saintirulan · 2 months
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a day in nara 🦌⛩️💚 21.07.2024
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shrimp-propaganda · 2 years
having a drunk moment again on the tokyo subway where i just love shrimp ❤️
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r1-jw-lover · 5 months
When you realise that
In Akira's introduction she was bathed in blue lights
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And in John's first scene in Osaka, he was bathed in red lights
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Then in their last scene on the train, the lighting flickers between blue and red
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Gosh, I love this movie to bits 😫❤️
Tagging @evren-sadwrn <3
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milaisreading · 1 year
Hi, I wanted to say i love your blue lock fanfic and is it possible for me to request a short story about manger reader and the boys fighting in who will sit next to her on the bus and to the character who got to sit next manger reader was getting death stares/glares because she feel asleep on them and began to like cuddle up on them while being asleep
(And if you make this is wanted to say thank you so much for making this ❤️)
Author:Hii! I hope you like this and thank you sm for reading and requesting! Have a great day and stay safe🩷
Warnings ⚠️: Reader uses she/ her. Requests are open
⚽️Blue lock belongs to:Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
Once in a blue moon Ego shows some mercy to his players, Anri and (Y/n), and surprises then with something. Whether it's an extra day off or for a day the players and the manager can eat whatever they wish. Today was one of the days where Ego and Anri had organized a small trip to Osaka. The group was pretty excited as they were able to visit some shrines as well as some malls. The last part was mostly exciting to Reo, (Y/n) and Aryu who went looking for clothes, while the rest were either at a nearby arcade or food restaurant.
"That looks cute! You should get it." Aryu comments as (Y/n) showed them a sweater she found.
"Yeah~ it would look nice with that skirt." Teo added, pointing at the item with a grin. (Y/n) looked at the skirt and then at the sweater. Then went to look a little bit closer at the skirt.
"Hmmm~ It does look cute Reo-" (Y/n) froze in her spot as she looked at the price tags of the two.
'Is...is this made out of gold?! My time in Blue Lock made me forget how expensive living is...' The girl looked and looked back at Reo and Aryu, laughing nervously.
"Ahh~ now that I think of it, it will just be a waste. I have nowhere to wear it, anyways." She said rather quickly and put the sweater away.
"Huh? You seemed so excited about it. It would look really cute" Reo urged as Aryu chimed in.
"Beaides, if wearing it nowhere is an issue I have a suggestion. I will take you out on a date-"
Reo kicked the taller boy's leg before he could finish his sentence and sent him a side-glare.
"Still I can't-"
(Y/n) was interrupted by her phone ringing and she handed the sweater to Reo.
"It's Ego-san." She simply said and left to take the call.
"You are not as smooth as you think, Aryu." Reo said, his smile dropping as the taller rolled his eyes.
"Learned it from the best."
"Whatever, it's not like she will pick you in the end, we all know I have the upper hand." Reo said, inspecting the sweater, trying to find the issues.
"You with that hair can only dream of it."
'Hmmm...' Reo thought as he looked at the sweater.
"Guys, we need to get to the bus." (Y/n) said, returning to the duo. Aryu nodded his head and grabbed her hand, pulling her away from Reo.
"Reo, hurry up." (Y/n) exclaimed.
"I will be there in a minute, I need to call my mom." Reo said nervously, hoping she won't catch his lie. Thankfully Aryubwas there and he didn't really care much about Reo, so he just kept pulling her away.
"Let's go~"
"I call dibs." Isagi announced as the rest looked at him in confusion. The part of the group that was scattered around the mall was already at the bus and waiting for the trio to come back.
"What dibs? To sit next to the window, I already claimed it as my spot!" Bachira exclaimed, earning a sigh from Rin.
"Can you both just shut up?"
"Where did Nagi go?" Niko asked, looking around the place as Karasu pointed at the bus.
"The sleepy genius went into the bus."
"No, I call dibs on sitting next to (Y/n)." Isagi answered back, catching the attention of the others.
"What? Why you?" Chigiri retorted, causing Isagi to smile.
"Because, I am her favorite."
"Since when?! If anything, I am, I cause her the least amount of trouble." Gagamaru sent the boy a challenging glare. Kunigami cleared his throat and pointed at himself.
"I think I should call dibs, since I am the one who helps her around in my free time."
"Ok, muscleman that gives you still no rights." Chigiri rolled his eyes.
"(Y/n) tells me most of her concerns and issues she has. So I am her favorite, with that I deserve sitting with her." The redhead said proudly as Baro chimed in.
"You peasants don't even deserve being in the same room as her, let alone be her favorites. She should sit next to me, also I am better to lean against."
"Please,I am a much softer option. She also is the calmest around me. Best option for a long trip from Osaka." Hiori said, earning a slap from Kurona.
"We are basically the same, Hiori. So I am just as good, even better than you."
"You and your shark teeth should need to get in their lane." Kurona and Hiori glared at each other as Karasu chimed in.
"To make things less complicated, I will sit next to (Y/n). After all, I make her laugh the most."
"It would be quite romantic if (Y/n) sat next to me. Just like all the cute couples do." Otoya sighed dreamily
"No!" The rest yelled.
"Why are they arguing now?"
Niko blinked at looked over as  (Y/n), Aryu and Reo approached them.
"Ah... the usual." The black-haired boy commented as (Y/n) shrugged her shoulders.
"I am too tired for this... I will leave it to Ego-san." The girl yawned as Aryu, Yukimiya and Reo tried to shut them up, afraid that Anri and Ego might punish them.
Using the opportunity, Niko ran after (Y/n) and stopped her before she entered the bus.
"Can we sit together, (Y/n)?"
"Hmm... sure!" She smiled and the duo walked inside.
Short to say the ride back to Blue Lock was tense as Niko kept receiving death glares from the others, especially after seeing (Y/n) fall asleep on him.
"Sleep with one eye open..." Karasu whispered ad Kurona huffed. Niko didn't pay much attention to them, feeling happy at the moment and at peace.
'This feels nice...' He sighed, ignoring Nagi's constant complaining and telling him that Reo will write him out a check if they switched spots.
"I will buy you an island too, just move." Reo cried out.
"No thanks~"
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justwonder113 · 9 months
Showering Innie with affection
Bang Chan; Lee Know; Changbin; Hyunjin; Han; Felix; Seungmin
Summary: After hearing that your boyfriend overworked himself and fainted you rush to help him.
Warnings: reading being bold and affectionate. Reverse comfort fic. Jeongin is overworked and has fever(reader showershim with hugs and kisses despite that). Jengin is feeling insecure.Bunch of fluff in the end. Reader is female. Chan and reader are best friends. Stressed stray kids. Kinda suggestive in the end. Not proofread it's like 4am rn and my eyes ate literally on fire.
word count-3.5k
A/N-This was my first request made by @aninhrys and I was beyond excited to write it. I tried my best and I really hope you like it🩷
Also merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates it on 25th and happy holidays to everyone who doesn't celebrate Christmas. Please take care of yoursleves❤️❤️❤️
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To say that you were proud of your boyfriend was a severe understatement of what you were feeling wight now. You were jumping out of your bones from excitement and astonishment, both as The Yang Jeongin's girlfriend and as a fellow stay. The performance they had put on was beyond amazing, it was spectacular! It blew your mind how did they come up with such creative, unique and extraordinary content.
After watching it it was no wonder it took this much work. You knew both Jeongin and his group members were perfectionists, but it was beyond than that. You couldn't even comprehend how much work it actually took and required. Thinking about it, you felt even more guilty that you couldn't be there for him. That's why you couldn't wait to see him, he didn't know you were arriving to see him. You were practically jumping with excitement. You couldn't wait to see him and hug him so tight, to tell him just how much you loved the performance. You would tell him how proud of him you were and how much you loved him.
It killed your heart that you weren't with him on such an important day as this. You knew how stressed he was and how much he was overworking himself, and you tried to be there for him as much as you could, but you only could do so much when your work was an absolute nightmare and gave you task after task to do. Honestly, you would quit if you could, but that would be just unreasonable from your side right now so you had to calm yourself down. However, you were really pissed that you had to miss everything because of this too. You had to jump out of your skin and overwork yourself to the bone so that you could arrive at Osaka at the same day as the first day of MAMA awards, and this was the best you could do. Fortunately for you you saw their performance before the flight, you missed the rest of the show but you were grateful you saw their performance. You would really hate it if you both missed the chance watch it live there and also on your phone. You also pitied everyone on the same plane as you, because they had to deal with and tolerate your whole obsessed fan persona. You wouldn't be surprised if you ended up on social media as a some type of crazy lady.
As soon as you walked out of the airport you caught a taxi and immediately went to the bakery Innie and boys were talking about earlier, everyone was talking about it earlier and the boys said they wanted to try it out themselves. You were sure they would appreciate the gesture after a long tiring day. You hoped you could reach the bakery before it closed, it was quite late after all.
It seemed that the lady Luck was on your side, because you reached it right before it was about to close and bought everything they had left, pointing first at the small cake that basically screamed Innie's name. You thanked the shop owner million times and left the place with the most satisfied smile ever.
You sat in the taxi again which was waiting by the shop patiently, you thanked the driver for waiting and took out your phone. You had left it on airplaine mode, no wonder there were zero notifications. You turned it off and let's just say your phone almost exploded from the amount of notifications. The internet must have gone crazy about the performance. Could you blame them tho?! What shocked you was that there were at least ten missed calls from Chan and countless messages from him. He was an absolute angel and despite hectic schedule he helped you a lot with your surprise. It was unusual for him to call this much tho... Did something happen? You quickly took your earphones and dialed his nimber, and as you waited you decided to see the notifications. Your heart dropped to the ground when you saw the article with the bold headline that IN from stray kids had fainted at the end of the performance. How could you not notice? Was he okay? What happened? What caused this? Chan had not finished saying hello when you dramatically asked "How is he?" Chan sighed, "Chan what happened how is he?" "Doctor said that he should be fine, he's in his room to rest, we're at the hotel now. He won't come out tho. Doctor said it was because he's malnourished, we made him eat but he refuses to talk." He sounded exhausted, which pulled your heartstrings, you knew him, he was surely blaming himself for this. You tried to talk, to soothe him, but he didn't let you "I thought he looked pale, but he said that he was just nervous and he got all wobbly at the end, I thought he was just tired but the next second he was falling and I barely managed to catch him. I should have noticed, I'm sorry..." You sighed, "it's not your fault Chan, I know you're the leader and you feel responsible but it isn't your fault okay? I will talk to him, I will make him talk to me. I'm almost there, can you come down and get me?" You tried to calm him, and you did need help getting in the hotel and past their security. Chan agreed and hang up. You sighed and watched the clip couple more times, he did look pale and like he had lost some weight. What was he even thinking? You were going to give him piece of your mind! Of course after you made sure he was okay. You felt beyond worried, you couldn't wait to see him. You felt guilty you couldn't be there for him, damn your work, maybe you could've prevented this by being there for him and looking after him.
You quickly gathered your things as soon as the taxi stopped, Chan was already outside, he greeted you and helped you with yout luggage. He was in a big hoodie and face mask so that people wouldn't recognize him. He gave you a sad smile once you took out everything and the driver left, you smiled back and went in for a hug. "I am so going to scold him after I see that he's all good. How dare he make you worry like that?! You are my best friend since forever, I've known you for way longer than him, and he worrys you like this, I can already see new gray hairs. Don't you worry Channie I will talk some sense to him." You joked to lift the mood as you softly patted his back, Chan let out an airy chuckle, he was smiling but it didn't really reach his eyes.
He led you inside the hotel and meanwhile talked to you about how Innie basically locked himself into the room as soon as they got here. They tried to talk to him but Innie basically shrugged them off, saying he was tired and that he wanted to sleep. They knew he wasn't asleep based on how they could hear him huffing and walking around all worked up. At some point Minho got mad and threatened to knock the door down if he didn't talk to them but even that didn't work. So here they were feeling helpless that they couldn't do anything.
In a minute or two, you were in front of Jeongin's room. Felix, Seungmin and Hyunjin were still in the hallway chatting. All of them came to you and excitedly hugged you when they saw you. Chan quickly shushed them, warning them that it was a surprise. You told all of them how proud of them you were, how you loved the performance and how you basically watched it trillion times. You then gave them the baked goods you had gotten, leaving the tiny box with a little cake to give Innie.
Chan said that he would give you some time, and led the boys into Seungmin's room. His room became today's hangout spot. He also told you to call him or text him if you needed anything, you gave him a reassuring smile, pointing that you've got it, he returned the smile and walked away with boys who gave you thumbs up and encouraging words.
You took a deep breath and knocked on the door. You were met with silence so you tried again. "I told you that I wanted to sleep!" You hear Innie groan out. "It's me Innie." You decided to uncover yourself and waited for a response. After a couple of seconds you softly called out his name again, unsure if he heard you.
You heard soft thuds and in a second you were face to face with your boyfriend who immediately engulfed you in a hug. You quickly leaned into it and wrapped your arms tightly around his waist. Feeling content at finally being next to him. You missed him too much, you felt horrible you couldn't come to him sooner.
You snuggled him more and that's when you felt it. His body was way more warm than usual. To confirm your suspicions you leaned back much to his protest and put your lips on his forehead. You were proven right immediately, he was basically burning up and his skin was damp from sweat. You gently held his face between your hands and carefully examined him. He was clearly pale, he had also lost weight, it was apparent, his cheeks were more sunken, his eyes were bloodshot and he had dark eyebags. His skin was covered in thin layer of sweat yet he still was lightly shivering. The sight broke your heart.
You led him inside his room and carefully closed the door. If he didn't feel ready to see boys yet you were going to respect that. You led him to the bed and sat him down. He was in some sweats and the Hoodie you had gotten him, so you told him to get under the covers while you looked for the first aid kit. You found electronic thermometer and quickly went to him. You were right he had a high fever. You quickly got up to get water and other stuff but he stopped you by grabbing your wrist softly. You obliged and sat next to him on the bed, he was still shivering despite being under cover.
"How are you feeling sunshine, do you want anything?" You asked as softly as you could as you waved your fingers through his hair, he immediately leaned into the touch. He looked really tired.
"I'm glad you're here. I really missed you. By the look on your face I'm guessing you saw the clip." He sighed out after few seconds.
"Yeah... how are you feeling now? Please tell me the truth." You gently took his hand with your other one that wasn't scratching his scalp.
"I don't know tired, I feel like I could sleep for days." He sighed and rubbed his face, his eyes were even more red when he let go. "Are they still outside?" He couldn't even look you in the eyes, you sighed.
"They're in Seungmin's room, they're really worried baby." You spoke with a soft voice, "I think you should talk to them."
"I know." His voice was defeated.
"What's the issue then? Please talk to me I want to help."
"I don't know. I know they're just worried about me, but I feel guilty." He turned to you and held your hand, he almost always did that, especially when he was feeling nervous or stressed. His hand always found yours and held it tightly. Either that or he played with your fingers. "It's just, they already treat me like a baby, I feel like I've given then even more reason to do so because I'm incompetent and can't even take care of myself. I feel like I let them down."
Hearing this broke your heart. "Innie baby, there's no way they're dissapointed with you. They're just really worried about you, Chan looked stressed out of his mind, boys were literally waiting outside your room because they're worried and all they want to know that you're okay. And let me just tell you, they baby you because you're adorable like that. I also have this unsatiable urge sometimes so, so strong to I don't know pamper you and give you everything in the whole wide world. It's because I love you and boys do it too because they love and appreciate you. It really hurts my heart that you're being this hard on yourself." Jeongin looked into your eyes, he looked like he was about to cry.
"Can we cuddle?" How could you say no to him? You immediately got under the covers and straddled him close to your body. He immediately looked more content the second his head laid on your chest. You slid your fingers through his hair again and resumed massaging his scalp.
"Baby, your fever is high, you need to take some medicine. How about we ask the boys to get you some, and while they get it you can eat some cake I bought you and drink water? I don't want you to take meds on empty stomach. How does that sound?"
"I feel guilty asking boys that..." He grumbled and hid his face into your chest you couldn't help but smile at his cute antics.
"Nonsense, I'm telling you they just want to hear how you're doing. Also you have to attend second day of the MAMA awards, you need to be in a good shape, we can't have you go with a fever. We need to take care of that." You waited for a few seconds but the answer didn't come. "How about I text them this, and I will get the meds, and you can talk to them whenever you feel ready? But I think you shouldn't make them wait that long." You tried to reason, you understood that Jeongin felt guilty and had many mixed feelings right now, but you also understood rest of them, they were just worried, it was unfair to them, they didn't do anything wrong.
"I will talk to them." Jeongin sighed, clearly feeling nervous but you reassured him that you were with him. You facetimed Channie who picked after the first ring. Everyone was at Seungmin's room and immediately started bawling at Innie how they missed him and how they were worried. They bombarded him with tons of questions, both reasonable ones and chaotic ones, basically, they were being themselves.
Innie explained to them that he was feeling fine and that he was sorry for making them worry. Boys quickly reassured him that they were good. Chan still seemed to worry as he noticed that Innie still looked really pale even on camera. You explained to him that he had a fever. Boys immediately volunteered to get him some meds, and if there were anything else he wanted. Your boyfriend shyly explained that he was fine.
Chan said that he would be there quickly with meds and other stuff. And he was good on his wordsm. In a few minutes all of them were by your door and gave you a huge packet of medicine and various snacks. They basically tackled Innie into a crushing hug much to his protest, your boyfriend kept whining that he might get them sick, but none of them seem to care. Your boyfriend also seemed rejoiced to have them near, not that he would admit it.
After talking for a while and them acting like a worried mother hens they resolved everything, Innie ate the cake you bought and some other snacks and also drank medicine. He already seemingly looked better. Soon after they all left you to go to sleep. All of them basically warned you one by one to call them if you needed anything. You wished them goodnight and here you were now, cuddled in bed together. Both of you changed into your pyjamas and held each other close, content with being by each others side. Your one hand softly scratched his scalp, while the other stroked his back as he laid on your chest and listened to your heartbeat.
"I'm really glad you're here, I know I don't say it enough but I really love you." You smiled at him and kissed his eyebrow.
"Is this rare soft Innie moment? The fever must've got to you, you're going all soft." Your boyfriend scoffed but didn't really protest much. You placed couple of more kisses on his cheek. "I love you too baby." You leaned in and pecked his lips, his lips immediately chased you. Oh so he was in an affectionate mood. Good for you. You leaned in and started littering his face with kisses. "Have I told you lately how breathtaking you look?" Innie shook his head, he looked at you with unsure eyes. You smiled at him warmly and softly pecked his lips. "I swear only you can manage to look this handsome even while sick. You even look hot all flushed up and pale. Don't take it as an invitation to neglect your health tho. You look most handome and beautiful when you're all healthy and well." You took a deep breath and looked into his eyes which looked at you expectantly, so warm and so full of love. You couldn't help but place another kiss on his slightly chapped but still oh so soft lips. "I feel like I don't say enough, probably because you're sassy enough, but, I want you to know that I think you're the most beautiful person ever." You noticed that Jeongin looked flushed for all new reasons now and it was a green light for you to continue.
"I didn't believe that there could be something ideal, perfect, something that's universally ideal doesn't exist. Perfection is like a scam and doesn't exist. However, at the same time, whenever I look at you I think that this is what perfection looks like. I absolutely adore and love your otherworldly handsome appearance, I love your eyes," you placed soft kisses on his eyelids," I love your nose, "another kiss ok the tip of his nose, "I absolutely adore your pretty lips," you softly kissed him, he was absolutely putty in your hands and looked at you with awestruck gaze, "I love love love your dimples," you made sure to kiss both of them when you saw them appear from his smile, it made you smile in return. "I love your cheeks." You littered kisses on both of them, noticing that Jeongin's hand migrated on your waist and held you tight against him.
"Don't you think they look swollen a little? I feel like I've put on some weight." Jeongin shyly admitted which made you frown.
"Is this why you didn't eat?" The absence of answer confirmed your suspicion. You sighed and held his face gently in you hand, Jeongin looked guilty but he looked at you when you asked him to. "Listen, all I want is for you to feel comfortable. If you feel like you want to lose some weight I will support you, as long as you do it safely and don't starve yourself like you did now. It's your body and whatever you want to do with it is your choice, I will support your any decision as long as it doesn't put you in danger." You bought him closer and kissed his lips then his forehead. "I've never thought your cheeks looked swollen or anything of that kind. You looked healthy and well for me, now it feels like you're skin and bones. You're handsome don't get me wrong, but you look drained. I just want you to prioritise your health okay?" Jeongin nodded, his eyes watered up again, you gently wiped away his tears and kissed his face all over again, smiling when you noticed that the corners of his lips lifted up and you were greeted with your favourite dimples.
"Okay, I love you." Jeongin muttered against your lips before sealing them together. It was your turn to become all putty. You tried to return the kiss with the same passion as your boyfriend put in, you felt like melting, Your limbs felt like jello and your heart was soaring in your ribcage. You felt surrounded by him, all your senses were overflowing. You didn't think that he had remotely any idea about the chokehold he had over you and how bad you were obsessed over him. Honestly it was beyond you how The Yang Jeongin could ever feel insecure. He was image of perfection in your eyes. Sure you had your differences but that was what made you love him even more. You really had to show him how much you really loved him and how perfect he was.
You slid your hand from his neck into his nape and grabbed his hair making him lean back a little. He looked at you in surprise not expecting for you to be this bold.
"Innie baby, do you want me to tell you more about everything I love about you?" He looked at you unsure for a second but quickly nodded his head once it sinked in. You couldn't help but smile, this was going to be a long night. You leaned back in again and sealed your lips again ready to show him all your love.
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gazkamurocho · 3 months
Just letting you guys on Tumblr know that today I've started my journey to Japan ✈️🇯🇵 I'm writing updates about my trip on Twitter!
It's gonna be 4 days of traveling until I get to Osaka so wish me luck! 💖
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Don't worry, Kiryu is here too and he's keeping a close eye on Majima inside my bag. He won't let anything bad happen to Majima in Sotenbori ❤️
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cadavercrafts · 2 months
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Video: https://www.instagram.com/p/C-AVTRTK6tC/
Osaka!!! Patron saint for all girls who know everything and nothing all at once ❤️ I just wanted a little Osaka figurine but the ones you can buy are either ugly or overpriced. Didn‘t 100% nail her face but i think she still looks cute and recognizable so that‘s totally fine for a quick figure in between commissions. She has no clue what's going on
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bakathief · 2 years
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At last the original picture! I think it is wonderful how I could combine my love for Kid and Osaka AND turn it to something that would allow me to meet my idol of many years. ❤️ 
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chichiichiii347 · 1 year
First impressions of the members:
scan credit to @deg-conce-blog
Kyo 💛
Both Die and Kaoru first met him in the Restroom of some live house. Die said the first time he met Kyo, he had his hair straight up and looked like a little devil, and Kyo spoke to Die first. The second time they met, Die thought Kyo looked very cute as he didn’t have make up on, and he was very quiet among his old bandmates, Die was surprised with the gap.
Kaoru first impression of Kyo was when he was putting make up on at some restroom, Kyo and his bandmates came in with full make up (they also rode the train with full make up and costumes), but when Kaoru was going to greet Kyo’s band after the live show, he found out that Kyo already went home because he felt cold lol.
Shinya 🩷
Die: Die and Shinya actually encounter each other during the event between their previous previous bands, but they didn’t notice each other’s existence. However, in their first conversation, Shinya would only say “uhm” or “yes” lol (Kao: he’s talked a lot during train rides etc though…)
Kaoru: I first met Shinya and Kyo when they were in their previous band and they invited me to join in lol. Shinya had short hair at the time (Die: Ah, when he was still a teenager, he often wore school uniform to practice…). After practice, we would ride the train together (for about 4 stations), he didn’t speak a single word and had a reserved manner, Kaoru wondered if he was even in the same band with the other bandmates lol. When they were waiting for the train, he was being polite and asked things like “should we sit on the bench while waiting?” (Die: Feels like the first Date!)
Toshiya 💙
Die: he first saw Toshiya when he was performing with his previous band, Die’s impression of him is a bassist with blue hair, tall and slender.
Kaoru: and when I greeted him, he didn’t have make up on so he looked really young (like a child), we didn’t talk much but I thought he is the kind of bandman who performs (gave a lot of fanservices). After their liveshow in Nagano, his band and ours gather together for fireworks, but me and Kyo didn’t want to do it so we just sat there and zoned out (Die: I slept in the car at the time). Then Toshiya came to us and asked many questions, such as “is your band doing well?”, I understood that he was interested in our band but he even asked more personal questions like “are the members getting along well?”. He kept his ponytail from the live performance so he looked quite cute, but I thought “this dude is remarkable”.
Die: I didn’t remember anything from that event, the first time I spoke to him was when he went to see our live show in Tokyo, he was quiet but he seemed normal when he spoke.
Kaoru: Yeah he’s quite normal when he started speaking. But since he’s very tall, he often stands out.
The time he came to Osaka to see us, we were planning to form Dir en Grey, so I told him to be careful and maintain a low profile. But because of his height, whenever I looked at the crowd I saw his head sticking out (lol). Everyone was wondering why does Toshiya from Nagano’s band came all the way to see us, rumors about him joining us started spreading within our fandom. I also heard that people often mistaken me and Toshiya since we both had blue and long hair lol.
Kaoru 💜 & Die ❤️
Kaoru thought Die was very intimidating at first.
Die said when he first saw Kaoru’s (previous) band name, it was a cute name so he thought they’re an all-female band. But when they arrived, they were all dudes that had their hair straight up. They also came out of a Red sport car (Kaoru: we just occasionally rode on that car…).
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neocatharsis · 1 year
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230910 YANGYANG Weibo Update
"Osaka 2nd performance! Thank you to our WayZenNi 시즈니❤️! Thank you all for your hard work. I really feel everyone’s love for us. Although it rained heavily today, it did not dampen everyone’s enthusiasm. We will come back again! Love you WayZenNi 시즈니! 💚💚💚 "
Translated by WayV_China_STA
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choi-yujin-folder · 5 months
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[240505] Yujin Twitter update: Kep1er Japan 1st Album Individual member 2-shot and Autograph Session in Osaka
케플리안을 만나면 항상 행복해❤️
I'm always happy when I meet Keplian ❤️
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Source: 🫧💬 - 07/05/2024 [240507]
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lovelyhellokitty · 1 year
Here is a little about me section below
(I am not going to be posting much as I am in university right now ❤️🩷)
love u guys and thank you so much for the support
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I live in Osaka, Japan (born and raised)
I’ve been learning English for about 10 years now, as I have relatives in America.
Grammar is not strong suit so I’m sorry if there is something you don’t understand when I write!
I have a cat named やんちゃな (Yanchana) which is mischievous in Japanese.
My favourite things to do are quite boring…
I love watching the sunrises/sunsets
tending to my beautiful small garden
spending time in 靱公園 (Utsubokōen) (park) and draw the scene I see
At the moment my favourite Sanrio character is...
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Read below for more info
‼️ I get all my original photos from Twitter, Picsart, and Pinterest, and Sanrio.
(Official products)
(Message me to get accounts <3 )
The software I use is Adobe
I do png edits from Sanrio products
I will mostly focus on food png and toys/figurines
I do occasionally do png edits on the products illustrations. (I’ll tag them as well)
I cannot give permission for commercial use for any of my posts since the images don’t belong to me they belong to Sanrio. Only enjoy for Personal use.
I do not “mark” my edits as they are Sanrio/store products and do not claim them as mine (nor do I alter photos)
I try to source every photo I edit/post
Anything I post anyone can repost it. all are welcome
Negativity of any kind is not tolerated
I will address if it continues
(Just be kind and respectful )
良い一日を過ごしてください !
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stockcarbaby24 · 14 days
Thank you for the tag @rosenqvists 💜💜
last song i listened to: Espresso covered by Wallows (Lundukas vibes🩷❤️)
last movie i watched: I'm not good at watching movies or shows, so I think technically it was Deadpool & Wolverine 🤔
sweet/savory/spicy: All of them? Lol Probably Savory however
relationship status: Married (I know we're all surprised lol)
current obsessions: Motorsports, of course lol But with NFL season starting I fear I'm paying attention that. For other not sports things, Fields of Mistra is slowly taking over my life🥰 (and trying to read a few silly romcom books for fun)
i tag: if anyone wants to here! No pressure and sorry if you were already tagged 🙇🏻‍♀️ @liamlawsonlesbian, @no27-autonation-honda, @nautical-nasa, @nico-di-genova, @osaka-lilac, @raapija
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srbachchan · 1 year
DAY 5535
Jalsa, Mumbai              Apr 12/13,  2023             Wed/Thu  12:30 AM
“No mere human can keep up with the torrent of intriguing, terrifying daily AI news, 
AI can probably crack your password — and faster than you think
Cybersecurity firm Home Security Heroes put an AI-powered password-cracking tool called PassGAN to the test against 15m+ passwords.
It cracked 51% of them in under a minute. By month’s end, it had worked out 81% of the list. Uh-oh. Before you reset every password you’ve ever had, remember that usage of PassGAN isn’t widespread — and could also be used to generate crack-proof passwords.
Still, Home Security Heroes recommends stronger passwords with 15+ characters that avoid patterns like “1234.”
AI can kinda see what your brain sees?
A team at Osaka University used a deep-learning AI model called Stable Diffusion (SD) to analyse brain scans after people were shown images inside an MRI machine.
The AI was asked to “translate” the subjects’ brain activity into a readable format.
That it did; SD generated faithful reproductions of the original images. Also uh-oh. Per the Osaka team, this isn’t “mind reading” — it merely means AI can reproduce images a person has viewed. Which ain’t nothing, according to every tightly clenched muscle in our bodies.
Practical applications are minimal today, but SD research (and subsequent ethics debates) will continue.
Read this in an article .. and found it intriguing enough to be shared with the Ef .. because in time AI shall be able to read your mind too and inform me .. as it would mine and inform you ..
AI = Alternate Intelligence , but first we need to possess ‘intelligence’ for an alternative to exist  😃
( the dearest Ef  Miten Lapsia corrected me, this morning Apr 13, 2023 .. said it is ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, NOT ALTERNATE .. I agree Ef you are right, but my writing was an aside to the real .. it was deliberately done to bring to the fore, the next sentence “ but first we need to possess ‘intelligence’ for an alternative to exist  😃” .. no other .. yes you are right .. and I am wrong .. but my moment was connected to alternate .. hence .. 🙏 )
Building an agenda for the destruction of the ego of existence , has in time failed .. the exist shall exist .. for they were built to do so .. not just they , all of us were built to exist .. how we exist is our prerogative .. 
Many though that have no clue how they should , borrow ..
In a borrowing, comes the ethic of return .. when it does happen , there is glory and dignity and respectability .. 
But when it does not happen, apart from the unjust, the non ethical drive to destroy shall never succeed .. 
Dignity and respect was not laid down on a platter for your devour .. it needed consumption of spirit and delve ..
and as I write the lightening strikes through heavy clouds of immense sound pierce the barriers of limit .. as though a chord had been touched upon .. often it behaves thus ... it is unseasonal rain that shall soon lash the walls and terrace moulded structures of the City, for leakage and piercing waters about the rooms of living .. in time protected by shields of covers .. but that is still a month or so away .. why the predominance of its presence now ..
the God’s they be in annoyance .. they be angry .. as the express went with our forefathers .. in time the science and technology took over to discover and predict and inform .. 
tolerance has its range of limits and barriers .. when the ‘bandh’ breaks the city floods .. as does the body and mind .. and all else .. the saner elements be possessed by limits .. be in the limits to exist .. exist well .. 
Else leave .. 
Love and existence .. and sanity to all ❤️
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Amitabh Bachchan
an eerie silence persists as the rain doth pass by .. the towelling that plugs the drips from above prevails .. the morning shall exhibit the damage done .. the night shall be in the anticipate of the mornings’ nature ..
unseasonal rain .. predicts unseasonal predictions .. unseasonal predictions bring variety .. variety be in good or adverse dimension ..
and ..
patience be the only construct of exist ..
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velvvetcat09 · 3 months
I don't know how much time it takes to go to Japan but I hope you arrived well :)
i just arrived in osaka :D got my residence card ❤️❤️ thank you for the message
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chrimsonfoxdon · 6 months
Here's a question! If Neji had lived, what role do you think he would have taken on? (Jonin Sensei, Jonin focused on missions, academy teacher, ANBU etc)
Sending good vibes frienddddddd! 😁 ❤️ 🎇
thank you friend!! Sending you good vibes too~✨
Me, Delusional: wym he’s fine he’s fiiiiiine he’s living his best life he’s just taking a lil nap!!!
LMAO ANYWAY, I feel like he might have been either a jonin who focuses on missions or maaaybe ANBU. I’m not sure if he… has the patience for teaching?? I feel like training or teaching his own kids is a different story, though. Mans loves his kids from the bottom of his heart and does everything in his power to help them.
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In my opinion though, he’d probably be more so a jonin assigned to missions rather than a teacher. Just with how strong his byakugan is and how good of a fighter he is. He MIGHT also join the ANBU, but that would probably be if he never had his own kids/got married or whatever. Mainly since the ANBU work so much in the shadows, if anything ever happened to him, he wouldn’t want his family wondering and such.
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I’ve also seen some people headcanon that he’d sit in Naruto’s advisor council like Shikamaru (I assume I’ll be honest I haven’t seen a lot of Boruto). Which kinda makes sense to me?? Smart guy, another link to one of the prestigious clans in the village.
Ok I’m gonna be selfish and bring more of my ocs into this now LOL soooo if you wanna skip that I totally get it 💖 OCxCanon talk under the cut!!
Ok so BASICALLY, Neji’s role in the village is mainly going on missions, maybe some patrol duty around the village, etc. He does attend like… village council meetings (??) with Chihiro when she becomes clan head.
He likely wouldn’t become ANBU if he was offered the position, mainly for the reasons I stated above about him wanting to also be there for his family. Probably also would help the Osaka clan in whatever matters they have going on, with him marrying into the clan and all. Would also likely act as a liaison between them and the hyuga clan too, as what I kinda imagine hinata doing with Naruto (again i havent seen much Boruto so idk if she does do anything like that but yea lol). Listen he’s tough and aloof but when it comes to his wife and kids he’s a big softie.
Anyway thanks for reading me ramble and here’s some more old art of neji living the life he deserved.
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