#i'll answer them i swear
guaxinimraccoon · 2 months
Agora, a pergunta q nn quer calar: por que o Toby roubou o livro?
MEU DEUS eu achei que já tinha dito isso em algum lugar, mas dei uma procurada aqui e nada de achar o link disso pq eu NUNCA EXPLIQUEI DJKSKJDSKJDS MALZ bora lá
My bud here asked a very important question: why Tobias stole a very sacred and important book?
The short answer is: because Tobias has a curse and he wanted to find a cure.
OMG HOW- calm down, first things first.
As I said before, when Alex and Elisa started to take their relationship more seriously, Alex would hang out in the Colony using a shrinking potion and preteding to be an imp. He was well accepted as one by Elisa's fellow imps and fairies and they never had many problems with his disguise.
But there was this one, powerful, envy fairy who took notice that something about Alex was... off.
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She started to do her own investigations and ended up finding the truth out: Alex was no imp, but a human in disguise. Although, to her, this was actually very good news.
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Why? Because this fairy - Irwalia - comes from a family that has been preaching an ancient propecy over a century now. Said prophecy omens that, one day, a being with the strongest of souls - a fairy soul - and the strongest of bodies - a human body - would be born to free the Colony from it's decades of war.
There are a lot of fairy families that preach this prophecy till this day, but all of them are taken as delusionals by most of the Colony's inhabitants. It's impossible to have a being that has a different soul from it's body, it just can't happen. But they hold onto their beliefs firmly regardless.
When Irwalia learned the truth about Alex, she couldn't help but be ecstatic: she had finally found a human inside the Colony's walls. And, if SHE was the one who discovered him first, then she must be the one meant to give birth to this prophetic child… right?
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In a vengeful and spiteful spirit, Irwalia decided to not report Alex to the Colony's authorities, but instead take her anger out on what the human and his imp wife treasured the most: their only child.
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Alex and Elisa didn't took long to find Toby, afterall she wanted to take her revenge in front of them...
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Irwalia cursed Toby with something that not only breaked Alex's heart, but made the child defenseless if he ever encountered a human: if in close proximity to a human, Toby is completely unable to do any kind of magic.
This may not sound like a big deal, but imps, especially imp borrowers, take great advantage from their magic abilities to protect themselves from the sight of humans and their malicious intents. And, of course, Toby would never be able to obtain his full magic potential (which he has a lot of) around his own father.
Aside from all that, his hair is now bright blue, a side effect of the curse that makes it difficult for him to hide from humans and dangerous animals.
Toby grew up not being allowed to leave the Colony EVER because of his curse. So when he became an adult, after getting involved in a lot of trouble inside the Colony, being the little thief and vagabond that he is, he thought-
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Unfortunately, he never had the chance to actually seek a cure for his curse in the book because he was discovered for his theft before that, yeah, it was all kind of pointless, he truly sucks at hiding.
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Huh, I also wonder why it worked...
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arysamisu · 3 months
pet peeve rn is people saying to an 18 year old " youre an adult now" and proceed to not help them. maybe its semantics but the tone bothers me because its not that youre literally suddenly an adult, its just that when youre 18 you START to bear the responsibilities an adult so of course they might need help wtf
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synthesizerfaggot · 2 days
talking to my parents about my body dysmorphia was such a bad idea they seem to think that i must be mentally deficient if i dont like how i look. my mom straight up said "you dont like how you look? do you think yr too attractive?" girl if i thought i was attractive i wouldnt be insecure. and they keep trying to convince me that they had it sooo much worse yeah dad getting called fag at school mustve been so bad for you. guess who else gets called fag. and also has to worry about getting killed for going to the bathroom. yeah mom getting made fun of for yr shirt one time mustve seriously affected you. shut the fuck up
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insomnya777 · 2 months
hi! how do you. describe characters so you don’t just use pronouns like 37 times in a row
(Especially when characters all use the same pronouns 😭)
omg ok wait this is one of the hardest things ever. i hate using like descriptive words like "the blonde man" "the taller one" etc because it just like icks me out for some reason so usually i just use character names often and then switch to pronouns. it can still get vague or confusing sometimes so then i try to just reorder the sentence/phrase it differently
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jihyocentric · 10 months
This is very ceo sana from housewife jihyo au coded me thinks
- 😺
that's definitely her! i have this hc that jihyo chooses sana's clothes every day — she makes sana look extremely hot only to be jealous after.
since jihyo doesn't work (at least not often, it's rare), jihyo's routine as a housewife consists in doing stuff for sana, such as cooking (she takes cooking classes, don't worry! this barbie can cook!) and picking her clothes. she also goes jogging, takes bbuyo out for a walk and gets beauty treatments regularly. other than cooking classes, jihyo finds all sorts of things to spend time on. mostly sports!
but back to sana, jihyo really takes her time and effort to be the perfect housewife for her. the idea of not having to work at all and just being sana's pretty wife is fascinating for her. she loves playing that role, and when they get officially married, jihyo forgets about her degree and never works again, except when it's a request from her father.
so her 'work' becomes getting acquainted with sana's friends' wives, cooking for sana, looking pretty next to sana, joining sana at events when sana asks her to, spending sana's money, and, when the day is almost over, having dinner with sana and lots of sex. on the days they're not horny (those are rare because well it's sahyo), sana likes to talk about her day and jihyo is an attentive listener! she loves to hear sana's voice... oh this is getting long, i'll stop here
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makoodles · 1 year
you ok?
ahhhh i'm so sorry, i know i've been super inactive for the past week and a half!
i'm going through some medical issues at the moment and trying to balance a full time job at the same time and i'm finding it super difficult!
i'm having my surgery next week and i'll be on medical leave for like two weeks so i should be way more active then! you'll probably be so sick of me ahahahaha i'll be so bored
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stick-by-me · 8 months
how many new follower stickers do you have to do at the time of me asking? i admire the dedication and personalization of each one!
Thank you so much! I'm glad y'all appreciate them, they're super fun to do :] And at the time of you asking? Oh gosh golly XD. I have 7 prepped and ready in the queue and 14 more I need to investigate/pick out right now.
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fleetsonourgecentral · 7 months
What are the Fleetway freedom fighters reaction to super Scourge
Okay okay okay so. So. So. I have thoughts on Super Scourge and the circumstances required for him to go super. Like, he's never gone super with the chaos emeralds before, and even if he wanted to Sonic wouldn't let him bc the chaos emeralds in his dimension are kinda fucked and they don't need anyone else developing a destructive super form. So in order to go super Scourge would need to go back to Moebius to get some anarchy beryl, and he'd need quite the motivation to do that bc although he's used to hopping dimensions, he's not keen to go back to Moebius once he's settled in Sonic's dimension. Higher chance of getting caught by the cops or the suppression squad or Rosie, after all, so he doesn't deem it worth the trek, especially since he isn't sold on the idea of going super anymore now he knows it burns him out when he powers down. Sooooooo perhaps one of the only reasons he would retrieve anarchy beryl to go super was in a dire circumstance, likely the middle of a fight, when important things need to get done, so the freedom fighters are a lil busy dealing with whatever threat has popped up to have too much of an initial reaction. Maybe be a bit wary, but once they see Scourge is focused on what they need him to do they're like "okay well we don't need to worry about him just yet"
What comes to my mind is that the only super form they've ever experienced is Sonic's super form, which they don't know is not standard across the multiverse. So once the crisis they're dealing with winds down, I imagine they're tense and ready for a fight, because they just don't know any better. It may take them some convincing to realise Scourge is still himself and that his super form is nothing like Sonic's. Once they've accepted that, they'd bully the fuck out of him for the fact his fur turns purple, and then help him get back home to rest once he powers down and is exhausted. Sonic especially bullies him extra hard because he doesn't want Scourge to realise just how much he liked seeing him all powerful and badass
(Sonic is, perhaps, a little jealous. He knows how powerful super forms are, and he can't help but think of all the things he could do if he was able to be in control in his own super form like Scourge is. He tries not to linger on the what-ifs, but he can't help being a little bitter about it. Still, he turns down Scourge's offer to try anarchy beryl, because he doesn't know if he'll have the same reaction to anarchy energy as he does chaos energy, and it just isn't worth the risk. He already has to deal with Super, he doesn't want to risk creating another out of control super form)
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theflyingfeeling · 8 months
I think Niko is shipping Olli and Aleksi…👀
oh, for sure 😌 and he's absolutely right to do so as well <3
so yeah who else tried googling 'michael jackson anti-gravity lean meme' or something to figure out what the hell that was all about. I mean not meeeee
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squishious · 15 days
masc on the boat save me.....save me masc on the boat
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There's an ask about friendships for my AU and I swear I'm working on it but I just have no time to write for ummmmm 33 relationship thing lately
Hope writer's block is not close because I really want to do this ask (6 relationships made 700 words so it'll be long as helllllll)
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kikaichuno · 1 month
Those anons are killing me.
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mattodore · 1 year
best part of having ocs is that i can just write them doing whatever i want. like i can just do anything with them and it's like oh yeah. that's happening. and no one can be like hang on you can't do that bc actually i can since they're mine <3
#river dipping#like hell yeah brother of course i make aus for my ocs and daydream about them as like. vampires or whatever#anyway hello :) i really meant it when i said the suck session finale would put me out of commission for a few days#there's a ton to catch up on i bet but i'll take my time with it... tho i will be checking on kmik and valentine gen. 3 EXPEDITIOUSLY#i'm actually busy in google docs atm tho!! i'm using oc questionnaires to further flesh out mattodore. i 100% yoinked these questions#from an ask game i saw. there's like... sixty of them? theo's doc is already like 2k long and i still have ten more questions to answer...#matthias's questionnaire is finished but now i feel bad that his is only 1.8k so i might go back and add more...#sorry matthias </3 maybe be a little more nuanced as a character next time#i'll probably be posting these here actually so i can put them in my oc extras tag... tho idk how well the formatting will carry over#what else... oh i finally started working on editing the photos i took of mattodore back in march (and showed a bit of before)#i don't think i'm going to edit them as intensely as i did my pinned post bc that was... very time consuming... but we'll see#i wound up selecting just eight photos but that's still eight photos to edit so... hm. idk when i'll post 'em#oh and it's pride month!! so i'm determined to at least try to make the two final characters from echthroi this month...#i think i'm kind of getting an image of jackson going now but everett still alludes me... i'm also thinking abt changing her name#these two have gone through so many changes in the last seven months character-wise... fdgfhjkfgh#dutchie too tbf like his name originally was EDWIN... smh#OH....... and i see i have messages i need to reply to i'm sawrry </3 i will get to them........... i swear................................
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oceandiagonale · 2 years
The way Volo is always calling Gene his love and beloved made me think of a song I like, but then I looked up the lyrics and they were actually really sad. Why does this always happen?
(The song was Control by Autoheart, btw.)
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(me by the third listen)
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serotoninlinus · 8 months
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everyone please Consider🩸
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astrophilic-soul · 4 months
what are your favorite indchu hcs ❓
link to my hcs :3
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