside of any relationship! And yes there are different intensities, but I'd be happy to show you them all. They can be a little overwhelming at first, just fair warning. Eheheh!" Patton took Logan's hand again. "Let me know if I seem too physically affectionate for you Logan, I just love you so much! And to think this only happened in a couple hours! What time is it now? 12? Eheheh it doesn't matter. Time will always fly when I'm with you." Logan smiled at that.
"Patton, I very much doubt you could ever be too physically affectionate with me. I love you as well, and I am pleased to have such an excellent teacher in this particular subject. Did you still want to work on the things in your room, or would you rather do something else? I find I am reluctant to leave your company."
Patton thought. "Hmmm...this morning you told me that there were some things that needed to be done for Thomas's schedule. Now if there’s something I know about relationships, it’s you always remind your partner to do their job. My rooms not going anywhere, but I don't want to leave your SIDE either. Eheheh. Is there something I could help you with on Thomas's schedule? Now granted I don't know the first thing about organization, but I'd love to help you if I can. Maybe after a few hours of that, then we can return to my room. What dya think?" Logan internally sighed. Yes, he knew he was shirking his responsibilities a little, but being with Patton, his infectious happiness, was addictive. He offered a sheepish smile.
"True, I do need to work out his schedule for the next few days. You're welcome to join me in my room for awhile while I work, but I'm not certain if my room would influence you or not? I would rather not put you at risk. I could always work in the commons, if that would be better?" Patton smiled widely at Logan’s offer.
"Oh! That’s even better! I can make lunch while you’re working and still talk to you! I might even have you taste test a couple things. I'm almost thinking that strawberry shortcake will be better dessert for lunch than dinner. Eheheh!" Patton sighed in contentment, taking a long once-over of Logan. "I'm so lucky Logan. You're really attractive. In your mind, heart, and physicality. Alright, I’ll stop getting distracted by the handsome in front of me and start fixing lunch. Sit somewhere where I can see ya!" He winked at him before walking into the kitchen.
Logan blushed bright red at the compliment and cleared his throat. "If anyone is lucky, I'm afraid it would have to be me. And you are....extremely aesthetically appealing." With that, he went to grab the items he would need from his room. Patton smiled to himself and prepared the ingredients for lunch.
Meanwhile, Roman had come to the clearing where the entrance to the ancient city was supposed to be, but he had a problem and no it was not leaf bugs this time. The door was covered by a demonic symbol and he had no idea what it meant or what it was. He honestly didn't want to get Virgil for fear of him thinking he was accusing him of being evil again, but the darker aspect seemed to have a larger knowledge of these kinds of things. With a sigh he sunk down and appeared in front of Anxiety's door and knocked. "Virgil? Are you in there. I...I need some help." Virgil was humming along with his music when he vaguely became aware of a knocking on his door. Groaning a little as he heard Princey's voice, he paused his ipod, pulled his headphones off and went to the door.
"Yeah? What's up, Sir Sing A Lot? Get lost on your way to the castle?" Roman pouted slightly and tapped his two pointer fingers together nervously before taking a large breath.
"IwastryingtogettothelostcitybuttherewasthisdemonicsymbolandidontknowwhatitmeansandIknewyoumightknowbutIdidn'twanttocomeandaskforyourhelpbecausewasIwasafraidyoumightthinkthatIthoughtthatyouwerethebadguyandIjustreallyneedyourhelpandImnotsurewhattodo." He stopped not even breathless at the long string of words that just flew from his mouth. Virgil blinked, taking a minute to run that giant run-on sentence through his mind at a slower speed.
"Oh, is that all? Don't sweat it, Princey. Show me what you found." He walked out, closing his door behind him and waited for Roman to lead the way. Roman relaxed, finding out that asking him was the right course of action to take. He smiled and beckoned him briskly walking towards his own room.
The door opened for both of them and Roman stepped inside with Virgil, a feeling of satisfying nostalgia sweeping over him. It had been a long time since Virgil had been on a quest with him willingly. The room shifted to bring them to a forest clearing with trees surrounding them touching the clouds above. Ahead of them lay a rock entrance with a demonic symbol painted across the door of it in a menacing black and sticky substance. The substance appeared to be dripping, but it never lost its form. A sense of uneasiness hung over the area. Virgil took one look at the symbol and immediately pulled Roman away from it.
"Nope, you want no part of that, Princey. That is a symbol for Vanity, one of the big 7. You have enough issues with that, we don't need your head getting any bigger." He carefully investigated, looking around the area. "Technically, the symbol means "vainglory" but it means the same thing. One's Old English, the other's modern. I wouldn't get any of that sticky shit on you if you can avoid it. You really sure you want to get through this door? I really doubt it's safe."
Roman took another more careful look at the demonic sign, honestly feeling no fear towards it. But, Virgil knew these things and if it was too much, then it was too much. But he had honor and he needed to keep it, perhaps there was another way around. He was about to turn around when a second demonic symbol appeared on the ground right behind him causing him to jump a mile.
"Great GASPby! A second one." He immediately took a step forward to avoid stepping on it and pulled Virgil slightly forward too by his arm. He released him shortly afterward. "Sorry..." He unsheathed his sword and manifested a second one handing it to Virgil. "Just in case." He growled watching around him as the trees seemingly grew taller and taller, the uneasiness shifting the feeling of a darker power in the air.
Virgil tentatively took the sword, although he knew literally nothing about how to use it. His heart was pounding, but he was here with Roman which meant "flight" was probably not an option. He had to protect the others and Thomas, that was his function. He stood back-to-back with Roman, watching the trees get taller and the world around them get darker.
"This is bad, Princey. Really bad. Can we sink out, or is that blocked?" Roman seethed glancing around.
"We can. But I'm not sure if we will appear in the mindscape or my room. This type of darkness has only ever happened one other time...and when I sunk down, I was plummeted into a void. I don't want to go through that again." Suddenly the ground around them turned into the black inky substance, leaving only the little patch of green grass they were currently standing on. The blackness turned into the same thick inky black substance the sigil's were made of, and it moved in the same way, except this time more violently. It rose like grass around them, enveloping the world into a black pit, vison impeded. In a moment of comic relief, Roman got an idea."Oh wait I got this." He cracked his sword and then shook it, until it glowed a brilliant green lighting up the area around them, the regular grass still standing underneath their feet.
Virgil stared at him. "Does...does my sword do that????"
"Oh yeah. Just crack it. Yours should be purple."
Virgil cracked his sword and shook it. Now a brilliant purple light emanated from his.  "Glow stick swords, SERIOUSLY???"
Roman laughed heartily. "Hey. My kingdom. My rules. I mean...for the most part." He turned to look out at the black emptiness around them, signifying this event really shouldn't be happening. A loud rumble turned their attention to the ground as it shook. A pile of the inky black substance began accumulating a little ways away from them. It shook and then roared, shooting whatever was under the black pile to the surface so that the two aspects could see whatever monster was hiding under there.
The light from the glowswords could define the creature clearly. It was deep black with orange outlines along the edges of it’s shape. It's legs came out of its body and was able to hold itself up. If Roman didn't know any better, he would say it looked like a walking, deranged...windmill? The blades on its nose twirled angrily, flinging the the inky black substance in every which way until the mirrors on its blades couldn't be more defined. They spun creating the illusion that there was a large circular mirror on the front of the windmill, reflecting the forms of the two aspects clearly back at them.
Roman stopped dead and stared at himself. Oh how helpless he looked, the weight of who he was baring down on him all at once. In a last effort before the mirror controlled his movements, he let out a plea in a shaky breath.
"Virgil sink out with me NOW!"
-- End of Arc 2 --
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Dialect Coaches on Actors and the Best and Worst Accents
Congruity is important in fiction. Trust and verisimilitude are the first casualties when breaches of the unspoken contract between creator and audience occur. Each of us has our own limits on what we’re prepared to accept before that crucial tipping point is reached and our minds unmoor from a piece of fiction. Although we understand that show-runners and directors will sometimes bend reality or sacrifice elements of the truth or historical record in the pursuit of spectacle or entertainment, some things are sacrosanct.
Arguably our ears are the fiercest arbiters of truth. These days, botched accents or dialects in entertainment vehicles are the elements most likely to trigger flash-bangs of furious incredulity, and offend cultural sensibilities (especially now that we’re past the era of casting people in serious dramatic roles out-with their own ethnicities). Though the 1995 movie Braveheart was rife with historical inaccuracies – akin to Abraham Lincoln teaming up with Grover Cleveland to fight WWII alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger – it retained a plausible and satisfying emotional core in the hearts of most Scots largely thanks to Mel Gibson putting on an eminently passable, forgivably imperfect Scottish accent. That wouldn’t have been the case had he sounded like Christopher Lambert or Pee Wee Herman.  
So accents are important. They strike at the truth of who we are, where we’re from and where we’re going. It follows then that the gate-keepers of the human voice – the vocal coaches and dialect specialists that lend their expertise to the entertainment industry – perform a vital function that transcends mere entertainment. Den of Geek spoke to three of them, to get a flavor of the work they do, the professional choices they make, the role they see themselves playing, their views on the industry, and their take on the issues of the day filtered through the prism of their profession. 
Nic Redman is a well-known and knowledgeable vocal coach and voice actor who hails from Northern Ireland, but now lives and works in the north of England; her coaching helps regular folks, commercial clients and famous faces alike. 
Paul Meier is a voice coach, actor, professor, Shakespeare enthusiast, theatre director and archivist of dialects who made the leap from the southern UK to the mid-western US in 1978, bringing with him a wealth of expertise. 
Joy Lanceta Coronel is a Kentucky-born, NY-based dialectal wunderkind, who, as well as being an eminently qualified voice and acting coach, conducts research into Asian identity and cultural representation, particularly those aspects that intersect with her profession.    
Of course you can’t have three voice coaches on hand without first asking them their opinion on the worst and best examples of accents in TV and film. 
Music to your ears
Let’s start with the best.
Nic singles out Jodie Comer in Killing Eve. “I’d seen her in one other thing, and she spoke in Received Pronunciation (RP) – like a standard, southern English sound – and I just assumed she spoke RP. And then I saw Killing Eve, and I was like, ‘Wow, she’s good at accents’. And then I heard her in an interview, and I’m like, ‘You are kidding me’. Because she’s a proper Scouser, like [from Liverpool, England]. And unabashedly, unashamed, wearing it proudly, as everyone with a regional accent should.”
Paul’s pick is Meryl Streep in The Iron Lady. “I’ve never seen a better impersonation. She transcended impersonation and totally got the accent, but it was a brilliant impersonation as well. I did a podcast with the dialect coach on The Iron Lady, Jill McCullough, and Jill just sat in the corner twiddling her thumbs while Meryl Streep worked her magic.” 
Joy is also quick to laud Meryl Streep, particularly her performance in Sophie’s Choice. She also gives special mentions to Renee Zellweger in the first Bridget Jones’s Diary, and Daniel Day-Lewis in There Will Be Blood. When it comes to picking the worst examples of the craft, Joy favours diplomacy over dirt-slinging. “Ah this question is so nuanced because I’d hate to call people out on something that might have been the result of so many different variables. There are several instances when a coach might not have as much time with the actor for them to fully inhabit the accent. You also have to factor in that an actor might not be very familiar with an accent, and oftentimes it makes it more difficult for them to take on the sounds if it is difficult for them to hear them in the first place.”
Luckily for us and our salacious appetites, Nic and Paul have no such reservations. “I really want to give shout outs to Gerard Butler in P.S. I Love You,” says Nic. “As an Irish person I found that pretty horrific. Keanu Reeves in Dracula, Don Cheadle in Ocean’s Eleven. And, then, just a couple of shout-outs for some ladies. Anne Hathaway in One Day. I know she tried really hard. I married a Yorkshireman so I think I’m a bit more sensitive to that one. And Mischa Barton in St Trinians.”
Paul goes with something of an old classic from the accent hall of horrors: Dick Van Dyke in Mary Poppins. He follows up his choice with a salient point: “I did a podcast with my son, who is a movie critic, talking about best and worst. I found myself saying that Dick Van Dyke was so utterly charming in the role of Bert the chimney sweep, that despite his egregious cockney accent, you would say, ‘But this is how Bert speaks. This is Dick Van Dyke’s Bert’s cockney’, and it’s almost become institutional now, even though it’s a really bad cockney.” 
You could say the same of Karl Urban’s accent in The Boys. Butcher is supposed to be from London, but his accent is a hotchpotch that takes in the antipodes via South Africa. Again, though, the character, and Urban’s portrayal, is such a powerhouse that you stop caring. Perhaps we make allowances for bad accents by great actors just so long as the place they’re evoking isn’t an integral part of their character’s make-up; or that the character isn’t intended as a vessel to speak for, or about, people from that place. 
Do the coaches agree that many actors from the US seem to struggle with UK accents in general, and London accents in particular? 
“The thing about Americans encountering British accents,” says Nic, “is they have two representations of what we sound like: Downton Abbey and anything by Guy Ritchie. English or Cockney. You’d think that would help them be specific, but I think they really struggle with it because it shares a lot with Australian as well, for very specific historical reasons, and I think they flip stuff around and get a bit confused.”
Paul believes that US actors struggle with some UK accents mainly for social reasons. “Brits and Australians are better at American accents than vice versa. And it’s not because of any innate ability. It’s just because Americans tend to be more insular. American English is the global language, very few Americans have passports, they don’t travel. It’s a big country, very self-sufficient. And so for these social, socio-linguistic reasons, Americans don’t tend to be as good at accents.” 
Sometimes, says Nic, we the audience will not have been privy to the decisions made on the modelling of a character’s accent – their background, their idiolect – and thus can judge a performance unfairly. “That’s how I felt about Elizabeth Moss in Top of the Lake. She got a lot of flak for her accent, but I loved the performance so much, and she was a person from a place living in a different place, so there were going to be influences from that side, so maybe she made a conscious decision to do it that way.”
A Day in the Life
How, then, does a voice coach operate? How do they assist performers? And what’s in their toolkit? Joy clues us in:
“Sometimes I get pulled in at the last minute and I have to work with an actor who has already spent time with the script without my guidance, so those instances can be challenging,” she says. “What I do enjoy is that I get one-on-one time with the actors, so it is an intimate process. I shape my sessions based on different variables: how much time I have with them; how familiar they are with the accent or dialect, how difficult the accent or dialect is, what kind of space we are working in. It’s usually a conversation that triangulates between director, actor, and coach. If possible, I try to find an audio sample of a person who meets the criteria we discussed, and we work from those audio samples. Using a real speaker as a model is the best way to humanize the work.”
What about those rare cases where a play, movie or TV show is set in a non-English-speaking country, yet casts English-speaking actors as natives, and has them speak in English? The examples that spring to mind are the TV mini-series Chernobyl and the movie The Death of Stalin. Do voice coaches have any opinion of, or involvement with, those scenarios? Paul takes the mantle:
“If you start with the idea of a Chekhov play; all of those characters are speaking Russian to each other, and we, simply for our own convenience, are speaking a translation into English, so does it make any sense to play your Chekhov characters with a Russian accent? Not really. Because they’re not speaking a language other than their own, their first language, so why would they get it wrong? If you have a play or a film where the Russian character is speaking English, then it wouldn’t make sense not to give him a Russian accent. And then I think of exceptions, like [the movie] Chocolat. All of those characters were speaking French to each other. We, simply for our own convenience, hear them in English. And yet the director and the dialect coach very astutely gave a very slight French accent colouration to the film. And I thought it helped. It put me in that little French village.” 
Authenticity and avoiding stereotypes
Authenticity clearly plays an integral role in both the coaching process and ethos. This article has so far concentrated on those dialects that predominate within the English-speaking world, but what of the importance of ensuring the authenticity of accents from other parts of the world; countries and continents whose languages and cultures may well have become an integral, though still too often marginalised, part of the shared experience of living in the US or Europe?    
“I can speak from the work I’ve done in the past with accents such as Thai, Cantonese, Mandarin, Japanese and Korean,” says New York-based Joy. “These East Asian accents have a long history of stereotyping, mimicry, and caricature and it has hurt these communities. So, for that reason, it is all the more important to add as much authenticity and humanity to the accent and frame the accent through the lens of a real human being, and not just the stereotypes that were so often seen in TV, film, and stage. Studies show that most Americans don’t know a lot about Asian culture, much less the nuanced sounds of each language. It’s just not something Americans have paid attention to because of racist portrayals and phrases like ‘Ching chong chang.’ I feel a great deal of responsibility for showcasing these languages authentically, and it is my hope that audiences will begin to recognize these sounds and hear the drastic differences among East Asian languages, so that we can slowly veer away from our problematic past.”
The issue of representation within the entertainment industry, which dovetails with notions of authenticity, gained prominence during last year’s Black Lives Matters protests, and put a lot of hitherto accepted (sometimes only grudgingly) conventions under the spotlight. Animated shows like Big Mouth, Family Guy and The Simpsons were forced to reckon with the new paradigm by recasting, or un-casting, white actors who had been portraying POC. What do the coaches think about representation in this context, and where would they weigh in on versatility versus verisimilitude?   
Paul, whose life and work have straddled seven decades, responds with intellectual honesty and a sprinkling of Devil’s Advocate: “I have two takes on that really. One is that it’s a shame if you take any work away from an actor. Actors, that’s what they do: they impersonate everybody, without politics, without judgement, and it seems a shame in the world of infinite imagination to deprive anybody of the ability to impersonate or play any role. To me, it depends upon the spirit in which the thing is done. Take the role of Godbole in A Passage to India, played by Sir Alec Guinness. If we made the film today, of course we would cast Indian actors, but was Alec Guinness derogating or mocking India when he played that? No, he did a sterling job, with total respect for the culture. And then, you look on the other side of it. There’s an employment theme: why would you want to – with so many great African American actors – why on earth would you want to cast a white person to do that – unless there is some sort of exceptional necessity in that casting?”
Nic is slightly more unequivocal. “Yes, every actor can potentially play whatever they want and whoever they want, but it’s not about whether they can at the moment, it’s about whether they should. And we all have a responsibility in many ways in life right now to open up the doors to some of the more under-represented ethnicities and cultures. I feel that the only way I can responsibly be a coach in the current climate is to – if anything comes along that I feel could be coached by somebody of a more appropriate ethnic background, then I’ll pass that along. And that’s a no-brainer.”
Nic still has to grapple with and practice even those accents she couldn’t in all good conscience tutor someone to speak. “It’s important for me to understand how those accents work because I may get someone of that ethnic background coming to me wanting a different accent. Everybody starts at an accent from a different place, because everyone’s accent articulation patterns are different. So, for me, I may say the ‘ow’ sound as in the word mouth. I know I have to drop my tongue, because the northern Irish accent has more of a high tongue position. If I was teaching that ‘ow’ vowel to someone who wasn’t northern Irish, I’d have to understand where their tongue position may be. I can’t say to everybody, ‘Oh, for this sound you need to lower your tongue,’ because they might not need to lower their tongue. They might need to raise, flatten or loosen their tongue. So it’s not one-size fits all. It’s part of my job to look into these histories and cultures, and understand how these sounds work and feel.”     
Joy picks up the question of representation as it relates to The Simpsons and other animated shows, and examines it all through a wide cultural lens. “I appreciate the movement to re-cast these roles. There is no justification for characters like Apu and Doctor Hibbert being voiced by white actors, and it’s something I’ve opposed for a long time. It simply perpetuates stereotypes and caricatures. And there’s no justification because there are a multitude of actors who could have voiced these characters, and who could have embodied the racial, linguistic, and ethnic background of these characters. BIPOC actors already have limited opportunities as a result of limited stories on BIPOC, so why deprive them of the opportunity? In addition to perpetuating colonialism mentality, white characters voicing Indian, American and Black characters completely ignores the history of Blackface, Brownface, and minstrel performances, all of which were racist practices meant to mimic and inaccurately portray these communities through humor.”
In closing: with whom were the trio most proud of working; who was the actor or person who shone the brightest under or alongside them? Paul plumps for Tobey Maguire, Joy for BD Wong, actors they lavish with praise. Nic takes a different approach, declining to name anyone specific. “I’m most proud of the clients who come and commit to the work – and they come back as much as they need, as they can afford, as they want, and they make genuine improvement, and it has a genuine impact on their life and their career. That’s the amazing kind of thing about this job. With the right attitude, and enough time and money I think anybody can learn an accent… but that’s a Holy Trinity that doesn’t always come together.” 
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Please tell us your picks for the best and worst accents in film and TV in the comments below. Also, there are links to our interviewees should you wish to enlist their services, or are curious about their work. 
Paul Meier – Dialect Services www.paulmeier.com
Nic Redman – Voice Coach and Accent Specialist Nicredmanvoice.com
Joy Lanceta Coronel – Speech, Dialect and Communication Coach joylanceta.com
The post Dialect Coaches on Actors and the Best and Worst Accents appeared first on Den of Geek.
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enigmatic-elegance · 7 years
Mas’ list of people you should probably follow.
The other day I made a big post on those people who deeply impacted me this past year. But this post is gunna be a lot broader. This will be a list of people who are generally just awesome folks, people I think you should follow or check out if you don’t already know about them.
Because it will likely be a big list, I’m only going to make a small sentence or two comment on each to keep it brisk.
And hey, if you don’t see your name here, don’t feel bad. Just means we likely need to RP more, yeah? Get to know me, let me get to know you, let’s share some fun times. And if I forgot you I’m sorry. I am trying to include a lot of names so it’s likely I miss one or two. I still love you.
Cool on with the show.
@jazimina @risrielthron Same person. Fantastic writer, runs the courier, very polite and open to people. Good person to know.
@percy-dewdancer Great dude. Knows his shit. Will throw down for his people. Been around, and makes good stories, so check him out.
@the-elf-mahat Sweetheart extreme, fantastic character too, trust me you’ll be glad you took the time to know her.
@grannyshanny @damn-she-big Good dude. Tells it how it is, dude also can write up a storm if given the chance.
@eldricceverton If you can actually catch him for RP the guy will melt your face off with 20 paras of gold.
@thebattlesheep Shy, but a sweetheart. She wants to involve in more stories so go bother her, send her posts, and asks, and love.
@soapiewhitacre They have had a bit of a hard time recently with their muse so took a break but they are a really great writer and a good person so well worth the follow.
@in-ghis-we-trust Coming soon back to the game, time permitting. So go check out this pupper so when she gets back she’ll get all the love.
@berundo-the-deadbeat Okay for real I underestimated this guy when I first met him cuz the char seems silly but then you realize this guy is one of the best writers you’ll ever meet.
@jebweaver So goddamn underrated. For the quality this guy puts out dude should get way more notes and recognition. Just go check it out, read a post or two. Trust me.
@devilsdaughter2 Homegirl has her finger to the pulse. She gets mad excited, loves to talk characters and pretty much whatever you want. Good place to get some solid content.
@the-news-nerd @elyza-morrowbranch @dunnedinsniper This guy gives his opinions without shame. Turns out he’s usually pretty spot on. Great RPer to boot, so all around a win.
@kingofthewolves Great dude, great friend, and makes stories that will rip your heart out while also piecing it back together with sap and fluff. Go check em.
@xerxes-jasper This one is a great shadow RPer. But plays the character less of a horror and more of a human. That’s rare, and admirable. Very worth the follow.
@cedrickholtstories He’s a damn good writer. We have not talked a lot OOC but I’m impressed with his content and you will be too.
@paladin-cynae On the flipside here, I don’t know too much about the characters ICly, but OOCly such a sweet and caring sort. Definitely someone worth knowing.
@gwenya Worth a lot of love. And likely will try to punt me for putting them on this list. But genuinely a selfless sort.
@adhelin We are a lot alike. so if you like me, you will likely enjoy her too. If you don’t like me..why are you here? She’s a good sort, cares for her friends and guild. Respect.
@thegreatnyehehe Seriously. Follow. This is not even an option.
@firebiter @brooke-it @clothespanda Phenomenal RPer with even more amazing characters. And can pretty much get along with most people well. Trust me, good follow.
@fire-and-swords Fire-hearted person but damn fun to RP with. Encourage them a bit out of their comfort zone and you’ll be rewarded with some great stories.
@addie-the-pirate Super kind. Very open. Friendly. And to follow up a brilliant writer and imaginative sort. Definitely worth a follow.
@xana-the-witchhearted The textbook definition of a sweetheart.
@theodorebennas Lawful characters usually annoy me but he does it super damn well. Plus OOcly really open and friendly sort.
@demetrius-devereaux We’ve had our differences to be sure but if you want dark RP he’s a go-to. Plus respect for a damn good writer.
@sparkling-adventurer Goddamn cutie.
@elaianna A grand writer and by what I can see an extremely friendly person. Cares a lot for server events and supporting others, gotta respect that.
@khadorek This guy and I don’t chat too much but he always takes interest in other’s works and creations. It’s refreshing.
@harveedeadweight Dude is a meme sure but take part in some of his stories you’ll see he’s a brilliant and imaginative writer.
@summysparklesprocket Only RPed a few times but they are on point as an RPer. Plus, a serious Gnome, too damn rare. They definitely deserve props.
@high-inquisitor Sort of watch them from afar but they are a damn good writer so they deserve attention for it.
@saltylulu Hey so this person is a sweet thing and also a pretty darn good writer when you can get em pinned for RP.
@susan-gampre So NSFW as hell but a cool person. Worth checking out for sure.
@inquisitive-baker Only RPed a few times with them but a really cool ‘neutral’ character.
Guild Corner
@the-royal-courier This is the number one source for alliance news. A great place to keep up to date on events and help promote your own stories.
@thedragonlorenews I’m not Horde active but I still follow them to keep up with the cool things the Horde is up to.
@householt Great writers. Truly. They also don’t force their agenda on other guilds but will work to include others if they wish it. I have a lot of respect for them.
@housestygian I don’t see them around as much of late but they were always really square with me. I think they are coming active again, so worth a check out for sure.
@ludlowvineyards Been around for a while and always provided great content both of their own and supporting others. Check them out.
@wra-lifeline-advocates Not really a guild, but a damn good resource.
@veil-of-ashes New Hordeside RP, but their people have it on lock by what I can see. If you are on Horde, check em out, hit them up.
@stormwinduniv Still make some really solid server events. And they are all so damn unique too. Like, super cool stuff.
Art Corner
@vinsketchbook @vintrove One of the best wow artists I’ve encountered. Made the brilliant portrait of Mas and is working on another at the moment. Great prices, very professional, definitely recommend.
@ferachidoesart A great artist, and their style always makes me smile. Well worth checking out.
@whimsicallyart A killer artist with a great writer to back it all up. The full package, worth the follow absolutely.
@anzka The go-to for great Gnome art.
@auggusst @auggusst-art The improvement on her art has been astonishing, and she deserves more love then she gets. Totally advise supporting her, well worth checking out.
@blackdogmelancholy Already gave props to them in the People area but they are a killer artist too so absolutely check them out.
@@cat-bat @catbatart Fantastic artist, already got a commission from them that I adore. Professional, and works really fast with great quality.
@planktonheretic Their art hits the perfect niche of tasty buff orcs and amazing animated expressions. I already got a piece from them and lord knows I’m going to get more in time.
@artofaokori I have a few small pieces from them but their style is so unique and makes me smile every time. Great for cute characters.
@bloodydamnit Makes some of the most lifelike art pieces I have ever seen. And covers a broad range of genres and games.
@littleliongod Worked with me so well in coupling my sibling pair into one piece. It’s great when an artist takes time to ask questions and assure you get exactly what you are looking for.
@musingzero Just commissioned two pieces from them and they blew my mind. Namely because I had no real references for either of them and from nothing she just built perfectly the characters and brought them to life. Amazing.
72 notes · View notes
writelively · 7 years
So you’re nervous about leaving comments on stories!
(From someone who has written over 150 stories online.)
First I’m going to give some tips for people with anxiety or those who are just nervous about offending a writer! You can skip this though and go straight to the second part if you like. 
The second part (look for the 2′s) will be actual comments that you can copy and paste into the comment section of any story!
Something is better than not commenting at all, I promise!
I get it, it’s hard to come up with things to say that sound genuine and won’t waste the writers time. Well, the good news is: Comments take seconds to read and if you’re not being nasty, it’s never a waste of time!
So I can write a short comment and they won’t be upset?
I don’t know about other writers, but (very) short comments are almost all I ever get. And they still make me smile and my heart flutter. Comments are what drive me as a writer! Short ones still make me happy, so don’t worry about it, if that’s all you can manage!
Isn’t it a bit shallow to ‘write for comments’?
What else am I writing for, buddy? I am writing for the fandom, not just myself! I write because there’s a sense of community and it’s fun to talk about the things I love and to make people feel !!~EMOTIONS~!! is the best feeling I get with my writing! It’s what has made this hobby take up so much of my life for a decade and a half.
But what if I want to give constructive criticism? 
Will the person be okay with that? Good question. One good way of telling if they’ll be okay with what you say is: Did they ask any sort of question in the author’s notes? If they did, they are definitely trying to hear your voice, so don’t be afraid to speak your mind!
If you want to give advice or say something that bothered you about a fic, you can say 2 positive things before the negative comment and 1 positive comment to wrap it up. This way, they have lots to be happy about and are more likely to take your negative comment as good natured.
IE:  “Wow, your characterization is so on point! I loved the way you described Frodo’s eyes! I didn’t feel like the fight scene with Legolas really fit the tone of the story, but the part when he rests his head on Gimli’s shoulder was both adorable and hilarious!”  
As a writer, a comment like this would tickle me to death! I would literally go back immediately and reread the parts you talked about. (Ok, I’ve never written LoTR fanfics, but you get my point.)
But I’m not that good with specific writer things like ‘tone’ or ‘characterization’?
Also fine! How about this:
IE: “More of those kisses and cuddles plz! :D Ahh Captain Kirk was so cute! The story could use more dialogue, but I love all the fluff!”
Totally okay to use emojis, keysmashing and text talk. They just further show how you’re feeling and we LOVE that!
But I hated it, disagreed with its content, the pairing, etc? 
Time to read something else, buddy! It’s not worth the stress on your body to give attention to something you hate. If someone was passionate enough about something to write about it, you won’t change any minds. Give your attention and passion to what you love and support the writers who write your interests! It’s better for everyone. I’ve been in fandoms for 15 years now and I can tell you that you will NOT be changing anyone’s mind. For yourself, move on.
I only felt ‘meh’ about this story, do I still have to comment?
Depends! Did you read the entire thing? If you did and still aren’t super ‘into’ it, but also didn’t hate it, maybe just write a simple single line like the ones I have listed below. If it was SO meh, that you actually regret reading it, don’t comment negatively. It could be a new writer and we don’t want to discourage new writers from writing!  You could leave constructive criticism like above, or something small like below.
This writer is clearly very popular / the story already has comments.
Before you decide that a writer has ‘too many comments’ or ‘too many notes’ remember that on sites like Ao3, replies and replies to replies count as ‘comments’. If the writer replies to most of the comments, the number is going to look like it’s double what it actually is. And we always appreciate every comment!  On tumblr, ‘liking’ something counts as a note. Reblogging with out tags or comments also counts as a note, but it’s better than just a like. 
Remember, we love attention. We love to hear what you have to say. I’ve never seen a writer put in their bottom notes ‘Please don’t comment, I don’t care.’
If something has 400 comments or is super old and you think that the author probably won’t care, it doesn’t hurt to write something small! Just give it a shot! Even if they don’t reply, they still might see it.
I see people commenting on my work from 10 years ago and though I barely remember the fandom, it still makes me giggle. I love it!
But in the end, the judgement call on whether or not you’ll comment is yours to make.
I want something to happen in a later chapter, can I tell you that?
You can, but do not demand or expect that someone will steer the story line off where they were going for you. You may want to word in a way that makes it seem like you HOPE it will happen, rather than you ASKING for it to happen.
NOT this:  Please let them kiss in the next chapter!!  DO this:  Aaaahhh, I hope they kiss, the tension is killing me! NOT this: Make Harry ask Luna to the dance. DO this:  Luna keeps staring at Harry, and he keeps noticing. I see what you’re doing thereeee~ SIDE NOTE: Demanding any sort of smut/kinks/AUs/pairings/etc that the writer might be uncomfortable with and haven’t been brought up in the story is probably not okay. If you want to make a request like that, make sure the writer is OK with requests and if they are, request a completely different story.   
If you’re worried a request might freak them out, try and do a little research. 
Remember, tons and tons of teens and kids (underagers) write fanfics. Many of them may be writing things that are above their age grade. If you accidentally read one of these, just back away and don’t interact. It is illegal.
If you ARE a minor writing things like smut, remember: It’s still illegal. If you have any more questions about this, feel free to ask. But remember, always keep it SFW when you’re talking to an adult. If an adult knows you are underage and still wants to talk to you about / show you / RP smut and the like, back away. That is predatory and real kids AND teens have gotten hurt in this way.
OKAY! If you have more comments or suggestions, feel free to reblog and add them!   Now for the copy and past part of our topic here!
Simple one-liners that you can use and reuse when you’re too nervous to write something yourself! Like I said above, writers will love anything! Just pick one (or more if you like) comment from below that you like, copy and paste it into the comment box on other sites or put it in your tags or ‘reply’s on tumblr! 
No need to mention you used the list AND you can customize them as much as you like!
Many of these are based on comments I have received in the past, that have made me smile! I am not adding numbers, so that they are easier to copy and paste. Feel free to save this in your drafts, if you want easy access in the future!
Here we go:
This is really cute and I would love it if you continued.
This is really good! I like this idea. If you are still thinking about updating it I would be excited to see this story progress.
Awesome :D really hoping you'll continue
This was sweet and I would very much like to read more!
I can’t wait to hear more about __________ !
Love this so much!
Very interesting start. I look forward to reading the next chapter.
I'm already hooked... It's very well written :D
I was already hooked by the summary and I was ready for more by the end of the chapter. 
To put it quite simply I loved it, and I hope you write more chapters.
This is really interesting, you have yourself a new fan. Update soon? 
I can't wait to see where you go with this story!
_______ was my favorite line. love it.
You write beautifully, I love how you describe emotions!
This is interesting! I would like to see how you could make your short story ideas into a full story.
I like the character's interactions with each other, very interesting dynamics.
Ohh, please, update soon. Seems interesting and cool.
This looks very promising! 
You kept me on the edge of the seat, but sadly it ended!
Will you update this? I wouldn't mind reading more of this!
I'm into this story already! Please update soon! :)
I started to read this out of curiosity, kinda thinking 'What? This can't possibly work!' and the next few minutes of my life were spent squeeing in joy.
You have converted me into a shipper!
UGH THE PAIN! You’re so evil, my heart hurts! (And I love it!)
I just started reading this as a sort of masochistic dare with myself... Dammit, why does this pairing just... work? 
You're gonna turn me into a shipper, I swear to God.
I beginning to love this couple and it's all your fault!
Thank you, this is really cute!
I freaking love this pairing and it sucks that it isn’t more popular! Thanks for adding to it!
This was fun to read!
They are such an adorable couple
So few views?! That’s just wrong, this was so awesome!
Hmmm well now I kinda like this pairing...
I like this, it's sweet :') think you should continue it!
I would very much be interested in reading more if you were willing to write it. I like your set up in this chapter.
I would like to read more
S’good! And cute!
Brilliant! Please post more soon!
I can hardly wait for an update! :)
The way the characters are written is fantastic and believable, keep it up!
By any chance are you going to continue with this fic? It's quite good.
I hope your thinking of continuing this! I seriously love it!
This is honestly one of the best _________ stories that I’ve ever read.
Your stories are pretty good I must say, but this one really sticks out at me.
I beg you to continue your story if you have more to tell!
Should you post more I will definitely read your updates.
Please post more, I NEED to know what happens!
alsdjalksjhdkja chd aksjdh alksjhd
The part with ______________ was really clever!
Oh, no no no! You can't leave it like this! It will haunt me forever!
Love this story! Even though the chapters were short, your story had a lot in it!
It was never lacking mystery and had me on edge waiting for the next chapter.
Wow... what's going to happen? *_*
I love it and I hate it, it’s so awesome, but it hurts and I hate it and I love it. WHY.
ok. I wasn't expecting that. That was really really really sad....
I  cant believe you ended it that way!
MORE! MORE! MORE!...Ahem... sorry... I absolutely loved it. Please write more!
The little sinister things are what intrigue us to move onward. So keep writing! I'll be waiting for the next chapter with anticipation!
I think it was an adorable chapter, maybe a little OOC, but still cute nonetheless. :)
Wow, what an unexpected ending!
gah this is beautiful ❤
I love everything you write!
Holy shit dude yes
Everything. Literally everything about this. Just... yes. 
I love this, it’s really good!
You’re a fantastic writer.
I can’t believe you were nervous to post this! I’m so glad you did.
Bless you man. This is lovely!
The characters, the set up, the descriptions, the dialogue... All of it was perfect!
You write them exactly as I see them! Thank you!
Characterization was perfect, holy crap.
Great now I’m all bothered~
*wipes away sweat* wow that was hot
*wipes away a tear* oh my god....
Such good content to stumble upon, thank you for writing and sharing!
Woah. Just... woah.
My heart is shattered :’(
Holy shit that’s gonna keep me up at night....
Excuse me while I go find a shoulder to cry on!
I need a hug after that!
That is all I have time for today. I may add more in the future and you can always feel free to add some if you like too! 
END NOTE: I wrote this up because I see a lot of posts from writers talking about how hurt they are that no one bothers to comment and people retorting that they’re too nervous to post. So I made this to make it easy!      99.99% OF WRITERS WILL LOVE YOU FOR COMMENTS!
Writers can’t do commissions like artists can, so this is the best way to support us! (Yes, I understand commissions are POSSIBLE, but it’s very difficult and in most of the instances I’ve seen people try it, someone is always disappointed. Most of us just want you to talk to us!)
49 notes · View notes
cassydestiel · 7 years
This Is Why I love Omegle
-Had to post because it was the best RP I’ve had in an incredibly long time and probably is something I will base a WolfStar story on. Enjoy-
You; Hey Moony, was wondering if you wanted to come out for drinks tonight. -SB
Stranger: Um, I don't know. I'm not usually one for drinks you know that. RL
You: I figured, I thought it would be worth a shot. What are you up to? -SB
Stranger: Oh you know, just staying in. There is a book I recently got that I would like to start reading. RL
You: Oh. Very nice. My little Moony reading his adorable little books. -SB
Stranger: Well, don't make fun of me for it. Besides, you don't usually ask me to go for drinks. You are making me suspicious. RL
You: WHAT? WHY ARE YOU SUSPICIOUS? I'm not making fun of you, it's just cute. -SB
Stranger: You usually go out with James, or out on a date. RL
You: Well, James is busy and I think I fancy someone so no random dates for me anymore. Sirius Black is a changed man. -SB
Stranger: Wow, I can't believe there is actually someone out there who can actually tame the great Sirius Black. I can't wait until I can meet them. RL
Stranger: You know you don't have to go out. You could stay in too. RL
You: You already know them, Moony. I could stay in, but the great Sirius Black does not want to be home alone. -SB
Stranger: I already know them? And you haven't told me yet? I'm offended. You can come here, we can talk about this mystery person. RL
You: I'll come but only because I'm lonely. No mystery people. - SB
Stranger: What if I crack open the bottle of Firewhiskey I have? Can we talk about mystery people than? RL
You: I'd have to be really drunk. I, the great Sirius, do not spill my secrets easily. -SB
You: But yes, Firewhiskey anyway. -SB
Stranger: I'll let you drink all of it if I have to, but alright. RL
Stranger: If I find out that you told James and not me I'm going to be very upset. RL
You: I haven't told anyone that's how secretive I am about this. -SB
You: I'm on my way. -SB
Stranger: Is it Severus? Is that why you are so secretive? RL
You: Sirius didn't check his phone until he got close to Remus' house. When he got there, Remus let him in and Sirius looked disgusted. "Absolutely not. Snivellus? Really Remus? Have some faith." He laughed a bit.
Stranger: "Well I can't figure out why wouldn't tell us who has you so enamoured." Remus muttered, rolling his eyes. "Honestly, what else am I supposed to think." He ushered Sirius into the kitchen where there was already two glasses of Firewhiskey. "Drink up."
You: "No matter how drunk you get me, it isn't going to happen." He laughed again. It wasn't long before Sirius downed the first glass. Sirius also very much overestimated the amount of alcohol he could consume before feeling tipsy. "What have you been doing on your night in?"
Stranger: "I will find out, you underestimate my abilities," Remus said as he sipped at his own glass. He reached over and poured some more for the other, and let him continue drinking. He knew that Sirius had a tendency to drink more than he could handle. "Oh you know, I was just doing some housework, getting ready to settle in with the book, but this I have to admit is much more fun." He chuckled.
You: "Getting your friend drunk to expose his secrets. It sounds very entertaining." Sirius took a huge gulp out of his glass and burped. "Merlin's beard," He smiled at Remus and thought very carefully before speaking again, "So why do you find this fun?" He questioned.
Stranger: "You usually aren't so secretive. That's more my job than yours. And I mean, you're here and not out at some bar, this person must be very special." Remus explained, shrugging. "So I imagine you can forgive me my curiosity. Would you not be curious if our situations were reversed?"
You: "Very much so, yeah. I would be very curious." He sighed taking another huge drink from his glass, "If I wasn't worried about losing this person, I probably would've mentioned something a very long time ago." It became clear to him and Remus that the Firewhiskey was settling in.
Stranger: Remus raised an eyebrow, but nodded slowly. The Firewhiskey was definitely doing its job, but it sounded like Sirius was really wanting to keep it a secret, and he wasn't sure if the other would appreciate Remus getting him drunk. "I don't think you have much to worry about, everyone likes you. I don't think you would be able to lose anyone."
You: "Yeah, but him. I know he enjoys my company, but wow. He's amazing. He has a great personality and it's rather unfortunate that he doesn't think he is amazing as I think he is." Sirius took another drink and looked at Remus with glazed eyes. "I've never been scared to lose someone before, Moony."
Stranger: Remus sighed. "Well, I can't imagine that you have anything to worry about, Sirius. If this person is as amazing as you seem to think, I can't imagine that they won't think you are as amazing." He said softly. "Maybe you should slow down on the drinking just a bit."
You: "But I love FireWhiskey." He smiled widely at Remus. Every time he looked up at Moony, his heart felt full. He couldn't believe how brilliant he was. "Maybe I should tell him," Sirius questioned himself.
Stranger: "I know you do, but it obviously doesn't like you," Remus found himself chuckling softly. He found himself smiling back at Sirius softly before nodding slowly. "I think you should, and keep in mind, if he does just stop talking to you for this, then he isn't nearly as brilliant as you think he is. He'd be a downright idiot."
You: Sirius listened to Remus and stopped drinking the whiskey but as it set in, he continued to get more drunk then he was before. "Remus, I don't think I have ever seen a soul as brilliant as his. He's intelligent and kind. I- I think I love him sometimes, but I try to tell myself I don't-" He cut himself off with another burp. "Sorry."
Stranger: Remus sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "Siri, I honestly think you should tell him. I mean, what if he loves you in return?" He reasoned softly. "Don't worry about it," he said. "Are you hungry? I think I should try and put something in you to soak up the alcohol."
You: "Actually, yes food sounds great," Sirius replied. "I'm so torn up about this. I see him almost every day so it's getting hard now." Sirius was almost shocked that Remus hadn't asked this mystery person's name but then remembered that Remus wasn't like that despite him claiming he wanted to know. "I've known him since I was young," Sirius stated.
Stranger: Remus stood up but frowned softly as he started rummaging around for something to feed the other. "You see him almost every day? That's difficult surely." And Remus wanted nothing more than to ask who this mystery man was, but he was almost afraid of the answer. He hated that Sirius was pining after another person.
You: "Every god damn day." Sirius started to get just a bit upset with himself. He wanted more than anything to tell Remus. "Remus, If I tell you, I need you to promise you won't hate me forever. I understand if you were to hate me for a period of time."
Stranger: "I would never hate you, Sirius. I promise, even if you were to tell me that you fancied Snivellus," Remus said, moving back towards the other, hoping that it had Sirius laughing. "I wouldn't hate you no matter what, for no amount of time at all."
You: Sirius took a deep breath in. "It definitely isn't Snivellus." He forced a small laugh. He couldn't even look at Remus because he was so terrified. "Remus. It's you. The one I think I love... It's you."
Stranger: Remus took a deep breath and was quiet for a minute, he didn't know what to say, but he also couldn't stay quiet forever. "Siri, I definitely don't hate you," he muttered eventually. "Um, actually, I feel the same way," he added quietly. ((I'm so sorry, but I have to go, this was really good though.))
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OOC Survey!
Why did you choose to play the character that you do at Crimson Revolt? 
Gideon and Fabian have been my muses for a looong time now. I think I’ve been writing one or the other since I was 16? (I’m 20 now I’m so old where has all the time gone!) And they just never get old, or boring, and they are so problematic and broken but beautiful wonderful people and I love them so much. I haven’t rped for a year ish now, and I came in fully intending to pick someone new, but then Gid’s bio hooked me right back in.
Do you have a favorite holiday? 
Bonfire night! Where we burn an effigy of a man who tried to blow up our parliament yay! But for real, as soon as Autumn hits and you start smelling that smokey smell in the air I get so excited. Not to mention bonfire toffee and fireworks.
Do you prefer coffee or tea? Perhaps neither, or both? 
Tea 100%. I have recently gotten into earl grey after one terrible experience with it as a child and spurning it ever since. Now I have seen the error of my ways, it’s amazing.
What is your personality type?
ISFP, last time I did a test, I don’t really know too much what it means.
What is your Hogwarts House?
Ravenpuff. It seems to alternate between the two every time I do a test, and I think I have qualities from both. I think at 11 I would have wanted to go to Ravenclaw and be one of the ‘smart ones’, now I think I’d much prefer to be in Hufflepuff, just working hard and and being kind and loyal.
What is your Zodiac Sign?
Virgo, I don’t really know what the significance of it is though I find horoscopes quite amusing.
Three most recently watched on Netflix?
I’m gonna do Amazon Prime instead because I use it way more.
So, Halt and Catch Fire, The X Files, and the movie 20th Century Woman, which was brilliant, I highly recommend it!
Describe your ride-or-die friend.
Can my brothers be my ride-or-die friends? We’ve been through a hell of a lot of shit together, and they are pretty much the only people in the world I’ve always been able to rely on, and will probably continue to be for the rest of my life. And I’m so freaking proud of them, they are both younger than me, but they are already better functioning human beings than me. Joe is doing an electrician’s apprenticeship and he’s so good at what he does and he loves it so much and everybody there really respects him and he’s just so darn funny! Then Tom is doing his A-levels and he’s like top in all his classes but he’s so modest about it and he’s either going to be a doctor or a citrus farmer and I think they are both really exciting options and whatever he does he’s going to have such a bright future. Spending time with them is so easy, and we know when we need to talk about serious stuff and when we need to just let the other be and when we need to mess around and have a laugh. When I came out as trans they barely blinked an eye, even though we had a really close brother/sister dynamic going on they immediately accepted me as their brother and the first time Joe introduced me as his brother to his friends I nearly cried. Can you tell I just really love them? I’m so freaking proud of them, I would do anything for them.
If you could have any superpower, what would you choose?
Okay, so I am a huge fan of the movie About Time, because I am a sucker for Richard Curtis films. I could watch it over and over and over again and not get bored, it’s so beautiful. So I think having the power he has in that movie would be great. Time travel had always made me really anxious because of the whole butterfly effect thing, but the way they do it in that movie really mellows it out, and the living every day twice thing to appreciate every moment is something I would probably benefit from a lot. Also I make a lot of silly mistakes, and I always realize just a moment too late, so if I could go back and erase those as they happened I would probably be taken a lot more seriously. 
Are you an early bird or a night owl?
I’m kind of inbetween right now? I used to be a huge night owl, and I slip back into those habits when on holidays. But because of work and uni I’ve been getting up early, and now I just stick to that routine even if it’s a day off. I’m also very dedicated to getting enough sleep every night, because the long-term effects of not enough sleep terrify me, so waking up early and going to bed late that night is just not something I like to do a lot. 
What is your favorite color?
Yellow. It’s a relatively new favourite colour. My dad told me last year that he always saw me as a yellow person, like I had a yellow aura or something, and then I was like ‘I want everyone to see me as a yellowy person’ so I started wearing a lot of yellow, and I think people definitely started seeing me differently, and I certainly developed more into myself, and it’s crazy how just wearing yellow t-shirts could do that, but I swear it changed so much. And now most of the stuff I own is yellow and I think my dad was right, I think yellow really suits me, on more than just a visual level, if that makes sense. 
What is the last book you read? What is your favorite?
The last book I read was ‘Just Kids’ by Patti Smith. It’s about her relationship with Robert Mapplethorpe. I mainly bought it because I have a huge crush on the guy at the bookshop, and I wanted to buy something so I could interact with him, but I also wanted to look cultured. BUT THEN THIS BOOK OPENED MY EYES OKAY. Her way of writing is so beautiful, and the way she describes living in New York during the 60s and 70s is amazing, and the people they meet and the interactions she has with all these amazing artists at the time are so inspiring, and now I just love everything about that scene, and I need everything I can get on it. 
My favourite book however, is ‘The Name of the Wind’ (and the Sequel ‘The Wise Man’s Fear’ because I’m a cheater) by Pat Rothfuss. I loved fantasy before these books, Lord of the Rings was a staple growing up. But this series changed the game for me. His world building abilities are just astounding, and his characters are so believable and in depth, and the story line is spectacular, and there is just nothing else out there that can live up to this standard I swear. Please, if you have any interest in fantasy, read these books, you will not regret a second of it!
Where would you rather be right now?
At home! I want it to be the Christmas Holidays so that I can see my dad and brothers already!
Have you ever watched the sunrise?
Yes, because I am horribly poetic and cliched like that. There was one period where I really wanted to catch a sunrise in this specific place, but every time I tried I got there too late, or it was really cloudy, or something else would go wrong, so I was chasing this sunrise for the better half of a year before I finally caught it and honestly, it was the best feeling when I eventually got to watch it. 
Do you listen to music when you write? If yes, what kind of music?
I listen to music whenever I’m doing anything. It probably does not help, because I get distracted super easily, but sometimes I think I’m just living to find that next great song, and whenever I can’t listen to music I get really frustrated (like when it’s 6am and I’m having a shower but my flatmates will get really annoyed if I start playing songs that early).
Right now I’m on a 60s/70s kick because of this book I just read, but it’s usually a lot of folk and indie stuff. 
What’s the one thing you especially love about roleplaying your muse/s?
I love the twin aspect, I really do, and maybe it comes from having a such a close relationship with my own brothers, but I do really love exploring that relationship. I also love that he’s a hot mess, but let’s face it, who isn’t?
What’s your favorite type of weather?
I like sunshine, I used to not, I used to like the cold and the dark, like some kind of gollum offspring, but now I can’t get enough of the sun and the warmth. Although that’s English warmth, I don’t think I could deal with Australia or Spain heat. Give me mild sunshine all the time please.
What’s your best RP experience?
I was in an rp for a year or so playing Fabian, and I got super close to the person playing Gid and she came to visit me from Germany once and we made a blanket fort and it was amazing. But mainly I just love the community aspect, wherever there is a good community, I am happy. 
Who inspires you?
Right now? Patti Smith. She’s such an amazing artist, she just makes me want to make art. I’m pretty sure reading that book is the reason I decided to get back into rping, because I just wanted to start writing again and writing consistently every day, because I think I’m a better person when I’m creating, and I am just so happy I read that book and that I connected with it and her the way I did.
Spread some love: mention someone you’ve met that has influenced you or your writing in a positive way and explain how!
There was this person I went to college with who I sat next to in our creative writing class (because screw science and stuff, I have an A-level for writing shitty poetry for two years). And this girl is just such a character, she’s the kind of person who always gets called by both her names, first and surname, and she is such a freaking nerd, and she knows everything I swear, and she is not afraid to correct you, or put herself out there. She is truly an inspiration. But anyway, I sat next to her in creative writing, and there was this period at the beginning of college where she was a bit of a social outcast, but I thought she was just pretty damn cool, and because I sat next to her, I got to read all her crazy writings. Now, this is a girl who writes everything from poetry about pigeons, to fiction, to song parodies and text adventure games. She was hilarious, and she would just ask for feedback all the time from everyone. She would hand this writing out to people, even when she didn’t have to, just to get feedback so she could make it better. She was just constantly creating, and really I think, just trying to make people laugh. But anyway, she is someone who really inspires me, and I think sitting next to her for two years while I wrote shitty poetry and she created masterpieces probably really influenced me for the better. 
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