#if i fckn speak
dumbandpoetics · 1 year
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JOE BURROW via the Bengals’ Instagram | May 15, 2023
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pondslime · 4 months
GORL.............we are popping the BIGGEST bottles 🍾🥂🎉
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kenobihater · 2 years
you ever think about how kim is a gay cop? how does he sleep at night knowing that he's part of an organization that has historically oppressed and likely still oppresses people like himself? how does he live with that? he joined the rcm despite the fact that homosexuality used to be illegal, meaning he is part of a system directly responsible for the arrest of lgbt people. does he feel more shame over being a cop and betraying himself and his peers, or over being gay (somehow, i doubt it's the former)? how does he live with the pure, unadulterated guilt? is there cognitive dissonance involved? if not, then how the fuck does he cope? what is his relationship with the broader lgbt community? how does he navigate socializing with other gay people despite his job? does he not bring it up? does he just keep everyone at arm's length? how does he manage the loneliness of it all? how can he stand it?
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pineapplesaresweet · 11 months
THERE IS SOMETHING. something about people wanting to know other peoples secret missions for no reason. Theres something there.
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gordonsicedcoffee · 5 months
desperately need to write SOMETHING tonight. but none of my 6423763746 wip's are calling my name. so. if any of u...................wanna send me saw-related writing prompts. um. pls do.
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mwah. luv u
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seventeendeer · 2 years
I'll admit that Chris Pratt as Mario was the one part of the trailer that didn't work for me, but everything else really did have quality to it. Jack Black had the perfect balance of threatening Bowser and campy Bowser, the animation was exactly what I'd hope a Mario movie would look like, and it's clear there's a lot of passion in the project, to the point where they even incorporated Mario creatures that aren't as well-known and mainstream. I don't think it deserves being entirely ragged on just thanks to one lackluster part.
I’m afraid I have to disagree! Chris Pratt Mario is easy to rag on because it’s exactly as awful as predicted and ties into an existing awful trend in current animated movies (also Chris Pratt sucks as a person), but I also think it's just ... the most obvious symptom of an issue strewn all throughout the trailer.
It lacks soul. Sure, the character models are up to the industry standard and the color work is very good and there’s nothing immediately artistically offensive about it, but it’s just so lackluster. The characters’ lines and body language are completely to-the-point, have no individuality or spunk, no flavor. There’s no word play, no slang (made up or real), no distinct speech patterns. All the characters’ lines sound like they came directly out of 11 other movies from the last decade. The body language accomplishes getting across some very basic emotions, but again, everyone moves the same, there’s no sauce on there, it’s just “character is scared,” “character is excited,” “character is surprised.” Bowser’s character acting while talking is also very awkward and janky (reminder that Hotel Transylvania, a similarly badly written but EXTREMELY well-animated CGI movie came out TEN YEARS AGO).
On the subject of Bowser, I also think Jack Black was a very poor choice for him. Yeah, he can do the voice rumble, but it has no depth, no reverberation. It’s generic.
It’s not just Chris Pratt Mario that sounds flat and lifeless, even though he is definitely the worst offender - everyone, from Toad to Luigi to the penguin guys at the beginning, all literally just sound like Some Guy.
Which becomes a problem when “tiny cute cartoon animal sounds like a grown human being” was supposed to be a joke at the beginning! The joke doesn’t land when every other character sounds like that and it’s not meant to be funny!
This being another problem. It’s not funny or has an interesting plot teased? They tried to crack some jokes, but they were regurgitating common cartoon gags that were done to death a decade ago. It was some Ice Age 4 style comedy. And with the generic plot threads introduced, the trailer really had nothing going for it except “please come look at our movie, it has some nice special effects!”
As for using lesser-known Mario characters ... I’m sorry to say, but that’s a really common marketing tactic for this era of big franchise movies. A really basic, generic plot front and center so newcomers to the franchise can keep up with the plot, with these little nuggets of “remember this obscure guy or thing?!” for longtime fans to point at and go “oh yes I remember that guy or thing!!” It isn’t evidence of passion, it’s evidence of the creators knowing how nerd fandom operates and taking advantage of people’s sincere affection for their favorite stories.
I love bad movies and I don’t fault anyone for being excited about the Mario movie, but it’s disheartening to see people hyping up these soulless cash grabs just because franchise movie creators have caught onto which levers to pull to make fans swallow their garbage without complaining too much.
It was the same thing with the Sonic movies. They have basically nothing to do with the Sonic franchise, even the main character is completely divorced from the thematic context he was born out of, but tons of people love it just because it’s superficially “heartwarming” and more or less manages to dodge some of the obvious problems of other family films in the same genre.
Again, I’m not saying no one’s allowed to like these movies. But how anyone can look at the Mario trailer or the Sonic movies and call them good adaptions ... is beyond me.
The Mario and Sonic games’ stories aren’t good because there’s a guy named Mario in overalls and a blue hedgehog named Sonic who save the day in each their silly little way, they’re good because of their unique themes and ideas. Mario’s story is appealing because it’s quirky, energized, full of weird places and weird people that are nothing like any big blockbuster movie. Sonic’s story is all about environmentalism and anti-capitalism! Sonic stands for a green future! These traits are the heart and soul of the franchises these movies are trying to adapt, it’s what makes them good, but mainstream movie producers don’t care about any of that. They just put the funny-looking guy on the screen, try not to piss off any parents or long-time fans too much, then wait for money to start rolling in.
Besides, Mario’s only two defining character traits are “Italian” and “plumber,” and I do think it says a lot that even getting those two things right was too much effort for Illumination. The sheer balls it takes to look at a massive franchise like Mario and decide to change 50% of the most recognizable traits of its main character are astounding. Maybe it would be stupid to trash the movie over a single miscast voice ... but when it’s the main character? When said miscasting takes away one of his two character traits? That’s not nitpicking, that’s identifying an underlying problem with the production process, that is, a lack of interest in the very franchise they’re trying to adapt.
Nintendo has more money than god. They should be able to get a hold of an animation studio that can do more than just make pretty special effects and look up obscure characters on a fan wiki.
I don’t want a Mario movie that’s more or less non-offensive, I want a Mario movie that’s good. I want a Mario movie that understands the property it’s adapting. We have got to stop patting big blockbuster movies on the back for doing the bare minimum.
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solar--spectrum · 4 months
I don't want to be sad about real things so I'm sad about missing pepsi blue in 2021
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bandomfandombeyond · 1 year
being the only person masking at work is like being a spazzy auDHD kid in elementary school all over again:
everyone is laughing & chatting happily until you walk up, and then it all stops very obviously. a few people may offer a small hello, usually the "teacher" (boss) and a few of the nicer kids, but you've clearly disrupted group flow as people break into smaller conversation amongst themselves but, conspicuously, no one chooses to talk to you.
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vixlenxe · 7 months
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Someone make this little shitfuck talk to his mother ffs
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fagnumopus · 3 months
Discovering the sonarr/radarr/jellyfin combo for media downloading has cleansed my skin, watered my crops, healed my ailments, etc etc etc... like the setup is a proper fucking nightmare but now that everything is chugging along smoothly I'm obsessed. I created my own personal streaming service and it's fucking amazing
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outercrasis · 6 months
Hello week got away from me bc I've been doing adult things but I still plan to have that Western!Paz fic out soon<3
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pondslime · 5 months
watching the passenger rn
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imwritesometimes · 6 months
absolutely wild that I have had my entire brain re-wired and been made to cry like a hysterical bitch over a hand brush first by Pride & Prejudice (2005) and now by Shogun (2024)
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damadorias · 7 months
Ngl I got like, an old unfinished dreamswap fic au ig ??? That's just been sitting there for years and lowkey I'm tempted to actually continue and share it mayhaps if it's not too cringe, it would be good practice for my original stuff since well,,, I'm still fckn tryna write doranverse lmao,,, my perfectionist brain is in editing hell with doranverse rn so idk maybe practice fics would help with that, and also bc it's fun writing dreamswap stuff ngl even if I have no idea how accurate I am with the cast, lots of ppl like my older dreamswap fics to this day on ao3 so ig that's something good
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kenobihater · 1 year
it wouldn't be a len video without stray frames that i cannot seem to get rid of </3
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festus-eats-tabasco · 2 years
“Why is Lin Manuel Miranda everywhere” I don’t know how to explain to you that this man is genuinely talented and not just a meme for y’all to hate for legit no reason
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