#i'll be in big trouble
dumbandpoetics · 1 year
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JOE BURROW via the Bengals’ Instagram | May 15, 2023
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usertoxicyaoi · 2 months
mmm getting real sick of these censored purist minded sex repulsive ~fans~ watching asian bls commenting on how sex isn't necessary for a plot/show and that it takes away from the story. that showing feelings of lust and sexual desire and acting upon those feelings isn't right. is it really that incomprehensible that .. you know .. maybe, just maybe, we can also be sexual beings too that get horny and wanna fuck just because, i don't know, we want to? my god, why can't we asians just have nice things without all this nonsense and over the top critical analysis of our sexuality.
my thing with this all, as someone who doesn't watch thai bls as often, if at all, now, compared to jbls is that there are so many mature/high heat jbls out there (the novelist, the end of the world with you and my personal weatherman, just to name a few) that just tend to treat sex as something that's enjoyed. as something that 2 people do as an expression of lust and desire, just because they want to fuck each other, despite how shitty or bad or toxic (or not) one character may be. they allow room for that sexual desire to be explored, bc, you know, we as humans can be reckless like that!!! and recent thai bls are also going about this approach too! and it should be welcomed! and yet .... there are people out there shaming this notion. and if that's still the case, how is progress ever going to be made?
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cozylittleartblog · 2 months
small PSA: if you shop at craft shows or artist alleys, please bring more than apple pay or a virtual card - especially if you're not comfortable entering your card number manually. not all of us have fancy card readers, so please also bring your physical card or cash, even if it's only as backup 👍
#psa#conventions#artist alley#not art#i've done two craft shows and two conventions with just my swipe reader. and cash ofc. but i did have to miss a couple sales at the cons#because people only had apple pay. no cash no physical card. It Sucks For Both Of Us!#when i say there are small businesses in the artist alley i mean some of us are Small#i don't speak just for myself but for other artists who have this trouble as well. some folks are just starting out and some folks#just do this for a hobby and can't afford or can't justify the bigger terminals yet or at all#if i get into ACEN again next year i'll opt for a terminal but they're Pricey and not something to start out with y'know#if you want to be an artist's best friend though? pay in cash.#not to mention if there's technical or wifi trouble - cash just works 100% of the time. no reader or wifi will stop you from using cash.#semi related but i had someone try to pay with apple pay at my last show and i said they'd have to enter their number manually then#and they said they'd go find their partner and see if they had card/cash. and then while they were walking away from their booth#their friend asked why and they said it wasn't safe. on one hand i can't be mad because its VERY good to practice card safety!#on the other hand. you're entering it into the same app that would process a swipe payment. it's exactly as safe as if you'd swiped it#i promise as long as you're entering the number into a square app your card info is safe lmao#anyway yeah a lot of us aren't Big Businesses. please just be courteous and bring some traditional payment methods Just In Case
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sonicchaoscontrol · 9 months
hi this is the at some random time check to see if you are alive and doing okay :]
are you alive? ☐
are you doing okay? ☐
please check each box that applies to you
*end of message beep*
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I'll check that first box, but not the second, because oops, here come the scales of consequence. Or rather -
Hangin’ in there, but only barely!
Enter, stage left: My horrible habit of disappearing off the face of the planet when things are too much. Everyone has been so kind, and so patient, and as it turns out, I didn’t plan this surprise break, either. The personal details don’t belong on this page, given that I’m trying to keep non-comic posts to a minimum, but the TLDR is effectively ‘I am currently in a rather dire financial situation, and have no energy to spare on this side hobby’.
It’s irresponsible of me to let things go so long without updates, but at the same time, I am overbooked and Big Stressy, and I have to prioritize my current IRL situation if I want to be able to eat. Thank you, as always, and this check-in was definitely appreciated.
I will continue to do my best to stay afloat, and believe me, I’m just as frustrated as a lot of readers are! Bear with me as I fumble with that mythical thing called ‘being a responsible adult’.
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unreadpoppy · 9 months
I think it's funny how the narrator basically asks you, before choosing to sign or not Raphael's contract, who do you trust more: The Emperor or Raphael, the devil himself.
And, honestly? I have no reason to trust the Emperor more than I trust Raphael.
Because give it or take, Raphael has been more honest about his shit than the Emperor. The first time you meet him, he shows you he's a devil. He kept his part of the deal after we killed the orthon, and even now, he straight up tells us what he's going to use the crown for.
The Emperor, however, has been lying to us since the begining. Like, him lying about his identity was a HUGE no no for me. I "understand" that he didn't want to scares us due to being a mind flayer, but at that point in game (when he shows his true self), we've already met Omelumm, who is a mind flayer but who tried to help us. Also, his instance on the "eat this tadpole, embrace your powers" is very iffy to me cause like dude i'm not doing it. Like you already lied about your true identity, why should I trust you with this bullshit?
Also, since I'm comparing the Emperor to Omelumm, I might as well compare Raphael to the other devil who is out there offering deals: Mizora. Mizora lies, adds shit that only makes Wyll's life harder. We have every reason not to trust Mizora, beyond the fact that she's a devil (which, i'm not gonna lie, i feel like a reason there's such a push against raphael's deal is bc he is a devil and y'know how religion messes with that But anyways, i'm not gonna get into that).
The Emperor looks worse in comparison to Omelumm, but Raphael looks better in comparison to Mizora, is basically what i'm trying to get here.
Also also, if you talk with Korilla, she legit says that Raphael's a good boss, treats her better than a FREAKING GOD did. Like, honestly, I (and i really only mean I,me,myself) up until this point in the game have no freaking reason to not trust Raphael. Like, ffs, he didn't even ask for my soul in exchange.
Anyways, this is MY opinion, MY thoughts on the choice my character has done.
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basofy · 1 year
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commision i did for @euthanix !!! thanks a lot again!!! :))
plus some doodles i did in the past to practice them
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loving-jack-kelly · 2 years
jack and race would start a fight club in middle school and davey would be the one trying to tell them not to do it because the teachers will catch them only to inadvertently tell them the best ways to do it without getting caught and then end up as the accidentally ringleader by being the one to make sure people are fighting as safely as possible so when the fight club finally gets broken up jack and race are absolutely enraged that not only is davey getting in trouble with them when davey really didn't want anything to do with it but also davey is getting all the credit for being the brains behind the operation.
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dawnthefluffyduck · 1 month
I drew this explanation post for why I was completely inactive for a week, but then felt too anxious and drained to post it, and subsequently disappeared for a second week
Two main blog drawings and one side blog wip later, I remembered I made this and still think it's funny, so even though I stopped being dead (TM) I still wanted to share lol
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Brief series of events at work
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^^^old, but I'm still taking it easy so posts on both this blog and my alt will continue to be scattered for now
#so for those of you that don't know; i have moderate combined scoliosis#my entire back is always at least a little strained so i have to really watch my physical activity#but i live in Tennessee where we have the lowest federally allowed minimum wage#so in order to pay for college i have to work in a package distribution company because it's the only place that pays well/has a scholarshi#I'm in the small package dept thankfully (bc spine)#but for the last three months one specific manager kept sending me out to a different area with the heaviest packages in the building#when i first disappeared it was because i was having trouble walking and using stairs lmao#I complained to that manager and it seems I'll be in smalls again for the foreseeable future; so I've had time to recover and am better :D#every day i didn't post after that was due to anxiety and a low social battery BUT I'm getting slightly better on that front too#i have been *very* aware of my spine lately though#the last time I got an xray was ten years ago and i wonder if it's changed since then... not that i can afford a new xray lol#also can i just take a space to complain about the US not using the metric system#so many packages have kilograms ONLY and i have NO frame of reference for that since we don't use kilograms anywhere else#''ooh wow 70 is a big number but surely it can't be that baD- HOLY SHIT THAT'S 154 POUNDS'' <- me all the time#at this point I myself will just switch to metric and make life harder for both myself and life around me out of principle
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scriv3lloirl · 18 days
What’re y’all’s opinions on the ship between Arthur, Seymour and Orin? Personally I just call it triple trouble because they’re all menaces to society
Ehh, I mean. It's definitely an interestin ship dynamic, I'll give it t' ya. But not m' cup of tea.
I could see th' relationship workin out—even if jus a bit—if it was a V-poly ship, n Orin was th' hinge. But I'm assumin this ask means they're all datin.
Triple Trouble is a cute ship name though, I'll say that; n very fittin cus they really are menaces t' society, dear god.
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moonchild-in-blue · 10 months
Goodnight special people on my phone. Goodnight my beautiful Vessel Numerals. Goodnight Vesselettes my queens. And a very forehead kissy to Ascensionism last verse harmonies 05122023 Munich.
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bellshazes · 2 years
Drabble about whatever Cleo and Joe are up to, or coffee shop shenanigans? 👀
Tell me how to reach you - Cleo and Joe open several lines of unconventional communication in Joe’s answering machine.
[Thursday, 8:17 PM]
Howdy, this is Joe Hills recording this message from Nashville, Tennessee. If you’re looking for a Joe Hills not in Tennessee, you have the wrong number. If  you’re looking for Joe Hills from Nashville, Tennessee, or if you just don’t care which Joe Hills you’re calling, start talking after the beep.
Hi, Joe. I am, frankly, freaking out quite a lot right now so I’d appreciate a call. A serious call, and I know you’re going to think I’m kidding, but I want to have a serious call with you about dreams. And... possibly past lives. I know you’re thinking to yourself that this is clearly some kind of trick or joke, which is exactly why you should listen to how much I am trying not to panic right now and call me back, seriously. Not meaning to threaten you for once, I mean be serious when you call. Please and thank you.
[Thursday, 8:19 PM]
Howdy, this is Joe Hills recording this message from Nashville, Tennessee. If you’re looking for a Joe Hills not in Tennessee, you have the wrong number. If  you’re looking for Joe Hills from Nashville, Tennessee, or if you just don’t care which Joe Hills you’re calling, start talking after the beep.
Hi, Joe, it’s me again. Do not call when I’m asleep or I will be very, very cross. I did mean to threaten you that time. Okay, talk soon.
[Friday, 11:58 PM]
Howdy, this is Joe Hills recording this message from Nashville, Tennessee. Currently I am requesting all correspondance be sent via dreams, as I will not be checking this voicemail during my astral communication experiment to prevent information contamination. If it's not time sensitive or you're trying to talk to someone who isn't me, go ahead and leave a message after the beep.
Hello, Joe, this is - this is not what I expected earlier when you told me you were going to try something out to help me. How am I supposed to explain what I learn to you if you won't - Joe. I wanted to tell you the dreams are definitely real, we are up to a whole three and a half confirmed dream-sharers, but that doesn't mean I have been gifted long distance telepathy. I hope I'm the boogeyman in your dream tonight, you hear me? Dream of that and call me about it. In great and gory detail, I can't wait to hear it.
[Saturday, 4:50 PM]
Howdy, this is Joe Hills recording this message from Nashville, Tennessee. If it's bad or urgent, leave me a message - otherwise, all good news is best transmitted by thinking really hard and sending it to my dreams. I am no longer accepting nightmares, bad omens, curses, or threats of bodily harm by that medium, but you can leave them after the beep if you really want.
Joe, I wouldn't have to leave you threats of bodily harm in your voicemail if you didn't keep talking to me only through your answering machine. I don’t know whether to be upset because you’re being stubborn about this, or delighted that maybe I do have long-rage telepathy that allows me to express my displeasure with you. I would be much happier if you would call me back, though. 
[Monday, 9:21 AM]
Howdy, this is Joe Hills recording this message from Nashville, Tennessee and pleased to announce I’m now accepting correspondance about dreams in addition to correspondence by dreams, which is still the best way to reach me. If you don’t care about my preferences or who you’re reaching, feel free to leave a message after the beep.
Of course you’d be somehow already be asking for - Joe, listen. Last night I dreamt you owed me roundabouts six million and were trying to weasel your way out of it by making - what would you have called it, some kind of Rube Goldberg problem machine - you were creating inconveniences so I’d have to let you fix them for a credit. Which was incredibly, predictably obnoxious of you, but it was also incredibly predictable. It was exactly what I would’ve done if I were in your shoes and I dreamt I knew that for absolutely certain. You are always like this, every time, all of the times. Do you get it? You were almost charming, building me my - well, if you’re serious about this dream telepathy... thing... you can call me back and tell me what you made. I know you do listen to these eventually, despite what you said before. Don’t make me wait too long.
[Tuesday, 2:46 PM]
Howdy, this is Joe Hills recording this message from Nashville, Tennessee. Voicemails are places you leave messages for people, like, “Cleo,” you could start, if you were trying to call someone named Cleo and not Joe Hills, “I got your dream! I thought it was really sweet how you negotiated down instead of killing me like you wanted to. I’ll call you at the usual Wednesday time to compare notes.” As always, you’re welcome to leave your own contextless missive that may or may not be reaching the right ears at the wrong time since you so kindly just listened to mine. Just don’t start talking until after the beep - or do, I’m not the boss of you.
I can’t believe I’m confirming plans this way. You’re going to have to tell me about all the other voicemails you’ve gotten when we talk tomorrow, which you probably already know whether you listen to this or not. I was convinced we had a standing Monday arrangement... maybe I am going crazy after all, who knows? Or maybe it’s just because it’s you. You are just the worst, every single stupid version. I suppose I’ll have to keep putting up with this until tomorrow at least.
[Tuesday, 2:59 PM]
Howdy, Cleo. Of course I listen to you, especially all the stuff you’re not saying. You’re my friend, and I’ll listen tomorrow too. If you’re not Cleo, standard disclaimers and preferences still apply until otherwise stated. You know the drill.
You know what - nevermind an apology. I had a feeling. Talk tomorrow, Joe. Sweet dreams.
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dxrknessembr8ced · 2 months
As the group continuing venturing through the alley finally making it through the road infested with a handful of infected and a few bio organic weapons from every different viruses T-Phobos, Chrysalid, T-Veronica, Abyss and more along with a new terrifying zombie type that originated from the poor victims of the original T-Erebus strain now rebirth as the nightmarish crystalline horrors known as the sharded. Only a few notice the survivors and began their violent assault against the four survivors.
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As they began their attack absolute hellbent on killing the survivors the group retaliates as usual. They been through hell throughout the the T-Erebus outbreak they will do so again and pull through another. Infected and sharded swarming numbers, The afflicted screaming and wailing alerting more of their kind carrying pipes, planks, bats and other blunt weapons, ooze slowly standing up and stumble alongside the zombies originated from the C-virus. Francis chuckled cocking his shotgun before firing a shot towards one of the sharded shattering it's red crystalline cranium apart while the rest unload their weapons while pushing through the road.
' BANG ! ! ! '
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Bill quickly notices one of the afflicted right where Francis is about to swing a fire axe at him.
Bill steps in and fired multiple rounds of his Mac-10 towards the afflicted now dropped down on the ground.
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Continuing on fighting through the streets to get to the subway stations still killing a few dozen of the infected almost there to their destination only for them to be attack by one of the newest of B.O.W.s. from the new strain of animality virus call the breeder a creature that was once a woman whose pregnant. Now succumbing to the virus as a mutation along with it's infant the creature through the crowd of infected followed the survivors before they can reach into the subway station.
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The breeder let out a gurgling grow as she uses her sharp hooked umbilical cords that sprout out from her body along with her twisted newborn hungry for human flesh snatching up one of the survivors being Louis.
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Being snatched from behind Louis trips and stumbled on his back screaming while being dragged by the breeder towards her.
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Zoey immediately turned around rescuing louis currently being dragged by the breeder as she shot the creature using both of her handguns towards the B.O.W.
" LOUIS-! "
' BANG ! '
' BANG ! '
' BANG ! '
' BANG ! '
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The breeder shot multiple times in the chest cavity where het infant is killing both her and the infant dropping down on the ground letting Louis go she grabbed his hand and carry him towards the subway while Bill and Francis provides cover fire.
" You're alright? C'mon get up Louis-! "
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Getting up from the ground following the group to the subway station he thanks her from being dragged by the B.O.W.
" I'm fine thanks Zoey.. "
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After fighting their way the survivors can breathe of relief as they walk down the stairs only to see the subway station now completely blocked by a crashed vehicle and rubble but they see a cracked hole leading them into the safe room one of the governments brightest ideas of keeping the none infected safe through the T-Erebus virus outbreak, this is where the group can traverse and get through the subway easily. The group walked towards the safehouse and once they get in Zoey immediately shut the door behind them and with that the first chapter through their journey to get off the city ends, they're safe..for now...
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kelbunny · 2 months
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Not going to post all my attacks from Artfight this year, but I am going to post the three I'm most proud of!
Character belongs to my baby sister Snowy-Flake over on Artfight. Attack
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newtafterdark · 8 months
I'm so glad to hear you like "A Beautiful Mess"!! :D (Also, it always brings me a lot of joy when folks yell happily into my askbox like that! Never change! :>)
You also might be happy to hear that I've been working on a set of new chapters for a while now! They tend to take a while because A) life gets in the way and B) getting my specific versions of the characters right in dialog takes more effort than you'd think - but be assured that there will be a lot more chapters to come in the future!
After all, Beauty has not had many personal one-on-one conversations with folks yet... 👀
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josouhenshin · 11 months
let's see if I can recount how we got here in an organized way, for posterity- there's a popular post that's circulated through these parts a few times which contains a twitter thread talking about a crossdressing themed dress-up-slash-dating game (?) called trans' ~boku to atashi no kyoukaisen, released by software developer catear in 2002. I didn't get the impression that the twitter poster played the game, but they did surmise from supplementary materials that it was generally good natured and well thought out. neat. they also mention of a sequel called trans'2, which is an inherently funny name for something to have. notably trans'1 sounds like came off as (maybe?) mostly clean and trans'2 is more straightforwardly an eroge.
friends of the blog nettle and fennel did some digging and found links to the official sites for both trans' games (trans', trans'2), which thankfully are still up and running. however, everyone's browser hated the trans' 1 site (I assume it's some kind of non-unicode character disagreement) so further fixation was mostly about the sequel.
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well that clears it all up nicely!
anyway with some digging, I found a store listing for a hard copy of trans'2 that included a garter belt in one of 4 colors, joining the (dubiously factual, but) long tradition of anime adjacent promos that include underwear. as they say, it goes hard.
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fennel also found a style guide quiz on their site that asks you some questions about clothing/romantic/lifestyle preferences and points you towards one of the 8 romanceable characters and gives examples of clothes they like. neat.
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Q: you're really a guy, right? I'm a guy... there's no doubt that I'm a girl! it's a secret ☆
...this is where we hit a snag, though. my japanese is not all that good, so I can kind of understand the gist of things, some of the time, but I can't really offer especially reliable or complete translations of anything. sorry. I do intend to include links wherever possible so if you do have more knowledge of these things you can probably get more out of this by skipping my bit. hopefully I can avoid saying anything especially misleading.
anyway, while poking around on the site I got the impression that two of said characters are kindred spirits (the full spread seems to be two girlies, two guys, and four cis girls), which really piqued my interest. as one may have noticed, there's kind of a dearth of t4t romance out there, and more generally romance by and for the TSTV girls instead of like, featuring us as the object of someone else's fantasy. this group sounded like they ought to be generally poised to deliver something pretty incredible.
well, there's only one way to find out, right?
Index next post
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theclumsysuccubus · 3 months
Work is slow. Had time for impulse online shopping. Guess I'm gonna start stretching my septum tomorrow 😅
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